The Keepers

The Keepers
Heather Graham
Enter a simmering underworld of dark desires, ruled by an ancient legacy, torn apart by passion… At the heart of New Orleans lies a ravaged community of vampires and shape-shifters. As one of the Keepers, it’s Fiona’s duty to secure peace in this place where one vampire’s bite could start a war. When vamp detective Jagger DeFarge is called in at the discovery of a young woman’s body, drained of blood in a cemetery, the detective and Fiona join uneasy forces.Jagger will stop at nothing to find the murderer – including working in close quarters with the sensual Fiona. But when the killer’s attention turns to Fiona, will Jagger risk the destruction of his own species to protect the woman he so fervently desires?THE KEEPERS:Three powerful sisters,caught between duty and desire…

Praise for New York TimesBestselling Author Heather Graham
“Graham plays the story’s supernatural angle for both chills and chuckles … Ringo is the best ghost to come along in ages.”
—RT Book Reviews on Nightwalker
“Romantic flourishes enhance this bewitching blend of Native American lore, ghostly shenanigans and modern-day chicanery.”
—Publishers Weekly on Nightwalker
“Mystery, sex, paranormal events. What’s not to love?”
—Kirkus Reviews on The Death Dealer
“Graham peoples her novel with genuine, endearing characters”
—Publishers Weekly on The Séance
“Graham’s latest is an entertaining vampire yarn.”
—Publishers Weekly on Blood Red
“The intense, unexpected conclusion will leave readers well satisfied.”
—Publishers Weekly on The Dead Room
“Even though this ghostly thriller is not a romance … [Graham] introduce[s] delicious romantic interludes. She also brings a fresh perspective to New York’s mysterious underground city.”
—Booklist on The Dead Room

About the Author
New York Times bestselling author HEATHER GRAHAM has written more than a hundred novels, many of which have been featured by the Doubleday Book Club and the Literary Guild. An avid scuba diver, ballroom dancer and mother of five, she still enjoys her south Florida home, but loves to travel as well, from locations such as Cairo, Egypt, to her own backyard, the Florida Keys. Reading, however, is the pastime she still loves best, and she is a member of many writing groups. She’s currently vice president of the Horror Writers’ Association, and she’s also an active member of International Thriller Writers. She is very proud to be a Killerette in the Killer Thriller Band, along with many fellow novelists she greatly admires. For more information, check out her website,
Dear Reader,
First, thank you for reading this! There’s nothing in the world to me like the pleasure of telling a story—unless it’s getting to do so with friends.
Alex Sokoloff is the author of the second book in this series. I met Alex when we were both called to be in the Thriller Killer Band—and it felt immediately as if I had known her all my life. We share a love of adventures, in the water, on land—and in our great cities. Every year I do a Labor Day benefit in New Orleans, and Alex has been there, helping, teaching screenwriting and giving her all.
Deborah LeBlanc is another amazing women. She’s from Louisiana, and has done brilliant things for me and on her own to support reading, our youth—and New Orleans. Deb is president of Horror Writers of America, teaches a boot camp called Pen to Press and has attended many an autopsy!
For the three of us to come together—as we were able to do several times, luckily, in the planning of this series—and work on a project has been sheer joy. And, of course, since we all love New Orleans so much, when we began to think of a world where paranormal beings might just blend in … well, New Orleans popped right into all our heads. Seriously—where else would you hide in plain sight if you were a bit different from others?
My admiration for these two wonderful authors is absolute, and I hope you’ll enjoy our combined venture, that you’ll enjoy The Keepers—our three sisters charged with keeping the balance in the underworld.
Please look for their books in the months to come!
Heather Graham


To Connie Perry, my extremely dear friend and cohort in many an endeavor. Thank you for all you do—and especially for New Orleans!
Also, for Daena Moller and Larry Montz and the ISPR. Thank you for some great adventures, too!

When the world as we know it was created, it wasn’t quite actually as we know it.
That’s because so much was lost in the mists of time, and the collective memory of the human race often chooses what it will hold and what it will discard.
But once the world held no skyscrapers, rockets did not go to the moon—in fact, the wheel had barely been invented, and families lived together and depended upon one another. The denizens of the world knew better the beauty of waterfalls, of hills and vales, sun and sunset, shadows—and magic.
In a time when the earth was young, giants roamed, gnomes grumbled about in the forests and many a creature—malignant, sadly, as well as benign—was known to exist. Human beings might not have liked these creatures, they might have feared them—for a predator is a predator—but they knew of their existence, and as man has always learned to deal with predators, so he did then. Conversely, there were the creatures he loved, cherished as friends and often turned to when alliances needed to be formed. Humankind learned to exist by guidelines and rules, and thus the world went on, day after day, and man survived. Now, all men were not good, nor were all men bad, and so it was also with the giants, leprechauns, dwarfs, ghosts, pixies, pookas, vampires and other such beings.
Man was above them all, by his nature, and he prospered through centuries and then millennia, and learned to send rockets to the moon—and use rockets of another kind against his fellow man.
When the earth was young, and there were those creatures considered to be of light and goodness, and others who were considered to be, shall we say, more destructive, there was among them a certain form of being who was human and yet not human. Or perhaps human, but with special powers. They were the Keepers, and it was their lot in life not only to enjoy the world as other beings did, but they were also charged with the duty of maintaining balance. When certain creatures got out of hand, the Keepers were to bring them back under control. Some, in various centuries, thought of them as witches or wiccans. But in certain centuries that was not a healthy identity to maintain. Besides, they were not exactly the witches of a Papal Bull or evil in the way the devil in Dante’s Inferno, nor were they the gentle women of pagan times who learned to heal with herbs and a gentle touch.
They were themselves and themselves alone. The Keepers.
As time went by, anything that was not purely logical was no longer accepted, was relegated to superstition, except in distant, fog-shrouded hills or the realm of Celtic imagination, which was filled with Celtic spirits other than those of which we speak. But some of the beliefs of the past were not accepted even there. Man himself is, of course, a predator, but man learned to live by rules and logic, or destroy all the creatures upon which he might prey. Too late for some, for man did hunt certain creatures to extinction, and he sought to drive others to the same fate. But those other creatures learned a survival technique that served them well: hide. Hide in plain sight, if you will, but hide.
As human populations grew, as people learned to read, as electricity reigned, and the telephone and computer put the world in touch, the earth became entrenched in a place where there were things that were accepted and others that were not. Oh, it’s true that the older generations in Ireland knew that the banshees still wailed at night. In Hungary and the Baltic states, men and women knew that the tales of wolfmen in the forests were more than stories for a scary night. And there were other such pockets of belief around the globe. But few men living in the logical and technological world believed in myths and legends, which was good, because man was ever fond of destroying that which he feared.
All creatures, great and small, wish to survive. We all know what humans are like—far too quick to hunt down, kill or make war on those they didn’t fully understand. Many people are trying, as they have tried for centuries, to see the light, to put away their prejudices. But that’s a long journey, longer than the world has lasted so far.
Even so, those who were not quite human found various special places of strange tolerance to live their lives quietly and normally, without anyone paying them too much attention. Places where everyone was accustomed to the bizarre and, frankly, walked right by it most of the time.
Places like New Orleans, Louisiana.
Since there were plenty of people already living there who thought they were, or claimed to be, vampires, it seemed an eminently logical place for a well-behaved and politically correct vampire society to thrive, as well.
As a result, that is where several Keepers, charged with maintaining the balance between the otherworldly, under-the-radar societies of beings who flocked there, came as the twenty-first century rolled along.
And thus it was that the MacDonald sisters lived there, working, partying—this was New Orleans, after all—and, of course, keeping the balance of justice in a world that seldom collided with the world most people thought of as real, as the only world.
But not never.
There were exceptions.
Such as the September morning when Detective Jagger DeFarge got the call to come to the cemetery.
And there, stretched out on top of a tomb in the long defunct Grigsby family mausoleum, was the woman in white. Porcelain and beautiful, if it hadn’t been for the delicate silk and gauze fabric that spread around her, she might have been a piece of funerary art, a statue, frozen in marble.
Because she, too, was white, as white as her dress, as white as the marble, because every last drop of blood had been drained from her body.

