Little Cowgirl Needs a Mum / Once Upon a Proposal: Little Cowgirl Needs a Mum

Little Cowgirl Needs a Mum / Once Upon a Proposal: Little Cowgirl Needs a Mum
Allison Leigh
Patricia Thayer
Little Cowgirl Needs a Mum When a tiny girl peers nervously round the door of her quilt shop Jenny’s heart melts. Gracie needs help finishing the quilt her mother started before she passed away. But her father, gruff rancher Evan, is reluctant to let Jenny into his world. Even if she can offer him a second chance at love. Once Upon a Proposal It was only a kiss, meant to get rid of an unwanted suitor. Now Gabriel’s asking Bobbie to pretend to be his fiancée so he can gain custody of his kids. Bobbie wouldn’t even have to fake her attraction to the incredibly sexy tycoon. But that’s just the problem!

Dear Reader,
Welcome back to Texas. I can’t tell you how excited I am about starting THE QUILT SHOP IN KERRY SPRINGS series. It is centred around the The Blind Stitch quilt shop on Main Street, and the women—young and old—who gather there at the corner table to work on their quilts and share their hopes and dreams.
In the first story, Little Cowgirl Needs a Mum, Jenny Collins moves to Kerry Springs to manage The Blind Stitch. One day she puts a sign in the window for a beginners’ class and her first student is eight-year-old Gracie Rafferty, who wants to work on a quilt she and her mother started before her death. Jenny soon learns Gracie’s mother made her daughter promise that she’d finish it. The little girl took it to heart.
That brings good-looking rancher/vineyard owner Evan Rafferty into the shop, but he refuses any help or ideas from his daughter’s new friend. Of course that doesn’t stop Jenny—even if it means butting heads and risking her heart to a stubborn man who clearly doesn’t want to share his.
There are so many wonderful characters in this small Texas town, I couldn’t wait to tell this story.
Hope you enjoy it, too.
Patricia Thayer

Little Cowgirl
Needs a Mum
Patricia Thayer

Once Upon a
Allison Leigh (

Little Cowgirl Needs a Mum

About the Author
Originally born and raised in Muncie, Indiana, PATRICIA THAYER is the second of eight children. She attended Ball state university, and soon afterwards headed West. Over the years she’s made frequent visits back to the Midwest, trying to keep up with her growing family.
Patricia has called Orange County, California, home for many years. She not only enjoys the warm climate, but also the company and support of other published authors in the local writers’ organisation. For the past eighteen years she has had the unwavering support and encouragement of her critique group. It’s a sisterhood like no other.
When not working on a story, you might find her travelling the United States and Europe, taking in the scenery and doing story research while thoroughly enjoying herself accompanied by steve, her husband for over thirty-five years. Together they have three grown sons and four grandsons. As she calls them, her own true-life heroes. On rare days off from writing, you might catch her at Disneyland, spoiling those grandkids rotten! She also volunteers for the Grandparent Autism Network.
Patricia has written for over twenty years and has authored over thirty-six books. She has been nominated for both the National Readers’ Choice Award and the prestigious Rita. Her book Nothing Short of a Miracle won a Romantic Times Reviewer’s Choice award.
A long-time member of Romance Writers of America, she has served as President and held many other board positions for her local chapter in Orange County. She’s a firm believer in giving back.
Check her website at for upcoming books.
To Harrison John,
Your smiles melt my heart.
And thanks to our family and friends who supported
the Wright Bros in the Autism Speaks Walk.

JENNY Collins stood looking in the storefront window of the Blind Stitch, eyeing the new sign behind the glass.
Beginner’s quilting classes starting on Wednesday and Saturday. Everyone welcome.
Okay, it was official—she was in over her head. She was a high-school English teacher, not an expert on quilting. She never should have listened when Allison had told her to jump in with both feet. Unfortunately, Jenny didn’t know any other way to do things, and it sometimes got her into trouble.
Yet, her friend had confidence in her. How could she let her down?
Even after Jenny’s life had fallen apart, she’d got the manager’s job, along with an apartment above the shop, thanks to Allison Casali. The job was hers as long as she wanted to stay in Kerry Springs, Texas. That was the million-dollar question. How long would she be staying?
The shop door opened, bringing Jenny back to the present, and Millie Roberts poked her head out. In her sixties, Jenny’s part-time employee had short, gray hair cut in a flattering style. Petite and slender, Millie was energetic and friendly and, best of all, knowledgeable about quilting.
“We just got a delivery.” She smiled. “It’s the new fabrics Allison ordered.”
Jenny followed her inside the store. “Good, we were getting pretty low on stock.”
“Well, that’s to be expected since you’ve sold nearly everything in the store.”
They walked past several quilts hanging along the high walls, all custom designs by the shop owner and, most recently, Jenny’s boss.
There were stands that displayed colorful bolts of fabrics in every print a quilter could ever want or need. A long cutting table divided the front from the back of the store. A cash register sat on the counter and beside it were several large delivery boxes.
“Oh, boy,” Jenny said. “Allison must have bought out the entire wholesale house.” She knew the company gave the quilting icon a good deal just to have their textiles associated with the name Allison Cole Casali. Her loyal followers would buy a lot of their products.
Jenny opened one box and started to remove bolts of colorful fabric. She and Millie were examining the new materials when a soft voice drew Jenny’s attention. She turned around to see a small dark-haired girl standing in front of the counter.
The cute child was dressed in a pair of jeans, a pink shirt and white sneakers. Her large blue eyes widened as she gave a tentative smile.
Jenny walked away from the boxes and stopped in front of the girl. “Hello, I’m Jenny Collins.”
“I’m Grace Anne Rafferty, but everybody calls me Gracie.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Gracie Rafferty. This is Millie.”
“Hi, Gracie,” Millie greeted her, then continued to sort through the boxes.
Jenny turned back to the child. “What can I do for you, Gracie?”
The little girl pointed to the window over her shoulder. “I read the sign. I want you to help me make my quilt.”
Jenny glanced at Millie. “Well, Gracie. I don’t know.” How could she tell the child she was too young? “This class really isn’t for children.”
“I’m eight years old and I know how to sew. I even have a quilt started … well, my mother started making it, but she can’t help me anymore.”
Jenny’s heart went out to the child, seeing her sadness. “I wish I could help you, Gracie, but the class is for adults.”
The child’s shoulders slumped, but her blue eyes widened. “But I hafta finish it ‘cause I promised her.”
Jenny leaned down to the small child. “Then you and your mother should finish it together. What about if she joins the class?”
The girl shook her head, causing her ponytail to swing back and forth as tears welled in her eyes. “She can’t, ‘cause she’s in heaven.”

Evan Rafferty had searched up and down all the aisles of Sayers Hardware, but there was no sign of his daughter anywhere. He hurried outside to his truck, hoping she’d gotten bored and left. Gracie wasn’t there either.
He glanced up and down the small town’s main street. Where had she gone to? Dear Lord, could someone have taken her? No, not in Kerry Springs. He sent up a silent prayer as he hurried next door to the drug store. Maybe she’d gone in to buy candy. She wasn’t there either. He couldn’t slow the pounding of his heart, the dread that threatened to overtake him.
He couldn’t even take care of his own daughter. Had Megan been right? Maybe he wasn’t cut out to be a father.
He rushed past two more storefronts, then stopped suddenly when he saw the patchwork quilts in one of the windows. Gracie had said something about having to finish a quilt.
He pulled open the glass-paneled door and slowed his steps when he heard the sweet voice of his little girl. She’d been the mainstay in his life, the thing that had kept him focused over the past year and a half. The reason he got up every day when some days he wanted to walk away from it all.
Evan passed the rows of shelves stacked high with material until a blond woman came into view, talking to his daughter.
“Gracie Rafferty.”
She swung around as her happy look suddenly turned to one of guilt. “Oh, hi, Daddy.”
“Don’t ‘hi, Daddy’ me. You know better than to run off.” His voice softened, “I couldn’t find you.”
“I’m sorry,” she said as tears welled in her eyes. “You were busy, so I thought I’d come and look at the quilts.” She forced a smile that reminded him of her mother.
“None of that excuses you for going off by yourself.”
“Mr. Rafferty, I’m Jenny Collins.” The blond woman still stood next to his child. “I’m the new manager of the Blind Stitch.”
He appraised the storekeeper with her fresh look and easy smile. She was tall and slender, wearing a blue blouse tucked into jeans, accenting a narrow waist and the flare of her hips. When his attention went to her large dark eyes he felt a sudden tightening in his gut.
“I’m sorry you were worried about Gracie,” the woman continued. “I didn’t know that she didn’t have permission to come here.”
He reined in his straying thoughts. “What did you think when a child walked in by herself?”
The woman continued to smile, but he could see a flash of anger in her brown-sugar eyes. “I assumed her parent would be coming shortly.” She looked down at his daughter. “Gracie, next time you come here make sure you have permission.”
The girl nodded as she wiped away a tear. “Okay.”
“Good. Now, why don’t you go wash your face before your dad takes you home?” The store manager sent him a look as if daring him to challenge her.
An older woman came out from behind the counter. “Hello, Evan.”
He felt his cheeks warm as he recognized Millie Roberts. A retired teacher from the school, and a member of the church he’d once attended. He tipped his hat. “Hello, Mrs. Roberts.”
“Why don’t I take Gracie and show her where to wash up?”
After the two left Jenny turned back to him. “Could I just take a minute of your time, Mr. Rafferty?”
“What’s the point? Gracie won’t be coming back here.”
“Why? Do you have a problem with her taking up quilting? Gracie explained to me that her mother was a quilter and she’s been very unhappy since … lately.”
Evan didn’t want to talk about his private life, especially not with a stranger. “That’s not your concern. Besides, Gracie’s too young.”
Jenny studied this man. She hadn’t figured him out yet, only that neither father nor daughter looked happy. From the second she’d seen Gracie standing in front of the counter she’d felt an instant connection to her. Her own childhood hadn’t been the happiest, and seeing the girl’s sadness nearly broke Jenny’s heart.
“Maybe if you take the time to talk to her,” she suggested.
“Look, I don’t know what makes you an expert, but I’d appreciate it if you let me handle my daughter.”
She nodded. “Your daughter walked in here and involved me in this. I’d like to help. Maybe we can come up with an idea to get her involved in something.”
The last thing he needed was another person getting into his business. “No thanks. What I want is to be left alone.”
He was grateful when his daughter came out of the restroom. Evan motioned for her. “Come on, Gracie. We need to get back to the ranch.”
He headed for the door, Evan didn’t know why he was being so rude, both to his daughter and to a woman he didn’t even know. It was the woman, that was the problem.
He could understand why Gracie was drawn to her. He glanced back at the pretty blonde. He hated that he felt the same pull. He groaned. He needed to get out more.

“What a jerk,” Jenny murmured. “Did you hear him, Millie?” She walked to the store window, not waiting for her coworker’s answer. She watched as Mr. Rafferty walked to the curb and helped his daughter into a late-model truck with a logo on the door for Triple R Ranch.
The rancher walked around the cab, giving her a view of his backside. The tall, loose-limbed cowboy was a killer in a pair of jeans. His thighs were solid and so was his rear end. He had broad shoulders and muscular arms and thick sable hair under his wide-brimmed Stetson.
She could still feel the heat from his smoky blue-eyed stare. Great! For the first time in a long while she felt an attraction to a man, and he definitely wasn’t her type. She’d known too many rude and arrogant men like him, including her stepfather. No, she wouldn’t waste her time on someone like Evan Rafferty.
She thought back to what the girl had said about her mother being in heaven. Okay, so he’d lost his wife recently. She couldn’t help but feel for both of them.
Jenny watched the truck pull away from the curb and Gracie looked in her direction. She waved at her and Jenny’s chest tightened with longing. Admittedly the big cowboy had one thing in his favor. The sweetest little girl.
Millie came up beside her. “Don’t be too hard on that young man. He’s been through a lot.” The older woman turned to Jenny, looking sad. “He lost his wife, Megan, a year ago last Thanksgiving.”
“What happened?” Jenny found herself asking.
“She had cancer.” Millie sighed. “I know she suffered terribly. Then, not only did Evan have to deal with her death, he’s trying to raise a daughter and run his ranch. I don’t blame him for being upset when he couldn’t find Gracie.”
Jenny nodded. She didn’t have a child, but she knew what her friend, Allison, had gone through to get her daughter Cherry to walk again after an automobile accident that had nearly taken her life.
She’d probably be as protective if she had a child. She shook away the familiar longing that nagged her and put on a smile.
“Okay, we’d better get back to work,” she told Millie. “The beginners’ class is scheduled to start in two weeks.”
She walked through the store to the new opening in the west wall that led into the building next door. Allison had bought that property when the old tenant had moved out, and the carpenters had finally finished the improvements to expand the shop.
Jenny stood in the doorway and looked at the empty space. They still needed to paint, but new cabinets and shelving lined the far wall. There was plenty of room for class supplies and fabric. And they could bring in the portable sewing machines from storage.
Jenny walked to the area right at the front window. “What do you think about getting a big round table and some comfortable chairs for this area?”
A bright smile lit up Millie’s face. “Women can come here to socialize and quilt.”
Jenny shrugged. “A lot of the customers are friends and neighbors. Why not make a place where they can come and work on their projects together, share ideas and tips. We can call it Quilters’ Corner. What do you think?”
Millie beamed. “You won’t have any trouble filling that table.”
Jenny nodded. Good. She had one problem solved, but she was still being nagged by Evan Rafferty. Darn that man for stirring her up. The last thing she needed was a man to disrupt her life right now. She already had enough to deal with.
Yet, she couldn’t stop thinking about his daughter. She wanted to do something to help Gracie. An idea suddenly hit her.
“Millie,” she began. “If I moved the adult classes to Wednesday and Saturday mornings that would open up time on Saturday afternoons.”
Millie hesitated. “What do you have in mind?”
“Maybe a girls’ class.”
The older woman studied her a moment. “That’s a big undertaking because one little girl wants to finish a quilt.”
Was that all Gracie wanted? Jenny wondered, thinking back to her own childhood. She had been overshadowed by her stepbrothers and ignored by her stepfather. The worst part was that her mother had let it happen. Maybe that had been Gracie’s experience since her mother’s death—maybe she felt pushed aside. The big question was, was an eight-year-old too young to join a quilting class?
Jenny looked at Millie. “Do you think some of our regular customers would help out with a mentoring class?
The woman shrugged. “Probably. Is this for any student, or are you talking about one in particular?”
“Maybe, but why can’t we help a little girl finish her quilt?”
Millie nodded. “If we’re talking about a quilt her mother started, it’s not a simple matter. Megan Rafferty was pretty close to an expert quilter. She’d sold several at the local craft fair. But you’re right. This could help Gracie, especially since she lives with a houseful of men.” A slow smile lit up Millie’s face. “All those Rafferty men are a handsome bunch.”
Jenny softened thinking about Evan Rafferty, recalling the raw pain in those eyes. That was her clue to stay clear of the handsome cowboy.
Even without his bad attitude, he still belonged to someone else.

