Parsec to Earth

Parsec to Earth
Юрий Белк
"Parsec to Earth" is a fascinating collection of fantasy stories that will take the reader to the most incredible worlds and dimensions. Each story is a separate storyline. They not only create images of heroes and worlds, but also deeply touch upon current topics, giving the reader thoughts about the potential future and how unknown and amazing our Universe can be. "Parsec to Earth" is a journey that changes consciousness and expands the limits of imagination. Dive into the world of fantasy with "Parsec to Earth" and experience exciting adventures that are impossible to find in real life. Feel the wind of change and expand your consciousness with this unique collection, which will be a real discovery for all lovers of fantasy literature. Urban fantasy, along with the space adventures of the heroes of the book "Parsec to Earth" makes you think. Do we perceive our world as we see it?

Юрий Белк
Parsec to Earth

Food on the campfire
The era of the omnipotence of information, when it can read thoughts, create entities in the network that can live independently, and also control the person himself, his thoughts and desires.
Teleportation allowed a person's consciousness to move to different parts of the world, when there was a need for this, people almost stopped traveling and flying anywhere themselves.
The infinity of knowledge shifted the horizons of boundaries in learning, but although at some stage people stopped learning new sciences and skills, all the things in ordinary life and discoveries in science were made by network entities. Even a famous director made a movie with blue men once, but I've already forgotten what it's called.
SethWai's telepathy and empathy through videographs allowed us to convey emotions that people managed to quarrel and arrange conflicts in this ideal world, where a person did not need to do anything, absolutely nothing. All the actions that people did, they were voluntary.
Cloud files will startstoring not only photos and videos, but also emotions and taste memories. Tariffs were particularly popular when it was possible to record childhood memories from memory and then convert them to a video file and watch them for a separate fee in old age.
The Internet has become not just a drug, but everything.
* From the memoirs of a man who cooked food over a campfire in a cave.

The Emperor's Lost Report
Point I: A new beginning. The Emperor orders that to this day it is necessary for everyone to provide their data, who has how many cattle, slaves and bread, before accessing the Internet.
Item II: Intertwining space and time. The limits of the use of the Internet are determined by the supreme order of the Emperor and can be terminated after a citizen violates rules that violate the freedom of another citizen or the Emperor.
Item III: Education and training. The use of the Internet aspart of training seminars with teachers is possible only during the day, so as not to load the electrical networks in the evening, when workers return from work and turn on the heating, light, and radio at home, increasing the load on the electrical network.
Item IV: Culture and art. You can't use video recordings during gladiator fights or theatrical performances. When placing an order online, you must receive a written order from the Emperor.
Item V: Trade and economics. The Internet can be used as a trading platform with foreign countries, but with mandatory payment of tax to the state treasury.
Item VI: The social paradigm. You can create communities on the Internet, but you can't write private messages. All messages must be public. Aristocrats have the right to withdraw information about themselves on the Internet.
Item VII: Parenting. Rome, as the center of the Internet, should unite everyone, as well as the center of moral and educational process for young people. It is forbidden to give access to the Internetto children under 10 years of age. Item: Legacy. Information on the Internet should be duplicated in special information storage blocks using encoding. As a code, use a system of rearranging bits every three characters. The file extension must be .rom.

Spilled coffee
Vasily was a brilliant inventor. He had a lot of ideas constantly bubbling through his head, but none excited him as much as creating something that could change the course of history and science. In his laboratory, Vasily began working on his latest and most ambitious project – a time machine that worked with the power of thought.
Everything turned out to be simple in operation: one click on the red button moved you back a year, and the green button moved you forward a year.
The main thing was that it was impossible to lose this bulletfor communication with the main processor, which was located in the present time. Vasily's first development only allowed him to see holographic images of the past and future without being able to interfere with the process in any way, but even this made him insanely happy.
He held his emotions together with a great effort of will. Vasily wanted to organize a scientific conference, and he had already sent aninvitation to the most prominent scientists. I decided to make coffee and then with a mug of aromatic drink approached the window. And he saw people and cars soaring up into the sky, and he was stuck to the ceiling without taking a sip of coffee. A huge rock was approaching from the sky.


Objects could change their shape when exposed to physical force. Food could be prepared using a special device, with the push of a single button.
There are such boxes on this planet that can drive without the strength of a person, you just need to press somewhere with your feet and rotate the wheel, which is at chest level.

