Theory of vortex creation and control
Nafil Nailovich Nailov
Новая физика
The author's ability to reveal to the reader the essence of many incomprehensible natural phenomena in a confidential manner not only captivates, but also allows you to touch the fundamental laws of natural science. It teaches you to find answers to many questions that sometimes haunt you from childhood. The openness and accessibility of information motivates us to develop, to further search for solutions to issues that arise in our lives in one way or another. Dream, set goals, the most fantastic, think about them, strive for them and, believe me, they will definitely come true.
Nailov Nafil Nailovich
Theory of Vortex Creation and Control
Translated by Daniel Ruvimovich Apokorin.
Probably, many of you have wondered why in real life everything we see around us is created "this way, and not otherwise"? And could any of this not have happened at all? And, if so, what influences the course of all these global events? And do we need to know about this if we are not able to control their development or disintegration? Is it given to us, ordinary people, to understand the essence of "God's providence"? When in everyday life we rarely ask ourselves the questions of who we are, where we come from, why we ended up here and where we will go next, and is everything there as they write and speak? After all, why does so much of what we encounter from time to time not find a logical explanation for? And every time we are convinced that there are no more answers to all our questions.
It is quite obvious that in fact, nothing eternal, as we imagine, exists and everything has its time. Historically, no matter what phase of evolution this or that civilization is, as a social vibration system on a planetary scale, in the end it naturally comes to "self-destruction". As the completion of the original idea (task) of its appearance. But immediately, depending on external changes in the conditions of habitation, with the end of one period of fluctuations (goal) of its ancestral architecture, the next, more sophisticated one appears, which carries in its genome the experience of previous generations and previous structures in order to expand more and more space of the environment. Already as a new stage of mutations of physical form.
Nothing in nature disappears without a trace, because the dipole systems of the very matter of any space carry all the information of their own transformations and are capable of cyclically reconstructing past events of their environment. Again and again, as a resonant response to the control influence (request) from outside the system. When all the external conditions have been created there for "revival". For billions of years, these processes in the Universe have been running their course. Does this mean that matter based on elementary vortices has always been, is, and will always be? When the electricity of charges interacting with each other creates magnetism, as a memory of the structures of matter in the general medium of space, as long as they invariably exist in it. Therefore, it is almost impossible to destroy this "information of the Universe". It will invariably be copied, as if "from the seed" as long as this space exists. And you can see it with us here and now.
We are aware that the structure and interaction of all forms of matter in nature, both in the micro and macrocosm, are based on the energy and information components of electromagnetic fields. All known and unknown spectra of radiation in terms of frequency, amplitude, phases, modulation, packing of disturbances, density and various physical gradients of fields, the number of charges and free electrons, and much more up to the coherence of waves. Each of these fields is in a state of constant motion in its infinity. Various kinds of fusions, splits and transformations of the energy of one physical field into another, forming an unlimited number of structures and forms of matter. Not only in their constant desire for preservation and development, but also in equilibrium and balance between themselves and the entire environment.
All these phenomena create an endless variety of colors and images of the visible and invisible world. Its beauty and dynamics, constancy and changeability, the triumph of birth, growth and development of a new life in an exact duplicate of its form, adapted to external changes in the environment. And the inevitability of aging with the transition to other states of matter of any life, existing in its individual rhythms, united by a single harmony of sounds. In eternal communication "everything with everything" through impulses of omnipresent electric and magnetic fields. Which form not only ourselves, but also the entire diversity of the nature of the Universe itself. Where each particle and structure meets all the signs of a truly living form, from its inception to radioactive decay in any of its states from plasma to solid. For all this alone is the result of the interaction of "light" and matter, which is nothing but radiation of different densities of a multitude of elementary electromagnetic disturbances of fields, of which the medium of space itself consists. Created by the interaction of kinetic energy flows of numerous clumps of matter of vortex dipole formations, which build multilateral transitions of various forms of electromagnetism, as well as mutual transformations of elementary particles and atoms of matter.
In this book, you will definitely find answers to many of your questions. And I am sure that you will have many new ones. And this means that you are in search not only of the best use of your capabilities, but also of getting a real delight from everything that surrounds you. Dream, set goals, the most fantastic, think about them, strive for them and, believe me, they will definitely come true.
Nailov Nafil Nailovich
mechanical engineer, inventor, researcher
Vortex, Dipole, Geospherical Model of the Atom
It is one planet, but all societies are trying to preserve their national identity. They repel each other on any occasion, protecting internal interests. Various tensions arise many gradients are formed, which inevitably create movements of development or extinction. And this means that everything is being renewed, and other states are formed, which will again become adherents of their own interests and the circle will repeat itself again and again, as long as the planet is still alive.
More and more often, a common sense asks questions about the amazing diversity, complexity and stability of natural systems. More and more obvious understanding of the macrocosm brings us back to its basis – the microcosm. Nature persistently translates its successful experiments in the evolution of matter to its many forms, as properties of interaction with each other. The simplicity of such solutions in infinite combinations of options creates the most complex structures and forms of reality.
The generally accepted planetary model of the atom, as a picture of the microcosm, is designated in the form of a nucleus in the aggregate of electrons orbiting around it in their orbits, like planets around the Sun with speeds close to the speed of light. Such a model carries the shortcomings of various theories of gravitation and the electromagnetic field, contradictions of Bohr's postulates, etc. Let's try to reconcile all sides and find an optimal model based on the modern knowledge and experience available to us. Let us ask ourselves the question, where does the energy for such costly movements of electrons, neutrons, etc., in the structure of the atom come from? Why is it so stable and easily forms molecular compounds? This will help us to compare the plausibility of the functionality of the proposed new model of the atom in the dynamics of the ongoing processes of nature.
Let’s imagine that an atom is a generator of energy, the magnitude of which is determined by charges. The carriers of charges are matter, in this case, elementary particles. Let's leave aside the consideration of the structure or absence of it in numerous neutrinos, photons, quarks, electrons, nucleons and other particles of matter and remember that all of them are vortex formations with all their inherent properties and parameters.
In fact, these are condensations of the forms of matter of the environment surrounding space in the form of dipoles formed from one another as a result of incessant electromagnetic interaction with each other, which inevitably arises as magnetism and electricity due to the presence in them not only of charges, but also of various gradients of densities.
The heterogeneity or difference of any properties of matter in space is the gradient of matter densities. Obviously, its presence unequivocally implies the presence of motion, and the presence of any motion in the medium of space necessarily generates vortices, which involve the matter of the immediate environment into their circulation. And this is true for all environments, because we are talking about the microcosm. Then, any gradient is a difference or difference in the medium of its charges. And any difference in the charges of matter is the difference in the frequency of rotation of their dipoles, in other words, it is the energy of repulsion of vortices from each other.
Consequently, all vortices in their structure form dipoles, conditionally, like our planet or galaxy, with their poles, with the presence of positive and negative charges, with lines of force and a different arsenal of properties and tools of electricity and magnetism. Isn't this (see Fig. 1) similar to the movement of energy or the movement of charges along the lines of force of dipoles, in the form of vortex structures of objects interacting with each other?
Probably, the very mechanism of global interaction between bodies of matter in 5 space occurs as a result of the movement of charges in a spiral, as a result of translational and rotational motion, or respectively electric current and magnetism of dipoles? And if all this diversity of the microcosm consists not only of fields, but also of substances, then why not assert that all that exists in space are forms and structures of particles of matter, created by the interaction of their charges of different densities, that space is a single form of the existence of matter from elementary to highly self-organized?
In this case, the unit of charge of any particle, or vortex dipole, is adequate to the conventional quantum of the angular momentum or discreteness of the moment of the total number of vortexes of the body and its medium. The charge of an object is higher, the faster the vortex and the greater the amount of Fig.1 Relationship in space in X-ray Fig. 2 Magnetic and electric dipole. Radiation. (photoshop) of the rotation of its electric dipole in the field of the magnetic dipole. This is evident when a moving electric charge creates a vortex magnetic field, and a magnetic dipole moving at a constant speed, like an alternating magnetic field, creates a vortex electric field (see Figure 2).
Fig. 1. Relationship in space in X-ray. (photoshop)
Fig. 2. Magnetic and electric dipole. Radiation
But it should be mentioned that any vortex is also an oscillating circuit, with its own rotation frequency, amplitude, period and other parameters that can be unfolded as a sine wave of oscillations of an ordinary and long-familiar pendulum. So, when we talk about vortices, we mean both the properties of dipoles and the properties of oscillatory systems in one structure and in one form of its matter.
