The Coconut Diet: The Secret Ingredient for Effortless Weight Loss

The Coconut Diet: The Secret Ingredient for Effortless Weight Loss
Cherie Calbom
John Calbom
Discover how the benefits of coconut can change your life!Supercharge your metabolism by adding coconut oil to your diet – the weight simply drops off. Get the right good fat–low carb balance with this easy 21-day plan and discover the research into this miracle food.Coconut oil boosts your metabolism and speeds up weight loss and has a myriad of other health benefits. Ever since an article a decade ago in a US magazine mentioned the weight-loss benefits of coconut oil the demand has soared and thousands of people are including a small amount of oil in their diets.This book provides the scientific information about why this oil works, as well as how to use it.Includes:- how to follow the 21-day plan- why coconut oil raises your metabolic rate- how it helps encourage the production of anti-ageing hormones- how it enhances thyroid function- a 4-week cleansing plan to further boost your energy and health- menu plans and recipes

Cover (#u9347328a-6b61-5186-91ff-8c93f324c1fa)
Title Page (#u577ff184-ba53-5ceb-86fc-5dbdea6f1131)
Introduction (#ulink_a7fd169e-ed78-5447-9fe5-87b38b70b5ff)
PART ONE The Basis for the Coconut Diet
Chapter One Weight Loss Secrets of the Tropics (#ulink_b52095fa-0b09-5014-9e7d-1afd5dd5ec89)
Chapter Two The Carbohydrate Conundrum (#ulink_3fd538ec-320b-5e10-afde-c2142ec4a028)
Chapter Three The Big Fat Misconception (#ulink_465f15db-459c-52c1-8fce-ff1a680ba7e8)
Chapter Four Thyroid Health: A Key to Weight Loss (#ulink_3945d3aa-d8c9-516c-907b-62761842b6b7)
Chapter Five Special Help When Diets Don’t Work (#ulink_fafe861a-3f9e-55bf-a11d-ffb5c6d881ed)
PART TWO The Coconut Diet
Chapter Six Phase I: The 21-Day Weight Loss Kick-Off (#ulink_26bbe3b6-4115-5521-aab2-8a7157c60954)
Chapter Seven Phase II: The Cleansing Programs (#ulink_df535e2f-21a0-5522-a605-556651f6ef4d)
Chapter Eight Phase III: Introducing Healthy Carbs (#ulink_e352dd4e-18b4-562b-95cb-5494a23830f6)
Chapter Nine Phase IV: Maintenance Plan (#ulink_119adaf9-4fe7-5855-85ff-ca41eac61f7c)
Notes (#ulink_77bcbae8-a236-5576-be3b-a4ef54625ffa)
Resource Guide (#ulink_38ecbbad-bfc2-57d7-9145-5ec14602ce76)
Copyright (#ulink_a1bf784c-10ce-5530-ab61-277bbd387297)
About the Publisher (#ulink_cebfc198-955d-53d8-a806-01f2ae00559d)

