The Greek′s Ready-Made Wife

The Greek's Ready-Made Wife
Jennifer Faye
Tipping the maid…with a diamond ring!When chambermaid Kyra Pappas enters the hotel suite, she’s not expecting a marriage proposal! But tycoon Cristo Kiriakis believes she will make the perfect convenient bride to help secure a vital deal – and in return, he’ll help her find her long-lost family.Kyra is sure she can handle planning a wedding with no emotional entanglements – but is soon fighting the temptation to kiss her gorgeous fake fiancé! Relationships have only ever meant heartache for these two lost hearts – but together, can they make their fairy-tale ending finally come true…?

Brides for the Greek Tycoons
Marriages maid in Greece!
Business is Cristo’s and Niko’s first—and only—love. So when marriage becomes necessary to secure the future of their hotel empire, they vow to approach it like any other deal.
Chambermaids Kyra and Sofia are stunned when they receive the biggest tips of their lives—a diamond ring each! Find out what happens when the lives of these Cinderellas go from sweeping the hotel floors to being swept into the tycoons’ wealthy jet-set lives in:
The Greek’s Ready-Made WifeAvailable March 2016
And discover what shocking surprise
Sofia has in store for Niko in their story …
Coming soon!
The Greek’s Ready-Made Wife
Jennifer Faye (
Award-winning author JENNIFER FAYE pens fun, heart-warming romances. Jennifer has won the RT Reviewers’ Choice Best Book Award, is a Top Pick author and has been nominated for numerous awards. Now living her dream, she resides with her patient husband, one amazing daughter (the other remarkable daughter is off chasing her own dreams) and two spoiled cats. She’d love to hear from you via her website, (
For Karen.
Thanks for being such a wonderful, supportive friend and big sis. May your future bring you many amazing adventures both near and far. In case your travels don’t take you to Greece, here’s an armchair vacation for you.
Cover (#u4d4820a8-42bc-5691-b54c-9d9dd4e6163f)
Introduction (#ua3173bdc-9085-53e6-a366-b6130e469693)
Title Page (#u7fe0ee83-8fe4-5514-9028-d8afe7039abe)
About the Author (#u782ab9b9-cca8-537d-bd78-c329e8613492)
Dedication (#u12bc78a0-46b3-53d3-a26b-2289ae80a044)
CHAPTER ONE (#ulink_98d083cb-06e0-5a23-9738-4d921e4697d6)
CHAPTER TWO (#ulink_aff6760e-aa2e-51e1-a879-663ac0c190cb)
CHAPTER THREE (#ulink_e2bf9e68-10a4-5974-a502-f095eef0a24b)
CHAPTER FOUR (#ulink_d0c4d9f4-fef8-5866-9c23-faf17d4bb1df)
CHAPTER FIVE (#ulink_edad3483-9308-5c11-9434-a96a096f83f4)
CHAPTER SIX (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER SEVEN (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER EIGHT (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER NINE (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER TEN (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER ELEVEN (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER TWELVE (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER THIRTEEN (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER FOURTEEN (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER FIFTEEN (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER SIXTEEN (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER SEVENTEEN (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER EIGHTEEN (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER NINETEEN (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER TWENTY (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO (#litres_trial_promo)
EPILOGUE (#litres_trial_promo)
Extract (#litres_trial_promo)
Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER ONE (#ulink_147af583-c321-5c86-a22c-cbca422f08c7)
Kyra Pappas’s breath caught in her throat. She hovered in the doorway of the Governor’s suite of the Blue Tide Resort, the housekeeping pass card still clutched in one hand and a pink feather duster in the other. Had she heard correctly? Did someone just utter a marriage proposal?
Talk about bad timing on her part. Still, being a romantic at heart, she couldn’t resist trying to catch a quick glimpse of the happy couple before making a hasty exit. Her gaze scanned the room until she stumbled across the most gorgeous man wearing a gray tailored suit, sans the tie.
Wait. She recognized him. Yesterday, he’d returned to this suite just as she’d finished freshening everything. They’d chatted briefly about her being American. He’d inquired whether she enjoyed working at the resort. As their conversation had progressed, he’d mentioned some local sites she should visit while in Greece. He’d certainly seemed nice enough.
But right now, he was staring directly at her. Why would he be looking at her when he was in the middle of a marriage proposal? Kyra glanced around. They were alone. And the television was turned off. How could that be?
And then a thought struck her. Surely he wasn’t posing the question to her. The breath caught in her throat. No. Impossible.
Her puzzled gaze studied the man with the tanned face. She could stare at him for hours. His dark wavy hair made her long to run her fingers through it, while his startling azure-blue eyes seemed to see all. He kept staring at her as though he expected her to respond. Perhaps she hadn’t heard him correctly.
“I’m sorry. What did you say?”
His dark brows drew together as his forehead wrinkled. “I...asked if you’d marry me.”
He really had proposed. This stranger wanted to marry her? To say she was caught off guard was akin to saying the Hope diamond was just another trinket.
For just the briefest moment, she imagined what it’d be like if he was serious. Until now, no one had spoken those words to her. On those occasional Saturday nights when she was home alone, she wondered if she’d ever fall in love. But she wasn’t desperate enough to fall for the charming words of a stranger—however sexy he may be.
Besides, the last thing she wanted was to be tied down—not now when she’d just embarked on an adventure to find her extended family. She had other priorities and love wasn’t one of them. It wasn’t even on her lengthy to-do list.
She studied the serious expression on the man’s face. He certainly didn’t seem to be making light of his proposal. So then why had he proposed marriage to a total stranger? Was he delusional? Or had he made some sort of ridiculous wager with his buddies?
“Are you feeling all right, sir?” Her gaze panned the room again, this time a bit more slowly, looking for an open liquor bottle or a hidden camera. Anything to explain his odd behavior.
“I...I’m not exactly handling this well.” He rubbed a hand over his clean-shaven jaw. “I must admit that I’ve never proposed to anyone before.”
“Is this some sort of bet? A joke?”
His face turned gravely serious. “Certainly not. This is a serious business proposition. One that could benefit you handsomely.”
Which was it? A marriage proposal? Or a business proposition? Kyra’s mouth opened but nothing came out. Perhaps it was for the best. The man must have started drinking early that day even though she couldn’t find any signs of it. The best thing she could do was beat a hasty retreat. She took a step back.
“Don’t look so scared. I’m really not that bad.” He sent her a lazy smile that made her stomach quiver. “I’m usually so much better at these things. Give me a moment to explain.”
“I have work to do.” She’d heard about rich people having weird tendencies. She kept a firm eye on him as she took another step back. “I...I’ll stop back later, freshen up your room.”
“Please, don’t go.” He took a few quick steps toward her.
She held up a hand to stop him. “Don’t come any closer or I’ll scream.”
“Relax. I won’t hurt you. I promise.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “I’m sorry. I’m really making a mess of things. I guess I should be relieved this isn’t a real proposal.”
She eyed him up to see if at last he was being on the level. The guilty puppy look on his face was so cute and tugged at her sympathies. He must be in a real bind to suggest something so preposterous. “Apology accepted. Now I really should get back to work.”
“Aren’t you at least curious about my proposal?”
Of course she was. Who wouldn’t be? She studied the man a little more, noticing how the top couple of buttons on his slate blue button-down shirt were undone. It gave her the slightest hint of his muscular chest. She swallowed hard. To keep from staring, she diverted her gaze. On his arm, she spotted a fancy wristwatch. She wouldn’t be surprised to find it was a Rolex.
He looked every inch a successful businessman right down to his freshly polished shoes. A man who was used to getting what he wanted. A man who made calculated decisions. And somehow he’d decided she would do for his plan. Interesting.
“Yes, I’m curious.” She crossed her arms to keep from fidgeting. What would it hurt to hear him out? “Go ahead. I’m listening.”
“Wouldn’t you rather come inside and have a seat where you’ll be more comfortable?”
“I’m good here.” Until she had a clue what was going on, she was staying close to the open door. After all, she grew up in New York City. Her mother taught her at an early age not to trust strangers. Although, she didn’t know if her mother would extend that warning to dashing billionaires or not, but Kyra didn’t find wealth and class as important as her mother did.
He shifted his weight from one foot to the other. “I realize we don’t know each other very well. But I enjoyed our conversation yesterday. You seem like a very interesting young woman, and you have a way of putting people at ease.”