The next afternoon, Jenny headed over to Kerry Springs Elementary School, flyers in hand. She was hoping that the school principal, Lillian Perry, would help promote her class.
When the office door opened she was surprised to see a woman not much older than herself. The attractive brunette smiled as Jenny greeted her and they walked inside.
The principal closed the door. “Thank you for waiting, Ms. Collins.”
“Please, call me Jenny.”
“And I’m Lily.”
After Jenny sat down in a chair, Lily did the same behind her desk. “I hear you’ve taken over the Blind Stitch.”
She nodded. “News travels fast.”
“It does in this town. And my mother practically lives at your shop. Beth Staley.”
“Oh, of course. She and Millie are friends.”
Lily nodded. “So what can I do for you?”
Jenny jumped right in. “I was hoping you could help me promote a children’s quilting class.” She handed her a flyer. “It’s free.”
Lily glanced over the paper. “This looks interesting.” She eyed Jenny. “Generous, too.”
She shrugged. “Call it community service. I’m still not sure how many women I can get to volunteer. Just so you know, I’m asking for your mother’s help. It’s my plan to pass on the craft to a new generation.”
Lily leaned her forearms on the desk. “I’m sure Mother would love it,” she told her. “She’s been trying to get my daughter, Kasey, interested. Maybe with a class and with other girls her age, she’ll want to participate.”
They spent the next twenty minutes going over the program; it would not only be good for the young girls to learn a craft, but it would also help them build a relationship with an older generation.
“Blind Stitch will donate fabric and thread, but we’d like to encourage kids to bring in some of their own material. Maybe some blocks cut out of old clothes. Everyone is big on recycling.”
“Oh, I love that,” Lily said. “Take pride in your family, your heritage.” She leaned back in her chair. “I like your enthusiasm, Jenny, and I’ll be happy to pass out the flyers to the upper grades.” She stood. “Since the bell is about to ring, I need to be out front. I like staying connected to my kids.”
“I used to do that,” Jenny told her. “Of course, my students were older. High school.”
Lily gave her a sideways glance. “You aren’t teaching any longer?”
Jenny didn’t want to go into details. “I’m taking a semester off for now.”
She hated that her attitude about teaching had changed, although never about her students. She would always stand up for the kids; she just didn’t always win the fight. “I’ll be returning in the fall.”
The bell sounded as they walked out the door. In the bright sunlight, chatty students hurried to meet their rides home, but many stopped to greet their principal, Jenny realized she missed that connection she’d once had with her students.
She heard her name called and turned around to see Gracie Rafferty.
“Jenny. Why are you at my school?”
“Hi, Gracie. I came to meet Mrs. Perry.”
The girl looked at her principal and smiled. “Hello, Mrs. Perry.”
“Hello, Gracie. Jenny came to tell me she’s going to have a young girls’ quilting class at her shop.”
Those big eyes widened. “Really?”
Jenny was glad that made the child happy. “Really. And maybe you can work on your quilt, too,” she told her.
The girl seemed excited, but before she could speak again, they heard someone call her name. Jenny glanced around and saw Evan Rafferty standing next to his truck.
The child’s smile faded quickly. “I can’t. It will make my daddy mad.” She turned and ran to the man who had been on Jenny’s mind since their first meeting.
“Excuse me, Lily. I need to speak to someone.”
Jenny stared over at the truck. She needed to get through to this man, but seeing the stubborn set to Evan Rafferty’s jaw, she knew it wasn’t going to be easy.
“Mr. Rafferty,” she called sweetly. “May I speak with you?”
Evan closed the passenger-side door, then stepped away from the truck and his daughter’s hearing. “I’m short on time right now.” He gave her the once-over. “Beside, we finished our business the other day.”
She ignored him. “Since it’s about your daughter, I thought you might spare me a minute.”
Evan adjusted the hat on his head and stared into her velvety, brown, dark eyes. He felt a surge of heat. He quickly glanced away.
“Well, you thought wrong. Look, I need to be somewhere right now.” Anywhere away from you. He stepped off the curb, climbed into his truck and drove off.
Jenny stood, feeling anger stirring inside. How dare the man … Okay, so she had to figure out another way to help the girl. It wouldn’t be the first time she’d fought for a child. She refused to give up on either one of them.

THE next afternoon, Jenny turned her compact car off the highway, and then along a narrow road until she came to the archway announcing the Triple R Ranch and Rafferty’s Vineyard.
This probably wasn’t the brightest idea. Yet, she wouldn’t stop fighting for kids. She knew what it was like to feel alone, to have no one on your side, especially not your parent. Her own mother had refused to listen to her pleas for help. The teasing, the abuse from stepbrothers who’d been older and should have protected her. They shouldn’t have been allowed to pick on an eight-year-old. And no one had done a thing.
Her mother had gotten angry because she’d caused a rift in the family. Family? They were never a family.
Jenny shook away the bad memories. Was that the reason she’d become a crusader for kids? Why she’d wanted to be a teacher? So the young and innocent would have someone to confide in? So they’d know someone was on their side? How many times had she gone the extra mile to help a student succeed? She loved helping kids realize their potential and dreams.
Then it had all fallen apart recently when she’d lost a battle over one of her students. Luis Garcia was excellent college material and she’d worked hard to help him apply for scholarships. Then Luis got into a fight defending another student, and they’d found a knife. Even though the small pocket knife wasn’t Luis’s, the principal took the word of the other boy and his friends—Luis was expelled immediately.
Jenny begged the principal to at least let him take his mid-term tests, but he’d refused to allow any special consideration.
Jenny knew Luis would never return to school. She was discouraged, too, and took a leave of absence during the spring semester. She needed the time to figure things out, to stop feeling as if she got too involved to be a teacher.
So what did she do now? She went storming into another conflict. She didn’t have any business nosing into Gracie’s life, but that had never stopped her before. If a child was crying out, she wanted to make sure someone heard. Gracie Rafferty was crying out.
She slowed as she approached the ranch. There were several head of cattle grazing in the pasture. On the opposite side of the road was a hillside covered in perfect rows of trellises heavy with grapevines. It was breathtaking.
She continued on until she came to a compound with a large barn and a fenced corral. Then a two-story clapboard house appeared, painted a glossy taupe with burgundy shutters and a large welcoming porch. The yard was thick with new spring grass and an array of colorful flowers edged the split-rail fence.
The place looked immaculate.
Jenny pulled up on the gravel parking area and got out. She released several calming breaths as she made her way up the walk. By the time she reached the porch, an elderly gentleman had come out of the house. Big and burly, he had a head of snow-white hair and a broad grin across his face.
“Hello, lass.”
She couldn’t help but smile back. “Hello. I’m Jenny Collins and I’m looking for Mr. Rafferty.”
Still grinning, the man nodded. “And which one of us would you be wantin’? I’m Sean,” he said with a slight bow. “Or my sons, Evan and Matthew?”
She could see where Evan got his good looks. Too bad he didn’t get his father’s charm. “It would be Evan.” She glanced around, feeling nervous. “If he isn’t busy I’d like to speak with him.”
“He isn’t here at the moment. Why don’t you come in and wait. We’ll have some tea.”
She hesitated. “I wouldn’t want to intrude. If he isn’t going to be long, I could wait out here.”
Sean motioned for her to step up on the porch. “A pretty lass like yourself would only brighten my day. Please come in.”
She couldn’t help but smile. “Thank you. I accept your invitation.”
Jenny went ahead of Sean and inside the house to the entrance hall. To one side there was a small living room that looked too formal and neat to get much use. Past a staircase with ornate spindles was a dining room with a long table and half a dozen chairs lining either side.
“The Raffertys are an informal bunch. The kitchen is where our hearts are. Around food.”
Jenny followed Sean on into the big open room. Miles of cabinets lined the walls, and a solid counter displayed many appliances. There was a natural-stone backsplash that highlighted the area. But it was the wonderful aroma that hit her that made her feel this was truly a home.
“Please, have a seat,” Sean told her as he went to the refrigerator. “Would you prefer hot or cold tea?”
“Whatever is easiest for you,” she said as she eyed the connected family room with oversized furniture and a television.
“You have a lovely home, Mr. Rafferty.”
He set a glass of iced tea in front of her. “First of all, please, call me Sean.”
“Only if you call me Jenny.”
He nodded and continued. “And secondly, this house belongs to my son Evan and his daughter. My other son Matt and I moved in about a year ago to help out after Evan’s wife, Megan, passed away.”
She immediately saw his sadness. “I’m sorry for your loss.”
He nodded. “Thank you. It’s been a rough time for my son and the little one.” He looked thoughtful, then finally went on to say, “Anyway, the three of us worked out a partnership.” He grinned. “I’m not a rancher, that’s Evan’s livelihood and it’s now Matt’s too.”
“Is the vineyard yours?”
He shook his head, smiling easily. “It’s Evan’s, too. I’m just the cook and bottle-washer around here.”
Jenny liked this man. Had Evan been this way before his wife’s death? “Don’t diminish your contribution to the family, Sean. I have a feeling you do more than you’re saying.”
He leaned against the counter and arched an eyebrow. “I like you, Jenny Collins. So how long have you lived in Kerry Springs?”
“I worked here for a summer two years ago and was here again last summer for a visit, but I returned recently and took over running the Blind Stitch quilt shop.”
“I’ve seen the store. It’s across the street from Rory’s Bar and Grill. I tend bar there on the weekends.”
“Really. I haven’t been there.”
“It’s a nice neighborhood bar. A few friendly games of billiards and darts and a little dancing on weekends. You should stop by sometime.” He cocked his head. “But I am curious. What does my son have to do with a quilt shop?”
“It’s Gracie. She came into the shop interested in my class.”
“Did she now,” Sean commented. “Why does that not surprise me? She’s been talking about her mother’s quilts.”
“I’m here to see if there’s a way to help her get enrolled.”
Sean frowned for the first time. “Good luck with that.”
“Daddy,” Gracie called. “Can I go to Carrie’s house?”
Evan turned the truck off the highway and glanced in the rearview mirror at his daughter in the backseat. “Not on a school night.”
“It’s not tonight. It’s a party. A sleepover.” She hesitated. “All my friends are going to be there and I want to be with them.”
Evan wasn’t ready to let her go on her own. “If you want, your friends can come to the house and play.”
Evan looked at his brother, Matt, in the passenger seat. Usually Matt had never been shy about speaking his mind. Yet, since his return from overseas, he’d pretty much kept to himself, working the cattle operation and taking up residence in the foreman’s house.
His dad, on the other hand, had voiced his opinion many times about him isolating Gracie.
“Daddy,” Gracie called again. “She’s having a sleepover. And her older sister is going to put makeup on us and paint our toes and fingernails with any color we want.”
He tensed. She was too young for all that stuff. “I’ll think about it.”
Matt didn’t stay quiet this time. “It wouldn’t hurt to let her go. Give her that girl experience.”
Evan kept his voice low and controlled. “I don’t think Gracie will be deprived if she doesn’t get her toes painted.”
“How do you know that? You’re not a little girl. We got to do boy things when we were growing up.”
They’d had a rough childhood, especially after their mother had taken off, leaving her husband and sons. They’d been left unsupervised more than they should have been. It might not have been the typical home life, but they’d always got plenty of love from their dad.
“And look how much trouble we got into,” Evan told his brother.
A smile kicked at the corners of Matt’s mouth. “We survived, Evan. Kids need to learn how to deal with things.”
“Gracie has had to deal with enough already. So can we let it go for now?”
“Why? So you don’t have to deal with it? Gracie doesn’t have a problem. It’s you, bro. You’re the one who hasn’t moved on.”
Evan turned his attention toward the house and saw a strange car parked out front. He parked in his usual spot at the back and they walked into the house through the kitchen door. He heard laughter, then his breath caught when he saw Jenny Collins sitting on the bar stool talking with his father.
She was dressed in a pair of dark jeans with black boots and a red blouse under a short black jacket. Her blond hair hung past her shoulders in thick waves. He was suddenly irritated at the feelings she stirred up, feelings he’d thought were long gone.
“Man, oh, man,” Matt murmured as he removed his cowboy hat and placed it on the hook. “I think I’ve died and gone to heaven.”
His father finally noticed them. “Well, you’re home.”
Gracie came in behind them. “Jenny,” she cried and went to her. “You came to my house.”
“Yes, I did.” Jenny glanced at Evan. “I hope that’s not a problem.”
Not happy with the surprise, Evan hung up his hat, then crossed the family room. “Gracie, go put your books away and change into your play clothes.”
She started to argue, but then did as her father asked. “Don’t go away, Jenny,” she called. “I’ll be right back. I want to show you something.”
Jenny sent a challenge to Evan. “I promise I’ll be here when you get back.”
Everyone watched as Gracie walked out. But before Evan could speak, his father began, “Jenny Collins, this is my other son, Matt.”
Jenny smiled at a younger version of Evan, but one with an easy smile and dark bedroom eyes. And he knew how to use them.
“Well, hello, Jenny,” he said and took her hand. “You must be new in town, or my eyesight is going if I passed you by without as much as a hello.”
She laughed. “It’s nice to meet you, too, Matt. And yes, I recently took over the quilt shop in town, that’s why I’m here. I need to convince your brother that his daughter would be perfect for our class. I know Gracie is interested in joining us.”
“That sounds like a great idea,” Matt said.
Evan jumped in. “It’s not a good idea, because I don’t have time to bring her in.”
Jenny wasn’t giving up. “Surely we can work out something, Mr. Rafferty. She’s told me how much she wants to finish her quilt.”
Evan frowned. “I haven’t seen any quilt.”
Jenny was afraid she’d given away a secret. “Maybe you should ask your daughter about it.”
“I plan to.”
Jenny wasn’t sure what to do now. The man had dismissed her, but she couldn’t leave without seeing Gracie.
Sean stepped in. “I know Gracie will want to show you her project. And Jenny, we would like you to stay for supper.”
Jenny hesitated, but Sean smiled at her.
“It’s my famous beef stew,” he told her. She glanced at Evan. His stoic look was meant to drive her away. She refused to let it.
“Oh, my, how can I turn that down? Thank you. I accept.” She glanced around, trying to avoid looking at Evan Rafferty. “Is there anything I can do to help?”
Sean waved his hand. “Oh, no, you’re a guest.”
There was a sound of footsteps on the stairs, then Gracie came running into the room a little breathless. “Good. You’re still here.”
She stroked the child’s hair. “I told you I wouldn’t leave.”
“And she’s staying for supper,” her grandfather told her. “Now, go and show Jenny where to wash up.”
Gracie’s eyes lit up. “You want to see my room?”
“Of course, I’d love to.” Jenny held out her hand and Gracie took it. Together they walked out.
Angry about being blindsided, Evan turned to his father. “What are you doing?”
“It’s called being neighborly. Something you seem to have forgotten as of late. I never thought I’d see the day when one of my sons would be rude to a guest in his home. It’s time you climbed out of the cave you’ve buried yourself in. It might be what you want, but your daughter needs more.”
Matt elbowed him. “Yeah, bro. And man, she’s one pretty lady.” He looked at his dad. “If you hadn’t invited her, I would have.”
Sean raised a hand. “Simmer down, Matt. Jenny’s interest is in Gracie. Even she can see the child needs more. And look here, son, help came knocking on the door.”
Evan didn’t like everyone invading his life. He just wanted to be left alone.
His father grew serious as he looked at him. “It wouldn’t hurt for the little one to have some female companionship. So, son, don’t go looking at this gift as if it’s a curse.”
Jenny glanced around the small yellow-and-lavender bedroom as Gracie showed off the row of her favorite dolls on a shelf along the wall. The hardwood floors were covered with a natural-colored area rug. There was a white twin bed that was covered with a patchwork quilt.
“My mom made me this quilt for my birthday when I was six.”
Jenny examined the detail on the Country Hearts pattern. The colorful heart appliqués sat inside each of the many six-inch blocks. The sashing was a wide strip of a lavender print. It was well done.
“This is so pretty.” Jenny looked at Gracie. “Your mother did beautiful work.”
The girl smiled. “She made a lot more. You want to see?”
Gracie motioned for her to follow. They went down the hall into another bedroom. The second Jenny stepped inside she knew she shouldn’t be here. Yet, she couldn’t leave what was obviously the master bedroom. The beautiful large four-poster bed was covered in a solid navy comforter.
Gracie went to a cedar chest at the end of the bed. “They’re in there. Daddy put them all away after Mommy … died.”
Jenny felt as if she was intruding. “Maybe we should leave them for another time.” She glanced across the room at the dresser and saw the many framed family pictures. She recognized a younger-looking Evan standing next to a dark-haired woman who was holding a toddler, Gracie. And he was smiling. She doubted he did much of that lately.
She quickly turned away from the loving scene. “I don’t want us to get into trouble.”
The child struggled to lift the lid. “But my quilt is in here.” The child looked panicked. “It’s mine.”
Jenny had no choice but to help her. She opened the heavy lid and discovered the treasure inside. There were several colorful quilts folded neatly. The top one was an amazing Bow Tie-patterned quilt in shades of blues and burgundy. The background was cream-colored with intertwined blocks of printed fabric.
Megan Rafferty definitely wasn’t an amateur.
Gracie continued to dig underneath. “See, there it is.”
Jenny lifted out the plastic-covered blanket. She removed the covering and spread it out on the bed. The Wedding Ring design was only partly finished, but there were several rings already sewn together, and several other stacks were in the bag.
“Mommy and I picked out all the colors, but she got too sick to sew anymore.” A sad Gracie looked at Jenny. “She had to stay in bed all the time.”
Jenny couldn’t resist and sat down, pulled the small girl onto her lap and hugged her close. No child should have to go through that kind of loss.
Gracie laid her head against Jenny’s shoulder. “I didn’t get to see her very much ‘cause she was always sleeping.”
She had no doubt Megan Rafferty fought valiantly to keep going for her child.
“Oh, honey, it wasn’t because your mom didn’t want you around her. She was trying to fight to get better. Just look how she worked to make you this quilt.”
The girl raised her head, revealing tears. “That’s what she told me when I went to say goodbye to her. She said that I have to finish it for her. I promised her. I hafta do it.”
Evan stood in the hall outside his bedroom. It had always been Meg’s domain. She’d decorated the room, trying to make it perfect. It was—to an outsider. Yet this room had never been his sanctuary, even less so now—with the guilt he felt that he’d let his wife down. Now he was letting Gracie down.
Watching her, he felt another kind of pain. Jenny Collins was holding his daughter, stroking her hair, whispering words to soothe her sadness. Gracie couldn’t come to him, but she turned to a stranger.
When Jenny looked up, discovering him, it was he who suddenly felt like the intruder. Her dark-eyed gaze locked with his. He couldn’t read her thoughts. Did she think he was a bad father? What did he care what she thought? She was the one intruding on his life.
Jenny saw Evan Rafferty in the hall. She held her breath, hoping that he wouldn’t interrupt them. His daughter desperately needed to share some of her pain. She needed to let out her feelings without worrying about anyone else.
Jenny brushed tears from the child’s face. “What else did your mother tell you?”
Gracie looked thoughtful. “She asked me to be a good girl.”
“And you are,” Jenny confirmed. “What else?”
“To help Daddy ‘cause he’ll be all alone.” Those pretty sapphire eyes locked on hers. Her daddy’s eyes. “I don’t know how.”
Jenny had to swallow hard to move the lump from her throat. “Oh, sweetie. It will take time. Maybe if you both share all the good times together. Tell stories about your mom so you’ll always remember her.”
Gracie smiled. “Maybe I can tell him how much fun it was sewing the quilt with Mommy. Maybe he’ll let me go to your class.”
Jenny’s heart tightened painfully. “Maybe. But if he doesn’t agree right now, maybe he will later. You can wait,” she said positively. “Your mommy will understand.”
Gracie hugged her. “I’m glad you came to see me, Jenny. Will you be my friend?”
Jenny swallowed back tears and hugged the child to her heart. “Oh, of course, Gracie.” She glanced over to find Evan was still there. Her chest tightened, seeing that his child’s words had affected him, too.
That wasn’t all she felt. Their gazes connected as she suddenly became aware of the man’s powerful presence. Yet, underneath, she could sense sadness, a loneliness that pulled at her. She felt the longing, too. A rush of heat went through her and she couldn’t look away.
That was when she realized that all the Raffertys were getting to her.

