His, Hers and...Theirs?

His, Hers and...Theirs?
Judy Duarte
Eva Galindo's dream of being a mother was about to come truetwice over. The Brighton Valley biologist wasn't just having a babyshe was expecting twins! Meeting single father of twins Dan Walker seemed like the sweetest twist of fate. How could she not offer to help out the gorgeous Texas rancherby being temporary mommy to his own adorable pair?Suddenly becoming guardian of his orphaned niece and nephew was a tall order for any man. But Dan couldn't think of a better stand-in nanny than the sloe-eyed mother-in-training. Only, now he didn't want Eva to leave. Maybe it was time to take a chance on both their futures by combining forces and turning two into one big, loving family.

Theyre great kids, Eva said. And Ive grown close to them, too.
Im not surprised. Youre a natural mother.
Her eyes brightened, and her cheeks flushed a pretty shade of pink. Thank you so much for saying that. Ive been worried about the kind of mom Ill be.
Youll be the best. Theres no doubt in my mind.
They stood just an arms length from each other.
A wave of desire washed over Dan, and he was sorely tempted to reach out and touch her, to run his knuckles along her cheek.
Her lips partedhalf in surprise and half in arousal. But she wasnt the only one whose thoughts had taken a sexual turn.
He wanted to kiss her again in the worst way. And in her eyes he could see that she wanted it, too.

Dear Reader,
Its summer in Brighton Valley, Texas, the fictional town where His, Hers andTheirs? takes place. The sun is warm, and the days are lazy.
Its the perfect time for love, especially for a shy laboratory technologist who is pregnantwith twins!and a rancher who has recently become the guardian to twins of his own.
I dont know about you, but I enjoy books with medical professionals and hospital settings almost as much as I do books with cowboys and ranches. So writing the BRIGHTON VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER series has allowed me to create stories with all my favorite elements.
So whether your summer reading takes you to the front porch, the seashore or a faraway place, I hope you enjoy Dan and Evas romantic journey as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Happy reading!
P.S. If you want to know more about me and the books I write, please visit my Web site, www.JudyDuarte.com.

His, Hers andTheirs?
Judy Duarte

www.millsandboon.co.uk (http://www.millsandboon.co.uk)

always knew there was a book inside her, but since English was her least favorite subject in school, she never considered herself a writer. An avid reader who enjoys a happy ending, Judy couldnt shake the dream of creating a book of her own.
Her dream became a reality in March of 2002, when Silhouette Special Edition released her first book, Cowboy Courage. Since then, she has published more than twenty novels.
Her stories have touched the hearts of readers around the world. And in July of 2005, Judy won the prestigious Readers Choice Award for The Rich Mans Son.
Judy makes her home near the beach in Southern California. When shes not cooped up in her writing cave, shes spending time with her somewhat enormous but delightfully close family.
To Raema Pace, who not only gave me a personal tour of the lab at our local hospital, but also shares two grandchildren with me.
And to Emalee and Kaitlyn Colwell, who have brightened our lives and hearts.

