Her Kind of Man: Navy Husband / A Man Apart / Second-Chance Hero

Her Kind of Man: Navy Husband / A Man Apart / Second-Chance Hero
Debbie Macomber
Justine Davis
Joan Hohl
Perfect for fans of Maeve Binchy' - CandisWas he the one?Navy Husband Debbie Macomber When Lieutenant Commander Adam Kennedy offered Shana his help (a little dictatorially) looking after her niece, she had to admit he was useful and great looking; but Shana made it clear she was not in the market for a navy husband. A Man Apart Joan HohlJustin Grainger did not plan to settle down. So when he met sexy Hannah, he had only seduction on his mind. Using his notorious charm, he soon had a perfect bed partner for a week of unbridled passion. So why did it have to end? Second-Chance Hero Justine Davis A tropical island might be a relaxing spot for some, but not for security chief John Draven. Not if Grace O’Conner, the stubborn beauty he’d never been able to forget, was there. Draven had one last chance to protect the woman who should have been his…

He lives life by his own rules…He’ll put his life on the line…A bold, brave hero is…

Three of your favourite authors bring you three dazzling romances

Her Kind of Man
Jebbie Macomber
Joan Hohl
Justine Davis

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Navy Husband

Debbie Macomber
Debbie Macomber hails from the state of Washington. As a busy wife and mother of four, she strives to keep her family happy and healthy. As a prolific author of dozens of romance novels, she strives to keep her readers happy with each new book she writes.
To Geri Krotow, Navy wife, with appreciation for all her assistance. Dream big dreams, my friend.
Dear Friends,

Here it is—the very last book of my Navy series. A lot has changed since I wrote those first five books in the late 1980s and early nineties. There have been huge technological advances that affect our everyday lives—and life in the Navy, too.

Even after all these years, I’ll never forget my first sight of an aircraft carrier when the Nimitz sailed into Sinclair Inlet that day in 1988. I still feel the excitement and joy experienced by the crowd of people waiting to see their loved ones. But I felt more than joy that day—I also felt pride and respect. All of those emotions led me to bring my hand to my heart and join in the singing of “God Bless America.”
As you’ve probably worked out by now, I live in a Navy town. The Bremerton shipyard is directly across Sinclair Inlet from Port Orchard. Many of my neighbours are active or retired military families and a number of the women who attend my local autographings are Navy wives. (I’ve even met a few Navy husbands!) I’m proud to be part of this community, proud to support the military and their families. We are the land of the free because of the brave and I don’t ever want to forget that.

I hope you enjoy Navy Husband. In case you’re interested, the Navy tradition in my writing continues in the Cedar Cove series published by MIRA Books. (The next one, 44 Cranberry Point, is available in February 2010.) This fictionalised town is based on Port Orchard and has lots of references to the Navy and the shipyard.
Thank you for reading my books. Now sit back, put your feet up and enjoy Navy Husband.
Warmest regards,

Debbie Macomber
PS I love hearing from readers. You can reach me through my website, www.debbiemacomber.com (write your comments in the guest book) or write to me at PO Box 1458, Port Orchard, WA 98366, USA.

Chapter One
“This is a joke—right?” Shana Berrie said uncertainly as she talked to her older sister, Ali, on the phone. Ali was the sensible one in the family. She—unlike Shana—wouldn’t have dreamed of packing up her entire life, buying a pizza and ice-cream parlor and starting over in a new city. Oh, no, only someone completely and utterly in need of a change—correction, a drastic change—would do something like that.
“I’m sorry, Shana, but you did agree to this parenting plan.”
Her sister was a Navy nurse stationed in San Diego, and several years ago, when she’d asked Shana to look after her niece if necessary, Shana had immediately said yes. It had seemed an unlikely prospect at the time, but that was before her sister became a widow.
“I did, didn’t I?” she muttered lamely as she stepped around a cardboard box. Her rental house was cluttered with the makings of her new life and the remnants of her old.
“It isn’t like I have any choice in the matter,” Ali pointed out.
“I know.” Pushing her thick, chestnut-colored hair away from her forehead, Shana leaned against the kitchen wall and slowly expelled her breath, hoping that would calm her pounding heart. “I said yes back then because you asked me to, but I don’t know anything about kids.”
“Jazmine’s great,” Ali assured her.
“I know, but—but…” she stammered. Shana wasn’t sure how to explain. “The thing is, I’m at a turning point in my own life and I’m probably not the best person for Jazmine.” Surely there was a relative on her brother-in-law’s side. Someone else, anyone else would be better than Shana, who was starting a new career after suffering a major romantic breakup. At the moment, her life still felt disorganized. Chaotic. Add a recently bereaved nine-year-old to the mix, and she didn’t know what might happen.
“This isn’t a choose-your-time type of situation,” Ali said. “I’m counting on you, and so is Jazmine.”
Shana nibbled on her lower lip, trapped between her doubts and her obligation to her widowed sister. “I’ll do it, of course, but I was just wondering if there was someone else…”
“There isn’t,” Ali said abruptly.
“Then it’s me.” Shana spoke with as much enthusiasm as she could muster, although she suspected it must sound pretty hollow. Shana hadn’t had much experience as an aunt, but she was going to get her chance to learn. She was about to become her niece’s primary caregiver while her sister went out to sea on an aircraft carrier for a six-month deployment.
Shana truly hadn’t expected this. When Ali filled out the “worldwide availability” form—with Shana’s name—she’d explained it was so the Navy had documentation proving Jazmine would have someone to take care of her at all times, ensuring that Ali was combatready. It had seemed quite routine, more of a formality than a possibility—and of course, Peter was alive then.
Ali had been in the Navy for twelve years and had never pulled sea duty before now. She’d traveled around the world with her husband, a Navy pilot, and their daughter. Then, two years ago, Peter had been killed in a training accident and everything changed.
Things had changed in Shana’s life, too, although not in the same unalterable and tragic way. Brad—Shana purposely put a halt to her thoughts. Brad was in the past. They were finished. Done. Kaput. She’d told her friends that she was so over him she had to force herself to remember his name. Who was he, again? That was how over him she was. Over. Over and out.
“I don’t have much time,” Ali was saying. “The Woodrow Wilson’s scheduled to leave soon. I’ll fly Jazmine up this weekend but I won’t be able to stay more than overnight.”
Shana swallowed a protest. For reasons of national security, Shana realized her sister couldn’t say any more about her schedule. But this weekend? She still had to finish unpacking. Furthermore, she’d only just started training with the former owners of her restaurant. Then it occurred to Shana that she might not be the only one upset about Ali’s sudden deployment. She could only guess at her niece’s reaction. “What does Jazmine have to say about all this?”
Ali’s hesitation told Shana everything she needed to know. “Oh, great,” she muttered under her breath. She remembered her own childhood and what her mother had termed her “attitude problem.” Shana had plenty of that, all right, and most of it was bad. Dealing with Jazmine’s moods would be payback, she supposed, for everything her poor mother had endured.
“To be honest, Jazmine isn’t too excited about the move.”
Who could blame her? The little girl barely knew Shana. The kid, a true child of the military, had lived on Whidbey Island in Washington State, then Italy and, following the accident that claimed her father’s life, had been shuffled to San Diego, California. They’d just settled into their Navy housing, and now they were about to leave that. In her nine years Jazmine had been moved from country to country, lost her father, and now her mother was shipping out for six long months. If that wasn’t enough, the poor kid was being foisted on Shana. No wonder she wasn’t thrilled.
“We’ll be fine,” Shana murmured, doing her best to sound positive. She didn’t know who she was kidding. Certainly not her sister—and not herself, either. This was going to be another in a long line of recent disasters, or life-changing events, as she preferred to call them.
“So it’s true you and Brad split up?” Ali asked with a degree of delicacy. She’d obviously been warned against bringing up his name.
“Brad?” Shana repeated as if she had no idea who her sister was talking about. “Oh, you mean Brad Moore. Yes, it’s over. We were finished quite a while ago, but either he forgot to tell me or I justwasn’t paying attention.”
“I’m so sorry,” Ali said.
The last thing Shana wanted was Ali’s sympathy. “Don’t worry, I’ve rebounded. Everything’s great. My life is fabulous, or it will be in short order. I’ve got everything under control.” Shana said all of this without taking a breath. If she said it often enough, she might actually start to believe it.
“When Mom told me that you’d decided to leave Portland and move to Seattle, I thought it was jobrelated at first. You never said a word.” She paused. “Did you move all those plants, too? You must have about a thousand.”
Shana laughed. “Hardly. But yes, I did. Moving was…a spontaneous decision.” That was putting it mildly. One weekend Shana had driven to Seattle to get away and to consider her relationship with Brad. She’d finally realized that it wasn’t going anywhere. For five years they’d been talking marriage. Wrong. She’d been talking marriage. Brad had managed to string her along with just enough interest to placate her. And she’d let him until…
Unexpectedly, Shana had stumbled on Brad having lunch with a business associate. This so-called associate just happened to be a willowy blonde with a figure that would stop a freight train. It was a business lunch, he’d claimed later, when Shana confronted him.
Yeah, sure—monkey business. Shana could be dense at times but she wasn’t blind, and she recognized this so-called associate as someone Brad had once introduced as Sylvia, an old flame. Apparently those embers were still very much alive and growing hotter by the minute, because as Shana watched, they’d exchanged a lengthy kiss in the parking lot and drove off together. She was embarrassed to admit she’d followed them. It didn’t take her long to see where they were headed. Brad’s town house—and she didn’t think they were there to discuss contracts or fire codes.
Even when confronted, Brad insisted his lunch date was a client. Any resemblance his associate had to Sylvia was purely coincidental. The more he defended himself, the more defensive he got, complaining that Shana was acting like a jealous shrew. He’d been outraged that she’d question his faithfulness when she was the one so often away, working as a sales rep for a large pharmaceutical company. He’d been so convincing that—just for a moment—she’d wondered if she might’ve been wrong. Only when she mentioned that she’d followed them to his town house did Brad show any hint of guilt or regret.
He’d glanced away then, and the righteous indignation had been replaced by a look of such sadness she had to resist the urge to comfort him. He was sorry, he’d said, so sorry. It had been a fling; it meant nothing. He couldn’t lose her. Shana was his life, the woman he intended to marry, the mother of his unborn children.
For a few days, he’d actually swayed her. Needing to sort out her feelings, Shana had driven to Seattle the next weekend. After five years with Brad she felt she knew him, but it now seemed quite clear that she didn’t. He wanted her back, he told her over and over. He was willing to do whatever it took to reconcile, to make this up to her. He suggested counseling, agreed to therapy, anything but losing her.
That weekend, Shana had engaged in some painful self-examination. She desperately wanted to believe the afternoon rendezvous with Sylvia was a onetime thing, but her head told her it wasn’t and that they’d been involved for months—or more.
It was while she sat in Lincoln Park in West Seattle, analyzing the last five years, that she concluded there was no going back. Her trust had been destroyed. She couldn’t build a life with Brad after this. In truth, their relationship had dead-ended three years ago. Maybe sooner; she could no longer tell. What Shana did recognize was that she’d been so caught up in loving Brad that she’d refused to see the signs.
“I was feeling pretty miserable,” Shana admitted to her sister. Wretched was a more accurate description, but she didn’t want to sound melodramatic. “I sat in that park in West Seattle, thinking.”
“In West Seattle? How’d you get there?”
Shana sighed loudly. “I took a wrong turn when I was trying to find the freeway.”
Ali laughed. “I should have guessed.”
“I ended up on this bridge and there wasn’t anyplace to turn around, so I followed the road, which led to a wonderful waterfront park.”
“The ice-cream parlor’s in the park?”
“No, it’s across the street. You know me and maplenut ice cream. It’s the ultimate comfort food.” She tried to make a joke of it, but at the time she’d felt there wasn’t enough maple-nut ice cream in the world to see her through this misery.
“Brad drove you to maple nut?”
Shana snickered at Ali’s exaggerated horror. After her decision to break off the relationship, she’d grown angry. Okay, furious. She wanted out of this relationship, completely out, and living in the same city made that difficult.
“Actually,West Seattle is a charming little community. The ice-cream parlor had a For Sale sign in the window and I got to talking to the owners. They’re an older couple, sweet as can be and planning to retire. As I sat there, I thought it must be a nice place to work. How could anyone be unhappy surrounded by ice cream and pizza?”
“So you bought it? Shana, for heaven’s sake, what do you know about running any kind of restaurant?”
“Not much,” she said, “but I’ve worked in sales and with people all these years. I was ready for a break, and this seemed practically fated.”
“But how could you afford to buy an established business?”
Shana had an answer for that, too. “I had a chunk of cash in savings.” The money had originally been set aside for her wedding. Saving a hundred dollars a month and investing it carefully, she’d managed to double her money. Just then, she couldn’t think of a better way to spend it. Buying this business was impulsive and irrational but despite everything, it felt…right.
That Sunday in the park she’d admitted there would be no wedding, no honeymoon with Brad. Shana drew in her breath. She refused to think about it anymore. She’d entered a new phase of her life.
“It’s a cute place. You’ll like it,” she murmured. She had lots of ideas for fixing it up, making it hers. The Olsens had promised to help transfer ownership as seamlessly as possible.
“You rented a house?”
“That very same Sunday.” Once she’d made her decision, Shana had been on a mission and there was no stopping her. As luck would have it, there was a house two streets over that had just been vacated. The owner had recently painted it and installed new carpeting. Shana had taken one look around the 1950s-style bungalow with its small front porch and brick fireplace and declared it perfect. She’d given the rental agent a check immediately. Then she drove home, wrote a letter resigning her job—and phoned Brad. That conversation had been short, sweet and utterly satisfying.
“Making a move like this couldn’t have been easy,” Ali commiserated.
“You wouldn’t believe how easy it was,” Shana said gleefully. “I suppose you’re curious about what Brad had to say.” She was dying to tell her.
“I called him,” Shana said without waiting for Ali to respond, “and naturally he wanted to know where I’d been all weekend.”
“You told him?”
Shana grinned. “I couldn’t get a word in edgewise. He was pretty upset. He told me how worried he was, and how he’d spent the entire weekend calling me. He was afraid of what I might’ve done. As if I’d do something lethal over him,” she scoffed. Shana suspected that his concern was all for show, but none of that mattered now. “When he cooled down, I calmly explained that I’d gone for a drive.”
“A three-day drive,” Ali inserted.
“Right. Well, he got huffy, saying the least I could’ve done was let him know I’d made plans.” What came next was the best part. “So I told him I’d made plans for the rest of my life and they didn’t include him.”
Ali giggled and it sounded exactly the way it had when they were girls, sharing a bedroom. “What did he say then?”
“I don’t know. I hung up and started packing stuff in my apartment.”
“Didn’t he try to phone you back?”
“Not for the first couple of days. He e-mailed me on the third day and I immediately put a block on his name.” That must have infuriated him—not that Shana cared. Well, she did, a little. Okay, more than a little. Unfortunately she didn’t have the satisfaction of knowing what his reaction had been. In the past, she’d always been the one who patched any rift. That was her problem; she couldn’t stand conflict, so she’d done all the compromising and conciliating. Over the course of their relationship, Brad had come to expect her to make the first move. Well, no longer. She was finished. Brad Moore was history.
Instead of kicking herself for taking so long to see the light, she was moving ahead, starting over…and, to be on the safe side, giving up on men and relationships. At twenty-eight, she’d had her fill. Men weren’t worth the effort and the grief.
“I never was that fond of Brad,” Ali confessed.
“You might’ve said something.” Shana realized her tone was a little annoyed. In the five years she’d dated Brad, there’d certainly been opportunities for Ali to share her opinion.
“How could I? We just met once, and you seemed so keen on him.”
“If you’d stayed in one place longer, we might’ve gotten together more often.”
Ali’s sigh drifted over the phone. “That’s what happens when you’re in the Navy. They own your life. Now honestly, are you all right?”
Shana paused to consider the question. A second later, she gave Ali her answer. “Honestly? I feel great, and that’s the truth. Yes, this breakup hurt, but mostly I was angry with myself for not waking up sooner. I feel fabulous. It’s as if I’ve been released from a spell. I’ve got a whole new attitude toward men.”
Her sister didn’t say anything for a moment. “You might think you’re fine, but there’s a chance you’re not totally over Brad.”
“What do you mean?”
Again her sister hesitated. “I remember what it was like after Peter died. The shock and grief were overwhelming at first. I walked around in a fog for weeks.”
“This is different,” Shana insisted. “It’s less…important.”
“It is and it isn’t,” Ali fired right back.
“But you feel better now, don’t you?”
“Yes. One day, out of the blue, I discovered I could smile again. I could function. I had to. My daughter needed me. My patients needed me. I’ll always love Peter, though.” Her voice wavered but eventually regained strength.
“I’ll always love Peter, too,” Shana said, swallowing hard. “He was one of a kind.” Her brother-in-law had been a loving husband and father, and her heart ached for her sister even now. The situation with Brad didn’t compare.
“I’ll give you my flight information for this weekend,” Ali said, changing the subject.
Shana had nearly forgotten that she was about to become a substitute mother. “Oh, yeah. Let me find a pen.” Scrabbling through her purse, she dug one up and found a crumpled receipt she’d stuffed in there. Good—she could write on the back.
She was looking forward to some time with her sister. They saw each other so rarely, thanks to Ali’s career. This upcoming visit would be a brief one, but Shana hadn’t seen Ali—and Jazmine—since the funeral.
“You and Jazmine will do just fine,” Ali said warmly. “Jazmine’s a great kid, but be warned. She’s nine going on sixteen.”
“In what way?”
“Because she’s an only child, she’s rather…precocious. For instance, she’s reading at ninth-grade level. And the music she likes is sort of—well, you’ll see.”
“Thanks for warning me.”
“I’m sure this’ll be easy for you.”
Shana had her doubts. “If I remember correctly, that was what you told me when I asked if I could fly off the top bunk.”
“What did I know? I was only six,” Ali reminded her. “You’ve never forgiven me for that, have you?”
“I still remember how much it hurt to have the wind knocked out of me.” It felt the same way now. Despite the assurances she so freely handed out, Shana was still struggling to recover her equilibrium—to reinvent her life on new terms. No Brad, no steady paycheck, no familiar Portland neighborhood. Now, her niece was about to complicate the situation. The next six months should be very interesting, she thought. Very interesting indeed.
She vaguely recalled an old Chinese saying, something about living in interesting times. Unfortunately, she also recalled that it was intended as a curse, not a blessing.

