In Forbidden Territory

In Forbidden Territory
Shawna Delacorte

Filling in as a guide and companion for his best friend's kid sister was cramping Tyler Farrell's bachelor lifestyle. At least, until a drop-dead-gorgeous, very grown-up Angie melted his bones with one searing kiss. She was supposed to be offlimitsbut Tyler liked playing with fire.Angie wanted to prove she wasn't a child anymore. And what better way to do so than a no-strings affair with Tylerthe perfect love 'em and leave 'em guy? Except that the closer she got to Tyler, the hotter the attraction burned and the harder she fell in love. Somehow she had to convince commitment-phobic Tyler that she was his to claimpermanently!

Maybe I Need A Sign Around My Neck Stating Im An Adult, Angie Muttered. My Brother Seems To Forget That.

I dont think a sign will be necessary, Tyler told her as his eyes met hers. You certainly look grown up to me.

Ty watched as a slight smile turned the corners of her mouththe same delicious mouth hed sampled the previous evening. He tried to clear his head of the thoughts, of desires that could only lead to trouble. His blood rushed hot and fast each time he came into physical contact with her. It was a sensation he wanted to pursue even though he knew it was forbidden territory. There was something about her.

Something he couldnt seem to put into wordssomething intangible that scared and excited him more than anything else ever had.

Dear Reader,

Silhouette Desire is starting the New Year off with a bang as we introduce our brand-new family-centric continuity, DYNASTIES: THE ASHTONS. Set in the lush wine-making country of Napa Valley, California, the Ashtons are a family divided by a less-than-fatherly patriarch. We think youll be thoroughly entranced by all the drama and romance when the wonderful Eileen Wilks starts things off with Entangled. Look for a new book in the series each monthall year long.

The New Year also brings new things from the fabulous Dixie Browning as she launches DIVAS WHO DISH. Youll love her sassy heroine in Her Passionate Plan B. SONS OF THE DESERT, Alexandra Sellerss memorable series, is back this month with the dramatic conclusion, The Fierce and Tender Sheikh. RITA

Award-winning author Cindy Gerard will thrill you with the heart-stopping hero in Between Midnight and Morning. (My favorite time of the night. What about you?)

Rounding out the month are two clever stories about shocking romances: Shawna Delacortes tale of a sexy hero who falls for his best friends sister, In Forbidden Territory, and Shirley Rogerss story of a secretary who ends up winning her boss in a bachelor auction, Business Affairs.

Heres to a New Years resolution we should all keep: indulging in more desire!

Happy reading,

Melissa Jeglinski

Senior Editor, Silhouette Desire

In Forbidden Territory

Shawna Delacorte (


Although award-winning author Shawna Delacorte has lived most of her life in Los Angeles and has a background working in television production, she is currently living in Wichita, Kansas. Among her writing accomplishments she is honored to include her placement on the USA TODAY bestseller list. In addition to writing full-time, she teaches a fiction writing class in the Division of Continuing Education at Wichita State University. Shawna enjoys hearing from her readers and can be reached at 6505 E. Central, Box #300, Wichita, KS 67206. You may also visit her at her author page at the Harlequin Web

For Carol.

Your friends and family miss you.


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten



Tyler Farrells business partner barged into his office, panic covering his face as he pleaded, Youve got to help me out, Ty. Take her off my hands for the next few days.

Take who off your hands?

It wont take that much of your time. Shes just a kid.

Whos just a kid? Tylers confusion began to turn to irritation. What are you talking about, Mac?

McConnor Coleman paused a moment as he took a calming breath. All I know is what Mom said when she called the other day. It seems that my kid sister wants to move from Portland to Seattle, get a job and her own apartment. She arrived last night and is staying with me until I can help her get settled. I promised Mom Id keep my eye on her. You know, maybe take her to a movie one evening and buy her some pizza. Take her on the harbor tour or to the top of the Space Needle. Stuff like that.

Mac renewed his determination. Its not like youll have to put your busy social life on hold so you can wine and dine her. Like I said, shes just a kid. You know the kind of long hours Im going to be putting in until this new design is finished. The pivotal point of our companys expansion plans is dependent on this design. I dont want her sitting all alone at my house and I certainly dont want her going out at night by herself.

Ty made a valiant attempt to put some logic to Macs obviously frazzled state of mind. Were on Bainbridge Island, not in Seattle. Theres no reason why she cant go out alone.

A young girl should not be out on the streets alone. Macs tone of voice said there was no room for discussion of the matter.

Ty allowed a slight frown to wrinkle across his brow. An image popped into his mind of Angelina Coleman, the annoying little girl he had encountered once at Macs parents house in Portland, Oregon. He shook his head and emitted a sigh. I really dont have the time

Am I too early for lunch?

Ty whirled around in the direction of the sound. The sultry voice perfectly matched the beautiful blond vision framed in the doorway. A quick surge of desire shoved aside Tys initial shock. Could this gorgeous vision be the same person Mac had been referring to as his kid sister?

Mac rushed toward her. Angieis it noon already? He glanced at his watch, a sheepish expression covering his features. I guess the morning got away from me.

She shot a teasing grin at her brother. Why am I not surprised?

Recovering from his initial shock, Ty leaped into action. He grabbed Angies hand, kissed the back of it and made a courtly bow. Angelina ColemanTyler Farrell at your service. You probably dont remember, but we met several years ago. A jolt of charged energy emanated from their clasped hands. A heated surge of desire swept up his arm and through his body. Her unwavering gaze, combined with the vibrancy of her expressive green eyes, sent another ripple coursing through hima strange combination of lustful desire and caution.

I most certainly do remember you. It was fourteen years ago, a month or so before you and Mac graduated from the University of Washington. Mac was the one worrying about finals. I was the scrawny ten-year-old with braces on my teeth. A dazzling smile lit her beautiful face and a touch of humor surrounded her words. And you were the arrogant jerk.

Ty released her hand, clutched at his chest and staggered back a couple of steps as if he had been hit by a mortal blow, his action eliciting a spontaneous laugh from her. It was an enchanting sound, one that left him wanting to hear it again and again. The moment he broke the physical contact with her a strange sense of loss made its way into his consciousness. Her words startled him, but they had been said more in fun than with any show of malice. At least that was the way he chose to take it.

He quickly recovered from the barb, taking a minute to make a survey of her physical assets. He judged her to be about five feet six inches tall, perfect for his six-foot frame. His gaze started at her mesmerizing eyes and visually traced every curve of her body until he reached the tips of her shoes. An appreciative grin tugged at the corners of his mouth. She certainly had everything and it was in all the right places.

A tightness pulled across his chest. His skin still tingled where their hands had met. He forced a casualness he didnt feel as he flashed a wickedly sexy grin. WellIm happy to see that at least one of us has improved over the years.

