Something Borrowed

Something Borrowed
Miranda Lee
Breaking Making Up Two irresistible men from Down Under - one Aussie, one Kiwi. The time has come for them to settle old scores and win the women they've always wanted!Miranda Lee Something BorrowedAshleigh is marring James. He's kind and reliable - unlike Jake, his wild identical twin, who loved Ashleigh and left her long ago. This time, Ashleigh is sure she's chosen the right brother… . Until her wedding night turns out to be so passionate that she wonders if she knows her new husband at all! Susan Napier Vendetta Vivian goes in place of her sister to face Nicholas Thorne's retribution - and walks into his trap. Nicholas is now Vivian's captor and she must play him along until she can outwit him. But Nicholas has waited ten years for this… . To seduce Vivian into falling in love with him will be the greatest revenge ever!Breaking Making Up Two original stories in one unique collection by Miranda Lee and Susan Napier.

Two original stories in one unique collection
Miranda Lee and Susan Napier
Revenge is a powerful emotion—love’s
wrongs always beg to be righted. But
vengeance has its price, as each character in
this exciting collection of two brand-new
romances soon discovers!
Be enticed and involved by dangerous
desires, share the passion of bittersweet
seductions, as two irresistible men from
Down Under—one an Australian, the other
a New Zealander—find the time has come to
settle old scores. Will these gorgeous guys
win the women they’ve always wanted?
Turn the pages and find out!
MIRANDA LEE is Australian, living near Sydney. Born and raised in the bush, she was boardingschool educated and briefly pursued a classical music career before moving to Sydney and embracing the world of computers. Happily married, with three daughters, she began writing when family commitments kept her at home. She likes to create stories that are believable, modern, fast paced and sexy. Her interests include reading meaty sagas, doing word puzzles, gambling and going to the movies.
Something Borrowed
Miranda Lee (
About the Author (#uc56faea3-0dc2-5896-b590-6778175b4a71)Title Page (#u402ec76f-fbbf-574f-a2c2-91c7262019df)
CHAPTER ONE (#uc142e151-f453-52ad-8e5b-be7313cdfa07)CHAPTER TWO (#u7cf8bb85-a071-54a3-8cff-a3fe0df53be5)CHAPTER THREE (#litres_trial_promo)CHAPTER FOUR (#litres_trial_promo)CHAPTER FIVE (#litres_trial_promo)CHAPTER SIX (#litres_trial_promo)CHAPTER SEVEN (#litres_trial_promo)
Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)
‘JAMES hasn’t seen your dress, has he?’ Kate asked, glancing at the magnificent satin and lace bridal gown hanging on the wardrobe door. ‘You know that’s considered unlucky.’
Ashleigh put down her mascara and smiled at her chief bridesmaid in the dressing-table mirror. ‘No, Miss Tradition. He hasn’t. Not that it would worry me if he had,’ she added with a light laugh. ‘You know I don’t believe in superstitions. Or fate. Or luck. People make their own luck in life.’
Kate rolled her eyes. ‘You’ve become annoyingly pragmatic over the years, do you know that? Where’s your sense of romance gone?’
It was killed, came the unwanted and bitter thought. A lifetime ago...
Ashleigh felt a deep tremor of old pain, but hid it well, keeping her mascara wand steady with an iron will as she went on with her make-up.
‘Just look at you,’ Kate accused. ‘It’s your wedding-day and you’re not even nervous. If I were the bride my hand would be shaking like a leaf.’
‘What is there to be nervous about? Everything is going to go off like clockwork. You know how organised James’s mother is.’
‘I wasn’t talking about the wedding. Or the reception. I was talking about afterwards... You know...’
‘For heaven’s sake, Kate,’ Ashleigh said quite sharply. ‘It’s not as though I’m some trembling young virgin. I’m almost thirty years old, and a qualified doctor to boot. My wedding-night is not looming as some terrifying ordeal.’
Oh, really? an insidious voice whispered at the back of her mind.
