What the Duchess Wants

What the Duchess Wants
Terri Brisbin
Eleanor, Duchess of Aquitaine and Henry of Anjou (future Henry II), 1152. As one of Europe’s most powerful women, Eleanor, Duchess of Aquitaine, has a chance most can only dream of – to choose her own husband! One glance at the young, forceful Henry of Anjou and her choice is made.Able to match her wit for wit, Henry’s a true warrior and not afraid to disobey a royal command… But his love of life – and the bedroom – promises Eleanor a brand-new world of excitement!

What the Duchess Wants
Terri Brisbin

www.millsandboon.co.uk (http://www.millsandboon.co.uk)

Eleanor, Duchess of Aquitaine and Henry of Anjou (future Henry II), 1152
As one of Europe’s most powerful women, Eleanor, Duchess of Aquitaine, has a chance most can only dream of—to choose her own husband! One glance at the young, forceful Henry of Anjou and her choice is made.
Able to match her wit for wit, Henry’s a true warrior and not afraid to disobey a royal command… But his love of life—and the bedroom—promises Eleanor a brand-new world of excitement!

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Author Note
About the Author

City of Paris, Île-de-France, 1151 AD
‘Whoever named him Geoffrey the Fair had the right of it.’
Eleanor, Duchess of Aquitaine and Queen of France, tried to ignore the comment, whispered from behind her by one of the many women attending Louis’s court, but it was difficult to ignore the truth. The next comment caught her full attention.
‘They say his son is seeking a wife.’
God forgive her, she did look just then at the two men standing off to one side of Louis’s hall, awaiting their turn to speak to the king. Sitting up straighter, she adjusted her veil and smoothed her gown. They were both excellent specimens of manhood: proficient warriors, proven leaders, with more-than-pleasing physical attributes. And anger sat on their features, highlighting both their similarities and differences. Eleanor watched as they gathered their allies around them, discussing whatever matter brought them to Paris and to face the King of France.
Searching her memory, Eleanor realised that two matters brought Geoffrey, the sometimes-rancorous Count of Anjou, and Henry, his heir, to court—to see to the investiture of Henry as Duke of Normandy and to deal with one of Louis’s own stewards whom Geoffrey accused of taking part in the plundering of the marches of Anjou.
Fighting words from a fighting man and one who expected the king’s justice on the matter.
She wondered if this was wise since Louis tended to side with Eustace of Blois and Henry was pushing next to claim his rights to the English throne, one to which Eustace was his rival. The House of Anjou now stood under sanction from the church for their treatment of Louis’s man, something the king’s religious advisor thought would soften the count into releasing him. Instead of reacting as most would have—quaking in fear of the damnation of their immortal souls—the count had simply accepted the guilt of his actions and dared the old priest who’d pressed for their excommunication for more!
Eleanor’s own man, Godfroi of Poitiers, had explained the intricacies of this case with her, since Anjou and Poitou were historically either enemies or allies and Godfroi had knowledge of their ongoing relationship. Still, they stood waiting, almost challenging Louis to take them on and give them their say.
At the beginning of their marriage, Eleanor would not have hesitated to offer her counsel to Louis in matters such as these, but now, things were so very different for them. Her own advisors were seeking ways to end their marriage and every step she took and each word she spoke were scrutinised ad infinitum and ad nauseam—something that had grown tiresome years ago. Eleanor glanced over at her daughter Marie and watched as she admired the Angevins too. Glancing around, she noticed that not a woman in the room, save the three older nuns who attended from the abbey she and Louis sponsored, missed a move the father and son made.
A match between Marie and Henry had already been refused because Abbé Bernard declared such a marriage too close in relationship. Watching her daughter’s reaction, Eleanor wondered if she’d given up on the possibility or was nursing the romantic idea of a love lost. When the man who prevented that marriage entered, the entire crowd grew silent as he limped his way through the throngs who watched.
When Abbé Bernard reached the dais, he turned and blessed those watching but purposely turned his back to the Angevins! Now loud complaints and grumbling echoed through the crowd until Louis raised his hand to bring it to a halt. Knowing his predilection for every word the abbé uttered and his natural antagonism towards the count and his heir, she wondered at Louis’s decision to hear the matter of the abbé’s sanction in public.
Finally, Louis stood and motioned to his chancellor, who escorted the men away to his office where the king could speak with them. Eleanor stood and decided to accompany her husband. These Angevins were intriguing and she wanted to learn more about them after seeing them in person. Although Louis frowned at her, he did not order her away, so Eleanor followed along and entered the chambers he used for just this purpose. Surprisingly, the abbé did not join them, though several other bishops did, along with a few trusted nobles who had common borders with Anjou and the other provinces held by that family.
Louis waited for her to be seated before offering chairs to the others and then the discussions commenced. Geoffrey articulated their arguments succinctly and Eleanor fought a smile at how well he did so. Though his son remained at his side, the young man said nothing, simply watching and absorbing and studying every word spoken. He missed nothing, not even her observation of him, and he offered a discreet tilt of his head to acknowledge her attentions.
’Twas then she began to notice things about him. Though young, he had the body and stature of a warrior and she remembered he’d been knighted by his great-uncle David, the King of Scotland. Power and confidence flowed in his veins and throughout him, making it impossible for her not to watch him now. He nodded at several points made by his father, but did not speak. Although he disagreed with Louis’s position on several items, only his stance betrayed it and mayhap she was the only one watching so closely as to see it.
More than an hour passed and still they argued over the disposition of Anjou’s prisoner, whom he refused to give up without guarantees of action from the king. Ministers huffed and puffed and the Angevins stood their ground. No amount of threats or cajoling seemed to sway the opinions of the count and the duke. Then suddenly, angry words were spoken and the Angevins left!
Eleanor had never seen the likes of this before—a noble leaving in the middle of a parley, refusing all offers and demands and walking away without any resolution. She could tell from Louis’s expression that their behaviour surprised him as well, for his mouth tightened into a thin line and his brows gathered in a fierce frown. But, before they left the chamber, the duke caught her gaze and winked, giving her every sign that this was purely a manoeuvre meant to gain them leverage against their opponents.
The French nobles were insulted and demanded Louis take action, but he forestalled any repercussions with a word. Those in the chamber began to leave, both to see to their own issues and to spread the word of the outrageous behaviour they’d witnessed. With a nod to Louis, Eleanor found her maidservant and ladies waiting for her in the corridor and sought out her chambers.
Later that night, after sending the women away and discussing the day with her trusted advisor, Eleanor decided to enter into private communications with the Angevins. She believed she could aid them in moving across this quagmire safely and they could, in return, be the very thing she sought—someone, a nobleman, strong enough to offer a soon-to-be divorced queen sanctuary.…
Or something more than sanctuary…
A future that would see Aquitaine and Poitou joined to Normandy and Anjou in an alliance stronger than either thought possible.
More than that, the possibility that teased her far into the night and into the next days, weeks and months was one of finding a husband worthy of her and all she had to offer.
Could Henry Fitz-Empress be that man?