Mort read the beginning of a novel by a writer and, closing his left eye, the information disappeared from the wall of his house.
– It is he who is interested in what planet he lives on, it would be necessary to fly there on vacation, and why is his work called fiction? he said, and after yawning once, a table of food appeared in front of him.
On thefar shelf was a single paper book with a blue planet painted on the cover, with patches of gray in some places. It was left to him by his grandfather, who said that he was one of several people who were able to fly away from it.

Flying House
It was early morning when I found myself between the clouds of clouds. I managed to take off, even though I planned to do it after lunch, as soon as I had lunch.
The flight lasted long enough that I was very hungry, and my eyes were quite sad, I was constantly thinking about food instead of enjoying the beauty of nature from above, and most importantly – the fact that I managed to make a flying house, which took me five years to build.
I decided to go back to earth, to the place from which I took off, and I came back.
When I stepped on the ground, I noticed a lot of people approaching my house.
I had to drive them away for a long time and even guard my house when it was already night. Towards morning, I dozed off and was woken up by a small noise coming from a lonely old man outside my house.
This man, as it turned out, came up in the early morning and tapped the wings of the house with a cane, after which they melted and flowed down. A foreign object disturbed the quantum equilibrium of the plasma wing. I didn't have time to write down the composition of the metal in the plasma state in a hurry, because I had tried many components before and didn't want to waste time on it. I added a pinch of one substance or another.
I didn't manage to restore the exact composition of the wing for the house even after a few years, receiving new compositions every day. I couldn't use the other wing for spectral analysis, or rather, I tried, but I also broke it by accidentally touching it. And after тогоit melted completely and flowed to the ground, often substances, freed from quantum bonds, volatilized.
In one day, I stopped all attempts to restore the physical and chemical composition of the flying wing and switched to repairing the roof of the same house.

The Baron
In a remote forest, hidden from human eyes, lived a dog named Baron. Once it had owners, but when they were gone, it went into the forest, thinking to find its relatives. He was unusual in that he could talk. No, not just bark or howl, but in real words and phrases.
Baron grew up among other dogs, but always remained lonely because of his way of communicating. Other dogs were afraid of him, not knowing how to react to such an unusual creature. The Baron himself felt like an outcast.
One day, fate led him to meet a young boy named Tim, who lived with his parents on the edge of the forest. When Tim saw the Baron, he realized that he had never seen such a dog before.
Baron and Tim became best friends. Tim taught the dog to speak in other words, and the Baron helped Tim learn the secrets of the dog language. They spent days and nights together, their friendship growing stronger by the moment. The Baron became more cheerful.
In the next vacation, they managed to go on vacation with the dog to another country. Only animals that didn't know the "sit"command were allowed on planes.
The Baron understood when people understood him and always greeted him with loud squeals, he was used to it. One morning, he ran off into the woods for a walk while his new owners were sleeping in the bungalow in the morning. Despite the good care and delicious food from his new friends, he didn't have enough communication with his own people, even though they still didn't want to accept him into their team.
Running to the edge of the palm trees, he saw people who were not so dressed as in the city where he lived.
He asked the people in strange clothes where the local dogs lived, but no one even looked at him, only the people looked around among themselves, did not even pay attention to the dog, and then continued to plan the boat out of a large tree trunk.
"They don't want to talk to me," the Baron thought, and walked slowly back to the bungalow, where his young friend Tim and his parents were wandering around shouting as they approached.
– B-a-a-a-r-o-o-o-n!

