Collins Junior Illustrated Dictionary

Collins Junior Illustrated Dictionary
Collins Dictionaries

Optimised for colour tablets. The images in this e-book are not suitable for viewing on black and white e-ink devices.For children aged 6 and over, Collins Junior Illustrated Dictionary contains full sentence definitions, colour headwords and child-friendly example sentences, along with beautiful colourful illustrations and photographs.Especially written to support the needs of children aged 6 to 8, introducing key dictionary features such as parts of speech (noun, verb, adjective or adverb) and other forms of a word, for example plurals or past tense of a verb.The clear and spacious layout and colour headwords ensure that the dictionary is child-friendly. Bright, colourful illustrations and photographs support language learning and make it fun.Full sentence definitions and example sentences show the headword used in a context familiar to children.The Collins Word Wizard supplement gives extra help with vocabulary through illustrated word topic pages, and support for writing including grammar, punctuation and spelling tips.


Cover (#u252f5ce7-526a-5755-82fc-4903cb51d02f)

Title Page (#uadfeb5a9-5602-56bd-85fb-77b8835eb2c3)

Using this dictionary (#ulink_aeb712a6-f381-53fa-b85a-aff2c50c0548)

Aa (#ulink_372acf93-a6e6-5331-80cf-9b97be6d69a3)

Bb (#ulink_14464493-f28c-51bd-bbbc-a014f606f036)

Cc (#ulink_ed18d721-bb62-514d-820c-e072b40454e0)

Dd (#ulink_11026cff-3c6d-5b59-8cac-c947da325e50)

Ee (#ulink_ebe39a0c-18d3-57e0-ac31-4b99bcb914e8)

Ff (#litres_trial_promo)

Gg (#litres_trial_promo)

Hh (#litres_trial_promo)

Ii (#litres_trial_promo)

Jj (#litres_trial_promo)

Kk (#litres_trial_promo)

Ll (#litres_trial_promo)

Mm (#litres_trial_promo)

Nn (#litres_trial_promo)

Oo (#litres_trial_promo)

Pp (#litres_trial_promo)

Qq (#litres_trial_promo)

Rr (#litres_trial_promo)

Ss (#litres_trial_promo)

Tt (#litres_trial_promo)

Uu (#litres_trial_promo)

Vv (#litres_trial_promo)

Ww (#litres_trial_promo)

Xx (#litres_trial_promo)

Yy (#litres_trial_promo)

Zz (#litres_trial_promo)

Collins Word Wizard (#litres_trial_promo)

The body (#litres_trial_promo)

Clothes (#litres_trial_promo)

Family (#litres_trial_promo)

Feelings (#litres_trial_promo)

Food and drink (#litres_trial_promo)

School and study (#litres_trial_promo)

Weather and seasons (#litres_trial_promo)

Insects (#litres_trial_promo)

Amphibians (#litres_trial_promo)

Reptiles (#litres_trial_promo)

Young animals (#litres_trial_promo)

Colours and shapes (#litres_trial_promo)

Solid shapes (3D) (#litres_trial_promo)

Words we use a lot (#litres_trial_promo)

Silent letters (#litres_trial_promo)

Confusable words (#litres_trial_promo)

Parts of speech (#litres_trial_promo)

Punctuation (#litres_trial_promo)

Prefixes (#litres_trial_promo)

Suffixes (#litres_trial_promo)

Synonyms (#litres_trial_promo)

Antonyms (#litres_trial_promo)

Where words come from (#litres_trial_promo)

Top tips for tricky words (#litres_trial_promo)

Plurals (#litres_trial_promo)

Measures (#litres_trial_promo)

Numbers (#litres_trial_promo)

Fractions (#litres_trial_promo)

Time (#litres_trial_promo)

Index (#litres_trial_promo)

Picture Credits (#litres_trial_promo)

Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)

About the Publisher (#litres_trial_promo)

Using this dictionary (#ulink_6391ac11-644f-5c20-a327-6c02699f1e75)

A dictionary tells you what a word means and how to spell it. The words in a dictionary are listed in alphabetical order.

How to find a word

Think of the first letter in the word you want to look up. Once you know this, there is more than one way to find your word in the dictionary:

• You can use the Index (#litres_trial_promo) at the back of the ebook which lists all of the dictionary words in alphabetical order. Scroll through the Index until you find the letter your word begins with, then look down the words until you find the one you are looking for. You can then follow the link to the entry in the dictionary.

• You can use the Contents (#ufb6600b4-b803-5ffe-9a19-0c333dc16935) page at the front of the book, which has a link to every letter in the dictionary. Follow the link to the letter your word begins with, then look through the entries in this letter until you find the word you are looking for.

Finding out about a word

1. The headword is the word you are looking up.

2. On the same line as the headword, you will see how to spell other forms of the word, such as plural nouns, verb tenses or other adjective forms, called comparatives and superlatives.

3. Next you will see the part of speech. This tells you what type of word the headword is, such as a noun, verb, adjective, adverb or pronoun.

4. After the part of speech, you will find the definition. The definition tells you what the word means. The definitions are numbered if there is more than one. Each definition has its own part of speech.

5. Some words have an example sentence in italics. This shows you how the word might be used in speech or writing.

6. Some words have a photo or other illustration to help you read the word and understand its meaning.

7. A phrase may also be included. Under the word front, you will also find the definition of the phrases in front and in front of.

8. An irregular form of a word is a plural noun or verb tense which does not follow the usual spelling rules. You can find many irregular forms in this dictionary.

Other dictionary features

Pronunciation is how you say a word. Some words can be spelled the same, but sound different and mean different things – these words are called homographs. This dictionary gives you pronunciation help for some words, including homographs. For example:

tear tears, tearing, tore, torn

(rhymes with fear) NOUN 1 Tears are the drops of liquid that come out of your eyes when you cry.

(rhymes with fair) VERB 2 If you tear something, such as paper or fabric, you pull it apart.

Some definitions include a label, such as FORMAL, INFORMAL or TRADEMARK. This tells you a little more about the word or how it is used:

Rollerblade Rollerblades

NOUN; TRADEMARK Rollerblades are roller skates which have the wheels set in one straight line on the bottom of the boot.

Related words are given at the end of some entries, with their parts of speech. These tell you other forms of the word, such as the noun or adverb form. For example:

blur blurs

NOUN A blur is a shape that you cannot see clearly. The car went past so fast it was just a blur. blurred ADJECTIVE blurry ADJECTIVE

Some definitions tell you where to look for more information, such as another headword, or the pages at the back of the dictionary.

are VERB

Are is a present tense form of be. They are both in my class.

See be (#ulink_eb88e5c7-03f1-5a92-8685-cc0e178afbba)

Collins Word Wizard

Collins Word Wizard (#litres_trial_promo) gives you extra help with vocabulary, grammar and spelling. It has pages to help you understand parts of speech, punctuation, and prefixes and suffixes, as well as handy hints for learning tricky spellings. Look out for the themed picture pages and games to play with the dictionary.

Online resources

Explore further at ( for games, activities and extra support for parents and children.

Aa (#ulink_156686a0-e0e7-5f10-9961-05b0efe8282a)


A and an are used when you talk about one of something. A is used when the next sound is a consonant; an is used when the next sound is a vowel (a, e, i, o or u). a car… an apple

abandon abandons, abandoning, abandoned

VERB 1 If you abandon something, you leave it and do not return. The cub had been abandoned by its mother.

VERB 2 If you abandon a piece of work, you stop doing it before it is finished.

abbreviation abbreviations NOUN

An abbreviation is a short form of a word or phrase. The abbreviation for compact disc is CD.

ability abilities NOUN

If you have the ability to do something, you are able to do it.

able abler, ablest ADJECTIVE

If you are able to do something, you can do it.


If you are aboard a ship or plane, you are on or in it.


ADVERB 1 You say about in front of a number to show it is not exact. I’ll be home at about five o’clock.

PREPOSITION 2 If you talk or write about something, you say things to do with that subject. He is talking about boats.


If something is above something else, it is over it, or higher up.

He held the ball above his head.

abroad ADVERB

When you go abroad, you go to a different country.


If someone is absent, they are not here.

absolutely ADVERB

You can use absolutely to make what you are saying sound stronger. You must stay absolutely still.

absorb absorbs, absorbing, absorbed VERB

If something absorbs a liquid, it soaks it up or takes it in.


Something that is absurd seems silly, because it is quite different from what you would expect. It’s absurd to wear your jumper in this heat.

abuse NOUN

Abuse is cruel treatment of someone.

accelerate accelerates, accelerating, accelerated VERB

When someone accelerates, they speed up.

accept accepts, accepting, accepted VERB

If you accept something you have been offered, you say yes to it.

accident accidents NOUN

An accident is something nasty that happens by chance. He broke his leg in a climbing accident.

accidentally ADVERB

account accounts

NOUN 1 An account is something written or spoken that tells you what has happened.

NOUN 2 An account is also money that you keep at a bank.

accurate ADJECTIVE

An accurate measurement or description is exactly right.

ache aches NOUN

An ache is a dull, lasting pain.

achieve achieves, achieving, achieved VERB

If you achieve something, you usually get it by hard work.

achievement NOUN

acid acids NOUN

Some acids give food a sharp, sour taste. Lemons and vinegar contain acid. Strong acid can burn your skin.

acid rain NOUN

Acid rain is rain that is mixed with dirty gases in the air. It can damage buildings, trees and fish.

acrobat acrobats NOUN

An acrobat is someone who does difficult and exciting tricks, like balancing on a high wire.


If you go across something, you go from one side to the other.

act acts, acting, acted

VERB 1 When you act, you do something. He had to act quickly to put out the fire.

VERB 2 If you act in a play or film, you have a part in it.

NOUN 3 An act is something that you do.

action actions NOUN

An action is a movement of part of your body.


ADJECTIVE 1 Someone who is active moves about a lot, or is very busy.

ADJECTIVE 2 In grammar, a verb in the active voice is one where the subject does the action, rather than having it done to them.

See voice (#litres_trial_promo)

activity activities NOUN

Activity is when there are a lot of things happening.

actor actors NOUN

An actor is a man or woman whose job is to act in plays or films.

actress actresses NOUN

A female actor is sometimes called an actress.

See actor (#ulink_6f0bf234-134c-53db-a380-5e6b069ec543)


You describe something as actual when you mean it is real. The shop said the paint was red, but the actual colour was pink.

actually ADVERB

adapt adapts, adapting, adapted

VERB 1 If you adapt to something new, you change in some way that helps you.

VERB 2 If you adapt something, you change it to suit your needs. The book was adapted to make a film.

adaptable ADJECTIVE

Someone who is adaptable can change to deal with new situations.

add adds, adding, added

VERB 1 If you add something, you put it with whatever you have already. Put flour in the bowl and add an egg.

VERB 2 If you add numbers of things together, you find out how many you have. The sign + means add. 2 + 3 = 5. I have two marbles in the bag. If I add these three, it makes five altogether.

addition NOUN

Addition is adding numbers or things together.

address addresses NOUN

Your address is the name or number of your house, and the street and town where you live.

adjective adjectives NOUN

An adjective is a word that describes someone or something. “Beautiful” and “green” are adjectives.

See Adjective on page 269 (#litres_trial_promo)

admire admires, admiring, admired

VERB 1 When you admire someone, you think very highly of them.

VERB 2 When you admire something, you enjoy looking at it. They stopped the car to admire the view.

admit admits, admitting, admitted

VERB 1 If you admit something, you agree that it is true.

VERB 2 If people are admitted to a place, they are allowed to go in.

adopt adopts, adopting, adopted VERB

If a person adopts a child, they make the child their own by law.

adore adores, adoring, adored VERB

If you adore someone, you love them very much.

adult adults NOUN

An adult is a grown-up person or animal.

advance advances, advancing, advanced VERB

If someone advances, they move forward. The army advanced nine miles in one day.

advantage advantages NOUN

An advantage is something that helps you do better than other people. His long legs gave him an advantage in the race.

adventure adventures NOUN

If you are having an adventure, you are doing something exciting.

adverb adverbs NOUN

An adverb is a word that answers questions like how, when, where and why. In the sentence “The girl came quietly into the room”, the word “quietly” is an adverb telling you how the girl came in.

See Adverb on page 269 (#litres_trial_promo)

advertise advertises, advertising, advertised VERB

If you advertise something, you tell people about it through newspapers, posters or TV.

advertisement advertisements NOUN

An advertisement is a notice in the paper, or on a poster or TV, about a job or things for sale.

advice NOUN

If you give someone advice, you say what you think they should do.

advise advises, advising, advised VERB

When you advise someone, you tell them what you think they should do.

aerial aerials NOUN

An aerial is a wire that sends or receives radio or television signals.

aeroplane aeroplanes NOUN

An aeroplane is a flying vehicle with wings and one or more engines.

affect affects, affecting, affected VERB

When something affects someone or something else, it changes them in some way.

affection NOUN

Affection is a feeling of caring for someone.

afford affords, affording, afforded VERB

If you can afford something, you have enough money to buy it or do it.


Someone who is afraid thinks that something nasty might happen.


If something happens after something else, it happens at a later time. We’ll watch television after supper.

afternoon afternoons NOUN

The afternoon is the time of day between 12 o’clock (noon) and about six o’clock in the evening.

afterwards ADVERB

If something happens afterwards, it happens after another event or time. We went swimming, and afterwards we had an ice cream.

again ADVERB

If you do something again, you do it once more.


PREPOSITION 1 If you play against someone, you are not on their side.

PREPOSITION 2 If you are against something, you are touching it and leaning on it. She felt tired and leaned against the tree.

age ages

NOUN 1 Your age is how old you are.

NOUN 2 An age is a special period in history, like the Stone Age.


If something happened four days ago, it is four days since it happened.

agree agrees, agreeing, agreed

VERB 1 If you agree with someone, you think the same about something.

VERB 2 If you agree to do something, you say you will do it.

agreement NOUN

ahead ADVERB

Something or someone who is ahead of you is in front of you.

My brother ran ahead of us.

aim aims, aiming, aimed

VERB 1 If you aim at something, you point a weapon at it.

VERB 2 If you aim to do something, you plan to do it.

air NOUN

Air is the mixture of gases that we breathe.

aircraft NOUN

An aircraft is a vehicle that flies. Helicopters and aeroplanes are aircraft.

airport airports NOUN

An airport is a place where aircraft land and take off.

alarm alarms

NOUN 1 An alarm is something like a bell or flashing light that warns you of something.

NOUN 2 Alarm is a feeling of fear.

He looked at the hungry bear in alarm.

album albums NOUN

An album is a book that you put things like stamps or photographs in.

alien aliens NOUN

In science fiction, an alien is a creature from outer space.


If something is alight, it is burning.


If two or more things are alike, they are the same in some way.


If a person, animal or plant is alive, they are living now.


You say all when you mean the whole of a particular group or thing. Put all your toys away.

Allah NOUN

Allah is the Muslim name for God.

allergy allergies NOUN

If you have an allergy to something, it makes you ill. Tom has an allergy to nuts, so he must not eat them.

alley alleys NOUN

An alley is a narrow path with buildings or walls on both sides.

alligator alligators NOUN

An alligator is a reptile. It is of the same family as a crocodile, but smaller.

See Reptiles on page 264 (#litres_trial_promo)

alliteration NOUN

Alliteration is the use of words close together which begin with the same sound, for example “hundreds of huge hairy horses”.

allow allows, allowing, allowed VERB

If someone allows you to do something, they let you do it.

all right

ADJECTIVE 1 If someone is all right, they are well or safe. See if the baby’s all right.

INTERJECTION 2 You say all right if you agree to something.

almost ADVERB

Almost means very nearly, but not quite.

He tripped and almost fell.


If you are alone, there is nobody with you.


If you go along something, you move towards the end of it.

aloud ADVERB

If you read something aloud, you read it so that people can hear you.

alphabet alphabets NOUN

An alphabet is all the letters used to write words, written in a special order.

alphabetical ADJECTIVE

Alphabetical means arranged in the order of the letters of the alphabet. She read out the names on the register in alphabetical order.

already ADVERB

If you have done something already, you did it earlier.


