Verse and Dimensions: Stories

Verse and Dimensions: Stories
Мастер Исандер
Коллективное Творчество
Verse and Dimensions #1
Сборник интересных рассказов, в которых повествуется жизнь различных космических божеств, их взаимодействия друг с другом и с экосистемами космических структур! (Все истории взяты из Verse and Dimensions wiki)

Коллективное Творчество, Мастер Исандер
Verse and Dimensions: Stories

Hyperman’s Origin
In an alternate Universe in the year 56200 AD, a human boy named J. Christopher Trigonum was born. For some reason, his full first name has since been lost/obscured to all but Trigonum himself, and so only he will ever know what it means (If his first name even begins with a "J" for that matter).

So incredibly advanced was the native universe of Trigonum, that time travel was already invented in the year 456 BC. Needless to say, Trigonum already had access to the benefits of a highly evolved universe upon birth. But this Earth was not a perfect utopia by any stretch. In fact, some might even say that it was this rapid advancement that led to a decline in the quality of life for many of the inhabitants of earth; or, at least, one of the Earths.

Long before the birth of Trigonum, humans had used their High Technology to wage war amongst themselves. The climax of this war, World War Six, was so catastrophic that the planet itself was split apart. This cataclysm is known as The Schism, in which shortly afterwards Earth became established as two separate planets – Terra and Gaea. The two planets had different ideals and laws, and were politically at odds with each-other a lot of the time.

The Terrans were the humans whose advancement had never stopped or even slowed following The Schism. Their science and technology was far superior to those of the Gaeans, but it had come at the cost of a clean spacious planet. The vast amount of industrialization which was born as a side-effect from the mass-production of technology caused much pollution, especially in its lower societal echelons that most of the impoverished humans were restricted to. They had an imbalanced economy, relying almost solely on industrial services to keep themselves afloat. Its air, water and soil was heavily polluted to the extent that it even corrupted its inhabitants' genes, making them sickly, weak and terminally ill.

Gaea, meanwhile, was a cleaner planet, free of toxins and pollution, and still with remaining patches of pure, untouched virgin nature. However, the Gaeans were far more "primitive" than the Terrans, due to their slower progression of science and their vastly outdated technology. However, one thing that they had which Terra did not was Time Travel. The Gaeans are the only ones who were able to save their time travel research and technology in The Schism, and they were able to further advance it afterwards.

As can be seen, Trigonum's life did not begin in the best circumstances, especially considering that he was born on Terra and grew up in one of its most urbanized and overcrowded slums. Trigonum remembered nothing of his birth parents, and neither did those who had found him. His childhood primarily was spent in an orphanage that he was supposedly left on the doorstep of after being born, where he labored away every day until being legally old enough to work a job, consisting of even harder and more rigorous labor. Although any "normal" boy (in Terran standards) would have been fatigued beyond all functioning, Trigonum was actually incredibly robust and energetic. This earned him the nickname among his peers as "hyper-man".

The Journey Begins
At this point, Trigonum’s outlook on his life and future was not too optimistic, and it was not helped by the physically deteriorating environment around him. However, despite this, he seemed to possess an advantage amongst the rest of the Terrans: in addition to his excess energy, he was also in the best health out of all of them. This could have easily been chalked up to simple good hygienic habits, and at first that was what Trigonum had done. However, a fatal flaw in this theory was that Trigonum had no financial or economic advantages over many of his other co-workers, and in fact was considered even poorer than most of them, and therefore his hygienic opportunities were only as great as theirs. Additionally, he soon found that he showed no physical signs of the genetic corruption that was present in so many others around him.

Many saw this as a "miracle" of sorts, but Trigonum believed it to be a mere fluke, and he felt put off by so many people seeming to perceive him as a “greater” being. There also were those who possessed an even more dangerous mindset, and attempted to ambush and kill Trigonum out of jealousy and fear. These experiences led Trigonum to realize that he would die if he continued living in the environment and conditions he did, and so he vowed to get out of the slums and move up in the world. And that he did.

Trigonum labored day and night, crushing his soul beneath the work. The fatigue and exhaustion he suffered from this was primarily more mental than physical. Eventually, Trigonum's hard work would pay off when he found a position in a corporation, one of the most powerful and successful in all of Terra, and also one of the very few institutions to not be industrial. While an office job might sound dull, this one was not, or at least that's what Trigonum convinced himself to believe in an effort to motivate himself. Trigonum worked hard day and night to his physical limit, trying his hardest to rise above his unfavorable position.

Trigonum had eventually accrued enough financial credits in his job, and he was able to transfer to a company established on Gaea. It was one place in particular that Trigonum had always dreamed of working at: Chrono Corp, the official Time Travel agency. The clean, unpolluted and safe environment was far more comfortable for Trigonum, and a welcome change.

Although he thought that the inhabitants of Terra viewed him as a supernatural being because of the extreme ratio resulting from their genetic corruption, Trigonum then found that even the Gaeans, who were "normal" also saw him as a greater being. He even began learning of cults that were starting to form. Trigonum was becoming disturbed, wondering why so many people were adamant about his “divinity", and why he of all people deserved such a status. He may have been a successful businessman, but he nonetheless saw himself as just that, and he came from one of the most godless places in the entire universe for that matter. He began to lay low, trying to stay above the suspicion of others. Eventually, after these burning questions lingered within Trigonum’s mind long enough, he finally tried to settle his concerns once and for all, and decided to test his DNA. He purchased the most expensive and advanced DNA testing tool that his credits could afford, to ensure the most possible accuracy and detail. What Trigonum found in his test results shocked him. The readings were so far off the charts, the data couldn't even be displayed in the results. Believing that the specific kit he bought had malfunctioned, Trigonum bought another and performed the same test again. The results were the same. He bought a third kit, and again the results still were the same. Trigonum could not ignore it any longer – his origins were greater than that of a normal human.

Trigonum’s new goal was to discover his origins, and track down his parents. He did this with every resource at his disposal, sifting through endless birth records and archives, employing private investigators. However, even with all of this, Trigonum’s search proved fruitless. Trigonum was about to give up, before he realized that there was one last method he could employ. It was most definitely risky and would be deemed a High Crime if he were caught, but Trigonum’s need for answers overrode his conscience. As a member of the Time Corp, Trigonum had access to a time machine, capable of transporting him to any point within the past. Travel to the future was banned, as it created too much temporal distortion than it was worth. This was not a problem to Trigonum however, as he was focused on going to a point in the past. Specifically, he intended to travel to a moment in the past in which he could meet his birth parents. Travelling anywhere off-route from the Time Corp’s plotted course was not only illegal and against the company’s rules, but it also presented serious risks for temporal distortion and muddying the timeline – which the Time Corp had been formed specifically to prevent and neutralize. Trigonum recognized these risks, and so he vowed to himself that he would not interact with anyone or anything in his travels, and would only observe the events. Trigonum first entered the Spacetime coordinates for the date of his supposed birthday, tagging the spatial portion of the coordinates to his own self. However, as Trigonum travelled along the timestream towards his destination, he found…nothing. The segment of spacetime in which his birth had occurred was completely absent, with only a void in its place. It was not that the segment had been erased, but rather it was inaccessible to Trigonum, seemingly as if it had been blocked off. Trigonum instead plotted the course to the moment in which he had been left at the doorstep of his orphanage, in hopes of catching even the slightest glimpse of his parents. However, this too was inaccessible to him. Some being or force, whatever it was, did not want Trigonum to discover the truth of his origin. Almost as if the information was dangerous. As for who specifically it would be dangerous to, Trigonum did not yet know.

With all the signs thus far, it was now abundantly clear to Trigonum that he should pursue the path laid out before him. After finally allowing himself to remove his self-imposed limitations, Trigonum began realizing his full physical, mental and genetic potential. He physically trained his mind and body in secret, building up his strength and performing feats of increasing caliber . Despite his unsuspecting appearance, Trigonum soon was already far stronger than the most muscularly built human. Trigonum spent periods in deep meditation, cultivating intelligence and mental stability. Eventually, after training for long enough, Trigonum decided that the time was finally right for the truth about him to be made known to Earth.

After revealing his true abilities to the rest of humanity, Trigonum was met with a standing ovation. Of course, not every human was keen on Trigonum and the implications of his existence, but the positive reception largely outweighed the negative. Trigonum became a hero to humanity, serving as a guardian and a protector as he helped to combat criminal and terroristic threats wherever they could be found. When asked by the public what he should be known as, he smugly told them to call him “Hyperman” – before silently cringing and briefly realizing that he would probably regret this later. Nonetheless, that was the name everyone stuck with.

Trigonum took advantage of those who worshipped him, using his influence and connections to ascend governmental ranks before becoming the president of his country, and soon ruling all of Gaea. He would then conquer Terra, and proceed to physically reunify both halves of the planet back into Earth using the technological connection points along the equators. He did not stop there, however. Trigonum realized he could go further than just that. He went on to continue expanding his "empire", taking control of various established colonies throughout the solar system such as those on Mars and The Moon. Soon, all of the Solar system was unified under Trigonum’s rule.

After taking over the entire solar system, Trigonum still felt that he could do more. At this point, there was no real goal behind his campaign. He simply wanted to expand his empire just because he could. At least, that was the conscious motivation. Subconsciously, the true reason that Trigonum wished to continue expanding was that he believed he could finally obtain the answers he sought once he had the highest possible "vantage point" over the entire Universe.
Hyperman further expanded into other Galaxies and star systems. However, at many times he found that the conquest was not a pretty one. Those who refused to willingly become part of Hyperman's empire were instead forcibly conquered anyways. This of course made many enemies, and at nearly every corner Hyperman found himself having to make many decisions which did not sit well with him. He found himself questioning his decisions at times, but another part of Hyperman would convince him that remorse was a sign of weakness, and that the only true way was forward. Soon, nearly every Galaxy in the Universe, as well as all their civilizations and races, were under the command and control of Hyperman. Nearly every race submitted to his will, and worshipped him as God.

However, even after conquering all of what many beings would perceive to be the entirety of Existence, Hyperman still was not satisfied. It all felt so…anticlimactic to him. It felt too easy, and Hyperman had difficulty believing that one could conquer literally all of Existence just like that. Furthermore, even after discovering all that he had in the Universe, Hyperman still hadn't the slightest clue as to his true origin. However, there still remained one last part of the Universe that was not yet conquered or even explored. It was a single unsuspecting planet, located in the outermost galaxy of the Universe. And so, Hyperman travelled there, hoping to finally discover the answers he had been seeking.

Unfortunately, the expedition did not go as planned for Hyperman. The planet was like a site of ancient ruins. It was completely devoid of life, but ancient structures were left behind. There were runes and scriptures inscribed onto many of the walls, but it was apparently written in some previously-unrecorded language and thus seemed impossible to translate. Hyperman was extremely frustrated, but soon things went from bad to worse. The environment of the planet was extremely harsh, too much for even his highly advanced space suit – the Universe's top of the line – to handle. Hyperman became heavily weakened by the near-Absolute Zero temperatures of the desolate planet, and was becoming delirious. In a fit of hypothermic exhaustion, Hyperman stumbled and plummeted into a deep arctic chasm. Upon landing on the ground, he sustained several grave injuries. The only thing which prevented him from instantly dying was the extremely low temperatures, which thinned Hyperman's blood and slowed his heart rate.

As he laid there, Hyperman thought he saw a glow emanate from one of the ice walls. He at first dismissed it as some sort of near-death hallucination, but then the light shined brighter as a shape began breaking out from it. From the ice, a small geometrical object appeared and hovered above him. The object was shaped like a rectangular prism, and was about the size of a brick. What was more was that it seemed to contain pieces of the cosmos themselves. What surprised Hyperman the most, however, was when the object spoke, introducing itself in a chirpy voice as "Prismus".

Before Hyperman had much time to process what was now happening, Prismus scanned his body before proceeding to project a mysterious beam on him, which near-instantly healed all of Hyperman's injuries. Hyperman was incredibly bewildered. Even after all he had seen and witnessed in his travels, never before had he discovered a thing such as this. He humbly thanked Prismus for saving his life, before asking what it was, and why/how it was on this planet. Prismus explained that it was a computer system, and that it had been created for the purpose of serving…someone. It didn't exactly know or remember its original master, most likely due to the fact that it was damaged from spending so long embedded within the ice. Nonetheless, Prismus assured Hyperman that it possessed an abundance of knowledge. As Hyperman began navigating through the ice chasm and searching for a possible way to escape, Prismus followed behind him closely. It seemed as if Prismus was attached to Hyperman, as it would never hover further than a few inches from his body. Hyperman was agitated by Prismus' adamant attachment, similar to how a person would be annoyed by a fly buzzing around their head. However, this was when Hyperman had an idea. Upon finding a climbing route and escaping from the chasm, he thought of a way to make Prismus useful. He directed Prismus to the ruins of an ancient temple he had passed by prior.

Inside, Hyperman had Prismus scan the ancient language inscribed on the walls, and to his surprise it was successfully translated. It seemed that the language was already registered in Prismus' database, but as to how/why, not even Prismus knew. The runes etched into the wall seemed to be…some form of research records. Although the method of recording it seemed primitive, the beings who wrote them possessed highly advanced knowledge. The texts spoke of entire alternate universes, and even contained hard scientific proof of their existence. Although this was something Hyperman already had suspicions of, it was still surprising to him for it to be outright confirmed.

There was then one last discovered text, which appeared to have been etched the most recently. It spoke of an experiment by "God" (for lack of a better term in the translations), in which he inserted his essence into a human female to produce a hybrid offspring, in the event that anything were to happen to him. At first, Hyperman believed this to be nothing more than some sort of cultural legend, but he then thought it to be odd that it would be written down in a place which was seemingly intended to be a laboratory. Furthermore, Hyperman also found it odd that seemingly ancient ruins would have such a new carving. Prismus, upon further analyzing it, revealed that the etching was made shortly just before the time of Hyperman's birth. This seemed like nothing more than a mere coincidence, but Prismus then revealed something else. It told Hyperman that, yes, there was in fact a Multiverse. And in each universe, there was usually a God who created it, and therefore most likely this universe also had a God behind its creation. Prismus knew this because it had originated from a place far beyond the Universe. When Hyperman asked for further information, Prismus told him that it did not know much else, most likely because of the aforementioned damage to its systems. Even with this knowledge that Hyperman now had, he still didn't believe there to be any correlation between himself and the etching beyond a simple coincidence.

It was then that Prismus asked if it could "tag along" with Hyperman. Hyperman, already knowing that it would've been harder to get rid of Prismus, as well as seeing much use for it, accepted the offer.

Into The Multiverse
Prismus told Hyperman that it could be of more use, if its computing power was increased. Hyperman asked how he could do this, to which Prismus replied that by absorbing more physical space within itself, it could have more room to "think". That gave Hyperman an idea for how to exit the Universe. He asked if Prismus could absorb universes while within them, to which Prismus answered that it could. And so, Hyperman made Prismus absorb the entirety of the Universe into itself. As Prismus prepared to do this, it told Hyperman to "buckle up". Before Hyperman had the chance to ask what for, Prismus was already proceeding with the absorption. This event was not noticeable to any other inhabitants of the Universe, who continued to proceed with life as normal. However from the outside, Prismus now contained Hyperman's entire Universe. What Hyperman failed to anticipate, however, (primarily due to Prismus' lack of warning) was that now he was ejected into the void of the Multiverse, trapped within the space between universes. Although Hyperman was wearing a spacesuit, this void was nothing like space within a universe. It was beyond the normal 3 dimensions. Hyperman was nearly torn to shreds by the sheer pressure (or lack thereof) that he found himself in, but somehow he never got to that point. Prismus then solved the issue by projecting a bubble around both itself and Hyperman. As Hyperman caught his breath, he chastised Prismus for not telling him what would happen. Prismus apologized, before explaining that in any other case, any normal human would have instantly been obliterated within Multiversal space. Something in Hyperman was most definitely different – and more powerful – than any mortal human.

With the vantage point that he now possessed, Hyperman was able to use Prismus to absorb countless Universes en masse at once. There were some hostile Multiversal creatures that he encountered along the way, but they became easier and easier to defeat the more that Hyperman fought them, as he almost seemed to "adapt" whenever faced by a new threat. Eventually, two thirds of all the universes in the Multiverse had been absorbed by Prismus, and Hyperman had befallen every threat within them.

It was then that the pair suddenly encountered a being. His figure was crippled and emaciated, shrouded in the tatters of etheric robes. He possessed a face that resembled the eye of a storm, and a gaping square-shaped resided in his chest, glowing as if it was burned into him.

"The Seventh"

Hyperman was of course frightened by the appearance of this being, and he prepared to flee. However, the being weakly called out for Hyperman to not leave him, stated that he needed help. He spoke to them in a way that sounded as if he already knew Hyperman and Primus as intimately as an old longtime friend. Prismus itself told Hyperman that it faintly recognized the being, but its memory systems were currently too damaged for it to identify how exactly it knew him. Hyperman, now starting to instead feel pity for the being, returned to him, asking who he was and what had happened to him. The entity introduced himself as "The Seventh", before proceeding to drop the bombshell revelation that he was in fact Hyperman’s biological father. Caught off guard by this, Hyperman began to feel disoriented, almost fainting. He managed to get his bearings however, and continued to listen to The Seventh’s explanation.

The Seventh went on to explain that the reason he was in this state was because he had been struck down by six ruthless entities called The Hexagon Lords, which he formerly was a part of. Apparently, the Hexagon Lords had a pact which forbade any of its members to have a child, especially not with a mortal. The Seventh, however, eventually met a mortal human woman and fell in love with her. He loved the woman so much that he chose to defy the Hexagon Lords’ rules and have a child with her – Hyperman. The Hexagon Lords, displeased by this error, planned to kill the woman and the unborn Hyperman to correct The Seventh’s mistakes. The Seventh opposed this, and a violent confrontation between him and the Hexagon Lords resulted. The Seventh had been gravely injured by the battle, but he had been able to save Hyperman and his mother from being killed. All this time, The Seventh had been watching Hyperman’s life from afar, able to use his power to see him but unable to physically be there.

Hyperman spent a moment processing all this new information. He felt a mixture of many emotions, most notably a strange combination of passionate joy and rage. He was grateful to have finally found his father and learned the truth of his origins, but now he was angered by what had been done to his father by these Hexagon Lords. Hyperman made a promise to The Seventh that he would avenge him and kill the Hexagon Lords himself. The Seventh was quick to advise against this, stating that the Hexagon Lords were far too powerful for Hyperman to combat in his current state. Hyperman needed to train first.

Together with his father, Hyperman would be trained in the development and usage of his powers, as well as learning new techniques. They travelled through many universes and even Multiverses, battling foes of increasing caliber. As the complexity of his environment and enemies increased, so too did Hyperman’s perception of reality and the cosmos. His mind expanded, adopting a clear understanding of multi-universality. This soon evolved into an understanding of multi-multiversality, as Hyperman ascended to the status of a Megaversal entity. The Seventh believed Hyperman to finally be powerful enough to take on the Hexagon Lords at this point, and gave his blessings for his son to go forth. Before Hyperman departed however, The Seventh said that he had one last gift to leave him with. The Seventh split off a portion of his own essence (and therefore his power as well) from his form, and merged it into Hyperman’s being. He claimed that it would provide Hyperman with a significant boost in power, something he would need when fighting the Hexagon Lords.

Confronting The Hexagon Lords
With his capabilities having been increased from absorbing the many universes and multiverses thus far, Prismus was able to teleport Hyperman directly to The Wall, the exterior of The Folded Cascade. As Hyperman approached the Folded Cascade with Prismus by his side, he kept in mind all the security measures in place that The Seventh informed him of. Hyperman knew that direct and forceful entry into the Folded Cascade would require careful precise maneuvers. However, it soon turned out that it would not be not be an issue, as Prismus was apparently still registered as an authorized user of the portal systems. Prismus therefore was able to connect itself to the digital systems of the portal network and open an interdimensional gateway for Hyperman. After entering through the portal, Hyperman was expelled from the other side into a massive megastructure city, which he knew to be the Hexagon Lords’ base of operations. The layout of the city was very geometrical and incredibly complex, with buildings and even entire city sections moving round like a clockwork system. As Hyperman navigated the bustling megaversal city, he encountered incredibly bizarre beings which were alien by even his perception. Suddenly, Hyperman bumped into the shoulder of a passerby. After nearly tripping, Hyperman was about to apologize when he came face to face with the being he bumped into. Based on what The Seventh had told him, Hyperman instantly recognized the being as the avatar of One, a member of the Hexagon Lords.

Hyperman entered into a battle stance and formed a construct of zero-point energy as a weapon, proclaiming that the Hexagon Lords would pay for what they had done to his father. One shrugged away his suspicious civilian disguise, and nonchalantly proclaimed that they already knew. In fact, One said, all the Hexagon Lords already knew Hyperman was coming. Hyperman looked around to see all of the supposed citizens of the city suddenly disappearing en masse. They were merely illusions, generated by the mental manipulation of Five. Suddenly, the entire city began to mechanically fold inwards upon itself. The city had in fact been decoy, being a manifestation of Three. Hyperman realized that this whole thing had been a trap set for him, from the very moment he was teleported into the Folded Cascade. He had no time to dwell on this however, as his current focus was on killing the Hexagon Lords. As Hyperman scaled across one of the shifting edges of the Three, he attempted to strike One with his energy construct. Rather than striking One however, the construct instantly dissipated as it came into contact with Six, who’s manifestation appeared before Hyperman. Four then appeared next, and no matter what attack Hyperman tried to use, Four instinctively counteracted it as he already knew every possible sequence of actions Hyperman would immediately take. Hyperman instead resorted to ranged attacks and teleported a further distance away as he just barely evaded multiple dimensions of Three colliding. He directed streams of energy at the Hexagon Lords, and was surprised to see that it had turned a deep red, the color of his father’s essence. The Hexagon Lords were surprised as well and thus caught off guard, which allowed for the attack to strike them. One, Four and Six’s forms were scattered, temporarily incapacitated. It was then that a raging maelstrom of fractal shards, the manifestation of Two, appeared and shredded zir way towards Hyperman. Hyperman was overwhelmed by the shards slicing at him from all directions, causing him to lash out in a burst of red energy that dissipated the shards. Just as he was about to resume his attacks, Hyperman suddenly found himself overcome with dizziness and a tired feeling. He then collapsed into a deep sleep, induced by Five. The Hexagon Lords proceeded to envelop themselves and Hyperman within the holographic geometrical pattern of a star tetrahedron, warping into the Hexagon Lords’ base of operations.

The next thing Hyperman knew when he awoke, he was in a room surrounded by the six entities who had incapacitated him. He found himself restrained in specialized bindings that not even he could escape. Hyperman struggled in the binds, even despite knowing it was useless, and demanded to know from the Hexagon Lords why they had tried to kill his parents and stop him from being born. The Hexagon Lords merely looked sound at themselves and back at Hyperman in great confusion. One spoke up, and said that Hyperman didn’t know the full truth. When Hyperman asked how he knew he could trust the Hexagon Lords, Four grabbed Prismus and took it in his hands. Prismus loudly houted in protest, but Four ignored it as he performed a few subtle movements and instantaneously defragmented Prismus’ memory databanks. Upon this occurring, Primus seemed to gasp out as it proclaimed that “The Seventh was lying”. When Hyperman asked what this meant, One said that he owed an explanation to Hyperman.

After freeing Hyperman, the Hexagon Lords told him that The Seventh was once a Hexagon Lord as well, a very long time ago during a period where the Hexagon Lords were only just starting to establish themselves. He was very bright, and even developed most of their early gear and technology. The Hexagon Lords went on to further recount that, after failing to save others because of his hesitation and overconfidence, The Seventh was changed, and he began following a darker path. He became more violent, aggressive and greedy, losing himself in a quest for power. The Hexagon Lords eventually banished him from the group and tried to stop him. In the ensuing battle's climax, he tried to merge himself with Prismus cube as a last resort, but became overloaded and the cube rejected him, as its memory and data became corrupted and it was flung away. This incident nearly killed The Seventh, severely weakening him as he was banished from the Folded Cascade.

When the Hexagon Lords concluded their explanation, Hyperman was absolutely dumbfounded. He had difficulty believing their account, but at the same time all the details appeared to line up even more than The Seventh’s version of events. After being given time to process the revelation, The Hexagon Lords began trying to formulate a plan to deal with The Seventh. There was a vast disagreement among them as to how to approach the situation. Six had somewhat of an "I-told-you-so" attitude towards it, once again suggesting to just resort to killing The Seventh outright. Three, however, wanted to try again to simply try to talk sense into The Seventh. Arguments erupted among then all, as they were conflicted. Hyperman then spoke up, breaking up the arguments. He told the Hexagon Lords that he would first confront his father himself, to assess how he would react (as well as to secretly see if the Hexagon Lords were indeed right, as he did not yet fully believe them). All the Hexagon Lords decided that this would be the best course of action. Before Hyperman departed however, One chose to gift him some of the Hexagon Lords’ older-generation gear. It was the suit which had adorned The Seventh himself during his time in the Hexagon Lords. One claimed that the suit would enhance Hyperman’s abilities, which he would need in case anything were to go awry. Hyperman thanked the Hexagon Lords, before departing with Prismus to confront his father.

The Confrontation
Before Hyperman actually went to meet The Seventh again, he wanted to be completely sure of what he was doing. And so he requested that Prismus would expel the planet they had met on from its systems. Prismus obliged, and upon it doing so, Hyperman travelled to the planet. He returned to the complex in which he had found the research records, and it was there that a wall had seemingly come alive and opened itself right before him. Hyperman realized that it was a door, which somehow read him as an “authorized” entrant and unlocked itself. He would soon find out why, as he navigated the darkened passageways of the abandoned lab. He saw before him rows of incubation tanks. Each one of them were labelled with a strange sequence of symbols, almost as if someone had smashed random characters on a keyboard. This sequence of symbols was largely the same on each of the tanks, except each tank had a unique designation serial code at the end of the sequence such as “1a” or “2c”. At the very end of the hall, there resided a larger and more sophisticated tank which was marked “45b”, but it was vacant. Hyperman peered into one of the tanks, but then jumped back in shock after seeing what was in it. In the tanks were beings that were very Similar to himself. The similarity was not on a physical or superficial level – these creatures couldn’t be more different in terms of appearance. Rather, they resonated with Hyperman on a more conceptual level. They were almost “him” in a sense, but not quite. They were almost like…siblings.

Hyperman began to have a sick feeling in his stomach, and was about to run when he turned to see The Seventh standing right before him. Although his face gave no physical expression of emotion as a human’s would, Hyperman could understand that The Seventh felt very irate and frustrated. He demanded to know why Hyperman had returned without destroying the Hexagon Lords, and more importantly why he was wearing his old gear. Hyperman, put off by The Seventh’s sudden shift in demeanor, became confrontational and told him that he was his father – not his boss. He then told The Seventh what the Hexagon Lords had told him, and demanded The Seventh to tell him whether it was actually true. The Seventh unapologetically nodded, before vaguely grumbling to himself about how “the transition could have been easier” if the Hexagon Lords were already dead, but that he “would have to make do this way”. The Seventh then disappeared from sight as all the tanks activated and opened themselves. Several of The Seventh’s hybrid-clone servants, under his psychic influence, spilled forth towards Hyperman and Prismus liked a horde of zombies. As Hyperman befell his "brothers", he felt no sense of guilt towards it. As far as he was concerned, they were not his family, even if related by blood. The Seventh only cackled, claiming that they were never strong-enough beings to contain his power in the first place anyways.

This was when The Seventh revealed his true plan to Hyperman. He told of how he had transmuted a part of his essence into a human woman who lived in one of his universes, birthing a hybrid offspring. And this offspring – was Hyperman himself. The Seventh planned to transport the rest of his essence into Hyperman's body, essentially using him as a vessel with which to reincarnate himself, and return to his full power. At that moment, The Seventh's "physical" form appeared, and he proceeded to fight against Hyperman and Prismus himself. Hyperman was surprised by the amount of power and force that The Seventh was using, and then realized that he had been exaggerating his weakened state this entire time. As Hyperman fought his father, The Seventh went on to monologue about how he had been with Hyperman since the very beginning, guiding his path throughout life from behind the scenes without him ever knowing. He then went on to say that they were more alike than Hyperman wanted to think. Both of them desired power, and were willing to go to immense lengths to achieve their goals. This comment caused Hyperman to briefly hesitate, questioning if he really was in fact alike with The Seventh. The Seventh took advantage of this, pointing a singled finger at Hyperman. Hyperman was suddenly overcome with a crippling pain as he fell to his knees and retched on the ground. Red cracks of corruption appeared on Hyperman’s chest, as The Seventh claimed that either way, his influence was already taking root within Hyperman. He explained that the portion of his power he imbued in Hyperman earlier was also a way to exert his influence over him, incubating within him like a virus or parasite. Hyperman tried resisting against the invisible force, but he screamed in pain as he was pushed down even harder. The Seventh was amused by this sight, remarking that Hyperman may have been powerful but that power meant nothing to him, Hyperman’s creator. Hyperman tapped into his rage, and ignoring The Seventh’s taunts, he was able to muster all of his strength and willpower to deal a fatal blow to The Seventh, killing him.

As Hyperman looked on at The Seventh's dead body, he realized that the fight ended up being easier than it should've been. And it was then that The Seventh's remains liquified into pure essence, slithering towards Hyperman and crawling up his body. Hyperman realized with horror that The Seventh actually wanted him to kill him, as it was the key to The Seventh's essence being transferred into Hyperman's body.

