Celestial Messages

Celestial Messages
Isabelle B. Tremblay

Isabelle B. Tremblay, author of the book Médium malgré moi! is back with a collection of messages from the universe. For nearly two years, she has been channeling messages from the dead, archangels and beings of light. Messages that are inspirational and give hope regarding the after-life and what we are living now. Messages that also allow for a spiritual awakening and an understanding of death and life.

Isabelle B. Tremblay, author of the book Médium malgré moi! is back with a collection of messages from the universe. For nearly two years, she has been channeling messages from the dead, archangels and beings of light. Messages that are inspirational and give hope regarding the after-life and what we are living now. Messages that also allow for a spiritual awakening and an understanding of death and life. You can read it as a book or randomlya message to get a response or inspiration. You can alsoa message in the part concerning the dead or angels in line with your current needs. Some messages will touch you more than others, and appear to be addressed to you personally. Isabelle has been consciously working with subtle energies for more than five years. She sees herself as a messenger from the soul, and offers mediumship consultations and support for people who are experiencing or enjoying the gifts of spiritual awakening. She uses mediumship and makes it accessible to everyone for easy understanding. This is Isabelle's eighth book.

Translator: NINTAI MOSES

Celestial Messages

Inspirations for the Soul

Isabelle B. Tremblay

Translated by Nintai Moses

B. Tremblay, Isabelle

Celestial Messages – Inspirations for the Soul

Cover design: Rebecacovers

Layout: Isabelle Tremblay

Linguistic Editor: Morgane

Publisher’s Mark: Isabelle B. Tremblay

Legal Deposit — National Library and Archives of Quebec, 2020.

Legal Deposit — National Library and Archives of Canada, 2020.

Copyright © 2020 Isabelle B. Tremblay

All rights reserved for all countries and languages.

This book is a work of fiction. All references to historical events and behaviors of real people or places are fictitious. All other names, characters, places and events are products of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. Any other errors are those of the author.

By the same author

Médium malgré moi, Éditions Le Dauphin Blanc, 2017

Messages de l’univers, 2018

Passeur d’âmes, Éditions Le Dauphin Blanc, 2019

Le prince charmant est une pute, pas un crapaud, 2019

Les chemins de l’âme, Éditions Le Dauphin Blanc, 2019

Les chimères d’Emma, 2019

Destiny – 1 – Le vrai visage du destin, 2020

A man who conquers himself is greater than one who conquers the world.



For almost two years, before each consultation, I asked for messages from souls or angels. Serving as a channel for these energies that want to share larger-than-life messages.

I have this unique gift to feel them, see them, hear them… but also to be an intermediary between these worlds. I’m doing it again with this second collection of messages from the universe. Inspiring messages for the soul which allow for some form of introspection and recognition.

The first part is dedicated to people who have departed, to souls who have completed their incarnations and who, from their clouds, have a message to convey. The second part is dedicated to beings of light who guide and accompany us on our way. Each message is unique and inspiring.

Like all things, some messages will speak to you more than others. Some people will have more fun with the part on angels, others will be more affected by the dead. What matters is that you take what speaks to you and let go what doesn’t suit you.

It’s always possible to use this book as a bedside book that is consulted randomly throughout the day to receive a message of hope or motivation. Some people have done so with Messages from the Universe. Like everything else, you’ll find the method that works for you.

I wish you inspiring moments for your soul and day-to-day life.

Isabelle B. Tremblay


My man, my daughters, I’m fine here. Through the clouds, I continue to observe you, with a smile on my lips and the feeling of having left behind something beautiful, great and wonderful: you! Thank you, my man, for remaining true to yourself, for making the girls look strong and proud, for being a source of admiration for them. I love you. Never hesitate to love too. Let your heart speak and guide you. Stop relying only on your head, make all your dreams come true. They are important because they come from your heart. Everything that comes from the heart is the cradle of life. I’m no longer in pain. I no longer worry about the future. I know that now we are eternal. For my daughters, I rejoice to see your path open up every day. You’re beautiful and wonderful today; it’s the most important day because you have all power over it. Go forward without fear, but with confidence. When a baby bird is thrown into the void by its mother, it’s so that it should trust its little wings... I’m still here. I love you.

I’m fine now. I’ve stepped into the light and entered my new path. My new road. I bear no grudge against the person who caused my drastic end. That was my destiny. I had no choice but to accept it. I lived every moment of my life as best I could. Doing good, sometimes evil. Experiences that were meant to be. My mission now is to heal my soul and free myself from everything I had to experience in my last life that was meant to teach me. I haven’t forgotten anyone. I still live in you. I haven’t disappeared completely, and I continue to live in your hearts. The energy is still there. We are not dust to return to dust. We are light and we will return to light. Sometimes the road we take is difficult. Too difficult, but necessary for the soul. I’m learning to accept my early departure. It’s necessary for my evolution, as well as for those who surround me and cover me with their love. I still feel sad when I know you’re sad... but remember that I still exist, just in another way.