You say also when you want to add to something you have just said.

alter alters, altering, altered VERB

When you alter something, you change it in some way.

alternate alternates, alternating, alternated VERB

When two things alternate, they regularly happen one after the other. He alternates between being friendly and completely ignoring me.


You say although when you expected something different. Although my dad was cross, he still gave me my pocket money.

altogether ADVERB

If you say there are a number of things altogether, you are counting all of them. I’ve picked four apples and you’ve picked two, so that’s six altogether.

aluminium NOUN

Aluminium is a light, silver-coloured metal. It is used for making rolls of foil and containers like cans and pie dishes.


ADVERB 1 If you always do something, you do it every time. He always puts his things away when he has used them.

ADVERB 2 If something has always been so, it has been that way at all times. They have always been good friends.


a.m. is the time between midnight and noon. I get up at 7 a.m.

See p.m. (#litres_trial_promo)


Am is a present tense form of be used when you are talking about yourself. I am six years old.

See be (#ulink_eb88e5c7-03f1-5a92-8685-cc0e178afbba)

amaze amazes, amazing, amazed VERB

If something amazes you, it surprises you very much.

amazement NOUN


Something that is amazing is very surprising or wonderful.

ambition ambitions NOUN

If you have an ambition to do something, you want to do it very much.

ambulance ambulances NOUN

An ambulance is a vehicle that is used to take people to hospital.


PREPOSITION 1 If something is among a number of things, it is surrounded by them. He sat among piles of books.

PREPOSITION 2 If something is divided among several people, they all have a share.

amount amounts NOUN

An amount of something is how much there is of it.

amphibian amphibians NOUN

An amphibian is an animal that is able to live on land and in water.

amphibious ADJECTIVE

See Amphibians on page 264 (#litres_trial_promo)

amuse amuses, amusing, amused VERB

If you amuse somebody, you make them smile or stop them feeling bored.


An is a form of “a” used when the next sound is a vowel.

See a (#ulink_472f17d1-8c62-5e9b-af41-0aa3f7b83b1e)

analogue ADJECTIVE

An analogue watch or clock shows the time with hands that move round a dial.

See digital (#ulink_07fd07b1-794c-54d7-83b4-736f89ade09d)

anchor anchors NOUN

An anchor is a heavy metal hook on a long chain. It is dropped over the side of a boat to stop it moving.


If something is ancient, it is very old.


You use and to join two or more words or phrases together. I like chocolate, and my brother does too.

angel angels NOUN

Angels are beings some people believe act as messengers for God.

anger NOUN

Anger is the strong feeling you have about something that is unfair.

angle angles NOUN

An angle is the shape that is made when two lines or surfaces join. The size of an angle is measured in degrees.

angry angrier, angriest ADJECTIVE

If you feel angry, you are very cross.

angrily ADVERB

animal animals NOUN

Animals are living things which are not plants. Humans, dogs, birds, fish, reptiles and insects are all animals.

ankle ankles NOUN

Your ankle is the joint between your foot and your leg.

anniversary anniversaries NOUN

An anniversary is a day when you remember something special which happened on that date in an earlier year.

announce announces, announcing, announced VERB

If you announce something important, you tell people about it publicly. My sister’s engagement was announced last week.

annoy annoys, annoying, annoyed VERB

If you do something which annoys someone, you make them cross.

annual annuals

ADJECTIVE 1 Something that is annual happens once a year, like a birthday.

NOUN 2 An annual is a book that comes out once a year.


Another means one more. Amy finished her chocolate and took another one immediately.

answer answers, answering, answered

VERB 1 When you answer, you say or write something to someone who has asked you a question.

NOUN 2 Your answer is what you say or write to a question.

ant ants NOUN

Ants are small insects which live in large groups called colonies.

See Insects on page 264 (#litres_trial_promo)

antelope antelopes NOUN

Antelopes are animals that look like deer, but their horns are not branch-shaped. They live in Africa and Asia.

anticlockwise ADVERB

If something goes anticlockwise, it moves in the opposite direction to the hands of a clock.

antique antiques NOUN

An antique is an old object which is valuable because it is beautiful or rare.

antiseptic antiseptics NOUN

An antiseptic is a substance that prevents infection by killing germs.

antonym antonyms NOUN

An antonym is a word that means the opposite of another word.

See Antonyms on page 273 (#litres_trial_promo)


Someone who is anxious is nervous or worried about something.


ADJECTIVE 1 Any means one, some, or several. Do you have any milk?

ADJECTIVE 2 Any can also mean even the smallest amount. I mustn’t eat any nuts.

anybody PRONOUN

Anybody is any person.

anyone PRONOUN

Anyone is any person.

anything PRONOUN

Anything means any object, event, situation or action.

anywhere ADVERB

Anywhere means in, at or to any place. Just put it down anywhere.


If something is apart from something else, there is a space between them. He stood with his feet apart.

ape apes NOUN

Apes are like monkeys but are larger and have no tails. Chimpanzees and gorillas are apes.

apologize apologizes, apologizing, apologized; also spelt apologise VERB

When you apologize, you say you are sorry for something you have done.

apology apologies NOUN

An apology is something you say or write to tell someone you are sorry.

apostrophe apostrophes NOUN

An apostrophe is a punctuation mark (‘) used in contractions and to show belonging.

See Punctuation on page 270 (#litres_trial_promo)

apparatus NOUN

The apparatus for a particular task is the equipment you use for it.

appear appears, appearing, appeared

VERB 1 When something appears, it moves into a place where you can see it.

VERB 2 If something appears to be a certain way, that is how it seems.

appearance appearances

NOUN 1 Someone’s appearance in a place is their sudden arrival there.

NOUN 2 Your appearance is the way you look to other people.

appetite appetites NOUN

If you have an appetite, you are looking forward to eating something.

applause NOUN

Applause is clapping your hands to show that you liked something.

apple apples NOUN

An apple is a round crisp fruit which grows on a tree.

See Fruit on page 260 (#litres_trial_promo)

apply applies, applying, applied VERB

If you apply for something, like a job, you usually ask for it in writing.

appreciate appreciates, appreciating, appreciated VERB

If you appreciate something, you feel grateful for it.

approach approaches, approaching, approached VERB

When someone approaches you, they get nearer to you.

approve approves, approving, approved VERB

If you approve of something, you think it is good.

approval NOUN

approximate ADJECTIVE

An approximate answer may not be exactly right. What is the approximate distance between those trees?

approximately ADVERB

If you say approximately, you mean about. It is approximately 5 metres long.

apricot apricots NOUN

An apricot is a small, round yellow-orange fruit with a large stone in the centre.

April NOUN

April is the fourth month of the year. It has 30 days.

apron aprons NOUN

An apron is a piece of material that you wear to keep your clothes clean.

aquarium aquaria or aquariums NOUN

An aquarium is a glass tank for fish and other underwater animals.

arch arches NOUN

An arch is a curved part of a bridge, wall or building.

archery NOUN

Archery is a sport in which people shoot at a target with a bow and arrow.

architect architects NOUN

An architect is a person who designs buildings.

are VERB

Are is a present tense form of be. They are both in my class.

See be (#ulink_eb88e5c7-03f1-5a92-8685-cc0e178afbba)

area areas

NOUN 1 The area of something is the size of its surface. To find the area of a rectangle, you multiply the length by the breadth.

NOUN 2 You use the word area to mean in or around a place. There are lots of shops in this area.

argue argues, arguing, argued VERB

If you argue with someone, you say that you do not agree with them, and give your reasons.

argument arguments NOUN

An argument is a talk between people who do not agree. In some arguments, people shout angrily.

arithmetic NOUN

Arithmetic is about adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing numbers.

arm arms NOUN

Your arm is the part of your body between the shoulder and the hand.

armchair armchairs NOUN

An armchair is a chair with a support on each side for your arms.

armour NOUN

Armour is metal clothing that soldiers used to wear in battle.

army armies NOUN

An army is a large organized group of people who are trained to fight in case of war.


PREPOSITION 1 You say around when things are in various places. There are lots of cupboards around the house.

PREPOSITION 2 You can use around when something is on all sides of something else. The Earth’s atmosphere is the air around it.

arrange arranges, arranging, arranged

VERB 1 If you arrange something like a party, you make plans and organize it.

VERB 2 If you arrange things like flowers, you group them in a special way.

array arrays

NOUN 1 An array is a group of things set out neatly in columns and rows.

NOUN 2 An array is also a large number of things displayed together. Ben’s mouth watered at the array of cakes.

arrest arrests, arresting, arrested VERB

If the police arrest someone, they take them to the police station.

arrive arrives, arriving, arrived VERB

When you arrive at a place, you reach it at the end of your journey.

arrival NOUN

arrow arrows

NOUN 1 An arrow is a thin stick with a pointed end, which is shot from a bow.

NOUN 2 An arrow can also be a sign which shows people which way to go.

art NOUN

Art is something like painting or sculpture, which is beautiful or has a special meaning.

artery arteries NOUN

An artery is a tube which carries blood from your heart to the rest of your body.

article articles

NOUN 1 An article is a piece of writing in a magazine or newspaper.

NOUN 2 An article can also be an object.

What is this strange article?

artificial ADJECTIVE

Artificial things are made by people. They do not occur naturally.

artist artists NOUN

An artist is a person who does things like painting or sculpture.


CONJUNCTION 1 If one thing happens as something else happens, it happens at the same time as the second thing. We watched television as we ate our sandwiches.

CONJUNCTION 2 You say as when you are going to give a reason for something. As I like school I get there early.

ascend ascends, ascending, ascended VERB

When you ascend, you move upwards. He ascended the stairs to his room.

ascending ADJECTIVE

When things are arranged in ascending order, each thing is higher than the one before it. The numbers 21, 37 and 49 are in ascending order.

ash ashes

NOUN 1 Ash is the dust left after a fire.

NOUN 2 An ash is a large tree.


If you are ashamed, you feel sorry about something you have done.

ask asks, asking, asked

VERB 1 If you ask someone a question, you are trying to find something out.

VERB 2 If you ask someone for something, you want them to give it to you.


If you are asleep, your eyes are closed and your body is resting.

aspirin aspirins NOUN

Aspirin is a drug which you take to help you if you have a pain, fever or cold. An aspirin is a tablet of this drug.

ass asses NOUN

An ass is an animal like a horse but smaller and with longer ears.

assemble assembles, assembling, assembled

VERB 1 If you assemble something, you fit the parts of it together.

VERB 2 When people assemble, they come together in a group.

assembly assemblies NOUN

Assembly is a gathering of all the teachers and pupils in a school.

assistant assistants

NOUN 1 A person’s assistant is someone whose job is to help them.

NOUN 2 A shop assistant is a person who works in a shop selling things.

asthma NOUN

Asthma is a disease of the chest. It causes wheezing and makes it difficult for you to breathe properly.

astonish astonishes, astonishing, astonished VERB

If you are astonished by something or someone, you are very surprised.

astronaut astronauts NOUN

An astronaut is a person who travels in space.

astronomer astronomers NOUN

An astronomer is a scientist who studies the stars and planets.


PREPOSITION 1 You use at to say where someone or something is. Rajeev waited for me at the bus stop.

PREPOSITION 2 You use at to show the direction something is going in. I threw the snowball at my brother.

PREPOSITION 3 You use at to say when something happens. The party starts at six o’clock.

ate VERB

Ate is the past tense of eat.

atlas atlases NOUN

An atlas is a book of maps.

atmosphere atmospheres

NOUN 1 A planet’s atmosphere is the layer of air or other gas around it.

NOUN 2 You can use atmosphere to talk about the general mood of a place. In the classroom the atmosphere was relaxed.

atom atoms NOUN

An atom is the smallest part of any substance.

attach attaches, attaching, attached VERB

When you attach something to an object, you join the two things together.

attachment attachments NOUN

An attachment is a computer file that is attached to an e-mail or text message.

attack attacks, attacking, attacked VERB

If a person attacks somebody, they try to hurt them.

attempt attempts, attempting, attempted VERB

If you attempt something difficult, you try to do it.

attend attends, attending, attended VERB

If someone attends something like a meeting, they are present at it.


NOUN 1 If something attracts your attention, you notice it suddenly.

NOUN 2 If you pay attention to someone, you listen carefully to them.

attic attics NOUN

An attic is a room at the top of a house, just under the roof.

attract attracts, attracting, attracted

VERB 1 If something or somebody attracts you, you find them interesting. Joe was attracted to the display by the flashing lights.

VERB 2 If something like a magnet attracts an object, it makes it move towards it.

attractive ADJECTIVE

If something is attractive, it is nice to look at.

audience audiences NOUN

An audience is a group of people watching or listening to something like a play, film, talk or piece of music.

August NOUN

August is the eighth month of the year. It has 31 days.

aunt aunts NOUN

Your aunt is the sister of one of your parents, or the wife of your uncle.

author authors NOUN

The author of a book is the person who wrote it.

authority authorities

NOUN 1 Authority is a quality that someone has that makes people take notice of what they say.

NOUN 2 The authorities are people like the police who have a lot of power.

autograph autographs NOUN

An autograph is the signature of a famous person.

automatic ADJECTIVE

An automatic machine is one that can do things on its own.

automatically ADVERB

autumn autumns NOUN

Autumn is the season between summer and winter. The weather cools and many trees lose their leaves.

available ADJECTIVE

If something is available, you can get it. Tickets are available now.

avalanche avalanches NOUN

An avalanche is a huge mass of snow and ice that falls down a mountain.

avenue avenues NOUN

An avenue is a wide road with trees on either side.

average averages

NOUN 1 An average is a result obtained by adding several amounts together and then dividing the total by the number of different amounts. If four children have a total of 36 sweets, the average is nine sweets per child.

ADJECTIVE 2 If something is average, it is the standard or usual thing.

avoid avoids, avoiding, avoided VERB

If you avoid someone or something, you keep away from them.


If you are awake, you are not sleeping.

award awards NOUN

An award is a prize that you are given for doing something well.


If you are aware of something, you know about it.


ADVERB 1 If you move away from somewhere, you move so that you are further from that place.

ADVERB 2 If you are away from somewhere, you are not in that place. Katherine is away from school today.


Something awful is very unpleasant or bad.


ADJECTIVE 1 If something is awkward, it is difficult to do or use.

ADJECTIVE 2 If people are awkward, they move in a clumsy way.

axe axes NOUN

An axe is a tool with a long handle and a heavy sharp blade at one end. It is used for chopping wood.

axis axes

NOUN 1 An axis is an imaginary line through the centre of something, around which it moves.

NOUN 2 An axis is also one of the two sides of a graph. A graph has a horizontal axis and a vertical axis.

Bb (#ulink_d048f0e9-1a1f-5fc6-8c35-4d8176b9b23f)

baby babies NOUN

A baby is a very young child.

back backs

NOUN 1 The back of something is the part opposite the front.

ADVERB 2 If you go back to a place, you go somewhere you have been before.

NOUN 3 Your back is the part of your body which is behind you, from your neck to the top of your legs.

NOUN 4 The back of an animal is the part on top, between its neck and the beginning of its tail.

back to front PHRASE If you have something on back to front, you are wearing it the wrong way round.

background backgrounds NOUN

The background of a picture is everything behind the main part.


ADVERB 1 If you move backwards, you move with your back facing in the direction you are going.

ADVERB 2 If you do something backwards, you do it in the opposite of the usual way. Let’s try counting backwards from one hundred.

bacon NOUN

Bacon is salted meat from a pig.

bacteria PLURAL NOUN

Bacteria are very tiny living things which break down waste. They can cause diseases.

bad worse, worst

ADJECTIVE 1 You say somebody is bad if they are naughty or wicked.

