The Rebel Heir′s Bride

The Rebel Heir's Bride
Patricia Thayer
He thought no woman could tame him – he thought wrong! Brady Randell has always been a rebel. Even now, injured out of the air force, he’s a dark presence on the Randell estate. But enter lovely Lindsey Stafford, and a glint appears in the headstrong pilot’s eye. Lindsey is like no woman he’s ever met before.Despite her innocence she takes Brady’s brooding nature in her stride. But her arrival has rocked the Randell family to the core. She has secrets that could destroy them…The Randell Brotherhood Coming home to take a bride!


Coming home to take a bride!

A home. A family. A legacy of their own.

Mustang Valley has long been home to
the brotherhood. United by blood, trust
and loyalty, these men fight for what they
believe—for family, for what’s right,
and ultimately…for love.

Now there are newcomers in their midst.
Two gorgeous new Randell brothers are back
to reclaim their heritage, find their family,
and just maybe discover the
women of their dreams…

In January Luke Randell returnedand claimed a wife inTHE BLACK SHEEP’S PROPOSALNow his brother’s back!But is this rebel ready to wed?Find out in:THE REBEL HEIR’S BRIDE
Originally born and raised in Muncie, Indiana, PatriciaThayer was the second of eight children. She attended Ball State University, and soon afterwards headed west. Over the years she’s made frequent visits back to the Midwest, trying to keep up with her family’s numerous weddings and births.

Patricia has called Orange County, California, home for many years. She not only enjoys the warm climate, but also the company and support of other published authors in the local writers’ organisation. For the past eighteen years she has had the unwavering support and encouragement of her critique group. It’s a sisterhood like no other.

When not working on a story, you might find her travelling the United States and Europe, taking in the scenery and doing story research while thoroughly enjoying herself, accompanied by Steve, her husband for over thirty-six years. Together they have three grown sons and three grandsons. As she calls them, her own true-life heroes. On rare days off from writing you might catch her at Disneyland, spoiling those grandkids rotten! She also volunteers for the Grandparent Autism Network.

Patricia has written for over twenty years and has authored over thirty books. She has been nominated for both the National Readers’ Choice Award and the prestigious RITA® Award. Her book NOTHING SHORT OF A MIRACLE won a Romantic Times BOOKreviews Reviewer’s Choice award.

She has been a guest reader at elementary schools and lectured aspiring authors. A long-time member of Romance Writers of America, she has served as President and held many other board positions for her local chapter in Orange County. She’s a firm believer in giving back.

Check her website at for upcoming books.

Dear Reader

I’m so pleased that I have the opportunity to return to Mustang Valley and revisit the Randell men from my Randell Brotherhood series. You will want to find out what Jack Randell’s boys, Chance, Cade and Travis, have been up to. Along with their half-brothers, Jared Trager and Wyatt and Dylan Gentry, they have all adjusted to the valley. I’m here to say that they’re all doing well, including Hank Barrett, the adopted patriarch of the family.

My inspiration for this series and Hank’s character was my dear friend Hence Barrow, a West Texas rancher. He’s the one who taught this city girl all about ranching. I’m sorry to say Hence passed away in 2007, just a few months shy of his 98th birthday, but I’ll never forget his stories, and his love of the land. It was an honour and a privilege to know him, and to be called his friend. I’ll miss you, Hence.

In the series I bring Jack’s brother Sam’s sons, Luke and Brady, to the valley. This story, F-16 pilot Captain Brady Randell is injured on a mission and comes home to the Rocking R Ranch. While recuperating he gets to know his half-brother, and the rest of the Randell cousins. He also tangles with an independent female veterinarian, Lindsey Stafford, who has secrets of her own. In the end they both want the same thing: to be a part of the Randell family.

There are many more surprises. Hope you enjoy it.

