The Infinite Mind: The Mind/Brain Phenomenon

The Infinite Mind: The Mind/Brain Phenomenon
Betty Shine

The evidence for the existence of the Mind as something distinct from the Brain.The Infinite Mind centres on the Mind/Brain phenomenon and an argument that has dogged the scientific community for years. With a quarter of a century of experience of mediumship behind her, Betty Shine has the proof required to demonstrate the existence of Mind Energy as something which survived the physical death of the Brain.Drawing on survival evidence through many interesting and intriguing stories, this book is the first attempt by anyone to distinguish between Mind and Brain. Betty Shine can not only see it – she can prove it. From out-of-body and near-death experience to clairvoyant contact and meditation, THE INFINITE MIND will inspire both individuals and the world of science to re-examine their beliefs.


The Mind/Brain Phenomenon


COPYRIGHT (#ulink_68d2c456-1cb2-5b8d-99be-7db4dfab63fc)

HarperCollinsPublishers 1 London Bridge Street London SE1 9GF (

Published by HarperCollinsPublishers 1999

Copyright © Betty Shine 1999

Betty Shine asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work

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Source ISBN: 9780006531043

Ebook Edition © MARCH 2016 ISBN: 9780007374328

Version: 2016-01-22

DEDICATION (#ulink_01d61990-775c-5aaa-ab43-484655c0f7ed)

I would like to dedicate this book

to my granddaughter


for her constant love and support.

EPIGRAPH (#ulink_57e027d7-cd3d-5efa-aae4-fd26a134e35f)

‘Those who do not give time to the thought attack the thinker.’



Cover (#u3751c930-0e5f-52a4-94e8-8877ec5c12bd)

Title Page (#uecb4eea3-859a-5444-87f2-ed2fdd274d09)

Copyright (#u29407888-4ec6-5f40-a128-dd96ce4be10a)

Dedication (#u2deefd02-4193-5c1a-9dd5-0dd9b0a1238d)

Epigraph (#u31ca8592-2803-5704-8a89-edd0ef0a9edb)

Introduction (#ub0c967e3-63bd-52b2-828d-7fde7b3f5fb4)

1 The Link – Bobby Keetch (#u638a0313-efaf-57c8-ba23-26517d8b61e4)

2 The Message – Alan Hudson (#u61154ee3-f416-58a6-b76b-37e011c0f4fe)

3 Manchester United and Bobby Moore (#u137a63f0-2442-5789-9154-edc571b48f3a)

4 Memories are Made of This (#ub529957b-d4a2-5e29-a7ee-49737fcd21c4)

5 Mind Travelling (#u219836db-4bdd-5457-887d-db370078882b)

6 Home Again (#u286a46e7-09da-5694-a310-2979afb5712c)

7 Mind Energy (#u0ae0f4af-bc4b-54e3-a747-8e32c6864d33)

8 True Sight (#litres_trial_promo)

9 The Universes (#litres_trial_promo)

10 A Whole Bag of Tools (#litres_trial_promo)

11 Meditation (#litres_trial_promo)

12 Change Can Only Happen When the Spirit Soars (#litres_trial_promo)

13 Fear (#litres_trial_promo)

14 The Mind is a Free Spirit (#litres_trial_promo)

15 The Healing Power of Light (#litres_trial_promo)

16 The Sally Frankenberg Story (#litres_trial_promo)

17 Out-of-Body Experiences (#litres_trial_promo)

18 Spirit Entities (#litres_trial_promo)

19 Hypnosis (#litres_trial_promo)

20 Sleep (#litres_trial_promo)

21 Horror, Violence, and the Paranormal (#litres_trial_promo)

22 The UFO Phenomenon (#litres_trial_promo)

23 Michael Bentine (#litres_trial_promo)

24 The Magic of Animals (#litres_trial_promo)

25 Clairvoyance and Intuition (#litres_trial_promo)

26 Cloning the Mind (#litres_trial_promo)

27 Non-Verbal Communication (#litres_trial_promo)

28 Reclaiming Your Life (#litres_trial_promo)

29 Be True to Yourself (#litres_trial_promo)

30 The Planet in Peril (#litres_trial_promo)

31 Touch (#litres_trial_promo)

32 A New Beginning (#litres_trial_promo)

Appendix A Passages from the Bible (#litres_trial_promo)

Appendix B My Law – by Tieme Ranapiri (#litres_trial_promo)

Keep Reading (#litres_trial_promo)

About the Author (#litres_trial_promo)

Also by the Author (#litres_trial_promo)

About the Publisher (#litres_trial_promo)

INTRODUCTION (#ulink_597a6a50-d4e6-5ada-920c-4d2ffadd18ba)

TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO, I discovered an energy around the head that reacted to every emotion and every thought. I decided to call it Mind Energy. Further study, through my abilities as a medium and healer, has given me positive proof that this energy is not only the powerhouse that drives the brain, but an indestructible force that survives the death of the physical body (which includes the brain) and which holds, for ever, the records of past and present lives.

No one can deny the incredible feats that the brain can achieve in conjunction with Mind Energy, but eventually, like the rest of the body, the brain will deteriorate and die. At this point, Mind Energy leaves and goes back to the source, the Universal Mind.

Brain surgeons, of course, understand the brain and its various biological functions. I do not. They, in turn, do not understand the mind. How can they? Unless they have a particular clairvoyant gift enabling them to see this energy, they cannot study it. But I have studied Mind Energy for a quarter of a century, and during that time I have proved the incredible part it plays in the stimulation of the brain and the central nervous system. The scientific and medical establishments ignore this and continue to tell us that the memory is in the brain, and constantly use the word ‘brain’ when they mean ‘mind’, and vice versa. The brain is divided up into different sections which, when triggered by the mind, carry out various functions that stimulate physical reactions. But it is purely physical.

Take the examples of those whose brains, whether through injury or disease, have been permanently affected, yet have been able to communicate and function as though nothing had happened. Although the medical profession has confessed to being puzzled when this happens, I am not surprised, because through my work as a medium and healer I know that everything is recorded first of all in the mind. If the memory is stored in the brain, how do I receive messages from the co-called dead? After all, in these people the brain has ceased to be.

No matter how sceptical professionals may be, they can no longer ignore the incredible evidence that mediums have given over hundreds of years. If they do, they are fools. The mind is energy and cannot be destroyed. It is everlasting. It is able to communicate ‘mind to mind’ with the living, giving proof of survival.

The work of mediums should be recognised as a branch of physics because we study and work with energy structures and the Universe. Unless scientists work closely with intelligent mediums they will never find the Universal answers they are looking for.

At some time in the future, scientists, physicians, mediums and healers will have to work together to perfect the science of whole healing. Many ordinary people throughout the world know the truth, so why then can the scientific community not accept it? Academic training is not enough. There is so much that we do not know, and if we cannot exchange information without prejudice, we will continue in the stalemate position that we have suffered for so long. This would be an immense loss to future generations.

I have friends from every walk of life, and those who have nothing to lose but everything to gain by my teachings are the most adept at changing their lives. They replace negativity with a positive lifestyle, because they overcome their fear of death. They know the mind cannot die, and therefore they enjoy living. They no longer believe that death is the end and lead happier more effective lives because of that knowledge.

I have worked with many doctors and scientists over the years, but they have never been able to tell anyone of their association with me for fear of reprisals from their own profession. Similarly, the lives of many eminent people have been changed because of the help they have received from me, and we have become close friends in the process, but they do not willingly want their names linked with mine. I understand their reticence when it comes to owning up to this particular friendship. Why should they be the butt of ill-mannered jokes? But I believe that it is time for change. It is time to listen and learn from each other – we are all individuals, and as such, should be given the respect we deserve. It is time to co-operate and make the world a better place for everyone, especially innocent children about to enter this very troubled environment.

I have received world-wide recognition for my work on Mind Energy, for which I am truly thankful. I know that I am respected by all who have read my books, or who have met me personally, and that is why I decided to write this book. I want to build bridges, and to teach the world the difference, once and for all, between the mind and the brain.