Angie stuck her hands in the pockets of her tailored slacks, a subconscious effort to wipe away the sensation of his tantalizing touch. The devilish gleam in his hazel eyes told her exactly what was on his mind. It was a look she had seen on the faces of many men on numerous occasions, but it had never had this type of impact on her. It was a look that spoke of excitement and the promise of many nights of sensual pleasure for the woman lucky enough to share his bed.

It was a look that also spoke of fun, an open enjoyment of everyday things and life in generalsomething definitely lacking in her life for the past year. She wanted to regain that sense of fun that she had lost. She needed to have it back in her life.

Tyler Farrell was a very disconcerting man, yet there was something about him that she couldnt dismiss. It was more than his movie-star good looks, thick dark hair and strong athletic build. A little shiver of anticipation darted across the surface of her skin. She sensed an underlying level of passion that reached out and grabbed her like nothing ever had and refused to let go.

Angie glanced at her brother. An uncertain look surrounded by a hint of disapproval covered Macs face as his gaze darted between his business partner and his sister.

Mac self-consciously cleared his throat. UhAngieabout lunch today

Ty immediately took control of the conversation. Dont give it another thought, Mac. I know how busy you are with the deadline on the design project. I would be honored to escort Angie to lunch in your place. He glanced at the delectable Angelina Coleman, then forced his attention away from the tantalizing image and back to his partner. He flashed a quick grin. For the sake of the company and our expansion plans.

I hate to interrupt your schedule, Ty. I can certainly amuse myself until Mac gets home tonight. His mention of expansion plans did not escape her notice. Hopefully the companys plans would fit nicely with her personal agenda, her primary goala plan she had not shared with her brother even though he was central to its success. It was her real reason for moving to Seattle.

Ty extended a dazzling smile and winked at her. Nonsense. Theres nothing Id rather do than take a beautiful and charming lady to lunch. He glanced toward Mac before leaving, catching the look of warning aimed directly at him.

Ty escorted Angie out of the building. The tightness in his chest increased as the scent of her perfume tickled his senses. A sudden rush of discomfort left him uneasy. He felt pressured to make small talk even though he wasnt sure what to say to this enchanting woman who had just robbed him of his ability to be glib and charming. He took a deep breath. Maybe Mac thought of her as still being his kid sister, but there was no way this gorgeous vision could be thought of as anything other than all womanbeautiful and fascinating.

He took another breath and tried to brush away the flood of lascivious thoughts that invaded his mind. He tried to convince himself it was just force of habit. It was not as if he was entertaining serious thoughts about making a pass at Macs little sisternot really. The band pulled even tighter across his chest. The heat settled low inside his body. Regardless of what he tried to tell himself, pizza and a movie were the last things on his mind.

The libidinous thoughts coursing through his head and pulling at his body were totally inappropriate under the circumstances, but that did not make them go away. She was Macs sister, what Mac referred to as his kid sisteran expression that had a very protective sound to it, especially the way Mac said it. It was the type of sound that matched the look of warning Mac had shot in his direction.

Ty turned toward Angie. Wellshall we go? Theres a charming little place a short walk from here.

They strolled along the waterfront toward the harbor. As much as he tried not to, he couldnt keep from staring at her. He drank in her finely sculpted features, the turn of her nose, the absolutely delicious-looking mouth.

Why are you watching me?

Her words surprised him. His mind scrambled for some sort of acceptable explanation. II was looking for similarities in appearance between you and Mac. I can see the family resemblance.

I think we both look like our mother.

He allowed his gaze to drift across her features. Youre not what I was expecting. I was still picturing that ten-year-old little girl.

She emitted a sigh, part exasperation and part resignation. Yes, thats what Mac sees, too, whenever my name is brought up in conversation. He and Mom both. Theyre always patronizing me. I guess I can understand it. Not only am I the only girl, Im also the youngestthe baby of the family with five older brothers. Mac is the oldest, thirteen years older than I am. I keep hoping that the day will come when they stop thinking of me as that little girl, but I dont think its going to happen any time soon.

Ty and Angie reached the restaurant. It was a bright, sunny autumn day and they were seated outside on the deck. After they ordered lunch he leaned back in his chair in an attempt to project a casual appearance, something far removed from the uneasiness churning inside him. So what have you been doing with yourself since you were that little girl?

A teasing grin played at the corners of her mouth. Mostly Ive been trying to get everyone to stop thinking of me as that little girl.

Was she making fun of him? At that moment his mind was so muddled he didnt know what to think. His gaze slowly traveled across her features again, pausing a moment to take in the way the fabric of her blouse caressed the curve of her breasts. He finally settled on her tantalizing mouth, a mouth that deserved to be kissed long, hard and often.

What else have you been up to besides not being ten anymore? His voice held a huskiness he wasnt happy with. He cocked his head as he made eye contact with her. A shiver of anxiety worked its way up his back followed by a shiver of uncertainty. Just pizza and a movie with Macs kid sisterwhat had he gotten himself into? He was not sure about this anymore, not sure at all.

I went to school. Then after I graduated from high school I entered an Oregon beauty pageant and was selected first runner-up.

He straightened to attention. Ahyoure a beauty queen. He saw a momentary flash of irritation dart across her face.

I didnt care about the beauty title. What I wanted was the college scholarship. I had some scholarship money, but it wasnt enough. I wanted to provide the rest of the funds myself. Unfortunately, with the heavy class load I had planned to carry I wouldnt have been able to work very many hours a week.

The words were not what Ty had expected to hear. She sounded very serious rather than simply engaging in casual chitchat. Was she always this serious? She had shown marvelous flashes of humor in the short time he had been around her. He was not accustomed to having serious conversations with women. How did things turn out?

Mac came to the rescue as he always has for anyone in the family who needs anything.

The waitress interrupted their conversation when she placed the food on the table. Angie became reflective as she watched the waitress leave, then turned her attention back to Ty. As Mac has probably told you, our father died when I was very young and Mac was still in high school. Mom had a tough time financially. She was raising six kids by herself and money was very tight. Mac worked for two years after he graduated from high school to earn the money he needed for college to supplement his scholarship funds. Thats why he was two years older than the other freshmen such as you. She flashed a teasing grin at Ty and displayed another moment of her pointed humor. And far more mature than most of them.

Ouch! Ty expressed the pain of another direct hit to his ego, partly in good fun, but with an underlying layer of reality.

Mac was right there for me. He stepped in and took care of the rest of my college expenses. I graduated with honors and a dual major in business and industrial design.

Ty emitted a low whistle of appreciation. Thats a very impressive accomplishment.

