Essential Oils For Your Health And Beauty

Essential Oils For Your Health And Beauty
Lyudmila Ananieva

Essential Oils
for your Health and Beauty
Part 1
Written by
Lyudmila Ananieva

Copyright © 2017 by Lyudmila Ananieva
All rights reserved.
This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this e-book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you are reading this e-book and did not purchase it, please purchase your own legal copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

Table of Contents
Cover (#u3ab408dd-e1a4-5106-a88d-4b47370bb87a)
Title Page (#ue1ab9c86-7db1-5e46-912c-c618032b0b05)
Copyright (#uab44b42b-fff7-58d2-80d9-111f919e83c5)
General characteristic (#u6f96555c-30e1-5f74-8b68-cf1b7da148e7)
Orange (#u37dd0c60-ee37-511b-b766-9e2b22fe798a)
Basil (#u4830b49d-1507-5e25-aaf7-f05a457a5a3a)
Bergamot (#u5188bfc4-b4a5-5299-9266-9d1c6ed29455)
Vanilla (#ud71ba0dc-4cb1-5d0b-9bbf-eb78bd6b18ee)
Valeriana (#litres_trial_promo)
Carnation (Clove-stems) (#litres_trial_promo)
Geranium (#litres_trial_promo)
Grapefruit (#litres_trial_promo)
Jasmine (#litres_trial_promo)
Ylang-ylang (#litres_trial_promo)
Ginger (#litres_trial_promo)
Cedar (#litres_trial_promo)
Lavender (#litres_trial_promo)
Frankincense (#litres_trial_promo)
Lemongrass (#litres_trial_promo)
Lemon (#litres_trial_promo)
Tangerine (#litres_trial_promo)
Mint (#litres_trial_promo)
Fir (#litres_trial_promo)
Palmarose (#litres_trial_promo)
Rosemary (#litres_trial_promo)
Sandal Tree (#litres_trial_promo)
Tea Tree (#litres_trial_promo)
Sage (#litres_trial_promo)
Eucalyptus (#litres_trial_promo)
Thank you (#litres_trial_promo)

General characteristic (#u167d2f48-a5e4-5519-ac36-b0cdf6dc0116)
Essential oils are smells, not simply salutary for mood and health, also unique medicinal properties are inherent in them, they increase resistance of an organism to adverse factors of the external environment, such as carcinogens, useful for prophylactics of diseases, optimization of the air environment, increasing resistance of the organism to adverse environmental factors and so forth.
Essential oils — substances very concentrated. Therefore in the pure form, they are almost not applied. Exceptions make only oil of a lavender and tea tree.
All other essential oils surely must be dissolved in express basis solvent — vegetable oil (olive, almond, avocado, grape seeds and so forth, they prolong action of essential oils as sluggishly evaporate on air), milk, yogurt, alcohol, shampoos, balm, cream. It is also possible to mix them with salt.
As a basis solvent milk, cream, yogurt, and also honey, wine or vodka are used.
Essential oils are of great interest for cosmetology. By means of vegetable/fruit oils is possible to solve a set of dermatological problems. The most various cosmetology procedures are carried out with use of essential oils since they make a bactericidal impact and positive influence on skin, hair, nails condition.
Skin needs more moistening and nutrition with age. And also protection against influence of the sun, wind, frost. It is better to switch gradually to natural essential oils for the care of facial skin and body, and at the same time, they can be useful for prophylactics of various diseases.
There are such properties of essential oils as anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, clearing, moistening, softening and others and successfully are used for centuries in a cosmetology.
For dry skin use essential oils of lavender, geranium, rose, ylang-ylang, fennel, rosemary, marjoram, jasmine, santal and pink tree in combination with basic oils.
Basic dry skin oils: macadamia, jojoba, almond. Oil from kernels of apricot stones and peach.
For normal skin it is possible to use essential oils of lavender, geranium, rose, lemon in combination with basic oils.
Basic normal skin oils: macadamia oil, jojoba, almond, oil from kernels of apricot, grape and peach seeds.
Essential oils for oily skin: bergamot, orange, vetiver, grapefruit, geranium, lemon, lavender, ylang-ylang, cypress, juniper, cedar.
Basic oily skin oils: grape seeds oils, almond, apricot and peach kernels. These oils in combination with essential oils normalize fatty balance of the skin.

Determining your skin type:
Cosmetologists determine 5 main skin types: normal, dry, oily, combination, sensitive. The difference between one type from another is that how much is intensive sebaceous glands secrete sebum, and on what areas of the face are the most active.Also, much depends on inherited skin's ability to retain moisture.

How to determine your skin type?
1.To determine the type of skin, first it must be thoroughly cleaned, no makeup.
2.Let skin rest for a few hours without makeup.
3.After that, carefully examine the skin in daylight with a simple, but well enhancing mirror. What you will see can serve as a guide of the selection of cosmetics.

