I Am

I Am
Aldivan Teixeira Torres

Thirteen stories. A dreamer, a young man and two archangels in search of truth. What does a depressive, a pedophile, an abortionist, a drug addict, a professional player, scientists, criminals, a sexologist, a schizophrenic, and a handicapped have in common?

Thirteen stories. A dreamer, a young man and two archangels in search of truth. What does a depressive, a pedophile, an abortionist, a drug addict, a professional player, scientists, criminals, a sexologist, a schizophrenic, and a handicapped have in common? Both seek to reflect on their actions, their paths future next to the seer, a revolutionary and special being, on a great journey in the northeast of Brazil. Stating be the son of God, he promises listen to everyone, advise them and give valuable tips on how to resume the life by showing his personality and his father over time. The greatest goal of all is to awaken the inner self of each one of them and, reaching this miracle, the truth will finally be revealed. ”I am” also represents a cry of freedom front ace social conventions as in the past Jesus did. ”I am” shows up in this way how the human being is in essence.This is at odds with those who are accustomed to judge others. A thought-provoking book promising many reflections and emotions

I am

Aldivan Teixeira Torres

I am


By:Aldivan Teixeira Torres

©2018-Aldivan Teixeira Torres

All the rights reserved.


Translator:Sara Pereira

Review:Aldivan Teixeira Torres

This book, including all its parts, is protected by copyright and don’t can to be reproduced without Autor’s permission, resold or transferred.

Academic Qualifications: Degree in Mathematics with specialization in the same area.


Short Biography: Aldivan Teixeira Torres, was born in Arcoverde- Brazil, created the series the seer, the series sons of the light, poetry and screenplays. His literary career started at the end of 2011 with the publication of his first romance work Opposing forces. For whatever reason, he stopped writing only resuming his career in the second half of 2013. Since then he never stopped. He hopes that his writing will contribute to the Pernambuco and Brazilian culture, arousing the pleasure of reading in those that do not yet have the habit. His motto is “For literature, equality, fraternity, justice, dignity and the human being honour for ever”.


I dedicate this work to all the enlightened and fighting spirits, that have had the courage to face the social dictates and spread their beliefs and views of the world. In special, to those stigmatized by society who are constantly being pre-judged. For these I have a message: “I am” believes in you.


Firstly, to my good God who regards me as his son. To my parents and relatives, who are always present in good and bad times. To my friends, work colleagues, acquaintances, neighbours and those who have been part of my life. To my readers who are always praising me. Finally, I thank everyone who believes in the Brazilian literature.

“Jesus was then telling the Jews that believe in him: If you stay in my word, you will be my true disciples and you will know the truth and the truth will free you. They replied: We are descents from Abraham and we were never anyone’s slaves; How come you say, “you will be free”? Jesus replied: In truth I tell you that all those that sin are slaves of the sin. The slave doesn’t stay at home all the time; The son, however, stays always there. If, then, the son frees you, you will be truly free. I know that you are descents from Abraham, but you try to kill me, because my word does not penetrate you. I speak of what I saw together with my father and you do what you have heard from your father. They answered: Our father is Abraham. Jesus told them: If you were sons of Abraham, you would do the work of Abraham. Now, however, you try to kill me, I who a have spoken the truth that I have heard from God; Abraham, did not do this. You are doing the work of your father. They retorted: We were not born from fornication; We have got only one father who is God. Jesus told them: If God was your father, surely you would love me, for I am from God and come from him: I did not come from myself, but he has sent me. Why don’t you understand my language? Why can’t you hear my word? You are from the Devil who is your father and want to satisfy the wishes of your father. He has been a murderer from the beginning and did not persist in the truth, because the truth is not with him; Telling lies, he speaks of himself, for he is a liar and father of the lies. I, however, who tells the truth, you don’t believe in me. Who among you accuses me of sinning? If I tell the truth, why don’t you believe me? He who is from God, listen to God’s word. You don’t listen because you are not from God. The Jews retorted: Perhaps did we not speak well by saying that you are Samaritan and that you are possessed by the devil? Jesus replied: I have got no demon, but I glorify my father and you dishonour me. I am not seeking my glory; There is someone who seeks and judges. In truth, in truth I tell you, those who observe my word, will never see death. The Jews then said; Now we know that you have a demon, Abraham died and so did the prophets; And you say: If someone keeps my word, will never taste death. Are you by any chance greater than our father Abraham who died? And the prophets that died? Who do you pretend to be? Jesus answered: If I glorify myself, my glory is not worth anything; who glorifies me is my father who you say is your God and whom you don’t know, I, however, know him. If I say I don’t know, I am like you, a liar. But I know him and keep his word. Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day; He saw it and was happy. Then the Jews told him; You aren’t even fifty years old and you have seen Abraham? Jesus told them: Truly, in truth I tell you, before Abraham existed, I am”. (John 8,31—58)


“I am” is presented as a challenge, a daring, face a society many times backward and conservative. The first great thinker to face this paradigm, was a Jew called Jesus Christ about two thousand years ago. By declaring being son of God and by affirming his “I am” he broke the then existing structures. Inspired by this example, this book gives a shout of freedom that every human being must experience. We are not what the others say, and we are many times the personality that we create. We must be ourselves with the naked and raw truth. Following it, we will awaken our true “I am” and this will free us from our own fears forever.

“I am” also puts in contradiction the rules, the false morals, the prejudices, the intolerance and pride. Only when we find our main axle we will define our priorities and the best way to realize them. The book poses pertinent questions relating to the correlated and inter-correlated relations.

Finally, “I am” is a prime work that must be read in the light of the present society and if we put ourselves in the plot line we will solve our own failures and will discover that there is no greater happiness in the world than being together with our friends, our masters, with our belief and with our God. With them we are stronger, and we will transform ourselves into advocates, spreaders and protectors of the things of goodness. Do that. Be an apostle of goodwill, truth, the father and always practice love. A hug and good reading.


I am (#ulink_8506635b-30cb-51b2-b2dd-5e8ce854d621)

I am (#ulink_7db2bb87-93e5-5d3a-b25d-dc8b4c8407c4)

Dedication (#ulink_641d0cb8-2357-563e-8276-3d9eb117519a)

Acknowledgements (#ulink_99902dca-e239-58a1-85e4-a211f9f86485)

Introduction (#ulink_5f7f43e2-7e81-59ce-af3d-9dc8c6a0ae34)

Psychography (#ulink_4a340601-092b-5705-b286-63324617c6ae)

Arcoverde (#ulink_33ce41d6-45c7-5c0a-97aa-56fb9fd2df84)

Ipojuca—Arcoverde (#ulink_69e25cd3-6964-529b-b19b-71e9be038681)

Riacho do meio— Arcoverde (#ulink_05270a2c-2004-5358-998f-7cead09cd26e)

Caraíbas—Arcoverde (#ulink_152c172e-0377-569d-97cc-92851caf06e2)

Mimoso—Pesqueira (#ulink_d2f10164-5ccd-5b5d-9743-c20ec8dc5cad)

Pesqueira (#ulink_a3ec8729-7745-518e-a4ff-e16e088030da)

Belo Jardim (#ulink_8b4b8c94-6d14-5722-9a38-061cc40c245f)

In the ghetto (#ulink_7d389900-dfa5-56c7-a08a-d8325b8dc6b7)

The return to the observatory (#litres_trial_promo)

São Caetano (#litres_trial_promo)

The museum (#litres_trial_promo)

Restart (#litres_trial_promo)

On the way (#litres_trial_promo)

At the rural area (#litres_trial_promo)

Bezerros (#litres_trial_promo)

The Papangus (#litres_trial_promo)

The crossroads district (#litres_trial_promo)

The return (#litres_trial_promo)

Gravatá (#litres_trial_promo)

Towards Pombos (#litres_trial_promo)

Vitoria de Santo Antão (#litres_trial_promo)

Moreno (#litres_trial_promo)

Finally, Recife, the capital of Pernambuco (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter I (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter II (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter III (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter IV (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter V (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter VI (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter VII (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter VIII (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter IX (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter X (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter XI (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter XII (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter XIII (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter XIV (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter XV (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter XVI (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter XVII (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter XVIII (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter XX (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter XXI (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter XXII (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter XXIII (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter XXIV (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter XXV (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter XXVI (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter XXVII (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter XXVIII (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter XXIX (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter XXX (#litres_trial_promo)

Final Part (#litres_trial_promo)


It was the day of 01/01/2015, agitated, dark, sombre, stormy morning, despite being the start of the new year, at a certain place in the outback of Pernambuco, where resting on a recently bought box-bed, was the glamorous seer, the old dreamer who had conquered the cave of despair and its fire.

Among conflicting nightmares that wake him several times during the night, he debates tirelessly in search of signs that would allow a greater realization of his deepest dreams. However, nothing seemed to promise anything.

At exactly 3H00 in the morning awakes from the last sleep of the night, gets out of the bed approaches his desk where are his notebook, his printer, books, the cable to connect the internet, forms and other bureaucratic papers.

He sits down on the chair, opens the drawer, taking out a pen and paper. The spirit of Yahweh agitates him and then he begins to psychograph.

“A new era approaches and in these new times, I want to give you, my son, all the honour, glory and success deserved. I act in this way, because you are the only one on earth to understand me, to listen to me and to be completely obedient. Therefore, I tell you: Take your bag, your crook, your cross and follow me. Do not worry with what you are leaving behind and not with what will happenafter, for everything has been planned from the beginning of time. I want through you to touch the people’s heart, make them reflect and who knows take a new direction in their troubled lives. I am, once more, intends looking for the sinners, for as the old saying goes: Who needs a doctor, is who is sick. Those we believe, I promise eternal life and a special place in our kingdom. Those who reject it, they will have their names taken out of the book of life, for those who do not recognize the son they can see, much less will recognize the father who they don’t see. The latter does not deserve the dust from your feet. Don’t be afraid, will always be with you directing you internally. There are no secrets between us and my grace will keep you. Look for a signal.”

The seer stops writing. He picks up the paper and gets worried. What was going to happen? At every moment that passes, the gigantic wheel into which his life has been transformed, becomes more interesting.

He has already reunited the opposing forces, understood deeply his dark night of the soul, revisited the past, has deciphered God’s code and now he was before more demands.

Tiredness was intense, and he decides to go back to sleep. He was sure that he would not be able to sleep, but at least he could rest his tired body. And so, he does: keeps the paper in the desk drawer, gets up from the chair and with four steps slumps on the bed. Now, it was just wait for day break to take care of the necessary measures.

Until this happens, he takes advantage for an inner reflection about himself, his mission and respective challenges, his social circles and its needs, his commitments, the daily battle and try to foresee the destiny’s nuances, each time more amazing. But the most important is that everything remained in peace and at the expected rhythm. His star would soon shine.

And so, the time passes. When the alarm clock rings exactly at 5H00 he jumps out of bed, gets dressed, shouts of happiness for it is a holiday, goes to the shelf, picks up the cable of the radio and plugs it in. In the same shelf he chooses one of his favourite CDs and plays it. He listens to three songs, undresses, picks up shampoo, soap, brush, tooth paste and shaving cream, razor, the towel wrapped round his needy, thin and sweating body. Leaving the room, he goes through two lounges and at the end of the corridor enters the bathroom. Closing the door behind him, removes the towel, put the personal items on the basin and starts the required procedures.

Carefully splashes some water on his face and applies the cream. At this point, he has the chance of analysing his external aspect. His face was black and blue resulting from constantly hitting his face on the pillow during the previous night. Being vain, immediately starts shaving so to feel young as soon as possible. As he shaves, the whiskers are cut, the skin becomes soft, despite some lacerations caused by not paying attention. Just as well they were not serious.

When he finishes, gets under the shower, opens it, and the contact with the cold water awakes his most inner feelings. Everything was falling into place in his life, leaving each time his destination even more interesting. Although he had not realized it yet, he felt fully confident and capable of winning once again. He was prepared to go to the bottom in search of the signal mentioned by his father in the psychograph message a while ago. Even if he did not have an idea where to start.The seer closes the shower. He puts soap on his body in the smallest detail and wash it once more. With the exfoliating of the skin, now it is easier to remove completely the corporal, spiritual and psychologic impurities that had now and again afflicted him. He takes advantage and concentrates in cleaning, leaving other thoughts for another time.

Between shampoo and soap and more cold water, he finishes bathing in fifteen minutes. He returns to the basin, brushes his white teeth, making them shine. Now, he is ready for a free day and who knows, interesting in his almost monotonous life. Feeling confident, picks up the towel, dries himself, gets dressed and leaves the bathroom, and using the same way as before, returns to his room. At this point, everyone in the house was awake and politely wishes good morning to the ones he meets and is promptly reciprocated despite that not being the usual. In the room, he puts on simple but clean clothes. Then heads to the kitchen located at the end of the passage. Passing through the same places as before, arrives there, goes to the table and sits on an empty chair around the table. At this point he smells the coffee and fried eggs which are being prepared by his kind sister. The others start to arrive making the place livelier, with the usual family contradictions.

The breakfast is then served and comprises of bread and eggs, bread rolls and biscuits. While they eat, they engage in a conversation relating to daily matters, regional news, sports, politics, religion and relationships, each one having the opportunity of giving his opinion. Everything is very pleasant.

Once the breakfast is over, the seer says goodbye and returns to his room. There, he starts to pack his knapsack, only packing the items of bear necessity. His objective was to go out and begin to look for the signal mentioned by his father. With everything ready, leaves the room, goes through the lounge, says the last goodbye and exits the door. He was going to follow his intuition

Outside, he heads towards east, place of a peculiar view. On the way, he meets two people, greets them and continues forward, for there was no time to waste. The challenge was calling for a decision.

In five minutes he is already at the field adjoining the village school. He walks around for a while and at a given moment everything seems to change: The ground shakes, the sky darkens and the torment of a black shadow approaches. It was like the dream he has had two years ago. From inside the shadow three men come out and come close. With a deceitful smile, forcibly grab the seer from both sides and take him to near the inside of the shadow. Getting closer, the son of God understands that it would be his perdition to enter the shadow and struggles to get free.

