The Groom, I Presume?

The Groom, I Presume?
Annette Broadrick
CELEBRATION 1000 Daughters of Texas THE BRIDE HAD HER BOOTS ON… .And she was ready to walk down the aisle. Only she was missing a little something - her intended had run off and married someone else! So what was Maribeth O'Brien to do? What any true-blue daughter of Texas would do - marry the best man. He turned out to be Chris Cochran, and his last-minute proposal sure saved Maribeth's wedding day.But after she'd said "I do," Maribeth was surprised - the handsome stranger she'd married intended to lasso her heart! Now who would save her? Why, the groom, she presumed!CELEBRATION 1000: Come celebrate the publication of the 1000th Silhouette Desire, with scintillating love stories by some of your favorite writers!

Table of Contents
Cover Page (#u59a4372f-73d9-5d4a-a574-ec679f1a0ced)
Excerpt (#u7745c3e3-b21a-5fae-9f62-0c7fd4526707)
Dear Reader (#u26e45fd3-5ab6-5a5a-983a-c43d663c4d97)
Title Page (#u28abfd1d-859d-5ea6-a1c7-471386caf5ae)
About The Author (#ued1299e1-2317-5c4b-82a1-0776bffb5283)
Dear Reader (#u0a8e6885-b458-5a28-b985-54de8c556d3c)
Chapter One (#u3a3b45a3-f040-5db2-a1b1-c190a463d330)
Chapter Two (#u609c89f2-df44-5e95-b31a-5b4675505398)
Chapter Three (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Four (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Five (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Six (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Seven (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Eight (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Nine (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Ten (#litres_trial_promo)
Epilogue (#litres_trial_promo)
Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)

“I’m Suggesting That You Go
Ahead With The Wedding.”
“What in the world are you talking about? I can’t have a wedding without a groom.”

“I know. So I’m volunteering.”

With a disbelieving shake of her head, Maribeth said, “You can’t be serious!”

Chris met her bewildered gaze with a level one of his own. He let her see what was in his eyes, what he was feeling, before he replied, “I’m very serious, Maribeth.”

Marriage with Chris? Why, she’d never thought of him in that way. At least…not exactly. He made her nervous in a way she couldn’t quite describe. What would it be like to be married to him? To live with him? To make love—

“I can’t take advantage of you,” she said slowly.

Chris couldn’t help but be amused. “Sure you can. You have my permission to take advantage of me any time, starting right now….”

Daughters of Texas: The hardest-working women in the land, the O’Brien sisters—Megan, Mollie and Maribeth—are three brides waiting to lasso the hearts of their very own cowboys!

Dear Reader,
Can you believe that for the next three months we’ll be celebrating the publication of the 1000th Silhouette Desire? That’s quite a milestone! The festivities begin this month with six books by some of your longtime favorites and exciting new names in romance.

We’ll continue into next month, May, with the actual publication of Book #1000—by Diana Palmer—and then we’ll keep the fun going into June. There’s just so much going on that I can’t put it all into one letter. You’ll just have to keep reading!

This month we have an absolutely terrific lineup, beginning with Saddle Up, a MAN OF THE MONTH by Mary Lynn Baxter. There’s also The Groom, I Presume?— the latest in Annette Broadrick’s DAUGHTERS OF TEXAS miniseries. Father of the Brat launches the new FROM HERE TO PATERNITY miniseries by Elizabeth Bevarly, and Forgotten Vows by Modean Moon is the first of three books about what happens on THE WEDDING NIGHT. Lass Small brings us her very own delightful sense of humor in A Stranger in Texas. And our DEBUT AUTHOR this month is Anne Eames with Two Weddings and a Bride.
And next month, as promised, Book #1000, a MAN OF THE MONTH, Man of Ice by Diana Palmer!
Lucia Macro,
Senior Editor
Please address questions and book requests to:
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The Groom, I Presume?
Annette Broadrick (

believes in romance and the magic of life. Since 1984, when her first book was published. Annette has shared her view of life and love with readers all over the world. In addition to being nominated by Romantic Times as one of the Best New Authors of that year, she has also won the Romantic Times Reviewers’ Choice Award for Best in its Series for Heat of the Night, Mystery Lover and Irresistible; the Romantic Times WISH award for her heroes in Strange Enchantment, Marriage Texas Style! and Impromptu Bride; and the Romantic Times Lifetime Achievement Awards for Series Romance and Series Romantic Fantasy.

Dear Reader,
What an exciting time to be writing for the Silhouette Desire line. I’m pleased to be a part of the Celebration 1000. My first Desire was number 185, so I feel that I’ve been a part of the line for a long time.

Many things have changed in the world over the years since I began writing, but one thing has stayed the same—the need for warm, uplifting stories to remind us of the strength of the human spirit to overcome all obstacles and seek its fulfillment.

As long as we continue to want to share our hopes and dreams with others, Silhouette Books will be there with our stories.

Let the celebration continue.

