The Dark Night Of The Soul

The Dark Night Of The Soul
Aldivan Teixeira Torres
“The dark night of soul” is the continuation of “The seer”. The main character returned to a mountain in search of answers for a troubled period of its life, moments who forgot of God, of its principles, losing itself in sins. In the mountain, “The seer” had contact with two “great beings”, who guided him to knowledge.
This book is a passage full of dangers, pirates, a great adventure in the sea, bringing us reflections and questionings, for which we wonder: Would be possible that a criminal recovers, and, really would find the peace for its crimes? He would find forgiveness in itself? He would find the happiness? Or would be only an illusion?

The Dark Night
Of the Soul
Aldivan Teixeira Torres

The Dark Night of The Soul
By:Aldivan Teixeira Torres
©2017-Aldivan Teixeira Torres
All the rights reserved.
Aldivan Teixeira Torres

This book, including all its parts, is protected by copyright and don’t can to be reproduced without Autor’s permission, resold or transfered.
Academic Qualifications: Degree in Mathematics with specialization in the same area.
Short Biography: Aldivan Teixeira Torres, was born in Arcoverde- PE, created the series the seer, the series sons of the light, poetry and screenplays. His literary career started at the end of 2011 with the publication of his first romance work Opposing forces – the mystery of the cave. For whatever reason, he stopped writing only resuming his career in the second half of 2013. Since then he never stopped. He hopes that his writing will contribute to the Pernambuco and Brazilian culture, arousing the pleasure of reading in those that do not yet have the habit. His motto is “For literature, equality, fraternity, justice, dignity and the human being honour for ever”.

“The dark night of soul” is the continuation of “The seer”. The main character returned to a mountain in search of answers for a troubled period of its life, moments who forgot of God, of its principles, losing itself in sins. In the mountain, “The seer” had contact with two “great beings”, who guided him to knowledge. This book is a passage full of dangers, pirates, a great adventure in the sea, bringing us reflections and questionings, for which we wonder: Would be possible that a criminal recovers, and, really would find the peace for its crimes? He would find forgiveness in itself? He would find the happiness? Or would be only an illusion?”

I dedicate this second book of the series “The seer” (o vidente) to all those people, who directly or indirectly have encouraged me to the realization of my dreams, especially the publication of my first book entitled “Opposed Forces: The mystery of the cave”. Apart from those, I must remember the creator who gave me the gifts and my family that although did not encourage me in the beginning of my career were always there by my side at the good and bad times. Let us embark in a new adventure together!

The two sons
There was a man who had two sons; the younger one said to his father:
“Father, give me my share of the estate”
So, he divided the property between them. Not long after that, the young son got together all he had and set off for a distant country and there squandered his wealth in wild living. After he had spent everything, there was a severe famine in that whole country, and he began to be in need. So, he went and hired himself out to a citizen of that country, who sent him to his fields to feed pigs. He longed to fill his stomach with the pods the pigs were eating, but no one gave him anything. When he came to his senses, he said:
“How many of my father’s hired servants had food to spare, and here I am starving to death! I will set out and will go back to my father and say to him:
Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son; make me one of your hired servants”. So, he got up and went to his father.
But he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.
The son said to him, Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.
But the father said to his servants, Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. Bring the fattened cow and kill it. Let’s have a feast and celebrate. For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and he is found. So, they began to celebrate.
Lucas 15,11-24

The Dark Night (#ulink_7ed2bd9e-ba2a-59d1-a5ef-468118fbb3c4)
Of the Soul
Dedication (#ulink_49108b66-1838-58d2-b90f-dedca47d3eb4)
The two sons (#ulink_314418fa-b81c-502d-b37b-0397abc0fab3)
Introduction (#ulink_75b8e6be-374c-59b9-a24f-be9f8f7ad32b)
Post-cave (#ulink_454ed319-296b-5b99-a63f-4c7c73aeae15)
The taxi (#ulink_ef2e2845-7b07-5238-bd54-538d0e19dc64)
The path to the mountain (#ulink_fb1b88ca-966f-5ac8-88c5-9bf5cc6b6183)
The first day at the mountain (#ulink_0cbf7f95-6f2d-5826-bfac-ab47259106ee)
The dark night of the soul (#ulink_843411fd-ea40-557a-9a6d-48a9a2e7c4f4)
The first meeting with the guardian lady (#ulink_751d4943-0dc7-551f-be15-f94af53c9571)
Waiting for the challenge (#ulink_c7d45200-d97e-5348-97e5-95263c6e5bff)
Pride (#ulink_f3256ca4-342d-529d-9279-c98f3773ac02)
Another day (#ulink_95378423-3576-5512-af33-4f38de58c60d)
Greed (#ulink_4d5f04ad-810c-51e5-ab2c-b79f4ddde066)
Reflections about the challenge (#ulink_18ee97aa-2913-53cb-9ffe-e7c5c19db55b)
Lust (#ulink_bff33271-4de4-5063-b1cc-41d3b367d693)
Back to the cabin (#ulink_64f199f2-45d0-5041-b89f-9527e6dd0886)
Meeting the Hindu (#ulink_f8f75b2e-9148-5636-b68f-de350b851e42)
Perfecting (#ulink_85169b20-0665-5e2b-a557-e76322c4ee5b)
Anger (#ulink_f5631095-0d92-5e16-a26e-1b5ff1d38814)
Learning about anger (#litres_trial_promo)
Envy (#litres_trial_promo)
Learning about envy (#litres_trial_promo)
Important reflections (#litres_trial_promo)
Gluttony and sloth (#litres_trial_promo)
Farewell to the Hindu (#litres_trial_promo)
The journey (#litres_trial_promo)
The first day of the journey (#litres_trial_promo)
Captain’s stories (#litres_trial_promo)
The mermaids (#litres_trial_promo)
The discovery (#litres_trial_promo)
The tempest (#litres_trial_promo)
The clash (#litres_trial_promo)
A day without hope (#litres_trial_promo)
Finally, light (#litres_trial_promo)
The island (#litres_trial_promo)
The palace (#litres_trial_promo)
Preparation (#litres_trial_promo)
The theft (#litres_trial_promo)
The rape (#litres_trial_promo)
The terrorism (#litres_trial_promo)
The Eldorado (#litres_trial_promo)
The prison (#litres_trial_promo)
The wedding (#litres_trial_promo)
The first day after the wedding (#litres_trial_promo)
Inspirational dream (#litres_trial_promo)
The routine and the lottery (#litres_trial_promo)
Back to normality (#litres_trial_promo)
The lottery result and the decision (#litres_trial_promo)
Travelling and arriving at Pesqueira (#litres_trial_promo)
The auction (#litres_trial_promo)
The meeting (#litres_trial_promo)
The answer (#litres_trial_promo)
The beginning of the tomato cultivation (#litres_trial_promo)
The first friendships (#litres_trial_promo)
Plenty of rain and sun (#litres_trial_promo)
The pregnancy period (#litres_trial_promo)
The birth (#litres_trial_promo)
Important decision (#litres_trial_promo)
Fifteen years later (#litres_trial_promo)
The party and the disagreement (#litres_trial_promo)
The revelation (#litres_trial_promo)
Post-revelation (#litres_trial_promo)
A few months later (#litres_trial_promo)
A new phase (#litres_trial_promo)
Trip to Recife (#litres_trial_promo)
The preparatory course (#litres_trial_promo)
A day at the beach (#litres_trial_promo)
The party (#litres_trial_promo)
The next day (#litres_trial_promo)
New meeting (#litres_trial_promo)
The park (#litres_trial_promo)
The theatre (#litres_trial_promo)
The period of a year (#litres_trial_promo)
The entrance exam (#litres_trial_promo)
Failure and victory (#litres_trial_promo)
The abandonment (#litres_trial_promo)
Life on the street (#litres_trial_promo)
The crimes continue (#litres_trial_promo)
Tentative of homicide (#litres_trial_promo)
The meeting (#litres_trial_promo)
The favela (#litres_trial_promo)
The involvement (#litres_trial_promo)
A decisive fact (#litres_trial_promo)
The promotion (#litres_trial_promo)
Living the “dark night” (#litres_trial_promo)
A new important fact (#litres_trial_promo)
A new adaptation (#litres_trial_promo)
The psychologist (#litres_trial_promo)
The shelter (#litres_trial_promo)
The first session (#litres_trial_promo)
Reflections of life (#litres_trial_promo)
The second session (#litres_trial_promo)
The detachment from material things (#litres_trial_promo)
The third session (#litres_trial_promo)
The discovery of a new love (#litres_trial_promo)
The prison (#litres_trial_promo)
The conviction (#litres_trial_promo)
Thirty years of reclusion (#litres_trial_promo)
The end of the vision (#litres_trial_promo)
The exit from the island (#litres_trial_promo)
The return trip (#litres_trial_promo)
Farewell (#litres_trial_promo)
Meeting the guardian lady and the Hindu again (#litres_trial_promo)
Conclusion. (#litres_trial_promo)

The “Dark night of the soul” can be defined as a critical look at a very difficult phase which all of us sooner or later will go through. It is about a period favorable to condemnation or, incredible it may seem to an unusual salvation of the person.
To achieve the latter, it is necessary to pinpoint the exact moment to take action in face of the crisis to enable us to free ourselves from the darkness and definitely enter the bosom of goodness. Along this book it will be shown the key elements to do that and be successful. Apart from these characteristics, the text will also show how to coexist with the two existing forces of the Universe and being able to control them adequately.
I would like also to highlight that the book is aimed at all the people that of one reason or another still have not found their way in life, but have not lost hope of changing and who knows maybe obtain the desired peace that we all search for. Further with this book, I hope to contribute to the moral and spiritual evolution of the human being. Enjoy a good reading and until next time, God willing.

Hi there, reader, how long has it been! It is about a one year since I have entered the cave of despair and have fulfilled my dream of starting my career as a writer and by default became a seer, a super gifted being. Now, I feel ready to pursue my dreams. Before that, though, I will in short tell what has happened to me in the period post-cave. Sometime after climbing Ororubá Mountain, meeting the guardian, the youth and the little boy and still facing the ghost and the challenges, I returned to my parents’ home, confident, victorious, happy and willing to resume the past life. That was exactly what I did and with dedication in the work and studies I finished university and got new ideas to continue my career. This was a necessary and important moment, which gave me immense satisfaction, because my efforts were rewarded. However, I was still not completely fulfilled, because I still haven’t reached the realization of the bigger dream: To see my series “The seer” at the top of the literature world. Maybe I am being very pretentious, but this is the way I feel, in the end, I am a seer transformed by the miraculous powers of the cave of despair, the most dangerous cave in the world. Well, let destiny decide it.
With the success of the first task that was to reunite the “Opposing Forces”, to control them and helping somebody to find itself, I can say that I feel ready for the next adventure. Thinking about that, I made the following decision: To return to the sacred ground of the mountain of Orobubá and meet the guardian so that she may help me with the greatest objective of this book, which is to understand the dangerous and mysterious “Dark night of the soul”.
The decision made, I start to pack my suitcases, separating the most needed objects: Some clothes, my crucifix, my Bible, my pocket watch, a notebook, essential toiletries and books to keep me busy during and after the journey. After organizing all that, I go to the kitchen with the intention of saying goodbye to the family. Finding my mother, I hug her and begin the difficult dialogue:
—Dear mother, I came to tell you that I have decide to return to the village of Mimoso with the aim to achieve the second stage of my critical, spiritual, moral and human improvement. It is a strictly necessary journey so that I can finally understand what has happened to me some time ago, my dark night of the soul, and this is a common situation with all the mortals.
—Another trip to Mimoso? Could it be that you cannot see how crazy this is, my son? Your place is by my side. Why is this dark night so important to the point of you wanting to abandon me?
— I am going to Mimoso searching for my dreams. The first stage was accomplished, but it is in the past and now I am looking for new challenges. I believe that the answer lies in the mountains and therefore I am going there. Mama try to understand, you have raised me for the world and not for you. Remember that I am the seer, the sole human being that survived the cave of despair, and I have my responsibilities to the readers and the world. Instead of trying to convince me not to go, you should encourage me, because I have made up my mind. In any way I wanted to find you to give you a hug.
Having said that, I went up to my mother and we hugged each other. This gesture, tender and vigorous, has recuperated my energies, and it was exactly what I needed to face the next challenges, including this one. After hugging her, I finally say farewell to my mother and walk to the doors with tears in my eyes. In the meantime, I mentally analyse my plans for the trip. What will it be awaiting me? I didn’t have the faintest idea. I was only sure that they would be revitalizing and instigating experiences. Reader, let’s carry on together.