introduction (#ulink_85b4b2ee-3c48-5d8c-9e2b-182cc25b9652)
You may have tried nearly every diet available. Or maybe this is the first time you’ve decided to lose weight. No matter what your needs or your successes or failures, you will be pleased to know that this is the diet that has worked for many people—when nothing else would! You won’t be disappointed by the Coconut Diet.
Now, if you’re thinking you have to sprinkle coconut flakes on everything you eat, that’s not what this diet is about. Though the Coconut Diet does have a number of recipes that incorporate coconut milk or coconut flakes, the diet is about coconut oil. You can eat many of your favorite foods such as fish, chicken, beef, lamb, turkey, and vegetables prepared with coconut oil. You can even enjoy my Low-Carb Coconut Smoothie and still melt away the pounds!
The secret ingredient that has promoted such phenomenal weight loss success for many people is the oil of the coconut. Coconut oil works wonders when combined with a low-carb diet because it is made up of medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) that burn up quickly in the body—a lot like kindling on a fire; this helps improve metabolism. And, there’s plenty of research to back up that statement in the pages that follow.
Thousands of people have discovered the weight loss miracle of coconut oil added to a low-carbohydrate, lean-protein diet. Many of these people had tried various weight loss diets with little or no success. They were discouraged and disappointed. Then they added coconut oil—two to three tablespoons a day—to a healthy, low-carbohydrate diet and to their surprise—the weight came off without effort!
The Diet that Works!
With the exciting 21-day low-carb, coconut diet meal plan and dozens of scrumptious recipes, you are on your way to a new you. You can enjoy your favorite low-carb foods prepared with coconut oil. That’s all you have to do. Just think, you can eat great tasting food and lose weight!
You’ll be amazed at how your food tastes prepared with coconut oil. It’s so delicious! But even more amazing—you’ll lose weight on food that tastes great.
Does this sound too good to be true? You’ll hear from scores of people who have tried the Coconut Diet and lost weight. And they not only lost weight, they lost a host of health problems to boot!
The Coconut Diet is fun, easy, delicious, and exciting. It’s exciting because it gets results without struggle or deprivation. Without cravings or climbing the kitchen wall. You’ll feel satisfied after eating. You’ll enjoy your food. And you’ll be smiling when you step on the bathroom scale.
The Coconut Diet is one of the best-kept secrets of the tropics. Now it’s yours.
You may be thinking, “Yikes! Coconut Oil! Isn’t that a saturated fat—something that could kill me in short order?” Let me reassure you that people eating traditional diets rich in coconut oil have lived for centuries free of many modern diseases, including obesity and heart disease that plague Western cultures. Coconut oil, and saturated fat in general, have gotten a bad rap. It all started with faulty studies decades ago. You can read more about that in Chapter Three.
Right now, get ready to enjoy great-tasting food made with the best weight loss ingredient ever—coconut oil.
Known as the “tree of life,” the wonderful fruit of the coconut palm is rich in specific fats that have incredible health benefits. Traditional tropical populations that regularly consume coconut oil as part of their diet are seldom overweight, and are generally free from many of the modern diseases that afflict Westerners. And, now you can experience the health and weight loss benefits, too.
What Is the Coconut Diet?
The Coconut Diet encourages the consumption of healthy fats, especially coconut oil, which has unique properties that increase the body’s metabolism leading to weight loss. It is predominantly low in carbohydrates that pack on weight such as refined grains, potatoes, sugars, desserts, and alcohol. The Coconut Diet is high in antioxidant-rich vegetables that help prevent disease. It doesn’t toss the carrots out with the potato chips because all carbohydrates are not created equal! You’ll learn which carbs are healthy and which are not.
The Coconut Diet teaches you how to eat healthy for a lifetime by including good carbohydrates, lean proteins, and healthy fats with the secret ingredient: two to three tablespoons of coconut oil each day.
You’ll lose weight. You’ll lose cravings. And you’ll get health—maybe healthier than you’ve been in years.
Phase I: The 21-Day Weight Loss Kick-Off
Phase I, which is the fast track, is the strictest portion of the program, but the results are worth it. During these 21 days you should lose 10 or more pounds without much effort.
There’s no starvation. No deprivation. These are the basics:
You will consume two to three tablespoons of virgin coconut oil each and every day. The only other oil we recommend is extra virgin olive oil.
You’ll eat lean protein—fish, chicken, turkey, lamb, beef, eggs, nuts, and cheese.
You’ll eat plenty of vegetables, especially the brightly colored veggies that are highest in antioxidants.
You’ll drink eight to ten 8-ounce glasses of water each day and herbal tea. You’ll learn why it’s best to avoid coffee as much as possible.
Now does that sound difficult? Of course not!
There’s even a One-Day Vegetable Juice Cleanse for those who want to accelerate their weight loss by incorporating a day of vegetable juicing. This is an optional day. You can include this day for one, two, or all three weeks. Not only will you speed up your weight loss, you’ll feel incredibly energized and cleansed.
With the Coconut Diet, you should start looking younger and trimmer—and feeling better—in no time at all.
Phase II: The Cleansing Programs
The Coconut Diet is the only low-carb diet I know of that offers four weeks of cleansing for weight loss and revitalization. This part of the weight loss program is not mandatory, but if you are interested in reshaping and rejuvenating your body, the cleansing programs will get results that nothing else ever could—like getting rid of a protruding tummy or cellulite (that lumpy, bumpy, orange-peel looking skin).
Before you decide to skip over the cleansing programs, I suggest you read a little about what each program can do for you and how it can affect your weight loss. Then, you just might decide to try a week or two of cleansing. I think you’ll be happily surprised with how you feel and with your weight loss success.
If your weight loss seems slow, I recommend that you cleanse your colon, liver, and gallbladder early on in your program. A congested liver and gallbladder could prevent you from losing weight, and nothing may help you shed pounds until you cleanse toxins from your body and especially the organs of elimination.
Phases III: Introducing Healthy Carbs
Phase III slowly adds back healthy carbs. With a one-week menu plan and recipes that include whole grains, potatoes, squash, fruit, and healthy desserts, you will have more variety, but you’ll eat these foods sparingly until you reach your weight loss goal.
Typically, in this phase, you’ll lose one to two pounds per week. When you reach your goal weight, you’ll be able to enjoy a few more of these foods each week.
If you really splurge for holidays, vacations, or special occasions, I’ll show you a trick to quickly lose weight and cleanse away the junk—the One-Day Vegetable Juice Cleanse.
Phase IV: Maintenance Plan
Phase IV signals the achievement of your weight loss goals. Now you can eat more healthy carbohydrates, and by this time, you’ll be in the habit of choosing the right ones. To continue your program, there’s a one-week menu plan and recipes that introduce a full complement of healthy carbs. If you eat too many of them occasionally and put on a few pounds, you can go back to Phase I, II, or III until you’ve lost the extra weight. If you binge on junk food during a stressful time, you can schedule a vegetable juice cleanse day. This is the plan you will maintain for the rest of your life.
A New Eating Style for a Healthier Life
When you complete this program, you should have changed your internal chemistry and established new food-choice habits. The cravings and urges that once lured you to the refrigerator for foods you didn’t even want should be gone. And that could be forever—if you make this style of eating a way of life.
Best of all—you will become healthier. Just like many of the dieters whose stories you’ll read in this book, you too may feel better than you’ve ever felt. You’ll have more energy to enjoy each and every day. And, you’ll stand the greatest chance of preventing serious diseases like cancer, diabetes, or heart disease.
You should feel the healthiest after completing this program that you’ve felt in years—maybe in your life. This is the diet you’ll want to maintain because feeling healthy, happy, and energetic is something you’ll never want to lose, no matter how alluring some foods might be. Feeling and looking fabulous is what you’ll want to preserve for each and every day you’re alive.