ADJECTIVE 2 If something is bad, it can hurt or upset you in some way.

badge badges NOUN

A badge is a sign people wear to show they belong to a school or club.

badger badgers NOUN

A badger is a strongly built animal with short legs and neck. It has long grey fur and a striped head.

badly ADVERB

If something is done badly, it is done in a way that is not successful or effective.

bag bags NOUN

A bag is a soft container for carrying or holding things.

bait NOUN

Bait is food used to trap animals.

bake bakes, baking, baked VERB

When you bake food, you cook it in an oven.

baker bakers NOUN

A baker makes and sells bread, cakes and pies.

balance balances, balancing, balanced VERB

When you balance, you keep steady. She tried to balance on one leg.

balcony balconies NOUN

A balcony is a platform on the outside of a building. Balconies have a railing or wall around them.

bald balder, baldest ADJECTIVE

People who are bald have no hair on the top of their head.

ball balls NOUN

Anything round can be called a ball. You need a ball for lots of games, like tennis and football.

ballet ballets NOUN

A ballet is a sort of play where the story is told with dancing and music.

balloon balloons NOUN

A balloon is a small rubber bag. If you blow hard into it, it gets bigger and makes a very light toy or decoration.

bamboo NOUN

Bamboo is a kind of grass with strong hollow stems which are useful as garden canes or for making furniture.

ban bans, banning, banned VERB

If someone is banned from doing something, they are told by people in charge that they must not do it.

banana bananas NOUN

A banana is a long yellow fruit which grows on trees in hot countries.

See Fruit on page 260 (#litres_trial_promo)

band bands

NOUN 1 A band is a small number of people, like a gang of robbers or a group of musicians.

NOUN 2 A band can also be a strip of material such as iron, cloth or rubber.

bandage bandages NOUN

A bandage is a strip of cloth used to cover a wound.

bang bangs, banging, banged

NOUN 1 A bang is a sudden loud noise.

VERB 2 If something bangs, or you bang it, it makes a loud noise.

bank banks

NOUN 1 A bank is a business that looks after people’s money.

NOUN 2 The bank of a river is the ground either side of the water.

banner banners NOUN

A banner is a long strip of cloth or paper with a message written on it.

bar bars

NOUN 1 A bar is a long piece of something hard, like metal or wood.

NOUN 2 A bar can also be a counter where people can buy drink.

barbecue barbecues NOUN

A barbecue is a grill on which food is cooked outdoors over hot charcoal.

barber barbers NOUN

A barber is someone who cuts men’s hair.

bar code bar codes NOUN

A bar code is a pattern of numbers and lines printed on something that is for sale, so that the price can be read by a machine.

bare barer, barest

ADJECTIVE 1 If part of your body is bare, it is not covered by clothes.

ADJECTIVE 2 If something is bare, it has nothing in it or on it. It was winter and the trees were bare.

bargain bargains NOUN

A bargain is something which is sold at a low price, and which you think is good value.

bark barks, barking, barked

VERB 1 When a dog barks, it makes a sudden rough, loud noise.

NOUN 2 Bark is the outside covering of a tree.

barley NOUN

Barley is a cereal that is grown for food and drink.

bar mitzvah NOUN

A Jewish boy’s bar mitzvah is a ceremony that takes place on his 13th birthday. After this he is regarded as an adult.

barn barns NOUN

A barn is a large building where a farmer stores hay and other crops.

barrel barrels NOUN

A barrel is a large wooden, metal or plastic container for holding liquids.

barrier barriers NOUN

A barrier is something like a fence or wall, that stops people getting past.

base bases

NOUN 1 The base is the bottom of something.

NOUN 2 Number bases are a whole pattern of counting. A base ten counting system uses units, tens and hundreds.

basement basements NOUN

The basement of a building is a floor below ground level.


ADJECTIVE 1 Basic is used to describe things like the food and equipment that people really need in their lives.

ADJECTIVE 2 Basic also means the simplest things you need to know about a subject. I’m not good at this yet, but I’ve got the basic idea.

basically ADVERB

basin basins NOUN

A basin is a wide round container which is open at the top.

basket baskets NOUN

A basket is used for holding or carrying things. It is usually made from strips of thin wood or cane.

basketball NOUN

Basketball is a game between two teams of five players. Each team tries to score by throwing a ball through a circular net fixed to a high board.

bat bats, batting, batted

NOUN 1 In some games, like table tennis, you use a wooden bat to hit the ball.

NOUN 2 A bat is also a small animal like a mouse with leathery wings. Bats fly at night, and sleep hanging upside down.

VERB 3 If you are batting, you are having a turn at hitting the ball with a bat in cricket, baseball or rounders.

bath baths NOUN

A bath is a container for water. It is big enough to sit or lie in, so that you can wash yourself all over.

bathroom bathrooms NOUN

The bathroom is the room where the bath or shower is.

battery batteries NOUN

A battery is an object which stores electric power. There are tiny batteries for things like watches, and larger batteries for torches.

battle battles NOUN

A battle is a fight between enemy forces, on land, at sea or in the air.

bawl bawls, bawling, bawled VERB

If a child is bawling, it is crying very loudly and angrily.

bay bays NOUN

A bay is a deep curve in a coastline.

be am, is, are, being, was, were, been

VERB 1 You use be to say what a person or thing is like. She is very young.

VERB 2 You also use be to say that something is there. There is a tree in the garden.

beach beaches NOUN

The beach is the land covered with sand or pebbles that is next to the sea.

bead beads NOUN

A bead is a small piece of glass or plastic with a hole through it. Beads can be threaded together to make a necklace or bracelet.

beak beaks NOUN

A beak is the hard outside part of a bird’s mouth.

beam beams, beaming, beamed

NOUN 1 A beam is a long thick bar of wood, metal or concrete, used to support part of a building.

NOUN 2 A beam is also a line of light from an object such as a torch or the sun.

VERB 3 If you beam, you give a big smile.

bean beans NOUN

A bean is a vegetable. Its outer covering is called a pod, and inside it has large seeds, also called beans.

See Vegetables on page 260 (#litres_trial_promo)

bear bears, bearing, bore

NOUN 1 A bear is a large, strong animal with thick fur and sharp claws.

VERB 2 If you bear something, you put up with it. I can’t bear all this homework.

beard beards NOUN

A beard is the hair which grows on the lower part of a man’s face.

beat beats, beating, beat, beaten

VERB 1 If you beat someone in a race or competition, you do better than they do.

VERB 2 If someone beats another person or an animal, they hit them hard.

VERB 3 If you beat eggs, you stir them very fast.

VERB 4 Your heart beats with a regular rhythm all the time.


ADJECTIVE 1 You say something is beautiful if it gives you great pleasure to look at it or listen to it.

ADJECTIVE 2 You say someone is beautiful if they are lovely to look at.

beaver beavers NOUN

A beaver is a furry animal which lives in or near water.


You say because when you are going to give a reason for something. I left the party because they were playing silly games.

become becomes, becoming, became, become VERB

To become means to start being different in some way. The smell became stronger.

bed beds

NOUN 1 A bed is a piece of furniture to lie down on when you rest or sleep.

NOUN 2 The bed of the sea or of a river is the ground beneath it.

bedroom bedrooms NOUN

Your bedroom is the room where you sleep.

bee bees NOUN

A bee is a flying insect. People keep bees for the honey that they make.

See beehive (#ulink_ac3f6d4f-8c43-5182-b52c-11abf7ea8baf)

See also Insects on page 264 (#litres_trial_promo)

beech beeches NOUN

A beech is a large tree.

beef NOUN

Beef is the meat from a cow.

beehive beehives NOUN

A beehive is a house for bees, where a beekeeper collects the honey.

been VERB

Been is the past participle of be. We have always been good friends.

See be (#ulink_eb88e5c7-03f1-5a92-8685-cc0e178afbba)

beer beers NOUN

Beer is a drink made from grain.

beetle beetles NOUN

A beetle is an insect with four wings. The front two act as hard covers to the body when the beetle is not flying.

See Insects on page 264 (#litres_trial_promo)

beetroot beetroots NOUN

Beetroot is a dark red root vegetable.

See Vegetables on page 260 (#litres_trial_promo)


PREPOSITION 1 If something happens before something else, it happens earlier. Can I see you before lunch?

ADVERB 2 If you have done something before, it is not the first time.

beg begs, begging, begged VERB

If you beg someone to do something, you ask them very anxiously to do it. Krishna begged his dad to take him to the football match.

begin begins, beginning, began, begun VERB

When you begin, you start. I began school on Thursday.

beginner beginners NOUN

A beginner is someone who has just started to learn something.

beginning beginnings NOUN

The beginning of something is the first part of it.

begun VERB

Begun is the past participle of begin.

behave behaves, behaving, behaved VERB

The way you behave is the way you act.

behaviour NOUN


PREPOSITION 1 Behind means on the other side of something. She was behind the counter.

PREPOSITION 2 If you are behind someone, you are at the back of them.


Something that is beige is a pale creamy-brown colour.

See Colours and shapes on page 266 (#litres_trial_promo)

believe believes, believing, believed VERB

If you believe something or someone, you think what is said is true.

bell bells NOUN

A bell is a piece of metal shaped like a cup, which rings when something hits it.

belong belongs, belonging, belonged

VERB 1 If something belongs to you, it is your own.

VERB 2 If you belong to something, like a club, you are a member of it.


If something is below something else, it is underneath it.

belt belts NOUN

A belt is a strip of leather or other material that you put round your waist.

bench benches NOUN

A bench is a long seat, usually made of wood.

bend bends, bending, bent VERB

When something bends, it becomes curved or crooked.


If something is beneath something else, it is below it.


If something is bent, it has become curved or crooked.

See bend (#ulink_4512f4ab-a45b-53d6-91b3-d0d110700182)

berry berries NOUN

A berry is a small round soft fruit that grows on a bush or a tree.


If something is beside something else, it is at the side of it.


Best means the “most good”, or better than anything else. That’s the best programme I’ve seen.


ADJECTIVE 1 Something that is better than something else is of a higher standard or quality. Your bicycle is better than mine.

ADJECTIVE 2 Better can also mean more sensible. It would be better to go home.

ADJECTIVE 3 If you are feeling better after an illness, you are not feeling so ill.


If something is between two other things, it is in the space or time that separates them. The toyshop is between the bank and the library.

beware VERB

You tell people to beware if there is danger of some kind. Beware of the bull.

Bible Bibles NOUN

The Bible is the sacred book of the Christian religion.

bicycle bicycles NOUN

A bicycle is a vehicle with two wheels. You sit on it and turn pedals with your feet to make it go.

big bigger, biggest ADJECTIVE

Something or somebody big is large in size or importance.

bike bikes NOUN

Bike is an abbreviation of bicycle.

bill bills

NOUN 1 A bill is a piece of paper saying how much money you owe. Mum’s just had the electricity bill.

NOUN 2 A bird’s bill is its beak.

bin bins NOUN

A bin is a container, usually with a lid, for putting rubbish in.

bind binds, binding, bound VERB

If you bind something, you tie something like string or cloth tightly round it so that it is held in place.

biology NOUN

Biology is the study of living things.

bird birds NOUN

A bird is an animal with two legs, two wings and feathers.

birth births NOUN

The birth of a baby is when it comes out of its mother’s body.

birthday birthdays NOUN

Your birthday is a special date that is remembered every year, because it was the day you were born.

biscuit biscuits NOUN

A biscuit is a small, flat, crisp kind of cake.

See Other foods on page 261 (#litres_trial_promo)

bit bits

NOUN 1 A bit of something is a small piece of it.

NOUN 2 A bit is a piece of metal that goes in a horse’s mouth.

VERB 3 Bit is also the past tense of bite.

bite bites, biting, bit, bitten VERB

If you bite something, you use your teeth to hold, cut or tear it.


ADJECTIVE 1 If something has a bitter taste, it tastes sharp and unpleasant.

ADJECTIVE 2 Someone who is bitter feels angry and disappointed.

black blacker, blackest ADJECTIVE

If the colour of something is black, it is the colour of these letters.

See Colours and shapes on page 266 (#litres_trial_promo)

blackberry blackberries NOUN

Blackberries are small, soft, dark purple fruits that grow on brambles.

blackbird blackbirds NOUN

A blackbird is a European songbird.

blackboard blackboards NOUN

A blackboard is a dark board that people can write on in chalk.

blackcurrant blackcurrants NOUN

Blackcurrants are very small, dark purple fruits.

blade blades

NOUN 1 A blade is the sharp edge of a knife or sword.

NOUN 2 A single piece of grass is a blade.

blame blames, blaming, blamed VERB

If somebody blames a person for something bad that happened, they say that person made it happen.

blank blanker, blankest ADJECTIVE

If something is blank, it has nothing written or drawn on it.

blanket blankets NOUN

A blanket is a large warm cloth, often used to cover people in bed.

blaze blazes NOUN

A blaze is a strong bright fire.

blazer blazers NOUN

A blazer is a kind of jacket, often in the colours of a school or sports team.

bleed bleeds, bleeding, bled VERB

If part of your body bleeds, blood comes out of it.

blend blends, blending, blended VERB

When you blend two or more things together, they become a smooth mixture.

blew VERB

Blew is the past tense of blow.

blind blinds

NOUN 1 A blind is rolled material that you pull down to cover a window.

ADJECTIVE 2 Someone who is blind cannot see.

blindness NOUN

blindfold blindfolds NOUN

A blindfold is a strip of cloth tied over someone’s eyes so that they cannot see.

blink blinks, blinking, blinked VERB

When you blink, you shut your eyes and open them again quickly.

blister blisters NOUN

A blister is a small bubble on your skin, containing watery liquid. Blisters are caused by a burn or rubbing.

blizzard blizzards NOUN

A blizzard is a bad snowstorm with strong winds.

block blocks, blocking, blocked

NOUN 1 A block of flats or offices is a large tall building.

NOUN 2 A block of something like stone or wood is a large rectangular piece of it.

VERB 3 To block means to get in the way.

blog blogs NOUN

A blog is a website that describes the daily life of the person who writes it.

blonde or blond ADJECTIVE

Blonde hair is pale yellow in colour. The spelling blond is used when referring to men.

blood NOUN

Blood is the red liquid that your heart pumps round inside your body.

bloom blooms, blooming, bloomed VERB

When a plant blooms, its flowers open.

blossom NOUN

Blossom is the flowers that appear on a tree or bush.

blot blots NOUN

A blot is a mark made by a drop of liquid, especially ink.

blouse blouses NOUN

A blouse is a kind of shirt worn by a girl or a woman.

blow blows, blowing, blew, blown

VERB 1 When the wind blows, the air moves faster.

VERB 2 If you blow, you send out a stream of air from your mouth.

NOUN 3 A blow is a hard hit.

blue bluer, bluest ADJECTIVE

Something that is blue is the colour of the sky on a sunny day.

See Colours and shapes on page 266 (#litres_trial_promo)

bluebell bluebells NOUN

A bluebell is a flower that often grows wild in woods in Europe.

blunt blunter, bluntest

ADJECTIVE 1 A blunt knife is not sharp.

ADJECTIVE 2 Something that is blunt has a rounded, rather than pointed, end.

My pencil’s blunt.

blur blurs NOUN

A blur is a shape that you cannot see clearly.

The car went past so fast it was just a blur.


blush blushes, blushing, blushed VERB

When you blush you become red in the face, usually because you are embarrassed.

board boards NOUN

A board is a flat, thin piece of wood.

boast boasts, boasting, boasted VERB

If you boast, you talk too proudly about something.

boat boats NOUN

A boat is a small vessel for travelling on water.

See ship (#litres_trial_promo)

body bodies

NOUN 1 Your body is every part of you. Some animals, like elephants, have very large bodies.

See The body on page 256 (#litres_trial_promo)

NOUN 2 You can say body when you mean just the main part of a person, not counting head, arms and legs.

NOUN 3 A body is a dead person.

bog bogs NOUN

A bog is an area of land that is always wet and spongy.

boil boils, boiling, boiled

VERB 1 When liquid boils it gets very hot. It bubbles and steam rises from it.

VERB 2 If you boil food, you cook it in boiling water.

NOUN 3 A boil is a painful red swelling on the skin.

bold bolder, boldest

ADJECTIVE 1 Someone who is bold is not afraid of risk or danger.

ADJECTIVE 2 Letters that are in bold type are thicker than ordinary printed letters.

bolt bolts, bolting, bolted

NOUN 1 A bolt is a long round metal pin with a flat end. It screws into a nut to fasten things.

NOUN 2 A bolt is a metal bar that you can slide across to keep a door shut.

VERB 3 If you bolt a door or window, you lock it with a bolt.

