A Valentine For The Cowboy

A Valentine For The Cowboy
Rebecca Winters
This Cowboy's Precious Jewel After a painful divorce that left him the sole parent of his sweet baby girl, Eli Clayton shut the door on relationships. Hard. Then he walks into his ranching family's small-town gem shop and sees his daughter in the arms of a stunning woman whose eyes are the color of Montana blue sapphires. And he melts.Brianna Frost can't deny the serious attraction between her and the hunky cowboy dad, or the bond she has with his little girl. Still, Brianna can't quite shake the feeling that Eli's ex is still in his life—and in his heart. Would falling for this Clayton cowboy mean loving a family who could never be hers?

After a painful divorce that left him the sole parent of his sweet baby girl, Eli Clayton shut the door on relationships. Hard. Then he walks into his ranching family’s small-town gem shop and sees his daughter in the arms of a stunning woman whose eyes are the color of Montana blue sapphires. And he melts.
Brianna Frost can’t deny the serious attraction between her and the hunky cowboy dad, or the bond she has with his little girl. Still, Brianna can’t quite shake the feeling that Eli’s ex is still in his life—and in his heart. Would falling for this Clayton cowboy mean loving a family who could never be hers?
“Would you let me hold her so you can eat?”
“You’re sure?” The blue of Eli’s eyes darkened with emotion. “Even though you said goodbye to me?”
“I was upset that night,” Brianna answered honestly. “Your daughter is so precious, Eli. Of course I want to hold her, but I’ll try not to wake her.”
“Don’t worry about it.” He walked over and placed Libby in her arms.
The motion caused her eyelids to flutter open. Her blue eyes were so much like her father’s.
“Hi, darling. Do you remember me? I’m Brianna.”
The little girl put her arms around her neck and clung to her. Brianna held her against her heart and felt her breathe. “I’m so glad you’re feeling better.” She rocked her back and forth, loving the feel of those arms holding on to her.
Though he sported a slight beard and looked exhausted, Eli stood there watching them with a sweet expression on his rugged face. “I do believe you’re the reason she’s suddenly acting normal.”
Brianna smiled up at him. “Her daddy is all the medicine she needs.”
A Valentine for the Cowboy
Rebecca Winters

www.millsandboon.co.uk (http://www.millsandboon.co.uk)
REBECCA WINTERS, whose family of four children has now swelled to include five beautiful grandchildren, lives in Salt Lake City, Utah, in the land of the Rocky Mountains. With canyons and high alpine meadows full of wildflowers, she never runs out of places to explore. They, plus her favorite vacation spots in Europe, often end up as backgrounds for her romance novels, because writing is her passion, along with her family and church.
Rebecca loves to hear from readers. If you wish to email her, please visit her website, www.cleanromances.com (http://www.cleanromances.com).
Dedicated to my fantastic parents, who somehow managed that I would be born on Valentine’s Day. They made that birthday special for me all the years that they were alive. What a blessing!
Cover (#u8cb5ce8c-8f87-51cc-bf20-f5ff2e53eea8)
Back Cover Text (#ua46ba6b7-9f85-5db3-b22e-6ac92678db76)
Introduction (#u23cacb88-1bb2-5520-bfdf-4c05be893bd1)
Title Page (#u3b9484a3-8b9e-5088-b7cd-bbae55e590c9)
About the Author (#u3f67ec4f-0548-5d98-8def-998e045b6b16)
Dedication (#uee975497-0eff-55f0-987d-fa0692fe82ae)
Chapter One (#u2388a736-f412-5cb4-b7f4-2f211d3ff222)
Chapter Two (#u49e54307-4a8b-5767-82ce-40a514903851)
Chapter Three (#ub6d4e3de-950d-5bc8-9a18-bed31bd3ac12)
Chapter Four (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Five (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Six (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Seven (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Eight (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Nine (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Ten (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Eleven (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Twelve (#litres_trial_promo)
Extract (#litres_trial_promo)
Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter One (#u4f434a10-826c-5f5d-ad3f-76d0131031ca)
“Hey, Brianna—I keep telling you I wish you’d come home. You could never be in the way. When you said you wanted to stay with Aunt Joanne and Uncle Clark in Montana, I thought you’d only be gone a few weeks. It’s now been six months!”
“I know.” She looked at the Cattlemen’s Association calendar on the wall. It was already the twenty-seventh of December. “But I’ve been doing well here working for them. I like being busy and was afraid if I came home for the holidays, I’d be overwhelmed with memories and I can’t deal with that yet.”
The car crash that had killed her beloved parents seven months ago had been so devastating that Brianna was amazed she’d survived this long.
“I hear you,” he said in a mournful voice, “but I want you to realize that Carol and I miss you more than anything.”
“I feel the same way.” But Doug, her elder brother, who was as blond as she was and sounded like their father, had only been married to his longtime girlfriend a few months before their parents had been killed. They were now running their parents’ fruit farm in Marysville, California, and making a success of it. This early in their marriage they shouldn’t have to worry about Brianna. Not when they’d had so much responsibility thrust on them.
The aunt and uncle she adored and who’d been so close to their family had never been able to have children. They’d begged her to come and live with them for a while.
“If you stay away any longer, you’ll probably forget you have an older brother.” He was twenty-seven to her twenty-three.
“Don’t be silly. I love you to death and promise to fly home soon.” The nearest airport was in Missoula, a half hour away from Stevensville. An hour if the roads in midwinter were bad. According to her uncle, this winter hadn’t hit them too hard and business had been good. Today was a beautiful day with a lot of sun that had brought in the customers.
Four or five times a year since she was a little girl, Brianna had come to Montana with her family to visit her aunt and uncle. They often took in a rodeo because her father and uncle once did bull riding themselves and Brianna loved it. In fact the three of them were going to the Stevensville rodeo tonight. While she stood there swamped by sweet memories, she heard the front door open. It was closing time, but she hadn’t locked up yet.
“Doug? I’ve got a customer. I promise to phone you next week and we’ll have a good talk after I’m off work. Give my love to Carol.”
“Will do. Talk to you later, sis.”
Brianna hung up. An attractive male, probably in his late twenties, had just come into Frosts’ Western Saddlery, one of Stevensville’s oldest and most well-known stores. They sold everything cowboys and cowgirls could possibly need. A lot of men young and old came in all the time, but she’d never seen this guy before. He had light brown hair and wore a gray North Face half-dome hoodie and jeans.
His hazel eyes twinkled as they fastened on her. “I can see you’re new here. Where’s Clark?”
“He left for home ten minutes ago.” Their ranch house was only a mile away. “What’s your name? If it’s an important matter, I’ll call him and tell him you’re here.”
“I’m Roce Clayton, but please don’t bother him.”
That name caught her attention in a hurry. “One of the legendary Claytons?” The Clayton Ranch was one of the oldest and most famous ranches in the Bitterroot Valley. It lay between the Bitterroot and Sapphire Mountains outside Stevensville. What a coincidence! Brianna was planning to drive there later to visit the Sapphire Mine Gem Shop owned by the Clayton family.
“Well, now, that all depends.” His smile made her chuckle. “What’s your name?”
“Brianna Frost.”
She could hear his mind working. “You’re Clark’s niece!”
“Yes. How did you know?”
“I’m a vet. I’ve taken care of their dog, Taffy, for the last year.”
“Aha. So that’s where I’ve heard your name.”
“He just called me to take a look at her. I’m afraid her hip is bad.”
