Her Festive Baby Bombshell

Her Festive Baby Bombshell
Jennifer Faye
Life-changing news this Christmas!Since their spontaneous and magical night together, Holly Abrams has avoided her boss CEO Finn Lockwood. Neither of these two damaged hearts were looking for a relationship – least of all with a colleague!Thrown together on a Christmas charity project aboard Finn’s luxury yacht, the tension between them skyrockets. When Holly starts to feel unwell, she puts it down to sea sickness, until the doctor confirms that Holly and Finn can expect two unplanned gifts this Christmas – Holly is pregnant with twins…!

Life-changing news this Christmas!
Since their spontaneous and magical night together, Holly Abrams has avoided her boss, CEO Finn Lockwood. Neither of these two damaged hearts was looking for a relationship—least of all with a colleague!
When they’re thrown together on a charity project aboard Finn’s luxury yacht, the tension between them skyrockets. When Holly starts to feel unwell, she puts it down to seasickness, until the doctor confirms that Holly and Finn can expect two unplanned gifts this Christmas—Holly is pregnant with twins...!
Finn couldn’t be left in the dark. He had to know what they were facing. “What’s the matter?”
The doctor smiled up at him. “Nothing at all. You’re having twins.”
Holly said it at the same time as Finn.
“Yes, see here.” The doctor showed them both babies.
It was the most amazing thing Finn had ever witnessed in his life. Twins. Who’d have thought? His vision started to blur, causing him to blink repeatedly. He was going to be a father.
He glanced down at Holly. A tear streamed down her cheek. His gut clenched. Was that a sign of joy or unhappiness? It was hard for him to tell. And then she turned and smiled at him. He released the pent-up breath in his lungs.
“Finn, are you okay?”
He glanced up, finding that he was alone with Holly. “Okay? No.”
Her lips formed an O. “Can I say or do anything?”
He shook his head. He should be the one reassuring her, letting her know this was all going to be all right, but he couldn’t lie to her. He had no idea how any of this was going to be all right. He was the last person in the world who should be a father. In fact, up until this point, he’d intended to leave all his estate to designated charities.
But now… Wow, everything had just changed.
Her Festive Baby Bombshell
Jennifer Faye

www.millsandboon.co.uk (http://www.millsandboon.co.uk)
Award-winning author JENNIFER FAYE pens fun, heartwarming romances. Jennifer has won the RT Reviewers’ Choice Best Book Award, is a Top Pick author and has been nominated for numerous awards. Now living her dream, she resides with her patient husband, one amazing daughter—the other remarkable daughter is off chasing her own dreams—and two spoiled cats. She’d love to hear from you via her website: www.jenniferfaye.com (http://www.jenniferfaye.com).
For Nancy F.
To a wonderful that lady I’m honored to know.
Thanks so much for the encouragement.
Cover (#u7d2e0151-8094-5ecc-8555-c7fa0ef5654c)
Back Cover Text (#u1a6cc0cc-7a5c-58eb-ac40-e9e764b3dfb1)
Introduction (#uc3c0f8b3-c79c-5856-8445-b6e65a8edb29)
Title Page (#u5b43250e-9332-59cd-b231-c0f832e7e320)
About the Author (#u5bfa6207-bd0a-5ef1-a8eb-59b9c1ce5110)
Dedication (#ub6c58dac-e9ce-51e3-a0b6-9e0da9f7de6a)
PROLOGUE (#ubc37014c-6509-5c14-a6d7-5091e3e9930d)
CHAPTER ONE (#u0ac753df-80f9-5832-8017-99e53db3dcd7)
CHAPTER TWO (#u36de61fa-9aea-5047-ae5d-b4c7b59551f0)
CHAPTER THREE (#u2504735e-fd1f-505e-ac0a-443224409078)
CHAPTER FOUR (#u33ba0940-f338-5f3a-8d71-43225541ed6c)
CHAPTER FIVE (#ub1e875f1-71c6-56bc-84d7-16bc68ec53db)
CHAPTER SIX (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER SEVEN (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER EIGHT (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER NINE (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER TEN (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER ELEVEN (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER TWELVE (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER THIRTEEN (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER FOURTEEN (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER FIFTEEN (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER SIXTEEN (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER SEVENTEEN (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER EIGHTEEN (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER NINETEEN (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER TWENTY (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE (#litres_trial_promo)
EPILOGUE (#litres_trial_promo)
Extract (#litres_trial_promo)
Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)
PROLOGUE (#ulink_7b657bd5-d9c7-54df-a41f-6fbcd8823bb0)
Lockwood International Offices,
New York City
“WHAT ARE YOU doing here?” a rich, deep voice called out from the shadows of the executive suite.
Holly Abrams froze. The breath caught in her throat. The pounding of her heart echoed in her ears. She searched the darkness for the mysterious man.
And then he stepped into the light. She immediately recognized him. It was the CEO of Lockwood International, Finn Lockwood. The air whooshed from her lungs.
This wasn’t the first time their paths had crossed, but they weren’t by any stretch of the imagination what you would consider friends. And he didn’t sound the least bit happy to see her, but then again, why should he?
When her gaze met his, her palms grew damp. “Hi.” Why did her voice have to be so soft—so seductive? She swallowed hard.
“Isn’t it a bit late for you to be working?”
Overtime was nothing new to Holly. After a failed engagement, she’d sworn off men and instead focused all of her energy on her career. When she was working, she felt confident and driven.
“I...uh, have these papers for you.” She held out the large manila envelope to him. “I was told you wanted this contract right away.” When he went to retrieve the envelope, their fingers brushed. A jolt of awareness arched between them. The sensation zinged up her arm and settled in her chest.
“Thank you.” As the seconds ticked by, he asked, “Is there something else you need?”
Need? Her gaze dipped to his lips—his very kissable lips. She remembered their last meeting in the elevator. They’d been alone when she’d dropped a slip of paper. They’d simultaneously bent over to retrieve it, bringing their faces so close. When they’d straightened, he’d stared at her as though seeing her as a woman instead of as a paralegal in Lockwood’s legal department. She knew when a man was interested in her, but when the elevator dinged and the doors slid open, the moment had passed. It had left her wondering if it’d been a product of wishful thinking on her part.
And now, before she made a further fool of herself, she needed to make a speedy exit. “I’ll just let you deal with that.” She turned to retrace her footsteps back to the elevator when she remembered her manners. She glanced over her shoulder. “Good night.”
With her back to him, she inwardly groaned. Her gaze moved to the elevator at the end of the hallway. Her escape was so close and yet so far away. Suppressing a resigned sigh, she turned.
“Come with me.” Without waiting for her response, he strode into his office.
What in the world did he want with her? Her black peep-toe platform pumps echoed as she crossed the marble floor. She couldn’t tell which was louder, the click-click of her heels or the thump-thump of her heart. Most people didn’t make her nervous, but Mr. Lockwood was the exception.
When Holly entered the spacious office, she had to admit she was awed. While he read over the document, she took in her surroundings. Behind Mr. Lockwood’s desk stood a wall of windows. Being so high up, it provided the most amazing view of Manhattan. She longed to rush over and stare out at the bustling city, but she didn’t dare.
The sound of a desk drawer opening distracted her. Mr. Lockwood appeared to be searching for something. While he was preoccupied, she continued her visual tour of his office. It reminded her of a museum with its impressive sculptures as well as a baseball collection ensconced in glass cases. But the bookcases spanning an entire wall were what drew her in.
