When The Devil Drives

When The Devil Drives
Sara Craven
Mills & Boon proudly presents THE SARA CRAVEN COLLECTION. Saras powerful and passionate romances have captivated and thrilled readers all over the world for five decades and made her an international bestseller.WHEN THE DEVIL DRIVESDare she dream of the devil?It was time for Joanna to stop running and face Callum Blackstone.If she had only herself to consider, shed tell him to do his worst. But refusing to submit to Cals' impossible demands meant financial disaster for her father and brother.Fate has dealt Cal all the best cards, yet still the price he wanted Joanna to pay seemed far too high. Was revenge really his motive?

When the Devil Drives
Sara Craven

www.millsandboon.co.uk (http://www.millsandboon.co.uk)
Former journalist SARA CRAVEN published her first novel Garden of Dreams for Mills & Boon in 1975. Apart from her writing (naturally!) her passions include reading, bridge, Italian cities, Greek islands, the French language and countryside, and her rescue Jack Russell/cross Button. She has appeared on several TV quiz shows and in 1997 became UK TV Mastermind champion. She lives near her family in Warwickshire Shakespeare country.

Table of Contents
Cover (#ud3e6bcb0-2e13-5029-86d8-e014f431d1d3)
Title Page (#u72461ba1-69ea-563b-8b5c-7c5ffc2019bf)
About the Author (#ua7db463b-1894-51e2-906b-ebf1d366a48f)
CHAPTER ONE (#ulink_09cae6ac-5cfc-5529-b321-ed2c82eb720f)
CHAPTER TWO (#ulink_ad72e30f-1008-5c66-bec3-5224c609b756)
CHAPTER THREE (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER FOUR (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER FIVE (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER SIX (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER SEVEN (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER EIGHT (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER NINE (#litres_trial_promo)
Endpage (#litres_trial_promo)
Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER ONE (#ulink_ce0ae7a6-e7ab-5798-86af-cba576c57469)
SIMON, YOU DONTyou cant mean this! Its a joke, isnt itone of your appalling, tasteless bloody jokes?
Simon Chalfonts face reddened, and his glance shifted away from the anguished appeal in his sisters eyes.
Im totally serious, old girl. He sighed. God, Jo, if I could change things, I would. But you werent here, and the bank wouldnt lift a finger to help me. I was desperate.
So youve mortgaged usthis housethe workshopthe little we have leftto Cal Blackstone. Joanna Benthams hands gripped the back of the chair as if it were the only reality in a suddenly tottering world. I cant believe it. I cant credit that youd do such a thing.
And what was I supposed to do? Simon demanded defensively. Lay the men off? Close the workshop? Try and sell this house?
If you were so strapped for cash, surely there are other sources you could have borrowed from in the short term?
A loan shark, perhaps, Simon suggested derisively. For Gods sake, Jo, do you know the kind of interest those people charge?
I know the kind of interest Cal Blackstone could charge. Joanna drew a shaky breath. Simon, dont you realise what youve done? Youve sold us lock, stock and barrel to our greatest enemy!
Oh, I knew that was coming. Simon flung himself on to the sofa, giving his sister a trenchant look. Dont you think its time we grew up and forgot all about this ridiculous family feud? Isnt carrying the thing into a third generation going over the top?
Ask Cal Blackstone, Joanna bit back at him. He hasnt forgotten a thing. Fifteen years ago, his father took the mill away from us. Now his sons coming for the rest. And, thanks to you, he hasnt even had to fight for it.
There was a sullen silence.
Joanna released her grip on the chairback, rubbing almost absently the indentations the heavily carved wood had left in her flesh.
Cal Blackstone, she thought, and her skin crawled. The grandson of the man who was once glad to work for my grandfather as an overlooker at the mill. The trouble-maker, the rabble-rouser who tried to close our doors with strikes over and over again. The self-made millionaire who drove Chalfonts to the edge of bankruptcy, and died swearing hed put us out on the street.
Even after the fierce old man had gone, there was no respite for the beleaguered mill. His son Arnold had proved just as inimical, just as determined. In the end Chalfonts had had to be sold, and there was only one bidder.
Arnold Blackstone got it for a song, Joanna thought, anger welling up inside her. Chalfonts, whod been making quality worsteds on that site for over a hundred years. And he made it a byword for cheap rubbish, aimed at the bottom end of the market.
The only thing remaining from the old days was the nameChalfonts Millkept deliberately by the Blackstones, Joannas father had said bitterly, as a permanent thorn in the familys flesha constant and public reminder of what theyd lost.
Now, under the direction of Cal Blackstone, his grandfathers namesake, the mill, as such, no longer existed. The looms had been sold, and the workforce dispersed, and the vast building had become a thriving complex of small industrial workshops and businesses.
Because Cal Blackstone wasnt interested in quality or tradition. He was an entrepreneur, a developer of property and ideas. Local gossip said there was hardly a pie in a radius of two hundred miles that he didnt have a finger in. And what he touched invariably turned to gold, Joanna reflected, wincing inwardly. Hed already more than doubled the fortune his father and grandfather had left, and at thirty-three years of age it was reckoned his career had barely even started.
To the outrage of the local landowners, hed acquired Craigmoor House and its park, which had been derelict for years, renovated it completely, and, in the face of strenuous opposition, turned it into a country club, with an integral restaurant and casino, and a challenging nine-hole golf course in the reclaimed grounds.
Within a year, all those whod been most vociferously outspoken against the plan were among the clubs most stalwart members.
But the Chalfonts were not among them. Since the original breach between the first Callum Blackstone and Jonas Chalfont, all those years ago, the families had never knowingly met under the same roof. The Chalfonts had let it be known that they would accept no invitations which had also been extended to any member of the Blackstone clan, and the rule had been rigorously applied by Cecilia Chalfont, Joannas mother, who came from an old county family and carried considerable social clout.
The two families had still been at daggers drawn when Cecilia had died from an unexpected heart condition while Joanna was in her early teens.
Im almost glad, Joanna thought fiercely, walking to the window and staring down at the formal rose garden, glowing with summer bloom, which it overlooked. At least Mother was spared the knowledge of thisbetrayal by Simon. But keeping it from Dad will be another matter.
Anthony Chalfont had his own suite of rooms on the first floor. Severely crippled by arthritis, he rarely ventured forth from them, but was looked after devotedly by his manservant Gresham, and Joannas own elderly nanny.
Just recently, her fathers mind had begun to wander, and he seemed to prefer to dwell very much in the past. A couple of times since her return, Joanna had found herself being addressed by him as Cecilia, although she could see little resemblance in herself to her mothers haughty beauty. But there were other days too when his brain was as sharp and lucid as it had ever been. If Cal Blackstone turned them out of their home, the effect on her father might be disastrous.
She took a deep breath. Tell me againslowlywhat happened. How you came to do this thing. After all, when I went away the workshop seemed to be doing well. The order-book was full.
It was. Simons shoulders were hunched, his whole attitude despondent. Then everything started to go wrong. Two of our biggest customers gave us backword. They said the recession was biting, and the property market was going into decline. They reckoned people werent prepared to spend that kind of money on handcrafted furniture and kitchens any more. We were left with thousands of pounds worth of specially designed gear on our hands.