The night fog was thick on the doorstep as Richard left the house for a walk with his faithful dog Bailey. The breeze of the autumn wind tickled his face coolly, and the leaves rustled softly under his feet.
A few minutes later, Richard noticed that the forest was changing before his eyes. The trees became increasingly lively and dense, which penetrated through the foliage of the forest.
… my heart started beating faster.
So suddenly, they saw a ring of fire floating above the ground above the seaweed near the shore. Bailey began to squeal like a child, but Richard felt no fear, if only a little, and the need to see and unravel, to understand the unusual phenomenon in the middle of the forest, roused him, and the fear disappeared.
The first thing Richard felt afterward wasthe cosmic silence and lack of hunger. He completely forgot about his usual need for food. Surprisingly, his body began to extract energy from the surrounding environment, fueling the unusual energy sources around him. The dog was no longer there.
Richard witnessed a tribe of giant ancient trees that communicated with each other through their roots,creating a network of intelligent communication. He visited the city of underwater creatures that breathed water and possessed the magic of the oceans. From afar, he watched the life of human birds that can fly over gorges, he saw dinosaurs grazing peacefully in a meadow like cows.
Richard didn't know how much time had passed, but he wanted to go back home, because he was getting uncomfortable and even scared.
And he decided to go back home, and just as he thought about it, he appeared next to the tree where he got into the portal, his dog was sitting.
– I looked for you there and didn't find you."
Bailey wagged her tail and began to curl around his feet. So they returned home. The dog ran ahead and constantly showed Richard the way.
When they got home, he found that the calendar had the same date on it when he left for the woods. The refrigerator, which had been broken before, he began to use instead of a shelf for books.
He wanted to tell them everything he had seen and gone through, but no one believed him.
But it became difficult for him to communicate with people, people shunned him, avoided him, old friends thought that he was crazy. So Richard decided to go back to the forest where he had passed through the portal before, but he couldn't do it. The forest has completely changed, or rather, it has burned out, and only the firebrands of this place remain. He started walking in different directions in hopes of getting into the portal, but each time he felt that it was getting harder and harder for him to walk.
The sun was already sinking below the horizon, and before nightfall, Richard decided to head back home before he got completely lost. It was getting harder for him to walk. When he reached his house, he greeted the neighbors, but no one greeted him in return.
When he got home, he decided to take a warm bath and shave. A very old man was looking at him in the mirror.

All the people suddenly didn't understand each other. It is clear that at first this caused confusion and fright, but soon turned into real chaos. People have isolated themselves, avoiding all communication, hoping that this is a passing crisis. However, the hours turned into days and the days into weeks, but the situation did not change.
At the same time, animals – dogs, cats, birds – began to communicate with each other without any difficulty. It turned out that they had long understood each other, but simply did not have the opportunity to say it out loud. Understanding and co-ordination enabled them to actively discuss current events and even plan their actions. The animals gathered to listen to each other, understand the reasons for the strange state of people and decide what to do about it.
Thus began the real era of animal diplomacy. The animals held peaceful conferences, argued, and developed strategies and action plans. They managed to find a common language and cooperate with each other, despite the diversity of species.
The longer the animals gathered and discussed their plans, the more it became clear that they were decidedly anti-human. Their anger and indignation increased with each new day of indifference and misunderstanding on the part of people.
Finally, the animals decided to start a war against humans.
The war began unexpectedly and mercilessly. Animals used their instincts, speed, and strength to fight humans. They knew how to complete their mission, and they were determined to reach their goal.
People, in turn, lived in fear and fragmentation. They had no understanding of why the animals went to war, only misunderstanding and fear. They tried to organize a defense, but they did not have unity and coordination of actions. There was only panic and confusion.
The war continued for several years, and with the destruction of the city and the worldwide panic, almost nothing was freed from the influence of animals. People realized their helplessness before the animal world. They finally realized that the impact of the animals was so strong that they can no longer control what is happening.
People tried to communicate with each other with gestures and somehow arrange resistance to animals, but this was a bad idea, because animals that saw people waving their hands at each other passed this information to predators.
People had to escape from predators, pretending to be animals, dressing in their vestments. But one day everything changed, as it turned out, one animal decided to stand up for people and started a rumor among its relatives that people are just like them, they just don't grow hair.
One day, frightened people began to feel that they wanted to talk, and it happened so suddenly that for a long time they were silent and started talking loudly to each other.
The beasts who found out about this quickly agreed to pretend that they couldn't speak, and everything went back to the same place, when people communicated, the beasts were silent.