Brianna loved that dog. “She’s getting worse.”
“It’s a shame. You know, whenever I make a visit, all he talks about is you and your brother.”
“You poor man.”
“Not at all. I heard about your parents’ death. Clark took losing his brother very hard. I can only imagine the pain you’ve suffered. I’m so sorry.”
His sincerity touched her. “Thank you.” She cleared her throat. “I understand your father passed a little while ago, too. My uncle really misses him. It couldn’t have been an easy time for your family, either.”
“You’re right about that. He died thirteen months ago. Thank Heaven my mother is still alive. My older brother Wymon is head of the ranch now, but, between you and me, we’d all fall apart without her.”
Tears stung her eyes. “I know what you mean. You’re lucky to have her.”
“That’s for sure, but I don’t see her often enough.”
“Why is that?”
“I work at an animal hospital in Missoula and only come home when I can take an odd weekend off.” He gave her a half smile. “Anyway, I just thought I’d drop in to buy a pair of driving gloves while I’m on my way to the ranch.”
“For yourself or someone else?”
“For me.” He gave her the size. “My old ones are falling apart. Maybe I’ll pick up a pair for my mom, too.”
“We’ve got some great gloves.” She walked him over to a display case and showed him several styles. He found the gloves he wanted and went back to the counter to pay for them.
After handing him the bag she said, “If you’re going to the ranch, could I follow you? I’ve never been there and I want to visit your family’s gem shop. Uncle Clark wants to give my aunt a gift for their wedding anniversary coming up next week. I told him she’d love a ring. I’d like to see what’s available.”
“Then you’re welcome to trail me.”
“Thank you so much. Let me just grab my jacket and purse from the back, then I’ll meet you in front.”
After she’d locked up, Brianna stepped outside and was greeted by clear blue skies, the temperature hovering around a chilly thirty-four degrees. She climbed into the Ford pickup her uncle let her drive. It helped that the sun had melted the ice on the windshield. Roce Clayton waved to her from his black Escalade and she followed him down the snow-packed road in the direction of the ranch.
He seemed like a great guy—it was too bad she wasn’t attracted to him. While Roce had been buying his gloves, she’d noticed he didn’t wear a ring. With a smile like his and his classic good looks, she figured he wouldn’t be single much longer. Her brother had been like that. Attractive and sweet. Carol had fallen for him in high school. Brianna hadn’t found that kind of connection with anyone yet.
She’d had a series of boyfriends in college, but she’d never been in love before. Not really. Her feelings toward the guys she’d dated had never been that strong. Brianna’s mom had told her, “When you meet the right one, you won’t have to wonder. You’ll know it in every atom of your body.”
She let out a sigh and followed the car in front of her around a curve in the road. Light glinted off the magnificent snow-capped mountains studded with pines. It really was a spectacular drive. Five more miles and they reached the entrance to the Clayton Ranch with its tall arch of antlers. Somewhere on their property was the entrance to an old sapphire mine.
Her uncle had told her stories about the first two Clayton brothers, who’d hailed from Lancashire, England. In the late l800s they worked and slaved to bring a big herd of Texan longhorn cattle to Montana, where they bought land and built their business into one of the most successful ranches on the western side of the state. They also bought mining rights as sapphires had been discovered throughout these mountains. Apparently Elias, the elder of the two brothers, neither married nor had children, so the legacy came through Wymon. The present-day Clayton brothers all had old English names to preserve their heritage, Roce being one of them.
She tried to remember the other brothers’ names but failed. She thought she would ask Roce when they arrived at the ranch. The Sapphire Mountains were looming closer, and she figured they mustn’t be far now.
* * *
THE SECTION OF the Sapphire Mountains known as Gem Mountain was also called the “Quiet Giant” because it had produced over l80 million carats of sapphires over 120 years, yet it didn’t receive a lot of publicity. According to Brianna’s uncle, people in the early part of the twentieth century used to dig for larger sapphires that could be polished and sold for a lot of money. The fractured stones were sold for industrial purposes and many of them were shipped to Switzerland to be turned into watch bearings.
After World War II the rock hounds came. The Claytons had sapphire gravel brought out of their mine and they opened their own gem shop. People would sift through the material and often find a special sapphire to buy. Today you could still visit the mine, but it was much easier to shop at the store owned and run by Roce’s mother, where you could see the sapphires on display.
Brianna’s thoughts were still concentrated on finding the perfect sapphire for her aunt when the large, two-story ranch house sitting at the base of one of the foothills came into view. When the Escalade pulled up in front, Brianna slowed to a stop and waited for Roce. He got out and walked over to her.
She lowered the window. “Your ranch is fabulous.”
“It is to me because it’s home.”
Home. How would it be to go back to Marysville and find her parents there? She could only hope that one day she’d stop hurting so badly.
“I’ll go inside and find Mom. Be right back.”
“It’s okay. I’m not in a rush.”
She expected to wait a while, but to her surprise Roce came back out in no time. “I just spoke to the housekeeper, Solana. It seems Mom decided to take advantage of this warm break in the weather and went up to the gem shop this afternoon.”
Brianna smiled. “I guess thirty-four degrees in Montana in December is warm.”
He grinned back. “Yup. Why don’t you get in my car? I’ll drive you and bring you back here. It’ll be easier than giving you directions.”
“If you’re sure, that would be great.”
“Of course.”
She climbed down from the cab and got into the passenger side of his car. Her aunt and uncle had been so wonderful to her that she really hoped to find a stone that her uncle would be excited about to give his wife.
* * *
AFTER WORKING ALL day in the winter pasture, Eli took care of his horse and then left the barn and drove his blue rattletrap of a truck down to his house to shower and change his clothes. He made himself a couple of peanut butter sandwiches before leaving to pick up his daughter at the main ranch house. The ranch foreman, Luis, and several stockmen waved to him from a distance.
When Eli pulled up to the house, he saw an unfamiliar Ford pickup truck parked in front. It could be someone here to talk business with Wymon, except his brother’s truck wasn’t around. Neither was the Land Rover.
Anxious to give his little girl a hug, he hurried inside, but no one seemed to be about. There weren’t any voices coming from the front office. No patter of little feet. He walked through the foyer and down the hall to the kitchen where he found the dark-haired housekeeper at the sink, washing vegetables.
“Solana? Whose truck is out in front?”
She looked over her shoulder. “Roce came home from Missoula and brought a woman with him. I suppose they’ve gone up to the gem shop in his car.”
Maybe his brother had finally found the perfect woman to settle down with. He’d certainly had his share of girlfriends over the years. Roce had probably invited her to tonight’s rodeo. Their brother Toly and his partner, Mills, were competing in the team roping event. “Did you meet her?”
“Where’s Mom?”
“She took Libby to the shop with her. They’ll be back soon.”
He checked his watch. “She’ll need to be since we’re leaving for the rodeo in an hour and a half. Are you sure it won’t put you out to watch Libby while we’re gone?”
“Of course not. I love her.”
“She loves you, Solana. Even so, I’m trying to find the right person to take care of her so you and Mom don’t have to shoulder the whole load. Libby’s my responsibility after all.”
“Stop your worrying,” the housekeeper said. “We’re happy to help.”
“And I appreciate it,” Eli said. “But I want you to know that I am looking.” Now that his daughter was fourteen months old, she was a real handful. His mother insisted that taking care of Libby helped her deal with her husband’s death, but it was still hard work and no one knew that better than Eli. “I’ll drive up there and relieve her.” He grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge to wash down the sandwiches and went back out to his truck.