She did? She’d never been told that before. “Thank you. But I don’t understand why you’re, uh, proposing to me.”
“I’m trying to secure a very important business deal. The problem is the seller is an older gentleman and a traditionalist. He has certain expectations that I currently fail to meet. Such as being a family man.”
He wants to play house with me?
No way. She wasn’t doing this. She didn’t even know his name. “I’m not the right person.”
“You’re exactly who I need.” His eyes gleamed with excitement.
She made an obvious point of glancing at the time on her phone. “I really need to get going. I have a lot of rooms to clean today.”
“You don’t have to worry. I’ll vouch for you.”
What an odd thing to say, but then again, this whole episode could easily be classified as bizarre. Just so she knew who to avoid in the future, she asked, “Who are you?”
His dark brows rose. “You don’t know?”
She shook her head. The only thing she knew about him was that no one had a right to look that sexy. “Would I have asked if I knew?”
“True. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Cristo Kiriakas.”
His name did ring a bell—a very loud bell. It took a moment until she was able to place it. Kyra gasped. He was her boss—the owner of the Glamour Hotel and Casino chain that included the newly built Blue Tide Resort. She would have known it was him if only she’d done her homework. This was, after all, the Governor’s suite—the best in the resort.
“Nice to meet you, Mr. Kiriakas. I...I’m Kyra Pappas. I didn’t recognize you.”
“Don’t look so worried.” He spoke in a calm, soothing tone. “I didn’t expect you to recognize me. And please, call me Cristo. My father insists on going by Mr. Kiriakas. So every time you say that name, I’ll be looking over my shoulder for my father.”
“Sorry, sir. Um. Cristo. You can call me Kyra.” At this particularly awkward juncture, she supposed the wisest thing to do regarding her employment while in a foreign country was to reason with the man. “Does my job hinge on me playing along with your wedding plans?”
“No, it doesn’t. You don’t have to worry. Your job is safe.”
She wasn’t sure about that. “Surely you have a girlfriend—someone close to you—to marry.”
His jaw tensed and a muscle in his cheek twitched. “Yes, I could find someone to marry for real, but the truth is I don’t want to be married. Not for keeps.”
“Then why jump through all of these hoops? You seem rich enough to do as you please.”
“I wish it were as easy as that. But having money doesn’t mean things come to you any easier. Some things are still unobtainable without help.”
Kyra had lived with money and without money. She found that both lifestyles had their positives and negatives. But she didn’t know that other people had similar opinions. Her mother seemed to think that having money was the only important thing in life. And if you no longer had money, like her and her mother, then you pretended as if you did. Kyra didn’t subscribe to that way of thinking, but after going round and round with her mother, she knew trying to change her mother’s mind was a waste of time.
Kyra eyed up Cristo. “And you want my help to create a paper marriage so you can conclude a business deal?” She struggled to get this all straight in her mind. “And when the deal’s complete, we’ll go our separate ways?”
“Yes.” He smiled as though relieved that she finally grasped what he was saying. “But it’s not just any business deal. It’ll be the biggest of my career. It’ll change everything.”
The conviction in his voice surprised her. Even though she didn’t quite understand the importance of this deal, she felt bad for him. Why would anyone have to propose to a stranger in order to do business? No one should marry someone they didn’t love heart, body and soul. For any reason.
Perhaps he needed a bit of coaxing in order to see things clearly. “There has to be another way.”
He shook his head. “If there was, trust me, I would have done it by now.”
She paused for a moment and gave his predicament a bit of thought. “Well, if marriage is so important, why can’t you just have a fake fiancée? Wouldn’t that save you a lot of trouble?”
Not that she was applying for the position—even though his blue eyes were mesmerizing and his mouth looked as though it could do the most delicious things. The fact was she’d come to Greece with her own agenda. And getting caught up in someone else’s drama would only delay making life better for her and her mother.
* * *
This lady was sharp.
That was a definite bonus.
Cristo smiled. He knew from the moment he’d met Kyra that there was something special about her. And it went much deeper than her silky dark hair with long bangs that framed her big brown eyes. The rest of her hair was pulled back in a ponytail. He imagined how seductive she’d look with her hair loose and flowing over her shoulders.
However, his interest in her went beyond her good looks. From the moment they’d met, he’d noticed the warmth in her smile and the ease in her manner. Who knew she’d end up being the answer to his problems? He hadn’t—not until this morning when he submitted his final proposal to the Stravos Trust to purchase its hotel chain. It had been summarily rejected without review.
He knew then and there that he was going to have to play by the off-the-wall rules laid out by the reclusive billionaire Nikolaos Stravos, whether he liked it or not. And he most certainly did not like having his business deals hinge on his personal life.
Although, Kyra’s suggestion of an engagement might make the arrangement a bit more tolerable. An engagement wouldn’t necessitate the use of attorneys and an ironclad prenuptial agreement. It’d be all very neat and tidy.
His gaze met and held hers. He needed more information in order to make this work. “How long have you been working at the Blue Tide? I don’t remember seeing you around here before yesterday.”
“That’s because yesterday was my first day. I used to work in the New York hotel.”
“Did you work there long?”
“A few years.”
“And it was in housekeeping?”
She nodded, but the way she worried her bottom lip was a dead giveaway that she was leaving something out. If he was going to trust her with this important deal, he had to know what she was leaving out. “What aren’t you saying?”
Her gaze met his as though deciding if she should trust him or not. After a few seconds, she said, “I’m currently taking online courses in international hotel management.”
“I don’t understand. Why would you be hesitant to tell me that?”
She laced her fingers together. “I didn’t want you to think I was ungrateful for my current position.”
He smiled at her, hoping to ease her obvious discomfort. “The thought never would have crossed my mind. I encourage all of my employees to further themselves. In fact, we have in-house training sessions periodically.”
“I know. I checked into them.”
Again, she was leaving something out, but he was pretty sure of what she was hesitant to say. “But we don’t offer the classes you are interested in. And if you don’t mind me asking, what might that be?”
She straightened her thin shoulders and tilted up her chin. “Property manager.”
Of course. He should have known. There was a get-it-done spirit to her. “I have no doubt that you will succeed.”
Her lips lifted into a warm smile. “Thank you.”
So she had drive. He respected that. But there was still so much that he didn’t know about her. The cautious side of him said to pull her personnel file, but there wasn’t time. However, his manager made a practice of thoroughly investigating prospective employees. She must have a clean history or she wouldn’t be here.
“I enjoyed our conversation yesterday. You’re a very insightful young woman. And I would consider it a huge favor if you were to help me out with my business issue.”
The panic vacated her eyes as her rigid stance eased. “I really do like my job with housekeeping. It allows me time to, uh...sightsee and stuff.”
“Will you at least consider my proposition?”
“I have. And the answer is no. I’m sorry, but you’ll have to find yourself someone else to play the part.” She started out the door.
“Please think it over.” He threw out an outrageous dollar figure that put a pause in her step. “I really need your assistance.”
He was running out of time.
And options.
CHAPTER TWO (#ulink_530bc586-00a6-5c37-a233-c9d97b704ee1)
THE MOST LOGICAL thing to do right now was to keep walking.
Yet there was that note of desperation in Cristo’s voice. Something told her that he didn’t say please very often.
Kyra hesitated, her back still to him. Why was this most bizarre plan so important to him? What secrets was he holding back? And why did she care? This wasn’t her problem.
“If I didn’t really need your help, I wouldn’t have proposed this arrangement. I swear.” Weariness laced his every syllable. “I will make it worth your while. If that wasn’t enough money, name your price.”
Why did it always come back to money? “I’m not for sale.”
She headed straight for her cart of cleaning supplies. She dropped the feather duster back in its proper spot. Her curiosity got the best of her. She glanced over her shoulder to see if Cristo had followed her into the hallway.
He hadn’t. She breathed easier. What in the world did they put in the water around here? Because there was no way that whole scene was normal. After all, they were strangers. No one would ever believe they were a couple.
As she prepared to push her cart to the next suite, she recalled the large dollar figure he’d named and the offer to make it bigger if necessary. Okay, she may not be a gold digger, but that didn’t mean she’d turn her nose up at some extra income. But could she really play the part of his fiancée?
Could she pretend to be something she wasn’t?
Wouldn’t that make her a hypocrite?
