Harmonizing the Natal Chart
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This book helps to understand what needs to be done to improve one's life and fulfill one's destiny according to the month of birth. It also provides detailed information on the harmonization of planets in the natal chart. The last part of the book, "Harmonizing the Natal Chart," is dedicated to Chara Karakas.
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Harmonizing the Natal Chart
The harmonization of the natal chart, and therefore of life, occurs through understanding and fulfilling one’s karmic tasks, harmonizing, and working through the planets according to their positions in the houses and signs.
Part 1 – Harmonizing Life According to the Month of Birth
Born in January
People born in January must be charismatic, bright, and express their creative talents. It will be difficult to do so because, even if they are aware of their talents, it feels as if something is preventing them from realizing them. The reason may be that their thoughts, feelings, and creativity were ridiculed by parents, relatives, or teachers. Under such treatment, a person feels unworthy, tries not to express themselves, or does something in a way that no one notices.
A person born in January must undergo the lesson of maturation—revealing their talent despite external circumstances. It is beneficial to express oneself everywhere: at school, in higher education, at work, talking about oneself, sharing ideas, maintaining social media presence, improving one’s activities, and, upon starting a business, actively promoting one's services.
It is recommended to actively meet new people, take the initiative, not wait for others to approach, and not be shy about inviting someone on a date.
One should not be afraid of opportunities and should boldly engage in creative projects. This will not only help in self-expression but will also attract material resources. It is important to remember that you are a creator, and therefore, you should try everything if an opportunity arises. This can include self-expression through sports, voice, singing, poetry, painting, and many other forms.
Sometimes, such a person may be shy about speaking or singing in public because they struggle to pronounce a certain letter or because their words or singing were devalued in childhood by others. It is recommended to develop public speaking skills, vocal training, or acting. It is also beneficial to use one's voice in professional activities. You must know that you possess a magical voice capable of attracting and influencing people. Through your voice, you can attract clients. However, it is important to remember that your voice has the power to create both positive and negative effects. Your positive thoughts and words can generate something good, while negative thoughts and words can create negativity. A curse or ill wish toward someone may come true, but it will eventually return to you. Therefore, learning to control your thoughts is of great importance.
Unveiling creative talents is your karmic task. Through your creativity, you will help unlock the creative potential in others. You can start by incorporating creativity into your activities, sharing it with at least a small audience. If you sing somewhere, post a video on social media; do the same if you write or draw something. This way, you will gradually become a bright and charismatic individual.
An important task is not only accumulating knowledge but applying it in practice.
Such individuals need to work on relationships with siblings, peers, and classmates. Those born in January may struggle with the arrival of younger siblings in their lives, as it challenges their ego. Those with older brothers or sisters may have experienced ridicule or bullying from them. These situations were given to you for the development of your ego, to teach you independence from others’ opinions, to help you cope with such circumstances, and to learn to express yourself.
The next karmic task is growing up, meaning achieving financial independence through professional activity.
Once you have completed all the tasks described above, it will be necessary to ensure that your ego does not negatively affect you. This can happen if you express yourself excessively and seek approval from others. In such cases, people will start devaluing, criticizing, or ignoring you. You need to maintain a realistic view of your strengths and weaknesses without depending on others' opinions. There is no need to please everyone (as this would make you dependent on others, which you must avoid). The desire to be liked by everyone stems from a lack of self-confidence, whereas your confidence must be unwavering.
Born in February
You need to understand who you truly are, regardless of what others say. Since childhood, people may have told you how you should be and what you should do.
Those born in February tend to adapt to others and help everyone, often without realizing who they really are. It is necessary to stop trying to please others and learn to set boundaries, to refuse requests if something does not suit or appeal to you. Esoteric knowledge can help in this process and aid in discovering your true self.
Self-care and nature also contribute to this understanding. Spending time alone in nature is particularly beneficial, as this is when answers about oneself emerge. Additionally, cleansing rituals, lighting candles, and keeping semi-precious stones in the home are recommended.
Another lesson you need to learn is self-sacrifice. You will always encounter people who demand sacrifices from you. This will continue until you learn to stand up for yourself. The primary focus should be on yourself.
Another important lesson for you is emotional dependency on others. A person born in February often invests heavily in others, but the effort is not reciprocated. They may feel unwell but find themselves unable to change the situation, especially if they are financially dependent. It is essential to build relationships in a way that ensures you can always walk away, achieving financial and emotional independence.
Sometimes, such individuals become very passive, doing nothing or focusing solely on household chores. This should not be the case. Meditation, yoga, walks, water treatments, and physical exercise can help.
Hidden knowledge, esotericism, and Vedic astrology can also be beneficial, especially if these topics interest the person. They can study them for personal growth, but if someone asks for help, they can offer guidance.
Improving relationships with the mother, separating from her, and establishing clear boundaries in the relationship are also crucial.
A regression therapist can help uncover the root cause of issues with the mother, which may stem from past lives.
Born in March
For these individuals, spiritual growth is supported by self-care, external beauty, and the beauty of their surroundings.