One (#ulink_d9679b41-1ae0-5571-ad29-537f7fc82e3f)
Chris Cochran slowed his late-model sports car and turned into the lane leading to the O’Brien ranch. He hadn’t visited the ranch since he and Maribeth O’Brien had graduated from Texas A & M College. That had been four years ago.
Four years could be a long time in a person’s life.
Seeing the ranch triggered all kinds of memories for him. In many ways, he was revisiting his child hood… the happiest times of his childhood.
Four years. He wondered what kind of changes had taken place in Maribeth’s life in that time.
The ranch certainly looked prosperous these days. He wasn’t surprised. Travis Kane, married to Maribeth’s oldest sister, Megan, had built a fine reputation as a horse breeder and trainer since retiring from following the ro deo circuit.
As Chris followed the lane to the ranch headquarters located on a rise of one of the hills, he noted several new outbuildings had been erected on the place. In addition, there were new pastures fenced and neatly whitewashed. The lane, previously graveled, was now blacktopped.
The place looked good. Chris was pleased to know that the O’Brien family was doing all right.
Actually, Maribeth was the last member of the family still using the O’Brien name. When Megan had married Travis, there had been some talk around the county that the family might change the name of the ranch. That kind of talk was quickly stopped when the O’Brien sisters had reminded their friends and neighbors that the property had been known by that name for more than a hundred years. As long as any member of the original family continued to live there, the place would be known as the O’Brien ranch.
Chris pulled up and parked in front of the fence that separated the sprawling, native-stone-covered house from the rest of the buildings. He unfolded his long, rangy body and stretched. He’d left Dallas about five hours ago. Not too bad a driving time between the city and the hill country of central Texas.
“Well, look who’s here!”
Chris smiled at the woman loping across the shaded lawn of the backyard toward him. “Chris Cochran, I almost didn’t recognize you, it’s been so long since you showed your face around here!” She opened the gate and waved him through. “City life must agree with you, cowboy. You’re looking real good these days.”
“It’s good to see you, Megan,” he said, giving her a quick hug. If she thought he was looking good, he could say the same about her with complete honesty. Married life definitely agreed with her.
He’d always liked Maribeth’s sisters. They were loving, unpretentious people who made him feel accepted for himself. In the circles he now inhabited, he was cynically aware that the type of gushing attention he generally received was because he was Kenneth Cochran’s sole heir.
“You remember Mollie, don’t you?” Megan asked, motioning toward the other woman who now approached them. “We’ve been enjoying all this nice sunshine—after all those storms we’ve been having lately— by sitting outside and letting the kids play together. With the size of our families, we could start our own day-care center with no problem at all.”
Chris nodded to the other sister and adjusted his Stetson, pulling it low on his forehead so that it rested just above his sunshades. “H’lo, Mollie.”
“I take it you came down a few days early to visit with your mom and grandparents before the wedding, huh?” Megan asked, grinning. “You ready to get all duded up for everybody to stare at?”
“I imagine I’ll be able to muddle through all right,” he drawled. “Speaking of the wedding, is Maribeth around?” He glanced around the area, not seeing her with the children who were still playing well together, despite their mothers’ momentary lack of attention.
“Of course she is,” Megan replied. “Since we finished the new barn for the horses, she practically sleeps out there, looking after the new arrivals. Maybe you’ll have better luck getting her out of there than we have. You can tell her we’ve got fresh lemonade up here for both of you.”
Chris looked back at the newest and largest building on the property, before returning his gaze to Megan. “I’ll see what I can do, but I’m not promising anything. Maribeth is a law unto herself.”
“Don’t I know it,” Megan agreed.
She should know, Chris thought as he crossed the ranch yard to the building that sprawled across the way. Megan had been both mother and father to Maribeth since their parents had been killed. Megan had been barely sixteen at the time, while Mollie had been ten years old and Maribeth eight.
He felt nothing but admiration for that kind of family love and loyalty, neither of which had been part of his childhood. Perhaps that was why he’d sometimes envied Maribeth when they’d been children together.
She took for granted all the love and mutual respect that surrounded the three sisters and their families. He, on the other hand, considered the many warm relationships something of a miracle. He could only witness their interactions with a certain amount of awe.
Chris studied the horse barn as he approached it, amazed at how well the structure had been designed. Stalls ran the length of the barn on either side of a wide walkway. Each stall had two doorways—one that opened out into an enclosed pasture, while the other gave access from inside.
He heard Maribeth before he saw her. She was softly crooning, no doubt getting one of the newborns used to the touch and presence of a human being.
Chris’s pulse automatically picked up in anticipation, even before she came into view. He was amused by his reaction, but not surprised by it. He’d had the same reaction around her ever since they were kids. Some things just never changed.
He paused at the gate to the stall where she was grooming a colt, her voice a steady stream of honeyed endearments while she gently stroked the animal with both hands, only one of which held a currycomb. Since she was unaware of his presence, Chris took the rare moment to study the woman he’d been in love with since he’d first seen her when they were in the third grade.
She’d always reminded him of a shooting star—a blazing flash of light across a darkened sky—once seen, never forgotten. As a child, she’d been filled with vitality and exuberance, eager to embrace the world. The years had subdued very little of that spark, thank God.
The bright red hair of early childhood had darkened gradually over the years, but it maintained its vibrant shade, no doubt still causing heads to turn for a second glance.
Not that Maribeth ever noticed.
One of her most endearing qualities was her blindness to her own beauty. She was totally unconscious of the fact that her tall slender figure, her fair, creamy skin and her wide-set golden eyes could have easily graced the covers of innumerable magazines around the world.
She’d always been oblivious to her looks. Instead she’d grown up wearing boots and jeans, a typical tomboy who enjoyed ranching life and gave very little thought to the world outside of Agua Verde.
Maribeth had been awarc of only one male since Chris had known her—Bobby Metcalf. She’d always been Bobby’s shadow, while growing up. And Bobby Metcalf had been Chris’s closest friend from grade school through college.
So Chris had contented himself with being a part of a small group of friends who spent their time together, never letting on to anyone how he truly felt about Maribeth.
He’d just been grateful for both of their friendships. Without them, his childhood would have been very lonely.
Bobby had given Maribeth an engagement ring for Christmas their senior year in college. Not that anyone who knew them had been surprised. They’d been talking about getting married someday as far back as high school, but for some reason, the ring made everything more real to Chris, symbolizing all that he would never be able to share with her.
Once the three of them had graduated from college, Chris had deliberately stayed away from Agua Verde. He’d recognized that the time had come for him to make a clean break and to get on with his life.
