Wed to the Texan / Taming Clint Westmoreland: Wed to the Texan

Wed to the Texan / Taming Clint Westmoreland: Wed to the Texan
Brenda Jackson

Sara Orwig

Wed to the Texan Sara OrwigTo claim an inheritance, Texan tycoon Jake Thorne needed to find a wife and start a family…fast! And his shy secretary Emily Carlisle was perfect. She wasn’t after his wealth or power – and she had the most tempting lips he’d ever tasted. But when Emily learned that he had married her for money, Jake had to convince his unwilling wife to stay…Taming Clint Westmoreland Brenda Jackson The moment ex-Texas Ranger Clint Westmoreland learned he was technically married, he set limits for his wife’s stay at his luxurious ranch. He and Alyssa Barkley had thirty days to untangle the legal knot that had bound them together. But this sexy, curvaceous Alyssa’s every move had him wondering what it would be like to really be her man…

 Wed to the Texan by Sara Orwig

When had a woman turned himdown?

Jake’s pulse quickened. He hadn’t found love in thirty-two years, and he didn’t think he would in time to get what he wanted. He needed a wife to start a family with as quickly as possible. “I’ve been thinking about my future, Emily. And I’ve come to a decision. We should think about a marriage of convenience.”

“Marriage!” she gasped.

“That’s right. A marriage entered into with calm heads and logical planning. A marriage that will satisfy our needs, yet remain practical. We’ve worked together for several years. It’s ideal.”

“It’s preposterous!” she exclaimed.

“It’s perfect,” he said, taking her hand in his. “Emily, will you marry me?”

Taming Clint Westmorelandby Brenda Jackson

“I have better things to do with mytime than entertain you for the nextthirty days.”

She immediately saw red. “Entertain me? I guess you’re assuming if we do decide to live together for the next month it will be here, at your place.”

He shrugged as if to ease the tension in his shoulders and said, “Of course.”

She frowned. He sounded so sure and confident. “Wrong,” she said, taking great joy in bursting his bubble.

His eyes narrowed into slits as he continued to glare at her. “And just where do you assume you’ll stay?”

She glared back. “It’s not where I’ll stay, but where you’ll stay. I’m returning to Waco and if you want to fulfil the terms of the decree you will, too!”











Sara Orwig lives in Oklahoma. She has a patient husband, who will take her on research trips anywhere from big cities to old forts. She is an avid collector of Western history books. With a master’s degree in English, Sara has written historical romance, mainstream fiction and contemporary romance. Books are beloved treasures that take Sara to magical worlds, and she loves both reading and writing them.

Dear Reader,

Marriage – a legal union that can be the best and most joyous relationship, or it can be as volatile as dynamite in a burning building. When two contrasting forces are locked together in a marriage of convenience the relationship loses all convenience, and sparks fly.

I was interested in a story with characters whose goals in life were totally different. As you turn the pages of Wed to the Texan, you will meet Jake Thorne, a commanding, handsome billionaire who is impelled to obtain even more riches, and Emily Carlisle, whose purpose in life is to help others.

Jake is a driven, strong-willed charmer who will use deceit to add to his fortune…until he meets Emily, who is unlike any other woman he’s known. While their passion rages hot and wild, the clash of wills is fierce. In spite of their differences, the two cannot resist each other.

Thank you for your interest in the PLATINUM GROOMS: Jake, and his friends Nick and Ryan.

Sara Orwig

To Melissa and Maureen and other angels in my life –

thank you, thank you for being there!


To get what he wanted, Jake Thorne knew he had to marry soon. Shifting uneasily in his brown leather desk chair, he gazed out the twenty-fifth-story office window. Tall buildings, then trees and homes filled the distance until the horizon blended with the Dallas sky. How was he going to find a wife who suited him in the next few weeks?

There were plenty of women in his life, but none he had a shred of interest in developing a long-term relationship with—much less marrying. Particularly under the circumstances. Too many of them only wanted a luxurious life and social status. His last relationship had ended miserably and resulted in dating burnout. If he married, he had to find someone who wasn’t after his money and all that went with it.

Jake’s thoughts were interrupted by one of his secretaries on the intercom asking if he could sign some papers. As Emily Carlisle entered, he gave her a swift glance and realized her brown hair had grown long enough to pile on her head. He’d long ago thought she might as well come to work in a uniform. As far as he knew, her entire wardrobe consisted of cotton blouses and straight skirts in bland colors. Functional and attractive like wallpaper, she blended into the office decor. He paid little attention to her except over matters concerning his work. He did know the glasses she wore were fake. Once, when he’d quizzed her about going without them half of the time, she admitted she bought them to make herself look older. Emily was quiet, pleasant and one of the most efficient secretaries he had, so he didn’t care if she came to work wearing burlap. Although she’d worked for him for several years, he had no idea if there was a man in her life. Nor did he care.

She brought a stack of letters and reports to him, which he gave a cursory glance and began to sign. As soon as he was finished, she handed him a couple of pink slips.

“You have two calls. The messages were on my machine when I arrived this morning. Kalas Jaskowski and Miranda Gable.”

“Set a phone appointment with Jaskowski,” he said.

Miranda was probably inviting him to one of her parties and would like to rekindle a relationship he had no interest in. “Tell Miranda I’m leaving soon for Australia and I’ll call her when I return. I’ll be out of the country for two weeks starting next week on the first of February.”

“The trip is on your calendar,” Emily replied, and then reminded him of his schedule for the day, listing his meetings.

“Later today, when I’ve finished my appointments, I want to shut myself in here. I have contracts to go over and a report to write. I don’t want any calls or interruptions and I’ll need some typing done.”

“Fine,” she said, gathering papers. He forgot about her before she was even out of the room.

It was late in the afternoon when Jake’s last appointment finished and he had his office to himself again. Finally he’d have solitude to read the contracts. He still had typing for Emily to do, and he realized he was keeping her overtime, but she’d said it didn’t matter.

At six, Jake grabbed his gray suit coat and headed for the door. He was surprised to spot Emily still busy at her computer. He strode over to her desk. “We’re through, Emily. Go home.”

She smiled. “I’m getting something ready for morning.”

He reached down and pulled the plug on her computer. “Get your things. I’ll take you to dinner with me.”

Emily’s wide blue eyes looked startled. “You don’t need to—”

“I know I don’t. Are you free this evening?”

“Yes,” she replied, “but really, dinner isn’t necessary.”

“I want to.” To his amusement, she appeared to be debating with herself. He couldn’t recall a woman doing that since he was thirteen years old and wanted a neighbor girl to go to a school dance. “It’s just dinner, Emily,” he added.

She blushed, getting her purse out of her desk and coming to join him, while gazing at him with a perplexed look as if he had sprouted another head.

“There isn’t a man in your life who’ll mind if we have dinner together, is there?” he asked.

“Not at all,” she snapped. He wondered if she was as soured on dating as he was.

While he held the door, she strolled through ahead of him and he caught a faint whiff of a pleasant perfume. His gaze slid down her back. Covered by her black jacket and long dark-green skirt, he could tell little about her body. But with the urgent need to find a wife on his mind, he stared more intently at Emily.

Proposing to her was a preposterous idea. They were worlds apart in lifestyles. But as he walked her to his car, he reconsidered. In his elegant, black, four-door Maserati he shed his suit coat and tie and unfastened the top buttons of his shirt. Most women gushed over his expensive luxury cars. Emily’s cool expression indicated mild disapproval. How intriguing! What kind of woman could ignore his money?

At the steakhouse they sat and Jake ordered a bottle of wine. When they were alone, he reached across the table to take off her fake glasses and hand them to her. “I know you don’t need these,” he said. Her blue eyes, with their thick lashes were beautiful. She had shed her jacket, and while her beige cotton blouse was loose-fitting, it was shapely enough for him to realize she had some curves.

Smiling at him, she put away the glasses. “I forget I’m wearing them. You’re right, I don’t need them.”

“So tell me about yourself. How do you spend your free time? I gather there’s no man in your life right now.”

“No, and there won’t be one for a while. Things didn’t work out well the last time,” she said with a note of bitterness. “Maybe I expect too much.”

“Like what?”

She shrugged. “Someone compatible. A person I enjoy being with. A man who likes my family.”

“Ah, so family is important to you. You hope to marry and have your own family someday. Right?”

“It’s the most important thing in life,” she said, and then bit her lip. “I suppose it’s not to you. I know professional success means a lot to you. You work almost around the clock and through the weekends.”

“Money and career are important, but I want marriage and children, too,” he said, speculating. “I don’t always keep my nose to the grindstone,” he added with amusement, thinking about his yacht and mountain home. “Tell me about your family.”

Her father was a minister, both her parents lived in Dallas, and she had three married brothers and one married sister. She drank only a sip of her wine and continued to talk through tossed salads. She was making no particular effort to charm him and definitely none to come on to him. There was no flirting, no fire, just friendly conversation—the same as at the office. She didn’t seem interested in his fortune. He found out she was thirty, only a bit younger than he was, but that didn’t matter. She had already proved herself reliable, trustworthy and intelligent. Not the qualities he usually sought in the women he took out, but perhaps that was part of his problem in finding one he could tolerate long enough to propose to.

To Jake’s amusement, Emily asked for a box to take home her leftovers, something he hadn’t done since he’d received his first six-figured check. He’d stopped being thrifty and never intended to be again.

As they left the restaurant, he took her arm. “The night’s still young. Let me show you my house. We can have a brandy and continue our conversation.”

“Thank you, but I have to go home,” she said, glancing up at him. “I have a long day tomorrow. I’m a math tutor at my church.”

When had a woman turned down an offer to see his house? His pulse quickened. Had he found the solution to his dilemma? Love would have no part in the equation. He hadn’t found love in thirty-two years and he didn’t think he would in time to get what he wanted. He needed a wife to start a family with as quickly as possible.

“I live on Oak Avenue in an apartment complex,” she said.

“You live close to the office.”

“Within walking or cycling distance,” she answered, smiling at him.

He knew he would never get invited inside her apartment, so when he turned into the wide driveway, he parked, switched off the ignition and shifted to face her. “Emily, you sound as burned out on relationships as I am.”

“I suppose so,” she replied.

“Yet we both want marriage and a family. Right?”

“Yes,” she answered with a faint smile, unbuckling her seat belt and facing him. Her hand reached for the door handle.

“I’ve been thinking about my future, Emily. And getting to know you better tonight, I’ve come to a decision. We should think about a marriage of convenience. I think we could make a marriage work. It would give us both what we want.”

“Marriage!” she gasped, staring at him with huge eyes. Her mouth hung open, and he noticed her lips were curved, full and inviting.

“That’s right. A marriage entered into with calm heads and logical planning. A marriage that will satisfy our needs, yet remain practical and easy. Convenient. We’ve worked together for several years now, so we’re definitely not strangers. It’s ideal.”

“It’s preposterous!” she exclaimed.

“No, it’s perfect,” Jake announced, taking her hand in his. It was soft, her skin smooth as satin. Feeling more certain by the minute about his decision, he gazed into her blue eyes. “Emily, will you marry me?”


Seventeen months later

Palm fronds swayed in the gentle breeze as sunlight splashed over Jake’s sprawling white stucco villa. Standing on the veranda, Emily gazed at the sparkling jewel of a blue swimming pool with its waterfalls and fountains. Lavish landscaping with a velvet green lawn and exotic tropical flowers in immaculate beds surrounded the pool. The beach and blue ocean lay farther out. Back home in Dallas, September meant summer was still hanging on, but here the ocean breezes cooled the late afternoon. Her husband’s private island should have been a paradise, not a prison. Yet Emily wanted to get back to Texas. Jake would be home any minute and she would have to confront him with her plans.

The beauty of her surroundings was lost on her while she mulled over her options. For seventeen months she had been locked in a marriage of convenience. But now she was ready to break her vows. She couldn’t be the woman Jake needed. Yet reluctance tore at her.

She’d had enough of island life. Jake was flying off the island to work every day, so he probably hadn’t missed Dallas or even noticed the difference. But this leisurely life of doing nothing wasn’t for her. Any more than it would have been for Jake.

The roar of one of Jake’s sport cars announced his arrival. Emily turned, stepping inside the house to wait. Ceiling fans revolved lazily above the casual bamboo furniture. A floor-to-ceiling mirror showed her reflection and she turned to check out how she looked.

Her long brown hair was tied with a silk ribbon behind her head and she wore a bright blue cotton sundress and sandals. She’d lost weight. Jake hadn’t noticed, but that didn’t surprise her.

As she waited, she heard the front door and the click of Jake’s shoes on the polished hardwood floor. She called to him and he strode into the room, tossing his cell phone and keys onto a table. Her pulse jumped at the sight of him.

This intense reaction to him had developed during the whirlwind courtship before their wedding. When she’d worked for him, she’d known that her boss was a handsome, sexy man. But once he focused his attention on her, her response to him had intensified, something she was less than happy about. She didn’t want Jake capturing her heart as he had so many other females’.

She remembered the calls he used to get at the office, the women who’d stop by unannounced, trying to get him to take them back into his life. She’d hoped she would never act that way with any man. That she’d never act that way with Jake.