Chapter Two
Alison Karas couldn’t help being concerned about leaving her nine-year-old daughter with her sister, Shana. This wasn’t a good time in Jazmine’s life, nor was it particularly opportune for Shana. Her sister sounded strong and confident, but Ali suspected otherwise. Despite Shana’s reassurances, she’d been badly shaken by her breakup with Brad, even though she’d initiated it. Jazmine hadn’t taken the news of this deployment well, and was reluctant to leave her newfound friends behind and move to Seattle.
But Ali really had no other option. Ideally, Jazmine would go to either set of grandparents, but in this case that wouldn’t work. After the sudden loss of her father ten years earlier, her mother hadn’t done well. She’d never recovered emotionally and was incapable of dealing with the demands of a young girl. Peter had been an only child and his parents had divorced when he was young. Both had gone on to other marriages and other children. Neither set of paternal grandparents had shown any great interest in Jazmine.
Jazmine wandered into Ali’s room just then and flopped down on the bed with all the enthusiasm of a slug.
“Are you packed?” Ali asked, her own suitcase open on the opposite end of the bed.
“No,” her daughter muttered. “This whole move is crap.”
“Jazmine, watch your mouth!” Ali refused to get into an argument with a nine-year-old. The truth was, she’d rather not ship out, either, but for Jazmine’s sake she put on a good front. This was the most difficult aspect of her life in the Navy. She was a widow and a mother, but she was also a Navy nurse, and her responsibilities in that regard were unavoidable. That was made abundantly clear the day she accepted her commission. When the Navy called, she answered. In fact, she wouldn’t have minded six months at sea except for her daughter.
“Uncle Adam lives in the Seattle area,” Ali reminded her. She’d been saving that tidbit, hoping the news would make her daughter feel more positive about this most recent upheaval in their lives.
“He’s in Everett,” Jazmine said, her voice apathetic.
“I understand that’s only thirty or forty minutes from Seattle.”
“It is?”
Her daughter revealed her first spark of interest since they’d learned of the transfer. “Does he know we’re coming?” She sat upright, eager now.
“Not yet.” Busy as she’d been, Ali hadn’t told Adam Kennedy—her husband’s best friend and Jazz’s godfather—that Jazmine would soon be living in Seattle.
“Then we have to tell him!”
“We will, all in due course,” Ali assured her.
“Do it now.” Her daughter leaped off the bed, sprinted into the living room and came back with the portable phone.
“I don’t have his number.” Ali hadn’t been thinking clearly; their phone directory had already been packed away and she simply didn’t have time to search for it.
“I do.” Once more her daughter made a mad dash out of the bedroom, returning a moment later. Breathless, Jazmine handed Ali a tidy slip of paper.
Ali unfolded it curiously and saw a phone number written by an adult hand.
“Uncle Adam sent it to me,” Jazmine explained. “He told me I could call him whenever I needed to talk. He said it didn’t matter what time of day or night I phoned, so call him, Mom. This is important.”
Ali resisted the urge to find out if her daughter had taken advantage of Adam’s offer before now and decided she probably had. For Jazmine, it was as if the sun rose and set on Peter’s friend. Lieutenant Commander Adam Kennedy had been a support to both of them since the accident that had abruptly taken Peter out of their lives.
It sounded so cut and dried to say a computer had malfunctioned aboard Peter’s F/A-18. He hadn’t had a chance to recover before the jet slammed into the ground. He’d died instantly, his life snuffed out in mere seconds. That was two years ago now, two very long years, and every day since, Peter had been with her. Her first thought was always of him and his image was the last one her mind released before she went to sleep at night. He was part of her. She saw him in Jazmine’s smile, in the three little lines that formed between the girl’s eyebrows when she frowned. Peter had done that, too. And their eyes were the exact same shade of brownish green.
As an SMO, or senior medical officer, Ali was familiar with death. What she didn’t know was how to deal with the aftermath of it. She still struggled and, as a result, she understood her sister’s pain. Yes, Shana’s breakup with Brad was different, and of a lesser magnitude, but it was a loss. In ending her relationship with him, Shana was also giving up a dream, one she’d held and cherished for five years. She was adjusting to a new version of her life and her future. Shana had flippantly dismissed any doubts or regrets about the breakup. Those would come later, like a sneak attack—probably when Shana least expected it. They had with Ali.
“Mom,” Jazmine cried, exasperated. “Dial!”
“Oh, sorry,” Ali murmured, punching out the number. An answering machine came on almost immediately.
“He isn’t there?” Jazmine asked, studying her. She didn’t hide her disappointment. It was doom and gloom all over again as she threw herself backward onto the bed, arms spread-eagled.
Ali left a message and asked him to get in touch.
“When do you think he’ll call?” Jazmine demanded impatiently.
“I don’t know, but I’ll make sure we get a chance to see him if it’s possible.”
“Of course it’s possible,” Jazmine argued. “He’ll want to see me. And you, too.”
Ali shrugged. “He might not be back by the time I need to fly out, but you’ll see him, don’t worry.”
Jazmine wouldn’t look at her. Instead she stared morosely at the ceiling, as if she didn’t have a friend in the world. The kid had moved any number of times and had always been a good sport about it, until now. Ali didn’t blame her for being upset, but there wasn’t anything she could do to change her orders.
“You’ll love living with your aunt Shana,” Alison said, trying a new tactic. “Did I tell you she has an icecream parlor? How much fun is that?”
Jazmine wasn’t impressed. “I don’t really know her.”
“This will be your opportunity to bond.”
Jazmine sighed. “I don’t want to bond with her.”
“You will eventually,” Ali said with forced brightness. Jazmine wasn’t fooled.
“I’m not glue, you know.”
Alison held back a smile. “We both need to make the best of this, Jazz. I don’t want to leave you any more than you want me to go.”
Her daughter scrambled to a sitting position. As her shoulders slumped, she nodded. “I know.”
“Your aunt Shana loves you.”
“Yippee, skippy.”
Alison tried again. “The ice-cream parlor is directly across the street from the park.”
“I know, I know.”
Ali wrapped one arm around the girl’s shoulders. “The months will fly by. You’ll see.”
Jazmine shook her head. “No, they won’t,” she said adamantly, “and I have to change schools again. I hate that.”
Changing schools, especially this late in the year, would be difficult. In a few weeks, depending on the Seattle schedule, classes would be dismissed for the summer. Ali kissed the top of Jazmine’s head and closed her eyes. She had the distinct feeling her daughter was right. The next six months wouldn’t fly, they’d crawl. For all three of them…
Shana wanted children, someday, when the time was right. But she’d assumed she’d take on the role of motherhood the way everyone else did. She’d start with an infant and sort of grow into it—ease into being a parent gradually, learning as she went. Instead, she was about to get a crash course. She wondered if there were manuals to help with this kind of situation.
Pacing her living room, she paused long enough to check out the spare bedroom one last time. She’d added some welcoming touches for Jazmine’s benefit and hoped the stuffed teddy bear would appeal to her niece. Girls of any age liked stuffed animals, didn’t they? The bedspread, a fetching shade of pink with big white daisies, was new, as was the matching pink throw rug. She just hoped Jazmine would recognize that she was trying to make this work.
She wanted Jazmine to know she was willing to make an effort if the girl would meet her halfway. Still, Shana didn’t have a good feeling about it.
Her suspicions proved correct. When Ali arrived, it was immediately apparent that Jazmine wanted nothing to do with her aunt Shana. The nine-year-old was dressed in faded green fatigues and a camouflage armygreen T-shirt. She sat on the sofa with a sullen look that discouraged conversation. Her long dark hair fell across her face. When she wasn’t glaring at Shana, she stared at the carpet as if inspecting it for loose fibers.
“I can’t tell you how good it is to see you,” Ali told Shana, turning to her daughter, obviously expecting Jazmine to echo the sentiment. The girl didn’t.
Shana moved into the kitchen, hoping for a private word with her sister. They hadn’t always been close. All through high school, they’d competed with each other. Ali had been the more academic of the two, while Shana had excelled in sports. From their father, a family physician, they’d both inherited a love of science and medicine. He’d died suddenly of a heart attack when Shana was twenty.
Within months, their lives were turned upside down. Their mother fell to pieces but by that time, Ali was in the Navy. Luckily, Shana was able to stay close to home and look after their mom, handle the legal paperwork and deal with the insurance, retirement funds and other responsibilities. Shana had attended college classes parttime and kept the household going. At twenty-two, she was hired by one of the up-and-coming pharmaceutical companies as a sales rep. The job suited her. Having spent a good part of her life around medical professionals, she was comfortable in that atmosphere. She was friendly and personable, well-liked by clients and colleagues. Within a few years, she’d risen to top sales representative in her division. The company had been sorry to see her go and had offered an impressive bonus to persuade her to stay. But Shana was ready for a change, in more ways than one.
The last time the sisters had been together was at Peter’s funeral. Shortly afterward, Ali had returned to Italy. Although she could have taken an assignment back in the States, Ali chose to finish her tour in Europe. As much as possible, she’d told Shana, she wanted Jazmine to remain in a familiar environment. A few months ago, she’d been transferred to San Diego, but no one had expected her to be stationed aboard the Woodrow Wilson, the newest and largest of the Navy’s aircraft carriers. According to her sister, this was a once-in-a-career assignment. Maybe, but in Shana’s opinion, the Navy had a lousy sense of timing.
“Jazmine doesn’t seem happy about being here,” Shana commented when they were out of earshot. She understood how the girl felt. The poor kid had enough turmoil in her life without having her mother disappear for six months.
“She’ll be fine.” Ali cast an anxious glance toward the living room as Shana took three sodas from the refrigerator.
“Sure she will,” Shana agreed, “but will I?”
Ali bit her lower lip and looked guilty. “There isn’t anyone else.”
“I know. These next six months will give Jazmine and me a chance to know each other,” Shana announced, stepping into the living room and offering Jazmine a soda. “Isn’t that right?”
The girl stared at the can as if it held nerve gas. “I don’t want to live with you.”
Well, surprise, surprise. Shana would never have guessed that.
“No,” Shana said, stopping her sister from chastising the girl. “We should be honest with one another.” She put down Jazmine’s drink and sat on the opposite end of the sofa, dangling her own pop can in both hands. “This is going to be an experience for me, too. I haven’t been around kids your age all that much.”
“I can tell.” Jazmine frowned at the open door to her bedroom. “I hate pink.”
Shana had been afraid of that. “We can take it back and exchange it for something you like.”
“Where’d you get it? Barbies R Us?”
Shana laughed; the kid was witty. “Close, but we can check out the Army surplus store if you prefer.”
This comment warranted a half smile from Jazmine.
“We’ll manage,” Shana said with what she hoped sounded like confidence. “I realize I’ve got a lot to learn.”
“No kidding.”
“Jazmine,” Ali snapped in frustration, “the least you can do is try. Give your aunt credit for making an effort. You can do the same.”
“I am trying,” the girl snapped in return. “A pink bedroom and a teddy bear? Oh, puleeeze! She’s treating me like I’m in kindergarten instead of fourth grade.”
Shana had barely started this new venture and already she’d failed miserably. “We can exchange the bear, too,” she suggested. “Army surplus again?”
Her second attempt at being accommodating was less appreciated than the first. This time Jazmine didn’t even crack a smile.
Ali sat in the space between Shana and Jazmine and threw her arms over their shoulders. “If I’ve learned anything in the last few years, it’s that women have to stick together. I can’t be with you, Jazz. That’s all there is to it. I’m sorry, I wish things were different, but they aren’t. If you want, at the end of this deployment, I’ll resign my commission.”
Jazmine’s head rose abruptly. “You’d leave the Navy?”
Ali nodded. This was as much a surprise to Shana as it was to her niece. From all indications, Ali loved military life and had fit into it with comfort and ease.
“Now that your dad’s gone, my life isn’t the same anymore,” Ali continued. “I’m your mother and you’re far more important to me than any career, Navy or not. I won’t leave you again, Jazmine, and that’s a promise.”
At those words the girl burst into tears. Embarrassed, she hid her face in both hands, her shoulders shaking as Ali hugged her.
Ali seemed to be trying not to weep, but Shana had no such compunction. Tears slipped down her cheeks.
It would be so good to have her sister back again. If she had any say in the matter, Ali would move to Seattle so the two of them could be closer.
“If you get out of the Navy, does that mean you’ll marry Uncle Adam?” Jazmine asked with the excitement of a kid who’s just learned she’s about to receive the best gift of her life.
“Who’s Uncle Adam?” Did this mean her sister had managed to find two husbands while Shana had yet to find one? Ah, the old competitive urge was back in full swing.
“He was one of my dad’s best friends,” Jazmine supplied with more enthusiasm than she’d shown since she’d arrived. “He’s cute and funny and I think Mom should marry him.”
Raising one brow, Shana turned to her sister for an explanation. Ali had never mentioned anyone namedAdam.
“Uncle Adam is stationed in Everett. That’s close to here, right?” Jazmine demanded, looking to Shana for the answer.
“It’s a bit of a drive.” She wasn’t entirely sure, never having made the trip north of Seattle herself. “Less than an hour, I’d guess.”
“Uncle Adam will want to visit once he learns I’m here.”
“I’m sure he will,” Ali murmured, pressing her daughter’s head against her shoulder.
“You like this guy?” Shana asked her. Ali was decidedly closemouthed about him, which implied that she had some feelings for this friend of Peter’s.
“Of course Mom likes him,” Jazmine said when her mother didn’t respond. “So do I. He’s totally fabulous.”
Ali met Shana’s gaze and shrugged.
“Another pilot?” Shana murmured.
She shook her head. “He’s a Supply Officer. You’ll like him,” her sister was quick to say, as if this man might interest her romantically. No way. Shana had sworn off men and she was serious about that.
“He said I can talk to him anytime I want,” Jazmine went on. “I can phone him, can’t I?”
“Of course you can.” Shana was more curious than ever about this man her sister didn’t want to discuss.
Shana turned to gaze at Ali, silently pleading for more information. Her sister ignored her, which was infuriating. Clearly, Adam had already won over her niece; he must be the kind of guy who shopped at the army surplus store.

Chapter Three
First thing Monday morning, Shana drove Jazmine to Lewis and Clark Elementary School to enroll her. Shana had to admit her stomach was in knots. The school yard was jammed with kids, and a string of vehicles queued in front, taking turns dropping off students. Big yellow school buses belched out diesel fumes as they lumbered toward the parking lot behind the building.
Shana was fortunate to find an empty parking space. She accompanied Jazmine into the building, although the girl walked ahead of her—just far enough to suggest the two of them weren’t together.
The noise level inside the school reminded her of a rock concert and Shana felt the beginnings of a headache. Or maybe it was caused by all those students gathered in one place, staring at Jazmine and her.
The school bell rang and like magic, the halls emptied. Within seconds everyone disappeared behind various doors and silence descended. Ah, the power of a bell. It was as if she were Moses, and the Red Sea had parted so she could find her way to the Promised Land, or in this case, The Office.
Wordlessly Shana and Jazmine followed the signs to the principal’s domain. Jazmine was outwardly calm. She gave no sign of being ill at ease. Unlike Shana, who was on the verge of chewing off every fingernail she owned.
“This is no big deal,” Jazmine assured her, shifting the backpack she carried. It was the size one might take on a trek through the Himalayas. “I’ve done this plenty of times.”
“I don’t feel good just leaving you here.” They’d had all of one day together and while it was uncomfortable for them both, it hadn’t been nearly as bad as Shana had feared. It hadn’t been good, either.
When they took Ali to the airport, Shana had been the one in tears. Mother and daughter had hugged for an extra-long moment and then Ali was gone. It was Shana who did all the talking on the drive home. As soon as they were back at the rental house, Jazmine disappeared inside her bedroom and didn’t open the door for hours.
Dinner had been a series of attempts on Shana’s part to start a conversation, but her questions were met with either a grunt or a one-word reply. Shana got the message. After the first ten minutes, she said nothing. And nothing was what Jazmine seemed to appreciate most. They maintained an awkward silence and at the end of the meal, Jazmine delivered her plate to the kitchen, rinsed it off, stuck it in the dishwasher and returned to her room. The door closed and Shana hadn’t seen her again until this morning. Apparently kids this age treasured their privacy. Point taken. Lesson learned.
“This must be it,” Shana said, pointing at the door marked Office.
Jazmine murmured something unintelligible, shrugging off the backpack and letting the straps slip down her arms. Shana couldn’t imagine what she had in that monstrosity, but apparently it was as valuable to the child as Shana’s purse was to her.
“I was thinking you might want to wait a bit, you know,” Shana suggested, stammering, unable to identify her misgivings. “Not do this right away, I mean.” The students she saw in the hallway didn’t look particularly friendly. Jazmine was only nine, for heaven’s sake, and her mother was headed out to sea for half a year. Maybe she should homeschool her. Shana considered that option for all of half a second. First, it wouldn’t be home school; it would be ice-cream parlor school. The authorities would love that. And second, Shana was completely unqualified to teach her anything.
“I’ll be all right,” Jazmine said just loudly enough for Shana to hear.
Maybe so, but Shana wasn’t completely convinced she would be. This guardianship thing was even harder than it sounded. The thought of leaving her niece here actually made her feel ill.
Jazmine’s eyes narrowed accusingly. “I’m not a kid, you know.”
So nine-year-olds weren’t kids anymore? Could’ve fooled Shana, but rather than argue, she let the comment slide.
Enrolling Jazmine turned out to be surprisingly easy. After Shana completed a couple of forms and handed over a copy of her guardianship papers, it was done. Jazmine was led out of the office and into a classroom. Shana watched her go, forcing herself not to follow like a much-loved golden retriever.
“It’s your first time as a guardian?” the school secretary asked.
Shana nodded. “Jazmine’s been through a lot.” She resisted the urge to mention Peter’s death and the fact that Ali was out at sea. Instinctively she realized that the less anyone knew about these things, the better for Jazmine.
“She’ll fit right in,” the secretary assured her.
“I hope so.” But Shana wasn’t sure that was true. There were only a few weeks left of the school year. Just when Jazmine had managed to adjust, it would be time for summer break. And what would Shana do with her then? It was a question she couldn’t answer. Not yet, anyway.
With reluctance she walked back to her parked car and drove to Olsen’s Ice Cream and Pizza Parlor. She’d thought about changing the name, but the restaurant had been called this for the last thirty years. A new name might actually be a disadvantage, so she’d decided to keep everything the same for now.
Shana’s day went smoothly after her visit to the school. She was on her own now, her training with the Olsens finished. They insisted the secret to their pizza was the tomato sauce, made from their special recipe. That recipe had been kept secret for over thirty years. Only when the final papers had been signed was Shana allowed to have the recipe, which to her untrained eye looked fairly unspectacular. She was almost sure her mother used to make something similar for spaghetti and had gotten the recipe out of a “Dear Abby” column years ago.
There was a huge mixing machine and, following the Olsens’ example, she went into the shop each morning to mix up a batch of dough and let it rise. Once the dough had risen, it was put in the refrigerator, awaiting the day’s pizza orders. The restaurant opened at eleven and did a brisk lunch trade. How much or how little dough to make was complete guesswork. Shana’s biggest fear was that she’d run short. As a consequence she usually mixed too much. But she was learning.
At three o’clock, Shana found herself watching for the school bus. Jazmine was to be dropped off in front of the ice-cream parlor. From noon on, she’d constantly checked the time, wondering and worrying about her niece. The elementary students she’d seen looked like a rough crowd—okay, maybe not the first—and secondgraders, but the ones in the fifth and sixth grades, who were giants compared to Jazmine. Shana just hoped the girl could hold her own.
Business was constant—people waiting to catch ferries, high-school students, retired folk, tourists. Shana planned to hire a part-time employee soon. Another idea she hadwas to introduce soup to the menu. She’d already experimented with a number of mixes, both liquid and dry, and hadn’t found anything that impressed her. Shana was leaning toward making her own from scratch but her experience in cooking large batches was limited.
A bus rolled into view and Shana instantly went on alert. Sure enough, Jazmine stepped off, wearing a frown, and marched inside. Without a word to Shana, she slid into a booth.
“Well,” Shana said, unable to disguise her anxiety, “how was it?”
Jazmine shrugged.
“Oh.” Her niece wasn’t exactly forthcoming with details. Thinking fast, Shana asked the questions her mother had bombarded her with every day after school. “What did you learn? Anything interesting?”
Jazmine shook her head.
“Did you make any new friends?”
Jazmine scowled up at her. “No.”
That was said emphatically enough for Shana to surmise that things hadn’t gone well. “I see.” Glancing over her shoulder, Shana sighed. “Are you hungry? I could make you a pizza.”
“No, thanks.”
The bell above the door rang and a customer entered, moving directly to the ice-cream case. Shana slipped behind the counter and waited patiently until the woman had made her selection. As she scooped chocolate chip-mint ice cream into a waffle cone, she realized something was different about Jazmine. Not until her customer left did she figure out what it was.
“Jazz,” she said, startled, “where’s your backpack?”
Her niece didn’t answer.
“Did you forget it at school? We could run by to pick it up if you want.” Not until the parlor closed at six, but she didn’t mention that. During the summer it wouldn’t be until eight o’clock; she didn’t mention that, either.
Jazmine scowled even more ferociously.
Shana hadn’t known how much fury a nine-year-old girl’s eyes could convey. Her niece’s anger seemed to be focused solely on Shana. The unfairness of it struck her, but any attempt at conversation was instantly blocked.
It was obvious that someone had taken the backpack from Jazmine. No wonder the girl wasn’t in a happy frame of mind.
Feeling wretched and helpless, Shana slid into the booth across from her niece. She didn’t say anything for several minutes, then gently squeezed Jazmine’s hand. “I am so sorry.”
Jazmine shrugged as if it was no big thing, but it was and Shana felt at a loss. Without her niece’s knowing, she’d speak to the principal in the morning and see what could be done. She guessed it’d happened on the bus or off school grounds.
“Can I use your phone?” Jazmine asked.
“Of course.”
Jazmine’s eyes fleetingly met hers as she pulled a piece of paper from her hip pocket. “It’s long distance.”
“You’re not calling Paris, are you?”
The question evoked an almost-smile. “No.”
“Sure, go ahead.” Shana gestured toward the phone on the back wall in the kitchen.
Jazmine thanked her with a faint smile. This counted as profuse appreciation and Shana was nearly overwhelmed by gratitude. Despite their shaky beginning she was starting to reach this kid.
“I’m phoning my uncle Adam,” Jazmine announced. “He’ll know what to do.”
This uncle Adam seemed to have all the answers. She hadn’t even met him and already she didn’t like him. No one could be that perfect.
On Monday afternoon, Adam Kennedy opened the door to his apartment near Everett Naval Station, glad to be home. He’d just been released from the naval hospital, where he’d recently undergone rotator cuff surgery. His shoulder throbbed and he felt so light-headed he had to brace his hand against the wall in order to steady himself. He’d be fine in a couple of days, but at the moment he was still shaky.
The apartment was dark with the drapes pulled, but he didn’t have the energy to walk across the room and open them.
It wouldn’t be like this if he had a wife, who’d be able to look after him while he felt so weak. This wasn’t the first time that thought had occurred to Adam. He’d never intended to be a thirty-two-year-old bachelor.
Adam sank into his favorite chair and winced at the pain that shot down his arm. Leaning his head back against the cushion, he closed his eyes and envisioned what his life would be like if he was married. A wife would be fussing over him now, acting concerned and looking for ways to make him comfortable. Granted, if comfort was all he wanted, he could pay for it. A wife—well, having a wife meant companionship and sharing things. Like a bed…It also involved that frightening word, love.
If he was married now, she’d be asking how he felt and bringing him tea and caring about him. The fantasy filled his mind and he found himself smiling. What he needed was the right woman. His track record in that department left a great deal to be desired.
He’d started out fine. When he graduated from college he’d been engaged, but while he was in Officer Candidate School, Melanie had a sudden change of heart. Actually, she still wanted to get married, just not to him. The tearful scene in which she confessed that she’d fallen in love with someone else wasn’t a memory he wanted to reminisce over, especially now. Suffice it to say, his ego had taken a major beating. In the long run, though, Melanie wasn’t that great a loss. If she had a roving eye this early in their relationship, it didn’t bode well for the lengthy separations a Navy career would demand of their marriage.
The thing was, Adam wanted children. One of his proudest moments was when Peter had asked him to be Jazmine’s godfather.He took his duties seriously and loved that little girl, and he’d felt especially protective of her since his friend’s death. He hadn’t heard from her in a while and wondered how she was doing after the recent move to San Diego. He’d have to get in touch with her soon.
Adam had envied Peter his marriage. He’d never seen two people more in love with each other or better suited. They were about as perfect a match as possible. Adam suspected that fact had been a detriment to him in his own quest for a relationship. He kept looking for a woman as well suited to him as Ali had been to his friend. If such a woman existed, Adam hadn’t found her, and he’d about given up. It wasn’t Ali he wanted, but a woman who was his equal in all the ways Ali had been Peter’s. A woman with brains and courage and heart. At this stage he’d take two out of three. Ali had brought out the best in Peter; she’d made a good man better.
A sense of sadness came over him as he thought about Peter. Adam had a couple of younger brothers, Sam and Doug, and the three of them were close, but Peter and Adam had been even closer. They’d met in OCS, Officer Candidate School, kept in contact afterward and later were stationed together in Italy. During weekend holidays, Peter and Ali had him over for countless dinners. The three of them had sat on their balcony in the Italian countryside drinking wine and talking well into the night. Those were some of the happiest memories of his life.
Then Peter had been killed. Adam had been a witness to the accident that claimed his best friend’s life. He still had nightmares about it and experienced the same rush of horror, anger, frustration he’d felt at the time. He’d gone with the Casualty Assistance Counseling Officer to tell Ali that her husband was dead. In his heart, he’d promised Peter that he’d look out for both Ali and Jazz but the Navy hadn’t made it easy.
Ali was currently stationed at the hospital in San Diego and he was in Everett. He phoned at least once a month to check up on them and Jazmine called him every now and then when she needed to talk. He always enjoyed their conversations. Peter would be proud of both the women in his life, he mused. Jazmine was a great kid and Ali was a wonderful mother.
Adam noticed the blinking light on his answering machine. He knew there were more messages than he had the patience or endurance to deal with just yet. He’d leave it until morning when he had a fresh supply of energy.
He sighed. He wasn’t used to feeling like this—despondent and weary. Coming home to an empty apartment underlined a truth he didn’t want to acknowledge. Lieutenant Commander Adam Kennedy was lonely.
He stared blankly across the room, half toying with the notion of a romantic relationship with Ali. It didn’t take him more than a second to realize it wouldn’t work. He loved Ali—like a sister. Try as he might, he couldn’t seem to view her as a marriage prospect. She was his best friend’s widow, a woman he admired, a woman he thought of as family.
Yet…he wanted what she’d had, what she and Peter had shared, and the deep contentment their marriage had brought them.
By morning, he would’ve forgotten all these yearnings, he told himself. He’d lived alone so long now that he should certainly be accustomed to his own company. When hewas at sea, it was a different story, since hewas constantly surrounded by others. As a SupplyOfficer he was normally stationed aboard the Benjamin Franklin. Unfortunately the Franklin was currently headed toward the Persian Gulf. Until his shoulder healed, he’d be twiddling his thumbs behind some desk and hating it.
After a while Adam felt better. His head had stopped spinning and the ache in his shoulder wasn’t quite as intense. It would be easy to close his eyes and sleep but if he slept now, he’d spend the whole night staring at the ceiling.
A wife.
It was something to consider. Maybe he should resume his efforts to meet someone, with marriage in mind. The time was right. His parents wanted more grandchildren and he was certainly willing to do his part. According to Ali, he was an excellent candidate for a husband and father. She’d tried any number of times to fix him up, but nothing had ever come of her matchmaking efforts.
A wife.
He relaxed and smiled. He was ready. All he needed now was the woman.

