Sizzling Desire

Sizzling Desire
Kayla Perrin
A combustible attraction…Flirting with a gorgeous stranger at the bar is how Lorraine Mitchell celebrates her longed for newly single status. One-night stands usually run hot and wild before quickly flaming out, but Lorraine cannot forget her heated encounter with firefighter Hunter Holland. Weeks later, she is beyond surprised to discover that his father—a former patient of hers—has left her a large bequest!Last time Hunter was in the same room as Lorraine, they were burning up the sheets. Now he’s staring at her from across a lawyer’s office. At first, guilt and grief convince him that the beautiful nurse took advantage of his long-estranged father. Yet despite mutual mistrust, he knows this kind of chemistry only comes around once in a lifetime. And reviving their spark just might ignite a love that’s as deep and true as it is scorching…

A combustible attraction...
Flirting with a gorgeous stranger at the bar is how Lorraine Mitchell celebrates her longed-for newly single status. One-night stands usually run hot and wild before quickly flaming out, but Lorraine cannot forget her heated encounter with firefighter Hunter Holland. Weeks later, she is beyond surprised to discover that his father—a former patient of hers—has left her a large bequest!
Last time Hunter was in the same room as Lorraine, they were burning up the sheets. Now he’s staring at her from across a lawyer’s office. At first, guilt and grief convince him that the beautiful nurse took advantage of his long-estranged father. Yet despite mutual mistrust, he knows this kind of chemistry only comes around once in a lifetime. And reviving their spark just might ignite a love that’s as deep and true as it is scorching...
The last of her resistance slipped away. “You win,” she whispered.
“I win? You think this a game to me?”
“If it is, you don’t play to lose.”
“I’m just mad attracted to you,” he said. “Am I the only one feeling this?”
Maybe it was the vulnerable hitch to his voice, the rawness of emotion she heard. Maybe it was the earnest look in his eyes. The look that said he was unable to control whatever it was that seemed to have him in its grip. She understood. Because she felt the same way, too.
Lorraine repositioned herself on the sofa so that her legs were beneath her and her body was facing Hunter’s. “I feel it, too,” she admitted. He had put himself out on an emotional ledge, and she didn’t want to leave him there alone. To make him believe that she wasn’t as interested in him as he was in her would have been dishonest and cruel. God only knew why she was attracted to him, but she was. Fiercely.
Dear Reader (#u41495bee-e4b4-5da7-9e82-257b00c646ab),
Welcome back to Ocean City and Fire Station Two, the backdrop for my Love on Fire series. This time, you’ll join Lorraine and Hunter on their journey to find love.
Have you ever let a disagreement come between you and a family member? What if that estranged family member died? That’s what my hero, Hunter, faces. He’s a strong and driven firefighter, but the death of his father brings him to his knees. It’s certainly not an ideal time to meet the irresistible Lorraine, but his connection with her is as undeniable as it is welcome. Until Hunter learns something about her that he’s not sure he can get past.
It’s with some sadness that I say goodbye to Ocean City and the sexy firefighters I’ve written about. But I’m excited about my new series featuring the Burke brothers. These four single, athletic brothers are going to sweep you off of your feet! Get ready for some steamy stories!
Thanks so much for picking up Sizzling Desire. I hope you enjoy Hunter and Lorraine’s story!
Sizzling Desire
Kayla Perrin (
KAYLA PERRIN is a multi-award winning, multi-published USA TODAY and Essence bestselling author. She’s been writing since she could hold a pencil, and sent her first book to a publisher when she was just thirteen years old. Since 1998, she’s had over fifty novels and novellas published. She’s been featured in Ebony magazine, RT Book Reviews, the South Florida Business Journal, the Toronto Star and other Canadian and American publications. Her works have been translated into Italian, German, Spanish and Portuguese. In 2011, Kayla received the prestigious Harry Jerome Award for excellence in the arts in Canada. She lives in the Toronto area with her daughter.
You can find Kayla on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Please visit her website at (
In memory of Byron Askie Nedd.
By all accounts, you were one of the nicest guys ever.
I miss your warm spirit, your kind heart and your music.
As they say, the good ones die young.
RIP, my friend.
Cover (#u60d604a3-898f-5788-964f-5aec8f46fb8c)
Back Cover Text (#ub8cccc2b-4f48-5c6b-a669-66e0cb326f5d)
Introduction (#ue688fd35-686b-5f76-8283-c526f0869b13)
Dear Reader (#ud6143d64-5b7b-5253-8d7b-d37a9e16bbda)
Title Page (#u8b2cf065-9b52-5a6c-8844-79d10038232d)
About the Author (#u009686be-14ec-5e48-9f87-bf9bf173c079)
Dedication (#u1d07ebfe-ca98-5cfe-af84-8b333a5a4f8b)
Chapter 1 (#u9753872d-dd85-5a17-9470-19c08a513048)
Chapter 2 (#u6242382d-068d-546b-9b5b-8873a9d35925)
Chapter 3 (#uef7ebd82-47e3-53db-b2a8-f7078a8fc676)
Chapter 4 (#u43afb6fb-8c6c-585c-a514-2fab8a9b9d4f)
Chapter 5 (#u8bf7881f-f8d5-5325-9414-cc97982e96cc)
Chapter 6 (#uba3128f8-61b5-50ca-b6d7-5ba9344c91dc)
Chapter 7 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 8 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 9 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 10 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 11 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 12 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 13 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 14 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 15 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 16 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 17 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 18 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 19 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 20 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 21 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 22 (#litres_trial_promo)
Extract (#litres_trial_promo)
Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 1 (#u41495bee-e4b4-5da7-9e82-257b00c646ab)
The pulsing beat of the music in the bar thrummed through Lorraine Baxter’s body. As she looked at her three best friends in the world, who were all seated around her at the table, she halted her head-bopping as a wave of emotion washed over her. “I love you guys so much,” she said, her eyes misting as she looked at each of them in turn. “You know that, right? Every time I need you, you guys are there for me. You never fail me. So thank you for always being there. And thanks so much for being here for me tonight.”
“Where else would we be?” Rosa asked, giving Lorraine’s hand a squeeze. She was five foot nothing, part Mexican and part African American. She had a mass of long, curly black hair that flowed down her back and around her shoulders, hair that she hadn’t cut in about a decade. Whenever she went out, she liked to show off her voluptuous figure. Tonight she was doing that by wearing a low-cut, formfitting black dress that highlighted her “girls”—as she liked to call them.
“Of course we’re here for you,” Amanda said. “This is the most important day of your life.”
Amanda was tall, five foot nine, with a slender frame and smooth, dark skin. She liked to wear her hair short and away from her face. She had beautiful eyes and perfect cheekbones, features that were highlighted when she wore her black hair back.
“It is, isn’t it?” Lorraine asked, the significance of today once again dawning on her. She was a newly single woman, her divorce final now for six and a half hours. She raised her glass, which was filled with an icy margarita brew. “To dear friends. The ones a girl can really count on through the good and the bad in life.”
Rosa, Amanda and Trina all raised their glasses with their own drinks and held them high. “Hear, hear,” and “Cheers!” they said in unison, before sipping their respective drinks.
Lorraine had met these three women in college. They’d all been in the same sociology class, and tended to sit in the same seats, which coincidentally were near each other. One day, Rosa had been crying softly throughout the lecture, and Trina had ended up talking to her. Lorraine, who’d overheard bits of the conversation that had to do with some guy who’d dumped her, had inserted herself into the conversation to offer Rosa comfort. Amanda had done the same. It had been Amanda’s idea that they all go out to have a drink and talk about the class assignment as a way to help Rosa’s mood. Ever since that day, they’d all been friends.
“I think we need a round of tequila shooters,” Trina announced, already pushing her chair back. Trina was also tall, just about an inch shorter than Amanda. Her skin was very pale, and on occasion people confused her for Hispanic. But she would proudly point out that her thick hips, big booty and kinky brown hair were sure signs that she was African American.
“You always think we need tequila,” Amanda said to Trina, then laughed.
“Because life is better with tequila.”
“Not my life,” Rosa quipped.
Trina looked down at her, giving her a pointed stare. “If not for the round of tequila shooters that day after sociology class when we first met, would we even be friends right now?”
Lorraine remembered that day well. Trina had assured Rosa that tequila would help her forget whatever guy was causing her so much emotional grief. Rosa had downed the tequila shot and promptly gagged. They’d all laughed about it, but through the laughter, Rosa realized she was no longer thinking about the guy who’d broken her heart. So tequila shooters were always on the menu whenever there was some sort of man drama among the group.
“All right,” Rosa agreed. “But one tequila shooter is my limit.”
“Oh, we already know that!” Amanda said as Trina started off toward the bar. “Ah, this is just like old times. A round of shooters will kick this celebration into high gear.” She faced Lorraine. “And you—no more tears!”
Lorraine nodded. Tonight was a celebration. That had been the plan, to go out with her friends. She certainly hadn’t wanted to mark the occasion at home alone.
“Okay,” Lorraine agreed. “No more tears. Not that I’m crying over Paul,” she added with a frown.
“Good!” Rosa exclaimed. “You’re rid of that jerk who made your life a living hell. You should be dancing on the table!”
Lorraine couldn’t help smiling. “That would go over well with this crowd, me jumping on the table and getting down.”
“I’ll give you one hundred dollars to get on the table and do it,” Amanda said. “If I were finally free of such a nasty jerk, I’d be dancing on the roof.”
“Ah, no.” Lorraine wasn’t about to make a spectacle of herself. Though she certainly did want to dance for joy. She was finally free of Paul. A marriage that never should have happened.