Kyra paused in front of the next suite. She recalled how many times she’d gone round and round with her mother in the past year since her father’s death about putting on a show for her mother’s country-club friends. When her father had died, so had their silver-spoon lifestyle.
Kyra felt sorry for her mother—first losing the love of her life and then having to go back to work after twenty-plus years as a stay-at-home mom. With her mother buried beneath a mountain of debt, Kyra had moved back in to help meet the mortgage payments. And though this new position in Greece took her away from home, Kyra reconciled it with the fact that it paid more so she could send more money home.
The one other reason Kyra had taken the position was to help her mother—even if her mother swore she didn’t need help. With her father gone, her mother was depressed and lonely as her country-club friends had less and less to do with her. With no other family in New York, Kyra had hoped to locate her father’s extended family. If she could forge bonds with them, maybe she could make a life for her and her mother here in Greece. By once again being part of a warm, supportive family, perhaps her mother wouldn’t feel so alone.
One thought after the next rolled around in Kyra’s mind as she cleaned the remaining suites on the floor. All the while, her thoughts moved back and forth between doing what she felt was right and earning enough money to help her mother, who had always been there for her. Did Kyra’s principles outweigh her duty to help her mother?
And the fact she was in Greece gave her the freedom to make decisions she wouldn’t normally make. Being thousands of miles from New York City meant her chance of running into anyone she knew was slim to none. Well, there was one person at the Blue Tide that knew her, her best friend, Sofia Moore. But Sofia would keep her secret.
Speaking of her best friend, Kyra could really use some advice right now. If anyone could make sense of this very odd opportunity, it would be Sofia. Once the last suite on the floor had been put to rights, Kyra paused next to the large window overlooking the private cove. She pulled out her phone. Her fingers moved rapidly over the screen.
Mop&Glow007 (Kyra): Hey, you’re never going to believe this. I met someone.
She just couldn’t bring herself to admit that she’d been proposed to by a stranger, only to learn later it was their boss. Somehow, it sounded desperate on his part. And she felt sorry for Cristo.
Seconds turned into a minute, then two, and still no response. Where was Sofia? Probably still cleaning the exclusive bungalows that lined the beach. But Sofia always had her phone close at hand.
MaidintheShade347 (Sofia): As in a guy?
Mop&Glow007 (Kyra): Yes.
MaidintheShade347 (Sofia): What? But how? You swore off guys.
Mop&Glow007 (Kyra): I know. But he found me.
MaidintheShade347 (Sofia): And it was love at first sight?
Mop&Glow007 (Kyra): Not quite. More like a business deal.
MaidintheShade347 (Sofia): He offered to pay you to be his girlfriend?
Mop&Glow007 (Kyra): Yep. A bundle.
MaidintheShade347 (Sofia): You can’t be serious. Is this a joke?
Mop&Glow007 (Kyra): No joke.
MaidintheShade347 (Sofia): Is he cute?
Mop&Glow007 (Kyra): Very.
MaidintheShade347 (Sofia): Is he rich?
Mop&Glow007 (Kyra): Very.
MaidintheShade347 (Sofia): And you accepted?
Mop&Glow007 (Kyra): Not yet.
MaidintheShade347 (Sofia): Why not?
Mop&Glow007 (Kyra): You think I should really consider this idea?
MaidintheShade347 (Sofia): Sure. It’s not like you have anything better waiting in the wings.
Mop&Glow007 (Kyra): Thx for making me sound so pathetic.
MaidintheShade347 (Sofia): Oops! My bad. Go for it. Gotta run. Talk soon.
Kyra blinked and read Sofia’s last message again. Go for it. Was she serious? Then again, ever since Sofia had caught her boyfriend in bed with another woman, Sofia’s attitude had changed drastically. When it came to men, she didn’t trust them and she refused to get serious, but she was open to having a good time. Kyra was happy that Sofia had regained her spirit and was getting out there and trying different things. But should Kyra do the same? Then again, wasn’t that part of the reason for this trip to Greece? Trying something different?
Maybe it was time she quit living life so conservatively. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to color outside the lines, just a little. Mr. Kiriakas’s tanned, chiseled face formed in her mind. It certainly wouldn’t be so bad being his fiancée for a night or two. She had enjoyed talking to him the other day, and when he smiled, it made her stomach quiver. Sofia was right. She had nothing to lose. It might actually be fun.
Before she could chicken out, she turned in her supplies and rushed to the small apartment she shared with Sofia in the employee housing. Once she had showered and changed into yellow capris and a pink cotton top, she rushed to his suite. She didn’t have any idea if he’d still be there.
Her knuckles rapped on the door. She hadn’t been this nervous since she came home from school with a below average grade on her report card. She didn’t know why she was so jittery. Cristo certainly was nice enough. Besides, this whole thing was his idea.
The door swung open and there before her stood her almost-fiancé, all six foot plus of toned muscle. She tilted her chin upward in order to meet his gaze. “I...I thought over what you said earlier, and I have a few questions for you.”
He hesitated and then swung the door open. “Come in.”
She glanced around, making sure they were alone. As she did so, she took in the difference in decor between this suite and the other units. For one thing, the standard black upholstered furniture was leather in this suite. The art on the walls consisted of prints in the other suites, but in here everything was original, one-of-a-kind paintings. And lastly, the suite definitely had a lived-in feel—a sense of hominess to it.
Behind her, she could hear the door snick shut. It was just the two of them, alone. Suddenly Kyra didn’t feel quite so confident, so ready to strike a business deal. Right now, even the memory of Sofia’s encouraging words sounded foolish. After all, she didn’t go out on limbs and take big risks. She liked to play it safe.
Cristo cleared his throat. “Should I take your presence to mean you’ve changed your mind about my offer?”
She forced her gaze to meet his. “It depends on your answers to my questions.”
“What would you like to know?”
Comfortable that she’d left herself an out, should she need it, she leveled her shoulders. “The pretense of being your fiancée, it would only be a show for others, right? You don’t want me to, um...sleep with you?”
“No. No. Nothing like that.”
She breathed a little easier. “And how long would I have to pretend to be your fiancée?”
“I’ll be honest with you. I’m not sure.”
“So this is going to take longer than a day or two?”
He hesitated. “Yes, it will. But only until my business deal is concluded. It could be a few weeks or as long as a couple of months—”
“Months?” Kyra shook her head. No way. He was simply asking too much of her. “That’s not possible. I can’t pretend to be your fiancée for that long.”
“Are you planning to return to the States before then?”
The easiest way out of this mess was to say yes, but in truth she wasn’t leaving Greece until she had a chance to track down her father’s family. And since she didn’t have a starting point, she didn’t know how long that would take her. “No. I’m not leaving yet. I...I have things to do here.”
“Anything I can help you with?” When she cast him a skeptical look, he rushed to add, “There are no strings attached to that offer. I like you. You make me smile, and it’s been a while since anyone did that. Whether you agree to this plan or not, I’d like to help you out, if I can.”
Now, why did he have to go and do that? It would have been so much easier to say no to a man who was pushy and arrogant. None of those descriptions quite fit Cristo Kiriakas. He was more like a really hot, Grecian...gentleman.
“Thank you. That’s very kind of you. But not necessary.”
“It may not be necessary, but I’d like to help. What has you here in Greece?”
His eyes told her that he was serious. He was really interested in her. So what would it hurt to open up and share a little with him?
“I’m here to find my extended family, or what’s left of it.” Cristo’s brows rose with surprise, encouraging her to continue. “My father passed away a little more than a year ago. He’d always wondered about his extended family and had promised one day we’d take a trip here to see what we could learn. Now that he can’t finish our research, I’m taking up where he left off.”
“It sounds important.”
“It is. For me, that is. My mother doesn’t understand my need to do this.” In fact, her mother had done everything in her power to curtail Kyra’s trip, from pleading to offering up excuse after excuse until she finally resorted to a big guilt trip.
“I know some people who go by the name Pappas—”
“You do?” Could it really be this simple? “How do I find them?”
He held up a hand. “Slow down. Pappas isn’t exactly a unique name.”
“Oh.” She’d known that from her research, but after hitting so many dead ends, she just wanted some hope.
“Do you have much family in the States?” Cristo’s voice halted her thoughts.
“There’s just me and my mother. The rest of my mother’s family, small as it was, passed away. I thought my mother would understand my need to find out more about my past, especially after losing my father. But all she did was get angry and resentful any time I brought up a trip to Greece. Finally, I just stopped trying to make her understand.”
