Unique English Course Speak real English. Часть 2

Unique English Course Speak real English. Часть 2
Александр Чумаков
Многие считают, что английский язык – это трудно; что вы никогда не будете говорить, как носитель; Автор пособия не согласен. Он сам учил английский и знает, как преуспеть в этом. «Курс уникального английского: говори на настоящем английском» Часть 2 – это аудиокурс. Вы учите английский ушами, а не глазами, слушая веселые, а иногда странные истории. Мы обожаем истории, мы растем с историями, мы учимся на историях. Это уникальный курс английского для уникальных людей, как вы!

Unique English Course Speak real English
Часть 2

Александр Чумаков

© Александр Чумаков, 2024

ISBN 978-5-0064-7196-2 (т. 2)
ISBN 978-5-0064-7197-9
Created with Ridero smart publishing system

Hello everyone! My name is Alexander, but many people call me Alex for short. I am the author of this Unique English Course. Speak real English. Part 2.

Everything I do:
I believe in helping you speak English better.
I believe that English can be easy and fun.
I believe that English is beautiful and awesome.

The way I do it is:
By teaching you real, true and excellent English.
By using the best methods for learning and speaking English.
By inspiring you and motivating you to stay committed to learning English.

I just happened to make a great English course.
Wanna do one?

I have created this “Unique English Course. Speak real English. Part 2.” because I want to help you become a strong, fantastic and confident English speaker. I want you to succeed at English. I want you to speak true, real and excellent English.

Now, I would like to tell you how I can help you start speaking real, true and excellent English and feel absolutely relaxed at the same time. I want you to think of my Unique English Course as a key to the door. It is the key to that beautiful door for you to enter the space of real, true and excellent English. I want to help you by giving you the key to that beautiful, fantastic and gorgeous door to the real world of English; the door that leads you to your better understanding, your better pronunciation and, finally, to your better speaking and, of course, to getting automatic respect from people when you speak English.

I can help you to speak true, real and excellent English because I know how it feels to learn English as a foreign language. I do know what it feels and I do know what it takes to speak English where people around you do not speak English or speak English but very little. I know that because I was there. I was like you. I was born in Russia and I grew up in Russia. I myself learned English as a second language. That is why I understand perfectly well your anxiety, your worry and your embarrassment every time you need to speak English.

When I was 10 years old, I already wanted to be of help. I already wanted to be a teacher. I did not know what I was going to teach, but one thing I knew for sure was that I wanted to be a teacher. I wanted to serve others.

And I decided to teach English – one of the most beautiful languages in the world. I went to University. Since that time I have become a willing student of English, and I have become very much interested in how I could help people to speak excellent English all over the globe.
Many years have passed since then, I have learned from the best, and I’ve found the method that I am going to share with you in this course. This is the story-telling method – one of the best methods in the world for learning foreign languages. I became a teacher of English many years ago. But still I am committed to serving people. Still, I am excited and curious about what I am doing. Still, I am devoted to my calling, which is to teach you to speak true, real and excellent English.
If you let me teach you, and if you let me lead you and guide you through this tough, difficult and meandering process of acquiring English, together we will certainly take your English to a new level. And I promise you will speak English the way you never did before.

    With love and respect,
    your English teacher Alex

What you will learn in this unique english course
Let me tell you what you are going to do in this Unique English Course to succeed at the course faster and better. My Unique English Course. Speak real English (part 2) has 12 units and 3 months of audio lessons.

Each unit includes:
1st A short story. Each story is a pleasant, enjoyable, instructive and mysterious journey which you are going to undertake and, most importantly, you are going to learn a good deal of good, new and useful ideas that can bring out the best in you.

The vocabulary lesson – this is where I explain the meaning of the words you might not know. Here I am going to walk you through some words and some idioms in English, you can hear people use, when they talk about things in everyday life situations and not only. In this lesson I am going to broaden your horizons in terms of using the words and I am going to make some comments of my own as well. I hope you will find them useful.

And, of course, 3rd you will have your favorite mini-story lessons where I am asking the story and answering the questions. The mini-story lessons will help you to understand English grammar better and remember the ideas given faster and longer. I am sure you will have a lot of fun while taking this fantastic, sometimes difficult, but absolutely amazing journey. At the end of the journey, you will certainly become a better English speaker and a better human being.

4th – The commentary lesson. Not each unit has a commentary lesson. Starting from the sixth lesson you are going to have a new lesson where I am going to philosophize about the meaning of the story and about the moral of the story. It will not only help you understand the story better, but it will also help you see better what is hidden between the lines. In other words, what you can learn from the story to speak English better and to learn more about the world around you to become a better human being. All this, I am sure, will help you get the message of the story and, of course, you will listen to English more, you will learn more and you will enjoy it more.
Good luck to you!

    With love and respect,
    your English teacher,
    Alexander Chumakov.

Why do we learn stories here?
Why do we learn stories here?
That is a great question. You know, how much I love “The Why-questions”. Let me tell you why all my books, why all my English courses have stories and why the method I use when I teach English is called a story-telling method.

Story-telling is one of the best methods for learning foreign languages. We, human beings, are storytelling creatures. Our brains love stories and we all learn from stories. Stories are vital. We convey our feelings, our mood, our energy and the truth with stories. We convey the mystery of the language. And most importantly, we learn English grammar intuitively like children do. That’s why stories. I don’t mean, don’t learn grammar. No. Grammar is important. I am saying that grammar is difficult. Grammar is very difficult. Grammar is boring. It is hard to say anything interesting and comprehensible to people when teaching them languages and you have to focus on grammar rules a lot.

When you learn a language, a foreign language, for example, you learn English. You learn grammar rules, right? You learn all about the sentences and how words work together. And when you want to say something in English, you make the sentence in your own language first, and then you drag out of your memory the words you need and put them into the sentence. That is painful. That is difficult. That is boring and it takes time. When you acquire the language, you understand what you hear. You can only acquire the language when you understand the language, you understand the message. The message has to be interesting and comprehensible. In other words, the message has to be compelling and understandable. Only when you are totally involved in the story, the world disappears around you. You forget that it is in another language. You acquire the language. It means you get the language. You understand the language. Language acquisition happens.
I don’t mean, don’t learn grammar. I don’t mean, if you study grammar, go to jail. No, grammar is important. I am saying again that grammar is difficult. Grammar is very difficult. Grammar is boring. What I have to do as a teacher is say things that are interesting, comprehensible which means understandable, and then grammar will take care of itself. And this is hard enough. All I need, as a teacher, is to make sure that you are paying attention and you are interested in what I am saying. It’s a good story. That is why I sit down and create these compelling and comprehensible, interesting and understandable stories for you.
When you tell a story, something remarkable happens: imagination flies and magic begins. What’s why stories.