In the gloomy world of humans, sleep enveloped my consciousness, my hands and feet were cold, but I needed to sleep, and I began to doze off.
…angry birds with distorted faces and a feathery mane danced clumsily around me, pressing in with their sharp beaks. Something in the area of my knee was biting excessively, like a bee pretending to be a flying fly.
But suddenly I woke up abruptly and saw a man approaching the garbage can.
– Why do they throw it in that bright box?" And where do they get food on this cold day, now nothing grows and it's hard to hunt? I thought as I watched the car pull out of the yard.
I sat quietly by the side of the road, like a grown manthrowing out bags that smelled like food. "They probably print it at home, since it's not a pity to throw it away," I thought again, remembering my own planet, where they worked very hard for food and in the end we had to move to this planet to save ourselves from starvation.
At the time of the flight, as my parents told me through the tradition of generations, the dogs quarreled and swore to get to the blue planet, which was the third in a row from the bright star, to stop communicating with each other, and everyone will continue to survive in their own way. Yes, we are dogs.
So we lost the connection and secret knowledge of our progenitors, and nowwe are forced to beg in towns and villages in search of food. We continue to communicate through thoughts between other dogs, without making any sounds, occasionally barking, pretending in front of people who occupy a supreme position here that we do not know how to talk.

Parsec to Earth
– Aloise, I don't even know how to say this, but I'm quitting my job, – Jessica said in an uncertain voice, trying to hide the worry in her eyes. She worked in the company's labor dispute department.
– What? Are you serious? Aloys looked at his colleague in a daze, – but why? You recently got a job with us, I think it was just last spring.
Jessica sighed, trying to find the right words.
– Aloise, this job is just not for me. All those long hours spent in front of the computer, soulless reports, endless meetings, – her voice dropped to a whisper, and she slowly turned her head in different directions, for some reason, although you could tell if she was mentally denying what was happening or just stretching her neck, it was impossible to say for sure.
– But we both know that this job is chosen not because of our own desires, but because of the inability to find something better. The economy isn't at its best right now, – Alois said, trying to find a common language with Jessica.
– I want to become a writer, I want to create and share my ideas with people. This is something that really excites my heart, not the processes and documentation and not the sad faces when hiring and firing from work.
– You're going to fire yourself now, you're the head of human resources, – Aloys laughed loudly, and Jess joined in.
Aloys looked at Jessica thoughtfully and nodded slowly.
– I understand you, Jess. This work does not always bring joy and satisfaction. And if you are confident in your abilities and your passion for writing, then you should pursue your dream.
– Thank you, Aloys. Your understanding means a lot to me. And I know that the decision to leave this place is the right move for me, although I may regret leaving my job after a while and losing the income that I would have received if I had worked for a fixed job, small but guaranteed.
John smiled and shrugged.
– I wish you nothing but success, Jess. I am sure that you will become a great writer, and your stories will inspire many. Good luck in your creative journey!
Jessica smiled, a sign of Aloyse's understanding and support warming her heart.
– Thank you, John. I also hope that our paths will cross again in the future, – she smiled coquettishly.
Aloys went outside, where the sun was less hot and the wind was coming in from the bay. He stood up and silently looked towards the river port and then up at the sky. Everything that had happened in his life before was completely unrelated to what he had planned, or rather planned.
He spent three years assembling a teleporter in his garage, and once, accidentally directing a beam at a neighbor's garage, he even sent it somewhere. The police came to investigate the theft, but they couldn't find any evidence, so the case was quickly closed.
The investigators also went to his garage, but apart from strange devices with wires, they saw nothing and quickly left.
– Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow…, – said Alois quite loudly as he saw a girl in a beautiful dress passing by.
– Do I know you? – Hearing his words, the girl asked, slowing her pace slightly.
Without replying, Alois got into his car,which was no different from the others, except that the bodywork was slightly dented in several places and there was rust on the hood. But he had spent all the weekends of the last few years on his spacecraft, trying to fly to the first planet outside the solar system and quickly get back to Earth.
He did not want to stay on other planets, he did not understand at all those who wanted to fly to other planets forever, leaving all their relatives and friends here. Flying, or, more precisely, moving through space with the help of his teleporter, interested him as a scientific event, rather than just a tourist trip.
The idea was quite simple. Charge the device through a plasma generator, accumulate enough energy to overcome the light barrier in flight. Drop the flag with the license plate of his car from the ballast, and then use a powerful telescope to find him from the ground, announce that he was there.
The whole event was supposed to take a couple of Earth days. And Aloyz planned to return to work early next week, but he might be late at most. But, given his high position in the company, his absence from work for a couple of hours would not have been noticed by anyone, because he never held personal receptions and conducted all business through an electronic secretary.
He wasn't going to take any food with him, because he was on a diet, and secondly, he just didn't have time to make a full bathroom in the cabin, although he took water and a package of chocolates with him.
The entire flight was supposed to take five minutes, Earth time, and ten hours of preparation to wait for the convenient location of the Earth side to teleport to a nearby planet that he had selected from the astronomical reference book. There was nothing to breathe, but the main thing was that the temperature was almost earth-like, so there was no need for extreme materials for the body of the teleportation device.
To protect himself from the aliens, he took his own annihilator. Taking a deep breath, he wheeled his phone out of the garage and closed it. It was already dark, and the stars were beckoning.
Sitting down behind the chair, he closed the cockpit light and began to fasten himself to the seats, but when he accidentally touched the launch lever of the quantum accelerator with his elbow, the engine began to grunt, and the picture changed to darkness, which after a while he felt that the device had landed on some metal. It was pitch-black, and you couldn't see anything but the same stars, but with different brightnesses, and here they were more grouped around a single spot.
– It's a nebula, okay, but I don't know where I am, I guess I should go back, there are no aliens.
Alois remembered that he had forgotten his camera to shoot, but he remembered to drop the flag on the surface of the planet, which he did with a simple push of a button.
The control for the return involved a reverse inversion by means of a lever latch in the opposite direction.
– Time to go home, – he muttered to himself.
A moment later, he was indeed in the place of his garage on the outskirts of the city, but he felt that he had landed on something high. After making sure that the gas analyzer for the outer atmosphere was turned on, Alois made sure that it was Earth, and opened the cockpit light. I took a breath of fresh air and got up, but I couldn't get down right away. He couldn't think of anything else to do but just jump down from the height. He succeeded, but he fell a little on his left side and closed his eyes a little from the slight pain he experienced.
When he opened his eyes, he found that what he had "landed" on had actually come with him, it was the garage of a neighbor who had disappeared after being accidentally annihilated.
– And how will I explain this event to my neighbor? Okay, I'll figure something out, but the flag never came back, it got stuck between the roof of the neighbor's garage and the teleporter, " Alois said almost aloud to himself.
He placed the teleporter in the garage in "home" mode, but the neighbor's garage remained standing crookedly in the middle of the road.
– If anything, I wasn't here, – the homegrown astronaut thought, and got into his old car and drove home.
He got to work on time, even managed to sleep at home.
From work, he called Jessica, who had recently quit and wanted to become a writer. He told her everything as it was, but she laughed and said that she would probably start her literary work with a fantasy novel, although she was going to start with romance novels. Alois had never felt so funny, he wanted to fly through space with a teleporter, then tell and prove his flight with the flag and marry Jess. As a result, she laughed at him, and the neighbor will also try for a long time to find out the reason why his garage first disappeared, then appeared, while he saw him Aloyza often in the garage, and he will definitely pry him. – I haven't been anywhere, I haven't seen anyone, that's all! – I said aloud this time and, getting into my old car, after work, I drove towards the river port in the hope of meeting a girl.

