Bare It All

Bare It All
Lori Foster
A cop’s craving to know more about the woman next door could prove fatal in the steamy new novel from New York Times bestselling author Lori Foster.As the person responsible for taking down a brutal human trafficker, Alice Appleton fears retaliation at every turn. No one knows about her past, which is exactly how she prefers it…until the sexy cop next door comes knocking. Detective Reese Bareden thinks he knows what makes women tick, but his ever-elusive neighbor keeps him guessing like no other. Is his goal to unmask Alice’s secrets? Or protect her from a dangerous new threat?One thing is certain: their chemistry is a time bomb waiting to explode. And with no one to trust but each other, Reese and Alice are soon drawn into a deadly maze of corruption, intrigue, and desire—and into the line of fire…“Foster has an amazing ability to capture a man’s emotions and lust.” –Publishers Weekly on A Perfect Storm

A cop’s craving to know more about the woman next door could prove fatal in the steamy new novel from New York Times bestselling author Lori Foster
As the person responsible for taking down a brutal human trafficker, Alice Appleton fears retaliation at every turn. No one knows about her past, which is exactly how she prefers it…until the sexy cop next door comes knocking.
Detective Reese Bareden thinks he knows what makes women tick, but his ever-elusive neighbor keeps him guessing like no other. Is his goal to unmask Alice’s secrets? Or protect her from a dangerous new threat? One thing is certain: their chemistry is a time bomb waiting to explode. And with no one to trust but each other, Reese and Alice are soon drawn into a deadly maze of corruption, intrigue and desire—and into the line of fire….
Praise for New York Times bestselling author Lori Foster
“A sexy, believable roller coaster of action and romance.”
—Kirkus Reviews on Run the Risk
“Bestseller Foster…has an amazing ability to capture a man’s emotions and lust with sizzling sex scenes and meld it with a strong woman’s point of view.”
—Publishers Weekly on A Perfect Storm
“Foster rounds out her searing trilogy with a story that tilts toward the sizzling and sexy side of the genre.”
—RT Book Reviews on Savor the Danger
“The fast-paced thriller keeps these well-developed characters moving.… Foster’s series will continue to garner fans with this exciting installment.”
—Publishers Weekly on Trace of Fever
“Steamy, edgy and taut.”
—Library Journal on When You Dare
“Intense, edgy and hot. Lori Foster delivers everything you’re looking for in a romance.”
—New York Times bestselling author Jayne Ann Krentz on Hard to Handle
“Lori Foster delivers the goods.”
—Publishers Weekly
“Tension, temptation, hot action and hotter romance—Lori Foster has it all! Hard to Handle is a knockout!”
—New York Times bestselling author Elizabeth Lowell
Dear Reader,
I often get asked if I have a favorite book or favorite character that I’ve written. The truth is, I wouldn’t write a character I didn’t enjoy, or a plot that didn’t excite me. So all my stories are favorites in one way or another.
BUT... Bare It All, the second in my new Love Undercover series, does include a very special heroine. Alice was originally meant to be strictly a secondary character in Trace of Fever, a book from my previous Men Who Walk the Edge of Honor series. Alice had a pivotal role in wrapping up the plot of that story, but she was so quiet, so withdrawn that some readers might have overlooked her. I could not.
Because of her strength and courage, because of what she’d endured, Alice stayed in my mind. When Reese Bareden showed up in the first Love Undercover book, Run the Risk, I knew he was exactly what Alice needed. The characters agreed, and a plot was born.
I hope you enjoy Alice’s “happy ever after” as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Bare It All
Lori Foster (
Chapter One (#uebd65c95-ea0b-567b-a77f-d1114d7b9a25)
Chapter Two (#uf996c3be-f424-5e06-a523-13a44c879539)
Chapter Three (#ue8d62547-827c-5073-9683-f7209d7be0cf)
Chapter Four (#u13fec0a7-783d-518f-b61a-3ee542c06921)
Chapter Five (#u41383e1d-04f8-50d3-bb19-6ee30d3dd403)
Chapter Six (#u2ceff0d3-024c-588e-a2ee-01adb09dcc50)
Chapter Seven (#u0c79ce99-0a51-5164-a62f-68093e5266db)
Chapter Eight (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Nine (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Ten (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Eleven (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Twelve (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Thirteen (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Fourteen (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Fifteen (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Sixteen (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Seventeen (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Eighteen (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Nineteen (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Twenty (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Twenty-One (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Twenty-Two (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Twenty-Three (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Twenty-Four (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Twenty-Five (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Twenty-Six (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Twenty-Seven (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Twenty-Eight (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Twenty-Nine (#litres_trial_promo)
Excerpt (#litres_trial_promo)
AS SHE CAME TOWARD HIM, Alice’s baby-soft hair hung loose, silky tendrils drifting over her shoulders. Her big brown eyes, so innocent and yet so aware, watched him intently, the way she always watched him. She smiled, and that smile did remarkable things to him. Made him ravenous, when he’d never quite experienced anything like that before. Lust, sure. But such a powerful need? No, never.
Only with Alice.
Very close now, so close the warmth of her touched all over him, she brushed her nose against his jaw, his neck, his ear.
He groaned. Out loud. He heard it but could barely credit that the sound came from him.
From a gentle nuzzle.
Against his ear.
It was insane, but it took very little from her to get him painfully aroused.
He wanted her mouth on him. He turned his face toward her, and he felt her breath. Hot. Then her tongue. Wet.
“, Reese?”
She sounded so tentative that he smiled as he reached for her and opened his eyes. His hand encountered dense fur, and the expressive brown eyes staring back at him weren’t Alice’s.
They weren’t even human.
His dog, Cash, panted at the sign of life. Delighted to have him awake, he barked, turned a quick circle and...licked Reese’s face.
“Shit.” Reese dodged the dog’s sloppy fondness while trying to get his bearings. The dream had felt so incredibly real. And so welcome. He shifted—and found himself cramped from head to toes...on a sofa.
Alice’s sofa.
Lifting his head, he looked down at himself. He wore only boxers, and as was usually the case when he first awakened, they were tented. Hmm...
Where had the sheet gone? Ah, over the side of the couch to the floor.
Levering up to one arm, Reese attempted to orient himself—and there stood Alice at the foot of the couch, fully dressed in summer slacks and a sleeveless blouse, her hands locked together in front of her and, yes, her soft brown hair hanging loose.
But now, with him wide awake, her hair looked tidy, like Alice, not sexily rumpled as it had been in his dream.
She watched him, but those soul-sucking brown eyes weren’t on his face.
They stared with absorbing attention at his morning wood.
Great. Playing kissy-face with his dog was bad enough. Scrambling for the sheet now would only make him look more foolish. He wasn’t used to finding himself in tricky, uncomfortable situations. At least, not with women.
As a police detective, sure, he’d often found himself discomfited by perps, though not in boxers while sporting mahogany.
Alice was many things—a neighbor, an enigma, an irritant and a subtle bombshell.
And obviously, based on that ramped-up dream, she was also the current focus of his fantasies.
He cleared his throat. “Up here, Alice.” Her curious gaze rose to his face. “Thank you. Now if you don’t mind, you could turn around a moment. My modesty is beyond compromised, so it doesn’t really matter to me, but with your face already going pink, I’m not sure—”
“Of course.” Turning, she gave him her back. Posture stiff. Air uncertain.
That lovely fawn-colored hair fell just beyond her shoulders.
“Sorry about that.” She strode, fast and unsteady, to the patio doors that led to her small deck. She’d left the door open, allowing in a muggy, late-August breeze that teased her beautiful hair.
Given the heat of his interest, air-conditioning would have been nice, but since this was Alice’s apartment, and she’d been generous enough to let him crash on her couch, he wouldn’t complain. Much.
“What time is it, anyway?” Sitting up, Reese reached for the sheet, but Cash sat on it. The dog watched Reese, his furry ears perked up, his expression hopeful. Reese grinned. After tugging out the sheet and covering himself, he patted the couch beside his thigh. “C’mere, boy.”
The dog bounded up with over-the-moon enthusiasm. Because of the undercover sting they’d just wrapped up, he’d spent as much time away from Cash as with him—and still he and the dog had bonded.
“It’s a little after one o’clock.”
And she hadn’t awakened him? How long had she been sneaking around the apartment?
How long had he lain there without even a sheet?
He was generally a light sleeper, so either he’d been really out of it, or she was...stealthy.
That thought bothered him and meshed with other concerns he had about Alice. Her keen observance of everything around her, combined with her cautious air, planted awful background possibilities into his head.
Then there was the way she’d come onto the scene yesterday, a big, loaded gun in her hand....
“Cash hasn’t been out for a few hours. I was trying to lead him through without waking you, but he saw you there on the couch, and then you made...a sound.”
“A sound, huh?” Given the erotic dream, he could just imagine.
“Cash sidetracked to you and—”
“I thought he was you.” When her shoulders stiffened more, Reese felt devilish enough to say, “And I was having this rather sexual dream.”
Wide-eyed with something akin to astonishment, she faced him, stole a peek at his lap and, when she saw he’d bunched the sheet there, she met his gaze. “What do you mean?”
“You and me.” He gestured between them. “And damn, but the dream felt real.” Reese scratched under Cash’s furry chin. “You were near me. Breathing on me.”
Indignation brought her brows together. “Breathing on you?”
Wondering when she’d catch on, he gave a sage, serious nod. “You nuzzled my ear, and I felt your hot tongue—”
Backing up fast, she bumped into the screen on the patio door and almost fell through it. After an accusatory scowl at Reese for making her stumble, she checked the screen, saw that it remained in the track and cleared her throat. “I would never—” She searched for a word and came up empty.
“Lick me?”
To his surprise, she kept quiet, but her mouth—and her expression—softened.
“No? What a shame.” He gave the dog a few pats, which encouraged him to shower Reese with more affection. “But apparently Cash would.”
Realization dawned. “Oh.” A smile twitched. “You felt Cash trying to wake you, and you thought...?”
“Yeah. Helluva way to start my day. I mean, I’m fond of him, but...” Reese looked her over. “Not that fond.”
“He’s adorable!”
“Sure he is.” Reese had only recently gotten the dog, and while he’d never considered himself a pet-lover, he and Cash were getting acclimated—with Alice’s help. “I just don’t want you mistaking my...” He nodded at his lap. “Reaction.”
Though she covered her mouth, a short laugh escaped, anyway.
That laugh was as mesmerizing as her smile, and his sheet-covered boner twitched. “Keep it up, and I’ll never get it under control.”
Rather than backing up or blushing again, she chastised him. “Really, Reese. It’s not something to talk about.”
“Not something to be embarrassed over either.” But he sort of was, anyway. What was it about Alice that affected him so profoundly—and so physically? “Not to minimize your appeal, but it happens to most guys in the morning.”
“When they awaken, you mean?”
“Yeah. It’s called morning wood, or in this case, afternoon wood, I guess.”
“I see.” She tipped her head to study him. “But when you knocked on my door this morning, you were wide awake, fully dressed and had just finished working.”
He’d also been aroused over the possibility of spending more intimate time with her. Knowing he shouldn’t tell her that—yet—he scrubbed a hand over his tired eyes.
“Yet even then,” she continued, her tone mischievous and teasing, “you had”
Having her talk about it wasn’t helping. Reese trapped her gaze with his own. “An erection.”
“Yes.” A little too matter-of-factly, she nodded. “You had one then, also.” Though the color in her fair skin intensified, she didn’t look away. “You told me not to worry about it.”
“I know what I said.” God, he wanted to kiss her. If she’d been any other woman, he would have.
But he hadn’t known Alice that long, and what he did know of her kept him from pushing things. Already, thanks to the fiasco the day before, she’d seen the hazards of his job.
Wasn’t every day that murderers and hoods, the very criminals he investigated, showed up on his doorstep. It was even more uncommon for those offenders to get the drop on him. Usually he was great at his job. But yesterday...yeah, he’d suffered a first-class cluster fuck—and Alice had managed to get right in the middle of it.
Maybe that’s why he’d been dreaming of her. She’d been helping out by watching his dog while he and his partner closed in on their quarry, and then when shit went sideways yesterday, she’d recognized the deadly situation and sent in reinforcements.
He eyed her understated, prim facade that hid so much intuition, bravery and cunning. “You will never have reason to worry about anything with me.”
She was the most curious woman, and that, too, could explain his unaccountable reaction to her. “Just like that, huh?”
“I know you’re honorable.”
Sensible Alice. Of course she was right—he was honorable, most especially where women were concerned. But in the short time they’d known each other, how could she possibly be that confident about his intentions?
She couldn’t.
So he’d taken in a stray dog—a dog she now adored. So what? He was polite, mannerly, dressed well and had his own proper persona. It meant nothing, and she should realize that.
Yet from what he’d seen so far she had great instincts.
The type of instincts usually honed in the field.
When she’d agreed to let him sleep on her couch, he’d thought to use the time alone with her in her apartment to do some in-depth talking. His curiosity about her was extreme, almost as sharp as his attraction.
But once she’d made up the couch for him, he’d sat down and exhaustion had all but pulled him under. Their talk had stalled.
Now he had all the time in the world. Or at least for the rest of the day. “Alice—”
“I should take Cash out. Again.” She smiled at the dog with consuming love. “We both know he’ll only hold it for so long.”
She had the prettiest, sweetest smile—when she smiled. Not that she seemed to know it. Hell, if it wasn’t for his dog, or the carnage in his apartment...
Remembering the carnage, the very reason for being on Alice’s too-small couch instead of his own spacious bed, Reese groaned.
Alice paused in her attentions to Cash. “Are you okay?” She inched closer. “Did you get hurt yesterday?”
“I’m fine.” But frustrated. Yesterday, in the culmination of a lengthy investigation, a damn parade had trooped through his apartment. Friends, suspects and heinous thugs. Murderous thugs. Thugs so ugly, their souls were surely black and decrepit.
Rowdy Yates, a “witness”—what a joke that had turned out to be—who should have been in protective custody, instead had gone to Reese’s apartment to snoop. Alice had recognized that Rowdy was up to no good and had called Reese. He’d gotten to his apartment only minutes before his lieutenant also showed up.
They’d all been taken unawares by the lowlifes, and while a gun stayed on Rowdy, Reese and the lieutenant had been handcuffed to the headboard of his bed. That he and the female lieutenant butted heads more often than not made it an especially unpropitious situation. Lieutenant Peterson hadn’t taken it well, and his efforts to shield her had been met with much resistance.
Instead of getting the protection afforded all witnesses, Rowdy had ended up a target for death. He had abilities, which included breaking into Reese’s apartment to snoop, but against two gunmen set on executing him? The odds had not been with him. If they’d killed Rowdy, they would have next turned those guns on Reese and the lieutenant.
Without Alice’s help, there would have been several dead bodies in his apartment, instead of just one.
And hell, one was bad enough. It wasn’t easy to get death out of the carpet, curtains and off the walls.
Fortunately, sensible Alice had assessed the situation and sent in Reese’s good friend Detective Logan Riske as backup. Because Logan possessed a lethal skill set unique to only a select few, he’d gotten the upper hand—but not before taking a bullet to the arm.
Chaos had reigned for a couple of minutes, all but destroying Reese’s bedroom. In the end, they’d apprehended one gunman and another man who’d played lookout at the front of the apartment building.
The worst villain Reese had ever known had died from a broken neck. Never again would he threaten anyone.
Reese eyed Alice with renewed interest. At the tail end of the bloody melee, not long after Reese had been freed from the cuffs, Alice had shown up in his apartment with a big gun held in her slender, delicate hand.
She was a good judge of character, but then, so was he. And in his gut, Reese knew his straitlaced, often silent, skittish, timid and sexy-as-hell neighbor would have used that gun with fatal precision.
It made his blood run cold and ramped up his interest in her and her past. So many unanswered questions. He knew Alice was good with his dog and that he liked her. He definitely knew he wanted to get her under him.
But so far their relationship had been so odd, he didn’t even know her last name yet. Alice...something or other.
She inched closer still—just as she had in his dream.
“You have some dark bruising.”
Reese followed her concerned gaze to his wrist and saw the ugly marks there, testament to how he’d tried to free himself from the key-lock metal cuffs—his own friggin’ handcuffs—that had been used against him.
“It’s fine.” Never had he felt more helpless than when he’d been in those restraints, knowing that his own failure could facilitate the murder of others. Never again would he be caught unawares.
Once was more than enough.
Alice hesitated. “Are you hurt anywhere else?”
Other than his pride at being taken off guard in his own apartment... “No.” He wanted nothing more than to move past it all.
She accepted that without an excess of coddling. “Your friend will be all right?”
“Logan? He’s a detective, like me.”
“I thought so. When I saw him yesterday, I knew he was safe.”
Safe? The things she said always had double meanings. “Just as you knew the others were dangerous?” Alice had seen people come into the apartment building, and somehow she’d known they weren’t friends. Not only was she astute, but she also wasn’t afraid to react—thank God.
“Yes.” She gave him a level stare. “I can usually tell.”
How? Reese wanted to know. It wasn’t as if criminals walked around with a damn sign on their foreheads. God knew, if they did, his job would be a hell of a lot easier.
As a detective, he’d dealt with enough shady characters that he’d gained something of a sixth sense about them. He noticed things, slight nuances that others missed.
But what had happened in Alice’s life to give her that edge? “Logan is fine. You met Pepper?”
“Yes. She stayed in my apartment with me while Detective Riske went to your aid.”
“Call him Logan—I’m sure he’d insist.” Reese thought of the moment when he’d realized Logan had been shot. He hadn’t let the wound slow him down, until blood loss had done that for him. “He’s home with Pepper now, healing and no doubt being pampered.”