Chapter 1
“Sweet Jesus!” Detective Tony Miro said, crossing himself as he stared at the corpse.
The cemetery itself had already been closed off, yellow crime tape surrounding the area around the mausoleum. Jagger DeFarge had been assigned as lead detective on the case, and he knew he should have been complimented, but in reality he just felt weary—and deeply concerned.
Beyond the concern one felt over any victim of murder or violent crime.
This was far worse. This threatened a rising body count to come.
Gus Parissi, a young uniformed cop, stuck his head inside the mausoleum. The light was muted, streaks of sunlight that filtered in through the ironwork filigree at the top end of the little house within the “city of the dead.”
Gus stared at the dead woman.
“Sweet Jesus,” he echoed, and also crossed himself.
Jagger winced, looking away for a moment, waiting. He wanted to be alone with the victim, but he had a partner. Being alone wasn’t going to be easy.
“Thank you, Parissi,” Jagger said. “The crime-scene crew can have the place in ten minutes. Hey, Miro, go on out and see who’s on the job today, will you?”
Miro was still just staring.
“And get another interview with Tom Cooley, too. He’s the guide who saw her and called it in, right?” Jagger asked.
“Uh—yeah, yeah,” Tony said, closing his mouth at last, turning and following Gus out.
Alone at last, my poor, poor dear, Jagger thought.
The dust of the ages seemed to have settled within the burial chamber, on the floor, on the stone and concrete walls, on the plaques that identified the dead within the vault. In contrast, the young woman on the tomb was somehow especially beautiful and pristine, a vision in white, like an angel. Sighing, Jagger walked over to the body. To all appearances, she was sleeping like a heavenly being in her pure perfection.
He pulled out his pocket flashlight to look for the bite marks that had to exist. He gently and carefully moved her hair, but there were no marks on her neck. He searched her thighs, then her arms, his eyes quick but thorough.
At last he found what he sought. He doubted that the medical examiner—even with the most up-to-date technology available—would ever find the tiny pinpricks located in the crease at her elbow.
He swore out loud just as Tony returned.
His partner was a young cop. A good cop, and not a squeamish one. Most of the crimes taking place these days had to do with a sudden flare of temper and, as always, drugs. Tony had worked a homicide with him just outside the Quarter in which a kid the size of a pro linebacker had taken a shotgun blast in the face. Tony had been calm and professional throughout the grisly first inspection, then handled the player’s mother with gentle care.
Today, however, he seemed freaked.
“What?” Tony asked.
Jagger shook his head. “No blood here at all, no signs of violence. No lividity, but she’s still in rigor…. Is the M.E. here?”
Tony nodded.
“Send him in,” Jagger said. “Have you interviewed the guide yet?”
Tony, staring at the body, shook his head. “One of the uniforms went to find him.”
“He can’t have gone far. Stay out there until they find him and interview him. And anyone who was with him. Then meet me back at the station, and we’ll get her picture out in the media. I want uniforms raking the neighborhood, the dumpsters, you name it, looking for a purse, clothing, anything they can find.”
Tony nodded and left.
The M.E. the Coroner’s Office had sent out that morning was Craig Dewey. Dewey looked like anything but the general conception of what a medical examiner should: he was tall, blond, about thirty-five. Basically, until they found out what he did for a living, most women considered him a heartthrob.
Like the others, he paused in the door. But Dewey didn’t stand there stunned and frozen as Tony and Gus had done. He did stare, but Jagger could see that his keen blue eyes were taking in the scene, top to bottom, before he approached the corpse. Finally that stare focused on the victim. He looked at her for a long while, then turned to Jagger.
“Well, here’s one for the books,” he said, his tone matter-of-fact. “On initial inspection, without even touching her, I’d say she’s been entirely drained of blood.” He looked around. “And it wasn’t done here.”
“No. I’d say not,” Jagger agreed with what appeared to be obvious.
“Such a pity, and so strange. Murder is never beautiful, and yet … she is beautiful,” Dewey commented.
“Dewey, give me something that isn’t in plain sight,” Jagger said.
Dewey went to work. He was efficient and methodical. He had his camera out, the flash going as he shot the body from every conceivable angle. Then he approached the woman, checked for liver temperature and shook his head. “She’s still in rigor. Other than the fact that she’s about bloodless, I have no idea what’s going on here. I’ll need to get her into the morgue to figure out how and why she died. I can’t find anything to show how it might have happened. Odd, really odd. A body without blood wouldn’t shock me—we seem to attract wackos to this city all the time—but I can’t find so much as a pinprick to explain what happened. Hell, like I said, I’ve got to get her out of here to check further. Lord knows, enough people around here think they’re vampires.”
“Right, I know,” Jagger said. “When did she die? I was estimating late last night or early this morning.”
“Then you’re right on,” Dewey told him. “She died sometime between midnight and two in the morning, but give me fifteen minutes either side.”
“I want everything you get as quickly as you get it,” Jagger said.
“I have two shooting deaths, a motorcycle accident, a possible vehicular homicide—not to mention that the D.A.’s determined to harass an octogenarian over her husband’s death, even though he’s been suffering from cancer for years—” Dewey broke off, seeing the set expression on Jagger’s face. “Sure, Lafarge. I’ll put a rush on it. This is the kind of thing you’ve got to get a handle on quickly, God knows. We get enough sensationalist media coverage around here. I don’t want to see a frenzy start.”
“Thanks,” Jagger told him.
He looked around the Grigsby family tomb one more time. It was what he didn’t see that he noted. No fingerprints in the dust. No footprints. No sign whatsoever of how the girl had come to lie, bloodless and beautiful, upon the dusty tomb of a long dead patriarch.
He wanted the CSUs, Tony and the uniforms all busy here. He had some investigating to do that he needed to tackle on his own.
He lowered his sunglasses from the top of his head to his eyes and walked back out into the brilliant light of the early fall morning.
The sky was cloudless and brilliantly blue. The air was pleasant, without the dead heat of summer.
It seemed to be a day when the world was vibrant. Positively pulsing with life.
“Hey, Detective DeFarge!”
It was Celia Larson, forty, scrubbed, the no-nonsense head of the crime-scene unit that had been assigned. “Can we go on in? I’ve had my folks working the area, around the entry, around the tomb … but, hey, with the cemeteries around here being such tourist hangouts, folks had been tramping around for an hour before we got the call. We’ve collected every possible sample we could, but we really need to get inside.”
“It’s all yours, Celia. And good luck.”
She leaned into the mausoleum and said accusingly, “You and Dewey have tramped all over the footprints.”
“There were no footprints.”
“There had to be footprints,” she said flatly, as if he was the worst kind of fool.
He shrugged and smiled.
“None, but, hey, you’re the expert. You’ll see what we missed, right?” he asked pleasantly. Celia wasn’t his favorite civil servant with whom to work. She considered every police officer, from beat cop right on up to detective, to be an oaf with nothing better to do than mess up her crime scene. She didn’t seem to understand the concept of teamwork—or that she was the technician, and the detectives used her information to put the pieces together, find the suspect and make the arrest. Celia had seen way too many CSI-type shows and had it in her head that she was going to be the detective who solved every case. Still, he did his best to be level-tempered and professional, if not pleasant. He did have to work with the woman.
“Get me a good picture of the face, Celia. We’ll get her image out to the media.”
She waved a hand dismissively, and he walked on.
This wasn’t going to be an ordinary case. And he wasn’t going to be able to investigate in any of the customary ways.
He made it as far as the sidewalk.
Then he saw real trouble.
He groaned inwardly. Of course she would show up. Of course—despite the fact that he’d only just seen the corpse himself, word had traveled.
She didn’t look like trouble. Oddly enough, she came with a smile that was pure charm, and she was, in fact, stunning. She was tall and slim and lithe, mercurial in her graceful movements.
Her eyes were blue. They could be almost as aqua as the sea, as light as a summer sky, as piercing as midnight.
Naturally she was a blonde. Not that brunettes couldn’t be just as beautiful, just as angelic looking—or just as manipulative.
She had long blond hair. Like her eyes, it seemed to change. It could appear golden in the sun, platinum in moonlight and always as smooth and soft as silk as it curled over her shoulders. She had a fringe of bangs that were both waiflike and the height of fashion.
And naturally she was here.
Sunglasses shaded her eyes, as they did his. The Southern Louisiana sun could be brutal. Most people walked around during the day with shades on.
“Well, hello, Miss MacDonald,” he said, heading for his car. Officers had blocked the entry to the cemetery and the borders of the scene itself with crime-scene tape. But the sidewalk was fair game. The news crews had arrived and staked it out, and the gawkers were lining up, as well.
Before Fiona MacDonald could reply, one of the local network news reporters saw him and charged over, calling, “Detective! Detective DeFarge!” It was Andrea “Andy” Larkin. She was a primped and proper young woman who had recently been transferred from her network’s Ohio affiliate. She was a fish out of water down here.
She was followed by her cameraman, and he was followed by a pack of other reporters. The local cable stations and newspapers were all present. And yes, there came the other network newscasters.
He stopped. Might as well handle the press now, he thought, though the department’s community rep really should be fielding the questions. But if he dodged the reporters, it would just make things worse.
He held his ground, aware that Fiona was watching him from a spot not far from the cemetery wall. He wasn’t going to escape the reporters, and he definitely wasn’t going to escape her.
“Detective DeFarge?” Andy Larkin had apparently assigned herself to be the spokeswoman for the media crew. “We’ve heard a young woman has been found—drained of blood. Who was she? Do you think we have some kind of cultists at work in the area? Was it a ritual sacrifice?”
He lifted a hand as a clamoring of questions arose, one voice indistinguishable from the next.
“Ladies, gentlemen, please! We’ve just begun our investigation into this case. Yes, we have discovered the body of a young woman in a mausoleum, but that’s all that I can really tell you at the moment. We’ll have the preliminary autopsy reports in a day or so, which will answer any questions about the state of the body. We don’t have an identity for the victim, and it’s far too early for me to speculate in any way on whether this is a singular incident or not. However, at this time I have no reason to suspect that we have a cult at work in the city. As soon as I have information, you’ll have information. That’s absolutely all that I am at liberty to say at the moment.”
“But—” Andy Larkin began.
“At any time that I can, without jeopardizing our investigation, I will be happy to see to it that the news media is advised.”
“Wait!” A man from one of the rags spoke up; he was probably in his early twenties, taking the best job available to a young journalism graduate. His hair was long and shaggy, and he was wearing jeans and a T-shirt, and carrying a notepad rather than an electronic device of any kind. “Shouldn’t you be warning the citizens of New Orleans to be careful? Shouldn’t you be giving them a profile of the killer?”
Jagger hoped his sunglasses fully covered his eyes as he inadvertently stared over at Fiona MacDonald.
She had a profile of the killer, he was certain.
“We don’t know anything yet. I repeat—we’ve just begun our investigation. I’m going to give young women in this city the same warning I give all the time: be smart, and be careful. Don’t go walking the streets alone in the dark. Let someone know where you’re going at all times, and if you go out to party, don’t go alone. People, use common sense. That’s my warning.”
