Collins First Dictionary

Collins First Dictionary
Collins Dictionaries

Optimised for colour tablets. The images in this e-book are not suitable for viewing on black and white e-ink devices.An ideal introduction to dictionaries for children aged 4 and above.The definitions use simple, full sentences that reflect the child's experience of the world, and the colourful illustrations help to make learning easy, memorable and fun.This dictionary helps children in learning the alphabet, English spelling, and the basic meanings of everyday words. With its clear, accessible layout, this dictionary makes it easy for for children to learn how to recognise different letters, look up words and find out how to spell them.The illustrations make the dictionary fun and appealing, allowing children to understand what words mean, while example sentences show how the words can be used. The simple grammatical labels provided introduce children to different word groups.Simple, fun and easy-to-use, this is the perfect for any child’s first school dictionary.


Cover (#ue08de971-41ff-5b26-8a32-94712f9154f1)

Title Page (#ueead0e42-6dc5-55ab-95fb-715cbd1ff52b)

How to find a word in this dictionary (#ulink_049469a8-6c04-5cfd-8cc8-de4efe40bd5f)

Features of this dictionary (#ulink_208f9ab2-7574-55bc-a5d8-dc24fbcf13ab)

How words work (#ulink_97c86e80-f9c0-570d-8b61-cf0952c651c9)

Aa (#ulink_662e6863-86cf-5bed-aad9-128d1f611499)

Bb (#ulink_d3a58b43-1170-5d24-8d1f-1b99bd7855ea)

Cc (#ulink_4778e6f7-5fd7-54aa-96d5-350b0aef7024)

Dd (#litres_trial_promo)

Ee (#litres_trial_promo)

Ff (#litres_trial_promo)

Gg (#litres_trial_promo)

Hh (#litres_trial_promo)

Ii (#litres_trial_promo)

Jj (#litres_trial_promo)

Kk (#litres_trial_promo)

Ll (#litres_trial_promo)

Mm (#litres_trial_promo)

Nn (#litres_trial_promo)

Oo (#litres_trial_promo)

Pp (#litres_trial_promo)

Qq (#litres_trial_promo)

Rr (#litres_trial_promo)

Ss (#litres_trial_promo)

Tt (#litres_trial_promo)

Uu (#litres_trial_promo)

Vv (#litres_trial_promo)

Ww (#litres_trial_promo)

Xx (#litres_trial_promo)

Yy (#litres_trial_promo)

Zz (#litres_trial_promo)

Index (#litres_trial_promo)

Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)

About the Publisher

How to find a word in this dictionary (#ulink_8ef0b793-509e-5693-a720-90692304d035)

Think of the first letter in the word you want to look up. Once you know this, there is more than one way to find your word in the dictionary:

• You can use the Index (#litres_trial_promo) at the back of the ebook which lists all of the dictionary words in alphabetical order. Scroll through the Index until you find the letter your word begins with, then look down the words until you find the one you are looking for. You can then follow the link to the entry in the dictionary.

• You can use the Contents (#uf2fdba12-d19a-5e47-927d-d8db684fcde5) page at the front of the book, which has a link to every letter in the dictionary. Follow the link to the letter your word begins with, then look through the entries in this letter until you find the word you are looking for. The entries are in alphabetical order.

Features of this dictionary (#ulink_f8305f07-a473-5880-b9aa-98e1fef71d5e)

1. You can check how to spell words.

2. You can see how the word changes when it is used in different ways.

3. You can see what the word means.

4. You can see how the word is used in a sentence.

5. You can see if a word has more than one meaning.

6. You can see if a word is a noun, verb or adjective. Some words can be used in more than one way.

How words work (#ulink_e9de4846-d3b6-5191-8e20-7a9f4d8c309a)


A noun is a word that is used for talking about a person or thing.

arm noun

bird noun

car noun

If you have more than one of the thing, you use the word that ends in –S.


Some words have special endings, or different spellings, when there is more than one.

child ➔ children


An adjective is a word like “big” or “beautiful” that tells you more about a person or thing.

happy adjective

wild adjective

wet adjective

Adjectives can be used in different ways.

happier, happiest

wilder, wildest

wetter, wettest


A verb is a word like “sing”, “feel” or “eat” that you use for saying what someone or something does.

eat verb

cry verb

talk verb

Verbs can be used in different ways.

eats, eating, ate, eaten

cries, crying, cried

talks, talking, talked

Verbs can be used to talk about things that you are doing now.

He teaches people how to play the piano.

He is in the school football team.

They can be used to talk about things that you did in the past.

She took the plates into the kitchen.

She talked to him on the phone.

They can also be used to talk about things that you will do in the future.

Mum will be angry.

Our teacher will give the prizes to the winners.

We’ll come along later.

Tips to help you become a super speller!

When you have found a word you need in the dictionary, try to learn how to spell it using the “Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check” strategy:

Explore further at ( for games, activities and extra support for parents and children.

Aa (#ulink_46227476-a6ba-50af-95a1-bdcef685648b)

abacus noun abacuses

An abacus is a frame with beads that move along pieces of wire. It is used for counting.

able adjective

If you are able to do something, you know how to do it.

She is able to swim.


1 About means to do with.

This book is about history.

2 About also means near to something.

His grandfather is about 80 years old.


If something is above another thing, it is over it or higher than it.

Lift the ball above your head.

accident noun accidents

1 An accident is something nasty that happens, and that hurts someone.

He broke his leg in a car accident.

2 If something happens by accident, you do not expect it to happen.

I dropped a cup by accident.

ache verb aches, aching, ached

If a part of your body aches, you feel a steady pain there.

My leg aches a lot.

acorn noun acorns

An acorn is the seed of an oak tree.


If someone goes across a place, they go from one side of it to the other.

She walked across the road.

act verb acts, acting, acted

1 When you act, you do something.

The police acted quickly to stop the fight.

2 If you act in a play or film, you pretend to be one of the people in it.

active adjective

Someone who is active moves around a lot.

My grandmother is very active for her age.

add verb adds, adding, added

1 If you add one thing to another, you put it with the other thing.

Add the water to the flour.