part 1

chapter 1
weight loss secrets of the tropics (#ulink_459f6a9a-42f3-5b45-b6c9-5c66728adeb7)
Healthy, trim, energetic, and alive! That’s what you can be when you make the Coconut Diet your weight loss secret. With coconut oil, you can watch the pounds melt away. This secret ingredient has promoted great weight-loss success for many, many people. You’ll learn what makes coconut oil a fasting-burning fat and how that increases metabolism and promotes weight loss. You’ll hear from scores of people who have lost weight—for many, lots of weight—and health problems too. Most importantly, you’ll experience a diet that works.
Coconut oil received very bad press several decades ago. You’ll learn why that was completely unfounded. But first I’d like to tell you how people have eaten in tropical, coconut-growing countries for centuries. You may be surprised to learn that a high, saturated fat diet is the reason why most tropical islanders remain trim and healthy all their lives when they stick to eating their traditional foods rich in coconut oil.
Coconut: A Dietary Staple in the Tropics
In tropical cultures where coconut is often a staple in the diet and traditional foods the local fare, we find a preponderance of healthy, trim people, even though their diet is high in calories and fat—particularly saturated fat from coconut oil.
Prior to World War II (and for several decades after), people who ate traditional foods in countries such as the Philippines were rarely sick or overweight. In most communities the diet consisted mainly of rice, coconuts, vegetables, root crops (especially garlic and ginger), herbs, and meat that was raised locally. Many people ground their own rice by hand, leaving intact most of the bran and nutrients.
Food processing changed after World War II. Rice mills started popping up making it easier to mill rice. The first mills used were “crude” and did not polish the rice; people still ate healthy grains, which were high in fiber. Later, the mills became more sophisticated and polished the rice, making it bright white, stripped of the bran and most of the nutrients.
All the food consumed back then would be considered “organic” by today’s standards. People had no access to chemical fertilizers or pesticides. The animals, such as chickens, cows, and goats, all grazed on natural green vegetation.
Coconut and coconut oil were used daily. The usual diet was quite high in fat—the saturated fat from the coconut. Many people made their coconut oil by hand using either the traditional boiling or fermentation method. For many Filipinos and other populace of the tropics, the traditional method of making coconut oil fell out of vogue after World War II. Coconut plants and coconut oil mills were established for the booming baking industry in the U.S. Refined coconut oil made its way into the local economy. While some people still made coconut oil the “old fashioned” way, many people chose to buy the cheaper, odorless, refined coconut oil, which was readily available in the markets. But even the refined coconut oil made from copra (dried coconut meat) was done through a mechanical pressing that did not use solvent extracts (chemicals).
While pharmaceuticals were introduced in the Philippines and other tropical countries after World War II, people in many rural communities could not afford them. They had their own traditions of dealing with sicknesses using local herbs and coconut oil. When people did visit the doctor, which was rare, it was usually not for the ailments that plague Westerners today such as diabetes, cancer, heart disease, or thyroid problems. These illnesses were virtually unknown prior to the 1980s, when Western foods began to saturate the market. People went to see the doctor to treat wounds or because of sicknesses common in the tropics, such as malaria, diarrhea, or dengue (a tropical disease caused by a virus transmitted by mosquitoes).
This picture of life in rural tropical communities is typical of those who grew up in the 1950s, 60s, and 70s (and before) eating traditional foods with an abundance of saturated fat from coconut oil. Sadly, this way of life is no longer the norm. Since the mid-1970s, demand for coconut oil dropped so low that coconut farmers could no longer afford to support their families on the income of coconut harvests. Many people left their farms and moved to the cities to find better employment and there adopted Western-style diets.
Cheaper, mass-produced foods have replaced most of the local traditional fare people raised themselves. Snack foods and other fast foods made with hydrogenated coconut oil, which keeps them solid at sweltering tropical temperatures, made their way onto store shelves. Polished rice grown with chemical fertilizers is now a staple. Soft drinks loaded with refined sugars and chemicals are found on nearly every street corner. They’ve replaced the natural “buko juice”—water from the inside of the coconuts—that earlier generations grew up drinking. Even the coconut water drinks, once natural and healthy, are now loaded with refined sugars. The traditional high-fat, low refined carbohydrate diet has been replaced with many refined, high-carb substitutes.