And what about our partner, Philip the super-salesman? Joanna asked. What was he doing about all this?
Simon shrugged. Philip tried to find other markets, but the answer was always the same. Property development was being cut back, and prices kept down. They wanted mass-market stuff people could afford in their show houses.
Joanna bit her lip hard. It was Philip whod urged expansion, she thought angrily. Philip whod persuaded Simon to take on more men, and buy more machinery to fulfil a demand he was confident he could create. In vain, shed argued that small was beautiful, that they should concentrate on quality rather than quantity, and feel their way cautiously for a while until their markets were firmly established.
But Simon hadnt wanted to listen. Hed wanted to make money fast, and restore the shaky Chalfont fortunes. Hed also wanted to marry Philips pretty sister Fiona, so anything Philip suggested was all right with him.
And at first their growth had been meteoric, just as Philip had predicted. Simon and Fiona had been married with all the appropriate razzmatazz, and the couple had moved into Chalfont House. The Craft Company had continued to flourish, and, although Joannas instincts had still warned her that they should be cautious, she was having deep problems of her own, and her involvement in the business was becoming less and less.
I should have stayed here after Martin died, she thought with a small silent sigh. I shouldnt have run away like that. But I felt I needed timeto lick my woundsto try and heal myself. There were too many memories here. Too much I needed to forget.
Her headlong flight, after her husbands funeral, had taken her to her godmothers home in the United States. Aunt Vinnie had extended the invitation in a warmly affectionate letter of condolence as soon as shed heard about Martins fatal car accident. Joanna hadnt planned on staying more than a few weeks in New Hampshire, but had become interested in spite of herself in the running of the art gallery Aunt Vinnie owned. Shed started helping out for a few hours each week, but had soon grown more deeply involved, and gradually her stay had extended into months.
If her godmother hadnt reluctantly decided to sell up and retire to California, she had to admit she might still have been there.
Clearly, eighteen months had been a long time to absent herself. Too long, she castigated herself.
We had suppliers to pay, and the wages bill to meet, Simon went on. Things were looking really black. The bank refused outright to allow us to exceed our stated overdraft. In fact, they started pressing us to repay some of it. JoI didnt know where to turn.
She didnt look at him. She continued to stare rigidly down into the garden. So you turned to Cal Blackstone. Why?
It wasnt quite like that. The defensiveness was back in his voice. He approached me. He was the guest speaker at the Round Table dinner, and the people I was with asked him to join us afterwards for a drink. I couldnt very well avoid him. We were left on our own, and at first he justmade conversation.
But later? Joanna asked matter-of-factly.
Laterhe began to talk about the Craft Company. He seemed to know we were in trouble. He said that things were generally difficult for small businesses, and mentioned a few of the problems some of them were having at Chalfont Mill. He said hed been able to help in a lot of cases. That it would be a pity to go under, if a simple injection of cash could save the day.
Cal Blackstone, philanthropist. Joanna gave a mirthless laugh. And you fell for it!
Simon came to stand beside her. What else was I supposed to do? he almost hissed. Things were bad and getting worse every day. Our creditors were pressing, and the bank was threatening to bounce the wages cheque. If someone offers you a lifeline, you dont throw it back in his face, for Gods sake. He paused. Besides, Fiona had just told me she was pregnant.
With her usual immaculate sense of timing, Joanna thought resignedly. So how much did you borrow from him?
Twenty thousand to begin with. The rest, later.
Using your power of attorney from Dad to put this house up as collateral, I suppose.
We had to do something, Simon said stiffly. And Phils flat is only rented.
Lucky Philip! I hope hes got a spare room. You and Fiona are probably going to need it. And the baby when it arrives, of course, she added, her mouth twisting. Have you warned your wife she may shortly be homeless? Not to mention Dad, of course.
Simon looked at her uneasily. Why should it come to that?
Becauseto quote the words from his letter of todays dateMr Blackstone wishes to meet you to discuss the extent of your liabilities to him. She was silent for a moment, then said abruptly, Hes closing in for the kill, Si. He means to finish what his father and grandfather began. The old man swore hed see our family on its knees when Grandpa fired him, and turned him out of his cottage all those years ago. Cal Blackstone means to fulfil that pledge. She shook her head. Its as well I came back when I did. I would have hated to return and find all my clothes and other possessions dumped outside on the lawn by the present Mrs Blackstone. She paused again. I presume there is one by now?
No one official, Simon said moodily. Hes apparently still quite happy to play the field, lucky bastard.
Joanna bit her lip. She had only been at home for a week, but it was already clear to her that Fiona was not enjoying her pregnancy, and resentment of her condition was making her querulous and demanding. Joanna, torn between the amusement and irritation which her blonde, brainless sister-in-law usually aroused in her, had decided immediately that the prudent course would be to leave the couple to paddle their own rather shaky canoe in privacy.
She had just made arrangements to view a cottage which had come on to the market in the neighbouring valley when Simon had dropped his bombshell about Cal Blackstones loan.
Blind instinct told her to proceed with her own plans. To walk away from Simon and the mess hed created, and let him sort it out for himself, while she began to rebuild her life at a safe distance from Chalfont House, the mill, and everything and everyone concerned with it.
But it wasnt as simple as that. Simon had been hard hit by Cecilias death, and although Joanna was four years his junior shed learned, in its aftermath, to mother him with almost fierce protectiveness. She couldnt simply abandon him to his fate now.
The dizzy Fiona would be no help, she thought ruefully, totally preoccupied as she was by nausea and vague aches and pains all over her body. And Joanna was still a partner in the Craft Company, although admittedly shed taken little active part in the running of the business since her marriage.
She had forgotten Simons propensity for taking the easy way out of any difficulty, she thought, with an inward sigh.
So when are you planning to see him? she asked quietly.
Hes coming here tomorrow afternoon.
Here? Joanna stared at him, appalled. Why not at the Craft Company?
Simon shrugged, his expression pettish. It wasnt my choice. When I telephoned him, his secretary simply gave me the appointment. There was no consultation about it. She just told me what time hed be arriving.
I can believe it, Joanna said grimly.
It was the first time a Blackstone had ever set foot in Chalfont House, she realised with a sense of shock. And, if there was anything she could do, it would also be the last.
She said, Well have to try and fend him off, Simon.
Joanna considered for a minute. WellMartin left me some money, not all that much, admittedly, but its a start, and theres the commission Aunt Vinnie paid me at the gallery. I saved most of it. If we can keep him at bay for a few weeks with that, we might be able to raise the rest of the capital elsewhere.
Do you think I havent tried? He shook his head. Ive done everything I can think of. I tell you, Jo, its hopeless.
No! Joanna said fiercely. There is hopetheres got to be. Hes not going to take everything away from us.
