A Maverick for the Holidays

A Maverick for the Holidays
Leanne Banks

“This isn’t a good idea,” he muttered.
“I think it’s a great idea,” she said and smiled her wicked, innocent, sexy smile.
He clenched his jaw again. “That’s because you don’t know better,” he told her. “I’m too old for you.”
“Too old,” she echoed. “That’s crazy. It’s not as if you’re twenty years older.”
“Trust me, cupcake,” he said. “I feel like I’m eighty years older.”
Angie rolled her eyes. “You exaggerate. You’re just finding your feet and way. That’s why you feel unsure.”
“I don’t know about that,” Forrest said.
“Well, I do,” she said in a husky whisper as she leaned toward him.
“You need to leave,” he said.
“Isn’t that a bit drastic?” she asked.
“Not at all,” he said, and steeled himself not to respond to her.
“Just one more kiss,” she whispered in an inviting voice.
“No,” he said, but it killed him.
Dear Reader,
I loved being a part of this wonderful MONTANA MAVERICKS series. Forrest Traub, the hero in my story, has returned from Iraq and is recovering from an injury where he almost lost his leg. He also struggles with post-traumatic stress disorder. I had the opportunity to talk with a soldier who’d lost most of his rib cage from a gunshot wound, and he also suffered from PTSD. The adjustments he had to face after his injuries were unbelievably challenging. I was grateful to hear that the military offers support and actual techniques for how to deal with PTSD.
In my story, the hero displays a different kind of courage by starting a support group for war veterans. Have you noticed that struggling with a problem by yourself makes it feel so much bigger than if you share it with someone who cares? Forrest Traub may be a courageous man, yet between his bum leg and his nightmares and hypervigilance, he believes he’s in no shape for a committed relationship. Angie Anderson, however, is like a burst of sunshine on Forrest’s dark soul. But can she turn his jaded heart around? Maybe a little holiday magic can help them along.
Wishing you all the joy of the holidays,
Leanne Banks

About the Author
LEANNE BANKS is a New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author who is surprised every time she realises how many books she has written. Leanne loves chocolate, the beach and new adventures. To name a few, Leanne has ridden on an elephant, stood on an ostrich egg (no, it didn’t break), and gone parasailing and indoor skydiving. Leanne loves writing romance because she believes in the power and magic of love. She lives in Virginia with her family and a four-and-a-half-pound Pomeranian named Bijou. Visit her website, www.leannebanks.com.

A Maverick for
the Holidays
Leanne Banks

www.millsandboon.co.uk (http://www.millsandboon.co.uk)
This book is dedicated to all the veterans who’ve
returned from hostile countries who continue to battle
post-traumatic stress disorder and to those
who love them.

The truck they were driving was loaded with artillery, but there were several more in the caravan. In his position as major, Forrest normally wouldn’t have been traveling, but there had been complaints about getting signatures for the items they were transporting. In the army, it was always about getting signatures, even here in the desert of Iraq. Enough crap about signatures, they had a war to win.
Suddenly, an explosion ripped through the vehicle. Everything blurred. Forrest raced out of the Humvee. A shot hit him in his armored vest. Another hit his leg. Again and again. His leg screamed in pain.
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a soldier fall to the ground, then another and another. He tried to crawl to help them, but his leg was dead.
He was dead.
Forrest woke up in a sweat, his heart pounding in his chest, adrenaline racing. He reached for his weapon, but it wasn’t there. He blinked and his eyes finally adjusted to the darkness. He wasn’t in Iraq. He was in Montana. He wondered if he’d yelled, and prayed he hadn’t. He didn’t want his brother to know that he was still messed up. He didn’t want anyone to know that his head was more broken than his leg was.
He wondered if he would always feel as if he were riding the edge of insanity. Crazy, he must be crazy.
Snippets of his therapy skittered through his brain.
You’re not crazy. When you wake up from a nightmare or flashback, remind yourself that you’re not crazy.
Practice your breathing technique.
Forrest inhaled and counted as he exhaled. Controlled breathing will make you feel more in control of yourself. Forrest continued the technique he’d been taught. He touched the quilt on his bed and rose, dragging his near-useless leg with him across the wooden floor to the bathroom.
Turning on the faucet, he washed his hands. The water felt cold and it took the memories a little further away from him. He stuck his cup under the running water and lifted it to his mouth, taking several swallows.
When would his nightmare end?