The taxi
After a while, I finally leave the house. Immediately I start looking for a comfortable means of transport, quiet and economical to get to Mimoso. I analyse all the possibilities and end up deciding that the most viable was a taxi, because the distance wasn’t so far (24 Km). The decision taken, I make use of my resources to catch the first one passing by. After some attempts, I finally caught one. The car stops, I get in, close the door and make myself comfortable. At this moment, I sense that I am being scrutinised by the driver, even before he asks me:
—Where to, sir?
I look at him and simply answer:
—We are going to Mimoso, a place near the Ororuba Mountain, a sacred mountain.
Having said this, he looked at me with disdain, saying:
—Well, I know very well where Mimoso is, let’s go. However, I didn’t know that the mountain of Ororuba was sacred. Tell me straight away about this story.
Without wanting to lose too much time at that stage, I promise:
—It is along story. I will tell it during the trip. Can we go? I am anxious to arrive at my destination.
He agrees with me, although not happy, and then the car leaves at a medium speed. In the meantime, now and again, the driver looks at me. What will he think of me? I think for a while and come to the conclusion that his reaction is natural, after all few know about the secret of the cave. However, I am not any fool so that he can treat me in such a way. As a result, I decide to tell the truth.
—Driver, I am ready to explain. What is your name?
— My name is Aurelio and yours?
—My name is Aldivan, but you can call me the seer or son of God. I am going to elaborate so that you can believe in the statement I made a while ago.
—I am ready. You can tell me.
—Approximately a century ago the Xukuru tribes were at war because of the ruses of a sorcerer called Kualopu. For a long time, there were many battles fought and thus the Xukuru nation was in danger of disappear. Thinking about it a kind sorcerer decide to intervene. He made a pact with the forces of the Universe, offering his life in exchange for the end of the war. After that pact a miracle occurred. The sorcerer was killed and the war ended. The sorcerer paid the price and peace was restored. From that day on the mountain of Ororuba became sacred and the cave of despair, located on its top, received miraculous powers capable of turning any dream into reality, provided the dreams are not selfish. It is the second time I have got the pleasure to live on the mountain.
—Very interesting. You say that this is the second time you go there. How was the first time?
— It was a year ago. I was a poor dreamer in search of knowing and controlling my “Opposing forces”. With that objective I climbed the mountain, reached the top, met the guardian (a miraculous being knowing profound mysteries), accomplished challenges, met the ghost, the youth and the little boy, and finally I entered the cave. This last experience changed my life completely, because I became the seer, a being able to surmount the time and space barriers and omniscient through its visions. With my new powers, I could understand the most profound feelings and intentions of other people. Meanwhile, I still cannot say that I am ready. Life is an eternal learning in which the cave was only a stage. Now I am ready for new challenges and therefore my life is back. This time I want to understand my dark night of the soul, the significance of everything I have lived two years ago. I believe I will find answers in the mountain or at least I will begin a new journey.
—Your story is really impressive. I believe you, because I could feel your sincerity. I only did not understand one thing, what is the meaning of this expression, dark night of the soul?
—At this moment, I myself don’t know the complete meaning of dark night. But I can give a basic notion, it is the moment we detach ourselves from Universe benign forces to only think of our vanities. This moment is critical, being able to destroy or to save a human being’s soul, depending of the case.
—I think I understand. I have already passed through the dark night when I was unfaithful to my wife with ladies of the night. When she left me, I realized the true value, I repented and we were able make up. From then on, I was a new man.
—What happened to you I can guarantee it was a lapse. Indeed, the dark night is more profound than we can imagine. I hope to find the answers that I so much need.
—Good luck with your search. I can see you an educated lad, intelligent and determined. Determined people always reach their objectives.
—Thank you. Now I need to meditate and have a rest. Don’t wake me up until we have reached our destination.
Aurelio reassures me and then I concentrate on my inner, forgetting all the preoccupations. Gradually, the body relaxes and the extra-sensorial senses are awakened. Soon I start seeing distorted and confusing images. A while later, rocked by the strength of the thoughts, I see myself in an enormous plain by all sides. I am exactly in the middle of this place. From the right side emerges a scorching and strong sun. It cleanses all my impurities and gives me a sensation of peace and freedom. At the same time, from the left side appears a thick and dark cloud, bringing a heavy atmosphere, full of negative feelings and thoughts. This force is capable of condemning all those nearby, those absorbed by its shadow. Next to it I feel guilty, even without having had a fair judgement. The two forces are getting near all the time, producing in me the meeting of the two “Opposing forces”, that some time ago it seemed I had controlled. Soon after, between the two forces, an angel appears and it carries on the face the mark of the word choice. I invoke it, and the shock between the two opposing forces stops, at least temporarily, leaving me a little more relaxed. Even so, I am not free of the possible interactions of the dark night, which it seems to be part of any and every individual. After the invocation, the angel, the sun, the dark cloud, the scenery, everything disappear and gradually I am becoming conscientious. Finally, I wake up. I feel I am in the same place, inside of a taxi in motion. What will all this mean? In order to find answers, I look out of the window and I see that I am almost at my destination. I am happy, I am closer to get some answers.

The path to the mountain
Finally, the car arrives at the destination and stops. Immediately, I grab my suitcase and I get out with conviction. Leaving, I start to imagine all the aspects of the village center. At first sight, it seems very quiet and cosy just like the last time. I start going forward and some known people come to meet me, trying to help. I thank them and straight away we start chatting. After a short while, I say goodbye, using as an excuse important and urgent business at the mountain. The walk restarts, carrying the heavy suitcase and the undesirable preoccupations. What will await me after climbing the mountain for the second time? How would the dear guardian lady be? Those were some the questions filling my brain.
I carry on walking and for the first time I feel tired. The circumstances make me stop for a while and again an anguish invades my being completely. What was happening to me? Where was the spirit, the faith and the energy of the adventurer, who started his dream a year ago? At that moment, everything made me believe that I was no longer the same person. Before total despair, I decide to analyse impartially the situation. In a short and intense period post-cave, situations quite adverse have occurred, which made me rethink about who I was. However, at that moment I conclude that it was necessary to return to myself, the dreamer. Without it, I would certainly not be able to face all the obstacles that perhaps separated me from fully understanding the dark night of the soul. Thinking about that, I inhale and exhale deeply searching for the energy capable of guiding me, and when I believe I have reached it, I walk again. At this moment, I feel already more relaxed and comforted, although I am only at the foot of the mountain.
I walk a little away from the bottom and the voices of the mountain are starting to act. I feel confused and dizzy, because they are really strong. Like the other time, they try to persuade me to give up. Apart from the voices, my sixth sense is submitted to a sequence of images. In them, I see fire, pain, inhumane actions, betrayals, the meeting of the opposing forces and the dark night of the soul. For a moment, I lost conscience and I see myself in the Brazil colonial times. I see the beginning, the middle and end of everything. In this retrospective vision, I see the first contact of the innocent owners of Brazil, the Indians, with the foreigners that behind their amicable appearance hide their second intentions. They are welcomed, and without the hosts suspecting, they try in every way to find the riches. In their first attempt, they don’t find what they are looking for and withdraw. Later on, they come back and brutally enslave the Indians, explore their natural resources and this causes one the greatest ethnic massacres of all times. This represents the fire of the dark night of the soul, a fire that destroyed lives, dreams and hopes.
At other moment I see myself in Nazis concentration camps, in the Second World War. In this vision, it is very well clear the aspect of the oppressors’ dark night, because they act with falsehood, cunning, cold and evil without limits. I am subjected to very strong scenes of violation of the human rights and this makes me burst into tears. How can there human beings, image of the Creator, be capable of such atrocities and with such hate? People like that, nationalists and prejudiced, that make Satan look like an angel indeed. This represents the pain of the dark night of the soul and is a path without return.
A moment later, I am carried away to an explosion of vegetation, more precisely the amazon forest. I fly over the area and at a certain time I see a large clearing in the forest. I decide to land to investigate. With little surprise, I meet men with various type of tools, aiming at felling the greatest amount of trees possible, in an area which ought to be for environment conservation. The situation makes me cry again and I curse the source of power and wealth which are the cause of all this. In another place, not too far away, the dark night is completed with the indiscriminate killing of the fauna. I got enraged with the situation and ask myself: What right does mankind have to act in this way? We are not the owners of this world, but only passing guests that should respect it and preserve it. At this rate, we will not even have a future for the next generations. This represents the inhumane actions of the dark night.
A little while later I see myself in Jerusalem, the holy city. I see a simple man, son of a carpenter, teaching, admonishing, exalting, conducting healings and miracles and opening the doors of heaven for all the sinners. At the same time, I see the envy of a powerful minority planning a trap for the master. To achieve their aim, they join the enemy, Satan, personified in Judas. With his help they are able to arrest the master and taking advantage of the situation to torture him, to humiliate him and finally killing him. However, not even death can defeat or destroy the one that with his father have created life. After three days, he has resurrected glorious from the tomb whilst the traitor is dead and given to the torments provided by the dark night. After the resurrection, Jesus appears to his followers and makes some recommendations. Amongst them, he is very clear not to give rise to prejudice, whatever it may be. Everyone without exception, has the right to a full life and the salvation from the dark night of the soul is possible for those who believe in him. This represents the betrayal of the dark night of the soul and whom betrays it.
In another moment I see myself in the struggle that is the opposing forces and the emergence of the doubts relating to the dark night of the soul. The final battle of the previous book has showed me how powerful goodness is and how it can change lives. The only condition for such thing to happen is that we free ourselves of any and all feelings which are evil, such as hate, envy, stinginess, egoism, selfishness amongst others. After seeing all those situations, the whirlwind of images in my mind starts to disappear gradually. A while later I become conscious and I feel well. I decide immediately to walk again, because the summit is still far way. The voices from the mountain stop and so I start climbing the mountain more relaxed. The fear, the shame and the restlessness were left behind. I think of the visions that I was subjected to and it renews my desire to explore. What is awaiting me? Honestly, I did not know. Whatever it may be I am already prepared to face and overcome the challenges. After all I was the seer, a super-gifted being who was the only man to face the cave of despair and conquer it.
With the objective of finding answers to my profound anxieties, I carry on and I manage to complete a third of the walk. At that precise moment, again I stop to rest. I take the chance to rehydrate my body and mind. Soon, it comes to my mind the struggle of the previous climbing and how I felt alone and unexperienced at the end of the world. I was only a dreamer searching for the last string of hope to realize my dreams through a miraculous cave and that managed to survive a steep climbing. After climbing, I recall the moments that I have spent there, including the guardian, the ghost, the youth, little Renato, the challenges and entry into the most dangerous cave of the world. I had partially realised my dreams with the victory that I have achieved, but the actual situation is totally different. I am now the seer searching for the second evolution stage. The first has been accomplished, I have reunited the opposing forces and helped someone to find himself. I was at the second one which was to discover the dark night of the soul, that same night that the guardian lady had mentioned at our last meeting. A night that was able to save or condemn the individual. I start to walk again slowly, intent in saving energy, because it was still morning and I had all the time in the world to prepare myself to meet again the guardian lady, that strange lady who I still did not know well. Who was she? Not even I myself knew, despite having lived with her for more than seven days. All I was certain of was that she had been a great help for me to understand my opposing forces and bring them together like I did. This time, I didn’t believe that it was going to be different and I felt ready for the new challenges and revelations, even if I had to make sacrifices. In the end knowledge has got its price and I was prepared to pay for it in full.
I carry on walking at a slow but steady pace, having passed half of the distance. Suddenly, I looked down and there it was my dear village called Mimoso. Looking at it and analysing it I reach the conclusion that it is very important to me, because it was exactly at that place that I had my first adventure: Travelling through time, I have corrected injustice, put together the opposing forces and I have helped someone to find himself. The moments that I have spent there were moments of critical growth, human and spiritual that I will never forget. I remember all the past facts, and I think that I was just better prepared on account of that. After some time of ecstasy, I begin again concentrating in my objective, staring at the way that gives access to the top of the mountain. At this moment, the stones move as if wanting to say something. Will it be that I was heading to the downfall? Will it be that this dark night is not too dangerous? Well, that what I was trying to find out and I was quite near to it, because I have already exceeded ¾ of the way. This made me happy and this was a conquest of my last adventure, because exactly at the cave I was faced with three doors representing happiness, failure and fear. Thinking about that I recall that my knowledge was decisive in choosing the door of happiness disregarding the others. This time I hope that I have the same inspiration.
I walk again and after a few steps I am close to the top, this same welcoming top where last time I accomplished challenges. There were three in total, and they evaluated my capacity and competence. Only after passing life tests I could enter the holy cave and start an adventure culminating in bringing together the opposing forces. This time, I believe that it is not going to be different, but I have got no idea of what awaits me. In the end, I know very little about the subject in question.
I gather my remaining energies to carry on walking and try to discover the unimaginable. A few more steps and finally I reach the top. Arriving there, I feel the sun shining brighter, a gentle breeze blows, and I can listen clearly to the altered voices. What they reveal it is an absolute secret which I cannot reveal. To access its understanding and content it is necessary to climb the sacred mountain like I did.
A new challenge is launched. Let’s continue together, reader.

