Saved By A Texas-Sized Wedding

Saved By A Texas-Sized Wedding
Judy Christenberry
Another Match Made In…CactusSuddenly a single mom and a ranch owner, city girl Suzanne McCoy needed help in a hurry when the matrons of Cactus, Texas, came to her rescue. Their solution–Ryan Walker, the best rancher in town and a single parent, too. Suzanne offered Ryan her homemaking skills in exchange for his farm help, but the sexy cowboy got the wrong idea. Before she knew it, she was Mrs. Ryan Walker and the mother of three! This Texas-sized wedding had certainly saved their sorry situations. But when passion unexpectedly struck, would they find themselves hogtied in a marriage all too real?Judy Christenberry celebrates her 50th book with another compelling story in her beloved TOTS FOR TEXANS series.

Saved by a Texas-Sized Wedding
Judy Christenberry (

Judy Christenberry has been writing romances for fifteen years because she loves happy endings as much as her readers do. A former French teacher, Judy now devotes herself to writing fulltime. She hopes readers have as much fun reading her stories as she does writing them. She spends her spare time reading, watching her favorite sports teams and keeping track of her two daughters. Judy is a native Texan.

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen

Suzanne McCoy stepped out on the front porch, closing the door behind her, and drew a deep breath. The air was quite different than the air in Dallas, where she’d lived until six days ago. That was when her life had drastically changed. Her cousin Mary Lee and her husband had been killed in a car accident; an elderly man had had a heart attack at the wheel of his truck and crashed into them.
Mary Lee and Rodger had moved to Cactus, a small town in west Texas, a year ago. Suzanne had missed them so much. Josh, now four, had been three years old. And Mandy had only been one, just walking and talking. She’d changed so much in a year.
Suzanne leaned against the railing on the porch. Mary Lee had left the children to her to raise. It hadn’t taken much time for Suzanne to decide to give up her life in Dallas and come here. Pushing papers at an insurance company didn’t seem important compared to helping Josh and Mandy deal with their loss and helping them grow up. She’d always wanted children, but she hadn’t been nearly as interested in marriage. That involved men, and every man in her life from her father on had betrayed her.
Since everything seemed peaceful inside the house where the children were sleeping, Suzanne moved off the porch to walk slowly toward the bunkhouse. Until today, she’d scarcely had time to think about, much less do anything about, their situation, other than care for the children. Now she had a couple of questions. She figured the best person to answer them would be the manager Rodger had hired.
A soft breeze blew this evening, sending a shiver or two up her spine. As she got closer to the bunkhouse, the peace went away, too. She could hear voices. There was even laughing. She hadn’t laughed since she’d gotten the news about Mary Lee and Rodger. She paused outside the door, not wanting to interrupt. She heard someone banging on something, as if calling everyone to order. She relaxed, until she heard a man declare, “We’re all going to be rich! We’ve made a good start. And we’ll get more ’cause the boss lady don’t know nothing about ranchin’. She’s too busy with those kids.”
Suzanne froze. Then liquid heat bubbled through her, past any logical thought or careful planning. She threw back the door and stomped into the room, marched up to the man at the head of the group and slugged him as hard as she could. Then she looked at the rest of them. “This boss lady catches on fast. You’ve got fifteen minutes to clear out. The sheriff will be here by then and I’ll be pressing charges!”
Pandemonium reigned. As her anger receded to a more manageable level, she realized it would’ve been better to creep away and call the sheriff first. But it was too late for that now.
When the dust settled, only an old man sat in the corner of the room, whittling on a piece of wood.
“Aren’t you scared about the sheriff’s arrival?” she asked with disdain.
“Nope. Haven’t done anything wrong. I’ve been working here since I was fifteen. I didn’t rob you, ma’am. I told them I’d have nothing to do with those shenanigans.”
“Why didn’t you warn me?”
“I was thinking about it. They didn’t get away with too much. You’ve still got a herd left. Just won’t have as much profit as you might’ve had. But you’ve got a real problem.”
“Who’s gonna do the work?”
“Better that I do it than to let them get away with robbing those two children blind!”
“Yes, ma’am. But I don’t think you know anything about cattle…or ranching.” He turned and spit tobacco juice to the side. Since there were already a few stains on the floor, she didn’t stop him. Besides, she was beginning to realize he was right. She had a real problem.
“How many cowboys do I need to run this place?”
“Well now, if they were trained like Ryan’s men, you could manage with four or five. But his men are a mite above average.”
“Who is Ryan?”
“Ryan Walker. Neighbor to the west.”
“Then I probably met him at the funeral.”
“Mebbe. He knows ranching better’n anyone.”
“Do you think he’ll loan me some help?”
“Nope. He has a big place.”
Suzanne sighed in frustration. “Then what am I going to do?”
“Go talk to the sheriff, first thing in the morning.”

