Dogwood Hill

Dogwood Hill
Sherryl Woods
#1 New York Times bestselling author Sherryl Woods tests the strength of the beloved O'Briens and proves that love and family can always triumph!When former pro football quarterback Aidan Mitchell comes to Chesapeake Shores to take a high school coaching job, he's embraced by the town–especially the O'Briens. But Aidan has a secret that could alter all their lives.For wounded Liz March, who's trying for a fresh start after a devastating betrayal, taking a chance on Aidan may be more than she can handle. Her heart, however, refuses to listen to her head. But just when forever seems within reach, Aidan's secret threatens to change everything.Does this tempting stranger who's made her feel alive have the power to convince her to look beyond the past and reach for the future?

#1 New York Times bestselling author Sherryl Woods tests the strength of the beloved O’Briens and proves that love and family can always triumph!
When former pro football quarterback Aidan Mitchell comes to Chesapeake Shores to take a high school coaching job, he’s embraced by the town—especially the O’Briens. But Aidan has a secret that could alter all their lives.
For wounded Liz March, who’s trying for a fresh start after a devastating betrayal, taking a chance on Aidan may be more than she can handle. Her heart, however, refuses to listen to her head. But just when forever seems within reach, Aidan’s secret threatens to change everything.
Does this tempting stranger who’s made her feel alive have the power to convince her to look beyond the past and reach for the future?
Praise for #1 New York Times bestselling author Sherryl Woods (#ulink_eab1b9e7-abe9-52a6-af89-65d230f27dbd)
“Sherryl Woods writes emotionally satisfying novels about family, friendship and home. Truly feel-great reads!”
—#1 New York Times bestselling author Debbie Macomber
“Woods is a master heartstring puller.”
—Publishers Weekly on Seaview Inn
“Woods’s readers will eagerly anticipate her trademark small-town setting, loyal friendships, and honorable mentors as they meet new characters and reconnect with familiar ones in this heartwarming tale.”
—Booklist on Home in Carolina
“Once again, Woods, with such authenticity, weaves a tale of true love and the challenges that can knock up against that love.”
—RT Book Reviews on Beach Lane
“In this sweet, sometimes funny and often touching story, the characters are beautifully depicted, and readers…will…want to wish themselves away to Seaview Key.”
—RT Book Reviews on Seaview Inn
“Woods…is noted for appealing character-driven stories that are often infused with the flavor and fragrance of the South.”
—Library Journal
“A reunion story punctuated by family drama, Woods’s first novel in her new Ocean Breeze series is touching, tense and tantalizing.”
—RT Book Reviews on Sand Castle Bay
“A whimsical, sweet scenario…the digressions have their own charm, and Woods never fails to come back to the romantic point.”
—Publishers Weekly on Sweet Tea at Sunrise
Sherryl Woods
Dogwood Hill (
Dear Friends (#ulink_016e636e-7b68-5b80-8729-293a5c82d7a6),
When a family is as strong as the O’Briens, there’s not a lot that can shake them to their very foundation. But when Aidan Mitchell comes to Chesapeake Shores as the new high school football coach, he brings with him a secret that’s definitely going to stir things up.
Add in a woman, newcomer Liz March, who has a few secrets of her own, and there’s plenty of drama on the horizon for those morning gabfests the O’Brien women like to have at Sally’s Café.
There’s nothing I enjoy more than spending time with the O’Briens, and this chance to cause a little stir in town was just too good to pass up. I hope you’ll enjoy how all the secrets unfold and how these two newcomers are embraced by the O’Briens. Once again, I think they prove that family is what counts, no matter how it’s cobbled together.
All best,
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Standing outside Chesapeake Shores High School on his first visit to this quaint small town on the Chesapeake Bay, Aidan concluded he’d never seen a more beautiful sight in his life.
Not the hillside covered with a forest of flowering pink and white dogwood trees, though that was spectacular and unexpected in the middle of town. Not the nearby bay, which was sparkling in the spring sun, though it made him yearn to go fishing despite the fact it was something he’d done only once before in his life. Not even the state-of-the-art football stadium with its pro-level electronic scoreboard, its lush grass and impressive permanent bleachers, all of which should have knocked his socks off as the school’s prospective coach.
Nope, what caught his eye was the slender woman with her blond hair tousled, her laugh carrying on the breeze as she chased a puppy that was trying valiantly to herd a flock of unhappy Canada geese.
Just then the dog, some sort of black, white and brown Aussie shepherd mix from the looks of him, spotted Aidan, bounded over and tried to corral him into joining the geese in the nice tight group he was apparently envisioning in his instinctive puppy brain. With a black patch of fur around one eye, he bore a striking resemblance to a pirate, causing Aidan’s smile to spread.
“Stop it! Archie, that’s enough,” the woman commanded, fighting hard, but unsuccessfully, to swallow another laugh. “Sit. Be nice.”
Archie obediently sat, tongue lolling, and gave Aidan a hopeful look.
“I’m so sorry,” she said. “He got away from me.”
“No problem,” Aidan replied.
“Actually it is a problem. The town has very strict leash laws,” she explained as she snapped Archie’s leash to his collar, “except for the dog park on the other side of the hill. It’s fenced in, so the dogs are allowed to run free, but Archie here spotted the geese, instinct kicked in and the second someone opened the gate, he took off on a mission to round them up. He thinks it’s his job.”
“He’s very good at it. Where do I fit in? Not being a goose, that is.”
When she smiled, amusement setting off sparks in her deep blue eyes, it quite simply took his breath away.
“Oh, he thinks anything that moves is fair game,” she confided. “He’s very diligent.”
Aidan, who’d never owned a pet, regarded the dog warily. “What happens now? If I move, does he try to snag me by the hand to drag me back?”
“I think you’re safe for the moment, though if you happen to have a dog treat in your pocket, you’ll make a friend for life.”
“Sorry. No treats.”
As if he understood, Archie stared at him dolefully, then inched closer, finally butting Aidan’s hand.
“He’ll take a good head rub, instead,” she told him. “Don’t worry. He really is harmless. I’ve only had him for a couple of weeks, but he’s been a real gentleman. His owner had to give him up because he was too energetic for her, so he’s looking for a new person and a new purpose.”
“Thus the geese,” Aidan guessed.
“Are you his new person?”
“Oh, no,” she said at once. “I already have two dogs and a cat, none of which I intended to have, but people know I take in strays and try to find new homes for them. When something like this comes up, they bring their pets to me. Cordelia’s grandchildren meant well when they gave her a pet for her birthday, but they didn’t really think about her being close to eighty. It happens a lot. People think the elderly need companionship, but they really have no idea which animal might be best suited for the job.”
“And you do?”
“I’d like to think so. Cordelia now has a beautiful cat whose owner died. Fluffy sits in her lap and purrs. They’re both content with their new arrangement.”
“What about the three animals still with you?” he asked, sensing that she was a woman for whom compassion probably overruled good sense on many occasions.
“I’m afraid I got attached,” she admitted with a rueful expression. “I’m Elizabeth March, by the way. Most people call me Liz. I own Pet Style on Main Street a few doors up the street from Sally’s Café. I opened just before Christmas last year.”
Aidan couldn’t stop the grin that threatened. “Pet Style?” he repeated. “I had no idea pets were fashion conscious.” He glanced pointedly at Archie as he spoke. The dog was happily sniffing a buttercup. His leather collar looked as if it had been given a good chew on more than one occasion. The serviceable, but unremarkable, leash was equally worn.
“They’re not, but their owners sure are,” Liz said. “You’d be amazed. Just last week I sold a fancy rhinestone-studded designer dog collar for $150. I’d expected to be stuck with it, but thought I should give a couple of high-end items a try. Sure enough, a tourist grabbed it up an hour after I put it on display.”
Aidan shook his head in astonishment. On a beginning coach’s salary, he’d be lucky to buy dog food and pay vet bills. Thankfully, he’d spent frugally and invested wisely during his couple of years as a pro football player. When he glanced back at Liz, she was regarding him speculatively.
“You wouldn’t, by any chance, be looking for a dog?” she inquired, turning those bright blue eyes on him in a way that would probably get most men to agree to do just about anything she requested. “He’s up to date on all his shots and he’s housebroken. Best of all, Archie already likes you.”
Archie was, indeed, happily sprawled across his feet, apparently having concluded that he was no longer going to be allowed to run free, so Aidan shouldn’t be allowed to budge, either. He promptly perked up at the mention of his name. For half an instant, Aidan was actually tempted to say yes, if only to make this woman happy. Fortunately, given his circumstances, common sense kicked in.
“You’re very good at finding new homes for your strays, aren’t you?” he said.
“So it seems,” she said, beaming.
“Sorry. Not this time. I don’t have room in my apartment for a dog this size, and if those paws are the indicators they’re supposed to be, Archie here is bound to get bigger. I may be moving soon, anyway.”
“To Chesapeake Shores, not away,” she said, as if it was a fact he’d already revealed. “You’re going to be the new football coach.”
Aidan just stared at her. “Are you psychic, too?”
“Nope, but the town loves its team, and the word on the street is that an ex-pro player is going to be coaching next season. Everyone has high hopes we’ll stop being the laughingstock of the region. Since you look like a jock and you were standing out here admiring the stadium, I just put two and two together.”
He gave her an amused look. “How does a jock look?”
Color tinted her cheeks. “You know, fit, well toned.”
He laughed. “I see. Well, I am Aidan Mitchell,” he confirmed. “And I’m interviewing for the job, but I don’t have it yet.”
“Oh, you’ll get it,” she said confidently. “Everyone’s very excited. You’ll be the second pro player in town. Of course, Mack Franklin grew up here, and he only played professionally for a season before becoming a sports columnist, but the town loves him. He started a local weekly newspaper a couple of years back. It’s a very tough business, if you know anything about newspapers these days, but he’s beaten the odds because it’s the best way to find out what’s going on in town.” She paused for breath, then amended, “Aside from sitting in Sally’s and listening to the gossip, anyway. At least Mack tries to bring some journalistic credibility into play.”
After growing up in New York, Aidan was astonished by this insight into small-town ways. Or perhaps it was just Liz March, who chattered like a magpie. “Does Mack know that his competition is a local café?”
“Of course he does. Sally’s his best source. But mostly he’d be the first to find out what’s going on, anyway. He’s married to an O’Brien, which makes him practically royalty in Chesapeake Shores.”
Aidan instinctively stiffened at the comment, though he hoped she hadn’t noticed. “Why is that?”
“You don’t know the town’s history?” she asked, looking startled.
“Is it a criteria for living here?” he asked, mostly in jest. “Do they give a test at the Realtor’s office?”
“Not really,” she said, apparently taking him seriously. “It’s just a local legend, so people tend to know it. As I understand it, the land originally belonged to an O’Brien who came here straight from Ireland. His family farmed it for years. A couple of decades ago, three of his descendants—Mick, Jeff and Thomas O’Brien—built Chesapeake Shores from scratch on that land.”
She paused for breath, then added, “Mick’s the famous architect who designed the town. He might not be an elected official, but his word still carries a lot of weight around here. Jeff manages properties and sells real estate.” Eyes twinkling, she gave Aidan a pointed look. “So it wouldn’t really surprise me if he does spread the story himself, though I imagine he’d consider testing potential residents to be ill-mannered.”
Aidan chuckled. “Touché.”
“There’s another brother, too. Thomas is a well-respected environmentalist who runs a foundation that fights to protect the bay.”
Aidan’s brain seemed to shut down at the casual mention of Thomas O’Brien. Maybe coming to Chesapeake Shores had been a huge mistake, after all, if just hearing that name made him flinch. He’d gotten a tip about the coaching job and been drawn here as if fate were stepping in, but now all he felt was the familiar bitterness and anger crawling up the back of his throat. That it might be unwarranted was a concept he struggled with from time to time.
He suddenly realized that Liz was studying him with a worried expression.
“Are you okay? Did I say something that upset you?”
“No, not a thing, I’m fine,” Aidan assured her. “Thanks for the background information.” He deliberately took a quick glance at his watch, then added, “I need to get going.”
He turned and quickly walked off in the direction of his car.
“Aidan!” Liz’s concerned voice carried on the breeze. “The school office is the other way.”
He gave her a wave of acknowledgment and kept right on going, thankful there was no set time for his interview. He’d intentionally scheduled it that way, promising to call once he arrived in town and got settled into the room the school had reserved for him at The Inn at Eagle Point. Maybe after a shower and some food and a little more time to think about what he was doing, he’d be ready to make that call. Or maybe not.
It was a big decision, deciding whether to stay and take a risk, or go. If his friends could see him now, they’d be stunned by his indecisiveness.
On the field, he’d been a quick-thinking quarterback, reading a defense and making split-second adjustments that determined whether a play succeeded or failed. He hadn’t struggled for even a minute with his decision to retire when he’d realized that an injury had slowed him down, ruining his effectiveness on the field. He’d always wanted to coach at the high school level. He’d gotten his teaching credentials in college in anticipation that this day would eventually come. At the end of his season last November following a second knee injury that had taken him out for the year, he’d made the call. Sure, it had come a lot sooner than he’d anticipated, but fate was funny that way. He wouldn’t be one of those players who hung on past his expiration date.
But this decision? This was different. This was a twenty-eight-year-old man trying to decide not only whether a job and town might be a good fit but if the time was right to meet his biological father—Thomas O’Brien—for the very first time.
* * *
Liz held a cup of coffee in her hands to warm them as she sat in a booth at Sally’s with Bree O’Brien Collins, who owned Flowers on Main, the store next door to hers. Bree was also a playwright who ran a local theater, but she still loved spending the occasional day making flower arrangements, especially for special occasions. Today she’d been so busy with the decorations for a baby shower that they’d postponed their morning coffee break until afternoon when Liz’s high school helper could cover for her.
“I’m telling you, it was very strange,” she told Bree. “We were just talking. I should say I was chattering away, filling him in on this and that.” She regarded Bree with a rueful expression. “I really do have to stop doing that, going on and on, I mean.”