She struggled not to gape at the large collection of books. He liked to read. They had that in common. She wanted to slip across the room and examine the titles, but when she glanced over at Mr. Lockwood, he pointed to one of the two chairs in front of his desk. Without a word, she complied.
“What do you think of the office?”
“It’s very nice.” She indicated the floor-to-ceiling bookcases. “Have you read them all?”
“I have. And what about you? Do you like to read?”
“Oh, yes.” She laced her fingers together to keep from fidgeting with the hem of her skirt. “I read every chance I get.”
“Is that why you’re not downstairs at the company’s fiftieth anniversary celebration? Would you prefer to be at home reading?”
Was this some sort of test? She hesitated. Was there a right and a wrong answer? Her clasped hands tightened as his gaze probed her. Could he tell how nervous his presence made her?
“I missed the party because I needed to finish the contract.” She indicated the document on his desk. “I was just going to leave it for you before I headed home.” She wasn’t the only one not attending the party. What was his excuse for skipping his own celebration? “I figured you’d be at the party.”
“I already made a brief appearance. No one will let their guard down around the boss so I made a quick exit, letting everyone get back to having a good time.”
She could totally understand people being nervous around him. He was an intense man, who insisted on only the best from his employees. “That can’t be much fun for you.”
He shrugged. “I’m fine with it.”
She looked at him in a new light, realizing for the first time that the privilege of working up here in this ivory tower was also a sentence of isolation. “It doesn’t seem right that you’re working instead of celebrating your family’s accomplishments.”
He shook his head. “This is the way it must be.”
Well, now, that was an odd comment. It was on the tip of her tongue to question him about it, but she thought better of it. She had a feeling his pleasantness had its limitations.
Quietness settled over the room as Mr. Lockwood scanned the twenty-one-page document. Holly struggled to sit still—waiting and wondering why he wanted her to remain there. Her index finger repeatedly smoothed over the chipped nail polish on her thumb.
There was something about this man that turned her into a mass of jittery nerves. But what? It wasn’t his billions or his power. It was something more intrinsic, but she couldn’t quite put her finger on it.
“This exhibit isn’t right.” He gestured to a page in the contract. “Do you have your source material?”
“Not on me. But I double-checked everything.” In actuality, she’d quadruple-checked the figures, but she didn’t want to sound like she’d been trying too hard to impress him.
His brows drew together into a formidable line. “You had to have made a mistake. This doesn’t make sense.”
“Prove it.” The words slipped past her lips before she could stop them.
Mr. Lockwood’s eyes widened as though unaccustomed to being challenged. She continued to hold his gaze. She wasn’t going to back down—not when the one thing she greatly valued was in question—her reputation.
“These exhibits are skewed. I’m positive of it.” His eyes darkened. “I’ll log in to the system and then you can show me where you pulled your numbers.”
For the next hour they worked side by side, going over the figures in the exhibits. In the end the contract was wrong, but to Holly’s relief, it hadn’t been her fault. The numbers on one of the source files had been transposed. After printing a revised copy, Finn signed it. Holly used his personal assistant’s scanner to email the contract to the designated party.
“Thanks for the assistance.” Finn slipped the hard copy back into the envelope. “Sorry to take up so much of your evening and for causing you to miss dinner.” He glanced at his Rolex. “We’ll have to remedy that.”
“That’s okay. It’s not a big deal.”
“I insist on dinner.” He stood and then moved around the desk. “You did me a big favor tonight by helping with the contract.” His gaze dipped to her lips before quickly returning to her face. The corners of his mouth lifted into a sexy smile. “And I’d like to show you how thankful I am for the help with meeting that deadline.”
Oh, he definitely had more than dinner on his mind. The thought sent a new wave of nervous tremors through her stomach. She glanced away. Her initial inclination was to turn him down. Her experience with men was less than impressive. But did that mean she had to live in solitude?
What was wrong with a little company? A little laughter and perhaps flirting? And maybe a little more. Her gaze met his once more. It’d all be fine as long as neither of them had any expectations. After all, it wasn’t like it would ever happen again.
“Dinner sounds good.”
“Great.” He made a brief phone call and then turned to her. “It’s all arranged. I’ll just drop this envelope on Clara’s desk and then we’ll be off.”
A little voice inside Holly said to be cautious. Finn Lockwood wasn’t just any man and she knew nothing of his world. But another part of her was drawn to him like a moth to a flame—and boy, was he hot.
The sizzling tension smoldered between them as they quietly rode down in the elevator. When they stepped into the parking garage beneath the building there was a sleek black town car waiting for them. A driver immediately alighted and opened the door for them.
Holly climbed in first, followed by Finn. When he joined her, his muscular leg brushed against hers. Her stomach shivered with excitement. When their hands came to rest side by side on the leather seat, neither pulled away. It felt as though the interior of the car was statically charged. Every nerve ending tingled with anticipation.
As the car eased into the Friday evening traffic, she glanced over at Finn. She was surprised to find him staring back at her. Her heart thump-thumped, loud and fast.
“Where to, sir?” the driver asked.
“The penthouse.” Finn’s darkened gaze returned to Holly. “I thought we would dine in. Unless, of course, you have something else in mind.”
She had something on her mind, but it wasn’t food. Perhaps she had been spending too much time working these days because there had to be a reasonable explanation for her lack of common sense. Because all she could think about was how much she longed to press her lips to his.
CHAPTER ONE (#ulink_bd91a990-53be-56b8-93da-8955802b2a14)
Seven weeks later...
Finn Lockwood didn’t care if the saying was cliché. It was how he felt. Even though this was the first week after Thanksgiving, the holiday festivities were in full swing. He wanted no part of having a holly jolly Christmas. Even though he’d turned off the speakers in his office, the music still crept down the hallway, taunting him with its joyous melody.
He did his utmost to block out the mocking words. Instead, he focused on the stack of papers awaiting his signature. He was so close to being out of here—out of the office—out of New York City.
“I just love this.” His longtime assistant, Clara, strode into his office with a hefty stack of papers.
“Love what? The endless phone calls and this mess of paperwork?”
“Um, no.” Color filled her cheeks as she placed the papers on his desk. “I meant this song, ‘Home for the Holidays.’ It puts me in a warm fuzzy mood.”
His pen hovered over the document as he paused to listen. The sentimental words about home and family stabbed at his scarred heart. “To each his own.”
She swept her dark bobbed hair behind her ear. “Although it never feels like the holiday season until that first snowflake falls. Don’t you think so?”
He frowned at her. “How long have you known me?”
“Almost eight years.”
“And by now I’d have thought you’d realize I don’t do holidays.”
“I...I just keep hoping—”
“Don’t. It’s not going to happen.” An awkward silence ensued as he glanced over a disbursement and then signed it.
“Oh. I almost forgot. These came for you.” She handed over two tickets for the Mistletoe Ball.
He accepted the tickets. Without bothering to look at them, he slipped them in a side desk drawer with other tickets from years gone by. When he glanced back at his assistant, unspoken questions reflected in her eyes. “What?”
Clara hesitated, fidgeting with the pen in her hand. “Why do you order tickets every year but then never use them?”
“Don’t you think it’s a worthy cause?” When Clara nodded, he continued. “I want to do my part.” His voice grew husky with emotion. “If everyone does their part, maybe they’ll find a cure for leukemia. The damn disease steals lives far too soon.” His hand tightened around the pen. “It leaves nothing but devastation in its wake.”
Clara’s eyes widened. “I...I agree. I, um, just can’t afford the tickets.”