With regards

Patricia Thayer

To the newest addition to the family, Finley Steven.
Hero material for sure. And to his mother, Daralynn.
You never stop amazing me.
Thank you for another fine grandson.
To Dr. Michael Pahl.
Thanks for all your help with this book.
HE’D always been told he was too cocky for his own good.
On a sunny November morning, Brady Randell hobbled out to the porch with the aid of a crutch. His left leg was bandaged from his last surgery and covered in a removable cast strapped from his foot up over his knee to his thigh. It served to protect the damaged bone so it could heal properly. If it ever did. Three months since the accident, and he wasn’t feeling so damn cocky anymore.
With a groan Brady dropped into the Adirondack chair. This was about as far as he traveled these days. He was tired of doing nothing but sleeping, eating and sitting around. Oh, yeah, he forgot about going to therapy twice a week. Or maybe he should call it torture.
After all his hard work, he hoped for a payoff, some good news when he saw the doctor next week. With a little luck he could get the cast off and finally be able to walk on his own again.
“Wouldn’t that be a miracle,” he murmured in frustration.
He sighed, recalling the vivid details of the accident that had caused him to drop right out of the sky. He’d barely had time to eject from the cockpit before the crash of his F-16.
Brady tensed. He could still feel the bone-bruising tremors; hear the death screams of the powerful aircraft disintegrating as it plowed into the desert floor. He’d gone over and over in his head what he could have done differently. What had gone so terribly wrong that day?
Was this possibly the end of Captain “Rebel” Randell’s air force career?
Now instead of being in the cockpit of the Fighting Falcon, he was parked on a porch of the foreman’s house outside San Angelo, Texas. His daddy’s home, the Rocking R Ranch. After Sam Randell’s death, it now belonged to him and his half brother, Luke, who, after thirty years, he’d finally met. Since the accident, Brady had needed a place to heal. He thought a remote, inherited ranch would be perfect for a loner like him.
Brady stared out toward the barn and corral area where his new sister-in-law, Tess Randell, was working one of her horses in the large arena. She rode like nobody’s business. Watching her skill and grace was the treat of his day. That and being left alone.
Brady closed his eyes and leaned back. Not that he was going to get any peace and quiet staying here. He had family coming out of the woodwork. Up at the main ranch house Luke lived with his bride and readymade family—a young daughter, Livy, Tess’s father, Ray, who had Alzheimer’s and kept referring to Brady as Sam’s boy. And Aunt Bernice, who spoke her mind and could cook up a storm.
They weren’t so bad, but the six Randell cousins who lived in the neighboring ranches with all their wives and kids were a bit much. And there were lots of kids. Evidently, there wasn’t much else to do on the ranch during those long nights.
With a groan he shifted in his chair, recalling the last time he’d spent the night with a willing woman. It had been too long.
“Excuse me, are you all right?”
At the sound of a female voice, Brady’s eyes shot open. He blinked and focused on a pair of big, emerald-green eyes staring back at him from the edge of the porch. They belonged to a petite woman dressed in snug jeans, a white blouse and a denim jacket. Her hair was the rich color of cinnamon, cut just at her jawline, and wayward strands brushed against her full lips. A black cowboy hat sat firmly on her head.
He swallowed the sudden dryness in his throat. “I’m fine,” he told her.
“I heard you groan and—” she glanced down at his injured leg “—wondered if you were in pain.”
Damn right he was. “I’m fine,” he repeated.
She gave him a half smile and his heart began to race. “Then I apologize for disturbing you.”
This woman could disturb a man in a coma. She looked like every man’s dream. That was if you were into fiery redheads. Oh, yeah. He sat up straighter. “Are you lost or something?”
She looked around. “I’m here to see Tess Randell.”
Brady glanced at the oversize case she was toting. Great, a solicitor out in the middle of nowhere. “If you’re here to sell her something, she’s busy.”
The woman shook her head and raised an eyebrow. “Actually, I was invited. She called me.”
Her shoulders tensed. “If you’ll just direct me to Tess Randell, I won’t bother you any longer.”
From the corner of his eye, Brady saw his sister-in-law hurrying toward them. “Looks like we’ll both get our wish,” he told the pretty intruder.
Tess rushed toward them. “Good, you found us,” she said a little breathless. The statuesque blonde wore her long hair tired back in a ponytail. “Did you have much trouble with my directions?”
The redhead glanced at Brady. “Nothing I couldn’t handle.”
Smiling, Tess’s gaze shifted to him. “Have you two met?”
Before Brady could speak, the woman said, “We haven’t had a chance.”
“Brady, this is Dr. Lindsey Stafford. She’s the new veterinarian taking over Dr. Hillman’s practice while he’s recovering from his hip surgery. Be nice, or you’ll have to answer to the Randell cousins, especially Travis. He went all the way to Dallas to find her.” Tess turned to the redhead. “Lindsey, this is my brother-in-law, Brady Randell. He’s a captain in the air force.”
Lindsey fought her nervousness. Not because the man was drop-dead gorgeous, but every time she met another Randell she was afraid someone would figure out who she was.
“It was nice to meet you, Brady.” She held out her hand.
He shook it. “Same here, Doc. You’ll excuse me if I don’t get up.”
She nodded, not missing the sarcasm in his voice. “Hope you have a speedy recovery.”
Those midnight eyes locked with hers. “Not nearly as much as I do.”
“Well,” Tess began, “I better take you down to the barn.” She turned to Brady. “You need anything?”
“No, I can manage.”
Tess nodded. “If you see Luke, tell him where I went. Come with me, Lindsey.”
Lindsey quickly followed Tess along the path. She didn’t want to have any more conversation with the man.
“Sorry about my brother-in-law,” Tess began. “He’s recovering from an accident and is a little antsy with his confinement. Of course, that doesn’t excuse his rude behavior.”
“You don’t have to apologize for him. I’ll just keep my distance next visit.”
Tess Randell was beautiful to begin with, but when she smiled she was gorgeous. Tall, with long legs, her every movement was graceful. Everything Lindsey always wanted to be. But at twenty-nine she was resigned to the fact she’d stopped growing at five-foot-three, and her freckles across her nose would not suddenly vanish.
They arrived at the pristine white barn and walked inside. Lindsey looked around the well-kept area where new-looking stalls lined both walls. She followed Tess down the center aisle to a section that was designated as the grooming area. A stable boy was washing one of the horses.
They continued past three beautiful quarter horses that peered over their gates to see the visitors. “These are horses I board and train, and their owner has given me permission to call you if I feel the need.”
“Good.” Lindsey stopped to pet one of the equines. “I’d hate to think about something happening to one of these beautiful animals.”
“That’s the reason I’m so happy you came here to practice.”
“I was lucky to get the chance.” She walked alongside of Tess. “I don’t have much experience yet, and this will definitely help build my résumé.” And she never dreamed she would get the opportunity to meet the Randells. It was a chance she couldn’t pass up.
“The vet you interned for in Ft. Worth gave you a glowing recommendation. That’s good enough for us.” They stopped at the stall of a young bay stallion. “This here is Smooth Whiskey Doc. He’s my number-one concern. I hope to have him compete in the NCHA Futurity.”
Lindsey was mesmerized by the beautiful golden bay horse. When she went to him, he showed no shyness and came to the gate to greet her. She set her case down and he immediately nudged her hand. When she rubbed his muzzle, he blew out a breath.
“I think I’m in love,” Lindsey said with a big grin. But her thoughts suddenly turned to the brooding Brady Randell.
“Be careful,” Tess warned. “He’s fickle.”
“I don’t doubt that for a second,” she said, remarking about both stallions.
Whiskey bobbed his head as if to agree and they both laughed. All the time, Lindsey was looking the animal over. He was about sixteen hands high, his eyes were clear, and his coat shiny. Well cared for.
“What seems to be your problem, big boy?”
Tess swung open the gate and walked in beside the horse. Her hand smoothed over his withers across his back and down his rump. “It’s probably minor, but I didn’t want to take a chance with this guy.” She talked soothingly as she leaned down to reveal the gash just below the hock on his hind leg.
“I was working him in a cutting exercise and he got clipped by a steer.”
Lindsey ran her hand along the horse’s rump as she crooned to him. She didn’t want to get kicked because the animal was nervous. Tess did her part, too, to keep Whiskey still.
Lindsey examined the open wound closely, then asked, “When did it happen?”
“About a week ago. I’ve been treating it with the normal antiseptic cream and clean bandages.”
“You were right to call me. In a few more days, this could have really gotten infected. I believe a strong dose of antibiotics will clear it up, but I want you to stop training for a few days.”
Lindsey went to her bag. “I’ve looked over Dr. Hillman’s file on Whiskey. He was examined just a month ago, but I’ll give him a quick check just so I can get familiar with him.”
Tess looked relieved. “That’s fine with me.”
After the exam, Lindsey gave Whiskey a glowing report. They came out of the stall in time to see a man walking down the aisle. He was tall with a muscular build, coal-black hair and a cleft chin. Obviously another Randell.
“Luke,” Tess called, love shining in her eyes. “You’re finished with the meeting already.”
“Not exactly.” He leaned down and kissed his wife, then looked at Lindsey. “Hello, you must be Dr. Stafford. I’m Luke Randell.”
She nodded. So, another cousin to Jack’s boys. “Lindsey, please. Nice to meet you.” Oh, my, another charming Randell man. Suddenly Captain Brady Randell came into her head. Correction. Not all were charming. Some were just too damn good-looking.