Rather, a marriage that she had entered into wholeheartedly, only to learn that her husband hadn’t given their union the same effort. Paul had never truly loved her, never supported her dreams and goals. Ending the marriage was the only thing to do.
Lorraine had expected him to be unhappy, but not for him to turn downright nasty during the divorce proceedings. He’d had an investigator look into her financial history, find out if she had secret bank accounts, or gifts from family she’d never told Paul about. The slimy investigator had learned that her mother had left her a bond. Nothing substantial, but Paul had nonetheless demanded half of it.
Thinking about Paul left a bitter taste in her mouth, and Lorraine sipped some water. Her divorce was final. Paul was officially out of her life. And tonight, she was wiping the slate clean fittingly. Taking back her single status with grand style. Rosa had even bought her a black veil—the opposite of the white one she’d worn on her wedding day. Not to mark this is as a somber occasion, but to mark it as a funeral for her past life. A life she could officially move on from.
“I’m sure this is an emotional day for you,” Rosa said. “Saying goodbye to the past can be hard, even if you know it’s the right thing.” She smiled softly. “I look forward to the day when you’re back to being your old self—the woman who was stress-free and happy until Paul dragged you down.”
Rosa was absolutely right. Lorraine hadn’t been the same person after just two years of marriage. She’d sunk into depression. Nothing had been good enough to please Paul. All her efforts to make her marriage work had been in vain. She had increasingly thrown herself into work, but even that was an emotional rollercoaster. As a palliative care nurse, she loved her patients, but losing them was always painful.
“Trina needs to hurry up with those shooters,” Amanda said.
Lorraine looked toward the section of the bar where Trina had ventured off to. Trina was lost somewhere in the crowd.
As Lorraine’s gaze wandered the other way, it stopped abruptly, landing on another pair of eyes. They were dark and intense and drew her in for a few glorious seconds. She stared, unable to turn away, while the man who owned those striking eyes stared back.
The air rushing out of her lungs, Lorraine felt an undeniable sizzle of heat.
She checked out the man staring back at her. Golden brown skin. Broad shoulders and seriously muscular biceps. Wow.
She glanced away, blushing.
“Who are you looking at?” Amanda asked, and shot a peek over her shoulder.
“Don’t!” Lorraine admonished, but she was too late.
“What am I missing?” Rosa asked.
“Oh, I see him,” Amanda said, her tone piquing with interest. “The guy behind me in the second booth. Wearing a pale blue shirt.”
“Oh!” Rosa’s eyes widening, she playfully swatted Lorraine’s arm. “Girl, you’re flirting?”
“Can’t I look at a man without you guys making a big deal about it?” Lorraine asked.
Trina appeared then, weaving through the crowd back toward the table. She was carrying a plate with the four shot glasses grouped closely together. Surrounding the glasses were four lime wedges. “One round of tequila shooters!” Trina announced. She placed the plate onto the table, then took her seat beside Amanda again. “Grab one, ladies.”
They each took a shot glass, but left the limes on the plate. Trina was the first to lick her hand and pour salt onto it. The rest of the ladies followed suit.
Rosa quickly raised her shot glass. “To Lorraine getting to know the hot guy in the blue shirt.”
Trina frowned. “Huh? What did I miss?”
“He’s at the table behind us,” Amanda explained.
“Don’t look—” Lorraine said, but Trina was already whipping her head around.
Lorraine glanced at the hottie again, saw him smile at her. Oh, God. He was paying attention to them. And now he knew that she and her friends were talking about him.
“I’m totally embarrassed,” Lorraine said. “He knows that I’m staring at him. Thanks to you guys.”
“To Lorraine’s fresh start,” Amanda said, raising the shooter and wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.
“I’ll drink to that!” Rosa enthused.
There was no point in arguing with these women, who loved her unconditionally. So Lorraine downed her shooter along with her friends. The tequila burned its way down her throat. She quickly stuffed the lime in her mouth to kill the bite of the booze. As she and her friends did the same, Rosa feigned a gagging sound. They all started laughing. Yeah, this was just like old times.
“Okay, that’s my one and only tequila shot for the night,” Rosa said. “No more.”
“As if we don’t know that,” Trina said. “Though I’m really curious to know what a two-tequila night would be like for you.”
“You’re not going to find out,” Rosa told her.
As her friends engaged in playful chatter, Lorraine glanced in the sexy stranger’s direction. Again, he was looking at her.
“If you’re going to keep flirting,” Rosa began, “you need to fix your makeup. It’s a mess from when you got teary a few minutes ago.”
“What?” Lorraine gasped, horrified.
Rosa got to her feet and reached for Lorraine’s hand. “Let’s go to the restroom.”
Lorraine didn’t protest. Not that she was interested in the man she’d noticed, but flirting was not sexy with raccoon eyes.
She grabbed her purse from the table and started for the restroom with Rosa, who was a little unsteady on her feet. Lorraine’s head was definitely lighter. The margarita was already having an effect on her. She wasn’t about to get over-the-top drunk, but being tipsy and feeling good was exactly what she wanted. Especially since she hadn’t hung out with her friends like this in such a long time. Paul hadn’t expressly forbidden it, but he’d made it clear that he didn’t like her friends. So they all needed tonight, and there was no shame in letting loose. They were all taking taxis home, so no need to worry about any of them driving while drunk.
Lorraine and Rosa entered the bathroom. The dark red walls seemed to suck up the already dim light. It was a horrible color scheme for the visibility required to reapply makeup.
Lorraine headed toward a mirror while Rosa went into a stall. Dim lighting or not, her ruined makeup was clear to see. Her mascara and eyeliner had bled around her eyes, and there was one long black streak on the left side of her face. She wondered if the hottie had been able to see her face clearly. How embarrassing!
Two other women burst into the restroom, giggling. As Lorraine tore off a piece of paper towel, the young women went right for the mirror, fixing their hair and applying fresh coats of lipstick.
“You really think he’s into me?” one of the women asked. She couldn’t have been more than twenty-two.
“He wouldn’t have bought you a drink if he wasn’t,” her friend responded.
Lorraine wet the paper towel, then started to carefully wipe around her eyes to remove the mess. She smiled as she listened to the friends chatter about the guy one of them liked. How long had it been since she’d been out like this with her own friends, happily scoping out the available men? Not in forever.
She frowned. What if the sexy stranger had been checking her out because of her black veil? She’d noticed curious looks from others tonight, but something about this man intrigued her. She hoped there was a connection between them.
The black streaks cleaned, Lorraine reached into her purse for her compact and started applying a fresh coat of powder.
Rosa exited the stall and approached a sink. When she looked at Lorraine she said, “Much better.”
“You mean the raccoon look isn’t my thing?” Lorraine joked.
“On Halloween, yes. But tonight, not so much.”
Lorraine laughed. Then, once again looking at her reflection, she asked, “Should I change my lipstick?”
“You actually have something other than the boring brown you’re wearing? That is the name of the lipstick, isn’t it? Boring Brown.”
Lorraine cut her eyes at her friend. She liked the brown color. It went with everything. And it was a good choice for her caramel-colored complexion. But as she stared at herself in the mirror, she had to admit that the color didn’t add any pizzazz. Compared to the two women at the other end of the mirror, wearing bright colors on their lips and their eyes, Lorraine’s look was...well, boring indeed.
Lorraine dug her other lipstick choice out of her purse. While Rosa went to dry her hands, Lorraine applied a coat of the red and pressed her lips together.
Her eyes widened. After her initial shock, her lips spread in a slow smile. What a dramatic difference. Her lips looked extra kissable.
Extra kissable... Good grief. Maybe it was the alcohol getting to her.
“Great veil.”
Lorraine turned to look at the two young women, who were staring at her in awe. “Oh, thanks.”
“Single and ready to mingle!” one of them said. “You go, girl.” Then, linking arms, they both headed out of the bathroom.
Lorraine smiled, then looked at her reflection again. The veil was great. Perhaps a little over the top, but she’d worn a veil when getting married. Why not now when she was out celebrating her divorce?
“What’s the name of that color?” Rosa asked.
Lorraine turned the lipstick container over and looked at the bottom. “One Night Stand,” she read. “Good Lord.”
Rosa beamed at her. “Perfect.”
“Perfect?” Lorraine’s eyes widened. “Girl, you’re crazy.”
“Hey, you never know. You already have a prospect...”
But Lorraine did know. Unlike the women who’d just left the restroom, she wasn’t looking for a hookup. She didn’t want anything tonight except a little harmless flirting, and a lot of fun with her friends. Tomorrow she would sleep in and recover from her late night out, because at thirty-two there was no way she could recover as quickly as she had when she’d partied at twenty.
Lorraine fixed the veil around her face and nodded at her reflection, satisfied.
“Gorgeous,” Rosa told her.
“Thanks.” Lorraine put her makeup back in her purse. “I still have to use the toilet. You don’t have to wait for me.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah. I’ll be fine. I’ll be out soon.”
Lorraine took a few more minutes in the bathroom. Right before she headed out, she decided to spritz herself with a little perfume. Just in case she and the sexy stranger spoke or danced.
Lorraine was securing the latch on her purse so her head was down as she exited the restroom. As she lifted her gaze, she saw a man ease his body off the wall and start in her direction, almost as if he’d been waiting for her. As he neared her, he grinned. Good God, was this stranger she’d never seen before actually approaching her?
“Excuse me,” Lorraine said, and sidestepped him when he put himself directly in her path.