Mom, it's me, I'm fine, here I no longer suffer. Here, it’s beautiful, it’s great, it’s magical. It’s possible to live in love without suffering. Although I suffered before my departure, here it’s quite the opposite. I no longer have to put up with a body that feels pain. My soul is fine. I’m fine. I’m preparing to, one day, reincarnate and live again, but not now. I don't want to be absent, because you will come back home. Here, it’s like a playground. I'm not just having fun, I'm also learning. I didn’t have time to blacken my soul, as my time there was brief. Please hug my little brother for me. I know he needs a lot of courage. I’ll see him often. I also see him through blue butterflies. That’s our secret. I’ll always be by your side, in my own way. In my energy. Don't cry. Be happy and let love win your heart. Live your life for me. Do whatever you want and don't deprive yourself of anything. I’m fine and I love you. With all my heart, that’s the most important thing.

My beautiful wife, you weren’t happy whenever I used these words. You rightly thought I was using such sweet words to beg for something. I admit it, and I’m guilty. I liked to use the words because they reminded me of the bond between us. I love you. Still love you that much and even more so, because I no longer have earthly feelings which are often mixed with love. You’re beautiful, even if you say otherwise; over the years you’ve gained some value that you didn’t have at birth. Over the years, your eyes have become brighter and even more lively. You’re beautiful with your wrinkles that mark those moments when you laughed and that show your happiness. I love you and forgive me for what I couldn’t say before and for what I couldn't see. My departure was quick, but gentle. Suffering means nothing when you have a heart that can love so much. Take care of your soul and your body. You have a marvelous treasure in you: love. I love you!

I have stopped suffering, because I wasn’t in perfect physical health over there. I loved my life, even though it often seemed like a struggle. I departed after I had given up. It was time. That's all. However, I’m grateful for that life. You should also be thankful for all that it brings to you. The good and the bad. If life sends you negative signals, that’s because you haven't understood everything. You have to move on and go for it, period. It's not a magical recipe. It's just life. I’m sure you know the difference between persistence and perseverance. Persistence means stubbornly sticking to a path even though you know, deep down, that it's hopeless. That it’s not your path. So, branch off. If you aren’t happy with what you are doing, don't give up, change your goal. That’s not failure, it's just being wise enough to understand that your path comes from your heart, not your head. I didn't always understand that ... and I know that my Cartesian mind took notes for my next reincarnation. Take care of your body and soul, and listen to THEM. They are your best messengers to move forward in life.

Stop being discouraged by trivialities. You have a life that isn't perfect, but if you want it to change, it’s up to you to make the required changes. You know, I worked a lot in my life believing that’s what life is all about. And I firmly believed it. Well, no, the most important thing is to thrive in what you do and what comes from your heart. Nothing else. Nothing more. You just need to listen to what vibrates and excites you, and let yourself be carried away. Society has set standards that are physical. Concrete. But then, when you depart, what will you bring along on your big journey? Will you be happier? I brought only my soul and what I learned; I couldn’t bring the rest. I judged myself on what I had done. And my actions toward others weighed more heavily on the balance than the sales I had made. Do you understand the importance? Yes, it’s necessary to be materially well off, but not at any cost. Life is there to teach us and allow us to move forward. It's not good to stand still. You have to fight your fears. Fight what nourishes you and what doesn’t come from your heart. Your head is nurtured by your ego. It never has anything good to say.

I chose my date of departure long before I was born. I acted before my departure by choosing to stop living. To deliberately take an action that put an end to my destiny. The pains were too much to bear. I couldn't handle them. I didn’t feel better after I departed. The pains were also severe because they were moral. The body ceased to exist, not the soul. Especially not the soul. We need to understand that life is a gift. A gift from the universe that helps us to improve and heal ourselves. Helps us to have experiences that move us forward, never backward. I was told that I would be back with you. And the only thing I know for sure is that I’ll experience those same pains. Again, and again. So that I can overcome and heal them, because the goal is not to crush ourselves, but to evolve and become better. As simple as that. Hard to live those moments, but afterwards the soul is released and flies away. Each moment lived was chosen beforehand to allow for this quest for happiness, so much desired. Never forget that you’re always accompanied during these lifetimes.

Hello, I'm doing pretty well. Here, it's not much different from your home. We have peace, love and respect. Impatience, anger or any other feeling that reduces our vibration is not tolerated. Is not accepted. Not part of us. I had to climb a lot of ladders before I got here, because my last life took me through a lot of trials, hatred and anger that bugged me down... And I got caught up in it without really paying attention. I’ve seen deep down; I’ve seen the darkest side of the human heart... And yet I still believe in its potential and its light which is like the sun hidden by the clouds. Needs a boost to shine again. Don't harbor anything unhealthy. And above all forgive. Forgive yourself first and foremost. You’re the most important person. Above all, forgiveness comes from the heart. A heart that "boils" because it carries bad vibrations is never good. Life’s journey is primarily a learning experience. Don't let the darkness in you deprive you of light and your paradise.

My name is Markus, I died a long time ago. I'm not in a hurry to come back to Earth. I still have many people there. I prefer to wait for them. I'm really not ready to go back on a mission. Here, the only color that matters is that of the heart. It’s the only indispensable source. The heart is paramount because it’s energy, it’s love. It’s also an indispensable life engine for the people we loved. I had three boys and one girl. They all did well, some without my help, while I’ve had to accompany and guide others. From up here, as you so aptly put it, I’ve continued to do so! My mission wasn’t really over. I still had to go through a process that was necessary to live better and serve as best I could with my heart. We continued to exist and to be there. Always present. Living in energy and love. We don't have the same memories as you, but we have the same feelings of love. That doesn't change. It can never change. Know that the only door that never closes is the door to the heart.