Chapter One
“Come along, Josh,” Suzanne said, looking down at the boy. Though he held her hand, he was pulling back every step of the way.
The door opened and a big man came through it, obviously in a hurry. He grabbed her shoulders to stop from knocking her down.
“Sorry, ma’am. I didn’t see you.”
Before she could pull herself together, he tipped his hat and was gone.
“Well! He was certainly in a hurry.” She tightened her grip on Mandy. “Are you all right, sweetheart?”
The child nodded her head and then hid it in Suzanne’s red-brown hair.
“How about you, Josh? He didn’t step on you, did he?”
“No, Susie.”
With a sigh, she stepped into the office. “I need to see Sheriff Cal Baxter, if he’s in.”
“Sure he’s in. Those Mary Lee and Rodger’s children? Poor babies. Who shall I tell him is calling?”
“Suzanne McCoy, guardian to Josh and Mandy.”
“Well, now, you just have a seat. My name’s Gladys. I’ll be right back.”
With a sigh, Suzanne took one of the chairs. She released Josh’s hand and patted the chair next to her. “Sit down, honey. I know you’re still sleepy.”
The little boy slumped against the chair. He hadn’t smiled once since Suzanne had gotten to Cactus. She was worried about him. Mandy had cried for her mother every morning so far, though she forgot her tears quickly. But when she slipped and called Suzanne Mama, Josh reminded Mandy that her name was Susie. That’s what Mary Lee used to call her.
Gladys reappeared with another tall cowboy behind her.
“Morning, Miss McCoy. Come on in the office. Do you want Gladys to look after the little ones?”
“No, they’d better come with me.”
When they were settled in the chairs before the sheriff’s desk, she explained about the thieving that had been going on and what she’d done about it. “I realized in the middle of confronting them that they might not react well, so I told them I’d already called you. I know I should’ve told you first and followed your directions. I lost my temper,” she added, her voice dropping.
He smiled. “You’re not the only one with a temper in Cactus. One of your neighbors just came in to tell me he thought something was going on. I was going to come see you.”
“Oh, that’s nice of him.”
“The old man said he was thinking about telling me,” she said in disgust.
“I reckon you mean old Al.”
“Yes, I think his name was Al.”
“Well, you’ll have to forgive old Al. He’s in his eighties and that’s been his only home. He doesn’t move too fast these days.”
“I see. But he pointed out that I’d need some hands to run the ranch. I—I don’t know anything about ranching.”
“Best you talk with Ryan Walker. He’s your neighbor who just came in to warn me. He knows the most about ranching around here. And being next door will be convenient. Or you can visit the farm agent, but he’s…new on the job. He may not be able to offer much.”
“And you’ll catch those cowhands?”
“I’ll keep my eye out for them, me and my deputies, but I imagine they’ve left the state. I’ll talk to Al about what they did.”
“Thank you, sheriff.”
Once she and the kids were outside, standing on the sidewalk, she debated her next option. She found the farm agent’s office and noted that it didn’t open until eight. Then she spotted The Lemon Drop Shop across the town square. A quick look at Josh made her decision. “Josh, let’s go have a lemonade and a cookie or something while we wait to see the farm agent. Okay?”
The boy perked up a little, but not much. He shrugged, though he followed her a little less reluctantly. When they got inside, she found they were serving sausage rolls and sweet rolls. She made the choices for all three of them and moved to the cash register to pay.
“Hello. You’re the guardian of Mary Lee and Rodger’s children, aren’t you?”
Suzanne looked up in surprise. “Yes, I am. I’m sorry, I don’t—”
“No, of course you don’t. I’m Katherine Dawson. Most people call me Katie. Why don’t you pick a table and I’ll bring over your order.”
“Oh, that would be so nice of you.” Suzanne relaxed a little. She stepped outside and chose an empty table. Josh crawled up into a chair and she sat Mandy down in the one next to him. Then she took the third seat. Katie appeared with a large tray holding their lemonades and the rolls she’d ordered.
“Mind if I sit with you a few minutes?” Katie asked.
Suzanne shook her head no and introduced herself. “I’ve moved from Dallas to take care of the children.”
“Oh, good. You’re going to stay. We were afraid you’d take the children back to Dallas.”
Suzanne shook her head, then added, “Maybe I should. I don’t know anything about ranching and—” she paused and then explained what had happened the previous night.
“Oh, no, how awful for you.”
“What’s wrong, Katie?” asked an older woman standing with a friend behind their table.
“Oh, good morning, Mabel, Florence. Have you met Suzanne McCoy?” She looked at Suzanne. “Do you mind if these two ladies join us?”
“No, of course not,” Suzanne automatically agreed, though she wasn’t sure she wanted to tell her story to everyone.
It was Katie, however, who told her friends what had happened. Then she turned to Suzanne. “What are you going to do?”
“Well, the sheriff—”
“He’s my son,” Mabel Baxter inserted proudly.
“Oh, well, he said he would look for the troublemakers, but he doubted any of them would hang around.”
“So?” Florence asked.
“I’ve got to find someone who knows about ranching, some cowboys to take care of what herd we have left.”
“See Ryan Walker,” Mabel said with a determined nod of her chin.
“That’s what your son said.”
“He’s right. Ryan is a great rancher,” Florence agreed. Then she looked as if an idea had struck her. She looked at Mabel, then Suzanne. “Tell me, dear, are you—involved with anyone?”
Suzanne stared at her blankly. The sudden switch of subject surprised her. Finally she said, “No. I don’t know anyone here.”
“So you didn’t leave any broken hearts in Dallas?”
“No. But about my ranch—”
“Yes. I was thinking, you see, Ryan needs a baby-sitter,” Florence said, again surprising Suzanne.
“He does?”
“Yes. Beth is—how old is Beth, Katie?”
“She just turned three. Her mother didn’t like the ranching life and ran away with a city man. Ryan has raised Beth by himself since she was six months old. Only now she’s getting too big for him to take her everywhere he goes.”
“And you think if I offered to baby-sit Beth he’d help me?” Suzanne asked skeptically.
“It would be better if you married him,” Mabel said clearly.
Suzanne stared at her as if she were crazy.
Katie hurriedly said, “Mabel is teasing you. But you should talk to Ryan. You also have a good water supply on your place. Ryan might make a deal for some split water rights.”
Suzanne nodded and dropped the subject, urging the children to eat their rolls so they could visit the farm agent. When she left the shop, she saw the two older women hurrying off in another direction.
The farm agent was no help at all, except to suggest she talk to Ryan Walker. She thanked him and took the kids home.
The rest of the day, she thought about the suggestions she’d received in town. She drafted Al to baby-sit when the sun went down. He told her Ryan wouldn’t come home until then. It occurred to her that the man who’d almost knocked her down might be Ryan Walker. If he was, he was a very intimidating man.
As the sun set, she checked her appearance in the mirror. She’d put on one of her business suits, hoping to impress him with her professionalism. She’d pulled her long red-brown hair back to a knot on her neck. She wanted to look cool and calm. Okay, she was ready to face the best rancher in the county.
With a deep breath, she made sure Al was happy with the kids. She’d made popcorn and poured some soda for them. She thought things went better when they had something to eat. “I’ll be back as soon as I can,” she said, faking cheeriness.
“Are you sure?” Josh asked, frowning.
“I’m just going to our neighbor’s house, Josh. I won’t stay long.” Their parents had just gone out for a little while and they’d never come back. Josh didn’t trust her promise.
He nodded and looked the other way. Suzanne thought she saw tears in his eyes, but Al waved her off and asked Josh to change the channel on the television. Having something to do helped Josh. Amazing that Al understood that.
She carefully drove in the direction Al had shown her. He said it was the next ranch, just a little ways down the road. She kept looking for a house, or at least a driveway. After twenty minutes, she wondered if she’d gone in the wrong direction. Then she saw a house. The mailbox on the side of the road said Walker, so she guessed she’d finally found the infamous Ryan Walker. She pulled up to the porch and got out of her car.
She dusted off her black suit and climbed the steps to the porch. She couldn’t see any lights on in the house, but maybe the kitchen and den were in the back of the house and couldn’t be seen from the road. She knocked, but there was no response. She knocked again, louder this time. The third time she pounded.
She wasn’t going away without talking to the man. She climbed down the steps and walked around to the back of the house. There were no lights visible back there either. She returned to the front porch and sat down on the top step, wondering what she should do.
Then she saw lights coming down the road. Maybe he’d run into town for a few minutes and was now returning. She hoped so.
She stood, tucking a strand of hair into place as a black truck pulled in, passing her car and continuing on past the house. She walked to the side of the house to see if it stopped in the back. When it did, she drew a deep sigh of relief.

RYAN WALKER was tired. He’d spent a long day in the saddle. Then he’d gone into town to pick up Beth, his three-year-old daughter from his cousin Millie. He didn’t want company, especially company dressed like a city woman. In fact, when he’d first seen the woman on his porch, he’d been afraid it was Tiffany, his ex-wife. He sure didn’t want to see her ever again.
He had things to do that night. Especially after what Millie had told him. The first thing he needed to do was to talk to Mabel and Florence and make it clear he wasn’t interested in getting married. Millie told him they had visited her, telling her she’d be doing him a favor if she stopped taking care of Beth. Then he’d marry the new lady in town. Fool women!
“Daddy? What’s the matter?” Beth asked, staring at him.
“I’m too tired for company, sugar. There’s a lady at our front door.”
He thought of several answers, but Beth was only three. He didn’t want to upset his beloved daughter.
“I don’t know. I’ll find out while you wash your hands for dinner.”
“Are we going to eat those hamburgers?”
“We sure are.” He’d driven through a fast-food place after he’d picked up Beth. He was too tired to cook tonight.
He parked the truck and took his daughter into the house. “Go wash up. I’ll be right back.”
Then he walked through the house to the front door, seldom opened because his friends always came to the back door. He clicked on the porch light as he spoke. “Hello.”
“Oh! Mr. Walker. You are Mr. Walker, aren’t you?”
Damn it! The woman was the one he’d almost run down this morning. Her vibrant red hair was all tied up tonight, but he’d noticed it this morning. She was dressed in city clothes.
“Yeah. What do you want?” He knew his voice was gruff, not inviting, but he didn’t believe in spending much time around beautiful city women. They didn’t fit into his world.
“I understand you’re the authority on ranching in the county.” Her voice was cool, skepticism in it, which he resented.
“Yeah, probably.”
“I’m your neighbor to the east. My name is Suzanne McCoy. I’m guardian to Mary Lee and Rodger Howe’s children.” She waited, as if she expected him to say something, but he only nodded. “I have a problem.”
“I don’t have any employees except for old Al.”
“What happened to them?”
“I fired them because they were stealing from the children.” She held her chin up as if she expected him to tell her she’d made a mistake.
“Good. I wasn’t sure you knew.”
She looked down. “I didn’t until last night when I heard them bragging. And I fired them before I called the sheriff. They quickly left the ranch, and now no one knows where they are.”
“I need some cowboys, Mr. Walker. And I know nothing about what they do or how I can tell if they’re good, honest men. Everyone I talked to in town told me to speak to you. Please, will you help me?”
“Did you talk to Florence and Mabel?”
“Well, yes, I did.”
“Well, Miss McCoy, I’ll loan you a couple of hands for a week. That’s the most I can spare. But no matter what Mabel and Florence said, I’m not going to marry you, no matter what you say!”