“Not so fast,” the man said. He took her by the arm, forcing her to stop, then stepped in front of her. “Now that you have me alone, you don’t have anything to say to me? You playing shy?”
Lorraine looked at up at him, flummoxed. “Excuse me?”
“I saw you making eyes at me out there.”
Lorraine was confused. And then it hit her. This guy must have been somewhere close to the sexy stranger. He thought she’d been hitting on him.
“I’m sorry,” she said. “You’re mistaken.”
She made another move to step past him, but he surprised her by slipping an arm around her waist and pulling her against his thick body. “Come on, you don’t have to be bashful.”
“No, seriously.” She tried to extricate herself from his grasp. “I wasn’t flirting with you. Sorry if you got that impression.” She didn’t want to offend him, just in case he was irrational. She could tell by the slight slurring of his voice that he’d been drinking too much. Men who drank too much could be a problem.
“You’re beautiful,” he whispered into her ear.
He held her tighter as she continued to try to free herself, and that’s when she truly became alarmed. “Let me go.” She spoke in a firm voice. “I don’t want this.”
“I just want to get to know you,” the man said.
“This isn’t okay,” Lorraine said.
“Let the lady go.”
At the sound of the commanding voice, the man loosened his grip on Lorraine but didn’t fully release her. He looked beyond Lorraine to the man who’d spoken.
“What, is this your girl?”
Finally, Lorraine was able to pull herself free. She did and turned. And felt as though she’d been kicked in the stomach.
The man coming to her defense was none other than the man she’d been flirting with!
“When a woman tells you to let her go,” her sexy savior said, “you let her go.”
There was such an air of authority about him that he was even hotter to her now than he had been before. Was he a cop?
The man who’d been harassing Lorraine stepped away, raising his hands in a sign of surrender. He probably feared he was going to get his lights knocked out by this man, who was taller and clearly stronger than he—if all those perfectly honed muscles were any indication. “Sorry, dude.”
The man walked toward them briskly. “Don’t apologize to me. Apologize to her.”
The harasser looked at Lorraine with a sheepish expression. “Sorry about that. I just thought... You know.”
“It’s fine,” Lorraine said tersely. It wasn’t actually fine. She hated men who got drunk and felt it was their right to become aggressive with women.
Fortunately, the jerk promptly took off, leaving Lorraine alone with the stranger.
“Are you okay?” he asked her. His deep voice sent delicious shivers down her spine.
Lorraine looked up at Mr. Too Fine. He had to be around six foot three. Golden brown skin, dark eyes framed by thick, curly lashes. “Yes,” she said, nodding. “I’m fine.”
“He didn’t hurt you?”
“I think you came just in time. I was starting to get worried.”
“I’m glad I got here when I did, then.”
“Yeah. Me, too.” Lorraine’s pulse was pounding. She glanced away, nervous.
“What’s with the veil?” the guy asked. Then, “Oh, wait. It’s black, not white. So the opposite of a wedding... Right?”
“Wedding?” Lorraine scoffed with a smile. “What wedding? I’m no longer married.” Single and ready to mingle!
“I get it.” The man smiled down at her, and he had the cutest dimples.
“I’m Hunter,” he said, extending his hand.
Lorraine accepted it. His warm grip enveloped hers and sent a zap of heat coursing through her veins. “I’m... I’m Mary.”
Why was she lying?
“Nice to meet you, Mary,” he said. “What are you drinking?”
“Margaritas,” she answered without hesitation. Then she felt a little silly. Did she really want him to buy her a drink or two? Any more to drink and she might not be able to think too clearly.
Single and ready to mingle! The parting words of the young woman leaving the restroom jumped into her mind again. Lorraine couldn’t help it—she started giggling.
Hunter narrowed his eyes as he looked at her, though the edges of his lips were curved in a grin. “What’s so funny?”
What indeed? What was it about this man that had her acting like a school girl?
“I don’t even know,” Lorraine said. “I really have no clue why I’m laughing.”
Hunter’s grin widened. He seemed to like what she’d said. “High on life, I guess?” he suggested.
“Something like that.”
“You ready to go back out there?” he asked, offering her his elbow.
Lorraine looped her hand through his arm, feeling a flash of heat as her skin once again connected with his. His arm was strong. He had rock-hard muscles. This guy was seriously hot.
“Sure,” she said.
“Then let’s go get that drink.”
Chapter 2 (#u41495bee-e4b4-5da7-9e82-257b00c646ab)
Lorraine saw her friends’ stunned looks as she came out from the restroom area holding on to the arm of a tall, dark and sexy brother. Smiling with smug satisfaction, Lorraine gave them all a little wave as she walked with Hunter past their table to the bar.
“You know why I’m here tonight,” Lorraine said to Hunter as they neared the bar. “What brings you here?”
“I’m new in town,” Hunter explained.
“Ahhh. Are you new to California?” Lorraine asked. “Did you move here from another state?”
“I did, yes. But I’m not new to Ocean City. I grew up here, then moved to Reno when I hit eighteen. I lived and worked there for sixteen years, and now I’m back. I’m a firefighter.”
That explained why he was in such good shape. Firefighters were strong, their bodies immaculately honed in order to be able to rescue people from burning buildings and other disastrous situations. No wonder he had come to her aid in such a chivalrous way.
She swayed a little—deliberately—so she could wrap her fingers tighter around his arm. Yes, she was shamelessly copping a feel. She barely even recognized herself.
“Oops,” Hunter said, securing his hand on her back to make sure she was steady. “You okay?”
“I’m fine,” Lorraine said. “You’re so sweet.” And so hot.
So hot that she wanted to smooth her hands over his muscular pecs for a few glorious minutes.
She turned away from him and continued toward the bar. What was going on with her? It must be the alcohol making her react so strongly to this man.
Though the truth was, she didn’t care what was bringing out this reaction in her. Because every time Hunter looked at her, she felt incredibly desirable—something she hadn’t felt with Paul since the early days of their marriage. But unlike her ex-husband, Hunter’s attraction for her was obvious in that dark, intense gaze. Every time their eyes connected, the chemistry sizzled.
Lorraine’s heart was pounding with excitement, and it was a wonderful feeling after all the pain and heartache she’d gone through recently. It was nice to feel the pitter-patter of her pulse because of a guy who rated eleven out of ten on the sexy scale.
Lorraine veered to the left to sidestep a group of women. And all of a sudden, her heel twisted beneath her body. This time, she started to go down in earnest. Hunter quickly swooped his arms around her, and the next thing she knew, he was scooping her into his arms.
“Oh, my God,” she uttered. “You’re not carrying me—”
“Can’t have you breaking an ankle.”
He was actually carrying her to the bar. All eyes in the vicinity looked at them, some people chuckling, some gaping. Lorraine should have been embarrassed, but instead she tightened her arms around Hunter’s neck and held on, smiling from ear to ear. When was the last time anyone had carried her like this? She may as well enjoy the ride.
Once at the bar, Hunter lowered Lorraine onto a stool. “There you go,” he said.
She looked up at him coyly, biting down on the bottom of her ruby-red lip.
He grinned at her, his gaze lingering on hers. Then he leaned across the bar to order drinks. Lorraine shamelessly checked out his form. With his hands resting on the bar, the muscles on the backs of his arms grew taut. His wide back tapered to a slim waist. His behind even looked muscular in the black dress pants. He had the kind of body that running backs in those tight football outfits had. The kind of physique she had been appreciating daily for the past several months in the current Ocean City firefighters calendar. Though in her opinion, he was hotter—and there were a lot of fine men in that calendar.
A couple of minutes later, he turned toward her holding a margarita. Lorraine carefully took the glass from him. For himself, Hunter had a bottle of beer. He clinked the top of his bottle gently against her glass, then they both took a sip.
“I probably should get back to my friends,” Lorraine said after a minute.
“Or—we could get out of here.”
“Pardon me?” Lorraine asked.
“Nothing,” Hunter said.
She narrowed her eyes. Was she hearing things? Or had he just suggested that they leave the bar together?
“I’ll walk you back to your table,” Hunter told her, and extended his arm to her again.
She took a liberal sip of her drink before accepting Hunter’s arm. He helped her down from the stool. She continued to hold on to him as she walked. He led her to her table, where her friends were all looking at her with wide-eyed gazes.
Trina was the first to speak. “Someone’s made a new friend.” She shot Lorraine a devious smile. “I’m Trina.” She extended her hand. “And you are?”
“Hunter,” he said, shaking her hand.
“And that’s Rosa and Amanda,” Lorraine said, pointing to each of her friends in turn. She felt a moment of panic. They could blow her cover. If one of them blurted out her real name...
It was silly, but she’d lied to Hunter about her name and didn’t want him to find out the truth. She placed a hand on the back of his arm and said, “You know what? Why don’t we hit the dance floor?”
“Oh.” Hunter sounded surprised. “Sure.”
Lorraine started to sway her body to the music. Then she took him by the hand and led him to the back of the bar, where the dance floor was. She started to shake her hips to the pulsing R&B beat before they were even on the floor. Finding an available spot near one corner, Lorraine turned to face Hunter. She kicked up the movements of her body, her hips and legs moving in tune with the rhythm.
Hunter watched her for several seconds, then leaned close and slipped his arm around her waist. “You’re gorgeous, you know that?”
“Is this how you flatter all the women you rescue?” Lorraine asked.
“What other women?” Hunter countered. “There’s one woman in the bar I can’t take my eyes off of. And that’s you, Mary.”
She looped her arms around his neck, and although the tempo of the music was fast, they both started moving more slowly. They were moving to their own beat, as if oblivious to the world around them.
