Ключи к контрольным работам по английскому языку (IV–IX классы)

Ключи к контрольным работам по английскому языку (IV–IX классы)
Ольга Владимировна Акимова
Сборник включает в себя ответы к контрольным работам IV–IX классов, составленным В. М. Павлоцким. В сборнике представлены ответы практически ко всем заданиям на грамматику и лексику, а к некоторым творческим заданиям по работе с текстами даны образцы выполнения, чтобы ученик имел возможность на их основе предложить свой вариант. Ключи упростят учителям проверку контрольных работ, а ученикам дадут возможность самостоятельно проверить свои знания и выполнить сложные и творческие задания по предложенному алгоритму.

Акимова О. В.
Ключи к контрольным работам по английскому языку (IV–IX классы)


Grade IV. Test 1
1.1. 1 – false; 2 – false; 3 – true; 4 – false; 5 – true; 6 – false; 7 – true; 8 – true
Use of English
1.2. Bob and Sally are from York. John is new in York. He is from Bath. Ron and Betsy are in the 5th grade. Joseph is from the village near York. Ron and Betsy are friends. They are eleven. John is eleven, too. But Bob isn’t eleven. Bob and John are friends, but they aren’t in the same class. Betsy is a lively girl. Sally isn’t lively. She is a very quiet girl.
1. Peter is not at work at moment.
2. That is very kind of you.
3. My shoes are very dirty.
4. What colour is your car?
5. Are books expensive in your country?
6. Finland is not a very big country.
7. Those plants are very beautiful.
8. Paris is not the capital of Italy.
9. How old is your mother?
10. The beautiful old church is in the very corner of the street.
1.4. 1. their 2. your 3. his 4. your 5. their 6. their 7. her 8. our 9. your
1.5. 1. mother’s, mothers 2. hamsters, hamster’s 3. sisters, sister’s 4. friends, friend’s 5. teacher’s, teachers
1.6. 1. some 2. any 3. something 4. any/some 5. some 6. any 7. somebody 8. some/any
1.7. 1 – d; 2 – f; 3 – a; 4 —i; 5 – b; 6 – g; 7 – c; 8 – e; 9 – h
1.8. 1. autumn 2. terrible 3. bright 4. often 5. weather 6. tomorrow 7. snows 8. season 9. beautiful

Grade IV. Test 2
2.1. 1 – true; 2 – false; 3 – true; 4 – false; 5 – true; 6 – true; 7 – false; 8 – false
Use of English
1. Have you got a bike? – Yes, I have.
2. Has Liz got a sister? – No, she has not.
3. Has Mike got a school bag? – Yes, he has.
4. Have the Greens got a new car? – Yes, they have.
5. Has Colin got my exercise-book? – No, he has not.
6. Has your friend got a brother? – Yes, he has.
7. Have you got my pencil case? – Yes, I have.
2.4. 1. There is 2. There is 3. There are 4. There is 5. There are 6. There is 7. There are 8. There is 9. There are 10. There is
1. Does Nelly live at the seaside in summer?
Nelly does not live at the seaside in summer.
2. Does Peter go to bed late?
Peter does not go to bed late.
3. Do you buy vegetables in the market?
I do not buy vegetables in the market.
4. Does father swim in the lake?
Father does not swim in the lake.
5. Does he take Tom with him?
He does not take Tom with him.
6. Do they clean their rooms on Saturdays?
They do not clean their rooms on Saturdays.
7. Does he try to do it?
He does not try to do it.
2.6. 1. do 2. have 3. go 4. am sitting 5. is washing 6. is reading 7. visit 8. play 9. are going
1. is practicing
Is he still playing …?
2. am using
3. Are you sleeping?
am reading
Do you often read …?
4. is shining, are singing
5. … are they doing?
is learning …
is tidying …
6. … does your husband work?
7. sit, am sitting
2.8. 1. meals 2. dinner 3. potatoes, tomatoes 4. porridge 5. juice 6. hungry, bread, butter 7. soup 8. ice-cream
2.9. 1. breakfast 2. bread, salt 3. hungry 4. apple 5. juice 6. meals 7. ice-cream 8. cup 9. pass 10. thirsty
2.10. 1. some 2. I had porridge 3. How much… is 4. How many 5. much 6. an apple/some apples 7. I had soup 8. is