However, his efforts are futile, for he is at disadvantage, being three against one. With no way out, the solution was to ask help from his father through the following prayer named “Prayer of Liberation”:

“I invoke you, God of the armies, to rescue me at this time of despair. Behold that might evildoers got hold of my soul and body trying to lead me to perdition. I am stuck. So, I beg of you, my father, rescue me, show your mighty and take away all the evildoers. I beg you for the sake of you plan, your kindness and your unfathomable love. Free and liberate me so that I can dignify your name before the assembly. So be it.”

As soon as he had finished saying the prayer, the situation changed completely: A great light approached, stood in front of the men and from inside it two strong angels came out. There were Uriel and Rafael, old acquaintances of his. They grabbed the men and with a spectacular agility threw them back to the shadow. After, they blew a strong wind that send them to Sheol, the great abysm. Done! Now the seer was safe.

As for magic, Renato also arrives, making up the amazing quartet from the previous adventure. After the usual greetings, they start talking.

– Oh, how good that you are here, my friends, pleased to see you again – Said the seer.

– We are here by the will of your father. Thank him— Answered Rafael.

– It is our pleasure too. (Uriel)

– I am very happy, partner. (Renato)

– How come you are here, Renato? (The seer)

– The guardian lady gave me your co-ordinations. She stressed the astral importance of this moment. It is as if it were a restart of everything built up to now— He explained.

– Caramba! First the message from my father and now you are all present here. Would it be a new adventure, Rafael? (Divine)

– Precisely. We came to help you in the continuation of your work. (Rafael)

– Ok. What is the first step? (The seer)

– It is up to you to decide. Only then you will find the answers. (Uriel)

Uriel answer was reasonable. As a human being, he was free to choose the best way and intuitively he knew that would be the right choice. His father was wonderful and expressed himself through his person and that was what the angels recognised. With a brief analysis, he takes a decision and tells his friends:

– Very well. I have decided. The experience in Sodorra, showed the direction of my true mission: I look for the sinners and their liberation from darkness. I want to bring them to my kingdom where they will have peace, plenty, justice and happiness if they accept me as king and brother. “I am” invites you to a journey.

– I am at your disposal. Since the first time, I am your right and left arm of any work. (Renato)

– I will accompany you and protect you from any evil. (Uriel)

– I will always be your adviser. (Rafael)

– Thank you all. Follow me. (The seer)

Having said that, the train departed. The next stop would be the seer’s home, where they were going to get food, clothes and money for the journey’s expenses. The dice were rolled.

On the way, they have the chance of talking a little and enjoying the beginning of the new year at the village. The land of Aldivan and Renato was a tranquil and pleasant place to live at, full of cultured, polite and welcoming people. This restart of their lives was promising.


A while later, the group reaches its destination. With the help of the seer, the suitcases are packed, they then get together and depart for the first destination. They go through the village centre, take the main road and after one hundred metres are already beside the road BR 232. They wait a while, talking lively about the journey’s plans.

Twenty minutes later, the bus arrives, they board it and then a twenty kilometres trip starts, towards the capital of the outback, the beautiful, beloved and important Arcoverde.

In the car, a dark grey coloured 15 seats combi, they try to keep busy, being it making small talk with other passengers, listening to music or even enjoying the enchanting typical provincial landscape of the Brazilian northeast interior. Without a doubt one of the most beautiful places in the world.

At a medium speed, they cover the distance in twenty minutes, alight at the bus stop, say goodbye, pay the fare and continue the walk on foot through the town’s main avenues.

Helped by the angels, the first stop chosen is the Cathedral of the Deliverance. They climb up the stairs, go in the main area and kneel in front of the sacrosanct altar. There are other people around, but each one has the freedom of saying his inner prayers in a perfect and individual communion with the creator.

When they finish the prayers, something calls the attention of the members of the group: A young blonde woman, 1.75 m tall, rosy cheeks, thick legs and arms, thin body, wearing a pink pair of dungarees, who could not stop crying. They decide to approach and address the unhappy creature:

– How can I help you, miss? Any problem? (The seer)

– No. Nothing that concerns you. (Young lady)

– Don’t talk to him like that. He only wants to help. (Rafael)

– Beg your pardon. It is that I don’t understand the sudden interest of strangers about me. (Young lady)

– I understand it. What is your name? (The seer)

– Rafaela Ferreira. And yours?

– My name is Rafael Potester.

– My name is Uriel Ikiriri.

– I am called Renato.

– I am Aldivan Teixeira Torres, also known as the son of God, Divine or seer. I want to tell you, apart from what is happening, that there is a solution for everything. Suffice you having more confidence in yourself, the father and in me. I am here to help you.

Rafaela was astonished. Who was that mad person thinking of himself as the son of God? In her perturbed mind, nothing and nobody could help her, and her destiny was perdition or the first bridge she found to jump off. Those words despite having touched her, did not signify anything before her private pain. She decides then show herself firm and difficult.

– You are kidding! Do you want me to believe that you are divine? Don’t waste my time.

– Seriously? You look like that young girl playing with her doll and hiding at the church’s vestry with your friends. At that time your naivety and faith were mirrors to other people. Now, however, I understand your soul darkness and I feel concerned. Don’t you want my help? Don’t regret when everything is lost— Said the son of God.

– I sincerely recommend that you listen to him. After having met him, my life was changed in such a way that I can no longer live without him. He has got words of life. (Renato)

– Aldivan is an extraordinary being. No power, symbol, entity or denomination is stronger than his love for people. Always listen to him. (Rafael)

– I don’t exist without him. (Uriel)

Rafaela was lost for words. It was indeed unbelievable despite her faith and belief not allowing to believe in miracles. The five there in front of the Almighty, her problems that did not stop hammering her head, the promise from a stranger who called himself son of God and knew about her past. What was happening? Could it be a plot from destiny to deepen her more in her misery? Or who knows could it be her salvation? In her mind this last hypothesis had the least probability.

After a quick analysis of the situation, she decides to test them and where would all this madness be going to end.

– Alright. I will let you help me. What is the first step?

– Let’s get out of here. Outside I will explain better. (The seer)

Everyone obeys the team leader. Leaving the matrix of deliverance, they walk a few metres towards south and the turn right at the centre main avenue. On the way, the seer speaks.

– Rafaela, could you introduce us to your family? You live in the neighbourhood Saint Christopher, don’t you?

– Yes. No problem. The past three months I have been living with my parents, after my engagement broke-up —She answers each time more impressed.

– I know it. We will take advantage to have a snack. Are you hungry, guys? (The seer)

– I am. (Renato)

– I am not. But I will accompany you. (Rafael)

– You don’t even ask if the lass agrees. Lazy bones! (Uriel)

– There is no problem. My parents are very welcoming. (Rafaela)

– Thank you. (The seer)

The walk continues. Further ahead, they turn right again and wait at the corner for the first bus towards the neighbourhood. While waiting, they remain silent.

Five minutes later the bus arrives. Our esteemed personalities board it and the journey through the west side of the town of Arcoverde neighbourhood restarts. At a normal speed and facing a chaotic traffic, they arrived at the nearest stop to the friend’s residence in ten minutes. They pay the fares, alight and walk a further one hundred metres.

They are in front of a modest masonry building, 10x5 m (Ten metres long and five metres wide), style house, with a short wall in front. Rafaela as hostess, takes the initiative and knocks on the small entrance gate, giving access to a small room. She knocks once, and nothing happens. At the second attempt, they hear the sound of steps and wait to be attended to.

From inside the house, out comes a strong man, short, light coloured, wearing jeans, knitted shirt, leather hat and flip-flops. Seeing his daughter accompanied by the boys, he gets surprised and with authority says:

– Daughter, what is happening? Who are these people?

– They are my friends, father. They came with me to pay a visit. Is it alright? (Rafaela)

– Ok. Excuse the bad manners. My name is Antonio Ferreira and yours?

– I am Aldivan Teixeira Torres.

– I am Renato

– My name is Rafael Potester.

– And I am Uriel Ikiriri.

– My pleasure. Be at ease. Let’s go in. (Antonio)

– Thank you. (The seer)

– Is my mother here? (Rafaela Ferreira)

– Yes. In the lounge. Are we going in? (Antonio)

Everyone accepts the invitation nodding in agreement. They pass the hall, enter the lounge, and one by one settles on the five-seat sofa and others on chairs. Gildete, Rafaela’s mother is introduced to the visitors. Immediately, they start talking.

– Good, Mrs. Gildete and Mr Antonio, we met Rafaela by chance, when we were praying to the Sacred. Tell me, when did the problems start? (The seer)

– We don’t know exactly when, but we suspect that the worse happened because of the engagement break-up. From then on, she lost the will to live. (Gildete)

– I think it was just like that. (Antonio)

– I understand it. It is very difficult indeed. (The seer)

– Have you seen a specialist? (Rafael)

– Yes. With no concrete results. (Gildete)

– In my despair, I even consulted a holy priest. (Antonio)

– I have already told them that nothing and nobody can help me. They are stubborn. (Rafaela)

– Don’t talk like that. Nothing is impossible. (Renato)

– She is depressed, young man. It is normal feeling like that. (Uriel)

– Oh, pardon me, Rafaela. (Renato)

– It is not your fault. What to do, my God? I feel lost and with no chances of surviving. What else could happen? (Rafaela)

– The answer you are seeking is in my father. When I was in the dark night of the soul— a dark period when I went away from God— he looked for me and with great love he saved me from perdition. He can even do more for you through me. For that reason, I ask permission from your parents and you, to let me try to help you. (The seer)

– I don’t know. Although I am afraid, I have trust on what.

–What must I do, dad and mom? (Asks Rafaela)

– We have nothing to lose. For the little we have talked, I have understood the greatness of this man’s heart. I have got faith. (Gildete)

– What have you got in mind? (Antonio)

– Get to know your daughter, and through knowing her be able to help her. I also want her to come with us in a short journey. (The seer)

– Everything is alright with me. However, keep us up to date. (Antonio)

– If you agree, I am also in agreement. I am going to try. (Rafaela)

– Thank you for your trust. (The seer)

– Would you like something to eat or drink? (Gildete)

– Water for me. (The seer)

– I want juice. (Renato)

– Anything. (Rafael)

– Thank you. (Uriel)

– If you excuse me. (Gildete)

Gildete got up, ruffled her hair and with steady steps headed to the kitchen. In a few strides she gets there and begins preparing some snacks. While waiting, the conversation continues lively in the lounge, relating to other subjects. When she finishes preparing the food, the hostess call everyone to the kitchen table, were everything was well organized. They respond to the call, and for twenty minutes, they continue to interact, in an atmosphere of peace, tranquillity and union, as if they were a large family. What has a touch of truth, for they are all part of the great family called humanity.

At the end, Rafaela goes to pack her suitcases to take on the long journey. A journey still not defined and unforeseen which could change the future of the entire world. Let’s wait and see.


With the help of her new friends, Rafaela finalises things and then the group leaves the house. Outside, the seer hires a car with destination to the first place that comes to mind. The chosen place is Ipojuca, in the municipality of Arcoverde. They get in the car and depart to the mentioned place.

They pass the neighbourhood of St. Cristopher, reach the centre, pass “Boa Vista” and at the end of the main avenue they make a detour towards the village. At this point everyone is attentive and expectant. “The destiny lines are being drawn even without them being aware of it. Surely success was awaiting them”.

On the way, they try to amuse themselves the best way possible with laughs, jokes, gossip and disorder. Only the seer was very serious and pensive. At least on the surface.

And so, the fifteen kilometres separating them from the village, were quickly covered without much stress. They arrive at the village, with only a main road with houses here and there. They ask to stop in front of the local small church, take the driver’s telephone number, say goodbye, pay the hire, and alight. They watch the car disappear in the horizon and decide to walk at random a few metres. It is a this point that the seer speaks:

– I feel that everything is changing. I will finally find my destiny, I will enchant the public and will solve many conflicts. Do you believe, brothers? (The seer)


– Yes, you are the man— Praised Renato.

– Thank you. (The seer)

– Everybody has the capability of attaining success. However, many are carried away by the destiny’s occurrences and give up. I know that this is not your case and I admire you for it. (Rafael)

– Rafael, I am not superman. I am human, and I am very proud of it. I am like any other normal person, with fears, frustrations, deceptions, anxieties, worries and many problems. Everything conspires to failure, but I don’t accept defeat. I have decided to fight until the end and I call my brothers to my father’s midst, “I am “loves you and through me he can heal your wounds. It is enough to believe in Yahweh, in my name and of that of my superior brother. Have faith! (The seer)

– Teach me! I have lost hope and I don’t know where to find it. (Rafaela Ferreira)

The seer gets emotional. There, by his side, it was a suffering sister, fighter, full of scratches from the ungrateful life. He understood well her situation and her pains, and by his own experience knew that it was not going to be easy handle them or even heal them. Full of compassion, he approaches the lass gives a strong hug, kisses her on the face and murmurs something in her ear. The message calms her down.

After, with a signal ask the other to accompany him. The group crosses the village on foot, enters the woods and soon after stops in front of a fig tree. The seer then speaks again:

– As once a tree like this saved my life, I want save you from darkness and sin. Make a circle holding hands.

They obey. The seer approaches and touch his newest friend. The forces of two hearts meets as “Take one” from the presentation starts:

“It was January 1

, 1990. A new day begins, tranquil and moderate sun, at the beloved Arcoverde. More exactly at the neighbourhood St. Cristopher, near the local faculty, the couple of Gildete and Antonio Ferreira have just arrived from the hospital where the first has given birth to a beautiful baby. As it was the first and probably the last daughter, because of complications during the birth, she was being spoilt by both. It was the concretization of the couple mutual love, after 5 years of comings and goings.

The little girl was an enchanting creature and it seemed smiling, despite probably not being able to see them. After hugging her tightly, the mother makes a prophecy:

– My daughter will be happy even if she suffers the vagaries of life. I feel that something special will happen in her life.

The atheist father did give importance to the message, but the catholic mother, faced it as a road to destiny. She piously believed that she was special. Of common agreement, they chose the name Rafaela, and thus she was baptised the week after at the neighbourhood’s church. Afterwards, life continued normally.

Little by little, Rafaela grew up, gaining body size, crawling and then walking at about her first year of life. On the way, she tripped, fell, hurt herself and finally won. These stages would accompany her in any project and with a little dedication, guts and faith, had won. “Every human being is predisposed to succeed. However, most give up at the first difficulty. For those, “I am” says: You are capable, and nothing is impossible to those who believe in God. Therefore, persist in your dreams that at some time or another the miracle will happen.