I was born to die immediately. I know this sounds ironic, but my short life mission was to appear for a few moments in my parents’ lives to touch their souls and teach them the importance of life and love. We come to earth to gain experiences that will be beneficial to life experience and the soul which never stops evolving. I remained a newborn baby in the eyes of my parents, but my soul evolved to several levels through this simple incarnation. Though the passage may be brief, what is learned may be enormous. That was the case for me and the parents I had chosen. These choices that seem so difficult are nevertheless imbued with great, powerful and limitless love. I know their hearts were broken when they realized I would never grow up, never take my first steps or smile. However, the first steps were replaced by a greatly more evolved soul. I’ll return when they are ready for an even greater mission. Love the soul that continues to orbit around you, and cover it with love.

Patience is quite an art, my granddaughter. It’s acquired through practice and experience. Sometimes we even feel like life is playing on us. You’ll learn over the days, months and years to stop worrying and trust in the future. I know it's not easy, but it's really the only way to live better, day by day. It's not easy, but by letting go, you can do it without difficulty. You often face trials in your daily life and projects. You need to give yourself a chance to make it happen. When you’re baking a cake, you need ingredients ... and the recipe! You also need to bake it to make it what it is. It's the same with your projects in life. Good things come to those who wait. Others have lived before you. Others will follow after you. Life needs to move at its own pace to become better and bigger. Don't lose focus in your life but focus on other things while you wait for it to simmer. What do you think?

Father, mother, I’m fine. I went through a lot of strong emotions, which dragged me to where I never thought I would end my day. I’m sad because I feel like I punished myself by disobeying. I approached the river, I thought it was frozen, that I could have fun in it, without believing for a moment that it could be dangerous. I didn't think, I just acted. I'm not a bad boy, just a little distracted. I feel bad that I hurt you. That I broke your heart forever. Waiting and not knowing what has happened is very difficult for parents. Choosing to come and experience it on earth puts people in a very anxious state of mind and very low vibration level. Not knowing is really a shame. Know that the love I have for you is powerful. That it can never die! No, never. It's something bigger than us, stronger than anything. A bond that will never leave us and never break ... I’ll come by sometimes to tell you that I love you. Through butterflies, through hearts. You’re wonderful, and I love you.

Thank you all for allowing me to find my light again. Even though you feel my departure is too hasty, too mysterious. However, it was decided well before my incarnation. Incarnation has a lot of mysteries. It challenges us more often than not. I’m fine. Here, everything is calm. Everything is quiet. I’m close to you, but in a different way. I know that my sudden and violent disappearance somehow raised your awareness because you joined forces and vibrations to find me. To get me back to my parents safe and sound. Life had other plans for me. I love you so much, my parents. I don't have enough words to express my love, let alone the vibrations that might make you feel it. I love you, my sister; you’ve grown up too fast, without letting life help you grow old one day at a time. That’s the way it was supposed to be. You had to be wrapped in bubble wrap to avoid the worst. I’m proud of you. You’re beautiful. You’re wonderful. You’ll be a nice beacon for some people. And for my little brothers, you are beautiful and strong. Never let anything bother you, and live each day as if it were the last... I love you.

I didn’t live a memorable life, but it was full and happy. I laughed a lot, I was madly in love, I shared wonderful moments with my family and friends. I took the boat too early to come back, I would have continued to drift over and over again ... but that's life. There’s a beginning, a middle and an end. The most important thing is what we decide to do with the time given to us. Just because we go through events that are more difficult than others doesn’t mean that we will reach the sky and beyond. It's just because we didn't understand what we learned the first time around... That's being hard-headed! We keep on being miserable... I bless all my moments there with love, because I lived them with my heart. When your heart is bound, there’s little or almost no chance of going wrong. And if it doesn't work out, it will make us even stronger for the best to come. Take care of my daughter and son. I'm upstairs with our little white dog, Cookie, who is running around. Happy and playful. I love you very much, and I’ll wait for your daddy when he stops fighting instead of accepting.

I have only one message for people who are going to read this. Live your life. Don't let the minutes pass by without accepting and enjoying every second. I’m a man who lived his life his own way, in the spotlight. I felt like I missed out on time with the people I loved most in the world. Life is a show. You have to be the star, not the spectator. Imagine being in front of your screen and watching the images scroll by without having fully enjoyed them! You know, my life was rich in encounters and learning. I would have had more, but I’ll wait for the next train to continue life’s training. I want my wife to know that our love was the truest thing in my life. That through snakes, yes, snakes, we discover our greatest fear, and our fondest memory and giggles through the cuddly toy that has become a running gag. Hug the people who are engraved in your heart. Love without fear of being hurt because regret is the most painful wound. Till the next show in life.

My beautiful love, you were the story of my life, its center. We’ll meet again one day, and I’m in no rush to see you again. Our relationship as a couple surprised many people, but the fact that it lasted was even more surprising. Thank you for being present in my life: your voice, your soul, and your heart were wonderful and part of me. I was always a visionary. Your talent and persistence were an extraordinary driving force for me and allowed me to bet on the best game. You’re beautiful. You’re wonderful, you strayed a bit, but quickly found your way back. The children will remain on the right track so long as you allow them. They are just as wonderful as you are. You just need to show them an example of whom you are. Love never dies, and I live on in you, in your heart and through butterflies and tokens. I’m sending you some signs so that you never forget where you came from and where you are going to. Take care and, above all, don't forget that you’re more important than your career. I love you more than anything. I really love you. IOU.

