Your mother′s diary. Erotic stories

Your mother's diary. Erotic stories
Алексей Аркадьевич Мухин
This collection of short stories invites readers into a world where the boundaries between reality and fantasy blur, and the ordinary intertwines with the mystical and the mysterious. Here, erotica is not just a manifestation of passion but a tool for uncovering the deepest human desires, fears, and hidden longings. Characters encounter enigmatic events, diving into realms where magic governs fate, and the arrival of a new Messiah heralds the beginning of a new order.Each story is a unique journey into the uncharted corners of the mind, where temptation and danger walk hand in hand. The true structure of reality proves to be more complex than it seems, with secrets lurking behind the veil of everyday life that have the power to change everything. Sensuality and spirituality merge, making this collection a captivating read for those ready to explore new dimensions of existence.

Алексей Мухин
Your mother's diary. Erotic stories

The Vagaries of Orgasm

– "I want you! I love you," Vadim turned his wife towards him, covering her with kisses. They were both naked. The morning tea had ended in a surprisingly passionate session of sex. He undressed her on the couch and pounced on her like an animal. Then they moved to another room. They had recently moved in and had not yet furnished it. The spacious room, bathed in light, allowed them to freely indulge in love. Veronica fleetingly thought how glad she was that Vadim had closed the blinds, as one could easily see through the window. There was much to admire: a cloud of blonde hair, large breasts (size 5), small nipples, a beautiful waist, and lush hips, and something small between them that always caught men's eyes and hands, strong or otherwise, sometimes even a woman’s hand. But Vera had quickly put an end to that, dismissing her drunken friend with her talk about how only a woman could understand a woman. Vera didn’t get it; she needed a cock, big and firm, to feel the flesh and have something to take in her mouth. Plus, it was her husband now, and they always enjoyed themselves together. He turned her back to him and entered her from behind. Before her eyes was a long corridor flooded with light, the front door, and the closet where they had thrown old things after moving in. She was about to climax, and then she saw a pair of eyes watching her from that very closet. She wanted to protest but it felt too good! She was about to come and the fact that someone was watching her fully naked turned her on even more. The closet door opened – it was a young man. She saw his facial features clearly before he darted to the front door, opened it, and ran out. Her husband was already climaxing and was too absorbed to listen to her talk about a pair of eyes, but nonetheless, she kept saying, "Valera… Valera." When it was all over, he got on his knees to help her climax and sweetly licked between her legs. She came too. As they rested, he asked:
– "We should drink tea more often in the morning!"
– "Yes, it was intense. I love you!"
– "Why were you shouting Valera…?"
– "Honey, there was someone in the closet."
– "Oh, come on!"
– "I'm telling you, he darted out the door."
– "Wait," he interrupted and approached the door… "Strange," he shouted from there, "I remember closing the door for sure. Hmm… I don't get it. Let's check the cameras."
They saw nothing on the cameras except the neighbor's kid.
– "Someone definitely saw me naked."
– "Honey, you were screaming so loudly that… Maybe you imagined it?"
– "Hmm. No… Strange… Maybe I’m hallucinating, but thank you, it was nice."

– "Today, let's just drink tea," suggested Valera. The day passed, and as always, he was getting ready for work. Valera wasn’t afraid of being late. As the boss, he couldn't be late by definition, so sex with his wife was always whenever they both wanted it, but today was a special case and he needed to be on time at work. His wife was sitting on the couch in a sweater and jeans, drinking tea and watching TV.
– "No, honey, not today, and I'm not in the mood. Yesterday was something… yeah… we'll probably be satisfied for a long time."
– "That's true," he poured himself some tea and was about to sit down next to her when the TV announced, "In criminal news, a certain Sergey Skvortsov has been detained for a computer attack on the country's largest bank. He had been sought for a long time…"
– "It’s him! He was here!" shouted Vera.
– "Who???" Her husband almost spilled his tea.
– "Skvortsov!"
– "Honey," he sat down next to her, now worried for his wife, "that guy was blowing up the bank's computer system at that very time yesterday."
– "Seryozha! Am I crazy?"
He hugged his wife, soon got dressed, and left for work. She took her mobile phone and dialed the number of an acquaintance investigator.
– "Mal’tsev, hi."
– "Hello, my dear."
– "Oh God, how nice! My husband doesn’t call me that!"
– "Well, you know how I feel about you!"
– "Yes, you admire me!" He laughed in response.
– "Verunya, what's happened?"
– "Listen, something… Can I come to you?"
– "Come, I'm waiting," Mal’tsev said and hung up.