2 If you add numbers together, you find out how many they make together.

Add three and six.

address noun addresses

Your address is the name of the place where you live.

adjective noun adjectives

An adjective is a word like “big” or “beautiful”, that tells you more about a person or thing.

admire verb admires, admiring, admired

If you admire something, you like it and think that it is very nice or very good.

I admired his painting.

adopt verb adopts, adopting, adopted

If you adopt another person’s child, you take them into your own family as your son or daughter.

adult noun adults

An adult is a person who is not a child anymore.

adventure noun adventures

An adventure is something exciting which you do, or which happens to you.

He wrote a book about his adventures in the jungle.

adverb noun adverbs

An adverb is a word like “slowly”, “now”, or “very” that tells you about how something is done.

aeroplane noun aeroplanes

An aeroplane is a large vehicle with wings and engines that flies through the air.

afraid adjective

If you are afraid, you are frightened because you think that something bad will happen to you.

I am not afraid of the dark.


1 If something happens after another thing, it happens later than it.

I watched television after dinner.

2 If you go after a person or thing, you follow them or chase them.

They ran after her.

afternoon noun afternoons

The afternoon is the part of each day between twelve noon and about six o’clock.


If something happens again, it happens another time.

We went to the park again yesterday.


1 If something is against another thing, it is touching it.

He leaned against the wall.

2 If you play against someone in a game, you try to beat them.

The two teams played against one another.

age noun ages

Your age is the number of years that you have lived.


You use ago to talk about a time in the past.

She left two weeks ago.

agree verb agrees, agreeing, agreed

If you agree with someone, you think the same as they do about something.

I agree with you about him.


Someone who is ahead of another person is in front of them.

My brother ran ahead of us.

air noun

Air is the mixture of gases all around us that we breathe.

I opened the window and let in some air.

aircraft noun aircraft

An aircraft is any vehicle which can fly.

airport noun airports

An airport is a place where aeroplanes fly from and land.

alarm noun alarms

An alarm is a piece of equipment that warns you of danger by making a noise.

The car alarm woke us up.

alien noun aliens

In stories and films, an alien is a creature from another planet.

alike adjective

If people or things are alike, they are the same in some way.

The two cats looked alike.

alive adjective

If a person, an animal or a plant is alive, they are living and not dead.


You use all to talk about everything, everyone, or the whole of something.

Did you eat all of it?

alligator noun alligators

An alligator is a large reptile with a long body, a long mouth and sharp teeth. Alligators’ mouths are in the shape of a letter U.

allow verb allows, allowing, allowed

If you allow someone to do something, you let them do it.

Mum allowed us to go out and play.

all right or alright adjective

If you say that something is all right, you mean that it is good enough.

I thought the film was all right.


Almost means very nearly.

I almost missed the bus.

alone adjective

When you are alone, you are not with any other people.

She was alone in the room.


1 If you walk along a road or other place, you move towards one end of it.

We walked along the street.

2 If you bring something along when you go somewhere, you bring it with you.

She brought a present along to the party.


When you read or talk aloud, you read or talk so that other people can hear you.

She read the story aloud to us.

alphabet noun alphabets

An alphabet is a set of letters that is used for writing words. The letters are arranged in a special order.

A is the first letter of the alphabet.


You use already to show that something has happened before the present time.

She is already here.


You use also to give more information about something.

I’m cold, and I’m also hungry.


If you always do something, you do it every time or all the time.

She’s always late for school.


Look at be (#ulink_35ee4b79-8405-5bb5-837f-08b41059fabd).

I am six years old.

amazing adjective

You say that something is amazing when it is a surprise and you like it.

We had an amazing holiday.

ambulance noun ambulances

An ambulance is a vehicle for taking people to hospital.

amount noun amounts

An amount of something is how much there is of it.

We only have a small amount of food.

amphibian noun amphibians

An amphibian is an animal that lives both on land and in water, for example a frog or a toad.

ancient adjective

Ancient means very old, or from a long time ago.

They lived in an ancient castle.

angry adjective angrier, angriest

When you are angry, you feel very upset about something.

She was angry at her brother for breaking the window.

animal noun animals

An animal is any creature that is alive, but not a plant or a person.

ankle noun ankles

Your ankle is the part of your body where your foot joins your leg.

I fell and twisted my ankle.

annoy verb annoys, annoying, annoyed

If something annoys you, it makes you angry and upset.

It annoys me when people are rude.


You use another to mean one more.

She ate another cake.

answer verb answers, answering, answered

If you answer someone, you say something back to them.

She said hello, but he didn’t answer.

ant noun ants

Ants are small insects that live in large groups.

antelope noun antelopes

An antelope is an animal that looks like a deer.


1 You use any to mean some of a thing.

Is there any juice left?

2 You also use any to show that it does not matter which one.

Take any book you want.


You use anybody to talk about a person, when it does not matter which one.

Is there anybody there?


You use anyone to talk about a person, when it does not matter who.

Don’t tell anyone.


You use anything to talk about a thing, when it does not matter which one.

I can’t see anything.


You use anywhere to talk about a place, when it does not matter which one.

You can go anywhere you like.


1 When things are apart, there is a space or a distance between them.

The desks are too far apart.

2 If you take something apart, you take it to pieces.

He took his bike apart.

ape noun apes

An ape is an animal like a large monkey with long, strong arms and no tail.

apologize or apologise verb apologizes, apologizing, apologized

When you apologize, you say that you are sorry for something you have said or done.

He apologized for breaking the window.

appear verb appears, appearing, appeared

When something appears, it becomes possible to see it.

The sun appeared from behind the clouds.

apple noun apples

An apple is a firm, round fruit with green, red, or yellow skin.

April noun

April is the month after March and before May. It has 30 days.

His birthday is in April.

apron noun aprons

An apron is a large piece of cloth that you wear over your other clothes to keep them clean when you are cooking or painting.


Look at be (#ulink_35ee4b79-8405-5bb5-837f-08b41059fabd).

They are both in my class.

area noun areas

An area is a part of a place.

We live in an area near the park.


Aren’t is short for are not.

My friends aren’t here today.

argue verb argues, arguing, argued

If you argue with someone, you talk about something that you do not agree about.

We argued about where to go.

argument noun arguments

If you have an argument with someone, you talk about something that you do not agree about.