Suppose that space consists of vortex formations of various forms and structures of various forms and structures that are constantly changing and interacting with each other and the environment, something like nebulae and galaxies in space (see Fig. 3). At the same time, each of them is a vibration system, as a set of numerous oscillatory circuits with their own individual parameters and properties, united by virtue of certain phenomena into a single structure with a single rhythm of functioning. That is, you and I in the microcosm consist of a mutually synchronized variety of constantly changing, alternating and interacting with each other and the environment as a habitat, vortex condensations of matter. We, like all objects of nature, are constantly in fields of tension – gradients, spending and acquiring energy from the outside for our existence and adaptation to the changing environment for the sole purpose of development and procreation.
Each of us is a particularly unique synthesis of the harmony of an infinite number of moving gradients in a single shell of the form of our body. The very same gradients that are the main mechanism of exchange of all elementary particles, atoms, molecules, cells in our organs to ensure their mutual symbiosis in a single individual rhythm of life of each of us, as a result of a change in the charge density of the microcosm. For example, charges come from the outside and we feel a surge of warmth, or vice versa – and we are cold; or nutrients are absorbed into the blood through the intestinal walls; or the heart feeds on the waste products of the lungs, and the kidneys feed on the waste products of the cardiovascular system, etc. Each of our internal organs, as a separate vibrational system in the functioning of a single organism, is in a series of mutual arrangements, repeatedly worked out by evolution, depending on the need for its own source of nourishment, energy, protection, etc. Even in the event of a malfunction of any organ, which can lead to risks to the viability of the organism as a whole, such a structure of organization is fully justified in the struggle for the possibility of metabolism in such a special and territorially limited environment.
This is a fairly simple and understandable mechanism of the struggle for the possibility of existence. Thus, each form of matter tends to mutate and symbiosis with each other to create a stable and economical energy system in the ever-changing environment of space, using the same tools. Combined into a system, the total energy consumption decreases, and objects mutate to the environment.
For the sake of simplicity of understanding the mechanisms of the functioning of systems, let us designate that any field, as a medium of propagating waves, is the area of action of gradients of any form of matter as its properties to interact with each other. The degree of the gradient is adequate to the intensity of the state of matter in space, as a conventional value of the amount of energy of a certain direction of motion. For example, the charge of any object is the ability to repel or shield other objects from itself during rotation in the form of the impact of their vortices.
Fig. 3. A galaxy in space. (photoshop)
Fig. 4. Information-energy networks of the environment. (photoshop)
In this case, the higher the rotation speed, the higher the charge, and the "+" or "-" sign is determined only by the direction of their rotation. Charge is more of a conventional quantity than a physical one and does not exist separately from matter, since it is a consequence of the gradient of matter, the intensity of its fields. Everything that rotates faster is denser, it both captures and repels space in the medium or a "place" or "territory" of a less dense or slower rotating object. If there is a gradient of something: densities, temperatures, charges, etc., then there is also the intensity of the fields that are formed by the waves of these forms of matter by virtue of their own movements, oscillations, vibrations as radiations into the environment of opposition to the environment of the surrounding space.
More precisely, all bodies and objects, including stationary ones, by virtue of these very radiations emanating from their molecules, atoms, elementary particles, etc., interact with the environment, "communicate" with each other, transmitting and receiving waves of various spectra from the lowest to very high frequencies, but strictly individual parameters capable of emitting and receiving for themselves. as a single harmonious vibration system. This means that in the contact zones of numerous asymmetrical interacting fields in space, peculiar distortions and deformations of densities will be formed, and elementary particles will acquire a moment of rotation – spin. In nature, where "everything" affects "everyone", there are no absolutely straight trajectories of movement. That is, any moving matter in space is in contact with the environment of the environment, which means that it not only moves forward, but also rotates, forming vortex disturbances around itself in the form of periodic waves of condensation of the medium, or radiation. And by acquiring the moment of rotation, especially in the microcosm at enormous velocities of movement, any particle or body becomes a dipole with its own electromagnetic fields. Consequently, all radiation waves or perturbation fields in space are a consequence of the motion of material bodies, as an aggregate of numerous particles of the structure of their microcosm, in the external innumerable electromagnetic fields of the surrounding space, formed by radiations of similar forms of matter.
How is the energy so necessary for the existence of elementary particles, including atoms, produced? Energy, which can be designated as motion, as a flow of charges. To begin with, let's recall the long news in the theories of gravity about the mutual pushing of objects in space or about the forces of pushing the environment out. When bodies acquire the shape of a sphere or a drop as a result of the impact on them from all sides of the phenomena of repulsion from the innumerable vortices formed by numerous objects of the environment. A peculiar effect of the general "hanging" of bodies in space. Such energy of the external environment acts continuously and is much higher than the opposition of the radiation energy of a particular body, even taking into account the reflected waves, so the body compresses, let's say, uniformly and a sphere is formed. All matter in space tends to create spheres, and other forms are the result of the interaction of other energies depending on their mutual densities, volumes, distances, abilities to absorb, shield, transmit radiation, etc.
In any case, all this is the result of the interaction of charges: their number, polarity, density, location in space, etc. And we know that the repulsive forces are the higher, or the higher the efficiency of shielding bodies, the higher the speed of their rotation. In this case, the structures of their vortices in the form of charges and dipoles interact with a large number of each other's radiations. And, of course, it is necessary to take into account the effect of rarefaction inside the vortex itself, and, therefore, the compression from the outside increases, striving to form stable forms of matter. Unfortunately, in this chapter we will not dwell in detail on the effect of densification of the matter of the medium in the contact zones of a multitude of opposing vortices from various objects in space. As a result, a kind of mobile volumetric "web" of different densities of matter charges is formed, very similar to the image of a neural network. In fact, it is a single information-energy network of all matter in the space of the Universe from the micro- to the macrocosm (see Fig. 4).
It can be assumed that this is the universal system of transmission of information-energy radiations of the Universe through the environment with its "autobahns" at speeds higher than the speed of light and "Nano lanes" with a low capacity for the energy of charges. Nature does nothing for the future, it exists only in real time and only according to its own rules of interaction. And it is instantly reflected, imprinted in the matter of the environment from whirlwind to whirlwind, announcing the phenomenon to the entire Universe. The "pictures" of the vortices themselves change, or new forms are formed. And the question of accepting or ignoring this information is already a question of the presence of "species" connections between the objects of interaction. Do you have the right to ask, why "forever"? And I have the right to answer with a question: how long do protons, electrons, etc. "live"? Information is inseparable from its carrier – matter, like electricity and magnetism. This means that each of us leaves his or her own continuous trace in the history of space, where every moment of our life is preserved in countless copies – reflections of events in the elements of the forms of matter of the environment.
At the same time, we are not considering here a lot of other phenomena involved in the processes of energy exchange between objects. For example, the mechanism of exchange of information and charges, in case of significant changes in their properties and possibilities of interaction in the contact zones of waves generated by the vibration of objects, especially when conditions arise for the formation of standing waves or resonance phenomena. Or the processes of formation of streams of sound waves during collisions of elementary particles with the matter of the environment, which, even at rapid light speeds, are "echoed" into space, changing the density and speed of motion. Or the questions of invisible matter, where and how does it grow from the invisible medium to the matter of the visible medium and vice versa? And in general, why can't you create, for example, food or water using the matter of the environment? After all, it is only necessary to correctly and completely scan the object, its structure and activate the reverse process of information and energy radiation of this data, almost like on a 3D printer?
Fig. 5. Solar plasma flows (photoshop)
Fig. 6. Activating the pixels on the monitor screen (photoshop)
In fact, any matter grows and multiplies up to a certain point, and there is no boundary between inanimate and living forms, because both have the same opportunities for growth and reproduction as tools of interaction in nature. And there is no number of proofs of this around us. In fact, any matter grows and multiplies up to a certain point, and there is no boundary between inanimate and living forms, because both have the same opportunities for growth and reproduction as tools of interaction in nature. And there is no number of proofs of this around us.
Or, what is the actual process of moving a physical body in space? It is well known, for example, that the Sun carries a mass of energy through space and loses its weight. Is this true and why has the weight of the luminary not been exhausted over billions of years (see Fig. 5)? And, if this is not so, then maybe it only excites and activates internal mechanisms in the structures of many forms of matter right in the very environment of the space of its own environment? Including in the environment surrounding the planets of the system, setting information – energy parameters for the origin of matter with their directed signals – radiation? And information and energy, as they move in the space environment of the Universe, activate or "inseminate" in resonance or "love" similar "species" counter radiations that coincide in structure, frequency, period and other parameters, generating the greatest variety of forms of matter and elementary particles directly from the matter of the space environment itself, including the environment of the planet itself. Thus, not everywhere in the Universe do various forms of matter arise from solar radiation, but only during the phenomena of resonant contact of recognition with counter "species" waves. This phenomenon is very similar to the sound of the second tuning fork tuned in unison in the next room when the first one is activated, and it explains a lot about this world.