Grade IV. Test 3
3.1. 5, 6, 2, 3, 7, 8, 4, 9, 1
Use of English
3.2. 1. this 2. that 3. these, These, those 4. this 5. these, this 6. this, these 7. these, Those 8. this, this

1. old, older
2. good, better, better, better, the best
3. warmest, warm, warmer, warm
4. hotter, the hotTest, hot
5. beautiful, the most beautiful, beautiful
1. …had, last Saturday.
2. …went, last Sunday.
3. …went, yesterday morning.
4. Did, last summer.
5. …went, that winter.
6. …was, that autumn.
7. …had, yesterday.
8. …got up, yesterday morning.
9. Did, yesterday evening.
10. …did not, last Sunday.
1. Did it snow a lot last week?
It did not snow a lot last week.
2. Did she travel a lot last year?
She did not travel a lot last year.
3. Did the shop close at 6 yesterday?
The shop did not close at 6 yesterday.
4. Did she help her Mum with the festive dinner?
She did not help her Mum with the festive dinner.
5. Did he write a lot of postcards yesterday?
He did not write a lot of postcards yesterday.
6. Did she sing a lot of popular songs yesterday?
She did not sing a lot of popular songs yesterday.
7. Did he walk all day long yesterday?
He did not walk all day long yesterday.
3.7. 1. go 2. likes 3. celebrated 4. Did, did 5. walked, was 6. doesn’t rain 7. go, come/went, came 8. writes
3.7. 1. puppy 2. mice 3. tortoise 4. domestic 5. beautiful 6. mouth 7. tail 8. wolves 9. grew 10. quickly
3.8. 1. neck 2. ears 3. legs 4. fingers, toes 5. nose/ hair 6. teeth 7. eyes 8. slowly 9. quickly 10. happy

Grade IV. Test 4
4.1. 1. to the coast 2. at the weekend 3. never 4. having fun out doors 5. Scotland 6. at the seaside 7. Italy 8. France 9. road 10. in the tent
Use of English
4.2. 1. much, many 2. many, much 3. many, many 4. many 5. much, many 6. many, much 7. much 8. much, much
4.3. 1. How old 2. What 3. Who 4. Where 5. Who 6. How many 7. Where 8. Where 9. How many 10. What 11. How old
Ben won’t wash up at the weekend.
Ben will relax at the beach at the weekend.
Ben won’t cook supper at the weekend.
Ben will do sports at the weekend.
Ben won’t read a new book at the weekend.
Ben won’t go to the country at the weekend.
Ben won’t sleep late at the weekend.
4.6. 1. couldn’t, can 2. couldn’t 3. could 4. Could 5. can’t 6. Can, can’t 7. could/couldn’t 8. can/can’t 9. Could
4.7. 1. mountains 2. forest 3. fields 4. basketball 5. swimming 6. busy 7. week
4.8. 1. before 2. Where 3. clean my teeth 4. goes to bed 5. Yes, I will 6. weekend 7. carry my bag 8. afternoon

Grade IV. Test 5
5.1. 1 – false; 2 – true; 3 – false; 4 – false; 5 – false; 6 – false; 7 – true; 8 – false; 9 – false; 10 – false; 11 – true; 12 – false
Use of English
5.2. 1 – c; 2 – b; 3 – a; 4 – b; 5 – c; 6 – c; 7 – b; 8 – b; 9 – a; 10 – b

5.4. 1. at 2. at 3. to, from, till 4. for at 5. at 6. on 7. to, on 8. to, from 9. with
5.5. 1. What 2. Who 3. When 4. Why 5. Where 6. Why 7. What 8. What
5.6. 1. isn’t she 2. is he 3. can’t she 4. mustn’t you 5. aren’t 6. did he 7. do they 8. won’t he 9. can she 10. were they 11. hasn’t he
5.7. 1. laughed 2. comfortable 3. uniform 4. museums 5. leaves 6. count 7. outdoors 8. famous 9. important
5.8. 1. meeting 2. comfortable 3. handicraft 4. timetable 5. book-case 6. outdoors 7. famous 8. twice
5.9. 1. meet 2. comfortable 3. classes 4. street 5. study 6. late 7. well 8. poor/good 9. flow/flow in 10. easy/difficult 11. easy 12. interesting/difficult