Perhaps he doesnt want to, Simon suggested hopefully. You are rather taking his intentions for granted, you know. Condemning him without a hearing.
Joanna gave him a level look. I have no illusions about Cal Blackstone, or his intentions. She glanced at her watch. Isnt it time you were getting off to the workshop?
Hell, yes. But Id better pop up and see Fiona first. She didnt have a particularly good night.
Poor old Si, Joanna thought as her brother left the room, his brow furrowed with anxiety. Fionas vagaries were just one more problem for him to worry over. Troubles never seemed to come singly these days.
She moved over to the sofa and plumped up the cushions which Simon had crushed. As she straightened, she looked up at the big portrait of Jonas Chalfont which hung over the ornate mantelpiece. A harsh face looked down at her, its expression arrogant and dominating, thick grey brows drawn together over his beak of a nose.
She took a breath. The portrait had been painted in her grandfathers heyday, when the Chalfont family were a force to be reckoned with in the Yorkshire woollen industry. Master of all he surveyed, she thought wryly, studying the sitters proud stance.
It had been soon after the portrait had been finished, however, that Jonas had sacked Callum Blackstone following a violent argument, and evicted him and his small son from their tied cottage. Holding the frightened child in his arms, as bailiffs dumped their possessions into the street, Callum had publicly sworn revenge.
As youve taken from me, Jonas Chalfont, Ill take from you, hed declared, standing bareheaded in the rain. Aye, by God, down to every last stick and stone!
And nothings gone right for us since, Joanna thought wearily. Oh, Grandfather, you didnt know what you were starting.
Know your enemy, had been one of Jonass favourite maxims, but he had totally underestimated his former overlookers sheer force of will and determination to succeed. Just as Simon had failed to assess Cal Blackstones deviousness of purpose in offering to help the Craft Company financially.
But then Si had never taken the family feud too seriously anyway, Joanna recalled.
Isnt it time we started to live and let live? hed demanded angrily when Joanna had flatly refused to attend a dinner party to which Cal Blackstone had also been invited.
Not as far as Im concerned, Joanna had returned with a toss of her tawny hair. If people invite that man, they neednt bother to ask me as well.
But, as shed grown up, shed found it was well-nigh impossible to avoid Cal completely. The Chalfonts were no longer the powerful social mentors theyd once been, and Cal, single, wealthy and darkly attractive, was a welcome visitor to every household in the area except theirs.
Joanna had found to her exasperation that to keep out of Cal Blackstones way entirely was to risk social isolation. More and more shed found herself running into him at point-to-points, parties and charity functions. To her annoyance, shed actually been introduced to him a number of times by a series of well-meaning people who clearly shared Simons view that it was time a truce was called in this family war.
But none of these people had been hounded and cheated by the Blackstones, Joanna thought violently. To them, Cal Blackstone was simply a charming young man, if a trifle sardonic, who drove a series of fast cars, dated all the most attractive girls in the West Riding, and could always be relied on for a hefty donation to any good cause. No one cared any more about past rights or wrongs, it seemed.
And once she and Cal Blackstone had been formally introduced, he took pains to remind her of the fact by seeking her out to greet her at every encounter. In fact, Joanna decided, he took an unpleasant delight in forcing himself on her notice, engaging her in conversation, and even inviting her to dance.
And the fact that she had ignored all his overtures and was never anything but icily civil in return seemed only to amuse him.
If she continued to keep him rigidly at a distance, eventually he would get tired of his cat-and-mouse games with her, shed assured herself.
But shed been wrong about thattotally wrong. Which was why she knew, none better, just what Cal Blackstones real motives were, and exactly what he had planned for the remaining members of the Chalfont family.
She shivered, wrapping her arms defensively across her body, as she made herself relive once more in nerve-aching detail that rain-washed autumn afternoon on the high moor road above Northwaite when shed discovered for herself how ruthless, how relentless an enemy he was
Damnation! Joanna stared down at the offside wheel of her Mini, her heart sinking. Of all times to get a flat tyre! she muttered to herself, as she went to find the jack.
The rain was sweeping in sheets across the Northwaite valley below, and the hills were dankly shrouded in low cloud and mist.
By the time shed fetched the jack, and squatted uncomfortably in the road beside the car, the rain had plastered her tawny blonde hair to her skull, and droplets of water were running down her forehead into her eyes, so that she had to pause every few seconds and brush them away.
Shed never had to change a tyre before, and she realised, to her shame, that she only had the haziest idea of how to go about it. Watching other people was not the same as personal experience, she decided wretchedly, as the jack stubbornly refused to co-operate with her efforts to fix it in place.
Send me someone to help this time, she bargained silently with her guardian angel, and I promise Ill sign on for a course in car maintenance this winter.
The thought had barely formed in her mind when the sleek grey Jaguar materialised silently out of the mist and slid to a halt behind her. She looked round eagerly, planning some self-deprecating, humorous remark about her predicament. Then the relieved smile died on her lips as she realised her rescuers identity.
Having trouble? Cal Blackstone asked pleasantly, as he emerged from the drivers seat, shrugging on a waterproof jacket.
I can manage, thanks, Joanna said shortly. It occurred to her that her guardian angel must have a totally misplaced sense of humour.
Then this must be a new method of wheel-changing of your own devising, he said urbanely, folding his arms across his chest, and draping his tall, lean, elegant length against his own vehicle. How fascinating! I hope youll allow me to watch.
Apart from striking him down with a convenient boulder, or even the recalcitrant jack, Joanna could see no method of preventing him. Seething, she gritted her teeth and soldiered on. It was raining harder than ever now, and the damp was beginning to penetrate right through her layers of clothing to her skin, making her feel clammy and uncomfortable.
You dont seem to be getting on very fast, the hated voice commented at last.
I dont like having an audience.
I can believe you dont like having me as an audience. She wasnt looking at him, but there was something in his voice that told her he was grinning. Come on, Miss Chalfont, why dont you swallow your damned pride and say, Help me?
I didnt ask you to stop.
You wouldnt ask me to throw you a rope if you were drowning. As you probably will if this rain keeps upthat, or die of pneumonia. He walked to her side, put his hand under her elbow and yanked her to her feet, without ceremony.
Leave me alone! She wrenched herself free of his grasp.
Willinglyonce this wheel of yours is changed. He was fitting the jack into place with a deft competence that made her want to kill him and dance on his grave. Go and sit in my car, and dry yourself off a little, he directed over his shoulder. If you look in the sports bag on the back seat, youll find a towel.
Instinct prompted her to reply haughtily that she preferred to remain where she was, but common sense intervened, reminding her that in this weather she would simply be cutting off her nose to spite her face, and that she was only laying herself open to further jibes.
The interior of the Jaguar smelt deliciously of leather upholstery mixed with a faint tang of some expensively masculine cologne.