I would like to thank all those celebrities and sportsmen mentioned by name in this book, for helping me to end the unnecessary stigma suffered by people in my profession. They are all honest, courageous individuals, who long for a more understanding and kinder world for themselves and their families. I would also like to thank those of my friends who have allowed me to use their stories and names in this book. They also deserve their badge of honour, and that is what we should all be seeking – the honour of our respective professions.

I hope this book will make people think twice before they criticise others. I hope it will bring light into the lives of those who are suffering, and those who are terminally ill and fear death. My book is about hope, understanding and love, but most important of all, it is about the survival of the mind, when the physical body and brain have ceased to be.

There is no such thing as death. We have all lived before and we are all going to experience new lives. We simply cannot lose.

1 THE LINK – BOBBY KEETCH (#ulink_b08e5a84-2c1b-5850-9ca3-52372d536aec)

THE EXPERIENCES DESCRIBED in the first chapters of this book are quite remarkable. They concern the lives of famous footballers, past and present, and the way in which I have been used over the past twenty years or so to bring them all together. The experiences are especially amazing, when you consider that I know absolutely nothing about football!

It is well known that footballers look after their own. But through my mediumship and healing I have found that this closeness does not end when they die.

I was enjoying a casual telephone chat with my friend Anne McMenemy one day, when a man with blond hair materialised before me. Interrupting my conversation with Anne, he told me that his name was Bobby, and that he had died from a heart attack and wanted to speak to his wife. He was worried about her. When I repeated this message to Anne, she told me that it was Bobby Keetch, the footballer, who had died recently from a stroke and heart attack. Although Anne was shaken by this, she would probably have been more shocked if she and her husband Lawrie had not been given survival evidence by me when we had first met at a dinner party given by my publisher, Eddie Bell. Anne promised that she would get in touch with Bobby Keetch’s wife Jan, explain what had happened, and leave the decision to her as to whether she wished to contact me or not. I was happy about that because I had no desire to add to my workload unnecessarily.

Half an hour later Jan called me, there was an immediate response from Bobby, and a three-way conversation was soon underway. Bobby was so excited to be speaking to his wife that I mentally had to ask him to slow down, so that I could understand what he was saying. Much later, when the private messages were over, he told us that when he had died he had been met by Bobby Moore and by some of the Manchester United team who had died in the Munich air disaster in 1958. I could hardly believe it. This was the first time that Bobby Moore’s name had ever been mentioned, either during survival evidence or speaking to my friends connected with the football world. And what was he doing with the Manchester United team?

Bobby Keetch told me that Bobby Moore and the others were in fact looking after him, and that they had made it possible for him to contact his wife through me. He said that Bobby Moore and his Manchester United friends were going to change the face of football. I was given no clue at this time as to the method they were going to use. It will be interesting to note, for what comes later, that this happened in 1996.

Bobby Keetch also told us that Bobby Moore would like to send a message to his wife, telling her that he had the Afghan hound with him, and to give her his love. Then Bobby Moore actually appeared with his arm around his dog. At this point I had to laugh. When Jan asked me what I was laughing at, I told her that I thought an Afghan hound was the least likely dog to be owned by a footballer. Jan could not shed any light on whether or not Bobby Moore had indeed owned an Afghan hound but, as Stephanie Moore was a friend, she promised that she would ask her about the dog.

At this point Bobby Keetch returned to his conversation with Jan. He said, ‘I’m leaving now, but you must never feel alone. I will be with you always.’ Then he told her to look at his portrait at the top of the stairs whenever she felt sad. Jan did not understand this. Although there were many pictures of Bobby around the house, there was no portrait in that particular place. But here the messages ended. Jan and I spoke for some time after this, as I felt that I should reassure her that this kind of communication was, for me, an everyday occurrence. We decided to talk again once she had had time to come to terms with what she had been given.

I sat quietly for a while after Jan had rung off. It had been a very emotional, inspiring and informative session, and had come out of the blue, during an ordinary conversation with a friend.

Why had Bobby Keetch been inspired to contact me? The reason is quite simple. Bobby Moore has been in the other dimension for some time, since his death from cancer in 1993, and he had been drawn toward a fellow footballer because minds link with like minds. He would have helped Bobby Keetch by explaining the rather abrupt departure of his mind from his physical body, and how it had entered another dimension. No one could understand that more than the victims of the Munich disaster, so he had been surrounded by the best help that anyone can have when they die. They would have nurtured him and, to help him recover, had taken the opportunity to point him in the right direction when they realised how important it was for him to be able to speak to his wife. Bobby Moore had directed him to me for obvious reasons, and had achieved this by breaking into the conversation I was having with Anne McMenemy.

Since this contact with Bobby Moore I have had many conversations with him, and I have seen him quite clearly when he has manifested to me. He has given me clairvoyance on football matters several times, and on each occasion he has been proved to be correct. I have been able to pass messages on for him, but it is extremely difficult for me to pass on messages to people who do not know me, so some of them have to wait. I do not want to be caught up in sensationalist publicity, and neither do the recipients.

What I can tell you is that the ‘team’ are extremely concerned about a game that they loved, and obviously still do. Bobby Moore told me that greed is killing off the talent, and the game cannot survive in its present state. He told me that prominent footballers of the future will, because of their fortunes, carry a huge burden. Because of the enormous influence they will have on the next generation, they will have to be seen to be clean, to behave in a manner that will be a credit to their profession. No matter how good a footballer may be, he will be dispatched if his actions do not affect the fans in a positive manner. Bobby told me that the changes will be enormous and will completely alter the concept of football as he knew it, but that, in the end, it would be for the good of all.

He was particularly forthcoming about the future of the charities that would benefit from football. He believed that a new charity should be formed to help footballers who had hit hard times through injuries they received, either as a result of their careers or in general. As he put it, ‘When they are fit they give their all. Please don’t forget them when they need support.’

Bobby Keetch and Jan have had many conversations through my mediumship, and the love and advice that he has given her and their children has enabled them to deal with their grief in a positive, optimistic way.

I learnt that Bobby Keetch began his career with the London School Boys under 15s before joining West Ham in 1958. From April 1959 to May 1966 he was at Fulham, before moving to Queen’s Park Rangers, where he played until 1969. His football career ended with two years playing for Durban City in South Africa.

In 1971 Bobby began his business career which eventually took him into publishing. Bobby and his partner Terry had an idea for a football theme restaurant, and they realised this dream and had a wonderful opening night before Bobby so tragically died.

Jan’s story

I received a phone call from my friend Annie McMenemy. She told me that she had been talking to someone called Betty Shine and that a spirit entity had interrupted the conversation by telling her that he had died of a heart attack and wanted to speak to his wife. Betty also said that the man in question had blond hair. Annie told me that she had been shocked, but had immediately recognised that it was my Bobby. She told Betty that he had only passed away a couple of weeks ago. Betty did not know who Bobby Keetch was, and she did not know me either, so this was quite incredible evidence. Annie then told me that Betty would like to speak with me. I called her, and the contact with Bobby was made. It was quite amazing, because neither Betty, nor anyone else, could have known about any of the details of that deeply private conversation.

One thing I did not understand was the instruction to look at the painting at the top of the stairs. What painting? There was nothing at the top of the stairs. But Bobby had been adamant that when I needed him I was to look at this painting.

Months later, a dear friend who knew nothing about this matter presented me with a painting of my husband, and we decided to hang it at the top of the stairs. By this time I had completely forgotten about Bobby’s message.

One day, when I was very sad, I was looking at the painting, alternately crying and talking to it. Then it just seemed to come alive. It is quite difficult to explain what happened, but the facial expressions changed, quite literally, and Bobby seemed to be talking to me. And then I remembered his message, ‘Look at the painting when you need me.’ And there he was, as he always was, when I needed him. This phenomenon has continued to this day. The facial changes in the picture are quite remarkable, and are definitely not my imagination. But I am the only one who can see these changes taking place. It is just for me.

I have to say that this contact has completely changed my life, and I am content in the thought that Bobby will be there waiting for me when it is my turn to join him, and we will be together again.

Betty Shine has become a very dear friend, and my family and I cannot thank her enough for the gift that she has given us.

