
Brenda Jackson
After a childhood spent moving from army base to army base, independent-minded Nettie Brooms is determined to secure a stable life–and never become involved with a military man. Then she meets incredibly handsome and charming Ashton Sinclair, a dedicated colonel in the U.S.Marines who's intent on capturing her heart–no matter what it takes. Now Nettie's wondering how a man she swore she would avoid could so easily test her resolve by igniting an irresistible passion she can't walk away from.


Brenda Jackson (

To my husband, Gerald Jackson, Sr., with all my love.
To my goddaughters: Chimeka Jeanae Hodge and Ty’ra Jere Malloy.
To my family and friends for their continued support: You are loved and appreciated.
To Felicia Laverne Edwards: You are truly one in a million.
To all my readers who asked for Aston Sinclair’s story: This one is especially for you.
To fellow authors Carla Fredd and Carmen Green: I appreciate the friendship, the bond and most of all the support.
To my best friend, Syneda Walker: Thanks for such a special friendship.
To my Heavenly Father, who makes everything possible.

Dear Reader,
I love writing family sagas, and I am so happy that Harlequin is reissuing my very first family series, the Madaris family. It's been twelve years and fifty books since I first introduced the Madaris family. During that time, this special family and their friends have won their way into readers' hearts. I am ecstatic to be able to share these award-winning stories with everyone all over again—especially those who have never met this family up close and personal—in this special-edition reissue.
I never dreamed when I penned my first novel, Tonight and Forever, and introduced the Madaris family, that I was taking readers on a journey where heartfelt romance, sizzling passion and true love awaited them at every turn. I had no idea that the Madarises and their friends would become characters that readers would come to know and care so much about. I invite you to relax, unwind and see what all the hoopla is about. Let Justin, Dex, Clayton, Uncle Jake and their many friends transport you with love stories that are so passionate and sizzling they will take your breath away. There is nothing better than falling in love with these Madaris men and their many friends.
For a complete list of all the books in this series, as well as the dates they will be available in a bookstore near you, please visit my Web site at
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All the best,
Brenda Jackson

A prudent man foresees the difficulties ahead and prepares for them; the simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.
—Proverbs 22:3

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

There was just something about a good-looking woman, Marine Colonel Ashton Sinclair thought as he sat alone at a table in the back of the restaurant called Sisters. The owner of the establishment, a beautiful and breathtaking woman by the name of Netherland Brooms, had captured his gaze and was holding it with an intensity that he did not find unnerving. In fact he found it to be an enjoyable experience, especially since he intended to marry her.
The woman, however, had other ideas about that.
He shrugged. There was nothing wrong with her having other ideas except when those ideas placed limitations on the future he intended to have with her no matter what obstacles she placed in his way.
He leaned back in his chair as he continued to watch his wife-to-be. Even from across the room he saw her soft skin that he knew would feel like silk. Her hair, a dark black, had a gloss to it as it cascaded around her shoulders. He could even imagine her scent, a warm, musky fragrance that was exclusively hers. Fantasizing about how she would taste when he kissed her, as well as how good she would fit in his arms, sent everything male about him into overdrive. Then there was the way she walked and talked as she moved around the room, greeting the customers who frequented this restaurant of hers. She had nice rounded hips with even nicer curves, and her breasts, which lifted high and pushed against the fabric of the blouse she was wearing, were a total turn-on.
A male smile touched Ashton's lips. He had known, from the first time he had seen her a few years ago, that she would be his one and only love. Thanks to his African-American heritage, which included ancestors that had been fierce tribal medicine men with mystical powers, and his Cherokee Indian heritage that had included a great-great-grandfather who'd been a shaman, he had been delivered a vision. In fact there had been two visions, and both indicated it was a foregone conclusion that he would marry Netherland Brooms sooner or later.
He preferred sooner.
She preferred never.
She was a stubborn woman, but then he was a stubborn man.
She thought her mind was made up about him, absolutely closed. But on that same note, he knew he was going to enjoy every single minute it took to make her change her mind, open it.
This assignment would be difficult. He had to convince her to accept the love he wanted to offer her. He would have to show her how the two of them could be good together. He would have to prove to her that she was indeed the woman for him and that he was the man for her. She couldn't see what he already knew, what the visions had shown him—their destinies were entwined. She would be the one person to give him an all-consuming love, a meaningful life and three sons, triplets. One who would grow up to be a doctor, one a lawyer and the other, he thought smiling, an Indian chief. That had been one of the visions that he could not repute. One of his sons would do what he himself had not done and that was to rightfully take his place among his father's people in the Cherokee tribe.
But there could be no babies until he was able to bind the woman to him that would one day be his sons' mother. He knew he had a challenge on his hands, but a smart man prepared himself for the difficulties ahead.
And there was no doubt in his mind that Netherland Brooms would be difficult. She was acting the part already.
The first step was to get rid of her negativity concerning military men. It wouldn't be easy but then nothing worth having was, and as far as he was concerned, Netherland Brooms was definitely worth having. He wanted her complete surrender.
And he intended to get it.

Chapter 1
He's here again tonight.
Netherland Brooms inhaled deeply as she watched the man enter her restaurant. Not waiting to be escorted to a table by a hostess, he moved across the polished floor and took a seat at one of the vacant tables in the rear. His overwhelming presence demanded attention. And he was getting it.
Sheer panic made Netherland take another breath, an even deeper one. Ashton Sinclair was intent on breaking her resolve and making her do the very thing she had never done in all her twenty-eight years, which was to lust after a man. But then, after glancing around the room, she concluded that lusting after Ashton Sinclair wasn't such a hard thing to do when she noticed she wasn't the only female suffering from that same dilemma. She could tell by the way the other women were licking their lips that, unlike her, they didn't think lusting after him a serious problem. After all, he was the epitome of everything male and then some.
Half African-American and half Native American, the man was jaw-dropping, stomach-churning, eye-crossing handsome. And to top that off, he exuded strong male animal sexuality that was seductively dangerous. He was tall, almost six-four, and beautifully proportioned. His hair, which flowed freely down his back and around his shoulders, was coal-black and framed dark eyes, high chiseled cheekbones, a strong nose and full lips. At the moment, it was his dark eyes that were giving her the most worry because they were focused dead on her. They were piercing, compelling and challenging. The last of which was what she resented the most since the challenge in them was always directed at her. Whenever he looked at her, it was as if he saw something he intended to have.
Netherland felt her breasts tingle against her blouse. She took another deep breath, refusing to let Ashton Sinclair get next to her again tonight. After all, he was totally wrong for her, and she had told him that on several occasions. As handsome and alluring as he was, in her eyesight he had one tiny flaw she couldn't discount or overlook.
He was military.
She was what one would consider a military brat. Her father had made a career in the army, which meant her family was never able to put down roots anywhere. She couldn't recall ever living in the same place for more than two years at a time. The constant moving had never bothered her mother or her four brothers. But with Netherland things had been different. She had grown up feeling like a gypsy, never having a place to really call home. And she had never stayed in one place long enough to develop lasting friendships with anyone. She envied women whose friendships had spanned years. She had never been that fortunate, which was one of the reasons she had established Sisters. Sisters was an exclusive restaurant located in the heart of Houston's downtown district for women to meet, be entertained and establish lasting friendships with other women. Not surprisingly, anywhere sisters assembled in huge numbers, the brothers were sure to congregate, as well. So, on any given day, it wasn't unusual to find just as many men patronizing her establishment as there were women.
Netherland sighed. Although Ashton Sinclair had to be the most tempting man she had ever met, she would not get involved with a man who didn't have roots, and a man who was a replica of her father and brothers. All four of her brothers had followed in their father's footsteps and entered military life. Paris, the oldest at thirty-two, was in the army; Belgium, at thirty, was in the navy; Rome, at twenty-seven, was in the marines and Dakota, the youngest at twenty-three, was in the air force. All of Ernest and Nadine Kalloren's five children had been named after the places where they had been born.
“I see your admirer is here again tonight, Nettie.”
Netherland broke eye contact with Ashton to glance over at Rainey Gilford, head hostess for the restaurant as well as her good friend. Rainey was always observant, which usually was a good thing. However, tonight, to Netherland's way of thinking, it was not. “Yes, he's back.”
Rainey smiled. “Evidently he doesn't take no for an answer.”
Netherland couldn't help but return her friend's smile. “Evidently he doesn't. I don't know what else to do.”
“You could bend a little and give the brother a break,” Rainey said between chuckles, knowing Netherland was too stubborn to do such a thing. Netherland saw Ashton Sinclair's presence in the restaurant each night as a nuisance, but Rainey and most of the other women considered it sheer pleasure. Men couldn't get much finer than Ashton Sinclair. Unless, however, you considered the three Madaris brothers and their childhood friend Trevor Grant. But since the four of them were now married, they no longer counted. And she didn't want to even think about the good-looking Trask “The Max” Maxwell, ex-football star who broke a lot of hearts when he got married on New Year's Day. Now whenever the Madaris brothers, Trevor Grant and Trask Maxwell patronized Sisters, they came with their wives. Fortunately, Ashton Sinclair was single, but unfortunately, he only had eyes for Netherland.
“Oh, Nettie, I wish I was in your shoes right now,” Rainey whispered. “Do you know what I would do if I were?”
Netherland shook her head. She really did have an idea but wanted to hear it from Rainey's lips anyway, just in case she was mistaken. “No, what?”
“I would waltz right over to Ashton Sinclair and tell him that I've changed my mind and that I will go out with him.”
Netherland smiled. She had figured as much. “Rainey, going out with him won't serve any purpose. You know how I feel about military men.”
“Yeah, but take a look, Nettie, there is never anything military about him whenever he comes in here. Every time I see him I want to submit his picture for the cover of one of those romance novels. Can you imagine taking a book with his picture on the cover to bed every night? Talk about pleasant dreams.”
Netherland smiled. “He is kind of handsome, isn't he?”
“Kind of? Nettie, no man has caused such a stir in this place since that time a few years back when Dex Madaris walked in. You have to admit Mr. Sinclair has been good for business. Just look around. This place is packed and has been every night since word got out about him. You're the envy of every woman here. Do you know that some are taking bets?”
Netherland lifted a dark brow. “Taking bets on what?”
“On how much longer you'll be able to resist his sexual pull, his magnetic draw, his sensual smile.”
“I'm immune.”
“If you believe that, then you're in deeper waters than I thought.”
“What's that supposed to mean?”
“It means that I can't help noticing you're starting to return his hot looks.”
“I am not!”
“You are, too. And if you don't realize it or acknowledge it, you're in real trouble.” Rainey heard Netherland's soft grunt and allowed her smile to deepen. “If you are immune to him, then prove it.”
“Prove it how?”
“Take his dinner order. It's obvious that whenever he comes in here he prefers for you to wait on his table. But he's too much of a gentleman to hurt our feelings and specifically ask for you.”
“That's nonsense.”
Rainey smiled. “No. That's a man who's patient yet determined.”
Netherland looked at Rainey. As the owner of Sisters, her duties were administrative. She seldom had the time to serve the customers unless there was some special event. “Take his order, huh? You don't think I can handle it, do you?”
“Oh, you'll handle it on wobbly knees, with bated breath and a luscious pool of heat between your legs like the rest of us. If his smile doesn't get to you, then his voice certainly will. It's so sexy.”
Netherland had to agree. He did have a sexy voice. But she had to believe she could be strong and resist everything about Ashton Sinclair. Hadn't she done a good job of resisting his charm at Trevor Grant's wedding last year? Ashton and Trevor were good friends from Trevor's military days. At the reception Ashton had cornered her and had again asked her to go out with him. She had almost been overcome with weakness since he had looked so darn good in a tux. But luckily, she had gotten a firm grip on her senses before agreeing to date him.
“Taking his order isn't a big deal,” Netherland said, pulling a menu out of the rack.
“So you say.”
“I can do it.”
“So you claim.”
“And nothing will happen.”
“So you think. Good luck.”
Netherland glared at Rainey. She then took a deep breath before moving across the room. She didn't need good luck. What she needed was a good prayer.