Hyperman tried to stop The Seventh's essence from spreading onto him, but it was far too aggressive and invasive to be driven back. Hyperman began suffocating as the black essence spread over his face, and he felt his mind and soul slip away as it was replaced by that of another.
The Final Battle
The Seventh, now possessing Hyperman, was more powerful than he had ever been before. The Seventh's next course of action was to arrive to the Folded Cascade, where he planned to return to his position of power and reform the Heptagon Lords as their leader. This, of course, was not met without resistance. The Hexagon Lords enacted all of the Folded Cascade's security protocols, but to The Seventh such a thing was inconsequential. And in his display, The Seventh physically broke through the security systems, many of which he himself oversaw the installation of, and was able to gain entry into The Folded Cascade, showing that now he was finally at his peak power.

Here, The Hexagon Lords attempted to ambush The Seventh with a trap they had set for him, not unlike the trap they set for Hyperman, but this only angered The Seventh more as he broke from the trap. If he had still planned on showing any form of mercy to the Hexagon Lords before, those chances were completely diminished now. The Seventh fought hard against his former teammates, those he once helped in their time of need. The Hexagon Lords viewed The Seventh as their friend who lost himself in power, while The Seventh viewed the Hexagon Lords as being too soft to rule "properly" like him.

The battle eventually began causing collateral damage to the Folded Cascade, damaging its structures. But The Seventh was too caught up in his bloodlust to notice or care. Then, one of the Cascade's prisons were destroyed, releasing all the dangerous entities contained within.

The escaped monstrosities began causing chaos and carnage all throughout the Folded Cascade, and the Hexagon Lords looked on in horror. Even The Seventh stopped his fighting to stare in shock at the sheer destruction. Not even the combined effort of the Hexagon Lords were enough to stop the invaders. As The Seventh watched in disgust and mortification, he realized that this sight was all too familiar. He suddenly remembered why he wanted this power in the first place: he wanted to protect the Folded Cascade. The Seventh looked down at his hands, hands which weren't actually even his. He found himself sobered all of a sudden. He realized just how much of his existence he wasted on his cause, and how truly horrible acts he committed. However, there was at least one thing that could redeem himself. Clenching his fists, The Seventh took a deep breath, savoring these few fleeting moments which he knew would be his last. Then, he turned back to the Hexagon Lords, and quietly asked them to take care of Hyperman for him. Suddenly, he charged forth at the monsters and detonated his essence into a nova blast, which lashed out into a series of bolts that systematically struck and destroyed every threat within the Folded Cascade, killing them all and himself at the same time. Hyperman's body was left behind, and was intact but still heavily banged up and damaged from what it had been put through.

Hyperman remained in a short temporary coma, and was soon nursed back to full health by the Hexagon Lords. Upon coming back to, and hearing of the events which the lords relayed to him, Hyperman felt an emotion which he had not expected to: he grieved for The Seventh. He grieved for his father, or perhaps he grieved for the lack thereof. He didn't exactly know, but at this point it was moot. The Seventh was gone as far as everyone knew, and was no longer a threat.

A new chapter
Hyperman then realized that now, he finally had free will for the first time in his life. No longer was there an invisible guiding hand manipulating every circumstance of his life. At this point, he was free to choose how to live and what to do. Hyperman immediately realized what it was that he wanted to do. In a way, he wanted to follow in the footsteps of his father, but he wanted to do it in a more noble way than him. He wanted to be a protector of all of existence, or at least as much as he could access. He wanted to be a beacon of hope to all those he could reach, and mediate between the forces of good and evil. For he was one of the very few to walk the fine line between these two opposing powers.

Prismus asked to stay with Hyperman in his journeys, wanting to have more adventures and discover more things with him. With a chuckle, Hyperman agreed. But the story was not yet over. After he recovered, Hyperman would face a brand new threat. And like the last one, it was a family matter…

Ultraman is a grudgeful defective clone of The Seventh, who harbored a bitter resentment against both his "father" and his perceived "favorite son", Hyperman. He attempted to kill Hyperman and take his place, using Demon Thread to achieve this, but his plan was foiled when Creator banished all Demon Thread – and him by proxy – into the Outside. As a result, he became a Devil and was rescued by Destroyer, who increased Ultraman's power and made him his champion. Still, in the end, Ultraman was ultimately defeated by Hyperman, and sent into a state of eternal recession.

The being that would become Ultraman began his life as a creature named ?-45b, or just “45b” for short. 45b was just one member of an entire race created by Seven, all made from Seven's own essence and thus, in a sense, offspring of him. 45b was a more experimental clone, who was created by one of Seven’s attempts to create a failsafe for transferring his essence, should his original manifestation have ever been too severely damaged. 45b had all the attributes of a standard member of Seven’s created race, except all of his genetic traits were enhanced to the highest possible degree. As part of the failsafe, 45b was suspended in stasis within an incubation machine, remaining unconscious until the failsafe hypothetically being activated in response to heavy damage sustained by Seven.

When the time finally came, and Seven was gravely wounded in his fight against the other Heptagon Lords, the failsafe was activated. Seven had prior stored a part of his essence within the machine, which upon the activation of the failsafe infused itself into 45b. The problem, however, was that the massive environmental destruction caused by the battle affected the machine, thus also damaging 45b’s body as well as making it so that the machine did not fully activate and release 45b from stasis. To add to this, The Seventh’s original manifestation was still active and not completely destroyed, and thus his consciousness was not transferred into the form of 45b. With 45b no longer being an avenue to gain a new vessel, The Seventh forgot him, especially after abandoning his pocket dimension and going into hiding elsewhere. Eventually, a disruption in the pocket dimension had inadvertently activated the incubator, finally releasing 45b. Given the damage to the machine from the Seventh’s battle, as well as prolonged environmental exposure, 45b exited his stasis as an oozing mass of sludge and gunk. He struggled to keep his form intact, and he was barely able to mobilize himself on his heavily deformed limbs. As the pocket dimension was completely desolate and abandoned, with Hyperman and Prismus having already departed, 45b was completely lost and aimless. He was left with no prior context as to who he was, why he was here and what his purpose in life truly was. However, he still held faint memories that didn’t belong to him, those of The Seventh. Because of that, 45b at first believed himself to have truly been The Seventh, or what memories of The Seventh could be remembered. However, after searching the pocket dimension, 45b uncovered The Seventh’s laboratory. Examination of the left-behind research and equipment revealed to 45b who he was. He was not in fact The Seventh, but rather a failed experiment intended to replicate him if The Seventh's original form needed a replacement. 45b’s life was turned upside down already, and he had only been born mere hours ago. He could not remember any of his own memories before waking up, so he was clearly not The Seventh. Therefore, 45b technically was a mistake, who wasn't even supposed to exist . And judging by the pocket dimension’s derelict state, his "father" obviously didn't know of or care for him.

45b's next goal was to find a way to reconstitute his body into a more stable form. He discovered a spool of thread attached to a contraption, vaguely resembling a sewing machine, left behind by The Seventh. 45b discovered through rereading the research records that this thread was yet another attempt by The Seventh to extend his lifespan. He had captured a multarach and extracted its silk, experimenting on it and modifying the substance. Through the experiments, the Seventh had optimized and repurposed the multarach silk into a new material, dubbed “Demon Thread”. However, it seemed that the demon thread was not effective enough for The Seventh’s methods, and thus he abandoned it as a potential method of extending his lifespan. To 45b, however, it was priceless. He spun and wove the demon thread into his very being, shaping his body into a more stable structure. Over time, as his physical body became increasingly deformed, he became more dependent on the demon thread. Eventually, the demon thread comprised a large part of 45b’s very being, so deeply interwoven into his essence in hypercomplex knots that it was impossible to remove them without destabilizing, even killing him. Compensatively, he went on to achieve a skillful manipulation of demon thread to deadly and devastating capabilities, turning what was originally a necessity for living into a tool that made him feared. 45b largely lived a nomadic and quiet lifestyle in this time, until he heard of a certain being called "Hyperman" by many. 45b believed himself to have discovered The Seventh’s "golden boy", the one who came out "right". 45b begrudgingly watched from a distance as Hyperman seemed to perfectly achieve everything The Seventh intended for his plans. 45b wondered why that couldn’t be him. He felt that he was just as entitled to everything that Hyperman had. Because of this, he grew to deeply resent The Seventh, and to an even greater extent Hyperman. It was to 45b's pleasure when The Seventh finally died, which gave him the satisfaction of knowing his father never achieved his plans. With the Seventh dead, an open spot presented itself for 45b to reside within his life, finally giving him a true sense of self-identity. Still, however, there remained one loose end: Hyperman. 45b had an even greater bone to pick with Hyperman than he did The Seventh. If there was anyone more likely to replace The Seventh than 45b, even indirectly, it was Hyperman. He was the one threat to his goals, and 45b would not let it stand. He found that this would be the perfect opportunity to prove himself, and come into his own. He named himself Ultraman, and forevermore dedicated his existence to overthrowing Hyperman, and taking his place as the supposed heir of The Seventh.

The Hunt For Hyperman
Ultraman eventually tracked down Hyperman. However, he did not immediately strike. Instead, he stalked his target, learning everything he could about Hyperman and his weaknesses. When he felt that the time was right, Ultraman finally revealed himself to Hyperman. He did so by destroying a monster that Hyperman had been assigned to kill by the Hexagon Lords, as part of his training. Ultraman politely introduced himself to Hyperman, and then attempted to kill him. A brief duel ensued, and Ultraman had almost managed to kill Hyperman by tearing him apart from multiple directions with demon thread. However, before he was able to, The Hexagon Lords appeared. They teleported Hyperman away from harm, back into The Folded Cascade. Ultraman was angered by this setback, however he realized that it was only just that – a setback. He then also realized that the Hexagon Lords, who had so rudely interrupted him, were responsible for this setback. Ultraman then knew what he had to do next. Later, upon returning to The Folded Cascade from another mission, Hyperman found himself ambushed by the Hexagon Lords, who violently and aggressively attacked him out of nowhere. Hyperman was incredibly confused and bewildered as he fended off the rogue Hexagon Lords, and his confusion only deepened when many of the Lords were shouting to Hyperman that what they were doing wasn't voluntary, that they weren't in control of their forms. After Hyperman blasted an energy beam, it highlighted the outline of an odd cord-like object near one of the Hexagon Lords in its trajectory. Intrigued, Hyperman sent out a wave of non-harmful energy around him, which revealed many of these cords attached to the forms of all the Hexagon Lords. Hyperman traced the cords, following them until he saw the source behind it: Ultraman. Ultraman's hands maneuvered themselves in complicated and impossible positions, as he pulled on the strings to control the Hexagon Lords as if they were puppets, laughing maniacally all the while. Hyperman was infuriated to see his friends being helplessly exploited by Ultraman, and so he lashed out at him, severing all the strings in one swift motion with his folded stringshard blade. The Hexagon Lords, with their will once again returned, wanted to join in the fray and fight against Ultraman too, but they found themselves too weakened from the possession to do so. What nobody failed to anticipate nor notice in the midst of their fight, was that the demon thread which had been severed from the Hexagon Lords and lost from Ultraman was now loosely drifting throughout archversal space. It found its way into the ownership of many beings in many -verses, many of which utilizing it to deviant ends. It rapidly spread like a plague, and an omniscient being would have been able to observe countless archverses rapidly becoming entangled in a vast interconnected array of the demon thread. Hyperman and Ultraman's fight progressed throughout the Omniverse. They climbed up the Archverse chain together, riding on the power and momentum from destroyed -verses which they channeled into devastating attacks against each-other. With each level they rose through the infinite chain, the more devastating each being's attacks were. They lost focus of all other things in the environment around them, only immersed within their battle with no regard for collateral damage. Finally, at the climax of the fight, a large divine light ruptured above the two. Ultraman and Hyperman looked at the light, and immediately knew that they were in the presence of a god. Not a god in the way The Seventh had been, but a True God. The light, who called “himself” Creator, stated that the battle between the two brothers had caused far more trouble in The Omniverse than it should have, and that the massive instability caused by the spread of Demon Thread warranted his intervention. It was Creator's decision, therefore, to resolve the dilemma by removing all instances of Demon Thread from the Omniverse. And so, Creator willed all Demon Thread within the Omniverse to be gone.

Ultraman's rebirth
Creator had banished all the Demon Thread into The Outside, a neutral space separate from any -verses in The Barrel. However, this act came with unintended side effects. Due to Demon Thread being so greatly intertwined with Ultraman to an inseparable degree, he too had been banished into the Outside along with all the Demon Thread. As this occured, Ultraman’s perception of reality folded inwards upon itself in multiple directions. Ultraman tried to scream out as he felt intense agony ripping his physical form apart, but no sound could be made in the complete vacuum of The Outside. He lost every sense with which he could perceive reality, and the overwhelming forces pressing upon Ultraman led to him losing consciousness.

When Ultraman later regained consciousness, he was in a chaotic realm, where destruction infinitely persisted and thrived. The next thing he knew, an enormous ethereal black-red "hand" descended upon Ultraman, scooping up what remained of his tattered form. A voice from which spoke the hand assured Ultraman that he was safe, that this hand was a friend who was here to help. As strands of Demon Thread intelligently wrapped and intertwined themselves around Ultraman's form, the voice stated that his exposure to the Outside had transformed him into a completely new being, known as a Devil. This was not a bad thing, however. In fact, the voice explained, it was a good thing for Ultraman. His powers and capability for destruction were exponentially increased by his transformation, and his form was not anymore weak or endangered. Many strings of the demon thread covered Ultraman, weaving a form for himself that was most imposing. He had several limbs of Demon Thread augmented onto his body, the finely-woven formation of the thread appearing like muscle tendons. Ultraman's mouth had been transformed into a set of mandibles, with which he could spin new demon thread by expelling it from his mouth.

Ultraman's Devil form

When the transformation was complete, the being which the hand belonged to manifested their true form to Ultraman. The large god that loomed above introduced "himself" as Destroyer, and said that Ultraman could provide great use to him as a champion. Destroyer explained that as he observed the fight between Hyperman and Ultraman, there was something that he felt within Hyperman. He didn't know exactly what it was, but whatever it may have been, he did not like it. He believed that Hyperman was a potential threat to his rule if he became powerful enough, and he also was sick of his valuable “work” being undone by Creator. Destroyer felt that it was his metatime to shine, and he perceived Ultraman as the perfect tool to carry out his plan. Ultraman, feeling an ever-burning hatred for Hyperman and a wish for his demise, eagerly pledged himself to his new master.

Hyperman, meanwhile, was still in the Omniverse with Creator. Creator was fascinated with Hyperman, intrigued by his nature. Creator may not have personally known many of The Omniverse's inhabitants, but he could sense within Hyperman a certain level of ambition, one that distinguished him from many others. Before this could be dwelled on any further, however, Hyperman’s body was constructed as some strangling force had latched itself to him. Creator knew from the conceptual attributes of the strangling force that it was demon thread, somehow within The Omniverse once again. Hyperman thrashed about, and Creator attempted to sever the thread, but found himself unable to do so. It was now beyond his influence and immune to his will. Creator traced the origin of this instance of demon thread, and discovered that Ultraman was remotely manipulating it. He knew that Ultraman could not have recovered so easily, and been able to regain control over the material so soon. Only one being could have been behind the sudden return of the Demon Thread: Destroyer. Creator knew that Destroyer had been scheming against him for some metatime, and now he was finally emboldened enough to strike. Creator wished to retaliate, but he also was aware of the devastation that could be caused to the Omniverse if he were to directly confront Destroyer himself. However, he then realized that Hyperman could do his work for him instead. Creator enlisted Hyperman’s help in combating Ultraman, who was now Destroyer's champion – using Hyperman as Creator's own champion. Hyperman, desperate to escape from this thread however he could, quickly accepted as he preferred any other circumstance besides death. Creator used what power he could to teleport Hyperman and Prismus into Destroyer's Godverse, freeing him from the demon thread's snare. Immediately upon entering Destroyer's Godverse, Hyperman knew that he was not welcome here. Destroyer himself was nowhere to be found; remotely observing the event about to unfold for his own entertainment. A large intricate configuration of demon thread rested at the center of the Godverse. Residing in the center of the formation was Ultraman – sitting as though he awaited prey. Hyperman was about to traverse the demon thread configuration, but suddenly stopped when he noticed something. At the opposite end of the formation, a universe intersected with a single strand of demon thread. Upon this happening, Ultraman instantly sensed the signal emitted from the thread and lunged towards the universe, completely wrapping demon thread around it before vampirically draining all the life and energy from it. As this happened, some of his more gaunt features filled themselves and he took on a more robust figure, the universe seeming to have replenished his vitality. Ultraman had become predatory, instinctual, and enhanced in his senses. Hyperman thus knew that casually traversing the demon thread was a certain death sentence, and he needed to take a careful approach instead. So, Hyperman created a distraction by striking one of the threads with an energy blast, causing Ultraman to instinctually investigate it and try to find caught prey. With him occupied, Hyperman lunged at him from behind, attacking him wildly . Ultraman spun around and bucked Hyperman away, pushing him down against the thread. Hyperman instantly became stuck to the demon thread, unable to move his body. He was at Ultraman's mercy now.

Ultraman lowered himself as he began to recite his monologue, which he had rehearsed on many occasions in preparation for this. He told Hyperman that he could never have been as great as The Seventh, that only Ultraman could was worthy of that role. He improvised numerous allusions, such as this being the "web" that Hyperman had "weaved" for himself. Then, with his large spindly appendages, Ultraman hoisted up the form of Hyperman, and viciously sunk his fangs into him. Hyperman gasped for a moment, and then went limp, dead. Ultraman began attempting to drain the essence from him, but found difficulty doing so. The body of "Hyperman" became distorted, before blinking out of existence. Before Ultraman could process what was happening, explosions ruptured all around him, dismantling his configuration of demon thread as it fell into the void. Ultraman too fell, but he was able to halt his descent by attaching demon thread to a large archverse. After scaling the Archverse’s exterior, Ultraman saw Hyperman – the real Hyperman. The one he had killed was a decoy, a projection created by Prismus as a diversion to allow Hyperman to destroy the demon thread formation and balance the environmental advantages between them. Ultraman was enraged as he pounced at Hyperman, scampering along the various archverses with the appendages on his back. He lunged the appendages forward, attempting to stab Hyperman with their sharp ends. Hyperman, however, blocked and parried all of these blows with folded stringshard blades that he formed in his hands, before dealing some of his own to Ultraman. Hyperman managed to sever an arm, but Ultraman just as quickly rejoined it to his form by consuming a nearby archverse and stitching the limb to himself with Demon Thread, allowing it to heal and regenerate rather quickly.

After observing this, Hyperman finally realized how to weaken Ultraman enough to be killed. He had to get them in a spot where he would be unable to replenish himself with an archverse, which would weaken him with starvation and slow the rate of his regeneration. Hyperman led Ultraman along in a chase, luring him into the most remote region of Destroyer's Godverse which he could access. When he finally had him in the right spot, he ordered Prismus to terminate all the lower-level archverses and repel whatever archverses were beyond Prismus' capability to destroy. As this happened, Hyperman aggressively fought against Ultraman to keep him occupied. The two clashed, “brother” against “brother”, each with their own storied past and weight of destiny upon their shoulders. Hyperman fighting Ultraman was not at all similar to when he fought the other clones of The Seventh in his pocket dimension. Ultraman was different from them. He had aspirations, goals, and a plight that garnered more sympathy from him than the mindless drones that swarmed towards Hyperman at The Seventh's beck and call. For this reason, Hyperman found it more difficult to have the will to kill Ultraman, who he felt could have – and still possibly could – lead a life that was not destructive or harmful to himself or others. Hyperman thus wavered, and attempted to convince Ultraman that he could still be his own person, that didn't need the title or identity of another being to be fulfilled. Ultraman too seemed to waver, as his appendages lowered themselves. Slowly, he approached Hyperman, and quietly whispered that it wasn't about taking Hyperman's title or identity – it was about taking his life. The appendages suddenly sprang to life and shot forward, and although Hyperman attempted to dodge it, he was still impaled through the waist by one of them. Hyperman felt an intense rage and embarrassment course through him, more-so from Ultraman's betrayal than the actual impalation. He dislodged himself from the appendage, gripping his wounded waist with one hand as he hacked at Ultraman in a blind fury with his folded stringshard sword using the other hand. One by one, all of Ultraman's Demon Thread connections were severed, before Hyperman painfully used the hand gripping his side to instead slash at Ultraman with another folded stringshard sword, dual-wielding them. Hyperman fought against the pain he felt as he then sliced away all of Ultraman's extra appendages, before wildly hacking and slashing at the entire front of his body in a melee flurry.

Ultraman finally lashed out and retaliated by shooting a strand of Demon Thread from his mouth which struck Hyperman in the chest, and then tugged on the thread to make Hyperman fall on his back. Ultraman then retracted the thread and pulled it back into him, pulling Hyperman closer to him in the process. Hyperman was dragged along by the thread helplessly, as the jaws of Ultraman neared ever closer to him. Hyperman was within an inch of his life as Ultraman was about to bite into him, and so thinking quickly, he grabbed his stringshard blade and stabbed it vertically upward through Ultraman's head. Ultraman choked out as his body suddenly went limp, and Hyperman followed up by running Ultraman through the chest with his other Stringshard blade. Ultraman's body fell backwards, plunging into the infinite abyss. Ultraman internally called out to Destroyer for help within his mind, seeking salvation. However, Destroyer scorned him, stating that he was the least worthy of saving, especially after failing to kill Hyperman. Ultraman was left in shock as everything within his perception infinitely shrunk down, and his form disappeared from existence. His consciousness still persisted however, but it was rendered useless due to infinitely warping and distorting itself, and lacking a physical body.


The Architecture is a Multiverse birthed from an Oblivious Entity known as The Architect. It is comprised of infinite unique universes.

Before the Architecture, there was only The Architect, who inhabited an empty void absent of any life or existence.

From The Architect, the Architecture was born in an explosion of universes, dimensions, and realities. Five fractions of The Architect's essence scattered throughout The Architecture, each taking on a unique form and manifesting into five respective races of sub-Oblivious entities.

Each of the five races held a specific purpose. The First's was to create, observe and maintain lifeforms, planets, and universes within The Architecture. The Second's was to destroy or imprison those deemed too destructive or unstable. The Third's was to represent and uphold certain aspects of civilization, philosophy, and nature. The Fourth's was to develop and maintain an overall moral code for The Architecture and its inhabitants. And the Fifth was tasked with the purpose of learning and compiling all scholarly and academic knowledge in The Architecture.

Many Aeons later, The Architecture had been heavily damaged by The Second's invasion, which destroyed the barriers between universes. However, this damage was eventually reversed and The Architecture's barriers were restored to normal…at least somewhat.

Later, following the defeat of Queen Kreel, the leader of the Second race, The Architect regained consciousness, His essence having been fully reconcentrated. However, seeing all the strife and violence occurring throughout The Architecture, The Architect decided that He wanted to destroy it, intending to start over and create an entirely new, more "perfect" Multiverse. However, this was stopped by the combined efforts of The Architecture's greatest warriors, who defeated The Architect with The Blade of Destiny and placed Him in a coma by destroying His cosmic egg.

This act repaired all prior damaged caused by the Second Race's war, with the aid of the Alom contained in the cosmic egg.

The Architect is an Oblivious Entity who is the creator, personification and embodiment of The Architecture, residing as the single most powerful being within His Multiverse. Currently, the Architect lies comatose, as the beings He created turned against Him and defeated Him.

The Architect

The Architect was born of an Infinite Primordial Chaos known as Oblivion. He was but a single fragment of the semi-sentient collective consciousness that comprised Oblivion, known as "Oblivious Entities".

There came a metatime when all Oblivious Entities became aware of each-other's existence, leading Oblivion to turn on itself. What followed was a war among the Oblivious Entities, as they all collectively tried to annihilate each-other. The result of this was Oblivion's eventual self-destruction as it collapsed on itself and imploded, giving way to the Void. Finding Himself expelled into an empty abysmal void with no other form of life or existence present, The Architect believed Himself to have been the only survivor of Oblivion's demise. Furthermore, He believed Himself to have been the strongest Oblivious Entity, since to Him that clearly could have been the only reason for being the "sole survivor". He would remain blissfully unaware of the other surviving Oblivious Entities.

In the eons that followed, there was only The Architect and the Void which surrounded Him. For a time, The Architect was satisfied, in fact proud of being the sole inhabitant of this Void, with there being no opposition to Him. In fact, He thought so highly of Himself, that He manipulated the laws of His own personal reality to always capitalize His pronouns. However, The Architect eventually had an abrupt "epiphany". He felt a crushing sense of loneliness and isolation, being all on His own with no other entities to share in His pride or any supplicants to bask in His glory. But worst of all, nobody to refer to Him in His always-capitalized pronouns.

In order to rectify this, The Architect sought to fill the void. This He accomplished by hatching his Cosmic Egg, and act which scattered His essence all throughout the void. This triggered a chain reaction resulting in a multiversal Big Bang, creating The Architecture. The creation of The Architecture split The Architect's essence into Five major fragments, which were spread across the newborn Multiverse. These fragments soon adopted on their own individual identities, and from them a group of five races (aptly named "The Five") were self-created.

However, The Architect's creation of The Architecture had come at a cost. Since He had used His own essence to accomplish it, The Architect's conscious mind was scrambled and scattered across existence and rendered Him comatose as The Architecture continued to proceeded without Him, unaware that He had even existed in the first place.

Over the course of The Architecture's existence, The Architect's essence gradually reformed and collected itself together.

Reformation and Defeat
The Architect had fully reformed just in time to witness the climax of a brutal war waged by the Second race in an attempt to conquer The Architecture. Kreel, their queen, had been defeated and killed. As The Architect witnessed all the chaos and destruction unfolding throughout existence, He realized that He had made a mistake in creating The Architecture. Just like His previous home, Oblivion, this one seemed doomed to just tear itself apart in the end. Deciding that The Architecture was too imperfect to be kept in existence, The Architect decided to destroy it. However, this decision was met with heavy resistance, as all of The Architecture's greatest warriors united in a final stand against Him. The battle was long and intense, but the heroes won in the end when they impaled The Architect in the chest with The Blade of Destiny, a powerful weapon made entirely of pure Alom – his own essence.

Although The Architect was not killed in this battle, due to there being nothing within The Architecture capable of truly killing Him, He yet again fell into a coma, likely permanently this time.

Multiversal Embodiment: The Architect is the embodiment of The Architecture itself, and therefore He has absolute control over everything inside of it- time, space, reality, causality, probability and everything else – without limits.

Existential Embodiment: The Architect is the embodiment and personification of all existence within the Architecture, including the state of being and living.

Local Omniscience: The Architect's mind is unblocked to the entirety of the Architecture. There is absolutely nothing within his -verse which He does not know and understand, and therefore He knows every answer to every question, past and present, of every universe and their inhabitants. However, the Architect does not have the power to see beyond the Architecture, nor does he have the power to see the future within it.

Local Omnipotence: The Architect has complete power within his multiverse, including the conceptually impossible and logically impossible, like "bigger than infinity" or "making a squared circle". He possesses all powers achievable within the Architecture, existing on level inconceivably above/beyond any other entity within his -verse.

Local Omnipresence: The Architect is present in every aspect of the Architecture, from its locations to its entities. Being related to the concept of ubiquity, the ability to be everywhere and nowhere at once.

Oblivion is an infinite, semi-sentient Primordial chaos composed of Alom and contained within a Monocosm. After eventually imploding in self-destruction upon gaining sentience, it technically no longer exists.

The Supergod Council

The Rise, Fall, and Decay of the Original Council
The SuperGod Council of Beyond was founded by an entity known to many as Xenixel. Xenixel was well-known among his kind for his outspokenness against his perceived sworn enemy the Guardian Of The 5th Wall, his large and dominant Beyond bubble, his immense power, and his great knowledge of the hierarchy of archverses below and above him.

Xenixel stood for nothing but balance and order and would do everything in his power to preserve balance within his home. He believed that absolutely everything in his reality should be uniform and orderly or else reality was not worth living in. As the Transcendentem grew more and more chaotic as a mass Beyond bubble collapse was set to occur, Xenixel wanted his grand Beyond bubble to remain stable and strong throughout the collapse as smaller, less stable Beyond bubbles would fade. If his plan succeeded, Xenixel would try to round up survivors and have them join his established faction of the Transcendentem that would demand order, subordination, coordination, unity, selfless actions, and consideration of consequences. Xenixel's subordinates would have to turn to him whenever an imbalance was noticed, entities would have to work together to resolve issues, the balance of Beyond had to be considered before all else, and his subordinates would have to consider any consequences of their actions that may result in an imbalance in any form. Any entity that caused what Xenixel considered enough of an imbalance to Beyond—regardless of whether or not they were mortal, god, or SuperGod—would either be erased or exiled.

However, before establishing his faction, Xenixel wanted to build a body of entities with similar prowess to him that would help manage and form important decisions regarding his Beyond bubble and eventually his Beyond bubble cohort. Xenixel wanted a Council. Such entities that would be members of his Council—"CouncilGods"—at the very least needed either his strength or his intelligence.

Xenixel possessed a body of knowledge he called "omniscience^3" and a level of strength he called "omnipotence^3". Initially, such names were a means of putting down weaker entities but a standard for labeling infinite strength or intelligence as "omnipotence" or "omniscience" would eventually be developed from the standard Xenixel set.

Xenixel would eventually search for "like-minded SuperGods" that had omnipotence^3 and/or omniscience^3 throughout his region of the Transcendentem using carefully selected parties of brainwashed omnipotent^1 entities. In metatime, Xenixel would find two other entities that fit his criteria of having "omnipotence^3"—though Xenixel noted that the two only possessed omniscience^2. The entities were known as Empiroxus and Abstractil. Empiroxus and Abstractil were partners who, similar to Xenixel, disliked chaos and disorder so they found it fair to join up with Xenixel. However, unlike Xenixel, the two of them saw it as somewhat necessary for Xenixel's subordinates such as themselves, the omnipotent^1 monocosmal balancing entities, and perhaps the mortals living within the atoms of Beyond bubbles known as small omniverses, to at least have some amount of independent thought and free will. Empiroxus and Abstractil also disliked Xenixel's proposed strategy to immediately erase entities that stepped out of line. Xenixel reluctantly complied with their suggestions but was eventually satisfied when his bubble remained balanced, though he still had a somewhat low opinion of the new members of his Council. If Empiroxus or Abstractil were to go out of line, Xenixel would have no qualms with exiling them on the spot. Many entities that knew Empiroxus and Abstractil disapproved of their decision to join Xenixel as they saw the SuperGod as corrupt and his ideology as incredibly flawed. Empiroxus was tasked to gather the stability agent Staterium, and along his journey, he was questioned by his former allies as to why he decided to move. Empiroxus had told them that life was overall better for him and Abstractil in Xenixel's Beyond bubble.