Incidentally, Bobby Moore’s wife confirmed that they had indeed had an Afghan hound, but that it had originally belonged to her before they were married. It is a mere detail, but it proves beyond any shadow of doubt that the mind of every living thing survives. It was Bobby Moore’s way of giving vital, foolproof evidence of survival, because Jan and Bobby Keetch had never known about the dog, and I could certainly never have known about it.

It was also quite remarkable that he had teamed up with the Manchester United team, and quite a shock to me to hear about them again after so many years. They had obviously looked after him when he had left this dimension behind and Bobby Keetch was able to tell us that he had also been cared for by them. He told Jan and I that he had joined this remarkable band of footballers, and was helping them in their work.

Although Jan Keetch and I have since become very close friends, we do not have regular contact because we are both very busy, but whenever there is a problem to be solved her husband appears and asks me to get in touch with her. He has made it clear that he is always there by her side, loving her, protecting her and advising her. This has made a great difference to Jan’s life, because she can now live her own life to the full without fear of the future.

I have given the football connection a great deal of thought over the years, as neither myself nor any of my family had ever been remotely interested in the game. Our world was connected to the theatre, to opera and classical music, a far cry from the football fraternity! I have therefore come to the conclusion that it is my complete ignorance of the sport that ensures the quality of the survival evidence. One has to understand that mediums are at their best when they do not know their sitters or those giving survival evidence. This is because there is no possibility of the medium’s subconscious blocking the conversation.

I have been fascinated by the mind from the moment I began experimenting with remote viewing more than thirty years ago. The more I learn, the less I seem to know. There is no beginning and no end. The mind is a phenomenon in itself.

The one sure thing that I have been able to establish is that the part of the brain which governs memory, like all its other functions, only exists because of its interaction with the mind. Our permanent and indestructible memory storage system is in the mind, proven by the fact that a large part of the brain can be destroyed and yet the personality and memory remain. Even when the brain has died, the mind lives on, communicating and achieving our destiny in another dimension.

2 THE MESSAGE – ALAN HUDSON (#ulink_67da1489-5d87-5729-a598-c90e738bb2b0)

WHILST READING THE Daily Mail one morning in January 1998, my eye was drawn to a small photograph of a man. The few words underneath told me that the photograph was of Alan Hudson, an ex-footballer. Apparently he had been left severely injured and in a coma after a car had knocked him down having mounted the pavement where he had been walking. Just then, a very strong male voice said to me, ‘Please help me.’ Then he said, ‘I want you to contact my wife and tell her not to give up on me, that I’m still here.’ He then went on to give me intimate details of his private life.

I must admit I had to smile as I wondered, ‘Where do I go from here?’ I had never even heard of Alan Hudson, although he was obviously well known in the football world.

Then my friend Kevin Keegan came to mind. Perhaps he could point me in the right direction? As I have been friends with Kevin’s family for some time, especially with his wife Jean, he did not seem too fazed by what I had to say and he promised to help.

For those of you, like me, who know nothing about football, Alan Hudson had a long and distinguished playing career with Chelsea, Stoke City, Arsenal and the Seattle Sounders in the USA. He was capped for England at both Under 23 and Senior level and won many honours in the game, including FA Cup and European Cup Winners Cup medals. Since retiring as a player he has been involved in coaching and journalism.

Later the same day, I was able to have a conversation with David Connolly, a friend of Alan Hudson. He told me he had always been a sceptic where psychic matters were concerned, but that he was conscious that something very extraordinary was taking place, especially once I was able to pass on to him private information that Alan had given me about his family.

David and I talked for some time, and I was able to help him with some problems of his own, which made it easier for him to pass on Alan’s messages to his wife, Anne. I was also able to tell him that Alan had told me that Bobby Moore had met him and was helping him. (After Bobby Keetch, what more confirmation does one need to establish that Bobby Moore is still around!)

I was naturally concerned about whether the messages I had received from Alan would be welcome to Anne, as one never really knows how such communications will be received by the family. After all, they did not know me, and although they could check me out through my books, they might want to dismiss the whole thing as a fantasy. Who could blame them? The evidence Anne was going to receive from David was very specific. All that mattered was that she could accept that it was correct.

The following day I received a call from David who told me that although Anne had been shocked, to say the least, she had confirmed everything that Alan had said about his family. She asked David to tell me that she would be contacting me.

From that time on, David rang every day, and I would pass on messages to Anne from Alan. He was extremely positive, and was constantly reassuring us of his eventual recovery. I was also able to tell David that Alan’s dead father was in the spirit dimension, helping him.

Anne’s story

My introduction to Betty Shine came within a week of Alan’s accident, whilst I was sitting by his bedside in the Intensive Care Unit. Our friend David phoned me and said that he had something to tell me. He seemed a little unsure as to whether he should pass on this information, as the messages were from a medium, but I encouraged him to tell me the whole story.

Apparently Betty Shine had been contacted by Alan after she had seen a photograph of him in the Daily Mail. He had asked her to contact me with the message that he was going to recover, despite his terrible injuries. In fact, he was giving us his own diagnosis. This seemed incredible, as his injuries were so bad that the medical team looking after him had said that he was unlikely to pull through, and he was in a coma. Although I had always been very sceptical about such matters, I listened to everything David had to say, as Betty appeared to be extremely accurate, even when detailing the very delicate issues of his injuries.

For four months I was able to give Anne information about her husband’s injuries and about how they were progressing. I had to explain, because this information was so detailed, that I had a superb team of spirit doctors who were helping me. After all, this was all very new to her. At one point, I was able to alleviate Anne’s worst fears by telling her that the swelling in Alan’s brain had reduced, which was later confirmed by the medical team.

There were other strange things happening in Alan’s family at this time. When his sister Julie was told about his accident she became desperately upset, screaming for her father. As she did so, a gold cross appeared on the wall behind her. It stayed for two days, and was seen by five other people. I believe that when she screamed for her dead father, who was helping Alan, he activated this symbol to give his daughter peace of mind. Julie told Anne that the cross had no shadow – this is quite normal with such phenomena. Spirits do not have shadows either, they are the shadows!

Some time later, Julie re-decorated the room, but the incredible energy impact needed to form the cross in the first place had left an indelible mark. The cross remains on the wall.

The role that David took on as the middle-man, passing messages from Alan and myself to Anne, was truly the act of a loyal and loving friend. He kept a diary, and it was only when reading his transcript that I realised just how awful those dark months of December and January had been for Alan’s wife, family and friends. Eventually, however, Alan came out of his coma and began the long journey of recovery.

Whilst speaking to David on the phone one day, Alan’s paternal grandfather appeared to me and told me that he was helping Alan. I could see him so clearly that I was able to give David a detailed description of him. When this was passed on to Alan he was surprised, because he had never really had much contact with his paternal grandfather. So you see, when people are in trouble, everyone will gather round to help.

David and Anne have since visited me at my home, and we have all become close friends. I have spoken to Alan over the phone and am very excited about his recovery, although he obviously still has a lot of work to do to get back to a hundred per cent. But the fact that he started working again from his hospital bed gives one an insight into the power and personality which enabled him to contact me in the first place.

While he was still in hospital, I told Anne, via David, that one of the medical staff would, when Alan recovered, turn around and say, ‘This is nothing short of a miracle.’ As time passed, doctors and nurses alike would make remarks about his ‘incredible recovery’, but Anne told me that she wanted to hear the exact words that I had given her. One day, as the sister was about to leave the room after speaking with Anne for some time, she reached the door, hesitated, then turned around and said, ‘This is nothing short of a miracle.’ These words convinced Anne that a ‘miracle’ had taken place, because every word I had passed on to her, even about family matters which at that time had not yet taken place, had come true. The following passage is a continuation of Anne’s story:

There were many times over the next few months when Alan’s condition was ‘touch and go’, but Betty was always there, giving me an exact diagnosis and the outcome, which was always positive. Each time, she was proved right. I began to get a great deal of comfort from her calls throughout the ordeal of the ICU.

It is now May 1998, six months after the accident. Alan is still in hospital but is making good progress, and is on his way to making a full recovery. Both Alan and Betty have been proved right. They were the only people who, right from the start, were positive about the eventual outcome, when everyone around us thought that all was lost. Betty Shine is a very special lady who has helped me immensely. Alan and I cannot thank her enough.