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve

Chapter One
The playground at Twin Oaks Park was jam-packed with happy kids, and Dan Walker couldnt feel any more out of place than if hed walked into a Sunday service at the Brighton Valley Community Church wearing nothing but his boots and his Stetson.
Of course, the family-style event was just what the pediatrician had ordered, and his five-year-old niece and nephew were having the time of their lives.
The grounds were hopping with mommies who wiped noses and kissed boo-boos and with daddies who played catch and flew kites. But it had been a real shot in the dark for him to think that he would somehow pick up everything he needed to know about fatherhood by attending a Parents of Multiples outing.
When Dr. Tomlinson had suggested Dan bring Kevin and Kaylee to play at the park, hed been desperate and had thought he would give it a try. He figured it might be a good way to check things out without actually becoming a card-carrying member of the group. But being there had only made him feel less confident about doing right by the kids.
As his niece and nephew dashed around the playground, fitting right in with the sandbox crowd, Dan stood along the sidelines and watched. Too bad he hadnt decided to go the library instead. He could have checked out a copy of Parenting For Dummies or some other Daddy how-to book. Surely he would have picked up more information by reading than by osmosis at a family outing.
He supposed he ought to mosey on up to one of the real parents and ask, How in the world do you do it? Whats the trick?
But hed learned never to admit his shortcomings. In fact, if he ever thought he had a better than average chance of failing at something, he preferred to hit the high road rather than face the risk.
He chuffed at the irony, since here he was, the least capable adult in the bunch. But apparently Fate hadnt gotten that memo.
Last winter, on an icy Manhattan street, his sister, Jenny, whod been struggling to make her mark on Broadway, had been struck by a car and killed.
When Dan had gotten the call, hed been crushed. But it hadnt been the tragic loss of his twin sister that had torn him up. That had been tough enough. But what had made matters worse was that the two of them had been estranged for years, and her death meant theyd never be able to patch things up.
And then there were the kids. Jenny had been a single mom, and even though Dan had only been around Kaylee and Kevin once since theyd been born, thered been a will, and his sister had named him their guardian.
The fact that shed done that had been comforting in a sense. It meant that she hadnt completely shut him out of her life, that shed known somewhere along the line that theyd eventually mend their rift.
Of course, who else was she supposed to leave them with? Their father had been a married man, which was one of several reasons Dan and Jenny had butted heads. So, he supposed, her options had been limited.
Either way, he wasnt sure what his sister had been thinking when shed chosen him as the guardian of her children. After all, what in the hell did he know about being a parent?
At thirty-eight he was set in his ways, to say the least, and with some luck and a good deal of determination, hed managed to avoid marriage and family himself. Of course, even though wedding bells and a wife were still out, apparently single parenthood wasnt.
After the funeral, hed been prepared to take the kids back to the ranch with him in spite of all his insecurities. After all, he remembered how it felt to be young, homeless and unwanted. But it had been a stroke of luck for everyone involved when Catherine Loza, Jennys roommate, had asked to keep the kids with her in New York for a while.
Dan had been uneasy about leaving them behind, but theyd been so comfortable in a big city environment, in the fourth-floor apartment where theyd lived most of their lives. Besides, they knew Catherine much better than they knew him. So all things considered, it had seemed like the best solution for the kids.
On top of that, Catherine was a woman, and Lord knew that all kids needed a mother figure. Dan sure would have liked having one when hed been five.
So hed left Kevin and Kaylee with Catherine, called them regularly and sent monthly checks to cover their living expenses.
But several months later, Catherine got a big part in a Broadway musical and called Dan in a panic. She was looking at a grueling practice schedule followed by evening performances that would keep her out late at night. She could no longer take care of the kids, and Dan had flown back to New York and brought them home to Texas.
And now, two weeks into the whole family ordeal, he hadnt gained much confidence, which didnt sit easy with a man who was proud of the fact that he could out-rope, out-ride and out-cowboy just about anyone in Texas.
But parenting two five-year-olds? That was a whole different ball game.
Dan adjusted his Stetson, making sure the brim blocked the sun from his eyes. Then he hooked his thumbs in the front pockets of his jeans and shifted his weight to one hip.
Damn, he wished he were anywhere but here today. But this wasnt about him; it was about the kids.
And right now, they were having a blast playing with the other twins and triplets, some of whom were dressed like mirror images of themselves.
But then again, why wouldnt Kaylee and Kevin be having a good time at the park? Living on a cattle ranch with the uncle they scarcely remembered and a crotchety old cowboy-turned-nanny couldnt possibly be any fun.
It was good to see them laughing and socializing, though.
Off to his right, he noticed a brunette who was also standing along the perimeter of the playground. She wore sunglasses, so he couldnt see her entire face, but her cover-girl profile and shape were intriguing.
She didnt appear to be a typical mom, although he couldnt put his finger on why hed come to that conclusion. Maybe because her purse was way too small to fit in all the things some of the other mothers packed, like little baggies filled with snacks, wet wipes and Band-Aids. Or maybe because earlier this morning shed somehow found the time to weave her long dark hair into a fancy braid that hung down her back.
She was dressed differently than the others, too, with a pink scarf that was stylishly wrapped around her neck, a crisply pressed white cotton blouse and a pair of slim-fit black jeans.
Whether she was a mom or not, he decided she was nice to look atand that she was an intriguing diversion from the hubbub and the energetic chatter that swarmed around him.
Dan had been so caught up in his perusal of the brunette that he hadnt paid much attention to the activity on the playgrounduntil a child let out a scream.
He watched the attractive woman dash across the sand toward the slide. As his gaze followed her, he realized that the screaming child was one of his.
Oh, God. His heart dropped to his gut, and his pulse kicked into overdrive as he hurried toward little Kaylee, whod gotten hurt while Dan was supposed to be looking out for her.
The sight of blood running along the side of her face and her heart-wrenching screams shook him to the core.
Did he need any more proof of his shortcomings than that? Hed been gawking at an attractive woman, rather than watching the kids play, and hed failed the kids, just as hed known he would.
Hell, he wasnt cut out to be a father, no matter what Fate seemed to think.