Bree’s grin suggested she was doing it again.
“Okay. Sorry. I’ll get to the point. I promise. I’d tried to convince him to take Archie, but he wasn’t interested. Then I admitted that I’d guessed who he was. We talked about the job for a couple of minutes, or maybe I did all the talking. Anyway, he took off, and not toward the school, as if he’d realized he was late for a meeting or something. He headed in the opposite direction.”
“Well, that is weird,” Bree said. “Maybe he doesn’t like dogs. Archie is a sweetheart, but not everybody notices that when he’s trying to herd them.”
Liz chuckled. “Yes, I’m familiar with the reaction. The poor thing can’t help himself, though. But the Archie issue was resolved. Aidan wasn’t interested, and that was that for me. Pets belong with people who’ll love and appreciate them. Actually I was filling him in on local history, how O’Briens built the town, when he got this kind of glazed look on his face, then took off.”
“So you think his reaction had something to do with the O’Briens?” Bree asked, frowning.
“It felt that way, but how could that be it? Everybody loves your family.”
Bree made a face. “That’s a slight exaggeration. Dad’s made his share of enemies over the years. Heck, for a long time, he didn’t even get along all that well with his own brothers. He, Jeff and Thomas clashed over every detail when they were building the town. It’s only recently, thanks to my grandmother’s determination, that peace and family harmony have been mostly restored. If you force people to sit around the same table on Sunday long enough, sooner or later they have to start talking civilly. I doubt Nell envisioned just how long that process would take, though.”
Liz nodded distractedly. She was still perplexed by Aidan’s behavior. “Then I must have misread his reaction,” she said eventually. “I guess we’ll see when word spreads about whether he’s taken the job at the high school.”
“Well, whatever Aidan feels about the O’Briens, it’s one-sided,” Bree said. “Dad is determined to get him hired as the coach. He practically handpicked him from the list of candidates, so there’s no bad blood there, at least on his side. And you know Mick O’Brien. When he wants something, he usually gets it.”
Bree sat back and studied Liz with a speculative expression. “So, what was he like? Aidan, I mean.”
Liz blushed under the friendly scrutiny. “I suppose he was good-looking in that well-built, jock way.” She wished she hadn’t noticed just how toned and fit he seemed to be, or the way his eyes had sparked with wit, or the dimple that occasionally appeared in his cheek when he was teasing her.
“In other words, you wouldn’t kick him out of bed,” Bree concluded.
Liz frowned at the lighthearted remark. “I wouldn’t let him in my bed,” she corrected, though she hoped he wouldn’t make a liar of her. She had a feeling he could. To bolster her resolve she reminded both of them, “It’s way too soon for me to be even thinking like that.”
Truthfully, she hoped she never thought that way ever again. Her past had left her beyond skittish when it came to relationships. She was fiercely independent these days and determined to stay that way. Once burned—especially as badly as she had been—twice shy.
Bree’s expression immediately sobered. “Liz, sweetie, it’s been a year since the accident. I know you loved your husband. I also know you moved here to get away from the memories and to start over. It’s time to do that. Meeting someone new is part of the process. You don’t have to feel guilty if you find Aidan Mitchell attractive.”
“It’s not about guilt,” Liz said defensively.
“It sounded that way to me.”
“It’s about time. I have a new business. I need to focus on that. I have new friends, to say nothing of a houseful of pets. There are barely enough hours in the day for all I have to do. A relationship is out of the question right now.”
Bree clearly didn’t agree. “Archie and all the rest are no substitute for letting another human into your life,” she scolded.
“I have plenty of humans in my life,” Liz retorted. “Right this second I’m thinking there might be one too many.” She tried to force a light, teasing note into her voice, even as she prayed the barb would strike home and end the conversation.
Bree immediately backed off, her expression stricken. “I’m sorry. Meddling is a family trait. I just care about you. We all do. Even Dad’s started asking questions about why no one’s come up with a good match for you yet. Now that all of his children, nieces and nephews and even one granddaughter are married, he seems to have gotten this crazy idea that it’s his civic duty to work on marrying off every single person in town.”
“I’ve barely been in town six months,” Liz protested.
Bree grinned. “In his opinion, that’s plenty long enough. Trust me, you do not want Mick deciding to find a man for you.”
“Heaven forbid,” Liz replied with heartfelt emotion. “I’ve heard the stories. Next time the subject comes up, you tell your father that he can find me a date right after he agrees to take in Archie. That ought to shut him down.”
That earned a chuckle from Bree. “Now, why didn’t the rest of us come up with a threat like that?”
“Maybe you weren’t as eager to evade his matchmaking as I am,” Liz said, standing up. She hated lying to her friend, to anyone, in fact, but she didn’t think she’d ever be ready to share the real story behind the night she’d lost her husband. Better to escape now before Bree coaxed her into revealing something she didn’t want to remember, much less talk about.
She reached into her purse for money to pay for her coffee and raspberry croissant, treats she allowed herself only after strenuous outings with her animals. Chasing Archie all over Dogwood Hill today definitely qualified.
“No. It’s on me today,” Bree protested. “It’s the price I pay for sticking my nose where it doesn’t belong.” She stood up and hugged Liz. “We may be well-meaning, but don’t you dare hesitate to tell any of us to butt out, okay?”
Unexpected tears stung Liz’s eyes. “I won’t, but to be honest, knowing that you care enough to butt in means the world to me.”
It was almost as if she’d found a whole new family after losing her husband on a rain-slicked road one terrible night a year ago. The pitiful truth was, though, that she’d apparently lost him long before that and never known it.
* * *
After his disconcerting conversation with Liz, Aidan drove around town trying to convince himself that Chesapeake Shores wasn’t the place for him. He diligently focused on the downside.
It only had a tiny district of shops and restaurants, for one thing. There were more businesses and a greater diversity of fancy and take-out food options within two blocks of his apartment in Manhattan’s Upper West Side than there were in this entire town, maybe even the whole region without going all the way to Annapolis or Baltimore.
He picked up a copy of the local weekly Liz had mentioned and compared it to the daily New York newspapers, then shook his head. When a meeting of the town’s beautification committee was front-page news, he was definitely in the wrong place.
Then, of course, there was the insight Liz had given him into a town where seemingly everyone knew everyone else’s business. In New York, though he had plenty of friends in the city, he was barely acquainted with most of his neighbors. That had always suited him just fine. There were enough real celebrities around town that a professional athlete could easily avoid the limelight if that was his choice. In his case, it had been.
How could this possibly be the best match for him? Even if the town didn’t come with a whole slew of emotional baggage attached, small-town living probably wasn’t right for him. He’d go stir-crazy in a month, quite probably sooner.
Sighing heavily, he came to what had to be the best decision. He’d set up an interview for tomorrow, because he’d made a commitment and commitments meant something to him. He’d even try to listen with an open heart, but his mind was already made up. He’d decline the job, wish them well, then take off right after the interview.
There were bound to be other coaching jobs, jobs that wouldn’t put him anywhere near a man he’d now convinced himself he didn’t really need to know or even meet. Thomas O’Brien was a name on a piece of paper, an important piece of paper to be sure, but meeting him wouldn’t change the fact that he’d been nothing to Aidan his entire life. At least he knew where to find him if some genetic health issue cropped up years from now.
An image of Liz crept into his head and he felt a moment’s regret. Not only was she beautiful, she had a good heart. He’d felt an instantaneous connection to her, something that rarely happened with the women who tended to flock around professional athletes. Liz was real.
Still, he couldn’t allow a momentary attraction to a woman to sway him into making a decision that was so obviously all wrong. He’d have a nice dinner, get a good night’s sleep, meet with the high school principal and then go on his way.
Satisfied with his plan, he checked the directions and headed toward The Inn at Eagle Point. As he drove along the winding road, he couldn’t help noticing the nearby bay, and once more Liz’s mention of Thomas O’Brien’s passion for that body of water slipped past his defenses. He pieced her words together with what little his mother had told him over the years and wondered what it must be like to be so idealistic that a cause mattered more than people, more than a son. If he left, he’d never know the answer to that.
“Stop it!” he muttered, as emphatic with himself as Liz had been with Archie earlier. The decision was made.
Somehow, though, it didn’t seem quite as valid as when he’d first reached it.
* * *
When Liz got home that night, Archie, Sasha and Dominique met her at the door of her little bungalow across the street from Dogwood Hill. The two terrier mixes that she’d rescued soon after coming to Chesapeake Shores might be small compared to Archie, but there was little question about who the alpha dogs were in her home. Girls ruled! After a few failed attempts to herd them, Archie had acquiesced to their dominance.
Now he sat quietly by and waited for his turn to get Liz’s attention. Then all three dogs trailed her into the kitchen, where her imperial majesty, a one-eared Siamese known as Anastasia, regarded them all with a superior look as she sat beside her kitty dish awaiting dinner. When Liz once again tried a less-expensive brand of cat food, Anastasia regarded her with an accusing look and turned up her nose.
“I don’t even know why I try,” Liz grumbled. “Other than the fact that this other stuff is going to bankrupt me.” Even so, she dumped the rejected food in the garbage and replaced it with the cat’s preferred brand.
As she looked around her small, but nicely updated kitchen, the mismatched group of strays brought a smile to Liz’s lips.
“Bree’s wrong,” she told them emphatically as she doled out more hugs and scratches behind the ears, then dished up dinner for the dogs. “You guys are all the companionship I need.”
But even as she said the words, an image of Aidan Mitchell crept in to make her blood pump just a little faster. And that was exactly why she had to stay far, far away from him.
2 (#ulink_b6df8659-c8bd-51c7-ad20-dd7218be9e14)
Aidan was staring out the window of the restaurant at The Inn at Eagle Point with its unobstructed view of the bay, nursing his second cup of coffee after a surprisingly excellent breakfast, when a shadow loomed over the table. He looked up to find a man standing there, hand outstretched, a welcoming expression on his face.
“Mick O’Brien, son. And you’re Aidan Mitchell,” he said confidently. “Welcome to Chesapeake Shores.” Without asking, he pulled out a chair and sat. “I’ve been expecting your call since yesterday.”
For an instant Aidan couldn’t find his voice. This man was his uncle! He had absolutely no experience with extended family beyond his maternal grandparents, and no experience at all when it came to his paternal family. Obviously his decision to get out of town without crossing paths with any O’Briens hadn’t taken into account Mick O’Brien’s determination to court him for this job. Aidan wasn’t sure what his real role had been in the search for a new coach, but he’d been aggressive once Aidan had submitted his application.
When Aidan had called the school yesterday to confirm the appointment with the principal for this morning, he’d been told yet again how eager everyone—especially the town’s founder—was to close the deal. The enthusiasm had been rewarding, but disconcerting given his determination to leave without signing on for the job.
Mick glanced around for a waiter, then stood up and grabbed a cup from a neighboring table and poured himself some coffee from the pot the waiter had left earlier. As he stirred in some sugar, Aidan surreptitiously studied him, wondering how much Mick might resemble his brother and trying to decide if he saw anything of himself in the man.
After years of wondering and getting only evasive answers from his mother when it came to his father’s identity, Aidan had finally found the O’Brien name when he’d come across his birth certificate while cleaning out his mother’s dresser after her death last summer. There were a couple of clippings about Chesapeake Shores and the bay preservation foundation, as well.
Over the years he’d been told that his father had been a good man who had important things to accomplish. His mother had never mentioned what those things might be. Those clippings she’d tucked away were the first clues he’d had.
Nor had she ever hinted that they’d parted as anything other than friends. To Aidan’s knowledge his father had never contributed a dime to his support. In fact, given his mother’s independent streak and a few indiscreet comments from his grandparents about her pride, he’d concluded that she’d never even told him about the pregnancy. Surely, though, if he’d been such a paragon, Thomas O’Brien must have suspected. Then again, Aidan had known his share of men who were capable of being oblivious to anything that didn’t fit conveniently into their plans.
So even though Anna Mitchell had tried to impart an image of a mysterious but kindly individual, resentments had simmered inside Aidan. He’d grown up wondering why he and his mom hadn’t been more important than some idealistic goal in his dad’s life. And, since his mother had never had another serious relationship to his knowledge, he had to wonder about the man who’d meant so much to her that she’d never moved on.
“You okay?” Mick asked, regarding him with concern. “You look a little pale. You’re not coming down with something, are you? We have a real good doctor here in town. I can take you by his office if you want to be checked out.”
Aidan quickly shook his head. “No, sorry. I’m fine. You just caught me by surprise. I spent yesterday getting to know the town. I gave the principal at the school a call late in the day to confirm our appointment for this morning. He must have told you I was here.”
Mick grinned. “Not necessary. There aren’t a lot of secrets in Chesapeake Shores and you’re big news. I knew five minutes after you drove into town.” He shrugged. “Besides, my daughter Jess owns this place. She gave me a call right after you checked in. I would have popped in right then, but she told me you seemed a little distracted and to give you time to relax. For once, I listened to her—and my wife—and didn’t come barging right over. To tell you the truth, Megan—that’s my wife—is usually right about these things, though if you tell her I said that, I’ll deny it.”
Aidan recalled the friendly woman at the desk. So, that had to be Jess, another O’Brien, a cousin apparently.
Before Aidan could respond, Mick glanced pointedly at his empty plate. “If you’re ready to go now, I’ll drive you over to the high school. We’re all anxious to get the ball rolling, get a contract nailed down. Then I can show you a couple of places around town that are for sale. There’s not much to rent. Buying makes more sense, anyway.”
Aidan couldn’t help wondering if Mick was such a successful architect and developer because he was part bulldozer. “There’s no offer on the table, and I haven’t agreed to anything yet,” he reminded Mick, thinking that saying no was going to prove a lot trickier than he’d anticipated.
“I think you’ll like the terms,” Mick said confidently. “It’s a great little town. The school has resources to pay you decently and get you whatever you need. The stadium’s first-rate. I did my homework and brought in a top-notch designer, since it’s beyond my area of expertise. I put my best contractors to work on it a few years back, but if there’s anything we missed, you just let me know. I’ve got some grandkids who’re going to want to play ball and I want the best for them and that includes a coach who can turn this team around. I know it’s politically correct to say that winning’s not everything, but these lopsided losses are discouraging.”