Ashleigh stiffened before making a conscious effort to relax, letting out a ragged sigh. ‘I’m sorry,’ she apologised. ‘I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that.’
‘You are nervous,’ her friend decided smugly. ‘And you know what? I think it’s sweet. James is a real nice man. Much nicer than...’ Kate bit her bottom lip and darted Ashleigh a stricken look. ‘Oh, I...I’m sorry. I didn’t mean...I...’
‘It’s all right,’ Ashleigh soothed. ‘I won’t collapse in a screaming heap if you mention his name.’
‘Do you...ever think of him?’ Kate asked, eyes glittering with curiosity.
Too damned often, came the immediate and possibly crushing thought.
But Ashleigh gathered herself quickly, refusing to allow Jake—even in memory form—to mar her wedding-day.
‘Jake’s as good as dead as far as I’m concerned,’ she stated quite firmly. ‘As far as everyone in Glenbrook is concerned. Even his mother doesn’t speak of him any more.’
‘What about James?’ the other girl asked. ‘I mean...he and Jake are twins. Doesn’t he ever talk about his brother?’
Kate frowned. ‘I wonder what Jake would think of his quieter half marrying his old girlfriend. Does he know, do you think? They say some twins, especially identical ones, have a sort of telepathy between them.’
Ashleigh’s fine grey eyes did their best to stay calm as she turned to face her old school-friend. ‘Jake and James never did. As far as Jake knowing...’ She gave a seemingly offhand shrug. ‘He might. His mother insisted on sending him a wedding invitation. God knows why, since she doesn’t even know where he’s living now. She posted it to his old solicitor in Thailand, who once promised to pass on any mail. Naturally, she didn’t receive a reply.’
Ashleigh sucked in a deep breath, then let it out slowly, hoping to ease the constriction in her chest. ‘Jake wouldn’t give a damn about my marrying James, anyway,’ she finished. ‘Now...perhaps we’d better get on with my hair. Time’s getting away.’
Kate remained blessedly silent while she brushed then wound Ashleigh’s shoulder-length blonde hair into the style they’d both decided on the previous day. Even though Ashleigh appeared to be watching her hairdresser friend’s efficient fingers, her mind was elsewhere, remembering things she shouldn’t be remembering on the day she was marrying James.
Jake...holding her close, kissing her.
Jake... undressing her slowly.
Jake...his magnificent male body in superb control as he took her with him to a physical ecstasy, the like of which she doubted she would ever experience again.
A shiver reverberated through her.
‘You’re not cold, are you?’ Kate asked, frowning.
Ashleigh tried to smile. ‘No... Someone must have walked over my grave.’
Her friend laughed. ‘I thought you didn’t believe in stuff like that. You know what, Ashleigh? I think you’re a big fibber. I think you believe in fate and superstitions and all those old wives’ tales as much as the next person. And I’ll prove it to you before this day is out. But, for now, sit perfectly still while I get these pins safely in. I don’t want to spear you in the ear.’
Ashleigh was only too happy to sit still, her whole insides in knots as a ghastly suspicion began to take hold. Was she marrying James simply because of his physical likeness to Jake? Could she be indulging some secret hope that, when James took her to bed tonight, her body would automatically respond the same way it had to his brother?
She hadn’t thought so when she’d accepted James’s proposal. Ashleigh believed she was marrying him because he was the only man she’d met in years who seemed genuinely to love her, whom she liked enough to marry, and who wanted what she was suddenly wanting so very badly: a family of her own. Sex had not seemed such an important issue.
Now...with her wedding-night at had suddenly become one.
Perhaps she should have let James make love to her the night he’d asked her to marry him. At least then she would have known the truth. Looking back to that occasion, she had undoubtedly been stirred by his unexpectedly fierce kisses. Why, then, had she pulled back and asked him to wait? Why? What had she been afraid of? As she’d said to Kate...she was hardly a trembling virgin.