He dropped to his knees on the sand beside them and started to reach out to Kaylee with stiff arms, but as the brunette continued to tend to the child, he pulled back his hands and let someone more capable do the comforting.
Oh, sweetie, she said, lifting her sunglasses from her eyes and resting them atop her head. What happened?
Ifelldown, Kaylee sobbed. And I got hurt. Really bad. She lifted her little hand to her forehead to probe the gash, and as she lowered it, she spotted the blood on her fingers and let out another wail.
Its okay, the brunette said. Its just a little blood. The owie isnt very big.
Yes, it is, her brother said. And its bleeding a whole bunch. We better call the ambulance.
At her twins suggestion, Kaylee cried even louder. Still, Dan thought a 911 call was probably their best bet. He knew that even the simplest head cuts could bleed profusely, but hed much rather let a professional take charge.
The brunette made a quick scan of the playground and beyond. Wheres your mommy, honey?
Shes in heaven, Kevin said. Shes watching over us, but I guess she was busy just now.
Im their uncle, Dan admitted. This is Kaylee and Kevin.
The brunette turned to him. Im sorry. I didnt mean to interfere.
Her hazel eyes were almost amber in color, and her lashes were thick and dark, but he shook off the compulsion to study her. Dont be sorry for stepping in. Im way out of my league when it comes to this stuff.
Do you have a handkerchief? she asked.
No, I never use them. Sorry. He realized one would have come in handy about now.
She smiled, then pulled the scarf from around her neck, revealing a nasty scar that ran from the underside of her chin down to her throat and beyond. A burn of some kind, he suspected.
She held the pink cloth against Kaylees forehead, applying pressure to her wound.
Are you a doctor? Kevin asked the woman.
A nurse? the boy continued.
She slowly shook her head. No, Im not.
Then probably just a mother, Dan guessed. Shed certainly taken charge like a woman whod done this a hundred times before.
I do work at the Brighton Valley Medical Center, she told Kevin, but not with patients. Im a medical technologist.
Whats that? the boy asked.
By this time, Kaylee seemed to realize that she was under the care of a professional, and even if she didnt know what a technologist actually did, her scream had softened to a whine.
Im a scientist, the brunette said. I work in the lab.
Whoa, Dan thought, realizing she was the brainy type. Hed never really known any of those. He tended to date women who were more street-smart than book-smart.
Dated? Now where had that wild-ass idea come from? If she was hanging out at the park with the Parents of Multiples, she was probably a motherand married, which meant she was off-limits, even if hed been looking. And he wasnt.
Still, his gaze slid to her left hand, which was ring-free. Not that it mattered, he supposed. His dating days were over now that the ranch house was filled with the pitter-patter of little feet.
Kaylee clung to the woman who dabbed at the wound with her scarf, permanently staining the fabric, no doubt. Hed have to buy her a new one when this was all said and done.
Are you someones mommy? Kaylee asked.
No, the woman said.
Then what was she doing at the park? Dan wondered. He almost asked but figured it might be best to bide his time and wait for one of the kids to quiz her. The two of them, especially Kevin, were certainly doing a pretty good job of interrogating her.
Thanks for stepping in to help, Dan said. Kaylee needed a womans touch.
Youre welcome. Her smile reached her eyes, turning them to the shade of Tennessee bourbon. Are you babysitting today? Was it that obvious he wasnt an experienced guardian? Probably, since a real father wouldnt have let one of his kids get hurt.
Im afraid Im the man in charge, he said, faking a smile and doffing his hat. My names Dan Walker. And youre?
Eva Galindo. She nodded toward the small building that housed the restrooms. The bleeding has stopped, so maybe we should get some water and wash her face.
Good idea. He stood, placed his hand on Kevins head and stroked the straw-colored strands of his hair. Come on, sport. Weve got to get your sister cleaned up.
As they walked toward the restrooms, Dan said, I really appreciate this, Eva.
I didnt do anything out of the ordinary. I saw her trip in the sand and take a fall. I guess it was just instinct kicking in.
Lucky me, he said, meaning it. Hopefully, Fate had decided to give him a break, at least for the rest of the day.
Eva took Kaylee into the ladies room and came out several minutes later. The little girls hair and face were wet but clean. And Dan was able to get a good look at the half-inch gash that marred the upper left side of her forehead and the bruise that surrounded it.
What do you think? Eva asked, gripping his gaze and setting his heart off kilter.
He didnt dare tell her that he was thinking of her as some kind of superhero right now. So instead, he glanced at her water-splattered, bloodstained white blouse and smiled. I think Im going to owe you a new outfit.
Thats not what I meant. Look at that gash, Dan. Its pretty deep.
The bleeding might have stopped, but the wound definitely gaped open.
You know Eva cocked her head and studied the little girls forehead. Shes probably going to need a few stitches.
No! Kaylee, whod been a little standoffish with Dan the past couple of weeks, clung to the woman. I dont want stitches.
If Dan had been looking in the mirror at his own face and had seen the cut, he would have let it pass without any treatment at all. But on a little girl?
Why dont you want stitches? he asked.
Kevin jumped in with the answer. Cause when we lived at our old house, Jimmy Milburn got stitches on his face and got to be a pirate for Halloween.
Being a pirate is cool, Dan said, hoping to convince the kid that it was some kind of adventure, rather than something to be afraid of.
Yeah, Kevin said, but Kaylee doesnt like swords and stuff. She wants to be a princess. Besides, when I told Jimmy that I wanted to have stitches like his, he said it really hurt.
It wont hurt Kaylee, Eva said. She has a princess cut. And doctors are very careful when dealing with a princess.
The girl turned to Eva, her tears coming to a rolling stop. Really?
Oh, yes. Im sure of it. Eva ran her hand along the dampened strands of Kaylees long, blond hair. The doctors at the medical center can spot a princess a mile away. And they know just what to do with royal injuries.
Kaylee cocked her head to the side. They do?
Then, okay. Ill get princess stitches. Kaylee looked at Eva as though she were a fairy godmother.
But hell, Dan didnt blame the kid for that. He was thinking of Eva as though shed fluttered into his life with a pair of wings and a magic wand, too. Shed been a real godsend, and he wished he could take her home with them until the kids turned eighteen.
Will you ride with us to the medical center? he asked her, hoping like heck that she would agree. Having her along would make the ordeal so much easier for Kaylee. And for him, too.
Me? Well, I As her gaze caught his, he spotted more than indecision in her eyes. He noted apprehension, too.
Finally, at about the time hed expected her to blow him off, she said, All right, Ill go with you.
Dan didnt know when hed heard sweeter words, when hed felt more relief. Thanks, Eva. Ill make it up to you.
Of course, he didnt have a clue how he was going to do that, but hed figure out a way.