Aidan imagined that was a serious understatement. He’d studied the team’s record, not a win in the past five years. He decided to focus on the stadium, which was a real positive.
“To be honest, I’ve seen a few college and even pro stadiums that weren’t that impressive,” Aidan told him. “You did a great job.”
In fact, if it hadn’t been for all the peripheral angst attached to this particular job, it would have been a dream, no question about it. Aidan couldn’t imagine anyplace else where he’d be given carte blanche to invigorate a high school football program with whatever it took to make it successful. Those resources usually came at the college level.
Still he said, “One step at a time. Let’s have that meeting and see how it goes. You know I don’t have a track record coaching high school football. You may decide I’m not right for the job.”
“Not a chance,” Mick said. “I’ve done my homework. I know you were a leader in the locker room and not just on the field. That, along with the recommendations from your coaches, speaks highly of you.”
Aidan couldn’t help feeling flattered, but he couldn’t let himself be swayed. “Okay, let’s say I do say yes, I have one question for you in the meantime.” He was hoping the answer would solidify his resolve. The last thing any coach needed was too many bosses micromanaging his decisions.
“What’s that?” Mick asked as they walked outside into the warm spring sunshine and headed toward a large and surprisingly muddy truck that had obviously seen some time on a work site recently.
“If I take this job, exactly who do I answer to? The principal, the school board or you?”
Mick’s booming laugh filled the air. “I won’t be the person signing your checks,” he replied candidly. “That doesn’t mean that folks in town don’t tend to listen to what I have to say.”
Aidan nodded. “Good to know. Any other tips for getting along in Chesapeake Shores?”
Mick gave him a long look. “You stick around. Come to Sunday dinner at my place. All the O’Briens will be there. We’ll be happy to fill you in on everything you need to know. If you’re not already convinced, we ought to be able to seal the deal.”
Aidan’s pulse began to race. Could it possibly be that easy? A few days in town and he’d come face-to-face with his father? Could he sit at Mick O’Brien’s table and keep what he knew to himself, at least as long as it took to decide if he wanted to reveal the truth? Would he be able to look into Thomas O’Brien’s face without unleashing all the vitriol he’d stored up? A meltdown over a roast and mashed potatoes would certainly put an end to his coaching career in this obviously close-knit town.
He drew in a deep breath and made yet another of those quick decisions, this one fraught with all sorts of disturbing potential consequences. Fate had brought him here. Until he gave the school his answer, he might as well make the most of it.
He met Mick’s gaze. “I’ll do that, sir, if you’re sure it’s not an imposition.”
“Nothing my family likes better than seeing a new face at the table,” Mick assured him.
Aidan couldn’t help wondering if they’d still feel that way after his visit.
* * *
Aidan immediately liked Rob Larkin, the principal of the high school, who seemed to have no qualms at all about standing up to Mick O’Brien and taking charge of the interview. With his crew cut and preppy attire, he looked to be in his forties, but there was a steely resolve in his eyes that suggested he ran a tight ship. Mick actually sat back and let the principal run the show.
“Although your football credentials are what got you here today,” Rob said, “I’m interested in hearing what you think a high school coach’s role should be.”
Aidan leaned forward. “I had the best possible model as a coach when I was in school. He was an excellent motivator. He had strict rules—he wanted to win, but more important than either of those things, he wanted to teach the players to be better men. If I can be half as effective as he was, I’ll do a good job for you.”
Caught up in his enthusiasm for the topic, he forgot for a minute that he wasn’t 100 percent sure he really wanted this job.
“What about grades?” Rob asked him.
“At the top of my list,” Aidan said readily. “Nobody plays if they’re failing. I’ll get them whatever help they need, but I won’t tolerate them slacking off when it comes to academics.”
He saw the principal and Mick exchange a satisfied look.
“Why don’t we take a walk around the school so you can see the gym, the locker room and our equipment?” Rob suggested.
“Sure,” Aidan said, already knowing what he’d find—the absolute best of everything.
“Would you like to meet a few of the players?” Rob asked. “I can arrange to pull them from classes.”
Aidan quickly shook his head. It wouldn’t be fair to get their hopes up, and it would be harder for him to say no if he’d seen the young men who might be pinning their hopes on him.
“Another time,” he said. “But let’s take a look around.”
As they toured the school, Aidan was more and more impressed, not only with the facility, but with Rob Larkin. He was a dedicated educator, no question about it. He was also happily surprised by the principal’s interactions with the students that he witnessed. There was friendly respect on both sides.
It seemed the students all knew Mick, too, and their easy camaraderie with such an important man spoke well of Mick’s relationship with all of the town’s residents. Aidan couldn’t help wondering if Thomas, with his lofty ideals, related half as well to average folks.
When they’d made their way back to the principal’s office, Rob said, “There’s one other thing I should mention. In addition to teaching a few physical education classes, you’d also be expected to handle one after-school activity. Coach Gentry loved the outdoors, so he organized a group that spent time cleaning up the bay. He worked closely with Mick’s brother Thomas on that project. We’d like you to continue that. It’s important to get these kids to appreciate the environment, to understand that there’s a whole big world outside of sports.”
Work with Thomas—his father? Aidan wasn’t sure he could do that. He swallowed hard and tried not to let his immediate reaction show. There was no point in making an issue of it now, since he didn’t intend to take the job. He needed to nod and let it go.
“Of course,” he said. “If I stay, I understand that an after-school activity beyond coaching would be part of the job. It sounds like a worthy cause.”
“Not much matters more around here,” Mick chimed in. “You’ll see. Just get my brother started when you meet him on Sunday. He’ll talk your ear off.” He leveled a look at Aidan. “So, do we have a deal? A five-year contract. We know it’s going to take time, though none of us would be unhappy to have a winning record a lot sooner than that.”
“I’d like some time to think about it,” Aidan said, clearly startling Rob Larkin and stunning Mick.
“What’s to think about?” Mick asked, a hint of indignation in his voice. “Opportunities like this don’t come along every day. Most schools wouldn’t give you half that long to make a difference.”
“I know that, and I appreciate it,” Aidan told him. “But Chesapeake Shores is a big change for me. I want to be sure it can be mutually beneficial. That long-term deal is a sweet one for me, but I’m not so sure it’s in your best interests. After all, this is my first coaching job. I could be terrible. And Chesapeake Shores is a big change from New York. It might not be the best fit for me. Let’s all give it some more thought.”
“Of course,” Rob said, before Mick could step in. “It is an adjustment. I came here from DC, so I know. For me, it’s been a welcome change, but it’s not right for everyone.” He glanced at Mick. “It’s no reflection on the town.”
“Of course not,” Aidan said.
Mick seemed to take his cue from the principal. “We’ll talk some more on Sunday,” he said eventually. “I’ll drive you back over to the inn now.”
“That’s okay. It’s not that far. I’d like to walk, if you don’t mind.” He stood up and shook Rob’s hand. “It was very nice meeting you.”
“You, too. I hope we’ll have the opportunity to work together.”
“Thanks for the ride over, Mr. O’Brien.”
“That’s Mick, son. I’ll see you on Sunday. Just ask Jess for directions.”
“I’ll do that.”
Outside, on another glorious spring day that showed off the town’s best attributes of blue skies and sparkling water, Aidan drew in a deep breath. Saying no was going to be a whole lot harder than he’d ever anticipated. The size of the town and the length of that contract were still issues, but the real hang-up was the prospect of getting closer to a man he’d dreamed about for years, but wasn’t really sure he wanted to know. That was especially ironic now that the possibility seemed within reach.
* * *
Liz wasn’t surprised when she spotted Aidan walking up the driveway to Mick’s for Sunday dinner. Nor was she especially startled when Bree pulled her aside and asked if she’d mind sitting next to the newcomer at the table.
“He’s bound to feel more comfortable if there’s a familiar face nearby,” Bree said. “Someone other than my father needs to take him under their wing. Since you two have met and you’re a recent newcomer to town, you’re the obvious choice.”
“And of course that’s the only reason you’ve chosen me for the job,” Liz remarked, her skepticism plain.
Bree gave her a look that was all innocence. “Of course. What other reason could there be?”
Bree glanced across the room and watched as Mick led Aidan around making introductions to his family. Liz couldn’t seem to keep her gaze off him, either. With Bree’s siblings and their spouses in the room, grandchildren underfoot everywhere, plus a couple of nephews and their families, it was bound to be a little overwhelming for anyone.
“He’s looking a little shell-shocked already,” Bree commented.
“I remember what that was like,” Liz acknowledged. Even now, after being included for several Sunday and holiday meals, she needed the occasional time-out to get her bearings. “Okay, I’ll do what I can to keep Aidan from running for the hills. Mick really does want this job to work out, doesn’t he?”
“He’s gotten a little obsessed about it,” Bree conceded. “Especially since Aidan didn’t sign on the dotted line right off the bat. Dad’s not used to anyone holding out, especially when money’s not the issue. It’s frustrating him.” Bree grinned. “Mom thinks it’s good for him. The rest of us are just wondering where Aidan got the backbone to stand up to him. We might ask for lessons.”
Liz gave Bree a pointed look. “I might want a couple of those lessons myself.”
Though it was evident Bree got her message, she merely waved it off. “Stop. You know I’m just giving you a push in the direction you want to go, anyway.” Then she literally gave Liz a gentle shove. “Go. Save him.”
Liz crossed the room and caught Aidan’s eye. “Could I speak to you a moment?”
Mick gave her a startled look that quickly turned speculative. “We can talk more later,” he told Aidan at once. “Never turn down a pretty woman’s invitation.”
Aidan regarded her with an expression of relief. “Thank you,” he said as Mick moved away.
“I wasn’t sure you needed rescuing, but I recall how I felt after my first half hour with a houseful of O’Briens. Would you like a little fresh air?”
“I’d love some,” Aidan admitted, following her outside to a porch lined with rockers and Adirondack chairs facing the bay.
Liz gestured toward the chairs. “We could sit here or we could walk. Dinner’s not for another half hour and since most of the kids are outside playing, Nell always rings a very loud bell to get everyone’s attention.”
“Then let’s walk,” Aidan said. As they reached the edge of the wide expanse of lawn and stood looking out at the bay, he turned to her. “Who’s Nell? I don’t think I’ve met her. Mick’s wife is Megan, right?”
“Exactly. Nell is Mick’s mother. This may be his house, but, trust me, when it comes to meals, she’s in charge. And her food is worth whatever chaos guests might have to deal with.”
“You must be a regular,” he said. “How’d that happen?”
“I take in stray animals. The O’Briens take in stray residents. Bree brought me home one Sunday right after I opened my shop and I’ve been coming ever since. Not every week, but enough to feel more or less comfortable with the intrusive questions and well-meant advice.”
She studied him as he stood beside her, hands shoved in his pockets, his well-toned shoulders looking oddly tense. “You’re not nervous about all this, are you? It’s clear you have the upper hand. Mick really wants you to accept this job. Or is that the problem? Are you feeling pressured?”
“Of course not,” he scoffed. “It might be my first coaching job, but I have the credentials. I’m up to it. I’m just not convinced it’s the right fit.”
“Why is that?” she asked, startled. “You don’t like Chesapeake Shores?”
“I’m sure it’s a great little town,” he responded.
“Little being the operative word, I imagine,” she said, taking offense on behalf of the town. “This is not some backwoods community in the middle of nowhere. We have great people and great restaurants. We have a playwright whose work had been produced on Broadway, Mick’s daughter Bree, in fact. We have a top country music songwriter, too, and her husband is a Grammy-winning singer. They keep a home here and come back from Nashville whenever they can.”
Aidan smiled. “Do you belong to the Chamber of Commerce?”
“Yes, of course, but I’m telling you this so you’ll understand that Chesapeake Shores is a wonderful place to live, even if it’s not New York.”
“I never meant to imply that it wasn’t,” Aidan told her. “It just may not be right for me. We’ll have to see.”
Liz didn’t entirely believe his declaration of open-mindedness, but she had no idea why. Nor did she think these nerves she sensed were about his capability as a coach or whether the town was a good fit for him. Still, she let the subject drop.
“Have you met the whole family?” she asked instead.
He relaxed a little and laughed. “I have no idea. I met what seemed like a hundred people in there. Is that all of them?”
“I think most of Mick’s immediate family was there, but his brother Jeff and his family were just coming up the walk when we came outside. Come to think of it, I didn’t see Jo—that’s Jeff’s wife—with them. I don’t think I saw Thomas inside, but he could have been in the kitchen with Nell or somewhere in the yard playing catch with his son and some of the other kids.”
An odd expression passed over Aidan’s face, just as it had the other day. This time she knew she wasn’t wrong about what she was seeing. She hesitated, then asked, “Do you already know some of the family?”
“No, why?”
“Because you reacted just now when I mentioned Thomas. You did the same thing the other day when the O’Brien name came up. What am I missing?”
“You’re imagining things,” Aidan said, though his tone wasn’t the least bit convincing.
“Aidan, if there’s something you’re not saying, if there’s some history here or bad blood or something, maybe it is the wrong place for you. The town is overrun with O’Briens and they stick together. You need to understand that and be sure of your decision.”
He gave her a long, inscrutable look before answering. “I’m not sure of anything,” he said quietly.
And, just like before, he turned and walked away, leaving her with a whole slew of troubling questions.
* * *
Though she sat next to Aidan at dinner, Liz was all too aware that he carefully avoided making conversation with her. In fact, he was fairly quiet, responding only when asked a direct question. He seemed content to let the nonstop chatter and laughter swirl around him.
She also thought she caught his gaze straying more than once toward Thomas O’Brien, but maybe that was because her imagination had gone into overdrive following their talk outside.
As soon as the meal ended, she went in search of Nell to thank her for another incredible meal, then to say her goodbyes to Megan and Mick. She thought she’d be home free and able to make a quick escape after that, but Mick drew her aside.