After starting the engine, he took off up the road past the barn and outbuildings, but a great weight had descended on him. It wasn’t fair for his mother to be taking care of Libby when she’d already raised four sons and had found fulfillment running the gem shop. Though he was trying to be a good father and pull his weight on the ranch, his guilt about the impossible situation was growing heavier with every passing day.
Sadness filled Eli’s soul when he thought about his ex-wife, who’d become too ill to raise their daughter and had suffered a nervous breakdown. He’d loved Tessa and they’d had a good marriage. Yet after the baby was born, she’d become a different person. He fought hard to keep their love alive and would have done anything to make their marriage work.
When she’d said she wanted a divorce, he was shattered. The word itself—the whole painful thought of it—was the last thing he’d wanted to hear, but she didn’t relent. It left him with no choice since her happiness had to come first. Paying for it had been costly.
He’d been saving money to pay for a woman to watch Libby. But it couldn’t be just any woman. She’d have to be a saint! Could there ever be a replacement for Eli’s mother? She was so wonderful with Libby, but it pained him that she couldn’t spend more time at the gem shop she owned and loved while she was taking care of his daughter.
Before he reached the shop at the base of the mountain, he spotted Roce’s Escalade parked in front next to his mother’s Land Rover. He shut off the engine and climbed down, eager to take his little girl back to his house. She’d become his whole world.
As he opened the shop door and felt the warmth envelop him, he saw his precious Libby in the arms of a shapely woman in a light-colored sweater and jeans standing at the counter talking to his mother. She had to be Roce’s girlfriend. There was no sign of his brother. Where was he?
Eli couldn’t help staring. She had the kind of otherworldly gossamer hair he’d always longed to run his hands through. While he was still mesmerized by her, Libby saw him and called out, “Dada!” His brunette daughter started squirming to get to him.
He moved toward her as the woman turned around. Eli was almost blinded by eyes that were the same deep blue as some of the sapphires in his mother’s shop. Libby reached for him and hugged him around the neck, breaking the spell that had held him captive.
“All the light bulbs have been replaced.” Roce’s voice came from the back room. He emerged and gave their mother a kiss. “Hey, bro.” He smiled at Eli. “How are things going? Libby gets bigger and cuter every time I see her.”
“I think so, too,” he muttered, caught totally off guard. “She’s my little cowgirl. Aren’t you, sweetie?” After kissing her cheek, he eyed his mother. “Thanks, Mom. Just so you know, I’m headed home. If you’re going to the rodeo with us, you need to be at the ranch in an hour.” On that note, he headed for the door.
“Wait—don’t forget this.” His mother held up Libby’s little parka.
He’d forgotten because he couldn’t get out of there fast enough. Eli reached for the coat and put it on his daughter, aware of the younger woman’s engaging smile.
“Bye-bye, Libby.”
He suffered another shock because his daughter smiled back. “Bye.”
Their exchange trapped the air in his lungs because Libby had never said that word before. Once back at the truck, he fastened his daughter in the car seat and started down the mountain road.
Eli knew he’d been rude to leave like that. So rude, in fact, that he hadn’t even answered his brother’s question about his welfare. But the sight of Libby in that woman’s arms had jolted him. Normally his daughter wasn’t comfortable with strangers, but she’d seemed perfectly content with this one just now.
As for Eli, he hadn’t been involved with another woman since meeting Tessa two and a half years ago. After a quick marriage and early pregnancy followed by a divorce, he’d devoted his life to Libby and had lost all interest in women, or so he’d thought.
So what in the hell had just happened to him? He’d stood there helplessly assessing her attributes as if he’d never seen a beautiful woman before. What made it worse was the fact that she was Roce’s girlfriend.
Had his brother noticed Eli’s behavior?
Of course he had! Roce didn’t miss anything.
Damn and damn.
* * *
BRIANNA TRIED TO concentrate on the reason why she’d come to the shop in the first place, but the arrival of the little girl’s gorgeous daddy had brought a tension she couldn’t shake. Was it anger she’d felt as he pulled his daughter away from her?
She’d offered to hold her while Mrs. Clayton showed her the sapphires. The little fourteen-month-old was so adorable and Brianna had loved entertaining her. Yet the father had seemed anything but pleased. Brianna wasn’t exactly pleased, either.
Not only had she felt a strong and immediate physical attraction to Roce’s brother—something that rarely happened to her just by looking at a man—it wasn’t until he was putting the parka on his daughter that she noticed he wore a wedding ring.
Life played mean tricks on you. Roce Clayton didn’t wear a ring, but he hadn’t caused her heart to race when they looked at each other.
Time to snap out of it, Brianna.
After a moment’s hesitation, she chose the stone she loved the most from one of the trays. “Can you set this dark pink sapphire aside? My uncle will come to pick out the setting he wants and pay for it then. Will you be open Monday evening? He can be here by six. Their anniversary is on Wednesday.”
“We’ll take care of all of it on Monday,” Mrs. Clayton said, smiling kindly. Brianna could see where her two sons got their good looks. They all bore a resemblance to each other.
The pretty dark-blond widow whose short hair was cut in a becoming style also possessed a charming nature and was wonderful with her granddaughter. She turned to Roce. “I’m ready to go if you are.”
“See you back at the house, Mom.” After he gave Libby a hug, they walked out to his car and started down the mountain.
“Thank you so much for bringing me here. I found exactly what I wanted for my uncle. Your mother is so knowledgeable about these stones. It was fascinating listening to her.”
“Dad had the gem shop built for her to run. What started out as a hobby turned into a career for her. Over the years she’s made quite a name for herself. She brings in business from all over the country.”
“With your father gone, I’m assuming it has become even more important. She’s a lovely woman and her granddaughter clearly adores her.”
He nodded. “Dad fell for her the first time he saw her.”
“That’s so wonderful. It was the same with my brother and his wife. Love at first sight.”
He grinned at her. “I would say it doesn’t exist, but then I see it happen to other people all the time.”
Brianna was thinking the exact same thing. Her mind flickered back to Roce’s brooding brother. Did he have a fairy-tale love story, as well? When they reached the ranch house and Roce pulled up next to her truck, she opened the door. “Thanks for driving me up there. I really appreciate it.”
“It was my pleasure. I guess you heard us talking about the rodeo. Have you ever been to one?”
“Yes, actually. Plenty of times. My father and uncle were both bull riders years ago. We’re going to the arena tonight.”
“Then you’ll see our baby brother, Toly, and his partner, Mills, competing in the team roping event.”
“Uncle Clark said one of the Clayton boys would be in the lineup. We’ll be rooting for them.”
“I have to be there early to check over their horses. Why don’t you and your family join ours in the bleachers? We’ll save seats for you down in front.”
“That’s very generous of you. Thank you.”
“One thing, though, Roce. Can you please not mention that I went to your ranch today, and ask your brother and mother to do the same? Uncle Clark wants to keep the ring a secret.”
He winked. “Understood.”
She jumped down. “Thanks again for everything. See you there.”
On the drive to Stevensville she wondered if she was crazy to have accepted his invitation. It couldn’t be construed as a date since it was meant for the whole family. That was the problem. His brother would be there, the married one with the piercing blue eyes. The angry one with the darling daughter. Brianna didn’t even know his name. Would his wife be there? Roce had provided no explanation for his behavior. Of course it was none of her business.