When Alan came out of the coma, he said that he had actually seen his father. He also told me, when I had my first telephone conversation with him, that he had always believed in psychic matters, and that he thought he had certain gifts in this direction. He said something wonderful had happened to him and that he had seen the most beautiful places, and he knew instinctively that these were not hallucinations, that they were real. In a letter he sent to me he wrote that, when he was travelling at high speed in the energy dimension, he passed both his father and a very dear friend who had died.

Those of you who have never had a psychic experience may find it very difficult to come to terms with the fact that the mind is infinite, that it survives death, and that it can take over when the brain has been damaged. But if we did not have a mind that is totally separate from the brain, none of us would exist, because it is the mind that creates the link between the Universal Mind and the brain. We are all children of the Universe; we came from the source, and to the source we will return. There will be more about this later in the book. For the moment, let me assure you that nothing is what it seems, and that anything is possible.

Because of the swelling in Alan’s brain, he was reduced to a comatose state. This happens when the messages from brain to body are disrupted, and the mind seeks alternative routes of communication.

Alan’s story is typical of the stress that the personality endures when it feels that it can no longer communicate through the brain. The patient does not suffer, because they are in a peaceful and loving environment. Their wish to communicate is driven by the desire to ease the suffering of their friends and family and, in Alan’s case, to pass on to them the knowledge that he was going to survive.

As I mentioned earlier, others in the spirit dimension can come forward to ease tension and give proof of survival during these trying times. I was speaking to Anne one day when a man’s voice repeated the name Harry several times. I asked her if she knew who this might be, and she told me that her late uncle’s name was Harry. I then passed on to her messages of a private nature, which were confirmed. Anne was having a lot of ‘firsts’ at this time! Having had no previous experience of survival evidence, she told me that she found it a great comfort to have someone of her own communicating with her, especially as she had been Harry’s only niece and had been much loved by him. I explained that he had come through so that she would not feel so alone.

The family has asked me to thank all the medical staff at the London Hospital and at St Bartholomew’s hospital for all the loving care that Alan received from them during his long stay with them. As a medium, it was a great honour for me to bring the two worlds together, easing the grief of the family as they waited for their loved one to recover from such a terrible trauma.

For me, this is just one of many hundreds of similar stories that are being played out every day, each one as remarkable as the last. I therefore hope that Alan’s story will bring hope and comfort to the families of all those who are currently in a coma.

3 MANCHESTER UNITED AND BOBBY MOORE (#ulink_ecb4d5c2-6d6d-5bf3-b7d6-696922b0cdc4)

I WAS FIRST INTRODUCED TO Bobby Moore through my contact with Bobby Keetch, and then again through Alan Hudson. There was an interval of twenty months between these messages. But the first contact I had from the Manchester United team was over twenty years ago.

Out of respect for one particular family, when I wrote about the story of the team’s survival in my first book I did not give the actual name of the club. I can reveal it now because of the remarkable circumstances surrounding the footballers mentioned in these chapters, which span so many years. They have made it quite clear that they will not be silenced. They want people to know they have survived, and to be happy for them, to replace bad memories with good.

This is the story from Mind to Mind which will give some insight as to how I became involved with the Manchester United team some twenty-two years ago.

David was a young amateur footballer who had been turned away from our local hospital because he had broken so many small bones in his feet that they had told him there was nothing more they could do. Crippled and in despair he asked me for an emergency session.

I had met David for the first time when he came to me with a twisted ankle and badly sprained ligaments in his foot. A physiotherapist had treated it with ice-packs, manipulation and ultrasound, and after two weeks he was pronounced fit enough to play again. A month later he sprained it again, this time tearing some tissue around the Achilles tendon. On the advice of friends he visited yet another physiotherapist who used the same methods as the previous one. He was then told that he was fit enough to play. This performance was repeated regularly for the next four years! In all he saw a total of nine different physiotherapists, for various injuries, but the effects were only temporary, until he came to me for healing.

On one particular occasion he had had a very bad kick in the groin. A particularly eminent physiotherapist correctly diagnosed a slight hernia, and fitted him with a makeshift truss. David was told that he would not be able to play for a month or more. He then had a successful healing session with me which cured the hernia, and was playing again the following Saturday.

David’s faith in my healing powers were such that when he was told to go home and live with his crippled feet he once again turned to healing. But this time was going to be very different to his previous appointments.

He arrived with his father, who was also a witness to the events that were about to take place. I told David to lie on the couch and I positioned my chair at the end so that I could place my hands on his feet and legs. I had only just begun to heal him when a voice told me to take my hands away. I was not at all fazed by this because it happened quite often during healing sessions with other patients. I took my hands away and moved back from the couch. Then we all three watched in amazement as the injured leg was lifted up, pushed about and thoroughly manipulated. Healing can sometimes be extremely painful, while the body is being energised, and this occasion was no different. David was in considerable pain.

But then something unbelievable happened during the healing, something that only I could hear. A man’s voice told me that he had been one of the Manchester United team who had died in the Munich air crash. He told me that he wanted to heal footballers and athletes through me. He had obviously been a very compassionate man when he was alive and wanted to continue to help people in his profession. I consequently tried to contact his family, but was told that their religion did not accept mediumship. I thought this was very sad, as he so obviously wanted to prove his survival. He gave me the names of all those who had died and those who had survived. The evidence, when checked out later, was found to be one hundred per cent correct.

After the manipulation by our footballer friend, David hopped off the couch, completely cured! And from that time on, athletes of every profession who visited me received remarkable cures.

This all happened over two decades ago. And now, here the team were again, first in 1996 and again in 1998.

Bobby Moore let me know that he was the spokesman for the footballers who now found themselves in a quite different environment, but who were happy that, from their viewpoint, they could help the world of football.

He told me that materialism with a non-spiritual format was endangering the game, and endangering the minds and lives of the footballers themselves. He was concerned that the inevitable problems that walk side by side with huge salaries were destroying not only the footballers, but also their wives and families, and that spirituality had to become part and parcel of the game for the sake of everyone involved.

I found this particular viewpoint inspiring, because I had for many years asked the professional sportsmen and women who had regularly visited me for healing to think about this aspect of their life. Those who took my advice and worked on the spiritual side of their lives were extremely successful, both in their careers and in their private lives. I also believe they were motivated by their healing experiences, as many would never have returned to their respective sports careers had it not been for the intervention of healing.

No matter how sceptical the media may be on the subject of healing, it is preferable to the alcohol and drugs that are consumed daily by a large proportion of people who have to spend their lives in the spotlight. Eventually it takes its toll and the brain and physical capabilities are weakened.

It is a common sight to see footballers making the sign of the cross as they enter the stadium and when they leave. They obviously believe in their God and are not ashamed of showing the world that they have asked for help from a spiritual source.

I find it quite incredible that, in this day and age, with the millennium at hand, there are so many closed minds in the world of sport. I have a following of a million or more people around the world, including close friends who are at the top of every profession, who have admitted that their spirituality is the one thing that has enabled them to reach their potential. For it is from the spiritual realms that they receive their inspiration.

I must confess that it always makes me smile when I think of the members of the Manchester team making contact with me, someone they probably would never have consulted in their lifetime, who still cannot remember the names of famous footballers, has never seen a live match, and has no understanding of the rules. In fact, football is as much a mystery to me as my job is to the footballers themselves!

But the one thing that shows itself time and again in these stories is the love of footballers for their families and for their game. Seemingly, neither can die.

I now know the changes that are going to take place within the football world, and it will be interesting to see how the most powerful force of all will create these changes.

I also know that as the players change, so will their followers. There will be a marked difference as the players of the future impress them with their abilities, without the influence of alcohol and drugs. For the power of the mind is the greatest power of all.

4 MEMORIES ARE MADE OF THIS (#ulink_dd10fb1f-2bd7-5e2d-9699-8bd2331e286a)

ALL THE WOMEN FEATURED in this chapter are my friends. They have agreed to describe their impressions of the survival evidence they have received through me and through others because we share a mutual trust; they know how much it means to me to prove the existence of the ‘infinite mind’.

I thank them for this and for their courage; they already have had more publicity than most people would like in a lifetime.