When Eva had set out this morning, she had thought the scope of her adventure would be simply checking out the Parents of Multiples picnic at the park and getting a feel for what would soon be in store for her.
Now, as she sat in the dual-wheeled Chevy pickup across from cowboy Dan Walker, she felt as if she was living someone elses life. For a woman who was basically shy and introspective, it was both exciting and unnerving at the same time.
She wasnt one who basked in new experiences, and this was certainly a first for her. One minute she was on the edge of the playground, watching the kids chase after each other, and the next she was standing by helplessly while little Kaylee tripped and flew headfirst onto the steps of the slide.
Instinct had taken over, and Eva had rushed to the little girls side. Looking back, she was thankful to know that her lousy childhood hadnt disabled whatever internal button had kicked in at just the right moment.
Thank goodness her instincts were functioning properly, since shed be having a set of twins of her own in six months or so.
And now here she was.
She stole another glance across the pickup at the handsome cowboy in the drivers seat, wondering if she would have even given him the time of day on any other occasion. Not that he wasnt attractive, but he was well over six feet tall and as buff and brawny as the good Lord made them. He was just the kind of man who could easily toss stacks of hundred-pound bales of hay to the left and right without breaking a sweat. Yet there was something about the soft brown color of his hair and bluebonnet shade of his eyes that spoke of a gentle side.
That, she suspected, along with the way his expression had crumpled around the crying child, had made Eva trust him well enough to get into his truck in the first place.
Her stepfather had been a brute of a man whod mentallyand sometimes even physicallyabused her, so she tended to avoid men who reminded her of him. Shed had a couple of boyfriends in collegeeach of them budding scientists who had been brainy and slightly builtbut the relationships had never lasted very long.
So when, after much thought, shed decided to create a family of her own, shed opted for in vitro fertilization. It had been easier that way. She hadnt needed to make any decisions about whether to have a man in her life or not.
She had to admit, though, that she was still a little apprehensive about being a mother and bringing home two newborns, which is why shed come to the park today. Shed read about the Parents of Multiples event in the online newspaper and had decided to observe things from a distance.
It was a scientific approach to her problem, and it seemed to be the most logical way for her to proceed.
If she liked what she saw and the people she met at the park, she would take it a step further and attend one of the evening meetings, where she might connect with another mother of twins who could offer her adviceand maybe even friendship.
Of course, she hadnt been at the park long enough to observe much of anything when little Kaylee was injured.
She glanced over her shoulder and into the small backseat at the rear of the cab, where the twins sat in matching car seats.
When Kaylees gaze met hers, the little girl smiled, but her bottom lip quivered a bit, as if she was trying to be brave. Evas heart went out to her for the second time in just minutes.
According to Kevin, their mother was in heaven, which was sad. But there hadnt been any mention of their father or any indication of why the kids had come to live with their uncle. If Eva and Dan were alone, she might ask him, but she couldnt bring it up in front of the kids. Not when the answer might be painful for them.
As Dan pulled into the driveway that led to the Brighton Valley Medical Center and turned left toward the entrance of the E.R., Kaylee peered out the passenger window.
Is this where the princesses come to get their owies fixed? the girl asked.
It sure is. And if were lucky, my friend Dr. Nielson will be working. Shes the royal physician, and she takes care of all the queens and princesses.
Kaylee settled back in her seat.
Youre good with kids, Dan said, sliding a grin her way. Im impressed.
His praise nearly knocked her off balance, since she didnt work with children in the lab. But shed had to draw her share of blood when shed been in training, and shed learned a few tricks when working with frightened kids. Of course, once shed graduated with her masters degree in biology, she no longer worked directly with patients.
Its all in a days work, she said, making light of what shed just done.
Then you deserve a raise, he concluded.
She had the strongest urge to look his way, but kept her eyes fixed on the roador rather on the parking space he was pulling into. She still found it hard to believe that shed agreed to ride with him. She certainly wouldnt have if his niece and nephew hadnt been with him.
But earlier on the playground, when Kaylee had thrown her arms around Eva and held on tight, the most stunning sense of warmth and wonder had flooded her chest. And so had a sense of awe.
Eva liked the way her emotional side had kicked in, which didnt happen all that often. But even more amazing was the realization that her own mothers abandonment and her stepfathers abusive nature hadnt damaged her in a way that might hamper her ability to love and nurture her own children.
At least, it didnt appear that way.
She reached up and fingered the side of her neck, where industrial-strength drain cleaner had splashed upon her skin, burning it all those years ago.
She kept the scar covered whenever she could by choosing turtlenecks and scarves to wear, but it wasnt the ugliness she tried to hide. Shed learned to deal with her flaws a long time ago. It was just that peopleparticularly childrenwould sometimes ask what had happened to her, and she didnt like to talk about it.
As an adolescent, shed made up a wild story about an alien abduction, but who would believe a tale like that now? Certainly not the medical professionals with whom she worked.
Of course, she didnt usually mix or mingle with many of her coworkers outside the medical facility. And it was fairly easy to keep to herself while bent over a microscope in the lab.
The irony struck her as odd, though. For someone who knew a lot of intimate details about people and their health, even before their doctors did, she kept her own secrets close to the vest. It was easier that wayand much safer.
All right, Dan said, as he shut off the ignition. Were here. Lets hope we wont have a long wait.
It was Saturday afternoon, and Eva suspected the E.R. would be packed, but that wasnt her main concern. She was more worried about what shed say to Kaylee if Dr. Nielson, the royal physician, wasnt working today and the little girl worried that she wasnt getting the proper medical care.
So while Eva climbed from the vehicle and waited for Dan and the kids to get out, she tried to come up with a plan B, but wasnt having much luck. After all, Betsy Nielson was great with children and would play along with the princess thing. Another doctor might, too, but Eva didnt know the others as well.
As they headed toward the E.R. entrance, a breeze blew across Evas face and along her throat, causing the scar to tingle as if the years had rolled back and the wound was still in the healing stage, still pink and tender.
She knew it was just her imagination, but she turned up the collar of her blouse anyway, hoping to hide the scar, as well as the fear that she might not have healed completelyon the inside, where no one could see.
And that, in spite of how good she seemed to be doing with Kaylee this afternoon, that she might somehow fail her own children one day.

