Lone Star Secret

Lone Star Secret
Lenora Worth
David Ryland's final mission is to fly a Middle Eastern orphan to Texas for lifesaving surgery. Yet, the secret awaiting the brave pilot at home requires courage of a new kind. The father David never knew suddenly has a name.A late war hero confessed his parentage in a deathbed letter–a letter that beautiful charity worker Anna Terenkov knows all about. If David can open his heart to the truth, will he also find room there for Anna?

She had so many questions, and not all of them pertained to the war.
She wanted to understand the kind of man who’d go out of his way to help an injured child. The kind of man who, was willing to lay down his life for his brother. The kind of man who could bring life coursing back through her system simply by looking at her.
But Anna’s questions would have to remain unanswered. Right now, she needed to focus on five-year-old Ali.
Anna did plan to thank David again for his help in getting Ali here. And she hoped David would open up to her about more than just the little boy. Anna had a feeling David could use a friend. Maybe she was just imagining the way his dark eyes gleamed with interest when he looked at her. But every time he glanced her way, he was smiling.

Homecoming Heroes: Saving children and finding love deep in the heart of Texas

Mission: Motherhood—Marta Perry (LI#452) July 2008
Lone Star Secret—Lenora Worth (LI#456) August 2008
At His Command—Brenda Coulter (LI#460) September 2008
A Matter of the Heart—Patricia Davids (LI#464) October 2008
A Texas Thanksgiving—Margaret Daley (LI#468) November 2008
Homefront Holiday—Jillian Hart (LI#472) December 2008

has written more than thirty books, most of those for Steeple Hill. She also works freelance for a local magazine, where she had written monthly opinion columns, feature articles and social commentaries. She also wrote for the local paper for five years. Married to her high school sweetheart for thirty-two years, Lenora lives in Louisiana and has two grown children and a cat. She loves to read, take long walks and sit in her garden.

Lone Star Secret
Lenora Worth

Special thanks and acknowledgment to Lenora Worth for her contribution to the Homecoming Heroes miniseries.
Why did you flee away secretly, and steal away from me, and not tell me; for I might have sent you away with joy and songs, with timbrel and harp?
—Genesis 31:27–28
To all the soldiers—those who have sacrificed for
my freedom and those who are still fighting today.
God bless you all.

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Questions for Discussion

Chapter One
Chief Warrant Officer David Ryland glanced around the sterile waiting room at Fort Bonnell Medical Center, taking in the crowd of well-wishers gathered around the little boy on the stretcher. The circuslike atmosphere made him feel a bit frazzled and edgy, but then he’d just landed on American soil—on good ol’ Texas soil—after flying medevac Black Hawks for eighteen months in the war-torn Middle East. He had a right to be edgy.
Moving his gaze from the excited group hovering near the doctor and little Ali Tabiz Willis, David found himself staring straight into the blue-green eyes of Anna Terenkov. Anna looked away, then quickly glanced back at David, a slight smile on her heart-shaped face.
David studied her closely, deciding he’d better dust off his social skills now that he was home. And his flirting skills. Because he definitely wanted to get to know the woman responsible for helping to make this day happen. David had heard about the legendary humanitarian who ran the Children of the Day charity, but seeing her in person was a whole different matter. She was not what he had expected.
She was even better.
Her blond hair was pulled back in a haphazard coil held up by an intricate silver clip. She was petite, but her calm, assured presence made her seem taller. She wore loose-fitting green cargo pants and a crisp white button-up blouse. And around her neck she wore a choker-style strand of dark leather, from which hung a chunky sterling-silver pendant with the cross and the lance of Golgotha set against an etched background. He couldn’t move his gaze from her.
Caitlyn Villard, the Care Coordinator for Children of the Day, and Army Chaplain Steve Windham introduced Caitlyn’s twin nieces to Ali. While the precocious five-year-olds wished him well in Arabic and English, David watched Anna’s face. She lit up around children, her smile turning to sunshine. He’d noticed that the minute he’d exited the plane with little Ali earlier that morning.
“CW3 David Ryland, ma’am,” David had said by way of a greeting back at the airfield. “Delivering one Ali Tabiz, as ordered.”
Anna grinned as she studied the three square bars on his insignia. “It wasn’t exactly an order, Chief. More of a hope sent out on a wing and a prayer.”
David nodded, liking the way the slight lilt of her foreign accent mixed nicely with a little bit of Texas twang. He’d learned in all the back and forth coordination for Ali’s trip that she was Russian and had lived there until her early teens, when her father had been killed in Afghanistan.
“Well, I got the wings secured and I guess you took care of the prayer, ma’am.”
She touched her fingers to the cross at her neck. “We all had a big part in that.” Reaching out to shake his hand, she said, “Thank you so much. And please don’t call me ma’am. I’m Anna.”
“You’re welcome, Anna,” David replied, the warmth of her energy shooting through his tired, travel-worn system.
She held his hand, cupping it between both of hers. “I’m not just thanking you for helping Ali, sir. Thanks for serving our country, too.”
David was both humbled and shaken by her sincere, misty-eyed gratitude. “Okay, if I can’t call you ma’am, then you sure don’t have to address me as sir.”
She nodded. “Then I’ll just call you Chief.”
David laughed. “From what I hear, you’re the real chief around here.”
She shook her head. “No, just someone who understands that war is devastating to children.”
All of the activity around them had blurred into the background. He could hear the sounds of other soldiers coming off the jet, the cries of family members who’d been waiting for their loved ones to come home. He could feel the way the hot August wind pushed through the humid Texas air. David heard all of this, saw images passing by all around him, but the light of Anna’s eyes seemed to outshine all of that. He was smitten, but he chalked it up to being home. Having such a reaction to the petite blonde would be normal for any man who’d been at war, he supposed. She was easy on the eyes.
David had dreaded this journey. Finally, things were looking up. While everyone around him celebrated Ali’s safe entry into the United States, David thought back over the last forty-eight hours and the intensity of his final mission as he’d airlifted Ali away from Camp Die-Hard to a staging area and on to Landstuhl, Germany, to a waiting C-17 air force plane.
Now that David had made it home to Texas, he stood back as he always had, watching. He’d grown up in Prairie Springs, but he had never been a part of this place. He’d been a struggling outsider back then, and now his worst fear was that he’d return to that yet again—no matter what he’d done to serve his country. And no matter how interested he was in the pretty blonde who’d started this whole chain of events.
But they weren’t the only two who’d worked to get this little boy to America and safety. Ali’s grandfather had called in a whole passel of favors, though still making sure he went by the letter of the law to get the little boy to Texas. The old warhorse had finally realized he’d failed his son, but Ali would give all of them a renewed chance to make things right. To honor the memory of Greg and Karima Willis. David prayed they’d be able to help the lost little boy both physically and spiritually.
His gaze held Anna’s, and he wondered if she was praying for the very same thing.

