Tall, Dark, Texas Ranger / Once Upon A Christmas Eve: Tall, Dark, Texas Ranger

Tall, Dark, Texas Ranger / Once Upon A Christmas Eve: Tall, Dark, Texas Ranger
Christine Flynn

Patricia Thayer

Tall, Dark, Texas Ranger Noah Cooper is in Kerry Springs to do a job and as a Texas Ranger he can’t afford distraction. A pity, then, that at the centre of the mystery is irresistible single mum Lilly Perry… He loves her kids and can’t stop thinking about kissing her – but with all the secrets between them, can he convince her this Texas Ranger is ready for forever?Once Upon a Christmas EveMother-to-be Tommi Fairchild needs to take care of her baby and her bistro. So when Max Callahan offers to invest in her restaurant, it’s the answer to her Christmas prayer. Six feet of commanding masculinity - will the buttoned-down businessman break down the walls around his heart and make this a real fairytale Christmas for Tommi?

Tall, Dark, Texas Ranger

Patricia Thayer

Once Upon a Christmas Eve

Christine Flynn

www.millsandboon.co.uk (http://www.millsandboon.co.uk)

Dear Reader,

I’m back in Kerry Springs. There are so many wonderful characters in this small Texas town, and this time I got to add a little danger, a little suspense—then throw in a sexy Texas Ranger and you have a great mix.

My heroine is Lilly Perry. You’ve met her briefly in Little Cowgirl Needs A Mum. She’s the elementary school principal and a divorced mother with two kids: Kasey and Robbie. She has moved back into her childhood home with her widowed mother.

The twist is Ranger Noah ‘Coop’ Cooper is working undercover. One day Coop comes knocking at her door, wanting to rent the cottage out back. Soon he becomes the new handyman, doing repairs on the old Victorian home while trying to learn the truth about Lilly’s ex-husband’s death.

Even though Lilly has sworn off men, seeing this fine specimen shirtless, and with a tool belt slung low on his hips, causes her to re-evaluate that decision—until she discovers it’s all a lie.

I hope you enjoy their journey as much as I did writing the story.

Patricia Thayer

Tall, Dark, Texas Ranger

Patricia Thayer

About the Author

Originally born and raised in Muncie, Indiana, PATRICIA THAYER is the second of eight children. She attended Ball State University, and soon afterwards headed West. Over the years she’s made frequent visits back to the Midwest, trying to keep up with her growing family.

Patricia has called Orange County, California, home for many years. She not only enjoys the warm climate, but also the company and support of other published authors in the local writers’ organisation. For the past eighteen years she has had the unwavering support and encouragement of her critique group. It’s a sisterhood like no other.

When she’s not working on a story, you might find her travelling the United States and Europe, taking in the scenery and doing story research while thoroughly enjoying herself accompanied by Steve, her husband for over thirty-five years. Together they have three grown sons and four grandsons. As she calls them, her own true-life heroes. On her rare days off from writing you might catch her at Disneyland, spoiling those grandkids rotten! She also volunteers for the Grandparent Autism Network.

Patricia has written for over twenty years and has authored over thirty-six books. She has been nominated for both the National Readers’ Choice Award and the prestigious RITA

. Her book Nothing Short of a Miracle won a Romantic Times Reviewer’s Choice Award.

A long-time member of romance Writers of America, she has served as President and held many other board positions for her local chapter in Orange County. She’s a firm believer in giving back.

Check her website at www.patriciathayer.com for upcoming books.

To Mom,

Your strength and endurance amazes me.

I’m one proud daughter.


COULD this be his lucky day?

Noah Cooper drove down Maple Street and saw the Cottage For Rent sign in the front yard of the three-story Victorian house. He couldn’t get any closer if he’d planned it. Now all he had to do was make sure he became the new tenant. He parked his truck at the curb under the large tree and climbed out, immediately feeling the Texas heat.

He also felt a stir of excitement as he made his way up the walk to the porch and climbed the crumbling concrete steps to the peeling porch floor and rang the bell.

It was a new job. A new challenge.

No answer. He glanced down and saw the sign on the doorknob that read, Gone Quilting.

Not to be detoured, he followed the wraparound porch to a set of stairs and a pathway that led to a large backyard. Even though the house looked a little shabby there were colorful flowers that filled the beds and the lawn had been recently cut. He guessed it paid to have family in the landscaping business.

In the back of the large lot he spotted a second structure. It was a much smaller scale, but the cottage was a singlestory clapboard with decorative shutters. The same gray and burgundy colors that were faded and peeling as the main house. Even though it might be a little feminine for his tastes, the location was ideal. He started for the door, hoping to get a look inside.

Stepping up onto the small porch, he saw the door ajar and heard music. Peering inside, he found a main living area with a brick fireplace. On the other wall was a row of cabinets with compact appliances and a small table with two chairs. The place was furnished, but from what era? That was when he spotted the movement.

A woman was on her hands and knees scrubbing the floor, keeping in time with the country song. Her nice shapely bottom swaying back and forth as her arms fought against the dirty tile, singing along with Carrie Underwood. Rich brown hair with golden strands was pulled up in a knot on top of her head, but most had escaped. Her tank top and shorts showed off a trim but curvy body.

His body suddenly came alive. In his profession that didn’t happen often, especially in the past year. But now wasn’t the time to suddenly get his libido back. He had a job to do.

“Excuse me, ma’am,” he called over the music.

Lilly heard her name and looked over her shoulder to find the stranger. She jumped, nearly hitting her head on the table.

She swore softly and the man started toward her. Holding up her hand, she stopped him from coming too close.

“Are you all right?”

With a nod, she managed to get to her feet and shut off the music. Then she turned around to get a look at her intruder.

Big. Tall. He had nearly black hair, thick and wavy, but his eyes were a whiskey-brown. He was dressed in faded jeans and a chambray shirt and boots much like south Texans, but she’d grown suspicious of any strangers.

“Who are you?” she said a little too harshly.

He didn’t look to be intimidated at all. “I’m hoping I’ll be your new tenant,” the man said with a nod of his head. “I’m Noah Cooper.”

“Lilly Perry, but I’m not the landlord. It’s my mother, Beth Staley, who owns the place and she rents out this cottage.” When her mother had decided to rent the cottage, they hadn’t talked about who they’d rent to, but surely not a … stranger. “You’ll have to come back.”

“Do you know when that will be?”

Lilly felt an odd feeling go through her as the man continued to stare at her. As if those deep-set eyes could read her thoughts. “To be honest, Mr. Cooper—”

“It’s Coop,” he interrupted. “I go by Coop.”

“Coop,” she repeated. “I believe there’s someone else interested in the place.”

He nodded toward the door. “The sign is still up in the yard.”

He’d got her there. “Well, it’s not official. I’m just letting you know so you don’t get too excited.”

“I guess I need to come back and talk to Mrs. Staley then. When will she be back?”

Lilly shrugged. “It’s hard to say, she’s with her friends quilting. It could be hours.”

He nodded, looking disappointed. “Okay. I guess I’ll have to wait.”

He turned to leave when she heard the familiar voice. “Mom! Mom! Where are you?”

“I’m in here, Robbie,” she called and went to the door.

As fast as lightning, the five-year-old raced through the cottage door. “Colin and Cody are going swimming and they asked me to go, too. Can I, can I? Please.”

“Robbie, slow down.” She brushed back her son’s blond hair that fell over his forehead. He stared back at her with blue eyes so like his father’s. It still caused her chest to tighten at the memories of their previous life. A father he’d never know.

“If it’s okay with Colin and Cody’s mom?”

“Yeah, she said you could probably get some more work done without me underfoot.”

She wanted to grin. Her son started talking at a year and hadn’t slowed down since. “Maybe I should just put you to work, too.”

He wrinkled his freckled nose. “Mom, I’m only five years old.”

“Funny, yesterday you were counting the days to your sixth birthday.”

“But I’m still a kid. I need to have some fun. It’s summer vacation.” Her son finally noticed Mr. Cooper. “Hi, who are you? I’m Robbie Perry.”

“Robbie, this is Mr. Cooper,” she said, keeping a protective hand on her child’s shoulders.

“Everyone calls me Coop, Robbie.”

Her son glanced at her, then back at the stranger. “What are you doing here with my mom?”

“Robbie.” She hoped to send a warning by her tone. She wasn’t happy with her son’s attitude, even if he had cause to be suspicious.

“It’s okay,” Coop said. “He’s looking out for his mother.” He turned his attention to Robbie. “I want to rent this house. But your mother said someone else is interested in it.”

Robbie’s frown deepened. “There is? Who, Mom?”

Lilly felt her cheeks flame. Now her fib just got bigger. “I’m not sure.” She quickly changed the subject. “Why don’t you go and get your swim trunks and a towel.”

His eyes widened. “I can go?”

Lilly didn’t seem to have a choice. With her nod, her son did a fist pump and ran out.

“That’s quite a boy you have there.”

“Yes, he is. I wish I had his energy.”

There was an uncomfortable silence, then Coop spoke. “Well, I should go, too,” he said. “Thank you, Mrs. Perry.”

“Sorry it didn’t work out,” she said. “Hope you find a place. Are you working in the area?” Why was she asking? “I mean the ranches might be hiring if you have some experience.”

Coop could see Lilly Perry was leery of him. After everything that had happened in the past few months, of course she would be, especially of any strangers. “I have ranching experience, but that’s not what I’m doing now. I’ll be working on the new houses project on the west side of town.”

He saw her surprise. “For AC Construction? You work for Alex Casali?”

“Yes, ma’am. I’m a finish carpenter by trade.” That part wasn’t a lie. If he pushed her for the cottage again, he might frighten her off. “Well, I guess I better continue my search. Goodbye.”

Coop walked out the door, then along the path when the boy ran out of the main house. A bundle of energy, he bounded down the steps at full speed.

“Hey, Robbie,” Coop called, wondering if the boy could help him. “Hey, by chance could you tell me where your grandmother has gone?”

He nodded. “Oh, yeah, she’s quilting with her friends at the Blind Stitch.” He rolled his eyes. “It’s boring. They cut up old shirts and things to a make quilts. My sister does it, too.”

“That’s good because guys have things that are just for guys.”

The boy looked thoughtful. “Yeah, but I don’t get to do them too much ‘cause my dad died.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.” He didn’t know what to say to the kid. A horn honked and let him off the hook. “Have fun swimming.”

Coop watched the boy run off to the waiting car. He silently cursed the man for what he’d done to this family. Michael Perry had a pretty wife and a couple of kids. He lost it all so quickly.

It was Coop’s job to find out who was behind Perry’s death. Was he the informant that never showed that night, or was it all just a coincidence?

Now, he planned on finding the truth, and preventing any other people getting hurt in the process.

Thirty minutes later, Coop found the Blind Stitch on Main Street. Not that it was that hard. The town of Kerry Springs, Texas, had a population of only about ten thousand. But he knew from experience that not all the people were good citizens.

He opened the door and walked inside. Okay, maybe he would be more comfortable going into a seedy bar in El Paso, but he had a job to do.

The store was laid out well. He was met with rows of colorful fabric that crowded the shelves and handmade quilts adorned the high walls. A large cutting table was busy with patrons waiting patiently for their turn. On the other side was a large doorway, opening into another area that had several rows of tables with sewing machines.

Finally a young blonde woman came up to him, her stomach round from the late stage of pregnancy.

“Hello, I’m Jenny Rafferty,” she said. “Is there something I can help you with?”

“I was told that I’d find Beth Staley here.”

The woman smiled. “Yes, Beth is here.” She nodded to a round table in the corner in the front of the windows where half dozen women sat. “‘The Quilting Corner’ ladies.”

He nodded. “Thank you, ma’am.” He released a breath. He needed to sell this to make his job easier. Hat in hand, he put on a smile as he made his way to the table. The half dozen women, all different ages, suddenly stopped their conversation and stared at him.

“Good afternoon, ladies,” he said. “I apologize for interrupting, but I’m looking for Mrs. Beth Staley.”

“That would be me.” A tiny woman in her late fifties raised her hand. “Are you sure you got the name right?”

The other woman laughed and Coop relaxed a little. “I’m sure if you’re the woman who has the cottage for rent?”

When Beth smiled, he saw the resemblance to her daughter. Same sapphire eyes and shape of the face. The woman flashed a look at her friends, then back to him. “Why, yes, I do.”

“Then I’m interested in renting it. I hope I’m not too late.”

Mrs. Staley looked confused. “Why, Mr. Cooper, would that be?”

“Your daughter said there’s another interested party.”

Mrs. Staley sobered. “Oh, yeah, right. Well, that fell through so the cottage is still available. But, young man …”

“Sorry, it’s Noah Cooper. Everyone calls me Coop.”

“And I’m Beth, and these are my friends, Liz, Lisa, Millie, Louisa and Caitlin.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you all.”

They all returned greetings.

“Excuse us, ladies.” Beth stood and moved away from the table for more privacy. “Well, Mr. Cooper, if you’re serious about the cottage, I’ll need references … and a deposit.”

Coop nodded in agreement. “Not a problem. My new job is with AC Construction. But I can give previous references from San Antonio.” His superiors wouldn’t have any problem coming up with something.

“You’re working for Alex?”

Coop nodded again. “Yes. I’m a finish carpenter by trade. I’d rather not live in a motel for the next six, or eight months.” He’d had worse accommodations. “When I saw your cottage, it was a nice surprise.” He needed to sweeten the deal. “And I’ve done a lot of home restoration work in the past, and I could help with some repairs around your beautiful home.”

“I’m ashamed to say, my home has been neglected so badly. When my husband was alive he did all the repairs.” She folded her arms over her chest covered by a shirt that said, I’d Rather Be Quilting. “Would you have the time to work on my place with your other job?”

“My job doesn’t start for a few weeks. And I’m ready to move in right now. Of course, you need to check my references first.”

She wrinkled her nose. “I figure if you work for Alex Casali, you must be top-notch. His wife, Allison, owns this shop.”

“So Mrs. Casali quilts, too.”

Beth grinned. “You could say that. She’s one of the best.” She motioned him back to the table. “Ladies, Noah Cooper is going to be my new tenant.”


Everyone turned to see Lilly Perry walking toward the group. She’d cleaned up from earlier, and changed into a pair of khaki shorts and a pink T-shirt. Her brown hair was brushed and laying in soft waves against her shoulders. He’d never guess this woman was in her mid-thirties, and the mother of two.

“Mother, what’s going on?”

“Good, Lilly, you’re here. I want to introduce you to Mr. Cooper.”

“We’ve already met,” Lilly said, not looking happy. “He came by the house earlier.” She stared at him. “How did you know to come here?”

“Your son, Robbie. He told me where to find Mrs. Staley. I didn’t want to miss the opportunity. You said someone else was interested in it.”

Beth looked at her daughter. “Who else?”

“Mandy Hews.”

The older woman frowned. “She’s only eighteen. Not only couldn’t she afford it, but I’d spend all my time chasing off that boyfriend of hers. Good Lord, don’t the women of this generation have any taste in men? The kid doesn’t even have a job.”

Lilly didn’t like being called out in front of a stranger. “Excuse us, please.” So she took her mother by the hand and pulled her away. Once across the room and out of earshot, she spoke. “Mother, you shouldn’t have agreed to rent to this man before you checked him out. Besides, I thought we decided to rent to a woman.”

“If I remember, you decided that. Besides, I wasn’t born yesterday and I know how to size up people. Don’t let your relationship with Michael cloud your judgment.”

“Michael did a hell of a lot more than cloud my judgment. He kicked me and the kids to the curb and took every dime of our money. Not to mention he humiliated me.”

Beth’s expression softened. “I know, honey. And I wish I could change that, but I can’t. Don’t you think it’s time to move on? Start a new life for you and the kids.”

Lilly did not want to rehash her problems right here in the Blind Stitch. There had been enough gossip about her around town to last a lifetime.

She glanced at the handsome Noah Cooper as he talked with the ladies around the table. He seemed to be very charming. That was the problem.