Because of Alice’s quick thinking, Reese and his friends were all alive, and a very bad character dealing in every aspect of corruption, including new ventures into human trafficking, was dead.
Reese had a lot of regrets for how things had gone down yesterday, but he didn’t feel even a smidge of remorse over that.
Alice tipped her head. “Logan and Pepper are in love?”
“He is for sure.” It wasn’t like him to talk out of turn, but he heard himself say, “And that added to the craziness of the sting. Cops going undercover do not fall in love with key witnesses.”
“Why not?”
“Complications, for one thing. Hard to think rationally when you’re emotionally involved.”
“He didn’t seem emotional to me. As soon as I related my suspicions, he took over. He stuffed Pepper into my apartment, prepared himself the best he could and warned us—unnecessarily, I might add—to keep the doors locked.”
“Knowing Pepper, that had to be a laugh a minute.”
She smiled at his sarcasm. “She was mostly silent, and very worried. You do realize that Pepper is also in love with your friend?”
Alice sounded so sure about that, Reese shrugged. “Okay.”
“Rowdy is her brother?”
“Yes.” Reese stretched, felt too many kinks in his shoulders, and winced while rubbing a hand over the back of his neck.
He saw Alice gaze in awe at his biceps, and it warmed him. He left his arm up a few seconds longer—until he realized how absurd that was.
Damn it, she seduced him without trying, and in totally unconventional ways. “You met Rowdy?” Reese couldn’t recall any introductions, but then, he’d had his hands full dealing with everything else.
“Briefly.” Alice’s attention coasted over his chest, then down to his abdomen.
His muscles constricted in reaction.
“I wasn’t so sure about Rowdy. He worried me at first. That’s why I called you when he showed up. But he’s not as ruthless as the others. I have a feeling he walks a very fine line between what’s lawful and what fits his own moral code.”
Since that described Rowdy perfectly, Reese felt his own share of awe. “Probably.”
“The lieutenant?”
Though Alice had entered the scene in the midst of pandemonium, she had all the key players down. “When last I left her, she was running roughshod over anyone who stood in her way, issuing orders like a general.” He shook his head. “For such a petite woman, she rules with an iron fist.”
“I liked her.” Alice stared at his lap again.
“I figured you would.” Reese sat forward. “I need some caffeine to kick-start my brain. How about I take Cash out and you put on a pot of coffee?”
The dog, who had almost been asleep, bounded up in agreement.
“If that’s what you want.”
That wasn’t even close to what he wanted, but for now it’d have to do. “Thank you.” He waited, but when she continued to stand there watching him, he shrugged and tossed the sheet aside to stand.
* * *
AT THE SIGHT of Reese’s big strong body, Alice sucked in a breath and all but fled to the kitchen. Reese thought he’d embarrassed her, and yes, he had. A little.
But it was so much more than that, more complex than mere embarrassment. It was...something she hadn’t felt in far too long.
And she relished it.
After two deep breaths, she called out to him, “I’ll have this ready in ten minutes.”
When he finally replied, his voice came from close behind her. “That works.”
Startled, she turned to see him and almost dropped the carafe.
Shirtless and barefoot, he leaned in the kitchen doorway, only a few feet away. He’d pulled on rumpled slacks, zipped but unbuttoned so that they hung low, showing off his taut abdomen and that silky line of dark blond hair that disappeared into his boxers.
Boy. The pants helped a little, but not much. He still looked indescribably awesome.
Sighing in resignation at her distraction, Reese said again, “Up here, Alice.”
Mute, she performed the near-impossible feat of lifting her attention to his face. She had a feeling that with Reese so uninhibited, his reminders were going to come fast and furious.
Really, how could any woman not stare at him?
The very first time she’d seen him, she’d recognized him as a prime physical specimen. Her past had damaged her, sure, but she wasn’t blind or stupid.
It had taken a lot of effort to remember her need for privacy, to look past him, to ignore his friendly smiles and polite greetings.
Then, seeing him with the dog...well, that had sealed her fate. Alice knew she’d lost a small part of her heart to him the moment she’d seen his patience with Cash. Reese stood over six and a half feet tall, but he wasn’t lanky. He had a honed body that drew everyone’s attention. No one could mistake his strength. Yet he’d been so gentle with Cash.
And yesterday, watching him in hero mode as he’d not only taken charge of the deadly situation but also tended to his injured friend... How could anyone be immune to him?
Fully dressed, Detective Reese Bareden was a heart-stopper. Half-naked, he was enough to turn her stupid with lust.
Amusement showed in the glitter of his green eyes. “I like it strong.”
“What?” Oh, Lord, she’d been visually devouring him again. She swallowed and tried to get it together.
“The coffee.”
“Oh.” How could she have forgotten? She held the carafe with both hands and summoned a smile. “All right.”
New concern eased his smile away. “What is it, Alice?”
“Nothing.” She couldn’t very well tell him that he was one of the most impressive males she’d ever known—and that was saying something, given that she’d met some truly remarkable men.
Men from her past. Good men...who’d been there to counter the depraved.
Even thinking about it caused her to tighten, to close in on herself protectively—
That deep, gentle voice brought her out of dark memories. Her racing heart slowed, her muscles uncoiled. She let out a tense breath and tried to sound casual. “Yes?”
“You and I are going to have that talk today.”
He made it sound almost like a threat, but she’d known real threats, and Reese didn’t scare her. Not that way. Not in any way, really. “Yes, we will.”
Her quick compliance seemed to surprise him. Had he expected her to refuse him? To get defensive?
Truthfully, there were times when even she didn’t know how she’d react. Ugly memories had a way of surfacing when she least expected them.
When it came to men, most of the time she steered clear of them. She definitely hadn’t planned on being drawn to Reese. But she enjoyed talking with him, so why avoid it? He wouldn’t get the information he wanted because it was information she couldn’t share, but she’d tell him enough to keep him satisfied.
For a little while, anyway.
Cash strained the length of the leash, impatient with the delay. The adorable dog, still more a puppy than not, was notorious for piddling on the floor when he got excited, curious, when he had to go...pretty much for any reason at all, really.
Luckily both of their apartments had hardwood floors, which made cleanups easier.
After another long look, Reese nodded at her and led the dog away. Moving out of the kitchen, warm with admiration, Alice watched him go. His disheveled blond hair and darker beard shadow only made him more gorgeous. Sleek muscles flexed...everywhere. Over his very wide shoulders, his back, down the length of those thick arms and thicker thighs...
He pulled the door open.
Breath strangled in her chest. “You’re going outside like that?”
He glanced down at himself and shrugged as if he didn’t have a body that could stop traffic and hearts alike. “Why not?”
The man was all but naked! He hadn’t even buttoned his pants. “You’re...indecent.”
“I won’t be long.” He checked that the door wouldn’t lock when he closed it, and out he went.
ALICE STOOD THERE lost in thought for far too long before she remembered that she had coffee to make.
Never had she thought to have a man in her apartment. Certainly not a hunky police detective and most definitely not overnight. It made sense for her to be off-kilter.
She’d no sooner finished preparing the coffee than she decided Reese might also like something to eat. It was lunchtime for her, but he hadn’t even had breakfast yet.
Maybe he hadn’t had dinner the night before either. His work as a detective had literally landed on his doorstep, and she doubted he’d had time to relax, much less enjoy a real meal. A man his size likely required a lot of sustenance.
Yesterday had consisted of bad guys coming and going, good guys sneaking in, gunshots and arrests, deaths and ambulances.... Shivering, Alice wrapped her arms around herself.
The life-or-death scenario had been unsettling for her, too. Having Reese on her couch, near at hand, gave her a sense of security that no weapon could. Even having Cash underfoot was reassuring. People still left her ill at ease, but animals were so nonjudgmental, so welcoming, she naturally took comfort from them.
Reese didn’t know it, but being Cash’s dog-sitter was the greatest gift. Until he’d proposed the arrangement a few days ago, she hadn’t realized what a difference it made to have another living, breathing creature nearby.
She sighed, noticed several minutes had passed, and decided she’d ask Reese what he’d like to eat.
Picking up her keys, Alice locked the door behind her. Never again would she take chances when it came to security. On her way out, she glanced up the steps at Reese’s apartment door. Unlike in the movies, there was no dramatic caution tape draping it, but yesterday Reese had said his colleagues preferred for him to stay out until they’d finished gathering their forensics, or taking photos, or whatever they had to do. She really had no idea of police procedure. Other than Reese, she’d never known a good officer.
Sure, she’d been acquainted with a few shady men who claimed the badge but not the honor that should have been inherent in the job. Yesterday, she’d met good cops.
She’d learned the hard way to recognize the difference.
Remembering the day before made her palms sweat. Yes, Reese had only come to her because of the destruction in his place, but she was glad for any reason. While she hopefully put up a brave front, no way had she wanted to stay alone.
As she’d done so many times, she pushed the unpleasant memories to the back of her mind and went down the steps to the glass, double entry doors.
Before she stepped out, she saw Reese standing there in the shade, Cash’s leash held loosely in his hand.
Two neighbor ladies, one a beautiful blonde with oversize breasts, the other a cute and petite brunette, stared at him adoringly while chatting.
They wore jogging shorts and sports bras and had a lot of skin showing. They stood far too close to him for mere conversation.
Alice didn’t think about it, didn’t even have time to process her reaction before she found herself striding out to the yard and right up to Reese and Cash. She snatched the dog’s leash from his hand, startling him.
Lifting one eyebrow, he looked down at her. “Alice.”
Her heart punched painfully against her breastbone. Unfair that a man with morning-rumpled hair and whiskers could still manage to look so good. “The coffee’s done.” She stared at the women while thrusting the keys out to him. “I can wait with Cash until he finishes up, if you’d like to go on in and get a cup.”
Slowly his expression shifted from surprise to amusement. “Why, thank you, Alice.” With a knowing grin, he accepted her key ring. “Your hospitality knows no bounds.”
She had no idea how to reply to that.
With a pleased smile, Reese touched her cheek, bid good day to the others and headed inside. The bright sunshine gleamed on his shoulders and gilded his fair hair. Though barefoot, he didn’t pick his way across the grounds; he strode like a confident man in control of himself and those around him.
When Alice realized that she wasn’t the only one noticing, she cleared her throat, loudly.
The blonde laughed. “Sorry, honey, but you know, I just can’t pull my eyes away. He’s an awful lot of man.”
The brunette agreed. Looking at Alice, she asked with palpable doubt, “So, you two have a thing?”
A thing? Understanding sank in. “What? No!” Alice looked down at herself, too. No, she wasn’t cute and petite like the brunette, and she certainly didn’t have the curves that the blonde flaunted. She was just herself, plain, understated, most times all but invisible.
Hadn’t she been told that often enough?
And thank God for it.
“We’re only neighbors.”
“Uh-huh, sure you are.” The friendly blonde continued to smile. “I wish I was that type of neighbor, too. I’ve suggested it, but I swear, Reese is a squirrely one, always dodging me.”
“You’ve actually suggested...”
“That we hook up, sure. And believe me, I haven’t been subtle!” She laughed. “I figured he turned me down because we’re too close for comfort, being in the same apartment building and all that. But if he’s spending the night with you, then that must not be an issue for him.”
The women stared at her, waiting for an explanation. Why hadn’t she left well enough alone? She had no claim on Reese, so she should have kept her nose out of it.
But she had butted in, behaving like a territorial girlfriend, giving them reason for speculation. Walking away now would be both rude and fodder for gossip.
“Do you both live here?” she asked, while trying to decide how to proceed.
“Upper floor,” the brunette said. “She’s on one side of Reese, and I’m on the other.”
“Doesn’t that sound naughty?” The blonde laughed again. “We’ve known Reese awhile now.”
Alice’s temples pounded. “How...nice.”
The blonde performed introductions. “I heard Reese call you Alice. I’m Nikki, and she’s Pam.”
“Hello.” Until Reese, Alice had managed to keep her distance from all of her neighbors. Now she had Reese’s admirers curious about her.
Knowing she’d just complicated her life, Alice turned her attention to Cash. Perhaps she could distract the women by playing with the dog?
But no, Cash flopped down in a ray of sunshine and looked so comfortable, she hated to disturb him. There was no help for it. She smiled at the women. “If you live that close to Reese, then you already know what happened yesterday.”
Pam lifted both brows. “You mean between the two of you?”
“No!” Good grief. Such a suggestion. “Really, nothing happened between us.”
Nikki grinned some more.
“I was talking about the police conflict that took place in his apartment.”
“We were out late,” Pam said.
“And much of the morning, too,” Nikki added. “What happened?”
Hoping to extricate herself soon, Alice did her best to summarize. “Yesterday, I saw a person going into Reese’s apartment, so I called him.”
“You have his number?” Pam asked with disbelief.
“I... Yes.” Alice wanted to groan. Pam and Nikki looked ready to pounce on her every word. She nodded toward Cash. “I watch his dog for him while he works, so it was necessary to exchange numbers.”
The women peered at Cash with disdain. Nikki said, “He pees everywhere. I’d send him to the pound for that.”
Feeling very protective of the dog, Alice scowled. “He’s a puppy still. He’s learning.”
Pam couldn’t quite uncurl her lip. “So he’s actually Reese’s dog? I assumed he was yours since you’re the one I usually see bringing him outside.”
“I pet-sit for him. Reese only recently got him, but being a detective, his hours can be...unconventional. And right now Cash needs a lot of attention, not to mention structure.”
“So yesterday, when you said someone went into his place?” Nikki dismissed the dog. “Reese was getting robbed?”
“Not exactly. It was just...” Unsure how much she should actually tell, Alice fudged the truth. “A conflict of sorts, that’s all. It all ended well enough when another detective showed up. But Reese’s apartment got a little...messy.”
With bullet holes. Blood. A dead body on the floor.
She shook her head. “Reese had a lot to do once they made arrests, a lot of follow-up work, so he got in late.” Or rather, early. “His apartment is still considered a crime scene.”
Uncaring of all that, Pam asked in disbelief, “And so he came to you?”
Alice shrugged. “He slept on my couch.”
“Your couch?” Nikki put a hand to her heart in dramatic fashion. “I would have dragged him into the bedroom.”
“Or joined him on the couch.” Pam grinned.
Through tight lips, Alice explained, “We don’t have that type of relationship.” In fact, she wasn’t sure what type of relationship they had. A couple of times now Reese had hinted about an attraction, but was it just teasing?
And if it wasn’t, what then?
“Oh, honey,” Nikki commiserated. “That must’ve been torturous for you, having a man like him so close but not getting the advantages.”
“It’s great news for us, though.” Pam elbowed her friend. “He’s still up for grabs.”
Alice couldn’t fathom their attitudes. “So you’re both interested in Reese?” How would that work? Neither of the women felt possessive?
Pam shrugged. “I do my best to get his attention, but Reese is a master at being polite without encouraging too much.”
Nikki agreed. “I’d be on him in a heartbeat if he’d give me a signal. He’s so delectably big and brawny.”
Big and brawny were not attributes that Alice generally admired. Not in a man who showed too much intimate interest in her.
But for whatever reason, Reese was different, and her heart raced every time he got near.
“He’s very compassionate,” Alice said, then suffered through some curious expressions from Nikki and Pam. “It’s true. He saved Cash. Someone had put the dog in a cardboard box and left him in the middle of the street.”
“Probably because he pees everywhere!” Nikki laughed.
Alice didn’t find it at all funny. How could anyone be that heartless? Luckily, Reese had cared enough to investigate when he saw the box, and once he’d discovered Cash, he’d taken him to the vet, adopted him and loved him. True, Reese spent too much time away, but he made sure the dog had proper care.
With her.
She sighed. “Reese is one of the kindest men I’ve ever met.”
Nikki grinned at her. “Yeah, and despite his big hard body and that incredible face, I’m sure it was his kindness that you noticed first, right?”
No, that quality might not be what first drew her attention to Reese, but it was definitely what got past her defensive walls.
“He’s also a police detective, honest and protective of others.”
Pam snickered. “And with as long as we’ve been talking, the big, bad cop just might be in the shower right now.” She gave Alice’s shoulder a pat and started away with Nikki. “If I was you, I’d hurry in and join him.”
“Have some fun for me, Alice.” Nikki smiled as she followed Pam. “We want to hear all the juicy details tomorrow!”
Alice was too frozen to say her goodbyes. Until Pam’s parting remark it hadn’t sunk in that she’d left Reese Bareden, a detective, alone in her apartment.
Oh, good Lord.
There was no telling what he’d find if he decided to snoop. And for a detective, snooping no doubt came naturally.
“Cash, come on, boy. Let’s go!”
Ears lifted, eyes bright, the dog jumped up, always ready for some excitement.
Good thing, because it seemed to Alice, wherever Reese Bareden went, excitement definitely followed.
* * *
WHILE ALICE LINGERED outside, saying God knew what, Reese did a quick surveillance of her apartment. Her bedroom was plain to the point of painful, not at all like most females’ rooms. In lieu of a frilly comforter, she had a simple beige quilt over a full-size bed. Utilitarian curtains were pulled back to allow in the warm summer breeze. Not a single piece of clothing showed out of place. Other than one photograph sitting on her dresser, she kept her surfaces clutter-free. He approached the picture for a better look.
She’d had shorter hair when the photo was taken, and beside her sat a girl some years younger. A sister? They shared the same eyes, hair color and the same lush mouth. Alice looked happy in a way that Reese hadn’t yet seen.
The Alice he knew never looked quite that tranquil, and seeing the contrast in the photo bothered him.
He strode to her closet to look inside.