AN hour later, Evan sat at the dining-room table drinking his wine. The laughter was getting to him, but he found it hard to join in. He watched Gracie with Jenny, recalling what had taken place upstairs in the bedroom.
His daughter’s sadness ran deep, and he couldn’t seem to help her. Yet, this woman had an easy, comforting way with the child. He envied that.
He turned to his brother. Matt seemed infatuated with her, too. That was a good thing, wasn’t it? It seemed his brother was returning to that happy and carefree guy he remembered.
His attention returned to Ms. Collins. She was attractive with those big brown eyes and silky wheat-colored hair. He felt a stirring of interest, but told himself it was because he hadn’t been with anyone in a long time. Even months before Meg died, they hadn’t shared any intimacy. Not that they had shared much before that, either. So it wasn’t exactly headline news that the sight of a pretty woman would push his buttons.
He took another drink of the zinfandel. The fruity taste—strawberry and raspberry—had just enough sweetness with a hint of oak. Pride struck him, knowing he’d helped produce the grapes for this vintage.
His father leaned toward him. “It’s so natural between them,” he said, nodding toward the two females. “It does my heart good to watch them.”
Evan knew that Gracie missed her mother. He’d hated hearing her crying at night, hated even more that he didn’t know how to comfort her. Meg had been the loving, nurturing one. She and Gracie had had the close bond he’d never managed with his daughter.
He studied Jenny. She had that same easy way with kids, with the rest of the family, too. He wasn’t going to let himself get taken in by the pretty woman. He didn’t need the distraction, and too many people could get hurt if things didn’t work out. His main concern now was his daughter.
“Gracie, I think it’s time for you to get bathed and ready for bed.”
She started to argue, then looked at Jenny. “Will you come and say goodnight?”
Jenny glanced at Evan. “Sure. I’ll help clean up here and be right up.”
“Okay.” The child stood and scurried out of the room.
Jenny looked at Evan’s father. “Dinner was delicious, Sean.”
“Then have another glass of wine, and savor it a little longer,” he insisted.
She shook her head. “Although it was wonderful, I have to drive back into town. Now, no argument, I am going to help you with the dishes.” She stood, stacked some plates and carried them into the kitchen.
Sean turned to Evan. “You’re coming, too. Because whether you believe it or not, you need to speak to Jenny about Gracie. And listen to her, son.” Sean headed out, and Evan followed. He hated that his father was right. Hated that he couldn’t seem to make Gracie happy.
In the kitchen Matt was already beside Jenny when they got there, but his father stepped in. “Lass, you get away from the sink. It’s Matt’s turn to clean up. Besides, most everything goes into the dishwasher.” He glanced at his eldest son. “Evan, why don’t you show Jenny around the vineyard?”
That was subtle.
Jenny looked stunned. “Oh, there’s no need, Sean. I’ll go up and see Gracie, then I should get back to town.”
“There’s plenty of daylight left. And I’ll keep my granddaughter occupied until you return.” He leaned toward her. “You wanted to talk to Evan, now’s your chance.” He motioned to the door and practically pushed them both outside.
Jenny could tell that Evan didn’t like the idea of them being thrown together any more than she did. That bothered her. Except for her stepbrothers, she wasn’t used to people not liking her. She worked hard to make friends.
“You don’t have to do this, Mr. Rafferty.”
“It’s Evan.” He tugged on his hat as he walked her toward a golf cart. “Jenny.”
She sat in the passenger seat as he walked around and climbed in. He drove off toward the hillside. “I usually walk, but this will be faster.”
“And you can get rid of me quicker.”
He shook his head, but didn’t say a word as they rode past the barn and took a trail up the bumpy hillside for about a half mile. The spring evening was nice. Quiet. Serene. Peaceful.
The cart stopped at the edge of the rise, he got out and she did the same, but had to hurry to keep up. The sun was just going down as they walked toward the rows of vines.
“The tour isn’t necessary, Evan. I only came out here to ask you a question about Gracie. I never planned to get invited to supper or involved in your life, your family.”
When he stopped suddenly, she nearly ran into him. He reached out and caught her, his touch burning through her skin; his grip tightened on her arms, but his strength didn’t hurt. Then their eyes locked and suddenly she couldn’t breathe. When she managed to suck in some air, she inhaled his scent of soap and sun-dried cotton. His gaze shifted to her mouth, then suddenly he blinked and released her.
With a curse, he turned away and looked out at the vineyard. Removing his hat, he raked his fingers through his hair as if gathering his thoughts.
He glanced back at her. “Look, I’m not social like the rest of my family. I prefer to be left alone.” His gaze met hers. “I have no excuse for my behavior the other day in the shop except I was worried when Gracie came up missing.”
Jenny could see the anguish on his face. “That’s understandable,” she agreed. “She shouldn’t have run off without telling you.”
“It seems she wants to spend less and less time with me.”
“She’s growing up.” Jenny saw the sadness in his eyes. “But there’s no mistaking that your little girl adores you.”
He straightened at her words. “I wouldn’t say that. We’re both having trouble finding our way around each other. Gracie and her mother were close.”
“It’s got to be hard for both of you.”
“I’ve been doing okay.”
They began walking through a row of vines.
“You’re lucky to have Sean and Matt helping out,” she said, wondering what it would be like to have family on your side.
Evan sent her a look. What did she think about Matt? He’d always been the more outgoing brother, especially when it came to the ladies. Was Jenny attracted to him? He stopped his thoughts. Why the hell did he care? He didn’t want a relationship. So far he’d been lousy at them.
They made their way to the hilltop and looked down the other side. He felt an ache in his chest as he saw the clearing where a large framed structure stood. Deserted. Incomplete. All construction had stopped two years ago, along with his future dreams.
Before he could steer Jenny back to the cart, she asked, “What’s that?”
“It was to be the winery.”
“Oh, you’re expanding?”
“Not any more,” he told her, then turned away.
She nodded, but didn’t stop. “How long have you had the vineyard?”
The long-time dream replayed in his mind. He continued to stare out at the vines. “The land belonged to my wife’s family, the Kerchers. As you know, a lot of Germans settled in this area. My in-laws planted the vines originally, then about six years ago when her parents passed away, Megan inherited the place and we expanded the acreage.”
“So you became an instant winemaker,” Jenny said.
“Actually Meg was already one when we met.” He’d give her the minimal information. “She’d gotten her degree at Cal Poly in California. I’m just your average, everyday cowboy.”
She studied him a moment. “I doubt, Evan Rafferty, that you do anything just average. My bet is you know every grape on this land.”
He ignored the funny sensation caused by her compliment and started back through another row of vines. “I thought you wanted to talk about Gracie.”
She nodded. “Of course. I want your daughter to come to my class.”
When he started to speak, she raised a hand. “I know it’s difficult for you to bring her into town every week. What if we find an alternative to help you out?” She hesitated. “She wants to finish the quilt her mother started for her.”
He’d hoped that he could put this off a while longer. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“Is it not a good idea for her, or for you?”
He glared at her. “Doesn’t make any difference.”
Trying to remain calm, Jenny glanced around at the vines heavy with grapes. She’d dealt with obstinate parents before. “It does to Gracie. She’s going through a rough time and this focus on the quilt is how she’s dealing with her loss.”
Evan stopped. His sapphire-blue gaze locked on hers, causing her breath to grow labored. “And how is this class supposed to do this?” he asked.
The man was driving her crazy. “Remember, for the past year and a half your daughter has lived in a household of only men. It’s important for little girls to have other females to talk to,” she said, seeing by his blank look that she wasn’t getting through to him.
“Why are you such an expert?”
“Because your daughter picked me. Also, I had three stepbrothers who made my life miserable and a mother who was too busy for me.” Darn, she hadn’t meant to tell him that.
He frowned at her, but she wouldn’t let him ask any questions.
“Look, I don’t know you, Evan, but I know your daughter is reaching out. Don’t dismiss that.”
“That’s right, you don’t know me, or what my life’s been like trying to run this place and raise a child.”
“I apologize if I spoke out of turn.” She released a breath, hating that she still thought about her own rotten childhood, and especially about her youngest stepbrother, Todd. “We should go back. Gracie’s probably wondering where I am.”
She’d started toward the golf cart when Evan reached for her.
“Dammit, Jenny, I’m not the bastard you think I am.”
She shook her head. “I never said that.” She closed her eyes momentarily. “I never should have come here.” Once again she was getting involved in something that was none of her business.
“Too late now,” he murmured as they sat in the cart.
She was thankful that Evan didn’t comment anymore, but drove her back to the house. She didn’t need to get involved with this man or his family. She’d been there before. Cared about a man who couldn’t get past his first love. Not that she was looking for a relationship with Evan. Her hope was to help Gracie find closure.
They walked through the back door to find Sean and Matt still in the kitchen.
“Well, that didn’t take much time.”
“I need to get back to town.” She smiled at Sean. “Thank you so much for supper, it was wonderful.”
Evan’s father grinned. “Any time, lass.” He pulled her into a big bear hug. She couldn’t help but close her eyes and revel in the comfort of those big arms, then reluctantly step away, turning to his younger son.
“It was nice to meet you, too, Matt.”
“It was my pleasure.” He hugged her too. “Hey, don’t let this guy run you off.” He nodded toward Evan. “I’ll protect you from him.”
Evan wanted to slug his brother. Why did everyone think he was such a grouch? He caught his reflection in the mirror over the family-room mantel and saw his grim look. Damn.
Jenny started out of the room. “I’ll go and say goodnight to Gracie.”
Evan watched her leave, wanting to follow her, but knowing Gracie probably wouldn’t appreciate the intrusion.
His father came up next to him. “Don’t chase her off, son. At the very least Jenny Collins is willing to help with Gracie.”
Evan glared. He wasn’t ready for this. “Maybe I don’t want her help.”
Matt moved closer. “Oh, boy, I’d take her help in a second.”
“You stay away from her. She’s not your type.”
Matt exchanged a look with his father before he turned to Evan. “She’s pretty. So she’s my type.”
“She’s befriended Gracie, and I think that should come first, before you finding your girl of the month.”
From Matt’s earliest years, he’d had a well-known reputation with the ladies around town. He’d probably dated just about every girl in the county. Now, his eyes lit up. “Do I hear a little jealousy in your voice?” He slapped Evan on the shoulder. “Welcome back, bro.”
Jenny went upstairs to Gracie’s room. She wanted to make this quick, before she ran into Evan again.
She peeked in the door and smiled at the little girl sitting in bed, looking at a book. “Hey, sweetie.”
“Jenny.” Gracie motioned for her to come in. “Sit with me.”
She walked toward the bed and sat down. “For a little while.”
Gracie looked sad. “Did Daddy get mad at you ‘cause you want to help with Mommy’s quilts?”
Jenny quickly shook her head. It didn’t matter if he was.
“No.” She brushed back the girl’s bangs. “Your dad and I just talked awhile. How do feel when you look at your mother’s things?”
“A little sad, but mostly happy.” The girl glanced away. “I wish … I wish I could talk to her again.”
“I know, honey. That part is hard. But you can still talk to her.” Jenny glanced up at the ceiling. “She’s up there watching over you.”
“That’s what Papa Sean says.”
Jenny nodded. “She might not be able to answer you, but she’s listening. And if it makes you feel good to talk to her, then you should.”
This time Gracie nodded and looked upward. “Mom? Mom, I want to sew your quilt, but Daddy doesn’t want me to. He says I’m too little. I think he’s sad ‘cause you went away.”
Jenny forced a smile. “Now, tell her something that makes you happy.”
“I got an A on my spelling test.” The girl looked thoughtful. “And Carrie asked me to come to her house for a sleepover, but Daddy won’t let me go. He thinks I’m still a baby.” Gracie looked at Jenny. “Will you talk to him about that, too?”
Jenny was now catching on to this child’s plan. “Oh, Gracie, that’s between you and your dad.”
“But you asked him to let me come to your class.”
“And I’m still working on that.”
“But I hafta go to the sleepover. If I don’t everybody will call me a baby.” Tears flooded her eyes. “And I won’t have any friends.”
“Gracie, that’s not true. Real friends stick by you.” How could she convince a little girl to believe that when life had already thrown her the hardest knock of all? She glanced up and saw Evan walk into the room.
He must have heard Gracie crying. “What’s wrong?”
Gracie shook her head and buried her face against Jenny’s blouse. “Nothing.”
“It isn’t ‘nothing’ when it makes you cry.” He sent a look toward Jenny. “Tell me and maybe I can fix it.”
The girl sat up straight, wiped her tears and announced, “I want to go to Carrie’s sleepover.”
Evan knew he’d walked into that one. “Gracie, you’re too young.”
“All the other girls get to go, and she’s my best friend.”
Jenny glared at him. “Best friends are important. Didn’t you have a best friend?”
He ignored her. “You can have your friends over here.”
“Really? You mean it?”
He nodded, relieved that his daughter was so receptive to the idea. “Sure.”
“A sleepover!” Gracie was so excited. “I get to have a sleepover.”
Evan shifted uncomfortably. He didn’t remember agreeing to that. “Well, huh, that might not be a good idea, since there aren’t any women living here. Some of the mothers might not like that.”
Gracie looked thoughtful. “What about Jenny? She’s a girl.”
Jenny’s eyes widened. “I’m not sure that’s what your dad wants, Gracie.”
Evan decided to play her game. “Wait. That might work,” he told Jenny. “You could organize whatever kids do. I bet you could recruit a lot of girls for your class. Maybe you could even work on Gracie’s quilt.”
“Oh, Daddy, no.” Gracie shook her head. “That’s not what girls do at sleepovers. We do things like put on makeup and do our hair, paint our toenails. We get to stay up all night and watch videos.”
“Sounds like fun.” He looked at Jenny. “But you still have to be supervised by an adult woman.”
Evan knew he was crazy for involving this woman in his life, his daughter’s life, but he was desperate. Gracie was growing up and she needed things he didn’t know how to give her.
“I guess it’s up to Jenny.”
She studied him, then murmured, “You think you’re pretty smart, don’t you, Rafferty?” Then she turned a sweet smile toward Gracie. “I think your daddy and I need to discuss this … alone.” She leaned down and kissed Gracie’s cheek and whispered. “You get some sleep.”
“Okay. Night, Jenny. Night, Daddy.” After a quick kiss from her father, the child burrowed under the blanket and closed her eyes. If he didn’t know better, he’d think his daughter had set him up.
“Good night, Gracie.” He closed the bedroom door and walked down the steps behind Jenny. Without a word, she grabbed her purse off the table at the door and walked out.
He hurried after her. “Jenny. Wait.”
She stopped on the walkway. Night had fallen, and the only illumination was from the porch light. “What do you want now, Rafferty?”
“Nothing. Nothing at all.” He studied her. “Why are you angry? You came out here and got involved in this. I didn’t ask you to come. So don’t get all bent out of shape when my daughter starts clinging to you.”
She folded her arms across her chest. “Maybe that should give you a clue.”
“About what?”
“That you don’t know much about women.”
He stiffened. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You don’t want to hear what I have to say.”
He moved closer. “Give it to me straight. I can handle it.”
“You’re prejudiced, Rafferty. If Gracie was a boy, I’d bet he’d be able to go to sleepovers.”
He opened his mouth to disagree, but ended up closing it. “It’s different with a boy.”
She groaned. “I’ve heard that so many times I could scream. Then tell me this, if you had a son, would you bring him into town to play Little League games? This quilting class is your daughter’s baseball game. Give this time to her, and you won’t regret it.”
He felt like a jerk. She was right. “Okay, Gracie will be there next Saturday.”
She smiled at him and his belly tightened. “Don’t worry, Rafferty. I’ll make it as painless as possible.”
He knew that was a lie. He was already hurting for her, but he’d find a way to put a stop to that. The only female he wanted a relationship with was his daughter. He needed to make sure a certain pretty blonde didn’t cause any more complications in his life.