My name is Michael. I'm not the Archangel, but a pretty rowdy little boy in my days. I’ll always have a child’s soul, even when I get old. My soul is that of a child who sees with the eyes of his heart. I have simplicity and spontaneity that come with being a child. I’ve always seen a glass as half full. A glass with funny drawings. You should consider life as a big playground. You should have fun, laugh and burst with joy because of life’s simplicity. It’s that simple, but few people do so. I don't want to give lessons, but life is often seen as a big puzzle with lots of missing pieces! I’m here just to give you my own perspective. By human standards, I left my earthly body too early. My time on earth was brief, but filled with love, play and laughter. Despite the pain of the ordeal my parents had chosen, they made my few years a great game and beautiful adventure. And for that, I love them very much. They taught me love and play. I taught them resilience and purity of choices made with the heart. My thanks to all parents who love their children and let them live their childhood despite their illness.

Don't mourn my departure, but celebrate my life. I’m not unhappy where I am, but simply trying to discover a new place that we all end up finding. I had a life that many would consider boring because I hardly traveled and barely loved people enough to experience true passion, but it suited me. It allowed me to experience wisdom, jealousy, shame, and one-sided love. These experiences helped me to evolve and move forward at my own pace. A lifetime is short when we have eternity to practice being. I returned home with an even more open my heart. Love is not just a feeling; it’s also the key that opens all doors. Loving is a facet of life that lives on long after our existence on earth. That life was a passage and I’ll have many more passages because I still have a lot to learn. That’s the way it is. I want to tell each of you not to dramatize but accept what comes up because you’ll understand much more by welcoming it than by pushing it away and fighting against it.

My daughter, the fear of dying bothers you. It confronts you. You who wanted so much to put an end to it; now that you no longer have the option of living or dying, you’re making the choice to live. It’s when you lose something that you realize its value and importance. Don't take it as a defeat, but as a life experience that you’ll carry with you when you depart for home. Being positive will not change your destiny, but it will help you to cope better with the situation. You’re a strong person who gave in to dark thoughts a few times, but you got up and I’m proud of you even though I didn't tell you often enough. I wasn’t very good in encouraging and pushing children to excel themselves, but I loved you. I loved you, my beautiful big girl. You’ll come back home as it is written, and I’ll think of you and send you resources to spare you unnecessary pain and sorrow. I love you and I’ll be there waiting for you.

Dear child, I departed very early. You were still a baby. We had little time together, but we had enough time for our two hearts to connect and vibrate together. My life was short, so short that I didn’t have the chance to also give life. You were a pure ray of sunshine and source of joy for me. Despite my early departure, I was still able to see and follow your progress in the world. I was a loving aunt. I remain a protective aunt. Wherever you are, I’m very close by. Sometimes you feel like you’re hearing me, and that’s true. I like to whisper in your ear. You’re a beautiful soul who unhesitatingly continues to rise. Continues to be without any conditions. You’re authentic, and that’s what people are looking for the most. Always choose with your heart. That's how you’ll be able to live your own way and without any hassle. Never hesitate when you already have a first response. You have all the keys within you to find THE WAY to your destiny. There will always be obstacles, but they will help you be.

Mom, since I followed the light, I’m getting better and better. It was a tragic and painful departure for everyone I left behind. I’m fine. I now understand why my time was so short. My life was so short. You were shaken by my departure, but you held on and your faith only grew stronger, Mom. You chose the light and let go the shadow. Your heart is strong, with that unwavering force that keeps you standing against all odds. And even though your pain is unbearable, you have drawn from your heart the strength to fight and live knowing that I continue to live, but in a different way. That’s why I love you so much. Your strength of character allows you to see things in a positive light, and the sun in tears and darkness. Trust everything that brings out a vibration of love because it’s a sign that you’re on the right track. The voice from your heart can't be wrong. NEVER. Continue to believe in rainbows, birds and fairies that are very much alive, even if they are not as imagined in fairy tales. Keep smiling. I love you.

My name is Marie. I barely lived a few minutes, then my soul returned home. Why? Because that was my mission. A mission that allowed my parents to grow in hardship. Grow and evolve. Not to destroy themselves, but to better understand the meaning of life through mourning for their child. They understood the importance of the present moment and unconditional love for a being who passed through their lives like a shooting star only to die out. The love of two beings who made it through it all and lived in a more real and stronger way. And even gave life again. It wasn’t a trial that wanted to extinguish you, but that appeared in your life to make you realize the importance of life and what it teaches. There are several little Marys like me around the world. Some stay longer, others even less. All you have to remember is that life is a big step in your journey and it should not be overlooked. Mom and dad, I’ll always be there.