Her very basic wardrobe hung in neat array, with her shoes lined up side by side on the floor. A shoe box on top of a shelf drew his attention, and he lifted it down.
Inside he found the heavy Glock that she’d carried into his apartment yesterday. Again he remembered the weapon in her hand and the look in her eyes.
“Shit.” He returned the box to the top of her closet and closed the door. He started to leave the room, hesitated, and instead looked under her bed.
Not a speck of dust, but he did find a lethal retractable baton. Scowling, he opened her nightstand and saw a Taser.
“Son of a bitch.” How many people did she expect to fend off? And what the hell had happened to her to make her think all the weapons were necessary?
None of it gelled. Alice was a first-class introvert. Painfully solemn and withdrawn. Sort of...quietly dignified. She reminded him of his third grade teacher, minus the bun and support hose. He curled his lip, disliking that comparison a lot—especially given how she turned him on.
There had to be something twisted in that.
At first, Alice Something-or-other—he really needed to learn her last name—had felt like a challenge. He didn’t want to think himself conceited, but women didn’t ignore him, so her disregard had piqued his interest.
Then he’d noticed her odd intensity, the extreme way she focused whenever she ventured outside, almost as if she watched for the boogeyman. Why would a young, middle-class woman in a good neighborhood need to be so over-the-top cautious, even in broad daylight?
Her softness felt like a lure. Big dark eyes. Baby fine brown hair.
And that soft, full mouth...
The first time he saw her smile—at his dog—something had sparked. Reese couldn’t explain it any more than he could dismiss it, but something about her turned him on at a gut level.
He saw that tempting smile of hers, and he got hard.
Knowing she could come back in any moment, Reese searched through her bathroom, but in his cursory exploration he found only the usual female products. No meds, other than a few OTCs like aspirin and cold pills.
In the spare bedroom set up as her office, he struck gold. With enough time to dig around, he could probably uncover all kinds of info on that elaborate computer network. Paper files occupied a rack on the corner of the desk. She had an external drive set up. Mail filled a basket, meaning he could learn her last name with a simple peek. Everything was so neatly organized that going through it would be a breeze.
But that would be such a huge invasion of her privacy.
Worse than peeking in closets and under beds.
God, it was tempting....
In a belated bid for integrity, Reese shut the door. He’d talk to Alice. He’d ask questions and hopefully get answers, and then he’d decide how to proceed.
Right now, after seeing the guns, Taser and baton, he really did need that coffee.
A few minutes later, he’d just sat down at the table with his second cup when the front door flew open and Alice charged in, Cash hot on her heels.
Reese half rose from his seat. “What’s wrong?”
She halted comically, still breathing fast. Cash looked at her, looked at Reese, and twitched his ears as if awaiting further instruction.
After blowing out a breath, Alice shook her head. “Nothing is wrong.” She closed the door and simply...stood there.
“Just felt like taking a wind sprint, huh?” Would he ever understand her?
Damn straight he would.
“I had no idea you could move so quickly.” Coffee in hand, he left the table. “I believe your temples are dewy. Did you run all the way in?”
She looked blank for only a moment, then visually searched the apartment as if seeking signs of his intrusion.
Let her look. He’d folded up his blankets. Put his clothes near the door. He’d even buttoned his slacks.
No way would he put on a shirt, though, not when he enjoyed her appreciation. And thinking of her appreciation...
He started toward her.
She locked her gaze to his. “What are you doing?”
Her uncertainty cut deep. “Greeting my dog.” Gently, Reese took the leash from her small hand and unhooked Cash. He knelt down. “Did you miss me, Cash? Did you?”
Alice stared down at him. “You talk to him like he’s a baby.”
“He likes it.” And then, to drive home that point, he said in his most ridiculous voice, “Don’t you, boy? Yes, you do.”
Alice blurted, “I’m sorry I intruded.”
Huh. What was that about? Slowly, so he wouldn’t make her any jumpier, Reese stood. “Let’s go to the kitchen. This is my second cup, but as foggy as I am today, I might need the whole pot.”
“All right.” She marched ahead of him. “I was going to offer you breakfast. Or lunch.” At the sink, she pivoted to face him. “What do you feel like?”
Such a loaded question, and being male, so many inappropriate comments came to mind. But given all her weaponry and secrets, he got right to the point instead of teasing.
“I feel like an explanation.” Or two or three. He helped himself to another cup of coffee, which put him within touching distance of her, and started with her last apology. “When did you intrude?”
“Outside. With your lady friends.”
Ah. What justification would she give for that little display? “You wanted me to get my coffee.” He saluted her with his cup. “Much appreciated.”
“” She rubbed her forehead. “I mean, yes, I did want you to have your coffee, of course. But I...I don’t really understand what I was thinking. I saw you out there with those women and the next thing I knew, I was behaving like a jealous wife.”
Wow. Reese stared at her, flabbergasted. She threw that out there like it was nothing. No reserve at all.
No sense of self-preservation either.
“Again,” she said in that same no-nonsense tone, “I’m sorry.”
Shaking off the surprise, Reese opened her refrigerator. “No problem.” He withdrew her cartoon of eggs.
She frowned. “They’re both very attractive.”
“Nikki and Pam?”
The frown intensified. “Don’t be deliberately obtuse.”
“All right.” If she wanted to dish it out, he could dish it right back. “They’re both sexy as hell.” He grinned like a sinner—or a man ready to provoke. “And they know it, too.”
Alice reached around him and pulled out bacon. “This is awkward.”
She didn’t act uncomfortable. She acted like it was routine to have such an odd conversation. “Nothing with me should be awkward.”
She eyed him, moved around to get out a pan. “I understand they were...trying to attract your interest?”
“With those two, always. They’re relentless in their pursuits.” He put just enough complaint in his tone to sound comically pitiful.
“Oh, poor you. How awful it must be to have sexy-as-hell women hitting on you.”
The bite of her sarcasm was so totally unexpected, he loved it. “Since I don’t want to get involved with either of them, even for a one-night stand, it gets tedious.”
“So you really have turned them down?” She quickly added, “That’s what they said. That they kept trying and you kept dodging them.”
He crossed his heart.
“Is it the proximity? That was Nikki’s guess.”
Since proximity would also put Alice off limits, he denied it. “That might have factored in a little. But mainly they’re both drinkers and heavy partiers.”
“And you’re not?”
“When was the last time you saw me head to a party?”
“I haven’t kept track of your agenda, one way or the other.”
Bull. Alice was far too aware of everyone and everything not to have noticed him. Even without her keen powers of observation, few would miss a man of his size. Thanks to a good draw from the family gene pool, he had both height and strength.
Men and women alike made note of him. But it wasn’t until Cash that Alice had acknowledged his existence.
He turned on a burner to get the skillet hot. “I work too many hours, and when I get some downtime, I like to kick back with my friends, which usually means watching sports, fishing, that sort of thing.” He opened a drawer and found an egg turner. “And I like to hit up the gym a couple of times a week just to unwind.”
“You look—” she coughed lightly “—physically fit.”
“Thanks.” He was in prime condition, but if she wanted to understate it, he wouldn’t debate it with her.
She got out bread for toast. It was interesting how easily they moved together to prepare breakfast.
“Another strike against Pam and Nikki—they’re not dog people.” He smiled at how Alice maneuvered around Cash without complaint, giving him the occasional pat or stroke without even thinking about it.
“That matters to you?”
“The dog and I are a package deal now.” He began laying bacon in the skillet. “Love me, love my dog.”
Silence filled the air. Had the love word thrown her when likening herself to a jealous wife hadn’t? The mysteries added up. “So, Alice, while we prepare breakfast, why don’t we have that talk?”
“All right.” She took down glasses and poured orange juice. “Before we get into that, though, would you like to tell me what you found while snooping?”
He went still, unsure if she bluffed, or if—
“I know you did, Reese.”
“You assume—”
“I know.”
Giving up, he said, “You’re loaded down with weapons. Want to tell me why?”
One shoulder lifted. “Self-protection.”
“Most people cover that with one gun.”
She avoided his gaze by turning the bacon with a fork. “So, what did you find?”
“Glock in bedroom closet, Taser in nightstand—”
“You got into my nightstand?”
Interesting reaction. “Long enough to see the Taser, yes.” He studied her frown. “I also saw the baton under your bed.”
Mouth tight, she asked, “Is that it?”
No fucking way. “There’s more?”
With only the slightest hesitation, she lowered the heat under the bacon, took his hand and led him out of the kitchen and down the hall.
Reese was so astounded by her touch that he barely noticed Cash trotting along behind them. It seemed that wherever Alice went, the dog followed.
She veered into the bathroom, released him and gestured behind the toilet. Frowning, Reese leaned around her to see...a revolver strapped to the tank. It was hidden from view so that only someone who knew where to look would find it.
He started to say something, but Alice walked out, so he followed, as did Cash. She went into her office, pulled her chair out from her desk and tipped it back to show another Taser and a spare cell phone attached underneath.
“Jesus.” Reese rubbed a hand over his head. “What else?” Because somehow, he just knew there was more.
She marched back into the kitchen, opened a cabinet drawer, and one by one, set out a flashlight, another spare cell phone, a big knife, mace and finally a stun gun. “I prefer a Taser so I won’t have to get close, but the stun gun is here just in case.”
Muscles knotted, tension mounting from her dispassionate explanation and overabundance of weapons, Reese growled out, “Why?” She had a damned fortress going on, and there must be a reason.
“I don’t want to be hurt.”
In contrast to his tone, hers was soft, and a little chilling because of it. It wrecked him, imagining what might have instilled so much caution.
His worst fears were confirmed when her big dark eyes lifted to his, and she said softly, “Again.”
METHODICALLY, ALICE replaced each item in the drawer. She heard her own heartbeat, felt the rushing of her pulse, but outwardly, she showed nothing but calm resolve.
God, how good she’d gotten at that.
For the longest time, Reese said nothing. She wasn’t sure what to expect, how he’d react.
But when he did finally move, it was just to turn the bacon.
She closed the drawer, searching for something to say. “You seem competent in the kitchen.” He seemed competent at everything. “Would you like to do the eggs, too, or should I?”
“Why don’t you take a seat, and I’ll handle it.”
Ooookay. He sounded almost indifferent—not what she’d expected, especially from a detective. She pulled out a chair, and Cash came to lay by her feet.
“Do you have permits for the guns?”
That stalled her but only for a moment. Surely she did. “Yes.”
“That wasn’t a very confident reply.”
She repeated, more firmly, “Yes.”
“Stay, Cash. I’ll be right back.” She went into her office, checked that Reese hadn’t followed her and got out her special paperwork hidden within the register vent on the floor, held in place by heavy magnets. Inside, she found several permits. She located what she needed, put the rest back and returned to Reese. “Here you go.”
“If I check those, will they be legit?”
“I’m confident they will be.”
He shook his head at her. “The things you say and the way you say it—”
“Yes,” she amended. “They will be.” Not even for a second should she have doubted it. Everything she had, every resource, and yes, every weapon, would bear up under close scrutiny.
The bacon smelled delicious as Reese put it on a plate and got started on the eggs. “How many do you want?”
“One, please.” Watching him work, she appreciated the view: Reese shirtless, his shoulders flexing as he cracked eggs, his big bare feet planted apart on her linoleum floor. She could so easily get used to the sight of him in her kitchen. “Most women would want to cook for you.”
“Maybe.” He lifted his coffee cup for another drink, then glanced back at her. “I appreciate it that you aren’t being so clichéd.”
No, she couldn’t be. She was so unlike most women, any comparison would be hard to find.
He continued to watch her. “Does anyone else know about your cache of weapons?”
No one that he’d ever meet. She didn’t like lying to him, but really, she had no choice. “No.”
“You took far too long to answer.”
“I’m sorry.”
Reluctantly, he turned to flip the eggs. “So, why did you tell me?”
Alice shook her head. “I’ve been sitting here wondering the same thing myself. I’d appreciate it if you didn’t repeat it to anyone else.”
“Who would I tell?”
“Your friend Detective Riske. Or Lieutenant Peterson. I’d as soon not have to answer difficult questions.”
“All right.” He set the plates on the table. “Unless it becomes necessary to tell someone else, I’ll keep your secret.” The toast popped up. Reese put a pat of butter on each piece.
“It’s not a secret as much as it’s my private, personal business.”
He handed her a napkin, touched her cheek and took his seat.
Though he ate without pressuring her, Alice knew he still waited for an answer.
“It’s strange,” she said after a bite of bacon. “But I think I trust you.”
“That’s a start.”
“I’m a good judge of character,” she said with a shrug. “You’re trustworthy.”
“You think that because I’m a cop?”
She laughed, realized how awful that sounded and covered her mouth with a hand. “No.” She shook her head. “No, being in law enforcement has nothing to do with it.”
“Unfortunately, you’re right.” Without seeming indelicate, he ate so heartily that his food quickly disappeared.
His statement made her curious. “Why do you say that?”
“All that stuff that happened—the shooting in my apartment, I mean. There are a handful of cops on the force right now that aren’t honest, good cops. The lieutenant is doing her best to clear out the corruption, but it’s not easy. One bad cop is catastrophic. You get several working together, and the entire department is compromised.”
“Your friend Logan?”
“As trustworthy as they come.”
“I thought so.” Yesterday, while she’d fretted, waiting to see if Reese would be okay, Logan Riske had pulled up with his brother and Pepper Yates. Alice had studied him for a short time, long enough to recognize in him the same attitude that Reese had.
In a leap of faith, she’d explained to Detective Riske about the intruders with Reese in his apartment.
“More of your intuition, huh?” He drank half his orange juice. “I gotta say, Alice, I’d love to know how you do it. How do you sift the good from the bad with little more than a glance?”
It grew so quiet after that, they could hear Cash snoring under the table. Alice finished off a slice of bacon, wondered where to start and decided it didn’t really matter when it all ended the same way.
“I was taken.”
Everything about Reese sharpened; his attention, his posture. His warm concern. And something more, something like rage.
Because he’s a good man, as well as a good cop, and he cares about others.
He set aside his utensils. “You were kidnapped?”
Oh, God, she hated hearing it said aloud. “And held captive.”
“When?” He leaned toward her. “For how long?”
Unwilling—even unable—to elaborate, she shook her head. “The only important detail is that I got away. And now that I’m free, I don’t take chances. That’s all I can say.”
“I need more.”
“I’m sorry, no.”
Abruptly, he sat back. “Stop apologizing, damn it!”
She smiled at his show of temper. “Honestly, Reese, I didn’t expect to ever tell anyone any of it. I don’t like to think about it. I definitely don’t want to talk about it.” Mired in confusion and conflicts, she reached a hand down to Cash and put her fingers in his fur. Contact with the dog always brought her composure. And oddly enough, exposure to Reese brought her that and other elusive emotions. Ones she’d feared she’d never again feel. That had to mean something, but what? Finding the right words wasn’t easy. “The thing is, I like you, when for the longest time I didn’t like anyone or anything, not even myself.”
Reese held himself still and silent.
“I’d gotten used to feeling...” She didn’t want to sound dramatic, but only one word would do. “Ugly.” Inside and out.
With stark conviction, he stated, “You’re not.”
He was the type of nice guy that would do his best to reassure her, only she didn’t need that from him. “Then I decided I was just plain.”
Folding his brawny arms on the tabletop, he leaned closer again. “Far from it.”
Her breath came faster, deeper. “The way you look at me, I know you must not think so.”
“Tell me why you think it.”
No, she couldn’t go there. For many, many reasons, not all of them her own, elaborating was impossible. “I can’t.”
“Can’t, or won’t?”
“Both, I guess.” Shoring up her courage, she met his piercing green eyes and saw the sympathy there. But she knew she didn’t deserve sympathy. She didn’t really deserve anything.
Not after what she’d done, what she’d let happen.
How cowardly she’d been. But not anymore.
She’d been given a second chance, and by God, she would grab it with both hands.
Reese had mentioned love. Love him, love his dog.
Easy enough, since she’d lost her heart to Cash the second she’d met him. That Reese came with the dog, or vice versa...well, that could be a wonderful bonus.
Her throat tightened. She’d come to accept that love was well out of reach. She hadn’t been worthy of love.
But now?
She desperately wanted to explore the expanding emotions he inspired. Did she dare?
She would never again be a coward.
Clearing the constricting uncertainty from her throat, she forced herself to meet his gaze. He watched her so closely that she felt it right down to her heart. “When can you move back to your apartment?”
The seconds ticked by. “In a hurry to get rid of me?”
“Not at all.” Alice admitted the truth. “I’m hoping you still need a place to stay. That is, I hope you’ll want to stay here again.” And just in case he wasn’t getting it, she added, “With me.”
He dropped back in his seat, his eyes closed, his expression frustrated. “You don’t pull your punches, do you?”
When she’d so generously been offered a new lease on life, she’d vowed to be clear and concise in all things. She wanted Reese. For how much, she didn’t yet know, but she wanted to find out. “I didn’t mean to put you on the spot.”
He half laughed and opened his eyes to watch her again.
“You shouldn’t feel obligated anything.” That sounded terrible. “I mean, you’re welcome to sleep here. On the couch.” Worse and worse, Alice. She screwed up her flagging courage and put on a serious face. “I wasn’t hitting on you, as Pam and Nikki do.”
“I can tell the difference.”
Of course he could. She felt like a fool.
Reese smiled at her. “I would have asked, you know.”
Tension eased from her shoulders. “You want to stay?”
“For several reasons. First and foremost, after the excitement last night, you shouldn’t be alone. Yes, you’re coping well. And now that I know a hint of your past, I suppose being well-armed makes...sense.”