He was tall with perfectly trimmed black hair. But it was his thickly lashed, smoke-colored eyes that set her heartbeat racing. His firm jaw, straight nose and high cheekbones added to the rugged, appealing face that turned heads everywhere he went. It would be impossible for him to enter any room and not be noticed. Dressed in one of his brown tailor-made suits, which she had been appalled to discover cost two thousand dollars, he exuded success and self-assurance. She tried to keep banked a smoldering flame of desire because she’d reached a turning point in their unstable marriage. She dreaded the next hour, but she had to face the future.

“You look wonderful. It’s so nice to be home,” he announced, striding up to embrace her. His aftershave was faint, but masculine and tempting. It reminded her of the muscled body beneath the elegant suit. “Hey! Why the long face?” he asked, tilting up her chin.

“Jake, I want to talk,” she said. She heard the breathless note in her voice and wondered if she could go through with her rehearsed speech. His arms were strong, holding her pressed against him and as usual, her determination began to waver. He was gorgeous. He had all sorts of wonderful qualities, yet she was miserable every day. She felt as if she was failing him because she couldn’t give him the baby he wanted.

“So do I. Although I thought we could talk later and make love now,” he said in a husky voice. He caressed her neck and throat, stirring sizzles of pleasure through her, increasing her racing heartbeat. He fished in his pocket. “I brought you a present.”

She inhaled and stared at a long slender black box tied with a red satin ribbon. “You shouldn’t get these gifts for me,” she said.

“I don’t know why not. I want to. Open it,” he commanded with a note of eagerness in his voice. She gazed up into his eyes and saw dancing flames of desire in their depths.

Wriggling out of his embrace, she tugged the ribbon free, opened the package and lifted out a black velvet box. When she raised the lid, a dazzling diamond-and-sapphire necklace sparkled in the afternoon light. “It’s gorgeous,” she said flatly, disappointment washing over her.

He tilted up her chin. “What’s wrong? You sound as if I’ve given you a bunch of weeds.”

“It’s beautiful, Jake. It’s not the necklace. We have to talk. There’s something wrong here. Not the necklace. It’s other things—this marriage we have.” She inhaled deeply, gazing into his unfathomable eyes. She knew most women would never do what she was about to do. Her sister, Beth, had spent hours on the phone arguing with her about it. “Our marriage, our…deal—it’s not working.”

Jake frowned. “Give it a chance. We’ve only been married for a little over a year and a half. What exactly aren’t you happy about?”

“We agreed we wanted a baby. We’ve been to doctors who’ve said we’re both healthy, but I’m not getting pregnant. I feel as if I’m failing you.”

“Relax. Give it time,” Jake said, his voice lowering and his frown vanishing. “In fact, we can work on it tonight,” he said, nuzzling her neck.

She almost closed her eyes and succumbed as she had so many times before. Jake was passionate, understanding and constantly trying to please her—he was impossible to resist. But for once, she clung to her sanity, grasped his arms and leaned away from him.

“Jake, listen to me!” she demanded. “You know you can distract me, but we need to talk about this.”

Jake stroked her cheek lightly. “Darlin’, I’ve tried to give you everything you want. You can spend your time as you please. I’ll tell you what—go change and we’ll fly to Grand Cayman for dinner and dancing. You’ve been on this island a month, and it’s time to get you out. While you dress, I’ll have the plane readied and we can talk all evening.” He walked to the hall table and picked up his cell phone. “I’ll make dinner reservations,” he called over his shoulder.

“Jake, we can stay right here…”

“I know we can, but I want to take you out. How long will it take you to get ready?”

“Ten minutes,” she said, shaking her head, wondering how a man who was so brilliant in business could be so dense about relationships.

“Make it fifteen so I can shower and shave.” He turned, flipped open his phone and started talking as she stared at the empty doorway.

“This is part of what I’m talking about,” she said to no one. “You aren’t listening. You’re just doing exactly what you want to do.” Clamping her lips together, she headed to their spacious bedroom to change. She could already hear Jake in the shower.

In the walk-in closet that was larger than half of her old apartment, Emily set the necklace and its open velvet box on the hand-crafted walnut triple dresser, stared at the brilliant diamonds and deep blue sapphires and sighed. So many women would be thrilled to get a gift like this.

As she dressed she could hear the waves hitting the beach through the open glass doors. A paradise and a prison. That was all her island home was. Her marriage, too.

She guessed they would eat in a luxurious dining room, so she selected a deep blue, sleeveless sheath. Prim and plain, it had tiny ebony buttons that fastened to the high, round collar. The lines were simple, yet the dress suited her. She brushed her hair again, looping and pinning it on top of her head. She wore little makeup, so after slipping on high-heeled sandals and grabbing her envelope silk purse, she was ready to join Jake. She paused to stare at the diamond-and-sapphire necklace. As far as she was concerned, it was too elegant for tonight. She picked up a diamond drop he’d given her and put it on, watching it sparkle against the blue dress. She didn’t care about jewelry and seldom wore it, but she knew it pleased Jake when she wore his gifts.

As she hurried through the villa, she wondered whether she would ever be able to get him to listen to her. Maybe she should just walk out and leave him a letter.

Jake stood by the front door looking at his BlackBerry. At the sight of him, her pulse jumped. Whatever else, her husband was handsome. Dressed in a tailor-made navy suit and a monogrammed white shirt, he looked like the successful billionaire he was.

Jake’s chiseled features and prominent cheekbones always made her heart skip a beat. But she knew it was his gray eyes that set him apart from other handsome men. Devastating eyes that could smolder with desire or light up with amusement or assess a situation at a glance. Tiny flecks of green near his pupils showed when she stood close to him. But those same eyes hid Jake’s thoughts as effectively as fog hiding the world from view. And she knew too well how they could become cold steel, filled with determination to get his way.

If she left him, she would be breaking vows that she had been taught all her life were sacred. The prospect of leaving him made her feel guilty, but her fears for the future and her inability to have a baby were stronger.

Her sister thought she’d lost all good sense to walk out on Jake and the life he could give her. Emily wondered if she would forever regret leaving him. During the past three weeks she’d asked herself that question constantly. She knew Jake wasn’t the sort of man to have regrets. He’d move on with his life—he could find dozens of women who would be thrilled to take her place. Who could easily give him the family he wanted.

There would be no going back. Jake could be unforgiving. She had already seen that side of him at work. Strong-willed and forceful, Jake was accustomed to getting what he wanted. The evening was going to be difficult. They were on Jake’s turf. If she had waited until they were back at home in Dallas, this would be a degree easier for her. On his island, he was in charge. The only way home was to convince Jake to let one of his planes fly her.

As Jake put his BlackBerry into its holder, his gaze moved leisurely over her. He approached her, stopping only inches from her, and slid his hands to her waist. “You look beautiful and smell wonderful,” he said in a husky voice.

“Thank you,” she answered solemnly, gazing up at him, her heartbeat jumping again. She could say the same thing about him. The scent of his aftershave was faint, yet enticing. The expression in his eyes curled her toes.

“You’ll taste better than any dinner we can find,” he added in a slow drawl that made the temperature in the room climb. When his gaze lowered to her mouth, she drew a deep breath. He leaned closer. “You’re luscious,” he whispered, brushing her mouth lightly with his. She closed her eyes, placing her hands on his arms and feeling the solid muscles beneath the elegant suit. Jake drew her to him and covered her lips with his.

The minute his mouth touched hers, her lips parted and his tongue slipped inside, building fires she couldn’t control. Knowing she was lost to his kiss, she moaned softly. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pressed against him and returned his kiss.

Her heart drummed. Desire flamed into a scalding inferno that made her cling more tightly as he leaned over her and kissed her passionately.

When at last he released her, it took a second for her to open her eyes. She found him watching her intently. Two emotions showed in his expression—desire and satisfaction. He could always kiss her arguments and complaints into oblivion and he knew it all too well.

“Jake, kisses solve nothing.”

“You’re right. They start fires that only you can put out later,” he said in a husky voice. “You’re wearing the diamond I gave you. I’m glad you like it,” he said.

“It’s lovely,” she answered.

“Before we go, there’s one thing that will make the evening better,” he said. Still watching her intently, he reached up to unfasten the tiny ebony buttons, starting at her collar and working his way down. “You have enticing curves that you hide from me even now that we’re married.”

She wanted to unbutton his shirt, run her hands over his sculpted chest and kiss him again. So easily, he could kiss her into forgetting dinner and their evening plans. She knew she had to keep her hands to herself or she’d never get his attention on conversation. If they made love, instead, she’d be hopelessly sidetracked. Yet it was a struggle to stand quietly while he steadily unfastened button after button. She caught his wrist and held him lightly.

“That’s far enough, Jake,” she said.

“One more. Let me enjoy the view. Two more until we get off the plane.”

Smiling at him, she was unable to refuse. He unfastened three more and pushed the dress open slightly to create a wider V. His fingers drifted lightly over the curves he revealed, making her insides tighten.

“There. I think you look delectable,” he said.

“And you’re quite irresistible,” she told him frankly, wondering if he realized how much she meant what she said.

“I hope so,” he answered solemnly, gazing into her eyes with another one of his inscrutable looks. “Shall we go?” he asked. In his usual take-charge manner, he took her arm and headed outside without waiting for her answer. He held the door to his low-slung convertible sports car.

She’d been surprised to learn that Jake had a fleet of fancy cars, which he kept at his various houses. She sat on the soft leather and watched him stride around the car and slide into the seat beside her. As he did, she fastened the three buttons of her dress that he had just opened.

In minutes they were at his private airstrip where his jet was ready and waiting. Toby Uride, his chauffeur, and Brick Prentiss, his bodyguard, were also there. It had taken her a while to get accustomed to all the people who worked for Jake, particularly the bodyguard.

Shortly they were airborne, flying over his island and then the deep blue Caribbean. She spotted Jake’s yacht at anchor near the island dock. Farther out, they flew over a sparkling white cruise ship that looked only slightly larger than Jake’s yacht.

When she turned, she found him watching her. “You’re beautiful, Em,” he said, leaning forward to take her hand and run his thumb over her knuckles. She inhaled. With only a look and a slight touch, he made her want him.

“Thank you,” she replied, knowing he could hear the breathlessness in her voice.

“That’s another facet to you that I like. You always respond to me,” he said softly. “I react to you, you know. More than you realize. And you’re not always trying to evoke a response. Like now, you’re not doing anything, yet you’re turning me on.”

“If you’d sit back, stop touching and flirting, neither one of us would be so stirred up,” she said. She was aware she sounded prim, but she didn’t care. “Tonight, all I want is a chance to talk to you without distractions. I want you to listen.”

He nodded. “I’ll pay attention to whatever you tell me. But I’d rather ‘stir you up’. Go right ahead and get me aroused. Making love when we get home will be even better.”

His scalding gaze and husky voice were as tantalizing as his touch. She hoped he had no idea what he was doing to her, although she suspected he knew full well. She pulled her hand away and leaned to look out the window again. “This is beautiful, Jake. You should look.”

“I am looking,” he drawled.

She kept her attention outside, because although her pulse raced, she didn’t want him to know how hot and aroused she’d become.

It was a quick flight. Then, with Toby at the wheel of the limousine and Brick in the passenger seat beside him, they drove to one of Jake’s friend’s luxury hotels. They arrived at an elegant restaurant on the top floor with maroon-and-white decor, and the maître d’ addressed Jake by name before leading them to a secluded corner. Seated at a linen-covered table centered with a white candle, they had a panoramic view of flaming torches lighting the beach and, directly below, landscaped grounds with tall palms.

She had iced tea while Jake ordered wine. As soon as they were alone, Jake turned his attention to her again, taking her hand. His fingers were warm. Even that slight contact was electric.

If only she could get pregnant! The longing came daily, and she reminded herself to stop wishing for the impossible. They’d seen the best doctors, made love all the time, and still no baby.

She knew she should be happy with what she had. Jake was sexy and thoughtful. She had an easy, luxurious life, but she wanted more. He was totally engrossed in his achievements. When she’d married him, she’d known that he coveted success, but hadn’t realized the full extent of his preoccupation with money, luxury and absolute power.

Candlelight flickered, highlighting Jake’s prominent cheekbones, throwing the planes of his face into shadow. She resisted the urge to reach across the table and touch a stray lock of black hair that waved slightly on his forehead. He’d chosen a seductive setting and turned his full attention on her. She had married a charmer deluxe and it was difficult to try to talk about subjects he didn’t care to discuss.

In spite of his optimism about their future, she hadn’t been able to give him a child. That was why she needed to set him free and let him find a woman who could.

He tilted up her chin. “No long faces,” he ordered gently. “We’ll have a baby. All the doctors have said we would. Give us time, Em.”

“You’ve always gotten everything you’ve wanted.”

“Not everything,” he said with that steely gaze coming. “Not until I had money and power. Growing up was a whole different story. My dad was a drifter and was killed in a barroom brawl. Mom had nothing, but she wanted the best for me and my kid sister. Mom always tried to see to it that I had good grades in school, and later, she and I both saw to it that Nina did. My life changed forever when I met Hubert Braden.”