Decades ago it was very rare to see anyone who was considered overweight, and almost never did people see someone who was considered obese. Since traditional diets have changed in these countries and coconut oil has been exchanged for refined oils, weight problems and diseases are on the rise.
What’s been discovered through researching cultures that make coconut oil part of their daily diet and from research on the health benefits of coconut oil, is that by making this oil part of your daily diet, you can also experience the weight management and health benefits long enjoyed by people of the tropics. In the pages that follow, you will find a preponderance of research and supporting evidence as to why coconut oil is such a weight loss wonder.
Since entering menopause, my body really changed and I developed fat on my belly, the underside of my arms, my chin—all kinds of places that I never had fat before. I dieted and dieted. I always ate low-fat and low-calorie foods and never really lost any weight until I tried low-carb dieting with coconut oil. There are many low-carb diets but this is the only one that has worked for me. I eat all the fat [virgin coconut oil] I want and I don’t worry about it. I now have only ten pounds to go to be where I was in college. The virgin coconut oil has also been very good for my skin. I know that exercise and virgin coconut oil will help me get rid of the last ten pounds.
The Weight Loss Secret
The weight loss secret is in the chain—the chain of molecules that make up the fat of coconut oil. These shorter chain fatty acids that dominate coconut oil are known as medium chain triglycerides (MCTs). They burn up quickly in the body. They’re a lot like adding kindling to a fire, rather than a big damp log. That’s the secret to coconut oil’s weight loss success!
Following rapid breakdown and absorption in the intestinal tract, MCTs are transported directly to the liver. There they freely enter the mitochondria (the energy-producing elements of the cell) and are rapidly converted to ketones, which are almost immediately converted into energy. On the other hand, long chain triglycerides (LCTs), which compose most other oils, are transported from the intestines as chylomicrons (relatively large fat droplets). They are eventually dumped into the bloodstream near the heart through the thoracic duct.
These fat droplets must then be transported through the entire body before they reach the liver.
This difference in metabolism means that the body treats MCTs in a completely different manner than the way it deals with other fats. LCTs are slow to be metabolized in the body, and as a result, are more easily stored as fat. MCTs, on the other hand, are rapidly burned for energy, and are less likely to contribute to fat storage. If you consider your body’s metabolism to be like an oil furnace, eating LCTs is like adding oil to the storage tank, whereas consuming MCTs is like pumping fuel from the delivery truck right into the furnace. Less is stored; more is burned.
Because the LCT molecule is so large, the body cannot process it very efficiently; it prefers to simply store it in adipose tissue (fat cells). But MCTs can be rapidly converted into energy. Here’s how it works: the body removes the carbon atoms two at a time and transforms them into ketones, which are high-energy molecules that pass easily back into the bloodstream and are carried quickly to the cells. Once in the cells, they can be rapidly turned into ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the energy molecules of the body. Eating MCTs could be likened to putting premium fuel in the gas tank of your car—it burns more efficiently.
Thermogenesis is the rate at which the body burns fuel for energy. A very unique quality of MCTs is their ability to increase the rate at which the body burns fat for fuel. This could account for the trim, healthy constitution of Pacific Islanders who eat a diet high in traditional fats that are primarily composed of MCTs.
One of the most popular epidemiological (population) studies was conducted in the South Pacific islands of Pukapuka and Tokelau near New Zealand. The studies began in the 1960s before either island was exposed to Western refined foods. These populations ate only natural foods, and coconut foods were the most prevalent, being consumed at each meal in one form or another.
While most people in Western countries get 30–40 percent of their calories from fat, these islanders averaged between 50 and 60 percent of their calories from fat, most of that being saturated fat from coconuts. The overall health of both groups of islanders was extremely good compared to Western standards. There were no signs of kidney disease or hypothyroidism that might influence fat levels. There was no hypercholesterolemia (high blood cholesterol) either. All inhabitants were lean and healthy despite a very high saturated-fat diet. In fact, the populations as a whole had ideal weight-to-height ratios as compared to the Body Mass Index figures used by doctors and nutritionists. Digestive problems were rare. Constipation was uncommon; they averaged two or more bowel movements a day. Atherosclerosis, heart disease, colitis, colon cancer, hemorrhoids, ulcers, diverticulosis, and appendicitis are conditions with which they were unfamiliar.