An hour later she and her aunt and uncle bought their tickets and made their way through the crowd inside the noisy enclosed arena. Excitement was high because Stevensville’s favorite son was competing. Brianna scanned the bleachers down in front and picked out Roce’s mother right away. There were empty seats on either side of her.
She turned her head. “Hi, Lindsay!” Her married friend worked at the bookstore a block away from the saddlery. They often ate lunch together during the week.
“Come on,” her uncle murmured. “The parade is beginning. Let’s just sit here for now.”
She waved to her friend and followed her aunt and uncle down a nearby aisle. The three of them found seats and watched the horses prance around, ridden by the contestants carrying flags. Brianna loved the fanfare and the smell of the horses, but tonight she was distracted and kept her eyes on Mrs. Clayton. After the national anthem had been sung by a local country singer, she watched three tall, hard-muscled men file into the row and sit next to their mother.
Brianna had never seen three such handsome brothers. Brianna couldn’t distinguish who was who in their Stetsons.
A minute later one of them stood and began walking up the stairs. As he approached, she could tell it was Roce. She waved to him and he walked over and shook hands with Uncle Clark and Aunt Joanne. “I’m glad you’re here. Why don’t you all come with me?”
Her uncle and Roce talked about Taffy’s condition as they followed Roce to where his family was sitting. The poor dog was on her last legs, a sad fact of life that couldn’t be ignored.
The saddle bronc riding event was announced. Everyone shook hands quickly before it started. Brianna’s aunt and uncle knew all of the Claytons and greeted Roce’s mother warmly, calling her Alberta.
Roce explained that he’d been to the saddlery earlier in the day to buy gloves and had met Brianna there.
He went on to introduce Brianna to his brothers Wymon and Eli. But the first contestant was out of the box, stalling the conversation for the time being. Brianna sat on the end next to her aunt, but, instead of concentrating on the rodeo, her thoughts were on the brother named Eli, who’d come without his wife.
Roce was conventionally handsome and Wymon, whom Roce had introduced as the eldest brother, had light gray eyes that stood out in striking contrast to his black hair. Still, it was Eli with his rugged dark looks and his black Stetson who made Brianna’s pulse quicken. She silently cursed herself for always being attracted to the bad-boy type.
All rodeos thrilled a crowd and this one was no exception. She held her breath throughout the team roping event and whooped and hollered along with the rest of Stevensville when the best time went to Toly and his partner. The celebrating went on for a long time. According to her uncle, the Clayton family hoped Toly and Mills would go to the Pro Rodeo National Championship in Las Vegas next December.
Brianna could only imagine how much the Claytons missed their father at a time like this. Her own parents would have loved this rodeo, too. She wished they were here and missed them terribly. It was especially hard not to have her mom to talk to after what had happened at the gem shop earlier that day. Her awareness of the man sitting five seats away had dominated her thoughts all night.
She was relieved when the barrel racing ended and the winners received their gold buckles. With the rodeo over, everyone got up to head outside. While her uncle stood talking to Roce, Brianna put an arm through her aunt’s. “I’ll walk out to the car with you.”
“He could be a while. Clark lives for nights like this.”
“Dad did, too.”
Brianna thought they’d evaded any more socializing and was happy when they reached the car and got in. But then along came her uncle with Roce, who walked around the front of the car and knocked on the window. She asked her aunt to turn on the ignition so she could lower it.
He smiled down at her. “You got out of there too fast for me to say good-night.”
“Thank you for allowing us to sit with your family. It made the whole evening that much more exciting and we’re so proud of your brother.”
“It was fun. Too bad I have to get back to Missoula tomorrow. But when I come to visit again, I’ll drop by the saddlery. If you’re not busy, maybe we could go out to dinner.”
“That would be great,” she said, blushing.
“Good. I’ll look forward to it.”
After they drove off, her uncle glanced at her through the rearview mirror. “I do believe you’ve made a conquest of Roce Clayton.”
“I don’t think so, Uncle Clark,” she said. “If he were truly interested, he would have asked for my phone number and said he would call me. He was just being nice because he lost his father and knows I lost mine.”
Her uncle made a turn and followed a line of cars out onto the highway. “The girls around here have been after him for years. He was a great bull rider before he gave it up to go to veterinary school. Can you honestly tell me you’re not the slightest bit interested in him?” he teased.
Her uncle knew she’d spent time with him earlier in the day, but he’d made assumptions that were way off base. “Yes,” she said without hesitation. The memory of Eli was constantly before her eyes.
“That sounded definite,” her aunt said.
“He’s a fine man, honey.”
“Clark—” her aunt cautioned him. “Leave the poor girl alone.”
Brianna leaned forward and patted his shoulder. “You sounded like Dad just now and I love you for it. But as Mom once told me, when I meet the right man for me, I won’t have to question it. I’ll know he’s the one.” But please, don’t let him be a married man...
“Of course you will,” her aunt concurred.
“I’m just saying you couldn’t do any finer than a Clayton.”
Both she and her aunt laughed the rest of the way home.
Chapter One (#u4f434a10-826c-5f5d-ad3f-76d0131031ca)
Eli drove to the ranch house with Wymon and their mother. He raced upstairs so he could take his daughter home, but Solana stopped him at the door to the bedroom.
“She’s asleep. Don’t wake her up now. I’ll watch her tonight and you can come get her in the morning. You’ve been going nonstop for months. It’s time you had a break.”
He reached out and hugged her. “You already gave me one. Toly won another gold buckle tonight. He’s racking them up! Thanks so much for watching Libby so we could all be there to support him.”
“She’s a little angel. Luis and I couldn’t have children so there are no grandchildren. Libby fills a hole in my heart.”
He nodded. “She’s my whole heart.”
“I know. Luis and I promise to take good care of her tonight.”
“You don’t have to tell me that.” He shoved the cowboy hat back on his head. “If you’re sure you’re okay, I’ll be over at seven to fix her breakfast.”
“Why don’t you sleep in?”
“Even if I want to, I’m always awake by six anyway.”
“You’re still too young to be saying things like that.”
“Didn’t you know I’ve aged since my divorce?” he teased, but there was a kernel of truth in what he’d said.
Solana’s expression sobered. “I do know,” she murmured. “So does your mom. Now go on home and relax.”
Eli walked back down the hall to the stairs. He could hear voices coming from the living room and found Roce talking privately with their mother. They appeared almost secretive. Wymon must have gone home to his own ranch house, and Toly would probably be out celebrating late with Mills after their win.
“You two are so quiet that I’m beginning to wonder if something’s going on that I don’t know about.”
His mom stared at him in surprise. “Why would you say that?”
“I don’t know. When I walked into the ranch house earlier today, I learned you were up at the gem store with Libby. A strange truck was outside.” He eyed Roce. “Solana told me you’d brought a girl home with you. When I drove up there, I found you and a woman I’ve never seen before holding my daughter while picking out a stone.” A drop-dead gorgeous woman. “Are you with me so far?”
Roce broke into a grin. “Mom? Shall we tell him?”
She nudged him. “Oh, don’t be such a terrible tease.”
Somehow Eli didn’t feel like laughing. Anything but.
His mom moved toward him. “Eli? What’s eating at you?”
“I just wondered if you and that girl might be serious.”
Roce’s eyes narrowed. After a silence he said, “Not yet, bro, but I have to admit she’s a hottie.”
“Oh, for Heaven’s sake, Roce—” their mother chastised him. “Brianna Frost came up to the shop to pick out a stone for her uncle. He plans to give his wife a ring for an anniversary present. Roce had been to the saddlery for some gloves. She asked if she could follow him to the ranch because she’d never been to the shop before.”