Chapter Two
Upon entering the E.R., Eva led the way to a triage area, where a nurse was posted to determine the priority in which the incoming patients would be seen.
Kaylees condition certainly wasnt critical, and since the E.R. appeared to be especially busy today, Dan figured they wouldnt see a doctor until the cows came home. And if that were the case, he was going to owe Eva big-time for spending the afternoon at the medical center with them.
The triage nurse sent them to sign in with a clerk behind a desk who took Dans insurance card. Thank goodness hed put the kids on his plan after Jennys death.
After providing all the pertinent information, he returned to the waiting area. There werent many chairs from which to choose, so they opted for a grouping near a TV monitor that was set to the Discovery channel.
The kids and Eva zeroed in on the television, while Dan snatched a magazine from a table. He wasnt sure how long theyd had to wait before Kaylees name was called, but hed just reached the last pages of a battered, two-month-old issue of Modern Horseman.
As they all headed to the doorway that led to the exam rooms, the nurse whod called them, a tall, slender woman with black spiky hair, looked at Kaylee and smiled. What happened, sweetheart?
I fell down, and the slide hurt me.
Thats too bad. But dont you worry. Well get you fixed up as good as new.
Are you the princess doctor? Kaylee asked.
The nurse furrowed her brow and cast a quizzical glance Evas way.
Shes talking about Dr. Nielson, Eva explained. Is she on duty today?
The nurse smiled. Actually, she is working. And we usually assign the children to her whenever we can. So your odds of seeing her are good.
Eva seemed to be relieved, although Dan wasnt sure why. Apparently that particular doctor was good with kids. Was she also a plastic surgeon?
The nurseShannon OReilly, according to her ID cardtook Kaylees temperature and checked her blood pressure, then she left them to wait for the doctor.
Kaylee nibbled at her bottom lip, and Eva eased closer. Are you doing okay, honey?
Im scared. I dont want it to hurt again. Its all better now, and I just want to go home.
Dan didnt know if she meant back to New York or the ranch, but he wouldnt ask. The kids didnt have any options about where they lived now.
Eva slipped an arm around Kaylees shoulder, and the girl leaned into her. It was nice to see her connecting with someone. Shed been a little standoffish with him since hed brought her to Texas.
He supposed he couldnt blame her for that. He didnt know squat about kids, especially girls. And he had a feeling she wasnt used to being around men, especially the rugged and outdoorsy type.
Moments later, an attractive redhead entered the room. She couldnt have been much more than an inch or two over five feet tall, but she had a definite, take-charge presence.
She introduced herself to Dan and Kaylee as Dr. Nielson, then greeted Eva. Is this your family?
No, Eva said. Were justfriends.
Dan would have corrected her if he could have figured out a better answer, but as it was, that would have to do.
As Dr. Nielson slipped on a pair of gloves, then examined the childs wound, Eva said, Kaylees a little concerned about getting stitches and looking like a pirate.
Dont worry about that, the doctor said. Ive got something much better than stitches for this cut. Were going to use skin glue instead.
Dan eased closer, wondering if hed heard her right. Was she really going to close Kaylees wound with some kind of glue? Or was this all part of the magical princess-talk that Eva had been using on the child?
Cool. Kevin eased closer to the exam table on which his sister sat. Can I watch?
You certainly can. Dr. Nielson stepped aside, giving the boy a better view.
When the doctor was finished and Kaylees wound was thoroughly cleaned, then sealed, Kevin stepped back and grinned. Its too bad all the kings men and all the kings horses didnt have that stuff when Humpty Dumpty fell off the wall.
The doctor smiled at the boy. Youve got a point there. They might have been able to put him together again.
So thats all there is to it? Dan asked. That bionic glue will hold together?
Yes, it will. Dr. Nielson removed her gloves and dropped them in the trash. We cant use it on all wounds, but it should work out nicely for Kaylee.
Just like magic, Dan said, realizing that it sounded as if he was slipping into the fantasy zone Eva had created. But thats not what he meant. He was thinking about the marvels of science and modern medicine.
The doctor reached for a clean rubber glove from the box and blew it into a balloon. Then she took a black marker and made eyes and a mouth near the base of the thumb, leaving the fingers to poke up like a Mohawk.
Cool, Kevin said. It has pokey hair like the nurse. Can I have one, too?
You bet. Dr. Nielson handed the blown-up glove to Kaylee, then reached into the box for another.
Dan looked over the sealed wound on his nieces forehead. Hed had plenty of stitches in his daythe gash in his knee for oneso he knew the routine for that. Kaylee would need an appointment for a checkup and suture removal. But what happened with skin glue?
Does she need to come back? he asked.
Not unless you notice any unusual redness or swelling. Dr. Nielson gave them some instructions about keeping the wound dry and protecting it. In fact, after you check out at the discharge desk, youre good to go.
Can I see my owie? the girl asked.
Dr. Nielson found a mirror, then handed it to her.
As Kaylee peered at her reflection, she scrunched her face. It still looks like an owie. You didnt do anything to make the cut go away.
It takes time for it to get better, the doctor said. The red line will turn pink before it disappears.
Kaylee didnt appear to be convinced.
I think it looks like a fairy kiss, Eva said. All good princesses have one, you know.
The little girl brightened. Okay. And its shiny because of all the fairy dust and magic.
If Dan was going to have to make up stories to appease Kaylee, she would be out of luck. His brain didnt work that way. He was more inclined to resort to one of the snide remarks Uncle Hank used to make when Dan had been a kid and had sprained a finger, scraped a knee or stubbed a toe. Just go rub a little dirt on it and quit your whinin.
But Dan couldnt say something like that to a little girl.
Besides, when he was twelve and had a cut along his thigh from a piece of barbed wire, Hank had used that line on him. He hadnt realized the old man hadnt intended for Dan to take him literally, and after following what he thought was sage advice from a real live cowboy, hed gotten an infection along with a fever. Hed had his own medical emergency after that.
While Dan settled the account and signed the discharge paperwork, Kevin slipped up beside him. When are we going to eat the picnic food?
Theyd had a late breakfast and hadnt been hungry when the other picnickers had spread out their lunches. So most of the food Dan had packed for them was still in a cooler in the back of the pickup. But he didnt feel like eating a bologna sandwich right now.
I have a feeling that most of the people at the park have called it a day and headed home. Dan looked at Eva. Youve got to be hungry, too. How about going out to an early dinner with us? After that, I can take you back to your car.
The invitation seemed to take her aback, and before she answered she glanced down at her blouse, which was stained and crumpled.
Well go someplace casual, he added. Maybe the Burger Barn or something.
Oh, please! Kaylee said to her new friend. Come with us, Eva. I dont want to be the only girl.
At the childs request, the tension on Evas face eased, and Dan was again struck by her natural beauty. By the delicate arch of her brows, by the thick dark lashes, by the intoxicating color of bourbon in those expressive eyes.
The collar of her blouse, which shed turned up after removing her scarf, now drooped, revealing the scar shed probably tried to cover.
All right, she finally said. And as luck would have it, Ive got spare clothes in my locker at the lab. So if you dont mind giving me a few minutes to change, Ill go with you.
Kaylee let out a joyful little whoop, and Kevin appeared to be just as happy, which only went to show that kids were better off with a woman than a man. Of course, that wouldnt change the dynamics of the Walker household. They were stuck with two men.
Do you want us to wait in the car? Dan asked Eva.
You dont have to. Why dont you come to the lab with me? You can see where I work.
Sure, Dan said. He had to admit that he was curious about where the pretty scientist spent her days. Besides, he didnt have anything else planned for today, other than grabbing a bite to eat and then heading home.
So he and the kids followed Eva to the elevator and down one floor to the basement, where the lab was located.
Eva let them all in, then asked them to take a seat near the entrance while she changed clothes. Ill just be a few minutes, and then Ill show you around.
Moments later, she returned wearing a cream-colored, lightweight turtleneck sweater and the same pair of jeans. Shed applied a touch of pink lipstick, and when she smiled, he noted a flush to her cheeks. He didnt think it had anything to do with makeup.
Are you ready to check out the lab? she asked.
The kids nodded and got to their feet. As Eva breezed past Dan, he caught the whiff of citrusorange blossoms, maybe?
They followed her through the doorway and into a large room with white walls and various cubicles, where several people in white lab coats either studied machines or sat on stools and peered through microscopes. Eva said hello to her coworkers and introduced Dan and the kids.
Were going to take a quick tour, she explained, as she moved through the lab.
Dan had never been behind the scenes in a hospital before and felt as though he was on some kind of field trip. Still, he found it interesting as she pointed out a refrigerator case that stored blood and blood products, as well as the several different machines and testing apparatus.
So youre the one they call in when they need to take blood, Dan said.
Actually, Eva explained, the lab technicians are the ones who draw blood. Im a technologist and work behind the scenes. I run the needed tests and send the results to the doctors so they can make the proper diagnosis and treat the patients. She led him to a cubicle that had a fancy microscope. This is the station where I work.
Whos that? Kevin pointed to a photograph Eva had displayed on one of the sidewalls of her workspace.
Dan noted a smiling Eva, an elderly woman and a candle-laden birthday cake.
Thats Clara Morrison, Eva said. Shes a friend of mine. We were celebrating her seventy-sixth birthday that day.
Wow, the boy said. Thats a lot of birthdays.
It sure is. Eva reached into a drawer, pulled out a slide and slipped it into the microscope. Here, let me show you what I do. She peered through the lens, then stepped aside to let the boy take a peek.
Ooh, Kevin said. I see a whole lot of little circles.
I want to see them, too. Kaylee pressed against her brother. Let me have a turn.
Kevin moved away reluctantly, then let his sister peer into the microscope. Shed barely had a chance to ooh and ah herself when he said, Come on, Kaylee. Its my turn again.
Dan was tempted to ask for a turn himself, but he was too caught up in watching Eva move through the lab or in trying to catch another hint of orange blossoms each time she brushed past him.
As it was, he stood off to the side and remained an observer, a role he usually slipped into whenever he left the ranch. But not because he was shy or awkward. He just didnt open up around people he didnt know or trust.
Yet as he watched Eva blossom in her natural surroundings, her amber eyes brightening as she spoke to the kids, her tone soft and maternal, he couldnt help lowering his guard just a bit.
And looking forward to having dinner with her.