Was he trying not to insult her? “You think I’m overdoing it.”
“I think you’re doing what you need to in order to feel safer.”
Safer, but not safe. Reese understood the difference. Now that she knew how easy it was to become the victim, never again would she feel entirely safe. “Yes.”
He toyed with his empty glass, turning it on the table. “I can only imagine how you were affected by the shooting and the death—”
She lifted her chin. “I would have helped.”
“You did help. You sent Logan in with full knowledge of what was happening. Without you, he might have ended up in the same boat as the lieutenant and me.”
She still didn’t know everything that had happened, how or why. “Handcuffed to a bed?”
“Or dead.” Reese pushed back from his chair and carried his empty plate to the sink.
Were all men so comfortable in a kitchen? So tidy?
Not that she could remember. Her dad was wonderful, but he’d left household chores to her mother.
The few relationships she’d had never went beyond casual dating, so she had no idea how those men had been in a kitchen.
As if merely curious, Reese asked, “You would have used that gun yesterday?”
“If necessary.” That was one thing she’d proven to herself. She could pull the trigger. “I gave my other gun to your friend, since he’d left his with his brother—”
“Other gun?” He turned to face her again. “You have more?”
“Another revolver. Logan didn’t tell you it was mine?”
“He got shot, and he was bleeding all over....” Reese looked at her face and cursed low. “So damn much confusion, and too many people involved.” He cleared his plate and put it in the dishwasher. “The CST has your gun, so I hope you’re right about that permit.”
“I am.” Curiosity got the better of her. “CST? Is that Crime Scene Tech?”
“Yes. They’re responsible for taking photos of the scene and collecting evidence.”
She scowled. “When will I get it back?” The idea of being short a gun didn’t sit right. She’d gotten used to knowing exactly where to find each weapon.
“If everything checks out, it won’t be long.” He took her plate to the dishwasher, too, then came to stand right in front of her. He touched her chin, lifted her face. “Whenever an officer is involved in a shooting, he gets mandatory paid time off, usually three days.”
Hope bloomed in her breast. “So you’ll be off for the next three days?”
“Not if I can help it, but maybe.”
Oh. Unlike her, he wasn’t rattled by the violence. He was ready to get back to work, and she only worried about being alone with her thoughts.
And her memories.
It felt far too uncomfortable to be sitting while he towered over her. She eased out of her chair and stood behind it. “You don’t want the time off?”
“I want to follow up some leads. One bastard died but not before telling us...”
When he trailed off, Alice filled in for him. “About his human trafficking venture.” Her hands tightened on the back of the chair. “That’s what you were going to say.”
He rubbed the back of his neck. “It burned my ass to have divided loyalties yesterday.”
How she would love to put her hands around his bulging biceps; the skin there looked so smooth and taut. She could maybe trail her fingers over the solid muscles in his shoulders, too, and down through his crisp chest hair....
“Alice,” he warned.
“Divided how?”
He took a step closer but didn’t touch her. “Logan was shot, Rowdy was in a fury and Pepper was all emotional.”
Sorting out the people involved would take some doing. “You said Pepper and Rowdy are siblings.”
“The reason Rowdy was so furious. The guy that died? He’d planned to give Pepper to the traffickers.”
Sickness churned in her stomach, burned in her throat. “That’s why you and Detective Riske were after him?”
“Not entirely, no. Morton Andrews was guilty of many things, all of them worthy of death.”
So many awful people in the world. Too many. She swallowed back the distaste of evil. “I’m glad he’s dead.”
Reese gave her a long look. “Pepper wasn’t emotional over that, though, and it wasn’t just fear for her brother.”
“Mostly it was Logan getting shot. She went all girly over it, which was a shocker because before that, she’d been stoic to the point of being stony. Especially around me.”
“She didn’t trust you?”
“Apparently not. But seeing her at the hospital...I think she softened some once she realized I wasn’t in cahoots with the bad guys.”
That ludicrous idea struck her funny. “She must not be very perceptive if she ever thought that.”
“Actually, she’s sharp as a tack, and since I’d been keeping secrets, she had her reasons for doubting me.” He shook his head, averting her many questions. “No, don’t ask. When you share, so will I.”
Unfair. “I have valid reasons for keeping some things to myself.”
“Yeah? Me, too.” He went around her toward the living room. “Anyway, while I was at the hospital to check on Logan and keep an eye on Pepper, other detectives followed up our lead.”
“You wanted to be there when that happened?”
“Damn straight. But policy is that any cop involved in a shooting has that mandatory time off I mentioned.” He shrugged. “Doesn’t matter. They had it covered, and that meant I could stay at the hospital with Logan.”
“You’re a good friend.” Cash walked away to lounge in the sunshine pouring through the patio doors.
“While I was otherwise involved, Lieutenant Peterson finagled a group bust, and last I heard officers were en route to intercept a transfer...of women.”
Panic closed in on her, trying to suffocate her, compressing her lungs and stinging her eyes.
That sickness roiled again, but Alice swallowed several times and willed away the awfulness by focusing on Reese, watching him lift his clothes, dig out his keys...
His keys. New panic exploded. “You’re leaving?”
He took one look at her and dropped the clothes again. In three long strides he reached her. “I’ll only be gone long enough to shower and get clean clothes.” He held her shoulders, hesitated then drew her in to his chest.
Warmth and Reese’s unique scent enveloped her. He didn’t wrap those thick arms around her, didn’t crush her close. He merely held her.
Fascinated, curious in a way she hadn’t experienced in far too long, Alice lifted her hands to his bare chest. That soft cushion of chest hair, a few shades darker than that on his head, teased her palms. She rested her cheek against him and inhaled deeply, wanting to eat him up.
The top of her head didn’t reach his chin. She felt his heartbeat against her cheek. He smelled of man, sex and excitement, but at the same time, he filled her with peace and contentment, emotions so long absent from her life. “I’m sorry. I keep imposing when I don’t mean to.”
“I want you to.”
That made no sense. “You want me to impose?”
He put one hand to the back of her head, tangled his fingers in her hair. “I want you to tell me what you think and feel. I want you to confide in me.”
“Oh. Okay.” She turned her face a little so that it was her nose touching his furry chest. “I wish I was as strong as you.”
He made a gruff sound. “Honey, this wouldn’t be happening right now if you looked like me.”
Another smile. That was a special gift in itself, the humor he brought her. Humor was one more thing she’d never again take for granted. “I meant your courage. Not your physique.”
“You were plenty brave yesterday.”
“No.” She owed him the truth about that, since she couldn’t be truthful about everything else—much as she wished it otherwise. “I have tunnel vision in dangerous situations. Knowing armed men had come to hurt you and probably anyone else who got in the way...” Taking a step back, she put a hand to her stomach. “I trembled so badly inside, I felt queasy and weak all over.”
He shocked her by covering her hand with his own, but since his was so much bigger, his fingertips pressed into her sensitive flesh. Even through her shirt, his touch felt far too intimate.
And stirring.
Gaze compelling, he spoke in a deep, hushed voice. “Come on, Alice. That’s just a healthy respect for danger. You’d have to be an idiot to be indifferent to thugs with loaded weapons.”
Yes... Wait. What were they talking about? She’d stopped hearing him the second he touched her.
“Alice?” He turned his hand to catch hers. “I’m going to leave Cash here with you.”
“Thank you.” The dog provided so much comfort, and in the short time she’d been watching him, she’d grown accustomed to his presence. When he wasn’t around, she missed the sound of his snores, his occasional bark.
Even the sound of him breathing.
“Before I go, there’s one thing I need to know.”
Dreading the inquisition, Alice nodded.
“I’d appreciate it if you’d tell me your last name.”
* * *
REESE WATCHED HER eyes widen, saw her soft lips part with a husky laugh. “We’ve never been properly introduced, have we?”
Damn, she leveled him without even trying. The way she laughed, how her dark eyes all but devoured him. He’d let her off the hook with details of being kidnapped—but only until he had her more relaxed.
She might think she kept it together, but he looked at her and saw so much, all of it painful to witness. She was on the edge, and if she lost it, if she cried, it’d crush him.
Hearing about it would be even worse, so, yeah, maybe he needed a little more time to get it together, too.
“I was all right and proper and introduced myself, but you were determined to cut me cold.” He liked holding her hand and that she hadn’t yet pulled away. “If it wasn’t for Cash, I’d never have gotten even a simple nod from you.”
“I’m sor—”
“Do not apologize.”
Her grin widened. “Okay.” She did a silly curtsy. “Alice Appleton.”
Why that tickled him, Reese couldn’t say, but hearing her name, how melodic it sounded, left him smiling, too. And after she’d kept him at such a distance, getting a last name meant he was finally making strides.
“I like it. It suits you.” He tugged her in close again, and when she didn’t resist, he rested his chin on top of her head. “Involvement in a shooting is always difficult. Even for a cop, counseling is offered, and strongly advised. It’d make sense if you needed to talk to someone, too.”
Giving away nothing, she said simply, “No.”
Accepting that, because he felt the same, he asked, “Will you talk to me about it?”
“I already did. It was awful.” She burrowed closer. “I was cowardly, but I would have done what needed to be done, and I’m proud of that.”
Wow. He’d never known anyone, much less a woman, who spoke so candidly. In one respect it worried him, because she left herself so emotionally exposed, she could be easily hurt.
Her lack of artifice also humbled him, made him more determined than ever to know her and all her dark secrets. “You’ve done what had to be done before?”
Instead of answering, she snuggled closer still. “You smell incredible, Reese.”
A diversion—but he got the message all the same. He had made strides, so he wouldn’t get too greedy. Not right now, anyway. “If you say so, but I need a shower.”
He put his nose to the crown of her head. She was the one who smelled good. Sort of warm and soft and uniquely...Alice.
Maybe because she wasn’t ready to let him go, she asked, “What happens now? With your work, I mean?”
“The coroner already had the body transported for autopsy.”
“I’m glad it’s not still in your apartment.”
He felt her shudder. “Yeah, me, too.” He ran his hand up and down her spine, settling his palm low at the small of her back, close to where her backside started a gentle rise. The subtleties of her figure teased him, made him anxious to discover more. “Because the death was officer involved, IAD will send an investigator. The D.A.’s office, too.”
“Internal affairs?”
He splayed his fingers, spanning the narrow width of her back. She was so small, so delicate. The contrasts between his large frame and her slender figure had him stirring again. Insane. He couldn’t let that keep happening. Not with Alice.
Not while they discussed things so awful and real.
He told himself that he would have her.
When she was ready. When he got her ready.
At the moment, Alice didn’t seem clear on what she wanted, but he wasn’t inexperienced, and unlike her, he wasn’t conflicted. He felt her nearly tactile interest every time she looked him over with those big, dark eyes.
Yes, she wanted his company so she wouldn’t be alone.
And she wanted him—as a man. Thank God.
But now was not the time to seduce her...easy as it’d probably be.
“Both offices will want to interview Lieutenant Peterson, Logan and me, the sooner the better.”
She pressed back to scowl up at him. “Are you in trouble?”
“It’s just routine. We’re not accused of any wrongdoing, but it’s smart to cover all the bases. Don’t worry about it.” Mostly he just wanted to get past it so he could get back to work.
“Officers talked to me last night.”
Damn. Of course they had. Feeling his way, he asked, “How did that go?”
“It was fine. I told them what I knew, but really, other than recognizing there was a problem and loaning a gun to your friend, I didn’t know what had happened or why.”
And yet, other than asking how everyone had fared, she didn’t pry. “I can finish explaining everything to you later, okay?”
She nodded. “You still haven’t told me how long it will be before you can return to your apartment.”
“After a couple of days, we’ll be through all the necessary tasks. Then I’ll have a company come in that specializes in cleaning...crime scenes.”
“Meaning blood and gore and such?”
He moved right past that. No reason to dwell on the nastiness. The cleaners would get done in a day, but because he figured he’d want to stay with her longer, she didn’t need to know that yet. “So, Alice Appleton, may I be your guest until my apartment is ready?”
“Yes, Reese Bareden, you may.” Head tipped back, silky hair falling behind her shoulders, she met his gaze. “And, thank you. I’m sure a few days will make all the difference. I only need a little time to—”
Reese bent down to kiss her.
He didn’t plan it, hadn’t even realized he would do it, but once he got there, with his mouth on hers, awareness reverberated throughout his system, making itself known...everywhere.
In his pants for sure, his head, as well, and maybe even in his heart.
That bothered him, so he made the decision to keep it brief, nothing more than a peck. Except that her mouth was insanely soft, and it all felt so damn right, he couldn’t help but linger. He didn’t kiss her the way he really wanted, and still it staggered him.
Her hands curled carefully against his chest, her fingertips pressing into his pecs, the telling gesture giving away so much.
She wasn’t unaffected.
Finally managing to ease back, Reese studied her closed eyes and heated skin and knew he had to go now before he took things too far.
He ran the back of his knuckles over her downy cheek. All women were soft, damn it. But somehow, with Alice, the softness seemed amplified.
Reese said, “I won’t be long.”
She still didn’t open her eyes. Instead, she swallowed, nodded and shooed him away.
That got him grinning and helped to subdue other, more disturbing reactions. Alice was the funniest and, yes, oddest woman he’d ever known. Everything about her was endearing. And a turn-on.
Somewhere in her past, she’d been taken by strangers. She’d been hurt, but he didn’t know how badly. He only knew it was enough to get her armed to the teeth, to make her wary of one and all.
Enough to have her seek a life of isolation.
Eventually he’d find out everything. For today, he’d start with a few phone calls and go from there.
One thing was certain. Until he knew if she was still in danger, he wouldn’t leave Alice Appleton unprotected. He had only planned to get clean clothes from his apartment, maybe his shaving kit, toothbrush...but, what the hell. He’d pack a bag, and until further notice, he’d be her roommate—and her shadow.
“Lock the door behind me.” And with that reminder, he walked out before he changed his mind and didn’t go at all.
ALICE MISSED REESE the moment he left. Her apartment, that once felt peaceful with only her in it, now felt empty. Too quiet.
Even sort of lonely.
“Bleh.” She turned to Cash. “It’s ridiculous, isn’t it?”
Cash gave her a sleepy yawn, wiggled a little on the couch and started thumping his tail when she walked over to rub his ears.
“I’m glad I still have you. But for how long?” She cupped his furry face and put her cheek to his head. “It breaks my heart, but you’re not really my dog. Reese loves you, so someday, if he moves or gets involved with a woman, I might not be able to see you anymore.”
Cash crawled into her lap and tried to lick her face. Dodging the majority of his sloppy affection, Alice gave a laugh that sounded far too close to a sob.
Damn it, she would not cry. God knew she had nothing to cry about. Not anymore. She controlled her life, and if things weren’t exactly as she’d like them to be, well, she had no one to blame but herself.
Even with the pep talk, her throat went tight and her eyes burned.
A knock on her door had her sucking up the excess of emotion real quick.
Cash did a doggy feat of launching away while barking like a crazed beast.
“Cash, behave.” Assuming Reese had forgotten something, Alice quickly wiped her cheeks and drew a cleansing breath. Going to the door, she put her eye to the peephole—and straightened with incredulity.
Taking his cue from her, Cash ramped up his barking to a berserk level.
“Shhh,” she told the frantic dog. “It’s okay.” Maybe. But why in the world would—
“Open up, Alice,” came a deep, compelling voice. “I know you’re in there. I hear Cash.”
As the dog recognized their visitor, his reaction transformed from outrage to utter elation. Giving a high-pitched whine, he turned circles and kept looking at her, waiting for her to open the door.
In a whisper, Alice reminded the dog, “You don’t know him any better than I do.”
“I can hear you, too, Alice.” The amusement came through loud and clear. “Now open up.”
She bit her lip to hold back the groan. Good grief, did he have supersonic hearing or something?
Heartbeat accelerated, Alice put a hand to her hair, but of course it was already tidy. She was always tidy. And boring. And too cautious...
Stop it.
She straightened her shirt, licked the lips that Reese had just kissed and unlocked the door.
Cash charged forward in excitement, but he didn’t get far. “Hello, Rowdy,” she said as he caught the dog’s collar. Luckily, being around Reese had gotten her somewhat used to large men.
Because Rowdy Yates was that, and then some.
He was also drop-dead gorgeous in a devilish, careless, edgy way. Where Reese tempered his sex appeal, Rowdy threw it out there without reserve, bludgeoning innocent bystanders with his raw magnetism.
“Hey, yourself.” He went down to one knee to acknowledge the dog. “What a welcome! I missed you too, bud.”
“Odd,” Alice remarked at the dog’s reaction. “He barely knows you.”
“We’re kindred souls.”
She doubted that. The dog was sweet and mostly gentle. In more ways than one, Rowdy Yates represented walking, talking trouble.
Unlike Reese, he didn’t speak in a falsetto voice to Cash. There were many, many other ways in which he differed from Reese, as well. Where Reese instilled trust and confidence, Rowdy brought out blushes and heart palpitations.
Standing there, one hand on her throat, the other crossed over her stomach, Alice wondered why in the world he’d come to visit.
His blond hair, darker than Reese’s, was a little too long and a lot too messy, as if the wind—or a woman’s hands—had recently played with it. He had beard shadow, not because he’d just awakened, but because he hadn’t bothered to shave. He wore a snowy white undershirt with jeans so ancient the denim was threadbare in places.
All in all, he made a rugged, mouth-watering package. Alice gulped and asked with some hope, “Are you looking for Reese?”
“Nope.” He scooped up the dog. “Instead of hanging out here while you analyze me, how about we take this little party inside?”