“Maybe you didn’t know I’ve been caring for her uncle’s dog, Taffy,” Roce chimed in. “To be friendly, I asked her if she and her family would like to join ours to watch the rodeo. Nothing more, nothing less. Let me tell you something. The day I find the woman of my dreams, everyone will know about it.”
Ridiculous as it was, those words caused some of the tension to leave Eli’s body.
Their mom turned to Roce. “What day will that be, my second born? How many more years do I have to live before that happens?”
“I’m not ready to settle down yet. You know that.” He gave her a hug.
“You’re impossible,” she muttered. But she said it on a burst of laughter.
The need to escape drove Eli out of the room. “Solana’s watching Libby tonight,” he called over his shoulder. “I’ll be back in the morning.”
By the time he reached his truck, he was out of breath. He pressed his forehead against the steering wheel. Seeing Brianna Frost at the rodeo in her white cowboy hat convinced him he hadn’t imagined his attraction to her at the gem shop.
Damn, was he ever glad she wasn’t Roce’s girlfriend.
* * *
MONDAY NIGHT, BRIANNA drove to the gem shop with her uncle. Her aunt thought they’d gone grocery shopping. They’d have to pick up a few items on their way home so she wouldn’t get suspicious upon their return.
Mrs. Clayton greeted them when they walked into the warm, brightly lit store. But the first thing Brianna saw was little blue-eyed Libby with her floppy brunette curls, toddling around in front of the counter with her helicopter push toy. She was dressed in pink camo Wrangler jeans and a white-and-pink top with a ruffled hem. With Libby’s matching pink cowboy boots, Brianna thought she’d never seen such an adorable child in her life!
“Hi, Libby.”
The toddler recognized Brianna and pushed her toy toward her. Brianna got down on her haunches to examine her outfit. “Don’t you look good enough to eat. Uncle Clark? This is Libby Clayton, Eli Clayton’s daughter.”
He tousled her curls. “She’s a picture all right.”
When he reached the counter Brianna heard him say, “Alberta? What a blessing to have such a beautiful granddaughter.”
“Don’t I know it!”
Brianna encouraged Libby to push her toy around. After a minute of doing an excellent job, Libby dropped it and held up her arms. “You want me to hold you? Oh, you little darling.” She scooped her up and walked over to the counter with her.
Her uncle was examining the 1.5-carat pink sapphire solitaire. The way his eyes glowed as he looked at it told Brianna she’d chosen a winner. “I’ve never seen such a brilliant stone. I didn’t know a pink sapphire could be such a deep color. Joanne will love it.”
“It’s definitely an eye-catcher. Which setting would you like?” Mrs. Clayton had put half a dozen rings on the velvet. He studied them.
“Which ring do you like, honey?”
“I like the white gold, but don’t let what I think influence you.”
“I think that would be my choice, too,” the older woman concurred.
“Then let’s do it, Alberta.”
“Give me Joanne’s size and I’ll go in the back. It will only take me a few minutes to mount the stone. While you’re here, maybe you’d like to look at some other stones.”
She put out a display of sapphires sorted by colors in trays that looked like cupcake tins. The natural stones mined from the Sapphire Mountains came in every color. When they were heated, their colors grew more intense. Some were already a deep hue, but those like the one Brianna had picked out were rare.
While her uncle stood looking at the sapphires, Brianna walked around the shop with Libby, who was back to pushing her toy. Each time the propeller spun, the little girl laughed. “You must love to come up here with your grandmother. It’s fun, isn’t it?”
Two hands patted Brianna’s cheeks. Libby had an endearing way. Brianna couldn’t help kissing her. “I love those little cowboy boots on your top.” She touched each one, causing the girl to giggle. In the midst of it, Libby called out, “Dada!”
Brianna looked up, unaware that Eli Clayton had entered the shop. Her pulse started to race. In a sheepskin jacket and boots, he looked the spitting image of the tough, quintessential cowboy.
He’s married, remember?
“It’s Brianna, right?” His deep voice reverberated through her body. She nodded. “I can see my daughter is very taken with you. She seems perfectly happy to stay in your arms.”
She had to admit she was surprised that Libby hadn’t reached for him yet. Did it upset him? Yesterday he’d been angry. Brianna moved closer to the tall male to hand him his daughter, but Libby stayed where she was. “I’m enamored with your little girl,” she said. “She’s too precious for words.”
His eyes played over Brianna’s features. “The feeling appears to be mutual. Come on, Libby. Time to go home for your dinner.” He plucked her from Brianna’s arms. His daughter made a sound of protest.
“You’ve got competition,” his mother spoke up.
“You’re right.” He picked up the push toy and walked over to the counter to talk to Brianna’s uncle. Libby clung to her daddy’s shoulder, never taking her eyes off Brianna. The two men chatted briefly about Toly’s performance at the rodeo.
“Sorry to barge in like this, Mom. I’ll trade you this toy for her parka and we’ll get going so you can get on with your business.”
“We’re finished,” Mrs. Clayton said.
“I do believe my wife is going to be a happy woman.” Uncle Clark smiled.
Mrs. Clayton handed Brianna’s uncle the wrapped package. “I have no doubt of it.”
“It’s good to see you, Eli.” He turned to Brianna. “Shall we go?”
“Yes. Don’t forget we have to stop for some groceries on the way home.” She waved to Libby. “Bye-bye, sweetie.”
The little girl’s lower lip wobbled and she started to cry. Uh-oh. Brianna’s instinct to comfort her had to be squelched. She hurried out the door with her uncle behind her. They climbed into the truck and started heading down the mountain.
“It’s a damn shame about Eli,” her uncle muttered.
At the mention of his name, Brianna’s heart leaped to her throat. “What do you mean?”
“Of course you wouldn’t know. His wife had a nervous breakdown after their baby was born. Roce said it was brought on by severe postpartum depression. She just couldn’t get over it. It got to the point where Eli was playing both father and mother. His wife went back to her parents in Thompson Falls. She was too sick to handle being a mom and filed for a divorce Eli never wanted.”
The air froze in Brianna’s lungs. That explained the wedding band he still wore on his ring finger. He obviously still loved her and held out hope she’d recover so they could get back together. “How awful. That sweet little thing without her mommy.”
“Life can throw you for a loop sometimes. Your aunt and I would have given anything to have a baby. The first time we tried to adopt, it fell through right at the end. On our second try, the birth mother lost the baby at seven months. Joanne couldn’t bear the thought of another setback so we didn’t try again.”
“I’m so sorry.”
He reached over and patted her arm. “We’ve been lucky your parents were willing to share you with us once in a while.”
Too many emotions converged at once and tears trickled down Brianna’s cheeks. “I’m the lucky one,” she said.
* * *
SINCE HIS MOTHER was ready to go home, Eli walked her out to the Land Rover. After giving Libby a kiss, she got in behind the wheel but didn’t pull the door closed. Instead she stared hard at him the way only a mother could do.
“You’ve acted strangely the last two times you’ve come to the shop for Libby. The first night I saw a rudeness in you I didn’t recognize. At the rodeo you didn’t say two words. Tonight it was all you could do to be civil. I’m worried about you. What’s going on? Don’t tell me it’s nothing.”
Eli drew in a deep breath. “It’s killing me that you’re having to sacrifice so much for me. Before the week is out I’ll contact an agency to help me find someone to watch Libby during the day. It won’t be much longer before you have your freedom back.”
