The Juice Master Juice Yourself Slim: The Healthy Way To Lose Weight Without Dieting

The Juice Master Juice Yourself Slim: The Healthy Way To Lose Weight Without Dieting
Jason Vale
Bursting with Juicy motivation, Juice Yourself Slim contains over 50 fantastic soups, juices, salads and smoothie recipes PLUS the Life Long Rules for Success that will help you maintain your health and- the big one- keep you slim for life.Let the Juice Master help you discover delicious and simple recipes containing the ultimate super fuel for a super body and mind!Includes:The 5 Day Launch ProgrammeDid you know a space shuttle needs 90% of its energy to launch but only 10% to keep it in flight? Jason shows how the same principle can be applied to permanent weight loss through his launch pad to a life long programme. Kick start your system and give your energy levels a super boost by following his juice, soup and smoothie plan for 5 daysJuice Yourself SlimHaving successfully completed the Launch programme, it's now time to take things to new juicy heights with The Life Long Rules for Success, and with Jason's motivational tips and unique juicing programme it's the perfect recipe for a permanently slim, trim and healthy mind and body.Juice Yourself Slim also contains:10 'Souper' Slimming Fuel recipes15 Super Juice recipes15 Super Smoothie recipes10 Super Slimming Salad recipesAnd Super Fuel on the Go- a fantastic section packed with ideas for energy boosting healthy snacks.

Copyright (#ulink_20773177-92f2-5d5e-b809-02a08de4fe73)
NB While the author of this book has made every effort to ensure that the information contained in this book is as accurate and up-to-date as possible at the time of publication, medical any pharmaceutical knowledge is constantly changing and the application of it to particular circumstances depends on many factors. This book should not be used as an alternative to specialist medical advice and it is recommended that readers always consult a qualified medical professional for individual advice before following any new diet or health programme. The author and publisher cannot be held responsible for any errors and omissions that may be found in the text, or any action that may be taken by a reader, as a result of any reliance on the information contained in the text, which are taken entirely at the reader's own risk.
An imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers Ltd. 1 London Bridge Street London SE1 9GF (
First published by HarperThorsons 2008
This updated edition published 2014
© Jason Vale 2008, 2014
A catalogue record of this book is available from the British Library
Jason Vale asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work
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Source ISBN: 9780007267149
Ebook Edition © APRIL 2014 ISBN: 9780007283866
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Cover (#u5e0731a3-60c9-5490-bb16-63e57d49ad5a)
Title Page (#ub8dac6bc-07ce-518e-8707-46d18111beb2)
Copyright (#ulink_8c71c518-5b0a-5ec4-9ceb-710b3e34da8f)
Introduction: Igniting the Fire Within (#ulink_a6e1c0ad-4ec6-53c3-8bca-9f6c7d980bc0)
1: Juice Yourself Super Slim! (#ulink_3736da8f-ac43-526a-92d9-952a23f4e64f)
2: The Juice Revolution (#ulink_e99f38cd-35ff-57a4-afa5-b19c142aa0dd)
3: The Appliance of Juicy Science (#ulink_b09409cf-d2a8-5f7d-aceb-7b415624793c)
4: Environ Mental! (#litres_trial_promo)
5: The Finest Health Insurance in the World (#litres_trial_promo)
6: Exercising Your God-given Right to Better Health Insurance (#litres_trial_promo)
7: Changing Rooms versus Grand Designs (#litres_trial_promo)
8: The Simple Way (#litres_trial_promo)
9: The Launch (#litres_trial_promo)
10: Juice Yourself Slim for Life (#litres_trial_promo)
11: The Launch Pack (#litres_trial_promo)
12: Juice Yourself Slim on the Move (#litres_trial_promo)
13: Super Boost Me! (#litres_trial_promo)
14: Super-slimming Juices (#litres_trial_promo)
15: Super-slimming Smoothies (#litres_trial_promo)
16: Souper Slimming Fuel (#litres_trial_promo)
17: Super-slimming Salads (#litres_trial_promo)
Index (#litres_trial_promo)
Also by Jason Vale… (#litres_trial_promo)
… a BIG thank you … (#litres_trial_promo)
About the Publisher (#litres_trial_promo)

Introduction (#ulink_0bcef444-324b-5c38-91ae-77aa1f55ed9d)
Igniting the Fire Within (#ulink_0bcef444-324b-5c38-91ae-77aa1f55ed9d)

When I wrote Slim 4 Life: Freedom from the Food Trap back in 2001, I honestly thought I would never need to write another book on slimming. At the time the book was groundbreaking. It was the first to distinguish clearly between ‘normal’ foods and what I coined ‘drug’ or ‘junkie’ foods. The book went on to become a bestseller and was talked about on television and radio. I soon started to receive thank-you letters and emails from just about every corner of the globe. The people who wrote to me not only had lost incredible amounts of weight in an extremely healthy way, but had also done so effortlessly – a breakthrough concept for most people who had tried to lose weight in the past.

Clearing the Brainwashing
Slim 4 Life slowly chipped away at the tremendous amount of brainwashing about food we have been subjected to since birth. By the time people had finished the book they simply couldn’t see junk(ie) food or the industry in the same light again, no matter how hard they tried. This meant people went from a ‘diet mentality’ of ‘I want but I can’t have’ – a mental state that creates feelings of deprivation, mood swings and ultimate failure – to the unique non-diet mentality of ‘I can but I don’t actually want.’ This wonderful frame of mind eliminates any need for willpower. We need willpower only if we still crave food and drink we believe we can no longer have. However, if we genuinely have no desire for these ‘foods’ any more, there can be no internal mental battle.
This frame of mind is a slimmer’s dream. It’s the mindset where you see other people eating things like chocolate, chips or crisps, and instead of looking on in envy, you actually feel elated by the fact that you genuinely have no craving whatsoever for these foods and are pleased to be free of the slavery to them. It’s the frame of mind where you even feel excited about eating healthily and exercising.
You may not have read Slim 4 Life, but I can almost guarantee that at some point in your life you have reached that wonderful slimming utopia mindset of feeling inspired and on fire. You may have been to a seminar, read a different book or just got there yourself.

Dousing the Flames
What I didn’t realize when I first wrote Slim 4 Life, however, was that no matter how much you light someone’s fire and inspire them to change there are many elements of life that can easily douse those flames. Before we know it we are back to square one – or to a ‘round one’ if you will!
Whether it’s work, relationships, hormones, the influence of others or the gradual drip-feed brainwashing by the drug food and drink industry, the inspirational fire we felt could never leave us suddenly loses its strength and, for some, appears to go out completely. I say appears because the beauty of being human is that no matter how much life may knock us off course, the pilot light is always on. It may be extremely dim, and to some may feel about as dead as it gets, but it’s there, in all of us – and it’s often relatively simple to reignite it.
For some people, this light never appears to dim. I know thousands of people who read Slim 4 Life and experienced a complete, unwavering life change. Equally, I know many people who read the book and felt completely elated and on fire and lost tremendous amounts of weight effortlessly – only to pile it all back on, and sometimes more! This leads to a feeling of utter frustration and cries of ‘Why didn’t I just keep with it?’, ‘What happened to that frame of mind?’ and, most commonly, ‘Why can’t I get back to how I was thinking then?’

The Sixth Sense Syndrome
Many people try to relight the inspirational fire using the same method that helped them succeed before, such as rereading the book. I know people who have tried to reread Slim 4 Life or Turbo Charge Your Life in 14 Days in order to get exactly the same revelation they had the first time. However, they find that ‘it just wasn’t the same’. This is because you can’t possibly have the same revelation twice. It’s like the film The Sixth Sense with Bruce Willis. The first time you see it the twist at the end is a complete revelation, and the very aspect that makes the film what it is. However, those who watch it a second time can’t possibly get the same revelation, and most tend to analyse the whole film, rather than going with the flow and enjoying it. The same principle applies to all ‘self-help’ books, and indeed a book like Slim 4 Life. The first time is a revelation for most, but the second reading is often a case of the person flicking through, hunting for the ‘trigger’ that will enlighten them again, analysing the book instead of reading it with the same intensity.
Sometimes it’s worth rereading a book as you may well have missed things first time around, but this is only beneficial if you are already in the right frame of mind and just need a little reminder or retune. If, however, you achieve success but then lose the plot, the chances of the book being as effective are super slim. I know many people who read the infamous Easy Way to Stop Smoking by Allen Carr and found it easy to stop for a length of time but started smoking again. Many tried to reread the book only to find it wasn’t anywhere near as effective as the first time. They needed a different way of receiving the same or similar information (like a session at one of his clinics) for them to see the light again and gain true freedom from smoking.

The Easy Way to the Land of the Slim
I now realize that, with food and diet, a mental boost to reignite the fire within at least once every year is essential for lifelong success. That is why I have written this book. One book or seminar is rarely enough, especially when it comes to permanent weight loss and supreme health. The amount of advertising, brainwashing, conditioning and peer pressure attached to the wrong kinds of foods and drinks cannot be ignored. It’s this gradual dripping tap that eventually starts to dampen the fire, and before you know it you are heading down the road to fat land once again. Also, unlike with smoking or alcohol, we have associations with ‘junkie’ foods and drinks that go back to when we were just a year or two old. This means we have millions of associations with certain ‘foods’. Tidy the room and we can have an ice cream. We hurt ourselves and are comforted with a cake, and so on. Even after months or years of change, these associations can easily return.

My aim for this book is twofold:

To ignite or reignite the juicy fire within and put you in that glorious, inspired ‘non-diet’ frame of mind.

To provide a new and extremely easy juice and lifestyle programme that is perfectly healthy and extraordinarily effective.
Juice Yourself Slim is the result of years of nutritional, psychological, diet and addiction research. It may appear simplistic, but that’s part of its beauty. All the hard work has been done for you. The only thing you are required to do for slimming and health success is to read the whole book and follow the simple instructions. I have already set out the first instruction and, other than putting the programme into practice, it’s the most important one. The instruction may sound obvious, but you will be amazed at how many people feel they will have as much success without carrying it out. That instruction is to actually read the book, in its entirety and in the order it was written.
The ONLY thing you need to do for slimming and health success is to read the whole of this book and follow the simple instructions.
The number of people who buy books of this nature but never read them – let alone act on them – is quite frightening. Every book I have ever written has this fundamental instruction at the start. I cannot emphasize enough just how important it is to read every word and not to flick through the book or jump directly to the programme, however tempting it is.
Often you will see that I repeat certain points. Many may not like the way I write or the ‘basic English’ I use to get my message across. This book is designed so that anyone can read it and anyone can get the results. I am not here to win any literary awards and I never, ever think of myself as an author. I write books, but I am not an author in the true sense of the word. This isn’t about winning the Booker Prize; it’s about results. And if we are all honest, even if you don’t like the way I write but you get a flat stomach at the end of it – who cares!