Brady stood leaning against the porch post as he watched for the redheaded vet to come out of the barn. Hell, why not? How often did a pretty woman—who wasn’t a Randell—come around? It was the most excitement he’d had in days. Besides, he had nothing better to do.
That wasn’t exactly true.
He glanced toward the large house on the hill. There were several cars parked in the driveway, probably for another business meeting with Randell Corp. He’d been invited to attend, but he’d declined. He wasn’t into numbers and budgets. That was his brother’s show.
All Brady had to do was sit back and let everyone else handle things. Hadn’t that been what he’d done since he arrived here? Just sit around and heal. Isn’t that what he wanted? Silence and solitude so he could think?
He raked his fingers through his grownout regulation military cut, then across the two-day beard along his jaw. He’d let himself go to hell. Suddenly he cared, because a woman showed up here.
The sound of laughter brought him back to reality. He looked toward the barn to see Luke and Tess, escorting the pretty vet down the path toward the house.
Great. Why hadn’t he gone inside sooner. The last thing he wanted was for them to find him here. But before he could make his escape, his brother spotted him.
“Hey, Brady.” He waved and they started to the porch.
He froze. “Hey, Luke.”
They arrived all smiles and Brady suddenly felt left out. “Have you met Lindsey Stafford?”
He nodded, trying to balance his weight using the post. “We’ve met already.”
The redhead looked up at Luke and smiled. “Brady mistook me for a salesperson.”
“Really.” Luke stood there looking smug.
Brady refused to let his brother outmaneuver him. He could sweet-talk as well as the next guy. “Well, Doc, no one said our new vet would look like you. I guess you could say I was blindsided.”
Lindsey could see through Brady’s sudden charming attitude. Well, she wasn’t going to let him have the upper hand. “Believe me, it won’t happen again,” she told him, unable to understand why he seemed to dislike her so. “I should get back, Mr. Randell,” she said, then turned away to go with Tess and Luke.
Before she could make her departure, she heard a curse and a thud. She swung around to find Brady Randell lying on the porch floor.
“Brady!” Luke called. He was the first to reach him. Lindsey followed behind him.
She knelt down beside Brady, who was lying flat on his back. He tried to raise his head, his face strained in pain. “No, stay where you are,” she ordered.
He grimaced again. “Who made you the boss?”
“Are you going to fight me for the title?” She was eyeing the leg in a cast. “Did you twist your leg?”
“No, I fell on my arm, trying to catch myself,” he said, still fighting her to sit up.
Once again, she pushed him back down. “Lie still,” she ordered, then reached for his arm.
“What the hell are you doing?” He tried to pull away.
“I just can’t resist you, Mr. Randell. So lie there and enjoy the attention.”
Brady’s angry gaze went to his brother, but Luke just held up his hand in surrender. “I suggest you listen to her.”
“Then make it quick. And if you’re going to get familiar, you can drop the mister.” With a groan, he did as he was told.
Lindsey checked his arms and good leg, happy to find nothing broken. But she soon discovered a lump on the back of his head. She had him open those piercing brown eyes. Although they weren’t dilated, he could still have a concussion.
She turned to Luke. “Seems nothing is broken. Could you help me get him on his feet and inside?”
“I don’t need help, Doc,” Brady continued to argue.
“Come on, Brady,” his brother urged. “You need to listen, or I’m going to take you to the emergency room.”
Brady grumbled and finally sat up. Lindsey couldn’t help but notice his hard, flat stomach that his dark T-shirt didn’t hide when his bomber jacket fell open. His chest and arms weren’t bad, either. With Luke and Lindsey gripping his arms, they managed to get him to his feet.
Lindsey immediately felt his strength, his power and his masculinity, too. The sudden feelings he evoked surprised her. He was definitely not her type of man. Too dangerous.
Tess handed Brady his crutch, and Luke helped his brother inside the cottage. Tess and Lindsey followed behind them and into a small living room that was cluttered with newspapers and magazines but clean otherwise.
“You want to go to your room or stay out here?” Luke asked.
Brady pulled away from his brother, made his way to the sofa and sat down. “I’m fine right here. So you all can leave.”
Tess and Luke looked at Lindsey for confirmation.
“He’s got a small lump on his head,” she told them. “But his pupils aren’t dilated.”
“No concussion,” Brady said. “So go.”
Luke looked at his wife. “If you stay for thirty minutes, I can finish up the meeting and be back here.”
“But Livy’s bus is due,” she said, and glanced at her watch.
“All of you go,” Brady demanded. “I’ll be fine alone.”
“I can stay until you get back,” Lindsey offered.
“Oh, thank you, Lindsey,” Tess said. “I promise I’ll be back soon as I pick up Livy.”
“I’ll get back as soon as the meeting is over. And I’m still thinking you should get checked out,” Luke said, then followed his wife out the door.
Suddenly Lindsey was alone with this overbearing man.
“Well, now you’re stuck,” Brady said as he lifted his cast-covered leg onto the coffee table.
“I’m not stuck,” she denied. “But it would be nice if you tried to be civil.”
“Why should I? I just want to be left alone.”
“And I’m sure you will be when your family learns you’re okay. When do you see your doctor again?”
Brady started to say it was none of her business, but found he liked her being here, though not exactly under these circumstances. “In a few days.”
“Let him know what happened today. In fact you should call him and tell him.”
“Lady, that’s not going to happen.”
She gave him a stubborn look. “I’m not the enemy here, Brady. So you aren’t going to run me off. Not until I want to leave. That will be when Tess comes back.”
Brady studied her for a few minutes. Lindsey Stafford was different than most women who hung around the base. Those females were overeager to please the hotshot pilots. This woman had a take-me-as-I-am-or-not-at-all attitude.
“Maybe I’ve been a little hard on you.”
Those big eyes widened in surprise. “You think?”
“Okay, I plead guilty. Now please sit down. You’re giving me neck strain from looking up at you.”
She sank down in an overstuffed chair across from him. “That’s a switch.”
Brady felt his mouth twitch. “Get picked on for your size, huh?”
She glared. “Not since seventh grade.”
“That’s a lie,” he said as his gaze combed over her petite body. “What do you weigh? A hundred pounds?”
“One hundred and ten. I work out to build muscle. The added strength helps in my profession.”
He’d like to see those muscles. Dear Lord, he was pathetic. “Why aren’t you working with dogs and cats? It would seem easier.”
She shook her head. “I love horses. My mother and stepfather are horse breeders. I grew up around them.”
“Where are you from?”
She hesitated for a second. “North of Fort Worth. Denton. What about you? Have you always been in the military?”
He nodded. “All of my life, and we moved around a lot. Dad was career air force, so I went into the academy after high school. I always wanted to fly.”
She motioned toward his leg. “Is that how you were injured?”
He hated to think about that day. “Yeah, I had to eject from my aircraft and my landing wasn’t the best.”
“Well, it looks like you’re on the mend.”
He stiffened. “It’s taking too long. I want to get back in the air.”
Lindsey had heard some of the history of the Randell family, but Brady was a surprise to her. There was actually a Randell who wasn’t a rancher. “So you’re going back?”
“Why shouldn’t I? I’m one of the best.”
“And so humble, too.” She forced a smile. “I’m sure the doctors are doing everything possible. Are you?”
His eyes narrowed. “What does that mean? Of course I’m doing everything, and that includes a lot of rigorous physical therapy.”
“That’s good.” Just keep your mouth shut,Lindsey, she told herself as she looked around. Where is Tess?
“You don’t like me much,” he said.
“I barely know you, Captain Randell.” And she wasn’t sure she wanted to.
“You should know that I’m very good at what I do. And I plan to continue flying for the air force for a long time.” He set his injured leg on the floor. “Sitting around a ranch house isn’t for me.”
“You don’t seem to have a choice right now. So maybe you should use this time to count your blessings that you survived your accident instead of taking your anger out on every unsuspecting person who happens to cross your path.”
“How the hell do you know what I’ve gone through?”
Lindsey was going through her own personal pain, too. Her stepfather didn’t have such a rosy future.
“You’re right, I don’t, but I know you’re healthy, with a family who loves you, and all you’re doing is complaining.”
His stony look told her that she’d gone too far. “I should go,” she said. “I’m sure someone will be here shortly.”
She stood, but before she could get to the door it opened and a little girl came running in.
“Uncle Brady, Uncle Brady. Mommy said you fell down.” The little blonde went running to the stoic man on the sofa. “Are you hurt?” she cried.
“No darlin’, I’m fine. I just tripped over my big feet and bumped my head.”
The girl’s worried look didn’t leave until her uncle showed her the damage. “See, it’s just a little bump.”
The child leaned down and kissed it. “There, that will make it better.”
Then it happened. Brady Randell sat back and a big smile appeared across the handsome face. Lindsey’s heart leaped and she tried hard to remember the man with the bad attitude.
The little girl turned to her and smiled. “Mommy said you’re Whiskey’s new vet. I’m Livy Meyers Randell. My new daddy married my mommy and ’dopted me.”
Lindsey smiled. “Well, it’s nice to meet you, Livy Meyers Randell. I’m Lindsey Stafford.”
“Hi, Miss Lindsey.” A smile beamed on her cute face. “Thank you for taking care of Whiskey, and Uncle Brady.”
“You’re very welcome.”
The child put her arm around her uncle’s neck. “Did you know I’m gonna marry Uncle Brady when I grow up?”
You can have him, Lindsey thought. “Isn’t that nice.”