Chapter One
Forrest wrapped up his quick meeting with Annabel Cates, Thunder Canyon’s librarian and therapy-dog owner. “I’m glad we’re starting this group for veterans. Sometimes it’s just easier to talk when you’re petting a dog,” he said and couldn’t resist giving Smiley, Annabel’s therapy dog, a quick rub.
Annabel smiled in return. “I’m sure Smiley will love all the attention. Why don’t you take him for a walk? He’s been cooped up in here all morning.”
Forrest nodded and accepted the leash of the gentle golden retriever. “Sounds like a good plan to me.”
As he stepped outside the library door, the cold November air hit him with a snap. He inhaled and the sensation was so sharp it was almost painful, but the sun was shining brightly and Smiley was wagging his big furry tail so hard it was banging against Forrest’s good leg. The dog’s happiness gave him a lift and he led the golden down the street. One of the nice things about Smiley was he was trained so well that he never pulled on the leash. The dog followed his lead, and with Forrest’s bum leg, that made the walk a lot more pleasurable.
Forrest crossed the street and relaxed a smidge. With Smiley, he’d noticed one of the symptoms of his PTSD—the docs called it hypervigilance—diminished just a little. Always nice to get a break from feeling like he needed to be ready for incoming fire any minute.
Forrest turned down another street, liking the way he was starting to feel at home in town. After his medical discharge from the army, he’d hoped that going back to the family ranch in Rust Creek Falls would help, but it hadn’t. Everything he’d once done with ease underscored his new limitations with his injured leg. Forrest glanced down and noticed that his shoelace was untied. With his iffy balance, he sure as hell didn’t want to trip over it. Awkwardly bending down, he began to retie it.
Suddenly Smiley let out a bark and raced away from him. Forrest reached for the leash, but it slid from his grasp. He swore under his breath. His heart raced in his chest. What if Smiley got hurt? He’d never forgive himself.
“Smiley,” he yelled. “Smiley.” Stumbling after the galloping golden retriever, he walked down the street as fast as he could.
A young woman appeared out of a doorway and stood directly in Smiley’s path. Forrest feared the dog would knock her down. “Smiley,” he called again.
“Smiley! Sit,” the woman said.
Wonder of wonders, the therapy dog plopped his bottom on the pavement and wagged his tail, with his tongue hanging out the side of his mouth.
Relief rushed through Forrest as he finally caught up with the dog. “Thanks for stopping him,” Forrest said, grabbing his breath at the same time as he grabbed the leash. “I was afraid he was going to run into that traffic.”
The girl shrugged her shoulders. “It was nothing. I guess he just wanted to come over and say hello.”
“Do you know him?” Forrest asked, still perplexed that Smiley had taken off like that.
The girl studied Smiley for a moment. “Based on that therapy vest, I’m guessing he belongs to Annabel Cates. My sister Haley is married to Marlon Cates and he’s Annabel’s brother, but I have to say I’ve never actually met the dog before.”
“That’s weird, because Smiley headed over here like he knew where he was going,” he said, taking a second look at the girl. He couldn’t exactly nail her age, but she looked young. Her brown hair flowed past her shoulders and her eyes were big and brown, glinting with happiness. She made him feel a little old.
The girl laughed lightly and the sound felt like a cool drink of water on a hot day. “Maybe this dog is just super smart and knew that ROOTS is a great place to hang out,” she said, pointing to the sign in the window. She gave him an appraising look. “Wait a minute. Are you related to Rose Traub?”
“Yeah, she’s my cousin. Why?”
“Rose is married to my brother Austin. I’m Angie Anderson,” she said and extended her hand.
“Forrest Traub. Man, this is one small town. Seems like most everyone is related,” he said.
“You’re right about that. Why don’t you come inside? We’ve got hot chocolate and cookies,” she said.
“That’s okay. I better get Smiley back to Annabel,” he said.
“I’m sure Smiley could use a little rest after the way he was racing down the street,” she said.
His leg was aching like hell, so he decided he could use a break. “If you’re sure,” he said. “What do you do here, anyway?” he asked as he followed her inside.
“I’m a volunteer,” she said. “ROOTS is a safe haven for the local youth.”
“But aren’t you a youth?” he couldn’t help asking because Angie looked so young.
She laughed again, and the sound just made him feel better. “I guess I’ll accept that as a compliment,” she said. “I’m twenty-three and going to college. I work here at ROOTS part-time. How do you like your hot chocolate? Light or loaded on the marshmallows?” she asked.
He almost chuckled at the way she asked. “Light. The bad thing about a sugar high is what comes afterward,” he said.
“Coming right up. Have a seat,” she said and went to a snack and beverage table at the far end of the room.
“Hey,” a teenage boy with long hair said, stepping toward Smiley. “Cool dog. Can I pet him?”
“Sure can. He’s a therapy dog, so he’s trained to be friendly. He may need a little refresher course, though,” Forrest said wryly, giving the golden an affectionate rub.
“What do you mean?” the teenager asked, bending down to pet Smiley.
“He took off while I was walking him today, and he’s not supposed to do that,” Forrest said.
“So he’s in trouble?” the teenager asked.
“His mistress will have to make that call,” Forrest said.
Angie returned with a cup of hot chocolate. “What do you think of Smiley, Max?”
“He’s a cool dog. You should bring him around more often,” he said. “Oh, look, Lilly’s here. We’re gonna do some homework together.”
“Okay, I’ll be right here if you need any help,” Angie said and sat next to Forrest. When Max took a few steps away, she shot Forrest a mischievous look. “I don’t know how much actual homework they’ll get done. Max has a monster crush on Lilly,” she said in a low voice.
Forrest glanced at the teenage boy and girl as they sat at a table together and felt a pinch of loss. He shook his head. “Sometimes I wonder if I was ever that young.”
“Well, you’re not ancient,” she said. “It’s not like you can remember when electricity was invented.”
This time he did chuckle. “I guess. It’s just been a long road since I got back from Iraq.”
Angie’s eyes widened. “You were in Iraq?”
“Yeah, army. I enlisted after high school and earned my engineering degree before my first tour of Iraq. My second tour ended my military career,” he said and took a drink of hot chocolate. “I hadn’t planned on that. An IED took me out of action.”
“IED?” she echoed.
“Improvised explosive device.”
“That must have been horrible.”
“It was worse for some than others. I was in the first vehicle, so we took the brunt of it.”
“So, you’re a hero,” she said, her gaze intent.
“Oh, no,” he said, feeling self-conscious at the admiring expression in her eyes. “Just doing my job.”
“I’m sure plenty of people would agree with me. How long will you be in town?” she asked.
“A while,” he said. “There’s a doc here who’s going to do some more work on my leg. Plus I’ve started doing blueprints for an architectural firm. What about you?” he asked, ready for the attention to be taken off of him.
“I’m hoping to finish my bachelor’s degree in sociology within the next year. I work in the college administration office one day a week. I temp for a CPA during tax season and work part-time for a catering business. And like I mentioned, I volunteer here at ROOTS and for some other charities,” she said and her cheeks turned pink. “I really don’t know what I want to do for the rest of my life,” she confessed. “I wish I did. I wish it would just hit me on the head like it seems to do for other people, but so far, it hasn’t. But I’m not going to sit home waiting to find out, so I stay pretty busy.”
“Jill-of-all-trades,” he said.
“Huh?” she asked, furrowing her brow in confusion.
“As opposed to jack-of-all-trades. You’re a jill-of-all-trades,” he said.
She gave a slow smile that had a surprising edge of sexiness. “I like that. I’m glad Smiley led you to stop here today.”
Forrest felt flattered at the same time that a mental alarm went off. Angie might not be a teenager, but she was still too young for him, so he sure as hell didn’t want to give her any ideas. “Thanks for lassoing Smiley and giving me some hot chocolate. I should walk him back to the library now,” he said, rising. Pain shot through his leg, but he gritted his teeth so no one would see.
“There’s no need to rush off,” she said, bobbing to her feet.