She knew about the man who had mentored Jake and his friends, Ryan Warner and Nick Colton.

“It was wonderful that you and your friends got summer jobs landscaping and caring for Hub’s property in Dallas, but if you’d never crossed paths with him, I think the three of you would still have made fortunes.”

“You have great faith in me,” he replied with a smile. “Hub counseled us. Later, after I had my accounting degree, he hired me to work for him and really took me under his wing,” Jake said, a faraway look in his eyes. “He gave me financial backing and advice when I went on my own. No, I couldn’t have done all this by myself, much less this quickly. I became a billionaire before I was thirty. That’s due to his money, influence and the business he tossed my way.”

She recalled the frail elderly man who had round-the-clock nursing at his chalet in Switzerland. After their honeymoon, Jake had taken her to meet Hubert Braden. He could barely talk and looked as if he didn’t weigh more than eighty pounds. But his eyes lit up at the sight of Jake and she thought Jake’s visit with his new bride made him happy.

“You may be right. But as strong-willed and shrewd as you are, I suspect you would have become a billionaire without help. I don’t know why you pursue money to the extent you do. You could live easily on what you have. Why do you want more?”

“I thrive on work. Poverty was hell and I want to be as far away from it as possible. I like making money. Someday I might like to go into politics, and that takes financial backing.”

Horrified, she stared at him. “If you say, ‘I might like to go into politics,’ it translates to ‘I might like to run for president.’ You don’t do anything in a small way.”

He laughed. Creases framed his mouth as he revealed his dazzling white teeth. “I’m building a dynasty,” he answered, and she heard the steel in his voice. “I hope to have sons to leave it to.”

One more reminder that she couldn’t give him a baby. She looked away and wondered whether Jake ever thought about the world except on his terms. “That brings us back to what I want to discuss with you,” she said stiffly.

“We’ll talk soon enough when we won’t be interrupted. I see you’re all buttoned up again,” he added with amusement in his eyes.

“We’re in public,” she replied. “I’m revealing enough bare flesh. You’ll see all you want of me later, I’m sure.”

He inhaled deeply. “That thought tempts me to turn around and leave. Of course, we can get a suite here at the hotel. This is one of Ryan’s hotels.”

“The rich get richer,” she replied, wrinkling her nose at him and knowing that he and his close friends still did all sorts of favors for each other as much as they would have if they had been blood brothers.

“Let’s dance and see if we can get rid of that solemn look in your big blue eyes.” Without waiting for an answer from her, he stood and reached for her hand, giving her one of those looks that could melt her.

Reminding herself to stay firm, she followed him to the dance floor and stepped into his arms as an old ballad played.

He spun her around and dipped low, holding her easily in his strong arms. For a moment she forgot everything as he whirled and leaned over so she had to cling to him. When she gazed up into his eyes, his desire was obvious, making her heart race faster. Breathlessly, she held him as he swung her around, pulling her close.

“That’s better,” he said, smiling, a warmth in his expression that was like sunshine pouring out when clouds drifted away. She had to smile in return, briefly succumbing to Jake’s charisma and letting her worries go.

The ballad ended and a fast number began. Still holding her hand, Jake continued dancing to the faster beat. His muscled body moved with a fit male athlete’s grace. Her breasts tingled and with every brush of their bodies—hip against hip, shoulder grazing shoulder—she wanted more of him.

She followed his lead, watching him. Jake’s body was long and lean and strong, sexy in his dark suit. She wondered if they would make love when they flew home, or if they would end the evening not even speaking.

While their lovemaking was sensational, there was no intimacy, no real emotion. Tonight, if they made love, would be no different.

When the dance ended, she was hot, breathless. Jake took her arm lightly and they returned to their seats to find their tossed salads waiting.

She took a long drink of ice water, trying to collect herself and stop thinking about Jake’s kisses, his hands moving over her. “Tell me about your week,” she suggested, setting down the water.

He placed his wineglass on the table. “You’re beginning to distract me when I’m away from home. Instead of keeping my mind on business the way I always have, I find myself thinking about you.”

“C’mon, Jake. There’s no way that I interfere with your thoughts when your mind is on business.” She didn’t believe him for a minute. Jake could focus on his job with an intensity that amazed her. “I worked for you too long to accept that.”

He shrugged, sipped his water and set down the goblet. “Think what you will, but I’m telling the truth. I thought it might flatter you to know. I haven’t had this problem with any woman before.”

In spite of her certainty that he was exaggerating tremendously, she felt a thrill. She was aware that he knew how to make a woman feel special, and took his compliments lightly. She often wondered if his mind was on business when he said them.

She looked at her successful handsome husband and remembered her decisions earlier in the day. She knew she had to get him back on track and make him listen to her.

“That’s very flattering, Jake, but it doesn’t change my feelings on our marriage. We’ve given ourselves time. I’m just not getting pregnant and I know you want a family. You talk about it every time we’re together.”

“If I’m pressuring you, I’ll stop,” he said, placing his fork on his plate and looking at her with a direct gaze she met unwaveringly, relieved to finally get his attention.

“No, that’s not it. I know having a son is important to you. If I get out of your life, you can find a woman who will give you one.” Tears threatened, and she clamped her lips closed and fought to control her emotions.

She didn’t want her salad, suddenly, and set down her fork.

He tilted up her chin to study her. “Don’t cry,” he said gently. “I’m not complaining. I’m not unhappy with you. I don’t want to get rid of you or trade you in for a different model. Will you forget all that?”

“I find it difficult to,” she replied stiffly, hating that she couldn’t control her tears. She wished that he wasn’t being so kind.

“Do it, anyway,” he ordered, running his index finger lightly over her cheeks to brush away her tears. “Don’t cry over something that a year from now may not be an issue between us. The minute you get pregnant, you’ll forget all about leaving.”

“It isn’t just the pregnancy,” she said and then bit her lip as their salad plates were removed. She noticed Jake didn’t eat all of his salad, either, and she wondered whether he was as calm and self-assured as he acted.

Lobster with melted butter and thick juicy steaks were placed in front of them, and soon they were alone again. Her appetite didn’t return as she stared at him. Raven glints in his black hair glowed in the candlelight and his thick eyelashes were dark shadows. Piano music played in the background and Emily knew this moment would be etched in her memory forever.

“You’ve been great to me,” she replied patiently. “You’re used to the world on your terms, but this time it isn’t conforming.”

He reached across the table to touch her cheek, his fingers brushing lightly, yet stirring sparks with the contact. “I promise you that you haven’t failed me. I don’t want another woman. I don’t want to give up on our marriage. It is working.”

“It’s not!” she protested, more strongly than she meant to as she tried to get a grip on her emotions. “I don’t care for your materialistic life. You know I’m interested in helping people. You waste so much money. It could be used to make a better life for others. I’m a preacher’s daughter and that’s the way I’ve been raised. This isn’t my world.”

His tolerant smile made her frustration grow. He might as well reach over and pat her on the head, she thought.

“I’ve given you a generous bank account that I put an abundant amount into each month,” he said. “You can spend it however you see fit. I hoped you’d get more clothing, but that’s up to you. Even so, you’ve been doing charity work. You tutor, you’ve donated your time and money to lots of worthy organizations. But I’m not giving away my fortune. I grew up poor as dirt. I don’t want to go back there. We have plenty of places where we’re compatible, Em.” His voice dropped a notch. “Concentrate on the good things—magic nights, swims in the moonlight, dancing, kissing, making love for hours…”

She drew a deep breath, trying to keep her thoughts on track and knowing how easily he could make her forget her arguments.

“Jake, you’re not listening,” she said, trying to keep from succumbing to sexy bedroom eyes and a throaty voice. “You’re light-years from your former life,” she argued. “You’ve been generous, but you’re ambitious and materialistic. I’d prefer a simpler life. You have houses all over the world, a collection of luxury cars, tailor-made suits that cost thousands. Yet you work like you’re on your last dollar. If I did get pregnant, I’d want a husband who’s home for his child, who coaches Little League, who reads bedtime stories. You’ll never have time,” she said, her words spilling out, afraid if she didn’t say them quickly, she might never get them said.

Smiling, he took her hand. “Dinner will keep. Let’s dance again,” he said as if he’d already dismissed everything she’d said.

She stared at him. “Are you hearing a word I’m saying?”

He chuckled. “Of course I am,” he said, giving a light tug on her hand. “C’mon. We’ll dance and talk.”

Exasperated, she went with him. On the small dance floor he folded her in his arms. “Will you stop worrying about our future!” he said, laughing softly and brushing her temple with feathery kisses. “You’re stewing about Little League, which is years away at best. When I need to, I’ll rearrange my schedule.” He leaned back to look at her.

She ran her fingers across her brow and placed her hand on his shoulder again. They were barely moving, holding each other and rocking slightly in time to the slow music. “I knew this wouldn’t be easy,” she said. “Marriage wasn’t really meant to be just a convenience for people. Love should be there. Our marriage is sterile in more ways than one.”

“You’re complaining about my lovemaking?” he asked, his eyebrows arching.

“Of course not!” she replied, feeling her cheeks flush with heat. “No woman could ever complain about your lovemaking,” she replied emphatically. “You know what you do to me.” Her face grew hotter. “You’re one of the sexiest men in the world.”

“Ahh! Better! Thank goodness for that,” he remarked lightly. “I’ll increase the monthly amount I put into your bank account and you can help more people in more ways. How’s that?”

“That isn’t it at all. Listen to me,” she demanded, and took a deep breath. “I want love.”

“You didn’t when we talked about this before our wedding,” he replied with a slight frown. “We were both burned out on relationships and you said this marriage would give us both what we want.”

“I know I did, but I was wrong. A spark is missing. Not in the bedroom. In the relationship.”

“I haven’t been attentive?”

“Yes, Jake. You’re attentive and sexy, handsome, charming—”

“You expect me to walk out of your life after you tell me that?” he asked in a husky voice, leaning back to look at her. “If I’m all that to you, then stop worrying, darlin’. Life will fall into place,” he said. “If I’ve got all those qualities and we’re compatible—which we are—then love will come in time.”

“How can you be so certain?” she exclaimed in annoyance. It was impossible to get him to hear what he didn’t want to hear.

The dance ended and he took her hand. While they ate, he told her stories about his week away. She wondered when he stopped work long enough for anything else to happen to him. Or did he make the stories up to get her to laugh? After a time, he glanced at her half-eaten dinner.

“Wasn’t your lobster good?”

“It was wonderful, but I’m not that hungry.”

“Then let’s go home and have a moonlight swim,” he said, motioning for their waiter.

Jake continued to be his charming self all through the flight back to the island and the drive to the villa.

The minute they were in the living room, Emily turned to face him. He unfastened a button on his shirt as he moved around, and desire stirred. Jake was so sure of himself that it showed in every move he made. Should she just put aside her worries and accept their life? But she’d been doing that for too long.

“I don’t want to swim. I want to talk to you and I want you to listen. I’ve tried all evening to tell you. I can’t go on with this. I’ve failed you. And while you say you don’t care now, the time will come when you will. Meanwhile, I’m keeping you from becoming a father. I want out of this marriage.”

Frowning slightly, he shed his jacket, tossed aside his tie and keys and crossed the room to place his hands on her shoulders. His gaze bore into hers and she took a deep breath.

“I don’t want you to go, Em,” he said softly, his voice husky and coaxing, the same intimate tone he had when they made love. “I don’t want to find another woman. I think this marriage of ours can work. Remember how happy we were the first few months? We can get that back.”

His words thrilled her, but they also tore at her. If only she could shove aside her doubts and accept the life Jake wanted to give her!

“You’re too materialistic. Money and success are too important to you. We’re poles apart in what we want out of life,” she argued, struggling to maintain control of her emotions. “Jake, I just can’t go on like this.”

Something flickered in the depths of his eyes and a muscle worked in his jaw. Otherwise, he looked calm and relaxed as he shook his head.

“At least give us another six months together.”

“You’re just putting off the inevitable. Six months from now we’ll be having this same conversation,” she said with a sinking feeling. “I’ve thought it over constantly, and I don’t want to go on with this sham of a marriage. Six months won’t matter.”

“Maybe, maybe not,” Jake replied, gazing at her with speculation obvious in his expression. “I really want you, Em. I don’t want to lose you. You’re becoming important to me and I think we have a chance for love if you’ll just let it happen. Stop worrying about the future. I want you here with me as my wife. You took vows,” he reminded her solemnly.

Hot tears filled her eyes.

“Em, if you’ll stay married to me for six more months, I’ll give you half a million dollars to use however you want for charity. Give us that six months together to see what will happen. Our marriage is worth a six-month trial. And with half a million dollars, you can do all kinds of charity projects. Is that too much to ask?”


Emily was stunned by his offer. She stared at him as silence descended. “Six months and half a million dollars?” she asked, amazed that he wanted her so much. She had no idea Jake cared that much about her or their marriage.

His offer meant he wasn’t unhappy she hadn’t given him an heir. He really wanted to give their marriage a chance. Until now she’d brushed aside all Jake’s compliments. For the first time since proposing, she had a faint glimmer of hope that he wanted her as more than a playmate in his bed.