After the first anniversary, little by little, the little girl conquered her space and being conscientious of her existence. It is at the time, the phase of the why begins and the parents must bend back to satisfy her or at least calm her down. The world was not like an exact subject but an infinity of unknowns that not even the adults understood well. Therefore, there was no answer for everything.

From this stage to eight years of age, the most difficult was the indefinite parting with a school friend, who had moved to Sao Paulo. Rafaela passed days and nights mourning and became so sad that they had to consult a doctor. Her salvation came from her paternal grandfather, Gracinha, who was very good in explaining the situation. There were several sessions until she would partially recover. She managed to restart her life, but the scars remained. We could say that fact has caused her first depression crisis and the illness remained well manifested. Just as well that it wasn’t the end.”

The first flash ended. The seer takes the hand away from his friend, stays pensive as if analysing the situation and only some time later he speaks.

– I understand you Rafaela. You let your pains take control of you, and at times you feel lost, confused and desperate. However, I guarantee you that it is not the end. We must give ourselves to the infinite power of the father and go ahead. As the old saying goes, “There isn’t a single hair that falls without his consent”.

– Who are you? I never had anyone talking to me so profoundly. (Rafaela)

– He is the son of God, Rafa. In him the father finds his pleasure. (Renato)

– Aldivan is one of the few beings in the universe to emit pure light. Not even the angels compare to him. (Rafael)

– I am his special protector. I was specially created together with him. (Uriel)

– I am the one who people rejected and humiliated centuries ago. I am also the light of the sun, the cool breeze of the morning, the most profound wish of the dreamer. This one talking to you is known as “I am”, he who frees, heals, guide those who wish to know the father. (The seer)

– Caramba! I am lost for words! At a certain point, I was in contrition and pain before the Almighty at the cathedral of deliverance. Then I met you and now I am here at the village of Ipojuca with a man who knows my life, my future and who calls himself the son of God, with an intelligent and wise young man and two beings that seem to be from another world. Could it be a dream, a delirium or as last hypothesis a fantastic reality that is hard to believe? (Rafaela)

– Then touch me and confirm what your faith does not allow— Said the seer stretching his hands.

Rafaela Ferreira hesitates. Should she do it? Well, it was the only option to take away the doubt that corroded her heart. It was then that armed with the rest of her remaining courage advanced three steps and with her delicate and fine hands touched the son of God’s arm. As retribution for the gesture of kindness, he pinched her what made her shout with pain. Yes! She was completely sure now that he was real and the way he has spoken could lead her to paths she didn’t know yet.

At the end of touch, they separate and then the seer speaks:

– Let’s go back to the village urban area. The time presses.

The group agrees in total and they then depart from where they were (the beginning of the woods) and go back by the same way. At the time there was complete communion of feelings among them. May what come, they would face it together in search for the greater objective. The world awaited them.

In twenty frenetic minutes, facing the heat, the stones, the lacerating thorns, the inner solitude and the unforeseeable they arrive at the village. In a quick get together, they decided to look for a restaurant or snack bar for they were thirsty and hungry. Looking here and there and asking the locals they find a simple snack bar named enchantment bar.

The establishment comprises a single area, counter and shelves, and area were tables and chairs were laid out. Besides ready to eat food, they sell drinks, food stuff and domestic utensils. At the week end, it offers barbecue and regional dish by order.

As it was not yet lunch time, they find empty tables and chairs, sit down and choose some of the dishes available on the menu on the table. They choose manioc with dry meat, something cheap, good taste and regional.

They order and while they wait they chat.

– Where are you from? (Rafaela Ferreira)

– I'm from Arcoverde. I am a chap who believes in work, in people and mainly in the benign forces that accompany me. (The son of God)

– I am from the mountain of Ororubá, in Mimoso region. There, I and my adoptive mother— the guardian of the sacred mountain— live with dignity, kindness and in complete communion with nature. (Renato)

– I am one of the seven archangels who are always in God’s presence, However, I have got a special mission here on earth together with you and I hope to match the expectations of the creative force. (Rafael)

– I am also an angel with the sole objective to take care of my master and lord, the son of God. I thank the father for it. (Uriel)

– I was born and raised in Arcoverde. Despite being strangers, something tells me to trust you. Thank you very much for taking an interest in me. (Rafaela Ferreira)

– Be at ease, friend. We are here to help you. (The seer)

– Thank you. (Rafaela)

– And what do you do in life, Rafaela? (Renato)

– Now, I am only studying. But, I must admit that now I don’t feel like doing anything. (Rafaela)

– Must be the illness. (Renato)

– What illness? I am only depressed. (Rafaela)

– This, that you have got is called depression. If is not treated properly, may lead the person to madness or even to suicide. (Rafael)

– It was exactly what I was thinking about when you appeared: Jump off at the first bridge. I don’t want to suffer anymore. (Rafaela)

– God would not allow it, nor I for we love you, Rafaela. The solution to your problems is in my father and in my name. Do you believe it? (The seer)

– Oh, very well! Make a miracle so I can believe it! (Rafaela)

– If it was allowed, I would do it, Rafaela, for the love of you. But think well: Just being here is it not a miracle? How long haven’t you talked honestly to a circle of friends? (The son of God)

– Seen from that angle, you are right. (Rafaela)

– The time for great miracles has already passed. We are at the apostasy era, where the materialism and selfishness of the human being is preponderant. Be happy for the opportunity that you are having now. (Uriel)

– Ok. Pardon my lack of manners and the temptation. (Rafaela)

– Do not worry. I am ready to understand you. (The seer)

The food arrives. From then on, silence prevails only broken by the locals who start arriving. The group spends about thirty minutes in total harmony, enjoying the lunch and at the end, ask for something to drink. After, they ask they ask for bill, leave the place and phone again the driver who has bought them there. They wait twenty minutes more, and with the arrival of the taxi, they depart destined to the beloved Arcoverde. Destiny awaits them.

Riacho do meio— Arcoverde

During the short trip between Ipojuca and Arcoverde, nothing abnormal happens. They kept themselves busy most of the time with interactions and visualizations. Didn’t even seem that each one lived a private drama: The seer, who had not established himself as the artist that he deserved to be, Rafael and Uriel because they have not yet completed their mission, Renato for not being efficient yet and finally, Rafaela Ferreira, who was facing a severe depression crisis. At least, none of them has lost faith completely. There was still hope, and this was something Aldivan used to emphasize.

In this tranquil atmosphere, they return to the capital of Pernambuco, being dropped in the vicinity of the Bela Vista neighbourhood. It was 12H30 and they stay waiting for the bus in one of the roads.

While they wait, they take the chance of catching a bit of sun and listen to music coming from nearby. Everything was perfect. The music stops, the bus arrives, they board it, a blue beast, and then the journey restarts.

At a normal speed, they arrive at the highway which now is very busy. There would be sixteen kilometres more until the village of Riacho do Meio, where the seer and his friends where going to pay a visit to friend.

As usual, they take the chance in the vehicle to make friends with other passengers and the driver. All of them were well known in the area for often doing that trip.

From general news to politics and religion, the topics are well discussed, and everyone laughs. How good was to live, have friends, to chat and forget the worries for a while. This is extremely important for everyone’s mental health.

And thus, they advance on the road, going down the mountain, pass Site Fifteen and sometime later arrive at the village which is located on the border between Arcoverde and Pesqueira. They alight near a cashew nut orchard, pay the fare, say goodbye, take the path and go in the small village.

With a few more steps, they reach the only street and advance on the right until reaching the fifty building, in house style, 8x4 m, cedar door and window, with a small area in front of it. The seer then starts knocking and shouting:

– Lady Eulalia! I am here!

At the same time the sound of footsteps is heard and from inside the modest house, comes a middle—age white lady, thin, with a suntan, 1.65 m tall. She comes out with a smile on her face recognizing the boy who she had met a certain time at the bus station and who made her believe she was important. How good that is there, she thinks to herself. Then she speaks:

– Aldivan, are you here? And who are these people with you?

– Yes, it is me, lady Eulalia. These are my adventure companions. They are Renato, Rafael, Uriel and Rafaela— Said the son of God pointed each one out.

– Oh, pleased to meet you. Welcome. Please come-in!

– Thank you. (Everyone)

Accepting the invitation, one by one go in the small masonry house. The house is comprised of a sole lounge, bedroom, service area, kitchen and bathroom. In the lounge they made themselves at home on a five-seater settee and one chair.

He hostess is the first one to speak:

– Very well, I was just thinking of you, my son. When we met for the first time, your words did a lot of good to me. Nowadays, I am tranquil, living off my pension. Now and again, my grandchildren pay me a visit and when that happens it is that party.

– How nice that I could help you in some way. I brought this young lady here (pointed to Rafaela) for you two to have a chat. She suffers from depression. (The seer)

– It will be my pleasure. How are you Rafaela? (Eulalia)

– I am surviving. Thank you. (Rafaela)

– We met her at the church of deliverance, in Arcoverde. She arose our attention. (Rafael)

– Why?

– Explain to her, brother. (Rafael)

– She was crying and totally lost. (Uriel)

– So, we decided to help her. (Added Renato)

– That shows the greatness of your heart. I admire you. But could you explain the reason for all this? (Eulalia)

– It is what I also ask. (Restated Rafaela)

– My father called me to the mission. In some way, I am linked to Rafaela and her to me. We are sister souls from the beginning and I will spare any effort to help her. In any way, I always do that whether the person deserves it or not—Explained the son of God.

– Thank you. (Rafaela)

– It is indeed honourable. Congratulations! Tell me colleague, how long have you felt like that? (Eulalia)

– I am not too sure. I have already gone through many crisis, apparently for banal things. I must admit that if weren’t for the son of God having rescued me, I would be dead, probably jumping off a bridge. (Rafaela)

– Don’t talk like that. You are young, have many reasons to live and you are very lucky. So, smile! (Eulalia)

– It is what we are always emphasizing to her. (Rafael)

– “Indeed, it is not the end. I see good times, of spiritual self-communion, discoveries and happiness. Word of Yahweh”. (Uriel)

– Amen. Help me Lord! (Rafaela)

– He is helping, my friend. Have faith! (The son of God)

– I believe it! (Renato)

– I also believe it. Teach me! (Rafaela)

The seer stands up, approaches the young woman and gives her a great warm hug. Resting her head on her lord’s chest, brother and friend, she was conscious that no evil would come to her. This belief calms her down and commotion of the moment made her cry.

The son of God then bent down and delicately wiped her tears. At this point, he promises himself, his father and the whole of the universe, that in his future kingdom there would be no place for suffering, pain or even death. In it, the humans would be completely happy and would adore his father at the mount Sian. Unlike the human kingdoms, there would be equal rights and people would not be prejudged by the colour of their skin, race, religion, sexual choice or any other reason. Everyone would be children of the same father.

When he realized that Rafaela had calmed down, he ends the embrace and returns to his seat. The hostess speaks again:

–Would you like something to drink or eat?

– Thank you, lady Eulalia. We are leaving. Aren’t we going, guys? (The seer)

– Yes. (The others agree)

– Thank you very much for the chat and the hospitality. (The seer)

– Nothing at all, pay me a visit whenever you want. Good luck, Rafaela. God bless you. (Eulalia)

– Thank you, lady, for your words of comfort. (Rafaela)

They all mutually embrace and finally say goodbye. They head to the door, exit and go to the street. After walking a few metres, Rafaela went close to her beloved and says:

– I am ready! Touch me!

The son of God smiles. He had been waiting a long time for it. Delicately, he gets closer and stretches his arm touching her dress. Immediately, she feels a mysterious force which simultaneously heals her and discovers her most private secrets. “Take two”:

“Rafaela continues to grow rapidly: From a sweet little girl, clever and inquisitive, she became a lass with the same qualities. On the family life she maintained a good relationship with her parents, and on the social life she was active, attended the main events being respected by her nature and values. On the intellectual side, she stood out in her class, passing the primary and high school with honours.

However, that bad feeling remained inside her only waiting for the right moment to explode again. It is a recently discovered phenomenon, but which existed from the beginning of times, having recently got the status of disease. Its most common symptoms are: Deep sadness, feeling of guilt, difficulty in sleeping and concentrate, low self-esteem and suicidal ideas. Rafaela Ferreira felt most of those in her crisis.

The second event to initiate again the illness, was at the time of the college admission exam. After a year of intense preparation, Rafaela took several tests at public universities in the Capital. A month later, the results came out simultaneously, and she had failed them all. This gave her a great shock even despite the few chances. Let me explain. For being poor, Rafaela had always attended basic governmental schools, where the teaching was of a lower standard than at private schools. Despite being intelligent, that fact was undisputable. The other important factor was the lack of studying material during the preparation. However, with everything against her, she was expecting something good or a miracle, and the total failure it was a shock, although it was the most probable thing to happen.

From then on, she spent two weeks at home, in isolation and suffering until a school mate paid her a visit, who had also failed the same exams. In an honest talk, they consoled each other and promised to carry on. In the end, they were young and failing the exams, was not going to mark them forever as inefficient. “There is no indefinite failure nor success. Life was made of ups and downs, and the secret of happiness consisted of always believe in a way out.”

“Both then restarted their lives”

The seer takes the hand away. How much has this young girl suffered! It was not fair to her or anyone else to live with so many failures and pain. It was then that with a penetrating look he faced her and the group, declaring:

– I know better than anybody else what is suffering. In my childhood, I have lived with poverty daily, lack of understanding, subjection and human injustice. In my adolescence, in order not to hurt my relatives, I lived a personality and consequently I didn’t live life in full. A while later, I reached the extreme of darkness and criminality. It was at this point that the father acted and rescued me. Today I am a reborn man, honest and happy. Is there any secret? It is easy. Take your crosses, renege the world, give yourselves to the live force of the universe, that we usually call God. He is the only one who understand us completely. He is calling you now to enter his kingdom. In it, there will be no misery, pain, suffering or injustice. This kingdom will not end.

– Yes. The way is open for everyone, righteous or sinners. (Rafael)

– Big and small will gather at the mount Sian and will worship the father and the sons. It will a time of peace and happiness. (Uriel)

– When will that be? (Renato)

– The date is marked from the beginning of times but belongs to the Almighty. The day will come like the thief and, however, it is necessary to be ready— recommended the son of God.