VERB 4 When a person or animal bolts, they suddenly run very fast.

bomb bombs NOUN

A bomb is a weapon which explodes and damages a large area.

bone bones NOUN

Your bones are the hard parts inside your body which make up your skeleton.

bonfire bonfires NOUN

A bonfire is a fire lit outdoors, usually to burn garden rubbish.

bonnet bonnets

NOUN 1 A bonnet is the metal cover over a car’s engine.

NOUN 2 A bonnet is also a baby’s or woman’s hat tied under the chin.

book books, booking, booked

NOUN 1 A book is a number of pages held together inside a cover.

VERB 2 If you book something, you ask someone to keep it for you. We booked seats at the cinema.

boot boots

NOUN 1 Boots are strong shoes that cover your ankle and sometimes your calf.

NOUN 2 The boot of a car is a space for luggage.

border borders

NOUN 1 A border is the line dividing two countries.

NOUN 2 A border is a strip along the edge of something, usually as a decoration.

bore bores, boring, bored

VERB 1 If somebody bores you, you do not find them interesting.

VERB 2 If you bore a hole in something, you make a hole with a drill.

VERB 3 Bore is the past tense of bear.


When you are bored, you feel tired and impatient because you have nothing interesting to do.

boredom NOUN


Something boring is so dull that you have no interest in it.

born VERB

When a baby is born, it comes out of its mother’s body.

borrow borrows, borrowing, borrowed VERB

When you borrow something, someone lets you have it for a while but they expect you to give it back later.

boss bosses NOUN

Someone’s boss is the head of the place where they work.


A bossy person likes to tell others what to do.


You use both when you are talking about two things or people. He put both books in the drawer.

bother bothers, bothering, bothered

VERB 1 If something bothers you, it annoys you or makes you feel worried.

VERB 2 If you bother about something, you care about it and take trouble over it.

bottle bottles NOUN

A bottle is a container for keeping liquids in. Bottles are usually made of glass or plastic.

bottom bottoms

NOUN 1 The bottom of something is the lowest part of it.

NOUN 2 Your bottom is the part of your body that you sit on.

bought VERB

Bought is the past tense of buy.

boulder boulders NOUN

A boulder is a big rounded rock.

bounce bounces, bouncing, bounced VERB

When something bounces, it springs back in the opposite direction as soon as it hits something hard.

bound bounds, bounding, bounded

VERB 1 When animals or people bound, they move quickly with large leaps.

ADJECTIVE 2 If something is bound to happen, it is sure to happen.

boundary boundaries NOUN

The boundary of an area of land is its outer limit.

bow bows, bowing, bowed

(rhymes with low) NOUN 1 A bow is a kind of knot with two loops used to tie laces and ribbons.

NOUN 2 A bow is also a weapon used for shooting arrows.

NOUN 3 The bow for a stringed musical instrument is a long piece of wood with horsehair stretched along it.

(rhymes with now) VERB 4 When you bow, you bend your body forward.

bowl bowls NOUN

A bowl is an open container used for holding liquid or serving food.

box boxes NOUN

A box is a container with straight sides, made from something stiff, like cardboard, wood or plastic.

boy boys NOUN

A boy is a male child.

bracelet bracelets NOUN

A bracelet is a band or chain which is worn round the wrist or arm as an ornament.

bracket brackets NOUN

Brackets are a pair of written marks ( ) placed round words that are not part of the main text.

See Punctuation on page 270 (#litres_trial_promo)

Braille NOUN

Braille is a form of writing using raised dots that blind people can read by touching the dots with their fingers.

brain brains NOUN

Your brain is inside your head and controls your whole body. It lets you think, feel and remember.

brainy brainier, brainiest ADJECTIVE

Someone who is brainy is clever and good at learning things.

brake brakes NOUN

The brake is the part of a vehicle that slows it down or stops it.

bramble brambles NOUN

A bramble is a wild bush with thorns.

The fruit are called blackberries.

branch branches NOUN

A branch is part of a tree that grows out from the trunk.

brass NOUN

Brass is a yellow metal made from copper and zinc. It is used for making things like ornaments and some musical instruments.

brave braver, bravest ADJECTIVE

If you are brave, you show you can do something even if it is frightening.

bravely ADVERB bravery NOUN

bread NOUN

Bread is a very common food, made with flour and baked in an oven.

See Other foods on page 261 (#litres_trial_promo)

breadth NOUN

The breadth of something is the distance that it measures from one side to the other.

break breaks, breaking, broke, broken

VERB 1 If you break something, it splits into pieces or stops working.

VERB 2 If you break a rule or a promise, you fail to keep it.

breakdown breakdowns NOUN

If someone’s car has a breakdown, it stops working during a journey.

breakfast breakfasts NOUN

Breakfast is the first meal of the day.

breast breasts NOUN

Breasts are the two round parts on the front of a woman’s body, which can produce milk to feed a baby.

breath NOUN

Your breath is the air that you take into and let out of your lungs.

breathe breathes, breathing, breathed VERB

When you breathe, you take air into your lungs through your nose or mouth, and then let it out again.

breed breeds NOUN

A breed of an animal is a particular kind. For example, a labrador is a breed of dog.

breeze breezes NOUN

A breeze is a gentle wind.

brick bricks NOUN

A brick is a block used for building. It is made of baked clay.

bride brides NOUN

A bride is a woman on or near her wedding day.

bridge bridges NOUN

A bridge is something built over things like rivers, railways or roads, so that people or vehicles can get across.

brief briefer, briefest ADJECTIVE

Something that is brief lasts only a short time.

briefly ADVERB

briefcase briefcases NOUN

A briefcase is a flat case used for carrying papers.

bright brighter, brightest

ADJECTIVE 1 Bright colours are clear and easy to see.

ADJECTIVE 2 A light that is bright shines strongly.

ADJECTIVE 3 Someone who is bright is quick at learning or noticing things.


ADJECTIVE 1 A brilliant colour or light is extremely bright.

ADJECTIVE 2 Someone who is brilliant is extremely clever or skilful.

brim brims

NOUN 1 If you fill a cup to the brim, you fill it right up to the top.

NOUN 2 The brim of a hat is the part that sticks outwards from the head.

bring brings, bringing, brought

VERB 1 If you bring someone on a visit, they come with you.

VERB 2 If you bring something, you have it with you when you arrive.

bristle bristles NOUN

The bristles of a brush are the thick hairs or thin pieces of plastic which are fixed to the main part of it.


If something is brittle, it is hard but easily broken.

broad broader, broadest ADJECTIVE

Something such as a road or river that is broad is very wide.

broadcast broadcasts NOUN

A broadcast is a programme or announcement on radio or television.

broke VERB

Broke is the past tense of break.

broken VERB

Broken is the past participle of break.

brooch brooches NOUN

A brooch is a small piece of jewellery which is worn pinned to a dress, blouse or coat.

broom brooms NOUN

A broom is a kind of brush with a long handle.

brother brothers NOUN

Someone’s brother is a boy or man who has the same parents as they have.

brought VERB

Brought is the past tense of bring.

brown browner, brownest ADJECTIVE

Something that is brown is the colour of earth or of wood.

See Colours and shapes on page 266 (#litres_trial_promo)

bruise bruises NOUN

A bruise is a purple mark on your skin where something has hit it.

brush brushes NOUN

A brush is a lot of bristles fixed to a handle. Different brushes are used for jobs like cleaning your teeth or painting.

bubble bubbles NOUN

A bubble is a ball of air or gas. You can make bubbles with soapy water. Fizzy lemonade has bubbles, too.

bucket buckets NOUN

A bucket is a container with a handle, often used for carrying water.

buckle buckles NOUN

A buckle is a fastening on the end of a belt or strap.

bud buds NOUN

A bud is a small lump on a plant which will open into a leaf or flower.

Buddhist Buddhists NOUN

A Buddhist is someone who follows the teachings of Buddha.

budgerigar budgerigars NOUN

Budgerigars are small brightly-coloured birds, often kept as pets.

buffalo buffaloes NOUN

A buffalo is an animal like a large cow with long curved horns.

bug bugs

NOUN 1 A bug is an insect.

NOUN 2 A bug is also an illness, such as a flu bug or a stomach bug.

build builds, building, built VERB

If you build something, you make it by joining things together.

builder builders NOUN

A builder is a person whose job is to build houses and other buildings.

building buildings NOUN

A building is a place like a house that has walls and a roof.

bulb bulbs

NOUN 1 A bulb is the glass part of a lamp that gives out light.

NOUN 2 A bulb is also a root shaped like an onion. Many spring flowers such as daffodils and tulips grow from bulbs.

bulge bulges, bulging, bulged VERB

If something bulges, it sticks out in a lump.

His pockets bulged with conkers.

bull bulls NOUN

A bull is a male cow, elephant or whale.

bulldozer bulldozers NOUN

A bulldozer is a tractor with a steel blade on the front. It is used for moving large amounts of earth or stone.

bullet bullets

NOUN 1 A bullet is a small piece of metal fired from a gun.

NOUN 2 A bullet point is a heavy dot used to draw attention to a piece of text.

bully bullies NOUN

A bully is someone who hurts or frightens other people.

bump bumps, bumping, bumped

VERB 1 If you bump into something, you hit it while you are moving.

NOUN 2 If you hear a bump, it sounds like something falling to the ground.

NOUN 3 A bump is a raised uneven part on a surface such as a road.

bumper bumpers NOUN

Bumpers are bars on the front and back of a vehicle that protect it if there is an accident.

bun buns NOUN

A bun is a small round cake.

bunch bunches NOUN

A bunch is a group of things together, like flowers or grapes.

See Collective nouns on page 268 (#litres_trial_promo)

bundle bundles NOUN

A bundle is a number of small things that have been tied together.

bungalow bungalows NOUN

A bungalow is a house with all its rooms on one floor.

burger burgers NOUN

A burger is a flat piece of minced meat. It is often eaten in a bread roll.

burglar burglars NOUN

A burglar is someone who breaks into buildings to steal things.

burn burns, burning, burned or burnt

VERB 1 If something is burning, it is being spoiled or destroyed by fire.

VERB 2 People often burn fuel, such as coal, to keep warm.

NOUN 3 A burn is an injury caused by heat or fire.

burrow burrows NOUN

A burrow is a hole in the ground that an animal lives in.

burst bursts, bursting, burst VERB

When something like a balloon or tyre bursts, it splits open suddenly.

bury buries, burying, buried VERB

If you bury something, you put it in a hole in the ground and cover it.

bus buses NOUN

A bus is a large motor vehicle. People pay to go on buses.

bush bushes NOUN

A bush is a large woody plant with lots of branches. It is smaller than a tree.

business businesses

NOUN 1 Business is the work of making, buying and selling things or services.

NOUN 2 A business is a group of people who make and sell things.

bus stop bus stops NOUN

A bus stop is a place where people can get on or off buses.

busy busier, busiest

ADJECTIVE 1 When you are busy, you are working hard on something.

ADJECTIVE 2 A place that is busy is full of people doing things or moving about.


You use but to join two parts of a sentence when the second part is unexpected. Megan likes most green vegetables, but she won’t eat broccoli.

butcher butchers NOUN

A butcher is a shopkeeper who cuts up meat and sells it.

butter NOUN

Butter is a yellow fat made from cream. You spread it on bread or use it for cooking.

See Other foods on page 261 (#litres_trial_promo)

butterfly butterflies NOUN

A butterfly is an insect with four large wings which flies during the day.

See Insects on page 264 (#litres_trial_promo)

button buttons

NOUN 1 A button is a small disc used to fasten clothes.

NOUN 2 A button is also a part of a machine that you press to make it work.

buy buys, buying, bought VERB

When you buy something, you get it by paying money for it.

buzz buzzes, buzzing, buzzed VERB

If something buzzes, it makes a “zzz” sound like a bee.


PREPOSITION 1 You use by to show who or what has done something. The announcement was made by the head teacher.

PREPOSITION 2 You use by to show how something is done. He cheered us up by taking us to the cinema.

PREPOSITION 3 You use by to talk about being next to or near to another thing. They live by the park.

PREPOSITION 4 If something happens by a particular time, it happens before that time. We should finish by tea time.

PREPOSITION OR ADVERB 5 You use by to talk about going past something. We drove by her house.

Cc (#ulink_b36ec50c-ca5a-5205-875b-fef13405c45b)

cab cabs

NOUN 1 The cab is the place where the driver sits in a bus, truck or train.

NOUN 2 A cab is another word for a taxi.

cabbage cabbages NOUN

A cabbage is a vegetable that looks like a large ball of leaves.

See Vegetables on page 260 (#litres_trial_promo)

cabin cabins

NOUN 1 A cabin is a room in a ship, boat or aeroplane for passengers or crew.

NOUN 2 A cabin is also a small house in a wild place such as a forest.

cable cables

NOUN 1 A cable is a thick rope or chain.

NOUN 2 A cable is also a bundle of wires with a rubber covering, which carries electricity.

NOUN 3 Cable television is a system in which the signals are sent along wires.

cactus cactuses or cacti NOUN

A cactus is a plant with spines. It can grow in hot, dry places like deserts.

café cafés NOUN

A café is a place with tables and chairs where you buy drinks and snacks.

cage cages NOUN

A cage is a box or room with bars in which birds or animals are kept.

cake cakes NOUN

A cake is a sweet food made with flour, sugar, fat and eggs, and baked in an oven.

See Other foods on page 261 (#litres_trial_promo)

calculate calculates, calculating, calculated VERB

If you calculate something in maths, you work it out.

calculation calculations NOUN

A calculation is something you work out in maths.

calculator calculators NOUN

A calculator is a small electronic machine which you can use to give you the answer to different calculations.

calendar calendars NOUN

A calendar is a list of the months, weeks and days in a year.

calf calves

NOUN 1 Calves are young cows, elephants and whales.

See Young animals on page 265 (#litres_trial_promo)

NOUN 2 Your calf is the part at the back of your leg between the knee and ankle.

call calls, calling, called

VERB 1 If you call someone, you shout for them, or telephone them.

VERB 2 If you call someone something, you give them a name.

VERB 3 If an animal or thing is called something, that is their name.

calm calmer, calmest

ADJECTIVE 1 If you are calm, you do not seem worried or excited.

ADJECTIVE 2 If the sea is calm, it is smooth and still because there is no wind.

came VERB

Came is the past tense of come.

camel camels NOUN

A camel is a large animal which carries people and things in the desert.

camera cameras NOUN

A camera is a piece of equipment you use to take pictures.

camouflage camouflages, camouflaging, camouflaged VERB

To camouflage something is to hide it by giving it the same colour or appearance as its surroundings.

camp camps NOUN

A camp is a place where people stay in tents.

can could; cans

VERB 1 If you can do something, you are able to do it. I can swim.

NOUN 2 A can is a metal container for something like food, drink or paint.

canal canals NOUN

A canal is a narrow stretch of water made for boats to travel along.

cancel cancels, cancelling, cancelled VERB

If you cancel something that has been planned, you stop it from happening.

candle candles NOUN

A candle is a wax stick with a string called a wick inside. You light the wick and it burns to give light.

cane canes

NOUN 1 A cane is the long hollow stem of a plant such as bamboo.

NOUN 2 A cane is a tall narrow stick used to support things.

cannot VERB

Cannot is the same as can not.

canoe canoes NOUN

A canoe is a small light boat, moved with a paddle.

can’t VERB

Can’t is a contraction of cannot.

canvas NOUN

Canvas is strong cloth, used for making things like tents and sails.

canyon canyons NOUN

A canyon is a narrow valley with very steep sides, often with a river.

cap caps

NOUN 1 A cap is a soft flat hat with a peak at the front.

NOUN 2 A cap is also a small flat lid on a bottle or container.


If a person is capable of doing something, they are able to do it. He’s capable of doing better.

capacity capacities NOUN

The capacity of something is the largest amount it can hold, produce or carry.

The capacity of this jug is one litre.

capital capitals

NOUN 1 The capital is the main city in a country. Paris is the capital of France.

NOUN 2 A capital is a big letter of the alphabet, such as A, B and C. Capital letters are also called upper-case letters.

See lower-case (#litres_trial_promo)

See also Punctuation on page 270 (#litres_trial_promo)

captain captains

NOUN 1 A captain is the person in charge of a ship or an aeroplane.