Finn realized he’d said too much. No one knew he was the sole sponsor of the ball and that was the way he intended for it to remain. But he just couldn’t attend—couldn’t face the guilt. If it wasn’t for him and his actions, his mother and father would still be alive. They’d be attending the ball each year just like they’d always done in years past.
Finn pulled open the desk drawer and removed the tickets. “Here. Take them. It’d be better if they were used rather than sitting around gathering dust.”
Her gaze moved from the tickets to him. “But I couldn’t. You should give them to someone else.”
When she rattled off the names of people who headed up his various divisions and departments, he said, “I want you to have them.”
“Thank you.” She accepted the tickets with a hesitant smile.
“Now back to business. I hope this is the last of what I need to sign because we have a trip to prepare for.”
“A trip? When?”
“Tomorrow morning.” This wasn’t the first time he’d sprung a spur-of-the-moment trip on her. “And I’ll need you there—”
“But...” Clara worried her bottom lip.
“But what? Surely you can reschedule anything on my calendar for some time after the first of the year.”
“It’s not that.”
Color stained her cheeks as she glanced down at the tickets. She remained quiet, which was so unlike her. Something was definitely amiss and he didn’t like it, not one little bit. They were set to leave in the morning for his private island in the Caribbean for a secret business meeting. When it concluded, Clara would return to New York while he remained in the sun and sand until after the New Year—when life returned to normal and people were no longer gushing with the holiday spirit.
Clara’s continued silence worried him. He leaned back in his chair, taking in the worry lines bracketing her eyes. “What’s the problem?”
“I got engaged last night.” She held up her hand. A sparkly diamond now resided on her ring finger.
“Thank you.”
“I’m sure you’ll have lots of planning to do after our trip—”
“Well, um...that’s the thing.” Her gaze dipped again. “We’re eloping this weekend.”
“What?” She couldn’t be serious. He had everything worked out. His business associates were meeting them on his private island in two days. “You can’t back out on me now.”
“I’m really sorry. But Steve, my fiancé, he, um...surprised me with tickets to fly to Vegas.”
Finn resisted rolling his eyes. Could things get any worse? His plans had already hit a major snag, prompting this emergency meeting, and now his trusted employee was running off to Vegas to get hitched by some Elvis impersonator. This is just great!
“You can’t bail on me.” He raked his fingers through his hair. “I need your assistance for this meeting. It’s important.”
“Oh. Um...” She wrung her hands together.
He caught the shimmer of unshed tears in Clara’s eyes. This was not good—not good at all. He was so used to having Clara at his beck and call that he hadn’t anticipated this scenario. He hated being put in this position—choosing between his work and his associate’s happiness. There had to be a compromise.
After a bit of thought, he conceded. “If you can find a suitable replacement, you can have the time off. But it’ll have to be done pronto. My meeting can’t be delayed.”
Clara’s eyes widened. “I’ll get right on it. I’ll have someone by this afternoon.”
She turned and rushed out the door, leaving him alone to scowl about his plans being upended. Normally he’d have insisted on being involved in the selection of a temporary PA, but these weren’t normal circumstances. His private jet was already being fueled up for tomorrow’s flight.
He tapped his pen repeatedly on the desk. Why did Clara have to pick now to elope? Not that he wasn’t happy for her. He was. He just wasn’t happy about the surprise. Okay, so he didn’t like surprises and certainly not when they caused his plans to go awry.
Just like his evening with Holly. Talk about everything going sideways—in a mind-blowing way. It’d been weeks since they’d been together and he still couldn’t get her out of his system. Though they’d agreed there would be no repeat of the amazing evening, he regretted letting her go more than he thought possible.
* * *
What had she been thinking?
Holly Abrams stood alone in the elevator at Lockwood International. She pressed the button for the top floor—Finn’s floor. The last time she’d visited the executive suite things had spiraled totally out of control. One moment they were talking work and the next she’d been in Finn’s luxury penthouse. The memory made her stomach dip.
There’d been candles, delicious food, sparkling wine and honeyed compliments. It’d been quite a heady combination. And when at last he’d pressed his lips to hers, she’d have sworn she’d fallen head over heels in love with him. It was though this thing had been building between them since they first met. Love at first sight?
She didn’t believe in it. This thing, it had to be infatuation—a great big case of it. And even though they’d mutually agreed to go their separate ways, her oasis at the office had turned stressful with reminders of Finn at every turn.
The elevator dinged and the door slid open. She stepped out. Taking a deep, steadying breath, she started down the hallway toward Clara’s desk—toward Finn’s office. However, Clara wasn’t at her desk. Holly’s gaze moved to Finn’s closed door. She had a moment of déjà vu and her heart raced.
The door swung open. Who was it? Finn?
And then Clara stepped into the hallway. Holly sighed. She dismissed the disappointment that assailed her as Clara headed toward her.
The young woman’s eyes reflected an inner turmoil. “There you are. Thank goodness you came.”
“What’s the matter?”
“Whoa. It can’t be that bad.”
“You’re right.” The frown on Clara’s face said otherwise. “I...I need to ask you for a huge favor. And I’ll totally understand if you can’t do it. I just don’t know anyone else who can help. And this just has to work out—”
“Slow down. Tell me what it is.” Holly thought of Clara as a friend ever since they met on the charity committee. The woman was always generous in word and deed.
“My boyfriend proposed last night.” A smile lifted her lips as she held up her left hand.
“Wow! Congratulations! I’m so happy for you.” She gave Clara a brief hug.
Clara pulled back. “Thank you. It really was a surprise. We’ve been together for over five years now. I’d pretty much given up on him ever proposing. Anyway the plan is we catch a plane tomorrow and elope in Vegas followed by a honeymoon in Napa Valley. I can’t postpone it. I don’t want him changing his mind.”
“Don’t worry. Everything will work out.” She was happy that Clara was finally getting her happily-ever-after. Holly didn’t see such a rosy future for herself, but it didn’t mean she didn’t believe it could happen for others. “What can I do to help?”
“I know this is a lot to ask, but I need you to fill in for me while I’m off on my honeymoon.”
“What?” Clara wanted her to be Finn’s assistant? No. Impossible. Finn would never agree. She must have misunderstood. “You want me to be Mr. Lockwood’s assistant?”
Clara nodded. “It won’t be for long.”
Her friend had absolutely no idea what she was asking of her. None whatsoever. She’d given Finn her word that she’d stay clear of him just as he’d agreed to do the same for her.
Now it appeared she had to make a very difficult choice—keep her word to Finn or keep her friendship with Clara. Holly’s stomach plummeted into her Louis Vuittons. She desperately wanted to do both.
But that wasn’t possible.
CHAPTER TWO (#ulink_6a34f9d7-e06b-5e8d-b8e1-ca1d28c31433)
THERE HAD TO be a way out.
But how? Holly couldn’t bear to hurt Clara’s feelings. But Holly acting as Finn’s assistant for even the briefest time would be at the very least awkward. It’d raise too many memories—memories best left alone.
How did she explain that this arrangement would never work? No one knew about that special evening she’d spent with Finn. And it had to remain that way.
Holly smoothed a nonexistent wrinkle from her skirt. “I can’t just move up here. What about my work in the legal department?”
Clara sent her a pleading look with her eyes. “If that’s all you’re worried about, I worked it out with your boss. You are temporarily transferred here. But don’t worry. Working for Mr. Lockwood comes with benefits.”
She’d already sampled Mr. Lockwood’s benefits and they were unforgettable, but she was certain that was not what Clara meant. “Did you talk this over with F...ah, Mr. Lockwood?”
Clara’s eyes momentarily widened at Holly’s slip of the tongue. “I did and he’s on board.”