Mike had been charming when he wanted to be during their thirteen-year marriage. Then overnight things seemed to sour between them and he left her and the kids.

Suddenly there was a loud groan and everyone turned to Jenny who was doubled over. She gasped as a puddle formed on the floor below her.

She blushed. “Oh, God. My water broke.”

The group got up and went to her.

“My baby’s coming.” Jenny sucked in a breath. “I’ve got to call Evan.”

“I’ll do it,” Liz said to her. “You sit down.”

Jenny shook her head. “No, I need to keep walking. I want this over quickly. Call Jade, see if she’s on duty today. I want her in the delivery room.”

Lilly watched as Jenny shouted orders, but everyone seemed confused. She’d had enough. She stuck her two little fingers in her mouth and whistled. The frenzy stopped.

“Okay, let’s get organized here. Liz, you call Evan and tell him to meet us at the hospital. Millie, you phone Jade and let her know that Jenny’s in labor, then get Jenny’s phone and call her doctor to let her know she’s on her way.” She glanced around. “Now who brought their car?”

Silence. Then Noah Cooper spoke up. “I have my truck. It’ll carry four people.”

Jenny groaned with another contraction.

“Okay, Mr. Cooper,” Lilly said. “You’ve been designated as official driver. Let’s go people.”

Lilly put her arm around Jenny and Liz took the other side and walked the expectant mother to the door. Her mother went with Coop to the door. “My daughter is a school principal,” she told him. “She’s good under fire.”

“And she keeps a cool head,” Coop said as he went outside, and he hurried to his truck at the curb. Opening the passenger side Millie placed a towel on the seat. Jenny apologized for making a mess.

“Not a problem, ma’am.” He helped her in, then raced around the other side, took his duffel bag out of the backseat and tossed it in the pickup bed. He climbed in the driver’s seat and started the engine. Lilly and her mother got in the back and gave directions to the hospital.

Lilly hoped to give up her supervisory position when they arrived. And the way Mr. Cooper was driving, it would be soon. She had to say one thing for the man: he hadn’t run away when things got dicey. That was a point in his favor, but only one.

A little over two hours later, Noah was on his second cup of hospital coffee and still no baby. At least the father had arrived and was with his wife. He would have left but he wasn’t sure how the rest of the women would get home. And it was his chance to get to know more townspeople. He leaned against the wall and watched as so many people came in and out of the waiting area. It seemed Jenny Rafferty was well liked in this town. According to Beth, Jenny’s husband, Evan Rafferty, was a local rancher/vineyard owner. The grandfather, Sean Rafferty, walked into the waiting area with his ten-year-old granddaughter, Jenny’s stepdaughter, Gracie. Both were very excited about the upcoming arrival of the new addition to the family.

Sean Rafferty was the one who drew the women. They were swarming around the older gentleman as if he were a rockstar. Beth let it be known to him that Sean was the most eligible bachelor in town for their age group.

Coop’s attention went to Lilly Perry who stood outside the sliding doors as she talked on her cell phone. She was probably checking on her kids. He recalled seeing her earlier, giving orders to everyone. She was a strong, takecharge woman. Was it possible she knew what had been going on? Had she known what her husband was involved in? Had that been the reason they split up?

Man, she’d be a hard woman to walk away from.

The door swished opened again and his new employer, Alex Casali, walked in with an attractive redhead he knew to be his wife, Allison Cole Casali.

Alex spotted him and excused himself. “Cooper, what are you doing here?”

“I just happened to be in the right place at the right time. I was the only one who had a vehicle close by to drive Jenny to the hospital.”

Casali smiled. “Welcome to small-town living.”


“IT’S a boy!”

Lilly looked up to see Evan Rafferty, dressed in hospital scrubs, in the waiting-room doorway. Several of the others in the group jumped up and offered their congratulations.

Sean was hugging his son when Lilly approached. “It’s wonderful news, Evan.”

The handsome new father grinned. “Yeah, it is. I wanted a boy, but another girl would have been great, too.”

Lilly felt tears of joy, recalling the happiest days of her life had been when she had her children. “How is Jenny doing?”

“She’s a champ,” Evan said. “Not one complaint. Jade was with her, and I was her coach.”

Lilly thought about her good friend. Jade was a nurse at the hospital and had recently married ranch owner Sloan Merrick. “I’m glad. How much did the baby weigh?”

“Sean Michael is eight pounds and six ounces.”

Grandfather Sean appeared. “Did I hear right?”

Evan nodded. “Jenny wants our son to have a family connection so we thought what better way than his grandfather and great-grandfather’s names? We thought we’d call him Mick.”

Lilly could see that Sean was touched. The big burly man didn’t have a problem showing his emotions as tears filled his eyes. “My dad would have liked that.” Sean looked down at his granddaughter. “What do you think, Gracie? Doesn’t that sound like a good Irish name?”

The ten-year-old nodded. “I like it. When can we see him, Dad? He is my brother.”

The group laughed and Evan said, “Come on, I think family has some privileges.”

Lilly watched as the threesome walked down the hall together. She felt envy for what she used to have, and had lost. What her kids had lost. Sadness engulfed her, but she refused to give in to it. She’d spent months trying to figure out what had happened with her marriage. What had happened between her and Mike. She never came up with any answers.

She shook off the sad thoughts, knowing she needed to get home. She turned toward the window and found Mr. Cooper leaning against a pillar.

She nearly groaned. Why was he still here? Well, she would soon find out as he started toward her.

“I take it everything’s okay?”

She nodded, not wanting him to see that his presence bothered her. “A healthy baby is always the best news.” She finally made eye contact with him. He did have great eyes. “You didn’t need to hang around. I can get a ride back.”

“Not a problem. I was hoping to find out when I can move into the cottage.”

She still wasn’t sure she wanted a stranger so close to her kids. “You’ll have to ask my mother.”

“I did, she said it depends on when you finish cleaning. Not that I can’t finish the rest on my own.”

“I was planning on cleaning the carpets. No one has lived in the place since my uncle stayed a few years back.” She sucked in a breath and caught his scent. A tingle of awareness she hadn’t felt in a long time went through her. She quickly got back on track. “Oh, and there are still some boxes I’ll need to move into the garage. I haven’t made the bed, and there aren’t any towels.”

The sound of his phone interrupted her rambling. He grabbed his cell off his belt, checked the number, shut it off, then looked back at her.

He seemed far too comfortable, while she couldn’t even manage to put a sentence together. “I can move boxes and make a bed,” he told her. “I have a few towels in my duffel. Tomorrow I can shop for whatever else I need. So when do I move in?”

Never! Lilly wanted to scream. She didn’t need the complication, but for now they could use the extra income from renting the cottage. That was if she ever wanted to get out of debt. And thanks to her mother, she and the kids had a roof over their heads.

She glanced back at Mr. Cooper. “I guess now is fine.”

He nodded and they started toward the exit, but she detoured and stopped by her mother first. “Are you ready to go home?”

Beth glanced past her daughter and saw Noah Cooper. “Well, I wanted to get a glimpse of little Mick. Why? Do you need something?”

“Mr. Cooper wants to move in right now. So I need to finish up a few things.”

“Okay, I’ll be home in about an hour.” Her mother went to the new tenant. Lilly watched the two in conversation, then Beth came back smiling.

Great. Was she the only one who was suspicious of strangers?

Coop was careful not to push for conversation on the drive back to the Staley house. He already knew Lilly Perry wasn’t exactly happy to have him in the cottage. One wrong move and she would find an excuse to cut him loose. He needed to be here. It was a perfect place to possibly learn more about Delgado.

A long shot maybe, but it was the best he had.

Lilly instructed him to pull into the driveway and park on the far side of the garage. “There’s enough room for all our vehicles.”

“Thank you. That’s a lot more convenient.” He got out and grabbed his duffel from the truck bed.

He waited until Lilly came around and together they walked to the cottage. She took out a set of keys.

“I thought small towns were safe enough to leave your houses unlocked.”

Coop watched a panicked look mar her pretty features. “It used to be that way. Things change.”

From the information he had about Mike Perry’s death, Lilly’s home had been broken into. Shortly after that she’d lost the house to creditors and moved herself and the kids back here. Probably the safest place for her. But he wondered about that, too. Not with Delgado out there.

They walked inside. This time he took a better look at the rental. It was small, but homey and the furniture looked comfortable. He carried his bag into the other room where a queen-size bed took up most of the space.

He peered into the bath. A small shower stall and a pedestal sink and toilet were accounted for. “Everything I need,” he said.

“There’s a television, but only basic cable.”

“That’s more than I expected.”

“Tell that to my kids. They seem to think they’re deprived without the premiere channels.”

“With you as their mother, and Beth as their grandmother, I’d say they’re pretty lucky.”

That seemed to frazzle her. “Well, having a mother who’s the school principal doesn’t exactly make them the most popular kids.”

It beat the heck out of having a mother who didn’t care about anything but the next man in her life. After two bad marriages, Cindy Morales was still looking for the elusive husband. That meant leaving her two boys alone. “They’ll live,” he said.

That comment got him a smile. “Well, I’ll let you get settled in. Holler if you need anything.”

“Wait.” He pulled out his wallet and took out five one-hundred-dollar bills. “Here’s part of the deposit. Tell your mother, I’ll have a cashiers check for her in the morning.”

Her eyes rounded as she stared down at the money.

“The banks are closed now.”

She nodded and started for the door. He didn’t want her to leave. That wasn’t a good thing. He was here to do a job, nothing more. “I’d like to do some repairs around here,” he called to her. “Will that bother you?”

She turned around. “You don’t have to.”

He shrugged. “I’ll have some time before my job starts. Let’s say my hobby is old Victorian homes.”

She didn’t look convinced. “I would think that you’d want to take advantage of the free time.”

“I’ve had too much time off already. And I’ll get to do something I love.” That wasn’t a lie. He did like to repair and refinish things.

“Well, Mother could use some help with the upkeep. It’s really too big for her since my dad died, but she’ll never leave here.”

“It’s a great house. And there seems to be plenty of room for you and your kids. I’m sure your mother likes having you all here with her.”

She shrugged. “There wasn’t a choice. We didn’t have anywhere else to go. Goodbye, Mr.—Coop.” She turned and walked out.

This time Coop didn’t stop her departure. He didn’t want to scare her off for good. If he wanted to get any information, he needed to tread lightly.

His phone vibrated and he pulled it off his belt and checked the caller ID. It was his captain’s private line, because they didn’t want any of his calls traced back to the off ice.

“Coop here.”

“How’s it going?” Ben Collier asked.

“Fine, so far. I checked in with Casali yesterday.” The lucrative rancher/businessman had hired him for the project with only the sheriff’s request. No more details given. “He’s awarded Perry’s Landscaping the housing project job. I’m also renting a cottage at the Staley house.”

“Good.” There was a long pause. “I’d tell you not to take any unnecessary chances, but I know I would be wasting my breath. Since you’re pretty much working on your own, just tread lightly around Delgado. If he gets wind of you nosing around, it could be dangerous for all involved. Outside of the local law enforcement, you have no partner as back up.”

Coop’s immediate concern was Lilly Perry and her family. “I’m good at my job.”

“No one questions that, but you’re personally involved.”

His chest tightened as he thought about his half brother, Devin Morales. “We’ve got to get this guy off the streets.”

“We will.”

The connection was broken when Coop closed his phone. He knew firsthand that Raul Delgado was trouble. For years, he’d been involved with drug and weapons trafficking along the Mexico border. Yet, they couldn’t link him to any of the killings or the thousands of pounds of illegal drugs coming into the U.S.

Even with the government’s increased patrols, Delgado had managed to do business until one night a local cop was killed trying to break up a drug deal. Of course there were no witnesses to the crime. Coop fisted his hands, remembering how his younger brother Devin’s life had ended too soon.

Yet, Delgado got away. Last word on the street was he’d relocated his operation from the El Paso area, possibly to Laredo.

Last year, he’d been tracked to Kerry Springs and to Perry’s Landscaping. Four months ago, the Feds had received anonymous tips about Delgado’s activity.

They’d set up a meeting with the informant at a secret location outside of town, but the guy never showed. A strange coincidence occurred when a partner in Perry’s Landscaping, Mike Perry, committed suicide a few days later.

Coop strongly suspected Perry had some help with his death. No proof, yet. They weren’t one hundred percent sure it had even been Perry who’d notified the authorities, either.

Coop thought about Lilly. Had she known what happened to her husband? Was that why she was leery of strangers?

Then he remembered the file on her. Mike and Lilly had been divorced for nearly a year by then. Had it been because of her husband’s involvement with Delgado?

That was what he had to find out.

There were only two leads. Lilly’s ex-sister-in-law, Stephanie Perry, was involved with a man named Rey Santos who looked remarkably like Raul Delgado. And the informant had told the Federal agents he had proof of Delgado’s illegal activity.

Now all Coop needed to do was keep the promise he made at his brother’s gravesite to catch this bastard while keeping the fact that he was a Texas Ranger a secret. Not too hard.

“Mom, Robbie’s being gross again,” thirteen-year-old Kasey Perry yelled from the top of the stairs.

Lilly sighed. It had been a long day already. She’d only walked in the door and hadn’t even put down her grocery bags.

“Get washed up so we can eat.”

“But, Mom, aren’t you going to do something?”

Lilly leaned against the open banister and said, “I’ll talk to him.”

She headed down the hall ignoring any and all comments from the kids. Inside the big homey kitchen, she found her mother sitting at the counter, sipping a cup of coffee.

This room was Beth’s space. Cabinets lined the walls and the tiled countertops were still in good shape and an island provided a good work space.

Beth Staley loved to cook and this big old kitchen had seen a lot activity over the years. Not so much lately. At least the table was set and ready for food. It was Lilly’s turn to cook, but she wasn’t ready.

“Give me a few minutes.”

“There’s no hurry,” her mother said. “Just make a salad. We’re having the rest delivered.”

“Mother,” she warned as she started to empty the grocery bag. “We talked about this. I thought the rent money was to pay off bills?”

“It is. I promise you, I didn’t spend a penny on supper.” She smiled. “I’ll go and round up Kasey and Robbie.” There was a knock on the back door as she started toward the hall. “Would you get that, honey?”

“Mom …” Lilly started to go after her when the knock sounded again. “Okay, you win,” she murmured as she went to the door and opened it. Standing on the porch was their new tenant. He looked as if he’d showered and shaved and he was holding three pizza boxes. “Mr. Cooper?”

“It’s Coop.” He nodded toward the boxes. “I hope you’re all hungry.”

What was going on? “Why?”

“I told your mother I was treating tonight. Since you let me move in early.”

He took a step toward her and she immediately moved out of his way. “You didn’t need to do that. I was going to fix supper.”

He put the pizzas on the counter. He placed his hands on his hips, causing his navy T-shirt to stretch across his broad chest and flat stomach.

“If you’re making salad, I can help you.” He went behind the island counter. “Tell me where the bowl is and a knife.”

He already had the head of lettuce under the water washing it. Well, make yourself at home, she thought. With no choice but to keep up she retrieved the ingredients.

Within a few minutes they’d thrown together a salad and he placed the bowl on the table when she heard the kids on the stairs. They soon appeared in the kitchen.

“Hey, I know you,” Robbie said. “What are you doing here?”

“Robbie,” she warned her son. “Mr. Cooper brought us supper.”

“How do you feel about pepperoni pizza?”

Robbie’s eyes brightened like it was Christmas morning. “It’s my favorite.”

“I don’t like pepperoni,” Kasey said. Her thirteen-year-old daughter didn’t like much of anything these past months, especially her mother.

“Then it’s a good thing that I also brought a vegetarian one, too.”

“That’s my favorite,” Lilly said.

“I’m not hungry.” Her daughter pouted.

“You’re going to stop being rude and eat.” She turned her daughter toward Coop and brushed back her long blond hair from her pretty face. “Coop this is my daughter, Kasey. Kasey, this is Mr. Cooper. He’s the new tenant and he was nice enough to bring supper.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Kasey.”

She nodded, but there was suspicion in her large eyes. “Thank you for the pizza.”