No doubt Maribeth had made the right choice for her. He couldn’t really say that his heart had been broken. How could it be? They had never been more than friends. She’d never given him any reason to suggest that she saw him as anyone other than Bobby’s best friend.
No. His heart wasn’t broken. Maybe dented a little, but there had never been any doubt in his mind that he would recover.
Bobby should be here now, not me, Chris thought with more than a little frustration. He’d lost track of the many times in their lives when he’d wanted to wring Bobby’s neck, but never had he felt the urge more strongly than today.
“Hello, Maribeth,” he finally said to the woman he’d come to see. He kept his voice low in order not to startle either the woman or the colt.
At the sound of the familiar deep voice Maribeth froze. She hadn’t heard it in years, but once heard, Chris Cochran’s voice could never be forgotten.
She spun around and saw him standing in the shadows of the barn. For a moment she forgot to breathe. What in the world was the matter with her? This was Bobby’s friend, Chris.
He looked different, somehow, standing there watching her impassively. His youthful good looks had matured into a formidably handsome, mysterious man. She recalled that nobody had been able to figure out what Chris was thinking. He made a great poker player for that reason.
A tiny shiver danced along her spine. He’d always affected her that way. She wasn’t certain why. There was just an air about him, an aloofness that had always made her feel the slightest twinge of nervousness whenever he was around. And yet…there was no one in her life whom she trusted more.
“Chris,” she whispered, almost to herself, while she slipped through the gate to where he stood. She paused, gripping the currycomb tighter. “You’re early!” Then she felt really stupid to have blurted out such a statement. “I mean, you must be here to visit your mother and grandparents. It’s good to see you.”
His dark eyes always seemed to look deep into her soul. She felt as though any secrets she might have would be easy for him to read.
“Looks like life’s been treating you fair enough,” he said, deliberately covering his intense reaction to her. “You look as frisky as one of those fillies out there.” He motioned to one of the enclosed pastures with a nod of his head.
She chuckled nervously, and used the back of her wrist to shove wisps of curls off her forehead. “I look like a saddle tramp, and I know it. As you can see, I wasn’t expecting company.” She looked around as though unsure of what to do next. “I, uh, didn’t expect to see you for another couple of days. I suppose Bobby told you the wedding rehearsal and dinner are scheduled for Friday.” She turned away and began to straighten various items hanging on the side of the stall.
“Yeah, he told me.” He glanced around the barn. “Looks like you’ve got enough to keep you busy these days.”
She picked up a saddle blanket and motioned him to follow her back to the tack room. “Well, I needed to do something. Once Bobby decided to follow in Travis’s footsteps and take up the rodeo circuit, Travis offered to give me a job as one of the trainers.”
“He’s doing well, isn’t he?”
“Travis? You bet. Things couldn’t be better.”
“I was thinking about Bobby.”
She continued to be too busy to look at him. “Yes. He’s making a real name for himself.”
Maribeth put the currycomb and saddle blanket away before leading the way to the entrance of the barn. Pausing in the wide doorway, she looked out at the view.
“You know, Chris, sometimes it’s hard for me to realize that the three of us are twenty-six years old. You and Bobby left and started working on your careers, while I seem to have gotten caught up in some kind of time warp.” She turned and faced him, wrapping her arms around her waist. “All I’ve done is stay here on the ranch. I’ve spent most of my life here.” She gave her head a tiny shake. “Not that I’m complaining. Bobby and I always planned to live on his family’s place after we got married. It’s the only life I know, after all. It just seems a little strange to realize that four years have gone by and I’ve done nothing more with my life.”
“When was the last time you talked to Bobby?”
She tilted her head back and closed her eyes. “Let me think. He called last week. He was in Nashville at the time. He’d done well and was high on his success. However, he made a cross-his-heart-and-hope-to-die promise that he would be here no later than noon on Friday.” She looked at him as though daring him to doubt Bobby’s word.
Chris nodded, unwilling to comment on that particular subject at the moment. “He’s still winning a goodly share of the bull-riding events, I suppose.”
“Yep, trying his best to win world champion. You know that’s been his dream for years.” She grinned at Chris. “I doubt that he’ll ever beat Travis’s record, but he sure wants to try. He deserves that chance.”
Chris had his own opinion of what Bobby deserved, but once again, he refrained from sharing it with her. Instead he motioned to the new pastures and their occupants with a sweeping arm gesture. “Speaking of Travis, this is quite an operation he’s got going here. I’m impressed.”
“Isn’t it amazing? He’s really done well. Of course he’d built a name for himself in the business while he was following the circuit, which didn’t hurt when he decided to stay home. Every time I ask Bobby when he’s going to head back home, he reminds me of the legend of Travis Kane and how much effort he needs to work in order to make as big a splash.”
“I guess I’ve lost touch with what’s been happening in Agua Verde county these past few years. I thought Bobby was already working with his dad until he called to ask me to be his best man at the wedding. I guess I’d sort of figured you’d gone ahead and gotten married without inviting me.”
“You should know better than that, Chris. Bobby would never get married without you by his side. Y’all used to talk about that. You’d each be there for the other.”
“I remember. I’ll admit I was surprised to find out he’d been traveling for most of these years. It must have been hard on you.”
Maribeth heard the sympathy in his voice. Darn it. Seeing Chris again so unexpectedly was bringing up all kinds of emotions that she wasn’t ready to deal with. But wasn’t that normal for a bride-to-be? She wasn’t having any doubts. Of course not. Why, she’d loved Bobby forever and then some. In three days she would be married, after years of making plans.
“I’ll admit that I’ve missed him during some of his longer road trips. At first, he’d come home every week or two. Then later, it was mostly a month at a time before he’d make it home.” She could no longer hold Chris’s steady gaze and looked away. “It will be different once we’re married.”
“Will it?”
She glanced back at him. “Well, of course it will. We’ll be living together, then. He’ll be home more.”
“Has he told you that? Or is that what you’re hoping?”
“Well, if he’s still traveling, then I’ll go with him.” She tilted her chin slightly. “There won’t be anything wrong with his wife traveling with him. He just needs a little time to settle down, that’s all. He’s still young.”
Chris raised one of his eyebrows quizzically. “We’re all the same age, remember?”
Maribeth smiled. “Maybe so, but you were born old, Chris. I swear. When I look back at some of the things the three of us did together when we were kids, I figure the only way we managed to scrape by as well as we did was because you always saved our butts.”
“Well, you have to admit that you and Bobby are a bit impulsive.”
She shook her head emphatically. “Not me. Not anymore. I’m grown up now.” She waved to the row of stalls behind them. “I’m steadily employed, thanks to Travis. I have a fulfilling job, a great family and a whole passel of nieces and nephews. Why, my life couldn’t be better!”