He was? Really? She was running out of excuses about why this wouldn’t work. But maybe this was the break she was looking for. If Finn was open to taking her on as his assistant, would it be such a stretch to think he’d consider giving her a personal referral?
It was time she left Lockwood International. And like a sign, there was an opening at another Fortune 500 company for an assistant to the lead counsel. She’d heard about the position through a friend of a friend. But the attorney was older and wanted someone closer to his age with top qualifications.
The cards were stacked against Holly as she was in her twenties and her experience was so-so, depending on what the position required. But it would be a big boost for her and it would make it possible for her mother to make her time off permanent.
Holly had come up with one thing that just might make gaining the new position a real possibility, a letter of recommendation from Finn—a well-respected businessman. Although she hadn’t quite figured out how to approach him. But then again, it appeared he’d taken that problem out of her hands.
After all, she’d only have to be his PA for one week and then he’d be on his annual holiday. She’d have the office to herself. In the meantime, it wasn’t like they were going to be working in the same office. He’d be down the hall behind a closed door and she’d be out here. If he could make it work, then so could she.
“I’ll do it.”
Clara’s face lit up like a Christmas tree. “I was hoping you’d say that. I can spend the rest of today going over current projects with you, but first let’s go get you introduced to Mr. Lockwood.”
On wooden legs, Holly followed Clara down the hallway. Her morning coffee sloshed in her stomach, making her nauseated. Keep it together. Just act professional.
Clara knocked on the door and then entered. Holly followed her inside. Her heart picked up its pace as her gaze eagerly sought him out. His hair appeared freshly trimmed. And the blue button-up accentuated his broad, muscular shoulders. Holly swallowed hard.
He glanced up from his computer monitor. Was that surprise reflected in his blue-gray eyes? It couldn’t be. He’d approved this scenario. In a blink, the look was gone.
“Mr. Lockwood, I’d like to introduce Holly Abrams.” Clara’s voice drew Holly from her thoughts. “She’s from the legal department.”
“We’ve met.” His gaze moved between the two women. “The question is what’s she doing in my office?”
Clara sent him a nervous smile. “She’s agreed to step up and fill in for me while I’m away on my honeymoon. Her boss in legal gave nothing but rave reviews about her.”
“I see.” Finn’s gaze moved to Holly.
What was she missing here? Hadn’t Clara said Finn had approved of this temporary assignment? She forced a smile to her lips as his intense gaze held her captive. Her heart continued to race and her palms grew damp. She should say something, but the jumbled words in her mind refused to form a cohesive sentence.
Clara spoke, breaking the mounting silence. “She’ll do a really good job for you.”
“I don’t know about this.” Finn leaned back in the black leather chair. “Why don’t you give us a moment to talk?” Clara made a discreet exit. It wasn’t until the door snicked shut that Finn spoke again with a serious, no-nonsense tone. “Okay, we’re alone now. Please explain to me what happened to our agreement to keep clear of each other.”
“Clara said that she okayed this with you. I figured if you were big enough to deal with this awkward situation for Clara’s sake then so was I. After all, Clara would do most anything for anyone. And it is her wedding—”
“Enough. I get the point. But this—” he gestured back and forth between them “—it won’t work.”
“That’s fine with me. Do you have someone else who can fill in?”
Finn cleared his throat. “No, I don’t.”
Holly clasped her hands together to keep from fidgeting and straightened her shoulders. “I know that we’ve never worked together, but I think I can do the job.”
Finn leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms. “Tell me why I should give you a chance.”
Holly swallowed hard, not expecting to have to interview for the position, but when she recalled the desperation in her friend’s voice, she knew she couldn’t let Clara down. “I’m a hard worker. I’m the first through the door in the morning and I’m the last out in the evening.”
“Are you sure that’s a good thing? Perhaps you just don’t get your work done in a timely manner.”
Her gaze narrowed. Why exactly was he giving her such a hard time? A smart retort teetered on the tip of her tongue, but she choked it back, refusing to let him provoke her. “No. I like to be punctual. I like to have the coffee brewing and a chance to take off my coat before the phone starts ringing. And I don’t rush out the door at the end of the day simply because I can’t. I usually have a task or two dropped on my desk by my boss as he’s leaving.”
Finn nodded as though her answer pleased him. “And you think you’re up to the challenges of being my PA?”
“I do.”
“You do realize that what happened between us is in the past. It will have no bearing on our working relationship.”
“I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“Does that mean I have the position?” The breath caught in her throat as she waited for his answer.
Seconds ticked by and still he said nothing. What in the world? She thought of all the things she could say to him to sell herself, but she didn’t want to look desperate because she wasn’t. Oh, maybe she was just a bit. She had a plan and he played a pivotal role.
“Okay. You’ve convinced me. We’ll do this.”
The breath rushed from Holly’s straining lungs. “Thank you. I’ll go catch up on everything I need to know from Clara.”
“Holly, remember this is strictly work.”
Like she could or would forget. “I understand, Mr. Lockwood.”
He frowned. “I don’t think we have to be that formal. Finn will do.”
“Yes, sir...erm... Finn.”
This was it, she was in. She should be inwardly cheering or smiling or something. And yet she stood there transfixed by the man who danced through her dreams each night and left her longing for a glance of him each day. The truth was that she didn’t know how to react. It was one of those good news–bad news scenarios.
The best thing she could do was leave. The sooner, the better. She turned for the door.
“Holly, there’s one more thing.” He waited until she turned around before continuing. “Make sure you aren’t late tomorrow morning. Takeoff is at six a.m. sharp.”
Finn’s brows scrunched together. “Clara didn’t tell you?”
“Tell me what?”
“We’re leaving first thing in the morning for the Caribbean. I have an extremely important meeting there.”
This was not what she’d been expecting at all. How was she supposed to fly to a sunny destination spot with the sexiest guy alive—a man who could heat her blood with just a look? She inwardly groaned. She was in so much trouble here.
Not only was she nervous about being around him—about remembering their first night together in vivid detail—but she was also a nervous flier, as in white-knuckling it through turbulence. Exactly how long was a flight from New York City to the Caribbean?
No matter what, she wasn’t about to back out of this arrangement. There was too much riding on it—too many people counting on her. Her mother’s pale face flashed in her mind. After her mother’s recent stroke, the doctor had warned that with her other medical conditions, if she didn’t slow down, her health would be put at greater risk. Holly needed to do whatever she could to further her career in order to support her and her mother.
“Holly? Will that be a problem?”
His voice drew her from her frantic thoughts. “I didn’t know. Where will we be staying?”
“On my private island.”
Oh, boy! One private island. One sexy guy. And a whole lot of chemistry. What could possibly go wrong with this scenario?
CHAPTER THREE (#ulink_25080483-9e73-52cc-83f2-673e80f91b6b)
TWENTY-TWO MINUTES LATE, Holly rushed through the airport early the next morning. Her suitcase clunk-clunked as it rolled over the tiled floor.
She hadn’t meant to stay up late the night before, talking on the phone, but it’d been a long time since she’d heard her mother so exuberant. Apparently the Sunshine State agreed with her, especially the strolls along the beach while Holly’s aunt was off at her waitressing job.
When her mother mentioned returning to New York, Holly readily assured her there was no rush. At the same time, she’d made a mental note to send her aunt some more money to cover her mother’s living expenses. Holly proceeded to fill her mother in on the business trip, citing her absence as another reason for her mother to remain in Florida. Her mother actually sounded relieved, confirming Holly’s belief that she needed to do everything to ensure her mother didn’t have to worry about money. And that hinged on impressing Finn.