“So you thought by taking a job here that you would have the perfect excuse to investigate your family’s roots?”
She nodded. At the same time, her phone chimed. Expecting it to be Sofia, she grabbed it from her pocket. The caller ID said Mom. Kyra forwarded the call to her voice mail before slipping the phone back in her pocket.
“If you need to answer that, go ahead.”
“It’s not important. I’ll get it later.” The last thing Kyra needed right now was to talk to her mother in front of Cristo—a man who had a way of short-circuiting her thoughts with just a look. No man had ever had that kind of power over her. And she wasn’t sure she liked it, but another part of her found him exciting—exhilarating—unlike any man she’d ever known.
“Suit yourself.” He moved to the fully stocked refrigerator and removed a bottle of water. He glanced over his shoulder at her. “Would you care for one, too?”
What would it hurt? After all, he was being nice enough and she was a bit thirsty. “Yes. Thank you.”
Her phone chimed again. It wasn’t like her mother to call right back. Kyra did a quick time change in her head and realized that her mother should be at her second part-time job. Perhaps she was just checking in on one of her breaks.
When Cristo handed over the bottle, their fingers brushed. Their gazes met and held. The breath caught in her throat. She’d never gazed into eyes so intense, so full of energy. She’d heard people talk about instant attraction but she hadn’t really known what they were talking about until now. Sure, she’d noticed some really good-looking guys, but they’d always been easily forgotten. Something told her that Cristo would not be so easily dismissed.
He stepped back. “If you’d like something to eat, I could order from the restaurant downstairs.”
“No, thanks. I’m fine.” With the flutter of nerves in her stomach, there was no way she could eat a bite of anything. “About the arrangement. Will we have to be seen in public together?”
“Definitely.” His gaze narrowed. “Will that be a problem? Do you have a boyfriend?”
“No. No boyfriend.” She glanced down at her casual clothes and then at his designer suit. “But I don’t have anything appropriate in my wardrobe.”
“No worries. A new wardrobe and accessories will be part of your benefits package.”
Just like that he could arrange for a new, designer wardrobe without even a thought. Wow. How much was this man worth?
With a slight tremor in her hand, she pressed the cold bottle to her lips and took a small sip. She tried to recall the other questions she’d wanted to ask, but her mind drew a blank. At least she’d asked the important ones.
He walked over and placed his bottle on the bar. “I know this is rushing things, but I really need to know your answer to my offer.”
“You definitely don’t give a girl much time to weigh her options.”
His voice grew deeper. “Maybe I just don’t want to give you time to find an excuse to back out on me. I can already tell you’re going to make my life interesting. You, my dear, are quite intriguing. And I find that refreshing.”
“Is that all you find attractive?” The flirtatious words slipped over her lips before they registered in her mind.
His eyes lit up as the heat of embarrassment swirled in her chest and rose up her neck. What was she doing? She barely even knew this man. And yet, she was drawn to him like a moth to a flame, but if she wasn’t cautious, she’d get burned.
“It’s definitely not the only attractive aspect of this arrangement. Not even close—”
“The money you offered, is it still part of the deal?”
He nodded.
“And can you pay me weekly?” She wanted to pay down the mortgage as soon as possible.
His brows rose. “If that’s what you’d like.”
“It is.”
She made the mistake of gazing into his eyes and noting that he looked at her with genuine interest. Did she really intrigue him? Her heart fluttered. Would it be so bad to have a gorgeous fiancé for just a bit? After all, you only live once. What did it hurt to have a little adventure?
And aside from the money, he’d mentioned helping her to search for her family roots. Now she had to make certain it was part of the deal. “And you agree to assist me in the search for my extended family?”
“I do.”
She stepped up to him and extended her hand. “You have yourself a fiancée.”
Instead of accepting her hand and shaking it, he lifted it to his lips. His feathery light kiss sent waves of delicious sensations coursing through her body. Much too soon he released her.
“When, we start?” She hoped her voice sounded calmer than she felt at the moment.
“Right now. You have a wedding to plan and we need to get to know each other much better if we are going to convince others that we’re a genuine couple.”
Her phone chimed. It was her mother again. Something was definitely wrong. Kyra couldn’t deny it any longer. “Excuse me for a moment while I answer this.”
He nodded in understanding.
Kyra moved toward the wall of windows that overlooked the white sandy beach and aquamarine water. She pressed the phone to her ear. Before she could utter a word, she heard her mother’s voice.
“Kyra, why didn’t you answer your phone? I didn’t call to talk to your voice mail. Do you even listen to your messages? If you had, you’d know this is important—”
“Mom, stop. Take a breath and then tell me what’s the matter.”
Her mother had a way of blowing things out of proportion. Please let this be one of those times. “Mom, are you all right? You aren’t in the hospital, are you?”
“The hospital? Why would I be there?”
Kyra exhaled a relieved sigh. “Just tell me what’s wrong.”
“My life. It’s over. You have to come home.”
Not melodramatic at all. “I’m sure it’s not that bad.”
“How would you know? You don’t even know what’s the matter.”
Kyra fully expected this would be another engineered guilt trip. “Mom, just tell me.”
“I would if you’d quit interrupting.”
Keeping her back to Cristo, Kyra rolled her eyes. Why did talking to her mother always have to be an exercise in patience? Her father must have had more patience than a saint. “I’m listening now.”
“They let me go. Can you believe that? After all I did for them. Is there no longer any such thing as loyalty and respect?”
“Who let you go?”
“The cleaning company. They said they lost some contracts and had to downsize. How can they do that? Don’t they know I have bills to pay?” Her mother’s voice cracked with emotion. “Kyra, you have to come home right away. I need you.”
She should have known it’d come round to this. “I can’t. I have a job to do.”
“But we’re going to lose our home.” There was an awkward pause. “I don’t know what I’m going to do. I’m all alone.”
“Don’t worry.” Kyra may not agree with everything her mother said and did, but she still loved her. And her mother didn’t deserve to lose her home—no one did. “You won’t lose your home. I’ll help you.”
Kyra, realizing that she’d said too much in front of Cristo, wound up the phone conversation. She promised to call her mother back soon.
Not sure how much Cristo had overheard, her body tensed. Her mother always did have the most amazing timing. Still, there was no undoing what had been done.
She turned to him. He was staring at her with questions reflected in his eyes. She couldn’t blame him. If the roles had been reversed, she would have been curious, as well. “Sorry. That was my mother.”
“I take it there’s a problem.”
Kyra really didn’t want to get into this with him. “There is, but it’s nothing I can’t deal with.”
He arched a dark brow. “Are you sure about that? I mean, if you have to leave Greece, it’s best that we end our arrangement now—”
“No. That won’t be necessary.” And she didn’t add that the money he’d been willing to pay her for her time would be a huge help with her mother’s plight. Her doubts about whether she really wanted to move forward with this plan had just been overturned. She owed this to her mother. “I’m all yours—so to speak.”
CHAPTER THREE (#ulink_2c1e80be-04b8-5ff5-87a8-0af7dd771364)
Cristo couldn’t deny that he liked the sound of those words. In fact, that wasn’t the only thing he could imagine passing by that tempting mouth.
Cristo gave himself a mental shake. What was he doing daydreaming about this woman? He knew better than to think of romance. He’d witnessed firsthand what happened when the romance turned cold. His parents were like the king and queen of Frostville. He got frostbite every time they were in the same room. He refused to end up unhappy like them.
Cristo cleared his throat. “Maybe we should start this relationship over.” He held out his hand to her. “Hi. I’m Cristo.”
She slipped her slender hand in his. He immediately noticed the coolness of her skin. She was undeniably nervous. That was good because he was, too.
Her fingers tightened around his hand. “Hi. My name’s Kyra. I have the feeling this is going to be quite an adventure.”
He had the same feeling but for other reasons, none that he wanted to delve into at the moment. “Let me know whatever you’ll need to make this arrangement as pleasant as possible.”
As she pulled her hand away, surprise reflected in her eyes. “You make it sound like I’ve just released the genie from the magic lantern.”
“Not exactly. But I do want you to be comfortable during our time together.” Cristo knew how thorough Stravos was with his background checks of potential business associates. “I need this engagement to be as authentic as possible. Don’t spare any detail or expense.”
“What expense?”
“For our wedding.”
“You’re serious? You really want me to plan a wedding that’s never going to happen?”