But they weren’t having a party! And how had he known she was analyzing him? “I, ah...”
As if she had no say so at all, Rowdy strode in, and she could have sworn Cash smiled at her as they went past. Alice just managed to get out of Rowdy’s way.
With the back view of him now presented to her, she couldn’t help but notice his muscled tush—and the outline of a big folding knife in his back pocket. She’d barely met him, but it didn’t surprise her that he’d armed himself. In fact, she’d bet he had another weapon or two hidden on his person.
Why was he here?
She had no reason to distrust Rowdy. But then, she had no real reason to trust him either.
Leaving the front door partially ajar, she followed him into her apartment.
They hadn’t been properly introduced, but she knew Rowdy as one of the men involved in the violence yesterday. “You’re Rowdy Yates, Pepper’s brother.”
“And you’re Alice, Reese’s neighbor.” He gave her a killer grin guaranteed to make a woman’s knees wobbly.
Alice didn’t doubt its effectiveness—but he wasted it on her. So far, only Reese had the ability to overwhelm her with his presence.
“Alice Appleton.” Given that Reese now knew her name, there didn’t seem to be much reason for the continued subterfuge—at least, not in that. Concern furrowed her brow. “Is everything okay?”
“You tell me.” Going to her couch as if he visited every day, as if they were somehow old friends instead of brand-new acquaintances, he dropped into a seat. Cash remained on his lap, a look of rapture on his dark face.
Given his exceptional good looks, it wasn’t a hardship to study Rowdy. And in that study, she saw so many emotions. Self-assurance. Even arrogance.
But she also sensed his troubled thoughts. About what? Yesterday he’d been in the middle of extreme circumstances. Reese had told her that Rowdy’s sister had been threatened. How powerless had that made him feel?
He appeared the overprotective sort. But now his sister was with Reese’s good friend, Detective Logan Riske. Did that leave Rowdy somehow displaced? Did he have any other family to turn to?
She had family, and yet, she was still...alone.
“How long are you going to do that?”
Worry for him kept her from embarrassment, and obliterated her usual reserve. “Not much longer.”
“Good.” He got comfortable, one arm along the back of the couch. “I don’t mind female attention—”
“I’m sure you’re used to it.”
“—but now it’s getting a little disturbing. Almost like you’re dissecting me or something.”
“My apologies.” After a moment of hesitation, Alice approached him, decided to sit close and even reached for his hand.
Wariness sharpened his casual posture.
She ignored his unease, and instead went with her instincts. “How are you, Rowdy?”
Taken aback, he scowled. “That’s my question for you.”
“I’m not the one who was threatened yesterday.”
He tried to retrieve his hand, but Cash in his lap hampered him, and she held on. “That wasn’t—”
“A big deal?” Very gently she patted his hand. “Of course it was. Guns were aimed at you, and that means you could have lost your life at any moment.”
“I figured we’d get free.”
Or had he resigned himself to death? Since he’d settled in, she knew she wouldn’t easily get him to leave. Instead of even trying, she held his hand in both of hers and tried a different tack. “I met your sister yesterday. Only briefly and of course not under the best circumstances. She’s very beautiful, and very brave.”
“Yeah, that’s Pepper for you.”
“The two of you are close?”
He stopped straining away and instead scrutinized her. “Very.”
“I understand that she was threatened, as well.” She tipped her head and said without inflection, “Human trafficking, correct?”
His jaw locked as he leaned forward. “Never would have happened. I’d have taken those bastards apart with my bare hands before letting them—”
“I know.” She squeezed his fingers to soothe him, to let him know the coarse language hadn’t offended her. His hands were big and rough. Capable hands—not that it would have mattered. “Good men always feel that way, and yet, you know that women still get hurt.”
Dark eyes narrowed in a scowl. “What do you know about that, Alice?”
Poor Rowdy. He hoped to turn the tables on her by deflecting her concern.
She wouldn’t let him. “I can see your worry, Rowdy. Your vulnerability.”
“What the fuck?” Indignation wasn’t the only emotion coloring his laugh. “I am not vulnerable.”
“The language doesn’t shield you. In fact, it gives away your upset.”
His teeth clenched. “I’m not upset either.”
“Of course you are.” His raised voice was as much an indicator as the guarded expression in his eyes. “About your future,” she insisted, “about what to do next and how to proceed.”
“Proceed with what? Sorry, sweetheart, but you’re not making any sense.”
And now endearments. It was a tactic meant to reduce her conclusions to insignificance. The little woman spouting nonsense. She shook her head in pity. Rowdy didn’t know her fortitude, he didn’t understand that it took a lot more than that to derail her.
“Your sister is in love with a police detective. Where does that leave you?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
They both knew better. “For a man who treads a fine line of right and wrong, how difficult must it be to have a cop for a brother-in-law?”
He breathed hard, then muttered, “They’re not married yet.” Pulling his hand from hers, he set Cash aside and stood. After a moment, he shrugged. “But, yeah, I saw her today and it seems they’re making plans at Mach speed.”
Alice looked up at him. “You’re opposed to the wedding?”
“No.” He started to pace. “Logan’s a good man. I like him.”
“You trust him.”
“Of course I do. What’s with the psychobabble? Are you a shrink now?”
Her smile held understanding. “Can you pick a lock, Rowdy?”
A show of nonchalance couldn’t hide his antagonism. “Yeah, sure.”
“And yet, you’re not a locksmith.”
“I learned on the street.” He took a single step toward her. “Picking locks, along with a boatload of other talents, was a skill I acquired out of necessity.”
Exactly how she’d learned to read people—out of necessity. Given the shift in his expression, now more concerned than combative, he must have come to the same conclusion.
To head off any intrusive questions, Alice tried to steer the conversation. “Does it reassure you to know that Pepper will be well protected?”
Rather than the idea sidetracking him, he jumped on it. “What makes you think she needs protection?”
How to answer? How to explain that she’d made many assumptions in a very short time? Stalling, Alice gave Cash a pat before she, too, stood. “You could call it a hunch if you want.”
Rowdy planted his big feet apart and crossed his thick arms over his chest. “Here’s the thing, honey. You’re not the only one with hunches. And that’s why I’m here.” He chucked her under the chin. “I have a hunch you’re running scared. It’ll be easier on you if you just settle down and tell me why.”
* * *
SHE DIDN’T SCARE EASY, he’d give her that. Even though he pressured her, he couldn’t crack Alice’s calm facade.
When she’d first started digging into his head, into his motives, Rowdy had told himself to take off. If Alice didn’t want to share, then to hell with it. Let her be Reese’s problem. God knew that one enjoyed doubting everyone and everything...but, yeah, that wasn’t entirely fair. He’d given Reese, the astute bastard, good reason for doubt.
As if she’d read his mind, Alice asked, “Does Reese know you’re here?”
He laughed. “No.”
“You don’t trust him?”
“Other way around, honey.” It still burned his ass, but what the hell? Why not tell her? “What do you know about Reese?”
Without hesitation, right to the point, she said, “He’s a good man.”
“Yeah, I suppose he is. Not that I always believed it.”
“You must not know him well.”
Because if he did, he’d nominate him for sainthood? Rowdy bit back a snort. “Nope. Hardly at all, in fact.” He grinned at her. “We had this little case of mistaken identity. Logan and Reese thought I’d witnessed a murder two years past, but it was actually my sister....” Sickness burned his stomach, sent acid into his throat.
Playing cavalier became more difficult.
Not that Miss Alice Appleton was easy to fool, anyway. He rubbed at an ache in his temple. “Scratch all that, okay? The bastard is dead now, and good riddance.”
Voice soft, strangely comforting, she said, “So the murderer was the man who died in Reese’s apartment.”
A statement, not a question, but Rowdy confirmed it, anyway. “Yeah. Because of him, because of what he would’ve done if he’d known Pepper was a witness, we lived off the grid.” He couldn’t quite look at her, because damn it, she’d probably see too much, far more than she’d already surmised. “We managed to lay low for those two years, but after Logan and Reese exposed us, we became instant loose ends.”
“So you would have been killed?”
He lifted one shoulder, hoping to shake off the tension that clung to every muscle. “Reese and Logan, and others, too.”
“Everyone—except for your sister.” In deep thought, Alice whispered, “He would have kept her alive so he could sell her.”
Rage ignited, so bright Rowdy couldn’t speak, couldn’t answer. He gave a barely perceptible nod.
Attuned to him in a way that he wasn’t used to, Alice touched his arm. “It’s a very good thing that he’s dead.”
And therein lay the crux of the matter: her easy approval of such things, a mind-set that death could be the answer to a problem.
He decided to focus on Alice and tune out everything else.
Glad that she’d helped him with that, he covered her hand with his own. “Hell of an outlook, honey.” With alacrity he moved on to the purpose for his visit. “How does a buttoned-up gal like you get that indifferent about death?”
She tipped her head. “Buttoned-up?”
“Prim. Proper.” At her look of confusion, he gave her a nudge. “Come on, Alice. You’re a shrewd woman. I’m not telling you anything you don’t know.”
Distracted, maybe even a little insulted, she moved away from him to sit.
When Rowdy joined her, Cash crawled over to rest between them and gave a lusty sigh of contentment. She pushed her fingers into the dog’s fur in a gentle stroke that could mesmerize.
“I’m worried for you, Alice.”
Lost in thought, she said absently, “Don’t be.”
Not good enough. Yesterday, when she’d walked into the middle of the chaos, the death and the blood, he’d perceived something damaged in her persona, the same type of hopeless acceptance he’d seen in his sister—before she’d hooked up with Logan.
It bothered him because, almost instantly, he’d recognized Alice as a woman with dark secrets and a fair store of fear. How could any man turn a blind eye to that?
Measuring his words, hoping to reach her, Rowdy said with utmost seriousness, “The thing is, Alice, I know women, so I know—
She laughed. At him.
A little irate, he waited for her humor to subside. “That’s funny?”
“Absolutely.” Her smile was teasing—and made her look really pretty. “You’re so incorrigible and untamed.”
“Untamed, huh?” What the hell did that mean? She made him sound like a wild animal.
“Definitely.” Leaning closer, looking into his eyes, she pretended to share a secret. “You’re also incredibly big and undeniably handsome.”
Ears burning a little, he tried to lean away from her without looking too obvious. It wasn’t often he dodged a woman. Like maybe never. But this couldn’t happen, so he tried to be gentle but up front. “You know I’m only here as a friend, right?”
Another of her silly laughs escaped, and damn, it sounded so sweet, it almost made him smile.
Her chastising look forewarned him. “We’re hardly friends, Rowdy.”
“We could be.” If she’d stop laughing at me.
Now she sighed. “I’d like that, actually. Thank you.”
The truth struck him. He was both relieved and a little embarrassed. “You weren’t coming on to me, were you?”
“No, I wasn’t. I’m sorry, but honestly, I wouldn’t even know how.”
He wouldn’t tell her that she’d done a damn good job without trying.
She rubbed the dog’s neck, then around and under his chin. “You and Reese share a similar look.”
“Yeah?” Since Reese was polished, with a witty perspective on life, Rowdy didn’t see it. Well, except that they were both blond and tall.
“You’re big.”
Since a statement like that had all kinds of connotations, he had to cough to keep from making a joke. With any other woman...but, yeah, this was Alice.
“And you really are handsome.” This time it was his hair she tunneled her fingers into. “I’m sure women appreciate the ‘bad boy’ guise you’ve cultivated.”
Bad boy? Guise? His neck stiffened. “I haven’t cultivated—”
“But Reese is also big.” Dropping her hand, she smiled off at nothing in particular. “And incredibly handsome. And he’s...” Her voice faded. “He’s sooo...”
Curiosity got the better of him. “What?”
She licked her lips and inhaled a deep breath, only to let it out in a long sigh.
Put off, Rowdy scowled at her. “If you start purring, I’m outta here.”
A blush warmed her cheeks. She straightened her shoulders and refocused on him. “My point is that you and Reese might have similarities, but you also have differences. Like that giant chip on your shoulder and that cocky swagger—”
“I do not swagger.” Did he?
“—that proclaims you a rebel.” With a mere glance, she shared her sympathy. “You like butting heads with the law, walking that narrow path between saint and sinner, and we both know it. I think you enjoy it.”
The sinner part he could attest to, but where the hell had she gotten the saint angle? “Sorry, doll, you don’t really know me at all. What I do or don’t enjoy. Who I enjoy it with.” He warmed to his subject, ready to wrest the upper hand from her velvet grip. “In fact—”
Suddenly Alice stiffened, lifted her head as if she heard something.
“What is it?”
She put a finger to her lips as if in warning, then shook her head.
Cash watched her with the same confusion Rowdy felt.
As she rose silently from the couch, her gaze on the front door, she said, “So you saw your sister today? How is Detective Riske feeling?”
What the hell was she up to? She made not a single sound as she inched toward her door. “He’s grouchy.” Fascinated, Rowdy watched as she stopped to study the door a moment. “I don’t think he likes being pampered any more than I would.”
She gestured for him to continue. He obliged, but in case trouble intruded, he also stood. “Pepper isn’t the typical mother hen. Far from it. Her efforts at coddling are as likely to drive Logan nuts as anything else.”
As he spoke, Alice went on tiptoe to look out the door’s peephole. Apprehension dropped her back to her heels.
With a huff, she jerked the door open. “You scared me.”
There stood Reese, and it was obvious he’d been eavesdropping. It took him only a second to find his aplomb. “Sorry. I was about to knock.”
She snorted.
That particular sound coming from that particular woman might have amused Rowdy. But under the circumstances, it didn’t penetrate past his annoyance. “Damn it.” He hadn’t heard a thing, hadn’t even realized that Alice had left the door unsecured. “I’m slipping.”
“No, you’re fine.” Alice waved off his disgruntlement. “It’s just that I’m familiar with the sounds in my apartment.”
“He wasn’t in your apartment,” Rowdy pointed out. “He was lurking around the hallway.”
“Lurking?” Reese asked with a raised brow, but he couldn’t very well deny it.
“I’m familiar with those sounds, as well.”
Chagrined, Reese looked at Alice, gave her a half smile and then zeroed in on Rowdy.
Well, hell. He had hoped to be long gone before Reese realized he’d come to call, but too late for subterfuge now. Rowdy lifted his hands in surrender. “Busted.”
Carrying a stuffed overnight bag and some clothes over his arm, Reese strode in, all the while letting Rowdy feel his discontent. “Care to tell me what you’re doing here?”
“I’m just visiting.” Rowdy nodded at Reese’s load. “But it looks like you’re moving in.”
As if someone had goosed her, Alice jumped. “What? No.”
Dismissing that reaction, Rowdy whistled low. “Fast work, Reese. I had no idea.”
Alice started to speak again, but Reese cut her off. “So, now you know. Make note of it, okay?”
Alice subsided with a wide-eyed look of surprise.
So, it was like that, huh? Rowdy saluted him. Sure, there was no denying Alice’s interest in Reese. Hell, she’d spelled it out, all the while going moony-eyed. Granted, he didn’t know Reese that well. But he hadn’t quite figured Alice as his type. Still, stranger things had happened.
Cash showered Reese with the same enthusiastic welcome Rowdy had received. Fickle mutt. “That dog loves everyone.”
“No,” Alice said, “he doesn’t.” Hands on her hips, she addressed Reese with accusation. “You were listening in.”
“I’m a cop, Alice, remember? I’m trained to eavesdrop.” Catching the back of her neck, Reese held her still as he lowered his mouth to hers. Alice froze, but she allowed it.
That was fast work.
The kiss lingered, and Rowdy lifted both brows. He meant what he’d said: he knew women, so he knew it wasn’t in Alice’s nature to get involved easily. Reese must’ve conjured some magic.
It wasn’t any of his business, but damn it, he felt protective—maybe of both of them. And wasn’t that a bunch of bullshit? Hell, Reese was a well-trained, astute, hulk of a cop.
Alice needed a gentle hand, but Reese...well, Alice hid something dark and dangerous. Rowdy saw it there in her eyes, the same shadows he faced every time he looked in a mirror. Would Alice’s past cause problems for a reputable cop?
Tired of being a voyeur, Rowdy said, “You’re going to make her faint.”
With clear reluctance, Reese pulled back, and Alice struggled to get it together. It was amusing to watch, and her blush was as pretty as her smile, as uplifting as her laugh.
“Behave, Rowdy.” She licked her lips, realized what she’d done and glared at both men.
Rowdy fought off a grin. The lady had grit—which meant she wouldn’t easily give into fears or intimidation. Whatever she had in her past, it had to be something substantial.
It was nice that she had Reese’s attention, but that wouldn’t keep Rowdy from giving protection of his own. After all, Reese was limited by legalities.
Rowdy...not so much.
Judging by Reese’s possessive posture—with both the dog and Alice—things were about to get real interesting.
That was just the way Rowdy liked it.
THE DISGRUNTLED LOOK on Alice’s face didn’t deter Reese. He ignored it, just as he ignored Rowdy’s smug amusement and rapt attention.
Because he wanted to, because for whatever reason, she was too damn tempting, he put his mouth to hers again. This time he kept it light, brief to the point of frustration, and when he lifted his head he smoothed her plump bottom lip with his thumb. “Where can I store my stuff?”
Somewhat dazed and definitely flustered, she looked around as if she didn’t know her own apartment.
“I can hang my change of clothes in the hall closet, if that’s okay.”
She didn’t look at Rowdy. She didn’t really look at Reese either.
“Mmm? Oh.” After a deep shuddering breath, she pulled herself together. “Why don’t I put your shaving kit in the bathroom? I, ah, have a shelf in there, so it’ll be handy when you need it...tomorrow I guess. To shave.” Pained, she did a verbal push to get beyond her stumbling speech. “Please do feel free to use the hall closet for your clothing. It’s mostly empty, so there should be plenty of room.”