“We need to tell Dr. Blake about Ali’s cough. With all the cameras and press, I didn’t get a chance to brief her when we came in.”
Anna looked away from David to find army nurse Maddie Bright tugging at her arm. “I can’t get her attention,” Maddie said.
Anna turned back to David with a reluctant shrug. “Excuse us, please.”
He gave her that soldier nod she’d become so familiar with over the years of working closely with Fort Bonnell personnel. “Go on. I’ll be right here,” David said.
That drawling promise sent a foreign tingle down Anna’s spine. The pilot was certainly good-looking, but the man had been through the worst of the war. He’d be hungry for any sort of feminine attention. Even hers.
Putting her mind back on Ali’s needs, she escorted Maddie to where Dr. Nora Blake loomed over the boy, checking his vitals while she ignored the reporters trying to get her attention.
Anna pushed through the crowd. “Dr. Blake, this is Madeline Bright, the nurse who accompanied Ali home. She needs to speak to you.”
“Talk,” the blond, no-nonsense doctor ordered without even glancing up.
“I’m worried about fluid backing up into his lungs.” Maddie hurriedly explained that both she and the on-board flight nurse had monitored Ali during the long, grueling trip across three continents.
Dr. Blake stood silent, allowing Maddie to vent her worries then said, “Dr. Montgomery explained some of that in his last report. He said Ali’s ankles and feet have been swollen. That’s why we pushed so hard to get him here as quickly as possible.”
Maddie nodded. “Swelling’s not a good sign.”
Dr. Blake glanced over Ali’s charts. “No, it is not. We’ll check that and probably put him on digoxin to help his heart pump and lasix to get rid of the fluid. We need to get him in tip-top shape before we even attempt the surgery.” Snapping the chart shut, she stood straight again. “Does that ease your mind?”
“Yes, ma’am,” Maddie said, relief evident in her sigh. “Thank you.”
“She’s a good nurse,” David said as he moved closer to Ali’s stretcher.
“I’m glad you both got permission to accompany Ali,” Anna replied, liking his soft smile. “It’s so horrible to think he lost both parents in this war.”
David nodded, his eyes going dark. “That’s why we wanted to get him to his grandfather. They have only each other now.”
“Well, thanks again,” Anna said. “You’re a local hero now.”
He balked at that. “No, ma’am. I’m just a soldier, doing my job.”
Anna let it go at that, since she’d brushed off his earlier compliment to her. She was happy to see Ali surrounded by people who cared about him so much.
But she couldn’t help thinking about the man who had escorted Ali home and what little he’d told her about Karima’s death and Ali’s injuries. She longed to hear more about his war experiences, but she also knew the pilot would need some time. Readjustment to post life could be very stressful for any returning soldier. Anna hadn’t known David before he left right after high school to train to be a pilot, but she’d heard that he’d requested a Permanent Change of Station so he could come back to Fort Bonnell to finish out the two remaining years of his current enlistment. Sending him a covert glance, she decided she’d like to get to know him now, though, when and if he was ready for a friend.
She had so many questions, and not all of them pertained to the war. She wanted to understand the kind of man who’d go out of his way to help an injured child. The kind of man who, much like her own deceased father, was willing to lay down his life for his brother. The kind of man who could bring life coursing back through her numb system simply by looking at her.
But Anna’s questions would have to remain silent. Right now, everyone who had been so instrumental in getting Ali to Texas was here to welcome the tiny, obviously scared five-year-old to the United States. After this quick greeting, Ali would head on up the hall for testing and observation, so that Dr. Blake could get him ready for surgery in a few weeks.
Anna did plan to thank David again in a more formal setting for all his help in getting Ali here. And she hoped David would open up to her about more than just the little boy. Because from the way he stood to one side, silent and somewhat unsure, Anna had a feeling David could use a friend now that he was back on post. Maybe she was just imagining the way his dark eyes gleamed with interest every time he looked at her. But, every time he looked at her, he was smiling.