NOUN 2 A captain is the person who leads a team in sports like football.

caption captions NOUN

A caption is the words printed underneath a picture which explain what the picture is about.

capture captures, capturing, captured VERB

If you capture somebody, you take them prisoner.

car cars NOUN

A car is a road vehicle with wheels and an engine. It needs a driver and has room for passengers.

caravan caravans NOUN

A caravan is a vehicle pulled by a car in which people live or spend their holidays.

carbon NOUN

Carbon is a chemical found in coal and diamonds. All living things contain carbon.

carbon footprint carbon footprints NOUN

Your carbon footprint is the amount of pollution released into the atmosphere by the things you do.

card cards

NOUN 1 Card is strong, stiff paper.

NOUN 2 A greetings card usually has a picture on the front and is sent to people on special days such as birthdays.

NOUN 3 Playing cards are small pieces of card with numbers or pictures on them. They are used for card games.

cardboard NOUN

Cardboard is thick, stiff paper.

cardigan cardigans NOUN

A cardigan is a knitted jacket. You fasten it at the front with buttons.

care cares, caring, cared

VERB 1 If you care about something or someone, you think they are important.

VERB 2 If you care for a person or animal, you look after them.

NOUN 3 If you do something with care, you take trouble over it.

career careers NOUN

Someone’s career is the work they do, which they hope to do for a long time. John wants a career in teaching.


If someone is careful, they try to do things safely and well.

careless ADJECTIVE

If you are careless, you do not pay attention to what you are doing.

caretaker caretakers NOUN

A caretaker is a person who looks after a large building such as a school.

cargo cargoes NOUN

Cargo is the goods carried on a ship or plane.

carnival carnivals NOUN

A carnival is a sort of party in the streets.

There is usually music and dancing, and people dress up and decorate cars and trucks.

carpenter carpenters NOUN

A carpenter is a person who works with wood, usually for furniture.

carpet carpets NOUN

A carpet is a thick covering for a floor, often made of wool.

carriage carriages

NOUN 1 A carriage is one of the vehicles that make up a passenger train.

NOUN 2 A carriage is also a vehicle with wheels, pulled by horses.

carrot carrots NOUN

A carrot is a long thin orange vegetable that grows under the ground.

See Vegetables on page 260 (#litres_trial_promo)

carry carries, carrying, carried VERB

When you carry something, you pick it up and take it with you.

cart carts NOUN

A cart is a heavy wooden vehicle pulled by horses or cattle on farms.

carton cartons NOUN

A carton is a strong cardboard or plastic box for holding food or drink.

cartoon cartoons

NOUN 1 A cartoon is a film where the characters are drawn instead of being real people.

NOUN 2 A cartoon is also a funny drawing in a magazine, newspaper or book.

cartwheel cartwheels NOUN

A cartwheel is a movement. You put your hands on the floor and move your legs round in a circle until you land on your feet again.

carve carves, carving, carved

VERB 1 If you carve an object, you cut it out of something like stone or wood.

VERB 2 If someone carves a piece of meat, they cut slices from it.

case cases NOUN

A case is a box for keeping or carrying things in.

cash NOUN

Cash is coins and paper money.

cast casts, casting, cast

NOUN 1 The cast of a play or film is all the people who act in it.

NOUN 2 A cast is an object made by pouring liquid plaster or metal into a container and leaving it to harden.

VERB 3 If something casts a shadow onto a place, it makes a shadow fall there.

VERB 4 If someone like a witch casts a spell on someone or something, they do magic that affects that person or thing.

castle castles NOUN

A castle is a large building with thick walls or ditches round it to protect it from attack.

cat cats NOUN

A cat is a small furry animal, often kept as a pet. There are also larger, wild cats, such as lions and tigers.

catalogue catalogues NOUN

A catalogue is a list of things for sale or for looking at.

catch catches, catching, caught

VERB 1 If you catch something, you take hold of it while it is moving.

VERB 2 If you catch a bus or train, you get on it to go somewhere.

VERB 3 If you catch something like measles, you get that illness.

catching ADJECTIVE

An illness that is catching can spread very quickly.

category categories NOUN

A category is a set of things with a particular feature or quality in common.

caterpillar caterpillars NOUN

A caterpillar is a very small animal like a worm with legs, that will change into a butterfly or moth.

cathedral cathedrals NOUN

A cathedral is a large, important church.

cattle NOUN

Bulls and cows are called cattle.

caught VERB

Caught is the past tense of catch.

cauliflower cauliflowers NOUN

A cauliflower is a round white vegetable with green leaves on the outside.

See Vegetables on page 260 (#litres_trial_promo)

cause causes, causing, caused VERB

To cause something means to make it happen.

cautious ADJECTIVE

Someone who is cautious acts carefully to avoid possible danger.

cave caves NOUN

A cave is a large hole in the side of a hill or cliff, or under the ground.


CD is an abbreviation of compact disc.


CD-ROM is an abbreviation of compact disc read-only memory. It is a disc which can be played on a computer to show sounds and pictures.

ceiling ceilings NOUN

The ceiling is the inside roof of a room.

celebrate celebrates, celebrating, celebrated VERB

If you celebrate something, you do something enjoyable like having a party, to show it is a special occasion.

celebrity celebrities NOUN

A celebrity is a famous person.

celery NOUN

Celery is a vegetable with long, pale green stalks.

See Vegetables on page 260 (#litres_trial_promo)

cell cells

NOUN 1 Animals and plants are made from tiny parts called cells.

NOUN 2 A cell is also a small room where a prisoner lives.

cellar cellars NOUN

A cellar is a room under a house where you can store things.

cement NOUN

Cement is a grey powder which is mixed with sand and water and used to make bricks stick together.

cemetery cemeteries NOUN

A cemetery is a place where dead people are buried.

centimetre centimetres NOUN

A centimetre (cm) is a measure of length. It is the same as 10 millimetres.

centipede centipedes NOUN

A centipede is a tiny animal like a worm, but with lots of legs.


Something that is central is in the middle of an object or an area.

centre centres

NOUN 1 The centre of anything is the middle of it.

NOUN 2 A centre is a place where people can go for a particular purpose, for example sports.

century centuries NOUN

A century is a period of 100 years. The 21st century is the time between 2000 and 2099.

cereal cereals

NOUN 1 Cereal is a plant which has seeds called grain that can be used for food.

NOUN 2 Cereal is also a food made from grain that is often eaten for breakfast.

See Other foods on page 261 (#litres_trial_promo)

ceremony ceremonies NOUN

A ceremony is a set of formal actions performed at a special occasion such as a wedding.


If you are certain of something, you are sure it is true.

certificate certificates NOUN

A certificate is a piece of paper which says that something important like a birth or marriage took place.

chain chains NOUN

A chain is made from rings of metal joined together in a line.

chair chairs NOUN

A chair is a seat with a back, for one person.

chalk NOUN

Chalk is a soft white rock. It can be made into sticks for writing on blackboards.

challenge challenges, challenging, challenged

NOUN 1 A challenge is something new and exciting that needs a lot of effort. Learning how to cook is a new challenge for me.

VERB 2 If someone challenges you, they ask you to have a competition with them.

champion champions NOUN

A champion is a person who has beaten everyone else in a contest.

chance chances

NOUN 1 If there is a chance that something will happen, it might happen.

NOUN 2 If you are given a chance to do something, you are allowed to do it if you want to.

by chance PHRASE If something happens by chance, it has not been planned.

change changes, changing, changed

VERB 1 When something changes, it becomes different.

VERB 2 When you change your clothes, you put on different ones.

NOUN 3 If there is a change in something, it is different in some way.

NOUN 4 Change is the money you are given when you pay more than the right amount for something.

channel channels

NOUN 1 A channel is a passage for water or other liquid.

NOUN 2 Television companies use channels to broadcast programmes.

chaos NOUN

Chaos is a state of complete confusion, where nothing is organized.

chapter chapters NOUN

A chapter is a part of a book.

character characters

NOUN 1 The characters of a book, film or play are the people it is about.

NOUN 2 Someone’s character is the sort of person they are. She has a kind character.

charge charges, charging, charged

VERB 1 If someone charges you money, they ask you to pay for something.

VERB 2 If something or someone charges towards you, they rush forward.

in charge PHRASE If you are in charge of something, you are the person looking after it.

charity charities NOUN

A charity is an organization which raises money for a particular cause, such as people in need.

charm charms

NOUN 1 A charm is a small ornament that is fixed to a bracelet or necklace.

NOUN 2 A charm is also a magical spell or an object that is supposed to bring good luck.

chart charts

NOUN 1 A chart is a sheet of paper that shows things like dates or numbers.

NOUN 2 A chart can also be a map of the sea or of the stars.

chase chases, chasing, chased VERB

If you chase someone, you run after them to try and catch them.

chat chats NOUN

A chat is a friendly talk about things that are not very important.

chatroom chatrooms NOUN

A chatroom is a site on a computer network where people discuss a particular subject.

chatter chatters, chattering, chattered VERB

When people chatter, they talk about unimportant things.

cheap cheaper, cheapest ADJECTIVE

Something cheap costs very little, or less than you might expect.

cheat cheats, cheating, cheated VERB

When someone cheats, they lie or do unfair things to get what they want.

check checks, checking, checked

VERB 1 If you check something, you make sure it is correct or safe.

NOUN 2 A check is a pattern of squares.

checkout checkouts NOUN

A checkout is the place in a supermarket where you pay.

cheek cheeks NOUN

Your cheeks are the sides of your face below your eyes.

cheeky cheekier, cheekiest ADJECTIVE

Cheeky speech or behaviour is rude and disrespectful.

cheer cheers, cheering, cheered VERB

When you cheer, you shout to show you are pleased about something or to encourage a person or team.

cheerful ADJECTIVE

Someone who is cheerful shows they are feeling happy.

cheese cheeses NOUN

Cheese is a food made from milk. Some cheeses have a strong flavour.

See Other foods on page 261 (#litres_trial_promo)

cheetah cheetahs NOUN

A cheetah is a large wild animal of the cat family, with black spots.

chef chefs NOUN

A chef is the head cook in a restaurant or hotel.

chemist chemists

NOUN 1 A chemist is a person who makes up medicine.

NOUN 2 The chemist is a shop where you can buy medicine and things like soap and toothpaste.

NOUN 3 A chemist can be a scientist trained in chemistry.

chemistry NOUN

Chemistry is the scientific study of how substances are made up and how they work together.

cheque cheques NOUN

A cheque is a piece of paper that people use to pay for things.

cherry cherries NOUN

A cherry is a small round red or black fruit with a hard seed called a stone in the middle.

See Fruit on page 260 (#litres_trial_promo)

chess NOUN

Chess is a game for two people. It is played on a board marked in black and white squares.

chest chests

NOUN 1 Your chest is the top part of the front of your body, between your neck and your waist.

NOUN 2 A chest is a large heavy box, usually made of wood.

chestnut chestnuts

NOUN 1 A chestnut is a large tree.

NOUN 2 A chestnut is also a shiny brown nut that grows on a chestnut tree.

chew chews, chewing, chewed VERB

When you chew food, you bite it several times.

chick chicks NOUN

A chick is a baby bird.

See Young animals on page 265 (#litres_trial_promo)

chicken chickens NOUN

A chicken is a bird kept on a farm for its eggs and meat.

chickenpox NOUN

Chickenpox is an illness that gives you itchy spots.

chief chiefs NOUN

A chief is a person in charge of other people.

child children NOUN

A child is a young boy or girl.

childhood NOUN

A person’s childhood is the time of life when they are a child.

childish ADJECTIVE

You call a person childish if they are not acting like an adult is expected to act.

children PLURAL NOUN

Children is the plural of child.

chilly chillier, chilliest ADJECTIVE

If you feel chilly, you are not quite warm enough to be comfortable.

chime chimes NOUN

A chime is the musical sound made by a bell or a clock.

chimney chimneys NOUN

A chimney is a pipe which takes smoke from a fire up into the air.

chimpanzee chimpanzees NOUN

A chimpanzee is a small ape with dark fur that lives in forests in Africa.

chin chins NOUN

Your chin is the part of your face below your mouth.

chip chips, chipping, chipped

NOUN 1 A chip is a long thin fried piece of potato.

See Other foods on page 261 (#litres_trial_promo)

NOUN 2 A silicon chip is a tiny piece of special material used in computers.

VERB 3 When you chip something, you break a small piece off it.

chisel chisels NOUN

A chisel is a tool with a long thin blade and a sharp end, which is used for cutting wood or stone.

chocolate chocolates

NOUN 1 Chocolate is a brown sweet or drink made from cocoa.

NOUN 2 A chocolate is a sweet covered with a layer of chocolate.

choice choices

NOUN 1 A choice is the different things that you can choose from.

NOUN 2 A choice can also be someone or something that you choose. If you need a captain, Jessica would be a good choice.

choir choirs NOUN

A choir is a group of people who sing together.

choke chokes, choking, choked VERB

If you choke, you cannot breathe because not enough air can get to your lungs. He choked on a chicken bone.

choose chooses, choosing, chose, chosen VERB

To choose something is to decide which thing you want to have or do.

chop chops, chopping, chopped

VERB 1 When someone chops something like wood, they cut it with an axe.

NOUN 2 A chop is a slice of meat on a bone.

chorus choruses NOUN

A chorus is a part of a song which is repeated after each verse.

chose VERB

Chose is the past tense of choose.

chosen VERB

Chosen is the past participle of choose.

Christian Christians NOUN

A Christian is someone who follows the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Christmas Christmases NOUN

Christmas is a Christian festival held on December 25, when the birth of Jesus Christ is celebrated.

chuckle chuckles, chuckling, chuckled VERB

When you chuckle, you laugh quietly.

church churches NOUN

A church is a building where Christians worship.

cigarette cigarettes NOUN

A cigarette is a thin roll of paper with tobacco in, which people smoke.

cinema cinemas NOUN

A cinema is a place where people watch films.

circle circles NOUN

A circle is a perfect round shape.

circular ADJECTIVE

See Colours and shapes on page 266 (#litres_trial_promo)

circuit circuits NOUN

A circuit is the complete path that an electric current flows through. You can make a simple circuit with a battery, a bulb and wires.

circumference circumferences NOUN

The circumference of a circle is the distance around its edge.

circus circuses NOUN

A circus is a travelling group of people such as clowns and acrobats.

city cities NOUN

A city is a large busy town.

claim claims, claiming, claimed

VERB 1 If someone claims something, they ask for it because it is theirs.

VERB 2 If you claim something is the case, you say it is the case. Amy claims she was the first to finish.

clap claps, clapping, clapped VERB

When you clap, you make a noise by hitting your hands together.

class classes

NOUN 1 A class is a group of people who are taught together.

NOUN 2 A class is also a group of people or things that are alike in some way.

classify classifies, classifying, classified VERB

To classify things is to arrange them in groups with similar features. These books are classified as non-fiction.

classroom classrooms NOUN

A classroom is a room in a school where children have lessons.

clause clauses NOUN

In grammar, a clause is a group of words with a subject and a verb. It may be a complete sentence or one part of a sentence. For example, “the girl laughed” is a clause because it has a subject (the girl) and a verb (laughed).

claw claws NOUN

The claws of a bird or animal are the hard curved nails at the end of its feet.

clay NOUN

Clay is a type of sticky earth that goes hard when it is dry. It is used to make bricks and pots.

clean cleaner, cleanest ADJECTIVE

If something is clean, it is free from dirt.

clear clearer, clearest; clears, clearing, cleared

ADJECTIVE 1 If a thing is clear, you can see through it.

ADJECTIVE 2 If something you say or write is clear, it is easy to understand.

VERB 3 If you clear an area, you move things that are not wanted out of the way.

clever cleverer, cleverest ADJECTIVE

Someone who is clever is able to learn and understand things easily.

click clicks, clicking, clicked VERB

When you click something, it makes a short snapping sound.

cliff cliffs NOUN

A cliff is a steep hill by the sea.

climate climates NOUN

The climate of a place is the sort of weather it usually has.

climb climbs, climbing, climbed VERB

When you climb something, you move upwards using your hands and feet.

cling clings, clinging, clung VERB

If you cling to someone or something, you hold onto them tightly.

clinic clinics NOUN

A clinic is where people go to get help from a doctor or nurse.

clip clips, clipping, clipped

NOUN 1 A clip is something small and springy which holds things in place.