Ashton Sinclair watched Netherland as she walked toward him, all formal and businesslike, with a menu securely in her hand. From her intense expression, he could tell she felt she was at her wits' end with him. Well, as far as he was concerned, she hadn't seen anything yet. He was getting ready to turn up the heat. He had only six weeks of leave time before he had to report to Washington. He intended to spend every chance he got pursuing his future wife. Soon she would discover that denying what was between them would be pointless, a definite waste of time.
He leaned back in his chair. What a woman. She was beautiful, sexy and intensely stubborn. His smile widened. He could handle her stubbornness. He rubbed his jaw thinking he could handle just about anything Ms. Brooms dished his way. The result would be well worth it.

Tension gripped Netherland's entire body as she continued walking toward Ashton on wobbly knees with each bated breath she took. The pool of luscious heat between her legs that Rainey had warned her about got almost unbearable when she saw his gaze roam over her from head to toe. His gaze was blazing with intensity as if burning to ashes every barrier she had erected between them. She knew a lot of other gazes were on her, wanting to see if she could or would resist his sexual charm. She sighed, hoping she would not make a fool of herself. Talk was cheap and when she had taken Rainey up on this dare, she had felt confident she could handle things. But now, the closer she got to where Ashton was sitting, the more she wanted to turn around and hightail it the other way.
She fought to control the intense desire that was running rampant in her midsection and the increased tingling of her breasts against her blouse. No man should have this much of an effect on a woman. No man.
Angry with herself as well as with him for placing her in such a predicament, she took a deep, calming breath when she reached his table. She met his gaze with exasperated eyes. “Ashton.”
She took another deep breath upon hearing her name spoken in a satin-smooth tone from his lips. “Welcome to Sisters tonight.”
“Thank you.”
She placed an opened menu in front of him. Before she could recite that night's dinner special, he said, “I don't need that. I know exactly what I want.” He closed the menu.
She nodded, thinking he probably did since he had patronized her restaurant every single night this week. “All right. What is it that you want?”
Ashton's eyes darkened even more, exuding strong sensuality, virility and masculinity. When he spoke, his words were husky, sexy and unerringly clear.
“I want you, Netherland.”

Chapter 2
The look in Ashton's eyes told Netherland he was as serious as a heart attack and just as lethal. The four words he had spoken suddenly changed the rhythm of her heartbeat when their impact sent a jolt of desire through her. It wasn't what he had said. It was how he had said it and how he'd looked at her while saying it. Then to top things off, without warning, the most devastating smile caught the corners of his mouth and extended deep into his dark eyes.
Netherland cleared her throat. She noticed that a hush had spread across the restaurant and wondered if Ashton's words had been loud enough to be heard by others. Taking a quick glance at the table next to his, it was quite obvious that the three women sitting there had gotten an earful. One of the women's jaw was dropped open in shock. Another was fanning herself with the menu as if the room had suddenly become overheated, and the third was gulping down the contents from her wineglass as if it were destined to be her last drink.
Netherland frowned. Ashton Sinclair's foolishness had gone on long enough, and it was time she told him so. And what she had to say would best be said in private.
She returned her attention to him and said as calmly as she could, “May I speak with you privately?”
He nodded smoothly as he stood. “Sure. Just lead the way.”
Netherland's first inclination was to take Ashton into her office but then she immediately dished the idea. There was no need to have her customers speculate as to what they would be doing behind those closed doors. So instead she led him to a section of the bar that was vacant and not quite visible to prying eyes. She took a seat on one of the bar stools and Ashton slid next to her on another.
“Nothing for me, Kit,” Netherland said to the bartender who walked up to take their order. She gave Ashton a quick look. “What about you? Do you want anything?”
Ashton's devastating smile returned. “I told you what I wanted, Netherland.”
Netherland sighed deeply before returning her gaze to Kit. “There won't be anything for either of us.” When Kit walked away Netherland turned her attention to Ashton once more. “Ashton,” she began slowly. “You take pleasure in stirring me up, don't you?”
He turned up the wattage on his smile even more. “Yeah, but not the way I'd like,” he responded in a husky voice, full of hidden promises.
Netherland shook her head, wondering what on earth she was going to do with this man. “It's time we had a long talk to straighten out a few misconceptions, don't you think?”
“What sort of misconceptions?”
“Evidently you think that if you keep showing up here each night, you'll finally wear down my resistance, and I'll consent to go out with you. It won't work.”
Ashton lifted a brow. “It won't?”
“No. So stop wasting your time. Any of the women here would jump at the chance to go out with you.”
“But not you?”
“No, not me. I thought I had made myself clear about the reasons I won't get involved with you. It's nothing against you personally, but I have this hang-up about military men. I thought I had explained that.”
He nodded. She had but what she didn't know was that her hang-up didn't matter. Their destinies were entwined. He shifted around on the bar stool to face her. “How you feel about us getting involved doesn't matter anymore,” he said softly.
Netherland lifted her dark brow in surprise. “It doesn't?”
“No. Because it will happen.”
Netherland's forehead bunched in a frown. She couldn't believe anyone could be this stubborn. “No, it won't happen, Ashton, because I won't let it.”
“You won't be able to stop it, Netherland.”
Netherland's stomach made a sudden flutter of dread that she quickly dismissed. Although Ashton was proving to be quite difficult, she didn't for one minute believe that he would physically harm her in any way. He was a marine colonel, for heaven's sake! Having been surrounded all of her life by military men, she knew they—and marines in particular—believed in a strict code of honor.
The silence between them lengthened, and the look in his eyes was remarkably determined. “And why won't I be able to stop it?” she finally asked him.
Ashton hesitated for a long moment before answering. “I had a vision.”
“A vision?” Netherland chuckled, thinking he meant it as a joke. The look on his face indicated he hadn't. She sobered quickly. After a brief awkward silence she asked, “This vision…was about me?”
Ashton ran a slow, assessing gaze over her before answering. “Yes.”
His gaze was like an intimate caress. Netherland was glad she was sitting down because her knees began to feel like rubber. “And what was this vision about?” She somehow managed a smile. She wanted to make light of their conversation but Ashton was too serious.
Ashton stared at Netherland. He sighed before taking a deep breath, needing to reorder his thoughts and answer her question. He'd decided to only tell her about the first one of his visions about her. He didn't think she was ready to know about the triplets just yet. “The vision I had indicated that our spirits and souls would be joined as one. In other words, you will be my wife and I, your husband. For always.”
Netherland looked at Ashton as if he'd spoken a foreign language. She then stiffened her back and gave him a look that would have fried a lesser man's soul. “Your vision was wrong. I'm not marrying anyone ever again. And I definitely wouldn't think about marrying someone in the military.”
Ashton watched her, frowning. Evidently she didn't get it. It no longer mattered what she wanted. Their futures together were set. “We will marry, Netherland.” Upon seeing her anger increase he sighed deeply once again, thinking it was time to give her the facts. “According to my family's history, Netherland, my great-great-grandfathers from both my African-American side and my Native American side had tribal mystical powers to see into the future. These powers were passed down to various members of the family.”
The seriousness in both Ashton's tone and his eyes made Netherland uncomfortable. “Are you saying you can foresee the future?”
“No, but I have, on occasion, had visions that have turned out to be true.” He didn't want to tell her that with his first vision he hadn't acted quick enough and because of it he'd lost a good friend. It had been during one of his special military assignments as part of the marines' Force Recon Unit.
Ashton watched as Netherland shook her head and her manicured fingertips tapped slowly on the bar's countertop. He couldn't help but notice that the red of her nails matched the succulent coloring of her lips, and he immediately realized it was a definite turn-on. Not that he wasn't turned on by her already. As far as he was concerned, Netherland Brooms was in a class all by herself.
As he continued to watch her, getting even more turned on by the way she was nervously gnawing on her bottom lip, he knew that she was thinking about what he'd just said and trying to come up with a rebuttal. She finally met his gaze once again.
“Ashton?” Netherland said with what little patience she had left.
She paused and took a deep breath. “I hear what you're saying but I'm not buying it. I can't. I don't discount that you may believe what you're saying, but I have to assure you that what you're proposing won't happen.”
Ashton nodded. “I understand,” he said sympathetically. He knew the understanding of mystical powers was hard for most people to understand and accept. He'd had a problem believing so himself until he'd been shown otherwise.
“And what do you understand, Ashton?”
“I understand how it would be hard to believe. But everything I've told you is true, Netherland. You and I will get married. You can't continue to fight what will be.”
“Yes. I didn't want to break things to you this way. I wanted to court you properly, take you out and give us a chance to get to know each other. But you've made those plans difficult, near impossible. So the matter has now been taken out of your hands.” Ashton heard Netherland's sharply indrawn breath and saw her body tense.
“What do you mean?” she asked softly.
He leaned toward her. Twin dimples indented his bronze-colored features as a slow smile spread across his lips. “It means you should start planning a wedding. And I'll make plans for the wedding night,” he said softly.
Unexpected warmth rode up Netherland's legs, beginning at her toes, and settled in her center. She inhaled deeply. She had to pull herself together. Ashton Sinclair was almost too much for her to handle. The soft huskiness of his voice and the determined intensity in his eyes stirred something to life deep within her.
“You're wrong. There won't be a wedding,” Netherland finally said firmly, looking at Ashton with a deep frown on her face.
He stood. His gaze was intent. He reminded her of her brother Dakota when he was hell-bent on having his way. “Yes, there will. You can bet Sisters on it. Good night, Netherland.”
Netherland watched, barely breathing, as Ashton turned and walked out of the restaurant.