Joanna sniffed delicately, grimacing a little as she extracted the towel from the bag, which was lying next to his squash racket on the rear seat. The towel, and the rest of the gear in the bag, was unused, so he must be on his way to the country club, but if so what was he doing on the high road, when there were other, more direct routes?
In spite of the towels pristine condition, it was still his property, and she was deeply reluctant to use so personal an item. The idea of having to be beholden to him in any way affronted and revolted her. But she couldnt escape the fact that water was dripping dismally from her hair on to her face, and, after a brief internal tussle, she unfolded the towel and began to blot away the worst of the moisture.
With any luck, he would be the one to catch pneumonia, she thought, glaring through the windscreen at him as he worked. And, as if aware of her scrutiny, Cal Blackstone looked round from his task, and waved.
With a snort of temper Joanna tossed the towel back into the bag and leaned back, savouring the undeniable comfort of her seat. Her father had driven a Jaguar when she was a small child, she remembered, and shed always loved riding in it. She began to examine the dashboard and internal fittings, trying to remember what theyd been like in her fathers day.
Shed been sitting with her father in the back of the Jaguar the first time shed seen Cal Blackstone, she remembered with a shiver of pure distaste.
With regrettable promptitude, he appeared at the side of the car. Your wheel is duly changed, madam. Dont forget to have your damaged tyre mended.
Im quite capable of working that out for myself, she snapped.
Of course. He got into the drivers seat, and gave her a long look. His eyes were grey, she found herself noticing for the first time. Grey eyes, hard as steel, and cold as the skies above them. Please dont overwhelm me with gratitude.
Joanna flushed at the sarcasm in his tone. Thank you, she said stiffly. It wasfortunate that you were passing.
I often use this road, he returned. I like the view of the Northwaite valley from up here.
If you can see it today, you must have X-ray vision.
I dont need to see it, he said softly. I know whats there by heart. Ive always known. He pointed out into the mist and cloud. Away to your right is the country club. As you come down the valley, there are the chimneys of the Blackstone engineering works. Theyre generally what people notice first, just as my grandfather intended when he built the place. Then theres the Mill, relegated to second place these days, Im afraid. He paused for a moment as if expecting some response, some denial, and when there was none he continued, And finally, down to the left, well away from the pollution of the workers houses in Northwaite, tucked away as if its trying to hide, is Chalfont House.
When he smiled, his teeth were very white. A predators smile, Joanna thought, and her heart began to thump suddenly, harshly. Everything I own, he said. And everything I intend to own before Ive finished. Including you, Joanna Chalfont, you beautiful, hostile little bitch.
For a moment she sat gaping at him, hardly able to credit what shed just heard. Then,
How dare you? She could barely squeeze the words out of the frightening, painful tightness in her throat.
Cal Blackstone threw back his head and laughed. Said to the manner born, he mocked. The well-born young lady rebuking the upstart pleb. Its wonderful what they teach you at those fancy Harrogate schools!
I think you must be insane, said Joanna, fumbling for the handle of the door. I refuse to listen to any more of this.
You dont have to. He was infuriatingly at his ease. I want you, and Im going to have you. Theres nothing more to be said.
Well, you couldnt be more wrong! Joanna flung at him. She was trembling all over, fighting to keep her voice steady. I have a few things to say myself, and the first is that I wouldnt have you, Callum Blackstone, if you came gift-wrapped.
He was still smiling. And what do you know about it? he asked softly. What do you know about anything, Miss Chalfont, except pride and your own version of the past? He shook his head slowly, his gaze locked with hers. Its time you began to think of the future, so lets start your thoughts in the right direction.
The car door refused to budge under her frantic fingers. It was clearly linked to some central locking system outside her control, trapping her there alone with him.
Shrinking into the corner of her seat, Joanna saw Cal Blackstone reach for her, felt her shoulders grasped without gentleness, and her whole body drawn inexorably forward towards him. The smile had been wiped from his face, and his grey eyes glittered with something far removed from amusement. Something she barely understood, but, strangely, feared just the same.
She said, on a little sob, Noahno, then his mouth was on hers and all further protest was stifled.
Nothing in her limited experience had prepared her for Cals kiss and nothing could have done. He held her ruthlessly, crushing her soft breasts against the hard muscular wall of his chest, twining his hand in her still-damp hair to hold her still, while his lips plundered hers, relentlessly, hungrilyand endlessly.
She couldnt breathe. The scent of his skin filled her nostrils with a sudden and desperate familiarity. Tiny coloured lights danced frenetically behind her closed lids. She felt physically overpowered, totally at his mercy. She thought she might be going to faint, and with the thought came a surge of anger, and contempt for her own weakness.
He muttered against her lips, Open your mouth, and in a flash she saw her salvation. Pliantly she obeyed. She felt his sigh of satisfaction, was aware of his clasp slackening slightly so that he could turn her in his arms, to hold her more easily against his body, and as he relaxed she bit him hard, sinking her teeth into his lower lip.
Cal jerked his head away, swearing, lifting a hand almost unbelievingly to his bleeding mouth.
You little shrew!
Try explaining that to your latest woman! Joanna flung at him. And, from now on, keep your distance from me.
He took a handkerchief from his pocket and dabbed at the blood. To her fury he was grinning again.
Not now Ive had a taste of delights to come, sweetheart.
Youll get nothing more from me as long as you live! You might have been able to take advantage of the situation today, but Ill make sure it never happens again.
Ah, but it will, he said softly. I may have lost the first skirmish, Joanna, but the wars only just beginning. And, I warn you, nothing but your complete surrender will do.
She drew a swift, blazing breath, glaring at him. Youre nothing but an animal, Cal Blackstone!
He held out the bloodstained handkerchief, staring grimly back at her. Then Ive certainly picked the right mate.
Youve picked nothing and no one. From now on, keep out of my way! She turned to wrestle with the door-handle, and to her chagrin it worked instantly.
Our paths were made to cross. His voice followed her as she stumbled out of the car. If you didnt know it before, you know it now. So drive carefully, my hot-tempered vixen. When I finally get to unwrap my gift, I want it to be perfect.
She got to her car somehow, and sat, shaking, in the driving seat, waiting until the Jaguar slid past, and was swallowed up in the mist and rain.
She put up a cautious finger and touched the swollen contours of her mouth. Her lips felt bruised, but the greatest wound shed suffered was humiliation.
She stared at the grey-soaked landscape, and thought, Im afraid of him.
Now, in the drawing-room of Chalfont House, Joanna found the same words rising to her lips. Im afraid of him.
She shook herself irritably. That was what came of letting herself rememberrelive things best banished from her mind for good. But oh, God, it had been so real. She could swear shed almost felt the pressure of Cals mouth ravaging hers once more, tasted his blood
Two years ago she had escaped him, but at what a price. She couldnt run away again. This time she had to stand her ground and fight him. She squared her shoulders, glancing up again at her grandfathers portrait.
The wars on again, Grandpa, she said. And this time I mean to winfor all our sakes.
She had to. Because surrender on Cal Blackstones terms was unthinkable.