Chapter Four
Lieutenant Commander Alison Karas had been assigned as senior medical officer aboard the USS Woodrow Wilson. As much as she wanted to be with Jazmine and as difficult as it had been to leave her daughter with Shana, Ali was determined to fulfill her duty to the Navy. During her twelve-year career, she’d never been stationed aboard a ship. Before Jazmine was born, she’d done everything in her limited power to get such an assignment, but it hadn’t happened.
So far, she’d served in a number of military hospitals. And now, when she least wanted sea duty, that was exactly what she got. Still, she loved the Navy with the same intensity her husband had.
Her quarters were shared with another woman officer. There hadn’t been time to exchange more than a brief greeting before they’d each begun their respective assignments. The crew was preparing to set out to sea. Within a couple of days, the jets would fly in from Naval air stations all over the country. It was standard procedure for the F-14s to link up with the aircraft carrier.
Unlikely though it was, she hoped for an opportunity to watch, since the pilots’ precision and skill were so impressive. Pilots were a special breed, as she well knew. Peter had wanted to fly jets from the time he was in grade school, according to his mother.
She smiled sadly at the thought of her husband. The pain of his loss remained sharp and—as always—Ali hoped he hadn’t suffered. There must have been a moment of sheer terror when he realized he wouldn’t be able to recover. She tried not to think of that.
Trite as it sounded, she’d learned that life does go on. It hadn’t seemed possible in the beginning, when she’d been blinded by her grief. She was surprised to discover that everything continued as it had before. Classes were held in Jazmine’s school; the radio still played silly love songs. People drove their cars and ate meals and bickered with each other. Ali hadn’t been able to understand how life as she’d once known it could go on as though nothing had changed.
Jazmine was in good hands. Shana would look after her well. Ali needed to reassure herself of that several times a day. Leaving her daughter had been traumatic, but for Jazmine’s sake, Ali had tried not to let her emotions show. Before she returned to San Diego, they’d talked, and Ali had a heart-to-heart with Shana, too.
She was still a little worried about Shana, but once they’d had a chance to really discuss the situation, Ali accepted that this impulsive change in her sister’s life was probably the best thing she’d done in years. Shana needed a fresh start. The ice-cream parlor was charming and would undoubtedly be a big success. Jazmine had a bit of an attitude, but that wouldn’t last long. And it helped that Adam was close by. The biggest disappointment of her stay was that they hadn’t been able to reach him. Once he checked his messages, she knew he’d get in touch with Jazmine.
Ali found her daughter’s suggestion that she marry Adam downright amusing. Ali thought the world of her husband’s best friend, but there was no romantic spark on either side. What was particularly interesting was the fact that Jazmine seemed ready to discuss bringing another man into their lives.
Despite that, Ali had no intention of remarrying. She hadn’t mentioned that to either her sister or Jazmine because it sounded too melodramatic. And both of them would argue with her. But a man like Peter only came around once in a lifetime, and she wasn’t pressing her luck. If, by chance, she were to consider remarrying, she was determined not to fall in love with a Navy man. She’d already had one Navy husband and she wasn’t going to try for two.
Ali had never removed her wedding band. After all these years, that ring represented perhaps the most significant part of her life. And although shipboard romances were strictly prohibited, it was a form of emotional protection, too. As far as her shipmates knew, she was married and that was the impression she wanted to give.
After spending her shift in the sick bay checking supplies, Ali went to the wardroom, where the officers dined. Two other women officers were in the room but their table was full and they seemed engrossed in conversation. Sitting alone at a corner table, she felt self-conscious, although she rather enjoyed watching the men and women as they chatted. In a few weeks, she’d probably be sitting with one of those groups. Life aboard a carrier was new to her, but eventually it would become familiar and even comfortable.
Just as she was finishing her dinner, the group that included the other women was joined by Commander Dillon. Ali read his name tag as he walked past her table. He acknowledged her with a stiff nod, which she returned. From the reception he received, it was clear that he was well-liked and respected by his fellow officers. She had no idea what his duty assignment might be.
Without being obvious—at least she hoped she wasn’t—she studied Dillon. He was tall and lean with dark hair graying at the temples, which led her to believe he must be in his early to midforties. His most striking feature was his intense blue eyes. To her chagrin, she found herself looking at his ring finger and noticed it was bare. Not that it meant anything. Wedding rings were dangerous aboard ship, although she chose to wear hers. More than once Ali had seen fingers severed as a result of a wedding band caught in machinery.
As soon as she’d finished her coffee, Ali went back to her work space at the clinic and logged on to the Internet to write Shana and Jazmine a short note. Her sister and daughter would be anxious to hear from her after her first full day at sea.
Sent: May 19
From: Alison.Karas@woodrowwilson.navy.mil
To: Shana@mindsprung.com
Subject: Hello!

Dear Shana and Jazmine,

Just checking in to see how things are going with you two. It’s a little crazy around here and I’m still finding my sea legs. Not to worry, though.
Hey, Jazz, I was thinking you should help your aunt come up with ideas for ice-cream sundaes. Remember how we invented our own versions last summer? Hot fudge, marshmallow topping and crushed graham crackers? You called it the Give Me More Sundae. Not bad.
Shana, be sure to look over Jazz’s homework, especially the math. Okay, okay, I’ll stop worrying. Send me an e-mail now and then, okay? I’m waiting with bated breath to hear how you two are surviving.
Love ya.
Ali (That’s Mom to you, Jazz!)
It wasn’t much of a message, but Ali was tired and ready to turn in for the night. As she started back to her quarters, she met Commander Dillon in the long narrow passageway. She nodded and stepped aside in order to allow him to pass.
He paused as he read her badge. “Karas?”
“Yes, sir.”
“At ease.” He glanced down at her left hand. “Your husband is Navy?”
“Yes, sir.” She looked self-consciously at her wedding ring. “He—” She’d begun to explain that she was a widow, then stopped abruptly. Rather than make eye contact, she stared into the bulkhead.
“This is your first time aboard the Woodrow Wilson?” The question was casual, conversational in tone.
She nodded again. “This is my first time on any ship. I’m wondering how long it’s going to take before I get used to it.” She laughed as she said this, because being on an aircraft carrier was so much like being in a building. Every now and then, Ali had to remind herself that she was actually aboard a ship.
Commander Dillon’s eyes narrowed slightly as he smiled. “You’ll be fine.”
“I know I will. Thank you, sir.”
That very moment, an alarm rang for a fire drill. All sailors were to report immediately to their assigned stations. A sailor rushed past Ali and jolted her. In an effort to get out of his way, she tripped and fell hard against Commander Dillon, startling them both. The commander stumbled backward but caught himself. Instinctively he reached out and grabbed her shoulders, catching her before she lost her balance and toppled sideways. Stunned, they immediately grew still.
“I’m sorry,” she mumbled, shocked at the instant physical reaction she’d experienced at his touch. It had been an innocent enough situation and meant nothing.Yet it told Ali a truth she’d forgotten. She was a woman. And, almost against her will, was attracted to a man other than Peter.
He muttered something under his breath, but she didn’t hear what he said and frankly she was grateful. Without another word, they hurried in opposite directions.
Ali’s face burned with mortification, but not because she’d nearly fallen into Commander Dillon. When her breasts grazed him and he’d reached out to catch her, he could have pulled her to him and kissed her and she wouldn’t have made a single protest. Her face burned, and she knew she was in serious trouble. No, it was just the close proximity to all these men. At least that was what Ali told herself. It wasn’t the commander; it could’ve been any man, but even as that thought went through her mind, she knew it was a lie. She worried that the commander might somehow know what she’d been feeling. That mortified her even more.
The scene replayed itself in her head during the fire drill and afterward, when she retired to her quarters. Once she was alone, Ali found a pen and paper. It was one thing to send Jazmine an e-mail but a letter was a tangible object that her daughter could touch and hold and keep. She knew Jazmine would find comfort in reading a note Ali had actually written.
When Ali had first started dating Peter, they’d exchanged long letters during each separation. She treasured those letters and savored them all, even more so now that he was gone.
On the night of their wedding anniversary last year, while Jazmine was at a slumber party, Ali had unearthed a stack and reread each one. She quickly surrendered to self-pity, but she had every reason in the world to feel sorry for herself, she decided, and didn’t hold back. That night, spent alone in her bedroom, grieving, weeping and angry, had been an epiphany for her. It was as if something inside her—a wall of pretense and stoicism—had broken wide-open, and her pain had gushed forth. She believed it was at that point that she’d begun to heal.
Oh, she’d cried before then, but this time, on the day that would have been her twelfth wedding anniversary, she’d wept as if it was the end of the world.
By midnight she’d fallen asleep on top of the bed with Peter’s letters surrounding her. Thankfully Jazmine hadn’t been witness to this emotional breakdown. Her daughter had known the significance of the date, however, and had given her mother a handmade anniversary card the following afternoon. Ali would always love that sweet card. After she’d read it, they’d hugged each other for a long time. Jazmine had revealed sensitivity and compassion, and Ali realized she’d done her daughter a grave disservice.
All those months after Peter’s death, Ali had tried to shield Jazmine from her own pain. She’d encouraged the child to grieve, helped her deal with the loss of her father as much as possible.Yet in protecting Jazmine,Ali hadn’t allowed her daughter to see that she was suffering. She hadn’t allowed Jazmine to comfort her, which would have brought comfort to Jazmine, too.
Later that same day, after dinner, Ali had shared a few of Peter’s letters with Jazmine. It was the first time they’d really talked about him since his death. Before then, each seemed afraid to say more than a few words for fear of upsetting the other. Ali learned how much Jazmine needed to talk about Peter. The girl delighted in each tidbit, each detail her mother supplied. Ali answered countless questions about their first meeting, their courtship and their wedding day. Jazmine must’ve heard the story of their first date a dozen times and never seemed to tire of it.
Once Ali’s reserve was down, not a night passed without Jazmine’s asking about Peter. As a young child, her daughter had loved bedtime stories and listening to Ali read. At nine she suddenly wanted her mother to put her to bed again. It was so out of character for her gutsy, sassy daughter that it’d taken Ali a couple of nights to figure out what Jazmine really wanted, and that was to talk about her father.
In retrospect Ali recognized that those months of closeness had helped prepare Jazmine for this long separation. Ali didn’t think she could have left her with Shana otherwise.
Shana. An involuntary smile flashed across her face as she leaned back in the desk chair. These next six months would either make or break her strong-willed younger sister. She’d taken on a lot all at once. Buying this restaurant on impulse was so unlike her. Shana preferred to have things planned out, down to the smallest detail. Not only that, this new venture was a real switch for her after her sales position.
If there was anything to be grateful for in Shana’s sudden move to Seattle, it was the fact that Brad Moore was out of her life. Ali had only met him once, during a brief visit home, but he’d struck her as sleazy, and she hadn’t been surprised to hear about his duplicity. Ali wondered how he’d managed to deceive her sister all this time, but whatever charms he possessed had worked about four and a half years longer than they should have. She supposed that, like most people, Shana had only seen what she’d wanted to see.
Before she returned to San Diego, Ali and Shana were able to spend a few hours together. Jazmine was asleep and the two sisters sat on the bed in Shana’s room talking.
She’d seen how hurt Shana was by Brad’s unfaithfulness. In an effort to comfort her sister, Ali had suggested Shana try to meet someone else as quickly as possible.
Her sister hadn’t taken kindly to the suggestion. In fact, she hadn’t been shy about sharing her feelings with regard to the male of the species. Shana claimed she was finished with men.
“You’re overreacting,” Ali had told her.
“And you’re being ridiculous.” Sitting with her knees drawn, Shana shook her head. “The absolute last thing I want to do now is get involved again. I was ‘involved’ for the last five years and all I got out of that relationship, besides a lot of pain, is two crystal champagne glasses Brad bought me. He said we’d use them at our wedding.” Not that he’d actually given her an engagement ring or set the date. “Those glasses are still in the box. If he’d thought of it, he probably would’ve asked for them back.”
“You feel that way about men now, but you won’t always.”
Shana frowned. “You’re one to talk. I don’t see you looking for a new relationship.”
“Okay, fine, neither of us is interested in men.”
“Permanently,” Shana insisted.
Ali had laughed then and said, “Speak for yourself.”
Funny, as she reviewed that conversation, Commander Dillon came to mind. It was unlikely that she’d see him on a regular basis; with a crew of five thousand on this ship, their paths wouldn’t cross often. Ali wasn’t entirely sure why, but she felt that was probably a good thing.

