Funny Rhymes

Funny Rhymes
Nataliya Bogoluibova
Nataliya Bogoluibova
Этот сборник стихотворений заставит вас улыбнуться и поднимет ваше настроение. В игровой форме веселые стихи помогут детям увеличить словарный запас, овладеть навыками разговорного английского языка, ведь в стихах много ярких и интересных диалогов. Смешные и озорные герои никого не оставят равнодушными. На страницах этого произведения вы встретите паука-дизайнера, слониху-балерину, кота-фокусника, попугая-сыщика, а также много других замечательных героев, которые сделают изучение английского языка легким и увлекательным.
This collection of poems will make you smile and lift your spirits. In a playful way, funny poems will help children increase their vocabulary and master the skills of spoken English, because the poems are full of bright and interesting dialogues. Funny and mischievous characters will leave no one bored. You will meet a spider designer, elephant ballerina, magician cat, parrot sleuth, and many other characters that will make learning English easy and exciting.

Nataliya Bogoluibova
Funny Rhymes
Each verse holds a treasure, a story to unfold.
In a world of words, so bright and grand, These poems will guide you, just take my hand. For those who learn English, both young and old,
Learning becomes joy, with laughter and cheer.
With humor and wit, they dance on the page, Turning grammar to play, and vocabulary's stage. From nouns to verbs, they make all things clear,
Are your keys to mastering English with ease!
Dive into verses, let your knowledge expand, With each clever line, you'll understand. These funny poems, with a twist and a tease,


An elephant woke at the break of the day,
And declared with a trumpet, "I need a new way!
Something fun to explore, to lift up my mood,
I want to be a ballerina!" she exclaimed, feeling good.

"Dancing on toes, oh it sounds so dear,
With pirouettes and pliеs, I’ll twirl without fear!"
But the animals chuckled, their giggles did flow,
"An elephant dancing? Oh, where could that go?"

She purchased a tutu, all pink and so bright,
But the others just chuckled, "She'll never get it right!"
With each clumsy step, they could hardly refrain,
Yet she waltzed through the laughter and danced in the rain.

With each stomping step, the ground gave a thrum,
The other animals gathered, enchanted and numb,
They clapped their own paws and hooves in delight,
As she danced under shadows that softened the light.

"Too clumsy," they whispered, "It's just not her chance,"
Yet she danced through the doubts with a bold, lively prance.
Her trunk held high and her spirit so free,
She shattered the notions of what could not be.

At first, she was wobbly, tripping here, tripping there,
But with every performance, she lightened the air.
She lost a few pounds, she danced with such grace,
Her moves so enchanting, they brightened the space.

The music began, and the lights softly glowed,
With delicate grace, her confidence flowed.
She glided like whispers, like shadows on air,
With poise and with elegance, a beauty so rare.

The audience gasped as they witnessed her art,
An elephant shining, a beat of the heart.
No longer a creature of size and of might,
But a dancer, a dreamer, igniting the night.


In a nook of a house, a mouse had a dream,
To be a grand beauty, or so it would seem.
She longed for the glamour, the sparkle, the grace,
But all she possessed was a simple gray face.

With a sigh and a wish, she looked in the glass,
"I long for a makeover, oh how time will pass!
A touch of the brush, some sparkle and sheen,
To feel like the princess I know I could be seen."

To the beauty salons, she scampered each night,
Spent her last penny on blush that was bright.
With each coat of lipstick and shimmer of gold,
She grew weary and tired, her spirit grew cold.

The mouse dreamed of ribbons and colors so grand,
Of soft silken curtains and a soft, gentle hand.
Yet deep in her heart, she learned as she sighed,
True beauty's a glow that starts from inside.

Exhausted and angry, she looked in the glass,
The beauty she chased was a fleeting farce.
Then one day she pondered, her heart felt the tug,
That true beauty’s found in a warm little hug.

For beauty is simple, it’s not just skin deep,
It’s the joy that you share and the love that you keep.
So if you feel lesser, just look for the light,
And let your true self shine, making everything right!


The crocodile cried, "What a beautiful day!
I'll wear something new and show off my way!
With a twirl and a grin, he dressed in his best,
In bright, flashy colors, he felt quite blessed.

He had heaps of clothes, all stylish and grand,
From polka dots, stripes, to a chic bow tie band.
He strutted through waters, beneath the warm sun,
Thinking, "Today’s fashion is so much fun!"

A hundred cool shirts hung in neat little rows,
From sparkly sequins to classic clean clothes.
He’d try on each jacket, he’d twist and he’d twirl,
In vibrant bright colors, he’d flash like a pearl.

But as the sun rose and the day lingered near,
Our modern croc struggled, filled with fashion fear.
“Should I wear the blue one, or maybe the green?
What if today calls for a chic lavender sheen?”