CHAPTER TWO (#ulink_ebb4ea9f-b2f6-5c10-acf9-1b1c29ee5b60)
THE MIST SWIRLED thickly above the high road. Joanna was lost in the depths of it, the damp tendrils wreathing about her, stifling her, confining her so that her limbs felt heavy and incapable of movement.
Yet she had to moveto run, because somewhere in the fog Cal Blackstone was waiting, his predators hands reaching to stop herto take her. She took one sluggish step, then anotherand screamed aloud as a hand closed purposefully on her shoulder.
Why, Miss Joanna, whatevers the matter with you?
Perspiring, Joanna opened her eyes and found Nanny, comforting as the daylight pouring through the window, standing at her bedside with a cup of tea.
She managed a weak smile. Sorry, Nan, I must have been dreaming. Did I startle you?
It looks more as if you startled yourself, lass. Nanny scrutinised her austerely. Youre white as a sheet! Drink your tea while its hot.
A cup of tea, Joanna thought. Nannys panacea for all ills from a headache to bereavement. She sat up, punching her tumbled pillows into shape. Youre spoiling me.
Well, make the most of it. It wont happen so soon again, Nanny said severely. And Ive a message from Mr Simon.
Let me guess. Joanna looked up at the ceiling. Hes won a million pounds on the football pools and all our problems are solved.
Nanny snorted. Since when has Mr Simon done the pools? she demanded. Im to tell you that Mrs Chalfont was taken badly in the night, and hes gone with her to the nursing home.
You mean Fionas started labour? Joanna sat bolt upright. But the babys not due for another couple of months. Oh, thats awful!
Dont waste your sympathy, Nanny advised tartly. That baby wont be born until the right time, take my word for it. Madams got indigestion, as I told her. She snorted. What can she expectsending Mr Simon into Northwaite at all hours for that tandoori chicken stuff?
Oh, is that all? Joanna relaxed.
Anyway, Mr Simon said to tell you if hes not back in time for the meeting this afternoon, youve to hold the fort. He said youd understand.
Joanna choked on a mouthful of tea. He said what?
Youre not deaf. And dont spill that tea on your quilt.
But he cant do this, Joanna said, half to herself. Hes got to be back here in timehes got to She looked up beseechingly at Nanny. The nursing hometheyll send Fiona home straight away if its just indigestion, wont they?
Nanny sniffed. The lord only knows. She might have discovered a few more symptoms by the time the doctor comes round. Madams not averse to a few days in bed being waited on.
Nanny could never be described as the young Mrs Chalfonts greatest fan, but Joanna had to admit she spoke with a certain amount of justice. Once in the luxury of the nursing home, with attentive nurses answering her every bell, Fiona might well be reluctant to return to Chalfont House where people were more likely to tell her to pull herself together and stop making a fuss about nothing. And she would certainly insist on Simon dancing attendance on her.
After all, Fiona had often pouted to him, its your fault Im feeling so ghastly. Its your baby.
Joanna groaned inwardly. Her plan to put several miles between herself and Chalfont House prior to Cal Blackstones arrival was now plainly inoperable.
I could always ask him to postpone his visit, she thought, but dismissed the idea almost as soon as it had formed. The last thing she wanted, after all, was Cal Blackstone to guess her deep reluctance to face him. And at a wider, less personal level, any attempt to put him off might be unwise at this juncture.
If Simon doesnt come back in time, Ill talk to him myself, she decided grimly. And Ill let him know that though he may have conned Si into thinking hes Mister Nice Guy, hes got a fight on his hands with me.
Why, Miss Jo, you look really fierce. Whatever are you thinking about? queried Nanny.
Getting up. Joanna swallowed the rest of her tea, and threw back the duvet. I think Ill have breakfast with my father. She paused. How is he today?
Hes taking an interest in the cricket, according to Gresham. Nannys face was expressionless. Reckons they should bring back Len Hutton as England captain.
Joanna sighed. Maybe they should at that. She shot a glance at the older woman. Nanny, were having avisitor this afternoon, and Id prefer if Dad knew nothing about it. I dont want him to be upset, especially if hes notthinking too clearly. She put on her robe and knotted the sash.
Nanny nodded. Gresham wont say owt, and I can stop Mrs Thursgood nattering. But am I to know whos expected?
Joanna hesitated. Its Callum Blackstone.
A Blackstone crossing this doorstep? Nanny gasped. I never thought Id live to see the day!
Neither did I. Joanna bit her lip. Believe me, Nanny, if I had a choice, I wouldnt let him within a mile of the place. But its out of my hands.
Nanny shook her head. Then youll have to make the best of it, lass. Like the old saying, Needs must when the devil drives.
And that, Joanna thought wryly, as she made her way to the bathroom, seemed to sum the situation up with total accuracy.
Shrouded by the curtains at the long upstairs landing window, she watched him arrive. He was punctual, she noted without surprise. The Jaguar car he parked in front of the housestaking his claim at once, she thought bitterlywas the latest model. Nothing else had changed. He looked no older, no greyer, no heavier as he stood on the gravel below her, his gaze raking the blank windows as though he sensed her presence, and sought her.
Although she knew she couldnt be seen, Joanna felt herself shrink.
Oh, come on, she castigated herself. This is no way to start. After all, I know what hes planning, so there must be some way I can stop him.
But, for the life of her, she couldnt think of one.
As she heard the doorbell peal, she went on swift and silent feet back to her room, and waited for Mrs Thursgood to admit him.
She gave herself a long, critical look in the mirror. Her slim navy linen skirt, and the pure silk cream shirt she wore with it, looked neat and uncompromisingly businesslike. Shed drawn her hair severely back from her face and confined it at the nape of her neck with a wide navy ribbon.
Shed had plenty of time to prepare for this confrontation. Simon had phoned mid-morning to tell her that Fiona was being kept in for observation, at her own insistence.
Shes a bit fraught, Jo. Hed sounded thoroughly miserable. Hit the roof when I suggested pushing off. Hed paused. I feel an absolute worm about this. Do you think you can cope with Blackstonefeed him some story or other to keep him off for a while?
I can try, shed said wearily. Cheer up, Si. I hope Fiona feels better soon.
Now Mrs Thursgood was tapping at her door. Your visitors come, madam. Ive put him int drawing-room.
Joanna counted to ten, breathing deeply, then walked sedately along the broad landing and down the stairs. She didnt hesitate at the drawing-room door, but went straight in, closing it behind her.
He was standing on the rug in front of the empty fireplace, studying her grandfathers portrait. At the sound of her entry, he turned, the grey eyes skimming over her, missing nothing.
Good afternoon, Mrs Bentham. The cool laconic voice grated on her. A historic moment, wouldnt you say?
Hardly a giant step for mankind, Mr Blackstone, she returned with equal insouciance. Perhaps youd like to state your business.
Im sure your brothers informed you of the changes that have taken place during yourperiod of mourning.
Joanna shrugged. I understand you now have a financial interest in the Craft Company.
Its more than that. As far as moneys concerned, I am the Craft Company. He glanced round. May I sit down?
If you wish. She pretended faintly surprised amusement. Is this going to be a long interview? I do have other plans