“But aren’t serial killers usually young white men between the ages of twenty-five and thirty-five?” shouted a tiny woman from the rear. She was Livy Drew, from a small local cable station.
He reminded himself that he had to stay calm—and courteous. The public affairs department was much better at that, though, and he fervently wished they would hurry up and get there.
“Livy, there’s nothing to indicate that we have a serial killer on our hands.”
“You’re denying that this is the work of a serial killer?”
“I’m not denying or confirming anything,” he said, fighting for patience. “One more time—our investigation is just beginning. Yes, young women should take special care, because yes, a young woman has been killed. Now, if you’ll let me get to work, I’ll be able to answer more questions for you in the future. Though we have no ID on her yet, we may make a hit with fingerprints or dental impressions, and we’ll have a picture available for you soon. And, as always, the department will be grateful for any information that can help us identify the victim—and find her killer. But no heroics from anyone, please. Just call the station with any information you may have.”
Someone called from the back of the crowd. “Detective, what—”
“That’s all!” Jagger said firmly, then turned to head for his car, parked almost directly in front of the gates. He looked for Fiona MacDonald, but she was gone.
He knew where he would find her.
He got into his car and pulled away from the curb, glancing expectantly in the rearview mirror. She was just sitting up. Her expression was grim as she stared at him.
“What the hell is going on, DeFarge?” she asked.
He nearly smiled. If things hadn’t been quite so serious, he would have.
“I don’t know.”
“Well, I do. You have a rogue vampire on your hands. And you have to put a stop to this immediately.”
He pulled up the ramp to a public parking area by the river. He found a quiet place to park along the far edge of the lot and turned to look at her.
Fiona was young, somewhere around twenty-nine or thirty, he thought. Young in any world, very young in their world.
They knew each other, of course; they saw each other now and then at the rare council meetings in which several underworld groups met to discuss events, make suggestions, keep tabs on one another and keep the status quo going.
He suddenly wished fervently that her parents were still alive. The savage war that had nearly ripped through the city had been stopped only by the tremendous sacrifice the couple had made, leaving their daughters to watch over the evenly divided main powers existing in the underbelly of New Orleans, a world few even knew existed.
Naturally the war had been fought because of a vampire.
No, not true. A vampire and a shapeshifter.
Vampire Cato Leone had fallen deeply and madly in love with shapeshifter Susan Chaisse, who had fallen in love with him in return. The two had been unable to understand why they weren’t allowed to fall in love. Frankly Jagger didn’t understand it, either. Old World prejudice had done them in. It had been a Romeo and Juliet scenario, a Southern West Side Story, a tale as old as time. Young love seldom cared about proper boundaries. Man and every subspecies of man seemed prone to prejudice, and it was usually born of fear and or economics. Either way, the outcome was almost always the same. In this case, just as in Shakespeare’s tale, it had been cousins of the young lovers who had caused the problems. Susan’s first cousin Julian had taken on the form of a monster being, half vampire, half werewolf, and attacked Cato. Shapeshifters were truly gifted; they could take on whatever shape they chose, and mimic not only another’s appearance but take on their powers, as well. Cato hadn’t even known who he was battling, and in the thick of the fight his own cousin jumped to his aid and was killed by the shapeshifter. That raised an uncontrollable rage in Cato, who in turn killed his attacker, and because the shapeshifter had taken on a guise that was partly werewolf, Cato’s family had attacked the werewolves, and the violence had threatened to spill over into the streets. The power that Fiona MacDonald’s parents had summoned to defeat the warring parties had cost them their lives. No Keeper, no matter how strong, could exert that much power and survive.
They had known what they were doing. But they had known as well that if the battle had erupted into the human world, it would have brought about the destruction of them all. Humans far outnumbered the various paranormal subspecies, not just here, but across the world, though the largest concentration of any such creatures was right here, in New Orleans, Louisiana, commonly referred to locally as NOLA. History had decreed that they all learn how to coexist. Werewolves learned to harness their power at each full moon, and vampires learned how to exist on the occasional foray into a blood bank, along with a steady diet of cow’s blood. The shapeshifters had it the easiest, subsisting in their human form on human diets. Hell, half of them were vegetarians these days.
“Fiona,” he said quietly, “I can only repeat what I’ve said to the media. I don’t know anything yet. I have to investigate. God knows there are enough idiots living here, and more coming all the time, who want to think they’re vampires. You can’t deny that this city does attract more than its share of would-be mystics, cultists, wiccans, psychics and plain old nuts.”
“I heard that she was entirely drained of blood,” Fiona said flatly.
He wished that he were dealing with her mother. Jen MacDonald had lived a long life; she had been a fine Keeper, along with her husband, Ewan. The two—both born with the marks of each of the three major subspecies—had been fair and judicious. And wise. They had never jumped to conclusions; they had always done their own questioning, conducted their own investigations. They had loved those they had been born to watch, never interjecting themselves into the governing councils of their charges but being there in case of disputes or problems—or to point out potential problems before they became major bones of contention.
Jagger took a deep breath. He had become a police officer himself because he didn’t want history to keep repeating itself. Most of the underworld—Keepers included—had come to NOLA after years of seeking a real home. The church’s battle against “witchcraft” had begun as long ago as the 900s, and in 1022, even monks—pious, but outspoken against some of the doctrines of the church—had been burned. Witchcraft had become synonymous with devil worship, and the monks were said to cavort with demons and devils, indulge in mass orgies, and sacrifice and even eat small children. In 1488 the Papal Bull issued by Pope Innocent III set off hundreds of years of torture and death for any innocent accused of witchcraft. Jagger found it absolutely astounding that any intelligent man had ever believed that the thousands persecuted through the years could possibly have been the devil worshipping witches they were condemned for being. If they’d had half the powers they were purported to possess, they would have called upon the devil and flown far away from the stake, where they were tied and allowed to choose between the garrote or burning alive.
Sadly thousands of innocents had perished after cruel torture. The Inquisition had thrived in Germany and France, and many of those who truly weren’t human left to escape possible discovery. Many of the main subspecies, as well as the smaller groups, came to the New World from the British Isles. Pixies, fairies, leprechauns, banshees and more fled during the reign of James VI of Scotland, also known as James I of England. Before 1590, the Scots hadn’t been particularly interested in witchcraft. But in that year James—as a self-professed expert—began to enforce the laws with a vengeance and impose real punishment. He was terrified of a violent death, and certain that witches had been responsible for a storm that had nearly killed him and his new wife at sea. His orders sent the witch-finder general into a frenzy, torturing and killing for the most ridiculous of reasons, using the most hideous of methods.
When the Puritans headed for the New World in the early 1600s—intent, oddly enough, on banishing anyone from their colonies who was not of their faith, despite the fact that they had traveled across the ocean in pursuit of religious freedom—the various not-quite-human species began to make their way across the sea to a new life, as well.
There were other witchcraft trials in the New World before Salem, but it was the frenzy of the Salem witchcraft trials that caused another mass migration. The French in America had little interest in witchcraft, and French law allowed for a great deal more freedom of belief.
By the time of the Louisiana Purchase, most Keepers and their charges alike had made it down to New Orleans. And there, though not particularly trusting of one another, they had still found a safe home.
Until the elder MacDonalds had been killed. Their deaths, their sacrifice, had been noted by all clans and families. And not only had peace been restored, there had been a sea change in the way the different species felt about each other. There had been a number of intermarriages since that time. Of course, there were still those who were totally against any intermingling of the bloodlines, those who thought themselves superior.
But overall, there had been peace. America was a free country. They were free to hold their own opinions about sex, religion, politics—and one another. They obeyed the laws, the countries and their own. And their most important law said that no one was to commit crimes against humanity—and bring human persecution down upon them.
“Yes,” he said quietly, “she was drained of blood.”
“And a vampire did it?” Fiona demanded.
“Fiona, I’m trying to tell you—I’ve only just begun to investigate,” he said.
“Oh, please. I’m not with the media.”
He looked at her in the rearview mirror. “And you haven’t the patience, knowledge or wisdom of your parents, Fiona.”
Maybe that hadn’t been a good thing to say. She stiffened like a ramrod. But, somehow, she managed to speak evenly.
“My parents died to keep you all from killing one another and preying upon the citizenry of the city in your lust for power and desire to rip each other to pieces. My parents were unique—both of them born with all three of the major signs. But that was then, and this is now. My sisters and I were born without the full power of my parents, but you know that I was born with the sign of the winged being, Caitlin with the mercurial sign of the shapeshifter and Shauna with the sign of the fang. But here’s where we do have an edge—I have all the strengths of the vampire, and the vampires are my dedicated concern, just as Caitlin must watch over the shapeshifters and Shauna is responsible for the werewolves. Don’t you think I wish my mother was here, too? But she’s not. And I will not let the vampire community start something up again, something that promises discovery, death and destruction for hundreds of our own who are innocent. Do you understand? Whoever did this must be destroyed. If you don’t handle it, I will.”
He swung around to face her. “Back off! Give me time. Or do you want to start your own witch hunt?”
“You need to discover the truth—and quickly,” she said. “And trust me—I will be watching you every step of the way.”
“Of course you will be,” he said, regaining his temper. He couldn’t let her unnerve him. “Damn it! Don’t you think I realize just how dangerous this situation is? But these are different times. Hell, I’m a cop. I see violence every day. I see man’s inhumanity to man constantly. But I also see the decency in the world. So let me do what I do.”
She was silent for a minute.
“Just do it quickly, Jagger.”
“With pleasure. Now would you be so kind as to get out of my car so I can begin? Or should I drop you off at the shop?” he asked icily.
“I’ll get out of your car,” she said softly.
Oh, yes, she would get out. She wouldn’t want to be seen around her shop in a police car—even an unmarked car. Especially his car.
The rear door slammed as she exited. She paused for a moment by his window, staring at him through the dark lenses of her glasses.
So fierce.
And so afraid.
Yes, whether she wanted to admit it or not, she was afraid. Well, she had a right to her fear, as well as that chip on her shoulder. She’d been nineteen when her parents died, and she had fought to prove that she could care for herself and her sisters, who’d been only seventeen and fifteen at the time. She had taken on the mantle of responsibility in two worlds, and thus far she had carried it well.
The wind lifted her hair. Despite himself, he felt something stir inside him.
She was so beautiful.
She was such a bitch!
“Good day, Fiona. I’ll be seeing you.”
“Good day, Detective. You can bet on it,” she said, and turned to walk away, the sunlight turning her hair into a burst of sheer gold.