She had an argument with another girl.

arm noun arms

Your arms are the two parts of your body between your shoulders and your hands.

She stretched her arms out.

armchair noun armchairs

An armchair is a big comfortable chair with parts on the sides for you to put your arms on.

army noun armies

An army is a large group of soldiers who fight in a war.


1 Around means in a circle.

There were lots of people around her.

2 You also use around to say that something is in every part of a place.

His toys lay around the room.

3 Around also means near to something.

We left around noon.

arrange verb arranges, arranging, arranged

1 If you arrange something, you make plans for it to happen.

We arranged a party for her birthday.

2 If you arrange things somewhere, you put them in a way that looks tidy or pretty.

He arranged the books in piles.

arrive verb arrives, arriving, arrived

When you arrive at a place, you get there.

We arrived ten minutes late.

arrow noun arrows

1 An arrow is a long, thin stick with a sharp point at one end.

The soldiers used bows and arrows.

2 An arrow is also a sign that shows you which way to go.

Follow the arrows along the path.

art noun

Art is something that someone has made for people to look at, for example a painting or drawing.

ask verb asks, asking, asked

1 If you ask someone a question, you say that you want to know something.

I asked him what his name was.

2 If you ask for something, you say that you want it.

She asked for some sweets.

asleep adjective

If you are asleep, you are sleeping.

The cat was asleep under the tree.

assembly noun assemblies

An assembly is a group of people who meet together.

We were late for school assembly.

assistant noun assistants

An assistant is someone who helps another person in their work.

astronaut noun astronauts

An astronaut is a person who travels in space.


Look at eat (#litres_trial_promo).

He ate three apples.

atlas noun atlases

An atlas is a book of maps.

attack verb attacks, attacking, attacked

If someone attacks another person, they try to hurt them.

attention noun

If you pay attention, you watch and listen.

He always pays attention in class.

attract verb attracts, attracting, attracted

If something attracts things to it, it makes them move towards it.

Magnets attract anything made of iron.

audience noun audiences

An audience is all of the people who watch or listen to something, for example a film or a play.

August noun

August is the month after July and before September. It has 31 days.

We went on holiday in August.

aunt noun aunts

Your aunt is the sister of your mother or father, or the wife of your uncle.

author noun authors

An author is a person who writes books.

autumn noun autumns

Autumn is the season after summer and before winter. In the autumn the weather usually becomes cooler and the leaves fall off the trees.

awake adjective

Someone who is awake is not sleeping.

I stayed awake until midnight.


1 If someone moves away from a place, they move so that they are not there any more.

He walked away from the house.

2 If you put something away, you put it where it should be.

Put your books away before you go.

awful adjective

If something is awful, it is very bad.

There was an awful smell.

axe noun axes

An axe is a tool with a handle and a big, sharp blade. It is used to chop wood.

Bb (#ulink_78c6f71a-970d-57a7-8158-f560bc3cb21e)

baby noun babies

A baby is a very young child.

back noun backs

1 Your back is the part of your body from your neck to your bottom.

He was lying on his back in the grass.

2 The back of something is the side or part of it that is farthest from the front.

She was in a room at the back of the shop.


1 If you move backwards, you move in the direction behind you.

She walked backwards.

2 If you do something backwards, you do it the opposite of the usual way.

He had his jumper on backwards.

bad adjective worse, worst

1 Something that is bad is not nice or good.

The weather is bad today.

2 Someone who is bad does things they should not do.

Some bad boys stole the money.

badge noun badges

A badge is a small piece of metal or plastic with words or a picture on it that you wear on your clothes.

badger noun badgers

A badger is an animal that has a white head with two black stripes on it. Badgers live beneath the ground and come out at night.

bag noun bags

A bag is a container that you use to hold or carry things.

He put his shoes in his bag.

bake verb bakes, baking, baked

When you bake food, you cook it in an oven.

baker noun bakers

A baker is a person who makes and sells bread and cakes.

balance verb balances, balancing, balanced

When you balance something, you keep it steady and do not let it fall.

She balanced a book on her head.

ball noun balls

A ball is a round thing that you kick, throw or catch in games.

ballet noun

Ballet is a kind of dance with special steps that often tells a story.

balloon noun balloons

A balloon is a small bag made of thin rubber that you blow into to make it bigger.

banana noun bananas

A banana is a long curved fruit with a thick yellow skin.

band noun bands

1 A band is a group of people who play music together.

He plays the guitar in a band.

2 A band is also a narrow strip of material that you put around something.

She wore a band round her hair.

bandage noun bandages

A bandage is a long strip of cloth that you wrap around a part of your body when you have hurt it.

bang noun bangs

A bang is a sudden, loud noise.

The balloon burst with a bang.

bank noun banks

1 A bank is a place where people can keep their money.

He got some money from the bank.

2 A bank is also the ground beside a river.

We walked along the bank.

bar noun bars

A bar is a long, thin piece of wood or metal.

There were bars on the windows.

bare adjective barer, barest

1 If a part of your body is bare, it is not covered by any clothes.

Her feet were bare.

2 If something is bare, it has nothing on top of it or inside it.

The cupboard was bare.

bark verb barks, barking, barked

When a dog barks, it makes a short, loud noise.

barn noun barns

A barn is a big building on a farm where animals and crops are kept.

base noun bases

The base of something is the lowest part of it, or the part that it stands on.

She stood at the base of the stairs.

basket noun baskets

A basket is a container that you use to hold or carry things. It is made from thin strips of material.

bat noun bats

1 A bat is a special stick that you use to hit a ball in some games.

2 A bat is also a small animal that looks like a mouse with wings. Bats come out to fly at night.

bath noun baths

A bath is a long container that you fill with water and sit in to wash yourself.

bathroom noun bathrooms

A bathroom is a room with a bath or shower in it.

battery noun batteries

A battery is a small tube or box for storing electricity. You put batteries in things like toys and radios to make them work.

The clock needs a new battery.

be verb am, is, are, being, was, were, been

1 You use be to say what a person or thing is like.

She is very young.