I have been using coconut oil for about six weeks and following a healthy diet with plenty of organic fruits, vegetables, and meat, and few manufactured foods. I eat only a small amount of carbs—some pasta or rice, but only one time a week, if that. No bread, only rye crisps. The only fats I use are olive oil and coconut oil. I have lost three inches off my hips and two inches off my upper arms so far. Hurrah! I am delighted; [it’s been] so easy eating great food. Everybody can see an increase in my energy and mobility level, which have been low since I was injured in a car accident some years ago. I don’t know the actual pounds [lost], but I’m not really hung up on that. A tape measure and my clothes [let me know how I’m doing.] I’m feeling GREAT!
Health Secrets of the Tropics
Not only do MCTs raise the body’s metabolism leading to weight loss, they promote health as well. The health secret of the tropics is the same as the weight loss secret—the fatty acids of coconut oil lead to healing and disease prevention. The incredible health properties of MCTs were researched and documented by Dr. Jon Kabara as far back as 1966.
The most predominant MCT in coconut oil is lauric acid. Lipid researcher, Dr. Jon Kabara says, “Never before in the history of man is it so important to emphasize the value of Lauric Oils. The medium-chain fats in coconut oil are similar to fats in mother’s milk and have similar nutriceutical [medical food] effects. It is the fat content that offers the health benefits. The medium chain fatty acids and monoglycerides found primarily in coconut oil and mother’s milk have miraculous healing power.”
Outside of human breast milk, coconut oil is nature’s most abundant source of lauric acid and medium chain fatty acids. MCTs have been part of infant formulas and hospital formulas for many years.
Much of the research completed on coconut oil and lauric acid has centered around the anti-microbial and anti-viral properties of this unique fatty acid. Today, many strains of bacteria are becoming resistant to antibiotics. It is also known that antibiotics are generally ineffective in treating viral infections. When lauric acid is consumed in the diet, either in human breast milk or in coconut oil, lauric acid forms a monoglyceride called monolaurin, which has been shown to destroy a variety of bacteria and viruses, including HIV, measles, herpes simplex virus-1, vesicular stomatitis virus, influenza and cytomegalovirus.
Additionally, there is evidence that the MCTs in coconut oil kill yeast infections such as Candida albicans.