Ashleigh mentally shook her head, swiftly dismissing the possibility that her body—or her subconscious—might find one brother interchangeable with the other. She had never confused James with Jake in the past. Others had, but never herself. The two were totally different in her eyes, regardless of their identical features.
They’d been in the same class at school since kindergarten, she and Jake and James, though the boys were almost a year older than her. The three had been great mates always, spending all their spare time together. It wasn’t till the end of primary school that their relationship had undergone a drastic change. The three of them had seemed to shoot up overnight, Jake and James into lithe, handsome lads, and Ashleigh into a lovely young woman with a figure the envy of every girl in Glenbrook.
By the time they had finished their first year in high school the more extroverted, aggressive Jake had staked a decidedly sexual though still relatively innocent claim on Ashleigh. She’d become his ‘steady’, and from then on James had taken a back seat in her life, even though she had always been subtly aware that he was equally attracted to her, and would have dearly liked to be in his brother’s shoes.
But she’d had eyes only for Jake.
How they had lasted till their graduation from high school before consummating their relationship was a minor miracle. Oh, they’d argued about ‘going all the way’ often enough, with Jake sometimes becoming furious with her adamant refusal to let him. But she had seen the way other teenage boys talked about girls who gave sex freely, and had always been determined not to give in till Jake had proved he wanted her for herself, not her nubile young body.
Ashleigh almost smiled as she remembered the first time Jake had made real love to her, the day after her eighteenth birthday, two weeks after they’d graduated. What an anticlimax their first effort had been. Jake had been furious with himself, knowing he’d been too eager, too anxious.
‘Too damned arrogant and ignorant,’ were his words.
Jake had gone out then and there and bought a very modern and very progressive love-making manual, then quickly became the most breathtakingly skilful lover that any mortal male could become, mastering superb control over his own urgent young body, thrilling to the way he’d eventually learnt to give the girl he loved such incredible . pleasure.
Or so Ashleigh had romantically imagined at the time. She should have known that it was just Jake being his typical obsessive self. She certainly should have begun to doubt the depth of Jake’s love when he announced in the New Year that he was going overseas—alone—for a couple of months. She’d stupidly believed his story about his rich Aunt Aggie’s giving him the holiday as a reward for his great exam results and insisting he go immediately, saying it would broaden his mind for his future writing career. He’d promised Ashleigh faithfully to be back in time to go to university with her in March.
But by March Jake had been in prison in Bangkok, awaiting trial for drug trafficking and possession, after trying to board a plane home with heroin in his luggage. Though greatly distressed, Ashleigh had flown over to support her boyfriend, certain he was innocent. The penny hadn’t dropped till after Jake had been found guilty and given a life sentence. He had looked her straight in the eye from behind those filthy bars and told her quite brutally that of course he was guilty. What in hell did she think he’d really come over for?
But it had been his subsequent personal tirade against her that had shattered Ashleigh completely. His cruelly telling her that he had grown out of their puppy love during his weeks abroad; that he found her blind faith during his trial suffocatingly laughable; that she was boring compared to the real women he’d enjoyed since leaving home and that he didn’t want to see her pathetic face again, let alone receive any more of her drippy, mushy love letters.
Ashleigh had returned home to Australia in a state of deep despair and disillusionment, having had to defer her entry into medical school till the following year due to her emotional state. In truth, she had almost succumbed to a nervous breakdown over Jake. Yet still some mad, futile hope had made her keep on writing to him. Not love letters. Just words of forgiveness and encouragement. Every day she had gone out to the mail box, hoping against hope for a letter back.
It had never come.
In the end, she’d crawled out of her crippling depression and gone on without Jake.
But the scars left behind from her disastrous teenage romance had plagued her personal life, spoiling every relationship she’d tried to have. Always she’d compared the man with Jake. His looks, his personality, his drive, his lovemaking...
They’d all failed to measure up. Which was crazy! For what had Jake done to her? Let her down. Let his family down. Let everyone down.
‘What made you come home to Glenbrook to practise medicine?’ Kate asked all of a sudden, startling Ashleigh from her reverie. ‘From what you’ve told me, you were doing well down in Sydney.’