“Some people have all the luck. I wish some good-looking man would ask me to marry him.”
Netherland blew out an exasperated sigh. “Have you heard anything I've said, Rainey? Ashton Sinclair didn't ask me to marry him. He told me in no uncertain terms that we were getting married.”
“How romantic.”
“How ludicrous. Just who does he think he is anyway?”
Rainey smiled. “Evidently he thinks he's the man who will become your husband.” Rainey leaned closer to Netherland. She had quickly slid into the seat Ashton had vacated, dying to get the scoop. “Did he actually say he was going to plan the wedding night?” she whispered.
Netherland nodded. “Yes, can you imagine his nerve?”
Rainey giggled. “Umm, right now I'm too busy imagining other things.”
“Okay, okay, I'm back in check. I'll behave.” After a moment she said, “So, Nettie, what are you going to do? Go to the police?”
Netherland raised a brow. “The police?”
“Yes, if you think he's harassing you.”
Netherland shook her head. That thought was too ridiculous to think about. Ashton wasn't harassing her. He was just being a pain in the rear end. “He's not harassing me.”
“So you kind of like having him here checking you out every night,” Rainey quickly concluded. Too quickly for Netherland.
“I wouldn't say that. It's just that so far he's been harmless enough. Like you said earlier, he's been good for business. And now that I know where his mind is, I'll know how to handle him.”
Rainey lifted a brow and crossed her arms over her chest. “And how do you plan on handling him?”
Netherland shrugged. “I'm sure a good night's sleep will give me some answers.”

Chapter 3
Netherland didn't get a good night's sleep. Neither did she have any answers upon awakening the next morning. If it hadn't been for the fact that she had a ten o'clock appointment at the restaurant, she would have been tempted to stay in bed a while longer.
The wind tossed the dark curls around her face when she got out of her car. She recognized the Mercedes sports car parked in the space next to hers as belonging to Syneda Madaris. Netherland couldn't help but admire the gorgeous car the woman drove. It was real class—just like the woman herself. Although Syneda and her husband Clayton were prominent attorneys in Houston, Netherland had heard the car had been a gift to Syneda on her thirtieth birthday from her father, oil magnate Syntel Remington.
Netherland pushed the curls out of her face once more as she walked up the sidewalk to her restaurant. There was once a time when Clayton Madaris had been Houston's most eligible bachelor and a frequent customer of Sisters. Now Clayton was a happily married man and a father-in-waiting. Netherland smiled. Miracles never ceased to amaze her.
Rainey looked up from what she was doing the moment Netherland entered the building. “Syneda Madaris is here.”
Netherland nodded. “Has she been waiting long?”
“No, she just arrived. I told her it was okay to wait in your office.”
“Thanks, Rainey. Our meeting shouldn't last for more than an hour or so.”
Rainey nodded. “I'm dying to know if any answers came your way last night,” she said before Netherland could walk off.
Netherland shook her head, frowning. “No, not a one.” She quickly moved toward her office before Rainey could question her further. She hadn't missed her friend's smirky grin. Okay, so she hadn't come up with any answers yet. That didn't mean anything. It certainly didn't mean she was headed for the altar as Ashton Sinclair had claimed.
She found Syneda sitting in her office busy scribbling notes on a legal pad. Evidently Syneda had a court date sometime that day and was getting prepared. As usual, Netherland noted, the woman was dressed to the bone. Her melon-colored shoes were the exact shade of her two-piece business suit. Amazing, Netherland thought, coming into the room. Not everyone could wear a color that vibrant and get away with it. Syneda, with her light complexion and hair the color of golden bronze, was the epitome of style and sophistication in the outfit. “Sorry I'm late, Syneda.”
The other woman waved off her words. “Don't apologize. I was early. I let Clayton talk me into having breakfast with him at Barneys. He knows I have a weakness for their bagels.” She laughed. “He also knows I'm not a morning person—unless I'm tempted with a bagel from Barneys, or,” she said, curving her lips in a sheepish grin, “I'm tempted with one other thing…”
Netherland smiled as she sat behind her desk. It was evident that even after almost a year of marriage, Syneda and Clayton were very much in love. Anytime she saw them together, they were all into each other, probably even more so now that Syneda was expecting the couple's first child. “And how is Clayton doing these days?” she asked.
Syneda leaned back in her chair smiling. “Clayton is Clayton, what can I say? He's being difficult as usual.”
Netherland shook her head. “And what are you two disagreeing about now?” It was a long-standing joke with everyone that Syneda and Clayton rarely agreed on anything.
Syneda's smile widened. “The baby.”
“The baby's name?”
“No, we're in full agreement there, believe it or not. Boy or girl, our child will be named Remington.”
Netherland nodded. Since that was Syneda's father's last name, she could only assume the child was being named after him. Remington was a name Syneda never got to claim as her own while growing up, thanks to her grandfather's deceitful plan to keep her from her father. “What is it about the baby the two of you can't agree on?”
“Where he or she will be born. I want a home birth with a midwife. Clayton is adamant about me going to the hospital. This is an argument I intend to win even if I have to lock myself in the bathroom when the labor pain starts coming.”
Netherland chuckled. She'd really like to see that one. Clayton would be a basket case by the time that was over. She shook her head as she opened the file on her desk.
“You said in your phone call Tuesday that you had someone else for me.”
Syneda smiled excitedly. “Yes. Are you sure you can use the help?”
“Yes. Business is good and so far everyone you've recommended has worked out well for us.” Netherland thought about the increase in business lately. Although in part Rainey had been right, it was due to Ashton Sinclair's presence, she believed those people who were patronizing Sisters for the first time would enjoy themselves and return.
“That's good,” Syneda replied. Her expression indicated she was glad to hear that. She occasionally handled cases where the woman was an abused victim trying to get out of a hellish marriage. She worked closely with the local women's shelter by working behind the scenes whenever she could to find the women some sort of steady employment until they could get on their feet and become stable. The last thing an abused woman needed was to be made to feel that she was dependent on anyone for anything. The quicker they became productive and self-sufficient, and built up self-esteem about themselves, the better. Syneda had already recommended two others who were working out wonderfully. Both women had divorced their abusive husbands and were now in control of their lives. One of them had begun taking night classes at Texas Southern University.
“This one is a little touchier than the other two, Nettie. Not only am I representing her in a divorce case but charges were filed against her soon-to-be ex-husband for kidnapping. After she left him, he kidnapped her and took her to Louisiana. Luckily the authorities found out where he'd taken her. He had held her against her will, threatening to kill her for at least three days.”
“Oh, how awful that must have been for her.”
“Yes, it was.”
“How is she handling things now?”
“She's gotten some good counseling and is doing fine. She'll be better once the trial is over.”
“What's her name?”
“Jada Roberts.”
Netherland smiled. “How soon can she start working here?”
Syneda returned Netherland's smile as she placed one folder back in her briefcase and pulled out another. “Now that we've gotten that matter with Jada Roberts taken care of, we can move on to the issue of the Brothers Auction. I need to give you an update.”
Netherland nodded. Last year Syneda had come up with the idea of holding a Brothers Auction. The proceeds benefited the Children Home Society, which was badly in need of additional funds for a number of worthy causes to aid the children who lived there. The auction would be held at Sisters and was only two weeks away. Some predicted the event would again be one of the biggest highlights of the year. Single women would get the chance to bid on single, eligible men and all for a good cause. “Don't tell me you're still having men back out.”
“A number of them did when word got out that Angela Meadows plans to bid again this year.”
Netherland chuckled. Angela was a thirty-year-old man-hater of the third degree, after having been dumped by two fiancés just days before the weddings. She'd been the highest bidder last year. No man wanted to get bidden on by Angela for fear of what she might have in store for them. Going out on a date with her could very well be their last supper. The guy she'd bidden for last year had called it the date from hell. “Do you really think she plans to bid high again this year?”
Syneda giggled. “Word's out on the street that she's been saving half of her paychecks each week just for this event. She also plans to take out a loan with her bank.”
Netherland shook her head. “All for the sake of making some man's life miserable for an evening?”
“Yes. To her it would be well worth it, and that's what has Clayton's cousins and Alex Maxwell worried.” Syneda smiled. The cousins she was referring to were the grandsons of Clayton's uncles Milton and Luke. The twins, Blade and Slade Madaris, were twenty-seven, and Luke Madaris was only a few months behind at twenty-six. “I told them to relax since they were probably too young for Angela's taste anyway.” Syneda then frowned as she thought about twenty-nine-year-old Alexander Maxwell. “I can't seem to convince Alex of that though. He wants to withdraw his name.”
“Did you stress to him that all this is for fun, and the money is going to charity?”
“Yes, but Alex said it stopped being fun when Angela voiced her intentions, and that there's only so far a person should go to help charity. The possibility of putting your life on the line by going out on a date with Angela was going too far.”
Netherland tried to cover a laugh behind a cough and failed. She cleared her throat. “What about Sterling Hamilton coming that night?” Clayton's Uncle Jake's wife, movie actress Diamond Swain Madaris, was going to use her connections and get her friend, movie actor Sterling Hamilton, to make an appearance. He would definitely be a big draw.
Syneda shook her head. “I spoke to Diamond a few days ago and Sterling will be here, which is good news. The bad news is that our headliner, neurosurgeon Dr. Lloyd James, just got engaged, and his fiancée doesn't want him to participate. The Lord answered my prayers, and I was able to find someone at the last minute, thanks to a tip I received this week. It seems this man is hot in demand. I bet the bids for him will bring in a lot of money,” she said excitedly. “Women think he's sexy as all outdoors. I spoke with him last night, and he consented to do it. Some lucky sister will be spending a weekend with him in New Orleans.”
Netherland's interest was piqued. “Now you have me curious. Just who is this man who's so hot in demand?”
Syneda smiled. “Trevor's friend who's visiting him. Colonel Ashton Sinclair.”

