Collins Spurrell Welsh Dictionary Pocket Edition: trusted support for learning

Collins Spurrell Welsh Dictionary Pocket Edition: trusted support for learning
Collins Dictionaries
A handy and affordable Welsh dictionary ebook. Its clear layout and navigation allows for fast and easy access when you most need it. Ideal for use on the go, at home, in the office, classroom or on holiday.Suitable for use in schools.Designed for all those studying Welsh who need maximum information in an accessible format.• Over 28,000 headwords and 44,000 translations• Offers up-to-date coverage.• Delivers the accuracy and reliability you expect from the Collins name. With natural, idiomatic example phrases, treatment of the most important core vocabulary and help to find the exact translation you want.

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E-book Edition © July 2017
ISBN 9780008204297
Version: 2017-06-16
Cover (#u149c1d12-1FFF-11e9-9e03-0cc47a520474)
Title Page (#u149c1d12-2FFF-11e9-9e03-0cc47a520474)
Copyright (#)
Introduction (#)
Notes on the pronunciation of Welsh (#)
Mutations (#)
Abbreviations (#)
Welsh Grammar (#)
About the Publisher (#)
The first Spurrell Welsh-English dictionary appeared in 1848 published by William Spurrell (1813–89) the Carmarthen printer and publisher. One of his sons, Walter Spurrell (1858–1934), joined his father in the business and the family firm published a series of distinguished Welsh-English, English-Welsh dictionaries and influential Welsh grammars during the latter part of the nineteenth century and the first half of the last century. William Spurrell was advised by and well-acquainted with Daniel Silvan Evans (1818–1903), one of the father figures of Welsh lexicography, sometime lecturer in Welsh at St David’s University College, Lampeter and the first professor of Welsh to be appointed by the University of Wales.
The Collins-Spurrell Welsh Dictionary was first published in 1960 and quickly became an essential tool of general reference for Welsh learners as well as those anxious to interpret literature. It was edited by Henry Lewis, Professor of Welsh Language and Literature at University College, Swansea, with valuable contributions from the staff of the Department of Welsh Language and Literature at St David’s University College, Lampeter.
They are sounded, long or short, as the vowels in the English words given below.


Only those which differ from English need to be noted.

Welsh words are generally accented on the last syllable but one. There are certain exceptions:

Mutations, or letter changes, can occur at the beginning of Welsh words. Mutations are caused by the preceding word. There are three different mutations:




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a1interrogative particle, preverbal particle, rel pron who, that, which
a2, acconj and
a3excl ah, oh
â1, agconj as
â2, agprep with
ab, apnm son (before name, in place of surname, like ‘Mac’)
abad (-au) nm abbot
abadaeth (-au) nf abbacy, abbotship
abades (-au) nf abbess
abatir (-oedd) nm abbey-land
abaty (abatai) nm abbey
aber (-oedd, ebyr) nm confluence; mouth of river, estuary; brook, stream
aberfa (-oedd) nf mouth of river, estuary
abergofiantnm forgetfulness, oblivion
aberth (-au, ebyrth) nm sacrifice
aberthgednf oblation; offering of fruits
abertholadj sacrificial
aberthuvb to sacrifice
aberthwr (-wyr) nm sacrificer
aberuvb to flow into
abidnmf apparel; dress of religious order
abiécnmf alphabet
abladj able; well-off
abladoladj ablative
ableddnm ability; plenty
abrwysgadj clumsy, drunken
absennm absence; slander
absennoladj absent
absennuvb to backbite, to slander
absennwr (absenwyr) nm backbiter
absenoldebnm absence
absenolivb to absent
absenoliaeth (-au) nf absenteeism
abwyd, abwydyn (abwydod) nm worm; fishing-bait
ac, aconj and
academaiddadj academic
academi (-ïau) nm academy
acen (-ion) nf accent
aceniadnm accentuation
acennodnm accent mark
acennuvb to accent, to stress
acenyddiaethnf accentuation
acer (-i) nf acre
aciwbigiad (-au) nm acupuncture
acnenm acne
acriligadj acrylic
act (-au) nf act
actiovb to act
actor (-ion) nm actor
actores (-au) nf actress
acwadv there, yonder
ach1excl ugh
ach2 (-au, -oedd) nf degree of kinship; (pl) pedigree, ancestry
achesnm tide, flood; eloquence
achfrenmf seeachwre
achlânadv wholly, entirely
achles (-oedd) nf succour, protection; manure
achlesoladj succouring
achlesuvb to succour, to cherish
achlodnm shame, disgrace
achlustnm rumour
achlysur (-on) nm occasion
achlysuroladj occasional
achos1 (-ion) nm cause, case
achos2conj because, for
achosivb to cause
achres (-i, -au) nf genealogical table
achubvb to seize, to snatch; to save, to rescue; achub y blaen to forestall; achub y cyfle to seize the opportunity
achubiaethnf salvation
achuboladj saving
achubwr (-wyr), achubydd (-ion) nm saviour, rescuer
achuladj thin, emaciated
achwre, achfrenmf under-thatch, protection; covering, garment
achwynvb to complain ▶ nm (-ion) complaint, plaint
achwyniad (-au) nm complaint, accusation
achwynwr (-wyr) nm complainer; complainant, plaintiff
achwynyddes (-au) nf complainant
achydd (-ion) nm genealogist
achyddiaethnf genealogy
achyddoladj genealogical
achwyngaradj querulous
ad-prefix very; second; bad, re-
adailnf building, edifice, structure
adain, aden (adenydd) nf wing; fin; spoke
adamantnm adamant, diamond
adamantaiddadj adamantine
adarnpl (nmaderyn) birds, fowls; adar drudwy, adar yr eira starlings; adar y to sparrows
adaravb to catch birds, to fowl
adardy (-dai) nm aviary
adaregnf ornithology
adargi (-gwn) nm retriever, setter, spaniel
adargraffiad (-au) nm reprint
adarwr (-wyr) nm fowler
adarwriaethnf fowling
adarydd (-ion) nm ornithologist
adaryddan birdwatching ▶ vb to go birdwatching
adaryddiaethnf ornithology
ad-daluvb to repay, to requite
ad-drefnuvb to rearrange
adeg (-au) nf time, occasion, opportunity
adeilad (-au) nmf building, edifice
adeiladaethnf building; edification, construction
adeiladoladj edifying, constructive
adeiladuvb to build, to edify
adeiladwaithnm construction
adeiladwr (-wyr), adeiladydd (-ion) nm builder
adeileddnm structure
adeiniogadj winged
aden (-ydd, edyn) nf wing; see alsoadain
adenedigaethnf regeneration
adenivb to regenerate
adennillvb to regain, to recover
aderyn (adar) nm bird
adfach (-au) nm barb; liver-fluke
adfail (-feilion) nm ruin
adfeddiannuvb to repossess
adfeiliadnm decay, ruin
adfeiliedigadj decayed, in ruins
adfeiliovb to decay, to moulder
Adfentnm Advent
adfer, adferu, adferydvb to restore
adferf (-au) nf adverb
adferfoladj adverbial
adferiadnm restoration
adferoladj restorative; remedial
adferwr (-wyr) nm restorer
adflasnm after-taste, bad taste
adfydnm adversity
adfydusadj adverse, miserable
adfynachnm renegade monk
adfywadj half alive, half dead
adfywhauvb to revive, to reanimate
adfywiad (-au) nm revival
adfywiovb to revive, to resuscitate
adfywioladj refreshing
adiadnm drake
adionm addition ▶ vb to add
adiolyn (adiolion) nm additive
adladd, adloddnm aftermath
adlais (-leisiau) nm echo
adlam (-au) nm home; rebound; cic adlam drop-kick
adlamuvb to rebound
adleisiovb to resound
adlewyrch, adlewyrchiad (adlewyrchiadau) nm reflection
adlewyrchuvb to reflect
adlewyrchydd (-ion) nm reflector
adlog (-au) nm compound interest
adloniadoladj of or for entertainment
adloniantnm recreation, entertainment
adlonnivb to entertain, to refresh
adluniovb to remodel, to reconstruct
adnabodvb to know, to recognize
adnabyddiaethnf knowledge, acquaintance
adnabyddusadj known, familiar; well-known
adnabyddwrnm knower
adnau (adneuon) nm deposit, pledge; ar adnau on deposit
adneuovb to deposit
adneuoladj depositing
adneuwr (-wyr) nm depositor
adnewyddadwyadj renewable
adnewyddiad (-au) nm renewal, renovation
adnewydduvb to renew, to renovate
adnewyddwr (-wyr) nm renewer, renovator
adnod (-au) nf verse
adnoddaunpl resources
adolygiad (-au) nm review
adolyguvb to review
adolygydd (-ion) nm reviewer
adran (-nau) nf division, section, department
adrefadv homewards, home
Adriatignm:yr Adriatig the Adriatic (Sea)
adroddvb to relate, to recite
adroddgan (-au) nf recitative
adroddiad (-au) nm report; recitation
adroddwr (-wyr) nm narrator, reciter
aduniadnm reunion
adunovb to reunite
adwaith (-weithiau) nm reaction
adweithiovb to react
adweithioladj reactionary
adweithydd (-ion) nm reactor
adwerthuvb to retail
adwrnm coward, churl
adwy (-au, -on) nf gap, breach; pass
adwyth (-au) nm evil, misfortune, illness
adwythigadj cruel; evil, baneful; sore, sick; harmful
adyn (-od) nm wretch
adysgrif (-au) nf copy, transcript
adysgrifiovb to copy, to transcribe
addasadj suitable, proper
addasiad (-au) nm adjustment, adaptation
addasrwyddnm suitableness, fitness
addasuvb to suit, to adapt, to fit
addawoladj promising
addefvb to acknowledge, to own, to admit
addefiadnm admission, confession
addewid (-ion) nf promise
addfainadj slender, shapely
addfedadj seeaeddfed
addfwynadj gentle, meek, mild
addfwyndernm gentleness, meekness
addienadj fair, beautiful
addovb to promise
addodnm:wy addod nest-egg
addoednm death, hurt
addoedivb to delay, to postpone
addoediadnm prorogation
addoeradj sad, cruel; chilling
addoldy (-dai) nm place of worship
addolgaradj devout, reverent
addolgarwchnm devoutness, reverence
addolivb to worship, to adore
addoliadnm worship
addolwr (-wyr) nm worshipper
adduned (-au) nf vow
adduneduvb to vow
addurn (-au, -iadau) nm ornament, adornment
addurnedigadj decorated
addurniadnm ornamentation
addurnovb to decorate, to adorn, to ornament
addurnoladj ornamental, decorative
addurnwr (-wyr) nm decorator
addysgnf education, instruction; addysg gorfforol PE; addysg uwch higher education
addysgiadoladj instructive, educational
addysgiaethnf instruction, training
addysgoladj educational
addysguvb to educate, to instruct
addysgwr (-wyr), addysgydd (-ion) nm educator, instructor, tutor
aeddfedadj ripe, mature
aeddfedrwyddnm ripeness, maturity
aeddfeduvb to ripen; to mature
ael (-iau) nf brow
aeleadj sad, wretched
aelod (-au) nm member, limb; Aelod Seneddol Member of Parliament
aelodaethnf membership
aelodivb to become a member; to enrol
aelwyd (-ydd) nf hearth, fireside
aer1 (-ion) nm heir
aer2nm air
aerdymherunm air conditioning
aeres (-au) nf heiress
aerfanf slaughter, battle
aerglonm air-lock
aerobegnm aerobics
aeronnpl fruit, fruits, berries
aerwy (-au, -on) nm collar, torque; neck-chain
aesnf shield
aesthetegnf aesthetics
aesthetigadj aesthetic
aethnm pain, grief, fear, shock
aethnennf aspen, poplar
aethusadj poignant, grievous, severe
afal (-au) nm apple
afallen (-nau) nf apple-tree
afannpl (nf-en) raspberries
afanc (-od) nm beaver
afiachadj unwell, unhealthy, morbid
afiachusadj sickly; unwholesome
afiaithnm zest, mirth, glee
afiechyd (-on) nm disease, malady
afieithusadj mirthful, gleeful
aflafaradj harsh, unmelodious
aflanadj unclean, polluted, foul
aflawenadj fierce; sad, cheerless, dismal; awful
aflednaisadj immodest, indelicate
afledneisrwyddnm immodesty, indelicacy
aflemadj obtuse
aflendidnm uncleanness; pollution
aflêradj untidy, slovenly
aflerwchnm untidiness, slovenliness
aflesnm disadvantage, hurt
aflesoladj disadvantageous, unprofitable
afliwiogadj pale, colourless
aflonyddadj unquiet, restless
aflonydduvb to disturb, to molest
aflonyddwchnm disturbance, unrest
aflonyddwr (-wyr) nm disturber
afloywadj turbid; opaque
afluniaiddadj mis-shapen, deformed
afluniovb to disfigure, to deform
aflwyddnm misfortune, calamity
aflwyddiannusadj unsuccessful
aflwyddiantnm failure
aflwyddovb to fail
aflywodraethnf misrule, anarchy
aflywodraethusadj ungovernable, uncontrollable
afocado (-s) nm avocado
afon (-ydd) nf river
afonignf rivulet, streamlet, brook
afradlonadj wasteful, prodigal
afradloneddnm prodigality
afradloni, afraduvb to waste, to lavish, to squander
afraidadj unnecessary, needless ▶ nm superfluity
afrasoladj graceless, impious
afrealaidd, afrealistigadj unrealistic
afreidioladj needless, superfluous
afreolnf misrule, disorder
afreolaiddadj irregular; disorderly
afreoleidd-dranm irregularity
afreolusadj unruly, disorderly
afreswmnm absurdity
afresymegoladj illogical
afresymoladj unreasonable
afresymoldebnm unreasonableness
afrifedadj innumerable
afrllad (-au), afrlladen (-nau) nf wafer
afrosgoadj clumsy, unwieldy
afrwyddadj difficult, stiff, awkward
afrwyddinebnm difficulty
afrwyddovb to obstruct, to hinder
afrywiogadj perverse, cross-grained, improper
afrywiogrwyddnm churlishness, roughness
afunmf liver; afu (g)las gizzard
afwyn (-au) nf rein
affeithiadnm affection (in grammar)
Affganistannf Afghanistan
afflaunm grip, hug, embrace
affliwnm shred, particle
Affricanf Africa
Affricanaiddadj African
Affricanwr (-wyr) nm African
affwysolnm abysmal
ag, âconj as ▶ prep with
agen (-nau) nf cleft, chink, fissure
agendornmf gulf, abyss
agennuvb to split, to crack
ager, agerddnm steam, vapour
agerfad (-au) nm steamboat
agerlong (-au) nf steamship, steamer
ageruvb to steam, to evaporate
agerwadj bitter, fierce
agor, agorydvb to open, to expand
agorawd (-au) nf overture
agoredadj open; liable
agorfa (-oedd) nf opening, orifice
agoriad (-au) nm opening; key
agoriadoladj opening, inaugural
agorwr (-wyr), agorydd (-ion) nm opener; agorwr tuniau can-opener
agosadj near, nigh
agosaoladj approaching
agosatrwyddnm intimacy
agosáuvb to draw near, to approach
agosrwyddnm nearness, proximity
agwedd (-au) nf form; aspect; attitude
agweddinm dowry, marriage gift
agwrddadj strong, mighty
angalladj unwise, foolish
angaunmf death
angel (angylion, engyl) nm angel
angen (anghenion) nm need, want; anghenion arbennig special needs
angenrheidioladj necessary, needful
angenrheidrwyddnm necessity
angerddnm heat; passion; force
angerddoladj ardent, intense, passionate
angerddoldebnm vehemence, intensity
anghaffaelnm mishap; defect, flaw
anghallinebnm unwisdom, imprudence
angharedigadj unkind
angharedigrwyddnm unkindness
anghelfyddadj unskilful, clumsy
anghenfil (angenfilod) nm monster
anghenraid (angenrheidiau) nm necessity
anghenusadj needy, necessitous, indigent
angheuoladj deadly, mortal, fatal
anghlodnm dispraise, dishonour
anghoeliovb to disbelieve
anghofiedigadj forgotten
anghofiovb to forget
anghofrwyddnm forgetfulness
anghofusadj forgetful, oblivious
anghrednf unbelief, infidelity
anghredadun (anghredinwyr) nm unbeliever
anghrediniaethnf unbelief, infidelity
anghredinioladj unbelieving
anghreduvb to disbelieve
anghrefyddoladj irreligious
anghrynoadj incompact, prolix
anghwrtaisadj discourteous
anghwrteisinm discourtesy
anghydbwyseddnm imbalance
anghydfodnm disagreement, discord
Anghydffurfiaethnf Nonconformity
Anghydffurfiwr (-wyr) nm Nonconformist
anghydnawsadj uncongenial
anghydsyniovb to dissent, to disagree
anghydweddoladj incompatible
anghyfaddasadj unsuitable, unfit
anghyfaddasuvb to disqualify
anghyfamodoladj uncovenanted
anghyfanhedd-dranm desolation
anghyfanheddle (-aneddleoedd) nm desolate place
anghyfanheddoladj desolating; desert
anghyfanneddadj uninhabited, desert
anghyfansoddiadoladj unconstitutional
anghyfartaladj unequal, uneven
anghyfartaleddnm disparity
anghyfarwyddadj unfamiliar, unskilled
anghyfeillgaradj unfriendly
anghyfiaithadj foreign, alien
anghyfiawnadj unjust, unrighteous
anghyfiawndernm injustice
anghyflawnadj incomplete
anghyfleusadj inconvenient
anghyfleustra (-terau) nm inconvenience
anghyflogaethnm unemployment
anghyfnewidioladj immutable
anghyfraithnf transgression, crime
anghyfranogoladj incommunicable
anghyfreithlonadj unlawful, illegal, illegitimate
anghyfrifoladj irresponsible
anghyffredinadj uncommon, rare
anghyffwrddadj intangible
anghyffyrddusadj uncomfortable
anghymedroladj immoderate
anghymenadj rash, coarse, untidy
anghymeradwyadj unacceptable
anghymeradwyovb to disapprove
anghymesuradj inordinate
anghymharoladj incomparable
anghymharusadj ill-matched
anghymhendodnm foolishness, indelicacy, untidiness
anghymhwysovb to unfit, to disqualify
anghymhwysternm incapacity, disqualification
anghymodlonadj implacable
anghymwysadj unfit, unsuitable
anghynefinadj unfamiliar
anghynefindranm unfamiliarity
anghynhyrchioladj unproductive
anghynnesadj odious, loathsome
anghysbelladj out-of-the-way; remote
anghysonadj inconsistent
anghysondeb (-au), anghysonder (-au) nm inconsistency
anghysur (-on) nm discomfort
anghysurovb to discomfort
anghysurusadj uncomfortable
anghytbwysadj unbalanced, lopsided
anghytgord (-iau) nm discord, dissension
anghytûnadj not agreeing, discordant
anghytundebnm disagreement
anghytunovb to disagree
anghywairadj ill-equipped; discordant ▶ nm disrepair
anghyweithasadj uncivil
anghywiradj incorrect, inaccurate, false
anghywirdeb (-au) nm inaccuracy, falseness
anghywrainadj unskilful; slovenly
angladd (-au) nmf burial, funeral
angladdoladj funereal
angofnm forgetfulness, oblivion
angor (-au, -ion) nm anchor
angorfa (-oedd, -feydd) nf anchorage
angorivb to anchor
angylaiddadj angelic
angyles (-au) nf female angel
ai1adv is it? what?; ai e? is it so?
ai2conj or; either; if
aiddnm zeal, ardour, zest
Aifftnf:yr Aifft Egypt
aig1, eigiaunf host, shoal
aig2nf sea, ocean
ailadj second ▶ adv a second time, again
ailadroddvb to repeat
ailadroddiad (-au) nm repetition
ailarholiad (-au) nm resit
ailbriodivb to remarry
aildrydanuvb to recharge
ailenedigaethnf rebirth
ailenivb to regenerate
Ailfedyddiwr (-wyr) nm Anabaptist
ailgylchuvb to recycle ▶ n recycling
ailgynnig (ailgynigion) nm resit
ail-lawadj second-hand
ail-lenwivb to top up, to refill
ailsefyllvb to resit
ailltnm vassal, villain, slave
aisnpl (nfeisen) laths; ribs
alaethnm wailing, lamentation, grief
alaethuvb to lament
alaethusadj mournful, lamentable
alarch (-od, elyrch) nm swan
alaruvb to surfeit; to loathe
alaw (-on) nf lily; air, melody, tune
Albannf:yr Alban Scotland
Albanwr (-wyr) nm Scot
alcali (-ïau) nm alkali
alcamnm tin
alcoholnm alcohol
alch (-au, eilch) nf grate, grill
ale (-au, -on) nf aisle; gangway; alley
algebranm algebra
Algeraiddadj Algerian
Algerianf Algeria
Algeriad (-iaid) nm Algerian
Almaennf:yr Almaen Germany
Almaenegnf German
Almaenwr (-wyr) nm German
almonnm almond
aloi (aloeon) nm alloy
Alpaunpl:yr Alpau the Alps
Alzheimernm:clefyd Alzheimer Alzheimer’s (disease)
allanadv out
allanfanf exit
allanoladj outward, external
allblygadj extrovert
allbrint (-iau) nm printout
allforiovb to export
allfronf foreigner; foreign land
allfudwr (-wyr) nm emigrant
allgarwchnm altruism
allgofnodivb to log off, to log out
allor (-au) nf altar
allt (elltydd) nf hill; cliff; wood
alltud (-ion) nm alien; exile
alltudiaethnf banishment, exile
alltudiovb to banish, to exile
allwedd (-au, -i) nf key, clef (in music)
allweddellnf keyboard
am1prep round, about; for; at; on ▶ conj for, because; so long as
amaethnm husbandman; agriculture
amaethdy (-dai) nm farm-house
amaethuvb to farm, to till
amaethwr (-wyr) nm farmer
amaethwraignf farm-wife
amaethyddiaethnf agriculture
amaethyddoladj agricultural
amarchnm disrespect, dishonour
amauvb to doubt, to suspect ▶ nm (-heuon) doubt
ambelladj occasional; ambell waith sometimes
amcan (-ion) nm purpose, aim; guess; ar amcan at random, approximately, at a guess
amcangyfrifvb to estimate ▶ nm (-on) estimate
amcanuvb to purpose; to aim; to guess
amdo (-oeau) nm shroud, winding-sheet
amdoivb to shroud, to enshroud
amdorch (-dyrch) nf chaplet, wreath
amddifadadj destitute, orphan
amddifadrwyddnm destitution, privation
amddifaduvb to bereave, to deprive
amddifaty (-tai) nm orphanage
amddifedinm destitution, privation
amddiffynvb to defend, to protect, to shield ▶ nm (addiffynion) defence
amddiffynfa (-feydd) nf fortress
amddiffyniadnm protection, defence
amddiffynnwr (-wyr), amddiffynyddionnm defender, protector
amddyfrwysadj mighty, rugged; marshy
America Ladinnf Latin America
Amerignf:yr Amerig America
amfesur (-au) nm perimeter
amgáuvb to enclose, to shut in
amgenadj, adv other, else, otherwise; different; nid amgen that is to say, namely
amgenachadj, adv otherwise; better
amgueddfa (-feydd) nf museum
amgyffredvb to comprehend, to comprise ▶ nm (-ion) comprehension
amgyffrediadnm comprehension
amgylch (-oedd) nm circuit; environs, surroundings; o (oddi) amgylch round about, about
amgylcheddnm circumference; environment
amgylcheddoladj environmental; yn amgylcheddol environmentally; amgylcheddol garedig environmentally friendly
amgylchfydnm environment
amgylchiad (-au) nm circumstance; occasion
amgylchiadoladj circumstantial
amgylchuvb to surround
amgylchynoladj surrounding
amgylchynuvb to surround
amharchuvb to dishonour, to disrespect
amharchusadj disrespectful, disreputable
amhariadnm impairment, damage
amharodadj unprepared, unready
amharodrwyddnm unreadiness
amharuvb to impair, to harm, to injure, to damage
amhendantadj indefinite, vague
amhenderfynoladj irresolute
amhenodoladj indefinite
amherchivb to dishonour, to insult
amherffaithadj imperfect
amherffeithrwyddnm imperfection
amhersonoladj impersonal
amherthnasol, amherthynasoladj irrelevant
amheuaethnf doubt, scepticism
amheugaradj suspicious; sceptical
amheuoladj doubting, doubtful
amheusadj doubting, doubtful, dubious
amheuthunadj dainty, savoury ▶ nm (-ion) dainty, delicacy, treat
amheuwr (-wyr) nm doubter, sceptic
amhlantadwyadj childless, barren
amhleidiol, amhleitgaradj impartial
amhoblogadj sparsely populated
amhoblogaiddadj unpopular
amhosibladj impossible
amhriodoladj improper
amhrisiadwyadj priceless
amhrofiadoladj inexperienced
amhrydlonadj unpunctual
amhûradj impure, foul
amhwrpasoladj irrelevant
amhwyllovb to lose one’s senses, to go mad
amladj frequent, abundant ▶ adv often
amlder, amldranm abundance
amldduwiad (-iaid) nm polytheist
amldduwiaethnf polytheism
amleiriogadj wordy, verbose, prolix
amlen (-ni) nf envelope, wrapper
amlhadnm increasing, increase
amlhauvb to increase, to multiply
amlinelliad (-au) nm outline
amlinelluvb to outline
aml-lawradj multi-storey
amlochrogadj many-sided
amlosgfanf crematorium
amlosgivb to cremate
amlwgadj plain, clear, manifest, evident, prominent
amlwreigiaethnf polygamy
amlwreigiwr (-wyr) nm polygamist
amlygiad (-au) nm manifestation
amlygrwyddnm prominence, limelight
amlyguvb to manifest, to reveal, to evince
amnaid (-neidiau) nf beck, nod
amneidiovb to beckon, to nod
amnest (-au) nm amnesty
amod (-au) nmf condition
amodivb to covenant, to stipulate
amodoladj conditional
amp (-au) nm amp
amrant (-au, -rannau) nm eyelid
amrantiadnm wink, twinkling, second
amrediadnm range
amreinioladj not privileged
amrwdadj uncooked, raw, crude
amryddawnadj versatile
amryfaladj sundry, manifold
amryfusadj erroneous, inadvertent
amryfusedd (-au) nm error, oversight
amryliwadj variegated; multicoloured
amrywadj several, sundry, various
amrywiad (-au) nm variant
amrywiaethnm variety, diversity
amrywiovb to vary, to differ
amrywioladj sundry
amser (-oedd, -au) nmf time; amser sbâr spare time
amseriad (-au) nm timing, dating, date
amserlen (-ni) nf time-table
amseroladj timely; temporal
amseruvb to time, to date
amserydd (-ion) nm chronologist
amseryddiaethnf chronology
amseryddoladj chronological
amwisg (-oedd) nf covering, shroud
amwisgovb to enwrap, to shroud
amwysadj ambiguous
amwyseddnm ambiguity
amynconj, prep unless, except, but
amyneddnm patience
amyneddgaradj patient
an-prefix un-, in-, de-, dis-
anabladj disabled
anableddnm disability
anadadj:yn anad above all, more than
anadferadwyadj irreparable
anadl (-au, -on) nfm breath
anadliadnm breath, breathing
anadluvb to breathe
anadlydd (-ion) nm inhaler
anadnabyddusadj unknown
anaddasadj unfit, unsuitable
anaddasuvb to unfit, to disqualify
anaeddfed, anaddfedadj unripe, immature
anaeddfedrwyddnm unripeness, immaturity
anaeleadj awful, direful; incurable
anaesthetigadj anaesthetic
anaf (-au) nm blemish, defect; wound
anafuvb to blemish, to maim, to hurt
anafusadj maimed, disabled
anair (-eiriau) nm ill report, slander
anallunm inability
analluogadj unable
analluogivb to disable
anamladj infrequent, rare ▶ adv rarely, seldom
anamlwgadj obscure, inconspicuous
anamseroladj untimely, mistimed
anap (anhapon) nmf mischance, mishap
anarchiaethnfm anarchy
anarchydd (-ion) nm anarchist
anarferoladj unusual, extraordinary
anarfogadj unarmed
ancrnmf anchorite, anchoress
ancwyn (-ion) nm dinner, supper; delicacy
anchwiliadwyadj unsearchable
andrasnm curse; devil, deuce
andwyovb to spoil, to ruin, to undo
andwyoladj harmful, ruinous
anedifeirioladj impenitent
aneffeithioladj ineffectual
anegluradj indistinct; illegible
aneirifadj innumerable
aneluvb to bend, to aim
anenwogadj unrenowned, ignoble, mean
anerchiad (-au) nm salutation, address
anesboniadwyadj inexplicable
anesgusodoladj inexcusable
anesmwythadj uneasy, restless
anesmwythder, anesmwythdranm uneasiness, unrest
anesmwythovb to be or make uneasy
anesmwythydnm uneasiness, disquiet
anewyllysgaradj unwilling
anfadadj wicked, nefarious
anfadrwyddnm wickedness, villainy
anfadwaithnm villainy; crime
anfadwr (-wyr) nm villain, scoundrel
anfaddeugaradj unforgiving
anfaddeuoladj unpardonable
anfantais (-eision) nf disadvantage
anfanteisioladj disadvantageous
anfarwoladj undying, immortal
anfarwoldebnm immortality
anfedrusadj unskilful
anfedrusrwyddnm unskilfulness
anfeidroladj infinite
anfeidroldebnm infinity
anferthadj huge, monstrous
anfertheddnm hugeness, monstrosity
anfodlonadj unwilling
anfodlonivb to discontent, to dissatisfy
anfodlonrwyddnm discontent
anfoddnm unwillingness, displeasure
anfoddhaoladj unsatisfactory
anfoddiovb to displease, to disoblige
anfoddogadj discontented, dissatisfied
anfoddogrwyddnm discontentment
anfoesgaradj unmannerly, rude
anfoesgarwchnm rudeness, incivility
anfoesoladj immoral
anfoesoldebnm immorality
anfonvb to send, to transmit, to dispatch
anfonebnf invoice
anfoneddigaiddadj ungentlemanly
anfonheddigadj ignoble, discourteous
anfoniadnm sending, transmission
anfrinm disrespect, dishonour
anfucheddoladj immoral
anfuddioladj unprofitable
anfwriadoladj unintentional
anfwynadj unkind, uncivil
anfwytadwyadj inedible
anfynychadj infrequent, rare ▶ adv seldom
anffaeledigadj infallible
anffaeledigrwyddnm infallibility
anffafrioladj unfavourable
anffawd (-ffodion) nf misfortune
anffodus, anffortunusadj unfortunate
anffrwythlonadj unfruitful, barren
anffurfiovb to disfigure, to deform
anffurfioladj informal
anffyddiaethnf atheism
anffyddiwr (-wyr) nm infidel, atheist
anffyddlonadj unfaithful
anhaeddiannoladj unmerited, undeserved
anhaeddiantnm demerit, unworthiness
anhapusadj unhappy, unlucky
anharddadj unhandsome, unseemly, ugly
anhawddadj hard, difficult
anhawddgaradj unamiable, unlovely
anhawster (anawsterau) nm difficulty
anhepgor (-ion) nm essential
anhepgoroladj indispensable
anhoffternm hatred, dislike
anhraethadwyadj unutterable
anhraetholadj unspeakable, ineffable
anhrefnnm disorder, confusion
anhrefnuvb to disorder, to disarrange
anhrefnusadj disorderly, untidy
anhreiddioladj impervious, impenetrable
anhreuliedigadj undigested; unspent
anhrugarogadj unmerciful, merciless
anhuddovb to cover (a fire)
anhuneddnm wakefulness, disquiet
anhwyldebnm disorder, complaint, illness
anhwyldernm illness
anhwylusadj unwell
anhwylustodnm inconvenience
anhyblygadj inflexible, stiff, rigid
anhydawddadj insoluble
anhydernm distrust, diffidence
anhyderusadj diffident
anhydrinadj unmanageable
anhydynadj intractable, obstinate
anhyddysgadj unversed, ignorant
anhyfrydadj unpleasant
anhyfrydwchnm unpleasantness
anhygaradj unpleasant, unamiable
anhygoeladj incredible
anhygyrchadj inaccessible
anhylawadj unhandy, unwieldy
anhynodadj indistinctive; uncertain
anhysbysadj unknown; unversed
anhywaithadj intractable, refractory
anialadj desert, wild ▶ nm wilderness
anialwchnm wilderness
anian (-au) nf nature, instinct, genius
anianawdnm temperament, disposition
anianoladj natural
anianyddoladj physical
anifail (-feiliaid) nm animal, beast
anifeilaiddadj beastly, brutish
anifeileiddiovb to animalize, to brutalize
anlwcnf bad luck, misfortune
anlwcusadj unlucky
anlladadj wanton, lascivious, lewd
anlladrwyddnm wantonness, lewdness
anllygredigadj incorrupt, incorruptible
anllygredigaethnf incorruption
anllythrennogadj illiterate
anllywodraethnf misrule, anarchy
annaearoladj unearthly, weird
annatodoladj indissoluble, that cannot be undone
annaturioladj unnatural
annealladwyadj unintelligible
anneallusadj unintelligent
annedwyddadj unhappy, miserable
annedwyddwchnm unhappiness
annedd (anheddau) nf dwelling
anneddfoladj lawless
annefnyddioladj useless; immaterial
annel (anelau) nfm trap; purpose, aim
annelwigadj shapeless, unformed; vague
anner (aneirod, -i, -au) nf heifer
annerbynioladj unacceptable
annerchvb to salute, to greet, to address ▶ nm (anerchion) salutation, greeting
annewisoladj ineligible, undesirable, unwelcome
annhebygadj unlike, dissimilar
annhebygoladj unlikely, improbable
annhebygolrwyddnm improbability
annhebygrwyddnm unlikeness, unlikelihood
annhegadj unfair
annhegwchnm unfairness
annheilwngadj unworthy
annheilyngdodnm unworthiness
annherfynoladj endless; infinitive, infinite
annhirionadj cruel
annhosturioladj pitiless, ruthless
annhueddnf disinclination
annhueddoladj disinclined, indisposed
annibenadj untidy, slovenly
annibendodnm untidiness
annibyniaethnf independence
annibynnoladj independent
Annibynnwr (-wyr) nm Independent
annichellgaradj guileless, simple
annichon, annichonadwyadj impossible
anniddanadj comfortless, miserable
anniddigadj peevish, irritable, fretful
anniddigrwyddnm peevishness
anniddosadj leaky, comfortless
annifeirioladj innumerable, countless
anniflanedigadj unfading, imperishable
annifyradj miserable, wretched
annifyrrwchnm misery
anniffoddadwyadj unquenchable
annigoneddnm insufficiency
annigonoladj insufficient, inadequate
annigonolrwyddnm inadequacy
annileadwyadj indelible, ineffaceable
annilysadj unauthentic, spurious, insincere
annillynadj inelegant, clumsy
annioddefoladj unbearable, intolerable
anniogeladj unsafe, insecure
anniolchgaradj unthankful, ungrateful
anniolchgarwchnm ingratitude
annirnadwyadj incomprehensible
annisgrifiadwyadj indescribable
annisgwyliadwyadj unexpected
anniwairadj unchaste, incontinent, lewd
anniwalladj insatiable
anniweirdebnm unchastity, incontinence
anniwylliedigadj uncultured
annoethadj unwise, imprudent
annoethinebnm unwisdom, folly
annogvb to incite, to urge; to exhort
annormaladj abnormal
annosvb to incite, to set (a dog) on
annosbarthusadj unruly, disorderly
annuw, annuwiad (annuwiaid) nm atheist
annuwiaethnf atheism
annuwioladj ungodly, godless
annuwioldebnm ungodliness
annwn, annwfnnm the underworld; hell
annwyd (anwydau, -on) nm cold
annwyladj dear, beloved
annyledusadj undue, wrongful
annymunoladj unpleasant, disagreeable
annynoladj inhuman, cruel
annysgedigadj unlearned
anobaithnm despair
anobeithiovb to despair
anobeithioladj hopeless
anochel, anocheladwyadj unavoidable, inevitable
anoddadj hard, difficult
anoddefgaradj impatient, intolerant
anogaeth (-au) nf exhortation
anolrheinadwyadj untraceable
anolygusadj unsightly
anonestadj dishonest
anonestrwyddnm dishonesty
anorchfygoladj irresistible; unconquerable
anorecsigadj anorexic
anorfodadj insuperable; unavoidable
anorffenadj endless, unending
anorffenedigadj incomplete, unfinished
anorthrechadj invincible
anrasoladj graceless
anrhaith (-rheithiau) nf prey, spoil, booty
anrheg (-ion) nf present, gift
anrheguvb to present, to give
anrheithiovb to prey, to spoil, to plunder
anrheithiwr (-wyr) nm spoiler, pillager
anrhydedd (-au) nm honour
anrhydedduvb to honour
anrhydeddusadj honourable
anrhydeddwr (-wyr) nm honourer
ansadadj unsteady, unstable
ansadrwyddnm instability
ansafadwyadj unstable; fickle
ansathredigadj untrodden, unfrequented
ansawdd (-soddau) nfm quality, state
ansefydlogadj unsettled, unstable; fickle
ansefydlogivb to unsettle
ansicradj uncertain, doubtful
ansicrwyddnm uncertainty, doubt
ansoddair (-eiriau) nm adjective
ansoddeirioladj adjectival
ansyberadj untidy, slovenly
Antarctignf; yr Antarctig the Antarctic
anterliwt (-iau) nfm interlude
anterthnm meridian, zenith, prime
antur (-iau) nfm attempt, venture; adventure; enterprise; ar antur at random
anturiaeth (-au) nf adventure, enterprise
anturiaethusadj adventurous, enterprising
anturiaethwr (-wyr) nm adventurer
anturiovb to venture, to adventure
anturusadj adventurous
anthem (-au) nf anthem
anudon (-au) nm false oath, perjury
anudoniaethnf perjury
anudonwr (-wyr) nm perjurer
anufuddadj disobedient
anufudd-dodnm disobedience
anufuddhauvb to disobey
anundebnm disunion
anunionadj crooked; unjust
anuniondebnm injustice, iniquity
anurddovb to spoil, to mar, to disfigure
anwadaladj unstable, fickle, changeable
anwadaluvb to waver, to vacillate
anwadalwchnm fickleness
anwaradj wild, barbarous, savage
anwaraiddadj uncivilized, barbarous
anwarddyn (-wariaid) nm barbarian, savage
anwareidd-dranm barbarity
anwastadadj uneven, unstable, fickle
anwe (-oedd) nf woof
anweddnm vapour, steam
anweddaiddadj unseemly, indecent
anweddusadj improper, indecent
anweledigadj unseen, invisible
anwesnm indulgence; caress
anwesogadj pampered, affectionate
anwesuvb to fondle, to caress, to pamper, to indulge
anwiradj untrue, lying, false; wicked
anwiredd (-au) nm untruth; iniquity
anwiredduvb to falsify
anwireddusadj untruthful, false, lying
anwr (-wyr) nm wretch, coward
anwybodnm ignorance
anwybodaethnf ignorance
anwybodusadj ignorant
anwybydduvb to ignore
anwydogadj cold, chilly; having a cold
anwydwstnf influenza
anwyldebnm belovedness, dearness
anwyliaidnpl beloved ones, favourites
anwylovb to cherish, to fondle, to caress
anwylyd (-liaid) nm beloved
anwylynnm favourite
anwythiadnm induction
anwythovb to induce
anwytholadj inductive
anymarferoladj impractical, impracticable
anymddiriedvb to mistrust, to distrust
anymwybodoladj unconscious
anymwybyddiaethnf unconsciousness
anynadadj peevish, petulant; brawling
anysgrifenedigadj unwritten
anysgrythuroladj unscriptural
anystwythadj stiff, rigid
anystwythovb to stiffen
anystyriaethnf heedlessness, rashness
anystyrioladj heedless, reckless, rash
anystywallt, anystywelladj unmanageable
apeliovb to appeal
apostol (-ion) nm apostle
apostolaidd, apostoligadj apostolic
apostoliaethnf apostleship
apwyntiad (-au) nm appointment
apwyntiovb to appoint
arprep on, upon, over; ar gau closed
ârnm ploughed land, tilth; ground
Arab (-iaid) nm Arab
arabadj facetious, merry, pleasant
Arabaiddadj Arab
arabeddnm facetiousness, wit
Arabegnf Arabic
arabusadj witty
aradr (erydr) nm plough
arafadj slow, soft, gentle, still
arafuvb to slow; to quiet; to moderate
arafwchnm slowness; moderation
arailvb to guard, to care for, to foster ▶ adj attending, careful
araith (areithiau) nf speech
arall (eraill) adj, pron another, other; else
aralleg (-au) nfm allegory
aralleiriad (-au) nm paraphrase
aralleiriovb to paraphrase
arauladj sunny, sunlit; serene
arawdnf speech, oration
arbedvb to spare, to save
arbediad (-au) nm save, salvage
arbedoladj sparing, saving
arbedwr (-wyr) nm:arbedwr sgrin screen saver
arbenigaethnf expertise; specialisation
arbenigovb to specialise
arbenigrwyddnm speciality, prominence
arbenigwr (-wyr) nm specialist
arbennigadj special
arbrawf (arbrofion) nm experiment
arbrofivb to experiment
arbrofoladj experimental
Arctignf:yr Arctig the Arctic
arch1 (eirchion) nf request, petition; bidding
arch2 (eirch) nf ark, coffin; trunk, waist
archaeolegnf archaeology
archangel (-ylion) nm archangel
archddiacon (-iaid) nm archdeacon
archeb (-ion) nf order
archebuvb to order
archennf shoe; clothing
archenadnm shoe; clothing
Archentaiddadj Argentinian
archesgob (-ion) nm archbishop
archesgobaeth (-au) nf archbishopric
archfarchnad (-oedd) nf supermarket
archiadnm bidding
archif (-au) nfm archive
archifdy (-dai) nm record office
archifydd (-ion) nm archivist
archoffeiriad (-iaid) nm high priest
archoll (-ion) nf wound
archollivb to wound
archwaethnm taste, appetite
archwaethuvb to taste, to savour
archwiliad (-au) nm audit; checkup; inspection, examination; exploration
archwiliovb to examine, to audit; to explore
archwiliwr (-wyr) nm examiner, auditor; explorer
ardal (-oedd) nf region, district
ardalydd (-ion) nm marquis
ardreth (-i) nf rent
ardrethuvb to rent
ardystiad (-au) nm pledge, attestation
ardystiovb to pledge, to attest
arddangosvb to show, to exhibit, to indicate
arddangosfa (-feydd) nf show, exhibition
arddegaunpl teens
arddegoladj teenage
arddelvb to avow, to own
arddeliadnm claim, avowal; unction
ardderchogadj excellent, noble, splendid
ardderchowgrwyddnm excellency
arddodivb to prefix; to impose
arddodiad (-iaid) nm preposition
ardduvb to plough
arddull (-iau) nf style
arddullegnf stylistics
ardduniantnm sublimity
arddunoladj sublime
arddwr (-wyr) nm ploughman
arddwrn (-ddyrnau) nm wrist
arddywediad (-au) nm dictation
aredigvb to plough
areithegnf rhetoric
areithiovb to speak, to make a speech
areithiwr (-wyr) nm speaker, orator
areithyddiaethnf oratory; elocution
arelnm laurel
aren (-nau) nf kidney; (pl) reins
arestiovb to arrest
arf (-au) nmf weapon; (pl) arms; tool
arfaeth (-au) nf purpose; decree
arfaethuvb to purpose, to intend
arfbais (-beisiau) nf coat of arms
arfdy (-dai) nm armoury
arfervb to use, to accustom ▶ nfm (-ion) use, custom, habit
arferiadnmf use, custom, habit
arferoladj usual, customary
arfodnf stroke of a weapon, fight; armour; opportunity
arfogadj armed
arfogaethnf armour
arfogivb to arm
arfoll (-au) nm pledge, oath
arfordir (-oedd) nm coast
arforoladj maritime
arffed (-au) nf lap
argae (-au) nm dam, embankment; enclosed place
argeisiovb to seek
argelnmf concealment, refuge ▶ adj hidden, occult
arglwydd (-i) nm lord
arglwyddaiddadj lordly
arglwyddes (-au) nf lady
arglwyddiaeth (-au) nf lordship, dominion
argoed (-ydd) nm enclosure of trees
argoel (-ion) nf sign, token, omen
argoelivb to betoken, to portend, to augur
argoelusadj ominous
argraff (-ion, -au) nf print, impression
argraffdy (-dai) nm printer’s, printing-house
argraffiad (-au) nm impression; edition
argraffuvb to print, to impress
argraffwaithnm print, typography
argraffwasgnf printing-press
argraffwr (-wyr), argraffydd (-ion) nm printer
argrwm, argrwnadj convex
argyfwng (-yngau, -yngoedd) nm crisis
argyhoeddivb to reprove; to convince, to convict
argyhoeddiad (-au) nm conviction
argyhoeddiadoladj convincing
argymellvb to urge, to recommend
argymhelliadnm recommendation
arholivb to examine
arholiad (-au) nm examination; arholiad mynediad entrance examination
arholwr (-wyr) nm examiner
arhosfanf stop; arhosfa bws, arhosfa bysiau bus stop
arhosfan (-nau) nm = arhosfa
arhosiadnm staying, stay
arhosoladj abiding, permanent
arialnm vigour, mettle
ariannm silver ▶ coll n money, cash; arian breiniol currency; arian byw mercury; arian gleision silver; arian parod cash; arian pen exact money; arian treigl current money
ariandy (-dai) nm bank
ariangaradj fond of money, avaricious
ariangarwchnm love of money, avarice
ariannaidadj silver, silvern
ariannaiddadj silvery
ariannegnmf finance
Arianninnf Argentina
ariannogadj moneyed, wealthy, rich
ariannoladj financial, monetary
ariannuvb to silver; to finance/fund
ariannydd (arianyddion) nm banker, investor, financier
arlais (-leisiau) nf temple
arlein, ar-leinadj, adv online
arloesivb to clear, to prepare the way, to pioneer
arloesydd (-wyr) nm pioneer
arluniaethnf portraiture, painting
arluniovb to draw, to paint, to portray
arlunydd (-wyr) nm artist
arlwy (-au, -on) nmf provision, feast, menu
arlwyaeth (-au) nf catering
arlwyovb to prepare, to provide; to cook
arlywydd (-ion) nm president
arlywyddiaethnf presidency
arlywyddoladj presidential
arlliw (-iau) nm varnish, tint, shade, trace
arlliwiovb to colour, to tint, to paint
arllwysvb to pour out, to empty
arllwysfanf outfall, outlet, vent
armelnm second milk
armesnf prophecy; calamity
arnofiovb to float
arobrynadj worthy, prize-winning
arofunvb to intend, to purpose
arogl (-au), aroglau (-euon) nm scent, smell
arogldarthnm incense
arogldarthuvb to burn incense
arogli, arogleuovb to scent; to smell
arogliadnm smelling, sense of smell
aroleuadaunpl:aroleuadau gwallt highlights
aroleuydd (-ion) nm highlighter (pen)
arolwgnm survey
arolygiad (-au) nm inspection
arolygiaethnf superintendency
arolyguvb to superintend
arolygwr (-wyr), arolygydd (-ion) nm superintendent, inspector; supervisor
arosvb to wait, to await, to stay, to stop, to tarry, to abide, to remain; aros ar ôl stay behind; aros gartref stay in
arswydnm dread, terror, horror
arswydovb to dread; to shudder
arswydusadj fearful, terrible, dreadful
arsylwivb to observe
arsyllfa (-feydd) nf observatory
arsylluvb to observe
artaith (-teithiau) nf torture, torment, pang
arteithiovb to torture, to rack
arteithioladj racking, excruciating
artisiog (-au) nm artichoke
artistigadj artistic
arth (eirth) nfm bear
arthes (-au) nf she-bear
arthio, arthuvb to bark, to growl
arucheladj lofty, sublime
arucheleddnm loftiness, sublimity
aruthradj marvellous, strange
aruthreddnm amazement, horror
aruthroladj huge, prodigious
arwahanrwyddnm uniqueness, individuality
arwainvb to conduct, to lead, to guide, to carry
arwedd (-au, -ion) nf bearing, aspect
arwedduvb to bear
arweddwr (-wyr) nm bearer
arweiniadnm guidance; introduction
arweinioladj leading, introductory
arweinydd (-ion) nm guide, leader; conductor
arweinyddiaethnf leadership
arwerthiant (-iannau) nm auction
arwerthuvb to sell by auction
arwerthwr (-wyr) nm auctioneer
arwisgiadnm investiture
arwisgovb to enrobe, to array, to invest
arwr (-wyr) nm hero
arwraiddadj heroic, epic
arwres (-au) nf heroine
arwrgerdd (-i) nf epic poem
arwriaethnf heroism
arwroladj heroic, gallant
arwybodnm awareness
arwydd (-ion) nmf sign, signal; ensign; arwydd ffordd road sign
arwyddair (-eiriau) nm motto
arwyddbostnm signpost
arwyddlun (-iau) nm emblem, symbol
arwyddlunioladj emblematic, symbolic
arwyddnod (-au) nm mark, token
arwyddovb to sign; to signify
arwyddocâdnm signification, significance
arwyddocaoladj significant
arwyddocáuvb to signify, to denote
arwyl (-ion) nf funeral, funeral rites
arwylovb to mourn over the dead
arwynebeddnm surface, superficies
arwyneboladj superficial
arwyrainnmf praise, panegyric ▶ vb to rise, to extol
arwystlnm mortgage
arwystlovb to pledge, to mortgage
arysgrif (-au), arysgrifen (-nau) nf inscription, epigraph
asb (-iaid) nf asp
asbrinm animation, vivacity, spirits
asednm asset
aseiniad (-au) nm assignment
asen1 (-nau) nf rib
asen2 (-nod) nf she-ass
asesiadnm:asesiad parhaus continuous assessment
asesuvb to assess; asesu parhaus continuous assessment
asethnf stake, spar, lath
asgell (esgyll) nf wing, fin; asgell fraith chaffinch
asgellogadj winged
asgellwr (-wyr) nm wing, outside-forward
asglod, asglodionnpl chips
asgrenf bosom, heart
asgwrn (esgyrn) nm bone
Asianf Asia
Asiad (Asiaid) nm Asian
asiad (-au) nm joint, weld
Asiaiddadj Asian
asiant (-au) nm agent
asiantaethnf agency
asidnm acid
asidigadj acidic
asiedyddnm joiner
asiovb to join, to weld; to solder; to cement
astell (astyllod, estyll) nf plank, shelf
astrolegnf astrology
astrusadj abstruse, difficult
astudadj attentive
astudiaeth (-au) nf study; astudiaethau cyfrifiadurol computer studies
astudiovb to study
astudrwyddnm attentiveness
aswyadj left
asyn (-nod) nm he-ass
asynnaiddadj asinine
atprep to, towards; for; at; by
atafaeliadnm confiscation, distraint
atafaeluvb to confiscate
atalvb to stop, to hinder, to withhold ▶ nm (-ion) hindrance, impediment; atal dweud stammering
ataleb (-au) nf injunction
atalfa (-feydd) nf check; stoppage
ataliad (-au) nm stoppage
atalioladj preventive
atalnod (-au) nf stop, point
atalnodivb to point, to punctuate
atblygoladj reflexive
atebvb to answer, to reply ▶ nm (-ion) answer
ateboladj answerable, responsible
ateg (-ion) nf prop, stay, support
ategiad (-au) nm affirmation
ategoladj confirming; auxiliary
ateguvb to support
atgasadj odious, hateful
atgaseddnm hatred
atgasrwyddnm odiousness, hatefulness
atgenhedliadnm regeneration
atgenhedluvb to regenerate
atgno (-oeau, -oeon) nm remorse
atgof (-ion) nm remembrance, reminiscence
atgofiovb to recollect, to remember, to remind
atgofusadj reminiscent
atgoffavb to recall, to remind
atgyfnerthionnpl reinforcements
atgyfnerthuvb to reinforce
atgyfodivb to rise, to raise again
atgyfodiadnm resurrection
atgynhyrchuvb to reproduce
atgyweiriad (-au) nm repair
atgyweiriovb to repair, to mend
atgyweiriwr (-wyr) nm repairer, mender
atig (-au) nmf attic
Atlantaiddadj Atlantic
Atlantigadj Atlantic
atodivb to add, to append, to affix
atodiad (-au) nm addition, appendix
atodlen (-ni) nf supplement; schedule
atodoladj supplementary
atolwg, atolyguvb to pray, to beseech
atom (-au) nfm atom
atomfa (-feydd) nf nuclear power station
atomigadj atomic
atsain (-seiniau) nf echo
atseiniovb to resound, to echo
atwf (atyfion) nm second growth
atyniad (-au) nm attraction
atyniadoladj attractive
atynnuvb to attract
Athennf Athens
athletaunpl athletics
athrawes (-au) nf teacher, governess
athrawiaeth (-au) nf doctrine
athrawiaetholadj doctrinal
athristadj very sad, pensive, sorrowful
athro (athrawon) nm teacher, master
athrod (-ion) nm slander, libel
athrodwr (-wyr) nm slanderer, libeller
athrofa (-feydd) nf college, academy, institute
athrofaoladj academic
athroniaethnf philosophy
athronydd (-ion, -wyr) nm philosopher
athronyddoladj philosophical
athronydduvb to philosophize
athrylith (-oedd) nf genius
athrylithgaradj of genius, talented
athrywynnm mediation, intervention ▶ vb to mediate, to arbitrate
aurnm gold
awchnm edge; ardour, zest; relish, appetite
awchlymadj sharp, keen, acute
awchlymuvb to sharpen, to whet
awchusadj sharp, keen; eager; greedy
awdl (-au, odlau) nf ode
awdur (-on, -iaid) nm author
awdurdod (-au) nmf authority
awdurdodedigadj authorised
awdurdodivb to authorize
awdurdodoladj authoritative
awdures (-au) nf authoress
awduriaethnf authorship
awel (-on) nf breeze, wind
awelogadj breezy, windy
awen1 (-au) nf muse
awen2 (-au) nf rein
awenydd (-ion) nm poet
awenyddiaethnf poetry, poesy
awenyddoladj poetical
awenydduvb to poetize
awgrym (-au, -iadau) nm hint, suggestion
awgrymiadoladj suggestive
awgrymogadj suggestive
awgrymuvb to hint, to suggest
awr (oriau) nf hour; oriau hamdden spare time, leisure; oriau hyblyg flexitime; oriau ychwanegol overtime
Awstnm August
Awstralianf Australia
Awstrianf Austria
awtistigadj autistic
awydd (-au) nm desire, eagerness
awyddfrydnm vehement desire, zeal
awydduvb to desire
awyddusadj desirous, eager, zealous
awyrnf air, sky
awyrdrom (-au) nf aerodrome
awyren (-nau, -ni) nf balloon, aeroplane
awyrendy (-dai) nm hangar
awyrgylch (-au, -oedd) nmf atmosphere
awyriadnm ventilation
awyrlong (-au) nf airship
awyruvb to air, to ventilate