‘Very well,’ Ashleigh agreed. ‘But the city can be a lonely place, Kate, without your family or someone special to share your life. I remember I spent my twenty-ninth birthday all alone, and suddenly I was homesick. Within a week I was back here in Glenbrook.’
‘And in no time you found James. God, life’s strange. There you were in Sydney for years, where there must be hordes of handsome, eligible men, and what do you do? Come home and find your future hubby in good old Glenbrook.’
‘Yes...’ Ashleigh recalled the night she’d answered an emergency call from the Hargraves home where Mr Hargraves senior had unfortunately suffered a fatal heart attack. It had been James who’d opened the door...
‘I suppose there’s no hope of you-know-who coming back to town, is there?’ Kate probed carefully.
‘I wouldn’t think so. It’s been over three years now.’
Three years since the Thailand government had unexpectedly pardoned a few foreign prisoners during a national celebration—one of them being Jake—and Ashleigh had still foolishly started hoping he’d come home to her.
Well, he had come home all right. For less than a day, apparently, his visit only to ask for money before he went back to the very country that had almost destroyed him! He hadn’t come to see her, even though she’d been home at the time.
One would have thought that such callous indifference should have made it much easier for Ashleigh to see other men in a more favourable light. But hadn’t.
A type of guilt assailed Ashleigh. James deserved better than a bride who spent her wedding-day thinking about another man, especially his own brother.
She gave herself another mental shake. She wouldn’t do it any more. Not for a second! And if tonight there were fleeting memories of another time, and another lover, she would steadfastly ignore them.
I will be a good wife, she vowed. The very best. Even if I have to resort to faking things a little...
‘Well, what do you think?’ Kate asked after one last spurt of hair-spray.
Ashleigh swallowed, then glanced in the mirror at the way her wayward blonde hair was now neatly encased in a sleek French roll. ‘That’s great,’ she praised. ‘Oh, you’re so clever!’
‘You’re the clever one, Dr O’Neil,’ came her friend’s laughing reply.
A hurried tap, tap, tap on the bedroom door had both women glancing around. The door opened immediately and Nancy Hargraves, James’s mother, hurried into the room.
‘Goodness, what are you doing here, Nancy?’ Ashleigh exclaimed, getting to her feet. ‘Has something gone wrong? Don’t tell me it’s raining down at the park!’
The actual ceremony was to take place in a picturesque park down by the river, James having vetoed his mother’s suggestion they have the wedding at a church neither of them attended. Ashleigh had happily gone along with his idea of a marriage celebrant and an open-air wedding, choosing the local memorial park as a setting. Nancy, though not pleased, had acquiesced, warning them at the time that if it rained it would be their own stupid fault!
‘No, no, nothing like that,’ she muttered now in an agitated fashion.
Ashleigh was surprised at how upset James’s ultra-cool and composed mother seemed to be. Her hands were twisting nervously together and she could hardly look Ashleigh in the face.
‘Could I speak privately to Ashleigh for a minute or two?’ she asked Kate with a stiff smile.
‘Sure. I’ll go along and check that the others are nearly ready.’ The others being Alison and Suzie, Ashleigh’s cousins—the second bridesmaid and flower girl respectively.
‘Thank you,’ Mrs Hargraves said curtly.
Kate flashed Ashleigh an eyebrow-raised glance before leaving the room, being careful not to catch the voluminous skirt of her burgundy satin bridesmaid’s dress as she closed the door behind her.
Ashleigh eyed her future mother-in-law with both curiosity and concern. It wasn’t like Nancy to be so flustered. When she’d offered to help with the wedding arrangements Ashleigh had very gratefully accepted, her own mother having died several years before. She imagined not many women could have smoothly put together a full-scale wedding in the eight weeks that had elapsed since the night she’d accepted James’s proposal. But Nancy Hargraves had for many years been Glenbrook’s top social hostess, and all had been achieved without a ruffle.