Interrogation Room. Mal’tsev, as usual, stood by the window, admiring the sunset. There was a knock on the door and Vera appeared.
– "Vera, darling, hi." He approached her, extending his hands warmly.
– "Sweetheart, only you call me that."
– "And your husband?"
– "Oh, Petya, don’t even ask. He loves me, but it's somehow dry. The sex is great, but there’s no tenderness, no romance."
– "Oh, woman, you are a treasure!"
– "Petya," she changed her tone, "Did you arrest that guy shown in the news?"
– "Well, not me, but my district did. I'm handling the case. So what?" She detailed everything that happened the day before.
– "Hmm, interesting. But there's a nuance – the guy works at your husband's company."
– "What???" she nearly jumped up. "So… I need to talk to him," she said after a pause.
– "Verunya?"
– "Petya, I need to," she pleaded. "But face-to-face. There are no cameras?"
– "I'll take you somewhere without cameras. You can talk there. Sit tight, I'll arrange it."
Mal’tsev left. Vera reflexively went to the window. Winter, a train running on the tracks releasing smoke – Petya must enjoy this. He loves it all. Beautiful, romantic, and with his job, how is he here? Good guy. Why did he choose this path? He's not really a cop, too kind to be a cop… Her thoughts were interrupted by Pyotr himself.
– "Verunya, let's go."
They walked down a long corridor and entered an inconspicuous room. He was sitting at the table.
– "Verunya, five minutes."
At first, she froze, looking at him. He raised his eyes, then lowered them again. A tall guy with a beard and a ponytail. He shamefully lowered his eyes. Before him was a spectacle, an explicit spectacle. He was blinded by the cloud of hair, the lush chest, and the short, tight skirt. Beautiful hips, high heels.
– "I’m listening to you," Vera said and sat at the table.
– "I work for your husband," the guy's voice was extremely pleasant, and he spoke without raising his eyes. "I came to his office and said, 'I want to see your wife completely naked.'"
Vera nearly jumped up.
– "And???"
– "I thought he’d fire me and beat me. No, he fell silent and thought. Then I just left."
– "What???" Vera couldn’t believe her ears.
– "The next day, he came and said, 'Okay, you'll see, but I'll be nearby.'"
Vera’s eyes widened and stayed that way.
– "But I need something from you," the young man continued. "You will hack the Alpha Bank and delete all info about my company. The last two deals must not go through… The tax office is onto them, and he needed to cover his tracks. A large sum, and the bank would first request info, then the tax office would ask for a report on the amounts. I agreed…"
She interrupted him, "Boy, do you understand this is a criminal case? You did all this just to see me naked? Are you in your right mind?"
– "I love you and want you. I don’t have other chances, and I don’t deny my desires." She took a deep breath.
– "I'm leaving. I have no words."
As she was about to leave, he called her.
– "Wait." She turned around. He approached her so closely that it took her breath away. He lifted her skirt. She got very nervous. She looked at him with frightened eyes, waiting to see what would happen next. She got aroused, and everything happening felt right. She didn’t understand what it was or why… He slipped his finger between her legs, and she started writhing, not taking her eyes off him. Then he took out his finger, turned her back to the wall, knelt, spread her cheeks, and slipped his tongue in. He licked her for a long time. She moaned. Then she stopped everything, saying:
– "We got a bit carried away." He kept grabbing her chest and feeling her butt.
– "I will testify that you were at my place." He immediately removed his hands from her.
– "You just need to prove you couldn’t do it remotely. I’ll get you a lawyer."
She composed herself, though he didn’t let her, and eventually left.
– "Semyonych, look, it’s Vera Pavlovna naked!"
The next morning Vera walked into her husband’s office completely naked. The first ones stunned were the security guards. The office was big, five stories. She walked through each floor. There were cameras everywhere. Her husband was already at work, and she knew

The office was big, five stories. She walked through each floor. There were cameras everywhere. Her husband was already at work, and she knew he was watching it all.
– "Vadik, what is this?" his partner asked. "No, I’m pleased as a man."
By that time, Vera was already walking past her husband’s office. She entered and slapped him.
– "Bastard! Now everyone has seen me! Are you happy?"
He lowered his eyes and remained silent.