Chapter Two
David stood watching as the hospital staff prepared to wheel Ali away. Dr. Nora Blake marched behind Ali’s stretcher, her hands up to keep people from crowding in too close, her expression as chilly as a cold desert night.
Ignoring the loud questions from a group of local television and radio reporters who’d followed them from the airfield, she shouted, “Okay, people. Let’s finish so Ali can get settled in for some tests and some quiet time before he goes home in a couple of days.”
David got the distinct impression nobody messed with Dr. Nora. She looked as intense as a colonel about to lead his troops into battle. She seemed to soften when she looked down at Ali, but the coolness was still there in her stance, just the same.
David could understand that intensity. He’d felt that way for the last two days, his mood waffling between worry for Ali and relief that they were going home. Now that Ali was here, David had fulfilled his duty. His part of this important mission was over. All he could do now was pray for the scared little boy and hope Ali adjusted to his new life in America. And that the surgery to repair his heart would be successful.
But what now for me? he wondered. Life stateside was always jarringly surreal after being in the thick of things for months on end. He’d have to take a few days of his R & R to get acclimated to his home town and to Fort Bonnell again. He had over a couple of months leave, but he wasn’t sure what he’d do with that time. His mother wanted him to come visit her in Louisiana, but David wasn’t quite ready for that trip. Not yet.
Anna held Ali’s hand, then leaned close. “We’ll all be right here, Ali. You’re home now. You’re safe.”
Chaplain Steve added his own words to that, but in Arabic. Ali beamed a smile in return, then gave the chaplain a weak high-five. “Safe. A-mer-ica.”
A woman who’d been introduced as Julia Saunders stepped forward. “Dr. Blake, remember, if you need me—”
“Thank you, Julia. We’ll see how Ali handles being in America, but if we need a consult, you’ll be the first to hear.”
David strolled over to wave to Ali then gave Anna a questioning look. “What kind of consult?”
“Julia is a social worker. She often helps Children of the Day and was involved in helping us bring Ali over,” Anna explained. “She’s very interested in Ali’s case and his adjustment to life over here. He’ll be living with his grandfather and guardian, General Willis.”
David nodded. “Dr. Mike went beyond the call of duty to get him here.”
“Can you tell me more about what happened?” Anna asked. “It must have been awful for Ali, losing his mother and being all alone.” Then she shook her head. “I’m sorry. You might not be ready to talk about that.”
“It was a bad day,” David said, memories of dust and death and the roar of choppers always nearby. He hadn’t talked to anyone, not even his friend Maddie, about the day Ali came into the CASH, but he felt strongly that he could trust Anna, that she would understand. So he took her aside and started telling her in a quiet voice, reliving each second of that dark, dust-covered day. “Major Mike Montgomery—Dr. Mike—called me to the CASH with bad news. I figured we’d lost another soldier.”
Anna nodded sympathetically.
“I was tired and ready to hit the sack. We’d had a grueling day transporting the wounded, but when he told me it was Karima and Ali, well, I got over there as fast as I could.”
Anna touched a hand to his arm. “We heard it was a bomb.”
“She was bringing him in for a checkup. Their vehicle got hit by an IED—an improvised explosive device—about five miles from camp. Karima was killed instantly and Ali was in bad shape.”
David remembered rushing across the sprawling tent city and into the camp hospital, adrenaline and shock pushing away his fatigue. “I couldn’t believe it. Karima and Greg Willis fell in love in spite of the odds. Greg fell for her the first time she came into camp.”
“She was a vital part of our organization over there,” Anna said, tears welling in her eyes. “And I know she loved Greg and Ali so much.”
David nodded, wondering what that kind of love would feel like. He’d never had that, not even from his mother and certainly not from his father. “He married her even though General Willis disowned him for it. After Greg’s chopper went down, Dr. Mike and I vowed to watch over Karima and little Ali.”
“From what I’ve heard, you did exactly that,” Anna replied, her tone low but sure, her pretty eyes full of compassion.
David basked in her look and immediately started feeling better about things. “We failed him,” he said. His prayers for little Ali had been front and center in his mind as he’d headed into the chaos of the surgical field hospital. “He looked so fragile and pale. But Dr. Mike and Maddie worked hard to get him stable.”
Anna listened to his story, her gaze holding his as if he were the only person in the busy waiting room. “I’m so glad Ali had the two of you. Thank you again for helping us. I know his grandfather will appreciate it.”
David nodded, feeling humble all over again. “It was my last mission—to get Ali here. I’m glad I did.”
Dr. Mike had explained that the trauma of the boy’s injuries had created a hole between the lower chambers of his heart and it could only be repaired by someone who was highly skilled. According to Mike, Dr. Nora Blake was one of the best cardio surgeons in the country. She lived in Prairie Springs and worked in dual capacity at both the Fort Bonnell Medical Center and at a large urban hospital in nearby Austin. Dr. Mike trusted her with Ali’s life.
And apparently, so had Ali’s paternal grandfather.
David glanced over at the crowd watching and waving to the little boy. “I hear even old Warhorse Willis himself is softening. Guess it’s true if the boy’s going to live with the old man.”
Anna gave him a measured look, the slight disapproval of his choice of labels disappearing from her eyes in a twinkle. “General Willis has come a long way in letting go some of his preconceived notions, yes. He’s invested more than just money in Ali’s care and well-being, I think. This little boy has given General Willis a new lease on life.” She glanced out the double glass doors. “In fact, he’s supposed to be here today.”
David wondered if the ornery old general would show. When he used to complain about never knowing his father, Greg would tell him that might be a blessing in disguise. General Willis had been tough on his only son, demanding that Gregory follow in his footsteps by joining the army. Greg had been good at what he did, a real hero, but he’d angered his father by enlisting straight out of high school rather than going to officer’s training school as the general had planned. Things had gone downhill in the relationship from there on. Two different men, two different mindsets about war. At least Greg had had someone to fight against. Someone to fight with. It was one thing to fight strangers in a war, but another to have family with which to fight…and love and laugh. That kind of intimate relationship, no matter good or bad, was important.
As if thinking of the general had conjured him up, the doors swished open and in walked retired Brigadier General Marlon Willis. David noted how much the general had aged, but the man still carried himself like a soldier. Even with leathery lines slashing his face and a distinct slowness to his gait, the general demanded respect. David gave it to him with a salute.
“At ease, soldier,” the general said with a returning salute and a wry smile, his custom-made cowboy hat in his hand as he read David’s name tag. “Chief Ryland, it’s good to see you home safe and sound.” Then the tall, white-haired man turned to where Ali still sat on the stretcher. Glancing down at the boy, the general stood silent for a minute, then looked over at Anna. “Is this my…grandson?”
David watched as Anna touched a hand to General Willis’ shirtsleeve. “Yes, sir. This is Ali.”
The boy stared up at his grandfather with awe and fear, then looked toward his friend Chaplain Steve, a man he trusted since he and Steve had been e-mailing each other through Dr. Mike.
Steve leaned close. “Grandfather,” he said, pointing to Marlon.
Ali grinned, his limited English enough to understand one of the words Steve and Dr. Mike had tried to teach him. “Grand…father,” he said, the one word long and drawn out. Then he grinned. “Grandpa.”
Marlon grunted, but David didn’t miss the mist covering the old man’s steely eyes. “Hello, there, young fellow. I’ve hired a very nice nurse to help us. I figure we’ll both benefit from that.”
David and Anna laughed at the general’s wry humor.
Marlon nodded to everyone, then turned to Dr. Nora. “Tell me everything, doc. And I mean, everything.”
“Let’s get Ali into his room and get some tests going, then we’ll go into my office,” the doctor said.
Marlon nodded then took one of Ali’s tiny scarred hands. “It’s you and me now, kid. Two cowboys fighting off the bad guys.”
Ali nodded back. “Cowboy. Yippee!”
“I see someone has been teaching you how to become a Texan,” the general said with a smile.
David felt as if his world had shifted. Seeing Ali and his grandfather connect for the first time brought back the bitterness he’d felt for so long against his own absent father. And made him miss Gregory and Karima with an aching clarity.
Not wanting to be morose and bitter on this day of celebration, David glanced at Anna. As if sensing his eyes on her, she turned. “Chief, would you like to go get some breakfast with us?”
David looked around. Most of the others had left, even the eager reporters hoping for a heartwarming homecoming sound bite or a gut-wrenching picture for the front page. Maybe it was time for him to do the same. After all, he didn’t have anyone waiting to welcome him home. He’d told his mother to stay in Louisiana, that he’d call her the minute he landed. And he’d gotten that uncomfortable call out of the way earlier, thank goodness. The only thing on his agenda for the next week or so would be the mandatory post-deployment training that all the returning troops had to go through.
When he saw Chaplain Steve’s assessing gaze, he shook his head. “Another time maybe. As the chaplain knows, I have to go through a PDHRA before I can be considered human again.”
Steve grinned. “You look human enough, Chief, even if you are wearing ACUs. But yes, I expect I’ll be seeing you for part of your reintegration process this week. Still…you don’t have to get started on that right away. Sure you don’t want to come to breakfast with us?”
The challenging look in Anna’s eyes made him wish he hadn’t been so hasty in saying no.
David thought about his options.
“Let me see,” he said, scratching his head. “Post deployment health assessment, or breakfast—a real breakfast—with people who aren’t in a big hurry to get to the fight. Hmm.”
Anna lifted her head. “Oh, we’re always in a hurry around here, but we just take our time getting there.”
That brought a smile to his face. “Then I guess I might as well start my debriefing with a big Tex-Mex omelet and some real coffee.”
“I know just the place for that,” Caitlyn said, her arm linked in Steve’s. “You remember Prairie Springs Café, right, David?”
David laughed. “Is Max still there?”
“Still there,” Anna said as she motioned him toward the door. “And if I know Max, he’ll pull out the red carpet for a returning hero. Might even give you a free meal.” Tossing him a smile over her shoulder, she said, “Welcome home, cowboy.”