Grade IV. Test 6
6.1. 1 – b; 2 – c; 3 – a; 4 – b; 5 – c
Use of English
6.2. had, lived, knew, met, gave, took, went, bought, met, decided, gave, took, went, saw, did not give, went, found, entered, put, took
1. Bob is going to the swimming pool on Friday.
2. I am not going to buy a scooter.
3. Are they going out in the evening?
4. Mum is going to buy meat for dinner.
5. Is she going to visit France in summer?
6. What are you going to do in future?
7. She is not going to leave soon.
8. Dave is going to enter the university.
6.5. 1 – b; 2 – a; 3 – b; 4 – a; 5 – b; 6 – b; 7 – b
6.6. 1. behind 2. shout 3. keys 4. armchair 5. curtains 6. mirror 7. Describe 8. opposite 9. believe 10. cupboard
6.7. 1. rather 2. locks 3. fine/nasty 4. quiet 5. happen 6. listen to 7. believe 8. long ago 9. is tasty, is true 10. I am afraid/I think

Grade IV. Test 7
1. All the rooms of the house are a different colour and they are in funny places.
2. Downstairs there is a green room with lots of books about magic.
3. Merlin does his magic in the library.
4. The living-room is brown.
5. The kitchen is upstairs.
6. It is a funny house. All the rooms of the house are a different colour and there are stairs inside the house, and outside there is a ladder.
Use of English
1. Where did you go yesterday?
2. Who did he take to the south?
3. Where did Mrs. Brown live in London?
4. What did Mr. Jackson do for a living in New York?
5. When did you get up in the morning?
6. When did the play start?
7. How did you get here?
8. What did you see in London?
9. What did she buy in the supermarket?
10. Whom did you see in the office?
to begin – began – begun
to bring – brought – brought
to buy – bought – bought
to catch – caught – caught
to eat – ate – eaten
to find – found – found
to get – got – got
to give – gave – given
to go – went – gone
to have – had – had
to know – knew – known
to make – made – made
to meet – met – met
to put – put – put
to say – said – said
to see – saw – seen
to speak – spoke – spoken
to swim – swam – swum
to take – took – taken
to understand – understood – understood
to write – wrote – written
7.4. 1. have learned 2. has lived 3. has lost 4. has not attended 5. have been 6. has already finished 7. has never taught 8. have moved 9. haven’t bought 10. have gone out
7.6. 1. takes 2. doesn’t take 3. Does it take 4. won’t take 5. took 6. did it take 7. took 8. didn’t take 9. took
7.7. 1. the 2. when 3. sights 4. lots 5. too 6. old 7. famous 8. often 9. about 10. place 11. beautiful 12. word 13. wait 14. cold
7.8. 1. buildings/houses 2. bridge 3. century 4. become 5. burnt 6. monument 7. long 8. belongs 9. architect 10. noisy
7.9. 1. main 2. towns 3. traffic lights 4. for ages 5. ever 6. became 7. monument 8. taken

Grade IV. Test 8
1. The Connors live in a big flat.
2. Tina and Carol share a bedroom.
3. Tina and Carol argue day and right.
4. Mr. Connor is making a wall through their bedroom.
5. The girls can paint everything in their rooms.
6. The two girls like different colours.
7. Carol doesn’t like the colour of Tina’s chairs.
8. Tina doesn’t like the colour of Carol’s walls.
9. Tina doesn’t like Carol’s cassettes.
10. Mr. Connor says they can have a new room in the garage.
Use of English
8.2. 1. since 2. since 3. for 4. since 5. for 6. since
7. for 8. since 9. since 10. for 11. since
to choose – chose – chosen
to drink – drank – drunk
to spend – spent – spent
to fall – fell – fallen
to grow – grew – grown
to find – found – found
to fly – flew – flown
to steal – stole – stolen
to shine – shone – shone
to shake – shook – shaken
to forget – forgot – forgotten
to sleep – slept – slept
to teach – taught – taught
to wear – wore – worn
to think – thought – thought
8.4. 1. He has never studied 2. before 3. Has she ever seen 4. yet 5. have just read 6. so far 7. I have already been 8. recently
1. died, worked
2. has worked
3. has studied
4. studied
5. Have you seen, have last seen
6. has just gone out, did he leave, left
7. is, have spent
8. have not had, came by, have left, started
9. Have you seen, saw
10. has lived, went
8.6. 1. must not 2. have to 3. must 4. must not 5. Do you have to 6. must 7. must not 8. have to 9. must 10. must not
8.7. 1. them 2. very 3. never 4. their 5. Once 6. to 7. all 8. with 9. lazy 10. under 11. said 12. are 13. why 14. in
8.8. 1. Travelling 2. seaside 3. friendly 4. airport 5. saddest 6. nearly 7. business 8. flight 9. booking
8.9. 1. stayed 2. cheaper 3. fantastic 4. luggage 5. explain 6. ugly 7. through 8. caught
8.10. 1. give 2. cries 3. stole 4. luggage 5. beautiful 6. visited 7. feel 8. voyage 9. miss 10. change