The boy was acquitted. Her testimony helped. Mal’tsev was sitting in the interrogation room, filing a new case number 21. The door opened, and Vera entered.
– "So, how are you? Sit down. Tea, coffee?" Mal’tsev offered.
– "Petya, let’s pretend you’re closing the file with a serious look, writing 'case number 21,' and then we’ll go have coffee in a cafе?"
– "Alright, but I’m at work. I’ll tell the bosses something. Let’s meet downstairs."
They walked to a cafе across the street. They settled by the window and ordered coffee.
– "How are things going? I get aroused every day."
– "With that boy?"
– "Yes and no."
– "What do you mean? Spill it…"
– "Oh, Petya, I’ll only tell you, you’re a friend. There’s no one else to tell. He won the case and came to my husband, saying, 'I want a promotion and your wife in my office at my every request.'"
– "Wow!" Mal’tsev got excited at these words.
– "When I heard that, I got immediately aroused. We don’t live together with Vadik, but he doesn’t know that…"
– "And what did Vadik do?" Mal’tsev interrupted. "Did he stay silent as always?" Vera nodded.
– "So what happened next?"
– "I walk into his office completely naked at his every request, in just high heels. I lie on the table, and he touches me, licks me. He loves doing that, and I do too. Then he says, 'That's it, you can go.' I leave, and I get insanely aroused, it drives me crazy. As soon as I hear, 'Come to my office,' I'm already turned on, and it gets even better. You should hear me climax."
– "With your body, it's… strange vagaries of orgasm."
– "Would you like to name the case like that?"
– "I don't know, Petya, you decide."
Just for fun, Peter returned to the interrogation room, took the file, and wrote "The Vagaries of Orgasm. Case No. 21."

Coffee on the lips

She stood in the elevator with her husband, shifting from foot to foot. A light summer dress, beautiful hips—no, rather an outright luxury! High heels, though she didn't really need them—such luxury didn't require support. She must have left her bra at home or at someone else's place when she got dressed in the morning and headed home—my imagination was running wild! Her tousled hair was in the most perfect order. My favorite chestnut hair, large eyes, thin lips, and perfectly shaped face. Perfection could be described endlessly. I liked her a lot.
Too bad she wasn't alone. The man, probably her husband or the one whose place she left her bra at, clearly expressed ownership of this woman. His whole demeanor, his gaze, said, "This woman is mine! Don't even think about it! Mine!"
"She must feel nice there," I thought to myself as I mentally undressed her, running my hands all over. Everything was both soft and firm, tender and gentle, all at once… I could smell her. She was right not to use perfume. Scent is just as much information as hair color and nipples showing through a summer blouse… I got excited… Surely, she had a little bit of hair down there, but only a little. I stood there, imagining her underwear. The man glanced at me sideways.
"Probably her husband," I thought.
My thoughts were interrupted when she shuddered. She felt unwell. Her heart was hurting. She clutched her chest and whispered, "Oh God, it hurts!"
I’m a doctor and was on my way to work. I quickly commanded, "Step aside! I’m a doctor!"
I unbuttoned her blouse… It was a divine chest. Large, sensitive nipples, and all of it ended up in my hands! Her tousled hair brushed against my face… I was happy… But there wasn’t much time to enjoy the moment. She was genuinely unwell. Her husband stood aside, clearly at a loss… I performed chest compressions—I'm a massage therapist—and she began to feel better. To reinforce my work, I kept caressing her chest. I indulged myself a bit. Gave myself a little celebration. Our eyes met from time to time, and I could see that she enjoyed it, and it seemed she understood that I was getting carried away.
"Fuh…" she sighed. She looked at me and smiled. Feeling awkward, she quickly buttoned up her blouse. Her husband helped. I explained what had happened. They thanked me and left.
My workday had never started like that in an elevator! Should I bring a massage table here and not go to work at all?
"Amusing," I thought.
For a while, I didn’t think about anything else. It was like a flash. And I think… I’m a bit damp in my underwear… I really enjoyed it.
Such a woman! I was deeply captivated by that encounter. An unusual idea came to mind. I had never done this before, but… hmm, I decided to write a story about what could have happened next if it had continued… I probably won’t ever see her again. But I wrote it, and to my surprise, I met her again. By chance. A summer cafе. She was sitting and drinking coffee. Nothing special about that, but you know, such a woman does everything with luxury—reaching for the cup, wiping her lips with a napkin, looking around—everything with grace, charm, allure.
"Oh, doctor! How are you? You saved me that day. You know, I…" she smiled broadly; she was pleasantly surprised to see me again… I melted. A divine smile. How do people find such women, how do they win them over? I don’t know.
"I was passing by. I see you… Summer is just beginning to take hold, but already all the outdoor terraces are open… and it's really nice here," I tried to keep the conversation going and show that I wasn't completely overwhelmed by seeing her… I dared to give her my story. You'll soon understand why this was a bold move. "This is for you… I… I thought that if we met again, how it might be. So I wrote a story."
"A story dedicated to me?" She smiled and raised her eyebrows. She took my story.
I sat down. I waved to the waiter to come over. She took the sheets of paper and started reading…
"‘Only people like this know how to love,’ I thought… After that incident, I made it a habit to grope the local girls during their appointments. As a good doctor, I had many high-profile patients, and they often came to see me. I developed several techniques to undress a woman, which I practiced from time to time. Sometimes their husbands were present. I explained everything so plausibly that there was nothing they could latch onto. I even started to think that they liked it, the husbands, I mean."
I needed to forget her, and I couldn’t think of another way.
She glanced at me. Her look was reproachful, but she continued reading.
And so, one day, I was sitting in my office. It was an unremarkable day. The appointments were over. I was already packing up my briefcase when someone knocked on the door. A man entered, wearing a dark coat and a hat.
I was surprised—why a hat? Why a coat? The weather was warming up outside, at most a raincoat. He sat down.
"I didn’t offer you a seat," I delicately noted.
"It’s fine," he replied coolly and stared at me. He sat in the shadows, perhaps so I couldn’t see his face. Hat pulled low, scarf wrapped in a way that hid his chin.
There was a pause. I put my briefcase on the floor, sat down, and folded my hands, staring at the stranger.
He was silent. I was silent too.
We stared at each other for a minute or two, and then he blurted out, "Sleep with my wife!"
I was so startled that I jumped, but I thought—alright… I'll listen to the end. What a circus.
"Whose?" I replied.
He silently handed me some photos. I took them.
A woman. Naked. My favorite shapes. Every curve and line. Everything I love and that excites me so much. I was surprised! My breath caught immediately. I didn’t even notice that her facial features were hidden, either by my favorite chestnut hair or glasses, but with a body like that, it was hard to focus on her face—large, sensitive breasts, a neat stomach, hips, buttocks. Altogether, it looked incredibly striking.
The first woman who occupied my thoughts and drove out my previous love… I don’t even know her name! I was momentarily lost in thought.
"Hmm… the only person who can handle her," I continued my train of thought.
How could I not fall for it? It was impossible. For the first time, I felt happy and free from the feelings that had worn me out like a dog!
"I know what you do with women here, and… she wants you," the stranger interrupted my thoughts. "I won't object. She’ll be with me afterward anyway. I need her to let off some steam. You go in, don’t say anything, she’s in bed, you undress and lie down, then sex. That’s it. That’s the condition… We have this game."
His voice… it was so familiar, yet I had definitely never seen this person before. I leaned back in my chair and bit my lip, flipping through the photos again and again.
The stranger scribbled something on a piece of paper, stood up, and left.
I pondered. The idea was terrible… to say the least. Of course, part of the reason was that I had gotten carried away. Women were accessible. Husbands couldn’t do anything, and this guy even came himself. I decided to go! I threw the photos into my briefcase, left the office, and ordered a taxi.