Chapter Two
Suzanne took a step back, her mouth gaping open. Was the man crazy? “What?”
“You heard me. Those women are always trying to match people up, but I’m not that desperate!”
Her cheeks flamed and her temper boiled. “Neither am I!” she snapped.
“Why do you look so surprised? Didn’t they suggest it?”
She started to say that no one in their right mind would suggest such a thing, but then she remembered Mabel’s comment. “Mabel mentioned something about marriage, but I assumed she was joking.”
“Well, now you know she wasn’t. And I’m not interested. Okay? Doug and Hinney will be over in the morning.” He started to close the door and Suzanne stopped him.
“What Mabel and Florence suggested was that we barter.”
“Barter? I don’t think you have anything I want.”
His words were insulting, and she almost gave up. But she needed help. Clenching her teeth, she muttered one word. “Baby-sitting.”
“Daddy?” Beth asked as she pushed past his legs to stand in front of him, looking at the woman.
“Beth, go back to the kitchen. You can go ahead and start eating, okay?”
Suzanne noted that his voice gentled when he spoke to his child. She squatted down. “Hello, Beth. My name is Suzanne. How are you?”
“Fine,” Beth said with a big smile.
“Beth, go to the kitchen at once!” This time his voice wasn’t gentle. It was harsh and threatening. His daughter looked at him in surprise and then scurried back down the long hall.
“I wasn’t going to hurt her,” she protested.
“You don’t know anything about her, and I’d like to keep it that way. Even for baby-sitting, I’m not going to take over your ranch. That’s what you wanted, wasn’t it?”
She drew herself up straight, throwing back her shoulders. “They also mentioned water rights.” She waited for his reaction.
“Yeah. You’ve got good water and I don’t. Congratulations. My two men will be there in the morning. Figure out something before the week is up.” Then he closed the door in her face.
Suzanne was furious at his rudeness. But she didn’t dare bang on the door again. He might cancel the two men coming over tomorrow for a week. They were better than nothing. Maybe with Al to help them, they could take care of things for a week. Surely by then she’d find some cowboys who were looking for work. She had to. One way or another she would preserve Josh and Mandy’s heritage.

SUZANNE WAS UP before daylight the next morning, wanting to greet the two cowboys Ryan Walker had said he would send over. She’d told Al the night before of Ryan Walker’s offer of temporary help.
“I’m going to do the cooking today for the three of you. I’d like you to do what you can to help them.” She knew such work would be hard on the old man, but he readily agreed.
Just as the sun first peeped over the skyline in the east, she heard a truck pull in to their place. She looked out the window and saw the horse trailer behind it. This had to be Doug and “Hinney.” What an odd name.
She hurried out and welcomed them. “Have you had breakfast? I can cook something quickly.”
“Yes, ma’am, we had breakfast.”
“All right. I’ll have lunch ready at one.”
They both seemed embarrassed, but she gave them a bright smile and went back inside. She wanted Mr. Know-It-All Walker to know that she could provide for the men as well as he could. She spent the morning baking a cake for lunch, mixing up a special beef casserole, and calling every person she could think of who might be able to help her find some cowboys.
Unfortunately, she heard the same thing over and over again. “Call Ryan Walker. He’d know if there are any good ones available.”
After the fifth such response, she quit trying. She’d had the children coloring some pictures at the kitchen table while she worked, but she wanted them to eat before the men came in. She had them clear the table and go wash their hands.
Once they had eaten their lunch, she put Mandy down for her nap and reminded Josh that it was quiet time. He was supposed to remain in his room, preferably on his bed, reading or looking at picture books.
Then she cleared the table and set it again for the three men. Even though it was early spring, it was warm outside during the day, so she had tall glasses of sweetened tea, ice cubes floating in them, waiting for the workmen.
“Wow, Miz McCoy, this looks good,” Doug told her as they came in.
She took the casserole out of the oven and the salad out of the refrigerator. She also had a bowl of corn, because she’d been told by her cousin that hearty food was important for hard-working cowboys. Hot rolls completed the lunch menu. When she served them big chunks of chocolate cake after they’d finished off the casserole, they groaned with pleasure.
“I just want you to know I appreciate your work.”
“Yes, ma’am,” they agreed enthusiastically.
She repeated the process that night for dinner.
“But, ma’am, we’re expected at the supper table over at Ryan’s,” Hinney protested.
“As hard as you’ve worked, you probably deserve two dinners. Besides, I’ve got too much cake left over.”
The men fell into their chairs.
Suzanne felt a surge of triumph, knowing Ryan Walker would know she’d treated his men well.

RYAN WORRIED all day about his two men working on the Howe place. The new owner, Rodger Howe, hadn’t been a bad man. Just unknowledgeable. He’d visited Ryan several times to ask for advice. Ryan hadn’t minded. That was how a man learned. The fact that he’d learned at his grandfather’s and father’s knees from the time he was old enough to walk made him grateful and willing to share his knowledge.
But not with a city lady. He hoped she fed his men. She probably had only served them salads. That seemed to be the only thing city women knew to fix. He left word for the men to check in with him after they got back.
He ran into town to pick up Beth. He’d told his cousin he’d have someone to take care of Beth by the end of the week. He didn’t want her to lose a job opportunity that would pay her more money than he was paying her. Millie had used the excuse of her baby-sitting options to urge him to consider Florence and Mabel’s marriage suggestion.
All the way home he worried about how he was going to find someone to take care of Beth. When she started school, most of her day would be covered. Except for holidays and summer vacations. Damn. He might as well figure on a permanent housekeeper. A nice meal ready in the evenings would be a bonus. He occasionally even took Beth to the bunkhouse to eat. But, though they tried, the men would forget themselves and let loose an inappropriate word. Beth was old enough to notice now.
He fed her fast food again tonight while he waited for the men to report. Finally he called the bunkhouse. His manager answered.
“Steve, haven’t the guys gotten back yet?”
“Just got in, boss. I’ll send them right up.”
He tucked Beth into bed and stepped out on the back porch to wait for the men.
“Howdy, boss,” Doug said cheerfully. “Everything went fine today, though it’s sad that those men did so little work and then stole from them kids.”
“Hinney, you okay, too?”
“Yeah, boss, she’s a good cook. And she didn’t make fun of my name.”
“Good,” Ryan said, trying not to grind his teeth. “You can tell her you have to come home for lunch if you want.”
Both men jumped to their feet and yelled no, then suddenly sat back down, embarrassed by their reactions.
Ryan eyed them carefully. “She cooks that good, does she?”
Surprisingly, it was shy Hinney who answered. “Yeah, and she makes it all pretty. And she’s so pretty!” he added, his cheeks turning red.
Ryan definitely ground his teeth. “Tell me about the work,” he ordered sharply, unwilling to listen to any more praise about Ms. Suzanne McCoy.
When they finished their report, Ryan, though he already knew the answer, asked if they’d mind going again the next day. He got the answer he expected, a resounding agreement. He discussed with them what they would do the next day. Then he sent them off to the bunkhouse.
He stayed on the porch, his feelings torn. He hated to see the land and animals mistreated as they had been by that thieving crew. He was pleased his men were helping. But he wanted to keep his distance from a city woman…who could cook. Mercy, his men were eating better than he was!
He thought about her offer to baby-sit and share water in return for his help. If she weren’t so pretty, he might even consider it, but he was afraid he’d be easily caught by her beauty and then have his heart broken if he did any such thing.
Not that his wife had broken his heart. By the time she’d run away, he’d already realized his mistake. She hadn’t contributed much to his life except whining and complaining. And Beth. He was grateful she hadn’t taken Beth away with her.
But he wasn’t going to make the same mistake twice. He thought about Ms. McCoy last night, in her black suit, her hair tortured into some kind of a knot. She didn’t belong here and she wouldn’t stay. So much for her.
He just had to wait for her to go back to the city and put the place up for sale. He’d buy it and increase his own place, with good water rights. He looked forward to the day.