He nodded. “You have no idea what type of man I’m dealing with. Nikolaos Stravos is sharp and thorough.”
“But if people know about this engagement, how are you going to explain it when we break up?”
“I thought about it and we’ll handle it just like everyone else who calls off their wedding. We’ll tell people it’s an amicable split and we’d appreciate everyone respecting our privacy during this difficult time.”
“That may be fine for the public but not for close friends and relatives.”
“I’ve thought of that, too.” He smiled, liking having all of the answers. “We’ll tell them we couldn’t agree on kids. You want a couple and I want none.”
“Are you serious?”
He nodded. “It’s a legitimate reason with no associated scandal. We won’t be the first couple to break up over the subject.”
She paused as though giving the subject serious consideration. “I suppose it’ll work.”
He cleared his throat. “It’s the truth, at least partially. I’m too busy for a family.” That wasn’t the only reason he’d written off being a father, but it was all he was willing to share at the moment. “If we’re going to do this, we have to make the relationship authentic to hold up under scrutiny. Starting with you moving in here.”
“But...but I can’t. I told you I’m not sleeping with you.”
“And I don’t expect you to. But if people are supposed to believe we’re getting married, then they’ll expect us to be intimate.” When she opened her mouth to protest, he held up his hand silencing her. “We only have to give people the impression. Nothing more. Is that going to be a problem?”
Her worried gaze met his. He couldn’t blame her for hesitating. He knew he was asking a lot of her. But he was stuck between the proverbial rock and a hard place. She’d been a really good sport, until now.
He had to give her an out. He owed her that much. “It’s okay if you want to back out. I will totally understand.”
For a moment, he thought she had indeed changed her mind—that she was going to head for the door and never look back. His body tensed. He didn’t have a plan B. He’d only devised this plan, such as it was, on the spur of the moment.
When she spoke, her voice was surprisingly calm and held a note of certainty. “You’re right. People will grow suspicious if we don’t act like a normal engaged couple. But won’t people talk about me being a maid?”
He shook his head. “You’ve only been on the job for two days, and I’m guessing you haven’t met many guests.”
“No. Not really.”
“Good. I wouldn’t worry.” She glanced around the suite as though trying to decide how they would coexist. He could ease her mind. “Don’t worry. There’s a guest room with a lock on the door. But I’m sure you probably already know that.”
She nodded. “When do you want me to move in?”
“Now. I’ll send someone to gather your stuff. It’ll be less obvious if you aren’t lugging around your suitcases. Are you staying in the employee accommodations?”
She gave him the unit number. “But I...I need to tell my friend.”
“Remember, this arrangement has to be kept strictly between us. You can’t tell anyone about it or it’ll never work. Nikolaos Stravos has contacts everywhere.”
“Good. You stay here and I’ll have your luggage delivered to you.” Her mouth opened, then closed. “Is there a problem?”
She shook her head. “I’ll have Sofia toss my things together.”
“Good. Because we have big plans tonight.”
* * *
Was this really happening?
Dressed in a maroon designer dress from the overpriced boutique in the lobby, Kyra held on to Cristo’s arm. She was glad to have something to steady her as her knees felt like gelatin. Her hair had been professionally styled and her makeup had been applied by a cosmetologist. It was certainly a lot of fuss for a dinner date. What was Cristo up to?
She highly doubted she’d be able to eat a bite. Her stomach was a ball of nerves. They paused at the entrance of the resort’s High Tide Restaurant. The place was dimly lit with candles on each table. Gentle, soothing music played in the background, but it wasn’t having any effect on Kyra.
Numerous heads turned as the maître d’ escorted them to a corner table. Cristo made a point of greeting people. It was like being on the arm of royalty as everyone seemed to know him. At last at their table, Cristo pulled out her chair. Quite the gentleman. She was impressed.
He took the seat across from her. “Relax. You look beautiful.”
Heat warmed her cheeks. She knew she shouldn’t let his words get to her. Everything he said and did tonight was all an act. “You look quite handsome yourself.”
“Thank you.” He sat up a little straighter as a smile reflected in his eyes. “Can I order you some wine? Maybe it’ll help you relax.”
“Is it that obvious?” She worried her bottom lip while fidgeting with the silverware.
He reached out to her. His hand engulfed hers, stilling it. “Just a little.”
Her gaze met his before glancing down at their clasped hands. She attempted to pull away, but he tightened his grip and stroked the back of her hand with his thumb, sending wave after wave of delicious sensations coursing through her body.
She struggled to come up with a coherent thought. “What are you doing?”
“Trying to get my fiancée to relax and enjoy herself. We don’t want anyone wondering why you look so unhappy, do we?”
“Oh.” She glanced around, making sure they weren’t being watched. Thankfully, no one seemed to notice the bumpy start to their evening. Cristo was right, she needed to do better at holding up her end of this deal—no matter how unnerving it was being in this dimly lit restaurant at a candlelit table with the most handsome man in the room while trying to remain detached.
After making sure the server wasn’t within earshot, she said softly, “Would you mind releasing my hand?”
Cristo’s brows lifted, but he didn’t say a word as he pulled away. She immediately noticed the coldness where he’d once been touching her. She shoved the unsettling thought aside as she picked up the menu. Just act normal.
“Would you like me to recommend something?”
Her gaze lifted over the edge of the menu, which was written in both Greek and English. “Do you have it memorized?”
“Would it be bad if I said I did?”
“Really?” He nodded and she added, “You take a hands-on boss to a whole new level.”
His eyes twinkled as his smile grew broader and she suddenly realized that her words could be taken out of context. It’d been a total slip of the tongue. Hadn’t it?
“The chef’s specialty is seafood.”
She forced her gaze to remain on the menu instead of continuing to stare into Cristo’s eyes. Though her gaze focused on the scrolled entrées, none of it registered in her mind. “I’m not really a seafood fan.”
“Beef? Salad? Pasta—”
“Pasta sounds good.” Especially on a nervous stomach.
Cristo talked her through the menu. His voice was soothing and little by little she began to relax. She decided on chicken Alfredo and Cristo surprised her by ordering the same thing.
“You didn’t have to do that.”
His brows drew together. “Do what?”
“Order the same thing just to make me feel better.”
A smile warmed his face. “Perhaps we just have similar tastes.”
Perhaps they did. Now, why did that warm a spot in her chest? It wasn’t as if this was a real date. Everything was a case of make-believe. Did that include his words?
He didn’t give her time to contemplate the question as he continued the conversation, moving on to subjects such as how the weather compared to New York, and the differences between the Blue Tide Resort and his flagship business, the Glamour Hotel in New York City, where she’d previously worked.
She appreciated that he was trying so hard to put her at ease. It was as though they were on a genuine date. He even flirted with her, making her laugh. Kyra was thoroughly impressed. She didn’t think he would be this patient or kind. She had to keep reminding herself that it was all a show. But the more he talked, the harder it was to remember this wasn’t a date.
Much later, the meal was over and Cristo stared at her in the wavering candlelight. “How about dessert?”
She shook her head as she pressed a hand to her full stomach. “Not me. I’m going to have to run extra long tomorrow just to wear off a fraction of these calories.”
He pressed his elbows to the table and leaned forward. “You don’t have to worry. You look amazing. Enjoy tonight. Consider it a new beginning for both of us.”
A new beginning? Why did it seem as though he was trying to seduce her tonight? Maybe because he was. She was going to have to be extra careful around this charmer.
“The dinner was great. Thank you so much. But I honestly can’t eat another bite.”
A frown pulled at his lips. “I have something special ordered just for you.”
“You do?” No one had ever gone to this much trouble for her, pretend or real.
He nodded. “Will you at least sample it? I wouldn’t want the chef to be insulted.”
“Of course.” Then she had an idea. “Why don’t you share it with me?”
“You have a deal.” He signaled to the waiter that they were ready for the final course. It seemed almost instantaneous when the waiter appeared. He approached with a solitary cupcake.
It wasn’t until the waiter had placed the cupcake in front of her that she realized there was a diamond ring sitting atop the large dollop of frosting. The jewel was big. No, it was huge.
Kyra gasped.
The waiter immediately backed away. Cristo moved from his chair and retrieved the ring. What was he up to? Was it a mistake that he was going to correct? Because no one purchased a ring that big for someone who was just their fake fiancée. At least no rational person.
Cristo dropped to his knee next to her chair. Her mouth opened but no words came out. Was he going to propose to her? Right here? In front of everyone?