2 You also use be to say that something is there.

There is a tree in the garden.

beach noun beaches

A beach is the land by the edge of the sea. It is covered with sand or stones.

bead noun beads

A bead is a small piece of glass, wood or plastic with a hole through the middle. You put beads on a string to make necklaces or bracelets.

beak noun beaks

A bird’s beak is the hard part of its mouth.

bean noun beans

A bean is the small seed of some plants that you can eat as a vegetable.

bear noun bears

A bear is a big, strong animal with thick fur and sharp claws.

beard noun beards

A beard is the hair that grows on a man’s chin and cheeks.

beat verb beats, beating, beat, beaten

1 If you beat something, you keep hitting it.

He beat the drum with a stick.

2 If you beat someone in a game or a competition, you do better than they do.

He beat me in the race.

beautiful adjective

If something is beautiful, it is very nice to look at or to listen to.

He painted a beautiful picture.


Look at become (#ulink_3bc0b1e4-39dd-572e-b1af-4bbc53f98ac8).

She became very angry.


You use because to say why something happens.

I went to bed because I was tired.

become verb becomes, becoming, became, become

If one thing becomes another thing, it starts to be that thing.

The weather became cold.

bed noun beds

A bed is a piece of furniture that you lie on when you sleep.

bedroom noun bedrooms

A bedroom is a room with a bed in it where you sleep.

bedtime noun bedtimes

Your bedtime is the time when you usually go to bed.

My bedtime is at eight o’clock.

bee noun bees

A bee is an insect with wings and black and yellow stripes on its body. Bees live in large groups and make honey.


Look at be (#ulink_35ee4b79-8405-5bb5-837f-08b41059fabd).

We have always been good friends.

beetle noun beetles

A beetle is an insect with hard wings that cover its body when it is not flying.


If one thing happens before another thing, it happens earlier than it.

My birthday is just before his.


Look at begin (#ulink_0f501ead-85ee-5659-8a37-98907efe229f).

She began to laugh.

begin verb begins, beginning, began, begun

If you begin to do something, you start to do it.

You can begin to write now.


Look at begin (#ulink_0f501ead-85ee-5659-8a37-98907efe229f).

He has begun to play the piano.

behave verb behaves, behaving, behaved

1 The way you behave is the way that you do and say things.

She behaves like a baby.

2 If you behave yourself, you are good.

You can come if you behave yourself.


If something is behind another thing, it is at the back of it.

He stood behind his desk.

believe verb believes, believing, believed

If you believe something, you think that it is true.

I don’t believe that story.

bell noun bells

A bell is a piece of metal in the shape of a cup that rings when you shake it or hit it.

belong verb belongs, belonging, belonged

1 If something belongs to you, it is yours.

The book belongs to her.

2 If you belong to a group of people, you are one of them.

He belongs to our team.

3 If something belongs somewhere, that is where it should be.

Your toys belong in your room.


If something is below another thing, it is lower down than it.

His shoes were below his bed.

belt noun belts

A belt is a band of leather or cloth that you wear around your waist.

bench noun benches

A bench is a long seat that two or more people can sit on.

bend verb bends, bending, bent

When you bend something, you change its shape so that it is not straight any more.

Bend your legs when you do this exercise.


If something is beneath another thing, it is below it.

The dog was beneath the table.


Look at bend (#ulink_42544bae-d0c9-5cbf-8152-5dfab77636af).

He bent to pick up the bags.

berry noun berries

A berry is a small, soft fruit that grows on a bush or a tree.


If something is beside another thing, it is next to it.

He sat down beside me.


If you say that something is best, you mean that it is better than all the others.

You are my best friend.


1 You use better to mean that a thing is very good compared to another thing.

His painting is better than mine.

2 If you feel better, you do not feel ill any more.

I feel much better today.


If you are between two things, one of them is on one side of you and the other is on the other side.

She stood between her two brothers.

bicycle noun bicycles

A bicycle is a vehicle with two wheels. You push the pedals with your feet to make the wheels turn.

big adjective bigger, biggest

A person or thing that is big is large in size.

She lives in a big house.

bike noun bikes

A bike is a bicycle or motorbike.

bin noun bins

A bin is a container that you put rubbish in.

bird noun birds

A bird is an animal with feathers, wings, and a beak. Most birds can fly.

birthday noun birthdays

Your birthday is the date that you were born.

She gave me a present on my birthday.

biscuit noun biscuits

A biscuit is a kind of small, hard, dry cake.

bit noun bits

A bit of something is a small amount of it, or a small part of it.

I ate a bit of bread.

bite verb bites, biting, bit, bitten

If you bite something, you use your teeth to cut into it.

The dog tried to bite him.

black noun/adjective

Black is the colour of the sky at night.

The car is black.

blackboard noun blackboards

A blackboard is a flat, black surface that you write on with chalk in a classroom.

blade noun blades

A blade is the flat, sharp part of a knife that you use to cut things.

blame verb blames, blaming, blamed

If you blame someone for something bad, you think that they made it happen.

Mum blamed me for making the mess.

blanket noun blankets

A blanket is a large, thick piece of cloth that you put on a bed to keep you warm.


Look at blow (#ulink_293ad77c-3b3e-5dd2-b57a-8e15e67ad5cf).

The wind blew outside.

blind adjective

Someone who is blind cannot see.

block noun blocks

A block of something is a large piece of it with straight sides.

We made a house with blocks of wood.

blood noun

Blood is the red liquid that moves around inside your body.

blouse noun blouses

A blouse is something a girl or woman can wear. It covers the top part of the body and has buttons down the front.

blow verb blows, blowing, blew, blown

1 When the wind blows, it moves the air.

2 When you blow, you push air out of your mouth.

He blew on his hands to keep them warm.

blue noun/adjective

Blue is the colour of the sky on a sunny day.

Her dress is blue.

blunt adjective blunter, bluntest

Something that is blunt does not have a sharp point or edge.

My pencil is blunt.

boat noun boats

A boat is a small vehicle that carries people on water.

body noun bodies

A person’s or animal’s body is all their parts.

It’s fun to stretch and twist your body.

boil verb boils, boiling, boiled

1 When water boils, it becomes very hot, and you can see bubbles in it and steam coming from it.

2 When you boil food, you cook it in water that is boiling.

bone noun bones

Your bones are the hard parts inside your body.