SUZANNE ACTUALLY enjoyed the week. She enjoyed the domestic routine and the time spent with Josh and Mandy. She’d found a store in Cactus that carried educational materials and she’d bought several books for the children. Mandy loved to draw, and she was learning her colors. They were going to work on the alphabet next. And Josh was learning words, spelling them and sounding them out.
She loved cooking, especially for an appreciative audience, and the cowboys were definitely that. She’d tried several new recipes with great success. Cooking for hungry men was very rewarding.
She was also keeping the house clean and working on a budget she could submit to the lawyer who held the children’s finances. In fact, she was feeling very successful in her new life, except for one thing.
She hadn’t found any new employees. Not even one.
She occasionally wondered if Ryan Walker had told the neighbors not to help her. But they offered good advice, lots of sympathy and the ladies even brought desserts over.
Finally, on Thursday evening, she again made the trek to Ryan Walker’s ranch house. Again she dressed in a business suit, red this time. It was a power color, especially when combined with her red hair and brown eyes. She put on makeup for the first time since she’d last visited the Walker ranch. She bribed Al to stay with the children and headed west down the county road.
“Go west young man,” she muttered an old saying. “Why can’t some of Walker’s well-trained cowboys come east? I’d love to have Doug and Hinney working for me.”
She’d even considered offering them a bonus if they’d leave Ryan Walker, but she refused to stoop to that level. It was tempting.
She pulled into the driveway, noting the lack of lights, but she checked to discover the truck he drove was parked around back. She got out of her car and climbed the steps to the porch, knocking on the front door.
She thought there wasn’t going to be an answer, but the door slowly opened. She had to look down to find who’d opened it. “Beth!”
“Hi,” the little girl said, smiling at her.
Suzanne thought she was adorable, but as a responsible parent now herself, she knew it was dangerous to let children of this age answer the door. “Um, does your daddy know you answered the door?”
Beth shook her head no.
“Is he here?”
“He’s on the back porch, talking to Doug and Hinney,” Beth said.
That information caught Suzanne by surprise. Did the men report in each evening? That hadn’t occurred to her. “Well, why don’t you close the door and go back to bed, and I’ll walk around to the back porch, okay?”
“Okay,” Beth said and slammed the door shut. Suzanne heard little feet padding down the hall.
With a smile on her lips, she walked around the house, regretting wearing her high heels. When she got close she heard male voices talking, but she didn’t stop. She wasn’t going to listen in on a private conversation again. The last time, though enlightening, had led to a disaster.
Rounding the house, she came to a halt. “Mr. Walker?”
The three men on the porch had been casually sprawled in some chairs and they almost toppled over.
Ryan Walker immediately stood. “Ms. McCoy.” His stiff greeting obviously surprised the other two men.
“I’m sorry if I’m interrupting, but I need to talk to you.”
“How did you know I was back here?” he asked, his voice gruff, as if he were accusing her of sneaking around.
She looked him straight in the eye. “Beth told me when she answered the door.” She paused, then couldn’t resist adding, “I don’t consider that safe behavior for a child that young.”
The moment she’d said Beth’s name, his head had snapped around to the back door. “I’ll be right back,” he growled and stomped into the house.
“Hi, guys. You haven’t gotten in trouble for working for me, have you?”
“No, Miss Suzanne,” Doug said, grinning. “Boss might fire us if we keep putting on weight, though. Your cooking is so good, we’re getting fat.”
“Nonsense, you haven’t gained weight,” Suzanne assured them with a warm smile.
A stern voice said, “Flattery won’t persuade them to go to work for you, if that’s what you’re after.” Walker moved from out of the shadows to glare at her.
“I know,” she agreed, keeping her composure.
“But chocolate cake might,” Hinney said softly. Both cowhands laughed and Suzanne smiled, but Walker continued to glare.
The cowhands recognized danger when they saw it. “Uh, reckon we’ll go on to bed, boss, if we’re finished.” The two of them headed for the bunkhouse without waiting for their boss’s response.
“They were just teasing,” she said calmly, wishing that would be all it took to get a good staff. “I need to talk to you, Mr. Walker.”
With narrowed eyes, he waved to one of the chairs the cowboys had used. “Have a seat, Ms. McCoy.”
She did as he asked, but she was uncomfortable, and she didn’t think he was happy either. “You told me to have my problem solved by the end of the week.” She paused, but he didn’t say anything. “I haven’t found even one employee, Mr. Walker, and I’ve talked to everyone I’ve met or even heard of. It’s as if someone told them not to help me. Yet, they’ve brought us food, visited with me and the children, offered advice on every topic but one. All they can suggest about finding employees is to talk to Ryan Walker.”
Again he said nothing.
“I know you don’t care about helping me, but please think of those two little children who have already lost their parents. Must they lose their home also?” She bit her lip to hold back the tears that threatened.
“I’m not the one who’s telling everyone to send you to me. It’s those damn women!”
“What are you talking about?” she asked, irritated by his response.
“Mabel, Florence, Edith and Ruth. They’ve been arranging marriages around the county for several years now. First they got all their sons married. Then they started helping out their neighbors.”
“But surely they wouldn’t try to ruin us. That’s not fair to Josh and Mandy. Please, can’t you help us?”
“Lady, I don’t know of anyone to hire. If I did, I’d hire them myself. I’m shorthanded.”
“But you loaned me Doug and Hinney—”
“I know. I’m not stone-hearted. But I’ve got problems myself. I can’t spend all my time worrying about your problems.”
“If one of them is Beth, I’ll be glad to baby-sit her. My place is closer than town. It would save you some time.”
“Yes, it would. But I need someone to cook and clean my house, too. I’m going to hire a housekeeper.”
“Have you found one yet?”
“No. I’m getting the same treatment you are.”
“Oh.” Suzanne didn’t know what to say. Finally she asked, “So tomorrow is going to be the last day Doug and Hinney come to my place?”
He gave her an exasperated look. “Don’t stare at me with those big chocolate eyes. I don’t have any answers.”
“But—” she began. But he cut her off.
“Go home. I’ll do some thinking about it tonight. In the morning I’ll tell you what I’m going to do. Maybe I’ll even have an answer for you. Right now, I need to think.”
Since she had no other choice, Suzanne nodded and went back to her car. She drove back to the Howe ranch, trying to figure out what he’d meant. Life would be so easy if she could take on the job of housekeeper, taking Josh and Mandy with her to his house and coming back home at night. Maybe she’d suggest that tomorrow morning.
She actually relaxed as she realized that would take care of all their problems. She wouldn’t take a salary and he could take care of the ranch. It even sounded like a fair trade to her.
Okay, in the morning, she’d explain her inspiration and all her problems would be solved.

RYAN PACED the floor until late into the night. The fool thing about it was that Mabel and Florence’s solution was the best one. From what the men said, the McCoy woman was a great cook. She was doing a good job with the children, and the house appeared clean to them. All the things he needed.
She also seemed happy with her lot in life. She wasn’t planning on running back to the city. She’d told them she was staying for the children. He could place Beth in her care without a worry. All he had to do was let her into his life.
As painful as that sounded, he supposed he could do it for Beth’s sake. He’d be rewarded with a clean house, decent food and a happy Beth. He’d even get his fair share of sex. It had been a while since he’d—best not to think about that.
He finally accepted, at least in theory, that marrying Ms. McCoy would be the smart thing to do, but he still couldn’t picture himself going through with it. He saw himself in his dusty jeans and worn boots, watching a football game on a Sunday, while she sat beside him in one of her suits, her makeup perfect and her hair untouchable, reading book reviews and finding art galleries for them to visit.
Damn! He’d be miserable. And so would she. It was ridiculous!
Then he’d start the logic all over again, trying to convince himself that marriage to Suzanne McCoy was the right choice. By four in the morning, he was punch-drunk with lack of sleep. He decided to wait until six o’clock, another two hours, before he told her what he had decided. Then he could come home and fall in bed for a couple or three hours.
Until then, he would pace the floor some more.