She was shocked that their marriage was so important to him. “You’d give me a half a million dollars for charity? You want me to stay that badly? You’re not unhappy with our marriage?” she repeated, feeling weak in the knees. Her head buzzed. The possibility that he truly wanted her to stay longer was stunning, and she could only stare at him.

“I want this marriage to work,” he replied coolly, caressing the nape of her neck and consuming her with his gaze. His meandering fingers sent shivers down her spine, which distracted her and reinforced his invitation. “I don’t like failure,” he said softly, leaning down to brush her ear with a kiss. His warm breath added more fuel to Jake’s urging—he was using unfair tactics to get his way, yet she couldn’t ignore them.

“I think we have sound beginnings for a solid, satisfying union, so I’m willing to give you an inducement to stay and give us more of a chance,” he whispered, showering kisses on her temple, ear and throat. He straightened to look at her and placed his warm hands on her shoulders.

“Half a million—however I want to use it?” she asked, still stunned.

“Yes. It’s yours with no strings. Buy clothes with it if you want,” he replied with a shrug. He toyed with a lock of her hair, winding it in his fingers. She felt the faint tugs on her scalp.

He sounded relaxed, but his gaze was intense and a muscle worked in his jaw. “Help those kids you work with in that mentoring program. Give it to the children’s shelter you support. It’s yours.”

Warmth and joy poured over her. “Jake, this marriage is important to you,” she said, flustered by his magnanimous offer, tears of relief stinging her eyes as she hugged him. “I was so sure you really wished you’d never gotten into it. There are so many beautiful women you could have had! I had no idea you really weren’t unhappy!” she exclaimed, joy bubbling in her. Worries and stress vanished, replaced by eagerness.

“I think we’re going to have a damn good marriage,” he declared. “Otherwise, I wouldn’t make this offer. With this kind of money you can help others beyond anything you ever envisioned,” he said, combing a tendril of brown hair away from her face and smiling at her.

“Keep your money, Jake.” The important thing was that he had hope for their marriage. “I’m thrilled. Relieved. The future does look bright!” she exclaimed, excitement making her bubbly.

“I think we have every potential for success. I don’t want to lose you. I’m putting the money into your account, but I’m gratified that our marriage is what’s so important. You think I’ll miss the half a million?” he asked with amusement.

She inhaled deeply. “I wasn’t sure how you felt and couldn’t imagine that you were happy with me. It’s a generous offer, but what changes everything is that you want me to stay and make all this work. I really meant it when I said that you don’t have to give me the money,” she said, winding her fingers into his hair and realizing she’d misjudged him all this time. Maybe he wasn’t as materialistic as she thought. She saw the satisfaction in his expression.

“The money’s yours,” he replied with a smile. “Just stay with me, Em. We’ll be great together,” he said, leaning down to cover her mouth with his in a long deep kiss. She threw herself into the kiss, clinging to his lean muscled frame, seeing hope for their future, after all.

“The doctor told you that you were stressed out over not getting pregnant. That’s why I took some time off and we came out here for another honeymoon,” Jake reminded her, his voice lowering seductively. “For six more months, just relax and take life as it comes, darlin’.”

Heat flushed her cheeks when she remembered their first week on the island, when he had taken time off work to stay with her. They had made love constantly and she’d expected to get pregnant, but that had been three weeks ago and she knew she wasn’t expecting a baby. “I’m thrilled you want me that badly,” she admitted.

He smiled as he gazed warmly down at her. Creases framed his mouth and again he looked his most appealing. “I’m patient and you’re anxious. I’m not disappointed, Em. This has been a great bargain. And you won’t regret your decision. You can’t possibly. You can do good deeds to your heart’s content. As far as being ‘poles apart’ as you said we are, thank heavens. It’s more interesting that we’re not alike. I don’t want to marry someone like me.” His voice dropped while he talked and his gaze lowered to her mouth and she forgot about the future and the money.

“This is one thing we have that’s special,” he whispered. “The lovemaking is fabulous.” He lowered his head. His mouth brushed hers and as her insides heated, she had to agree with him.

His mouth opened hers and his tongue went deep, ending all talk as effectively as his half-a-million-dollar offer had. She slid her arms around his neck and pressed against him, kissing him in return as she combed her fingers into his hair.

She stroked his tongue with hers, tasting him, teasing, dimly hearing his groan over the thumping of her heart. It was paradise to be in his arms, to have hope and to be able to finally let go. She wanted to devour him, consume him, give herself completely to him and pleasure him the way he did her.

She twisted her hand in his shirt at the small of his back and pulled, tugging it free of his trousers. Then she ran her hand over his smooth back, wanting to feel all of him. As their kisses grew hotter, he slid his hand down her back slowly, lightly over her bottom and then back up to twist free the tiny buttons of her dress and push away the wisp of lace. He cupped her breast in his hand, his thumb stroking her nipple.

She gasped with pleasure, pressing her hips more tightly against him, kissing him until she pushed lightly against his chest. She hoped to draw this out, to play and pleasure him. She intended to love him for hours. She looked up at him, gasping for breath.

“Let’s swim first,” she said, gulping to catch her breath. “Let’s make this evening last, Jake,” she whispered.

“Sure,” he said in a husky voice, desire now a steady blaze in his eyes.

“I’m going to our room to get my suit. The one I want isn’t in the cabana. I bought a new suit.”

“Want me to help you change?” he asked, and she shook her head, smiling at him.

“You meet me at the pool,” she said.

“I can’t wait,” he drawled, touching the end of her nose lightly.

Laughing, she left him, shimmying out of the top of her dress as she crossed the room. It fell around her waist, leaving her bare except for a wisp of a bra.

“Dammit, Em,” she heard him mutter, and she turned, slanting a sultry smile at him.

“I’ll hurry, Jake,” she promised breathlessly and dashed away as he started toward her.

Laughing and eager, she raced upstairs. Her heart throbbed with desire and joy and she wondered if she was going to fall in love with her handsome husband, after all.

Six more months with Jake! He truly wanted her. This marriage wasn’t such a cut-and-dried bargain, after all!

The knowledge had lifted an enormous burden off her shoulders. And maybe it would help with getting pregnant. Dr. Claywood had assured her that she could get pregnant. He’d told her to relax and given her a list of books to read on the subject.

Plus she had a half a million to spend as she pleased! Emily could think of projects at her father’s church—a remedial reading program for kids and one for adults. Mission trips to help rebuild old churches. Free breakfasts for the needy. There were countless places where the money would help. She was on the board of a children’s shelter and worked with a mentoring program. The money was fabulous and she was grateful to Jake for his generosity, yet she wished he would do more things on his own to help others. She shrugged away her concern, thankful for what he’d done already.

In their bedroom she hurried to change to a new black two-piece swimsuit. It was skimpy, but she planned to wear it only on occasions when she was alone with Jake. Although, she knew she didn’t really need to go to any effort to turn him on. A look, a caress or a kiss could do that. It amazed her how easily he became aroused.

She strolled to the end of the natural rock pool as he swam up, shaking his head and raking his raven hair back away from his face. Smiling, she unfastened her coverup and took her time taking it off, knowing he was watching her, tingling beneath his steamy gaze. He floated at the edge of the pool, his arms crossed on the rocks.

She walked close to the edge and struck a pose, her hand on her hip. “Like my suit?” she asked in a sultry voice, turning first one way and then another. He looked her over and his gray eyes held scalding desire.

“Fabulous,” he said in a deep voice.

“I bought it for you,” she replied.

“Come here, Em,” he said in a throaty rasp that strummed her nerves.

She hurried a few feet away from him and jumped in, surfacing with her head tilted back to get her hair out of her face. Hands closed on her waist.

“I like your suit,” he said, running his hands over her hips as they both treaded water. She drew a deep breath. His hands slipped lightly across her breasts, a faint touch, yet scalding. As she drew closer, her leg slid between his and she felt his arousal.

“I thought all this cold water would keep you cooled down.”

“Not when you look like that,” he said, staring at her mouth. She ran her hands over his broad shoulders, relishing the hard muscles. She wanted to touch him everywhere, needed bare skin against bare skin.

Jake’s mouth covered hers. Her awareness splintered among his kiss, the cold water swirling around her and his warm body against her, his leg between hers, pressing intimately. Holding her tightly with one arm around her waist, he let his other hand drift down her bare back over the tiny string that held her top in place. His kiss went deep, distracting her so that she was only dimly aware of his hands moving over her, tossing aside the top of her suit and then peeling away the bottom, his hand caressing the inside of her thigh. Sensations tangled, melting together, fueling fires already raging.

Her moan was both pleasure and need. His hands cupped her breasts, thumbs circling her nipples while she cried out in pleasure.

“Let’s get out of the pool,” he said gruffly, hoisting himself out and then leaning down to pull her into his arms.

His black suit molded to his amply endowed male body. She peeled it away to free him. Wanting him desperately, she ran her hands along his muscled thighs and then over his tight bottom. He kissed her and walked her backward, his legs against hers until her calves bumped a chaise longue.

He’d been gone a week, and she’d been alone. He was a passionate lover and she was eager for his powerful male body, his bone-melting kisses.

Jake cupped her breasts in his warm hands, dark against her pale skin.

“You’re beautiful! You have a gorgeous body.” He leaned down to take her nipple in his mouth, his tongue curling around it, stroking it. She clung to his broad shoulders and closed her eyes, moaning with pleasure. She ran her hands over him, needing to caress and stir him to frenzied heights the way he was doing to her so easily.

Jake picked her up and placed her on the chaise, sitting beside her and showering kisses over her breasts as his hands roamed freely over her.

Gasping and writhing with pleasure, she trailed her hands down over his chest, tangling in damp chest hair, then sliding to a washboard stomach. She heard him inhale deeply as he kissed her throat, trailing lower to kiss her breast. He teased her, nibbling and licking and then showering kisses across her stomach while his hand stroked the inside of her thighs.

With a cry of need, she turned him to rub her breasts against his back, wanting his hard, lean body against her. Tonight, passion carried more emotion than any time they had ever made love. Hope for their future and a knowledge that he wanted her both fueled her need for him. She ran her hand over his flat stomach to his thick hard erection and wrapped her hand around it.

He inhaled sharply and turned to kiss her hungrily. Then she was on her back again. Jake’s mouth and hands explored every inch of her until he buried his head between her thighs and teased with his tongue, a torment that fanned blazes.

She tangled her hands in his hair, spreading her legs and arching against him. Emily cried out with pleasure, wanting him inside her, wanting him more than ever before.

Tension built like a spring coiling tighter and tighter, sweeping her into a whirlwind. “Jake!” she cried out, raising her head to bite his shoulder. She dug her nails into his back, then scrambled around to take his thick rod in her mouth, running her tongue over the velvet tip.

Now his hands were tight fists in her hair while he licked her. His tongue toyed with her even as she teased him. With a groan, he flipped them so that she was on her back with Jake’s weight on her. He kissed her hard, pinning her to the chaise while she writhed beneath him.

He knelt and spread her legs, watching her, leaning down to enter her slowly. He filled her and paused, driving her wild with need, and then withdrew. She screamed his name and tugged at him, wrapping her long legs around his waist and pulling at his bottom as she arched up to meet him.

He thrust hard and fast. Her world spun, blurred. Sensations melted into one driving force, all consuming as she rose toward the brink. The tension became unbearably exquisite.

His control vanished and he plunged fast, sending her over the edge. Ecstasy burst in bright lights behind her closed eyelids and her pulse drummed in her ears. Dimly she felt him shudder as he pumped his release in her. She clung tightly to his virile body, rocking with him.

Their ragged breathing became quiet. Sated, they held each other tightly. She hoped a baby would come from their lovemaking. Emily rubbed her temple against his warm shoulder. Tonight she had hope and, for the first time, a sense that Jake wanted her. She marveled at these new discoveries, relishing them like newfound treasure. Their marriage might indeed blossom into love.

When he turned them on their sides, she was still enveloped in his embrace. He stroked her back and brushed tendrils of hair from her face. “You’re fantastic, Em.”

“You stole my line. What a lover you are, Jake. And tonight was so very special. I can’t tell you how happy you’ve made me and how much hope for our future I have now.”

He held her close, his voice a deep rumble. “Good. That makes me happy, too. This is what we needed, Em. A clearer understanding. I want you as my wife. You’re important to me.”

“Jake.” She sighed with pleasure and turned her head to kiss him. A long scalding kiss that made him groan.

She lay her head against his chest. “Jake, this is the best night of our marriage.”

“I quite agree,” he said. “You have a fantastic body. You keep it hidden beneath those clothes you wear.”

“I’m sure you would’ve enjoyed having a secretary who wore skintight revealing clothes.”

“Yes, I might have. Particularly if she was as efficient and competent as you.”

“Thank you,” she said, pleased by the compliment.

“See, I told you that love will bloom,” he said with satisfaction. “I think it’s pretty damn good between us right now,” he added, smiling at her.

“Tonight has been special. I’ll remember it all my life. And I hope you’re right about love for both of us.” She stroked his chest. “Have you ever really been in love?”