First and foremost, a person born in March must achieve material stability through work that brings them great joy. This is crucial because financial resources for creativity and pursuing one’s passions come through this enjoyment. Those born in March need to learn how to take pleasure in their work, as they often struggle with this from the start. Simply studying, working hard, setting goals, and forcing oneself to do things will not be effective. Work should be fulfilling, though it does not necessarily have to be creative.
If material wealth is not important to them, they may become passive, failing to develop or grow. In such a case, they will not derive joy from life and may feel as though it is passing them by. Therefore, it is essential to establish financial stability and truly enjoy the fruits of one’s achievements.
Another important task for those born in March is learning to enjoy life in general. It is vital to experience pleasure in all aspects of life, including personal relationships. Your ability to experience joy may be somewhat blocked. You need to learn to take pleasure in every moment, in different aspects of life—food, clothing, home decor, music, and much more. Do everything that brings you joy without hesitation, sparing neither money nor time.
Developing creative talents is another key lesson for you. You can discover many things about yourself through creativity. If you do not consider yourself a creative person, visit museums and exhibitions, dance, sing—anything that awakens your artistic inclinations. The purpose of this is to express in the material world what exists within your soul.
When you create something new, your fertility energy increases. As a result, you may develop multiple projects, not just one. You also have the potential to give life to more than one child. You may have two related projects or more than two ongoing at the same time. You possess an energy that brings new life into the world.
Women born in March may exhibit masculine traits, which can negatively affect their personal lives and relationships with other women. Therefore, it is important for them to cultivate and develop their femininity. This can be achieved through feminine spiritual and physical practices, dance, and spending time in the company of women.
Another crucial area for development is one’s relationship with the mother. The mother of a child born in March often takes on a leadership role, offering little tenderness and affection, showing little interest in the child’s emotions, and sometimes criticizing their appearance or comparing them to other children. As a result, when such a child grows up, they may struggle to express affection and tenderness in relationships, even when experiencing deep emotions.
Born in April
It is important for these people to develop self-confidence, become goal-oriented, set high future goals, and become the master of their own life.
It is essential to start earning quickly to achieve financial stability, which will help them gain inner self-confidence.
If the energy of a person born in April is used incorrectly—that is, if they earn little or do not advance in their career—they may begin to suppress those who are weaker than them and become a tyrant within their own family. If such a person does not invest in achievements or growth, circumstances will develop in such a way that they will have to work a lot. Financial problems may arise, and they will then be forced to negotiate with their superiors and climb the career ladder.
When financial stability comes, it will be necessary to learn to rest, relax, and stop worrying about their career. Since the person has already become a workaholic and a perfectionist, it will be difficult for them to do so. If, for some reason, they are unable to return to work, emotional burnout may occur.
It will be important to distribute energy evenly across different areas of life, paying attention to personal relationships, hobbies, sports, family, travel, and friends.
One must work on their relationship with their father. Competition with him is possible. Additionally, due to competition, relationships with relatives, friends, and colleagues may deteriorate.
Women born in April may compete with men, suppress them, and also struggle to get along with other women. Such a woman must learn to be soft and feminine (which will improve her personal life) while being strong at work. It also happens that a woman expects everything from her man and does not pursue her own career. This may be due to her father’s influence in childhood—he may not have allowed her to do anything. In cases where a woman competes with men, her father may have praised her and shown love only when she achieved something.
Born in May
These people are often authoritative figures whom others look up to. Their main task is to acquire and transmit knowledge.
Such a person must build their own system of values, as they may know better than any guru what they truly need. This applies to both personal life and profession. In this way, the person matures and does not waste themselves due to the influence of a mentor.
You possess the energy of a teacher and are capable of attracting students. If you give advice to your family and they laugh at you or do not listen, start consulting strangers and charging for your knowledge. If you acquire knowledge in any way but do not share it, the Universe may take away your job, money, or something else, leaving you with no choice but to apply your knowledge in practice.
It is also important for you to obtain diplomas and certificates—that is, to have social recognition. You must build a career or have your own business.
Spiritual growth is crucial, as well as working through relationships with your father and other men. Everything you dislike about your father must be changed within yourself—live differently if you are a man. If you are a woman, you are likely to obey your father in everything, which hinders your inner development. Such a woman tends to suppress her husband and children.
It also happens that a woman born in May grew up without a father or had an immature father.
Born in June
It is important for you to learn to make choices with your heart rather than your mind, or else decision-making will be very difficult. You need to learn to express love and care for people and to awaken unconditional love within yourself.
The Universe teaches you this through betrayal, lack of love, and devaluation in childhood, which closes your heart. This is a very difficult experience given to you so that you learn to love yourself, never ignore poor treatment, devaluation, and betrayal. Once you learn this—that is, once you love yourself and learn to love unconditionally—you will be able to share your love with the world through creativity.
All of this will contribute to you receiving love in return—through new acquaintances, money, and other means.
People born in June may consider themselves less worthy or less attractive than others. You must learn to accept yourself as you are and accept the world as it is.
Such people have heightened sensitivity to the words of others.
They also find it difficult to make choices, even in small matters. You should always listen to yourself and not make decisions based on what others say. Additionally, you should not shift the responsibility for making decisions onto others. Any choice that concerns you should be made by you alone—otherwise, it will negatively affect everyone.