I never would have been able to do it without Macs help. Ive always looked up to him. Hes been both my big brother and the father figure I never had. He always took care of me. She quickly blinked away the tears of emotion that started to moisten her eyes. I owe him so much. What she chose not to say was that she had always been in awe of Mac and his many accomplishments, not to mention just a little bit intimidated, too. She idolized her brother and knew there was no way she would be able to repay him.

She also knew he wouldnt accept it even if she could.

Yes, Mac is a very generous and giving person.

Other than that, for the past three years since graduating from the University of Oregon Ive worked in Portland at an industrial design firm. Unfortunately it was a job that didnt offer any challenges or any future. Not to mention a boss who decided I was the office decoration and never took my work seriously. It was a sore spot with Angie and an attitude she deeply resented. She wanted to be treated according to her merits, not her beauty. At one time she had even considered dyeing her hair in order to avoid being the object of the dumb blonde jokes. She quickly dismissed the idea. She was who she was and didnt see any reason to make changes just to appease someone else whose opinion wasnt important to her anyway.

Ty snapped to attention. Suddenly she was more than just a drop-dead-gorgeous beauty contestant. She was intelligent and articulate with a sense of humor and an openness that he found very refreshing, especially compared to a lot of the pretentious women he had dated over the years.

Is your whole family close? It was an area he had been both curious about and uncomfortable withone in which he had no experience. I know Mac feels very close to his family, even though he doesnt see any of them that oftenwhich is not surprising, given his workaholic nature. He doesnt take near enough time for himself, time to just kick loose and have fun.

Funthe word cut through to the core of Angies reality. She stared at Ty for a moment. He seemed to her to be someone who knew how to have fun and enjoy himselfsomeone fun to be with.

Yes. Were a pretty tight-knit family emotionally even if we arent geographically close anymore. Only one of my brothers still lives in Portland. The others have moved to various places around the country in pursuit of their careers.

What do you like to do for fun? What kind of activities do you enjoy?

Activities? Well, I like museums, concerts, art galleries and the theater. As for sports, I snow ski and water-ski. In fact, I enjoy just about anything connected with the water. Im also the quintessential tourist. I love traveling and seeing new places.

He nodded his agreement. Id put sailing at the top of that list, which is fortunate since the design and construction of custom sailboats is the business were in. Otherwise it sounds exactly like my choices.

Angie took a couple of bites of her salad. Weve certainly talked about me long enough. She shot him a quizzical look. How about you? Whats your family like?

Her memories of Tyler Farrell were from fourteen years ago. Even a ten-year-old could recognize an arrogant jerk with a roving eye for women. Judging by the way he had been looking her over for the past hour it was equally obvious that he still had that roving eye.

There was no question in her mind exactly what Ty was thinking. One glance at the devilish sparkle in his eyes and his wickedly tantalizing grin said it all. But there was more to Tyler Farrell than just the surface good looks. She sensed an honesty about him in direct contrast to the sexy gleam in his eyes and the playboy image he seemed to enjoy projecting. It was the type of honesty that said she would be safe from unwanted advances. He would probably make a pass, but he would accept no for an answer and not press her. And the same would be true even if she wasnt his business partner and best friends sister.

Yes, when she was ten she had thought he was a jerk. A tingle of excitement heated her insides, telling her just how attractive she found him now. It had been six months since she had broken off her engagement to Caufield Woodrow III, a man her mother had kept telling her she should hang onto. A man who had everythingwealth, family position, social status and a guaranteed future. A man who could have given her everything she wanted. But Angie had disagreed. Maybe he could have given her everything material, but he had not given her any consideration for what she wanted out of lifeit had been all about him and what he wantedno one else.

And he didnt know how to have fun. She had never laughed when she was with Caufield. She liked to laugh. Everything had always been so serious with him. Everything had to be planned out well in advance. He had needed two weeks notice to do something spontaneous. It had been a stifling relationship, one that had smothered her in a cloak of his creation. One in which she had finally realized she had been suffocated to the point where she could hardly breathe. She shook away the thoughts. It was old territory that she didnt want to go over again. She was relieved to be out of the relationship.

My family Ty took a deep breath, held it a moment, then exhaled. The word dysfunctional immediately leaped to his mind. He was an only child who had been raised with money and privilege, but it was not a substitute for the type of closeness Mac had with his familythe type Angie had just described. The predominant memory from his early years was the constant fighting between his mother and father. His parents had finally divorced when he was in high school, but it hadnt stopped their ongoing battles.

And then there had been his disastrous two-year marriage shortly after he had graduated from college. Hardly a day had gone by without some sort of argument or at the very least enough tension to fill a football stadium. Family? A happy, loving marriage and close family was something he had never seen or experienced firsthand. It was something he would have said didnt exist if it werent for the single exception of Mac and his family. But marriage and emotional closeness were things he would never know and he didnt want to try to capture it with another attempt at a relationshipan attempt he knew would be doomed to failure from the beginning.

He extended what he hoped would be a confident smile. I was an only child, born and raised in Seattle. My parents both live in the Seattle area, my mother in Bellevue and my father on Mercer Island. I think that about covers it.

Thats certainly succinct and to the point. She returned his smile, letting him know she was not offended by his brief and evasive answer to her question even though she found it puzzling.

Lunch continued in a more comfortable vein. After the initial time of finding out a little about each other, the conversation turned to more casual topics and a surprisingly fun-filled two hours with lots of laughs. Each relaxed and enjoyed the beautiful day. Following lunch, they walked back to the offices.

You know, Mac is going to be tied up for several days. My time is a lot more flexible than his right now so Ill be happy to show you around his gaze locked with hers for an intense moment, sending a heated wave of desire through his body if you dont mind the last-minute tour guide substitution.

No A sizzling second of eye contact told her more than she wanted to know about the sexual magnetism of Tyler Farrell. A little shiver of trepidation tried to work its way to the forefront. I dont mind at all.

Do you have plans for this evening? The tightness returned, like a band pulling across his chest, making it difficult for him to breathe. I could pick you up at Macs house at seven oclock.

That will be perfect.

Ty watched as she got in her car and drove away. He took a deep breath and held it for a moment. He slowly exhaled as he entered the building, crossed the lobby and walked down the hallway, but it did nothing to calm his inner turmoil. Angie Coleman had made a definite impact on his senses and he wasnt sure what to do about it.

He paused at Macs office, leaning casually against the door frame. Im back from lunch.

Mac looked up from his work, glancing over Tys shoulder. Wheres Angie?

She left. I suppose she went back to your house.

Thanks for filling in for me and taking her to lunch.

Dont worry about it, Mac. Ty flashed his patented smile. It was certainly my pleasure.

Ill have to make it up to her tonight. Maybe take her out to dinner or something. Mac glanced at the clock on his desk. If I can get out of here at a decent hour.