Vlad walked slowly, even though he was already late for work. He worked as a designer in the construction and repair department of a large company. It was wet, and small streams trickled down the sidewalk.
At the back of the bus stop there was a sewer manhole, or it was a manhole of an underground heating main, it was not immediately clear.
Vlad stood on this cast-iron trapdoor and decided to transfer the pen and ink from his breast pocket to a small plastic briefcase, which usually carries a single package of documents. It was inexpensive, and Vlad didn't try to look more presentable than he really was. His department was located in the back office of the office, and very rarely did anyone come to see him. Customers of the design rarely visited, because the design was ordered, and he processed it for several weeks.
For some reason, I pressed the fountain pen button, and suddenly I was at home in front of the TV in my house tights and chips.
He closed his eyes and pinched himself, but nothing changed, the TV was still playing, and it was dark outside.
– So-o-o-o-o! Did I eat today, or did I get poisoned, or did I die?
The clock read 19: 03.
– I need to call my brother, I don't understand what's going on.
Vlad finds his brother's number and calls him, to which he quickly answers him and says that he is very busy, and said that he got his feet wet in a ditch on the street today.
– Rain, ditch, I remember that. I need to call my office.
– Seryoga, what's going on at work today?
– Vlad! The day went great after the clients came out of your office and ordered the design of one house with finishing, they found us seven more customers, okay, that's it, bye, see you tomorrow. Without waiting for Vlad's reply, Sergey hung up.
Vlad after the call sat in complete incomprehension of what was happening, how all this can happen. Okay, I'll go cook dinner, maybe he'll let me go.
After dinner, he had already forgotten about today's incomprehensible time paradox and was about to go to bed.
– What's going on? – Okay, maybe I'm overworked, I have to go back to work tomorrow, I need to sleep.
The next day, he also went to the bus stop, but nothing happened, he even tried to stand on the hatch on the sidewalk, but again nothing happened. A trolleybus arrived, and he silently got on and drove off, paying for the trip with a bank card.
At work, when he went into the office, he saw a couple of new folders of papers. Turning on the co-computer, I started working on the sketches that were in these folders. He didn't remember being at work yesterday, and that was a big problem. Therefore, the subtleties of the design and the wishes of customers must be taken into account, otherwise it always ends in a scandal at the end of the work.
He didn't remember yesterday. I tried to find out more information about yesterday in the corridor, but no one said anything, and everyone behaved normally.
I went home on the usual route, and all the time I was thinking, why did yesterday happen like this and whether it is possible to repeat it and immediately be at the TV after work?
The next morning, he walked confidently to the bus stop, thinking not about how it happened, but about how to repeat it.
As a person with a technical background as an architect, he immediately began to spin different combinations in his head, that you need to do the same thing that he did the day before yesterday morning.
I stood on the hatch, but, as expected, nothing happened.
– A pen, really? – Less often…
And clicked. He pulled out some notes from the small bundle in which he usually carried them, and pressed a button.
He was immediately in front of the TV with chips in his hands.
– Ye-e-e-e-h-u-u-u! Eureka! – for some reason Vlad added to his interjections, which he pronounced very long.
Tomorrow, he already knew what he would do in the morning, so in the evening he even stopped thinking about work and started watching a new series that was released recently in several seasons at once.
The next day, he stood on the hatch, pressed the fountain pen button, and found himself in front of the TV, and this continued every day, of course, on weekends he did not go anywhere at all. But he stopped shaving and kept up a routine, because he wasn't interestedin it anymore, no matter. His salary was paid, as usual, and even an additional bonus for work that he did not even do, he did not even see clients, but it was as if it was being done. Sometimes his friends from work called him, and they went to a club or just to a cafe to relax, everythingthat concerns his life after work has not changed, it's just that work time has ceased to exist in his life. Sometimes he didn't push the handle and drove to work just for fun. In a month, sometimes he did not go to work even once and even began toforget a little who he was working at all. So a long time passed, and one morning, when he reached the bus stop, he did not see the hatch, it was rolled up tightly on top of fresh asphalt. Vlad started frantically looking around to see if he had confused the bus stop, the street, or something else. But the hatch wasn't there. He even forgot about the pen and, when he came to work, sat down at his workplace, where there was already a separate cabinet with new folders. Vlad sat and stared absently at the files and the desktop. He didn't know what to do and where to start, where the order was, and in general, at work, he saw a lot of new people when he went out into the corridor. When he started to go back to his own office, he saw an inscription where "purchasing director"was written on the place of the position with his last name. – What purchases? I'm a designer…
He went into the office and found the right handle, and began to press it automatically, one after the other. Pressing it for the forty-ninth time, he suddenly found himself in a queue somewhere. After looking at the inscriptions, he saw a window-registration of a pension.
– Vladislav Igorevich, come to window number 17, – a pleasant voice came into a small speaker.
Vladislav, notfully aware of what was happening, began to search his pockets for a fountain pen. He found it on the breast pocket of his suit, which was too small for him. The uncomfortable feeling of stiffness that a patient in a straitjacket might have experienced did not leave him.
And finally, he found this pen and, sitting in front of the window of a cute girl who was filling out some electronic papers on the keyboard, he began to press the fountain pen button. He lost count, but kept doing it, but nothing happened.
– You are worried, don't worry, you will soon start going fishing and relaxing, – the girl tried to calm down, watching how Vladislav presses the fountain pen over and over again.
– That damn hatch, – he said, looking down the long corridor, still pressing the button.
The girl who was hastily typing on the computer stopped for a while, turned in his direction and continued to click.
But at some point, something cracked, and the fountain pen broke in half, where the spring flew out and small parts fell to the floor, scattered in different directions…