Why are mini-stories so powerful?
Mini-stories are powerful because I deliberately use the most common verbs like: go, come, take, give, wish, run and there is so much repetition in these stories. And the questions come and again they should be very, very easy and very much comprehensible. So you answer the questions without thinking.
And you no longer deal with the story; you focus on the most common verbs we use in daily conversations.
What do you get from this? The same words, the same questions and you get the basic structures of the sentences with so much repetition.
Even if you start as a beginner, it is first noisy and then with time it gets clearer and clearer to you and you feel more and more confident in what you are learning.
Some of the stories are easy, some of them are difficult. Why? It is because of our brain again.
The brain requires two things: repetition and novelty. Novelty is not necessarily to be something new. It means when you learn something using a lot of repletion, you eventually get tired and bored and you need to give your brain a kind of break. It can help you develop the flexibility of your brain.

If you stay with simple stories and never push yourself to harder stories, it is easier for you to get that boredom. But if you push yourself and make yourself learn something a little bit more difficult than you did before, your brain becomes more alert and more alive and you remember much better and faster, so you learn better and speak better. That’s why mini-stories are so powerful.

How to use my unique english course
My dear friend! My congratulations! Welcome to Unique English Course. Speak real English. Part 2.
Hello! This is Alex, your English teacher. You are now ready to speak true, real and excellent English. Here I am going to tell you what you should do to start speaking English the way you never did before.

How to use the story

Each story, each set has several lesson files. All lessons, in a story, in a set, have the same name. These lessons go together. Every day, you will listen to all the lessons in ONE story, in ONE lesson set (all the lessons go with the same name). You will listen to only one set for 7 days or more, but not less than 7 days or not less than one week.
This is very important. As you remember, the motto of the course is “Repetition is the mother of skill”.
You will only improve your English quickly if you follow this method – one story, one lesson set everyday – the same lessons set every day for 7 days (or more). Slower is better.

How to use texts:

1. First, try to only listen.
Don’t use these text transcripts first. Try to listen to a story, a vocabulary lesson and a Mini-story, and my comments without the text. If you understand them, you don’t need the text – just continue to listen.

2. Use these text transcripts only when you do not understand something.
If you don’t understand part of a story, a vocabulary or a Mini-Story, or my comments read the text. You absolutely must go back and read what you do not understand. This is vitally important. This will help you identify vocabulary you might not understand from just listening. Use a dictionary, if necessary, to find unknown words. You will certainly begin to understand better and remember much better of what you listen to. Of course, you understand that you can only remember things when you understand them!

3. Read and Listen at the same time, a few times.
Once you know all of the words and phrases in a story, a vocabulary lesson and a Mini-Story, and all the other parts of the story or set of the lessons, now you can listen and read at the same time. Do this a few times only. Every day focus more on answering the questions. Use your voice. I mean, answer the questions in a loud voice. You absolutely must hear your voice!

4. Just listen again.
Now you just listen to the Mini-story. Don’t read. You know the questions and the answers very well.
Do not focus on reading – focus on listening!
Put the text aside and only listen to the Mini-Stories. Only answer the questions. These text transcripts can help you, but don’t use them too much.
And, of course, you have to listen to the Commentary lessons and enjoy them. And do it as many days as you can, but not less than 7 days, not less than one week.
If you follow the system, you will certainly succeed.
Remember: listening is the key to speaking.

I wish you good luck and every success!
With love and respect, your English teacher,

Oh, there is one more thing, I should mention just a few words about my other courses. I have to tell you about what I have created, I have done by now. You have to know that, because how else will you know what I have to offer you, if I don’t tell you about it, right?

My bestselling book is my first book which is Unique English Course. Speak real English. Part 1. This book has the same structure as the book you are holding now in your hands. It has crazy, funny and stupid stories. It has vocabulary lessons and it has mini-story lessons. This is a very good book for those who already understand English, but still have some difficulty speaking English. It is for those who are still afraid of making mistakes; for those who want to improve.

My second book is Super English Course. Speak like a native. This is a big book. I mean, it is not as easy as the first one, but it has the same structure but the level of English is higher and the vocabulary is more advanced and the stories are even crazier, funnier and it has some lectures and a lot of interesting, instructive and compelling things to learn and to use in everyday life to become not only a brilliant English speaker, but also a fantastic human being.

Number three is the course for beginners with a fantastic and very optimistic name which is “I want to speak English”. One of the reasons I’ve created this course is because I know how difficult it is to find a truly remarkable book to start learning English. After many years of studying, learning, teaching and practicing English, I have learned how to teach beginners English much better, more efficiently and more compelling.

I also have a business English course called “Secrets of Success”. This book is for those who already speak English pretty well, and now want to understand business in general and to speak true, real and excellent business English. But you can go and try it, if you want to. So try these books. You have nothing to lose, but you have a life to win. I guarantee it will help you to speak English the way you never did before.

So you can go and choose any course you like to start with. See you soon.

Unit 1. “The Japanese Farmer”
Hello, my superstar English learner! This is Alex. I hope you are doing well today. Welcome to our first lesson called “The Japanese Farmer”. Let’s begin!

One early morning, a farmer hears a knock on the door. When he answers the door, he sees all of his animals standing on their heads on the porch. The farmer immediately understands that something has happened. Why? Because the animals are standing on their heads and they are looking unhappy, upset and even angry.
“What’s happened?” the farmer asks.
One of the oldest and the wisest donkeys says, “On behalf of the animals, I want to say that there is a big problem, Tatsuki.” By the way, the farmer’s name is Tatsuki.
“A big problem? What’s the problem? Tatsuki wonders.
The problem is that we do not know English. You understand English, you read in English and speak English, but not we. We do not understand English. We do not speak English. We need to know English.” the donkey says.
“Why do you need English?” Tatsuki asks.
“You don’t understand, Tatsuki. We need English to watch YouTube videos, to read American and English books and, of course, to talk with other animals from different countries”, the animals say.
“Okay”, says Tatsuki. “I know English, but I can’t teach you English. So I can’t help you”.
“Maybe you know someone who can?” the animals ask. And at this very moment, the farmer remembers Alex, the English teacher. And he goes, “Wait, wait, I know. If there is anyone who can help you, it is Alex. Alex can teach you to understand and to read and to speak true, real and excellent English.” All the animals are elated. “But”, says the farmer. “But?” ask the animals. “But I have lost his telephone number somewhere. So I can’t call him. Sorry, guys.”
Immediately, the wisest donkey comes up with an idea! “We must find it. How about doing a big search on the farm? I am sure, we will find it.”
“That’s a great idea!” Tatsuki says.
For three days and three nights, the farmer and the animals have searched everywhere. And finally, a young pig finds a small, dirty and crumpled piece of paper with Alex’s telephone number on it.
The farmer immediately calls Alex. He asks him to come and teach his animals English. But Alex cannot come. Why? Because Alex is far away. Now he lives in Russia. But Alex says, “I cannot come to you, but you can buy my books, my English courses. And if you do the courses, I promise, you will understand English. You will read in English and, of course, you will speak true, real and excellent English”.
The farmer and the animals are very happy and very excited.