I’m a nurse with a natural alternatives wellness center in Missouri. I use virgin coconut oil as a foundational product for all of my clients. It is one of the most powerful supplements I have ever worked with. I have been in the healing arts for 30 years and natural approaches for 20 years. Most people I work with are able to use 3 to 4 tablespoons [of coconut oil] per day from the start with amazing results such as improved immune system amd energy level, stabilized blood sugar, improved thyroid function, weight loss, increased mental clarity, and improved emotional/mental stability. In addition to being a wonderful supplement, it is a basic food, which should replace all other oils in the diet. I don’t know of any other product that covers so many bases—and it tastes great too!
Traditional Tropical Diets
A number of studies on the effects of diets heavy in saturated fat offer evidence that coconut oil helps maintain optimal health and weight levels. For example, Dr. Weston Price, a dentist who conducted a number of studies in the 1930s among Pacific Islanders, spent significant time examining their traditional diets. He looked at their general health, and specifically their dental health, as compared to those eating more modern diets consisting of refined foods.

Price found that those eating a traditional diet consisting of high concentrations of coconut were in very good health and were not obese, even though they had a very high-fat diet. Those who traded commercially with Western countries and ate more refined foods high in carbohydrates, suffered from common Western diseases, including dental decay.
A study conducted in India by the Department of Medicine, at Safdarjang Hospital in New Delhi compared traditional cooking oils and fats, like coconut oil and ghee (clarified butter), which are rich in saturated fats, with modern oils like sunflower or safflower, which are mostly polyunsaturated, in relation to the prevalence of heart disease and Type-II diabetes. They found that heart disease and diabetes had actually increased after a decrease in the consumption of the traditional oils like coconut oil and ghee. It is generally accepted that weight gain is typically associated with heart disease and diabetes. They concluded that these newer “heart-friendly” oils like sunflower and safflower possess an undesirable ratio of omega-6 fatty acids to omega-3 fatty acids. Other similar studies in the region indicate the sole use or excessive intake of these modern vegetable oils can be detrimental.
P.K. Thampan, the former Chief Coconut Development Officer of Coconut Development Board in India, made similar discoveries in his study of traditional cultures consuming large amounts of coconut. In his book Facts and Fallacies About Coconut Oil, Thampan shows that coconut oil consumption is unrelated to coronary heart disease mortality and morbidity, which is contrary to what is taught in many countries. Observations recorded in countries where coconut kernel and coconut oil form major dietary components, have shown a longer life expectancy at birth than in countries with negligible intake of coconut products. There are also instances of longer life expectancy in predominantly coconut-consuming areas than in other places within the same country that eat less coconut.

Rethinam and Muhartoyo wrote in the Jakarta Post (2003) that before 1950, heart attacks were not common in Sri Lanka. However, hospital admission rates for heart attacks grew dramatically from 1970 to 1992, which might be explained in part by the fact that coconut consumption has gone down from 132 nuts per person per year in 1952 to 90 per person per year in 1991.