“No,” he said, his smoky eyes hiding his true thoughts. “Not really. I’ve had relationships and some were longer than others and better than others, but I’ve never been deeply in love. I’ve never felt fireworks, never wanted any woman with me for the rest of my life.”

For just a moment she was quiet as she thought about that description and wished that someday she would fill it.

“You’re marvelous, Em, and our marriage is good—we’ll come to love each other.”

“You think that because you always expect to get what you want,” she reminded him as she traced his jaw with her fingers, feeling the tiny stubble of a beard. Her hand slipped lower, along the strong column of his neck and across one broad shoulder. “Fireworks don’t come with familiarity, Jake. Fireworks and a racing heart come from love at first sight. Never with convenience.”

“Perhaps. I keep asking you to have patience and faith.”

“You’ve been unbelievably generous,” she said, still amazed by his offer. “I’m surprised you don’t take a more active role in helping people. Someone helped you.”

“I will someday,” he answered casually. “I give to charities.”

“You give money, not time. And never yourself. I’m just surprised that you don’t want to get more involved.”

“I’m too busy right now. I guess I really never think about it.”

“I’ll let you know how every dime of your gift is spent and you’ll see what good you did.”

“Forget that,” he answered with amusement in his voice. “I don’t need to know about all the projects. I have a more urgent project right now.” He pulled her up and leaned closer to kiss her ear while he caressed her nape.

She raised slightly to gaze down at him. “You have an insatiable appetite for sex.”

“You bring it out in me,” he teased, and she realized this was turning out to be one of the good moments between them. Or had she just finally relaxed and accepted that he did want this marriage, that he still wanted her as his wife?

At the moment she didn’t care. Running her fingers lightly over his bare chest, she brushed his lips with a feathery kiss and then rained kisses on his neck.

“Ahh, baby,” he said, “that feels good,” he continued in a husky voice.

Her hand played over him, drifting lower over his muscled stomach, touching him. He was hard and ready again.

“Jake, you’re decadent,” she whispered in his ear, tracing the curves of his ear with her tongue.

He rolled her over, settling his weight on top of her as he kissed her passionately, starting fires anew.

Later, they showered together and made love until the early-morning hours, when she fell asleep in his arms.

When she stirred again, she was alone in their bed. It was Friday morning. Sunshine poured through open doors and windows. Upon Jake’s return, the servants had been given several days off, so she had the house to herself.

Stretching, she smiled as she thought about the night. It was intimate and they had bonded. Jake had seemed as happy as she. Maybe there actually was a chance for them.

Last night had changed her feelings for him. She wondered about their depth. Was she already falling in love with him? She ran her hand over her stomach, thinking last night had been the most relaxed she’d been with him since the early months of their marriage.

She stepped out of bed, pulling on a white cotton robe. She had wanted to go back to Dallas, but now she was in no hurry. She wanted to prolong her idyll with Jake. Being with him was fabulous—this was turning into a real second honeymoon.

She thought about his abundant energy—even when relaxed, he seemed to move. Only after long bouts of work or lovemaking did he finally get quiet. The rest of his waking hours he was restless.

She smiled again when she thought about him. She was tempted to call him, but she never disturbed him when he was at work. An old secretarial habit, she was certain.

On the desk she found a note from him saying he had flown to Houston. He would be back tonight in time to take her to dinner. In his scrawling handwriting, she read, “…dinner and seduction again…”

He had underlined “seduction,” and she knew he meant it would be another night of lovemaking. Her toes curled when she simply remembered the previous night. Anticipation simmered and she planned a candlelight dinner with Jake’s favorite food—steak—and his favorite wine. She tried to think what she could do to make his homecoming as sexy as possible.

Pampering herself, she had a hot bath in their huge marble tub. She finally climbed out, wound a thick green bath towel around her and went to their closet to find something to wear. As she passed Jake’s side of the closet, a thick white envelope lying on the floor caught her attention. He must have dropped it or let it fall out of one of his pockets.

She picked up the envelope to place on his chest of drawers, but saw it was addressed in neat feminine handwriting to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Thorne.

What woman had been writing to both of them? Why hadn’t Jake mentioned it if it had been addressed to her, too? She studied the envelope.

Jake hadn’t shown it to her. The return address indicated the letter was from Hubert Braden, and she realized his nurse must have written it. Emily studied the envelope further and saw it had arrived over a week ago. Puzzled why Jake hadn’t even mentioned it, she decided he had stuffed it into his pocket and forgotten it.

She was curious about the man who had been such a big influence in Jake’s life, the father figure he wanted, and she wished now they’d spent more time visiting Mr. Braden. Since the letter was addressed to her, too, she saw no reason not to read it. She withdrew the letter and unfolded it, looking at more of the flowing cursive. Obviously it had been dictated.

Suddenly Emily stiffened, stunned by what she was reading. Jake had some explaining to do.


Emily’s hands shook as she read the letter once more:

Dear Jake and Emily:

How nice it was for both of you to visit an old man. Jake, your bride is beautiful, and I can rest in peace knowing that you are married now and settled down. You are my biggest success. I have one more legacy to leave to you, but as you recall when we talked before your marriage, there are stipulations.

I have a long list of bequests in my will. Some will go to Ryan and Nick, of course. The three of you are like family to me. But I consider you the son I never had. I’ve mentored you and watched you succeed. I want the best for you.

If you and Emily have a baby, or conceive before my demise, then you will inherit the bulk of my estate. Otherwise, if there is no child, my estate will go to the charities listed below and you will receive the same amount as Ryan and Nick. I hope to see you permanently settled with the same woman. I heartily approve of your choice. Emily seems a fine young woman and I was delighted to see the pictures of both your wedding and the nursery you have ready for your first child.

I’m doing this because I want you to start a family while you are young and strong and can enjoy your children. I know how important work and success are to you, so I feel you need this incentive. Time slips away too easily.

I was too busy for children and consequently spent my last years alone. I’m meddling in your life, but that’s all I have left…

Shocked, Emily dropped the letter. She stared into space and saw Jake asking her to marry him and then later, repeating wedding vows to her. His offer to make her stay, his declarations of desire… Now she knew the true reason. He’d done it for money!

He had deceived her from the start! He’d told her he thought it was time he married, but he’d never mentioned that if he married and had a baby, he would inherit another billion dollars or more from his mentor.

“Permanently settled.…” The words leaped out at her. No wonder Jake wanted her to stay with him! Half a million was nothing when more than a billion-dollar inheritance was at stake! The enormity of Jake’s deception was like a tidal wave hitting her.

How could he! He had married her to get Hubert Braden’s fortune! The only reason Jake wanted a baby was to make more money. The same went for her, too—he only wanted her to stay so he could claim his inheritance.

Her stomach roiled and she felt sick, running into the bathroom to lose what little dinner she’d eaten the night before. She ran a washcloth under the tap and then wiped her face and her hands with it.

The enormity of his deception stunned her. Their entire relationship was built on lies. She looked at the letter again, skimming over it as if touching a wound—“…delighted to see the pictures of…the nursery you have ready…”

She remembered a very late night in June, two months after their wedding, when she was in Jake’s arms and he suggested they get a nursery ready.

“Em, we’re trying to start our family. Let’s go ahead and furnish a nursery.”

She had remained silent so long that he raised himself to look down at her. “Cat got your tongue?” he asked.

She drew her fingers across his chest, relishing the taut muscles. “Jake, I guess it’s superstition, but I’m a little leery of getting a nursery ready before I’m pregnant. It’s sort of tempting Fate. We’ll have almost nine months once I find out I’m pregnant.”

His smile was warm, irresistible. He combed long tendrils of hair from her face, stirring faint tingles. “Nonsense!” He nuzzled her cheek and raised his head again. “It’ll be fun. Let’s get one ready. We both had physicals before we married and were told we could have a family. I want to get the nursery ready now.”

“You sound as if you already have a theme in mind,” she said, thinking how he had to control every facet of his life.

“Not at all,” he answered easily, caressing her throat and letting his hand slide lower. “I’m leaving the design and decor totally up to you. You can run it past me, but I trust your choices.”

“If we wait, we’ll know whether we’re decorating for a girl or boy,” she argued, uneasy about establishing a nursery before she was pregnant. Not even Jake’s optimism could squelch her fears.

“There are all sorts of appealing themes that would work for either a boy or girl. You’ll work that out with a decorator. Money’s no object. I’ll talk to a contractor and we’ll have a door put in the wall that opens to the bedroom next to this one if you want the nursery close to our room.”

“Of course I do! I’ll probably have a crib in here for a while.”

“Maybe,” he said, showering light kisses on her throat and muddling her concentration of their discussion. “I’ll call a contractor tomorrow and get furniture moved out of that room so when you have a decorator, it’ll be ready.”

“Jake, this just gives me the most uneasy feeling. I’ll worry every time I pass the room.”

“Scaredy-cat,” he teased. “We’ll get it ready, then close the door on it. You don’t need to see it or go into it. You can forget it’s there.”

“Then why have it?”

“To humor me,” he answered, brushing kisses lower over her breasts at the edge of the sheet. His breath was warm and her nipples were taut, desire flaring again. She was constantly amazed how easily he could get her aroused, but she was equally surprised how effortlessly she could get Jake hard and ready. Her leg was thrown over him and she could feel his arousal.

“You are so sexy,” she whispered, biting his shoulder lightly. She nuzzled his neck, while her hand slipped beneath the sheet to run over his thigh.

Inhaling deeply, Jake had moved lower with his kisses. She’d felt his hot breath on her nipple through the sheet seconds before he’d pushed the sheet away to kiss her. He’d run his tongue over her taut bud, destroying all conversation.

Staring into space now, Emily reflected on those early months. A kaleidoscope of memories flashed in her mind—Jake constantly asking if she’d hired a decorator or started on the nursery, threatening to do so himself and finally prodding her into picking out a nursery-rhyme theme with characters from the old stories and poems. When the room was finished, she remembered his pleasure—he’d even taken digital pictures of the room. Now she understood why. Those pictures had been e-mailed to Hubert Braden, to convince him that Jake had settled with a wife and they were trying to have a baby.

Did he ever intend to tell her, or was he planning on getting the inheritance and letting her think that Hubert Braden had simply named him his primary heir?

She was certain that Jake would never have admitted his deception. Every kiss was a lie.

Revolted, she shook with rage. She should have known—she knew only too well how driven Jake was, after all. She’d watched him work, seen the drive that allowed no room for failure, seen it consume his time and energy and concentration. Why had she been so naive? She’d known she was dealing with a tiger whose natural instincts were to satisfy himself above all else. Acquiring money was what Jake thrived on.

Hubert Braden probably wouldn’t approve of Jake getting a divorce. He’d seemed inordinately pleased by their marriage, and now she understood why Jake was fighting to keep her. A half a million dollars to stay was an insignificant investment for him, yet he knew it would dazzle her. She wouldn’t be able to turn him down. His declarations of affection, his request that she give them a chance to fall in love—all lies!

Tears of anger and frustration streamed down Emily’s cheeks. Never in her life had she felt so betrayed and exploited.

Jake the Snake. The nickname fit. Rage blazed in her, growing with every passing minute. She realized now why he’d wanted to marry her in the first place. He must have seen her as the naive secretary, impressed by him. He’d probably thought she’d be so blinded by his money, she’d do whatever he wanted. Jake was calculating and shrewd, and she was certain he’d thought it all out. Society women would make far more monetary demands on him than she would.

She was angry with herself for being so gullible and trusting Jake completely. How dare Jake deceive her! And why did he have to have the inheritance? Why did he want it badly enough to delude her about it? He was already a billionaire—why did he want so much more? She knew he thrived on wealth and he equated money with success. But how greedy was he?

Later, when Jake had Hubert’s money, had he planned on dumping her and keeping his child? Or would he get rid of them both? She suspected there were only two things in life Jake truly loved—himself and money. Was he scrambling to be the world’s richest man? If he had political ambitions, they had to be presidential. Jake would never settle for anything less than the highest possible office.

Well, he could keep his half million. She was getting out of this marriage. She never wanted to see Jake again.

Unable to remain still, she rushed to the closet for a suitcase. She was getting out of Jake’s life and she couldn’t go fast enough. Their marriage was over.

Packing furiously, she knew when she walked out of his life, she would leave most everything he’d given her behind. She glanced at the letter and yanked it up. She made the bed, smoothing away every wrinkle in the expensive gold-and-white satin duvet, propping elegant gold-and-white accent pillows across the bed. With care, she placed the letter in the center of the bed where Jake couldn’t miss it or its implications.

She suspected Jake would try to hold her to her promise to stay for six more months as his wife. He’d probably include sex in that bargain, too. But she didn’t want Jake’s baby anymore. Thank heaven she wasn’t pregnant.

Or was she?

Memories of their lovemaking just hours earlier rose to haunt her. She pressed a palm to her flat tummy, suddenly scared that she might already be carrying his baby. She swayed and closed her eyes, praying that she wasn’t. Surely, if she hadn’t gotten pregnant in all this time…

“Please,” she whispered. “I don’t want Jake’s baby.” They had made love for hours, all through the night. She clamped her mouth shut and prayed again that she wasn’t already carrying his baby. She was not going to be a part of Jake winning Hubert Braden’s inheritance!