– What must I do to enter the father’s kingdom? (Rafaela Ferreira)

– A few things are necessary. Work, faith, humbleness, charity, tolerance, patience, forgiveness and above all love. Who does not know the latter, has not got the essence of God. (The son of God)

– Thank you for sharing this with us, friend Aldivan. (Said Rafaela ending the talk)

The group then went ahead towards the road, beside of BR 232. Without much ado, they cover the distance in about eight minutes. They waited for the bus to come, what took about forty minutes.

There is only six kilometres to get to the beginning of Caraíbas and it was so quick that there was no time to get to know other passengers. They climb down, say goodbye to the remaining people, pay the fare, cross the road, starting the ascent in the shape of a curve.

At this point everything seems to change.


The ground disappears under our feet. The angels act quickly and hold the humans. Even so, a powerful force pushes them towards the abysm at speed. In a question of seconds, they are falling into a dark space, cold and deserted. What to do? Where were they going to end? At that moment, everyone’s hope and faith were shaken, for they were dying without being rescued.

The time passes, and they continue falling. In a time, impossible to measure such is their predicament, they can see the end: On the right side, a cross and on the left, immense darkness, in the centre, Sheol, full of tormented evil spirits. The more they approach the elements, the shock of the opposing forces was enormous as five years ago, at the first adventure of the series “The seer”.

Just before they were going to be smashed on the ground, the son of God, inspired by the holy spirit starts reciting the following prayer: “Father, I call upon you to act. We are in deep contrition, misery and danger and we have no one to resort to. Remember us now just as you have remembered and took pity of Noah and the slave Israelites. I beg for your love, understanding and for the mercies of the blessed cross that has freed us from sin and open the doors to eternal life. So be it.”

About a millimetre from falling, the attraction force ceased. The angels then flipped their wings and started flying again. They began the return way at the speed of light. In a short time, they come out of the abysm and it disappears without trace. As by magic, they find themselves at the ascent in “s” of Caraíbas, right at the beginning. Rafaela did not hold back:

– My God! What was that?

– It was an illusion caused by a powerful malign mind. If it weren’t for the seer’s prayer, we would be lost – Explained Rafael.

– How come, Aldivan? Where from comes the inspiration? (Rafaela Ferreira)

– I am going to explain. Through the communion phenomenon, I and Yahweh are interlinked in such a way that my words become his. There is no difference. (Aldivan)

– Incredible! I have never heard anything like that. Despite appearing to be blasphemy, I believe it. (Rafaela)

– How nice friend, you are beginning to learn the greatness of this heart that one day will conquer the world. (Renato)

– I don’t exist without him (Uriel)

–Thank you everyone and specially my friend archangel Uriel Ikiriri. At the most difficult moments of my life, he has been a tool of the Almighty who has supported and liberated me. I don’t have any more words to say. I am the only human to know his guardian angel, to know his own future and to penetrate the human soul. I am blessed. (The seer)

– I would like to be like you. (Said Rafaela in a melancholic tone)

– Don’t want to be. Every human being is beautiful for his own characteristics. God loves you as you are and is only waiting for a yes to act in your life. (The seer)

– I understood it. Pardon me. (Rafaela)

– Don’t worry. I understand you. (The son of God)

– Thank you. (Rafaela)

– Let’s continue, then. There is still a long way to go. (Aldivan)

The group obeyed. The walk continued. Walking for a few metres, they turn the bend, and went ahead. On the way, they meet two private cars leaving the village, some horse riders and a bicycle rider. As they were good mannered and polite, they greeted them and continue walking forwards. A short distance ahead, the first houses appear, and the ascent becomes flat. The seer stops, and so do the others, and then he takes advantage to speak to his adventure companions:

– Do you see all this around? It is splendid terrain with its peculiar traits, this is a little of the outback caatinga. Every day for a year, I sweated walking this way. However, this did not make me less worthy. On the contrary, I felt honoured to perform my role as administrative assistant of the school secretary.

– I have never worked. But I understand what you say. It is indeed good to be useful, what I am not now. (Rafaela)

– Don’t talk like that. You have got a beautiful family that loves you and the spiritual father too. Now, you have got us as friends. Do you see? You are not useless. You are important for those around you. (Aldivan)

– Your words… make me emotional… Bua, Bua, Bua…. (Rafaela Ferreira, sobbing)

Everyone became emotional. Instinctively, they approach and embrace her. They put so much emphasis in it that Rafaela felt suffocated. For the first time, in a long time, she felt completely loved, what a holy medicine for her depression problem.

When she was calmer, they separate again, and the talk continued for a bit longer:

– This is how it should be! We are a great team with a common objective: Unravel the complex meanders of the exciting destiny. We are with you, seer! (Renato)

– Thank you. Can I rely on you as well, my dear archangels? (Aldivan)

– Always! Your father Yahweh leads us at every moment. It is his will. (Rafael)

– In the darkest night, when everyone says no, when there will be no way out, I will rescue you. At that time, I will show a lucid, clear and workable way. From then on, happiness will reign in your life for I am Yahweh, the true God. Word of Yahweh. (Uriel)

– That has already happened to me. Touching. (The seer)

– That is the way I feel. Count on me for anything. (Uriel)

– Thank you. Count on me too. Aldivan)

– Can we continue? Time presses it is almost night time. (Pointed out Rafael)

– Yes, let’s go. (The seer)

The walk restarts. The approximately five hundred metres separating them from the village are quickly covered at a steady pace. They walk along the first streets and turn right, walk another fifty metres ahead and reach a residence chalet style, 6x13 m, with an area in front and at the side a side garage, masonry smooth plastered and painted white walls, with the number thirty-five written on a wooden plaque. When they get near the door, they knock and wait until someone answers. It is a blonde young woman, medium stature, rosy cheeks, called Jackeline. The same one from the previous adventure, “The Encounter of Two Worlds”. She speaks.

– Is that you, seer? How long!

– Yes. I am at my fifth saga of the series the seer. And you, how have you been? (The son of God)

– Well. Who are these people with you? (Jackeline)

– They are my friends, Rafael, Uriel and Rafaela Ferreira. Renato, you already know him. (Aldivan)

– Yes, of course. Pleased to meet you, guys. (Jackeline)

– Pleasure. (The rest, simultaneously)

– Excuse my bad manners, please come-in. (Jackeline)

– Thank you. (The seer)

Together with the group, Jackeline goes inside and as her parents were travelling she acts as hostess. They settle on the seven-seater settee in the lounge.

It was exactly 18H00 and she took advantage of the pause to invite them.

– What about going to the kitchen? You must be hungry.

– A little. What do you think, guys? (The son of God)

– I agree it. (Renato)

– Me too. (Rafaela)

– Let’s go. (Rafael)

– Yes. (Uriel)

Invitation accepted, they left the lounge, go along the corridor and reach the kitchen. They sit around the main table, while Jackeline goes to prepare tea and biscuits for a snack. Would have offered a dinner but there was no time and she wasn’t expecting visitors. When everything is ready, she serves them and then the seer takes the chance to speak.

– Look, I want to ask a favour of you, Jack. Could you settle us for the night? It is already late, and we don’t have any acquaintances here.

– Don’t worry. I have got available beds and mattresses for everyone. It will be a pleasure —She said.

–Thank you. Are you still working as a health carer? (Aldivan)

– Yes, and you in your great adventure as a writer? (Jackeline)

– Yes. I love my work. People like Rafaela inspire me to continue. (Aldivan)

– What is the matter with you, my dear? (Jackeline)

– I feel a bit bored and sad about some things. (Rafaela)

– I understand it. You are depressed. You have made an excellent choice by choosing to accompany him. Aldivan has got words of life. (Jackeline)

– And you, Renato, how are you doing? You have grown. (Jackeline)

– Well. This year, I finish the medical studies and I wish to continue my studies at the faculty. I have already had a few flirts. rsrs. —Said the youngster.

–Kkk (Laughing). Very good! And you, Aldivan? Have you found love yet? (Jackeline)

– Not yet, but I am looking for it. Who knows if one day maybe I can find it. However, besides that, I am an accomplished and happy man in my career and work. (Aldivan)

– It is true. If there is a person who is happy and deserving it, that being is called Aldivan Teixeira Torres, and I don’t say that because he is my protegee. My judgement is impartial. (Uriel Ikiriri)

– Aldivan is the rose among the thorns. Among the humans, there is no one like him. His greatness is so big that God regards him as his son. (Rafael)

– I am proud of being his adventure partner. (Renato)

– And I of having you as a friend. (Jackeline)

– Ditto. (Rafaela)

– Thank you all. You, together with the whole mankind, are important to me despite sometimes not deserving it! (The son of God)

Everyone approaches Aldivan and embrace him. At that magic moment, they felt like true children of God, loved and protected. The embrace last sufficient time for the human warm to be felt. After, they break up the embrace and continue to have the tea and biscuits.

When they finish, they leave the kitchen, return to the lounge and engage in other activities. Among them, watching TV, listen to good music on the radio and chat. This keeps them entertained until bedtime, being at exactly 22H00. Good night everyone.


The night and dawn pass normally and finally the day breaks. One by one, the group elements awake and the hostess too. While the latter goes to prepare the breakfast, the others queue at the only bathroom to take a bath. As there were many, they hurry up bathing finishing in an hour’s time. After, they head to the kitchen and when they arrive there, for everyone’s delight they see the breakfast is ready. They sit around the table and like the night before, Jackeline serves them promptly.

In a cosy and calm atmosphere, they enjoy the typical delicacies of the northeast outback such as manioc with dry meat, couscous, tapioca and bread rolls. Everything expertly prepared by the fairy hands of our friend Jackeline. At the same time, they take the chance to know themselves better.

– Congratulations, Jack. With whom did you learn to cook so well? (The seer)

– Thank you. With my mother. She is an excellent cook— Answered Jackeline.

– Later can you give me the recipe? The seasoning is indeed excellent. (Rafaela)

– Of course. There is no secret. It is only to put the ingredients in the right amount. (Jackeline)

– Ok. (Rafaela)

– What have you done since we parted? (Renato)

– In my simple life as ever. In my work as a public servant, domestic chores and travelling on holidays, for nobody is made of steel. What about the books? Have you had much success yet?

– We are doing a good job. The fruits, we will reap them later. (Renato)

– Very good! (Jackeline)

– Very well, Jackeline! You are example of a person who knows how to enjoy life. Mirror yourself in her, Rafaela! (The seer)

– Certainly. She has already gained my admiration. (Rafaela)

– Thank you. And you, Rafael and Uriel, since when have entered the seer’s life? (Jackeline)

– We have always been part of his life but only recently God allowed us to reveal ourselves. We are archangels and we are always in the presence of God— Explained Rafael.

– Archangels? Here on earth? How is it possible? And why? (Asked the incredulous Jackeline)

– Just that. Specifically, I am Aldivan’s guardian angel, I am an Ikiriri, and was created together with him. We are living important and decisive times and our presence is necessary here on earth. (Uriel)

– Cool. I would like the opportunity of knowing my angel. I think that would change my life completely. (Jackeline)

– Me too. (Rafaela Ferreira)

– We are everywhere. Each person one way or another is in contact with his angel. It is only necessary to pay attention to the signals. (Rafael)

– For example? (Jackeline)

– Have you ever heard that inner voice guiding and advising you? The humans call it intuition. (Rafael)

– Yes. To a lesser extent, yes. (Jackeline)

– Me too. Several times. Only sometimes some voices influence us to evil. (Rafaela)

– In that case, they are messengers, also known as demons. They belong to the darkness, act on the week points of the person, serve the purposes of the God of darkness. (Uriel)

– It was what has happened with me. Those voices almost lead me to perdition. However, at the moment I most needed, the forces of goodness became present and liberated me. (Aldivan)

– It is exactly what I need now. I need that restoring force to progress living with expectations. Teach me, son of God! (Rafaela Ferreira)

The son of God got emotional stood up positioning himself in front of everyone. Rafaela was another anguished, desperate and lost person, who cried out for help and with his experience he knew how painful was to feel alone in life. For a moment, he looks towards his inner and waits an answer from his father who loved him so much. He knew that if he asked he would listen, for in him Yahweh God found his pleasure.

With a sure and steady voice, he then speaks to his friends:

– My brothers, have faith in me. God Yahweh is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient and even having so many attributes, he still loves us as children. The only condition is that we follow his commandments written in the bible and up-dated in the Best—seller “God’s code”. The rest happens consequently.

– I want it. How can I enter the kingdom of God? (Rafaela Ferreira)

– Our kingdom is the kingdom of justice, peace and love and is open to everyone. My mission now is to look for people, spread God’s message and hope that it will spread by itself. You are part of that project. Do you accept? (The son of God)

– Yes. (Rafaela Ferreira)

– Then from now on you are the first apostle. We need 11 more to complete the team. Welcome. (The seer)

– Thank you. (Rafaela)

– I also want it. (Renato)

– And us? (Jackeline)

– You a part of another plan. My apostles are all those that need my urgent help, specially the sinners— Explained the son of God.

– According to tradition, there are twelve that will become billions. (Rafael)

– Let the prophecy be accomplished. (Uriel)

– Thank you all. (The seer)

Saying that, the seer returned to his place and everyone restarted eating. At the end of the meal, they finally say goodbye, take their suitcases and leave the house. Now, towards Mimoso— Pesqueira, a village about twelve kilometres from where they were. It was there that everything has started.

Getting to the streets, they try to enjoy the last minutes at the wonderful land of the beloved Caraíbas, suggestively called Carabais in the book “The encounter between two worlds” and in “The opposing forces the mystery of the cave”. The reason for the change in name was the preservation of this magic place, surrounded by beauty, but now this wasn’t so important. “I am” in the person of Aldivan Teixeira Torres was ready to reveal itself.

They walk through the centre, turn left and follow the last street towards the asphalt road which would take back again to the edges of the highway BR 232. When they were at a safe distance and with no witnesses, Rafaela speaks:

– I am ready! Touch me, son of God!