Ashleigh got slowly to her feet, taken aback to detect red-rimmed eyes behind the woman’s glasses.
‘What’s happened?’ she said with a lurch in her stomach.
‘I...I’ve heard from Jake,’ came the blurted-out admission.
Ashleigh felt the blood drain from her face. She clutched her dressing-gown around her chest and sank slowly down on to the stool again. It was several seconds before she looked up and spoke. ‘I presume he rang,’ she said in a hard, tight voice. ‘There’s no mail on a Saturday.’
The other woman shook her head. ‘He sent me a letter through a courier service. It arrived a short while ago.’
‘What...what did he say?’ she asked thickly.
‘Apparently the wedding invitation only just reached him,’ Nancy said with the brusqueness of emotional distress. ‘He...he sends his apologies that he can’t attend. He...he also sent this and specifically asked me to give it back to you today before the wedding.’
Ashleigh stared at the silver locket and chain dangling from the woman’s shaking fingers. Her own hand trembled as she reached out to take it, a vivid memory flashing into her mind.
‘What’s this?’ Jake had asked when she’d held the heart-shaped locket out between the bars of his cell the night before the verdict had come down.
Her smile had been pathetically thin. ‘My heart,’ she’d said. ‘Keep it with you while you’re in here. You can give it back to me when you get out, when you come to claim the real thing.’
‘I could be here for years, Leigh,’ had come his rough warning. Jake always called her Leigh, never Ashleigh.
‘I’ll wait...I’ll wait for you forever.’
‘Forever is a long time,’ he’d bitten out in reply. But he’d taken her offering and shoved it in the breast pocket of the shabby shirt he’d been wearing.
Now she stared down at the heart-shaped locket for a long, long moment, then crushed it in her hand, her eyes closing against the threatened rush of tears.
‘I’m sorry to have upset you, Ashleigh,’ Nancy said in a strained voice. ‘I know what Jake once meant to you. But believe me when I say I wanted nothing more than to see you and James happily married today. I did not want to come here with this. But I had to do what my son asked. I just had to. I...’
She broke off, and Ashleigh’s wet lashes fluttered open to see a Nancy Hargraves she’d never encountered before. The woman looked grey, and ill.
Anger against Jake flooded through her, washing the pain from her heart, leaving a bitter hardness instead. How dared he do this, today, of all days? How dared he?
Ashleigh pulled herself together and stood up, the locket tightly clasped within her right hand. ‘It’s all right, Nancy,’ she stated firmly. ‘I’m all right. I have no intention of letting Jake spoil my wedding-day. Or my marriage. You haven’t told James about the letter, have you?’
Nancy’s blue eyes widened, perhaps at the steel in Ashleigh’s voice. ‘’
‘Then everything’s all right, isn’t it? I certainly won’t be mentioning it. By tonight, James and I will be driving off on our honeymoon and he’ll be none the wiser.’
She was shocked when her future mother-in-law uttered a choked sob and fled from the room.
ASHLEIGH stood there for a few moments in stunned silence, her thoughts in disarray. But she soon gathered her wits, renewing her resolve not to let Jake spoil her marriage to James. No doubt Nancy would soon collect herself as well and present a composed face at the ceremony in little over half an hour’s time.
‘Mrs Hargraves gone, I see?’ Kate said as she breezed back into Ashleigh’s bedroom. ‘What on earth did she want? She looked rather uptight.’
‘Yes, she did, didn’t she?’ Ashleigh agreed with a deliberately carefree air. Kate was a dear friend but an inveterate gossip, the very last person one would tell about the correspondence from Jake. Everyone in Glenbrook would know about it within a week, with suitable embellishments. It had been Kate who had furnished Ashleigh with the news of Jake’s fleeting visit over three years before, the information gleaned from Nancy Hargraves’s cook, a talkative lady who had her hair done at Kate’s salon every week.