Chapter One
City of Poitiers, Duchy of Aquitaine, spring 1152 AD
‘Why do I feel as though I am simply moving between prisons?’ Eleanor twisted the edge of her sleeve between her fingers and glanced over at the man before her. Luckily, the fabric was already pleated so her rough handling of it did not make it look worse for it.
Godfroi had been the commander of her personal guard for years and had remained behind in Aquitaine during most of her marriage to Louis, defending her home and her lands. At least, he had until she’d needed him these past difficult years. Now, she entrusted him with the most delicate of tasks—negotiating the possibility of marrying the Duke of Normandy.
‘Perhaps because you are?’ he replied, his droll and sometimes bold sense of humour apparent even in this serious situation. ‘But then does a queen truly expect her life to be otherwise?’
Eleanor sighed, looking away from his astute gaze. Duchess or queen, the expectations of others guided and ruled her life. Born from bloodlines that could trace back to Charlemagne, duty had been the first word she’d learned and would be the last concern when her life ended. These doubts, voiced to someone she trusted with her life, were only momentary lapses in the musings of an otherwise confident woman.
‘Tell me your impressions of him, Godfroi. Not what everyone at court said. Not the ones I gathered from our brief encounter and those few missives between us in Paris last year. Tell me what you have learned of the man I would have as husband and lord.’
‘He is very different from Louis.’
She laughed then and turned to face him. ‘There are not many men who are like Louis.’ Eleanor searched Godfroi’s face to see if he had been being sarcastic or serious. ‘My first husband would have been more content in a monastery than in his palaces. He could have spent every moment in prayer and would not have had a wife who placed the demands of the flesh on him. How is this Angevin different from that?’
’Twas the root of the whole matter when she considered it.
Her marriage to Louis Capet had been for dynastic reasons and power and had brought together her properties with his, creating a kingdom that was double in size to his lands alone. She’d brought wealth and titles to the match and a body ready to produce heirs. Unfortunately, daughters were all they’d created between them, along with scandal, war and discontent. Meeting up with her vibrant uncle during the crusade to the Holy Land had made her think again of all that she’d given up to live as Louis’s wife and to suffer from the scorn and diatribes of all his counsellors and bishops. Ultimately, it had been her daughters, now under his custody and control, who were the key to her freedom and her annulment.
‘He is filled with a breathless and ruthless enthusiasm for life. Henry could never be controlled by the church or others. His life spent waiting for the crown of England has been spent in honing his skills as a warrior and a king. And I suspect that you will not have to force him into demands of the flesh.’
Only Godfroi could say such things without being impudent, but his words answered her concerns about things of a personal nature. Eleanor was exhausted by the constant demands of Louis’s ministers and his church cronies, and though the worst had passed away, others had not relented in their condemnation of her and anything and everything she did or said. They’d even blamed her for the debacle in the Holy Land!
‘Truly?’ she asked, waiting to see if she could bring the hint of a blush to this imperturbable man. Eleanor realised that there were repercussions to that kind of husband as well. The heat of a blush entered her own cheeks and surprised her. She’d lived a full life and was a mature woman of thirty years and she thought more worldly than a blushing maiden approaching her first marriage bed.
‘Just so, Your Grace,’ Godfroi replied, tipping his head to her.
‘I would meet with him before I agree to this match,’ she said.
‘That could be difficult now. His brother and others so lately seeking your hand as well.’ They’d attempted to kidnap her so that she’d had no other choice was a better description of the matter. Henry’s brother, Geoffrey the Younger, had ambushed her just before she’d reached Blois, then Thibault of that city had chased into her own city of Poitiers. She may no longer be Queen of France, but she would not accept second-born sons much lower than she was in status, name or wealth to husband!
‘Make it so, Godfroi. I have only met the man in the presence of others. I would assess him in privacy and speak with him candidly without others to hear the conversation.’
If Godfroi thought it was a mistake, he did not say. He simply bowed to her and left to make it happen. Such was his way. She knew he would keep her best interests in mind while negotiating this new marriage, just as she did not doubt Henry would impress her as much in a private discussion as he had when he appeared with his father before Louis demanding to be invested as Duke of Normandy. For once in her life, she held the reins in her hands. For once, she would exercise control not afforded to most women in this world.
For once, Eleanor, Duchess of Aquitaine and former Queen of France, would make her own decision.