He couldn’t prevent a twist of envy at how easy it was for her to move around. Those days were gone for him. At least for the present. “I really should go. Thanks again,” he said. “You take care.”
She met his gaze. “You, too. Who knows? It’s a small town. We may see each other again.”
Making a noncommittal sound, he made his way out the door to the sidewalk. He glanced back at the doorway and caught sight of Angie waving at him. He waved in return and walked away.
She was a cute girl. In the same way a sister was cute, he told himself. She was the exact opposite of him. He was a busted-up retired army major. Most days, he felt like he was eighty-years-old.
Angie had the lively glint of a very young woman who hasn’t seen the ugly side of life. He envied her innocence, and he couldn’t ever imagine being as open as she was. Not now. Not after everything he’d seen and experienced.
He took the short walk to the library and led Smiley inside.
Annabel smiled and greeted both of them. “Smiley, boy, good to see you. And to you, too, Forrest. How did Smiley do?”
“Pretty good except when he ran off,” he said, giving her the leash.
Annabel’s face fell. “Ran off?” she echoed and glanced at her dog. “When did he do that?”
“About halfway through the walk, he took off toward ROOTS. Maybe he was drumming up business for himself,” he said.
Annabel gave a half laugh, but he could tell she wasn’t really amused. “Maybe. He’s trained not to run away.”
“Angie Anderson stopped him. Good thing. I was afraid he would get hit by a car.”
Annabel winced. “I don’t know why he did that. Thank goodness for Angie,” she said, rubbing Smiley’s neck.
“True,” he said. “What do you know about her?”
“The Andersons are a great family,” Anabel said. “They’ve had some tough times, but Angie really came through it well.”
“She seems too young to be working at that youth center.”
“ROOTS?” Anabel said. “They actually like having some younger volunteers. It helps the kids identify with a good role model. I hear Angie’s a sweet, easygoing girl.”
Forrest shrugged, backing off. He shouldn’t be curious about Angie. “Okay. I’ll head on back home now. Thanks for the adventure,” he said.
She bit her lip. “I feel bad that he ran off on you.”
“It wasn’t a problem,” he said. “I caught up to him.”
“Well,” Annabel said. “I think Smiley is due for some retraining, and I’ll start tonight.”
Forrest nodded. “You’ll figure it out,” he said. “You’ve done a great job with him.”
“Thanks,” Annabel said. “But he’ll be even better next time you see him!”
Angie forced her attention back to the kids at ROOTS, but she couldn’t help thinking about Forrest. Talking with him had made her feel as if someone had lit a lamp inside her. A few other guys had temporarily captured her attention, but she knew that Forrest was totally different from them. It seemed as if every cell in her body was screaming how special he could be to her. The strength of her instant attraction to him was distracting.
As she cleaned up the snack station near the end of her shift, Lilly Evans approached her. Lilly was a beautiful serious-minded seventeen-year-old with long blond hair and green eyes. Lilly had been active in ROOTS during the last two years since her father had gone to prison. Angie admired the girl for keeping her focus during such a traumatic time.
“Hey, there,” Angie said. “How’d the study time go with Max?”
Lilly shrugged. “I’m not sure. He doesn’t seem to concentrate very well.”
Angie chuckled. “That could be because he’s got a crush on you.”
Lilly’s pale cheeks bloomed with color. “I don’t have time for that,” she said. “Too many other things going on.”
Angie heard an undertone of anxiety in Lilly’s voice. “Like what?” she asked.
“My mother’s afraid she’s going to lose her main job, so she’s started working another one part-time.”
“The economy is hard on a lot of people right now,” Angie said and squeezed Lilly’s shoulder. “I hope she’ll get some good news soon.”
“Me, too. If that weren’t bad enough, my brother Joey has been hanging around some bad kids. I’m worried about him.”
“How old is he?” Angie asked. “Maybe you could bring him to ROOTS.”
“He’s thirteen, but he doesn’t think ROOTS is cool,” she said, rolling her eyes.
“What else is he interested in?” Angie asked.
“Violent computer games,” Lilly said with a frown. “He shoots basketball every now and then. He’s a little on the skinny side, so I think he tries to act all tough.” She sighed. “We had a dog for a while and Joey really liked him, but my dad made us give him away.”
“Hmm,” Angie murmured, her mind working. “What about working at the animal shelter? We have a group that volunteers there twice a month. If he really likes it, he could go more often on his own. In the meantime, if he goes with the ROOTS group, he’ll be exposed to some different kids and maybe make some better friends.”
“That’s a great idea,” Lilly said. “If we can just figure out how to get him to go.”
“If you want, I can have one of the ROOTS shelter volunteers give him a call. I can call him, too.”
“That might help, but he still could turn you down. Joey can be stubborn.”
“We’ll wear him down,” Angie said. “I’ll have the ROOTS coordinator contact him first.”
Lilly sighed. “Thanks. I’m really worried about him.”
“We’ll give this a try and see how it works. Make sure you’re keeping your mother up to speed, and if she needs extra help, we’re in touch with some wonderful counselors. Some of them even offer a couple free sessions.”
Lilly impulsively threw her arms around Angie and Angie hugged her in return. “Remember you’re not alone, here,” Angie said and gave the teen a reassuring squeeze. Her heart broke for the trauma Lilly had experienced during the last few years. It was hard always being the strong one. Angie was so grateful that Lilly trusted her enough to talk to her.
After her shift, Angie left ROOTS and walked into her empty home. Since her brother Austin and sister Haley had left, she was all alone. Angie spent as little time at home as possible. She knew she was fortunate to have a rent-free home, but the silence that welcomed her every night disturbed her. After today, she had a feeling she might not be alone forever. She had a very strong feeling about Forrest Traub. So strong she couldn’t keep it to herself.
Even though she could have called Haley earlier when she was at ROOTS, Angie had held off. But now she couldn’t. She dialed her sister’s cell and waited, her heart racing.
“Hey,” Haley said. “How are you doing?”
“Great,” Angie said and took a deep breath. “And I’ve just met the most amazing man today. His name is Forrest Traub. He’s a veteran and he’s the man of my dreams.”
Haley chuckled. “And you know this after one meeting?” she asked.
“I do,” Angie said, wandering around the den. “He’s everything I’ve ever wanted. He’s the man I always wanted without knowing that I wanted him. Haley, he’s not a boy. He’s a man and he’s strong and he has a good heart. You should have seen him with that therapy dog.”
“Therapy dog?” Haley echoed.
“He was taking Annabel’s dog Smiley for a walk. Of course, it doesn’t hurt that he’s hot. But I can tell there’s much more to him.”
“If you say so,” Haley said.
“I do,” Angie insisted.
“Okay, that’s exciting,” Haley said.
Angie could hear Haley’s disbelief and it bothered her. “You’re patronizing me,” Angie said.
“I’m not,” Haley said. “Give me a chance. I haven’t met the guy.”
Angie sighed. “Okay. Fair enough.”
“Good,” Haley said. “Are you doing okay?”
Angie glanced around the den of the house and fought the sense of loneliness. “I’m good. Keeping busy,” she said as she paced.
“You should come to visit us for dinner more often,” Haley said.
“You’re a newlywed. I don’t want to intrude,” Angie said.
“It’s not an intrusion,” Haley countered.
“Seems like it to me. I don’t want to crash a honeymoon,” Angie said.
Haley chuckled. “Just give us a few minutes’ notice and we’re good.”
“I feel so much better,” Angie teased.
Silence followed. “Sweetie, you know we are here for you.”
“Yeah, I know,” Angie said.
“We love you,” Haley said.
“Love you, too,” Angie returned and hung up her phone.
Taking a deep breath, she meandered from the doorway to the kitchen. A dozen memories flashed through her mind. Her brother making pancakes for her breakfast. Haley helping her get ready for prom.
Angie knew that Haley and Austin had worked their butts off to make up for the fact that their father had left soon after she’d been born and her mother had died during her early teens.
The great blessing had been that both her sister and brother had found true love. They’d moved out of the house to make their new lives with their loves. Angie couldn’t be happier, except for the fact that she was now alone. And she didn’t always quite know what to do with herself.
Austin and Haley checked in on her frequently, but Angie didn’t want to be a burden. After all, she was twenty-three. She should be fully capable of managing her life.