b (#)
baban (-od) adj baby
babanaiddadj babyish
babandodnm babyhood, infancy
babinm baby
bacas (bacs(i)au) nf footless stocking; hair on horse’s fetlocks
baconm tobacco
bacwnnm bacon
bach1 (-au) nm hook; bachau petryal square brackets
bach2adj little, small
bachell (-au, -ion) nf nook, corner; snare
bachgen (bechgyn) nm boy
bachgendodnm boyhood
bachgennaiddadj boyish
bachgennyn (bechgynnos) nm little boy
bachigyn (bachigion) nm little bit, diminutive
bachogadj hooked
bachuvb to hook, to grapple
bachwr (-wyr) nm hooker (in rugby)
bad (-au) nm boat; bad achub lifeboat
badwr (-wyr) nm boatman
badd (-au), baddon (-au) nm bath
bae (-au) nm bay
baedd (-od) nm boar
baedduvb to beat, to buffet; to soil
baetiovb to bait, to maltreat
bag (-iau) nm bag; bag aer, bag awyr airbag
bagad (-au) nm cluster; troop, multitude
bagl (-aul) nf crook; crutch; leg
baglor (-ion) nf bachelor
bagloriaethnf bachelorship
bagluvb to entangle, to ensnare, to trip
bai (beiau) nm fault, vice; defect; blame
baich (beichiau) nm burden, load
baisnm bottom, ford; walking
balanm efflux of river from lake
balchadj proud; glad; delighted
balchdernm pride
balchdranm joy, gladness
balchïovb to pride
baldorddnm babble, balderdash
baldorddivb to babble
balenm ballet
baled (-i) nf ballad
baledwr (-wyr) nm ballad-monger
balmnm balm
balmaiddadj balmy
balog (-au, -ion) nf fly, cod-piece; flap
ballegnf hamper, net, purse
ballegrwyd (-au) nf drag-net
ban (-nau) nmf peak; horn; corner; stanza
banadlnpl (nf-hadlen) broom
banc1 (-iau) nm bank
banc2 (bencydd) nm bank, mound, hill
bancaw (-iau) nm band, tuft
band (-iau) nm band; band eang, band llydan broadband
baner (-au, -i) nf banner, flag
banerogadj with banners, bannered
banerwr (-wyr) nm standard-bearer; ensign
banffagl (-au) nf bonfire, blaze
bangawadj eloquent, melodious, skilful
Bangladeshnf Bangladesh
bangor (-au, bangyr) nfm upper row of rods in wattle fence; monastery
baniar (-ieri) nm shout; banner
banllawr (-lloriau) nm platform
banllef (-au) nf loud shout
bannod (banodau) nf article
bannogadj elevated, conspicuous; horned
bar (-rau) nm bar
bârnm fury, greed
baranm bread
barbaraiddadj barbarous
barbareidd-dranm barbarity
barbareiddiovb to barbarize
barbariad (-iaid) nm barbarian
barbariaethnm barbarism
barbwr (-wyr) nm barber
barcer (-iaid) nm tanner
barclod (-iau) nm apron
barcud (-iaid), barcutan (-od) nm kite
barcutnm kite
barcutavb to hang-glide
bardd (beirdd) nm bard, poet
barddasnfm bardism
barddoladj bardic
barddonivb to compose poetry, to poetize
barddoniaethnf poetry, verse
barddonoladj poetic, poetical
barf (-au) nf beard, whiskers
barfogadj bearded
bargeinio, bargennavb to bargain
bargen (-einion) nf bargain
bargod (-ion) nm eaves
bargyfreithiwr (-wyr) nm barrister
bariaethnmf evil, grief, wrath; greed
baril (-au) nf barrel
barilaid (-eidiau) nf barrelful
bariovb to bar, to bolt
barladnm drake
barlysnm barley
barn (-au) nf judgment; opinion; sentence
barnaisnf varnish
barnedigaeth (-au) nf judgment
barneisiovb to varnish
barnoladj judicial, condemnatory, annoying
barnuvb to judge
barnwr (-wyr) nm judge
baromedrnm barometer
barrugnm hoar-frost
barugovb to cast hoar-frost
barugogadj white with hoar-frost
barusadj voracious, greedy
barwn (-iaid) nm baron
barwnes (-au) nf baroness
barwniaeth (-au) nf barony
barwnig (-iaid) nm baronet
bas1adj shallow ▶ npl (bais, beis) shallows
bas2adj, nm bass
basged (-i, -au) nf basket
basgedaid (-eidiau) nf basketful
basgedwr (-wyr) nm basket-maker
basilnm basil
basn (-au, -ys) nm basin
bastard (-iaid) nm bastard
bastardiaethnf bastardy
batiovb to bat
batrinm battery
bath (-au) nm kind, sort; stamp; coin
bathdy (-dai) nm mint
bathodyn (-nau) nm medal, badge
batholadj coin, coined
bathuvb to coin
bawnm dirt, mire, dung, filth
bawaiddadj dirty, vile; sordid, mean
bawd (bodiau) nf thumb, toe
bechanadj f ofbychan
bechgynnosnpl little boys, youngsters
bedwnpl (nf-en) birch
bedyddnm baptism
bedyddfa (-fâu, -feydd) nf baptistry
bedyddfaen (-feini) nm font
bedyddiovb to baptize
bedyddioladj baptismal; baptized
Bedyddiwr (-wyr) nm Baptist
bedd (-au) nm grave, tomb, sepulchre
beddargraff (-iadau) nm epitaph
beddfaen (-feini) nm tombstone
beddgell (-oedd) nf vault, catacomb
beddrod (-au) nm tomb, sepulchre
Beibl (-au) nm Bible
Beiblaiddadj Biblical
beic (-iau) nm bike; beic modur motorbike; beic mynydd mountain bike
beiciovb to cycle
beiciwr, beicwr (-wyr) nm cyclist; beiciwr modur motorcyclist
beichiovb to burden; to low; to sob
beichiogadj pregnant
beichiogivb to conceive
beichusadj burdensome, oppressive
beiddgaradj daring, audacious; outrageous
beiddgarwchnm daring, audacity
beiddiovb to dare, to presume
beili (beilïaid) nm bailiff
beiovb to blame, to censure
beirniad (-iaid) nm adjudicator; critic
beirniadaeth (-au) nf adjudication; criticism
beirniadoladj critical
beirniaduvb to adjudicate; to criticize
beisgawn (-au) nf stack, heap of corn sheaves
beistonnf sea-shore, beach; surf
beiusadj faulty; blameworthy
bellachadv now, at length
bendigaid, bendigedigadj blessed
bendigedigrwyddnm blessedness
bendith (-ion) nf blessing, benediction
bendithiovb to bless
bendithioladj conferring blessings
benthyca, benthyciovb to borrow, to lend
benthyciadnm loan
benthyciwr (-wyr) nm borrower, lender
benthygnm loan
benywadj female ▶ nf (-od) female, woman
benywaiddadj feminine; effeminate
benywoladj feminine, female
beradj f ofbyr
bêr (berau, -i) nm spear; roasting-spit
beranfm rick; pyramid
berdysnpl (nm-yn, nf-en) shrimps
berf (-au) nf verb; berf anghyflawn transitive verb; berf gyflawn intransitive verb
berfa (-fâu, -feydd) nf barrow
Berlinnf Berlin
berthadj beautiful, valuable
berthogadj wealthy, fair
berwnm, adj boiling, seething, ebullition
berwedigadj boiling
berwedydd (-ion) nm boiler
berwedd-dy (-dai) nm brewery
berwedduvb to brew
berwivb to boil, to seethe, to effervesce
berwrcoll n cress
betgwnnmf nightgown
betwsnm oratory, chapel; birch grove
betysnpl beetroot
beudy (-dai) nm cow-house, byre
beunoeth, beunosadv nightly, every night
beunyddadv daily, every day, always
beunyddioladj daily, quotidian
bidog (-au) nf dagger; bayonet
bing (-oedd) nm alley, bin
bil (-iau) nm bill
bilidowcarnm cormorant
bilwg (-ygau) nm billhook
bin (-iau) nm:bin sbwriel litter bin
biocemegnfm biochemistry
biolegnf biology
bir (-oedd) nm beer
bisgedennf biscuit, cracker
biswailnm dung
blaenadj fore, foremost, first; front ▶ nm (-au, -ion) point, end, top, tip; front, van, priority, precedence; edge
blaenasgellwr (-wyr) nm wing-forward
blaenbrawf (-brofion) nm foretaste
blaendalnm prepayment, deposit
blaendardduvb to sprout
blaendirnm foreground
blaenddalen (-nau) nf title page
blaenddodivb to prefix
blaenddodiad (-iaid) nm prefix
blaenffrwythnm first-fruits
blaengaradj prominent, progressive
blaengroen (-grwyn) nm foreskin
blaenllawadj forward, prominent
blaenllymadj sharp, keen
blaenllymuadj sharpen, whet
blaenor (-iaid) nm leader; elder
blaenorivb to lead, to precede
blaenoriaethnf preference; precedence
blaenoroladj previous, antecedent
blaenuvb to point; to outrun; to precede
blaenwr (-wyr) nm leader; forward
blagurcoll n sprouts, buds, shoots
blagurovb to sprout, to bud; to flourish
blagurynnm sprout, bud, shoot
blaidd (bleiddiaid, bleiddiau) nm wolf
blasnm taste, savour, relish
blasio, blasuvb to taste
blasusadj tasty, savoury, delicious
blawd (blodion, -iau) nm flour, meal
blêradj untidy, slovenly
blerwmnm blabberer
blewnpl (nm-yn) hairs; hair; fur
blewogadj hairy, shaggy
blewynnm straw
bliantnm lawn, fine linen
blif (-iau) nm catapult
blingovb to skin, to flay
blinadj tired, weary; peevish, irritable
blinder (-au) nm weariness; trouble
blinderog, blinderusadj wearisome
blinfydnm tribulation
blinovb to tire, to weary; to trouble, to vex
blith (-ion) nm milk ▶ adj milch
blith draphlithadv helter-skelter
bloc (-iau) nm:bloc swyddfeydd office block
blodeugerdd (-i) nf anthology
blodeuglwmnm bunch, nosegay
blodeuovb to flower, to bloom, to flourish
blodeuogadj flowery; flourishing
blodeuyn, blodyn (blodau) nm flower
blodfresychennf cauliflower
blodiogadj floury, mealy
bloddestnf rejoicing, acclamation
bloedd (-iau, -iadau) nf shout
bloeddio, bloeddianvb to shout, to cry
bloeddiwr (-wyr) nm shouter
bloesgadj lisping, faltering, indistinct
bloesgivb to lisp, to falter, to speak indistinctly
blog (-iau) nm blog
blogiovb to blog
blogiwr (-wyr) nm blogger
blwch (blychau) nm box; blwch postio mailbox
blwngadj angry, sullen, cheerless ▶ nm anger
blwydd (-au, -i) nf, adj year of age; year-old
blwydd-dalnm annuity, pension
blwyddiad (-iaid) nm yearling, annual
blwyddiadur (-on) nm yearbook, annual
blwyddyn (blynyddoedd) nf year; blwyddyn bwlch gap year
blychaid (-eidiau) nm boxful
blyneddnpl years (after numerals)
blynyddoladj annual, yearly
blys (-iau) nm craving, lust
blysigadj greedy, lustful
blysigrwyddnm greediness
blysiovb to crave, to lust
bocs (-ys) nm box
bocsachnm vaunt, boast, brag
bocsiovb to box
bocsiwr (-wyr) nm boxer
boch (-au) nf cheek
bochdewnf hamster
bochgochadj rosy-cheeked
bodvb to be, to exist ▶ nm (-au) being, existence; Y Bod Mawr God
bod(olaeth)nm(f) existence
bodanmf buzzard
bodiovb to thumb, to finger
bodlonadj content, willing
bodlonivb to satisfy, to content; to be content
bodlonrwyddnm contentment
bodolivb to exist
boddnm pleasure, will, consent
boddfanf flood, drenching
boddhadnm pleasure, satisfaction
boddhaoladj pleasing, satisfactory
boddhauvb to please, to satisfy
boddhausadj pleased
boddivb to drown; to flood
boddiovb to please, to satisfy
bogail (-eiliau) nmf navel; boss, hub
boglwm (boglymau), boglyn (-nau) nm boss, knob, stud, bud, bubble
bol, bola (boliau) nm belly
bolaid (-eidiau) nm bellyful
boleravb to gorge, to guzzle; to sponge
bolerwr (-wyr) nm sponge, parasite
bolgi (-gwn) nm gourmand, glutton
bolheulovb to bask in the sun
boliovb to belly, to gorge
boliogadj big-bellied, corpulent
bolochnm pain, anxiety, destruction
bolrwthadj gluttonous, greedy
bolrwymadj costive, constipated
bolsothach, bolysothachnm hotchpotch; jargon
bolwstnfm gripes, colic
bollt (-au, -ydd, byllt) nf bolt
bom (-iau) nmf bomb
bomiovb to bomb
bomiwr (-wyr) nm bomber; bomiwr hunanleiddiol suicide bomber
bôn (bonau, bonion) nm bottom; stump; yn y bôn basically
boncath (-od) nm buzzard
bonclust (-iau) nm box on the ear
boncyff (-ion) nm stump, trunk, stock
bondigrybwylladv forsooth ▶ adj hardly mentionable
bondonm eaves
boneddnm gentility, nobility
boneddigaiddadj noble; gentlemanly
boneddigeiddrwyddnm gentlemanliness
boneddiges (-au) nf lady
bonesignf lady; Miss
bonet (-i) nf bonnet
bonheddigadj noble, gentle, gentlemanly
bonheddwr (-wyr) nm gentleman
bonllef (-au) nf shout
bonllwmadj bare-bottomed; bare-backed
Bonnnf Bonn
bonyn (bonion) nm stump
bord (-ydd, -au) nf table, board
bordhwyliovb to windsurf
bore (-au) nm morning ▶ adj early
boreddyddnm day-break, morning
borefwydnm breakfast
boreoladj morning
borsnf hernia
bosnf palm of the hand, fist
Bosnianf Bosnia
bost (-iau) nm boast, brag
bostiovb to boast, to brag
botas, en (-asau) nf boot
botwm (-ymau) nm button
botymogadj buttoned
botymuvb to button
both (-au) nf nave of wheel; boss
bowliovb to bowl
bracadj free, frank, talkative
bracsovb to wade, to paddle
bracty (-tai) nm malt-house, brewery
brad (-au) nm treason; plot
bradfwriaduvb to plot, to conspire
bradlofrudd (-ion) nm assassin
bradlofruddiaeth (-au) nf assassination
bradlofruddiovb to assassinate
bradwr (-wyr) nm traitor
bradwriaeth (-au) nf treason, treachery
bradwrusadj traitorous, treacherous
bradychuvb to betray
braenadj rotten, corrupt
braenar (-au) nm fallow
braenaruvb to fallow, to pioneer
braenuvb to rot, to putrify
brafadj fine
bragnm malt
bragadnf army, battle; offspring
bragaldianvb to jabber, to gabble, to prate
bragiovb to brag, to boast
bragiwr (-wyr) nm bragger, boaster
braguvb to malt, to brew
bragwairnm moorland hay, coarse grass
bragwr (-wyr) nm maltster, brewer
braich (breichiau) nf arm; branch, handle; headland
braiddadv rather, somewhat
braint (breintiau) nf privilege
braisgadj gross, thick, large; pregnant
braithadj f ofbrith
brân (brain) nf crow, rook, raven
bras (breision) adj fat; coarse; rich; luxuriant
brasáuvb to grow fat or gross
brasbwythovb to baste, to tack
brasgamuvb to stride
Brasilnf Brazil
braslun (-iau) nm sketch, outline
braslun bywydnm curriculum vitae
brasluniovb to sketch, to outline
brasnadduvb to rough-hew
brasternm fat
brasterogadj fat, greasy
brat (-iau) nm rag, clout; pinafore
bratiaithnf debased language
bratiogadj ragged, tattered
brath (-au) nm stab, wound; sting; bite
brathogadj that bites; biting
brathuvb to stab, to wound; to sting; to bite
brauadj brittle, frail, fragile; kindly; prompt
braw (-iau) nm terror, dread, fright
brawd1 (brodyr) nm brother; friar; brawd yng nghyfraith brother-in-law
brawd2 (brodiau) nf judgment
brawdgarwchnm brotherly love
brawdmaethnm foster-brother
brawdoladj brotherly, fraternal
brawdoliaeth (-au) nf brotherhood, fraternity
brawddeg (-au) nf sentence
brawddeguvb to construct sentences
brawlnm boast, brag; gabble, tattle
brawychuvb to frighten, to terrify
brawychusadj frightful, terrible
brawychwrnm terrorist
bre (-on, -oedd) nf hill, highland
brebwl (-yliaid) nm blockhead; prattler
brêcnm brake
brecinm wort; spree
breciovb to brake
brecwast (-au) nmf breakfast
brecwastavb to breakfast
brech1nf eruption, pox; brech yr ieir chickenpox
brech2adj f ofbrych
brechdan (-au) nf slice of bread and butter
brechiad (-au) nm inoculation, vaccination
brechuvb to vaccinate, to inoculate
bredych (-au, -ion) nm betrayal; fear; rascal
bref (-iadau) nf lowing; bleat; bray
breferad (-au) nm bellowing
brefiad (-au) nm lowing; bleating
brefuvb to low; to bleat; to bray
bregnm guile, blemish, breach ▶ adj fragile, faulty
bregliachvb to jabber
bregusadj frail, brittle, rickety
breichled (-au) nf bracelet
breichrwy, breichrwyf (-au) nmf bracelet
breindalnm royalty
breiniovb to privilege, to enfranchise
breinioladj privileged, free
breinlen (-ni) nf charter
breintalnm bonus; royalty
breintiedigadj patented, patent
breintiovb to privilege, to favour
brenhinaiddadj kingly, regal
brenhindodnm royalty
brenhindref (-i) nf royal city
brenhindy (-dai) nm royal palace
brenhines (breninesau) nf queen
brenhinfaincnf throne
brenhiniaeth (breniniaethau) nf kingdom
brenhinllysnm basil
brenhinoladj royal, regal
brenin (-hinoedd) nm king
brest (-iau) nf breast, chest
bresychnpl (nf-en) cabbages
brethyn (-nau) nm cloth
brethynnwr (-ynwyr) nm clothier; cloth-worker
breuan (-au) nf quern; print of butter
breudernm brittleness, frailty
breuddwyd (-ion) nmf dream; breuddwyd gwrach wishful thinking
breuddwydiovb to dream
breuddwydioladj dreaming, dreamy
breuddwydiwr (-wyr) nm dreamer
brëyr, brehyr (brehyrion, -iaid) nm nobleman, chief, baron
brinm honour, renown, distinction
briallunpl (nfbriallen) primroses
bribysnpl fragments, scraps
bricsennf brick
bricyllennf apricot
bridnm breed
bridiovb to breed
brifovb to hurt
brig (-au) nm top; (pl) twigs
brigâd (-au) nfbrigade; brigâd dân fire-brigade
briger (-au) nm hair of head; top
brigovb to top; to branch
brigogadj branching; flourishing
brigwynadj white-topped, white-crested
brigyn (brigau) nm twig
brith (fbraith) adj mottled, speckled
brithovb to mottle, to speckle; to dazzle
Brithwr (-wyr) nm Pict
brithyll (-od, -iaid) nm trout
briwadj broken, bruised, sore ▶ nm (-iau) wound, sore
briwfwydnm crumbs, mince
briwgignm mince
briwlawnm drizzling rain
briwliovb to broil
briwovb to wound, to hurt
briwsionnpl (nm-yn) crumbs, fragments
briwsionivb to crumble
briwsionynnm crumb
briwsyn (briwsion) nm crumb, morsel
bro (-ydd) nf land; region; vale
broch1nm badger
broch2nm froth, anger, tumult
brochivb to chafe, to fume; to bluster
brochusadj fuming; blustering
brodiovb to embroider; to darn
brodor (-ion) nm native; fellow countryman
brodoroladj native, indigenous
broga (-od) nm frog
brolnf boast, brag
broliantnm blurb
broliovb to boast, to brag, to vaunt
broliwr (-wyr) nm boaster, braggart
bron1 (-nau, -nydd) nf breast; hillside
bron2adv almost, nearly, practically; o’r bron completely, in succession
bronfraith (-freithod) nf thrush
brongoch (-iaid) nmf robin redbreast
bronwennf weasel
brunm womb
brud (-iau) nm chronicle; divination
brudiovb to prognosticate, to divine
brudiwr (-wyr) nm wizard, soothsayer
brwdadj hot, fervent ▶ nm boil, heat
brwdfrydeddnm ardour, enthusiasm
brwdfrydigadj ardent, enthusiastic
brwmstannm brimstone, sulphur
brwmstanaiddadj sulphury
brwnt (fbront) adj foul, nasty, dirty; harsh
brwyd1 (-au) nm embroidering frame; skewer
brwyd2adj variegated; bloodstained; shattered
brwydovb to embroider; to tear, to consume
brwydr (-au) nf battle, combat
brwydrovb to battle, to combat
brwydrwr (-wyr) nm fighter, combatant
brwydwaithnm embroidery
brwyliovb to broil
brwynnm grief, sadness
brwynen (brwyn) nf rush
brwynogadj rushy
brwysgadj drunk; vigorous
brycan, brecan (-au) nfm blanket, rug
brych (fbrech) adj mottled, brindled, freckled ▶ nm the afterbirth of a cow
brychaunpl (nm-euyn) spots, freckles
brycheulydadj spotted, brindled
brycheuynnm spot
brychninm spots, freckles
brychuvb to spot, to freckle
brydnm mind, heart, will
brydiovb to burn, to inflame, to boil, to throb
brygawthanvb to jabber, to prate, to rant
bryn (-iau) nm hill
bryncyn (-nau) nm hillock
bryniogadj hilly
brynti, bryntninm filthiness, filth
brysnm haste, hurry
brysiovb to hasten, to hurry
brysiogadj hurried, hasty
bryslythyr (-au) nm dispatch
brysneges (-au) nf telegram
brytheiriovb to belch; to utter oaths, threats etc
Brython (-iaid) nm Briton, Welshman
Brythonegnf British language, Welsh
brythwchnm storm, tumult; groan
brywedduvb to brew
brywesnm brewis
bual (buail) nm buffalo, drinking horn
buanadj fast, quick, swift, fleet; soon
buander, buandranm swiftness, speed
buandroedadj swift-footed
buarth (-au) nm yard
buchdraeth (-au) nf biography, memoir
buchedd (-au) nf life, conduct
bucheddoladj right-living, virtuous
buchedduvb to live, to flourish
buches (-au) nf herd of cows
buchfrechuvb to vaccinate
budradj dirty, filthy, foul, vile
budreddinm filthiness, filth
budrovb to dirty, to soil, to foul
budd (-ion) nm benefit, profit, gain
buddai (-eiau) nf churn
buddel (-wydd) nmf cow-house post, pillar
buddiant (-iannau) nm interest
buddiovb to profit, to avail
buddioladj profitable, beneficial, useful
buddioldebnm profitableness, expediency
buddrannf dividend
buddsodd (-ion), buddsoddiad (-au) nm investment
buddsoddivb to invest
buddugoladj winning, victorious
buddugoliaeth (-au) nf victory
buddugoliaethusadj victorious, triumphant
buddugwr (-wyr) nm winner, victor
bugail (-eiliaid) nm shepherd; pastor
bugeiles (-au) nf shepherdess
bugeiliaeth (-au) nf pastorate
bugeilio, bugeiliavb to watch, to shepherd
bugeilioladj pastoral
bugunadnm bellowing, roar
bunnf maid, maiden
burgyn (-nod, iaid) nm carcass, carrion
burman, burumnm barm, yeast
busnes (-ion) nmf business
busnesavb to interfere, to meddle
busnesgar, busneslydadj meddlesome
bustach (-tych) nm bullock, steer
bustachuvb to buffet about, to bungle
bustlnm gall, bile
bustlaiddadj like gall; bitter as gall
buwch (buchod) nf cow; buwch goch gota ladybird
bwa (bwâu) nm bow; arch
bwaogadj arched, vaulted
bwbach (-od) nm bugbear, bogey, scarecrow
bwced (-i) nmf bucket
bwci (-ïod) nm bugbear, bogey, ghost
bwcl (byclau) nm buckle
bwcled (-au) nf buckler
bwch (bychod) nm buck; bwch dihangol scapegoat; bwch gafr he-goat
Bwdhaethnf Buddhism
Bwdhaiddadj Buddhist
bwgan (-od) nm bogey, ghost, scarecrow
bwgwl (bygylau) nm threat, menace
bwgwthseebygwth, bygythio
bwhwmanvb to beat about; to vacillate
bŵl (bylau) nm globe, ball, knob
bwlch (bylchau) nm gap; pass; notch
bwled (-i) nf bullet
Bwlgarianf Bulgaria
bwn (bynnoedd, byniaid) nm bittern
bwndel (-i) nm bundle
bwngler (-iaid) nm bungler
bwngleravb to bungle
bwngleraiddadj bungling, clumsy
bwnglerwaithnm bungle, botch
bwnglerwchnm clumsiness
bwr (byr) adj fat, big, strong
bwrdais (-deisiaid) nm burgess
bwrdeistref (-i) nf borough
bwrdd (byrddau) nm table; deck; board; bwrdd du black-board
bwrglernm burglar
bwrgleravb to burgle
bwrgleriaethnf burglary
bwriad (-au) nm purpose, intention
bwriadoladj intentional
bwriaduvb to purpose, to intend
bwrlwm (byrlymau) nm bubble; gurgling
bwrn (byrnau) nm burden, incubus; bale
bwrwvb to cast, to shed; to strike; to imagine, to suppose; to spend ▶ nm cast, throw; woof
bws (bysiau, bysys) nm bus; bws mini minibus
bwtler (-iaid) nm butler
bwtrinm buttery, pantry, dairy
bwth (bythod) nm hut, booth, cot
bwthyn (bythynnod) nm cottage, cabin, hut
bwyall (bwyeill), bwyell (bwyeill) nf axe
bwyd (-ydd) nm food; bwyd sothach junk food; bwyd sydyn fast food
bwyda, bwydovb to feed
bwydlennf menu
bwyd-offrwm (-ymau) nm meat-offering
bwydwr (-wyr) nm feeder
bwygilyddadv (from one) to the other
bwylltid (-au) nm swivel
bwyllwr, bwyllwrw (-yriau) nm provisions for journey
bwysel (-au, -i) nm bushel
bwystfil (-od) nm (wild) beast
bwystfilaiddadj brutal
bwystfiles (-au) nf beast
bwytavb to eat; to corrode
bwytadwyadj eatable, edible
bwytäwr (-wyr) nm eater
bwyteigadj greedy, voracious
bwyty (-tai, -tyau) nm restaurant
bychan (fbechan) adj little, small
bychander, bychandranm littleness, smallness
bychanuvb to belittle, to minimize
bychanusadj derogatory
byd (-oedd) nm world; state; life
bydaf (-au) nmf beehive
byd-eangadj worldwide
bydiovb to live, to fare
bydoladj worldly, secular
bydolddyn (-ion) nm worldling
bydolrwyddnm worldliness
bydwraig (-wragedd) nf midwife
bydwreigiaethnf midwifery
bydysawdnm universe
byddag (-au) nf running knot, noose
byddaradj deaf ▶ nm (-iaid, byddair) deaf person
byddardodnm deafness
byddaroladj deafening
byddaruvb to deafen, to stun
byddin (-oedd) nf army, host
byddinovb to set army in array, to embattle
byddinogadj with armies
bygwthvb to threaten, to menace ▶ nm (-ythion, -ythiau) threat, menace
bygythiad (-au) nm threat; bygythiad bom bomb scare
bygythiovb to threaten, to menace
bygythioladj threatening, menacing
byl (-au) nfm edge, brim (of vessel); hyd y fyl to the brim
bylb (-au) nm bulb
bylchogadj gapped, gappy; notched
bylchuvb to make a gap, to breach; to notch
byngalo (-s, -au) nm bungalow
bynnagpron -ever, -soever
bynsennf bun
byr (fber) adj short, brief
byrbryd (-iau) nm luncheon, snack
byrbwylladj impulsive, rash
byrbwylltranm impulsiveness
byrder, byrdranm shortness, brevity
byrdwnnm burden, refrain, chorus
byrddaid (-eidiau) nm tableful
byrddiovb to board
byrddiwr (-wyr) nm boarder
byrfoddnm abbreviation
byrfyfyradj impromptu
byrgornadj shorthorn
byrgyrnm burger
byrhauvb to shorten, to abridge
byrhoedlogadj short-lived
byrlymuvb to bubble, to gurgle
byrllysg (-au) nmf mace
byrnio (-u) vb to bale, to bundle
byrnwr (-wyr) nm baler
byrstiovb to burst
bys (-edd) nm finger; toe; hand of dial, latch
bysaid (-eidiau) nm pinch
bysedduvb to finger
bysled, bysledr (-au) nm finger-stall
bythadv ever, for ever ▶ nm eternity
bytheiad (-aid) nm hound
bytheiriovb to belch, to threaten
bythgofiadwyadj memorable
bytholadj everlasting, eternal, perpetual
bytholivb to perpetuate
bytholwyrdd (-ion) adj, nm evergreen
bythynnwr (-ynwyr) nm cottager
bywvb to live ▶ adj alive, living, quick ▶ nm life
bywgraffiad (-au) nm biography
bywgraffiadoladj biographical
bywgraffiadur (-on) nm biographical dictionary
bywgraffydd (-ion) nm biographer
bywgraffyddoladj biographical
bywhau, bywiocáuvb to animate, to vivify, to quicken
bywiadnm seebywad
bywiogadj lively, animated, vivacious
bywiogivb to enliven, to animate
bywioladj living, animate
bywoliaeth (-oliaethau) nf living
bywyd (-au) nm life
bywydegnf biology
bywydegwr (-wyr) nm biologist
bywydfad (-au) nm lifeboat
bywydoladj of life, vital
bywyn (-nau) nm pith, core