This is the end of the story for “The Japanese Farmer”What are you going to do next? Right! Next, you are going to listen to this story. And you are going to enjoy the story. And then you go and grab your vocabulary lesson. See you there.

Unit 1. The vocabulary lesson
Hello, this is Alex and this is your vocabulary lesson for “The Japanese Farmer.” Let’s start it immediately.

I am going to start with the phrase “to answer the door”
Let me read this sentence for you again so that you can hear this phrase again.
When the farmer answers the door, he sees all of his animals standing on their heads on the porch.
To answer the door simply means to open the door. It is when you go and open the door because a visitor has knocked on it or rung the bell. So, in our case, the animals have knocked on the door and the farmer goes to the door and opens it. In other words, he answers the door.

Next we have another fantastic expression which is “on behalf of someone”
Well, actually, it is an English idiom. We use this idiom when we want to say something on the part of someone or instead of someone or in support of someone because you are representing the interests of that person or the interests of that group of people. In our case, the oldest and the wisest donkey represents the interests of all the animals. So he speaks for all the animals. He speaks instead of the animals. All the animals have chosen the donkey as he is the oldest and the wisest and he knows how to speak well and they let him speak on their behalf. They let the donkey represent their interests.

Okay, we move on and we see one more idiom which is “at this very moment”
At this or at that very moment simply means at the present moment or at the same moment or simply right now. It’s easy, right? At the same moment, when the animals ask the farmer if he knows anyone who can help to teach them English, he remembers Alex, the English teacher who was his English teacher many years ago. At this very moment, the farmer remembers Alex, the English teacher. I think you get the idea, right?

In this lesson we also have the verb “to go”
You may say what “to go”? Who doesn’t know this verb? Everybody does. Everybody knows this verb. Yes, you’re right. Of course, you know the meaning of this word, no doubt about it. But you also know that English is crazy. Let me prove it to you. Here “to go” means “to say”. Yes, you see. English is really crazy. I go it means I say. That is why in the story you hear me say. I go, “Wait, wait, I know if there is anyone who can help you it is Alex. Alex can teach you to understand, to read and to speak true, real and excellent English”.

Our next expression for today is “to get elated”
The sentence says, “All the animals get elated.” To get elated means to become extremely happy and excited often because something has happened or been achieved. If you want to say that you are full of joy, you are extremely happy about something you say, “I am elated by something”. For example, your friend has a child, a new daughter. You are extremely happy for him and you say, “I am elated by the birth of your daughter”. In our case, the animals become supper happy when they learn that the farmer knows how to help them learn English better and faster and that very fact makes them extremely happy and excited. They are full of joy. They get elated by that fact.

Next we have the expression “to come up with something”
The sentence says, “Immediately, the wisest donkey comes up with an idea!” When someone comes up with something it means that they suggest or think of an idea or of a plan. So the wisest donkey suggests the idea. He has an idea in his head. It has the meaning that an idea comes to his mind and he produces it. He gives an idea. He produces an idea. He comes up with an idea. “Immediately, the wisest donkey comes up with an idea!” And, of course, you remember the idea that the donkey comes up with, right? The wisest donkey says, “How about doing a big search on the farm.”

This is our next sentence that we are going to focus on in this vocabulary lesson. “To do a big search”
When someone decides to do a search it means that they try to find something by looking for them carefully because they want to find something every important, something that they have lost, for example. It may be anything. It may be the key to your room; it maybe the book you’re reading now, or it may be, like in our case, the telephone number. So the wisest donkey suggests doing a big search on the farm in order to find Alex’s telephone number. The telephone number is very important for all of them. I think you get the idea, right?

And our final word for today is “to search”
In the previous vocabulary item, you see this word “search” as a noun, as a thing. Do what? A search. And “a search” there means a thing which is expressed by the object. But here we have the verb. Yes, in English the same word can be a noun and can be a verb. It all depends where we put it in the sentence. In the story I say, “For three days and three nights, the farmer and the animals have searched everywhere.” I use the word “search” as a verb which means to go around a place and look around everywhere very carefully. I put the word between the subject (the farmer and the animals) and the adverbial modifier “everywhere”. This is where we usually put verbs, because we are talking about actions. We put verbs between subjects and objects or adverbials. By doing it we show what the subjects do. This is how we usually structure all the sentences in English, and not only in English. We do it in Russian, in Spanish and in many other European languages. So the farmer and the animals search everywhere wanting to find Alex’s telephone number to start speaking English. And as you remember, they find it. They telephone Alex and everything ends well.

That’s the end of the vocabulary lesson for “The Japanese Farmer” Okay. See for the mini-story.

Unit 1. The mini-story lesson
Hi, this is Alex. And this is the mini-story lesson for “The Japanese Farmer”. By the way, my friends, how are you doing today? I hope that you are doing well. The mini-story lesson is the lesson where I ask a lot of funny, easy and stupid questions and answer them. You are listening and answering the questions when you are ready. Are you ready? Are you ready? Let’s rock it! It means let’s do it, but do it with energy and enthusiasm.