“Do I go for the stripes, or a classic plain black?
Perhaps I’ll try florals, but oh, what a knack!
There’s corduroy, denim, and even some suede,
I wish I could ask, but my friends are delayed.”

The morning sun climbed, and he tapped on the floor,
As he shuffled through patterns, his heart started to soar.
“Today feels quite cheery, or maybe a twist,
With so many options, how could I resist?”

He contemplated textures, the fabric’s soft flow,
A tailored sharp blazer, or a relaxed, cool glow?
With a sigh and a shuffle, the clock ticked away,
His fashion parade turning into dismay.

Hours would pass as he’d mix and he’d match,
Drowning in choices, a fashionable catch.
His friends waited outside, “Come join us, don’t wait!”
But stylish croc pondered, “Which look is just great?”

In jackets with patterns, in boots made of leather,
He weighed all his options in glamorous tether.
Yet there he remained in his swampy domain,
A croc lost in fashion, what a stylish pain!

“But wait!” he exclaimed, as ideas took flight,
“I’ll mix and I’ll match, make a dazzling sight!
A splash of this color, a pop of that hue,
With style in my heart, I’ll create something new!”

With each perfect outfit, he felt oh-so-fine,
A dapper young croc in a world of design.
He waved to the creatures, both feathered and furry,
As they admired his style without any hurry.

“Oh, look at me now!” he exclaimed with delight,
In a snazzy new jacket, shining so bright.
The jungle echoed back with cheers and some praise,
For the crocodile’s charm lit up all their days.


In the middle of nowhere, in the swamp so drear,
Mushroom Weasel grumbled, her nose full of sneer.
“Mushroom jam’s gross; I can’t take it anymore,
I’d rather have oysters, oh, give me galore!

I dream of the coast, where the baguettes are crisp,
Where the flavors dance lightly, with each tasty lisp.
There’s a cunning mink snug in a warm French abode,
Living life like a dream, down a fancy old road.

For years she had comfort, her troubles were few,
In a cage so spacious, with a splendid view.
Mushroom Weasel sighed with an envious glance,
Imagining feasts, and a life full of chance.

“Oh, baguettes for breakfast, with truffles on plate,
And for lunch, fine frog legs— wouldn’t that be great?
But alas! That old woman, her heart turned to ice,
Had given the pet to her niece for a terrible price.

This child had no mercy; she’d put on a show,
Pretending the mink was a collar, oh no!
Each evening they’d wander, through the city of light,
While the mink nibbled canapеs, what a glorious sight!

With a coat on the chair, she'd sneak bites in delight,
Dancing through Paris, a true culinary flight.
So here I remain in this murky old swamp,
While the mink dines on goodness, my stomach just grumps.

Yet off to the city, the mink would parade,
In cafes so charming, she deftly displayed.
With a coat on a chair, she’d steal from the plates,
Canapеs with cheese, oh, such tantalizing fates!

Mushroom Weasel pondered, in a swampy retreat,
Longing for life filled with scrumptious gourmet feat.
But in the stillness of the murky green fog,
She mused on her fate—perhaps it’s not so bogged.

For adventure awaits in each nook, twist, and turn,
Even in swampy dreams, there’s a lesson to learn:
That pleasure and joy can come in each bite,
Be it mushrooms or oysters, or simply moonlight.


In a jungle bright, a monkey named Jack,
Spent his days tight, glued to his hack.
With a phone in his paw, and games on the screen,
He climbed virtual heights, living life like a machine.

“Just one more level,” he’d often declare,
While friends in the trees swung through the air.
As the sun blazed high and the days slipped away,
Jack tapped and he swiped, lost in his play.

The seasons transformed, with leaves turning brown,
While Jack, oh so focused, just sat with a frown.
“Where’s the sun? Where’s the fun?” he thought with a sigh,
But his brightly-lit screen held his gaze – oh, my!

Time sped past swiftly, like a monkey on flight,
While Jack, in his world, forgot day turned to night.
Summer had vanished, but Jack didn’t care,
In his pixelated realm, he found all his flair.

Yet one chilly morning, with skies a soft gray,
He peeked from his screen and saw autumn’s display.
With a shiver, he realized – it was time to explore,
To venture outside, to climb trees and more!

He tossed down his phone, with a laugh and a cheer,
And he swung back to life, with his friends drawing near.
Now Jack tells a tale of the games that he played,
But he treasures the summer, and the memories made!


There once was a cat, quite clever and spry,
Who fancied himself a king, oh my, oh my!
His fur, like fine velvet, so regal and neat,
He’d strut through the rooms on his delicate feet.

With a flick of his tail and a solemn meow,
He’d claim the best cushions and take a proud bow.
The dog would just sigh, in his humble abode,
While the cat sipped his milk like a lord in his road.