Ashton inhaled deeply and silently counted to ten. A quick glance across the room indicated that his good friend Trevor Grant was doing likewise. They both watched the very pregnant woman in the center of the room tilt her head way back and look up at the ceiling.
“Are you sure there's no way the ceiling can get wallpapered today?” she asked, glancing first at her husband and then at Ashton.
As if on cue, Ashton and Trevor answered simultaneously, “Yes, we're sure.”
Corinthians Avery Grant lifted one dark brow as she stared at each man again. “I hope I didn't work you too hard today, but I don't have long before the baby gets here, and I want to make sure everything is perfect.”
“And things will be, honey.” Trevor walked over to his wife and pulled her into his arms. “But don't you think wallpapering the ceiling is a bit much?”
“I want Baby Grant to look up and see pretty things instead of a dull white ceiling.”
Trevor nodded, trying to understand her reasoning but failing miserably. “Then how about if Ashton and I paint it another color—a sunny yellow or something?”
She nodded as if considering his idea. “That might work.”
“But not today, sweetheart. Ashton and I are beat. You've already gotten your money's worth out of us. Is there any way we can take a break, relax and watch the basketball game?”
Corinthians nodded. “Yes, that's fine. I feel tired anyway.” Kissing her husband on the cheek and smiling gratefully at Ashton, she turned and waddled out of the room.
“Why is she tired, Trev? All she's been doing all day is standing in one spot giving orders.”
Trevor chuckled, knowing his friend was telling the truth. “Yeah, but she looked so beautiful while giving them, don't you think?”
Ashton shook his head, grinning. “I'll cut on the TV. You can grab the beer out of the fridge.” Both men quickly left the room before Corinthians had a change of heart and found something else for them to do.
A while later during a commercial break Trevor asked Ashton how he was doing with Nettie. “I finally had to level with her, man, and let her know that we're getting married.”
A grin covered Trevor's face. “I'm sure that went over well.”
Ashton chuckled. “I didn't stick around too long after that to find out just how well it did go.” He cast Trevor a determined look. “I thought seriously about kidnapping her. What do you think about that?”
“I'd rethink that plan if I were you. Last I heard kidnapping was still a federal offense. You'd be faced with a dishonorable discharge for sure.”
Ashton nodded. “I could seduce her into submission.”
Trevor grinned again. “That might work. There's nothing illegal about that. By the way, I heard you volunteered for the Brothers Auction. I wonder how Nettie is going to feel about that when she finds out.”
“I plan to make sure she's the one I take with me to New Orleans.”
“Then I strongly suggest that you have a very good plan in place. Rumor has it that Angela Meadows is going to be the one with all the money that night. No one will be able to outbid her.”
“Who's Angela Meadows?”
“Although she's a good-looking woman, she's every man's nightmare. A real man-hater.”
Ashton raised a brow. “If she hates men, then why go out with them?”
“To give them one night of pure hell. Two men dumped her at the altar so she's out for revenge. You should ask Clayton about her. He dated her once, and once was enough. The woman's crazy, man.”
The two men fell silent when the basketball game resumed.

Netherland angrily paced the floor of her office. “Can you believe him? I can't believe he would do such a thing!”
Rainey leaned back in her chair smiling. To say her friend was upset would be an understatement. “I still don't understand why you're in such a tiff, Nettie. It's a charity function, and the money is being raised for a good cause.”
Netherland waved off her words. “I'm well aware of that, Rainey. It's just that Ashton Sinclair agreed to do it on the same night he claimed he wanted me. He even had the nerve to mention a vision he had of marrying me.”
Rainey raised her eyes to the ceiling. “Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought you had no intentions of getting involved with him.”
“I don't.”
“Then why are you so upset?”
Netherland stopped pacing and gave Rainey her full attention. “It's the principle of the thing. No man claims he wants one woman then volunteers to be placed on an auction block to spend a weekend with another.”
Rainey smiled. “Maybe he's hoping that you'll be the highest bidder.”
“I don't know why he'd hope that. I've told him countless times that I won't go out with him.”
“Then what's the big deal, Nettie? Why are you wearing a hole in your carpet about it? Ashton must mean something to you for you to have gotten so upset about it.”
Netherland took a deep calming breath and perched her rear end on the edge of her desk, crossed her arms over her chest and shook her head. “I can't let him mean anything to me, Rainey, he's military,” she said softly.
Rainey heard the lack of conviction in Netherland's voice and decided to use another approach. “If Ashton wasn't military, would you go out with him?”
Netherland thought long and hard on the question before answering. “Yes.”
“Would you even go so far to think he's possibly husband material?”
Netherland thought about the dreams she'd had of him lately. “Yes, possibly. I wouldn't know the answer to that until I got to know him better. There are a few things I do like about him. Although he's persistent, he's never pushy, he's confident but never cocky, and he's assured but never arrogant.” She sighed deeply. “But none of that matters because he is military, Rainey.”
“Your ex-husband wasn't in the military, yet your marriage to him didn't work out, either, Nettie.”
Netherland met Rainey's gaze. She was one of the few people, other than her family, who knew the reason for her divorce. “No, he wasn't military, but Erik and I married young, and for all the wrong reasons. Then, there was the fact that I couldn't give him the very thing he wanted.”
“A child?”
“Yes, a child.” Netherland lowered her head and studied her left hand, specifically the finger where she'd worn a wedding band for all of ten months. She and Erik had begun dating at the beginning of their last year of high school. When her father's military orders had come for them to leave Camp Bullis, Texas, for some godforsaken country in the Middle East six months before graduation, she and Erik, both seventeen, had eloped one night and had gotten married. After that, her parents had had no choice but to leave her behind with her new husband when they left the country. She and Erik lived with his parents for the remainder of the school year. Her parents and brothers had returned for her high-school graduation, and it seemed everything was going great until she'd had a long talk with her mother. Her mother had told her something she should have been told years ago. A severe case of childhood mumps had left Netherland sterile. After telling Erik about it, he had begun acting as if her inability to conceive were some sort of disease. Soon after that, their storybook marriage began falling apart and eventually ended in a divorce. That had been nearly eleven years ago. Over the years she'd heard that Erik had remarried and had four kids, which hadn't surprised her. He'd always talked about having a large family someday.
Netherland was happy for him. Since then she had accepted the fact that she would never be anyone's mom unless she adopted a child. She was okay with that and hoped whatever man she eventually married would be okay with it, as well.
“Are you going to warn Ashton about Angela, Nettie?”
Netherland lifted a chin. “Why should I?”
“Because once she hears he's in the auction she'll save every penny she can get her hands on for him. What woman wouldn't?”
“I won't.”
“Only because of your hang-up about military men.”
Netherland looked at her friend. “What about you, Rainey? Are you going to bid for him?”
Rainey gave Netherland a smirky smile. “It would serve you right if I did. But at the moment, I have my sight on someone else.”
“The elusive Alexander Maxwell.”

