Сборник английских крылатых слов и выражений
Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин
«Крылатые» фразы – это калька с греческого «еpea pterоenta», где «еpea» – это «песня», «речь», «рассказ» + «pterоenta» – это «пернатый», «крылатый». В них много выразительных средств, от метафор до гипербол. В сборнике представлены 1880 английских крылатых фраз из Библии и Корана, выражения из древнегреческой мифологии, мысли древних философов, средневековых писателей и поэтов, мысли, высказанные государственными деятелями и известными учеными. Словник может оказаться полезным для литераторов, журналистов и студентов, изучающих английский язык. Несмотря на то, что многие мысли, собранные в книге, были высказаны в древности или в средние века, они не потеряли своей актуальности и помогут читателю лучше понять многие моменты нашей современной жизни, по-новому взглянуть на сегодняшние проблемы.
Виктор Никитин
Сборник английских крылатых слов и выражений
1. ABSENCE. Absence cools moderate passions, and inflames violent ones.
2. ABSENT. The absent are always at fault.
3. ABSENT. Long absent, soon forgotten.
4. ACHING TEETH. Who hath aching teeth, hath ill tenants.
5. ADVERSITY. Adversity makes a man wise, not rich.
6. ADVERSITY. Adversity tries friends.
7. ADVERSITY. Adversity flattereth no man.
8. ADVICE. Give neither advice nor salt until you are asked for it.
9. ADVICE. What every one asks, what every one gives, but what very few
10. ADVICE. In vain he craves advice who will not follow it.
11. ADVICE. Advice comes too late when a thing is done.
12. AFRAID OF WOUNDS. He that's afraid of wounds must not come nigh a
13. AFRAID. More afraid than hurt.
14. AGE. Age before honesty.
15. AGE (OLD). Old age is honourable.
16. AGREE. Two of a trade seldom agree.
17. AGREE. Agree, for law is costly.
18. AGUE.
An ague in the spring,
Is physic for a king.
19. AGUES. Agues come on horseback, but go away on foot.
20. AIR. A man cannot live by the air.
21. ALCHEMY. No alchemy like saving.
22. ALE. Good ale is meat, drink, and cloth.
23. ALE.
He that buys land buys many stones,
He that buys flesh buys many bones,
He that buys eggs buys many shells,
He that buys ale buys nothing else.
24. ALE-HOUSE. Every one has a penny to spend at a new ale-house.
25. ALL'S WELL. All's well that ends well.
No living man
All things can.
27. ALMOST. Almost was never hanged.
28. ALMS. Steal the goose, and give the giblets in alms.
29. ANGER. Anger is short-lived in a good man.
30. ANGER. Keep from the anger of a great man.
31. ANGRY MEN. Angry men seldom want woe.
32. ANGRY. He that is angry without a cause must be pleased without
33. ANOTHER'S BURDEN. None knows the weight of another's burden.
Apples, eggs, and nuts,
One may eat after sluts.
35. APRIL. April and May are the keys of the year.
36. APRIL.
When April blows his horn,
It's both good for hay and corn.
37. APRIL. April borrows three days of March, and they are ill.
March winds and April showers
Bring forth May flowers.
39. ARGUS. Argus at home, but a mole abroad.
40. ASHAMED. Never be ashamed to eat your meat.
41. ASHES. Every man must eat a peck of ashes before he dies.
42. ASK. Ask but enough, and you may lower as you list.
43. ASK. Ask thy purse what thou shouldst buy.
44. ASKING. Lose nothing for asking.
45. ASS. The ass that brays most, eats least.
46. ASS. Every ass thinks himself worthy to stand with the king's
August dry and warm,
Harvest doth no harm.
If the twenty-fourth of August be fair and clear,
Then hope for a prosperous autumn that year.
49. AUGUST. A wet August never brings dearth.
50. AUTHOR. Like author, like book.
51. BACHELORS. Bachelors grin, but married men laugh till their hearts
52. BACHELORS' WIVES. Bachelors' wives and maids' children are always
well taught.