“You know what I don’t understand?” Hunter asked.
“How some guy would let you go. If you were mine, I’d never let you out of my sight.”
“Is that so?”
Hunter pulled his bottom lip between his teeth as he stared into her eyes. “Definitely.”
Good Lord, he was arousing her with his seductive looks and his words. Her feminine core began to throb.
“I really want to kiss you,” he whispered into her ear.
Tingles of delight spread through Lorraine’s body. Her breathing deepened. “Really?”
“Really.” His voice was husky, filled with desire. He was the sexiest man she’d ever been this close to.
“Then why don’t you?” Lorraine whispered on a shuddery breath. She trailed her fingers along his nape, and when he made a soft groaning sound, she felt a surge of feminine power. He reached up and gently stroked her cheek, then caught her chin between his thumb and forefinger and angled her face up to his. Every nerve in Lorraine’s body went taut with expectation as Hunter lowered his head down to hers.
Lorraine parted her lips. And then his mouth pressed against hers, slow, sweet, succulent. It was the kind of kiss that promised something more.
Hot, sweating bodies between the sheets.
A night of carnal bliss.
Beneath her veil, he tangled his fingers in her hair, holding her in place. His lips moved faster over hers, his teeth gently nipping, his tongue flicking out and running along her bottom lip. Lorraine gasped from the onslaught of sensations.
“Oh, yes,” Hunter moaned, and then flicked his tongue over hers.
She couldn’t remember a kiss setting her body on fire like this. And then she giggled. Who was the best person to put out a fire but a fireman? Good grief. What was with these corny thoughts in her head?
“Are you laughing?” Hunter whispered against her cheek. “You don’t like this?”
“I love it,” Lorraine told him. She continued to run her fingers along the base of his neck, reveling in the way his breaths deepened. Then she pressed her body against his, feeling the evidence of his desire for her. Hard, thick. Impressive. “You’re making me forget we’re in a crowded bar.”
Hunter’s lips curved into a grin. He looked down at her, and she up at him. And she knew that whatever was brewing between them right now was something she didn’t want to end. She wanted to reclaim her singlehood in grand style. What better way than spending the night with a gorgeous man?
Hunter kissed her again, and she looped both of her arms around his neck and held on. His hand tightened on her waist, pulling her body against his. And the kiss deepened. Right there on the dance floor, they kissed as if they were the only two people in the room. It was the kind of display of public affection that would have had Lorraine rolling her eyes if she were witnessing it.
And yet, she’d been caught up in something spectacular with this man to the point where she was no longer thinking rationally. All she could think about was the fact that she didn’t want their night to end.
Hunter was the one to break the kiss, but he didn’t let her go.
He pressed his lips against her cheek, softly, and then moved his mouth to her ear. “You’re absolutely beautiful,” he told her. “You want to get out of here?”
“Yes,” she said, and he kissed her again, a soft, lingering kiss that was both sweet and fiery. Lorraine nearly lost it. She could feel her entire body trembling from an overload of sensations. She wanted this man.
“If we’re going to do this,” she said, “then we should do this now.”
He needed no further encouragement. He took her hand in his, linking their fingers, and led her back to her table, where her friends were looking at her with wide eyes and big smiles. It was as if they hadn’t seen her with a man before!
Not one this fine...
Lorraine lifted the margarita she hadn’t finished and downed it. “I’m leaving,” she announced.
Rosa gaped at her. “What?”
“I...” She looked up at Hunter, and that smile... Oh, that smile. He pushed part of her veil over her shoulder, his fingers skimming her skin where her blouse scooped low at the back. She swallowed, then faced her friends again. “I’m going to call it a night. I hope you guys aren’t mad.”
“You’re leaving with him?” Trina asked. Her eyes were dancing with delight.
“Yeah, uh, he’ll take me home.”
“I’ll bet” was Amanda’s mumbled comment.
Hunter tightened his arm around her waist, and Lorraine relaxed against him. “She’s in good hands,” he said.
“I’m sure she is,” Trina said, her double meaning evident in the twinkle in her eyes.
“However,” Rosa said, her expression becoming serious, “you never know what a serial killer looks like. So I’m going to give you my number so that you can call my phone right now. That way, I’ll have your number. And I’ll have a way to track my friend down—or evidence for the police—if she goes missing.” Rosa batted her eyelashes, smiling sweetly. “You cool with that?”
Hunter chuckled. “Of course.”
He took out his phone and called the number Rosa gave him. As her phone started to ring, she grinned. “Great. Now you can leave.”
“I’m just going to go and say good-night to my buddies,” Hunter said to Lorraine.
As he walked away, Rosa, Trina and Amanda began oohing and awwing. Amanda bit down on her knuckle as she shamelessly checked Hunter out.
“Oh. My. Word.” Trina’s eyes grew as wide as saucers. She fanned herself. “When... How?”
“He kind of came to my rescue outside of the restroom when some jerk was bothering me.” Lorraine shrugged as though it was no big deal. Yet inwardly, her libido was doing jumping jacks. “The rest, as they say, is history.”
“No, the rest is just beginning,” Rosa said, beaming. She jumped to her feet and threw her arms around Lorraine. “Have fun, girl!”
“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” Trina added.
“In other words, do everything,” Amanda said, and laughed.
“I’m entitled to do everything—I’m a married woman,” Trina pointed out.
She was the only one of the group who was married now. Amanda and Rosa had never tied the knot.
Lorraine rounded the table to Trina and Amanda. “Okay, you guys,” she said, extending her arms wide. They both got up, and she hugged them each in turn. “I love you both.” She faced Rosa. “I love you all. Thanks again for coming out with me tonight. This has been a lot of fun.”
“And it’s about to get a lot better,” Amanda said, giving her a knowing look.
Lorraine glanced in Hunter’s direction and saw the moment he turned from his friends and met her gaze. He smiled, and as her heart skipped a beat, reality hit her.
She was leaving with this gorgeous man for a night that she knew would be incredible.
She couldn’t wait.
Chapter 3 (#u41495bee-e4b4-5da7-9e82-257b00c646ab)
Lorraine’s anticipation built as the taxi approached Hunter’s place. They held hands, neither speaking. Her heart was racing. Was she really about to make love to this incredibly fine man?
They kept their hands off each other until they were in the elevator, where Hunter pulled her into his arms and started to kiss her. Lorraine gripped his biceps, her body melting against his. The elevator dinged, and they separated—barely—as they exited. Hunter led her down the hallway, then stopped in front of unit 1211. He quickly whisked her inside.
And then his mouth was on hers again, and delicious sensations exploded inside Lorraine’s body like mini fireworks going off on the Fourth of July. His lips moved slowly, his breathing heavy. He nibbled gently on her bottom lip before suckling her flesh.
A breathy moan escaped her lips. She looped her arms around Hunter’s neck.
“Oh, yeah,” Hunter whispered. Then, tightening his hand on the base of her back, he swept his tongue into her mouth with one broad stroke.
Lorraine pressed her fingertips against Hunter’s skin. Her desire was making her weak in the knees, light-headed.
He lifted her, and she fastened her legs around his body. Then he carried her down a hallway and through an open door.
It was the bedroom.
He took her straight to the bed, where he lowered their bodies down together, his on top of hers. He smoothed his hands up her side, his fingers flirting with her naked skin where her shirt had lifted. His touch was electric.
Hunter looked down at her. The room was dark, but pale light from outside filtered in through the slats in the blinds.
Lorraine smiled up at him and ran the tip of her heeled shoe down the length of his calf. Then she lifted her head to meet his lips and started kissing him again. She didn’t want to talk. She only wanted to feel.
She pulled at the shirt tucked into his jeans until it was free, and then placed both palms on his naked back. His skin was warm, and those muscles... This man was the definition of fine. He shuddered a little as she ran her fingertips over his back in a circular motion, and Lorraine felt a surge of power. She lifted her hands higher and wrapped her legs tighter around him, reveling in feminine power.
Hunter also slipped his fingers beneath her shirt, and she sighed as they tantalized her skin. He kissed her jawline, moving his lips toward her ear, where he grazed her earlobe with his teeth. When he gently suckled it, she inhaled a sharp breath.
“You like that, do you?” Hunter asked.
“Very much.”
“Let me ease back,” he said softly. “I want to take your clothes off.”
Had anyone ever said anything that turned her on more? She loosened her legs, and he stepped back. In the darkened room, she could still see the heat in his eyes as they roamed over her body. He then made quick work of unfastening her pants and shimmying them down her legs.
But she still wore her sexy pumps. Hunter lifted one foot in his hands and undid the buckle on her shoe, then tossed it onto the floor. He did the same with the other shoe, and then proceeded to take her jeans completely off her body.
For a moment, he stared down at her on the bed, then he lowered himself back over her, kissing her belly. The feel of his lips were so tender and sweet and made her body tingle with anticipation.
Hunter pushed her shirt up. His hands brushed against her nipples through her bra.
“Yes,” she rasped. She hardly recognized this wanton woman she’d become.
He flicked the tip of his tongue over her stomach. “I love how you respond to me.”
“I love how you’re making me feel.”
Hunter pulled at her bra until her breasts were exposed. He tweaked her nipples while continuing to kiss her belly, and Lorraine arched her back as delicious heat spread through her body like molten lava.
“Yes,” she rasped.
Suddenly, Hunter slipped an arm beneath her and pulled her body against his. He was strong, sexy, virile. And every single touch of his was turning her on. He slipped his hand under her shirt and unfastened her bra, removing it from her body. Then he pulled her shirt over her head, and quickly discarded it in a heap on the floor.