Lay the Right Foundations
We live in an ‘instant gratification’ society. The days of effort equalling rewards appear to be numbered. Our natural tendency these days is to start to try building a new slim life without laying down any good foundations. However, without the right foundations things inevitably collapse, as you may have discovered in the past. Reading every page of this book is the equivalent to laying down good solid foundations. I have studied addiction, nutrition and hypnosis for years, and this book is a combination of information, motivation and a form of hypnosis. It has been designed to gradually penetrate both your conscious and subconscious mind. It has been written in this way to slowly remove a great deal of brainwashing about food, health, disease, the legal drug industry and nutrition in order to ignite that inner fire once again.
For those who are fearful of any kind of hypnosis, I wish to explain that most people are already living in hypnosis, and the idea of this book is simply to remove it in order to see things as they actually are. Those in the advertising industry know all about the power of unconscious hypnosis. You may feel that you choose the soap powder you use, the trainers you buy, the clothes you wear and indeed the food and drinks you consume. However, all too often these choices have been made for you. This is why it is essential to use similar techniques in order to remove the unconscious hypnosis so prevalent in the junkie food industry.

Not Juiced about Juicing Yourself Slim?
Part of the foundation process is to make sure you have more than one reason for introducing freshly extracted juices into your life. This is extremely important for life change. My mission is for juicing to become a daily part of your life, even after you get slim. If your only reason for juicing and smoothie-making is to get slim, the chances are that when you have reached your slim goal, you will have much less reason to juice on a regular basis. While slimming is clearly an extremely important part of this book (for some it’s everything!), the effectiveness of fresh juices in treating and preventing disease plays a bigger role. This is why although this book is aimed at people wishing to slim in an extremely healthy way, it is also aimed at already slim people who need a mental and physical boost on the health front.
This book is for people wishing to slim healthily, but also for already slim people who need a mental and physical boost on the health front. My mission is for juicing to become a daily part of your life, even AFTER you get slim.
I have included many juice studies and stories within this book. Some of them are not directly related to being overweight. You may feel these aren’t relevant to you as you ‘just want to get on with it’. You may also think I repeat myself a lot. However, I cannot emphasize enough that everything in this book is there for a reason, even if at the time you may not see it. The repetition, as annoying as it can be, is essential to fully embed the message. I know that when you read the fascinating stories about the effectiveness of freshly extracted juices and smoothies, your brain will have many more reasons to get some of this wonderfully powerful liquid fuel into your system on a regular basis, regardless of whether you are slim or overweight.
For best results, make a point of reading a few pages just before you sleep and then on waking. I would certainly advise that you read some of the book on a daily basis. Once you put it down for a few days, it might be the end of it! So, even if the book starts to jar for whatever reason, do yourself a favour and keep on reading. There will be times when you will be itching to start. Some of the life-changing stories alone will make you want to start … NOW! However (and yes, I know I am labouring this point), wait until you are fully armed with all of the information.
If you follow this first instruction, which will give you the mental impetus to act on the information, you will be one of thousands who will go from eating themselves fat to juicing themselves slim!

One Last Thing …
In case you are worried you will have to spend hours in the kitchen chopping fruit and veg into a million pieces and cleaning the machine, let me put your mind at rest before we even start. Juicing has hit broadband status and you can now put three whole apples into the machine without peeling or chopping, and juicers now go in the dishwasher! The plan I have devised is incredibly easy, made even easier with 21st-century juice extractors.
I wish you every juicy success and I look forward to hearing your inspirational story soon.
May The Juice Be With You!
Jason the Juice x

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Juice Yourself Super Slim! (#ulink_196fdb21-debc-58ba-b5b2-49a449ffa319)

For years I have been aware of the super weight-loss power of freshly extracted juice and good-quality smoothies. However, until I wrote the 7lbs in 7 Days Super Juice Diet, I didn’t realize just how effective they could be in every case of overweight and obesity.
The results people were getting were nothing short of remarkable. People weren’t simply losing the 7lbs promised, but more like 8lbs, 10lbs and even 14lbs in just 7 days. What’s more, they were keeping it off weeks, months and even a year later. Muscle mass increased, body fat levels decreased and many experienced ‘flat stomach enlightenment’ in an extremely short amount of time.
7lbs in 7 Days was the first juice-related book ever to hit number one on Amazon and At the time it even knocked The Da Vinci Code off the top spot. The book has now been translated into many languages and the programme has been used by hundreds of thousands of people including (according to Now magazine) Jennifer Aniston, Sarah Jessica Parker, Drew Barrymore and Katie Price (a.k.a. Jordan).
The programme was, and still is, cast-iron proof that an exclusive diet of freshly extracted juice and smoothies produces significant healthy weight loss. It was a breakthrough by any standards and continues to ‘juice’ people both mentally and physically in many parts of the world as we speak.
Juice Yourself Slim is, I believe, just as pioneering. This book hasn’t been thrown together; a great deal of time, effort, thought and groundbreaking nutritional research has gone into it. It is a programme designed for life. A programme that is so simple, so easy and yet so beautifully effective that anyone can do it without the need for ‘dieting’ – as you will see. In fact, the programme so easily becomes such a normal part of your daily life that its fat-melting effectiveness is sometimes hard to justify. When you aren’t struggling and going round the bend – as is the case on virtually every diet after a period of time – it almost feels like magic or that you have somehow cheated the ‘diet’ system when you start to look defined and sexy with little or no effort!
This programme is so simple, so easy and yet so beautifully effective that anyone can do it without the need for ‘dieting.’
When I devised the programme I knew the results would be good, but given the simplicity and flexibility of Juice Yourself Slim, I didn’t realize they would be this good. I know you should under-sell and over-deliver, but I am so juiced by this programme I can’t lie – the results are mind-blowing. I am genuinely excited for you! I know what you have to look forward to. I know, for example, that you will drop over 7lbs in just the first week, and I know you will have more energy, more spark and feel more juiced about life than you perhaps have in a long time. I know this book will reignite that fire within and I know you will be slimmer and healthier as a result. I also know this will be one of the easiest changes of lifestyle you will ever have encountered.
This book deals as much with the mental side of change as the physical, and it’s why I am particularly proud to bring this information to you. All you need is an open mind and the conviction to read every page of this book in the order it was written. Do that and you will be juicing yourself slim before you know it. However, before we reach that stage we have a lot to get through. First, as you will lose a nice chunk of weight during the first 7 days in particular, I will address an argument which I know will rear its ugly head. An argument usually spouted by a few dieticians and medics who haven’t fully grasped the big fat problem.

‘But it’s Not Good to Lose Weight Quickly!’
You hear this all the time. I heard it a lot when I was interviewed on radio and television about the 7-day juice-only programme. No doubt it’s a comment I will get about this new programme too. This advice usually comes from those who aren’t fat themselves. Trust me, anyone who is fat is more than happy to drop the pounds in super-fast time. This is why I believe the 7lbs in 7 Days Super Juice Diet was, and still is, so successful. People saw their fat disappearing before their eyes, and this led to a feeling of momentum and inspiration: two of the most valuable commodities we will ever possess in our quest to emigrate to Slim Land.
Another common remark is ‘Quick results often bring quick failures’, but it was the super-fast results that created the momentum and excitement to continue with a juicy and healthy lifestyle after the 7 days. It is because fast results inspire that I have deliberately created a 7-day kick-start part of this lifestyle-changing Juice Yourself Slim programme. I believe slow results bring about fast failures. There is, after all, nothing more uninspiring and likely to have you reaching for the cookie jar than losing 1lb a week for a month! At the same time there is nothing more likely to inspire you and keep you motivated than seeing incredible weight loss and at least the outline of what could be a defined stomach in a relatively short space of time.

Juice Yourself to Supreme Health
A point I wish to reiterate over and over again is that this book is not simply about getting slim. Although it is entitled Juice Yourself Slim, it could easily have been called ‘Juice Yourself to Lower Cholesterol’, ‘Juice Yourself to Lower Blood Pressure’ or ‘Juice Yourself to Supreme Health’. However, I know that some members of the dietetic and medical professions will be sceptical and disdainful, no matter how extraordinary the improvement in someone’s health or weight as a direct result of what they deem an ‘alternative’ approach.

The World is Flat
In order for dietary and medical breakthroughs to occur, it’s essential for the movers and shakers in the health and diet industry to be open to anything that has a fundamentally positive effect on health and obesity, especially if it doesn’t involve a drug of any kind. If we all still held on to deep-rooted ‘facts’ written years ago by experts, we would have expanded our world very little due to a fear we would fall off its edge!
As we speak there are hundreds, if not thousands, of ‘double blind’ tests being carried out by drug companies across the world to find the solution to the Western world’s big FAT problem. And why wouldn’t they? Finding the next licensed ‘slimming pill’ is big business – sorry, I mean massive business – the kind of business that’s as corrupt as any other when we are talking big numbers.

Blockbuster: Come and Discover the Financial Difference
Let me give you an idea of what I am talking about here. If a drug company gets their ‘fat drug’ licensed it is worth well over $1 billion per year. That’s ONE BILLION DOLLARS. The advertising budget for drugs of this nature can be as much as $150 million (that’s apparently more than Pepsi Cola’s!). This type of drug is known in the industry as a ‘blockbuster’, and getting one appears to be the Holy Grail of drug companies. These companies can spend as much as £10,000 trying to convince their main distribution centres – doctors’ surgeries – that this new, all-singing, all-dancing drug will solve the world’s obesity problem. If they can convince the doctors, they have effectively struck gold, and the pills – no matter how potentially dangerous they are – will be taken by many desperate overweight people. And when you are overweight and it’s affecting every aspect of your life, you really can get desperate. We will seemingly try anything, regardless of whether it makes any rational sense or not. I mean, people even thought eggs and bacon swimming around in fat was better for healthy weight loss than fruit after reading the Atkin’s Diet. This just shows how our natural intuitive common sense can go out the window when weight loss is promised, and never more so than when weight-loss drugs are involved.
When you are overweight and it’s affecting every aspect of your life, you really can get desperate. We will seemingly try anything, regardless of whether it makes any rational sense or not.
There have been many blockbuster ‘weight-loss’ drugs over the years, each hailed as the new ‘wonder’ drug. Sometimes, though, I wonder why.