The first day at the mountain
I have just arrived and this makes me more relaxed. I look at the pocket watch and realise the lunch time is near and straight way I open the case to get something to eat. Among the several paths available, I chose the same one of the last adventure which I already know and thus I don’t take the risk of getting lost in the expansive and enigmatic summit. A few minutes later, I manage to have a glimpse of a banana tree and a coconut tree. I am safe, at least for the moment.
I get closer and when I arrive exactly to the place, I climb the banana and the coconut trees with the same faith and claws that I got up the mountain; I harvest the fruits, climb down, eat and rest a little. In meanwhile, I don’t lose too much time, because I still have to find the timber to build my cabin. This was strictly necessary for protecting myself from the wild animals. Having got what I needed, I come back.
On my return, I start to build my abode, but the time goes by and there is no sign of the guardian lady. What could have happened to her? Will it be that she does not exist anymore? Well, if this was the case I would be really lost, because I still believe that she is the key or at the least arrow that points me to the desired way of the dark night of the soul. I try not think about the worst and carry on building my temporary roof and as I already have experience it will be quite strong for my safety during the night. With lots of dedication from my side, finally my roof is ready. I decide to rest a little, because it was almost night time.
A while later, a cold wind blows and I have a bad feeling. What is about to happen? I scan the surroundings and it gives me more signs that the mountain is about to react to my presence. It was expected, in the end, I was walking on the sacred ground, without even asking for permission. With all buts and ifs, I decide to lock myself in the cabin and wait for the next day, the night was already falling. Good night, readers. Till the next chapter.

The dark night of the soul
I am happy and relaxed at the top of the sacred mountain which facilitated my objectives. The weather is good, I am alone, but it doesn’t make me afraid, because I have learnt how to control this weakness in opposing forces. All of a sudden, the appearance of the mountain begins to change sharply: The ground disappears from under my feet, I begin to float in the air, dark clouds in the sky are approaching and every minute a mysterious anguish is suffocating my chest. Simultaneously, from the north side, a group of Indians led by Kualopu appears, the sorcerer of the darkness. As they approach, the dark clouds in the sky gather even stronger, completely covering the sun, leaving the day looking like night. Watching the scenery, I hear Kualopu pronouncing unintelligible words, as trying to expel his occult forces. When he does that, the dark clouds moving rapidly envelop all of my body. At the same time, a circle of light surrounds me, holding me hopelessly. The next moment, the gravitational forces are shaken and a kind of time tunnel is formed. Immediately I am pushed against the tunnel, and when touching it I am subjected to a sequence of visions. In them I travel to the world of spirits, more exactly for a meeting between the most developed spirits. At the said meeting, they are sited, they talk democratically, specifically about the partition of the opposing forces. In the end, it is agreed the performance of each one and the choice aspects in relation to the dark night of the soul. It is necessary to point out that nothing is very clear, because those mysteries are not given to the human being. After the meeting ending, a baby crying was heard and life began.
The childhood is a period of discovery and finding the self. In this period, the family has got a primordial role in the formation of each individual. The parents have the duty of being the moral foundation necessary to make just and good persons. Still talking about the childhood, it is also at this stage that the extra-sensory phenomena are at their sharpest. Particularly, my visions reveal some of those moments: The vampire of the haunted house, the woman that rises from the ground to frighten, the dead person asking for help to find so desired light, amongst other moments. In each of those situations appears the despair of the unexplainable and the questions that seem never stopping. Are we alone in the Universe? The door between the two worlds is it really closed? Who had the answers to these questions could write marvellous books.
Yet the adolescence and adult phase are the most adequate times for solidifying the concepts acquired in childhood. In my case, it is also the phase of doubts and hope, in general and particular. A dream appears: Aiming to be a writer. It starts with a simple collection of biblical passages of the books of Ecclesiastes, knowledge and proverbs. Sometime later, the crisis come and the vision of a medium appears. Soon after, came unemployment and the start of the dark night of the soul. At this moment, the circle breaks up and I come in contact with all that was bad for me and that made me believe that I was not a worthy being. The shadows of the dark night got stronger and the voices convict me of something I did not have control of and it was absolutely not my fault. I rebel and shout loudly: I am also son of God! With this attitude, the vision of the dark night disappear and I feel better.
Then I begin to see my trajectory that drives me to this day. I leave home, happy with the last string of hope to see my dream come true. Searching for the dream, I arrive at Mimoso, climb the mountain Ororuba and reach the top, meet the guardian lady, the ghost, the youth and the little boy; I accomplish challenges and finally I enter the dangerous cave of despair, the cave capable of realizing the deepest dreams. Inside it, avoiding traps and passing the scenes, I finally arrive, with great effort at a secret room, where I became the seer, a special and super-gifted being, able to understand the most troubled hearts. Almost ready, I leave the cave and there it starts an unimaginable adventure on the timeline. My objective in the journey was to put right injustices, help someone to find himself and getting together the opposing forces. The result of all that is a book with the same name. After having seen all that, the sequence of the visions breaks down and again the dark night gets closer, and with that, the circle of light reappears in me and leads me to run through the future without seeing it clearly. Quickly, I get to the end of the line, I die, go to judgement, and the dark night remains around me. In the audience, the night lays claim to possess me in account of all my past actions. The judge listen to the arguments and I remain in expectation. A moment later, an abyss open under my feet and I am sucked fiercely into it. I begin to fall very fast in a time interval that seems an eternity. When I am almost at the bottom, I am caught by strong hands and arms. I quickly look to the being that saved me, and it is an angel with beautiful wings. On its face it is written: Repentance. We go back the same way and the dark night no longer has any power over me. A while later I arrive in Heaven and I am going to live in the company of the most evolved beings of the Universe, working with them to maintain the miracle of life. And so, a new phase begins.

The first meeting with the guardian lady
A new day appears: the birds sing, the sun appears and the morning breeze envelops all my body and awakes me in this mystic atmosphere that is the sacred mountain. At this exact moment, I think of the night before, concluding that it was a night to forget, because did not bring back good memories, due to the fact that the ground was hard and the unusual dream that I had. What did the mountain expect from me? I think that it is a relentless will to win on a subject that I proposed to learn more about it and thus evolve. Trying to gather the necessary strength for that, I get up, have a stretch, have breakfast and see nothing more nothing less than the mountain’s guardian lady. Our eyes meet and in a quick assessment I realize that she looks younger than the last time we met each other. I then decide to start a conversation.
— Guardian lady?! Is it really you my lady? I was desperately looking for you.
— I knew, but I don’t know the reason. To what honour do I owe the dreamer’s visit, son of God, whom I haven’t seen for so long?
Even before I tried to answer, we immediate embrace, and this leaves me more relaxed and confident. At that moment I was absolutely certain that I could count on her help to unravel the mysteries and answer my most profound anxieties. After the moment of euphoria, we separate from each other, we sat facing each other and we restarted the conversation.
—I came searching for answers about the dark night of the soul, a moment that I already lived about two years ago, but that still leaves me with many doubts and anxieties. Then I had reflect for a while and got to the conclusion that the mountain brought me so much happiness in the past it might be the resumption of a new journey, fiery and dangerous.
— I understand. But could you give me an idea to what you call the dark night of the soul?
—Well, despite of the fact that I have not evolved sufficiently, I can give you a basic idea. Dark night is exactly that moment when we disconnect ourselves from the sacred, from God, and only think about our own vanities. It is a moment where the darkness is intense and this may condemn or even save a person.
—An appropriate definition, but incomplete. Learn young one, the dark night is much more profound that what we imagine and only the more evolved spirits are really able to control it and understand it. Are you ready to risk once more? If you are, I think I can help you in your journey. However, I must warn you that you are not going to find exactly here all the answers that you need. It is going to be necessary a lot of courage and determination from your side to face new and unforeseen challenges.
—I will do everything the mistress orders me. You can believe that I am prepared to go right to the bottom of the issue, even if I have to make difficult and complicated sacrifices. Well, what will it be the first step this time?
—Firstly, you will have to know deeply the seven cardinal sins, because normally they open the curtains of darkness. With me you will have three challenges, and if you pass them you will go to the second phase. In total there are three phases before somebody is finally able to understand the meaning of the dark night. Be prepared, because it is not going to be easy. Besides, I must let you know that those who walk this way face so many risks that many have already lost their lives in it. Do you still want to carry on? If you say yes, be aware that your first challenge is scheduled for tonight.
—Yes. I am prepared to pay the price for the arduous knowledge. I am ready.
—Spend the day well. I will be back tonight.
With those words, the guardian lady said fondly farewell. I begin to get ready for the night. What will it be awaiting me? Let’s continue together, reader.

Waiting for the challenge
I continue to get ready, without noticing time passes and it is midday. From then on, I concentrate on the lunch, because I was already feeling hungry. I take the food that I brought from the bush and start to get it ready. In the beginning, for a short while, a slight worry disturbs my feelings, and I ask myself: What did the guardian lady meant with the expression “Many have already lost their lives searching for the answers”? Could it be that its meaning is totally literal? Well, in any way I was perfectly prepared to run the necessary risks to reach such arduous knowledge and the respective success in the adventure. Thinking about that, I conclude that since the first time that I arrived at the mountain I had demonstrated sufficient courage, strength and faith to accomplish the challenges and face the obstacles until finally get permission to enter into the sacred cave of despair that was, at that moment, my last hope of success. Analysing better this part of my objective, I end up concluding that I really had a chance of achieving success. In the end, I have had become the seer, a super-gifted being, capable of transcending time and distance in search for the objectives.
After the short analysis, I decide to focus only on the lunch and getting fed. Straight after, I decide to lie on the improvised bed that I made, because I needed some time to recover and gather energy for the night challenge. After a while, I get sleepy and a refreshing slumber takes over me completely. During my rest, I had revealing, but undecipherable dreams. After the turmoil of one of them, I wake up, and looking at my pocket watch I realize that is almost night time. Hurriedly I get up with the objective of observing the night and wait to be contacted by the guardian lady.