His gaze moved from her face and down the length of her body. He let out a low whistle. “Mary, Mary, Mary.”
Hearing the fake name shocked her slightly, but then she stopped thinking when Hunter stroked her inner thigh. He was doing just the right amount of teasing, drawing out the sexual chemistry between them. As Hunter’s fingers went higher up her thigh, she let her legs fall apart. His mouth came down on hers as he stroked her most sensitive place through her underwear. She kissed him hungrily. His hands explored further, slipping beneath her panties to touch her sensitive flesh. He massaged and tantalized.
His mouth worked over hers while his fingers explored, driving Lorraine wild. Hunter was bringing her to heights of pleasure she hadn’t been to in forever. It felt amazing to have a man touching her like this.
But she needed to touch him, too. She wanted to make him feel the same kind of pleasure he was making her feel. So she put both hands on his thighs. As he continued to kiss her, she smoothed her hands up his legs, finally stroking his impressive shaft through his pants.
He moaned into her mouth.
“You have a condom?” she asked.
“I do.”
A guy like him—of course had a condom. She could imagine he had his pick of women wherever he went.
And tonight he’d picked her.
Without warning, he eased his body off hers and stood. Cool air kissed her naked skin. She wanted him against her, giving her warmth. When he began to unbutton his shirt, all she could do was watch him. Watch as he did a little striptease. He took off his shirt, revealing massive, hot muscles and gorgeous skin. He had a spattering of chest hair, the kind she would be happy to twirl her fingers through.
And he wasn’t shy. Because when he tossed his shirt to the floor and she gave a little cheer, he gyrated his hips as though he were onstage performing for her. She laughed.
“You want to see more?” he asked.
“Oh, yeah...”
He unfastened the button on his jeans, unzipped them and then began to drag them over his hips. He took his time, continuing the striptease. Lorraine whistled when his muscular thighs came into view. This man could grace the cover of any magazine. He was that hot. And the more he showed his playful side as well as his sexy side, the more she wanted him.
Two could play at that game. She eased her hips up and slipped her underwear off, and as her chest was pressed against her leg she looked up at him and saw his eyes fastened to her body. He was waiting for her to sit back up and fully expose her nude body. So she gave him what he wanted, slowly sitting upright, then leaning back on her elbows. He got a small peek of her womanhood before she slowly crossed one leg over the other.
“You’re killing me right now,” Hunter said.
“You’re killing me.”
Hunter kicked his legs free of his jeans, and then slipped his briefs down his thighs. His erection sprang free. Lorraine’s lips parted in awe. He was more impressive than she expected.
“The condom,” she urged. “And hurry.” It wasn’t like her to be this bold, but if he didn’t make love to her soon she was going to die. She needed him that badly.
He went to his side drawer and fished out a condom. As he took off the wrapper and began to put it on, Lorraine uncrossed her legs, exposing herself further. She heard his groan of delight as his eyes gobbled up the sight of her. Never had she felt more desired.
Hunter stalked toward the bed, all serious now. He lowered his head and captured her lips in a deep kiss. He urged her backward onto the bed, holding his weight off her with his strong arms.
He slipped a hand between their bodies and smoothed it over her belly. When he slid it up to her breast and he circled her nipple with a finger, Lorraine moaned into his mouth.
His lips quickly left hers in search of the nipple he had just teased, and he drew it deeply into his mouth. Lorraine gasped as Hunter suckled sweetly, his lips pulling, his tongue trilling.
This was heaven.
Hunter moved his mouth to her other nipple, and as he did, his hands found her center again. She was ready for him.
More than ready.
He moved up her body and settled between her thighs. He guided his shaft slowly into her, making sure that he was in no way hurting her.
Lorraine gasped, overwhelmed with emotions.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
“I’ve never been more okay,” she replied.
He filled her, and her eyelids fluttered shut. The feel of his strong body pressed against hers, between her thighs, inside her... Heat spread through her body like molten lava.
They started off slow, moving tentatively. Every time he burrowed deep inside her, Lorraine dug her fingers into his back.
“You like that?” he asked.
He moved faster, picking up the pace. Lorraine arched her hips to meet his thrusts. His deep groans filled the air, mixing with her soft moans. She buried her face in his neck. The scent of his cologne flirted with her senses, and she gripped him harder. This man was irresistible with his superfine body. And tonight, he was hers.
She kissed his moist skin, then ran her tongue along his flesh. He tasted salty and sweet and delicious. He grunted, his body trembling against hers, making her heady with desire.
She matched his quickening movements, sighing with each of his thrusts. Their bodies slid against each other’s as their coupling became hot and frenzied. Raw, carnal need consumed Lorraine with the ferocity of a raging fire.
Hunter locked his arms behind her knees and thrust deep. Lorraine moaned long and hard. “Oh, God,” she uttered. “Again.”
Hunter eased back, then once again burrowed himself deeply inside her. Lorraine gripped the bed sheets as heat pooled in her abdomen. Her limbs grew tauter, her climax near.
“Hunter...” Lorraine rasped.
He kissed her, his tongue delving into her mouth. The dual sensation of his lips pressed against hers and his shaft deep inside her sent prickles of pleasure all over her skin. Within seconds, the tension reached its peak and then began to unravel. Her limbs became like jelly as the heat spiraled from within her abdomen and out through the rest of her body. “Hunter... Oh, yes. Yes!”
And as Lorraine rode the wave of pleasure, she was transported from her old life to a new one. In Hunter’s arms, she wiped the slate clean on her past and was initiated as a new woman.
Chapter 4 (#u41495bee-e4b4-5da7-9e82-257b00c646ab)
Lorraine’s eyelids fluttered as she stirred and turned onto her side. As she did, the sheet covering her body slipped down over her hip. Cool air kissed her naked skin. She frowned slightly. She wasn’t wearing her pajamas? Her thighs pressed together, and she felt another odd sensation: a dull ache. What the—
Her eyes popped open, taking in the darkness. It wasn’t so dim that Lorraine couldn’t see the tall armoire, the white leather chair in the corner. This was not her bedroom. Her heart began to thud.
It all came back to her, and dread filled her belly with the weight of a bowling ball. She remembered exactly where she was.
The bar. The sexy stranger. The drinking.
Her world being rocked.
Oh, God. Had she really just had a one-night stand?
As she lay in the bed, afraid to move, afraid to see the proof of what she’d done, the soft, steady sounds of breathing filled the air. Slowly, Lorraine turned her head to look on the other side of the bed. Her heart slammed against her rib cage when she saw the man beside her. Hunter. That was his name. And as she stared at him, she was momentarily distracted by that amazing body. The bed sheets covered him from the waist down, but that muscular chest, those wide shoulders and those washboard abs were gloriously exposed.
Heat pooled in her center. Oh, how that sexy body had thrilled her last night. She had been shameless in her desire, clutching Hunter tightly as they’d made love, whispering in his ear just how to please her.
Her cheeks burned with the memory. She had to get out of here.
She inched her body to the edge of the bed, then glanced at Hunter. His lips were parted, his eyes closed, his chest rising and falling with deep breaths. The bed dipped as she slipped out of it, and thankfully, Hunter didn’t stir. The room was dark, but her vision was adjusting. She scanned the room for her clothes. Her bra was on the hardwood floor beside the bed. A foot away was her shirt. Where was her underwear? She didn’t see it.
She whirled her head around. Her jeans and underwear were on the far right of the bed close to Hunter’s shirt. Lorraine cringed. In their haste to get naked, their clothes had landed anywhere and everywhere. That’s how excited she had been to make love with a stranger.
Though she certainly couldn’t call him a stranger after how well acquainted they had gotten last night...
She quickly scooped up all of her clothes and crept as quietly as she could across the cool floor toward the door. Last night had been amazing. Honestly, it had been just what she’d needed. Though leaving the bar with a man she didn’t know was uncharacteristic of her, she didn’t regret it, and she wasn’t going to mentally berate herself for what she’d done.
The bedroom door was ajar, and she slowly edged it open wide enough that she could slip through. Once she was on the other side of it, she exhaled a breath she didn’t realize she was holding. She glanced to the right. The hallway opened up to the living room. Though she desperately wanted to get out of here as quickly as possible, she had to use the bathroom. So she tiptoed to the left and tried the door there. It was the bathroom. Thank God.
She caught sight of her reflection. She looked...satisfied. She couldn’t help smiling. Her body was throbbing in places it hadn’t throbbed in years.
The smile went flat as she started to make her way to the condo door. Her purse, her shoes. They were in the bedroom.
“Damn it,” she whispered, balling her hands into fists. She’d escaped, and now she had to go back in there?
She had no choice. Creeping slowly across the floor, she slipped back into the bedroom. Her stomach bottomed out. Hunter was now on his side, no longer on his back. Was he awake?
Standing still, Lorraine stared at him for a good fifteen seconds. His breathing sounded even. He was still asleep.
She walked forward in search of her belongings. Her purse was at the foot of the leather chair. As she retrieved that, she scowled. Where were her shoes?
The memory of her jeans down around her ankles and Hunter’s fingers brushing her skin as he removed her shoe hit her full force, and her cheeks flushed. She’d been on the right side of the bed. Her shoes had to be there somewhere.
She walked forward, noticing Hunter’s jeans in a heap. Rosa was fond of saying, “If you can’t find something you’re looking for, most likely it’s underneath something else.”
Lorraine hurried over to the jeans and picked them up. Yes! She quickly claimed her shoes, then looked at Hunter to see if he had moved. He hadn’t. Lorraine started for the bedroom door again.