I find it strange that so many millions of people worldwide who believe in life after death are still continually subjected to views which are based on blind ignorance. I hope these stories will at least help the blind to see that human beings are extremely adept at sorting the wheat from the chaff and at reaching a logical conclusion.

Nicolette’s story

I was thrilled when Nicolette Keetch – Jan’s daughter – sent me this account of her telepathic conversations with her father.

No one could have prepared me for the intense pain and feeling of loss when my father died suddenly of a stroke. Amongst many other reasons, it was because I had lost the only person in the world who I felt I could really talk to, and whose advice I completely trusted and respected. The day before my father’s death I had experienced the strangest of feelings, severe panic attacks and a premonition that something terrible was going to happen.

I had spoken to my father that morning, and he had asked me to join him for lunch as he was going to have a barbecue. I told him that I had to keep an appointment, but that I would join him as soon as it was over. In the middle of the appointment my mother called to tell me that my father had suffered a stroke. She was, understandably, desperately upset at this point. The strange thing was that the call came through to me on my mobile phone which had not been charged, and to this day I don’t know how it picked up the call. I rushed home to be with them both. It was the last time I was ever to see my father alive. He died that evening.

A few months after my father’s death, and after receiving survival evidence, Betty, and my mother and I, were guests at a dinner party given by Terry and Toots Venables. Terry and my father had been great friends, and so he and Toots were of course interested in everything that had been happening since he died. Terry himself was to receive survival evidence that evening, which made it a special occasion for all of us. The evening was full of laughter and fun, as my father would have wished. At the end of the evening, my mother offered Betty – who was in London to celebrate the publication of her latest book – a lift back to her hotel.

As soon as we had settled in the car, Betty turned round and told me that my father was sitting beside me and wanted to speak with me. When she relayed his messages, I knew it was my father. He spoke about me, my life and aspirations, and I knew there was no way Betty could possibly have known anything about me because we had only met that night. He spoke to me throughout the whole journey, assuring me that he would always be there for me, whenever I needed him. That was two years ago.

Since then, I have felt his strong presence around me on a number of occasions. But the most recent experience was very special. I had finished work, and was on my way to Cardiff where I was meeting my boyfriend, as we were to be guests at my friend’s wedding the following day. I was focusing my mind on the journey when, suddenly, I felt my father beside me. The feeling was so strong – as though he had, with great force, projected himself into the passenger seat. At the time it seemed perfectly normal for him to be there, and I began to have a conversation with him. When it was over, I felt that it had lasted for such a short time that I wished it could have continued, but was shocked to find that we had been conversing for two hours. During that time we had laughed and joked as we had before he’d died. It seemed strange, as I could not hear him physically, but inside my mind – telepathically. He also gave me a mental picture of himself, as he used to be, and as I remembered him. It was a lovely night, the sky was very red, and I felt so calm. I felt better than I had done for a very long time.

In the past, when I had been alone, I had often prayed that my father would speak to me, but nothing had happened. Perhaps I had been trying too hard. Now, when he did appear, I had done nothing at all.

Although I had been driving for two hours, I could hardly remember the journey. When I reached Cardiff I felt his presence leave. I arrived at the hotel and was greeted by my boyfriend. We had a drink but I did not mention the experience. It was too new, and I find it easier not to talk about moments that are very precious to me. I want to hug them to me and feel the love that the messages were wrapped in.

I now feel a great sense of relief in knowing that I have not lost that important help and advice that I have missed so much. I know I do not even have to ask for help, that my father will be there for me, as promised, whenever I need him.

I was thrilled by this account because for many years I have been encouraging my clients and readers to accept that we can all have a telepathic link with our loved ones. Although they are existing in a different energy structure to the one we have here, we can, nevertheless, keep our hearts and minds open to the fact that it is possible. If a link is made by loved ones, it should not be dismissed as pure fantasy or wishful thinking. Such a link can be quite dramatic, like Nicolette’s, if the recipient is in any way psychic. But it can also be disappointing if any shadow of doubt enters the mind, because doubt can close the mind.

Jean’s story

The following two accounts have been contributed by Jean Keegan and her mother, Molly.

My dear friend Anne McMenemy had spoken to me on several occasions about the fascinating evening she had spent with Betty Shine. She had also told me about Betty’s incredible healing gifts. I reminded Anne of these conversations when she was suffering severe pain during an illness and told her to ring Betty for help. She was reluctant to do so because she knew that Betty was already inundated with work, so I asked for Betty’s telephone number and decided to ring her myself. My thoughts were for Anne. My friend was in trouble, and she needed someone to help her.

When Betty answered the phone, I heard this warm and cheerful voice and felt so relaxed that I just chatted away. I felt as if I had known her all my life. It was incredible how this one action completely changed my life.

It was towards the end of our conversation that Betty suddenly stated that someone was coming through and wanted to speak to me. I went cold from head to foot and began trembling as she described my recently departed father. She gave me evidence that no one on this earth could have known, except Mum, Dad and myself. So many mixed feelings rushed through my body, I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. I missed Dad so much, and here was this wonderful lady – to whom I had spoken for the first time only ten minutes ago – passing on private messages to me and my family, proving that he had survived the trauma of the physical death and was now living ‘somewhere else’.

I have always had an open mind about life after death, wanting to believe that we do survive, and that we will eventually meet up with our loved ones again. But without proof it is difficult to believe. I cannot begin to explain how comforting this was. Dad always used to say, when someone passed away, that ‘life goes on’. How true those words were proving to be! Now we could all go on, knowing that he was looking after us, as he had done when he was alive.

Towards the end of the messages, Betty asked me if I had any questions for Dad. My mind went a complete blank. All I really wanted to know was if he was happy. There was a short pause, and then Betty said that he was laughing and smiling and holding hands with an older lady, who was looking up at him lovingly. I believe that was my grandmother. As a young boy Dad took care of his mother as she used to have epileptic fits and I know how happy he must feel knowing that she was also at peace. He was home with his long lost family.

I realised then that I had to stop wishing he was back with us. He was, and always will be, a very important part of our lives. He was a wonderful father, and never a day goes by that I do not think of him. Now, through Betty’s gifts, I know that I can speak to him. At every family event, special occasions like birthdays and anniversaries, we can feel his presence.

Some weeks later, Betty rang me and told me that Dad was worried about a horse. At this time she did not know we kept horses. She gave me the message, and Dad was, once again, spot on. Her accurate diagnosis and healing of several of our horses showed yet another facet of her talents.

We are now very good friends and often enjoy a good chat.

Molly’s story

Whilst Betty and I were talking one day, my husband came through and gave me a whole host of messages. Because of my grief at his death I really did not take it all in, but she gave me one particular message that I have never forgotten, because the minute details she described about a certain situation only my husband and I could have known about. He ended the message with such caring words of wisdom that I was reduced to tears. I have endeavoured to live up to them.

Since then I have read every one of Betty’s books, and never go to sleep without reading from them. They have given me such comfort, there is no way I can repay her.

The only sadness in my life is the fact that the power of healing and the comfort of mediumship was unknown to me during my husband’s lifetime. It would have helped ease his suffering and pain. At least now he is at peace.

Jean’s family and her mother have more than repaid me with their constant and loving friendship.

Toots’s story

The final story for this section is from the wife of another footballing personality, Toots Venables.

After the death of my grandmother I decided to go with a friend to visit a Spiritualist church. Neither of us had any kind of previous experience so we did not know what to expect.

We chose seats at the back, and listened as some of the congregation received messages from their loved ones. I was amazed because the recipients seemed to accept the evidence as though it was an everyday occurrence – so laid back and relaxed. Then the medium pointed to me and said, ‘I have your grandmother here.’

I must confess I was so shocked that I thought I would faint. I became very emotional, and my eyes filled with tears. The medium told me about things that I could relate to myself and family, but I felt that they could equally have applied to others. Then he told me that my grandmother was saying, ‘Ask her about the tomatoes.’ When I told him that I had no idea what she was talking about, the medium continued, ‘She is saying that she used to do something to her tomatoes that made people laugh.’ This was becoming embarrassing because I had to tell him again that I hadn’t a clue what she was talking about. He replied, ‘Your grandmother is telling me that your mum will know. Ask her.’