No need for you to quit earlier than you want to just so you can rush home to an empty house. Im taking Angie out tonight. He cocked his head and tried to suppress his grin. You knowpizza and a movie, just like you suggested.

Ty noted the cautionary look on Macs face, but didnt want to start a conversation about it. He didnt want his business partner asking what his intentions were toward Angie. He didnt want to think about what his intentions were, to define the disjointed feelings and sensations that had been floating around inside him from the moment he had seen Angelina Coleman framed in the office door.

Angie checked the clock. She still had about an hour before Ty would be picking her up. She had spent the afternoon working on her resume. When Mac had told her he was busy and wouldnt be able to take her to lunch, she had been disappointed. She wanted the opportunity to spend some one-on-one time with him, dig into the operational procedures of the company, create a viable niche for herself in the organization, then pitch the idea to Mac about hiring her.

She wanted a job with Macs company, but she didnt want him to hire her just because she was his sisterto once again come to her rescue, to take care of her. She wanted to prove herself to him and earn a job based solely on her own merit. She wanted him to respect her as a capable adult rather than protect her like a child. She wanted his approval.

Then her thoughts turned to Ty. If she had an ally within the company she just might have a better chance of Mac paying attention rather than in essence telling her to run along and playto not worry her cute little head about anything. That was what had happened six months ago when she had first broached the subject of a job with Macs company. Shed had her mother mention the job possibility to him. It was right after she had broken off her engagement. Her insecurities were at odds with her aspirations. She had been too scared and intimidated to approach Mac herself. All he had done was laugh and say how cute it was of little Angie to want to go to work for him. At that moment it was obvious to her that she needed to prove herself first if he was ever going to take her seriously.

Ty was not family. He wouldnt have any preconceived notions about who she was or what she should be doing with her life, what predetermined category she should fit in. She furrowed her brow into a slight frown for a moment. At least she hoped Mac hadnt put any preconceived ideas into Tys head. If she could enlist his help, she was sure the two of them could get Mac to listen to reason and shed his old notions.

Angie glanced at the clock again, then put away her work materials so she could get ready for her date with Ty. She paused a moment, a reflective mood coming over her. Dateit wasnt a date. He was just being polite, seeing that she wasnt having dinner alone while Mac worked on his deadline project. That was all it was. Nothing more. She closed her eyes and an immediate image of his dazzling smile and good looks popped into her mind. The same sensation she experienced when he had clasped her hand began to spread across her skin. Her breathing quickened and a tingle of excitement told her there was something very special about this man whether she wanted it to be that way or not.

She brushed the last stroke through her hair just as the doorbell rang. She rushed to answer it, stepping aside as Ty entered the house.

You didnt say where we were going. She glanced down at the simple skirt and blouse she had chosen, then made eye contact with him. The glint in his hazel eyes sent a little shiver through her body. I hope Im dressed okay.

You look gorgeous. He forced a calm to his voice that he didnt feel as he blatantly stared at her. She was far more than merely gorgeous. She had brains and personality in addition to stunning looks. He had never been involved with a woman who had it all. Involvedthat word had popped into his mind without him realizing it. Where had it come from? He certainly wasnt involved with Angie. She was his best friends sister, a best friend who also happened to be his business partner. A business partner who had managed to tell him hands off without ever saying a word.

He tried to shut out the feelings coursing through him, feelings that admittedly were mostly lust. But there was a hint of something else, too. Something he couldnt quite grasp or define. Something that made him nervous. His attention became riveted to her perfect mouth, her slightly parted lips tinted with a soft russet color. He felt himself being drawn in against his conscious will.

He leaned his face into Angies. It started as an innocent brushing of his lips against hers, but it ignited a burst of unbridled desire. Ty wrapped his arms around her and captured her mouth with a kiss that did nothing to hide the passion coursing through his veins. Her body stiffened in his arms followed by a moments hesitation.

A touch of panic invaded his reality. Had he just made the most colossal blunder of his life? Was this going to cost him more than he had anticipated? Possibly even the friendship of his best friend and business partner?


Angies initial shock quickly vanished. Tys kiss held everything she had imagined it would and was everything she feared it might be. She slipped her arms around his neck and allowed the sensuality of his magnetism to flow through her. It was the last thing she had anticipated at that moment, but certainly not an unwelcome turn of events. Her thoughts faded into the background. Her breathing quickened. Her only conscious reality centered around his lips on hers and the fire he lit inside her. It was the type of heated desire her ex-fianc had never been able to ignite in her, a sexy aura he had never possessed.

The kiss lasted for what seemed like forever before Ty finally broke the contact. It was a kiss unlike any she had ever experienceda kiss that demanded more and promised everything in return. It was also a kiss that frightened her in its magnitude and the way it sent waves of longing crashing through her body. She took an unsteady step backward in an attempt to escape the lingering warmth of his embrace and the connection of their bodies pressed together. She nervously ran her fingers through her short hair. A kiss like that could only lead one place and she was not prepared to let that happen regardless of how attractive and desirable she found him.

There was a brief moment of eye contact. The intensity in his eyes sent a little shiver up her spine. It didnt matter how much she tried to convince herself that it was nothing more than an innocent kiss. She knew the truth was far removed from what she was trying to make herself believe. The ominous silence following their kiss grew louder and louder. She self-consciously shifted her weight from one foot to the other.

Uhwhere are we going tonight? With any luck her words didnt sound as unsure to him as they did to her.

Angies question broke into the thoughts running rampant through his mindthoughts about the sensuality of this incredible woman and where the kiss was headed. He was thankful for the distraction. He started to speak, but a huskiness momentarily closed off his throat and no words came out. He tried again.

I thoughtuh, Mac had suggestedhow does pizza and a movie sound to you? He forced a smile that he hoped looked casual rather than something awkwardly pasted on his face.

Pizza and a movie? A teasing grin played at the corners of her mouth and an undeniable humor surrounded her words. Yes, that sounds like Macs idea of what his kid sister would enjoy.

She saw the quick look of hesitation dart across his face as if he wasnt sure how to take what she had said. She couldnt stop the laugh that quickly erupted. I happen to like pizza and I like movies. That sounds like a perfect evenings activity to me.

And it was a perfect evening. Angie picked out a movie for them to see and afterward they went to a local pizza parlor. It was close to midnight when Ty pulled into Macs driveway, then walked Angie to the door. He took her hand in his as he leaned against the wall next to the front door.

Thank you for joining me tonight. I really enjoyed it. He suddenly felt like a teenager who was not sure how to go about ending a date. Should he try to kiss her again? Had it been a mistake to have kissed her the first time? Should he just leave? It had been a long time since he had been so unsure of himself. His dates usually ended in bed, but he knew that tonight would not be the usual. Tonight would be different, tonight he was with a very special lady.