Chapter Five
The next few days were intense for Shana. She insisted on driving Jazmine to school, and every morning she joined the long line of parents dropping off their kids at the grade school. If Jazmine appreciated her efforts to build a rapport between them, she gave no indication of it. The most animation she’d witnessed in the girl had been after Monday’s lengthy telephone conversation with her uncle Adam.
Shana, her aunt, a blood relative, was simply Shana, but Adam Kennedy, family friend, was Uncle Adam. The uncle part was uttered with near-reverence.
Okay, so she was jealous. Shana admitted it. While she struggled to gain ground with her niece, Jazmine droned on about this interloper.
Tuesday afternoon, the school bus again let Jazmine off in front of the ice-cream parlor. Her niece had dragged herself into the shop, as though it demanded all her energy just to open the door. Then she’d slipped onto one of the barstools and lain her head on her folded arms.
Wednesday afternoon, Shana watched the school bus approach and the doors glide open. Sure enough, Jazmine was there, but this time she leaped off the bus and hurried toward the restaurant.
Shana stopped and stared. No, it couldn’t be. But it was. Jazmine had her backpack. From the size and apparent weight of it, nothing seemed to be missing, either.
The instant Jazmine stepped inside, Shana blurted out, “You’ve got your backpack.” It probably would’ve been better to keep her mouth shut and let Jazmine tell her, but she’d been too shocked.
“I know.” Jazmine dumped her backpack on the floor and hopped onto the barstool with a Bugs Bunny bounce, planting her elbows on the counter. “Can I have some ice cream?”
Taken aback, Shana blinked. “Who are you and what have you done with my niece?”
“Very funny.”
Shana laughed and reached for the ice-cream scoop. “Cone or dish?”
“Dish. Make it two scoops. Bubblegum and strawberry.” She paused, her face momentarily serious. “Oh—and thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” Bending over the freezer, Shana rolled the hard ice cream into a generous ball. “Well,” she said when she couldn’t stand it any longer. “The least you can do is tell me what happened.”
“With what?” Jazmine asked, then giggled like the nine-year-old she was. “I don’t know if you noticed or not, but I was pretty upset Monday afternoon.”
“Really,” Shana said, playing dumb.
“Two girls cornered me in the playground. One of them distracted me, and the other ran off with my backpack.”
Shana clenched her jaw, trying to hide her anger. As Jazmine’s legal guardian, she wanted these girls’names and addresses. She’d personally see to it that they were marched into the principal’s office and reprimanded. On second thought, their parents should be summoned to the school for a confrontation with the authorities. Perhaps it would be best to bring in the police, as well.
“How’d you get it back?” Shana had given up scooping ice cream.
Looking more than a little pleased with herself, Jazmine straightened her shoulders and grinned. “Uncle Adam told me I should talk to them.”
Wasn’t that brilliant. Had she been asked, Shana would’ve told Jazmine the same thing.
“He said I should tell them it was really unfortunate, but it didn’t seem like we could be friends and I was hoping to get to know them.” This was uttered in the softest, sweetest tones Shana had ever heard from the girl.
“They fell for it?”
Jazmine’s eyes widened. “I meant it. At first I thought they were losers but they’re actually pretty cool. I think they just wanted to see what I carried around with me.”
Frankly Shana was curious herself.
“Once they looked inside, they were willing to give it back.”
“You’re not missing anything?”
Jazmine shook her head.
“Great.” Muttering under her breath, Shana dipped the scoop into the blue bubblegum-flavored ice cream. The bell above the door rang, but intent on her task, Shana didn’t raise her head.
“I’ll have some of that myself,” a male voice said.
“Uncle Adam!” Jazmine shrieked. Her niece whirled around so fast she nearly fell off the stool.
Hearing his name was all the incentive Shana needed to glance up. She did just in time to watch Jazmine throw her arms around a man dressed casually in slacks and a shirt. From the top of his military haircut to the bottom of his feet, this man was Navy, with or without his uniform. His arm was in a sling and he grimaced when Jazmine grabbed hold of him but didn’t discourage her hug. From the near-hysterical happiness the girl displayed, a passing stranger might think Shana had been holding Jazmine hostage.
“You must be Ali’s sister,” he said, smiling broadly at Shana.
She forced a smile in return. She’d been prepared to dislike him on sight. In fact, she’d never even met him and was already jealous of the relationship he had with Jazmine. Now he was standing right in front of her—and she found her tongue stuck to the roof of her mouth. He seemed to be waiting for her to reply.
“Yes, hi,” she said and dropped the metal scoop into the water container, sloshing liquid over the edges. Wiping her wet hand on her white apron, she managed another slight smile. “Yes, I’m Ali’s sister.”
On closer inspection, she saw that he was tall and apparently very fit. Some might find his looks appealing, but Shana decided she didn’t. Brad was just as tall and equally fit—from spending hours in a gym every week, no doubt admiring himself in all the mirrors. Adam’s hair was a deep chestnut shade, similar to her own. No. Not chestnut, she decided next, nothing that distinguished. His was plain brown. He might’ve been considered handsome if not for those small, beady eyes. Well, they weren’t exactly small, more average, she supposed, trying to be as objective as she could. He hugged Jazmine and looked at Shana and—no.
But he did. He looked at Shana and winked. The man had the audacity to flirt with her. It was outrageous. This was the very man Jazmine wanted her mother to marry. The man whose praises she’d sung for two full days until Shana thought she’d scream if she heard his name one more time.
“I’m Adam Kennedy.” He extended his free right hand.
She offered her left hand because it was dry and nodded politely. “You mean Uncle Adam.” She hoped he caught the sarcastic inflection in her voice.
He grinned as if he knew how much that irritated her. Okay, now she had to admit it. When he smiled he wasn’t ordinary-looking at all. In fact, some women—not her, but others who were less jaded—might even be attracted to him. That she could even entertain the remote possibility of finding a man attractive was upsetting. Wasn’t it only a few days ago that she’d declared to her sister that she was completely and utterly off men? And now here she was, feeling all shaky inside and acting like a girl closer to Jazmine’s age than her own. This was pathetic.
In an attempt to cover her reaction, Shana handed Jazmine the bowl of ice cream with its two heaping scoops.
“Uncle Adam wants one, too,” Jazmine said excitedly, and then turned to him. “What happened to your arm?” she asked, her eyes wide with concern. “Did you break it?”
“Nothing as dramatic as that,” he said, elevating the arm, which was tucked protectively in a sling. “I had a problem with my shoulder, but that’s been taken care of now.”
Jazmine didn’t seem convinced. “You’re going to be all right, aren’t you?”
“I’ll be fine before you know it.”
“Good,” Jazmine said; she seemed reassured now. Taking Adam by the hand, she led him across the restaurant to a booth.
Shana could hear Jazmine whispering up a storm, but hard as she strained, she couldn’t hear what was being said. Working as fast as her arm muscles would allow, she hurriedly dished up a second bowl of ice cream. When she’d bought this business, no one had mentioned how hard ice cream could be. She was developing some impressive biceps.
She smiled as she carried the second dish over to their booth and hoped he enjoyed the bright teal-blue bubblegum ice cream. After she’d set it down in front of him, she waited. She wasn’t sure why she was lingering.
Jazmine beamed with joy. Seeing her niece this happy about anything made Shana feel a pang of regret. Doing her best to swallow her pride, she continued to stand there, unable to think of a thing to say.
Her niece glanced up as if noticing her for the first time. “I was telling Uncle Adam about my backpack. He’s the one who said those other girls just wanted to be friends. I didn’t believe him, but he was right.”
“Yes, he was.” Shana might have been able to fade into the background then if Adam hadn’t chosen that moment to turn and smile at her. Ignoring him would be easy if only he’d stop smiling, dammit.
“The girls gave it back?” Adam’s gaze returned to Jazmine.
Her niece nodded. “Madison asked me to sit next to her at lunch today and I did.”
Adam reached across the table and the two exchanged a high five. “That’s great!”
“Can I get you anything else?” Shana asked, feeling like a third wheel. These two apparently had a lot to discuss, and no one needed to tell her she was in the way. Besides, she had a business to run. Several customers had come in; at the moment they were studying the list of icecream flavors but she’d have to attend to them soon.
“Nothing, thanks.” He dipped his plastic spoon into the ice cream. Then, without giving her any warning, he looked at Shana again and their eyes met. Shana felt the breath freeze in her lungs. He seemed to really see her, and something about her seemed to catch him unawares. His brow wrinkled as though he was sure he knew her from somewhere else, but couldn’t place her.
“How long can you stay?” her niece asked.
Adam turned his attention back to Jazmine.
Shana waited, curious to know the answer herself.
“Just a couple of hours.”
“Two hours!” Jazmine didn’t bother to hide her disappointment.
“I’ve got to get back to base for a meeting.”
“Right,” Shana said, diving into the conversation. “He has to go back to Everett. We wouldn’t want to detain him, now would we?” She didn’t mean to sound so pleased about sending him on his way, but she wanted him out of there. Shana disliked how he made her feel—as if…as if she was on the brink of some important personal discovery. Like she’d told her sister, she was off men. For good. Okay, for a year. It would take that long to get Brad out of her system, she figured. Now, all of a sudden, there was this man, this uncle Adam, whose smiles made her feel hot, then cold. That wasn’t a good sensation for her to be having. It contradicted everything she’d been saying—and it made her uncomfortable.
“I’ll stop by again soon,” Adam promised, looking directly at her as he said it.
“I want to know what happened to your arm,” Jazmine insisted.
“Does Mom know?”
Adam shook his head. “She’s got enough on her plate without worrying about me.”
“You’ve talked to her?” Shana demanded. She forgot that she was pretending not to listen to their conversation. Catherine, the woman who worked part-time, arrived then and immediately began taking orders while Shana handled the cash register.
Adam shifted toward her. “She e-mailed me.”
“Oh.” Embarrassed, Shana glanced away. “Of course.”
“I wish the base were closer,” Jazmine muttered.
“Everett isn’t that far and with light duty, I’ll have more time to spend with you.”
“Exactly how soon do you have to leave this afternoon?” Jazmine pressed. “Couldn’t you please, please have your meeting tomorrow?”
This kid wasn’t easily put off, Shana thought. While she was more than ready to usher Adam Kennedy out the door, her niece was practically begging him to stay.
“It’s not really up to me. I’ve got to go soon, but I’ll visit as often as I can.”
“He’s busy, I’m sure,” Shana said before his words sank into her consciousness. He’d be back…often. In other words, she’d better get used to having him around, and judging by that smirk, he intended to smile at her some more. Oh, great.
“As often as you can?” Jazz repeated. “What does that mean?”
“I’ll make sure I’m here at least once a week to check up on my favorite girl.”
Instead of shouting with happiness, Jazmine hung her head. “Only once a week?”
Once a week? That often? Shana’s reaction was just the opposite. As far as she was concerned, weekly visits were far too frequent.
Ali’s little sister seemed oversensitive, Adam observed with some amusement as Shana returned to the ice-cream counter. That wasn’t the only thing he’d noticed, either. She was beautiful with classic features, dark hair and eyes and a face he found utterly appealing. Ali was a beautiful woman, too, but in a completely different way. Although both had dark brown hair and eyes, the resemblance stopped there. Shana was the taller of the two and model-thin, whereas Ali had more flesh on her. If he were ever to say that out loud, she’d no doubt be insulted, but it was the truth. Ali wasn’t overweight by any means, just rounded in all the right places. In his opinion, the little sister could stand to gain a few pounds. He wasn’t sure why he was concentrating on the physical, because his reaction to Shana was much more complex than that. He was attracted to her. Period. He liked what he saw and he liked what he didn’t see—what he sensed about her. Attraction was indefinable, more about the sum of a person than his or her parts. People called it chemistry, sparks, magic, all sorts of vague things. But whatever you called it, the attraction was obviously there.
Something else was obvious. She felt it, too. And she didn’t want to. In fact, she seemed determined to make sure he knew that. He didn’t go around ravishing young women, willing or unwilling, but he definitely got a kick out of her reaction to him. He couldn’t keep from grinning as he headed into the heavy freeway traffic on I-5 North.
On second thought, he might be overreacting. Perhaps it was all those musings about his lack of female companionship following his release from the hospital. Pain could do that to a man. Maybe he was wrong about Shana’s interest in him; maybe he’d simply been projecting his own attraction and—Damn, this was getting much too complicated.
That same evening, when Adam logged on to the Internet, he discovered two messages from Ali. In the first, she was eager to know if he’d made contact with Jazmine; in the other, she asked if he’d be able to give her sister a break now and then. He immediately e-mailed back that he’d seen Jazz and everything seemed to be fine with her and Shana. He also said he’d visit as often as he could. Several questions regarding Shana went through his mind, but he didn’t ask them, not wanting Ali to get the wrong impression. He also feared she’d relay his interest to her sister—and he just wasn’t ready for that.
An hour later, his phone rang. It was Jazmine, who spoke in a whisper.
“Where are you?” he asked.
“In the closet.” She was still whispering.
“What’s the problem?” So Jazmine wanted to talk to him without her aunt listening in. Interesting.
“I hate it here and—oh, Uncle Adam, it’s just so good to see someone I know.”
Adam wished he could be there to wrap his arm around the girl’s thin shoulders. “It’ll get better.” He didn’t mean to sound trite, but he couldn’t come up with anything else to say. “Didn’t you tell me you’d made friends with those two girls who took your backpack?”
“Yeah, I guess, but it isn’t like California. Seattle isn’t like anyplace I’ve been. I miss my mom and…I just don’t like it here.”
“I feel that way whenever I’ve got a new duty assignment,” he said, wanting to comfort her and not knowing how. “I’m in a new work environment myself and to be honest I’d much rather be in Hawaii. It’s the perfect duty station. But you do get used to wherever you are, Jazz…”
“I just want to be with my mom,” Jazmine said, sounding small and sad. “I wouldn’t care where it was.”
“Are you getting along with your aunt?”
Jazmine hesitated. “She tries, and I appreciate everything she does, I really do, but she doesn’t know that much about kids.” As if she felt bad about criticizing her aunt, the girl added, “It’s not as bad as it was on Monday, but…”
Adam wanted to continue asking questions about Shana, but he preferred not to be obvious about it. “She seems nice.”
“She is, but she’s got issues, you know.”
It was difficult for Adam not to laugh outright at Jazmine’s solemn tone. “What kind of issues?” he asked gravely.
Jazmine snickered. “Where would you like me to start? She has this old boyfriend that she dumped or he dumped her—I don’t know which—but she won’t even say his name. I heard her talking to Mom, and every time she got close to mentioning his name, she called him that-man-I-used-to-date. Is that ridiculous or what?”
Adam murmured a noncommittal reply.
“That’s not all. Shana used to have a regular job, a really good one for a drug company. Mom said she made fabulous money, but she quit after she broke up with this guy. Then she bought the ice-cream parlor. She doesn’t know a thing about ice cream or pizza or anything else.”
Still, Adam had to admire her entrepreneurial spirit. “She seems to be doing all right.”
“That’s only because she phones the former owners ten times a day, and I’m not exaggerating. She finally figured out she can’t do everything on her own and she hired a lady to come in during the afternoons to help her. I’m only nine-going-on-ten, and I figured that out before she did.” Jazmine stopped abruptly, as if something had just occurred to her. “You’re not attracted to her or anything, are you?”
Adam relaxed in his chair and crossed his ankles. “Well…I think she’s kinda cute.”
“No, no, no!” Jazmine said, more loudly this time. “I was afraid this would happen. This is terrible!”
Adam loved the theatrics. “What is?”
“Shana,” Jazmine cried as if it should all be perfectly logical. “What about Mom? If you’re going to fall in love with anyone, make it my mom. She needs you, and you’d be a great stepdad.”
“Jazmine,” he said, the amusement suddenly gone. “I think the world of your mother. She’s a wonderful woman, and I love her dearly, but—”
He had no idea how to put this without upsetting her. “Your mother and I, well…”
“You love her like a sister,” Jazmine finished for him. She sounded resigned and not particularly surprised.
Adam almost wished he could fall in love with Ali. Perhaps if he’d met her before Peter did, things would’ve been different. But he hadn’t, and now it was impossible to think of Ali in any other way.
“That’s pretty astute of you,” he said.
“What’s astute?”
Jazmine sighed heavily. “Not really. I said something about you to Mom, and what she said is she loves you like a brother.”
So it was a mutual feeling, which was a relief. “Did your mother tell you she was ready for another relationship?” he asked.
“I think she is,” Jazmine replied after a thoughtful moment. “But I don’t know if she knows it.” She hesitated, and he could almost see her frown of concentration. “Mom’s been different the last few months.” She seemed to be analyzing the situation as she spoke. “She’s less sad,” Jazmine went on. “We talk about Dad a lot, and Mom laughs now and she’s willing to do things and go places again. I guess someone mentioned that to the Navy, because they decided to give her sea duty.”
“I’m grateful your mother’s feeling better about life. When the time’s right, she’ll meet someone special enough to be your stepdad.”
“But it won’t be you.”
Adam heard the sadness in her voice and regretted it. “It won’t be me,” he said quietly.
“You are attracted to Shana though, right?”
“Maybe.” That was all he’d admit. He found himself wondering about the man Shana had recently dumped or been dumped by.
“So this guy she used to go out with—”
“They were engaged, I think, but she won’t talk about it.” There was a pause. “She didn’t get a ring, though.”
Engaged? Even an unofficial engagement suggested this had been a serious and probably long-term relationship. Which could explain why Shana had seemed so skittish.
“Are you gonna ask her out, Uncle Adam?”
Adam wasn’t prepared to make that much of a commitment, not yet, anyway. “Uh, we’ll see.”
“I think she’d say yes,” Jazmine said brightly. “Don’t you?”
“I don’t know. Some women seem to need a man in their lives, but…” His voice trailed off; he wasn’t sure how to complete that thought.
Jazmine muttered a comment he couldn’t hear.
“Pardon?” he said.
“Just remember, she’s got issues—lots and lots of issues.”
Adam managed to stifle a chuckle. “I’ll do my best to keep that in mind. Listen, Jazz, do you feel okay now?”
“Yeah…I guess I should come out before Shana finds me in here. Oh!”
That small cry was followed by some muffled words, but he caught the drift of what was happening. Shana had just discovered where Jazmine had taken the phone.

Chapter Six
“You don’t like him, do you?” Jazmine asked the next day as they drove home from the restaurant. She sat next to Shana with her arms defiantly crossed.
Shana knew better than to pretend she didn’t understand that her niece was referring to Lieutenant Commander Adam Kennedy. “I think your uncle Adam is…nice.” The word was lame and the hesitation was long, which gave Jazmine cause to look at Shana intently. But really, what else could she say? Her unexpected attraction to this man had completely overwhelmed her. She could only hope it passed quickly. How could she be devastated by her breakup with Brad and at the same time, experience all the symptoms of extreme attraction toward another man? A man she’d met for about five minutes and been determined to dislike on sight.
“He’s really cute, too.” Jazmine seemed to feel obliged to remind her of this.
As if Shana needed a reminder.
“He is, isn’t he?” Jazmine challenged.
“All right, he’s cute.” The words nearly stuck in her throat, but with no small effort, Shana managed to get them out. She didn’t know why Jazmine was so insistent. The girl seemed to think she had a point to prove, and she wasn’t letting up until she got Shana to confess she was interested in Adam Kennedy. She wasn’t, of course. Okay, she was, but that was as far as it went. In other words, if he asked her out, which he wouldn’t, she’d refuse. Well, she might consider it briefly, but the answer would still be no.
Jazmine was suspiciously quiet for several minutes and then gave a soft laugh. “I bet you’re hot on him.”
“What?” Shana nearly swallowed her tongue. The last thing she needed was Jazmine telling Adam this. “No way,” she denied vehemently. She could only pray that wasn’t what Jazz had said to Adam in the closet.
One glance told her Jazmine didn’t buy her denial. She shouldn’t have bothered to lie.
“You’re saying that because of your old boyfriend, aren’t you?”
“Absolutely not,” Shana protested. She stepped hard on the brake at a stop sign she’d almost missed, jerking them both forward. Thank goodness for seat belts. Glaring at her niece, she asked, “Who told you that?”
Jazmine blinked wide eyes at Shana. “I overheard my mom talking to you. I wasn’t listening in on your conversation, either, if that’s what you’re thinking. I tried to find out from Mom, but all she’d tell me was that your heart was broken, and that’s why you moved to Seattle.”
Shana was too tired to argue and too emotionally drained to be upset with her sister. If Ali had told Jazmine about Brad, then it was because she felt Jazmine needed to know. “I’m completely over Brad. I’m so over him it’s hard to remember why I even got involved with him.” The words had begun to sound like a wornout litany.
“Brad,” Jazmine said, and seemed satisfied now that she knew his name.
Shana struggled to hide her reaction. Even the mention of Brad’s name irritated her. She might have worked the last twelve hours straight, and on her feet at that, but she had enough energy left to maintain her outrage toward Brad. Still, she would’ve preferred never to talk about him—or hear about him—ever again.
“You still have a heart, though,” Jazmine pressed. “Right?”
“Of course I have a heart.” Shana didn’t know where this was leading and she didn’t care, as long as it didn’t end up on the subject of Adam Kennedy.
“That’s why you’re so hot on my uncle Adam.” Darn.
“I am not hot on your uncle Adam.”
“Are too.”
“Am not.”
“Are too.”
Her niece laughed and despite her irritation, Shana smiled. This was not a conversation she wanted to have, but she’d walked right into it and was determined to extricate herself as gracefully as possible. “Don’t get me wrong,” she said in conciliatory tones. “I think he’s a very nice man, but I don’t want to get involved with anyone at the moment. Understand?”
Jazmine bit her lower lip, as if she wanted to argue, but apparently changed her mind. “For how long?”
Shana decided to nip this question in the bud. “Forever.”
“That long?” Jazmine threw her a crushed look. “You don’t want children? That means I’ll never have cousins!”
“Okay, months and months, then.” At this point Shana was ready to agree to just about anything.
“Months,” Jazmine repeated. She seemed to accept that—or at any rate ventured no further argument.
Shana parked in front of her house, grateful to be home. “You know what? I don’t want to cook. Do you have any suggestions?”
“I can open a can of chili,” Jazmine said. “I’m not very hungry.”
Shana wasn’t all that hungry, either. “Sounds like a perfectly good dinner to me.”
“Let me do it, okay?”
“Thanks, Jazz.” Shana had no intention of turning down this generous offer. “Fabulous.” Then considering her role as guardian, she felt obliged to ask, “Do you have any homework?”
“A little.”
Now came the dilemma. A really good substitute mother would tell Jazmine to forget dinner; Shana would rustle up a decent meal while the kid did her schoolwork. A woman of character would insist on opening that can of chili herself. But not one with tired feet and the start of a throbbing headache, brought on by all this talk about Adam Kennedy.
Once inside the house, Shana left the front door open to create a cooling breeze. She lay back on the sofa and elevated her feet. It was little wonder the Olsens had been ready to sell their restaurant. This was hard work. For part of each day, Shana had her face buried in threegallon containers of ice cream. Her nose felt like she was suffering from permanent frostbite.
Jazmine immediately went into the kitchen and started shuffling pans, clanking one against the other. “Do you need any help?” Shana felt she had to ask, but the question was halfhearted, to say the least.
“No, thanks.”
“This is really very sweet of you.”
Jazmine grumbled a reply and Shana realized she’d failed again. A kid like Jazmine, who wore ankle-high tennis shoes to school, didn’t take kindly to the word sweet. Sooner or later, Shana would need to develop a more appropriate vocabulary. Later, she decided.
A good ten minutes passed and if not for the sounds coming from the kitchen, Shana would be napping by now. Her head rested against the cushion, her feet were propped up and all was well. For the first time since she’d arrived, Jazmine was talking freely with her. She wasn’t sure whether she should credit Adam Kennedy with this improvement or not. She’d rather think she was making strides in her relationship with her niece due to her own efforts.
“Uncle Adam says you need a man in your life.”
Her peace shattered, and Shana’s eyes sprang open. She sat up, swung around and dropped her feet to the floor. “What did you just say?”
Jazmine appeared in the doorway between the kitchen and the living room, wearing a chagrined expression. “I…Uncle Adam said you’re the kind of woman who needs a man in her life.”
That did it. She’d utterly humiliated herself in front of him, and he thought…he assumed she was making some kind of play for him. This was the worst possible scenario.
“Shana?” Jazmine whispered. “You look mad.”
She wondered if the smoke coming out of her ears was any indication. “That’s ludicrous!”
“I’m pretty sure he meant it as a compliment.” Shana doubted it, but gave her niece credit for some fast backtracking.
“He thinks you’re beautiful.”
He did? Although it shouldn’t have mattered, his comment gave Shana pause. “He said that?”
Jazmine hesitated. “Well, not exactly.”
Okay, then. “Listen, it’s not a good idea for us to talk about your uncle Adam right now.” When she saw him next, she’d have plenty to say, though.
“You don’t want to talk about him?”
“Nope.” The kid was catching on fast.
“You don’t want to talk about Brad, either.”
Right again. “You could say men aren’t my favorite topic at the moment.”
“I guess not,” Jazmine said pensively. “I won’t mention either of them if that’s what you want.”
“I want.” Her serenity gone, Shana gave up the idea of resting and joined Jazmine in the kitchen. Her niece’s backpack was propped against the kitchen chair; she seemed to keep it close at all times.
Despite her intentions to the contrary, Shana gave the sexy lieutenant commander plenty of thought. What she had to do was keep her distance. She would be polite and accommodating if he wanted to spend time with Jazmine, but other than that, she’d be cool and remote. Never again would she allow him the opportunity to suggest that she needed a man—least of all him.
Jazmine stirred the chili with her back to Shana. “I probably shouldn’t have said anything.”
“Don’t worry about it.” Shana was eager to drop the subject.
“You’re not mad, are you?”
“Not anymore,” Shana assured her.
“You look mad.”
“I’m not,” she said.
“Are too.”
“Am not.”
“Are too.”
“Am not.”
They both broke out laughing. Obviously Jazz remembered that this childish interchange had amused her earlier, and she wasn’t above repeating it.
Shana had to admit it felt good to laugh with her niece; it was almost like having her sister there. Jazmine was a petite version of Ali and after she’d lowered her guard, they got along well.
Shana wondered if she should clarify her position in case Adam asked Jazmine about her again or made some other ridiculous statement. No, she decided. She’d enlighten him herself.
“You know you’re not getting any younger,” Jazmine said out of the blue.
Once Shana got over her shock, she had to acknowledge that the kid was ruthless in achieving her goals. She went directly for the jugular. But Shana kept her response light. “After a day like this one, that’s certainly true.”
On Saturday morning, Jazmine agreed to come down to the ice-cream parlor with her. In fact, Shana had no choice but to bring her. Catherine, her employee, wouldn’t be in until that afternoon.
At this point Catherine was only part-time, but with the summer traffic, business was picking up and she’d need a second part-time employee. As the season progressed and the parlor was open later in the evening, she’d add more staff. The Olsens had told her that her biggest expense would be the staff payroll and warned her not to hire more people than she needed. Shana had taken their words to heart, doing as much as she could herself.
“Can I bring my Rollerblades?” Jazmine asked, standing in the doorway of her bedroom.
“Sure.” Shana hated the thought of Jazmine hanging around the restaurant all day with nothing to do. Since Lincoln Park was directly across the street, there’d be plenty of paved sidewalks for her to skate. It would be a good opportunity to meet other girls her age, too.
By noon the parlor was crowded. Shana worked the pizza side and Catherine, a grandmotherly woman in her early sixties, dealt with the ice-cream orders. Catherine had been recommended by the Olsens and was great with kids. Shana had already learned a lot from her.
A young red-haired man with two children about three and five came in and ordered a vegetarian pizza and sodas. While Shana assembled the pizza, she watched the man with his kids, admiring the way he entertained them with inventive games.
Jazmine rolled into the parlor, stopped to take off her skates and before long was deep in conversation with the father and his two kids. Shana couldn’t hear what was being said, but she saw the man glance in her direction and nod.
A couple of minutes later, Jazmine joined Shana in the kitchen, which was open to the main part of the restaurant.
“Hi,” Shana said, sliding the hot pizza from the oven onto the metal pan. As she sliced it, the scent of the tomato sauce and cheese and oregano wafted toward her.
“He’s single.”
“Who?” Shana asked distractedly as she set the pizza on the counter. “Do you want to take this out to the guy with the kids?” she asked.
“Can I?” Jazmine beamed at being asked to help out.
Her niece carefully carried the pizza to the table and brought extra napkins. She chatted with the man and his children for a few more minutes, then hurried back to Shana, who was busy preparing additional pizzas. “He asked me to introduce you.”
Jazmine’s eyes widened with impatience. “I was telling you earlier. He’s divorced and he wants to meet you.”
“Who? The guy over there with the kids?”
“Do you see any other guy in here?”
The restaurant had any number of patrons at the moment, but the young father was the only man—and the only customer looking in her direction. He saluted her with a pizza slice.
Flustered, Shana whirled around and glared at Jazmine. “Exactly what did you say to him?”
“Me? I didn’t say anything—well, I did mention that you broke up with Brad, but that was only because he asked. He said he’s been in here before.”
Shana didn’t remember him.
“I told him that my uncle Adam said you’re the kind of woman who needs a man in your life.”
Shana’s heart stopped. “You didn’t!”
“No.” Jazmine hooted with laughter. “But I thought it would get a rise out of you.”
The kid seemed to think she was being funny, but Shana wasn’t laughing.
“Are you interested? Because if you are, let’s go say hello to him. If you’re not, it’s no big deal.”
Shana needed to think about this. “Promise me you didn’t tell him I’m single.”
“I did, and I said you were looking for a husband,” Jazmine said gleefully. “You don’t mind, do you?”
Shana felt the blood drain out of her face. Slowly turning her head, she saw the father still watching her. She jerked around again and noticed that Jazmine was grinning from ear to ear.
“Gotcha,” she said and doubled over laughing.
Shana was glad someone found her embarrassment amusing.