c (#)
cabaetsnpl (nfcabaetsen) cabbage
caban (-au) nm cabin
cabidwlnm consistory, chapter
cabl (-au) nm blasphemy, reviling
cabledd (-au) nm blasphemy
cableddusadj blasphemous
cabluvb to blaspheme, to revile
cablwr (-wyr), cablydd (-ion) nm blasphemer
cabolivb to polish
cacamwcinm burdock
cacen (-nau, -ni) nf cake
cacwnnpl (nfcacynen) wasps; wild bees
cachfa (-feydd) nf excretion; closet
cachgi (-gwn) nm coward; sneak
cachiadnm excretion; jiffy; coward
cachlydadj befouled, dirty
cachuvb to defecate
cachwr (-wyr) nm coward; sneak; one who excretes
cad (-au, -oedd) nf battle; army, host
cadach (-au) nm cloth, kerchief, clout
cadair (-eiriau) nf chair, seat; cradle; udder
cadarn (cedyrn) adj strong, mighty; firm
cadarnhadnm affirmation, confirmation
cadarnhaoladj affirmative
cadarnhauvb to strengthen, to confirm
cadeirfardd (-feirdd) nm chaired bard
cadeiriovb to chair
cadeiriogadj chaired
cadeirioladj pertaining to a chair, cathedral
cadeirydd (-ion) nm chairman
cadernidnm strength; stability
cadfarch (-feirch) nm war-horse
cadfridog (-ion) nm general
cadfwyall (-eill, -yll) nf battle-axe
cadlas (-lesydd) nf close, enclosure
cadlong (-au) nf warship, battleship
cadlys (-oedd) nf camp, headquarters
cadno (cadnoid, cadnawon) nm fox
cadnöes, cadnawes (-au) nf vixen
cadoediad (-au) nm armistice, truce
cadofydd (-ion) nm tactician, strategist
cadofyddiaethnf tactics, strategy
cadofyddoladj tactical, strategic
cadwvb to keep, to preserve, to save; to hold; cadw’n heini to keep fit
cadwedigadj saved
cadwedigaethnf salvation
cadw-mi-geinm money-box
cadwraethnf keeping; observance; conservation
cadwyn (-au, -i) nf chain
cadwynovb to chain
cadwynogadj chained, in chains
caddugnm darkness; mist, fog
caddugovb to darken, to obscure
cae (-au) nm field; fence, hedge; brooch
caead (-au) nm cover, lid ▶ adj shut, closed
caeadle (-oedd) nm enclosure
caeedigadj closed, fenced
caelvb to have; to get; to find
caen (-au) nf surface; peel; coating
caenen (-nau) nf layer, film, flake
caentach (-au) nf wrangle, grumbling ▶ vb to wrangle, to grumble
caenuvb to coat, to finish
caer (-au, ceyrydd) nf wall; castle; city
Caerdyddnf Cardiff
Caeredinnf Edinburgh
caeriwrchnm roebuck
caerogadj walled, fortified; brocaded
Caersalemnf Jerusalem
caethadj bound, captive, confined ▶ nm (-ion) bondman, slave; caeth i gyffuriau addicted to drugs
caethdernm strictness; restraint; asthma
caethfab (-feibion) nm slave
caethfasnachnf slave-trade
caethferch (-ed) nf slave
caethforwyn (-forynion) nf slave
caethgludnf captivity
caethgludiad (-au) nm captivity
caethgludovb to lead captive
caethiwednm slavery, bondage, captivity, detention
caethiwovb to bind, to confine, to enslave
caethiwusadj confining; confined, tied
caethlong (-au) nf slave-ship
caethwas (-weision) nm slave
caethwasanaeth, caethwasiaethnm slavery
cafell (-au) nf cell; sanctuary, oracle
cafn (-au) nm trough, gutter
cafneddnm concavity
cafnio, cafnuvb to hollow out, to scoop, to gouge
caffaelvb to get, to obtain
caffaeleddnm availability; acquisitiveness
caffaeliad (-au) nm acquisition, asset; prey, spoil
caffe (-s), caffi (-s) nm café, restaurant; caffe rhyngrwyd internet café, cybercafé
caffiovb to snatch, to grapple
cafflovb to cheat; to entangle
caglnm clotted dirt
cagluvb to befoul, to bedraggle
cangell (-hellau) nf chancel
cangelloriaethnf chancellorship
cangen (-hennau) nf branch, bough
canghellor (cangellorion) nm chancellor
canghennogadj branching
canghennuvb to branch, to ramify
caib (ceibiau) nf pickaxe, mattock
cail (ceiliau) nf sheepfold, flock of sheep
caill (ceilliau) nf testicle
cainadj fair, fine, elegant
cainc (cangau, ceinciau) nf branch; strand; strain
cais (ceisiadau) nm application; attempt; try
cal, cala (-iau) nf penis
calan (-nau) nm first day of month; Dydd Calan New Year’s Day
calcwlws (calcwli) nm calculus
calchnm lime
calchaiddadj calcareous
calchbibonwynm stalactite
calchbost (-byst) nm stalagmite
calchennf limestone; lump of lime
calchfaen (-feini) nm limestone
calcho, calchuvb to lime
caledadj hard; severe; harsh; dry
caledfwrddnm hardboard
caledinm hardness; hardship
caleduvb to harden, to dry
caledwchnm hardness
calen (-nau, -ni) nf whetstone; bar
calendrnm calendar
calennignmf New Year’s gift
calon (-nau) nf heart
calondidnm encouragement
calon-dyneradj tender-hearted
calon-galedadj hard-hearted
calon-galedwchnm hard-heartedness
calonnogadj hearty; high-spirited
calonogivb to hearten, to encourage
calori (-ïau) nm calorie
calsiwmnm calcium
calladj wise, sensible, rational
callestr (cellystr) nf flint
callinebnm wisdom, sense
cam1 (-au) nm step
cam2adj crooked, wry; wrong ▶ nm (-au) injury, wrong
cam-prefix wrong, mis-
camarfervb to misuse, to abuse ▶ nmf (-ion) misuse, malpractice
camargraffnfm wrong impression
camarwainvb to mislead
camarweinioladj misleading
Cambodianf Cambodia
cambren (-ni) nm swingletree
camchwaraenm foul play
camdafliad (-au) nm foul throw
camdafluvb to foul throw
camder, camdranm crookedness
cam-drefnnf disorder
camdreuliadnm indigestion
camdreuliovb to mis-spend
cam-drinvb to ill-treat, to abuse
camdriniaeth (-au) nf ill-treatment
camdystiolaeth (-au) nf false witness
camdystiolaethuvb to bear false witness
camddeallvb to misunderstand
camddealltwriaethnm misunderstanding
camddefnyddnm misuse
camddefnyddiovb to misuse
cameddnm bend, curvature; camedd y droed instep; camedd y gar knee-joint
cameg (-au, cemyg) nf felloe
camel (-od) nm camel
camenw (-au) nm misnomer
camenwivb to misname
camera (camerâu) nm camera; camera digidol digital camera; camera fideo video camera
camfa (-feydd) nf stile
camfarnuvb to misjudge
camgred (-oau, -au) nf misbelief, heresy
camgreduvb to misbelieve
camgredwr (-wyr) nm heretic
camgwlnm penalty, fine; blame
camgyfrifvb to miscalculate
camgyhuddiad (-au) nm false accusation
camgyhuddovb to accuse falsely
camgymeriad (-au) nm mistake
camgymrydvb to mistake, to err
camlas (-lesi, -lesydd) nfm canal
camliwiovb to misrepresent
camochrivb to be offside
camog (-au) nf felloe
camp (-au) nf feat, exploit; game; prize
campfa (-feydd) nf gymnasium
campusadj excellent, splendid, grand
campwaith (-weithiau) nm masterpiece, feat
campwr (-wyr) nm champion
camrenm walk, footstep(s)
camsyniad (-au) nm mistake
camsyniedvb to mistake
camsynioladj mistaken
camu1vb to bow, to bend, to stoop
camu2vb to step, to stride
camwedd (-au) nm iniquity, transgression
camwedduvb to transgress
camwrinm injury, wrong
camymddwynvb to misbehave
camymddygiad (-au) nm misconduct
canadj white ▶ nm flour
cân (caniadau, caneuon) nf song
canabisnm cannabis
Canadanf Canada
cancrnm canker; cancer
cancrovb to canker, to corrode
candrylladj shattered, wrecked
canfasiovb to canvass
canfedadj hundredth
canfodvb to see, to perceive, to behold
canfyddadwyadj perceptible
canfyddiadnm perception
canhwyllbren (canwyllbrenni, -au) nmf candlestick
canhwyllwr (canhwyllwyr) nm chandler
caniad1nm singing; ringing; crowing
caniad2 (-au) nf song, poem
caniadaethnf singing, psalmody
caniatâdnm leave, permission, consent
caniataoladj permissive; granted
caniatáuvb to permit, to allow
caniedydd (-ion) nm singer, songster; song-book
canlynvb to follow, to pursue
canlyniad (-au) nm consequence, result
canlynoladj following, consequent
canlynwr (-wyr) nm follower
canllaw (-iau) nfm hand-rail, parapet, aid
canmlwyddiantnm centenary
canmolvb to praise, to commend
canmoladwyadj praiseworthy
canmoliaeth (-au) nf praise, commendation
canmoliaethusadj eulogistic, complimentary
cannaidadj white, bright, luminous
cannuvb to whiten, to bleach
cannwr (canwyr) nm bleacher
cannwyll (canhwyllau) nf candle
canoladj, nm (-au) middle, centre, midst; canol y ddinas city centre
canolbarth (-au) nm middle part, midland
canolbwynt (-iau) nm centre, focus
canolbwyntiovb to centre, to concentrate
canoldir (-oedd) nm inland region
canolddyddnm mid-day, noon
canolfan (-nau) nmf centre; canolfan chwaraeon sports centre; canolfan galwadau call centre; canolfan iechyd health centre; canolfan ymwelwyr visitor centre
canolivb to centre; to arbitrate; to centralize
canoligadj middling
canoloesoladj mediaeval
canologadj central
canolradd (-ol) adj intermediate
canolwr (-wyr) nm mediator, referee; centre half, centre; canolwr blaen centre forward
canon1 (-au) nfm canon (music)
canon2 (-iaid) nm canon (priest)
canonaiddadj canonical
canoneiddiovb to canonize
canoniaeth (-au) nf canonry
canonwr (-wyr) nm canon, canonist
canradd (-au) adj, nf centigrade, percentile
canran (-nau) nm percentage
canrif (-oedd) nf century
cansen (-ni) nf cane
cansernm cancer
canslovb to cancel
cant1 (-au) nm circle, ring, rim; tyre
cant2 (cannoedd) nm hundred
cantel (-au) nm rim, brim
cantîn (cantinoedd) nf canteen
cantor (-ion) nm singer
cantores (-au) nf songstress, singer
cantref (-i, -ydd) nm hundred
cantwr (-orion) nm singer, songster
cantwraignf songstress, singer
canuvb to sing, to chant; to play; to crow; to ring ▶ nm, canu gwlad country music
canŵ (-od) nm canoe
canŵavb to canoe, to go canoeing ▶ nm canoeing
canŵovb to canoe
canwr (-wyr) nm singer
canwriad (-iaid) nm centurion
canwyr (-au, -ion) nm plane (in carpentry)
canysconj because, for
cap (-iau) nm cap
capan (-au) nm cap; lintel
capel (-i, -ydd, -au) nm chapel
capelwr (-wyr) nm chapel-goer
caplan (-iaid) nm chaplain
caplaniaeth (-au) nf chaplaincy
capteiniaethnf captaincy
capten (-einiaid) nm captain
car (ceir) nm car; car campau sports car; car cefn codi hatchback; car llog hire car
câr (ceraint) nm friend; relation
carafán (-nau) nf caravan
carbohydrad (-au) nm carbohydrate
carbon (-au) adj, nm carbon
carbwladj clumsy, awkward
carcovb to take care
carcusadj solicitous, anxious, careful
carchar (-au) nm prison; restraint
carchardy (-dai) nm prison-house
carchariadnm imprisonment
carcharor (-ion) nm prisoner
carcharuvb to imprison
carden (cardiau) nf card
cardigan (-au) nf cardigan
cardod (-au) nf charity, alms, dole
cardotavb to beg
cardotyn (-wyr) nm beggar
cardydwyn, cardodwynnm weakest of brood or litter
caredigadj kind
caredigrwyddnm kindness
caregogadj stony
careguvb to stone; to petrify; to gather stones
carennyddnm friendship; kinship
caretsen (carets) nf carrot
carfaglogadj clumsy
carfan (-au) nf beam; swath; party, faction
cariad1 (-au) nm love
cariad2 (-au, -on) nm lover, sweetheart
cariadfabnm lover, sweetheart
cariadferchnf sweetheart, mistress
cariadlawnadj full of love, loving
cariadusadj loving, beloved, dear
caridým (-s) nm ragamuffin
cariovb to carry, to bear
carismatigadj charismatic
cariwrnm carrier; y Cariwr Dŵr Aquarius
carlam (-au) nm prance, gallop
carlamuvb to prance, to gallop
carlwm (-lymod) nm ermine, stoat
carn1 (-au) nm hoof; hilt, haft, handle
carn2 (-au), carnedd (-au) nf cairn
cárnifalnm carnival
carniforusadj carnivorous
carnog, carnoladj hoofed
carol (-au) nmf carol
carp (-iau) nm clout, rag
carped (-au, -i) nm carpet
carpiogadj ragged, tattered
carrai (careiau) nf lace, thong
carreg (cerrig) nf stone
cart (ceirt) nmf cart
cartaid, certaid (-eidiau) nm cartful
cartilag (-au) nm cartilage
cartref (-i, -ydd) nm home, abode ▶ adj home-made; cartref henoed old people’s home; cartref symudol mobile home
cartrefle (-oedd) nm abode
cartreflunm militia
cartrefoladj homely, domestic, home; civil
cartrefuvb to make one’s home, to settle
cartŵn (cartwnau) nm cartoon
cartwnydd (-ion) nm cartoonist
carth (-ion) nm tow, oakum; off-scouring
carthen (-ni, -nau) nf Welsh blanket, coverlet; carthen blu duvet
carthffos (-ydd) nf sewer
carthffosiaethnf sewerage
carthuvb to cleanse, to purge, to scavenge
caruvb to love; to like; to court
caruaiddadj loving, kind
carw (ceirw) nm stag, deer
carwden (-ni) nf back-chain; tall awkward fellow
carwr (-wyr) nm lover, wooer
carwriaeth (-au) nf courtship
cas1adj hateful, odious; nasty, disagreeable ▶ nm hatred, aversion
cas2 (caseion) nm hater, foe, enemy
casáuvb to hate, to detest, to abhor
casbeth (-au) nm aversion, nuisance
caseg (cesig) nf mare
casét (-iau) nm cassette
casgen (-ni, casgiau) nf cask
casglnfm collection
casgliad (-au) nm collection; gathering
casgluvb to collect, to gather; to infer
casglwr (-wyr), casglydd (-ion) nm collector
casinebnm hatred
cast (-iau) nm vice, knack
castan (-au) nf chestnut
castanwyddnpl (nf-en) chestnut-trees
castell (cestyll) nm castle
castellogadj castled, castellated
castelluvb to castle, to encamp
castiovb to trick, to cheat; to cast, to calculate
castiogadj full of tricks, tricky
casul (-(i)au) nmf cassock
caswirnm unpalatable truth
casyn (casiau) nm case, casing
cat (-iau) nm bit, piece, fragment; pipe
catalog (-au) nm catalogue
catalogiovb to catalogue
catalydd (-ion) nm catalyst
categori (-ïau) nm category
catelcoll n chattels; cattle
catgor (-(i)au) nm ember day(s)
catrawd (-rodau) nf regiment
cath (-od, -au) nf cat
cathl (-au) nf melody, hymn, lay
cathluvb to sing, to hymn
cathod (-au) nf cathode
catholigadj catholic
Catholigiaethnf Catholicism
catholigrwyddnm catholicity
cau1adj hollow, concave
cau2vb to shut, to close, to enclose
caul (ceulion) nm maw; rennet; curd
caw (-(i)au) nm band, swaddling-clothes
cawdelnm hotchpotch, mess
cawell (cewyll) nm hamper, basket, cradle
cawellwr (-wyr) nm basket-maker
cawg (-iau) nm basin, bowl, pitcher
cawlnm broth, soup; hotchpotch
cawnnpl (nf-en) reeds
cawod (-ydd) nf shower
cawodivb to shower
cawodogadj showery
cawr (cewri) nm giant
cawraiddadj gigantic
cawres (-au) nf giantess
cawsnm cheese; curd
cawsai, cawsinmf causeway
cawsaiddadj cheesy, caseous
cawsellt (-ydd, -i, -au) nm cheese-vat
cawsiovb to curd, to curdle
cawsiogadj curdled
CCadv BC
CD (-s, -au) nm CD
cecianvb to stammer
cecren (-nod) nf shrew, scold, cantankerous woman
cecruvb to wrangle, to bicker
cecrusadj cantankerous, quarrelsome
cecryn (-nod) nm wrangler, brawler
cedornmf pubic hair
cedrwyddnpl (nf-en) cedars
cefn (-au) nm back; support
cefndedynnm mesentery; diaphragm, pancreas
cefnder (-dyr) nm first cousin
cefndir (-oedd) nm background
cefnen (-nau) nf ridge
cefnfor (-oedd) nm main sea, ocean
cefngrwmadj hump-backed
cefnogadj well-off, well-to-do
cefnogaethnf encouragement, support
cefnogivb to encourage, to support
cefnogoladj encouraging
cefnuvb to back, to turn the back, to forsake
cefnwlad (-wledydd) nf hinterland
cefnwr (-wyr) nm back, full-back
ceffyl (-au) nm horse
ceg (-au) nf mouth
cegavb to mouth, to prate
cegaid (-eidiau) nf mouthful
cegen (-nau) nf gullet, windpipe
cegid, cegiden (cegidau) nf green woodpecker, jay
cegin (-au) nf kitchen
cegrwthadj gaping
cegyrnpl hemlock
cengl (-au) nf band; girth; hank
cengluvb to hank; to girth; to wind
cei (-au) nm quay
ceibiovb to pick with pickaxe
ceidwad (-aid) nm keeper, saviour
ceidwadaethnf conservatism; conservancy
ceidwadoladj conservative
Ceidwadwr (-wyr) nm Conservative
ceiliagwydd (-au) nm gander
ceiliog (-od) nm cock; ceiliog rhedyn grasshopper
ceinach (-od) nf hare
ceinciovb to branch out, to ramify
ceinciogadj branched, branching
ceindernm elegance, beauty
ceiniog (-au) nf penny
ceiniogwerth (-au, -i) nf pennyworth
ceinionnpl beauties, gems
ceintachvb to grumble, to croak
ceintachlydadj querulous
ceintachwr (-wyr) nm grumbler, croaker
ceirch (nf-en) coll n oats
ceiriosnpl (nf-en) cherries
ceisbwl (-byliaid) nm catchpole, bailiff
ceisiovb to seek; to ask; to try, to attempt, to endeavour; to fetch, to get
cêladj hidden, concealed ▶ nm concealment ▶ npl kale
celain (celanedd) nf dead body
celaneddcoll n carnage, slaughter
celcnfm concealment; hoard
celf (-au) nf art, craft
celfinpl (nm-cyn) tools, gear; furniture
celfyddadj skilled, skilful
celfyddgaradj ingenious; artistic
celfyddwr (-wyr) nm artificer, artist
celfyddyd (-au) nf art, craft; skill; celfyddydau graffig graphic arts
celfyddydoladj relating to art/the Arts
celuvb to hide, to conceal
celwrn (-yrnau) nm tub, bucket, pail
celwydd (-au) nm lie, falsehood, untruth
celwyddginm liar
celwyddogadj lying, mendacious; false
celwyddwr (-wyr) nm liar
celynnpl (nf-nen) holly
cell (-oedd, -au) nf cell, chamber; celloedd cenhedlu germ cells; enyniad y celloedd cellulitis
celli (cellïau, -ïoedd) nf grove
cellogadj cellular
cellwairvb to jest, to trifle ▶ nm fun
cellweiriwr (-wyr) nm jester, trifler
cellweirusadj playful, jocular
cemegnm chemistry
cemegoladj chemical
cemegwr (-wyr), cemegydd (-ion) nm chemist
cemegyn (cemegau) nm chemical
cencoll n skin, peel, scales, scurf, film, lichen
cenadwrinf message
cenau (cenawon) nm cub, whelp; rascal
cenedl (-hedloedd) nf nation; gender
cenedlaetholadj national
cenedlaetholdebnm nationalism
cenedlaetholivb to nationalize
cenedlaetholwr (-wyr) nm nationalist
cenedl-ddyn (-ion) nm gentile
cenedligrwyddnm nationality
cenfaint (-feiniau) nf herd
cenfigen (-nau) nf envy, jealousy
cenfigennuvb to envy
cenfigennus, cenfigenllydadj envious, jealous
cenhadaeth (cenadaethau) nf mission
cenhadoladj missionary
cenhaduvb to permit; to propagate, to conduct a mission
cenhadwr (-hadon) nm missionary
cenhedlaeth (cenedlaethau) nf generation
cenhedligadj gentile, pagan
cenhedluvb to beget, to generate
Cenianf Kenya
cenllifnm flood, torrent, deluge
cenllysgcoll n hailstones, hail
cennad (-hadau, -hadon) nf leave; messenger
cenninnpl (nf-hinen) leeks
cennogadj scaly, scurfy
cennuvb to scale, to scurf
centimedr (-au) nm centimetre
cêrnf gear, tools, trappings
ceramegnmf ceramics
ceramigadj ceramic
cerbyd (-au) nm chariot, coach, car
cerbydwr (-wyr) nm coachman
cerdyn (cardiau) nm card; cerdyn adnabod identity card; cerdyn cof memory card; cerdyn crafu scratch card; cerdyn credyd credit card; cerdyn debyd debit card; cerdyn sweip swipe card
cerdd (-i) nf song, poem; music, poetry
cerddbrenninpl woodwinds
cerddbresinpl brass section (orchestra)
cerddedvb to walk; to go; to travel
cerddediadnm walking, going; pace
cerddgaradj harmonious, musical
cerddin, cerdinnpl (nf-en) rowan
cerddor (-ion) nm singer, musician
cerddorfa (-feydd) nf orchestra
cerddorfaoladj orchestral
cerddoriaethnf music
cerddoroladj musical
cerddwr (-wyr) nm walker
cerfddelw (-au) nf graven image, statue
cerfiovb to carve
cerflun (-iau) nm statue; engraving
cerfluniaethnf sculpture
cerflunydd (-lunwyr) nm sculptor
cerfwaithnm carving, sculpture
cern (-au) nf cheek, jaw
cernod (-iau) nf buffet
cernodiovb to buffet, to clout
Cernywnm Cornwall
cerpyn (carpiau) nm clout, rag
cerryntnmf course, road; current
cert (-i) nf cart
certiwr (-wyr) nm carter
certhadj right; awful
cerub, ceriwb (-iaid) nm cherub
cerwyn (-i) nf tub; vat; winepress
cerydd (-on) nm correction, chastisement; rebuke, reproof, censure
ceryddoladj chastising, chastening
cerydduvb to correct, to chastise; to rebuke
ceryddwr (-wyr) nm chastiser; rebuker
cesail (-eiliau) nf arm-pit; bosom
cesairnpl, coll n hailstones, hail
cest (-au) nf belly, paunch
cestogadj corpulent
cetyn (catiau) nm piece, bit; pipe
cethinadj dark, fierce, ugly
ceubren (-nau) nm hollow tree
ceubwll (-byllau) nm pit
ceudodnm cavity; abdomen; thought, heart
ceudwllnm cavern
ceufadnm canoe
ceuffordd (-ffyrdd) nf tunnel
ceuffos (-ydd) nf drain, ditch
ceugrwmadj concave
ceulan (-nau, -lennydd) nf bank, brink
ceulovb to curdle, to coagulate
ceunant (-nentydd) nm ravine, gorge
cewyn (-nau, cawiau) nm napkin
ci (cŵn) nm dog, hound
ciaiddadj dog-like; brutal
cib (-au) nm pod, husk
cibddalladj purblind
cibovb to frown, to scowl
cibogadj scowling
cibws, cibwstnf kibes, chilblains
cibwts (-au) nm kibbutz
cibyn (-nau) nm shell; husk; half a bushel
cic (-iau) nfm kick; cic gychwyn kick-off
ciciovb to kick
ciciwr (-wyr) nm kicker
cidwm (-ymiaid, -ymod) nm wolf; rascal
cieidd-dranm brutality
cig (-oedd) nm flesh, meat
cigfran (-frain) nf raven
cignoethadj touching to the quick, caustic
cigogadj fleshy
cigwain (-weiniau) nf flesh-hook
cigydd (-ion) nm butcher
cigyddiaethnf butchery
cigysoladj carnivorous
cigysydd (-ion) nm carnivore
cil (-iau, -ion) nm back; retreat; corner
cilagorvb to open partly
cilagoredadj ajar
cilbost (cilbyst) nm gate-post
cilchwyrnnpl (nf-en) glands
cildrem (-iau) nf leer
cildremiovb to leer
cildroivb to reverse
cildwrnnm tip, bribe
cildynadj obstinate, stubborn
cildynnuvb to be obstinate
cildynnusadj obstinate, stubborn
cildynrwyddnm obstinacy
cilddant (-ddannedd) nm molar
cilfach (-au) nf nook; creek, bay
cilfilyn (-filod) nm ruminant
cilgantnm crescent
cilgnoivb to chew the cud, to ruminate
cilgwthiovb to push, to shove, to jostle
cilgynnyrch (-gynhyrchion) nm by-product
ciliovb to retreat, to recede, to swerve
cilonm kilo
cilocalori (-ïau) nm kilocalorie
cilogram (-au) nm kilogram
cilomedr (-au) nm kilometre
cilowatnm kilowatt
cilwen (-au) nf half smile
cilwenuvb to simper, to smile, to leer
cilwg (-ygon) nm frown, scowl
cilydd (-ion) nm fellow, companion
cilyddoladj reciprocal
cimwch (-ychiaid) nm lobster
ciniawavb to dine
cinio (ciniawau) nm dinner; cinio gwadd dinner party
cip (-ion) nm pluck, snatch; glimpse
cipdrem (-iau) nfm glance, glimpse
cipedrychvb to glance, to glimpse
cipiovb to snatch
cipiwr (-wyr) nm snatcher
cipolwgnmf glance, glimpse
ciprysnm scramble
cis (-iau) nmf buffet; slap, touch
cist (-iau) nf chest, coffer, box; bin
ciw (-iau) nm cue, queue
ciwbnm cube
ciwedcoll n rabble, mob, crew
ciwrad (-iaid) nm curate
ciwtadj cute, clever, ingenious
claddedigaeth (-au) nmf burial
claddfa (-feydd) nf burial-ground, cemetery
claddgellnf vault
cladduvb to bury
claearadj lukewarm, tepid; mild; cool
claearinebnm lukewarmness
claearuvb to make mild or tepid; to soothe
claeradj clear, bright, shining
claerdernm clearness, brightness
claf (cleifion) adj sick, ill ▶ nm sick person, patient
clafdy (-dai) nm hospital, infirmary
clafrnm itch, mange
clafrllydadj mangy
clafychuvb to sicken, to fall ill
clai (cleiau) nm clay
clais (cleisiau) nm stripe; bruise
clamp (-iau) nm mass, lump; monster
clap (-iau) nm lump
clapgi (-gwn) nm telltale
clapiovb to lump; to strike; to gossip
clapiogadj lumpy
clasnm monastic community, cloister, college
clasur (-on) nm classic
clasuroladj classical
clauadj quick, swift, soon; true; audible
clawdd (cloddiau) nm hedge; dyke, embankment
clawr (cloriau) nm face, surface; cover, lid; board
clebar, clebernmf idle talk, gossip, tattle
clebranvb to chatter, to gossip, to tattle
clec (-iau, -s) nf click; clack; crack; gossip
cleci (-cwn) nm telltale
clecianvb to click; to clack; to crack, to snap
cledr (-au) nf pole; rail; palm (of hand)
cledren (-nau, -ni) nf pale, pole, rail
cleddyf, cleddau, cledd (cleddyfau) nm sword; brace
cleddyfwr (-wyr) nm swordsman
clefyd (-au) nm disease; fever; clefyd melys diabetes; clefyd y galon heart disease; clefyd y gwair hay fever
clegarvb to clack, to cluck, to cackle
clegyr, clegrnm rock; cairn, stony place
cleiogadj clayey
cleiriachnm decrepit one
cleisiovb to bruise
cleisiogadj bruised
clem (-iau) nf notion, idea; look, gaze ▶ pl grimaces
clep (-iau) nf clack, clap; gossip
clepgi (-gwn) nm babbler; telltale
clepianvb to clap; to slam; to blab
clêr1coll n itinerant minstrels; bards
clêr2npl (nfcleren) flies
cleravb to stroll as minstrels
clerc (-od) nm clerk
clerciovb to serve as clerk
clerennf fly
clerigoladj clerical
clerigwr (-wyr) nm clergyman
clerwr (-wyr) nm itinerant minstrel
clerwriaethnf minstrelsy
clewt (-iau) nm clout
clewtianvb to clout
clic (cliciau) nm clique
clicied (-au) nf clicker; trigger
clicieduvb to latch, to fasten
cliciovb to click; clicio dwywaith double-click
clindarddachvb to crackle ▶ nm crackling
clinig (-au) nm clinic
cliradj clear
cliriovb to clear
clo (cloeau, cloeon) nm lock, conclusion
clobennf monster
clobynnm monster
cloc (-iau) nm clock; cloc larwm alarm clock
clocianvb to cluck
clocsiaunpl (nfclocsen) clog
cloch (clych, clychau) nf bell; o’r/ar gloch o’clock
clochaiddadj sonorous, noisy
clochdarvb to cluck, to cackle
clochdy (-dai) nm belfry, steeple
clochydd (-ion) nm bell-man; sexton
clod (-ydd) nmf praise, fame, renown
clodforivb to praise, to extol
clodwiwadj commendable, praiseworthy
cloddfa (-feydd) nf quarry, mine
cloddiovb to dig, to delve; to quarry, to mine
cloddiwr (-wyr) nm digger, navvy
cloëdigadj locked, closed
cloer (-(i)au) nmf locker; niche; pigeon-hole
cloffadj lame
cloffivb to lame, to halt ▶ nm lameness
cloffninm lameness
cloffrwym (-au) nm fetter, hobble; cloffrwym y cythraul, cloffrwym y mwci great bindweed
clog1 (-au) nmf cloak
clog2 (-au) nf rock, precipice
clogfaen (-feini) nm boulder
clogwyn (-i) nm cliff, crag, precipice
clogwynogadj craggy, precipitous
clogyn (-nau) nm cloak, cape
clogyrnaiddadj rough, rugged, clumsy