Dan figured the Burger Barn was their best choice for a meal, and the minute he stepped inside the family-style restaurant, he realized hed been right. He placed their orders, then with Evas help, carried their food and drinks on trays to the dining area.
Im not hungry anymore, Kevin said the minute he spied the colorful, indoor climbing structure that was designed to look like a big red barn with a yellow silo and blue netting.
Not so fast, sport. Dan unloaded the drinks, burgers and fries onto the white Formica table. You need to eat first, while everything is warm. Youll have plenty of time to play when youre done.
Oh, okay, the boy said, plopping into one of the white seats covered with a built-in blue vinyl cushion. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a couple of Matchbox race cars and a Star Wars action figure.
A few minutes later, both kids had wolfed down their kiddie meals and had finished their milk.
See? Dan said. That wasnt so bad, was it?
Without answering, the twins dashed off, leaving Dan and Eva to munch on their burgers and fries.
Kaylee seems to be doing a lot better, Eva said.
Dan agreed. Shed been a real chatterbox at dinner, opening up for Eva more than she had for him in the past two weeks. And he had no choice but to attribute the change to the attractive woman seated across from him.
As he caught Evas gaze, she leaned forward and lowered her voice. So, wheres their father?
Before Dan could respond, Kevin slipped back to the table to pick up the little toys hed left behind and said, Our daddys in New York.
Kaylee, whod returned on her brothers heels, added, Hes rich and has a great big car.
Yeah, her brother chimed in, but we dont get to ride in it. Hes too busy.
Hes always busy, Kaylee said. Thats why we never get to see him.
Eva glanced down at the half-eaten bag of fries resting in front of her, then back at the child. But she let the conversation drop.
When the kids took off again, she blew out a sigh, leaned forward and rested her forearms on the table. I didnt mean to pry. Or to bring that up in front of them.
I know. I thought they were out of hearing range, too.
I take it their father isnt very involved in their lives.
No, he isnt. Dan didnt want to go into all the details. When hed found out his sister was dating a married man, hed told her how disappointed hed been in her. Shed tried to explain that she hadnt known at first, that the guy had kept it from her. And that when shed told him that she was pregnant, hed finally confessed.
Dan had tried to talk her into moving back home, but shed refused. Hed never understood her need to move away from Brighton Valley in the first place, never understood her dreams.
After that, shed been pretty tight-lipped about the kids and her personal life. But hed never been one to keep quiet and had continued to let her know that he believed children should be raised in a loving, two-parent home. And that maybe they should be raised closer to family. But there was no need to go into any of that with Eva.
Their dad has never really been a part of their lives, Dan said instead.
Thats too bad. Theyre cute kids.
Its their old mans loss, I guess. Hed tried to tell himself that they were probably better off without him, which is what Jenny had insisted.
And maybe shed been right.
All Dan really knew about Daddy Warbucks was that he was some Broadway bigwig whod paid only a token amount of child support. And that Jenny hadnt wanted to make trouble for him by asking for more money. At least, thats what Catherine, her roommate, had said.
Dan opened a small bag of ketchup and squeezed a splotch onto his fries. He wasnt going to reveal more than he already had to Eva. It didnt seem fair to the twinsor to Jennys memory. Still, he would have liked to have been able to say that his sister had known better than to get involved in a situation like that, but obviously she hadnt.
I think kids ought to be raised by people who want them, he said.
So do I. And Im glad they have you.
Dan sure as hell wanted to do right by them. Hed feed them, clothe them and educate them by sending them off to college or trade school. But no one knew more than he did that kids needed love and affection, too, and he was afraid hed fall short in that department.
When did your sister die? Eva asked.
About six months ago.
And youve had the kids all that time?
No, they just moved in with me a couple of weeks ago.
If Eva wondered why that was, she didnt ask. But for the damnedest reason, Dan felt compelled to explain. After the funeral, my sisters roommate, Catherine, suggested that they stay with her. And it seemed like a good idea to me. They hardly knew me. Id only seen them oncewhen they were three. My sister came for a visit, but she didnt stay long.
Theyd argued, as they were prone to do, and shed left earlier than shed planned.
Eva remained silent, but seemed to be hanging on his words. Her eyes asked, And you agreed to leave them in New York with a stranger?
The only other option I had at the time was to take them away from their comfort zone and drag them back to Texas to live on the ranch with me, and, like I said, they didnt know me very well. He didnt mention Uncle Hank, whod finished raising Dan and his sister, Jenny, when theyd had nowhere else to go. The crotchety old cowboy meant well, but he spent the bulk of his day grumbling about his lot in life.
How are they doing? Eva asked. Was the move hard on them?
Probably. Who knows? Dan lifted his chocolate milkshake and took a sip, relishing the cold, creamy drink. Catherine recently landed her dream jobthe lead dancer in a Broadway musicaland daycare became an issue for her.
To be honest, even if he didnt feel like sharing it with Eva, when hed left the kids in New York after the funeral, hed felt a little uneasy about the whole setup. Hed wondered how Catherine would handle the childcare on her own, but shed seemed so sure of herself.
And, just as hed suspected, when the kids had become too much for her to juggle, shed contacted him and hed immediately jumped on a plane.
So now theyre living in Texas with you, Eva said, connecting the dots with the information hed given her.
Yeah. Thats about the size of it. If there was one thing to be said about Dan, it was that he tried his best to do the right thing, and that come hell or high water, he was loyal and responsible.
What did you think of New York? she asked.
It wasnt my cup of tea. He preferred wide-open spaces and rolling hills to skyscrapers.
How long were you there?
Too long. His flight had been delayed in Houston, and by the time hed arrived in New York, it had been too late to get the kids. So hed taken a cab to an over-priced hotel, where hed been too keyed up to sleep a wink. Then hed gone to Catherines apartment the next morning and picked them up. To be honest, I felt like a real fish out of water in Manhattan.
As awkward as hed felt, as afraid as he was that hed somehow mess up and do damage to their psyches and scar them for life, he hadnt been able to get them to the airport fast enough.
But once hed brought the kids back to the ranch and tried to create some kind of family, hed been more out of place than ever.
How about you? he asked.
Me? Eva reached for her milk.
Have you ever been to New York?
Ive always wanted to go. Id love to see a Broadway show. But I doubt that Ill get to travel anytime soon.
Whys that? he asked, reaching for a fry.
Because Im pregnant.
His hand froze in midreach. You gotta be kidding.
She wasnt, and he soon came to that conclusion.
Im sorry, he said, but you dont lookpregnant.
Im only about three months along.
He paused for the longest time, the French fries long forgotten. Is that why you were hanging out at the play ground, watching the kids?
In a way. Im not used to being around small children, so Im intrigued by them.
I never would have guessed that. You were so good with Kaylee. If you would have told me that you were a preschool teacher or a mother of three, I wouldnt have doubted it for a minute.
Eva couldnt help but smile. Her sole purpose for being at the park this morning was to learn how to parent and deal with two kids at one time, and here someone assumed she was a natural.
She certainly wouldnt admit otherwise. But it was nice to know that even after growing up in a dysfunctional family, she had what it took to be a loving mother and that she would have enough TLC to go around.
She lifted her apple juice and took a drink. I didnt just chance upon the park today. I went specifically because Id heard there was going to be an event sponsored by the Parents of Multiples. I was hoping to learn a few tricks in dealing with a set of twins.
He furrowed his brow, looking even more confused. You have twins at home?
Not yet.
Before he could respond, little Kaylee ran to the table. Uncle Dan, Kevin said youre going to give him a horse and teach him how to be a real live cowboy.
Dan nodded. Yep, thats what I told him.
But what about me? I want to ride a horse and be a real live cowboy.
I thought you wanted to be a princess, Dan said.
The child nibbled on her bottom lip, then looked up at him with please-dont-say-no eyes. Can I be both?
Dan chuckled. Sure. Why not?
Kaylee broke into a bright-eyed grin. And can Eva be a cowboy, too?
I doubt shed like that, Dan said.
Yes, she would. Kaylee turned to Eva, placing a small hand upon her knee. You could ride a horse and everything.
Eva hadnt meant to encourage a relationship with the girl, though she could see how Kaylee had jumped to that conclusion. Now she needed to do some serious backpedaling. Ill have to pass on becoming a cowboy, but maybe someday, after you learn how to ride, you can show me how its done.
Kaylee quickly turned to her uncle. Is it okay? Can Eva come to our house and watch me ride?
Sure, Dan said. She can even invite her husband, if she wants to.
Apparently, hed made the natural jump from pregnant to married.
It seemed important that she set the record straight, so she said, I dont have a husband.
Sorry. I just assumed He shrugged. Then bring your boyfriend.
I dont have one of those, either.
Other than a twitch at the corner of his left eye and a slight crunch of the brow, he didnt respond.
She realized that he might have concluded that shed had a one-night stand or an indiscriminate affair and, while it was none of his business, she felt compelled to explain. I had in vitro fertilization.
Her decision made perfect sense to her. She would soon have her own little family without the involvement of another parent who might not look at things the way she did. But Dans brow failed to completely relax until Kevin returned to the table.
A big grin was splashed across the boys face. See, Kaylee? I told you so. Im going to be a cowboy, just like Hank and Uncle Dan.
I get to be one, too, his twin sister countered. And Eva gets to come to the ranch and watch me ride.
Kevin turned to Eva with a whopper of a grin. Cool. Youre going to really like it at the ranch. We got horses and cows and dogs.
Mostly cows, Dan said. Its a cattle ranch. And, of course, youre welcome to come out and visit anytime.
Yeah, Kevin said. Come home with us tonight and
Whoa, there, pardner. Dans voice held a dash of humor. You cant just pick up people at the park and then ask them to come home with us.
And as much as Id like to see the ranch, Eva said, tonights not really a good time for me.
Yeah, itll be too dark. Kaylee turned to her uncle. So how about tomorrow?
Dan let out a little chuckle and turned up his hands in a whats-a-guy-to-do sort of way.
Eva thought for a moment as she felt her heartstrings being pulled by Kaylee and Kevin. She didnt have to go to work again until Monday, and she had no real plans for her day off.
She glanced at Dan and caught an intensity in his gaze that seemed to second the childs invitation.
Okay, she said, surprising herself for agreeing so quickly.
Something told her there were a hundred reasons she should steer clear of the little family, but as her heart strummed in the nicest way, shed be darned if she could wrap her mind around any of them.

