The Perfect Couple

The Perfect Couple
Valerie Hansen

Despite their differences, Tyler Corbett assumed Kara Shepherd was a fine woman…for somebody else. He had no intention of falling for her, despite a vast local conspiracy. But how could the strapping cowboy avoid Kara when she popped up everywhere he went–even in church?Widowed Kara figured there was only one way to get her family–and Tyler's–to stop matchmaking. They'd simply pretend to fall in love, then break up. Step One of the charade was surprisingly easy. But when a few fake kisses unexpectedly led to the real thing, Step Two was in serious jeopardy!

“What do we do now, Tyler?”

Kara whispered.

“I suppose we could claim we were quarreling, like we'd planned.”

“Even I wouldn't believe that one, and this story is my invention.”

“Well, what then?”

Kara pulled a face. “I don't know. Maybe we can…”

Just then, Tyler saw everyone else rush out of the house. Mark was pointing at them.

“Go to plan B.” Tyler finished her sentence with a self-deprecating smirk, grabbed Kara and pulled her into a full embrace. As he bent to kiss her, he whispered a warning against her lips. “Hang on. This won't hurt a bit.”


was thirty when she awoke to the presence of the Lord in her life and turned to Jesus. In the years that followed she worked with young children, both in church and secular environments. She also raised a family of her own and played foster mother to a wide assortment of furred and feathered critters.

Married to her high school sweetheart since age seventeen, she now lives in an old farmhouse she and her husband renovated with their own hands. She loves to hike the wooded hills behind the house and reflect on the marvelous turn her life has taken. Not only is she privileged to reside among the loving, accepting folks in the breathtakingly beautiful Ozark Mountains of Arkansas, she also gets to share her personal faith by telling the stories of her heart for Steeple Hill's Love Inspired line.

Life doesn't get much better than that!

The Perfect Couple

Valerie Hansen (

Blessed are they that mourn,

for they shall be comforted.

—Matthew 5:4

To Joe, for being a great husband and father and

also being substitute “daddy” to Whiskers, Harry

(also known as Poopsie), Splash, Blackie, Neek,

Gypsy, Dumbo, Essence, Dinky, Duchess, Beans,

Shady, Big Molly and Little Molly.

Thankfully, not all at the same time!

Dear Reader,

There are many decisions in life that can help make the difference between success or failure, health or illness, joy or sadness. But in the final analysis, no matter how hard we struggle or how much we scheme, we're still not in charge of the final outcome. We never were.

Do we always understand why things happen the way they do? Of course not. Maybe that's why it's so easy to get caught up in worrying about our personal problems and forget that we don't have to face any of them alone. Not only does Jesus promise to send the Holy Spirit to comfort us, God also uses perceptive, empathetic people to help us bear our daily burdens. There is no adversity that others have not already successfully overcome, thanks to their faith in Christ.

Sad or happy, our past is a part of us. It never goes away. There's not a thing we can do to change it. But our future is another story. There, we have a choice. We can spend the rest of our days struggling through life alone, or we can reach out to the Lord, turn our lives over to Him, and be assured He will never forsake us.

Jesus is waiting to wrap us in His loving arms and heal our broken hearts. All we have to do is let Him.

Valerie Hansen

P.O. Box 13

Glencoe, AR 72539-0013


















Chapter One

Kara Shepherd loosed her ponytail and slipped the clip into the pocket of her jeans. Weary, she rubbed the back of her neck. It had been a long day. And it wasn't over. Sighing, she picked up the inventory list and went to work.

Intent on counting the supplies in exam room three, she didn't hear anyone approach. The first hint that she wasn't alone was a light tap on her shoulder.

She shrieked, whirled, her heart thudding. It took only an instant to realize who had innocently tapped her. “Oh, my!” Air whooshed out of her lungs all at once, leaving her breathless. “Susan, you startled me.''

“Boy, no kidding. I thought for a minute there you were going to slug me!”

“Not a chance.” Kara was still working to catch her breath. She managed a smile. “I'd never do anything like that to my favorite sister.”

“I'm your only sister.”

“Good point.” Her grin grew. Mischief lit her brown eyes; the same lovely eyes her sibling had. “But don't push your luck by sneaking up on me like that again. I wanted a brother, you know.”

“And I wanted a puppy. Maybe I should have been the veterinarian in the family instead of you.”

Kara reached out and gave her sister a hug. “I'm glad we're related. You're very special to me. I don't know what I'd have done without you, after—”

“Hey, no sweat. I like working here.” Susan hugged her tight, then stepped away. “Which reminds me. I finished all the billing. I figured I'd stop by the post office on my way home and mail everything. Want to come to dinner tonight?”

Kara wasn't fooled by her sister's overly casual manner. She knew Susan had purposely changed the subject for her benefit, to get her mind off her supposed loss. If only she knew. If only someone did.

Kara felt like a fraud every time she accepted an expression of sympathy. In truth, she was a lot less sorrowful than she should be about losing Alex, and her secret awareness of that fact left her feeling decidedly uncomfortable, especially at times like these.


Susan's voice drew Kara back to the present. “Um, no, thanks. I still have a lot to do here.”

“Like what? Count pills? Roll bandages? Mop the floor?”

Kara chuckled. “Mop? When I have a hired slave like you to do it for me?”

“Yeah, yeah. Rub it in. You always were a pain.”

“Isn't that what little sisters are for?”

“Maybe. If I ever manage to get pregnant and have a girl, I'll know if the problem was all little girls or just you.”

“If your baby's half as nice as you and Mark are, she'll be perfect. Now go on home and leave me in peace.” Kara put her hands on Susan's shoulders, turned her and urged her out the exam room door.

Susan led the way down the hall. “You really aren't coming to dinner?”

“Nope. If I keep you from having any time alone with that handsome husband of yours I'll never be an aunt. Besides, I've had dinner with you three times this week already.”

“You're avoiding the ranch, aren't you? You just don't want to run into Tyler Corbett.”

They had reached the deserted waiting room. Kara unlocked the heavy glass front door and held it open for her sister. “He doesn't scare me.”

“Oh, no. You just hate each other's guts, that's all.”

Kara frowned. “I don't hate anybody.” She paused, sighed. “Not anymore.”

Waving the bundle of outgoing bills, Susan said, “I'm sending him another notice.”

“I told you not to do that. Mark's job as his foreman is more important than collecting on a bad debt.”

Susan shook her head. “Look, Kara, if Corbett fires Mark because of a bill from you…which he owes, by the way…then he's a bigger fool than I thought. Trust me. I've gotten to know the man since we moved into the house on the ranch. I'm sure he's not vindictive.”

“Humph. I wish I could agree with you. The last time I saw him he avoided me like I was his worst enemy.”

“Hey, that sounds like an answer to a prayer to me,” Susan said. “You didn't want to get stuck making polite conversation with him, did you?”

As always, her sister was the voice of reason. Kara patted her on the shoulder. “No, I guess not. Thanks for reminding me who's in charge of my life. I tend to get caught up in other things and forget.”

“You'll be back on track soon, now that you've started going to church again,” Susan assured her. “You'll see.”

“I suppose so.” She brushed a goodbye kiss on her cheek. “Now get going. I don't want Mark thinking I work you too hard.”

“Right. I'll stop by your place and feed your animals for you. See you in the morning.” As she climbed into her car she called back, “And don't forget to eat dinner!”

“I have a brownie in my desk drawer if I get desperate,” Kara shouted, waving. “I'll be fine.”

Watching her sister drive away, Kara locked the door and leaned against it for a few moments, thinking. Remembering. It had felt right to be back in the church in Hardy again after nearly two years' absence. The congregation had been wonderful. They'd welcomed her with open arms, accepting her as if she'd never been gone.

Kara made a derisive sound. Well, most of them had. The lone dissenter had been Tyler Corbett. They'd both been on their way out of the sanctuary one recent Sunday morning and their glances had met by accident. The brief, intense look he'd given her before turning away could have wilted the beautiful flower arrangement in front of the altar!