There are difficulties in choosing a partner. It is common to get stuck in relationships and to want to return to an ex-partner. You should choose a partner only out of love, without hesitation.
Such people tend to idealize relationships, people, and situations, failing to see others’ flaws and ignoring problems and betrayal. Understanding of all this will come eventually, but too much time will be lost.
It is crucial to learn to see reality and everyone as they truly are, as this will significantly impact your entire life.
If you have a strong desire for something, you should not wait for the perfect time to pursue it—act here and now.
It will be very beneficial for you to express yourself through creativity, even if only as a hobby.
Born in July
These individuals must unlock their inner potential, the power to create, act, and achieve victory. It is very important to learn to rest and to stop in time. Otherwise, they may face health problems and emotional burnout. It is beneficial for them to rest for a few hours each day. They should not ignore feeling unwell. Engaging in sports, hobbies, and traveling is useful. Life must be diverse, as routine is exhausting. This way, excess energy will be released, bringing a sense of calm.
Those born in July may scatter themselves by doing too much in all areas of life, yet not achieving visible results. It is recommended that they set goals for specific timeframes, even for a single day, plan their actions, focus on the main things, and not be distracted by minor matters or by people who overload them with various tasks at work and home. They should strictly follow their goals and not be sidetracked by matters that hinder the realization of what is truly important. In the morning, they must first complete the most important tasks, while household chores, shopping, and socializing can wait.
The Universe may take away health, money, and stability if they waste their energy on insignificant matters. Once they achieve their goals, they need to begin sharing their knowledge and skills with others, leading people. This can be done in the workplace, in business, by motivating their family, or by becoming a coach or blogger. Their skills should only be shared with those who seek them, without imposing anything on anyone.
Born in August
These individuals must understand that everything in the Universe is fair. To teach them this, they are often confronted with what they perceive as injustice, so they mature more quickly. The more they resist this apparent injustice, the more painful situations they attract. This can happen in any area of life. Those born in August must learn to accept their flaws and negative traits and use them for something positive.
They must not blame anyone. Likewise, they should not expect anything in return when they help someone. They need to build a career, attain status, earn money, and engage in charity if possible.
It is crucial to understand that everything must always be done legally and fairly—there is no other way. If such a person treats someone unfairly, they will quickly receive punishment. For example, if they refuse to share an inheritance with those entitled to it, evade taxes, mistreat someone out of envy, devalue someone’s work, or disregard someone’s kindness, consequences will follow.
Born in September
These individuals recharge energetically when they are alone. When in prolonged contact with people, they partially lose themselves.
They have a sense that they are different from everyone else. And indeed, they are. They must accept their uniqueness. At some point, they may lose interest in external matters and feel drawn to deep knowledge and wisdom.
A person born in September cannot comprehend the Truth while constantly being among people. They discover themselves when alone. However, they should not isolate themselves excessively, as this will lead to difficulties in various aspects of life. If they lead a highly active social life and maintain numerous contacts, the Universe may take this away.
Such a person must understand who they truly are and then pass on their knowledge to others. Spiritual development is essential for them, but it does not necessarily mean sharing spiritual teachings. Their guidance can take many forms. They might think they lack unique knowledge despite their extensive life experience. They may live an ascetic lifestyle, believing they have come into this world solely for spiritual growth. However, their true spiritual development will only occur when they achieve a high standard of living.
They must earn well and allow themselves to enjoy all material blessings. If they have financial blockages, they need to work on them. These individuals know how to live authentically, have a deep gaze, radiate calmness, and possess spiritual energy.
Born in October
These individuals have a strong connection with the Universe and receive its guidance. It is essential to strengthen this gift within themselves.
Such a person does not relax easily, tends to control everything, and does not trust their surroundings, which creates fears and a sense of insecurity—despite having no real reason to feel this way. In such cases, the Universe sends lessons in the form of unpleasant situations at work, at home, or elsewhere.
The person attracts negativity but believes they were right in not trusting the world. Negative situations arise to transform their mindset. It is necessary to understand that nothing happens by chance and to start attracting favorable events by thinking positively, trusting the Universe, and accepting that if something does not happen, it simply means the time has not yet come. One should not be overly attached to deadlines when there is a strong desire to achieve something.
People born in October often consider themselves unlucky, while in reality, they are very fortunate. The problem arises when a person fails to see this and becomes fixated on negativity. It is recommended to pay attention to the signs that life sends, as they may provide answers to important questions.
Energy practices can be beneficial. It is important not to hesitate in spending money on pleasures if the opportunity exists—this will invite even more financial abundance. However, one should not completely abandon earning an income in pursuit of spirituality.
Those born in October experience many karmic encounters that transform them. Others absorb their qualities, change in their presence, and reflect what lies within them. If a person believes they are undeserving of something, their environment will reinforce these limitations. If they think they do not deserve high earnings, they will be paid little.
Born in November
The key mission for these individuals is to develop both spiritual and physical strength. From childhood, fate confronts them with negative situations and abuse to awaken their inner power.
These individuals may suffer from being devalued by a parent, relative, teacher, coach, classmate, or partner.