What could he possibly say to that? He let the silence that fell between them speak for itself. When it stretched into an uncomfortable length, Chris reached over and gently tugged on the thick plait of hair draped over her shoulder. “How about taking a ride with me?” he asked. “I’ll show off my newest toy.”
He could almost see the tension leaving her body. She pushed the wisps of hair off her forehead with a gesture that made him ache with a sense of tenderness.
“Sounds great,” she said. “Let’s go.”
“You won’t get in trouble for sneaking away from work, will you?” His tone was teasing and she responded with a lighthearted chuckle.
“Are you kidding? Travis is always complaining that I spend too many hours out here, and that by comparison I make him look like a lazy bum.”
They strolled toward his car. “I’m amazed at the number of changes that have been made to this place since I was last here.”
She gave his arm a gentle tap with her fist. “All that shows is that you haven’t been visiting often enough. I figured that once you’d moved to Big D, you didn’t have time for us country yokels.”
“That’s not true. I’ve just been really busy.”
“Doing what? You used to talk about working for your father after graduation. Is that what you’re doing?”
“In a sense. I pilot one of the company planes whenever they’re shorthanded. I guess you would call me a troubleshooter. I fill in wherever I’m needed.”
Maribeth stopped in her tracks. “You’re a pilot? I never knew that!”
“Yeah. I started taking lessons as a teenager while I spent my summers in Dallas with my dad.”
“You never said a word about it.”
“It wasn’t something to be tossed into a conversation.”
“But it was something you were interested in, something obviously important to you. I remember you would listen to me when I was going on about all my pet projects whenever we got back together after summer vacations. But you never said a word.”
“It was no big deal, Maribeth. Really.”
She just shook her head. “Sometimes I think you work at being a mystery man.”
“What are you talking about?”
“You know. I remember in school how all the girls acted around you. You’d come back each year with this big-city polish, rarely talking to anyone, and never about yourself. It used to drive us crazy.”
He laughed. “Well. Now you know one of my deep, dark secrets. I was spending summer vacations playing up in the clouds. Feel better now?”
They had paused by his tomato red sports car. He leaned past her and opened the passenger door. She got a whiff of after-shave that brought back even stronger memories of the young man she used to know. She’d always liked that particular scent. When she’d asked him about it once, he said it was a gift from his father one year and he’d used it ever since. It smelled expensive, woodsy, and infinitely male.
She searched frantically for something casual to say. “I’m a little surprised that you’re content to stay in a large city after spending so many years living here on a ranch.”
“That was more my mother’s choice. She never liked living in the city.”
She tapped his large, silver belt buckle. “You still dress like a country boy, what with that hat, fancy buckle and boots. What is it they say? ‘You can take the boy out of the country, but…’”
“I suppose I’ll always be a country boy at heart, but I don’t think I could ever make ranching my life. I need a challenge that I can come to grips with… not worrying over the price of beef and the uncertainties of the weather.” He motioned for her to get into the car.
She paused, and waved to the two women who were watching them from comfortably reclined lawn chairs.
“Megan, if Travis comes looking for me, tell him I’ll be back in a little while.” With a wink toward him, she added, “Chris is going to take me for a ride in his fancy little car.”
“Are you going to take that from her?” Megan asked without moving. “She doesn’t deserve such courtesy if she’s going to make fun of your trusty steed.”
Chris walked around the car, saying, “The woman has no taste. We all know that, now, don’t we?”
They pulled away amid the laughter of the three women. Ever curious, Maribeth scrutinized the dash, peeked behind the seats at the area that was little more than a shelf, then settled back into the luxurious leather seats with a sigh.
“I should have been watching you closer. How in the world did you manage to get into this thing? With a shoehorn?”
“It’s not so bad once you get used to it.” He pointed to the floor. “At least there’s plenty of legroom once you’re inside.”
She just shook her head. “It’ll never take the place of a full-size pickup truck.” She glanced around her once again. “Why, you could barely haul anything in this dinky li’l ol’ thing.”
Chris tried to stifle his laugh, then gave up, allowing the laughter to ease the tension he was feeling. “Maribeth, you are definitely one of a kind.”
She looked at him in surprise. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Just that. You’re definitely unique.”
“Is there anything wrong with that?”
“Not at all. There are times when I find myself envying your attitude toward life. You’re content with what you have. I’ve never known you to yearn for something someone else has.”
She grinned. “That’s because I already have everything I want.”
After a pause, he said in a more sober voice. “Everything?”
She glanced at him in surprise. “What more could I possibly want? I have my family, and in three days I’m marrying the man I’ve loved most of my life. As the old saying goes—’who could ask for anything more?’ “
“I know you must have had a tough adjustment, coming back to Agua Verde while Bobby took off to follow his dream. That took a lot of courage for you, not objecting to his plans when you expected to get married as soon as we graduated.”
“I was really naive back then, wasn’t I? Just because I was ready to get married didn’t mean that Bobby felt the same way. I guess that’s the biggest difference between men and women. Men want to take longer to find themselves or whatever.” She looked out the window, then back at Chris. “I probably wouldn’t admit this to another soul, but when Bobby first left, I thought I would die from missing him, missing all the fun times the three of us used to have together.”
“I know what you mean. It felt really strange to live in Dallas year-round.”
She looked at him, surprised. “You missed us? I find that hard to imagine. You always seemed to be content with your own company… sort of a loner, you know?”
“Yeah. I know.”
They rode along in silence for a while before Maribeth began to speak, her voice very soft. “For those first few months after he left, I would lie in bed at night, thinking about him being so far away. Wondering if he missed me as much as I missed him. Then I thought about how it would have been if we had gotten married, and he’d gone on the road afterward. Finally I consoled myself with the fact that at least we’d never been—” She paused and cleared her throat. “Uh, we’d never had—been intimate.” Talking faster, she said, “I think that would have made it so much worse, knowing what I was missing while he was away. It was bad enough just imagining what it might have been like to…” After a longer pause, she muttered, “Oh, you know what I’m trying to say.”
Chris turned off the highway they’d been on and followed a little-used road until it ended at the top of bluffs overlooking one of the rivers in the county.
“Why don’t we get out here and enjoy the view while we talk, okay?” He reached behind his seat and grabbed a blanket.
“Sure. Why not?” Maribeth hopped out of the car and looked around. “I haven’t been here in years. We used to come here when we were kids, remember?”
“Oh, yes. I remember everything we ever did together.”
He spread the blanket on the ground and they sat side by side, looking across the Texas hills to the horizon.
Chris waited to see if Maribeth was going to say anything more. When she didn’t, he cleared his throat, then gruffly said, “I know it’s none of my business, but I’d just assumed that you and Bobby had already been intimate. I mean, neither one of you has ever dated anyone else, through high school or college. I just figured that kind of commitment was because—Well, you know what I’m saying. I guess that’s why I’ve been so surprised that he could stay on the road for so long, all the time knowing that you were here, waiting for him.”
