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Leading with Conviction. Mastering the Nine Critical Pillars of Integrated Leadership, Shalom Saar
Inside the Currency Market. Mechanics, Valuation and Strategies, Brian Twomey
Forensic Analytics. Methods and Techniques for Forensic Accounting Investigations, Mark Nigrini
Economics for Investment Decision Makers Workbook. Micro, Macro, and International Economics, Jerald Pinto
Financial Risk Management. Models, History, and Institutions, Allan Malz
AARP The Secret of Shelter Island. Money and What Matters, Alexander Green
Smart is the New Rich. Money Guide for Millennials, Christine Romans
The Ultimate Daily Show and Philosophy. More Moments of Zen, More Indecision Theory, William Irwin
The Power of Passive Investing. More Wealth with Less Work, Richard Ferri
Polar Bear Pirates and Their Quest to Engage the Sleepwalkers. Motivate everyday people to deliver extraordinary results, Adrian Webster
The Loudest Duck. Moving Beyond Diversity while Embracing Differences to Achieve Success at Work, Laura Liswood
Credit Risk Management In and Out of the Financial Crisis. New Approaches to Value at Risk and Other Paradigms, Anthony Saunders
Drucker on Leadership. New Lessons from the Father of Modern Management, William Cohen
Building Strong Nonprofits. New Strategies for Growth and Sustainability, John Olberding
The Gartley Trading Method. New Techniques To Profit from the Market′s Most Powerful Formation, Larry Pesavento
God Goes to Work. New Thought Paths to Prosperity and Profits, Tom Zender
Visual Leaders. New Tools for Visioning, Management, and Organization Change, David Sibbet
The Commercial Real Estate Revolution. Nine Transforming Keys to Lowering Costs, Cutting Waste, and Driving Change in a Broken Industry, Rex Miller
Smarter, Faster, Cheaper. Non-Boring, Fluff-Free Strategies for Marketing and Promoting Your Business, David Garland
At the Crossroads. Not-for-Profit Leadership Strategies for Executives and Boards, Philip Coltoff
Mad Men and Philosophy. Nothing Is as It Seems, William Irwin
Smart Parenting for Smart Kids. Nurturing Your Child′s True Potential, Eileen Kennedy-Moore
The Audacity of Help. Obama′s Stimulus Plan and the Remaking of America, John Wasik
The Vega Factor. Oil Volatility and the Next Global Crisis, Kent Moors
Reflections on Leadership and Career Development. On the Couch with Manfred Kets de Vries, Manfred