Ashleigh smiled disarmingly at her friend. ‘It proves that even someone like James’s mother can be nervous with the right occasion. I thought something must have gone wrong there for a moment. But she just called in to give me this to wear today.’ And she held up the locket and chain. ‘Must be one of your mob, Kate. An upholder of old traditions. This is to be my something borrowed.’
The irony of her excuse struck Ashleigh immediately, but she bravely ignored the contraction in her chest. She’d lent Jake her heart, and now he’d given it back to her.
Good, she decided staunchly. I’ll entrust it to James. He’ll take much better care of it, I’m sure.
With a surge of something like defiance, she slipped the chain around her neck. ‘Do this up for me, will you?’ she asked her chief bridesmaid.
‘Will do. But what are you going to do for the something old, something new and something blue?’
‘No trouble,’ Ashleigh tossed off. ‘My pearl earrings are old, my dress is new, and my bra has a blue bow on it.’
‘Spoil-sport,’ Kate complained. ‘I had a blue garter all lined up for you.’
‘OK. I’ll wear that too. Now help me climb into this monstrosity of a dress, will you? The photographer’s due here in ten minutes.’
‘You’re suitably late now, Miss O’Neil, ’ the chauffeur of the hire-car informed. ‘Shall I head for the park?’
‘God, yes,’ her father grumbled from his seat beside her. ‘If we go round this damned block one more time I’ll be in danger of being car-sick for the first time in my life!’
‘Kate insisted I be at least ten minutes late,’ Ashleigh defended, feeling more than a little churned up in the stomach herself. But it wasn’t car-sickness. Much as she had maintained a cool exterior since the perturbing encounter with Nancy, inside she was a mess. And it was all Jake’s fault. The whole catastrophe of her personal life so far had been Jake’s fault!
But no longer, she decided ruefully. She was going to marry James and be happy if it killed her!
She slanted her father a sideways glance, thinking wryly that he was far from comfortable in his role as father of the bride. He was a good doctor, but an antisocial man, whose bedside manner left a lot to be desired.
Ashleigh believed she’d contributed a lot to his practice since joining it, always being willing to lend a sympathetic ear, especially to women patients. They certainly asked for her first. She planned to continue working, at least part-time, even if she did get pregnant straight away, which was her and James’s hope.
Thinking about having a baby, however, brought her mind back to the intimate side of marriage, and the night ahead of her. Another attack of nerves besieged her stomach. Dear heaven, she groaned silently. She hadn’t realised that going to bed with James would loom as such an ordeal.
Her hand fluttered up unconsciously to touch the locket lying in the deep valley between her breasts.
Any worry over her wedding-night was distracted, however, when the park came into view. Oh, my God, she thought as her eyes ran over what Nancy had arranged for her favourite son’s wedding.
A rueful smile crossed Ashleigh’s lips. James’s vetoing a church service clearly hadn’t stopped his mother’s resolve to have a traditional and very public ceremony. Right in the middle of the park under an attractive clump of trees sat a flower-garlanded dais, with an enormous strip of red carpet leading up to it, on either side of which were rows and rows of seats, all full of guests. But the pièce de résistance was the electric organ beside the dais, which seemed to have a hundred extension leads running from it away to a van on which two loud speakers were placed.
Ashleigh shook her head in drily amused resignation. Serve herself right for giving James’s mother carte blanche with the arrangements.
‘Trust Nancy Hargraves to turn this wedding into a social circus,’ her father muttered crossly as the white Fairlane pulled up next to the stone archway that marked the entrance to the park. A fair crowd of onlookers were waiting there for the bride’s arrival, not to mention several photographers and a video cameraman. ‘Thank God I’ve only got one daughter. I wouldn’t want to go through all this again.’
Ashleigh felt a surge of irritation towards her father. Why did he always have to make her feel that her being female was a bother to him?
If only Mum were still alive, she thought with a pang of sadness. She would have so loved today. Not for the first time Ashleigh wondered how such a soft, sentimental woman had married a man like her father.
People always claimed she took after her mother. She certainly hoped so.