It was my pleasure. I enjoyed it, too. Would you like to come in for a few minutes?

A quick rush of anticipation darted through his body. He stared at the closed front door for a moment, turning her question over in his mind. What was she expecting? Was he reading something into her invitation that wasnt there? Was Mac home? So far it had been a stress-free evening without the pressure of trying to impress anyonejust the comfortable situation of two people enjoying each others company without the underlying layer of jockeying for control and pursuing ulterior motives.

He was very unhappy with the internal battle over which he seemed to have no control. He tried to gather his determination and regain the upper hand over his emotions. If her ability to kiss was any indication, Angie was definitely a woman who had not spent her life cloistered away from social situations or men.

She knew the score and had spent time out there in the real world of men and women despite what her brother preferred to believe. But that did not negate the fact that she was totally different from the women he usually dated. Maybe it was true that she knew the score, but there was no way she promiscuously slept around. She would be selective and when she did take that step it would be because it meant something special to her. A little shiver of anxiety told him she was definitely not the type he was accustomed to.

And then there was her brother. He had a responsibility to Mac that couldnt be ignored. The uncertainty ran rampant inside him, creating havoc and indecision, something that did not normally cross his life.

Ty? Her words interrupted his wayward thoughts as she repeated her invitation. Would you like to come in and have a glass of wine?

He searched her face and looked into her eyes. She was all fresh enthusiasm, trusting honesty and an underlying sensuality that had been driving him crazy from the moment he had encountered the adult version of the young girl he had met fourteen years ago. She was just the type who could sneak up on a man and have him fall head over heels in love with her before he knew it. Her type of woman was more dangerous than any predatortwo-legged or four-legged.

As much as he wanted to ignore the realization and avoid the obvious, he knew she scared the socks off him. He also instinctively knew that he would never be able to walk away from her without returning. But as far as tonight was concerned

The tremor of anxiety assaulted his senses again. Welluh, I think it would be best if I leave. It was the last thing he wanted to do. I know Mac has been working long hours and I dont want to disturb his much-needed sleep. He may have been able to decline her invitation, but he could not stop himself from leaning his face into hers. But just as he was about to press his mouth to her lips, the front door swung open to reveal an irritated Mac dressed only in his pajama bottoms.

A startled Angie quickly stepped back, putting some distance between herself and the much-anticipated kiss Ty had started to initiate. She finally found her voice. MacIm sorry. We didnt mean to wake you.

Macs gaze darted from Angie to Ty as he pointed to the wall where Ty had his arm and shoulder pressed against the wood siding. Macs words held a caustic edge to them. It was a little difficult to sleep with someone leaning on the doorbell.

Ty quickly straightened up, a guilty and embarrassed expression registering on his features. I didnt realize it. Sorry about that. He glanced at Angie, gave her an apologetic smile and turned back to Mac. I was just leaving. Ill see you in the morning.

Ty waited until Mac went back inside the house, then again turned his attention to Angie. His voice became soft, matching his warm smile. Thank you for spending the evening with me. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Ill call you tomorrow.

Angie watched as Ty returned to his car, backed out of the driveway and drove down the street. She went inside the house and closed the door.

She turned a questioning look toward her brother who had not gone back to his bedroom. She noted his nervousness and awkward mannerisms. What is it, Mac? Whats bothering you?

Im not trying to pry into your life

Uh-ohhere comes the but. Angie cocked her head and leveled a steady gaze at him. She made an unsuccessful attempt to suppress the teasing grin that flirted with the corners of her mouth. But, what? What is it you want to say that really isnt prying into my personal life?

He ran his fingers through his sandy-brown hair, then shifted his weight from one foot to the other. Itsuhits nothing really. I just, well, I just wanted to say a couple of words about Ty. He cleared his throat, a nervous mannerism she had associated with her brother for as long as she could remember.

Mac tried again to say what was on his mind. Ty has a certain reputation where women are concerned. He glanced away for a moment, as if trying to gather his thoughts. Its not that hes really a womanizer in the true sense of the word. He isnt a love-em-and-leave-em type, but he does seem to always be dating someone new and never settles down. Hes the type of man who has had lots of experience with lots of women. He managed to hold eye contact with her in spite of his obvious embarrassment over the subject. Hes the type of man you havent had any experience with.

He gave her a brotherly hug. I just want you to be on your toes and not be taken in by his charm and smooth lines.

Are you trying to say that Ty would make improper advances toward me and refuse to take no for an answer?

No, thats not what Im saying, he said, a frown of concern wrinkling his forehead, not exactly. Its just that Ty travels in the fast lane. What is commonplace for him is way out of your realm of experience. Im worried about you being able to handle what might be anuhwell, an awkward situation.

She could see her brothers discomfort in trying to deal with the topic in a dispassionate way. She also saw his deep and sincere concern. Her spontaneous laugh filled the living room. Do I need to remind you that I grew up with five brothers and learned how to take care of myself around a bunch of unruly guys?

Okay. He returned her smile. Enough said. He gave her a kiss on the forehead and returned to his bedroom.

Angie hurried down the hall toward the guest room where she was staying. She didnt know whether to be amused or annoyed by Macs attempt to protect her. She had almost asked him if he really thought she was still a virgin, but decided against it. She didnt want to totally shock his sensibilities where his kid sister was concerned. However, his words about Tys antics with lots of women did not escape her attention.

Thoughts of Ty flooded her mind, sensual thoughts that seemed to come from nowhere and insisted on lingering in her consciousness. She felt confident she could get him to help her convince Mac that he needed to hire her, but using her feminine wiles to manipulate a man was not part of her nature and certainly not the way she wanted to approach this problem. A quick stab of guilt poked at her, touching on her deeply buried insecurities. She was not a deceptive person, nor was she dishonest.

So why was this guilty feeling jabbing at her? She was not using Ty. She would never do that type of unethical thing, but if he could help her, why shouldnt she explore that possibility? She tried to shake away the guilt as she touched her fingertips to her lips, reviving all the heat and passion of the original kiss. A moment later any thought of a job with Macs company, trying to get her priorities straight or her true interest in Ty and whether she was trying to use him totally left her head. Logicthoughtsconcernsnone of it mattered. Her entire reality at that precise moment was filled with the remembered sensation of Tyler Farrells lips against hers and the heated desire he stirred in her.

Angie undressed and went to bed, but sleep did not come easily. Her thoughts continued to center around Ty and the heated moment they had shared earlier that evening. She knew she could not allow this sexy man to sidetrack her from her goals.