Just before she exited, she stole one last glance at Hunter over her shoulder. The absurdity of the situation hit her, and she had to fight to hold in a laugh. Here she was trying to sneak away from a gorgeous guy who had given her the best pleasure of her life. She’d really won the lottery in the hot-sex department. Instead of running, she should be slipping back into his bed.
Lorraine walked out of the room. There would be no round three. The two hot sessions had been amazing, and Hunter had served his purpose. He’d left her sexually sated, and now she could move forward a new woman. She felt a little bit bad about leaving him without saying goodbye, but she had no clue if he would want to exchange numbers and stay in touch. No, Lorraine didn’t want to complicate matters any further. It was best that she just leave and avoid any awkward morning-after chatting.
The door’s lock clicked, and in the silent condo it sounded like a bomb going off. Her heart racing, Lorraine hurriedly opened the door and escaped into the hallway. She squinted, the bright lights assaulting her eyes. Forget the elevator. She jogged barefoot to the stairwell.
Once she was there, she put her shoes on, then made her way down the stairs to the building’s first floor.
Lorraine straightened her spine and walked briskly toward the double glass front doors. She didn’t give the security guard sitting at a desk even a cursory glance. Had she seen him when they’d entered the building? Had he seen her?
It didn’t matter. So what if he knew how she’d spent the last six hours? She wasn’t the first woman to leave a man’s place in the middle of the night.
The cool night air enveloped her as she stepped outside. It was jarring. She opened her purse and withdrew her phone. Then groaned when she found that it was dead. At least she had a portable charger in her purse, so she plugged her phone in. Standing there on the sidewalk, it seemed to take forever to boot up. She hated that she had to stay here any longer, but she needed to access her Uber app in order to get a ride out of here.
Lorraine glanced over her shoulder. No one was there. Hunter wasn’t coming after her.
The time on her phone read 4:03. As she accessed the Uber app, she realized she would need to stay at the address that was automatically sent to the driver. She didn’t want to linger in front of Hunter’s building, but what choice did she have? All she could do was wait—and pray that Hunter didn’t come downstairs.
* * *
Hunter’s eyelids popped open. In a nanosecond, a memory came flooding back. Soft breasts pressed against his chest, luscious lips suckling his skin.
The woman.
A smile breaking out on his face, he glanced to the right. The smile went flat. Mary wasn’t in his bed.
Easing his head up, he looked around the room. Nothing. He strained to hear any sounds coming from his en suite bathroom. There was no sound, no light emanating from beneath the bathroom door.
Where the heck was Mary?
Sitting up, he dragged a hand over his face. Then he chuckled, but the sound held no mirth. He’d been ditched.
How long had it been since that had happened? Not since his first year of college, and he certainly hadn’t connected with that girl the way he’d connected with Mary.
Hunter scratched his head. His time with Mary had been spectacular. As welcomes to town went, it had been off the charts. So why had she taken off? It wasn’t as if Hunter wanted a serious relationship with her—something he knew that she, as a newly divorced woman, also didn’t want. But a friends-with-benefits arrangement with a woman he connected with on such a carnal level? That would suit Hunter just fine. He’d liked Mary’s spunk, her personality and the way that hot body of hers writhed beneath his.
Heat pooled in Hunter’s groin. Just thinking about her was getting him aroused again. He closed his eyes, remembered the look of pleasure on her face as he’d made love to her, the way she’d dug her fingernails into his back. She’d likely left a mark or two.
A tingle of pleasure shot down his spine as he recalled those spectacular moments together. She’d wanted him—desperately. She wouldn’t have ditched him.
Hunter stood. Maybe Mary had needed to leave, and he’d been sleeping like the dead after their intense lovemaking. His shoulders relaxed with that thought. Yes, that made sense. She was in a rush, didn’t want to wake him, but she no doubt left him a note somewhere. Certainly Hunter couldn’t be so delusional as to have imagined their amazing connection. Their chemistry had been sizzling, so why wouldn’t she want more of that?
He didn’t bother to slip into his briefs. He wanted to find the note she’d left. Naked, he wandered into his kitchen and then the living room looking for it. When he didn’t find one, he returned to the bedroom and checked the night tables. Frowning, he scratched his head.
And then it hit him. The bathroom was likely the best place to leave a note. He had two of them. His en suite, and the main one.
Hunter went into the main bathroom first, and saw no note on the counter. Nothing on the edge of the bathtub. So he went back into his bathroom, but also found nothing there. He glanced into the mirror, saw the confusion etched on his face.
There had to be a note somewhere.
And then he started to laugh. Mary was making a game of this. Hadn’t she displayed a playful side in the bar and in his bed? Of course she wasn’t going to make this easy for him.
Hunter wandered back out to the condo at large and checked the hall table. Then he went into the kitchen, his eyes sweeping over the counters. He moved from there to the small dining room table, but again he found nothing.
The living room. Something had to be there.
Hunter crossed into the living room, but a quick glance told him that there was no note on the coffee table. He walked over to the wall entertainment unit and perused the shelves there. Again, nothing.
Hunter turned, his eyes landing on the sofa. There was nothing there, but he strode over to it. He slipped his hands between the cushions.
“This is stupid,” he said when he found nothing other than some cookie crumbs. “What am I doing?”
His ego was getting to him, clouding his judgment. But as reality dawned, the amusement inside him fizzled, much like a campfire flickering out. Mary hadn’t left a slip of paper anywhere, not even a tissue with a smiley face and her phone number.
How stupid he had been to think that she’d been playing some kind of game with him. Instead, she’d simply played him.
Hunter’s jaw clenched. There was no doubt about it. He’d been ditched.
Chapter 5 (#u41495bee-e4b4-5da7-9e82-257b00c646ab)
When Lorraine saw Rosa’s number flashing on her phone’s screen at 1:23 in the afternoon, she knew exactly why her friend was calling. She wanted the lowdown about what had happened last night.
Lorraine swiped the talk icon to answer the call. “Hello.”
“How was it!” Rosa asked without preamble.
“How was what?” Lorraine replied, feigning innocence.
“You know very well what I’m asking about! You left the bar with one of the sexiest guys in Ocean City. Enquiring minds want to know what happened next. In minute-by-minute detail.”
“Girl, are you actually calling to find out the dirty details of my night?”
“What kind of friend would I be if I didn’t? By the way, I’m detecting a really happy tone in your voice. No, wait. Make that a satisfied tone.”
Lorraine chuckled. “I did have a great night.”
“Yes!” Rosa said. Then, “Wait, how great? A few kisses and a movie great? Or—”
“Let’s just say it was fantastic. Well beyond a few kisses. Honestly, a fabulous night.” Sighing, Lorraine plopped herself backward on the pile of pillows on her bed. Yes, her reply had been exuberant, but who could blame her? It had been a long time since she’d had good sex—even as a married woman—and last night she’d scratched an itch that she’d been desperate to scratch.
On the other end of the line, Rosa squealed. “Oh, that’s wonderful! Girl, you deserve it. Just one look at him and I knew he’d be a great lover. That body... Wow.”
“I can’t even begin to tell you how good it was,” Lorraine gushed. “Our connection was unreal. We were so into each other... Or maybe it’s just because it had been so long for me. But he seemed to enjoy our night as much as I did.” Lorraine blushed, remembering just how ravenous she had been. Yes, I like that. Ooh, touch me there. A shiver of delight raced down her spine, and she sucked in a deep breath. “I probably gave him quite the workout! But, hey, he wasn’t complaining.”
“He sounds like just what you need,” Rosa said. “When are you going to see him again?”
“See him again? Um, no,” Lorraine said succinctly, shooting down that idea.
“What do you mean?” Rosa asked. “If you had such a great night, and had so much chemistry... Why wouldn’t you want more of that? I say you need a lot of that to firmly put your ex in the rearview mirror. A guy to have on speed dial for those nights that you feel lonely.”
“I’m barely out of my marriage. Free at last, as they say. The last thing I want to do is get tied down with some new guy.”
“Last night was fun, just what I needed. And who knows, if I run into Hunter again we might have another great night. But I’m not trying to get into anything regular with someone. I just needed... You know what they call it, a palate cleanser. I have no regrets.”
Rosa made a sound of derision. “I don’t understand that logic.”
“All I really needed was to feel wanted, beautiful, and Hunter gave me that. Now I can move forward. Surely that makes sense.”
“Not to me, but hey, it’s your life.”
“Come on,” Lorraine said. “You know my life is in total flux right now. I’ve been so stressed with work that I had to take some time off. I’m finally ready to concentrate on pursuing my real dream.”
Lorraine loved her job as a palliative care nurse, but seven years of that kind of work had started to wear on her. All of the patients admitted to the hospice where she worked were at death’s door. She saw people at their worst in terms of suffering and prognosis. She saw them when there was no more hope. It was her job to help keep them comfortable until they passed. Lorraine always prayed that the patients she got close to would make a miraculous recovery, be able to survive against the odds. But it never happened. There were no happy endings, unless you counted a person going as peacefully as they could.
And unfortunately, Lorraine was never able to detach her emotions from her work. She always got close to the men, women and children in her care, and losing them hurt her every single time.
“I know,” Rosa said. “And I’m proud that you’ve taken a leave. You were stressed in your marriage, at work. You definitely needed a break. That’s why I think you should keep someone like Hunter around to...perk your spirits...when the need arises.”
“Sex can’t solve everything,” Lorraine said. “I had a great night, but today I’m a little down. You remember that older gentleman I told you about I was caring for?”