Anna watched as David wolfed down the last of his big omelet, then reached for another biscuit. “Did you miss American food, Chief?”
David buttered the flaky biscuit, then put down his knife. “It wasn’t so bad. We had something very close to American food on most days. That and our MREs, of course.”
Caitlyn wiped jelly off one of the twins’ mouths. “But a ready-to-eat meal can’t take the place of the real thing, can it?”
“No, I reckon not,” David replied, noticing the way Caitlyn and the chaplain kept smiling at each other. “You two an item or something?”
Steve burst out laughing. “You don’t mince words, do you?”
Embarrassed, David shook his head. “I guess I don’t. I believe in being up front and honest. But I can be too blunt at times, or so I’ve been told.”
Anna looked down at her plate, thinking she believed in honesty herself. They had that in common at least. She didn’t even know David Ryland…but she sure knew of him. He was considered one of the finest medevac chopper pilots at Camp Die-Hard. Or so she’d heard. Dr. Mike couldn’t say enough nice things about him. The devoted doctor had called in several markers just so David could be the one to get Ali safely home. And yet, he’d asked Anna to watch over his friend David, too.
“Take care of him for me, Anna. He’s a good man. But he’s not so forthcoming about himself. Maybe you can draw him out, make him feel welcome.”
Dr. Mike’s words came back to her now as she glanced up at David. “Are you glad to be home?”
He nodded, his dark eyes washing over her intensely. “I guess I am. Time will tell.”
Curious about that remark, Anna was about to ask him why he wasn’t more excited, but the jingling bells on the café door caused her to stop and look up. “Uh-oh.”
David turned to stare at the attractive older woman entering the café, then glanced back at Anna. “Is something wrong?”
Anna lowered her head, her hand going to her necklace. “No, nothing I can’t handle. My mother just walked in.”
Max waved a beefy hand from behind the counter. “As I live and breathe, if it ain’t one of my favorite people. How ya doin’, Olga?”
Olga waved back to Max, her smile somewhere between shy and coy. “I’m just fine, thank you.”
“That’s your mother?”
Hearing the surprise in David’s words, Anna could only nod. “Yes. Olga Terenkov in the flesh. Get ready.”
“Okay,” David said, noticing the amused expressions on Caitlyn’s and Steve’s faces. “Should I be worried? I mean, she looks harmless.”
That brought a grunt from Steve and a snicker from Caitlyn. But the twins seemed happy to see Anna’s mother. They squealed and waved, calling out, “Miss Olga, Miss Olga!”
The woman waved back, clearly glad to see the cute little girls. “Hello, my darlings!”
“Harmless is not a word I’d associate with my mother,” Anna said under her breath. “She’s been doing things to embarrass me for most of my life and I have a feeling that’s not going to change anytime soon.”
Steve leaned close, his eyes on David. “Be forewarned, David. You’re about to enter the hug zone.”
David did look worried now. “But I—”
Anna cringed. “We’re in for it.” She sent her beaming mother a feeble wave. “Hello, Mother.”
Olga, still young looking at fifty-four, was dressed in her usual get-up—brown cowboy boots and a denim prairie skirt with a crisp flower-sprinkled cotton blouse. Her golden-blond hair was pulled up in a haphazard coil.
“Anna-bug,” Olga called out, the click of her boots hitting the hardwood floor as she sashayed up the aisle, “I’ve been looking everywhere for you. Isn’t little Ali just adorable? Can you believe he’s finally here? Did you get to give him a hug? Is he terribly afraid? Oh, I can’t wait to see him again.”
By this time, Olga was standing at the table, her mouth poised for yet another rapid-fire question when she stopped in midbreath to pin David with a wide-eyed appraisal. “Oh, my. And who are you?”
David stood, out of respect, but hesitated, caught in midair as if he wasn’t sure what to do next. “Hello, ma’am.”
Olga held a hand to her face, then giggled. “So polite.”
“Mother, this is Chief David Ryland,” Anna said, hoping the telltale hives she usually got along her jawline and neck whenever she was embarrassed wouldn’t show up today. “He’s the helicopter pilot who flew Ali to meet the C-17 to Germany. He escorted Ali home.”
Olga put a hand to her heart, then touched it to David’s sleeve. “Oh, oh, my goodness, we are so very thankful for you. So very thankful.”
Anna noted her mother’s Russian accent thickening. Olga’s accent always came out whenever she was excited, and that was just about every day. Her mother was such an optimist, always looking on the bright side of things. And right now she had her sights set on David Ryland, which meant she was looking at the bright side of her daughter having breakfast with a returning soldier. When Olga glanced from David to Anna, her big blue eyes full of that hopeful glimmer Anna both admired and dreaded, Anna knew that two things were about to happen.
Olga put a hand on her hip, then looked up at David again. “Did you have anyone waiting at the airfield for you, son?”
David shook his head. “Well, no, ma’am—”
David didn’t get to finish. He was immediately engulfed in a feminine hug and a whole lot of patting on the back. “Bless your heart. Bless you,” Olga said over and over, her smile turned toward Anna as she looked over David’s broad shoulder. “We’re so glad you made it home safely with our little Ali!”
Caitlyn and Steve sat back, observing, grins covering their faces. Even the twins stopped eating to stare up at Olga.
Anna saw her mother’s mirthful wink. Notorious for her outlandish matchmaking schemes, Olga would try to fix up David Ryland with her daughter. And that meant Anna’s already chaotic life had just become even more complicated.