A noticeable silence fell over the room as one by one people turned and stared at them. The only sound now was the quickening beat of her heart.
Cristo gazed into her eyes. “Kyra, you stumbled into my life, reminding me of all that I’d been missing. You showed me that there’s more to life than business. You make me smile. You make me laugh. I can only hope to make you nearly as happy. Will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?”
The words were perfect. The sentiment was everything a woman could hope for. She knew this was where she was supposed to say yes, but even though her jaw moved, the words were trapped in her throat. Instead, she nodded and blinked back the involuntary rush of emotions. Someday she hoped the right guy would say those words to her and mean them.
Cristo took her hand in his. She was shaking and there wasn’t a darn thing she could do at that moment to stop it. Perhaps she should have realized he had this planned all along, what with her fancy dress and the stylist. If he wanted a surprised reaction, he got it.
Who’d have thought Cristo had a romantic streak? He’d created the most amazing evening. Something told her she would never forget this night. She couldn’t wait to tell Sofia. She was going to be so upset that she missed it.
Cristo stood and then helped Kyra to her feet. As though under a spell, she leaned into him. There was an intensity in his gaze that had her staring back, unable to turn away. Her pulse raced and her heart tumbled in her chest.
When his gaze dipped to her mouth, the breath caught in her throat. He was going to kiss her. His hands lifted and cupped her face. Their lips were just inches apart.
She should pull back. Turn away. Instead, she stood there anxiously waiting for his touch. Would it be gentle and teasing? Or would it be swift and demanding?
“You complete me.” Those softly spoken words shattered her last bit of reality. She gave in to the fantasy. He was her Prince Charming and for tonight she was his Cinderella.
The pounding in her chest grew stronger. She needed him to kiss her. She needed to see if his lips felt as good against hers as they’d felt on her hand.
“How did I get so lucky?” His voice crooned. Yet his voice was so soft that it would be impossible for anyone to hear—but her.
If he expected her to speak, he’d be waiting a long time. This whole evening had spiraled beyond anything she ever could have imagined. She was truly speechless, and that didn’t happen often.
His head dipped. This was it. He was really going to do it. And she was really going to let him. Her body swayed against his. Her soft curves nestled against his muscular planes.
She lifted on her tiptoes, meeting him halfway. Her eyelids fluttered closed. His smooth lips pressed to hers. At first, neither of them moved. It was as though they were both afraid of where this might lead. But then the chemistry between them swelled, mixed and bubbled up in needy anticipation.
Kyra’s arms slid up over his broad shoulders and wrapped around his neck. Her fingers worked their way through the soft, silky strands of his hair. This wasn’t so bad. In fact, it was...amazing. Her lips moved of their own accord, opening and welcoming him.
He was delicious, tasting sweet like the bottle of bubbly he’d insisted on ordering. She’d thought it’d just been to celebrate their business arrangement. She had no idea it was part of this seductive proposal. This man was as dangerous to her common sense as he was delicious enough to kiss all night long.
When applause and whistles filled the restaurant, it shattered the illusion. Kyra crashed back to earth and reluctantly pulled back. Her gaze met his passion-filled eyes. He wanted her. That part couldn’t be faked. So that kiss had been more than a means to prove to the world that their relationship was real. The kiss had been the heart-pounding, soul-stirring genuine article.
Her shaky fingers moved to her lips. They still tingled. Realizing she was acting like someone who hadn’t been kissed before, she moved her hand. Her gaze landed upon her hand and the jaw-dropping rock Cristo had placed there. The large circular diamond had to be at least four, no make that five, carats. It was surrounded by a ring of smaller diamonds. The band was a beautiful rose gold with tiny diamonds adorning the band. She was in love—with the ring, of course.
“Do you like it?” Cristo moved beside her and gazed down at the ring.
“It’s simply stunning. But it’s far too much.”
Cristo leaned over and whispered, “The ring quite suits you even if it can’t compare to your beauty. How about we take our cupcake upstairs?”
CHAPTER FOUR (#ulink_26ab975b-4ad7-52cf-abd2-0d20779d8c83)
KYRA’S HEART BEAT out a rapid tap-tap-tap.
Why was Cristo staring at her as though she was the dessert?
He leaned close and spoke softly. “You’re enjoying the evening, aren’t you?”
The wispy feel of his hot breath on her neck sent a wave of goose bumps cascading down her arms. “I...I am. It’s magical.”
“Good. It’s not over yet.”
This evening had been so romantic that she couldn’t help but wonder if he’d almost gotten caught up in the show. Would he kiss her again? Her gaze shifted to his most tempting lips. Did she want him to?
He extended his arm to her and she accepted the gesture. Before they exited the restaurant, she glanced back at the table to make sure she hadn’t forgotten anything. “What about the cupcake?”
“It’ll be delivered to our suite along with another bottle of champagne.” He turned to the waiter to make the arrangements.
Our suite. It sounded so strange. She wasn’t sure how she felt about being intimately linked with Cristo—even if it was all a show.
On their way to the elevator, people stopped to congratulate them. Kyra smiled and thanked them, but inside she felt like such a fraud. A liar. Once again her life had become full of lies and innuendos, but this time instead of being a casual observer of her mother’s charade, Kyra was the prime star. She didn’t like it...but then again, she glanced at Cristo, there were some wonderful benefits. Not that she was confusing fiction with fact, but there was this tiny moment of what-if that came over her.
Once inside the elevator, it was just the two of them. He pressed the button for the top floor and swiped his keycard. She knew this was the end of her fairy-tale evening. She needed to get control of her meandering thoughts. It’d help if he wasn’t touching her, making her pulse do frantic things. When she tried to withdraw her hand, he placed his other hand over hers.
What in the world?
She turned a questioning glance his way only to find desire reflected in his eyes. Her heart slammed into her chest. Had he forgotten the show was over? They were alone now. But he continued to gaze deep into her eyes, turning her knees to gelatin.
Was it possible he intended to follow up that kiss in the restaurant with another one? Blood pounded in her ears. Was it wrong that she wanted him to do it—to press his mouth to hers? The breath caught in her lungs. She tilted her chin higher. Do it. I dare you.
He turned and faced forward. Wait. What happened? Had she misread him? She inwardly groaned. This arrangement was going to be so much harder than she ever imagined.
The elevator doors slid open. Another couple waited outside. The young woman was wrapped in her lover’s arms. They were kissing and oblivious to everything around them. Caught up in their own world, the elevator doors closed without them noticing. Now, that was love.
It definitely wasn’t what had been going on between her and Cristo. That had been—what—lust? Curiosity? Whatever it was, it wasn’t real. And now it was over.
Cristo grew increasingly quiet as he escorted her to their suite. He opened the door for her—forever the gentleman. It’d be so much easier to keep her distance from him if he’d just act like one of the self-centered, self-important jerks that her mother insisted on setting her up with because they had a little bit of money and prestige. Her mother never understood those things weren’t important to Kyra.
She stopped next to one of the couches and turned back to him. “Thank you for such a wonderful evening.” Before she forgot, she slipped the diamond ring from her finger and held it out to him. “Here. You’d better take this. I don’t want anything to happen to it.”
He shook his head. “No. It’s yours.”
“But I can’t keep it. It’s much too valuable.” And held far too many innuendos of love and forever. Things that didn’t apply to them.
Cristo frowned. “Now, how would it look if my fiancée went around without a ring on her finger?”
“You’re serious? You really want me to wear this? What if something happens to it?”
“Yes, I’m serious. And nothing will happen to it. Besides, I like the way it looks on your hand.” He slipped his phone from his pocket and started to flip through messages. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got some business to attend to.”
“Now? But it’s getting late.”
His forehead wrinkled as though he was already deep in thought. “It’s never too late for work.”
And just like that, her carriage turned back into a pumpkin—her prince was more interested in his phone than in her. She felt so foolish for getting caught up in the illusion. Why did she think he’d be any different from the other guys in suits that she’d dated?
“No problem. I’ll just go to my room.”
There was a knock at the door.
Cristo moved to the door and swung it open. “You’re just in time. We were getting thirsty.” He turned to her with a warm smile. “Darling, dessert is here. Why don’t you go get comfortable and I’ll bring it in.”
A server rolled in a cart with a cupcake tree and a bottle of bubbly on ice. The man sent her a big smile as though he knew what she would be up to that evening. Wouldn’t he be surprised to know that she was going to bed alone?