Lindsey hadn’t planned to be gone all day, but she also hadn’t planned to babysit an injured fighter pilot, either. That was until she’d been pushed aside by a five-year-old girl. It didn’t matter her age, that female had already staked her claim on the man. What had amazed Lindsey was how Brady Randell’s whole demeanor had changed when the child walked into the room.
She smiled. So he wasn’t the tough guy he pretended to be.
Tired, Lindsey walked into the cabin the Randells had given her to use during her three-month stay. The one-bedroom structure was located in the Mustang Valley Nature Retreat. This cabin had been designed as a romantic getaway.
A big, river-rock fireplace, plush rug and overstuffed love seat were the centerpieces of the main room. The bedroom consisted of a large four-poster bed with satin sheets and an abundance of candles. It connected to a bathroom with a whirlpool tub that easily held two.
Definitely for a couple.
It was off season, so she had the place to herself except for the herd of wild mustangs that roamed freely in this area.
The only drawback was she had to park her SUV at the top of the rise and walk or ride down in a golf cart. There were no vehicles allowed in this area.
Hank Barrett, the patriarch of the Randell family, was adamant about keeping his wild ponies protected. Lindsey felt the same way. So many people thought of them as nuisances, but the Randells had made sure this area was going to be left untouched.
No development in this valley. Ever.
Luke Randell was the project manager for a gated horse community being built on the land that edged the valley. But the project had many strict rules.
It was dusk, and Lindsey looked out the picture window at the scene below. Picking up the binoculars off the sill, she focused in on the grassy meadow. She sighed at seeing the half-dozen mustang ponies grazing peacefully.
Her chest constricted at the incredible sight. How could Jack Randell ever have left this place? More importantly, after all these years, how could she get him to come here? Back to his home…his boys.
THE following week Brady got some good news. At his doctor’s visit the day before, he learned his fracture was healing well. Well enough that the bulkier cast had been replaced with a walking cast, so he could finally put weight on his leg. That meant he could get rid of the crutches and use a cane. And start more-intense therapy.
Finally it was time to get back in shape so he could get back into the cockpit.
Brady had also succumbed to Luke’s badgering and gone along as he toured the construction site. He cursed as the golf cart bounced over the uneven ground. He grabbed the frame as he nearly flew out of his seat. “Hey, do you think you could have missed a few potholes back there?”
Luke grinned as he continued to maneuver the vehicle along the ridge. “Just wanted to make sure you haven’t fallen asleep.”
“Not the way you drive.” Brady zipped up his flight jacket to help ward off the morning chill. “Besides, I don’t need any more injuries added to my list.”
His brother gave him a sideways glance. “I might have to call on the pretty veterinarian to come by. Seems she’s the only one who can handle you.”
Brady tensed. Not one of his proudest moments. “I didn’t need to be handled by anyone. I was fine then and I’m fine now.” He hadn’t seen the hot redhead since that day. Probably a good thing. If he let her, Lindsey Stafford could be a powerful distraction.
Luke stopped the cart, then he sat back with a sigh. “Now, is this a view or what?” He motioned with his hand. “What do you think?”
Brady looked through the grove of ancient oak trees that shaded part of the valley below. A creek flowed around the sturdy trunks and through high, golden meadow grass.
In the peaceful silence, Brady felt a calm come over him. “Not a bad view.” His gaze went to the other side of the rise where a small cabin nestled on the hillside. Farther on was another log structure, and another nearly hidden from view. “Who lives up there?”
“That’s the Mustang Valley Nature Retreat. It’s part of our holdings, too. There are about a dozen cabins that are rented out through the summer months. Some of the construction staff is living there now. And also your Dr. Stafford.”
Brady refused to take the bait. “Why? Can’t she afford to rent her own place?”
“Since she’s here temporarily, Hank offered her one of the cabins for her stay.”
“How temporary?”
“Just until Doc Hillman is able to handle his practice again.” Luke stole a glance at his brother. “Tess would love for Lindsey to stay on permanently. Maybe it’s because she’s a woman, but she likes how Lindsey seems to take extra time with Whiskey.”
“I take it the stallion’s leg is healed, since I saw Tess working him yesterday. Is he okay to compete?”
Luke nodded. “We’re headed to Fort Worth this next weekend. Tess is entering Whiskey in the nonpro NCHA Futurity. But don’t worry, Bernice will be here if you need anything.”
Brady hated everyone hovering over him. “I’ve managed to take care of myself most of my life, and I can handle it now.”
Luke glanced down at Brady’s new cast. “Seems you can get around better, too. How is the leg? Giving you any trouble since you’ve been walking on it?”
Sometimes it hurt like hell. “No. Between Dr. Pahl and the therapist conferring, I haven’t been allowed to do much. But I get to start real therapy next week.” His therapist, Brenna, was Dylan’s wife, another cousin. She hadn’t been easy on him so far, but he liked that about her. She’d warned him about starting out slow. He wasn’t good at slow. He needed to get back into shape again, and fast. Granted, the wide-open beauty of Mustang Valley was peaceful, but he needed the vast sky through the cockpit of his F-16 to feed his soul.
“Is everyone around here related to us?” Brady asked.
Luke leaned back. “Just about. It takes getting used to, having all this family.”
If he and Brady had anything in common, it was that they were both only children. “Being in the military, we moved around a lot. I didn’t have a chance to make friends, so most of the time it was just the three of us.”
“You had plenty of family—Uncle Jack’s family—our dad just chose not to come back here.”
Brady knew that he and Luke would never agree about Sam Randell. He’d abandoned his oldest son, but in truth, he wasn’t around much to be a father to his second boy, either.
“So Dad chose a military career over ranching. I bet that didn’t make a lot of people happy,” Brady said.
“And he chose your mother over mine.”
And me over you, Brady thought as his anger started to build. In truth, Sam had chosen his career over everyone. “Look, Luke, I thought you and I were okay with this. Whatever happened between our parents didn’t have anything to do with us.”
Luke stared out into the valley. “I’m okay with you, and our partnership. It’s still hard sometimes.” He let go of a long breath. “But like Tess said, I’m back home now.” He turned to Brady. “And I finally got to meet my brother.”
Brady wasn’t about to get all mushy over the reunion. “And about a million cousins. Man, is there something about this valley that causes all these kids?”
Luke arched an eyebrow. “You got something against kids?”
“I don’t mind one or two, but a squadron is a bit much.”
Luke laughed. “I thought the same thing when I first came here. But they’re all great kids, and our cousins are good parents. I believe it’s because of their foster parent, Hank Barrett, who was a big influence on them. A lot more so than Jack Randell.”
Brady smiled. “Oh, yeah, our uncle, the famous cattle rustler.”
They both remained silent, reflecting on the past, when they spotted two riders. Brady recognized Tess on Lady and beside her another woman. A redhead with a familiar black hat.
“Looks like we have company.” Luke leaned forward. “My Tess and your favorite doctor.”
Brady groaned, but he found his pulse racing as he watched the two approach. Luke got out of the cart and went to his wife as she jumped down from her horse. Tess smiled at her husband, but when Brady turned his attention to Lindsey, she didn’t show him any kind of special feminine greeting.
Good. He wasn’t going to be here long enough to get tangled up with a woman. She wasn’t his type, anyway. But as the redhead started toward him in her form-fitting jeans, cream-colored sweater and black nylon vest, his body suddenly called him a liar.
“Good morning, Mr. Randell.”
Okay, he liked her a little, especially her attitude. “Since you’ve had your hands all over my body, don’t you think you could call me Brady?”
She stopped next to the golf cart. “And since you’re not that familiar with mine, you may call me Dr. Stafford.”
He arched an eyebrow, letting his gaze speak for him. “The day isn’t over yet.”
She finally smiled. “How about Lindsey?”
“Oh, I don’t know, I’m kind of leaning toward sexy doc.”
She frowned. “Only if you want me to hurt you.”
He glanced toward his brother and sister-in-law to see they were out of earshot. “When it comes to a beautiful woman, the last thing I’m thinking about is pain.” He climbed out of the cart and stood in front of her. “I’m more a pleasure kind of guy.”
Lindsey didn’t like Brady Randell so close, but she refused to back away. “How about we stop the innuendos and try to have a normal conversation?”
He nodded. “Nice weather for a ride.”
“Yes it is,” she told him. “Tess invited me to go along to help thin the mustang herd and check for injuries. We’re going to meet up with Hank Barrett and some of your cousins.”
“So you’re going to play doc?”
“I don’t play doctor.”
He raised a hand. “I only meant I wish I could go along and see you in action. But all I’m traveling in these days is this cart.”
Lindsey knew the confinement had to be hard for Brady. She glanced down at the new, smaller cast. “It looks like you’re making progress and will be back in the cockpit soon.”
“That’s what I’m shooting for.”
She could see the cocky determination on his face. No doubt he looked even more handsome in his flight jumpsuit. She glanced down at his worn jeans, then upward to his straw Stetson. He wasn’t a bad imitation of a cowboy, either.
“Maybe if your doctor approves, you could go out for a short ride. Nothing strenuous, of course. But I bet Tess has a gentle mount.”
“I’d take anything at this point.”
“Can you drive a car, yet?”
He nodded. “Since it’s my left foot, yes, but only if it’s an automatic. My ’67 Chevy Camaro back at the base is a stick shift.”
She never doubted that for a second, or the fact that the vehicle was a hotrod. Brady Randell was definitely not her type. She was all about settling down, safety and animals. He was a death-defying jet jockey with no intention of letting grass grow under his boots. She looked up into his piercing eyes and her heart went crazy. Okay, speaking from a sensual aspect, this man was any woman’s type.
She really needed to stay clear of him.
“I should get going. I have appointments this afternoon.” She turned to find Tess lost in her husband’s arms. They were exchanging kisses and whispered lover’s secrets. The couple seemed unaware anyone else was around.
Brady came up behind her. “Those two are like that all the time. I hate to say it, but it makes me a little jealous.”
Lindsey felt Brady’s breath against her ear. The warmth of his large body shielded her from the cool morning. She closed her eyes momentarily. Yes, she longed to be part of a couple. To find the right man. Someday.
Right now she had other things to think about. Top on her list was the true reason she’d come to San Angelo, and her time was limited to find the answers she needed. Getting involved with a man would only complicate matters. She finally moved away from temptation.
“Tess,” she called. “We need to get going if we’re to meet up with Hank and the others.” She glanced at Brady. “I’m glad you’re doing well.”
He leaned against his cane. “Like I said, I wish I was going with you, Doc.”
“Maybe when your leg is healed,” she promised as she backed away. Was she crazy?
“I’ll look forward to it,” he called. “I’ll work to make sure it’s soon.”