I broke a bone in my leg.

bonfire noun bonfires

A bonfire is a big fire that is made outside.

book noun books

A book is a set of pages with words or pictures on them, that are held together inside a cover.

boot noun boots

A boot is a kind of shoe that covers your foot and the lower part of your leg.

bored adjective

If you are bored, you feel annoyed because you have nothing to do.

boring adjective

If something is boring, it is not interesting.

born verb

When a baby is born, it comes out of its mother’s body.

My sister was born three years ago.

borrow verb borrows, borrowing, borrowed

If you borrow something from someone, they let you have it for a short time and then you give it back.

Can I borrow your pen, please?


You use both to mean two people or two things together.

He put both books into the drawer.

bottle noun bottles

A bottle is a container made of glass or plastic that holds liquid.

bottom noun bottoms

1 The bottom of something is its lowest part.

2 Your bottom is the part of your body that you sit on.


Look at buy (#ulink_9db62fa6-60e0-5f86-bb45-3392c602b9ed).

We bought bread and milk.

bounce verb bounces, bouncing, bounced

When something bounces, it hits another thing and then moves away from it again.

The ball bounced across the floor.

bow verb bows, bowing, bowed

When you bow, you bend your body towards someone as a polite way of saying hello or thanking them.

They all bowed to the king.

bow noun bows

1 A bow is a knot with two loose ends that you use to tie laces and ribbons.

2 A bow is also a long, curved piece of wood with a string stretched between the two ends, that is used to send arrows through the air.

bowl noun bowls

A bowl is a round container that you use to hold food or drink.

box noun boxes

A box is a container with a hard, straight bottom and sides, and usually a lid.

boy noun boys

A boy is a male child.

bracelet noun bracelets

A bracelet is a chain or a band that you wear around your wrist.

brain noun brains

Your brain is inside your head. It controls your body and lets you think and feel things.

branch noun branches

The branches of a tree are the parts that grow out from its trunk and have leaves on them.

brave adjective braver, bravest

If you are brave, you are not afraid of something dangerous.

bread noun

Bread is a food that is made from flour and water and baked in an oven.

break verb breaks, breaking, broke, broken

1 When something breaks, it goes into pieces.

I dropped a plate and it broke.

2 When a machine breaks, it stops working.

My brother broke the television.

breakfast noun breakfasts

Breakfast is the first meal of the day.

breathe verb breathes, breathing, breathed

When you breathe, air goes in and out of your body through your nose or your mouth.

brick noun bricks

Bricks are small blocks of baked earth used for building.

bride noun brides

A bride is a woman who is getting married.

bridegroom noun bridegrooms

A bridegroom is a man who is getting married.

bridge noun bridges

A bridge is something that is built over a river, a road, or a railway so that people can get across it.

bright adjective brighter, brightest

1 A bright colour is very easy to see.

She wore a bright red dress.

2 Something that is bright shines with a lot of light.

The sun is very bright today.

brilliant adjective

Something that is brilliant is very good.

I thought the film was brilliant.

bring verb brings, bringing, brought

If you bring something, you take it with you when you go somewhere.

You can bring a friend to the party.


Look at break (#ulink_564f1e87-ca2f-54ca-9500-0f957e032caf).

I’m sorry I broke the radio.

broken adjective

If something is broken, it is in pieces.

All of his toys are broken.

broom noun brooms

A broom is a brush with a long handle that you use to sweep the floor.

brother noun brothers

Your brother is a boy or a man who has the same mother and father as you do.


Look at bring (#ulink_16bc3e92-bfaf-5d51-917e-ace55718f6ca).

We brought some food for the picnic.

brown noun/adjective

Brown is the colour of earth or wood.

Her eyes are dark brown.

bruise noun bruises

A bruise is a purple mark on your skin that appears if something hits a part of your body.

She has a big bruise on her leg.

brush noun brushes

A brush has lots of short hairs fixed to a handle. You use a brush to make your hair tidy, to clean things, or to paint.

bubble noun bubbles

A bubble is a small ball of liquid with air inside it.

bucket noun buckets

A bucket is a deep, round container with a handle that you use to hold or carry liquids.

buckle noun buckles

A buckle is something you use to fasten a belt, a shoe or a bag.

bud noun buds

A bud is a small, new part on a tree or plant that grows into a leaf or a flower.

build verb builds, building, built

If you build something, you make it by putting the parts of it together.

They are going to build the school here.

building noun buildings

A building is a place with walls and a roof.

Houses, shops and schools are all buildings.


Look at build (#ulink_c45ce448-e529-56c6-82d1-f82398ae856d).

We built our house on a hill.

bulb noun bulbs

A bulb is the part of a lamp that is made of glass and gives out light.

bull noun bulls

A bull is a male cow. Bulls have horns.

bump verb bumps, bumping, bumped

If you bump something, or bump into it, you hit it without meaning to.

I bumped the table with my bag.

bunch noun bunches

A bunch of things is a group of them.

He held a bunch of keys.

bundle noun bundles

A bundle is a lot of clothes, sticks or other things that are fastened together.


Look at bury (#ulink_1fe9f976-ac44-517f-8e52-dbb69c2042f0).

The pirates buried the gold beneath a tree.

burn verb burns, burning, burned, burnt

1 If you burn something, you destroy it or damage it with fire.

He burned all the rubbish.

2 If you burn yourself, you touch something that is hot and get hurt.

I burned myself on the hot iron.

3 If something is burning, it is on fire.

The bonfire is still burning.

burst verb bursts, bursting, burst

When something bursts, it breaks open suddenly.

The bag burst and everything fell out of it.

bury verb buries, burying, buried

If you bury something, you put it into a hole in the ground and cover it up.

Squirrels bury nuts to eat in the winter.

bus noun buses

A bus is a large vehicle that carries lots of people.

I go to school on the bus.

bush noun bushes

A bush is a plant with lots of leaves and branches that is smaller than a tree.

busy adjective busier, busiest

1 If you are busy, you have a lot of things to do.

We were busy cleaning the house.

2 A busy place is full of people.

The shops are busy today.

butcher noun butchers

A butcher is a person who sells meat.

butter noun

Butter is a soft yellow and white food that is made from cream. You spread it on bread or cook with it.

butterfly noun butterflies

A butterfly is an insect with four large wings.

button noun buttons

Buttons are small, round things on clothes that you push through holes to fasten the clothes together.

buy verb buys, buying, bought

If you buy something, you pay money so that you can have it.