THE following Saturday afternoon, Jenny wished she could rethink her idea of this class. Several girls between the ages of eight and twelve were running around, chattering away with the occasional high-pitched squeal. When she suggested they find their seats, they ignored her. Thank goodness for the mothers and her helpers.
Her friend, the shop’s owner Allison, walked in. The petite auburn-haired mother of three smiled as she glanced around the new classroom area. “Oh, Jenny, you did a wonderful job with this space.”
“Thanks. Millie helped a lot, too.”
They both eyed the new shelves along the wall. Every nook had the name of a student, with room for their projects. “I thought if they kept their quilts here they would have less chance of getting lost or dirty.”
They walked toward the large round table at the window and Jenny announced, “The Quilters’ Corner.”
With a smile, Allison nodded. “Has anyone claimed time here yet?”
Jenny nodded. “A few of Millie’s friends came in yesterday. They had coffee and went through a few pattern books. We’ll see what happens.”
“It might take time and the classes are a start. Not only kids are here, but their mothers.”
“And I’d better get things started.”
Jenny went to the front and suddenly the room grew quiet. With a smile, she said, “Hello, girls. Ladies.”
“Hello, Miss Jenny,” they answered in unison.
“Are you ready to start your projects?”
Again they answered in unison, with a “Yes.” A pang of regret hit her as she thought about her class back in San Antonio, and the students she’d had to leave.
“Okay, then.” She began to walk between the rows of tables. “I see most of you have brought in your fabric. For those of you who haven’t, there are several bolts on the shelves, along with any other supplies you’ll need.” She smiled. “So let’s get started. We might not get to do any sewing today, but we can cut out blocks of fabric.”
As the teams began their first task, Jenny stopped and talked to each girl along with her mother. She was happy to see Principal Perry’s daughter, Kasey, there with her grandmother, loyal customer, Beth Staley.
There were ten twosomes. Even Allison’s daughter, eight-year-old Cherry, was here to work on her family quilt. That was good, since Jenny hoped to use her friend’s expertise to help with the class.
The one disappointment was that she didn’t see Gracie Rafferty. Evan had gone back on his word.
“Gracie didn’t show?” Allison asked as she stood back from Cherry, who was busy using a cutter on her fabric.
Jenny shook her head. “I did everything I could to get her here. I even offered to drive her in.”
Her friend smiled. “It’s one of the things that’s so endearing about you, Jenny Collins. You want to help everyone, but there are some out there who don’t want it.”
“I know, but Gracie was so eager to finish her mother’s quilt.”
“And she will … someday.”
No sooner did the words come out than Gracie Rafferty came rushing through the door. She was out of breath when she asked Jenny, “Am I too late?”
“No, you’re in time,” Jenny assured her and pointed to an empty space she’d saved. “You can sit here.”
Gracie beamed as she took her place in front of the portable sewing machine and next to Cherry. Jenny had planned it that way, knowing Gracie would need Allison’s help with the complicated pattern.
Evan Rafferty appeared in the doorway. Jenny hated the way she reacted to the man dressed in worn jeans, a navy Henley T-shirt and dusty boots.
She’d been born and raised in Texas, but somehow this man gave a whole new meaning to the word cowboy. It seemed many of the other women in the room were sizing him up, too.
With hat in hand, Evan walked toward her carrying a large shopping bag. “She’ll need this.” He gave it to Jenny and she looked inside to find the quilt from the cedar chest.
“Thank you, Evan, for letting Gracie join the class.”
He nodded and they walked back toward the doorway and out of earshot. “I didn’t go back on my word, Jenny. I hope you don’t either.”
Jenny knew she’d never do that to sweet little Gracie. “I don’t go back on my word, either, Rafferty. In your daughter’s case, I definitely think the class will help her. It’s important to her that she finishes this. What better place than with other girls her age? Where she isn’t outnumbered by men.”
They both glanced toward Gracie’s workspace. Millie was helping the girl lay out her fabric and the Double Wedding Ring cutting template. “Look at her, Evan. You have a determined child.”
Evan didn’t like feeling helpless. The day he’d found out about Meg’s cancer, he’d known he couldn’t fix it. He couldn’t save her. Worst of all, he couldn’t keep his daughter from losing her mother. It was a natural instinct to protect his child. It seemed he’d been doing it all wrong.
“She’s a lot like her mother.” There hadn’t been many things that Meg had left unfinished. No doubt Gracie had decided to pick up where she’d left off.
He quickly drew his attention away from Gracie and looked at Jenny. The woman looked like a breath of fresh air and bright sunshine. Her hair was pulled up in a ponytail and she wore a yellow knit top with a long print skirt that seemed to flow against her generous curves.
She’d kept him distracted all week. He didn’t like that much.
“All Gracie has talked about all week is you and the sleepover.” His gaze locked on hers. “If you don’t have the time, let me know now.”
Jenny looked surprised at his directness. “The question is, Rafferty, are you ready for a half dozen little girls and me?”
No way was he ready for her. “Not sure I can handle it, but I’ll try.” He glanced away. “When will the class be finished?”
Jenny blinked. “In two hours.” She glanced at the clock. “Three o’clock. Of course, the game could go extra innings.”
He caught the baseball analogy and fought a smile as the high-pitched chatter of little girls serenaded them. “I don’t think you’re ready for extra innings, teacher. I’ll be back at three.” He said goodbye to his daughter and walked out.
She watched Evan leave, as did the other adult women in the room. The man wasn’t even aware of his sex appeal.
Allison appeared beside her. “Okay, what’s going on?”
Caught, Jenny glanced away. “Nothing. Evan only wanted to know what time class ended.”
Her friend crossed her arms. “And I’m talking about the intense heat between you two.”
Jenny shook her head. “No heat. I barely know the man. Besides, I’m not falling for another cowboy.” Two summers ago she’d nearly given up everything for the Casalis’ ranch foreman.
“Brian wasn’t the man for you.” Allison’s green eyes sparkled. “But someone like Evan Rafferty I can see you with. Good-looking. Sexy. He has a cute little girl, and most importantly he seems very interested, too.”
Jenny knew that wasn’t true. “What are you doing looking at another man?”
“Since I’m married to a hot Italian, I recognize attraction when I see it. And you two were throwing off sparks.”
Jenny lowered her voice. “Nothing is going to happen between Rafferty and me. He’s recently widowed.” She wasn’t sure he was ready. “And besides, I’m going back to San Antonio soon.”
Allison watched her. “I was hoping you’d think about staying here permanently,” she said, then quickly added, “And what better way than to find a great guy?”
A few years ago, Allison had been lucky to find Alex Casali. He’d come into her life when she was at her lowest point, with an injured daughter and an ex-husband who had taken nearly everything from her. Alex had helped her with Cherry’s therapy and got the little girl walking again.
It was a fairy-tale ending when the handsome, wealthy rancher had fallen in love with the single mother. Now married, they’d added a set of eighteen-month-old twins, Will and Rose, to complete the perfect package.
At thirty-two, Jenny wanted to find the same thing, but she realized it might never happen. The one thing she wasn’t about to settle for was less, as her mother had.
“What makes you say Evan Rafferty is a great guy?” she asked.
Allison glanced away, then back at her. “When Megan died, I remember hearing what a great couple they were. Alex had met Evan and his wife at a Cattleman’s Association meeting. He said Megan talked about building their winery and getting out of the cattle business.”
Jenny remembered seeing the herd grazing in the pasture. “Can’t he do both?”
“I believe Evan is doing whatever he can to hang on to it all. His wife’s long illness cost a lot financially.”
Jenny thought about the beautiful Triple R. No doubt Evan and his wife had put a lot of work into it. She also remembered the half-finished winery. Like the unfinished quilt. It was as if Evan just stopped dreaming altogether.
Surprisingly, three o’clock came fast. Although tired, Jenny was also invigorated by the kids’ enthusiasm. Luckily she had experts there to answer the hard questions, but she was concerned about Gracie’s ambitious project. A WeddingRing quilt wasn’t a design for an eight year old. It was even pushing her own skills to the limits.
As the students cleared their areas, Jenny helped Gracie, and Allison did the same with her daughter. The two girls knew each other from school, but they were in different classrooms. Today they had become fast friends.
Cherry turned to her mother. “Mommy, can Gracie go riding with us tomorrow?”
Allison hesitated and then smiled at her daughter. “Of course, as long as it’s okay with her father.”
Gracie was hesitant with her response. “My daddy probably won’t let me ‘cause I can’t go anywhere by myself.”
“Why don’t we ask him?” Jenny said, hoping the man would give his daughter some family time.
“Ask me what?”
They all turned as Evan arrived to pick up his daughter.
“Daddy.” Gracie took his hand and pulled him to the group. “This is Cherry and we’re friends.”
He nodded at the child with the strawberry-blond curls. “Hello, Cherry.”
The young girl smiled. “Hello, Mr. Rafferty.”
Evan looked at Jenny. “How’d it go?”
“Fine. Gracie got a lot started today.” She glanced at her friend, hoping that Evan didn’t sense her concern about Gracie’s complicated project. “Thanks to Allison. Allison, this is Evan Rafferty. Evan, Allison Casali.”
He nodded. “It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. Casali. I’ve spoken with your husband a few times.”
Her friend shook his hand. “Please, call me Allison. You must have done most of the talking, because Alex is a man of few words.”
Evan gave a hint of a smile. “He doesn’t need to say much.”
At a nudge from Cherry, Gracie spoke up. “Daddy, Cherry asked me to come to her house and go riding.”
Jenny watched as Evan started to shake his head. “I don’t think that’s possible right now. I need to get back to the ranch.”
Seeing the girls’ disappointment, Allison said, “Look, girls, go put away your things in your cubbyholes. Make sure your names are on them.” After they’d left, she turned to Evan. “We usually go riding on Sunday afternoons. It started as Cherry’s therapy reward. Since the automobile accident three years ago, she’s worked hard to walk again. She’d really like it if Gracie came along.”
Jenny stood back as Allison charmed the man. “Does Gracie ride?” her friend asked.
“Yes, although it’s been awhile but—”
“Of course, you’re invited, too. Alex is going along.” She grew serious. “I refuse to let my husband work on Sunday. It’s family time.” She glanced at Jenny. “And, of course, Jenny will be there. She’s been working too much overtime.” She looked back at Evan. “I can’t tell you how special it would make the day for Cherry.”
Evan hesitated, then said, “I’ll have to see.”
Allison scribbled down a phone number and handed it to him. “We plan to ride out to Lucky Creek for a picnic. If you decide to come, we leave about eleven.”
Evan had been caught off guard by Allison Casali’s invitation. He looked at Jenny. He didn’t want to spend more time with her. She’d already managed to weave herself into his life.
Just then the girls came back, both looking at him for his answer. It was Allison Casali who helped him out. “If Mr. Rafferty can’t bring Gracie out tomorrow to ride, we’ll do it another time.”
Gracie looked up at him with a sparkle in her eyes that he hadn’t seen in a long time. He had trouble taking a breath. Did it take so little to make her happy?
“Maybe we can make time tomorrow,” he said.
“Yes, really,” he promised.
He leaned down to take her sweet hug. Her arms felt so good. “Thank you, Daddy,” she whispered.
“You’re welcome, Gracie.” He released her and she went off with her new friend.
He stood and caught Jenny watching him. He could see that she approved of what he’d done.
“Seems my daughter’s social life has picked up since you’ve come to town.” He looked into her eyes. Suddenly he was pulled into those dark depths. “Don’t expect mine to do the same.”
“Look out, Rafferty, you’ve already started by accepting the Casalis’ invitation. Just try to enjoy yourself.”
He wasn’t sure he remembered how to enjoy himself, but he suddenly realized he was looking forward to tomorrow.
The next day was sunny when Jenny arrived at the A Bar A Ranch. Okay, maybe this wasn’t a good idea. As much as she’d tried to stay out of the Raffertys’ life, she was smack in the middle of things again. She wanted to blame it on Allison, but she could have made an excuse not to come today. Instead, she’d been looking forward to it.
After climbing out of the car, she headed for the barn as Brian Perkins came out of the corral.
Just a hair under six feet tall, he had that slow, deliberate walk of a man who knew where he was going. His cowboy hat was cocked over his eyes, his sandy hair cut just above his ears.
It had been nearly nine months since she’d last seen him, but it seemed like yesterday. He smiled and lines crinkled around his hazel eyes, showing his forty-plus years. But he still was a handsome devil.
“Hey, pretty girl,” he called. “It’s good to see you.”
She expected that familiar feeling to tighten in her chest, but nothing like that came. She was only glad to see a friend. “Hey, cowboy. You, too.”
She was caught off guard when he pulled her into a big hug. “I’ve missed you.”
“That’s nice to know.”
He released her. “Do you still hate me?”
She blinked at his frankness. “Let’s not beat around the bush.”
He sobered. “It was never my intention to hurt you.”
They’d dated for a few months nearly two summers ago when she’d been working on Allison’s cable TV show. It had been pretty intense, but there had always been something missing between them. She had been the one with the forever fantasies. When the breakup came, it had been more pride than her heart being involved. She’d gone back to San Antonio and her teaching job.
“Don’t worry, Perkins, I got over you a long time ago. So get over yourself.”
He tossed her that grin she’d once been so crazy about, but it didn’t affect her the way it used to. Suddenly she realized what Brian had tried to tell her: they were headed in different directions. As a divorced father, he wanted time with his nearly grown kids, and she wanted to start a family.
“I’m wounded.” He clutched his chest dramatically. “Was I so easy to forget?”
She fought a smile. “I guess I was, too.”
“No way.” His gaze locked on her. “I just wasn’t the guy for you.” Brian reached out and touched her cheek. “There’s a lucky man who’s gonna win your heart.”
Before she could say anything, she heard her name. She turned around to see Gracie running toward her, followed by a stoic-looking Evan Rafferty.
“Hi, Gracie,” she said.
She hugged the girl as her father walked up. “Hello, Evan.” She glanced over her shoulder, suddenly feeling uneasy. “Brian Perkins, this is Evan Rafferty and his daughter, Gracie. Brian’s the ranch foreman and Alex’s partner in his cattle business.”
The two men exchanged handshakes. “Evan. It’s a good day for a ride.”
Evan gave a curt nod. “Yeah, it is.”
This wasn’t going well, Jenny thought, not knowing why. “Brian and Alex also breed quarter horses.” She filled in the silence as the two men stared at each other.
“Rafferty. Is that Rafferty’s Vineyard?”
Evan nodded.
Thank goodness, the Casalis were walking toward them, Cherry hurrying on ahead. Her limp was barely noticeable these days. How great was it that a kid could go from a wheelchair to walking in barely two years?
“Morning everyone,” Allison called.
“Hi, Mrs. C,” Gracie said.
Cherry grabbed the girl’s hand and led her toward Alex. “Dad, this is Gracie Rafferty. She’s my new friend.”
“Hi, Mr. C.,” Gracie said shyly. “Thank you for letting me ride with Cherry today.”
Smiling, Alex bent down to speak to the child. “It’s my pleasure, Gracie. Any friend of Cherry’s is always welcome here.” He went to the adults and hugged Jenny. “Jenny Collins, it’s been far too long between visits. The twins want to know when you’re coming to read them stories again.”
She liked Alex, especially since he treated his wife like a princess. “I figured since you were outnumbered by women as it was, you didn’t need another one giving you trouble.”
Alex laughed. “I like that kind of trouble.” He looked at Evan. “It’s good to see you again, Evan.”
“Alex. I appreciate you inviting us. My daughter has been looking forward to this.” So was he. The A Bar A Ranch was an incredible operation.
Evan glanced at Jenny beside the foreman, recalling how cozy they’d been earlier. So what? It didn’t bother him who her friends were.
“Come on, girls,” Alex called. “Let’s get our horses.”
The giggling twosome held hands all the way into the corral. Allison and Alex hurried after the girls and Jenny fell into step beside Evan. “Do you ride much?” she asked.
“Don’t worry, I’ll manage to keep up,” he told her.
“I only meant that since you work the vineyard, you probably don’t have time to ride.”
“I’ve done my share of cowboying over the years.” He nodded toward Perkins. “Is your boyfriend going with us?”
Without so much as a glance in his direction, Jenny kept walking. “Probably not.” Then she hurried on to catch up with the group.
Evan cursed. Why did it matter if Jenny Collins had a boyfriend? He had no time to care about what she did. Too bad she’d managed to get into his head anyway. How the hell did that happen?