53. BAD. Where bad's the best, naught must be the choice.
54. BAD COMPANY. Better be alone than in bad company.
55. BAD DAY. A bad day never hath a good night.
56. BAD MARKET. He that cannot abide a bad market deserves not a good
57. BAGPIPE. Bring not a bagpipe to a man in trouble.
58. BAGS. He is most loved that hath most bags.
59. BAIL. Be bail and pay for it.
60. BALANCE. The balance distinguishes not between gold and lead.
61. BALD HEAD. A bald head is soon shaven.
62. BANQUET. There's no great banquet but some fare ill.
63. BARBER'S CHAIR. Like a barber's chair, fit for every buttock.
64. BARBER. One barber shaves not so close but another finds work.
65. BAREFOOTED. Barefooted men should not tread on thorns.
66. BARE FOOT. Better a bare foot than no foot at all.
67. BARGAIN. Make the best of a bad bargain.
68. BARGAIN. A bargain is a bargain.
69. BARGAIN. At a great bargain make a great pause.
70. BARK. What! keep a dog and bark myself?
71. BARKERS. The greatest barkers are not always the sorest biters.
When the sloe-tree is as white as a sheet,
Sow your barley, whether it be dry or wet.
73. BARLEYCORN. Sir John Barleycorn is the strongest knight.
74. BARLEY STRAW. Barley straw's good fodder when the cow gives water.
75. BARREL. You cannot know wine by the barrel.
76. BATCHELOR. Commend a wedded life, but keep thyself a batchelor.
77. BEAN. Every bean has its black.
78. BEANS. Sow beans in the mud, they'll grow like wood.
79. BEANS. Beans should blow before May doth go.
80. BEAR. A man may bear till his back breaks.
81. BEAR. Bear and forbear.
82. BEAR. Bear with evil and expect good.
83. BEAT. 'Tis easy to find a staff to beat a dog.
84. BEATEN. Better to be beaten than be in bad company.
A spaniel, a woman, and a walnut tree,
The more they're beaten the better they be.
86. BEAUTY. Beauty buys no beef.
87. BEAUTY. Beauty is no inheritance.
88. BEAUTY. Beauty is but skin deep.
89. BED. As you make your bed so you must lie on it.
90. BED. He who lies long in bed his estate feels it.
91. BEES.
A swarm of bees in May is worth a load of hay,
But a swarm of bees in July is not worth a fly.