Chapter 2
New Orleans was her city, and Fiona MacDonald loved it with a passion.
She tried to remember that as she walked away from Jagger DeFarge’s car.
The parking area was new and paved, and sat on an embankment right at the edge of the river.
She paused to look down at the Mississippi. It really was a mighty river. The currents could be vicious; storms could make it toss and churn, and yet it could also be beautiful and glorious, the vein of life for so many people who had settled along its banks.
The great river had allowed for the magnificent plantations whose owners had built an amazing society of grace and custom—and slavery. But even in the antebellum days before the Civil War, New Orleans had offered a home for “free men of color.” Ironically, black men had owned black men, and quadroons had been the mistresses of choice. In Fiona’s mind, the city was home to some of the most beautiful people in the world even now, people who came in all shades. God, yes, she loved her city. It was far from perfect. The economy was still suffering, and, as ever, the South still struggled to gain educational parity with the North.
But everyone lived in this city: black, white, yellow, red, brown, and every shade in between. Young and old, men and women.
And the denizens of the underworld, of course.
She took a deep breath as she stared at the river. She was furious, yes. She was afraid, yes. And what might have been bothering her most was the fact that she didn’t think Jagger DeFarge had actually intended to wound her with his words.
God, yes! Her parents would have handled this much better. But they were dead. They had known what they were doing would cost them their last strength, their last breaths. But they had believed in a beautiful world, where peace could exist, where everyone could accept everyone else.
She walked down to Decatur Street and paused.
St. Louis Cathedral stood behind Jackson Square, its steeple towering over the scene before it, including the garden with its magnificent equestrian statue of Andrew Jackson. Café du Monde was to her right—filled with tourists, naturally. It was a “must see” for visitors, perhaps something like the Eiffel Tower in Paris, even if it wasn’t nearly so grand. It was a true part of New Orleans, and she decided to brave the crowd of the tourists and pick up a nice café au lait for the three block walk back to the shop on Royal Street.
Though an actual drink might be better at this moment. A Hand Grenade or a Hurricane, or any one of the other alcoholic libations so enjoyed on Bourbon Street.
But she couldn’t have a drink. She couldn’t drink away what had happened—or everything she feared might be about to happen next.
She made her way through the open air patio to the take-away window, ordered a large café au lait to go, then headed on up toward Chartres Street and then Royal. Her love for the city returned to her like a massive wave as she walked. She returned a greeting to a friend who gave tours in one of the mule-drawn carriages, and headed on past the red brick Pontalba Building. She passed shops selling T-shirts, masks, the ever-present Mardi Gras beads, postcards and sometimes, true relics, along with hand-crafted art and apparel.
Some of the buildings along her path were in good repair, while others still needed a great deal of help. Construction was constant in a city that was hundreds of years old, where the charming balconies often sagged, and where, even before Hurricane Katrina, many had struggled through economic difficulties to do what was needed piecemeal.
But there was something she loved even about the buildings that were still in dire need of tender care.
The French Quarter’s buildings were an architectural wonderland. The area had passed through many hands—French, Spanish, British and American—but it had been during the Spanish period in 1788 that the Great Fire of New Orleans had swept away more than eight hundred of the original buildings. And then, in 1794, a second fire had taken another two hundred plus. The current St. Louis Cathedral had been built in 1789, so it, like much of the “French Quarter,” had actually been built in the Spanish style.
She reached her destination, a corner on Royal, and paused, looking at the facade of their shop and their livelihood.
A Little Bit of Magic was on the ground floor of a truly charming building that dated back to 1823. She ran the shop with Caitlin and Shauna, her sisters, and she supposed, in their way, they were as much a part of the tourist scene as any other business. When you got right down to it, they sold fantasy, fun, belief and, she supposed, to some, religion. She remembered that, although they attended St. Louis Cathedral regularly, her mother had once told her, “All paths lead to God, and it doesn’t matter if you call him Jehovah, Allah, Buddha, or even if you believe that he is a she.”
She knew that her parents had always believed in two basic tenets: that there was a supreme being, and that all creatures, including human beings, came in varying shades of good and evil. The world was not black and white. Like New Orleans, it was all shades in between.
And so, in A Little Bit of Magic, they sold just about everything. They had expansive shelves on Wiccan beliefs, voodoo history and rights, myths and legends, spiritualism, Native American cultures, Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity and Judaism and more. She ordered the books for the shop, and she loved reading about different beliefs and cultures.
Caitlin, however, was their reigning mystic. She was brilliant with a tarot deck. Shauna was the palm reader, while she herself specialized in tea leaves—easily accessible, since they had a little coffee and tea bar of their own.
They also sold beautiful hand-crafted capes, apparel, masks—this was New Orleans, after all—jewelry, wands, statues, dolls, voodoo paraphernalia and, sometimes, relics and antiques. The shop had always done a good business, and despite occasional disagreements, the sisters got along extremely well.
She sipped her café au lait, hoping it would give her what she needed: patience, wisdom and strength.
In a way, at the beginning, it had been easier. She’d been nineteen, an adult. Caitlin had been right behind her at seventeen, but Shauna had been only fifteen. It had been quite a fight to get the family courts to allow her to “raise” her sisters, but she had managed. She’d had help from a dear old friend, August Gaudin—a werewolf, of all things—but he had a fine reputation in the city, and he’d been her strength. At first, her sisters had been young, lost, so what she said was the law. But she had never wanted to hold them down, and now they were women in their own right, with valid thoughts and opinions.
And they were both going to be in a state of extreme anxiety now!
Squaring her shoulders both physically and mentally, Fiona entered the store. Caitlin was behind the counter, chatting with a woman who was selecting tea. She eyed Fiona sharply as she entered, but continued her explanation of the different leaves.
Fiona saw that Shauna was helping a young couple pick out masks.
She nodded to both her sisters and walked through the store to the office in the rear, where she pulled up the chair behind her desk.
First things first. Then, tonight, a trip to the morgue.
A minute later, Caitlin burst in on her.
“Is it true? A dead woman in the cemetery, drained of blood?”
Fiona nodded. “I saw Jagger DeFarge. He’s lead detective on the case. Naturally I told him that he has to find the killer right away, and obviously we don’t care if it’s one of his own, the murderer must be destroyed.”
Caitlin sank into the chair on the other side of the desk. Fiona knew that the three of them resembled one another, and yet there were also noticeable differences. Her sister had the most beautiful silver eyes she had ever seen, while Shauna’s had a touch of green and hers were blue. Her own hair was very light, Caitlin’s a shade darker and Shauna’s had a touch of red. Their heights were just a shade different, too. She was shortest at five-seven, while Caitlin had a half an inch on her, and Shauna was five-eight.
Right now, Caitlin’s eyes were darkening like clouds on a stormy day.
“He admits the killer has to be a vampire?”
“No, of course not. He didn’t admit anything.”
“But we all know it has to have been a vampire.”
Fiona hesitated. The last thing she wanted to do was defend Jagger DeFarge.
She had kept her distance from him, for the most part. Keepers were not supposed to interfere with everyday life. They did have their councils—kind of like a paranormal Elks Club, she thought with a smile—but as long as the status quo stayed the status quo, each society dealt with their own.
She knew, however, that Jagger did well in life passing as a normal citizen of the city. He was a highly respected police detective and had been decorated by the department.
She’d seen him a few times on television when he’d been interviewed after solving a high profile case. She remembered one interview in particular, when Jagger and his squad had brought in a killer who had scratched out a brutal path of murder from Oregon to Louisiana.
“Frankly, most of the time, what appears on the surface is what a perpetrator wants us to see. Any good officer has to look below the surface. In our city, sadly, we have a high crime rate much of it due to greed, passion or envy, not to mention drugs and domestic violence. But in searching for those who murder because of mental derangement or more devious desires, we can never accept anything at face value,” he had said.
Before she could reply to Caitlin’s question, Shauna came rushing into the office breathlessly. “Well?”
Her youngest sister’s hair was practically flying. She was wearing a soft silk halter dress that swirled around her as she ran, and even when she stopped in front of the desk, she still seemed to be in motion.
“Jagger won’t admit that it was a vampire. Maybe I’m phrasing that wrong. He said that he has to investigate. He reminded me that this is New Orleans—that we attract human wackos just the same as we attract those of us who just want to live normal lives. He didn’t insist that it wasn’t a vampire, he just said that he needs to investigate.”
“Vampires!” Caitlin said, her tone aggravated, as if vampires were the cause of everything that ever went wrong.
“What are you going to do?” Shauna asked.
Fiona frowned. “I don’t know. But look, we can’t all be back here. We can’t leave the shop unattended.”
“I put the Out for Lunch sign up in the window,” Shauna said.
“Out for lunch? It’s ten-thirty in the morning!” Fiona protested.
“Okay, so we’re having an early lunch,” Shauna said with a shrug.
“What do you intend to do?” Caitlin asked. “And don’t say you don’t know, because I know that’s not true.”
“Investigate myself,” Fiona said with a shrug. “Vampires. It’s my duty. I will find out the truth, and I will fix the situation.” She sighed. “Obviously I’ll be out most of the day. Oh, and even if we have to have ‘lunch’ several times in one day, never leave the shop unattended with the door open. We need to be especially careful now, all right?”
Her sisters nodded gravely.