Rumour had it that there was an omniscient^3 roaming around Xenixel's cohort, so he decided to leave Empiroxus and Abstractil in charge of his bubble and search for the being himself. His reasoning behind this decision was that as he possessed omniscience^3 himself, he would be the best at being able to tell if another entity also had the ability. Eventually, Xenixel had found the entity rumoured to have had omniscience^3 and suffice to say he was quite satisfied with what she was capable of. The entity was an omnipotent^2 named Matharin who had a harsh existence so far, living in the outskirts of a very unstable Beyond bubble with her omnipotent^2 and omniscient^2 partner Conceptilum. One noteworthy thing about Matharin was her overattachment and overcommitment to her strangely compliant partner and only friend Conceptilum. Xenixel found it quite amusing that Matharin sought joy and completeness from within someone “inferior in intellect” to her, but nonetheless thought that Matharin was incredibly selfless and if her drive was fully directed towards ridding her new home of disorder and chaos, it along with her access to great knowledge would benefit the Council by a long shot. Conceptilum, in spite of his physical weakness, was very acquiescent and Xenixel figured that he would be able to follow all of his commands without much question. Upon perhaps an uplift to omnipotence^3, Conceptilum would also likely be truly a great asset to the Council. Xenixel also figured that it would be best to add Conceptilum to the Council as Matharin seemed like the kind of SuperGod who would kill herself the instant her partner was permanently separated from her, which would completely waste her vast amount of potential. Xenixel very willingly invited the pair to the Council and Matharin, with only Conceptilum’s safety in mind and now knowing that Xenixel’s bubble was the safest place in her cohort, very willingly accepted.

Empiroxus and Abstractil got along very well with Matharin and Conceptilum. As such, tasks were done very efficiently and Xenixel was more pleased than he had ever been in his life. However, the older pair can not help but start to wonder if Matharin was really as stable as she claimed. Matharin seemed to act as if she had destroyed half her mind trying to find as many solutions to her problems as possible. Matharin and Conceptilum’s lives as they were constantly in danger must have influenced Matharin to access as much knowledge as she needed to keep Conceptilum safe. Matharin’s suspected unstableness influenced the older pair to help the younger pair as much as they could—even if it meant going behind Xenixel’s back.

When enough resources were gathered, Xenixel had formally announced his decision to start up a new project. This project went by the name “Project Hellensoerensen” and the goal was to build an automaton with the potential to greatly exceed the strength of a SuperGod. Each CouncilGod had to hold a crystal made of an extremely rare variant of trosinium only found in a very distant remote bubble that would activate a portion of the automaton when needed. With two omniscient^3 entities in the Council, it seemed very feasible that the project would be able to be finished. In metatime, a prototype of Hellensoerensen was completed. This first version of the automaton could support the “addition” of the potences of six SuperGods. There were enough crystals of the trosinium variant to make activators for eleven SuperGods so the Council had more than enough trosinium to use Hellensoerensen at full power. However, an issue with that was that there were currently only five members of the Council. So, the Council was unable to activate Hellensoerensen at its maximum possible power even if they needed to. Xenixel figured that it was only best that they search for an entity to be a new member of the Council. So Xenixel yet again sent Empiroxus to search for what he needed. While Empiroxus was to search, Abstractil was to help prepare Conceptilum for an uplifting to omnipotence^3.

After Conceptilum's uplift and a reluctant acceptance from Xenixel, he and Matharin made the decision to create SuperGods to raise into the Council—not because they wanted more SuperGods to pressure into managing the Council and forcefully uplift (taxing their sanity) but to give some meaning to their existence and to allow new SuperGods to grow up in an environment that the pair never had the chance to grow up in. Xenixel's uneasiness of whether or not the creations would influence the stability of Beyond was eased when it was pointed out that perhaps yet another SuperGod gifted with the knowledge that Matharin and Xenixel shared may be born. So Conceptilum and Matharin used five Godverses to crafted into eggs that would incubate their creations. The first egg hatched into a SuperGod that would be named Paradoxus.

Matharin and Conceptilum had been given very strict orders from Xenixel on how Paradoxus was to be raised and what should be done regarding preventing potential imbalances of Beyond caused by the newly-created SuperGod running amuck. Paradoxus and his to-be-hatched siblings were to stay confined to a monocosm almost separate from the rest of Beyond until they were ready to become Council members, much to the disapproval of his parents and Abstractil. As Paradoxus grew, he began to resent Xenixel for preventing him to do anything interesting and distancing any close relationship with his parents. When Matharin and Conceptilum's second egg was close to hatching into the SuperGod to-be-named Logixel, Paradoxus was finally glad to have something new and interesting in his life.

Empiroxus would eventually return to Xenixel's Beyond bubble with an omnipotent^3 SuperGod alongside him. The SuperGod was called Peralitus and he was an entity very willing to be a subordinate to what he saw as a strong, powerful leader like Xenixel. Peralitus, while the newest member of the Council, was very ambitious and strived to be the second-in-command member of the Council. He grew very jealous of Matharin when he found out about her omniscience^3 and position in the Council. Peralitus wanted her position and if he were to find an opportunity to strip Matharin of her position, he would take it. However, he knew that it was not particularly likely that such a scenario was not likely to happen at the moment and decided to wait until anything in his favour happened.

In metatime, Logixel would hatch. Unlike Paradoxus, Logixel grew somewhat content with staying in his monocosm and listening to Xenixel's orders. Paradoxus, without realizing that Logixel had not lived long enough to know how bored one would grow while remaining in the monocosm, was furious that the younger Logixel was somewhat satisfied with staying in his designated monocosm with no freedom or entertainment. Logixel, now afraid of what Paradoxus might do to him if he said no, apologized to his older sibling and listened to his plans of going on an adventure. Like Paradoxus, Logixel was indeed interested in what lay beyond his monocosm though he was afraid of what his superiors would do if they were caught adventuring. When Paradoxus and Logixel finally escaped, the siblings were endowed with the knowledge of many wonders outside of their monocosm. They saw omniverses, and other monocosms, and the Creators and Destroyers that their parents had told them about whenever they had the chance to see them. The siblings have been told that Creators and Destroyers were the cogs essential for the balance of their home, whatever that meant. Curious about the nature of the gods below him, Logixel and Paradoxus came down to them. The beings, upon sensing an immediate and very dangerous threat to their monocosm, were very alarmed at the presence of the higher beings. Logixel, realizing that the gods were themselves entities and more afraid of him than he was of them, tried to help the stressed gods calm down. But when the Destroyer attempted to erase Logixel, Paradoxus swiftly erased the Destroyer much to the dismay of the newly empathetic Logixel. This led the two SuperGods to argue over whether or not Destroyer's erasure was necessary. Creator, realizing that they had full control over its monocosm, stopped retaliating and decided to continue creating more and more structures and lifeforms within the Godverses and omniverses en masse. They wanted their monocosm to be blooming with life and complexity and nothing was to ever be destroyed.

A version of the Eternal Legion benefited greatly from Creator's creation spree and would develop technology capable of erasing Creator. Led by a version of Hyperman that would never become the mediator of his monocosm, they successfully eliminated their Creator. Hyperman—with his ambition for power and influence now greater than ever before—had accomplished his goal of being the most powerful mortal being in the monocosm. But when he discovered the two SuperGods—now taken aback by Creator's non-SuperGod-executed erasure—Hyperman realized that Creator was never the most powerful being in existence. Creator's death did not make him the most powerful being in existence. This infuriated Hyperman and this fury would drive him insane. Paradoxus, realizing that Creators and Destroyers truly were what made monocosms balanced, was enraged. The monocosm they had entered was no longer balanced and it was all his fault. Paradoxus figured that the best decision at this point was to swiftly erase all that was in this monocosm so no one would ever find out about what they had done. Logixel disagreed with this decision, as he thought it was best to keep the beings in the monocosm alive and wanted no more death to come to anyone. Paradoxus and Logixel continued to argue but stopped when they were confronted by Peralitus. When Peralitus saw the two young SuperGods—the two young SuperGods that were Matharin’s creations—outside their designated monocosm and have caused an imbalance within Beyond, knew what he had to do to get Xenixel to punish Matharin and perhaps make him second-in-command of the Council. Peralitus had no qualms with the young gods having to be exiled in order for that to be the case. Paradoxus, knowing Peralitus would get them exiled and that Matharin will support them to the end, attacked Peralitus to buy metatime for Logixel to find Matharin and get her to help. Peralitus, fearing that the strength difference between him and Paradoxus would accidentally kill the younger SuperGod and get him into more trouble than Matharin could ever be, tried his best not to fight back and focused more on defending himself. Logixel, now more afraid than he had ever been in his whole life, traversed the Beyond bubble and in a stroke of luck, found Matharin.

Logixel quickly and apprehensively explained his predicament to Matharin and begged her to help him and Paradoxus. Matharin, with only her children’s needs in mind, was enraged and at the cost of more of her mind, decided to tap into her vast array of knowledge to find out the precise circumstances of the situation and find a subtle and specific thing to do that would frame Peralitus for the imbalance—shifting any punishment that her children would get over to Peralitus. Matharin believed that after Conceptilum, who was at the moment on a joint mission with Xenixel and Empiroxus, came back, he would be very proud of her devotion to protect their children.

Matharin quickly approached one of Peralitus’ created omniverses and made a certain traveler unobservable to all entities within his home. The traveler was given many abilities that would aid him in escaping the omniverse and his mind was filled with thoughts of leaving the omniverse. Importantly, the traveler thought that a supreme entity named Peralitus had granted him these many gifts and would strive to meet the SuperGod so more abilities can be granted to him. Perhaps, the adventurer would be given creator-level power. When the traveler left his own monocosm he would unknowingly take steps that would disrupt the balance of many other monocosms, as Matharin planned. Logixel, upon seeing the many lives taken advantage of and ruined by Matharin’s scheme and unable to see how her actions would save him and his brother, begged Matharin to undo what she had just done. Matharin, mind half destroyed from the search for her sabotage, calmly explained to him that it was too late to undo anything and that all would be well once Xenixel came back from his most recent mission. Matharin told Logixel to go back to his monocosm as she manipulated another monocosm in a specific way to send a message to the distant Paradoxus, influencing him to go back to his home monocosm.

Empiroxus, Xenixel, and Conceptilum returned from their mission with grave news—the Beyond bubble collapse foreseen by Xenixel was going to occur at any moment. Unbeknownst to Matharin, Xenixel’s mind had been partly destroyed from his vision and he was not in a state where his judgement would be sound. Upon his return, Xenixel was informed by Matharin that Peralitus had caused a major disruption in the balance of Beyond. Many monocosms were destroyed and the traveler had been given nigh-omnipotent powers. This was not something Xenixel had wanted to find out upon learning that the collapse that the Council had delicately maintained and structured their bubble to minimize the risk of its destruction was due to occur. For all he could tell with his impaired mentality, Peralitus was a traitor who disobeyed his orders and had set Beyond up to be destroyed. Peralitus needed to be exiled. He stormed off to search for Peralitus and exile him. Empiroxus and Conceptilum quickly told Matharin about what Xenixel had found out about the collapse. It was at this moment Matharin knew that she had set up her home and her family to be killed. Matharin wanted to undo the atrocity she had done, but it was too late for that. Empiroxus went off to find Abstractil, Conceptilum went to look for Paradoxus and Logixel, and Matharin had to find Peralitus before Xenixel did.

Xenixel had found Peralitus first and ordered him to leave the Council at once or he will activate Hellensoerensen in order to perform an execution. Peralitus was shocked. He had not known what he had done wrong and Xenixel would not listen to his pleas for mercy or information. When Matharin arrived at the scene, Xenixel ordered her to retrieve Hellensoerensen. Peralitus, in a stroke of fear, agreed to leave upon hearing Matharin’s orders to get the automaton. Upon hearing Peralitus’s agreement, Matharin was ordered to help Xenixel escort him out of Beyond. Matharin, aware of the upcoming collapse, knew that Peralitus would die either way from exile or execution. Her sabotage had put Peralitus to his death and she felt terrible. Xenixel stated that if Peralitus was ever caught within the bubble, he had to be executed upon sight. Matharin reluctantly complied. The Council needed to repair the damage Peralitus was thought to have caused and Xenixel needed to ensure that every SuperGod who resided in the bubble would not betray him as Peralitus did. All of the SuperGods were called together and had to take an oath. They were to follow Xenixel to the end and prioritize balancing Beyond above all else. Matharin realized she was stuck between a rock and a hard place. Three of her eggs had not hatched yet and she could not help but wonder what kind of life they would have after their hatch. She could not just leave the Beyond bubble with Conceptilum and her creations—while the damage left it vulnerable to collapse, it was still by far the most stable and safest place she could take refuge in. Not only was the impending collapse going to make interbeyond space too dangerous to travel to, but a likely bitter and vengeful rogue Peralitus was roaming around. Matharin had no choice but to stay.

The Council discussed what to do about the traveler and the Eternal Legion which was now pent on destroying the Council. The traveler could not be found within Beyond so it was likely that he had already left the bubble and that the collapse would probably kill him off before he became a threat to the stability of Beyond anyway. The same was found for the Legion—which was seen as an insignificant group that would never pose a threat to the Council.

Xenixel found out that a variant of trosinium only found from the collapsing monocosms within a nearby parallel Beyond bubble was needed patch up an area of Beyond or else the number of monocosms within the bubble would be reduced to a smaller infinite cardinality. Knowing the risks of going out on a mission like this when the storm could happen at any moment, Empiroxus volunteered to go. Empiroxus managed to retrieve the trosinium and was going to re-enter his home bubble but before he tried to slip into the bubble, he was attacked.

Matharin’s mind was flooded with visions of Empiroxus being ambushed by an entity that hailed from outside of Beyond. She reasoned that the entity was Peralitus and as the visions were so intense, Peralitus had really come back an opportunity to revenge his exile. Alone and not willing to report her visions to Xenixel, Matharin located the battling entities and upon arriving at the scene, Empiroxus was very close to death. Though Matharin knew that she should follow protocol and report the presence of an enemy SuperGod who attacked a Council member, she decided against that and instead brought Peralitus’s attention to her.

Matharin explained to Peralitus that she was the one who got him exiled in the first place and bluntly told him to let Empiroxus go as he played no role in his exile. Matharin then told Peralitus that she was willing to be slain by him if it meant he would no longer be a threat to her family. Peralitus was shocked at what Matharin had said to him and wondered if the Council had set up a trap of some sort. While Matharin and Peralitus confronted each other, Empiroxus entered the Beyond bubble, abandoning the trosinium in a lapse of judgement, and tried to search for either Abstractil or Conceptilum, though his fading from existence caused great difficulty in doing so. Empiroxus eventually found his fellow SuperGods, alongside Conceptilum’s sons, and a Xenixel getting ready to deploy Hellensoerensen. Xenixel had the same visions as Matharin as Empiroxus got attacked and seemingly nothing was going to stop him from erasing Peralitus from existence. Xenixel ushered the fading SuperGod into the automaton in order to have six SuperGods activate Hellensoerensen and the Xenixel set off to destroy Peralitus. In his manic state, Xenixel, the SuperGod who once enforced consideration of consequences and coordination within his home, never once thought about the consequences of having two inexperienced juveniles, an injured and dying SuperGod, and himself with his partially destroyed mind—the epitome of coordinated individuals—having partial control over a bot that had gone through very few trial runs.

Hellensoerensen arrived at Peralitus’s whereabouts and in the irradiated space that signified the collapses of many nearby Beyond bubbles, the SuperGod was found over many scattered barren, lifeless Godverses—the remains of Matharin. Paradoxus and Logixel were very stressed upon the sight of the CouncilGod’s remains and consequently, Hellensoerensen’s motions became chaotic and sporadic. Conceptilum did nothing but stare at the hollow verses that once composed the SuperGod that accompanied him for a significant portion of metatime—from the time within the bubble that they helped each other survive in, to the time devoted to upholding the values of the Council, to the few times they interacted with their sons. Conceptilum had lost one of his few friends and in his daze, he was unable to think about the following protocol. Conceptilum did not realize that as he gazed down upon the verses, Peralitus had been erased from existence by Xenixel. Conceptilum became so lost in his state of shock, that at first, he did not realize the storm had caught Hellensoerensen and his own Beyond bubble. Without the trosinium supposed to patch the bubble, many monocosms were destroyed. Conceptilum was so dazed that he also had no realized that Empiroxus had just succumbed to his injuries beside him. With help from his sons and Abstractil, Conceptilum soon snapped out of his trance and his first instincts were to protect his children—both hatched and unhatched. Every living SuperGod within Hellensoerensen but Xenixel escaped the bot as it grew more and more corrupted—eventually destroying Xenixel by ripping him into godversal shreds dangerous for any SuperGod come in contact with. Abstractil decided to retrieve the trosinium needed to aid in defending Beyond that her partner was meant to deliver while Conceptilum and his sons headed straight for the monocosm that held the SuperGod eggs. When Conceptilum and his sons arrived at the monocosm, they had found that one of the SuperGods had already hatched. Not only that, but the young SuperGod had used nearby resources to create a defensive barrier around himself and several nearby monocosms. Conceptilum quickly realized that this SuperGod, like his recently passed mother, possessed omniscience^3. The SuperGod let the trio in and introduced himself, calling himself by the name he gave himself—“Unthil”—following his introduction up with a remark that if anyone made fun of the name he gave himself, he would “kindly shove them back out into the Beyond storm.”
Current CouncilGods

Paradoxus is Conceptilum and Matharin's first-created SuperGod. He, like his siblings, holds an ability known as omnipotence^2—which helps him manage his task of helping regulate their local Beyond bubble. However, he isn't strong enough to manipulate objects larger than his home Beyond bubble. Paradoxus and his brother Logixel are in charge of managing the creation of Creators and Destroyers and preservation of laws in order to preserve the very existence of everything inside of the beyond bubble. Paradoxus' shared task with Logixel is greatly in spite of him not getting along with his brother.

Paradoxus means well when doing his tasks and while he does try to stand for what the Original Council stood for, he can come across as a very abrasive, arrogant, blunt, and overconfident SuperGod. This clashes with his more compassionate and thoughtful but timid and sensitive brother Logixel and often strains his relationship with him and his other brother Realitus—who considers him unworthy to be a part of the Council and mocks him for his bad attitude in spite of the many times Paradoxus and Logixel have saved Beyond from collapse. Paradoxus tries to shut out any close relationships with others, most notably Logixel and Unthil—whose omniscience^3 abilities and special treatment from Conceptilum evoke jealousy and resentment in Paradoxus.

Paradoxus was recognized by his father as a very strong and capable SuperGod. However, his more vicious and aggressive side can lead to needless destruction. An incident many point to when justifying this claim was the time he tore up an entire monocosm after discovering a clan of abusive omnipotent^1 beings immediately upon noticing them despite Logixel's pleas to stop. Such events have made Conceptilum sometimes reconsider Paradoxus' place in the Council and wonder if he did a horrible job raising his son after Matharin's erasure. Nonetheless, Conceptilum tells himself that Paradoxus is ultimately a good SuperGod, and having him around is what Matharin and his former co-councilmembers would have wanted.

Paradoxus views the lives of mortal lifeforms living within his Beyond bubble as somewhat meaningless and doesn't particularly care about the consequences of swiftly erasing any entity that causes an imbalance in their home. This conflicts with Logixel's ideology that all entities deserve to live and that simply erasing lifeforms inhibits any chance for redemption. This often gets Paradoxus into scenarios where more damage is done from erasing the entity than many scenarios where keeping them alive is better for the stability of Beyond.

Paradoxus's view on Creators and Destroyers—the very entities he and Logixel create and maintain—is that they are important tools for maintaining balance within Beyond. This contrasts with Logixel's view that "Creators and Destroyers are people too".

Logixel is Conceptilum and Matharin's second-created SuperGod. Logixel holds omnipotence^2—an ability that helps him regulate Conceptilum's home Beyond bubble. Logixel and his brother Paradoxus are in charge of managing the creation of Creators and Destroyers and preservation of logical laws to preserve the existence of everything inside of the beyond bubble. Logixel wants to do his task well but he thinks that his brother Paradoxus is making the situation regarding it harder and wishes that the issue would be resolved.

Logixel is a compassionate and thoughtful SuperGod and when dealing with monocosmal disputes without his brother, he tries to find logical solutions to problems that don't involve violence or erasure. However, when things get out of his control, he retaliates in fear as he is a timid and sensitive individual. Paradoxus sees Logixel as weak and thinks that he is hindering the Council's progress.

Logixel loves all mortal lifeforms and considers them very important to the stability of Beyond. However, this contrasts greatly with Paradoxus view that the lives of mortals don't matter and can often lead to scenarios where very abusive lifeforms are left alive to destroy and cause imbalance.

Unthil is Conceptilum and Matharin’s third-created SuperGod and the only one to inherit Matharin’s omniscience^3–which made him far more knowledgeable than his siblings very early on into his life. For example, he knew virtually all the solutions to problems littered throughout his Beyond bubble quickly after hatching from his egg and had a very strong understanding of the structure of his cosmology from his Beyond bubble all the way down to the subunreal particles comprising everything he knows of from the beginning. He is currently very fully aware of his current Council’s poor organization and of the many different versions of himself. Three of the few things he cannot know about no matter how many loopholes he tries to find are the future of his own Council, anything regarding how to properly handle his gift like the mother he was told could do so, and anything regarding parallel versions of his Council succeeding in their goals. Unthil also had the capability to know everything about Transcendentem. However, as Unthil found out for himself when peering upon a parallel version of himself who tried to know everything, to know so much would literally destroy his mind. As such, he knows that he shouldn’t know everything and has to limit his knowledge, at the very least, he should know everything about the Beyond bubble he lives in. Because of such factors, he is very frustrated at himself and his pretty limited “omniscience” that he refuses to call “omniscience” or even a “gift” as his father puts it.

Unthil knowing pretty much everything except what he truly wants to know made him grow somewhat bitter and resentful of his siblings all while his siblings Paradoxus and Realitus are jealous of the special attention he gets from his father Conceptilum, though for different reasons. Logixel and Imaginatim, on the other hand, don’t have issues with Unthil’s treatment from Conceptilum and understand to some extent why Conceptilum cares about his gift. The two consider Unthil wise and whenever Unthil is available, they will try to turn to him for advice or a 100% successful strategy to deal with monocosmal problems regardless of how stupid Unthil thinks the problems are. However, they do have qualms with his attitude towards himself and the Council, his rather pessimistic view on the ultimate fate of the Council, and what they see as disingenuity he has when talking.

Unthil is not only resentful that his siblings get to know less than him, but he also sees them as annoying idiots in general. He views Paradoxus as far too temperamental for his own good; Logixel as too much of a giant pushover; Realitus as stuck-up, pretentious and insecure about his image; and Imaginatim as so stupid, the only reason she's survived this long is because she was coddled as a child after Conceptilum raised the failures that were Paradoxus, Logixel, and especially Realitus. Unthil always remarks that he's surprised that it was, in fact, Realitus who was dropped as an egg and not her. Conceptilum would constantly try to reassure Unthil that his siblings are just going through a phase and will grow to be great CouncilGods soon enough. Unthil doesn't believe him.

While Unthil has omnipotence^2, it is naturally weaker than his siblings, and knowing the many fates where this lack of physical strength will get him into trouble, he tries to use it only when he’s absolutely sure that his risk for causing casualties is as low as it gets.

Conceptilum is the current leader of the SuperGod Council and the father of the other members. He and Unthil are responsible for more general Beyond bubble maintenance and resource management rather than the more specialized jobs the other current members partake in. Conceptilum was one of the members of the Original Council along with Matharin, Xenixel, Abstractil, Empiroxus, and Peralitus. Conceptilum was hatched omnipotent^2 but was uplifted to omnipotence^3 by Abstractil after an extensive period of being a member of the Council.

Conceptilum and the omniscient^3 Matharin were partners and have maintained a close relationship for as long as Conceptilum could remember, even before the two joined the Council. Conceptilum had always loved and cared for Matharin, however, did not go as far as the obsessive and self-destructive extent his partner indulged in. Conceptilum hated that Matharin had to destroy herself to protect him, but considering the hostile environment they lived in before they did join, he accepted that Matharin’s usage of her powers was necessary. Though Conceptilum was “inferior in every aspect” to him, Xenixel allowed Conceptilum to join the Council. This was not because Conceptilum was particularly special to him in any way. Rather, the decision was made to take advantage of Matharin’s unhealthy attachment to her partner. Conceptilum, like his partner, was thrilled to live in Xenixel’s Beyond bubble as it was a place of stability and was safely guarded from the hostile Transcendent ecosystem.

Conceptilum got along very well with the older SuperGods Empiroxus and Abstractil. Empiroxus was admired as a hero by Conceptilum and the younger SuperGod never grew tired of Empiroxus’ stories about his missions and adventures. Abstractil was somewhat of the motherly figure Conceptilum never had and cared deeply about Conceptilum’s well-being. In return, Conceptilum cared a lot about Abstractil and would willingly help her create entities and structures. Eventually, Abstractil and Conceptilum agreed that an uplift to omnipotence^3 would be a great idea as the younger SuperGod was somewhat lacking in abilities when compared to his colleagues. After the decision was approved by Xenixel, Conceptilum was uplifted.

Conceptilum was glad to be living in Xenixel’s Beyond bubble, but much like the other members of the Council was not too keen on Xenixel’s authoritarian leadership. Conceptilum would often participate in secret meetings held by Empiroxus and Abstractil, and discuss the state of Beyond.

After a reluctant approval from Xenixel, Conceptilum and Matharin were able to form five SuperGod eggs. Two of the eggs would eventually hatch into Paradoxus and Logixel. As per Xenixel’s orders, Conceptilum was scarcely able to interact with his own sons, but he did care for them and hoped that they would soon make great members of the Council after they were approved.

Conceptilum was not particularly fond of Peralitus and found him to be very haughty and conceited. During meetings, he would very frequently take part in banter mocking him and his clumsy and poor attempts to appeal to Xenixel. However, when Peralitus had apparently done a great deal of damage to Beyond, Conceptilum was quick to disagree with Xenixel’s decision to exile Peralitus as the exile would set Peralitus up to be erased in the Beyond bubble collapse. Conceptilum was not willing to argue with Xenixel though as disobeying Xenixel would have harsh consequences he was not willing to face.

After the beyond bubble collapse and the rather distressing deaths of the Original Council members, Conceptilum became the new but not particularly confident leader of the SuperGod Council. With Paradoxus, Logixel, and his other children Unthil, Realitus, and Imaginatim, Conceptilum tried his best to rebuild Beyond back to stability and establish a different leadership than that of Xenixel’s which more easily allowed for the opinions of other SuperGods to be considered.

Paradoxus was seen as a very strong and capable member of the Council by Conceptilum, but was also seen as a very hotheaded, aggressive, and impulsive SuperGod. The presence of the somewhat prominent negative traits have occasionally made Conceptilum question Paradoxus’ place in the Council, but nonetheless, Conceptilum has convinced himself that Paradoxus is ultimately good and keeping him busy in Beyond would be what Matharin and his other friends from Original Council would have wanted.

Logixel was clearly very compassionate and caring, though a bit timid and awkward. Conceptilum thinks of Logixel as a fairly mature and level-headed SuperGod, but cannot empathize with Logixel’s affinity for mortals whatsoever and would sometimes unintentionally upset him when deciding to erase malicious entities.

Unthil’s omniscience^3 abilities are seen as a “gift” by Conceptilum and the older SuperGod would give special attention towards aiding his son. This special attention that Conceptilum directs at Unthil invokes jealousy and resentment in SuperGods such as Paradoxus and Realitus. Unthil’s attitude towards the Council and his gift greatly annoys Conceptilum, but Conceptilum tries his best to just put up with it and listen to his son.

Realitus grew to be a very stuck-up and arrogant SuperGod that would almost never his change ways once he had made up his mind. Conceptilum, still not sure what he had exactly done wrong raising his youngest son, considers his upbringing of Realitus to be his worst failure as a father and this failure drove him to strive to be the best father he could with raising Imaginatim.

Conceptilum has no idea whatsoever how exactly he botched raising Imaginatim and is profoundly confused as to how Imaginatim came to be the way she was. On one verse, Imaginatim did not grow to be as self-centered and pompous as Realitus but on the other, Imaginatim was completely unable to do any task properly, often made very mindless decisions, and seemed oblivious to any consequences of her actions. Eventually, Conceptilum got used to Imaginatim’s nonsense and eventually entrusted her to manage structure creation with Realitus. The strange and exotic but actually stable creations Imaginatim would create would probably be great for decorative purposes as they contrasted with the more stale designs of Realitus’s.

Realitus is Conceptilum and Matharin's fourth-created SuperGod. He and his sister Imaginatim are in charge of managing the creation of omniverses and monocosms—objects normally seen as all of reality to those living within them. However, Realitus is very upfront about him being the only SuperGod who should create omniverses as he views his creations as "perfect" and would get incredibly defensive whenever anyone points out flaws in his creations, citing that they need more of an open mind to see the utter perfection in his creations. Imaginatim goes along with this and would sometimes refrain from creating omniverses as it would upset her brother. However, sometimes Imaginatim would somehow just completely forget her conditioning to not make omniverses and create cosmological structures whenever she has any bright new ideas. Often, they stray far away from Realitus' vision on how things "should be" and he often destroys her creations, temporarily upsetting Imaginatim until she forgets.