Chapter 4
Ashton's gaze drifted around the restaurant for the umpteenth time since arriving more than an hour ago. He had yet to see Netherland. He had eaten his meal with his senses on full alert, but she hadn't made an appearance. He couldn't help wondering if perhaps she was avoiding him.
“Is there anything else I can get you, sir?” asked a hostess who came up to the table.
He smiled and leaned back in his chair studying her name tag. “What you can do, Rainey, is tell me where Netherland is tonight.”
The woman glanced around the room before bringing her gaze back to his face. “She must be in her office working.”
Ashton nodded. “And where's her office?”
The woman seemed reluctant to tell him at first, then studied him intently before finally inclining her head toward an archway. “At the very end of that hall.”
“Don't mention it.”
Smiling, Ashton grabbed the wine bottle off the table in front of him, along with two wineglasses. Standing, he headed in the direction the hostess had given him. He knocked when he came to the closed door.
“Yes, come in.”
And there she was, sitting behind her desk looking so beautiful it nearly took his breath away. He could tell from her expression that he was the last person she had expected to see. Her surprise quickly transformed into a frown.
“Ashton? What are you doing here?”
He came into the room and closed the door behind him, locking it. He leaned against it for a moment before slowly walking over to her desk, his gaze not once leaving hers. Her brow lifted when he placed the bottle of wine and the two wineglasses in front of her.
“Since you won't go out with me, Netherland, I've decided to stay in with you.”
Netherland pulled in a long, slow breath. The room had become silent. For some reason she could no longer hear the music that had been playing moments ago. Nor could she hear the clinking of the dishes and silverware from the kitchen that was located on the other side of the wall.
She took another deep breath, telling herself firmly that she would not let Ashton get to her. Too late, her body silently chanted. He's already gotten next to you. Raw, primitive heat coursed through her body as he continued to look at her, making her heart pound and her blood race. And then, as if on cue, there was that heat settling between her legs again, this time making her thighs tremble.
To gain some semblance of control, she forced her gaze from his to focus on the wine bottle and wineglasses in front of her. “I have too much work to do, Ashton.”
“Do you?”
He leaned against the edge of the desk facing her. “I can wait until you're through.”
Netherland frowned. “It may be a while.”
“I have nothing else to do. Go ahead and finish what you're doing and pretend I'm not here.”
Fat chance! Netherland thought as she tried to refocus on the documents in front of her. Out of the corner of her eye she saw him move away from her desk to settle in the love seat on the other side of the room. As hard as she tried, she could not gather her train of thought to complete the task she'd been working on before he had arrived. Considering that he had been on her mind constantly all day, she had hoped that staying in her office and catching up on some paperwork would be the perfect solution to not having to see him tonight. It appeared that he had no intentions of letting her avoid him.
After wasting a good ten minutes trying to unscramble her brain and feeling his presence too close for comfort, she finally had enough. “That's it,” she said, standing up. “I'm through with what I was doing. We may as well go back and join the others.”
Ashton didn't stand. Instead he leaned forward and rested his forearms on his thighs and looked up at her. “Are you afraid to be alone with me, Netherland?”
Netherland looked at him, astonished. He didn't know how close to home he'd hit. Yes, she was afraid to be alone with him, but not for fear of what he might do to her. She was afraid of what she might let him do. Her attraction to him was too strong. There was no way she could deny that. If she stayed around him too much longer she would forget about the very reason they could not become involved. “I'm not afraid of being alone with you, Ashton.”
“Then let's share a drink together. One drink is all I ask. Is that too much to ask?”
You don't know the half of it, Netherland thought. But if sharing one drink with him would get them out of her office that much quicker, then she would go along with it. “Okay, I'll share one drink with you. Just one and not much.”
He stood and walked over to her desk and retrieved the wine bottle and glasses. He came back to her and handed her a wineglass. “Most people would envy you, Netherland,” he said, pouring her a small amount of wine.
She lifted a brow. “In what way?”
“The one thing you hated about the military most people would find rewarding.”
Netherland took a sip of her wine before asking, “What could be rewarding about being uprooted every two to three years?”
Ashton took a sip of his own wine before replying. “In your travels you've probably seen places that most people only dream about seeing.”
“I would gladly have let them trade places with me. Although I do admit it was nice seeing most of those places, I'd rather have had stability. You don't know how devastating it was for me whenever my father received new orders. That meant leaving the house behind that I had just started to consider home, and leaving friends behind that I had just gotten to know. There was never anything constant in my life.”
Ashton nodded. “Didn't your parents try to make the moves easier for you?”
“They did what they could but it's not easy being the only girl with two older brothers and two younger brothers. Things might have been different if I'd had a sister who could have been my best friend, but that wasn't the case. As close as I was to my brothers while growing up, I couldn't always get them to do girly stuff with me. They were boys, who were their father's sons with aspirations of a life in the military.”
Ashton nodded as he leaned against the edge of her desk. “Did all four of them go into the military?”
“Yes.” She then told him about her brothers and what branch of service each belonged to. “So as you can see I've been surrounded by military men practically all my life. That's another reason I don't want to become involved with one.” She smiled. “Military men are some of the bossiest men I know.”
Ashton quirked a brow. “I'm not bossy.”
“You think you're not?”
Netherland shrugged as she sat down on the love seat, feeling relaxed. “Well, that's your opinion of yourself.”
“Do you think I'm bossy?”
A smile touched Netherland's lips. “Although I have to admit that I've never seen you in action, I would think being a marine colonel would demand a certain degree of bossiness, wouldn't it?”
Ashton chuckled. “Yes, a certain degree.” He took another sip of his wine. “Earlier you mentioned how often you had to move. I have one up on you. I had to move about every six months instead of every two to three years.”
Netherland sat up. “Every six months? Were you a military brat, too?”
“Kind of. I was what you would call a custody brat. After my parents' divorce I had to spend half the year with my father on the Cherokee reservation and the other half with my mother and her family wherever they happened to be. My maternal grandfather was a high-ranking officer in the army, and every year he was reassigned. Since my mother chose to live with her parents after the divorce, that meant I had to live with them when I was with her.”
Netherland nodded, finding the story of his childhood fascinating but sad. He was right. He'd had it worse than she had. “If you spent half the year on the reservation and the other half with your mother and grandparents, how were you educated?”
“Luckily I was able to keep up with the two different educations as well as the two vastly different cultures, but it wasn't easy. Like you, whenever I had to make another move I left not only friends but family and cultures behind, as well.” One day he would tell her how his grandparents had tried, during the six months he spent with them, to make him forget he was part Indian. He couldn't speak the language around them or do anything to remind them that their grandson had two heritages.
“Then why, Ashton? Why did you choose a life in the military? Knowing how unstable your childhood had been, why didn't you seek stability in your life when you got the chance?”
Ashton walked away from the desk and came and sat next to Netherland on the love seat. She was so absorbed in hearing his response she didn't notice at first. When she did, it was too late. He was sitting so close to her that his thigh was touching hers. So close that she could see the irises of his eyes.
“My main reason, which I'm sure was the same for your father and brothers, was a sense of doing something for my country. I'm a product of two heritages but foremost, I consider myself an American. I love this country and will defend it until the end. And believe it or not, the military gave me all those things I missed out on having while growing up. My stable home was being part of the marines. In that home I obtained a family that included every other marine. In my early days there, during boot camp, I met two men who today are closer to me than any blood brothers could be.”
Ashton nodded. “Yes, Trevor is one, and the other is a man by the name of Drake Warren, whom we fondly call Sir Drake.” He smiled. “Hopefully, you'll get a chance to meet Sir Drake when he arrives for the christening of Trevor and Corinthians's baby. He's one of the godfathers.”