In nature, there is nothing superfluous for "logistics", why waste the energy of charges, if its different density, as the building material of all things, is present everywhere in space? This is far from a reasonable path for the evolution of matter. Does it follow from this that the movement of objects, including living ones, in space is the movement, or vibration, or radiation not of a physical object, but vice versa – it is a physical object and is the movement of information-energy impulses? Which, in the process of movement or radiation from the initial source in its single form, for example, an embryo or cell, or an atom, molecule, etc., as a "growth point", interacts with the matter of the environment – grows, changes its structure and shape. It feeds on the energy of fields from the outside, as charges of external objects, develops and mutates in accordance with the initially laid down information-energy influences in the form of the internal memory of the source formed in space from the matter of space itself. Again, as a result of the interaction of "species" radiations of the structures of many forms of matter. This is very similar to a hologram or the movement of images on a computer monitor display as the color pixels on the screen matrix are activated (see Figure 6). But with one difference – the clot of density of matter initially activated by the information-energy impact does not disappear in nature, but continues its movements (or vibrations, or radiation) in space on its own. By consuming "species" energy from external fields of different densities of the environment, due to the properties of electricity and magnetism of vortex dipoles, it can transmit and maintain not only the energy of translational, but also rotational motion of each other, depending on the volume of objects and the number of charges, constantly repelling and spinning each other from all sides. Until the full cycle of endlessly repeating harmony of the rhythms of the body's life is completed, as information stored in the memory of the "growth point" of the object by two sources of "species" resonance radiation. As two "beginnings" of nature. And there are numerous confirmations of this information reaching us in the form of radiation from long-disappeared space objects located billions of light years away from us, in fact, "phantoms". However, this is confirmed by any real crystal, as well as any living creature.
Physics does not at all contradict the possibility of creating "phantoms" of any, including a living object, as an exact copy of the original event that occurred in the distant past of its life. After all, leaving its information in the "past" around us in the surrounding environment, it is completely preserved and reaches us in the matter of the present. And we, of course, can find it, read it, change it, even materialize clones, but not in the past, but in the present. We understand that any kind of energy carries certain information, and energy and information are interdependent, we have already mentioned this. But their effects on the matter of the medium of propagation are different – one is transmitted according to the laws of opposition of the environment, and the second is a reflection, an image of the event. Even events from the past, such as a shot from a gun next to us. We see the flash, hear the sound, and feel the fading energy of the effect of powder gases on the environment, but as events from the past in our already changed present. But in our memory, we record all the information and interact with the environment, analyzing the past and present, and assuming future events. Therefore, information for the environment is "transparent" and spreads in space under certain conditions almost instantaneously.
It is obvious that in everyday life we constantly make decisions and interact with the world around us not only through the analysis of "phantoms" of events that have already happened. For example, you see a tree with green foliage at some distance from you (see Fig. 7). Naturally, you perceive this object in your present time through information that reaches your senses after some time. That is, through the information copies of the tree left by its vibration system when it affected the common environment with you some time ago, in the past, at the amount of its distance from you. Can you feel this tree in a single present tense? Yes. But to do this, you need to approach it and touch its leaves, branches, and trunk bark in order to combine the rhythms of your vibration systems into one joint object (see Fig. 7). Does this mean that each of us has an individual, different present time?
Fig. 7. A tree with foliage far away from us and nearby
Fig. 8. Lightning flash (photoshop) (photoshop)
Yes, it is possible that the real present time of the "observer" is individual only for himself. Everything that he sees around him in the present time is himself, as his own material object, and everything else is like copies of past events, that is, information or "phantoms" of events in his present environment. But copies of events recorded by this particular "observer" in his present time, because they are around him as reflections from real objects of the environment, fixed by him at a distance.
Can we say with absolute certainty that time exists outside of the "observer"? Imagine that you are in a dark room where there is nothing: no movement in space, no heat, no bodies of any kind. Will you have the opportunity to assess this situation where there is no change? No. Will you have the opportunity to observe the passage of time? No. Has time stopped for you in this situation? Yes. Why? But because you do not have the opportunity to compare the changes in the events around you, they are unchangeable for you. All living things born on this planet are adapted, read synchronized, initially only for the conditions of life on this planet, in this huge unique vibrational system. And what is the difference between the mechanism of movement of objects in the macrocosm described above? For example, lightning or a tree in the process of their growth, or a person? Nothing. Look at a tree – first the trunk grows, then the trunk branches, then the thicker branches, then the very thin ones. Isn't this similar to the discharges at the moment of a flash of lightning (see Fig. 8)?
It is obvious that the growth of matter and its distribution are directed in the direction with a lower than intrinsic density of energy in space, where further processes of strengthening the influence of charges, etc., take place. but also, its reflection on the infinite distances of the Universe. This is the mechanism of creating in space not only a substance, but also a copy of it, not only an object of vibration, but also a source of its information. Our body is no exception, it moves in space as an integral structure of a living form due to the almost instantaneous interaction of all our dipoles, charges, fields with the same forms of matter in the. We are part of the environment because we are made up of the same thing. By moving, we excite the space around us, and every moment of new events and positions in the environment, it acquires exactly the outlines of our body with all its defects, functional capabilities, properties and dynamics. All the energy of our body in the aggregate of all its charges, vortices, dipoles, fields with a full package of acquired informative mutations contained in their internal structures of vibration systems, moves in the medium of space with the speed of light and more. Constantly maintaining the structural density of charges in all its organs, including receiving energy from interactions with sources of vibrational systems of matter from the outside. At the end of each movement, the medium transitions, or tends to, its previous energy state before it is excited by us. And all this with only one goal – to ensure the viability of the body in a changing world. The energy of a given density and form of matter flows through space, using the matter itself in the very medium of space. And all events, or interactions of matter, are essentially continuous multi-channel, modulated information. To put it simply, we in our world are the mobile energy of the densities of charges of matter, where its component, or the shell of each of the structures that form it, and as a result of the body itself, is operational "information". What a great opportunity for the realization of this knowledge opens up for the recovery or artificial correction of the condition of any living being! For example, a person with health disorders can be immersed in the archival field of the matrix of his own informational and energetic still healthy state and correct the acquired defects using the natural processes of regeneration and repair of the body in the immersion environment. No medications or side effects. The same result is possible through close relatives.
Now let's try to summarize all of the above and remember that vibrations or oscillations are radiations that transmit both energy in the form of charges and information in the form of copies, images, imprints of events or phenomena that have occurred as interactions of vibration structures, dipoles, and bodies with each other. There are no voids in space without matter. "Nothing" does not exist. The gaps between various objects are compacted by the vortices of the environment involved in the movement of matter. Vortices that are formed as a result of the rotation and motion of an innumerable number of elementary particles, atoms and other forms of interacting matter constantly appearing and disappearing in space. It is obvious that any matter is a process of energy exchange, both with the external environment and within its form. And the exchange of energy is a movement, a flow of charges, which makes a phenomenon, an event. And any field is the result or consequence of the property of matter to vibrate, radiate, and condense the waves of vibrations of its vortices in the medium of existence, as a gradient of charge density. It can be said that any oscillatory circuit or vibrational system of the microcosm is a part of the structure of matter with its electricity and magnetism, and any substance radiates, and any radiation is a field of the structure of matter. One is impossible without the other. Consequently, energy is an analogue to radiation in the range of the frequency spectrum of any matter. Thus, vortices of different energy, or the number of charges, interacting with each other and repelling each other, create the elasticity of the medium of space, condense it, filling the voids with low density of matter, form conditions for the constant presence of a gradient in space, thereby invariably stimulating the possibility of an innumerable number of displacements and rotations of dipoles, vibration systems, particles, bodies, etc., always striving to create stable and stable structures of matter in the Space. The history of the development of matter for billions of years has proved that any of its forms tends to grow, become more complex and develop, increasingly densifying the space of the Universe. Life is an unlimited synthesis of matter. This means that with the increase in the volume of matter in the environment, the number of energy information systems around us will invariably slowly but steadily continue to increase. Probably, space has been building a single form from the matter of its own environment by trial and error, annihilating and creating again for billions of years.