Working was Kara's favorite diversion. She often stayed long after the veterinary hospital closed, using her job as an excuse to escape the memories that still lingered in her house. The house she and Alex had shared. As his widow she didn't need all the room the old farm in Peace Valley provided but the place was paid for, so she'd stayed. Truth to tell, until she got her practice back on a more solid financial footing, she couldn't afford to move.

She had briefly considered hiring another large-animal vet to replace Alex, while she continued seeing the dogs, cats and assorted other smaller critters, as before. Then her flighty receptionist had quit and she'd had all she could handle to keep up with the office work, until Susan had arrived in Arkansas and volunteered to step into the job. After that, it had seemed to Kara that the practice was just as it should be and she'd abandoned the idea of adding anyone else to the staff.

She sighed. Looking back, it was easy to see that the Lord had been with her, even in the worst days of her marriage. And He was still looking after her.

“Thank you for everything, Father. Especially for sending Susan,” she whispered.

Looking up at the darkening sky through the window opposite her desk, Kara noted gray clouds across the horizon. Evening storms were common in that part of the Ozarks, especially in the spring, but they could be frightening to some of her overnight patients. The dogs and cats were already anxious because they were separated from their owners. Thunder and lightning only made things worse.

“And thank you, Lord, that I'm still here tonight,” she added, heading for the kennel area. A few kind words or even a mild tranquilizer would make the poor animals' night much easier.

She was petting a mongrel with a broken leg when she heard an echoing thud. Assuming it was the beginnings of thunder, she ignored the noise. Then it came again. Louder this time and accompanied by shouting. Male shouting.

Pausing, she listened. The dogs in the kennel runs had begun to bark but she could still make out a few words. Whoever the man was, he had a pretty colorful vocabulary.

Following the sound of the pounding, Kara stopped at the rear door. It was solid wood, not like the glassed-in front of the animal hospital, so she couldn't see who was making all the racket. Unwilling to unlock the door since she was there alone, she called out, “Who is it?”

“Open up,” the man demanded. “It's an emergency.”

“Go around to the front,” Kara instructed. At least that way she could see who she was dealing with and make a sensible decision about whether or not it would be safe to let him in.

He mumbled something unintelligible, then said, “I was already there once.”

“Well, go there again.”

“I should have known I'd get this kind of treatment from you,” he shouted through the heavy door. “Have a heart. It's raining.”

Kara listened. The staccato sound of drops hitting the metal roof confirmed the man's statement. Since the porch where he now stood was dry, he did have a valid excuse for not wanting to circle the building. When she was in the kennel area she seldom heard anything over the uproar of barking and mewing, so it was highly likely he actually had knocked on the front door, just as he'd claimed. Which meant he was probably harmless.

Still cautious, Kara unlocked the door and opened it wide enough to peek out. Her eyes widened. Tyler Corbett? It couldn't be!

She blinked as she combed a fall of hair back off her forehead with her free hand. It certainly was him. And he looked anything but cordial. His jacket was wet, water was dripping off the brim of his cowboy hat, and his scowl was even more pronounced than it had been the last time they'd met.

“What do you want?” she asked firmly.

“A pepperoni pizza.” His tone was sarcastic. “With extra cheese.”

Kara tried to slam the door. The toe of Tyler's boot stopped it from closing. “I don't like jokes,” she told him. “Now go away.”

“Not till you help this poor dog.”

“What poor dog?” She let the door swing open and stuck her head out far enough to scan the whole porch. “I don't see any dog.”

“He's in here.” Tyler looked down.

Kara's gaze followed his. His arm was bent to support a slight bulge on one side of his jacket. When he lifted the fabric away from his chest, Kara could see the dark, soulful eyes of a floppy-eared, nondescript brown puppy.

“Why didn't you say so?” She quickly threw the door wide-open and ushered him inside. “Follow me. I'll have a look.”

Tyler kicked the door closed behind him, took off his soggy hat and reluctantly trailed her down the hall. He hadn't intended to do more than drop off the pup and go home. If he hadn't thought the dog's condition was critical, he wouldn't have brought it to that particular animal hospital in the first place. And he certainly wouldn't be taking any orders from Kara Shepherd.

She moved lightly, with athletic grace, he noted, watching her precede him. Funny. He'd seen her before but he'd never noticed that. Nor had he seen how long and silky her hair was when it was unbound. He'd also never noticed what a take-charge person she could be. About the only times he'd talked to her was when she'd acted as her husband's assistant during veterinary visits to the cattle at his ranch in Ash Flat. She'd seemed more introverted then.

Kara led him to the closest exam room and gestured toward a stainless steel table. “Put him there.”

“He's awful cold,” Tyler said. He dropped his hat on a chair. “And I'm not sure how busted up he might be. I think it's pretty bad.”

His concern brought her up short. So, there was a tender bone in Mr. Corbett's body after all. Well, well. What a surprise.

She reached into a cabinet beneath the supply rack and brought out a fluffy white towel, draping it over the exam table. “Okay. Lay him on this to begin with. If I need to do anything serious, we'll move him into surgery.”

Tyler began to slowly part the front of his coat and lean toward the towel. The puppy whimpered. “I'm afraid to move him much.”

“Here. I'll help.” She circled the table without thought and reached for the jacket, folding it back carefully. There seemed to be more blood on the man's shirt and coat lining than there was on the dog.

Kara took a moment to caress the puppy's face and check his gums for color. Thankfully, they were pink and healthy. He hadn't lost too much blood.

“That's a good boy. I'm your friend, too,” she cooed, sliding one hand along the length of his body and lifting gently. “Come on. That's it. You'll be just fine.”

Tyler leaned toward her, bending over the exam table, and together they maneuvered the injured dog out of the crook of his arm.

Kara continued speaking softly to reassure the puppy as she eased him down onto the towel. “That's good. Almost there.”

“Watch that front leg,” Tyler warned. “I think it may be broken.” He reached out to cradle the tiny bones. Kara did the same. Their hands accidentally touched.

She looked up, startled. Tyler was staring back at her as if he'd never seen her before. “You can let go, now,” she finally managed to say. “I've got him.”

“Right. I was just…” He frowned. “Never mind.”

Well, at least he didn't look angry anymore, she thought, relieved. She quickly refocused on the job at hand. “He's in shock, like you thought. That's why he was acting so cold. You probably saved his life by keeping him warm the way you did.”

“I didn't know what else to do. By the time I found him, he looked like he'd been there for some time. When I picked him up he started bleeding again.”

Kara was swabbing the matted fur around the wounds with peroxide as she assessed her patient. “There's one deep laceration on his shoulder and a few other smaller ones. I suspect you were right about the broken leg. Can't tell yet about internal damage. How was he hurt?”

“I think a car hit him. I found him by the side of the road.”

She nodded. “These injuries are consistent with that kind of an accident. How long have you had him?”

Tyler pushed up the sleeve of his jacket and looked at his watch. “About fifteen minutes, give or take.”

“What?” She froze in midmotion.

“He's not my dog.”

“I see. Do you know who he belongs to?”

“Not a clue. I suppose he was dumped. Lots of folks seem to think that the country is a wonderful place to abandon unwanted animals.”

“I know what you mean. I got three of my own dogs that way. No telling how many others just wandered off and starved to death.”

“Or became a coyote's dinner.”

“Don't remind me.” She shivered. So did the pup.

“Will you be able to save him?”

“I think his chances are good. He's young. That's definitely in his favor. We'll start by sewing up the gash in his shoulder, then X-ray the leg to see if it needs a splint or a cast.”

Tyler raised one dark eyebrow. “We?”

“A figure of speech.”


“However…” She did need help. And he was handy. There was nothing wrong with having him assist her. Besides, he'd always been disgustingly overbearing. It might be fun to turn the tables for a change, to see how he behaved in a situation where he wasn't the one giving all the orders.