As far as she was concerned, Jake broke their vows when he deceived her. She couldn’t get out of this sham marriage soon enough.

Barely aware of her tears, Emily stormed around the room, finding her cell phone. She called one of Jake’s pilots and ordered a plane to be readied in three hours. As the pilot stammered and tried to put her off, she tightened her grip on the phone.

“Look, do I have to get Jake to get a plane here for me?” she asked sharply, her patience shredding. “I want to get back to Dallas to my family as soon as possible.”

“No, ma’am. I’ll be there and ready to go to Dallas by noon,” the pilot replied.

“Thank you,” she said, and snapped her phone closed. Fury made her pack faster.

Her hands shook as she flung clothes into her suitcase. She looked at the velvet box with the diamond necklace. If she sold it, she could give the money to the church. She grabbed up the jewelry Jake had given her, tossing it into her suitcase, determined to get rid of every glittering bit of it.

Seething with anger, she showered and dressed in beige slacks and a matching shirt, then tied her hair behind her head with a silk scarf. As noon approached, she set her suitcases by the door. While she waited for the driver to come pick her up, she looked around the extravagant villa, remembering time spent with Jake in every part of the house. When he’d been with her, Jake had always been working toward a goal—as surely as if he’d been doing battle in a boardroom.

As she left the villa, she refused to look back. In minutes, she was at Jake’s airstrip where a sleek jet was ready and waiting to take her home.

Shortly after twelve, the plane lifted off the island. Still burning with fury, she gazed below at Jake’s sprawling villa and the green jewel of an island in the blue sea. When she got home, she’d get a divorce and end this sham marriage. In fact, because of the deceit, she might even be able to have their marriage annulled. She could pretend the whole thing never happened.

She had no place to go in Dallas except her parents’ house. But sooner or later, Jake would show up and she wanted to have that confrontation in private and keep her parents out of it. Thanks to Jake she had a hefty savings account. She toyed with the idea of going to Fort Worth or Houston or even out of state and letting Jake search for her to give herself some time before she faced him. But in the end that was just postponing the inevitable.

The prospect of working in Dallas where they might occasionally cross paths didn’t appeal to her. But when she considered moving away, she felt deflated. Her family and friends were all in Dallas. While she was certain she could make new friends, she didn’t want to sever close ties. Dallas was big enough that she and Jake might never see each other.

She vowed she wouldn’t trust Jake again. He’d deceived her because she’d been gullible and trusting. Never again would she accept anything Jake said without questioning his motives. He was driven and power-grubbing. His world revolved around himself and she needed to remember that.

When she landed in midafternoon, she took a taxi to a hotel and booked a suite. Next, she went to their house to get her car, pack her things and move what she needed to the hotel.

She spent the next few hours mulling over plans. Next week she would find a lawyer and see about getting an annulment or a divorce. She wondered if she’d have a difficult time finding an attorney who would fight with Jake’s battery of brilliant, successful lawyers. And with a billion-dollar inheritance at stake, Jake would definitely fight.

Well, he had chosen the wrong woman. Her first instincts had been right. That first night when he had proposed a marriage of convenience, she should have stuck with her initial reaction—that it was preposterous and would never work. How right she had been!

Jake always trusted his instincts. She should have trusted her own.

Soon she would have to see about a job. This would mean giving up her charity work, changing her lifestyle yet again. It occurred to her that she could make Jake pay for what he’d done, but then she dismissed the notion. She just wanted him out of her life.

She’d have to give up some things if she got a job. She coordinated tutors to help students in the elementary grades with reading, math and language. She volunteered two afternoons a week at a school where she met with the tutors, talking to them briefly and answering their questions, then spending one-on-one time with anyone who needed it.

She also served on the board of a children’s shelter. But it took up a lot of her time, so that would have to go.

She could continue tutoring a child in math and science on Wednesday evenings at her father’s church. She’d become friendly with four young men who were on a high-school football team. They gave an hour one night a week to mentor elementary kids. She could continue to help them with that. Gradually she was getting to know both the younger students and their tutors, and her heart went out to all of them. The contrast between their lives and Jake’s disturbed her.

The Dallas hotel she’d checked into was on a busy highway, but she was in a suite that faced away from the highway and overlooked the pool. She charged the suite to Jake. She didn’t care if he knew.

She had a balcony with a table and chairs. The decor of her living area was beige and white and very elegant. She knew soon she’d get used to a more modest style of living and save her money, but she didn’t plan to be in the hotel long. She had enough in her savings account for a down payment on a condo. With Jake’s money, she could take her time to look for a job and a place to live.

She ordered dinner through room service and as night fell, she was surprised she hadn’t heard from Jake. He should have returned to the island by now.

At ten o’clock her cell phone rang, and she answered to hear Jake’s deep voice.

“I’m in the hotel. I’m coming up to see you,” he said with a note of steel in his voice.

“Fine,” she replied, realizing that sooner or later, she would have to talk to him and she might as well get it over with. With a click of the phone, Jake was gone. He’d found her sooner than she’d expected, but he had endless resources at his disposal. She put away her phone and stepped in front of a mirror. Her hair fell free across her shoulders. She wore a red silk blouse and matching slacks. Satisfied with her looks, she waited for his knock.

“Emily, it’s Jake,” he said in a low voice. She opened the door and he came striding into the room, as dynamic a presence as ever. His commanding gaze stabbed into her.

He was still in his suit, but his tie was gone and his shirt was unbuttoned at the throat. Locks of his black hair fell slightly on his forehead as if tangled by the wind. He towered over her. In his expensive flawless suit, he looked commanding. Pulling the letter out of his pocket, he held it out. “I suppose this is why you left.”

“Yes. I want a divorce,” she said. She tried to keep her voice civil, but her fists were clenched and she was trembling with anger again. “How could you deceive me the way you did?” she blurted out, unable to control her fury.

In agitation, she crossed the room to put some distance between them and then whirled to face him. “You married me to get Hubert’s money. Not for any other reason!” she snapped. “I hate you, Jake, for your duplicity.”

A muscle worked in his jaw, but otherwise he looked calm. “I think you’re making a mountain out of a molehill. We married because it was convenient, not for love. I never told you I loved you.”

“A molehill!” She struggled to get her voice back down. “Your greed is astounding. You’ll do anything for money! Why didn’t you just tell me what the deal was and let me decide if I wanted to get married under those circumstances?”

“You know you wouldn’t have.”

“If you think I wouldn’t have, then you know full well that you were doing something underhanded and wrong! I can’t believe how conniving you are!” She was hot with anger and her voice had risen. She hated his unshakable cool demeanor.

“All right, maybe I should have told you. But that’s over and done. Now that you know, why can’t we go on with this marriage? You’ll still get all sorts of things you never would have otherwise. And if we split up, you may never get married again. You might never have those children you want,” he stated flatly. “You’re thirty-one now,” he reminded her. “Your biological clock is ticking.”

“You needn’t remind me,” she replied stiffly, hating him with her whole being. “I don’t want my children to have a father who loves money more than anything else on earth. And last night…that was the most devious behavior of all. You led me to believe that you cared, that there was a chance for our marriage to be real. That love would come. ‘I told you that love will bloom,’ you said. ‘I want this marriage to work,’” she quoted. “‘I think this marriage has every potential for success. I don’t want to lose you.’” She glared at him. “It was lie upon lie,” she added, not caring about his excuses.

“You’re blowing this all out of proportion, Emily. And we’ve been good together. Deny that one,” he said, leveling a look at her that only increased her fury.

“What else haven’t you told me? What other big shocks lie in store?”

“That’s it,” he snapped, for the first time scowling at her. “That inheritance changes nothing between you and me.”

“It changes everything. You weren’t straightforward with me. It’s a betrayal of my trust!”

He pushed open his jacket to place his hands on his hips. He stared at her, his gray eyes glacial. “It’s ridiculous for you to waste your money staying at this hotel. Come out to the house. You can stay down the hall and we can avoid each other as much as you want, but we can talk things over and come to some agreement.”

“I’m not moving in with you,” she said. Was he listening to her at all? “I want a divorce. Or an annulment. Now I know why you fought the idea of divorce so strongly. Evidently, Hubert will cut you out of that inheritance if you divorce.”

“He hasn’t said that in so many words,” Jake said, but his face flushed, and she suspected she was exactly right.

“And the nursery, Jake. I see why you wanted a nursery. I’m sure you sent pictures of it to Hubert,” she said and saw Jake’s face flush even more. For once, he couldn’t maintain his impassive gaze. “You didn’t give a fig for the nursery! You may not even care about the baby if you ever have one. You’re after money.”

“I wanted him to know we were planning a family.”

“Of course you did. The only reason you haven’t lied to him and told him I’m pregnant is because you know he’ll want to meet the baby or see pictures. Well, you married the wrong woman,” she said. “I want out of this marriage.” She raised her chin. She wondered if Jake had ever been told he was going to have to do something he didn’t want to do.

His eyes narrowed. “You promised just a little over twenty-four hours ago that you would give me another six months. You gave me your word. And I agreed to give you a half a million dollars.”

“You’re a fine one to talk about giving your word!” she cried, winding her fingers together tightly.

“You promised me, Emily. Six more months.” He rubbed the back of his neck and gave her a stormy look. “You’re giving up a half a million dollars’ worth of help for all those people you say need it so desperately.”

“I’m not letting you touch me again. I don’t want to have your baby! I don’t want to get pregnant by you. My body is mine—you can never buy it. Never!”

“Never is a hell of a long time and you have a lot to learn about negotiation,” he said imperturbably, fueling her anger.

“You don’t deserve to have me honor my promise.”

“Perhaps not,” he said, leveling a cold hard look at her. “But you won’t be able to live with yourself if you don’t honor what you promised. It doesn’t matter one damn bit what I did when it comes to you giving your word. You live by a code of honesty and you know you’re going to have to uphold it to feel good about yourself.”

Suspecting he was right, she frowned. “This is one time I’ll live with guilt. I’m not coming back with you. I don’t want more intimate moments with you or to help you get more money. You’re consumed with greed, Jake!”

“You haven’t disliked intimate moments with me in the past,” he reminded her. She glared at him in silence, seeing they were at an impasse.

“This marriage is finished,” she declared.

“Maybe,” he said, studying her. “I’m always open to negotiation, Emily. You need to learn to salvage what you can from a bad situation,” he said.

“There’s nothing I want to salvage here. Deceitfulness is unforgivable. I can’t trust you.”

He shrugged, dismissing her. He jammed his hand in his pocket and gazed at her with speculation. Another lock of black hair curved over his forehead, giving him a slightly disheveled appearance that was usually enticing. She had no idea what he was thinking, but she was certain he was trying to figure out a way to talk her into doing what he wanted. She folded her hands across her middle and stared at him. She could wait as long as he could—she had no intention of letting him talk her into staying.

“Now think before you answer. Use your head and not your emotions.”

“I’ll really try, Jake,” she said with sarcasm.

“You stay…”

She opened her mouth to protest and he held up his hand, giving her a warning look.

“Hear me out before you answer. Always listen to the offer and weigh your options. You stay the six months with me at my Dallas home, stay as my wife—”

“Absolutely not!”

“Listen to me. Stay married to me in name only—a true paper marriage of convenience this time—for the six months and I’ll increase that half million I’m giving you to one million. That’s one million dollars for you, your family, your charities, whatever you want to spend it on. You can never do that much good for people, Emily, if you say no and walk out now.”

Once again, Jake had shocked her. She drew a deep breath. In spite of her protests and her fury, she knew that she had to think this over. That was too much money to blow off for her own selfish reasons. And he knew it. Nothing changed in his expression, but she was certain that Jake expected her to accept.

She stared at him, hoping she seemed as unruffled as he. “Well, maybe I can learn something about negotiation from the master, Jake. I want tonight to think over your offer.”

He nodded. “Fair enough,” he replied with a note of confidence. “Sleep on it and think about what you’d be giving up. A million dollars is a helluva lot of money.” He turned slightly as if to leave, but then paused. “I’ll come here in the morning—half-past seven. You can give me your answer. If you stay, I’ll take you to breakfast. If you don’t, I’ll go on my way.”

She doubted he would do any such thing without another battle, but she nodded. “Agreed. I’ll see you in the morning.”

He gave her a long searching look and then turned and left. She let out her breath, shaking now that Jake had gone. It had taken a toll to match wits with him and try to stay as calm as he was. Her hands were clammy and her stomach churned. She’d wanted to throw something at him, smash something against the door he’d just walked through.

She rushed to switch off the lights and stepped out onto the balcony into the chilly Dallas night. She sat in a chair and watched the traffic below, remembering she hadn’t eaten all day. But she didn’t care. She felt like even one bite of food would make her gag.

Below, she saw half of a limo parked on the hotel drive, the rest of it hidden by the portico. It was Jake’s—she saw Toby leaning against it, waiting patiently for Jake to come out.

Then she saw Jake emerge from under the portico and stride across the driveway, his long legs eating up the distance to the limo. Wind tangled locks of his hair. A doorman on the driveway moved out of his way and a car halted to let him cross. She watched him climb into the limo and the chauffeur close the door. In seconds the limo pulled out and disappeared around the curve of the hotel driveway.

