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Изобразительное искусство
Изобразительное искусство, страница 4
Acrylics, Melanie Cambridge
Abstracts, Laura Reiter
Merevaigusilmadega jänes, Эдмунд де Вааль
Kursi Koolkond XXV, Ilmar Kruusamäe
Sotsiaalsed mängud kunstiruumis, Raivo Kelomees
Psychoanalysis and the Image
Art and Its Publics
Computing the Environment, Terri Peters
Art and Thought, Dana Arnold
Envisioning the Past, Sam Smiles
Edges of Empire, Mary Roberts
Material Identities
After Criticism
A Companion to Art Theory, Paul Smith
A Companion to Medieval Art
A Companion to Nineteenth-Century Art, Michelle Facos
The Lost Michelangelos, Antonio Forcellino
Creating Exhibitions, Polly McKenna-Cress
Art′s Agency and Art History, Robin Osborne
Late Antique and Medieval Art of the Mediterranean World
Contemporary Art. 1989 to the Present, Dumbadze Alexander
A Companion to the Gangster Film, George Larke-Walsh
Art and Architecture in Naples, 1266-1713. New Approaches, Elliott Janis
Art Is Not What You Think It Is, Farago Claire
A Companion to Modern African Art, Visona Monica