EVAN headed for the corral and spotted the line of horses saddled and ready to ride. Today was about spending the afternoon with his daughter.
“That’s Cinnamon,” Cherry said, pointing at a little chestnut filly. “She’s my horse. And there’s Speckles for you.” Gracie’s horse was a small black-and-white paint.
“Oh, she’s pretty.” Gracie looked back at Evan. “Daddy, is it okay to ride her?”
Evan knew his daughter was far from an expert rider. Brian came up beside the horse. “She’s real gentle. I saddle-broke her myself.”
“That’s reassuring, but I’ll be close by to make sure everything will be okay,” Evan said.
Brian smiled. “I would do the same if Gracie were mine. Your horse is Diego.” He nodded toward a large black gelding. “He’ll give you speed if you want, but he’s also good on the trail.”
“Did you break this one, too?” Evan asked, unable to keep the sarcasm out of his voice.
“I’ve worked pretty much every horse on this place.”
After Evan checked his horse, he found the foreman watching him.
“Since you’re wondering,” Brian began, “Yes, Jenny and I dated a while back. We’re still friends and I care about what happens to her.” His gaze locked with Evan. “I wouldn’t want to see her hurt. Her family has done enough taking advantage of her, so her friends look out for her.”
The meaning was clear and Evan nodded. “Too bad you blew your chance.”
After a long stare, the man walked off to help the other riders. Evan let out a breath. Where had that come from? He walked around the animal and checked the cinch. “Hell, I don’t have the time or energy to care,” he muttered.
Hearing laughter, he glanced at the pretty blonde on her horse. His body stirred as Jenny turned to him and smiled.
“Get moving, Rafferty,” she called. “We have places to go.” He suddenly realized that everyone was waiting for him.
Gracie waved him on. “Yeah, Daddy, hurry up.”
He mounted the horse and moved up with the group. “Okay, what are we waiting for?”
Gracie grinned at him. “It’s going to be so much fun.”
He felt his chest tighten, realizing his daughter hadn’t had much to smile about for a long time. He glanced at Jenny. Maybe he needed some help with that, after all.
About twenty minutes later, they arrived at a creek. The sound of rushing water took them to an ancient oak tree arched over the water’s edge, forming a natural canopy. Large rocks and boulders were piled on either side along the winding stream.
Jenny had only been here once before, but she’d never forgotten it. She also knew that this was a special place for Alex and Allison. She glanced at the couple who were whispering between themselves.
She got the funny feeling that she was intruding, remembering all the stumbling blocks that the two had gone through to get to a happy ending. And they were obviously happy.
Would it ever be that way for her? She glanced at Evan. He was helping the girls down, but he caught her gaze. There was definitely something there. Did he feel it, too? No! This was not the man for her. Besides, it was too soon for him, and definitely not the time or place for her.
“Come on, Jenny,” Gracie called. “We’re going to eat.”
She climbed down and walked to the clearing where Allison had spread out a blanket on the ground. Alex brought over two cloth bags that had been tied to his saddle.
“I wonder what Tilda packed for us,” he said.
Tilda Emerson had been adopted into the Casali family years ago. The one-time housekeeper and bookkeeper was now Alex’s partner in Cherry’s Camp for disabled children. Best of all, she was a great cook.
Gracie and Cherry sat down on the blanket. Alex handed a bag to each girl. They found chicken salad and peanut butter sandwiches along with chips, fruit and soft drinks.
Everyone chose a shady spot among the rocks. Jenny watched as they all paired off, leaving her with Evan.
“Relax,” Evan said. “I won’t bite.”
Jenny wasn’t sure about that as she took the spot next to him. It was quiet while everyone concentrated on food. The girls giggled over silly things, Alex and Evan talked, trying to skirt any business topics but not doing too well.
“I hear you’re still running a cow/calf operation,” Alex said.
Evan shrugged. “My plans changed when my brother came back from the army. We’re partners for now. He’s started a cattle-transport business, too. My main focus is still the vineyard.”
“Are you ever going to produce your own label?”
Evan nodded. “Someday.”
Jenny could hear the pride in his voice.
Finally Allison stepped in. “Whoa, guys. There’s no business, remember?”
Soon the girls finished their sandwiches, then asked permission to go and walk along the edge of the creek.
“Just keep in eyeshot, Cherry,” her father said.
Once the girls took off, Alex removed his hat and laid his head on his wife’s lap. “This is the life,” he sighed.
Listening to the soothing sound of the water, Jenny thought she wouldn’t mind a nap, too. She stole a glance at Evan. He wasn’t relaxed at all. She wanted to reach out and help ease the tension from his back.
He turned to her. “What’s wrong?”
Soon Alex stood up and reached for his wife’s hand. “I think we’ll go for a walk.” He nodded toward the girls. “We’ll be close by.”
The couple walked off, but Jenny wanted to call them back. She had a feeling that her friends had planned their departure so she’d be alone with Evan.
“How do you like the view?” she asked.
Evan finally looked at her. “It’s nice. Everything about the A Bar A is nice. Of course, when you have money you can have a showplace.”
She laughed.
“What’s so funny?”
“If you only knew where Alex came from.”
“I hear he has family in Italy.”
“His mother was American, but she wasn’t around much for her twin sons, Alex and Angelo. They pretty much lived on the streets. Alex has gone hungry enough to appreciate the good life. And now he has Allison and the kids.”
Evan glanced out at the stream. “Hard work is easy when you have someone to share it with.”
Jenny hugged her knees to her chest, hearing the distant tone in Evan’s voice. Was he thinking about Megan? Of course he was. They’d loved each other. “It has to be hard to move on after losing the one you shared your dreams with.”
He glanced toward the creek. “Sometimes sharing is overrated.” He glanced at her. “How serious were you and Perkins?”
Jenny was caught off guard. “Brian? We dated a while back.” She knew now that she’d tried to make it more, but Brian had been right, they made better friends. “It ended when I returned to San Antonio.”
He looked at her with those deep blue eyes. “You’re a teacher.”
She nodded. “High-school English.”
He grimaced. “Not my favorite class.”
“I bet I could have helped change your mind.”
His gaze grew intense. “If you’d been my teacher I would have tried harder.”
The tremor in his voice caused her to shiver, and she had to look away.
“Why aren’t you still in San Antonio?”
“I’m on a leave of absence, but I hope to go back.”
“What happened?”
She wasn’t ashamed about what had happened. “I felt that one of my students was unfairly expelled and lost a chance for a scholarship. I tangled with the principal, and we both decided I needed some time to regroup.”
She felt his heated gaze. “That doesn’t surprise me.”
“What? That I’m in trouble?”
His mouth quirked at one corner. “No, that you put a kid first.”
She shrugged. “It’s my job, Evan. Someone has to be on their side.”
He touched her hand, his broad fingers moving over the backs of hers. “Who’s on your side, Jenny Collins?”
Between his voice and his touch, she had trouble putting together a thought. “My friends, Allison for one.”
“So there’s never been anyone special, except Perkins?”
She fought a shiver. “No one worth mentioning. And Brian is still a friend.”
Another hint of a smile. “They’re all blind then. You’re a beautiful woman and distracting as hell.”
She laughed trying to keep it light. “You have such a way with words, Rafferty.”
“I’ve never had a way with words.”
She doubted that. She also knew she couldn’t give this man anything. That didn’t mean she didn’t want to, but he was too dangerous. “Are you flirting with me?”
Suddenly, he pulled back. Any hint of playfulness was gone. “Just making conversation.”
The sound of the girls caused them to turn. Cherry and Gracie came running toward them, followed by Alex and Allison.
Gracie dropped to the blanket. “Daddy, Cherry asked if I can spend the night at her house.” The girl took a breath. “We don’t have school tomorrow and her mom and dad said I could if it’s okay with you.” Her blue eyes widened in anticipation. “Please, Daddy.”
Jenny could see Evan fighting with an answer. “Are you sure it’s okay with her parents?”
Allison appeared. “It’s fine. The girls are about the same size, so Gracie can borrow something to wear from Cherry. And I’ll bring her home tomorrow morning.”
Both girls turned back to Evan, wide-eyed, silently waiting for his answer. He knew Jenny was watching for his reaction, too. He nodded. “Okay, you can stay the night.”
Gracie jumped up and down along with Cherry, then she hugged him. “Oh, thank you, Daddy.” Just as quickly she released him and returned to her new friend.
“Can we go back now?” Cherry asked. “We want to play in my room.”
Alex took charge. “Then let’s clean up and get going.”
The girls began to pack things in the bags as Alex came up to Evan. “The first time is the toughest,” he said. “We want to protect our little girls, and all they want is to be independent.” Alex looked at him. “It’s no secret you and Gracie have had a rough couple of years. It’s good to let her get out on her own.”
“She’s never wanted to before,” Evan admitted. “Now, she’s asking for things I have no idea how to give her.”
Alex shook his head. “Females. They’re hard to figure out sometimes.” He suddenly grinned. “But they sure make life interesting.” The man turned and shared a glance with his wife. “Oh, yeah, very interesting.”
Evan couldn’t stop looking at Jenny as she helped the kids gather things. She must have sensed his gaze because she turned around. When she smiled, a warm heat shot through him, settling low in his gut.
He tore his gaze away and found Alex watching him. “Jenny’s a special person with a big heart. I’d hate to see her hurt again.”
The message was clear. “I don’t plan to hurt her,” Evan said, knowing the only way for no one to get hurt was for him to stay away from the woman.
He was going to do his darnedest to accomplish just that.
Later that evening, Evan sat on a stool at Rory’s Bar and Grill as his dad worked behind the bar, drawing beers from the tap and mixing drinks. Rory’s wasn’t usually busy on a Sunday night and Evan was glad. He took a drink of his beer and listened to a Carrie Underwood ballad on the jukebox.
Too restless to sit around the house alone with Gracie gone to the Casalis’, he’d surprised himself when he got into his truck and drove into town.
His dad came over. “Can I get you another one?”
Evan stared down at his half-empty glass. “No, I’ll nurse this one for a while.”
Sean nodded. “You should come around more often.”
“I’ve never been the type to hang out in bars. And I usually have Gracie.”
Sean studied his son. “And you were married young, and then Gracie came along.”
Yeah, she’d arrived seven months after the wedding. Evan thought back to those days when Megan had returned from college, fresh with her degree and so many dreams.
He’d been working the Merrick Ranch and saving for his own place. They’d dated only a few times before spending the night together. A few months later, with Megan pregnant, they were standing in front of a preacher. After Gracie’s birth they’d moved into the foreman’s cottage at her parents’ vineyard.
“Socializing seemed to get me into trouble.”
His father smiled. “I think you’re older and wiser now. Besides, you can’t regret that beautiful child.”
“I regret a lot, but never her. She’s the reason I’m working so much. I know I don’t show her the love I should, but it’s hard.”
Sean placed his hands on the bar. “And I don’t like to speak ill of the dead, son, but Megan didn’t help you bond with your daughter.”
Evan took a long drink of his beer. He didn’t want to rehash the past. “Maybe if things had been different …” He knew that he had tried to get close to his wife. Maybe if they had been head over heels in love to start with they could have worked harder at being a couple, a family. He’d tried, but Megan was unreceptive to the idea.
“You can’t change the past, Evan,” his father continued. “So it’s time to move on. Don’t give up on finding someone else.”
“What I need is to concentrate on Gracie.”
“A loving relationship with a woman would be good for your daughter. You’re only thirty-three. It’s a normal thing to want to be with a woman.”
He really didn’t want to hear this. “Didn’t we have this conversation when I was thirteen?”
Sean laughed. “You didn’t listen then either.” His smile faded. “Just don’t give up on making a life for yourself, son.”
He met his father’s gaze. “How come you never found anyone after Mom left us?”
Sean shrugged. “I guess I wasn’t looking, or there wasn’t the opportunity.” He glanced to the doorway. “Not like you.” A slow smile creased his face. “How lucky can you get when that special one walks in the door?”
Evan turned his head and found Jenny standing at the entrance. He didn’t need her here. He didn’t need his heart racing, or his gut tightening into knots at the sight of her, either. Yet lately that seemed to be a common occurrence whenever she was around.
That meant big trouble for him.
Jenny had called herself crazy as she changed out of her comfortable sweats and into a pair of jeans and a cotton T-shirt. Then again when she slipped on a pair of heeled sandals and hurried down the steps of her apartment and out the back of the shop.
She told herself she was wanting a barbecue sandwich and some fries. That was her story and she was sticking to it. Spotting the Rafferty ranch truck from her window had nothing to do with it.
Telling herself she needed to stay away from Evan hadn’t slowed her progress as she crossed the nearly deserted street toward the neon sign of Rory’s Bar and Grill. She took a breath, and walked into the dimly lit room.
A wooden L-shaped bar ran nearly the length of the space. Against the side walls were a half dozen high-backed booths, mostly empty tonight. It was a nice place with a warm atmosphere.
“Hi,” she said, too breathless. Evan looked good, freshly shaved and wearing a starched Western shirt and nice jeans.
He nodded. “Jenny.”
She glanced away. “Hello, Sean,” she called as the older man came around the bar to greet her with a hug.
“Hi, lass. You look mighty pretty tonight.”
She couldn’t even remember if she’d put on any makeup. “Thank you.”
“So you finally decided to check the place out?”
“My own cooking brought me here. I hear you serve a great barbecue sandwich.”
Sean winked at her. “It’s the best. What else can I get you?”
“Some fries and make it to go.”
Sean frowned. “You can’t go home and eat alone.” He glanced at his son. “Evan was about to eat. Go and sit in a booth. Share some conversation and I’ll bring you your food. What do you want to drink?”
Jenny wasn’t sure this was a good idea. “I’ll have whatever Evan’s drinking.”
Sean hurried off, and she heard Evan say, “We’d better do as he says. You’re not getting out of here until you eat.”
“I didn’t intend to interrupt your evening.” She was such a lousy liar, but he didn’t look too happy to see her. “I mean, you don’t have to babysit me.”
“Have you heard me complain?” He led her to a booth and she scooted in.
“I’ll be right back,” he said and went behind the bar to draw a beer from the tap. He walked back and set both glasses on the table, then slid next to her.
She took a sip of beer. “Okay, Rafferty. Is this how you spend your night off?” She knew Gracie was sleeping over at the Casalis’.
“Geez, do you think I’m out chasing women?” He turned toward her, giving a hint of a smile. “Sorry to disappoint, but I’d rather have a quiet evening, enjoying a drink and talking with my dad.”
She nodded. “Being single sucks, huh?”
He locked those baby blues on her. “From where I’m sitting it doesn’t look so bad.”
She felt a warm shiver go through her. “Oh, I bet you say that to all the ladies.”
“This is Kerry Springs, not San Antonio. A social life is pretty limited.”
“I’m sure you draw the attention of a lot of females in this town.”
He took a long drink from his mug. “You’ve mistaken me for Matt. I don’t go out much.”
She sobered when reality hit. “You still miss your wife.”
He didn’t acknowledge her statement. “My concern is Gracie. We hadn’t exactly been close. Not like she and her mother were.”
Jenny toyed with her glass, envying any relationship between a mother and daughter. “And you’ve been working on that. You’ve helped her get to class.”
“And you’ve talked me into letting her have a sleepover, which you’re helping with. You must have caught me at a weak moment.” He turned to her. “Thanks for volunteering to help.”
“Hold the applause and wait until we see if it’s a success,” she smiled.
He nodded, his long tapered fingers rubbing up and down the sides of the beer glass. “There’s something else I want to get off my chest.”
She watched him. No other man had ever made her so aware of her femininity with just one look. He was a big man, but there was softness to his strength. She could easily slip into his arms. She shook it off and said, “What is that?”
“I apologize for nosing into your business with Perkins. I had no right.”
She blinked in surprise. “Accepted. And for the record, only in my head did our relationship get serious.” She met his gaze. “Brian is a nice guy. I think I fell more for the idea of love than I actually fell in love.”
He held her gaze. “It can be incredible, I hear.”
She caught a flicker of something in his eyes. Regret. Loneliness. Was he saying his marriage wasn’t as perfect as people had believed it to be?
She glanced away. No, this wasn’t any of her business. “You have Gracie and your family.”
He sighed. “Yeah. A nosy father and a pushy brother. Whom you need to watch out for. Matt can be pretty charming.”
She doubted Matt was the Rafferty she had to worry about. She fought a smile. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
Before he could speak, Sean carried out two large plates of food and placed them down on the table.
“Sorry it took so long.” He placed his hands on his hips and grinned. “Nothing like good food and conversation,” he said as a lone customer walked in the door. “Got to get to work.” He waved as he went behind the bar. “Hello, Michael.”
Suddenly Evan was feeling like a teenager. He was far too aware of the woman beside him. The more time he spent with Jenny the more he felt he wanted her. Question was, did he want to do anything about it?
“This smells delicious,” she said.
“Dad wasn’t lying when he said it’s the best around.”
He watched as Jenny picked up her oversized sandwich and took a bite, leaving a smear of sauce on the side of her mouth. Desire shot through him as he fought the urge to lean forward and remove it, giving both a taste. Instead he picked up a napkin.
“Here, you have sauce on your mouth.” He reached out and wiped it off. She froze, allowing him to clean her up. Their eyes locked and instantly he was mesmerized. “Damn, woman,” he breathed, then pulled away. “Eat your food before we both get into trouble.”
Twenty minutes later they’d finished the meal.
“I can’t finish all this,” Jenny announced, leaving half her food. “I’m stuffed.”
Evan patted his stomach. “I didn’t have any trouble.” He hadn’t realized how hungry he was. And not only for food. He looked at Jenny. Although he didn’t want to leave her, the direction his thoughts were taking wasn’t a good idea.
“I hate to cut this short,” he began, “but I need to get up early tomorrow. I’m helping Matt move cattle.”
She groaned. “I think they should outlaw Mondays. But if truth be told, I’d probably get up early anyway. I love dawn.”
Evan stood. “It’s my favorite time, too.” He placed some bills on the table, but when she reached for her wallet he stopped her. “Don’t even think about it.”
“But you don’t need to pay for my supper.”
“What if I want to?” He helped her out of the booth. “What if I wanted to share dinner and conversation with you?”
Her gaze held his. “I just didn’t want you to feel you had to.”
“If I’d felt that way, I’d have let you take your food back to your apartment. Can we agree sharing a meal was nice?”
She nodded. “Yes, nice,” she said in a soft, breathy voice.
“Now, hopefully without argument, I’m going to walk you home.”
Jenny nodded, then they waved to Sean and headed for the door. He followed her out into the darkness, then took her by the elbow as they crossed the street. It was dark as they made their way to the other side and started down the alley. Several sensor lights came on as they walked past the other businesses on the way to the back door of the quilt shop.
“It was a nice evening, Rafferty. Thank you.”
She took out her keys, but he stopped her. “I like it when you call me Evan.” He knew in his head this was a bad idea, but couldn’t stop himself as he pulled her toward him. He gave her a chance to back away, but she didn’t. “Say my name, Jenny.”
She swallowed. “Evan,” she breathed, and his mouth closed over hers.
Evan shut everything out of his mind, except for the feel of Jenny’s body pressed against his. He drew a breath and inhaled her fresh scent. He reached up and cupped her head, feeling the silkiness of her hair. On a soft moan, she opened her mouth and he got to taste her intoxicating sweetness. He hadn’t realized how hungry she made him.
He broke off the kiss but not his hold.
“Maybe this isn’t a good idea,” Jenny breathed as her arms slipped around his neck.
His mouth brushed over hers; he wasn’t listening at all to common sense. “It feels pretty damn good to me.”