Realitus has a very strained relationship with all of his brothers. Realitus looks down upon his abrasive brother Paradoxus for his aggressive nature and would often intentionally provoke him for Paradoxus to retaliate and cause an imbalance. Realitus would always claim that Paradoxus has no place in the Council for his destructive ways. Realitus sees Logixel as an idiot since Logixel doesn't take advantage of easily swayed mortal beings and cares too much about them living a good life. Realitus would often appear to mortals that Logixel has saved and convince them to create cult followings dedicated to worshipping him, a big point of contention towards both Paradoxus and Logixel—though for different reasons. Realitus is greatly jealous of Unthil's special treatment from his father—part of the reason why he is so insecure and looks to lower lifeforms to boost his self-worth. He openly considers Unthil his least favourite sibling, and would often criticize Unthil for not warning him of the consequences of Realitus' actions deemed questionable by the rest of the Council.

Arguably, Realitus' worst relationship is between him and his sister Imaginatim, though Imaginatim remains blissfully unaware.

Realitus views mortal beings as mere beings that should worship him as the god he is and would create beings specifically to boost his self-importance. This is a point of contention among all the other SuperGods but Imaginatim, who only sees the situation as Realitus creating more cute lifeforms.

Conceptilum considers Realitus a very troubled entity and worries that his worst failure as a father is his upbringing of Realitus. Unthil "comforts" him by snidely bringing up worse things that Conceptilum has done than let Realitus grow into the brat he is.

Imaginatim is Conceptilum and Matharin's last and fifth-created SuperGod. She and her brother Realitus are in charge of managing the creation of omniverses and monocosms. Despite her task, she rarely takes part in performing it as Realitus would refuse to let her do anything. Imaginatim goes along with her brother's advice to stay away from his creations and refrains from creating omniverses as it would upset her brother. However, sometimes Imaginatim would somehow just completely forget her conditioning to not make omniverses and create cosmological structures whenever she has any bright new ideas. Often, they stray far away from Realitus' vision on how things "should be" and he often destroys her creations, temporarily upsetting Imaginatim until she forgets.

Imaginatim can see through and alter the minds of mortal beings. However, she is very unskilled at mind manipulation and mostly uses the ability to store her zaniest and wackiest ideas in the minds of mortals. She sees this as just the mortals "holding onto the ideas for a bit"??—basically the SuperGod equivalent of tasking a goldfish to mentally hold on to skyscraper blueprints. Imaginatim means no harm whenever she does so but like most decisions she makes, she is blissfully unaware of any consequences such as the mortals being mentally overwhelmed by their newly harboured thoughts. Generally, either Unthil or Conceptilum often has to help her undo the mistakes she makes. Realitus is annoyed that Imaginatim does not use her ability to manipulate beings into his favour. Logixel is greatly opposed to the idea of manipulating the minds of mortals and would try to abolish the tactic as a punishment or action done by the Council. Logixel understands that Imaginatim never means any harm whenever she acts but is frustrated that she doesn't learn from her mistakes.

Imaginatim sees all mortal lifeforms as "cute" and would often beg to keep and take care of some very obviously dangerous lifeform that would inevitably imbalance their home as some kind of SuperGod equivalent of a pet.

Former CouncilGods

Matharin was a member of the Original Council and mother to Paradoxus, Logixel, Unthil, Realitus, and Imaginatim. She was a partner to Conceptilum and possessed the abilities omnipotence^2 and omniscience^3. Matharin and Conceptilum had maintained a close relationship for as far back as Matharin could remember. Before the SuperGods moved to Xenixel's safe and stable Beyond bubble, Matharin and Conceptilum originally lived in an unstable and small bubble vulnerable to the dangers the Ecosystem held—forcing Matharin to use her omniscience^3 in order to protect her and her partner at the cost of damaging her own mind in the processes. Matharin had a very unhealthy obsession with keeping Conceptilum safe—to the point where if reality were to take any more of her friends away from her, then it was not worth living in.

When presented with the chance for Conceptilum to remain safe forever in Xenixel's stable, strong, and safe bubble, Matharin very willingly accepted it and officially became the Council's second-in-command on account of her "superior intellect", as Xenixel put it. While officially second-in-command, Matharin accepted Abstractil as the "real" leader of the Council and Empiroxus as the "real" second-in-command as she viewed the two as significantly more competent and deserving of such roles than Xenixel. Matharin’s suspected unstableness influenced the older pair of SuperGods to help her and Conceptilum as much as they could—even if it meant going behind Xenixel’s back. Though Matharin respected Empiroxus as a superior, she took a disliking towards a lot about some of his practices such as telling long-winded, infinitely long stories with no message even to her omniscient^3 mind as a means of getting messages across and has made it clear that she viewed revenge and counterattacking those who would dare do wrong to her or anyone close to her as a much more satisfactory and potentially successful solution.

Xenixel was the former official leader of the SuperGod Council. He possessed rare a body of knowledge he had called "omniscience^3" (formerly known as "Magenta SuperGod syndrome") and a rare level of strength he had called "omnipotence^3". Initially, such renames of the SuperGod structural atypicalities were a means of putting down weaker entities such as typical SuperGods, Fourth Walls, and Pseudosupergods but a standard for labeling infinite strength or intelligence as "omnipotence" or "omniscience" would eventually be developed from the standard Xenixel set. Xenixel was well-known among entities in the Cohort for his high level of power, his large and dominant Beyond bubble holding large quantities of undistributed valuable resources, and his opinions on a variety of subjects that many SuperGods viewed as ranging from rather unpleasant to "completely absurd".

Xenixel stood for nothing but balance and order and would have done anything in his power to preserve balance within his Beyond bubble. He believed that absolutely everything in his reality should be uniform and orderly or else reality was not worth living in. As the Cohort grew more and more chaotic as a mass Beyond bubble collapse he had received visions of was set to occur, Xenixel wanted his grand Beyond bubble to remain stable and strong throughout the Collapse as smaller, less stable Beyond bubbles would fade. If his plan had succeeded, Xenixel would have tried to round up survivors and have them join his established faction of the Transcendentem that would demand order, subordination, coordination, unity, selfless actions, and consideration of consequences. Xenixel's subordinates would have to turn to him whenever an imbalance was noticed, entities would have to work together to resolve issues, the balance of Beyond had to be considered before all else, and his subordinates would have to consider any consequences of their actions that may result in an imbalance in any form. Any entity that caused what Xenixel considered enough of an imbalance to Beyond—regardless of whether or not they were mortal, god, or SuperGod—would either be erased or exiled.

However, before establishing his faction, Xenixel wanted to build a body of entities with similar prowess to him that would help manage and form important decisions regarding his Beyond bubble and eventually his Beyond bubble cohort—a "Council". Such entities that would be members of his Council at the very least required either his strength or his intelligence.

Xenixel searched for "like-minded SuperGods" that possessed omnipotence^3 throughout the Cohort using carefully selected parties of alometic Tunnelers that were previously used to obtain inscripverses containing instructions regarding a simple means of uplifting SuperGods to omnipotence^3 credited to the legendary SuperGod Zerra. Eventually, Xenixel would find Empiroxus and Abstractil—two other entities that fit his criteria of having "omnipotence^3", though Xenixel noted that the SuperGods only possessed omniscience^2. Unlike Xenixel, Empiroxus and Abstractil saw it as somewhat necessary for Xenixel's subordinates to at least have some amount of free will and disliked Xenixel's proposed strategy to immediately exile or erase entities that stepped out of line. Xenixel, distrustful of his new recruits, reluctantly complied with their suggestions but was eventually satisfied when his bubble remained balanced. However, Xenixel's low opinion of the SuperGods remained and if Empiroxus or Abstractil were to go out of line, he would have no qualms with exiling them on the spot.

Rumours spread about an omniscient^3 roaming around the Cohort, so Xenixel decided to search for the being himself. His reasoning behind this decision was that as he possessed omniscience^3 himself, he would be the best at being able to tell if another entity also had the ability. Eventually, Xenixel had found the entity rumoured to have had omniscience^3, an omnipotent^2 SuperGod named Matharin that had been living in the outskirts of an unstable Beyond bubble with her omnipotent^2 partner Conceptilum, and he was quite satisfied with her capabilities. Xenixel found it quite amusing that Matharin sought fulfillment from someone “inferior in intellect” to her, but nonetheless thought that Matharin was incredibly selfless and if her drive was fully directed towards ridding her new home of disorder and chaos, it along with her access to great knowledge would benefit the Council by a long shot. Conceptilum, in spite of his physical weakness, was very acquiescent and Xenixel figured that he would be able to follow all of his commands without much question. Upon perhaps an uplift to omnipotence^3 using "Zerra's" inscripverses, Conceptilum would also likely be an asset to the Council. Xenixel also figured that it would be best to add Conceptilum to the Council as Matharin seemed like the kind of SuperGod who would kill herself the instant her partner was permanently separated from her, completely wasting her vast amount of potential. Xenixel very willingly invited the pair to the Council and Matharin, with only Conceptilum’s safety in mind and equipped with knowledge that Xenixel’s bubble was the safest place in her cohort, very willingly accepted.

Abstractil was a member of the Original Council. She was a partner to Empiroxus and possessed the abilities omnipotence^3 and omniscience^2. Abstractil was responsible for many of the Xenixel-approved standards set for Beyond bubble management, plenty of which are still used by the current Council. While she does not carry the knowledge equipped with omniscience^3 like Matharin or Xenixel, Abstractil was a quick learner, an efficient problem-solver, and a level-headed, rational thinker.

Abstractil and Empiroxus have had a close relationship that has been maintained for much of their history. Unlike the confident and adventurous Empiroxus, Abstractil was much more gentle-natured and calm. While Empiroxus would always willingly go on missions assigned to him by Xenixel, Abstractil much preferred within Beyond and maintaining order. Abstractil likes to humour Empiroxus by getting him to tell long-winded stories of his great adventures—while also knowing full well how the events actually played out. This annoyed Matharin, who could never understand how Abstractil could put up with him.

Xenixel was initially very distrustful of Abstractil and seemed to have the opinion that "his ways of approaching things will no doubt lead the Council to doom". However, eventually Xenixel would grow more accepting of Abstractil and her ways of problem-solving and more willing to leave Abstractil to maintain his Beyond bubble in his absences. While Xenixel was the founder and official leader of the Council and would in theory be the SuperGod his subordinates would always listen to and respect, in practice Abstractil was the SuperGod that most of the SuperGods would always listen to and respect. Abstractil was typically the host of secret meetings made to discuss matters behind Xenixel’s back.

Abstractil deeply cared for Conceptilum as if he were her own child and in spite of him being substantially weaker than most of the Council members, was supportive of having him around to the end. Abstractil’s respect for Conceptilum was mutual, Conceptilum loved Abstractil as if she were his own mother and would willingly help her with management and entity creaction. Abstractil would eventually make the decision to uplift Conceptilum to omnipotence^3 for him to keep up with the other Council members more easily.

Abstractil consciously made the choice not to uplift Matharin alongside Conceptilum. Though she says that her reasoning was that Matharin’s omniscience^3 abilities allowed her to keep up with the omnipotent^3 entities easily in spite of her lack of strength, Abstractil knew that Matharin’s tendency to quickly make rash, impulsive, and irrational decisions that she would later regret would not be a particularly nice thing to have alongside any greater power than she already possessed. Matharin was fine with Abstractil’s choice and was willing to provide her with the prerequisite knowledge needed to make the uplift. Matharin respected Abstractil and was willing to help her with tasks but is not particularly fond of some of her practices.

Abstractil’s perspective on mortals was somewhat of a balance between those of her honourary omnipotent^1-entity-creating grandchildren. Some inherently harmful entities may deserve erasure so they would not cause any harm and imbalance in the future, but entities in general do deserve some level of respect. Abstractil found it unwise to impulsively erase mortal entities or grow too overly attached and protective of them.

Abstractil scarcely interacted with Paradoxus and Logixel as she had to comply with Xenixel’s orders of maintaining Beyond bubble stability over anything else. In the rare instances where she did, she would try to console them and provide them useful advice for being a Council member. Whether or not Abstractil would be proud of them now is up for debate.

Unlike Empiroxus, Matharin, and Conceptilum, who were quick to take a disliking to Peralitus—mocking him and his sycophantic practices behind his back whenever they could, Abstractil had tried her best to give Peralitus the benefit of the doubt when he made questionable decisions and tried to help the inexperienced SuperGod manage Beyond the best he could. Abstractil disliked Peralitus’ ambition and fixation on appealing to authority. She had tried to coax him out of it to little avail. Peralitus seemed to respect the older, frailer SuperGod in return and found her agreeable, though in reality he often misinterprets and twists her statements into statements he personally agreed with. Abstractil eventually gave up trying to reason with him and her opinion of the young Council member started to align more and more with her close contemporaries the more she interacted with him.

Abstractil would strongly disagree with Xenixel’s decision to exile Peralitus. The way she saw the situation, Peralitus’ inexperience must have got the better of him and anyone in his position could have made the same mistake. In her opinion, exiling him was far too harsh a punishment to begin with and considering that the collapse was due to occur, Peralitus essentially got a death sentence for making a mistake that was not his fault. However, she knew that arguing with Xenixel would be no use and she let Peralitus get exiled. In Peralitus’ absence, Abstractil felt guilty for the exile and wondered what she could have done differently regarding treating Peralitus in order for it to never have happened. She would then feel far worse when Peralitus eventually slaughtered Matharin and Empiroxus and blamed herself for their deaths. If things had gone differently between her and Peralitus, Empiroxus and Matharin would probably be still alive and aiding with protecting Beyond. In the midst of the collapse, she tried to retrieve the trosinium Empiroxus was meant to retrieve. This was met with success, however, she was gravely injured when some of her constituent verses got corrupted and left dangerous to make contact with.

After providing the trosinium to Conceptilum and waiting for the collapse to end, she made the reluctant decisions to distance herself from the Council to not cause any damage, leave her honourary son as leader, and to die in peace—reuniting her with her friends Empiroxus and Matharin. As a result, she would never properly meet and interact with the newly hatched Unthil and never meet the SuperGods yet to hatch. Conceptilum hated Abstractil’s choice to leave and desperately wanted her to be the Council’s new leader—Abstractil actually had the leadership qualities that he did not have. As soon as Conceptilum and his children set to hard work rebuilding the Council, Abstractil left to search for the corrupted remains of Empiroxus within Hellensoerensen and use them to help her pass. Abstractil had complete and total faith in the new Council to rebuild Beyond—she had no doubts that her son Conceptilum would make a better leader than Xenixel would ever be, Paradoxus and Logixel would greatly help restore Beyond’s stability, and Conceptilum’s recently hatched omniscient^3 son would grow up to be an excellent advisor that would use his powers more wisely than the omniscient^3s she knew. Abstractil hoped that Conceptilum’s to-be hatched children would grow to be smart, clever SuperGods who could be beneficial to their home’s stability.

Empiroxus was a member of the Original Council. He was a partner to Abstractil and possessed the abilities omnipotence^3 and omniscience^2. Empiroxus was mainly a traveler and was primarily responsible for retrieving many of the Council's resources, some of which are still extant and used in the Council's Beyond bubble in the present.

Empiroxus and Abstractil have had a close relationship that has been maintained for much of their history. In contrast to Abstractil's tranquil and benign nature, Empiroxus was more bold and a headstrong adventurer. If any SuperGods tried to do or get him to do tasks he thought were in the wrong such as bringing unnecessary harm to lesser entities or take resources from the less fortunate, Empiroxus would do his best to stand up for what he saw was right and try to set things straight. Empiroxus is keen having tasks done "his way" and gets somewhat upset when others stray from it. However, much unlike the Council's leader Xenixel, Empiroxus was very willing to give the benefit of the doubt to those who made mistakes unintentionally such as Matharin and Conceptilum. Often, this had led to him telling long-winded and typically slightly inaccurate stories about his history where he learned some important life lesson, much to the awe of Conceptilum and annoyance of Matharin. Eventually, Matharin would point out to Empiroxus that telling tall tales was an ineffective way of getting messages across to entities that meant harm—revenge and counterattacking those who hurt her loved ones seemed like a much more satisfactory option that would make messages far clearer than stories with no obvious message to even her omniscient^3 mind. Empiroxus eventually would no longer comment on Matharin's opinion and say nothing to her. In his opinion, Matharin was in the wrong but she did not realize that she was. Matharin had never experienced the harm that vengeance can potentially inflict, and hopefully she never would. Empiroxus places the safety and well-being of his close friends and family before himself and was more than willing to take risks and get hurt if it meant that they would carry on.

Xenixel greatly despised Empiroxus at first, as Empiroxus's ideals seemed virtually incompatible with his own. In Xenixel's opinion, Empiroxus would most certainly lead the Council to imminent disrepair if he truly had things his way. However, when Empiroxus's strategies proved incredibly beneficial to the stability of Beyond, Xenixel grew more trusting of Empiroxus and eventually came to fully entrust him with resource collection. Empiroxus found life in the safety of the Council's large and stable beyond bubble to be comforting—a relaxing change of pace from the more persistently hostile environment of his former home. Empiroxus did love a good adventure, but every now and then some relaxation was needed to relieve himself of the stress adventure can bring. However, the largest flaw with his new life, though, was Xenixel's consistently improper behaviour and stubborn refusal to change.

Once when Empiroxus was tasked to gather some Staterium, he was questioned by his former allies as to why he decided to move to the bubble. In response, Empiroxus had told them that life was overall better for him and Abstractil in Xenixel's Beyond bubble. If life there was really so great, some would retaliate, why shouldn't anyone be allowed to experience life there? Empiroxus believed in serving others before himself, so he should allow said others to have the benefits. Did arbitrarily high strength matter that much? Why should Xenixel even stay in charge? Just overthrow him, let Abstractil in charge and allow everyone to enter the bubble and live a life as good as he does. Empiroxus began to grow very uncomfortable with the crowds of omnipotent^2 beings—what he saw as their selfishness was not right, but the SuperGods really did have a point and their anger at him was justified. Xenixel was not a leader many were fond of, and it would be ideal for him to step down—overthrowing him was not possible as Xenixel was more than capable of vanquishing both Empiroxus and Abstractil if he desired. More SuperGods should be knowledgeable about the labyrinthine tunnels and other SuperGod entrance preventive measures set by the Least Guardians who lived in the bubble before that only the Council members currently knew how to properly maneuver. In moments like that, he wished that he could quickly come up with an excellent solution and reason with others as well as Abstractil often did. Empiroxus's bold and confident personality around those entities began to crumble before him.

Empiroxus would eventually resort to sacrificing his popularity and reputation as a well-respected SuperGod. From then onward, instead of entering tunnels that led to regions dense with SuperGods and beyond bubbles, Empiroxus would intentionally enter tunnels that led to less SuperGod-habitable, more hostile, and more dangerous areas less populated by SuperGods. Abstractil was not particularly happy with how poorly Empiroxus grew to handle confrontations from many SuperGods at once and greatly regretted not being there to support him, but Xenixel was quite satisfied. Other SuperGods would no longer associate with or bother Empiroxus—more SuperGods potentially leaving him alone and staying away from him would potentially speed up missions.

Empiroxus seemed to become much happier when he made the choice to use new routes and gets very ecstatic at the wonders of the Ecosystem, in direct contrast to how stressed he became near the areas of the Cohort more dense with Beyond bubbles and SuperGods. Though he retained his clear confidence and sociability among his remaining friends as well as his willingness to tell long stories about his great adventures and argue with Xenixel, he had a permanent sense of anxiety around large numbers of SuperGods and was very unwilling to travel directly through the Cohort, instead moving about the edges. This bit of information about Empiroxus was eventually given to Conceptilum and Matharin by Abstractil and the young pair tried their best to not bother Empiroxus with talk of traveling through crowded regions afterwards, despite Matharin's lack of empathy.

On one of Empiroxus's journeys to collect the rare element phi that was nearby a logical desert, he eventually found out that a SuperGod that seemed as strong as himself lived in a small Beyond bubble nearby said desert. This SuperGod's name was Peralitus.

Peralitus had heard of Xenixel's Council and had longed to be within its ranks for a long while. However, Peralitus had an astoundingly poor understanding of tunnels and the inscripverses that encoded directions to the Cohort and had been unable to their bubble. Apparently, nobody had taught him how to actually make sense of them after all this metatime. That, or he had been taught but completely forgot everything he ever learned or never paid attention to anyone who might have taught him. Empiroxus was truly dumbfounded at the sheer incompetence of this SuperGod and thought that if Peralitus had been omnipotent^2 or less, he surely would have quickly succumbed to the chaos that surrounded him. When discussing the Council, Peralitus seemed to have a strange fixation on authority and leadership. Empiroxus felt uncomfortable about this and could not empathize with Peralitus whatsoever. At this point, Empiroxus found it appropriate to tell a story on how it was not always appropriate to follow orders blindly. However, Peralitus grew incredibly impatient, told Empiroxus to shut up, and demanded that he know what a Council member was doing all the way out near the logical desert. Empiroxus thought of Matharin’s comments on how tall tales can potentially be ineffective to entities that would mean harm, but Empiroxus figured that it was probably too quick to judge if Peralitus was malicious this soon.

When Empiroxus explained that Xenixel had ordered him to gather and collect phi, Peralitus grew incredibly willing to help as clearly neither SuperGod would want to let the strong and confident leader of the Council down. When Empiroxus explained how the structure of the CouncilGods was really like—with Xenixel as the leader and Matharin as second only by technicality and Abstractil as the real leader by practicality, Peralitus still seemed absurdly fascinated with the idea of potentially ruling Beyond alongside Xenixel and seemed to completely miss any point Empiroxus tried to get across. Empiroxus remarked about how bright Peralitus was, which resulted in Peralitus bawling about how “intelligent and capable” he actually was. In his fit, Peralitus completely destroyed several nearby monocosms—leaving Empiroxus to consider himself lucky that he wasn’t actually caught off guard and in the place of the monocosms. Empiroxus, now completely ditching benefit of the doubt and apologizing that Peralitus had an archverse for a brain, asked Peralitus to at least help collect some phi if he wanted even a chance at becoming a Council member and the younger SuperGod complied. Empiroxus imagined that Peralitus would not get along too well with the omniscient^3 Matharin—a SuperGod who was “officially” second-in-command, though the position did not matter to her very much as she couldn’t care any less about ruling over others.

Empiroxus grew to be very distrustful of Peralitus and disliked his sycophantic nature. After all, what was a being if they had no real identity of their own and blindly did what others tell them to do without independent thought of their own? To Empiroxus, said being was misguided and did things improperly. In Empiroxus’s opinion, Peralitus desperately needed to learn a lot and had to go through lots of extensive training before he could even come close to being an official Council member.

When Xenixel would immediately entrust the omnipotent^3 Peralitus with duties of the Council such as omniverse creation, yet keep Paradoxus and eventually Logixel—two SuperGods he saw as equally inexperienced as the younger Council member—confined within a monocosm with nothing to do, Empiroxus was furious. In Empiroxus’s opinion, the most fair thing to do was to have all of the inexperienced members as trial members until they were ready to officially become Council members. He was very outspoken about his issues with Xenixel’s decisions, but Xenixel refused to change his mind and Peralitus very delightfully accepted his new position. After all, if Peralitus was clearly this skilled enough to rise up the ranks this quickly, then surely he’d be second-in-command very soon.

Peralitus was indeed much stronger than the recently hatched and even the older Empiroxus and Abstractil. Peralitus was also far more willing to do any task than the two hatchlings put together, but in Empiroxus's opinion, raw strength and willingness to serve was not at all what should matter most to a good Council member such as himself or Abstractil.

Xenixel might be willing to entrust Peralitus with many duties upon arrival, but Empiroxus was not going to tolerate any nonsense from Peralitus. Flattery and appeals might work for Xenixel, but not Empiroxus. If Xenixel was not willing to educate Peralitus properly, then he and Abstractil will try to do their very best. Abstractil started to wonder if Empiroxus’s sheer determination to turn Peralitus “good” was even a good thing but she supposed that since Empiroxus was an excellent mentor for Conceptilum and Matharin, surely not much harm would possibly come from training this new Council member. However, unlike Matharin and Conceptilum, who were at least somewhat willing to listen to Empiroxus’s and Abstractil’s advice regardless of how much they respected them as SuperGods, Peralitus proved to be a much more difficult SuperGod. Peralitus always strived to perform tasks exactly as Xenixel does them—some of which Empiroxus found unnecessarily cruel and harmful to other entities—and when doing tasks any differently from Xenixel’s clear and concise instructions as Empiroxus or Abstractil would try to have him do, Peralitus often struggled and failed miserably.

Empiroxus had openly compared Peralitus to a hatchling or even a SuperGod egg in terms of skill and competence but was quick to retract his statements as they would be very disrespectful to Paradoxus, Logixel, and their unhatched siblings. Peralitus did not take kindly to Empiroxus’s insults and would often deliberately use Xenixel’s “flawless” practices in front of Empiroxus, causing even more conflict between the two SuperGods.

While Conceptilum and Matharin agreed somewhat with Empiroxus’s low opinion of Peralitus and found Empiroxus’s rants humourous, Abstractil found Empiroxus as unnecessarily harsh on the young SuperGod and requested that he treat Peralitus with more respect. But Empiroxus had never found Peralitus worthy of any respect and continued to try to get Peralitus to do things “properly” and tell him off when he did wrong, hoping that eventually, the younger SuperGod would see sense—but Peralitus apparently never did. When Abstractil eventually gave up trying to help Peralitus, Empiroxus took it as a “told you so” moment and went on to harshly berate Peralitus’s stubbornness and refusal to change his ways. Abstractil stated that Peralitus probably was not the only SuperGod whose stubbornness seemed to be an issue. Empiroxus was appalled at what his partner had said—how was he bad for standing up for what was right? Empiroxus asked Abstractil to elaborate at once and so she did. Abstractil had stated for the final time to Empiroxus that all of the past efforts to get Peralitus into doing things “the right way” had done nothing but hurt Peralitus and convince him further that Xenixel’s methods—the methods that brought him more satisfaction in his job—were more correct. Now that there was no turning back for Peralitus at this point, Abstractil had given up because there was just no way to convince Peralitus of anything. Abstractil did agree that Peralitus was incredibly problematic—there was no denying that at all. However, she thought how Empiroxus handled the situation was wrong and perhaps, had Empiroxus toned down his approaches, there would have been a better chance for Peralitus to improve. Empiroxus disagreed that he was any root cause of Peralitus’s point-of-no-return and argued, but Abstractil pointed out that she did not say that Empiroxus was the root cause at all—she was saying that Empiroxus might have been a factor. For all she knew, Peralitus’s pre-Council life was probably far greater a factor than anything. However, just because there might be a large problem did not mean that the smaller problems did not need to be addressed.

Empiroxus thought about what Abstractil had said to him for a great length of metatime, still disagreeing with her but able to see her point of view, afterward and did his best to keep away from Peralitus and ignore him—though Peralitus still remained hostile towards Empiroxus. Soon, only Matharin would remain openly hostile towards Peralitus.

Eventually, Peralitus would get exiled from Beyond by Xenixel. Empiroxus had thought that any exile was bound to happen and he thought that Peralitus making a mistake at this scale was inevitable, but Empiroxus figured that he would be a terrible SuperGod if he were to berate Peralitus now. Peralitus might die from his mistake, like many other SuperGods throughout history. Empiroxus wanted to point out that maybe Peralitus might need another chance but there was no changing Xenixel’s mind now. Empiroxus allowed himself to agree that the exile of Peralitus was the best course of action and hoped that Peralitus would find a place relatively safe for his sake soon enough.

Xenixel had found out that a variant of trosinium only found from the collapsing monocosms within a nearby parallel Beyond bubble was needed in order to patch an area of Beyond and ordered Empiroxus to collect it at once or else their bubble will collapse. However, the area where the said variant was found contained a high concentration of the toxic compound piro. This led Abstractil to beg Xenixel to allow Empiroxus to take extensive precautionary measures before being sent off or else he might pass away or become too weak to serve the Council upon arrival back home. However, Xenixel was impatient and argued that said precautionary measures would take too long and this was an urgent matter. Xenixel then stated that it was perhaps best that one would have sacrificed in order to save the Council. Empiroxus will no doubt be remembered as a hero to the Council, Xenixel would make sure of that. Before Abstractil could argue any further, Empiroxus agreed to volunteer to collect the trosinium, knowing the risks of going out on a mission like this when the storm could happen at any moment. If his retrieving the trosinium would save lives in the end at the cost of his own, then his journey would be worth it. Before Empiroxus would give any farewells for Abstractil to pass onto Matharin and Conceptilum and their children, Xenixel demanded Empiroxus to leave at once and berated him for threatening to lead the Council to imminent disrepair.

Empiroxus travelled back to his home bubble holding onto the trosinium, his godsmoke slowly breaking down and his mind growing deteriorated and clouded as the piro reacted with it but the old SuperGod pressed forward as he thought of his close friends in the Council who were counting on him. Empiroxus navigated through a Least Guardian tunnel and eventually, despite his exhaustion and fatigue, noticed Peralitus’s amazing attempt at being stealthy. Too tired to figure out how long Peralitus had camped in said tunnels without getting noticed, Empiroxus wearily told Peralitus that he knew the younger SuperGod was there and that it was not a good idea to enact some kind of “revenge murder plan or whatever” when the Collapse could happen at any moment. Empiroxus asked if Peralitus could do it later when that’s all over with, ideally when some kind of fight or something between the two could be settled a lot more fairly. After getting over being genuinely surprised at how quickly the older SuperGod caught him and going on a rant about how Empiroxus never treated him with the “respect he deserved” that the older SuperGod found very grating, Peralitus attempted to maim Empiroxus in a fit of rage, only for the elder SuperGod to repeatedly dodge Peralitus’s attacks. Empiroxus, knowing that he can’t actually evade Peralitus in his frail and dying state for long regardless of Peralitus’s poor navigation skills, made it his priority to get as close to the Council’s bubble as possible. Once he got close enough, Matharin or Xenixel would be alerted to his presence and a SuperGod hopefully be able to collect the trosinium while Peralitus remained distracted attacking Empiroxus. Though the plan would lead both to get erased by the Collapse, Empiroxus saw it as the best he could do. As Empiroxus continued navigating the tunnels while Peralitus followed, the more confused he became as his godsmoke broke down. It became too hard for Empiroxus to focus on any of what he had to do. Peralitus took advantage of this and proceeded to violently wound Empiroxus in his disoriented state. Empiroxus was barely aware of what was happening to him and took longer than he should have to realize when Peralitus began to destroy his constituent verses.