But the house felt so silent. It was too quiet. Stalking into the den, she grabbed the remote for the television and turned it on. She didn’t care about the program. She just wanted the sound of human voices. Returning to the kitchen, she pulled out a frozen dinner, zapped it in the microwave and took it with her into the den.
She sank onto the sofa and pulled out the notebook she kept for her charity projects. With the holidays approaching, she knew her schedule would get busier. Somehow more kids seemed to show up at ROOTS during the holidays, which meant the youth center needed more adults manning different shifts. She would juggle that with working several holiday dinners and parties for the catering company that kept her bank account healthy.
Angie had also learned from her sister, Haley, that helping other people made her less likely to feel sorry for herself. That was why she liked to get the ROOTS kids to contribute to a charity activity. It didn’t have to require money, just some time and effort. The kids learned that it was rewarding to give of themselves.
Her mind turned to thoughts of Forrest Traub as she jotted thoughts in her notebook. She drew a military emblem. She wondered how he had survived the attack. It sounded like it must have been horrible. Yet, she could tell he was no quitter. He was the type of man determined to make the best of his situation. She suspected he was the kind to surpass everyone’s expectations.
An idea fluttered through her mind. Maybe the ROOTS group could do something to benefit the military. But what?
The next morning, Forrest woke up early. Too early. He turned to one of the few things that brought him solace—working out. Exercise made his body stronger. He could only hope it would eventually. He’d set up a home gym in the second bedroom of his suite at the boardinghouse. Since his brother Clay had fallen in love with their landlord, Clay and his baby son, Bennett, had moved out and were staying in the main house with Antonia and her baby, Lucy. Clay and Antonia would be getting married very soon. Although Forrest was happy for his brother, he couldn’t help feeling overwhelmed by how quiet his place was now that his brother had left.
Forrest lifted weights. His cell phone rang, surprising him. He didn’t recognize the number, but noticed it was local. “Forrest Traub,” he said.
“Hi, Forrest,” a breathless feminine voice said. “This is Angie Anderson.”
Whoa, he thought and set down his weights. “Hi, how are you?”
“I’m fine,” she said. “How are you?”
“Pretty good,” he replied and began to pace. “How can I help you?”
“Thank you for the offer,” she said with a laugh. “I have an idea. I think it would be great if the ROOTS kids got involved in a GI holiday pen pal program.”
Forrest nodded. “Not a bad idea. You can get in touch with a national group—”
“I don’t want to do that,” she said. “I want to keep it more local, and I was hoping you could help me.”
Surprise raced through him. “Me?”
“Yes, you. You would be perfect. You’re a veteran. You could inspire the ROOTS group,” she said.
Forrest shook his head. “I’m not sure—”
“I am,” Angie said. “Let’s get together and talk about it.”
Forrest blinked. Sheesh. This woman moved fast. “I’m not coming into town today, so—”
“I can come to you,” she said. “Where do you live?”
“Hey, that’s not necessary,” he said.
“It’s no problem,” she said. “Where do you live?”
He sighed and gave her the address. “You really don’t need to do this,” he said.
“It’s really no problem. See you later. I’ll bring lunch,” she said and hung up before he could protest.
Forrest stared at his phone and had a bad premonition. This woman was going to be trouble.
A few hours later, he heard footfalls bounding up the steps to the front porch of the rooming house. Since he was currently the only occupant, he suspected that Angie was his visitor. He opened the door before she had a chance to knock and looked at her. The sight of her fresh beauty made something skitter under his skin. She looked so innocent, feminine and real.
“Hey,” he said.
“Hey,” she said with a broad smile in return. “Can I come in?”
“Sure,” he said and noticed she was carrying a bag from a local sub shop. “You didn’t need to bring food.”
“I told you I would. If you can drum up some coffee or water, we’re covered,” she said.
“Okay,” he said and led her inside the first-floor-level suite.
“This is nice,” she said, looking around as she followed him inside.
He filled a couple glasses of water in the small kitchen and returned to her. “It fits my needs at the moment.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “Listen, I may not be the best source for your pen pal idea. I left several months ago and I don’t really know that many soldiers from around here.”
“Oh, you don’t have to help me with names. I can get those. No problem. What I want you to do is talk to the ROOTS group and tell them how good it felt to receive cards and letters of encouragement. Especially around the holidays.” She jiggled her bag. “Do you want to eat in the kitchen?”
“There isn’t much of one,” he said. “I usually eat in here,” he said, tilting his head toward the den area.
She gave a short chuckle. “You sound like me. Ever since I’ve been living alone, I eat my frozen meal in front of the TV. When I’m home, that is,” she added as she sank onto the sofa. “Most of the time, I’m on the go.”
“Why don’t you get a roommate?” he asked.
“I don’t know. I just haven’t gotten around to it,” she said. “Ever since I was thirteen, it was just my sister, brother and me. It feels strange now.”
He wondered what had happened to her parents, but didn’t want to pry. “I know what you’re saying. Since my brother and Antonia got together and he moved into the main house, it’s pretty quiet here.”
“Well, maybe I can break down and fix a meal and you can come over to my place for dinner sometime,” she said.
Even though Angie was cute as a button and clearly attracted to him, he didn’t want to give her false hope. Forrest cleared his throat. “So what kind of sandwiches do you have in that bag?” he asked, deliberately avoiding her suggestion.
“Oh,” she said. “I made a big guess that you’re not a vegetarian and got you an Italian hero.”
He laughed under his breath as he unwrapped the sandwich. “Good guess. Thanks.”
She opened her notebook. “Now, I’ve done some research on the pen pal programs, and I think this will be very empowering for our ROOTS kids. So much of the time, they don’t feel as if they have any control over their lives. Especially if they’re having problems at home or school. This is a small thing they can do, and it’s not a big commitment, but it has big impact on both the sender and the receiver. Don’t you agree?”
Forrest hadn’t really thought much about it, but he supposed it was true. Angie was so enthusiastic he felt like a heel at the thought of letting her down. “I guess so.”
“I knew you would think so. I also worked with a local program last year called Presents for Patriots. I’d like to see if there’s a way to expand the program this year,” she said.
“Whoa,” he said, lifting his hand and shaking his head. “I’m not the most jolly guy on the block these days. Maybe you’d better find someone who has more Christmas spirit.”
Angie gaped at him in disbelief. “But everyone loves Christmas. It’s the most wonderful time of the year.”
Forrest blinked. Was she serious? She looked so crestfallen it was as if he’d told her that Santa didn’t exist. He wondered if she was kidding, but quickly saw she wasn’t. The woman was obviously over the moon about Christmas. Forrest had the feeling that refusing her would feel the same as kicking a puppy.
Mentally swearing, he sighed. “Okay, okay. I’ll help.”
She leaped toward him and put her arms around him. “Oh, thank you. I knew you’d be perfect.”
Taken off guard by her impulsive embrace, Forrest tried not to notice how sweet her hair smelled within an inch of his nose and the way her breasts felt brushing against his chest. He glanced down at her pink lips and tried to remember the last time he’d kissed a woman.
At that forbidden thought, he quickly pulled back. “No one’s ever accused me of being perfect.”
Her gaze turned teasing. “Well, I can’t imagine why.”
That quick sexy glint in her eyes made him uneasy as hell. “Why don’t you tell me some more about the Patriots program,” he said, redirecting her attention, and hopefully his, too.
Angie gradually pulled back, but he would have to be a dead man not to notice the way her hand skimmed over his knee or the fact that she didn’t seem to mind sitting so close to him.
Forrest was torn. Was she so naive that she really didn’t know what she was asking for? Or was she trying to seduce him?