She had allowed her ex-fianc to make decisions for her. It had resulted in a disastrous relationship. She had vowed to never again put herself in that position. It was up to her to set her life on a forward moving track and secure her future. That was her goal. She gathered her determination. It was her only goal. She would not be dissuaded from itcertainly not by a handsome playboy whose kiss made her skin tingle, her pulse race and her heart pound.

She turned over, pounded her pillow into a comfortable shape and closed her eyes. She finally succumbed to a restless sleep filled with images of the very sexy and desirable Tyler Farrell.

The next morning Angie wandered into the kitchen to make some coffee after taking her shower. She paused when she saw the note stuck to the refrigerator door. She looked at the clock. There was no getting around her brothers workaholic nature. Not even seven oclock yet and he was already gone. She shook her head and furrowed her brow as she read the note.

Angie: Lots to do. Will be buried under a ton of work the next few days. Hope you didnt mind too much being stuck with Ty yesterday. As soon as I finish this design project Ill be able to spend time with you, help you get settled into your own apartment and find a job. I think one of our clients has an opening in his company for a receptionist. Come by the office and Ill try to make some time to have lunch with you.

Angie scanned the note again with a soft sigh of resignation. Nothing had changed. A receptionist jobit was obvious Mac didnt have a clue what type of job she wanted, what she was qualified to do and what type of work experience she had. His only thought was to help her find an entry-level office position somewhere. How typical of Mac. He assumed she only wanted a job until she could find a husband rather than wanting to build a career for herself.

Then she turned her attention to the other part of the note. A little grin tugged at the corners of her mouth. Did she mind being stuck with Ty? He might as well have asked her if she minded if Prince Charming paid a little bit of attention to her. A shiver of trepidation accompanied her thought and was followed by a sudden rush of excitement at the memory of the passionate kiss they had shared. She tried without success to dismiss the heated desire the memory evoked. Maybe it would be better if she found some other way of achieving her goal rather than spending a lot of time with Tyler Farrell in an attempt to elicit his help.

And maybe tomorrow Prince Charming would sweep her off her feet and declare his undying love for her.

Angie felt her eyes widen in shock at the full impact of the errant thought that had invaded her consciousness. She didnt know where it came from, but she certainly needed to get rid of it as quickly as possible. She renewed her determination. One kiss did not mean anything. It was an enjoyable little interlude and that was it. She would let Ty know her areas of expertise and show him she was qualified for a responsible position with the company. In a few days Mac would be finished with his project and she could talk to him about it, too. Plain and simple. She breathed a sigh of relief. What felt out of control a few moments ago was now reined in and controlled.

Angie busied herself around the house until mid-morning, then dressed and went to Macs office. No sooner had she entered the lobby than someone grabbed her arm and spun her around. She found herself looking into the handsome features and bright hazel eyes of Tyler Farrell. His devilish grin sent little tremors through her body. The place where his hand rested on her arm radiated a sensual warmth.

This is quite a coincidence. My lunch meeting just cancelled out on me so I have the next few hours free. I was just about to call to see if I could persuade you to have lunch with me. I already have a reservation at the Space Needle. Perhaps we could do the harbor cruise after lunch. Ty cocked his head and raised an eyebrow. Soare you available?

He flashed a devastatingly sexy smile and she melted on the spot. Lunch? She suddenly felt like a fifteen-year-old, all tongue-tied and flustered in the presence of the captain of the high school football team. She pulled in her rampaging desires and did her best to project a calm, confident persona. Yes, Id love it. She tried to convince herself there was nothing wrong in having lunch with him again. It was nothing personal. After all, she had to eat anyway and Mac had asked Ty to take her sightseeing while he was busy.

She would keep the conversation turned to business in general and specifically to available or upcoming positions in the company. Tys comment the day before about the companys expansion plans hinging on Macs design continued to swirl around in her mind. Expansion meant new jobs, possibly in areas that did not currently exist. It was a perfect time for her to put in her bid for one of those newly created positions.

But in the meantime there wasnt anything wrong with an innocent afternoon of fun.

Tys voice cut into her thoughts. We have a little while before lunch. Has Mac shown you around our facility?

No, I havent seen anything beyond the lobby and offices.

Would you like a tour? I could show you around the design room, the lab and the shop where we do the actual boat construction.

Her entire manner leaped to rapt attention. Id love to have a guided tour. It was perfect. She would have an opportunity to see how things worked, get more of a technical tour than Mac would ever take the time to give her. She could ask Ty questions she couldnt ask Mac and certainly get more useful answers than her brother would give her. It would be the perfect setting to start her campaign to win Ty over to her side. She was certain Mac would listen to Ty. After all, Ty was his business partner in addition to being his best friend.

Ty escorted her through the lobby and down a hallway, pausing a minute at the door to Macs office. Im going to take Angie on a tour of the facility.

Mac looked up from his work, then glanced at his watch. Yes, a tour would be nice. He looked at Angie. Im sorry I havent had any time to spend with you.

I assume this means lunch is out?

A sheepish expression crossed his face. Ill try to be home for dinner.

No need to worry about Angie being alone for dinner. Ill take her out to grab something to eat.

She glanced questioningly at Ty for a moment. He hadnt mentioned anything about dinner. She returned her attention to her brother. Hes right. Theres no reason for you to pull yourself away from your design project before youre ready. You stay and work as late as you need to and dont worry about me. She glanced at Ty. Ill be in good hands.

An involuntary glance toward Mac told Ty what he didnt want to know. Macs expression was neither gracious nor distracted. Unlike many occasions when Macs thoughts had him so preoccupied he didnt notice what was going on around him, this time there was no mistaking the fact that he was fully aware of his surroundings. It was obvious to Ty that Angies comment about being in good hands had caught Macs undivided attention.

Ty turned toward Angie. Are you ready for the VIP tour?

Ready and willing. A little shiver of something, she wasnt sure what, told her she might be ready and willing for a lot more than a tour of the building and a business lunch.

They left Macs office and Ty spent an hour showing her what they did and how they did it. Each step started with Macs initial design, computer testing of the design, a miniature model, tank testing of the miniature, then the finished product custom-built for the client. She was very pleased with the way Ty assumed shed understand what he was talking about and didnt reduce everything to the level of a ten-year-old.

The phase of the process she found most interesting was the design of the interior areas such as cabins and galleys so that they made maximum functional use of the space available yet were still attractive. They had a computer program that allowed the customer to see what the interior would look like with different fabrics, colors, woods and fixtures rather than simply picking something from a catalogue without being able to see it as part of the whole.

After the tour Ty and Angie took the ferry across to Seattle. They enjoyed a leisurely lunch in the revolving restaurant at the top of the Space Needle. The bright sunny day provided views of the Olympic mountains to the west and the Cascades to the east with Mt. Rainier looming large on the horizon to the southeast. The mountain views served as a spectacular backdrop to the water and greenery of Puget Sound and the expanse of the Seattle metropolitan area.