He gave her a quick, sideways glance in time to see her face turn as rosy as her hair.
“Um, well, I guess lots of people have assumed that.” She turned so that she was facing him. “I’m not sure that anybody else but you could possibly understand this, Chris—” she began, then stopped.
Chris swallowed. Well, hell. He’d brought up the subject, hadn’t he? And it looked as though she was going to unburden herself. He just wasn’t certain he was ready to hear all that she was going to say.
He was still reeling from the sudden knowledge that she had never made love to his childhood buddy. That news went a long way toward helping him forgive Bobby for his thoughtless behavior.
She leaned back on her elbows, still looking off into the distance. “You remember how it was when we were growing up. Bobby and I never really paired off. We were always with the group, or at least with you.”
Chris thought about that before drawling, “You never seemed to mind.”
Her eyes quickly met his and she shifted, as though slightly restless. “Oh, I wasn’t trying to imply that you were in the way. It was just the way things were for us. You remember.”
He nodded, allowing himself to relax a little.
“It seems strange talking to anyone about it. I mean, really, there’s nobody that I could have talked to about it, even back then. Maybe there was something a little weird about us. I know of other couples in high school who were quite open about their relationships, and there were several. But Bobby and me—I don’t know. We just didn’t fool around. Of course we did our share of parking and necking, but for me at least, I was a little afraid of the whole idea of it. I mean, who could I talk to about it, anyway? Can you imagine what Megan would have said or done if I’d asked her any questions about it? Besides, Travis and Deke would have used Bobby for coyote bait if they’d thought he was fooling around with me when we were in school! Just the thought of accidentally getting pregnant would freeze my blood. There was no way I could have faced Megan with that kind of news.”
She gave him a quick glance from beneath her lashes and chuckled. “I guess I was lucky that Bobby never really pushed the limits I set. I’m not sure why, exactly. We never really talked about it.” She sat cross-legged, her elbows resting on her knees.
“Looking back to that time, what I remember was how much fun we had together, the whole group of us. Remember how it was? We were always going places, doing things, having fun with the gang.” She seemed to be thinking out loud, as she said, “Growing up the way we did on a ranch, it wasn’t as if we didn’t know what’s supposed to happen and all, but still—Knowing about it isn’t the same as actually doing it, is it?”
Her face glowed with embarrassment but she kept her gaze steady as she faced him.
“I think you were very wise, myself,” he said with a great deal of sincerity.
Maribeth felt a wave of an unidentified emotion sweep over her at his words, as though she’d been seeking his approval, which was ridiculous. What was the matter with her today, anyway? Although Chris had been a part of her life for years, she’d never been so open with him before. Hoping to turn the tables, she suddenly demanded, “What about you?”
“Me!” He almost strangled spitting the word out. “What about me?”
Good. She’d managed to get past his guard that time. “You know exactly what I’m talking about. If I’m going to be confessing all about my nonexistent sex life on the eve of my wedding, I figure you owe me a tale or two in return, just so I won’t feel alone.”
He eyed her warily. “Such as?”
“Such as filling me in on some of your activities while we were at A & M. I remember you dated several classmates during that time.”
He cleared his throat and then smiled. It was the sexiest, most seductive smile Maribeth had ever witnessed. Her heart began to pound in her chest. Darn, but this man had a lethal charm that she was much too inexperienced to know how to handle. “My mama always told me that a gentleman keeps his mouth shut,” he finally drawled.
She fought to control her responses. Working to sound as unaffected as she knew how, Maribeth murmured, “Mmm-hmm. And you’re always a gentleman, right?”
“I try my damnedest, ma’am. I most sincerely do.”
They laughed together, effectively breaking the tension that had suddenly sprung up between them.
Maribeth impulsively reached over and touched his hand, then jerked back as though she’d accidentally touched a hot coal. “I’m glad you came to see me today. I’ve missed having you as part of my life.”
He deliberately took her hand and held it firmly in his. “I’ve missed you, too.”
The tension immediately surrounded them once again.
Maribeth nervously began to talk. “You know, being the youngest sister hasn’t always been the easiest thing for me, especially as I’ve gotten older. Do you realize that both Megan and Mollie were married and had children by the time they reached my age?”
Her palm was tingling where it was pressed against his. She looked down at his darkly tanned hand. It was strong, engulfing hers. She forced herself to look into his dark eyes. There was a warmth there that made her feel accepted.
Impulsively she asked, “Have you ever wanted a brother or sister in your life, Chris?”
She could almost see his withdrawal although his body hadn’t moved in the slightest. “Not really. Being an only child was complicated enough, given my family history. Although, looking back, it might have been nice to have someone else there.”
“As much as I fuss about Megan always playing mother-hen with me, I’m really grateful to have her in my life. Mollie, too. It’s strange to think about it. Mollie’s only two years older than me, and she’s already been married eight years and has three children. Wow. It’s hard to realize time has gone by so quickly.”
“She seems happy enough.”
“Oh, yeah. Deke’s obviously crazy about her and it’s easy to see how she feels about him.” For a moment she was caught up in her memories. “I wouldn’t have dreamed when I watched them get married that I would still be single so many years later.”
Chris watched her through his lashes. Damn, but it was good to see her, to be with her again! He’d pushed his feelings for her away for so long that he’d almost convinced himself that they were no longer there… or real. This time with her had quickly disabused him of that notion.
They’d been out there on the bluffs for almost an hour and he still hadn’t told her what he needed to tell her. Dear God, but he hated this.
She was staring out over the river to the surrounding hills, looking relaxed enough. He still held her hand in his. She might look relaxed, but there was a slight tremor in her fingers.
She slowly turned her head toward him. “Hmm?”
“Bobby called me last night.” His voice sounded harsh to his ears.
He felt her hand stiffen in his. She tugged, silently requesting release, which he reluctantly gave her.
She watched him warily, and he knew that on some level she had been expecting something like this. Regardless, it didn’t make his job any easier.
“He was in Las Vegas.”
She had been bracing herself for something, even though she wasn’t certain what it was. All kinds of thoughts had dashed around in her head. He was hurt. He was going to postpone the wedding, he was—What? Why would he have called Chris and not her? Why—?
“Las Vegas? What in the world is he doing there? He said he’d be in Oklahoma this week and would be through there by tomorrow.”
“He asked me to come down here to see you.”
She fought to hang on to her composure. “Why? What is it, Chris? Just tell me.”
He reached for her hands, already feeling the coldness that had washed through her. “He wanted me here because he didn’t want you to be alone when you heard his news.”
“What?” she whispered.
“Bobby got married last night.”