Chapter Three
Two days later, David sat in Chaplain Steve’s office. After having gone through hours of being poked and prodded, questioned and tested, he was now waiting for the required assessment by the chaplain, just to make sure his spiritual health and well-being was intact.
“And I guess that’s where the chaplain comes in mighty handy,” David said out loud.
The door opened and Steve walked in with a smile on his face. “If you’re talking to yourself, you might not pass all those tests you’ve been going through, my friend.”
David laughed, then shook Steve’s hand. “Don’t worry, I’m not having a post-traumatic-stress moment.”
“That’s good,” Steve said as he sank down in the squeaky chair behind his desk. “But you know whatever you say to me is strictly between us. So you don’t have to pretend. How are you, really?”
David shrugged. “I’ve caught up on my sleep and I’ve settled into my lovely post apartment. Well, I’ve got a wide-screen television and a big recliner and a bed at least.”
Steve laughed at that. “What are your plans for the future?”
“For the immediate future? Getting accustomed to being reassigned to Fort Bonnell, for starters. Being a warrant officer on post is not nearly as demanding and exciting as being up in my chopper on the front. I’ll be pushing papers for the next two years. Life here is sure a lot slower. I still can’t get the sound of choppers and gunfire out of my mind, but it’s good to be home.”
“So what are your plans for…after?”
David leaned back, comfortable to be talking about anything but his spiritual well-being. “You know, I haven’t mapped that out. But I wouldn’t mind working as an EMS pilot for one of the nearby medical centers. I’d still pilot a chopper and I’d be able to help save people, but I won’t get shot at—a definite plus for that kind of work.”
“Always a good and noble career choice, too,” Steve said. “They’d be blessed to have you.”
“We’ll see when the time comes,” David replied.
Steve kept tapping his pen against his notepad. “What about right now?”
David glanced around. “You mean, what am I doing with myself these days? Everyone keeps asking me that and I’m not sure. I’ve been away for a long time now. For some reason, it just seemed important to come here before I take an official leave.” Maybe because he had something to prove, even now. Or maybe because he was determined to find out who his father was.
They talked a few more minutes then Steve said, “You know, Children of the Day can always use good volunteers. There’s a need for carpentry, painting, putting things together, taking things apart. Or just doing paperwork, making phone calls and packing care boxes for the troops. You might ask Anna and her mother about the possibilities.”
“I might,” David said, smiling as he shook his head. “That Olga is quite a character, isn’t she?”
“She sure is. She has these wild schemes for setting up singles at church. Some of the members frown on her methods, but Olga is a very dedicated Christian. She means well.”
David wondered about that and about Olga Terenkov. “Why hasn’t she ever remarried?” And why wasn’t her lovely daughter married?
Steve laughed out loud. “Probably because she intimidates every man she meets. Rumor has it she’s got her eye on Reverend Fields. That would certainly be an interesting match.” Then he tapped his pen again. “Don’t go spreading that. I shouldn’t be gossiping about Anna’s mother.”
David nodded. “I don’t spread gossip. I know how it feels to be talked about.”
Steve homed in on that revealing remark. “Did you have a good childhood, growing up here?”
Oh, boy. Now he’d have to go through all the angst from his past. “Yep.” He shrugged, unable to hide the truth from Steve. “Well, no. Not all good. I didn’t go without food or clothes, but it was tough. My mother…she was a single mom. She was stationed here before I was born and somehow even after her time serving at Fort Bonnell was up, we stayed.”
Steve dropped his pen then moved on. “How’s your faith?”
David looked down at his hands. “It’s still intact. More than ever, I believe. But…I do need to work on it a bit. I mean, there’s frontline faith and then there’s that kind of pure faith on a Sunday morning coming down. There’s a country song about that, in fact.”
Steve nodded. “I know that song. Written from the heart. But you don’t have to sit outside the church doors, my friend. God wants you to come on in.” Then he stood up. “I think you’re on the right track, David. But I encourage you to go see Anna. She could use some help.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” David said. “Working with Anna wouldn’t be so bad.”
Steve grinned. “She’s a great person. And so is her mother. Maybe you can replace some of those bad memories from your past with some good ones.” Then he shook David’s hand. “Just remember, if you need anything—”
“I know where you are,” David replied. “And…I do appreciate your help and the suggestion about volunteering. I’ll see what I can do.”
“I think you’d be an asset and I know Anna could use the help. She works very hard.”
David couldn’t deny that. “Children of the Day has been a constant presence during this war. Maybe it is time I give ’em some payback.”
“Only if your heart is in it,” Steve cautioned.
David nodded, then left the quiet office. His heart would be completely involved in helping others, but he wondered how it would react to being around Anna. It did seem to speed up whenever he was with the pretty blonde. And that was cause for both wonder and worry.

Anna sat in the swing on the wraparound porch of the rambling Victorian house where she worked and lived. The COTD offices took up the first floor while Anna and Olga had a spacious apartment on the second.
Today her mind was centered on the charity’s latest hard-fought cause, bringing Ali to America. Children of the Day worked diligently to help anyone suffering from the damage and destruction of war, and her whole team had done their best to help General Willis get Ali Tabiz to Texas. Now she could rest easy knowing the little boy would be taken care of. And he’d have a chance now—a real chance to grow and thrive. Anna just hoped General Willis would keep opening his heart toward the boy. They needed each other.
She had taken a rare moment to come and sit in one of her favorite spots so she could regroup and prepare for another busy workday tomorrow. This was one of her spots to pray. It gave her a good view of the tree-lined streets and the world beyond the busy Veterans Boulevard, yet she felt protected and cocooned here on the wide, deep porch, surrounded by towering magnolias and pines and lush crape myrtles. She could rock the swing back and forth and talk to God, calming herself after a long day.
But tomorrow should be a good day even if it was going to be shipment day. That always involved packing boxes full of supplies for the soldiers and emergency relief packages for the villagers. It always amazed her how many generous people brought things for those boxes. And some of the requests were interesting—anything from paperclips to toothpicks and bug spray or Bibles, books and candy bars. But Anna got the soldiers what they needed, one way or another.
Now that everything was in place with Ali and every precaution had been taken—all the proper paperwork had been filed and all the necessary steps of getting through government red tape had been carefully taken care of—Anna could get back to the day-to-day operations of COTD.
Thank You, Lord. Anna rocked back and forth on the white swing, her mind whirling with relief. She’d helped to save a child from war, but she didn’t want Ali to be afraid about the surgery. Because Anna herself remembered being little and afraid because of war.
She was about to get up and finish some work before her mother came home for dinner when she heard a truck idling out on the street.
Surprised that anyone would be stopping by this late in the day, she held her foot on the floor to halt the swing. When David Ryland got out of the truck, Anna gulped in a breath to hide her shock.
“Hello,” she called, waving to him as he walked up the steps.
“Hello, yourself,” he said in response. Then he slipped his hands into the pockets of his jeans, staying on the steps while he surveyed the house. “Impressive.”
Anna got up, too nervous to sit still. “The house was built around the turn of the century—1901 I think. My mother knows the entire history of this place.”
He nodded then glanced out at the old oaks and tall pines. “So this is where you live and work.”
“Yes.” She nodded, her hands clasped in front of her. “So what brings you to see us today anyway?”
He grinned then scratched his thick short hair. “I guess I’m here to volunteer. At least, that’s what Chaplain Steve suggested this morning.”
“You don’t look so sure,” Anna replied. In fact, he looked downright uncomfortable.
“Oh, I don’t mind volunteering,” he said. “It’s just that…well…I’ve been on the front for so long, I guess I’ve forgotten how to talk to a woman.”
Anna chuckled, hoping to hide the blush moving down her face. “But you were around women in combat, right?”
“Uh, right. Whole different kind of thing.” He shrugged. “It’s been a very long time since I’ve seen a pretty woman sitting in a swing on a summer night.”
“Oh, I see.” Anna liked the way he drawled out his words. Then she said something that surprised them both. “You’re welcome to sit here with me for a while.”
“That would be nice,” he said, motioning to the swing. “But don’t let me keep you.”
“No, it’s okay. I was taking a break before I go back in to finish up some things.”
He let her settle into the swing then sat down beside her, his weight shifting the creaky chains. Anna thought how different it felt, having someone beside her in this old swing. Different and a bit disconcerting, considering how her mind went into sensory overdrive with this man. She noticed the fine hairs on his forearms, the soapy clean scent surrounding him. And she noticed how he kept giving her an almost shy smile.
“So where do I sign up?” he asked.
“How good are you with a hammer and nails, Chief?”
David gave her a deadpan look then said, “Well, ma’am, It’s been a while but I think I remember how to swing a hammer. But I might hit my thumb instead if you smile at me and distract me.”
Anna’s blush reheated. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
He nodded, laughing. “I’ll do whatever you need me to do around here. I just need to stay busy.”
She relaxed, and fought the temptation to fan herself. What on earth was wrong with her? She was acting like her mother. Never one for theatrics, Anna gave herself a serious reprimand and reminded herself she couldn’t get involved with this man, for oh so many reasons. “I’ll just take you out back to the playground. We’re trying to rebuild it so it can be up to code. We’ll have several volunteers coming in the morning to pack boxes and such, and I think you’ll enjoy working on that type of project. And the back porch steps need repairing. If you don’t mind.”
He gave her one of those killer smiles. “Don’t mind one bit. It’ll be nice to be out in the open without having to worry about getting shot or blown up.”
She slanted her head toward him. “I can show you what needs to be done right now, if you want.”
“That’s fine, as long as I’m not keeping you from something else. I mean, it is quitting time and I’m sure you have an after-hours life.”
Anna had to laugh at that. “Oh, yes. Very exciting. I get to go upstairs and settle down with more paperwork.”
“Do you ever just get away from this place and have fun?”
“Hmm, let me see.” She pursed her lips. “It’s been a while. But I did go for ice cream with some of my coworkers last week.”
“I like ice cream. Maybe I can help in that department,” he said, the gleam in his eyes enticing.
“Uh, about that playground—” She got up to find some breathing room. Turning she said, “If you’ll just follow me.”
She didn’t miss the appreciative look he gave her. “So what exactly goes on around here?” he asked as they walked inside into the cool, dark hallway of the old house. “I know all about what your organization does, but what actually goes on back here?”
She turned at the porch door and said, “Oh, all kinds of things. We gather supplies to send to the war, we keep clothing on hand to give to the families of the soldiers and to give to those in other countries who are affected by the war, and well…we do whatever we can to help the children, including letting some of them live here temporarily if need be until relatives or foster care can take them in. They’re our main concern. Some of them become neglected, even though they still have a parent here. The stress of being a single parent with a spouse overseas becomes too much for some. We try to help with that, too.”
David held the door open for her then squinted toward the setting sun. “I guess I was lucky that way, at least. My mother was a soldier stationed at Fort Bonnell, but she always took care of me, somehow. But that’s the thing about war. The children certainly suffer more than anyone else and they’re so helpless.”
“Yes, they are,” she said, her mind whirling with a million questions about his childhood. “So you don’t have any relatives close by?”
He looked down at the gray boards of the porch. “No, I don’t. My mother moved to Louisiana and…I never knew my father.”
“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.” She waited a beat then gave him a direct look. “Then I guess you really do understand…about why Children of the Day is so important.”
David nodded. “Oh, I understand, all right. That’s why I took Chaplain Steve up on his suggestion and came here to volunteer. I know exactly what it’s like to be little and afraid, and full of anger and questions.”
Anna saw darkness in his eyes and wondered just how much this man had suffered. She’d lost her father when she was young, but David had never even known his. That kind of pain left a deep, cutting scar.
But it immediately endeared him to Anna and made her want to nurture him and help him to heal. After all, that was her job.