A slight smile lifted the corners of Kara's mouth. She bent over the puppy, letting her long, brown hair sweep across her cheeks to hide her amusement until she could get it under control. “I could give him a general anesthetic instead of a local, but I'm afraid his already depressed nervous system might shut down if I do. That's why I'd rather not operate to pin the leg bones.”

“Sounds logical. So?”

“So, I'll need you to hold him still while I work.”

“I have a lot to do at the ranch,” he alibied.

“Fine.” She straightened, managed to face him soberly. “I'll call Susan to come back in. Even if she's home, it could take her a while to get here, though. I'd rather do what's best for the dog.”

“Which is?”

“Start immediately. You don't have to help. I can always chase him around the hospital with a needle and sutures while he hops along on a broken leg.”

“Very funny.”

“Just making a point.” Kara's smile crept back. Mischief lighted her eyes. “Well?”

Muttering under his breath, Tyler shed his coat and began to roll up his sleeves. “Okay. You win. What do I do first?“

Kara was amazed at how competent her drafted assistant turned out to be. All she had to do was tell him once and he did whatever she said. Correctly. His compassion for the injured little dog was even more impressive.

They had successfully tended to the puppy's wounds, X-rayed his leg and started to set it. As soon as the bones were stabilized the pup had settled right down, exhausted.

Up to her wrists in the slippery solution that was part of the new, lightweight casting material, Kara realized she'd forgotten to pull back her hair and it was getting in the way. She blew it out of her eyes, tossed her head, rubbed her cheek against one shoulder…. Nothing worked.

Tyler was steadying the sleepy puppy, gently stroking its head and leaning close to speak softly to it as if Kara weren't there. “Your doctor's got a problem, kid. Yes, she does. I think she needs a haircut.”

She tried her best to ignore the taunt. A wild hair stuck to the perspiration on her forehead and tickled her lashes. When she tried to wipe it away with her forearm, it whipped into her right eye. Squeezing that eye tightly shut, she wished mightily for a second pair of hands. Hands that didn't belong to smart aleck Tyler Corbett.

“I think she's winking at me,” he told the pup. “Either that or she's making eyes at you.” He glanced up at Kara, giving her a lopsided grin. “Want some help?”

That was the last straw. “Oh, no. I'll just sit here and go blind while my hands become a permanent part of this dog's cast.”

“I take it that was a yes.”

“Yes.” She made a contrite face. “Please.”

“That's better. I hate it when people aren't specific. What do you want me to do? Cut it off?”

“My hair? No!” she snapped back without thinking. His resultant chuckle aggravated her. Of course he hadn't intended to actually cut her hair! How dense could she be?

Kara pulled herself together, helped by the fact that her eye was really beginning to smart. “There's a big clip in the right-hand pocket of my jeans. Use that.”

Hesitating, Tyler raised one dark eyebrow and eyed the slim hips encased in form-fitting denim. “I don't suppose you could hand it to me, could you?”

“Of course not.” Kara suddenly understood exactly what was stopping him and her cheeks warmed in a bright blush. “Tell you what. Why don't you just come over here and hold the hair back for a few minutes. Get it out of my eyes. I'm almost done.”

Tyler wasn't in any hurry to accommodate her. He was still recovering from the bewilderment he'd felt when their hands had touched. Just because he was a widower and Kara Shepherd was a widow didn't mean he was interested in forming any kind of relationship with her. Or with any woman, for that matter. There would never be anyone like his Deanne. She'd been the perfect wife. Practically a saint.

Which meant he'd certainly be immune to any mild charm a prickly person like Kara might have, he reasoned logically. Pulling her hair back for her would be no more exciting than combing the tail of his favorite Quarter horse.

Reassured, he sauntered around the table. “Okay. No sweat.”

“Thanks.” She leaned her head to one side. “It's this eye that hurts. See if you can clear that first, will you?”

Tyler lifted his hand. Hesitated. Discovered he actually wanted to see what it felt like to touch that beautiful, silky hair. Until now, that kind of act had been reserved for his late wife. Transferring those feelings to any other woman was totally unacceptable.

Kara peered over her shoulder as best she could without letting go of the puppy's cast. “Well? This stuff is hardening. What are you waiting for?”

What, indeed? He didn't even like this woman. Surely, there was no reason to avoid touching her. He leaned closer so he could see the fine hairs against her cheek, reached out and carefully swept them back.

A tingle danced across Kara's face and skittered down her spine. His fingertips were rough, yet his touch was light, barely there. It was amazing that a man that big, that imposing, could be so gentle when he wanted to be. She shivered, aware of his closeness, of his breath on her cheek as he examined her eye.

“Did I get the hair out?” he asked quietly.

“I—I think so. Thanks.”

Tyler straightened. Stepping behind her he carefully gathered the rest of her hair in both hands and held it back while she worked. “Okay. Just hurry up, will you? I've got other things to do besides hang around here.” He knew his words sounded unduly harsh, especially since Kara was being a Good Samaritan, but he didn't like the feelings she'd awakened in him and he wanted to escape from her influence as soon as possible.

She continued to smooth the cast, glad the job was nearly done, because she could barely think straight with him standing so close. He made her miss the quiet companionship of a husband. Even one like Alex.

She blinked and sniffled, blaming the moisture pooling in her eyes on irritation from the stray hair.

Still holding her hair, Tyler leaned closer. “You all right?”

Kara felt his breath tickle her ear. She searched for words, any words, to answer and found none. His presence filled the room, overwhelmed her. All she'd have to do was turn her head and…

And what? Make a fool of herself? She was just overtired and stressed out. She must be. Only temporary insanity would make her think of Tyler Corbett as romantic.

She sniffled again, stalling for time to get her errant emotions under better control. Please, Lord, she prayed silently, simply, help me.

No bolt from the sky came to rescue her. No mountains crumbled. No seas parted. Tyler still bent over her, and her heart continued to hammer. The only change in the room was the sudden wafting odor of…pizza?

Kara's head jerked toward the door. Tyler hadn't been ready for such an abrupt move and inadvertently pulled her hair. She yowled.

He let go and jumped back. “What the—?” His gaze followed Kara's.

Standing in the doorway, with a broad grin on her face and a pizza box in her hands, was her sister, Susan.

Chapter Two

Susan giggled. “Well, well. What have we here?”

“Not what it looks like,” Kara countered. “Mr. Corbett found an injured dog and we were…I was…just setting its broken leg.”

“Okay. If you say so.” Susan laid the pizza box on a chair and stepped up to the table so she could steady the puppy. It licked her hand and she smiled down at it.

“I do say so,” Kara insisted, stripping off her latex gloves and dropping them in the trash. “If I'd known you were coming back tonight, I'd have waited till you were here to help.”

“Looks like you did okay without me.” Her eyebrows arched as she glanced over Kara's shoulder at the flustered man who was doing his best to appear unconcerned. He'd thrust his hands into the pockets of his jeans, hiding them as if they might be considered evidence against him.

Now that the atmosphere in the small room was no longer romantic, Kara was easily able to resume her professional bearing. “Give that a few more minutes to set,” she told Susan, gesturing at the puppy, “then put him in one of the empty cages up here. I want him close so I can observe him tonight, just in case he has internal injuries, too.”

Tyler spoke up. “You're going to stay here? All night?”

“She does that all the time,” Susan explained. “That's why I brought the pizza. I figured she'd need something to eat besides the one brownie left over from lunch.”

“I didn't mean for you to have to go to so much extra trouble,” Tyler said, addressing Kara. “I just didn't know what else to do with him. Once I spotted him, I couldn't drive off and let him die. I wouldn't have brought him here if there'd been any other vet hospital close by.”

“Of course you wouldn't,” she said, trying to ignore the implication.

“I didn't mean it like that.”

“Don't apologize,” she said flatly. “And don't worry about me. I have a couch in my office where I sleep whenever I have to stay over. I'll be fine.” She turned her attention to the drowsy pup. “He looks good so far. I'll check on him every hour or so till I'm sure he's going to be all right.”

Susan was glancing around the room. “Where's the paperwork?”