Everyone knows the statement of modern science that radio waves, like electromagnetic radiation, are not able to propagate in a physical vacuum outside the "ether", in absolute emptiness this is impossible. Is this really so? And in this case, how did "proto matter" move in space initially, at the birth of the Universe? Let's start with a simple one. It is obvious that the higher the density of matter or particles in the medium, the more often and faster the transfer of information through each other occurs, as an imprint of the events that have occurred through the magnetism of dipoles, almost like collisions through the convergence of vortex formations in the environment. In addition, mutual effects in the form of wave energy are also transmitted, but through the condensed matter of the vortex medium involved in rotation between these same rotating (oscillating) dipoles. As a result, we can conclude that in space energy is transmitted not only through waves of longitudinal or transverse vibrations of matter particles in the structure of a disturbed medium, but also as a storm penetrating wave of particles of matter being moved, for example, gas, water, fire, a body in the air – in any form of matter. And these objects, colliding with each other, transfer the moment of motion (inertia) into the medium and fly through the vortices of the densified matter of the medium, moving them apart "like a reed by a body of water", which, under the influence of the repulsion of the objects of the environment, returns behind them to their original position – before the beginning of the disturbance of space. That is, the structures of denser matter move in a less dense medium. And less dense matter, or equal to the medium, unable to overcome the density of the environment between its vortices, cannot transfer the structures of matter, and hence energy, through this medium. In this case, only information is transmitted, as a reflection of the event from one vortex of matter of the densified medium to another. This phenomenon is very similar to the phenomenon of murmuration of starlings or a school of fish in living nature, but the structures of matter, its forms, through a dense medium of particles in space (see Fig. 9). At the same time, we see that the higher the velocity of the body or the density of the medium, the higher the number of interactions and the temperature, and the body is slowed down and deformed. That is, in the entire "volume" of space, countless dynamic processes of interaction of completely different forms of matter are constantly taking place simultaneously. Do not these simple speculations suggest that everything around us consists of many completely different environments in different states of matter, but in no way interferes with each other's existence in a single space? For example, as fields of different ranges of radio waves in a single "ether".
What if the medium where sound propagates and the medium where light propagates are different and practically do not interact with each other in the universe? For example, the sound medium is less dense, with a lower temperature, structured from larger particles of matter with small frequencies of vibrations, etc. And, for example, the medium of light speeds is denser, more elastic, warmer and consists of the smallest energy clumps of matter with high-frequency vibrations. And each of these media comes into contact only with objects of a certain threshold of vibration frequency. Maybe that's why we, adapted for movement in the medium of the sound range, face the problems of movement already at supersonic speeds, and other forms of matter exist freely in the medium of light speeds, but in the same space as us? And we, as bodies, are in contact with this matter, but not in their environment, where the charges of our structural vibration systems interact with each other. To understand the possibility of moving at the speed of light, it is necessary to study the conditions for the existence of matter in finer media. Probably, there is also a superluminal environment and others. It becomes obvious that, overcoming the supersonic threshold of speed, for example, an aircraft makes a leap into another, "denser" atmosphere, and undergoes many shock waves of the opposition of the invasion medium with the occurrence of various phenomena.
Fig. 9. Murmuration of fish in the ocean (photoshop)
Fig. 10. Diagram of the vortex (photoshop)
Is it possible to conclude from the above considerations that any differently variable movements such as vibrations, or oscillations in the form of contraction-expansion, right-left, down-up, etc., in one phase counteract the medium, that is, radiate, and in the other phase receive absolutely the same "species" modulated radiation? But with imprints, images of events, information from the environment of the surrounding space, which is especially important at high frequencies? Such dipole signals are the source of the origin and impact on the objects of the environment of various electromagnetic fields in the form of vortices, spheres, torus, etc., with their own lines of electric and magnetic field intensities. The process resembles the breathing of an object: inhalation is the absorption of radiation from the outside in the half-cycle of oscillation or rarefaction of the medium, and exhalation in the second half-cycle is the radiation of oscillation or condensation of the medium of presence. It is quite possible that in reality the wave reflected from the obstacle has many surprises for us. Why, for example, is it not possible to assume that everything above the conventional "X-axis" emits waves, and below it receives? So much for the "information-wave" dualism. Clearly worked out for various forms of matter, individually weighted portions of the amount of energy and information given and received, the weight of the object is always stable, for example, like a proton, an electron, etc. And in case of loss or acquisition of a certain value, for various reasons, there is a transition to simpler or more complex structures of forms of matter with a corresponding loss or capture of equivalent energy. Isn't this similar to the mechanism of exchange, "communication" between the object and the matter of the space of the environment? In fact, by radiating, an object transmits all the information contained in the modulated signal about itself, its structure, and receives it back with additional modulation or "reflection" from the outside, that is, with information about other objects in the environment of space. Who said that waves are not capable of multi-channel information-energy interactions, where one radiation creates an infinite number of absolutely different and autonomous fields not only in their shape, but also in the density of charges? Isn't this one of nature's tools in creating the remarkable variety of colors of life in the universe?
Let us imagine a source of radiation or vibration in a complete "void", any matter in the form of a vortex (see Fig. 10). Let it be an elementary particle. Vortex, almost spherical, waves of radiation move away from the form of vibrations of the source into the surrounding environment. What is the mechanism of movement of these waves under these conditions? When there are no vibrations in space before the first wave of vibration of the vortex of our elementary particle. And so, the first half-period of the wave occurs as radiation, the push of a condensed portion of its own matter into the emptiness of the environment, from a particle with its own structure, charges, etc. The gradient will be enormous, as well as the supposed speed of propagation of these clumps of matter into the "void". Probably, the process itself is fleeting, but it unequivocally fills our virtual "nothing" with quite material densities of charges, broadcasting a field of very weak vibrations of the densification of matter. Finally, the radiation stops and the second half-cycle of the wave occurs – rarefaction inside the source, which is then replaced again by radiation or pressure of the charge density of the next ejection period, and so on. Cycle after cycle, the rotating internal charge energy of the matter particle itself creates a density gradient and pushes away the previous wave of the sphere with the next wave from within. It is very similar to how we inflate a balloon, when with each portion of exhalation, it becomes larger and larger, filling the space more and more. Thus, the condensation of the medium distributed around the particle turns into independent forms of matter and fills space with them for billions of years. Yes, the charge gradient in the "void" dries up quickly, especially since there are not enough sources of energy outside in our case.
But let's remember that particles such as the electron and proton are very stable. Does this mean that their own energy in the form of charges in the free state is produced by their internal structural interactions discretely and always? Quite possibly. Moreover, the idea of the origin and distribution of matter not at one point, as a result of the "Big Bang", but everywhere in the Universe and at the same time, as a seeding of "proto matter", for example, as a result of a breath of gas or the processes of compression and expansion, is absolutely real. In this case, in the presence of a multitude of electromagnetic waves and various other densifications of matter in space, with their spiral, cone, toroidal, and other vortex interactions, the velocities of wave propagation in the medium increase manifold. In such a saturated elastic medium, various newly formed bodies, objects, and elementary particles inevitably begin to interact with the energy of the same dipoles in the medium itself, intensifying their own motions or complicating their own structure, using the properties of electricity and magnetism. This is how thousands and thousands of new atoms, molecules, bodies, etc. appear.