“Libby is a joy! I don’t ever want to hear you say that again, but I don’t believe that’s the reason for your behavior.”
He held his daughter tighter. “I’m not sure I understand it myself.”
Another silence followed. “Don’t you think it’s time you figured it out?” Streams of unspoken words flowed between them. “It’s cold out here,” his mother finally said. “Get Libby home and I’ll see you two at breakfast.”
Eli shut her door before getting in the truck with Libby. Once he’d fastened her in, they started down the snow-covered mountain. He passed Wymon’s house and then Luis and Solana’s. Eli’s small ranch-style three-bedroom house sat closest to the main ranch house, two minutes away on foot.
After getting his daughter fed and bathed, he held her while they read her favorite story, Goodnight Moon. That was the book she always wanted him to read to her. Eli said the words over and over, hoping she’d repeat them. She fell asleep in his arms and he put her down in her crib.
Except for her hair color and eyes, his little girl resembled Tessa more than she resembled him. Eli had put photos of his ex-wife around the room so Libby would grow up knowing her. He leaned over the bars to watch her for a minute. A week after her birth, the nightmare had begun. Since then he’d experienced every range of human emotion while he grieved the breakup of his marriage. It had meant Libby had lost her mother.
For so long he’d been living in denial about everything. But tonight his mother’s question about his state of mind had brought him up short. Don’t you think you’d better figure it out?
The first sight of Libby so happy in Brianna Frost’s arms had acted like a catalyst, jolting him out of the limbo in which he’d been wallowing. The anger he’d felt because it should have been Tessa holding their daughter had made him see red.
Worse, throughout this pain-filled year, he’d been blind to women. But, out of the blue, he’d found himself eating up Brianna Frost with his eyes when he knew his brother had brought her to the gem shop. Something earthshaking had happened to him over the last three days.
He left the nursery and walked across the hall to his bedroom. Deciding to take his mother’s advice, he sat on the side of the bed and called his in-laws in Thompson Falls. It was the same time there. Quarter to nine.
They’d remained friends through all the grief and had stayed in touch. Diane and Carl Marcroft had driven down to Stevensville dozens of times in the past year to see their granddaughter. The divorce had been the last thing they’d wanted, but naturally they had to give Tessa their full support.
“Eli—” Diane had picked up on the second ring.
“Is this a bad time to call?”
“No. Tessa’s downstairs in the TV room with Carl.”
His hand tightened on the phone. “How is she?”
After a silence, “There’s no improvement. Dr. Rutherford in Missoula has her on a new medication, but he thinks her condition may be chronic.”
So nothing had really changed. That was the news Eli had needed to hear tonight in order to see things clearly.
“How’s our Libby?”
“Growing cuter every day. Before bed tonight I took a picture of her in that pink outfit you sent her for Christmas. It should be on your phone.”
“Oh, wonderful. I’ll check it in a few minutes. How’s Alberta?”
“Mom’s just been terrific, as always.”
“She’s amazing. We feel so guilty for not being able to help more, but—”
“Don’t go there,” he broke in. “Tessa needs you full-time.”
“What about you? We admire you so much, Eli.”
“Thank you. To be honest, things are looking up. I’ve been saving money and am now able to pay for someone to watch Libby during the day. Hopefully by next week Mom will be able to get on with her own life.”
“That’s very good news, for both your sakes. We’ll try to help all we can.”
“You already do. Give my best to Carl. I’ll call you again soon.”
“We love you, Eli.”
“Same here. Good night.”
Eli clicked off. Diane didn’t know it, but this call had given him the push to let go of the past and move in a new direction. No more hoping for something that wasn’t going to happen. He looked down at his wedding ring. Time to take this off for good, Eli.
After removing it, he walked over to the dresser, where he put it and the picture he’d displayed of Tessa in the bottom drawer. He stared at the white skin where the ring had been. In the last year he’d experienced his father’s death and the death of his own marriage. He’d suffered enough pain to last a lifetime. No more.
Before getting ready for bed, he phoned Luis and arranged to take Wednesday off work to check out employment agencies in Stevensville and Missoula. By next week he hoped to find a satisfactory nanny who could come to his house every Monday morning and leave after he got home from work every Friday evening.
The woman would need to have a car and could make the spare bedroom her own. She’d share the guest bathroom with Libby. He would expect her to prepare meals and do some light housekeeping. Her age didn’t matter to him as long as she was the right fit for Libby.
As he climbed under the covers, the vision of his daughter patting Brianna Frost’s cheeks replayed itself in his mind. Disturbed that he couldn’t turn it off, he punched the pillow to get comfortable before oblivion took over.
* * *
THE JUSTIN BOOTS supplier came on Wednesday afternoons. Brianna opened the rear door of the saddlery to let him in while her uncle was out front dealing with a customer looking for the right saddle.
“How are you, Antonio?”
“Things are good, senorita, but they’d be better if you’d agree to go out with me tonight.”
The rodeo celebrity from twenty years ago was probably in his midforties. According to her uncle, he’d been married and divorced twice. He had a certain reputation with the ladies. Brianna imagined he had several children with different women.
He lifted the last box off the dolly and put it on the floor. “What’s it going to take?”
His bold approach and persistence annoyed her. “I’ve got a boyfriend,” she lied.
“But you’re not married yet.”
All women were fair game to him. “That’s true, but I’d like to be.” Brianna counted the delivered inventory and signed the paper on his clipboard. “Accepting a date with another man would spell the end of my dreams, so I’m not taking any chances. Do you have any other business? My uncle’s out front if you want to talk to him.” She handed him the clipboard.
“No other business, chica.”
Good. She’d angered him. Without wasting another minute, she walked over to the back door and opened it. “See you next week.”
He pushed the dolly out the door. “Hasta la vista.”
She shut the self-locking door and got busy unpacking boots and other items of clothing. Her uncle was whistling when she went out front with the delivered items. “I take it you made a sale.”
“That’s the third Dakota saddle this week. I’ll have to place more orders.”
“Your business is booming.”
A smile broke out on his face. “We keep getting repeat customers. You’re part of the reason.”
“Nice one, Uncle Clark. You know I’m indebted to you.”
“That works both ways. Your aunt can teach school without worrying about me running the saddlery alone. But any time you’re ready to use that college degree to start a real career, you need only say the word.”
“I know, but I’m very happy working here with you. To be honest, it makes me feel closer to Dad.”
Her uncle squeezed her shoulder. “Same here.”
She checked her watch. Ten after four. “Since today is your wedding anniversary, why don’t you leave now so you can get ready to sweep Aunt Joanne off her feet. What’s your plan?”
“I’m going to surprise her and pick her up at school. We’ll drive to Missoula and grab some dinner and then go country dancing.”
“Ooh, I’d love to see the look on her face when she sees that ring.”
“I’m excited, too.”
“Then go home. I’ll close up and see you two in the morning at breakfast.”
“Thanks, honey.” He gave her a hug and left the store. She had two more customers before it was time to lock the front door and put the closed sign in the window. With that done, she started for the back room but paused when she heard a knock on the window.
Brianna whirled around and almost fainted when she saw Eli Clayton’s tall form through the glass. “Will you let me in for a minute?” he called out to her.
She nodded but couldn’t imagine why he was there. Her heartbeat pounded in her ears as she unlocked the door. He stepped inside, bringing the cold air with him.
“If you’ve come to see my uncle, he left early.”
He removed his hat. “I came by to talk to you.”