I read the coconut oil article in Women’s World magazine [May, 2003] and decided to give [coconut oil] a try. I have suffered horrible pain and fatigue from fibromyalgia for about ten years. Pain pills weren’t much help and they added to the fogged-brain feeling. Within five days of starting the coconut oil—four tablespoons per day, sometimes more—I was almost completely pain free. [Prior to that] I could not drive more than an hour without being in tears. We just got back from a nine-state, nine-day driving vacation and I drove pain free the entire way. I was never diagnosed with thyroid problems, but had many of the symptoms, and that is much better, too. I have lost 17 pounds within the first ten days on the oil. I cannot say enough about it. I am 60 years old and certainly never expected to get the super results I have received. I truly believe God gave that article in the magazine to me for my health.
How did Coconut Oil Get Such a Bad Reputation?
So if coconut oil doesn’t cause heart problems, but, in fact, promotes wellness, where did the notion come from that this ingredient is so very detrimental to our health? The answer involves a brief history lesson.
During World War II, when the Japanese occupied most of the Philippines and the South Pacific, supplies of coconut oil were cut off for several years. Many people were forced to turn to alternative sources of cooking oils, and this is when many of the polyunsaturated oils began to make their way into the marketplace.
Beginning in the 1950s, public opinion towards saturated fats in general, and then later towards coconut oil in particular, began to turn negative. The anti-saturated fat theory began in the 1950s, with the steep rise in heart disease. While heart disease probably caused no more than 10 percent of all deaths in the U.S. prior to the 1920s, by the 1950s it had risen to more than 30 percent. Researchers were looking for the cause of this new threat to health.

Some researchers suggested that cholesterol levels were the problem, and that saturated fats raised cholesterol levels. One study was based on examining the artery plaques found in American soldiers who had died in Korea. With high levels of cholesterol found in artery plaques, some researchers started looking at cholesterol levels found in various foods as a possible cause. Cholesterol is found only in animal foods such as meat, shellfish, cheese, eggs, and butter. Soon a “lipid hypothesis” was formed stating “saturated fat and cholesterol from animal sources raise cholesterol levels in the blood, leading to deposition of cholesterol and fatty material as pathogenic plaques in the arteries.” The traditional foods such as butter, eggs, and fat from meats were “out,” and the new vegetable oils were seen as heart-healthy replacements.
Research now shows that cholesterol levels in food have little or no effect on blood cholesterol levels. Many researchers have rejected the lipid theory as a cause of heart disease. The cause of the rapid rise of heart disease in the U.S. is now attributed to many factors.
We know that after World War II there were significant changes to conventional diets, including the kinds of fats people began eating. Mary Enig, Ph.D. offers insight to the American diet:
Butter consumption was declining while the use of vegetable oils, especially oils that had been hardened to resemble butter by a process called hydrogenation, was increasing—dramatically increasing. By 1950 butter consumption had dropped from eighteen pounds per person per year to just over ten. Margarine filled in the gap, rising from about two pounds per person at the turn of the century to about eight. Consumption of vegetable shortening—used in crackers and baked goods—remained relatively steady at about twelve pounds per person per year but vegetable oil consumption had more than tripled—from just under three pounds per person per year to more than ten.

Coconut Oil Becomes the Center of Attack
The saturated fats and cholesterol scare soon began to influence mainstream thinking, and before long certain groups started taking aim at the saturated fats found in coconut oil. At one time coconut oil was a significant part of the American diet. Suddenly, Americans were told to avoid anything with tropical oils—from theater popcorn to packaged snack foods.
In 1986, the American Soybean Association (ASA) sent out a “Fat Fighter Kit” to soybean farmers encouraging them to write to government officials and food companies protesting the importing of the highly saturated tropical fats of palm and coconut oil.
And in 1988, the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) published a booklet called the “Saturated Fat Attack.” Section III, “Those Troublesome Tropical Oils,” encouraged manufacturers to put warnings against saturated fats on food labels. “There were lots of substantive mistakes in the booklet, including errors in the description of the biochemistry of fats and oils and completely erroneous statements about the fat and oil composition of many of the products,” writes Enig.