IT was a little before nine the following morning when Jenny came downstairs to the shop. Millie was already there, and, to her surprise, so were several other women. They were all seated at the round table at the window.
“What’s going on?” Jenny asked as she came up next to her coworker.
Millie took her to the table. “Meet the ladies of the Quilters’ Corner. You already know Beth Staley and this is Louisa Merrick and Liz Parker. And soon there will be more.”
Jenny smiled, excited they were here. “Morning, ladies. I’m glad you’re taking advantage of the space.”
Millie turned to her. “You know, most times when you get a bunch of women together there’s drama.”
“There’s just going to be quilting,” Louisa Merrick said. She was an attractive woman in her late fifties. Her raven hair was laced with gray and pulled into a bun, showing off her beautiful bone structure. Her dark eyes sparkled. “My husband, Clay, is a Texas politician. He causes enough drama.”
Everyone laughed.
“Sounds like your life is exciting,” Jenny said, knowing a little of Senator Merrick’s reputation.
Louisa smiled. “I’d rather have a houseful of grandkids to spoil, but my son, Sloan, is a little slow to fill my request.” Louisa smiled. “You say you’re single?”
Jenny found herself stuttering. Please don’t let anyone set me up with a date.
Beth spoke up. “Sloan is more interested in raising his free-range cattle than in women right now. Jenny’s been busy, too … with her girls’ class.”
“He’ll be interested,” Louisa assured her, “when he finds the right woman.” She looked encouragingly at Jenny.
“I won’t be staying in town past the summer. I’ll be returning to San Antonio and my teaching job.”
After a series of groans from the women, Beth started talking about her granddaughter, Kasey. And Jenny was happy to no longer be the main topic of discussion. What would everyone think if they knew Evan Rafferty had kissed the daylights out of her last night?
She smiled to herself, knowing that, as much as she’d enjoyed the kiss, she couldn’t make too much out of it. Talk about a mismatch. Evan wasn’t the man for her. A warm shiver went through her at the memory of his touch.
Maybe if she wrote it on a piece of paper a hundred times then she’d start to believe it.
That same morning, Evan began his day as usual. He walked through the vines, checking the grapes as he had every day for years. He’d always been a man who thrived on routine, on habit.
But he wasn’t in the habit of kissing women.
He closed his eyes and Jenny came to mind. In the last twelve hours he hadn’t been able to erase her image, or the feel of her against him, or the taste of her.
The truth was, kissing Jenny had been incredible. He hadn’t wanted to stop, but he’d had to. It wasn’t wrong to want a woman, he told himself, especially a woman as appealing as the dark-eyed blonde.
What bothered him was how she made him feel. He wanted casual, and she had marriage and kids written all over her. He couldn’t go there again. Besides, Jenny had befriended his daughter. That could complicate things all to hell. And he needed to put his energy into his relationship with Gracie.
No, marriage wasn’t for him. He couldn’t make his first one work, so why would he try again?
At the sound of a horn, he looked over his shoulder and saw a crew-cab truck pull up next to the barn. Alex Casali and Gracie got out along with her new friend, Cherry. His daughter waved and he started down the slope as the group came toward him.
“Hey, Gracie.” He’d missed her more than he could have imagined.
“Hi, Daddy,” she called, surprising him as she rushed into his arms.
“Did you have a good time?”
She stood back and smiled. “It was so much fun. We watched movies and played video games.”
Hadn’t she missed him at all? “Sounds like fun to me.”
“Daddy, when can I have my sleepover?”
“I’m not exactly sure.” He glanced at Alex. “We need to discuss that with Jenny.”
Gracie looked at Cherry. “Jenny’s going to be the woman in the house. Daddy says mothers won’t let their girls come with only men here.”
Alex hid a grin. “Wise idea.”
Gracie turned back to Evan. “Will you ask her?”
He wasn’t sure he was ready to face Jenny yet. “Okay.”
That could be an excuse to see her again. “We’ll see.”
Gracie looked at her new friend. “Come on, I want to show you my room.”
“Ten minutes, Cherry,” Alex called after the twosome running toward the house. “Then we need to leave.” He turned back to Evan. “I doubt she even heard me.” He nodded toward the vineyard. “How about showing me around?”
Evan was surprised by the request. “Sure.”
Together they walked toward the rows of vines, heavy with grapes. “It’s quiet now, but we’ll start harvesting in a few months,” Evan said. “We’ll be busy then.”
“How many acres planted?”
“Right now it’s about twelve.”
Alex studied him. “You have plans for more?”
Evan turned away. “I’ve always had plans for more. Just not in the near future.”
“You sell to Solomon Creek Winery?”
Evan nodded. “Yes, my pinot grigio grapes.” He pointed to the highest section of the hill. “They’re harvested first. Then zinfandel and muscat. They’re all my grapes, but under his label.”
“I’m impressed.”
Evan was surprised. “Why? You’ve done well in the cattle business, and it’s been a lot more profitable.”
“Success is not always measured by financial gain.” Alex smiled. “I discovered that when I met Allison and Cherry.” There was a long pause. “You’ve had a rough few years, but you’ve come through it.”
Evan didn’t want to go there. “I have a daughter to think about now.” He glanced around the vineyard. “This is for her. It’s her heritage.”
“Is she the reason you wanted to build the winery?”
“That was part of the Kerchers’ plan, then my wife’s. Now, it’s the Rafferty Vineyard. I’m more into growing the grapes. And they’re in demand as the hill-country wine business grows. These wineries here are winning awards all over the world.”
“You’re quite the spokesperson.”
“It is my livelihood.”
They stopped at the crest of the hill. “What’s your dream?”
“It’s pretty simple—to grow the best grapes and run my own label.” Evan just wasn’t sure he could pull it off by himself. Although his brother helped out, Matt was more interested in the cattle operation.
Alex studied him. “The important thing is to have a dream. That was my problem for years.” Alex raised an eyebrow. “I worried too much about accomplishing things, making money, moving on to the next step, so that I couldn’t enjoy what I had. It’s important to have someone to share it with.”
Evan had to agree, but he had a feeling Alex Casali wasn’t talking about sharing all this with Gracie, but with another female.
Jenny rolled over in bed and glanced at the clock on her nightstand—6:55 a.m. Since it was only five minutes until the alarm would go off she might as well get up. Sitting on the edge of the bed, her thoughts flashed to Evan. It had been two days since she’d been foolish enough to let things go so far.
Big mistake. She never should have gone to Rory’s. Never should have let Evan kiss her. What had made her think they could be just friends?
She released a breath and walked out of her bedroom and into the main room of the apartment.
The newly remodeled attic space that had once belonged to Allison was smaller than Jenny’s place in San Antonio, but she didn’t have to share it with a roommate.
She walked over to the compact kitchen with its new cabinets and appliances, not that she needed more than a microwave. She took a diet soda from the refrigerator, popped the tab and went into the living area. Bamboo floors were covered by a sisal rug, and a grass-green love seat and two tan leather chairs faced the small flat-screen television banked on either side with floor-to-ceiling bookcases. There wasn’t any wasted space here.
It was fine, temporarily, but her goal was to go back to San Antonio and her teaching job at the high school. Not to kiss a cowboy/vineyard owner. That had been what had got her into trouble two summers ago with Brian. She brushed her hair away from her face and took a gulp of the caffeine-charged drink. She needed a clear head. She didn’t need to fantasize about Evan Rafferty’s arms around her, his mouth against hers, sending incredible feelings through her.
No! No! No!
She wasn’t ready for this man. More importantly, Rafferty wasn’t ready for her. He had a wife that he hadn’t put to rest, a daughter he was trying to parent. Her heart tightened at the thought of Gracie. How blessed she would be to have a sweet little girl like her.
She shook her head. “You’re dreaming again, Jen.”
Once again she heard the familiar words. Marsha Collins-Newsome had always been a realist. She hadn’t believed in dreams. A single mother beaten down by life, she’d married the first guy who could give her a decent home. Carl Newsome, a widower with three wild sons: Carl Junior, Mike and Todd. The boys were older than Jenny, and they’d spent their adolescence making things difficult for her. The youngest son, Todd, had been the worst. He’d made her life a living hell, and even as adults he wouldn’t leave her alone. She was glad he’d been sent to prison and hoped that she never had to see him again. No, the Newsomes and Collinses had never quite managed to become a nurturing family. The furthest thing from it.
Jenny remembered her visit with the Raffertys. They weren’t perfect, but they cared about each other. Her chest tightened with that same old longing. She wanted what she’d never had. A loving family.
She turned her thoughts back to Evan. He wasn’t the man for her. Too much baggage, and she didn’t want to be the rebound girl.
The only stability in her life had been her teaching. Since college, it had filled a lot of empty places. She needed to get back to it. And nothing was going to stop her.
Not even the good-looking Evan Rafferty.
Later that day, Jenny had just finished with a customer when the bell over the door rang and Evan walked in. Her heart began to race. She hated that she reacted to the man.
Evan removed his hat and nodded to Beth Staley. The older woman stopped and talked with him a moment, then he held the door open for her and she walked out.
He made his way across the store. Those deep-blue eyes locked in on Jenny. She felt her breathing speed up. She had to stop this. This wasn’t high school.
“Jenny,” he said as he stopped at the other side of the counter.
“Rafferty,” she returned, not seeing a bit of uneasiness in him. “What can I do for you?”
He glanced around, hearing voices from the tables in the classroom area. “Can we talk?”
Dear Lord, no. She didn’t want to hear that he was sorry he kissed her. “I’m rather busy right now.”
He held his hat in his hand. “When will you have time?”
Millie suddenly appeared. “I can watch things for a while.” She smiled at Evan. “You could go back to the office.”
Evan nodded to her. “Thank you.” Then without any warning, he came around the counter and took Jenny by the arm and walked her toward the back of the store. Inside the small office she stopped in front of the file cabinet, but when she turned around, she found Evan right there. His gaze was intense, his scent engulfed her.
“What’s so important?” she managed.
“I need to know if you still plan to chaperone Gracie’s sleepover.”
She was almost relieved that was the reason he’d stopped by. “Yes, I promised her that I would. Why? Have you changed your mind?”
He studied her for a moment, then shook his head. “I was thinking you might have after what happened the other night.”
Now she saw his uneasiness. It was endearing, but she couldn’t let him get to her. “Get over yourself, Rafferty. It was only a kiss.” One that had nearly knocked her socks off, she added silently.
He leaned in closer. She could feel his breath warm against her face. Then he grinned. He wasn’t playing fair. “Glad you feel that way.” He stepped back. “Because the invitations went out for Friday night.”
She worked to clear the dryness from her throat. “What invitations?”
“The sleepover at my house,” he said.
She knew he was talking about Gracie’s party, but suddenly a picture of Evan and her in a big bed flashed through her head. Whoa. She blinked and turned away. “What time?”
“Gracie told her friends seven o’clock. Maybe you could come by a little early, and don’t be surprised if Matt and Dad have some surprises planned.”
Jenny found it easy to smile. That was just like those two. “Sounds like fun.”
He grumbled something. “I just want to survive the night.”
She laughed. “Buck up, fella, this is only the beginning.”
“That’s what I’m afraid of.”
Friday night arrived, along with a half dozen screaming girls and their thundering footsteps overhead in Gracie’s bedroom.
“Saints save us,” his father said, looking up at the ceiling. “What in the world are they doing up there?”
“I don’t know. I only hope the house is still standing in the morning,” Evan replied, shrugging. “Of course, Jenny’s up there supervising.” Then came another thud. “Maybe they tied her up and put her in a closet.”
Sean laughed. “That’s something you and your brother would have done. But if it happens, then you can go up and save the pretty lass.”
And who would save him? he wondered. Once the girls had found out Jenny was going to be there tonight they were even more excited to come. For him, having her in the house seemed strange, but to everyone else, she fitted in. She did fit in. Maybe that was the problem.
The sound of little girls’ voices grew louder, and then came the stampede of footsteps on the stairs.
“Brace yourselves, here they come,” Sean said.
One by one, three little blondes, two brunettes and one red-haired girl arrived in the kitchen. Every one of them had big hair and tons of makeup on those sweet angelic faces.
Gracie proudly climbed up on a bar stool. The other girls followed her. “Hi, Daddy. We’re having a lot of fun.”
“I can see that.” He looked her over, trying to find his little girl under all the makeup. “Trying a new look?”
“Oh, Daddy. We’re doing the eighties. You know, Madonna, Bon Jovi. ABBA, too.”
The other girls broke into a chorus of “Dancing Queen,” then fell into a fit of giggles.
“Daddy, did you know Jenny can moonwalk like Michael Jackson?
“No, I didn’t.” Evan looked at his dad and mouthed, “Madonna.”
Sean shrugged and whispered, “I’m sure Jenny has it under control.”
“All the girls think Jenny is way cool. She says we’re going to work our way through the decades. We’ll finish with Hannah Montana and Taylor Swift.”
Evan turned back in time to see Jenny walk in. Her hair was big, too, lying in waves past her shoulders. She wore heavy makeup, overdone on the eyes and lips, and some kind of tight stretchy pants that hugged her long sexy legs.
“Hey, girls.” She winked at Evan as she sat down on a stool. “Did you get something to eat?” She glanced at his father. “Hi, Sean.”
“Hello, young ones,” he greeted as he eyed all the girls. “Looks as if I have several customers here.” He leaned on the counter. “What can I get for all of you? Pizza? Chips? Ice cream? Hamburgers?”
After the girls placed their orders, the group got up and headed upstairs. Gracie stayed back and said to her father, “Don’t come in, because it’s for girls only.”
Evan nodded. “Okay. We’ll knock on the door, then leave the food in the hall.”
She kissed him. “Thanks, Daddy.” She took off to find the others. The music started up again along with a thumping sound. Evan glanced at the clock to see it was only nine o’clock. Just twelve more hours and they’d all go home. That included Jenny.
It was midnight and the girls showed no signs of slowing down, but Jenny was running out of ideas for things to do. They didn’t want to watch any more videos, or eat any more food. They were too far out in the country for a scavenger hunt. Maybe some scary stories.
She got the girls’ attention and started telling tales she remembered from school when something hit against the window.
The girls jumped and gasped. “What was that?” one of them asked.
Jenny got up, pulled the curtains back and looked out the second-story window. Down below a flash of white caught her eyes. “What the …” she began, when she saw the figure standing in the yard. It was Sean. She opened the window and the girls came to see what was going on.
“Sean? Is something wrong?”
“Sorry to disturb you, but I’m looking for some little ones who’d be interested in roasting some marshmallows by the campfire. Maybe tell a few stories.”
“We are,” the chorus of girls cheered.
“I’m too scared,” Carrie said, looking out into the darkness.
“Come on,” Cherry said. “Mr. Sean won’t let anything happen to us.”
“How about if we all go together?” Jenny suggested. “It’ll be fun.”
“We’ll be right down,” she called to Sean.
“Good.” He smiled. “Bring Evan, too. He’s taking a nap before the next shift.”
Already dressed in their pajamas, the girls all put on sweatshirts and shoes, then headed down.
Jenny was bringing up the rear when she stopped by the master bedroom. She knocked softly and pushed open the partly closed door to find Evan lying on the bed fully dressed, minus his boots. The lamp beside the bed was on and she could see he was asleep.
“Evan,” she whispered, but when he didn’t answer, she walked in and stood next to the bed. She stared down at the man lying on the bed. He looked so peaceful, so unlike the Evan who was usually frowning.
She heard the girls at the foot of the stairs and reached out and touched his arm. The warmth of his skin caused her to bite back a gasp.
His eyes shot open, and he quickly sat up. “What happened?”
“Nothing yet. We’re going down to roast marshmallows. Your dad said to wake you up.”
Her hand was still on his arm. “Sorry, I was catching a few hours sleep.” He rubbed his eyes. “What are the munchkins up to now?”
She tried but couldn’t seem to move away. “Sean’s going to tell stories out by a campfire.”
Evan stood up, and she started to back away, but he pulled her closer.
“Rafferty … this isn’t a good idea,” she warned.
“You’re damn right it isn’t.” He started to lower his head when off in the distance she heard her name.
She quickly broke away, but Evan refused to release her as he held her head against his shoulder. “Kids can be a pain sometimes. This is definitely one of those times.”
“Evan … I’ve got to go. The girls will come looking for me.”
With a nod, Evan let her go. He turned and went into the adjoining bathroom and closed the door. She worked to slow her breathing as she walked out and down the steps.
“Jenny,” Gracie said, “Where were you? Everybody is waiting.”
“I forgot something.” She’d forgotten something all right, her mind, her common sense. She looked down at the smiling child and thought about the man upstairs.
She was quickly losing her heart to both of them.
“They’re called the wee people. Some call them leprechauns. I only met one, Finn O’Donovan. And oh, he was a tricky one. He would rob you blind if you turned your back on him.”
“What does he look like?” a girl asked.
“A wee man, no bigger than yourselves. They have rosy cheeks and big blue eyes that make you want to trust them. I met Finn when I was no older than you young ones. He lived in the forest right outside of the town where I lived in Ireland. First time I saw him was when I came home from school one day. He asked me never to tell anyone about him. My first mistake. He promised to show me where he hid a pot of gold. Well, let me tell you. I was a poor fella with lots of brothers and sisters. My da and ma could use a pot of gold.”
“Did you ever find it?” Carrie asked.
Sean shook his head. “No. The scoundrel had been laughing at me the whole time. Soon after, my family left for America, so I never saw Finn again which was good, since we didn’t part on happy terms. But some strange things have been happening lately. I have a feeling that Finn has returned to my life.”
“He’s here?” Cherry whispered.
Sean’s eyes grew large as he nodded, then glanced around the crackling fire at his attentive audience. “I have proof.” He reached behind him and pulled out a green felt pointy hat. “See, this is the same hat Finn wore all those years ago.”
“Where’d you get that, Grandpa?” Gracie asked.
“I found it in the vineyard. Finn is here.”
Everyone gasped.
Evan stood at the patio door and watched as the girls listened to his father. No one could tell a story like Sean Rafferty. Seeing Gracie’s happy face, he was glad that his dad was there to help out. His gaze settled on Jenny. This night for Gracie wouldn’t have happened if she hadn’t agreed to give up her weekend.
The only problem was that it was getting harder and harder to keep away from her. He still couldn’t believe what had nearly happened upstairs. He’d almost kissed her again. He wanted it more than his next breath.
Suddenly Matt came out of the shadows, sat on the bench next to Jenny and scooted closer to her. He didn’t seem to have any trouble talking with her, flirting with her.
And unless Evan spoke up, he didn’t have any right to tell his brother to stay away.
Was he ready to do that?