Going out, the night fall makes me more anxious and nervous. What would I be facing? What would the first challenge consist of? Those were some of the questions floating in my worried mind. A while later, I try to control myself and reaffirm my decision to myself, that I would face all the obstacles, whatever they may be. The strategy seems right, and I feel more confident and with great determination, with that adventurous scouting instinct from the previous mission. I am happy and I promise myself that I would be discovering all the fascinating facets of the dark night of the soul, so dangerous and gloomy. So, I decide to enter the kitchen of the cabin intent in preparing a dinner fit for the guardian lady, despite all the difficulties. I remember her tastes and I decide to make a soup like the last time that we met. It is necessary not to take risks.
After a few minutes, finally the soup is ready, and tasting it, I am happy, because it was delicious, as far as it was possible. Despite being hungry I don’t eat, go out again looking for clues in that starry sky, fascinated by the look of the stars, and for a moment they twinkle even brighter, as if wanting to tell me something. What could it be? I imagine several situations, until I feel a gentle touch on my shoulders. Looking behind, I come across the guardian lady more radiant and vivid than ever. In anticipation she start the conversation.
—Dreamer, are you ready? Today you will have the opportunity of knowing the beginning of everything, the creation of the dark night of the soul. Be aware than this is a special moment and reserved only to a few.
— I believe I am prepared, but before that I would like to invite you to have some soup with me.
—Yes, of course. I will take the opportunity to give you the instructions needed so that you can face the challenge with the possibility of success.
After the guardian lady said yes, we straight away enter the humble abode, and on the way, a perturbing silence remained, seeming to foresee the dangers that I would be facing. What would happen to me this time? I asked myself that, because I was starting to tread a total unknown and unforeseeable path. Thinking about my case, I try to reignite my confidence, since it was important to achieve success. I recall that I am a seer, that I have nothing to fear about, despite everything, and carry on walking by the side of the guardian lady. Our regular and sure steps take us to our objective, the small and improvised kitchen of the wooden hut. Upon arrival, I offer the guardian lady the only stool available and begin to serve her. We sit in front of each other and I reopen the conversation interrupted a while ago. I decide to go straight to the point.
—Well, guardian lady, how exactly is this challenge going to be?
— In a short while you will have to leave the cabin and roam over cave’s top searching for a clue. When the moment arrives, you will have four options: The pure light, the passivity, the repentance and the dark night of the soul. If you chose the most appropriate path, you will then obtain the necessary answers to the complete understanding of the appearance of the dark night of the soul. That knowledge is very important for your development as a seer and as a person. However, you should stay alert, as if by chance you choose the wrong path, you will find madness, suffering or even death. Be wise as you have always been and choose to uncover the veil of the most profound mysteries of the Universe. Know that few have had access to this knowledge.
— How should I prepare to overcome this first challenge?
—Firstly, pray a lot to obtain the celestial protection. After that, use your good-sense and knowledge, as when you faced the choice of path on the previous adventure. On that time, there were two options: The path on the right, the path of light, which is also the most difficult by representing renunciation and difficult choices. In this respective path, the individual faces many difficulties, but can rely on the celestial protection and certainly this is the most suitable path in the direction of evolution, which the final aim is to reach to the Father. However, the path on the left, that of the darkness, is the easiest path, wide, and belongs to all of those who rebel against the Father’s call, against his mission. It is also a path for learning, which must be known, but not practised. The other time, you made the right choice and managed to control the opposing forces and that can help you this time. Know that those who are able to control the opposing forces are able to make miracles.
—I understand. In case I choose the wrong path, could the consequences really hit me?
—Don’t worry. Probably nothing is going to happen if you adequately follow my directions. However, you must be very careful, because the majority of the people prefer to ignore the existence of the dark night at that moment, and assume a false ego, perfect and unreachable. In general people that act this way believe they are better than the others, they wrongly think that they are closer to God and don’t have the good sense of self-criticism and try to become better human beings. Know that the dark night of this kind of person is the most dangerous of them all. There are still others that tread the dark night without being aware of it and without caring about the consequences. For each mistake made, they get further away from the light and unless someone helps them, they end up finally falling into perdition. These are all those that get drugged in the vices of the flesh and the spirit. There is still a third type that tread the dark night for a certain period of time, until something transforms their lives. This fact can be an advice, a reflection or a casual happening of destiny. The fact bring the repentance that is one of the keys to save yourself from such dangerous night. Apart from these, there are other types of dark night, but that are not predominant. Have patience and take care to be able to surpass your limitations, and to go forward on the path of knowledge and not falling into destiny’s pitfalls.
—Thank you. After that explanation I can conclude that my dark night was of the third type. In it I was subjected to several experiences beyond my comprehension. It is because of this that I came back here wanting to obtain the knowledge that will make me able to understand and analyse the various dark nights of the soul. This is absolutely necessary for my personal development and my career.
— Well, only it remains for me now wish you luck in your path. You are a dedicate lad and deserve to be successful. Know that many hearts are going to learn from you the secrets of being better and happier people. Certainly, your contribution will be important and immense.
After having said that, the guardian lady finishes eating, looks outside and turns round to me.
—It is time for the challenge. I am on my way and don’t forget about my recommendations.
Immediately, she gets up and disappears in the night, leaving me alone with my anxieties. At this moment, I look at my pocket watch, realizing that it was late night and a light sleep start to appear. I think for a while and decide to make a sacrifice in favour of my objectives. Making this decision, I grab a torch from my case and go out of cabin. Leaving, I realise that its light is not enough to give me safety at the top of the sacred and dangerous mountain. Despite that, I don’t give up and believe in my capabilities. I take a few steps and make another decision: I would be starting to walk on the top’s west side, where the majestic cave is located. I did that, because I had an inner suspicion.
Determined, I go to the nearest path. Half way I start hearing noises from wild animals. And now? How was I going to protect myself? Afraid, I begin to repeat a silent praying and the noises abate immediately as if by miracle. I feel more relaxed and carry on walking, concentrating on the challenge. Again, the doubts appears incessantly and I ask: Will it be possible for me to overcome this so difficult first challenge? Well, from my side I would be making every effort to do my best to start to accomplish my objectives: The search for the answers about the dark night and my desire for knowledge.
I carry on walking, and with the intense cri-cri of the insects I lose concentration. As an alternative, I decide to gamble with my instincts and experience so that I don’t get lost on the path. After some time, with my steady and quick steps I get closer to the cave of despair, place where I became the seer of the books. By walking forward and standing in front of it, the memories from the last time I was here came back to me. I remember all the details, including that I was only a dreamer who had climbed the mountain in search of an unknown destiny. By climbing it completely, I had the pleasure of knowing the guardian lady, a miraculous spirit capable of understanding the most profound mysteries of the human being. With her help, I accomplished three challenges, one more difficult than the other. Still on the mountain, I have faced the ghost and the youth with the objective of asserting what I wanted for myself. After all those stages, finally I could enter the cave of despair, the cave that was capable of making the impossible possible. Going in, overcoming all the obstacles, went through scenes until I got to the secret chamber. There, my natural gifts were strengthened and ended up becoming the seer, a being capable of making miracles in time and space. With everything realized I left the cave, and travel through time, I corrected injustices, helped someone to find himself and finally I gathered my opposing forces as well as the ones from the last time. I have succeeded in my mission and now I felt prepared for a new adventure, penetrate the dense dark night of the soul, something that no one ever did. Full of enthusiasm, I walk further, stand at the entrance to the cave waiting for a sign from the supernatural, but nothing happened. As time went by, I had convinced myself that the cave had nothing to do with the actual challenge and I went away from it and looked for another path, towards the north side of the mountain. I find it straight away, helped by the torch’s light and carry on walking.
Picking up a new path, I feel my faith and hopes renewed, because I believe that I am going to accomplish the plans and find the so desired success. Assured and following the developed instincts of seer, at a certain point, I decide to leave the path and enter the thicket. Even facing difficulties, like the thorns that hurt me, I carry on walking in the same direction, because I had an inner assurance. I continue at this pace for about ten minutes, until out of nowhere a clearing appeared. In front of me there were four distinct paths and I have to choose one of them. Under pressure, I begin to analyse all the possibilities. In this case it is not just luck or fate, simply knowledge. Among the paths there is the path of light, the path of passivity, that of repentance and the path of the dark night of the soul. The first one belongs to all those that give themselves to the call of the Father, his mission. Certainly, this is the most difficult path, because requires renunciations and choices that the majority are not prepared to make. However, the second, the passivity path, represents all of those that persist with their mistakes without concern for the consequences, such as the others’ pain. In the case I choose this path I may even reach madness. In relation to the path of repentance, this one belongs to all and any human being that is prepared to change life, to forgive and try to understand the other side. However most people cannot tread it for very long, mainly because of pride, exactly the cardinal sin that I will try to understand to the bottom in this particular challenge. In the instance of me opting for this path, I will observe and feel a lot of suffering. At last, there is the path of the dark night of the soul that represents the knowledge and mystical experience of the darkness that everybody goes through at certain point in life. After pondering for a while, I end up deciding that the path of the dark night of the soul is the most appropriate to follow at that moment. Before continuing the journey, however, I recall my past challenges specifically when I had to choose, at the last adventure, between the two opposing forces. In that instance, the path on the right was the most correct one, because it represented the path of light, whilst the one on the left represented the path of darkness. Now the situation was different, because there were four paths and only one was the most appropriate choice. I ponder for a while longer, I decide to invert the roles and denominate the path to the extreme left the one of the pure light and the one next to it the one of the repentance. So, the path on the extreme right, I denominate it as one of the dark night of the soul and the one next to it the one of passivity. In order to confirm my hunches, I create an aura round the paths and this plan gives me the desired result. Then I follow the path on the extreme right searching for the truth that few know. After walking for a while longer, my steady pace takes me to a flat place, exuberant and enormous, with a lake in the middle. On its banks, a woman is waving to me, calling me. By curiosity, I answer her call and get closer. As I reach her, I start the conversation:
— Are you the owner of the mystery of the origin of the dark night of the soul?
—No, my dear. But I can help.
Saying that, the woman moves quickly and in a few seconds places herself behind me, pushing me into the lake. Defenceless, I go into the water. At this moment, the mountain shakes, the gravitational forces are affected, the sky darkens and my body ascend at an enormous speed. Gradually I lose my senses and then the visions appear. I concentrate on one of them, and as if it was travelling through time, I see a great explosion and its consequences. In that particular vision, I am aware of the creation of the solar systems and all their constituent elements, representing the creation of matter. Besides this one, occur simultaneously the spiritual creation of all human beings. In this one, in particular, I watch the armies of angels under the command of a sole master, helped by a servant called Lucifer, an angel helpful and efficient. Everything was going alright in the spiritual plan, until one day the Master of the Armies had to go away with the objective of creating new galaxies in distant universes, and so left Lucifer in charge of Heaven. Soon after the Master left, Lucifer grew in importance and the power got to his head. In an instant he decided that he would no longer be a servant and rebelled with some other angels. He obtained supporters from all the hierarchies: Thrones, powers, ikiriris, archangels, angels, etc. However, Lucifer’s plans were discovered in time by another servant: Michael. This one did not agree with the ambitions of his brother Lucifer and with other angels he organised a counterattack. So, war started. On one side, those who supported Michael and Jave as their only master. On the other side, those who supported Lucifer as their supreme. This moment was the most delicate of all the Universe because many lives were lost (billions) for the sake of power, that is, a meaningless cause. After numerous battles, Michael and his angels were able to surround Lucifer and his followers, defeating them, and locking them up in the feared Earth’s abysm, in unsurmountable rooms. Thus, ended the war and the Master returned from the trip, occupying his rightful and deserved place. On his return, He made sure of rewarding Michael and his followers for their bravery in battle and gave them higher places in the administration of the Kingdom of Heavens. As for Lucifer, as punishment, was made into the shape a horrendous dragon and the fire of the abysm was lit, burning little by little those in there. It is at this precise moment that the feared dark night of the soul emerges and the seat of power and pride being its primitive causes. After witnessing all these facts, the visions disappear from my mind and in a jiff, I am back, to my surprise on the banks of the lake. I look around and see nobody. I decide then to return immediately to the cabin, for most of the night had passed. In a hurry, I cover the way back in no time and in a few strides, I am back at the cabin. I go straight to my bed looking for a refreshing sleep. Getting near I promptly fall on it. Tomorrow will be another day and I will carry on walking the feared path of darkness searching for such arduous knowledge.