“The one who had no family visiting him?”
“That’s the one. He passed away earlier this week, on Monday.”
“Oh, Lorraine. I’m so sorry.”
“I know I shouldn’t let it affect me. I know the reality of what’s going to happen when patients come in. My coworkers all remind me that I’m supposed to stay detached but pleasant. Don’t get emotionally connected. But how do you really do that? And this man, he had no one. I’d gotten especially close to him. I couldn’t help wondering why he had no family visiting, because he talked about them. He had regrets, talked about pushing his family away.” Lorraine swallowed, remembering how Douglas’s eyes had teared up when he’d talked about his son. “I wish I could detach myself from my patients, but I can’t.”
“You care. That’s who you are. But when you care, there’s always pain.”
“Tell me about it. Anyway, his death really reinforced my desire to get out of palliative care and be on the other end of the health care spectrum. Help people when I can make a difference.”
“But you did make a difference with him,” Rosa said. “When he had no one, you were there for him. He didn’t die alone.”
“Thank you for saying that,” Lorraine said, a swell of emotion rising in her chest. It did do her some good to think that her caring attitude comforted her patients in their time of emotional need. And it was true, Douglas Holland’s eyes had lit up every time she visited with him. She would sit at his bedside and talk to him, push him in a wheelchair to the facility’s courtyard so he could bask in the sunlight. She would read to him, which had been one of his favorite things. It was hard to believe that he was gone, even though she’d known he was dying.
“But I can only imagine how hard it is for you,” Rosa said. “Caring for your patients, then losing them.”
“Exactly,” Lorraine said. “Anyway, get this. Yesterday morning, I got a call from his lawyer. He said he wants to meet me Monday morning for the reading of the will?” Lorraine’s voice ended on a questioning note, because it was still so surreal to her.
“You’re kidding.”
“No, I’m not. It was the last thing I expected, and I’m still not sure how to process the news.”
“Why didn’t you mention it yesterday?”
“Because I’m still in shock,” Lorraine answered. “This has never happened to me before. Besides, I didn’t want to bring anyone down—including myself—with talk about his death.”
“What do you think he left you?”
“I have no clue. When I got the call from the lawyer, I was floored. Reading of the will sounds so official. I didn’t get the impression that he was loaded or anything. Just an average guy of average means.”
“What if he left you a million dollars?”
“Girl, you’re crazy,” Lorraine said.
“But what if he did? You never know.”
“I do know. If he had that kind of money, at least some of his family would have been around. A rich man who’s dying and has to leave his fortune with someone? Even if they hated him, the family would have been there, making nice.”
“You’ve got a point,” Rosa said. “Yeah, you’re probably right. And here I was, already planning a shopping spree! Just kidding.”
Lorraine rolled her eyes. “Rosa, you’re so silly.”
“So, are you going to go?”
“I’m not sure,” Lorraine said. “I’m debating it. I’m not his family, so in a way it doesn’t feel right. Then I thought about some of the conversations I’ve had with some family members who fight about a will. I always point out that everyone needs to respect the deceased person’s wishes. So I’d be a hypocrite if I didn’t do the same. I’m sure he just wanted to leave me something small to show his gratitude.” Lorraine pursed her lips, weighing her dilemma once again in her mind. One minute she convinced herself she shouldn’t go to the meeting, the next she convinced herself she should. Right now, she was feeling pretty positive about the decision to attend the meeting. Shouldn’t she respect Douglas’s wishes?
“I guess I’ll go,” she said. “I’ll respectfully accept whatever Douglas has left for me. Like I said, I’m sure it’s something small but meaningful.”
“It would be nice to have a keepsake from him,” Rosa said. “I know he meant a lot to you.”
“He really did.” Lorraine’s chest filled with warmth as she thought of him. Douglas was one person she’d remember for a long time.
“Someone else could mean a lot to you,” Rosa all but sang. “Your hot new fling.”
“Rosa, you’re crazy,” Lorraine protested. “That was one night, and it was great. But it won’t be happening again.”
* * *
The alarm sounded at Station Two. “Pump truck two, ladder truck two. Structure fire, 413 Fulmar way.”
Forks and knives clanked against plates as Hunter and his fellow firefighters, who were seated at the dining hall table for breakfast, promptly dropped their cutlery and jumped up from their seats. They rushed to get into their turnout gear.
“This is it,” Captain Mason Foley said to him. “Time to see what you’re made of.”
Hunter chuckled as he looked at Mason. He’d developed an easy camaraderie with him as he had with all the firefighters here. “Yep,” Hunter said. “Let’s do this.”
As Hunter got into his turnout gear, his body reacted the way it always did when heading out to a call. His heart pounded and his pulse raced, his adrenaline flowing.
Today there was an additional sensation. His stomach was flexing. Mason had been joking, but he’d summed up Hunter’s feelings. After arriving in Ocean City and securing his place with the fire service here, this was Hunter’s first day on the job. An hour into his first shift and he was heading out to his first fire. He wanted to prove to the guys here that he was a good firefighter.
Within sixty seconds, all the firefighters were in their bunker gear, something they were trained to do. Time was of the essence when responding to a fire or any other emergency.
Peter, another firefighter, patted Hunter on the back once they were all seated in the rear of the pump truck. “Ready to rock and roll?”
“Oh, yeah,” Hunter said.
The truck started off, jerking them all slightly to the right as it rounded the corner out of the firehouse bay. Tyler, who was driving, started the siren. Hunter looked out at the view of Ocean City as the truck moved rapidly down the street. This truly was a beautiful place. Unlike the dry desert of Nevada, Ocean City was lush and green. Lots of palm trees and thick green lawns and colorful flowers. Plus the view of the ocean never got old.
Sixteen years. Had it really been that long since he’d been here? When he’d left, he had seen Ocean City only as a place of despair and heartache. The place that had robbed him of his mother and twin sister. The place where his father had become emotionally distant. The fresh start in Reno had seemed the only thing to do for his sanity.
The truck headed up Cline Avenue, ascending the hillside. Hunter stared out at the small, colorful houses. Pale blue, yellow, green, some pink. This part of Ocean City had homes that were more like cottages and reminded him of the vibrant, colorful houses in the Caribbean. It was very picturesque.
Though Ocean City had a fairly large population, it had a small-town feel, with lots of diverse communities. There were neighborhoods like this, filled with young families and young professionals. Then there were the college students who populated the west side of the downtown area. There was an arts scene, and a vibrant night life. And yet the town never lost its charm. It felt warm and welcoming no matter where you went.
“So what happened to the woman at the bar you met a couple nights ago?” Peter asked. Hunter had been out with Omar, Tyler, Mason, Peter and a bunch of the other guys on their shift the night he’d met Mary. They’d taken him out to get him acquainted with all of his colleagues, to welcome him back to Ocean City and to Fire Station Two. He’d ditched them all once the opportunity to leave with Mary had presented itself, and their hooting, hollering and high fives had shown him that he had their approval. He’d felt kind of silly bailing on them, but there was something about Mary and leaving with her had been an opportunity he definitely couldn’t pass up.
This morning, Hunter had avoided answering their questions when they’d sat down to start eating, but now that he was in the back of a moving truck with nowhere to go, Peter broached the subject again.
“Let’s just put it this way,” Hunter began, “it was a great welcome to Ocean City.”
Peter fist-bumped him in congratulations. “That’s what I’m talking about!”
“Ever going to see her again?” Omar asked.
Peter roared with laughter. “What are you trying to do, see him married off already?” He turned to Hunter. “Omar used to be our resident playboy. Until he off and fell in love.”
“Love is the last thing on my mind,” Hunter said.
“A man after my own heart,” Peter said.
Even if Hunter were looking for love, it wasn’t going to happen with Mary—not after the way she’d ditched him. He doubted he was ever going to see her again. He had her friend’s number, but calling to track her down would seem desperate. If she wanted a one-night fling, so be it. He’d had a great time.
“The guys here keep dropping like flies,” Peter went on. “Mason, Tyler and the one who shocked us all, Omar. At least now I have someone to hit the bars with. It’s like there’s some sort of disease spreading through our station... Forget the flu bug, this time it’s the love bug.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Tyler said, glancing back at them from behind the wheel. “Peter, you only wish you could find yourself a woman who wanted to see you for more than a day.”
All the guys laughed, but the laughter quickly faded when the billowing smoke from the structure fire came into view.
“There it is,” Hunter said.
The pump truck came to a stop. No more joking, they started affixing their helmets and masks.
“That’s thick black smoke,” Mason said.
“The building needs to be ventilated,” Hunter added. No one could go into a building with dense hot smoke without an outlet for the fire to escape. Rapid reintroduction of oxygen could cause the building to blow.
In other words, a back draft. Back drafts had claimed the lives of many a firefighter.
“Is anyone in the building?” the chief was asking the crowd of onlookers when Hunter and the rest of the guys jumped off the truck.
“No,” a woman said. She was barefoot, wearing a robe, and her blond hair was disheveled. “My husband and I smelled smoke, so we ran out. It’s just the two of us.”
The chief quickly assessed the fire. “Richards, Lovett—get that ladder on the roof. Take an ax and start ventilation. Wickham and Rogers, get to the back of the building and do the same.”
The men he’d named sprang into action. Omar and Hunter worked at getting the hoses. Tyler went to the pump truck’s controls.
Flames shot through the roof when the two firefighters there put a hole in it. Richards jerked backward, almost falling off the ladder as he tried to escape the sudden burst of flame. A collective gasp erupted in the crowd. Once Richards regained his footing on the ladder, people began to clap.