Chapter Seven
Jazmine had her nose pressed against the living room window early on Sunday afternoon, waiting for her uncle Adam. He’d phoned the previous Monday, promising to take her out for the day. He’d mentioned the Museum of Glass in Tacoma, where there was a large Dale Chihuly exhibit.
Shana was almost as eager to see the lieutenant commander as her niece was, but for distinctly different reasons. She had a thing or two she wanted to say; he didn’t know it yet, but the lieutenant commander was about to get an earful. How dare he suggest she needed a man! Every time she thought about it, her irritation grew—until she realized she couldn’t keep quiet for even one more day.
At twelve-forty-seven precisely, Jazmine dashed away from the window and announced, “He’s here!”
“Good.” Shana resisted the urge to race outside and confront him then and there. She’d need to bide her time. She’d waited this long—ten whole days. What was another five minutes?
Jazmine held the screen door open, swinging it wide in welcome. “You aren’t late or anything,” she boasted so eagerly it was endearing.
“Hiya, kiddo,” Adam greeted Jazmine and gave her a big hug. “It’s good to see you.”
“You, too! It didn’t seem like Sunday would ever get here.”
Shana stepped forward, saying, “Hello, Adam,” in cool, level tones.
He grinned boyishly and for an instant Shana faltered. But no, she wasn’t about to let him dazzle her with one of his smiles. Not this time. Her defenses were up. As far as she was concerned, he had some serious explaining to do. Still, she had to admit this guy was gorgeous. Well, gorgeous might be a slight exaggeration, but with those broad shoulders and the way his T-shirt fit snugly across his chest, she couldn’t very well ignore the obvious. His arm was out of the sling now.
“You’d better grab a sweater,” Shana suggested and Jazmine instantly flew out of the room, eager to comply so they could leave.
This was the minute Shana had been waiting for. “It’s time you and I had a little talk,” she said, crossing her arms.
“Sure,” he said with another of those easy grins.
Again she faltered, nearly swayed by his smile, but the effect didn’t last. “I want you to know I didn’t appreciate the comment you made about me being—and I quote—‘the kind of woman who needs a man.’”
To his credit, his gaze didn’t waver. “Jazmine told you that, did she?”
So it was true. “As a matter of fact, Jazmine has repeated it any number of times.”
“I see.” He glanced toward the bedroom door; Jazmine hadn’t come out yet.
Shana sincerely hoped she’d embarrassed him. He deserved it. “I don’t know where you get off making comments like that but I have a few things to say to you.”
“Go right ahead.” He gestured as though granting her permission to speak. That must be how it was in the military, she thought. These officers seemed to think they could say and do whatever they pleased—and they got to boss other people around. Well, Shana wasn’t military and she felt no restraint in speaking her mind. And she refused to call this guy by his title. He wasn’t her commander.
“Are you married, Mr. Kennedy?” She already knew the answer and didn’t give him an opportunity to respond. “I believe not. Does being single make you feel in any way incomplete?” Again he wasn’t allowed to answer. “I thought not. This might come as a shock to you, but I am perfectly content with my life as it is. In other words, I don’t need a man and your insinuating that I do is an insult.”
“I’m not finished yet.” She held up her hand, cutting him off because she was just getting started. Before he left, she expected a full apology from Adam Kennedy.
“By all means continue,” he said, his pose relaxed.
His attitude annoyed her. He acted as though he was indulging her, which Shana found condescending. “Since you’re single you must want a woman in your life.” She gave him the once-over. “In fact, you look like a man who needs a woman.”
To her horror, Adam simply laughed.
“I was trying to make a point here,” Shana said in as dignified a tone as she could manage.
“I know,” he said and made an attempt to stifle his humor.
That only served to irritate her further. “Never mind. I can see my opinion is of little interest to you.”
Suddenly they both turned to see Jazmine, who stood rooted in the bedroom doorway, a sweatshirt draped over her arm. “I should’ve kept my mouth shut, right?” she murmured apologetically. “I’m afraid Aunt Shana might’ve taken what you said the wrong way.”
“So I gathered.” He looked down, but Shana saw that the corners of his mouth quivered.
“Shana’s right, you know,” Jazmine stated for Adam’s benefit, as she moved toward them. “You do need someone special in your life.”
Adam’s smile disappeared.
Aha! She wondered how he’d feel being on the other side.
“Jazmine took your comments to heart,” Shana primly informed him. “She tried to match me up with a divorced father of two.”
Adam’s gaze shot to Jazmine.
“Well…It didn’t work out—but I’d be a good matchmaker.”
As far as Shana could tell, Jazmine was completely serious. That had to stop. She certainly didn’t need her niece dragging eligible bachelors into the pizza kitchen every chance she got.
“He might’ve been interested, too,” Jazmine added. “He seemed really nice.”
“I don’t need anyone’s help, thank you very much,” Shana insisted.
“Hold on,” Adam said, glancing from one to the other. He motioned at Jazmine. “Go back to the beginning because I think I missed something.”
“I found out he was single and I told him my aunt was, too, but that was all I did. She wouldn’t let me introduce her.”
“This is entirely your fault.” Shana felt it was important that Adam understand it was his comment that had begun this whole awkward situation.
“You’re finished with Brad,” Jazmine reminded her. She turned to Adam and added, “He’s the guy previously known as the-man-I-used-to-date. Sort of like Prince. That’s what Mom said, anyway.”
Adam burst out laughing.
“There is a point to this, isn’t there?” Shana asked her niece.
Jazmine nodded and threw one fist in the air. “Get out there, Aunt Shana! Live a little.”
Adam laughed even more.
“You think this is funny, don’t you?” Shana muttered. He wouldn’t find it nearly as funny when Jazmine was busy selling his attractions to single women in the museum.
“I’m sorry.” But he didn’t look it. For her niece’s sake, she resisted rolling her eyes.
“I think it’s time we cleared up this misunderstanding,” he said and gestured toward the sofa. “Why don’t we all sit down for a moment?”
Shana didn’t take a seat until Adam and Jazmine had already made themselves comfortable on the sofa.
To her chagrin, Adam smiled patiently as if explaining the situation to a child. “I’m afraid Jazmine read more into my comment than I intended,” he began. “What I said was that some women seem to need a man in their lives. I wasn’t talking about you. Although, of course, any man in his right mind would be attracted to you. You’re a beautiful woman.”
“Oh.” It would be convenient if Shana could magically disappear about now, but that was not to be. “I see. Well, in that case, I won’t hold you up any longer.” She sprang to her feet, eager to get them both out the door before she dissolved into a puddle at his feet. “I—that’s a very nice thing to say…” She stared at her watch.
Adam took the hint and stood, and Jazmine rose with him. “Is there any special time you want her back this evening?” he asked.
“No…anytime is fine,” she said, then quickly reconsidered. “On second thought, Jazmine has school tomorrow so she shouldn’t be out too late.”
“I’ll have her here by seven.”
“Thank you.” Shana waited by the door as they left, her heart going a little crazy as she tried to regain her composure.
“Bye, Aunt Shana.”
She closed the door. She’d hoped to put the mighty naval officer in his place and all she’d managed to do was amuse him. Depressed, Shana sank into the closest chair and hid her face in her hands—until she realized something. For the first time since Jazmine had arrived, she’d called her Aunt Shana. Twice.
Apparently her status had been sufficiently elevated that the nine-year-old was no longer ashamed to be related to her. That, at least, was progress.
Adam waited until they’d almost reached Tacoma before he mentioned the scene at Shana’s. Jazmine had barely said a word from the moment they’d left. Now and then she glanced in his direction, as if she was afraid he was upset, but really he had no one to blame but himself. He did know women who were lost without a relationship, although he didn’t think Shana was like that. Intentionally or not, Jazz had misunderstood his remark and used it for her own purposes.
“You really did it this time,” he murmured.
“Are you mad?”
“No, but your aunt was.”
“I know, but don’t you be mad, okay?”
“I shouldn’t have said anything. You and I should not have been discussing male-female relationships.”
“Did you mean what you said about my aunt being beautiful and all that?”
“Yes.” This was only the second time he’d seen Shana; again, he’d come away wanting to know her better. He might have ruined any chance of that, but he hoped not. When he’d started out from Everett, he’d considered inviting Shana to join them. But it hadn’t taken him long to decide that today probably wasn’t opportune.
“What I told your aunt is the truth. She is a beautiful woman,” he said casually as he headed south on the interstate.
“She likes you.”
Adam chuckled.
“No, I’m serious. She’s got the hots for you. I can tell.”
“I don’t think so.” Back to reality. Shana might be attracted to him, but she’d never admit that now.
“I know so!”
“Jazmine, listen…”
“Okay, but can I say what I want to first?”
Apparently she was taking lessons from her aunt Shana. “Fine.”
“I was thinking about what you said—about not feeling sparks with Mom. But I thought you might with Aunt Shana.”
“Jazmine, you’re far too interested in matters that are none of your concern. How do you know about this stuff, anyway? MTV?”
She groaned. “Why do adults always say things like that?”
“Because they’re true.”
“All I want is for you to marry her and be happy.”
“Has the cat got your tongue?” Jazmine teased. “Adults say that, too. No, really, I am serious. If you married my aunt Shana, everything would be perfect. She needs a husband and you need a wife.”
“I don’t need a wife,” he argued. “And it’s none of—”
“But you’d like to be married one day, wouldn’t you?” she broke in.
“Yes,” he said reluctantly. He’d had the very same thought just recently, but he’d credited that to feeling sorry for himself after the surgery. Granted, Shana was attractive but he didn’t need a nine-year-old playing matchmaker. Although…He smiled involuntarily. Shana appealed to him, and he was more and more inclined to pursue the relationship. On his own schedule and in his own way.
“I can help,” Jazmine offered.
“It would be best if you left this between your aunt and me. Agreed?”
After a moment, Jazmine nodded. “Agreed.”
“Good, now let’s have a wonderful day, all right?” Jazmine turned a smile of pure joy on him. “All right.”
A surprise awaited him when they arrived at the Museum of Glass. The Dale Chihuly exhibit was in the Tacoma Art Museum and Union Station, not in the nearby Museum of Glass. Jazmine and Adam took the guided walking tour of his permanent display and were awestruck by the Bridge of Glass. The five-hundred-foot pedestrian bridge linked the Tacoma waterfront to Pacific Avenue.
Originally Adam had gotten information about Chihuly over the Internet when he was researching a destination for today’s outing. Chihuly was known for his massive glass installations, but the man’s talent was even more impressive than Adam had realized. Both he and Jazmine loved his vibrant use of color and unique style. Following the walking tour, they stopped at the Museum of Glass. Adam was in for a surprise there, too. The museum was huge: it contained thirteen thousand square feet of open exhibition space. Jazmine was enthralled by the Hot Shop Amphitheater, which was the building’s most striking feature. Cone-shaped, it leaned at a seventeen-degree angle, and was ninety feet high and a hundred feet wide. The theater included a glass studio where a team of artists blew and cast glass. Afterward, Adam and Jazmine ate sandwiches in the museum café and visited the gift shop. When Adam had suggested this, it had seemed like an entertaining thing to do, but he’d quickly become caught up in the excitement and drama of watching the artists work.
By the end of the afternoon, he needed a break, and sat with a cup of coffee while Jazmine leafed through a book he’d bought her.
Before they left, Jazmine bought a postcard of the Dale Chihuly glass flowers displayed on the ceiling of a Las Vegas casino to send her mother.
“Are you ready to go back to your aunt’s?” he asked, sipping his coffee.
“I guess,” Jazmine said. “But only if you are.”
Adam recognized a trap when he saw one. If he appeared too eager, little Jazmine might suspect he wanted to see Shana again. He did, but he sure wasn’t going to admit it, especially to her.

Chapter Eight
For Shana, having an entire Sunday to herself was sheer luxury. Catherine was working at the restaurant and this was the first day she’d taken off since she’d purchased the business. Shana intended to take full advantage of this gift of time.
Working as many hours as she did, she’d been putting off a number of tasks and spent two hours doing paperwork. The Olsens had trained her well in every aspect of owning a restaurant, but they’d failed to warn her how much paperwork was involved. Getting everything organized wasn’t difficult but it was time-consuming. After working all day and handling the closing in the evening, she was exhausted, and making sense of anything more than the remote control was beyond her.
Once the paperwork was up-to-date, she polished her toenails, and between three loads of wash, she luxuriated in a new mystery she’d been trying to read for weeks. She’d been reading at night in fits and starts, but couldn’t manage more than fifteen or twenty minutes at a time. The author was one of her favorites but to Shana’s surprise her mind kept wandering away from the page. She supposed it was because she felt guilty about all the things she should be doing.
When she wasn’t fretting over that, her thoughts were on Jazmine and Adam. She knew they were going to the Museum of Glass, but that couldn’t possibly take all afternoon. Well, maybe it could; she didn’t know.
Finally Shana gave up and shut the book. This was Adam Kennedy’s fault. Even when he was nowhere in sight, he wouldn’t leave her alone.
When she could stand it no longer, Shana logged on to the computer and left her sister a message.
Sent: Sunday, June 12
From: Shana@mindsprung.com
To: Alison.Karas@woodrowwilson.navy.mil
Subject: Adam Kennedy: Friend or Foe?
Dear Ali,
Just checking in to let you know that despite our rocky start, everything’s going well with Jazz and me. She’s a great kid.
The upcoming week is the last of the school year. I’m thrilled at how quickly Jazmine has adjusted and how fast she’s made friends. I guess she’s had lots of practice. She’s a tremendous help at the ice-cream and pizza parlor and insists on taking pizzas to the customers’ tables, which I appreciate.
The other reason I’m writing is that I’ve got a question about Peter’s friend, Adam Kennedy. I must have met him at Peter’s funeral, but if so I don’t remember. Jazmine seems to think you’re romantically interested in him. Are you? You’ve never mentioned him before—at least not that I can recall. Before you make anything of this inquiry, I want it understood that I find him arrogant and egotistical. Jazmine, however, thinks the guy walks on water. They’re off this afternoon to explore some glass museum. I’d be grateful if you’d tell me what you know about him. For instance, has he ever been married? If not, why? I don’t want to give you the wrong impression or anything—I do find him arrogant. But he sort of interests me, too. Fill in the blanks for me, would you?
At six Shana tossed a salad for dinner. The house seemed terribly quiet, and she turned on the television for company. That wasn’t like her. In all her years of living alone, she’d never once felt this lonely. At first she wondered if it was due to the breakup with Brad, but all she felt when she thought about him was regret for all that wasted time—and anger. She was just plain glad he was out of her life. In fact, she rarely thought of him at all and that surprised her.
Jazmine had been with her for only a few weeks, and already Shana couldn’t imagine life without her. She missed Jazmine’s energy—blaring her music or talking on the phone, or plying Shana with questions about all sorts of things. The difference between the unhappy nine-yearold who’d arrived on her doorstep and the girl she was now—well, it seemed nothing short of astonishing. She’d become extroverted, interested and…interfering.
A little after seven, Jazmine burst into the house. “I’m back!” she shouted.
Before Shana could issue a word of welcome, Jazmine regaled her with details of how they’d spent their day. She talked about the walking tour and chattered excitedly about watching the artists work in the Museum of Glass. She’d fed the seagulls along the waterfront on Rustin Way and then Adam had taken her for a quick visit to the zoo at Point Defiance Park. Shana could hardly believe the girl could talk so fast and breathe at the same time.
“I guess you had a completely rotten time?” Shana asked, teasing her. Shana realized as she spoke that the lieutenant commander was nowhere in sight. “Where’s Adam?”
“We were kind of late and he had to get back.” Jazmine’s smile widened. “Did you want him to come inside?”
“Not really. I just thought he might like to…visit for a few minutes.” Actually, after the way she’d torn into him on his arrival, she didn’t blame him for avoiding her.
“We should probably have a little talk,” Shana said, slipping an arm around Jazmine’s shoulders.
Her niece stiffened. “I have a feeling this is the same little talk Uncle Adam and I had, only now it’s going to be the Aunt Shana version.”
Her interest was instantly piqued. “Really? And what did Adam have to say?”
Jazmine gave a long-suffering sigh. “That it would be a good idea if I left the two of you alone.”
“He’s right.” Shana was grateful Adam had taken it upon himself to explain this. Jazmine would accept it more readily coming from him.
“He also said I’m concerning myself with matters that aren’t any of my business.”
“Exactly.” Obviously Adam had been very forthright during his version of the “little talk.”
“I promised him I wouldn’t try matching you up with other men.”
“I’d appreciate that,” Shana said solemnly.
Jazmine sighed again. “I wouldn’t like it if you went around talking to boys about me.”
That was exactly how Shana had planned to approach the subject herself. “Did Adam make that comparison?”
Her niece nodded. “He said it on the drive back.”
“He’s smarter than he looks,” Shana muttered. Then, because she felt her niece should know this, she added, “A man and a woman can be friends without being romantically involved, Jazmine. It’s called a platonic relationship.”
The phone rang then, and without waiting for a second ring, Jazmine leaped like a gazelle into the other room. She ripped the receiver off the wall. “Hello,” she said urgently. “No, she’s here, you have the right number.” Jazmine held out the phone. “It’s for you.”
Shana started to ask who it was, but didn’t. Taking the receiver, she raised it to her ear. “This is Shana.”
“Shana. I can’t tell you how wonderful it is to hear the sound of your voice.”
For the first time in her life, Shana’s knees felt as if they were about to buckle. It was Brad.
“Hello, Brad,” she said evenly, amazed at her ability to respond without emotion. The man had guts; she’d say that for him. “How’d you find me?” she asked coolly.
“It wasn’t easy. It’s taken me weeks.”
She supposed she should be complimented that he’d made the effort, but she wasn’t. “I don’t mean to be rude, but there was a reason I kept my number unlisted.”
“The least you can do is listen to what I have to say,” he told her.
“Everything’s been said.”
“But Shana—”
“There’s nothing more to say,” she insisted.
“At least give me your address. I can’t believe you’re living in Washington. Did you get a transfer?”
“That’s nothing to do with you.”
Jazmine was watching her carefully, eyes wide and quizzical as if she was hoping to memorize each word so she could repeat it.
“I would prefer if you didn’t phone me again.” Shana was prepared to cut him off, but he stopped her, obviously guessing her intentions.
“Don’t hang up,” he pleaded. “Please, Shana, just hear me out.”
“It won’t do any good.” She’d gone ramrod-straight, her resistance up. She didn’t even find this difficult, although she had to admit she was mildly curious as to why he’d sought her out.
“I don’t care. I need to get this off my chest. Just promise me you’ll listen.”
She didn’t want to encourage him with a response.
He continued despite that. “You told me you were leaving Portland, but I didn’t believe you. Shana, I miss you. I need you. Nothing is the same without you. I feel so empty. You have no idea how awful it’s been for me.”
That was their problem in a nutshell. The entire relationship had revolved around Brad Moore and his needs. He missed her, he needed her. She was convenient, loyal and endlessly patient. Well, no more.
She rolled her eyes and made a circular motion with her hand as though to hurry him along.
Jazmine planted her hand over her mouth to smother her giggles.
“Are you listening?” he asked, finishing up a fiveminute soliloquy about how much he missed all their special times. Translation: all the “special” times when she’d been there to see to his comfort. He recounted the little ways she’d indulged him—the meals she’d cooked according to his likes and dislikes, the movies she’d watched because he’d chosen them, the Christmas shopping she’d done for him…Not once did he say any of the things that might have changed her mind, including the fact that he loved her.
So far, everything he’d said reaffirmed her belief that she’d made the right decision. It would always be about Brad and what he needed from her and how important she was to his comfort. Apparently Sylvia wasn’t nearly as accommodating as Shana.
Finally she couldn’t take it any longer.
“Are you finished yet?” she asked and yawned rudely to signal her boredom.
Her question was followed by a short silence. “You’ve changed, Shana.”
“Yes,” she told him in a curt voice. “Yes, I have.”
“I can’t believe you don’t love me anymore.”
Shana noticed he hadn’t even bothered to ask about the girl who’d answered the phone.
Brad seemed shocked that she wasn’t ready to race back into his arms just because he’d made an effort to find her. A short while ago, she’d been grateful for each little crumb he’d tossed her way. Those days were over. Oh, this felt good. She felt good.
“What’s happened to my sweet Shana?” he asked. “This isn’t like you.”
“I woke up,” she informed him, “and I didn’t respect the woman I’d become. It was time to clean house. Out with the old and in with the new.”
The line went silent as he absorbed this. “You’re dating someone else, aren’t you?”
The temptation to let him believe that was strong, and she might have given in to it, if not for Jazmine. With her niece listening to every word, Shana felt honorbound to tell the truth.
“It’s just like you to think that, but no, I’m not seeing anyone else.” She bit back the words to tell him she could if she wanted to. Well, there was that single father who might’ve been interested—and Adam Kennedy.
His relief was instantaneous. “You’ll always love me…”
“No,” she said firmly. “I won’t. I don’t. Not anymore. For your sake and mine, please don’t call me again.”
He started to argue, but Shana wasn’t willing to listen. She should’ve hung up the phone long before, but some perverse satisfaction had kept her on the line.
As she replaced the receiver, she looked over at Jazmine. Her niece gave a loud triumphant shout. “Way to go, Aunt Shana!”
They exchanged high fives. Shana felt exuberant and then guilty for not experiencing even the slightest disappointment. She was actually grateful Brad had phoned because this conversation had provided complete and final proof that she’d reclaimed her own life.
“Can I tell Uncle Adam about this?” Jazmine asked happily.
“Adam?” Her suspicions immediately rose to the surface. “Whatever for?”
“Because,” Jazmine replied as if it should be obvious. “He should know that you really are over Brad. The door’s open, isn’t it? I mean, you’re cured.”
Shana liked the analogy. “I am cured, but let’s just keep this between us for now, okay?”
Jazmine frowned. “If you say so,” she said without enthusiasm.
The kid was certainly eager to get her and Adam together. Presumably she’d abandoned her earlier hopes for Adam and her mother. “I want your promise that you won’t talk to Adam about any part of my conversation with Brad.”
Muttering under her breath, Jazmine shook her head. Halfway to her room, she turned back. “Uncle Adam wanted me to tell you he’ll be by next Saturday. That’s all right, isn’t it?”
“Of course it is.” Not until later did Shana realize how dejected she was at the thought of waiting almost a week before she saw Adam Kennedy again.