cloivb to lock
cloncnf clank; gossip ▶ adj addled
clopa (-âu) nmf noddle; knob; club
cloren (-nau) nf rump, tail
clorian (-nau) nmf pair of scales
cloriannuvb to weigh, to balance
clorinnm chlorine
clorinio, clorinaduvb to chlorinate
clos1 (-ydd) nm yard
clos2 (closau) nm pair of breeches
clòsadj close
closiovb to close, to near
cludadwyadj portable
cludair (-eiriau) nf heap, load, wood-pile
cludiadnm carriage
cludiant (-nnau) nm transport, haulage
cludovb to carry, to convey
cludwr (-wyr), cludydd (-ion) nm porter
clul (-iau) nm knell
clun (-iau) nf hip, haunch, thigh, leg; moor
clurovb to rub, to smear
clust (-iau) nfm ear; handle
clustfeiniovb to prick up the ears; to eavesdrop
clustfysnm little finger
clustffôn (-ffonau) nm earphone
clustlws (-lysau) nm earring
clustnod (-au) nm earmark
clustog (-au) nfm cushion, pillow
clwb (clybiau) nm club
clwcadj addled
clwcianvb to cluck
clwm (clymau) nm knot, tie
clwpa (-od) nm knob, boss; club; dolt
clws (fclos) adj pretty, nice
clwstwr (clystyrau) nm cluster
clwt (clytiau) nm patch, clout, rag
clwyd (-au, -i, -ydd) nf hurdle; gate; roost
clwydovb to roost
clwyf (-au) nm wound; disease
clwyfovb to wound
clwyfusadj wounded; sore; sick
clybodegnf acoustics
clybodigadj acoustic
clydadj warm, sheltered, snug, cosy
clydwch, clydwrnm warmth, shelter
clyfaradj clever; pleasant, agreeable
clymblaid (-bleidiau) nf clique, cabal
clymogadj knotty, entangled
clymuvb to knot, to tie
clytiovb to patch, to piece
clytiogadj patched; ragged
clytwaith (-weithiau) nm patchwork
clywnm sense of hearing
clywadwyadj audible
clywedvb to hear; to feel; to taste; to smell
clywedigaethnf hearing
clywedoladj aural
clywedydd (-ion) nm hearer, auditor
clyweledadj audio-visual
clywelediadnm audition
cnaf (-on, -iaid) nm knave, rascal
cnafaiddadj knavish, rascally
cnaif (cneifion) nm shearing, fleece
cnap (-iau) nm lump, knob, boss
cnapan (-au) nm ball, bowl, kind of ball game
cnapiogadj lumpy
cnaunpl (nfcneuen) nuts
cnawdnm flesh
cnawdoladj carnal, fleshly, fleshy
cneifiovb to shear, to fleece
cneifiwr (-wyr) nm shearer
cneuavb to nut
cneuen (cnau) nf nut
cnewyllyn (cnewyll) nm kernel, nucleus
cnith (-iau, -ion) nm slight touch, blow; pluck
cnonm bite, chewing, gnawing
cnoc (-iau) nmf knock
cnociovb to knock
cnofa (-feydd) nf gnawing, pang
cnofil (-od) nm rodent
cnoivb to gnaw, to chew, to bite; to ache
cnot (-iau) nm knot, bunch
cnu (-au), cnuf (-iau) nm fleece
cnud (-oedd) nf pack
cnùl, cnul (-iau) nm knell
cnwcnm knob
cnwd (cnydau) nm crop; covering
cnydfawradj fruitful, productive
cnydiovb to crop, to yield increase
cnydiogadj fruitful, productive
cob (cobau) nf coat, cloak, robe
còb (-iau) nm embankment; miser; wag; cob
coban (-au) nf:coban nos nightshirt
coblyn (-nod) nm sprite, goblin, imp
cocos1npl cogs; olwyn gocos cog-wheel
cocos2, cocsnpl (nfcocsen) cockles
cochadj, nm red
coch-gamnf robin
cochi1vb to redden, to blush
cochi2, cochdernm redness
cochl (-au) nmf mantle, cloak
cod (-au) nf bag, pouch
codaid (-eidiau) nf bagful
codivb to rise, to get up; to raise, to lift; to erect
codiad (-au) nm rise, rising; erection
codogadj baggy ▶ nmf (-ion) rich man; miser
codwm (codymau) nm fall, tumble
codwr (-wyr) nm riser; raiser, lifter; codwr canu precentor
codymuvb to wrestle
codymwr (-wyr) nm wrestler
coddednm anger; grief
coddivb to anger, to offend
coed (-ydd) coll n wood, timber, trees
coeden (coed) nf tree
coediovb to timber
coediogadj wooded, woody
coedwig (-oedd) nf wood, forest
coedwigaethnf forestry
coedwigovb to forest
coedwigwr (-wyr) nm woodman, forester
coeddadj public
coegadj empty, vain; one-eyed, blind
coegddyn (-ion) nm fop, coxcomb, fool
coegeddnm emptiness, silliness
coegen (-nod) nf minx, coquette
coegennaiddadj coquettish
coegfalchadj vain, foppish
coegivb to jeer at, to mock
coeglydadj vain, sarcastic
coegninm vanity; spite; sarcasm
coegwr (-wyr) nm fool
coegwychadj gaudy, garish, tawdry
coegyn (-nod) nm coxcomb
coel (-ion) nf belief, trust, credit
coelbren (-nau, -ni) nm lot
coelcerth (-i) nf bonfire, blaze
coelgrefydd (-au) nf superstition
coelgrefyddoladj superstitious
coeliovb to believe, to credit, to trust
coes (-au) nf leg, shank ▶ nfm handle; stem, stalk
coetgaenm hedge; enclosure
coetmon (-myn) nm lumberjack
coetrefnf woodland, homestead
coetsnm pushchair
coethadj fine, refined; elegant
coethdernm refinement, elegance
coethivb to refine; to chastise; to babble
coethwr (-wyr) nm refiner
cof (-ion) nm memory; remembrance
cofadail (-eiladau) nf monument
cofbin (-nau) nm memory stick, pen drive
cofeb (-ion) nf memorandum; memorial
cof-gerdyn (cof-gardiau) nm memory card
cofgolofn (-au) nf monument
cofiadur (-on, -iaid) nm recorder
cofiadwyadj memorable
cofiannydd (-anyddion) nm biographer
cofiant (-iannau) nm memoir, biography
cofiovb to remember, to recollect
cofl (-au) nf embrace; bosom
coflaid (-eidiau) nf armful; bundle
coflech (-au) nf memorial tablet
cofleidiovb to embrace, to hug
coflyfr (-au) nm record, chronicle
cofnod (-ion) nm memorandum, minute
cofnodivb to record, to register
cofrestr (-au) nf register, roll
cofrestrfanf registry
cofrestruvb to register
cofrestrydd (-ion) nm registrar
cofroddnf souvenir
cofusadj mindful
cofweinivb to prompt
cofweinydd (-ion) nm prompter
coffavb to remember ▶ nm remembrance
coffâdnm remembrance
coffadwriaethnf remembrance, memory
coffadwriaetholadj memorial
coffáuvb to remember; to remind; to commemorate
coffinm coffee
coffr (-au) nm coffer, trunk, chest
cog1 (-au) nf cuckoo
cog2 (-au) nm cook
coginiaethnf cookery
coginiovb to cook
cogiovb to cog; to sham, to feign, to pretend
cogiwr (-wyr) nm pretender, swindler
cogorvb to chatter, to caw, to croak ▶ nm chattering
cogwrn (-yrnau, cegyrn) nm knob, cone; cock (of corn); shell
cogydd (-ion) nm cook
cogyddes (-au) nf cook
cogyddiaethnf cookery
congl (-au) nf corner
col (-ion) nm awn, beard
côlnf bosom, embrace
coladuvb to collate
coledd, coledduvb to cherish, to foster
coleddwr (-wyr) nm cherisher, fosterer, patron, supporter
coleg (-au) nm college; coleg chweched dosbarth sixth-form college; coleg technoleg dinasol city technology college
colegoladj collegiate
colegwr (-wyr) nm collegian
coler (-i) nfm collar
colfen (-nau, -ni) nf bough, branch; tree
colofn (-au) nf column, pillar
colofnyddnm columnist
colomen (-nod) nf dove, pigeon
colomendy (-dai) nm dove-cot
colomennaiddadj dove-like
coluddionnpl (nm-yn) bowels
coluddynnm gut
colur (-au) nm make-up, colour
colurovb to make-up, to paint; to conceal
colwyn (-od) nm puppy
colyn (-nau) nm pivot; sting; tail
colynnogadj stinging; hinged
colynnuvb to sting
coll (-iadau) nm loss; failing, defect
colladwyadj perishable
collddailadj deciduous
colled (-ion) nfm loss
colledigadj lost, damned
colledigaethnf perdition
colleduvb to occasion loss
colledusadj fraught with loss
colledwr (-wyr) nm loser
collen (cyll) nf hazel
collfarn (-au) nf doom, condemnation
collfarnuvb to condemn
collivb to lose; to be lost, to perish; to spill, to shed
collnod (-au) nm apostrophe
collwr (-wyr) nm loser
coma (-s) nm comma
côma (comâu) nm coma
comed (-au) nf comet
comedi (-ïau) nfm comedy
comigadj comic, comical ▶ nm comic (paper)
cominnm common
comisiwn (-iynau) nm commission
comisiynuvb to commission
comiwnydd (-ion) nm communist
comiwnyddiaethnf communism
comiwnyddoladj communist
conachvb to grumble
conclafnm conclave
concrovb to conquer
concwerwr (-wyr) nm conqueror
concwest (-au) nf conquest, victory
condemniadnm condemnation
condemniovb to condemn
confensiwn (-iynau) nm convention
conffederasiwn (-asiynau) nm confederation
conffirmasiwnnm confirmation
conffirmiovb to confirm
conifferaiddadj coniferous
cononm rascal; wag; old fogey
consesiwn (-iynau) nm concession
consol (-au) nm:consol gêmau games console
consuriaethnf conjuring
consuriovb to conjure
consuriwr (-wyr) nm conjurer
conwyddnpl (nf-en) coniferous trees
cop, copyn (-nod, -nau) nm spider
copa (-âu) nf top, crest; head
copi (-ïau) nm copy; copy-book
copïovb to copy, to transcribe
copïwr (-wyr) nm copyist, transcriber
coprnm copper
cor (-rod) nm dwarf (offensive); spider
côr (corau) nm choir; stall, pew; côr-feistr choirmaster
corachaiddadj dwarfish, stunted
Corânnm Koran
corawladj choral
corbwll (-byllau) nm whirlpool; puddle
corcyn (cyrc) nm cork
cord (-iau) nm cord; chord
cordedduvb to twist, to twine
corddivb to churn; to turn; to agitate
corddiad (-au) nm churning
corddwr (-wyr) nm churner
Coreanf Korea
cored (-au) nf weir, dam
coreograffiaethnf choreography
corfan (-nau) nm metrical foot
corff (cyrff) nm body
corfflu (-oedd) nm corps
corffoladj corpulent; physical
corffolaethnf bodily form; stature
corfforaeth (-au) nf corporation
corfforivb to embody, to incorporate
corfforiad (-au) nm embodiment
corfforoladj bodily, corporeal, corporal
corgan (-au), côr-gân (côr-ganau) nf chant
corganuvb to chant
corgi (-gwn) nm cur, corgi
corgimwch (-ychiaid) nm prawn
corhwyad (-aid) nf teal; moorhen
corlan (-nau) nf fold
corlannuvb to fold
corn (cyrn) nm horn; pipe, tube; roll; corn; stethoscope; corn gwddw(f), corn gwynt windpipe; corn siarad loudspeaker
cornant (-nentydd) nm brook, rill
cornboernm phlegm
cornchwiglen (-chwiglod) nf lapwing
cornel (-i, -au) nfm corner
corneluvb to corner
cornicyll (-od) nm lapwing, plover, peewit
corniovb to horn, to butt; to examine with a stethoscope
corniogadj horned
cornwyd (-ydd) nm boil, abscess, sore
coron (-au) nf crown
coronivb to crown ▶ nm coronation
coroniadnm coronation
coronogadj crowned
corrach (corachod) nm dwarf, pygmy
corryn (corynnod) nm spider
cors (-ydd) nf bog, swamp
corsen (-nau, cyrs) nf reed; stem, stalk; cane
cortyn (-nau) nm cord, rope
corun (-au) nm crown of the head; tonsure
corwg, corwgl (-yg(l)au) nm coracle
corwsnm chorus
corwynt (-oedd) nm whirlwind
cosb (-au) nf punishment, penalty; cosb ddihenydd capital punishment
cosbadwyadj punishable
cosbedigaethnf punishment
cosbivb to punish
cosboladj punitive, penal
cosbwr (-wyr) nm punisher
cosfa (-feydd) nf itch, itching; thrashing
cosivb to scratch, to itch ▶ nm itching
cosmetigaunpl cosmetics
cosmigadj cosmic
Cosofonf Kosovo
cost (-au) nf cost, expense
costiad (-au) nm costing
costiovb to cost
costiwm (-tiymau) nmf costume
costog (-ion) nm mastiff; cur ▶ adj surly
costowci (-cwn) nm mastiff, mongrel
costrel (-au, -i) nf bottle
costrelaid (-eidiau) nf bottleful
costreluvb to bottle
costusadj costly, expensive
cosyn (-nau, -nod) nm a cheese
côt, cot (cotiau) nf coat
cotwmnm cotton
Coweitnf Kuwait
cownter (-au, -i) nm counter
cowntiovb to count, to account, to esteem
crac (-iau) nm crack
craciovb to crack
craciogadj cracked
crachnpl scabs ▶ adj scabby; petty
crachachnpl snobs
crachboernm phlegm
crachennf scab
crachfardd (-feirdd) nm poetaster
crachfeddyg (-on) nm quack doctor
crachfonheddwr (-wyr) nm snob
crafangio, crafanguvb to claw, to grab
crafanc (-angau) nf claw; talon; clutch
crafelluvb to grate
crafiad (-au) nm scratch
crafogadj cutting, sarcastic
crafuvb to scrape; to scratch ▶ nm itch
crafwr (-wyr) nm scraper
craffadj close; keen; sagacious ▶ nm hold, grip
craffternm keenness, sagacity
craffuvb to look closely, to observe intently
craffusadj keen, sagacious
cragen (cregyn) nf shell
craiadj new, fresh, raw
craidd (creiddiau) nm middle, centre
craig (creigiau) nf rock
crair (creiriau) nm relic
craith (creithiau) nf scar
cramen (-nau) nf crust, scab
cramwythennf pancake
cranc (-od) nm crab; y Cranc Cancer
crandadj grand
crandrwyddnm grandeur, finery
crap (-iau) nm hold; smattering
crapiovb to grapple; to pick up
cras (creision) adj parched, dry; harsh
crasiadnm baking
craslydadj harsh, grating
crasternm dryness; harshness
crasuvb to parch, to scorch; to bake
crau1 (creuau) nm hole, eye, socket
crau2nmf blood, gore
crau3 (creuau) nm sty; stockade
crawcian, crawciovb to croak, to caw
crawen (-nau) nf crust
crawnnm matter, pus
crawnivb to gather, to suppurate
crawnllydadj purulent
creadnm creation
creadigaeth (-au) nf creation
creadigoladj creative
creadur (-iaid) nm creature; animal
creadures (-au) nf female creature
creawdwr (-wyr) nm creator
crebachadj shrunk, withered
crebachlydadj crabbed, wrinkled
crebachuvb to shrink, to shrivel, to wrinkle, to pucker
crebwyll (-ion) nm invention, understanding, fancy
crecianvb to cluck; to crackle
crechwennf loud laughter, guffaw
crechwenuvb to laugh loud, to guffaw
cred (-au) nf belief; trust; pledge, troth
credadun (credinwyr) nm believer
credadwyadj credible
crediniaethnf belief
credinioladj believing
credo (-au) nmf creed, belief
creduvb to believe
credwr (-wyr) nm believer
credyd (-on) nm credit
credyduvb to credit
crefadj f ofcryf
crefuvb to crave, to beg, to implore
crefydd (-au) nf religion
crefyddavb to profess or practise religion
crefyddoladj religious, pious
crefyddoldernm religiousness, piety
crefyddwr (-wyr) nm religionist
crefft (-au) nf handicraft, trade; crefftau’r cartref DIY, do-it-yourself
crefftusadj skilled, workmanlike
crefftwaithnm craftwork
crefftwr (-wyr) nm craftsman
cregynnpl (nfcragen) shells
creidernm freshness
creifionnpl scrapings
creigiogadj rocky
creigiwr (-wyr) nm quarryman
creigle (-oedd) nm rocky place
creiniovb to wallow, to lie or fall down; to cringe
creisionnpl flakes, crisps
creithiovb to scar
crempog (-au) nf pancake
crensiovb to grind (the teeth)
crepachadj numb ▶ nf numbness
crestnm crust, scurf
Cretanf Crete
creuvb to create
creulonadj cruel
creulondeb (-derau) nm cruelty
crëwr (crewyr) nm creator
crëyr (crehyrod) nm heron
cri1 (-au) nm cry, clamour
cri2adj new, fresh, raw; unleavened
criafol, criafolennf mountain ash
crib (-au) nfm comb, crest; ridge
cribddeiliovb to grab, to extort
cribddeiliwr (-wyr) nm extortioner; speculator
cribin (-iau) nfm rake; skinflint
cribiniovb to rake
cribovb to comb; to card
cricednm cricket
cricedwr (-wyr) nm cricketer
cricsynnm cricket
crimog (-au) nf shin
crimp (-(i)au) nm shin
crinadj withered, sear, dry
crinovb to wither, to dry up
crintach, crintachlydadj niggardly, stingy
crintachrwyddnm niggardliness
crintachuvb to scrimp, to skimp, to stint
criovb to cry, to weep
cripiovb to scratch; to climb, to creep
cris-groesnf criss-cross
crisial (-au) nm, adj crystal
crisialuvb to crystallise
Cristnm Christ
Cristion (-ogion), Cristnogionnm Christian
Cristionogaethnf Christianity
Cristionogoladj Christian
Cristnogaethnf Christianity
Cristnogoladj Christian
criw (-iau) nm crew
crïwr (-wyr) nm crier
Croatianf Croatia
crocbont (-ydd) nf suspension bridge
crocbren (-ni) nmf gallows, gibbet
crocbris (-iau) nm exorbitant price
crochadj loud, vehement
crochan (-au) nm pot, cauldron
crochanaid (-eidiau) nm potful
crochenwaith (-weithiau) nm pottery
crochenydd (-ion) nm potter
croen (crwyn) nm skin; hide; peel, rind
croendenauadj thin-skinned
croeni, croeniovb to form skin, to skin over
croes1 (-au) nf cross ▶ nm transept
croes2 (-ion) adj cross, contrary
croesair (-eiriau) nm crossword
croesawgaradj hospitable
croesawiadnm welcome, reception
croesawuvb to welcome
croesawusadj hospitable
croesbren (-nau) nmf cross
croes-ddweudvb to contradict
croesfan (-nau) nf crossing; croesfan sebra zebra crossing
croesffordd (-ffyrdd) nf crossroads
croesgad (-au) nf crusade
croesgadwr (-wyr) nm crusader
croeshoeliadnm crucifixion
croeshoeliovb to crucify
croesholivb to cross-examine
croesholiad (-au) nm cross-examination
croesivb to cross
croeslinoladj diagonal
croesonm welcome
croestorrivb to intersect
croesymgroesadj criss-cross; vice-versa
crofen (-nau, -ni) nf rind, crust
crog (-au) nf cross, rood ▶ adj hanging
crogivb to hang, to suspend
croglath (-au) nf springe, snare, gibbet
Croglithnfm:Dydd Gwener y Groglith Good Friday
croglofft (-ydd, -au) nf garret; rood-loft
crogwr (-wyr) nm hangman
cronglwyd (-ydd) nf:tan fy nghronglwyd under my roof
crombil (-iau) nf crop; gizzard; bowels
cromen (-ni, -nau) nf dome
cromfach (-au) nf bracket, parenthesis
cromlech (-au, -i) nf cromlech
cromlinnf curve
cromosom (-au) nm chromosome
cronadj f ofcrwn
cronfa (-feydd) nf reservoir; fund; cronfa ddata database
cronicl (-au) nm chronicle
croniclovb to chronicle
cronnell (cronellau) nf sphere, globe
cronnivb to collect, to hoard; to dam
cronolegoladj chronological
cropianvb to creep, to crawl, to grope
crosiet (-au, -i) nm crotchet
croth (-au) nf womb; calf (of leg)
croywadj clear, plain, distinct; fresh
croywdernm clearness; freshness
croywivb to clear; to freshen
crud (-au) nm cradle
crug (-iau) nm hillock; tumulus; heap; multitude; abscess, blister
cruglwyth (-i) nm heap, pile
cruglwythovb to heap, to pile up; to overload
crugovb to fester, to vex, to plague
crwban (-od) nm tortoise, turtle
crwcaadj crooked, bowed, bent
crwm (fcrom) adj convex, curved, bowed
crwn (fcron) adj round; complete
crwner (-iaid) nm coroner
crwsâd (-adau) nmf crusade
crwst (crystiau) nm crust
crwt (cryts) nm boy, lad
crwth (crythau) nm crowd, fiddle; purring; hump
crwybrnm honeycomb; mist; hoarfrost
crwydrnm wandering; ar grwydr astray
crwydrovb to wander, to stray, to roam
crwydrol, crwydrusadj wandering
crwydrwr (-wyr) nm rambler; wanderer, rover
crwydryn (-riaid) nm vagrant, tramp
crwysnf cross, crucifix; dan ei grwys laid out for burial
crybwyllvb to mention ▶ nm (-ion) mention
crybwylliadnm mention, notice
crychadj rippling; curly; quavering ▶ nm (-au) crease, ripple, wrinkle
crychlais (-leisiau) nm trill, tremolo
crychlydadj wrinkled, puckered
crychnaid (-neidiau) nf leap, gambol
crychneidiovb to skip, to frisk
crychninm curliness; wrinkle
crychuvb to wrinkle, to pucker; to ruffle, to ripple
cryd (-iau) nm shivering; fever; ague
crydd (-ion) nm cobbler, shoemaker
cryddavb to cobble
cryf (fcref) adj strong
cryfder, cryfdwrnm strength
cryfhaoladj strengthening
cryfhauvb to strengthen; to grow strong
cryg (fcreg) adj hoarse
cryglydadj hoarse, raucous
crygninm hoarseness
cryguvb to hoarsen
cryman (-au) nm reaping-hook, sickle
crymanwr (-wyr) nm reaper
crymuvb to bow, to bend, to stoop
crynadj considerable, much
crŷn, crynnm, adj shivering
cryndernm roundness
cryndodnm trembling, shivering
crynedigadj trembling, tremulous
crynfa (-feydd) nf tremble, tremor
crynhoad (-noadau) nm collection, digest
crynhoivb to gather together, to collect
crynoadj compact; neat, tidy
crynodeb (-au) nm summary
crynodivb to concentrate
cryno ddisg (-iau) nm CD, compact disc
crynswthnm mass, bulk, whole
crynuvb to shiver, to tremble, to quake
Crynwr (-wyr) nm Quaker
crys (-au) nm shirt; crys chwys sweatshirt
crysbais (-beisiau) nf jacket, jerkin
crystyn (crystiau) nm crust
crythor (-ion) nm fiddler, violinist
cryw (-iau) nm creel; weir
cuadj dear, fond, kind
cuchiovb to scowl, to frown
cuchiogadj scowling, frowning
cudyll (-od) nm hawk
cudyn (-nau) nm lock (of hair), tuft
cuddadj hidden, concealed
cuddfa (-feydd) nf hiding-place; hoard
cuddiadnm hiding
cuddiedigadj hidden, concealed
cuddiovb to hide, to conceal
cufydd (-au) nm cubit
cul (-ion) adj narrow, lean
culfor (-oedd) nm strait
culhauvb to narrow; to grow lean
culninm narrowness
cunadj dear, beloved; lovely
cunnog (cunogau) nf pail
curnm throb, ache, pain; care, trouble
curad (-iaid) nm curate
curadiaeth (-au) nf curacy
curfa (-feydd) nf beating, flogging
curiad (-au) nm beat, throb, pulse
curiovb to pine, to waste
curlawnm pelting rain
curn (-au), curnen (-nau) nf mound, core, rick
curnennuvb to heap, to stack
curovb to beat, to strike, to knock; to throb; to clap
curwr (-wyr) nm beater
curyll (-od) nm hawk
cusan (-au) nmf kiss
cusanuvb to kiss
cut (-iau) nm hovel, shed, sty
cuwch (cuchiau) nm scowl, frown
CV (-s) nm CV
cwafriovb to quaver, to trill
cwar (-rau) nm quarry
cwarelnm windowpane
cwb (cybiau) nm kennel, coop, sty
cwbladj, nm all, whole, total
cwblhadnm fulfilment
cwblhauvb to fulfil, to complete, to finish
cwcer (-au) nm cooker
cwcwnf cuckoo
cwcwallt (-iaid) nm cuckold
cwcwalltuvb to cuckold
cwcwll (cycyllau) nm hood, cowl
cwch (cychod) nm boat; hive; cwch gwyllt speed boat
cwd (cydau) nm pouch, bag
cweir (-iau) nm thrashing, hiding
cweryl (-on) nm quarrel
cwerylavb to quarrel
cwerylgaradj quarrelsome
cwest (-au) nm inquest
cwestiwn (-iynau) nm question
cwestiynuvb to question
cwfaintnm convent
cwflnm hood
cwffiovb to fight, to box
cwgn (cygnau) nm knot; knuckle; joint
cwilt (-iau) nm quilt
cwlbren (-ni) nm bludgeon
cwlff (cylffiau), cwlffyn (cylffiau) nm chunk
cwlltwr (cylltyrau) nm coulter
cwm (cymau, cymoedd) nm valley
cwmannm rump; stoop; churn
cwmanuvb to stoop
cwmni (-ïau, -ïoedd) nm company
cwmnïaethnf companionship
cwmpas (-oedd) nm round; o gwmpas about
cwmpasogadj round about, circuitous
cwmpasuvb to round, to wind, to surround
cwmpawd (-odau) nm compass
cwmpeini, cwmpninm company
cwmwd (cymydau) nm commot
cwmwl (cymylau) nm cloud
cwndid (-au) nm song, carol
cwningarnf warren
cwningen (-ingod) nf rabbit
cwnsel (-au, -oedd, -i) nm council; counsel, advice, secret
cwnselavb to counsel
cwnsler (-iaid) nm counsellor
cwnstabl (-iaid) nm constable; cwnstabl heddlu PC, police constable; prif gwnstabl chief constable
cworwmnm quorum
cwota (-âu) nm quota
cwpan (-au) nmf cup, goblet; chalice
cwpanaid (-eidiau) nm cupful
cwpl (cyplau) nm couple; tie beam
cwplâd, cwpláuseecwblhad; cwblhau
cwpled (-i, -au) nm couplet
cwplws (cyplysau) nm coupling; brace
cwpwrdd (cypyrddau) nm cupboard; cwpwrdd ffeilio filing cabinet
cwr (cyrrau) nm edge, border, skirt
cwrbynnm kerb
cwrcwdnm stooping; squatting
cwrdd1 (cyrddau) nm meeting
cwrdd2, cwrddydvb to meet, to touch
cwrelnm coral
cwricwlwm (cwricwla) nm curriculum
cwrlid (-au) nm coverlet
cwrs (cyrsiau) nm course; fit; prif gwrs main course; cwrs hyfforddiant training course
cwrt (cyrtiau) nm court
cwrtaisadj courteous
cwrteisi, cwrteisrwyddnm courtesy
cwrw (cyrfau) nm ale, beer
cwrwg, cwrwglseecorwg
cwsgnm sleep
cwsmer (-iaid) nm customer
cwsmeriaethnf custom
cwstard (-iau) nm custard
cwstwm (cystymau) nm custom, patronage
cwt1 (cytiau) nfm tail, skirt, queue
cwt2 (cytiau) nm hut, sty
cwtaadj short, curt
cwter (-i, -ydd) nf gutter, channel
cwtogivb to shorten, to curtail
cwthr (cythrau) nm anus, rectum
cwthwm (cythymau) nm puff of wind, storm
cwymp (-au) nm fall, tumble
cwympovb to fall; to fell
cwyn (-ion) nfm complaint, plaint
cwynfanvb to complain, to lament
cwynfanllydadj querulous
cwynfanusadj plaintive, mournful
cwynovb to complain, to lament
cwyrnm wax
cwyrovb to wax
cwys (-au, -i) nf furrow-slice, furrow
cybôlnm nonsense, rubbish
cybolfanf hotchpotch, medley
cybolivb to muddle; to talk nonsense; to mess, to bother
cybydd (-ion) nm miser, niggard
cybyddavb to stint, to hoard
cybydd-dod, cybydd-dranm miserliness
cybyddlydadj miserly
cycyllogadj hooded, cowled
cychwr (-wyr) nm boatman
cychwynvb to rise, to stir, to start; to switch on
cychwynfanf start, starting-point
cychwyniad (-au) nm start, beginning
cydadj joint, united, common; fellow ▶ prefix together
cydadroddvb to recite together
cydaid (-eidiau) nm bagful
cydbwyseddnm balance
cydbwysovb to balance
cyd-destun (-au) nm context
cyd-drafodaethnf negotiation
cyd-ddigwyddvb to coincide
cyd-ddigwyddiadnm coincidence
cydfodnm agreement, concord
cydfodolaethnf coexistence
cydfynedvb to go with, to concur, to agree
cyd-fywvb to cohabit
cydffurfiovb to conform
cydgordiovb to agree, to harmonize
cydgwmni (-ïau) nm consortium
cydiedigadj adjoined
cydiovb to join; to bite; to take hold
cydletywr (-wyr) nm roommate, flatmate, housemate
cydnabodvb to acknowledge ▶ nm acquaintance
cydnabyddiaethnf acquaintance; recognition
cydnabyddusadj acquainted; familiar
cydnawsadj congenial
cydnerthadj well set
cydolnmf, adj whole
cydraddadj equal
cydraddoldebnm equality
cyd-rhwngprep between
cydsyniadnm consent
cydsyniovb to consent
cydwastadadj level (with), even
cydweddogadj conjugal
cydwedduvb to accord, to agree
cydweithfa (-feydd) nf co-operative
cydweithiovb to cooperate
cydweithrediadnm co-operation
cydweithredoladj co-operative
cydweithreduvb to co-operate
cydweledvb to agree
cydwladoladj international
cyd-wladwr (-wyr) nm compatriot
cydwybod (-au) nf conscience
cydwybodoladj conscientious
cydwybodolrwyddnm conscientiousness
cydymaith (cymdeithion) nm companion
cydymdeimladnm sympathy
cydymdeimlovb to sympathize
cydymffurfiadnm conformity
cydymffurfiovb to conform
cydymgaisnm competition, rivalry, joint effort
cydymgeisydd (-wyr) nm rival
cyddwysiad (-au) nm condensation
cyddwysovb to condense
cyfadran (-nau) nf faculty (in college), period (in music)
cyfaddasadj fit, suitable, convenient
cyfaddasiad (-au) nm adaptation