Fiona rose. She had to get started. The situation demanded immediate action.
“Where are you going first?” Caitlin asked her.
“To see August Gaudin,” Fiona said grimly.
Usually werewolves were not her favorite beings, though she tried very hard not to be prejudiced and stereotype them. It was the whole transformation thing that seemed so strange to her—so painful. And the baying at the moon.
Vampires were capable of certain transformations, as well, it was far more a matter of astral projection and hypnotism. A vampire could take on a few legendary forms, such as a wolf and a bat, but they were weakened in such states, and since no vampire wanted to go up against an angry werewolf, for example, in the creature’s own shape, the legendary transformation seldom happened.
Like vampires and shapeshifters, werewolves lived among the human population of the city, controlling themselves—with Shauna as their Keeper. But August Gaudin had fought alongside her parents, and in his human shape he was a dignified older man with silver hair, a broad chest and broad shoulders, and benign and gentle powder-blue eyes. He was an attorney by trade, and he had been elected to the city commission, and also worked with the tourism board. He had been genuinely wonderful to Fiona and her sisters, helping them when they truly needed a friend.
His offices were on Canal Street, and she walked there as quickly as she could, not wanting to call ahead, because trying to explain on the phone or, worse, leave a message would be too difficult.
August would see her. He always did.
The office manager stopped her when she would have absently burst right through to see him, but they had met before, and the woman knew that August wouldn’t turn Fiona down. Still, the woman pursed her lips and said, “Please, sit, and I will let Mr. Gaudin know that you’re here.”
“I’ll stand, thank you,” Fiona said. Silly. The woman was just wielding her power.
August Gaudin came out to greet her, reaching out to take her hands. “Fiona! Dear child, come on in, come on in. Margaret, hold my calls, please.”
Gaudin’s office was a comfortable place. He had a large mahogany desk, and leather chairs that were both comfortable and somehow strong. The office conveyed the personality of the man.
He sat behind his desk as Fiona fell into a chair before it.
“I was expecting you,” he told her.
“I suppose the entire city has heard by now,” she said. She leaned forward. “August, the girl was murdered by a vampire. I’m sure of it. She was drained of blood. Completely. The wretched creatures are at it again!”
“Now, Fiona, that’s not necessarily true,” August told her. “First, we all know that—”
“Yes, yes, there are ridiculous human beings out there who think they’re vampires, who even cut each other and drink each other’s blood.”
“It is possible that such a lunatic killed the woman,” August said.
“Possible, but not likely.”
“I take it that Jagger DeFarge is the investigating officer?”
“Yes. Imagine,” she said dryly.
“That’s good, cher. He’ll know how to investigate properly, and he won’t get himself killed in the process,” he told her.
“August, this is my fault,” she whispered.
“Now, stop. It’s not your fault. It’s your duty to see that the perpetrator is caught and punished. But it’s not your fault any more than it’s your fault when some crackhead falls on top of his own infant and kills him, or when drug slayings occur on the street. Crime exists. And it’s unreasonable to expect that crime will never exist in—our world just as it does in the human world,” he said softly.
She stood and began pacing the room. “Yes, but … if the vampires respected me as their Keeper, they wouldn’t have dared attempt such a thing.”
“Not true. There will always be rogues in any society.”
“August, you’ve always helped me. What should I do?” she asked.
He leaned back. “You tell me.”
“All right. Tonight, I make sure that the victim isn’t coming back, that … that she rests in peace. I’ll go as soon as the morgue is closed, and hopefully before … well, before. Then I’ll go to see David Du Lac at the club and make sure he’s ready to deal with what’s happened.”
“The perfect plan. Here’s another,” August told her.
“Trust in Jagger DeFarge. He’s a good cop. He became a cop to make sure he regulated things that happened among our kind. He’s thorough in every investigation. He’ll be especially vigilant on this one.”
“He’s a vampire.”
“He’s proven that he has integrity and honor.”
“He won’t want to destroy another vampire.”
“He’ll do what is right. You have to trust in that.”
“I’d like to,” she said.
“He’s a vampire,” she repeated.
Jagger headed straight to Underworld, the club owned by David Du Lac, the head of the vampire population of the City of New Orleans. His rule stretched farther, but the city was his domain. He was essentially considered the vampire mayor.
And he did a better job than some of the human beings who had been entrusted with the city’s human citizens, Jagger thought.
Naturally Underworld was frequented by vampires. But David Du Lac prided himself on running an establishment where everyone was welcome. He brought in the best bands and kept the place eclectic, and the human clientele never had any idea just who they were rubbing shoulders with.
Underworld was located just off Esplanade, on Frenchman Street. The edifice was a deconsecrated church. Beautiful stained-glass windows remained, along with a cavernous main section, balconies and private rooms. The old rectory, David’s home as well as a venue for jazz bands and private parties, was right behind the old church. There was a patio, too, open during the day, and a jazz trio played there from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. every day, while the clientele enjoyed muffalettas, crawfish étouffée, gumbo and other Louisiana specialties—along with the customary colorful drinks served in New Orleans and a few designer specials, dryly named the Bloodsucker, Bite Me, the Transformer and the Fang.
Jagger paused for a minute after he parked just down the street from the club. David took good care of the place. The white paint sparkled in the sunlight. The umbrellas in the courtyard were decorated with pretty fleur-de-lis patterns—naturally boasting the black and gold colors of the home football team, the Saints.
He got out of his car and walked through the wrought-iron gate to the courtyard, where a crowd had already gathered, and where the jazz trio was playing softly pleasant tunes.
“Detective Jagger!”
He was greeted by Valentina DeVante, David’s hostess. She worked all hours, although she was almost always at the club at night. She was a voluptuous woman, with a way of walking that was pure sensuality. She had the kind of eyes that devoured a man.
He didn’t actually like being devoured, so he’d always kept his distance.
“Valentina, is David up and about?”
“Actually, he’s over there in the courtyard, toward the back. Tommy, the sax player, is sick, so the guys brought in a substitute. You know how David loves his jazz. He’s making sure he likes the new guy so he can fill in again if he’s needed. Come on. I’ll take you to him.”
She turned. She walked. She swished and swayed. Half the men in town, especially the inebriated ones, would trip over their tongues watching this woman. He was surprised to find himself analyzing his feelings toward her. Too overt. He liked subtlety. Sensuality over in-your-face sexuality. He liked a woman’s smile, a flash in her eyes when she was touched, amused, or when she flirted. He liked honesty, an addiction to decency …
Fiona MacDonald.
God, no.
Yes. She was sleek and smooth, and she never teased or taunted; she was simply beautiful, and even when she was angry, there was something in the sound of her voice that seemed to slip beneath his skin. Her hair was like the sunlight, and her eyes …
“David, Jagger is here,” Valentina said, leading him to David’s table and pulling out one of the plastic-cushioned patio chairs. As he took the seat and thanked her, she leaned low. Her black dress was cut nearly to her navel, displaying her ample cleavage right in front of his face.
But then, since Valentina was a shapeshifter, she could shift a little more of her to any part of her body she desired.
“Hey, Jagger, I was expecting to see you,” David said. He had half risen to greet Jagger, but Jagger lifted a hand, silently acknowledging the courtesy and assuring him that he was welcome to keep his seat.
“David …” Jagger said in greeting.
Since they were both wearing dark glasses, there was nothing to be gleaned by seeking out honesty in David’s eyes, though Jagger knew from past encounters that they were fascinating eyes, almost gold in color. David was Creole, mainly, with additional ancestors who had been French and Italian, so his skin was almost as golden as his eyes, complemented by dark lashes and dark hair. He was a striking man and had always been a friend.
He couldn’t tell what his friend was thinking right now but.
David tended to be a straight shooter.
“Obviously, yes, I’ve heard about the body,” David said quietly.
“Any suspects?”
“You think it was one of us?” David asked. He didn’t have to keep his voice low; the music was just right, and the courtyard was alive with the low drone of conversation. They wouldn’t be heard beyond the table, even if Jagger did note that customers—most of them women—did glance in their direction now and then.
“David, the body was bone-dry. Not a drop of blood.”
David nodded, looking toward the band. “They’re good, don’t you think?”
“Yes, very good. Your taste in music is legendary. Listen, right now the investigation is wide-open. Obviously no one but me suspects anything … out of the ordinary. But we’ve got a serious problem, because it certainly looks to be the work of a vampire. And pretty soon it’s not going to be just me hanging around here and questioning people.”
David groaned.
“The Keeper?” he said quietly. “Oh, Lordy.”
“She found me right after I made it to the crime scene.”
“That one has some attitude, too,” David said with a sigh, then shrugged. “Oh well, comes with the territory, I guess. She had a hell of a lot to contend with at a very young age, and so far, we’ve all kept the peace. She hasn’t had the time—or the need—to acquire the wisdom of her parents. And she’s got that strict code of ethics thing going on, too. Guess it comes with being the oldest.” David grinned suddenly. “Beautiful little thing, though, huh? If we were back in the old days … yum. And I wouldn’t have let anyone interfere with her birth into a new existence, either. Hell, she’s the kind who might have made me monogamous. For a century or so, anyway.”
Jagger wasn’t at all sure why he immediately felt protective. Fiona MacDonald certainly wouldn’t expect or even want him to defend her.
Maybe David’s words irritated him because they had touched a little too close to home.
“Well, she is nice eye candy,” David continued. “And everyone is welcome at my club. She has to do her job, right, Jagger?”
“No, I have to do my job. I have to find a murderer. I hope that it doesn’t prove to be a vampire, but if it does … well, we have to handle it as a community.”
David looked away. “It’s against nature,” he said softly.