“Well…” Kara's expression was apologetic. “Would you believe we didn't get around to making any?”

“In a heartbeat,” Susan said. She looked to Tyler. “I'll need a name to put on the cage for identification. What do you call him?”

He drew the fingers of one hand down his cheeks to his chin, thinking. “All I've called him so far is 'Road Kill.'”

“Okay,” she said. “Road Kill Corbett, it is.”

Kara interrupted. “You can't give that poor little innocent thing a name like that.”

“Why not?” Tyler was grinning broadly, obviously pleased with his witty selection.

The boastful look on his face did something strange to Kara's usually even disposition, making her decide to say exactly what she was thinking. “Because it isn't fair. What's he ever done to deserve a terrible slur like that?”

“You mean besides get hit by a car and nearly die?” Tyler's brows knit above deep-brown eyes that punctuated the question.

“Oh, that,” she said sweetly, smugly. “I didn't mean the Road Kill part. I meant Corbett.“

“I thought he was never going to close his mouth,” Susan said, smiling at her sister as they got the puppy settled in his cage and went back to straighten up the exam room together. “Did you see the look on the poor man's face?”

“See it? I'll never forget it. It was all I could do to keep from busting up laughing. If he hadn't stormed out of here when he did, I might have exploded!”

“I couldn't believe you had the nerve to say something like that in the first place. What came over you?”

“I don't know. I guess he made me mad when he told us he only came here because he had no other choice. I wasn't very Christian, was I?”

“No. But the whole situation sure was funny.”

“It was, wasn't it?” She grew thoughtful. “When, exactly, did you decide I needed a pizza?”

“On my way home. Why?”

“Oh, no reason.”

“Come on, Kara. We've been sisters for too long. You can't hide stuff from me and you know it. Fess up. Why is the pizza important?”

She busied herself wiping down the stainless steel table as she answered, “I just thought it might have been the answer to a prayer. But the timing's wrong. I didn't even ask for anything until long after you decided to come back.”

“It could still be an answer.”

“I don't see how.”

Susan put her arm around her sister's shoulders. “Because God knows what we need before we even ask Him.” She stopped being serious and added, “Although, I must say, I've never asked Him to get me a pizza before.”

“That wasn't what I prayed for.”

“I figured as much. What was it you wanted? Me?”

“Sort of. I wasn't that specific.”

“Then what?”

“You're not going to drop this subject till I tell you, are you?”


Kara made a face at her. “Okay. I'd prayed for a little help. That's all.”

“With the puppy?” Puzzled, Susan studied her.

“Something like that.” A blush warmed Kara's cheeks. She turned away, hoping Susan hadn't noticed, but she had.

“What? Tell me. Maybe I can help?”

Kara was sorely tempted to make up a problem rather than have to let Susan in on the truth. Instead, she opted for honesty. “I just wasn't comfortable with the situation, that's all.”

“Because of Tyler Corbett? You weren't afraid of him, were you? Oh, don't be. Mark says he was so goofy in love with his late wife that he won't even look at another woman. The man's branded for life.”

Kara understood completely. All her emotions blended together when she remembered Alex.

I won't ever let myself be hurt like that again, she vowed. Not ever again.

Susan had gone, leaving Kara to her thoughts and sole ownership of the now lukewarm pizza. Taking a piece of it with her, she strolled out to the waiting room to look over her practice and assess it while she ate.

Alex's death had left her with a lot of unpaid bills she hadn't expected. Most of those accounts had been settled but there was still the day-to-day running of the hospital to consider. Overhead like that wasn't cheap.

Susan had taken one look at the books and offered to work for no wages. Kara had insisted she be paid. As soon as they could afford to add another warm body, they planned to get a kennel boy—or girl—to keep the runs and cages clean. Until then, they shared the dirty work, too.

Sighing, she switched off the office light. Darkness had frightened Kara before she'd married Alex. After a few months with him, however, she'd welcomed the dark as a place to hide whenever he got so angry he lost control and began screaming at her. Living with him had been like sharing her life with a time bomb.

She was about to return to check on her latest patient when she saw headlights and the shadow of a truck bearing down on the glassed-in front of the animal hospital.

Startled, she stepped back just in case the driver misjudged the distance and didn't stop in time. Whoever it was, he sure was in a hurry. She wasn't up to tackling another emergency. Yet she knew she wouldn't—couldn't—turn anyone away.

The truck slid to a halt in a shower of mud reflected in the outside light. Someone jumped out and ran up the steps to the porch.

Kara dropped the slice of pizza into the trash, reached for her keys, and headed for the door. When she looked up she was face-to-face with Tyler Corbett. He was waving a white slip of paper.

She unlocked the door.

He burst through, his boots thudding on the tile floor. “I thought you didn't answer the door at night.”

“I do when I can see who it is. What's wrong?” She followed him down the hall.

When he got to the place where light from her office illuminated the paper in his hand he stopped and whirled to face her. “This,” he said, waving the paper.

Kara stood her ground. “Well, if you'll hold it still, I'll take a look.”

“You don't have to look, Doctor,” he said, exaggerating her title. “You sent it to me.”

“I what?” Suddenly, she realized what he had to be holding. Except he couldn't be. Not yet. Susan had only put the monthly statements in the mail that evening.

“Whoa,” Kara said firmly. “That's impossible.”

“Oh? Then what's this?”

“Well, it looks like one of our bills but it can't be. The postal service isn't that good.”

“This didn't come in the mail,” Tyler said. “It was hand delivered.” He unfolded the bill and held it up in front of her face. “Look at the part on the bottom. If you wanted me to pay for the puppy's care up front, you should have said so when I was here, not fired off a new bill before I even had a chance to drive all the way home!”

Susan. Kara's shoulders sagged. Of course. Her sister knew how badly she needed to keep her accounts current and in a fit of efficiency, she'd changed Tyler Corbett's bill to reflect the latest charges and hand delivered it to him, rather than put it in the mail with the others.

“I'm really sorry,” Kara said. “She…we… shouldn't have done that.”

“Well, you're right about that.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a wad of crumpled money, thrusting it at her. “Here. Consider this a down payment. If there are more charges before the dog gets well, I'll pay whatever it costs. In spite of what you seem to think, I'm not a deadbeat.”

“This isn't necessary.” Cupping the bills in both hands so she wouldn't drop them, she realized she was trembling. “You can write me a check later. When everything's done.”

“No way, lady. I came here to pay up and I intend to do just that. Your brother-in-law works for me, remember? The last thing I need is to have my foreman think I'm dishonest.”

“I'm sorry. I'll see that Susan doesn't do anything like this again,” Kara promised, chagrined. Her voice grew more faint. “It wasn't fair.”

That sincerely apologetic attitude gave Tyler pause. The woman wasn't acting nearly as mercenary as he'd imagined she would. She hadn't even pocketed the money he'd shoved at her.

He had an attack of conscience. “I'm sorry, too. I didn't mean to scare you.”

“You didn't,” she said.

“Then why are you shaking?”

Kara stood taller, her chin jutting out, and alibied, “I'm probably just hungry.”

“Didn't you eat that pizza?”

“I managed half a slice before you got here.”

“Well, no wonder you're shaky. Come on.” Without waiting for her consent, he ushered her into her office where the open pizza box rested in plain sight atop a file cabinet. He took the money from her hands, tossed it onto her desk and said, “You go wash up. I'll wait here.”

“That's not necessary,” Kara insisted. “I'm fine.”

“No, you're not. And it's my fault. First I made you work overtime, then I kept you from enjoying your dinner.” He scanned the office. “Got a microwave?”

“In the back. I use it to warm food for some of the animals.” The wary look on his face made her smile in spite of her unsteadiness. “It's perfectly clean if that's what you're worried about. Anyway, I prefer my pizza cold.”

“Good. Me, too. Go wash up while I find us some napkins.”


Tyler shot her a lopsided smile. “If you don't mind, I'll join you. I was so busy blowing my stack I forgot to eat. I've just realized I'm famished.”