Chapter Three
Suzanne had been getting up at six-thirty each morning, even though the children slept until seven. That gave her time to have their breakfast ready. It also meant she had a few minutes of silence to gather herself for the long day.
This morning she didn’t intend to change her routine, but a pounding on the front door at six had her leaping from the bed in a panic, afraid there was an emergency. She grabbed her robe and threw it on as she ran for the door.
She gave no thought to her appearance. Something was wrong. She needed to find out what and deal with it. She swung the front door open and came face-to-face with Ryan Walker.
“What’s wrong?” she asked urgently.
“Nothing,” he answered, his voice slightly slurred. “Everything’s all right.”
“Are you drunk?” she asked, staring at him.
“No. Just worn out. I haven’t been to sleep.” He leaned against the doorjamb and Suzanne thought he was going to fall.
“If nothing’s wrong, why are you banging on my door?”
“I said I would.”
Suzanne swept back her long hair and Ryan followed the gesture with his gaze, making Suzanne conscious of her appearance. “Come on in. I’ll get dressed and make us some coffee.”
He stumbled in and she led him to the kitchen. He sat down at the table and she quickly filled the coffeepot. Then she turned to excuse herself to go change and discovered him sound asleep.
“Mercy,” she muttered. According to her neighbors, this man was her savior, the key to her finding men to work the ranch. But she was beginning to think he was crazy. Without waking him, she hurried to her bedroom. Five minutes later, in her usual jeans and shirt, she began making a breakfast that would satisfy any man. Bacon, sausage, biscuits and scrambled eggs.
When she was finished, she dished it all up, with a steaming-hot cup of coffee, and awakened her gentleman caller.
“Mr. Walker, breakfast is ready.”
He raised his head and stared at her blankly.
“Drink some coffee,” she said, nudging the mug closer to him.
He did as she recommended. Then the full plate in front of him inspired him to pick up his fork and eat. He hadn’t had a breakfast like that in a long while. He didn’t speak again until the plate was empty and he was almost out of coffee.
She stood and picked up the coffeepot. He automatically stuck his cup out for it to be filled again.
“Good breakfast.”
“Thank you. I hope it helps you make sense. Why did you come pounding on my door at six o’clock? And is someone staying with Beth?”
He blinked several times. “Hinney is taking care of Beth. She likes him.”
“Good. Okay, now answer my question.”
“I give up.” His simple statement didn’t furnish her a clue, but he appeared to think it explained everything.
“I beg your pardon?”
She got up to refill her own cup, stalling for time to figure out what he meant. “I don’t understand.”
“I said I give up. You win.”
“So you realized what I thought of, too?” she asked, thinking he’d come to the same conclusion as she had. “Thank goodness. Now, I’ll come over every morning at seven and cook the children’s breakfast at once. Then, I’ll have dinner ready for you and Beth when you get in, and the kids and I will come home. It should work well.”
She jumped up to get some paper and a pen. She was a list-maker and this change in her lifestyle definitely called for a list. “I won’t come Saturdays, but you can bring Beth here if you want to for the day. That will give her a change of environment which I think will be good.”
He stared at her blankly. “You look different.”
That was enough of a non sequitur that it stopped Suzanne’s list-making. “What?”
“Where’s your suit?”
“You want me to wear a suit and heels to work as a housekeeper?” She couldn’t agree to such a ridiculous request.
He cocked his head sideways, his blue eyes looking cloudy, as if his eyesight was no clearer than his head seemed to be. “No. No suits.”
He seemed quite clear about that. “Fine, I didn’t want to wear a suit.” She returned to her list now that the suit thing had been settled. “Now, shall we start today? Or do you want to wait until Monday? Either way is fine with me. But we might run a little late today because I don’t have the children’s breakfast fixed.”
“Today? Nope. Wouldn’t be legal.”
Suzanne scratched her forehead. What was he talking about? “Do housekeepers require a license around here? Do I have to take a test? I assure you I can cook and clean. And I’m doing a good job with Josh and Mandy. Beth shouldn’t be a problem.”
“Need a license.”
“Uh, okay, I’ll take care of the license. Why don’t we wait until Monday to start? You go home and get some rest. Okay?” she asked, trying to keep a cheerful smile on her face.
“Okay,” he muttered and pushed himself from the table as if it took all his energy to move. “Good breakfast.”
“Thank you.”
She followed him to the front door, not at all sure he’d make that distance, but he seemed to get his second wind.
“Will you be able to drive?” she asked warily. She didn’t want to drive him home.
“Yeah. Okay.” Then he stumbled over to his truck, got behind the wheel and drove away.
Well, working for him would be strange, if he was like that all the time, but at least she’d found a way to save the kids’ inheritance. That was what counted.
Suzanne heard the children waking and hurried to the kitchen to fix their breakfast. When they’d finished eating, she told them she was going to work as Mr. Walker’s housekeeper and they would go with her each day.
“I suggest you take out your little suitcase, Josh, and pack a spare set of clothes and any of your favorite toys you might want for the day. We’re going to start going there on Monday. I’ll pack a little case for Mandy,” she added, smiling at the little girl.
“Me pack,” Mandy assured her. She was moving into the terrible twos, Suzanne had decided. She wanted to do everything herself.
“Fine, but first, I want you to practice your colors this morning. And Josh is going to practice his numbers. Okay? Go wash up and get everything we need.”
She cleared the dishes while they did their chores. She wondered if Beth had had any practice with her numbers or her letters. She’d have to see once they got started. But she’d have to proceed carefully. She wouldn’t want to upset the little girl. The drastic change in her routine was going to be difficult enough for her.
She began making her menu for lunch while the children finished their work. They had been working quietly for about an hour when the phone rang.
“Suzanne, this is Mabel Baxter. Congratulations, I’m so happy for the two of you.”
Suzanne thought the woman was a bit effusive given the circumstances, but she was glad they’d worked things out, too. “Well, thank you, Mabel. Yes, I’m pleased.”
“You’ll need to get the license right away, you know.”
“Yes, that’s what Mr. Walker said.”
There was a distinct pause. “You call him Mr. Walker?”
“I guess I could call him Ryan, but I don’t want to be too forward.”
It sounded like the woman was choking.
“Mabel, are you all right?”
“Yes, of course, dear. I just wanted you to know that we’ll help. We’re quite experienced in these things.”
“Well, that’s very nice of you. An extra cake, or a pie occasionally would be greatly appreciated.”
Another small silence. Finally, Mabel said, “We’ll talk later dear, when you’re more organized.”
After saying goodbye, Mabel hung up the phone and Suzanne stared at her receiver. Finally she hung it up, too. Why had Mabel sounded so strange? She liked her. She’d visited her this week, along with Edith, one of the other ladies Mr. Walker had mentioned.
Would he want her to call him Ryan? In Dallas, most housekeepers called their employers by their last names. She didn’t want to appear too familiar. She’d best stick to Mr. Walker.
That settled, she continued with her planning.

IT WAS TEN AFTER THREE when Ryan finally woke up. He’d been wakened several times by Beth. He’d gotten up to fix her lunch, and another time to pour her a glass of water, but mostly he’d dozed. He felt much older than his thirty years when he forced himself awake as Beth shook his shoulder. “Daddy?”
“What, sugar?” he asked, slowly sitting up.
“I need a snack. Millie gives me cookies or something.”
“Uh, okay, sugar, I’ll find something for a snack.” He rolled out of bed, feeling a little more human than the last time he’d been disturbed.
Before he could reach their pantry, the phone rang. Beth screamed, “I’ll get it!”
He vaguely remembered a phone call when he’d just gotten back from the city lady’s place. Damn! He’d agreed to marry her! What was wrong with him? He decided he’d best answer the phone. “I’ve got it, Beth.”
“It’s Mabel Baxter, Ryan. Remember you said you’d get the license today so we could hold the wedding Sunday?”
“Vaguely,” He muttered.
“Well, it’s already three-thirty and the county office closes at five. And I’m not sure the bride-to-be understands what’s going on. What did you tell her?”
“Mabel, I was up all night without any sleep. I may not have made myself clear.”
“You’d better have. We’re having a wedding Sunday afternoon. The whole town is pitching in.”
“Mabel, damn it! I told you not to make a big deal out of it.” In fact, he’d hoped to marry without anyone noticing.
“It may be your second time down the aisle, Ryan, but for that young lady it’s her first and only time. We want her to enjoy it.”
“Yeah, but I’ve got to go if I’m going to get the license in time.”
“I know. But don’t forget you’ll need her along with you,” Mabel warned him as he hung up the phone. He stood there for a minute. Then he dialed the number for Suzanne McCoy. When she answered, he didn’t even tell her who it was. “I’ll be there in ten minutes to take you to get a license.”
“But Ryan—I mean Mr. Walker—I called. There is no license needed for a housekeeper. But I promise I’m qualified.”
“We’re getting a license to get married. Be ready!” And he hung up the phone.