But this morning, if anything could have gone wrong, it had. As late as she was, Finn would think she was incompetent or worse that she’d changed her mind and backed out without a word. And because she’d been so rattled yesterday, she’d forgotten to get his cell number.
When she finally reached the prearranged meeting spot, Finn stood there, frowning. She was breathless and feeling totally out of sorts.
His piercing gaze met hers. “I didn’t think you were going to show up.”
She attempted to catch her breath. “There was an accident.”
Immediately his anger morphed into concern. “Are you okay?”
“It wasn’t me. It was the vehicle two cars up from my cab.” In that moment the horrific events played in her mind. “One second we’re moving along the highway and the next a little sports car attempts to cut off a souped-up pickup truck with large knobby tires. The car swerved wildly across the lanes as tires screeched and the driver tried to regain control, but the car lifted and flipped a couple of times.” Tears welled up in her eyes. “I never witnessed something so horrific. I...I don’t think the driver made it.”
Finn reached out to her and pulled her close. Her cheek rested against his shoulder. “Thank God you’re safe.”
Her emotions bubbled to the surface. The worry. The fear. The shock. She wasn’t sure how much time had passed as Finn continued to hold her. Horrific scenes of the accident played in her mind, one after the other. She knew she shouldn’t seek comfort in his arms. Although it was innocent enough, it wasn’t part of their agreement. And yet, she didn’t move.
It was only when she started to gather herself that she noticed the spicy scent of his cologne. It would be so easy to forget about their agreement and turn in his arms, claiming his very kissable lips. Every cell in her body longed to do just that. Just once more.
But she couldn’t. Once would not be enough. Frustration balled up inside her. Besides, he was just being nice—a gentleman. She refused to throw herself at him and ruin everything. After all, she was out to prove to him that she was an invaluable asset in the office.
With great regret, she extricated herself from his arms, already missing the warmth of his touch. “I must be such a mess.” She swiped her hands over her cheeks. “Sorry about that. I...I’m usually—”
“No apologies necessary.” He waved away her words. “I’m just relieved you’re safe.”
The sincerity in his words had her glancing up at him. In that moment he’d reverted back to Finn Lockwood, the friendly man who’d taken her to his penthouse to thank her for her help with the contract. The man who’d spent the evening wining and dining her with some pasta he’d whipped up himself. The same man who’d entertained her with tales of hilarious fiascos at the office. The man who’d swept her off her feet.
“What are you thinking?”
His voice drew her from her thoughts. Not about to tell him the truth, she said, “That we should get moving. I’ve already put you behind schedule.”
“You’re right.” He gestured for her to walk ahead of him.
Her insides shivered with nervous tension. She couldn’t tell if it was from being held in Finn’s arms or the thought of soaring through the air in his jet. Maybe she should mention her fear of flying to Finn. Then again, they’d already shared more than enough for now. She would just lose herself in her work. If all went well, he’d never even know of her phobia of heights.
* * *
What had he been thinking?
Finn sat across the aisle from Holly on his private jet. They were in midflight and Holly had been surprisingly quiet. It suited him just fine. He was preparing for his upcoming meeting, or he had been until thoughts of Holly infiltrated his mind. Truth be told, he hadn’t been able to let go of the memories of their night together. She was amazing and so easy to be with. Most people wouldn’t find that to be a problem, but he did.
He refused to let someone get close to him—he would do nothing but lead them to unhappiness. Because that was what happened to the people he cared about—he let them down. And Holly was too nice to get caught up with the likes of him.
The onboard phone buzzed. Finn took the call from the pilot. After a brief conversation, he turned to Holly, who had her window shade drawn. He presumed it was to cut down on the glare on her digital tablet. He, on the other hand, enjoyed being able to look out at the world around them. However, the overcast day hampered much of his view. “That was the captain. He said we should buckle our seat belts as we’re about to hit some rough weather.”
Without argument or for that matter a word, Holly did as he asked. She then returned her attention to the tablet as though she hadn’t heard him. What in the world had her so absorbed?
He gave a shake of his head and turned back to his laptop. He’d been working on an agenda for his upcoming meeting, but he’d totally lost track of his line of thought. He started reading the last couple of bullet points when his attention meandered back to Holly.
Giving up on his attempt to work, Finn closed his laptop. He glanced over at her, which was a mistake. He was immediately drawn in by her natural beauty. He loved that she didn’t wear heavy makeup, only a little bit to accent her own unique qualities.
There was just something so different about Holly, but he couldn’t quite put his finger on exactly what made her so much more appealing than the other women who had passed through his life. Maybe it was that she was content with her life—not looking to him for a leg up in her career. Or maybe it was that she treated him like everybody else instead of trying to cater to him. Whatever it was, he was intrigued by her.
Realizing he was staring, he cleared his throat. “What are you reading?”
She glanced up as though completely lost in thought. “What did you say?”
He smiled, liking the sheepish look on her face and the touch of pink in her cheeks. “I was wondering what had you so deep in thought.”
She glanced down at her tablet and then back at him. “Um, nothing.”
“Must be something to have you so preoccupied.”
“Just some work.”
“Work? I don’t recall giving you anything to do on the way to the island.”
She worried her bottom lip. “I was doing a little research.”
“Do tell. I’m thoroughly intrigued.”
She set aside her tablet. “I downloaded some background on the businessmen that you’ll be meeting with.”
“Really? I thought you’d prefer to read a book.”
“I like to be prepared. Clara gave me their names. I hope you don’t mind.”
“What else did she tell you about the meeting?”
“Nothing except that it is extremely important and top secret.”
He smiled, liking that Clara had emphasized discretion. Of course, Holly would learn all about his plans soon enough. “Let me know if you uncover anything noteworthy.”
“I will.” She once more picked up her tablet.
Why was she working so hard on this? Surely she wasn’t this thorough normally. There had to be something driving her. Was she afraid of disappointing him?
Or more likely, she was doing whatever she could to ignore him.
Just then the plane started to vibrate. Finn glanced over at Holly and noticed that she had the armrests in a death grip. “Don’t worry. It’s just some turbulence.”
She looked at him, her eyes as big as saucers. “Maybe we should land until it passes over.”
“You don’t fly much, do you?”
She shook her head. “Never had much reason. Anyplace I’ve ever wanted to go I can get to by train or car.”
“Well, relax. Turbulence is common. It’s nothing to worry about.”
“Easy for you to say,” she said in a huff.
He suppressed a chuckle. She did have spirit. Maybe that was what he liked so much about her. Otherwise, why would he have agreed to this completely unorthodox arrangement?
Perhaps if he could get her talking, she’d temporarily forget about the turbulence. “Where are these places you visit by car or train?”
She glanced at him with an Are you serious? look. He continued staring at her, prompting her to talk.
“I...I don’t go away often.”
“But when you do travel, where do you go?”
“The ocean.”
It wasn’t much, but it was a start. “Which beach is your favorite?”
“Ocean City and...” The plane shook again. Her fingers tightened on the armrests. Her knuckles were white.
“I must admit I’ve never been to Ocean City. Is there much to do there?” When she didn’t respond, he said, “Holly?”
“Um, yes. Ah, there’s plenty to do along the boardwalk. But I like to take a book and sit on the beach.”
“What do you read?”
“Mysteries. Some thrillers.”
He continued talking books and authors with her. He found that she was truly passionate about books. As she talked about a series of suspense novels she was in the process of reading, his attention was drawn to her lips—her tempting lips. It’d be so easy to forget the reason for this trip and the fact she was helping him out.
What would she say if he were to take her in his arms and press his lips to hers?