Kara shrugged. “Sure. Why not?” Taking a deep, settling breath she left the room. There was no way she could tell anyone, especially not Tyler Corbett, why she'd been trembling. Hunger had nothing to do with it. When he'd burst in and shouted at her, her panicked response had been instinctive. Fresh fear had taken control. Alex's legacy of intimidation lived on.

After two years, she'd thought she was through being frightened. Tonight, when Tyler had confronted her, uncalled-for dread had returned as if it had never left.

Procrastinating, she splashed water on her face at the bathroom sink and stared into the mirror. “I'm going to be okay,” she said to the image. “I'm smart and capable and I can make it on my own. It doesn't matter what Alex thought. He can't hurt me anymore.”

And God loves you, she heard echoing in her head, in her heart. Kara nodded as she reached for a towel to dry her face. Remembering that she was a child of God was the most important part of her ongoing healing. It was His opinion that was important. No one else's counted.

“I looked in on Road Kill while you were gone,” Tyler said. “He's asleep. I watched and he's breathing fine.”

“I know. I checked him just before you charged in.”

Tyler shrugged. “Yeah, well, I'm sorry about that. I'd had a pretty rough day. I had to throw away my favorite shirt and I'll probably have to give up my good jacket, too, thanks to the mess he made of it when I was trying to keep him warm.”

“You don't need to throw the clothes away. A little household hydrogen peroxide will get rid of those stains. I use it all the time.” She walked over to the file cabinet and picked up the flat, white pizza box, then returned to him and held it out. “Here. Help yourself. I could never eat all this anyway.”

“Are you positive? Now that I think about it, I feel kind of bad about inviting myself.”

“Nonsense. Somebody has to clean up the leftovers. If it hadn't been you, it would have been someone else.”

Tyler took one slice and laid it on a paper towel. “You mean you have a steady stream of clients pounding on your door at all hours, begging for food?”

“Not as a rule. I was thinking of my dogs at home. They love leftovers.” She placed the box on her desk and served herself.

“I'm taking food out of the mouths of your pets?”

“I won't tell if you don't. Besides, this has pepperoni on it. It doesn't agree with them.”

“Oh, I get it.” He started to smile. “Protect the dogs by feeding the spicy stuff to the testy client.”

“Something like that.” Circling the desk she plopped down in the leather chair and leaned back, pizza in hand. It was strange to be sharing an impromptu meal with a man again. The fact that they were alone in her office, the office that used to belong to Alex, made the encounter seem even more bizarre.

With that thought, Kara's appetite vanished. She laid the pizza aside on a paper towel and tried to suppress a shiver. Tyler Corbett wasn't acting at all intimidating. Yet she found herself nervous, as if an obscure threat lurked in the otherwise tranquil environment.

Thoughts of her late husband continued to intrude and refused to go away. Alex wouldn't have liked her eating at this desk. His desk. Alex wouldn't have approved of sharing a meal with a client, either, even if the person was also a friend. And he'd have been absolutely furious if she'd opened the door after hours and welcomed a man who'd once threatened a lawsuit. A man like the one casually perched on the edge of the desk across from her. Her mouth went dry in response to her mental rambling.

Tyler noticed Kara's psychological retreat. One minute she'd been fine. The next, she was looking at him as if he were an escaped criminal, ready to hold a knife at her throat. As far as he could tell he hadn't done anything to trigger that kind of reaction, except raise his voice when he'd arrived. Surely, that couldn't be what was bothering her now. She'd seemed normal enough, even friendly, once he'd apologized.

Tyler got to his feet and wiped his hands on a paper towel. “Well, I guess I should be going.” He expected Kara to observe polite custom and disagree before finally giving in when he insisted on leaving.

Instead, she stood and headed for the office door. “That's probably a good idea.”

Dumbfounded, he stared after her. “Who put the burr under your saddle?”

“No one.” Starting down the hall she called back, “I'll unlock the front for you.”

There was nothing more to say. Tyler grabbed his hat and coat and stomped out the glass door as soon as she'd jerked it open. He strode quickly to his truck. Kara Shepherd might be good with animals but she sure lacked the normal social graces where people were concerned. No wonder she'd stuck with that underhanded bum she'd married. They'd been perfect for each other.

Tyler jammed the truck in reverse and floored it. It didn't matter what that woman thought of him. After all, she was Shepherd's widow. The widow of the swindler who had cost him the health of his herd and nearly ruined everything he and Deanne had worked for.

He swung onto the highway. It would be just fine with him if he never had to deal with Dr. Kara Shepherd again, personally or professionally. And as soon as he got Road Kill bailed out, that was exactly how it was going to be.

Kara maintained her composure until Tyler was gone. Then she collapsed against the wall, hugging herself. What was it about her that brought out the worst in men? First her father. Then Alex. And now…

She wanted to weep, to wail, to wallow in self-pity. Blinking, she waited for the flood of tears that usually accompanied such poignant retrospection.

Nothing happened! No hysteria, no devastating gloom, not even one solitary tear.

Kara was astounded. She took a deep, slow breath. She was healing! The nightmare was finally coming to an end.

Overcome with a sense of God's presence she closed her eyes, lifted her hands in praise and accepted the gift with a whispered, “Oh, thank you, Father.”

The simple prayer didn't begin to express the soul-deep joy suddenly filling her heart. Peace flowed over her, enveloping her in the warmth of her Heavenly Father's abiding, miraculous love.

Chapter Three

Kara wasn't in her office when Susan arrived the following morning. She tracked her down in the kennels and held out the handful of crumpled currency she'd found on the desk.

“What's all this?” Susan asked. “You moonlighting as a bank robber?”

“Nope. It's payment of a bill.”

“Really? Hey, that's great!”

“No, it isn't.” Kara scowled. “It came from Tyler Corbett.”

Susan looked around quickly. “He's here?”

“Not any more. But he was last night. And he was not particularly impressed by your efficiency.”

“Oops.” She made a penitent face. “I get the idea you're not crazy about it, either.”

“That's an understatement. Now he thinks I don't trust him to pay his debts.”

“Well, you don't, do you?”

Kara took a moment to mull over the question. If she judged by their past association she shouldn't trust the man at all. Yet for some crazy reason, she did.

“I believe he'll pay for the puppy's care,” she finally said. “As for what happened before, well, that was between him and Alex.”

“But, I thought…”

“Nothing is certain where Alex was concerned,” Kara said. “I know he did a lot of work for Corbett's ranch. But I don't know how accurate his record keeping was. That's why I dropped the idea to sue for the money after Alex died.”

“You think he may have overcharged the ranch?”

Kara shrugged. “I hope not. Unfortunately, we'll never know for sure.”

“But it is possible?” Susan was clearly disturbed by the thought.

“Oh, yes.”

“I never dreamed Alex was like that.”

Kara felt the urge to go on, to tell her sister everything. There was a great deal about Alex Shepherd that had remained hidden in the painful, private core of their supposedly perfect marriage. If she'd spoken out when Alex was living, maybe Susan could have offered some helpful advice. Now, however, the only benefit of confessing would be to know that someone else shared her suffering. Kara didn't want to lay that kind of burden on anyone.

She pressed her lips into a thin line. That wasn't completely true. She hadn't wanted advice or familial concern when Alex was alive. She still didn't. She'd purposely kept her misery to herself because she'd felt partly responsible for her bad marriage. Even now, that kind of thought kept nagging at the fringes of her consciousness, refusing to be banished.

Standing as tall as her five-foot-two-inch stature would allow, she said, “My husband is gone. I don't see any reason to discuss him, if you don't mind.” The statement came out sounding so harsh she softened it with a tender smile and added, “Hey. Come on, Susan. It's a beautiful day and we should be praising the Lord that we have our whole lives ahead of us. Let's not dwell in the past, okay?”

To Kara's relief, her sister returned her smile and agreed. “Okay. It's a deal. So, let's talk about the patients. How's the infamous Road Kill Corbett doing this fine morning?”