“Our lives are against nature. We drink blood that’s inferior to what our ancestors craved, but we’ve evolved, we’ve adapted to it. Louisiana has the death penalty. And since we don’t have any vampire prisons, we have no choice. Rogues die, and it’s a community affair.”
“What do you want me to do?”
“Call a meeting.”
“All right. And I’ll make it known that everyone’s presence is required, though I can’t guarantee that we’ll get everyone.”
“I think most of our kind will be extremely concerned, since they know the other races will be breathing down our necks. This is frightening, David. Frightening for everyone. A young woman was killed, drained of blood. The whole city will be up in arms. And you can guarantee our friends in the underworld of New Orleans society will all be staring at us.”
“I’ll call the meeting,” David assured him. “You’ll be presiding?”
“You bet.”
“I think I can manage it by late—late—tomorrow—the following morning, really. Make it 3:00 a.m. Those who are still hanging out here will probably be three sheets to the wind, not likely to interrupt. The rectory, 3:00 a.m.”
“That will work. Thanks, David.”
“So, will you have some lunch? As my guest, of course.”
“I appreciate the offer, but it’s going to be a long day.”
“Where are you off to now?”
“The morgue,” Jagger told him.
Fiona arrived at Underworld while lunch was still being served. She walked up to the hostess stand, and the woman standing there looked up at her with patronizing patience. She looked Fiona up and down, and would have sniffed audibly if it weren’t against all sense of Southern courtesy. She was dressed in black, and had long black hair, black eyes and enormous breasts.
“Yes? A table for … one? I’m afraid there’s a wait,” the woman said.
Shapeshifter, Fiona thought.
And she probably knew damned well who she was, and what she wanted.
“I’m sorry, I’m not here for lunch at all. I need to see Mr. Du Lac,” Fiona said.
“Ah,” the woman said, just looking at her.
Fiona wasn’t in the mood for a staring contest.
“If you would be so kind, I would deeply appreciate it if you would tell Mr. Du Lac that I’m here.”
“Do you have an appointment?”
“I’m quite certain that he’s expecting me,” Fiona said.
“He’s a very busy man. Perhaps you could leave your card.”
“Perhaps you could inform him that Fiona MacDonald is here. In fact, I strongly suggest that you do so right now.”
The woman lifted her chin. Fiona could tell that she was about to stall again.
Fiona hated changing. She seldom had to do so, but she was adept at the art that was her birthright. She could do so in an instant, and change back so quickly that anyone seeing her who didn’t know would assume it had been a trick of the light. So …
She changed. She gave something that was a warning growl, fangs dripping and bared.
And then she changed back instantly.
“You don’t need to get huffy,” the woman told her. “Right this way.”
She led Fiona past the scattered tables in the courtyard. Beneath one of the lovely umbrellas with its fleur-de-lis in black and gold, she saw David Du Lac comfortably seated.
He had been leaning back, eyes shaded by his dark glasses, hands folded, toes tapping to the sounds of the jazz band.
His pose was casual, but he had seen her coming. He rose, extending his hands to her, a broad smile stretching out across his features.
“Fiona, my dear, welcome, welcome to my club.”
She accepted his hands, along with the kiss he gave her on each cheek. “Valentina, be a dear and see that Miss MacDonald receives a libation right away. What will it be, my dear? A Bloody Mary is always a lovely concoction for lunchtime.”
“I’m fine, really.”
“You must accept my hospitality,” David insisted.
“Iced tea, please,” Fiona said.
She noticed that Valentina, the bitchy shapeshifter, as she would always think of the woman from this moment forth, did sniff audibly then.
“Certainly, David,” the woman crooned.
“David, you know why I’m here,” Fiona said, watching the bitchy shapeshifter swish away.
“Don’t mind her. She’s a jealous vixen if ever I’ve seen one.”
“She’s a triple D with feet,” Fiona said. “Hardly likely to be jealous of me.”
“Ah, my sweet child, what you don’t know about your own sex!” David said, then grew serious. “But never mind. I do know why you’re here.”
“David, this wasn’t just someone who went insane and attacked a woman, then tried to hide her body. It wasn’t someone trying to create his eternal love. This was an act of … war, really. She was left where some city guide with tourists in tow would find her. She was put on display, stretched out … David, this is extremely serious.”
“I do know that, my child,” he said.
“I’m not a child, David,” she reminded him quietly. “I’m the Keeper.”
“Fiona, no offense meant. But you’re supposed to step in when we can’t police our own.”
“This was the action of a rogue, David.”
“Yes, yes, of course. And I promise you, if we’d known he—or she—was out there, we would never have let it happen. But have some faith, Fiona. Please. Jagger DeFarge is working the case and—”
“He’s a vampire, David. He doesn’t want to believe that he’s hunting down one of his own.”
David leaned back, stretching his arms out as if to encompass not only his club but the entire city. “Fiona, I love my life. Or death. Or afterlife. However one chooses to refer to this existence, I’m a good man.”
“David, I wasn’t accusing you of anything.”
“My point is that I don’t want anyone taking this away from me. I enjoy the money, frankly, not to mention the beautiful creatures of all kinds who cross my threshold. I revel in the music. Would I risk losing this? If I knew who had done this, I promise you, I would see to it that Jagger DeFarge knew, and that our own council handled the matter immediately. You must believe me.”
A friendly ash blond waiter with a broad smile delivered her ice tea and asked if she wanted anything else.
“The crawfish étouffée is to die for today,” David told her.
“Thank you, but—”
“Please,” David said.
She was hungry, and she had to have lunch somewhere. “Fine, thank you,” she said.
David grinned broadly, delighted, as the waiter moved on to place her order.
“David, you know that I will follow this all the way through, that I’ll be in everyone’s face everywhere,” Fiona said.
“It will be charming to have you here,” he assured her. “Fiona, I swear, I will do my utmost to help you in any way that I can. But I am asking you something, too. Give Jagger DeFarge a chance.”
“I have to give him a chance, don’t I? He’s with the police—he’ll be front and center in the investigation,” she said dryly. “But here’s what I won’t get from Jagger, David. I don’t believe he’ll tell me when he’s suspicious of someone. He’ll protect his own until the very end—and he may cause more deaths by his unwillingness to believe the killer is a vampire.”
“That’s not true,” David said.
A throat was cleared behind them. “Crawfish étouffée,” the young waiter announced, giving Fiona a fascinated smile. She thanked him as he refilled her tea and handed David another Bloody Mary.
“Who do you suspect?” she demanded, when the waiter had left them at last.
“No one,” David said.
“You’re a liar. But if you point me in a certain direction, I will be discreet as I investigate,” Fiona said.
“No one, really….”
“Liar. Who is the most belligerent? Who wants to go back to the old ways?”
David looked away.
She followed his line of vision toward a tall man across the courtyard, just on the other side of the small stage reserved for the jazz band. He was flirting with a woman seated at his table. She was middle-aged, slim and elegant, with fingers that dripped jewels. She was laughing delightedly at something the man was saying.
“Who is he?” Fiona demanded, staring at David. “He’s a newcomer to the area, but a vampire, I can smell him a mile away.”
David sighed. “Well, of course, you can,” he murmured. “All right, all right. That man is Mateas Grenard, and yes, he’s not been here long. He immediately sought out the council, though, before anyone had to find him and ‘welcome’ him to the city. He has openly disagreed with some of our rules, but isn’t that the American way?”
“There’s not much else I can tell you,” Craig Dewey said. They were in autopsy. The corpse of the beautiful blonde still looked as angelic as when it had first been discovered. “I haven’t opened her up yet—we’ll get to that tomorrow. We’ve done the death photographs and taken what blood we could for tests—which was hard, since she’s been drained almost completely dry. If there’s a quarter of a pint left in her body, I’d be surprised. Cause of death—well, I could be wrong, but it looks pretty obvious that she bled out. It’s as if it was siphoned from her body. We’ve tried to find semen stains, and we ran a rape kit … with intriguing results, particularly given what we just found out in the last few minutes. Determining sexual assault has been almost impossible.”
“What? Why? Was there evidence of semen? Or condoms?”
“At least seven different brands,” Dewey said dryly. “We’re taking it step by step. I’m sorry, but it’s the only way, even though—I know you want to catch this killer before panic fills the city.”
There was something that seemed eternally sad about the snow-white body on the table, though the white gown had been replaced by a morgue sheet.
“You said you found something out in the last few minutes,” Jagger said. “You know who she is?”
“Got a match on her prints. The results posted to your office and mine about five minutes ago,” Dewey told him, an odd look on his face.
“What is it?”
“Snow White here isn’t what she appears to be. Her name is Tina Lawrence. She worked at Barely, Barely, Barely, which is a pretty lowbrow establishment across Rampart from the Quarter,” Dewey said, offering him the report folder.
Jagger scanned it quickly.
The angelic Miss Tina Lawrence had a rap sheet a mile long. Drugs, prostitution and assault and battery.
“Wow,” he said.
“Not a nice young lady,” Dewey said.
Jagger winced. “She knifed a college student for being four dollars short,” he said quietly.
“Keep reading. She tried to cut the balls off another john. Get this, she admitted she wanted to kill him. Amazing she wasn’t in jail,” Dewey said.
“We can pick people up, but we can’t always get them past the legal systems and the pleas and the deals,” Jagger said. “Seems she got off that because she had some drug connections and the D.A. offered her a plea in order to pick up a few of her friends who were higher up in the drug chain.”
“Not a nice girl. Actually a deadly girl—and now a dead one,” Dewey commented. “Well, anyway, there you have it. I guess you’ll be heading off to the strip club,” Dewey said, punching him lightly on the arm. “Have fun.”
Jagger walked out of the autopsy room and left the morgue. He called Tony Miro, and told him where to head to start questioning Tina Lawrence’s friends, coworkers and employer, and to pull the credit card receipts and find out who had been in attendance at Tina’s last show. He needed to hang around near the morgue.
Waiting for the sun to fall.
As Dewey had said, Tina Lawrence hadn’t been a nice girl. She’d been a deadly one.
He could only begin to imagine the horror that would be Tina Lawrence as a vampire.