After the service, I rushed home to give the message to Mum. When I had finished, she looked at me in amazement, and said, ‘Nan used to sprinkle sugar all over her tomatoes – and people did laugh when they saw she did this.’

I knew immediately that the spur of the moment decision to visit the Spiritualist church had changed my whole conception of spirituality, and encouraged me to have a more open mind.

I have also received many messages from my father since he passed away two and a half years ago. These messages are always comforting. The most recent message was given to me by a medium in church. He told me that my dad had worked for London Transport as a bus driver, we came from East Ham, and that he had had an accident in his bus but never told anyone about it. He also told me that my grandad Tom was there, and that he used to work in the docks when they were full of big ships, a real working dock. The medium was absolutely accurate in every detail but one, or so I thought. Yes, we did live in East Ham, and my dad had worked for London Transport for twenty-five years, but neither my mother nor I knew anything about an accident. However, my brother Paul later told me that when he was fourteen he had found Dad’s driving licence and had noticed that there was an endorsement on it for an accident that had occurred. My brother had never mentioned this to anyone.

Another message I had from Dad was very funny. We had a wonderful dog called Oscar, and my father really loved him. Every day whilst preparing Oscar’s food he would add grated carrot to the meal. During a visit to a medium, she told me, ‘I’m getting a message which makes no sense to me at all, but I must give it to you. Your father is telling you not to forget the carrots.’ What more proof does one need?

However, my husband Terry was very sceptical about mediums – even though his great-grandmother was a medium herself. His mother Eileen would often tell me stories about her.

When our best friend Bobby Keetch died suddenly, it was not only a great shock to us but to everyone who knew him. He was always so full of life, and was one of the nicest and funniest people we have ever known. On the day after his funeral, Terry and I were going on holiday, but before we left I arranged for Jan and Nicky (Bobby’s wife and daughter) to have a sitting with a medium. It was arranged for twelve noon on the following Tuesday.

During our holiday in Bali, I told Terry that I would ring Jan to find out how she had got on. I worked out when to call as there is a six-hour time difference. We had our usual siesta and I woke, feeling slightly disorientated, at about 6.00 p.m. I was amazed to find that not only did we not have a light in the room but the main supply was not working either – and yet on looking out of the window I could see that all the other villas had light. We rang reception, and they were as puzzled about the power cut as we were. Terry then asked me for the time. It was seven o’clock, and with the time difference was exactly when Jan and Nicky were due to visit the medium. I turned to Terry and said, ‘I bet that’s a sign from Bobby.’ Of course, Terry laughed.

Later that evening I rang Jan to find out how she had got on. Her sister-in-law answered the phone and explained that Jan still hadn’t returned. I told her about the lights. When Jan got home she told her sister-in-law that the medium had told her Bobby was saying, ‘I did the lights, it was me.’ But Jan hadn’t known what the medium was talking about. We were all amazed by this evidence. And when Bobby contacted Betty whilst she was having a telephone conversation with Anne McMenemy, we knew that he would always be with us.

Many years after the death of Terry’s mum, we arranged to have dinner with Betty, Jan and her daughter Nicolette. But whilst we were waiting to be seated at the table, Betty began to give Terry survival evidence that took him back to his childhood. Then she said, ‘This lady is cooking something for you. I don’t know what it is, but I’m being given a picture of something that is neither a cake or a pancake, it’s a “thing” and it’s about this big.’ Betty then made a size with her hands about four inches in diameter. We were amazed because it was something his mum would always cook with Terry’s bacon and eggs for breakfast. It was just flour and water mixed together and fried. There was no name for it, and it was always referred to as ‘one of those things’. The evidence went on for some time, and was so accurate that Terry changed his opinion about mediums.

One day, whilst I was talking to Betty over the phone, she told me that my dad wanted to speak with me. He gave me wonderful evidence of his survival, and even described the flooding that had taken place that very morning whilst I was using the washing machine.

I do not find mediumship weird or spooky, but comforting. I find the fact that our loved ones are still around and able to communicate with us a bonus, and one that I would miss if it were not available.

The important thing in this life is to have an open mind.

It is important to remember that even though you may not yet have had any evidence of survival, someone is always with you. Love is the greatest link that we have with those who have temporarily left us.

5 MIND TRAVELLING (#ulink_bf1e4626-da0f-528b-89f1-c1be3e8cc2f1)

TINKERING WITH THE MIND REALLY began for me thirty years ago when I lived in Spain. Looking out over the vineyards toward the sea from my vantage point high in the hills, I had time to think for what seemed like the first time in my life. Although the move from England had created many problems, I was able to forget them as I luxuriated in this freedom of thought. It was as though I had found the key that had been lost to me since childhood when, in my innocence, I had been able to open the doors of my mind with ease. However, bringing up a family and pursuing a singing career meant that the key had been mislaid, covered in etheric dust, neglected. Now that I had found it again I was determined to clear away the cobwebs, to polish it and make it work for me.

The sun, shining on the sea in the distance, also opened my heart chakra, allowing suppressed emotions to evaporate with floods of tears. The pain I had endured for seventeen years from a ruptured disc in my spine disappeared, never to be felt again. This alone gave me food for thought. Why had the pain disappeared? I still had the ruptured disc. Nothing had changed but my frame of mind.

Having practised yoga for many years, I had learnt the art of relaxation – or so I thought – so why hadn’t that released me from my straitjacket of pain? It was a mystery that I could not solve at that point, but it made me think and encouraged me to open not just one door but several, each taking me down avenues that were exciting, exhilarating – and sometimes frightening.

I remember the day I put myself into daydreaming mode and took the first ‘mind walk’ from my home to the nearest village. For the first time I saw things that I had never noticed during my physical walks. For instance, the ruts and potholes looked far more menacing than they did when I rode over them on my scooter. The wild herbs were more abundant, and there were tiny wild flowers shining like seed pearls that I had never seen before. They were hidden from the naked eye, and quite beautiful. I was exhilarated by this experience and used my mind to seek and find other things that had been hidden from normal sight.

Turning left, off the path and on to the main road that led to the village and the sea, the view looked strangely unfamiliar. I thought I knew this route like the back of my hand, yet I could see pylons, masts and other strange objects that looked completely out of place. I made a mental note of them to check out later.

When I finally reached the village, I saw three of my friends sitting at a table outside a café, drinking coffee. This was great! It meant that I could check with them later to make sure that my journey was real and not simply a fantasy.

I took off my shoes when I reached the beach, allowing the sand to trickle through my toes, and as I got to the sea I could feel the cold water lapping around my ankles – and this jolted me back into my body again. As I looked around, I could not believe that I was still sitting on the terrace looking out to sea instead of walking barefoot on the beach. It had been an incredible experience, and one that I could not wait to put into practice again.

The next day my friends confirmed my sighting, and asked why I hadn’t joined them. Not wishing to go into any detail, I told them I had been in a hurry to return home.

The next time I went into the village, I walked the scooter down the rutted path and carefully checked the tall grasses where I had seen the tiny flowers. At first I saw nothing, but then I saw them, hidden in the undergrowth like miniature glow-worms. They were exquisite. My excitement mounted as I investigated the abundance of wild herbs. How could I have missed them on my previous journeys? I could have understood it if I had always used motor transport, but I often walked the path and still had not seen them. I vowed to walk more often in the future and pay greater attention, so that I would not miss out on any other jewels of nature.

When I reached the main road I took to my scooter and made my way toward the village. I was very disappointed when I realised that I could not see many of the ugly pylons and masts that I’d noticed on my mind journey. How could this be? Feeling a little despondent, I turned down a side road so that I could survey the scene from a higher vantage point. And there they were! From the road they had been completely hidden behind the pine trees. I became very excited as I realised that my mind travelling had been on a higher level than my physical travelling and that something could leave my body and hover above the earth, leaving an impression on my mind. Unlike a dream, I remembered every detail.

My quest had begun. Every day I put aside some time for my mental travels, following them up with the physical journey and checking all the way. I sometimes found myself taking small paths that I would never have dreamt of exploring alone, experiencing for the first time a freedom and a sense that I belonged with the birds, gliding along on the shifting currents of air.