Chapter Four
Early the next morning Anna heard the whine of a sports car’s gears shifting outside the house. Glancing up, she saw her best friend Trisha Morrison bringing her shiny white roadster to a grinding stop just inside the driveway. It didn’t take Trisha long to make her way into the front lobby then straight into Anna’s office, shutting the glass-paned door after her.
“Hi,” Anna said, waving. Then she noticed Trisha’s downcast look. Since Trisha was usually bubbly and outgoing, Anna knew something was wrong. “Trisha?”
Trisha burst into tears. “Anna, I need…”
Anna jumped up to come around the desk. “Trisha, what on earth’s the matter? Did you break up with Nick again?”
Trisha tossed back her silky brown hair and sniffed, then wiped her brown eyes. “No, Nick and I are fine. It’s about Daddy.”
“Oh, honey, I’m sorry,” Anna said, hugging Trisha close. “Of course, you’re still grieving.”
Trisha’s father, a brigadier general and once the commander of Fort Bonnell, had died a few weeks ago. Trisha had taken it very hard, since her mother had died years earlier. The apple of her father’s eye, Trisha had always been somewhat of a pampered princess. His death had left her a wealthy heiress who hadn’t been making the best of choices lately, but Anna loved her friend in spite of that. She knew Trisha was still struggling with this loss.
“Come and sit down. You’re just having a hard day, right? Do you need to talk to Mother?”
“I can’t tell Miss Olga this,” Trisha said on a sob. “Not yet. I haven’t even told Nick. I…came straight to you.”
Anna gripped Trisha’s hand. “And you found me.” While her vivacious mother was the grief counselor at Prairie Springs Christian Church, Anna often found herself taking over in that capacity, too, at Children of the Day. Seeing grief firsthand was one of the downsides of her charity work. But being able to help the spouses and children of soldiers more than made up for all the pain she had to witness. And right now, her best friend was clearly in pain.
“Want to tell me about it?”
Trisha nodded, tears still streaming down her face as she sank into an old leather office chair. “Yes. I need your advice. I got this today. Daddy’s lawyer gave it to me.”
Anna stared down at the crushed envelope in Trisha’s hand. “What is it? Part of the will?”
Trisha waved the envelope in the air. “Oh, it’s much more than that. It’s…it’s so hard to believe.” Then she looked up at Anna, her voice quivering. “He has a son, Anna. My father had an affair with another woman before I was born.”
“What?” Anna dropped down in the brown wicker chair beside Trisha, her heart thumping. Trisha was right; she couldn’t believe this.
Commander Morrison had been like her own father, always so kind and understanding, especially when she and her widowed mother had moved to Texas from Russia over twenty years ago. The commander and Mrs. Morrison had helped Anna and Olga become acclimated to all things Texas. He’d invited them to church and made sure they didn’t want for anything. He’d even invited Anna to one of Trisha’s parties, which was how they became friends in the first place.
Anna couldn’t think of a better, more honorable man than Commander Morrison. Or a more loyal friend than Trisha.
“Are you sure?” she asked Trisha, her hand tightening on the arm of her chair.
Trisha nodded. “Oh, yes. Daddy left this for me to open after his death. It’s all right here, Anna.” She held the envelope up, but didn’t give it to Anna. “And you won’t believe who my half brother is. You just won’t believe it.”
Anna swallowed back her own shock. “Are you sure you want me to know?”
“You need to know,” Trisha replied. “You have to know. But you need to understand, the man has no idea, no idea at all, that we had the same father. He doesn’t even know who his father was, according to this letter.”
Anna felt sick at her stomach. “Trisha, you’re scaring me. Just tell me, please.”
Trisha leaned close, her words barely above a whisper. “My half brother just got home a few days ago. He’s back at Fort Bonnell. He escorted Ali here.” She gasped, clutched a hand to her mouth. “It’s David, Anna. My brother’s name is David Ryland. He’s back but he doesn’t know that my daddy was his father. Oh, Anna, I have no idea how I’m going to tell him.”
Anna couldn’t speak. Last night she’d enjoyed her visit with David. She’d even hoped…Well, no need to hope for things that were impossible. There was no hope for them once David heard this news. It would make things very uncomfortable for them since he would soon find out that Trish and she were best friends. “I don’t know what to say.”
Trisha shook her head. “Me, either. Maybe I’ll just try to avoid him.”
Then Anna let out a gasp. “That might not be so easy. He came by last night. Trisha, he volunteered to help out around here. Starting today.”
Trisha jumped up out of her chair. “I can’t be here when he arrives. I’m not ready for that.” Before Anna could stop her, she rushed out of the house, slamming the big front door behind her.