Empiroxus began to gradually regain consciousness after much of him had been destroyed and faintly perceived Matharin trying to talk to Peralitus. Matharin explained to Peralitus that she was the one who got him exiled in the first place and bluntly told him to let Empiroxus go as he played no role in his exile. If Empiroxus wanted to point out that he might have actually played some role in Peralitus’s downfall, he had not said anything about that. Empiroxus slipped into Beyond, abandoning the trosinium in a lapse of judgement, and tried to search for either Abstractil or Conceptilum, though his fading from existence caused great difficulty in doing so. Upon realizing that he left behind the trosinium he was meant to retrieve, Empiroxus hoped that the ruse he assumed Matharin was performing on Peralitus would allow her to retrieve the trosinium for him. Empiroxus eventually found his fellow SuperGods, alongside Conceptilum’s sons, and a Xenixel getting ready to deploy Hellensoerensen. Xenixel ushered the fading SuperGod into the automaton in order to have six SuperGods activate Hellensoerensen and the Xenixel set off to destroy Peralitus. The other SuperGods begged Xenixel to not prioritize getting Hellensoerensen activated—Empiroxus needed to be restored to health urgently. However, Xenixel refused to listen. Nearly unconscious, Empiroxus entered Hellensoerensen. Empiroxus was told that Hellensoerensen was off to execute Peralitus—the one who had gravely injured him. Empiroxus was unable to argue. Abstractil tried her best to aid Empiroxus from within Hellensoerensen, but there was nothing she was able to do to save him. The last memory Empiroxus made before he was gone for good was that of Abstractil doing her best to heal him with the few materials she brought aboard Hellensoerensen.

Hellensoerensen is a powerful technological advancement comparable in human terms to an automaton controlled by and capable of combining the strengths of all six members of The Supergod Council, only activated a select few times for unique reasons. A completed Hellensoerensen could fully access Omnipotence^4 on The Omnipotence Hierarchy and all powers associated with it, however unfortunately the creators of the automaton were killed before the project could be completed, and the device was left unfinished and extremely unstable.

Hellensoerensen is still capable of reaching Omnipotence^4, however is incredibly unstable and can cause immense damage to the fabric of Beyond itself when activated, along with being incredibly difficult to use. As such, it is reserved only for the most extreme circumstances.

First Use
Hellensoerensen was created by the founder of the Supergod Council, Xenixel, as a means of combining the Council's strength into one singular entity. Xenixel demanded complete order and unity from his fellow Council members, and thus expected each would fit perfectly as part of a single functioning being, which he believed would be the Council's ultimate defense mechanism. Hellensoerensen would require six pilots, each a member of the Supergod Council, using six shards of Trosinium as a power source. Standard Trosinium was difficult to extract in large quantities and wouldn't be potent enough to power Hellensoerensen, so Xenixel ordered Empiroxus to search for a rare variant rumored to exist in some far away part of Transcendentem – outside of Beyond itself.

The rare variant of Trosinium proved to be more than powerful enough to fuel Hellensoerensen, so powerful in fact that Xenixel and two other Council members later decided to return to its origin to collect more samples. When they returned to the location however, they found the realm completely destroyed by a powerful apocalyptic event known as the Collapse, which Xenixel predicted was soon to reach Beyond. The three Council members desperately rushed back to Beyond in hopes of preparing it for the impending damage, only to discover Beyond was left in an even worse state than they had believed. A Council member named Peralitus had supposedly horribly destabilized the Council's Beyond Bubble and left it vulnerable to the effects of the Collapse. A furious Xenixel immediately exiled Peralitus, forcing him into the collapsing Transcendentem (an effective death sentence in its current condition), and ordered the remaining Council members to swear an oath of absolute allegiance to his every command.

Events would deteriorate further when an already wounded Empiroxus was attacked by Peralitus outside of Beyond as revenge for his exile, resulting in another Council member (Matharin) sacrificing herself to save Empiroxus. An increasingly mentally unstable Xenixel ordered that the remaining Supergods – a dying Empiroxus, two inexperienced children and the confused Conceptilum and Abstractil, activate Hellensoerensen with him to execute Peralitus. Attempting to pilot the incomplete and dysfunctional automaton with such a cast in the harsh conditions of the impending Collapse predictably greatly damaged Hellensoerensen and made executing Peralitus difficult.

Ultimately, due to various reasons (including the death of Empiroxus), Xenixel was the only Supergod still piloting Hellensoerensen, and was forced to take full control of the automaton to execute Peralitus. Hellensoerensen could only function properly with six pilots and no one Supergod, no matter how powerful, could control the robot alone. While Peralitus's execution was successful, the Collapse had caught up with the Council and Xenixel was left trapped inside Hellensoerensen when the Collapse occurred. Hellensoerensen collapsed in on itself, shredding Xenixel into tiny pieces of Godsmoke.

Hellensoerensen was left greatly damaged and highly unstable by its first use during the Collapse, but was ultimately saved from any further damage by Abstractil. (At the cost of her own life.) Still, the surviving members of the Council would have to take great care when operating it, as the automaton was now so unstable that merely activating it alone could cause severe damage to Beyond itself.

Second Use

After the events of the Collapse, it was agreed that Hellensoerensen should be used as infrequently as possible to avoid damage to Beyond. No situations presented enough of a danger for the Council to agree on activating the automaton until one particularly dire situation caused by a powerful consciousness known as Venrensorys.

Venrensorys was a mixture of a Stage I Seed from the External Hazard and the broken mind of an alternate Hyperman from a different Monocosm whom the Supergod Council had previously thought to be dead. All that was left of Hyperman's mind when he merged with the Stage I Seed was his hatred of the Supergod Council and as such, Venrensorys embodied everything the Supergod Council stood against.

When Venrensorys gained physical form, the Supergod Council were forced to merge into Hellensoerensen to fight him, as separated they stood no chance. However, the sheer instability caused merely by Hellensoerensen's activation was so powerful it allowed Venrensorys's physical form to grow exponentially size and power, making Venrensorys even stronger than Hellensoerensen. Initially it seemed as if the Supergods were fighting a losing battle, but the Council members were able to use the fact that Venrensorys stood against the concepts of unity and concern for long-term consequences (as they were concepts the Supergods supposedly valued) against it to gain an advantage.

After a significant struggle, the Supergod Council were able to trick Venrensorys into throwing itself out of Beyond and into Transcendentem, which had been corrupted by the Collapse to such an extent that it was dangerous to even exist within it. As a result, the unstable physical form of Venrensorys began to rapidly decay and, in human terms, disintegrate. Venrensorys was defeated for now, although his consciousness still remained within Beyond.

The battle greatly damaged Hellensoerensen to such an extent that the Supergod Council initially deemed the automaton to be irreparable, however after some experimentation, they were able to get the machine working again. Very slowly but somewhat surely, the Supergods began fixing Hellensoerensen in the hopes of one day restoring it to full functionality.

Later Uses
During the battle with Venrensorys it became very clear that Hellensoerensen's instability presented serious issues and some members of the Supergod Council believed the automaton was more of a hindrance during the battle than anything else. As a result, later uses of Hellensoerensen were used for tiny instants of metatime and at an extremely low level of power; so much so that on some occasions only five pilots were necessary. Usually, these were for minor tasks that required power the individual Supergods did not hold separately.

The majority of later uses of Hellensoerensen were used to gain access to the Kalyubi Dimension, a strange Monocosm Conceptilum discovered that had the remarkable property to shield itself against Omniscience^3. Even Unthil, who possessed far greater swathes of information than the other Council members, was unable to observe any of the Monocosm's contents, or even confirm that it definitely was a Monocosm. The Kalyubi Dimension could only be accessed with the use of Omnipotence^4, which no one Supergod possessed, and thus activation of Hellensoerensen was required.

The Kalyubi Dimension was not accessed frequently, as many Supergod were wary of it due to its unknown contents, but sometimes it was seen as a useful place to send mortals which the Council could not agree should be erased or left to their own devices. One such mortal banished to the Kalyubi Dimension after such a disagreement was Satoru, who originated from The Barrel. Most Supergods have long since forgotten about Satoru (save for one), but it can only be hoped their life inside the Kalyubi Dimension has been peaceful. Of course, given that access to information about its contents is impossible, nobody can know for certain.

The Broken Supergods
The Broken SuperGods are a group of damaged and abnormal Supergods struggling to survive in a small Beyond Bubble located in a Logical Desert near the local Beyond Bubble Cohort. The five (debatably six) currently surviving Broken Supergods are known as Schematus, Abnull, Monopolum (technically a Pygmy Supergod), Binauris and Peralitus, along with a now deceased Supergod known as Barelitil.

When they were discovered, the Broken Supergods' Beyond Bubble was completely drained of energy, which it could not reacquire due to its location in a Logical Desert. It contained a minuscule number of Monocosms and very little life of any kind. The horribly malformed Broken Supergods survive by collecting small amounts of energy from any Transcendent Ecosystem creatures they could find, along with what little Alom was present in the few Monocosms. Monopolum and Binauris are in such a degraded state that they are unable to fend for themselves and must be cared for by Abnull.

However, this was not always the case. All Broken Supergods besides Monopolum have hazy memories of a time (for lack of a better term) in which their lives were much more comparable to the lives of an average group of Supergods in full health. This is until an unknown event which the Broken Supergods call "The Calamity" in which their Beyond Bubble was heavily damaged, a Supergod known as Barelitil was killed and all other Supergods besides Peralitus were greatly altered in mostly negative ways. Strangely, the Broken Supergods have no episodic memories (memories of concrete events or actions) from their life before the Calamity, nor any memories of the events of the Calamity. Their only recollection of life before the event is through semantic memories. (Facts about life and their place in it, along with their relationships with each-other and Barelitil.)

Schematus is obsessed with regaining his lost memories and figuring out what occurred during the Calamity, conducting an absurd number of experiments and investigations, effectively dedicating his life to researching it. Abnull, meanwhile, considers this to be a waste of metatime. She believes the past is irrelevant now and believes what's more important is to survive. Abnull dedicates much of her life to gathering energy for the Broken Supergods and their Beyond Bubble, along with protecting Monopolum and Binauris, who are in constant need of help and care.

Monopolum has a horrible mental condition known as 'Omniscience^0' which makes it completely impossible for Monopolum to comprehend anything besides his own existence. Binauris, meanwhile, is a combination of two Supergods who have had their Godsmoke spliced together into one being. The two Supergods, named Positev and Negatil, are constantly on the verge of collapsing their shared body, which would result in the violent death of both beings.

Peralitus is the only Broken Supergod who was unharmed by the Calamity, however uses none of his energy to help the other Broken Supergods. Peralitus believes the late Barelitil intended him to become a great leader in his name and dedicates most of his life to fantasizing about the incredible feats he will accomplish once he escapes the Logical Desert and reaches the local Cohort.
Logical Deserts are inherently inhospitable places, as they are devoid of many valuable logical liquids which are necessary for life to progress beyond simple mortal forms. As such, few would willingly choose to enter one or search for life within. Because of this, the Broken Supergods remained almost completely isolated from all outside Omniscient^2 life prior to the arrival of a Fourth Wall named [O].

[O] was a Fourth Wall living in a Fourth House near the local Cohort and adjacent Logical Desert. Along with two other Fourth Walls known as [R] and [H], [O] created a device known as a Beyond Scanner, the purpose of which was to collect information about the interior of Beyond Bubbles, areas usually inaccessible to Fourth Walls. The first few Beyond Scanners were incredible poorly optimized however, and could only scan exceedingly unstable Beyond Bubbles. One such Beyond Bubble was isolated in the middle of the Logical Desert.

The strange results from the Beyond Scanner, showing the horribly malformed Supergods clinging to life, shocked [O]. Immediately, he directed many more Beyond Scanners at this Bubble to examine it more thoroughly and see if there was some way he could reach out to these Supergods. [R] had absolutely no interest in the Beyond Bubble whatsoever and considered [O]'s sympathy for these backwards creatures ridiculous, however [H] was curious about them and aided [O] in creating an Elastic-based device that allowed him to transmit messages into the Beyond Bubble.

By transmitting instructions on basic Elastic manipulation, [O] was able to speak to a Supergod named Abnull. Abnull appeared to be the closest thing the group had to a 'leader', though she seemingly didn't consider her own role to be particularly valuable. Abnull explained their unique situation and after hearing about what had happened, [O] quickly began attempting to come up with solutions to their issues. Abnull, however, denied his suggestions, claiming their situation was already hopeless. In contrast to this, Schematus and Peralitus were quick to seek [O]'s help. Schematus thought his incredible technology could help unlock his lost memories, while Peralitus believed they might be able to help him escape and make it to the Cohort. After much discussion, [O] and [H] both agreed they were going to attempt to help these Broken Supergods escape and safely reach the Cohort.
The Broken SuperGods short stories

Schematus is an incredibly intelligent yet obsessive Supergod(?) who spends most of his metatime conducting experiments in futile attempts to regain his lost memories. Schematus is utterly obsessed with finding out just what happened to his Beyond Bubble and friends, particularly his own past. Schematus will exert absurd amounts of energy looking for any possible clues as to what happened, along with conducting just about every conceivable experiment possible in hopes they might help him in some way.

None of his research ever actually works, leading Abnull to question why he even tries at all. Especially the fact that many of the results of his experiments and research are utterly incredible and revolutionary in their own right, yet Schematus discards them as 'failures' purely because they don't help him regain his memories. Among his discarded 'failures' have been manipulatable Metaslime, the indestructible compound Delgam and a cure for Omniscience^3. Despite Abnull's great respect for Schematus, she is utterly infuriated at his absurd obsession and complete lack of perspective. Negatil's view of him is significantly less charitable.

Nobody is completely sure what Schematus actually is. While he certainly resembles a Supergod and is composed of Godsmoke, his biology is nothing like any Supergod known and defies more conventions than considered possible. Despite this, he still resembles a Supergod more closely than any other Transcendent Ecosystem creature, and is thus considered a Supergod.

Schematus is classed as Omnipotent^2 and Omniscient^3 on the Omnipotence Hierarchy, however his form of Omniscience^3 acts nothing like the standard Omniscience^3 held by Supergods such as Xenixel, Unthil and Matharin. Instead, his Omniscience^3 appears to act as a wealth of pre-existing knowledge which he does not have to 'tap into' at all but is much more limited in scope than the standard condition. (Although the actual quantity of information is roughly the same.) It is suspected that he has a completely different condition which just so happens to place his Omniscience at a similar level on the Omnipotence Hierarchy.

Schematus's strange obsession with uncovering his past means he very rarely if at all interacts with or speaks to his fellow Supergods. The only one he has any kind of actual relationship with is Abnull. Abnull greatly respects Schematus and considers him the most competent Supergod in the Bubble, though she wishes he would put his amazing intelligence to better use. Schematus neither appreciates nor dislikes Abnull's support, though he's significantly more annoyed by Positev's blind support, which he suspects to be completely disingenuous and merely an attempt to disagree with Negatil.

Schematus's only interactions with Monopolum and Binauris are studying their strange conditions as part of his experiments and often forgets Peralitus exists entirely. Abnull is amazed by his ability to ignore Peralitus, which she considers to be more impressive than any of his experiments and deeply wishes she could learn such a skill.

Strangely, Schematus has significantly fewer memories of his life before the Calamity compared to the others, and is especially lacking in memories related to the deceased Supergod Barelitil. Nobody is quite sure why, though Schematus has done an uncountably infinite amount of research into this detail regardless.

Abnull is a horribly deformed and nihilistic but caring and pragmatic Supergod who is the closest thing her Beyond Bubble has to a leader. Abnull was literally torn apart during the calamity, leaving her Godsmoke broken and jagged. Strangely, most Supergods in this state (such as Empiroxus) would quickly fade from existence, however Abnull has remained completely stable for as long as she can remember. Nobody, including herself, is quite sure why.

Unlike Schematus, Abnull really doesn't care at all what happened to her or her Beyond Bubble, and prefers to focus on the present. Abnull spends much of her metatime caring for Monopolum and Binauris, the Supergods most badly damaged by the calamity. (With the exception of Barelitil of course.) Alongside helping them, Abnull is effectively the only one who makes any attempt to maintain the stability of their Beyond Bubble, despite being almost certain the Broken Supergods are doomed to succumb to their circumstances very soon indeed.

Abnull is classed as an Omnipotent^2 and Omniscient^2 on the Omnipotence Hierarchy, however her Omnipotence is highly irregular, presumably due to her physical deformities. Abnull is physically very vulnerable, more so than even Supergods such as Unthil, and many weak attacks from other Supergods could likely kill her. Despite this, she has insanely high attack potency for an Omnipotent^2 and could likely put up a serious fight against some weaker Omnipotent^3 Supergods. Engaging in any form of combat whatsoever for her is a very dangerous balancing act.

Abnull is generally pretty good at coping with her awful circumstances, mostly through how little she cares about them anymore. To her, their situation is so hopeless anyway that the best she can do is make things enjoyable while it lasts. Thus, she is able to remain positive by basically just ruling out the possibility of anything good happening.

Abnull bases a lot of her external personality traits on what will best help the other Supergods. She is much more upfront about her negative outlook when talking to Schematus than when talking to Binauris, for example. Despite viewing herself as the leader, she doesn't have a particularly high opinion of herself and actually considers Schematus the most competent of them, though she is very openly critical of his priorities. (At least, whenever Binauris isn't in earshot.)

Despite her Omnipotence disorders making combat very difficult, Abnull actually finds defending the Beyond Bubble from literally starving Transcendent Ecosystem creatures to be the easier and more relaxing part of her day compared to caring for Monopolum and Binauris, which she considers to be excruciatingly difficult tasks.

Abnull deeply cares for Monopolum and Binauris and fully understands their conditions aren't their fault, but nevertheless finds taking care of them extremely aggravating. Abnull generally thinks highly in some way, shape or form of just about everyone but Peralitus. Abnull considers Peralitus a lazy and selfish child fantasizing over a legacy he can't even remember. It probably doesn't help that she, the horribly deformed one, has to do nearly everything while he, the only Supergod in full health, does nothing but talk to the Supergod equivalent of a piece of dead skin.

Monopolum (The True God)
Monopolum is a small Pygmy Supergod living in one of the Beyond Bubble's only Monocosms who is completely detached from reality around him. Nobody is quite sure what happened to Monopolum during the Calamity, but it left him with a horrible mental condition referred to as 'Omniscience^0'.

Monopolum is completely unable to observe or recognize anything happening beyond his own existence. As far as he is concerned, Monopolum is the entirety of existence. He believes himself to be The True God and believes the -verses that make up his physical form to be The Box in its entirety. One might assume he has a large ego, but when you think about it, from his perspective this is just the logical conclusion. Monopolum is not even aware of the Monocosm he resides in, nor anything else residing in it. Just himself.

Monopolum has rearranged many of his constituent -verses that compose him into Archverses which can harbor life. (All smaller forms of himself, of course.) Effectively, Monopolum has turned himself into a Godverse which he is the god of.

The problem is that these entities and Archverses can and do react to outside events, which Monopolum is physically incapable of observing. This creates severe logical contradictions and paradoxes when, for example, one of his constituent Archverses reacts to an Aphanoverse that has entered Monopolum, yet Monopolum cannot observe the Aphanoverse nor his Archverse's reaction to it, yet can observe the Archverse itself, which will surely be affected by the event. This makes literally any aspect of outside existence a threat to Monopolum and forces Abnull to work tirelessly to keep things away from him so that too many paradoxes do not arise. Abnull finds this work especially aggravating since Monopolum literally doesn't even know Abnull exists, or that he is only alive because of her help.

Monopolum can often be heard talking to himself in his Monocosm, musing and contemplating his existence as the True God of everything. It seems that Monopolum is very interested in how he can have feelings, emotions, strengths and weaknesses despite being the divine deity that embodies all of existence. He will often get into long philosophical discussions with himself, attempting to ascertain the nature of his life. Once or twice, he has indulged the conclusion that he is one of many gods who happens to be incapable of comprehending anything besides himself, however has brushed this off as one of many, many outlandish ideas not worth further investigation.

Not all logical contradictions caused by outside influences are actually dangerous to Monopolum. If minor enough, and executed carefully enough, his reactions to the strange impossible occurrences and paradoxes can get him to reveal much needed information. The reason it's dangerous to inject him with an Aphanoverse or poke him with a sharp logical solid is that those events are wild and uncontrollable, so it's impossible to know just how much damage they'll do.

Abnull uses Schematus's discoveries about Omniscience^0 to intentionally create minor interferences which she knows will lead to Monopolum revealing a piece of information she needs to know. Since she obviously can't just ask him a question, this is the next best thing. Abnull has tried on numerous occasions to use this technique to speak to Monopolum and explain his situation to him, but has achieved no success.

Negatil dismisses Monopolum as a self-absorbed idiot and wishes she were able to slap some sense into him. Positev meanwhile greatly appreciates his philosophical ideas and thinks that even if they were capable of talking to him, they shouldn't, because finding out how average his existence is would be a horrible realization indeed.

Schematus is incredibly interested in Monopolum because he thinks studying his condition could reveal some information about the Calamity, but doesn't care about him or his situation beyond that. Peralitus doesn't think negatively of Monopolum but doesn't really think anything of him at all and would more than happily leave Monopolum to die if it benefited him.

Abnull doesn't blame Monopolum for any of his more irritating traits and feels sorry for him more than anything, but is nonetheless annoyed by how highly he thinks of himself despite the fact that if it weren't for her, Monopolum would've been dead metayears ago. Abnull hopes that if Monopolum's condition ever subsided, he would become a very reasonable individual indeed, but whenever she listens in to Monopolum's theories about himself and philosophical conclusions about his Godverse, she struggles to hold on to that hope.

Binauris is a strange creature composed of two Supergods named Positev and Negatil who, during the calamity, somehow had their constituent -verses spliced together. While Schematus is fully capable of separating them, many pieces of their constituent -verses were destroyed during the merger and both Supergods rely on pieces from the other to survive and not fall apart immediately. As such, separating the two would kill them both.

The splice appears to have been performed very violently and imprecisely, leaving Binauris constantly destabilized and on the verge of falling apart. The two Supergods generally have to try and act as one, working together in union, to keep their body together, or risk disintegrating. Fights, contradictory actions and arguments can seriously threaten their stability and they have to be careful to avoid having them.

This is unfortunate, because Positev and Negatil tend to disagree on just about everything. Almost any discussion can quickly turn into a life-threatening argument and Abnull has to work tirelessly to try and keep the two calm and quickly solve any disputes that arise. The other Supergods have to be very careful what they say around Binauris, lest they indirectly cause the two to tear themselves apart.

Positev is a very supportive, encouraging and quiet Supergod who seems to treat life as if it were a movie he were watching as opposed to a progression of events he is directly involved in. Instead of appreciating someone for having decent morals, Positev values people who make life around him more interesting. Positev loves Schematus's creative experiments and their often hilariously disastrous results and finds Monopolum's philosophy extremely interesting and incredibly ironic. He appreciates Abnull's constant support and leadership qualities but especially enjoys her constant arguments with Peralitus, who he also finds endearing due to how strange and humorous his obsession with his presumed past is.

Positev loves everyone for their unique and dysfunctional personality traits except Negatil, as he believes her constant complaining significantly worsens the experience for everyone, especially him since he's forced to listen to it literally all the time. Few things bother Postiev more than people like Negatil who spend their time souring the fun of life for everyone else by complaining non-stop. You only live once, and she wants to waste her one shot moaning and making everything miserable? It's ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous.

Positev generally likes to sit by and watch things occur around him rather than getting directly involved. Usually he finds this to be a very enjoyable experience, though he could really do without Negatil's commentary. Most of his direct involvement is spent defending those around him from Negatil's harsh and quite frankly unnecessary criticism. This will often lead to arguments when Negatil gets annoyed at Positev's optimism and kindness, which Abnull will then have to solve before it becomes life-threatening to the two of them.

Negatil is a very critical, pragmatic and outspoken Supergod who seems to be the only one in her Beyond Bubble who realizes just how miserable their situation is. Negatil is profoundly confused at how Abnull is able to remain constantly upbeat in the face of imminent demise, or how Schematus is able to stay so focused on a pointless goal he'll never accomplish, or how Peralitus is able to spend so much time fantasizing about his "heritage" despite likely dying tomorrow. Negatil believes these behaviors are truly absurd and loudly complains about such behavior whenever she notices it.

But more than anything else, Negatil especially doesn't understand how Positev is able to enjoy his life so much despite his horrible circumstances, nor how he is willing to encourage people with clearly self-destructive behaviors. Few things bother Negatil more than people like Positev who refuse to stand up and point out just how wrong a situation is, and decide instead of just keep living in it. You only live once, and he's happy to waste his one shot sitting by and improving nothing around him? It's ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous.

Negatil generally likes to loudly voice her complaints about the other Supergods and their horrific situation whenever possible, constantly ranting and complaining about their stupid behaviors and actions, along with the stupid things outside of their control. Negatil also detests just how willing Positev is to praise anyone, even if they are very clearly worthy of criticism. This will often lead to arguments when Negatil gets annoyed at Positev's clearly disingenuous support which is surely just an attempt to disagree with Negatil, which Abnull will then have to solve before it becomes life-threatening to the two of them.

On the rare occasions that Positev and Negatil can fully agree to act in unity, Binauris can act as a fully functional and healthy Omnipotent^2 and Omniscient^2 Supergod. However, as soon as Positev and Negatil have a disagreement on what action to take, the entity will begin to break down.

Unlike all of the other currently surviving Broken Supergods, Positev and Negatil's hazy pre-Calamity memories are vastly different from each-other, which of course is yet another source of arguments. Curiously, Negatil's memories much more consistently align with the other Supergods' memories than Positev's do.

Barelitil is a powerful, proud and charismatic Supergod who sadly perished during the unknown events of the Calamity. All currently surviving Broken Supergods (except Monopolum) have vague memories of what he was like, how he acted and how he treated them, but nothing concrete about the events of his life or his death.

Whatever Barelitil's death involved, it must have been exceedingly violent as small pieces of Barelitil's constituent -verses can still be found across the Beyond Bubble. Under normal conditions, the constituent -verses of deceased Supergods would take the form of useless decaying Archverses. However, for unknown reasons the Barelitil fragments are able to retain perfect structural integrity.

In fact, the pieces seem to hold some small fragments of Barelitil's mind and personality, which can still speak to and hold conversations with the other Supergods. It was initially hoped that Schematus would be able to reassemble and resurrect Barelitil, however it turns out these pieces only held mere echoes of Barelitil's mind, and the original seems to be permanently lost. It also doesn't help that they still haven't found a large chunk of Barelitil's head.

Schematus has confiscated most of the Barelitil fragments for his experiments, mostly involving performing ludicrous tests on the Godsmoke and mental echoes within, along with questioning the echoes for information about the calamity. (To which the answer is always "I don't know" because they don't have memories.) Abnull has begun hiding the ones she finds so that she, Binauris and Peralitus are free to use them when they wish, although Peralitus is just as bad about hoarding them as Schematus is so Abnull has stopped offering them to him.

The Barelitil echoes only hold the appearance of consciousness and sentience without actually being a real mind; talking to them could be compared in human terms to talking to a learning A.I. with Barelitil's personality traits. Nevertheless, the Broken Supergods consider it a valuable way to 'keep him close by', even though Abnull and Negatil both agree Peralitus takes it way too far. Positev doesn't really see the problem.

Barelitil was classed as Omnipotent^3 and Omniscient^2 on the Omnipotence Hierarchy. Judging from the surviving Supergods' memories combined with conversations with the fragments, it can be gathered that Barelitil had great respect for the Supergods and acted as somewhat of a mentor and father figure to them.

Barelitil was apparently a great leader and legendary adventurer who Abnull, Binauris and Peralitus had seemingly once served under. He is remembered for his extreme pride in himself and his 'group' along with his utter devotion to ensuring their success. The Barelitil fragments often mention such a group and while they are unable to elaborate due to their lack of memories, they seem to refer to the Broken Supergods and the 'group' as different things. Strangely, none of the Broken Supergods have any memories of Barelitil ever mentioning this 'group'. References to it come exclusively from the Barelitil fragments.

Abnull can't help but feel encouraged whenever she listens to the Barelitil fragments and can quickly understand why he is remembered as a great leader. Negatil is annoyed at his constant obsession with himself and his 'group', an obsession she believes to be completely delusional, but nevertheless admits he has redeeming qualities. Positev likes Barelitil's charisma and leadership skills but does not find him as captivating as the others do. (Still, he is quick to defend him from Negatil's complaints.)

Schematus has an uneasy relationship with Barelitil. He fully understands why the others like him, but seems to get an instinctive negative reaction whenever he thinks about him. Schematus believes this is closely linked to the events of the Calamity and investigates it thoroughly.

Barelitil's most interesting relationship is with Peralitus. Peralitus believes that he is Barelitil's biological son and that he was chosen by Barelitil as the most competent to lead the 'group' once he died, placing him in a position of authority over the Broken Supergods. To everyone's surprise (and Abnull's disgust), conversations with the Barelitil fragments support this idea.