One early morning, a farmer heard a knock on the door. Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you that the story is going to be in the past tense. Okay, let’s start it again.
One early morning, a farmer heard a knock on the door. When he answered the door, he saw all of his animals standing on their heads on the porch. The farmer immediately understood that something had happened.
How did the farmer understand that something had happened? Come on, you know the story so you can answer it. I know.
Because the animals were standing on their heads and they were looking unhappy, upset and even angry.
“What’s happened?” the farmer asked. Right?
Yes, exactly. That was what the farmer asked them. “What’s happened?”
One of the oldest and the wisest donkeys said, “On behalf of the animals, I want to say that there is a big problem, Tatsuki.” By the way, the farmer’s name was Tatsuki.
“A big problem? What’s the problem? Tatsuki wondered.
What was the problem?
The problem was that the animals did not know English.
“Tatsuki, you understand English. You read in English and speak English, but not we. We do not understand English. We do not speak English. We need to know English. Do you think it is fair?” the donkey said.
It means that the animals believe that it is not right, not good or not just for them not to speak English.
“Why do you need English?” Tatsuki asked.
And what did the animals say? Right. “You don’t understand, Tatsuki. We need English to watch YouTube videos, to read American and English books and, of course, to talk with other animals from different countries”.
Why did the animals need English?
They needed English to watch YouTube videos, to read books in English and, of course, to talk with other animals from different countries in the world.
Did the farmer agree with the animals?
Yes, he did. He said, “Okay. Fair enough! (It means I agree.) I know English, but I can’t teach you English. So I can’t help you”.
Did Tatsuki know English?
Yes, he did. Tatsuki the farmer knew English very well. He could understand English. He could speak English. English was not a problem for him.
What was the problem for Tatsuki?
The problem was that he couldn’t teach English. Yes, he knew English, but he couldn’t teach his animals English.
That’s why he said, “Sorry, I can’t help you.” Right?
Yes, that’s right. He was sorry for not being able to help his animals.
Did his animals give up?
No, of course, not. They asked, “Maybe you know someone who can?”
Did the farmer know anyone who could help the animals?
Well, first he said, “Search me!”
He said that?
Yes, he said, “Search me!”
What does it mean “Search me!”?
It means “I do not know”. When someone asks you a question and you don’t know the answer to the question, you say “search me!” Wow! Interesting! I love it. Search me! I don’t know. That’s cool. English is really full of surprises.
Okay. Getting back to the story. But then Tatsuki remembered Alex, the English teacher.
Oh, that’s great! What did he say?
And he went, “Wait, wait, I know. If there is anyone who can help you, it is Alex. Alex can teach you to understand to read and to speak true, real and excellent English.”
Were the animals happy with Tatsuki’s answer?
Happy? Happy is not the word. All the animals were elated.
“But”, said the farmer.
“But?” asked the animals. My God! There is always a “but”.
“But I have lost his telephone number somewhere. So I can’t call him. Sorry, guys.”
What did the farmer do with Alex’s telephone number?
He lost it. The farmer lost the telephone number somewhere.
Whose telephone number did the farmer lose?
Alex’s. The farmer lost Alex’s telephone number.
Did the farmer know where he had lost Alex’s telephone number?
No, he didn’t know that. He didn’t know where he had lost his telephone number.
The farmer said that he had lost Alex’s telephone number somewhere.
What happened then?
Immediately, the wisest donkey came up with an idea! “We must find it. How about doing a big search on the farm? I am sure, we will find it.”
“That’s a great idea!” Tatsuki says. Remember?
What did the wisest donkey come up with?
An idea. The wisest donkey came up with an idea.
Did the wisest donkey suggest an idea?
Yes, exactly. He suggested an idea.
Did the wisest donkey produce an idea?
Yes, he did. An idea came to his head and he produced an idea. He came up with an idea.
Who came up with an idea?
The wisest donkey did. The wisest donkey came up with an idea.
What idea did he come up with?
He came up with an idea of doing a big search on the farm.
What exactly did the wisest donkey say?
He said, “We must find it. How about doing a big search on the farm? I am sure we will find it.”
Did the wisest donkey say, “How about forgetting his idea of finding Alex’s telephone number?”
No, he didn’t say that. On the contrary, he asked “How about looking for Alex’s telephone number?” “How about doing a big reach?” In other words, let’s go and look for the telephone number everywhere.
I see. Did the animals do what the wisest donkey suggested they do?
Yes, they did. And not only the animals. For three days and three nights, the farmer and the animals searched everywhere. And finally, a young pig found a small, dirty and crumpled piece of paper with Alex’s telephone number on it.
For how long did the farmer and the animals search everywhere?
For three days and three nights they searched everywhere.
Who searched everywhere for three days and three nights?
Right! The farmer and the animals did. They all searched everywhere.
Did they finally find what they were searching for?
Yes, they did. They finally found Alex’s telephone number.
Who finally found Alex’s telephone number? Remember?
A young pig finally found Alex’s telephone number. By the way, it was on a small, dirty and crumpled piece of paper.
Crumpled piece of paper? What does “crumpled” mean?
Here “crumpled” means old and not looking nice and fresh. So the piece of paper that the young pig found was old and it didn’t look nice and fresh. It was a small, dirty and crumpled piece of paper.
I see. Thank you.
My pleasure. Let’s get back to the story.
The farmer immediately called Alex. He asked him to come and teach his animals English. But Alex couldn’t come.
Because Alex was far away.
Where was Alex?
In Russia. Alex didn’t live in Japan anymore. Now he lives in Russia. But Alex said, “I cannot come to you, but you can buy my books, my English courses. And if you do the courses, I promise, you will understand English. You will read in English better and, of course, you will speak true, real and excellent English”.
Will the animals understand English if they buy Alex’s English courses?
Yes, they will.
Will the animals read in English better if they buy Alex’s books?
Yes, they will. And not only.
Will the animals speak true, real and excellent English?
Yes, they will. But they will only speak true, real and excellent English if they do the courses. The farmer and the animals were very happy and very excited.

This is the end of the mini-story lesson for “The Japanese Farmer”. Listen to this lesson and answer the questions. Do it every day for seven days and I promise you will speak English better than you are doing now. See you soon, and have a great day!

Unit 2. “A Little Girl”
Hello, this is Alex. Hope, you are having a nice day today. Welcome to our next lesson, to our next story called “A Little Girl”. Let’s get started.

There was a little, beautiful and kind girl. Her name was Amelia. She loved doing two things very much. She loved reading fairy tales, and she loved dreaming a lot. Every day Amelia read one fairy tale. Every day Amelia dreamed a lot. From reading fairy tales she learned about a magic wand. Because Amelia was a big dreamer, she began to dream of having a magic wand. Every day she imagined herself having a magic wand.

Amelia often said, “I wish I had a magic wand. If only I had a magic wand, I would be the happiest girl in the world. And I would help less fortunate people to be happier.”