Kyra was more than happy to head toward the bedroom. Her strides were short but quick. The evening’s show had left her emotionally and physically drained. All she wanted to do now was slip into something comfortable and curl up in bed.
“Kyra, you can come back.” Cristo turned to her. “Would you like me to open the wine for you?”
She didn’t want to return to the living room. And she certainly didn’t need any more bubbly. She needed time to sort her thoughts. But on second thought, it was better she went to him rather than having him seek her out.
Reluctantly she strolled back into the living room. “I think I’ll turn in early tonight.”
“It’s probably a good idea. You have a lot to do tomorrow. Good night.” He moved to the study just off the living room and pushed the door closed behind him.
How could he turn the charm off and on so casually?
With a sigh, Kyra headed for her bedroom, which was situated across the hall from his. This hotel suite was quite spacious, resembling a penthouse apartment. She should really snap some pictures to show her mother, but Kyra’s heart just wasn’t in it. Maybe tomorrow.
Her phone chimed with a new message. Still in her fancy dress, she flounced down on the bed with her phone in hand.
MaidintheShade347 (Sofia): Don’t keep me hanging. How’d the date go???
Kyra stared at the glowing screen, wondering what in the world to tell her friend. That the night was amazing, magical, romantic...or the truth, it was a mistake. Plain and simple. She shouldn’t have agreed to this arrangement. She wasn’t an actress. It was just too hard putting on a show. And worst of all, she was getting caught up in her own performance.
Still, she had to respond to Sofia. Her mind raced while her fingers hovered over the screen.
Mop&Glow007 (Kyra): It was nice.
Immediately a message pinged back as though Sofia had been sitting there waiting to hear a detailed report.
MaidintheShade347 (Sofia): Nice? Was it that bad?
Mop&Glow007 (Kyra): It was better than nice.
MaidintheShade347 (Sofia): That’s more like. Now spill.
Mop&Glow007 (Kyra): I wore the most amazing dress. We dined downstairs in the High Tide Restaurant.
MaidintheShade347 (Sofia): Good start. So why are you messaging me?
Mop&Glow007 (Kyra): Why not? You messaged me first.
MaidintheShade347 (Sofia): And I’m not with a hot guy.
Mop&Glow007 (Kyra): Neither am I.
MaidintheShade347 (Sofia): You mean the evening is over already?
Mop&Glow007 (Kyra): He’s working.
MaidintheShade347 (Sofia): What did you do wrong?
Her? Why did she have to do something wrong? It’s not as if they had gone out tonight with romance in mind. The night ended just the way she expected—though she really had thought at some point over dinner that he was truly into her. The man had given an Oscar-winning performance.
Mop&Glow007 (Kyra): I’ve got a headache. I’m calling it a night. Talk tomorrow.
She kicked off her shoes and stretched her toes. It’d been a long time since she’d spent an evening in heels. She thought she’d left this kind of life back in New York.
Something told her that sleep would be a long way off. She had too much on her mind—a man with unforgettable blue eyes and a laugh that warmed her insides. How in the world was she going to stay focused on finding her family when Cristo was pulling her into his arms and passionately kissing her?
* * *
Where was she?
Cristo refilled his coffee mug for the third time that morning and took a long slow sip of the strong brew. He stared across the spacious living room toward the short hallway leading to Kyra’s bedroom. Maybe he should go check on her. He started in that direction when her door swung open. He quickly retreated back to the bar, where he made a point of topping off his coffee.
Kyra leisurely strolled into the living room wearing a neon pink, lime green and black tank top. His gaze drifted down to find a pair of black running shorts that showed off her toned legs. Maybe he should have chosen someone who was less distracting to play the part of his fiancée.
When he realized he was staring, he moved his gaze back to her face. “Good morning.”
“Morning.” She stretched, revealing the flesh of her flat stomach. Cristo swallowed hard. She yawned and then sent him a sheepish look. Her gaze swept over him from head to foot and then back again. “How long have you been awake?”
He glanced at his watch, finding it was a couple of minutes past seven. “A couple of hours.”
Her beautiful eyes widened. “You certainly don’t believe in sleeping in, do you?”
He shook his head. “Not when there’s work to be done. Would you like some coffee?”
“I’d love some.”
He grabbed another mug. “Do you take cream and sugar?”
“Just a couple packs of sweetener.”
“Which color do you prefer? Pink? Blue? Yellow?”
He added the sweetener and gave it a swirl. “If you want to make another pot of coffee, you’ll find all of the supplies in the cabinet.” He gestured below the coffeemaker. “Make yourself at home.”
“You won’t be here today?”
He handed over the cup. “I have some meetings in the city that I need to attend. Besides, you’ll be so busy that you’ll never notice my absence.”
“Busy? Doing what?”
“You haven’t changed your mind about our arrangement, have you?” He noticed how she fidgeted with the ring on her finger. He hadn’t been lying last night when he said it looked perfect on her. In fact, if he hadn’t made a hasty exit last night, he would have followed up their kiss with so much more than either of them was ready for at this juncture.
“No. I...I haven’t changed my mind.”
“Good. Because we made the paper.” He grabbed the newspaper from the end of the bar and handed it to her.
“We did. But how?” When she turned to the society page, she gasped.
He had to admit that he’d been a bit shocked when he’d seen the picture of them in a steamy lip-lock. He’d meant for it to look real, but he never imagined it’d be quite so steamy. Had she really melted into his arms so easily—so willingly?
And for a moment, he’d forgotten that it was all pretend. He’d wanted her so much when they’d returned to the suite that it was all he could do to keep his hands to himself. Thank goodness he had the handy excuse of work waiting for him, because a few more minutes around her and his good intentions might have failed him.
“I didn’t realize it’d be in the papers.” Kyra tossed aside the paper. “This wasn’t part of our agreement. This is awful. My mother isn’t going to understand. She...she’s going to think we’re really a couple. That you and I— That we’re actually going to get married. This is a mess. What am I going to tell her? How do I explain this?”
“Calm down. You don’t have to tell her anything—”
“Of course I do. When she sees that photo, she’ll jump to the obvious conclusion. She’ll tell all of her friends. It’ll be a nightmare to straighten out.”
“No, it won’t. Trust me.” His soft tones eased her rising anxiety.
“Why should I trust you?”
“Because I made sure this photo was just for the papers here in Athens. Nothing will be printed in New York.”
Her gaze narrowed in on him. “Are you absolutely certain?”
He nodded. “I am. Trust me. I have this planned out. We may not be on the front page, but we did make a big headline in the society section. Hopefully it’ll be enough to garner Stravos’s attention.”
“Why would you think this man would look at the society section? Isn’t that geared more toward women?”
“Trust me. Nothing gets past this man, especially when he’s considering doing business with a person. I’m sure he doesn’t stay on top of everything himself, but he has plenty of money to pay people to do the research. But since Stravos is a bit of a hermit living here in Greece on an isolated estate, there’s no need for our engagement to be announced in the American papers.”
“You’re sure?”
“I am.”
The rigid line of her shoulders eased and she dropped down on the arm of a couch. “The next time, you might want to mention that part first.”
“Would it really be so bad if your mother thought you and I were a couple?”
Kyra immediately nodded. “You have no idea how bad it would be. Until recently, my mother had made it her life’s mission to marry me off to one of her friends’ sons.”
“And you’re opposed to getting married?”
“No.” Her voice took on a resolute tone. “What I’m opposed to is being someone’s arm decoration. I don’t want to be someone they drag out for appearances and then forget about the rest of the time.”
“I can’t believe a man could forget about you.”
There was a distinct pause. “It’s not worth talking about.”
She was one of those women Cristo tried to avoid—the ones who didn’t understand the importance of business. He didn’t want someone dictating to him when he could and couldn’t work. His email constantly needed attention. Almost every bit of correspondence was marked urgent. He didn’t want to have to choose between his work and a significant other. Because in the end, his work would win. Work was what he could count on—it wouldn’t let him down.
And he didn’t imagine there was a man alive who could ignore Kyra. Himself included. He didn’t think it was humanly possible. Her presence dominated a room with her beauty and elegance. Even he had gotten carried away the prior evening.
If he was honest with himself, the reason he avoided a serious relationship was because he could never live up to certain expectations. He’d promised himself years ago that he’d never become a father. He’d learned firsthand how precious and fleeting life could be. All it took was one flawed decision, one moment of distraction, and then tragedy strikes.