My son, what a great man you are now! You’ve come a long way since you were a child. Over the years, you’ve continued to listen to your heart and inner strength. On the other hand, you’ve lost your way a few times and neglected others who really matter to you. You have a well-incarnated soul, but sometimes your ego plays tricks on you. You need to refocus and get back to your true values. Never forget where you come from. Keep going without looking back, but bear in mind who you really are and what your mission is. You’ve accomplished a lot and you still have so much to do. I have unlimited and non-judgmental love for you. I’m connected to your heart because the bond between us has always been very strong. Continue to believe in yourself, but remain humble. Simplicity of the heart is a strength that you should sustain. You’re an inspiring being for many, don't take it for granted, but keep working towards that goal. I love you, my big boy. You’re handsome and tall. And I’m proud of you.

My beautiful big girl, your heart broke lately. Your whole world fell apart. And you, you remained standing despite everything. I wanted to tell you that love is stronger than anything else and that you’ve been able to draw on the strength that exists in all of us. You have a purity and naivety that appeals to some people and makes others want to take advantage of you. You should dig deep into yourself to identify the true from the false, and thus be able to keep away from people who want to harm you. You have so much to give, and you’ve already given so much. It’s time to stop neglecting yourself for the benefit of others. You’re like your mother! But don't think it’s a mistake to give where there’s a problem. This is when you pay the price of kindness. I’m proud of you. Proud of the woman you’re becoming day after day; you carry within you a light that is strong and immensely helps souls who need strength to continue. You’re beautiful, tall, and perfect. Never forget that, my beautiful big girl. Believe in yourself. Believe in love and, of course, believe in what you bring to people. I love you.

My beautiful daughter, you have so much potential and are so brilliant that sometimes you don't know where to go. You’re an extraordinary and unique woman who lives for the present moment. These are great qualities, but sometimes you somehow forget about the future and that makes it difficult for you to manage your time. You’ve always fought for what you want. Life hasn’t been kind to you, but you’ve held on to achieve your full potential and become a beautiful star today. An immense source of inspiration for people around you and in your world. Don't be afraid to ask; you don't need to do everything yourself. YOU are a person who doesn't want to bother or depend on others but asking for support isn’t a weakness; it gives you external strength. I’m fine. Here, everything is simple and magical. Life is different and I no longer feel fatigue. Here, I’m surrounded by love and extraordinary beauty. I haven’t forgotten you; take care, my beautiful love star. Your light continues to shine in me. I love you.

My dear, you are sometimes so serious that you forget that you’re also a child. Try to have a little more fun; it’s your right. YOU even need to laugh and play. Life is short, and you need to enjoy every moment of it, without wasting a single second. YOU are a good and great person, but sometimes you are too much in your bubble and lose track of what’s going on around you. You’re beautiful, and you need to know that. Stop looking for what's wrong and accept what makes you you! It's quite simple, isn’t it? I think of you every moment and sometimes I come and visit you through the songs you love so much and that deeply move you whenever you listen to them. My heart is overflowing with love for you, even though we didn't always get along. Life is like that, and life was for us a transition that taught us. In the next life, we’ll not have to fight, we’ll only love each other like two friends and not fight like two rivals. I love you very much. Take care. Laugh and smile all the time.

I’m an old man who used to be called the “Indian”. I lived in a village of white people who came to consult me because of my wisdom and time-honored remedies. I loved my life, even though it was that of a lone old wolf. I had chosen to be this different to learn in life. My departure was very gentle, in my sleep during a nap. I got lost for a while before realizing that I was on the other side. I made a lot of dreamcatchers and laid traps for fur animals. I was a gifted fortune-teller. I could predict a lot of things, and I was known around for that power. I learned from my life. From life. I knew that it was gentle and calm when we go with the flow, but that it could be harsh and cruel if we try to go against the tide. Pain can break us, and trials can seem overwhelming. At such times, you should be like a wheat stalk that sways in the wind but doesn’t break. The stalk lets itself be carried along in the dance. Live in the flow; you’ll be less likely to drown.

Your old man is always thinking about you. He's come a long way since riding a camaro. You know, I grew up and realized that my mistakes were a stepping stone to not repeating what I had done too many times in my life. I’m fine and much more fulfilled than I was in my life. The accident was not caused by me. It was a twist of fate. Even though I had often talked about wanting to put an end to it, I think subconsciously I was aware that I would depart with a strong soul. Even the most Cartesian man knows certain things. My rage for life, my pain in emotions that beset me was only a necessary step that helped me to be and to understand. So don't be so hard on yourself. You have the right to make mistakes and see it as a learning experience, not an enemy. I fought so much instead of accepting, but why? I was hurting myself for nothing. That's why life is good. It gives us the chance to improve ourselves and makes every moment of our lives a great opportunity to learn. I died young, but well educated and fully aware of the next life ahead. I love you, my son. Live intensely, un-ashamed of who you are.

So, I should have married you! What was I thinking? I realize that my sudden departure must have been difficult and particularly frustrating for you. I had imagined that we would become little old people with white hair who would complete each other's sentences. Life decided otherwise. I found it hard to see you go through all this, without being able to console or soothe you. You lived through a very emotional time. You cried, you raged, and you were in pain. That was normal, because your whole world fell apart, it disappeared overnight, and I felt responsible for it. You were such a perfect woman for me, with your qualities and flaws, with your exhilarating humor. I was happy to have you by my side until the end. We had our rough patches, but we always knew that the two of us were meant to stay together. We were two opposites that complemented each other perfectly. Take care and don't be afraid to meet new people. Your loneliness sometimes weighs you down. You have a beautiful smile, and it would be a shame if someone else couldn't enjoy it. I love you!