Dying to Lose Weight
Take the ‘amazing’ weight-loss drug known as phen-phen. So amazing that along with the weight loss came heart disease, hypertension and even death. A lawsuit against phen-phen manufacturer Wyeth found the company responsible for the death of a Texas woman diagnosed with PPH (primary pulmonary hypertension). The woman’s family was awarded $1.13 billion to compensate for her death due to PPH, caused by taking Pondimin, a phen-phen diet pill. Although this is a rare case, in that the woman actually died, Wyeth have set aside $22 billion to pay damages to over 600,000 people.
Collateral Damage
It has been reported that over 10,000 people in the UK are killed every year by ADRs (adverse drug reactions). To put this in some sort of perspective, there are just over 3,000 people a year killed on our roads in the UK. In the US this figure is estimated at near the 100,000 mark! However, the casualties of ADR are simply viewed as the result of ‘friendly fire’. After all, the only reason why ‘they’ produce such drugs is not to maim or kill but to provide genuine solutions to health problems, especially obesity – a health problem which, coincidentally, just happens to be worth billions for the right pill. What I find incredible is that despite the huge number of undisputed adverse side-effects caused by weight-loss drugs, the argument is always the same: ‘They do more good than harm’ and ‘In the fight against disease and obesity there will inevitably be some casualties until we find the cure.’
The cure, of course, is about as obvious as it gets when it comes to the disease (for that is how it is now classified) known as overweight or obesity. I don’t honestly think you need a Harvard degree or a masters in bioscience technology to realize that if someone who is overweight ate less and moved more on a regular basis, they would indeed have found the ‘cure’.
However, in reality the ‘cure’ for overweight and obesity is much more complicated. Genuine addiction to certain foods and drinks plays a major part in weight problems, as do a ‘diet mentality’ and a lack of inspiration. If it were as simple as just knowing what to do to lose weight and keep it off, obesity would be as rare as finding a free parking space in London. Luckily, once you understand how to shift from a ‘diet mentality’ to one of ‘food freedom’, as fully described in Chapter 10, then contrary to popular belief, getting slim and staying slim can be easy. A full understanding of a ‘food freedom’ mentality is essential before the brain will even accept that the words ‘easy’ and ‘slimming’ can ever go in the same sentence.
Luckily, once you understand how to shift from a ‘diet mentality’ to one of ‘food freedom,’ then contrary to popular belief, getting slim and staying slim can be easy.
It’s not just drug companies getting fatter off the fat crisis. There are a million ‘alternative’ weight-loss remedies out there also searching for their piece of the fat pie. The difference is that when an alternative ‘natural’ remedy suggests it can help aid weight loss in any way then it is immediately described as ‘worthless’ and sometimes even ‘dangerous’ by some of the medical profession. Even today as I write this page there is a headline in the national press which reads:
Herb Cures that Do More Harm than Good
The reason for this bold statement is due to the fact they claim there is ‘no scientific evidence’ that these therapies work or are safe to use. Dr Canter, who was reported in the Daily Mail on 3 October 2007 as saying he wants these treatments banned, said, ‘It seems to me if you look at a drug in mainstream medicine it doesn’t get used on a patient until its efficacy has been demonstrated.’ This same argument seems to be used against just about every type of ‘alternative’ treatment. But unless I am missing something – or again I’ve gone mental – haven’t there been hundreds, if not thousands, of cases of medical drugs pulled off shelves due to dangerous and sometimes death-causing side-effects? Drugs which were passed and ‘scientifically tested’ for ‘effectiveness and safety’? Haven’t I just talked about what happened with phen-phen?
Then we have the well-publicized Vioxx. This ‘scientifically tested drug’ was approved yet responsible for tens of thousands of deaths – yes, TENS OF THOUSANDS! The drug was designed simply for pain yet was no better than any over-the-counter drug for the same condition. How the hell did this get approval? The answer is simple – MONEY! A simple pain-reliever can make billions, so imagine when there’s a promise of no more fat – a licence to print money.
Isn’t it true that there have been several lawsuits filed against major ‘legal’ drug companies over fraudulent scientific data? Isn’t it also true that the scientific study into a drug’s ‘effectiveness’ and ‘safety’ is sometimes funded by the producer of the drug itself? Isn’t it also true that many of the companies who are responsible for the so-called ‘independent’ scientific study have a financial interest in the drug company for whom the study is being conducted? In case you didn’t know, the shocking answer is yes.
Please, if you get nothing else from this book, DON’T EVER TAKE A WEIGHT-LOSS PILL. I hope I can show you in this book that weight loss is within everyone’s power. The ‘cure’ is the same for all and – guess what – it’s NOT a flipping drug. What a shocker! If you are overweight the cause of your problem is not a ‘slimming pill deficiency’. Let’s get to the cause and quit simply trying to treat the symptom.

GlaxoSmithKline launched the ‘Alli’ pill in the US in 2007. Such is the desperate need for a quick-fix weight loss that 75 million of these drugs were sold in the first six months alone, proving once again that big people are big business for the pharmaceutical industry. By the time you read this book, Alli will probably be on sale in the UK, no prescription needed. Alli often causes oily anal leakage and flatulence if you eat more than their recommended 15g of fat a day.

A Touch of OCD
The main issue I have with any OCD (Over the Counter Drug) weight loss drug is the huge potential for abuse. For people desperate to lose weight, the temptation to take more than the recommended daily dose can be too great. There are many who will wrongly think the more they take the more weight they will lose, and there is no doubt that in some cases people will get obsessed with the drug. It’s worth knowing that in the USA Alli sold around $7 million worth of the drug every week (yes, week) at the start of 2008. Not only is there a problem with anal leakage, but Mayo Clinic specialist Donald Hensrud MD estimates Alli would only contribute to about three pounds a year of weight loss. Yes, a year! He also advises users to take a daily multivitamin to help make up for the drug’s other negative effect on absorption of fat-soluble vitamins like A, D, E, K and beta carotene.
However, unlike drugs for other diseases, in my view the science behind this drug is flawed for the following reasons, so it’s quite easy for people to see that pills are not the solution for fat, and that natural methods are the obvious and only way forward. Alli stops the body absorbing fat in food. This undigested fat, rather than being stored, is passed through the body. This sounds like a dream for most overweight people and no doubt is why millions are buying it. The problem is that these pills can do nothing about the excess refined sugar that is converted into fat. Not only that but WE NEED FAT! If these pills get misused (which could easily happen with a non-prescription drug), many could end up with an EFA deficiency. EFA stands for essential fatty acids, the clue here being the word essential. If we don’t get a regular supply of good fat we will suffer many adverse health symptoms, which ironically we would no doubt treat with more drugs, keeping the drug merry-go-round going nicely. On top of that, Alli interferes with the absorption of some vitamins, so people are advised to supplement their diet with a daily multivitamin – once again, you really can’t make this stuff up! Oh, and the severe diarrhoea which can occur with this drug can also cut the effectiveness of contraceptive pills – brilliant! Once again my advice is as clear as it gets: NEVER EVER TAKE A WEIGHT-LOSS PILL!
Fat Lies
There have been many cases of ‘foods’ that have passed every test in the book for human consumption which have proved years later to be extremely harmful. Take trans-fats for just one of hundreds of possible examples. A recent report from the Food Standards Agency (FSA) said, ‘The trans-fats found in food containing hydrogenated vegetable oil are harmful and have no known nutritional benefits. They raise the type of cholesterol in the blood that increases the risk of coronary heart disease. Some evidence suggests that the effects of these trans-fats may be worse than saturated fats.’
The question I have is a simple one: how come this wasn’t known before this type of fat entered the food chain? Why, after all the ‘tests’ and ‘research’ which is required before any food is passed, weren’t the harmful effects spotted? One thing’s for sure: if this type of adverse reaction was ever seen with any type of juice therapy it would be banned immediately, and no doubt I would be up on some kind of charge for ‘endangering the health of others’ and possibly even ‘manslaughter’. What’s mental is that despite the fact these harmful effects of trans-fats are known and have been known for over 20 years, there is still (at the time of writing) no obligation for food manufacturers to display the amount of trans-fats on product labels.
In 1988 a senior government scientist became convinced that a general rise in salmonella poisoning in the UK must be caused by the bacteria getting inside chickens’ eggs. The junior health minister at the time – Edwina Currie – took his comments on board and made a public announcement which led to complete panic. Millions of chickens were slaughtered and thousands of small egg producers were put out of business. Four years later the government reversed its policy, acknowledging that eggs had not been the problem after all. Just one scientist’s opinion gets taken as read and millions suffer.
The point I am making is that just because something has been ‘medically and/or scientifically tested’ for ‘effectiveness and safety’, it doesn’t necessarily mean it is effective or in any way safe. And, again, it isn’t true to say drugs are always fully tested for their safety and effectiveness before going into the public domain – just read Dr Richard Halvorsen’s superb book The Truth About Vaccines with regard to the short time the MMR jab was ‘tested’ before being made almost compulsory.
If all the medicines that were tested were super effective there wouldn’t be a multi-billion-dollar alternative market. After all, we all pay into the kitty and life would be much cheaper if most medical treatment had the ‘good and positive’ effect so often claimed. When I was covered from head to foot in psoriasis the only treatment I was offered at the time was either high-potency steroid cream or going to hospital and being covered in ‘tar’ and bandages for six weeks. Both treatments would have ‘thinned’ my skin and caused me to become sensitive to sunlight, which, ironically, is one of the best natural treatments for this skin condition. Both treatments would also have done nothing whatsoever to try to get to the cause of problem.
In countries such as Denmark, people with severe skin conditions such as psoriasis are flown to the Dead Sea in Israel for one month in order to treat their condition. The enlightened medical profession, along with those responsible for the best use of taxpayers’ money, realized that it actually costs less to send patients to the Dead Sea for a month than it does to keep them in hospital covered in bandages for six weeks. Not only is it better value for money but it is extremely effective as well. The Dead Sea is one of the most unique places on earth, highly dense in natural healing salts and minerals, as well as being the lowest place on earth – making it one of the safest places to get natural sunlight therapy. I was never offered this option, and despite what I put into the ‘kitty’, I always had to pay my own way to Israel, as well as for any alternative treatment for my condition. It is nice to know that we all pay for health care many times over, once in tax and once again in ‘alternative’ measures when, not so much if, any ‘tested’ medical treatment fails us.