An attempt at the seventh flight on HT39 of the manned spacecraft was successful, and the astronaut managed to land on this planet. Initially, they planned to send three astronauts, but then they reduced the volume of the internal location of the spacecraft module for habitation for the sake of a more powerful engine and larger food supplies.
But it was this launch that was successful, although it was an interim project, involving an increase in the entire ship on a different principle of operation.
– Nikolai, we can hear and see you! – reported from a video call session from Earth.
– I can hear you perfectly well, too, the life support module has deployed automatically, and everything is working.
In the next few months, Nikolai became popular in all Internet resources, his interviews were broadcast, entire communities were created, and talk shows about him were discussed, where experts in various fields of science constantly spoke.
The topic was popular everywhere, and earnings from advertising such sites grew significantly, almost everyone was talking about a person on HT39.
T-shirts were produced, a clothing line was made, a movie was made, all this gave income to various companies for a huge amount.
But one day, Nikolai received a message on the monitor that the next module was delayed in sending, because they found errors in calculations when developing a new type of engine, and the old one had long been abandoned.
Nikolai sat down on a chair that was very comfortable in the life module and started flipping through the paper books that he had brought with him from home, but things were very sad.
He was popular on Earth, he was the idol of the young, but here, being one parsecs away from Earth, he could not go back and no further help could be expected.
He became the most popular and richest blogger on Earth. His dream of youth came true. A special bank account was opened for him to collect interest on broadcasts and souvenir sales, but he could not use it to save his position.