Lily released a long breath as her mother appeared in the room. “Okay, maybe we should sit down and eat.”

Beth showed Coop to a chair at the round table. Once in their seats, Lilly said, “Kasey, I believe it’s your turn to ask for the blessing.”

She glared at her mother. “Why? I don’t have anything to be thankful for.”

Lilly felt her cheeks flame in embarrassment. “Okay. Robbie why don’t you do it?”

“Sure.” He folded his hands and bowed his head. “I’m thankful that I got to go swimming today and now I get pizza, too.”

Lilly bit back a groan as she looked at her mother.

“You’ll survive, honey,” Beth said. “I survived you.”

Lilly took charge and said the blessing herself. Once she finished she was grateful everyone concentrated on the food. She wasn’t surprised to see her daughter didn’t have a problem eating. Finally the kids were excused to go watch television. She wanted to leave, too, but then she’d be just as rude as her kids. She wouldn’t be setting a good example and her mother was still there.

Lilly went to the coffeemaker. “Would you like a cup?” she asked Noah Cooper and her mother.

He looked up at her and smiled. “Thank you, I wouldn’t mind one.”

After her mother declined, Lilly came back to the table, handed him a cup and sat back down. The conversation turned to the repairs of the house.

“You have a wonderful house here,” Coop told her mother.

“Thank you. I’ve lived here since I was a girl. After my parents died, I inherited this house and my husband, Charles, and I raised Lilly here. I want it to go to her.” She looked sad. “But I can’t keep up with the repairs.”

Coop reclined in the ladder back chair. “From what I can see the structure is in good shape. Most of the damage seems to be from the elements. The porch needs some of the boards replaced. The concrete steps are crumbling. That should be the first repair.”

Her mother looked at him. “I’m not sure I can afford you.”

A slow, easy smile spread across Coop’s face. “I work pretty cheap. If you buy the materials, my labor is free.”

Beth smiled. “I like that, but it doesn’t seem fair.”

Coop looked thoughtful. “How about if you throw in a few meals?”

Lilly wanted to object. The last thing she wanted was another man around. “Noah, I would think you’d get pretty tired of spending the evening with bickering kids.”

“I think I’m up to it,” he assured her.

She was losing this battle. The privacy she needed so desperately since her marriage and life fell apart.

She looked at the good-looking man across from her. All she wanted was a nice quiet summer break. But it didn’t look like that was going to happen now.


LILLY tried to ignore him, but how could she ignore a shirtless man right in her line of sight? And that was exactly where Noah Cooper was. It was only eight o’clock the following morning, and the man stood on a ladder scraping the peeling paint off the back of the house.

Finally giving in to the old adage “What was the harm in looking.” And that was exactly what she did. Look.

She leaned a little to the side of the kitchen sink to get a better view. To see how his faded jeans fit across his nice rear end. How those muscles over his back and shoulders bunched with his movement. The tiny beads of sweat that gathered along his spine and ran down into the back of his Levi’s.

She blew out a breath. Whoa, must be the heat getting to her. She turned away. She didn’t need to get all worked up just noticing a man, especially not a man who’d just arrived in town.

One thing for sure, she didn’t need any more complications in her life, or in her kids’ lives. After the disaster with Michael, she couldn’t risk it.

The man she thought she loved and respected had seemed to change overnight. Something she couldn’t believe at all. She’d known Michael Robert Perry since grade school. They’d gotten together in high school and then went to the same college. There had never been anyone else.

She thought she knew the man she’d married at twenty. Until he turned into a stranger and he started keeping secrets and then finally left her and the kids. It was still hard to believe that man she’d loved and shared two children with had abandoned his family.

Worse, after the divorce, he refused to even see his own children. Gave her full custody. He did pay child support for a while, but she soon discovered that he’d mortgaged their house for the business. She couldn’t afford the payments.

Thank God she could come back home to live with her mother. Her kids needed the stability of having their grandmother there when she couldn’t be. And they helped each other out financially.

Even after all that, Lilly kept praying that the old Mike would return and want his family back. But he never showed up, never spent time with Kasey and Robbie.

For the past two years, she had to deal with the aftermath of two kids losing a parent, then the finality of his death a few months ago. Robbie seemed to be doing fine, but not Kasey. She’d always been Daddy’s little girl. Now, she was sad and angry.

Lilly could still remember when the sheriff came to tell her about Mike’s death. He said it was suicide.

That day part of her died, too. For the man who’d been such a big part of her life. The man who she’d vowed to love, honor and cherish. Mike’s desertion from his family had ended that long before his death.

“What happened, Mike?” she breathed, unable to stop wondering if she’d been the cause. “Why did you change? What made you stop loving us?”

Lilly glanced out the window again to see Coop. Why was she drawn to him? Okay, it had been a long time since she’d had a man’s attention. And Noah Cooper was easy to look at, in a rugged male sort of way. He wasn’t afraid to get down and dirty. She felt heat rush through her as he climbed off the ladder. He went to the hose, turned it on and raised the spray over his head, allowing the water to run over him.

“Oh, my,” she groaned as the water dripped over his chest and ran down to his waist. He reached for a towel and she couldn’t look away from the erotic scene as he rubbed the towel over his muscular chest and arms. Already the sun had bronzed his skin, contrasting with the white line along his waistline.

He turned and exposed his wide back and she caught a dark mark on his left shoulder. A tattoo. She squinted but couldn’t make it out.

“What’s so interesting?”

Lilly jumped as her mother came into the kitchen. “Nothing, just Mr. Cooper working on the house.”

Beth glanced out the window and grinned. “And what a nice view, too.” She sighed. “Oh, to be young again.”

Lilly tried to concentrate on her coffee. “Mother, at your age.”

“At any age,” she countered. “There’s nothing wrong with enjoying looking at a man, Lilly. You’re a healthy, young woman.”

“And I’m a mother and a school principal. I have to set a good example.”

“Then show your kids that you haven’t shriveled up and died. Get out there and live.”

Before she could put up any argument, the back door opened and Mr. Sexy walked in. He’d put on his shirt, but it wasn’t buttoned yet.

He nodded. “Mornin’, ladies.”

Her mother smiled. “Good morning, Coop. I see that you’ve already started working.”

“Wanted to get an early start before the heat really hit,” he informed her as he went to the coffeepot and poured some into the mug.

“Then you’re in time for some breakfast. Lilly is about to fix hers.” She turned to her daughter. “You wouldn’t mind cooking up some eggs for Coop? With Jenny out with the baby, I promised to help out at the Blind Stitch this morning.”

Lilly didn’t like this. “Sure.” She went to the stove, grabbed the skillet, then went to the refrigerator to take out the bacon and eggs. “How do you like your eggs, Mr. Cooper?”

“Any way is fine.”

Lilly cracked the eggs into a bowl. “Scrambled.”

“Well, I better get going,” her mother said. “I’ll be home for lunch. Anything you need from the store?”

“No, Mom, I can’t think of anything.”

“Okay, bye.” She was out the door and Lilly was left alone with the first man who, in a long time, made her aware of the fact she was a woman. She didn’t need this right now.

Coop watched as Lilly Perry stomped around the kitchen. He knew she wasn’t happy about him being here, but he had no choice. He had a job to do.

“Here, let me help.” He went to the stove and took the bacon from her and began to lay strips in the flat skillet.

“You don’t need to do this. You and my mother have a deal.”

He looked at her, catching her pretty blue eyes. “That’s right, your mother and I made a deal. You had nothing to do with it.” He felt a stirring and glanced down at the sizzling bacon. “This is your vacation, Lilly.”

“I have children, Mr. Cooper. I don’t get a vacation, summer or otherwise.”

“Okay, then I don’t want to add to your chores.”

“Cooking breakfast isn’t going to kill me.”

He stopped her. “What’s the problem? No one can help you?”

She stiffened. “It’s easier to go it on my own.”

“Sounds like you’ve been let down a lot.”

They both held the standoff until the bacon began crackling. He turned down the flame.

“You’ve made it clear you don’t want me here,” he told her. “And I’m not sure why.”

“I don’t know much about you. And with you being around my kids and mother … I need to watch out for them.”

“I’m only here to do a job, Lilly. I swear I’m not going to hurt you or the kids.” Not physically anyway. But she’d already been hurt by the man she loved. “Do you really think Alex Casali would hire me to work for him, if he wasn’t sure that I’m reputable?”

Lilly glanced away and concentrated on cooking the eggs. “The past few years haven’t been very good ones for my kids. Their dad left them, and he never even came to visit.” She looked up at him again. “I don’t want Robbie to get attached to someone who’ll be leaving, too.”

“That’s understandable, but you can’t stop your son from making friends with people. That isn’t healthy, either.”

She turned off the stove and took two plates out of the cupboard, then split the eggs between them. He placed the bacon on the paper towel as she made toast. Once the job was complete, she carried the plates as he grabbed two filled coffee mugs, then followed her to the table.

She sat down across from him, but she refused to look at him. He knew Lilly would be a tough sell.

“Would you rather I move out of the cottage?”

Her fork stopped halfway toward her mouth. “Would you?”

“If you can’t trust me around your mother and kids. Yes.” He was taking a big chance here. “I’ll leave, Lilly. The last thing I want is for you to think of me as a con man … or worse. I’ve done nothing to cause you to think like that. So maybe the solution is to just leave and move into the motel out on the highway.”

He took a bite of his eggs then found it was difficult to swallow. He realized that he didn’t want Lilly to think the worst of him. But her husband had made sure that she had a hard time trusting.

“I can’t ask you to do that. It’s my mother’s choice to rent to you.” She put down her fork. “You’re right, Mr. Cooper, you haven’t done anything to cause my rude behavior. Please accept my apology.”

“I’ll accept it under one condition.”

She waited.

“You better start calling me Coop, or I’ll have to call you Principal Perry.”

She fought a smile and lost. “Okay, Coop. What brought you to Kerry Springs?”

“Plain and simple, a job.”

He watched as Lilly began to eat and that helped him relax a little. “I’m from El Paso, Texas. Born and raised there.”

“Any family?”

He shook his head. “Not much. My mother took off years ago. My father left long before that, before my birth. I had a half brother, but he was killed a few years back. He left a wife and a baby daughter behind.” They were the reason why he wanted Delgado. And he was going to get the bastard. “I keep in touch with them.”

She looked concerned. “I’m sorry. How did your brother die?”

“He was a police officer shot in the line of duty.”

He pushed his plate away and began to stand. “I should get back to work.”

Lilly reached across the table and touched his arm, causing him to pause. The warmth and softness caused a reaction. His throat grew dry and his gut knotted in need. Something he hadn’t felt in a long time.

“Is there anything I can do to help you?”

A dozen different pictures shot through his mind. He never thought of a school principal being sexy, but that was until he ran into Lilly Perry.

“I wouldn’t mind if you’d keep some iced tea handy.”

“That’s all I can do for you?”

She didn’t want to know what he wanted her to do for him. She’d throw him off the property.

“That’s all for now.”

Two hours later, Coop moved his work area to the shaded porch. It wasn’t much cooler, but at least the sun wasn’t frying his back.

“Hey, what are you doing?”

Coop glanced down to see Robbie behind him. “I’m trying to get your grandmother’s house ready to paint.”

“Oh,” the boy said. “Did she say you can do it?”

“Yes, and she’s happy about it.”

The kid kicked the floor with the toe of his shoe. “Can I help?”

Coop got off the stepladder. “Well, that depends on how hard you want to work. I don’t like quitters.”

“I’m not a quitter.”

“Good, ‘cause I pay a good wage and I want the best workers.”

Those big eyes widened. “You’re gonna pay me?”

“Sure.” He looked around. “I could use someone to sweep up all the paint chips.”

“I can do that,” he announced.

“Okay, you’ll need a broom and dustpan. And I have a trash can at the side of the house.”

Robbie took off, calling out, “Be right back.”

Smiling, Coop went back to work, but was quickly distracted when a work truck pulling a trailer stopped at the curb. The vehicle had the lettering Perry’s Landscaping on the side door.

Coop felt the rush of adrenaline. “Okay, it’s time to do my real job,” he murmured and climbed off the ladder.

Two Hispanic men got out of the truck and took the mower from the back of the trailer. It looked like they were here for the yard service. Then he spotted the driver as he climbed out.

Also Hispanic, he was above average height with a slender build and thick coal-black hair. He might have been dressed in a work uniform, but Coop doubted he was a day laborer.

He took a closer look at the man. Since he’d studied Delgado’s actions for a few years, he recognized this man’s familiar features. And this guy could be his twin.

And it looked like he was going to get the opportunity to speak with him as the worker walked to the porch.

“Hey, man, are you painting the house?”

“You could say that.”

“Good.” He studied Coop for a second or two. “Rey Santos.”

Coop didn’t offer his hand. “Noah Cooper.”

“Where’s your crew?”

“You’re lookin’ at it.”

Santos frowned. “You need men? I can get you some workers. At a good price, too.”

He bet he could. “No, thanks, I work solo.”

The two studied each other when Robbie came back with the broom and pan. He stopped on seeing Santos.

“This guy here is all the help I need,” Coop said.

Santos nodded. “Is Mrs. Perry around?”

“No!” Robbie said. “She had to leave.”

Coop could see the boy’s fear. Why? Had Santos been bothering the family?

“I’ll catch her later.”

Robbie waited until the guy left the porch, then went to Coop. “What is he doing here?”

“Doesn’t he work for the lawn service?” He knelt down in front of the boy. “Is something wrong, Robbie? Did that man do something to you?”

The boy shook his head. “No, he yelled at my mom once. She told him to go away. And a long time ago he worked with my dad. He got mad when I was there with my dad.”

Coop hated to pump the boy for information, but he didn’t have a choice. “Is it a secret?”

“Kinda. I promised my dad I wouldn’t tell anyone.”

“Tell anyone what?”

Robbie was silent, but fear showed on his face. “It’s okay, Robbie.” He needed to know if Santos had threatened him. “You can’t get into trouble now.”

“One day I was supposed to stay with Kasey, but she got mad at me and made me stay in my room. I sneaked out and went to see my dad at work.”


The kid looked frightened. “Don’t tell my mom. She’ll be sad again.”

Coop gripped the boy’s shoulders. “We don’t want to make her sad. Just tell me one thing. Did Santos see you with your dad?”

Robbie shook his head rapidly. “No, Dad made me hide when the man came in his office. They were yelling and I got scared. After that man left, my dad said it wasn’t a good idea for me to come back. Then he … died.”

The boy’s tears tore at Coop. “I know it’s hard to lose someone you love. I lost my brother.”

The boy’s lip trembled. “Did you cry?”

Coop didn’t even hesitate. “Yeah, I cried a lot. He was my only family.”

“My sister says boys aren’t supposed to cry.”

“She’s wrong. Everyone cries when they’re sad. It helps to heal your heart. And you know what else helps?”

The boy wiped his nose with the back of his hand and Coop gave him his bandanna to use. “No, what?”

“To remember good things about that person.”

The kid looked thoughtful. “You mean like how much my dad liked peanuts. He used to hide a jar, but he’d share with me.”

Coop’s chest tightened. Mike Perry sounded like a decent guy. So what the hell happened?

“That’s a good one,” he said. “I remember that my brother used to get into my baseball cards. I yelled at him because he used to get them dirty and bend them. A few years ago for my birthday, Devin found me a rookie Nolan Ryan baseball card.”

The boy grinned. “Dad liked him, too.”

“Well, maybe … we can go to a game sometime.” Coop stood, knowing this conversation was getting far too personal. “Right now, we better get to work.”

Lilly walked down the hall to close the front door to block out the noise from the mower, and keep Santos away. That was when she heard her son’s and Coop’s voices.

She hadn’t planned to eavesdrop, but she couldn’t stop when Robbie started talking about his father. Since her ex-husband’s death, both children had clammed up and refused to say anything. So to discover that Robbie had gone to see Mike was a shock. She also learned what she’d suspected—that Mike had been involved with Santos. She didn’t want to think about that. Mike was gone, and she and the kids had to deal with the aftermath.