Chapter Three
Bright and early Sunday morning, Eva left her two-bedroom townhouse, climbed into her silver Toyota Celica and followed the directions Dan had given her last night. Then she drove about ten miles out of town.
As she continued along the county road, passing the landmarks hed told her aboutSam Houston Elementary School, Roys Feed and Grain and the Flying K Auto Parts Storeshe realized she was getting close.
Cattle grazed in pastures along both sides of the road now, so she slowed, looking for the driveway that was marked by the big green mailbox hed told her about, a plastic replica of a John Deere tractor. When she saw it, she turned left and followed the tree-lined driveway, her vehicle kicking up dust and gravel until she reached the house and outbuildings.
She parked by the barn, next to the pickup Dan had been driving yesterday, and shut off the ignition. She hoped she hadnt made a mistake by agreeing to visit the twins and their uncle, but shed really enjoyed their time together last night, and getting to know the kids had been a special treat. Besides, spending time with them would be good practice.
Before she could open the drivers door, two cattle dogs ran up to her vehicle, barking to announce her arrival. Rather than get out immediately, she scanned the old clapboard house, noticing that the yellow walls and white trim had been freshly painted, that the shingled roof appeared to be new.
The front door swung open, and Kaylee stepped onto the porch. Shes here! As the screen slammed behind her, she tore across the porch and down the steps with Kevin just a couple of strides behind her.
The dogs seemed to realize Eva was a welcome visitor, so she climbed from the car, shut the door and greeted the children. Good morning.
You came, Kaylee said. You really came.
I said that I would. Evas gaze traveled back to the porch where Dan stood. Shed thought he was handsome yesterday, but hed somehow morphed into a real live cowboy overnight, and she couldnt help but note the change.
He had an almost heroic aura now, as if he belonged on the set of a shoot-em-up western.
Tall and lean, he hooked his thumbs in the front pockets of his worn denim jeans and moseyed toward her with a Texas swagger that made her breath catch.
Did you have any trouble finding the place? he asked.
No, your directions were easy to follow. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, wondering if she should have braided it earlier. A pulled-back style would have been more practical for a day at the ranch, but as it was shed fussed in front of the mirror long enough.
Do you want to start with a tour? he asked.
Something told her she ought to try and include the kids in the conversation, but she couldnt seem to tear her gaze away from the cowboy. That is, until the screen door squeaked, alerting her to the fact there was someone else at the ranch.
She turned to see an old man who appeared to be in his mid-seventies shuffle across the porch. He used a cane to support him, but his gait was a little unsteady. Shed assumed Dan and the kids lived here alone, although she didnt know why. They hadnt actually addressed the issue.
The old man carefully climbed down the steps. Upon his approach, Dan introduced him as Uncle Hank.
Eva works at the Brighton Valley Medical Center, Dan added. The kids and I met her at the park yesterday.
You a nurse? the old man asked.
No, Im a medical technologist.
Sounds important.
Eva smiled. She liked to think her job and her contribution to the hospital were more than important; they were critical.
Do you know Oliver Westfield? Hank asked. Hes a dermatologist at the clinic.
Weve met, Eva said. But I believe Dr. Westfield is a specialist in internal medicine, not dermatology.
What the hell difference does it make? the old man asked. Far as Im concerned, those doctors all skin ya. Then he chuckled to himself, pleased with his own humor.
Actually, Dan said, Hank likes Dr. Westfield, even if it sounds as though hes complaining.
Liking him has nothing to do with griping about the bills hes been giving me. Hank leaned against his cane. There was a time I could have given Doc Graham a couple of chickens and called it good. But now these young doctors want you to give em an arm and a leg, even when the ones you got aint all that good anymore.
Maybe you should see the princess doctor, Kaylee said. She fixed my owie and didnt make us give her anything.
So there you go, Dan said to his uncle. You need a new doctor.
Hank chuffed. I need a whole new body. This ones falling apart. He looked at Dan, challenging the man whose body was young and strong to disagree.
You heard what Dr. Westfield said, Hank. All that whooping it up when you were younger is taking its toll on you now.
I suppose thats true. Too bad I didnt listen to my Mama. She told me to quit smokin and drinkin, but I didnt listen to her. He gave Kevin a little nudge. Let that be a lesson to you, boy. Pay attention to what your elders tell you.
Dan placed a hand on his uncles frail and stooped shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. You want to take a tour of the ranch with us, Hank?
No. You go ahead. Ill have lunch ready for you when you get back. Then the old man gave a respectful nod to Eva. Nice to meet you, maam.
She smiled. Same here.
Hank turned and shuffled back to the house.
Come on, Dan said to Eva, well start by showing you the barn.
The kids ran ahead, followed by the cattle dogs, and Eva fell into step beside her host.
Hanks a good man, Dan said. Hes just a little old and crotchety. But he means well.
You dont need to explain. I have a soft spot for the elderly. In fact, Ive been volunteering my time at the Brighton Valley Senior Center.
You dont say. He sketched a gaze over her, sending her senses reeling and knocking her off balance.
She did her best to shake off the inappropriate reaction to the look he tossed her way, telling herself there hadnt been anything to it, that her admission had merely surprised him.
But she hadnt done anything special. On a whim, shed gotten involved with the center, hoping to fill and brighten the days and evenings when she wasnt working at the lab.
The game plan had worked, and as an unexpected bonus, shed acquired a better understanding of those who were lonelier than she was.
I wish I could tell you that Hank didnt always used to be cranky and ornery, but it wouldnt be true. Hes been short-tempered and snappy for as long as I can remember. But for what its worthdeep insidehes a good man. And loyal to a tee.
Buena jente, she said.
Excuse me?
Its a Spanish term for good people. You know, one of the white hats.
Then that suits Hank just fine. Youll never find a man whose word holds more truth and follow-through.
Evas steps slowed. It must be frustrating for him to not be able to do the things he once could do with ease.
Im sure youre right. Hank used to be the king of the ranch, and now he sits in a rocker and guards the front porch. And instead of riding herd or breaking horses, hes babysitting Kaylee and Kevin.
Is he good with them? she asked.
Theyre getting used to him.
What did that mean?
When they reached the barn door where Kevin and Kaylee had been waiting, Dan pulled it open and waited for them to all go inside. Then the tour began in earnest.
The twins introduced Eva to a pregnant broodmare named Sugar. Then, as Dan began to lead them back outside, Kevin said, Dont forget about Midnight. She catches all the mice and rats that like to eat the hay and grain.
Where is she? Eva asked.
Either napping or working, Dan said. Midnight is a great mouser and a real asset on the ranch.
Once outside again, Dan showed Eva a few things around the immediate yard, like the corral where he kept a couple of cutting horses. Then they piled into the pickup and drove along a dirt road, where he pointed out the creek that ran through the property.
When he showed her a small, private lake surrounded by cottonwood trees, she decided it was a beautiful stretch of land and told him so. What she didnt admit was that she was glad that shed accepted the kids invitation to visit. She couldnt remember having such an enjoyable day.
Kevin and Kaylee had both warmed up to her, and shed felt a part of something for the first time in her life.
Okay, so she was an important member of the Brighton Valley Medical Center team, but shed earned her spot by hard work and attention to detail. This was different. Shed been temporarily drawn into a family situation, and she hadnt done anything out of the ordinary to be completely accepted.
When they returned to the house, Dan parked near the barn. Eva wasnt sure how long theyd been gonean hour or so, she suspected.
Thanks for giving me a tour, she said. I had a good time, and Im glad I came. It had certainly been a lot better than hanging out at home, watching television or reading a book.
Youre welcome, Dan said, but dont take off yet. Hank probably has lunch ready for us, although I hope you like bologna sandwiches. Its his specialty.
Oh, not again, Kaylee groaned. How come he doesnt like peanut butter and jelly? Or grilled cheese?
Cause hes a cowboy, Kevin explained. And thats what real ones eat.
Then Im going to be a princess instead. At least Ill get better food.
Once inside the house, Dan led Eva to the kitchen, which was cleaner than shed expected it to be with two men and a couple of kids living here.
You sure keep things tidy, she said.
We try. But to be honest, I have a woman who comes in every two weeks to clean, and she was just here yesterday.
Can she help you with the kids?
No. Shes got an outside job. When she comes here, she looks after them. But for the most part, its just Hank and me.
Apparently the situation worked for them, but it was too bad they couldnt get a full-time nanny to come in and help more often. Hank didnt appear to be all that sweet and loving, and it seemed to her that the kids were missing a womans touch. Not that Eva was of the mindset that men werent able to nurture children. But Kevin and Kaylee had lost their mother recently, and with the way they both had seemed to draw close to her, she suspected there was some kind of maternal hole in their lives that hadnt yet been filled. And for that reason alone, her heart went out to them.
I wish there was someone we could hire to come in more often, Dan said, but Ill be darned if I know where to look. Im under the impression that a bad sitter is worse than no sitter.
Im sure youre right about that. Maybe you should advertise and request references.
He shrugged. That might work.
She was just about to tell him that she was sure it would, when an idea struck.
Shed really enjoyed her time with Dan and the kids. And last night, as well as earlier today, shed found herself wondering if her life would soon be filled with similar days, with happy chatter and heartwarming smiles.
Would you like me to help out for a while? she asked.
With daycare? His brow furrowed into a V, and she could tell hed been taken aback by the offer.
I guess thats what Im offering. I can come out to the ranch on my days off. At least until you find someone to take the job permanently.
The tension on his face eased some. I hate to put you out.
Well, itll actually give me an opportunity to polish my mothering skills. And if youd like me to, I can help you interview nannies. Ill need to hire my own daycare provider one of these days, so the research and the hiring experience will be eye-opening.
He seemed to struggle with the decision, and for a moment, she was sorry shed offered.
I hate to take advantage of your kindness, he said, but to be honest, I could use someone in my corner.
Then its a deal. She reached out her hand in a playful but businesslike fashion, but when they touched, when their hands clasped, an unexpected thrill shuddered through her, and her heart skipped a beat.
She could have pulled away, could have ended the connection, but shed never felt the like before. And for some reason, she wanted to relish the rush for as long as she could.