cyfaddasternm fitness, suitability
cyfaddasuvb to fit, to adapt
cyfaddawd (-odau) nm compromise
cyfaddawduvb to compromise
cyfaddefvb to confess, to own, to admit
cyfaddefiad (-au) nm confession, admission
cyfaenadnm harmonious song ▶ adj harmonious
cyfagosadj near, adjacent, neighbouring
cyfaill (-eillion) nm friend
cyfair1 (-eiriau) nm acre
cyfair2, cyfernm direction
cyfalafnm capital
cyfalafiaethnf capitalism
cyfalafoladj capitalistic
cyfalafwr (-wyr) nm capitalist
cyfamod (-au) nm covenant
cyfamodivb to covenant
cyfamodoladj federal; covenanted
cyfamodwr (-wyr) nm covenanter
cyfamsernm meantime
cyfamseroladj timely; synchronous
cyfanadj, nm whole
cyfandir (-oedd) nm continent
cyfandiroladj continental
cyfanfor (-oedd) nm main sea, ocean
cyfanfydnm whole world, universe
cyfangorffnm whole, bulk, mass
cyfan gwbladj:yn gyfan gwbl altogether, completely
cyfanheddoladj habitable, inhabited
cyfanhedduvb to dwell, to inhabit
cyfanneddadj inhabited ▶ nf (-anheddau) inhabited place, habitation
cyfannoladj integrated, integral
cyfannuvb to make whole, to complete
cyfanrwyddnm wholeness, entirety
cyfansawddadj composite, compound
cyfansoddivb to compose, to constitute
cyfansoddiad (-au) nm composition; constitution
cyfansoddiadoladj constitutional
cyfansoddwr (-wyr) nm composer
cyfansoddyn (-ion) nm constituent, compound
cyfanswm (-symiau) nm total
cyfantoledd (-au) nm equilibrium
cyfanwaith (-weithiau) nm complete composition, whole
cyfanwerthnm wholesale
cyfarchvb to greet, to salute, to address
cyfarchiad (-au) nm greeting, salutation
cyfaredd (-ion) nf charm, spell
cyfareddoladj enchanting
cyfaredduvb to charm, to enchant
cyfarfodvb to meet ▶ nm (-ydd) meeting
cyfarfyddiad (-au) nm meeting
cyfarparnm provision, equipment; diet; cyfarpar rhyfel munitions of war
cyfarparuvb to equip
cyfartaladj equal, even
cyfartaleddnm proportion, average
cyfartaluvb to proportion, to equalize
cyfarthvb, nm to bark
cyfarwyddadj skilled; familiar ▶ nm (-iaid) storyteller
cyfarwyddovb to direct; to become familiar
cyfarwyddwr (-wyr) nm director
cyfarwyddyd (-iadau) nm direction, instruction
cyfataladj unsettled, hindering
cyfatebvb to correspond, to agree, to tally
cyfatebiaeth (-au) nf correspondence, analogy
cyfateboladj corresponding, proportionate
cyfathrach (-au) nf affinity; intercourse
cyfathrachuvb to have intercourse
cyfathrachwr (-wyr) nm kinsman
cyfathreb (-au) nm communication
cyfathrebuvb to communicate
cyfddyddnm day-break, dawn
cyfeb, cyfebradj pregnant (of mare, ewe)
cyfeboladj in foal
cyfeddach (-au) nf carousal
cyfeddachwr (-wyr) nm carouser
cyfeiliantnm musical accompaniment
cyfeiliovb to accompany
cyfeiliornnm error; wandering, lost (person etc); ar gyfeiliorn astray
cyfeiliornad (-au) nm error, heresy
cyfeiliornivb to err, to stray
cyfeiliornusadj erroneous, mistaken
cyfeilydd (-ion) nm accompanist
cyfeillach (-au) nf fellowship; fellowship-meeting
cyfeillachuvb to associate
cyfeilles (-au) nf female friend
cyfeillgaradj friendly
cyfeillgarwchnm friendship
cyfeiriad (-au) nm direction; reference; (postal) address; cyfeiriad ebost email address; cyfeiriad gwe web address
cyfeiriannunm orienteering
cyfeiriovb to point; to direct; to refer; to address (letter)
cyfeirnod (-au) nm mark of reference; aim; direct (in music)
cyfeirydd (-ion) nm indicator, guide
cyfenw (-au) nm surname; namesake
cyfenwivb to surname
cyfernm: ar gyfer opposite, for
cyferbynadj opposite
cyferbyniad (-au) nm contrast
cyferbynioladj opposing, opposite, contrasting
cyferbynnuvb to contrast, to compare
cyfesurynnm coordinate
cyfetholvb to co-opt
cyfiaithadj of the same language
cyfiawnadj just, righteous
cyfiawnder (-au) nm justice, righteousness
cyfiawnhadnm justification
cyfiawnhauvb to justify
cyfieithiad (-au) nm translation, version
cyfieithuvb to translate, to interpret
cyfieithydd (-wyr) nm translator, interpreter
cyfisoladj of the present month, instant
cyflafan (-au) nf outrage; massacre
cyflafareddiadnm arbitration
cyflafaredduvb to arbitrate
cyflafareddwr (-wyr) nm arbitrator
cyflaithnm toffee
cyflasynnm flavouring
cyflawnadj full, complete
cyflawndernm fullness; abundance
cyflawnivb to fulfil, to perform, to commit
cyflawniad (-au) nm fulfilment, performance
cyfle (-oedd) nm place; chance, opportunity
cyfledadj as broad as
cyflegr (-au) nm gun, cannon, battery
cyflegruvb to bombard
cyflenwad (-au) nm supply
cyflenwivb to supply
cyfleuvb to place, to set; to convey
cyfleusadj convenient
cyfleustra (-terau) nm opportunity, convenience
cyflinadj parallel
cyfliwadj of the same colour
cyfloadj in calf
cyflog (-au) nmf hire, wage, wages
cyflogaethnf employment
cyflogedig (-ion) nm employee
cyflogivb to hire; to engage in service
cyflogwr (-wyr) nm hirer, employer
cyflwr (-lyrau) nm condition; case
cyflwyniadnm presentation; dedication
cyflwynovb to present; to dedicate
cyflwynydd (-ion) nm compère, presenter
cyflychwr, cyflychwyrnm evening twilight, dusk
cyflymadj quick, fast, swift
cyflymder, cyflymdranm swiftness, speed
cyflymuvb to speed, to accelerate
cyflynuvb to stick together
cyflyruvb to condition
cyflythreniad (-au) nm alliteration
cyfnerthuvb to confirm; to aid, to help
cyfnerthydd (-ion, -wyr) nm strengthener, booster
cyfnesaf (-iaid, -eifiaid) nmf next of kin, kinsman ▶ adj next, nearest
cyfnewidvb to change, to exchange
cyfnewidfa (-oedd, -feydd) nf exchange
cyfnewidiad (-au) nm change, alteration
cyfnewidioladj changeable
cyfnewidiwr (-wyr) nm changer, trader
cyfnither (-oedd) nf female cousin
cyfnod (-au) nm period; cyfnod prawf trial period
cyfnodoladj periodic(al)
cyfnodolyn (-ion) nm periodical publication
cyfnosnm evening twilight, dusk
cyfochreddnm parallelism
cyfochrogadj parallel
cyfodivb to rise, to arise; to raise
cyfodiadnm rise, rising
cyfoedadj contemporary, of the same age ▶ nm (-ion) contemporary
cyfoesadj contemporary, up-to-date
cyfoesivb to be contemporary
cyfoeswr (-wyr) nm contemporary
cyfoethnm power; riches, wealth
cyfoethogadj powerful; rich, wealthy
cyfoethogivb to make or grow rich
cyfognm sickness
cyfogivb to vomit
cyfornm flood, abundance; rim, brim, edge ▶ adj entire, brim-full
cyforiogadj brim-full, overflowing
cyfosodiadnm apposition
cyfradd (-au) nf rate ▶ adj of equal rank; cyfradd llog rate of interest
cyfraid (-reidiau) nm necessity
cyfraith (-reithiau) nf law
cyfran (-nau) nf part, portion, share
cyfranc (-rangau) nfm meeting; combat; incident; story, tale
cyfranddaliad (-au) nm share
cyfranddaliwr (-wyr) nm shareholder
cyfraniad (-au) nm contribution
cyfranneddnm proportion
cyfrannogadj participating, partaking
cyfrannoladj contributing
cyfrannuvb to contribute; to impart
cyfrannwr (-anwyr) nm contributor
cyfranogivb to participate, to partake
cyfranogwr (-wyr) nm partaker
cyfredoladj current, concurrent
cyfreithiovb to go to law, to litigate
cyfreithioladj legal
cyfreithiwr (-wyr) nm lawyer
cyfreithlonadj lawful, legitimate
cyfreithlondebnm lawfulness
cyfreithlonivb to legalize; to justify
cyfreithusadj legitimate
cyfres (-i) nf series
cyfresoladj serial
cyfresuvb to serialise
cyfresymiad (-au) nm syllogism
cyfresymuvb to syllogise
cyfrgollivb to lose utterly; to damn
cyfrifvb to count, to reckon; to account; to impute ▶ nm (-on) account, reckoning; cyfrif banc bank account
cyfrifegnfm accountancy
cyfrifiad (-au) nm counting; census
cyfrifiadur (-on) nm computer; cyfrifiadur personol PC, personal computer
cyfrifiaduregnf computer science
cyfrifiaduron computing
cyfrifiannellnf calculator
cyfrifoladj of repute; responsible
cyfrifoldeb (-au) nm responsibility
cyfrifydd (-ion) nm accountant
cyfrinadj secret, subtle
cyfrinach (-au) nf secret
cyfrinacholadj secret, private, confidential
cyfrinair (-eiriau) nm password
cyfrinfanf lodge of friendly society or trade union
cyfrin-gyngor (-nghorau) nm privy council
cyfriniaethnf mystery; mysticism
cyfrinioladj mysterious, mystic
cyfriniwr (-wyr) nm mystic
cyfrodeddadj twisted, twined
cyfrodedduvb to twist, to twine
cyfrol (-au) nf volume
cyfrwng (-ryngau) nm medium, means
cyfrwy (-au) nm saddle
cyfrwyovb to saddle
cyfrwysadj cunning
cyfrwystranm cunning
cyfrwywr (-wyr) nm saddler
cyfryngdodnm mediation, intercession; mediatorship
cyfryngiadnm mediation; intervention
cyfryngoladj mediatorial
cyfrynguvb to mediate; to intervene
cyfryngwr (-wyr) nm mediator
cyfryngwriaethnf mediatorship
cyfrywadj like, such
cyfuchlinedd (-au) nm contour
cyfuchliniaunpl contours
cyfundeb (-au) nm union; connexion
cyfundeboladj connexional; denominational
cyfundrefn (-au) nf system
cyfundrefnoladj systematic
cyfundrefnuvb to systematize
cyfuniad (-au) nm combination
cyfunovb to unite, to combine
cyfunoladj united
cyfunrhywioladj homosexual
cyfuwchadj as high
cyfweldvb to interview
cyfweliad (-au) nm interview
cyfwelydd (-wyr) nm interviewer
cyfwerthadj equivalent
cyfwng (-yngau) nm space; interval
cyfwrddvb to meet
cyfyngadj narrow, confined
cyfyngder (-au) nm trouble, distress
cyfyngdranm narrowness; distress
cyfyngedigadj confined, restricted, limited
cyfyng-gyngornm perplexity
cyfynguvb to narrow, to confine, to limit
cyfylnm neighbourhood; ar ei gyfyl near him
cyfyrder (-dyr) nm second cousin
cyfystlysadj side by side
cyfystyradj synonymous
cyfystyronnpl synonyms
cyff (-ion) nm stock
cyffaith (-ffeithiau) nm confection
cyffelybadj like, similar
cyffelybiaeth (-au) nf likeness, similitude
cyffelybiaetholadj figurative
cyffelybrwyddnm likeness, similarity
cyffelybuvb to liken, to compare
cyffes (-ion) nf confession
cyffesgell (-oedd) nf confessional
cyffesuvb to confess
cyffeswr (-wyr), cyfesydd (-ion) nm confessor
cyffin (-iau, -ydd) nfm border, confine
cyffindir (-oedd) nm frontier, march
cyffiovb to stiffen; to fetter, to shackle; to beat
cyffionnpl stocks
cyffordd (-ffyrdd) nf junction
cyffredinadj common; general
cyffredineddnm mediocrity, banality
cyffredinoladj general, universal
cyffredinolivb to universalize, to generalize
cyffredinolrwyddnm universality
cyffredinwchnm commonness
cyffro (-adau) nm motion, stir; excitement
cyffroivb to move, to excite; to provoke
cyffrousadj exciting; excited
cyffur (-iau) nmf ingredient, drug
cyffuriwr (-wyr) nm apothecary, druggist
cyffwrddvb to meet, to touch
cyffylog (-od) nm woodcock
cyffyrddiad (-au) nm touch, contact
cyffyrddusadj comfortable
cygnogadj knotted, gnarled
cyngaf, cyngawnm burdock; burs
cynganadj suitable, harmonious
cynganeddoladj in cynghanedd
cynganedduvb to form cynghanedd; to harmonize
cynganeddwr (-wyr) nm writer of cynghanedd
cyngaws (cynghawsau, -ion) nm lawsuit, action; trial; battle
cyngerdd (-ngherddau) nmf concert
cynghanedd (cynganeddion) nf music, harmony; Welsh metrical alliteration
cynghorivb to counsel, to advise; to exhort
cynghorwr (-wyr) nm councillor; counsellor; exhorter
cynghrair (-eiriau) nmf alliance, league
cynghreiriad (-iaid) nm confederate, ally
cynghreiriovb to league, to confederate
cynghreiriwr (-wyr) nm confederate, ally
cyngor (-nghorion) nm counsel, advice ▶ nm (-nghorau) council; Cyngor Bro Community Council; Cyngor Tref Town Council; Cyngor Sir County Council
cyngres (-au, -i) nf congress
cyngresydd (-wyr) nm congressman
cyngwystl (-(i)on) nmf wager, pledge
cyhoeddadj, nm public
cyhoeddivb to publish, to announce
cyhoeddiad (-au) nm publication; announcement; (preaching) engagement
cyhoeddusadj public
cyhoeddusrwyddnm publicity
cyhoeddwr (-wyr) nm publisher
cyhuddiad (-au) nm accusation, charge
cyhuddovb to accuse, to charge
cyhuddwr (-wyr) nm accuser
cyhwfanvb to wave, to heave
cyhydadj as long, so long
cyhydeddnm equator
cyhydeddoladj equatorial, equinoctial
cyhyr (-au) nm flesh, muscle
cyhyrogadj muscular
cylch (-au, oedd) nm round, circle, sphere, hoop
cylchdaith (-deithiau) nf circuit
cylchdro (-eon, -adau) nm orbit
cylchdroivb to rotate, to revolve
cylched (-au) nm coverlet, blanket
cylchedd (-au) nmf compass, circle, circuit
cylchfannf roundabout
cylchgrawn (-gronau) nm magazine
cylchlythyr (-au) nm circular
cylchredegvb to circulate
cylchrediadnm circulation
cylchres (-i) nf round, rota
cylchwyl (-iau) nf anniversary, festival
cylchynoladj surrounding
cylchynuvb to surround, to encompass
cylionnpl (nm-yn, nf-en) flies, gnats
cylymuvb to knot, to tie
cyllnpl (nfcollen) hazel-trees
cylla (-on) nm stomach
cyllell (-yll) nf knife
cyllid (-au) nm revenue, income
cyllideb (-au) nf budget
cyllidovb to finance
cyllidoladj financial, fiscal
cyllidwr (-wyr), cyllidydd (-ion) nm tax-gatherer, revenue or excise officer, financier
cymaintadj as big, as much, as many; so big etc
cymal (-au) nm joint; clause
cymalwstnf rheumatism
cymanfa (-oedd) nf assembly; festival
cymantoledd (-au) nm equilibrium
cymanwladnf commonwealth
cymar (-heiriaid) nm fellow, partner
cymathiadnm assimilation
cymathuvb to assimilate
cymdeithas (-au) nf society, association; Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg The Welsh Language Society
cymdeithasegnf sociology
cymdeithasegoladj sociological
cymdeithasgaradj sociable
cymdeithasoladj social
cymdeithasuvb to associate; to socialize
cymdogaeth (-au) nf neighbourhood
cymdogoladj neighbourly
cymedr (-au) nm mean (in maths), average
cymedroladj moderate, temperate
cymedroldebnm moderation, temperance
cymedrolivb to moderate
cymedrolwr (-wyr) nm moderator; moderate drinker
cymellvb to urge, to press, to persuade, to induce; to motivate ▶ nm (cymhellion) motivation
cymenadj wise, skilful, neat, becoming
cymer (-au) nm confluence
cymeradwyadj acceptable, approved, commendable
cymeradwyaethnf approval; applause; recommendation
cymeradwyovb to approve; to recommend
cymeradwyoladj commendatory
cymeriad (-au) nm character, reputation
cymesuradj proportionate, symmetrical
cymesureddnm proportion, symmetry
cymesuroladj commensurate, proportionate
cymhareb (cymarebau) nf ratio
cymhariaeth (cymariaethau) nf comparison
cymharoladj comparative
cymharuvb to pair; to compare
cymhelliad (-elliadau) nm motive, inducement
cymhendodnm knowledge; proficiency; tidiness; eloquence; affection
cymhennuvb to put in order, to trim; to scold, to reprove
cymhercynadj limping, infirm ▶ nm valetudinarian
cymhleth (-au) adj complex, complicated
cymhlethdod (-au) nm complexity
cymhlethuvb to complicate
cymhorthdal (cymorthdaloedd) nm subsidy, grant
cymhwysiadnm application, adjustment
cymhwysovb to apply, to adjust
cymhwyster (cymwysterau) nm fitness, suitability; (pl) qualifications
cymodnm reconciliation
cymodivb to reconcile; to be reconciled
cymodoladj reconciliatory, propitiatory
cymodwr (-wyr) nm reconciler
cymonadj orderly, tidy; seemly
cymorthvb to assist, to aid, to help ▶ nm assistance, aid, help
Cymraegnfm, adj Welsh
Cymraesnf Welshwoman
cymrawd (-odyr) nm comrade, fellow
Cymreictodnm Welshness
Cymreigadj Welsh
Cymreiges (-au) nf Welshwoman
Cymreigiovb to translate into Welsh
Cymreigiwr (-wyr) nm one versed or skilled in Welsh; Welsh-speaking Welshman
Cymro (Cymry) nm Welshman
cymrodeddnm arbitration; compromise
cymrodedduvb to compromise, to reconcile
cymrodor (-ion) nm consociate, fellow
cymrodoriaethnf fellowship
Cymrunf Wales
cymrwdnm mortar, plaster
cymrydvb to take, to accept; cymryd ar pretend
cymudovb to commute
cymun, cymundebnm communion, fellowship
cymunednf community; y Gymuned Ewropeaidd the European Community
cymunedoladj community
cymunovb to commune
cymunwr (-wyr) nm communicant
cymwy (-au) nm affliction
cymwynas (-au) nf kindness, favour
cymwynasgaradj obliging, kind
cymwynasgarwchnm obligingness, kindness
cymwynaswr (-wyr) nm benefactor
cymwysadj fit, proper, suitable; exact
cymwysedigadj applied
cymwysiadoladj applicable
cymydog (cymdogion) (fcymdoges) nm neighbour
cymylogadj cloudy, clouded
cymyluvb to cloud, to dim, to obscure
cymyndodnm committal
cymynnuvb to bequeath
cymynrodd (-ion) nf legacy, bequest
cymynroddivb to bequeath
cymynuvb to hew, to fell
cymynwr (-wyr) nm hewer, feller
cymysgadj mixed
cymysgeddnmf mixture
cymysgfanf mixture, medley, hotchpotch
cymysgliwadj motley
cymysglydadj muddled, confused
cymysgrywadj mongrel; heterogeneous
cymysguvb to mix, to blend; to confuse
cymysgwchnm mixture, jumble
cymysgwr (-wyr) nm mixer, blender
cyn1prefix before, previous, first, former, pre-, ex-; Cyn Crist Before Christ, B.C.
cyn2adv:cyn gynted (â phosib) as soon (as possible); cyn wynned â as white as
cŷn (cynion) nm wedge, chisel
cynadleddavb to meet in conference
cynaeafa, cynhaeafavb to dry in the sun
cynaeafu, cynhaeafuvb to harvest
cynaeafwr, cynhaeafwr (-wyr) nm harvester
cynamseroladj premature, untimely
cynaniadnm pronunciation
cynanuvb to pronounce
cyndad (-au) nm forefather, ancestor
cynderfynoladj semi-final
cyndynadj stubborn, obstinate
cyndynnuvb to be obstinate
cyndynrwyddnm stubbornness, obstinacy
cynddareddnf madness; rabies
cynddeiriogadj mad, rabid
cynddeiriogivb to madden, to enrage
cynddeiriogrwyddnm rage, fury
cynddrwgadj as bad
cynddyddnm day-break, dawn
cynefinadj acquainted, accustomed, familiar ▶ nm haunt, habitat
cynefindranm use, familiarity
cynefinovb to get used, to become accustomed
cynefinoladj usual, accustomed
cynfas (-au) nfm (bed) sheet; canvas
cynfydnm primitive world, antiquity
cynffon (-nau) nf tail; tang
cynffonnavb to fawn, to toady, to cringe
cynffonnwr (-onwyr) nm toady, sycophant; sneak
cyn-geniadj antenatal
cynhadledd (cynadleddau) nf conference
cynhaeaf (cynaeafau) nm harvest
cynhaeafavb seecynaeafa
cynhaeafuvb seecynaeafu
cynhaeafwrnm seecynaeafwr
cynhaliaethnf maintenance, support
cynhalioladj sustaining
cynhaliwr (-wyr) nm supporter, sustainer
cynhanesioladj prehistoric
cynhebrwng (-yngau) nm funeral
cynhenidadj innate
cynhennuvb to contend, to quarrel
cynhennusadj contentious, quarrelsome
cynhennwr (-henwyr) nm wrangler
cynhesoladj agreeable, amiable
cynhesrwyddnm warmth
cynhesuvb to warm, to get warm; cynhesu byd-eang global warming
cynhorthwy (cynorthwyon) nm help, aid
cynhwynoladj natural, congenital, innate
cynhwysedd (cynwyseddau) nm capacity, capacitance
cynhwysfawradj comprehensive
cynhwysiadnm contents
cynhwysyddnm container
cynhyrchiad (-au) nm production
cynhyrchioladj productive
cynhyrchuvb to produce
cynhyrchydd (-ion, cynhyrchwyr) nm producer, generator
cynhyrfiad (cynyrfiadau) nm stirring, agitation
cynhyrfioladj stirring, thrilling
cynhyrfuvb to stir, to agitate
cynhyrfusadj agitated; exciting
cynhyrfwr (-wyr) nm agitator, disturber
cynhysgaethnf portion, fortune
cyninm anguish, distress, adversity
cyniferadj, nm as many, so many
cynigiad (-au) nm proposal, motion
cynigiwr (-wyr), cynigydd (-ion) nm proposer, mover
cynildebnm frugality, economy
cynilionnpl savings
cynilovb to save, to economise
cyniovb to chisel, to gouge
cyniwairvb to go to and fro, to frequent
cyniweirfa (-feydd) nf resort, haunt
cyniweiryddnm wayfarer
cynllun (-iau) nm pattern; plan
cynlluniovb to plan, to design
cynllunydd (-ion, -wyr) nm designer
cynllwynvb to plot, to conspire ▶ nm (-ion) plot
cynllwyniovb to conspire, to plot
cynllwynwr (-wyr) nm conspirator
cynnalvb to hold, to uphold, to support, to sustain
cynnaradj early
cynnauvb to kindle, to light
cynneddf (cyneddfau) nf quality, faculty
cynnen (cynhennau) nf contention, strife; asgwrn y gynnen bone of contention
cynnesadj warm
cynnigvb to offer; to attempt; to propose, to move; to bid; to apply ▶ nm (cynigion) offer; attempt; motion
cynniladj economical; delicate
cynnor (cynhorau) nf door-post
cynnudnm firewood, fuel
cynnullvb to collect, to gather, to assemble
cynnwrfnm stir, commotion, agitation
cynnwysvb to contain, to include, to comprise, to comprehend ▶ nm content(s)
cynnyddnm increase, growth, progress
cynnyrch (cynhyrchion) nm produce, product; (pl) productions
cynoesoladj primeval
cynorthwyovb to help, to assist
cynorthwyoladj auxiliary; assistant
cynorthwywr (-wyr) nm helper, assistant
cynorthwyydd (-ion) nm:cynorthwyydd dosbarth classroom assistant
cynraddadj primary
cynrychioladoladj representative
cynrychiolaethnf representation
cynrychiolivb to represent
cynrychiolwr (-wyr), cynrychiolydd (-ion) nm representative, delegate
cynrhonnpl (nm-yn) maggots
cynrhonivb to breed maggots
cynrhonllydadj maggoty
cyntadj earlier, sooner, quicker ▶ adv seegynt
cyntafadj, adv first
cyntedd (-au) nm court; porch, foyer
cyntefigadj prime, primitive
cyntunnm nap
cynulleidfa (-oedd) nf congregation
cynulleidfaoladj congregational
cynulliad (-au) nm gathering
cynutavb to gather fuel
cynyddoladj increasing, growing
cynydduvb to increase
cynysgaedduvb to endow, to endue
cypladnm copula
cypladuvb to copulate
cyplu, cyplysuvb to couple
cyplysnodnm hyphen
cyraeddadwyadj attainable
cyraeddiadaunpl attainments
cyrbibionnpl atoms, smithereens
cyrcyduvb to squat, to cower
cyrch (-au) nm attack
cyrchfa (-feydd) nf resort
cyrchfannf destination
cyrchuvb to go, to resort, to repair
cyrchwr (-wyr) nm cursor
cyrensnpl (nfcyrensen) currants
cyrhaeddgaradj telling, incisive
cyrhaeddiad (cyraeddiadau) nm reach, attainment
cyrliogadj curly
cyrraeddvb to reach, to attain; to arrive; to get back
cyrydiadnm corrosion
cyryduvb to corrode
cysawd (-odau) nm system; constellation
cysefinadj original, primordial
cysegr (-au, -oedd) nm sanctuary
cysegredigadj consecrated, sacred
cysegredigrwyddnm sacredness
cysegriad (-au) nm consecration
cysegr-ladradnm sacrilege
cysegr-lânadj holy
cysegruvb to consecrate, to dedicate, to devote
cyseineddnm alliteration
cysetlydadj fastidious
cysgadrwyddnm sleepiness, drowsiness
cysgadur (-iaid) nm sleeper
cysglydadj sleepy
cysgod (-au, -ion) nm shade, shadow; shelter; type
cysgodivb to shadow, to shade; to shelter
cysgodoladj shady, sheltered
cysguvb to sleep
cysgwr (-wyr) nm sleeper
cysidrovb to consider
cysodivb to set type, to compose
cysodydd (-ion, -wyr) nm compositor
cysonadj consistent, constant
cysondebnm consistency; regularity
cysonivb to harmonize; to reconcile
cysonwr (-wyr), cysonydd (-ion) nm harmonist
cystadleuaeth (-laethau) nf competition
cystadleuoladj competitive
cystadleuwr (-wyr), cystadleuyddnm competitor
cystadluvb to compete; to compare
cystaladj as good, so good ▶ adv as well, so well
cystrawen (-nau) nf construction, syntax
cystudd (-iau) nm affliction; illness
cystuddiedigadj afflicted, contrite
cystuddiovb to afflict, to trouble
cystuddioladj afflicted
cystuddiwr (-wyr) nm oppressor
cystwyovb to tell off, to chastise
cysur (-on) nm comfort, consolation
cysurovb to comfort, to console
cysurusadj comfortable
cysurwr (-wyr) nm comforter
cyswllt (-ylltiadau) nm joint, junction
cysylltiad (-au) nm conjunction; joining, connexion; cysylltiadau cyhoeddus public relations
cysylltiedigadj connected
cysylltioladj connecting; connected
cysylltnod (-au) nm ligature, hyphen
cysylltuvb to join, to connect
cysylltydd (-ion) nm connector, contact
cysyniad (-au) nm concept
cytbelladj equidistant
cytbwysadj of equal weight
cytbwyseddnm balance
cytewnm batter
cytgan (-au) nmf chorus
cytgordnm concord
cytir (-oedd) nm common
cytrasadj allied, related; cognate
cytsain (-seiniaid) nf consonant
cytûnadj agreed, of one accord, unanimous
cytundeb (-au) nm agreement, consent
cytunovb to agree, to consent
cythlwngnm fasting, fast, hunger
cythraul (-euliaid) nm devil, demon
cythreuldebnm devilment
cythreuligadj devilish, fiendish
cythruvb to snatch, to rush
cythruddovb to annoy, to provoke, to irritate
cythrwflnm uproar, tumult
cythrybluvb to trouble, to agitate
cythryblusadj troubled, agitated
cyw (-ion) nm young bird, chick, chicken; baby
cywainvb to convey, to carry; to garner
cywair (-eiriau) nm order; key; tune
cywaith (-weithiau) nm collective work, project
cywarchnm hemp
cywasg, cywasgedigadj diminished
cywasgiad (-au) nm contraction, compression
cywasguvb to contract, to compress
cywasgydd (-ion) nm compressor
cyweiriad (-au) nm repair
cyweiriadur (-on) nm modulator
cyweiriovb to set in order; to prepare, to dress
cyweirnod (-au) nm key-note
cywen (-nod) nf pullet, young hen
cywerthadj equivalent
cywilyddnm shame; shyness
cywilydd-dranm shamefulness
cywilyddgaradj bashful, shy
cywilyddiovb to shame; to be ashamed
cywilyddusadj shameful, disgraceful; outrageous
cywiradj correct, accurate, true, faithful
cywirdebnm correctness; integrity
cywiriad (-au) nm correction
cywirovb to correct; to make good; to perform
cywirwr (-wyr) nm corrector
cywladuvb to naturalize
cywrainadj skilful; curious
cywreinbeth (-au, cywreinion) nm curiosity
cywreindebnm skill, ingenuity
cywreinrwyddnm skill; curiosity
cywydd (-au) nm alliterative Welsh poem
cywyddwr (-wyr) nm composer of cywyddau