Netherland lifted an arched brow. “Just how many godfathers will this baby have?”
“Yes. Sir Drake, Dex Madaris and myself.”
Netherland nodded. She wasn't surprised to hear Dex Madaris's name among them. Everyone knew that Clayton's brother Dex and Trevor had been friends since childhood.
“Who's the godmother? Or should I say godmothers?”
“As far as I know there's only one godmother. Corinthians's best friend Brenna St. Johns, or Brenna Jordache since I understand she recently got married.”
Netherland nodded. Although she didn't know Corinthians's best friend Brenna personally, she had heard from Syneda how the woman had gone on a three-week cruise and met the man of her dreams on the ship and married him.
Netherland was about to take another sip and noticed her glass was empty.
“Want some more?”
She looked at Ashton, again noticing how close they were sitting on the love seat. “No, I think I've had enough.” Netherland looked down at her empty glass before raising curious eyes to Ashton. There was something she wanted to ask him, something that had been bugging her all day.
“Why did you volunteer to be a part of the Brothers Auction?”
Ashton studied her, remembering something Trevor had said. “Does it bother you that I did?”
Inhaling deeply, she blew out her breath in a rush. How could she explain to him that yes, it did bother her and make him understand why it did, when she didn't fully understand it herself? She had no dibs on him, and he was free to do as he pleased with whomever he pleased. “It shouldn't.”
He looked at her, met her gaze intently. “Does it?”
Netherland hated that he was making her admit to something she didn't want to admit to. A part of her wanted to lie to him and say, “No, it doesn't matter.” But another part, the part that had asked the question earlier of why he had volunteered to do it, still wanted an answer. “Yes, it matters.”
He was silent for a moment as he continued to hold her gaze. “And why does it matter, Netherland?”
Netherland bristled slightly. She had answered several of his questions and he had yet to answer one of hers. “It just does, okay,” she said curtly. “Now will you tell me why you volunteered to do it?”
He reached out and traced a finger along her cheek. “The reason I did it was that I thought the money was being raised for a good cause and that my participation would be my contribution. You contributed by volunteering the use of your restaurant.”
Netherland nodded. “So your volunteering had nothing to do with…”
When she didn't complete her question, he raised a dark brow. “Had nothing to do with what?”
She looked at him. “Knowing all those women would want you and that one of them will get the chance to spend a weekend with you in New Orleans.”
Ashton wanted to pull her closer. He wanted to tell her that the only woman who would be spending that weekend with him would be she. What Netherland didn't know was that he had devised a plan and had given someone strict orders to top the highest bid, no matter what it was. In essence, that person would be bidding on his behalf. There was no rule that said a contestant could not bid on himself and present the winning bid to the woman of his choice. He had no intention of letting any woman choose him. He would be the one doing the choosing.
“The notion of spending time with a woman had nothing to do with it, Netherland,” he said finally. “Because no matter what those other women may want, you are the only woman that I want.” Instinctively he pulled her closer to him. “You are the only woman who matters.”
Netherland wanted to tell him that although she'd wanted to hear those words, she shouldn't be the only one who mattered because there would never be a future for them as long as he was in the military. But she couldn't force herself to say the words. The only thing she could do was to continue to look into the darkness of his eyes and see how the lighting from a nearby lamp shone on his features making them more profound, more handsome. As he continued to look at her she felt that same jolt of awareness she had felt the first time she had met him, nearly three years ago, and the same jolt she felt upon seeing him every time since then. Around her he generated heat, electricity, desire.
Without a word she tilted her head up when she saw his mouth move closer to claim her lips. She knew she should stop it now because once they had crossed over the line, there would be no going back. She had waited almost three years for this kiss.
He took her breath away the moment his mouth came down on hers, and the jolt of awareness exploded through all parts of her body. When he parted her lips with the tip of his tongue she was ready and opened completely for him.
Netherland felt him cup the back of her head to bring their mouths closer, tighter, to mate in hungry passion. As if they had a mind of their own, her hands reached up, wrapped her arms around his neck as she moaned gently to the feelings he was evoking within her. She felt herself being picked up, lifted and placed in his lap as he continued to kiss her, absorb her mouth with his, as her heart continued to beat out of control.
She couldn't help but recall the many nights since first meeting him that she had yearned for this moment to find out what his taste was like, to share such an intimate experience with him. His mouth was pleasuring her beyond anything she had known. He was demanding stirring and explosive sensations from within her. He was unfolding a need she hadn't known existed, and his kiss was beckoning her to taste, to feel and to feast on everything about the man who so gently held her in his arms as he gave her the experience women only dreamed about.
Netherland's hands tightened around his neck, urging the intoxicating intimacy to continue forever. She took his tongue into her mouth, savored it, exulted in it and connected with it. No man had ever kissed her this way before, and she knew that no man would ever kiss her this way again. Ashton Sinclair had his own brand of style and was meticulously stamping it all over her mouth with kiss after kiss after kiss.
The kiss eventually came to an end when the need to breathe overrode everything else. Ashton released a ragged breath and touched his forehead to hers. “Netherland, do you want to know something?” he asked, barely able to catch his breath.
She inhaled deeply, trying to catch a breath of her own, almost failing in the process. “What?”
“You don't ever have to agree to go out with me as long as you let me stay in with you doing this.” He then kissed her again, more thorough and hotter than before.
There was no telling how long they would have continued to kiss if the knock on the door had not interrupted them. Netherland drew in a deep breath and released it with a sigh before pulling herself out of Ashton's arms and lap, making it to the door. Without opening it she answered, “Yes?”
“It's Rainey, Nettie. I just wanted to make sure you're okay.”
Netherland turned slightly and looked at Ashton. He was sitting on the love seat watching her. The dark sensual look in his eyes was making her consider things she shouldn't. Already she had gone beyond a point of where she should have with him. He knew it, too. They also knew there was no way to go back to where they had been before tonight. They had done more than acknowledge the attraction between them. In that short space of time, they had tasted the passion, and she had gotten addicted to it. A part of her wished that nothing stood in the way of indulging in the desires he stirred within her.
“Nettie? You're okay?”
The worried tone of Rainey's voice drew Netherland's attention back to her friend. There was no way she could tell Rainey that she was okay when deep in her heart she knew she would never be okay again. Drawing in a deep breath, she unlocked the door and cracked it open slightly. “I'm fine, Rainey.”
Rainey looked at her with those ever-observant eyes. After a brief moment she said, “Yes, Nettie, I see that you are.” She placed a smirky grin on her face, turned around and headed back down the hall.
Netherland closed the door and turned back around to Ashton. He was now standing in the middle of the room. His eyes were simmering with promises of pleasures that went beyond kissing. He was tempting her mindless with the very thought. Tension gripped her entire body as she watched him slowly walk over to her. He must have felt her anxiety and reached out and bracketed her face in the palms of his hands. He probed her eyes for a moment before saying, “We'll work through whatever is keeping us apart, Netherland,” he said simply, easily.
Netherland shook her head. “There isn't a middle ground, Ashton. I refuse to become involved with someone who's in the military.”
His smile was slow, endearing, determined. “You are involved, Netherland. And now that I've tasted you, you're a craving I can't do without, so don't ask me to. There is a middle ground and we will find it. Together.” He took her back into his arms and placed a gentle yet possessive kiss on her lips. Once again her body automatically responded to his.
He then brought his lips to her ear and whispered, “Surrender, Netherland. Surrender your fears about us to me, and I promise to make things right for us.”
Netherland wanted to believe it would be that easy but knew he was promising the impossible. “I can't, Ashton. I've got to have stability and that's something you can't give me as long as you are in the military.”
Without waiting for his response, she opened the door and walked out of her office.