One fine day, Amelia was helping her grandmother in the garden. The sun was shining bright. The birds were singing beautifully. The flowers were in bloom. The day was gorgeous.
Suddenly, Amelia saw a little, beautiful and rare bird with something in her beak. In a flash, the bird landed on the ground next to Amelia.
“This is a magic wand. It is for you, Amelia”, said the bird. “Take care of it. Protect it well and use it properly.” Then the bird flew away.
Amelia was very much excited. She gladly accepted the gift.

Amelia decided to go to the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. In school, Amelia learned how to take care of her magic wand. She learned how to protect the magic wand well. She learned how to use the magic wand properly. She learned quickly. Of course, Amelia made mistakes. But because she was a diligent student, she was a success.
After four years in the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Amelia became a master of her magic wand. Her dream came true. She became a real magician. She became a fantastic wizard. Amelia helped a lot of people to become happier and luckier. She was fulfilled.

This is the end of the story called “A Little Girl”. As always listen to this story every day. Listen and enjoy. And, of course, dream big. Believe in what you imagine is possible for you, like Amelia did. And your dream will certainly come true. Next is your vocabulary lesson. See you there!

Unit 2. The vocabulary lesson
Hi, this is Alex again and this is the vocabulary lesson for “A Little Girl”

And of course, I am going to focus on the words “a magic wand”
What is a magic wand? A magic wand is a small stick used by magicians and fairies who perform tricks and magic. It also has the meaning of a quick and easy solution to a problem. Of course, you are well aware of that there is no magic wand to start speaking English better. You cannot just wave a magic wand and immediately start speaking true, real and excellent English. No. You have to work hard to speak true, real and excellent English. It’s obvious. But let’s get back to the story.

Next we have the expression “I wish I had something”
We use this phrase to express wanting something that you don’t have. It is when you want to have something or to do something, but you cannot have it because you don’t have enough money to buy it or you don’t have enough experience or knowledge to do it. In other words, you feel sorry for not having something that you would like to have or you would like to change in this or that situation. In our story, Amelia says, “I wish I had a magic wand.” She wants to have a magic wand, but she doesn’t have it. She expresses her regret at not having a magic wand. She would like her present situation to be different.

In this lesson we also have another phrase which is “if only”
In the story Amelia says, “If only I had a magic wand, I would be the happiest girl in the world”
Here “if only” is simply another way of saying “I wish”. The difference between these two phrases is very small. You can use them both interchangeably. But if you really want to know the difference I will tell you. We use “if only I had” or “if only I knew”, and so on when we become more emotional and want to show that we would very much like the situation to be different. In other words, “if only” is stronger than “I wish”.
In the story you see that Amelia says first, “I wish I had a magic wand”, but then she becomes more emotional and she says, “If only I had a magic wand, I would be the happiest girl in the world.” I think you get the idea, right?

And, of course, we are going to find out the reason Amelia really wants to have that magic wand. We can see it from the next sentence which is “I would help less fortunate people to be happier”. It is good to wish to be happier. This is what Amelia does by saying that. But she not only wants to be happier than she is now, she also wants to help other people to be less fortunate. She wants people to be happier too. What does “less fortunate people” mean? Less comes from “little” when we compare something to something.”
Less fortunate people are the people who are not as lucky or happy as others. Some people can be more fortunate than others by simply having better health or by being born in a wealthy family or by getting into luck. So Amelia wants to help those people who are not that happy, not that lucky, and not as bright as those who are. This is her dream. This is what she would like to change, if she had a magic wand. I think you get the idea, right?
We move on and we have the expression “to be in bloom”
Usually we say like that when we talk about a plant or a tree that has flowers on it. In the story you can see that the weather is gorgeous. It is probably spring time and the plants have flowers on them. They are in bloom. It is the period when flowers open. For example, the roses (are) in bloom.

Next we see the word “rare”
Here “rare” means not happening very often. So it doesn’t happen very often to see a bird like that. A rare bird is a bird you don’t see very often because it is difficult to find. Amelia sees a little, beautiful and unusual, unique bird, a bird which is difficult to find, a rare bird.

In this lesson we also have the expression “in a flash”
Well, actually, it is an idiom. It means very quickly or immediately. It can also mean suddenly. Suddenly, immediately, very quickly, the bird lands on the ground next to Amelia. In a flash, the bird lands on the ground next to Amelia.

From the story, you know that the rare bird gives Amelia a magic wand as a gift. Amelia is very happy about the gift, but she doesn’t know what to do with it. She decides to go the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
And now let me explain to you what the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry means. The School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is a special school of magic. Witchcraft is the activity of performing magic to harm other people. Witches usually use evil powers to bring bad things to people’s lives. Wizardry is the activity of performing magic to help people. Wizards use good powers to help people to live better. So the school of Witchcraft and Wizardry teaches Amelia how to use the evil and good powers using her magic wand.

Our next word-combination is “a diligent student”
A diligent student is a student who works hard with care and effort. So Amelia works very hard with care and effort. Yes, she makes mistake, like any of us, right? But she continues to study hard performing magic. She puts all her time, energy and love into doing it. And she is a success, which actually means she is successful.

And our next expression for today is “to become a master of something”
When someone becomes a master of something, it means that he or she is very skilled in a particular job or activity. So Amelia becomes very skilled at performing magic. She stops making mistakes and she does magic extremely well. She is a master of her magic wand. She knows everything about it. She knows how to use it, how to protect it and how to take care of it. She is a master of her magic wand. And by the way, it is not an easy thing to do. You really have to know and practice a lot. It is like when you practice English. You put all your time, all your energy and all your love into learning English. That is why you become better and better at English and one day, I am sure, you will become a master of English. And when you become a master of English, you will definitely be fulfilled. It means you will be happy and proud of yourself that what you have done, what you have achieved is good not only for you but also for other people.
And on this note, let me finish this fantastic vocabulary lesson. I want you to be fulfilled with what you do. It is one of the most important things to do in life, I believe.

Okay, see you for the mini-story lesson. Bye-bye.

Unit 2. The mini-story lesson
Hello, this is Alex. I am super excited that you continue learning English with me. Welcome to our mini-story for “A Little Girl” As you know I am going to ask the story. I am going to ask a lot of studio, crazy and funny questions. And I am going to give answers to all my questions. So here we go.