“He's pretty chipper, considering. Last time I looked, he was happily shredding the newspapers we'd lined his cage with and tossing the soggy bits up in the air.”

“Cute. Kind of like his owner, don't you think?”

Kara knew exactly what Susan was up to. Her loving but meddlesome older sister had been trying to play matchmaker for her ever since Susan had arrived in Arkansas. It was easier for Kara to pretend she'd misunderstood than it was to talk Susan out of continuing to do so.

“You'd know more about that than I do,” Kara said sweetly. “You live on the Corbett ranch so you'd be far more likely to notice the condition of Mr. Corbett's newspapers after he's done reading them.” She stifled a giggle.

“Very funny. You know I didn't mean Tyler tears up the paper with his teeth, like the puppy. What I meant was, don't you think he's kind of cute?”

“In what way?” Kara was determined to remain emotionally uninvolved. Anything to discourage her sister.

Susan threw up her hands. “I don't know. His eyes are gorgeous, so dark and brooding. And he has great hair. I wish Mark's was half as thick and nice.”

“I can recommend a good coat conditioner,” Kara teased. “It works wonderfully for all my dogs.”

“You just aren't going to take me seriously, are you?”

“Why should I? You're not making any sense. First you tell me Mr. Corbett is still madly in love with his late wife, then you turn around and ask me if I find him attractive. That's ridiculous.”

“Well—” Susan cast a sly smile her way “—nothing is carved in stone. Maybe he'll change his mind once he gets to know you better.”


“Of course he will. You're smart, and pretty, and—”

Kara interrupted. “I mean, no, I don't intend to get to know the man any better than I already do. I've had enough of Tyler Corbett to last me a lifetime.”

Susan was grinning. “I notice you didn't say you think he's ugly.”

“He isn't ugly, he's—” Blushing, Kara broke off in midsentence.

“Aha! I thought so. You did notice how good-looking the guy is. Maybe there's hope for you yet.”

“I am not interested in getting involved with another man, no matter how good he looks in a Stetson,” Kara insisted. “Not ever. And certainly not a person as opinionated and short-tempered as Tyler Corbett.”

“Don't be so sure. After all, just because a man isn't quiet and refined like Alex was doesn't mean he won't be every bit as easy to get along with, once you get to know him.” Susan paused, studying her sister's pained expression. “What's the matter? What did I say? You look like you're about to cry.”

Kara swallowed hard and steeled herself for the well-rehearsed denial she was ready to recite. Then it occurred to her that to do so would be to perpetuate a lie. What kind of practice of her faith would that be? Instead, she managed a smile and a diversion.

“I didn't get much sleep last night. I'm over-stressed.” That was certainly true. She eyed the crumpled money Susan was still holding. “I had company, remember?”

“Did he yell at you?” Susan asked, chagrined.

“A little. Don't worry about it, okay?” Turning, Kara looped an arm around her sister's shoulders and guided her toward the front desk. “It's almost time to open and you haven't put out the display of flea collars that came in yesterday. Think you'll have time to do it this morning?”

“Sure. No sweat.” Susan smiled slightly. “I'm sorry if I seemed too pushy. I just hate to see you all alone like this. I feel kind of sorry for Tyler, too, so I thought—”

“What part of no don't you understand?”

She brightened, her eyes twinkling. “Hey. I've got an idea. How about the new manager at the feed store? Would you like to meet him? I hear he's single.”


“Okay, okay. But you can't enjoy being a recluse. I know you too well to believe that. There's a man for you somewhere. I'll just have to keep looking till I find him.”

“Aaargh!” Wheeling, Kara gave up and headed for the kennel. There was no reasoning with Susan when she was in one of her Ms.-Fix-It moods. As the younger of the two sisters, Kara had always looked up to Susan and admired her, even after they'd become adults. But this was one battle Susan was going to lose. No way was Kara going to allow herself to become romantically involved with another man. It was too scary an idea to even consider. She'd had her fill of men. And of marriage.

Shaking her head to punctuate her decision she made her way between the rows of smaller animal cages, her mind wandering. Yes, Tyler Corbett was good-looking. More than that, his tenderness toward helpless animals had spoken to her heart. But that was the end of her involvement. At this point, she didn't even care if she collected the full amount due for treatment of the injured pup he'd brought in. It would be worth it to write off the remainder of the bill if that meant she wouldn't have to face Tyler again.

Kara shivered. Truth to tell, she found she was actually starting to like him.

That inclination scared her far more than anything else had for a long, long time.

Kara was still insisting she wanted nothing to do with romance a week later, even though she was driving toward the Corbett ranch.

“This is all Susan's fault,” she said to the drowsy puppy lying on the car seat beside her. “So help me, if she tries anything funny I'm going to disown her.”

The pup thumped its thin tail and rested its chin on her lap, looking up at her with sad, brown eyes.

“If it wasn't for you,” Kara told him, “I wouldn't be doing this.” She laid her hand on his head and smoothed his fur. The cut by his ear was almost healed. His broken leg would take longer.

Recalling her recent conversation with her sister, Kara sighed in resignation.

“So, what are we going to do with Road Kill?” Susan had asked that morning. “We haven't had a single call on that lost-and-found ad you had me put in the paper.”

Kara remembered making a face. “I don't know. I can't take him home with me. My neighbors are already complaining about the greyhound getting out and chasing game, and the rest of my dogs barking too much. Not to mention my cats hunting wild birds.”

“Well,” Susan had drawled, “I could always deliver him to Tyler.” She paused and arched her eyebrows. “Of course, since Mark works for him it might be better if I didn't make him mad. Again.”

“Meaning?” Kara had a feeling she wasn't going to like the answer.

“I just thought, if you took the pup out to the ranch, I'd be off the hook and Mark wouldn't have to defend my actions to his boss, like before.” She began to pout. “I'm still in the doghouse over that bill I hand delivered.”

“No doubt.”


Kara's eyes narrowed as she studied her seemingly innocent sister. “No tricks.”

“Cross my heart.” Her index finger traced an invisible X on her chest. “I just want to find a good home for the poor puppy, that's all. There's plenty of room on the ranch and nobody cares how much noise those dogs make.”

“Then you and Mark can take him,” Kara said, certain she'd come up with the perfect solution.

“Sorry. Can't. It's not our house, remember? We're not supposed to have pets inside. And it would be too lonely for Road Kill, anyway.”

“Then leave him outside.”

“Where he can get into more trouble or get hurt, again? No way. Tyler has a big, fenced yard for his dog. It would be the perfect place for recuperation.”

“You're not going to drop this, are you?”

Susan had stood her ground and grinned with self-satisfaction. “Nope. I'm right. Admit it.”

Which was why Kara was now driving toward the Corbett ranch in spite of her misgivings. She stroked the puppy's head slowly, gently, taking care to avoid his sore ear. The contact was soothing to both of them. Before she knew it, she'd arrived.

She turned into the gravel drive and drove beneath the iron-work arch marking the main ranch entrance. The only other times she'd been there was when she and Alex had come to treat Tyler's cattle. It seemed strange to be visiting in a quasi-unofficial capacity.

The Corbett ranch had always been impressive. The main house was a sprawling, brick residence that rivaled any in the area for both style and size. This time, though, Kara noticed that the flower beds needed care and the perennial plants were wildly overgrown. Tyler apparently wasn't interested in gardening.

Parking directly in front of the house, she carefully lifted the puppy and started for the porch. “Lord, be with me,” she prayed in a whisper. “And help me find the right words to soften his heart.”

Before she could ring the bell, the door was jerked open.

Kara gasped. “Oh! You startled me.”

“I wish I could say the same,” Tyler countered. “Susan told me you were coming. I called your office as soon as I got back to the house to try to stop you. I'm afraid you've made the trip for nothing. I'm not taking that dog.”

His pigheaded attitude provoked her. “Then why did you bother saving his life?”

“You know I couldn't just leave him there.”

“But you have no qualms about leaving him homeless?”