Two (#ulink_ec246c9c-9882-51b6-8109-15e5f4ddaadc)
She stared at him blankly for a long moment without blinking. When the silence seemed as if it would stretch into infinity she silently mouthed the word “married?” as though it was a foreign word she’d never heard.
Chris waited, knowing there was nothing else he could say. There was no way to make this easy for her. He could almost see the pain as it seemed to inch its way into her consciousness.
As though finally remembering to breathe, she took a quick breath, then released it. Another moment passed, another gasp of air followed, as though she had to remind herself of her lungs’ continual need for lifesustaining oxygen.
“I don’t understand,” she finally said. Her mouth quivered, then was still. As though searching for words that might make some sense to her, she asked, “Why would Bobby call you and say such a thing? Bobby would never…”
What little breath she had, suddenly deserted her. She paused, her hand pressed against her throat, her eyes mutely pleading for him to tell her that this was all a joke.
Chris could feel her pain just as surely as if it was his. In many ways, it was. He would have done anything in his power not to hurt this woman.
“Chris, surely he was teasing. Surely he didn’t really mean that he—” Her breath was coming in short pants, as though she’d been running hard.
“He said that a bunch of the group had been out celebrating, partying. He admitted that he didn’t remember too much about the night. Vegas was mentioned, it was like a joke or something. He couldn’t fill in details and I didn’t ask for any. When he woke up the next day he realized what he had done. He knew he had to let you know. He found that he couldn’t call you and just tell you like that. So he called me, instead.”
She looked at Chris with dawning awareness. “All this time you’ve been here…we’ve been talking about the past, and the wedding…” Her voice trailed off. She spoke as if to herself. “I was even discussing my sex life with you, for Pete’s sake.” Her eyes suddenly filled with tears and Chris felt as though he’d been punched in the gut. “All this time you knew that Bobby had—That Bobby-”
Suddenly she jerked away from him, jumping to her feet. “I don’t believe you,” she said in a hoarse voice, her back to him. “Why, the whole idea is absurd. The invitations have all gone out, everything’s been planned for months… for years! Bobby wouldn’t suddenly do something so—” Her voice broke. Without looking at him, she walked back to the car. In a low voice, she said, “I’d like to go home now.”
Chris reluctantly followed her. “I don’t think that’s a good idea right at the moment, do you?” he asked reasonably. “That’s why I brought you out here. So you could have some time alone, to get used to the idea.”
The look she gave him was chilling. “Get used to the idea? How, exactly, do you propose I do that? Am I supposed to calmly dismiss and forget the past fifteen years of my life?”
“No. Of course not. Damn it, Maribeth. I know I didn’t do this right, but how the hell do you tell a person something like this? You had to know. He sure as hell left it a little late to pull a stunt like this, then leave it for me to tell you. I came as soon as I could.”
“Fine.” Once again she turned away, this time opening the door to the car and getting inside. “You’ve told me. Thank you very much. Now I’d like to go home.”
She’d left the door open. Chris took advantage of that by hunkering down beside her. Taking her hand, he said, “Don’t shut me out, honey, okay? I know you’re hurt by this. But I’m here for you. You’ve got me. Does that help?”
Gentleness from this particular man was more than she could handle. The tears she’d desperately been fighting to contain finally spilled over and rolled down her cheeks. She could do nothing to stop them.
Awkwardly he pulled her into his arms. The sudden reminder of his after-shave teased her senses, whisking her away to a younger, more innocent time.
“I don’t want to cry,” she said fiercely into his shoulder, ineffectually wiping her eyes.
“You’re entitled,” he murmured. He fumbled in his back pocket and brought out a crisp, neatly folded handkerchief, silently offering it to her.
She straightened, taking the handkerchief and energetically wiping her eyes and cheeks. “How could he do something like this?” Her voice broke and she jammed her fist against her mouth to muffle a sob. She waited until she could gain some control before saying, “It’s like a nightmare, a scary dream brought on by prewedding jitters. It’s like some kind of a test. What would you do if you planned a wedding and your fiancé didn’t show up? It’s a giant, cosmic joke. Isn’t the bride being left at the altar a cliché?”
“Look, why don’t we go back over there and sit for a while? I know I’d be more comfortable,” he added lightly, glancing down at his awkward position beside the small car. “Maybe we can work out some kind of plan.”
Maribeth glanced at Chris and tried to smile. She wasn’t certain how successful her attempt was, but she reminded herself that she had to stop thinking of herself for a moment. Bobby had put both her and Chris into a horrible situation here. Why should she take her feelings out on Chris? He was only trying to help.
With a nod, she moved her legs to get out of the car. Chris immediately stood and offered her his hand. When she was standing beside him, he put his arms around her.
“I know you’re hurt, but you and I both know that Bobby has never been a role model for responsibility. In a way, this is very typical of the kid I used to know. I had just assumed he’d grown up some…until that phone call last night.”
Maribeth was furious that she couldn’t stop crying. The tears slid down her cheeks quicker than she could wipe them away. This was so stupid, getting upset this way. It certainly didn’t solve anything.
She leaned against Chris, grateful for his warmth and for his understanding.
He turned and with one arm still around her shoulders, guided her back to the blanket. He helped her to sit, then lowered himself beside her.
They sat there in silence. Maribeth lost track of the time. So many thoughts raced through her mind, none of them making much sense. Chris was no longer touching her, but she knew he was there.
Eventually she asked, “Did he say who it was?”
For a moment, she thought he wasn’t going to answer. When he did, his voice was low. “No. I didn’t ask. That wasn’t the purpose of his call.”
“I suppose.” After another lengthy pause, she said, “It’s probably somebody who follows the circuit. She’s probably been there for him whenever he needed consoling or cheering. She’s probably—”
“Don’t, honey. Don’t start to imagine stuff that you have no way of knowing if it’s true or not. Trying to second-guess the situation doesn’t do any good. It will only make you feel worse.”
Her attempt at a laugh was a dismal failure. “Feel worse? Surely you’re kidding.”
Silence fell between them once more.
Eventually Chris said, “I know you don’t believe this right at the moment, but I know that things are going to be okay for you eventually. It isn’t the end of the world, even though it may feel like it. Someday, you’ll be able to look back at all of this and see how God’s plans for us aren’t necessarily what we had in mind at the time. Maybe He has other plans we aren’t aware of at the moment. Just give yourself some time to deal with what’s happened, and I think you’ll do fine.”
There was nothing more he could think of to say. So he sat there beside her, staring out over the hills, and waited for her to deal with the news in her own way. He knew she was crying, but she never made a sound, other than her uneven breathing and an occasional sniff. She was handling it as well as anyone could. He’d never been more proud of her.
And now she’s free, a small voice in his head reminded him.
So what?
So now’s your chance.
Oh, sure.
Think about it. Maybe something can be salvaged from this mess Bobby has created. Just think about it.
The sun sank lower in the west, tinting the sky with wisps of pastel colors. He’d forgotten how beautiful the Texas hill country was. The gentle breeze cooled them, wafting the scent of cedar across the hills.
He had no idea how long they had been sitting in silence when she finally spoke once again.
“He was right.”
“About what?”
“Not telling me over the phone.”
“Yes. At least he did something right.”
She sighed, her breath still catching. “I’m glad you were here, Chris.” She gave him a quick glance before looking away. “It would have been even tougher if I’d been at home, with the family, trying to explain.” She sighed. “I just feel overwhelmed at the moment. I don’t know where to start.”
Her voice sounded stronger. She was more in control of her emotions. He took the chance of resting his hand on her back. When she leaned into him slightly, he began to massage the area between her shoulder blades.
“Start what?”
“Telling everybody the wedding is canceled.” The tears that had dried up earlier suddenly reappeared. She impatiently wiped them away, then blew her nose on the handkerchief. “I feel like such a dope, patiently waiting for years for him to return home to marry me when all this time he—He’s been—”
There was no reason for her to finish that particular line of thought.
“You know what?” he said, making the effort to sound brisk and matter-of-fact. “What you really need to do is to get away from here for a while. Why don’t you come back to Dallas with me? I’ve got a big place with plenty of room. It would give you a chance to distance yourself from the situation until you can come to terms with what’s happened.”
His suggestion brought a quiver to her lips, as though she was attempting to smile. “You’ve got to be kidding, Chris.” Yes. Definitely a watery smile. “I’d never hear the end of it from my family if I went off somewhere with you.”
“We could get around that.”
Her expression when she cut her eyes around to look at him clearly showed her doubt.