Lilly’s focus turned back to the man who seemed to be getting through to her son. She liked how Coop handled the situation by telling his own stories. She’d known from their breakfast conversation that Noah’s brother had died. Maybe that was what he and her son had in common.

She felt her chest tighten. She wasn’t the only one who had lost. She might have misjudged Noah Cooper. Over the past couple of years, she had a lot of anger to deal with and she’d been lousy at it. She hated the fact that the entire town knew her business. Thanks to Mike, aspects of their divorce were made public. Yet that didn’t make it right to take it out on every man who came into her life.

She pushed open the screen door and stepped out on the porch.

“Hi, Mom,” Robbie called. “I’m working for Coop. And guess what, he’s paying me, too.” He returned to sweeping paint chips as if proving he could do the job.

“That’s good, son. Since you’re working so hard, why don’t you go and get you and your boss some bottles of water?”

“Okay.” He dropped the broom and ran into the house as Lilly turned to Coop.

“Thank you for working with Robbie. He hasn’t had much chance to be with many men.”

“It’s easy. He’s a great kid. I take it that he didn’t have much time with his father.”

She didn’t want to go into it, so she just shook her head.

“I’m sorry, I don’t mean to pry.”

“It’s true. Robbie and Kasey hadn’t had much time with their father the past few years.” She swallowed hard. “I made it nearly impossible.”

Coop took a step toward her, but she raised a hand. “I was too demanding after he’d left us. I made all kinds of rules and stipulations about his visitation. Finally Mike stopped showing up at all.”

She heard Coop curse. “Did the custody agreement give him a fair amount of time with the kids?”

She nodded unable to speak.

“Well, then, if he loved his kids, he would have found a way.”

Suddenly they weren’t alone. Rey Santos walked out from beside the house. She shivered as the man smiled at her.

He turned in her direction and came up the steps. “Mrs. Perry. I would like to speak with you.”

“I’m afraid I don’t have the time right now.”

“This will only take a moment. Stephanie wants to know if you have gathered up the rest of Mike’s things.”

Lilly’s sigh was audible. “Tell my sister-in-law that there is nothing left of Mike’s in this house. I left anything that was his behind.”

Rey Santos didn’t look happy as he took a step closer. “If you are keeping any paperwork about the business, Stephanie has the right to them.”

Lilly felt Coop’s presence. She hated the fact that she liked having him close. “I suggest you tell Stephanie to talk to the sheriff. He took all I had in for evidence.” She made that up.

“I will relay the message,” Santos said.

“And tell her I no longer need the lawn service,” Lilly said. “The cost is too high.”

Something flashed in the man’s deep-set eyes. It was almost threatening. “Si, sigñora, I’ll relay the message to her.”

He spoke in Spanish to his crew and they climbed into the truck and drove off.

Lilly released a breath as her body sagged against Coop’s. For a second she let herself feel safe and cared for. And a whole lot of things she shouldn’t be feeling. Reality quickly returned and she moved away.

“Want to talk about it?” Coop asked.

Lilly shook her head. She couldn’t let this man get in. To make her feel again. “Anything you want to know is public record. Ask anyone in town.”

His dark gaze met hers. “Maybe I only want to hear your side of the story.”

“I wish I had one, but it’s still all a mystery to me.”


LATER that afternoon, Lilly tried to control her anger, but then her worry took over.

“Where are you, Kasey Elizabeth Perry?” She punched in her daughter’s cell phone number again. It went straight to voice mail. She left another message. “Kasey, it’s Mom, you better call me.”

She tossed the phone on the kitchen counter as Robbie came in the back door.

“Hey, Mom, look.” He held up a five dollar bill. “Coop paid me for helping him. He said I did a good job.”

“That’s great, son.” She forgot her worry for a moment and hugged him. “I’m so proud of you.”

He pulled back. “And I’m going to work tomorrow, too.”

Was her son bothering Noah? “Are you sure Mr. Cooper needs you tomorrow?”

Robbie bobbed his head up and down. “Yeah, Mom, he said he needs me to help mix the cement. So I hafta be at work at eight sharp. I’m going to put this in my bank.”

Her son shot down the hall and Lilly started to call him back to go help look for Kasey when there was a knock on the kitchen door.

Noah Cooper stuck his head in. “Could I speak to you a minute?”

“Of course. Is there a problem? Is Robbie too much? You don’t have be his babysitter.”

He smiled at her. “No! No, the boy’s been great. A hard worker, too. I just wanted to check with you to make sure it’s okay for him to help tomorrow. I won’t let him get overheated, or go over more than a few hours.”

She didn’t want this man to be so considerate. It would be safer if she could stay indifferent, but he was slowly winning her over. “I’m surprised Robbie has stayed interested this long. But since he’s so eager, I don’t have a problem with tomorrow.”

He frowned at her. “Is something wrong?”

Her first reaction was to deny it, but she found herself saying, “My daughter isn’t home yet, and she’s not answering her cell phone.”

He stepped into the kitchen. “Do you know where she went?”

“Supposedly with her friend, Jody. I called her mother, and no one’s home.” Lilly sighed in frustration. “I’d be really angry if I wasn’t so worried.”

Noah walked to her, looking so big, strong and reassuring. “It’s going to be okay, Lilly. We’ll find her.”

She knew she shouldn’t take his help, but it felt good not to have to do this on her own for a change. She’d deal with the regrets later.

For the next thirty minutes, they looked for Kasey. Coop had loaded Lilly and Robbie in his truck, drove around the neighborhood, then stopped at Kasey friend’s house. No one was home. Next came the park and a pizza place. Still no sign of the girl.

“Mom, is Kasey in trouble?” Robbie asked from the backseat.

“Yes. She didn’t call me to say she was going to be late.”

“Is she gonna be on ‘striction?”

Coop could hear a mother’s fear in Lilly’s voice. “It’s restriction, and that’s between Kasey and me. Right now, I just want to find her.”

They parked on Main Street and checked the ice cream parlor. The kid behind the counter told Lilly that both girls had been in, about an hour ago.

After thanking him, they walked outside. “What about the quilt shop?” Coop suggested. “Would she go to see her grandmother?”

“I didn’t want to worry her.” Lilly frowned. “But I guess we better go tell her. Maybe Kasey told her something, since my daughter doesn’t talk to me these days.”

Coop knew the girl had an attitude. Didn’t most teenagers? Of course, a lot had happened in the girl’s life lately.

He opened the door to the Blind Stitch and allowed Lilly and Robbie to go in ahead of him. The shop had a few customers milling around, but Beth walked over immediately to greet them.

“Hi, Robbie.” She hugged her grandson and smiled at her daughter. “I didn’t expect to see you here.”

“We can’t find Kasey,” Robbie blurted out. “She’s in trouble, too.”

Beth looked from Coop to her daughter. “She hasn’t called you, either?”

“No, Mom, she hasn’t.”

“She stopped by here because her friend had to go home. I told her she could help me here, but Kasey didn’t want to. She left about thirty minutes ago. I’m sorry, I should have called you to let you know she was headed home.”

“No, Mom. Kasey is thirteen, she’s old enough to take responsibility.”

“I’ll keep looking,” Coop said. “Give me your cell number,” he told Lilly. After putting it in his phone, he added, “I’ll check the video arcade across the street. Is that one of her hangouts?”

Lilly shook her head. “Absolutely not. We’ve tried to close the place down because there have been rumors of drug activity there. But my daughter has been doing a lot of things I never thought she’d do.”

She looked up at him with those baby blue eyes. “I’ve got to find her, Noah.”

He gripped her hand. “We will, Lilly. You stay here, I’ll be back.” He’d searched for many kids over his years in law enforcement, some cases turned out good and some bad. He prayed this would be a good reunion.

He headed out the door and jaywalked across the street to the Dark Moon.

It definitely wasn’t a family friendly place. Dim and dingy, with black walls and eighties strobe lights. The crowd was older. Teenagers and adults seemed to be wasting away the day, pouring money into machines. Maybe wanting more, like drugs.

He walked around the numerous video machines, the rhythmic sounds and the flashing lights stimulated his senses as he searched the arcade’s customers. He was about to give up the search when he spotted a blonde girl. She was dressed in a short skirt and a fitted T-shirt, revealing far too much.

He tensed, seeing her companions, two teenage boys who looked to be about sixteen and very interested in the pretty blonde. One kid had his hand on her arm. This wasn’t good.

He walked to the group. “Kasey Perry,” he called over the noise. “What a surprise to find you here.”

The girl’s smile disappeared as he approached them. “Huh, Mr. Cooper,” Kasey said. “What are you doing here?”

He looked at the two high-school-aged boys. They had lanky builds, but were nearly as tall as he was. “Oh, I don’t know.” He gave them a warning look. “I thought I’d soak up some of the local atmosphere. Are these boys friends of yours?”

Coop got a little pleasure watching the kids frown at his description.

“Yeah, Randy and Jake, this is Mr. Cooper. He rents the cottage from my grandmother.”

Coop reached out his hand. “Nice to meet you both. So you’re both just hangin’ out for the summer?”

“We’re waiting for football camp,” Jake said. “We’re gonna play varsity this year.”

“Heh, that’s cool,” Coop told them, folding his arms across his chest. “I was a quarterback in high school. We went to state.” He glanced around the arcade. “If you find you’re getting bored they could use some strong backs at AC Construction. If you can swing a hammer, look me up there, Noah Cooper. Everyone calls me Coop.”

Their eyes lit up. “Uh, thanks.” The boys wandered off, seeming to decide hanging around wasn’t leading anywhere.

Coop turned back to the girl. “I think you better call your mother.” He handed her his phone. “Now.”

She didn’t move. “What if I don’t want to?”

“You know, Kasey, I took you for a smart girl, but I think I’m mistaken. I get that you’re angry, but acting like this isn’t helping. If you wanted to punish your mom, okay, you won. She’s been worried about you. Now, call her.”

“I’ll get grounded.”

“No kidding. Even if you don’t call you’ll get that. You did this, not her.”

“She’s too strict. I can’t go anywhere.”

“You have to earn trust for that,” he explained. “And doing something like this stunt shows poor judgment and immaturity.”

She gave him a defiant look. “This isn’t your business.”

“Okay, let me tell you some hard, cold facts. Those older boys you think are so cute, they wanted to do more than play video games with you. You could have been in big trouble. And it’s my business because your mother needed my help today.”

He nodded to the phone. “Now, it’s time to take your medicine and call her.”

It was after ten by the time Lilly got the kids settled for the night. She’d tried to calmly talk with Kasey, telling her the importance of staying in touch by phone. The scary thing was her child wasn’t listening to a word she said. In the end, Lilly had grounded her daughter for a week, no phone or computer.

In reality, who was being punished? Exhausted, she walked out on the side porch with her glass of wine. She sat down on the railing and took a sip, hoping the alcohol would soothe away all her fears, the feelings of inadequacy and loneliness.

It had only been a few months since Mike’s death, but the past two years had been hell. That was how long she’d carried the guilt about failing as a wife. Now, she was failing as a mother, too.

She heard a door shut and looked around to see Noah coming out of the cottage. He walked along the lighted path toward the porch. She didn’t want to talk to anyone, but she knew she owed him more than just a brief thank-you for today.

With a bottle of beer in hand, he stopped at the steps. “Would you mind some company?”

Okay, so the man was considerate. “Sure.”

He came up the steps, wearing a clean pair of jeans and a dark T-shirt. His cowboy boots made a tapping sound against the wood floor. She caught a whiff of his soap as he walked by her.

He leaned against the post. “Did your daughter survive your wrath?”

“Barely. Remember, I’m a trained professional. A school principal knows the right buttons to push. According to my daughter, I committed a crime taking away her social life, her phone and computer.”

In the shadows, she could see his nod. “With me, I hated when my mom wouldn’t let me leave the house. But now everything is done through texting, or the internet.”

He looked at her for what seemed like an eternity. “How are you doing, Lilly? It had to be rough not knowing where your daughter might be.”

There he went, being nice again.

“No, it wasn’t easy and I owe you a big thanks. And it’s not bound to get any easier for a long time. Mike was the one who could deal with Kasey’s moods. Now she blames me for him being gone.”

“She has to blame someone. You’re the closest and the one she feels most safe with.”

Lilly looked at him. The night’s darkness was an intimate setting. “Were you a psychologist in a previous life?” She took a sip of wine. She didn’t need it; this man could quickly go to her head—if she let him.

“No, I just made my mother’s life difficult too many times to remember.”

“For how long?” she asked hopefully.

“Too long. She’s gone now.” He sighed. “I wish I’d been a better son.”

She was curious. “What about your father?”

“He wasn’t in the picture.” He shrugged. “So I don’t remember him much.”

“So with your brother gone, you’re all alone.”

Coop didn’t want her to see that much of himself. “I have a sister-in-law and a niece. I should stay in touch more.” Just not when he was working undercover.

“You should. But you shouldn’t have to subject yourself to listening to a woman crying in her wine.”

“No one is forcing me to do anything. And I doubt you complain much, Lilly.” He took a drink of his beer. Mainly because he was fighting the urge not to get too personal. “I wish I could tell you that everything will turn out all right, but I can’t. You’ve got good kids, just hang in there.”

The moonlight illuminated the area as she looked at him with those big eyes. Man, she was stirring feelings in him, and that was dangerous for both of them. He needed to redirect his thoughts, to business. “Do you get any help from their aunt?”

“Stephanie? She’s been trouble from the get-go. She’s a lot younger than Mike. He even helped raise her. Then he trained her in the family business after their parents passed away.”

“So she has the business now,” he coaxed for more information.

Lilly turned and looked at him. “It might be a coincidence, but a lot of the trouble between Mike and me started when she got more involved with the company.”

Go easy, he told himself. “Didn’t your husband run things then?”

“He did the books, but the day-to-day scheduling of the work crews was Stephanie’s job. And for a while they were doing great, the money was rolling in. The only problem was Mike was working more and more hours as the business expanded. Then Rey Santos came in as a manager for the crews. And I thought that would free Mike up and he could cut back on his hours. But Stephanie and Rey started dating.” She shivered. “Nothing changed. Then our marriage started … falling apart and finally Mike moved out.”

She shrugged, staring out at the night sky. “Then one day I got served with divorce papers.”

He saw her blink rapidly, her voice grew soft and shaky as she said, “I just never thought he would divorce the kids, too, and then the suicide.” She looked at him. “Can you see why Kasey acts up?”

Coop had a dozen questions he wanted to ask her but was afraid to tip his hand. Was Mike Perry a total jerk, or was he the Feds’ informant trying to protect his family?

The next day, Coop worked the morning repairing the walkway with Robbie. By noon, he’d sent the boy off to go swimming with his friends, while he went to see about his new boss.

He pulled his truck into the construction site at the west end of town. There were to be twenty-five affordable, two-story homes to be built in the development called Vista Verde. The first dozen homes were to be completed by September.

In fact, Alex Casali was listing the prices well below market value. It seemed the millionaire rancher wanted to pay back his good fortune to the community. The people who qualified to buy a house were low to moderate income families. And there was already a waiting list for the energy efficient homes that included a small park and community pool.

Coop knocked on the construction trailer door.

“Come in,” a man called.

He pushed open the door and walked inside. Although the space was large, it still seemed crowded with two men and a pretty auburn-haired woman and two toddlers running around.

The man behind the desk was Alex Casali, a big man with brown hair and gray eyes. He was a formidable man until he looked at his wife. Their affection for each other was obvious.

Alex finally noticed him. “Coop. Good to see you.”

“Hello, Alex. I thought I’d stop by to see about my starting time, but I can see you’re busy. Hello, Mrs. Casali.” He removed his hat. “Good to see you again.”

“Please, call me Allison. It’s nice to see you again, Coop. You don’t have to leave, I’m taking Will and Rose home for their nap. I think their dad’s had enough of family at the work place.” She kissed her husband. “See you later at home.” She paused. “By the way, Coop, we’re having a barbecue this weekend at the ranch. It’s for all the workers on the Vista Verde project. You are invited, and please relay the message to Lilly, Beth and the kids. It’s really a community event.”