It seems odd to me that natural fruit and plant remedies (such as pure juice therapy), which have been responsible for zero direct deaths, are often hammered by the medical profession, yet medical weight-loss drugs which often do cause harm are all considered part of the ‘friendly fire’ syndrome. That isn’t to say that the medical profession doesn’t often have a very valid point. Some of the weight-loss products out there are about as effective as a cat flap in an elephant house and a total waste of time and money, and yes, there are unscrupulous characters in every business. But the same argument can often be levelled at medical drugs for weight loss.
In fact, I don’t know of one single weight-loss drug that has come even close to solving the obesity epidemic anywhere in the world. Despite this I can guarantee it won’t be long before you read about the next ‘amazing breakthrough in weight loss’ drug therapy (look in your newspaper today, it may be there). This drug will come with a clean bill of health and backed by studies of many who have lost X amount of weight because of the drug. Once again, if you do ever see the new answer to everyone’s fat problem wrapped up in a drug pill DON’T TAKE IT (just in case you missed that earlier!). All drugs have side-effects and all drugs are toxic to the body. If you are already taking a weight-loss pill, talk to your GP before you decide to stop taking it. I have to say that, but the same piece of advice would never apply to anything healthy. I doubt you’ll ever hear: ‘Before you stop eating avocados check with your GP first’ – why? Because fruit and vegetables aren’t dangerous and don’t cause withdrawal symptoms of any kind.

Fat People = Fat Profits
The reason for the apparent ‘new’ weight-loss drugs is not out of a genuine care for our health, which would be nice. In 1998, GPs in the UK spent just £20,000 on anti-obesity drugs yet in 2005 the annual cost had risen to more than £38 million. That’s one hell of a big fat jump. Why such a jump? Simple. Obesity has now been reclassified as a disease. Why does this make such a difference? Again, simple. As a disease it needs to be treated, and as a disease – in the minds of the ‘professionals’ and indeed aspects of the law – this means an increase in medical ‘help’. And medical help, of course, equals drugs! Drugs for weight loss in particular equal mega profits, more disease and more toxicity.
It’s worth knowing that in the US the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) passed a law stating, ‘only a drug can cure, prevent, or treat a disease’. The law is exactly the same in the UK. In 1996 a ruling was made that anyone making a claim that any food can cure, prevent or treat a disease is breaking the law and is subject to criminal prosecution. This effectively means that if someone were to say that fruit can help to prevent cancer or obesity, they could go to jail for it! This is why when a major UK supermarket stated that mangos could help in the prevention of certain cancers, they were brought to book and it made national news. The ‘offending’ sign was removed. But mangos do help with the prevention of disease, as do apples, pears, oranges, lemons, spinach and ALL other fruits and vegetables designed for human consumption. All contain antioxidants and all help to curb free radical damage, which even by the government’s own admission is one of the biggest causes of disease and premature aging.
Listen carefully to what I am saying here as it beggars belief on every level. There is a law that effectively says there will never be a natural remedy that can cure, prevent or treat a disease. No one will ever be able to make such a claim, even if it’s 100 per cent true. How mind-blowingly absurd is that? It means that if someone advertised that oranges or lemons could cure the killer disease ‘scurvy’ (which, of course, they do and this is not disputed by anyone), they could be thrown into jail. No, I am not joking, but I sincerely wish I were. For if oranges or lemons were deemed to cure, prevent or treat the disease scurvy, they would then be classed as ‘drugs’. However, before a ‘drug’ label can be given, these fruits would have to go through the £400,000 worth of testing required to approve a new drug. This would never happen. Why? Well, a natural remedy cannot be patented by anyone and so who on earth would ever pay that amount of money for testing if they couldn’t get that money back at least tenfold? You see, it’s not always about actually curing, preventing or genuinely treating disease; it’s all about what can be patented. If it can’t – forget it. If it can – bingo!
Let’s not forget that if fruit and vegetables were claimed to cure, treat or prevent a new disease like ‘obesity’, then anyone selling them without a licence to dispense medicine would be prosecuted. Yes, if someone were to state that a lemon was a cure for scurvy, or that avocados were a good treatment for obesity, the lemon suddenly stops being a lemon and the avocado stops being an avocado. They both now miraculously become drugs – yes, a lemon a drug. And unless you have a licensed practice or sell medicine, you could be nicked! Once again, you really can’t make this stuff up.
Obesity, now it’s a disease, is mega business for the medical drug industry. And the more people who are diagnosed with obesity, the fatter the nation looks and the fatter the profits. It’s worth knowing that obesity is diagnosed using a very antiquated system called the BMI index. BMI stands for body mass index. It is a measurement of fat which is worked out by taking your weight in kilograms and dividing it by your height in metres. What it doesn’t take into account is body muscle weight. This means that Brad Pitt, according to the BMI index, is obese – yes, Brad Pitt obese! This should illustrate perfectly what a stupid system this is. But if it means more people are diagnosed with obesity, even if in the real world they aren’t obese, all the better for the new drug on the block.

The Sicker We Get, the Healthier Their Profits
The fact of the matter is there will never be a drug that will enable the body to lose weight in a natural and healthy way. ALL drugs have negative side-effects, and these side-effects are very often treated with more drugs. Unless people get ill, drugs become worthless. Drugs often create the need simply for more drugs, and more drugs mean more profit. The big drug companies are PLCs, and as public limited companies they have to, BY LAW,increase profits for their shareholders. How can you have a situation where the people responsible for drug treatments being dispensed to the public are lawfully obliged to increase profits? How can this be when increased profits can only occur if more people take more drugs? Drugs which, let’s not forget, have adverse side-effects. Side-effects which, let’s not forget, are responsible for over 10,000 deaths in the UK alone each year. This is like putting traffic wardens on performance pay and giving them bonuses if they hand out more parking tickets, a system which would inevitably lead to corruption and the removal of common sense – oh sorry, this is the system!
Money Makes the Drug World Go Round and Round and Round
Weight-loss drugs are the new blockbusters on the pharmaceutical block. They will increasingly rear their ugly heads and all in the name of ‘help’. The problem is the only people these drugs tend to help are the shareholders and directors of the big pharmaceutical companies.
The reality is that the powerful nutritious liquid fuel trapped within the fibres of raw fruits and vegetables contains the perfect balance of vitamins, minerals, fats, carbohydrates and amino acids to maintain health during weight loss. There are some who will be arrogant enough to think they can create something more perfect than nature itself to deal with the obesity nightmare taking place in our world at this time, but I hope and feel that common sense and intuition will have the majority of people going in the right direction.

You Can’t Patent Fruit or Veg
Once again, the biggest problem is that you cannot patent a fruit or vegetable. No patent means no big blockbuster money-spinner. What I find most extraordinary is how no one seems to question what many scientists in this field are doing. They often do a study and find that a certain fruit or vegetable is highly effective for either the prevention or treatment of a particular disease. They then try to find exactly which ingredient contained within the fruit or vegetable makes it so effective. Their aim, I imagine, is to isolate the secret ingredient and add some other chemicals to it in order to make a patentable ‘drug’. A ‘drug’ which will once again be hailed as the new all-singing, all-dancing answer to whatever disease the fruit or vegetable helped with. Just a thought here, but why on earth don’t they simply suggest people eat the fruit or vegetable that made the difference? Is it really because you can’t patent it? Could the industry be that corrupt?
‘Lies, damn lies and statistics.’
— Mark Twain
You can make any study look and sound better than it actually is, especially when you are trying to get a licence for a blockbuster drug. Not all studies are worthless, clearly, and many are extremely valid. However, as far as I’m concerned there is only one study worth looking at and that is genuine people giving genuine testimonials. We live in a world where if people say a drug has helped them in any way it is taken as read by the medical profession, but if a load of people get spectacular results for their health or ailment using natural methods, the usual responses are: ‘it hasn’t been tested properly’ and ‘it might have worked for those people, but there is no evidence to suggest it will work for everyone’. But there’s no evidence to suggest any drug on earth will work for everyone either. There is also no evidence to suggest we are making any progress whatsoever with ‘drug therapy’ for weight loss in any part of the world, yet many millions are still being invested into finding the cure-all ‘anti-obesity pill’.