AWEEK had passed since the sleepover and Jenny had tried to stay focused on other things besides the man who’d been keeping her up nights. Not only Evan had been disturbing her sleep, but worry over his daughter’s feelings had, as well.
Classes had been going well for everyone except Gracie. She struggled with the intricate work needed to complete her mother’s quilt. Jenny herself even needed Allison’s help. The pattern was far too complicated for an eight year old, and the child’s frustration was growing.
She’d realized she had to convince the girl to go in another direction. That was when she’d asked for advice from Allison and her new friend, school principal Lily Perry.
The three of them had discussed her concerns and had come up with something that might convince Gracie to put her mother’s quilt aside for another few years and work on something simpler.
It was nearly the end of the day’s class when Jenny took Gracie aside. They walked to the round table in the corner of the room that had quickly become a popular spot with the regulars. Only on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons was the area vacant.
Jenny motioned to a chair and Gracie took it. “Am I in trouble?” she asked.
“Of course not.” Jenny looked at Allison who’d followed them over. “We just have an idea we want to talk to you about.”
The child still looked worried as Jenny took a seat next to her. “I’m concerned about you, Gracie. I think the quilt you’re working on is harder than you thought it would be, huh?”
The girl looked sad. “It’s not too bad.”
Jenny exchanged a glance with Allison. “But still, it’s pretty hard to sew for someone your age.”
Jenny was relieved. “Allison and I came up with an idea that might help. We want you to listen to it first, before you decide if it’s good or bad.”
“We were wondering if you’d consider putting your quilt aside for a few years until you’re older and a more experienced quilter.”
Tears welled in her eyes. “But I promised Mommy.”
“We know you did, sweetie,” Jenny said soothingly. “But, as I said before, I don’t think your mother expected you to finish it right away. Since she chose the DoubleWedding-Ring pattern, don’t you think she planned to have it ready for when you got married?” Jenny smiled. “Are you getting married anytime soon?”
Gracie actually smiled too. “No!”
“Then you have plenty of time to get it done.”
“I guess so,” she hesitated. “But will you still help me?”
Jenny wasn’t sure how to answer her. She’d always planned to go back to San Antonio to teach. “I’ll promise you this, Gracie, I’ll do my best.”
The girl wasn’t excited by her answer. “You said you’d help me finish it.”
“And if possible, I will. Besides, if you keep practicing, just think how good you’ll get and you can do it yourself.”
The child looked sad. “Does this mean I can’t be in the class any more?”
“Oh, no. We want you to stay in the class. Would you be willing to work on another project, something simpler?”
Gracie nodded eagerly.
“Good. We’ve come up with an idea and all you girls can work together. Even Mrs. Perry is going to participate in this project.” Jenny stood. “Come on, I’ll announce to everyone what’s going to happen.”
Gracie hurried back to her seat as Jenny turned to Allison. “She took it better than I thought.”
“She seemed relieved.”
But Jenny wasn’t sure she was out of the woods yet. Hadn’t she been the one who had fought to get Gracie into class, assuring Evan she could handle it?
Why should she care what he thought? The man had run hot and cold, kissing her, making her want more. But she hadn’t seen or heard from him since. Apparently he’d wanted to put some distance between them.
She could deal with rejection. If only he would stay away, stop making her long for more, making her want what she couldn’t have—a man who would never be hers.
Jenny walked back to the group. “Girls, it’s about quitting time and I’d like to talk to you all.”
They stopped and looked at her.
“First of all, I want to tell you how pleased I am with the work you’ve all accomplished in just a few short weeks.” She looked around. “Is everyone having fun?”
The group cheered and Jenny’s chest swelled. She glanced at Lily. “Well, if you like what you’re doing, we’d like to go a step further. When the class began, we talked about everyone making their own quilt, but that’s a big project, and it can take a long time, especially with school-work and chores at home. How about we each work on a section of blocks, then everyone combines them to make one quilt?” She rushed on to say, “It’ll still be about your family, but we’ll put everyone’s together.”
There was silence.
She continued, “Why not make a quilt that tells a story about the town, about past generations? You are the future of Kerry Springs, but we should know where we came from, too. I know a lot of you are already using fabric from your relatives. That’s perfect. Now with the assistance of mothers and the helpers, you can embroider those people’s names and dates on the blocks so we’ll know who they are.” Jenny moved aside so Lily could join her. “And now Mrs. Perry is going to tell you more about this project.”
“Hello, girls.”
“Hello, Mrs. Perry,” they said in unison.
“I’m also impressed with the work you’re doing here. And I’m taking a personal interest in this project, since both my daughter and my mother are working on it, too.
“When I first heard of Jenny’s idea, I thought, what a great idea, to preserve our town’s history in a quilt. And then I thought, as well as a quilt, how about an essay contest? We have Founders’ Day coming up in July. So what better way to celebrate it than to write about the families that make our town great?”
Jenny watched as the girls took in the idea.
“This isn’t a school requirement. It’s strictly for this class and for your own curiosity. But the girls who turn in stories will have them published in the town paper. Even better, Jenny and Allison will display the finished quilt in the shop window so everyone in town will see your hard work.” Lily smiled. “How do you feel about that?”
The girls cheered. “We should do it,” Cherry said. It was seconded by girl after girl.
“Okay, that gives us three months to finish. So you’ll keep working in class, but you’ll need to interview your parents and grandparents, learn their stories. Good luck to all of you.”
The room buzzed with excitement as the girls put away their sewing while discussing what they were going to do. Jenny glanced toward the back of the room and saw Evan.
Now it was her job to get him to go along with the sudden change of plans.
Evan watched as Jenny moved around the room talking to each student. It was obvious the girls adored her. She had an ease around kids, around everyone.
Not him. Outside of family, he’d always had trouble talking to people. He’d rather be alone than in a group. Megan hadn’t been eager to bring him out. She’d had her own social groups; besides quilting, there was her work at the church. Yet now, he could see his daughter needed more.
Although he’d once loved the solitude of working the vineyard, he’d found of late he was lonely. More so when he thought about Jenny Collins. Whenever he got close to her, he could feel the pull. Then there was the memory of the sweetest kiss and the stirring in his body that told him he wanted more, needed more as well.
His daughter came running toward him. “Daddy, guess what?”
“We’re all going to make a big quilt together and have a writing contest. I need to get some old clothes from Grandpa for my blocks ‘cause I’m gonna write about him being from Ireland, and you and Uncle Matt, too.”
He looked at Jenny, who had arrived next to his daughter. “So you’re working on a new project already?”
“We’re taking a little detour,” Jenny answered.
Allison and Cherry walked up. “How about us girls go for some ice cream, Gracie? Then your dad and Jenny can talk.”
“Can I go, Daddy?”
Evan dug into his pocket for a few dollars and handed them to her. “Sure, but only get one scoop and don’t take too long.”
He watched as they left the shop, then turned back to Jenny. “What’s going on?”
“First of all, I was planning to tell to you about it when you got here.”
“Well, I’m here.” He glanced at Millie, who was with a customer. Both ladies were watching them with interest. “Is there somewhere private we can talk?” he asked.
“I can’t leave Millie.”
“I’ll be fine,” the saleswoman assured her. “You two go talk.” She smiled at Evan. “Good to see you again, Evan. Say hello to your father for me.”
He nodded. “I’ll do that.” He followed Jenny toward the back of the shop. She went to the office, then bypassed it. “The bookkeeper is working in there.”
Evan was surprised when Jenny opened another door that led to a staircase and started up. He followed her, and they ended up in her apartment.
He looked around, and then walked to the narrow window. “You can see Main Street.”
“Yeah, the view sold me on the place.”
He turned his attention to her. She looked tempting in fitted jeans and a tapered green blouse. Her sunny hair hung around her face and thin bangs brushed her forehead, highlighting her big brown eyes. She didn’t wear much makeup, giving her a fresh-scrubbed look. His gaze went to her full mouth and her perfect lips.
He shook away the direction of his thoughts. “Okay, what’s this change of plans?”
She blew out a breath. “You were right.”
He didn’t expect her to say that. “About what?”
“Gracie is too young to handle the complicated quilt pattern.”
He folded his arms across his chest. “Isn’t that what I tried to tell you from the beginning?”
“You did,” she conceded. “But what you didn’t realize about your daughter was she needed some independence. And she had to attempt to do the quilt before anyone could convince her otherwise. It seems stubbornness runs in your family.”
“You think I’m stubborn? You’re the one who wouldn’t let go of this.”
“But it helped. Can’t you see the difference in her?”
He nodded. “All right. She has been happier these last few weeks. But she has to be disappointed that she can’t finish the quilt.”
Jenny shook her head. “Oh, she’ll finish it, but she’s willing to wait.” She smiled. “And she got the one thing she truly wanted.”
“What was that?”
“Your attention.”
“She’s always had my attention,” he said.
“On your terms. The only outlet she had was school.”
“We live in the country.”
“But your daughter is growing up, she needs to socialize. And this class has helped her.”
Had he been that selfish? “Don’t forget I let her have a sleepover. But I’ll always want to protect her no matter how old she gets.”
“Of course, and she’ll always need that from you, along with your love.”
“She’s always had that, from the day she was born.” Evan felt the familiar sadness. “I never want her to ever doubt that.” He walked away then turned back to Jenny. “There were days when that little girl was the only reason I got out of bed. She kept me going.”
Jenny nodded, trying not to reach out and offer comfort to this man. She was already too involved. “And you helped your daughter get through losing her mother. She wants to help you, too. She knows how sad you’ve been.”
His blue eyes met hers. “You seem to know a lot about her.”
Jenny shrugged. “I was a stranger when she first talked to me. That made it easier for her.”
“You are easy to talk to. Thank you for spending time with Gracie, especially for last weekend’s sleepover.”
That was her, the person everyone wanted to share things with, to be friends with. Last weekend, when Evan had nearly kissed her again, she’d known it was a bad idea. She’d already gotten a taste of his loving family, something she’d always longed for, giving her ideas of having a piece of it.
“That might have created more problems.” She held his gaze as it did crazy things to her stomach, but she continued. “It changes things now, Rafferty, we might never be able to go back. You aren’t ready.”
“For what? To kiss you again? Hell, yes, I’m ready.” He was more than ready for her. He moved closer, stopping directly in front of her. He caught her scent. It was intoxicating. Feelings for her whirled in his head. “If you’re honest, Jenny, you’d admit you want it too.”
“That doesn’t make it the right thing to do.”
“No, it doesn’t.” He leaned toward her. “All my energy needs to go into keeping the ranch afloat and being a father to my daughter.” He released a breath. “But you’re the one I’ve been thinking about in the middle of the night. You’re the one I want to hold in my arms, want to kiss—”
She looked up at the ceiling. “Oh, Rafferty, why are you doing this to me? We’re headed in different directions. Starting anything would be foolish.”
Hell, he didn’t want to get involved, but it had already happened. “Yeah, you’re right about that. It would be the craziest thing ever.”
“For once we agree.” Her voice was breathy. “We’ve only shared a kiss. No harm done.”
Damn. There’d been plenty of damage. To his sleep, to his peace of mind. Lately, to his sanity.
There was a knock on the door at the bottom of the stairs and Millie called up to her. “Jenny, there’s a phone call for you.”
“Can you take a name and a message?”
“He says it’s important, a Todd Newsome.”
Evan watched the blood drain from Jenny’s face. “I’ve got to go.”
He stopped her. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” she said, pulling away, then she went down the steps.
He followed, but she wasn’t going to tell him anything. So, she had a past.
She looked back at him. “It would be better if you concentrate on your daughter, Evan. I’ll be leaving in a few months. I’ll be going back to my job. This has to be the end of it.”
Before he could say anything, she took off down the stairs. By the time he reached her, she’d taken the cordless phone from Millie and gone to a quiet corner. Her rejection should drive him away, but he wasn’t ready to give up; something wouldn’t let him let go of her.
Jenny had prayed she’d never hear from Todd ever again. Her stepbrother had caused her enough trouble to last a lifetime. But over the years he kept showing up like a bad penny.
She punched in the hold button. “What do you want, Todd?”
“Is that any way to greet your big brother, sis?”
“You’re not my brother. And I thought you were in jail.”
“I got out early for good behavior.”
“Fine. Have a good life and stop bothering me.”
“Whoa, sis. It wouldn’t be a good idea to hang up on me. What would Mom say?”
Jenny stiffened. Her mother had been Todd’s only supporter after his last drug offence.
“Go call her and ask.” She turned around and saw that Evan was still there. “Look, Todd, I need to go back to work.”
“I’d like to do the same, but I don’t have a job. Maybe you can set me up in a job with your fancy friends?”
How did he know? Her mother. She’d probably mentioned her job with the Casalis in letters. “I wouldn’t ask any of my friends to hire you. You’re unreliable. Shouldn’t your parole officer help you find something?”
“I don’t particularly want to be a dishwasher or a janitor.”
“Why not? It’s honest work.”
“I think you can do better for me.”
“No. I told you years ago, I want you to leave me alone.” She felt the familiar panic as she recalled high school and Todd and his creepy friends. That had been the main reason she’d told the police on him. It had gotten him his stay in juvenile hall.
“That’s too bad, sis,” he told her in a voice that made her shiver. “You owe me, and you’re my best bet these days. What’s the big deal about helping out a family member?”
“You’re not my family. So stay away from me, Todd. I won’t help you.” Her hands were shaking as she ended the call. No, she wouldn’t let him get to her again. The three Newsome brothers had been trouble since day one, but Todd was the worst. She hadn’t been surprised that he’d gone to prison.
She turned around and saw Evan watching her. She put on a smile as he walked to her.
“Is everything okay?”
“Of course,” she said just as the bell over the shop door chimed and Gracie and Cherry returned, followed by Allison.
“Daddy.” Gracie ran to her father. “We need to go home because I have to find some material for the class.”
“You have a week before the next class.”
The girls didn’t like to wait for anything.
“But all the other girls have their moms to help them pick out their material. And grandpa’s fixing spaghetti and he said we need to bring Jenny and some bread home. Please, Daddy.”
He turned to Jenny. “Looks as if we’re outnumbered. Would you like to come to dinner at the Rafferty house?”
It wasn’t a good idea. She looked at Gracie and began to lose her resolve. The little girl would be disappointed if she didn’t go. “Sure, I’d love to.”