His phone buzzed again. After a brief conversation with the pilot, he turned to Holly. “The pilot believes we’re past the bad weather. You can relax. It should be smooth flying from here on out.”
The tension visibly drained from her as her shoulders relaxed and her hands released the armrests. “That’s good news. I guess I’m not a very good flyer.”
“Oh, trust me, you’re doing fine. I’ve experienced worse. Much worse.” He inwardly shuddered, recalling a couple of experiences while flying commercial airlines.
His attention returned to his laptop. He was surprised the break had him feeling refreshed. His fingers flew over the keyboard. Some time had passed when he grew thirsty.
He got up from his seat. “Can I get you something to drink?”
“That sounds good. But I can get it.”
She stood up and followed him to the front of the plane where there was a small kitchenette. “I’m surprised you don’t have any staff on board.”
“Staff? For just me?” He shook his head. “I don’t need anyone standing around, waiting for something to do. Besides, I appreciate the time alone.”
“Sorry. I didn’t mean that the way it sounded. I’m happy having you along.”
“You are?” Her eyes widened. And was that a smile playing at the corners of her lips?
“I am. You’re doing me a big favor. This meeting can’t be rescheduled. It’s time sensitive. And I didn’t want to ruin Clara’s wedding.”
“Seems it all worked out.”
He arched a brow. “Did it? Are you really okay with being here?”
The plane violently shuddered. Then the plane dipped. A gasp tore from Holly’s lips. Her body swayed forward. He sprang into action, catching her.
“It’ll be okay.”
The fear in her eyes said she didn’t believe him.
As the pilot guided the plane through a particularly rough patch of airspace, Finn held on to Holly, who in turn held on to him. This was the exact thing he’d told himself that wouldn’t occur on this trip, but fate seemed to have other plans.
He looked down at her as she lifted her chin. Their gazes met and held. Even when the plane leveled out, he continued to hold her. The emotions reflected in her eyes were intense. Or was he reading what he wanted to see in them?
He did know one thing—having her this close was doing all sorts of crazy things to his body. He caught a whiff of her soft floral scent and inhaled deeper. The pleasing scent swept him back to that not-so-long-ago night. Maybe playing it safe was overrated.
The plane started to vibrate again. Her wide-eyed gaze reflected fear. He knew how to distract her. His head dipped. His lips swooped in, claiming hers. She didn’t move at first as though surprised by his actions. But in seconds her lips moved beneath his.
Holly was amazing. He’d never met a woman who intrigued him both mentally and physically. Her lips parted and his tongue slipped inside. She tasted of mint with a hint of chocolate. A moan swelled in his throat.
His thoughts turned toward the big bed in the back of the plane. Should he even entertain such an idea? But with the heat of their kiss, it wasn’t out of bounds. All he had to do was scoop her up in his arms. It wasn’t like it’d be their first time. Or even their second.
There was a sound. But he brushed it off, not wanting anything to ruin this moment. And yet there it was again. He concentrated for a second and realized it was the private line from the cockpit.
With great regret, he pulled back. “I better get that. It’s the pilot.”
Her lips were rosy and slightly swollen. And her eyes were slightly dilated. He’d never seen a more tempting sight. And yet his mind told him the interruption was exactly what they needed. It would give them time to come to their senses.
CHAPTER FOUR (#ulink_3904d9d1-d2fd-5af7-b637-62409d2cb81f)
Holly exited the helicopter that had transported them from the airstrip on the big island to Finn’s private island. The landing zone sat atop a hill. It was the only place on the small island cleared of greenery except for the white sandy beach.
Finn moved to her side. “Do you like it?”
“I do. I’ve only ever seen places like this on television or on the internet. I never imagined I would one day step foot in paradise.”
“Yes. You don’t think so?”
“I never really thought about it.” He rolled her suitcase to the edge of the helipad. “I’m afraid we have to walk to the house. It isn’t far.”
“No worries. This jaunt is nothing compared to the hour I spend each day at the gym sweating my butt off.” She pressed her lips together, realizing she’d probably shared more than he ever wanted to know about her.
When she reached for her suitcase, their fingers brushed. He looked at her. “I can take it.”
She wasn’t about to be treated like a helpless woman. She’d been standing on her own two feet since she was ten and her father had walked out on her and her mother. Someone had to pick up the slack. At that point in time, her mother hadn’t been in any condition.
Holly’s grip tightened around the handle. “I can manage.”
“You do know it’ll have to be carried over the rough terrain.”
“Understood. I’ll count it as exercise on my calorie counter.”
He shook his head as he stepped back. “By the way, there’s a gym at the house. Please feel free to use it. I certainly don’t make it there nearly enough.”
“Thanks. I just might take you up on the offer.” When he gestured for her to go ahead of him, she said, “I’d rather follow while I get my bearings.”
With a shrug, he set off down the stone path surrounded by lush green foliage.
Her gaze followed him and he set a steady pace.
But it wasn’t the beautiful setting that held her attention—it was Finn. His shoulders were broad and muscled, while his waist was trim without an ounce of flub. And his backside, well, it was toned. A perfect package.
“See anything in particular you like?”
Heat rushed to her cheeks. Had he just busted her checking him out? Her gaze lifted and she was relieved to see that he was still facing straight ahead. “Lots. You’re so lucky to live here.”
“Only part-time. When you’re done working, please feel free to use all of the facilities including the pool.”
He didn’t have to give her any more encouragement. She had every intention of checking it all out since she would never be back here again. “I do have to admit that this does feel strange.”
“How so?”
“Leaving the snow and Christmas decorations in New York and landing here where there’s nothing but a warm breeze and sunshine. Do you decorate a palm tree instead of a pine tree for Christmas?”
He stopped walking and turned to her. “I don’t do either. I thought Clara might have mentioned it.”
“She didn’t say a word.”
“Long story short, I don’t like Christmas.” He turned and continued along the path to the house.
He didn’t like Christmas? She really wanted to hear the long version of that story. Was he a real-life Grinch? Impossible. He was friendly—when he wanted to be. Social—again, when he wanted to be. So why did he hate Christmas?
Wait. Who hated Christmas? It was full of heartwarming, sentimental moments. Twinkle lights. Snowflakes. Presents. Shopping. Definitely lots of shopping. And the most delicious food.
Whatever. His reasons for not enjoying the holiday were his problem. They were certainly none of her business. But that wasn’t enough to suppress her curiosity.
“Why don’t you like Christmas?” she blurted out.
He stopped. His shoulders straightened. When he turned, his forehead was creased with lines and his brows were drawn together. “Does everyone have to enjoy the holidays?”
She shrugged. “I suppose not. But I’m sure they all have a reason. I was just curious about yours.”
“And if I don’t want to share?”
“It’s your right. I just thought after we talked on the plane that we were at the stage where we shared things with each other.”
“You mean you equate our talk of books to digging into my life and finding out how my mind ticks? No.” He shook his head. “My personal life is off limits.” His tone lacked its earlier warmness. In fact, it was distinctly cold and rumbled with agitation. “You might research prospective business associates, but I’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t put my life under your microscope.”
What is he afraid I’ll find?
She gave herself a mental shake. He was right. She was treading on a subject that was none of her business. His dislike of Christmas had nothing to do with her presence on—what was the name of this island? She scanned her mind, but she didn’t recall him ever mentioning it.
“What did you say the name of this island is?”
“I didn’t.”
Surely this wasn’t another one of those subjects that was off limits. Even she couldn’t be that unlucky.
As though reading her mind, he said, “It’s called Lockwood Isle.”