True Scientific Success
I have received thousands of genuine emails from people all over the world who have had major health problems massively reduced or eliminated as a direct result of freshly extracted juice and nutritious freshly made smoothies. There will also be countless people who have had diseases prevented due to getting into a juicy and healthier lifestyle, the extent of which we will never know.
What I find shocking is that instead of many people in the dietetic and medical professions looking into this as a potential breakthrough natural treatment for obesity and other ailments, we have a situation where my programmes, such as 7lbs in 7 Days, are attacked instead of embraced. When you read the results in the next chapter, you will be blown away and will think it even more of a mystery why freshly extracted juice as a therapy isn’t embraced more widely.
‘The drugs don’t work.’
— The Verve
It often takes years for some dieticians and the mass medical profession to catch up and accept any alternative to drug treatment. We are only now getting doctors and dieticians recommending things like fish oil for joint pain, even though this has been spouted by the non-medical clan for decades. Even as I write, I have just heard the news on the BBC headlining the result of a scientific study showing how a cocktail of additives can cause hyperactivity in some children – something which, once again, the ‘alternative’ voice of common sense has been saying for donkey’s years. When you see bright green, often luminous drinks masquerading as ‘juice’, containing a chemical concoction any science academy would be proud of, I don’t think you need six years of medical training to instinctively know it just might send your kids nuts!
What has happened to common sense? What has happened to that inner knowing we all possess? Things become even more insane when you think that some of the top-selling children’s medicines contain some of these hyperactive-causing chemicals, as well as other lovely things such as aspartame. Aspartame is an artificial sweetener which has been linked to 92 different harmful side-effects, including brain tumours. You can’t make this stuff up.
‘Anti-wrinkle cream there may be but anti-fat bastard cream there certainly is not.’
— from the film THE FULL MONTY
We are, despite what some are saying, in the grip of a genuine obesity and overweight epidemic. This isn’t Daily Mail headline stuff either. It’s common knowledge to most in the know and blatantly obvious to all who walk down Walsall High Street on a Saturday afternoon! It has been reported that if current trends continue, 50 per cent of all children in the UK will be significantly overweight or obese by the year 2050. It won’t be long before we are on a par with the US, where at the time of writing a whopping two-thirds of US citizens are overweight or obese. That’s two-thirds! Along with being overweight and obese comes diabetes, heart disease, stroke, cancer, gout, arthritis, high blood pressure, high LDL cholesterol levels, hyperactive disorder and so the list goes on and on.
Everything we put into our system changes our biochemistry, and given that blood flows through the brain there is no question that many mental disorders are also caused by a lack of nutrients and the addition of clogging ‘foods’ and ‘drinks’. Even the World Heath Organization recognizes that 85 per cent of all disease is a direct result of what we put into our mouths and external environmental factors, such as living in a polluted city.
‘I am too chubby, too large … it’s not good.’
— Luciano Pavarotti
Being overweight is often an addictive and uninspired trap. As it has a knock-on effect on the manifestation of virtually all of mankind’s common and debilitating diseases, it really is something we should be paying full attention to. This is why it is of paramount importance that the mainstream dietetic and medical world gets on board with any treatment that is clearly effective in this area. Juicing is not only super effective, but it’s also safe, healthy and something people can do every day of their lives with no adverse side-effects whatsoever. If a drug was produced that had the same effect, it would be hailed as the new obesity and disease ‘wonder’ drug, and every doctor and dietician would be singing its praises and prescribing it left, right and centre.
Juicing is not only super effective, but it’s also safe, healthy and something people can do every day of their lives with NO adverse side-effects whatsoever.
Being overweight, as I know from my past, is no picnic. People who have never suffered are the first to simply say, ‘Eat less and move more.’ This sounds logical and obvious, and who can blame them for saying such a thing. However, logic plays no part in addiction. It’s like saying to a smoker, ‘Smoking is bad and if you stopped you’d have more money and would be healthier.’ That kind of statement might be correct, but it’s somewhat patronizing to think the smoker has no idea of these obvious facts.
It is just as patronizing to inform someone who is overweight that, ‘If you eat more good stuff, cut down on rubbish and exercise more you will be slimmer and feel better.’ When I was overweight and I heard people saying this to me I would simply think, ‘No shit, Sherlock!’ Just because someone is thick physically it doesn’t automatically make them thick mentally. I was fully aware of what I was doing. I had lost my fire, my inspiration – that impetus which makes us want to bounce out of bed and embrace the opportunities life has to offer. I had simply lost my spark, something that happens to so many people on a regular basis.
‘My dream is to wake up 50lbs less and fly.’
— Luciano Pavarotti
Luckily, times really are changing. Increasing numbers of doctors and dieticians are realizing that drugs don’t work when it comes to weight loss. Many are also more open-minded than ever when it comes to possible new options. Even the resident Radio 2 doctor – Dr Jarvis – often recommends cognitive therapy for many ailments, including obesity. This is why this book, like all of my others, deals with the mental as much as the physical. Things are changing so much that I even have many doctors who recommend my books and work, but I feel we are some time off mainstream medical heads being as open. I also feel it will be many more years before ‘juice therapy’ of any kind is recognized as an extremely safe and effective treatment for obesity and other disease.
I wish to make something clear at this point: I am all for medical intervention and drugs where necessary. I strongly believe I wouldn’t be alive today without the injection which saved my life when I had my very first asthma attack at the age of eight. However, I wish I had been told what was causing my condition instead of simply being given drugs for the next God knows how many years to sticky tape over the root cause of the problem. It would have been good if someone had at least suggested that diet and exercise just might play a part. At least then I could have tried to do something about it instead of just accepting my drug-filled days. However, as I will keep saying, there’s a lot of money in drugs – more than most of us can comprehend – so what interest has a drug company got in actually curing your condition? Just a thought.

Pure Common Sense Science
Science, as far as I am concerned, is ‘that which works’. For obesity and weight loss there is no question – juicing works! Exercise works! It not only works for some; it works for everyone – and I am willing to challenge anyone who believes anything to the contrary. This means that no matter what you have tried before, the physical weight-loss results are guaranteed on this programme.
However, this book isn’t simply about the physical. It’s also about igniting that inspirational mental fire within – that passion, which often sits dormant inside us all. When ignited, it makes us feel anything is possible. It makes us excited about life again, and makes us want to get up, exercise and get slim so we can get the most out of each and every day.
As mentioned in the Introduction, many people think that life has put out the fire. While we are breathing, however, it is a sure sign that the pilot light is very much on, and all that’s required is a bit of mental fuel to ignite the fire once again. What we don’t realize is that there are many aspects that dampen the fire. There are many ‘foods’, for example, that contain toxic chemicals which gradually wear us down without our knowledge. We often take over-the-counter drugs to deal with some of the nutritional deficiencies caused by these ‘foods’. These drugs ALL have negative side-effects, which once again contribute to the dampening of our inspirational fires.
There are many things that can ignite us once again. Sometimes it can be just a sentence. For others it’s hearing of other people’s successes. It can be seeing what you deem ‘real’ scientific studies on juicing. It can be seeing the truth behind the food companies and deciding you no longer want to help fund them by passing over your hard-earned money in exchange for substances which will simply make you fat, ill and unhappy. Whatever it is, this book has been carefully designed to ignite that fire within and give you a successful launch on your juicy journey to the lovely world of slimness and health.
Nothing, I feel, can trigger the pilot light to fire more so than people who have already experienced incredible success. When you see what can be achieved in a short space of time, it helps to start the firing process. I have chosen just a tiny selection from our juicy postbag to help light that juicy fire within. Make a point of reading every one, as some of the results will astound you. I also sincerely hope that those sceptics in the dietetic and medical worlds read the next chapter and take note. I hope it makes them sit up, pay attention and start to see the incredible value freshly extracted juice can have on every aspect of mental and physical health. I also hope they, and you for that matter, don’t dismiss these letters and emails as ‘isolated’ or ‘not real’. The following are all 100 per cent genuine, from ‘real’ people from every walk of life. All have different lifestyles, jobs, commitments, ages, and yet all managed to introduce juicing into their often hectic lives and reap the slimming and health rewards. Come forth and let me give you a glimpse of what can happen when you join in …

2 (#ulink_ae431f96-072e-5fb0-8d77-32e5ac56b43c)
The Juice Revolution (#ulink_ae431f96-072e-5fb0-8d77-32e5ac56b43c)