She went inside, closing the door. But she still felt Jake’s domineering presence in the empty room.

While she pondered her options, she sat inside by a window to look out at the traffic.

Why would he offer her marriage in name only? That wouldn’t get him the baby he wanted. She knew Jake had a reason for everything he did. He was probably certain if he could keep her under his roof, he could seduce her. And he could still tell Hubert about his wife at home. She knew that on Jake’s European jaunts, he often called on his mentor.

She thought of the children who were being tutored and all they needed. The four high-school football players who mentored the elementary kids could use some new supplies, too. One of the high-school boys, Orlando Crane, seemed talented and bright, but because of difficulties at home trying to take care of his siblings, he could barely stay in school himself. Their high school was the poorest in the system. The team only had tattered faded uniforms and poor equipment. She could use the money in so many ways. Jake had made her an offer she had to consider. What was she going to do?

Jake gazed unseeingly out the window of the limo. “Dammit!” he swore, thinking about the letter. That letter from Hub he should’ve tossed.

It had been sent to his office and he’d stuck it into his pocket to read on the way to a meeting. He’d meant to shred it when he returned to the office. Instead, he had forgotten about it.

He thought about making love with Emily. She set him on fire. Last night, she was the most passionate she’d ever been, willing to do anything, eager and responsive. He slow-played memories of later, standing in front of the mirror where he could watch her while he fondled and caressed her, demolished all her control. Hot and aroused now, he shifted uncomfortably. He’d spent all day looking forward to tonight. He’d expected another night of passion—only to discover she wanted a divorce.

She surprised him. She had been composed and calm tonight. No tears, no screaming. But then he’d known for a long time that she was intelligent. For a moment he wondered why in the hell he hadn’t just married some gorgeous babe who loved cars and diamonds and wouldn’t have given him a moment’s trouble. But then he knew he would have been bored in six months. So far, he couldn’t claim one minute of boredom with Emily.

She’d looked beautiful, too—willowy, curvaceous, luscious. He drew a deep breath, thinking about when he’d opened the door and she’d been standing there, fire in her blue eyes. The red silk clung to her curves without flaunting them in his face. Just seeing her had ignited fires at a time he couldn’t handle a blaze.

He didn’t think he could be angry and frustrated and aroused at the same time, but tonight he’d learned that he could. His first inclination had been to cross the room, take her into his arms and kiss away all her objections. For once, she had a wall of resistance between them as hard as a slab of concrete.

If she accepted his offer—and he expected her to—he’d have her under his roof and if so, it was only a matter of time until he could seduce her. And he would still be able to talk to Hub about her being with him. Jake inhaled deeply, clenching his fist. If only he’d gotten Em pregnant last night. Maybe he had. For if she got pregnant, it would solve everything—give her something to occupy her mind and her time besides the damnable charities.

Just remembering the previous night heated him. She’d felt so smooth, so satiny in his arms, and her curves were so delectable. He remembered her hands exploring him, caressing him while she’d kissed him, her tongue licking him, hot and wet. She drove him wild. He inhaled again and stretched, trying to get their lovemaking out of his mind.

It surprised him how often he thought of her. He’d always been able to keep whatever woman was in his life out of his thoughts. But Emily had a way of stirring memories too easily. Soon he was lost in erotic fantasies, wanting her badly.

Suppose she turned him down? Should he have another offer ready? He wasn’t going to let her go. She had to have a price. He wanted Hub’s inheritance…and the old man was slipping by the week.

Jake thought about his offer. He wondered if Emily would sleep easily tonight. Her cheeks had been pink, her blue eyes stormy, but he’d been surprised how composed she’d remained.

She was getting to him in ways he didn’t want. He wished he’d looked into her life more before they’d married. He’d had her background checked and she’d seemed perfect, a spotless record. She could run for public office without worry. But it had never occurred to him when he’d picked a woman who wasn’t interested in his wealth, that she wouldn’t be impressed by it, either.

He shook his head. He had to think clearly about his alternatives if she turned him down. He was not going to let Emily walk out on him. Not until he had Hub’s inheritance.


Saturday morning Emily showered and dressed with care, pulling on a navy dress with a straight skirt that ended midcalf. It had a split up one side that revealed her legs when she walked. The neckline was high and the sleeves short. It was simple, and she liked how she looked in it. Her hair was combed and fell freely across her shoulders.

She’d spent a sleepless night, weighing her options and possibilities, trying to decide what would be best for her future and contemplating the consequences.

Promptly at half-past seven Jake called from the lobby and she told him to come up.

When she heard his faint knock, she swung open the door and her heart thudded.

Wearing one of his dark suits, he was at his most appealing …and formidable. Her mouth went dry and her pulse raced. She couldn’t keep from glancing at his sensual, sculpted lips and thinking about his kisses. Trying to gather her wits, she inhaled. Jake looked confident and in control.

“You look gorgeous,” he said.

“Thank you,” she replied, walking away from him to put distance between them. She needed to stay on her toes, because she could feel a battle coming.

“How’s the hotel? My friend’s is just down the street if you care to move. I can get you a luxury suite.”

“I’m comfortable where I am,” she replied, wondering how long they would deal so courteously with each other. A moment of tense silence stretched between them.

“Have you decided? Do you accept my offer?” Jake asked.

“I’ve given it a lot of thought. I stayed up all night.” She raised her chin. “You said you’re always open to negotiation. You told me to learn to salvage what I can from a bad situation.”

Amusement flashed in his eyes. “I did offer that advice.”

“I hope I took it,” she replied, trying to look calm. She didn’t want to let him discover her palms were already damp. “You also advised me to always listen to the offer and weigh my options.”

“I may have extended a bit more advice than I should have for my own good,” he remarked dryly.

They were sparring, and at the moment she enjoyed it. But she also knew she was out of her league. Jake was an old hand at one-upmanship, and she felt as if she were tiptoeing through a verbal minefield.

“I’ve thought about everything, considered the possibilities and the future. I want the million you promised. I can’t give that up,” she said, and he smiled.

“I’m glad you faced reality. I hope you’ve calmed down,” he said with satisfaction in his voice.

“I’m composed enough. I’ll stay for the six months with a definite agreement that there will be no marital privileges. This will be a marriage on paper only.”

“Agreed,” he declared. “It sounds as if there’s a condition coming. What are the terms? I have a feeling there’s something you want besides the million dollars.”

“You’re astute as usual,” she said, her pulse quickening as she braced for the storm she knew would follow. “I recall you saying to me, ‘Do you think I’ll miss it?’ referring to the half a million you first offered me. No, you won’t miss the money. It’s pocket change to you. In your world, it’s a paltry sum, so you’re really not out anything on this so far, Jake.” Her heart raced as he stared at her.

“I’m beginning to think I should stop offering you advice. A million dollars isn’t exactly ‘pocket change.’ How much more do you want?” he persisted, watching her more intently now.

“I don’t want more money,” she replied, taking a deep breath. “Your world revolves around money. Mine doesn’t. Mine is wound up with people and their needs.”

“So?” he asked when she paused to take a breath. “What else do you want?”

“You. I want you to give four hours a week of your own time to coach some kids in football on Saturday afternoons.”

“Hell! I’m not spending my valuable time with a bunch of kids,” he snapped, his eyes flashing. “No way. Can’t they get football coaching at school?”

“They could use some personal attention.”

His dry laugh held no humor. “I’m not coaching any kids. Forget it, Emily! I don’t want to deal with kids!” he exclaimed, losing his poise.

She’d stayed awake until four in the morning contemplating her future and weighing options. This was an opportunity to get what she wanted from him and at the same time to shake up his world and exact payment for his deception. Never again would she have such leverage with him. She didn’t intend to back off now even if it cost her the million and the marriage, which was doomed, anyway.

“I don’t imagine you do. But then, I don’t want to move back in with you,” she replied, trying to sound nonchalant and indifferent. In addition to getting back at him, she wanted to help the boys. And deep down, she knew Jake was still the person who was good to his family and good to friends. She suspected if she could reach him and make him really look at some of the world’s problems, he’d do more to help solve them. Right now, she knew she was in for a battle.

“No,” he said flatly. “That’s an unreasonable demand. I use my time in far more productive ways.”

“Productive to you. If you don’t want to meet my terms, okay. We’ll get our lawyers and dissolve our marriage,” she said, her heart drumming. The air crackled with static as they clashed.

He stared at her and she stared back. She was glad she was across the room from him, because her heart was racing violently. Never in her life had she threatened anyone, but she was desperate and furious.

Silence stretched between them, taut sparks of friction flying. Silence and indecision was so unlike him, and her edginess grew. She knew he was trying to think of something—anything—to get what he wanted and avoid meeting her terms. He was a formidable adversary. That was the only way she saw him now—as an opponent.

She waited, uncertain whether to keep quiet or urge him to give her an answer. He stood as still as a statue, his expression impassive. She heard a car horn honk far in the distance, disrupting the silence that enveloped them like fog.

“Well?” she asked finally, certain he could hear her hammering heart.

“Dammit! I’ll give you two million if you cut my coaching the kids,” Jake bargained. “That’s a damned good offer.”

As elation bubbled in her, she tried to remain expressionless and composed. He wanted to bargain and he hadn’t come up with anything that gave him an advantage.

She shook her head, hoping she continued sounding nonchalant. “My offer is firm—no coaching, no deal,” she said.

“I won’t do it, Emily. You’ll lose the million.”

“So be it,” she answered, and prayed that she remained firm.

He glared at her and she knew he was thinking over options. “I won’t be any good at working with a bunch of teens.”

Again she had another surge of exhilaration. He hadn’t turned her down. “You know a lot about football,” she reminded him. “They’re kids. You know more than they do. You’ll be very skilled at it. You’re successful at everything you do.”

“I know nothing about teenage kids.”

“Not so, Jake. You were one, once. You had friends. If nothing else, you’ll muddle through somehow. Coach them or I walk out of your life,” she threatened, praying she seemed confident. “It’s only a handful of kids. You don’t have a qualm about standing in front of a boardroom filled with executives who want to tear you to pieces. You thrive on competition. These kids will look up to you. I’ll even go with you the first time and introduce you.”

“Let me get this straight—if I give in to your demands, you’ll stay the six months in my house as my wife in name only. People will think we have a regular marriage, but you and I will know better. In turn, I pay you one million dollars and coach four kids. Is that correct?”

“Yes,” she agreed.

Another silence stretched between them, and time passed while they stared at each other. Six months earlier, Jake’s withering look would have terrified her into yielding to whatever he demanded. But all she had to do was think about his deception and she found the strength to face him unruffled. She didn’t actually think she’d win, but she was curious to see just how money hungry Jake was. She had nothing to lose either way. She was leaving him sooner or later. How badly did he want the inheritance?

She stood as still as he, hoping nothing showed in her expression. He frowned, planting his hands on his hips. He raked a hand through his hair, and she could tell he was debating telling her to get out of his life.

“Is there any price you’d take to cut coaching the kids?” he asked finally. “That’s something I can’t do.”

“Absolutely not,” she replied.

“Dammit, Emily, you know you have me at a disadvantage. You know if we split, my inheritance goes out the window.”

She hadn’t known for certain, but to hear him say it made her pulse leap. He had to keep her as his wife or give up all hope of the billion-dollar inheritance. Yet what hope did he have if she lived in his house and he couldn’t touch her? She wasn’t going to give him a baby that way. She knew Jake figured he’d be able to seduce her, but she would deal with that when the time came. Right now, she was too angry with him to let him near her. She waited in silence.

“I don’t want to pay all the money up front at once,” he said finally. “We divide it. Otherwise, you could take the money and run.”

“All right. I’ll take half this week deposited into my account. I’ll take care of it from there. Then you can pay the remaining half in three months.”

He shook his head. “No. A third now, a third in three months and the final third after we’ve completed our bargain. That’s fair and you know it.”

She thought about it and nodded. A third of a million was still a lot of money, and she’d have it immediately. “Very well. I’ll accept it in thirds.”

He stood in silence, still weighing his options. She wondered how long it would take him to reach a decision. He raised his head and glared at her. “We have a deal. I’ll coach the damned kids! But I promise you that they’ll hate me and I’ll hate them.”

“Done!” she declared, her spirits soaring. She’d held out for a fantastic arrangement. “It’ll do you good to get out again into the real world.”

And she got one million dollars to use as she saw fit. She was no longer Jake’s wife except on paper. He would work with the high-school boys and help them. She hoped she banked her elation enough that he had no idea how happy she was about her victory.

She would get through the six months, take the money and get a divorce. She studied her handsome husband and regrets tugged at her. They could have had so much…

She shook that thought out of her head. Jake was who he was—a man after money and power. To add to the mix, he had political ambitions that would drive him even harder.

His eyes narrowed and his expression changed as his gaze raked blatantly over her, as if she was naked. Her heart thudded and her mouth went dry. She wondered what was running through his mind. She’d have thought he’d be irate with her and want to leave. But the scalding look he gave her didn’t say that he wanted to get away. It was filled with sizzling desire, transforming the clash between them into an entirely different tension.

