Алиса в стране чудес: адаптированный текст + задания. Уровень А1

Алиса в стране чудес: адаптированный текст + задания. Уровень А1
Lewis Carroll

Английский язык. Домашнее чтение
Книги серии «Английский язык. Домашнее чтение» – это адаптации произведений мировой классики, которые так полюбились читателям со всего мира. Тексты соответствуют уровню A1 (beginner) и сопровождаются упражнениями, словарными словами, а также упражнениями на понимание текста. Адаптации и упражнения разработаны Анной Грек, учителем английского языка с большим опытом работы в школе, и соответствуют современным требованиям к образовательному материалу. Благодаря этому книги данной серии станут идеальным дополнением к учебникам для занятий в школе и с репетитором.

В данное издание вошло знаменитое произведение Льюиса Кэролла «Алиса в стране чудес», рассказывающая о девочке Алисе, которая, прыгнув в кроличью нору, оказывается в удивительной стране, где все совсем не то, чем кажется, и на каждом шагу ждут приключения.

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Льюис Кэрролл

Алиса в стране чудес: адаптированный текст + задания. Уровень А1

© А. Грек, адапт. текста, коммент. и словарь, 2022

© ООО «Издательство АСТ», 2022

Chapter 1

Down the Rabbit Hole

Alice was tired of sitting near her sister on the bank of the river. She didn’t know what to do: once or twice she looked into the book that her sister was reading. But the book had no pictures or conversations in it. “What is the use of a book,” thought Alice “without pictures or conversations?”

She was thinking about making a daisy-chain but the day was hot and she felt very sleepy and lazy. Suddenly a White Rabbit with pink eyes ran past her.

The Rabbit said to itself “Oh dear! Oh dear, I shall be late!” Then it took a watch out of his pocket, and looked at it, and hurried on. Alice stood up and burning with curiosity ran across the field after it. So she was just in time to see that the Rabbit jumped down a large rabbit hole under the hedge.

Alice went down after it. The rabbit hole was like a tunnel and then it suddenly went down. It was so sudden that Alice didn’t have time to think. And the next moment she was falling down the well. The well was so deep or she was falling so slowly that she had time to look around. She saw cupboards and bookshelves, there were maps and pictures there too. But she was falling down and down. “I must be near the centre of the earth,” Alice said aloud. “I wonder if I shall fall right through the earth! How funny it will be to see people that walk with their heads down!

Down, down, down. “Dinah will miss me very much, I think!” (Dinah was the cat.) Dinah, my dear!” And Alice felt sleepy when suddenly, thump! And the fall was over – she was on a heap of dry leaves.

Alice jumped up on to her feet and looked up but it was all dark there. The White Rabbit was still hurrying along a corridor. Alice went after him like a wind and heard the Rabbit say“ Oh my ears and whiskers, how late it is!” and it turned the corner. She turned the corner too but couldn’t see the Rabbit. She was now in a long hall.

There were doors all around the hall but they were all locked. Suddenly Alice saw a little glass table with a small golden key on it. But the locks in all the doors were very large and the key was very small and it couldn’t open them. But then suddenly Alice noticed a low curtain with a little door behind it. To her great delight the golden key opened it!

Behind the door was a small corridor which lead to a very beautiful garden. Alice wanted so much to be among those bright flowers and cool fountains! But even her head couldn’t get through the little door. So she went back to the table hoping to find another key on it. But this time she found there a little bottle with a paper label with large letters on it: “DRINK ME”.

Alice didn’t want to do that in a hurry. Maybe it was poison. But the bottle did NOT say “poison” so Alice tasted it and it was very nice so soon she drank it all.

“What a curious feeling!” said Alice, “I am shutting up like a telescope”. And now she was only ten inches high. And she could go through that little door! But poor Alice! When she was near the door she remembered that the little golden key was on the table. She went back and saw that she couldn’t take it from the glass table because she was too small. So she sat down and cried.

“But there is no use in crying” said Alice to herself and soon she noticed a little glass box under the table. She opened it and found in it a very small cake with the words “EAT ME” in currants. She ate a little bit but nothing happened so very soon she ate all the cake.

Словарные слова

once – один раз

twice – два раза

conversation – разговор

use – польза

daisy-chain – венок из маргариток

past – мимо

hurry – спешить

burning – гореть

curiosity – любопытство

hedge – изгородь

sudden – внезапный

well – колодец

miss – скучать

heap – куча, груда

curtain – занавеска

delight – восторг

lead – вести

poison – яд

shut up – закрываться, захлопываться

inch – дюйм

no use in – бесполезно

currants – смородина

happen – случаться


1. Ответь на вопросы:

1) How did Alice feel?

2) Why didn’t Alice like her sister’s book?

3) What did the Rabbit say?

4) Did Alice go after the Rabbit?

5) Who is Dinah?

6) What was in the hole?

7) Why couldn’t Alice go to the garden?

8) What helped her go through the door?