Chapter Two
After her visit with Forrest, Angie felt as if she could have flown home. Surely, she wouldn’t have needed her aging red Chevy pickup truck. Not after the way she’d teased a few grins from his serious mouth. She’d seen the way he’d stared at hers in curiosity. She just wished he’d given in to that emotion and kissed her.
She was in such a good mood when she pulled into the grocery store parking lot that she gave up a close space to another vehicle. She held the door for the elderly man behind her and returned his wink. As she wandered through the store, everything looked more vivid to her. The apples were redder, the grapes more purple. The oranges smelled delicious. Even the pork chops looked better than ever.
Angie picked up a few items and headed home. She couldn’t wait to see Forrest again. Although she didn’t enjoy housekeeping, she felt as if she needed to do something with her excess energy, so she ran the vacuum cleaner and cleaned the bathrooms. She was mopping the kitchen floor when a knock sounded at the side door.
Her brother, Austin, poked his head inside and his gaze fell to her mop. “What’s the occasion? Are you having a party?”
Laughing, she shook her head. “No. I was just in the mood to clean, so I thought I’d better go with it.”
“I’ll say,” he said, hitching his thumbs in his jean pockets. “From what I remember, the mood doesn’t strike you very often at all.”
Angie knew he was referring to how she’d often tried to get out of her chores during her teen years. “Oh, be quiet. I’ve been the main person to take care of cleaning since Haley left and you know it.”
“Yeah, I guess,” he relented. “What’s got you in such a good mood? Sugar high? Cupcakes from the bakery?”
“No, but I’ll have to say that Forrest is more delicious than a cupcake,” she said and shot him a devilish smile.
“Forrest?” he said. “Forrest who?”
“Forrest Traub. He’s an army veteran and he’s staying in Thunder Canyon while his leg heals. I met him yesterday and, Austin, he might be the one.”
“Whoa, whoa,” Austin said, lifting his hand as he gingerly stepped across the drying kitchen floor. “You just met him yesterday and you already think he’s the one? How can you know anything about him?”
“Look who’s talking. It didn’t take you long to fall for Rose.”
“That’s different. I’m older and more experienced,” he said.
“I’ve been waiting for this feeling since I was born. I’ve had a sideline seat with a great view when Haley found love and then when you did, too. I want to belong to someone, also. I just never found the right someone, and, Austin, I really think he could be the one.”
Austin touched her cheek. “Fairy girl,” he said, calling her by the nickname he and Haley had used every now and then. “Don’t rush into anything. You can’t learn everything you need to know about a man in two sessions.
“And what about him?” Austin asked. “Does he feel the same way?”
“Oh, he’s attracted to me,” she said, laughing.
“How do you know that? Did he make a move on you?”
Angie rolled her eyes. “Of course not. He’s not that kind. A woman just knows these things,” she said.
Austin looked at her as if he thought she didn’t have a clue. She had to bite her tongue to resist arguing with him further.
“I wouldn’t be a decent brother if I didn’t encourage you to take it slow. Even you have to admit that you’ve been known to lead with your heart instead of your head.”
She nodded. “You’ve done your duty,” she said. “Since you’re here, do you mind checking out the truck? It’s been making a funny noise lately.” She didn’t want any more of Austin’s brotherly advice. Especially if he was going to discourage her about Forrest.
A few days later, Forrest’s phone rang again, and this time he knew the caller’s identification. Although he’d avoided officially adding Angie to his caller list, he knew her number. “Forrest Traub,” he answered the phone.
“Angie Anderson,” she mocked him in a deep voice. The giggle that followed ruined her stern tone.
He couldn’t help grinning a little though he was glad she couldn’t see. “How are you?”
“Wonderful. And you?” she asked.
“I wouldn’t say wonderful, but not bad. What do you need?”
“Well, that’s a wide-open question,” she said in a husky voice that made his gut clench.
“I meant—”
“I know what you meant. I was hoping you and I could get together and talk some more about the projects we’re planning. We don’t have a lot of time before Christmas to get things going.”
“True,” he said. “What did you have in mind?”
“Well, I could bring over takeout tomorrow night,” she suggested.
Forrest had a hard time turning down a meal. Although he could easily join his brother and Antonia at the main house, he couldn’t help but feel he was intruding. “That would work. But this time, I pay.”
“It’s no big deal. Do you like Italian or Chinese?” she asked.
“Both when I don’t have to prepare it,” he said.
She chuckled. “Me, too. I’ll surprise you, then. Tomorrow night around six?”
“Okay. See you then,” he said and hung up the phone. Forrest couldn’t help wondering what he was getting into by sharing another meal with Angie. He second-guessed himself, wondering if he should have kept their meeting in a public place. That way, neither of them would be tempted to do something they shouldn’t. Not that he was all that tempted. Deep down, he knew that Angie was completely off-limits for him. She was a sweet, naive, young woman who had no clue just how dark his soul was. He had no intention of having her find out. In a strange way, he found her naivete precious, and he didn’t want to destroy it.
The next night, Forrest ran the vacuum and did a little extra cleaning. He told himself it wasn’t for Angie. It was because his suite needed it. Hell, it wasn’t like he was lighting candles for her.
That thought soothed him at the same time he wondered if he should have gotten a bottle of wine. He’d been very careful with alcohol since he’d come back to the States. There was a high correlation between PTSD and alcoholism and drug abuse, and he was determined not to become a statistic. So far, he’d drank a beer every now and then, but that was all.
Rubbing his jaw, he wondered why he felt so edgy. In the scheme of things, Angie was just a kid.
A knock sounded at the door, pulling him out of his reverie. He felt an involuntary kick of excitement and scowled at himself. If he was getting this worked up over Angie, maybe he just needed to get out more often.
He opened the door and she grinned at him. “Hi there,” she said holding a bag of what smelled like Chinese takeout in one hand and a tote full of papers in the other.
Forrest couldn’t resist stealing an extra moment to take in the sight of her. Her unbuttoned red peacoat suited her bright personality, and the gray and white scarf around her neck tempted his gaze to fall into the V-neck of her gray sweater that gave a glimpse of her creamy cleavage. His mind followed his gaze and he couldn’t help wondering …
Forrest jerked his gaze and thoughts away from Angie’s breasts and he reached for the Chinese food. “Come on in. Smells good. What did you get?”
“Egg rolls, fried rice, kung pao chicken, sweet and sour pork, stir-fry beef with vegetables and of course fortune cookies. Will any of that work for you?”
Forrest felt his stomach growl. “All of it,” he said. “I didn’t realize how hungry I was.”
“Well, I’m glad I could help out with that,” she said and dumped her papers on the sofa and pulled off her coat. Feeling himself get distracted by her feminine shape again, Forrest deliberately headed for the kitchen. He began to pull out the boxes of food. “Whoa, this is enough for five soldiers,” he said.
“I figured you might enjoy the leftovers,” she said as she moved beside him. “I get the impression you don’t enjoy cooking all that much.”