Aldivan didn’t answer. While the others waited for his reaction, he approached his first apostle and gently embraces her. After, he moves away, concentrates and stretches the arm again touching the end of her hair. At that point, the ground shakes, the darkness of the knowledge reaches them all and then he has access to another part of the story of his dear friend:

“Rafaela continued ahead with her a life after the admission exam failure. She temporarily gave up enrolling at the faculty face the difficulties and concentrate on the home chores and in the sporadic social events. Without understanding, it was there that the danger lied. In one of outings, she met Marciano Fonseca, a forty years old young man saying he was single. They started a relationship, with comings and goings to her home. In time, the relationship becomes solid, they made love for the first time and then Rafaela demanded to meet his family to become engaged. From that moment on, everything changed. Marciano Fonseca practically disappeared and whenever showed up, gave lame excuses to the demands of his girlfriend. Dissatisfied, Rafaela suspected and pressed even more. It was then that he exploded and confessed everything, he was a married man with children and could not make a commitment. Nothing made sense after this profound deception that she suffered. It was then she met this enchanting group, led by the seer who promised to help. The beginning of a new story”.

The seer takes the hand away and with a smile exclaims:

– Let’s go brothers! There is no more place for sadness. Let bygones, be bygones. I now promise a great commitment to your causes. Accompany me to the destination, apostle and friends.

Nobody says anything, the seer starts to walk again and instinctively all obey and follow him. There start going down Caraíbas’ bend and being in the morning, the sun is not too strong.

Revisiting known landscapes, touching with his toes that enchanting place, they go ahead in the bends of destiny. In a good mood, the 1.5 km (A kilometre and half) of the distance feel very short. And so, they complete it in twenty minutes.

At the edge of the highway, they wait for an incoming bus. Luckily, one comes quickly, they board it and in a matter of minutes they are in the centre of Mimoso. They climb down, pay the fare and say goodbye to the others. Now a new story is coming up.

The group advances, pass Joaquim de Brito square, turn right, go straight and arrive at the centre. They pass a few houses, on the right-hand side and they stop at number twenty. In front of the door, they knock on it. In a flash, the door opens. From the house, appears a tall young woman, blonde, pretty, normal body, wearing sunglasses, cap, sandals, white Bermuda shorts, knitted shirt and blue panties showing through the see-through clothes. With a captivating smile, she starts talking.

– My God! The seer and his partner Renato and his class in my house! What honour! How can I help you?

– Hi, Bernadete Sousa! Everything Ok? I and my friends ask permission to have a chat with you. I heard that you are not well. (The seer)

– Oh, thank you. Please come in!

The hostess goes inside followed by the visitors. With six rooms (Two bedrooms, lounge, bathroom, kitchen and service area) it was a typical medium size house. They settled in the living room, furnished with a settee, shelves, sound equipment and a small table. The décor comprises of pictures, curtains and statuettes spread around to the millimetre.

With a little effort they all fit in the simple but cushioned settee. Then the conversation begins:

–And you, Aldivan? Don’t you introduce your friends to me? (Bernadete)

– Yes, of course. I beg your pardon. This is Rafaela Ferreira, a friend from Arcoverde, these two are Rafael and Uriel, pointing out each one of them. (The son of God)

– Pleased to meet you. Welcome all. (Bernadetete)

– Thank you. (The others simultaneously)

– How are you? (The seer)

– You know it. I have not recovered yet. Everything is very recent. (Bernadete)

– What has happened? What is her problem, master? (Rafaela)

– Bernadete Sousa was a rape victim. Consequently, she got pregnant and under her patents’ pressure, who wanted to see her married and virgin, she left home and had an abortion. This happened three days ago. (The son of God)

– I am sorry. (Rafaela)

– Thank you. (Bernadete)

– We came here to invite you to go on a journey with non—defined destination.

– What is the objective? (Bernadete)

– To show you God. (Uriel)

– I don’t know. God seems to have forgotten me, for he allowed that beast to rape me. Since then, my life became an inferno and I didn’t deserve it— Said Bernadete with bitterness.

– Do not repeat that! My father never allows evil things to happen. We cannot make God responsible for the actions of a delinquent part of humanity. I saw it. I was there, in the beginning of everything. God made an agreement with the universe, that he would not interfere with anything happening. This is a consequence of the free will —Explained the son of God.

– Then who must I make responsible? Destiny? Explain it to me, please. (Bernadete)

– Destiny is also a creative force. I cannot make it responsible either, because we are responsible, in a great way, for our happiness. (The seer)

– Then I don’t know what to say. (Bernadete)

– It was a fatality. It must be overcome so that you continue your life head high up. (Rafael)

– As for the abortion, I understand you. (Renato)

– Indeed, Renato? That is not what most people do. I have already been judged and condemned by them. (Bernadete)

– I know it. But I am not like the rest of the world. (Renato)

– How good. Thank you. (Bernadete)

– What do you say, son of God? (Uriel)

– Life for me and my father is sacred, whatever the situation is. But I was sent here to say that I don’t condemn. I am here to call you to my midst and to cover the darkness of your sin with my light and my father’s, do you accept? (The seer)

– Yes, I don’t know how but I need you, you person. Your words fill me with hope and expectations. What must I do? (Bernadete)

– Join Rafaela and become also my apostle. Soon, we will make an interesting enriching journey through this world. Is it alright with you? (The seer)

Bernadete thinks for a few moments. Lately, her life was summed up, working as municipal servant and her private pain. Everything seemed lost up to this moment. Would it be wrong to accept the proposal? She didn’t know, but for the little she knew about Aldivan he was trustworthy, a symbol of persistence, guts and fight. There were no more doubts.

– I want it! It seems madness, but I think it is my only chance. When do we leave? (Bernadete)

– Right now. (The son of God)

– Wait a moment. Just need time to have a bath and pack the suitcases. (Bernadete)

– Ok. (Aldivan)

Bernadete goes away to get ready for the journey. While this happens, the conversation continues lively in the lounge about other subjects. Sometime later, the hostess returns to the lounge and everything being ready, they depart. They go through the door, lock it and return to the streets.

Outside, they go through the centre, turn the corner again and head to the small chapel of Saint Sabastian. There, they make a stop. The seer takes advantage to speak:

– Renato, do you remember? It was here that our adventures started, a mad journey through time. I had an experience in the desert, faced ghosts and demonic men, fought the final battle and survived. See! Nothing is impossible to those who believe in God.

– Yes, I remember, partner. I was only a child then and with my help, we balanced the opposing forces, solved injustices and helped someone to find himself. It was incredible! (Renato)

– And now I remember our encounter in Arcoverde. How good it was to have accepted your invitation. Every minute, I feel better and more hopeful. (Rafaela Ferreira)

– I was before God begging for the success of both— Revealed Rafael.

– And I was the angel who helped you in the final battle. (Uriel Ikiriri)

– Goodness! I never suspected! (The seer)

– Yes. At that time, everything ought to be a secret, for your own good. (Uriel)

– Mysteries of the universe! (Exclaimed Renato)

– It is so! (The seer)

– I also want to be part of your life! I am afflicted by the circumstances and I only have you to turn to. Help me son of God! (Pleaded Bernadete)

Aldivan became emotional again. In front of him, was another suffering woman, affected by the circumstances and the human evil. He knew very well what that was. Numerous times, he had been violated corporally and spiritually by the human scum. Despite everything, he forgave the infamies and offences, even if they did not deserve it. As their brother and father, he loved all, friends and foes. For if he loves only your friends, what award would he get? Don’t the pagans also do it? Be perfect like his father and sons, who give sun and rain for the righteous and the evil, indistinctly”.

Armed with this sentiment, he approaches the lass, gives a smile, stretches the arm and softly touch her face with the tip of his fingers. In those fragile and well-made curves, he can see a little of the inside of that creature, in a quick vision:

“It was a clear night, peaceful and with little movement in the village of Mimoso, in middle November of 2014. Bernadete had just come from mass and being the only catholic in the family walked alone. Initially heading home was intercepted by a stranger asking for directions how to reach the cousin’s home at the back the road. Trying to be polite, she explained in detail to him how to get there, but the stranger appeared very confused. At the end of the explanation, he asked her if she could go with him and personally show him the way. Very naïve and full of pity, Bernadete accepted the proposal and went with him to the back street. They passed the centre, turn towards south, and at the first time they were alone, the man grabbed her, gagged her with tape so she didn’t shout, and finally took her to an empty plot. There, using violence, he had sex with her. In the end, he beat her up and threatened to kill her if she reported him. After, disappeared towards the road so wouldn’t be caught and identified. There started Bernadete’s despair. Now, she was dishonoured and marked forever by a strange, who in her opinion, was sent by the devil. However, the worse was still to come”.

The seer, in shock, takes his hand away. What a thing! This was one more example of how far human evil has gone. If it weren’t for his constant prayers, surely the world and mankind would no longer exist.

Full of compassion, he embraces the apostle, comes away a little and says:

– I can see! All I can say is that by my side nothing will happen to you. My father has promised me and my followers happiness, success and safety.

– And what must I do? How to reach this level of safety? (Bernadete Sousa)

Aldivan turns to her and the others. Full of the holy spirit, he speaks:

– You pray like this: “Eternal father, lord of the spiritual and carnal armies, I beg of you, peace, tranquillity, joy, happiness and your protection on earth. I beg of you that wherever I go, my feet walk to success, bliss and sanctity. Free me from evildoers, slanders, kidnappers, hired assassins, the stray bullets, swindlers and any criminal type. Free me from the spiritual forces opposing mine, for example, demons, spiritual beasts, spiritual powers and all their tricks, such as black magic, works, spells and witchcraft. That the infernal gates do not approach, do not defeat me, nor prevail in my life.Finally, that nothing bad happens to me, my family and all who accompany me. I beg you for the mercies of the cross, of the seven thousand virgins, the pure spirits, the angels, the chosen ones and all the benign forces. God of mine, do not ever abandon me. Amen.”

– How often should we pray? (Rafaela Ferreira)

– Everyday, for the enemies await looking for only a slip of ours. When you go praying, go to your room, and affectionately talk to the father. I promise that to those reciting this prayer with convict faith, will be lacking nothing and in the spiritual aspect will obtain protection and predilection by God’s side. Do not give up, brothers. Our strength is in praying. (The son of God)

– Thank you. (Bernadete Sousa)

– Nothing at all. Are we going, Rafael? (The seer)

– Yes, let’s go— He answered.

The group continues to walk in a northern direction, towards the road giving access to the highway BR 232. Next destination: Pesqueira, the land of grace and lace.

On the way, they meet acquaintances and strangers and out of politeness, they greet everyone. At that point, everything conspired in favour and was necessary that they continue to follow their own values.

As everything in Mimoso is near, in ten minutes, the group gets to the road and as a coincidence, an empty bus pass exactly at that time. They get in the vehicle, a grey coloured beast of fifteen seats.

When everything is ready, the journey restarts. Along the road, they have the chance to admire the wild nature, passing through the villages of Novo Cajueiro, Riacho Fundo and Ipanema. After this point, there were fourteen kilometres to cover.

As they go along, they try to entertain themselves the best way possible. Arriving at Pesqueira, there are dropped in the centre, opposite the cathedral of Santa Agueda. From there, they head in the direction of the bus to Cimbres, that is a few blocks away, and near the local bus station.

Going from side to side in the streets, making strategic stops, the seer’s team stood out wherever they passed. Together, they gave the impression of being a sole body in search of a mutual realization, apart from being protected against eventual attacks. What bandit would risk confront them? Even unarmed, they knew too well how to defend themselves.

The weather gets hotter. They step up the pace, making shorter the distance separating them from the destination. Every second was important in the life of those who were in a hurry to win and be happy.

It was thus, that with no major setbacks, they arrive at the bus stop. It was exactly 10H00 and they must wait a while until making up the numbers, with seven more passengers. When it is completed, they get in the transport, a green combi, with the side windows broken, and start the trip.

They cross he centre, climb up the neighbourhood of Water tank, and take an asphalt road, but in bad condition. Going up a steep incline, narrow road and sinuous bends, the combi reaches the mountain top and takes the flat part. This was a relief to everyone.

Now it was only a short distance. The remaining thirteen kilometres are covered on a road almost without traffic, because it was the beginning of the year 2015, the month of January. Suddenly, gets dark, dark clouds fill the sky, but it is a false alarm. The drought lasting already three years promised to perpetuate itself for some more time, what a pity for everyone.

A little further ahead, more bends that are negotiated easily by the experienced driver called Toledo. Nothing seemed to scare them now apart from their own internal fears.

Fifteen minutes later, the trip is completed, and the vehicle leaves them in the centre of the village, on the edges of the square and just opposite the church of Our Lady of the Mountains. Alighting, they pay the fare, say goodbye and begin to walk. Consequently, new perspectives appear.

The village of Cimbres was an historic place, one of the first to be discovered by the Portuguese in their forays to the interior of the state of Pernambuco. It didn’t develop because of the transport difficulties imposed by the mountain, but has already been the seat of the senate of the Municipality, which influence extended over the whole of the interior, part of Bahia, Paraiba and Alagoas.

What was the reason the seer had brought them there. A place that now is an indigenous area, belonging to the Xucuru nation, after long years of fighting and blood with the local landlords. The answer: Nobody knew it.

The seer goes along the main street of the village and his friends accompany him without questions. They do it for respect to him and by the assurance he transmits with his words, affection, treatment and his presence. It seemed that the man knew the right moment for everything, adjusting them perfectly. In it resided his wisdom, intelligence, dignity, tenderness and his value as son of God. Something undisputable, indeed.

They cross the entire village and approach the local cemetery. With each step the son of God seemed nervous and uncomfortable. What did he intend? Whatever it was it was something important indeed, to have had the trouble to come there, an inhospitable and frightening place.

They arrive in front of the place and as it was daytime, it is open to visitors. They go in the dead precinct, walk in between the graves and stop in front of one. At this moment, stubborn tears roll down the son of God’s face and everyone got emotional. He then spoke:

– I brought you here for a reason: To show my glory and my humanity. Before being son of God, I was human and like any other one I carried my pains and sufferings. We are in front of my father’s grave, who died when I was only fifteen years old. Despite the fact, he had been a distant father, strict, and sometimes insensible, I must recognise that he was hard worker, honest and conscious of his obligations. I was the only son that he allowed to study and through my efforts I regard myself as a great man. I am sure that he has seen my success and therefore did not want me to become a farmer. Just as well! Let him rest at a good place. (The son of God)

– He is because of your help. Your constant prayers and your day of vote soften his pain and suffering. (Rafael)

– Yahweh God loves you a lot and can do anything for you. (Added Uriel)

– Yes, I know it. His grace is always with me. (The son of God)

– I have also suffered, master. The separation with the one I regarded as my love was like dying. (Rafaela Ferreira)

– My greatest pain was the loss of my son. I was forced by the circumstances to withdraw him. But, it was not easy. (Bernadete Sousa)

– My pain was to lose my mother and to find out that my father was a boozer. Nowadays my family is God the father, the guardian and you. (Renato)

– I know it, my brothers! What I offer through the power of Yahweh, is protection, relief and the expectation of a new life. I am not offering utopia, I know that you have sufferings that cannot be forgotten even as time passes. (Aldivan)

– Then touch me, son of God! Travel though my story —Asked Bernadete Sousa.