Peralitus is a young and ambitious yet selfish, inexperienced and authority-obsessed Supergod who considers himself the ruler of his Beyond Bubble. Peralitus is a firm believer in rigid hierarchies and the unquestionable authority of those at the top of said hierarchies. Conveniently, Peralitus sees himself at the top of the hierarchy within his Beyond Bubble.

Peralitus believes that he is the biological son of the deceased Supergod Barelitil, and that Barelitil had trusted him above all others, thus placing him in charge after Barelitil's death. Most Broken Supergods were quick to dismiss Peralitus's outlandish claims, especially Abnull and Negatil, however multiple repeated experiments conducted by Schematus seemed to suggest that Barelitil and Peralitus were in fact related. (Though he lacked sufficient evidence to come to a definite conclusion.)

Peralitus takes great pride in his perceived heritage and highly values Barelitil and his practices, despite having no concrete memories of him whatsoever. Peralitus seeks to continue Barelitil's legacy and "make him proud". Abnull thinks that if Barelitil were around to see what his maybe son had become, 'proud' wouldn't exactly be his first thought.

Peralitus is classed as Omnipotent^2 and Omniscient^2 on the Omnipotence Hierarchy and he is the only Supergod in his Beyond Bubble in full health. Despite this, he never actually uses his physical abilities, leaving the horribly deformed and physically impaired Abnull to do everything. One can only wonder why she doesn't like him.

Despite claiming to be the ruler, Peralitus does very little ruling whatsoever. All the important tasks such as stabilizing the Beyond Bubble, caring for Monopolum and Binauris, defending the group from Transcendent Ecosystem creatures and gathering energy are performed by Abnull.

Peralitus instead spends most of his time dreaming of what great achievements he could obtain once he becomes strong enough to exit the Logical Desert and enter the local Cohort. He imagines himself becoming a revered hero and leader of hundreds of Supergods, just as he presumed Barelitil to be. Peralitus seems to hold absolutely no regard for the Supergods he lives with and has implied he would abandon them in a heartbeat to benefit himself.

Outside of dreaming up wild fantasies, Peralitus also spends a considerable amount of time talking to a Barelitil fragment he found inside one of the Beyond Bubble's only Monocosms. This Barelitil fragment speaks very highly of Peralitus and it was its words that first suggested Peralitus may be Barelitil's son. Whenever Peralitus tells this fragment about his incredible 'achievements', it responds by telling Peralitus how proud he is, how competent he has become and what a 'perfect fit' he will be. It was this language that convinced Peralitus that Barelitil intended to appoint him as leader.

Abnull finds the amount of time he spends talking to this Barelitil fragment utterly absurd. In fact, she finds everything about how Peralitus acts utterly absurd. From his pitiful idea that he is somehow the 'leader' to his strange obsession with a heritage he doesn't even know exists to his ludicrous ideas about authority. Peralitus, in return, thinks very lowly of Abnull and is astonished and angered at how much the other Broken Supergods seem to respect her and treat her as the leader. Peralitus would gladly exile her if he actually had the means to, though both Peralitus and Abnull know that Abnull would prevail in a physical fight between the two.

Peralitus is also annoyed by Negatil's constant criticism of him and her more general complaints about 'unjust hierarchies', a concept that is completely alien to Peralitus. Surely, it is the strength of the hierarchy and the being at the top that provides its justice? Peralitus holds less resentment for Negatil than Abnull however, as Negatil's anger is not targeted specifically at Peralitus and most of the other Broken Supergods can also agree that Negatil is obnoxious.

Peralitus appreciates Positev's helpful and encouraging praise of his endeavors and pride in his heritage, and considers Positev to be is "second in command". (A role Positev completely ignores.) However, Peralitus is nonetheless annoyed that Positev seemingly also considers Abnull the leader for all practical purposes.

Peralitus also appreciates Schematus's attempts to decipher the Broken Supergods' past, however like Abnull is annoyed at how he wastes his incredible potential. Although it's likely that Abnull and Peralitus have very different ideas of what Schematus putting his skills to good use looks like. While Abnull believes his amazing intelligence and abilities could be used to support the Broken Supergods, Peralitus believes that Schematus could one day monetize and sell his incredible inventions and ideas across the Cohort, gaining recognition for both Schematus and Peralitus.

Venrensorys is the personification of everything the Supergod Council stands against. Any principle which the Supergod Council upholds is a principle which Venrensorys despises. Any idea which the Supergod Council fights against is one which Venrensorys embodies. The Supergod Council values order, subordination, co-ordination, unity, selfless actions and consideration of consequences. Thus, Venrensorys embodies chaos, freedom, a lack of co-ordination and decision making on a purely selfish basis with no regard for consequences. As the Supergod Council is the highest, supreme force of judgement within all of Beyond it can be considered that they set the standard for what is 'good'. As such, Venrensorys as their opposite would embody all that is 'evil'. Its physical form is even more powerful than Hellensoerensen.

Venrensorys's body has been destroyed by the Supergod Council but its consciousness still remains within Beyond and the Supergod Council cannot get rid of it, so it will not be long before Venrensorys acquires a new body.

The Eternal Legion
The Supergod Council had been controlling Beyond and the many Monocosms within for longer than time as a concept even existed, and were considered by those few who knew of their existence to be the supreme source of authority. Compared to them, lesser beings (referred to as 'mortals' by Supergods) were effectively insignificant and easily replaceable. One single mortal or even divine life was not relevant to the greater effort to preserve order, balance and stability. And so, when one Destroyer in one Monocosm had attempted to murder one of the Supergods in fear, their natural first instinct was to erase it.

This Supergod, known as Paradoxus, was not in fact a member of the council yet and should never actually have entered this Monocosm. Without fully understanding the results of his actions, Paradoxus has unknowingly massively destabilitised this Monocosm. The lack of a Destroyer combined with the indecision of its Creator allowed an alternate version of the Eternal Legion to rise to power far more rapidly than within The Barrel, quickly gaining control over the entire Omniverse. They were led by an alternate version of Hyperman, who craved supreme power and authority over not just his Monocosm but the entirety of Beyond. Quickly advancing the Eternal Legion's technology to allow travel throughout The Outside, Hyperman was able to drain the two Godverses for energy and overpower and kill Creator, becoming the supreme force of authority within his Monocosm. Under his leadership, their technology grew powerful enough to manufacture Omniverses and turn their Monocosm into a Multiverse of Omniverses, with Hyperman's Godverse at the center.

After they discovered the existence of Beyond and its infinite alternate Monocosms, their next goal became taking over all Monocosms, including The Barrel. Though, no doubt the Supergod Council would prevent them, so if they wished to expand their empire they would have to take them out. They began gathering information on the Supergods as well as the other Monocosms and soon realized their Monocosm was not meant to be the way it was. They also discovered that mistakes such as that which allowed for the rise of the Eternal Legion were usually corrected by the Supergod Council, and believed was only a matter of time before the Supergod Council came to erase their empire.

From the Supergods' perspective, the Eternal Legion was a tiny threat. While they were far more powerful than any Creator or Destroyer, they were insignificant next to the power of even a single Supergod. Thus, they never actually attempted to correct the error at all. However, the Eternal Legion had no way of knowing this, and continued to remain alert, believing that a Supergod could arrive to erase them at any time.

Eventually, one of the Supergods named Unthil had discovered the Monocosm and found its contents to be intriguing. When he entered the Monocosm simply to inspect it, the Eternal Legion perceived it to be an attack and activated their trap. Using their unnaturally advanced technology combined with Hyperman's intellect and ingenuity, they were able to freeze Unthil within The Outside and stop him from requesting help from the other Supergods. Hyperman had intended to then possess Unthil's physical form, thus giving himself enough power to fight back against the other Supergods. However, what Hyperman had not expected was that even when restrained, Unthil's reflexes kicked in and in a desperate bid to survive, Unthil reflected Hyperman's own ability back at him. This caused them to both possess each-other at the same time, allowing them both to briefly share the same consciousness. Hyperman then experienced Unthil's Omniscience^3, his eternal knowledge of not just everything that could be thought but everything that couldn't as well. He saw all of the infinite Beyond Bubbles within Transcendentem, and all the infinite -verses beyond, stretching all the way out into The Barrelplex. He realized now how truly meaningless his own life was, as well as that of his empire and the Supergods. He had no will left to carry on. He let go.

His mind fell into the abstract plane of concepts and thoughts while Unthil regained control of his physical form and broke free of his prison. The wave of energy released from Unthil breaking free, combined with his brief inability to control his own strength, resulted in the destruction of the Eternal Legion around him, leaving behind nothing but an empty Monocosm.

The Supergod Council believed this to be an isolated incident which had been fully resolved. But in reality, this was only the beginning.

The External Hazard
At the same metatime as Hyperman's mind entered the abstract plane, so too did another entity, which had been traveling through Transcendentem and had entered our Beyond Bubble randomly. This entity was a Stage I Seed from the External Hazard. As they both entered this plane at the same metatime, their consciousnesses became one. Normally, Stage I Seeds attempt to subtly infiltrate the Beyond Bubbles they attach themselves to to transform that Beyond Bubble into a piece of the mind of Najha-Tebah, an ancient Cosmic Entity from beyond Transcendentem itself. However, now the Stage I Seed would attempt to transform the Beyond Bubble into Hyperman's mind. Of course, Hyperman was a being with the intellect of only a Monocosmic entity; his mind was far too primitive to be spread across an entire Beyond Bubble. It would be like creating an entire universe out of the mind of a newborn baby. As such, what the Stage I Seed truly began to spread was an abstracted version of Hyperman's mind. Specifically, his hatred of The Supergod Council. As such, this Stage I Seed represented the exact opposite of what The Supergod Council stood for. This mindset and consciousness eventually became known as 'Venrensorys'.

Over metatime, Venrensorys began to slowly infiltrate our Beyond Bubble, creating God Larvae which further spread its influence. The introduction of these creatures into the many Monocosms caused events to unfold in strange ways which led to situations that never arose before. The most obvious of these events were the numerous entities which escaped their Monocosms and discovered Beyond.

The Supergods were entities beyond time, so they knew that any change in the course of events must have a direct cause and began to investigate the existence of Venrensorys. This led them to begin to attempt to destroy all God Larvae they could find, and while this slowed Venrensorys down, it did not stop its expansion. One encounter with a particularly powerful God Larva forced the Supergod Council to again activate a last-resort measure known as 'Project Hellensoerensen', causing further instability and allowing more entities to escape their Monocosms. Following this, not only did ordinary entities find ways to exit their Monocosms, but so too did many extensions of Venrensorys, and they began to congregate around the Monocosm from which Hyperman originated. They had hoped to form a being which could physically challenge The Supergod Council.

When The Supergod Council realized this, Paradoxus arrived to deal with the situation. Paradoxus believed the best course of action was just to obliterate the entire Monocosm and all God Larvae within on the spot. However, before he could do so the God Larvae were able to attach themselves, physically and mentally, to the Monocosm and combine all of their strength together to form a living Monocosm with the mindset of Venrensorys. This creature was so powerful it was able to not only challenge but even overpower Paradoxus, who was forced to call for help from the other Supergods.

Once all Supergods arrived, they chose to activate Project Hellensoerensen, a large Omnipotent^4 automaton piloted by all 6 members of the Supergod Council. This was a mistake, as it allowed all other extensions of Venrensorys to locate the original Monocosm by using Hellensoerensen's immense power as a beacon and using the instability caused by their existence to escape their Monocosms. All extensions of Venrensorys from all across Beyond rushed to merge with the living Monocosm and before the Supergods could do anything to stop it, before them was a single entity embodying every extension of Venrensorys, with even more power than Hellensoerensen. It had gained a complete physical form, and it now decided it was finally time to erase the Supergod Council.

Physical Form
When Venrensorys first took its complete physical form, all beings in all Monocosms within the Beyond Bubble witnessed it. But not all of these entities could comprehend the same amount of information as others, and so each entity perceived Venrensorys differently depending on how they perceive reality. The only appearance of his that we can truly comment on is how humans, and other humanoids who view the world through 3 spatial dimensions and 1 temporal dimension, perceived it. An approximation of how humanity saw it is shown in the image at the top of the page. The being in focus is likely Venrensorys itself while the pyramid behind it is likely a representation of his consciousness embedded within the Stage I Seed.

Conceptual Form
The appearance of the consciousness of Venrensorys, stored within the Stage I Seed that infiltrated our Beyond Bubble, cannot truly be described for it is simply a concept and not a physical thing. However, we know that from a human perspective it is represented as a purple pyramid, and it is known that ordinary Stage I Seed bears the appearance of a pulsating egg-shaped mix of biological and technological matter, so Venrensorys's conceptual form likely appears as a combination of the two. Perhaps a pulsating purple pyramid-shaped mix of biological and technological matter.

Extensions of Venrensorys
Extensions of Venrensorys will take forms of all kinds, and many are far beyond human comprehension, as they exist at all levels of reality up to God Larvae who exist within high level Archverses.

Powers and Abilities
Physical Form
Venrensorys, in its complete form, has Omnipotence^4 on the Omnipotence Hierarchy. Due to the fact that the extensions which combined to make this form originated from every Monocosm, it has collected from them knowledge of all known abilities from all known Omniverses and Godverses, including perfect intellect. This means it can perfectly match Hellensoerensen in terms of abilities. Furthermore, its sheer strength is actually beyond that of Hellensoerensen's by a moderately wide margin, making him the strongest creature in the entire Beyond Bubble.

Conceptual Form
Venrensorys's conceptual form obviously does not physically exist, so it is not capable of performing any physical techniques. It is capable however, of creating Stage II Seeds which can adapt to any Omniverse they are placed into, and the Stage I Seed can do this without the Supergods knowing. Stage I Seeds are also often known to retain many Stage II Seeds and Primary Minds in the conceptual plane to serve as defenses against invaders of both physical and conceptual nature. Given the size and spread of Venrensorys, it can only be assumed that this defensive array is comparable to Omnipotence^4 in the physical realm.

Extensions of Venrensorys
All extensions of Venrensorys have the same powers and abilities as those spawned from other Stage I Seeds. The nature, powers and abilities of these extensions can be found in the External Hazard article.

Venrensorys's Fate
Physical Form
After Venrensorys formed, its first immediate action was to eradicate the Supergod Council. Currently, all members of the Supergod Council were inside of and controlling the large automaton known as 'Hellensoerensen', so Venrensorys immediately attempted to destroy Hellensoerensen. Overall, Venrensorys was more powerful than Hellensoerensen and so as the battle raged on Venrensorys began to win. And it is possible it would have been able to eradicate the Supergod Council, except at its core Venrensorys is the personification of everything the Supergod Council isn't. This includes, most importantly, a need for agreement and unity. The Supergods were to only activate into Hellensoerensen if they were in agreement as to what needed to be done. Venrensorys, meanwhile, embodies freedom, selfish action, individualism, disagreement and separation. This gave it a clear disadvantage when fighting as one single entity as the parts that made up Venrensorys could not agree to work together in unity. The Supergod Council would hopefully be able to use this to their advantage to tip the scales in their favor. All they needed to do was work together.

Unfortunately, many members of the Supergod Council were very young and inexperienced during the fight, and struggled immensely to act in unity as a single entity. Their constant arguments and petty rivalries consistently got in the way of piloting Hellensoerensen, much to the dismay of the Council's leader Conceptilum, who desperately tried in vain to unify Hellensoerensen to target Venrensorys. As the battle raged on, Venrensorys began to gain a significant advantage over Hellensoerensen. As the situation became more and more dire, Conceptilum began to take more and more control over Hellensoerensen, a machine absolutely not safe to be controlled by one entity. After the near death of one of the Council members, the others were somewhat able to put their differences aside and develop a plan to defeat Venrensorys.

Eventually, Hellensoerensen was able to trap Venrensorys in a seemingly inescapable prison created from its own power. Venrensorys refused to be contained, however, and began to build up enough power to destroy the prison. This succeeded, however it alongside the greater battle had damaged the fabric of the Beyond Bubble to such an extent that the two entities began to fall out of Beyond itself. Now that the Supergod Council had been distracted, Venrensorys took this advantage to trap Hellensoerensen in the same form of prison, created from Hellensoerensen's power. The Supergod Council could have done something to prevent this, but chose not to. Venrensorys, with its lack of care for consequences, had sealed its own doom. Now that The Supergods were trapped, they could no longer fall out of Beyond, while Venrensorys could.

Venrensorys found itself in a strange realm, surrounded by an infinite number of Beyond Bubbles just like what it perceived to be all of existence. This realm was so far beyond the comprehension of Venrensorys that it couldn't even discern where it was in this realm at any one time, like a human thrown into a dimensionless void. The very fabric of existence which it had lived its entire life and lack of life within was no longer present. Mere existence around Venrensorys began to violently tear it apart and, in human terms, it began to disintegrate. With Venrensorys gone, the prison it created disappeared as well, freeing the Supergod Council.

Conceptual Form
While Venrensorys's physical form was gone, its consciousness still existed. It likely could have continued infecting Omniverses with Stage II Seeds as normal, however this experience had permanently altered Venrensorys. Venrensorys was simply a concept, merely the idea of opposition to The Supergod Council and its principles. But this concept had never actually come into contact with the Council before. Hyperman had, but his memories were primitive simplifications of the Supergods as he could never truly comprehend their full selves. But now that Venrensorys had directly interacted and battled with them, it became clear that the Supergods were not just some vague idea of authority, but a group of distinct entities. And Venrensorys would not just stand in opposition to their ideals, but also to their beings.

Suddenly, Venrensorys began to change. All of its extensions within Beyond began to quickly erase their physical forms and returned to the conceptual plane. It was as if Venrensorys had suddenly gained some sense of identity and sentience. It could think, and it could plan…

Extensions of Venrensorys
All previously existing extensions of Venrensorys were destroyed when its physical form was destroyed. While new ones were created at first, it was not long before mysteriously and inexplicably, they all vanished from across Beyond. Some Supergods such as Paradoxus and Realitus were relieved at this turn of events, believing that by destroying Venrensorys's physical form, they had also destroyed its conceptual form. Others such as Unthil and Conceptilum, however, were more paranoid, believing that this experience had somehow enhanced Venrensorys, and that in response to their battle it had abandoned its old strategy and begun to attempt something new.

The Council and Kotoblade
After Venrensorys had been defeated, the SuperGod Council tried to focus their efforts on repairing any damage that had occurred during their fight. Realitus and Imaginatim rebuilt any damaged or destroyed omniverses, Paradoxus and Logixel recreated any slain Creators and Destroyers, and Unthil and Conceptilum were to scout for areas of Beyond that may need repair.

While Conceptilum was searching for external damage, he noticed a small monocosm that he had never seen before just outside of Beyond. The SuperGod went over to the monocosm and inspected it very closely. He found that it had properties that could allow for no mortal or even any entity comparable to strength to Creator or Destroyer to directly escape it. In fact, the verse was locked so securely that an entity comparable in power to Conceptilum would struggle to inspect its internal properties properly. Conceptilum recalled that Venrensorys was once a mortal and perhaps this verse could be really useful for preventing any future incidents similar to that of Venrensorys's rise and attack. If a hypothetical entity was one suspected to be one that would cause trouble yet did not really need immediate erasure, they could be placed into this realm.

Of course, the other members of the Council had to approve of using the verse as a means of dealing with entities. He took the verse and showed it to Unthil. He explained his idea of how the verse could be used. Unthil was instantly very suspicious, seeing as nobody had ever seen this verse before and on top of that, it was very difficult for him—an entity used to instantly knowing practically everything about an object presented to him—to observe the interior of the verse. The only reasonably efficient strategy to place abusive entities in the verse he could see was to leave the monocosm outside of Beyond and whenever the Council had to place an entity in the realm, they had to get out of Beyond, activate Hellensoerensen, and put in the entity inside. Even then, that strategy seemed very awful and risky to Unthil, pointing out that the Council may not be careful enough to run Hellensoerensen that often and the strategy goes under the assumption that the verse was even safe. Unthil then presented a variety of pessimistic possibilities regarding the verse. What if the verse was internally very unstable and may influence Beyond even from outside? What if the verse had some sort of connection to Venrensorys? What if entities could just grow in power from within the verse? What if said entities have a chance of becoming more powerful than a SuperGod or Hellensoerensen and the verse will serve to bottle up the entity's power? What if there was already said entity locked in the verse?

Conceptilum, getting more and more annoyed with his son, asked Unthil if his suspicions actually were based on anything he could actually observe about the verse. Unthil only retorted that his suspicions were based on what he could not observe about the verse. Conceptilum then asked if Unthil was okay with the usage of the verse. Unthil told his father that he can do whatever he pleased with the verse since he seemed so sure about what the Council should do. A Conceptilum very annoyed with Unthil would then enter Beyond to hold a meeting mainly regarding the monocosm. Paradoxus and Logixel were nearby and very soon arrived at the meeting. Unthil was quick to state that the rest of the Council already knows how Realitus and Imaginatim would take the addition of the new verse and their inputs probably might not even matter. Unthil supposed that Imaginatim would be too stupid to understand what in Beyond was going on and Realitus would happily agree to have the realm around but would try to completely abuse his power when requesting usage of the verse. Conceptilum did not want to say it but he agreed with what Unthil had just said about his siblings. He went ahead and started the meeting, but Realitus and Imaginatim were free to join at any moment and have their input heard.

Paradoxus was confused about why the Council would need a device such as the new monocosm at first. He asked Conceptilum and Unthil why the Council couldn't just erase every single abusive entity. After all, if the Hyperman that became Venrensorys had been erased, then the damage done to Beyond could not have been done. Logixel, a SuperGod who greatly sympathized with Venrensorys after the incident, put in that perhaps this new realm would be a place of rehabilitation, and perhaps the entity, upon exiting, will be changed as a person and will perhaps contribute to the stability of Beyond. Logixel then asked Unthil if the monocosm was actually safe to put entities in, only to gain a very conflicted opinion about the monocosm after Unthil and Conceptilum pointed out that he did not actually know. Unlike Paradoxus, Logixel thought the best way to prevent another Venrensorys was to treat all beings kindly and respectfully—giving them no reason to become vengeful towards the Council. If this realm was an inhumane means of confining entities, "banishing" entities into this monocosm would straight up make the verse a new Venrensorys creator. Paradoxus abruptly interrupted Logixel, pointing out that frequent activations of Hellensoerensen could also contribute to enabling more entities like Venrensorys to rise to power and even cause more instability to the already vulnerable Beyond bubble. Conceptilum pointed out that any future activations of Hellensoerensen for the usage of the new verse had to always be done outside of Beyond and that, while Conceptilum disagreed that all beings deserved respect and a chance for redemption, Logixel might have a good point worth considering. If this new realm was not an ideal space to house entities, it will not be very surprising at all if said entities would want revenge. If the realm allowed for entities to grow in power, then said vengeful entities would become very dangerous.

Realitus arrived at the meeting, very upset that he was not invited to it. After giving a barrage of very unnecessary insults to a very tolerant but fed up Unthil for not inviting him, he demanded to know what was going on. Conceptilum explained what was going on and sure enough, Realitus was delighted to have the monocosm around and approved of Conceptilum's ideas on how to handle entities using it. Anyone present in the meeting could tell that he was just happy to have some means of banishing those who opposed him. When Unthil accused Realitus of this, Realitus just scoffed at him and left the meeting, claiming he had other important business to attend. Everyone knew that he was off to make more omniverses and berate Imaginatim for doing nothing properly. Paradoxus was furious but before he tried to eviscerate his younger brother, Logixel stopped him. Logixel told Paradoxus that attacking Realitus would do more harm than good in the long run. Logixel also pointed out there is good in everyone, including Realitus and perhaps one day, Realitus will realize the error of his ways and show his true colours all while his brothers disagreeably stared at him. Conceptilum said nothing about the matter. Logixel then asked Unthil, who was taken aback by Logixel's new courage to speak up, if there were any plans to inform Imaginatim. Unthil told his older brother that there were, but he won't expect any useful insight to come from discussing it with her.

The four SuperGods, with Unthil carrying the recently found monocosm, traversed the Beyond bubble to look for Imaginatim, only to find her nearby a wormhole leading to inter-Beyond space. She was playing with a very small yet very sturdy spacecraft that somewhat resembled a dagger and in the craft were ten very disoriented mortals. Seven of the mortals were passed out, likely due to being overwhelmed by a sudden appearance from Imaginatim and probably had to harbour any ideas beyond their comprehension that Imaginatim decided to have them store. It seemed likely that these mortals had planned on exiting Beyond and considering the state of Beyond at the moment, it was possible that these entities could come back stronger than ever and pose a direct threat to the Council and Beyond. The version of the Eternal Legion led by the Hyperman who became Venrensorys was left to live outside of Beyond long ago and the memories of Venrensorys' attack were still fresh in the Council's minds. Who knows if these new mortals were allied with Venrensorys or have any similar malicious intentions? A resolution had to be found at once.

A "court"-like debate was soon instigated for the ten travelers on the spot. Unthil, still rather upset, chose not to invite Realitus again. The travelers happened to be members of an organization known as The Cosmic Reconnaissance and were part of an expedition known as "Expedition ?-1A". The spacecraft was called "Omnius-Infinity", the name apparently given to it by the pilot. Unthil remarked that the spacecraft had a very stupid name. This hurt the pilot's feelings. Logixel, upon noticing that the mortal was hurt sharply told Unthil off and proceeded to attempt to calm the pilot down. Logixel then asked the pilot for his name. The pilot gave the second eldest SuperGod his name, it was Satoru Nanimo. Before Logixel could ask for the names of the rest of the crew, Paradoxus shut him up. Paradoxus very angrily inquired the crew on what they were trying to do. Much of the crew made very crude speeches about exploration and freedom. All but one SuperGod could tell that the intentions of all but one crew member were indeed malicious. The one SuperGod was Imaginatim who, throughout all the interviews of the Omnius-Infinity’s crew, only cried about being hungry. The one crew member was Satoru. Satoru seemed very dense and it was clear that he had been quite easily tricked by his fellow crewmates into supporting them and was unaware of their very obvious and rudimentary plan to rise in power and take over many monocosms. Right after Unthil called the crew out on their plan, they attempted to retaliate by attacking the SuperGod. Upon the ship's first move, Paradoxus swiftly erased five of the mortals—much to the shock of all the present SuperGods but Unthil. Conceptilum was upset not only because Paradoxus had executed half the crew before a verdict was decided but that Paradoxus did not think before he acted—he truly expected much better from his eldest son after Venrensorys's attack. Logixel was mortified as he just witnessed the deaths of five living beings who did not see their demise coming and five other beings left traumatized at the sudden erasure of their crewmates. Imaginatim was confused and particularly stressed out because five of her "new friends" disappeared and did not even say goodbye. Unthil paid a small bit of attention the remaining five crew members—one of which was Satoru. As he did, Unthil noticed one of the crew members slowly reaching for the controls for a cannon to fire at the Council. Slightly annoyed and dissatisfied, Unthil decided to paralyze all of the crew members and wait until the Council would stop arguing.

It was soon decided among Paradoxus, Unthil, and Conceptilum that an execution of all of Omnius-Infinity’s crew but Satoru would not be a bad idea, much to the great dissatisfaction of Logixel and Imaginatim. Paradoxus handled the erasure of the crew members while Logixel could not bear to watch it unfold. Imaginatim was mortified when the crew was executed, but could not coherently express her stress. Logixel tried his best to comfort his younger sister as Paradoxus erased the crew. Imaginatim still complained about her hunger. Logixel calmly but sternly told Imaginatim to stop complaining and focus on the trial—nourishment will be provided to her after everything was dealt with and the last thing to do was decide what to do with Satoru. The fate of Satoru should be was a point of greater contention than the erasure of the crew. Logixel would more fiercely defend the mortal whenever any option deemed harmful was brought up. Execution was a bad idea as Satoru has not done anything to deserve death. Exile was also a bad idea as inter-Beyond bubble space was still a waste after the Beyond bubble collapse—exiling him would be putting him to death in a much slower and potentially more agonizing way. Sending him back home was not an option—Conceptilum pointed out that sending him back would risk any more entities knowing about the rather disorganized state of Beyond and what lay past. Sending Satoru back with his memory erased was also not a fair option—not only did Logixel loathe the idea of tampering with the mind of a being, but the Council in general was either far too unreliable as a means of mind manipulation and could not follow instructions properly, did not know how to actually erase the mind of a mortal, or would risk having their mind get degraded from figuring out the exact circumstances for an ideal memory erase (especially if the memory erase was to become standard practice).

Conceptilum pointed out that perhaps the monocosm he had found could be a viable place of rehabilitation—perhaps living within this new home may give an opportunity for the mortal to start afresh and live a new life. Unthil once again pointed out that the SuperGods still had no idea what was in the monocosm and again pointed out that he was very strangely unable to actually analyze the verse’s internal structure. Logixel wanted to believe that the new structure may be a safe new home for Satoru but his mind was clouded with doubt. Paradoxus complained that he just wanted this situation over and dealt with. If sending the mortal to the verse was necessary, then so be it. Imaginatim was still very stressed and very hungry. After discussing the situation over, the majority agreed on sending Satoru to the monocosm, albeit some of the agreement was reluctant. Unthil did not necessarily agree but was also not against sending the entity into the realm. Unthil decided to leave the meeting since at this point, the only SuperGod basically left in charge was Realitus and leaving Realitus to be the only SuperGod to manage Beyond was just dreadful. Conceptilum, after muttering to himself that Unthil was the one who left Realitus out, asked Unthil to bring Realitus over so that Hellensoerensen could be activated. Unthil, after remarking about how great an idea that was since having no SuperGod moderating Beyond would be so much better than having Realitus solely moderate Beyond, agreed and left to find Realitus. While Unthil was gone, Logixel kindly explained to Satoru that he would be given a new home and that the SuperGod would never forget him. Satoru said nothing and it was unclear what he thought in the moment. After Unthil arrived back with a Realitus that just would not stop insulting him and unparalyzed Satoru, the Council exited Beyond with Omnius-Infinity and activated Hellensoerensen, overall being cautious to not affect the stability of Beyond. After the activation, Unthil still could not tell what was inside the new monocosm, but now they could safely place objects and entities inside. Omnius-Infinity, with Satoru inside, was placed into the monocosm. After Satoru was gone and Hellensoerensen was deactivated, Realitus was very confused. He demanded that the others give information that he deserved to know. Unthil, fully expecting insults to be thrown at him, told him that they just sent an entity into the new monocosm. Realitus asked if they had done a trial for the entity. Unthil said yes. Realitus threw a fit—he was upset that he was yet again not invited to such an important meeting and he took his anger out on Unthil. While Realitus was ranting, Imaginatim was fidgeting with a new very small yet very intricately designed omniverse she just created. After Realitus finished ranting, he destroyed Imaginatim’s new omniverse and stormed back into Beyond, leaving Imaginatim to pick up the scraps of the omniverse and slowly and sadly absorb them to quench her hunger. Unthil felt tired. He was sick of Realitus’ constantly rude behaviour and hoped that Realitus would soon have some sense brutally beaten into him. It did not matter at all to the SuperGod how he wanted it to go through, he just wanted it to happen.