Conversation was casual, but far more superficial than she wanted it to be. She made several attempts during lunch to turn it to business matters while pursuing her goal. And each time he managed to deftly switch to a different topic.

Angie toyed with the stem of her wineglass as she made another attempt to procure information about the company. Did I hear you correctly yesterday when you said something to Mac about the outcome of his design project having an impact on expansion plans for the business?

Ty took a sip from his wineglass before answering her, as if he was determining how much to say. Or perhaps it was her guilty conscience that made it seem that way.

The company is at a crossroads at the moment. Either we undertake a costly expansion which will include physically moving the location of the business to much larger facilities in order to meet our potential, or we scale back so that we continue to maintain what we have. Its the results of Macs design project that will pretty much make that decision for us. If the design hes working on is successful, then we can move into the arena of the design and construction of larger sailboats in the luxury yacht category. We already have some of the ancillary support systems in place such as the computerized interior design enhancement I showed you this morning.

This bit of information leaped out at Angie. Everything about the interior design system had fascinated her. Perhaps that was the area where she should concentrate her efforts, something that would fit nicely with her education and work experience in industrial design. Her excitement over this new facet filled her with questions.

Would this interior design work be done primarily outside the company or is it something you plan to keep in-house as a department of the newly expanded operation?

Its too soon to say. Were taking it one step at a time, and right now the step were handling is the completion of the design Mac is working on. Ive already done my preliminary work. Ive talked to clients and business associates and have determined that the potential business is available. Our bankers have assured me theyre interested in providing the needed capital for the expansion. But until Mac finishes the design and we successfully test it, everything else is only speculation.

What clients do you have who would be interested in purchasing a custom-designed luxury sailboat? You said youd need to move the facility to another location. Would you still remain in the Seattle area? Do you think She saw the look of caution dart across his features. Had she gone too far? Was she pushing too much? The look of caution slowly turned to a stern gaze, tempered slightly by the wry twinkle in his eyes.

If I didnt know better I would swear you were an industrial spy trying to pump me for information about our development projects and the names of our clients.

She felt the heat of embarrassment sear across her cheeks. His accusation shocked her. Well, it wasnt really an accusation as such, but more of a half serious, half teasing observation. But it was serious enough that it made her realize she had pushed him too hard in her zeal to gather information.

Im sorry, I didnt mean to sound like that. Its just that Im interested and Mac always talks in such general terms. He probably thinks I wouldnt understand what he was talking about even though I keep reminding him that I have a degree in business and industrial design plus three years of practical work experience at an industrial design firm. She offered a confident smile, hoping it would help sidetrack Tys sudden concerns. Maybe I should wear a sign around my neck stating that Im an adult and dont need to be patronized.

Tys response was a measured but easy laugh. I dont think a sign will be necessary. His smile slowly faded as their gazes locked in a heated moment of desire. You certainly look all grown up to me.

She silently berated herself for being too aggressive in her questions. She would need to be more subtle in enlisting Tys help. If only Mac hadnt laughed at her six months ago when she had first worked up the courage to express her desire to work for his company. It would have made things so much easier for her now.

Ty would be a good conduit for swaying Macs initial reaction to her working for the company, but that wouldnt make Mac realize she was no longer a child to be patronized and protected. It was a dilemma she knew she would be wrestling with again and again just as she was now wrestling with her intense attraction to Tyler Farrell.

After lunch they walked along the waterfront area. Each time he touched herplacing his hand at the small of her back to help guide her through a crowd, innocently draping his arm around her shoulder as they walked along the sidewalk, tugging on her hand to stop her when he wanted to point out a specific sighta tremor of excitement rippled through her body followed by a warm sensuality that settled inside her.

But oddly enough, the excitement was tempered with a feeling of closeness. It was a special combination she had never experienced with anyone else, but one she found appealing and very comfortable. A hint of concern tried to work its way into the warmth surrounding her, a warmth that suddenly felt far too comfortable. She couldnt afford to lose sight of her goal.

How about a harbor cruise? Tys question broke into her thoughts, jerking her back to the moment at hand.

Sounds like fun. Her words said one thing, but reality was something else. She knew spending more time with Ty could only lead to complications in her life, complications she didnt want or need at this time.

A few minutes later they boarded the boat for the tour of Elliott Bay. The ocean breeze ruffled through her hair. The crisp air tickled her senses. She closed her eyes and drew in a deep breath, held it for several seconds, then slowly exhaled. I love being on the water. It always makes me feel so relaxed. A cloak of calm and serenity settled over her.

Ty watched as a slight smile turned the corners of her mouththe same delicious mouth he had sampled the previous evening. The same mouth that tasted of more and held the promise of tantalizing pleasures yet to be. He tried to clear his head of the ill-advised thoughts, of desires that could only lead to trouble. She was his best friends sisterhis business partners sistersomeone who should logically be off-limits. Yet he felt drawn to her on every level as he had never been with anyone before.

She definitely pushed every lustful button he possessed. His blood rushed hot and fast each time he came into physical contact with her. It was a sensation he wanted to pursue even though he knew it was forbidden territory. But there was more than merely wanting to get her into his bed for a night of unbridled passionfor many nights of unbridled passion. There was something else about her. Something that would not crystallize into a clear thought. Something he couldnt seem to put into wordssomething intangible that scared him more than anything else ever had.


The next night Angie and Ty strolled hand in hand up the walkway to Macs front door. Her enthusiasm showed in her voice. Thank you for the play. I love theater and really enjoyed this production.

It was my pleasure. Im glad you were able to go with me.

The house was dark, but they could see Macs car through the garage window. Ty gave her hand a little squeeze. Macs probably asleep. Hes been putting in long hours for the past several days. He indicated the two chairs on the porch. Lets sit here rather than going inside. Our conversation out here wont wake him.

Angie sat down. Ty scooted the other chair next to hers before sitting. She pursed her lips as if concentrating on something, then cocked her head and stared at Ty for a moment with her brow furrowed in thought. I think he works too hard. Perhaps what he needs is some sort of personal assistantan administrative assistant. Someone different than a secretary, with completely different duties. Someone with the expertise to comprehend his design projects and know how design works, someone who has the knowledge to understand conceptually how what he does relates to the business end.

She knew she was grasping for straws, trying to pull the proverbial rabbit from the hat. She wanted to establish as many possible career opportunities for herself as she could. Surely one of them would capture Macs attention and be something she could build on in her pursuit of a solid career move.

Ty squirmed uncomfortably in his chair. Once again she had turned their conversation to the company as she had done on several occasions over the past three days and he wasnt sure why. He didnt know exactly how to respond. Well, thats an interesting description of a job.