Brianna smoothed her palms against her denim-clad hips. “Why?”
“After the way I treated you, you’ve got every right to ask that question.” Those piercing blue eyes stared into hers. He was building up to something. “I want to apologize for my rude behavior at the gem shop last Saturday. Don’t bother to deny it,” he said before she could make a sound.
“I won’t.”
“At least that’s honest,” he muttered. “Several reasons were driving me at the time, but nothing excuses the way I acted. If my daughter had been old enough to express an opinion, she would have asked, ‘Why are you being so mean, Daddy?’”
Brianna couldn’t help smiling. “I realized something was wrong, but you didn’t have to come here to explain.”
“I disagree. If we could start again, I’d like to make up for it by taking you to dinner this evening. If you have other plans, then how about tomorrow night?”
Her second invitation of the day.
She couldn’t say yes to him either, but for an entirely different reason.
Eli might be divorced, but he was still in love with his ex-wife. That made him off-limits to her. There was no way she dared accept an invitation to get to know him better.
“I accept your apology, but dinner isn’t necessary.”
“Then I did more damage than I thought,” he said, his voice husky.
She shook her head. “Don’t be silly.” She took the few steps needed to open the front door so he would leave. “My aunt and uncle said your father was a true gentleman. Your visit here to make things right means it runs in your family. Consider that achieving your objective and have a lovely evening with your daughter, Eli.”
He shoved the cowboy hat on his head at an angle and moved toward her. Beneath the brim, his shadowed gaze studied her features. “We’ll meet again soon. Good night, Brianna.”
“Good night.”
After locking the door, she rushed through the store to the back room, where she turned off all the lights except for the ones in the display windows. Her legs were still trembling when she got into her truck and headed home. On the way she stopped at a drive-through for some pizza and a soda.
Once she got back, she didn’t go inside the house right away. Instead she ate in the truck and called her brother, hoping he was available to talk. Carol answered and told her he was out in one of the sheds, but she’d have him call her ASAP.
No sooner did Brianna go inside the house than her phone rang. Seeing the caller ID, she hurried into the study and sat down on the couch. “Doug?”
“Hi, Brianna. You kept your promise to call me this week. What’s up?”
She loved her brother so much. “Can you talk?”
“That’s what we’re doing, aren’t we?”
“You know what I mean.”
“I have all the time in the world for you. Carol’s fixing dinner. Go ahead and tell me what’s on your mind.”
Brianna bit her lip. “I may have made a mistake tonight, and now I don’t know what to do.”
“Do I dare assume this has to do with a man?”
Clever Doug. His instincts were razor-sharp. “Yes.”
“I take it he’s a good one.”
“Yes, I know he is. He has the most adorable fourteen-month-old daughter.”
“Is he single? A widower? Divorced? Wait—he’s not married, is he?”
He chuckled. “You’ve got to give me more than a couple of yesses.”
“I’m sorry. Let me ask you a hypothetical question. If you lost Carol—Heaven forbid if you did—how long do you think you’d stay in love with her?”
“I would always love her, but I don’t think you can stay ‘in love’ forever because life has a way of evolving. I take it you’ve met a widower.”
She breathed in deeply. “No. His ex-wife is alive, but he still wears his wedding ring.”
“Yeah?” This after a brief silence. “That’s a tricky one.” It was not the response she’d been hoping for. “What mistake have you made, aside from falling for him?”
“I haven’t fallen for him!”
“Then why ask me for advice?”
Brianna jumped up from the couch. “I barely know him, but I—I find him very attractive,” she stammered. “That’s all.”
“Don’t forget the adorable daughter.”
That wasn’t possible. Libby had his eyes.
“I don’t want to be attracted to him.”
Hearty laughter poured out of him. “Poor Brianna. After all those years of tying guys up in knots without compunction, you’ve found one who has turned the tables on you. What do you know...”
“Please don’t make me feel worse.”
“Now that I know a little more about the situation, how about telling me the nature of your second mistake?”
There was no getting around this with Doug, not when she’d phoned him. “He came to the saddlery a little while ago to apologize to me for something and asked me out to dinner. I told him I forgave him but that dinner wasn’t necessary. Then I opened the door so he’d leave.”
“And did he?”
“Good for him.”
She winced.
“Why don’t you tell me what happened for him to come to the store wanting to tell you he was sorry?”
“It’s complicated.”
“With you it usually is. Go on.”
She told him everything that had gone on since the night Eli had been so rude at the gem shop. Quiet reigned after she’d finished explaining. “Doug?”
“You’re frightened. Can’t say I blame you, but he could still be wearing his wedding ring for a variety of reasons. At this early stage there’s only one question you have to ask yourself. Is he so important to you that you won’t be able to eat or sleep until you talk to him again and find out what’s going on with him? In a few days you’ll know if you can’t get him off your mind.”
“I’m afraid I already know.” Her brother was right. “Thanks for listening to me.”
“Anytime. Call me soon, okay?”
“I promise.”
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep.”
She chuckled. “Love you.”
“Love you, too.”
She hung up, hugging her arms to her chest. Yes, she was afraid. Eli had loved another woman, married her, had a baby with her. How did you compete with those memories? Did Brianna even want to try if it turned out he was interested in her?
Haunted by too many unanswerable questions, she went to her room and watched TV. Why did she have to meet a man who’d been married and had a past? A man who was still living in that past. A man with a darling little girl, who would remind him of his ex-wife every minute of their lives.
Brianna had no idea how long she stayed awake, tormented. It was a miracle that she finally slept. But when she awakened, she discovered her pillow drenched in tears.
Chapter Three (#u4f434a10-826c-5f5d-ad3f-76d0131031ca)
Eli cut a banana into pieces and put them on the tray of Libby’s high chair. He ate one and then she ate one. Everything was a game with her.
“Mom? Are you sure you don’t mind the applicants coming here this morning? I want to get your opinion before I take them up to my house.” He’d narrowed the list down to three women. They’d be arriving in hourly intervals. The first one would be there in a few minutes.
“It’s important we all meet, honey, and that includes Solana.” The two of them sat at the kitchen table of the ranch house, enjoying coffee with their pancakes. Wymon had already left to meet up with Luis and the stockmen.
With Toly on the rodeo circuit and Roce in Missoula, Wymon needed Eli’s help, but he’d taken this Wednesday morning off to conduct the nanny interviews. Life was about to change around here.
His mother eyed him with concern. “What’s wrong?”
“Maybe none of them will be right and Libby won’t like any of them.”
“If things don’t work out today, we can always interview more applicants.” She eyed him over the rim of her coffee cup. “I didn’t realize you’d removed your wedding ring. When did that happen?”
“Last week, after you advised me to get my act together. I phoned Tessa’s family and had a talk with Diane. Nothing’s changed with Tessa. The psychiatrist believes she might have chronic depression. I’d hoped in vain that she’d get better and want to come home.” He shook his head. “It isn’t going to happen, so I took the ring off and started looking for a nanny.”
“You’re very courageous. I’m proud of you, son.”
“And I’m more grateful to you than you’ll ever know for helping Libby and me through this last year.”
He didn’t hear his mother’s response because Solana came into the kitchen. “Your first appointment has arrived. I showed her into the living room.”
“Thanks, Solana.” Eli got up from the chair. “Be right back.” He tousled Libby’s hair and headed for the other part of the house with little expectation that this could actually work.
By noon he’d found Sarah Giles, a cute young woman with an appealing personality whom everyone agreed would be great. Most important of all, Libby didn’t cry when she picked her up and played with her.