Grade IV. Test 9

Use of English
9.2. 1. Have you read 2. Did you read 3. has already left 4. left 5. has bought 6. bought 7. have crossed 8. drew 9. Did you meet 10. did he say
9.3. 1. little 2. few 3. much 4. much 5. little 6. many 7. few 8. much
9.4. 1. says 2. tells 3. says 4. tells 5. says 6. tell 7. tell 8. say 9. say 10. says
1. I’m fond of going to the museums, too.
2. I’m also fond of going to the museums.
3. She doesn’t often eat cakes.
4. I can never find my glasses.
5. What do you usually have for lunch?
6. I live in St Petersburg, too.
7. I can also speak German.
8. Have you ever been to London?
9. I haven’t been to Washington P. C. yet.
10. I always go to Red Square when I’m in Moscow.
9.6. 1. into 2. it 3. but 4. calls 5. me 6. out 7. is 8. us 9. they 10. our 11. must 12. want 13. the 14. and 15. all
9.7. 1. collection 2. writer 3. specializes 4. traveller 5. performance 6. unkind 7. unhappy 8. unimportant 9. uncomfortable 10. unfriendly
9.8. 1. collecting 2. specializes 3. applause 4. seats 5. performance, success 6. feature 7. fiction 8. imagination
9.9. 1. fond 2. coins 3. seats 4. play 5. screen 6. Unfortunately 7. famous/a success 8. though 9. writer 10. film 11. imagination

Grade IV. Test 10
10.1. 4, 6, 8, 7, 5, 2, 9, 1, 3
Use of English
1. Nina has been a ballet dancer since 2000.
2. Jonathan hasn’t seen Ruth for five years.
3. Mr. James has worked as a dentist since 1997.
4. I have been there for three days.
5. We have been on Solovki since Wednesday.
6. Betty has stayed at her grandmother’s place since the day she came.
7. He has lived in New York since 1975.
8. I haven’t seen her since I was in Moscow.
10.4. 1. there 2. her 3. into 4. very 5. are 6. went 7. a 8. to 9. she 10. never 11. before 12. lots 13. must 14. on 15. away 16. have 17. me 18. with 19. for 20. much 21. some
10.5. 1. timetable 2. discoverer 3. sailor 4. traditional 5. afternoon 6. quietly 7. meeting 8. peaceful 9. wooden 10. friendship 11. Independence
10.6. 1. discoveries 2. reached 3. round 4. festival 5. harvest 6. peace 7. Independence 8. nature
10.7. 1. reach 2. appeared 3. island 4. hard 5. now 6. dangers 7. native 8. quiet 9. rely 10. help

Grade IV. Test 11
1. The first daughter’s husband was a gardener.
The second daughter’s husband made pots.
2. One day the man went to see his first daughter.
3. He asked, “How are you? How is your husband?”
4. The first daughter wanted some rain because their garden was very dry.
5. The second daughter didn’t want any rain because their pots didn’t dry in the rain.
6. It was difficult to do something for their daughters because they wanted completely opposite things.
Use of English
1. John could study all day long.

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Ключи к контрольным работам по английскому языку (IV–IX классы) Ольга Акимова
Ключи к контрольным работам по английскому языку (IV–IX классы)

Ольга Акимова

Тип: электронная книга

Жанр: Учебная литература

Язык: на русском языке

Издательство: КАРО

Дата публикации: 18.10.2024

Отзывы: Пока нет Добавить отзыв

О книге: Сборник включает в себя ответы к контрольным работам IV–IX классов, составленным В. М. Павлоцким. В сборнике представлены ответы практически ко всем заданиям на грамматику и лексику, а к некоторым творческим заданиям по работе с текстами даны образцы выполнения, чтобы ученик имел возможность на их основе предложить свой вариант. Ключи упростят учителям проверку контрольных работ, а ученикам дадут возможность самостоятельно проверить свои знания и выполнить сложные и творческие задания по предложенному алгоритму.

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