2. Кто сказал данные фразы?

1) I must be near the centre of the earth.

2) There is no use in crying.

3) Dinah, my dear!

4) Oh dear, I shall be late!

3. Переведи фразы:

1) the next moment

2) near the centre of the earth

3) all around the hall

4) hoping to find

5) there is no use in crying

6) out of his pocket

7) in time

8) with their heads down

4. Найди в тексте выражения, обозначающие следующее:

1) Не знала, что делать

2) Мимо нее

3) Падение закончилось

4) Заперты

5) На бутылке не было сказано

6) Сказала Алиса себе

7) В книге не было ни картинок, ни диалогов

5. Какой предмет или героя описывают данные прилагательные?

1) Tired

2) Sleepy

3) Lazy

4) Deep

5) Beautiful

6. В тексте встречаются наречия, образованные от прилагательного, например:

Sudden – suddenly

Образуй наречия от следующих прилагательных:

1) Deep

2) Slow

3) Great

4) Beautiful

5) Bright

6) Nice

7) Curious

8) Poor

7. Найди слова, противоположные по значению:

Without               small

Hot               big

Late               far

Large               wet

Under               opened

Down               above

Slowly               early

Near               with

Dry               fast

Dark               light

Long               short

Locked               cold

Little               up

8. Вставь предлоги:

1) _________ the bank of the river

2) she looked _________ the book

3) But the book had no pictures or conversations _________ it

4) she was _________ a heap of dry leaves

5) Alice jumped up _________ to her feet

6) She was now _________ a long hall.

9. Объясни, почему:

1) Why was Alice sleepy?

2) Why did Alice run after the Rabbit?

3) Why did Alice have time to look around?

4) Why couldn’t Alice open the doors?

5) Why did Alice want to get to the garden?

6) Why didn’t Alice want to drink the bottle?

10. Поставь предложения в правильном порядке:

1) she was falling down the well.

2) she went back to the table.

3) the fall was over.

4) Alice tasted the bottle.

5) a White Rabbit with pink eyes ran past her.

6) Alice noticed a low curtain.

7) Alice saw a little glass table.

8) she noticed a little glass box.

9) The Rabbit took a watch out of his pocket.

10) the golden key opened the door.

Chapter 2

The Pool of Tears

“Curiouser and curiouser!” – cried Alice (she was so surprised that for the moment she forgot how to speak good English); “now I’m opening outline the largest telescope! Good-bye, feet!” (she looked down at her feet and they were almost out of sight). “Oh, my poor little feet, I wonder who will put on your shoes and stockings for you now, dears? I will be too far away. But I will send you a new pair of boots every Christmas. How funny it will seem!”

“Oh dear, what nonsense I’m talking!”

At that moment her head hit the roof of the hall: now she was more than nine feet high. So she took the little golden key again and hurried to the garden door.

Poor Alice! This time she could look into the garden with only one eye. So she sat down and began to cry again. “You must be ashamed of yourself,” said Alice, “Stop this moment, I tell you!” But she continued crying and soon there was a large pool all around her.

Suddenly she heard some sound in the distance and quickly dried her eyes to see what it was. It was the White Rabbit. It was beautifully dressed and had a pair of white gloves in one hand and a large fan in the other. He was in a great hurry saying: “Oh! The Duchess, the Duchess!” Alice needed help so much that when the Rabbit came near her she began in a low voice: “Please, sir…” The Rabbit jumped up in horror, dropped the white gloves and the fan and ran away into the darkness as fast as it could.

Alice took the Rabbit’s gloves and the fan and began thinking how strange everything was that day. “And yesterday things were just as usual. I wonder if I сhanged during the night. Who am I? That’s the great puzzle!” And while she was thinking about that mystery she suddenly noticed that she put on one of the Rabbit’s white gloves. “How could I do that?” she thought. Maybe I am growing small again.” So she went to the table to check it and found that she was now about two feet high and she was continuing to get smaller and smaller. And then she understood that it was the fan in her hand and she quickly dropped it.

Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.

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Алиса в стране чудес: адаптированный текст + задания. Уровень А1 Льюис Кэрролл
Алиса в стране чудес: адаптированный текст + задания. Уровень А1

Льюис Кэрролл

Тип: электронная книга

Жанр: Сказки

Язык: на английском языке

Издательство: АСТ

Дата публикации: 01.07.2024

Отзывы: Пока нет Добавить отзыв

О книге: Книги серии «Английский язык. Домашнее чтение» – это адаптации произведений мировой классики, которые так полюбились читателям со всего мира. Тексты соответствуют уровню A1 (beginner) и сопровождаются упражнениями, словарными словами, а также упражнениями на понимание текста. Адаптации и упражнения разработаны Анной Грек, учителем английского языка с большим опытом работы в школе, и соответствуют современным требованиям к образовательному материалу. Благодаря этому книги данной серии станут идеальным дополнением к учебникам для занятий в школе и с репетитором.

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