He nodded. “Thank you, I’ll tell them.”

Alex walked his wife and children out, then returned with a smile. Coop found he envied the man, not for all his money, more so for his life and family. He’d felt the same way around his brother and his wife, Clara. Then he recalled the reason he was here: Devin’s death.

Alex walked to the desk. “Sorry the kids like to come and see me at work.”

“No apologies necessary. You’re the boss.”

“Boy, have you got that wrong.” He grinned. “My wife and kids run things. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

Casali sobered as the two other workers grabbed their hard hats and headed out of the trailer. Once they were alone, he said, “You ready to start Monday?”

“All set.”

Casali smiled. “I hear you’ve been doing some repairs on Beth Staley’s house, too. She’s been bragging about you at the shop.”

Small town grapevine. “I’m not busy right now, and it’s a win-win situation. I get free meals out of it.”

“I’m glad you’re helping out. That family has had a rough few years. Come on, I’ll show you around.” Casali picked up a hard hat, handed him one and they walked outside.

They headed along the row of framed structures, the sound of hammering and power saws made it difficult to talk.

Casali walked him to an open field area away from the workmen. “I’ll introduce you to my foreman, Charlie Reed. He’ll be the one you report to, and he hands out the job schedule.” They continued to walk along the recently paved road and they reached four nearly completed homes at the end of the block.

“We’re proud of this project and I want the community involved in it as much as possible.” Alex studied him a moment. “Sheriff Bradshaw asked me to hire you. I take it there’s a good reason for that.” He raised a hand. “I’m not asking what it is, I’ve already got that lecture from Brad.” Sheriff Oliver “Brad” Bradshaw was Coop’s contact in town.

Casali went on to say, “I only worry about keeping my family and friends safe.”

“I don’t see why they wouldn’t be.”

“Well, I’m going to make sure of that. Just so you know, I’ll have extra security at the party and on the job site.”

“That’s always a good idea. It’s not unusual to have some vandalism on construction sites.”

Casali was a powerful presence. He didn’t doubt the man could take care of himself, or get things done. “Damn. I don’t like what’s going on.”

Coop knew he hadn’t fooled this man. He needed to change the subject. He told Alex about Kasey Perry’s adventure at the Dark Moon Arcade. “From what I could gather it’s not a good place for kids.”

“Not even close,” Alex agreed. “We’ve been trying to shut it down the past few years. I even offered to buy it, but the owner refused my offer.” Again Alex studied him. “It seems you’ve gotten involved in a few things since your arrival.”

He shrugged. “Just a little painting, and helped Lilly find Kasey. Like you said, it’s small-town living.”

“As a friend of Lilly and her family, we appreciate it. Maybe it’s time I alert the sheriff so he can keep a watch on the place.”

There were so many things that Coop didn’t feel safe involving a civilian in. If it was Perry who contacted the Feds, that might have been what caused his death. Did he leave behind some incriminating information? Stephanie and Santos were too interested in Mike Perry’s things. How far would they go to get it? His main job was to keep Lilly and her kids safe.

That was his number one priority.


TWO mornings later, Lilly’s heart swelled at hearing laughter from outside the window. Her son was again working with Coop. Today, their resident handyman and his trusty helper were putting flagstone pavers over the already patched walkway leading up to the porch.

Coop had convinced her mother it would be cheaper to lay stone over the patched concrete than tear it out and pour a new walk.

At breakfast, Robbie had explained that the big tree in the front yard shaded the sidewalk in the morning so it was cooler to work there. They’d go back to painting when the sun moved from the side of the house.

Whatever Noah Cooper was doing, she wanted him to continue because her son was a lot happier these days. So was she. Her smile quickly died. If only she could say the same for her daughter.

She rolled her eyes at the ceiling, feeling the vibration, hearing the loud music coming from Kasey’s bedroom. It was the only thing she hadn’t taken away from the teenager.

She knew this wasn’t the end to this struggle between mother and daughter. Somehow, Lilly had to figure out a way to get through to her. What terrified her was that she might not be able to.

“Mom! Mom!” Robbie cried and she hurried outside afraid he’d gotten hurt.

A quick scan told her he was fine. So was the man standing next to him, shirtless. She felt a catch in her breath as she eyed that beautiful sculptured chest, flat stomach and …

“Come see.” Robbie interrupted her thoughts as he waved her down to the sidewalk.

She descended the steps. “What’s wrong?”

“See, Mom. I put my initials in the cement,” he told her proudly.

“Yes, you did.” She looked down at the “RP” along with the date in the grout beside the flagstone. “That looks great. So does the walk.”

“Coop said in a hundred years people will know that we did this work.”

She stole a glance at the man who rocked her son’s world these days. “That’s a lot of hot Texas summers and hard winters.”

Robbie nodded. “Coop said you should always do the best job so your work will last. So people can depend on you.”

She felt emotions welling in her throat. “That’s true. You should be proud of everything you do.”

“Do you think Daddy would be proud of me?”

She had to swallow hard as she glanced at the stoic look on Coop’s face. “I know he would.” She put on a big smile as she hugged her son.

After a moment, Coop spoke, “Hey, Robbie, we need to clean up before we go and get ice cream.”

“Ice cream?”

Coop gave Robbie a questioning look. “You did ask, didn’t you?”

Robbie looked down. “I guess I forgot. Mom, can we go get some ice cream?”

“How about we eat some lunch, then go.”

Robbie opened his mouth to argue, then looked at Coop. “Sure.”

Lilly turned to Coop. “It’s tomato soup and grilled cheese.”

“My favorite,” he told her.

“It’s my favorite, too,” her son chimed in.

Coop picked up his shirt and slipped it on. He hadn’t missed Lilly’s interest, nor did he mind it, but this was work. He needed to concentrate on doing his job and she wasn’t making it easy.

He followed them into the kitchen and heard the music from upstairs. He fought a grin. “I take it Kasey’s letting you know she’s not happy.”

Lilly went around the island and pulled out the flat griddle. “Drama for Kasey started when she was about a year old and it hasn’t let up yet.”

Coop went to the sink and turned on the water to wash his hands. He liked being in this kitchen. It was a little worn, but he bet there’d been plenty of good times here.

He glanced over his shoulder just as Lilly went to get something from the refrigerator. When she bent slightly, her shorts pulled tight over her shapely rear end and long legs.

Oh, boy. He felt the stirring low in his gut.

As if she sensed his attention, she turned around. Her expression was one of surprise, though there was awareness in her eyes, but she quickly glanced away. “What kind of cheese do you want on your sandwich?”

He shut off the water and grabbed a towel, wiped his hands as he leaned against the counter. “Anything is fine.” He’d be damned if he would apologize for staring at a beautiful woman. Wasn’t that what guys did? Except he was a Texas Ranger who was supposed to be doing his job, and Lilly Perry was a part of it.

She looked at him again. “Why don’t you go sit down? I can handle lunch.”

He started to argue when Robbie came running into the room. “Coop! Coop! See what I got.” He was holding up a baseball in a plastic case as he climbed up on a stool at the island.

“What do we have here?”

“It’s a baseball. See it’s got Nolan Ryan’s name on it. Just like your baseball card.”

“Robbie,” his mother cautioned. “Remember that’s not a toy. It’s valuable.”

“I won’t take it out,” he promised her. “I only wanted to show it to Coop.” The boy turned back to him. “He played for the Texas Rangers baseball team. Dad said Nolan Ryan’s the greatest pitcher ever.”

“I know.” Coop took the plastic case and examined the ball to see Ryan’s signature. “He had seven no hitters. He was the strikeout king. He was nicknamed The Ryan Express.”

The boy’s eyes rounded. “Wow! You know a lot.”

“That’s because I love baseball, too. I used to play in high school.” It had been the only thing that kept him out of trouble. “Do you play?”

The boy hung his head and murmured, “I don’t know how to catch very good.” He looked at his mother. “I don’t have anyone to practice with me.”

Coop felt for the kid, knowing sports had kept him and his brother off the streets. “I bet you can play tee-ball and learn.”

Lilly turned the sandwiches on the grill, surprised at her son’s comment. She would have loved to sign him up. Give him an activity to keep him busy. “If you want to play, I can talk to one of the fathers, maybe they will help you.”

“Ah, Mom. I don’t want to do that.”

Lilly was at a loss. She wasn’t much of an athlete, so she couldn’t help.

“Maybe I can help you,” Coop said. “You got a mitt and another baseball?”

“Sure. I’ll go get ‘em.”

Lilly called him back before he left the room. “First, we eat. So go and wash up and get your sister.”

The boy looked disappointed, but did what he was told.

Lilly went to stir the soup, then pulled down the bowls.

“Is there something wrong?” Noah asked.

She hated to say anything critical about his act of kindness. She looked at him. “I’m just a little worried. Robbie has been so excited these last few days with you around.”

“So you want me to stop being friends with your son.”

She sighed. “No, but he’s a little boy who misses his father. Doesn’t that make you uncomfortable?”

Coop was more uncomfortable about not being truthful with her. “Look, if you don’t want me to spend time with your son, that’s your right. Since I was a kid who didn’t have a father around, I know it’s nice to have another man provide some attention.”

“Did you have someone?”

Don’t get too personal, he told himself. “My brother and I spent a lot of time at the boys’ club.” He smiled. “A gruff, old guy named Gus. He told us to leave the attitude at the door if we wanted to come in. He kept all the kids in line.”

She smiled, then quickly sobered. “Don’t get me wrong, Noah. I’m happy you spend time with Robbie, but I don’t want him hurt when you leave.”

He went to her. “You mean like their father hurt all of you?”

He saw her hesitate, but also the pain in her eyes. She finally nodded.

“You can’t keep your kids from getting hurt, Lilly. They have to get out there and learn to survive, not to be afraid. And they need to learn that from you.”

“But Robbie isn’t even six.”

“And he and his sister have already been hurt. You couldn’t protect them from the pain of losing their father.” He paused. “You’re an adult, and you couldn’t even protect yourself.”

An hour later, Lilly had to get away from the house. She ended up leaving Kasey brooding in her room, and drove Robbie to the library for the children’s reading hour, postponing the trip to the ice cream store. Okay, she needed time to brood after Noah’s declaration.

She walked into the Blind Stitch, needing some adult time. Some girl time. As usual the popular shop was busy. Since Jenny was on maternity leave, it had been ever harder to keep up with customers. The regular employee, Millie Roberts, was behind the counter.

Lilly found her mother in the other room of the shop, where they held the quilting classes. Beth Staley was instructing a patron on a quilt pattern. She looked up and smiled, then excused herself and walked over.

“This is a surprise. What brings you in?”

“I miss my mother,” Lilly said.

Beth smiled back at her. “That’s nice to know. I take it the kids are getting to you.”

She groaned. “I know I’m a terrible mother, but I can’t wait until the school year starts.” And she wouldn’t be daydreaming about a shirtless man in her backyard. “So can you go on a break?”

“Of course, if you wouldn’t mind going with the QC ladies?”

Lilly knew her mother’s good friends of the Quilter’s Corner. They meet here at the shop a few times a week. She glanced toward the corner table and waved. “Sure.”

Liz was the first to greet her, then came Louisa Merrick, both friends were her mother’s age. Caitlin and Lisa were younger mothers, close to Lilly’s age. They took up quilting because they could find the time with small children.

“Enjoying your summer?” Louisa asked.

“I have a thirteen-year-old who’s bored. What do you think?”

They all groaned in unison, and Louisa said, “I know it’s seems like hell, but hang in there. They’ll turn out nice like you did.”

Lilly arched an eyebrow. “Was I that bad?”

“We all were,” Liz announced. “It’s all those raging hormones.”

“Please, my Kasey is too young to be thinking about sex.”

“None of us are too young, or too old, to think about sex,” Louisa, who looked lovely and healthy these days, added. Even with the stroke she’d suffered last year there were no lingering effects now.

Liz nudged her. “That’s because you got yourself a good-looking husband. And he takes you to all those romantic places.”

Louisa turned to Lilly. “It seems Lilly only has to look out her back door to find a good-looking man.”

All eyes turned to her and she felt the heat rise to her face. “Mr. Cooper is our tenant. It’s hard not to look at him. I mean he’s helping with the house.”

Caitlin jumped in. “I’d say. I drove by yesterday and saw your sexy tenant on a ladder painting the house. He didn’t have his shirt on, and I nearly wrecked my car.”

“Maybe I should go for a little drive myself,” Liz said. “Is Coop working today?”

Lilly couldn’t help join in the laughter. She needed this, more than thinking about a man she had no business thinking about.

After lunch, Coop had returned to work, then the heat got to him and he went in the cottage. He still remembered the look she’d given him earlier. He’d had no right to speak to her that way.

So he’d decided that he’d better make himself scarce and disappear. So why not take the afternoon off?

Well, there were a couple of reasons. He wasn’t good at relaxing. He liked to stay busy, and he needed to figure out what was going on with Delgado.

Word on the street said he was relocating his drug business since El Paso was getting too hot. The Feds just hadn’t figured out where until they received a message from the informant. Now they were thinking Kerry Springs was at the top of the list. Okay, it was farther from the border, but who’d suspect the picturesque small town would harbor drug dealers?

Now he just needed to find the place. Perry’s Landscaping Company? It would be a perfect hideout. Nothing would give him more pleasure than to ship Delgado off to prison for drug trafficking and for the murder of Officer Devin Morales. Plus his possible connection with Mike Perry’s demise.

He only had to gather the proof. Where to look: the landscaping business or maybe the video arcade? Delgado wasn’t the type who sold drugs on street corners. His known MO was to have gangs distributing the merchandise. Kerry Springs might not have gangs, but every town had drug users.

Coop was getting antsy. He needed to end this and soon. Get Delgado. And the sooner he could make sure that Lilly Perry and her kids were safe, he could leave and forget about her. Undercover work didn’t allow for return visits.

There was a soft knock on the door and he closed his notebook and placed it under a toss pillow. He went to answer it and found Lilly standing on the stoop.

She looked pretty in her blue blouse that matched the color of her eyes and asked, “Could I speak with you?”

“Sure.” He stepped back, allowing her inside the small area. “Is there something wrong?”

“Yes. I neglected to apologize for my behavior earlier. You’re right, Noah, I am overprotective of my children.” She sighed. “It’s just that when all this happened with Mike, his death was so public, I didn’t know how else to handle it except to wrap my kids up and hold them tight.”

He shook his head. “I owe you an apology, too. I had no business telling you how to handle your children. I’m a single guy. I don’t know anything about parenting.” He inhaled her soft scent and nearly forgot his speech. “If you’d like, I’ll keep my distance. Don’t worry, I’ll be the bad guy and tell Robbie.”

“Oh, no, Noah. Please, you’re the best thing that’s happened to my son in a long time. He’s been living in a house with only women for the past two years. Now that he’s nearly six I see the changes in him.” She looked sad. “He’s not my baby anymore. And I’m not really sure on how to handle the next stage of his life.”

She turned those bright eyes on him and he felt a kick. “All the baseball and Boy Scouts …”

Ah, hell, she was killing him. “I’m sure there are coaches and Scout leaders who will take him under their wing.”

She nodded. “I know, but today was the first time he looked interested in doing anything. So if your offer is still open, I’d be happy if you helped Robbie learn to catch.” She held up a hand. “I mean, I know how busy you are with the repairs … Oh, God, how can I ask you?”

“You didn’t ask, I offered to help. Lilly, it’s not rocket science, it’s tossing a baseball with a boy. Besides, I don’t start my construction job until next week.”

She raised her chin and smiled at him. Good Lord, she was pretty. Her skin was rosy and flawless.

“I have another favor to ask.”

She was getting to him. Bad. “Sure.”

“Would you please go with us to get some ice cream?”

He smiled. “Okay.”

Lilly knew she was acting schoolgirl crazy, and she knew better. Something about this man brought out those silly, giddy feelings in her.

“Thank you. Of course, it’s my treat for all the work you’ve done.”