Later that night after Netherland had gotten into bed, she lay there and remembered the kiss—or should she say kisses?—that she and Ashton had shared in her office. A part of her wanted to regret what they had done, but another part of her continued to rejoice and forbid her to worry about the consequences of her actions.
She tossed around in the bed a few times before finally finding a comfortable spot. As much as she tried not to, her mind reflected to that day almost three years ago when she and Ashton had first met. Maybe if she had known from the first that he was military, her attraction to him would not have been so great, so overpowering, so downright unnatural. But it had been. The first sight of him had been like a magnet, pulling her in, and it was a day she would never forget.
As Netherland watched the blades of the ceiling fan swirling overhead, cooling off her overheated body, her mind became occupied with memories of that day…

Nettie lifted her head from the document she was reading. “Yes?”
“I hate to disturb you but Trevor Grant and Clayton Madaris are here,” Rainey said, smiling. “They brought some other gentlemen with them and would like to introduce you to them.”
Netherland smiled. Trevor and Clayton were two of her biggest clients, and as single men they patronized her establishment at least three to four times a week, claiming the restaurant's good food was the big draw. She knew their interest in her place also went beyond food. Their frequent visits were designed to check out the single women there, as well. “Do you know who these other men are?”
Rainey smiled dreamily. “One I recognize as Clayton's brother Dex Madaris. I remember him from the last time he came in and had all the women drooling. The other one I think is Clayton's other brother. He favors Clayton and is handsome as sin. The other man I believe is a friend of Trevor's—and he's a total knockout. His hair is longer than mine. He seems to be part Indian or something. All I know is that the man is to die for, three times over.”
Netherland chuckled as she placed the papers she'd been reading aside. “He's that good-looking?”
“Judge for yourself, Nettie.”
And she did.
While only a few feet away from the table she had to agree with Rainey. The man who sat next to Trevor at the table was to die for. He'd had his head bent, chuckling at something Clayton had said, and suddenly it seemed he had heard her approach and turned his head sharply toward her.
Their eyes met, and there was instant sexual awareness.
Immediately, spontaneously, Netherland's heart began hammering deep within her chest, and her pulse began racing. Her knees weakened, which made her slow her pace somewhat. The palms of her hands felt damp. She blinked as if the action would will him away. It didn't. He was still sitting there looking at her as intently as she was looking at him. There was something overpowering and aggressive about him and instead of backing away from it, she found herself drawn closer, so she kept on walking until she had reached their table. All five men stood.
She barely heard Trevor telling the others how wonderful the food served at her restaurant was. She barely recalled the introductions of the other men, Clayton's two brothers—Justin and Dex. Her mind, body, soul and spirit were on the man who stood next to Trevor. She knew his eyes had not left her since he had seen her from across the room. She breathed in deeply when she presented her hand to him. “Nice meeting you, Ashton.”
She found her hand folded gently in the warmth of his as he looked deep within her eyes and said softly, “The pleasure, Netherland, is all mine. Please sit down and join us for a minute.”
She knew she shouldn't. She had a million things to do. A wedding reception was being planned for the next day in one of her banquet rooms. But his request sent her entire body into overdrive, and she found herself sitting in the chair he pulled out for her—next to his.
It was only later, after enjoying herself immensely as she listened to Justin and Dex Madaris try and convince Trevor, Clayton and Ashton about the benefits of marriage that she discovered the explosive attraction between her and Ashton had been a complete waste of good energy. The discovery had come when Trevor jokingly called Ashton “Colonel.”
She had turned to Ashton and saw his eyes were still on her. “Why did Trevor just call you Colonel? Were you once a colonel?”
He smiled at her with the sexiest grin she thought she would ever see on a man. “Yes, ma'am, still am. I'm a colonel in the marines.”
She blinked as she felt a heavy hand clamp itself around her heart. “You're in the marines now?” she asked softly, hoping he would say no and that he had recently retired or something. Instead he met her inquisitive eyes. Something in her tone must have alerted him to the fact that she was asking for a reason—a very important reason—a reason he didn't quite understand.
“Yes, I'm in the marines now, and I'll probably stay in the marines until the day I die.”
She shook her head, confused. He didn't resemble a military man, especially by the head. “But your hair?” she asked, making sure she understood him correctly. “Isn't it too long?” She had been around enough military men to know the low crew cut was Uncle Sam's standard.
“No, my hair isn't too long. Since I'm legally part Indian, the right to wear my hair this length is protected by federal law.”
Netherland nodded. She knew then and there that any thoughts of ever becoming involved with him were over. The last thing she would let happen was to allow a man in her life who didn't have roots. She had been through that with her father, and had promised herself never to go through it again. She had worked too hard for independence and stability in her life to toss them aside for overactive hormones.

Netherland brought her thoughts back to the present. She had promised herself that day that she would not start anything with Ashton she couldn't finish.
Yet, tonight in his arms, she had broken that promise.

Chapter 5
Netherland swiveled around in the chair at her desk. “What do you mean he left town?”
Rainey shrugged. “That's the rumor on the floor tonight. Carolyn Taylor claims she saw Ashton getting on a plane for D.C. yesterday while she was at the airport. She says he was wearing his military uniform and was giving all the women at the airport heart failure because he looked so good.” Rainey looked pointedly at Netherland. “Everyone wants to know when he's coming back.”
Netherland picked up the papers she'd been reading and tossed them in the tray on her desk. She hated admitting it but she had missed seeing Ashton underfoot for the past two nights. “And how would I know?”
Rainey smiled sweetly. “After Tuesday night, I'd think you'd know everything about him. The two of you stayed in your office close to an hour.”
Netherland frowned. She didn't need Rainey reminding her of that. “So? That doesn't make me privy to all his business.”
“Considering you're the woman he plans to marry, I'd think that—”
“He is not marrying me, Rainey. Regardless of how long we stayed locked in my office, nothing has changed. My position is still the same. We're not involved.”
“Yeah, if you say so. And I guess there was a pretty good reason why your lips were all swollen the other night. Looked to me like someone had done a job on them. A very delicious job.”
As she scowled furiously at Rainey, a logical voice in Netherland's head told her to quickly change the subject. So she did. “How's Jada working out?”
The glimmer of amusement in Rainey's eyes indicated she'd caught on to Netherland's ploy and decided to go along with it…for now. “Jada's working out fine, and pretty much keeps to herself. She seems to be a real nice person who looks more like she's eighteen than twenty-three. She's too young to have had so much sadness in her life, and she continues to look sad.”
Netherland nodded, agreeing. Jada Roberts was going out of her way to be a good employee but on several occasions Netherland had noted the sadness in the young woman's eyes.
At that moment the phone rang, and Netherland picked it up. “Sisters.” She smiled at the voice on the other end. “Yes, Syneda, I do cater occasionally.”
Netherland nodded. “Yes, this is short notice but I think I can handle it. What time did you have in mind?”
Netherland gave another nod. “All right. I can drop the food off on my way home.” She smiled. “That's fine, don't mention it. I'll see you in a little while.”

“Oh, Nettie, you're a lifesaver,” Syneda exclaimed as she opened the door and took a couple of the boxes from Netherland's hands. “There's no way I could have prepared this much food after a late day in court. I don't know what possessed me to volunteer to be the hostess for tonight's poker game.”
“Don't mention it,” Netherland replied, smiling as she followed Syneda, carrying the food Sisters had prepared. “I hope I didn't bring too much.”
Syneda grinned. “Too much food for a bunch of hungry, gambling men? Is there such a thing?”
Netherland chuckled. “No, I guess not.” When they reached the kitchen she was surprised to find a group of women assembled around the table.
“You know everyone, don't you, Nettie?” Syneda asked as she took the rest of the boxes out of Netherland's hands.
“Yes.” Netherland had met all of them at a bridal shower given for Syneda at Sisters last year. There was Trevor's very pregnant wife, Corinthians; Dex's wife, Caitlin; Justin's wife, Lorren; the Madaris brothers' two sisters, Kattie and Traci; and the Madaris's cousin, Felicia. “Hi, everyone.”
“Hi, Nettie,” they said returning the greeting in unison.
“We're glad you were able to deliver. For a minute we thought Syneda was going to have to cook for us,” Felicia Madaris Maxwell said, grinning. “I have too much to do tomorrow to be out sick.”
“Okay, knock it off,” Syneda said, trying to hide her smile behind a frown. “A good attorney I am, but a good cook I'm not. Clayton didn't marry me for my cooking skills.”
Felicia chuckled. “Not for one minute did any of us think that's what he married you for.”
Syneda tried glaring but was unable to keep a straight face when she said, “And stop insinuating that your cousin only married me for my body.”
Netherland smiled. Not for the first time, she envied the six women and their close friendship. They felt comfortable enough to say just about anything to one another. “I'll be going now,” she said, turning to leave.
Syneda grabbed her arm. “Why don't you stay and join us, Nettie? You were on your way home, right?”
“Yes, but I don't want to intrude.”
“You won't be intruding,” Caitlin Madaris said, grinning. “We were discussing the best way to make sure Corinthians gets to the hospital when she goes into labor without Trevor falling apart.”
“Trevor won't fall apart,” Traci Madaris Green was saying. “For Pete's sake, give him credit for something. He used to be a captain in the marines.”
“And what's that supposed to mean?” Kattie Madaris Barnes chimed in. “When it comes to their wives having babies, all men fall apart and act downright silly.” She laughed. “Remember when the ever cool, calm and collected Raymond jumped into the car and took off and forgot I was still sitting in the living room? He'd driven an entire block before he noticed.”
Netherland laughed when the story was retold. Then Caitlin shared how Dex had gone off on the doctor when he thought the man wasn't moving fast enough when her labor pains had begun hitting her fast and furious. The women then began talking about the gory details of giving birth.
“Please change the subject. Nettie might think twice about ever getting pregnant,” Lorren Madaris said, smiling.
Netherland smiled. “No, I'm fine listening to it. Besides, I can't get pregnant anyway. A childhood illness made that impossible.”
Syneda came up to her. “Oh, Nettie, we're sorry. We didn't know and—”
“Trust me, it's okay. I've had a long time to come to terms with it, and I'm comfortable with it. There are too many kids out there who need adopting, so whenever I decide to become a mom, I'll go that route,” she said, smiling and assuring the women she hadn't gotten offended.
“Do I smell food?”
The women turned around when Clayton stuck his head around the corner.
Syneda grinned. “That man can sniff the aroma of fried chicken a mile away,” she whispered to the other women. To her husband she gave an exuberant smile. “Yes, sweetheart, it's food. Are you guys at a stopping point where you can come out for air and for food?”
Clayton smiled. “If they aren't, I am. I'm starving.”
It didn't take long for the other men to detect food and start filing into the kitchen. Netherland was talking to Syneda about something when she felt someone watching her. She turned to see Ashton leaning against a counter. Her breath caught in her throat. She hadn't known he was there. She tried to downplay the feeling of sheer exhilaration when he smiled at her. Again she wondered what there was about him that could make her so attracted to him. It was more than his physical features that attracted her. There was also something else. There was the passion he stirred within her that she couldn't deny. She still had thoughts of the kisses they shared in her office and that had been more than three days ago.
As if he read her thoughts, Ashton continued to hold her gaze. And then it happened like always. A sharp electrical jolt raced through her, sensitizing her entire body to his gaze, and blocking out all sights and sounds around her. A voice inside her head warned her to put up her defenses, but she wasn't quick enough. Already Ashton was slowly walking over to her. A part of her wanted to turn around and run but couldn't. It was as if her feet were cemented to the floor.
“Seeing you here is a pleasant surprise, Netherland,” Ashton said silkily when he reached her.
Netherland's lashes lifted. “I'm surprised to see you here, too. I heard you had left town.”
“Yes, for a couple of days. Government business.”
She nodded as she met his dark gaze. Sexual tension surrounded them. She wondered if any of the others in the room could feel it. Could anyone detect the fierce attraction she had for him? “Did you have a nice trip?”
He smiled. “It was okay.”
“Hey, Ashton, aren't you going to eat?” Trevor called from the other side of the room.
“I'm not really hungry,” was Ashton's response. He looked back at Netherland. “What about you? Are you going to eat anything?”
“No, in fact I was about to leave. I only stopped by to drop off the food.”
He looked at her. “I think I'll call it an early night myself since Dex won most of my money anyway,” he said, grinning. “Would you drop me off at my hotel? I rode over with Trevor instead of driving the rental car.”
Netherland lifted a brow. “Hotel? I thought you were staying with Trevor and Corinthians.”
“I was until I got back. I decided to give the parents-to-be space. They need the rest of the time before the baby gets here to be by themselves.” He smiled. “In a few more weeks there won't ever be just the two of them again. There will be a third person who will be dominating their lives.” He looked at her for a long, slow minute before asking again, “So, will you give me a lift to my hotel?”
Warning bells went off in Netherland's head. “I suppose I could.”
The wry resignation in her tone stirred Ashton deeply. “I don't bite, Netherland.”
Her mind instantly recalled how during their kiss he'd relentlessly nibbled away at her mouth as he plowed it with kiss after kiss. Yes, he did bite. He'd certainly taken more than a bite-size chunk out of her sensibilities that night.
“You still won't go out with me?”
For several moments an air of sadness hovered over her, as she remembered why she wouldn't. “No, I still won't go out with you.”
His gaze was intense, determined. “When we get to the hotel, will you ‘stay in' with me…for a little while?”
Netherland's body stirred all the way down to her toes when she remembered what happened the last time they had stayed in. And as much as she wanted to deny it, her body wanted to experience his kisses again.
She focused her attention on his lips. Doing so shortened her breathing. It became difficult to get air past her lungs. It seemed her own lips suddenly felt sensitive. Convincing herself that a few kisses wouldn't hurt as long as she didn't let it go any further, she finally gave herself up to the inevitable. “Yes, I'll stay in with you for a little while.”
When Ashton curled his fingers around hers she tried to steady her nerves. But nothing could bring calmness to her body that was tense with wanting him.