“So?” he asked. “How’s Aidan leaning? Is he going to take the job or not?”
Liz regarded him with amusement. “What makes you think I have any inside knowledge?”
“The two of you were outside for a while. Looked to me as if you were talking pretty seriously about something.”
“You were spying on us?” she asked with a scowl, though she wasn’t the least bit surprised. Of course Mick had been keeping a close eye on them. That was who he was, a man who paid close attention to the things that mattered to him.
“I don’t spy,” he objected, then sighed. “You know how much the school needs him, Liz. Did he give you any hint about which way he’s leaning?”
“Not really,” she said, though her gut was telling her Aidan was going to walk away. She didn’t want to be the one to break that news to Mick, not when she wasn’t certain of it. Who knew what sort of pressure he might decide to pour on the poor unsuspecting man?
“Can I give you a bit of advice?” she asked Mick.
“Why not? You’re practically part of the family, and heaven knows, not a one of them keeps a single opinion to themselves.”
Liz laughed, knowing it was a genetic predisposition of the O’Briens to share advice whether it was wanted or not.
“Give the man some space,” she suggested to Mick. “He seems to be weighing this decision. Too much pressure might have the opposite effect of what you’re hoping for.”
“He’ll never find a better opportunity,” Mick said. “He needs to understand that.”
“That may be,” Liz conceded. “And I’m hardly an expert on Aidan Mitchell, but I think overselling the job could backfire.”
She glanced across the room to where Aidan was talking to Mack Franklin. Whatever the conversation, his expression was animated and he looked more relaxed than she’d ever seen him. She had a hunch that while Mack might be talking football, he wasn’t pushing the coaching job. In fact, whatever he was saying had Aidan laughing. That sound made her feel surprisingly good.
Mick followed the direction of her gaze, his own gaze narrowing. “You think Mack’s approach, whatever it is, is the right one, don’t you?”
“Looks that way to me,” she said.
Mick’s focus returned to her. “You seem awfully concerned for a man you barely know. Any particular reason for that?”
Liz scrambled for an answer that wouldn’t give away this odd connection she felt to a man she’d barely met. “I just know how much you want him to stay and what it would mean to the town to have a winning team.”
Mick didn’t look as if he bought the reply, but he didn’t pursue it. Liz thought she was off the hook, until he added, “I imagine it won’t break your heart, though, if he decides to stick around.”
No, she thought with a sigh. It wouldn’t break her heart at all, even if she wasn’t quite sure why.
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In the end, despite a boatload of reservations, Aidan surprised himself and decided to take the job if he could win one big concession. He wanted a one-year deal, not five. He figured that would be long enough for him to prove himself as a coach and short enough for him to escape if it got too difficult being around Thomas. He’d take an option for another four years, but that was the best he could do.
He’d made the decision during dinner, after he’d had a chance to observe Thomas O’Brien from a distance at the crowded table. He’d concluded that despite his own simmering resentment, the man didn’t seem to be the devil incarnate he’d imagined. He was just a man who seemed crazy about his wife and who adored his little boy. In fact, watching Thomas with Sean had set off a flurry of mixed emotions with envy beating out resentment. He’d had a great life, thanks to his mom, but he couldn’t help wondering how much better it might have been if his dad had been in the picture.
Despite Mick’s suggestion that he speak to Thomas about preserving the Chesapeake Bay, Aidan deliberately steered clear of him. He never exchanged a single word with him beyond a polite hello when introduced. Truthfully, he wasn’t sure what he might say when they inevitably met again.
By taking the job, he knew he’d have to face Thomas eventually. Perhaps getting to know him through his work would pave the way for a different kind of bond. Maybe he’d even come to understand the man his mother had loved and respected enough to release from any obligation to her or their child. Surely as an adult he could grasp such strong emotions and dedication in a way he hadn’t been able to as a young boy longing for a father.
With his mind finally made up, Aidan drew Mick aside as the family began to leave.
“May I speak to you?”
Mick studied him closely. “Good news or bad?”
Aidan smiled. “I hope you’ll think of it as good news. I’ve decided to accept the job, if you’ll agree to a modification of the contract. I’ll call Rob in the morning to talk that over, but I wanted you to know now.”
“What sort of modification?” Mick asked.
“I only want a one-year deal. I think that’s fair to the school, the town and to me. It gives us all time to evaluate how things are working out.”
“And then what?” Mick asked irritably. “You’ll get a little experience under your belt and cut and run? What’s fair about that?”
“I could be a terrible failure and you’ll be rid of me in a year without having to give me some huge payoff to go. Maybe that’s the way you should look at it,” Aidan suggested.
“Son, you can’t go into a job thinking you’re going to fail.”
Aidan smiled. “I’m certainly hoping not to, and I believe I can turn this team around, but nothing in life is a certainty. I’ll be a lot more comfortable if we all take the time to evaluate this carefully.”
Mick sighed. “I suppose I can’t argue with that logic, but people are going to want to know you’re committed to the job, that you’re a part of the community, that you believe wholeheartedly in the team. They won’t be happy you’ll have an out at the end of a year.”
Aidan leveled a look into his eyes. “It’s the best I can do, sir. I would certainly understand if that’s not good enough.”
Mick remained silent, clearly debating with himself. Eventually he said, “I suppose I should be grateful that I didn’t scare you off altogether.”
“No, if anything, meeting your family convinced me of the kind of values I can expect to find in Chesapeake Shores. It made me want to give this a try,” Aidan said. “I was an only child, so today has been a real revelation.”
“You’re close to your parents?”
“It was just my mom and me, and she died last summer.”
Mick’s expression reflected real dismay. “I’m so sorry to hear that. Well, you come here and you can consider us family,” he said generously. “There’s always room for one more. You ask Ma about that. Next thing you know, she’ll be dropping off food every time you turn around to make sure you’re eating properly.”
Aidan chuckled. “I wouldn’t say no to that. The meal was the best I’ve had in a long while.”
“You get a craving, you can get the same thing anytime at O’Brien’s, the pub on Shore Road. My nephew Luke owns that, but Ma has trained his chef. It’s a real friendly place, like a home away from home.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
“How soon can you start?” Mick asked, returning to business. “It might be good to get you back here and in place before the end of the school year, so you’ll have time to assess your players.”
“I was thinking the same thing, if that suits you. I know sometimes contracts start in August, though.”
“They do, but don’t you worry about that. I’ll take care of it. We’ll set up something separate for these last couple of months of this school year. Now, let’s talk about getting you settled in town. There’s still some daylight left. How would you like to take a look at those houses I mentioned the other day?” Mick asked eagerly.
“I think an apartment might be better, given the terms of our deal,” Aidan said. “I thought I spotted a for-rent sign on one of those places above the shops on Main Street.”
“Renting is the same as throwing money down the drain,” Mick objected.
“Or into your pocket,” his brother Jeff commented dryly as he joined them. He turned to Aidan and explained, “Mick and I split the income on those rentals.”
“Which is why I’m telling him he should buy,” Mick argued. “You and I are doing just fine. We don’t need his rent money. He’ll have something to show for those monthly payments, if he makes them on a nice house.”
Aidan had a hunch the bickering was as much of a habit as these Sunday dinners. He knew it when Nell marched over and stood between her two towering sons.
“Enough!” she said sternly, winking at Aidan. “I’m sure the man knows what’s best for him. If you’re so sure he’s wrong, give him a month-to-month lease in case he decides later he wants to buy a home. Come to think of it, you could put that rent money in escrow toward his down payment.”
Aidan regarded her with astonishment. “That’s a very generous idea, but it’s not necessary.”
Mick’s expression, though, turned thoughtful. “Ma’s right. We could do that. It would give you this year you’re so dead set on to look around for a house and have money in the bank when you’re ready to buy. No need to make a snap decision. Jeff, you okay with that?”
Jeff laughed. “If Ma’s starting to make our business deals, it’s going to cost us money, but I’m not going to be the one to argue with her.”
“Then it’s settled,” Mick said happily, shaking Aidan’s hand. “I’ll meet you in Rob’s office first thing tomorrow and we’ll hammer out all the details, then we can go by the real estate office and sign that rental agreement.” He glanced at his brother. “You’ll have Susie make the appropriate changes about that escrow business?”
“Of course,” Jeff said. He turned to Aidan. “And just so you know, my wife teaches PE at the school and coaches women’s soccer. Jo couldn’t be here today, but she wanted you to know how excited the staff is that you might be coming.”
“I’ll look forward to meeting her,” Aidan told him, reminded yet again of how integral the O’Briens were to this town. Liz had definitely been right about that. “I’ll see you in the morning, Mick.”
“Did you have a chance to speak to Thomas?” Mick asked.
“Not yet.”
“Well, there’s plenty of time for that,” Mick said. “He’s going to be eager to put you to work, too.”
Aidan bit back a sigh. That was the mixed blessing in all of this, but the die was cast now. One of the lessons his mom had taught him was never to look back.
Make your choice and live with it the best way you know how, she’d said.
He recognized now that was exactly what she had done. She’d let Thomas O’Brien off the hook all those years ago and learned to live with it. If she’d had regrets, she’d never once let on to him. Now he had to do the same.
* * *
It had taken less than an hour in Rob’s office to nail down the details of Aidan’s contract. Though Mick had made one last pitch for a five-year commitment, Aidan had held out and Rob had backed him.
On the drive back to New York, he returned a slew of unanswered calls from his former teammate Frankie Losada, who’d been leaving messages for the past couple of days.
“What’s up?” Aidan asked when the call connected.
“Well, when I first called, it was to talk you into going to the big opening-night party at a new club in SoHo. A-list all the way. I figured we’d meet some very sexy ladies. When I called again, it was to tell you that model you used to date, Donatella, was asking about you. The last five times were to try to figure out why you weren’t taking my calls. It’s not like you to fall off the radar.”
Aidan smiled at the evidence of Frankie’s never-ending quest for pretty women and a front-of-the-tabloids social life. Aidan had rarely been interested in that scene. When he had shown up, it was usually because Frankie, who protected his blind side on the field, had twisted his arm.
“I told you I was going down to Maryland to look into a coaching job.”
“At some backwoods school that hasn’t won a game in how long? Five years or something?” Frankie scoffed. “I thought you had to be joking.”
“Not joking, Frankie. I took the job.”
His friend fell silent, then said, “Man, I think you need to take Coach up on that offer to get you counseling. That knee injury did something to your head.”
“I do not need counseling,” Aidan said. “I need to work. I need to feel as if I’m doing something worthwhile.”
“New York is chock-full of worthwhile causes,” Frankie argued. “Why do you think we’re up to our eyeballs in appearances when we aren’t at practice or playing games? Coach is all about good deeds.”
“My celebrity ended the day my career ended,” Aidan reminded him. “When I’m not throwing winning touchdowns, I’m just some normal guy who used to play ball.”
“Are you having some kind of pity party? Do I need to get you back out on the town, set you up with a new woman to prove you’re still the man here in the city?”
“Look, I’m on my way back to the city to pick up my stuff. How about dinner tonight? You can see for yourself I’m perfectly rational.”
“Dinner’s good. Want me to give Donatella a call, invite her along?”
“Only if you want to date her,” Aidan said adamantly. “I’m not interested in going down that road again.”
“Up to you, man, but she is h-o-t, if you know what I mean.”
“I always know what you mean,” Aidan said, his own thoughts going to a little blonde chatterbox, who was hotter without trying than Donatella ever dreamed of being. “See you tonight. I’ll call for a reservation at Luca’s.”
“Hot damn!” Frankie said. “I love that place. You can’t move without bumping into a real babe.”
“I like the food,” Aidan said.
“You keep telling yourself that,” Frankie said. “You might talk all noble, but you like the women just as much as I do.”
There had been a time, Aidan thought, when that had been true, right up until he’d realized how shallow many of them were. Not a one could hold a candle to Liz. Her presence in Chesapeake Shores was like a huge signing bonus, though he had a hunch he’d have to work awfully hard to earn her affection. And with his plan to stick around for only a year, maybe it would be best if he didn’t even try.
* * *
Two weeks later, Aidan had moved his belongings into a one-bedroom apartment overlooking Main Street. It had not escaped his notice that Pet Style was just downstairs, assuring routine encounters with Liz, who’d proven to be as disconcerting and intuitive as she was beautiful.
Now, on his second morning after settling in, he was standing by the open sliding glass doors in his living room enjoying the view across the town green and breathing in the clean fresh air. The green’s open space was surrounded by blooming beds of red tulips. He glanced into the distance and spotted Liz heading his way, juggling a purse and a couple of huge boxes. As she neared, the boxes tumbled from her arms, spilling out an assortment of pet toys. She dropped her purse in a misguided attempt to grab the boxes and, when everything scattered, a mild curse crossed her lips, immediately followed by a guilty expression and a quick look around.
Aidan grinned, set down his cup of coffee, jogged down the steps out back and around the side of the building. He reached the green before she’d picked up even half the toys. He found her cell phone several feet away in the dew-dampened grass, along with a lipstick and several brightly colored pens. He gathered them up and joined her.
She gave him a startled look. “Where’d you come from?”
“Up there,” he told her, gesturing toward his apartment and the open sliding doors that led to a tiny balcony.
“Oh, dear. You didn’t...” A blush tinted her cheeks bright pink.
“Hear you?” he said innocently.
“You did, didn’t you? I normally don’t use that kind of language. Really. I was just exasperated with myself for trying to haul all of this on foot. I should have driven to work, but it was such a nice morning, I decided to walk. I love this time of year when the air is soft and scented with spring flowers.”
Aidan continued gathering up the packages of squeaky toys and put them into the second box. “If this is store inventory, why didn’t you have it delivered to the store?”
“I did, but I ran out of time to price it yesterday. This coming weekend is the first of the season. I need to have everything on display today. Chesapeake Shores is always swamped for the long Memorial Day holiday weekend. The other store owners have told me that most of their income comes in between Memorial Day and Labor Day, when we’re crawling with tourists. This will be my first summer season, so I want to be sure I start off right.”