Here we are approaching the main topic of our chapter. In the microcosm, where the size of particles, as well as their frequencies of oscillations, are calculated at thirteen and twenty zeros after the decimal point, the orbits of their motions are completely free and mobile in space both within the nucleus itself and within the atom. We know that the structure of various substances and their properties are determined not only by the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons in their nuclei and atoms, but also by the interaction of their charges with each other and with charges from the outside. There are a lot of theories about the structure of the nucleus, but we will consider intranuclear mechanisms not so much as interactions of the phenomena of electricity, magnetism and density gradients, but as the phenomena that gave rise to them – vortices and dipoles. After all, each particle in the form of a vortex dipole, moving along its orbit inside the nucleus at the speed of light, densifies the matter of the surrounding environment. The inclination of the axis of rotation of such a dipole strongly depends on the influence of charges from the outside, which means that the chaotic orbital motion of such discrete particles itself creates a spherical shell of the compaction gradient in the superposition trajectories from numerous vortex perturbations of the medium. The number of such shells depends on the number of vortex dipoles in the nucleus, that is, on the number of protons and neutrons. It should be noted that a neutron, having no charge, is still a neutral vortex dipole, for example, a magnetic one. For example, if a particle is charged like an electron, then it is natural that a rotating charged particle must have a magnetic moment. This is also true for a composite particle, even if it is generally neutral, but consists of separate charged parts, like a neutron. You can think of elementary particles, for example, as miniature magnets. They can turn over under the influence of an external magnetic field, attract or repel – everything like real magnets. In general, magnetism is considered here as a total – orbital and spin. Now imagine that all neutrons are united in one central, densest sphere of the nucleus, and protons are combined in the next sphere describing it. Then, behind the nucleus are the third and subsequent spheres, which unite all the electrons of the atom. At the same time, each sphere consists of its energy shells of different gradient of the density of matter of the medium, the number of which is determined by the number of neutrons, protons and electrons in the atom (see Fig. 11). They can be called the neutrosphere, proton sphere, and electron sphere, and all spheres have their own total charge, respectively (in the figure) neutral pink, positive yellow, and negative blue. Isn't it true that this single structural form of the atom, with the interacting spherical spaces of a multilayer spherical capacitor, is very similar to an ideal oscillatory circuit, where oscillations of electric quantities occur, which are accompanied by the mutual transformation of the energies of the electric and magnetic fields? When the energy of the electric field of the capacitor is similar to the kinetic energy, and the energy of the magnetic field of the orbital shells of the compacted medium is the potential energy, for example, of a mechanical pendulum? In particular, with all the ensuing properties and interactions of spheres as dipoles, with their poles, lines of force, vortex torus, etc. Each particle of the nucleus forms its own shell, unlike electrons, which can build shells with an even number of particles. Fig. Figure 11 shows three shells in each sphere, with three protons, a neutron, and an electron, respectively. It is obvious that the shell-spherical structure of the nucleus is similar for the entire atom. Note that within each shell the particle moves in any plane, and in any direction, depending on the influence from the outside, including its neighbors, for example, as in Fig. 12.
Fig. 11. Diagram of the structure of the atom
Fig. 12. Orbitals and directions of motion of particles along them in adjacent shells of the spheres of the atom's structure
Nuclear bonds between nucleons in spheres have an intense character of charge exchange in a very dense natural medium of space. Such an exchange speaks of the constant absorption and emission of energy radiation, as an exchange of energy between neutrons and protons. According to statistics, only a quarter of all atomic nuclei are stable. That is, the interaction of the energies of the densified media of spherical shells generated by circular chaotic orbitals of nucleon vortices under external influence affect the spasmodic change in the properties of the nucleus as a particle. It is clear that in such a dependence, each additional neutron forms a new shell in its sphere, and a proton in its own sphere. This kind of formation of new energy shells by neutrons and protons in the spheres of the nucleus of the same name is fully consistent with the filling of electrons in their spherical orbitals in less dense environments of electron sphere shells, including those with completed outer shells of stable atoms. The properties of the elements, as well as the properties of the forms formed by them, are in periodic dependence on the charges of their nuclei, which is prescribed in the table of elements by D.I. Mendeleev.
Now imagine that each revolution of a vortex, of any of the particles of the nucleus, along the orbit of motion takes place without collisions within the same sphere, but in different shells, as one in another. Then all particles during interactions have the opportunity to completely autonomously change any of their vibration parameters, as functions of a wave within the space of their shells. For example, to change the direction of rotation and motion, even by reversal, that is, to counter or unidirectional, perpendicular to the orbits of neighboring charges or dipoles in neighboring shells, or parallel, etc. (see Fig. 12). At the same time, between the neighboring energy shells, as well as the particles that form them, and as a result, between the spheres, there will be not only the activity of electromagnetic fields and various phenomena of repulsion or attraction, deceleration or acceleration, and the exchange of the number of charges and moments. Caused by the properties of electricity and magnetism, including the fields of tension and induction, but also by the properties of vortices with their gradients of the densities of the surrounding environment. And these influences will compress and condense the medium of matter to the center of the nucleus and create conditions for changing the properties of the atom, interacting with the external less dense medium not only of the electron sphere, but also with the space outside the atom. Forming mobile gradients of charge densities on the surface of its sphere, thus ensuring the construction of covalent, ionic, polar and other bonds. By analogy, let us recall that in the center of the Earth the pressure is at least 4 million atmospheres, and this is the macrocosm. As a result, the mutual changes in the orbits of electrons, neutrons, and protons in all conceivable planes, within their energy shells, affect the location of particles relative to each other, the transfer of their charges from shell to shell and from sphere to sphere. As a result, not only the properties of substances change, but also crystal lattices of new compounds are formed, and the structures of new forms of matter become more complex. Maybe this is the key to the "paradox of tea leaves" at the bottom of the glass?
The topic of the interaction of standing waves, especially the zeroing of the intensity of electric and magnetic fields in the structures of various dipoles, including those controlled by external influences, is very interesting. For example, the creation of various combinations for the effect of invisibility of objects in space not only in the visible spectrum of radiation, but also the phenomenon of instantaneous movement of an object over a distance? And isn't it interesting to consider the processes of collapse of any clumps of mobile matter by the energy of the counteraction, which is probably generated as a response to the signal by the "black holes"? Or the creation of generators for converting the energy of electromagnetic fields of space into electric current, or vortex heat generators, or levitating vortex propulsion. Or the ability to read information from the space of the environment, or the materialization of any object in any place in space, or the restoration of sick and damaged living cells of the body by the influence of energy information fields, etc. An endless list for the inquisitive. Just understanding such phenomena allows us to believe in the possibility of the realization of many miracles. And in our time, these are far from fairy tales. Can a person continue to live on this planet and not learn the mechanisms of the formation of the true picture of the phenomena around him? The influence of the microcosm, of which he himself consists? Eternal interaction of "everything with everything"?
All of these issues will be discussed in more detail, including technical suggestions for their practical application, in the chapters of this book. Perhaps to some this attempt to create a "Theory of the Unified Structure of Matter" will seem incomplete, perhaps even subjective. But the purpose of all this is obvious – to find sponsors to create a non-profit structure and conduct research work on the manufacture of prototypes. It may be objected that science has already achieved a lot in our modern world. Without a doubt. Then why are we still wasting resources on destroying each other? Why do many continents suffer from hunger and poverty? Why do many people not have basic access to sources of energy, heat and water?
Gravitational Slide
"It seems to me that humanity is following the wrong path, along the path of destroying itself and the planet. We are creating very little."
Fyodor Konyukhov
Implosion processes in the atmosphere form sharp pressure gradients that can be used to extract energy or move through space. Artificially, such a phenomenon can be caused, for example, by the creation of a device with a paired number of spirals (assembled in the form of side faces of various polyhedral pyramids, which is not news to the followers of N. Tesla), but connected on one side at the top together with an atmospheric antenna through a discharge device. The other ends of the spirals must be plugged with bismuth spheres and closed with a ring along the contours of the polyhedron base. Next, connect this ring with one wire to the coil terminal in the parallel LC oscillating circuit. Ground the second terminal of this coil. At the same time, the winding of each of the spirals should be "planetary", as a derivative of a function of at least the third order (possibly from a Möbius strip of three or more revolutions) and of different materials according to the principle of one in the other. For example, the core is made of graphite or iron, and the coils are made of aluminum, copper, bismuth, etc. Along the axis of the resulting spirals, neodymium magnets or a conductor with an electric direct current can also be laid. Such combinations in vibration systems form a powerful dipole, create conditions for the launch of an accelerating vortex of electromagnetic radiation and form a tension, a gradient of charges under and above this structure, which can be fixed on a wooden or plastic platform. To control the process, it remains to make it rotate in an external perpendicular magnetic field, while the angle between the spirals will change depending on the rotation speed. By tilting the mechanism, you can move the platform to the right and left, up and down like a rocket nozzle. The convergence of the spirals regulates the acceleration and deceleration of the apparatus. A small current of charges can be removed to recharge the starting battery, which initially activates the process of pumping tensions in space and can then be turned off. To do this, it must be connected in parallel to the capacitor of the oscillating circuit. The phenomenon in the form of electromagnetic vortices at a certain stage begins to be stably supported by energy from the outside, and the higher the load, the higher the power of the installation. In the presence of an external body, this scheme allows levitation in space, due to the gradients of various charge densities constantly formed around the device and the resulting implosion phenomena. The higher the density of the surrounding space, the more stable the phenomenon. Probably, it is possible to connect a household consumer of electric current to such a unit in parallel with the battery (see Fig. 1).