The dark memories started to crowd in, but Cristo willed them away. He wasn’t going to get caught up in the past and the weighty guilt—not now.
Kyra sighed. “My father was a workaholic. He loved us, but I think he loved his work more. My mother would never admit that. For her, he was the love of her life. But I sometimes wonder if she realizes all she missed out on.”
“So you want someone who is the exact opposite of your father?” Cristo wasn’t quite sure how that would work. What sort of man didn’t get caught up in his work?
She shrugged. “Let’s just say I’m not interested in getting involved with anyone at this point in my life. But if I were, I’d want to come first. When we’re out to dinner, I’d want his attention focused on me and our conversation, not on his phone.”
“That sounds fair.” He wondered if she was recalling their dinner the prior evening. His full attention had been on her. He wanted to convince himself that it was because he needed to put on a believable show for the public—a besotted lover and all that it entailed. But the truth was the more Kyra had talked, the more captivated he’d become with her. He swallowed hard, stifling his troubling thoughts. “I’ve left you some information to get you started with the wedding plans. There’s every bridal magazine available, the phone numbers of all the local shopkeepers and a credit card to make whatever purchases are necessary.”
“You don’t mind if I go for a quick run before I start, do you?”
He glanced at her formfitting outfit. It looked good on her. Really good. “Make your own schedule. But just so you know, the wedding is in six weeks. You don’t have a lot of time to spare.”
“Six weeks?” Her brown eyes opened wide. “You sure don’t give a girl much time to plan. It’s a good thing this wedding isn’t really going to take place. I’m not sure I could work out all of the details in time.”
“But you must. There can’t be any cutting corners. Nothing that gives the slightest hint this wedding is anything other than genuine.”
“I’ll try my best.” She frowned as she made her way over to the desk to examine the aforementioned items. “How will I know what to spend? Is there a budget?”
“No budget. Use your best judgment. But remember, this wedding is meant to impress important people. Spare no expense in planning our lavish, yet intimate nuptials.”
“This is all still pretend, right? You aren’t actually planning to go through with the wedding, are you?”
“Of course not.”
She sent him a hesitant look as though trying to figure out if he was on the level or not. “I’ll do my best. I don’t have much experience with wedding planning.”
“I’m sure you’ll do fine.” He grabbed his briefcase and headed for the door, knowing he had lingered longer than was wise. He paused and glanced over his shoulder. “My cell number is on the desk. If you need me, feel free to call. Otherwise, I’ll see you for dinner.”
“Not so fast. We aren’t finished.”
CHAPTER FIVE (#ulink_9a5e04eb-3eb8-5cc6-ad2b-248ab113b0ca)
What could he have forgotten? He thought he’d accounted for everything.
He turned back to Kyra. “Is there something else you need?”
She nodded. “We had an agreement. You said you would help me search for my extended family.”
And so he had. But the last thing he had time for at this critical juncture was to go climbing through Kyra’s family tree. “Have you tried doing some research online?”
“Yes. But I couldn’t figure out how to narrow my search. I thought a trip to a library or somewhere with records of past residents of the area would be helpful.”
“Your family, they’re from Athens?”
“I’m not sure. I know my grandparents set sail for the States from here.”
A frown pulled at his lips. He didn’t have time to waste running around on some genealogy project when he had a billion-dollar deal to secure. He’d risked everything on this venture...from his position as CEO of Glamour Hotel and Casino to his tenuous relationship with his father.
Cristo clearly remembered how his father had scoffed at the idea of taking the already successful hotel and casino chain and making it global. Cristo knew if the chain was allowed to become static, that its visitors would find the hotels limited and stale. The Glamour chain would ultimately begin to die off. He refused to let that happen.
Cristo adjusted his grip on his briefcase. “I’ll have a car at your disposal. Feel free to visit any of the local villages or the library in Athens.”
She pressed her hands to her hips. “I thought you’d be accompanying me. You know, to help search for my family.”
He recalled saying something along those lines, but he just didn’t have time today. “Sorry. I’ve got a meeting in the city with a banker.”
“And tomorrow?”
Tomorrow he had more meetings planned. He couldn’t even get away from the demands on his time in this fake relationship. It just made him all the more determined to retain his independence.
“Fine. I’ll check my calendar and get back to you after today’s meeting.”
She nodded.
Before he walked away, he might as well find out what this venture would entail. “What information do you have to go on?” His phone buzzed. “Hold on.” He checked the screen. “My car is here. I must go. I’ll look at what you have this evening.”
As he rushed out the door, his thoughts circled back around to the sight of Kyra in those black shorts that showed off her tanned legs. Even her toenails had been painted a sparkly pink. And then there was that snug tank top that showed off her curves.
His footsteps hesitated. Maybe he should have offered to go running with her. Almost as soon as the thought crossed his mind, he inwardly groaned. He couldn’t—he wouldn’t—let his beautiful new fiancée distract him from achieving his goal.
He was so close to forging a deal to purchase the Stravos Star Hotels. It was just a matter of time until he heard back from Nikolaos Stravos about that invitation Cristo had extended for a business meeting. That steamy kiss in the newspaper, with the headline of Cristo Kiriakas is Off the Market, should have done the trick.
* * *
Her lungs strained.
Her muscles burned.
At last Kyra stopped running. Each breath came in rapid succession.
She leaned back against the stone wall lining the walkway in front of the resort. She knew she should have run first thing that morning instead of putting it off. But she’d become so engrossed with the wedding magazines that she’d found herself flipping through one glossy page after the next. When she got to the tuxes, she imagined Cristo in each of them. The man was so handsome that he would look good in most anything. She wasn’t quite so fortunate with her broad hips and short legs. It took a certain kind of dress to hide her imperfections.
By late that afternoon, she’d felt pent-up and her head ached. She had more questions about the wedding than answers. What she needed was to talk with Cristo. She knew the wedding would never actually take place, but he’d insisted they were going for authenticity and to pull that off she needed some answers.
When she made her way back to the suite, she called out to him, “Cristo? Cristo, are you here?”
There wasn’t a sound. Drat.
She moved to the bar where he’d left her his cell number. She entered it in her phone in order to send him a text message.
Mop&Glow007 (Kyra): I have some questions about the wedding. Will you be home soon?
She figured it wouldn’t be too long before he responded as he seemed to have his phone glued to his palm. She imagined him falling asleep with it in his hands. Then again, she could easily imagine something else in his, make that someone else in his very capable hands. And this time, they wouldn’t be putting on a show.
She jerked her thoughts to a halt. She was already hot and sweaty from her run. No need to further torture herself.
Her phone chimed.
CristoKiriakasCEO: Meeting has turned into dinner. Will be late. Don’t wait up.
Just like that she’d been dismissed. Forgotten. Frustration bubbled in her veins. Cristo was just like the other men her mother had paraded through her life.
Mop&Glow007 (Kyra): Don’t worry. I won’t.
Her finger hovered over the send button. But then she realized she was being childish. It wasn’t as if they were a real couple. This was all make-believe, thankfully. Her heart went out to any poor woman who actually fell for Cristo’s stunning good looks and charming smile. He would forget her, too.
Kyra deleted her heated comment and instead wrote, Have a good night.
She told herself she should be happy. It’d give her quiet time to study for her hotel management accreditation. She hated to admit it, but she was woefully behind. Getting ready to move across the Atlantic had been her priority and then she’d been focused on learning her new position at the Blue Tide Resort.

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The Greek′s Ready-Made Wife Jennifer Faye
The Greek′s Ready-Made Wife

Jennifer Faye

Тип: электронная книга

Жанр: Современные любовные романы

Язык: на английском языке

Издательство: HarperCollins

Дата публикации: 16.04.2024

Отзывы: Пока нет Добавить отзыв

О книге: Tipping the maid…with a diamond ring!When chambermaid Kyra Pappas enters the hotel suite, she’s not expecting a marriage proposal! But tycoon Cristo Kiriakis believes she will make the perfect convenient bride to help secure a vital deal – and in return, he’ll help her find her long-lost family.Kyra is sure she can handle planning a wedding with no emotional entanglements – but is soon fighting the temptation to kiss her gorgeous fake fiancé! Relationships have only ever meant heartache for these two lost hearts – but together, can they make their fairy-tale ending finally come true…?

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