Chapter 3
The coroner’s office never closed. It employed all manner of forensic specialists, along with financial and clerical staff. Under the Napoleonic Code of Law still in effect in Louisiana, the New Orleans coroner’s office was responsible not only for the classification of death, but also the evaluation of sex crimes and the overall general health of the citizens of the city, specifically recognizing serious threats from disease. It was a busy place. By day pathologists, forensic psychiatrists, patient liaisons, nurses in charge of sexual assault exams, forensic anthropologists, forensic odontologists and more clogged the corridors.
Death didn’t stop at any particular time of day, so naturally a morgue couldn’t close.
But by nightfall the accountants, assistants and usually even the experts in such fields as toxicology, entomology and more had called it quits for the day, and only a skeleton crew—if the pun could be forgiven—were on duty. The dead, after all, were dead.
Fiona headed down Martin Luther King Boulevard and arrived outside the building’s entrance while it was still early; she watched as people came and went, and then kept on watching as they mainly went.
There was no choice then but to go through the change, to concentrate and enter as a vampire would, in a shroud of mist.
The guards never suspected a thing as she went by; the outer offices, where a few doctors were still working, were easily breeched; and she breezed by the night attendant sitting outside the morgue without being noticed. Because several people had died in recent days, she took a chance and searched through the records to find the right body.
Then she headed into the dim, chilly room.
To her surprise, the body of Tina Lawrence had not been slid away neatly into a refrigerated slot but she was stretched out on an autopsy table.
The room smelled heavily of antiseptics and chemical compounds, not so much of death itself, yet the very antiseptics made it seem that the scent of death was prevalent in the air.
She slipped in and concentrated hard on regaining her customary form, aware that during the good times she should have been practicing her transformations techniques. But all the while she couldn’t help wondering why they had left Tina Lawrence as she was.
Fiona knew that the tenor of the investigation had changed; the news media had released the woman’s identification and touted her past record. Reporters had a knack for finding out what the investigators had barely discovered themselves.
While the media had no doubt thought that releasing the victim’s background was a good thing—a reassurance to most citizens that they were safe—Fiona was certain that Jagger considered the knowledge to be dangerous. It was hard to catch a killer when everyone knew too many details about the victim and the crime. Cranks, crackheads and anyone else looking for a little notoriety might decide to confess to the crime. But New Orleans was still raw, still learning painful lessons after Katrina’s devastation, and Fiona was certain that most of the media believed they had done a good thing by releasing the information that the victim had led something much less than a blameless life. A majority of the city’s women would be able to think, I’m safe. I’m not a stripper or a prostitute, and I’ve certainly never been arrested.
On the other hand, the news about the victim’s past had made Fiona incredibly nervous. Tina Lawrence must not be allowed to go through the change. Fiona had known what she had to do from the beginning; the information about Tina’s past had only made it all the more urgent.
And so, as she retook her human form there in the autopsy room, she worried that the medical examiner assigned to the body might come back any minute to begin working on it still, that the assistant she’d passed in the hall might step in at any time, or that she might be caught by someone else entirely unanticipated who could enter any second.
A sheet covered the body, and all she had to do was pull it back and use the stiletto sharp stake she had brought, making sure that she pierced the heart.
She wasn’t surprised that Tina Lawrence wasn’t yet marked by the Y shaped incision of autopsy. Given the circumstances, Fiona was certain that it had taken some time to transfer the body to the morgue, and then the victim would have been fingerprinted, photographed and …
She wasn’t sure what else.
She actually didn’t want to know what else.
All she had to do was make sure that Tina Lawrence did not wake up.
But as she approached the corpse, she heard a noise in the hallway and the door started to open, so she dived behind a stainless table holding an array of instruments, most of them totally unfamiliar.
The night attendant stuck his head in, looked around briefly, then closed the door and left.
She started to breathe a sigh of relief, then realized that she was hearing something in the room. No, someone. She glanced quickly up at the table, but the corpse hadn’t moved. She held her ground, listening, her heart pounding.
Nothing. She looked around in the dim light and waited. Still nothing. She started to rise and saw a flurry of motion behind her.
Instantly alarmed, she started to change, but she wasn’t quick enough.
Someone tackled her hard and forced her down to the ground.
She instantly went into combat mode, lashing out with her arms and legs, delivering one solid punch that brought out a startled “Oomph,” from her attacker before he caught and secured her arms, straddling her.
She found herself looking up into the eyes of Jagger DeFarge.
“DeFarge!” she lashed back angrily. “Get off me.”
He didn’t comply, though he released her arms as he remained straddled over her, staring down at her angrily.
“What the hell are you doing here?” he demanded.
“It’s obvious what I’m doing here—cleaning up the mess,” she replied.
“It’s my concern,” he told her.
“No, it’s mine. I’m responsible in circumstances like these, and I have no guarantee that you’ll do the right thing,” she replied.
“Well, I’m here, and I’m handling the situation,” he said, crossing his arms over his chest and staring down at her.
“Will you please get off me?” she inquired.
Before he could respond, the door opened. The young night attendant walked in, flicking on the bright overhead lights.
Jagger and Fiona stared at one another as the attendant let out a startled cry.
Jagger rose instantly to his feet, shushing the man with authority. “It’s all right. I’m Detective DeFarge, just looking for Dr. Dewey and the results of this autopsy.”
“I’m about to put her on ice for the night,” the attendant said. “Dr. Dewey will be in first thing in the morning to start the autopsy.”
As he spoke, the corpse on the gurney jackknifed into a sitting position, the sheet falling to reveal her naked torso.
The young man opened his mouth to let out a scream, but Jagger leaped over the table in an instant, slipping behind him and silencing him with a hand over the mouth, pulling the door shut with his other hand.
Tina Lawrence glared around, a hissing growl coming from her lips.
Then she parted those lips to reveal dripping fangs.
Despite her calling in life and the way she’d died, Tina Lawrence was still beautiful. Her blond hair cascaded over the white flesh of her shoulders, and despite the terrifying distraction of her fangs, she had lovely wide blue eyes, which settled on the attendant with hunger.
He spoke from beneath Jagger’s hold, his words muffled but audible. “She’s alive. She’s alive!”
Jagger stared at Fiona. “Take him—quickly. Silence him.”
She hurried over to where Jagger was struggling with the attendant—both to hold him still and to keep from hurting him. She grasped the young man’s arms, staring into his eyes. “Quiet now, quiet. It’s all right. You’re dreaming this. You’re asleep at your desk, and you know that you have to wake up, that you have a job to do….”
She kept speaking softly. Jagger apparently assured himself that everything was fine and turned toward the corpse of Tina Lawrence, but as he did, the corpse leaped naked from the table, ready to pounce on Fiona and the young attendant.
Jagger slipped between them just in time.
As she continued trying to calm the attendant, Fiona saw that Jagger had taken a weapon from his jacket.
It was far superior to her own, a long stake, honed to a sharp point, even narrower than hers. He took Tina Lawrence into his arms, and, just before her newly grown fangs could tear into his throat, he struck hard, delivering the lethal blow directly through the wall of her chest and straight into her heart.
The corpse collapsed against him.
Despite her prowess with hypnotic mind control, Fiona began to lose the young morgue attendant.
He began to emit a low moaning sound and started to slip lower in her arms.
She had a feeling then that he must be a football player—a blocker or a tackle—with Tulane or Loyola, because she simply didn’t have the strength to stop him from falling. Though she tried to hold him upright, she began to slip to the floor.
She heard Jagger swearing softly as he shoved the corpse of Tina Lawrence quickly back onto the table and came to help her.
But by then the attendant had passed out cold.
“We’ve got to get him back to his desk,” Jagger told her.
“What if someone else is in the hallway? There are still people in the building,” she warned.
“Get out there and make sure no one is coming,” he told her. “Quickly.”
“Why me?”
“Well, you obviously can’t lift him.”
“All right, all right, I’m going,” Fiona said, and pointed an angry finger at him. “But you don’t give me orders. I am the Keeper!”
“And you’re going to have a hell of a lot to keep if you don’t get moving,” he told her.
She wanted to reply; she wanted the last word.
But they needed to hurry. She rushed out into the hallway.
It was clear.
“Now,” she told Jagger, sticking her head back into the autopsy room.
Luckily the attendant’s desk was just down the hall. She rushed toward it, ready to fend off anyone who might come by.
Jagger had lifted the attendant as if he were no more than a ten-pound lapdog and was hurrying toward the desk. Just beyond the desk, Fiona saw a door opening. She rushed toward it just in time to see an older man in a lab jacket about to come through.
“Oh!” she said, staring at him, trying to lock her eyes on his and demand his attention.
Apparently she succeeded, because he stared curiously back at her.
“Hello,” he said weakly.
She smiled. “You’re so tired—you’ve been working very hard. Go and get your things, then go on home and have a nap. You’re hallucinating, you’re so tired.”
“I’m so tired,” he echoed. “You’re a lovely hallucination.”
“Thank you.”
He was of average height and weight, with close-cropped white hair. He was usually very dignified looking, she was certain, but right now he was staring at her with wide-eyed wonder.
“You’re daydreaming, sir. You have to go home. You need some rest.”
“Yes, yes, but … why don’t you come, too, and make this a really good daydream? An erotic daydream, maybe. Please?”
Fiona groaned inwardly.
“That wouldn’t be a very good idea. You probably have a wife, and I think she’s your daydream.”
“All right.”
He stepped back the way he had come, closing the door.
As she turned, she almost screamed herself. Jagger had come up quietly behind her.
“He’s at his desk. He’ll wake up confused. Poor boy may never be the same. He’ll have some memory … but he’ll just think that he imagined everything,” Jagger told her. He was staring at her with amusement, and she could tell that he must have heard her conversation with the middle-aged man in the lab coat.
She pushed against his chest. Like a rock, but he moved back. “This is a disaster,” she said, her voice a low and angry whisper. “You need to let me handle things.”
“With what? A sledgehammer? So you could let the whole world know something was going on in here?”
Fiona ignored that. It was true that he had definitely … taken care of things.
But he was a vampire. And a vampire was normally loath to kill another vampire.
“The corpse?” she asked briskly.
“The corpse will have nothing but a tiny hole through the heart. If you had done this, it would have been obvious that someone had been here. Do you understand?”
“Your weapon is the right one. I’ll see that I improve on my arsenal,” she snapped.
“We need to finish up quickly,” he said.
He hurried back to the autopsy room, checking the hallway after she followed him in, then closing the door.
“The sheet,” he said, which irritated Fiona, since she was already returning Tina Lawrence to her original position on the table and covering her with the sheet.
Jagger just had to straighten it.
“Now let’s get the hell out of here,” he said.
He changed in a split second, appearing to be no more than mist, and heading out. Cursing silently, she did her best to make the change as quickly and efficiently.
Still, he looked impatient when she met him back on the street, though she couldn’t have been more than a few seconds behind him.
“You could have caused a real problem in there tonight,” he told her.
They had met on the street corner, beneath the shadow of a giant oak that dripped moss. He was tall, dark, lean, strikingly handsome—and deadly—in the glow of the flickering electric streetlight. Powerful in a way that was frightening, that stole her breath.
She wasn’t afraid of him, she told herself.
She was the Keeper.
“I was there to see that the right thing was done,” she said with dignity. “And I would have managed just fine—if you hadn’t come in and messed everything up.”
“I’m a cop, and I know how to manage any situation—especially one that has to do with vampires.”
“I repeat. I am responsible. I am the Keeper. Your Keeper.”
He bristled at that, and took a step closer to her. He used a body wash or aftershave that was subtle and masculine, and despite herself, she took a step backward, not sure if it was because she was intimidated—or because she found herself too attracted, too tempted to lay her hands on the broad expanse of his chest.
She forced herself to stay still as he took a step closer to her, pointing a finger and touching her just above her cleavage.
“You are the Keeper. But you’re overstepping your bounds. You’re supposed to step in when we can’t handle a situation ourselves. In this case, I was handling the situation just fine.”
She shook her head. “I can’t trust you to kill a vampire,” she said, her words soft.
“You have to trust me.”
“A vampire has committed murder,” she reminded him.
“That’s not proven,” he insisted. “Look—we’re on it. Give us a chance, Fiona. Good God, learn from your parents. They were amazing, because they understood delegation.”
“My parents are dead,” she reminded him angrily.
She was surprised when he seemed to soften, when something in his eyes became gentle, almost tender.
“I’m sorry. Please, give me a chance … as a cop—and as a vampire. I will get to the bottom of this, but none of us will be in good shape if we get the city abuzz with rumors, and all the underworld starts getting edgy and worried. Please.”
She nodded. “I don’t want a panic erupting, either, but that’s the point. I have to keep watching—that’s what Keepers do,” she reminded him. She was overwhelmed by the sense that she needed to get away from him. She didn’t want to be this close, didn’t want to be noticing his physique or realizing that his scent was extremely evocative. She wanted to be irritated from a distance; she wanted to solve the problem herself, because she was the Keeper.
“I have to get home,” she heard herself say a little nervously.
“I’ll drive you.”
“I have my own car,” she told him quickly.
“I’ll walk you to it,” he told her.
“I’m all right. This is my city.”
“And like every city, it has crack houses, drug addicts and plain old thugs. I’m a cop—I do my job even when the denizens of the underworld aren’t out causing trouble. I’ll walk you to your car.”
“Honestly, Jagger, I’m a Keeper.”
“And a Keeper—just like a vampire, werewolf, shapeshifter, pixie, pooka, leprechaun or even a lamia—can be taken by surprise. Why the hell do you think our kind had to escape the old world, then flee places like Salem, to find a place where we could blend in? We’re all vulnerable, Fiona, despite whatever strengths we have. We’re all vulnerable—in so many ways.”
He took her arm as they walked down the street. She wanted to wrench from his touch, but …
The lady doth protest too much, methinks, she thought.
But she was so acutely aware of him!
They reached her car.
“Good night, Fiona,” he said, as he opened her door for her.
“You’ll keep me apprised—of everything going on? From a cop’s standpoint and a vampire’s?” she inquired.
He nodded.
“I have to follow up and investigate. You know that.”
“Have some faith in me, please,” he said.
“I’m having faith. But I’m using what I’ve got, too, that’s all.”
“I’ll report in daily,” he said.
“Yes, you will.”
He smiled suddenly.
She frowned, looking at him. “I don’t see anything to smile about in any of this, Jagger.”
“Oh, certainly not. Not in the situation.”
“You just have to have the last word, don’t you?” he asked.
She didn’t reply, just slid into the seat, and he closed the door. She stared at him and turned the key in the ignition. He stepped away quickly as she gunned the engine, then started to ease out onto the street.
A good exit, she told herself.
Except that she could hear his husky laughter even as she drove away.