92. BEES. Where bees are there is honey.
93. BEFORE. He that hires the horse must ride before.
94. BEGGAR. Better be a beggar than a fool.
95. BEGGAR. A beggar can never be bankrupt.
96. BEGGAR. The beggar is never out of his way.
97. BEGGARS. Beggars must not be choosers.
98. BEGGARS. Beggars on horseback will ride to the devil.
99. BEGGARY. Trash and trumpery is the highway to beggary.
100. BEGGING. Begging is an ill trade on a fast-day.
101. BEGINNING. A good beginning makes a good ending.
102. BEGINNING. Such a beginning, such an end.
103. BEGIN WELL. Good to begin well; better to end well.
104. BEGUN. Well begun is half done.
105. BEHIND. When two ride together one must ride behind.
106. BELIEVE. You would make me believe the moon is made of green
107. BELIEVE. Believe well and have well.
108. BELL. Fear not the loss of the bell more than the loss of the
109. BEND. Bend the twig while it is young.
110. BENT. As the twig is bent the tree's inclined.
111. BEST. The best is cheapest.
112. BEST. The best lie is the worst.
113. BEST. Make the best of a bad bargain.
114. BEST DOG. Let the best dog leap the stile first.
115. BET. Any fool can bet.
116. BETTER. The better the day, the better the deed.
117. BEWARE. Beware of "Had I wist."
118. BIDDEN. Do as you are bidden and you'll never be to blame.
119. BIRCHEN TWIGS. Birchen twigs break no ribs.
120. BIRD. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
121. BIRD. Every bird must hatch her own egg.
122. BIRD. One beats the bush and another catcheth the bird.
123. BIRDS. Birds of a feather flock together.
124. BIRD. The bird that can sing and will not sing, must be made to
125. BIRDS (SMALL). Even small birds must have meat.
126. BITE. If you cannot bite, never show your teeth.
127. BITES. He that bites on every weed must needs light on poison.
128. BIT. A bit in the morning is better than nothing all day.
129. BITTER BIRD. Thou art a bitter bird, said the raven to the
130. BLACK PLUM. A black plum is as sweet as a white.
131. BLAST.
The sharper the blast,
The shorter 'twill last.
132. BLIND. As blind as a bat.
133. BLIND. Who so blind as he that will not see?
134. BLIND MAN. A blind man would be glad to see it.
135. BLIND MAN. Like a treatise on light and colours by a blind man.
136. BLOOD. You cannot get blood out of a stone.
137. BLOT. 'Tis a blot on his escutcheon.
138. BLUSHING. Blushing is virtue's colour.
139. BLUSTERS. He who blusters without reason has most reason to
140. BOAST. Great boast, small roast.
141. BOIL SNOW. Whether you boil snow or pound it, you will have but
water from it.
142. BONE. Give a dog a bone in his mouth, and you may kick him and he
can't bite.
143. BONE. I have a bone in my arm.
144. BONE. The nearer the bone the sweeter the meat.
145. BORN. He that is born to be hanged shall never be drowned.
146. BORROWED GARMENTS. Borrowed garments never fit well.
147. BOUGHT WIT. Bought wit is best.
148. BOUGHT WIT. Bought wit makes folk wise.
149. BOUND. They that are bound must obey.
150. BOW. A bow long bent at last waxeth weak.
151. BOWL. It is easy to bowl down hill.
152. BOYS. Boys will be boys.
153. BRAG. Brag's a good dog, but Holdfast is a better.
154. BRAG. Brag's a good dog, but that he hath lost his tail.
155. BRAG. Brag's a good dog if he be well set on; but he dare not bite.
156. BRAGGERS. Great braggers, little doers.
157. BRAIN. The brain that sows not corn, plants thistles.
158. BRAN. Much bran, little meal.
They that have no other meat,
Bread and butter are glad to eat.
160. BREAKFAST. He who would have a hare for breakfast must hunt over
161. BREAKING. The best horse needs breaking, and the best child needs
162. BRED. That which is bred in the bone will never be out of the
163. BREVITY. Brevity is the soul of wit.
164. BREW. As you brew, so shall you bake.
165. BRIBE. A bribe will enter without knocking.
166. BRIMMER. There is no deceit in a brimmer.
167. BROKEN LEG. A broken leg is not healed by a silk stocking.
168. BURDEN. A burden which one chooses is not felt.
169. BURDEN. The back is made for the burden.
170. BURDEN. No one knows the weight of another's burden.
171. BURDENS. The greatest burdens are not the gainfullest.
172. BURNT CHILD. A burnt child dreads the fire.
173. BUSINESS. Business is the salt of life.
174. BUSINESS. Every man as his business lies.
175. BUSH. A bad bush is better than the open field.
176. BUSY. Who more busy than they that have least to do.
177. BUTCHER. Better pay the butcher than the doctor.
178. BUTTER. Butter is gold in the morning, silver at noon, lead at
179. BUTTER. Why, butter would not melt in his mouth!
180. BUTTER. What is a pound of butter amongst a kennel of hounds?
181. BUTTER. Once a year butter is in the cow's horn.
182. BUTTERED. He knows on which side his bread is buttered.
183. BUY. Do not buy a pig in a poke.
184. BUYER. Let the buyer look out for himself.
185. BUYS.
Who buys hath need of a hundred eyes.
Who sells hath need of one.