“Didn’t you mention that you’d opened just before Christmas?”
She nodded, then sighed. “Big mistake. I did okay over the holidays, but the winter was deadly. I should have guessed it would be, but once I made the decision to move here and open the store, I was anxious to get started. Plus, spaces on Main Street don’t come along that often. When I spotted one for sale, I grabbed it.” She shrugged. “No point in looking back, though. I just have to make this summer season count.”
She regarded him blankly. “Or what?”
“Will you quit? Do something else? Move away?”
She looked taken aback by the alternatives he’d mentioned. “I can’t let myself think like that. This has to work, and that’s that.”
“So failure’s not an option?”
“Absolutely not.”
He admired her determination. In an odd way, it reflected the lecture he’d given himself when he’d decided to take the coaching job. He picked up the last of the toys, then grabbed the two boxes.
“I can carry them,” she protested.
“So can I. Lead the way.”
After a momentary hesitation, she crossed the street and opened the door of her shop. Aidan took a quick glance around at the colorful array of everything from pet accessories to toys and some organic pet food. There was even a fancy Victorian-style doghouse, large enough for the adult Archie would become, in one corner.
“That is for a dog, right? It’s not a playhouse?”
Liz tilted her head slightly and studied it with a smile on her lips. “I suppose it would work okay for a toddler, but no, it’s meant for a dog. Believe it or not, it’s another one of those outrageously expensive items that seem to be selling. It’s a custom design by Mick’s nephew Matthew. I’m sure you must have met him at Sunday dinner. He’s an architect like Mick, but he started this as a fun sideline. I’m taking them on commission or he’ll custom design them for people if they want one that looks just like their home or something like that.”
“Good grief.”
She laughed. “I know. Crazy, isn’t it?”
Aidan glanced at his watch. It wasn’t yet seven-thirty, surely too early for the store to be opening.
“Do you have time for a cup of coffee at Sally’s?” he asked impulsively.
She seemed flustered by the question. “No,” she said a little too quickly. “I mean, I do, but I usually meet Bree there around eight-thirty.”
Something told him there was more to her refusal than a prior-standing commitment, but he shrugged it off. “No problem. Another time.”
She seemed to be struggling with herself before finally saying, “If you’re right upstairs and don’t have other plans, you could join us.”
“That’s okay. I don’t want to intrude.”
“You wouldn’t be intruding. Half the people who own shops around here stop in. Of course a lot of those people are O’Briens, so you’ll already know them from dinner at Mick’s. You’d be welcome.”
“I need to get over to the high school before nine,” he said. “I’m meeting with Coach Gentry and Rob Larkin to make some plans for next season. I want to do some unofficial spring training to assess the players before school’s out and assign their workouts for the summer. Maybe another day. See you, Liz.”
He was almost to the door when she called out. “Aidan, is it true what I heard, that you only signed on to coach for a year?”
He nodded.
“That doesn’t seem to give the team much of a chance to get its act together.”
So, Mick had been right. People were going to be upset by what they viewed as a lack of commitment.
“I think it’s long enough for both the school and me to see if we’re a good match,” he replied.
“Or is it a way to hold the town up for a lot of money if they want you to stay?”
Aidan frowned at the suggestion it had anything to do with money. “Any idea what a successful pro football player makes, Liz?”
She blinked at the question. “Not really.”
“Then let me reassure you, I don’t need to take advantage of the town. My career may have been cut short, but I did okay and most of what I made is doing just fine in investments. I took this job because I’ve always wanted to coach at this level. This seemed like a great place to start.”
“Then why not commit?”
He studied her closely. He sensed there was a lot more behind the question than the obvious. “Is commitment a particularly touchy subject for you, Liz?”
The direct question seemed to take her aback. “Isn’t it for everyone?”
“I suppose, but this seems to matter an awful lot to you.”
“I just think people should keep their promises.”
“No question about it, which is why I made a commitment for the amount of time I thought made sense for me and for the school. At the end of the year, we’ll both decide how it’s working out.” He gave her a knowing look. “Sort of like dating for a year before committing to marriage.”
The blush on her cheeks told him he’d hit the nail on the head. Somebody had run out on her, leaving her particularly sensitive to the whole commitment thing.
“You’re right,” she said tightly. “Sorry if it seemed like I was judging you. I’ll see you around. Thanks for the help just now.”
For the first time since he’d met Liz, Aidan realized that she wasn’t just a perpetually cheerful advocate for the joy of living in Chesapeake Shores. He recognized that there were things she was hiding, a skittishness he couldn’t explain. He couldn’t help wondering if her life was every bit as complicated as his. She might make his pulse race and his imagination take off in some steamy directions, but his life was unsettled enough right now without taking on her secrets, too.
* * *
“Was that Aidan I saw coming out of your shop a little while ago?” Bree asked, her curiosity in full swing.
“Yes, but you can wipe that look right off your face,” Liz replied. “He saw me spill some stuff as I was crossing the green. He came down to help.”
“Then the rumor’s true?” Shanna O’Brien, who owned the bookstore, said. “He’s taken one of the apartments upstairs?”
“I guess so,” Liz said.
“Your old one,” Bree told Shanna. “Much to my father’s dismay. Dad wanted him to buy a home.”
“Which is why the rent money is going into escrow for a house,” Susie chimed in. “I drew up the paperwork myself. Dad told me it was Gram’s idea and that Uncle Mick actually went along with it.”
Liz looked around at these women who’d become her friends, every one of them either born an O’Brien or married to one. Only Heather, Connor O’Brien’s wife and the owner of Cottage Quilts on Shore Road, was missing this morning.
“Where’s Heather?” Liz asked, hoping to steer the conversation away from Aidan and her connection to him. “Come to think of it, she wasn’t at Sunday dinner the last time I was there, either.”
Shanna glanced at Bree. “It’s not a secret, is it?”
Bree shook her head, but glanced worriedly at Susie before answering. “Morning sickness,” she finally revealed. “It’s apparently hit her real hard.”
“Don’t look at me like that when you mention morning sickness,” Susie grumbled. “People in this family are going to have babies. Just because I can’t doesn’t mean I can’t be happy for them.”
Bree reached over and squeezed her hand. “But we all know how hard it’s been for you waiting to hear if you and Mack will be able to adopt.”
“Sure it’s hard,” Susie said, “but please don’t tiptoe around the subject of babies and pregnancy. That just makes it worse. And, so help me, if you don’t ask me to be a part of planning for the baby shower, I’ll never forgive you.”
A devilish grin spread across Bree’s face. “Great! You’re in charge. That works out perfectly.”
“I guess that’ll teach me to open my big mouth,” Susie said with feigned dismay.
Liz laughed. “I’ll help,” she promised.
“We can get Jess’s chef at the inn to bake those scrumptious cupcakes with mounds of buttercream frosting,” Shanna suggested. She looked around the table. “That’s a hint for my baby shower, in case you didn’t recognize it.”
“Of course you can have cupcakes,” Susie said. “And Bree will do her magic with the flowers,” she added, giving her cousin a triumphant look. “Won’t you, sweetie?”
“Of course,” Bree said readily.
“There you go,” Susie said. “Two baby showers under control.”
“Since Heather’s not due for months yet, maybe we shouldn’t get ahead of ourselves,” Shanna cautioned.
Bree’s expression sobered. “Especially after the miscarriage Heather had last year. I know she’s really nervous. She and Connor want so badly to give Little Mick a baby brother or sister.”
Again, a shadow of despair crept over Susie’s face. “At least they have Little Mick,” she said softly.
Bree swore under her breath at the unmistakable tears that threatened to overcome Susie. “I knew we shouldn’t have started talking about this. Change of subject, please. Anything.”
“I want to hear more about Aidan rushing to Liz’s rescue this morning,” Shanna said. “I’m so sorry I missed that. That man is some serious eye candy.”
Liz flushed.
“He is that,” Bree agreed, even as she held tightly to Susie’s hand.
Susie managed a watery grin. “So, give, Liz. What’s the scoop?”
“There is no scoop. We’ve bumped into each other a couple of times.”
“And the cozy chat I saw you two having at Mick’s before Sunday dinner a couple of weeks ago?” Shanna teased. “What was that about?”
Liz shot a poisonous look in Bree’s direction. “That was me trying to be friendly, per the directions of an O’Brien busybody. Nothing more.”
Bree chuckled. “Tell me you didn’t enjoy yourself. There’s not a woman here right now who wouldn’t like being the center of that man’s universe even for a couple of minutes.”
“Then I invite you all to take your turn,” Liz responded. “Aidan’s a friendly guy. I’m sure he’d love to get to know you all a little better.”
“I’m thinking our husbands might object,” Shanna said, then shook her head. “Nope, I’m afraid he’s all yours, Liz.”
“But I don’t...” Liz began, then frowned. “Oh, what’s the use? Not a one of you will believe me no matter how many times I tell you I’m not interested.”
And sadly, after the way her pulse had done a happy little hop, skip and jump at the sight of him this morning, she wasn’t entirely sure she believed it herself.
* * *
Aidan stood on the sidelines after school as Coach Gentry put his players through their paces. He’d included a couple of graduating seniors in the workout, explaining to Aidan that none of the younger men had yet demonstrated the sort of leadership skills needed to be the team captain.
“They’ve looked up to these boys for a couple of seasons now,” the coach said. “You’re gonna have guys who can pass, catch and block and a few decent tacklers, but they’re not a cohesive unit on offense or defense.” He gave Aidan an apologetic look. “I probably shouldn’t be telling you this. It’s likely to scare you right off.”
Aidan chuckled. “Nope, it just adds to the challenge. I want any insights you can give me about their strengths and weaknesses.”
“Keep an eye on Hector Santos. He has good hands and good instincts, but he’s a pretty raw talent. As a freshman he didn’t get much playing time, but I suspect he could be a standout. Trouble is, he’s a shy kid, and it doesn’t help that he’s still struggling a little with English. His family’s only been in this country a couple of years.”
Aidan’s instincts went on high alert. “Legally?”
Coach nodded. “As far as I know. I didn’t ask for documentation. He’s enrolled in school and that’s good enough for me.” He leveled a look at Aidan. “I should probably warn you, though, that if he’s as good as I think and you decide to play him more, there’s going to be trouble with Porter Hobbs.”
“Which one is he?” Aidan asked, surveying the field.
“He’s Taylor Hobbs’s daddy,” Coach Gentry said, gesturing toward a lanky young man, who was throwing moderately accurate passes downfield. “The boy’s okay, but the father is a real piece of work.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” Aidan said, making a note on his cell phone about that as he had with all the other tips the coach was sharing. He’d reach his own judgments over the next three weeks before school let out, but for now Gentry’s insights were helpful.
He took another look at Taylor Hobbs and spotted the serious-looking boy who’d been catching his wobbly passes talking to him. From their intense expressions, it seemed the Hobbs kid was getting advice he didn’t much like.
“Any idea what that’s about?” he asked the coach.
“Henry’s a real good friend of Hector’s, but he’s also like some kind of team mediator. He gets that Taylor’s the quarterback for now, so he keeps trying to give him pointers. Surprisingly, Taylor listens to him, but not without giving him some grief.”
“Still, it sounds like the boy might have that leadership quality you said was lacking,” Aidan suggested.
Coach Gentry nodded. “Could be. It’s up to you to make that call now.” He studied Aidan. “You seen enough?”
Aidan nodded.
“I’ll call ’em over, then, and introduce you. You can take it from here and I’ll take off.”
“That’s not necessary,” Aidan told him.
“Yes, it is. Some of them have been listening to me for four years now, for better or mostly for worse. They need to know you’re in charge from here on out. You need me for anything, though, you know where to find me. I won’t be leaving town.” He gave Aidan a solemn look. “I love these kids. I want to see them reach their potential. I truly believe you’re the man who can make that happen.”
“Thanks. I’ll try not to let any of you down.”
The coach blew a sharp blast on his whistle and waved the boys over. “Have a seat,” he instructed, gesturing toward the bleachers. “I know you all are aware that I’m retiring. This is Aidan Mitchell. Some of you will recognize him as the rookie of the year in the NFL a couple of years back.”
An enthusiastic cheer went up from the players.
“Well, you can start right now thinking of him as your new coach,” Craig Gentry said. “And I expect you to show him the same respect you’ve always shown me. I think together you’re going to turn this team into something special. Take it away, Aidan.”
He stood there a moment, clearly fighting some powerful emotions before adding, “I’ll be seeing you boys around. My door’s always open.”
He turned then and walked quickly away to a loud ovation, deliberately led by Aidan.
When silence fell, Aidan saw the young men regarding him intently. He took a deep breath, trying to figure out what to say.
“Hey, Coach,” the boy who’d been working with Hobbs called out. “Don’t look so terrified. It’s not as if we could do any worse.”
The comment was greeted by nervous laughter that broke the tension.
“Well, it’s my belief that we’re going to do better next year and even better the year after that,” Aidan told them. “To do that, though, you’re going to have to train hard, listen to what I tell you and play your hearts out.”
“We can do that,” the same young man said. “Can’t we?”
A surprisingly emphatic roar greeted his claim. Aidan grinned. “What’s your name?”
“Henry, sir.”
“Have we met?”
“At Sunday dinner a couple of weeks ago at Grandpa Mick’s,” he said. “He’s not my real grandpa, though. I’m not actually an O’Brien, but Kevin and Shanna adopted me after my real dad died.”
“What position do you play, Henry?”
“When the family plays on Thanksgiving, I’m a quarterback,” he replied, then grinned impishly. “Around here, though, I mostly sit on the bench.”
It probably made sense given his slight build, but Aidan sensed something in him that none of the other boys had yet demonstrated, a willingness to step up and a real ability to lead.
“Well, Henry, here’s the deal. I can’t say for sure what these practice sessions will reveal to me about each of you or how this fall’s team will shape up, but for the next few weeks until school’s out, you’re the team captain. How’s that?”