It is important for them to engage in sports, yoga, and dance, as these activities help release negative emotions. However, they must do so with genuine enjoyment and not merely as a routine. Everything should contribute to their inner spiritual development.
Their emotional state significantly affects their health, with many illnesses being psychosomatic. They need to get enough sleep, rest in time, and not delay seeking medical attention if a health issue arises.
Unleashing their sexual energy is crucial. Intimacy should be shared with someone with whom they have a spiritual connection. Engaging in sex without spiritual closeness will lead to emotional emptiness and may result in sexually transmitted diseases or unwanted pregnancy. Through sexuality based on spiritual intimacy, a person can attain unconditional love for the world, learning to interact with others through love rather than dominance.
Born in December
From childhood, such individuals may develop the habit of doing things to please others, leading to self-sacrifice and dependency. This, in turn, causes health issues. They give away their energy to partners, parents, children, and others—who may fail to appreciate them. Ultimately, they may feel unwanted by anyone.
It is necessary to stop sacrificing oneself, to force oneself to change, and to direct all energy inward. They must free themselves from guilt if it arises when they stop self-sacrificing, seek help from a psychologist, and acquire knowledge in psychology and Vedic astrology. Spiritual development and meditation will help in overcoming dependencies. Codependent relationships will be particularly difficult to break.
They must learn to serve others in a way that does not harm them, meaning they should receive something in return. Ideally, this should happen through their professional activities.
People born in December undergo the most difficult lessons of adulthood.
They have the gift of seeing things from an unconventional perspective and must accept their uniqueness.
They are highly sensitive to the energy of people and animals, often immersing themselves too deeply in others' problems.
Excessive self-analysis and dwelling on past negative experiences may interfere with their ability to live fully.
Part 2 – PlanetaryHarmonization
In this part we will discuss planetary positions in the natal chart and how to harmonize them.
Harmonization of the Moon in the Natal Chart
To attain peace of mind and heart, it is necessary to harmonize the Moon. People with a weak Moon lack the energy to achieve their goals, even if other planets are strong. They struggle with decision-making, are restless, and fear the future. A well-developed Moon grants calmness, composure, deep sleep, and peacefulness.
It is beneficial to perform Moon harmonization and remedies (Upayas) on Monday. This includes chanting or singing the Moon mantra 108 times (OM CHANDRA NAMAH), beginning during the waxing phase of the Moon. Other beneficial activities include practicing yoga, movement, drinking plenty of clean water, regular swimming, living near a body of water, breathing exercises, wet cleaning of one’s home or workplace, deep sleep, drinking warm milk before bedtime (if lactose intolerant, it is recommended to place a glass of milk at the head of the bed overnight and discard it in the morning), caring for children, motherhood, improving relationships with one’s mother, wearing white clothing, pearls, and silver (especially on Monday), practices for awakening and strengthening feminine energies, and working with a psychologist.
As for using precious or semi-precious stones for Moon harmonization, it is advisable to consult a specialist who will analyze your natal chart.
Harmonization of the Moon in Aries or the First House of the Natal Chart
Such a person needs to achieve something, to be the best; otherwise, they are easily thrown off balance. They want to be the best and must excel in a particular area. Losing to someone in any competition (e.g., sports) can deeply unsettle them.
They find it difficult when their leadership or dominance is taken away or when they are told they are wrong.
They struggle to hide their emotions, and suppressing them is harmful to their health. In emotionally intense situations, they should spend time alone to calm down. Releasing negative emotions through movement, sports, or sex is beneficial. It is recommended to scream in an open space where no one is around.
Harmonization of the Moon in Taurus or the Second House of the Natal Chart
These individuals appear calm, but this is only on the surface. In uncomfortable conditions, they may experience nervous breakdowns. They struggle to adapt to new situations and feel extremely uncomfortable without money or food. They also find any changes at work difficult to accept, even if they are positive.
To harmonize the Moon in this placement, engaging in creativity, working with hands, enjoying good food, shopping, gardening, working with flowers, sculpting, woodworking, and similar activities is beneficial.
They need a place where they can relax in a beautiful and peaceful environment, free from conflicts. Stability and control over unexpected situations are essential.
Harmonization of the Moon in Gemini or the Third House of the Natal Chart
These individuals feel uncomfortable when they have no one to talk to or when they lack information. It is challenging for them when their car, television, or any means of communication or information access breaks down.
Such people need to express themselves, read, listen to the news, and keeping a journal is beneficial. Walking, driving, and cycling are also helpful activities.
Harmonization of the Moon in Cancer or the Fourth House of the Natal Chart
These individuals are very sensitive, vulnerable, and empathetic. They are easily hurt and need time to recover from negative emotions, even if it is not outwardly visible. Household conflicts affect them negatively. It is better for them to cry than to suppress emotions. A child with this placement does not feel safe when there are conflicts at home.
They may fear loneliness and feel uncomfortable when strangers enter their home. They prefer a well-secured and private living space.
If something upsetting happens outside the home, they should find comfort within their family. If the home environment is stressful, they should go near water, meditate, visit a psychologist, or talk to a close and understanding person.
The overall atmosphere in the family depends on them. If they feel unwell, the whole family will be affected.