My beautiful darling, our lives had barely crossed when the universe brought me back to itself. I had hoped for that day for years, but it was when I dared to approach you that my life ended. What had to be, came to pass. There was only one premise to our story in that lifetime. Still young when we met, in preparation for this next life that would be granted to us. Love is often a great mystery, and yet what we believe to be sad love stories become the most beautiful. Some people don't believe that they are made for love, and yet they are the ones who experience the best stories. Thank you for coming into my life and for being my most beautiful story. The one that’s still in my heart. You went through great pains when life tore me away from you, but you rebuilt yourself despite the impression of an unfinished love story; you found the man of the rest of your life. Believe in your love which is great, but stop thinking of me. Our paths are destined to meet again. I love you.

I’m a mother who always thought of the well-being of my family before my own well-being. I completely sacrificed myself to give my children the life they wanted, but what about my own life? What did I do with it? Though unhappy, I remained in my marriage where I no longer flourished and in which I had no place to be me. I destroyed myself to be the person others wanted me to be, yet I had a lot to offer. I didn't allow myself to be happy. I didn't give myself the chance to be a person in my own right without being a mom or a wife. I didn’t take my place. We aren’t the role we play. We are more than that. You need to believe in your essence and what you can do for yourself, and for others. Life is such a great treasure because of what it teaches us. I have no regrets, because after all that, I finally understood that my life was about me and that I had to give priority to myself. And then give to others. I had lost my balance. My only way of living my life well without losing it. I love you!

My beautiful friend of the invisible world, through the bonds that united us from one world to the other, I was happy to convey what I had to say through others. Our earthly lives didn’t allow us to cross paths, yet certain bonds allowed us to know each other's existence. I have always been filled with an incredible desire to live. Life isn’t just a struggle; it’s also a way of breaking free and becoming better. You have some lofty qualities that others have criticized. But never forget who you are and what you want. You have so much potential which you overlook or neglect. I believe in your passion and fervor. You’re indeed capable of doing and achieving anything that sets your mind on fire, but you don't dare. Try to take one step at a time, and never forget your projects. They are great because they are a part of you. Indeed. Trust that little voice in you. You can never go wrong if it’s coupled with your heart’s vibration. I love you!

Dear friend. It's hot here. Everything is so much easier. I no longer have any barrier, everything is free. I finally feel free. I no longer feel everything that held me back from living fully. The golden prison that my beliefs had built around me. I’m finally fine. The beliefs and restraint had trapped me in an impossible silence. I didn't dare say anything, I just took everything. Yet, I should have said everything. Without restriction. Speech reveals everything and helps heal the body which creates ailments when we keep everything to ourselves. Reveal hide-outs that we create to protect other people. But who protects us? I hushed up too often to buy peace, but is peace worth that price? I took my life because I could no longer live with secrets. I now realize that this wasn’t the way out because the pain followed me. It followed me to my death, and I still had to sort it all out before I could find freedom. Love and forgiveness were amazing weapons for me. Take care. I love you.

My son, my big boy, I’ve seen you give yourself so completely so that no one around you is lacking anything. But is there anyone watching over you? Can you tell me if anyone is taking care of you? You give way too much for what you get in return, but you don't realize it. You completely forget yourself and are drained of energy. You need more than that. You need to give yourself as much energy as you give to everyone else. You’re neglecting yourself, big boy, and you’re going to lose your health with all your outflow of energy. Your kind heart is your greatest strength, but it’s also your weakness. You want too much for everyone, but you. That’s not healthy, my son. Be fair to everyone, and to yourself. You have so much to offer, but also so much to offer yourself. You're generous, and that's magical for people around you. Don't wait until you find yourself in a painful or cruel situation to realize this. I love you very much. You are filled with kindness and generosity, like a few other people. Don't be kind or generous to people who will take advantage of you and deprive you of whom you really are. YOU are wonderful and I love you.

My beautiful daughter, I’m doing fine despite a rather bumpy life and journey. We all have a route that takes us to where we never imagined. I wasn’t an exemplary woman; I had a lot of vices and personal problems that I didn’t handle very well. I kept you out of my life, and I sincerely apologize for that. I should have acted differently, but I veered off and fell. I want you to know that you’ve become a wonderful woman, and I’m proud of you. My little girl who has become a great lady. You have a kind heart; continue to help others, but don't forget your priorities that will often be pushed aside. You don't need to doubt or fear the invisible world. There are so many things we don't know, and yet they make so much sense when we think about them and realize they exist. The red poppies and yellow peacocks are signs of my presence. I know that at your age you no longer need to be nurtured, but I do come by from time to time to say hi. Even if you really doubt me, don't waste your energy on people who aren't worth it. I’ll always love you very much.

My dear child, I just can't believe that I’ll no longer be there for you physically to accompany you in your adult life. Through hard work and some grieving, I’ve come to understand and accept this fate. If you must mourn for us and our physical presence, know that we must also mourn for a whole world. Even if we return to the source and birth of life, we must adapt. The adaptation may be swift or take long. I also understand that I can continue to accompany you in my own way. We have energy, and mine has made an enduring place for itself in your heart. I believe in your strength to love and accept things as they are. My only advice to you is to love and live each day as if there were no future. Appreciate every moment to the fullest. You have a kind heart, but don't let others break and close it. You have the flame of love within you, and you deserve everything that wants to come to you and is good. As for me, I always have something to do. I accept it, with my heart open to the universe and the divine source. Love here is infinite. I love you!