Not exactly original, but fitting. “Your own island nation.”
He shrugged. “Something like that. It’s a place to get away from everything.”
Her phone buzzed with a new email. “Not exactly everything. I see there’s internet access.”
“As much as I’d like to totally escape, I do have an international company to run. I can’t cut myself off completely.”
Holly was relieved to know that she could keep in contact with her mother. Even though she’d made financial arrangements with her aunt for her mother to make her very first visit to Florida, she still wanted to talk with her daily. Holly needed the reassurance that there weren’t any setbacks with her health.
Her gaze strayed back to her host. She might not have to worry too much about her mother right now, but she did have to worry about Finn. That kiss on the plane, it couldn’t happen again. He wasn’t looking for anything serious and neither was she. Her focus had to be on getting his recommendation for the new job.
Finn stopped walking. “Here we are.”
She glanced up at the white house with aqua shutters. The home was raised up on what looked like stilts. Each post was thick like an enormous tree trunk. It certainly looked sturdy enough.
Still staring at the impressive structure, she asked, “Why is the house on pylons? Are there a lot of storms?”
“No. But some of them bring in a high storm surge. I like to be prepared.”
She had a feeling it wasn’t just storms he liked to be prepared for. He struck her as the type of man who carefully plotted out not only his business but also his whole life, avoiding as many storms as possible.
* * *
“Will this do?”
Later that afternoon Finn glanced up from his desk in his study to find Holly standing there in a white sundress, holding a file folder. The bodice hugged her generous curves and tied around her neck, leaving just enough of her cleavage to tempt and tease. He swallowed hard. He should tell her to change clothes because there was no way he could conduct business with her looking so desirable.
Instead, he said, “Thank you.” He accepted the file. “By the way, don’t forget to pack lots of sunscreen.”
“Pack? I never unpacked.” Her eyes filled with confusion. “We’re leaving?”
“Yes. Tomorrow morning we’re setting sail on my yacht.”
“Did I forget to mention it?” When she nodded, he added, “We’ll be cruising around the islands for a couple of days until my business is concluded.”
“Sounds great.” Her voice lacked conviction.
“Have you been sailing before?”
She hesitated. “No.”
Why exactly had he brought her along on this trip? Oh, yes, because her credentials were excellent. But that was when she was in a skyscraper in New York City. She didn’t seem to fare so well outside her element. But it was too late to change course now. He just had to hope for the best—definitely not his idea of a good strategy, but the only one he had at this particular moment.
“Don’t worry.” He hoped to ease the worry lines now marring her face. “The yacht is spacious. You’ll have your own stateroom.” He took a moment to clarify the importance of the meeting. “I have worked for a number of months to bring these very influential men together. Discretion is of the utmost importance.”
She nodded. “I understand. I’ve worked in your legal department for the past five years. Everything that passed over my desk was confidential. You can count on me.”
He knew that. It was one of the reasons he’d agreed to this arrangement. Now, if he could just keep his mind from straying back to her luscious lips. His gaze zeroed in on them. They were painted up in a deep wine color. It was different from her usual earthy tones. But it was a good look on her.
He forced his mind back to business. “Did you reply to all of the outstanding emails?”
“I just finished them. The personal ones I’ve forwarded to your account as directed. I thought you might have some last-minute items you need completed before the meeting.”
She was good. Really good. Normally that would be awesome, but when he was trying to keep her busy to avoid temptation, he wished she wasn’t quite so competent.
“Have you returned all of the phone calls?”
She nodded. “I even called my mother.”
“Your mother?”
“I just wanted to let her know that we arrived safely. She’s actually off on her own holiday.”
Was Holly attempting to make small talk? Boy, was he out of practice. He wasn’t even sure how to respond. “That’s good.” He was better off sticking to business. “It sounds like you have everything under control. You can take the rest of the day off. We’ll head out this evening as soon as all of our guests have arrived. Why don’t you take a book and relax by the pool until then.”
“I didn’t bring a book. I didn’t see a need since I planned to be working.”
“But not from the time you woke up until you went to bed.”
“You mean like you’re doing?”
He glanced down at the papers littering his desk. “Guilty as charged. But you don’t want to end up like me. You’re young and have so much to look forward to.”
“You make it sound like you’re old and your life is almost over.”
“My life is Lockwood International. It’s the reason I get out of bed in the morning.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Sorry? Sorry for what?”
“That you think that’s all you have to live for.”
“It’s the way it has to be.”
The pity reflected in her eyes had him recoiling. He didn’t deserve pity or sympathy. She had no idea about his life—none whatsoever. Not even the press knew the entire truth.
Living and breathing everything about Lockwood International was his punishment. He’d lived while the rest of his family had perished. It was what his aunt had told him quite frequently when he rebelled about doing his schoolwork or having to stay in boarding schools. She told him he had no room to complain. He had lived while the others had died a painful death, and then she’d glare at him like it was all his fault. And for the most part, she was right.
Holly moved to the window. “Have you looked around this place? It’s amazing. When’s the last time you enjoyed it?”
“I don’t have time for fun.”
“Everyone needs to loosen up now and then. You don’t want your guests showing up and finding that scowl on your face, do you?”
What scowl? He resisted the urge to run his hands over his face.
“I don’t scowl.” Her eyes widened at the grouchy tone of his voice. What was it about this woman that got under his skin? “I just need to stay on track and focus.”
“Then I won’t distract you any longer.” She turned to the door.
She’d only tried to get him to relax, and yet he’d made her feel awkward. “Holly, wait.” When she hesitated, he added, “I’ve been working so hard to pretend nothing happened between us that I’ve made matters worse. That was never my intention.”
She turned. “Is it that hard to forget?”
“You know it is.” His mind spiraled back to the kiss they’d shared on the plane. “But we can’t go back there. It was a mistake the first time. And now that the fate of this project rests on how well you and I work together, we can’t get distracted.”
“I understand. I’ll let you get back to work.”
After Holly was gone, his concentration was severely lacking. He kept going over their conversation. Was his mood really that transparent? Usually business provided him solace from all that he’d done wrong in life and all that his life was lacking, but he couldn’t find that escape anymore. He wondered if he’d done things differently, how his life would have turned out.
His chair scraped over the floor as he got to his feet. There was no point in staring blindly at the monitor. He wasn’t going to get any more work done—at least not now. Maybe Holly was right. He should take a break. A run along the beach would be nice.
After changing his clothes, Finn stepped onto the patio. The splash of water drew his attention. He came to a complete halt as he watched Holly swim the length of the pool. He’d had no idea that she had taken him up on his suggestion that she go for a swim. He quietly watched, impressed with the ease of her strokes as she crossed the pool.
If he was smart, he’d head back inside before she noticed him. But his feet wouldn’t cooperate. Sometimes being smart was overrated.
When she reached the edge of the pool, she stopped and straightened. That was when he noticed her barely there turquoise bikini. The breath caught in his throat.
“Oh, hi.” Droplets of water shimmered on her body as she smiled up at him. “Did you change your mind about unwinding?”
He struggled to keep his gaze on her face instead of admiring the way her swimsuit accented her curves. He made a point now of meeting her gaze. “I was going to take a run on the beach.”
“In this heat?” When he shrugged, she added, “You’d be better off waiting until later when it cools down.”
She was right, but he couldn’t bring himself to admit it. “I’ll be fine.”
“Why don’t you come swimming instead? The water is perfect.”
He moved to the edge of the pool and crouched down. He dipped his hand in the water. She was right. The water was not too cold and not too warm. “I don’t want to bother you.”