“I have a suggestion that might solve some of this for you.”
“What? Put a notice in the paper? I already thought of that, but it’s too late. The weekly paper will be out in the morning.”
“No. I’m suggesting that you go ahead with the wedding.”
“What in the world are you talking about? I can’t have a wedding without a groom.”
“I know. So I’m volunteering.”
She straightened away from him, pushing herself up until she was standing, looking down at him. With a disbelieving shake to her head, she said, “You can’t be serious!”
Chris took his time getting up. When they were facing each other once again, he met her bewildered gaze with a level one of his own. He let her see what was in his eyes, what he was feeling, before he replied, “I’m very serious, Maribeth.”
If she lived to be a hundred, Maribeth knew that she would never experience a day like this one. “Why?” Blurted out that way, her response had sounded almost insulting.
“I have many reasons, none of which matter in the least if you find the idea repulsive.”
Marriage to Chris Cochran repulsive? Many feelings came to mind, but repulsion wasn’t one of them. For a day filled with shocking disclosures, this one was as great as any she’d heard so far.
Marriage with Chris? Why, she’d never thought of him in that way. At least…not exactly. Even though she had teased him earlier today about the women in his life, he’d always seemed too much of a loner for her to ever imagine him married to anyone.
He made her nervous in a way she couldn’t quite describe. What would it be like to be married to him? To live with him? To sleep with him? To make loveWell! He’d certainly taken her mind off the news he’d brought. She’d gotten so caught up in his proposal—and that was exactly what it was, she realized with a dazed fascination—that she had momentarily forgotten that the entire county was going to turn out for her wedding in three days, unless she got busy and explained to everyone what had happened.
Chris wished he knew what she was thinking. Her expressive face revealed a bewildering series of thoughts and feelings, none of which he’d been able to decipher.
“This doesn’t sound at all like you, Chris,” she finally said. “You’re not the impulsive type. So why would you suggest something so unusual?”
He took her hand, placed it on his palm and traced the length of her fingers with his other hand. “What’s so unusual about it? Think about it for a moment. You’ve been planning to get married for sometime now. You can still get married. You’ve known me for almost as long as you’ve known Bobby, so it’s not as if we’re strangers. You pointed out earlier that you had spent most of your life on the ranch. Well, now you can come with me and see something more of the world.”
“I can’t take advantage of you,” she said slowly, her gaze fixed on their linked hands.
Chris couldn’t help but be amused. She sounded so earnest. And so scared. “Sure you can. You have my permission to take advantage of me at anytime, starting right now.” He released her hands and tipped her chin up so that she could see his face. He’d never been more sincere in his life when he said, “I can’t think of anything that would give me more pleasure than to marry you, Maribeth.”
Her expression was difficult to make out. It was only then that he realized the light was fading rapidly from the sky.
“Oh, Chris,” she said in the gathering darkness. He could hear the tears in her voice. She wiped her hand impatiently across her eyes once again. “I don’t know what to say.”
A surge of exultation shot through him. She hadn’t turned him down cold. Was it fair to take advantage of her while she was so vulnerable’?
Something needed to be done. And done quickly.
Giving in to temptation, Chris slid his arm around her waist and with his other hand, tilted her chin upward. Moving slowly in order to give her time to stop him if she wished, he leaned closer until his lips brushed hers.
She didn’t flinch and she didn’t pull away. That was enough encouragement for him to put all the yearning he felt into the kiss that he’d fantasized giving her for more years than he could remember.
Her lips were even softer than he had imagined. She tasted of tears and temptation. He took his time molding his mouth to fit hers, easing his way as her innocence imprinted itself on him.
He pressed her against him, his hands exploring her back from her nape to the base of her spine while he nudged her lips apart and dipped into the sweetness of her mouth.
By the time Maribeth understood that Chris intended to kiss her, he was already doing it. The first touch of his mouth froze her into immobility. This was Chris Cochran kissing her! She would have known it was him even if she’d been wearing a blindfold because of the tingling sensation she’d experienced as soon as he touched her. Her body must be some kind of tuning fork where he was concerned!
That was her last coherent thought. Maribeth had thought that she was experienced in the art of kissing at least, but she’d never experienced anything like this before. All she could do was wrap her arms around his waist and hold on.
By the time he drew away from her with obvious reluctance some untold time later, she was having trouble getting her breath. He seemed to be having a similar problem. He leaned his forehead against hers.
“So what do you say?” he whispered. “Shall we shock everybody and do it?”
She was already in shock, and all she’d done was kiss Chris Cochran. Perhaps it would be better to say that Chris had kissed her.
Her head was still swimming.
In a few short hours everything she thought she knew and understood about herself and her life had been turned upside down. She’d been grieving over Bobby one minute and wholeheartedly participating in a kiss with Chris the next.
Had the whole world gone mad, or was it just her?
“Oh, Chris. I can’t make a decision like that right now. I can’t even think right now.”
He couldn’t see her face, but he could hear the pain and confusion in her voice. He wasn’t certain what to say. He knew better than to kiss her again. That way led to madness if he couldn’t place her on the blanket nearby and make passionate love to her.
“I need to get back home,” she said, only now stepping away from him. “Everybody will be wondering why I’ve been gone so long.”
“You’re twenty-six years old, Maribeth, not sixteen. Believe it or not, you don’t have to account for every moment of your life anymore.”
“You’re right, of course. I guess it’s a habit.”
“I sometimes wonder if you don’t feel as though you’re in some kind of suspended time frame, like Sleeping Beauty, waiting for your prince to come claim you. You’ve been content to stay here with your family working on the ranch while you waited for Bobby to return home.”
“Perhaps. I don’t know. I’ve stayed here because this has been my life. I never envisioned another kind. There was no reason to, until now. I never would have guessed that Bobby would do something like this. I knew he wasn’t in any hurry to come home, which is why I didn’t push him to set a date for the wedding. After four years on the road, I thought he was getting ready to settle down. How could I have known… ?” Her voice trailed off, leaving her feeling so empty. The life she thought she’d had was no longer there. What could she do to create an alternate future? The thought was scary, no matter what she chose.
“Come with me, Maribeth. Give me the opportunity to show you what’s out there on the horizon. Will you do that for me… and for yourself?”
“I don’t know, Chris. Everything is happening at once. This must be how a person would feel when they’re enjoying the scenic countryside and then suddenly step on a land mine. My world’s just exploded into little pieces.”
He kissed her again, a gentle, soothing touch that still set all her senses on red alert.
“Give me the chance to help put your life back together, will you?” he murmured. “I don’t want to leave here with you feeling so shattered.”
“And how do I explain the switch to people?”
“It’s too late to say much, isn’t it? If you agree to marry me, you don’t really need to make any explanations. Everyone will come to see you get married as planned. You’ll still be getting married. Only the groom will be different.”
“You don’t think they’ll notice?” she asked, almost laughing at the idea. “Chris, this isn’t some kind of play where suddenly the understudy has to fill in.”
“Maybe not, but it would certainly give the people in the county something to talk about for years to come.”
“Oh, Chris, how could I have forgotten your crazy sense of humor?”
“If you’ll marry me, you’ll be able to stay in closer touch to be reminded.”
“I must be out of my mind. I’m actually considering the idea.”
That was as much as he could hope for. He didn’t want to push his luck. “Why don’t I take you home? You’re exhausted and still in shock. I’ll spend the night at my family’s place and we’ll talk tomorrow. See how you feel about things then. A good night’s sleep will do wonders for you.”
“I’m not sure I could sleep. I don’t know how I could get my mind to slow down. It seems to be running off in all directions.”
He gathered up the blanket and led her back to the car. Once inside, he took her hand. “I just want you to remember that you don’t have to deal with this on your own. I’m here for you. I want to help. You know that I’ll accept whatever you decide, but I want you to consider my offer. Will you do that for me?”
Her face was a pale blur in the dark. He couldn’t read her expression. “I can’t believe you’d be willing to make such a sacrifice.”
“Marrying me.”
His laugh was self-mocking even though she wasn’t aware of it. “Someday I hope to convince you that marrying you is definitely not my idea of a sacrifice.”
He started the car and backed around, taking the road back to the highway. He was encouraged by the fact that she had left her hand in his. It remained there all the way back to the ranch.