SUZANNE MCCOY was still holding the phone to her ear, arguing with a dial tone.
“Susie, is something wrong?” Josh asked.
“Uh, I don’t know. A misunderstanding, I think.” She hoped that’s what it was. Marry the man? He was crazy. And it wasn’t necessary. Her plan would work.
She’d been giving the house a spring-cleaning all day. She wouldn’t have much time for cleaning it when she worked all day with the three children at his house. Someone knocked on the front door and she stared at her watch. It couldn’t be Mr. Walker. It had only been five minutes.
She hurried to the door and discovered it had been longer than she thought. There he stood, an impatient look on his face. He had Beth in his arms. She pushed open the screen door. “Come in.”
He came in and set Beth down on her feet. “Are you ready?”
“No, I’m not. I think you’ve got things all wrong. I didn’t agree to marry you. I agreed to be your housekeeper. I’ll come every day and leave after you get in for dinner.”
“No. We’re getting married.”
“How can you say that?”
“I can say that because half the town will be at our wedding on Sunday. Can Al take care of the kids for a couple of hours?”
She took a step back, frowning. “No. He’s out with Doug and Hinney. So I can’t leave.”
“I’ll go get him. In the meantime, you get ready. Oh, and Beth is hoping you have a snack for her. Our pantry was bare.”
She stared in exasperation when he turned on his heel and walked out. Her gaze encountered Beth’s hopeful blue eyes, so like her father’s.
Suzanne sighed. “Come on, Beth. The kids are having their snack now. We’ll join them.”
“What are they having?”
“Ice cream with fresh strawberries and a little whipped cream on it.”
Beth’s eyes widened in excitement. “Oh, boy! I think I’ll like that!” She skipped along beside Suzanne.
In the kitchen, there was a fast introduction to the other children while Suzanne made the treat for Beth. Then she turned the television on to Sesame Street. “I may have to go out, but if I do, Al will be here. But I want you to watch Sesame Street until it’s finished. Okay?”
All three children nodded, their eyes already glued to the television. Suzanne continued her job of rubbing down the cabinets. She was sure she’d be able to convince Ryan he’d misunderstood. She certainly had.
Ryan was feeling a little better about his forthcoming marriage. After only seeing Suzanne in suits, he’d now seen her when she first woke up in her nightgown and robe, her hair flowing free, and he’d seen her in jeans. She looked damn good in jeans. Maybe the side benefits would make this marriage tolerable.
But there seemed to be some confusion in her mind. She thought she could sashay around his house every day as a housekeeper, and everything would be all right? What would happen when other men saw her in jeans? He’d have visitors tramping through his house all day. She’d get marriage proposals, and if she accepted one, he’d have to start all over again. But if he married her, she’d have to only flirt with him. Only be married to him.
He liked that idea.
He found the men and told Al to get in the truck, because he needed him to baby-sit. His men were doing okay, so he didn’t bother to explain anything. There wasn’t time.
“I’m happy to baby-sit a little while. Your men are hard workers. I have trouble keeping up.”
“I know what you mean, Al. But we’ll always have a job for you.”
Al nodded, as if he expected such an assurance.
When they got back to the ranch and Al discovered he’d get ice cream, too, he was happy. After serving him, Suzanne nodded to Ryan and led the way out of the kitchen. “We have to talk,” she said once they were in the hall.
He tugged her kerchief that held back her hair off her head. “No, there’s no time. We have to get the license this afternoon.”
“Ryan, if you’ll just listen, we can avoid marrying. I’ll be the housekeeper you need. You can handle Beth at night, can’t you?”
“It won’t work that way. There will be whispers and all kinds of talk. And you’ll have other men wanting to marry you. If that happens, Beth would be upset and I’d be in trouble again. And what if the man you marry isn’t a rancher? You’d still need help.”
She stared at him. “But—”
“It’s the only way. I fought it myself for a long time, but in the end, there was no other answer. That’s why the ladies of Cactus succeed so often at matchmaking. They’re so damned good at it.”
“I can’t believe—”
“Just come with me to get the license. We can discuss it again before Sunday, but the more you try to argue against it, the more you’ll see a marriage of convenience works.”
She fell silent and though he watched her out of the corner of his eye as they drove to the county courthouse, she said nothing else.
Inside, she filled out the necessary information and watched when he put down the required money.
“Good thing they don’t still require the blood tests. That would take more time.”
“Yes, that’s true, but since it’s a marriage of convenience, a blood test might not be necessary,” she said.
He shushed her at once. “Hey, don’t spread that around. We’d be the objects of gossip for the entire year. That’s no one else’s business.”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t think.”
Once they got the license, she assumed they’d head back home. Instead, he suggested they dine at the Last Roundup, a big restaurant on the town square. “Cal Baxter’s wife, Jessica, owns it.”
She protested. “I don’t have dinner made for the children. They’ll be hungry soon.”
“I’ll call Al. He can make them a peanut butter and jelly sandwich or something. They’ll be fine.” He gave her a smile. The first one she’d seen from him. Oh, dear, she thought to herself, I’m in trouble. He’s so handsome when he’s smiling. She looked away.
“I really think we should just go on home.”
“Nope, we’ve got to celebrate our nuptials.”
“I didn’t think it was something you wanted to celebrate,” she accused, watching him.
“I’ve learned to make the best of bad situations.”
“What a compliment,” she pointed out, coming to an abrupt halt.
“Don’t stand in the road, sugar. You’ll get run over.” When she didn’t budge, he scooped her into his arms and didn’t put her down until they reached the sidewalk.
“Ryan, I’m not dressed for dinner out. I’ve been cleaning the house all day. I can’t go in that fancy restaurant.”
“It’s not that fancy,” a deep voice said behind them and Suzanne spun around to find Cal Baxter, the sheriff, standing behind them, his hands on his hips. “Jess won’t throw you out ’cause you’re wearing jeans. That’s pretty common around here.”
“But I’ve been cleaning the house all day,” she continued to protest.
“Then you deserve to eat out. Come on. Jess and I will join you if you don’t mind.”
Suzanne felt she didn’t have any choice but to agree. She glared at Ryan. “Fine. I’ll just call Al about what to fix for supper for the kids.”
“There’s a phone right inside the door,” Cal said and led them up the steps.
By the time Suzanne had called Al, telling him about the cold roast beef she’d planned for sandwiches the next day, Cal had them a table toward the back of the restaurant. Since the restaurant was fairly full, she was surprised at how quick he’d been.
“It’s the family table. They always keep it empty, in case we want to eat. When you’re married to the boss, there have to be some perks,” he added with a grin.
“True,” Ryan agreed. “You’ll have a few perks married to me, Suzanne.”
She didn’t answer, hoping Cal hadn’t heard. She should’ve known better.
A beautiful dark-haired woman joined them. “Hello, Suzanne. I’m Jessica, Cal’s wife…and Mabel’s daughter-in-law. I hope you’ll speak to me in spite of that.”
“Oh! Of course. I don’t blame Mabel and Florence, but—well, I guess I might as well say it…I find this situation hard to believe. We’re expected to get married on Sunday?”
“Yes, you are,” Jessica said, with a grin that made her even more beautiful. “We were the first of the ladies’ many successes. One of them even married. Florence was a widow and she and Doc, well, he’s actually our medical examiner, got married.”
“My, life must be exciting around here.”
“Actually,” Jessica replied, “we settle down into a nice routine most days.”
“Yes, I like routine. I think it’s especially important for children. I’m the guardian for Josh and Mandy Howe.”
“Yes, and thank goodness you’ll also be taking care of Beth. We’ve all worried about her because Ryan is a heathen. You’ll have to watch his vocabulary.”
“I’ve noticed.”
“Hey! I watch my tongue around Beth. It’s the cowboys that say the wrong thing.”
“I thought you were a cowboy?” Suzanne asked.
“I am, but—oh, never mind,” Ryan said.
“I had to learn to watch myself, too, once the babies came,” Cal said.
“How many children do you have?” Suzanne asked Cal.
“Two little boys,” Cal answered with real enthusiasm that impressed Suzanne. “They’re the greatest! My mom and dad spoil them rotten, of course, but they also help us take care of them. With my job as sheriff and Jess’s restaurant, we’re pretty busy.”
When Suzanne looked at Jessica, expecting the same enthusiasm, she found her staring at her napkin, saying nothing. Was something wrong?
Then two more people came in and joined them. They were introduced as Mac Gibbons, a lawyer, and his wife, Dr. Samantha Gibbons.
“You’re the lawyer who handles the finances for the children!” she exclaimed.
“That’s right. I thought you’d be in to see me right away,” Mac said, just before he gave his order.
His wife, a pretty woman with a warm smile, looked at Jessica and nodded her head. Suzanne looked at Jessica, too, and saw the happy smile she’d been looking for earlier. What was going on?
Samantha leaned over to Suzanne and whispered, “If you need any kind of birth control before the wedding, I’m working in the morning.”