186. CAKE. You cannot eat your cake and have it.
187. CALM SEA. In a calm sea every man is a pilot.
188. CALM WEATHER. Calm weather in June sets corn in tune.
189. CAN. A man can do more than he can.
190. CANDLE. Burn not your candle at both ends at once.
191. CANDLEMAS. On Candlemas day you must have half your straw and half
your hay.
If Candlemas day be fair and bright,
Winter will have another flight;
If on Candlemas day it be shower and rain,
Winter is gone, and will not come again.
When Candlemas day is come and gone,
The snow lies on a hot stone.
The hind had as lief see his wife on the bier,
As Candlemas day should be pleasant and clear.
195. CANDLEMAS DAY. On Candlemas day throw candle and candle-stick away.
196. CAP. If the cap fit, wear it.
197. CAPTAIN. Be captain of your own ship.
198. CARCASE. Where the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered
199. CARDS. Many can pack the cards that cannot play.
200. CARE. Care's no cure.
201. CARE. Care will kill a cat.
202. CARE. Take care of the pence, and the pounds will take care of
203. CARE NOT. "Care not," would have.
204. CARRY. Don't run away with more than you can carry.
205. CARRYING COALS. Like carrying coals to Newcastle.
206. CASTLES. Tis easy to build castles in the air.
207. CASH. Rolling in cash he can't use, like a cat in a corn-bin.
208. CASTLE. An Englishman's house is his castle.
209. CAT.
When the cat's away,
The mice will play.
210. CAT. A cat may look at a king.
211. CAT. The cat is hungry when a crust contents her.
212. CAT. The cat sees not the mouse ever.
213. CATS. I'll keep no more cats than will catch mice.
214. CAT. A cat has nine lives, yet care will kill a cat.
215. CAT. When the cat winketh, little wots the mouse what the cat
216. CAT. Though the cat winks awhile, yet sure she is not blind.
217. CAT. A cat loves fish, but she's loth to wet her feet.
218. CATCH. Catch that catch may.
219. CAUSE. It's a bad cause that none dare speak in.
220. CAUTION. Those are wise who learn caution from their own
experience; but those are wiser who learn it from the experience of
221. CERTAIN. There is nothing certain in this life but death and taxes!
222. CERTAINTY. Never quit certainty for hope.
223. CHAFF. I'm too old a bird to be caught by chaff.
224. CHALK. As like as chalk and cheese.
225. CHAMBER. The chamber of sickness is the chapel of devotion.
226. CHANCE. Look to the main chance.
227. CHANCE.
He that leaves certainty and sticks to chance,
When fools pipe he may dance.
228. CHANCETH. It chanceth in an hour that comes not in seven years.
229. CHANGE. Change of pasture makes fat calves.
230. CHARITABLE. The charitable give out at the door, and God puts in at
the window.
231. CHARITY. Charity begins at home.
232. CHASTISETH. He that chastiseth one, amendeth many.
233. CHEESE.
Cheese it is a peevish elf,
It digests all things but itself.
234. CHEESE. After cheese comes nothing.
235. CHEESE.
If you would have a good cheese, and have'n old,
You must turn'n seven times before he is cold.
236. CHERRY. A cherry year, a merry year.
237. CHICKENS. Count not your chickens before they are hatched.
238. CHIDING. Woe to the house where there is no chiding.
239. CHILD. Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old
he will not depart from it.
240. CHILD. A child may have too much of his mother's blessing.
241. CHILD'S PIG. Child's pig, but father's bacon.
242. CHILDREN. Children and fools speak the truth.
243. CHILDREN. Children and fools have merry lives.
244. CHILDREN. Children and chickens must be always picking.
245. CHILDREN. Children are poor men's riches.
246. CHILDREN. Children should hear, see, and say nothing.
247. CHILDREN. When children stand quiet they have done some harm.
248. CHILDREN. Children are certain cares, but very uncertain comforts.
249. CHILDREN. Children suck the mother when they are young, and the
father when they are old.