Harmonization of the Moon in Leo or the Fifth House of the Natal Chart
Such individuals lose control when their ego is hurt. They fear public criticism, want to be leaders, and seek recognition. Criticizing them in front of others is particularly harmful.
Vedic astrologers recommend that those with fire signs release their emotions by screaming in a secluded place where no one can hear them.
To feel harmony, they need creative expression (any activity involving creativity), opportunities to socialize, enjoy themselves, dance, and play with children.
Physical contact can also help calm them down.
Harmonization of the Moon in Virgo or the Sixth House of the Natal Chart
The Moon in earth signs fears losing stability. Such individuals dislike it when things do not go according to plan and cannot tolerate disorder in the home.
To harmonize this Moon, an analytical approach is necessary. Creating a plan and writing down step-by-step solutions to problems is helpful. This applies to all areas, including household tasks.
Routine and monotonous activities, such as cleaning and spending time with animals, can also have a calming effect.
Harmonization of the Moon in Libra or the Seventh House of the Natal Chart
Such individuals react painfully to abrupt changes and scandals, especially with a partner. Harmony in relationships is very important to them. They fear loneliness and criticism and seek gentle, harmonious connections.
It is crucial for them to receive support from their partner; they cannot remain alone for long and need to be surrounded by people and express themselves when facing problems. Shopping, beautiful items, clothing, jewelry, and a new hairstyle also have a positive effect.
Harmonization of the Moon in Scorpio or the Eighth House of the Natal Chart
Such individuals have a deep fear of betrayal, infidelity, and losing love. They struggle when they lose control over a situation. Like all water signs, they experience intense emotions. They want to be significant to others, especially to those they love.
They may dwell on their grievances for a long time, though they do not always show it. If they begin to hate someone, it lasts for a long time. Internally, they may experience an emotional explosion, which needs an outlet; otherwise, a nervous breakdown may occur. This can be harmonized through physical exercise, sports, sex, engagement in psychology, and esotericism.
Harmonization of the Moon in Sagittarius or the Ninth House of the Natal Chart
Such individuals can easily switch from negativity to positivity. If they experience failure, they accept it calmly and hope for another opportunity.
They fear losing their authority, being perceived as incompetent, and being ignored. They dislike idleness and not traveling. It is beneficial for them to travel, engage in pilgrimages, spend time in nature, mentor others, and teach.
Harmonization is also recommended through studying, taking courses, socializing, and learning foreign languages.
Harmonization of the Moon in Capricorn or the Tenth House of the Natal Chart
Such individuals fear losing stability, career opportunities, and the ability to achieve success and earn money. They also fear wasting time when plans fall apart.
They are not very emotional, but they can dwell on negativity for a long time, struggle with crises, perceive the world as hostile, and believe no one can help them. In such cases, it is beneficial to consult a psychologist, relax, and meditate. It is recommended to have an action plan in case of failure, ensuring an alternative if things do not go as expected.
These individuals need to learn how to rest, as they find it difficult to relax. It is important for them to focus on their achievements (they can write them down) rather than just their failures. Self-devaluation should be avoided.
Harmonization of the Moon in Aquarius or the Eleventh House of the Natal Chart
If such an individual’s freedom is restricted in any way, it can easily push them out of their comfort zone, triggering an emotional outburst. They cannot tolerate any constraints. They fear being left without friends and like-minded people or being just like everyone else. They need a lot of social interaction, gatherings, and events.
These individuals are generally considered not very sensitive, but under certain circumstances, they can be. They analyze their crises logically and discuss them with friends.
They need to learn to express their emotions. If they suppress their feelings for too long, their nervous system may be at risk. It is very important and beneficial for them to contribute to society.
Harmonization of the Moon in Pisces or the Twelfth House of the Natal Chart
These individuals have heightened anxiety, frequent stress, and mood swings. They cannot tolerate cruelty, violence, shouting, or fights, and they struggle emotionally to process such experiences.
It is particularly difficult for them when their illusions are shattered. Their development is facilitated through creative activities, design, photography, video production, religion, pilgrimages, visiting temples, speaking with a psychologist, meditation, trips to bodies of water, water-related activities, relaxing music, volunteering, and helping others. Their emotional distress eases when they see others in greater hardship than themselves.
Harmonization of Mars in the Natal Chart
A harmonized and strong Mars grants activity, courage, self-confidence, the ability to protect oneself and others, makes reasonable decisions, and knows how to achieve goals through honest means.
The fiery energy of Mars is connected to the strength of the body, mind, muscle function, aggression, and movement. A person with a strong Mars cannot sit still, may be dependent on adrenaline, has many goals, is highly ambitious, and often an adventurer. In contrast, a weak Mars results in cowardice, apathy, muscle weakness, inability to properly express anger, and an inability to stand up for oneself or others.
A disharmonious Mars manifests as uncontrolled aggression, vindictiveness, hatred, cruelty, heightened libido, frequent injuries, and burns.
All remedies for Mars should be started on Tuesday (Mars' day). On this day, one should chant or sing Mars' mantra 108 times (OM KUM KUJAYA NAMAH), observe a fast, and refrain from eating meat.