The boy’s face lit up. “Seriously?”
To Aidan’s relief, no one voiced an objection. In fact, there were a surprising number of high fives from the surrounding boys, proving that his instincts, at least for the moment, were right on target.
“Okay, then, here’s the plan. Starting tomorrow I want you here fifteen minutes after the final bell, ready to work your butts off. Nobody’s position on the team is guaranteed. You’ll each be earning the right to play next year. If you’re not strong now, you will be by the end of summer. Understood? I want you eating right, working out, acing your finals and on this field every single day doing your absolute best. I’m going to set up individual meetings with each of you so I can learn more about you. I’ll want your suggestions for making the team stronger. All of this may take more time than you’re used to putting in, but it’s mandatory.”
He’d expected a few grumbles, but heard none.
“Coach?” a boy asked hesitantly. “Are you going to cut any of us? My dad will kill me if I don’t stay on the team.”
“Then we’ll do our best to make sure you’re good enough to stay on here,” Aidan promised him. “But you have to do your part.”
A grin spread across the boy’s face. “I can do that.”
“That’s it for today, then,” Aidan said. “I’m really looking forward to getting to know each one of you.”
Henry was on his feet first. “Go, Lions!” he shouted.
Soon feet were pounding on the bleachers and the refrain echoed across the field. Aidan smiled. If that enthusiasm carried over to their play, he had a hunch he could turn these young men into a team with a fighting chance.
4 (#ulink_b1fdcf48-5fe8-5b03-a038-4c0cb45dcac3)
Liz had just popped into the bookstore to pick up this month’s book club selection when Shanna’s adopted son, Henry, came bursting through the door, his face alight with excitement.
“Guess what!” he called out, tossing his backpack onto a chair and shoving his glasses up the bridge of his nose.
“Must be something good,” Shanna said, grinning at him.
“Hi, Ms. March,” Henry said politely, then turned back to his mom. “Coach made me captain of the team. It’s mostly honorary since we’re not playing right now and it could only be for a few weeks till school’s out, but I’m captain! Can you believe it?”
“Oh, sweetie, that’s wonderful!” Shanna told him. “How’d that happen?”
“I’m not sure exactly,” Henry admitted. “We had a workout and then there was a team meeting with Coach Mitchell. Coach Gentry introduced him, then took off. It was kinda weird. Nobody was saying anything, so I spoke up. I made a joke, and then I got the other guys to show a little team enthusiasm, too. Maybe that impressed him. It didn’t seem like all that much at the time. I just felt bad for him. He seemed kinda nervous.”
Liz held back a smile at Henry’s bemused expression. She couldn’t be sure, though, if it was over being named team captain or recognizing nervousness in an adult, especially a football hero.
“I’m sure he appreciated what you did to break the ice,” Shanna said, then added loyally, “And you deserve to be captain. You have loads of leadership abilities.”
“But I’m a lousy player,” Henry said candidly. “I’m fast, but my throws aren’t accurate, probably because those stupid contacts still make my eyes water, so I can’t see downfield. Or maybe I should start lifting weights seriously so my arm’s stronger. What do you think?”
“Beyond my pay grade,” Shanna said. “But I’m sure Coach Mitchell will make the most of your talents and suggest what you can do to improve on them. That’s why he’s here.” She gave him a stern look. “Just remember one thing—”
“No steroids,” Henry recited dutifully before she could finish.
Shanna laughed. “Okay, I’ve said it a few times before.”
“About a million,” Henry confirmed. “I get it. Really. I’m not going to put my body at risk just to play a sport.”
Shanna regarded him with a triumphant expression. “And that is why I love you so much. You actually listen to me.”
Henry gave her an innocent look. “Aren’t kids supposed to listen to their moms?”
Shanna gave him a hug. “Yes, my darling son, but not all of them do, especially once they hit their teens. As for playing sports, there are plenty of healthy ways to get stronger. Ask Coach Mitchell.”
“I will,” Henry agreed, his expression turning serious. “I thought I was probably wasting my time playing football, but maybe not. I guess it’s worth at least trying to make the team again. It’s actually fun, when we aren’t getting trounced.” He sighed. “Not that that happens often.”
Liz took her package from the counter, then paused to give Henry a kiss on the cheek that had him blushing.
“Congratulations!” she told him.
Back in her own shop, she straightened up and checked end-of-the-day receipts as she watched for Aidan to come home. Oh, she wasn’t admitting, not even to herself, that over just two short days, she’d figured out his schedule, but the truth was she’d all but memorized the time of day when he took off in the morning and the time when he generally returned. Those quick glimpses had to satisfy her, though, because she was not—absolutely not—going to pursue him or open her heart to him.
Today, however, the second she saw him crossing the town green, she opened the door and waited to catch his eye, then beckoned him over. There was one thing she needed to say.
“You did a very good thing today,” she told him, trying not to gape at the way his T-shirt stretched across his chest or the way his worn jeans hugged his long legs.
He looked surprised by the compliment. “What did I do?”
She forced her attention back to his face. “You made a young man start to believe in himself. Or maybe I should say in his athletic promise.”
“I did that? In one very brief team meeting? Who are you talking about?”
“Henry. I happened to be next door when he came in after school and told Shanna about being named team captain. Even if it’s only a token title just for now, you made that boy’s day. He knows he’s smart, but sports are still new to him. He was never encouraged to play anything before he came to live with Shanna and Kevin. If you’re even half as good at motivating the other players, your team will win the state title next year.”
Aidan laughed. “I think it’s way too soon to get carried away. Having a good leader as captain is a long way from putting a strong team on the field.”
“Why did you choose him?” she asked curiously, then frowned. “It’s not because he’s Mick’s grandson, is it?”
“Absolutely not. I made the decision before I even realized that. He took some initiative at the team meeting that spoke well of his leadership abilities. The other boys responded well to what he said. I made a snap decision, though I did make it clear the title could be temporary.” He frowned. “He does understand that, right?”
“No question about it,” Liz confirmed. “Still, Henry’s a pretty serious kid who’s had some tough breaks in his life. You gave him a real boost in confidence today. Seems to me that’s the mark of a great coach, not that I have a lot of experience determining what it takes to be an effective coach.”
“Thanks for saying that,” Aidan said. “I know I understand a lot about playing football and I have a whole notebook filled with plays and game strategy, but working with boys this age is new to me. For all their bravado, their egos are still pretty fragile. I’m not so old that I can’t remember what that was like. I don’t want to do anything to shatter their confidence and self-esteem. I think that’s as much a part of my job as turning them into decent players.”
“Well, I just wanted to tell you the impact you had on one boy today,” Liz said, backing away. “Have a good evening, Aidan.”
She turned to go inside her shop to finish closing up and was surprised when he followed her.
“How was your day?” he asked, glancing around. “I see you got those toys on display. Are you going to be ready for the flood of tourists by Friday?”
Liz sighed. “I hope so, but there’s no way of telling. I’ve never run a business like this before.”
“You mean one that depends on seasonal tourism?”
She smiled sheepishly. “I mean any business. I used to teach elementary school, which is one reason I know a little bit about motivating kids.”
Aidan looked surprised. “Boy, when you make a change, you do it in a big way. What made you decide to open a pet store?”
Though she’d had to come up with an answer for a lot of people over the past few months, she still took a moment to frame one for Aidan. “When I decided I wanted to make a fresh start, I decided to embrace it wholeheartedly.”
“Didn’t you enjoy teaching?”
“I loved it, but if I’d just changed cities, it wouldn’t have felt like that much of a change.” She didn’t want to mention that being around young children would have been a stark reminder of the family she’d longed to have, the one she’d anticipated being just around the corner, only to discover that it wasn’t in her husband’s plans at all.
“I grew up with pets and I thought it would be fun to have a store, so I could meet new people all the time. I deliberately chose Chesapeake Shores because it’s a tourist town, yet it’s small enough to get to know your neighbors well.”
“Any regrets?”
She laughed. “At the end of almost every month all winter when I was trying to balance the books,” she admitted. “But I’m eager for summer and the onslaught of customers everyone has been promising me. The other business owners have provided a real support system, so I’m far from discouraged. I came here for a change and a challenge. So far I haven’t been disappointed.”
“Are you always this upbeat and optimistic?”
She frowned at the question. “You say that as if it’s a bad thing.”
“Not at all. I’m a big believer in choosing to look at the bright side, but not everyone can pull that off.”
“It is a choice, isn’t it?” she said quietly, thinking of the weeks after her husband’s death when bright spots had been few and far between. If there had been any at all, she’d chosen not to see them, deliberately wallowing in her pain.
And then a very wise friend had suggested she could decide whether to live her life mired in grief, self-pity and regrets, essentially ending her own life right along with her husband’s, or whether she wanted to live as fully as possible. She’d started making plans for the future the next day, eventually choosing a path that excited her in a way nothing else had for weeks. Perhaps even longer, if she were being entirely honest.
Aidan seemed to be studying her closely. To her shock, he reached out and touched a gentle finger to what she knew were shadows under her eyes.
“What put these there?” he asked.
Shivering a little at the tender touch, she backed away a step and forced her brightest smile. “No idea what you mean.”
He gave her a skeptical look. “Seriously?”
“Hey, don’t you know it’s never polite to point out that a woman looks as if she hasn’t slept in days?” she asked brightly. “I have about a million lists of things to do running through my head. That’s not nearly as effective for getting to sleep as counting sheep.”
“No, I imagine it’s not,” he agreed. “Maybe you need to take a quick break, get your mind off all those details for a little while. How about taking a walk around the corner to O’Brien’s? I hear Nell trained the chef, so the food’s bound to be good. I’m getting sick of my limited culinary skills, which tend to rely too much on frozen entrées. If I’m going to preach to my players about the right nutrition, I should practice what I preach.”
She hesitated. “I really shouldn’t,” she protested, thinking not only of all she had to do, but that spending more time with Aidan was definitely a bad idea. He had a way of sneaking past her defenses when she least expected it. And, the real kicker, he wasn’t planning to stick around all that long.
“An hour at most,” he countered. “And I’ll stay and help you unpack inventory or whatever you need after we eat. I’m a stranger in Chesapeake Shores. It’s probably your civic duty to see that I don’t eat dinner alone.”
She laughed at that, then thought of all the people who’d taken her under their wings when she’d first moved to town. There had been very few nights when she’d had to eat alone unless she’d chosen to do so.
“Okay, fine. An hour, though, and I expect you to haul all the empty boxes to the recycling center for me, so I can get them out of the back room.”
“You’ll just have to point me in the right direction,” he agreed.
“I can certainly do that. Give me a second to wash up and grab my purse.”
As they left the shop, she couldn’t help saying a little prayer that Bree and Shanna were both long gone from their own businesses, because if either of them caught a glimpse of her with Aidan, she was going to face an onslaught of questions at tomorrow morning’s gathering at Sally’s.
* * *
Aidan thought he heard Liz groan when they walked into O’Brien’s on Shore Road.
“Something wrong?” he asked, glancing around at the packed room. He noted then that Liz’s gaze was locked on the bar, where several O’Briens were seated and gesturing for the two of them to come over. He grinned. “Ah, another center for town gossip, I presume?”
She sighed. “You have no idea. I should have thought of that before I agreed to come here with you.”
“Liz, we’re two friends and neighbors having dinner. What’s the big deal?”
She gave him an incredulous look. “Two single friends,” she pointed out. “In a pub filled with O’Briens, who have taken matchmaking to new extremes.”
“Well, it seems we have no choice but to join them or cause a major stir by taking off. What’s your preference?”
“We’ll have to go over there,” she said, clearly resigned.
When she looked as if she was bracing to face a firing squad, he put a hand on her arm to hold her back. “First, remind me of who’s there.”
“That’s Luke behind the bar. This is his pub. He’s Jeff’s son, Mick’s nephew. That’s Susie, his sister, on the stool at the end.”
“That’s right. She drew up my lease, though I didn’t meet her when I signed it. She’s also the one who’s married to Mack Franklin,” Aidan recalled, then recognized the man on the neighboring stool. “And he’s right next to her.”
“And Megan O’Brien is next to him, which means Mick is bound to be here shortly.”
Aidan chuckled. “I’m beginning to see the problem.”
“I doubt it,” Liz responded direly, then led the way to the bar, where Mack had vacated his stool so she could sit next to Susie.
“Interesting,” Susie murmured to Liz, regarding her with a grin.
Aidan noted that Liz’s cheeks flushed bright pink, but before he could mention that to her, Mack started questioning him about his meeting with the team earlier. Knowing that the ex-player had a real interest in the game and his prognosis for the team’s next season, he filled him in.
A moment later, Mick appeared and slapped him enthusiastically on the back. “You surprised me today,” Mick said.
“How so?”
“Making Henry captain of the team till the end of the year,” Mick said.
Apparently this was the first some of the others had heard about it. Megan regarded Aidan approvingly. “I don’t know a thing about football, much to the dismay of my husband and my sons, but I do know Henry. That boy was born to be a leader. I’m so glad someone had the sense to see that.”
“Agreed,” Mick said. His gaze narrowed. “You did see that in him, right? It didn’t have anything to do with who he is, did it?”
“I honestly had no idea who he was when I appointed him captain,” Aidan said for the second time that afternoon. “He stepped in, showed some initiative and spirit, and I decided on the spot to recognize that. I wanted to send a message to all the boys that they’ll be rewarded for their actions on and off the field.” He shrugged. “Punished, too, for that matter, but we didn’t get into that.”
Mick nodded. “I like that. I know Kevin and Shanna appreciate it, too. Kevin called me right before I came over here to tell me how excited Henry is. Do you know anything about how he came to live with them?”
Aidan shook his head.
“Shanna was married to the boy’s dad. Henry adored her, but when she and his father divorced, she was forbidden from having any contact with Henry. It about broke that woman’s heart and left a little boy with no one he could count on except a couple of strict grandparents who didn’t know what to do with him.”
Aidan frowned. “What about his father?”