Lindsey was still chiding herself when they reached the edge of the valley. There was high grass mixed in with thick native mesquite bushes. Ancient oak trees arched over the riding path like a canopy filtering the sunlight. The November day was brisk, causing her skin to tingle. She felt exhilarated.
Her thoughts returned to Brady. She hadn’t expected to see him again so soon. He’d looked considerably better than the last time. He’d shaved and was dressed in jeans and a gray U.S. Air Force sweatshirt under his bomber jacket. In a cowboy hat, he looked cocky and sure of himself.
“How are you holding up?” Tess asked as she rode up beside her.
“I’m fine. In fact if I could schedule it, I’d ride every day.”
Tess smiled. “I come out to check the ponies every week during the winter. I could saddle up Dusty and bring him by the cabin for you.”
“If I’m not busy, I’d love it.” She patted the seasoned buckskin gelding, remembering her childhood days at the ranch. She loved the freedom of riding. It had been her escape from a lot of problems, especially during her parents’ abusive marriage. “You sure you don’t mind me borrowing Dusty?”
“Anytime. Since Dad can’t ride anymore, I appreciate anyone who exercises him.”
Lindsey’s heart softened. Tess’s father was in the beginning stages of Alzheimer’s. “Good. I’ll let you know my schedule.”
“And maybe you can help get Brady up and riding, too.”
Lindsey glanced over to see Tess’s smile. “Shouldn’t he walk before he gets on a horse?”
Tess shrugged. “Maybe he can do both. We’re willing to try anything to get him out of the house. Luke managed today, but not without a lot of prodding.”
She couldn’t imagine the captain doing anything he didn’t want to do. “It’s a start.”
“Since the two had never met until a few months ago, both Luke and Brady are still getting to know each other. If their father, Sam Randell, hadn’t left them both the ranch, I wonder if they would have ever met.”
“Then it’s good they have this opportunity.”
“I feel the same way,” Tess said. “Although they do have very different views of their father. Luke was deserted by Sam when his parents divorced. Brady had him around most of his life.”
Lindsey rested her hands on the saddle horn, letting Dusty take the lead. “Sometimes there isn’t a choice.”
“There’s always a choice,” Tess murmured, then pointed up ahead. “There’s Hank, Cade and Chance.”
Lindsey knew Hank Barrett was the one who’d taken in the three Randell brothers, Chance, Cade and Travis, to raise after their father, Jack, had been sent to prison.
As they got closer to the men on horseback, Lindsey could see the strong family resemblance between the brothers. It seemed all Randell men were tall, with that rangy, muscular build. The square jaw and cleft in the chin was like a brand, telling the world who they belonged to.
She’d met Chance and Travis earlier, but Cade looked even more like the man Lindsey had called Dad for the past fifteen years.
The difference was these men shared his blood. She didn’t.
Jack Randell was only her stepfather.
Just as soon as Jack and her mother returned home from their vacation and discovered she’d gone against his wishes, he wouldn’t be happy.
It wasn’t as though she’d planned to come to San Angelo. It had been curiosity that had her go to the job interview. She told herself she only wanted to meet Travis, one of Jack’s sons. Then she found herself accepting the position. After all, it was only temporary.