ch (#)
Chechnyanf Chechnya
Chilenf Chile
Chinanf China
chwa (-on) nf puff, gust, breeze
chwaer (chwiorydd) nf sister
chwaeroliaethnf sisterhood
chwaeth (-au, -oedd) nf taste
chwaethuvb to taste
chwaethusadj tasteful; decent
chwaithadv nor either, neither
chwâladj scattered, loose
chwalfa (-feydd) nf upset, rout
chwaluvb to scatter, to spread
chwalwr (-wyr) nm scatterer, demolisher
chwanegadj, nm more
chwanegiad (-au) nm addition
chwanegoladj additional
chwaneguvb to add, to augment, to increase
chwannen (chwain) nf flea
chwannogadj desirous; addicted; prone
chwant (-au) nm desire, craving, lust
chwantuvb to desire, to lust
chwapnm sudden blow; moment ▶ adv instantly
chwarae, chwarevb to play ▶ nm play; chwaraeon y gaeaf winter sports
chwaraedy (-dai) nm playhouse, theatre
chwaraefa (-feydd) nf pitch, playground
chwaraegaradj playful, sportive
chwaraewr (-wyr) nm player, actor, performer; chwaraewr cryno-ddisgiau CD player; chwaraewr DVD DVD player
chwaraeydd (-ion) nm actor
chwarddiad (-au) nm laugh
chwarel (-au, -i, -ydd) nf quarry
chwarelwr (-wyr) nm quarryman
chwareusadj playful
chwarren (-arennau) nf gland; kernel
chwart (-iau) nm quart
chwarter (-i, -au) nm quarter
chwarteroladj quarterly
chwarterolyn (-olion) nm quarterly (magazine)
chwarteruvb to quarter
chweadj six (before a noun)
chweban (-nau) nm sestet, sextain
chwech (-au) adj, nm six
chwechawd (-au) nm sextet
chwechedadj sixth; chweched dosbarth sixth form
chwedl (-au) nf story, tale
chwedleuavb to talk, to gossip
chwedleuwr (-wyr) nm story-teller
chwedloniaethnf mythology
chwedlonoladj mythical, mythological
chwedlonydd (-wyr) nm mythologist
chwedynadv:na chynt na chwedyn neither before nor after
Chwefror, Chwefrolnm February
chwennych, chwenychuvb to covet, to desire
chwenychiad (-au) nm desire
chweongl (-au) nm hexagon
chwephlygadj sixfold
chwerthinvb to laugh ▶ nm laughter
chwerthiniad (-au) nm laugh
chwerthinllydadj laughable, ridiculous
chwerthinogadj laughing, merry
chwerwadj bitter
chwerwder, chwerwdodnm bitterness
chwerweddnm bitterness
chwerwivb to grow bitter, to embitter
chwipron you
chwib (-iau) nm whistle
chwibanvb to whistle ▶ nm whistle
chwibaniadnm whistling, whistle
chwibanogl (-au) nf whistle, flute
chwibanuvb to whistle
chwibon (-iaid) nm curlew, stork
chwifiovb to wave, to flourish, to brandish
chwiff (-iau) nf whiff, puff
chwiffiadnm whiff, jiffy
chwil1 (-od) nmf beetle, chafer
chwil2adj whirling, reeling
chwilboethadj scorching, piping hot
chwildroivb to whirl, to spin
chwilen (chwilod) nf beetle
chwilennavb to rummage; to pry; to pilfer
chwiler (-od) nm chrysalis, pupa
chwilfriwadj smashed to atoms
chwilfriwiovb to smash, to shatter
chwilfrydeddnm curiosity
chwilfrydigadj curious, inquisitive
chwilgaradj curious, inquisitive
chwilgarwchnm inquisitiveness
chwiliad (-au) nm search, scrutiny
chwiliadur (-on) nm search engine
chwilibawa, chwilibawanvb to dawdle, to trifle
chwiliovb to search; to examine
chwiliwr (-wyr) nm searcher
chwil-lysnm inquisition
chwilmantanvb to pry, to rummage
chwilolau (-oleuadau) nm searchlight
chwilotavb to rummage, to pry
chwilotwr (-wyr) nm searcher, rummager
chwimadj nimble, quick, agile
chwimder, chwimdranm nimbleness
chwimiovb to move, to stir, to accelerate
chwimwthadj nimble, brisk
chwincnm wink
chwinciadnm twinkling, trice
chwip (-iau) nf whip; whipping
chwipiad (-au) nm whipping
chwipiovb to whip
chwipynadv instantly
chwirligwgannf whirligig
chwisginm whisky
chwisl (-au) nm whistle
chwistrell (-au, -i) nf squirt, syringe
chwistrelliad (-au) nm injection
chwistrelluvb to squirt, to syringe, to inject
chwit-chwatadj fickle, inconstant
chwithadj left; wrong; sad; strange
chwithaupron you (on your part), you also
chwithdod, chwithdranm strangeness
chwithigadj strange, wrong, awkward
chwithigrwyddnm awkwardness
chwiw (-iau) nf fit, attack, malady
chwiwgaradj fickle
chwychwipron you yourselves
chwŷd, chwydiadnm vomit
chwyduvb to vomit, to spew
chwydd, chwyddinm swelling
chwyddiant (-nnau) nm inflation; inflammation
chwyddovb to swell, to increase, to magnify
chwyddwydr (-au) nm microscope
chwŷl (chwylion) nmf turn, rotation
chwyldro (-ion) nm rotation; orbit
chwyldroad (-au) nm revolution
chwyldroadoladj revolutionary
chwyldroadwr (-wyr) nm revolutionary
chwyldroivb to whirl, to revolve, to rotate
chwylolwyn (-ion) nf flywheel
chwyn (nmchwynnyn) coll n, npl weeds
chwynladdwrnm weed-killer
chwynnuvb to weed
chwyrligwgan (-od) nm spinning top, whirligig
chwyrlïovb to whirl, to spin, to speed
chwyrlwynt (-oedd) nm whirlwind
chwyrnadj rapid, swift
chwyrnelluvb to whirl, to whiz
chwyrnuvb to hum; to snore; to snarl
chwyrnwr (-wyr) nm snorer; snarler
chwysnm sweat, perspiration
chwysfa (-feydd) nf sweating
chwysiantnm exudation
chwysigen (-igod) nf blister, vesicle
chwyslydadj sweaty
chwystyllaunpl pores
chwysuvb to sweat, to perspire; to exude
chwyswr (-wyr) nm sweater
chwyth, chwythadnm breath
chwythbib (-au) nf blowpipe
chwythbrenninpl woodwinds
chwythell (-i) nf jet
chwythiad (-au) nm blow, blast
chwythuvb to blow, to blast; to breathe; to hiss
chwythwr (-wyr) nm blower