We went into the shop to buy sweets.

buzz verb buzzes, buzzing, buzzed

If something buzzes, it makes a sound like a bee makes when it flies.

An insect buzzed around my head.

Cc (#ulink_f2da9de2-af09-5200-b41b-0bbfaa21b679)

cabbage noun cabbages

A cabbage is a round vegetable with green, white, or purple leaves.

cage noun cages

A cage is a box or a room made of bars where you keep birds or animals.

cake noun cakes

A cake is a sweet food made from flour, eggs, sugar, and butter that you bake in an oven.

calculator noun calculators

A calculator is a small machine that you use to do sums.

calendar noun calendars

A calendar is a list of all the days, weeks, and months in a year.

calf noun calves

1 A calf is a young cow.

2 Your calves are also the thick parts at the backs of your legs, between your ankles and your knees.

call verb calls, calling, called

1 If you call someone something, you give them a name.

I called my cat Pippin.

2 If you call something, you say it in a loud voice.

Someone called his name.

3 If you call someone, you talk to them on the telephone.

I’ll call you tomorrow.


Look at calf (#ulink_3949aedb-e2f6-5495-b0ac-823879f25559).

My calves hurt.


Look at come (#ulink_a92c0528-e4b9-5b61-8ce0-33b860d2bd45).

My friends came to play at my house.

camel noun camels

A camel is a large animal with one or two big lumps on its back. Camels live in hot, dry places and carry people and things.

camera noun cameras

A camera is a machine that you use to take pictures.

camp noun camps

A camp is a place where people live in tents for a short time.

can verb could

If you can do something, you are able to do it.

I can swim.

can noun cans

A can is a metal container for food or drink.

She opened a can of soup.

candle noun candles

A candle is a stick of wax with a piece of string through the middle that you burn to give you light.

cannot verb

If you cannot do something, you are not able to do it.

I cannot find my bag.


Can’t is short for cannot.

He can’t play the piano.

capital noun capitals

1 The capital of a country is the main city, where the country’s leaders work.

Paris is the capital of France.

2 A capital is also a big letter of the alphabet, for example A or R.

car noun cars

A car is a vehicle with four wheels and an engine that can carry a small number of people.

card noun cards

1 Card is stiff paper.

2 A card is a folded piece of stiff paper that has a picture on the front and a message inside. You send cards to people at special times, like birthdays.

3 Cards are pieces of stiff paper with numbers or pictures on them that you use for playing games.

cardboard noun

Cardboard is very thick, stiff paper that is used for making boxes.

care verb cares, caring, cared

1 If you care about something, you think that it is important.

He doesn’t care about the way he looks.

2 If you care for a person or an animal, you look after them.

She cared for her pets.

careful adjective

If you are careful, you think about what you are doing so that you do not make any mistakes.

Be careful when you cross the road.

careless adjective

If you are careless, you do not think about what you are doing, so that you make mistakes.

It was careless of me to forget my keys.

carpet noun carpets

A carpet is a thick, soft cover for a floor.

carrot noun carrots

A carrot is a long, orange vegetable.

carry verb carries, carrying, carried

If you carry something, you hold it and take it somewhere with you.

We carried our bags to the car.

carton noun cartons

A carton is a container made of plastic or cardboard that is used to hold food or drink.

I bought a carton of milk.

cartoon noun cartoons

1 A cartoon is a funny drawing.

2 A cartoon is also a film that uses drawings, not real people or things.

case noun cases

A case is a container that is used to hold or carry something.

He put the camera in its case.

castle noun castles

A castle is a large building with very thick, high walls. Most castles were built a long time ago to keep the people inside safe from their enemies.

cat noun cats

A cat is an animal that is covered with fur and has a long tail. People often keep small cats as pets. Large cats, for example lions and tigers, are wild.

catch verb catches, catching, caught

1 If you catch something that is moving, you take hold of it while it is in the air.

I tried to catch the ball.

2 If you catch a bus or a train, you get on it.

We caught the bus to school.

3 If you catch an illness, you become ill with it.

He caught measles.

caterpillar noun caterpillars

A caterpillar is a small animal that looks like a worm with lots of short legs. Caterpillars turn into butterflies or moths.

cattle noun

Cattle are cows and bulls.

There were cattle in the field.


Look at catch (#ulink_5cd0727e-9f9d-5765-a0b8-51957c4169c9).

I jumped and caught the ball.

cauliflower noun cauliflowers

A cauliflower is a big, round, white vegetable with green leaves.

cave noun caves

A cave is a big hole in the side of a hill or a mountain, or beneath the ground.

CD noun CDs

CD is short for compact disc.

I bought the band’s new CD.

ceiling noun ceilings

A ceiling is the part of a room that is above your head.

centimetre noun centimetres

A centimetre is used for measuring the length of something. There are ten millimetres in a centimetre, and one hundred centimetres in a metre.

centre noun centres

The centre of something is the middle of it.

She stood in the centre of the room.

cereal noun cereals

1 A cereal is a food made from grains that you eat with milk for breakfast.

2 A cereal is also a kind of plant, for example wheat or rice. The seeds of cereals are used for food.

chain noun chains

A chain is a row of rings made of metal that are joined together in a line.

chair noun chairs

A chair is a seat with a back and four legs, for one person.

He suddenly got up from his chair.

chalk noun

Chalk is a kind of soft rock. You use small sticks of chalk to write or draw on a blackboard.

change verb changes, changing, changed

1 When you change something, or when it changes, it becomes different.

The caterpillar changed into a butterfly.

2 When you change, you put on different clothes.

He changed to go to the party.

change noun

Change is the money that you get back when you pay too much for something.

chapter noun chapters

A chapter is a part of a book.

This book has ten chapters.

character noun characters

1 Your character is the kind of person you are.

2 A character is also a person in a story or a film.

charge verb charges, charging, charged

If someone charges you an amount of money for something, they ask you to pay that amount for it.

They charged us too much for our meal.

chase verb chases, chasing, chased

If you chase someone, you run after them and try to catch them.