“Right.” Empty for now—but when she got her gun back from Logan, she’d have yet another weapon stored there. “Thanks.”
With a dismissive smile, she hurried off. Reese shot a suspicious frown at Rowdy—and saw him watching Alice’s retreat.
No fucking way. Was that interest in Rowdy’s gaze? It better not be. It damn well better be something else—what, Reese had no idea.
Turning to fully face him, Reese waited until he gained Rowdy’s complete attention. To ensure Alice wouldn’t hear, he kept his voice low. “What are you doing here? And don’t give me that bullshit about visiting.”
Rowdy followed his lead and spoke in a near whisper. “She’s scary.”
“Alice? Don’t be stupid.”
“A dog that doesn’t bark is always the most dangerous.”
“You’re calling her a dog?” Reese knew that wasn’t his point at all.
“I’m saying she’s too quiet, and too proper.” Rowdy took a seat again, and Cash abandoned Reese to join him. “She’s also putting on a brave front, almost like she’s been doing it so long she doesn’t even realize it now.”
No kidding. He’d figured that one out on his own. “What do you know of it?”
“Only that it bothers me.”
So Alice hadn’t confided in Rowdy either? Good. He wanted her to trust him first and foremost, not any other man. “Don’t worry about it.” Reese took his clothes to the closet. “I’ve got it covered.”
“Somehow, Reese, I don’t think you do.”
Reese was ready to take him apart, but Alice reentered with forced cheer.
“Where are my manners? Rowdy, would you like something to drink?”
“No,” Reese said, “he doesn’t.”
Confusion tripped her up. “You already asked him?”
Alice frowned at him.
Rowdy just smirked. “I’m good, Alice, thanks, anyway.”
Before Alice could protest, Reese asked him, “So, you saw Logan? He’s doing okay?”
“He’s surly and complaining that Pepper keeps trying to shove a pain pill down his throat.”
“He isn’t taking his meds?”
“The antibiotics, sure. But the pain pills make him sleepy, so he’d rather suffer the discomfort. Thing is, if he so much as flickers an eyelid, Pepper can’t bear it. She wants to ‘comfort’ him.”
Imagining that, Reese grinned. Like him, Logan wasn’t big on being coddled. It emasculated a man, especially a man who wanted to do the coddling. “I can see why that’d make him surly. At least he has a reason to stay in bed.” Then, just to tweak Rowdy, he added, “With Pepper.”
Rowdy slanted him a look. “If Alice weren’t present, I’d tell you what to do with that sentiment.”
That seemed to startle Alice out of some heavy-duty daydreaming. “What does it matter if I’m—”
He pushed to his feet. “I don’t want to singe your ears, hon.”
Hon? Reese collected her to his side again. “I was going to check in with Logan today, anyway. Maybe I can run some interference for him.” And thinking that gave him an idea.
He looked down at Alice. “What do you have planned for the day?”
“Nothing much. I finished my work while you were—” she waved a hand at the couch “—sleeping. I thought I might give Cash a bath.”
The dog flattened his ears, slunk off the couch and went behind a chair.
Bemused, Alice watched him. “Maybe instead I’ll make a run to the grocery.”
“Is there something you needed?”
She bit her lip. “I have a sweet tooth.”
Somehow, the way she said that felt like an admission. Reese saw the same confusion he felt mirrored on Rowdy’s face. “I do, too.”
“Me, three,” Rowdy said.
“Jelly beans are my favorite.” She looked at both men.
“Chocolate ice cream,” Rowdy said without hesitation.
Would he ever understand her? Reese wondered. “I’m up for anything, but I especially like caramels, and warm peach pie is always good.”
“Mmm, sounds delicious,” Alice agreed. “You’re both in such great shape, you can probably eat anything you want without worrying about it.”
“You’re slim,” Reese told her. “Surely you don’t—”
“Diet?” She shook her head. “No. But I’m bad, I use food as...” Her voice trailed off.
“Comfort,” Rowdy finished for her. “Pepper does the same thing. She says the worst for her was the evenings. But instead of a few jelly beans, she’d binge on an entire pizza.”
Alice smiled over that. “I go through a bag of jelly beans a week. Sometimes two bags.” She tipped her head at Rowdy. “Your sister is really beautiful.”
“Yeah, she is,” Reese agreed. “Logan is a lucky guy.” Reese paid little attention to what he said. He was too busy trying to figure out Alice’s thoughts. Was she making some sort of female-inspired comparison? He hoped not, because Pepper Yates was an extremely unique woman.
But then, so was Alice—only in a very different way.
“Maybe we can shop together on the way back from seeing Logan and Pepper.” Holding her hand in his, he rubbed a thumb over her knuckles. “You’ll come with me, won’t you?”
She couldn’t quite hide her pleasure. “You want me to?”
“I’m sure Pepper would like to see you again.” He could keep Alice close by taking her along, and while there she could give Pepper someone else to focus on. Whether or not Logan would thank him for that, Reese couldn’t say.
Touching her hair as if to straighten it, Alice asked, “When did you plan to leave?”
“I’m ready now if you are.” He sent a pointed look Rowdy’s way.
“And there’s my cue to hit the road.” As Rowdy walked to Alice, Reese saw the slight rise in her anxiety.
Rowdy, the dick, pretended that he didn’t. “Thanks again for everything.”
Everything? What the hell did that mean?
Alice stuck out a hand. “It was nice to see you again.”
Ignoring her impersonal gesture, Rowdy hauled her in for a big hug, lifting her right off her feet.
Which meant her hand was now caught between their bodies, against Rowdy’s midsection, and that had Reese seeing red.
She all but groped him. Unwillingly, sure. By accident even. But still...
He stepped forward—and Alice disengaged herself.
She didn’t go far. In a low, too-serious voice—as if Reese wasn’t right there and more than able to hear every single word—she said, “If you ever want to talk, I’m here.”
No, she was not. “What the hell does he have to talk about?”
“Not a thing,” Rowdy said, his good humor obliterated by her offer. And then with exasperation: “You stole my line again, hon.”
Reese stepped forward in warning. “You’re pushing your luck, Rowdy.”
Drolly, he said, “Yeah, wouldn’t want to do that.”
Reese started to fume, and Alice slipped forward to lead Rowdy to the door. “I’ll see you out.”
Cash launched into the fray, always excited by the idea of a trip outdoors.
As good an excuse as any, Reese decided. He took down the dog’s leash. “No, I’ll walk him out. I’ll take Cash with me, so as soon as you’re ready we can take off.”
“Thank you,” she said. “I only need a few minutes.”
Rowdy didn’t wait, so Reese had to hurry to get Cash hooked to the leash so he could follow.
He caught Rowdy in the parking lot. “Hold up, damn it.”
Rowdy paused, then with a shrug, walked into the grassy area.
They stood there in silence a moment, watching as Cash chased a bee while also trying to piddle. He hobbled along on three legs—the fourth in the air—before running out of leash and landing back on his tail.
Rowdy shook his head. “I do like that dog.”
“So does Alice. Good old Cash was my icebreaker.” Dark clouds rolled over the sun, and a breeze carried the scent of rain. Reese surveyed the sky with interest. “It wasn’t until she saw the dog that she stopped snubbing me.”
“But she has stopped.”
It gave Reese great satisfaction to confirm it. “I’ll be staying with her a few days while they clean my apartment.”
“Bragging? Hell, Reese, you may as well use a branding iron on her.” Thunder rumbled, announcing a threat of storms to come. “Calm it down a little, why don’t you.”
Advice from another man, a man who’d just been in Alice’s apartment, didn’t go down smooth. “What’s your interest?”
“Hell, I don’t know.” Rowdy leaned over to pluck a dandelion. “There’s something about her. It’s like she’s guarded. Even hurt. Unlike most people, she’s too alert, too intuitive, like maybe she’s waiting for something to happen.”
“Something bad.”
“Yeah. And the way she rolled with that shit yesterday? A dead body doesn’t shake her. And the stuff she says, how she says it...”
“I know.” It unnerved Reese, as well, and made him determined to shield her.
“I want to find out what happened to cause her to be that way.”
Reese wanted the same. “I’ll handle it.”
“So will I.” Rowdy tossed aside the weed. “Don’t start huffing, Reese. It doesn’t suit you. Sarcasm, sharp wit, that’s more your speed.”
Reese held silent, not a single bit of sharp wit coming to mind.
“You know I can find out things you can’t. No, not by grilling Alice. I won’t do that to her.” When the stiffening breeze blew his hair, Rowdy shoved it back with both hands. “Hell, if I tried, she’d probably put me through the inquisition, all while showering me with concern.”
Interesting. “That’s what she did?”
“Totally threw me. Not even my sister tries that hard to get in my head.” He narrowed his eyes at Reese. “She treated me like some damned abused mutt she wanted to heal.”
As Reese knew, Rowdy had plenty of demons to deal with. He and Pepper had not had easy lives. Apparently, Alice saw it, too.
But was that her only interest in Rowdy?
“What did you tell her?”
“I denied everything.” The baring of Rowdy’s teeth didn’t come close to resembling a smile. “Something’s up with her, and we both know it. My guess is that you’ve already made plans to check into it, but your legal channels are limited.”
“Duly noted.” Sticking to legal channels had almost gotten him and his friends killed, in his own damned apartment.
Rowdy eyed him. “Give it a rest, Reese. That wasn’t your fault. No one blames you.” He stared toward the dog, now digging at a root. “I’m glad it’s over.”
But it wasn’t, not yet. One scumbag might’ve died, but others remained. The tentacles of evil reached far and wide. “You know, I figured you’d be Lieutenant Peterson’s problem right about now. Yesterday we rounded up parts of the human trafficking ring, but there are more connections, others to pull out of hiding.”
“And you thought I’d be following leads?” He examined a few raindrops that landed on his forearm. “Now, Reese, would I ignore a direct order from your lieutenant to stay out of that?”
Yeah, he absolutely would. Where innocent women were concerned, few men could stand aside and do nothing. A man like Rowdy? No way would he stay uninvolved.
“If you trip up,” Reese said, “Peterson will have your head.”
“My head and my balls—at least that’s what she told me.”
They shared a quick smile before Rowdy sobered again.
“One advantage to living under the radar is that I made contacts on the street. And before you say it, yes, I know how to ask around without drawing too much attention. There won’t be any blowback for Alice.”
“If she’s not from around here, you won’t find jack shit.” Rowdy had cultivated many friends in high and low places, but he didn’t have unlimited boundaries.
“True enough. The thing is, I’m more concerned with any remaining threat against her. If she has legitimate reason to worry, I’ll be able to find out.”
Reese hated to have another man poking into Alice’s business. Yet he knew it was true; Rowdy did have connections that might elude the law.
And if she was only skittish thanks to a traumatic past? Well, then, he’d deal with it. “Report to me.”
“I don’t report to anyone.”
Temper spiking, Reese stood his ground. “Maybe now is a good time for you to start.”
Static collected in the air as Rowdy continued to study Reese, until finally he flashed a genuine grin. “Yeah, all right. Don’t implode. I just wanted to test the water.”
“Keep out of the water.”
Laughing again, Rowdy clapped him on the shoulder. Hard. “If I find out anything, I’ll clue you in. You’ll do the same?”
Damn it, he didn’t want to. But maybe an alliance with Rowdy would be a good thing. He could think of him as a snitch, utilize his talents in different ways....
“We’re on the same side in this, Reese. She’s a hell of an actress, and she’s putting up a brave front, but she’s scared. I want to know why, you want to know why, and we both want to ensure that no matter what it is, it never touches her again.”
Reese watched as Cash rolled to his back in a patch of clover. “All right. I’ll tell you what I know so far. But understand this, Rowdy. She’s off-limits.”
“To me?”
God, he despised declaring himself. If this wasn’t so important, he wouldn’t. “It’s nothing personal against you,” Reese clarified. “Far as I’m concerned, she’s off-limits to every guy other than me.”
After Rowdy finished laughing, Reese told him about the kidnapping. They were both grim as death when they parted ways.
* * *
ALICE STARED OUT the passenger window, watching the wind bend trees, the rain flood the streets. The windshield wipers beat a frantic rhythm, and the defroster worked overtime.
She’d been halfway to Reese’s car when the skies opened up and sent a deluge to soak her before she could even attempt to open an umbrella. Combing her hair now would be pointless. Already it started to curl.
Luckily she didn’t wear makeup, or it’d be everywhere.
She’d changed into simple, plain ballet flats and a dark print summer dress that should have been modest and comfortable. But now wet, it kept trying to cling to her breasts, her belly, her thighs. Chills rose on her arms despite the warmth of the interior.
She loved it.
Often when out and about, she couldn’t relax. She stayed too busy watching for threats, observing everyone and everything. She wondered how those people could be so different from her.
And she wondered if evil blended in with the mundane.
Right beneath the noses of the unsuspecting public, people were grabbed. Taken away. Mistreated. Abused.
Forced to do things they didn’t want to do.
Never again would she be unaware of her surroundings. She stayed vigilant, for herself and for others.
Right now, though, on this stormy afternoon, few people could be seen. Even better, she was safe and sound in a car with the impressive Detective Reese Bareden.
Lightning seared the sky ahead of them, ramping up the downpour from a shower to a thunderstorm.
Feeling content, a little lazy and all too comfortable despite the weather and her drenched appearance, she sighed. “I love storms.” She’d always found them sexy. Peaceful. A sign of fresh renewal.
Strung too tight, Reese muttered, “Me, too.”
He slowed as a woman, holding a little boy’s hand, dashed across the street. She almost lost her umbrella beneath a gust of wind. The kid laughed as he deliberately stomped in deep puddles. The poor woman was not amused.
Alice watched them hurry into a restaurant. She realized she was smiling.
“You like children?”
She redirected her smile at Reese. He, too, had gotten soaked to the skin. His dark polo shirt stuck to his broad, solid shoulders and chest. He’d pushed back his wet hair, leaving it in sexy disarray. His lashes clumped together over his bright green eyes.
“I love them.” What would Reese’s children look like? They’d be tall and no doubt blond. Surely confident and happy, like their dad.
“You don’t have any?”
She shook off fanciful daydreams. “No, of course not.” What did he think? That she’d abandoned a child somewhere? That she would live apart from her child? “I’ve never been married, or even in a serious relationship. I mean, not that serious.” Not since the kidnapping had she even looked at a man with interest. “One day I’d like to have kids of my own, though.”
“Boys or girls?”
“It wouldn’t matter to me.” The skies darkened with the storm so that it felt like early evening. Headlights danced over the rain-washed road and reflected off the wet surfaces of signs, buildings and other cars. “I thought men didn’t like to talk about stuff like that.”
“Stuff like what?”
He’d turned that back around on her, so she sought the right words. “You know what I mean. Things so personal. So...intimate.”
“Intimate?” Reese kept his gaze on the road.
If he wanted to discuss it, fine. “Talking about children usually suggests a committed, caring relationship.”
A muscle ticked in his jaw. “I like talking with you about anything.”
Could that possibly be true? She couldn’t miss the stiff set of his shoulders, how his hands gripped the wheel. Something wasn’t right, but unlike with most people, she often had difficulty reading his moods and thoughts. “You’re upset?”
“What? No.” He shifted, trying to relax.
Alice studied him. “Would you fib to me, Reese?”
The seconds ticked by. It almost felt like he held his breath—and then he admitted, “If necessary, yeah, I would.”
His honesty pleased her. She smiled at him to let him know.
Confused, he worked his jaw. “You want me to lie to you?”
“I don’t think you would, not about anything important.” She tipped her head. “You say you’re not upset?”
“I’m not.”
How wonderful would it be to totally trust another man? Did she dare? “Then what’s wrong?”
His laugh was short and rough. “Nothing.”
Something. Maybe she needed more information to figure him out. “Reese?”
“You’ve kissed me a few times now.”
“Yeah.” His voice went deep and dark. “And you liked it.”
Such confidence, and such knowledge of women. Could a man be any sexier? “I did,” she admitted. “I hope you’ll want to kiss me again.”
“Count on it.” He glanced her way. “But next time, it’ll be more.”
He said that with so much heat, it stole her breath. “The thing is...I’m not sure I’m ready for more than that. Not yet, anyway.”
He shook his head. “No, I meant... The way I kissed you was hardly a kiss at all.” Again he glanced at her, then down over her body before giving his attention back to the slick road. “I want to really taste you, Alice. I want to feel your tongue...” He inhaled, shifted. “I want more of a kiss.”
“Oh.” The damp dress suddenly felt restrictive, especially over her breasts. She had the awful suspicion that Reese could see the outline of her stiffened nipples. “Yes, I’d like that.” A lot.
“Good to know.”
Thinking about it now, she wondered why steam didn’t rise in the car. She plucked at the material of her dress, trying to rearrange it a little, but it was a futile effort, so she gave up. “I need you to understand, though. If you want to sleep with me—”
“No way can you have a doubt about that.”
Her heart swelled. No, she didn’t really have any doubts. “Thank you.” Her eyes rounded after she uttered those absurd words. Had she really thanked him for wanting her? Oh, God, yes, she had.
Reese grinned. “You’re welcome.”
She had to clear her throat twice before speaking again. “The thing is, I’ll need some time. I’ve already made it clear that I’m interested—”
“You are? Great. I thought so, but I appreciate the confirmation all the same.”
Worse and worse. Get to the point, Alice. “I didn’t want to confuse things, or lead you on.”