‘I’ve been thinking,’ Edgar O’Neil went on curtly while they sat there waiting for the chauffeur to make his way round to Ashleigh’s door. ‘It’s as well Stuart will be joining the practice next year. You’re going to be too busy having babies and dinner parties to be bothered with doctoring. And rightly so. A woman’s place is in the home.’
Ashleigh was too flabbergasted to say a word. She had always known that her father was one of the old brigade at heart. Also that her younger brother would be joining the practice after he finished his residency. But her father spoke as if her services would be summarily dispensed with!
As for her giving dinner parties...Nancy Hargraves and her late husband might have been the hub of Glenbrook’s social life, the Hargraves family owning the logging company and timber mill which were the economic mainstays of the town. But James was not a social animal in the least, and Ashleigh didn’t anticipate their married life would contain too much entertaining.
She had planned to go on working, babies or not. Or at least she had...till her father had dropped his bombshell just now. Her heart turned over with a mixture of disappointment and dismay, though quickly replaced by a prickly resolve. She would just have to start up a practice of her own, then, wouldn’t she?
Alighting from the car, Ashleigh had to make a conscious effort to put a relaxed, smiling face on for the photographers and all the people avidly watching her every move. Heavens, but it looked as if the whole town had turned out to see their only lady doctor getting married.
Or was there a measure of black curiosity, came the insidious thought, over her marrying the wrong brother?
Stop it! she breathed to herself fiercely. Now just you stop it!
‘Doesn’t she look beautiful?’ someone whispered as she made her way carefully up the stone steps and through the archway, her skirt hitched up slightly so she didn’t trip.
‘Like a fairy princess,’ was another comment.
Ashleigh felt warmed by their compliments, though she knew any woman would look good in what she was wearing. The dress and veil combined had cost a fortune, Nancy having insisted she have the very best. Personally she had thought the Gone With The Wind style gown, with its heavy beading, low-cut neck, flounced sleeves and huge layered skirt, far too elaborate for her own simpler tastes. But Nancy had been insistent.
‘It’s expected of my daughter-in-law to wear something extra-special,’ she had said in that haughty manner which could have been aggravating if one let it. But Ashleigh accepted the woman for what she was. A harmless snob. James had a bit of it in him too, but less offensively so.
Jake had been just the opposite, refusing to conform to his mother’s rather stiff social conventions, always going his own way. Not for him a short back and sides haircut. Or suits. Or liking classical music. Jake had been all long, wavy hair, way-out clothes and hard-rock bands. Only in his grades had he lived up to his parental expectations, being top of the school.
Irritation at how her mind kept drifting to Jake sent a scowl to her face.
‘Smile, Doc,’ the photographer from the local paper urged. ‘You’re going to be married, not massacred.’
Ashleigh stopped to throw a beaming smile the photographer’s way. ‘This better?’
‘Come, Ashleigh,’ her father insisted, taking her elbow and shepherding her across the small expanse of lawn to where the imitation aisle of red carpet started and her attendants were waiting. ‘We’re late enough as it is.’
Her chief bridesmaid thought so too, it appeared. ‘Now that’s taking tradition a bit too far for my liking,’ Kate grumbled. ‘I was beginning to think you’d got cold feet and done a flit.’
‘Never,’ Ashleigh laughed.
‘Well, stranger things have happened. But all’s well that ends well. I’ll just give the nod for the music to start and the men to get ready. I think they’re all hiding behind the dais. Still nervous?’ she whispered while she straightened her friend’s veil.
‘Terrified,’ Ashleigh said truthfully, a lump gathering in her throat as all the guests stood up, blocking out any view of the three men walking round to stand at the base of the dais steps.
‘Good. Nothing like a nervous bride. Nerves make them look even more beautiful, though God knows I don’t know how anyone could look any more beautiful than you do today, dear friend. James is going to melt when he sees you.’
‘Will you two females stop gasbagging?’ the father of the bride interrupted peevishly.