250. CHINK. So we have the chink, we'll bear the stink.
251. CHIP. A chip of the old block.
252. CHRISTMAS. Christmas comes but once a year.
253. CHRISTMAS. Green Christmas, white Easter.
254. CHRISTMAS. They talk of Christmas so long that it comes.
If Christmas Day on a Monday be,
A great winter that year you will see.
256. CHURCH. Where God hath His church the devil will have his chapel.
257. CHURCH. The nearer the church the farther from God.
258. CHURCHES. Pater-noster built churches, and Our Father pulls them
259. CIVIL WORDS. Civil words cost nothing, and go a long way.
260. CLAW. Claw me, and I will claw you.
261. CLEAR. As clear as mud.
262. CLERK. 'Tis the clerk makes the justice.
263. CLIMB. Climb not too high, lest the fall be the greater.
264. CLIMBED. Who never climbed, never fell.
265. CLIMBERS. Hasty climbers have sudden falls.
266. CLOAK. Have not the cloak to make when it begins to rain.
267. CLOAK. Though the sun shines, leave not your cloak at home.
268. CLOCK. The clock goes as it pleases the clerk.
269. CLOSE MOUTH. A close mouth catcheth no flies.
270. CLOTHES. It is good keeping his clothes who is going to swim.
271. CLOUD. Every cloud hath a silver lining.
272. CLOUDS. Clouds that the sun builds up darken him.
273. CLOUDS.
When the clouds are on the hills,
They'll come down by the mills.
274. CLOUDS. After clouds comes clear weather.
275. CLOUDY. Cloudy mornings turn to clear evenings.
276. CLOVER. He is in clover.
277. CLOWN. Even a clown clings to his cloak when it rains.
278. COAT. Cut your coat according to your cloth.
279. COAT. It's not the gay coat that makes the gentleman.
280. COBBLE.
They that can cobble and clout,
Shall have work when others go without.
281. COBBLER. Let not the cobbler go beyond his last.
282. COBBLER'S WIFE. Who goes worse shod than the cobbler's wife?
283. COCK.
If the cock moult before the hen,
We shall have weather thick and thin;
But if the hen moult before the cock,
We shall have weather hard as a block.
284. COCK. The cock crows and the hen goes.
285. COCK. Every cock is proud on his own dunghill.
286. COIN. Where coin's not common, commons must be scant.
287. COIN. Much coin much care.
288. COLD APRIL. A cold April a barn will fill.
289. COLD MAY.
A cold May and a windy
Makes a full barn and a findy.
290. COLDEST FLINT. In the coldest flint there is hot fire.
291. COLOURS. It's an ill battle where the devil carries the colours.
292. COLT. When you ride a young colt see your saddle be well girt.
293. COMPANY. Two's company and three's none.
294. COMPANY. Tell me what company you keep, and I will tell you who you
295. COMPANY. It's good to have company in trouble.
Company in distress,
Makes trouble less.
297. COMPANION. A merry companion on the road is as good as a nag.
298. COMPANION. There's no companion like a penny.
299. COMPARISONS. Comparisons are odious.
300. COMPLAIN. They complain wrongfully of the sea, who twice suffer
301. COMPLEXION. Cold of complexion, good of condition.
302. CONCEALS. A woman conceals what she knows not.
303. CONFESSION. A generous confession disarms slander.
304. CONFESSION. Confession of a fault makes half amends for it.
305. CONFESSION. Open confession is good for the soul.
306. CONQUEST. It is no small conquest to overcome yourself.
307. CONSCIENCE. A clear conscience is a sure card.
308. CONSTANT DROPPING. Constant dropping wears the stone.
309. CONSUMED. When all is consumed repentance comes too late.
310. CONTENT. Content is the true philosopher's stone.
311. CONTENTED. A contented mind is a continual feast.
312. CONTENTED. He that hath nothing is not contented.
313. CONTENTED. He may well be contented who needs neither borrow nor
314. CONTENTED. People are sometimes better contented full than fasting.
315. CONTENTMENT. The greatest wealth is contentment with a little.
316. CORN.
Look at your corn in May,
You'll come weeping away;
Look at the same in June
You'll come home in another tune.