Then cancel them, he said pleasantly, seating himself on the sofa. Id prefer your undivided attention. He leaned back, crossing his long legs. I gather Simon will not be joining us.
She hesitated. His wife isnt very well.
Im sorry to hear it. He didnt sound even slightly regretful. She must take after her mother. Shes thoroughly enjoyed very poor health for years. Apparently medical science is baffled.
Hed captured the ladys martyred tones with wicked accuracy. To her annoyance, Joanna discovered an unwilling giggle welling up inside her, and hastily turned it into a cough.
Can we get back to the business in hand, please? She took the armchair opposite to him. I suppose you want to know when youll see some tangible return on your investment.
No, he said. Im prepared to bide my time on that. There are other far more pressing matters between Simon and myself. He reached into the inside pocket of his jacket and extracted a small sheaf of papers, held together by an elastic band. He tossed them on to the low oak coffee-table between them. Do you know what these are?
Her brows snapped together. How could I?
Then I suggest you take a look.
Reluctantly she reached for the papers, and removed the band. As she studied them, her frown deepened.
I dont understand.
Youre not a fool, Joanna, he said quietly. You know as well as I do that those are IOUs, and that the signature on them is Simons. Theyre gambling debts that he ran up at the country club.
Her mouth was dry suddenly. Shed been doing addition sums in her head as she riffled through them, and the total shed reached was horrifying, and still incomplete.
She said, Gambling? But Si doesnt gamble.
He certainly doesnt gamble well. Hes lost consistently at poker, blackjack and roulette. Hes exceeded the house limit for credit more than once as well, and used my name to get more. Ive had to bar him from the gaming-rooms. He saw the colour drain from her face, and smiled sardonically. I presume this is news to you.
She said thickly, You know it is.
Then I may as well add that hes in hock to a bookie in Leeds for several thousand.
She dropped the papers back on the table with an expression of distaste. Youre very well informed.
I find it pays to be.
Yet its hardly ethical. Neither is your presence here this afternoon. Thesedebts should be a private matter between Simon and yourself, surely. You have no right to involve me.
Sometimes private matters have a tiresome habit of becoming incredibly public. He seemed impervious to the ice in her tone. And then youd find yourself involved right up to the hilt, my dear Mrs Bentham. For instance, I could insist on having a spot audit made at the Craft Company.
The words hung in the air between them, challenging her.
She swallowed. And what would that prove, pray?
Perhaps nothing. But Im afraidIm very much afraid that there would be certain sums unaccounted for. Simon had to find his stake money from somewhere, after all.
I dont believe you. In fact, I dont believe any of this. She flicked the IOUs with a contemptuous finger. If Simon had known you were going to raise any of these matters this afternoon, he would have been here in person. He thought you were coming to discuss the Craft Company, and only that. Therefore he obviously has no guilty conscience
A true Chalfont! Your grandfather had no conscience either. Its a pity Simon hasnt inherited his strength as well.
Joanna got to her feet. I think youd better leave.
When Im good and ready, he retorted, making no attempt to move. Sit down, Joanna, and hear me out. Simon had good reason for failing to realise I was about to call in his markers.
She didnt want to hear any more. Her mind was reeling, blanking out with sheer incredulity. Simon gambling, she thought with horror. Losing thousands he didnt possess and couldnt repay. What in the world could possibly have started him on such a course to disaster?
As if, she thought, I didnt know.
She lifted her head and stared at their enemy. Steadying her voice, she asked, What good reason?
I promised Id give him time, so he assumed he was safe.
And what made you change your mind?
You did, he said softly. You came home again, Joanna. And that altered everything.
I fail to see why. Her tone was defiant, but alarm bells were sounding all over her nervous system.
He smiled at her. Oh, no, beauty, you havent that poor a memory. You put yourself temporarily out of reach when you married Martin Bentham, but thats all. And thats over. You knew it the day of the poor bastards funeral. Was that why you fled to the States?
She drew a sharp, painful breath. How dare you?
I dare quite easily, he said. After all, Ive waited longer for you than for anything else in my life, Joanna, and, frankly, Im beginning to run out of patience.
How unfortunate for you. She invested her voice with all the scorn she could muster. But Im afraid youre destined to go on waiting for a very long time. For eternity, in fact.
Cal shook his head. No, sweetheart. Youre not thinking clearly. He pointed to the IOUs on the table between them. As you so rightly said, these should have remained a private matter between Simon and myself. But in a war you use whatever weapons are available, if you want to win. And I intend nothing less than total victory.
Joannas hands clenched into fists. Ill see you in hell
And well both see your brother in the bankruptcy court, he interrupted harshly. Ill do it if I have to, Joanna, and there isnt a soul in the world who would blame me. Hes behaved like a incompetent in his business life, and a reckless fool privately. He should be stopped sharply and permanently before he drags himself, and everyone involved with him, any deeper into the mire.
He paused. On the other hand, the threat of it may be enough to shock him to his senses, and impending fatherhood may keep him there.
What do you care? she asked bitterly. You helped push him into this mess. Youve used him and manipulated him all along the line for your own disgusting purposes
His mouth twisted. Have I? Then the more fool Simon for letting me, wouldnt you say?
Hes no match for youhe never was. He didnt realise what he was getting into.
Cal tutted. You mean you didnt try to warn him? How very remiss of you!
Of course I tried, she said with angry weariness. But he wouldnt listen, and it was too late anyway. Hed already handed the Craft Company to you on a platter, the na?ve, trusting idiot. He thought your offer of help meant that the feud between us was over.
And so it will be soon, he said softly. Every wrong righted, every debt paid in full. The wheel come full circle. A very satisfying state of affairs.
Youre unbelievable! Her voice shook. How can these old quarrels still matter after all this time?
He smiled. My grandfather always said revenge was a dish best eaten cold.
I find that a nauseating idea.
Is that going to be your new refugeself-righteousness? He sounded amused. It wont cut any ice with me.
Im sure it wont. She put up a hand in a revealingly nervous gesture, and smoothed her hair back over her ear. I suppose youre here to discuss your terms. I cant say when Simon will be available
He doesnt need to be. The grey eyes glinted up at her. As youre already well aware, the settlement I have in mind involves just the two of usyou and me. And I suggest, once again, that you sit down.
She said thickly, I prefer to stand. Say what you have to say, and go.
He shrugged, and rose to his feet in one lithe, controlled movement. Like some jungle animal, she thought, flinching inwardly, flexing itself before the kill.
I told you my terms two years ago, Joanna. They havent changed. I want you. He looked at her levelly. Come to me and Ill write off Simons personal obligations to me, and his bookie friend.