“Sure. I don’t have a problem with a lady buying my favors.”

“I probably couldn’t get much with two scoops of Rocky Road on a sugar cone.”

He stared down at her and her heart began to race. “Change that to Cherry Pecan and your smile, and it’s worth a lot more.”

Oh, boy, she was in trouble. “We better go round up the kids.” She scurried ahead of him to the kitchen door and hollered for Robbie and Kasey. Surprisingly they both appeared and followed her outside.

Her daughter headed for the car. “No, Kasey, we’re walking.”

“Mom,” she whined. “It’s too hot.”

“It’s getting rather pleasant,” Lilly insisted. “Besides, we’re only four blocks from town. I’m a school principal who pushes physical fitness. How would it look if we go driving around everywhere?”

Kasey stomped over to her. “Then I don’t want to go.”

“You don’t want any of Shaffer’s ice cream?” She slung her arm over her daughter’s shoulder, and she didn’t shrug away.

The girl shook her head.

“Well, you still have to go along anyway.”

The teenager opened her mouth to complain again when Coop appeared. “Is he going, too?”

“Yep. Looks like you’re stuck with me.” He motioned to Robbie. “C’mon, Rob. Let’s see if the ladies can keep up with us.”

The boy looked over his shoulder. “Yeah, see if you can keep up.”

Lilly looked at her daughter. “Are you going to let them win?”

Her beautiful child got an ugly look on her face. “I don’t care.”

Lilly started moving, but kept well back behind the guys. “Look, Kasey, I get you’re angry with me. But when you don’t obey the rules, there are consequences.”

“I know. You run things like a prison around here. I have no freedom.”

“I don’t think I did at thirteen, either. But you are still young and you went to a place that was off-limits. It’s my job as a mother to protect you.”

“Fine. I get it, but I don’t have to like it.” She marched up ahead, past the guys. Robbie took off after his sister and Coop dropped back with Lilly.

“I take it she’s still angry with you.”

She nodded. “My mother says it’s payback for how I treated her.”

“You’re doing the right thing. Stay on her because it’s tough out there.”

Lilly frowned. “Is there something you’re not telling me? Something more that happened at the arcade?”

He shook his head. “It’s just the element that hangs out there isn’t the best.”

Coop glanced around the tree-lined street, and the manicured lawns and hedges. It seemed like the perfect place to live and raise a family, but looks could be deceiving. “At that age they think they can conquer the world, that nothing can harm them.”

“I remember those days. Yet, this town doesn’t have the problems that large cities do. We all know each other and watch out for each other.”

An older woman standing on her porch called Lilly’s name and waved.

“Hello, Miss Olivia. How are you feeling today?”

The fragile looking, gray-haired woman came down the steps as Lilly went to her. They exchanged a hug and he could see her hands were crippled with arthritis.

“I’ve heard your mother’s working at the quilt shop these days.”

“She’s filling in for Jenny.”

A big smile appeared. “Oh, yes, she had her baby, didn’t she?”

She nodded. “Sean Michael will be christened next Sunday at church. I bet you can get a look at him then.”

“I’ll make sure my sister takes me.” Miss Olivia patted her hand.

“How is Miss Emily these days?”

A loud sigh. “Sister complains a lot, but she’s well. I’ll mention that you asked about her.” Her expression changed. “I never got the chance to tell you how sorry I am for your loss. Michael was always a kind person to me.”

Coop could see that Lilly was uncomfortable. “Thank you,” she said and took her hand away.

That’s when Miss Olivia took an interest in him. “And who is this young man?”

“Noah Cooper, ma’am.” He shook her hand. “I’m a carpenter on the Casali housing project. I’m renting Beth Staley’s cottage.”

“Isn’t that nice.” She glanced between the two. “A pleasure to meet you, Noah.”

“Well, we should be going,” Lilly said, pointing to the kids already nearly a block away. “I promised Robbie and Kasey ice cream.”

“Then ya’ll run along,” she told them.

Coop didn’t need to be asked twice as he followed Lilly. “I take it she’s been your neighbor a long time.”

“Before I was born. She never married and argues with her sister all the time. She’s only a few years older than Mom, but has to rely on her sister to get around.” She gave him a sideways glance. “But she can dial a phone pretty well, and with the information you gave her, you’ll be the talk of the town by tomorrow.”

Going inside Shaffer’s Ice Cream Parlor was like stepping back in time to the 1950s. The Happy Days TV show, Western style.

Robbie and Kasey were already sitting on high stools at the counter, going over the selections on the wall. If ever Coop felt out of his element, this place would do it. His hangout had been a pool hall.

This would be the childhood every kid wanted, and those who were lucky enough to get it didn’t even have a clue how wonderful their lives were.

From a street kid’s perspective, one who had to beg, borrow or steal to survive, he knew he’d have been chased out of a place like this. As a teenager, he’d hung out in a pool hall to hustle players, or just helped clean up the place for money.

Coop sat down beside Kasey. She tensed and glared at him.

He ignored it as the teenage waiter appeared. “Hello, Mrs. Perry.”

“Hello, Tim. Good to see you’re working this summer.”

“Saving for a car.”

“Are you that ancient?”

The boy’s ears reddened. “I was sixteen last month.”

“Now, I’m feeling old.”

He turned his attention to his other customers, namely Kasey. “What are you going to have?”

“Vanilla,” Kasey told him.

Coop frowned. “Vanilla? That seems rather dull from someone so …” He looked at the girl’s scrubbed face, a hint of freckles across her pert nose. Those big blue-green eyes. She was the image of her mother. “So daring. So vibrant.”

Although Kasey tried to hide it, the compliment affected her. “Sometimes I get Peach or Raspberry sherbet.”

He nodded. “I’d go for the Raspberry sherbet.”

“I want Chocolate Chip,” Robbie said to the waiter.

“And I’ll have Mint Chocolate Chip,” Lilly announced.

“What about you, Coop?” Robbie asked.

“Cherry Pecan.”

While they were waiting as the boy scooped up the cones, the bell chimed over the door. Coop glanced toward the entrance to see a dark-haired woman walk in. He immediately recognized Stephanie Perry from the case files.

In her mid-twenties, she had a husky voice and dressed in a pair of jeans about a size too small, emphasizing her wide hips. She might have been attractive, but her heavy layer of makeup made her look hard.

He tensed as the woman made her way to the counter. “Lilly, I need to talk to you.”

Lilly swung around and frowned. “Suddenly you want to talk. No, we have nothing to say, Stephanie.”

“There’s a lot to say. You have some of Mike’s things and I want them back.”

Lilly didn’t want to air any dirty laundry in front of the kids or the rest of the town. She stood and walked across the store and her ex-sister-in-law followed. “I don’t like you attacking me, especially in front of my children.”

Stephanie folded her arms over her breasts. “Then give me Mike’s things.”

“And for the hundredth time, I don’t have anything of his. When he moved out, he took almost everything. When I moved out, I only took my things, Mike came by and took the rest. What exactly are you looking for?”

Mike’s sister glanced away. “Papers from the business. They must have been in his home office.”

“I left Mike’s home office alone. So I don’t know what happened to his papers after that.”

Stephanie glared. “You’re lying. You never liked me so you’re getting back at me because Mike divorced you.”

Lilly was thrown off guard. Not that Stephanie’s words hurt anymore, she’d said worse during the years of her marriage to her brother. “I’m not going to listen to this again. I want you to stay away from me and the kids. Go and run your business.”

Stephanie glared. “You’ll be sorry if you’re keeping anything from me.”

“Is there a problem?”

Lilly felt Coop come up behind her. Even though she could handle her sister-in-law, she liked having him there.

“Not anymore. I think we’ve finally settled it. Haven’t we, Steph?”

Lilly got a little satisfaction at using the nickname that her sister-in-law hated.

Stephanie looked at Coop. “Got a new boyfriend so soon, Lilly? How long before you drive him off?”

Coop did something that surprised her. He slipped an arm around her waist. “Oh, I don’t think this pretty woman could drive me away with a shotgun.” He smiled. “In fact, you’ll be seeing me next week. I’m one of Casali’s carpenters on the housing project. So get used to it, Ms. Perry, I’m going to be around a long time.”


LATE the next evening, Cooper sat on the sofa in the cottage. He had to figure out a way to stop thinking about Lilly Perry in any way but as a lead for his job.

He knew he had to play the part and get close to the family. It was getting harder all the time, especially when he’d put his hands on her narrow waist, or been close enough to breathe in her soft scent.

He cursed and stood. It was time to get to work.

He waited until dark and dressed in a black T-shirt and jeans and running shoes. He left the cottage, bypassing his truck, and headed out on foot down the alley to avoid being seen by the family. People had to think he’d been home all night, plus he didn’t want his vehicle parked outside where he was doing surveillance.

He took alleyways as much as possible until he got to the edge of town. Perry’s Landscaping and nursery had ten acres that had a tree and plant business, in addition to the professional lawn service. There were several buildings and a half dozen work trucks parked in a line all enclosed by a chain-link fence.

He checked the area for any sign of electronics or otherwise. There wasn’t a security guard or a dog, so he found a weak spot in the fence and climbed through. Staying in the shadows, he made his way past the greenhouse and a row of buildings, including one that was labeled as the office. There was a light on inside.

He made his way around to the back and to an open window. That was where he heard the voices.

One was Stephanie Perry and the other was a man with a thick Spanish accent. Santos aka Delgado.

“Rey, you can’t bring another shipment in here,” she said. “Not yet.”

“You worry too much,” Santos said.

“We still haven’t found Mike’s papers.”

“I curse su hermano for all our troubles. He could have had so much if he’d gone along with us. I’m thinking he lied about the papers.”

“What if he didn’t? You can’t bring in the shipment.”

“I can’t stop it. It’s crossed the border, so it’s not safe to leave it out there unprotected. And my men need their supplies to fill the demand.”

Coop wondered if it had come through Ciudad Juarez at El Paso, or Nuevo Laredo at Laredo.

“And what about Lilly?”

Santos cursed in very colorful Spanish. Coop recognized several unflattering words directed at the woman.

“You’ve got to get inside the house,” he told her.

“How can I do that?” Stephanie argued. “She warned me off. She’s the type that’ll call the sheriff on me.”

“Then you’ll wait until everyone leaves, or maybe I can persuade her.”

“Good luck with that,” she said.

A shiver snaked down Coop’s spine. They would go after Lilly? No way in hell. He stole a look into the office as Santos whispered something in Spanish. Stephanie giggled, then Rey grabbed her roughly. “My luck is always good.”

Then his mouth ground over hers. She let out a groan of pain and fought him to break free. “Hey, that hurts,” she cried, trying to push him away.

“That’s it,” he growled. “Fight me.”

Santos forced Stephanie down on the desk, and Coop moved out of sight, leaving the lovebirds. He figured he wasn’t going to get any more information tonight.

Coop made his way off the property and headed back to the house. He needed to make some calls, to figure out his next move. One thing there was no doubt about: drugs were coming into Kerry Springs. His job was to stop them.

The next morning, Lilly was up at dawn. She was never one for sleeping in. Having been a teacher most of her adult life, she found early mornings had helped keep her sanity. And she’d always been the one to get the kids up and moving, allowing Mike to sleep in. He did so without a problem. Of course, he’d worked ten-to-twelve-hour days. Had that been to stay away from her? She shook away the thought. Don’t go there. It’s too late for regrets.

She made her way down to the kitchen. She had dressed in shorts and a sleeveless top, ready for the hot day that had been promised.

She glanced out the window toward the cottage, surprised to find the door open. She was even more surprised when Noah stepped out into the small covered porch.

“Oh, boy,” she breathed as he leaned against the post, dressed only in a pair of jeans. Her gaze lowered to the top two buttons that were undone, causing his pants to ride low on his hips.

For heaven’s sake, she’d seen a man shirtless before. Oh, but never had she seen anyone who looked like Noah Cooper. His muscular chest and broad shoulders looked like they could carry the weight of the world. She lowered her eyes to his flat stomach. That was an understatement. He had what they called a six-pack. The man had to work out all the time.

Slowly his gaze went to the house and the kitchen window. Busted. Their eyes met and she was frozen in place. It seemed like an eternity that his eyes held her in a trance, then finally he raised his mug toward her like a salute, turned and walked back inside the cottage.

Lilly released a breath and sank against the counter. What was she doing? She wasn’t the type to ogle a man. In school she’d been the shy, studious one. Mike had been her first boyfriend, then her husband.

“Morning, dear,” Beth Staley said.

Lily jumped as her mother strolled into the room. “Oh, hi, Mom.”

Beth frowned. “Is something wrong?”

A lot. “No. You just surprised me. What are you doing up so early?” She glanced at the clock. Six-ten. “You don’t have to go to work until nine.”

The older woman smiled and went to pour some coffee. “Oh, I don’t know. I guess I couldn’t sleep.”

Lilly examined her mother closely. Something was different about her. “Did you get your hair cut?”

“Yesterday. Do you like it?”

The shorter cut would be easier for her to care for. “I like it. The color is pretty, too.”

“It’s just a shine Cassie talked me into trying. It’s to take the yellow out of my gray.”

Her mother had great hair, thick and healthy. Lilly looked over the fifty-eight-year-old widow. At five foot four, she was trim and kept in shape. She had pretty green eyes and a warm smile.

There were other subtle changes about her. Her style of clothing was different today. She had on white capris and an aqua-colored knit top, partly covered with a multicolored blouse.

“Mom, you look … so pretty.”

She sighed. “Thank you.”

“Is there some reason you’re all dressed up this morning?”

She gave a sheepish grin. “Could be.”

Lilly folded her arms and waited. “Well, aren’t you going to tell me?”

Her mother actually blushed. “I have a breakfast date.”

“A date?” She swallowed. “You mean a date, date?” Her mother hadn’t dated since her dad’s death ten years ago. “Who?”

“Close your mouth, daughter. It isn’t becoming.”


“Okay, I’m meeting Sean Rafferty for breakfast.”

The good-looking, charming Sean Rafferty? “What? How long has this been going on?”

Beth sent her daughter a sharp look. “That’s not anybody’s business, but we’ve spent some time together. We happened to run into each other in San Antonio last month when I was shopping there.

“Sean asked me to lunch, and we found we enjoyed each other’s company. And since we’re both so busy this is the only time we have to see each other.”

“You’re right. It isn’t my business. I just thought Millie Roberts had a thing for Sean.”

Her mother sighed. “I know, but Sean doesn’t feel the same about her. We find we have so much in common, and there is that spark. Oh, plenty of sparks.”

Lilly wanted to put her hands over her ears. Was this more than a platonic friendship? My mother is in a love triangle.

“And I need to tell her, today,” Beth said.

“Yes, you should,” Lilly agreed. “She’d be hurt if she heard it from someone else.” What else could happen this morning? She’d ogled a man, and her mother was dating. Suddenly the music vibration started upstairs in Kasey’s bedroom.

This was going to be an interesting summer.

It was after seven o’clock before Coop was off the phone with his captain relaying details about Delgado and the possible drug shipment coming to Kerry Springs. That was enough information to have more men posted around the landscaping business, looking for any unusual activity.

They wanted to get Delgado this time. In the past he’d managed to slip through the cracks, and no one would rat him out. Mike Perry might have tried, but he was dead now. They needed to find the proof that Mike had planned to give them, and before it got into the wrong hands.

He stood and looked out the window. He wasn’t sure he should go to the house for breakfast. He couldn’t deny the attraction between himself and Lilly. It would be easy to let things happen, but in the end he would have to leave when the job was done. Except Lilly Perry would be hard to say goodbye to.

There was a soft knock on the door. He opened it to find Robbie. “Hey, Rob, you ready to work?”

He nodded. “Mom said to tell you breakfast is ready.”

Coop hesitated, but seeing the bright look on the boy’s face, he nodded. “Good, I’m starved.”

The boy didn’t move. “Coop, can I ask you something?”

They walked along the path together. “Sure.”

“If you’re not too busy later, can you play catch with me?”

“Sure. We could probably find some time.”

“Oh, boy. Thanks.”