317. CORN. Corn is cleansed with the wind, and the soul with chastening.
318. COTTAGE. I'll not change a cottage in possession for a kingdom in
319. COUNSEL. Counsel is never out of date.
320. COUNSELS. Counsels in wine seldom prosper.
321. COUNSEL. In wiving and thriving men should take counsel of all the
322. COUNSEL. Three may keep counsel, if two be away.
323. COUNSELLED. He that will not be counselled cannot be helped.
324. COUNT. Count not your chickens before they be hatched.
325. COUNTRY. In every country the sun riseth in the morning.
326. COUNTRY. You must go into the country to hear what news at London.
327. COUPLE. Every couple is not a pair.
328. COURT. A friend at court is better than a penny in the purse.
329. COURT. Far from court, far from care.
330. COURTS. Courts have no almanacks.
331. COURTESY. Less of your courtesy, and more of your purse.
332. COURTESY. Courtesy on one side never lasts long.
333. COURTSHIP. Men dream in courtship but in wedlock wake.
334. COUSIN. Call me cousin; but cozen me not.
335. COVERLET. Stretch your legs according to your coverlet.
336. COVERS. He covers me with his wings, and bites me with his bill.
337. COVET. Covet nothing over much.
338. COVETOUSNESS. Covetousness brings nothing home.
339. COW. Many a good cow hath had a bad calf.
340. COW. Look to the cow, and the sow, and the wheat mow, and all will
be well enow.
341. COWARDS. Cowards are always cruel.
342. COWARDICE. Cowardice is afraid to be known or seen.
343. CRABS. The greatest crabs are not always the best meat.
344. CRACK. He must crack the nut that would eat the kernel.
345. CRAFT. Craft bringeth nothing home.
346. CRAFTS. Of all crafts, to be an honest man is the master-craft.
347. CRAFTY. Crafty evasions save not the truth.
348. CRAZY SHIP. To a crazy ship all winds are contrary.
349. CREAKING GATE. A creaking gate hangs longest on its hinges.
350. CREAKS. The worst wheel of a cart creaks most.
351. CREDIT. Credit lost is a Venice glass broken.
352. CREDITORS. Creditors have better memories than debtors.
353. CREEP. First creep and then go.
354. CRITICS. Critics are like brushers of other men's clothes.
355. CROOKED. A crooked tree will have a crooked shadow.
356. CROOKED. Crooked logs make straight fires.
357. CROSS. No cross, no crown.
358. CROSS. Every cross has its inscription.
359. CROSSES. Crosses are ladders for getting to heaven.
360. CROSSES. Crosses are ladders that lead to heaven.
361. CROW. The crow thinks her own bird fairest.
362. CROW. A crow is never the whiter for washing herself often.
363. CROWS. It never goes well when the hen crows.
364. CRUELTY. Cruelty is a tyrant always attended by fear.
365. CRUELTY. Cruelty is a devil's delight.
366. CRUMBS. Where are the crumbs there are the chickens.
367. CRY. Don't cry out before you're hurt.
368. CRY. Great cry and little wool.
369. CUCKOO.
When the cuckoo comes to the bare thorn,
Sell your cow and buy your corn,
But when she comes to a full bit,
Sell your corn, and buy your sheep.
370. CURED. What cannot be cured must be endured.
371. CURSES. Curses are like chickens, they come home to roost.
372. CUSTOM. Custom is second nature.
373. CUSTOM. Once a use and ever a custom.
374. CUSTOM. Custom makes anything easy.
375. CUSTOM (BAD). A bad custom is like a good cake, better broken than
376. CUT. Cut and come again.
377. CUT. No cut like unkindness.
378. CUT. I had not cut my wise teeth.
379. CUTS. Desperate cuts must have desperate cures.
380. DANCE. No longer pipe, no longer dance.
381. DANCES. He dances well to whom fortune pipes.
382. DANCING. They love dancing well that dance among thorns.
383. DANGER. The danger's past, and God's forgotten.
384. DAINTY DOGS. Dainty dogs may have to eat dirty puddings.
385. DARK. It is as good to be in the dark as without light.
386. DARK MAN. A dark man's a jewel in a fair woman's eye.
387. DARK. He that gropes in the dark finds that he would not.
My son is my son till he marries a wife,
But my daughter's my daughter all the days of her life.