This book offers you:
1. Medicinal properties of Essential Oils and how they can help.
2. Cosmetic properties.
3. Recipes of homemade cosmetics with Essential Oils.

Orange (#u167d2f48-a5e4-5519-ac36-b0cdf6dc0116)

The essential oil of orange represents liquid of yellow or orange color.

Influence on a human body
Fresh and sweet orange aroma always was very attractive to people, and it was used for treatment for a long time. The modern researchers showed that the main medicinal properties of this oil are evident in such areas:

immune stimulating;
Internal use of this oil is recommended for improvement of work of intestines, increases appetite, lowering of arterial pressure, improvement of metabolism, a decrease of pains. Orange oil must be accepted no more than two drops in a glass of any drink and 2 times per day, not more often.
1. The essential oil of orange is very efficient for rinsings when angina, stomatitis, and inhalations. Rinsing requires one drop of substance for a glass of water. For steam inhalation take 3 drops of oil for a glass of very hot water.
2. Dry inhalation - 3 drops of means has the calming and anti-inflammatory properties, but inhale aroma with closed eyes.
3. Orange oil is used for scrubs, applications compress at joint pains, spasms and spastic pains, cold and angina. Also on gums or a painful tooth, 1:1 orange essential oil with any vegetable oil.
4. Massage at headaches, cold, a premenstrual syndrome: 3 drops orange mixed with basic oil on a spoon; if the mix is intended for children (for example, for soothing massage), then 1 drop of an essential oil on a 1 teaspoon basic oil is required.
5. For compress: 3 drops of an essential oil add to a teaspoon with vegetable oil.
The soothing and relaxing effect of ingredients of oil of orange when suffering from sleeplessness, a stress, an overexcitement. It is very good to use it in a bath, with aroma lamp:
dose: a ratio – 1 drop on 5 square room meter
five drops of oil which can be mixed with salt, milk, soda or other emulsifier for a bathtub;

In a cosmetology, orange oil finds application as very effective remedy fighting against cellulite. It is used at massage (the same, as well as for a medical pulverizing), and also in the form of wrappings. For carrying out wrappings it is necessary to add 5 drops of substance to two tablespoons of any anti-cellulite cream or to 2 tablespoons of cosmetic clay mixed with the water. Such anti-cellulite mixture is applied on problem places and is kept on the body for several hours. Oil of orange restores the elasticity of skin and refreshes it, promotes a resorption of acne, clarifies pigments. This means is especially useful for dry skin and hair, and also when dandruff. It is added to cream, a mask or shampoo just before the use.
For face care it is necessary to take 3 drops orange oil and 1 tablespoon basic oil, for shampoo the dose can be doubled.
Orange oil miraculously influences hair: it accelerates its height, eliminates dryness and dandruff, adds gloss and silk effect, besides, gives light pleasant aroma. If you desire long hair, orange essential oil stimulates its growth.

Several ways how to use it:

add to shampoo or conditioner : 3-5 drops of oil
apply few drops on your hair brush,
use for the preparation of hair mask (mix, for example, on a teaspoon sweet-almond oil with few drops of orange essential oil and keep it warm on your hair not less than half an hour, then wash away with shampoo).

For nails
Use it regularly to rub on nail plate and a cuticle. So nails will be stronger and brilliant, protected from dryness and fragility. Carry out such procedure no more, than once a week to avoid allergy.
For hands : add 1 tablespoons of sea salt and 5 drops of oil in warm water, keep your hands there for a while.

For Face
Oil of orange is irreplaceable in fight against many face skin problems.

For skin with inflammations will be useful such calming mask: beat egg to white add 1 tablespoon of blue clay and 3-4 drops of orange oil.
Dry tired skin will appreciate a mask from olive oil mixed with orange oil in a proportion 2:1.
Acne and spots: is good to use orange oil as the real antimicrobial means. It is enough to put of it as points on the inflamed places. Do it only once a day,because it can provoke strong irritation.

For a body
And finally – recipes against cellulite on the basis of orange oil.

add honey and several drops of orange oil to a coffee thick mixture. Use mixture as a scrub for problem zones.
Also it can be used as basis for anti-cellulite wrapping. Several drops with basic oil on problem places, enjoy wonderful aroma for hour , then wash away with water.

Basil (#u167d2f48-a5e4-5519-ac36-b0cdf6dc0116)

Action:potent antioxidant and anti-microbical, anti-inflammatory.
Basil essential oil fights against virus, bacteriemic and fungic infections, prophylactics of flu and hair strengthening.

Action of basil essential oil
potent antioxidatic and antimicrobic of wide range influence (bacteria, viruses, fungi), anti-inflammatory, anti-sclerosis, desensitizing, antiallergenic, wound healing,anti-anxiety.