Henry paced.
When the son of Empress Matilda and her second husband wanted something and it did not come to hand, he paced. Henry had waited and fought for the English crown and it yet remained out of his grasp. Now, he wanted Eleanor and all she brought and she sent her warrior instead.
‘She said what?’ he demanded, not believing the words spoken by the man playing messenger to a seemingly reluctant woman.
‘The queen—’
‘No longer.’
‘The duchess would like to continue the negotiations in person.’
He roared out his anger and frustration, effectively clearing the chamber of all who would take cover from him at times like this. More effective sometimes than a mild request, he used it when needed. Times like this when he did not wish to appear too conciliatory or needy, or when there were issues to discuss that were better done without an audience.

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What the Duchess Wants Terri Brisbin
What the Duchess Wants

Terri Brisbin

Тип: электронная книга

Жанр: Современная зарубежная литература

Язык: на английском языке

Издательство: HarperCollins

Дата публикации: 16.04.2024

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О книге: Eleanor, Duchess of Aquitaine and Henry of Anjou (future Henry II), 1152. As one of Europe’s most powerful women, Eleanor, Duchess of Aquitaine, has a chance most can only dream of – to choose her own husband! One glance at the young, forceful Henry of Anjou and her choice is made.Able to match her wit for wit, Henry’s a true warrior and not afraid to disobey a royal command… But his love of life – and the bedroom – promises Eleanor a brand-new world of excitement!

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