Hank Barrett sat back in the saddle and watched Tess approach with the new veterinarian. Ever since Travis returned from Dallas singing Dr. Lindsey Stafford’s praises, Hank had been anxious to meet her.
He smiled as the redhead rode closer. She was easy on the eyes, and if there was one thing he appreciated, it was a pretty female, no matter what the age.
Hank greeted Tess. “Hello, Mrs. Randell.”
“Good morning, Mr. Barrett,” she answered. “Hi, Cade, Chance.”
Chance touched the brim of his hat in greeting. “Tess.” He glanced at the redhead. “Dr. Stafford, nice seeing you again. This is our other brother, Cade. And this is Hank Barrett, the one who started the mustang project.”
Hank nodded at the petite woman who sat comfortably in the saddle. There was something about her name that was familiar. “Dr. Stafford, I’m glad you could join us.
“Please, everyone, call me Lindsey.” Her horse shifted sideways. “And thank you for inviting me along today.”
“Well, Lindsey,” Hank began, “I hope you still feel that way if the ponies don’t cooperate. They’ve been known to be stubborn.”
The doctor rewarded him with a smile. “I hear old Dusty here is pretty good at cutting out his target.”
Cade reined his roan back. “I guess we’ll know soon enough if he likes to chase wild ponies as much as cows.” He grinned and Lindsey tensed, once again seeing the resemblance to his father.
“I’d say we better get going,” Chance said, pointing to the herd off in the distance.
Lindsey looked at Hank for direction as they started down the trail.
“We’ll let Chance and Cade take the lead,” he said. “Wyatt, Dylan and Jarred are at the other end of the canyon to drive the herd toward us.”
“I’ll just follow you,” she said.
Hank nodded. “Okay, let’s go and get us some ponies.”
They rode off, and Lindsey felt she was taking a step back in time. To see the wild ponies in their natural setting. This had been another big draw for her to come here. She just didn’t realize how much she would already love it.