In this case, due to the centrifugal effects of charges in the atmosphere, negatively ionized flows of energy (pathogenic for living cells) of increase and expansion are generated over the platform. Here the particles of the medium pass into an unstable state with an increased frequency of structural vortices, which, at the slightest increase in charges from the outside, are capable of instantaneous volumetric expansion. In this case, the outer enclosure serves as a device to balance the deformations of the medium from the impact on it through the reaction of the reaction of the enclosure material, and not from the "gravity" from the outside. In this case, the phenomena of reduction and condensation of the cooled atmosphere arise under the platform as a result of the effects of the formed centripetal flows of vortex charges, circulating perpendicular to the force lines of the already unified dipole of the device. Radial alternating motions of charges of different nature, together with rotation, inevitably form electromagnetic fields of torus-shaped vortices around the installation.
Obviously, if rotation is one of the varieties of non-uniform motion, then the source of rotation deforms the matter of the medium by centrifugal action, and the medium resists the formation of centripetal reactions. As a result, the matter of the environment from all sides from the periphery rushes to the axis of the rotating body. That is, the object of rotation works on the environment of the environment, excites it, gives it some energy.
And then the medium passes from an excited state to a neutral state and returns the received energy back to the source of the vortex in abundance.
The centripetal acceleration of the particles of the medium in the facility creates a kind of external rarefaction of the space around the body, "sliding" from the upper "south" pole to the lower "north" pole and its sharp expansion outward with a decrease in velocities along the outer lines of force of the single formed dipole of the installation. Not only is there a high degree of irregularity, but the velocity vector also changes.
Fig. 1. Diagram of the levitating platform on the spirals of the "planetary" winding
This means that there is a high probability of excitation of denser high-frequency matter of the structure in the atmosphere of the outer space of the environment, which instantly fills the created rarefaction zone with its charges of finer matter. That is why the outer space gives more energy than it receives when it is initially excited. Because its denser high-frequency energy no longer moves in a circle, but centripetally – strictly along the radius of the vortices of our dipole. Probably, this is the explanation for the excessive amount of energy received in response to the excitation of space by various objects with the formation of vortices and dipole structures.
The main thing in the performance of such devices is the simultaneous phenomena of alternation of cold and heat, expansion and condensation of the medium, centripetal and centrifugal effects or fields of negative and positive charges. In all this, one can see the formation of stable unquenchable oscillatory systems with the consumption of energy from the outside, from the dense environment surrounding space. As a result, the phenomena of expansion and increase in the temperature of the cold medium above the installation, alternating with the processes of condensation and decrease in the temperature of the environment under the platform (like breathing in the half-cycle of oscillations), form a tension in space or a gradient of charge densities, which lifts the object upwards by the force of the resulting stable implosion, allowing the device to levitate. As a result, the phenomena of expansion and increase in the temperature of the cold medium above the installation, alternating with the processes of condensation and decrease in the temperature of the environment under the platform (like breathing in the half-cycle of oscillations), form a tension in space or a gradient of charge densities, which lifts the object upwards by the force of the resulting stable implosion, allowing the device to levitate.
Protection against the formed pathogenic fields in this case is simple, but it is necessary to achieve a stable volumetric effect. These are polyethylene sheets, linearly deformed (stretched with force lengthwise), located at an angle of 90 degrees to each other, in at least 2 layers to create a "coherence" effect in each layer to block waves of undesirable frequency. At the same time, a powerful electromagnetic field of the torus is formed around the facility, which is almost complete protection of living cells located inside it not only from the influence of any fields from the outside, but also from contact with any material objects. Such a field allows the device to move in space, including in liquids, at enormous speeds. The mechanism of interaction with the environment space of such a field is quite simple – all the matter inside it (or the object itself) must be fully synchronized with the oscillatory vibration system of this protective field as its structural unit. That is, our attitude completely ceases to be in direct contact with the external environment of the surrounding space, it becomes invisible to it. The environment interacts only with the protective electromagnetic field of the object, which, in most cases, turns into a "cold" plasma. Therefore, our facility, located inside such a field, is able to move quickly enough not only in dense and high-frequency environments, but also in outer space.
What changes occur in matter during levitation associated with other structures or organisms, but generated by similar phenomena? Suppose, that there is a certain "gravitational slip" of the field of one body relative to the field of another, which is expressed as the movement of the body in the direction of the displacement of the zone of energy "comfort". It arises under the influence of gravitating forms, as a mismatch, displacement and slowdown of the frequency characteristics of the vibrational processes of the atoms of matter in them, depending on the distances. The "denser" the environment is, the more "heavier" the vibration systems of the matter not structured for it occur. For understanding, let's look at an example: in a bucket there is a medium of some matter less dense, but coarser-grained, which we will imagine in the form of apples. And there is a denser medium in the bucket, formed by fine-crystalline matter, which we will imagine in the form of a grain. After all, in terms of the volume of space replaced, more grain entered the bucket than apples. The parallel is like an analogue of the atmosphere with its substances and molecules, and outer space with its subtle matter of elementary particles. Try to reach the bottom of the bucket by putting your hand through the apples? It won't work. And now – through the grain? Simply. Mix the apples with the grain. These two media of matter, with completely different properties, are easily mixed in one bucket without interfering with each other. Do they change each other's structure? No. An apple remains an apple, and a grain remains a grain. Do they interact with each other? No doubt. Does this mean that the Universe around us (as well as ourselves) consists of a multitude of matter mixed in a single space, different in its properties, structures and forms of matter, which is basically formed from one and the same, let's say, vortex as a condensation of a medium, a charge? And that is why we can't accelerate a submarine in the water to supersonic speeds, and an airplane in the atmosphere to light speeds, etc.? Probably, here the object is counteracted by the properties of the forms and structures of the environment, which are completely heterogeneous, but which are the basis of completely different, unsynchronized, independent and non-changing environments of a single space. Later we will delve into this topic and look at the processes from the perspective of a new view of the structure of the atom. For now, let's dwell on this understanding.
It is indisputable that the gravitational medium of space affects the oscillatory processes of the bodies that fall into it, but the bodies also deform the general external field. Conventionally, any substance can be considered as packets of standing waves in the body of matter, arising between the nearest atoms, linking them into wave crystal structures, in the nodes of which these atoms are located, being the sources of waves. In this case, matter is essentially atoms vibrating with frequencies that are not perceptible to the eye, on the order of 10 to the 18th power or more. Or, to put it simply, bodies would be invisible if it were not for the ability of matter to reflect and re-emit waves. This means that each substance can also emit into the environment zero-amplitude waves of high frequency, traveling in one direction with a relative phase shift of 180 degrees or with a zeroing of the amplitude in the opposite phase. When their field energy can be detected only at the interfaces of their media during refraction, where part of the energy is released, where a gradient or mismatch of frequencies occurs in the body of matter. That is, each elementary particle of matter, as a vibration system, emits its own synchronized frequencies of oscillations, in the range of which it is stable in the external environment of the environment, and any violations of such an interval of radiation lead to a change in the substance itself. But a body in the gravitational field is voluminous and discrete, so its atoms are at different distances from the object of interaction and the degree of delay in their frequencies is different. Such a frequency gradient inevitably forms a charge current and leads to the deformation of the wave interference field. There is a slide of the "interference picture" from the body into the environment (reminiscent of a spider). Such deformations cause the movement of the entire system as a wave crystal structure of matter, because its atoms will always energetically strive to remain in the nodes of standing waves and are forced to shift behind them. Thus, the entire vibration system of gravitationally interacting bodies moves. Such a directional impact or deformation, when the "body" is forced to move behind its own interference field, is a free fall, levitation or mismatch of the frequencies of the vibration system. We must realize that nature has "a whole cart and a small cart" of such alternations of phenomena that cause the processes of levitation of objects, but they are all arranged according to the same rules of interaction.
Does this mean that any body can be affected by a certain spectrum of radiation to achieve the effect of misalignment of its vibration system in order to control its movement and create conditions for levitation? That any object, including a person, can pass into unstable states of matter, depending on the change in the frequency of vibrations of the atoms of one's own body in the high-frequency spectra of radiation, disappear and reappear? Turn into plasma and return back to the state of matter, lose weight and thereby fly freely in space? After all, in a standing wave, unlike a traveling wave, there is no transfer of energy, but only a spatial pumping of energy of one type into the energy of another type with a double frequency, as electric to magnetic or kinetic to potential. Only standing waves are installed with complete reflection from the boundaries of various media, in the absence of attenuation in them. Otherwise, traveling waves also appear, which deliver energy to the absorption or radiation zones. Perhaps it is enough to create a minor arrhythmia in the vibration systems of your own cells, molecules or atoms inside the body by an effort of will, and the "gravitational spider" will lift you into the air!