Anna looked at the stack of mail on her desk and let out a sigh. She felt sick to her stomach. The phones were ringing, she had mail to read and a meeting with her board of directors to update them on the budget for next year. She tried to block out Trisha’s news.
“Why him, Lord?” she whispered as she took a sip of the herbal tea she always kept nearby. “Why David Ryland?”
And why was she suddenly caught in the middle of this drama? Caught between keeping a secret for her best friend and keeping the truth from the man she’d just met and had just a smidgen of interest in?
Probably just as well that I try to stay clear of David myself, she thought. When did she even have time for a serious relationship anyway? She’d given up on love, and her work had become her first love. But it would have been nice…so nice…to get to know David, maybe even in a romantic way. Anna had forgotten what romance was all about. But she couldn’t possibly think along those terms now, not with this big secret standing between them. She’d promised Trisha she wouldn’t tell anyone about David’s parentage. And it was Trisha’s place to tell him when the time came.
Caitlyn walked in, armed with files and records for the meeting. “Hi, Anna.” Dropping the files on Anna’s cluttered desk, she sat down. “What’s wrong?”
Anna couldn’t divulge her worries about David and Trisha, or mention how he made her heart do strange things, so she told Caitlyn about the prayer request Olga had called to discuss a few minutes ago. One that concerned Caitlyn and her children.
“Whitney and John Harpswell still haven’t answered their e-mails from Evan and it’s been weeks now. The twins haven’t heard anything from them recently, have they?”
She was worried about Whitney and John. She didn’t have to pretend on that subject. The newlyweds were overseas doing their duty for their country, but according to Whitney’s brother, Evan Paterson, no one had heard from them in a while. Caitlyn Villard was COTD’s care coordinator since she’d moved back to Prairie Springs to raise her nieces after the deaths of her sister and brother-in-law in the war. She would want to keep close tabs on this situation, too.
Caitlyn sat down in the old chair across from Anna’s desk. “No, and we’ve been worried, too, but their correspondence is somewhat sporadic at best.”
“Evan says Whitney always gets back to him within a day or two, just to let him know she’s safe.”
Caitlyn bit her lip. “I’ve tried to keep this from the twins, but they’ll start asking questions soon. Is there anything we can do?”
“I’ve called several people already,” Anna said, glad to be able to focus on this instead of her own recent upset. “I’m waiting to hear back, but the press has already gotten wind of it and they’ve been calling all morning, thinking I might have a connection over there. I can’t give the press my liaisons over there. Too dangerous.”
Anna put her hands together on her desk then dropped her head to say a prayer for their safety while Caitlyn added her own “Amen.” While it wasn’t unusual for soldiers to go weeks at a time without any letters or e-mails, depending on where they were located, this particular couple had been corresponding with Caitlyn’s young nieces through the Adopt-a-Soldier program at Prairie Springs Christian Church.
Olga had suggested the twins participate since they’d lost their parents to the war. The little girls had had a hard time dealing with their parents’ deaths, so Anna prayed they wouldn’t have to go through yet another horrible grief.
“I hope we hear from them soon.” Then she glanced up at Caitlyn. “I haven’t had a chance to track down any of my sources to see what they’ve found.”
“Let me do that for you,” Caitlyn offered, taking the file Anna had been studying. “I’ll get on it right now. Maybe Steve can help, too. We’ve both been so worried, anyway.”
Anna crossed her arms over her chest. “It’s horrible. I wish this war could just be over, but war is never really over. It just changes locations.” She tried not to let her own bitterness show whenever she was dealing with the victims of war, but she couldn’t help herself. Sometimes, it was just too much. Shaking off the negative attitude, she got up, letting her efficient secretary, Laura, answer the ringing phone. “And yet, we soldier on, right?”
“Right,” Caitlyn said, standing. “Maybe I can find out something for us, at least.”
As Caitlyn was heading back across the hall to her own office, Anna called, “Oh, by the way, we have a new volunteer coming in today to help with the playground construction. David Ryland.”
“Oh, really?” Caitlyn’s smug look only added to Anna’s confusion and frustration. “He seems like a good person.”
“He is nice,” Anna replied. “And he’s on leave, of course, so he wanted something to do.”
“Or maybe he wanted to be around you some more,” Caitlyn said, smiling.
Anna glanced around the lobby, glad to see no one was waiting there. “C’mon now, you know I’m much too busy for a relationship.”
“Maybe that’s about to change,” Caitlyn replied.
Anna’s phone rang just as Laura came running from the back of the house. Caitlyn winked then went back to her office.
“I’ve got it,” Anna said, waving her secretary back to her desk tucked in a corner out in the hall and hurrying back to her own office.
It was Trisha. “I need to ask you something. Is the coast clear?”
“He’s not here yet, if that’s what you mean,” Anna said, lowering her voice.
“Good. I’m outside.”
Anna shook her head as Trisha came in, waved to Caitlyn and Laura, then entered the office and shut the door. Again.
“Okay.” Anna sat down in her squeaky chair. “What?”
Trisha threw down her leather tote then sat across from Anna. “What’s he like? My brother, I mean? You said you had a good visit with him last night.”
Hearing Trisha call David her brother jarred Anna. “He’s a good man,” she said, careful to stay neutral on the subject in spite of the way the man made her heart flutter. “He cares about our country and he’s very dedicated to his job. And he was so humble about bringing Ali to us.”
Trisha twisted a silky strand of her long brown hair. “Humble is good. But surprising. My father was anything but.”
“You’re right on that account,” Anna agreed. “Even though your father was always kind to me, I’ve seen him dress down soldiers many times over.”
Trisha’s eyes misted. “He was always sweet to me, though. Firm, but loving. I miss him so much.” She pressed her knuckles down on the desk. “Does David…does he look like my daddy?”
Anna pursed her lips, David’s tall, rugged form coming into her mind with a perfect clarity. “He’s tall and muscular, with dark hair and eyes. Yes, I guess now that I think about it, he does have your father’s smile. David has a very nice smile.”
Trisha’s eyebrows lifted at that. “Sounds as if you noticed a lot about him.”
Anna sat up and started straightening the clutter on her desk. “Last night wasn’t the first time I’ve talked to him. We did have breakfast together the other day after we saw Ali safely to the hospital, but Steve and Caitlyn brought the twins and ate with us,” she replied, hoping her blush didn’t give her away. “And I’m very observant. You know that.”
Trisha’s smile was indulgent. “Yes, I do know that. So…you think he’s okay, then?”
“I think David is just fine. And I do wish you’d call him up and ask him to meet you. You need to tell him everything. I don’t like knowing this and not telling him. Especially when he’s due here at any minute.”
“I’m trying to find the courage,” Trisha admitted. “I want to meet him first, see how he reacts to me. That’s why I came back, but first I wanted to talk to you again. He won’t know who I am, really. But I’d like him to get to know me before I blurt out that I’m his sister.”