VERB 2 If you clip something like a hedge, you cut small pieces off it.

cloak cloaks NOUN

A cloak is a loose coat without sleeves that fastens at the neck.

cloakroom cloakrooms NOUN

A cloakroom is a room where coats can be left.

clock clocks NOUN

A clock is an instrument that measures and shows the time.

clockwise ADVERB

If something goes clockwise, it moves in the same direction as the hands on a clock.

clockwork ADJECTIVE

Clockwork toys move when they are wound up with a key.

close closer, closest; closes, closing, closed

(rhymes with dose) ADJECTIVE 1 If something is close, it is very near.

(rhymes with doze) VERB 2 When you close something like a door, you shut it.


If something is closed, it is not open.

cloth cloths

NOUN 1 Cloth is material made from something like cotton or wool.

NOUN 2 A cloth is a piece of cloth used for cleaning.


Clothes are the things people wear, such as shirts, trousers and dresses.

See Clothes on page 257 (#litres_trial_promo)

cloud clouds

NOUN 1 A cloud is a patch of white or grey mist that floats in the sky.

NOUN 2 You can use cloud to describe a lot of smoke, steam or dust.


clover NOUN

Clover is a small wild plant. It has white or purple flowers, and leaves divided into three parts.

clown clowns NOUN

A clown is someone in a circus who wears funny clothes and does silly things to make people laugh.

club clubs NOUN

A club is an organization joined by people who are interested in the same thing, such as chess or riding.

clue clues NOUN

A clue is something that helps to solve a problem or mystery.

clump clumps NOUN

A clump is a small group of plants growing together.

clumsy clumsier, clumsiest ADJECTIVE

Someone who is clumsy moves awkwardly and carelessly.

clumsily ADVERB

clung VERB

Clung is the past tense of cling.

cluster clusters NOUN

A cluster is a number of things close together in a small group.

clutch clutches, clutching, clutched VERB

If you clutch something, you hold it tightly with your hand.

clutter NOUN

Clutter is an untidy mess.

coach coaches

NOUN 1 A coach is a long motor vehicle used for taking passengers on long journeys.

NOUN 2 A coach is also a section of a train that carries passengers.

NOUN 3 A coach is someone who trains you for a sport or gives you extra lessons.

coal NOUN

Coal is a hard black rock which is dug out of the ground and burned to give heat.

coarse coarser, coarsest ADJECTIVE

Anything that is coarse looks and feels rough.

coast coasts NOUN

The coast is the place where the land meets the sea.

coat coats

NOUN 1 A coat is a piece of clothing with long sleeves, that you wear over other clothes when you go out.

NOUN 2 An animal’s coat is its fur.

NOUN 3 A layer of paint is called a coat.

cobweb cobwebs NOUN

A cobweb is a net made by a spider to trap insects.

cock cocks NOUN

A cock is any male bird.

cocoa NOUN

Cocoa is a brown powder made from the seeds of the cacao tree, and also a hot drink made from this powder.

coconut coconuts NOUN

A coconut is a large nut with white flesh, milky juice, and a hard hairy shell.

cocoon cocoons NOUN

A cocoon is a covering of silky threads that some young insects make for themselves before they grow into adults.

cod NOUN

A cod is a large sea fish which is caught for food.

code codes

NOUN 1 A code is a system of changing letters in a message for other letters or symbols, so that only people who know the code can read it.

NOUN 2 A code is also a group of letters and numbers that identify something. Do you know the telephone code for York?

NOUN 3 A code is also a set of rules.

coffee NOUN

Coffee is a coarse powder made by grinding roasted coffee beans, and also a hot drink made from this powder.

See Drinks on page 261 (#litres_trial_promo)

cog cogs NOUN

A cog is a wheel with teeth which turns another part of a machine.

coil coils NOUN

A coil is a series of loops into which something has been wound.

coin coins NOUN

A coin is a small piece of metal used as money.

cold colder, coldest; colds

ADJECTIVE 1 If the weather is cold, the temperature outside is low.

NOUN 2 A cold is a common illness. You sneeze and your nose feels blocked.

collage collages NOUN

A collage is a picture made by sticking pieces of paper or cloth onto a surface.

collapse collapses, collapsing, collapsed VERB

If someone or something collapses, they suddenly fall down.

collar collars

NOUN 1 The collar of a shirt or jacket is the part that fits round your neck.

NOUN 2 A collar is also a leather band round the neck of a dog or cat.

collect collects, collecting, collected

VERB 1 If you collect a number of things, you bring them together for a special reason. She collected sticks for firewood.

VERB 2 If you collect someone or something from a place, you call there and take them away. We had to collect her from school.

collection collections NOUN

A collection is a group of things brought together over a period of time. My dad’s got a huge stamp collection.

collective noun collective nouns NOUN

In grammar, a collective noun refers to a group of things. For example, a group of sheep is called a “flock”.

See Collective nouns on page 268 (#litres_trial_promo)

college colleges NOUN

A college is where people go to study after they have left school.

collide collides, colliding, collided VERB

If a moving object collides with something, it hits it.

collision NOUN

colon colons NOUN

The punctuation mark : is a colon. You can use it in several ways, for example in front of a list of things.

See Punctuation on page 270 (#litres_trial_promo)

colour colours NOUN

The colour of something is the way it looks in daylight. The colour of grass is green.

See Colours and shapes on page 266 (#litres_trial_promo)

colt colts NOUN

A colt is a young male horse.

column columns

NOUN 1 A column is a tall stone post which supports part of a building.

NOUN 2 A column is also a vertical strip of print in a newspaper or magazine.

NOUN 3 If numbers are arranged in vertical lists, these are called columns.

comb combs NOUN

A comb is a flat piece of plastic or metal with narrow teeth on one edge. You use it to tidy your hair.

combine combines, combining, combined VERB

If you combine things, you mix them together.

come comes, coming, came, come

VERB 1 To come to a place is to move there or arrive there.

VERB 2 If you come from a place, you were born there, or it is your home.

comedy comedies NOUN

A comedy is a play or film that makes people laugh.

comet comets NOUN

A comet is an object which travels around the sun, leaving a long bright trail behind it.

comfort comforts, comforting, comforted VERB

If you comfort someone, you make them feel less worried or unhappy.

comfortable ADJECTIVE

If something is comfortable, it is easy to wear or use.

comic comics NOUN

A comic is a magazine that tells stories in pictures.

comma commas NOUN

A comma is a punctuation mark (,) which is used to separate parts of a sentence or items on a list.

See Punctuation on page 270 (#litres_trial_promo)

command commands, commanding, commanded VERB

If you command someone to do something, you order them to do it.

commercial commercials NOUN

A commercial is an advertisement on television or radio.


If something is common, you often see it or it often happens.

common noun common nouns NOUN

Common nouns name things in general. For example, “boy”, “dog” and “computer” are all common nouns.

See Noun on page 268 (#litres_trial_promo)

common sense NOUN

If you have common sense, you usually act sensibly and do the right thing.

commotion NOUN

A commotion is a lot of noise, confusion and excitement.

communicate communicates, communicating, communicated VERB

If you communicate with someone, you give them information by talking or writing to them.

compact disc compact discs NOUN

A compact disc is a round flat silver-coloured object which can store information. It is called a CD for short.

company companies

NOUN 1 Company is being with others so you are not lonely.

NOUN 2 A company is a group of people who work together to make or sell things.

comparative comparatives NOUN

In grammar, the comparative is the form of an adjective which has “more” of that adjective. For example, “happier” is the comparative of “happy”.

See Adjective on page 269 (#litres_trial_promo)

compare compares, comparing, compared VERB

When you compare two or more things, you look at them to see in what ways they are the same or different.

compass compasses

NOUN 1 A compass is an instrument with a needle that always points to north.

NOUN 2 A pair of compasses is an instrument used for drawing circles.

compass point compass points NOUN

The main compass points are north, south, east and west.

competition competitions NOUN

A competition is an event to find out who is best at doing something.

complain complains, complaining, complained VERB

If you complain, you say that you are not happy about something.


ADJECTIVE 1 If something is complete, it has been finished.

ADJECTIVE 2 If you talk about a complete thing, you mean all of it. I need a complete change of clothes.

complicated ADJECTIVE

Something complicated is made up of so many parts that it is difficult to understand or deal with.

compose composes, composing, composed VERB

If you compose something, like a poem or a piece of music, you write it.

compound compounds NOUN

In language, a compound is a word that is made up of two or more words. “Playground”, “armchair” and “toothache” are all compounds.

computer computers NOUN

A computer is a machine that stores information and works things out according to instructions in a program.

conceal conceals, concealing, concealed VERB

If you conceal something, you hide it carefully.

concentrate concentrates, concentrating, concentrated VERB

If you concentrate on something, you give it all your attention.

concerned ADJECTIVE

If you are concerned about something, it worries you.

concert concerts NOUN

A concert is a performance by musicians, usually in a big hall.

conclusion conclusions

NOUN 1 A conclusion is something you decide is true after you have thought carefully.

NOUN 2 The conclusion of something is its ending.

concrete NOUN

Concrete is a building material made of cement, sand and water, which goes hard when it is set.

condition conditions

NOUN 1 The condition of something is the state it is in.

NOUN 2 A condition is a rule you must agree to before you are allowed to do something. You can go out on one condition – you must be home by five.

conductor conductors NOUN

A conductor is someone who controls the way musicians play together.

cone cones NOUN

A cone is a solid curved shape with a flat circular base and a pointed top.

See Solid shapes on page 266 (#litres_trial_promo)

confess confesses, confessing, confessed VERB

If you confess, you say that you have done something wrong.


ADJECTIVE 1 If you are confident about something, you are sure about it.

ADJECTIVE 2 People who are confident know that they can do something well.

confuse confuses, confusing, confused

VERB 1 To confuse someone means to make them unsure what to do. The new road layout confused everyone.

VERB 2 If you confuse two things, you mix them up by mistake. I always confuse the twins because they are so alike.

congratulate congratulates, congratulating, congratulated VERB

If you congratulate someone, you say you are pleased that something special has happened to them.

conjunction conjunctions NOUN

In grammar, a conjunction is a word that joins two other words or parts of a sentence. “And”, “but”, “while” and “although” are all conjunctions.

connect connects, connecting, connected VERB

If you connect two things, you join them together.

connective connectives NOUN

In grammar, a connective is a word or phrase that joins parts of a text. For example, “and”, “at last” and “because” are connectives.

conquer conquers, conquering, conquered VERB

To conquer people is to take control of their country by force.

conscious ADJECTIVE

If you are conscious, you are awake and know what is happening.

consecutive ADJECTIVE

If things are consecutive, they happen one after the other. October, November and December are consecutive months.

conservation NOUN

Conservation is the protection of the environment.

consider considers, considering, considered VERB

If you consider something, you think about it carefully.

consist consists, consisting, consisted VERB

Something that consists of particular things is made up of them. The book consists of an introduction, ten chapters and an index.

consonant consonants NOUN

A consonant is any letter of the alphabet except a, e, i, o and u.

See vowel (#litres_trial_promo)

constant ADJECTIVE

Something that is constant happens all the time. My friend Elizabeth complains of a constant headache.

construct constructs, constructing, constructed VERB

If you construct something, you build it or make it.

consume consumes, consuming, consumed VERB

If you consume something, you eat or drink it, or use it up.

contain contains, containing, contained VERB

The things that something contains are the things in it.

container containers NOUN

A container is something you put things in.


If you are content, you are happy and satisfied with your life.

contents PLURAL NOUN

The contents of something like a box or cake are the things in it. The contents page of a book tells you what is in it.

contest contests NOUN

A contest is a competition or game which you try to win.

continent continents NOUN

A continent is a very large area of land, such as Africa or Asia.

continue continues, continuing, continued VERB

If you continue to do something, you go on doing it.

continuous ADJECTIVE

Something that is continuous goes on without stopping.

contraction contractions NOUN

A contraction is a shortened form of a word or of words. For example, “I’m” is a contraction of “I am”.

contradict contradicts, contradicting, contradicted VERB

If you contradict someone, you say the opposite of what they have just said.

control controls, controlling, controlled

VERB 1 If you control something, you make it behave exactly as you want it to.

NOUN 2 The controls on a machine are knobs or other things used to work it.

convenient ADJECTIVE

If something is convenient, it is easy to use or do.

conversation conversations NOUN

If you have a conversation with someone, you talk to each other.

convince convinces, convincing, convinced VERB

If someone or something convinces you, they make you believe that something is true.

cook cooks, cooking, cooked VERB

When you cook food, you prepare it for eating by heating it.

cooker cookers NOUN

A cooker is a piece of equipment for cooking food.

cookie cookies NOUN

A cookie is another word for a biscuit.

cool cooler, coolest ADJECTIVE

If something is cool, its temperature is low but it is not cold.

coordinates NOUN

Coordinates are two numbers or letters which help you find the exact position of something. They are often used on maps, graphs and charts.

cope copes, coping, coped VERB

If you cope with a task or problem, you deal with it successfully.

copper NOUN

Copper is a reddish-brown metal.

copy copies, copying, copied

NOUN 1 A copy is something made to look exactly like something else.

VERB 2 If you copy something, you make a copy of it.

VERB 3 If you copy what someone does, you do the same thing.

coral corals NOUN

Coral is a hard substance that forms in the sea from the skeletons of tiny animals called corals.

cord cords NOUN

Cord is thick, strong string.

core cores NOUN

The core of a fruit is the hard part in the middle that contains seeds.

cork corks

NOUN 1 Cork is the light bark of the cork oak tree.

NOUN 2 A cork is a piece of cork used to block the open end of a bottle.

corn NOUN

Corn is a cereal crop, such as wheat or sweet corn.

corner corners NOUN

A corner is the place where two edges or roads join.

correct corrects, correcting, corrected

ADJECTIVE 1 Something that is correct is true and has no mistakes.

VERB 2 If you correct your work, you put right any mistakes you made.

corridor corridors NOUN

A corridor is a long passage in a building or train.

cost costs, costing, cost VERB

If something costs an amount of money, you can buy it for that amount.

costume costumes NOUN

A costume is the clothes worn by an actor, or that people wear for special events.

cosy cosier, cosiest ADJECTIVE

A house or room that is cosy is comfortable and warm, and not too big.

cot cots NOUN

A cot is a bed with high sides for a baby or a young child.

cottage cottages NOUN

A cottage is a small house, usually in the country.


NOUN 1 Cotton is cloth made from the soft fibres of the cotton plant.

NOUN 2 Cotton is also a thread used for sewing.

NOUN 3 Cotton wool is soft fluffy cotton, often used for cleaning the skin.

cough coughs NOUN

A cough is a noise made by someone forcing air out of their throat.


VERB 1 Could is part of the verb can. You use could to say that something might happen. It could rain tomorrow.

VERB 2 You also say could when you are asking for something politely. Could you please tell me the way to the station?

council councils NOUN

The council is a group of people who look after the affairs of a town, district or county.

count counts, counting, counted

VERB 1 When you count, you say numbers in order. Count up to a hundred.

VERB 2 If you count a number of things, you are finding out how many there are.

counter counters

NOUN 1 A counter is a long narrow table in a shop, where things are sold.

NOUN 2 A counter is also a small round flat object, usually made of plastic, that is used in board games.

country countries

NOUN 1 A country is a land that has its own government and often its own language.

NOUN 2 The country is land away from towns and cities.

couple couples

NOUN 1 A couple of things or people means two of them. It should only take a couple of days.

NOUN 2 Two people are sometimes called a couple, especially if they are married or having a relationship.

coupon coupons NOUN

A coupon is a piece of printed paper that allows you to pay less than usual for something.

courage NOUN

Courage is not showing that you are afraid of something.

course courses

NOUN 1 A course is a series of lessons.

NOUN 2 A course can also be one part of a meal.

of course PHRASE You use of course to make something you are saying stronger. Of course I still want to go.

court courts

NOUN 1 A court is an area marked out for a game like tennis or badminton.