The dog chased the cat.

cheap adjective cheaper, cheapest

If something is cheap, you do not have to pay a lot of money for it.

Milk is very cheap in this shop.

check verb checks, checking, checked

If you check something, you make sure that it is right.

The teacher checked my homework.

cheek noun cheeks

Your cheeks are the sides of your face below your eyes.

My cheeks were red.

cheer verb cheers, cheering, cheered

When people cheer, they shout to show that they like something.

We all cheered when he won the race.

cheerful adjective

Someone who is cheerful is happy.

cheese noun

Cheese is a solid food that is made from milk.

cheetah noun cheetahs

A cheetah is a big wild cat with yellow fur and black spots.

cherry noun cherries

A cherry is a small, round fruit with a hard stone in the middle. Cherries are red, black, or yellow.

chew verb chews, chewing, chewed

When you chew food, you use your teeth to break it up in your mouth before you swallow it.

chick noun chicks

A chick is a very young bird.

chicken noun chickens

1 A chicken is a bird that is kept on a farm for its eggs and meat.

2 Chicken is also the meat that comes from chickens.

child noun children

A child is a young boy or girl.

chimney noun chimneys

A chimney is a long pipe above a fire. Smoke from the fire goes up the chimney and out of the building.

chimpanzee noun chimpanzees

A chimpanzee is a kind of small ape with dark fur.

chin noun chins

Your chin is the part of your face below your mouth.

A black beard covered his chin.

chip noun chips

Chips or potato chips are thin pieces of potato fried in hot oil.

chip verb chips, chipping, chipped

If you chip something, you break a small piece off it by accident.

I chipped my tooth when I fell.

chocolate noun chocolates

Chocolate is a sweet brown food that is used to make sweets, cakes, and drinks.

choose verb chooses, choosing, chose, chosen

If you choose something, you decide to have it.

You can choose any book you want.

chop verb chops, chopping, chopped

If you chop something, you cut it into pieces with a knife or an axe.

He chopped some wood for the fire.


Look at choose (#ulink_811250dc-4c01-5a51-bd60-ae3d783300f0).

She chose a dress to wear.


Look at choose (#ulink_811250dc-4c01-5a51-bd60-ae3d783300f0).

We have chosen which film to watch.

circle noun circles

A circle is a round shape.

circus noun circuses

A circus is a big tent where you go to see clowns and animals.

city noun cities

A city is a very big town where a lot of people live and work.

clap verb claps, clapping, clapped

When you clap, you hit your hands together to make a loud noise. People clap to show that they like something.

Everyone clapped at the end of her song.

class noun classes

A class is a group of people who are taught together.

He is in my class at school.

classroom noun classrooms

A classroom is a room in a school where children have lessons.

claw noun claws

A bird’s or an animal’s claws are the hard, sharp, curved parts at the end of its feet.

clean adjective cleaner, cleanest

Something that is clean does not have any dirt or marks on it.

Make sure your hands are clean.

clean verb cleans, cleaning, cleaned

When you clean something, you take all the dirt off it.

I clean my teeth before bedtime.

clear adjective clearer, clearest

1 If something is clear, it is easy to understand, to see, or to hear.

He gave us clear instructions on what to do.

2 If something like glass or plastic is clear, you can see through it.

The bottle was full of a clear liquid.

3 If a place is clear, it does not have anything there that you do not want.

You can cross the road when it is clear.

clear verb clears, clearing, cleared

When you clear a place, you take away all the things you do not want there.

She cleared the table.

clever adjective cleverer, cleverest

Someone who is clever can learn and understand things quickly.

She is very clever at maths.

cliff noun cliffs

A cliff is a hill with one side that is very steep. Cliffs are often beside the sea.

climb verb climbs, climbing, climbed

If you climb something, you move towards the top of it. You sometimes use your hands as well as your feet when you climb.

We climbed the tree in the garden.

cloak noun cloaks

A cloak is a very loose coat without sleeves.

clock noun clocks

A clock is a machine that shows you the time.

close verb closes, closing, closed

When you close something, you shut it.

Please close the door behind you.

close adjective closer, closest

If something is close to another thing, it is near it.

Our house is close to the park.

cloth noun cloths

1 Cloth is material that is used to make things like clothes and curtains.

2 A cloth is a piece of material that you use to clean something.

clothes noun

Clothes are the things that people wear, for example shirts, trousers, and dresses.

cloud noun clouds

A cloud is a white or grey shape that you see in the sky. Clouds are made of tiny drops of water that sometimes turn into rain.

clown noun clowns

A clown is a person who wears funny clothes and does silly things to make people laugh.

coat noun coats

You wear a coat on top of your other clothes when you go outside.

cobweb noun cobwebs

A cobweb is a very thin net that a spider makes to catch insects.

coconut noun coconuts

A coconut is a very large nut that has a very hard shell and is white inside. Coconuts are full of a liquid called coconut milk.

coffee noun

Coffee is a drink. You make it by pouring hot water on coffee beans.

Coffee beans grow on a coffee plant.

coin noun coins

A coin is a round, flat piece of metal that is used as money.

cold adjective colder, coldest

1 If you are cold, you do not feel comfortable because you are not warm enough.

Wear a jumper if you are cold.

2 If something is cold, it is not hot.

The weather is very cold.

cold noun colds

When you have a cold, you sneeze and cough a lot, and you have a sore throat.

collar noun collars

1 The collar of a shirt or jacket is the part that goes around your neck.

2 A collar is also a band that goes around the neck of a dog or cat.

collect verb collects, collecting, collected

1 If you collect things, you bring them together.

He collected wood for the fire.

2 If you collect someone from a place, you go there and take them away.

Mum collected us from school.

colour noun colours

Red, blue and yellow are the main colours. You can mix them together to make other colours.

comb noun combs

A comb is a flat piece of metal or plastic with very thin points that you use to make your hair tidy.

come verb comes, coming, came, come

When you come to a place, you move towards it or arrive there.

She came into the room.

comfortable adjective

If something is comfortable, it makes you feel good.

This is a very comfortable chair.

comic noun comics

A comic is a magazine with stories that are told in pictures.

common adjective

If things are common, you see lots of them around, or they happen often.