It is obvious that the nature of any waves is electromagnetic, and any substance behaves in the same way as in artificially created electromagnetic waves. Does this mean that the cause lies in the structure of matter, in its wave nature? In the wave nature of the bonds between the elements of matter? When two conductors are insulated and charged, we say that electrostatic phenomena act between them, which manifest themselves in attraction, repulsion, or tension, which arise in the bodies themselves, in space, or in the external medium. These effects control the movement of atoms, the intensity of collisions and compounds, the formation of the structure of matter, and generate the energy of heat or light. If, for example, we create a volumetric electromagnetic field in an object, the waves of which neutralize each other in the opposite phase to form standing wave fields. Then the equal but opposite effects of the waves that repel each other form a neutral zone or zero point at which zero electrical resistance of the materials is present. That is, matter is neutrally charged in relation to the space of the environment, inert to electric charges in it. This means that it is completely displaced from the volume of the substance of the magnetic field or the effect of negative magnetic susceptibility is created. This means that the magnetic field (charges) of the medium does not spread in the substance, bypasses it, and the object can levitate in the external magnetic field, "push" out of it, since it is material, and there are charges in it.
This can be achieved, for example, by the acceleration rotation of several disks with a wave profile (similar in W. Schauberger's repulsions) made of diamagnet material (for example, bismuth) in a closed loop, when centrifugal and centripetal interactions that are mutually exclusive in the opposite phase occur, which form standing wave fields, and the diamagnet forms its own magnetic field opposite to the external one. That is, in each atom of the disk substance, a magnetic moment is induced, directed opposite to the induction vector of the external magnetic field of the medium. In other words, the diamagnet creates its own rotating magnetic field, which neutralizes the external magnetic field of the medium in the opposite phase. Can you object that the magnitude of this field is negligible and insufficient to fully compensate for the external field? True, but it must be understood that we are dealing with standing waves, and in them, at certain frequencies, resonance phenomena arise, in which the diamagnetic field is amplified in relation to its own mass, creating the effect of losing the weight of the body, which must be made as inert as possible to the electric charges of the space medium. In this construction, several phenomena are brought together, reinforcing each other to form a gradient of charges in space to excitation of the conditions for the nucleation of levitation. An example is the properties of superconductors, when there are unquenchable currents inside them, which form an internal magnetic field opposite to the direction of the external one and compensating for it. In confirmation of this, there are many devices on magnetic levitations.
The principle of operation of disc devices for levitation or generation of electricity on gas and water-air mixtures is not fundamentally different from those considered above. Let's try to understand the functioning of one of them sequentially (see Fig. 2).
So, first, the air is sucked into the central turbine through the rough cleaning of the axial air intake for distribution and cooling by dividing the flow into small jets. The entire structure must rotate with acceleration at speeds from 8 to 14 thousand revolutions per minute (depending on the size and accuracy of assembly) to form cooled arms of vortices of matter, environment, environment (air, atmosphere). However, in small designs, with pumping charges and a certain arrangement of disks relative to the field lines of the Earth and the Sun, it is possible to trigger the phenomenon at low speeds by rotating the flywheel by hand.
Further, the curved, slotted blades of the turbine, made of paramagnet (for example, aluminum), direct the crushed, cooled and initially ionized vertical jets of air directly into the curved cutouts of the slits (exactly according to the profile and amount on the turbine), which are made in a circumference on the curved surfaces of the wave profile of the rings of the upper disk on the side of the axis of rotation. Usually, the depth of the blades of the central turbine corresponds in width to the first two full-fledged crests (with slits) of the wave profile of the upper disk. The disk itself is made of a sheet of diamagnet (pyrolytic graphite, bismuth, copper) up to 1.5 mm thick and can have from 4 to 6 ring waves. In cross-section, the profile of the curved line of one crest resembles an oncoming sea wave, approximately 55-80 degrees is the angle to the horizon of the leading front and 35-45 degrees is the line of inclination of the trailing edge (depending on the diameter). Below this disk, on a single (usually hollow for water supply) steel axis of rotation, on a common fastening hub, there is a second disk with the same number and pitch of ridges, but with a different profile from the first disk – with a shift of one quarter of the wave period to the periphery. The purpose of such manipulation is to create an uneven cavity between the surfaces of the wave profiles of the disks in such a way that in each period of the wave, with the radial movement of the air flow to the periphery, there is a compression and expansion of the volume of space. So that between the two curvilinear surfaces of the disks, an image of the cross-section of a regular complete vortex is clearly outlined – the narrowing of the equatorial zone belt and expansion at the poles in each period.
Fig. 2. Diagram of a levitating platform on wave disks
Through the slots made on the inner surfaces of the two rings of the upper disk, the air jets enter the inter disc zone, where they collide with the inner profiles of the lower disk, are compressed and, supported by the next portion of air, rotate in a vortex and slide out through a narrow slit from the compression zone to the expansion zone towards the periphery, where the gaps to the edge of the disks are critically narrowed. It should be noted that with such a sharp expansion of the volume of cooled air, a certain increase in temperature occurs and the effect of absorption (rarefaction) occurs, which accelerates the process of centrifugal movement of air from the previous zone. The higher the difference in the volume of air squeezed between the waves of the disks during centrifugal motion, the more effective the formation of numerous radially directed vortices in them. Which, with the simultaneous rotation of both disks (or separately, which is more efficient), spin with acceleration around their own axis with some derivation and move in a continuous sequence to the periphery, simultaneously rotating around the common axis of the installation, and activating the processes of formation of a single toroidal vortex. Recall that the profile of the space between the disks forces these vortices to rhythmically contract and expand, increasingly densifying the flows of strongly ionized atmospheric air from the center to the periphery. A kind of modulated wave. As a result, vortex arms are formed from twisted, rigid discrete "pigtails" of elementary particles of matter in air (or a water-air mixture), i.e. charges. More precisely, when water is supplied through a hole in the central axis, ionization processes are accelerated. In addition, in the inner cavity of the installation, there should be some roughness of the disc surfaces at the level of primary young corrosion on the surface of the iron.
Thus, the concept of alternation of events adopted by us: decrease-condensation during compression and increase-expansion during rarefaction of cooled air, which is inevitably realized here in dynamics, significantly, cyclically and constantly accelerates processes in time, breaking up and releasing both carbon and oxygen (plus hydrogen) from the flow of the medium. Thus, ionizing the flow at the outlet in the periphery of the rotating disks in order to accelerate the formation and separation of charges. Here it is important to disrupt as much as possible in the molecules and atoms of the substance of the environment of space not only electromagnetic connections, but also weak interactions between elementary particles of atoms and molecules. When this stage is reached, negative charges are formed above the disks, which are associated with the processes of temperature increase and expansion of cooled flows of the ionized medium of space, and positive charges are created below the disks, supporting the processes of temperature decrease and condensation of the gas medium.
However, this is not enough to fulfill the goal. It is necessary to achieve the occurrence of the phenomenon of resonance in standing waves by initiating centripetal actions, to make the properties of diamagnets work and, if possible, to use the effect of wing lift in the design as much as possible. Thus, there is a need for a third, support disk, rigidly fixed to the common hub of the axis of rotation from below, but with a larger diameter for 2.5 wave periods. Its profile is not only a support for the lower wave disk, but also structurally plays the role of a peripheral turbine. It is made of paramagnet (for example, aluminum), the flat surface of which to the wave disk along the edge is framed by turbine blades no higher than the outermost wave of the lower disk and one and a quarter wide of the wave period in the form of through, alternating, inclined (at an angle of 30-40 degrees) slits in the direction of rotation. The profile of each blade of the peripheral turbine resembles a plano-convex model of an airplane wing.