Robbie ran ahead and through the back door. Coop smiled and followed him inside where he found a brooding Kasey at the table and her mother at the stove making pancakes.

“Hi,” he said to Lilly as he went behind the island. “Need some help?”

“Sure. You can set the table. Plates are up there.”

He reached overhead and brought down four plates. He grabbed flatware and headed to the table. “Here, Kasey, make yourself useful.”

The teenager was about to argue, but Coop gave her a look that had her changing her mind. He went back to get the orange juice and glasses. In a few minutes they were all seated at the table and enjoying a nice breakfast.

“Where’s Beth?”

“She has an … early appointment.”

Robbie chimed in, “She’s having breakfast with Mr. Rafferty.”

“Robbie, where’d you hear that?”

“You and Grandma were talking.”

“How many times have I told you that eavesdropping isn’t polite.”

“I don’t know what that means.”

“I mean, you shouldn’t listen to other people talking.”

“But didn’t she go with Mr. Rafferty?”

“Yes, but Grandma’s business isn’t to leave this house. If she wants other people to know she’ll tell them.”

He took a bite of pancakes and after swallowing, he said, “Kinda like when Daddy left us, and people started sayin’ bad stuff?”

“And we don’t want that to happen again.”

The silence was deafening and Coop could see Lilly was uncomfortable.

“Hey, Rob, why don’t you go grab your ball and glove and we’ll toss a few?”

“Oh, boy. Can I, Mom?”

“Finish your milk, then you’re excused.”

He grabbed a few more bites of food, then drank up and ran off. So did his sister, although she didn’t ask permission.

The room was quiet with only the sound of footsteps overhead. “It was rough for you and the kids, wasn’t it?”

She nodded. “Even though there were a lot who stood by me, there were many who speculated on what happened between Mike and me. I was a bad wife. Had he met someone else? It all happened so fast. As if overnight my husband had changed and I couldn’t stop it.” She toyed with her coffee mug. “I guess I didn’t protect my children as well as I’d hoped, because in the end, their father abandoned them, and I can’t forgive him for that.”

If nothing else, Coop hoped he could learn the truth for her, but first he had to find it. Then they would both have answers to all the questions.

“I’m sorry, Lilly.”

She turned those hazel green eyes toward him. “Why? None of this is your fault. Mike was an adult. He made choices. All bad, but he made them.” She chewed her lower lip. “Worse, I know it had something to do with Stephanie.”

Bingo. “Why? Did your sister-in-law try to break up your marriage?”

She sighed. “You saw her yesterday. She was always jealous. She was the baby of the family, ten years younger than Mike. He spoiled her rotten because their father ignored her. After their parents died, Mike took over the business, and that included helping Stephanie.”

Coop carefully worked for information. “It seems that the business is prosperous.”

“That’s thanks to Mike. He expanded it to do landscaping and new construction and he opened the nursery on the property. We all sacrificed, too, helping to secure the future. Now they’re without a father, and my kids get nothing.

“Why is that? Aren’t his children in the will?”

Lilly shook her head. “Mike signed a survivorship clause, leaving everything to his sister. Stephanie walks away with it all, the business that rightfully should go to my children. She and that slimy boyfriend, Rey Santos, get everything.”

“Do you suspect something isn’t right?”

He watched her anger build along with her tears. “I don’t care anymore, Noah. Mike’s gone and the kids are without a father. All I want is for Stephanie to stay away from my family. We want to move on with our lives.”

Lilly stood. “Excuse me, Noah, I need to get to the store this morning. If you want anything more, help yourself. I’ll get Kasey to do the dishes.”

He got up, too, and stopped her before she left. “If my opinion means anything, I think you’re one hell of a woman, Lilly Perry. A man would be a fool to leave you.”

An hour later, Coop was calling himself every name in the book as he stood in the Staley backyard. He had no business saying anything to Lilly at breakfast.

Dammit. The woman was getting to him, and he had to stop it. He had to find a way to stay focused on his job. Not how much he wanted to pull her into his arms, feel her body against his. The problem was he wanted more than just to ease the loneliness; he wanted a connection with another human being.

“Heads up, Coop.”

He looked at Robbie to see the ball come flying. He was using the first baseman’s mitt that had once been Mike Perry’s. He reached out and managed to snag the errant throw.

“Okay, Rob. Here it comes.” He tossed the ball in the air. “Now get under it. That’s right, look it into your glove.”

The ball dropped in the kid’s glove and Robbie let go with a cheer. “I did it. Did you see, Coop? I did it.”

“I sure did. You kept your eye on the ball and you weren’t afraid.” He tugged on the boy’s cap. “Good job.” They did a high-five.

Just then Lilly’s compact car turned into the driveway and parked at the garage. Robbie went rushing toward her. “Mom, I caught the ball.”

She got out of the car and hugged her son. Something inside Coop’s chest tightened at the sight. His mother had never been affectionate with him or Devin. She was too busy for them most of the time.

Robbie pulled her by the hand. “Come on, Mom, we’ll show you.”


The boy told her where to stand, then rushed off to about fifteen feet away. “Throw it to me, Coop.”

Coop nodded. With a glance toward Lilly he turned back to Robbie. “Okay, keep your eye on the ball like the last time.” He lofted the ball in the air, praying that the boy could get it.

“Look it into your glove,” he coaxed until he heard the familiar thud.

He’d never seen a brighter smile than the one on Robbie’s face. Then he turned to Lilly. He was mistaken. She was beaming.

“Oh, Robbie, I’m so proud of you,” she cheered.

The boy ran to his mom. “Wow. I’m getting better. I’m gonna go tell Kasey.” He took off running.

Coop didn’t move, but Lilly did as she came up to him and touched his arm. “Oh, Noah, how can I ever thank you? I haven’t seen Robbie this happy in a long time.”

He could feel the warmth of her hand. “I just tossed him a ball.” He resisted squeezing her slender hand, but he refused to let her go, either.

“You spent time with him. He hasn’t had any male attention in a long time.”

“Yeah, a boy needs that.”

She finally took her hand away. “I bet you helped your brother a lot, too.”

“I tried. Our mom was gone a lot.”

She nodded. “I know that feeling. That’s why my mother is a godsend. Speaking of which, she’s invited Sean Rafferty to dinner tonight.”

“Not a problem. I can go to the diner downtown.”

“Noah,” she said with a smile. “You’re invited to come, too. It’s just a heads-up, they are officially dating.”

Coop smiled, finding he liked being included. “I hope he’s worthy of her.”

“Sean Rafferty is a very nice man. And according to the ladies my mother’s age, quite a catch. It seems Beth Staley has done something about a dozen women in town haven’t been able to do—caught Sean Rafferty’s eye.”

“So would you like me to grill him on his intentions?”

She laughed at that. He liked the sound and the way her hair brushed her cheek. He had to resist not to reach out and touch her. Damn, he was getting in deeper and deeper.


LILLY watched as the sensible Beth Staley seemed to become more and more flustered as she prepared supper for Sean Rafferty. All she could say was the man had better appreciate it.

And the second Sean walked into the house carrying a bottle of wine from his son’s vineyard and roses from his garden, sending a special look to her mother, she felt her own heart do a tumble.

“Sean,” Beth breathed.

“Hello, lass,” he returned with that dreamy Irish brogue and an engaging smile. He leaned down and kissed her cheek.

Then he looked up and saw her. “Hello, Lilly. It’s good to see you again.” He held out the wine. “Here’s a little contribution to the dinner.”

“Nice to see you, too, Sean. And thank you. This chardonnay will go well with the chicken.”

He tossed her a wink. “It’s nice to have access to a winery.”

Lilly smiled. The new label Rafferty Legacy graced the golden bottle. “This is lovely, thank you. How’s the family?”

“Wonderful. Sean Michael is a blessing, and a strapping lad he is. Much like his da and his uncle.”

“He’s adorable,” Beth added. “Jenny brought little Mick into the shop this morning.”

“Sorry I missed that.” Lilly was disappointed. “Will they be coming to the Casali’s barbecue?”

“Of course,” Sean said. “Jenny says she’s had enough of staying home. She can’t wait until she gets back to the shop.”

Lilly felt out of touch. “Jenny’s coming back to work?”

“Part-time,” her mother told her. “She’s going to set up a nursery in the back, and also use the upstairs apartment for naps and feedings.”

Lilly would have loved to stay home with her babies, but she didn’t have that choice. She’d had to go back to teaching to help support the family.

Suddenly there was a noise from above as her kids made their way down the stairs. Robbie was the first to speak. “Hi, Mr. R.”

“Hi, Robbie. I hear you’ve been practicing playing baseball.”

Her son beamed. “Yeah, Coop’s helpin’ me. I catch pretty good now.”

Sean turned to Kasey and grinned. “Well, who’s this pretty lassie?”

Lilly held her breath waiting for her daughter’s reaction. She actually smiled. “Hello, Mr. Rafferty.”

He reached for her hand. “You look like your mother and grandmother. Beautiful.”

“Oh, Sean.” Beth blushed. “She doesn’t want to hear that.”

“Why not?” He looked at the three generations of women. “You ladies are a picture.”

Lilly smiled. “Thank you. I’ll go check on supper.” She took off, not wanting her mother to leave her guest.

Lilly walked into the kitchen as Noah came in the back door. “Sorry, I’m late. What can I do to help?”

He was dressed in a nice pair of jeans and a collared shirt. Handsome as usual.

“Not much to do,” she told him, trying to ignore her racing heart. “I’ll just put the food in the bowls and carry it out to the dining room.” She stopped and sank against the counter. “I can’t believe it. I mean I believe it because my mother is an attractive woman, but I just never thought she’d seriously date someone.”

Seeing Lilly’s anxiety, Coop went around the island to her. “It’s a good thing, isn’t it? I mean this man makes her happy, doesn’t he?”

She nodded. “That’s just it. What if she wants a life of her own, and the kids and I are in the way?”

Coop frowned. The Beth Staley he’d gotten to know in the past week would never turn away from her family. “I doubt that. She loves having you here.”

“But it’s different now. She’s dating. She’s never dated, not that I know of.”

“Look, your mother has just started seeing this Sean. It might not lead to anything.”

She pointed to the other room. “You didn’t see how the two of them were looking at each other.” She paused. “I don’t want her to feel she can’t think of her future because of us.”

Coop reached out and gripped her upper arms. She was a combination of softness and strength and he found he liked both. “Lilly, you can’t do this to yourself. Your mother seems like a person who speaks out when there’s something on her mind. If there was a problem with you and the kids being here, I’m sure she’d talk to you about it.”

She raised those green eyes to meet his and it sent a jolt through him. “I’m being silly, right?”

Hell, he wasn’t sure of anything, except he had to fight to resist her. “No, not at all.” He managed to release her and when he tried to step back, she reached for his hand.

“Noah, thank you.”

He nodded, feeling the warmth of her hand. “Anytime.”

“Lately it seems you spend all your time talking me in from the ledge.”

“That’s me, rescuing damsels in distress,” he said, trying to make light of the situation.

“It’s not the usual me. There’s been a lot of changes in my once-organized life. I actually run an entire elementary school, and do it very well.”

He smiled. “So you’re a real tough guy underneath.”

She began to laugh. “It’s a hard job but someone’s got to do it.”

He couldn’t help himself and did the same.

Once she sobered, she reached up and brushed her lips across his cheek. “Thank you again, Noah.”

He could only nod and glance away, feeling a burn throughout his body. What was she doing to him? “Hey, we better get this food on the table. I’m hungry.”

“Then I better feed you.”

Five minutes later, they’d managed to carry the food in and called everyone to the table. Sean was filling the wineglasses as the kids took their seats. Once seated around the linen-covered dinner table, he realized it had been a mistake to sit so close to Lilly.

In the short time Coop had been in the Staley household, he’d been made to feel like a part of this family. Something he’d never felt growing up.

Most of the time it was just him and his brother. His mother either worked, or had a date with some guy. Why would Cindy Cooper-Morales want to hang around a slum apartment with her kids, anyway?

This was the homiest he’d ever gotten, and it was a farce. He had to remember that, too. Not real. Remember why he was here and not get personally involved.

However, the family thing might be a good cover, for people to think that he was dating Lilly. But the last thing he wanted to do was lead her on. She’d been hurt and lied to enough.

In the end, a lot of people could be hurt. This time, he could be included in the scenario.

Saturday was a perfect day for a barbecue, sunny, but not too hot. Coop drove Lilly and the family in his truck. It was silly to take two vehicles since Beth would meet Sean there and he’d take her back home.

Once again, he was geared up to do his job. The problem was he had to use Lilly and the kids for cover. If something didn’t happen soon, he had to wonder if his captain would pull him from the operation.

Of course that didn’t mean that Santos and Stephanie were going to stop being a threat to Lilly. The entire family could be in danger. He needed to get more information and soon.

Every night this past week, he’d returned to Perry’s Landscaping, hoping to learn more, or at least see something happening. Nothing. He hoped today would provide a break, because his captain wasn’t going to leave him here forever.

“I can’t wait to ride the horses,” Robbie called from the backseat.

Lilly smiled. She knew Alex would have horse rides for the children, along with swimming and several games so parents could enjoy themselves.

“What are your plans, Kasey?”

She shrugged. “It’s going to be boring.” She stared out the window. “I wanted to stay home but you wouldn’t let me.”

“Come on, Kasey, it’s going to be fun,” her grandmother coaxed. “A lot of your friends will be here today.”

Lilly agreed. “Yes, they will.” She reached back and touched her daughter’s leg. She felt her tense. “Just give it a chance, Kasey. If you’re going to be so bored this vacation, I could put you into summer classes.”

That got a cold stare. “You can’t do that.”

“I’m not going to put up with your bad attitude for the next two months. Your choice, Kasey, so think about finding something constructive to do. And I’m not talking about you staying up in your room all day, either.”

Lilly turned back around and saw a happy look on her daughter’s face when they drove through the large, iron gate that read, A Bar A Ranch. They stopped beside the ranch hands standing on either side of the road, greeting each carload of guests and giving directions.

Noah continued on past the ranch compound to the wooded area that was Cherry’s Camp.

The summer camp for handicapped kids was opened a few years back by Alex and Allison. Their eldest daughter, Cherry, had been in a wheelchair after a childhood accident. Now she was fully recovered and walking.

The facility wasn’t scheduled to open until the following week, so there was plenty of room for today’s barbecue.

Once parked, they all got out and walked past several of the family cabins to the large two-story structure where several barbecues and smokers were set up on the deck.

Inside the main hall there was a huge common area with a wonderful stone fireplace. Already friends and neighbors were milling around the area. The building also housed an exercise room, an indoor pool and a large kitchen and dining area.

Along the walls were tables of food; everyone brought a dish to share. By the looks of the limited space left, no one would go hungry.


She turned to see her friend and new mother coming toward them. In her arms was her new son. “Jenny. I was hoping you would be here.”

“Wouldn’t miss it.”

Lilly smiled down at the baby. “Oh, and look at this guy.” The baby was dressed in a little shirt that read, Cowboy In Training along with jeans. “Oh, could I hold him?”

With Jenny’s nod, Lilly scooped up the infant in her arms. She inhaled the baby’s scent, the warmth of having his sweet weight against her. She rocked him and kissed his head as she smiled and cooed at his sweet face, then looked up and caught Noah watching her.

She glanced at her mom and Jenny. They were talking and not paying attention to her. “I get a little carried away,” she finally said to him. “There’s something about new babies.”

Coop nodded in agreement, but in truth he had never thought much about babies. He had a niece, but with his work, he’d never been around her much. Yet something about Lilly holding the kid got to Coop. He didn’t like that, reminding himself he needed to stay focused on his job.

Lilly looked away when her kids were asking her questions, then Kasey and Robbie quickly took off.

Beth was looking around. “Jenny, have you seen Sean?”

“He’s in the kitchen, dropping off his barbecue beef and chicken. He’ll be out here soon.”

“So I’m finally getting to sample some of this famous sauce I’ve heard about,” Coop said.

“You haven’t been to Rory’s Bar and Grill?”