Dear children, I wasn’t an exemplary father, much less a perfect one. I didn’t know how to love myself, let alone how to love you properly. You were all wonderful, unique and each one of you was a star in my misty sky. My actions and pain were immense, so I chose to depart when I felt I had lost you forever. I was never good with words; I used my fists or anger more to express myself. I never learned to be gentle or say I love you. Everything was unknown and delicate to me. I want to apologize for all the pain I caused you because I didn’t know how to love properly. I’m now learning how to love and show it gently. I really love you, and I love you so much... I sometimes come to you and place a few flower petals near you or at your feet. It’s not always easy to recognize the signs of my presence, especially when I’m gentle. The path to my light was difficult, but I got there with help. Now I watch over you with love. XXX

I’d like to talk to my wife. I’d like to tell her that I love her and that everything is beautiful here. This is an even more fabulous place than our fishing trips. It's quiet here, and there’s love in abundance. I wasn’t the most faithful husband in the world, but my feelings were sincere and very deep. I had some flaws, and I know I made you suffer most of the time. I’m sorry. I didn't handle it the right way. The way I was. My needs. My love was indeed real. I just had some flaws that were turned to vice. Continue to believe in love. You put it aside because I hurt you too often and you forgave me just as much. You’re very romantic, but you were hurt by love. By my clumsy and extremely fickle love. To me, being faithful concerned the heart, but I now know that’s not the case for everyone. Keep following your dreams; we are never too old to have new dreams. You’re a wonderful person; never forget that... Take care and never let go your child-like heart.

Hi, dad. It's not easy at all to leave you a message because I know you're not ready. Not ready to read it or even hear it. I departed very quickly; the doctors never saw the problems with my heart. I was quite athletic, ate well and didn't do drugs. A real perfect girl. (Jokingly) That's not what saved me. I departed with angels, dad, as you so much wanted. You were afraid I'd be cold and be alone. No, dad. I'm with grandma and grandpa. It's not cold. Everything here is beautiful. Everything is perfect. You'd be happy to see me running and jumping. I want you to open your heart, dad, to stop closing yourself off from others. That's not the right attitude. The "winner" attitude as you so often told me. I didn't feel pain, I departed and that's it; so, don't worry. I'm a very positive person. So, you can imagine how it is. Try to look at the butterflies and dragonflies I send to you, instead of driving them away with your hand. Just know that I’m near you and that I love you. Life never really ends and it's more of a transition. Take care. I love you with all my heart.

My son, your expectations are enormous, even though they are crazy. You believe, but deep down there are doubts lurking in the shadows. You’re looking outside you for what is inside you. You can hear me, but you don't believe me. You’ve worked a lot in your life to get where you are now. Sweat, false hopes, and feeling like having backed down a few times have been your daily plight for many years. But today you’re finally reaping the fruits of your hard work. You didn't get what you wanted, but you built something else. That wasn’t your path. Your path was somewhere else. That's all there is to it. Don't complicate matters. What you say and what you’re experiencing now is what was meant to be. Live the present moment and let the past go. It has taught you the experiences you need now. Listen to yourself and move forward. I have no regrets in my life except that I would have liked to spend more time with you. I didn't really want to depart. I had a hard time letting go. Today, I’ve realized that we didn't really leave each other... That we both live together, in different spheres.

Mom, if I had more time, I would have told you my dreams. All those dreams I had and couldn't fulfill. That’s okay because I'm making a list of my dreams. You know, mom, you have a kind heart; you give, but you refuse to receive. Let’s say you don't really know how to open your heart to receive. It's hard for people to come to you and give you a part of themselves. Please let them be with you and give you their time and gifts. It’s important that you know how to receive. Right now, you have a hard time giving to one person: yourself. You want everything to be beautiful and perfect, but you don't take the time to pause. You want to go too fast and not forget anything, but deep down, you forget yourself. That’s not the right thing to do. Drop it a bit! You’re a wonderful grandma, never doubt that. You spoil children a bit too much, but hey, we'll overlook it. You’re coming to a point in your life where it’s important to take care of yourself instead of spreading yourself too thin. Take care. I love you very much.

My little girl, I didn’t always treat you well. Please forgive me. However, I was in love with you as a person and your carefree attitude towards life. I apologize for anything I said or did to you that was wrong. I sincerely regret it because I caused you so much suffering and pain that were not easy for you to endure and with which you’re still trying to cope today, especially as they have left pains on your soul. I’ve repented and learned from those pains. I’m now guided and reprogrammed, so to speak. Life is meant to teach us. That’s it. To challenge us and make us understand what its experiences have taught us. Forgiveness in your case; as for me, I learned compassion and love. You’re a wonderful person, have no doubts about that. Take care, and don’t close your heart to love. You have all the potential to forgive. Not for me, but for you. I love you.