He’d gaze at the window, surveying his realm,
In his mind, he was king, he was pride, he was helm.
With a flick of his whiskers and a purr so grand,
The world was his castle, where he would make stand.

But when dinner was served, he’d abandon his grace,
For a plateful of tuna would quicken his pace!
“Oh, my loyal subjects!” he’d purr with delight,
As he devoured his feast all through the night.

“Oh, behold!” he proclaimed with a flick of his tail,
“I am Sir Whiskers the Brave, let my legend prevail!
Fetch me my dinner, and polish my shoes,
For a king must be pampered, he deserves not to lose!”

The humans would chuckle, their laughter so sweet,
As he lounged on his velvet, demanding a treat.
"Bring forth the finest, from the pantry so grand,
A feast fit for royalty—come, understand!"

So remember this tale of the cat who believed,
That a king’s life of luxury could be achieved.
For in every warm heart, no matter how small,
A royal spirit can live, cherished by all!


In a sunny glade where the tall trees rise,
Ran a little dog, with dreams bold and nice.
He’d gaze at the sky, with its vast, open blue,
And thought, “Oh, how wonderful, if only I flew!”

At night, in his bed, with the moon shining bright,
He’d close his big eyes, and take off in flight.
With the stars as his guide and the clouds as his bed,
He soared over rooftops, his worries all shed.

“Oh, to chase the warm breezes, to dance with the sun,
To float through the heavens, oh what endless fun!”
He’d leap from the hills, with a bark full of glee,
Imagining wings, as he soared wild and free.

He’d twirl with the birds and play tag with the breeze,
In a world full of wonder, among tall, swaying trees.
His heart raced with joy, as he glided so high,
For a dog with a dream, the sky was his sky!

But as dawn broke softly, he'd wake with a sigh,
His paws on the ground, oh, now time seemed to fly.
Yet each day he'd chase, with his spirit so spry,
For a dog who dreams big can still touch the sky!

He climbed up the trees, with a heart full of hope,
Attempting to fly, just searching for scope.
But down he would tumble with quite a loud thud,
Bruises and disappointments, he’d find in the mud.

Disappointment would linger, but still he'd aspire,
Chasing the clouds with his heart full of fire.
Until one fine day, as he sat by a brook,
He met a sly snake, with a curious look.

“I dream of nice legs, oh to dance and to prance,
To walk on the ground, give the world a good chance!”
The dog blinked in shock, "What a strange wish to crave,
What you want is so simple, yet it’s what I rave!”

“Why chase the clouds when the ground holds its grace?
Your paws are a gift, they’d win any race!
While I slither and slide, you can run wild and free,
Embrace what you have, don’t wish to be me!”

The dog paused for a moment, his head tilted to think,
With every step taken, his heart gave a wink.
He danced through the meadows, he leaped over logs,
His joy filled the air, as he played with the frogs.

“Flying may be fun,” he barked with a spin,
“But walking and running let the true joy begin!
I’ll chase all the butterflies, bark at the moon,
With each happy step, my heart sings a tune.”

Stirred by the snake’s words, he thought of his fate,
The dog valued his paws, his own sturdy gait.
For while he could not fly, he'd run and he'd play,
Chasing his tail in the sun's golden ray.

He ran through the meadows, with joy in his soul,
A dog with a spirit that learned to feel whole.
For flying or walking, each dream has its place,
In the heart of a dog, or a snake's gentle grace.

The dog thanked the snake, for the lesson he'd learned,
To cherish each moment, for which he had yearned.
For in every bound, in each leap and each stroll,
He'd honor his treasure that carried his soul.

If you feel lost, remember this rhyme,
Dreams take many shapes, that’s just part of the climb.
Value who you are, and don’t ever despair;
Like a dog or a snake, there's magic to share!

In a cozy cafе, under warm golden rays,
Clara pondered and pondered, lost in a haze.
What to gift her dear friends, with love that entwines?
She racked her sweet brain, in a dance with designs.

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Funny Rhymes Nataliya Bogoluibova

Nataliya Bogoluibova

Тип: электронная книга

Жанр: Юмористические стихи

Язык: на русском языке

Издательство: Автор

Дата публикации: 09.10.2024

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О книге: Этот сборник стихотворений заставит вас улыбнуться и поднимет ваше настроение. В игровой форме веселые стихи помогут детям увеличить словарный запас, овладеть навыками разговорного английского языка, ведь в стихах много ярких и интересных диалогов. Смешные и озорные герои никого не оставят равнодушными. На страницах этого произведения вы встретите паука-дизайнера, слониху-балерину, кота-фокусника, попугая-сыщика, а также много других замечательных героев, которые сделают изучение английского языка легким и увлекательным.

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