There is a juice revolution happening and people of all ages and from all walks of life are seeing and feeling the results. Even Victoria Beckham and Kate Moss have been reported to have been at the wheatgrass shots!
Juicing is no longer seen as something for mad people with long hair who spend much of their lives in trees protesting against a new bypass being built. Today, juicing and smoothie-making is viewed as a genuine and highly effective way to get better health and a super-slim body. A little over five years ago, less than 1 per cent of the UK population owned a juice extractor; that figure is now 6 per cent and is expected to reach 20 per cent by the year 2012. Not only are people buying them, but unlike gadgets like bread-makers, they are even starting to use them – what a concept!
Today, juicing and smoothie-making is viewed as a genuine and highly effective way to get better health and a super-slim body.
This chapter is dedicated to illustrating the truly amazing health and slimming results that can be achieved by incorporating freshly extracted fruit and vegetable juices into your life. You can have all the scientific studies in the world, but none will get your juices flowing more than the remarkable results of others.
I have heard some amazing stories over the years and have seen at first hand some truly wonderful and almost miraculous changes. I have seen people come off antidepressants after years of taking them. I have seen people with arthritis who could barely move climb a steep hill and walk miles after incorporating juicing into their lives. I have seen skin disorders virtually disappear as well, of course, as excess fat seemingly melt away.
In a recent seminar I conducted, an 80-year-old man asked a question: ‘What are you supposed to do if your partner thinks you’re insane for juicing?’ I suggested that if he were told by a doctor that he should be taking something like a statin drug for high cholesterol she would insist he took them, so she should be as understanding when he is trying to treat his health with something natural. His reply was perhaps one of the most priceless I have ever heard: ‘Oh that’s the other thing. I am meant to be on a statin for high cholesterol, but since I have been juicing I have no need … but we’re having to keep that one a secret – don’t tell the wife!’
It would be almost impossible to read this chapter without it adding at least a few flames to your fire. Inspiration is such a vital catalyst to any kind of change, especially when you are trying to kick-start a healthy eating and slimming plan. And there is nothing more inspirational or motivating than seeing real results.
Here are just a few of the hundreds of thousands of genuine emails I have received over the years. I have made comments after some of them to fully illustrate some of the points. I would like to thank the thousands of people who have taken the time to write to me. Even if it takes a few months I always make a point of reading and replying to as many as possible. It was hard to pick out just a few. However, I hope this small selection enables you to see the sort of health and slimming magic that can occur with the help of the right frame of mind, a few fruits and vegetables, a juicer and a blender.
Please do not make the mistake of skipping the letters. They all have a message and they all help to lay the foundations. Remember, everything I have written is for a reason; every word has a point to it; and every one of the letters you read here is 100 per cent genuine and unsolicited. The magic is in their words – don’t miss them.
‘Subject: Yippee! I never have to go on another diet!!! WOW! Where do I start? Since having two kids 13 and 10 years ago my weight has gone up and down like you wouldn’t believe. Like many people I’ve done The Cabbage Soup Diet and Weight Watchers (brill, no more counting those bloody points!) to name but a few, but it wasn’t until September of last year that I found that juicing really and truly works for me. It really has been amazing — life-changing in fact. (I know you most probably hear this all the time!) I have since lost 2 stone. I have gone from 11st 4lbs to 9st 3lbs. Size 14 to size 10. in fact, I am wearing a size 8 top at the moment … I haven’t done that for years! One of the reasons I am emailing you is that the friends I have introduced juicing to keep saying ‘you must tell him how well you’ve done’ or ‘you should be one of his reps.’ I know you’ve had an email this week from Louise who’s done really well. She’s just one of the people I’ve introduced it to. My neighbour Maria has lost 9lbs in one week and my husband is doing it at the moment and has lost 6lbs since Monday (he was a bit sceptical at first). I’m sooo proud of all of them. I think to date it’s well over 4 stone between us all. Also, my kids love the smoothies. It just feels so good to see them drink all that live goodness. I must admit that when we go on holiday I get really crabby because I can’t do my juicing. Of course I always choose the healthy option now, which isn’t too bad. in fact, when I see people sitting in places like McDonald’s I feel sorry for them when they could quite easily go somewhere else and have something healthier. I have turned into a bit of the Food Police, and when my kids see something that’s not very nice they go ‘Oooh that’s toxic!’ Well at least it’s got them thinking about what they are putting in their mouths. Louise and I are coming to your seminar in Manchester, which we are really excited about, and I’m saving like mad to go on one of your Ultimate Retreat weeks next year. Well you’ve most probably had enough of my waffling now so as a last note I just want to say THANK YOU. You really have changed our lives, for which I will be eternally grateful. Many thanks Paula’
The weight loss is one thing but what interested me most was the knock-on effect success like this has. Not only has Paula lost over 28lbs and a few dress sizes, but because of her success her neighbour did it and lost 9lbs in one week, and even Paula’s husband who was a sceptic lost 6lbs in just a few days. What is also wonderful is how this kind of influence has an effect on their children too. Juicing and smoothie-making creates theatre in the kitchen and kids are often mesmerized by it.
‘Hi Jason and team Just wanted you to know I recently bought a juicer from you and am now mad on it! Lost a stone in weight in just under three weeks! And that was not really why I started. I had headaches most evenings, hay fever and allergies. Anyway, my headaches have gone and so has everything else. I feel great, and I’m not actually going mad on my intake, just one or two juices a day with a healthy meal. So far I’ve converted three other people because of the way I now look! I’m so pleased I listen to Steve Wright on Radio 2 as that’s where I heard about this. Cheers Jason — Happy JuicingM. Waller’
Headaches gone, hay fever gone and 14lbs lighter in under three weeks without even trying. Just by having a couple of juices and smoothies a day with a healthy meal – which, funnily enough, is exactly the principle of the Juice Yourself Slim programme. Once again, they have converted three of their friends because of the way they now look – the juice revolution is happening!
‘Dear Mr Vale My husband and I are very much enjoying drinking delicious juices as a result of reading your books. Not only do we have more energy and better health but our hair is also going back to its original colour! We are 68 and 73 years old, so that is a wonderful surprise! Yours sincerely Audrey S’
What’s wonderful about this email isn’t so much that their hair started to go back to its original colour (although WOW!) but that at 68 and 73 years old they are willing to try new things in the 21st century health world. They’re not alone either. I am receiving more and more letters and emails from people in, let’s say, the mature part of their life. The digestive system often gets weak as the years go on, and juicing and smoothie-making are the perfect way to get ‘live’ nutrients into a weak system. I honestly can’t wait till I get our juice and smoothie bars up and running in hospitals. If there was ever a place crying out for excellent nutrition that’s easy to digest and assimilate, it’s hospitals.
‘I have got so much energy and mental clarity … and I am so happy because I have got my 90-year-old grandad into juicing and he loves it!’
Once again proving the fact it’s never too late to teach an old dog new juicy tricks!
‘Hi Jason I would just like to say thank you so much! I’m 15 and have been overweight all my life, constantly trying to slim down. That was until my mum bought your book and I read it. I’ve lost a stone and the weight just keeps going. I’ve never been happier or felt better. Thank you! Jenny’
Here’s someone at the other end of the age spectrum. Jenny is just 15 years old – the book clearly inspired her and the juices were the exact fuel required to catapult her to change, something she had been trying to do for years. I have had hundreds, if not thousands, of emails from people of 16 years of age or less. I remember one particular boy aged just 12 who lost over 3 stone after reading Slim 4 Life. The weight loss is one thing, but to read a book of this nature at just 12 years old is I feel a feat in itself. I know many adults who buy these books but never actually read them.
We live in a weight-obsessed society and one thing is for sure: teenage girls (and boys) will often follow just about anything their idol is doing to look great, no matter how bats it may be. To give you an example, after Victoria Beckham was seen reading a particular weight-loss book aimed mainly at teenagers entitled Skinny Bitch, sales increased by 4,000 per cent that same day! If a celebrity a teenager looks up to decides to drink oil and eat leather to lose weight, they will follow. One of the many good things which came from Jordan doing the juicing programme was the tremendous influence she had on teenage girls looking to lose weight. Teenagers up and down the country started juicing fresh celery, cucumber, pineapple, apple, lime and spinach and blending it with avocado and ice to make the now famous Turbo Charge Smoothie – the very one Jordan was having daily. Tweenagers (ages 8–12) and teenagers drinking vegetables! A breakthrough by any standards, I’m sure you’ll agree.
‘Just had to share my delight with you … I have lost 18lbs in 14 days! Truly amazing as I have tried them all before and never had such startling results with such ease and enjoyment. My husband looks and feels 10 years younger and is even spreading the word to his ‘food police’ mates. I overheard him explaining to one that ‘it isn’t a diet, it’s a permanent change of lifestyle.’ I was so proud!! Thank you, thank you, thank you. I am now going to order some more books and CDs for friends who need them. Another disciple is born! Alison’
I already hear cries from anyone reading this from the dietetic or medical world of ‘that’s far too much weight in such a short space of time’ along with ‘it’s not healthy to do such a thing’ and so on. However, I can also hear at the same time the cries of people who suffer from obesity: ‘WOW – now that’s the kind of results I can get on board with!’
We all know that this woman didn’t lose 18lbs of fat and that of course a great deal of the weight loss must have been water, but so what? This kind of weight loss has given her the one commodity essential to good health and continued weight loss – momentum. If she had been on a normal ‘steady weight-loss’ plan and lost only, say, 1–2lbs, she would have felt deflated, and the chances of her continuing would have been slim, unlike herself. However, such drastic weight loss has lifted her spirits; it has ignited that elusive fire within and launched her to change. I agree that if this kind of weight loss is achieved by chemical liquid shakes or pure fasting (where a person has no nutrition whatsoever) then I would be joining the ‘it’s not healthy gang’, but as it was achieved by drinking the finest freshly extracted juices, it’s hard to find an argument against it.
‘Hi Jason and the Juicy Team I am sure you must be inundated with emails of thanks but this one is really sincere and from the heart. I am somewhat confused by the fact that in the past six weeks I have lost 14 pounds and am now the same size I was 12 years ago. I found your book in a juice bar in Bath, having never heard of you before. Yes, I had heard of Jordan and vaguely remember when she started juicing but did not really take that much interest — in my view she looked fabulous before juicing and was naturally skinny and would have bounced back anyway after having her baby. I WAS WRONG! I have tried every silly diet going and the only weight I ever lost was just a few pounds which I put straight back on. My poor husband watched me suffer and boy was I bad tempered during these fads. This time he watched with great interest. I gave up alcohol easily. I gave up sugar and chocolate very easily (big shock as I am major addict). I even started working out twice a day and enjoyed it. He could not resist — he joined me on it and has lost 12 pounds so far in about four weeks. We would love to comment in anything you publish on how great this has been for us if you ever need extra testimonials. I am sure you have thousands but it’s good to feel we can give you something back. It must drive you nuts, trying to get people to just do what you say and let the magic happen. I feel that you have given me a special secret of health, wellbeing and a longer life. You have also saved me a fortune as I now fit back into all my fabulous clothes. So for that I thank you (which seems like two very small words compared to what you have done for us). This Christmas i have sent your books to family and friends. i am very happy to pass this gift to others who are in need. You are an angel — thank you … thank you … thank you. Annie’
One comment here is perhaps more poignant than any other: ‘… do what you say and let the magic happen’. And I can’t think of a better word than ‘magic’ to describe what happens when you start to give your body the finest liquid fuel and stop putting in rubbish. Many of the stories I read can only be described as miraculous, and I guess we should never underestimate the power of nature, its natural ability to heal and inherent desire to keep us alive.