She flashed a sparkling smile, one she hoped appeared more casual than it felt. Perhaps thats something to keep in mind when you get down to serious discussion of your expansion plans.

A soft chuckle escaped his throat, one that belied the caution in his eyes. If I didnt know better Id swear you were putting in your bid for a job with the company. But, of course, that would be ridiculous. If you want a job all you need to do is tell Mac and Im sure hed hire you.

Wellnow that you brought it up

Her words faded from his mind. A tightness pulled across his chest as the heat rose in his body. The streetlight provided just enough illumination to highlight her delicately sculpted features. He put a stop to any further discussion of company business, or anything else for that matter. He pulled her into his arms and captured her mouth with a kiss that quickly exploded with the passion that seemed to always be simmering just below the surface whenever he was close to her.

Her taste was as addictive as any narcotic. No matter how many times he kissed her, he knew it would never be enough. He ran his fingers through the silky strands of her hair, caressed her shoulders, then pulled her from the chair and onto his lap. A warning tried to push through his sensually fogged mind, but he shoved it away. At that moment he didnt want anything to interfere with his pursuit of the captivating Angelina Coleman.

His breathing quickened. He knew exactly where he wanted this to go. He tightened his embrace, pulling her body closer to his. He felt her breasts press against his chest with each breath she took. He brushed his tongue against hers, reveling in the texture and the intimacy of the action. The kiss deepened as the level of sensuality surged through his body. The tingle of excitement rippled across his skin when she brushed her fingers against the back of his neck, then ran them through his hair.

More than anything he wanted to whisk her away to his house and spend the night making passionate love. But as much as that was what he wanted, he knew it couldnt be. It was a topic he did not want to delve into any further, an internal battle he feared would be his undoing. He had any number of women who had been in his bed and would willingly be there again. All he needed to do was pick up the phone and dial. But that wasnt what he wanted. Not one of them could measure up to Angie.

He reluctantly broke the kiss, but couldnt stop himself from lingering a moment longer with his lips brushing softly against hers. He knew he had to leave before it was too late and he did something he would end up regretting.

He fought for control over the desire and emotion he feared would show up in his voice. Angie He brushed another kiss against her lips, allowing his hand to slip from her back and come to rest on her hip. He suppressed a sigh of resignation, not wanting to show how much he didnt want to say what he knew had to be said. Its getting late. I have an early-morning breakfast meeting in Seattle with the client who cancelled yesterdays lunch meeting. I think Id better head for home so I can get some sleep. I need to be bright and alert first thing in the morning.

He had never felt so out of control with what he wanted and so attracted to what he knew he couldnt have. An image of Macs warning look popped into his mind, unwanted and unwelcome. He felt as if he was walking a tightrope stretched between his desires on one side and his loyalties on the other side, without a safety net to catch him if he made a misstep. No matter which direction he went, he would end up losing something special and important. And like it or not, he had to admit that Angie was someone very special and with each passing hour was becoming more important to him.

Angie stood up and took a step back to distance herself from the magnetic pull of Tyler Farrell. Her hand involuntarily went to her kiss-swollen lips, the heat of his passion still searing her. She had never been kissed the way Ty kissed her, had never experienced that type of toe-curling excitement. If they gave prizes for kissing he would possess every trophy available. Her thoughts strayed to what it would be like to have Ty make love to her. It was not the first time that notion had popped into her mind and she knew it wouldnt be the last. She also knew it was not a very wise idea regardless of how exciting a prospect it would be.

He grasped her hand as he stood up, sending a sensual flow rushing through her body. She stepped closer to him, resting her other hand against his chest. Yes, its getting late. She didnt like the breathless quality of her voice. It betrayed far more than she wanted to show. That early-morning breakfast meeting will be here before you know it.

Were scheduled to meet at seven oclock. He glanced at his watch with a self-conscious smile. And thats a little earlier than I like.

She took a step toward the door, allowing her hand to remain in his grasp a little longer. She didnt want him to leave. She didnt want to lose the warmth of his touch. I know what you mean. Seven oclock isnt that early but to be up and ready, catch the ferry for that thirty-five-minute ride to Seattle, then drive to the restaurant in time for your meeting is another matter entirely.

He squeezed her hand. Exactly. So, Id better say good night. He brushed his lips softly against hers. Will I see you tomorrow night?

Yes, if youd like.

Id like that very much. Ill call you tomorrow morning after I get back to the office.

The look in his eyes told her he didnt want to leave any more than she wanted him to. She stood on the porch and watched until his taillights disappeared down the street, then she went inside.

She felt the frown wrinkle across her forehead. He had done it to her again. As soon as she tried to talk to him about the company expansion plans and what type of job might be available for her, he had changed the subject. This time, however, instead of changing the topic of conversation, he had enfolded her in yet another one of his spine-tingling kisses that literally took her breath away.

Perhaps she was being too subtle and he wasnt understanding what she meant. Maybe the best thing was to come right out and tell him she wanted his help, why she needed it and exactly what she wanted to accomplish. She shook her head. She wasnt at all confident about how to proceed with her planor whether she should.

Angie went inside, moving quietly through the house so she wouldnt wake her brother. She undressed and climbed into bed. Even though her eyes were closed she could not turn off her thoughts, especially the new one that said Ty probably suspected what she was up to and had been diplomatically avoiding the conversation. Perhaps his teasing comment about her being an industrial spy was less tease and more serious than she had first thought.

She turned over and shoved her pillow into a different shape. Why was she feeling so troubled and unsettled? It was true that the situation had become more complicated than she had intended, especially where Ty was concerned. All she had been looking for was someone who would be fun without any pressure for her to fit into a preconceived role or a need to impress, and Tyler Farrell certainly filled those initial requirements. She laughed when they were together. She enjoyed the fun, carefree activities. Everything with him was open, easy and stress-free.



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In Forbidden Territory Shawna Delacorte
In Forbidden Territory

Shawna Delacorte

Тип: электронная книга

Жанр: Современные любовные романы

Язык: на английском языке

Издательство: HarperCollins

Дата публикации: 16.04.2024

Отзывы: Пока нет Добавить отзыв

О книге: Filling in as a guide and companion for his best friend′s kid sister was cramping Tyler Farrell′s bachelor lifestyle. At least, until a drop-dead-gorgeous, very grown-up Angie melted his bones with one searing kiss. She was supposed to be offlimits…but Tyler liked playing with fire.Angie wanted to prove she wasn′t a child anymore. And what better way to do so than a no-strings affair with Tyler–the perfect love ′em and leave ′em guy? Except that the closer she got to Tyler, the hotter the attraction burned and the harder she fell in love. Somehow she had to convince commitment-phobic Tyler that she was his to claim–permanently!

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