The son of God smiles and dries the tears. It was the invitation he was waiting for to act. With a signal, he calls the apostle, she comes beside him and resting against her father’s tombstone, he touches her near her breasts, a second time. Then the vision appears instantly in his pure and sacred mind: “Bernadete returned to her normal life at her work as municipal public servant, in her social and family relationships. However, about a month later she began to suspect that something in her body was not well: Her menstrual period was late, and she began to feel indisposed and nauseated. Her mother, with some acquired experience, suspects pregnancy and asked the daughter to buy a pregnancy kit. They then chose a day free of obligations and went to town to buy it, for in the village there was no pharmacy. There, they bought the kit, took care of other things in town and later returned home. At home, Bernadete went to her bedroom and following the instructions, did the test and the result was positive. The young woman almost falls on her back! In a mixture of revolt and nonconformity, she cursed the man who had raped her for putting her in such bad situation. And now? What was she going to do with her life? She left the room, told her mother who although initially understanding demanded explanations. Afraid, the young woman decided to open and related the occurrence. After, her mother’s reaction was not the best. She called her naïve for listening to a stranger and now she was the shame of the family. She concludes by saying that she would keep it secret for a while and the best solution would be an abortion. Replying, Bernadete kicked up a fuss, but the mother closed her ears. It was beyond reason to accept the dishonour of having a single mother in the family. She had no option but to accept it.

A month later, she had an abortion at a private clinic. Just before this, left her parents’ home and decided to live on her own. Now, she was looking for answers for her endless pain. Could it be that she had the right to a new chance and God’s pardon?”

For the little that she knew of Aldivan, the son of God, she piously believed it. She was one more victim of the circumstances, of destiny and of the stereotypes that support the false moral. For the names of the good costumes, the poor, the blacks, the homosexual, the Indians, the prostitutes, the single mothers and other minorities were disdained and pre-judged, even by the closest persons. Indeed, what they all wanted, even the most conservative ones, was to have the courage of coming out of the closet and for that they preferred to criticize instead of understanding the others’ reasons.”

At the end of the touch, Aldivan moves away and appearing to be reading her mind, says:

– It is gone, sister, mine and your pain! Let’s go back to the walk!

– Yes, master! (Bernadete Sousa)

With a signal, the seer calls everyone, and together they leave the morbid cemetery. At that time, they feel hungry and proceed to the centre to look for a place that served ready food. With the help of some locals, they were told of a place, and in a few steps, they find it.

It was a small snack bar, with some tables and chairs. It was not busy, they found an empty table and sat down. They look at the menu on the table, studied it for a while all in agreement give the order to the waiter: Chicken couscous. Now, it was only waiting.

While they wait for the food to be prepared, the small talk begins.

– What do you think of the journey so far, guys? I am loving it. (The seer)

– It is doing me good to leave my little world and breath fresh air. My illness requires it. Thank you very much for inviting me, Aldivan! (Rafaela Ferreira)

– Don’t mention it, dear! (The seer)

– I want to say thank you too. The experience with you is being excellent. (Bernadete Sousa)

– Nothing at all! We thank you for your presence. (The seer)

– I am learning more all the time, partner. Soon, I will be completely enlightened by your great soul. (Renato)

– You also teach me, Renato! I can see in you the youngster I was a few years ago. Believe me, I can see glorious future for you. (Aldivan)

– I wish it! (Renato)

– The cycle is continuing inexorably. In the end, the wish of many hearts will be realised. (Rafael)

– On this path, we will face obstacles, losses, inner fights, the destiny links and our own fragile mind. But if we follow the right conductor cable, we have great chances of success. (Uriel Ikiriri)

– I believe it, friends. I have already been in worse situations and won. Together, we have the force of Yahweh the father, which is a legion, and surely, we have conditions to triumph. Trust me! (The son of God)

Everyone seems to agree. The waitress arrives with the order and everyone starts filling their plates. Immediately, they start eating, and the conversation goes a bit cold. With good manners they concentrate on the meal.

Thirty minutes later, they finish, ask for something to drink, and drink quickly. At a signal, they get up, pay the bill and leave the snack bar. Outside, in the streets of the centre, while walking, the seer speaks again.

– I have just had an idea. What about pay a visit to the sanctuary of Our Lady of Graces, at the guard’s place, not far?

– It sounds good to me. What do you think guys? (Renato)

– I will go to wherever you go, my lord and master. (Rafaela Ferreira)

– Like the old saying goes, if we are in the rain we will get wet. Yes, let’s go. (Bernadete Sousa)

– Excellent idea! Are we going, brother? (Rafael)

– Yes. It is written! (Uriel)

– Very well. Let’s try to find a car to hire. (The seer)

And so, they do. Talking to some locals, they were informed of a taxi driver at the back street. They then cross the street towards south, pass ten houses on the right and arrive at his residence. Knocking twice on the main door, they are attended by the said person looking potbellied, intruded and perturbed, wearing a pair of beach sandals, torn Bermuda shorts and shirtless.

Being surrounded by strangers, he speaks:

– What do you want, gentlemen?

– We understand that you are a taxi driver. Could you take us to guard’s place? (The seer)

– Of course. How much can you pay? (Taxi driver)

– Fifty bucks. Is it alright with you? (The seer)

– It is alright. Wait a moment. I am getting the car. (Taxi driver)

– Ok. (The seer)

Heading to the side garage, the taxi driver whose name is Klebson Barbosa, gets there in a few paces. In the garage, he gets in his powerful, a black combi model 2015, took off, and stopped at the exit, closed the garage and called his clients. One by one they get in the car and when everyone is in, they depart.

The distance to the sanctuary was approximately three kilometres, was quickly covered because of the vehicle high speed. In a blink of the eyes, they leave the village, catch the main dirt road and heading straight ahead in a westerly direction, they arrived at sanctuary imbedded in the mountain. The driver stops the car at the edges of the great path, they alight and arrange with Klebson Barbosa to wait for them for it would be a quick visit. After, they begin climbing up the stairs leading to the top.Barbosa waits for them for the visit would be quick. After, they start climbing the stairs leading to top.

Step by step, the visitors go on climbing and at each step, the emotion is greater. It was there, that in the previous century, the virgin appeared to two innocent children. The same lady who had appeared several times in the special life of the seer.

Something inside is telling him that it would be one more great experience to be lived in a truly important moment. There were six people moved by their own anxieties living a delicate situation. Everything boiled down to the hope promised by the son of God and this makes them advance even more. They cover quarter, half-way and they approach the end of the way.

A while later they complete it and placed themselves in front of the sanctuary. While some pray, others admire the beauty of the mountain. Emotional, the seer speaks:

– My brothers, we are at a sacred place. Here reside the graces of Mary, Jesus mother. Through this blessed woman, I can say I was healed and blessed by God. Mary, is the example of courage, determination and faith for the Christians and all other denominations. How good is having you as friend, Mary. (The seer)

– How is Mary? (Renato)

– A sweet person. Understanding, polite and respectful. Apart it, very humble despite her greatness. (The seer)

– Cool! I would like to know her too. (Renato)

– Me too. (Rafaela Ferreira)

– Ditto. (Bernadete Sousa)

– You know her, brothers. Mary is represented by any simple and suffering woman of this immense northeast through the phenomenon of communion. (Aldivan)

– Exactly. For any good deed, she is more present in the women’s private life. (Rafael)

– Despite not being a Goddess, she is an example of behaviour for everyone. (Added Uriel)

The seer drops his head and says a private prayer. A while later, stretches his arm and touch the icon placed in the mountain’s cave. He then has a light private vision. After, he takes away his arm and speaks again:

– How great is God, our father! He raises the humble, the poor and the discriminated. He prefers looking for the sinner for they are the ones who need rescue. In our kingdom, there will be no pain, no suffering, injustices or any inequality. Everyone will adore the father and the sons at Mount Sian. (The son of God)

– Amen! (Bernadete Sousa)

– Glory! (Uriel)

– What shall we do now, master? (Rafaela Ferreira)

– We return to the village. Time presses. (Aldivan)

– Ok. (Renato)

– Let’s go! (Rafael)

The members of the group start going down the sanctuary stairs. At this point, the atmosphere is peaceful and tranquil, despite all the expectations involved in the adventure. What was awaiting them? Would they reach the final objective? The answers would be found as the events unfold and it was something not to worry about at present. As Jesus taught, to every day its own worry. What will be, will be.On the way they take advantage of admiring the local beauty, an unknown Europe, located in the interior of the Brazilian northeast. With its cacti, stones, steep mountains, rare vegetation typical of caatinga, thorns, and its welcoming people made a unique union of elements, worthy of admiration. A little of Brazil, gigantic by its nature.

At the bottom of the stairs, they rest for a while. When they are ready one by one gets in the car parked on the side. When everyone is in, they depart at a good speed.

Passing through the already known places, among mountains, trees on the road side and traffic of people and vehicles, they arrive safe at the village. As it was almost two o’clock in the afternoon, they talk to the driver and hired him to take them to Pesqueira, where they would spend the night.

Thus, they leave the village, catch the asphalt road and start he dangerous descent down the mountain. While Klebson tries to negotiate the sinuous road, the passengers try to amuse themselves in the best way possible, chatting, reading books, listening to music and even learning from the silence. The group composed of two women, two angels and two men, has already strengthen enough to understand one another despite each one being a specific world.

One of the objectives, the communion, was going very well, fruit of their efforts and dedication. Remained to continue the journey, meet new people needing help and change their lives. As the seer was teaching, everything was possible for those who believe in God, and nobody was a lost case, sufficing believe in his name, his father’s, and the darkness of knowledge would be lit by his great light.

Everything was heading for the realization of ideas. Going at a good speed, they are covering the physical stages one by one, passing relevant points. The difficulties caused by the narrow road and an eventual surprise on the way, is compensated by the faith and dedication to the cause by everyone. They deserved to be congratulated.

Exactly twenty minutes after departing from the historic village, they have reached the mountain of Ororubá, from where the cluster of the houses in Pesqueira, can be seen. Pesqueira beloved land, town of the lace, industry and grace, which blesses its children. Together with Arcoverde, where the son of God favourite homes, for it was there that everything has started.

Now, little remained to arrive at the headquarters and these last minutes are decisive in everyone’s life. They make small talk with the driver, before saying goodbye. Klebson Barbosa has already marked everyone’s lives, although is role is secondary. This happened because the son of God and his friends did not differentiate between people. As Yahweh, they were open to make friends and accept anyone.

It was thus, that in a mixture of harmony and complicity, they arrive at the centre of the municipal headquarters. Kindly, Kleberson Barbosa drops them at the door of the inn, they say goodbye, pay the fare and finally alight from the car.

Carrying their baggage, go in the place, form a queue at the reception and after registering, head to their rooms. At the Sunray Inn, they would rest the remainder of the afternoon and arrange to meet in the evening. This was extremely necessary for the fatigue was very noticeable in their bodies and fragile minds. Till the evening.

The afternoon passes quickly. At about 18H00, they awake almost at the same time and one by one they head to the dining room. With a few steps, they get there, get into the self-service queue, fill the plates and when they finish, look for a peaceful place to sit down and eat. As it was not busy, they find the perfect place at the second table on the right.

They start eating. In between spoonful, they interacted among themselves, increasing their empathy. However, there was still a long way to go.

After twenty-five minutes, they finish dinner and together head to the reception area. There, they play, watch TV, listen to music, tell jokes and make friends with the other guests. They spent about four hours doing it. Later, they say goodbye and head to their rooms to try to sleep. The next day, other surprises promised to appear. Continue to follow, readers.


A new day breaks with great intensity. The sun rises, inundating the environment with its powerful rays. In contrast, a gentle and cool breeze blows, helping to awake and relax them.

However, there was no time to waste. The angels got up early and with the consent of the proprietor, went to call the other to have breakfast.

One by one, they are expelled from their rooms, get together and head to the dining room. The short distance is quickly covered and like in the previous evening, they help themselves. When they finish, go to eat peacefully, sitting around a nearby table, in that beautiful promising morning.

Everything seemed to be in an atmosphere of peace and war at the same time. Let me explain. Peace for having faithfully completed the schedule up to now and internal war for not having concrete definitions about the future of the next events. Apart from being anxious, they had a growing desire of controlling their destiny, what in most cases was not possible, causing frustration in them. However, nothing was taken as definitive.

The great virtue they possessed was optimism and it helped to face any situation, including arguments among them. One of them occurs at breakfast time, but Rafaela with her authority manages to control it. It was a silly argument between the women about the importance of each one. Just as well that at the end they made up.

It was in leaps and bounds that they finish breakfast. In a quick briefing, they chose a place to go to, return to their rooms, pack the bags, leave again, pay the stay, say goodbye and leave the establishment. The “I am” of each one, inside them, shouted to be heard and echoed in their minds.

From the centre, they head in an easterly direction with destination to one of the ends of the town. During the crossing on foot, they meet acquaintances, strangers and face the chaotic traffic when crossing the streets. Even so, they don’t get discouraged.

Gradually, they pass by important points, such the avenue going down to the bus station, the Franciscan convent and reach the Avenue of Recife, turn left towards the Pesqueira IFPE unit.

Now every step was decisive because they were approaching the destination. Walking for about two hundred metres they stop in front of an abandon house. At a signal, they all come close, pass through the entrance, access the external area and at this point the son of God speaks.

– My brothers, I am in front a symbol of my past. In 2002, I was passing through here and I heard a dark story from my friends, about this place, involving assassination, justice, spirituality and fear. The time has gone by, but even so I have not forgotten the story. My aim now is to get an explanation to what has happened— Finalized the seer.

As soon as he said that, everything seemed to change. Mysteriously, the gate closes behind them. Dark clouds partial cover the sun and the cries can be heard inside the house frightening the humans. Rafael them speaks:

– Calm down, Guardian! Pardon our friend for his curiosity. We promise to go away immediately and leave you in peace.