Chapter Nine
Ali read Shana’s e-mail a second time and smiled. This was exactly what she’d hoped—but didn’t dare believe—would happen. Although her sister was skirting the issue, she was interested in Adam; her e-mail confirmed it. Adam had definitely gotten Shana’s attention.
It took half an hour for Ali to answer her sister. She worked hard on the wording for fear she’d say too much or not enough. Adam was a lot like Peter in the ways that really mattered. He was loyal, compassionate, with a strong work ethic and an endearing sense of humor. Through the years, Peter had encouraged him to settle down and get married. Personally Ali didn’t understand why Adam hadn’t. Aside from the important stuff, he was good-looking. As far as she knew he dated, but obviously hadn’t found the one woman with whom he wanted to spend the rest of his life. Could Shana be that woman? Far be it from her to suggest such a thing. Much better if a relationship developed without her meddling. From the sounds of it, they were getting all the romantic assistance they needed—or didn’t need—from Jazmine.
Once she’d finished her e-mail, Ali prepared for her shift. It’d taken some adjustment, but she’d become accustomed to life aboard the aircraft carrier. Routine helped pass the days, and being able to stay in touch with her daughter through the Internet eased her mind about Jazmine.
The hours went by quickly as she responded to small medical emergencies.
She was almost finished with her shift when Commander Frank Dillon entered the sick bay. His complexion was sickly pale, and his forehead was beaded with sweat. When he saw that Ali was the duty nurse, he attempted a weak smile but she noticed that his jaw was clenched and he was clearly in pain.
Ali remembered him from her first day in the wardroom. Since then, she hadn’t seen him at all but thought about him often, reliving those few seconds when he’d reached out to steady her in the passageway. Just seconds—it couldn’t have been more than that. She didn’t know why she’d read anything into such a minor incident. Still, she’d fantasized about him an embarrassing number of times in the weeks since. No one had to remind her of the professional issues involved in fraternization aboard ship.
“Commander Dillon,” Ali said, coming forward to assist him. He held his hand pressed against his side. “What happened?”
“Something’s wrong,” he muttered. He looked as if he was close to passing out. “I need a doctor.”
Ali led him into an examination room, and learned that he’d had a stomachache for the last couple of days. It’d had grown steadily worse and now the pain had become intolerable. She alerted Captain Robert Coleman, the physician on duty, who examined the commander.
Ali suspected it was his appendix, and apparently Dr. Coleman did, too. Following the examination, he ordered X-rays. Ali accompanied Commander Dillon while the X-rays were taken. The commander didn’t utter a word, although she knew every touch, no matter how gentle, brought him pain.
One look at the film confirmed her fears. Time was critical; judging by the amount of pain he was suffering, his appendix could rupture any minute. Dr. Coleman scheduled emergency surgery, which he planned to perform immediately.
Ali helped prep the commander, explaining what was happening and why. She hooked up the IV and taped the needle in place. After checking the fluid bag, she glanced down and discovered him watching her. She smiled shyly, unaccustomed to such intent scrutiny.
Frank closed his eyes and drew in a deep breath.
Ali squeezed his hand. “Don’t worry, we’ll have you back to your command as good as new,” she promised.
He was silent until just before he was rolled into the surgical bay. He gripped Ali’s hand unexpectedly and with surprising strength. Half rising from the gurney, he said, “It’s bad. Listen, if I don’t make it…if there are complications…”
“You’re going to live to tell about this, Commander,” she assured him. She gave his hand another squeeze and urged him back down. Their eyes met and she did her best to let him know that the medical staff would take good care of him and all would be well.
The commander dragged in another deep breath. “I don’t mean to sound fatalistic, but I don’t have any family. My wife left me years ago—no kids. My brother died a few years back and I’ve never updated my will.”
“I’m sorry about your brother,” she told him softly.
His hand clutched hers. “Money to charity. Decide for me. Promise you’ll decide for me.”
“I will, but, Commander…”
He wasn’t listening anymore, she realized. The pain was too intense.
“I’m going into surgery with you,” she whispered. “If God decides it’s your time, He’ll have to argue with me first.” Although she was certain he was past hearing anything, she thought she detected a faint smile.
As the surgery progressed, Ali wanted to chastise the commander for waiting so long to seek medical attention. He had risked his life because of—what? Pride? Ignoring the pain hadn’t made it go away. An infected appendix was not going to heal itself.
The surgery was routine until they found that, exactly as she’d suspected, the appendix had burst. Extra time and care was needed to ensure that the infection was completely eradicated before it could spread to the entire abdominal area. Peritonitis could be fatal. Having a ruptured appendix wasn’t as life-threatening as in years past, but it was serious enough.
After the surgery, Commander Dillon’s incision was closed and he was taken into Recovery. Lieutenant Rowland was sent in to replace Ali, whose shift had ended.
“I’ll stay with him a bit longer,” she told Rowland. Sitting at the commander’s bedside, she took his blood pressure every twenty minutes until he woke from the anesthesia several hours later.
He moved his head instinctively toward Ali, who sat by his side.
She smiled and touched his brow. “God didn’t put up much of an argument. It seems that neither heaven nor hell was interested in collecting your soul, Commander.”
“You sure about that?” he whispered weakly. “I thought this pain meant I was in hell.”
“How are you feeling now?”
“Like someone hacked me open with a saw blade.”
“I’ll give you something for the pain.” She stood and reached for his chart to make a notation. “Rest now. Your body’s had quite a time of it.” That was an understatement, but she felt better knowing he was awake. His vital signs confirmed that he was out of immediate danger.
Ali sat with the commander for another hour and then reluctantly turned her patient over to Rowland.
“Do you know the commander?” the lieutenant asked as she left the recovery area.
“I met him our first day out.”
Rowland seemed surprised that she’d stayed with him. It surprised Ali, too. She was busy these days and got as little as four or five hours’ sleep a night, but hadn’t been able to make herself leave. One thing was certain: this man had her attention. Just as Adam had Shana’s…
Frank Dillon was lost in a dark, lonely world. Every so often he heard a soft, feminine voice and it confused him. He couldn’t figure out where he was. Then he remembered the pain, the surgery, the nurse—that soft voice was the nurse talking to him. The one who haunted his dreams. He prayed it was her and in the same breath pleaded for God to send her away. Her touch was light, and on the rare occasions when he found the strength to open his eyes, she was standing by his side.
She smelled good. Not of flowers or perfume, but a distinct womanly scent. Clean and subtle and…just nice. It lured him unlike anything else he’d ever experienced. He wasn’t a man accustomed to the ways of women. He’d lived his life in the Navy and for the Navy, and he’d learned the hard way that he wasn’t meant to be a Navy husband.
He’d married at twenty-five and Laura had left him two years later. That had been nearly twenty years ago. His wife had walked out when she realized no amount of crying, pleading or cajoling would persuade him to resign his commission. She knew before they were married that he’d made the Navy his career, the same as his father and grandfather had. Nothing was more important to Frank than duty and honor. Not his marriage, not Laura, not one damn thing. She hadn’t been able to reconcile herself to that and he doubted any woman ever could. Other commitments took second place to military life. He’d accepted that, and dedicated himself to his career. Not once in all those years had he regretted his decision. Until now—and now he would willingly have sold his soul to keep this woman at his side. He needed her, wanted her and he didn’t care what it cost him.
Some of his fellow officers had been against letting women serve at sea. Frank hadn’t been one of them. Now he wasn’t so sure his peers had been wrong. Senior Medical Officer Alison Karas had taken up far more of his thoughts than warranted. He’d decided from their first, chance encounter to stay away from her; he wasn’t risking his career for a shipboard romance. Avoiding her was easy enough to accomplish with five thousand sailors aboard the USS Woodrow Wilson. It was just his luck that she was the one on duty. Luck or fate? He wasn’t sure he’d like the answer.
A cool hand touched his brow, followed by Alison’s quiet voice. Unable to make out the words, Frank thought it might have been a prayer. Apparently he was worse off than he’d known, although she seemed to think she had some influence with the Man Upstairs. Her constancy touched him. No one had ever done anything like that before—not for him.
The darkness didn’t bother him anymore. He was at peace, even though a vague memory, something about Alison, hovered just out of reach. She was with him. He planned to tell her how much her presence meant to him.
If he lived through this.
The next morning, the USS Woodrow Wilson was hit by a raging storm. The massive ship had turned into the typhoon, and there was nothing to do but ride it out. Thankfully, Ali had never been prone to seasickness, but a number of men were sent to sick bay. She had her hands full the first day of the storm, but things had settled down by the second. During a quiet moment, she went in to check on Commander Dillon. He was sitting up in bed, still pale and not in the best of moods.
“What the hell is going on topside?” he demanded the moment he saw her.
“We’re in the midst of a typhoon, Commander.”
He tossed aside his sheet and seemed ready to climb out of bed. “Get me out of here.”
“No.” She prevented him from moving farther.
From the way his eyes widened, Ali could tell that it wasn’t often anyone stood up to the high and mighty commander. “I’m the navigator and I’m needed topside,” he argued, his face reddening.
“This might come as a shock, Commander Dillon, but the Navy stayed afloat without you for more than two hundred years. They’ll manage to survive for another day or so. Now stay in bed, otherwise I’ll have you restrained.”
His blue eyes flared. “You wouldn’t.”
Although her heart was pounding, Ali didn’t dare let her nervousness show. “I don’t think that’s something you’d like to find out. Your orders are to stay in bed until Captain Coleman says otherwise. Do I make myself clear?”
His gaze challenged hers, but then, apparently reaching a decision, he nodded. Although he wasn’t happy about it, he would abide by what he knew was best.
Ali was grateful. Under normal circumstances, the commander wasn’t a man to cross; she’d figured that out quickly enough. And if his scowl was any indication, he was on the mend. He’d been in bad shape the first few days, but his improvement was steady. To show him how much she appreciated his cooperation, she patted his arm.
He stiffened as if he found her touch offensive and Ali quickly backed away. While he was under anesthesia, she’d touched him many times. In an effort to comfort him, she’d stroked his brow and talked to him in soothing tones. She’d frequently taken his pulse and blood pressure and let her hand linger on his arm, hoping he’d sense her encouragement and concern. Perhaps she’d grown too familiar, too personal.
“I apologize,” he muttered gruffly.
Embarrassed, Ali retreated an additional step. “No, the fault is mine—I’m sorry.” By all rights, she should turn and leave. The clinic was busy. Sailors were waiting. She should get while the getting was good, as her grandmother used to say.
“You were with me in Recovery until I regained consciousness, weren’t you?” he whispered.
She nodded, afraid they were taking a dangerous risk by acknowledging this attraction. Not since Peter’s death had Ali allowed herself to feel anything for another man. In fact, she’d been certain she never would and now…now she wasn’t sure what to think.
“Any particular reason you stayed with me all those hours?” he asked.
Ali didn’t know what to tell him. Honesty might be the best policy, but there were times the truth was better
avoided. This appeared to be one of those times. “Your appendix had ruptured, Commander. In such cases, there’s a significant chance of complications. It was easier for me just to remain on duty than explain the situation to my shift replacement.” Ali used her best professional voice, making it as devoid of emotion as she could.
He seemed to accept her explanation and answered with an abrupt nod.
“Is there anything else I can do for you?” she asked, moving away from his bedside.
“Not a thing,” he replied in clipped tones, and Ali knew he was referring to a whole lot more than his medical situation.

Chapter Ten
As promised, Adam Kennedy was at the restaurant by ten on Saturday morning. Shana had anticipated this moment—no, dreaded it—all week. She might’ve been able to push the lieutenant commander from her mind if it weren’t for Jazmine, who found every excuse in the world to bring up his name. They could be discussing the migration habits of Canada geese, and Jazmine would somehow link the topic with her uncle Adam. It didn’t matter what they discussed, Adam Kennedy became part of the conversation.
Shana didn’t resent the fact that her niece called Adam her uncle anymore. It seemed natural for her to do so. What didn’t seem natural—or fair—was the way he’d infiltrated her thoughts. And, in all honesty, that wasn’t just due to Jazmine.
“Good morning,” Adam said as he marched into the restaurant with a crisp military gait that said he was ready for action. He wore black jeans and a casual denim shirt with the sleeves rolled up.
“Hi.” Her voice faltered a little. This was one attractive man, a fact she was trying hard to ignore. Nonetheless, her hands trembled as she reached for a paper towel and wiped them clean. “Jazmine brought her Rollerblades.” Thankfully it was early enough that the ice-cream parlor didn’t have any customers yet.
“I saw. She put on a show for me in the parking lot.”
“Oh.” Now that was an intelligent response and Shana resisted the urge to kick herself. She intensely disliked the way Adam made her feel like an awkward teenager. Until recently, she’d considered herself a competent professional, a woman who could cope with any social situation, and it irked her no end that this man could agitate her like this. “Where are you two headed today?” she asked conversationally, hoping to hide her complete lack of a brain.
Adam sauntered up to the cash register, apparently in no hurry to leave. “I haven’t decided yet. I thought I’d get some suggestions from Miss Jazz.”
“Good idea.” Before she sent him off with Jazmine, perhaps she should enlighten him about her niece’s continuing efforts to match up the two of them. “Do you have a few minutes before you go?”
“Sure.” He slid onto one of the stools.
Rubbing her palms against her apron, Shana took a moment to clear her thoughts. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed,” she began, “but Jazmine seems to be working hard at, uh, getting the two of us together.” She paused. “This is in spite of your…little talk.”
Adam leaned forward. “I got the hint in our last phone conversation, when she started mentioning your name in practically every sentence.”
“She does that to you, too?” Interesting. And, she supposed, predictable. “You’re a frequent topic of conversation yourself.”
He chuckled. “She’s been e-mailing me updates on you.”
“Updates on what?”
“I haven’t paid a lot of attention.”
She was unexpectedly miffed by that but decided his indifference was probably for the best.
“By the way, how’s Brad?”
Shana nearly bit her tongue in an effort to hide her reaction. “I thought you said you weren’t paying attention,” she said. “Brad isn’t important.”
“Really? That’s curious because—”
“I have something to discuss,” she said, cutting him off before they both got sidetracked by the unpleasant subject of Brad.
“Have at it,” Adam said, gesturing toward her.
“First, since we’re both aware that Jazmine’s busy playing matchmaker, it seems the best defense is to be honest with each other.” She half expected an argument.
“I agree.”
He seemed utterly relaxed; in contrast, Shana’s nerves were as tight as an overwound guitar string.
“Okay,” she said, taking a deep breath. “I think you’re wonderful with Jazmine and…and mildly attractive.” The man already had an overblown ego and she wasn’t about to give him any encouragement.
“Really?” He perked up at that.
“Yes,” she admitted reluctantly, “and there are probably a few other positive traits I could add.”
He checked his watch. “I have time.”
She ignored him. “But without going into why I feel a relationship between us wouldn’t work—”
“Aren’t you being a little hasty?” he asked without allowing her to finish.
“No,” she insisted. “Besides, I’m not interested.” She wondered if a big red neon light spelling liar was flashing over her head. She was interested, but she suspected this whole attraction thing was just the result of being on the rebound. She needed to take it slow, ease into another relationship. Letting Adam Kennedy sweep her off her feet was definitely a bad idea.
He stared at her blankly. “Interested in what?”
“You. I don’t mean to be blunt or rude, but I felt I should be clear about that.”
“No problem.” He shrugged, his expression unchanged.
“I didn’t mean to offend you.”
“You didn’t,” he assured her and he certainly didn’t look put off by her confession.
“It’s just that this isn’t the right time for me to get involved,” she rushed to add, confused now and more than a little embarrassed. She wished she’d thought this through more carefully. “I’ve only had the business a short while, and all my energy and resources are tied up in it.”
“Of course. That makes perfect sense.”
“This has nothing to do with you personally.” She was only digging herself in deeper now but couldn’t seem to stop.
“Shana, it’s not a problem. Don’t worry, okay? If anything, it’s a relief.”
“It is?” she blurted out.
“We should keep each other informed,” he murmured. “Just like you suggested. Jazmine is a sweet kid, but we both need to be aware of her game plan.”
“Exactly.” She felt guilty about the things she’d said. “I hope I didn’t offend you—sometimes my tongue goes faster than my brain.”
“Not at all,” he told her patiently.
“Good.” It was probably ridiculous to be so worried about a nine-year-old’s scheme and even more ridiculous to mention it to Adam. Thankfully he’d taken everything with a sense of humor.
“Uncle Adam!” Jazmine skated into the parlor and at one glance from Shana, sat down and removed her skates. “Are you done yet? Can we leave now?”
“In a minute.”
“Great!” Jazmine looked about as happy as Shana could remember seeing her. “School’s out for the year.” She slipped on her tennis shoes without bothering to tie them.
Shana’s cheeks still burned with embarrassment and she was eager to see Adam and Jazmine leave. “You guys have a great time,” she mumbled. “Bye.”
Adam slid off the stool and with Jazmine at his side, they ambled out. After the door closed, Shana felt oddly depressed, although she couldn’t name the precise reason. She didn’t want to analyze it, either.
Business was slow for a Saturday, but experience told Shana it would pick up around lunchtime. She had two part-time employees now in addition to Catherine, the retired woman the Olsens had recommended, who was Shana’s most valuable employee. She moved easily between the ice-cream section and the pizza parlor, and she was fully capable of taking over if Shana wanted time off, which was reassuring. This was the one buffer Shana felt she needed now that she was Jazmine’s guardian.
Around eleven, the young father Jazmine had talked to a few weeks earlier stepped into the restaurant. He was without his kids today. He strolled up to the pizza counter; from there he could see Shana in the kitchen, where she was busy stirring a vat of soup. She’d discovered a brand of concentrated soups that tasted as good as homemade and was pleased with the results.
“Hi,” he said casually, leaning against the counter.
“Can I help you?” Shana pretended not to remember him, which was the exact opposite of the way she treated her other customers. She worked hard at remembering people’s names and creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere. She knew his, too—Tim—but refused to acknowledge it.
“I was wondering if you’d be interested in dinner and a movie.”
His invitation took her completely off guard. “I—I beg your pardon?”
“I…well, actually, I was asking you out on a date.” His voice was a monotone now, as if she’d deflated his ego, and Shana instantly felt bad.
“I’m flattered, but—”
“Your niece mentioned that you’re single, and well, so am I and I was wondering, you know, if you’d like to go out sometime.”
Shana wasn’t sure what to say. She hesitated, and then decided she could only be honest. “Thank you. I’m flattered that you’d ask, but I just don’t have time to date right now.” She motioned around her. “This is a new venture for me and I…have to be here.”
He frowned. “Is there any particular reason you don’t want to go out with me?”
A couple of dozen quickly presented themselves but Shana couldn’t manage to get out a single one. “You seem very nice, but—”
“It’s the kids, isn’t it?”
“No, not at all,” she hurried to assure him. “It’s like I told you—the timing is wrong.” That was the excuse she’d used with Adam; it was also the truth. She’d untangled herself from one relationship and wasn’t ready to get involved in another.
“You mean I should’ve waited until you were finished for the day?”
He wiped his face. “You’ll have to excuse me. I’m new at this. My wife, I mean ex-wife, and I met in high school and well, it just didn’t work out. I don’t blame her. We were both too young, but Heather’s the only woman I’ve ever dated and—I don’t know what the hell I’m doing.” He looked completely crestfallen by the time he’d finished.
Shana felt even worse. “Under other circumstances, I’d be happy to—” She stopped, afraid she’d just make matters worse if she continued. “Would you like a cup of coffee?”
He nodded and sat down on the stool. “That would be great, thanks.”
“It’s Tim, right?”
He smiled dejectedly. “I’m surprised you remember.”
He’d be shocked at everything she did recall about the last time he’d been in the ice-cream parlor—even if she preferred not to.
Shana made them each an espresso, double shot. If he didn’t need it she did. When she set the tiny cups on the counter, Tim reached for his wallet. Raising her hand, she said, “It’s on the house.”
She waved off his gratitude. For reasons she didn’t want to examine too closely, she felt guiltier than ever for rejecting him.
“Can you tell me what I did wrong?” he asked after the first tentative sip.
“It isn’t you,” she said earnestly. “It really is because of the timing. My new business and looking after my niece and everything.”
Over the next three hours, she heard the story of Tim’s ten-year marriage and every detail of his divorce. The only time he paused was when she was bombarded with questions from customers or staff, or if the capable Catherine needed her assistance.
She also learned practically the entire story of Tim’s life. He seemed to need a willing ear and she provided it, between serving ice cream in three dozen different flavors.
“You know, Tim, it seems to me you’re still in love with your wife,” she commented while he was on his third espresso.
His eyes flared and he adamantly shook his head.
“No way.”
“Sorry, but that’s how I see it.”
“You’re wrong.”
“Could be, but it’s obvious you’re crazy about your kids.”
He had no argument with that. “They’re fabulous.”
“So—what else can I do for you?” she asked when he showed no sign of leaving anytime within the foreseeable future.
“You could always go to dinner with me,” he suggested.
Shana laughed, knowing she’d be in for a repeat of his disagreement with the divorce attorney. She gave him an A for effort, though. “I thought we already went over that.”
“Are you sure you mean no?” he asked again.
“If the lady says no, that’s what she means,” Adam Kennedy said from the doorway leading into the restaurant. He glared at Tim as if he wanted to teach him a lesson. His tone was friendly enough, but his demeanor wasn’t. Shana sighed in exasperation. She was all too aware of the interest Catherine and the others were taking in this little scene. Tim was harmless, his self-esteem in shreds following his divorce, and he was counting on Shana to boost his confidence.
“Thank you very much, Adam,” she said tightly, fighting the temptation to say a great deal more, “but the lady can answer for herself.”
To her surprise Jazmine laughed outright. “Hello, Mr. Gilmore, remember me?”
Tim looked as if he didn’t know what to say. He got off the stool. “I guess it’s time to go.”
“Sounds like a good idea to me,” Adam murmured.
“Adam,” Shana chastised, but his gaze didn’t waver from Tim’s face.
As soon as the other man was out the door, Shana whirled on Adam. “That was completely unnecessary and uncalled for,” she said, trying to keep her voice down in deference to her staff and customers.
Adam looked away. “Perhaps, but I wanted to be sure he got the message.”
“And what exactly is the message?” Shana demanded.
Adam grinned as if the answer should be obvious.
“Hands off,” Jazmine supplied. “You’re already spoken for.”
With her shift over, Ali went to check on Commander Dillon one last time and discovered he was asleep. His face was turned toward her and in slumber his features had relaxed. He looked younger than she’d first assumed.
As she stood there, Ali hesitated, resisting the urge to move closer. She longed to place her hand on his arm, to touch him and feel the warmth of his skin. A chill ran down her spine as she remembered he didn’t want her anywhere near him. That had been made abundantly clear during her last visit.
She wished she had someone she could talk to about the way she felt. This wasn’t something she could discuss with the other women on board. She could be putting her career in jeopardy. Any hint of a romantic entanglement, and she could be in more trouble than she wanted to consider.
Before she left, Ali logged on to her computer.
Sent: June 20
From: Alison.Karas@woodrowwilson.navy.mil
To: Shana@mindsprung.com
Subject: Hello!
Dear Shana,
Just wanted to see how you’re doing this week. I think of you and Jazmine every day. I’m doing well myself. We had an emergency appendectomy this week—Commander Dillon. I might have mentioned him before. Before he went under, he seemed to think he might not make it, and asked if I’d look after his affairs. I told him I would, but thankfully that wasn’t necessary. He’s recuperating nicely now. I think he’s
Ali hesitated, remembering the intense look in Frank’s eyes as he confessed he had no family. What a lonely life he must lead. Divorced and his brother dead. It didn’t sound as if his parents were still living, either. He’d wanted her to dispose of his earthly goods by giving whatever he had to charity. Ali told herself he didn’t have time to ask anyone else; she’d been handy, so he’d reached out to her. Still, she sensed that he trusted her. They were basically strangers but he felt he could speak to her and that she would follow through with whatever he’d requested. Had it been necessary, she would have.
After a moment’s hesitation, Shana returned to her e-mail. She deleted the last three words and began a new paragraph.
Jazmine mentioned that Adam was stopping by on Saturday. How did that go? I know you think my daughter’s trying to match the two of you up and I agree she has no business doing that. But the truth is, I don’t think it’s such a bad idea.
Adam is a good man and while you might have a dozen excuses not to recognize what a find he is, look again. This is your big sister talking here. I mean it: take a close look at this guy. Adam is easy on the eyes (nice but not essential), he’s intelligent and hardworking and wonderful with kids.
I just hope keeping Jazmine for the next six months will convince you that you want children of your own.
I can tell how close the two of you are getting just from the e-mails. It’s almost enough to make me jealous!
Your e-mails mean the world to me. Keep them coming.
It didn’t take long for Ali to get a response. She wasn’t sure if it was because of the time difference or if she happened to catch her sister at the computer.
Sent: June 21
From: Shana@mindsprung.com
To: Alison.Karas@woodrowwilson.navy.mil
Subject: Commander, you say?
Dear Ali,
No, you didn’t mention anyone named Commander Dillon. What gives? Is he all right? I assume he must be. But the fact that you’re saying anything at all tells me you’re interested in him. This is a development worth watching. I know, I know, all shipboard romances are strictly taboo. But tell me more!
I’m afraid I made an idiot of myself in front of Adam this morning. Trust me, any romantic interest he might have felt toward me is deader than roadkill. I’m such a fool.
All right, all right, I’ll tell you what I did, but you’ve got to promise not to mention it again. I decided he should be aware of Jazmine’s little scheme. That seems only fair, don’t you think?
In retrospect, I still feel it needed to be said but maybe I didn’t handle it in the best possible way. When I assured him I wasn’t interested in him, I came off sounding like…I don’t know what. I keep saying it, but this isn’t the right time for me to get involved. It really isn’t, not with just starting this business.
And guess what? Another guy, who was recently divorced, came in later this afternoon and asked me out. I turned him down using the same excuse and felt terrible. (By the way, it’s thanks to the little matchmaker that he knew I was single.)
Oh, and did I mention Brad phoned? Let me tell you that was a short conversation. If I needed confirmation that I did the right thing in breaking up with him, our conversation was it.
Hearing from you is wonderful. Both Jazmine and I miss you terribly. I never realized how much effort went into being a parent. Don’t get me wrong, Jazz is one fabulous kid and I’m crazy about her, but I didn’t have any idea how much my life would change when she came to live with me.
You’re right, Ali, I’m absolutely certain now that I want to be a mother one day. That’s a bit intimidating, though. With everything that’s happened in the last few months, I’ve pushed all thoughts of another relationship out of my mind. I still think I need to wait a while. Is that a biological clock I hear ticking? Not to worry, I have plenty of time. Lots of women have children when they’re in their mid or even late thirties these days.
Nevertheless, I need a while to clear my head. Adam’s attractive, for sure, and I might be interested in Tim if he wasn’t so hung up on his ex-wife. (Tim’s the divorced father I mentioned earlier.)
Write back soon and tell me more about this commander guy. He sounds like one of those muckymuck officers. Is that good or bad?
Love ya, Shana
Ali read the e-mail through twice and discovered she was smiling when she finished. She wasn’t going to give up on Shana and Adam just yet.