‘I would like to say thank you so very much as I’ve just done the plan and am overwhelmed with joy. I started out weighing in at 12st 7lbs, and today is the eighth day and I now weigh 11st 12lbs. I am 37 years old and I haven’t weighed 11st anything for 10 years. My body fat was 36.7, now it’s 33.3. Water was 46.0, now 48.2. Muscle mass was 32.0, now 33.5. BMI was 28.3, now 26.8, and basal was 1561, now 1520. I am gobsmacked. I loved all the juices except the pure green super juice. Like you said, I only had three or four juices a day because I wasn’t hungry. I have had a juicer for a while now and got stuck in the rut of making the same juice every day, but now I look forward to getting all my ingredients out ready to juice. I’ve read the turbo charge book so that’s going to help no end in my next step in life, and then I’m going out shopping for new clothes. Ha ha! I can’t thank you enough, Jason. A couple of years ago I weighed 15st 1lb so I joined Weight Watchers. In the beginning it was good and right for me but as time went on I found I got sick of constantly working out how many points was in every single thing I put into my mouth. I felt as though it had taken over my life and I had stopped losing weight so I left. If they could see me now, ha ha! Well, here’s to forever. I love my new self and new life. I’ve dug out my old bike and used it no end and I’ve been bouncing for England, so once again thank you all. Love P Ward’
Please take a moment to look at the stats. Yes, she has lost 9lbs in the seven days, but more importantly, look at the muscle mass and body fat. Before, the muscle mass was 32 and is now 33.5, and the body fat was 36.7 and is now 33.3 just seven days later. One of the first things anyone in the dietetic or medical profession says about my juice programme (before they test it at all) is that if a person were to live on nothing but juice for one week then all they would lose is muscle and water and very little, if any, actual fat. However, time after time I get emails with stats like these – muscle INCREASES and fat DECREASES.
‘Hi to Jason and everyone — wanted to say THANKS. I bought a juicer last week and got the book free with it. I decided to only replace two main meals per day and have rice and veg, fish or tofu, stir-fried or steamed, in the evening. FOR THE FIRST TIME IN YEARS I FEEL FANTASTiC!!!! I HAVE ENERGY! IT’S WONDERFUL. I was drinking far too much alcohol although my food was healthy with plenty of fresh fruit, veg and grains. But Monday of last week I decided that I had to do something as my weight was just going up and up — I am 53 and 5 feet tall and the scales were threatening to go over the 11st mark. I felt terrible and had scalp problems which wouldn’t heal after becoming intolerant to hair dye last September. The JUICES are DELICIOUS!!! and so easy. After a week I have lost 4lbs, my scalp is healing and I even ran down the road with my grandchildren on Monday! So again, thank you. I love fruit and veg anyway but these cocktails are so tasty. I am already experimenting with different ingredients as I really enjoy fresh food. I’m gradually weaning my husband on to juices as well. Thanks again’
For the first time in years this 53-year-old women feels fantastic and more energetic. She’s lost weight and her scalp is healing – again, all in the short space of just seven days. All she has done is introduce a couple of juices a day into her life and eat an evening meal – once again, exactly the principles of Juice Yourself Slim. She lost 4lbs without even trying, which is the beauty of this programme. As well as being highly effective – it’s easy! As you will discover soon.
‘Dear Jason On Sunday (day 19 on the juice trial) I did the 10K Bananaman Chase. I took your advice and had a banana with my juice in the morning and I was really nervous. I knew I would do it but thought it would take me a lot longer than my last 10K at the beginning of September … Well, anyway, I am so proud of myself because I have just had the official timing for the race on Sunday and I have knocked six minutes off my last run. Yippee! I was literally RUNNING ON JUICE. X Annette’
Annette was one of the people on the Super Juice Me! test programme. The small group lived on only juice and smoothies for 30 days. Annette was on day 19 of this programme when she decided to run the 10K race. As you can see, she not only completed the race but knocked six minutes off her previous time. We have been conditioned to believe we need to load up on complex carbohydrates before any kind of distance running, but time and time again I have seen people literally ‘running on juice’. When I was on day five of a juice-only programme I ran a half marathon, and I completed the New York full marathon with just a couple of Super Fuel Smoothies (#litres_trial_promo) in me. This woman had been living on nothing but juice and smoothies for 19 days before the race, and far from collapsing, she sailed home. Never underestimate the carbohydrate and ‘isotonic’ powers of freshly extracted juice!
‘Dear Juice Master Team I accidentally stumbled on Jason’s book when I purchased my new juicer from John Lewis. My first reaction was to bin the book because at 5’6” and 8st in weight I had no desire or need to lose weight. I read the first few pages and persevered as the book had asked me to and then became interested in the nutritional aspects. I proceeded to give juicing a shot just for the hell of it. Things then started happening quite quickly even though I was not doing the juicing diet itself but just taking two or three juices a day on a regular basis. The first thing was that my system flushed out. Then I had more energy and felt like exercising more and sleeping less. Finally, within a period of three months, my endometriosis disappeared quite unexpectedly after eight years, several miscarriages and numerous treatments. So thank you! Regards Tayba’
You would think after reading such a letter that anyone in the medical or dietetic industry would want to know more. After all, if eight years of numerous medical treatments have failed and only three months of juicing has seen the condition ‘completely disappear’, surely someone, somewhere who can make a bigger difference than me, should at least look into it with an open mind. What shouldn’t happen is what so often does: it gets dismissed as pseudo-science.
Endometriosis is a condition affecting some two million women in the UK alone. It can cause pain, swelling and bleeding, and can occur in many parts of the body, most commonly the fallopian tubes, ovaries, bladder, bowel, intestines and vagina. So what’s the usual approach to treatment? Anything from simple anti-inflammatory drugs to surgery. Side-effects of some of the drug treatments used for this condition include bloating, mood changes, irregular bleeding, acne, weight gain and even the development of masculine features (hair growth and deepening voice). So your endometriosis might get better but you may well be walking around with the voice of Darth Vader, the face of Wolf Boy and a stomach the size of the Napa Valley!
The side-effects from the ‘alternative’ juicing approach were simply more energy and less sleep. Doesn’t it seem odd that when what is deemed an ‘alternative’ approach works, it is viewed by many as meaningless, but if a drug has the slightest positive effect it’s on the shelves quicker than you can say ‘blockbuster’.
‘Hello there I just wanted to thank Jason … about a million times over really. I started juicing a while back as I bought a juicer and it came with one of Jason’s books. I have always tried to watch what I eat but reading this book was very helpful in getting me to juice every evening after work. Since 16 June, I have lost about a stone and a half and feel amazing. I promote Jason and his book and the health benefits wherever I go, and people are amazed when they taste how good the juices can be. It’s now part of my life and I don’t want to go back to former eating patterns. At 5’ 2” I have always struggled with my weight but juicing has made steady weight loss EASY. I have a healthy meal in the evening which mostly consists of an enormous salad with something else (have always been nuts about salads anyway). Everyone is telling me how good I look and although I still have a little way to go to be a perfect weight (if there is such a thing) I am relaxed about getting there. I feel like I’ve got a whole new set of clothes in my wardrobe. I have become interested in shopping again, which I haven’t been for some time. Thank you, thank you, thank you for giving me the tools to help myself. My daughter is also doing brilliantly (although had little to lose) and we hope one day, maybe next year, to sign up to go on one of Jason’s retreats. We are both yoga fans and a week of juicing would be brilliant. We both feel veryempowered after reading Jason’s books and hope that others will want to share in the success it can bring. Thanks for the life change … it continues to be amazing!! Marianne and Tabitha XXX’
Once again we have someone who simply incorporates a few juices a day into her life and has a balanced evening meal. In her own words: ‘Juicing has made steady weight loss EASY’, something I believe the world is looking for and something you will discover when you start the revolutionary Juice Yourself Slim programme.
‘Hi Jason I haven’t had a migraine since I started juicing! So I experimented and for a week I didn’t juice or exercise (Pilates) and guess what? Yes, my migraine came back with a vengeance! From the time I was a toddler I have suffered from migraines at least once a month, sometimes twice or three times. I have been to several doctors and clinics, done the ‘programme’, took the pills for 30 years and nothing worked. So thank you Jason and the Juice Master — I am juicing the wheatgrass now with my new juicer. Still doing the Pilates which has helped tremendously with my back injury. And to top it all I have been accepted at the local university to do a design degree. And I’m 60 years young — but where the hell were you for 35 of my years!!! Thank you again a thousand times. Penelope P’
I used to suffer from migraines and they aren’t a laughing matter. If you have them my heart goes out to you – all you can do is close the world out and pray it goes away soon. This lady is 60 years old and took pills for over 30 years, yet a bit of juicing and some exercise and boom! Problem gone. The juicing and exercise have also helped with a back injury. This isn’t the first time I have heard of juicing helping people with migraines.
‘I have lost 23lbs in only four weeks and my asthma has improved so much that I have reduced my medication (I take steroids and have a nebulizer). I wrote to my doctor to make sure it was okay and he’s very happy. Kindest regards Heather’
Most of you will have focused on the massive 23lb weight loss in just four weeks. After all, this book is entitled Juice Yourself Slim. However, what I wish to emphasize is that Heather didn’t decide to Juice Herself to Lower Asthma Medication – she read the book and wanted to Juice Herself Slim. The improvement in her asthma was a ‘side-effect’ of the programme.
I used to suffer from severe asthma, to the point where I had steroid tablets and was using my Ventalin inhaler up to 14 times a day, every single day. If I lost my inhaler or misplaced it I would immediately panic, which, not surprisingly, often triggered an attack in itself.
There is no question that diet and environment play a massive role in the development and treatment of this condition. The example above is just one of many I have received over the years from people who are breathing a great deal easier due to a change of diet, increased exercise and, of course, some freshly extracted juice magic. So you may only be doing this to Juice Yourself Slim, but if you suffer from any other condition you may just find that as a side-effect it improves or disappears altogether.
‘I saw a review of your book in one of the health magazines and decided to buy it. I read it from cover to cover and couldn’t put it down because I was that keen to start! In six weeks I have lost almost 28lbs, and this has prompted me to get my life into gear. At 32 I haven’t felt or looked better for a long time. Thank you for helping me get my life sorted! K’
28lbs in six weeks! Now that’s the sort of result which should ignite the fire within. Anyone can juice themselves slim and anyone can get these results. All you have to do is read the whole book and then follow the simple Juice Yourself Slim programme.
‘… changed my life totally, also saved my life after major surgery. I was in intensive care for two days and couldn’t eat. The hospital tried to feed me chips. I got my mother to bring me freshly juiced veg and was home in four days. I had read your book before hospital and knew it worked. The doctors said they had never seen anyone heal so fast. Now I’m just finishing a health and nutrition course, all thanks to the inspiration of Mr Jason Vale. Thanks pal Scott’
The doctors said they had ‘never seen anyone heal so fast’. Clearly this is anecdotal, but this is far from the first of its kind I have received. I have even had someone suggest they wouldn’t be alive today if they hadn’t had juice therapy after a large dose of chemotherapy. I am healthily sceptical of such claims, but as I continue to receive similar testimonials, I do believe that healing is improved when the body has the right nutrient elements to work with.
This also illustrates the importance of getting good natural juice bars into hospitals. Our government wastes so much money on various quangos and other money pits so it could easily get a juice bar into all UK hospitals. It’s the one place where people’s digestive systems are heavily weakened and immune systems compromised. It is also a place where nutrition is looked at as an afterthought. This is despite the fact that 85 per cent of all disease is directly caused by what we put into our mouths, according to the World Health Organization. Juice bars would make money for the hospital and improve the health of the patients, but I guess that’s just a little too simple a solution to even consider. On that note, if you have any influence in this area and can help add a genuine Juice Master Natural Juice Bar to some hospitals, please let me know.
‘… most recently I purchased 7LBS IN 7 DAYS and decided to give the detox plan a go. I can truly say that I feel better now than in years and have lost a total of 5½ stone. I am looking forward to continuing on my journey through stages two and three, and am eagerly awaiting future book releases from Jason. And yes, I read all of the books all the way through!! My vital stats, in case you are interested (isn’t it amazing how people like to talk about themselves?):