‘Keep your shirt on, Dr O’Neil,’ Kate returned, not one to ever be hassled by a man, even a respected physician of fifty-five. Which could explain why, at thirty, she’d never been a bride herself. ‘We’ll be ready when we’re ready and not a moment before. Your father’s a right pain in the neck, do you know that, Ashleigh?’
‘Yes,’ came the sighing reply.
The organ started up.
Kate grinned. ‘Knock ‘em dead, love.’
‘You make this sound like the opening night of a show,’ Ashleigh returned in an exasperated voice.
Kate lifted expressive eyebrows, then laughed softly. ‘Well, it is, in a way, isn’t it?’
Heat zoomed into Ashleigh’s cheeks.
‘Aah,’ the other girl smiled. ‘That’s what I wanted to see. The bridal blush. She’s ready now, Dr O’Neil.’
As ready as I’ll ever be, Ashleigh thought with a nervous swallow.
The long walk up the red carpet on her father’s arm was a blur. The music played. Countless faces smiled at her. It felt almost as if she were in a dream. She was walking on clouds and everything seemed fuzzy around the edges of her field of vision.
Only one face stood out at her. Nancy’s, still looking a little tense, and oddly watchful, as though expecting Ashleigh to turn tail and run at any moment.
And then the men came into view...
First came James, looking tall and darkly handsome in a black tuxedo, his thick, wavy hair slicked back neatly from his well-shaped head. And next to him was...
Ashleigh faltered for a moment.
For the best man wasn’t Peter Reynolds, the new accountant at Hargraves Pty Ltd and James’s friend since college, but a perfect stranger!
Her father must have noticed at the same time. ‘Who the hell’s that standing next to James?’ he muttered under his breath to her.
‘I have no idea...’ The man was about thirty with rather messy blond hair, an interesting face and intelligent dark eyes. After a long second look Ashleigh knew she’d never seen him before in her life.
Her eyes skated down to the other groomsman. Stuart, her brother. He smiled back reassuringly, after which she swung her gaze back to James. Their eyes locked and for one crashing second Ashleigh literally did go weak at the knees. For James was looking at her as if she were a vision, an apparition that he could scarcely believe was real, as if he couldn’t tear his eyes away from her.
All thought of mysterious best men fled, her breath catching at the undeniable love and passion encompassed within James’s intense stare. He’d never looked at her like that before, even when he’d said she was the only woman he’d ever loved, the only woman he could bear marrying. His stunningly smouldering gaze touched her heart, moved her soul. And her body.
Ashleigh was startled to find that suddenly the night ahead did not present itself as such an ordeal after all. Her eyes moved slowly over her husband-to-be and her heart began to race, her stomach tightening, a flood of sensual heat sweeping all over her skin.
The raw sexuality of her response shocked her. She hadn’t felt such arousal since...since...
Quite involuntarily one trembling hand left her bouquet to once again touch the locket.

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Something Borrowed Miranda Lee
Something Borrowed

Miranda Lee

Тип: электронная книга

Жанр: Современные любовные романы

Язык: на английском языке

Издательство: HarperCollins

Дата публикации: 16.04.2024

Отзывы: Пока нет Добавить отзыв

О книге: Breaking Making Up Two irresistible men from Down Under – one Aussie, one Kiwi. The time has come for them to settle old scores and win the women they′ve always wanted!Miranda Lee Something BorrowedAshleigh is marring James. He′s kind and reliable – unlike Jake, his wild identical twin, who loved Ashleigh and left her long ago. This time, Ashleigh is sure she′s chosen the right brother… . Until her wedding night turns out to be so passionate that she wonders if she knows her new husband at all! Susan Napier Vendetta Vivian goes in place of her sister to face Nicholas Thorne′s retribution – and walks into his trap. Nicholas is now Vivian′s captor and she must play him along until she can outwit him. But Nicholas has waited ten years for this… . To seduce Vivian into falling in love with him will be the greatest revenge ever!Breaking Making Up Two original stories in one unique collection by Miranda Lee and Susan Napier.

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