“Wickham, Rogers,” the chief said into the walkie-talkie affixed to his jacket. “How’s it looking back there?”
“Window’s open now,” one of them responded. “This one’s burning real hot.”
“Holland,” the chief said to Hunter, addressing him by his surname.
“Yes, Chief?”
“You and Ewing get a hose around to the back, start fighting that fire.”
“Yes, sir.” Hunter and Omar lifted a heavy hose onto their shoulders, the two of them carrying it to the back of the building. Hunter hit the nozzle to release the water, and the hose jerked backward from the pressure as he did. They immediately began attacking the angry flames shooting through the smashed open window. It felt good being back on the job. Hunter had missed this. The adrenaline rush of fighting a fire that wanted to destroy and take as many casualties as possible.
Not if Hunter could help it.
More firefighters arrived from another firehouse, and together everyone attacked the flames. The smoke turned from black to white as it mixed with moisture and rose into the air in a giant plume.
Red angry flames reached through the broken window like tentacles trying to claw at them. Hunter held on to the taut hose and aimed, blasting the fire. “I don’t think so.”
And when the flames began to recede, replaced with more white smoke, satisfaction filled him. Oh, yeah, it definitely felt good to be back in action. And at least while he was fighting this fire, he wasn’t thinking about the woman who’d left him overheated in his bed, wanting more.
Chapter 6 (#u41495bee-e4b4-5da7-9e82-257b00c646ab)
On Monday morning, Lorraine whipped her car into an empty parking spot just a block down from the building that housed the lawyer’s office. She got out and put enough money in the meter for two hours. Then she glanced at her cell phone. She’d made good time. She had ten minutes to spare before her appointment.
She walked briskly toward the tall gray-bricked building. She sucked in a nervous breath before pushing through the revolving doors.
The lawyer had given her specific instructions, so she knew she was going to the third floor, then turning right to head to suite 309. She passed well-dressed people moving swiftly across the floor. Places to go, people to see. Lorraine’s heels clicked against the marble, seeming to accentuate the rapid beating of her heart.
She glanced at the people around her. Slick business suits, pencil skirts, blazers. They looked like executives or other serious business types. Lorraine swallowed. Should she have worn a suit as opposed to the floral skirt and cotton blouse she’d chosen?
She reached the bank of elevators and stared at her reflection in the polished metal doors. Why was she doubting herself? She looked perfectly acceptable. After all, she wasn’t here to apply for a job. She was here for a meeting. It was just her nerves getting to her. Meeting with a lawyer about a will was so official.
Yesterday, she’d decided to come here. Today, she couldn’t shake the tightening in her belly at the idea of seeing Douglas’s family. Surely they would be here. Would they be angry to see a stranger at what they’d understandably expect to be a private family meeting? And would they give her a hard time regarding whatever had been left to her?
The elevator doors opened, and Lorraine’s palms started to sweat. Everyone waiting piled on, but she didn’t move.
“You coming?” a man asked. He held his arm across the elevator doors to prevent them from closing.
Lorraine straightened her spine and forced a smile. “Yes.”
She walked onto the elevator. Someone had already pressed the button for the third floor, so she stood and waited for it to ascend. Depending on how things played out in the meeting, if Douglas left her something significant and the family objected, she wouldn’t fight with them to keep whatever he’d intended for her to have. She hated family quarrels like this over material things, and she didn’t want to be a part of one. Though on a personal note, she wouldn’t mind giving Douglas’s family members a piece of her mind. Where had they been when their father, brother or whoever he was to them had been suffering and dying?
The elevator landed on the third floor. Lorraine inhaled a deep breath, then stepped off. She saw suite 309 immediately. It was the office directly to the right of the elevator. It boasted a large frosted-glass window pane and double doors. The name of the firm was inscribed in the glass to the left of the doors, and made quite the impression. It was certainly a more elaborate office than she’d expected, the kind of law office that Lorraine imagined people with substantial money would use.
She pulled open the right-side door, finding it heavy. Inside, there was a large silver desk structure to the left and chairs on the opposite wall, where three people currently sat, waiting. The receptionist, a young woman with an olive complexion and a full mane of curly black hair, smiled at her instantly.
Lorraine looked at the wall clock behind the reception desk. She had five minutes until the appointment. Perfect. She’d timed it so that she would arrive at the lawyer’s office just in time for the meeting. She didn’t want to linger in the waiting room and possibly see Douglas’s family members, who might have questions for her.
Lorraine made her way over to the reception desk. “Hello,” she said to the receptionist. “I’m here to meet with Joseph Finkel.”
“Are you Lorraine Baxter?”
“Yes, I am.”
The receptionist got to her feet. “Follow me. They’re ready for you.”
Lorraine’s stomach flip-flopped. They’re. Just how many people were in the meeting? One? Two? A small army? Again, she wondered if she should have told the lawyer that she wasn’t interested in whatever Douglas wanted to leave her.
Why are you so nervous about this? she asked herself as she followed the receptionist. But she knew why. She was fearing the worst. She’d seen far too many family members fight about assets right after a loved one had passed, and often even right in front of the dying person lying helpless on a bed.
The receptionist stopped in front of mahogany double doors at the end of the hallway. Etched into a gold plate on the door was the word Boardroom. The receptionist opened the right side of the door and stepped beyond the threshold. “Mr. Finkel, Lorraine Baxter.”
There was a middle-aged, dark-haired man at the end of the boardroom table near the door, and he immediately stood. “Thank you, Lucia,” the man said, then smiled in Lorraine’s direction.
Lucia retreated down the hallway, and Joseph walked toward Lorraine. Extending his hand, he said, “Hello, Lorraine.”
Planting a smile on her face, hoping to hide her nervousness, she approached the lawyer and shook his hand. “Nice to meet you,” she said.
“Nice to meet you, as well.”
Lorraine’s eyes wandered around the room, and she saw that there was only one other person at the table. A man sitting just to the left of the lawyer’s seat with his back facing her.
“Is this everyone?” Lorraine asked.
“Yes. It’s just the two of you.”
The man shifted in his seat to face her, and her eyes locked with his.
Lorraine reeled backward, losing her footing. Her lips parted on a silent gasp. Her stomach flinched violently, as though she’d just been sucker punched.
Oh, no... Oh, God, please...
His eyes widened, registering shock, and his face contorted. Then something else flashed on his face. Something akin to anger.
This can’t be happening! Lorraine’s heart began to pound so hard she could hear it thundering in her ears. She stood paralyzed as the lawyer released her hand.
Joseph Finkel gestured to the available chair on his right. “Please, have a seat.”
Lorraine didn’t move.
“Don’t be shy,” the lawyer teased. His tone was lighthearted, and he was clearly trying to alleviate her nerves. But he didn’t understand. He had no clue.
Lorraine tried to swallow, but her throat was suddenly dry. She began to walk across the room, unable to take her eyes off Hunter. He was holding her gaze, glaring at her.
Lorraine pulled her chair out and sat. “This is the only family?” she asked, her voice hoarse.
“You two are the only beneficiaries named in the will,” the lawyer explained. “Lorraine, this is Douglas Holland’s son, Hunter.” The lawyer looked in Hunter’s direction. “Hunter, this is Lorraine Baxter.”
Hunter merely nodded, but didn’t reach across the table to shake her hand. It was just as well. The last time he’d touched her, his hands had been giving her body immense pleasure, and his eyes had been smoky with desire. Now, he was looking at her with contempt.
Was this really happening? Or was Lorraine in the middle of a nightmare?
The very man she’d slept with—the man who’d rocked her world—was sitting across the table from her. How was this possible?
Suddenly, Hunter was standing, his large, athletic body looming over the table. Lorraine sucked in a sharp breath and leaned backward in her chair. But what did she expect him to do? Reach across the table and throttle her?
“Lorraine, is it?” He seemed to rub in the name, and may as well have added, “Liar.”
In hindsight, giving him a false name had been silly and unnecessary. But was it really that big of a deal? It wasn’t as if she’d planned to see him again. It would be a moot point if not for the fact that he was here right now, somehow back in her life.
“Yes,” Lorraine croaked.
Hunter stretched his muscular body across the table and extended his hand. His pale blue dress shirt strained against his well-honed biceps. Despite the situation, Lorraine couldn’t help checking out that fine form. He was gorgeous. Sexy.
A stallion in the bedroom.
God help her, this really was happening. Lorraine wanted to wither away and die.
“You don’t want to shake my hand?” Hunter asked, a challenge.

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Sizzling Desire Kayla Perrin
Sizzling Desire

Kayla Perrin

Тип: электронная книга

Жанр: Современные любовные романы

Язык: на английском языке

Издательство: HarperCollins

Дата публикации: 16.04.2024

Отзывы: Пока нет Добавить отзыв

О книге: A combustible attraction…Flirting with a gorgeous stranger at the bar is how Lorraine Mitchell celebrates her longed for newly single status. One-night stands usually run hot and wild before quickly flaming out, but Lorraine cannot forget her heated encounter with firefighter Hunter Holland. Weeks later, she is beyond surprised to discover that his father—a former patient of hers—has left her a large bequest!Last time Hunter was in the same room as Lorraine, they were burning up the sheets. Now he’s staring at her from across a lawyer’s office. At first, guilt and grief convince him that the beautiful nurse took advantage of his long-estranged father. Yet despite mutual mistrust, he knows this kind of chemistry only comes around once in a lifetime. And reviving their spark just might ignite a love that’s as deep and true as it is scorching…

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