Many thanks and best regards Adrian’
In case you think he lost 5½ st in seven days, clearly he didn’t. The only way that would be possible is by cutting off your legs! This man has been on a two-year journey which started with one of my other books and has continued since. He clearly understands the nature of ‘reigniting’, and the importance of continued reading, learning and inspiration.
As I will repeat constantly throughout the book, life has a habit of coming along and dampening our inspirational flames at times. This is why it is absolutely necessary to do whatever it takes to keep the fire going. We all require some inspirational fuel from time to time, and the right psychological injection can make the difference between being slim for a week and being slim for life.
Although this man had lost 4.5st in just under two years, he needed something to reignite the fire and give him a boost so that he could reach his goal. He got hold of a copy of 7lbs in 7 Days, read the book, got inspired once again and lost a massive 14lbs in just 7 days! He has a ‘Grand Designs’ rather than a ‘Changing Rooms’ approach to his health and fitness goal – something I will explain in depth later – and he is now 5.5st lighter than two years ago.

Super Slimming Success
He’s far from the only person to have what I describe as ‘super slimming success’ using the power of juice and a positive frame of mind. I have had letters from people who have lost over 20st (280lbs), and it’s extremely common to receive emails from people who drop three to five stone. The difference that kind of weight loss makes to every aspect of a person’s life is almost incalculable.
If you want a small glimpse of what it would feel like, get a rucksack, add 42lbs of weight (21 bags of sugar) and walk around for a day. At the end of the day remove the rucksack and feel the difference. Can you imagine the effect on someone’s life of losing three, five or twenty stone? It’s often the difference between simply surviving and truly living. It’s the difference between being able to get up and play with the kids and a ‘can’t be bothered’ mentality. It’s the difference between feeling bloody good about yourself and feeling like crap.
I realize that for many people slimming is the numero uno reason for reading this book and doing the programme. But in the same way as understanding the difference significant weight loss makes to someone’s life, it’s also easy to see how every area of someone’s life would be different when they are no longer plagued by migraines, severe asthma, a skin disorder, arthritis, diabetes … and so I could go on. Let’s not underestimate the impact this programme will have on all areas of your health, areas which perhaps haven’t even manifested themselves yet. Prevention is MUCH easier than cure, and every time you pour some of this ‘pure’ liquid fuel into your system, you are not only one step closer to the land of the slim, but you are also supplying yourself with perhaps the finest health insurance you will ever invest in.

Fool Proof
I have enough life-changing testimonials to fill an entire book, but for some people these stories won’t be enough. It doesn’t matter how many genuine letters and emails come in on a daily basis, nor how powerful their stories are – some people need what they consider proof, usually of the ‘scientific’ kind. Many people in the medical and dietetic professions will see every letter you have just read as purely ‘anecdotal’ evidence of the effectiveness juices and smoothies have on weight loss and disease, even if it involves freeing themselves of the big C.
Cancer versus Carrots
The cancer-fighting abilities of carrot juice have been well documented, but again no matter how powerful the story I fear it will still be many years before freshly extracted carrot juice is ever prescribed as a prevention or treatment. Dr Bernard Jensen, as far back as the 1930s, illustrated the amazing anti-cancer ability of carrot juice when one of his patients cured himself from what was described as a ‘terminal disease’ by living on just carrot juice and shots of liquid chlorophyll for one year. He had cancer of the bowel and could hardly eat anything. According to Dr Jensen’s reports, doctors had given up on this man. After the year he went back to hospital for a checkup. His hospital report showed that he was completely free of cancer!
Another Doctor (Dr H E Kirschner) investigated the story and was so impressed he wrote an article about the effectiveness of fruit and vegetable juices on disease, which he sent to a medical journal. The article was sent back to him explaining, ‘the story lacked credibility’ and that ‘it wasn’t up to the medical profession to promote any particular food for the healing of any disease’. I wish to repeat that as it’s quite important:
‘… it wasn’t up to the medical profession to promote any particular food for the healing of any disease’
If it’s not up to the medical profession to say what can heal us, whose job is it? The journal also mentioned the story lacked ‘credibility’. But the facts are clear: he was diagnosed with terminal bowel cancer. Doctors had sent him home as there was nothing further they could do. He treated his condition with carrots and green juices, and one year later he had no cancer at all. It wasn’t as if he made up the fact he had terminal cancer or that it wasn’t diagnosed. It was clear he had it and one year later it had vanished. Yes, I agree further studies would be needed before publication of such an article to prove its effectiveness, but that’s my point. Instead of looking into it with an open mind and seeing it as a possible breakthrough for the treatment and/or prevention of the big C, it was immediately dismissed as not credible.
This man’s case is not an isolated incident either. There have been thousands of cases where carrot juice and liquid chlorophyll have played a positive role in the treatment of cancer and other diseases. This doesn’t mean it is a cure for cancer, and it doesn’t mean that all medical intervention should stop and carrot juice should take over. That would be foolish. I am simply asking, why isn’t the effectiveness of this treatment at least looked at seriously?
Luckily, times are changing. Over the past 10 years in particular there have been many scientific studies carried out with regard to juices and smoothies. These studies appear to back up the health- and life-changing stories of the tens of thousands of emails I have received over the years. Even some members of the dietetic and medical professions are looking into these studies with a degree of seriousness. Genuine testimonials and stories, as we have just seen, are a great way to illustrate the effectiveness of what happens when you add a touch of juicy magic to your daily life. However, for many, what is often even more convincing is when you add …

3 (#ulink_d89ca54a-94c0-5e54-84f4-753ff4122e60)
The Appliance of Juicy Science (#ulink_d89ca54a-94c0-5e54-84f4-753ff4122e60)

When you apply a touch of what is deemed ‘scientific evidence’ to the health effectiveness of juices and smoothies, more people seem to take notice. And while I believe the best and most reliable ‘evidence’ for the healing power of fruits and vegetable juices is the hundreds of thousands of real stories which have been recorded over the centuries, I am also incredibly open to any genuine scientific study on this subject. Some of the following juice-based scientific evidence is so overwhelming that even the most ‘juice sceptic’ person out there may well be persuaded to join the juice therapy revolution.
As this isn’t a ‘juice study’ book, I am providing just a few examples of the therapeutic power of fruit and vegetable juices. My hope is that when you see just how effective juices can be when it comes to some quite serious ailments, you will realize just how powerful they will be on what is now the most common disease of all – FAT!

Grape Juice Study Debunks Wine’s Health Claims
A study conducted by Dr John D Folts, professor of medicine and director of the Coronary Artery Thrombosis Research and Prevention Laboratory at the University of Wisconsin Medical School, found that purple grape juice is about 66 per cent more effective at treating heart disease than alcohol, but without the harm caused by ethyl alcohol.
Purple grape juice is more effective at treating heart disease than alcohol.
Dr Folts began his studies with a variety of animal species before moving on to human volunteers. Each person in the study had their platelet activity measured half an hour before and after drinking 20–24 ounces (roughly three glasses) of juice. In the studies, purple grape juice in particular reduced platelet activity by more than 40 per cent. This percentage makes it as effective as aspirin therapy for people who are at risk of heart disease. Unlike aspirin, however, grapes have zero adverse side-effects! Also, the flavonoids in purple grape juice remained effective when adrenaline levels in the blood were increased, unlike aspirin. This suggests grape juice may well be more effective than aspirin therapy for people with heart disease. Folts admits more study is required and explains that if someone is taking aspirin therapy they shouldn’t just stop and go on grape juice, but he agrees the results look promising.
For years we were told that red wine helps with heart disease. When I wrote The Easy Way to Stop Drinking back in 1998, I explained that in no way, shape or form was any positive health effect of wine due to the alcohol. Alcohol is a poison. It is a drug directly and indirectly responsible for over 50,000 deaths in the UK alone, yet at the same time the ‘experts’ tell us we should have small amounts as it’s good for our heart. Why on earth don’t they explain that it’s not the red wine but the flipping grapes that make the wine? It’s the grapes that have the flavonoids, and given grape juice is 66 per cent more effective than the fermented version known as ‘wine’, doesn’t it make sense to juice some fresh grapes if you are concerned about your health rather than knocking back a bottle a wine?
Drinking wine in order to get the antioxidant benefits of grapes is the same as eating Jaffa Cakes to get some vitamin C from the orange flavour inside, or eating a Snickers bar for your daily intake of nuts! For years people said they were drinking Guinness as it was high in iron. However – and this is just a wild stab in the dark – the chances of people actually drinking Guinness simply because they were genuinely worried about their iron count is about as likely as Tom Cruise winning a ‘Tallest man in the world’ contest. It also seems odd that the people who advocate wine to be ‘good for the heart’, particularly for men over 40, tend to be male doctors, usually over the age of 40 – umm, funny that.

Apple Juice May Prevent Asthma
The old saying is, ‘an apple a day keeps the doctor away’, and it appears we can now add ‘an apple juice a day keeps the doctor away’. Studies have shown that apple juice has many positive health benefits. For example, it has a powerful effect on memory, and can help prevent an often serious condition which is becoming more common by the day – asthma.
Apple juice has a powerful effect on memory and can help prevent asthma.
The National Heart and Lung Institute research, published in the European Respiratory Journal, found that children who drank apple juice at least once a day were half as likely to suffer from wheezing as those drinking it less than once a month. Interestingly, the study also concluded that eating fresh apples themselves gave no apparent benefits, illustrating that at times the juice contained within can have even greater health properties than the whole fruit.
There is some evidence that a healthy diet rich in antioxidants and vitamins is good for asthma.
— Dr Mike Thomas, Aberdeen University
Dr Peter Burney, who led the project, said it was possible that ‘phyto-chemicals’ in apples, such as flavonoids and phenolic acids, were helping to calm the inflammation in the airways, which is a key feature of both wheezing and asthma.

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The Juice Master Juice Yourself Slim: The Healthy Way To Lose Weight Without Dieting Jason Vale
The Juice Master Juice Yourself Slim: The Healthy Way To Lose Weight Without Dieting

Jason Vale

Тип: электронная книга

Жанр: Спорт, фитнес

Язык: на английском языке

Издательство: HarperCollins

Дата публикации: 18.04.2024

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О книге: Bursting with Juicy motivation, Juice Yourself Slim contains over 50 fantastic soups, juices, salads and smoothie recipes PLUS the Life Long Rules for Success that will help you maintain your health and- the big one- keep you slim for life.Let the Juice Master help you discover delicious and simple recipes containing the ultimate super fuel for a super body and mind!Includes:The 5 Day Launch ProgrammeDid you know a space shuttle needs 90% of its energy to launch but only 10% to keep it in flight? Jason shows how the same principle can be applied to permanent weight loss through his launch pad to a life long programme. Kick start your system and give your energy levels a super boost by following his juice, soup and smoothie plan for 5 daysJuice Yourself SlimHaving successfully completed the Launch programme, it′s now time to take things to new juicy heights with The Life Long Rules for Success, and with Jason′s motivational tips and unique juicing programme it′s the perfect recipe for a permanently slim, trim and healthy mind and body.Juice Yourself Slim also contains:10 ′Souper′ Slimming Fuel recipes15 Super Juice recipes15 Super Smoothie recipes10 Super Slimming Salad recipesAnd Super Fuel on the Go- a fantastic section packed with ideas for energy boosting healthy snacks.

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