NOUN 2 A court is also a place where things to do with the law are decided.

NOUN 3 The court of a king or queen is where they live with their family.

courtyard courtyards NOUN

A courtyard is an open flat area of ground with walls all round it.

cousin cousins NOUN

Your cousin is a child of your uncle or aunt.

cover covers, covering, covered

VERB 1 If you cover something, you put something over it to protect or hide it.

NOUN 2 The covers on a bed are the blankets or duvet that you have over you to keep you warm.

NOUN 3 The cover of a book or magazine is the outside of it.

cow cows NOUN

A cow is a large farm animal that gives milk.

coward cowards NOUN

A coward is someone who avoids anything dangerous, painful or difficult.

cowboy cowboys NOUN

A cowboy is a man whose job is to look after cattle.

crab crabs NOUN

A crab is a sea animal. It has four pairs of legs, two pincers, and a flat round body covered by a shell.

crack cracks, cracking, cracked

VERB 1 If you crack something, or it cracks, it has a small split in it but does not quite break.

NOUN 2 A crack is the line on something that shows it is nearly broken.

NOUN 3 A crack is also a sudden loud noise.

cracker crackers

NOUN 1 A cracker is a thin crisp biscuit, often slightly salty.

NOUN 2 A cracker can be a cardboard tube covered in coloured paper, that people have at parties. It makes a sharp sound when you pull the ends apart.

cradle cradles NOUN

A cradle is a small box-shaped bed for a baby.

crane cranes

NOUN 1 A crane is a machine that moves heavy things by lifting them.

NOUN 2 A crane is also a large water bird with long legs and a long neck.

crash crashes, crashing, crashed

NOUN 1 A crash is a traffic accident.

NOUN 2 A crash is also a sudden loud noise like something breaking.

VERB 3 If something crashes, it hits something else and makes a loud noise.

crate crates NOUN

A crate is a large box used for transporting or storing things.

crawl crawls, crawling, crawled VERB

When you crawl, you move forward on your hands and knees.

crayon crayons NOUN

A crayon is a coloured pencil.

craze crazes NOUN

A craze is something that is very popular for a short time.

crazy crazier, craziest

ADJECTIVE 1 Someone or something crazy is very strange or foolish.

ADJECTIVE 2 If you are crazy about something, you are very keen on it.

creak creaks, creaking, creaked VERB

If something creaks, it makes an odd squeaking sound.


ADJECTIVE 1 Something that is cream in colour is yellowish-white.

NOUN 2 Cream is the pale yellow liquid taken from the top of milk.

crease creases, creasing, creased

NOUN 1 A crease is a line made by folding or wrinkling something.

VERB 2 If you crease something, you make lines appear on it.

create creates, creating, created VERB

To create something means to cause it to happen, or exist.

creature creatures NOUN

A creature is any animal, such as a bird, fish or insect.

credit card credit cards NOUN

A credit card is a plastic card that allows someone to buy goods and pay for them later.

creep creeps, creeping, crept VERB

If you creep somewhere, you move quietly and slowly.

crescent crescents NOUN

A crescent is a curved shape that is wider in the middle than at the ends, like a new moon.

crew crews NOUN

A crew is the people who work on a ship, aircraft or spaceship.

cricket crickets

NOUN 1 Cricket is an outdoor game between two teams of eleven players.

NOUN 2 A cricket is a small jumping insect that makes a chirping sound by rubbing its wings together.

cried VERB

Cried is the past tense of cry.

cries VERB

Cries is a present tense form of cry.

crime crimes NOUN

A crime is something which is against the law.

criminal criminals NOUN

A criminal is someone who has done something that is against the law.


Something that is crimson is a dark red colour.

crinkle crinkles, crinkling, crinkled VERB

When something crinkles, it becomes slightly creased.

crisp crisper, crispest; crisps

ADJECTIVE 1 Things like fruit and biscuits that are crisp are fresh and firm.

NOUN 2 A crisp is a crunchy, thinly sliced piece of fried potato.

See Other foods on page 261 (#litres_trial_promo)

criticize criticizes, criticizing, criticized; also spelt criticise VERB

If you criticize someone, you say what you think is wrong with them.

crocodile crocodiles NOUN

A crocodile is a large reptile, about five metres long.

See Reptiles on page 264 (#litres_trial_promo)


Something that is crooked is bent or twisted.

crop crops NOUN

A crop is plants grown for food.

cross crosser, crossest; crosses, crossing, crossed

ADJECTIVE 1 Someone who is cross is angry about something.

NOUN 2 A cross is a mark like + or ×.

VERB 3 If you cross something like a road, you go from one side to the other.

crossing crossings NOUN

A crossing is a place where you can cross the road safely.

crouch crouches, crouching, crouched VERB

If you crouch down, you bend your legs under you so that you are close to the ground.

crow crows NOUN

A crow is a large black bird.

crowd crowds NOUN

A crowd is a large number of people together in one place.


A place that is crowded is full of people.

crown crowns NOUN

A crown is an ornament that kings and queens sometimes wear on their heads.

cruel crueller, cruellest ADJECTIVE

Someone who is cruel hurts people or animals without caring.

cruise cruises NOUN

A cruise is a holiday on a ship that travels to different places.

crumb crumbs NOUN

A crumb is a very small piece of dry food such as bread or biscuit.

crumble crumbles, crumbling, crumbled VERB

If you crumble something that is soft, it breaks into lots of little pieces.

crunch crunches, crunching, crunched VERB

If you crunch something, you crush it noisily, for example between your teeth or under your feet.

crush crushes, crushing, crushed VERB

To crush something is to destroy its shape by squeezing it.

crust crusts NOUN

The crust is a hard layer on the outside of something such as bread.

cry cries, crying, cried

VERB 1 When you cry, tears come from your eyes.

NOUN 2 A cry is a sudden sound that you make when you are surprised or hurt.

crystal crystals NOUN

A crystal is a mineral that has formed into a regular shape.

cub cubs NOUN

A cub is a young wild animal such as a lion, fox or bear.

See Young animals on page 265 (#litres_trial_promo)

cube cubes NOUN

A cube is a solid shape with six square faces all the same size.

See Solid shapes on page 266 (#litres_trial_promo)

cuckoo cuckoos NOUN

A cuckoo is a grey bird. Cuckoos lay their eggs in other birds’ nests.

cucumber cucumbers NOUN

A cucumber is a long, thin, dark green vegetable, eaten raw.

See Vegetables on page 260 (#litres_trial_promo)

cuddle cuddles, cuddling, cuddled VERB

When you cuddle someone, you put your arms round them.

culprit culprits NOUN

A culprit is someone who has done something harmful or wrong.


Someone who is cunning plans to get what they want, often by tricking other people.

cup cups

NOUN 1 A cup is a small container with a handle, which you drink out of.

NOUN 2 A cup is also a prize for the winner of a game or competition.

cupboard cupboards NOUN

A cupboard is a piece of furniture with doors and shelves.

cure cures, curing, cured

NOUN 1 A cure is something that makes people better when they have been ill.

VERB 2 If someone or something cures a person, they make them well again.

curiosity NOUN

Curiosity is wanting to know about things.


ADJECTIVE 1 Someone who is curious wants to know more about something.

ADJECTIVE 2 Something that is curious is unusual and hard to explain.

curl curls, curling, curled

VERB 1 If an animal curls up, it makes itself into a rounded shape.

NOUN 2 Curls are pieces of hair shaped in curves and circles.


currant currants NOUN

Currants are small dried grapes.

current currents

NOUN 1 A current is a steady movement of water or air.

NOUN 2 A current is also the movement of electricity through a wire.

curriculum curriculums or curricula NOUN

A curriculum is the different courses taught at a school or college.

curry curries NOUN

Curry is an Indian dish made with spices.

cursor cursors NOUN

A cursor is a small sign on a computer screen that shows where the next letter or number will appear.

curtain curtains NOUN

A curtain is a large piece of material that you pull across a window to cover it.

curve curves NOUN

A curve is a smooth, gradually bending line.


cushion cushions NOUN

A cushion is a soft object put on a seat to make it more comfortable.

custom customs NOUN

A custom is something that people usually do. It’s his custom to take the dog for a walk after supper.

customer customers NOUN

A customer is a person who buys something, especially from a shop.

cut cuts, cutting, cut

VERB 1 If you cut yourself, you hurt yourself by accident on something sharp.

VERB 2 If you cut something, you use a knife or scissors to remove parts of it.

cutlery NOUN

Cutlery is the knives, forks and spoons that you eat your food with.

cycle cycles, cycling, cycled

NOUN 1 A cycle is a bicycle.

VERB 2 If you cycle, you ride a bicycle.

cyclist NOUN

cylinder cylinders NOUN

A cylinder is a three-dimensional shape like a tube with flat circular ends.

cylindrical ADJECTIVE

See Solid shapes on page 266 (#litres_trial_promo)

Dd (#ulink_8d62ed0e-299c-5e4b-ab0a-8d81966d0bcd)

dad dads NOUN

Your dad is your father.

daddy daddies NOUN

INFORMAL Your daddy is your father.

daffodil daffodils NOUN

A daffodil is a yellow trumpet-shaped flower that blooms in the spring.

dagger daggers NOUN

A dagger is a weapon like a knife.


Something that is daily happens every day.

dairy dairies NOUN

A dairy is a shop or company that sells milk and food made from milk, such as butter and cheese.

daisy daisies NOUN

A daisy is a small wild flower with white petals and a yellow centre.

dam dams NOUN

A dam is a wall built across a river or stream to hold back water.

damage damages, damaging, damaged VERB

To damage something means to harm or spoil it.

damp damper, dampest ADJECTIVE

Something that is damp is slightly wet.

dance dances, dancing, danced VERB

When you dance, you move your body in time to music.

dandelion dandelions NOUN

A dandelion is a wild plant with bright yellow flowers.

danger dangers NOUN

A danger is something that could harm you.

dangerous ADJECTIVE

If something is dangerous, it is likely to harm you.

dare dares, daring, dared VERB

If you dare to do something, you are brave enough to do it.

dark darker, darkest ADJECTIVE

When it is dark, there is not enough light to see properly.

darkness NOUN

dart darts, darting, darted

VERB 1 If a person or animal darts, they move suddenly and quickly.

NOUN 2 A dart is a short arrow that you throw in the game of darts.

dash dashes, dashing, dashed

VERB 1 If you dash somewhere, you run or go there quickly.

NOUN 2 A dash is the punctuation mark (–) which shows a change of subject, or which may be used instead of brackets.

See Punctuation on page 270 (#litres_trial_promo)

data NOUN

Data is information, usually in the form of facts or figures.

database databases NOUN

A database is a collection of information, often stored in a computer.

date dates

NOUN 1 If someone asks you the date, you tell them the day and the month.

NOUN 2 A date is a small brown sticky fruit which grows on palm trees.

daughter daughters NOUN

A girl is the daughter of her parents.

dawn NOUN

Dawn is the time of day when it first begins to get light.

day days NOUN

A day is the 24 hours between one midnight and the next.

daylight NOUN

Daylight is the light that there is during the day before it gets dark.

dazzle dazzles, dazzling, dazzled VERB

If a light dazzles you, it is so bright that you cannot really see for a while.


A person, animal or plant that is dead is no longer living.

deaf deafer, deafest ADJECTIVE

Someone who is deaf cannot hear very well, or cannot hear at all.

deal deals, dealing, dealt

VERB 1 When you deal in a card game, you give cards to the players.

VERB 2 If you deal with something, you do what needs to be done with it.

dear dearer, dearest

ADJECTIVE 1 You use Dear at the beginning of a letter or message before the name of the person you are writing to.

ADJECTIVE 2 If something is dear, it costs a lot of money.

death NOUN

Death is the end of life, when an animal or person dies.

decade decades NOUN

A decade is a period of ten years.

decay decays, decaying, decayed VERB

When something like a plant or piece of meat decays, it becomes rotten.

deceive deceives, deceiving, deceived VERB

If someone deceives you, they make you believe something untrue.

December NOUN

December is the 12th month of the year. It has 31 days.

decide decides, deciding, decided VERB

If you decide to do something, you make up your mind to do it.

decimal decimals

ADJECTIVE 1 A decimal system involves counting in units of ten.

NOUN 2 A decimal or decimal fraction is written with a dot followed by numbers, such as 0·2, 8·35. The numbers after the dot represent tenths, hundredths and so on.

NOUN 3 A decimal point is the dot that comes between whole numbers and fractions.

NOUN 4 A decimal place is the position of a number after a decimal point.

decision decisions NOUN

A decision is a choice you make about what you think should be done.

deck decks NOUN

A deck is a floor on a ship or bus.

decorate decorates, decorating, decorated

VERB 1 If you decorate something, you add things to make it more attractive.

VERB 2 If someone decorates a room, they paper it or paint it.

decorations PLURAL NOUN

decrease decreases, decreasing, decreased VERB

If something decreases, or if you decrease it, it becomes less.

deep deeper, deepest ADJECTIVE

If something is deep, it goes a long way down. The river is very deep.

deer NOUN

A deer is a large hoofed animal. Male deer have horns called antlers.

defeat defeats, defeating, defeated VERB

If you defeat someone, you beat them in a game or battle.

defend defends, defending, defended VERB

If you defend someone or something, you do something to protect them against danger.

defence NOUN

define defines, defining, defined VERB

If you define something, you say what it is or what it means.


ADJECTIVE 1 Something that is definite is unlikely to be changed. We have a definite date for the outing.

ADJECTIVE 2 Definite can also mean certain or true. Lots of stories were going round, but they heard nothing definite.

definitely ADVERB

definition definitions NOUN

A definition explains the meaning of a word.

degree degrees

NOUN 1 A degree is a unit of measurement of temperature, for example, 20°C.

NOUN 2 In maths, a degree is a unit of measurement of angles. For example, a right angle is 90°.

delay delays, delaying, delayed VERB

If something delays you, it causes you to slow down or be late.

delete deletes, deleting, deleted VERB

If you delete some writing, you cross it out or remove it.

deliberate ADJECTIVE

If you do something that is deliberate, you do it on purpose.

deliberately ADVERB


ADJECTIVE 1 Something that is delicate is small and graceful.

ADJECTIVE 2 Someone who is delicate becomes ill easily.

delicious ADJECTIVE

Food that is delicious tastes or smells very nice.

delight delights, delighting, delighted VERB

If something delights you, it gives you a lot of pleasure.

delighted ADJECTIVE

deliver delivers, delivering, delivered VERB

If you deliver something, you take it to someone and hand it to them.

demand demands, demanding, demanded VERB

If you demand something, you say strongly that is what you want.

demonstrate demonstrates, demonstrating, demonstrated

VERB 1 If someone demonstrates something, they show you how to do it.

VERB 2 If people demonstrate, they hold a public meeting or march to show they are strongly for or against something.

demonstration NOUN

den dens NOUN

A den is the home of some wild animals such as lions or foxes.

dense denser, densest ADJECTIVE

Something dense is hard to see through. They were in a dense forest.

dent dents, denting, dented VERB

If somebody dents something, they make a dip in it by hitting it.

dentist dentists NOUN

A dentist is someone who looks after people’s teeth.

deny denies, denying, denied VERB

If you deny something, you say that it is untrue.

depart departs, departing, departed VERB

When someone or something departs from a place, they leave it.

departure NOUN

depend depends, depending, depended

VERB 1 If you depend on someone, you need them.

VERB 2 If you can depend on someone, you know you can trust them.

depth NOUN

The depth of something is how deep it is.

descend descends, descending, descended VERB

To descend means to go down.

descending ADJECTIVE

When things are in descending order, each thing is lower than the one before it. The numbers 10, 9, 8 and 7 are in descending order.

describe describes, describing, described VERB

If you describe a person or thing, you say what they are like.

description NOUN

desert deserts NOUN

A desert is very dry land with very little plant life.

deserted ADJECTIVE

If a place is deserted, there are no people there.

deserve deserves, deserving, deserved VERB

If you deserve something, you have earned it by what you have done.

design designs, designing, designed

NOUN 1 A design is a pattern that is used to decorate something.

VERB 2 If you design something, you plan it and make a drawing of it.

desk desks NOUN

A desk is a special table that you use for writing or reading.