Another day
The day finally dawns and the first rays of sun hit my face, waking me up. Awakening I gather my energies and slowly I got up, stretching I decide to have morning bath. So, I quickly go to the improvised bathroom. After a few steps, I begin getting ready to bath. I undress quickly, put on soap and splash cold water over my body. The cold feeling reminds me of last night. Carefully analysing the last challenge, I end up concluding that the discovery of the origin of the dark night of the soul and the exact meaning of pride made me understand a great deal, because people sink and remain in this dark cloud. In my humble opinion, the majority of people are greatly linked to themselves and the material world. As a result of that, they don’t see the mistakes they make daily in search of power, wealth, social ostentation and vanity. As time goes by, the spiritual situation of this kind of person gets even more complicated because they continue to err and are not capable of repenting and forgiving. And the consequences don’t stop there. Gradually, the cloud of the dark night gets thicker and its influence ultimately affects the person’s other feelings. One more step and people get to the edge of the abysm of no return: Marginality, shameful acts, cruelty and lack of ethics among others. At this precise moment, if there is no Divine or angelic (Beings committed to good) intervention, the dark night may even condemn. However, there is still a ray of hope while there is life, for there have already been instances of harden hearts that are saved at the last moment. One of those is the one crucified next to Christ, who before martyrdom asked for forgiveness and that Jesus remember him when arriving at his kingdom. At that time, to everyone surprise, Jesus promised: I guarantee you, you will be with me in Paradise today. That attitude of the master shows God’s grandiosity and the force of forgiveness face the influence of the dark night.

I forget about all the anxieties and preoccupations, concentrate only on the bath. I remove completely my impurities put on soap again and throw more cold water over my body. When I am ready, grab the towel, dry myself, put on clean clothes and finally leave the bathroom. Leaving I come face to face with no more no less than the guardian lady. She starts the conversation.
—Good morning, son of God. Are you inviting me for breakfast? I was passing by and decided to pay you a visit to find out how did last night go.
—Certainly. Help yourself. Will you accompany me?
The guardian lady nods in agreement and quickly we head towards the improvised kitchen. In a few steps we are there and I offer her the stool. I begin serving her, she sits down and we continue our conversation.
—Guardian lady, is the second challenge near?
— It is. It will be this afternoon. Before that, however, tell me about your experience at the last challenge. I want be sure that you understood enough to progress to the next phase.
—At first, I left heading west thinking that perhaps the challenge had something to do with the miraculous cave where I became the seer. However, when I arrived there I realised that I was wrong and so I went in another direction. This time, I headed toward the northern side of the mountain top, and a while later, leaving the path, there were four paths as your ladyship have warned me. The paths represented the pure light, the repentance, the passivity and the dark night of the soul. With another test in life, I gathered my energies and wisdom to unravel the secrets of each one. In the end, I achieved it and arrived at some conclusions. I can say that the path of pure light belongs to all those that submit themselves to the father’s will and try faithfully fulfil the mission for which they were designated. However, this path is the most difficult of them all, for the world offers evermore easy and pleasurable alternatives for the body and soul, causing many to give up. In short, it is a path of denunciations and choices. As for the path of repentance is for all those with enough humility for recognising their mistakes, even when the situation is near the point of no return. It is there where the miracle of rebirth occurs and after that people can have a full and happy life. In relation to the path of passivity, this one represents the indifference of all those who have committed crimes, but don’t feel totally guilty. The dark night of this kind of person is in general fatal. From my own experience, I can say that it is more difficult to convince a passive person than create new worlds. Finally, the path of the dark night of the soul represents the moment when we detach ourselves from God only thinking about our interests and vanities. Depending on each case, the darkness can condemn the individual. It is the path of knowledge and revelation. I opted for this one, for it was the right choice at that moment. After I made my choice, I found a woman on the banks of a lake. She waved to me, I went near and getting closer she pushed me into the waters. The meeting gave rise to a journey at bygone times, when the human being was not aware of its existence, revealing the mystery that few know about. With the revelation, my senses were aroused to understand the primitive cause of the darkness: Pride and the seat of power. Specifically, pride makes man auto-sufficient, a kind of perdition. Being auto-sufficient man thinks that he no longer needs God to accomplish his plans and objectives and consider himself to he own master, master of his own destiny. Apart from those characteristics, pride initiates a series of sins which end up contaminating entirely man’s soul. With that the dark night gets even stronger.
—Splendid. I knew that you were really capable of understanding the depth of the question. However, be aware that it is only the beginning, for the dark night of the soul encompasses many more aspects which you still do not master. Be wise in all the situations and remember that up to now nobody as really understood it besides the master. After all I have heard, I believe that you are fit to go to the second phase of those that you will have to walk.
—And what about the next challenge? How shall act to succeed again?
—You must look for a place at the top called “Abysm of repentance”. If you act with caution and wisdom you can win again and find the knowledge of the second cardinal sin. But be alert: Only the totally pure hearts will not be reached by the abysm fire. If you fail, know that your soul will be irremediably captured and nobody will be able to save you.
—Thank you for your advice, but I believe in myself. I am totally confident that I will succeed, and therefore I am going to run all the necessary risks.
— Excellent. I can see you are ready. I admire your determination in search of knowledge. However, I must let you know that there is a price to pay and that nothing happens by chance. If you succeed in all the stages, the mystery of the dark night will help you a lot in your career. Now, I just want to wish you good luck and until we meet again.
Saying that, the guardian lady said the last goodbye and in a flash, she disappeared from my sight as smoke. From then on, silence reigned in my humble cabin putting me in a pensive mood. How to overcome this new challenge? Could it be by any chance more dangerous than the first one? What was exactly this place called abysm of repentance? There are so many questions without answers that they left me a little dizzy. I finish my breakfast and would spend most of the morning analysing which one would be the best strategy to be adopted in this case. After deciding, I would rest for a while before starting that new stage.

Finally, the afternoon starts and the sweltering heat wakes me up from refreshing sleep. At this moment, I look at my pocket watch and realise that the challenge time is very near and I got up intent on accomplishing it. With this in mind, I leave the cabin with long steps and try to find out the best route to reach the dark abysm of repentance. The last time, I had already passed through west and north. These options can be discarded. Thinking a bit more, I decide, to go in the southern direction this time. The direction defined, I carry on walking and begin to prepare myself mentally for perhaps an unavoidable impact, for I had to keep the heart and soul clean in view of overcoming such challenge. What exactly would I be finding in such dangerous place? Well, I did not have the faintest idea. The only thing I was sure about was that I would make every effort to absorb the necessary knowledge to try to understand better the enormous complexity of the dark night of the soul. And this wasn’t an easy task.
I carry on walking for some time in the chosen direction, but I still find nothing. Could it be that I was on the right path? Well, after all, I had to nurture my patience. I preserver in the path, but I stop for a while to have a rest. I take the chance to sit down on that hard and dry ground, and immediately I remember the advice from my mistress, the guardian lady: those of the past and actual ones. Analysing each of them, I conclude that I was really on the right path and reignite again my confidence in my powers and my instincts. So, I get up and carry on walking in the indicated direction. After a few steps, a sign appears: An arrow pointing to my right with the name of the place that I was looking for: “Abysm Of repentance”. The impact of the goods news leaves dizzy, for I did not expect to find the desired place so easily. I decide to follow immediately the way indicated by the arrow.
What is happening? Could it be that I was tricked? A good deal of time has already passed since I have taken the path on the right and I haven’t found anything yet. I carry on walking aimless and with a few more steps I reach the edge of the top where it seems to exist only emptiness. Without another alternative, I decide to sit down and think a new strategy. How to start anew? At that very moment I had no idea at all, for I felt lost, desolate and abandoned. Even against my will, the self-control learned in the past disappears completely and the anxiety and fear emerge, despite my recent evolution. For a few moments, I remain in the same position, until something entirely new happens: The mountain ground shakes; the gravitational forces are again disturbed, and in a flash, the woman from the first challenge reappears. Straight away she starts the dialogue.
—Do you want to discover the mysteries of the abysm of repentance? Know that I can help you I once again.
—How? I can’t see any abysm here.
—Don’t be silly. For a mortal to enter the abysm he has first to disincarnate.
—Do you mean to die? This is out of question, for I am still too young and have a life in front of me.
—Nothing like that. Literally your body is not going to die. Only your soul will leave it for a few moments so that you can contemplate the abysm and obtain the necessary information. Don’t you want the knowledge? Then pay the price for it.
—Alright. Do what is necessary.
Gently, the strange woman made me lay down and shivering chills come over my entire body. At that moment, I try to remain calm, despite the doubts I felt in my heart. Without caring about me, the woman start a ritual and puts her hands on my head. As a result, I feel waves of energy all over my body and slowly I feel sleepy. A few more seconds, I am completely relaxed and my spirit with a jolt gets detached from the flesh. Leaving the body I begin floating and flying without limits. The sensation produced is so good that I ask myself whether is worth continuing to live. I stay for some more time taking advantage of the freedom, until a tunnel appears below me and fiercely sucks me in. Unable to resist, I fall into a deep hole, for a time I cannot measure, and at the end I reach a large chamber in the middle of which there is a mysterious door. It opens immediately as I arrive and an angel comes out and abducts me without any chance of defence. A quick journey takes place ending in a room. I enter the room and find a person already waiting for me. The angel left us alone and with a look of pity implores:
—Touch me and you will know everything you need.
Full of compassion, I answer the desperate request and at the precise moment of touching him, visions begin to appear, disturbing my acute senses. At a certain point I see, darkness, sun, lights and dense smoke screens. Little by little everything becomes clear and then I got the vision of the respective story.
“Ryan was very successful business man in the textile industry, married with three wonderful children, Christian, Andrel and Marta. The family relation was normal, but his ethic aspects did not please everybody. Examples of that are is uncompromising attitude as a boss, his extreme intolerance with the ethnic and racial minorities and detestable behaviour towards beggars and street children. With all this explosive temperament, it is not surprising how he acted on a certain day. In this occasion, Angel knocks at the door, explains the dire situation in his life and finally ask for some money to buy some food or even a dinner to satiate his great hunger. In reply, Ryan gets annoyed and states that in no way he is the father of the poor and slams the door without even a friendly word to That man in need. Angel revolts against the rich people and in a moment of despair puts a curse on Ryan. Years later, Ryan is still in the same state of mind and a certain day he took seriously ill and even fighting with all his vast resources is unable to escape the so feared death. On his arrival at the spiritual world, he is judged and without any possibility of defence he is irremediably condemned by his dark night. Without hope, he descend to the abysm where he will suffer day and night (without respite) for the mistakes he made in life, whilst Angel, was in heaven being comforted.
The respective vision ends and immediately my body is filled with the necessary knowledge. When I am ready, the person says goodbye and begs a favour of me: I want you to spread my story through the world, for I don’t want my children to come to the suffering place where I am. I promise to comply and finally he leaves. The angel reappears in the room and snatches me for the second time. We travel fast and he leaves me in the room near the door. At the same time a force pushes me upwards and when I come round I am back in my body, at the top of Ororuba Mountain.