She drew a deep breath and realized there was a chance Jake could seduce her if they were together often. Yet when she thought about his deception, her fury became an armor that would keep him at bay.

“Maybe I’ve never really seen you,” he said. “I sure as hell didn’t know this side of you.” His voice was low, speculative, hot. She had expected his anger to continue, never anticipating this abrupt switch to a different kind of heat. “You’ve made a bargain with me, Emily,” he said.

With deliberation he took off his coat and tossed it aside without ever taking his gaze from her.

Her pulse roared as he walked up to her and thrust his hands into her hair, tilting her head up abruptly. “What happened to the quiet cooperative secretary I married?” he asked, studying her with those piercing eyes.

“I’m not your secretary now, Jake,” she answered, desire igniting beneath his scalding perusal. She wanted to tell him to take his hands off her. They had an agreement and he was already violating it, but the words were locked in her throat.

“You just bested me, Emily. Something few men have ever done and no woman has. We agreed not to have sex, but I can’t recall any stipulations that I can never kiss you. This morning, you got your way and what you wanted. Now I’m going to take what I want,” he said.

Her heart drummed as she gazed up at him, wanting him and angry with him at the same time, unable to shake either response to him. She shook her head. “No, you’re not,” she whispered, knowing she wasn’t really putting up a fight at all.

“You want me to kiss you,” he said. “It shows in your eyes. Tell me to leave you alone, Emily.”

While he waited, his smoky eyes vanquishing her protest, his arm went around her waist. She wanted to shout at him to go away, but she couldn’t. Her heart hammered and her lips tingled and her toes curled in anticipation. She ached for him and wondered whether she’d really won at all. She’d get what he promised, but he’d take what he wanted and she would give it to him willingly. No matter how furious with him she was, how much she didn’t like or trust him, she couldn’t refuse him.

His gaze went to her mouth and he leaned closer. She was certain he could see her pulse raging.

“No, Jake,” she whispered.

“Everything in you is saying yes,” he said with satisfaction lighting his eyes. His mouth covered hers, his tongue thrusting deep as if he could bend her will to his own.

Her exhilaration over winning evaporated. Enraged with him for his deception, she wanted to shout no, to stand up to him, yet she couldn’t. Why was she letting him kiss her?

Thoughts spun away as his arm tightened and he leaned over her. She knew now she hadn’t really won this major part of their battle.

He leaned down until she lost her balance and she clung to him while he kissed her. Trying to resist, she stood as still as a statue. But desire scalded her and she had to return his kiss, to stroke his tongue with hers, to kiss him deeply and run her hands over him.

Finally, he released her and looked down at her with a satisfied expression.

“Don’t let it go to your head, Jake,” she whispered. “You know you can kiss me and I can’t resist, but I will say no to anything more. I’m not giving you a baby.”

“We’ve made our bargain,” he said, still leaning over her. His gaze was intense, hot with desire. He swung her up and kissed her hard again, wrapping his arms around her.

His arousal thrust against her and she burst into flame, her breath ragged. She hoped she could live up to her words. She wouldn’t let Jake get her pregnant. She knew he intended to seduce her, get her pregnant and inherit the money, but she wasn’t having his baby.

She kissed him back for a moment, returning it passionately. A part of her wanted to excite him, frustrate him as much as he frustrated her. She thrust her tongue deep in his mouth, stroking and teasing, nipping his lower lip lightly, rubbing against his hard erection.

She felt him inhale, heard a groan deep in his throat. He released her and both of them gasped for breath as they studied each other.

Contradicting the storm in his gray eyes, he placed his palm gently against her cheek. “You’re beautiful, Em. You absolutely take my breath away.”

“How many women have you said that to?” she asked. His jaw hardened and his eyes turned cold.

“Want me to take you to breakfast?” he asked, instead of replying to her question. “After all, you have to eat and it’ll save you money for your charities. We’ll be in public so there’ll be no more kisses. Get your purse and come with me. We don’t even have to talk.” Without waiting for her answer, he turned away to pick up his jacket and pull it on.

In consternation, she started to refuse. But she knew that everything Jake had just said was the truth, so why not let him buy her breakfast? Maybe she could torment him a little more.

In silence she picked up her purse, but paused when she noticed Jake had pulled out his cell phone. “I’ll call my accountant. He’ll have your bank account number and can transfer the first payment to you this morning,” Jake said.

“Thank you,” she said. She made a mental note to open another account that Jake and his staff knew nothing about and move the money. She intended to spend a lot of it as soon as possible, having decided already what she wanted to do and which projects were the most vital. A chunk of the money would go to her father’s church. Her relationship with Jake was so volatile, she wanted to grab the money and run, get it spent so Jake couldn’t take it back.

Barely able to hear his low voice, she listened as he gave the information to his head accountant. Then Jake clicked shut his phone. “It’s done. Now you’ve got a lot of money to spread goodwill over Dallas.”

“Thank you,” she said. “So are we ready?”

He waved his hand toward the door and opened it for her. She swept out ahead of him and he fell into step beside her as they moved to the elevator.

They walked to the car in silence. She was aware of his height, his shoulder occasionally brushing hers. At the car, he reached around her to open the door for her and she caught the scent of his aftershave.

As she slid into the car, she glanced up to see him looking down at her legs. Her skirt had fallen open at the slit, revealing her long legs.

“Thanks,” she said perfunctorily, looking forward and trying to ignore him—which was totally impossible. He walked around the front of the sports car, taking his usual long strides that conveyed self-assurance in every step.

At the restaurant, as they followed the maître d’ to a linen-covered table, skylights let sunshine spill into the dining room. Emily was aware of women turning to look at Jake. Women gravitated to him like iron filings to a magnet. A lot of them wouldn’t have cared what Jake’s motives were for marriage. They’d be deliriously happy with all he could give them. Was she being unreasonable? She didn’t think so. As far as she was concerned, deception was an unforgivable breach of trust.

Jake held her chair, his fingers barely brushing her, so slight on her back and arm that it could have been accidental. But she suspected Jake did very little unintentionally.

He sat across from her and once again, she could see faint amusement in his eyes. He was so damn certain of himself. He knew that he was handsome and sexy and that she couldn’t resist his kisses.

A waitress placed menus in front of them. Emily opened hers and tried to ignore the sparks that danced between them every time she glanced at Jake.

She ordered a huge breakfast, figuring she’d skip lunch and eat on his dime.

With a wink for Jake, the waitress took their menus. Emily looked into Jake’s eyes. “You do impress women everywhere you go,” she said.

“There’s one I don’t impress enough,” he replied. “So if I’d refused to coach, would you really have walked? Admit it, Em. We have a deal now and the money is being moved. Would you have walked out on the million?”

“Yes, I would,” she said. “It doesn’t seem real to me at this point, anyway.”

“After over a year of being married to me, I don’t see how it can’t seem real. Of all the women in the world, I picked the one who isn’t interested in wealth or luxury.”

“As I recall,” she said, smiling at him, “you said that’s what you were searching for.”

“Not to this extent. It never occurred to me anyone would react to money the way you do.” He touched her cheek. “I don’t usually miss the mark as I have with you. Maybe I’m losing my touch.”

“Jake, as the old saying goes, you can’t win ’em all. You always expect to win, that much I know about you. But nobody gets what they want all the time.”

“True,” he said, smiling at her with a flash of white teeth in a warm grin that was an invitation to relax her guard. She wondered how many times he’d coaxed what he wanted out of women with that irresistible smile. And she was as vulnerable to it as any of them.

“Are you free late this afternoon?” she asked sweetly, smiling at him in turn, sure she couldn’t do to him what he could to her.

Pleasure flashed in his eyes. “Sure, I’m free,” he said, reaching over to take her hand in his and lightly rub his thumb across her knuckles. Tingles spun from his touch, fanning an ever smoldering blaze. “And, for you, if I weren’t, I’d get free. What did you have in mind?”

“I’ll call this morning and see if I can catch the boys. You can start coaching late this afternoon,” she said. Jake would hate to start today—all the more reason to make him do so, as far as she was concerned.

Instantly, his eyes turned glacial. He dropped her hand and sat back. “Dammit, Emily, this coaching thing is going to be disastrous. Football is history in my life. And I’m not a teacher.”

“You’re a smart man, Jake, and these are good kids. You’ll manage.” She paused while the waitress appeared with orange juice and cups of steaming coffee.

She fussed over Jake and then left them. “I don’t think our waitress has noticed my wedding ring.” Emily laughed. “Let me tell you about the boys. Orlando Crane and Anthony Day are American. The other two haven’t been in this country long. English is their second language.”

“Dammit, Emily! I can’t talk to them?”

“Oh, please!” she exclaimed, exasperated. “You travel and do business all over the world,” she said, her anger flaring at his stubborn refusal to cooperate. “How many languages do you speak?” Jake clamped his mouth shut and the glacial look returned to his expression. Undaunted, she continued, “Enzo Oquendo is Costa Rican and Tanek Kozlik is from Germany, but that wasn’t where he was born.”

Suddenly Jake sat back and relaxed, a crooked smile tugging up one corner of his mouth. “I can’t believe you’ve managed this.” He leaned forward over the table and his voice dropped. “I want you, Em. I want to make love to you and to get through that iron wall of anger you’ve thrown up between us.”

Her pulse drummed and her nipples became taut as his gaze drifted languidly over her. She wound her fingers together in her lap and hoped she could maintain the iron wall of anger he referred to. “This is one time you won’t be getting your way. You brought it on yourself,” she whispered, leaning toward him; she looked into his eyes and saw the tiny flecks of green near his pupils. “You’re not going to make love to me.”

“We’ll see, Em,” he whispered, touching her throat.

“You want me to need you and beg for your loving, to get wild with you so you can flaunt that male dominance of yours. Not this time,” she said, shaking her head and hoping with all her heart she could live up to her words. Looking into his thickly lashed eyes, she was thankful they were out in public because she was melting right now. Her knees were weak, her insides jelly and she was hot, wanting him and trying to bank the hot images his words called to mind.

“Perhaps. Challenges are always interesting,” he said. Again she received one of those come-hither, crooked smiles that was as seductive as a caress. He drew his fingers along her throat lightly, and she knew her racing pulse would give him satisfaction.

To her relief their waitress appeared with their breakfasts, placing a golden omelet in front of her, along with crisp strips of bacon, flaky biscuits and a bowl of fruit with ripe red strawberries, blueberries and chunks of green melon. She still had no appetite, but knew she should eat. She hadn’t eaten a thing yesterday.

“When I get back to the hotel, the first thing I’ll do is try to make arrangements for this afternoon. I’ll go with you to introduce you to the boys and I’ll bring refreshments.”

Jake looked amused. “If I have to do this, I’ll get the damn refreshments so you don’t have to lug around a cooler. What do they want—cold beer?”

“Don’t you dare take beer to those boys!” she snapped. “Take some soda and get them a pizza and sandwiches. Get them candy bars and cookies, too. They’re always hungry.”

“So am I,” Jake said in a silky voice, letting his gaze roam over her. She knew he wasn’t thinking about food.

“Jake, pay attention,” she said.

“I am,” he answered with great innocence. “I like to flirt with you, Em.”

“That time has passed,” she replied firmly.

He reached over to take her wrist and place his thumb on her pulse. His lips curved in satisfaction. “I don’t think so. Your pulse gives me a different answer.”

Glaring at him, she ate in silence, wanting to return to the hotel and get on with her day. Jake was touching, flirting and trying to beguile her. Everything he was doing was having an effect on her. What woman could resist him when he turned on the charm?

“So tell me about these kids. Why are they important to you?” he asked.

“I know Orlando and Anthony through Dad’s church. They both tutor kids on Wednesday nights. Anthony comes from a broken home. His dad is not around, he has lots of brothers and sisters and he ran away a few months ago. I don’t think his mother cared. To keep him off the street, Orlando took him home. There’s no dad in that household, either, but his mother and grandmother are good people and Orlando is bright.” She wondered if Jake was even listening. She doubted she’d stirred one shred of sympathy. “The other two families have come here to try to better their lives.”

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Wed to the Texan  Taming Clint Westmoreland: Wed to the Texan Brenda Jackson и Sara Orwig
Wed to the Texan / Taming Clint Westmoreland: Wed to the Texan

Brenda Jackson и Sara Orwig

Тип: электронная книга

Жанр: Современные любовные романы

Язык: на английском языке

Издательство: HarperCollins

Дата публикации: 16.04.2024

Отзывы: Пока нет Добавить отзыв

О книге: Wed to the Texan Sara OrwigTo claim an inheritance, Texan tycoon Jake Thorne needed to find a wife and start a family…fast! And his shy secretary Emily Carlisle was perfect. She wasn’t after his wealth or power – and she had the most tempting lips he’d ever tasted. But when Emily learned that he had married her for money, Jake had to convince his unwilling wife to stay…Taming Clint Westmoreland Brenda Jackson The moment ex-Texas Ranger Clint Westmoreland learned he was technically married, he set limits for his wife’s stay at his luxurious ranch. He and Alyssa Barkley had thirty days to untangle the legal knot that had bound them together. But this sexy, curvaceous Alyssa’s every move had him wondering what it would be like to really be her man…

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