Many, many eons came and went. Most of the damage that Venrensorys had done was repaired and Beyond was relatively stable. Eventually, Satoru was mostly forgotten about by the SuperGods that debated over his fate. Satoru’s new place of residence ended up being so rarely used that the SuperGods nearly completely forgot about it. Only Logixel remained worried over the fates of Satoru and the very few other entities that they decided to send to the monocosm as well as any friends or family the entities had and would constantly beg an exasperated Unthil to provide information about the mortals so he could quietly try to keep an eye on Satoru’s friends and family after Satoru had been “banished” whenever he had free time, knowing that it was not possible to simply break into the monocosm Satoru was banished to. The memories of Satoru very quickly faded from the minds of many people and Logixel’s watches soon became essentially just a means of spending time and metatime with mortals. Though Logixel knew finding any information on Satoru’s fate was a fruitless effort, he hoped that eventually he might find out something crucial.

One day on a small planet the SuperGod visited, Logixel overheard a conversation between two beings about a very powerful and malicious entity that has been recently causing some trouble among the archverses they called “Kotoblade”. Kotoblade apparently hailed from a realm known only as the “Kalyubi Dimension” and was allegedly the most powerful entity from the dimension—there were apparently even rumours that this Kotoblade was more powerful than the “Super god” that occasionally comes down to the omniverses to form large cults devoted to himself. However, unlike the “Super god” who Logixel instantly figured out the identity of, Kotoblade was seemingly unable to actually use most of his powers to devastate and cause much harm to the verses—apparently Kotoblade was unable to access “existence” physically and required the possession of a mortal entity in order to affect physical objects. The aforementioned possessions were rumoured to have been made by making deals with Kotoblade. But while a being was possessed, said being never actually gained all of Kotoblade’s abilities. Kotoblade’s motivations seemed to be to exact revenge on those who have banished him. Logixel was very concerned upon hearing about the entity and figured that the entity had the potential to cause great harm to many people and if the rumours about Kotoblade’s overall strength were true, perhaps all of Beyond was in danger. Logixel’s experience with Venrensorys has taught him that sometimes not intervening with mortal issues can lead to major catastrophes and he was not going to let the lesson he learned go to waste. A thought that Kotoblade’s origins were connected to the monocosm Satoru was sent away to plagued Logixel’s mind, but the SuperGod did not want to jump to any conclusions. Logixel gathered more useful information about Kotoblade from a large number of other entities and when he felt that the amount of information was satisfactory, set off to present it all to Unthil for an analysis.

Logixel quickly found Unthil and Paradoxus who were having their own discussion. Unthil was found on his way to look for Imaginatim—not bothering to access his omniscient^3 powers not only because he did not want to harm himself but because he did not think Imaginatim would ever get in enough trouble to warrant his powers—make sure she was not doing anything stupid but had to halt his search in order to deal with Paradoxus. Paradoxus was extremely overagitated about a recent monocosmal destruction that an unknown possibly Hyperman-tier entity had caused. Conceptilum was at the moment busy with Hellensoerensen maintenance and Realitus was busy with very proudly creating omniverses. Logixel, in a panic and very concerned about Unthil and Paradoxus’ situation, inquired them about the damage that was done and began to fear that maybe Kotoblade was perhaps aiming to possess stronger entities. Ridden with anxiety, Logixel told his brothers about his discoveries and concern that Beyond was possibly in danger.

Paradoxus immediately dismissed Logixel’s concerns—mortals get possessed by ghosts all the time and it would not be much of a stretch to think that one ghost in particular was just hyping up his power. To Paradoxus, Logixel was being far too paranoid and sentimental over a small issue again. Unthil listened to his brother and even went over to the monocosm Logixel eavesdropped in and screen over the monocosm for suspicious activity from any ghosts that aligned with Logixel’s claims. Unthil was skeptical of the claims too and was somewhat inclined to agree with Paradoxus’s statements. Unthil also pointed out that even if Kotoblade was indeed as strong as people claimed he was, he was probably also very incompetent and rash since very many mortal beings have apparently heard about him and knew a lot about him, including his crimes and plans. Under his breath, he remarked that those qualities were a lot like the traits of another SuperGod he knew. Unthil was also somewhat skeptical that this “Kotoblade” had much of a connection with the monocosm Conceptilum introduced to the Council ages ago. At this point, the Council with its current members have been moderating Beyond for even longer than the entire period Original Council was in charge for and as far as anyone has seen, the monocosm has not shown any signs of external activity or any activity that suggested a connection between it and any other monocosm. Unthil was indeed very skeptical of the monocosm when it was first introduced but so much metatime had gone by and that was more than enough for Unthil and many of the other members to grow more than sure that it was somewhat harmless in nature—though the mistrust of the structure was still present. Logixel then brought up the possibility of Kotoblade possessing a SuperGod and exacting his revenge by destroying as much of Beyond as he could. Unthil, getting more tired of Logixel, pointed out that by this point, surely more than enough mortals knew not to make dumb deals with an obviously sketchy demon. Unthil was then about to remark that if mortals could be as sensible that, then SuperGods would obviously not be stupid enough to strike a deal with Kotoblade. But halfway through making his snarky remark, Unthil realized that there was indeed a SuperGod who might be stupid enough to make a deal with a clearly suspicious character. Paradoxus and Logixel very quickly realized this too and immediately the three SuperGods split up and scrambled to locate Imaginatim as soon as possible.

Conceptilum had finished his routine checkup on Hellensoerensen. The damage that it sustained from the Beyond bubble collapse which made it cause instabilities was still present but it was less prevalent and sooner or later, after the last few necessary resources were found, Hellensoerensen would be safe to use again. The tired and very old SuperGod now wanted to check on monocosmal maintenance. He located Realitus and inquired about the proud SuperGod’s work so far. Realitus showed off all the “perfect” omniverses he created and placed into the monocosms. Conceptilum noticed several destroyed extramonocosmal omniverses. The destroyed omniverses, while lifeless and nearly empty were still more far vibrant and more intricately designed than Realitus’ creations—indicating that they were some of Imaginatim’s creations that Realitus destroyed. Realitus expected his father to be pleased with and compliment his creations, but Conceptilum did not say anything about Realitus’ omniverses. Conceptilum was cross, told Realitus off, and angrily demanded to know where Imaginatim was. Realitus was very upset—he thought Conceptilum had rejected him and his hard work in favour of his sister. Realitus rebuked Conceptilum for caring more about SuperGods other than him like Unthil and Imaginatim and then proceeded to tell Conceptilum that he had enough of Imaginatim and sent her away in disgrace. Conceptilum, alarmed and upset, reprimanded Realitus and then set off to look for Imaginatim. Conceptilum slipped out of his Beyond bubble and searched for his daughter. Conceptilum decided to first check the monocosm used for banishing entities. When Conceptilum arrived at the monocosm, he could not believe what he had just found. Not only was his precious daughter there and fearfully trembling, but there was also an exact copy of her present and it seemed to be in complete agony. Conceptilum, not knowing how to react properly, approached the Imaginatims and tried his very best to remain calm. The clone directed its attention to Conceptilum and desperately pleaded for help.

Unthil was busy anxiously searching for Imaginatim when he noticed Realitus throwing a tantrum. Unthil, aware of how often Realitus and Imaginatim were often put to work together, made his way over to his brother. Before he could ask Realitus about the whereabouts of their sister, Realitus verbally lashed out at his brother and went on a not particularly unusual rant where he blamed Unthil for his problems and lamented about how Conceptilum and Imaginatim were unable to appreciate his hard work and glory. Unthil was tired and already wanted to leave but before he did, he asked Realitus for Imaginatim’s whereabouts. Realitus, out of hatred for his brother, stubbornly refused to answer. After asking a few more times, Unthil figured that trying to get an actual answer out of Realitus would be a colossal waste and gave up. Unthil and Realitus then noticed Conceptilum careening towards them—Conceptilum was battered and was freaking out over “a monster”. Unthil, very put off by Conceptilum’s very unusual behaviour, inquired his father about this “monster”. Conceptilum made some sudden chaotic and spastic reactions to Unthil's remark and then directed Unthil and Realitus’ attention towards an innocently dawdling Imaginatim.

Imaginatim made her way over to a nearby monocosm, only to play with the nearby Hyperman. She did not seem particularly out of the ordinary to Unthil. Unthil’s attention was more directed at his father and the unusually rude statement he had just said about his daughter. Realitus, on the other verse, was more pleased than his brother and then mercilessly mocked his sister alongside Conceptilum to Imaginatim’s cluelessness. Conceptilum seemed all of a sudden intensely interested in his youngest son. Realitus presented his works of perfection to Conceptilum and to the younger SuperGod’s anticipation, Conceptilum congratulated him. Unthil was very bewildered—his father was acting completely different than usual. Unthil remembered Logixel’s fears about Kotoblade possessing a SuperGod—perhaps his elder brother’s fears have actually come to light. But Unthil also remembered that Kotoblade allegedly could only possess entities if he made a deal with them. Unthil could not imagine the careful and considerate Conceptilum who lasted through Xenixel’s reign as leader, survived beyond bubble collapse, and helped come up with strategies for Venrensorys’ defeat ever making any deal with an entity he never knew in his life. What would ever drive Conceptilum to make a deal in the first place?

Unthil grew more and more anxious the more he thought and the more he thought, the more the SuperGod’s omniscient^3 powers started to seep into his mind—giving him intense visions of parallel versions of himself making remarks to Conceptilum. The scenarios ended with Conceptilum erasing his son on the spot. The Beyond bubbles would then be ravaged by the leader of the Council. Collapsed monocosms, deceased Creators and Destroyers, and raging Elder’s fire flooded the SuperGod’s mind. Unthil quickly got ahold of himself. After being confused over whether or not the scenes after his parallel selves were visions of the future—one of the few blind spots his “gift” had—or just mere occurrences from parallel selves, Unthil told his father and brother that he will check on Creator and Destroyer creation management and that he’ll take Imaginatim with him so he could keep an eye on her as well. Unthil decided to say nothing that might come across as rude to whatever had taken over his father’s mind. Conceptilum writhed when Unthil mentioned his sister’s name. Unthil, now very concerned, went over to Imaginatim—who had now helped herself to donating ideas to Hyperman—and told her that he’ll bring her over to Logixel for playtime. Imaginatim was excited—she loved to play games with Logixel. Unthil just wanted to report the leader of the Council’s unusual behaviour to Paradoxus and Logixel. He remembered his father’s stories of having to meet with Matharin, Empiroxus, and Abstractil in secret whenever the Council had to make decisions behind Xenixel’s back. Unthil never thought that such meetings would ever have to happen again. After Logixel had been mentioned, Conceptilum asked Unthil how Logixel was doing. Confused, Unthil responded that Logixel was doing somewhat well. Conceptilum then asked Unthil for Logixel’s opinion on banished entities. Not Unthil more sure that Conceptilum was possessed but he was starting to get very annoyed. He wanted to tell the Council’s leader that he wasn’t Logixel and that he should go ask that SuperGod himself, but he restrained himself. Instead, Unthil told Conceptilum that Logixel still loves and cares for them, though he remains unaware of their fate. Realitus pompously remarked that Logixel still cares far too much about the wrong aspects of mortals and would still refuse to use his great power over mortals to his advantage such as making them do his bidding. Conceptilum was intrigued by what Realitus had just stated. He then asked Realitus to teach him how to make mortals do a SuperGod’s bidding. Realitus started to gleefully teach his elder how to properly manipulate mortals. While Conceptilum was distracted with Realitus’ teachings, Unthil firmly grasped Imaginatim and urgently set off to find Paradoxus and Logixel to warn them that their leader is very likely possessed and that Beyond was in danger and come up with some kind of strategy together.

Paradoxus searched for Imaginatim nearby many collapsed monocosms. While he searched, he noticed that a few of the collapsed monocosms looked heavily tampered with. Upon a closer inspection, Paradoxus came to the conclusion that the moron must have snacked on them somewhat recently. Paradoxus followed a trail of half-eaten monocosms which would eventually reunite him with Logixel. Paradoxus complained to his brother that it was stupid that they kept Imaginatim around for this long when all she does is cause many inconveniences and provide little help to everyone. Logixel was appalled at what his brother said and stated that Imaginatim means no harm and not caring for her would do far more harm in the long run than good. Paradoxus was not convinced. Imaginatim had disrupted balance in Beyond numerous times and had to be kept out of fighting with Venrensorys. Getting Imaginatim out of the equation may do a lot more good for the Council than harm. Logixel reminded Paradoxus about the times Realitus reprimanded him and called him unworthy to be part of the Council. Logixel told Paradoxus that he sounded just like that. Paradoxus was infuriated beyond belief. He was being directly compared to Realitus—the Councilgod he despised most. Logixel backed off and profusely apologized to his brother all while Paradoxus wildly ranted about how he was not at all like Realitus. The bickering between the two, for the umpteenth time, served as a beacon for Unthil to locate his brothers.

After the four SuperGods were reunited, Unthil very quickly explained his suspicions about Conceptilum’s possession to his older brothers. Paradoxus and Logixel were profoundly astounded. One moment, the Council had its wise and capable leader and the next moment, a very dangerous entity had likely taken his place. The mysterious circumstances behind the possession did not help soothe any shock the SuperGods had. How did Conceptilum get possessed in the first place? Was it Kotobade who had taken over their leader’s mind? How would the SuperGods get rid of this entity without harming Conceptilum? Is it possible for Conceptilum to fight Kotoblade from within? Paradoxus then asked about the Council’s leadership—who would be temporary leader while Conceptilum is unable to lead? Logixel was quick to state that Unthil was the very obvious choice. After all, Unthil was very knowledgeable from the start and has strengths when it came to forming strategies. Paradoxus exasperatedly remarked that of course Unthil had to be leader—Conceptilum gave him special treatment and clearly favoured him over the other Council members. Logixel, starting to grow more rash and defensive, exclaimed that Paradoxus was just jealous and just could not see the value in Unthil’s gift even if his life depended on it. Conceptilum could die and Paradoxus would still be too stubborn to accept a leadership from Unthil. Paradoxus angrily told Logixel that he wasn’t stubborn at all—he just did not see any strong leadership qualities in Unthil. To him, Unthil cared about the management of Beyond significantly less than Conceptilum and besides, Logixel should have remembered the last time an omniscient^3 was in charge of Beyond and the moment when another omniscient^3 destroyed balance for her own selfish needs. Imaginatim, likely worried about what Logixel had said about her father, asked Logixel if Conceptilum had already died. Unthil, not sure if Imaginatim had actually paid attention to what was happening and wasn’t just saying things for the sake of it, tried to calmly explain that Conceptilum was not dead and he would be recovered soon—or so he hoped. Logixel grew very worried about the possibility that Conceptilum may actually die if whatever was possessing him stayed around for too long. He anxiously asked Unthil if he had any plans on what to do if Conceptilum actually dies. Unthil, very uneasy with Logixel’s question, said nothing. Paradoxus demanded that Unthil spit out any ideas. Unthil was too nervous to respond with any sarcastic remarks about Paradoxus’ attitude. Imaginatim tightly clung onto Logixel, who sternly reprimanded Paradoxus in Unthil’s place. Paradoxus ignored Logixel and repeated his demands very many times to a trembling Unthil. Paradoxus then indubitably asked Unthil if he had any secrets he was hiding from the rest of the Council. Before Logixel could tell Paradoxus that enough was enough, Unthil responded with a very meek yes and began to tell his siblings about an event that occurred long ago.

Unthil told his siblings that long ago, very shortly after he had just hatched in the collapse and shortly before Conceptilum, Paradoxus, and Logixel sought refuge in his barrier, he had decided to try and make very small devices that were capable of bringing him back to life in the case that he would ever pass away solely out of the limited supplies available. The devices required a somewhat sizable sample of constituent verses of a living SuperGod and Unthil opted to sacrifice some of his constituents, permanently stunting his strength and rendering him physically weaker than even his younger siblings. A single device would activate upon Unthil’s death and create an exact copy of him from right before the moment he died—effectively restoring him and all of his memories. The devices, though they were able to effectively and precisely create existing SuperGods, were far smaller than eggs and were more comparable in size to a metric verse, leaving it fairly easy for any SuperGod to never discover for a very long time. Unthil had figured that Matharin never made such a device as she cared far more about the lives of Conceptilum and her children than her own and possibly harboured a belief that identical copies are not as good as the original hatched entities. Xenixel probably must have made some of the devices, but any may have likely been destroyed in the collapse, preventing him from ever coming back. After tapping into his powers to create the devices, Unthil had received a vision of himself destroying his own mind after using his powers to know everything. After seeing that, Unthil grew very afraid to use his powers to know too much—his sarcasm, dry remarks, and insults were used to disguise the entity perpetually afraid that his mind would be destroyed at any time. Even when presented with entities he might need to make revivors of too, he still would refuse to make any more revivors, as profoundly selfish as that may appear. After the collapse, Unthil hid his revivors away in a few very stable monocosms, hoping that no one would ever find them and that there won’t ever be any emergency cases where he may need them. He didn’t want to destroy them—that would be a waste of hard work and when he died, he would have an inconvenient amount of explaining to do. Unthil would slowly but surely forget how to make the devices and eventually, the prospect of making more revivors would extremely rarely come to mind. Eventually with the aid of Conceptilum, Unthil would slowly grow more comfortable with using his powers for monocosmal problems or lower but the fear still lingered in his mind. Venrensorys was an extraordinarily close call and Unthil is still amazed that no SuperGod had actually died then or even asked Unthil about how to handle a SuperGod death in the heat of the moment.

The point was that if Conceptilum, or any other SuperGod died, it would be basically impossible to restore him without Unthil dangerously tapping into omniscient^3 powers. However, if Unthil were to get killed, he would still live on perfectly fine.

Paradoxus and Logixel had tried to patiently listen to what Unthil had said. To say that Paradoxus and Logixel were appalled would probably be an understatement. They nearly perished from the Beyond bubble collapse and Venrensorys’ attack—any fear from that could have been completely needless and never felt this whole time. After what Unthil told him finally sank in, Paradoxus was absolutely furious. Paradoxus started to incoherently and angrily rant on Unthil, clearly not realizing anything he said at all. Whatever Logixel thought, he was still willing to protect Unthil and so he got Imaginatim to help him hold Paradoxus back from violently lashing out at Unthil. All that commotion had attracted Conceptilum, Realitus, and a sizable army of gods and mortals.

Realitus made an announcement that Conceptilum had promoted him to “second-in-charge”. Logixel, scared and not too careful about what he was saying, immediately mentioned that Conceptilum was an imposter—he was being possessed by a very dangerous entity called “Kotoblade”. Logixel stated that Conceptilum was trapped and unable to do anything at all until the Council could free him. Logixel warned Realitus to not listen to anything the entity would tell him at all costs. The entity possessing the SuperGod’s leader seemed rather impressed that the SuperGods had found out his name as well as rather quickly finding out that Conceptilum was being used. Realitus thought about what Logixel had just told him. He then made his stance clear. Imposter or not, Realitus finally had the approval he desired. That was all that mattered to him. Realitus then mentioned that he and his army have come over to usurp the position of who he considered the current second-in-command, Unthil.

Kotoblade was intently paying attention to Logixel and Imaginatim. He seemed rather disappointed at Logixel and rather wary of Imaginatim. Kotoblade calmly asked Logixel how he felt after all these eons, even mentioning him by name. Logixel was very perplexed. He had no idea how Kotoblade knew his name or why Kotoblade acted as if he knew him personally. Kotoblade did not seem to notice Paradoxus, who was now focusing his attention on Kotoblade. At any moment, Paradoxus might strike. At last, Paradoxus could no longer restrain himself and he blindly attempted to attack Kotoblade. However, Unthil managed to block Paradoxus’s attack and absorb retaliating blows that Kotoblade attempted to deal to Paradoxus. Kotoblade wasn’t about to tolerate SuperGods attempting to attack him. Kotoblade, in a rage, called for his army to attack. He then decided to erase Unthil from existence with his new omnipotent^3 powers.

The imposter Conceptilum got a hold of the severely degraded Unthil and began to viciously deconstruct the far weaker SuperGod. Shocked but realizing that Unthil was giving the SuperGods a chance to escape, Paradoxus swiftly erased a significant number of lowly entities with zero hesitation, firmly grasped onto Logixel and Imaginatim and got away from Kotoblade and Realitus as fast as he possibly could. While Unthil felt the sensation of his siblings’ presence fade as they ran, total nothingness started to surround him. As it did, Unthil remained unable to tell how Realitus felt in the moment. As Unthil’s consciousness was fading away, an outline of an image of his father remained ever present until everything at last disappeared.

Paradoxus, Logixel, and Imaginatim managed to safely flee from Kotoblade and sought refuge near a cohort of monocosms where Hellensoerensen was hidden. Paradoxus was tempted to ask to activate Hellensoerensen, but Logixel told him off before he could. Logixel using Hellensoerensen as a means of erasing or incapacitating Kotoblade was an extremely bad idea as that would also potentially erase or incapacitate Conceptilum if the SuperGods were not too careful. Paradoxus pointed out that it was also a very bad idea to leave the bot alone and free for Kotoblade or Realitus to use. Upon the mention of Realitus, the older SuperGods thought about him. They were very baffled that the SuperGod had joined Kotoblade’s side. Paradoxus wanted to knock some sense into the younger SuperGod, while Logixel wanted to remain hopeful that Realitus would realize the mistake he made before it was too late. In the moment, Realitus likely did not realize that his leader was even possessed and Kotoblade took advantage of Realitus’ desire for attention. Paradoxus criticized Logixel’s optimism—Realitus is far too stupid to realize any of his mistakes. This mistake would not be any different whatsoever and the young SuperGod would never learn. Paradoxus noted that Unthil would likely agree with his opinion on Realitus. Logixel, after shutting Paradoxus up after the older SuperGod mentioned that Realitus was dropped as an egg, thought deeply about Unthil and what he had told the SuperGods. He hoped that Unthil was telling the truth about his devices and that he would appear to them at any moment. Paradoxus hoped that Unthil had told the truth too—but he was more keen to tell Unthil off and have him provide even more information on the situation with his powers. Kotoblade had to be dealt with promptly and without any delay. The older SuperGods remembered to direct their attention towards Imaginatim. They noticed that she was starting to act oddly again. Imaginatim was chatting to herself, having a full conversation with what seemed to be no one at all. The older SuperGods were about to dismiss this as an instance of a new imaginary friend, until Imaginatim referred to her new friend as “Unthil”. Logixel was ecstatic and desperately inquired Imaginatim about Unthil while Paradoxus surveyed his location, in case Unthil was nearby. Unthil was not present at all. The older SuperGods began to grow very worried and unsettled.

Realitus was very alarmed when Conceptilum had slaughtered Unthil. When Conceptilum had agreed to take away Unthil’s power, Realitus had imagined that the omniscient^3 would be simply demoted or perhaps exiled. Instead, Unthil was, at least to him, undeniably permanently erased. Unthil was his least favourite sibling, but he was somewhat unsure about his father’s decision being the right one. Realitus tried his best to convince himself that the decision was entirely in the right—Unthil being gone would mean that he would no longer be around to boss the younger SuperGod around and tell him what he did “wrong”. Deep down, Realitus wondered whatever happened to Unthil being the favourite SuperGod of Conceptilum and wondered if his siblings were right about his father being an imposter too, but he did his best to repress such thoughts. Conceptilum was finally praising him for his work and allowing him to manage Beyond—this was what he had always wanted. Realitus’ other three siblings had fled from Conceptilum and it was possible that they might escape Beyond entirely—leaving the burden of managing everything to only him and Conceptilum. All throughout his life, Realitus had claimed he should run the Council but at this point, there practically was no Council—there were no SuperGod subordinates he could order around—just only one superior. Realitus thought about how he could get Paradoxus and Logixel back to the Council so that Beyond could be managed.

As Realitus thought, he noticed Conceptilum very clumsily attempting to create Creators and Destroyers, presumably to recruit into the army. The created entities were very deformed and disorderly alomic anathemas to Realitus—nothing at all like the Creators and Destroyers Paradoxus and Logixel often admitedly crafted very well. Realitus felt the need to speak up to his leader. Realitus told Conceptilum that his entities looked absolutely horrendous and that they deserved on-the-spot erasure. Before Realitus was about to show how entity creation was to be properly done, Conceptilum suddenly snapped. He destroyed his creations and erased many nearby monocosms. Realitus was surprised. His father throwing a tantrum out of nowhere was a very jarring scene to bestow upon. Realitus grew anxious about the omniverses within the monocosms, but felt quite relieved when he realized that they were Imaginatim’s pitiful creations and not his works of perfection. Conceptilum broke down and blubbered about how “nobody appreciated him” and how he wanted “it all to end” for no apparent reason. The omnipotent^3 entity furiously began to destroy even more monocosms. Realitus, not once thinking about any implications of what Conceptilum had just said, decided to arrange some of Imaginatim’s creations so that they would be in Conceptilum’s way in order for them to be destroyed. Realitus found this very amusing and chuckled to himself. Unfortunately, Conceptilum seemed to take Realitus’ amusement the wrong way and was quick to threaten to take away Realitus’s position in the Council. This shut Realitus up. Conceptilum seemed to calm down and then gently ordered Realitus to manipulate some more entities onto their side. Realitus complied with his leader’s demands and set to work expanding his following. Perhaps, Paradoxus and Logixel would be brought back into the Council later when Conceptilum was more willing to listen to him.

Unthil found himself embedded within a strange realm of nothing but pure incoherent bunkum and balderdash. The verses surrounding him were very vibrant and possessed exotic structures that no stable verse within Beyond could reasonably hold. Many of the verses that did look familiar greatly resembled that of Imaginatim’s monocosms and omniverses. Quickly, he came to the conclusion that somehow he was resurrected into Imaginatim and now he was, in a sense, bound to her. He didn’t know how this could have happened—had Imaginatim found and tampered with his devices after Realitus had sent her away? If so, what in Beyond did Imaginatim actually do to his devices in order for Unthil to have been revived into her? Unthil wondered if he now had access to Imaginatim’s memories from within but quickly shot down any of his ideas of checking her memories since Imaginatim was bound to have either forgotten what happened or severely changed her own memories to the point that it would be practically impossible to figure out what was the original event from any given memory. Unthil now wondered how he could possibly explain what happened to him to his brothers. As he did, Unthil suddenly received a vision of the possessed Conceptilum destroying many of Beyond’s monocosms. Realitus was present too and he seemed to be arranging his sister’s creations in a way that allowed for the false leader to destroy them. Brilliant. Kotoblade is already starting to destroy monocosms in their home bubble, Realitus was not only still being profoundly self-centred but apparently was so dumb that he could not recognize that his father was possessed, and there was nothing he or Conceptilum could do to ensure Beyond’s stability. It sure was great that his first act as the new acting leader of the SuperGods was to die immediately after he became leader and then get trapped in the mind of the most confusing SuperGod in existence. Beyond’s stability surely won’t last now. Unthil figured it was probably hopeless to attempt to communicate with his brothers and began to explore Imaginatim’s mind-realm. Of course, nothing in it made sense at all to him and it was essentially entering a wholly different plane of existence from his familiar Beyond bubble. The place was filled to the brim with “pets” and “imaginary friends”—few of which even vaguely resembled any god, mortal, or even the few surviving creatures of the Transcendent ecosystem. One odd thing Unthil noticed was the persistent presence of what seemed to be Elder’s fire wherever he traveled. On further inspection, the fire seemed fully unable to hurt Unthil much unlike the fires that could, in reality, completely assimilate SuperGods and destroy small Beyond bubbles. Unthil tried his best to investigate the fires but he soon sensed the nearby presence of Realitus. Considering that the younger SuperGod was presumably very distant from the whereabouts of Imaginatim and her brothers, Realitus’ presence was quite odd. Sure enough, the younger SuperGod did show up to greet Unthil. However, unlike the Realitus Unthil knew all too well, the younger SuperGod was very polite to Unthil and very courteously asked if the SuperGod was lost and in need of assistance. Unthil, realizing that this was just Imaginatim’s perception of her brother and was clearly very curious as to how Imaginatim perceived the rest of the Council, did not respond as he was too mystified to communicate. Realitus jovially offered to guide Unthil back to his home—“Beyond” and then noted that Imaginatim would love to have a new pet. Unthil, still profoundly confused about what was even going on, took imaginary Realitus’s offer to guide him to “Beyond” and followed him so he could meet Imaginatim, curious as to what would even happen. It would probably be great to know how the imaginary Council ran things here.