Joanna stood rigidly, feeling the colour drain out of her face. It was like standing in the dock, she thought dazedly, knowing you were innocent, but hearing a life sentence pronounced just the same. She wanted to scream aloud, to hit out in anger and revulsion, but a small, cold inner voice warned her to keep coolkeep talkingkeep bargaining.
She lifted her chin. What about this houseour home? Do you intend to take that too?
Originally, yes, he said. But if you behave with sufficientergenerosity to me, I might be prepared to match it, and leave it in Chalfont hands for your fathers lifetime at least. He smiled at her sardonically. Its fate rests entirely with you, beauty.
She bit her lip, her whole being cringing from the implications in his words. And the Craft Company? Will you leave that alone too?
I think youre beginning to overestimate the price of your charms, Cal Blackstone said drily. No, my investment in the Craft Company staysas insurance, if you like, for your continuing good behaviour.
Joanna closed her eyes for a moment. She said evenly, I suppose theres no point in appealing to your better nature. Reminding you that there are normal standards of decency.
Tell me about it, he said laconically. He glanced up at the portrait over the fireplace and his expression hardened. At least Im not evicting you without notice, throwing you on to the street.
And if I tell you that I do have standardsthat I have my pride and my self-respect? And that Id rather starve in the gutter than accept any part of your revolting terms?
He shrugged again. Then that can be quite easily arranged, he returned. The choice is yours. But I strongly advise you to think my offer over. Youve got twenty-four hours.
I dont need twenty-four seconds, she said bitingly. You can do your worst, Mr Blackstone, and go to hell!
I shall probably end there, Mrs Bentham, he said too courteously. But first I mean to order that independent audit I mentioned into the Craft Companys accounts. He paused. Simon may well find himself facing more than a bankruptcy court. How will the Chalfont pride cope with that, I wonder?
I dont believe you. He wouldnt do such a thing. Her voice shook with the force of her conviction.
Ask him, he said. Some time during the next twenty-four hours. Then call me with your final answer.
Youve had all the answer youre getting, you bastard! she said. Ill see you damned before I do what you want!
He gave her a sardonic look, as he retrieved the papers from the coffee-table and slipped them back into his pocket. Dont count on it, beauty. I promise one thingwhen you do call, I wont say that I told you so.
Knuckles pressed to her mouth, Joanna stood like a statue as he made his way across the room to the door. As it closed behind him, she bent and snatched up a cut glass posy bowl, hurling it with all the force of her arm at the solid panels.
The swine! she sobbed, as it shattered. Oh, God, the unutterable bloody swine!
She was like a cat on hot bricks for the rest of the day waiting for Simon to return. It took all her self-control not to drive over to the nursing home and confront him there. She was sorely tempted, too, to drive over to the Craft Company and do her own spot check of the books.
But she discarded the idea. Such action would be bound to provoke just the kind of comment she wanted to avoid. And if, by the remotest chance, there was something even slightly amiss She caught at herself. That was the kind of poisonous reptile Cal Blackstone was, she raged inwardly. Sowing discord and distrust wherever he went.
She couldnt deny that Simon had been all kinds of a fool, but she couldnt believe he was also a thief. She wouldnt believe it.
Theres got to be some way out of this mess, she said aloud, through gritted teeth, as she paced the length and breadth of the drawing-room. Theres got to be. Together well think of something. We have to!
She swallowed convulsively as that same small voice in her head reminded her of the sheer magnitude of what was threatening them all. The loss of their home, the destruction of their remaining business venture, and personal disgrace for Simonand all at the worst possible time, if there was ever a good time for such things to happen, she acknowledged wryly.
It was no good telling herself that it was all Simons own fault, and hed have to find some remedy himself. She couldnt leave him to sink if she could help him to swim. But she couldnt sacrifice herself either.
Cal Blackstones words rang like hammer blows inside her brain. I want you. Come to me
Hes just offered me the ultimate insult, she told herself, by presuming Id even consider such a degrading suggestion. Hes misjudged me completely.
Yet hed summed up some of her past reactions with disturbing accuracy, she recalled unwillingly. His comments about her marriage to Martin had been too close to the mark for comfort.
She shivered. What was she saying? Shed loved Martin, of course she had. Hed been sweet and safe and there, and shed thought that was enough. Shed convinced herself that it was.
Only it wasnt, she thought wretchedly. How could it be? And it was disaster for both of us.
On the day of his funeral, shed stood in the small bleak churchyard in the conventional black dress of the widow, feeling drained of emotion, totally objective, as if all this tragedy were happening to some other person. She could even remember being thankful that the demure veiling on her equally conventional hat concealed the fact that she was completely tearless.
Then shed looked up and seen Cal Blackstone staring at her. Hed been standing on the edge of the small crowd of mourners, but his head wasnt bent in grief or common respect. There had been bitterness in the look he sent her, and condemnation, and overlying all a kind of grim triumph.
Dont think Ive given up, his glance had told her. This marriage of yours was just an obstacle which has now been removed. And now Im coming after you again.
The knowledge of it had been like a blow, knocking all the breath out of her body. Involuntarily, instinctively, shed taken a step backwards in instant negation, her foot stumbling on a tussock of earth.
Be careful, my dear! Her father had insisted on attending the ceremony with her, standing bareheaded at her side in the windswept graveyard, and shed snatched at his arm for comfort and support as shed done when she was a small girl, and a crowd of jeering boys had thrown earth and stones at their car.
Oh, I will, shed promised herself silently. Ill take more care than Ive ever done in my whole life.
Aunt Vinnies letter offering her sanctuary had been, like Martins proposal of marriage, a godsend, a lifeline, and shed snatched at that too, telling herself that Cal Blackstone would eventually resign himself to the fact that she was gone, and abandon his crazy obsession about her.
He wasnt really serious about it, shed assured herself over and over again. For heavens sake, he was never short of female companionship, so he wasnt exactly single-minded about his pursuit of her, if she could call it that. He didnt chase her, yet he always seemed to be there, like a dark shadow on the edge of her world, a winter storm threatening the brightness of her horizon.
If she went away, and stayed away, with luck hed forget her, and get safely married to one of the many willing ladies he escorted. Time and distance would solve everything. That was what shed thought. That was how shed reassured herself.
But how wrong was it possible to be? Joanna thought broodingly, as she paced restlessly up and down. Cal Blackstone hadnt just been making mischief and trying to alarm her, as shed secretly hoped and prayed. Hed meant every word, and that warning look hed sent her at Martins funeral had been nothing less than a stark declaration of intent.