d (#)
daadj good, well ▶ nm (-oedd) good; goods; stock, cattle
dacwadv there is, are; behold there
dad-, dat-prefix un-, dis-, re-, back
da-danm sweets
dadansoddivb to analyse
dadansoddiad (-au) nm analysis
dadansoddoladj analytic(al)
dadansoddwr (-wyr) nm analyst
dadansoddydd (-wyr) nm analyser
dadchwyddiant (-nnau) nm deflation
dad-ddyfriovb to dehydrate
dadebriadnm resuscitation
dadebruvb to resuscitate, to revive
dadelfeniad (-au) nm decomposition
dadelfennuvb to decompose; to refine
dadenivb to regenerate, to reanimate ▶ nm rebirth, renascence, renaissance
dadfachuvb to unhook
dadfathiadnm dissimulation
dadfeiliadnm decay
dadfeiliovb to fall to ruin, to decay
dadflinovb to rest (after exertion)
dadl (-euon) nf debate; doubt; plea
dadlaithvb to thaw; to dissolve
dadlauvb to argue, to debate; to plead
dadleniad (-au) nm disclosure, exposure
dadlennoladj revealing, disclosing, exposing
dadlennuvb to disclose, to expose
dadleolivb to dislocate
dadleoliad (-au) nm dislocation
dadleuaethnf polemics, controversy
dadleugaradj argumentative
dadleuoladj controversial, polemical
dadleuwr (-wyr), dadleuydd (-ion) nm debater, controversialist; advocate
dadluddeduvb to rest (after exertion)
dadlwythovb to unload, to unburden; to download
dadlygruvb to decontaminate
dadmervb to thaw; to dissolve
dadnitreiddiadnm denitrification
dadolwchnm propitiation ▶ vb to worship, to seek forgiveness
dadorchuddiovb to unveil, to uncover
dadreolaethnf decontrol
dadrewlifiantnm deglaciation
dadrithiad (-au) nm disillusionment
dadrithiovb to disillusion
dadsefydluvb to disestablish
dadwaddolivb to disendow
dadwaddoliadnm disendowment
dadwneuthur, dad-wneudvb to undo, to unmake
dadwrddnm noise, uproar, hubbub
dadymchwel, dadymchwelydvb to overturn, to overthrow
daear (-oedd) nf earth, ground, soil
daeardy (-dai) nm dungeon
daearegnf geology
daearegoladj geological
daearegwr (-wyr), daearegydd (-ion) nm geologist
daearennf the earth; land, country
daearfochyn (-foch) nm badger
daeargell (-oedd) nf dungeon, vault
daeargi (-gwn) nm terrier
daeargryd (-iau) nm earth tremor
daeargryn (-fâu) nmf earthquake
daearoladj terrestrial, earthly, earthy
daearuvb to earth; to inter
daearyddiaethnf geography
daearyddoladj geographical
daearyddwr (-wyr) nm geographer
dafad (defaid) nf sheep; wart
dafaden (-ennau) nf wart
dafn (-au) nm drop
dafnuvb to trickle
dagr (-au) nm dagger, bayonet, dirk
dagraunpl (nmdeigryn) tears
dagreuoladj tearful, sad
dailnpl (nfdalen, nfdeilen) leaves
daioninm goodness, good
daionusadj good; beneficial; beneficent
dal, dalavb to hold; to catch; to arrest; to last; dal ati! carry on!, don’t give up!
dalen (-nau, dail) nf leaf
dalfa (-feydd) nf hold; arrest, custody; prison
dalgylch (-oedd) nm catchment area
daliad (-au) nm holding; tenet; spell
daliwr (-wyr) nm jig, catcher
dall (deillion) adj blind
dallbleidiaethnf bigotry
dallbleidioladj bigoted
dallbleidiwr (-wyr) nm bigot
dallinebnm blindness
dalluvb to blind; to dazzle
damcaniaeth (-au) nf theory
damcaniaetholadj theoretical
damcaniaethwr (-wyr) nm theorist
damcanuvb to theorize, to speculate
dameg (-hegion) nf parable
damhegoladj parabolic(al), allegorical
damhegwr (-wyr) nm allegorist
damnedigadj damned, damnable
damnedigaethnf damnation, condemnation
damniovb to damn
damnioladj damning, damnatory
damsangvb to tread, to trample
damwain (-weiniau) nf accident, chance, fate
damweiniovb to befall, to happen
damweinioladj accidental, casual
danadlnpl (nfdanhadlen) nettles
danascoll n deer; bwch danas buck
danfonvb to send, to convey; to escort
dangosvb to show
dangoseg (-ion) nf index; indication
dangosoladj indicative, demonstrative
danheddogadj jagged, serrated, toothed
dannodvb to reproach, to upbraid, to taunt, to twit
dannoeddnf toothache
dansoddoladj abstract
dant (dannedd) nm tooth
danteithfwyd (-teithion) nm dainty
danteithioladj dainty, delicious
danteithionnpl delicacies
darbodaethnf thrift
darbodusadj provident, thrifty
darbwyllovb to persuade, to convince
darfodvb to finish, to end; to perish; to happen
darfodadwyadj transitory, perishable
darfodedigadj perishable, transient
darfodedigaethnm consumption
darfudiad (-au) nm convection
darfudoladj convectional
darganfodvb to discover, to find out
darganfyddiad (-au) nm discovery
darganfyddwr (-wyr) nm discoverer
dargludeddnm conductivity
dargludovb to conduct
dargludydd (-ion) nm conductor
dargyfeireddnm divergence
dargyfeiriovb to diverge, to divert
darlith (-iau, -oedd) nf lecture
darlithfa (-feydd) nf lecture room, lecture theatre
darlithiovb to lecture
darlithiwr (-wyr), darlithydd (-ion) nm lecturer
darlun (-iau) nm picture
darluniad (-au) nm portrayal, description
darluniadoladj pictorial, illustrated
darluniaethnf imagery
darluniovb to portray, to depict, to describe
darlunioladj pictorial
darllediad (-au) nm broadcast
darlleduvb to broadcast
darlledwr (-wyr) nm broadcaster
darllenvb to read
darllenadwyadj readable, legible
darllenfa (-feydd) nf reading room; reading-desk; lectern
darllengaradj fond of reading, studious
darlleniad (-au) nm reading
darllenwr (-wyr), darllenydd (-ion) nm reader
darn (-au) nm piece, fragment, part
darnguddiovb to conceal or withhold a part
darniad (-au) nm fragmentation
darniovb to cut up, to hack
darn-laddvb to beat mercilessly
daroganvb to predict, to foretell, to forebode ▶ nf (-au) prediction, foreboding
daroganuvb to predict, to foretell
daroganwr (-wyr) nm predictor, prophet, soothsayer, forecaster
darostwngvb to lower; to subdue; to subject, to humiliate
darostyngiadnm humiliation; subjection
darpar (-ion, -iadau) nm preparation, provision ▶ adj intended, elect
darpariaeth (-au) nf preparation, provision
darparuvb to prepare, to provide
darparwr (-wyr) nm provider
darwdennf ringworm
das (-au, deisi) nf rick, stack
dat-prefix seedad-
datanm data
datblygiad (-au) nm development, evolution
datblygoladj nascent, developing
datblyguvb to develop, to evolve
datblygusadj developmental
datblygydd (-ion) nm developer
datchwyddiantnm deflation
datganvb to declare; to recount; to render
datganiad (-au) nm declaration; rendering
datganolivb to devolve, to decentralize ▶ nm devolution
datganoliadnm devolution
datganuvb to declare; to sing, to render
datgeliad (-au) nm detection; revelation
datgeluvb to detect; to reveal
datgloivb to unlock
datglymuvb to unhitch, to undo
datgorfforivb to dissolve (parliament)
datgorfforiadnm dissolution
datguddiad (-au) nm revelation, disclosure
datguddiovb to reveal, to disclose
datgyffesiadnm recantation
datgyffesuvb to recant
datgymaluvb to dislocate, to dismember
datgysylltiadnm disestablishment
datgysylltuvb to disconnect; to disestablish
datodvb to undo, to untie, to dissolve
datrannuvb to dissect
datrovb to change; to undo
datrysvb to solve
datrysiad (-au) nm solution, resolution
datseiniovb to resound, to reverberate
datsgwar (-au) nm square root
datysen (datys) nf date
dathliad (-au) nm celebration
dathluvb to celebrate
dau (fdwy) adj, nm two
dau-, deu-prefix two, bi-
dauddyblygadj twofold, double
daufiniogadj double-edged
dauwynebogadj two-faced
dawn (doniau) nmf gift, talent
dawns (-iau) nf dance
dawnsiovb to dance
dawnsiwr (-wyr) nm dancer
dawnusadj gifted, talented
deadj, nf right ▶ nm south
De Affricanf South Africa
deallvb to understand ▶ nm understanding, intellect, intelligence
dealladwyadj intelligible
deallgaradj intelligent
dealloladj intellectual
dealltwriaeth (-au) nf understanding, intelligence
deallusadj understanding, intelligent
deallusionnpl intelligentsia
deallusrwyddnm intelligence
deauadj, nf right ▶ nm south
debentur (-on) nm debenture
debyd (-au) nm debit
debyduvb to debit
dec (-iau, -s) nm deck
decilitr (-au) nm decilitre
decimetr (-au) nm decimetre
decstrosnm dextrose
dectantnm ten-stringed instrument, psaltery
dechrauvb to begin ▶ nm beginning
dechreuad (-au) nm beginning
dechreunosnf nightfall, dusk
dechreuoladj initial
dechreuwr (-wyr) nm beginner
dedfryd (-au) nf verdict; sentence
dedfryduvb to sentence
dedlein (-s) nf deadline
dedwyddadj happy, blessed
dedwyddwch, dedwyddydnm happiness, bliss
deddf (-au) nf law, statute, act
deddfegnf jurisprudence
deddfegwr (-wyr) nm jurist
deddfoladj legal, lawful
deddfuvb to legislate, to enact
deddfwr (-wyr) nm legislator
deddfwriaethnf legislation, legislature
deddfwriaetholadj legislative
deddlyfr (-au) nm statute book
de-ddwyrainnm southeast
defnivb to drip, to trickle
defnydd (-iau) nm material, stuff; use
defnyddiovb to use, to utilize, to employ; defnyddio’r cwbl o, defnyddio’r cyfan o use up
defnyddioladj useful
defnyddioldebnm usefulness, utility
defnyddiwr (-wyr) nm user, consumer
defnyn (-nau) nm drop
defnynnuvb to drop, to drip, to dribble, to distil
defod (-au) nf custom; rite, ceremony
defodaethnf ritualism
defodoladj ritualistic
defosiwn (-ynau) nm devotion
defosiynoladj devotional, devout
deffro, deffroivb to rouse; to wake
deffroad (-au) nm awakening
degadj ten ▶ nm (-au) ten
degaiddadj denary
degawd (-au) nm decade
degiad (-au) nm decimal
degol (-ion) nm, adj decimal
degolivb to decimalise
degoliadnm decimalisation
degolyn (degolion) nm decimal
degwm (-ymau) nm tenth, tithe
degymuvb to tithe
dehau, deheuseedeau
deheubarth, deheudirnm southern region, south
deheuigadj dexterous, skilful
deheulawnf right hand
deheuoladj southern
deheurwyddnm dexterity, skill
deheuwr (-wyr) nm southerner
deheuwyntnm south wind
dehonglivb to interpret
dehongliad (-au) nm interpretation
dehonglwr (-wyr), dehonglydd (-ion) nm interpreter
dehydrad (-au) nm dehydration
dehydruvb to dehydrate
deial (-au) nm dial
deialog (-au) nmf dialogue
deialuvb to dial
deifiovb to singe, to scorch; to blast; to dive
deifioladj scorching, scathing
deifiwr (-wyr) nm diver
deigryn (dagrau) nm tear
deilbriddnm humus
deildy (-dai) nm bower, arbour
deilen (dail) nf leaf
deilgolladj deciduous
deiliad (-on, deiliaid) nm tenant; subject
deiliant (-nnau) nm foliage
deiliovb to leaf
deiliogadj leafy
deilliovb to proceed, to emanate, to issue
deinamegnf dynamics
deinamigadj dynamic
deinamo (-s, -au) nm dynamo
deincodnm teeth on edge
deincrydnm chattering or gnashing of teeth
deintiovb to nibble
deintrod (-au) nf cog
deintydd (-ion) nm dentist
deintyddiaethnf dentistry
deintyddoladj dental
deiseb (-au) nf petition
deisebuvb to petition
deisebwr (-wyr), deisebydd (-ion) nm petitioner
deisyf, deisyfuvb to desire, to wish; to beseech, to entreat
deisyfiad (-au) nm request, petition
deladj pretty, neat
delfryd (-au) nm ideal
delfrydiaethnf idealism
delfrydoladj ideal
delfryduvb to idealize
delfrydwr (-wyr) nm idealist
delffnm churl, oaf, dolt, rascal
deliovb to deal
delw (-au) nf image; form, mode, manner
delwedd (-au) nf image
delweddaethnf imagery
delwedduvb to portray
delwivb to pale, to be paralysed with fright
dellninm blindness
delltnpl (nf-en) laths, lattice, splinters
democratiaeth (-au) nf democracy
democratigadj democratic
demograffegnf demography
demograffigadj demographic
dengadj ten (before certain words)
dengaradj attractive
dengarwchnm attractiveness
deniadaunpl attractions, allurements
deniadoladj attractive
denimsnpl denims
Denmarcnf Denmark
denuvb to attract, to allure, to entice
deon (-iaid) nm dean
deondy (-dai) nm deanery
deoniaeth (-au) nf deanery
deorvb to brood, to hatch, to incubate
deorfa (-fâu, -feydd) nf hatchery
de-orllewinnm southwest
deorydd (-ion) nf incubator
derbynvb to receive; to accept; to admit
derbyniad (-au) nm receipt; reception
derbyniadwyadj admissible
derbynioladj acceptable
derbyniwr (derbynwyr) nm = derbynnydd
derbynneb (-ynebau, -ynebion) nf receipt, voucher
derbynnydd (-ynyddion) nm receiver
derinpl (nfdâr) oak-trees, oak
dernyn (-nau) nm piece, scrap
derwen (derw, deri) nf oak-tree, oak
derwydd (-on) nm druid
derwyddiaethnf druidism
derwyddoladj druidic(al)
desg (-iau) nf desk; desg dalu checkout
desgant (-au) nm descant
desibel (-au) nm decibel
destlusadj neat
destlusrwyddnm neatness
detector (-au) nm detector
detholvb to select, to pick, to choose ▶ adj select
detholeddnm selectivity
detholiad (-au, detholion) nm selection, anthology
deuawd (-au) nfm duet
deublygadj double, twofold
deuddegadj, nm twelve
deufinadj two-edged
deuffocaladj bifocal
deugainadj, nm forty
deugraffnm digraph
deunawadj, nm eighteen
deunydd (-iau) nm stuff, material; deunydd lapio packaging
deuocsidnm dioxide
deuod (-au) nm diode, binary
deuoladj dual
deuoliaethnf dualism, duality
deuparthnd two-thirds
deurisadj two-tier
deuruddnd the cheeks
deurywadj bisexual
deurywioladj bisexual
deusainnd diphthong
deutund:o ddeutu about
dewin (-iaid) nm diviner, magician, wizard
dewines (-au) nf witch, sorceress
dewiniaethnf divination, witchcraft
dewiniovb to divine
dewiniol, dewinoladj prophetic, divinatory
dewisvb to choose, to select ▶ nm choice
dewisiadnm choice, option
dewisoladj choice, desirable; optional
dewradj brave ▶ nm (-ion) brave man, hero
dewrdernm bravery, valour
di-neg prefix without, not, un-, non-, -less
diabetigadj, nm diabetic
diacon (-iaid) nm deacon
diacones (-au) nf deaconess
diaconiaethnf diaconate
diadell (-au, -oedd) nf flock
diaddurnadj unadorned, plain, rude
diaelodivb to dismember; to expel a member
diafaeladj slippery, careless
diafol (diefyl, dieifl) nm devil
diaffram (-au) nm diaphragm
diagnosisnm diagnosis
diangenadj unnecessary, free from want
dianghenraidadj unnecessary, needless
di-ailadj unequalled, unrivalled
dialvb to avenge, to revenge ▶ nm vengeance, revenge
dialedd (-au) nm vengeance, nemesis
dialgaradj revengeful, vindictive
dialgarwchnm vindictiveness
di-alw-amdanoadj redundant, uncalled for
dialwr (-wyr), dialydd (-ion) nm avenger
diamauadj doubtless
diamcanadj aimless, purposeless
diamedr (-au) nm diameter
diamedraladj diametral
diamheuoladj undoubted, indisputable
diamodadj unconditional, absolute
diamodoladj unconditional, unqualified
diamwysadj unambiguous
diamyneddadj impatient
diancvb to escape
dianwadaladj unwavering, immutable
dianwadalwchnm immutability
diarddelvb to expel, to excommunicate
diarddeliadnm expulsion, excommunication
diarfogivb to disarm
diarfogiadnm disarmament
diarfforddadj out of the way, inaccessible
diargyhoeddadj blameless
diarheboladj proverbial
diaroglydd (-ion) nm deodorant
diarwybodadj unawares
diasbadnf cry, scream
diasbedainvb to resound, to ring
diatregadj immediate
diauadj true, certain; doubtless
diawl (-iaid) nm devil
diawledigadj devilish
di-baid, dibaidadj unceasing, ceaseless
di-ball, diballadj unfailing, infallible, sure
diben (-ion) nm end, purpose, aim
di-ben-drawadj endless
dibeniad (-au) nm ending, conclusion; predicate
di-benllanwadj off-peak
dibennuvb to end, to conclude, to finish
diberfedduvb to disembowel, to eviscerate
dibetrusadj unhesitating
dibl (-au) nm border, edge
di-blwmadj lead-free
diboblogaethnf depopulation
diboblogivb to depopulate
dibrinadj abundant, plentiful
dibriodadj unmarried, single
dibrisadj reckless, contemptuous
dibrisiovb to depreciate, to despise
dibristodnm depreciation, contempt
dibwysadj trivial, unimportant
dibwysiant (-nnau) nm depression
dibyn (-nau) nm steep, precipice
dibynadwyadj reliable

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Collins Spurrell Welsh Dictionary Pocket Edition: trusted support for learning Collins Dictionaries
Collins Spurrell Welsh Dictionary Pocket Edition: trusted support for learning

Collins Dictionaries

Тип: электронная книга

Жанр: Справочная литература

Язык: на валломском языке

Издательство: HarperCollins

Дата публикации: 17.04.2024

Отзывы: Пока нет Добавить отзыв

О книге: Collins Spurrell Welsh Dictionary Pocket Edition: trusted support for learning, электронная книга автора Collins Dictionaries на валломском языке, в жанре справочная литература

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