Two hours later Brady sat with Luke in his truck, waiting at the temporary corral at Hank’s ranch, the Circle B Ranch. He was still wondering why he’d come. Of course, it beat the alternative, sitting back at the cottage. That had been what he told Luke, anyway. Not that he wanted another chance to see Lindsey Stafford again.
“They’re coming,” Luke called as he climbed down off the railing.
His own excitement growing, Brady got out of the truck and looked to where his brother pointed. He saw the riders on horseback, chasing after the ponies. An assorted mixture of paints, bays and buckskins. Over a dozen as far as he could see. But he couldn’t find Lindsey.
“There’s Tess,” Luke called.
It was easy to catch his sister-in-law’s long blond hair. Then he spotted Lindsey’s black hat. She was riding drag, a bandana tied around the lower part of her face to help filter the dust.
“Come on, bro, help me with the gates.” Brady was glad he could finally manage to do something useful. He followed his brother, took one side and swung open the metal gate. It had been a while since he’d been around horses, but he knew they could be unpredictable at best. The first two ponies arrived and went into the pen, but the third and fourth decided to turn off.
Hanging on to the gate, Brady yanked off his hat, waved it around and yelled to turn the horse back. Then Chance and Cade showed up to take over. Finally the last of the ponies were in the large pen and the gate shut.
His cousins climbed off their horses and everyone went to the corral to check out their finds. Brady’s gaze was on Lindsey. She dismounted and walked toward the metal railing with the old guy, Hank.
Barrett looked the part of mentor, father and grandfather. He didn’t have to demand respect, but he got it. He wasn’t a Randell, but he’d earned the title of family patriarch.
He nodded at Brady. “Good to see you up and around.”
“It’s a start.”
“Well, if you get the doctor’s okay, you can go out with us the next time.”
Brady nodded. Chances were, if he was strong enough to chase wild mustangs, he’d be hightailing it for the cockpit of his F-16. “Thank you, sir,” Brady said. “I’d like that.”
Hank turned back to Lindsey. “I think we got ourselves a good-looking bunch this time.”
Lindsey avoided Brady’s gaze and went up to the gate. “I’m worried about the paint. See how he favors the right front leg?”
Brady looked, too, but he had to watch closely to see the slight limp.
“It could be a pebble. I’m going to have to examine him, but I have appointments this afternoon.”
Hank agreed as he checked his watch. “Tomorrow, then. We’ll separate them so they all can be examined and inoculated. How’s that with you, Doc?”
“I could come by tomorrow afternoon for a few hours.”
“Good, it will give us time to see which ponies are worth the time to saddle break.”
“Why are you saddle breaking them?” Brady asked.
“So we can sell them at auction. Since we have to thin the herd, we want to find good homes for them.”
Brady had his eye on a gray stallion that didn’t like being confined in the pen. He kept moving back and forth along the fence.
Hank waved the group on. “Everyone is welcome to come up to the house for lunch. Lindsey, I hope you can join us.”
“I’d like that.” She pulled out her phone. “I just need to check my messages.” She hung back from the group.
Hank looked at Brady. “How about you, Captain? I wouldn’t mind hearing a few F-16 stories.”
“I might have one or two that are worth repeating.” Using his cane, Brady managed to fall into step beside Hank. Although his steps were awkward, he was happy to be able to get around. What he couldn’t understand was why he was feeling drawn to this family. Not to mention one vet.
They made their way into the compound where a large ranch house stood. It was painted glossy white with dark green trim. The barn and other buildings were also white and well kept.
“Nice place, Hank,” Brady said.
“Thanks. My boys run things now. In the summer months we open it as a dude ranch of sorts, but it’s a working ranch.” He grinned. “You’d be surprised what people will pay just to do chores like a ranch hand.”
Cade joined the group. “Yeah, Chance, Travis and I had to do the work for nothing growing up.”
“It built character,” Hank told him.
Cade laughed. “Well, I sure got a lot of that, then.”
Brady listened to the teasing between the brothers and Hank. Suddenly he thought back to how much his own father had been away during his life. All the baseball games he’d missed, the birthdays and holidays. As a typical kid he did a lot to get Sam’s attention. Most of it didn’t work, until he got into ROTC in high school, then into the academy.
“You boys turned out okay,” Hank said. “You’ve settled down with pretty wives and have families.”
Brady glanced over his shoulder and caught sight of Lindsey hurrying to catch up, so he hung back.
“Do you have to run off?”
“No, I can stay for lunch. But I have a two-o’clock appointment.”
“Good, that will give me time,” he said.
She frowned. “Time for what?”
“Time to convince you I’m not a total jerk.”
“Really.” She looked skeptical. “You think I should go easy on you?”
“No, but I’m hoping my Randell charm will win out.”
She smiled. “So the average guy doesn’t have a chance over a Randell?”
“That’s right.”
They took slow, easy steps toward the back porch.
“Well, I disagree on that theory,” she said. “Jarred Trager, and Dylan and Wyatt Gentry do all right in the charm department.”
Brady fought rising jealousy, recalling how his cousins had been flirting with her earlier. They had their own wives. “That just goes to show you a Randell wins out.”
She stopped and looked confused. “But they’re not Randells?”
He nodded. “Yes, they are. Seems Uncle Jack had three more sons.”
AS HARD AS LINDSEY TRIED, she couldn’t hide her shock. “Really” was all she could come up with.
Brady gave a sharp nod. “Evidently Uncle Jack was quite the lady’s man when he was out on the rodeo circuit.”
“Have Jarred, Wyatt and Dylan always lived here?”
Brady shook his head. “About half a dozen years ago, Jarred Trager showed up. He had found an old letter from Jack to his mother that talked about their affair. He came here and met Dana Shayne and her son, Evan. They married a short time later.” He shrugged. “That’s the condensed version that Luke gave me.”
Lindsey took easy breaths as they continued on toward the Barrett house. She walked slowly so Brady could keep up, and so she could try to absorb what he told her. Had Jack known about his other sons?
“You say Wyatt and Dylan are your cousins, too?” She should have seen the resemblance in the men.
He nodded. “After their mother finally told the twins who their father was, Wyatt came to San Angelo looking for Jack, too. Wyatt ended up buying Uncle Jack’s half of the Rocking R and found Maura Wells and her two kids, Jeff and Holly, living in the rundown house. A few months later his twin, Dylan, arrived after he’d been injured bull riding. He ended up marrying his physical therapist, Brenna. Who, by the way, is putting me through torture these days.”
They reached the porch and he turned to her. “You seem pretty curious about the Randell family.”
She shrugged. “The Randells are a big part of this valley. As an only child it’s interesting to hear about a large family.”
“Yeah, aren’t we just one, big happy family.”