Chapter 4
Fiona had just slipped into the long, soft cotton T-shirt she loved to wear to bed and crawled under the covers when she heard the tap on her door that announced Caitlin’s arrival. Her sister knocked, but didn’t wait for an invitation.
“Well?” Caitlin demanded.
The room was dark, but with the hall lights on, Fiona could see her sister’s anxious face.
“It’s done,” she said.
“Thank God,” Caitlin breathed. “For some reason the media have been trying to hide the details of Tina Lawrence’s life, but finally—one of the anchors started reading her police sheet, and … I literally shivered. Can you even imagine? The best vampire is a bloodthirsty beast and—”
“Caitlin, please. We know plenty of vampires who are fine citizens. And let’s get serious. There’s no more violent beast out there than man, when he chooses to be,” Fiona argued.
Caitlin sighed softly. “Look, I know that they’re your charges, but … well, I just don’t believe there’s ever been a truly good vampire.”
Jagger DeFarge.
The name came unbidden to Fiona’s mind.
She realized that despite her earlier misgivings, she believed that he was a force for good. After all, was anyone really all good or all bad? Everyone, every being, every creature, came with a form of free will, and free will led to behavior that was good, bad and everything in between.
“Jagger DeFarge was there,” she told her sister. “He was already attending to the matter, as he should have been.”
Caitlin sniffed. “Was he? Or did he decide he had no choice, once he saw you?”
“Caitlin, please. I have to have some faith in his ethics and his commitment to our laws. The vampires, like all creatures, are supposed to police their own, and I believe that they will do so. I also went to see David Du Lac, and I know that the higher-ups among the vampires are deeply concerned. Caitlin, they like their lives. They’re not going to risk everything they have, all to protect a rogue.”
Caitlin looked at her gravely, the softly glowing hall light making her appear angelic.
“I’m just worried,” she said. “Worried … for you.”
Fiona rose and walked over to the door, where she took her sister into a warm hug. “I understand.”
They stayed close for a minute, sisters who had seen the worst. Then they broke apart, and Fiona smiled. “I’m fine, honestly. Have some faith in me, if not the vampires. The truth is, I need your help.”
“My help? We’re talking vampires. Not my thing, remember?” Caitlin said.
Fiona nodded. She had been born with the sign of the bat, a tiny birthmark at the base of her spine. Caitlin had been born with the sign of the mist, shapeshifting. She loved her sister’s birthmark, which was magical, changing continuously, though most who saw it thought it a trick of the eye.
Shauna bore the mark of the werewolf Keeper, the wolf, howling at the moon. No tattoo artist had ever created a work of such perfection.
Their friends had marveled at the marks on those rare occasions when they’d been revealed by a low-cut bathing suit. They hadn’t tried to hide them, had merely shrugged them off, leaving their friends to wonder how and when they’d come by them.
Before Fiona could reply, Shauna popped up behind Caitlin.

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The Keepers Heather Graham

Heather Graham

Тип: электронная книга

Жанр: Современные любовные романы

Язык: на английском языке

Издательство: HarperCollins

Дата публикации: 16.04.2024

Отзывы: Пока нет Добавить отзыв

О книге: Enter a simmering underworld of dark desires, ruled by an ancient legacy, torn apart by passion… At the heart of New Orleans lies a ravaged community of vampires and shape-shifters. As one of the Keepers, it’s Fiona’s duty to secure peace in this place where one vampire’s bite could start a war. When vamp detective Jagger DeFarge is called in at the discovery of a young woman’s body, drained of blood in a cemetery, the detective and Fiona join uneasy forces.Jagger will stop at nothing to find the murderer – including working in close quarters with the sensual Fiona. But when the killer’s attention turns to Fiona, will Jagger risk the destruction of his own species to protect the woman he so fervently desires?THE KEEPERS:Three powerful sisters,caught between duty and desire…

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