“That's different.”

“Not the way I see it.” She stood her ground, her chin jutting out stubbornly, her eyes issuing a clear challenge.

“I hate to tell you this, but your opinion doesn't cut it with me, lady.”

“Do you think I'm surprised?” she snapped back. “I don't care what you think of me, or my practice. All I care about right now is finding a place for this poor little helpless puppy to recuperate.”

“So keep him at your place.”

Kara arched her eyebrows. “I wish I could. Unfortunately, my neighbors are already upset about the menagerie I have out there.”

“That's not my problem. It's yours.”

“You're absolutely right.” She extended her bur den toward him and the pup began to wag its skinny tail excitedly. “And this one is yours.”

“Now wait a minute….” Tyler's instinctive reaction was to accept the friendly puppy when she thrust it into his arms. The minute he drew it to his chest it wriggled happily and stretched up to lick the bottom of his chin.

“See?” Kara said, delighted. “Road Kill likes you.”

“Yeah. I see that.”

She watched his telling reaction to the little dog. It warmed her heart. Tyler Corbett might act antisocial toward her but he clearly had a way with animals. He couldn't be all bad. As a matter of fact, he looked thoroughly appealing as he stood there holding the fractious pup. His eyes sparkled with amusement, his mouth was curved into a charming smile, and the weariness seemed to have gone from his face.

It suddenly occurred to Kara that Tyler needed the puppy as much as it needed him. He'd continued with his chores at the ranch and built a new way of life for himself after the loss of his wife, but apparently he didn't have anything in that life that needed his personal attention or his love the way Road Kill did.

Kara cleared the lump from her throat, then said, “I tell you what. How about keeping him just until his leg heals? I'm sure we can find a home for him then.”

“I don't know….” Tyler glanced over his shoulder. “Buster doesn't usually like to share his turf.”

Leaning to one side, Kara peered into the living room. A big, yellow Labrador retriever was lounging on the sofa as if it belonged to him. His muzzle was greying and his eyelids drooped, indicating he was pretty old. “Is that Buster? He doesn't look like he'd even bother getting up to sniff a puppy this small,” Kara said. “Why don't we see?”

Tyler scowled down at her. “You're a determined woman, aren't you?”

“Yup.” With that, she sidestepped and slipped past him. Approaching the sofa, she spoke quietly and extended her hand. “Hello, old boy. Would you like a playmate? Huh? Would you? I'll bet you would.”

Buster lifted his broad head and nosed it beneath her hand to be petted. In the background, she heard Tyler say, “Well, I'll be.”

“What's the matter?”

“Oh, nothing.” He approached slowly, still holding Road Kill up out of the way in case the older dog objected. “I just haven't seen my dog take to anybody that fast before.”

“I love animals,” Kara said.

“Obviously they know it.” He stepped closer. “Okay. Now what? Do we put this one down for Buster to sniff or do you want to hold him to introduce them?”

Relieved, Kara smiled up at him. “I take it this means you've decided to give it a try.”

“It'll be temporary,” Tyler reminded her. “I have plenty to do on the ranch. I don't have a lot of extra time to spend taking care of a puppy.”

Nodding, she said, “I understand.”

There was a strange, faraway quality to her voice which made him wonder what she really meant. “You do?”

“Oh, yes. I threw myself into my work after Alex died, too. It helps. Until I go home and have time to think. I suppose that's why I've taken in so many homeless animals. They give me company and keep my mind occupied.”

Tyler was ashamed of himself. It didn't matter what kind of man Alex Shepherd had been, he'd still been Kara's husband. And she'd suffered the same kind of personal loss he had. Whether he liked it or not, they had a lot in common. No wonder he'd sensed an unexplainable camaraderie when he was in her presence. He'd been unfairly judging her for her husband's sins. In reality she was as much a victim of a meaningless tragedy as he was.

He bent to place the puppy in Kara's lap. “Here. You do the honors while I get us some coffee.”

“I can't stay for coffee.”

“Why not?” he asked pointedly.

“I have to get home and feed my animals.” She shifted Road Kill so his nose faced Buster's and carefully let the two dogs sniff each other. Neither seemed upset about the encounter.

“One cup of coffee won't take long.” He flashed her an amiable smile. “Humor me, okay?”

Kara didn't know what to say. The last thing she wanted to admit was that she was actually enjoying his company, in spite of the way he'd welcomed her at first. There was something soothing about being with Tyler. It was as if she no longer had to worry about doing or saying the wrong thing. He seemed to accept her as she was, not as she thought she should be, and the resulting feeling was strangely peaceful.

“All right. One cup,” Kara said. “Lots of sugar.”

Tyler chuckled. “You've heard about my coffee?”

“No. Why?” She was continuing to monitor the dogs but chanced a quick peek at him. He looked thoroughly amused.

“Dee used to tell me it would dissolve a spoon. Nobody's ever proved it, though.”

“Let's hope I'm not the first,” Kara said with a smile. “Maybe you'd better put some cream in it, too. Just to be on the safe side.”

“Gotcha. Back in a minute.”

She held Road Kill in her lap and continued to rhythmically stroke Buster's head after Tyler left the room. What was wrong with her? Didn't she have any sense? She hadn't come to the ranch to pay a social call or to befriend Tyler Corbett. She'd come to foist an injured dog on him. That was all. So why was she looking forward to a leisurely cup of coffee as if they were old friends?

Because he understands, she answered. And I understand how lonely he feels, too, even though I didn't share the same kind of wonderful love he once had.

Kara gazed down at the puppy, smiled and nodded her head. It looked like the Lord was in the process of healing a lot more than the little dog's broken leg. He was mending Tyler's broken heart, too.

She was glad to be able to help.

Chapter Four

“Here you go.” Tyler held out one of the two mugs he'd just filled. “Lots of cream and sugar.”

Kara carefully lowered the puppy to the rug at her feet and made sure he was comfortable before she reached to accept the steaming coffee. Cradling the hot mug in both hands, she took a whiff. “Mmm, this smells wonderful.”

“Thanks.” He perched on the arm of the sofa, purposely locating Buster between them as a buffer. “I have a question. Why were you the one who brought Road Kill to me? Why didn't you send your sister, instead? She's usually right in the thick of things.”

“No kidding.” Kara blew on the coffee, then took a cautious sip. Her eyes widened. “Wow. You weren't kidding when you described this stuff. I'll bet it keeps you awake all night if you drink much of it.”

“It's decaf,” he countered. “Don't change the subject.”

Eyes lowered, she sensed him studying her, waiting to see if she'd answer at all, let alone be truthful. She looked up as she said, “I came because Susan wanted me to do the honors, just in case.”

“In case of what?” Tyler's brow furrowed.

“In case you got mad.” Kara faced him squarely, surprised that she wasn't nearly as jumpy as usual, considering the gist of their conversation.

“What difference would that make to Susan?”

“Well…” Kara hesitated, taking time to chose her words carefully. “She didn't want to do anything that might adversely affect Mark's position with you, so she—”

Tyler got to his feet so quickly his coffee sloshed. He set the mug aside. “Whoa. Hold it a minute, lady. Do you mean to tell me that you and your sister think I'd be dumb enough to fire the best foreman I've ever had, just because his wife and sister-in-law happen to drive me nuts on a regular basis?”


He muttered under his breath. “You do have a pretty low opinion of me, don't you?”

“No. It's not like that at all,” Kara insisted. Their pleasant conversation had deteriorated so rapidly she felt she'd better try to say or do something that would reverse the negative trend, if only for Susan's sake. Rising, she cautiously stepped over the resting pup.

Tyler folded his arms across his chest and remained resolute as she approached. “Oh? Then how is it?”

“It's a long story.” Kara willed him to understand and hoped she wasn't making a mistake by confiding in him. “Susan and I come from a wonderful family, really we do. It's just that our father had a pretty short temper, sometimes. He yelled a lot. Especially when I was a teen. Susan used to intervene on my behalf all the time.”

Tyler's frown deepened. “What's that got to do with me?”