“I’d take them,” Lindsey told him, trying to act lighthearted. It was difficult. From the beginning, Jack had warned her and her mother about his shady past. She also realized that her stepfather needed to know about his other sons. If only to make amends with them.
Suddenly the back door opened and Hank peered out. “There you are. I was wondering if you two had gotten lost.”
Brady used the railing to climb the steps. “No, I’m a little slow these days.”
Hank smiled. “I thought you were just hanging back to get some time with a pretty lady.”
“Well, that, too.”
Lindsey felt her heart accelerate, but she put on a smile. “Well, now that we’re here, how about some lunch?”
Hank ushered them into a huge old fashioned kitchen. Sunny yellow walls were lined with maple cupboards. The white-tiled counter gleamed, and a tall, older woman was busy setting the table.
She turned and smiled. “Hello, you must be the new vet, Dr. Stafford. I’m Hank’s wife, Ella.”
“And I’m Lindsey.”
Her friendly brown eyes searched Lindsey’s face. “It’s nice to meet you. Hank said you were pretty, and he’s right.”
Cade walked by her. “Hank says all the women are pretty.”
“That’s because all the women around here are pretty.” Hank hugged his wife to his side, kissing her cheek.
Ella acted as if she were pushing him away. “Be careful, Lindsey. Hank will be wanting to know if you’re a good cook, too.”
Hank tried to look indignant. “I hardly know this woman. But if she can cook up any special dishes, I wouldn’t mind sampling them, say at our next family get-together. Thanksgiving is coming up.”
Cade grinned as he took his seat at the table. “Watch what you say, Hank, or Ella will have you sleeping in the bunkhouse.”
The group hooted with laughter, and Lindsey quickly realized she’d been had. “Well, sorry to disappoint you, Hank, but I spent all my free time studying the last few years. So my culinary skills are sorely lacking.”
Hank sighed. “That’s going to make it harder for you to get a man.”
Lindsey was too stunned to speak, but Tess did it for her. “Hank Barrett, stop your teasing. We want Lindsey to stay, not run her off.” She turned to Lindsey. “Please sit down, unless you want to clobber Hank first.”
Lindsey walked around the table. “I think I’ll wait until I have some big instruments in my hand.”
The table broke into another round of laughter as she took a seat next to Tess and Luke. Brady managed to snag the seat next to hers.
He leaned toward her and murmured, “You sure know how to hold your own, Doc. I should call you when I’m being chewed out by my commanding officer.”
“I can’t imagine that ever happening, not with your sweet disposition.”
Those dark bedroom eyes bore into hers. “I’m workin’ on changing that.” He grinned. “Give me a little time, and my charm will melt you.”
Lindsey knew Brady was more dangerous than any of the Randells. Because he was the one who could get to her. And when he discovered who she was, he wouldn’t be happy. None of the Randells would be, not when they learned that Jack had hung around to play the doting father to her.
* * *
Brady hated being cooped up. That was the reason three mornings later he headed down to the barn. He needed the exercise. He’d been lifting weights to keep in shape, but hanging around the cottage was driving him up a wall.
He told himself it wasn’t the possibility of meeting up with Lindsey and Tess coming back from their ride. It was just to take a walk. He ran into the groomer washing Lady and ended up helping with some of the light chores. He found that working his muscles felt good. Just being able to complete a simple task helped his mood. By the time an hour was up, the temperature had warmed. He’d shed his jacket and was mucking out a stall when Tess and Lindsey came into the barn.
Both women were laughing, their cheeks flushed from the cool weather as they led their horses. Lindsey spotted him, and her smile dropped.
Tess spoke first. “Brady, what are you doing out here?”
“Earning my keep,” he told his sister-in-law. “It’s about time I did something around here.”
Tess glanced down at the cast on his foot. “Just so long as you don’t do any damage.”
“I’ve been careful, Mom,” he teased.
Tess fought a smile and lost. “Well, you can go out and play.” She turned to Lindsey. “I hate to run off, but I need to meet Livy’s bus. Juan can handle the horses until I get back.”
“Not a problem, I can stay and take care of my horse,” Lindsey said as she took the reins from her. “It’s the least I can do for you letting me ride. So go on, go get your daughter.”
“Thanks.” Tess smiled as she backed away.
“I can help, too,” Brady said.
“There’s no need,” Lindsey said. “I would hate to take you away from your job.”
Brady didn’t back away. “Then after I help you, you can help me. There are two more stalls to clean. Unless it’s too dirty a job for you.”
She made an unladylike snort. “I’ve probably mucked out more stalls than you’ve seen. I grew up on a horse ranch.”
He took Whiskey’s reins from her. He loved to see her get riled. It made her eyes turn a deep emerald green. “You probably have. We didn’t live very long on our ranch.”
They walked slowly to the stallion’s stall. Right next to it was Dusty’s. “Where was your ranch?” she asked.
“We had a small place in Utah not far from the base. Dad bought it with his reenlistment bonus. With the help of a foreman, he ran a small yearling operation for about four years. I was ten when he was sent overseas and had to sell the place.” He wasn’t sure why he was telling her this. He tossed the stirrup over the seat and unfastened the cinch, then pulled the saddle off the horse and took it to the stand outside the stall. After Lindsey pulled off Dusty’s, he took it. He liked moving around, being active. He found his balance was a lot better.
“Thanks.” She went to work on the rest of the tack. “It’s a shame you never got to live here.”
“Dad never told me about the Rocking R until last year when he got sick.”
“Had he been ill for long?”
Brady shrugged, remembering the hulk of a man who had slowly faded away after he retired from the air force. Even his wife, Georgia, hadn’t been enough to keep him happy and at home. She’d died alone.
“Dad ignored the doctor’s advice,” he told her. “After he retired, I don’t think he cared much if he lived or died.” He gaze met hers. “They say I’m a lot like him. All I’ve known is the military.”
Lindsey paused at her task, hearing the sadness in his voice, seeing it in his eyes. She suspected coming here and meeting the Randells had been overwhelming for him.

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The Rebel Heir′s Bride Patricia Thayer
The Rebel Heir′s Bride

Patricia Thayer

Тип: электронная книга

Жанр: Современные любовные романы

Язык: на английском языке

Издательство: HarperCollins

Дата публикации: 16.04.2024

Отзывы: Пока нет Добавить отзыв

О книге: He thought no woman could tame him – he thought wrong! Brady Randell has always been a rebel. Even now, injured out of the air force, he’s a dark presence on the Randell estate. But enter lovely Lindsey Stafford, and a glint appears in the headstrong pilot’s eye. Lindsey is like no woman he’s ever met before.Despite her innocence she takes Brady’s brooding nature in her stride. But her arrival has rocked the Randell family to the core. She has secrets that could destroy them…The Randell Brotherhood Coming home to take a bride!

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