He that would the daughter win,
Must with the mother first begin.
390. DAYLIGHT. Daylight will peep through a small hole.
391. DEAD. As dead as a door-nail.
392. DEAD MAN'S SHOES. He that waits for a dead man's shoes may go long
enough barefoot.
393. DEAF. There are none so deaf as those who will not hear.
394. DEAF MAN. Tell that tale to a deaf man.
395. DEARTH. It's a wicked thing to make a dearth one's garner.
396. DEATH. Death keeps no calendar.
397. DEATH. Death is deaf and hears no denial.
398. DEATH. Nothing is surer than death.
399. DEATH. After death the doctor.
400. DEBT. Debt is the worst kind of poverty.
401. DEBT. Out of debt, out of danger.
402. DEEPEST WATER. In the deepest water is the best fishing.
403. DEEDS. Deeds are fruits, words are but leaves.
404. DEEDS. A life spent worthily should be measured by deeds–not
405. DELAYS. Delays are dangerous.
406. DEPTH. Never venture out of your depth until you can swim.
407. DESERT. Desert and reward seldom keep company.
408. DESERVE. First deserve and then desire.
409. DESIRES. Desires are nourished by delays.
410. DESPISES. What one man despises, another craves.
411. DESTINY. Hanging and wiving go by destiny.
412. DEVIL. Talk of the devil and he'll be sure to appear.
413. DEVIL. He that hath shipped the devil must make the best of him.
414. DEVIL. Give the devil his due.
415. DEVIL. Make not the devil blacker than he is.
416. DEVIL. He needs must go that the devil drives.
417. DEVIL. One must sometimes hold a candle to the devil.
418. DEVIL. The devil is not always at one door.
419. DEVIL.
The Devil Was Sick, the Devil a Monk Would Be;
The Devil Grew Well, the Devil a Monk Was He.
420. DEW. St. Bartholomew brings the cold dew.
421. DIE. Never say die.
422. DIE. Young men may die, old men must.
423. DILIGENCE. Diligence is a good patrimony.
424. DILIGENCE. Diligence is the mother of good fortune.
425. DINNER. After dinner sit awhile, after supper walk a mile.
426. DINNER. He who would enjoy his friend's dinner should not look into
the kitchen.
427. DISTRESS. Two in distress make sorrows less.
428. DISCOURSE. Sweet discourse makes short days and nights.
429. DISCREET. Discreet women have neither eyes nor ears.
430. DISCRETION. An ounce of discretion is worth a pound of wit.
431. DISEASE. Disease is oft the tax of pleasure.
432. DISEASE. To know the disease is half the cure.
433. DISH. The first dish pleaseth all.
434. DO. Do as you would be done by.
435. DO. We must do as we may, if we cannot do as we would.
436. DOCK. In dock, out nettle.
437. DOCTOR. A doctor and a clown know more than a doctor alone.
438. DOCTOR. An old doctor, a young lawyer.
439. DOG. Every dog has his day.
440. DOG. A good dog deserves a good bone.
441. DOG. It's a bad dog that deserves not a crust.
442. DOGS BARK. Dogs bark before they bite.
443. DONE. If you wish a thing done, go; if not, send.
444. DOOMSDAY. A thousand pounds and a pottle of hay is all one thing at
445. DOOR. When one door shuts another opens.
446. DO WELL. Do well, and have well.
447. DOWN. He that's down, down with him.
448. DRAW. You may draw him which way you will, with a twine thread.
449. DROWNING MAN. A drowning man will catch at a straw.
Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.
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