“Nothing, directly. But we've discussed it more than once and decided that may be the reason she and I tend to avoid unpleasant confrontations whenever possible.”

“I see.”

Kara could tell by the leery look in his eyes and his standoffish posture that he didn't see a thing. That didn't surprise her. None of her friends had ever believed that her dad could be a monster when he lost his temper, either. His company-face was unblemished. Outsiders had never seen him behave irrationally or heard him shout at his family until he was hoarse, so why should they believe the wild tales of an uptight teenager?

And then, heaven help her, she'd married a man just like him. She'd been searching for someone who was kind and gentle, who loved animals as much as she did, and she'd been totally fooled into thinking Alex Shepherd was the perfect choice. She shivered. What irony.

Taking a deep, settling breath Kara managed a nonchalant smile as she turned her back on Tyler and started for the door. “Well, thanks for the coffee. I have to be going.”

He opened his mouth to ask her to stay longer, then changed his mind. Having a normal chat with this woman was impossible. Every time he decided she was intrinsically antisocial, she came up with some revealing tidbit that tugged at his heart so strongly he was tempted to take her in his arms and offer comfort.

His breath caught. Now that would be a mistake to end all mistakes. Half the time, Kara was as prickly as a porcupine. Yet she could also be as gentle, as vulnerable, as a doe. With his luck, he'd give in and decide to hug her just about the time she stuck her quills up!

Following her to the door, he found he was smiling at the analogy.

Kara caught him grinning. “What's so funny?”

“Nothing. I was just thinking.”

“About me?”

“Sort of.”

“I don't want to know more, do I?” she asked wisely.

“Probably not.”

“I didn't think so.” She extended her hand. “Thanks for agreeing to take Roady. He really is a sweet-natured little guy. I'm sure he and Buster will get along fine.”

Instead of shaking her hand, Tyler opened the door and stood back. “I'm only keeping the dog until he's healed up.”

“Of course.” Kara felt like cheering! By the time she got around to removing the cast, Road Kill would be so much a part of Tyler Corbett's life he'd beg her to let the puppy stay. Naturally, she'd have to give in and allow it.

Stifling a triumphant smile, she hurried to her car, climbed in and drove away. Things were going to work out fine as long as Susan didn't interfere and try to “help.” The Corbett ranch was the perfect place for a rambunctious pup, and having a canine companion might give old Buster a new lease on life, too.

Kara's smile turned wistful. What a lovely, tender scene she'd beheld when she'd first entered Tyler's living room. The elderly, yellow Lab was as much a permanent fixture in the casually furnished ranch house as the soft, leather sofa he'd claimed as his own. Clearly, he was a well-loved member of the family.

Tears began to cloud her vision. Disgusted, she blinked them back. What was the matter with her? The mercy mission had gone well. Roady had a good home with a loving man who'd watch over him and care about him. So why get emotional now? Why, indeed?

Suddenly, Kara realized what was bothering her. The concept wasn't rational, nor could she explain what had caused her to make such a ridiculous comparison. Only one thing was certain. In spite of her aversion to marriage and commitment, she envied the dogs. They'd found unconditional love. And someone they could always trust.

It didn't matter that their master was Tyler Corbett. The important thing was they truly belonged.

For the first time in months, Kara dreaded Sunday. She wasn't about to let anything keep her out of church, she just wasn't keen on running into Tyler there. To be on the safe side, she'd spent the two days since her visit to his ranch rehearsing a series of nonchalant comments to use in case they happened to come face-to-face.

Knowing that the Corbetts and their friends usually sat together in the third and fourth rows, Kara took a seat near the rear of the old stone church, greeting fellow worshipers with a demure smile.

This was the church she'd attended before her marriage. Afterward, Alex had insisted they didn't need to worship in a small, country church that didn't offer him much opportunity to further his practice by impressing wealthy, local ranchers with his intellect and supposed piety. Kara never had been able to make him understand how at home and peaceful she felt when she sat quietly in that little church and allowed the Lord to fill her heart with His love. She sighed. Words couldn't describe how good it felt to be back.

The day had promised to be warm so she'd wound her long hair into a twist and fastened it up with a large, tortoiseshell clip that matched the muted colors of her softly draped, rayon print dress. She was smoothing her skirt when all of a sudden her sense of peace vanished.

Wisps of hair on the back of her neck tickled, prickled and would have stood on end if they hadn't been so long. She tensed. It wasn't necessary to look over her shoulder to know what was wrong. Tyler Corbett had arrived. She could feel his presence.

The broad-shouldered man passed right by Kara as he made his way forward, down the center aisle. On his arm was a slim, blond-haired lady. Kara raised one eyebrow. Well, well. And who might this be? She wasn't surprised that she didn't recognize the woman. Since she'd only recently begun attending this church again, there were many people she didn't know, or faces she couldn't place.

What did bother Kara, however, was the unexpected twinge of jealousy when Tyler and his companion had walked by. What a silly response! Why should she care who he was with?

Susan slid into the pew next to her and nudged her gently. “Scoot over, will you? Mark's coming as soon as he parks the car. I was afraid we'd be late so I had him let me off at the door. One of the horses picked last night to foal and we were up half the night.”

“Why didn't you call me?” Kara whispered. “You know I'd have come out to help.”

Susan made a face. “I thought of that. Mark said no. It seems Tyler wasn't too pleased when you dropped by the other day.”

“That's your fault.” Kara wasn't about to back down. “You talked me into doing it. I wanted you to take the puppy to him in the first place.”

“I know. My mistake.” She shielded her mouth with one cupped hand and leaned closer. “What did you say to the man, anyway? Mark says he's been a real pill ever since you were out there.”

Shrugging, Kara was at a loss. “I don't know. We just talked. Made polite conversation. The usual.” She remembered her confession about their father's bad temper but could see no connection between that and Tyler's mood. “He seemed okay when I left.” A sly smile lit her face. “Of course, I did foist an injured dog on him. Maybe that's what's bothering him.”

“Maybe.” Susan slid closer as her husband joined them. “And maybe he's just naturally mean-spirited.”

“Oh, I don't think so,” Kara said quickly. She noticed a look of smug satisfaction come over her sister and easily anticipated her thoughts. “Don't start with me again about needing a husband,” she warned. “Don't even start.”

Susan almost managed to look innocent. “Who? Me? I didn't say a word.”

“No, but I know what you were thinking. I told you, I have no interest in any man, least of all Tyler Corbett. Besides, he's got a special lady friend. Look. Third row. Second from the left.”

Leaning sideways, the elder sister peered between the heads of other worshipers until she spotted her quarry. “Aha. I do see. How interesting that you noticed.”

“The man walked right by me. I couldn't help but see him. Now, will you please leave me alone?”

“Till the service is over,” Susan said. “Then you and I are going to find Mr. Corbett so I can properly introduce you to his lady friend.”

“It won't be necessary to go to…” Kara began.

Susan pointed to the front of the sanctuary. “Shush. They're starting. I can't hear a thing when you're talking.”

Disgusted, Kara closed her mouth. Her mind, however, refused to be quieted. No way was she going to permit her sister to drag her into another unnecessary discussion with Tyler Corbett. Especially since he'd brought a female companion to church!

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The Perfect Couple Valerie Hansen
The Perfect Couple

Valerie Hansen

Тип: электронная книга

Жанр: Современные любовные романы

Язык: на английском языке

Издательство: HarperCollins

Дата публикации: 16.04.2024

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О книге: Despite their differences, Tyler Corbett assumed Kara Shepherd was a fine woman…for somebody else. He had no intention of falling for her, despite a vast local conspiracy. But how could the strapping cowboy avoid Kara when she popped up everywhere he went–even in church?Widowed Kara figured there was only one way to get her family–and Tyler′s–to stop matchmaking. They′d simply pretend to fall in love, then break up. Step One of the charade was surprisingly easy. But when a few fake kisses unexpectedly led to the real thing, Step Two was in serious jeopardy!

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