Chapter Four
Before Suzanne could pull herself together to respond to Samantha’s offer, Jessica stood and leaned over to whisper in Cal’s ear. He stood also, and followed her from the table.
Everyone stared at Samantha.
“What’s going on?” Mac asked.
“Is something wrong?” Ryan asked.
Suzanne didn’t ask anything. She thought she might even be able to guess what had just happened. She waited.
“So, is everything ready for the wedding?” Samantha asked. That took Suzanne by surprise. “How did you—”
“Florence is my mother-in-law.”
“Oh. I didn’t realize everyone was connected in this town.”
“Yes, I’m afraid so. Have you figured out what to wear yet?”
“No. I’m not even sure I can go through with it,” Suzanne said without thinking.
Ryan protested indignantly, “Hey!”
“You said we could discuss it again!” she reminded him. “I don’t think marriage is necessary.”
“I don’t know,” Mac said slowly. “We’re a pretty conservative town. Living together isn’t very accepted.”
Suzanne turned a bright red. “No! I mean, I intended to be his housekeeper, but I would go home to the children’s house each night.”
“It won’t work,” Ryan said flatly, staring at her.
“I still don’t see why,” she said.
“Because of the kids. They all need a permanent situation to make them feel safe,” Mac said. “And you need a permanent solution to the ranch problem. Cal told me that you fired all your men and hadn’t found anyone to replace them.”
She knew he was being kind in not adding that she wouldn’t know a good cowboy from a bad one.
“Yes, but—okay, maybe you’re right, but what if Ryan meets his soul mate next year, when he’s married to me? What happens then?”
“Well, he can divorce you. In which case, hire me as your divorce attorney and we’ll strip him bare,” Mac promised, with a chuckle. Everyone laughed except her and Ryan.
Cal and Jessica returned to the table, and Jessica asked, “What are you laughing about?”
“We’re planning how Suzanne and I will take Ryan to the cleaners if he tries to divorce her next year,” Mac explained cheerfully, as if that were normal conversation.
Jessica looked at each of them. “Oh. But he’s a very nice man, Suzanne. Are you sure you want to divorce him?”
“You didn’t hear about him and Lola? I thought gossip was rampant in Cactus,” Suzanne said, getting into the spirit of the conversation.
Jessica looked from Suzanne to Ryan and said, “Oh, you and Lola, huh? I’m on your side, Suzanne.”
“Wait a minute. It was Lola’s fault!” Ryan protested, going along with their teasing. “She seduced me!”
“Just like a man,” Suzanne said, “always blaming it on the lady.”
Everyone chuckled.
“But seriously, Suzanne, have you figured out what to wear?” Samantha asked again. “Because we all have dresses and we’d be glad to loan you one.”
“Well, I do have a very nice cream suit. Would that do?”
“A suit?” Ryan asked, unhappy with her choice.
“Yes. It’s a nice suit.”
“I think that sounds lovely,” Samantha said. “And I have a cream hat with a small veil. I’ll bring it out to you tomorrow after office hours.”
“Oh, thank you, Samantha.”
“Who are you going to have as your maid of honor?” Jessica asked. “I’ll volunteer. After all, I’ve known you five minutes longer than Sam.”
“I’d be pleased if you would,” Suzanne said, feeling much better.
“What’s your favorite color?” Jessica asked.
“Blue,” Suzanne replied, careful not to look at Ryan’s eyes. She certainly hadn’t chosen that color because of his eyes. Of course not. “Could Mandy and Beth be flower girls? And Josh the ring bearer?”
“Perfect!” Samantha said, clapping her hands. “Now, we need someone to give you away. Cal? You’re the law in these parts. Do you feel up to the job?” She suddenly turned serious. “Unless your father…” she said, looking at Suzanne.
“No. If Cal doesn’t mind, that would be wonderful.” She looked at Ryan, who seemed uninterested in their discussion. “Who will your best man be, Ryan?”
“Well, I was going to ask Mac, but if he’s going to be your divorce attorney, I don’t know.” Ryan lifted an eyebrow in her direction, drawing attention to his blue eyes.
“Oh, all right, I’ll find another divorce attorney.”
“You can have Alex. She’s a damned good attorney. And she’s my partner.” Mac looked at Ryan. “You may regret that decision, because Alex might be even more vicious.”
“Naw. I’d rather have a male attorney. Besides, there won’t be a divorce,” Ryan said.
“By the way, I ordered for us when Cal and I were in the kitchen. We have something to celebrate tonight,” Jessica said, changing the subject. “We’re having another baby.”
Even Suzanne cheered that announcement. It was clear how much they cared about each other.
“Cal said no more babies, but I wanted to have a little girl. So keep your fingers crossed for us.”
They all cheered. Dinner was much more enjoyable than Suzanne had expected. When they left to head home, she felt that she had made two good friends. In the truck she said, “Everyone is so friendly here.”
“You met some of Cactus’s best people tonight. There are some others, too. We all went to school together,” Ryan said. “I was a few years behind them. And then I married Tiffany.”
“Is that Beth’s mother?”
“Beth is such an old-fashioned name compared to Tiffany.”
“That’s because Tiffany didn’t have any interest in naming our baby. She was mad because she’d gotten pregnant. I named her after my mother.” The bitterness in his voice was clear.
“I’m sorry,” Suzanne murmured.
“You’d better be good to Beth. She’s suffered enough because of her mother.”
Suzanne turned in the seat to stare at him. “The same goes to you. You’d better be good to Josh and Mandy, too. They’re great kids but they need a daddy to love them.”
“All right. So we’ll each be a parent to the kids, okay? See, things are working out, aren’t they?”
Suzanne swung around to stare out the truck window. She hadn’t set out thinking she’d actually marry Ryan, but somehow the evening had been spent planning their wedding, two days away. “I guess so,” she said softly with a sigh.
“Good.” He replied and neither of them spoke again the rest of the way home.
The children were very tired and a little unsettled that Suzanne and Ryan were out after dark. Suzanne sent Josh off to the main bathroom while she took Mandy to the other one for a quick bath after telling Ryan and Beth goodnight.
“Did you have fun tonight?” she asked Mandy.
The little girl leaned against Suzanne’s arm and said, “I like Beth.”
“Good. I think you’ll get to play with her a lot soon.”
“Okay,” Mandy said, her eyelids slowly going lower. Suzanne got her out of the bath and dried her off. She felt bad about not telling the children about the wedding. But she wanted to wait—to be sure it would really happen. It seemed so make-believe to her.