In 1988, Nebraska millionaire Phil Sokolof joined in the attack by taking out a full-page newspaper ad warning against coconut oil. Sokolof was a recovered heart attack patient and the founder of the National Heart Savers Association. His newspaper advertising accused food companies of “poisoning America” by using tropical oils high in saturated fats. He ran a national ad campaign attacking tropical oils as a health danger by showing a picture of a coconut “bomb” with a lighted wick, and cautioned consumers that their health was threatened by coconut oil.

The tropical oil industry, centered in countries like the Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesia, did not have the financial resources to counter such negative media campaigns. However, many researchers who knew the truth about coconut oil tried to set the record straight, but public opinion was already very high against saturated fats and tropical oils.
Researchers familiar with tropical oils were called upon to testify before a Congressional hearing on tropical oils in June of 1988. “Coconut oil has a neutral effect on blood cholesterol, even in situations where coconut oil is the sole source of fat,” reported Dr. George Blackburn, a Harvard Medical School researcher at this congressional hearing.
Dr. Mary Enig stated: “These [tropical] oils have been consumed as a substantial part of the diet of many groups for thousands of years with absolutely no evidence of any harmful effects to the populations consuming them.”
Dr. C. Everett Koop, the former Surgeon General, even called the tropical oil scare “Foolishness!” and added “but to get the word to commercial interests terrorizing the public about nothing is another matter.”

But despite their efforts, the voices of coconut oil defenders were drowned out by mainstream media sources informed by members of the edible oil industry and members of the scientific and medical community, thus, virtually banishing coconut oil to the margins of the American diet. But this is all about to change with the Coconut Diet.
I have lost 56 pounds so far and have another 20-50 pounds to go. I know I’ll get there. I have added coconut oil to a low-carb diet that I’ve been on for eleven months. I am now off all prescription medications for high blood pressure, asthma, and allergies. My cholesterol levels have improved greatly—triglycerides were 940, and in three months have gone down to 247. I have energy again and can exercise. A year ago I could not walk around the mall without stopping to rest. Now I go day hiking with my hubby. The coconut oil fits perfectly with this way of eating. I have my life back!
The Truth Can Make You Trim
What we know today, but was not understood in the 1950s, is that hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated vegetable oils create trans fatty acids that have been linked to heart disease as well as other health problems. And vegetable oils, which are made up predominantly of LCTs can cause us to gain weight.
Amidst all the hype and hoopla about coconut oil—you now know the full story. Coconut oil is one of the reasons Asians and people of the tropics eating a traditional diet that includes coconut are typically not overweight and don’t usually suffer from diseases that plague Westerners. The secret of the tropics—the key to weight loss and vibrant health—is in eating the right kinds of fats, avoiding refined carbohydrates, and consuming a diet of whole foods.
The 21-day program in the Coconut Diet will help you to make dietary changes for the better and reap the benefits of improved health and weight management. You will lose weight on the Coconut Diet and the program, meal plans, and recipes will help you put this diet into action.

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The Coconut Diet: The Secret Ingredient for Effortless Weight Loss Cherie Calbom и John Calbom
The Coconut Diet: The Secret Ingredient for Effortless Weight Loss

Cherie Calbom и John Calbom

Тип: электронная книга

Жанр: Спорт, фитнес

Язык: на английском языке

Издательство: HarperCollins

Дата публикации: 16.04.2024

Отзывы: Пока нет Добавить отзыв

О книге: Discover how the benefits of coconut can change your life!Supercharge your metabolism by adding coconut oil to your diet – the weight simply drops off. Get the right good fat–low carb balance with this easy 21-day plan and discover the research into this miracle food.Coconut oil boosts your metabolism and speeds up weight loss and has a myriad of other health benefits. Ever since an article a decade ago in a US magazine mentioned the weight-loss benefits of coconut oil the demand has soared and thousands of people are including a small amount of oil in their diets.This book provides the scientific information about why this oil works, as well as how to use it.Includes:– how to follow the 21-day plan- why coconut oil raises your metabolic rate- how it helps encourage the production of anti-ageing hormones- how it enhances thyroid function- a 4-week cleansing plan to further boost your energy and health- menu plans and recipes

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