His easy compliance only rattled her more. “I’d understand if you’d rather not wait for me. For be ready, I mean.” With every word, she sounded more ridiculous. “I don’t know how long it’ll take me, if it’ll be tomorrow, or next week, or maybe even a month from now—”
All humor fled his expression. “Alice.”
“—and I know you have other options. Pam and Nikki made that clear enough. You’re obviously a very...sexual man.”
“Like all men, sure. But that doesn’t mean—”
Unwilling to hear him make excuses for her, she rushed on. “I don’t mean to make things uncomfortable. I wish I was different, but I’m not.”
“Alice.” He reached for her hand, but she pulled away.
Lacing her fingers together in her lap, she stared out the windshield and tried to get it all said. “Even though you seem to have some interest in me now—”
“A lot of interest, actually.”
“I’m not like most women.” And she was glad other women were different, because she wouldn’t wish her ordeals on anyone. “I can’t just—”
“Be quiet, Alice.”
The order got her back up, and pretty much guaranteed she couldn’t go quiet. “I don’t take orders from anyone!” Here she was, doing her best to be clear and up front with him, and he—
“Think of it as a request,” he snarled.
He dared to sound angry! That annoyed her enough that she forgot her disjointed explanations on her possible hang-ups. “Maybe I would if you couched it that way.”
“Please be still a moment, Alice. Let me think.”
She pressed her lips together, but it wasn’t easy to stay silent, especially when more than a full minute passed.
Finally he said, “If we’re laying it all out there, then fine, I want you. You know that. Every damned time I’m near you I get hard, so it’d be impossible for you to miss.”
She was just irked enough to say, “Braggart.” The accusation came out before she could censor herself.
“I wasn’t...” He scowled at her, but the scowl lifted into a crooked smile. “It is noticeable, and you know it.”
More subdued—and on the verge of grinning herself—Alice nodded. “Yes.” Most definitely, very noticeable.
“It’s insane.” This time when he reached for her hand, she accepted the gesture. His hand was big and warm, holding hers securely. “There’s something unique, something very special about you.”
She would have called it odd.
“But I’m not a kid who can’t control himself. And now, knowing you were kidnapped...” His hand tightened. “The last thing I ever want to do is pressure you, or make you uneasy.”
There went her grin. Ice expanded inside her, cramping her stomach. “Please don’t pity me, Reese.” She could take just about anything but that.
He made a rude sound. “Trust me, Alice, pity for a woman doesn’t get me jacked.” He released her to steer around a corner, onto a quieter, more suburban street. “I see you and I react. Can’t help it. I also can’t ignore what you told me.”
“It doesn’t matter.”
“That you were kidnapped? The hell it doesn’t. I need to know what happened, if that’s the reason you’re reserved now. If it’s something else—”
“I wasn’t raped.” She startled him with that blurted statement.
He swallowed hard, nodded. “I’m glad.”
“But it was ugly, and awful and...” How much should she tell him? As a cop, he could find out some details on his own, so maybe she could just expand on that. She lifted a hand toward him and realized she was shaking. She tucked it back toward her lap. “It was a while before I managed to get away.”
“Days?” He worked his jaw. “Weeks?”
She shook her head, unable to admit the truth. “The important thing is that I did get freed, and now...I don’t know. If I’m hesitant, it’s because I haven’t felt like a woman for a very long time, and I haven’t been that aware of men except to avoid them.” She studied his strong profile and whispered, “Until you.”
“And my dog.”
Humor wormed its way in past her bleak memories. “Yes, and your dog.”
“Thank God for Cash.”
That sentiment nearly brought tears to her eyes. “I’m sure he feels the same way about you.” After all, Reese had rescued Cash from sure death. But she didn’t want him to rescue her from her self-imposed isolation and uncertainty.
She would rescue herself.
Putting her shoulders back, she faced him. “I might need a little time to adjust, but I want to give you whatever you want from me.”
He accepted that with a nod. “I want everything.”
Her mouth opened twice before she managed to squeak out, “Oh. Okay, then.”
“While we get things back in order, I’m going to stay with you.” He pulled up to a stop sign. “I want to have sex, Alice, that’s a given, but I also want you to want it.”
Never had she imagined this conversation. But then, never had she imagined wanting a man again. Not after everything else that had happened in her life. “Okay.”
“While you’re being so agreeable...” He pulled the car away again. “I don’t want anything to do with Pam or Nikki or, currently, any other woman. So, get that out of your head.” He gave her a hard glance. “And I don’t want you involved with any other guys either.”
That struck her as hilarious, and the laugh bubbled out before she could stop it. When he looked more murderous, she pursed her mouth to hold in the humor.
“Promise me.”
“You have my word.”
“Good.” The car slowed again. “We can work on everything else, take it one step at a time. Starting with that deeper kiss. Sound good?”
Better than good. Her breathing hitched. “I... Yes.”
He stopped the car, turned in the seat to face her. His gaze went all over her, narrowing on her breasts, her belly. Reaching out, he touched her cheek, smoothed back a hank of damp hair.
Breath bated, she waited for the promised kiss.
“It sucks, believe me, but we’re here.”
“Here?” She looked up, and sure enough, he’d pulled into the drive of an impressive house, right up next to an expansive three-car garage. Only a few feet separated her from a nice overhang.
She’d forgotten where they were going!
“Buck up, sweetheart. We won’t stay long.” And then, while the rain continued to pound down, Reese took the umbrella from the floor, opened it as he left the car and circled around to her side.
LEAVING THE UMBRELLA by the door, Reese allowed Pepper to usher them along the foyer to the living room, but drew up short at the sight of Logan sitting on the couch, his feet propped up on the coffee table, a pillow behind him and a throw over his lap. He knew Pepper had likely arranged his friend there, exactly like that, and he laughed.
Logan scowled. “I’d hate to see you have to turn around and leave again in this storm.”
“Surely even Pepper wouldn’t be that cruel.”
Pepper said, “Ha-ha,” at the same time Logan promised, “No, but I would.”
“He doesn’t like being sick,” Pepper explained.
“I’m not sick, damn it.”
“Wounded, then,” Pepper snapped right back. “You heard what the doctor said. You have to take it easy.”
“I’m seeing a whole new side to her personality.” Logan pushed the throw away from his legs. “She didn’t want to let me out of the bed even for company.”
“And you’re complaining?” Reese tsked. “From what I remember, that’s where she always wanted to keep you.”
Pepper cracked a smile. “He’ll be more agreeable to that again after his arm is healed.”
“No doubt.”
“I’d be agreeable now,” Logan grumbled, “if you’d only—”
Pepper smashed her fingers over his mouth. “Behave.”
Stepping out from behind Reese, Alice said, “Thank you for allowing us to visit.” She slipped off her shoes and placed them at the edge of the foyer rug. “I’m relieved to see you both in such good spirits.”
Logan’s attention shifted to her and locked there.
Even though Reese already knew what he’d see, he looked at Alice, too. The visual packed quite a punch.
Her usual persona was starched and standoffish, prim and proper.
But getting drenched had taken care of that.
With pink cheeks, tangled hair and dewy skin, her sweet summer dress outlining every understated curve on her willowy body, she resembled the woman from his dream.
No way around it, she was sexy as hell.
And damn it, Logan saw it, too.
“You might want to go dry off some,” Reese told her. “Bathroom is all the way at the end of the hall, past the stairs and the entry to the kitchen, last door on your right.”
“Of course.” She put a hand to her hair. “There’s a towel in there I can use?”
Logan continued to stare, so Alice shifted her attention to Pepper.
Belatedly Pepper shook off her surprise. “Sorry. I’m new here myself, so I’m not sure where everything is.” She nudged Logan.
He still looked thunderstruck but managed a reply. “In the linen closet across from the bathroom.” His gaze dipped over her once, then shot back to her face. “Help yourself to whatever you need.”
Reese understood why both Pepper and Logan stared. Did Alice have any idea of the picture she presented?
Doubtful, since she smiled without a care. “Thank you.”
As she walked off, they craned their necks to stare after her.
Annoyed, Reese toed off his own soaked shoes and strode over to Logan. “Knock it off already.”
Logan blinked. “Damn, man, seeing her so wet—”
Every muscle on Reese’s body clenched. He leaned toward Logan. “If you weren’t already injured, I’d—”
In the middle of his threat, Pepper reached past Logan’s bandaged arm to pop him in the other shoulder.
“Ow!” He jumped and then sucked in a breath at the pain it caused. “Damn it.”
Devastated over what she’d done, Pepper petted him. “I’m sorry, but you were ogling her.”
Logan gritted his teeth, then just as quickly tried to remove the discomfort from his expression.
Reese winced for him. Sure, Logan was manning up, trying not to make a big deal out of being shot, but any movement hurt, no two ways about that. He rubbed his own thigh in remembrance.
After a few metered breaths, Logan caught Pepper’s hand and kissed her knuckles. “I wasn’t ogling, honey, just making a surprised observation.”
“An unnecessary one,” Pepper insisted, unappeased. She tried to free herself.
Logan held on. “You were staring, too.”
“I’m allowed.”
Reese had to laugh. He saw a lot of fireworks in Logan’s future.
Keeping Pepper contained, Logan slanted a look at Reese. “Seriously, Reese, you realize I was commenting on clothes and hair, right? I didn’t mean wet as in—”
Reese cut off the half-baked, smirking explanation before Pepper killed him. He seated himself, saying, “Rowdy came to see her today.”
Logan’s eyebrows shot up. “You don’t say.” He was so surprised that he loosened his hold on Pepper. “Why?”
Bristling again, she pulled away to pace. “Not for the reason you’re thinking.”
“It might shock you, honey, but you don’t always know what I’m thinking.”
“Baloney.” Pepper crossed her arms. “You’re thinking Rowdy was there to hit on her, but you’re wrong.”
“I don’t know about that.” Reese didn’t like having Pepper at his back. In the time he’d known her, he’d found her to be very unpredictable—as just evidenced by the way she’d set Logan up like a pampered sheik, then punched him in the shoulder. Her life had been unconventional, and her reactions were often the same.
She rounded on Reese. “Alice isn’t his type.”
Using his uninjured arm, Logan caught her elbow and pulled her back around and down beside him.
Appreciating that, Reese relaxed again. “You’re that sure you know his type?”
“Bet on it.” She thought about it a second. “I’m guessing he’s worried about her and wants to protect her. Yesterday was...well, it wasn’t something most people would take in stride. But she did.”
“Yeah.” Reese watched for Alice’s return. “That’s what Rowdy said.”
Her eyes narrowed. “Then that’s what it is. My brother wouldn’t lie about it.”
Reese held up both hands. “Stand down, Pepper. I wasn’t maligning your brother.” Although in the recent past, he’d maligned both siblings more than enough to justify her current abrasive attitude.
“No, he was just exhibiting some possessiveness.” Logan grinned. “Isn’t that right, Reese?”
Reese shrugged, refusing to be baited into confessions, and instead concentrated on Pepper. “I thought you and I had come to a friendly cease-fire.”
“Poor Reese. Am I firing at you?”
“No, but you’re not currently armed either.” Thank God. “So what do you say?”
“You know you can blame all past transgressions on him being a cop.” Logan squeezed her shoulder. “A good cop is always suspicious of everyone.”
“Maybe,” Pepper conceded. Again leaving her seat, she approached Reese. “It’s mostly because you’re Logan’s friend that you can consider yourself on probationary forgiveness. But not if you start insulting my brother.”
“Glad to hear it—because I like you and Rowdy both.” He held up a hand to stall her from getting any closer. “It’s true. And I especially like that you make Logan happy.”
Logan, who looked anything but happy in that moment, again snagged Pepper to his side.
“But fondness aside, if Alice needs protection, I’ll protect her.”
“Who said anything about protection?” Logan shifted, struggled to hide a flinch from Pepper, and settled into his seat again. “Worrying about and protecting a woman are two different things.”
“But in Pepper’s case, it required both.”
After a long look, Pepper snorted. “Men are all the same.”
“Obviously not,” Reese denied, “but if you want to keep that narrow view, I won’t debate it with you.”
Logan groaned.
“So much for our truce.” Pepper pushed once more to her feet. “I think I’ll go check on Alice.”
Damn it. Why was it he couldn’t be around Pepper without sniping? Reese got to his feet, too. He even dared to catch Pepper’s arm. “I like matching wits with you, Pepper, I really do.”
“Is that what you were doing?”
“But if you’re going to get pissed every time, it takes the fun out of it.”
“Far as apologies go, that was totally lame.”
“Maybe because I wasn’t—”
She patted his face—a little more firmly than necessary. “Don’t sweat it. I’ll let you off the hook this time, but only because we’re all still out of sorts today.”
“I’m not out of sorts,” Logan denied.
“Me either,” Reese said.
Pepper rolled her eyes and said again, with more feeling, “Men!”
Reese waited until she’d left the room before he dropped into his seat tiredly. “Jesus, but she’s right, Logan.” He rubbed his face. “I’m on the ragged edge, here. Not enough sleep, a trashed apartment and...” He hesitated, but he trusted Logan enough that he had to bring him in. “Alice told me she was once kidnapped.”
Logan sat forward, his injury forgotten. “When? Who?”
He shook his head. “She doesn’t want to share the details, but she says she wasn’t raped.”
Silence filled the room for a moment until Logan asked quietly, “You believe her?”
“I don’t know. I hope that’s true. But whatever happened, it changed her life.” He met Logan’s concerned gaze. “One way or another, I need to find out everything.”
Logan agreed. “She’s still afraid.”
Reese knew Logan was harking back to the moment Alice had walked into his apartment with the gun in her hand. Sometimes it’s better when they’re dead. Never would he forget how she’d said that, the expression on her face at that moment. Reese closed his eyes, sick with some anomalous need. “I don’t have much to go on, but I think it’s possible the threat is still around.”
“That’s why Rowdy visited her?”
No astute man would miss the aura of fear surrounding Alice like a fragile veil. “He suspected things, same as I did.” Reese stared toward the hall. What was keeping Alice?
“She’s safe with Rowdy, you know that, right?” Logan fidgeted, trying to get comfortable. “He’s something of a lost soul, but he’s not abusive, especially not to women.”
“A lost soul?” What a lot of melodrama—but in Rowdy’s case, apt. “He’s been so used to looming over his sister, he probably needs a new target now just to keep himself occupied.” He glanced at Logan. “Since you’ve usurped his position and all.”
“He says he understands, and I know he’s happy for Pepper.” Logan eased back again with a sigh. “Once we’re married we can all get settled into being related.”
Reese moved away to look down the hall, but the bathroom door remained closed. Was Pepper in there with Alice now? What the hell were they talking about for so long? “At first I didn’t like Rowdy sniffing around, but as you said, that was based off jealousy.”
Logan stared at him in disbelief. “You admit it?”
“It is what it is.” And he felt very possessive where Alice was concerned. “And since I can’t always be there with her, it’s nice to know Rowdy can keep an eye out, too.” He’d spent the past few years doing just that for his sister. He and Pepper were as close as siblings could be.
They were steadfast people, unique but with a good moral compass. “She’s been getting by on her own just fine, but now she won’t have to.” Whether or not Alice would appreciate the intrusion, Reese didn’t know—and that was a good reason not to tell her just yet.
“God knows I’ll have plenty of downtime, so I’ll need a way to keep from going nuts.” Logan cautiously flexed his injured arm. “Tell me how I can help.”
* * *
WHILE ALICE WORKED a comb through her tangled hair, Pepper sat on the side of the tub, visiting. She wasn’t a chatty woman, Alice noted. Not intrusive either. She was just...there. Friendly but quiet. Interested but not nosey.
“This is hopeless.” Alice put the comb aside and smoothed her hair with her hands. It was neatly parted again, but continued to pull into wild waves. Making a face at herself in the mirror, she said, “It doesn’t really matter, anyway. We’re going to get soaked again when we leave.”
Pepper studied her. “You want some warm tea or something?” Then she looked struck. “That is, if Logan has tea.” She fingered a thick decorative towel over the towel bar. “I haven’t even looked at the whole house yet.”
“I’m sure you had other things on your mind by the time you got here from the hospital.”
Pepper nodded, swallowed hard, then closed her eyes. “I could have lost him.”
“But you didn’t.” Quickly, Alice sat beside Pepper. She’d done what she could to dry her dress, but it still stuck to her body in a very unattractive way. “I’m sorry he got injured, but I’m so thankful he showed up to help.” Imagining what might have happened otherwise was too painful.
“Me, too.” Pepper glanced at her, smiled and looked around. “You realize we’re sitting in a bathroom talking.”
Alice grinned. “I know. But I’m not in a big hurry to join the men.” Not while she still resembled a drowned rat.
“Me either.” Pepper tipped her head, watching Alice. “Thank God you keep weapons. Yesterday, Logan might not have been as successful otherwise.”
“Do you?”
She snorted. “Damn right. Rowdy’s always insisted. He even taught me how to shoot.” She eyed Alice in speculation. “Are you a good shot?”
“Good enough.” She could hit what she aimed at. “I go to target practice once a month.”
That pleased Pepper. “Really? Maybe we could go together some time.”
Just days ago, Alice would have avoided that much involvement with another person, but now...she liked the idea, and she liked Pepper Yates. “That’d be terrific.”
Pepper beamed at her. “Not to jump all over you or anything, but do you think you’d like to attend our wedding, too? You saved us yesterday, so it’d be appropriate.”
Saved them? “Oh, I didn’t—”
“You did,” Pepper insisted, “so don’t deny it. And besides, Reese will be there. He’s Logan’s best friend, you know.”
It sounded wonderful, and she badly wanted to accept, but she didn’t want to make assumptions about her new relationship with Reese.