Reflections about the challenge
I try to get up, but the super-human effort I made previously prevents me from doing so. Full of curiosity, I look around for the strange woman that helped me with the challenges, but cannot find a trace of her. Who could she exactly be? What powers did she possess? The only thing I was sure about is that she demonstrated being a wonderful instrument of destiny, with the objective of helping me in the search for such arduous knowledge. A while later, I forget momentarily about the woman and try to get up for the second time. The body tries to resist, but with a little extra effort I finally manage it. Standing up, I could think better and assimilate completely the knowledge revealed at the abysm. When I feel ready, I start my way back towards my temporary abode. Half way, the shadows of the sad story start to perturb me and then I decide to coldly analyse the case. Ryan was the most adequate example that rich people run serious risks as far as salvation is concerned. This because wealth and power bring with them comfort and status, but also require responsibility and detachment from the social causes. Another example, from the bible, shows the greed of the rich and the inhumane conditions of poor Lazarus. Its ending is the same as the story of Ryan and Angel. I analyse the two cases together and end up concluding the greed is a powerful itch of the soul. The characters change, the situations are different, but for those that nurture greed the same tragic end happens: The dark night condemns another victim to perish in the external darkness. How to change that great reality? The answer may be easier than we imagine. It is all to do with following the evolution path, a path towards the Father. Which requires refusals and difficult choices that few are willing to make.
I think the world would much better if you followed the good examples that history has given us: Jesus Christ, Francis Assis, Martin Luther King, Therese of Calcutta, Sister Dulce, and Francisco Xavier, among other. Certainly, the dark night would not have no more influence over us. Well, that is only a dream. The reality is completely different. Mostly, people show to be materialistic, selfish and full of vanities. It might seem pessimistic, but in my opinion the world will continue under the empire of the dark night and to completely understand it I will have to carry out new challenges and accomplish adventures that I am suspicious of. Of the stages, I have already accomplished two. Let’s carry on together, reader, in search of knowledge. I approach of the cabin that I built with such care. Waiting for me is the guardian lady. I get to her side and she start the dialogue:
—Congratulations, I see you are in one piece. Could you talk about your experience this afternoon? What have you learned?
—Initially I decide start from the south, for I have already gone through west and north. I walked for a long time, in that direction, until I was able to find some sign that could direct me. Once directed, I continued walking intensely and sometime later I came face to face with the same woman from the previous challenge that promptly helped me to find my destination, the abysm of repentance. I went forward and arriving exactly at the point I needed, I got in touch with the revelation of the second cardinal sin: Avarice. The story to which I was subjected helped me understand the extension of this sin, the real fate of all those that follow it and finally took some conclusions: Avarice is the key with which the dark night of the soul snatches faithful. It lodges itself in the human heart and senses, obstructing the respective evolution of the individual. Besides, causes secondary evils such as indifference, egoism and intolerance. This exposed, we can conclude that the results are catastrophic and many times lead to condemnation. An alternative to combat this kind of sin would be altruism, which reinvigorates the soul and opens the paths of evolution.
—Very well. After what I see and heard, I reach the conclusion that you are closer to understand the meaning and extension of the dark night, since two stages have already been overcome.
—And now? What is the next step?
—The next phase will be realised tomorrow and deals with one of the biggest weakness of the human being: Lust. This one will be the last one under my supervision, for I am not able to help anymore. On the next stages you will be helped by a Hindu, who already has lived here in the mountain for six months. Relax: He is a specialist on the last four cardinal sins.
—Does that mean my lady is going to abandon me? Please don’t do that. Don’t you remember? We have been together in the search of knowledge, since the last adventure.
—Don’t take my decision personally. That is not the case. You ought to know that I don’t possess all the knowledge that you think I have. Even for me, the dark night became a complex and indecipherable subject. For you to advance it is necessary new values and teachings, which I haven’t got nor the large majority either. For this and much more we must part at this moment, and when you evolve more, who knows if we will not see each other again.
—Anyway, thank you for everything. If it were not for your advice I would have not progressed. From now on, I promise to make even a greater effort to lift the veil of the dark night of the soul. All within the possible, of course.
—Don’t thank me yet, for we still will meet other times in this adventure. In the next opportunity, I will give you my last recommendations.
—I understand. One last question. Does your ladyship believe that I am worthy of the knowledge to be revealed?
—The little I know you, you are. When you achieve the greatest goal, the so ardent knowledge, you will have the power to open your mind to truths hidden for centuries. There you will have the respective answers.
—And there I will be happy working on what I like and lavishing happiness. How wonderful. I hope that this moment does not take too long. Any more recommendations?
—No. Nothing more for the time being. Now, I must go, for it is getting late. Good luck in the next challenge!
Saying that, the guardian lady disappeared. Being left alone, filled me with anxieties and preoccupations. Will it be that I would continue to progress in such dangerous path? Who exactly was this new master, the Hindu? These questions without immediate answer gnawed my heart and I was about to accomplish one more challenge.

The time passes rapidly and a new day dawns. Its arrival brings new and disquieting preoccupations to an unprepared dreamer. I ask myself: Could the sins of the flesh be so dangerous to the point of affecting my purity? Thinking a little more, I decide to carry on risking, even if that could have grave consequences to me. With the strength of that new decision, I get up and go to the improvised bathroom of the cabin to take a bath. On the way, I try to put my mind at peace to enjoy those moments of leisure. I go in, close the door, get undressed and grab the bucket of cold water that I myself had prepared the night before. I start bathing and having thrown the first amount of cold water I begin reflecting about the sacred place where I am. I think a little about the mountain and about its importance in my life. I end up concluding that it was really sacred for its climate, its history of which I was part of, challenges, hidden mysteries and even the very cave itself. I continue the conclusions and arrive at a common denominator: Nobody ever will know it completely, unless he evolves till perfection. In it, I could find my opposing forces and, by becoming the seer, was able to control those forces. Now, I was searching for the knowledge and understanding about the dark night through which we all pass. On that path I had accomplished two stages. But still there were seven more, unforeseen, which I have had no time to think about.
I try to concentrate on the bath and forget, for a moment, the preoccupations. The strategy is good, I carry on with the ritual, put on soap, throw more water over the body and make an effort to take away all the impurities. When I feel totally clean, I grab a towel, dry myself and put on clean clothes. I leave the bathroom and go to the kitchen to make my breakfast. When I get there, I begin to fry the appetizing chicken eggs that I got in the woods. I spend some time making my food and when it is ready, I eat it straight away. I take the opportunity to sit down for a while, and when I do that, I yearn for home, for my mother and my good life. All this was happening for I was used to have a good breakfast and family warmth. Another moment goes by and I shook my head: All of this would be much easier if they support me in my career and my dreams. I would certainly have another reason to carry on fighting and affirm myself ever more as the seer transformed by the cave. But I turn away those thoughts, for they only hurt me now. Then I plan my strategy for the next challenge.
With all set, I go out of the cabin and take the eastern direction, for I haven’t gone that way yet. The beginning of that path is done in a customary manner, without hurry, for I still had to mentally prepare myself for the impacts that may come. At this moment one needs to be careful, for the previous challenges have proved that the cardinal sins are stronger than I had imagined. Probably this third stage will not be different too. Strengthened by those sins, I reach the conclusion that the dark night, in this instance, would have the power to condemn. How to be safe then? That is the answer that I am looking for. After passing through all the stages of my personal evolution, I certainly will have a position of respect. In the meantime, I would have to take care of the present challenge. Without any more preoccupations, I continue.
Further on, in my field of vision, appear three youths dressed as prostitutes. Although still far away I realized that they were very beautiful and ingratiating. When they become aware of my presence, they wave to me and I decide to get closer to investigate further. As I got near, the dark night intensifies and the impact freezes me. The next moment, they introduced themselves and invite me to accompany them. Without giving it much thought, I decide to accept and we carry on walking. At half way they surround me forming a circle of darkness. At this precise moment, the dark night snatches my heart and I am forced to remember the experiences that have made me suffer. Distressed, I try to get out of the circle, but it is too strong even for me who is a prepared and evolved seer.
Sometime later, a sequence of doors open in front of me, and I am pushed against one of them by the prostitutes. In a few seconds, my mind and body go through tunnels where the pleasures of the flesh are enjoyed. As I have such experience, I tremble with the images, for what is sacred becomes an act of pure savagery. In order to not suffer so much, I close my eyes, but even so I am still restless. Over the time, the circle tightens and travelling through the tunnel I end up arriving at a large room, where someone is already waiting for me. I concentrate mentally, trying to cleanse the heart and the soul, even after everything that I saw and heard, and the circle snaps up. Thereby, the dark night goes away for a while and I feel more reassured. I decide then to approach the person in the room and touching him, the revelations and visions reappear.
“Philip is a public official of high rank and as a consequence of his job he leads a stable life together with the other members of his family: His wife, Katherine, and his two sons, Luke and Joseph. In family life, Phillip is very affectionate and responsible. However, about his character, he is not so perfect, for he acts in a disproportionate manner in some instances. For instance, he likes parties, most of the times in the company of ex-university colleagues and in these occasions, takes advantage to drink a lot in order to pervert the senses and get friendly with some women always present. It was this path that lead to the first betrayals. In the beginning he was cautious and did cause any suspicions. However, as time went by, he convinced himself that his attitude was normal for a man and did not care about discretion anymore. One day, the inevitable occurred: His wife found out about his infidelities and was totally disillusioned with her husband. She believed that she was married to the right person and that the conjugal love was for ever. Angry, she fights with her husband, but did not separate, for the love of the sons is greater. He no longer cares to be caught up and carries on in his path of betrayal. Time goes by, the situation doesn’t change and it brings a serious illnesses that kills him. He is judged and the dark night use the wife’s pain to condemn him. He is one more that the darkness claims for its shed and this is certainly the end for all the perverts.
The vision ends, the man says goodbye, recommending that I spread his story throughout the world. I agree, and a strong wind carries me towards the tunnel. In a few seconds I am back at the top of the mountain, changed by the knowledge of the third cardinal sin. Now, there were only six stages left for the complete understanding of the dark night that terrifies all the hearts.

Back to the cabin
After the completion of the third challenge, I was mentally and physically exhausted. I decide to go immediately back to the cabin in order to have a rest. With that in mind, I took the first steps and my preoccupations turn to the next challenge and to the mysterious and incognita figure of the Hindu who I still did not know. Could it be that I was capable of assimilating his knowledge? Could the fourth challenge be more dangerous than the previous ones? Well, I would try to find the answers to those questions when I meet the said person. In meantime, I should assimilate in full the knowledge acquired on the three past challenges. The walking pace is intense and I have already covered a third of the way back. Who was I at that moment? Not only a simple dreamer who climbed the mountain in search of an unknown destiny, but someone in search of the knowledge, the total control and understanding about the aspects of the dark night, the same dark night capable of saving or condemning a person. Those aspects were essential in my formation as seer and man. Only then I could pursue my career in search for mysteries and truths hidden for centuries, with the aim of making many hearts dream. What is life without dreams? A great emptiness without meaning or soul. Therefore, my new attitude in search of such ardent knowledge.
A walk a little longer and I have already covered more than half the distance. At this moment I feel very tired, but try to forget and carry on walking. After all, I have learned at the cave that a man is only dignified when he shows dignity and this includes perseverance, effort and dedication. This was precisely what I was trying to cultivate on the path to meet destiny, which I would have to run after, even if I wanted to reach the so necessary evolution. This was essential in my career so that I could continue to enchant hearts of all ages. It was for them and for the wonderful Universe, which has gifted me, that was once more taking risks on the mountain. The journey has been worthwhile, for I already have found out the origin of the dark night and two more important aspects. Six more stages needed for the final revelation. I get close to my temporary ceiling, the place where I rest from this tiring adventure. I feel straight away the guardian lady’s presence, who has helped me so much in my way. As I get near, she initiates the dialogue:
—So, you have accomplished the third challenge. Congratulations! Now, tell me about your experiences and conclusions. I want to be sure that you are prepared to go further on the complex path of the dark night of the soul.
—Before anything else, I would like to thank you for your helpfulness and dedication to my cause. Without your advice, I certainly would not be able to surmount all the adversities that I have come across. Understand that from now on my victory will be also your victory. About the aspects of the dark night of the soul I learnt that pride is the origin of that dark night. It prevents the individual to see the most adequate path to evolve and reach the Father. Besides, those that are fooled by this sin, become self-sufficient, and, as consequence of their acts, lose all contact with the forces of the light which could help in their mission. Analysing well this sin, I ended up concluding that humility is the only and best antidote, for only the humble can triumph. As in relation to avarice, the second cardinal sin, I was able to conclude that it closes the human being heart to the pain and problems of the others. We need to understand that wealth, power and social ostentation are not eternal. There are only material assets and must serve as means to reach the desired and necessary evolution. How does this happen? Through donations, charity and detachment. Thinking a little more about this sin, I conclude that the avaricious will never evolve and probably will be condemned by the pursuing dark night. As for lust, it affects the morality aspects and the dignity of the human being. Currently there is a trivialization of the sacred which perverts the feelings and the person’s heart, making it impure. With that the contact with the Holy Father, who wants only our wellbeing, is lost. Analysing the situation, I can say that the sins of the flesh, including lust, are the most dangerous ones, for they control the human instincts. We need, indeed, make our spiritual and rational side prevail over our animal side. Lust is capable of condemning, if the person persist in erring.
—Interesting. I feel you have the capacity of evolving even further, but for the time being it is enough. You can progress to the next challenge, the meeting with the Hindu. He is a wise man, coming from abroad, specializing in the last four cardinal sins. If you succeed with him, you can go further, towards the third challenge.
—Well, I am not too sure about being helped by this Hindu. He is trustworthy?
— If you doubt, it means that you are not ready yet. But if you really want the knowledge then you have no choice. My part is done, now is you and your new master.
—Where can I find him?
—He lives right here, on the mountain, on the north-western side, in a little sap house. When you see him, tell him you were sent by the spirit of the mountain. He will promptly attend to you.
—Thank you for everything guardian lady. I will never forget you.
—Don’t worry. We will still see each other times for you are going to need me and my advice. Good luck in your path, son of God, may you achieve your most profound dreams.
Suddenly, the guardian lady disappears without trace. Who was she precisely? Right up to today I don’t know, despite having spent time with her. The only thing I was sure at that moment was that she was part of the mountain and world’s mystery, someone worthy of not being forgotten. After she left, I rested a little and after I would begin to get ready for the meeting with the mysterious Hindu.