Foxes are quite common in this area.

compact disc noun compact discs

A compact disc is a round, flat piece of plastic that has music or information on it. Compact discs are also called CDs.

competition noun competitions

When you are in a competition, you try to show that you are the best at something.

She won the painting competition.

complete adjective

If something is complete, none of it is missing.

He had a complete set of crayons.

computer noun computers

A computer is a machine that can store a lot of information and can work things out very quickly.

We played games on our computer.

confused adjective

If you are confused, you do not understand what is happening, or you do not know what to do.

She was confused about where to go.

consonant noun consonants

A consonant is any letter of the alphabet that is not a, e, i, o, or u.

The word “book” has two consonants in it.

container noun containers

A container is something that you use to keep things in, for example a box or a bottle.

control verb controls, controlling, controlled

If you control something, you can make it do what you want.

I can control the speed by pressing this button.

cook verb cooks, cooking, cooked

When you cook food, you make it hot and get it ready to eat.

Mum was cooking dinner.

cooker noun cookers

A cooker is a machine that you use to cook food.

cool adjective cooler, coolest

Something that is cool is quite cold.

Put the milk in the fridge to keep it cool.

copy noun copies

A copy is something that is made to look like another thing.

I made a copy of the drawing.

corn noun

Corn is a long vegetable. It is covered with yellow seeds that you eat.

corner noun corners

A corner is a place where two sides join together.

He stood at the corner of the street.

correct adjective

If something is correct, there are no mistakes in it.

cost noun costs

The cost of something is the amount of money you need to buy it.

The cost of the holiday was too high.

cot noun cots

A cot is a bed for a baby, with high sides to stop the baby from falling out.

cotton noun

1 Cotton is a kind of cloth that is made from the cotton plant.

2 Cotton is also thread that you use to sew with.

cough verb coughs, coughing, coughed

When you cough, you make air come out of your throat with a sudden, loud noise.

The smoke made us cough.

could verb

If you say you could do something, you mean that you were able to do it. Could comes from the word can.

I could see through the window.


Couldn’t is short for could not.

She couldn’t open the door.

count verb counts, counting, counted

1 When you count, you say numbers in order, one after the other.

I counted from one to ten.

2 When you count all the things in a group, you add them up to see how many there are.

The teacher counted the children in the class.

country noun countries

1 A country is a part of the world with its own people and laws.

He lives in a different country.

2 The country is land that is away from towns and cities. There are farms and woods in the country.

We went for a walk in the country.

cousin noun cousins

Your cousin is the son or daughter of your uncle or aunt.

cover verb covers, covering, covered

If you cover something, you put another thing over it.

She covered the table with a cloth.

cover noun covers

A cover is something that you put over another thing.

Put a cover over the sofa to keep it clean.

cow noun cows

A cow is a large animal that is kept on farms because it gives milk.

crab noun crabs

A crab is an animal with a hard shell that lives in the sea. Crabs have large claws on their front legs.

crack verb cracks, cracking, cracked

If something cracks, it becomes damaged, and lines appear on the surface where it has broken.

The window cracked.

crane noun cranes

1 A crane is a tall machine that can lift very heavy things.

2 A crane is also a large bird with a long neck and long legs. Cranes live near water.

crash noun crashes

1 A crash is an accident when a vehicle hits something.

There was a car crash outside the school.

2 A crash is also a sudden, loud noise.

He dropped the plates with a crash.

crawl verb crawls, crawling, crawled

When you crawl, you move along on your hands and knees.

The baby crawled along the floor.

crayon noun crayons

Crayons are pencils or sticks of wax in different colours that you use for drawing.

cream noun

Cream is a thick liquid that is made from milk. You can use it in cooking or pour it over puddings.

creature noun creatures

A creature is anything that is alive, but is not a plant.

Many creatures live in the forest.

creep verb creeps, creeping, crept

1 If you creep somewhere, you move in a very slow and quiet way.

He crept up the stairs.

2 If an animal creeps, it moves along close to the ground.

The mouse crept across the room.

crew noun crews

A crew is a group of people who work together on a ship or an aeroplane.

cricket noun crickets

1 Cricket is a game where two teams take turns to hit a ball with a bat and run up and down.

2 A cricket is also a small jumping insect that rubs its wings together to make a high sound.


Look at cry (#ulink_fc3fa8bd-e8af-52c3-8a32-323c08deae3d).

The baby cried for its mother.


Look at cry (#ulink_fc3fa8bd-e8af-52c3-8a32-323c08deae3d).

She always cries at sad films.

crocodile noun crocodiles

A crocodile is a large reptile with a long body, a long mouth and sharp teeth. Crocodiles’ mouths are in the shape of a letter V.

crop noun crops

Crops are plants that people grow for food, for example potatoes and wheat.

cross verb crosses, crossing, crossed

If you cross something, you go from one side of it to the other.

Cross the road where it is safe.

cross noun crosses

A cross is a mark that you write. It looks like


She put a cross beside my name.

cross adjective crosser, crossest

If you are cross, you feel angry about something.

Mum was cross because we were late.

crowd noun crowds

A crowd is a lot of people together in one place.

A big crowd came to see the game.

crown noun crowns

A crown is a circle made of gold or silver and jewels that kings and queens wear on their heads.

cry verb cries, crying, cried

When you cry, tears come from your eyes. People cry when they are sad or hurt.

The baby started to cry.

cry noun cries

A cry is a loud sound that you make with your voice.

I heard the cry of a bird.

cub noun cubs

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Дата публикации: 28.04.2024

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О книге: Optimised for colour tablets. The images in this e-book are not suitable for viewing on black and white e-ink devices.An ideal introduction to dictionaries for children aged 4 and above.The definitions use simple, full sentences that reflect the child′s experience of the world, and the colourful illustrations help to make learning easy, memorable and fun.This dictionary helps children in learning the alphabet, English spelling, and the basic meanings of everyday words. With its clear, accessible layout, this dictionary makes it easy for for children to learn how to recognise different letters, look up words and find out how to spell them.The illustrations make the dictionary fun and appealing, allowing children to understand what words mean, while example sentences show how the words can be used. The simple grammatical labels provided introduce children to different word groups.Simple, fun and easy-to-use, this is the perfect for any child’s first school dictionary.

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