Eva returned to the ranch the following Saturday morning, but she didnt go empty-handed. From what shed been told, Kaylee and Kevin were tired of bologna, which she assumed meant there hadnt been much variety to their meals. So she planned to make them a nice dinner tonight.
They probably had a few staples she could use, like flour, sugar and salt, but she doubted theyd have everything she would need. So after gathering a few items she had in her fridge and cupboards, she packed a box and carried it out to her car. Next she climbed behind the wheel, backed out of her driveway and headed for the ranch.
She wasnt sure what shed do with the kids once she got there, but shed think of something. Her few, precious childhood memories were of the time she spent in her abuelitas kitchen, where they made homemade tortillas.
As she left Brighton Valley city limits, an idea came to mind. Maybe she ought to make cookies with the kids. Assuming that Dan wouldnt be prepared with vanilla or brown sugar, she stopped at a little mom-and-pop market along the way. On the back of a package of chocolate chips, she found a cookie recipe, and she was set.
It was late in the morning when she finally arrived at Dans place. One of the Queensland Heelers, although she wasnt sure which one, seemed to recognize her as a friend rather than a foe on this visit, hardly barking at all.
Hey, doggie, she said, as she got out of the car. Remember me?
It certainly seemed to.
She hadnt taken two steps when the kids rushed out of the house, greeting her with happy smiles and chatter.
About that time, Dan stepped onto the porch wearing a blue plaid shirt with the sleeves rolled up, revealing the muscular forearms of a man who worked the land. He also had on a pair of worn denim jeans and scuffed bootsnothing fancybut he was certainly a sight for sore eyes.
Ever since heading home last Sunday afternoon, shed had repeated visions of the manand she wasnt always dreaming when he came to mind. But today, in the flesh, she found him more attractive than ever.
Here, he said, closing the distance between them. Let me take your bag.
Im afraid Ive got more than just this to haul in. She clicked the remote on her key ring and popped open the trunk, which was full of groceries.
You didnt need to bring food, he said. Ive got plenty. And what we dont have, Ill buy.
I know, but I wasnt sure what you had in your pantry. And since Im determined to make dinner tonight, I wanted to make sure I had all the ingredients. I hope you like Mexican food.
He brightened like a kid whod been offered an early birthday present. I love it.
As he reached into the trunk to lift the box, she noticed the edge of a bandage on his forearm.
What happened? she asked, pointing to the gauze.
This? He glanced down at his arm, then shrugged it off. I got snagged by a nail in the barn. Its no big deal.
Are you sure? It must have been bad enough to warrant first aid.
He gave her a dont-worry-about-it grin, then lifted the box of groceries and closed her trunk.
Eva grabbed her purse from the front passenger seat of the car, pushed the lock button on the remote, then followed him to the porch, where two potted geraniums flanked the steps.
The wood slats creaked all the way to the front door, and they entered the house with the kids on their heels.
I appreciate your help, Dan said, especially today. Ive got a lot of work to do and cant spare Manuel to help me. Hes got to stick close to the barn this morning.
Yeah, Kevin said. Thats because Sugar is going to have a baby, just like Jill.
Not just like Jill, his sister corrected. Sugars baby is going to be a horse, and Jill had puppies.
Kevin nodded. Well take you to see them. Come on.
Just a minute, Eva said. I need to put away the perishable items in the fridge first.
Whats that? Kevin asked.
Before she could explain to the kids, Dan excused himself and headed through the service porch and out the back door.
Eva couldnt help but watch him go, with that long, lean cowboy swagger of his. Nor could she help missing his presence. He might think she was a pro at dealing with children, but she knew better.
Can I help you cook lunch? Kaylee asked.
Me, too? Kevin chimed in.
Back to work, she thought, tearing her gaze away from the handsome cowboy and offering the children a smile. Sure, you can help.
Kaylee pulled a chair from the table and dragged it to the counter. What are we going to do first?
Ill tell you what, Eva said. As soon as I get the beans going, we can make chocolate chip cookies for dessert. How would you like that?
Kevin let out a little whoop for joy, and Kaylee seconded his opinion with a clap of her hands.
After shed settled into the kitchen, Eva opened the pantry to see if the men did, indeed, have the staples shed needand they didnt.

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His  Hers and...Theirs? Judy Duarte
His, Hers and...Theirs?

Judy Duarte

Тип: электронная книга

Жанр: Современные любовные романы

Язык: на английском языке

Издательство: HarperCollins

Дата публикации: 16.04.2024

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О книге: Eva Galindo′s dream of being a mother was about to come true–twice over. The Brighton Valley biologist wasn′t just having a baby…she was expecting twins! Meeting single father of twins Dan Walker seemed like the sweetest twist of fate. How could she not offer to help out the gorgeous Texas rancher–by being temporary mommy to his own adorable pair?Suddenly becoming guardian of his orphaned niece and nephew was a tall order for any man. But Dan couldn′t think of a better stand-in nanny than the sloe-eyed mother-in-training. Only, now he didn′t want Eva to leave. Maybe it was time to take a chance on both their futures by combining forces and turning two into one big, loving family….

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