“He had a serious problem with alcohol. It tore up his liver. After Shanna moved here and got together with Kevin, Henry’s grandparents saw that Henry’s best chance for a normal life was with Shanna and Kevin. They kept him in touch with his biological daddy, but when he was gone, they adopted Henry. He’s blossomed since he’s been with them. We’re all real proud of him and glad to count him as an O’Brien.”
The story reaffirmed what Aidan had already guessed, that the O’Briens were good people whose lives centered around family, no matter how that family might have been cobbled together. Once more he had to wonder if there would have been room in their hearts for him if only his mother had paved the way years ago by telling Thomas O’Brien he had a son.
* * *
Aidan was still thinking about his connection to Thomas O’Brien the next day when Coach Gentry pulled him aside before that afternoon’s practice session.
“Rob mentioned to you about the after-school club you’ll be sponsoring next year, right?”
“The one that works with the bay preservation foundation,” Aidan said.
“That’s the one. I know you have practice with the team this afternoon, but the club’s meeting after school. It’s the last meeting of the year. Thomas O’Brien’s going to be speaking to the students to thank them for their work. I thought you might like to stop in and say hello. Any chance you could get there by four? That’s when we’ll be winding down. Thomas has arranged for refreshments to be sent over from the inn. You won’t want to miss those.”
Aidan knew there was little to be gained by postponing the inevitable. He had to be in the same room with Thomas at some point. Just like that Sunday dinner at Mick’s, it might be best to be surrounded by other people.
“I’ll do my best to make it,” he promised the coach. “It may just be for a couple of minutes, though. I don’t want to cut practice short and set a bad precedent. The team needs to take these sessions seriously, even if the season is months away.”
Though the meeting was on Aidan’s mind the rest of the day, he managed to push it aside long enough to get the team started on a series of drills. He asked Henry and another PE teacher, who’d volunteered to help out, to record the results while he ran over to the school to drop in on the end-of-season party.
Thomas had just wrapped up his speech and, while a table was set up with refreshments, the kids were all gathered around him asking questions, clearly inspired by whatever he’d said to them before Aidan’s arrival. With their serious expressions and earnest questions, it seemed they thought of him as a sort of rock star of the environmental world.
Aidan hung back, watching Thomas and listening to him as he interacted with the students. He wasn’t even the tiniest bit condescending, but rather took their questions seriously and answered them thoughtfully. When he caught sight of Aidan, he sent them off toward the refreshment table, then made his way over to Aidan. He held out his hand.
“I hear you’re taking over with this gang next fall,” he said, shaking Aidan’s hand with a firm grip. “It’s an incredible group. They’ve done a good job this year.”
“I may be new to the area, but I already understand what a great cause it is,” Aidan said. “I’ll do my best to encourage the kids to continue doing whatever they can to help.”
“Awareness is always the first step with something like this. People tend to be careless with our resources until they understand the consequences. Then most people are more than willing to do their part to protect them.”
Aidan had the feeling Thomas was just warming up, so he was grateful to have a team outside waiting for his return. “I’m going to want to hear a lot more about this and what activities you’d like us to take on next fall, but I’ve got a bunch of players on the field doing drills. I need to get back to check on them. I just wanted to say hello and let you know you can count on me.”
“I’ll do that,” Thomas said. “Maybe we can get together a few times over the summer to brainstorm.”
“Sure,” Aidan replied, though the prospect filled him with a sense of dread. Suddenly it felt as if everything was moving too quickly. He’d wanted to find his father, maybe even see him from time to time, but this was already more intense than he’d envisioned.
Of course, he thought with a sigh, maybe that was because of the huge secret that stood between them. He knew exactly who Thomas was, but the older man knew him only as the new football coach and sponsor of an after-school club. Once the truth was out and that dynamic changed, who knew what might happen?
* * *
Liz opened the shop’s doors on the Friday morning of Memorial Day weekend not knowing what to expect. There was a familiar trickle of regular locals who stopped by before noon, mostly to pick up the organic pet food she stocked. Cordelia was among them.
Liz smiled at the older woman, who was wearing a flowered print dress and bright yellow sneakers. “You look very perky and springlike today,” she told her. “How are you, and how is Fluffy?”
“That cat does something every day to put a smile on my face,” Cordelia told her, then confided, “But I do miss Archie. I know he was too much for me, but he’s such a special dog. I named him for my late husband. Did I tell you that?”
“No, you hadn’t mentioned it,” Liz said. “Would you like me to bring him by to visit?”
Cordelia’s face lit up. “Would you? Please do, if it’s not a bother. We always had Aussies, Archie and me. I know that’s why the grandchildren chose him, but none of us thought about how much energy it takes to keep up with one, especially a puppy. Are you going to keep him?”
“I’ve been looking around for a good home, but so far no one’s stepped up.”
“And he’s growing on you, isn’t he?” Cordelia said knowingly. “I suspected that would happen or at least I was hoping it would, so he’d stay close by.”
“Please don’t count on it, Cordelia. I’m not sure I can keep a third dog,” Liz lamented.
Cordelia immediately looked disappointed. “I would so hate it if he moved away,” she said with a sigh, then forced a smile. “I suppose placing him with the right family matters more than whether I get to spend a little time with him occasionally.”
Seeing the older woman’s disappointment, Liz knew right then that Archie wasn’t going anywhere. “We’ll take it one day at a time. Unless the perfect owner comes along, he’ll stay with me.”
Cordelia gave her a sly look. “Someone told me they saw him with that handsome young man, the new high school football coach. They said Archie seemed to take a real shine to him.”
Liz laughed. “He did, but Aidan can’t take on a dog right now.”
A speculative expression crossed Cordelia’s face. “I had a conversation with Nell after church the other day. Word is that you might have taken a shine to the same man. Any truth to that?”
Liz felt heat climbing into her cheeks. “Cordelia Ames, please tell me you are not going to start matchmaking, too,” she chided. “Believe me, there are more than enough meddlers in this town already.”
Cordelia regarded her with an unrepentant look. “It’s hard to say how many nudges it might take before people do what they’ve been wanting to do all along.”
Liz was about to protest that she didn’t need any nudges, at least not in Aidan’s direction, but several chattering customers came into the store. She clamped her mouth shut. Arguing with a customer, no matter the topic, couldn’t be good for business.
Thankfully, Cordelia seized on their arrival to give Liz a bright smile. “You have a good weekend, you hear. And I’ll look forward to a visit with you and Archie sometime after the holiday when you have the time.”
Liz shook her head as Cordelia left the store, clearly satisfied that her mission was complete. It was hard to say, though, if her real mission had been arranging that visit with her former pet, assuring that Archie stayed with Liz permanently or poking her nose into Liz’s business and giving her a less than subtle shove in Aidan’s direction. No matter which, Liz feared it was going to take all her concentration not to fall into the sneaky woman’s trap.
Come to think of it, with Liz already promising to keep the dog and to take him by for a visit, Cordelia was batting an impressive two for three.
5 (#ulink_8bfee9cc-5323-5d62-abde-12ccb1655035)
After his Saturday morning run, Aidan showered, then sat on his balcony with a cup of coffee, enjoying the soft morning air. It struck him as a picture-perfect start to the holiday weekend. To lend credence to his assessment, he noted that Main Street and Shore Road were both crowded with shoppers and with locals pausing literally in the middle of the street to catch up, while drivers waited more or less patiently.
There wasn’t a parking space to be had, which made him grateful that most places he might want to go were within walking distance. Customers had been leaving Pet Style and the other stores laden down with packages. He counted that as a good sign for Liz’s business. The fact that he was suddenly interested in how the weather might impact Pet Style’s sales was a little too telling for his comfort.
At one o’clock, tired of his own company, he went downstairs to Sally’s to grab a sandwich for lunch, but the café, too, was jammed. Sally signaled to him that a booth in back was about to open up, then led the way there even before the dishes could be cleared.
“I’ll get back to you in a few minutes. Anything I can bring you to drink when I come?” she asked, her expression harried.
“Iced tea would be great,” he said.
Aidan had forgotten that most people around here preferred it that way. “Unsweetened, if you have it.”
“Of course we do,” she said. “Hang in here. I’ll get back to you when I can. Haven’t had a day like this in months, so I’m not complaining.”
“Take your time,” Aidan told her. “I’m in no hurry.”
When she finally made her way back to him, she dropped down wearily on the seat opposite him. “Two minutes off my feet, that’s all I ask.”
He grinned. “Are you suggesting I should take my time ordering, maybe discuss the specials?”
“Smart man,” she said approvingly. “I recommend you order the crab cake sandwich with coleslaw and fries before we run out, but could you please ponder that for a few minutes?”
He laughed. “You got it.”
She studied him for a minute, then asked slyly, “Have you dropped in on Liz today?”
The question probably should have surprised him, but he’d already grown used to how fast news of relationships—real or perceived—rocketed through town. “No, why? I imagine she’s as swamped as you are.”
“Exactly. And since she’s never been through a holiday crush before, I imagine she didn’t think to bring her lunch. How about I fix her one of those crab cake sandwiches, too, and you can take it by when you leave. I’m sure she’d appreciate it.”
Aidan nodded at once, probably a little too eagerly if the satisfied expression on Sally’s face was anything to go by. “I can definitely do that,” he responded.
Sally chuckled, her expression smug. “Thought you might grab the chance. I had to see for myself if the rumors were true.”
“What rumors are those?” he asked, though it didn’t take a genius to figure it out.
She gave him a pitying look as she stood up. “Oh, please. Don’t try that innocent act on me. I’ve been around too long. I’ll get right on those specials. You can take your order next door while you’re at it and vacate this booth so I can cram in more customers—how’s that?”
“Sounds like a plan,” Aidan said. “I’ll wait for you at the register.”
She patted him on the shoulder. “Good boy. I like a man who can take a hint.”
Maybe what she really liked, Aidan thought as he headed to the register, was a man so easily swayed into going along with her devious plans. He was beginning to see what Liz had been trying to tell him about Chesapeake Shores being a haven for well-meaning matchmakers. For the moment, though, that suited him just fine. Sally had just shoved him in a direction he’d been wanting to go all day without being willing to admit it.
* * *
Liz was trying valiantly to keep her cool as she rang up sales, answered questions and tried to guide people toward merchandise. She’d always considered herself to be decent at multitasking. With a roomful of elementary school students, she hadn’t had much choice. They, however, could be ordered into a time-out when she started to feel overwhelmed. The customers and the unruly wave of questions just kept coming. She had no choice but to keep smiling and cope.
Not that she wasn’t grateful. Today was going exactly as she’d hoped it might. She’d just had no idea how exhausting success might feel a few hours into it. Her cheeks actually ached from keeping that smile in place.
To top it off, she was starving. She hadn’t thought to bring so much as an apple with her today. Until now, she’d always had time to at least call in an order to Sally’s, then run over to pick it up. Not that she would have had two seconds to eat something today, unless it could be consumed through a straw while she was ringing up sales and putting things into uncooperative plastic bags that seemed deliberately impossible to open. She barely had time to look up and make eye contact with the customers.
“Did you find everything?” she asked automatically, even as she handed off two bags to the previous customer.
“I was looking for the owner,” a male voice announced.
Her head snapped up. “Aidan! What are you doing here?”
He held up a bag. “Sally thought you might be hungry. Judging from the chaos in here, I’m guessing she nailed it.”
“You have no idea,” she said, eyeing the bag with longing. “What’s in there?”
“A crab cake sandwich and coleslaw. French fries, too. I’ve been here a few minutes, but it should still be warm.”
She closed her eyes and imagined it. Chunks of lump crabmeat seasoned perfectly and lightly fried with creamy coleslaw on top. Crispy french fries. She nearly moaned with pleasure.
“It sounds heavenly,” she murmured.
“I can attest to that. I slipped into your back room and took a couple of bites of mine, hoping the crowd out here might thin out any minute, but it seems pretty steady.”
“It has been all day,” she said wearily, then grinned. “It’s exhausting, but absolutely wonderful, even better than I expected.”
“How about this? I’ll take over at the register long enough for you to go in back and eat something. I left an iced tea back there for you, too. Sweet with lemon. Sally said that’s how you like it.”
She eyed the bag with real regret. “It is, but I can’t possibly take a break.”
He lifted a brow. “Are you worried I’ll take off with your cash?”
“Of course not. But you don’t know the system.”
“Is everything priced?”
“Of course.”
“And it has a bar code?”
“And the register calculates the sales tax?”
Liz nodded.
“Then go. If I run into a problem, I’ll come and get you.”
Still she fretted. “Can you do a credit card sale?”
“I earned my spending money for college by working at Bloomingdale’s during the holidays.” He glanced around the store. As busy as it was, it hardly qualified as a holiday madhouse in New York. “I think I can handle this.”
Before Liz could think about what she was doing, she put her hands on either side of his face and kissed him soundly. “You’re an angel sent from heaven.” The impulsive gesture was a shock to her system, but she didn’t have time to linger over the sensation. She could do that just before bedtime.
Aidan chuckled. “There are some who’d dispute that,” he said, then handed her the bag with her lunch. “Enjoy your break. I promise not to give away the store.”
Since there were several customers in line, she left him to it and hurried into the tiny back room, kicked off her shoes and sat down with a sigh of relief.
Even as she noted that Aidan had come nowhere close to finishing his own meal, she opened her bag, took out a French fry, then took a long sip of the ice-cold tea. Nothing she’d ever eaten had tasted better, at least until she took her first bite of the sandwich.
“Oh, sweet heaven,” she murmured. Aidan might not be an angel, but he’d surely been sent by one. Sally couldn’t have chosen a better meal to send over. Liz would have to thank her profusely tomorrow morning.
As much as she wanted to stay off her feet and savor the delicious food, she hurried through it, washed her hands and headed back to the front of the still-packed store. Aidan was handling sales with an easy charm that had those in line laughing as they waited patiently for their turns.
As Liz was heading to the register to relieve Aidan, a woman stopped her to ask about the custom doghouses. She pulled a picture of a Great Dane from her purse along with a picture of her sprawling home.