Meeting the Hindu
The passing phase leaves me happy, but at the same time worried. What challenges and dangers did I still have to face? What kind of methods would the Hindu adopt? Those were some of the questions occupying my mind. I was thinking about my case. I reaffirm my preparation and the fact that I was not going to judge someone before knowing him. With that finding, I look at myself better and begin to believe that the knowledge acquired in the past, would give some assurance to finally face that new master. I am filled with courage and I count six challenges separating me from my full evolution as a seer and as a man. The dark night gets near.
A few more second gone, I concentrate in my inner, inhale and exhale deeply, and finally make a decision: Time has come to meet the Hindu. I had a mission to accomplish. Hope recovered, I take the first steps towards the place that the guardian lady had pointed out. At this moment, a feeling of anxiety and fear of the unknown fills the all of my being, despite the fact that I am a seer prepared by the most dangerous cave of the world. Who was this man causing that kind of reaction? Surely was not an ordinary man. The fact that he dominates the mysteries of the last four cardinal sins makes him even more qualified. It would be really a privilege to live with such a man, even for a short time, I reason. Later on, I get more relaxed and walk faster, for the curiosity is increasing. I carry on walking and reach halfway stage. My opposing forces signal that they are in turmoil and I make an effort to control them. Any slip up will be fatal. My rapid walk makes my mind wonder through distant times and spaces, searching answers to the human condition. The past adventure, my shadows, the evolution and even the social structure are some of the subjects revived. Analysing the first item, I remember very well the last time that I climbed the mountain searching for my destiny and my dreams. On the respective path, I was able to climb a steep mountain and reach its summit. There I met the guardian lady, the ghost, the youth, the little boy, and their acquaintance, together with the challenges, gave me more assurance than I had wanted. After overcoming several obstacles, finally I entered the cave, gained success and ultimately became a powerful seer, able to unravel the most profound mysteries and make miracles in time and space. With all those attributes, I was able to gather the opposing forces, but this was only the first stage of my evolution. My challenge was much greater than I had ever imagined. Among the challenges, was to control my own force, longings and deeply understand the dark night, which I had intensely lived recently. That dark part of my life still worried me and I didn’t overcome it I wouldn’t be able to understand the various dark nights which people go through. All of this could be referred in a word: Evolution. It was necessary to evolve as a seer and as a man for in the future arrive at the Father’s path without resentments, without pain and without fear. To be among the righteous was my main objective. However, I could not think only about myself and forget about the other comrades who fight every day in an unjust and perfidious society. I must find alternatives so that they evolve as well, despite all the difficulties imposed by the capitalism and by the elites. Well, that is a subject for another book. Now I have to concentrate completely in understand the dark night and overcome it. I carry on walking on the path and a while later I can see the little sap house. At this moment my heart goes off and stopped in full Contemplation. Later on, I am able to recover from the shock and start to walk again in the indicated direction. Near the door, I clap my hands. Immediately I am met by a thin man, looking about sixty years old, tanned skin, well defined body, dressed in typical attire from his country of origin. He initiates the dialogue.
— Who are you? What do you want? Look, I was having a restful sleep.
—I am sorry for disturbing you, but I came here for extreme necessity. I was sent by the spirit of the mountain and my objective is to understand better about the dark night of the soul and thus obtain the necessary knowledge so that I can progress in my starting writing career.
— Then you are the famous one who faced the cave and its fire. The guardian lady had already spoken to me about your case. Come, come in my humble abode so that we may know each other better.
I accept straight away his invitation and I go with him. Entering his abode, I feel the good vibes emanating from the place making me more relaxed. As I go in I take a chance of observe the details and I see a bed, a chest, a table and chairs and some strange pictures. He begins to talk again. Sit down here (pushing a chair) and tell me about your aspirations and searches.
—My name is Aldivan, seer, or son of God. Everything started approximately a year ago, when tired of the routine and sameness, I decided to make a desperate attempt to realise my almost impossible dreams. The attempt was climb a mountain at the end of the world, which promised to be sacred. When I got to the place, I climbed it going through many difficulties and obstacles, but finally I reached its top. There I met a strange lady who called herself the guardian lady of the mountain and she promised to help me in my search. This way, I accomplished challenges, and having been approved, I earned the right to enter a place ultra-sacred, a cave capable of realising the most profound desires of the human being. Without thinking of the consequences, I enter it, I faced pitfalls and I arrived at last to the secret Chamber, place where I became a seer, an evolved being capable of making miracles in time and space. After that, I could then make a real journey through time, which was a success. I could then control and gather the opposing forces. All of this represented only the first stage on the path of continuous evolution. Now I want to accomplish the second stage, which is to understand the mysteries of a complex subject, the dark night of the soul. For that reason, I am back and I sure that you can help me in some way on this path.
—Your story is very interesting. However, I must warn you that the dark night is unpredictable and full of perils. Understand that many mortals have already wanted to understand deeply the dark night. However, all of them failed at some moment and ended up paying the highest price. Are you sure that you want to go on?
—I am aware of the risks, but if I cannot get rid of the dark night demons, I will not have peace and I will not be able to analyse impartially the various dark nights that perhaps can be revealed. It is absolutely necessary to continue. What must I do to overcome the next obstacles?
—Firstly, you must move in to this little house, for I want to be aware of all your weaknesses and fears. If you cannot control them, they can destroy you. For the next three stages we are going to perfect your meditation and astral journey. With that knowledge together with self-control, you will conquer life’s pitfalls.
—Then I have to go back to the cabin to bring my personal effects.
—Go straight away, for we are short of time. You must go through three more stages here on the mountain.
I say goodbye to the Hindu and start to go back.