Making a signal, Rafael called Uriel and together they grabbed the humans and flew over the wall. In seconds, they were outside. They walk again in the opposite way and then the angel explains:

– It is not the time yet, son of God! You are not ready yet. (Rafael)

– I don’t understand. Why not? (the son of God)

– Do not ask us. That is best thing to do now – Intervened Uriel.

– Very well. (The son of God)

– What is the next step, Rafael? (Renato)

– Let’s continue the journey – He answered.

– Ok. (Renato)

– Let’s us be lucky! (Rafaela Ferreira)

– I wish, cat! (The seer)

– I am ready, Aldivan. Could you touch me? (Bernadete Sousa)

– I was waiting for it, my servant. (The seer)

Aldivan goes near his apostle. Affectionately, stretches his arm and this time touches the tip of her fingers. The smoothness of her skin makes him vibrate and have the vision of her future:

“Bernadete was having a cup of tea at home, reclined on a chair in the lounge. At fifty years of age, recalls the main events of her busy life: the upbringing from her parents, her growing up together with friends at the village of Mimoso, the passage the adolescence, the rape, the abortion and the promise from a young man that everything could change. Encouraged by his words, had accepted his invitation to travel through the world and had truly discovered a father and a son prepared to do anything for her. He demonstrated much love and as reward she dedicated herself to the neighbour at asylum nearby. Besides, she spreads her message to all who knew her. Through these deeds, she discovered the true happiness and was sure of her welcome in the kingdom of God, when she departed from the terrestrial life. She had found her inner “I am” and understood the father’s “I am” through his son called seer, divine, Aldivan Teixeira Torres, and exceptional guy beside other adjectives. The universe and the benign forces were conspiring to her success and it was only that, she wished from the one who changed her life. Blessed be he! Repeats internally. With a smile on her face, gets up from the chair and goes to do her domestic chores and take care of her cat Tobit, the sole companion in her home. And life would continue…”

The seer takes his hand away after the vision. Embraces again the apostle and with a signal he asks that her and her friends go with him. The silence reveals much more than if he had spoken and Bernadete understands it. Not everything could have an answer and the important was to commit herself to the present mission. Always forward!

The group, walking at a good speed, comes down from Prado neighbourhood towards the centre. Turn at the Avenue of Recife, go straight for a few hundred metres, turn another corner and follow the neighbourhood main avenue.

Remaining at the same rhythm, they cover the route to the bus station in fifteen minutes. In front of the single storey building they go forward a little and buy the tickets at the ticket office. After, they settle at the waiting room.

They waited for more than thirty minutes before the bus arrived. One by one, they get in and sit down on the empty seats. When all the passengers were inside the bus departs.

In the short trip, the only thing they do is to rest in face so many worries. They knew independently for what may happen, they were already to be congratulated by their commitment, dedication and enthusiasm to their causes. However, they wanted and dreamed of more.

In this way they arrived at their next stop in ten minutes: the town of Sanharó. Carrying their heavy suitcases, they climb down from the bus at the edges of the highway and walk on foot to the town centre.

With his knowledge of the town, the seer looks for an inn that could accommodate them all. They find it a few minutes later. Sanharó had changed little since the time he worked there for two months as administrative agent, at the municipality administrative headquarters. It had grown, it was noticeable, but it didn’t change the feeling of quiet and welcoming place.

Known as the town of cheese and milk, the name derived from a black bee, existing locally, meaning in indigenous language cross or excited. Data from 2014: Area: 256 km sq.; population: 24,556 inhabitants; IDH: 0.603.

They were, in front the small inn, a modest building, style chalet, with asphalt large entrance. Gathering the remaining courage, they enter the establishment, speak to the proprietor and settle the basics. After, they go to relax a little. In the afternoon, new emotions are awaiting them. Each one tries to enjoy the morning rest in their respective rooms, which were equipped with gadgets of the latest generation: Some sleep, other watch TV, others listen to music or read books. These rare moments in a tiresome and demanding journey were like a balm to their fatigued bodies.

Nearing lunch time they meet again and eat together. They take advantage to finalize the journey’s next details. At the end of thirty minutes, they decided to go out together. The seer’s objective was to introduce them to someone special too.

From the centre they head in a southern direction, from side to side in the streets of the small place, and two blocks after, arrive in front of a medium size masonry house, about 6x14, type house, with garden and swimming pool, walled in front. At the main gate, they knock a single time and immediately someone comes to attend them. It was a man about 50 years old, short, belly—potted, round body, brown eyes, black hair and white skin. With an expression of indignation, he speaks when he gets closer.

– What do you want, gentlemen?

– It is me, Osmar. Don’t you remember? I worked with you at the prefecture. (The son of God)

Osmar, looks Aldivan completely up and down, and at the end smiles. How to forget the dreamer who on the slack hours at work would write his book, because he didn’t have a computer? Numerous times I felt admiration for him, then a lad in the bygone times of the year 2007.

With a few steps, advances towards him and gives him a great hug. Aldivan did the same and both live the reencounter moment intensely. They were two sister and companion souls that have lost contact because of the circumstances of life.

At the end of the embrace, Osmar ruffles his shoulder long hair and starts to speak again:

– And these, are your friends?

– Yes. (Aldivan)

– Aldivan’s friends are my friends too. Please, come in. The house is yours. (Osmar)

– Thank you. (Rafael, in the name of the group)

Osmar enters the house again and the others follow him. They pass a small lounge, a passage and into the living room, furnished with rack shelves, sofa, chairs and table, leather carpet on the floor, pictures and other ornaments on the walls and Persian curtains at the entrance Everything well organized and in good taste.

Some sit down on the sofa and others on the chairs. Ringing a bell, he calls the maid who brings tea, juice, cold drinks, beer, wine. Fruit, cake and biscuits, for the visitors. Once having served the maid is relieved. Osmar and the others a have the chance start a conversation which promises to be decisive.

– To what do I have the honour of the visit to my home of the dreamer aspiring to be a writer?

– I don’t aspire anymore, Osmar. I face writing as work and entertainment, I cannot live without it anymore. (The seer)

– Excellent! I am happy for you! Are you passing by? (Osmar)

– We are on a trip to the seaside. Looking for new stories. (Rafael)

– You are also invited to participate —Said the seer in a firm voice.

– I don’t know…I am feeling very confused. (Stuttered Osmar)

– I know it. I can feel it. (The son of God)

– Have you got something to tell us? (Uriel)

Osmar stays quiet for a while. Could it be that he could trust people who he hardly knew? How could they help him? These and other pertinent questions were going around in his perturbed mind. In a sudden decision, he decides to risk it.

– Yes, I have got something to tell. But tell me something more about yourselves. What is your names, beautiful lasses? (Osmar)

–My name is Rafaela Ferreira. I am from Arcoverde and at present I am going through a severe phase of depression.

– I am Bernadete Sousa. I had an abortion soon after being raped. The son of God is helping me to go through these times.

– Pleasure. My name is Osmar Pontes. I am unemployed at the time, living off my savings during my working times.

– Pleasure too. (The two women simultaneously)

– Unemployed? Have you left the prefecture? (The son of God

– Yes. I had a few problems there, that forced me to leave. But I am well financially, don’t worry. When I reach the pension age, I will ask for my retirement. (Osmar)

– Just as well. (The son of God)

– And what are your names, young friends? (Osmar)

– I am Uriel Ikiriri, and I am Aldivan’s guardian angel.

– I am Rafael Potester, I am one of the seven spirits of God just like my brother Uriel.

– My name is Renato and I am the seer’s principal adventure companion. Together, we are part of the series of the same name, which has already four works.

– Incredible! I am speechless! Your friends are phenomenal. This series the seer is going to be much talked about. Could you tell me a little about your works, Aldivan? (Osmar)

– They are four romances, a nouvelle, a collection of tales, a book of wisdom, two sets of poetry and a screenplay based on the first romance. The four romances form the series the seer. The first title is “Opposing Forces”, it is the beginning of the saga. In short, I travelled to Mimoso in search of realizing my dreams on a mountain that promised being sacred. There, I met the guardian lady, a secular being and possessing many mysteries that help a secular being possessing mysteries that helped me to overcome the challenges and get permission to enter the cave. With determination and courage, I accomplished them all, went inside the cave, faced more obstacles, won again and became the seer, a being omniscient through his visions. After, I left the cave, met again the guardian lady and together with Renato we were sent to the old Mimoso with the aim to correct injustices, help someone to find himself and unite the “The opposing Forces” which were unbalanced. During, thirty days, we did a wonderful job and returned from Mimoso more experienced and victorious. We stopped for a while due to commitments. The second title, “The dark night of the soul” deals with the following: life makes us live dark days, and miseries that we wish were not real.

“The dark night of the soul” is the continuation of the “The seer”, I, being the main character, returned to a mountain searching for answers for a perturbed period of my life, times when I forgot God, my principles, losing myself in sin. In the Mountain, “The Seer”, I entered in contact with two “elevated beings”, leading me to knowledge. However, I was deeply linked to the seven cardinal sins and despite the acquired experience, my problems were not solved, then we had to make a trip to the “Lost Island”, headquarters of the kingdom of the angels.

The book is a passage full of dangers, pirates, a great adventure at sea, bringing reflections and questions, to which we asked if it was possible for a criminal to rehabilitate himself after immersing himself completely in the darkness, and, having done it, would he indeed find peace for his crimes? Could he forgive himself? Would he find happiness? Or was it just an illusion, a pause for a night even darker? It is worth to check it.

As for the third the romance, entitled “The encounter between two worlds”, it is a story that presents a flashback present—past. It is a great journey, involving once again, Me and Renato. It is divided in two parts situated in the past and the present respectively, trying to show the importance of the battle to for the concretization of our ideals, be what they may.

In part one, a journey to Fundão Site just outside of Cimbres—Pesqueira to try to find the responsible people for a rebellion in the past. Helped by him, we are trained until we master the co—vision, key to the story view. Once we were ready, we are submitted to it and we travel to the start of the XX century, in the northeast, times of oppression, injustices and prejudices and famine. All along, we observed the example of the warring population of that era, specially a group that take active part in the plot. However, could it be that we have absolute success in its objectives? Did we unmask the elites? Or did we fail? And is it possible to reach the so waited for meetings of so different worlds, in relation to social classes, opinions, stereotypes and love? It is worth finding out.

In part two, we went on a new journey with the aim to finish our work and attain the miracle we were looking for. This time, we went to Caraíbas looking for a second personality of the past and when we find him we are again submitted to a new training. Once ready, the part two of the story is revealed. In it, the reader will be facing the following questions: To what extent does the social question interfere with success? Is it viable to persist even after several failures? Is it worthwhile to deprive oneself from love because of prejudices, without even trying? Someone who has got a gift can consider himself special or is it madness? All this and much more we will find in the story of the Divine, someone in search destiny and of the success we all deserve. Finally, among the romances, “God’s code”, is the fourth. The story begins when Phillipe Andrews, an auditor of a farm marked by a tragedy, starts questioning the reason for his bad destiny, becoming angry and outraged. By a stroke of luck, he finds a book and an author, and decides to look for him. Finding him, with his adventures’ companion they decide to make a trip to a distant desert, where supposedly they would meet God and would solve their problems. They start the journey, find two guides on the way, who take them to the desired place, the desert of Cabrobó. Passing through ten towns in the desert, they make interesting small talk with the respective guests, and suddenly God begins to talk via the guides answering crucial questions. Everything that is revealed is going to help in the elaboration of “the testament”, a code given by God and never deciphered in human or angelic history. And so? Do you believe that God can reveal himself in extreme situations? Or is it only a delirium of all those involved? Read the “God’s code”, a book intended specially to those who have lost their faith in God and make your own conclusions.

Th wisdom book presents phrases of intense enlightenment from the father, with tales touching parables of moral base, about the kingdom of God and his wisdom. Those of poetry touch on love and the northeast outback. However, the nouvelle goes back to the primitive Christianism times, times of battles, oppression and persecution— Finalized the son of God.

– Cool. I will buy all of them! Later you can fill me in on the procedures. (Osmar)

– Ok. Thank you. (The son of God)

– And what about your problem? Are you ready to disclose it? (Rafael)

The direct question made our host go cold again. These friends were indeed daring. Despite it, he decides to show his hand, for now he had nobody to resort to. Let God’s will be!

– I am a deplorable man, friends. I fell deep into corporal and material corruption. I am not worthy of pity! (Osmar)

– Calm down, there must be a way, friend! (Renato)

– What is impossible on the eyes of men, it is possible to God. (Uriel)

– I also feel the same way. When my boyfriend left me, I felt the worst of the women. (Rafaela Ferreira)

– The greater the defeat, the greater the grace. (Rafael)

– I also thought that my case did not have remedy or pardon, when I did the abortion. However, little by little, I am getting to know a being called Aldivan Teixeira Torres and he can understand me completely. In him, I have got a father and brother. (Bernadete Sousa)

Osmar analyses all the statements from his friends. Could the seer be indeed the right person to trust his problem? Could it be that he would give him some hope despite him being a monster? He didn’t know this fraternal side of his when he had known, and because at the time felt desperate, it was worth trying.

– Who are you, seer? (Osmar)

– I am a profound connoisseur of the human soul and who at this moment wants you by his side. I promise dedication to your causes. (The seer)

– I don’t know… You would not accept me if you knew what…

The words could not come out Osmar’s mouth, such was the fear and mistrust at the time. Seeing his friend in trouble, the son of God speaks.

– If I knew that you defrauded the prefecture and had sexual preferences for underage people? I don’t mind. I only know that you are a sick man and needs urgent treatment. I offer the midst of my father to change your soul, from darkness to light. Because I didn’t come to call the righteous but the harden sinners, those yes, they need my help. (Aldivan)

Osmar gets emotional. How did he know? How could he understand? At no time in his life, had anybody come forward to comfort and support him, only hands and fingers pointing to fault and constantly judging him. Indeed, Aldivan was not a common being.

– Thank you. (Osmar)

– And so, Osmar? Are we travelling? (Rafael)

– Yes. You have convinced me. Wait a minute. (Osmar)

Osmar got up from the chair and goes to his room. There, he starts quickly packing his cases. Fifteen minutes later, he is ready, leaves the room, reunites with his friends, leave the running of the house to his employees, and finally goes with them. The world awaited his next actions.