Chapter Eleven
“It’s summer,” Jazmine announced the first Monday after the end of school. “Uncle Adam’s got three days off. We should all do something special to celebrate.”
Shana hated to discourage Jazmine’s enthusiasm, but she couldn’t leave her restaurant on a whim. “Do something?” she repeated. “Like what?”
That was all the invitation Jazmine needed. She hopped onto the barstool and rested her arms on the counter. “When my dad was stationed in Italy, he took me to Florence right after school was out. We had so much fun, and I saw Michelangelo’s David. It’s really cool, you know?”
“We have some interesting museums in the area,” Shana suggested, but her heart wasn’t in it. Given her druthers, of which she had few, she would opt to visit Victoria, British Columbia. She’d heard it was a lovely city and very English in style.
Jazmine sighed and shook her head. “I’ve been to dozens of museums, but that feels too much like a school outing. This should be special.”
“What about an amusement park?” Perhaps on Sunday Shana could stuff herself into a swimsuit, make Jazmine promise not to take her picture, and they could head for the local water park.
Again Jazmine was less than excited. “I suppose, but I’m looking for something that’s not so…ordinary. Everyone goes to parks. This is a celebration. I survived a new school, made friends and Aunt Shana’s still speaking to me.” She giggled as she said this, and Shana laughed, too.
“We had a bit of a rough start,” Shana acknowledged.
“It took me a while to adjust,” Jazmine admitted in turn. “Uncle Adam helped me.”
“With what, exactly?” She recalled the backpack advice, and the fact that he’d apparently told her to stop matchmaking—hadn’t he?—but she didn’t know what else he’d said.
“Never mind.” Jazmine slid off the barstool. “That’s an idea—I’ll call Uncle Adam.”
“To do what?” Shana asked, but her question went unanswered as Jazmine hurried toward the phone.
“You should take a day just for the two of you,” Catherine suggested, apparently listening in on their conversation. “You’ve been here nearly every day for weeks.”
“New business-owners don’t take days off,” Shana said. It was true that she’d spent every day at the restaurant, although she’d taken brief breaks and nearly one whole Sunday the week before. She’d felt like a new woman afterward. The thought of one entire twentyfour hour period when she didn’t have her hands in pizza dough or her face in a three-gallon container of ice cream sounded heavenly. Getting away was just the respite she needed.
“It isn’t for you as much as your niece,” Catherine continued. “Kind of a reward for doing so well.”
Shana knew she was right. Against the odds, Jazmine had succeeded in adapting to a new school and a new home, and she’d made friends.
A few minutes later, Jazmine set the phone aside and raced over to Shana. “Uncle Adam suggested visiting Victoria, B.C.,” she said breathlessly. “I’ve never been there and he said it’s a wonderful day trip.”
“That does sound nice,” Shana said wistfully. She was astonished at the way Adam’s suggestion reflected her own earlier musings about Victoria. It was almost eerie.
“He wants to talk to you,” Jazmine said. She ran to get the portable phone and handed it to Shana.
Shana walked into the back room, nervously tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. She’d moussed it into submission that morning, but whole sections were already attempting a breakout.
“Hello,” she said and hoped her voice didn’t betray her feelings. She thought about this man far too often and had an intense love-hate relationship with him that he knew nothing about. She was attracted to him and yet she didn’t want to be. The fact that he—
“Shana?” Adam said, cutting into her thoughts.
“I’m here,” she said primly.
“That’s a great idea of Jazmine’s. You can come, can’t you?”
“To Victoria, you mean? Ah…”
“We’ll make it a day trip. I’m off until Thursday. I’ll pick you and Jazmine up, then we’ll take the Fauntleroy ferry over to the Kitsap Peninsula, drive to Port Angeles and take another ferry across the Strait to Victoria.”
“I…I’m—” Shana hesitated when she saw Jazmine staring at her with pleading eyes. She’d folded her hands as if in prayer, and Shana’s resolve weakened. “I’ll need to check with Catherine before I take a whole day.” Shana instantly felt guilty; she’d invested her life savings in this business and she shouldn’t be running off for a day of fun. She should be at work.
“Ask her,” Adam urged.
Shana turned away from the phone and came face-to-face with Catherine, who had her hands on her hips. “Go. I’ll manage just fine. It’s only one day, for Pete’s sake.”
“Aunt Shana,” Jazmine said pulling on her arm. “Just do it. We’ll have a blast.”
Shana wasn’t nearly as sure. That night, long after Jazmine was in bed and she herself should have been, she e-mailed her sister.
Sent: June 24
From: Shana@mindsprung.com
To: Alison.Karas@woodrowwilson.navy.mil
Subject: Jazmine, Adam Kennedy and me
Dear Alison,
As you probably already know, I’m going off on a day trip to Victoria, British Columbia, with Jazz and Adam. Basically I got talked into it, and I’ll give you three guesses whose fault that is. Your daughter could talk circles around Larry King. Mark my words, that kid will have her own talk show one day.
Yes, Adam Kennedy will be there, too. I don’t mind having him around anymore. I put up a good fight, let him know I wasn’t interested in a relationship and even made a point of telling him about Jazz playing matchmaker. He listened politely and agreed with everything I had to say. The least he could’ve done was argue—just kidding! Without even trying, he’s worn down my defenses. I have to admit I’ve enjoyed the time I’ve spent with him. Twice now, after he’s visited Jazz, he’s stayed for a cup of coffee and we’ve talked. There hasn’t been a hint of romance, although, yes—I’m attracted. I definitely feel we have some chemistry, but I’m too preoccupied (and too scared!) to do anything about it.
Okay, I’ve bared my soul. It’s your turn. What’s up with you and this Commander Dillon? I know you, Ali. You wouldn’t have mentioned him at all if you didn’t care, so I repeat—what’s up?
It’s almost eleven and I should be in bed. Adam’s arriving very early. I offered to drive over to his place, but he said it was no trouble coming to get us.
Write soon. Jazmine and I both look forward to your e-mails.
Love, Shana
Less than twelve hours later, Shana was on a midmorning ferry that had left Port Angeles for Vancouver Island. An excited Jazmine jogged up and down the outside deck while Adam and Shana drank cups of coffee inside. They were seated on wooden benches, across from each other.
“I can’t believe I’m doing this,” she muttered. The alarm had rung at four that morning and they were on the road by five.
“Did you see the Olympic Mountains?” Jazmine dashed inside shouting—as if they could possibly have missed them. “I learned in class that some of those mountains have never been climbed or explored.”
This was news to Shana, but she wasn’t much of an expert on Washington State history or geography.
“Do either of you know about Point Roberts?” Adam asked when Jazmine threw herself down on the bench, sitting next to Adam and across from Shana.
Both Shana and Jazmine shook their heads. “Never heard of it,” Shana said.
“It’s a little piece of the United States that is geographically part of Canada.”
“What?” Jazmine frowned. “I don’t get it.”
“The United States and Canada are separated by the 49th parallel at Washington and British Columbia. There’s a small point of land that drops below it. That’s Point Roberts. Maybe we can go there sometime.”
“So it’s in Canada but not really?”
“Take a look at a map and you’ll see what I mean.”
While Jazmine walked over to examine the wall at the other end of the ferry, where a map of Washington was posted, Shana sipped her coffee and smiled at
Adam. “She idolizes you, you know.” Adam shifted on the hard bench and crossed his arms. “As it happens, I think the world of her, too.”
It was confession time for Shana, although what she had to say was probably no secret to Adam. “I was jealous of that in the beginning.”
Adam’s gaze held hers. “And now?”
“Now…” She hesitated. “I appreciate the fact that she has you. She needs a strong male figure in her life, especially with her dad gone.”
“She’s come to love you, too, Shana. And it’s all happened in remarkably little time. That says a lot for you, I think. You’ve been patient with her and you’ve managed to find just the right approach.”
His praise brought a sheen of tears to her eyes. Embarrassed and wanting to hide the effect of his words, Shana quickly blinked them away.
“Listen,” Adam said, lowering his voice. “There’s something I should probably tell you. There’s a rumor floating around that several of us could be transferred to Hawaii. I’ve wanted to go back for quite a while—ever since I left, really. I just wish the timing was better. I should also tell you it could be soon.”
“No,” Shana cried, unable to hold back the automatic protest.
Everyone in the immediate vicinity seemed to stop and look in their direction.
Adam leaned forward and reached for her hand. “Dare I hope that response is for you as well as Jazmine?”
Shana ignored the question. “I guess I should congratulate you, then—since this is an assignment you want.”
“What about you, Shana?” he pressed. “Will you miss me?”
He wasn’t going to drop this as easily as she’d hoped. “Of…course.” The lump in her throat was growing as she dealt with the coming disappointment—her own and Jazmine’s. This would devastate her niece.
“I’ll miss you and Jazmine, too.” Adam’s eyes held hers, and he brushed his thumb over her hand. “I’ve enjoyed our visits. Especially those talks over coffee.”
As the old expression had it, hope sprang eternal. “It’s not a for-sure decision, right? I mean, there’s a possibility you won’t be going.”
“I wouldn’t count on it.”
“Oh, well,” she said, doing her best to seem nonchalant about this unexpected turn of events. He’d probably known for some time and was only now free to mention it. “I guess that answers that.” She tried to speak lightly, concealing her sense of loss.
He grinned sheepishly. “I have to admit that Jazmine’s matchmaking plans didn’t upset me nearly as much as they did you.”
Her responding smile felt a little shaky, which was exactly how she felt herself. During the last few weeks, she’d come to like and trust Adam, and just when she was feeling comfortable with him, he made this announcement.
Adam switched seats so that he was sitting next to her. “I probably shouldn’t have said anything about Hawaii yet, but I wanted you to know as soon as possible, so we can prepare Jazmine.”
“No—you did the right thing.” Until she’d learned that he might leave, Shana hadn’t realized how much she’d come to rely on Adam. She and Jazmine would be on their own for the next four and a half months, and just then that felt like an eternity.
“Hey, guys,” Jazmine said, running toward them. She flopped down on the wooden seat. “I found Point Roberts on the map! It’s really cool, isn’t it?”
“Really cool,” Adam agreed solemnly.
Shana didn’t know how a whole day could pass so quickly. Victoria was everything she’d heard and read. Although she’d never been to England, she imagined it must be like this. They explored the harbor, rode a horse-drawn carriage through the downtown area, had high tea at the Empress Hotel and toured some quaint little shops. In one of them, Shana couldn’t resist buying a made-in-England teapot covered in delicate little roses, while Adam got each of them a sweatshirt with maple leaves dancing across the front.
“I loved the carriage ride best,” Jazmine told them on the ferry ride back to Port Angeles. “I wish we had time to visit Butchart Gardens.” She waved a brochure she’d picked up. “The pictures of the flowers are so beautiful. I always wanted a garden.…” She leaned her head against Shana and closed her eyes. Within moments she was asleep.
Shana carefully eased the girl off her shoulder and gently laid Jazmine’s head down on the seat. Lifting the girl’s legs, she set them on the bench, then covered Jazmine with her jacket. Her niece looked angelic, and Shana’s heart swelled with love for this child. She felt protective and proud. Jazmine had taught her so many lessons about love.
Adam slid over so Shana could sit with him across from Jazmine. The day had been wonderful but, like Jazmine, she was tired. When Adam placed his arm around her, she gave in to the urge to rest her head against his shoulder. It was an invitation to intimacy, she realized, and she relaxed, comfortable and suddenly happy. “Thank you for such a special day,” she whispered as he twined their fingers together.
His hold on her tightened momentarily.
Shana turned her head to look up at him—and that was when it happened. She read the intention in his eyes and knew he wanted to kiss her. At first, she wondered if what she saw was a reflection of her own desire, but instinct told her he felt the same thing. For the briefest of moments, she had a choice—she could either pull away or let him kiss her. Without rational thought, she closed her eyes, lifted her mouth to his and accepted his kiss. As soon as their lips met, Shana knew she’d made the right decision. She felt his kiss all the way to her toes.
His lips glided over hers in a slow, sensual exploration that had her nerves quivering. Luckily she was seated; otherwise she was sure her knees would have given out on her. Then his hands were in her hair, his fingers splayed as he positioned his mouth over hers. When he finally eased away, she needed a moment to regain her composure.
“Wow,” Adam whispered.
“You can say that again,” Shana said, still caught up in the feelings his touch had aroused.
Adam slowly expelled his breath. “Okay, now what?” His eyes burned into hers, as if seeking answers to questions she had yet to form.
“Now…” Shana hesitated. “Now we know.”
“Do you want to play this by ear?”
She pressed her forehead against his chest. “I’m not sure I’ve had enough piano lessons.”
Adam grinned and kissed the top of her head. “Don’t worry, I’m in no rush. We’ll take this one step at a time.”
“First piano lessons, and now we’re out on the dance floor. Can’t you just hold me for a few minutes and leave it at that?”
“For now.”
For now, that was enough. As far as anything else was concerned, she’d have to see what her heart told her.

Chapter Twelve
Ali read her daughter’s e-mail a second time and smiled.
Sent: June 26
From: Jazmine@mindsprung.com
To: Alison.Karas@woodrowwilson.navy.mil
Subject: Guess what I saw
Hi Mom,
I had a great day and my favorite things were the carriage (our horse was named Silver) and having tea in a fancy hotel and watching Uncle Adam try to fit his finger in the handle of a little china cup. On the ferry home Uncle Adam and Aunt Shana sat next to each other and I was mostly asleep. They got real quiet and so I peeked and guess what? THEY WERE KISSING. Didn’t I tell you they were falling in love? I knew because Uncle Adam comes by almost every day he has off now.
It gets even better. On the drive home, Aunt Shana had her head on his shoulder and then she didn’t when I pretended to wake up. They were whispering a lot, too. I tried not to listen, but I couldn’t help it. They were talking about Hawaii and I think it might be where they want to spend their honeymoon. Is this cool, or what?
Love ya, Jazz
Ali leaned back in her desk chair, feeling satisfied and more than a little cheered. Her daughter was full of news about the romance between Adam and Shana, and gladly accepted credit for it. She seemed convinced that Shana and Adam were just days away from an engagement—or maybe an elopement. That certainly wasn’t the impression Shana gave her, but she could see real change in her sister’s attitude toward Adam.
In their last conversation, before Alison flew out of Seattle, Shana had told her she’d completely sworn off men. Apparently she’d reconsidered. This time, however, Shana had found herself a winner. Adam was as different from Brad as snow was from sun, and Ali hoped her sister realized it.
Her first indication of the possible romance had been the e-mail Shana had sent full of questions about Adam. Several more had followed the original; all had thinly veiled inquiries about him. Shana had become more open and honest, admitting she felt an attraction even if she hadn’t decided what to do about it. Despite that, Alison saw the evidence of a growing relationship with every e-mail.
Glancing at her watch, she turned off her computer. It was time to relieve Rowland in medical. As she checked her schedule, her gaze fell on her wedding band and she paused. Should she switch it to her right hand—or remove it entirely? She wanted to pass it on to Jazmine one day. Slipping the ring off her finger, she held it in the palm of her hand, weighing her options. No, she wasn’t ready to give it up yet. She placed it on her right hand, instead.
The very fact that she’d questioned wearing her wedding band was a sign. She would always love Peter but her life with him was over. She supposed her uncertainty about the ring had something to do with Commander Dillon, too. She didn’t want him to believe she was married, but it might be safest if he did…Still, moving the ring that represented her love for Peter to her right hand was a compromise.
As far as she could tell, this feeling of hers for Frank Dillon was completely one-sided. If he’d noticed her lately, he hadn’t given the tiniest hint. He couldn’t. One thing she knew about Commander Dillon was that he lived and breathed for the Navy. He wouldn’t go against regulations if his life depended on it, and Alison wouldn’t want him to. But it made for an uncomfortable situation as they pretended there was nothing between them. Perhaps there wasn’t. She couldn’t be sure, but in her heart she felt there was.
Commander Dillon was still recuperating in sick bay. He hated it, longed to get back to work and he was undeniably a pain in the butt. Her colleagues made their feelings known on a daily basis, but Alison simply didn’t acknowledge his bad moods. As a result, the cantankerous commander didn’t know what to think of her, and that was just fine with Ali.
While others avoided him, she saw as much of him as her busy schedule would allow, which was never longer than a few minutes at a time. Her feelings for him grew more intense with each day.
When she stepped into the infirmary, Lieutenant Rowland handed her his notes. “You’re welcome to the beast,” he muttered under his breath. “He’s been in a hell of a mood all day. Doc says he’ll have him out this week, but I don’t think that’s near soon enough to suit the commander.”
That went without saying. When he’d first arrived at the infirmary Frank Dillon had been in agony, which meant his attitude was docile—at least compared to his current frame of mind. After reading Rowland’s notations, Alison pulled back the curtain surrounding him. The commander sat up in bed, arms folded across his chest. He scowled when he saw her.
“You’ve become a rather disagreeable patient, Commander.”
“I want out of here,” he barked.
“That’s no reason to yell. I believe you’ve made your wishes quite clear.”
He narrowed his gaze.
“As it happens, Commander, you aren’t the one making the decisions. You can huff and puff all you want, but it isn’t going to do you a bit of good.” She reached for his wrist and found his pulse elevated. Little wonder, seeing how agitated he was.
“How much longer is this going to take?” he demanded gruffly.
As the lieutenant had reported, their patient was in a foul mood. Having her around hadn’t eased his temper, either. “I understand you’ll be released this week,” she said as she lowered the bed so that he was flat on his back. She needed to examine his incision. By now he knew the procedure as well as she did.
Ali carefully peeled back the bandage to check for any sign of infection. With the tips of her fingers she gently tested the area while the commander stared impatiently at the ceiling.
“This is healing nicely,” she assured him.
“Then let me get back to work.”
“It isn’t my decision.”
He sounded as if he was grinding his teeth in frustration.
“I can’t stand wasting time like this,” he growled.
“Can I help in some way?” she asked, thinking she could find him a book or a deck of cards.
“Yes,” he shouted, “you can get me out of here!”
“You know I can’t do that,” she said reasonably. “Only a physician can discharge you.”
“I’ve got to do something before I go stir-crazy.” He grimaced with pain as he attempted to sit up.
“Commander, you’re not helping matters.”
He glared at her as though she was personally responsible for this torture. “Just go. Get out of my sight. I don’t want you around anymore, understand?”
She hesitated. “I’m responsible for your care.”
“Get someone else.”
“Commander,” she tried again, but he cut her off.
“Get out!” He pointed at her. “And that’s an order.”
Alison swallowed down the hurt as she walked out of his cubicle. His words, harsh and vindictive, rang in her ears during the rest of her shift. He didn’t want her anywhere near him and he wasn’t afraid to say so. Her stomach twisted in a knot, and she felt like a fool for having made assumptions about mutual feelings that obviously didn’t exist. Not on his part, anyway.
She didn’t blame Frank for wanting to be back on duty, but he’d taken all his resentment and anger out on her. That wasn’t fair, and it added to the hurt Alison felt.
Silently she watched as the corpsman delivered his dinner tray. Dillon glanced at her, then turned away, as if he found the sight of her repugnant.
Thirty minutes later, when she walked past, she noticed that he’d barely touched his meal. She considered reminding him that he’d need his strength, but he wouldn’t want to hear it. And she wasn’t willing to risk another tongue-lashing.
Twice more during the course of her shift, Ali resisted the urge to check on him. Frank had been very explicit about the fact that he didn’t want her company.
When she’d finished, she returned to her quarters and curled up on her bed. After her shift she usually wrote Jazmine and her sister, but not tonight. Instead she reviewed the conversation with Frank.
She told herself it was silly to have her feelings hurt by his rudeness, that he didn’t mean it, but she couldn’t help taking it personally. Earlier she’d always shrugged off his abrasive manner, and she couldn’t understand why today was so different. Probably because she’d let her attraction to him get out of hand.
Ali wouldn’t be surprised if he was released the next morning, which was just as well. In a little more than four months, she reminded herself, she’d be home with her daughter and soon after that she’d be a civilian. This was an unsettling thought because Ali loved the Navy, but her resignation was necessary. Jazmine needed her, and Alison had given the Navy all she had to give, including her husband.
As she’d suspected, Commander Dillon was released the following morning. Alison hated that his last words to her had been spoken in anger, but she tried to forget it. She wished him good health, but he was out of her life now, and it was unlikely they’d see each other again. Perhaps in another time or place they might have made a relationship work. But not here and not now.
Of more interest was the romance developing between her sister and Adam Kennedy, and as soon as she could, Alison logged on to the computer to check her e-mail. She could count on hearing from Jazmine at least once a day.
To her delight, there was an e-mail from Adam, too, but as she read it, her pleasure quickly evaporated. Adam feared that now his shoulder had healed, he was about to be transferred. He’d told Shana, but didn’t have the heart to mention it to Jazmine until he got his papers. Almost in passing, he added how much he’d enjoyed getting to know Shana.
This was dreadful! Jazmine would be devastated if Adam was transferred out of the area, and she wasn’t the only one. Shana was going to be just as disappointed.
With a heavy heart she read her daughter’s chatty e-mail next.
Sent: June 30
From: Jazmine@mindsprung.com
To: Alison.Karas@woodrowwilson.navy.mil
Subject: Update—sort of
Hi Mom,
Aunt Shana said we could plant a garden! She said we could grow vegetables and flowers. I don’t want to plant green beans because then I might have to eat them. Zucchini would be all right, though. Will you give Aunt Shana your recipe for baked zucchini? Tell her to add more cheese than what the recipe calls for, okay? You had a good recipe for green peppers, too, didn’t you? I could even eat those raw, but I like them better stuffed.
I think a garden will be lots of fun, don’t you? Uncle Adam said he’d help. Isn’t that great?
See you soon.
Love, Jazmine
Alison didn’t know where Shana would find time to start a garden. As it was, her sister worked from dawn to dusk, but the plans for this latest project showed her how hard Shana was trying with Jazmine. Somehow, the two of them had managed to talk Adam into helping. How much he could do was questionable, since he couldn’t risk damaging his shoulder again, but he seemed a willing participant.
The last e-mail came from onboard ship. Not until she opened it did she see that it was from Commander Dillon. Ali stared at his name for a moment before she read his message. Five words said it all. Thank you for your excellent care. Commander Frank Dillon.
“No,” she whispered. “Thank you, Commander.” She had much to be grateful for. Because even if this was as far as it went, Frank had shown her that her heart was still alive.
Sheer weakness had prompted him to send Alison Karas that e-mail, Frank thought as he returned to his stateroom at the end of his shift. Frank was not a weak man, and he was irritated with himself for more reasons than he wanted to count.
He knew he wasn’t a good patient. He just couldn’t tolerate lying around in bed all day. He wanted to be back on the job, doing what he enjoyed most, contributing his skills where they were needed. If his appendix was going to give out on him, he would’ve preferred it to happen while they were in port.
The worst part of his ordeal wasn’t his ruptured appendix and the subsequent surgery. That he’d come through with only minor difficulties. But he wasn’t sure he would survive Lieutenant Commander Karas. After all these years on his own, without female companionship, committed to the Navy, he was finally attracted to a woman. Strongly attracted. She invaded his dreams and haunted his waking moments. Every day for damn near a week she’d been at his bedside.
He didn’t like it. Just when his mind had started to clear and his system was free of those drugs they’d given him, he saw something he hadn’t noticed earlier. Her wedding ring. It shook him.
That first time they met, Alison Karas hadn’t denied being married and she’d worn a wedding ring—on her left hand. He stared at the computer screen. Married.
He’d forgotten about it until this week. Then, when he’d remembered—and realized he was fantasizing about a married woman—he’d lost it. Even worse, she’d moved the ring to her right hand. What did that say about her? He’d been impatient to get back to his duties before, but after he saw that wedding band, he was downright desperate to escape the infirmary. There’s no fool like an old fool, as they said.
His anger had turned on Alison and he wanted her as far away from him as possible. Later he regretted that outburst. She’d done nothing to deserve his tonguelashing. But he found it difficult to be civil, and all because he’d realized there was no hope of any kind of relationship, let alone a permanent one.
He could accept that, but he wasn’t a man who enjoyed temptation and this woman definitely fit that description. Still, he felt compelled to apologize for his rudeness. Seeing her again was out of the question, so he’d decided to send an e-mail. He wrote a dozen versions before he settled on the brief and simple message, then hit Send before he could change his mind.
For better or worse, she had it now, and that was the end of it. He made his way to the first deck and lifting his head he scanned the horizon. All that stretched before him was ocean—a huge blue expanse of emptiness. He saw his life like that and it bothered him.
Until now, it never had.