The house, standing somewhat lonely by the roadside, looked rather grim. The darkness was impenetrable. At least there were some streetlights, though they were dim.

– Morning will come, and the house will probably be entirely black – I thought as I looked at the building.

It was somehow gloomy there. My taxi gave a few beams of light from its headlights and left, and again… darkness, gloom, and sadness. Well…

I approached, opened the heavy doors of the entrance, and went inside. There was no elevator, so I walked up to the second floor. I found the needed apartment, number 79, but the door was already ajar. I entered. Twilight. Someone was in bed, the moon peeked through the curtains, casting shadows on the table and drapes. I undressed and lay down. A gentle sensation, a warm woman. She moaned and started touching me. It seemed to me that I had felt these breasts before, but then, recalling a stranger's words, I realized, yes – I had felt them before. She moaned and said nothing else. Her movements synchronized with mine. I spread her legs and entered her. She moaned even louder, but didn’t utter a word. I finished and lay back. I started talking after sex. I tend to talk a lot. Then I fell asleep. I woke up several times and through my sleep, I saw that she seemed to get up and get dressed, then lay down again. At night, I woke up and decided to run my hand over her face, but my hand felt some kind of moisture and a strange smell, and she was cold, unusually cold. I got up and turned on the light… before me lay a corpse in blood.

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Your mother′s diary. Erotic stories Алексей Мухин
Your mother′s diary. Erotic stories

Алексей Мухин

Тип: электронная книга

Жанр: Эротические рассказы и истории

Язык: на русском языке

Издательство: Автор

Дата публикации: 11.08.2024

Отзывы: Пока нет Добавить отзыв

О книге: This collection of short stories invites readers into a world where the boundaries between reality and fantasy blur, and the ordinary intertwines with the mystical and the mysterious. Here, erotica is not just a manifestation of passion but a tool for uncovering the deepest human desires, fears, and hidden longings. Characters encounter enigmatic events, diving into realms where magic governs fate, and the arrival of a new Messiah heralds the beginning of a new order.Each story is a unique journey into the uncharted corners of the mind, where temptation and danger walk hand in hand. The true structure of reality proves to be more complex than it seems, with secrets lurking behind the veil of everyday life that have the power to change everything. Sensuality and spirituality merge, making this collection a captivating read for those ready to explore new dimensions of existence.

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