The beginning of the walk made me reflect and analyse the first meeting with the Hindu. I observed that he is has striking figure, besides being mysterious. Furthermore, he was keen in helping me and that was most important. To walk the path of darkness I would really need help from someone more experienced. What would it be his true objectives? I didn’t know, but they could be similar to mine. And if everything went alright, our paths could be strengthened in search of evolution. Evolution strictly necessary in the beginning of my career. Only after that I would be apt to analyse impartially the facts of the final revelation that I was searching for.
In the previous adventure, I was already able to control and gather the opposing forces. In relation to the present adventure, the basic objective was to fully understand the dark night, phase which we must pass. On this path I had accomplished three stages, helped by the guardian lady and I felt ready to face the stages with the new master, the Hindu. With him I hoped to overcome all the dangers, even if I had to pay a high enough price for such ardent knowledge.
For a moment I forget a little about my worries, fears and doubts, concentrating more on the walk and on my behaviour in front of the Hindu. After reflecting a little, I feel that I should demonstrate assurance and serenity, even if I wasn’t feeling like that. After all, he seemed to be a stern and authoritarian master with his disciples. Well, what is really important is that his methods were efficient, for he was the only one to control the last four cardinal sins. It was only left for me to find out how he would achieve such feat.
Without thinking of anything else, I carry on walking. A few more steps and I have made up half of the distance what makes me feel happier, for I would reach the cabin that I built and would say farewell to the place where I had spent the first few days on the mountain. My new residence was going to be a little sap house beside an unknown person, a Hindu who promised to help me on my path. This has been a decision solely his, which I still did not know if was the most correct one.
In a while I will reach the cabin. At this point a slight anguish passes through my heart and senses, but I still don’t know what the reason was. Was it a hunch? Well it was hard to explain. At that moment I still felt lost and confused with the last events. The only thing I was sure of my chief objective: To continue evolving in search of understanding the meaning and depth of my dark night, and of others and only then have an open mind for the final revelation. In order to attain success, I was prepared to make all the necessary sacrifices and the first one was to live at the home of a stranger, even for a short time. Well, the Hindu must have his reasons for such attitude and my mission, as a disciple, was to listen carefully to him and try my best to overcome the adversities. I carry on walking and finally arrive at the cabin. The first priority is to pack my case. After arranging it, I decide to contemplate the place where I spent the first nights on the mountain. After a brief analysis, I get to the conclusion that it is very special for me since the first time that I was here. In this space of time, I recall the doubts, the uncertainties and the fear that I manage to overcome when entering the cave. Presently I was a seer towards evolution and success. Sometime later, I finally say farewell, grab the case and depart towards my new residence. I make the return trip with serenity and conviction. I was fully prepared to face new challenges and soon arrive at the little sap house. Casually, I go in and came to face with the Hindu, sited in meditation position. Immediately, he comes out of the trance and invites me to also sit down. I obey straight away and he starts the dialogue:
—I was meditating with the objective of fining answers about how you are going to find courage to face the unknown. This is part of your own self and is important to start a good evolution.
—I also meditate when I have spare time. But lately I haven’t done so for the preoccupations don’t let my mind clear and serene.
—Understand that meditation is essential so that you can overcome new challenges. Besides, studying you careful I have realised that you still don’t master all its techniques. As a result, you don’t fully obtain its benefits.
-—I am ready to learn. Show me the correct way.
— I like keen learners. Follow me, then!
I promptly obeyed him, for I was curious to learn his techniques. Will that help me to tread a safe path in relation to my search? I wasn’t sure of that, but I was ready to risk it to be able to reap the benefits later. A little further on, we entered a narrow track towards the north side of the mountain. At this moment it comes to mind the first challenge and the learning I obtained doing it. I had discovered the origin of the dark night and the most famous example of pride. Besides I learnt that humility is the opposite of pride and is the most adequate way to evolve.
Among the examples of humility that history has given us is Jesus, who taught us that to be great we must serve others. Is this precisely what I want treading the path of the dark night of the soul. Along the book, as a result of my actions, I want to enchant hearts and make many people dream, making them forget, even for a few instants, the preoccupations, the disillusions and life’s injustices. With this objective in mind, I carry on following the man who had promised to open my senses and perceptions, in order to discover the secrets of meditation. Our quick pace takes rapidly forwards and in a short while we arrived at the lake where I already had an experience. The master restarts the dialogue:
—We have arrived to the place I wanted to. Those able to meditate correctly over the lake, become able of transcending the past, the present and the future. This phenomenon occurs because the mountain is sacred. Are you ready? I will tell you how to act. Before you go in the water, concentrate mentally with the aim to eliminate any trace of hate, despair or mistrust. After succeeding in this phase, give yourself completely to the power of the unknown. When you are ready, you will be able to walk on water and meditating you will find the respective revelations. Come, I will show you how to do it.
—Wait. I don’t think that I have heard correctly. I must give myself to the power of the unknown? What does that mean?
Without answering, the Hindu enter the lake and immediately walks over it as if was a God. When he gets exactly to the middle, he waves to me, calling. Even without knowing how to act, I pluck some courage and decide to take the risk, entering the lake. I take the first steps and I am disappointed with myself for not being able to achieve the master’s feat. I get some words of encouragement and carry on walking. When I reach exactly the place where the master is, he takes my hand, and as if it were a miracle, I am able to stand on the waters. After, I place myself on a meditation position and follow the Hindu’s instructions. Closing the eyes, I suffer a brutal impact from the following visions. In a few seconds I see the beginning, the middle and the end. The beginning represents the conception, life’s miracle. I see the breath of the Creator coming from distant places inaccessible to the human being. Just before that, I see an assembly of angels defining the spirits’ mission to come to Earth. In this respective reunion I see fire, light and darkness in council. As for the middle it represents the passage of the human being through terrestrial planet. Included in this phase are the childhood, the youth and the adulthood. In my vision I see the sweetness of a little boy who grew up having supernatural experiences that cause great fear and suffering injustices from the family and society. Despite the obstacles and setbacks, he created and kept noble and righteous dreams. One of them was to show the world the best way to evolve and reach the success and happiness dreamed of. In search of that dream, the now youth took some risks, won and at the end became the seer of the books, keen in transforming lives and enchanting hearts. On this path, he follows a series of adventures leading to his consecration. In the end, succeeds in accomplishing his mission and gives his soul to the benign forces of the Universe. At this precise moment, the visions stops and I return to my normal state. Opening the eyes, I see that I am still standing on the waters, alone, and the master on the banks of the lake. With the fright, I begin to sink and swim to the side. Coming out of the water, I feel I am no longer the same person.
—How did I manage to do it? I don’t understand, master.
—Let me explain. You only needed a push to walk on water, for the lack of belief was still inside you. Feeling secure, you relaxed and succeeded. And then? Did you see your future?
—I saw it, but not too clearly. It made me feel that it will be wonderful and full of achievements. I think that my dream is possible.
—All dreams are possible and the Universe is keen to help. Unfortunately, few people persist with their ideas. It is at that point that failure and deception occur. Don’t worry, your case is different. I can see that you have got everything to be among the winners.
—It is good to hear that. All my entire life I have run after my destiny and knowing that I will be rewarded makes me happy and keen in facing new challenges. What will it be the next stage?
—Now you have to learn how to correctly use the astral journey and this will be possible at a sacred place already known. It is the cave of despair, where you started your dream last time.
—Very well. I am ready. Shall we go?
The Hindu nodded in consent we left straight away towards the western side of the mountain top. In the beginning of the walk, there was a worrying silence around, perhaps foreseeing the dangers that both of us were running, for the cave, old friend of mine, was really capable of shuttering dreams and lives. I knew that from the previous adventure, when I overcame difficult pitfalls. I reflect a little about it and end up concluding that if were not for my adventurous spirit, I would not accept such crazy offer.
What will it be awaiting me? A new encounter with the cave could certainly reaffirm me as a seer and transform me again, in the aspect of the astral journey. On the other hand, if I failed I could be lost forever and not accomplish my dreams and projects. I try not to think about that possibility and carry on walking next to Hindu, but more determined and quicker. Thereby, we quickly travelled the distance. And soon after I am in front the place where everything began. I control my emotions; we went further forward and stopped at the entrance. At this point, the Hindu revises the last recommendations, bids farewell and saying that it is better for me to go alone from now on. I understand his point and I am ready to face a new challenge. Now it was me and the cave, once again. Initially the walk is brisk, but with concern. As it was expected, the path is full of pitfalls, but this time, unlike the previous time, I am able of overcoming them easily, using my seer’s tricks. After a little walking time, I feel tired and take the chance to reflect over my steps. Would it be than cave has softened or even had pity on me? Or was I better prepared than last time? One of the option was true, but at that moment I didn’t know which one. After the rest, I carry on walking through the cave’s galleries, searching for the sign or trace that I was looking for. Despite going deeper inside, nothing appears. I carry on walking hopeful, and an immensurable period of time, for the cave’s atmosphere is different from anything I have seen, at the last two doors appear. I stop in front of them and ask myself what exactly do they mean? I have some doubts, for my present master did not orientate me in that direction. With no way out, I decide to call on my seer’s powers and after some effort I am able to visualize their aura, what was a great achievement. With that information, my problems are solved and I find out that one represents the pure light and the other the dark night of the soul. Analysing both options, I deduce that the path of the pure light is my path, representing denounces and difficult choices in any human being’s life. Despite that, I believe that this is not the moment for choosing it. Just the path of the dark night of the soul represents the pure knowledge and the point at which we detached ourselves from God to think only about ourselves, in our egoism and vanities. Disregarding the first one, I believe that this path is going to help me to understand what happened to me a while before I became the seer. Sure of my choice, I open the door on the left (dark night of the soul). Opening it, a suffocating force pushes me inside and straight away I find myself in a large chamber, badly lit and sad, full of images of saints. I walk towards the Centre and I am able to read a phrase on the floor. It reads: Choose your saint and good luck. I have got several options: The saint of the desperate, the saint of impossible causes, and the saint of the oppressed, the saint of the travels, among others. I calmly analyse the situation and my needs. I am not desperate like the last time that I have entered the cave, nor I am wronged. These saints are no good for me. I was there precisely searching for a journey beyond the senses and trying to discover my real powers. Eliminating the unnecessary options, I decide to keep the saint of the travels. The choice made, I touch the respective saint and in so doing several doors open in front of me and on one of them was written: astral or spiritual travel. With no more doubts, I walk towards it and as I open it the unexpected happens. Suddenly, my senses are awaken and with a thrust my spirit wanders through distant times and spaces. On this journey, nothing seems very clear, but I can catch a glimpse of darkness, suffering, confusion and much pain. I see the bravery of a man fighting within himself an interminable war against his dark night of the soul. In this fight I see battles won and lost at the same time. I also see the dark night strengthening any time he slips up, and desperation falling on the miserable. Already in the spiritual plan, I see worlds battling for that man’s soul. There is a short passage of time and at the end of it I see a small light that can be his salvation. That light is intense and the dark night disappears with its presence, but there is lack of attitude on part of the man. Will it be that his repentance is really genuine? Did his dark night still remain in his heart? Before I could get the answers, the experience ends I return to my normal state. The door closes and I return to the same chamber. Without finding anymore, I decide to make my way back. After a few moments, I return to the galleries and walking rapidly and in 2 hours I walk the entire way of the cave. Getting out, I meet the Hindu again and I approach him for the first considerations.
—And then? What happened? Did you find what you were looking for? – he asks.
—The cave helped me in a certain way, but still has not answered the crucial questions. I think that I have to continue to risk, following this dangerous and tortuous path of darkness in order to reach the so desired final revelation. Are you going to carry on helping me?
—Of course. With meditation and astral journey that we have perfected, I believe that you are already capable of passing the next stage, accomplishing another challenge tomorrow. For the time being, it is better to go back home to rest.
I agree with my present master and we start walking at once. The initial steps are normal, reflecting the spiritual state of both of us, of someone who have just finished overcome another stage. What would be awaiting us from now on? I couldn’t even imagine, and it was that what was making our actual adventure as special as the first one. Despite all the doubts that I still had, I was absolutely sure of what I wanted and where I wanted to get to. With that conviction, I accelerate the steps and my master accompanies me on the track. In a short time, we covered the distance separating us from the humble house and upon arrival we cooked lunch and afterwards we rested on our uncomfortable beds. At this moment my thoughts were filled with the next day’s expectations, which would be decisive and definite in my career as a beginner writer.

The first rays of sun appear, announcing the arrival of a new day. With the light, my senses are awakened little by little. I try to get up straight way, but the weight of the experiences of the previous day stops me doing so. Even so, I do not resign myself, I gather my remaining energies and with a thrust I am able to get up at last. Standing up, I stretch and go towards the improvised bathroom to do my morning ablutions. When I get there, I enter, close the door, undress and start throwing cold water over my body, kept in a container that I have filled in. The first contact with the cold water renews my mood and determination to carry on fighting for my dreams and objectives. I try to simplify things in the best way possible, giving a good and quick cleaning to my body. In a sequence of soap and water, I end up completely clean, put on some clean clothes, I leave the bathroom and go to have my breakfast. Arriving at the kitchen, I meet the Hindu again, who had prepared everything for our breakfast, I begin to help myself and start talking to him.
—Have you recovered fully from yesterday’s exploits? – asks the master. Look, today’s challenge is not very easy, be careful.
—To be honest, I haven’t really. However, I find myself very willing. Tell me, in short, how do I have to act to collect one more victory in this next challenge?
—Firstly, you must keep your courage and fighting spirit. Second, use your knowledge and yesterday’s improvement as weapons to surmount all the adversities. Be strong and don’t lose faith at any time. Only this way you will win again and as a reward you will receive the complete knowledge about the fourth cardinal sin.
—I understand. Thank you. Could you please also give me some clues about the place and the exact time of the realization of this challenge?
—As far as the place is concerned, I cannot help you. Follow your intuition. Concerning the time, it will be 08h00 in the morning.
With this answer from the Hindu, I look at my pocket watch and realise that is almost time. I feel a slight tremor in my body, but I prefer to believe that everything is going to be alright. I hurry up and finish my breakfast, say goodbye to the Hindu and leave at once to accomplish one more stage in my career. When I left, I begun to draw my plans and to ponder which direction to follow. Instinctively, I decide for the northeast due to the fact that I have never travel in those parts. The direction defined, it only remained now the attitude. With the intention of helping my mind, I recall the past knowledge (what I had absorbed since the previous adventure to the present time) and the improvement that I acquired under the supervision from the Hindu. Analysing carefully and impartially, I end up concluding that they had been and are very important for me to become the man who I was at that moment. For this reason, I should use them (whenever necessary) in my favour during this journey (the dark night of the soul) and the next ones that I may undertake. The reader, at this point, may ask: And will this be enough to achieve complete success? That question is extremely difficult and it would be absurd try to answer it, in my present state of evolution as a man and as seer. The only and absolute certainty that I had is that I would risk, no matter how difficult the obstacles were and the path that I intended to walk.
With that assurance, I walk briskly on the track that I have chosen; sometime later, finally I arrive at the northeast side of the top of the mountain. I carry on walking and suddenly in front of me a mysterious clearing opens up and without thinking I get closer to it. Go into it and arriving exactly to the middle I find a tomb. On a cross by the side I read the following message: Here lies an oppressed one. Driven by a strange force that I cannot explain, I touch the cross. By doing this, the sky darkens, the forces are shaken, and the top of the mountain trembles and the dark night of the soul quickly concentrates around me. After a few instants, a tunnel appears above me and immediately a force sucks my fragile spirit. After that, a kind of astral travelling begins, and by its strength and power, I travel through distant times and spaces for some time until reaching a more visible place. At this moment, my spirit relaxes and as if it were in a film I have the corresponding vision to the fourth cardinal sin:
“Jefferson and Wesley were two very close brothers, farmers at Pernambuco’s wilderness. Some of their typical characteristics were that they were two serious and honest lads. However, a certain day, at a city’s festival, they met a delicate lass called Andrea. At first sight, by coincidence, both became enchanted with her, getting close, they start chatting with her and both had the chance to dance with her and enjoy the festival together. After that moment, both felt a deep love for her and each one already thought of a prosperous and happy future. However, Jefferson (the wisest) forestalled and the following day managed got get in touch with Andrea. As the meeting, Jefferson wooed her and declared his love for her. She reciprocated and so they started going out together. Sometime later, it was Wesley’s turn to get in touch with Andrea. But when they met he found out what he had feared most: His brother, Jefferson, had stolen her from him. This was the best chance for the dark night to act and transform Wesley’s feelings towards his dear brother: What was tenderness and love became pure hate. Encouraged by this feeling he planned a horrendous crime against his brother and at the right time carried it out, hoping that with the end of his brother Andrea would take him. That did not happen. Andrea became disconsolate and decided to move to the capital, disowning the traitor. As for Wesley, he was imprisoned, but even so the punishment wasn’t enough for killing of a person.

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The Dark Night Of The Soul Aldivan Teixeira Torres
The Dark Night Of The Soul

Aldivan Teixeira Torres

Тип: электронная книга

Жанр: Книги о приключениях

Язык: на английском языке


Дата публикации: 16.04.2024

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О книге: “The dark night of soul” is the continuation of “The seer”. The main character returned to a mountain in search of answers for a troubled period of its life, moments who forgot of God, of its principles, losing itself in sins. In the mountain, “The seer” had contact with two “great beings”, who guided him to knowledge.

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