AN hour later Jenny was seated beside Evan in his truck and on the way to the Rafferty home. How had she got herself into this? Okay, she was a coward. She wanted to be away from any more calls from Todd. No more abuse from her evil stepbrother.
Those days were over.
Thanks to her mother she now had to deal with him again. No doubt Marsha thought Todd had turned over a new leaf, but Jenny doubted he could do anything good, ever.
Time served or not, Todd Newsome was a convicted felon. The last thing she wanted him to do was cause any trouble for her or her friends. She only hoped she’d convinced Todd that she didn’t want any more to do with him. Good luck with that. He hadn’t cared about her wishes, ever. She couldn’t have been happier when he was sent away.
“Jenny,” Gracie called.
She turned to the girl in the back seat. “What, sweetie?”
“All the other girls think I’m lucky because I get to take you to my house.”
She was touched. “Well, you need help with the project, too. And remember, you have to sew new blocks together.”
Gracie nodded. “Daddy, can I have one of your shirts? The one Mommy liked.”
Evan frowned. Meg had liked one of his shirts? She’d never said anything to him. “Sure. You’ll have to remind me which one that is.”
He stole a sideways glance at Jenny, seeing her curious look.
“It’s the one you wore when we all went to church on Easter that last time,” his daughter said. “I want to use something that Mommy liked.”
“Okay, we’ll find it then,” he said hearing the sadness in his child’s voice.
He glanced at Jenny. “Once an altar boy, but I’m not much on church these days.”
“Grandpa Sean is Catholic and Mommy and me are Lutherans,” the tiny voice came from the back. “What are you, Jenny?”
She smiled. “Oh, I’d say I’m a mixture of a little Catholic with some Presbyterian thrown in. All religions work if you pray.”
“At my church they say you have to repent if you do bad things. What does repent mean?”
Gracie was too young to hear those kinds of words. “It means to make up for what you did wrong,” Evan said. “If you were bad, you should say you’re sorry, and then take your punishment.”
“Oh. What if that person was really, really mean to me? Do I still have to say I’m sorry?”
Evan stepped in. “If you said something bad to that person, you should.”
“But Aaron Jacobs is mean to everybody. He made Sara Hartley cry.”
Evan didn’t like to hear of someone bullying his child. “Did you tell the teacher?”
He glanced in the rearview mirror and saw her nod.
“But he won’t stop being mean to us girls.”
“Then I need to have a talk with his parents.”
“You will?”
He drove under the ranch archway. “Of course, Gracie. You should have told me sooner.”
He pulled up in front of the house. He climbed out and opened the back door as his daughter unfastened her seat-belt and climbed down. Evan squatted down to her level. “Gracie, you can always come to me if you have trouble with anything. I’ll always be there for you.”
She glanced away.
“What’s wrong?”
“Mommy always said not to bother you if you’re busy ‘cause you have a lot on your mind.”
He worked to keep his anger under control. “Remember this, Gracie Anne Rafferty. I’m never too busy for you.”
A bright smile appeared on her face. “Okay, Daddy.”
“Now, go take the bread to Grandpa.”
His daughter took the long sticks of sourdough and headed up the steps. Sadness washed over him. Had he been that distant from his own family? Or had Meg deliberately kept him from having a relationship with his daughter? He knew they hadn’t had the best marriage, but why had she prevented him from being Gracie’s father? If she had, he’d let her.
“Evan, are you okay?” Jenny asked.
“No. My own daughter is afraid to come to me.”
“A lot of children go to their mother first.”
“Did you?” Suddenly, he remembered Jenny saying her mother was too busy for her. “Or did you have to fight your own battles? How did you handle bullies?”
She shrugged. “I guess I did a lot of my own fighting.”
“What about your dad?”
She glanced away. “He was never in my life.”
His gut tightened as she tried to seem nonchalant, but he knew it mattered to her. “Well, I’m not going to let Aaron the bully get any more out of control. He has no right picking on little girls.” His fists clenched. “I plan to have a talk with this kid.”
“Whoa, Rafferty. As a teacher myself, I can tell you it isn’t wise to go running off half-cocked. Talk to Gracie’s teacher first. Better yet, to Lily Perry. She’ll look into the situation, then, if that doesn’t help, set up a meeting with the boy’s parents.”

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Little Cowgirl Needs a Mum  Once Upon a Proposal: Little Cowgirl Needs a Mum Allison Leigh и Patricia Thayer
Little Cowgirl Needs a Mum / Once Upon a Proposal: Little Cowgirl Needs a Mum

Allison Leigh и Patricia Thayer

Тип: электронная книга

Жанр: Современные любовные романы

Язык: на английском языке

Издательство: HarperCollins

Дата публикации: 16.04.2024

Отзывы: Пока нет Добавить отзыв

О книге: Little Cowgirl Needs a Mum When a tiny girl peers nervously round the door of her quilt shop Jenny’s heart melts. Gracie needs help finishing the quilt her mother started before she passed away. But her father, gruff rancher Evan, is reluctant to let Jenny into his world. Even if she can offer him a second chance at love. Once Upon a Proposal It was only a kiss, meant to get rid of an unwanted suitor. Now Gabriel’s asking Bobbie to pretend to be his fiancée so he can gain custody of his kids. Bobbie wouldn’t even have to fake her attraction to the incredibly sexy tycoon. But that’s just the problem!

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