Chapter One (B)
After the pair travelled to a nearby object Unthil assumed was supposed to be a monocosm, imaginary Realitus proceeded to spontaneously shed off a smaller clone of himself. The clone gave its salutations to the larger version of itself, then to Unthil, and then proceeded to launch itself far away from the pair and explode into a hundred million and five tiny Realiti which dispersed into the surroundings. Imaginary Realitus told Unthil not to worry about the “godsmoke signal”, it was just standard process to call “new best friends” that way. Unthil wasn’t particularly amused that the imaginary Realitus had not given so much as a warning before having done that. Unthil watched as a living lodeverse composed entirely out of eyeballs from all the species throughout Beyond that had any, a sentient tachyonic hyperboloid that really enjoyed making counterclockwise quarter-turns, and a rather large but otherwise completely ordinary pigeon were alerted to the godsmoke signal and made their way over to the SuperGods. Unthil thought those three entities honestly seemed much tamer than what he'd normally expect by ridiculous Imaginatim imaginary friend standards. Now that Imaginary Realitus had caught the creatures’ attention and assured to Unthil that they were completely benign—that’s why they were the perfect pets and best friends, he announced to “Seesee”, “Iiye-all”, and “Really Big Dinosaur (no relation)” that a new friend will be joining them on their journey to Imaginatim's House. Unthil noticed Realitus trying to give a cue that he assumed was supposed to prompt him to introduce himself. Imaginary Realitus and his band of wacky new pets for Imaginatim gave “Uhhh… i-I” a big welcome ceremony complete with cheesecake and confetti—none of which Uhhh… i-I definitely felt like using to double check if that presence of Elder’s fire everywhere was indeed completely unable to destroy materials. After the celebration was over, Realitus politely requested for his fellow beings to follow him. Uhhh… i-I gave up on even trying to bother but at least following this imaginary Realitus on a journey that was presumably going to get rather irritating and tedious very quickly seemed significantly more preferable an existence than having to deal with the real deal Realitus.

The journey to Beyond was exactly as tedious and irritating as Unthil had imagined to be, riddled with having to put up with Realitus constantly babbling on about all the omniverses he had created to try and help make the trek feel shorter as well as Really Big Dinosaur (still no relation) repeatedly mistaking Unthil for “strawberry-flavoured birdseed” and attempting to eat him several times. Realitus had profusely apologized for those incidents and asked if Unthil would appreciate it if he was allowed any chances for him to fail attempting to eat “rotisserie pigeon” just to even the conflict out. Unthil, wondering why that would even be an idea that could cross anyone’s mind, feigned appreciating any offers as he declined every single one of them until the group finally arrived at Imaginary Beyond. Unthil tried his best to hide his amazement at this Realitus’ attitude and briefly wondered if the other Council members were as improved as this Realitus. Unthil noticed an imaginary version of Conceptilum. Imaginary Conceptilum hobbled over to Realitus and talked complete unintelligible nonsense. Imaginary Realitus, acting as if he understood all that, responded that verse creation is indeed going by quite smoothly before proceeding to create a very strange looking and intricately designed omniverse on the spot. This impressed the Council leader so much that he did a “Happy Dance” and rocketed away from Realitus and Unthil with joy. Unthil figured that he got all the answers he would ever need. Realitus stated that Conceptilum has allowed for everyone to get a free “Official Council Rrecess” where everyone can feel free to run around doing whatever they wanted until it was feeding time for all pets. Unthil figured that it was probably best to just take advantage of the “Official Council Rrecess”, not only have literally any kind of break from all that stupid nonsense he had just been put through but to seize any appropriate window of opportunity where he could be able to investigate his surroundings while in this Elder-forsaken position.

Unthil, still with imaginary Conceptilum burned into his omniscient^3 mind, left Realitus and the dispersing group of Imaginatim’s newest pets and tried his best to rest at the nearest monocosm within this Beyond that looked even the slightest bit comfortable to be nearby. It had way too many ants being continuously produced and burned by the giant magnifying glass for his liking but imaginary Realitus had explicitly told Unthil that a certain rather large avian was allergic to eating magnifying glasses so this monocosm seemed better than nothing at preventing him from being annoyingly pecked every now and then. Unfortunately, Unthil was quick to become rather annoyed anyway when he noticed another SuperGod approach him, get very angry, throw a chicken at him, and then proceed to call him a “poopooface that smells like bumbum and likes smelling the bumbums for the bumbum smell”. Unthil, really not in the mood to entertain the very idea that this absolute idiot’s pet aynysys witlessly spewing out complete wastes of hatchling insults unprovoked was honestly supposed to be a version of him, was quick to speak up and sharply tell his lookalike to go run away to some other Beyond bubble to bother literally anyone else and while he was at that, figure how to insult them better. Honestly, Unthil got that giving others emotions that aren't strictly positive should be part of that whole process of speaking one's mind but for SuperGod’s sake, he can assure that more clever and more creative ways of accomplishing that do, believe it or not, exist and would lead to anything other than instilling the worst second-hand embarrassment imaginable to unsuspecting innocent victims. Clearly the imaginary being must have picked up on the extent of Unthil’s sheer pain from having to listened to that so it proceeded to double down, throw a few more chickens for good measure, and call Unthil “a heckship turtlelizard omniverse ultraverse multiverse heckheckheck!!!1!11!!”. Unthil, now completely fed up and on top of that, extremely confused about what part of that vyrbal dhyarria was even supposed to be the insulting part, decided that this was a big waste of metatime and wanted to find some other monocosm to rest nearby before that “Official Council Rrecess” of unspecified length was done and over with. A very exhausted Unthil wasn't the most careful with moving from his resting spot though and accidentally shattered the magnifying glass in the process of doing so. Forty-five of the shattered magnifying glass bits being scalene simplices with cells that suddenly transformed into Brachiosaurus altithorax playing mandolins completely set off the imaginary entity and made it absolutely furious, so it summoned a rapid-fire barrage of chicken to shoot at its slightly less imaginary counterpart. This didn’t actually injure Unthil in any meaningful way whatsoever but it sure was really annoying and just impossible to think straight at all while under this "attack". Unthil suddenly sensed contact with one of the godverses the monocosm held and observed as his surroundings promptly started to fade away afterwards. The piercing shrieks of his imaginary counterpart and the brilliant blue of the surrounding fires blurred until the omniscient^3 SuperGod was unable to resolve any discernible details. Unthil’s pure annoyance in the moment became overshadowed by his concern about just what kind of amazing vision from his oh-so-fantastic "gift" he definitely needed to experience now if it absolutely had to be timed this perfectly.

Imaginatim had just forgot what she had been doing again but whatever that task was, it must have been rather fun because now there was one ginormous omniverse composed entirely out of cat food in the monocosm now! It didn’t smell or taste particularly nice—Imaginatim much preferred precat food with a side of fresh magma and could do without the need for the flavours of clear identity or associating anything—but her many new pets inhabiting the omniverse seemed to really enjoy gobbling up all that cat food and pet mortals having lots of fun consuming all the limitless quantities of cat food they could ever dream of was all that would ever matter in the end. After allowing her oldest brother’s pets in the monocosm currently being eggsat to hold on to her very intricately thought-through and very detailed plans for an omniversal structure made entirely out of lemons she had just thought of (just in case she forgot them later, lemons were something hopefully substantially tastier than cat food and one tasty great fruit-flavoured idea like that should never go to waste), Imaginatim noticed a nearby monocosm that really did hold an omniverse made entirely out of lemons! It must have been something she had created long, long ago before the formation of her omniverse made of cat food! Yay!

Upon a closer inspection after abandoning her consumable categorical creation, it turned out that lemony-looking lodeverse was actually mostly made of grapefruit constituents and byproducts and not lemons like she had hoped. Oh. Aw. Well, this surely ought to be delicious enough though, the fruits were only both citrus. Imaginatim swiftly emptied the grapefruit omniverse of most of its inhabitants into the nearby Destroyer godverse and proceeded to munch away at the ?-verse. Unfortunately, the grapefruit omniverse ended up tasting way worse than the cat food. *gwalllchhh*! Immediately after that attempt to absorb the -verse for its nutrients, Imaginatim spat out what she had bit into and then proceeded to toss the rest of the half-eaten omniverse into the Creator's godverse. The ?-verses upon colliding with each other formed a beautiful albeit very violent explosion that no one would want to miss for the Transcendentem, but Creator fell fast asleep during the wonderful phireworks display and unfortunately missed all of that which was so, so sad. Well, since nobody goes sad, Imaginatim felt it was best to recreate that godverse and grapefruit omniverse and after Creator wakes up from their nap, they would get the chance to observe that beautiful fractally crossover event as a surprise! Then, everything will be lovely and then everyone will be happy again! Hooray! That was quite the lengthy plan to remember though so Imaginatim figured it was best for the Destroyer, who had just gotten around to playing a game of tag with his newest friends, to hold on to those thoughts while she went off to borrow one of Realitus’s omniverses in order to serve as a guide for the formation of a brand-new grapefruit-shaped omniverse. And this new attempt of hers really ought to involve a much tastier variant of grapefruit though, Imaginatim was interested in learning how to better her craftsgodship until it was super good and to create great grapefruit would surely be a step in the right direction.

Imaginatim got distracted along the way by some nearby funny creatures—one of which was a real little non-real rotating exciting excited hyperliminal hyperboloid—but she did eventually arrive at a monocosm holding one of Realitus’s omniverses. The omniverse was very nice looking and felt rather squishy and soft to the feel. Realitus must have been very happy after the creation of this passion project, as he always was after his finishing touches. Observing all of those finishing touches happened a lot, enough for Imaginatim to know it happened so often as Realitus was very skilled at creating his -verses much faster than Imaginatim's much slower pace. After playing with the omniverse for a while and giving it a quick taste test, Imaginatim realized that she wasn’t quite sure about Realitus’s happiness level for this omniverse in particular—it didn't have very many pairs of pear-flavoured paraverses to have fun preparing, tearing, and repairing! Imaginatim figured it probably wouldn’t hurt to ask Realitus, especially considering that he was now rushing towards her and repeatedly calling her name. Wow! It sure was great that Realitus was careening through Beyond towards her so quickly, this would mean finding out about what her best friend and most caring brother’s happy levels were much sooner than expected. Hooray! She couldn’t wait to find out about the level of Realitus’s happy!

Unthil tried to allow the anticipated fogginess of his mind to clear from whatever stupid vision he had just experienced. However, besides the harsh reminder that his even stupider younger brother exists at all—truly no meticulously crafted scale from anyone living or dead in the entirety of Transcendentem could ever accurately measure the immense amount of suffering and agony from the slightest thought of that—his experience hadn’t felt particularly painful by vision-with-omniscient^3-origin standards at all. Clearly Unthil must have been so distracted by his sheer annoyance and bitter contempt that he forgot to be grateful. Not just for how relatively painless his vision was, but also for how that excuse of an imaginary counterpart had thankfully gone away. That or the nearby presence of two SuperGods in its place did a poor job at easing any worry or unsettledness.

Imaginary Logixel asked Unthil if anything was the matter, as Unthil just looked like the saddest little poor thing he’d ever seen in his life and of course, it wasn’t a particularly good idea for anything or anyone to go in that general direction. Luckily, Logixel had brought lots and lots of lollipops to prevent anyone or anything from going sad. Lollipops were, of course, always the optimal candy to prevent anyone from going sad since they always make everyone go happy. Why, if someone was just totally unable to go happy from lollipops, Logixel wouldn’t know what to do! Clearly, as the Imaginary Paradoxus nearby reasoned, a pat on the back would have to accompany that lollipop for terminal happyward velocity and proceeded to demonstrate this to Logixel with Unthil as an example. Imaginary Paradoxus probably wasn’t particularly aware of his own strength though and that so-called “pat on the back” immediately sent Unthil flying hypersky high straight into the Cotton Candy Clouds of Destiny. This would have made Logixel pretty sad as a potential new friend of his to cheer up had now gone away and disappeared without any warning but luckily for his sake, Logixel had brought lollipops so really everything was fine, actually.

Unthil’s mood, despite having just achieved terminal happyward velocity and having safely landed in the Cotton Candy Clouds of Destiny, had not been particularly improved. As it shouldn’t be, getting whacked in the supergoddamned face and careened into the clouds would do an absolutely abysmal job at improving anyone’s mood unless they were some sort of completely miserable masochist. Unthil looked down on his brothers from his high point of view, observing those two idiots incapable of understanding even a fraction of anything he ever had to put up with happening to babble about dumb incoherent nonsense that would be completely incapable of helping anyone. In what Beyond Bubble would some pat on the back and a lollipop would honestly be able to solve real issues that SuperGods would actually have to go through? Oh yeah, sure, Unthil could probably pointlessly break his own mind to check for some obscure backnaughter one in a parallel Transcendentem that somehow hasn’t collapsed in on itself where that’s totally the case—that sounds about like the kind of suggestion he’d expect them to propose—but why? That’s stupid, they’re stupid, everyone is stupid, and Unthil was especially stupid for even entertaining that idea for them at all. But at least Unthil came to terms with that stupidity long ago, he’s the only one to have realized and accepted that the Council was just doomed from the start from how idiotic all its members are and quite frankly, he’s plain shocked that literally anybody else was still able to genuinely care so much about its miserable state.

If Unthil had bothered to remember to be grateful for anything now, it was to be grateful that he even got this absolutely fantastic opportunity to live in this fantasy world of someone painfully dumb enough to be this divorced from reality, it gave him the chance to truly grasp how amazing living a life like this must be—stupid enough to not care about anything or anyone, but with actual contentment to go alongside that. As pathetic as living some perpetually blissfully ignorant life would be, at least there would be no constant frustration or shame or disappointment to hide since it just wouldn’t be there in the first place. Unthil found it unfortunate that he needed to settle for the next best thing of accepting and reminding how much everything and everyone sucks throughout his life but at this point, he's leaned into that far enough for there to just be no chance for anyone to accept any effort put towards a course-correction so he won't bother.

Perhaps that “pat on the back” from Imaginary Paradoxus totally worked and had indeed made Unthil happier, now he could gladly say to himself that he was happy for Imaginatim that she was fortunate to hold a gift better than Unthil’s complete excuse for one ever was. And since that said excuse for a “gift” of his held all sorts of risks that would lead to ruining hers should he dawdle around in here for too long, Unthil ought to get to work on figuring out how to escape Imaginatim’s mind, go and off Kotoblade from within his father’s mind, and actually be over with this rotten headache-inducing nonsense. And he’ll do it all by himself too—the sooner everything is all done and dealt with, the better. Unthil didn’t want any chances of Paradoxus or Logixel and especially Realitus ruining anything by confronting him and presenting stupid questions and their terrible ideas from being in over their heads—they'll never understand anything about him, they’ve already got enough out of him, and Unthil was not willing to go through any more of that hurt again. If they're going to spend any more chances of attempting to get anything out of him, Unthil hoped for their sake that they’d better give up on trying real quickly because he will never ever care about whatever their input would be and there will be nothing those supergoddamned idiots would ever do that would get him to say any more.

Unthil briefly checked down below for any imaginary SuperGods or pets that might fly up and bother him. His imaginary brothers had gone and left and no pets were roaming around, Rrecess might be over and it was probably feeding time. He then surveyed the Cotton Candy Clouds of Destiny in case there were any annoying cloud creatures. No cloud creatures were nearby, but Unthil did notice a small godverse lightly coated in cotton candy a short distance away from him. Unthil carefully waded through the cotton candy and the surrounding Elder’s fire as he approached the godverse. Unthil braced himself, tried his best to calm himself down, and hoped he was right about what the -verse was supposed to be before his decision to pick it up.

The Twins
Onu and Dei, collectively known as "The Twins", are two SuperGod siblings with a very strong bond to each other that allows them to always know each other's feelings, location, and health even when they are parted significantly. This ability is known as "Mind Link". The Twins lived in a small Beyond bubble called "Anarchaon" that is very chaotic and self-destructive in nature and often separated the two, but their powers will always allow them to reunite so long as neither of them die.

Onu is very focused on the survival and well-being of himself and his sister and can come across as more hotheaded and rash in spite of how careful he tries to be. Dei prioritizes her well-being significantly less than her brother and is instead more intrigued by the nature of Mind Link. Dei comes across as more content and collected than her brother in spite of how careless and hyper she is. Dei's carelessness and tendency to wander is a point of contention among the two siblings.

Onu is a SuperGod and Dei's brother. Onu is incredibly focused on the survival of himself and his sister and is paranoid of what might potentially erase the SuperGods from existence. This contrasts with his sister, who is not afraid of "dangerous" entities, does not particularly care about her well-being all that much, and is more interested about the very nature of Mind Link. Onu sees Mind Link as a very useful asset to monitor his sister’s health and location. He does not care at all about Mind Link’s origins—Onu is just very grateful that he had the ability and takes advantage of it to help protect his sister. But in his opinion, knowing the origins of Mind Link is substantially less useful than making actual use of the ability.

In spite of how careful Onu tries to be in any given situation, he always sustains many injuries from his surroundings and frequently gets attacked by wild organisms from the Transcendent Ecosystem. In one such incident, Onu was swarmed by a large swarm of angry Paxgods who apparently decided that omnipotent^1 alomic entities were not big enough meals for them. Onu does not know why he gets attacked so often or why he often trips when navigating. Onu tries his absolute best to watch his surroundings and to never provoke other entities in order to prevent injuries in the future, but this cautiousness rarely aids him successfully. Because of how often he has to heal himself after getting hurt often, Onu has essentially become a self-taught SuperGod medic. Unfortunately, this expertise came at the cost of any hint of Dei being actually worried over Onu’s health—seeing as he almost always fully repairs himself even after receiving severe injuries that would normally completely incapacitate or kill other SuperGods. Onu resents Dei for somehow very rarely coming into harm in spite of her recklessness and lack of thought when approaching situations. However, he was also secretly glad that Dei never took the abuse he always had to face. Onu still fears that sooner or later, Dei would sustain a severe injury and possibly perish so whenever Dei runs off, Onu always tries to follow her so that he could protect her if he can.

If Onu had his way, the Twins would stay within the confines of their safe home cohort of monocosms, sheltered from the dangers that lay beyond. Similar to his sister, Onu is aware of his twin’s emotions always, even from afar. Onu is not particularly sympathetic towards Dei though and sees her as an idiot with a universe for a brain who invested in silly hobbies that waste valuable metatime. In return, Dei thinks that Onu is overprotective, clingy, and desperately needs to relax.

Onu often complains toward his elderly and incredibly patient neighbour Tris about his sister. It’s possible that Tris had learned to tune out Onu’s complaints so that they did not register, but the experienced SuperGod always maintains his stances and tries to provide the much younger SuperGod with advice that he learned from his experiences. When the advice does not work out for Onu, the young SuperGod would often complain about Tris to Dei for never providing useful advice.

Dei is a SuperGod and Onu’s sister. Dei has always been very interested in the history and nature of her ability Mind Link, frequently visiting Qorter’s Library outside of Anarchaon as often as she can to research whilst also unintentionally being very obnoxious towards other visitors of the Library. Qorter is not fond of her at all. The route and tunnels that connect the Library’s bubble and Anarchaon is not a particularly safe path and is home to many hostile entities of the Transcendent ecosystem. However, Dei does not care and unusually, has never once been seriously injured. Onu remains paranoid about his sister’s safety and thinks she is setting herself up to be killed, but Dei thinks that her brother is being silly. Onu was the only Twin that would nearly die whenever they exited their monocosmal cohort so if anyone had to be cooped up safe at home, it really had to be him and him alone.

Dei is allegedly “hypernaturally lucky” and physical harm is very rarely inflicted to her. When she did get hurt, the injuries were typically so minor that they never actually mattered very much despite the fuss Onu makes over them. This has led her to be very careless and carefree when traversing Anarchaon, nearby Beyond bubbles, and tunnels. Her carelessness never seems to pay off, making her detested by many SuperGods—including Onu and Qorter. Qorter has often tried to assassinate Dei but she always catches on and avoids his traps. Dei thinks Qorter is just playing hard-to-get and flirts with him in return.

Dei is able to know Onu’s feelings. However, much like her brother, she does not sympathize with what motivates her twin. Dei is also aware of her brother’s health. Normally being aware of when a sibling was severely injured would be a cause for concern, but considering how much Onu puts himself back together after incidents, Dei remains unconcerned about Onu’s general health much to his disdain. Though Dei is generally much calmer and more collected than her more hotheaded brother who was prone to having breakdowns and outbursts, Dei can often get a bit too excited over her passions for her own good much to the annoyance of other SuperGods.

Dei is very kind towards Tris and Tris is kind to her in return. Whenever she gets the chance (often when the Library was closed for some unknown reason), Dei would ask Tris to tell her stories about the past and hopefully find missing pieces of the puzzle that was the origin of her powers. Usually Dei gets misled by nonexistent links and goes on wild arelari chases afterwards, much to the annoyance of Onu and Tris. Dei wonders about the many stories and secrets Tris harbours and wonders if he truly knows of any links to her powers. Onu thinks that Dei is being ridiculous with her theories and should focus more on surviving in her hostile surroundings.

The Elder
The Elder is a relatively well-known legendary figure among many Transcendent Ecosystem species such as SuperGods often credited for the creation of the Transcendentem Continuum or Transcendentem depending on the group that discusses him. He is often described as a very powerful Aspect Lord, though few cultures estimate that the Elder's power may have been actually closer to that of a Transcendental Guardian or Greater Guardian. The creation of the eponymous pseudolifeform "Elder's Fire" is also very often credited to the Elder, though it is not actually known if the Fire had Aspect Lord origins due to the lack of substantial, replicable evidence that suggested anything of the sort. The majority of stories about the Elder consistently agreed that he created a deity vaguely similar to those of Least, Lesser, Greater, and Transcendental Guardians creatively dubbed "the Higher Guardian". The story of the Elder and his child is one of the oldest known stories to SuperGods and it is not known when the first inscripverses that recorded the story were created.

The Elder is by far the most commonly interpreted as well-meaning but an impulsive, reckless, and somewhat negligent individual that very often acted before he thought. If the Elder were to realize a mistake he made, he would immediately try to solve it with the first solution in mind. This greatly contrasted with the Higher Guardian's more prudent and intensely protective nature and created conflict between the two. However, alternate and less mainstream interpretations see the Elder as divine, wise, and benevolent while the Higher Guardian was more malicious and her creation was the Elder's greatest mistake. Such beliefs are held by the somewhat maligned group of SuperGods known as the Clan of the Followers of Nali.

Possible creations
Many texts and inscripverses claimed that the Fires that can ravage the Ecosystem and allegedly burn through solid Transcendentem with ease was a creation of the Elder himself. As such, the Fires are very often called "Elder's Fire". Despite being named after the Elder, it is not actually known if the Elder's Fire can actually be attributed to an Aspect Lord from beyond the Transcendentem Continuum, not even by SuperGods that possessed omniscience^3. However, due to the lack of evidence that an Aspect Lord did not create Elder's Fire, it is also not actually known if the Fires did not have Aspect Lord-related origins.

It is debated whether or not the Elder actually directly created the Transcendentem Continuum (or Transcendentem). The oldest inscripverses that were held in Inscripverse archives owned by SuperGods such as Qorter and Abstractil do not make any mention or useful description of the structure that the Elder and Higher Guardian had dominion over. The most natural conclusion SuperGods came to was the Transcendentem, but due to the advent of a particularly vocal omniscient^3 entity that had a rudimentary understanding of post-beyond cosmology, many became more willing to accept that a large ?+4-verse imaginatively named the "Transcendentem Continuum" was a more likely candidate for the structure the Higher Guardian and Elder had power over.

Some SuperGods believed that rather arcane and rare recessive abilities that SuperGods were able to possess such as Mind Link and the ability dubbed omniscience^3 had origins related to the Elder. Some believed that SuperGods with such abilities were descendents of those that might have been granted the ability, while others believed that the SuperGods were direct descendents of the Elder himself. Others believed that the abilities had no close connection to any actual being that was the Elder whatsoever and were probably just the result of anomalous godsmoke.

The Tc-SuperGods
'The Tc-Supergods' is a term used to refer to a version of The Supergod Council existing in a parallel Transcendentem to ours within the Transcendentem Continuum. The Tc-Supergods are referred to as such as the Transcendentem they reside in is commonly known as "Transcendentem-Tc", as opposed to our own, referred to as "Transcendentem-Ta".

The group is mostly composed of the same members as our Supergod Council, and the events of its formation are largely the same. However, events begin to differentiate from those of the Council in our local Cohort when the Collapse began to take its effect, resulting in far fewer casualties among the Council however leaving those who survived in a more difficult position.

The majority of Tc-Supergods (specifically Paradoxus, Logixel, Conceptilum, Matharin, Empiroxus, Abstractil, Xenixel and Peralitus) are currently stranded in the middle of Transcendentem, struggling to survive by hiding inside their broken automaton Hellensoerensen and using it as a protective shell from the effects of the Collapse. Three others however (specifically Kalyutim, Omnarin and Tracidel) remain within the Council's Beyond Bubble, attempting to restore the Council's complex Tunnel system to locate and rescue the other Tc-Supergods.

Kalyutim has appointed himself leader of the 'Emergency Supergod Council' in the absence of Xenixel and is spearheading the effort to rescue the other Supergods. Omnarin is attempting to help Kalyutim in his efforts but often gets distracted very easily, much to the annoyance of Kalyutim. Tracidel has a deep hatred for the former members of the Supergod Council and doesn't consider rescuing them to be a priority at all, instead believing that Kalyutim and Omnarin (whom she idolizes) are the future of the Council.

Characters and Locations
The majority of Tc-Supergods share the same identities as those in our local Cohort. However, Conceptilum and Matharin's three youngest children (known in our Transcendentem as Unthil, Realitus and Imaginatim) were born and raised on their own without the influence of Conceptilum, Paradoxus or Logixel. As such, they developed entirely different personalities and identities. Along with this, the unique circumstances of the Collapse greatly altered the state and function of Tc-Hellensoerensen compared to Ta-Hellensoerensen.

Kalyutim is a dedicated and intelligent but overworked and highly irritable Supergod, currently leading an 'Emergency Supergod Council' within a parallel version of Beyond inside Transcendentem-Tc. Kalyutim is the third child of Conceptilum and Matharin and the only one to inherit Matharin's Omniscience^3, making him far more knowledgeable than his siblings very early on into his life.

Kalyutim was born into very unfortunate circumstances – hatching during the catastrophic Beyond Bubble Collapse that was threatening his Beyond Bubble and family, while everyone he knew was far away from Beyond. Kalyutim's Omniscience^3 immediately made him acutely aware that he was alone in the Bubble, which would be destroyed any metasecond now if he didn't take action. Thus, Kalyutim's life began with him desperately saving and repairing his Beyond Bubble, with only knowledge granted to him by his Omniscience^3. Since then, he has taken the role of leader of the Supergod Council in Xenixel's place and is attempting to rescue his family and the other Council members while maintaining the stability of Beyond.

By any metric, Kalyutim was left with far too many problems for any newly hatched Supergod to deal with. His Beyond Bubble was on the brink of annihilation, the Tunnel systems leading out of Beyond were destroyed, countless Monocosms were in desperate need of repair and he was also left as the only one capable of raising his two younger siblings, Omnarin and Tracidel, who hatched shortly after the Collapse. As such, Kalyutim's entire existence from the metamoment he was born has been a desperate rush to try and fix everything to the best of his abilities. He can never really remember a time when he wasn't working. His Omniscience^3 helps with this of course – not only does it serve as a massive collection of useful information, but it also aids him in quickly coming up with easy solutions to countless problems. But nevertheless, Kalyutim very often feels overwhelmed by his circumstances which sometimes appear to be far beyond his control.

Kalyutim is a very dedicated and somewhat altruistic Supergod, always on the lookout for new solutions to problems wherever he can find them. Despite his efforts to help anyone and everyone he can, Kalyutim is quick to anger as he is always in a constantly rushed state, making minor distractions utterly infuriating from his perspective. This mostly manifests when attempting to work with his younger sibling Omnarin, who gets constantly distracted and often seemingly makes attempts to distract Kalyutim too, something he absolutely cannot stand. Omnarin is a very difficult Supergod to offend, so Kalyutim's outbursts tend to have very few negative repercussions, although the extreme rage of this colossal all-powerful god must surely be a fright for passing mortals. (Something that very often makes Kalyutim feel bad, though he doesn't really have the metatime to apologize with his busy schedule.) Tracidel thinks Kalyutim's outbursts are perfectly reasonable and anyone in his position would be easy to anger, and more generally she is very keen that everyone knows how much of a competent, intelligent and level-headed leader he is.

Kalyutim finds attempting to deal with Tracidel exceedingly difficult as he sees her objectives as completely contradictory to his own. Obviously, if Omnarin's minor distractions greatly angered Kalyutim, Tracidel's interruptions make him absolutely livid. However, Tracidel has very thin skin and often gets extremely upset when Kalyutim loses his temper, prompting him to attempt to better control it when around her. (Although 'attempt' is very much the key word here.) Kalyutim loves Tracidel very much and put far more effort into her upbringing than Omnarin's, however absolutely does not trust her judgement whatsoever and goes to great lengths to prevent Tracidel from gaining any real control over Beyond in any form, while also hiding this fact from her as he knows how much this revelation would upset her. While one might assume Kalyutim greatly appreciates Tracidel's endless praise, in reality Kalyutim finds it difficult to listen to as the leaps in logic Tracidel has to make remind him of just how many failures he's had while attempting to set things right.

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Verse and Dimensions: Stories Мастер Исандер и Коллективное Творчество
Verse and Dimensions: Stories

Мастер Исандер и Коллективное Творчество

Тип: электронная книга

Жанр: Научная фантастика

Язык: на русском языке

Издательство: Автор

Дата публикации: 21.07.2024

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О книге: Сборник интересных рассказов, в которых повествуется жизнь различных космических божеств, их взаимодействия друг с другом и с экосистемами космических структур! (Все истории взяты из Verse and Dimensions wiki)

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