“That’s true. My brother keeps inviting me up to the house to eat with him and Antonia, but I feel like a fifth wheel. They’re all goo-goo-eyed over each other, and with taking care of Clay’s son and her baby, they’ve got enough to do.”
“I don’t mind cooking,” she said. “But I don’t really like cooking for one, so I either eat out or end up eating a lot of frozen dinners on the couch.”
“It’s mostly frozen dinners for me, too, so this is a treat,” he said and put the boxes on a tray.
“Would you like some water?” she asked, pulling two glasses from the cabinet.
He nodded. “That works for me.”
She filled the glasses and smiled at him. “I guess we’re ready.”
Forrest carefully carried the tray into the den and put it on the sofa table. He tore open his chopsticks and gave her a set. “Dig in,” he said and started with the sweet and sour pork. “Good stuff,” he said, making a mental note to visit the restaurant again. After a moment, he noticed Angie was looking at him and not eating.
He paused. “Problem?”
She blinked. “Uh, no,” she said and tore the paper off her chopsticks. “I’m glad you like it.” She reached for the container of kung pao chicken and gingerly arranged the chopsticks between her fingers. Plunging the wooden instruments into the food, she finally pulled up a bite of chicken. Victory flashed across her features as she lifted the bite to her mouth. And dropped it.
Forrest couldn’t help chuckling. “I can get a fork for you,” he offered.
“No, no. I’ve always thought I should learn how to do this, but I never got around to it,” she said and tried to arrange her fingers around the chopsticks again.
Unable to resist helping her, Forrest set down his food and sticks. “Here,” he said, repositioning her fingers. “Try that.”
She successfully got a bite. “I did it,” she said with pleasure that made something inside him feel warm. It took her a long time to get even a few more bites.
“You’re doing good, but let me get you a fork. The food will be cold by the time you get to it.”
She gave a mock pout. “And I thought I was doing so well.”
“You were,” he said as he rose. “You just need to practice when you’re not hungry, so you can concentrate better.”
“When did you get so handy with those sticks?” she asked.
Forrest grabbed a fork from the kitchen and returned. “I’ve been stationed in a lot of places, and most of them have Chinese restaurants.” He picked up the sticks and clicked them together.
“That sweet and sour pork looks pretty good,” she said.
He picked up a bite with the chopsticks and held it out to her mouth. Her lips opened and she took a bite, closing her eyes. “Yum.” The expression on her face made his mind wonder how her mouth would feel against his. He couldn’t help wondering if she would be as enthusiastic in bed. He cleared his throat hoping it would also clear his mind.
“So what do you want to do next for the charity plans?”
She nodded. “Good question. Along with the holiday cards and letters, I may be able to get some small donations for gifts for the soldiers. Do you have any suggestions?”
“Phone cards and gift cards,” he said then grinned in memory. “But well-packed cookies are rarely refused.”
“Making the cookies would be a fun project. I’ll have to consult you on the packing.”
“I can do that,” he said.
“I love baking Christmas cookies. When I was a teenager, I sometimes talked my brother and sister into baking them with me in the summer. They thought I was crazy, but everyone enjoyed the results.”
Forrest was curious, again, about Angie’s parents. “Bet you were a cute kid. They indulged you.”
She shrugged. “My mom died in a car accident. Before that, my dad left just after I was born. My brother and sister tried to make up for my missing out on having a mom and dad.”
He nodded. “Sounds rough.”
“Sometimes,” she admitted. “But it could have been lots worse. We had a roof over our head. Due to my mom’s life insurance, the house was paid for. Sometimes, I feel guilty for how much my sister and brother sacrificed, but then they tell me that I helped them keep centered. They said that taking care of me helped them with their own pain.”
“But you’re not sure,” he said, sensing her uncertainty.
She bit her lip. “Guess not.”
He couldn’t help a half smile. “I’m betting you brought a lot of magic to them. You gave them smiles and happiness, but you didn’t know it at the time.”
“Think so?” she asked doubtfully.
He nodded. “Yeah.”
Angie stared at him for a long intense moment. “I hadn’t thought about that.”
“Everyone has a role,” he said.
“Did you learn that in the army?” she asked.
“I did.”
“I’ll have to think that over,” she said and her lips tilted in a sexy smile.
That smile distracted him enough that he didn’t feel hungry anymore. At least, not for food. He swallowed over a tight lump of desire in his throat. “What else do you have in mind for the letters-for-soldiers plan?”
“Just what I told you,” she said. “I like your idea of cookies. I can bake an extra dozen for you,” she offered.
His gut twisted at her sensual expression. He shouldn’t be feeling this way. Yet, he couldn’t force himself to step back from her. “Not necessary,” he managed, but he knew his tone wasn’t forceful.
“Necessary isn’t always the bottom line,” she said, holding his gaze.
He sucked in a quick breath and told himself to pull away.
She leaned toward him, and he couldn’t resist the need to feel her closer. It was primal. It rolled from deep inside him.
She drew closer and closer until her lips were a millimeter from his.
Forrest inhaled her scent. Three times. Nothing was enough. She was a mix of innocence, excitement and sensuality. And he wanted her.
Agonizing seconds passed. She pressed her mouth against his.
Forrest felt a shot of electricity race through him, and he wanted more. She was everything he’d wanted, but hadn’t had for what felt like ages. Her scent surrounded him like a delicious veil, her breath enveloped his and some sort of foreign emotion ricocheted through him.
Unable to resist her, he slid his fingers through her hair. She kissed him again, and the soft pucker of her lips made him hungrier than ever. He groaned and she slid her tongue over his. The sensual gesture sent him over the top and he took her lips in a sexual, bonding kiss. He wanted her mouth. He wanted all of her.
Forrest pulled her against him and devoured her with his mouth. She tasted delicious, sensual, irresistible. He felt his control waiver. He wanted to take her to bed and get her naked then slide inside her and …
No, he told himself. It would be wrong. She was innocent. She had no idea what she would be getting into.
Forrest forced himself to let go. His heart was pounding and he fought to catch his breath.
Angie’s breath lifted her chest, distracting the devil out of him at the same time that her gorgeous lips puckered in invitation. Forrest was learning a new level of hell.
“Why’d you stop?” she asked.
His gut twisted in arousal. “Because,” he said. “Because it was wrong.”
Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “Wrong? It felt pretty right to me.”
He clenched his jaw. “Trust me. We shouldn’t have done that.”
Angie frowned. “Are you saying you didn’t want to kiss me?”
His gut twisted into a square knot. “I didn’t say that,” he muttered. “That’s not the point.”
“Why isn’t it?” she asked. “If I want you and you want me—”
“It could be a big mess,” he said and stood, feeling out of control. “What else do we need to cover for the charity stuff?”
Feeling her gaze on him, he picked up the rest of the Chinese food and took it to the kitchen. “Do you want to take any of this home?” he called from the kitchen.
“No,” she said. “I’m good.”