Pepper misunderstood her long hesitation. “Am I being too grabby?” She wrinkled her nose. “I didn’t mean to pressure you.”
“It’s not that. I’d love to be there.” It surprised Alice to feel that way. “It’s just that I wouldn’t want Reese to misunderstand.” Or feel smothered.
“It’s not up to him. I can invite whoever I want.”
But if she accepted, and things didn’t work out with Reese, would he bring a different date? What if she had to stay through a ceremony, watching him with another woman?
Pepper bumped her with her shoulder. “I can almost read your thoughts.” She grinned. “But trust me, Reese wouldn’t dare. And besides, the only guests will be the ones Logan and I invite. And because I want to keep it small, we’re not inviting any ‘plus one’ guests.”
Alice bit her lip. Was she really that transparent? “In that case, thank you. I’d be honored.”
“Terrific! I’ll have to give you details when we get things figured out.” She bobbed her eyebrows. “We’ll wait for Logan to recoup so we can have a real wedding night.”
Alice laughed with her. It was so nice having another woman to talk to, a woman unlike Nikki and Pam.
That thought gave her pause; Pepper might be different, but she still wasn’t like Alice.
Again Pepper nudged her with her shoulder. “I can be really discreet, just so you know.”
Alice didn’t understand.
“If you want to talk about...stuff.” Letting out a breath, Pepper said, “I see the mask, because I used to wear one, too.”
Confused, Alice shook her head. “I don’t wear a mask.”
“Sure you do.” Lifting a twisting lock of Alice’s hair, Pepper smiled an apology. “The rain did you in.”
Her shoulders deflated. She prided herself on a nice appearance, but she’d never figured on getting caught in a storm. “I know.”
“No, I don’t think you do. You look great, Alice. Not that you looked bad yesterday, but now, with your hair a little wild and that dress showing off your figure...It’s a good look for you.”
Eyes widening, Alice said, “I look like a used mop.”
“Nope, not even.” Studying her, Pepper shrugged. “Truthfully, you look sort of sexy.”
Alice’s face went hot. She was both flattered and horrified. “Of course I don’t.” Hand splayed over her chest, she looked down at her dress. Her sturdy bra kept her mostly concealed, but the dress did outline her meager bust. “Do I?”
“You didn’t notice how the guys went all goofy when they saw you? They practically had their tongues hanging out. Reese was ready to beat his chest, he’s such a possessive ape.”
Still disbelieving, Alice shook her head. Sexy was not a word ever applied to her. Clean, neat, well-groomed, sure. Or as Rowdy had claimed, buttoned-up, and sadly, prim and proper.
But she was not—
“Anyway,” Pepper said, interrupting her private angst. “You are disguising yourself. I figured it was on purpose. See, until recently, I did my own type of hiding. That cretin who died in Reese’s apartment yesterday?”
Fascinated, Alice said, “Yes?”
“A few years ago, Rowdy and I worked for his club. Late one night, I saw him kill a city councilman. Cops were involved, so I couldn’t go to them. I tried talking to a reporter, and he got murdered, too.”
“Oh, my God.” How horrific. Rowdy had left out a few details when he’d mentioned why he and Pepper had lived the life they had. Empathy welled inside her like a giant balloon, crowding out all other thoughts and emotions. Maybe she and Pepper had more in common than she’d realized. “That’s why he was after you?”
“And my brother,” Pepper confirmed. “Rowdy doesn’t really run from anyone, but to protect me, he did.”
That gave her great insight into Rowdy, too. What would it be like to have someone that dedicated to your well-being? Her parents cared, of course. Her sister, too.
But this was different. Alice touched her hand in understanding. “I’ve met your brother, and I’m pretty sure he’d do anything for you.”
“True enough.” Pepper didn’t retreat from the touch. She looked down at her feet, but only for a moment. “We were in hiding for way too long. I had to look like a hag to ensure if anyone saw me, they wouldn’t recognize me.” Her mouth curled in distaste before she squeezed Alice’s hand and regained her grim humor. “It was such a drag, looking bad all the time.”
Seeing her now, Alice couldn’t imagine such a thing. “You’re so attractive I don’t know how you managed to not look good.”
That made Pepper laugh. “You should have seen Logan when I threw off the dregs and reverted back to me. It was a hoot. Well, sort of. At the moment I didn’t think so because I was worried about everything else.” She leaned close to whisper, “Logan was undercover, so I had no idea he was a cop when I slept with him.”
“Wow.” No other words came to mind. “That must have been...interesting.”
“Yeah, picture my shock when he arranged for Reese to show up and arrest my brother.”
And that, of course, would explain some of the bad blood between Reese and Pepper. Her heart broke a little, imagining what Pepper had endured. “That must’ve been really awful.”
“No kidding. I was so furious I wanted to take them both apart.”
“Furious...and hurt?”
Pepper shrugged. “In the end, it worked out. And thanks to them, Rowdy and I are now free.”
No more hiding. Alice envied her the freedom. “So you’ve forgiven the deception?”
“Yeah, sure. Don’t tell Reese, though.” She gave a devilish grin. “I like giving him a hard time.”
Given her carefree expression, Alice believed it. Pepper looked truly happy—and well loved. “I’m glad you and Logan found each other, regardless of the path you took to get there.”
“That’s about it.” Her fingertips tapped the edge of the tub before Pepper said, “This is nice—talking with you, I mean. You’re...comfortable.”
Alice gave a short laugh over that dubious compliment. “Thank you. I’ve enjoyed it, as well.”
“Maybe it’s because we’re both different.”
Not exactly a subtle hint, but Alice just smiled. “Maybe.” In such a short time they’d settled into an easy alliance. “Bullet wound aside, I’m glad to see that you and Detective Riske both fared so well after everything that happened yesterday.”
“You worry a lot, don’t you?”
About everyone and everything. “Sometimes.” Always. “As you said, I’m...different.”
“Different is good.” Pepper sized her up. “You know what? I think we should do a makeover on you.”
“It’s not an insult, I swear.”
“I wasn’t insulted.” More like...intrigued. “I’ve never fussed much with the usual female stuff.”
“You don’t really need to, not with your dark lashes and brows. But it wouldn’t hurt to loosen you up a bit.”
“Loosen me up?”
“Is there an echo in here?” Pepper teased, but then suddenly stalled. “I’m rushing things, right?”
Alice waved that off. “No, of course not.”
“You’ve probably got better things to do—”
“I think it’s a wonderful idea.” Would she enjoy being loosened up? Possibly. “I wouldn’t mind looking more fashionable—that is, if it won’t be too much work for you.”
“Are you kidding? It’ll be fun.” Pepper paused to draw a breath. “God, it’s been forever since I just had fun. Especially with another woman.”
Alice got caught up in her excitement and her teasing mood. “You won’t expect me to go around in wet dresses, will you?”
“Reese has to be able to function, so, no.”
There was more laughter—until a tap sounded on the door.
REESE SPOKE THROUGH the closed door. “Are you ladies having your own private party in there?”
After winking at Alice, Pepper said, “Butt out, Reese.”
“All right. But you should know that Logan is about to leave the couch to come look for you.”
Pepper shot off the tub ledge and jerked open the door. Muttering, “He wouldn’t dare,” she rushed around Reese and down the hall.
Still sitting, hands in her lap, her ankles together, Alice wondered how Reese saw her.
Was Pepper right?
Could he actually consider her sexy? Not just available, but a woman he specifically wanted? It was such a foreign concept that her mind blanched over the idea—until she peeked up at Reese and saw the heat in his gaze.
Hello! He stared intently at her bare feet, her calves, up to her hands clenched together in her lap and then to her breasts, now rising with her deep breaths.
Green eyes met hers. His voice sounded lower, rougher. “Why are you hiding in here?”
“I’m not.” Knowing he might see her differently—and accepting that she wanted him to—changed everything. Alice felt shy and uncertain as she stood. “Pepper and I were talking.”
“Oh?” Hands in his pockets, his gaze still moving over her, he leaned on the wall. His casual position blocked the doorway, keeping her in the bathroom with him. “Dare I ask the topic?”
“Their wedding,” she blurted.
His mouth curved in an indulgent smile. “Girl talk, then.”
“Well, sort of.” What did he consider girl talk? “We discussed a lot of stuff. She’s nice.”
“She has her moments.”
Her dress might be clingy, but then so was Reese’s shirt, and Alice couldn’t stop staring at his chest. No shirt would have been better, but a shirt outlining every muscle? Not bad. “We’re making plans for some outings together.”
“You don’t say?” He maintained his casual stance but was now more focused. “What type of outings?”
“She wants to give me a makeover.”
Abruptly Reese straightened. “Come again?”
Rather than go into detail—because, really, it made her feel too silly—Alice said, “And we might go to the shooting range to do some target practice together, too.”
Blank surprise washed over his face. “Target practice? You...with Pepper?”
Rushing past that seemed wise, as well. “And I would love to attend the wedding after they finalize plans. That is, if you wouldn’t mind too much.”
Sidetracked, he stepped farther into the room. “Why would I mind?”
“Because you’ll be there, and I didn’t want you to feel...I don’t know. Too crowded or anything.”
He stepped closer until only a few inches separated them. “I don’t know what that means, Alice.”
He smelled good, all rain-damp and warm. She drew in a deep breath, filling her lungs with his scent. It was enough to leave her dizzy.
Reese tipped up her chin. “Alice?”
“I don’t want you to tire of me.”
Frowning, he lifted his hands to cradle her face. His thumb brushed her cheek. “That’s not going to happen, so don’t worry about it.”
But of course it could. Maybe not today. And if Logan and Pepper married quickly, maybe not by the wedding. But Reese couldn’t know what the future would bring. “How old are you, Reese?”
He cocked a brow at the odd question. “Thirty.”
And yet he wasn’t married, which had to mean he avoided commitment...didn’t it?
“And you, Alice? Mid-twenties?”
“Good guess. I’m exactly in the middle.” She felt far older, though. Sometimes she felt so emotionally tired, worn out.
“That makes you twenty-five?”
“Yes.” Making the mistake of looking up at him, Alice said again, more softly this time, “Reese?”
Watching her with absorbed fascination, he brushed her bottom lip with his thumb. “That other kiss we discussed?”
The husky timbre in his voice sent her pulse racing. She went on tiptoe, lifting up to him, leaning in.
Ready. “Yes?”
“I don’t want to do it here, in Logan’s bathroom.”
Disappointment dropped her heels back to the floor. “Oh.”
Reese treated her to a knowing smile. “We need to get going, anyway.”
So soon? She hadn’t even made it out of the bathroom yet. “Is something wrong?”
“Other than me wanting to seduce you in a friend’s bathroom? No.” He kissed her forehead. “The weather isn’t letting up, and I’m a little worried about Cash, that’s all. I hope he’s not one of those dogs that spooks over thunder and lightning.”
The sweet sentiment warmed her even more than the anticipation of his kiss. Could Reese Bareden be more appealing?
She touched his bulging biceps. No, he couldn’t.
Everything on him was supersize—his muscular physique, his attitude...and his caring. “I left my bedroom door open for him, with the radio on. He’s probably under the bed right now. He goes there sometimes when I’m working.”
“You’re very good to him.” Lightning flashed outside the small bathroom window, followed by a crack of thunder that reverberated in the floor beneath their feet. “To both of us.”
He had that wrong, but she wouldn’t correct him on it. “So our visit is about over?”
“Yes. Logan invited us to stay for dinner, but I said we had other plans.”
That was news to her. “Do we?”
Again Reese kissed her, this time brushing his mouth over her cheek. “We’re going to talk while we get your jelly beans.” He trailed damp kisses along her jaw. “We’ll pick up something for dinner, too...while we talk some more—” down to her chin “—and once we get home and check on Cash—”
“We’ll do yet more talking?” Everywhere his mouth touched, her skin tingled. Somehow he made talk sound very seductive.
Near her ear, he whispered, “I want to know you better.”
Since she wanted to know everything about him, too, she liked that plan. Smoothing her hands over his solid chest, she nodded. “All right.”
“Damn, Alice.” His mouth opened on her neck, hot, damp. She felt the slightest of suctions, and her toes curled. “Agreeable women are such a turn-on.”
Knotting her fingers in his damp shirt, Alice held on—until Logan said, “Get out of my bathroom, you perv.”
Alice jumped away in guilt, and Logan quickly amended, “I meant him, not you.”
“Pepper let you off the couch?” Reese asked. “You managed to convince her that a bullet to the arm hadn’t handicapped your legs?”
“She’s reasonable when necessary.” Logan waited for them to leave the bathroom, but as he started forward, Pepper showed up and followed him into the john.
Biting back a laugh, Reese asked, “Going to lend him a hand, are you?”
Logan stood there, mouth open to say something, but Pepper shut the door in their faces before they could hear it.
Alice grinned. “They’re funny together.”
“Much more so than when they’re apart.” Taking her hand, Reese led her back toward the living room. His stride was so long, she had to trot to keep up.
“Why the rush?”
He immediately slowed, even pulled her up and into his side. “Apologies, but I need to sit down.”
“Why?” Reminded of the dark bruises around his wrists, Alice grew concerned. “What’s wrong? Are you hurt?”
“I think I should call it the Alice Syndrome.”
That made no sense to her.
Reese leaned down to her ear, even nipped her earlobe. “My attraction to you is difficult to contain, especially when you taste so good.”
A flush warmed her skin. She tried to lean around him to see, but he didn’t give her a chance.
“At the moment, there’s nothing to see and I’d as soon keep it that way. So behave.”
She always did, she thought with a sigh. “If you insist.”
He gave her a quick look, shook his head and kept going.
Alice used the opportunity to admire Logan’s home. They passed the modern and spacious kitchen, then the stairs leading toward a second floor and presumably the bedrooms.
The house was clean, open and uncluttered without being too masculine. “Detective Riske has a beautiful home.”
“I like it, too.” Reese drew Alice down onto the love seat with him. “You know, Logan did most of the decorating himself.”
On their return, Pepper heard him and groaned. “He’s almost too perfect, isn’t he?”
Logan, who didn’t act like a man recently shot, laughed. “I only need to be good enough to keep you.”
“You’re stuck with me and you know it.” After a quick kiss, Pepper directed Logan to sit again but appeased him by perching in his lap. “Luckily,” she said to Alice, “he’s good at all the housekeeping stuff, because I don’t really have the domestic gene.”
Logan no sooner got settled than his cell rang, and he retrieved it from the table. Alice would have given him some privacy to take the call, but Pepper didn’t move from his lap, and Reese seemed unwilling to stand again.
After a short greeting, she knew the identity of his caller: Lieutenant Peterson. She imagined working for that formidable woman could be a challenge for such alpha men, but neither one seemed to think a thing of it.
Logan said, “Reese is standing here now. I’ll let him know. Yeah, shouldn’t be a problem. Hang on.” He lowered the phone, holding it to his chest. “Follow-up interview tomorrow. Is 8 a.m. okay by you?”
“Whatever,” Reese said. “Not like either of us is working.”
Pepper scowled. “Of course Logan isn’t working. He needs time to heal.” And then to Logan, “They interviewed both of you at the hospital. Why do they need to see you again?”
“That was cursory because Logan was in the hospital.”
Logan agreed to that with a nod. “Tomorrow will be at the station, and more in-depth.”
“You were shot.”
Reese said, “Do you really think he’s unaware of that?”
Logan caught Pepper before she could turn her anger on Reese. “That’s the only reason they didn’t call me in before this. All this shit usually takes place within twenty-four hours.”
“If he doesn’t answer questions,” Reese told her, “he could lose his job.”
Aghast, Pepper gathered steam.
“Shut up, Reese.” Logan cupped Pepper’s face to reassure her. “Trust me, it’s not a big deal. I’m perfectly capable of doing interviews—and no, I don’t need you there.” He softened that by saying, “I love you, but some things a man has to do alone.”
Reese laughed. “So says the man recently escorted to the john.”
Pepper narrowed her eyes at Reese. “Our truce is becoming shakier by the moment.”
Reese held up his hands in surrender. “If it helps, an association rep will be around.” His smile twitched. “I promise no one will abuse him.”
Logan glared at him. “Soon as my arm is healed...” He let the threat hang out there.
Knowing it was all bluster kept Alice from getting too anxious over their verbal sparring. It was sort of nice to see friends indulge in harmless baiting.
She saw that as a true measure of friendship.
After whispering something to Pepper, Logan put the phone back to his ear. “We’ll be there. Yeah, Reese, too. Got it. Thanks.” He disconnected the call.

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Bare It All Lori Foster

Lori Foster

Тип: электронная книга

Жанр: Современные любовные романы

Язык: на английском языке

Издательство: HarperCollins

Дата публикации: 16.04.2024

Отзывы: Пока нет Добавить отзыв

О книге: A cop’s craving to know more about the woman next door could prove fatal in the steamy new novel from New York Times bestselling author Lori Foster.As the person responsible for taking down a brutal human trafficker, Alice Appleton fears retaliation at every turn. No one knows about her past, which is exactly how she prefers it…until the sexy cop next door comes knocking. Detective Reese Bareden thinks he knows what makes women tick, but his ever-elusive neighbor keeps him guessing like no other. Is his goal to unmask Alice’s secrets? Or protect her from a dangerous new threat?One thing is certain: their chemistry is a time bomb waiting to explode. And with no one to trust but each other, Reese and Alice are soon drawn into a deadly maze of corruption, intrigue, and desire—and into the line of fire…“Foster has an amazing ability to capture a man’s emotions and lust.” –Publishers Weekly on A Perfect Storm

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