Outside, after having walked a few metres, the seer speaks again.

– I suggest that you show us a little of your town. Ok?

– Excellent. Follow me— He said.

The group crosses the southern area and get again to the centre of town. At the time, they were fully concentrate and determined to have fun in that humble and quiet town. Under the guidance of the host, three blocks later and several crossings, they arrive at the town’s cultural house. By coincidence, this afternoon there was a public show. They go inside, a modest masonry building, narrow, in bad state of repair, but very beautiful at the exact place of the event.

Together with other people, they have the opportunity of watching a presentation by the “Bacamarteiros”. The show consists of rhythmical movements co-ordinated by a sergeant. The sound of the “xaxado” is made by the eight-bass accordion, tanned leather “zabumba” and the triangle. As for the costumes, the members of the show wear blue cotton clothes, neck scarf and bullet pouch of Flanders. Another curiosity is the commanders wearing stars in their shoulders and hat, apart from walking sticks or umbrellas.

For about thirty minutes, they were delighted with presentation, which ends with the firing of guns. Luckily nobody was injured. They leave the culture centre and return to the walk on the town streets.

After a few metres Aldivan speaks again:

– What else have you got to show us about your town, Osmar.

– Follow me, gentlemen— He says.

– Let’s go, guys— Agreed Rafael.

– Sure— agreed Renato

The members of the group accompany the host and after crossing a few streets in the centre, they came across a large hangar. Getting near, as the gate was ajar, they realise that, it is the place of a musical group, because the place was full of musical instruments and trinkets related to music. Before the visitors enquiring look, Osmar clarifies:

– This is the headquarters of the society of Santa Cecilia, a cultural patrimony of the people. By coincidence, it is time for their rehearsal. Let’s go in, friends.

Accepting the invitation, Osmar’s friends enter the section that for many was sacred, because of the music. As expected, five musicians tune their instruments, greeted the present public and begin playing a beautiful symphony. Immersed in the serene melody of the music, each feels inside some of the moment’s magic. Through the sound they could see themselves, Rafaela feels the relief of her pains, Bernadete Sousa feels hopeful, Renato thinks of a promising future, Rafael remembers his adoration for the Almighty, Uriel of his devotion to his protector, and lastly, the dreamiest of them all, remembers the obstacles, failures, wins and non—corresponded loves. Before being “I am” he was a normal human and the music that represented at this time was the “I without you”. Even nothing to do with the present presentation, it was what was hammering his head, increasing the hopes of one day, meeting someone who wanted and indeed loved him as he deserves it. It was written!

The symphony ends. This causes a storm of applauses from the seven friends. Showing humility, the musicians come down from the stage and greet each one of them. They introduce themselves, and chat for a while, mentioning their objectives. There, everyone deserved full happiness, for it was this that Yahweh has created the humans.

After a while, the musicians return to their work and the others decide to go back to the inn. With them, it was included Osmar, an unbalanced and sick man, who was paying for his sins. Did he really have any chances of restart his life? Or was he a lost case? Do not miss the next scenes.

The group arrives at the inn. After the paperwork to accommodate Osmar, they head to the kitchen, and with the other guests, help themselves to the food available for dinner. They spend twenty minutes eating talking and silent.

Once they finish dinner, they start other activities during the evening: Watch TV, admire the starry sky and at last praying. Exactly a ten o’clock, in total agreement, they decided to go to sleep, because they were very tired from the journey. And so, they do it. Each one in their respective bedroom, tries to forget the worries and immerse in their own world of dreams. At this point, the “I am” of everyone was very active. Good night everyone, until the next chapter.

Belo Jardim

With the night gone, the dawn arrives, alternating between good dreams and nightmares for our esteemed personalities. Soon, the day breaks, and they consider themselves survivors. One by one, gets up, bath, brush their teeth, wear clean clothes and go to have breakfast at the inn dining room. The aim was to get ready for the next stage of the journey.

They get together in the dining room as a large family. It is served tapioca, wheat rolls, biscuits, cereals, yoghurt, fruit and juice, as for each one’s preferences. While they eat, the conversation flows easy.

– How are you feeling my friend, are you better? (The seer)

– Yes. Just being with you, makes me happier. (Osmar)

– How good. Count on us for anything. (The seer)

– Thank you. (Osmar)

– What was your position at the prefecture? (Renato)

– I was one of the chief in my sector. All the projects had to go through my sieve. (Osmar)

– Great powers, great responsibilities. I understand you and will never accept that type of position. (Renato)

– Me neither. But you have already told me that you dream of high remunerations?! (The seer)

– Yes. But I don’t want to be the chief of anything. My problems with hierarchy are enough. I still carry up to now marks from the time with my father. (Renato)

– Ok. (The seer)

– What was the problem, Renato? (Osmar)

– He was very authoritarian and mistreated me daily. So, I run away from home and the lady adopted me. (Explained Renato)

– I am very sorry. I find that I also felt something like it. (Osmar)

– The problem with power is that many humans are fascinated with it to such an extent that they cannot see anything else. (Rafael)

– I think that is what happened with me. (Osmar)

– So, after being through such experience, what would you advise other people that probably will be in the same situation? (Bernadete Sousa)

– Who am I to give advice? But it is alright. I would advise that the institutions provided comprehensive training involving management of the ambient, practical problems, ethic and administration. I must admit that I was lacking a little of substance and direct view. (Osmar)

– And about your other problem, how did it start? (Rafaela Ferreira)

– I don’t know very well. I only know that was happening. (Osmar)

– I understand you. The sin is like an animal watching us daily waiting for the slightest slip. If we are not in complete communion with the father, we fall in temptation and sin. Osmar, would like me to touch? Thus, I could know you better. (the son of God)

– Touch me? How does it work? (Osmar)

– He is the seer and through the touch he can see our past, present and future, feeling our innermost anxieties. It like a baptism— Explained Rafaela Ferreira.

– Oh, very well. At ease, friend. (Osmar)

Aldivan gets up going near his dear friend. At that magic time, he had a feeling that something important was about to happen by rubbing his skin on his partner’s skin. When he reaches enough distance, stretches his arm and touches tiny belly. Then the story is revealed:

“Osmar is the chief of the municipality of Sanharó financial section. As chief, he is responsible, strict and authoritarian, these last characteristics being well-marked. From a spectacular beginning of command of the town sector, he begins to fall in contradiction and corruption. Fraudulent proposals to the law started to emerge, he began to accept the bribes. At every slip of his, darkness was consolidating and expanding inside his being.

On a beautiful morning in February 2007, seventh day to be precise, he receives new sworn in prefecture employees in his office. One of them is called Aldivan, an aspiring writer whose greatest objective was conquering the world. From the time they met, a mutual friendship develops.

The days pass by, between work, social activities and leisure. At work, as an understanding chief, at work breaks allows the writing of Aldivan’s first book. How special was that lad, despite all his humbleness still believed in a better world, what was not his case. He remained amid corruption and allowed his inner demons to act in the occasions he had relations with minors. They were different and at the same time equal as human beings.

Two months later, they got separated, because Aldivan could not reconcile work, distance and studies at the university. It was indeed a pity, for who knows, with the convivence he may have changed, having someone so valuable by his side. However, it was so written.

The time passed, the crimes continued being committed, and was investigated and uncovered. Besides having lost his post at the prefecture, was incarcerated for some time. After being freed, returned home and began living from his savings. As he was quite old and having amassed a good deal of money, decided not to look for work and began his solitaire life, with a few friends and his employees. Until, on a beautiful day occurred the reencounter with Aldivan and his friends, promising a change in life and the father’s pardon. He accepted an invitation to take part on a journey hoping to reap the results at the end.”

The seer takes the hand away and with a complacent look starts talking:

– We are here to help you, Osmar. We don’t promise immediate success and happiness for that is utopia, but a great dedication to your causes. Here, we are brothers, friends and accomplices. Be at ease!

– Thank you, master. From now on, I will be your most committed apostle. Towards success, brothers! (Osmar)

– Amen! (Renato)

– Welcome to the team! (Rafaela Ferreira)

– Your pains are our pains too! (Bernadete Sousa)

– Count on me, human! (Uriel)

– Let Yahweh father bless this pact! (Rafael)

– Maktub! Let’s travel for time presses. (Concluded Aldivan)

The others obey and head to their respective rooms to pack. Once everything is ready, they meet again and go out to the streets. From the centre where they were to the bus station were fifteen minutes on foot, being covered without incidents. They wait a while until the bus arrives and then they board it.

They depart towards the town of Belo Jardim about 14.7 km (fourteen kilometres and seven hundred metres) away in a straight line. However, by road it was almost thirty kilometres, being covered in approximately thirty minutes.

In meantime, they take advantage to chat and consequently, make friends with other passengers. At the end of the trip, they discuss different objectives and the diversifying opinions, characteristic of a democratic state of rights. How good was to be unique and each one was conscious of it.

Arriving at the town, the transport left them at the highway and from there they hire a taxi taking them to a modest and cheap inn. It was called Blue Sky and they book—in there, arrange to meet in the main area in thirty minutes, and in meantime they try to rest a little. The seer also makes a mysterious phone call.

As arranged, they meet at the time discussed and the designated place. They form a circle and then the seer is the first to speak:

– My friends I have got a surprise for you. You are about to meet a phenomenal person and…

Before he could finish, Aldivan is interrupted by the sound of steps in his direction. It was a black and robust man, about thirty years old, hammered by nature’s forces, legs, arms and belly disformed, firm and strong features. In a matter of seconds, approaches and places himself by his side. Aldivan then explains:

– This is Manoel Pereira, the popular Maneco, I met him in one of my escapades in a fateful weekend. I met him in the ghetto, together with criminals, selling and consuming drugs. How are you my friend?

– The same. And you?

– I have become a writer and I am proposing you an alliance. (Aldivan)

– What? Good morning, guys. Pleasure to meet you all. What are your names? (Manoel Pereira)

– My name is Bernadete Sousa. I am from Mimoso and have done an abortion.

– I am Rafaela Ferreira, from Arcoverde, I am suffering from depression.

– I am Osmar, from Sanharó, a fraudster and paedophile.

– Renato, inseparable adventures companion of the seer.

– Rafael Potester, angel of first greatness.

– Uriel Ikiriri, the seer’s guardian angel.

– I want to change your life through my force and that of my father. We still believe in you. (the son of God)

– How? I have got no life anymore. Everything in me revolves around drugs, criminality, perversity and falsehood. I am no longer human, I am a demon – Lamented Manoel Pereira.

– I know your life and your feelings and I tell you that there is still hope. I guarantee that everything you have done will be left behind, if you give with confidence your problems to me. It is enough to say yes, and the God of the impossible will act! (Aldivan)

Manoel Pereira think a little. What was that madman saying? Was he the poor unarmed lad that he had tried to assault at the ghetto? Was he who asked for mercy when he was in his hands making him have pity of his misery? How could he now help him?

With a look of disdain, asks:

– What have got to offer?

– I want to show a new world, by the side of people with problems too, and together will discover what God requires from us. The key to success is the union and understanding and you will not find it in any place. The world only offers you vice, corruption and death, while I, my father and my friends offer life, happiness, knowledge and above all love. The love that you have never experienced. (The son of God)

Aldivan’s words acted as an alert. He sure was right. The world had not offered him anything good and as he could not see a miraculous way out, he makes a decision.

– It is right. When do we start?

– Right now. Where are your bags? (Aldivan)

– I have got nothing. They have stolen everything. (Manoel)

– I will lend you some clothes. Don’t worry. (Osmar)

– Thank you. (Manoel)

– Me too. You will not be missing anything. (The seer)

– Very well. (Manoel)

– Welcome. (Renato)

– You have made the right decision. (Rafaela Ferreira)

– I and my brother will protect you from anything. (Rafael)

– Let God enlighten you. (Uriel)

– I suggest a walk with our friend as guide. (Bernadete Sousa)

– Sure, at ease. (Manoel)

– Let’s go. (The son of God)

Everyone obeys, heading to the exit, passing through the door and going out to the streets. What was awaiting them in that wild town?

In the ghetto

The members of the group walk through the centre, towards south. At the time, the traffic is quite intense, with cars going and coming all the time. They cross one, two, three avenues having great difficulty at each crossing even with red signal on. Even so, they face everything in a good mood.

What propels them? Among the main reasons were the camaraderie, friendship, thirst for knowledge and the mutual empathy. It was like so for they were more than brothers, were companions at all the time, forming the team of the series the seer, the greatest series of literature of all times, which was on the fourth stage.

Everything they have lived before was serving as foundation for the present moment, where dedication and faith were the main strands. Could they fail? Yes. But they would not let the fear to be greater than courage and hope. They could lose, but not before they have tried.

At the present the group was composed by the son of God, Renato, the two archangels, a depressed woman, an abortionist, a paedophile. All the human scum was present and continuously rested on God’s chest waiting for the answers. And they would advance furthermore.

Head held up high, they would cross one more avenue, and go straight along Humberto Siqueira St., at Boa Vista neighbourhood. At the end of the road, there is a small ghetto, made of a few houses. Manoel leads them to the place where he consumed and trafficked drugs. Luckily at the time they arrived was nobody there. Then he speaks.

– Here is my stronghold of solitude and misery. Do you know what it is fighting and suffering at the same time? It is this way I felt when I helped to supply the drug to family fathers.

– I know it, brother. Think of all that as past which is not going to come back. I and my father are with open arms to receive you. (The son of God)

– I wanted to believe it so much, but… (Manoel)

– Have you got doubts? It is understandable. (Rafael)

– Don’t doubt. Aldivan can do what he says. I say that because I know him since he was only a baby. (Uriel)

– I can speak of my experience at his side. I have known him for five years and at no time I have perceived malice in him. If there is someone trustworthy, is called Aldivan Teixeira Torres, hate, selfishness, vanity, falsehood, rage, pride, luxury, are unknown to him. (Renato)

Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.

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I Am Aldivan Teixeira Torres

Aldivan Teixeira Torres

Тип: электронная книга

Жанр: Современная зарубежная литература

Язык: на английском языке


Дата публикации: 16.04.2024

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О книге: Thirteen stories. A dreamer, a young man and two archangels in search of truth. What does a depressive, a pedophile, an abortionist, a drug addict, a professional player, scientists, criminals, a sexologist, a schizophrenic, and a handicapped have in common?

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