“Do you think the designer could do something like this for my Petunia?” she asked Liz hopefully.
Petunia? Liz thought, barely stifling a laugh. “I’m sure he could. Why don’t I give Matthew the pictures and your number and ask him to give you a call? You can work out the details directly with him.”
“Will you still get a commission if I do that?” she asked worriedly. “I like to support small businesses whenever I can.”
“Matthew and I will work that out,” Liz promised her, appreciative of her thoughtfulness. She jotted down the woman’s name and phone number to pass along to Matthew. “Is there anything else I can help you with?”
The woman beamed. “Not a thing. That nice young man has already rung up my purchases, but he said I needed to speak to you about the custom doghouse.” She shook her head. “I don’t know how he did it, but I’m leaving here with at least three things I’m sure I didn’t intend to buy. You have a wonderful selection. You can count on me being a regular. I’m afraid I pamper Petunia outrageously. That dog is like a child to me.”
As the woman left, a satisfied expression on her face, Liz glanced in Aidan’s direction. He was smiling at a group of women in a way that could have gotten anyone—or at least any female over the age of consent—to buy just about anything. Maybe he was more than an angel. Perhaps he was a secret weapon she ought to consider using on a much more regular basis.
But, she told herself sternly, only as long as she could find some way to inoculate herself against all that charm that seemed to come so naturally. Her husband had been a lot like that, charming everyone he met. She’d learned way too late to distrust that, but it was a lesson she wasn’t likely to forget.
* * *
“How was lunch?” Aidan asked when Liz eventually made her way back to the front of the store.
“Delicious,” she said. “Thank you. And thanks for the break, too. I think I can handle things from now on out. You should go back and finish your own lunch before it’s ice-cold.”
“I had plenty,” he insisted. “Do you have help coming in?”
She shook her head. “There’s a high school girl who comes in after school a few days a week, but her family was going away for the weekend.”
Aidan frowned. “It wasn’t very responsible of her to bail on you on a holiday weekend.”
Liz shrugged. “I didn’t think it was a big deal at the time. I know better now. Tess is hoping for more hours this summer and now I can safely tell her she’ll get them.”
“How about I hang around, at least until the crowd slows down. You can work your magic answering questions and I can stay up here at the register.”
“I can’t ask you to do that,” she protested.
“You didn’t ask. It’s not as if I have other pressing things to do. I’ve been enjoying the chance to talk to people.” Unsaid was that he liked watching her in action, too. She had a quiet sales manner that seemed to make people instinctively trust her. And her enthusiasm for the merchandise was plain. It was a potent combination that excited people, but assured they never felt pressured.
Glancing around at the number of people still milling about, she seemed to reach a conclusion. “If you’re sure you don’t mind, I’d be grateful for the help, but only until things quiet down.”
“Agreed,” he said at once. “Now go. There’s someone else looking longingly at that doghouse. I think you can sell another one.”
Liz immediately scurried off in that direction, leaving him to ring up sales and chat with the tourists, who seemed to have come from all over the region. Many were staying at The Inn at Eagle Point and raving about the food. Others were asking for tips on other shops and restaurants.
“I’m new to town, but I’ve heard good things about Brady’s seafood,” he told them. “And I can testify firsthand that O’Brien’s has a terrific, authentic Irish pub menu. If you’re looking for something simple, like a burger or a crab cake sandwich, Sally’s right up the block is terrific. It’s very popular with all the locals.”
He was amused to realize he was starting to sound like a spokesman for the Chamber of Commerce. Not that he was likely to do this on a regular basis, but he really did need to get around more if he was going to be passing out recommendations.
As that tourist left, he started ringing up yet another sale, when he realized the woman was studying him intently.
“You’re the new football coach, aren’t you?” she said.
“Aidan Mitchell,” he confirmed.
“I’m Pamela Hobbs. My son is the team quarterback. He’ll be a senior next year, so his father and I are expecting great things from him.”
“I’m still getting to know the players,” Aidan told her, wise enough to word his response carefully. “We’re a long way from settling how next fall’s team will shape up, but Coach Gentry definitely told me about your son. I’m looking forward to seeing him in action. I hope to get in a couple of scrimmages before school’s out.”
She frowned at his response. “Surely you’re not considering making any changes to the roster.”
Aidan saw the minefield. “It’s much too early to say.”
She looked as if she was about to argue, but instead she gave a tug to her tight, scoop-neck T-shirt to display even more cleavage before fluffing her perfectly highlighted chestnut hair. Holding his gaze, she suggested, “Perhaps we could have a drink and discuss this further.”
He bit back a smile. “Sorry. As you can see, I’m busy.”
She frowned at that. “You’re not working here, are you?”
“I’m helping out a friend.”
“Well, I’m sure she won’t mind if you take care of something that is related to your job as the coach.”
“She might not, but I do. I made a commitment. Besides, any decisions I make about next year’s team will be based on what I see on the field.”
She drew herself up, her expression hardening. “Then I imagine my husband will want to have a chat with you Tuesday morning.”
Aidan nodded, keeping his expression pleasant. “I’ll look forward to it.”
As much as he didn’t want to get into it with any player’s father, the prospect of tangling with a mother who was so obviously on the prowl was a whole lot less appealing.
* * *
Even though Pet Style was supposed to close at six, it was after seven by the time the last customer left. Liz’s feet ached and she was even more exhausted by having to keep a smile plastered on her face, especially with a couple of customers who’d been rude and demanding. She’d also been out of sorts since she’d noticed Pamela Hobbs, a notorious flirt, flaunting her ample chest in Aidan’s face.
“I noticed you made a conquest earlier,” she said in what she hoped was her most casual, disinterested tone as she turned the lock on the door and put the closed sign in the window.
Aidan glanced up curiously from the display he’d started straightening. “What are you talking about?”
“Pamela Hobbs,” she said. “I should probably warn you, though, that she’s married, but has a reputation for not paying much attention to that fact.”
A slow grin spread across Aidan’s face. “Thanks for the heads-up, but I knew exactly who she was and what she was after, which is why I turned down her invitation to leave here and go out for a drink.” He gave her a wink. “Thanks for giving me the perfect excuse.”
Liz wasn’t sure if she was more impressed by his intuitiveness or appalled by Pamela’s lack of discretion. “Does that happen a lot?” she asked. “Women coming on to you?”
“When I played pro football, it happened all the time,” he said in a way that suggested he was more bewildered than pleased by it. “Since I’ve been coaching less than a week, this is a first that a mom has tried to assure her son’s spot on the team by offering herself up as an incentive.” He held her gaze. “And just so you know, I wouldn’t have been interested even if I hadn’t known she was married. She’s not my type.”
Liz couldn’t seem to keep herself from asking, “What is your type?”
“I’ll let you know when I figure it out, but definitely someone a whole lot less obvious than Pamela Hobbs.”
“You’ve never been in a serious relationship?”
“Define serious.”
“One you thought might lead to marriage,” she said at once.
He shook his head. “I’ve had a couple of long-term relationships, but in college I was too focused on making it into the National Football League. Once I was drafted, I was determined to put all my energy into getting better. Anything too serious would have been a distraction. The women I knew got tired of waiting around.”
“You don’t sound terribly distraught over that,” she noted.
“Which tells me I wasn’t that serious about any of them,” he said. “I was certainly sad to end things with a couple of them, but I wasn’t ready to make the commitment they wanted.” He shrugged. “Then my mom got sick, I had a career-ending injury and I didn’t have a lot of time to think about anything else.”
“Is your mother better now?”
A deep sadness darkened his eyes as he shook his head. “She lost her battle with cancer last summer.”
“Oh, Aidan, I’m so sorry.”
“Me, too.”
“And your father?”
He seemed to still at the question. Avoiding her gaze, he shrugged. “Never knew him. And before you ask, there were no siblings.”
Liz couldn’t imagine what that was like. She might not have the perfect family, but she’d grown up with two loving parents and a couple of sisters who could get on her last nerve, but whom she adored. None of them had understood it when she’d chosen to move away from Charlotte, North Carolina. They’d wanted her to stay close, where they could support her, but what they’d seen as genuine caring to her had felt a lot like smothering. She’d needed to make a clean break to start over.
She realized Aidan was watching her intently.
“Where’d you go just then?” he asked. “You looked sad.”
“I was just trying to imagine what your life must have been like with only your mom around,” she said.
He laughed. “If you’d ever met my mom, you wouldn’t look so distraught. She was amazing. She worked hard and she turned every day into an adventure. She loved New York, so whenever she was off we took advantage of all the city has to offer. We spent hours at the Museum of Natural History or the Botanical Garden or just walking through Central Park with her pointing out every tree and flower until I’d memorized their Latin names.”
“Sounds as if she would have loved Chesapeake Shores and the way people here care about the environment. I’ll bet she and Thomas O’Brien would have been kindred spirits.”
Aidan looked startled by the comment, but he nodded slowly. “You’re absolutely right,” he said, that faraway expression back in his eyes. “She would have loved it here.”
Not for the first time, Liz got the impression that there were things Aidan wasn’t revealing, some part of the story of his past that he was keeping to himself. Still, it wasn’t in her nature to pry, especially not when whatever it was seemed to make him so sad. She understood all too well that there were things people needed to keep private. She had plenty of demons of her own carefully locked away.
“Not to change the subject,” she said lightly. “But I am absolutely starving yet again, and you must be, too, since you never did have time to finish your lunch. I need to get home to let the dogs out. If you’re interested, I could order a pizza. I owe you more than that for the way you pitched in today, but I’m not sure I can muster up the energy to cook or go out. I just want to take a shower, kick back and be off my feet.”
“A pizza sounds fantastic,” Aidan agreed at once. “Why don’t you head home to deal with the dogs and I’ll pick it up? Anything to drink?”
“Beer if you want it. I only have tea and diet soda in the house, but I’m good with that.”
“Either one suits me, too,” Aidan said. “I may not be in training, but I mostly steer clear of alcohol except at a summer barbecue or on the occasional night hanging out with the guys.”
Liz thought of Shanna’s remark to Henry about good player nutrition. “That reminds me. Do you plan on getting into the whole diet and exercise thing with the players?”
“Of course. Why?”
“Henry mentioned something about needing to get stronger. Shanna’s apparently a little freaked that he might turn to steroids, even though Henry says he’s gotten the message about how bad those are.”
“My players won’t go near steroids,” Aidan said flatly. “I’ll make sure of that. Tell Shanna she doesn’t have anything to worry about. I’ll start hammering that message home first thing at Tuesday’s practice. I hope to work with each player next week and come up with an individualized training plan for the summer. And just because school’s out doesn’t mean I won’t be following up to make sure they stay on track.”
Liz regarded him with approval. “I was right,” she said with satisfaction.
“About what?”
“The kind of coach you’re going to be. It’s great that you care so much. The high school is very lucky to have you.”
“We’ll see if the players agree once I start getting serious about their workouts,” he said.
“I think they’re going to take to it like ducks to water,” she said at once. “Those boys want so badly to prove themselves and start winning. Nothing against Coach Gentry. He’s a great guy, but he didn’t have what it took to motivate them or to teach them what it would take to improve.”
“And you think I do?”
“I know it,” she said with confidence.
She also thought he had what it took to heal her heart, if only she weren’t so terrified that he could just as easily break it.
6 (#ulink_7e50a44f-b0ac-54b4-9d32-51ed99ad59a8)
Aidan was halfway up the walkway to Liz’s when she opened the front door. Archie bounded out with an ecstatic bark, paused to pick up a tennis ball, then almost knocked Aidan to the ground in his exuberance.
“Is it me or the pizza he’s excited about?” he called out to Liz, who stood where she was, laughing and leaving him to extricate himself from the situation.
“Let’s just say I’ve never seen him get that worked up over pizza before, and it’s a staple around here,” she said. “Archie, behave! Get back here.”
Instead of obeying, Archie sat down in the middle of the sidewalk blocking Aidan’s way, dropped a tennis ball at his feet and looked up at him with adoring eyes. Despite himself, Aidan couldn’t help chuckling.
“If you want me to play with you, you have to let me inside so I can put dinner down,” he scolded.
The dog’s response was to pick up the ball, then drop it again in an attempt to get his own message across.
Aidan cast a helpless look in Liz’s direction. “I think we’re at a stalemate. Can you grab this pizza?”
She came out wearing shorts and a tank top that almost caused him to swallow his tongue. With her feet bare, he couldn’t help noticing that her toenails were painted a pale pink that reminded him of seashells. Though her hair had been pulled back neatly all day, tonight she’d swept it up on her head in a careless knot that left damp blond tendrils framing her face. She looked as if the weight of the day had been washed away by a quick shower.
“You look...” Words failed him.
“Clean?” she suggested.
He laughed. “Way better than that.”
“I needed to get out of those clothes and into something comfortable,” she said. “A shower helped, too. I was feeling pretty grungy.”
“You looked great before, but you look even better now. Being relaxed suits you.”
“Doesn’t it suit everyone?” she replied, reaching for the pizza. “You have five minutes with Archie or I can’t promise there will be any of this left by the time you get inside.”

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Dogwood Hill Sherryl Woods
Dogwood Hill

Sherryl Woods

Тип: электронная книга

Жанр: Современные любовные романы

Язык: на английском языке

Издательство: HarperCollins

Дата публикации: 16.04.2024

Отзывы: Пока нет Добавить отзыв

О книге: #1 New York Times bestselling author Sherryl Woods tests the strength of the beloved O′Briens and proves that love and family can always triumph!When former pro football quarterback Aidan Mitchell comes to Chesapeake Shores to take a high school coaching job, he′s embraced by the town–especially the O′Briens. But Aidan has a secret that could alter all their lives.For wounded Liz March, who′s trying for a fresh start after a devastating betrayal, taking a chance on Aidan may be more than she can handle. Her heart, however, refuses to listen to her head. But just when forever seems within reach, Aidan′s secret threatens to change everything.Does this tempting stranger who′s made her feel alive have the power to convince her to look beyond the past and reach for the future?

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