Anna leaned forward on the old metal desk. “I think David could use some family here. He wasn’t very forthcoming about his mother. I wonder about that relationship.”
“Well, she lied to him his whole life. We don’t know what she told him regarding his absent father. That has to hurt.” Trisha thought for a moment. “I do know that my father left some sort of trust fund to help his mother with finances.” She shook her head. “I can’t imagine how much more hurt he’s going to be when he finds out the truth.”
“You’re both hurt by this,” Anna said, wishing she could ease that pain. “But I believe there is a reason for everything. David chose to come back here. It’s an opportunity to make things right. You have to tell him the truth.”
Trisha nodded. “I will, I promise. But not just yet.”
Anna hugged her friend close. “But soon, okay?”
“Okay.” Trisha turned to leave. “I’ll go get us some fresh tea, so we can tackle these files then get on with the care-package drive. The other volunteers will be here soon and I want to be ready to roll.” She stopped, glancing out the window. “And I’ll stay clear of David for now. So don’t mind me. I won’t make a fuss.”
“Good idea,” Anna said. “And just to keep myself busy so I don’t blurt anything out, I’ll go into the boardroom and get the monthly reports distributed before the board members start arriving.” Then she heard the squeaking old front door opening. Glancing out through the glass of her office door, she saw David standing a few feet away. “Oh, we have company.”
Trisha’s eyes grew wide as she turned to stare at the tall, dark-haired man who’d entered the central hallway of the rambling old mansion. “We sure do.” She whirled back to Anna. “Is that—?”
Anna grasped her friend’s arm, causing Trisha to yelp in pain. “Sorry.” She sent Trisha a look that told her friend to stay put. “Yes, that’s him.”
The man looked up then waved through the closed glass door, his smile widening. “Hello.”
“Hello, Chief Ryland,” Anna called, her fingers putting pressure on Trisha’s elbow. “You’re right on time.”
Trisha inhaled a breath. Anna could feel the tension in her friend’s stance, but she held steady to Trisha’s arm while they waited for David to stroll across the hall and into Anna’s office. “Actually, Chief Terenkov, I thought I was a little early. But I’m ready to get started on that playground.”
Anna let go of Trisha then pushed at her always-falling-down hair. “Good. I’ll just show you where everything is. We’ve ordered all the proper equipment and supplies.”
David chuckled, clearly enjoying her discomfort. Then he looked over at Trisha. “Hi. I don’t think we’ve met. I’m David Ryland.”
Trisha shot Anna an anxious look, then suddenly remembered her manners. “Hi, I’m Trisha Morrison,” she said, extending her hand. “It’s nice to meet you. I mean, I’ve heard so much about you. Anna was just saying—”
“Trisha Morrison? Are you related to Commander Morrison?”
“He was my father,” Trisha said, her head down. “He died last month.”
David didn’t look surprised. “We got the news. I’m sorry.” Then he put his hands on his hips. “I guess you don’t remember me, huh?”
Trisha looked toward Anna for help, fear and dread evident in her eyes. “No, I’m afraid I don’t. Should I?”
“Never mind,” David said. “I was a senior in high school when you were a freshman. It was a long time ago.”
Trisha held tightly to her files and her tote bag. “I—I’m glad you made it safely home, David.”
“We are indeed thankful that you managed to get Ali here for his surgery,” Anna said to change the subject. “We do appreciate it.”
“Yes, we do,” Trisha echoed. “Very much.”
“Please, no more thanks.” David gave them another quizzical look. “I wasn’t the only one. A whole lot of people care about little Ali. It’s hard for a child to have to grow up without a parent. And now he’s lost both of his.”
Trisha busied herself with gathering files. “I—I have to go get busy.”
Anna gave her friend a sympathetic look. “Are you sure?”
“Yes, pretty sure,” Trisha said, her eyes misting up again. “I—it was nice to meet you, Chief Ryland.”
“Call me David,” David said as Trisha rushed past him. Then he turned to Anna. “Was it something I said? I think I remember her from high school, but maybe I have the wrong girl. She was a lot younger than me.”
Anna’s heart went out to David and Trisha. Trying to find the right words, she replied, “You’ll have to forgive Trisha if she doesn’t remember. She’s been trying to deal with her father’s death and a whole lot of other things.”
“General Davis Morrison was a real soldier’s soldier. His daughter might not remember me, but I sure remember him, even before he became commanding officer. And even before I joined the army. I used to see him on the evening news.”
Anna’s heartbeat accelerated. Even their first names were similar. “So you knew him personally?”
David shook his head. “Oh, no, nothing like that. We didn’t run in the same crowd of course. I knew of him. A regular legend in his own time.”
“He was that, indeed,” Anna said. “His death hit all of us very hard.”
“I’m sorry to hear that. He was a good soldier.”
“Yes, he was dedicated to his country and the army.”
David nodded as he glanced across the hall to where Trisha was now talking to a woman who’d just come in. “I didn’t mean to upset her.”
Anna wished she could change the subject, but she had to be careful. Trisha was putting on a good show, but she knew her friend was just trying to avoid the issue. “She’ll be all right. Her mother died a few years ago and now her father. She’s feeling all alone and it’s been hard for her to adjust.”
“Wow, that is tough. Does she work here?”
“She volunteers here,” Anna explained. “Trisha inherited her father’s estate, so she doesn’t have to work for a living. She had just moved back from Dallas when it happened, so she hasn’t taken the time to decide what to do with her life. But she helps out here a lot, and she is looking for something to fulfill her, I think.” She nodded toward the door. “She’s a whiz with fundraising, so I’ve put her in charge of our annual black-tie ball. I’ll send you an invitation.”
David scoffed. “I don’t do black tie. But I can do just about anything else you need done around here. So…what do you say we get started?”
Anna let out a sigh of relief. If he stayed out back all day, he could avoid Trisha’s overly curious stares.
“I’ll take you out to the old garage where we have everything stored,” she said.
David followed her out the door and down the long hall.
And Trisha stood at the door of Caitlyn’s office, watching them all the way.

Chapter Five
“So I hear Ali is doing okay. Maddie told me she went by to see him the other day.”
Anna smiled at the way David’s eyes lit up whenever he mentioned Ali. She watched as he stacked fresh lumber against the porch railings. He’d brought it over earlier so he could get started on repairing the back steps. And, Anna thought thankfully, her mother, who usually hovered around and helped out as needed, was over at the grief center at Prairie Springs Church, probably flirting with the reverend.

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Lone Star Secret Lenora Worth
Lone Star Secret

Lenora Worth

Тип: электронная книга

Жанр: Современные любовные романы

Язык: на английском языке

Издательство: HarperCollins

Дата публикации: 16.04.2024

Отзывы: Пока нет Добавить отзыв

О книге: David Ryland′s final mission is to fly a Middle Eastern orphan to Texas for lifesaving surgery. Yet, the secret awaiting the brave pilot at home requires courage of a new kind. The father David never knew suddenly has a name.A late war hero confessed his parentage in a deathbed letter–a letter that beautiful charity worker Anna Terenkov knows all about. If David can open his heart to the truth, will he also find room there for Anna?

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