THE PHONE STARTED ringing early the next morning. Jessica had decided to throw her a shower. Suzanne was stunned. “But Jessica, the wedding is tomorrow.”
“I know. That’s why we’ll have the shower tonight. Melanie and Alex are going to help me. You haven’t met them yet, but you will this evening. It will be fun.”
“But I don’t know anyone here!”
“Maybe not, but most everyone knew Mary Lee and Rodger. We liked them both. And we’re glad the kids will have a good home. So just think of it as a tribute to your cousin and her husband. Does that make it easier?”
With tears in her eyes, Suzanne agreed. What else could she do? “Thank you. That’s very sweet of you.”
“Okay. Ryan will pick you up at seven. Bring Mandy and Beth with you. It’s a girl thing. Ryan will take Josh with him to the bachelor party.”
Suzanne was stunned by that statement. “Don’t you think Josh is a little young for a bachelor party?”
“These bachelor parties are different. They meet at the restaurant and play darts. Ryan will take care of him.”
“If you’re sure.”
After the phone call, Suzanne found a pretty dress in her city wardrobe that would be fine for the party tonight. Then she checked Mandy’s closet. The only party dress Mandy had turned out to be outgrown. She called Ryan.
“Does Beth have a party dress?”
“Uh, I don’t think so. Why?”
“Because they’re giving me a shower tonight and the girls are supposed to go with me. Mandy needs a new dress. I thought I’d drive into town and see what I can find. Shall I buy one for Beth, too?”
“Would you know what size?”
“Of course not. I would need Beth to go with us.”
“Uh, okay. You want Josh to stay here with me?”
“I don’t think he has anything to wear either. Would I be able to find a suit for him?”
“Maybe. But nice slacks and a white shirt would be dressy enough.”
It suddenly occurred to her to ask about his wardrobe. “You are wearing a suit tomorrow, aren’t you?”
“Of course I am. They were just joking about me being a heathen, Suzanne.”
“Would you have Beth ready in about half an hour?”
She should’ve checked with Mac about the children’s allowance before now. Looking in Mandy’s closet reminded her that Mandy would need more clothes. She’d apparently just had a growth spurt. When she announced to the children they were going into town with her to get new clothes, Mandy clapped her hands, even though Suzanne wasn’t sure she understood what she was going to do. Josh frowned at her.
“Mmm. Well, I have something to tell you. Mr. Walker and I are—are going to get married tomorrow.”
Both children stared at her. Josh finally said, “What happens to us?”
“Sweetheart, you’ll come with me wherever I go. We’re family. We’re just going to have a larger family. You and Mandy and Beth will be our children.” No response. She asked, “Will that be okay?”
“So we’ll live in his house?”
“Who will live here?”
That question hadn’t occurred to Suzanne. “Josh, I don’t know. I suppose we could rent it out, but—we’ll ask Mr. Walker, I mean Ryan, when we go pick up Beth.”
“We’re going to take Beth with us?”
Uh-oh. “Don’t you like Beth?”
“She’s bossy.”
“We’ll work things out. But she’s used to being an only child. It may take her a little while to get used to having a brother and sister.”
Suzanne tried to discuss cheerful things after that. But when they got to Ryan’s place, she remembered Josh’s question. “Ryan, who will live in the house on our place?”
“I was going to ask you about that. I’ve got a good man who deserves to be manager. But I’ve already got a manager. I thought I’d make him manager of that land and let him and his wife live there. They’re expecting a baby soon and don’t have much room where they’re living. Would that be all right?”
“Yes, of course. Did you hear, Josh? Some people who are going to have a new baby.”
“A boy baby?”
Suzanne looked at Ryan. He squatted down in front of Josh. “Yeah, Josh, they’re having a boy baby. Another cowboy.”
“Good. My daddy was going to teach me to be a cowboy. But now he can’t.” Josh’s sad eyes almost made Suzanne break into tears.
Ryan, however, took care of the situation. “No, he can’t, but I can. Want me to teach you?”
“Even how to ride?”
“Well, of course. Riding is the first thing to learn.”
“Daddy said it was too dangerous for me to learn now.”
“But you’re older now. You’ll take to it right away. After things have settled down, I’ll show you how.”
“I can ride,” Beth announced, looking triumphantly at Josh. He scowled in return.
“Beth rides with me some. But I’ll teach you together.”
Though Suzanne was concerned about the safety factor, she was grateful for Ryan’s offer to Josh. “That’s very good of you, Ryan,” she whispered before leaving with the children.
“It’s no better than you taking Beth shopping.” He opened his billfold. “Here’s some money.”
“No. I’ll charge it and you can pay me back later. I don’t know how much it will be.” Besides, she would pay for her own wedding. Even if she didn’t want one.
Four hours later, she knew Beth a lot better, including her stubbornness, which Suzanne was sure she got from her father. But overall, she was a sweet little girl who played well with Mandy. In fact, Beth acted like Mandy’s mother, and Josh tried to corral both of them. Suzanne found herself looking forward to spending time with all three children.
She’d found the girls dresses for the wedding, matching pale-blue dresses. And she’d bought them simpler dresses for the shower this evening. When she told Josh he’d be going with Ryan, he hesitated. Then he asked, “Ryan won’t mind?”
“Of course not. Maybe he’ll show you how to throw darts.”
That cheered him up.
She bought fast food for dinner, since she wouldn’t have time to cook, clean up and get dressed for the shower. Not and get three children ready. She suggested Beth stay with them to get ready. Suzanne promised to fix her hair for her. “If we have time, I’ll even paint your nails.”
Beth was awed by that offer and if Beth liked it, Mandy clapped, too. Suzanne made a special note to paint nails.
At last they were all dressed in their new dresses and Josh in nice slacks and a blue dress shirt. At the very moment Suzanne thought she should maybe call Ryan, he knocked on the door.
Beth ran to the door, dying to show off to her father. When she opened the door, she beamed up at him. “Look at me, Daddy! Aren’t I pretty?”
“Beth, a lady should wait until a man compliments her. Then she thanks him,” Suzanne pointed out, but she was smiling.
“Okay, Daddy, tell me.”
Ryan scooped Beth up and obliged. “You are absolutely beautiful. And Mandy is, too.”
“Look at my nails,” Beth said, practically sticking them in her father’s eyes. Mandy, standing on the floor and looking at the man and her new friend, held up her nails for him to see, too.
Ryan dipped down and picked Mandy up with his other arm. He admired her nails as well, telling her she looked beautiful also. Suzanne drew a shaky breath. Damn the man. He always knew what to say to the children. He was a good daddy.
“Hey, Josh, don’t tell me you got your nails painted too?”
“No, sir. That’s girl stuff.”
“Yeah, but you do look nice tonight. So everyone’s ready to go? Even Mom?”
“Susie,” Josh snapped. He always insisted she be called by her name and not Mama or Mom. She hadn’t warned Ryan because it hadn’t occurred to her that he’d call her such a thing.
“Susie? I like that name, Josh. Think she’ll let me call her that, too?” Ryan asked, giving nothing away with his smile.

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Saved By A Texas-Sized Wedding Judy Christenberry
Saved By A Texas-Sized Wedding

Judy Christenberry

Тип: электронная книга

Жанр: Современные любовные романы

Язык: на английском языке

Издательство: HarperCollins

Дата публикации: 16.04.2024

Отзывы: Пока нет Добавить отзыв

О книге: Another Match Made In…CactusSuddenly a single mom and a ranch owner, city girl Suzanne McCoy needed help in a hurry when the matrons of Cactus, Texas, came to her rescue. Their solution–Ryan Walker, the best rancher in town and a single parent, too. Suzanne offered Ryan her homemaking skills in exchange for his farm help, but the sexy cowboy got the wrong idea. Before she knew it, she was Mrs. Ryan Walker and the mother of three! This Texas-sized wedding had certainly saved their sorry situations. But when passion unexpectedly struck, would they find themselves hogtied in a marriage all too real?Judy Christenberry celebrates her 50th book with another compelling story in her beloved TOTS FOR TEXANS series.

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