There was a little, beautiful and kind girl. Her name was Amelia. She loved doing two things very much. She loved reading fairy tales, and she loved dreaming a lot. Every day Amelia read one fairy tale. Every day Amelia dreamed a lot. From reading fairy tales she learned about a magic wand. Because Amelia was a big dreamer, she began to dream of having a magic wand. Every day she imagined herself having a magic wand.
How many things did Amelia love doing?
Two. She loved doing two things.
What were they? What were the two things Amelia loved doing?
Reading and dreaming. Amelia loved reading and dreaming.
Did Amelia love reading and dreaming a little or a lot?
A lot. Very much. She loved reading and dreaming a lot.
What kind of books did Amelia love reading?
Fairy tales. She loved reading fairy tales.
Okay. What was the second thing Amelia loved doing? Was it dancing?
No, it was not dancing.
No? Each girl loves dancing.
Yes, but not Amelia. She didn’t love dancing. What she really loved was dreaming. And she did it a lot.
Do you remember what Amelia learned about from reading fairy tales?
Yes, I do. She learned about a magic wand.
Oh, interesting. A magic wand. It would be great to have one, wouldn’t it?
Yes, it would be great.
What did Amelia begin to do after learning about a magic wand?
She began to dream of having a magic wand. Every day she imagined herself having a magic wand.
What did Amelia imagine herself doing?
She imagined herself having a magic wand.
Amelia often said, “I wish I had a magic wand. If only I had a magic wand, I would be the happiest girl in the world. And I would help less fortunate people to be happier.”
Did Amelia have a magic wand?
No, she didn’t have it.
Did Amelia want to have a magic wand?
Yes, she wanted to have it very much.
How do you know that?
I know that because Amelia often said that.
What exactly did Amelia say about having a magic wand?”
“I wish I had a magic wand. If only I had a magic wand, I would be the happiest girl in the world. And I would help less fortunate people to be happier.” That’s what she said.
Would her life be happier if she had a magic wand?
Yes, exactly. It would be happier. Amelia’s life would be happier if she had a magic wand.
What would Amelia do, if she had a magic wand?
She would help less fortunate people to be happier.
What kind of people would Amelia help, if only she had a magic wand?
Less fortunate people. She would help less fortunate people, if only she had a magic wand.
One day, Amelia was helping her grandmother in the garden. The sun was shining bright. The birds were singing beautifully. The flowers were in bloom. The day was gorgeous. Suddenly, Amelia saw a little, beautiful and rare bird with something in her beak. In a flash, the bird landed on the ground next to Amelia.
“This is a magic wand. It is for you, Amelia”, said the bird. “Take care of it. Protect it well and use it properly”, said the bird. Amelia was very much excited. She gladly accepted the gift.

Wow! Unbelievable. This is the power of dream at work. That’s how it works. Okay.
What did Amelia see when working in the garden?
She saw a little, beautiful and rare bird when working in the garden.
Did Amelia see a bird like that before?
Well, actually, yes, she did, but not very often. I would say, she saw the bird like that, but it was very rarely.
Amelia saw the rare bird with something in her beak? Right?
Yes, that’s right.
What was it? A cigarette?
No, it was a cigarette. She was holding a magic wand.
Did the bird land on the ground next to Amelia very slowly or very quickly?
Very quickly. In a flash. The rare bird landed on the ground next to Amelia in a flash.
When the bird landed on the ground next to Amelia, what did she do?
She began to talk to Amelia.
Oh, yes, of course. It is not a surprise. All the little, beautiful and rare birds always talk to people. Okay. What did the bird say to Amelia?
The bird said, “This is a magic wand. And it is for you, Amelia”
Are you kidding me?
No, I am not. This is exactly what the bird said to Amelia.
Who did the bird say it to?
To Amelia. The bird said it to Amelia.
What else did the bird say to Amelia?
She said, “Take care of it. Protect it well and use it properly.”
What did the rare bird want Amelia to do with the magic wand?
She wanted her to take care of it. She wanted her to protect it well. And she wanted her to use it properly.
Did Amelia accept the gift?
Yes, she did. She gladly accepted the gift.
What did Amelia accept gladly?
The gift, the magic wand that the rare bird gave to her. Amelia gladly accepted the gift.
Did Amelia accept the gift with pleasure, happily?
Yes, exactly. She accepted the gift with pleasure, happily. She gladly accepted the gift.
Did Amelia know how to use the magic wand?
No, she didn’t. Amelia had no idea how to use the magic wand.
What did Amelia decide to do next?
Next, Amelia decided to go to the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Where did she decide to go to?
To the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Next Amelia decided to go to the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
What did Amelia learn in the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?
In school, Amelia learned how to take care of her magic wand. She learned how to protect the magic wand well. She learned how to use the magic wand properly.
Who learned how to take care of the magic wand?
Amelia did. Amelia learned how to take care of her magic wand.
Did Amelia learn how to protect the magic wand well or badly?
Well, not badly. Amelia learned how to protect her magic wand well.
What else did Amelia learn to do with the magic wand in the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?
She also learned how to use the magic wand properly.
You mean she learned how to use the magic wand to do good things?
Yes, that’s what I mean. Amelia learned how to use her magic wand properly.
Was Amelia a quick learner?
Yes, she was. She learned quickly. She was a quicker learner.
Did Amelia make mistakes in school?
Of course, Amelia made mistakes. Simply because everybody makes mistakes when they learn new things, right?
Was Amelia a success?
Yes, she was. She was a success. She was a very successful student.
Why was Amelia a success?
Because she was a diligent student. Because she was a diligent student she was a success.
A diligent student? What do you mean by saying that?
I mean she was a very hard-working student. She put her love, care and attention into performing magic. That’s why she was a success.
After four years in the school of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Amelia became a master of her magic wand. Her dream came true. She became a real magician. She became a fantastic wizard. Amelia helped a lot of people to become happier and luckier. She was fulfilled.
After how many years did Amelia become a master of her magic wand?
After four years. After four years in the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Amelia became a master of her magic wand. She could perform magic easily and confidently. She became a real magician. She became a fantastic wizard.
Did Amelia help less fortunate people to become happier and luckier?
Yes, she did. With the power of the magic wand, Amelia helped a lot of less fortunate people to become happier and luckier.
How did Amelia feel?
Oh, she felt fulfilled. She felt proud of herself.
Why did Amelia feel fulfilled?
She felt fulfilled, because she was proud of herself. She felt fulfilled because she’d done good things for less fortunate people. And it was important to her.

This is the end of the mini-story for “A Little Girl” My hope is that every time you do these lessons, you feel fulfilled too, not only because you improve your English, but also because you help other people to understand you better. By improving your English, you make talking to you a real pleasure for others. See you soon.

Unit 3. “A Sweet Tooth”
Hello, this is Alex. Welcome to our third story called “A Sweet Tooth”. Before we start the lesson, I want to remind you that you are doing this unique English course because you want to speak true, real and excellent English. I also want you to know that I am here to help you succeed in doing it far better and much faster. But if by the end of this unique English course, you want to open the door to another foreign language, for example, you will want to understand Italian and to start speaking Italian, so this commercial break is just what you need.