Every time I took a mind journey something else happened, too. I felt a tingling sensation sweeping through the whole of my body, which energised me for several days.

Those years spent practising the art of mind travelling were some of the most fascinating and happy times I have ever known. Strangely, I never thought that I was linking into something new, but felt only sadness that I had neglected the art for so long. Somewhere inside, I knew that I had done it all before.

Whether my experiments with mind travel had reached out into the Universe and touched other minds I do not know, but I was certainly not prepared for what happened next.

One beautiful moonlit night, my first husband Leslie was standing on the terrace of our villa when he called to my daughter Janet and me to join him. He sounded very excited as we hurried out, only for him to point out a small bright star in the night sky. Disappointed, I remarked that it was just a star. ‘Look closer,’ he said. ‘It’s moving around in circles.’

We stood quietly for a few minutes, observing the bright light, and it soon became clear that something unusual was happening. Not only was the star moving in ever increasing circles, but it was also increasing in size. Then suddenly it was upon us, hovering over the villa. I saw blue porthole windows, shining with an eerie light, but what frightened me most was its size. It was huge. I felt menaced by this shining object – but then anything unusual dropping out of the sky would give one the same feeling! Anyway, I was not going to hang around, and neither was Janet. We both rushed indoors and locked the doors, leaving my poor husband outside to meet his fate! Then the humming sound stopped, and I gathered enough courage to open the door and look out. The strange object had gone. I asked Leslie what had happened, and he told me that it had disappeared as soon as I had gone indoors.

When we discussed the experience later, it became clear to the three of us that we all had different perceptions of what we had seen. My description perhaps was far more detailed and of something much bigger than that of the others. Perhaps my mind went out to meet it, I will never know. For me the vision has never dimmed, for I have seen three UFOs since that first visit.

My life was never the same after that. I experienced recurring choking sensations and my body seemed to have gone completely out of sync. My mother, who had been dead for several years, materialised in my bedroom, as did other entities who seemed to appear out of nowhere. I realise now, of course, that the power from the UFO had opened up my psyche, but at the time it was very unsettling.

Following the UFO experience I also found that I could leave my body just by thinking about it. It was fantastic. Everyday I explored a different part of the coastline. I found that from a great height I could descend rapidly, like a bird, which meant that I could survey the houses and farmhouses in remote areas. I did not know at the time that this kind of phenomenon was called an Out-of-Body Experience. It is quite a different sensation to that of projecting the mind along a specific path. With OBEs, as they are called, there is a realisation that we have the ability to fly, not physically, but with the mind. Although at this stage in my life I had not even begun to think of the mind, as such, I just knew that there was something that could indeed leave the physical body and ‘fly’. I accepted this as if it were the most natural thing in life, perhaps because I had been so adept in my childhood.

At this time in Spain, many of my friends left their villas unattended when they made their frequent return visits to England. As I was a permanent resident, they asked me to look after their properties for them, and I was happy to do this – until eventually the requests mounted so that it was impossible to keep an eye on them all at once. So I resorted to mind projection. By using this technique I was able to visit the villas every day, and made a rota for my less frequent physical visits. There were times when I wondered whether I was putting too much faith in this gift – until one day, whilst mentally visiting one of the villas, I saw two men looking at the outside and another trying to force the front door. I immediately raced down the rough path from my villa on my scooter and notified a friend, who called the Guardia Civil. They apprehended two of the men, and after that I never doubted my mind pictures.

For the first time in my life, I had lots of time at my disposal so I looked at the building work that was being carried out in the surrounding hills. I was shocked not only by the way the villas were being built, but how the hills were being raped. Where there had once been beautiful foliage and wild flowers, there were now great gaping holes of red earth, piles of rubble, concrete blocks with which the villas were built, and old tractors and vehicles that could scarcely make their way up the hills. Using mind projection, I used to home in on the work that was being carried out, and was amazed to see workmen shoving tin cans into the gaps where they had misjudged the space between the concrete, and then pointing over it to make it look normal. Beer cans galore went into those buildings, plus any other rubbish that had been left behind, but when the workmen had finished, the villas looked beautiful. I wondered how many years the beer cans would last before everything collapsed. When I was building my own villa I made sure that I visited the site every day, and I don’t think any beer cans went into its construction. But who knows?

This detective work led to my looking at the structure of buildings in general, and when I became a medium I was able to use this gift to help those who were thinking of buying a property. I remember having a drink with a friend who was also my bank manager. He asked me to survey a house he was going to buy. I believe he was testing me, as he had already had it surveyed in the proper manner. When I told him how many slates were missing on the roof, and of a possible problem with the damp-proof course on the corner of the house, he was amazed. His survey had not mentioned these things. But on checking he found that what I had said was correct. I was also able to take him from room to room and described the house internally. I don’t think he ever got over the shock. I admit that I do have an added advantage in being able to survey the properties from an aerial view!

After the visit from the UFO it seemed that everything in my life had changed, and not for the better. Now, of course, I can see that it was part of a larger plan that I could not possibly have envisaged at that moment. If someone then had given me a clairvoyant vision of my future, I would have thought that they were stark staring mad.

The time came, however, when I had to sell my villa and return to England. I had no idea what I would do, or where I was going to live. My singing career was over, and although I have many interests I did not want to follow them up professionally. I also have a low boredom threshold, so I knew that I would have to find something pretty exciting to do. I had no idea that someone in the spiritual dimension had already earmarked a career for me, a career that would keep me on my toes until the day I die. Neither did I realise that the word ‘boredom’ would never be part of my vocabulary again.

There were several things I was going to miss: the time for mind travelling, the weather, the peace and isolation, the glorious views – and last but certainly not least my beloved pets. The kindest thing I could do was to have them put to sleep. They were so loved that they would never have survived quarantine, and the cruelty toward all animals in Spain made it impossible for me to hand them on to others. (This story is told in Mind to Mind.)

I also worried about the beautiful stray dogs that roamed the area. Every night I put out several large trays of rice for them, mixed with other bits and pieces of nourishing food. I tried to make their life happy while it lasted. They were all eventually shot. This was understandable in some ways, as rabies was a very real fear in Europe in those days. But with modern methods of treating wild animals the future looks brighter and, hopefully, rabies will soon be a thing of the past.

But my memories of Spain always retain that imprint of cruelty towards animals. I know that I could never live there again, unless the laws concerning animals were changed. There was a lot of pain in my heart when I left Spain for good.

Little did I know that I had inadvertently taken a path from which there would be no return. It is obvious to me in retrospect that, having once opened the mind and spent time perfecting the art of mind travelling and OBEs, there could be no turning back. Fortunately, because my paternal grandmother had been a medium and the talent was obviously passed on, I have been able to spend the last twenty-five years perfecting the art. It has been a privilege that I have never abused.

6 HOME AGAIN (#ulink_7d2313aa-53b3-5ffd-9e0c-0a63a16541b0)

WHEN I RETURNED TO ENGLAND I found it hard to settle down at first, and the weather did not help one bit! I had forgotten the grey skies that hung suffocatingly overhead.

I was also unnerved by the fact that the flat we rented for a short time was haunted.

For those of you who have not read the accounts in my previous books, I will give a few details of the strange things that happened in this apartment: heavy, old-fashioned wardrobe doors were thrown across the room like matchwood; taps would be mysteriously turned off; blue lights appeared and danced around the bedroom; whispering voices could be heard at night; and articles of clothing disappeared all the time.

I had never been involved in paranormal activities. In fact, other than my own experiences I had never given the occult world a single thought – my life had always seemed light years away from such things. Or so I thought. When we realised that these ‘happenings’ weren’t going to stop, we decided to leave.

We were later to find out that the vicar, from whom we had rented the flat, had previously had it exorcised. His method had obviously not worked.

Although I was happier in our new abode, my health was causing some concern. I had been suffering from a restriction in my throat which had not eased, and the medical profession were unable to give a diagnosis. Furthermore, my rail journey to work in London every day was becoming increasingly claustrophobic as I battled with the early morning rush.