Coop shook his head.

“Well, you’re in for a treat,” Beth said. “People come from miles for a taste of his sauce. He’s been talking about marketing it.” Then she realized how much she was giving away. “Well, he’s talked about it a little.”

“What a great idea,” Lilly said.

It didn’t take long before Sean Rafferty came out of the back followed by two younger men. Coop recognized one as Jenny’s husband, Evan. Seeing the close resemblance to the other male, he guessed him to be Matt Rafferty. The one who had quite the reputation with the ladies.

Sean grinned when he spotted Beth. “Beth. You made it.” He kissed her on the mouth, then hugged her close. “I missed you.” He had no trouble showing affection, and he wasn’t the only one in the family. His sons followed suit, hugging Beth. So everyone was happy with the couple.

“Hello, Coop.” Sean shook his hand. “I’d like you to meet my sons, Evan and Matt. Boys, this is Noah Cooper. He rents Beth’s cottage and works for Alex.”

“Good to meet you,” Coop said to Evan. “I saw you at the hospital, but I guess you were a little preoccupied.”

Evan laughed and hugged his wife close. “Yeah, Jenny has a tendency to distract me, along with this little guy.”

“Can’t say I blame you. Congratulations.”

“Thank you.”

Coop looked at Matt. “Hello, Matt. I hear you run a vineyard and a cattle ranch.”

The younger brother put on a grin. “Among other things. So you’re working for Alex?”

“I’m a carpenter.”

He nodded. “And a lucky man to be staying with Beth and Ms. Principal here?”

“I’m renting the cottage out back.”

Beth jumped in. “Coop is also helping out with some repairs on the house.”

Matt nodded, but didn’t respond. Was the guy wondering if there was something going on between him and Lilly? Had the two dated before?

There were loud voices and they all looked to see more people coming. “Oh, the Merricks are here,” Lilly announced. “Look at Louisa, doesn’t she look great? I hear her and Clay are off on another trip soon.”

Coop recognized the older gentleman as Senator Clayton Merrick, soon to be retired after he finished this last term. He wasn’t sure who the others were.

“I didn’t expect to see her here,” Matt Rafferty murmured.

Coop turned around to see a petite raven-haired woman. She was beautiful. Seemed Matt Rafferty wasn’t exactly happy.

“Of course Alisa would be here,” Beth said. “She’s the project manager on Vista Verde.”

“What’s the matter, Matt?” Evan asked as he nudged him. “Wouldn’t Alisa give you the time of day?”

“I don’t need her to give me anything.”

Jenny stepped in. “Oh, come on, Alisa’s not like that. You just don’t know her.” She smiled at her brother-in-law. “It couldn’t be anything you said or did to her, could it?”

Matt shrugged, but Coop could see that the woman got under his skin. “Doesn’t matter,” he said. “There’s too many other women around.” He wandered off and found two willing females to spend time with.

Beth patted Sean’s hand. “He just needs to find that special one.”

Sean didn’t look convinced and suggested, “Why don’t we go and see Clay and Louisa and find out about their latest travels?”

Beth looked at her daughter. “Would you mind?”

“Of course not. Go and enjoy yourselves.”

The baby had fallen asleep and Lilly gave him back to Jenny.

“You have the touch,” the new mother said. “I better go put him in his carrier.” Jenny walked off with her husband.

With everyone’s desertion, that left Coop with Lilly. “My mother looks so happy.” She beamed. “I couldn’t have picked any better guy for her. Sean raised his sons on his own after his wife left them years ago. Never complained, and his boys came first. So he hasn’t seriously dated anyone.” She sighed. “What am I doing? They only started seeing each other and I have them married. Maybe it’s just a friendship.”

He cocked an eyebrow at her. He’d seen how Rafferty looked at Beth. He might be in his late fifties, but the man’s look showed desire.

Coop started to respond when he saw Stephanie Perry walk in with Santos. “Your sister-in-law has arrived.”

“My ex-sister-in-law. Darn, I was hoping she wouldn’t show today. If she comes anywhere near me, I’m calling the sheriff.”

“No need, I’m here,” he told her, knowing he wanted to keep an eye on Santos. He only hoped that he’d show his hand today. Maybe get some idea what was going on. They could slip and say something. It was a long shot, but that was what he lived for.

After eating far too much, Lilly ended up alone at the table. Robbie and Kasey had both finished and run off with friends. Since her daughter had been so cheerful, Lilly let her off restriction for a few hours. Her mother was with Sean and their friends. Noah had taken off, to speak with Alex about something work-related.

Okay, pity party of one.

“Well, well, sister dear. Seems you’re all alone. Again.”

Lilly tensed as she turned to see Stephanie. “Go away, or I’ll get someone to remove you.” She glanced across the room but no sign of anyone to help. She got up to leave.

Stephanie stopped her. “Just give me a moment.”

Lilly sank back down on the bench. “Why should I? All you do is harass me. You have everything already, what else could you want from me?”

Stephanie raised a calming hand. “Just something that’s gone missing. Some tax information that Mike had. I just thought he might have left a box that got mixed up with your stuff.”

Lilly didn’t trust her. “Why would I have anything of Mike’s. He’s been gone nearly two years.”

Stephanie seemed to stumble over her words. “Well, we need all the tax records for the last seven years. We’re being audited.”

Lilly shook her head. “I don’t have it.”

The bigger woman was crowding her space. “Maybe there’s a box somewhere. In the attic, or a closet.”

“I told you it’s all gone. Now I’ve got to go.”

“To your new boyfriend?”

Lilly froze. “That’s my business. We’re done here.”

“But you need to help me find the papers.”

“For the last time, no. And if you don’t stop harassing me, I’ll get a restraining order.”

The woman looked shocked, but then a sneer came across her face. “You don’t have the guts.”

* * *

Coop had been keeping a close watch on Santos all afternoon, but the man had stayed pretty close to Stephanie. They spent time with neighbors and friends, also with the hosts Alex and Allison Casali. One thing for sure, Rey Santos seemed to be well acquainted with just about everyone in town. Of course he helped run a business that serviced a lot of the residents of Kerry Springs.

Was this a dead end?

Coop was about to give up on anything happening when a Hispanic man came up to Santos. Their body language told him that this was more than just a friendly conversation. After a few minutes, the stranger walked off. Next Santos glanced around and he, too, started to leave the barbecue area. He acted as if he were going for a smoke, holding an unlit cigarette as he backed into the wooded area behind the cabins.

Keeping his distance, Coop followed Rey through the trees behind the cabin. Santos kept walking, looking over his shoulder.

Coop circled around to the other side, using the trees and brush for cover. If Rey was going for a smoke he was walking quite a ways to do it. He finally stopped in a clearing.

Behind a large tree, Coop waited and soon two more men made their way out of the trees.

He crouched lower and managed to move a little closer so he could try to decipher their voices from the music and noise coming from the party. They were speaking in Spanish. No surprise.

Growing up in El Paso, he knew enough to get by, but with everyone speaking at once, he only managed some key words, like “delivery” but he needed to hear a time or a date.

What the hell was being delivered? Drugs? Was this what the informant was trying to tell them? Give us the times and dates of the deliveries. Was this what Stephanie and Santos wanted from Lilly? Damn, he needed more answers.

Suddenly he heard his name and turned around to see Lilly coming toward him. Coop glanced toward the clearing. The others had heard her, too. The men dispersed, except for Santos who headed their way.

There wasn’t anything Coop could do but fake his way out of it. When Lilly finally reached him, he grabbed hold of her and pulled her against him as his mouth covered hers.


LILLY was caught totally off guard when Noah reached for her. He wasn’t gentle as his mouth closed over hers, but raw hunger didn’t allow finesse. Nor did she want it to.

Slipping her arms around his neck, she had no plans to stop what was happening. The feel of his mouth against hers stole her breath, causing her heart to drum against her ribs. The sound pounded in her ears. Mostly she reveled in the joy of being in Noah’s arms.

With a groan, he moved his hands over her back and pulled her tighter against him. She reacted with a moan and opened to him. It didn’t take long as his tongue moved against hers, sending shivers down her spine.

Then his mouth broke away, but she didn’t have a chance to miss it as he nibbled his way along her jaw to her ear.

“Lilly … We’re being watched, follow my lead.”

Watched? Who was watching? She managed to nod. Then his mouth returned to hers. She couldn’t stop a moan as he worked his magic again.

“Perdon, señora.”

Lilly jumped and turned around to find Rey Santos. “Oh, Rey.”

The man’s somber look slowly turned into a grin. “Sorry to disturb you.” He glared at Noah. “I wanted to make sure you are all right.”

Lilly worked to control her breathing, but couldn’t speak.

“Why wouldn’t she be?” Noah asked. “Except maybe from people sneaking up on her,” he went on as he pulled her closer.

Santos’s eyes narrowed. “Maybe the woods isn’t the safest place to be … with your mujer.”

Noah’s woman. Lilly had to admit she liked that idea.

“We wanted to be alone,” Noah told him. “I had no idea the woods would be so crowded.”

Santos continued to stare at him. “Next time be more careful.” He turned and marched off.

Noah dropped his arms from her and she swung around. “Okay, what’s going on?”

Coop refused to put Lilly in any more danger. “I’m not sure. Santos has been acting strange and I followed him out here. He met up with some men. I didn’t want him to know I was watching him, and when you came …” He looked at her. A mistake. Her lips were still swollen from his kisses. She was killing him. “Why were you looking for me?”

“Wait! That kiss was to distract Santos?”

He started to nod, but then confessed, “Okay, I might have gone a little overboard, but you’re a very tempting woman. I apologize for taking advantage of the situation.”

This time she seemed flustered. Hell, didn’t she know how appealing she was? And that was something he couldn’t let tempt him again. “Why did you want to see me?”

She shook her head. “Stephanie cornered me in the hall. She insisted I look for a box with Mike’s tax papers. Then when I told her I didn’t know anything about a box, she got irritated again.” Her gaze met his. “It’s not tax papers is it, Noah?”

He tried to act innocent. “What else could it be?”

“I don’t know.” Lilly was worried. “The way Mike had been acting the past year … and Stephanie’s boyfriend … Could it be something illegal?”

Coop shook his head. “There’s no proof.”

“I didn’t ask that. There’s something going on. I know it. Ever since Rey Santos started working in the business it’s been different.” She tried to swallow her panic. “Oh, God, was Mike involved, too? That has to be it. I know this is Stephanie’s fault. I’m going to give her a piece of my mind.”

Lilly started to walk off and Coop caught her by the arm. “No, Lilly. If what you suspect is true, it could be dangerous to confront them.”

Her gaze met his. “Then what do I do, just let them keep threatening me?”

“Maybe we can find what they’re looking for. Do you think that your husband might have left something with you?”

She’d been trying to rack her brain. “I can’t swear to it. I know, I told Stephanie I didn’t have anything of Mike’s. And I didn’t take anything from his home office, but that doesn’t mean things didn’t get mixed up.”

Coop was grasping at anything that might trip her memory. “Would he leave anything important behind?”

She hesitated. “All the important documents and papers went into the wall safe at our house.”

A wall safe? “Well, whoever lives there now has probably already looked inside.”

She shook her head. “The house is empty. Besides, the safe is well hidden. Mike had it put in himself.” She sighed. “Maybe I should remind Stephanie about it and she can look for herself. Then she’ll leave me alone. No! I should go. There could be other important papers in the safe.”

If there was proof of Santos’s or Delgado’s illegal activity, he didn’t want to hand it over to him. He was pretty sure Mike Perry died because of this. These guys weren’t taking any prisoners. It wasn’t safe for any of them. “I don’t think it’s safe for you to go into that house. Not alone.”

“Then come with me.”

Three hours later, Coop didn’t want to think about the rules he was about to violate. Lilly was going to break into her old house. Since nothing he said or did had changed her mind, his only choice was to go along as her accomplice.

Once the kids were shipped off to friends’ houses for a sleepover, and Beth and Sean left the Casali barbecue for an evening of dancing, it was only the two of them heading back to town.

“Do you still have a key?”

“Yes,” she said, digging through her purse. “I haven’t been able to take it off my key ring.” She glanced across the dark truck cab. “How pathetic is that?”

“Not pathetic at all. It was your home, where you raised your kids. More than likely the bank changed the locks.”

“Probably. After Mike’s suicide there was an investigation for a few days.”

The night sky didn’t allow him to see her face, but he could hear the pain in her voice. “Did he die at the house?”

“Yes,” she said in a soft voice. “The garage. He died of asphyxiation from carbon monoxide.”

Coop knew all this. “God, Lilly I’m sorry.”

Lilly nodded, trying to keep it together. “Not many people want to live in a house where someone has died.”

“Then you shouldn’t go back there, either.”

“Yes, I should. I need to end this once and for all. If Mike did something illegal, I need to know. I have to protect my kids. If he didn’t and we find these papers, Stephanie will be out of my life for good.”

When Coop reached across the truck console and took her hand, it gave Lilly the strength she needed. It was wonderful to get comfort and reassurance, but she felt something else was happening between them. It had been since the kiss. If she was truthful, it had been since the moments he met this man.

“At least you’ll know,” he said.

They were silent as they reached town. Lilly gave him directions to the house. Since it was after ten the neighborhood was quiet. They didn’t take a chance of being noticed and parked in the alley down the street.

With the aid of a penlight, Lilly led him through the gate and the backyard toward the one-story, ranch-style home.

Silently she took out her key and attempted to work the lock. It didn’t fit any longer.

“Darn. I guess it was too much to ask to make this simple.” She glanced around. “There’s only one other way to get inside.”

“How’s that?”

“The window in the garage doesn’t lock. And if they hadn’t changed the door to the house, it can be easily shimmied.”

She started to go and Coop stopped her. “I can’t let you go there. I’ll go through the window.”

She nodded.

He took off, found the window and with a couple of whacks on the frame, it gave way. After raising it, he climbed inside and across the empty double car garage to the door leading to the house. It wasn’t locked. He went inside, and quickly searched for a security alarm. There was none. He then unlocked the back door for Lilly.

Lilly didn’t want to look around. She didn’t want to remember her time here. The months she and Mike had spent remodeling the kitchen. How the kids had sat at the bar eating breakfast, doing their homework. All the wonderful times in this house. Then it was gone.

She made her feet keep moving down the hall to the den. Mike’s office. She opened the door to find it empty, too, but it didn’t stop the flash of memories. The big old schoolteacher’s desk she’d found and sanded and stained for this area.

No! She wouldn’t give in to the memories. That life was over. With the aid of the light, she took Noah to the wall with built-in bookcases that now were empty.

“Where is the safe?”

She handed him the light. “Hold up the light.” She reached for the middle shelf and unlatched a hook, then swung it out to reveal a safe built into the wall.

“This would be hard to find.” Coop felt hopeful. But were they going to hit the jackpot this time? “Do you know the combination?”

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Tall  Dark  Texas Ranger  Once Upon A Christmas Eve: Tall  Dark  Texas Ranger Christine Flynn и Patricia Thayer
Tall, Dark, Texas Ranger / Once Upon A Christmas Eve: Tall, Dark, Texas Ranger

Christine Flynn и Patricia Thayer

Тип: электронная книга

Жанр: Современные любовные романы

Язык: на английском языке

Издательство: HarperCollins

Дата публикации: 16.04.2024

Отзывы: Пока нет Добавить отзыв

О книге: Tall, Dark, Texas Ranger Noah Cooper is in Kerry Springs to do a job and as a Texas Ranger he can’t afford distraction. A pity, then, that at the centre of the mystery is irresistible single mum Lilly Perry… He loves her kids and can’t stop thinking about kissing her – but with all the secrets between them, can he convince her this Texas Ranger is ready for forever?Once Upon a Christmas EveMother-to-be Tommi Fairchild needs to take care of her baby and her bistro. So when Max Callahan offers to invest in her restaurant, it’s the answer to her Christmas prayer. Six feet of commanding masculinity – will the buttoned-down businessman break down the walls around his heart and make this a real fairytale Christmas for Tommi?

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