I’ll be back after the commercial break
Voglio parlare italiano. I want to speak Italian is my new absolutely gorgeous Italian course for beginners. This Italian course is something. It is for people who have decided to understand Italian form nothing. There are sixteen stories and more than ten hours of Italian with Russian translation.
Voglio parlare italiano. I want to speak Italian is where I’ll guide you and I’ll train you from story to story. It is an amazing journey that you are going to undertake with the main characters. From them you will learn how to make sentences in Italian, how to ask questions in Italian, how to answer them and, most importantly, you will learn how to make so – called Italian salad out of new words to improve your Italian quicker, even if you are just a beginner. Do my fantastic Italian course which is called “Voglio parlare italiano. I want to speak Italian” and start speaking Italian better than you are doing now.

Okay, I am back and I am with you again. Let’s start with the story!

Carol is a successful business cow. She runs a huge company and she is rich. The cow has a sweet tooth. Every day she goes to a candy shop. She buys a lot of sweets there. The cow eats ten kilos of chocolate, three dozens of dates and a hundred cream cakes a day.
Because Carol the cow eats so much sugar, she starts to forget things. She cannot make clear business decisions. As a result, she’s lost her job. But the cow continues to eat sweets.
Six months later because the cow continues to eat a lot of sweets, she cannot recognize her family and friends.
Finally, one day, the worst thing happens, the cow forgets her own name. But it doesn’t stop her from eating sugary things.
Her husband is very much concerned about the cow. He takes her to a famous nutrition doctor.
The doctor says, “You must break your bad habit. Or else!” And he tells her how.
Does the cow want to die? Of course, not. The cow doesn’t want to die. She decides to get control over her craving for sweets.
Oh, a tough, difficult, not easy decision.
The cow decides on a juice fast. Every day she only drinks fresh vegetable juice. And, of course, she drinks two or three protein shakes a day not to lose muscles. After three weeks, what happens? The cow doesn’t want to eat sweets. Her mind gets clear. She starts remembering things again. She runs her huge company again. The cow goes back to her family and friends. She remembers her wonderful name. Now her family and friends are very happy and so is Carol the cow.

This is the end of the story called “A Sweet Tooth”. Listen to this story every day. If you listen to my lessons every day for seven days or more, you will speak English for sure better than you are doing now. Next is your vocabulary lesson. See you there! time.

Unit 3. The vocabulary lesson
Hello, this is Alex and this is your vocabulary lesson for “A Sweet Tooth”.

Let me start with the title of the story, with the name of the story which is “A Sweet Tooth”.
You probably understand what it means, but let me explain this idiom, just in case. When someone has a sweet tooth it means that he or she likes eating sweet foods, especially sweets and chocolate. In the story I say, “The cow has a sweet tooth.” It means that the cow likes eating sweet foods. She likes eating sweets, cakes and chocolate very much.
Okay, next we have the expression to run a company.
I say, “She runs a huge company.” Here “to run” means to be in control of something. It can be anything. You can run a company. You can run a business. You can run a theatre. You can even run a boat. It all means that you are in control of this. You decide what the business you are running, for example, has to be. You decide what product your company has to come on the market with. You decide what strategy your company has to develop for the next few years and so on. You run the process. You are in control. You are the boss. I think you get the point, right?

In this lesson we also have the expression to make clear decisions.
To make clear decisions means to make the right decisions. It means that you choose to do something, especially after thinking carefully about several possibilities.
From the story you know that Carol the cow cannot make clear decisions after eating a lot of sugary things. In other words, the cow cannot choose what to do. She tries to think. She tries to choose what to do next, but she cannot. The cow cannot make clear decisions. All her decisions are not right. All her decisions are wrong. Carol the cow cannot make clear decisions about her business and about her life.

Next we have the verb to recognize.
I say, “Six months later because the cow continues to eat a lot of sweets, she cannot recognize her family and friends.”
To recognize means to know someone or something because you have seen or heard him or her before. You know who that person is or what that thing is. In our case, the cow doesn’t know who her family members are. She simply cannot remember them. She cannot know who her friends are. She simply cannot remember them. The cow cannot recognize her family and her friends. And of course, you know the reason, right? Yes, it is because the cow doesn’t stop eating sweets.

We move on down the story and we see the phrase the worst thing happens.
What does it mean? When the worst thing happens, it means that the most difficult, unpleasant or painful thing comes into your life. In the story I say, “Finally one day, the worst thing happens”. I say that finally, one day, the most difficult, unpleasant and painful thing happens to the cow. And of course, you already know what happens, right? Yes, you are totally right. The cow forgets her own mane. This is the most unpleasant, the most difficult and the most painful thing for her. That’s terrible. And I believe that it is true for everyone who one day goes through such an experience to forget your own name. It is very painful when you look at yourself in the mirror and you don’t remember what your name is. Oh, my gosh. It is really the worst moment in one’s life. Don’t you think so?

Next we have the fantastic expression which is to be concerned about someone or something.
The sentence says, “Her husband is very much concerned about the cow.”
What does it mean when someone is concerned about someone? It means that he or she is worried about this person. In our case, the cow’s husband is worried about his wife very much. In other words, the fact that his wife Carol not only forgets who he is, but she also forgets who she is, makes him worry a lot. This fact makes him feel worried about his wife. He is very much concerned about his wife.

The next sentence says “He takes her to a famous nutrition doctor”.
What is a nutrition doctor or a nutritionist? What does this doctor do?
A nutrition doctor or a nutritionist is a doctor whose job is to give advice on what you should eat to remain healthy, to stay healthy. So Carol’s husband puts her in his car and drives her to a famous doctor who can tell her what she should eat to return her memory back, to remain healthy in order to remember her name again.

And of course, you remember what the nutrition doctor tells her, right? Yes, here it is what the doctor tells her, “You must break your bad habit. Or else!”
So, the nutrition doctor tells the cow to stop doing something that she does regularly, especially something that she should not do. In our case, the cow must stop eating sugary things. She must break her bad habit. And then the doctor says “or else!” When someone tells you “or else”, it means that if you don’t stop doing what you do, something terrible will happen to you. In our case, if the cow continues eating sweets, she will die soon. That’s why the nutrition doctor tells her to break her bad habit, because if she doesn’t do that she will die soon.