“Well, there you are,” Megan said when Maribeth walked into the house. “I was wondering if we needed to send out a search party for you.”
Maribeth kept her head down, hoping Megan wouldn’t notice her face. She still clutched Chris’s handkerchief in her hand.
“We just got to talking,” she replied, her voice sounding hoarse in her ears, “and didn’t notice the time.”
They were in the kitchen and Maribeth opened the refrigerator as though looking for something to eat.
“Well, it’s a good thing Bobby’s not the jealous type. Otherwise he might have something to say about his fiancée disappearing for hours with his best friend.” When Maribeth continued to stare sightlessly into the refrigerator, Megan added, “I saved you a plate. It’s on the bottom shelf.”
“Thanks.” Maribeth’s reply was muffled.
“Are you getting a cold? You sound funny.” Megan took the plate out of Maribeth’s hands and looked at her. “And your face is all blotchy. Have you been crying?”
“For Pete’s sake, Megan. I’m twenty-six years old. I don’t need you mothering me any longer. Would you give it a rest?”
Megan blinked in surprise. Maribeth knew she was acting out of character, but she wasn’t ready to discuss the news she’d received with anyone at the moment. For that matter, she couldn’t imagine a time when she’d be ready to tell the family that Bobby Metcalf had cared so little for her that he had blithely run off and married somebody else days before their wedding.
She watched Megan put the plate of food in the microwave and set the timer. The silence in the kitchen became oppressive to her.
“I’m sorry I snapped at you,” Maribeth finally said, sitting down at the table and gently rubbing her swollen eyelids. “My eyes have been watering. I guess I could be getting a cold.”
Megan poured a glass of iced tea and set it down in front of her. “At the risk of sounding too motherly once again, I’d suggest that you take a hot bath after dinner and get to bed early. You certainly don’t want to be coughing and sneezing on Saturday.”
The microwave pinged and Maribeth jumped up to get there first. “Good idea. I think I’ll do that,” she muttered, carrying her plate and silverware to the table.
“Do you want me to stay with you while you eat?”
Maribeth knew that her sister was just trying to be polite. Normally Maribeth would have enjoyed her company. But not now. Now, all she wanted was to be left alone.
“That’s okay, sis. But thanks for the offer.” She kept her eyes on her food.
Once Megan left the kitchen Maribeth tried her best to eat. She knew she couldn’t choke down much of it, but Megan’s attitude was just a small sample of what she could expect, magnified a few dozen times, if she told her family what had happened. She could almost visualize what would happen. Megan would immediately get on the phone to Mollie. Then her sisters would tell their husbands. She wouldn’t put it past Travis and Deke to round up a posse of angry friends and neighbors and go after Bobby with the intention of lynching him.
Even the children would get into the act in their own way—trying to comfort her with pats and special little gifts.
How could she possibly deal with all of that? Chris was right. She needed to get away from here. Maybe she would leave for a while. She could go anywhere. She’d been faithfully saving the money Travis paid her, knowing she’d need money once she and Bobby were married. She could take the money and go to Houston, or maybe San Antonio… or Dallas.
Of course, she could go to Dallas without actually living with Chris. At least he would be there close by. She could find an apartment, maybe find a job somewhere. She could—
Just who was she fooling? She’d never been on her own in her life! She’d always had friends and family around her, looking after her, caring for her, babying her.
The truth was that she’d been spoiled by everyone. She barely remembered her parents. What stood out in her memory from that awful time was how upset Megan and Mollie had been. It was only later that she understood that the three of them could have been split up and put into foster homes.
None of those memories seemed real to her now. She’d grown up with Mollie taking care of the house and meals and Megan working the ranch.
What, exactly, had she contributed to the group?
A big fat zero.
She’d blithely played with her friends, tagged along behind Bobby and Chris, worked with her 4-H projects and planned her future around Bobby Metcalf.
It was almost as if Bobby’s actions had forced her to stop and take a cold, hard look at herself.
She didn’t like what she saw.
By the time Megan and Mollie had reached her age, they were wives and mothers, running households, being responsible.
She was still playing with her animals and getting paid for it.
Maribeth looked down at her plate and realized that she’d eaten every bite of food on it. So much for all the agonized suffering she was doing. It certainly hadn’t affected her appetite.
What she was doing was sitting there feeling sorry for herself, feeling picked on because she had a sister who was concerned about her, knowing how the family would rally around her if she told them the truth.

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The Groom  I Presume? Annette Broadrick
The Groom, I Presume?

Annette Broadrick

Тип: электронная книга

Жанр: Современные любовные романы

Язык: на английском языке

Издательство: HarperCollins

Дата публикации: 16.04.2024

Отзывы: Пока нет Добавить отзыв

О книге: CELEBRATION 1000 Daughters of Texas THE BRIDE HAD HER BOOTS ON… .And she was ready to walk down the aisle. Only she was missing a little something – her intended had run off and married someone else! So what was Maribeth O′Brien to do? What any true-blue daughter of Texas would do – marry the best man. He turned out to be Chris Cochran, and his last-minute proposal sure saved Maribeth′s wedding day.But after she′d said «I do,» Maribeth was surprised – the handsome stranger she′d married intended to lasso her heart! Now who would save her? Why, the groom, she presumed!CELEBRATION 1000: Come celebrate the publication of the 1000th Silhouette Desire, with scintillating love stories by some of your favorite writers!

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