Chapter 6
Holding Netherland's hand firmly in his, Ashton walked her to her car.
“Would you like to drive, Ashton?” Netherland asked him, after inhaling deeply and blowing out a rush of air. She didn't think her hands were steady enough to handle the steering wheel.
Moments later with the windows down and the crisp feel of May air rushing at them, Ashton steered Netherland's Pathfinder onto the highway.
“Where are you staying?”
“In one of those extended-stay facilities owned by Marriott.”
Netherland nodded. “I heard those type of places are nice.”
“Yes, they are. And this is a nice vehicle.”
“How long have you had it?”
“About six months.”
After several moments of tense silence Netherland said, “You were a hero last year when you rescued Trevor and Corinthians from the jungles in South America.”
Ashton shrugged massive shoulders. “The media got carried away as usual. Trevor had the skill and know-how to survive in that habitat for another couple of months or so had I not found them.”
“Because of his military background?”
“Yes. Trevor, Sir Drake and I used to be part of the marines' Special Forces—the Force Recon Unit. We were trained how to survive in difficult situations. Each of us had a specialty. Trevor's specialty is the ability to survive in the jungle or any other unusual or dangerous environment or domain. Sir Drake's a whiz at ammunition and explosives.” Ashton smiled. “He likes blowing up things.” Ashton's smile faded when he thought about the fact that right now Sir Drake was living his life pretty much like the explosives he enjoyed handling—dangerously. He liked living close to the edge by taking chances he shouldn't. Ashton didn't want to think about the things that Sir Drake was possibly doing working for the CIA.
“And what's your specialty, Ashton?”
He looked at her when he brought the car to a stop at a traffic light. “Like this vehicle, I'm a Pathfinder, which is another name for a tracker. Being able to locate anything and anyone in thick woods, jungles, forest and any type of uncivilized or impenetrable territory is my special skill.”
Netherland nodded, deciding not to tell him that tracking wasn't his only special skill. He was doing a pretty good job in the seduction area. The man was seducing her with the ease of someone who was an ace at it. Even now incredible sensations were skittering inside her. She had known from the moment Ashton had smiled at her at Clayton and Syneda's house that she would be spending time with him tonight. She would have to approach what was happening to her logically and intelligently. Although there could never, ever be a future between them, there was no reason they couldn't enjoy each other during the time he was in Houston on military leave. She was sure once she presented the idea to him that he would go for it. Something was better than nothing. She would get him out of her system, and he would get her out of his; then they would go their separate ways. He would travel around the world playing soldier, and she would remain in Houston contented.
She had gotten into this thing with Ashton, and she might as well finish it.

Ashton tightened his hands on the steering wheel. Dealing with Netherland was just as bad as dealing with any band of terrorists. The woman was giving him the battle of his life.
He wondered what she was thinking. He could tell she had gotten relaxed. Out of the corner of his eye he could see she had undone the top button of her blouse. Was she deliberately trying to get next to him? He doubted it. Like him, she was probably beginning to feel hot.
“Hmm?” He had come to another traffic light. He looked at her, then wished he hadn't. Her eyes were dark, desirously dark. And all that desire was focused on him.
“How much longer until we get to the hotel?”
He continued to look at her for a moment more before saying, “Not much longer.”
They rode the rest of the way to the hotel in companionable silence.

Netherland began questioning her actions when they walked into Ashton's hotel room, and he closed the door behind them. Especially when she saw his marine uniform in a dry cleaner's bag neatly placed diagonally across his bed.
She started to turn around and leave, then decided to take another approach. Without saying anything to him she walked over to his bed, picked up the dry cleaner's bag and walked over to the closet and hung it up. She closed the closet door behind her.
“That won't eliminate who and what I am, Netherland,” Ashton said, leaning against the closed hotel door.
“I know, but tonight I don't want it to matter.” She walked back over to him and placed her arms around his neck. “And for the rest of the time you're here in Houston, it won't matter.”
“Why won't it?”
She leaned up and brushed her lips gently across his, once. Twice. Then she answered, “Because we're looking at this like two sensible adults who want to be together. Let's enjoy today and not concern ourselves with tomorrow.”
“Are you suggesting we share a bed tonight and go our separate ways in the morning?”
She brushed another kiss across his lips before saying, “No, I'm looking at something a little longer than a one-night stand. I'm suggesting we share a bed while you're in Houston and when you leave for parts unknown you won't look back and I won't have any regrets. The time we'll spend together will be a memory we'll have forever. What do you think of that?” She brushed another kiss across his lips.
Ashton knew it was time he showed his future wife just what he thought.
This time when her mouth touched his, he cupped the back of her head with his hand. Parting her lips with his tongue he swept inside her mouth, stealing her next words—whatever they may have been. And when she moaned in a shuddering breath, he stole that, too. He continued kissing her with more fire and more passion than he'd kissed her that night in her office.
That was only the beginning.
He broke off the kiss and took a step back from her and began tugging the tails of his shirt out of his jeans. He then began unbuttoning his shirt while she watched him.
The rate of Netherland's breathing increased when he removed his shirt and tossed it aside. His chest and shoulders looked firm, muscled, strong, and she wanted to feel the naked strength of them beneath her fingertips. Her skin began to feel heated when she watched him slowly unzip his pants. Her eyes widened. She blinked when he tugged down his jeans and revealed…a loincloth?
Netherland blinked again. Her jaw dropped. Ashton's underwear was styled as a loincloth. She inhaled deeply. She had seen men in boxers. Her father and brothers still preferred those kinds. Erik had preferred wearing briefs. But she had never seen a pair of loincloth underwear and hadn't known such a thing existed. Standing before her, he could have been either primitive Indian or primitive African. The loincloth could have served either purpose.
“Now your turn, Netherland.” The deep hoarseness in his voice filled the room.

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Surrender Brenda Jackson

Brenda Jackson

Тип: электронная книга

Жанр: Современные любовные романы

Язык: на английском языке

Издательство: HarperCollins

Дата публикации: 16.04.2024

Отзывы: Пока нет Добавить отзыв

О книге: After a childhood spent moving from army base to army base, independent-minded Nettie Brooms is determined to secure a stable life–and never become involved with a military man. Then she meets incredibly handsome and charming Ashton Sinclair, a dedicated colonel in the U.S.Marines who′s intent on capturing her heart–no matter what it takes. Now Nettie′s wondering how a man she swore she would avoid could so easily test her resolve by igniting an irresistible passion she can′t walk away from.

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