The guy wearily got behind the wheel of his new car, preparing to go to work. The car was bought recently, bought on credit and did not particularly please him, so that he could feel more confident at work while communicating with colleagues. Soft music played in the background, but his thoughts were much louder. As he slowly moved through the bustling streets of the morning, the past slowly and gently entered his mind.
He thought back to his childhood, the days when the world was simple and carefree. Memories were exploding in his head, causing a warm feeling of nostalgia. He thought aboutendless summer adventures with friends, fun family trips to the sea, the smell of grass while playing soccer in the field behind the house. He remembered the day when he caught a carp in the pond, but he couldn't unhook it, it broke free, and he never went fishing again in his life.
Every cartoon he watched, every book he read, every song he fell madly in love with, it all came back to him in that moment. He felt those moments of youth when he dreamed of becoming a winner, when he believed in his invulnerability.
People were smiling at him from the next row, looking at his car.
In the complete silenceof the car, after Sasha turned off the radio, his lost youth came back to life even more strongly, as if he was standing on a street corner again, chewing the same gum for the second day, with a big smile on his face. However, his memories were only of happy moments.
He tried to remember the bad stuff, but he couldn't remember anything.
As his hands maneuvered confidently on the roads, his thoughts conversed with the past. Thesememories gave him a certain calmness and confidence. He realized that everything that happened in his life led him to this moment: he, a representative of the logistics profession, who is busy all day organizing a business for production and delivery to the customer.
When he parked his car in the parking lot before work, the guy felt deeply disappointed that he missed something very important in his childhood.
He closed his eyes for a moment, savoring the moment before embarking on a new day of work. The sun shone through the windows of the car, reminding him of the opportunities and new challenges that lay ahead.
Alexander's day was measured, his colleagues made a lot of noise in the corridors when they saw each other, but he found it ridiculous and almost did not leave his office for the whole working day.

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Parsec to Earth Юрий Белк

Юрий Белк

Тип: электронная книга

Жанр: Социальная фантастика

Язык: на русском языке

Издательство: Автор

Дата публикации: 22.09.2024

Отзывы: Пока нет Добавить отзыв

О книге: "Parsec to Earth" is a fascinating collection of fantasy stories that will take the reader to the most incredible worlds and dimensions. Each story is a separate storyline. They not only create images of heroes and worlds, but also deeply touch upon current topics, giving the reader thoughts about the potential future and how unknown and amazing our Universe can be. "Parsec to Earth" is a journey that changes consciousness and expands the limits of imagination. Dive into the world of fantasy with "Parsec to Earth" and experience exciting adventures that are impossible to find in real life. Feel the wind of change and expand your consciousness with this unique collection, which will be a real discovery for all lovers of fantasy literature. Urban fantasy, along with the space adventures of the heroes of the book "Parsec to Earth" makes you think. Do we perceive our world as we see it?

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