Next, we have the expression to get control over one’s craving for sweets.
Okay, it’s a kind of a very long expression, but don’t worry. I’ll explain it to you. What it means is that someone decides to get power or influence over one’s strong desire for sweets. In other words, the cow decides to become so powerful that she can say “no” to sweets. She decides to get power over her craving for sweets. As you understand “craving for something” means a strong desire to have something. In the cow’s case, it is sweets. She wants to become so strong in her mind that she can stop eating sweets and she can easily live well without sweets at all. She decides to get control over her craving for sweets. She must do it, or she will die. I think you get the idea, right?

In this story you can also see the verb to decide on.
To tell you the truth, this is the expression, the phrasal verb. I love this expression a lot.
I say, “The cow decides on a juice fast.” What it means is that the cow chooses to drink a juice fast after thinking about the possible choices. Yes, it is simply another way to say that she decides to drink or to have a drink. So she decides to drink a juice fast or she decides on a juice fast. You decide what to choose when you want to talk about your choices.

Okay, we also have three words in this lesson which are a protein shake.
The sentence says, “She drinks two or three protein shakes a day not to lose muscles.”
A protein shake is a drink made by mixing protein power with milk or water. A protein power that has a substance that makes your body grow and be strong. It actually means that she decides to make this protein cocktail. She takes a protein power and mixes it with milk and she shakes it well. The drink is ready. You see it is easy, right. The cow drinks the protein shakes, the protein cocktail and she does it two or three times a day not to lose muscles, to stay strong.

Our final phrase for today is to get clear.
I say, “When the cow stops eating sweets, her mind gets clear.” I know that you already understand what it actually means, but I also know that people may forget things if they don’t repeat them. And because I want the best for you, let me explain this phrase to you. “To get clear” means to be freed from something dangerous. So the cow becomes free from the sugary effect. She frees herself from sugar by stopping eating sweet things. Her mind becomes free from sugar and now her brain begins to see everything differently, much better. In our case, the cow remembers things again: her name, her family and her friends. Her mind gets clear.

This is the end of the vocabulary lesson for “A Sweet Tooth”. See you for the mini-story!

Unit 3. The mini-story lesson
Hello, this is Alex. Welcome to the mini-story lesson for “A Sweet Tooth”

Before we start this lesson, I want to remind you of the importance of this lesson. Why are the mini-story lessons that powerful? They are that powerful because with these lessons you are getting better at grammar by answering easy, funny and sometimes silly question. Isn’t that wonderful? Most of the mini-story lessons are in the past tense. Why? Because of the irregular verbs. And you know how difficult they can be, even for native speakers. We need to practice them again and again to become better at them. Okay, let’s run into the mini-story lesson.

Carol was a successful business cow. She ran a huge company and she was rich.
What was Carol? A dog?
No, she wasn’t a dog. She was a cow. Carol was a cow.
Was Carol the cow a successful dentist?
No, she wasn’t a successful dentist. She was a successful business cow. She was in business.
How do you know that?
I know that because Carol the cow ran a huge company.
Was Carol the cow in control of a huge company?
Yes, she was. Carol the cow was in control of a huge company.
Did Carol the cow think about the strategy of the company?
Yes, she did. She thought about the strategy of the company.
Did Carol the cow decide what product the company would bring to the market?
Yes, she did. She decided what product it would be.
So Carol the cow was a boss, right?
Yes, she was. Carol the cow was a big boss. She ran a huge company.
Did Carol the cow run a huge or a small company?
A huge one. Carol the cow ran a huge company.
Did Carol the cow have money?
Yes, sure. Carol the cow had money. She was rich. This is great!
So Carol the cow had money. What else did the cow have?
Carol the cow had a sweet tooth.
A sweet tooth? What do you mean by saying “She had a sweet tooth”?
I mean that Carol the cow loved sweets very much.
Oh, I see. So when someone has a sweet tooth, it means that he or she loves sweets a lot, right?
Yes, that’s right.
You are asking a lot of questions today.
Yes, I am just practicing my English.
That’s good. But let me do my job well. My next question is,
Did Carol the cow make sweets or did she buy them?
She bought them. She didn’t make them. Every day she went to a candy shop and she bought a lot of sweets there.
Who went to a candy shop every day?
Carol the cow did. Every day Carol the cow went to a candy shop.
What did she buy at that candy shop?
She bought sweets, of course. She bought a lot of sweets there. What else can you buy at a candy shop?
You are doing it again. Asking me questions.
Sorry. Yes, I am just practicing my English with you.
Did Carol the cow buy a lot of sweets?
A lot of sweets. She bought and ate ten kilos of chocolate, three dozens of dates and a hundred cream cakes a day.
Okay. And because Carol the cow was a very kind and generous cow, she gave all the sweets to her workers, yes?
No, she didn’t give all the sweets to her works. She was kind, but not generous. She ate them all by herself.
Ten kilos of chocolate. She ate ten kilos of chocolate, not eight kilos?
No, not eight kilos. Ten kilos of chocolate she ate every day.
What else did Carol the cow eat?
She bought and ate three dozens of dates.
What is a dozen? How many is a dozen?
A dozen is twelve units, twelve things, a group of twelve objects or things. For example, a zone of bananas means twelve bananas. It is easy, right?
So “a dozens of dates” means twelve dates. Dates grow on palms and they are very sweet.
I see. Thank you for explaining it to me.
My pleasure. This is my job.
How many dozens of dates did Carol the cow buy every day?
Three. She bought three dozens of dates very day and she ate them all. Oh, my God. And that is not all.
No. What else did she eat?
She bought and ate a hundred cream cakes a day.
A hundred cream cakes a day. I myself can eat only one or two, but a hundred. No, I cannot.
Of course, you can’t. You aren’t a cow.

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Unique English Course Speak real English. Часть 2 Александр Чумаков
Unique English Course Speak real English. Часть 2

Александр Чумаков

Тип: электронная книга

Жанр: Языкознание

Язык: на английском языке

Издательство: Издательские решения

Дата публикации: 16.10.2024

Отзывы: Пока нет Добавить отзыв

О книге: Многие считают, что английский язык – это трудно; что вы никогда не будете говорить, как носитель; Автор пособия не согласен. Он сам учил английский и знает, как преуспеть в этом. «Курс уникального английского: говори на настоящем английском» Часть 2 – это аудиокурс. Вы учите английский ушами, а не глазами, слушая веселые, а иногда странные истории. Мы обожаем истории, мы растем с историями, мы учимся на историях. Это уникальный курс английского для уникальных людей, как вы!

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