She was twenty-eight and was living in Missoula with her grandparents while her husband was deployed with the army for the next fifteen months. They were saving their money and hoped to buy a house after his tour of duty was over.
Sarah had been trained as a cook and had worked as a sous-chef until recently. Cooking was her passion, but the restaurant had closed and she needed a job.
Eli decided that fifteen months with a nanny who could cook and keep his daughter happy sounded perfect. Sarah was ready to move in and would start work the next morning.
He was so relieved that he no longer had to rely on his mother for everything that he raced his horse Domino to the pasture. After telling Wymon his news, he did the job of three stockmen. They looked at him as if he’d lost his mind.
In a way, he had. Freed from a great source of worry for the first time in a year, he could concentrate on a plan to approach Brianna Frost again.
He’d never been shown the door before and was still smarting from the experience. In order to break through the barrier he’d caused her to erect, he needed backup. If anyone knew the way to Brianna’s heart, Libby did.
When Saturday came around, he’d load his daughter in the truck just before closing time at the saddlery. On the pretext of wanting to buy her a child’s cowboy hat, he’d ask Brianna for help. If he knew his little girl, she’d love the attention and wouldn’t want to leave the shop. She might even start to cry, which would be a plus.
Eli would take it from there and suggest the three of them go for a bite to eat at a place where he could take Libby. A new sense of excitement filled him on his way back to the barn at dark. Tomorrow would be a new day and he had a good feeling about Sarah.
The last time Eli could remember looking forward to the future had been the night of Libby’s birth. He’d felt such wonder as he held her in his arms. They’d started their family. At the time he couldn’t have comprehended that they wouldn’t live out a rich, full life together with more children.
The onset of Tessa’s depression followed a week later and never went away. Eli had never suffered from chemical depression. But to watch it take hold of his wife and change her into someone he didn’t know had devastated him. He’d been helpless to alleviate it or bring her comfort. She didn’t want to hold Libby, let alone take care of her.
His whole family had pitched in to help and had been doing it ever since. Though Tessa’s parents tried to do it long-distance, it was difficult.
On the night Tessa begged to go home, she didn’t say, “I need to go back to my parents in Thompson Falls for a while.” She’d made it clear she wanted to go home. That deliberate choice of words cut him to the quick and spelled the end of his dreams.
At the lowest point of his life, Eli packed up her things. After asking his mother to watch the baby, he drove Tessa back to her parents’ house. The phone call asking for a divorce soon followed. What he’d feared most had come to pass, but the fact that it came as another shock proved to him he’d been living in denial.
He’d still been in denial until the day he’d seen Libby so happy in Brianna Frost’s arms and realized he couldn’t go on as he had been any longer. His mother’s warning had acted as the catalyst for things to change, and he couldn’t be more glad of the fact.
* * *
BRIANNA MET LINDSAY at the entrance to the Italian restaurant. “I’m glad you could meet me here for dinner. Ken works the night shift in the ER on Saturdays and I didn’t want to go home to an empty house after work.”
“I hear you. My aunt and uncle have gone to their monthly Cattlemen’s Association dinner. This was a great idea.”
They went inside. Naturally the restaurant was crowded, being as it was a weekend night. The hostess showed them a table and handed them menus. Brianna opened hers. “So what do you think you’re in the mood for?”
Her friend looked over her own menu. “I think I’ll order the alfredo with mushrooms.”
“Mmm, that sounds good, but so does the chicken Tuscany.”
“Let’s get both and share. Now that I’m over my morning sickness, I eat like a horse.”
Brianna chuckled. “Perfect.”
They gave the waitress their order. “That book on Elon Musk you were asking about came in. I’ll save you a copy if you want.”
“I’ll come by Monday on my lunch hour to buy it.”
“Why don’t you just buy a Kindle?”
“I could, but I like a book in my hands, you know?”
“I do, too.”
They were still talking books when the waitress brought their meal. Lindsay’s eyes lit up. “Wow, this looks good.”
“It does. I’m starving.”
Halfway through their meal Lindsay leaned forward. “Don’t make it too obvious, but you’ve got to get a look at this cowboy who just walked in carrying an adorable little girl wearing a cowgirl hat,” she whispered. “If I weren’t married...”
Brianna tried to turn her head inconspicuously and almost slid off her chair. Catching her breath, she faced her friend once more. “Even if you were single, you wouldn’t want to get involved with him.”
Lindsay blinked. “You know him?”
“I’ve met him several times. His name is Eli. He’s one of the Clayton brothers.”
Her friend sat back in surprise. “You’re talking Toly Clayton’s brother?”
“That’s right.”
“My uncle told me Eli’s wife divorced him. But he still wears his wedding ring.”
“He probably does that to keep all the women away. Otherwise there’d be a line a mile long.”
A piece of chicken lodged in Brianna’s throat. She had to take a drink of water to clear it. “I was thinking he can’t take it off because he’s still so much in love with her.”
Lindsay went quiet. Brianna found herself the object of her friend’s gaze. “What aren’t you telling me?”
“It doesn’t matter.”
“I think it does,” Lindsay said right back. “You’re interested in him.”
“Well, like you, I find him attractive.”
She averted her eyes. “And nothing.”
“Has he asked you out?”
By now Brianna was squirming. “Yes, but I turned him down.”
“I told you.”
Lindsay kept at her. “Is it because he has a daughter?”
“No! She’s wonderful.”
“So you’ve met her, too.” Her friend smiled. “If you want my advice, which I know you don’t, I would tell him yes if you get another chance.”
“That’s not going to happen.”
“Don’t be so sure. He’s walking this way.”
What? Her heart thundered in her chest.
She looked up and her gaze collided with Eli’s. At the same moment his daughter tried to get to her. Brianna pushed her chair back. “Hi, Libby. Have you come out to dinner with your daddy?”
By now the little girl was twisting to escape Eli’s arms. Brianna had no choice but to reach for her. His little girl wrapped her arms around Brianna’s neck, warming her heart.
Eli’s blue eyes glittered with amusement. “When we came in for dinner, she spotted you out of all these people. Your hair is unmistakable. I gave up any hope of peace until we came over to say hi first.”
“Why don’t you join us?” Lindsay spoke up with a knowing smile Brianna had already deciphered. “We have two more chairs.”
Brianna moaned inwardly.
“I don’t want to intrude.”
“It’s no intrusion, is it, Brianna?”
“No, of course not. Please sit down.”
“I’m Lindsay Turner, Brianna’s friend,” Lindsay said as he pulled out a chair. “And you are...”

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A Valentine For The Cowboy Rebecca Winters
A Valentine For The Cowboy

Rebecca Winters

Тип: электронная книга

Жанр: Современные любовные романы

Язык: на английском языке

Издательство: HarperCollins

Дата публикации: 16.04.2024

Отзывы: Пока нет Добавить отзыв

О книге: This Cowboy′s Precious Jewel After a painful divorce that left him the sole parent of his sweet baby girl, Eli Clayton shut the door on relationships. Hard. Then he walks into his ranching family′s small-town gem shop and sees his daughter in the arms of a stunning woman whose eyes are the color of Montana blue sapphires. And he melts.Brianna Frost can′t deny the serious attraction between her and the hunky cowboy dad, or the bond she has with his little girl. Still, Brianna can′t quite shake the feeling that Eli′s ex is still in his life—and in his heart. Would falling for this Clayton cowboy mean loving a family who could never be hers?

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