“You won’t be. The pool is plenty big for the both of us.”
He had his doubts about the pool being big enough for him to keep his hands to himself. And with Holly in that swimsuit, he’d be so tempted to forget that they’d come to the island to work.
Finn raked his fingers through his hair. “I don’t know. I really should be working.”
“Your problem is that you think about work too much.”
And then without warning, she swiped her arm along the top of the water, sending a small wave in his direction. By the time he figured out what she was up to, he was doused in water.
“Hey!” He stood upright and swiped the water from his face. “What was that all about?”
Her eyes twinkled with mischievousness. “Now you don’t have an excuse not to join me.”
Why was he letting his worries get the best of him and missing out on this rare opportunity to have some fun? After all, it was just a swim.
“Okay. You win.” He stripped off his T-shirt and tossed it on one of the lounge chairs.
He dove into the pool, enjoying the feel of the cool water against his heated body. He swam the length of the pool before returning to Holly. She was still smiling as she floated in the water.
“Not too bad for an old man—”
“Old man. I’ll show you who’s old. Let’s race.”
She eyed him up but didn’t say a word.
“What’s the matter?” he asked. “Afraid of the challenge.”
“No. I’m just wondering if an old man like you can keep up with me.”
“Seriously? You have to race me now.”
She flashed him a teasing grin. “First one back gets their wish.”
Without waiting for him, she took off. He smiled and shook his head. And then he set off in her wake. His muscles knew the motions by heart. He’d swam this pool countless times over the years, but this time was different. This time he wasn’t alone.
He pushed himself harder. He reached the end of the pool and turned. He wanted to win. Not because he wanted to be the best. And not because he couldn’t be a good loser. No. He wanted to win because the winner could name their wish.
And his wish—
His hand struck the end of the pool. His head bobbed above the water. A second later Holly joined him.
“About time you got here,” he teased.
She sent him a cheesy grin before sending another splash of water in his direction. He backed away, avoiding most of the spray.
Holly was about to swim away when he said, “Not so fast. I won.”
“And I get my wish.” He moved closer to her.
She didn’t back away. It was as though she knew what he wanted. Was he that obvious?
Her voice grew softer. “And what did you have in mind?”
His gaze dipped to her lips. It seemed like forever since he last felt her kiss. There was something about her that got into his veins and made him crave her with every fiber of his being.
His gaze rose and met hers. His heart hammered against his ribs. Was she as turned on as he was? There was only one way to find out.
He reached out to her. Her skin was covered with goose bumps. He knew how to warm her up. His fingers slid over her narrow waist.
He’d never wanted anyone as much as Holly. And she was the last person he should desire. She was a serious kind of girl—the kind who didn’t get around.
She was the type of woman you married.
The thought struck him like a lightning rod. As though she’d also had a moment of clarity, they both pulled back. Talk about an awkward moment.
“I...ah, should get back to work.” Holly headed for the pool steps.
It was best that he didn’t follow her, not right now. “I’ll be in shortly. I think I’ll swim a few more laps.”
Finn groaned before setting off beneath the cool water, hoping to work Holly out of his system. He was beginning to wonder if that was even possible. He kicked harder and faster.
The one thing he knew was that he wasn’t falling for Holly. No way. He didn’t have room in his life for that major complication.
CHAPTER FIVE (#ulink_f81a06c9-e585-5c56-92ca-c5ea9dbc5a7a)
ONE POUNDING HEART pressed to the other. Heated gazes locked. Lips a breath apart.
Holly gave herself a mental jerk. Not even a night’s sleep had lessened the intensity of that moment in the pool with Finn. Oh, how she’d wanted to feel his touch again.
But then she’d spotted the passion in his eyes. One kiss wouldn’t have been enough—for either of them. The acknowledgment of just how deep this attraction ran had startled her. She’d pulled back at the same time as Finn.
Now aboard Finn’s luxury yacht, the Rose Marie, Holly took a seat off to the side of the room as the meeting commenced. With a handful of notable and influential businessmen in attendance, she couldn’t let herself dwell on the almost-kiss. As each man took a seat at the long teakwood table, she quietly observed. Her job was to step in only when needed. Other than that, she was to remain virtually invisible on the sidelines.
So this is the hush-hush, wink-wink meeting.
A small smile pulled at Holly’s lips as she glanced around the room. Finn sat at the head of the table in a white polo shirt and khaki shorts. A very different appearance from what she was accustomed to seeing on those rare times when she caught a glimpse of him at the office.
On either side of the table sat four men. Mr. Wallace, Mr. Santos, Mr. McMurray and Mr. Caruso. All influential men in their own rights—from toys to office supplies, electronics and snack foods. No wonder there were bodyguards littering the upper deck.
“Welcome.” Finn began the meeting. “I’ve invited you all here in hopes that we will be able to rescue Project Santa.”
He’d given her the information about this holiday project just before the meeting. He made it perfectly clear that it was not to be leaked to anyone for any reason. What took place on this boat was to remain top secret for now.
Talk about surprised.
Holly stared at Finn as though seeing him for the first time. He was a man known for his shrewd business dealings, not his philanthropy. And here she thought this meeting was about conquering the world—about a major corporate takeover. She couldn’t have been more wrong.
Finn and his cohorts were planning a way to bring Christmas to many underprivileged children. If it worked, it would be the beginning of an ongoing project aimed at putting food and educational materials in the hands of children.
Holly was truly in awe of Finn. He was such a contradiction at times. He worked long, hard hours, but he didn’t expect his employees to do the same. He didn’t celebrate Christmas, yet he planned Project Santa. At the office, he was all about profits and yet here he was planning to donate a portion of those profits to people in need.
For a man who hated Christmas, he certainly was doing a fine job of filling the boots of Santa this year. And she was more than willing to help him pull off this Christmas miracle. Although it was odd to have all of this talk about Christmas and presents surrounded by sunshine and the blue waters of the Caribbean.
Holly redirected her attention to the meeting, taking notes on her laptop and pulling up information as needed. She was tasked with running interference when tempers soared. Each of these men were billionaires and used to getting their own way, so compromise was not something they entertained often.
Some wanted to switch the Project Santa packaging to gift bags to cut costs. Others wanted to make the content more meaningful—something that wouldn’t just entertain but help the recipient.
“Gentlemen.” Finn’s face was creased with stress lines. “This was all decided long ago. It’s too late to change our plans. The gift boxes are strategically packed according to the location of each child.”
Mr. McMurray leaned forward. “And how do we know these packages will get to the children?”
“Yeah, I’ve heard that a lot of these outreach programs are fronts for scams.” Mr. Caruso, a gray-haired man, crossed his arms. “What if they steal them?”
“I hear your concerns. That’s why some of my best Lockwood employees will escort each shipment to their destination. They are each tasked with making sure the packages get to their intended targets.”

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Her Festive Baby Bombshell Jennifer Faye
Her Festive Baby Bombshell

Jennifer Faye

Тип: электронная книга

Жанр: Современные любовные романы

Язык: на английском языке

Издательство: HarperCollins

Дата публикации: 16.04.2024

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О книге: Life-changing news this Christmas!Since their spontaneous and magical night together, Holly Abrams has avoided her boss CEO Finn Lockwood. Neither of these two damaged hearts were looking for a relationship – least of all with a colleague!Thrown together on a Christmas charity project aboard Finn’s luxury yacht, the tension between them skyrockets. When Holly starts to feel unwell, she puts it down to sea sickness, until the doctor confirms that Holly and Finn can expect two unplanned gifts this Christmas – Holly is pregnant with twins…!

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