Forrest shoved the leftovers into his fridge and took a deep breath. Why had he gone after her like that? It made him feel like some kind of sexual madman. He took another deep breath, determined to take responsibility. Returning to the den, he steeled himself before he met her gaze.
She rose to face him. His gut tightened and he thought about all the reasons he shouldn’t be attracted to her. She leaned toward him.
“This isn’t a good idea,” he muttered.
“I think it’s a great idea,” she said and smiled her wicked, innocent, sexy smile.
He clenched his jaw again. “That’s because you don’t know better,” he told her. “I’m too old for you.”
“Too old?” she echoed. “That’s crazy. How old are you?”
“Thirty-one, but in terms of experience—”
Angie rolled her eyes. “You exaggerated. You’re just finding your feet and your way. That’s why you feel unsure.”
“I don’t know about that,” Forrest said.
“Well, I do,” she said in a husky whisper as she leaned toward him.
“You need to leave,” he said.
“Isn’t that a bit drastic?” she asked.
“Not at all,” he said and steeled himself not to respond to her.
“Just one more kiss,” she whispered in an inviting voice.
“No,” he said, but it killed him.
Later that night, Forrest settled into his bed, but his mind continued to race. He needed to be more careful about Angie. She was more impulsive than he was. She clearly wanted him and had no interest in waiting. That meant trouble. She was making herself completely available to him.
How the hell was he supposed to resist that?
Forrest took another deep breath as he rested his head on his pillow. He needed some of that Zen stuff. He did not want to be fighting his sexual needs with Angie. Step back, he told himself. In every emotional and physical way, he had to walk away.
Since he was clearly more mature than she was, he would have to take the high road. Even though he found her far more tempting than he should. And now he would have the memory of that kiss they’d shared. Swearing under his breath, he turned on his side and closed his eyes. But the image of Angie’s sexy mouth taunted him.
It seemed to take hours, but Forrest finally fell asleep. When he awakened in the morning, he felt a sense of anticipation. He hadn’t had that in a long time. Today he was holding the first meeting of the war veterans support group. Part of him wondered if anyone would show up. He’d included a photo of Smiley in the flyers and website announcement for the group. He supposed if nothing else, some of the veterans might show up for some free food. A local deli was donating sandwiches and cookies for the first meeting.
Swinging his legs over the edge of the bed, he sat up and stretched his bad leg, willing it to get stronger. Forrest knew he would be struggling with his injury for the rest of his life, so there was no room for feeling sorry for himself. Rising from the bed, he headed toward his workout equipment. He might have a bum leg, but he was damned if the rest of him wouldn’t be as strong as possible.
A few hours later, Forrest arrived at the hospital conference room early with the sandwiches and cookies, and set the chairs in a circle. Annabel Cates rushed into the room with Smiley on a leash.
“Here he is,” she said. “Ready to work his canine magic. Plus a few treats you can give him,” she added, handing him a plastic bag.
Forrest’s heart lifted at the sight of the dog. “Good to see you, Smiley,” he said and rubbed the dog behind his ears. Smiley thumped his tail in response.
“He should be on his best behavior since I gave him some retraining. Can’t let him forget the rules. If you need me for anything, give me a call,” she said. “You’ve got my cell, right?”
“I’ve got it and thank you for loaning him to us,” Forrest said. “I think he’ll help break the ice.”
“This is a good thing you’re doing, Forrest. I’m glad if Smiley can help in any way. Just don’t give him any of those sandwiches,” she warned him. “No matter how sweet he looks, we’ve got to keep him disciplined if he’s going to be helpful.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he said. “You’re the one giving the orders.”
Annabel gave a quick nod with a smile. “I’ll see you afterward. Have fun,” she said and darted out the door.
“Fun,” Forrest echoed. That was one word he wouldn’t have associated with a support group. He shrugged and looked at Smiley. “Maybe she knows something I don’t.”
Less that two minutes later, a man wearing a ball-cap and an open down jacket walked through the door. “Is this the war veterans support group?”
“It sure is,” Forrest said. “I’m Forrest Traub, army.”
The man nodded. “Iraq?” he said.
Forrest nodded. “And you?”
“Afghanistan. Steve Henderson. I’ve been back almost eighteen months.”
Smiley walked toward the man and looked at him, thumping his tail in welcome.
Steve bent down to pet the dog and gave a half grin. “Is this our mascot?”
“Yep, that’s Smiley. He’s a therapy dog on loan to us, and I’ll vouch for him. He’ll always be glad to see you,” Forrest said.
“Well, that’s a lot more than we can say about most humans,” Steve said.
Just then, another man walked through the door, then another. Smiley greeted each one, and Forrest could practically see a bit of tension ease out of the men at the sight of the dog. Eyeing the clock, he sensed that he should start the meeting and closed the door.
“Welcome, everyone. I hope you enjoyed the sandwiches and Smiley.”
The men took their seats and murmured in agreement.
“The first thing I want to tell you is that you don’t have to talk if you don’t want to. I have to be honest. Most of the time, I would rather do anything than talk about what I saw and experienced in Iraq.”
Several of the men nodded.
“But since this group was my idea, I guess I’ve got to go first.”
A few chuckles rippled through the small group.
Forrest took a deep breath. “During my last two tours, all I could think about was the day I would finally come home. I was determined to be career military, but seeing all those guys get hurt was tough. Being in Iraq was surreal, and not in a good way. Once I got home, though, it was Montana that didn’t seem like the real world anymore. People couldn’t understand what I’d been through, what I’d seen. And I got tired of explaining it.”
“So what helps?” one of the vets asked.
Forrest shrugged. “I don’t have all the answers. I have to admit, I took the coward’s way out—leaving home. After being home, I had to get out. I just moved to Thunder Canyon a few months ago. Folks don’t know me here as well since my brother and I haven’t lived here very long. They don’t have any expectations.” He paused. “What helps? Smiley sure does.” The dog licked him and laughter rippled through the small room.
The laughter turned to silence. “The nights are the worst. I’m back there, and the shells are flying, and I can’t stop screaming,” Steve offered. A few of the others nodded in agreement.
“The nightmares are bad. They feel so real,” Forrest said.
“Coming back to my wife helped me,” one of the men said. “She’s the reason I keep going.”
“I felt that way about my girlfriend,” another soldier said. “But it’s hard now. I’m not the same man I was before. I’m not sure it’s going to work out. What about you, Forrest? Do you have anyone special in your life?”
An image of Angie flashed in his mind, taking him by surprise. He shook his head for his own benefit as much as the others. “No. I’m not ready for a relationship. I’m busy putting Humpty Dumpty back together. That doesn’t mean you guys aren’t ready, though,” he quickly added. “We’re all at different places in this. It’s not easy. That’s why I wanted to start this group.” He glanced at the clock. “Hard to believe, but our time is up.”
He gave a wry grin. “And we all survived.”