And typical of his appallingly tasteless behaviour, she thought with a fastidious shudder, then paused, a hysterical bubble of laughter welling up inside her.
Why the hell was she worrying about something as trivial as the way hed treated her as a widow in mourning, when he was now threatening her and her entire family with total humiliation and ruin?
While shed thought herself safe in the States, Cal Blackstone had been busy ensnaring Simon in a web of financial dependency, both personal and professional. Then hed sat back and waited, like the spider, for the unsuspecting fly to return
But that was defeatist talk, she told herself in self-reproach. After all, if the fly struggled hard enough, even the strongest web could be broken.
She was halfway through a dinner she had no interest in eating when Simon eventually came in. He looked tired and anxious, and for a moment she was tempted to leave him in the peace he so clearly needed at least until the morning.
She let him talk for a while about Fiona and the labour pains which had so unaccountably subsided while he ate his meal.
Then she said quietly, Dont you want to know what happened this afternoon?
He shrugged, his face adopting a faintly martyred expression. I suppose so. To be honest, Jo, although his letter threw me when it arrived, Ive been thinking about it while Ive been hanging around at the nursing home, and, frankly, I dont know what all the fuss is about. Things at work are picking up slowly. Hell get his money back, and hell just have to be patient, thats all. I hope you told him so.
She picked up the coffee-pot and filled two cups with infinite care.
I didnt actually get the chance, she said. He didnt come here to talk about work. It was your other debts he was concerned with. The ones you ran up at the casino, and the race-track.
She watched him go white. There was a long, painful silence. Then he said very rapidly, He told you that, but he had no right. He said there was no hurry. He knew Id pay it all off if he just gave me time.
How? She looked at Simons guilty, miserable face and knew that the question was unanswerable.
She nerved herself to go on. Hehe did mention the Craft Company in one context. He talked about the booksthe accounts.
What about them? Simons gaze was fixed on the polished dining table.
He said something about an independent audit, Joanna said, and stopped appalled as Simons cup dropped from his hand, spilling coffee everywhere.
Can he do that? The blue eyes were scared, imploring. Can he, Jo?
Is there some reason why he shouldnt? She tried to speak evenly, but her voice trembled as she realised she had to face, to come to terms with the unthinkable.
He didnt reply, just picked up his table napkin and began blotting up the coffee as if it were the most important thing in the world.
She said, Its true, then. Theres money missing, and youre responsible.
Whose bloody company is it anyway? he said, his tone mutinous, defensive.
Not yours to that extent. Simon, are you crazy?
I had to do something. Fiona was miserable, and needed a break. She had her heart set on St Lucia. Shes never known what it is to be short of cashshe doesnt understand.
Joanna closed her eyes for a moment, trying to visualise Fionas reaction to the news that her husband had made them bankrupt and homeless. But her imagination balked at the very idea.
Go on, she said, with infinite weariness. So you embezzled money from the Craft Company to take Fiona on an expensive holiday.
I did not embezzle it! Simons face was flushed now with anger. I borrowed it.
With Philips knowledge and permission?
I didnt think it was necessary to mention it to him. After all, it was only a couple of thousand or so on temporary loan. I fully intended to pay it back. One damned good win at blackjack was all I needed.
But you didnt win.
No, I started losing really badly. I kept telling myself my luck would change, but it didnt. It just kept getting worse.
Then why on earth didnt you stop?
I couldnt, he said simply. I had to go on trying to win.
Joanna ran the tip of her tongue round her dry lips. Did you borrow any more money? she asked carefully.
Some, he muttered. Id have been all rightI know I wouldif bloody Blackstone hadnt barred me from the casino. How the hell was I supposed to recoup my losses if I wasnt allowed to play? He gave her a petulant look. I still dont see why he found it necessary to drag you into all this. I thought we had a gentlemens agreement about it.
Cal Blackstone, she said quietly, is no gentleman. Tell me, Si, and I want the truthis there any hope that youll be able to repay at least theloan from the firm?
There was a pause, then he shook his head. I cant. Philip and I are both drawing minimum salaries at the moment. And Ive had so much extra expense with the baby coming. The nursing home fees cost a fortune for a start. His expression became alarmed. Blackstone wont really insist on this audit, will he? I meanI can explain to old Phil, and Im sure hed understand, but Id rather not.
Joanna murmured something non-committal, but in her heart she wasnt at all convinced that old Phil would be quite so amenable to the news that some of their slender profits had been illegally squandered on gambling, and vacations in the West Indies.
So what does Blackstone want? Simon demanded apprehensively.
Joanna hesitated. Im not altogether sure, she prevaricated. Now that I know hisallegations are true, I have to get back to himwork something out.
Oh, goody. Simons voice was heavily sarcastic. I didnt realise that you two were so much in each others confidence. Yesterday you couldnt stand the sound of his name. Today youve got your heads together, deciding what to do for the best about poor misguided Simon. Does he get his knuckles rapped, or just stand in the corner?
Joanna bit her lip. That kind of attitude doesnt help.
And having my private affairs chewed over behind my back isnt totally acceptable either, Simon retorted furiously. You should have refused to listenreferred him straight to me, instead of meddling in what doesnt concern you.
Joanna held on to her temper with an effort. If youre charged with embezzlement, it will concern me very closely, she said evenly. It will concern us all. And imagine the effect it could have on Daddy.
Oh, yes, lets. Simons face was stony. Look, everyone, Simons been a naughty boy. And Joannas the blue-eyed girl whos going to put everything right. Well, bloody good luck to you! He glared at her. What a pity you didnt stay here and pitch in after Martin died, instead of swanning off to the States. Things might have been different then. He scraped his chair back and rose. Im going back to the nursing home to stay with Fiona. Have your high-level conference with Blackstone, sister dear, and get everything sorted. Feel free to let me know some time whats been decided for me.

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When The Devil Drives Сара Крейвен
When The Devil Drives

Сара Крейвен

Тип: электронная книга

Жанр: Современные любовные романы

Язык: на английском языке

Издательство: HarperCollins

Дата публикации: 16.04.2024

Отзывы: Пока нет Добавить отзыв

О книге: Mills & Boon proudly presents THE SARA CRAVEN COLLECTION. Sara’s powerful and passionate romances have captivated and thrilled readers all over the world for five decades and made her an international bestseller.WHEN THE DEVIL DRIVESDare she dream of the devil?It was time for Joanna to stop running and face Callum Blackstone.If she had only herself to consider, she’d tell him to do his worst. But refusing to submit to Cals′ impossible demands meant financial disaster for her father and brother.Fate has dealt Cal all the best cards, yet still the price he wanted Joanna to pay seemed far too high. Was revenge really his motive?

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