My dear mom, why are you sad? I’m still alive in your heart. I haven’t totally disappeared. I’m still the same, even if I freed myself from a physical envelope that slowed down my progress and brought me some pain. You know, I play and run about. I even like to see Mia, your old dog, who is very young now. So, when you think of me, do so with a smile and forget the tears. Sometimes I come to you and have fun hiding your keys. Then you look for them and I laugh. It's not mean, but it's to let you see something else and think of something other than the pain of having lost me. You can trust in life. Don't be afraid to do the things you love. Don't feel guilty, because whenever you do things that make you feel good, I'm happy. Look at the cherries, wherever you focus your attention, I’ll send you a message to let you know that I’m close to you. Take care. I love you very much. You’ve been an amazing mom. You’re wonderful. I love you.

My dear daughter, it’s hard to tell you what’s wrong. You don't want to listen to me. You’re deaf to my calls, even if I go into your dreams. You’re an amazing woman, but your stubbornness in always wanting to be right can’t work in the long run. You need to understand that life will always teach you, and not the other way around. You know, I love you; despite this side of you, you have some great qualities. Your heart is big, and you give your time to people without expecting anything in return, but you don't really know how to receive. Learn to receive without feeling guilty. You’ve got a lot only to give, but it’s a spinning wheel. You must be ready to receive too. Love is also at the core of your concerns. It will be at your doorstep when you’re ready to receive it. I love you and I’m very proud of you. Continue to be generous, but don't forget what a wonderful being you are. It would be a shame to lose out on giving too much. I love you.

Dear brother, my departure was sudden and brutal. I didn't have time to say goodbye before going back home. A large and beautiful home filled with love and laughter and joy. I feel good here. I didn't have time to feel the pains, so rest assured. I would have liked to stay with you a little longer, but it wasn’t my destiny. And, of course, you know how I lived my life to the fullest and especially how I enjoyed my life. Every minute counted and subconsciously I knew it, so I made the most of it. Life is a fast lane. It's important not to get bored and lost with what doesn't turn you on. I know you’re wiser than me, but don't hesitate to do what you like. Play, laugh, and enjoy your children; in your moments together, imitate them and live the present moment. You should live the life you imagined when we were kids. Not the one you refused. I’m still proud of those personal choices. You knew how to be yourself.

For my dad, I'm doing better. It's not perfect yet, but I'm slowly getting back on track. You were right when you said that dying wouldn’t solve the problem. I’m still alive, but in a different way. I still feel the emotions that devoured before inhabiting my soul. But you know, I'm happy anyway, because I'm seeing it all in a different way and I'm getting tools that will help me get over it. In general, life is a beautiful stage that I couldn’t appreciate. I’ll be back soon, but not right away. I'm not ready yet. One step at a time. Know that your prayers and thoughts have helped me a lot. They have helped me to rise a little higher so that I can change my state. I love you very much, and you and mom are not involved in my decision to depart. I broke your heart, but I’m sorry. My action was thoughtless and spontaneous. Give mom a hug and tell her I love her very much. She couldn’t understand my dark side, and she’s still radiant. I departed with a bit of her radiance. I'm sorry for that. I'm proud of you and your determination to move on. I love you.

My dear sister, I’m glad to communicate with you. Your life is difficult. YOU have a lot of financial difficulties. YOU have life and love; you just need to believe in help from above and trust. I’m your brother. I’m doing fine. I had a pretty rock'n'roll life and I didn't miss any minute of my life enjoying in artificial paradises. However, the real paradise was my life with you people, and I was carefree and completely off the mark. I failed to recognize the true values of life. You’re sensitive to the world around you, don't be fooled by what people tell you, but believe what comes from your heart. It can't fool you. I’m proud of you and your courage. In continuing to move on and believing that sunshine often comes after the storm. I love you and I drop by to see you with red flowers, roses and tulips. All these are red in color. Believe in your dreams and write them down. They will become a motivation for you. YOU have a great sensitivity that makes people approach you easily. You’re perfect, continue to be who you should be. And the others... let them do what they want!

My dear nephew, the world here is great. I have nothing to complain about. Paradise is here because there’s no physical pain. My bone cancer was painful until the end. I departed with a clear head. Even though I didn't ask for that much. My moral pain was more bearable because I had freed myself from my psychological pain. Here, we learn to take care of ourselves. To forgive ourselves for our mistakes and understand their meaning. I’m proud of you and your progress. But try to be more flexible. You’re pretty hard on others who don't think like you. Yet they have their own truths and you have yours. Your truth isn’t bad. It just bears your color. I know that life isn’t always easy on you. That's just the way it is. You’re often narrow-minded, and you don't always see the people who are there to guide you, often reluctantly. Be proud of yourself and how far you’ve come. I think it's a shame that you don't always see it. I come to greet you sometimes. A breeze on your neck. YES! When it tickles, it's me! Let love come into your life, it will be more radiant than your anger! I love you!

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Celestial Messages Isabelle B. Tremblay
Celestial Messages

Isabelle B. Tremblay

Тип: электронная книга

Жанр: Саморазвитие, личностный рост

Язык: на английском языке


Дата публикации: 16.04.2024

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О книге: Isabelle B. Tremblay, author of the book Médium malgré moi! is back with a collection of messages from the universe. For nearly two years, she has been channeling messages from the dead, archangels and beings of light. Messages that are inspirational and give hope regarding the after-life and what we are living now. Messages that also allow for a spiritual awakening and an understanding of death and life.

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