Then one morning I noticed that someone had left a strange-looking magazine on the seat. I picked it up, and as I was idly leafing through it I realised that it was some kind of psychic journal. I thought of my paternal grandmother and of her psychic abilities, and this inspired me to look again at the classified ads. Mediums, healers, clairvoyants, tarot readers – there were so many names and telephone numbers, yet I wasn’t drawn to any of them as I toyed with the idea of visiting a medium. However, on the last page of the magazine there was a notice advertising a forthcoming psychic event which was to take place at the College of Psychic Studies in London, and I felt comfortable with the idea of contacting them to ask for the name of a reputable medium. They were very helpful, and made an appointment for me to meet Charles Horrey, whom they assured me was an excellent medium.

Much later, I came to realise that it was no coincidence that I picked up the magazine left on the train – when the spirit world wants to tell you something, it will find a way.

When the day of my appointment arrived I was extremely nervous, but the sitting changed the course of my life. Though this encounter is fully explained in my book Mind to Mind, it is appropriate for what comes later for me to give a brief recap of the visit.

Charles Horrey told me that my choking was a result of excessive energy, and that I would continue to be ill if I did not release this energy by healing others. At the time I was perturbed by this information – who wouldn’t be?

Although my mother had always asked the great healer Harry Edwards to cure all our ills, I knew nothing about the psychic world, and indeed – apart from my hand analysis studies, which I considered to be scientific – I was not in the least bit interested. To be quite honest, being an opera fanatic filled my fantasy life quite adequately. I had never given the paranormal world a single thought, not even when my mother appeared to me. For me that was just something that ‘happened’ rather than part of a larger world.

As for being a healer, I had always wanted to be a vet, to heal the suffering of animals. Human beings were something else altogether. Their emotions change with the tides, and I did not feel physically capable of taking on such a daunting task.

To confuse me even further, I was told that I was already a fully-fledged medium, and that eventually my name would become a household word throughout the world. I must admit that I had to contain my laughter. I asked myself what kind of kooky world I was getting into. Then, to cap it all, the medium gave me the name of a deceased surgeon who had apparently worked at the London Hospital and who now wished to work through me.

By the time Charles Horrey had taken me through the whole of my life, giving me my mother’s name and the names of other members of my family, as well as messages that no one would understand but me, I had to admit that this man had something. I would have to go home and think about it.

Quietly contemplating the information I had been given, my thoughts returned to the question of the mind. How could this medium possibly know all these things about me, or map out my life for the future? Was this the same force that enabled me to practise ‘remote travelling’? Could he somehow project his mind in the same way? And how had he been able to communicate with my mother, who had died several years ago? It could not be because of brainpower; if it was, then we would all have this gift. It had to be something else. Of course, I had seen my grandmother passing on messages to the family from her deceased sons, but I was very young and really hadn’t thought much about it as I was growing up. Questions invaded my mind so much now that I became more confused every moment.

There were a few hilarious moments when I returned home. Whilst explaining what had occurred during the sitting, I held up my hands and said mockingly, ‘Heal, heal, I’m going to heal the world!’ Suddenly, furniture began to move and loud bangs filled the house. Needless to say I stopped immediately. Something very odd indeed was happening.

Still worried about my health, I decided to test the medium’s advice. If my symptoms disappeared, then I would take into account everything he had told me. If they didn’t, then I would dismiss the whole episode. I was not looking forward to spending my life treating sick people. My children were grown up and I was just beginning to enjoy my own life again.

My various friends were happy to take part in the healing experiment, probably because they had so many things wrong with them. The results were amazing. One by one they were all cured of their ills, and the word soon got around that I had some kind of gift.

At the time I was working as a secretary in a local office, so the healing had to wait until the evening, but the queues of people waiting for healing (as forecast by the medium) became so long I had to give up my daytime occupation and heal full-time. I had no idea that it would lead me into the very strange world of miracles, phenomena and energy.

One of the first things I did was to buy a proper consultant’s couch, covered in red leather. I had found that standing behind a patient or bending over holding their hands was extremely uncomfortable, and I can still remember the joy of the first session I spent sitting upright and relaxed. From that time on I could feel the energies flowing freely through my body and could feel the patient absorbing them.

As the weeks and months passed, all my symptoms disappeared, and I became elated by the success of the healing. It was such a joy simply looking at the people walking out of my healing room who had been so crippled on entering it that I had completely forgotten that I had only wanted to heal animals. Perhaps I was being taught a lesson? We may have our dreams, but we are not always equipped to realise them in a particular way. I know now that I would have made a lousy vet, because I am always so heartbroken when an animal has to be put to sleep. But I have found over the years that helping animals through the healing process is just as valuable – and certainly more peaceful. So perhaps my dream was realised after all.

During those early months, whilst I was still trying to come to terms with the dramatic changes in my lifestyle, questions continually invaded my mind. I felt strangely inept, out of control, dependent on the spirit world. I did not feel that I could continue with just blind faith. There had to be explanations, some sort of order – I wanted to know how it all worked.

At first I thought the healing was caused by my own magnetic energy, but that could not explain the voices that diagnosed each patient. In every case they proved to be correct. I had to admit that I was probably being helped by the surgeon who had spoken to Charles Horrey, as I could not possibly be curing these people on my own. In any event, I had never studied the physical body as I find medical journals totally unengaging.

If it was the spirit surgeon, then how was he able to pass the information to me? It was certainly not a brain-to-brain contact, because his had died along with the rest of his physical body. The questions never ceased.

Then one day something happened that would change my life for ever.

7 MIND ENERGY (#ulink_9e0bb24f-13d5-504b-a9d0-6cdba9ffaf4e)

IT HAD BEEN A VERY ORDINARY DAY, but from the moment I opened the door to my next patient it became extraordinary. Around this lady’s head was an energy I had never seen before. It most definitely was not the aura one encounters surrounding the physical body, and which displays varying colours reflecting the health of the patient. This energy was pure white. But even as I ushered the lady into my healing room I sensed that the shape was wrong – it had caved in, in the middle of the head.

Whilst I was healing her, my spirit doctor gave me a diagnosis of severe depression. This was totally at odds with the symptoms she had described to me, but it made sense because the shape of the energy I could see around her head was so unlike a normal halo that the pressure on the brain must have been enormous. I was intrigued, and when I asked the patient whether she suffered from depression, she said that she did.

The whole session was fascinating. As she absorbed the healing energy the depressed halo reversed, until at the end of the session it was complete, with fingers of energy reaching out into space. As my client was leaving she told me that her depression had lifted, and that she felt happier than she had done for years.

I worried that this might be the last I would see of this incredible energy – but my spirit friends did not let me down. Throughout the whole of that day I was given the necessary clairvoyant sight and was able to study this incredible phenomenon in every patient I saw. It reacted to depressive thought by caving in, while laughter and positivity caused it to expand, and I found I could diagnose certain conditions by the small indentions in the halo.

At the end of the day it had become obvious to me that this energy had an immediate reaction to thought. I decided to call it Mind Energy.

So how did such energy link with the brain to bring about a physical reaction? We are all aware that the brain has many facets and functions, many of which are activated by thought. But I was also aware, by having read various scientific journals, that when parts of the brain are damaged or surgically removed, many patients still retain their mental faculties. Obviously, there had to be some kind of back-up, and through the actions of my friends in the spirit realms I had now been given the clairvoyant sight of that back-up.

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The Infinite Mind: The Mind Brain Phenomenon Betty Shine
The Infinite Mind: The Mind/Brain Phenomenon

Betty Shine

Тип: электронная книга

Жанр: Спиритизм, пророчества, предсказания

Язык: на английском языке

Издательство: HarperCollins

Дата публикации: 17.04.2024

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О книге: The evidence for the existence of the Mind as something distinct from the Brain.The Infinite Mind centres on the Mind/Brain phenomenon and an argument that has dogged the scientific community for years. With a quarter of a century of experience of mediumship behind her, Betty Shine has the proof required to demonstrate the existence of Mind Energy as something which survived the physical death of the Brain.Drawing on survival evidence through many interesting and intriguing stories, this book is the first attempt by anyone to distinguish between Mind and Brain. Betty Shine can not only see it – she can prove it. From out-of-body and near-death experience to clairvoyant contact and meditation, THE INFINITE MIND will inspire both individuals and the world of science to re-examine their beliefs.

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