It is beneficial to wear red coral, red jasper, red agate, or carnelian set in a gold frame (consultation with a specialist who will analyze your natal chart is necessary).
One must engage in physical activity, sports, or yoga, set goals and systematically work toward them, overcome fears, learn to express anger correctly, and refrain from any form of violence toward oneself or other living beings.
Caring for thorny plants and feeding birds of prey or roosters is also beneficial.
Harmonization of Mars in Aries or in the First House of the Natal Chart
It is essential to engage in sports and express opinions openly and truthfully; otherwise, aggression may turn inward, resulting in bouts of anger and dissatisfaction, which can manifest psychosomatically. One must learn how to fight properly and express aggression constructively.
Business and military careers are suitable for harmonizing such a Mars.
Harmonization of Mars in Taurus or in the Second House of the Natal Chart
If not harmonized, this Mars leads to laziness, passivity, and disputes over money and property.
Such a person must firmly defend their material interests. If underpaid at work, they should demand fair compensation. Running one’s own business and persistently striving for financial success is highly beneficial.
One must set goals and work persistently toward them. A comfortable home is important, and one should achieve it through personal efforts.
Harmonization of Mars in Gemini or in the Third House of the Natal Chart
If not harmonized, this Mars causes conflicts, gossip, and an inability to speak up when necessary.
Constant learning, multitasking, and engaging with new people are essential. Working through aggression via verbal debates and participating in intellectual competitions is beneficial.
It is also advisable to engage in trade and attract clients.
Harmonization of Mars in Cancer or in the Fourth House of the Natal Chart
If unaddressed, this Mars leads to conflicts within the family and with relatives, as well as frequent home repairs.
One must invest energy in family and children and take care of the home and garden. Physical activities such as sports, swimming, and water-related recreation, as well as studying psychology, are important.
Sitting idly at home on weekends leads to laziness taking over.
It is beneficial to study child psychology, work with children, or become a child psychologist or kindergarten teacher. A person with this Mars will struggle to find fulfillment unless they harmonize it by pursuing work they genuinely enjoy.
Harmonization of Mars in Leo or in the Fifth House of the Natal Chart
Such a person needs to be in the spotlight, attract attention, engage in sports, and receive awards and praise. They must feel needed.
This Mars may cause issues with children. A person must devote a lot of attention to them, involve them in sports, and work as a coach or dance instructor, guiding students.
Parties, clubs, and showcasing creative talents play a significant role in their life.
Harmonization of Mars in Virgo or in the Sixth House of the Natal Chart
An unaddressed Mars here leads to anger and rage and can cause illnesses such as gastritis, colitis, or stomach ulcers.
Engaging in health-focused sports, yoga, and fitness is highly beneficial.
Caring for animals and participating in competitions with them has a positive effect.
Playing chess develops clarity and precision in thinking, which benefits all aspects of life.
Harmonization of Mars in Libra or the Seventh House of the Natal Chart
Here, Mars needs to be worked on to harmonize relationships with a partner. This can be achieved through shared sports activities, dancing, or joint projects. It is also beneficial to introduce more passion and sexuality into the relationship.
It is recommended to defend one’s interests through legal means. It is good to act as an arbitrator, reconciling others, but one should not forget about themselves while trying to please others.
Harmonization of Mars in Scorpio or the Eighth House of the Natal Chart
Here, it is necessary to work through one’s connection to extreme situations. This includes engaging in extreme sports, participating in law enforcement, police, or military service. Professions such as surgeon, magician, esoteric practitioner, or detective writer are also associated with this placement.
For such individuals, an adequate amount of sexual activity in relationships is important. Additionally, Mars in Scorpio is worked through by dealing with large sums of money, external financial resources, and risk-taking.
When a person with this placement stays in comfortable conditions for too long, they begin to feel discomfort.
Harmonization of Mars in Sagittarius or the Ninth House of the Natal Chart
These individuals need to constantly learn, acquire new information, pursue higher or spiritual education, become teachers, share knowledge, travel to study other cultures, philosophies, religions, and languages, and visit temples.
If a person with Mars in Sagittarius does not engage in such activities and refuses to learn, they become incapable of seeing changes in the world and instead preach to others.
Harmonization of Mars in Capricorn or the Tenth House of the Natal Chart
Such a person is a careerist, constantly working and building their career. Being ambitious is beneficial as long as there is professional growth, a business, and an opportunity to achieve high status (a clear goal is necessary).
If issues with authority and leadership are not worked through, energy will be wasted in vain because, according to their Mars in Capricorn, they are meant to be a leader—but they must progress gradually and purposefully.
In terms of sports, long-distance running, marathons, and endurance activities suit such individuals.
Harmonization of Mars in Aquarius or the Eleventh House of the Natal Chart
This person recharges their energy in the company of friends, like-minded individuals, through online communication, and in social groups. They must be unique and bring new ideas.
To develop their Mars, they should engage in activities such as parachuting, flying in planes or helicopters, and e-sports.
Harmonization of Mars in Pisces or the Twelfth House of the Natal Chart
This is a difficult Mars placement to work on. Suitable activities for harmonization include any form of creativity, esotericism, psychology, astrology, and swimming. Creative expression should be primarily for oneself.