Chapter Thirteen
Adam was charmed by Jazmine’s excitement about their little garden. He’d managed to find someone to turn over a small patch at the back of Shana’s rental house. Then Jazmine and her aunt had planted neat rows of red-leaf lettuce, peas, green peppers and three varieties of tomato. Although they’d been warned by the man at the local nursery, they’d purchased a number of zucchini plants, too. Apparently it did exceptionally well in the Seattle area and supplied an abundant crop. Jazmine claimed her mother had fabulous recipes for zucchini. Baked zucchini and zucchini bread and something else.
“Around September if you see anyone buying zucchini in the grocery, you’ll know that’s a person without a friend,” the nursery owner had joked as he hauled their plants out to the vehicle.
Once they were back at the house and the plants were in the freshly tilled soil, Adam watched Jazmine with amusement. Every five minutes, the girl was out in the garden checking on the plants’ growth, making sure there were no slugs in the vicinity. God help them if they were. Just to be on the safe side, she carried a salt shaker.
The flower beds—well, they were another story. He’d lost track of all the seedlings Shana had purchased. Most of them he didn’t even recognize. Pink ones and white ones, purple and yellow. They certainly made the yard look colorful. Pretty but…Women and flowers—he never could understand what they found so fascinating. For himself, he thought practical made more sense than pretty, although he hadn’t shared that reaction with Shana.
True, he’d had a jade plant once but it died for lack of attention. Shana, predictably, had clusters of house plants—on windowsills and tables—but he couldn’t begin to guess what types they were. Knowing Jazmine, he wouldn’t have thought she’d be too interested in this kind of thing, either, but apparently he was wrong. The kid loved it as much as Shana did.
“Aunt Shana said she’d be home around eight,” Jazmine informed him on Saturday at five. They’d spent a quiet afternoon together. While he watched a Mariners baseball game on television, Jazmine tended the garden. He’d found it relaxing, but he missed being with Shana. He would’ve stopped at the ice-cream parlor, but he knew that Saturdays, especially in summer, tended to be busy.
Jazmine had patiently watered the rows of newly planted seedlings, being careful not to oversaturate the soil. She’d examined every inch to check for weeds and had ruthlessly yanked up a number of small green plants; Adam suspected they were actually vegetables.
He glanced up from the post-game analysis and saw that Jazmine was standing in front of him. “We should make dinner,” she announced. “A real, proper dinner.”
“We?” he muttered. In case Jazmine hadn’t noticed, he wasn’t the domestic type. Besides he had to protect his shoulder. Every meal in the last few weeks had come out of a microwave or in a pizza box.
“We could do it,” Jazmine insisted, as if putting together a three-course meal was no trouble at all.
“Really? I wouldn’t mind getting takeout. Or maybe Shana could bring home a pizza. Wouldn’t that be easier?”
Frowning, Jazmine shook her head. “She has pizza all the time. Besides, home cooking is better for you.”
Adam wondered when she’d become such an expert. “You’re sure the two of us can do this?”
“Of course.”
Ah, the confidence of the young. Still, Adam had his doubts. “You should know I’m kitchen-challenged.”
Jazmine giggled. “I cook a lot. I’ll do it.”
If Jazmine knew her way around the kitchen, then perhaps this wouldn’t be so complicated. He could supervise from in front of the TV.
“You’ll have to help, though.”
He should’ve known she wouldn’t let him off scotfree. “What do you want me to do?”
“The grocery store won’t sell me wine, so you’ll have to buy that.”
His eyebrows shot up. “Wine?”
Jazmine nodded. “And flowers,” she said in a tone that brooked no argument.
“Yes, ma’am. Any particular kind?” He resisted mentioning that there was a yard full of flowers outside, although they were mostly quite small.
“I want you to buy roses and we’re going to need candles, too. Tall ones.”
“You got it.” He bit his tongue to keep from reminding her that it wouldn’t be dark until ten. “Should I buy red or white wine?” he asked.
Jazmine stared at him blankly.
“Red generally goes with meat and white wine is served with chicken or fish.”
“What goes with everything?”
“Champagne is good.”
She grinned then, her decision made. “Buy champagne and make it a big bottle, okay?”
“Have you decided what you’re cooking?” he asked.
“Of course I have,” she told him scornfully.
“And that would be?”
She sighed, as though she was a master chef dealing with obtuse underlings. “I’ve decided to cook my specialty.”
“Which is?”
“A surprise,” she said without pause, using her hands to shoo him out the door. He watched her march into the kitchen. From the corner of his eye, Adam saw her pull several cookbooks off the shelf.
After he’d finished his errands, Adam decided to visit the ice-cream parlor, after all. It was just too hard to stay away. As he’d expected, Shana was doing a robust business. Catherine worked on the pizza side with a young assistant, while Shana and another part-time student served ice cream. They had at least a dozen customers waiting their turn. Adam took a seat and when Shana saw him, she blushed, fussed with her hair, then went back to helping her customers. Her self-conscious reaction pleased him. Ten minutes later, she had a chance to take a break.
After washing her hands, she joined him. “Hi,” she said, offering him a shy smile.
He hadn’t known there was a shy bone in her body until he’d kissed her. That kiss had been a revelation to him. Their feelings weren’t simple or uncomplicated, although he hadn’t deciphered the full extent of them yet. He did know their kiss had changed them. Changed their relationship.
He’d been attracted to her from the beginning and was sure she’d felt the same way about him. They’d skirted each other for weeks, both denying the attraction, and then all of a sudden, after that day in Victoria, it was there. Undeniable. Unmistakable. He no longer tried to hide his feelings and she didn’t, either.
“Where’s Jazmine?” she asked. “In the park?”
He shook his head. “At home, cooking dinner. Her specialty, she says. I don’t suppose you have any clue what that might be?”
“You left her alone?” Shana’s eyes widened with alarm. “In the kitchen with the stove on? Adam, she’s only nine! Sometimes that’s hard to remember, but she’s still just a kid.”
“She seemed perfectly fine,” he said, suddenly deciding Shana was right. “She’s the one who sent me to the store.” He slid out of the booth. “I’ll get back now.”
Shana sighed, then stretched out one hand and stopped him. “It was good to see you,” she said in a low voice.
He gave her hand a small squeeze. “You, too. Don’t be late for dinner.”
“I won’t,” she promised.
Once again Adam started toward the door, then paused and turned around. “What’s her specialty?”
Shana grinned. “It’s probably canned chili with grated cheese on top.”
He dismissed that. “I think it might be more involved. Whatever it is requires a cookbook.”
Shana’s grin faded. “In that case, you’d better hurry.”
“I’m on my way.”
Shana smiled again, and it reminded him—as if he needed reminding—how attracted he was to her. And just when their relationship was beginning to show real promise, he’d be leaving the Seattle area.
She followed him to the front door. “Any word on that transfer?” she asked.
If he didn’t know better, he’d think she’d been reading his mind. “Not yet.” It wouldn’t be long, though. Hawaii was a dream assignment. Who wouldn’t want to be stationed there? With its endless miles of white sandy beaches and sunshine, Hawaii had always appealed to him. Yet Seattle, known for its frequent drizzle and gray skies, was of more interest now than the tropical paradise.
“Did you mention anything about the transfer to Jazmine?” she asked.
He shook his head. He couldn’t make himself do it.
“Coward,” she muttered.
Adam shrugged lightly. “Guilty as charged.”
Shana glanced at her watch. “I’ll be leaving in about an hour and a half.”
“Okay, I’ll let Martha Stewart know.” Feeling the need to touch her, he reached for her hand. Even with the restaurant full of customers, they entwined their fingers, and it was a long moment before either of them moved. He felt the urge to take her in his arms and she must have felt the same impulse because she swayed toward him before shaking her head and dropping her hand.
“I should get back to work and you need to get back to Jazmine,” she said, her voice little more than a whisper.
“Bye.” Shana gave him a small wave. Adam heard the reluctance in her voice, a reluctance he shared.
Jazmine met him at the front door, took his bags and banned him from the kitchen. “I can’t be disturbed,” she said grandly.
Adam turned the television on again and sat with one ankle balanced on his knee, aiming the remote. He couldn’t find anything he wanted to watch. “Need any help in there?” he called out.
“No, thanks.”
Five minutes later he repeated the offer.
This time Jazmine ignored him, but soon afterward, she asked, “Aunt Shana isn’t going to be late, is she?”
“She’d phone,” Adam said, and hoped she would.
At three minutes after eight, Shana walked into the house. “I’m home,” she said unnecessarily.
Adam stood and Jazmine hurried eagerly out of the kitchen. “I hope you’re hungry.”
“Famished,” she said.
As if on cue, Adam’s stomach growled.
With a sweeping gesture of her arm, Jazmine invited them into the kitchen. The table was covered with a tablecloth twice the right size. The cloth brushed the floor, and Adam wondered if she’d used a floral printed sheet. The candles were stuck in empty Coke bottles—apparently she hadn’t found real candle-holders—and were positioned on either side of the roses, which she’d arranged in a glass bowl. The effect was surprisingly artful. There were place settings, including wine goblets, in front of the three chairs.
“Jazmine!” Shana exclaimed, hugging her niece. “This is absolutely lovely.”
The nine-year-old blushed at the praise and wiped her hands on her apron. “Uncle Adam helped.”
“Not much,” Adam protested.
“We can start now,” she said with authority. “Please light the candles and pour the champagne. I’m having soda in my glass.”
He bowed slightly. “At your service.”
“Everyone, sit down,” Jazmine ordered when he’d finished. She gestured toward the table. “I have an appetizer.” Following that announcement, she brought out a bowl of dry Cheerios mixed with peanuts, raisins and pretzels.
“Excellent,” Shana said, exchanging a look with Adam. They both struggled to maintain their composure.
“This is only the start,” Jazmine promised, flitting about the kitchen like a parrot on the loose. “I made all our favorites—macaroni and cheese, Tater Tots and salad. Uncle Adam, there’s no tomatoes in your salad and, Aunt Shana, no croutons on yours.”
Shana’s eyes met Adam’s. “She’s paying attention.”
“I’ll say.”
“Plus macaroons for dessert,” Jazmine added proudly.
“Macaroons?” Adam repeated.
Jazmine removed the bowl of Cheerios. “Yes, chocolate macaroons. Those are my favorites, so no complaining.”
It was an odd meal, but Adam had no complaints and neither, apparently, did Shana.
“We’ll do the dishes,” he said when they’d eaten. The champagne had relaxed him and Shana, too, because they lingered over the last glass while Jazmine moved into the living room.
“This really was sweet of her,” Shana whispered.
“Very sweet,” Adam agreed. What happened next, he blamed on the champagne. Before he could question the wisdom of it, he leaned close to Shana, intending to kiss her.
She could’ve stopped him, but didn’t. Instead she shut her eyes and leaned toward him, too. The kiss was every bit as good as their first one. No, it was better, Adam decided. In fact, her kisses could fast become addictive—a risk he’d just have to take. He brought his chair closer to Shana’s and she gripped his shirt collar as they kissed again.
She pulled away sometime later and pressed her forehead against his. It took him a moment to find his focus. He savored having her close, enjoyed her scent and the way she felt. Jazmine might see them, but he didn’t care as long as Shana didn’t—and obviously she didn’t.
“You two need help in there?” Jazmine called from the living room.
Like guilty teenagers, Shana and Adam broke apart. “We’re fine,” Shana answered.
Adam wasn’t so sure that was true.
Sent: July 6
From: Jazmine@mindsprung.com
To: Alison.Karas@woodrowwilson.navy.mil
Subject: My plan is working
Dear Mom,
I cooked dinner all by myself! You know what I like best about Uncle Adam? He doesn’t treat me like a kid. He spent Saturday afternoon with me because Aunt Shana was at the ice-cream parlor and when I told him I was going to cook dinner, he let me. He even went to the store and left me by myself. I don’t need a babysitter anymore.
When he got back, he said Aunt Shana was upset with him for leaving me all alone, but nothing happened. I made macaroni and cheese in the microwave and baked Tater Tots and made a salad. It turned out really good, and guess what?
Uncle Adam and Aunt Shana kissed again, and they didn’t even care that I could see them. I pretended I didn’t, but I really did. They said they wanted to wash the dishes and it took them more than an hour. Miss you bunches and bunches.
Love, Jazmine

Chapter Fourteen
If Ali had been at home instead of aboard the USS Woodrow Wilson, she would’ve turned to her favorite comfort food: cookie dough. It was that kind of day. Yes, she knew she shouldn’t eat raw eggs. But when she reached this point—of being prepared to scarf down a bowl of unbaked cookies—salmonella seemed the least of her worries. Those ice-cream manufacturers knew what they were doing when they introduced cookie dough as a flavor. That, in her opinion, was the ultimate comfort food.
What had upsetAli, or rather who,was none other than Commander Frank Dillon. After managing fairly successfully to keep him out of her thoughts, he was back—not only in her thoughts, but unfortunately, in sick bay.
Earlier in the day he’d returned with a raging fever and an infection. Infection was the biggest risk with a ruptured appendix, and he hadn’t been spared this complication. Ali was worried when she saw that his temperature was nearly 103 degrees. Furious, she’d asked why he hadn’t come in earlier.
He’d refused to answer, but insisted that all he needed was a shot, and that once she’d given it to him, he could go back to his duties as navigator. When she told him Captain Coleman had ordered antibiotics via IV, he seemed to blame her personally. In his anger and frustration, he’d lashed out at her once again and questioned her competence.
As soon as he was hooked up to the antibiotics, and relatively free of pain, he slept for the remainder of her shift. Before leaving, she’d checked on him, taking his temperature, which had fallen to just over 100 degrees.
She felt both irritated and sad. Irritated that he’d delayed seeking medical attention. And sad because she suspected she might be the reason he’d stayed away. According to his own comments, he wanted nothing to do with her. She couldn’t help wondering if that was because of her wedding ring—and yet how could it be? She’d removed it from her left hand.
Anytime he’d so much as glanced in her direction this afternoon, he’d scowled as if he couldn’t bear to be in the same room. That was ridiculous. Ali hadn’t done anything to deserve this wrath. After all, he was the one who’d sent her an e-mail thanking her for the excellent care. But from the way he regarded her now, anyone might think she’d attempted to amputate his leg while he wasn’t looking. She tried not to dwell on the things he’d said to her, either today or during his first hospitalization, but she couldn’t help that her feelings were hurt. She’d misread the situation and now he was back and not happy about it, either.
Frank didn’t understand or recognize how serious this infection was. With a fever that high, he must’ve been terribly sick. Damn, he should never have waited this long!
Sent: July 7
From: Alison.Karas@woodrowwilson.navy.mil
To: Shana@mindsprung.com
Subject: It’s cookie time!!
Dear Shana,
I’m tired and I want to come home. I sound like a crybaby but I don’t care. The day has been long and awful, and if I was home right now I’d have the mixer going, blending sugar and flour and eggs with oatmeal and raisins. Yup, it’s one of those days.
How are things with Jazmine? I need some news to cheer me up. Got anything wonderful to tell me? How’s Adam? Any news about the transfer?
Love, Alison
It wasn’t long before she received a reply.
Sent: July 9
From: Shana@mindsprung.com
To: Alison.Karas@woodrowwilson.navy.mil
Subject: Fireworks and all
Dear Alison,
My goodness, what’s happening? I haven’t heard you sound so down in ages. When you start talking about cookie dough, I know there’s got to be a man involved. I figure this must have something to do with that commander you mentioned. I thought you said you wouldn’t be seeing him again. But apparently you have and it didn’t go well. Tell all!
Jazmine is fabulous, but the truth is, I had a miserable day myself. I worked from dawn to dusk, and financially it was my best business day ever, so I should be happy, right? I wasn’t. I wanted to be with Jazmine and Adam, who were off at a community fair while I was stuck at the ice-cream parlor.
I can’t even begin to tell you how much work is involved in owning a business like this. Catherine was the only employee willing to work this weekend and thankfully, her husband came in to lend a hand. I don’t know what I would’ve done otherwise. I really

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Her Kind of Man: Navy Husband  A Man Apart  Second-Chance Hero Debbie Macomber и Justine Davis
Her Kind of Man: Navy Husband / A Man Apart / Second-Chance Hero

Debbie Macomber и Justine Davis

Тип: электронная книга

Жанр: Современная зарубежная литература

Язык: на английском языке

Издательство: HarperCollins

Дата публикации: 16.04.2024

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О книге: Perfect for fans of Maeve Binchy′ – CandisWas he the one?Navy Husband Debbie Macomber When Lieutenant Commander Adam Kennedy offered Shana his help (a little dictatorially) looking after her niece, she had to admit he was useful and great looking; but Shana made it clear she was not in the market for a navy husband. A Man Apart Joan HohlJustin Grainger did not plan to settle down. So when he met sexy Hannah, he had only seduction on his mind. Using his notorious charm, he soon had a perfect bed partner for a week of unbridled passion. So why did it have to end? Second-Chance Hero Justine Davis A tropical island might be a relaxing spot for some, but not for security chief John Draven. Not if Grace O’Conner, the stubborn beauty he’d never been able to forget, was there. Draven had one last chance to protect the woman who should have been his…

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