Please note that the upper wave disk is made in such a way that its extreme wave is followed by another wave, which coincides in profile with the "wave" of the peripheral turbine, and covers it from above by three quarters of the height of the blades. To create the rigidity of the system, this turbine shelter is fastened along the circumference with evenly spaced bolted joints (10-12 pcs.), through holes in the blades of the peripheral turbine. Let us clarify that the profile of the blades, as well as the external recesses on them, which additionally twist the flow, can be selected individually. The thickness of the support disk does not play a role and is selected from the structural rigidity. On the hub and on the periphery up to the turbine blades, all disks along the ring through holes are evenly tightened with bolts (5-6 pcs.). For this purpose, along the edge of the lower disk, after the last wave with duplication on the rest, an overlap of the base metal in the form of a fastening ring is provided. At the same time, there should be no threshold at the junction of the lower ring with the support ring and the flow outlet to the blades of the peripheral turbine. In addition, a common casing of the structure is required, dividing the spaces into zones. It is made of any diamagnet (for example, copper) in the form of a bell with a central hole in diameter equal to the beginning of the depression of the third (without slits) wave of the upper disk, with the formation of a protrusion on it with the continuation of the profile to its internal wave, as a place for support and centering in the axis of the central turbine. This is where the central turbine is installed, on which the central air intake housing is mounted and all this is pressed by a bolt screwed into a threaded sleeve in the center of the hub. The external size of the general casing should be sufficient to cover the contours of all disks, with a rounding along the outer diameter of the profile of the blades of the peripheral turbine, with an extension to the lower cut of the support disk. This entire structure is connected to a circular frame made of ferromagnet (for example, iron), in the center of which a bearing unit for rotation is made, in which the axle is fixed in such a way as to provide sufficient clearance between the bed and the support disk. The diameter of the bed should exceed the diameter of the general casing and through slots should be made in it. The bed itself is connected to the drive unit via a sliding clutch for take-off or to the generator shaft to generate power. It is also possible to trigger the phenomenon from a rechargeable battery located directly on the platform of the structure with a device for its recharging. It is important that between the discs and casings made of various materials, both on the hub and on the insulated fasteners, in order to connect them to each other and adjust the technological clearances in the area between the discs, it is necessary to install dielectric gaskets made of a layer of dense rubber or polymer.
What will happen next to the flow of rotating vortices when it meets the peripheral turbine? And then centrifugal influences direct compacted, ionized air flows directly to the blades of the peripheral turbine, where they are not only dissected and pushed down and to the side, as if from a nozzle, but also reflected back, creating centripetal effects.
This effect is calculated and tuned constructively in terms of antinodes and nodes, period and waves to achieve a stable resonance between the atoms of the diamagnetic disks, as a result of the action of the formed standing waves. In the intervals between the waves, a number of other phenomena that are interesting to us arise. For example, an increase in the effect of negative magnetic susceptibility in the material of disks, also during the creation of resonance phenomena, but in each separate wave period, as a consequence of the deceleration of the air flow during vortex compressions. In this case, part of the centrifugal flows is reflected from the frontal profile of the wave of the lower disk, forming centripetal effects with the formation of standing waves, which leads to the resonance of the disk material in different frequency ranges. The formation of vortex magnetic fields associated with electric radial and ring currents of charges in the intermediate zone should not be overlooked. As a result, fields with zero magnetic and electric strength periodically arise.
As a result of our reasoning, we are convinced of the construction of a dynamic dipole structure with all its attributes of electromagnetic interactions with the environment based on electricity and magnetism. And we confirm that the basis for triggering the phenomena of levitation or conversion of charges of matter of the environment into a current of charges (or electric current) in such systems is the excitation of a sequence of processes of cold and heat, expansion and condensation of the medium, centripetal and centrifugal influences, or the change of fields of negative and positive charges. With one goal – to destroy as much as possible in molecules and atoms of the matter of the medium of space not only electromagnetic connections, but also weak interactions between elementary particles of atoms and molecules. In all this, one can see the formation of a stable undamped oscillatory system with energy consumption from the outside. Due to this, a tension or a gradient of charge densities arises in space, which lifts the object up by the force of a stable implosion, allowing the device to rotate at a certain resonant frequency on its own, that is, to levitate.
In many other well-known constructions, such as J. Searle or V. Grebennikov, similar phenomena are activated, but with a different order, other forms and structures of matter. They are based on the same charge gradient, which is excited by various manifestations of the fields of electricity and magnetism. But there is another wonderful view of the solution to the problem voiced above, and this is the interaction of charges in different media of space. We have already drawn your attention to the fact that objects made of superconductors or diamagnets, rotating with acceleration, when they reach resonance, generate their own magnetic (in fact, gravitational) field, directed against an external similar influence, amplifying it in relation to their own mass. That is, the effect of some body weight loss is created. So, can we state with certainty that weight is proportional to the charge of the substance? That is, the matter of the space of the environment, which forms a denser and thinner medium, in which elementary particles and other clumps of matter move at speeds close to the speed of light, will displace (repel the matter of the environment of the same space, but less dense, structurally larger (although fundamentally consisting of the same thing), but moving in the medium of sound (small) speeds.
Fig. 3. Pushing 2 bodies in a dense medium
Fig. 4. Influence of charges on the motion of bodies the medium
Moreover, it can be displaced in the direction of attraction by a charge of a similar substance (see Fig. 3). Much like a lot of small air bubbles in water combine into larger ones. In the following chapters, we will analyze these interactions of objects in more detail with the matter of the structure of various media in space.
And in this case, in order to trigger the phenomenon of levitation, it is enough to neutralize the effect of the subtle matter medium on objects synchronized with the matter of the sound velocity medium itself. In other words, it is possible to influence the movement of bodies in space by acting on them with other charges, even reflected in the form of a standing wave in the opposite phase (see Fig. 4). We will consider the properties of various forms of matter during the interaction of their charges in a separate chapter, where it is important for us to understand charge as a measure of the intensity of rotation (spin).
Energy and Space
"As sad as it may be, physics is stagnant today – we still drive cars and still fly airplanes."
Mirco Bashich
Let's try to look at such a property of matter as energy a little differently. What is it in essence? Where does it come from in us and around us, and what processes nourish it? This will help us in the perception of many natural phenomena.
Such interactions as weak and strong, electrical, magnetic and gravitational interactions that have long been known to science are all "manifestations" of energy. Conventionally, energy in the Universe exists in two systems: closed and open. In nature, most energy systems are open, if we consider its production and consumption. Energy, in general perception, is the property of matter to do work. Therefore, the energy of any source is capable of exciting and influencing the energy of the environment and even creating conditions for its capture and transformation into the energy of electric current convenient for us. That is, open systems are interaction with energy from the outside.
But energy is the motion, for example, of elementary particles. Or any energy is the power of the movement of the vortex. That is, any flow of energy is a flow of their charges. And as we know, the charge from body to body is transmitted through the electromagnetic field, or the environment through the interaction of vortices, as dipoles of elementary particles. This means that we can safely assert that energy is the value of the charge gradient. Or the magnitude of the intensity of their motion, where "motion" is understood as both rotational (spin) and translational displacement. Obviously, if the charges have a dipole structure, for example, like the poles of the globe – "plus" and "minus" in one, then they are able to accumulate, transfer and modify energy.
Then what are charges? What if the carriers of charges in the microcosm are elementary particles known and unknown to us: electrons, ions, positrons, etc.? What if they all have a vortex structure with different directions of rotation of the torus disk? We already know that vortices are formed when conditions are created for the formation of low- or high-pressure zones. Inside the vortices, the pressure is always reduced, and outside there are centripetal oppositions of the surrounding environment, forming a zone of increased stress. In our case, each such vortex has three energy states in the form of positive, neutral and negative charges. If the presence of axial rotation, or the kinetic energy of the vortex, is responsible for the electric charge of the particle, then its polarity is determined by the orientation of the annular rotation relative to the toroidal rotation.
It is no secret that some laws of mechanics quite rightly describe phenomena occurring in both the micro and macrocosm. Then let's take advantage of this and, by analogy with the direction of rotation of the planets, assume that the negative charges rotate counterclockwise, and the positive ones rotate clockwise, if we look from the side where the torus turns inverted. We say that the energy of an object is conventionally designated as positive or negative, depending on the direction of rotation (spin) of the torus disk, its dipole. However, let us recall that the electron, like other similar dipoles, has both magnetic and electric components. Therefore, their vortex field is more complex than that of a permanent magnet, which simply creates the rotation of the surrounding environment.
How is the charge of the dipole (torus) formed and what is the difference from generally accepted views? In order not to get confused, we note that permanent magnets do not exist in nature. All of them are of artificial origin, they are obtained by sintering ferromagnets that have undergone a special heat treatment and the process of magnetization by an external magnetic field, in which the atoms of the substance are tightly packed in crystals. Such a magnet is able to retain magnetization for a long time and create a magnetic field in the absence of electric current. That is, elementary particles in the structure of permanent magnets with their vortex formations are compressed to such an extent that the central holes of the torus are closed, hence there is no electric current in them. Therefore, all the energy of the vortices of these particles is spent on the unwinding of the torus disk with the involvement of the medium in the rotation of matter in the form of a magnetic field. Where the direction of rotation of the medium in several single magnetic fields coincides, the speed of the joint flux increases, and the pressure decreases. Then the total flux has a unidirectional magnetic field. This is also confirmed by experiments with the combined poles of two permanent magnets. And vice versa, when the rotations do not coincide, the opposite action occurs, or deceleration and pressure increase.
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