Professions that harmonize Mars in Pisces include medical worker, spy, secret agent, and hospital volunteer.
Engaging in charity work or helping people in any way is beneficial. Otherwise, the person may feel useless and unwanted. They tend to forget about their own problems when encountering those who are in an even worse situation.
Harmonization of Venus in the Natal Chart
A harmonized Venus grants inner peace, politeness, and control over one's desires and emotions. Such a person radiates joy, is filled with love for the world, and is difficult to provoke. Venus is an indicator of sensuality, the ability to love, and the capacity for unconditional love.
A well-balanced Venus fosters the perception of the divine in everything and also brings material prosperity and a desire to engage in creative activities.
An unbalanced Venus causes difficulties in partnerships and love, frequent changes of partners, uncontrollable material desires, and a lack of joy. Infidelity, excessive lust, endless material cravings, and disrespect toward women harm Venus.
Venus is harmonized through creative pursuits, self-love, working on one's appearance and image, studying the arts, observing nature, and developing a sense of taste, as well as external and internal harmony.
The best day to begin harmonization is Friday (Venus’ day). On this day, one should chant or sing the Venus mantra 108 times (OM SHUKRAYA NAMAHA).
It is recommended to give flowers to women, grow plants with large blossoms, and use stones such as white coral, diamond, and rock crystal (which can be placed in the home). Wearing a ring with a gemstone should be done only after consulting a specialist who has studied your natal chart.
It is beneficial to decorate one’s home and workplace with flowers and fruits, show reverence to Lakshmi, Saraswati, and Parvati (by placing statues or hanging pictures), cultivate selfless love, treat people to sweets, enjoy delicious food without guilt, and help homeless people and animals.
Harmonization of Venus in Aries or the First House of the Natal Chart
Such a person is more focused on themselves than on their partner and may be assertive in certain situations. It is important to communicate calmly and strive to understand what the partner wants. There may be frustration when the partner does not act as expected.
The fiery reactions of Aries should not be suppressed, but Venus should be worked on through self-development, self-discovery, sports, dance, and sex—engaging in activities that bring pleasure. Having a hobby (such as embroidery, knitting, or assembling puzzles) is also beneficial.
Additionally, one must learn to ask the partner for help rather than doing everything alone, assuming that it will be quicker and better that way.
A woman with Venus in Aries may lack a sense of feminine self-sufficiency. She might not feel filled with feminine energy, even though outwardly she tries to appear bright, well-groomed, and feminine. She desires to fulfill her wishes quickly, but the partner may not always share this pace or may need more time.
Such individuals need to learn to consider their partner, develop softness, reduce assertiveness, become more accommodating and diplomatic, and learn to negotiate, understand, and accept. They should calmly discuss problems. Essentially, they must adopt the best qualities of Libra—the opposite sign of Aries. This is how planets in signs are harmonized—by integrating the qualities of their opposing sign.
Harmonization of Venus in Taurus or the Second House of the Natal Chart
This is a strong, stable position from a material perspective. Such a person has a grounded outlook on everything and prefers relationships to be clear, structured, and stable.
They love material and emotional stability to the extent that they resist change in relationships. However, life is constant movement. For spiritual growth, change is sometimes necessary, including in relationships. In such unions, attachments and dependencies may develop (leading to stagnation and a lack of freedom of choice), which contradicts esoteric laws and the laws of the universe. When this happens, the soul ceases to evolve, and the universe sends lessons. Conflicts, disputes, and deep conversations help a couple progress in their relationship. Venus in Taurus, however, tends to avoid such situations.
The opposite sign of Taurus is Scorpio, which carries the energy of transformation—precisely what is needed to harmonize Venus in Taurus. One must be open to change in relationships, avoid procrastination, and take action when necessary.
Such a person is highly focused on material things and expects grand gifts. They need to shift their priorities from materialism to spirituality, as this is likely what their soul truly requires. It is important to listen to oneself and not choose a partner based on financial considerations.
Harmonization of Venus in Gemini or the Third House of the Natal Chart
This placement makes it easy for a person to express their feelings. Venus in Gemini grants lightness but also superficiality in relationships, preventing a deep understanding of love and partnership.
Communication is highly valued in relationships. Such a person engages in frequent interactions with the opposite sex.
It is necessary to develop depth in relationships, understand the partner and their emotions, and reflect on what one truly wants to feel toward the partner. Learning from Sagittarius (the opposite sign of Gemini) is essential for harmonizing Venus—this means embracing qualities such as wisdom, philosophy, and long-term vision. Only soulful mutual understanding can lead to happy relationships. One must see beyond the external and into the partner’s inner world.
A large number of social connections can create difficulties in choosing a partner and building relationships—one person may have one desirable trait, while another possesses a different one, making it hard to commit. Therefore, it is essential to develop deep self-awareness and understanding of what one truly needs. Only from this understanding should choices be made. Learning to prioritize and focus on developing relationships with one person at a time is crucial.
Another approach to selecting a partner is choosing someone whose status aligns with Sagittarius' themes—such as a teacher, mentor, or guru—someone who is respected and whose work is of interest.