Chapter Three
After Annabel picked up Smiley, Forrest headed home, his mind swimming with the stories the men in the group had shared. Most of them had said they would return. That made Forrest feel good about starting the group and putting himself out there. Lord knew, he was the last man to want to expose himself to anyone, let alone a group of strangers. That said, even though he’d never met any of the men who’d attended the meeting before, he’d felt an immediate connection with them.
He pulled into the driveway to his current home. Driving toward the boardinghouse, he spotted his brother outside the main house. He waved and slowed as Clay lifted his hand. Forrest lowered his window. “Hey, how’s it going?”
“I could ask you the same question, stranger,” Clay said. “You haven’t been by for breakfast in over a week.”
Forrest shrugged. “Hate to interrupt the lovefest,” he said and shot his brother a half grin.
“Yeah, yeah. That excuse doesn’t wash with me. Why don’t you come in for some coffee?” Clay asked. “Or soda…. Or something? Antonia made some great pastries this morning,” he added in a tempting voice.
Forrest wasn’t the least bit hungry, but he’d missed his brother. “Okay, you twisted my arm. Where is your woman and the babies?”
“She’s gone to town for her post-baby checkup with the doctor and took the baby with her. Bennett is inside taking a nap,” Clay said and lifted a nursery monitor. “But I’m never far away.”
Forrest nodded, raised his window and pulled his car to the main house. He stepped outside and felt his leg dip. Cursing the weakness, he leaned more heavily on his other leg. He knew, however, that he couldn’t do that on a regular basis because his whole body, including his spine and neck would eventually feel the strain of it. That was why he needed to continue his strength conditioning.
He strode slowly up the steps to the porch. Clay skipped past him to the door and pushed it open. For a sliver of a second, Forrest couldn’t help envying his brother’s agility. Pushing it aside, Forrest followed his brother inside toward Antonia’s kitchen where he’d consumed many hearty breakfasts with her, his brother and his nephew Bennett.
Clay reached for the coffeemaker and poured two cups. “Here ya go,” he said, handing one to Forrest.
“Thanks,” Forrest said and followed Clay to sit at the kitchen table.
“So, what’s up with you?” Clay asked. “Did you have a doctor visit today?”
Forrest shook his head. “Not today. I started a support group for veterans at the hospital. I’m even using a therapy support dog.”
Clay blinked. “You’re kidding.”
Forrest shook his head. “Nope. It went pretty well. Gotta tell you I think the free sandwiches and Smiley made a big difference.”

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A Maverick for the Holidays Leanne Banks
A Maverick for the Holidays

Leanne Banks

Тип: электронная книга

Жанр: Современные любовные романы

Язык: на английском языке

Издательство: HarperCollins

Дата публикации: 16.04.2024

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О книге: A Maverick for the Holidays, электронная книга автора Leanne Banks на английском языке, в жанре современные любовные романы

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