A desktop computer is small enough to be used at a desk.

dessert desserts NOUN

A dessert is a sweet food served after the main course of a meal.

destroy destroys, destroying, destroyed VERB

To destroy something means to damage it so much it cannot be mended.

detail details NOUN

A detail is a small part or thing that you notice when you look at something carefully.

detective detectives NOUN

A detective is a person whose job is to find out who did a crime.

determined ADJECTIVE

If you are determined to do something, nothing will stop you.

develop develops, developing, developed VERB

When something develops, it grows or becomes more advanced.

dew NOUN

Dew is the small drops of water that form on surfaces outdoors at night.

diagonal ADJECTIVE

A diagonal line slants from one corner of something to the opposite corner.

diagram diagrams NOUN

A diagram is a drawing that explains something.

dial dials NOUN

A dial is a numbered disc on an instrument like a clock.

dialogue dialogues NOUN

In a story, play or film, dialogue is conversation.

diameter diameters NOUN

A diameter is a straight line drawn right through the centre of a circle.

diamond diamonds

NOUN 1 A diamond is a very hard, clear jewel which sparkles.

NOUN 2 A diamond is also a shape with four straight sides, like a square but slightly flattened.

See Colours and shapes on page 266 (#litres_trial_promo)

diary diaries NOUN

A diary is a book in which to write about what you have done.

dice NOUN

Dice are small cubes with spots on each of their six sides.

dictionary dictionaries NOUN

A dictionary is a book in which words are listed alphabetically and explained.

did VERB

Did is the past tense of do.

didn’t VERB

Didn’t is a contraction of did not.

die dies, dying, died VERB

When a person, animal or plant dies, they stop living.

diesel diesels NOUN

A diesel is a kind of engine that burns a special oil instead of petrol.

diet diets

NOUN 1 A diet is the food that a person or animal normally eats.

NOUN 2 A diet is also a special range of foods that a doctor tells someone to eat if they have a health or weight problem.

difference differences

NOUN 1 The difference between two things is the way in which they are unlike each other.

NOUN 2 In maths, you can work out the difference between two numbers by taking the smaller number away from the larger number.

different ADJECTIVE

Something that is different from something else is not like it in one or more ways.

difficult ADJECTIVE

Something that is difficult is not easy to do or understand.

difficulty NOUN

dig digs, digging, dug VERB

When people dig, they break up soil or sand with a spade or garden fork.

digest digests, digesting, digested VERB

When you digest food, your body breaks it down so that it can be used.

digestion NOUN

digit digits NOUN

A digit is a written symbol for any of the numbers from 0 to 9. For example, 384 is a three-digit number.


ADJECTIVE 1 Digital instruments such as watches have changing numbers instead of a dial with hands.

See analogue (#ulink_a764ba89-e0b0-592d-8100-8c5923222acc)

NOUN 2 Digital television is television in which the picture is sent in digital form.

dim dimmer, dimmest ADJECTIVE

If the light is dim, it is rather dark and it is hard to see things.

din NOUN

A din is a loud, annoying noise.

dining room dining rooms NOUN

A dining room is the room where people have their meals.

dinner dinners NOUN

Dinner is the main meal of the day.

dinosaur dinosaurs NOUN

A dinosaur was a large reptile which lived and became extinct in prehistoric times.

dip dips, dipping, dipped VERB

If you dip something into a liquid, you put it in quickly.

direct directs, directing, directed

VERB 1 If you direct someone, you show them the way to go.

VERB 2 A person who directs something, like a film, is in charge of it.

ADJECTIVE 3 Direct means in a straight line without stopping, for example on a journey. Is there a direct flight to Paris?

direction directions

NOUN 1 A direction is the way in which someone or something is moving or pointing.

NOUN 2 Directions are instructions that tell you what to do or which way to go.

dirt NOUN

Dirt is dust, mud or stains on a surface or fabric.

dirty dirtier, dirtiest ADJECTIVE

Something that is dirty is marked or covered with mud or stains.

disabled ADJECTIVE

A disabled person has a condition or injury that makes it hard or impossible to do some things.

disability NOUN

disagree disagrees, disagreeing, disagreed VERB

If you disagree with someone, you think what they are saying is wrong.

disappear disappears, disappearing, disappeared VERB

If someone disappears, they go out of sight.

disappoint disappoints, disappointing, disappointed VERB

If something disappoints you, it is not as good as you thought it would be.

disappointment NOUN

disapprove VERB

If you disapprove of something, you think it is wrong or bad.

disaster disasters NOUN

A disaster is something very bad that happens, such as an air crash.

disastrous ADJECTIVE

disc discs NOUN

A disc is a flat round object.

discover discovers, discovering, discovered VERB

When you discover something, you find it or find out about it.

discovery NOUN

discuss discusses, discussing, discussed VERB

When you discuss something, you talk about it with someone else.

discussion NOUN

disease diseases NOUN

A disease is an illness in people, animals or plants.

disguise disguises NOUN

A disguise is something that changes the way you look, so that people do not recognize you.

disgust NOUN

Disgust is a feeling of strong dislike for someone or something.

dish dishes NOUN

A dish is a shallow container for cooking or serving meals in.

dishonest ADJECTIVE

If someone is dishonest, they are not to be trusted.

dishwasher dishwashers NOUN

A dishwasher is a machine that washes things like plates.

disk disks NOUN

A disk is used for storing information in a computer.

dislike dislikes, disliking, disliked VERB

If you dislike someone or something, you do not like them.

dismiss dismisses, dismissing, dismissed VERB

When someone in authority dismisses you, they tell you to leave.

display displays NOUN

A display is an arrangement of things which is done to show to people.

dissolve dissolves, dissolving, dissolved VERB

If something dissolves in a liquid, it becomes mixed in with it.

See solution (#litres_trial_promo)

distance distances NOUN

The distance between two things is the amount of space between them.


Distant means far away.

distinct ADJECTIVE

If something is distinct, you can hear or see it clearly.

distribute distributes, distributing, distributed VERB

If you distribute things like leaflets, you hand them out to several people.

district districts NOUN

A district is the area around a place. He’s the only doctor in this district.

disturb disturbs, disturbing, disturbed VERB

If you disturb someone, you interrupt them or spoil their peace and quiet.

disturbance disturbances NOUN

A disturbance is something that spoils people’s peace and quiet.

ditch ditches NOUN

A ditch is a channel dug at the side of a road or field, to drain water.

dive dives, diving, dived VERB

To dive is to jump head first into water with your arms above your head.

diver NOUN

divide divides, dividing, divided

VERB 1 When something is divided, it is separated into smaller parts.

VERB 2 When you divide numbers, you share them into equal groups. For example, 15 can be divided into 3 groups of 5, or 5 groups of 3. 15 ÷ 3 = 5 or 15 ÷ 5 = 3

division divisions

NOUN 1 Division is separating something into two or more parts.

NOUN 2 In maths, division is the process of dividing one number by another. The sign ÷ is used for division.

divorce divorces NOUN

A divorce is the legal ending of a marriage.

Diwali NOUN

Diwali is a Hindu festival of light that is celebrated in the autumn.

dizzy dizzier, dizziest ADJECTIVE

If you feel dizzy, your head feels funny, as if you are going to fall over.

do does, doing, did, done

VERB 1 If you do something, you get on and finish it. Have you done your work?

VERB 2 Do can be used with other verbs. Do you want some more?

doctor doctors NOUN

A doctor is a person who treats people when they are ill.

document documents

NOUN 1 A document is a piece of paper which is an official record of something.

NOUN 2 A document is also a piece of text stored as a file in a computer.

dodge dodges, dodging, dodged VERB

If you dodge, you move suddenly out of the way.

does VERB

Does is a present tense form of do.

doesn’t VERB

Doesn’t is a contraction of does not.

dog dogs NOUN

A dog is an animal. Dogs bark and are often kept as pets, or used to guard things.

doll dolls NOUN

A doll is a child’s toy that looks like a baby or a small person.

dollar dollars NOUN

A dollar is a unit of money in countries such as the USA and Australia.

dolphin dolphins NOUN

A dolphin is a mammal which lives in the sea.

dome domes NOUN

A dome is a round roof.

done VERB

Done is the past participle of do.

donkey donkeys NOUN

A donkey is an animal like a small horse, with longer ears.

don’t VERB

Don’t is a contraction of do not.

door doors NOUN

A door swings or slides to open and close the entrance to something.

dose doses NOUN

A dose is the amount of a medicine that you have to take.

dot dots NOUN

A dot is a small round mark.


If something is double the size or amount of something else, it is twice as big.

doubt doubts NOUN

If you have a doubt about something, you are not sure about it.


ADJECTIVE 1 If you are doubtful about something, you are not sure about it.

ADJECTIVE 2 Something that is doubtful seems unlikely or uncertain.

dough NOUN

Dough is the floury mixture used to make things like pastry or bread.

doughnut doughnuts NOUN

A doughnut is a ring of sweet dough cooked in hot fat.

dove doves NOUN

A dove is a bird like a small pigeon.


PREPOSITION 1 If you go down a hill, you go to a lower level.

ADVERB 2 If you put something down, you put it on a surface.

ADVERB 3 If an amount of something goes down, it gets less. My pocket money’s gone down.

NOUN 4 Down is soft feathers.

download downloads, downloading, downloaded VERB

When you download a program from a disk or from the Internet, you move it into a file on your own computer.

downstairs ADVERB

If you go downstairs, you go towards the ground floor.

doze dozes, dozing, dozed VERB

When you doze, you sleep lightly.

dozen dozens NOUN

If you have a dozen things, you have 12 of them.

draft drafts NOUN

A draft is an early rough version of something you are writing.

drag drags, dragging, dragged VERB

If you drag a heavy object, you pull it along the ground.

dragon dragons NOUN

In stories, a dragon is a fierce animal like a big lizard. It has wings and claws and breathes fire.

dragonfly dragonflies NOUN

A dragonfly is a brightly-coloured insect, usually found near water.

See Insects on page 264 (#litres_trial_promo)

drain drains, draining, drained

NOUN 1 A drain is a pipe that carries water away.

VERB 2 If a liquid drains away, it flows slowly to somewhere else.

drake drakes NOUN

A drake is a male duck.

drama dramas

NOUN 1 A drama is a serious play for the theatre, television or radio.

NOUN 2 Drama is exciting and interesting things that happen.

dramatic ADJECTIVE

Something dramatic is very exciting and interesting.

dramatically ADVERB

drank VERB

Drank is the past tense of drink.

draught draughts

NOUN 1 A draught is a current of cold air coming into a room or vehicle.

PLURAL NOUN 2 Draughts is a game played with round pieces on a board.

draw draws, drawing, drew, drawn

VERB 1 When you draw, you use something like a pencil or crayon to make a picture or a pattern.

VERB 2 When you draw the curtains, you pull them across a window.

NOUN 3 A draw is the result in a game or competition in which nobody wins.

drawer drawers NOUN

A drawer is a box that slides in and out of a piece of furniture.

drawing drawings NOUN

A drawing is a picture made with a pencil, pen or crayon.

dread dreads, dreading, dreaded VERB

If you dread something, you feel worried and frightened about it.

dreadful ADJECTIVE

Something that is dreadful is very bad or unpleasant.

dream dreams, dreaming, dreamed or dreamt

VERB 1 When you dream, you see events in your mind while you are asleep.

VERB 2 If you dream while you are awake, you think about things you would like to happen.

dream NOUN

dress dresses, dressing, dressed

VERB 1 When you dress, you put on your clothes.

NOUN 2 A dress is a piece of clothing for women or girls made up of a skirt and top joined together.

drew VERB

Drew is the past tense of draw.

dribble dribbles, dribbling, dribbled

VERB 1 When babies dribble, water trickles from their mouth.

VERB 2 When players dribble the ball in a game like football, they kick it several times quickly to keep it moving.

drift drifts, drifting, drifted

VERB 1 When something drifts, it is carried along slowly by wind or water.

NOUN 2 A drift is a pile of snow heaped up by the wind.

drill drills NOUN

A drill is a tool for making holes.

drink drinks, drinking, drank, drunk

VERB 1 When you drink, you take liquid into your mouth and swallow it.

NOUN 2 A drink is a liquid which you swallow to stop you being thirsty.

drip drips, dripping, dripped VERB

When something drips, drops of liquid fall from it one after the other.

drive drives, driving, drove, driven VERB

If someone drives a vehicle, they make it move and control it.

driver drivers NOUN

The driver of a vehicle is the person who is driving it.

drop drops, dropping, dropped

VERB 1 If you drop something, you let it fall.

NOUN 2 A drop is a tiny amount of liquid.

drought droughts NOUN

A drought is a long period of time when no rain falls.

drove VERB

Drove is the past tense of drive.

drown drowns, drowning, drowned VERB

If someone drowns, they die because they have gone under water and cannot breathe.

drug drugs NOUN

A drug is a substance that is used to treat or prevent disease, or stop pain. Some drugs can be dangerous.

drum drums NOUN

A drum is a musical instrument which you hit to make a noise. It has skin stretched tightly over the end.

drunk VERB

Drunk is the past participle of drink.

dry drier or dryer, driest ADJECTIVE

Something that is dry has no water in it at all.

dry VERB

duck ducks NOUN

A duck is a common water bird with short legs and webbed feet.


If something is due at a particular time, it should happen then.

dug VERB

Dug is the past tense of dig.

dull duller, dullest

ADJECTIVE 1 Something that is dull is not interesting.

ADJECTIVE 2 Dull means not bright.

ADJECTIVE 3 A dull pain is not sharp.


Someone who is dumb is unable to speak.


Something that happens during a period of time happens in that period. I worked during the holidays.

dusk NOUN

Dusk is the part of the day when it is beginning to get dark.

dust NOUN

Dust is dry fine powdery material such as particles of earth, dirt or pollen.


dustbin dustbins NOUN

A dustbin is a large container with a lid, for rubbish.

duty duties NOUN

A duty is something you feel you should do. He only went to see his aunt because he felt it was his duty.

duvet duvets NOUN

A duvet is a bed cover filled with feathers or other light material.


DVD is an abbreviation for digital video disc. It is a disc on which a film or music is recorded.

dye dyes, dyeing, dyed VERB

If you dye something such as hair or cloth, you change its colour by soaking it in a special liquid.

dying VERB

Dying is the present participle of die.

Ee (#ulink_a798271e-7dc3-5910-84d6-96a1cd3e8763)


Each means every one taken separately.

She gave each child a pencil.


If you are eager, you very much want to do or have something.

eagle eagles NOUN

An eagle is a large strong bird with a sharp curved beak and claws.

ear ears NOUN

Your ears are the parts of your body that you use for hearing.

early earlier, earliest

ADJECTIVE OR ADVERB 1 Early means near the beginning of a period of time. We took the early train to school.

ADJECTIVE OR ADVERB 2 You also use early to mean sooner than expected. I arrived at the party early.

earn earns, earning, earned VERB

If you earn something, such as money, you get it by working for it.

earphones PLURAL NOUN

Earphones are a small piece of equipment which you wear over or inside your ears so that you can listen to music or talking without anyone else hearing.

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Collins Junior Illustrated Dictionary Collins Dictionaries
Collins Junior Illustrated Dictionary

Collins Dictionaries

Тип: электронная книга

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Издательство: HarperCollins

Дата публикации: 28.04.2024

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О книге: Optimised for colour tablets. The images in this e-book are not suitable for viewing on black and white e-ink devices.For children aged 6 and over, Collins Junior Illustrated Dictionary contains full sentence definitions, colour headwords and child-friendly example sentences, along with beautiful colourful illustrations and photographs.Especially written to support the needs of children aged 6 to 8, introducing key dictionary features such as parts of speech (noun, verb, adjective or adverb) and other forms of a word, for example plurals or past tense of a verb.The clear and spacious layout and colour headwords ensure that the dictionary is child-friendly. Bright, colourful illustrations and photographs support language learning and make it fun.Full sentence definitions and example sentences show the headword used in a context familiar to children.The Collins Word Wizard supplement gives extra help with vocabulary through illustrated word topic pages, and support for writing including grammar, punctuation and spelling tips.

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