Venus in Gemini does not naturally favor large-scale commitments in relationships. However, Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, which expands everything, including boundaries. Therefore, traveling abroad and studying different cultures can be particularly beneficial.
Harmonization of Venus in Cancer or in the Fourth House of the Natal Chart
Venus in Cancer makes a person vulnerable and sensitive. It is necessary to work through feelings of resentment; otherwise, the person will become emotionally closed off, which hinders deep emotional connection—the foundation of relationships. It is important to develop Capricorn qualities, meaning to become less emotionally reactive to circumstances, not take everything too personally, and broaden one's worldview to understand that every offender is given to teach something.
Such individuals seek deep connection and emotional understanding in relationships with their partner. The process of working through their Venus lies in realizing that if their partner cannot provide this sufficiently, they must accept that the other person has the right to be different—perhaps less emotionally expressive—and not take offense when their expectations are not met.
Venus in Cancer does not always favor a person’s appearance, as they may often look too casual, not putting much effort into their external image. It is necessary to always look attractive and remember that a partner is not a parental figure—one must maintain physical appeal. Often, those with Venus in Cancer behave as their parents did.
This person may become stagnant in relationships, unwilling or hesitant to change anything. It is crucial to shift their approach to relationships, change circumstances when necessary, and not be afraid to leave relationships that have outlived themselves due to attachment and a desire for stability.
A person with Venus in Cancer may subconsciously place the responsibility for their emotional state on their partner, expecting the same warmth and emotional giving that they themselves provide. They must learn to take responsibility for their own emotional well-being. To do so, they should study themselves and their partner through Vedic astrology and psychology. It is important to build inner strength without relying on the partner to shape the relationship.
One must develop independence in love, understand what they truly want from relationships, and adopt the qualities of Capricorn (Cancer’s opposite sign), which values clarity and structure. A clear vision of the type of relationship they desire is essential.
If their partner is nervous or prone to arguments, they may feel unloved, as those with Venus in Cancer believe that love manifests only through warmth and emotional depth. They need to work on understanding that their partner expresses themselves differently and accept this.
People with Venus in Cancer seek a sense of security from their partner, similar to what they experienced with their parents (if they had it). However, the feeling of security must be cultivated within themselves through personal development.
Harmonization of Venus in Leo or in the Fifth House of the Natal Chart
Such a person is highly jealous, which damages relationships not only with their partner but also with friends. A woman with this placement may have difficulties not only with men but also with female friends.
It is essential to learn from Aquarius (Leo’s opposite sign) to give more freedom to a partner, avoid controlling them, and focus more on personal development. The same applies to friendships and other social interactions—allowing others their own space and independence.
People with Venus in Leo tend to prioritize appearance and status when choosing a partner. However, they should shift their focus to the person’s character, how well they communicate and interact, and the quality of the relationship itself.
Harmonization of Venus in Virgo or in the Sixth House of the Natal Chart
Here, Venus is practical and fixated on material values. It is harmonized through developing Pisces qualities (Virgo’s opposite sign). One should not choose a partner based on financial benefits but rather evaluate their moral, personal, and emotional qualities, their character, and their genuine feelings toward them.
Honesty, justice, integrity, empathy, and a willingness to help without expecting anything in return should take priority over financial status, social standing, appearance, or fame.
The harmonization of Venus in Virgo requires cultivating the qualities mentioned above. Through this inner transformation, true prosperity can be achieved.
Harmonization of Venus in Libra or the Seventh House of the Natal Chart
Here, the work on Venus involves understanding that not all relationships should be smoothed over if they have outlived their purpose, nor should one forgive what is unforgivable. It is necessary to pay attention to a partner’s inappropriate actions and their poor treatment of you.
It is important to adopt the qualities of Aries—the ability to express negative emotions and indignation at bad behavior—to show when you are hurt and to respond appropriately to a partner’s actions.
Additionally, one should not agree to everything a partner wants if it does not align with their own desires.
Harmonization of Venus in Scorpio or the Eighth House of the Natal Chart
Scorpio is an unpredictable placement for Venus. Such individuals constantly try to reshape their partner, molding them to fit their own vision. Those who operate on a higher level help their partner grow spiritually and undergo transformation. However, this kind of love can be ruthless, as it forces a person to change, even when they do not want to—ultimately, this results in a form of coercion.
People with Venus in Scorpio always feel they receive too little attention and love. The key to harmonization is understanding that they must give more than they receive. They should learn from Taurus (Scorpio’s opposite sign) the qualities of calmness and acceptance in relationships, the willingness to let their partner be as they are rather than trying to change them—especially through force—and the ability to shower them with generosity.
It is crucial to realize that perfection does not exist. Stability in relationships and the acceptance of a person as they are form the foundation of a strong union.
Harmonization of Venus in Sagittarius or the Ninth House of the Natal Chart
Here, one should learn from Gemini (the opposite sign of Sagittarius) the ability to communicate with ease. Deep discussions, soul-searching conversations with a partner or friends, and philosophical reflections are not always necessary. There should be more lighthearted conversations, discussions about anything and everything, without delving too deep.
Additionally, one should avoid trying to teach their partner something if the partner does not seek it.
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