Face, skin, body and hair care
Having antioxidant properties the oil is widely used in anti-aging cosmetics and its excellent for the care of a problematic skin. Basil oil is a potent natural antioxidant.
It is necessary to care for face and body daily, to clear and hydrate them in the morning and in the evening. It will help to prevent wrinkles, spots, and an early baldness. The odorous liquid is included in composition of gels and lotions, enriches scrubs, masks, creams.

Recipes for beauty and health
Action: Clears, hydrate, and tones up sluggish, dim skin. Recipe: Basil oil — 10–12 drops. Day cream — 50 ml. Application: Add few drops of oil to tonic, day cream. For dry skin take less essential oil.
It can cause irritation on sensitive skin.

Action: Reduces viscosity of oily skin , deeply clears, purifies.Recipe: Basil oil — 10–12 drops. Jojoba oil — 50 ml. Application:Mix components, put it on the cleaned face.

Hair toner
Action: Improves microcirculation , stimulates body growth of hair, adds gloss.Recipe:Coconut milk — ½ glasses.A castor oil — 3 tablespoons.Oil jojoba — 15 drops.Basil oil — 5–7 drops.Application. Mix components and apply on skin,leave for 10 minutes. Then wash away with shampoo, having added to 50 ml of shampoo 15 drops of oil of basil.

Precautionary measures.
When drawing on the skin the distinct phototoxic effect is observed.And is forbidden to apply at pregnancy and the increased coagulability of blood. An excessive use can depress nervous system. Can cause irritation to people with sensitive skin.

Bergamot (#u167d2f48-a5e4-5519-ac36-b0cdf6dc0116)

Bergamot oil has many useful properties. It is applied as calming, resolvent means for massage of fatigue skin, and also as an antiseptic.
Bergamot oil also helps to normalize secretion grease and sweat glands, has the ability to narrow skin pores.

Bergamot essential oil in a cosmetology
Massage: Stir 5-7 drops of oil of bergamot with 10 g of the basic oil, apply as massage of the body.
Cosmetics enrichment: add 1 to 5 drops of oil of bergamot to any cream, tonic, conditioner. It will enrich any means, having given it the new qualities contented in bergamot.
Purifying agent for skin:dissolve in 1 tsp of grape oil 5 drops of oil of bergamot and the same quantity of thyme oil. This means can be rubbed into skin daily anytime.
Body oil: take sweet-almond oil (50 ml) as basis, add to it 5 drops -bergamot, 5 drops - lemon essential oil, 3 drops -neroli essential oil and 1 drop - rosemary oil. This means has the refreshing and cooling effect.
Means for aging skin:add 15 ml of glycerin to 75 ml of distilled water, than implicate 5 drops - geranium and 5 drops - bergamot, and also 3 drops - sandal oil. Mix all very well, put everything on a face for the night. This mixture cleans greasy luster skin, normalizes fat metabolism of sebaceous glands.
Means for hair care: apply 1 drop - bergamot oil on a massage brush and just brush hair. Hair will gain gloss and unforgettable aroma.
Means for hands and nails: apply 1-2 drops - bergamot oil on hands skin, including nails. Your hands will receive excellent means, cooling, and rejuvenescence effect.

Treatment by bergamot oil
Classical recipe: take 1 tablespoon of honey drip 2-5 drops of bergamot oil 30 minutes before taking food. It will help to get rid of an inflammation of "ear-throat- nose" area, will influence well on the bladder. This means is also applied to decrease high temperature, to strengthen the appetite and to exterminate intestinal parasites.

Bergamot essential oil and sun are incompatible! Therefore, after any procedure with bergamot oil it is forbidden to go out when sun is shining– skin can receive an undesirable pigmentation. For this reason, bergamot essential oil is not used in cosmetics.
Don't use when suffering from acute diseases of digestive tract, pregnant and epilepsy.

Vanilla (#u167d2f48-a5e4-5519-ac36-b0cdf6dc0116)

Action: antiseptic, anti-inflammatory,calming (sedative),anti-depressive.
Essential oil of vanilla is the excellent oil, possessing the very strong energizing action.

Application in the cosmetics:
Has a rejuvenating and good impact on skin, making it stronger, elastic and tightened, promoting its regeneration and is water resistant. Removes an inflammation, eliminates nervous rash and irritation. Has the whitening and delustering effect.

For face and body skin and hair
Vanilla essential oil is widely used for the care of facial skin and body. Cream and masks often contain this oil. The useful components feed and hydratate cells, removes an inflammation, makes skin silky and elastic.

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Essential Oils For Your Health And Beauty Lyudmila Ananieva
Essential Oils For Your Health And Beauty

Lyudmila Ananieva

Тип: электронная книга

Жанр: Спорт, фитнес

Язык: на английском языке


Дата публикации: 16.04.2024

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О книге: Essential Oils For Your Health And Beauty, электронная книга автора Lyudmila Ananieva на английском языке, в жанре спорт, фитнес

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