ЕГЭ-2025. Английский. Варианты на основе открытого банка ФИПИ

ЕГЭ-2024. Английский. Варианты на основе открытого банка ФИПИ
Кирилл Игоревич Вахрушев
Сборник вариантов на основе открытого банка заданий ФИПИ ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Все задания переделаны под формат 2024 года. Идеален для проведения пробников: – 20 вариантов, оформленных как официальные КИМы; – 20 вариантов устной части на основе заданий ФИПИ; – точные скрипты к аудированию и интервью (задание 3 устной части); – проверенные ответы на все задания тестовой части; – все необходимые аудиоматериалы (аудирование и интервью).

Кирилл Вахрушев
ЕГЭ-2024. Английский. Варианты на основе открытого банка ФИПИ

Раздел 1. Аудирование

1 Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего A–F и утверждениями, данными в списке 1–7. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей цифрой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

1. Fitness at home is a cheap alternative to gyms.
2. Not all sports can be done at home.
3. Exercising at home has a lot of advantages.
4. You can do sports at home if you are strong-willed.
5. Fitness at home has many disadvantages.
6. A gym is the only place where you can do sports.
7. Doing exercise must give you positive emotions.

Говорящий / Утверждение

2 Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А–G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), какие не соответствуют (2 – False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated). Занесите номер выбранного Вами варианта ответа в таблицу. Вы услышите запись дважды.

1. Mike is happy with the weather.
2. Mike can play football very well.
3. Mike is fond of computer games.
4. Ann recommends the book shop on High Street.
5. Ann has watched Friends several times.
6. Ann likes the choice of actors in Friends.
7. Ann is pessimistic about future weather.

Утверждение / Соответствие диалогу

Вы услышите интервью. В заданиях 3–9 запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

3 What do we learn about Liza May at the beginning of the interview?

1) She will advertise her first book.
2) She has her own radio program.
3) She is a well-known specialist in her area.


4 Liza thinks interpretation is harder than translation because interpreters have to …

1) work while standing in one place.
2)translate in two directions in real-time.
3) express their emotions.


5 What does Liza point out about becoming an interpreter?

1) It’s too expensive.
2)It takes too much time.
3) It may require extra courses.


6 What does Liza NOT list as a reason for a growing demand for interpreters in the USA?

1) They get an exceptionally high salary.
2) The immigration rate to the USA is high.
3) The USA trades with many countries.


7 According to Liza, where can future interpreters get work experience?

1) By working as tour guides.
2) As unpaid volunteers.
3) By starting an import business.


8 Liza thinks an interpreter must be …

1) opinionated.
2) emotional.
3) accurate.


9 Liza advises future interpreters to …

1) watch TV in a foreign language.
2) ignore the cultural aspect of a language.
3) use smartphone translation apps.


По окончании выполнения заданий 1–9 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в БЛАНК ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с первой клеточки. При переносе ответов на задания 1 и 2 цифры записываются без пробелов, запятых и других дополнительных символов. Каждую цифру пишите в отдельной клеточке в соответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.

Раздел 2. Чтение

10 Установите соответствие между текстами A–G и заголовками 1–8. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

1. Always in a hurry
2. The city of skyscrapers
3. Winning and losing
4. Unknown side of the city
5. Saving the variety
6. Getting around the city
7. For the holiday and more
8. Nickname for a building

A. New York is really the melting pot of the world. Over 30 percent of its residents have come from abroad. It is believed that the city has the greatest linguistic diversity on the planet. There are over 800 different languages divided among its people. As some of these languages are nearly extinct, the City University of New York has begun a project called the Endangered Language Alliance. Its aim is to preserve rare languages like Bukhari, Vhlaski, and Ormuri.

B. New Yorkers love to think they know everything about their city: where to find the best fruit, how to avoid paying full price at museums, what route to take to avoid traffic. But New York City can reveal new treasures even to its veterans. Beyond the city where New-Yorkers work, eat, play and commute every day lies a hidden New York: mysterious, forgotten, abandoned or just overlooked. There are places about which you’re not likely to read in any guidebook.

C. The Chrysler Building was in a race with the Bank of Manhattan for getting the title of the tallest skyscraper in the world. The Bank was likely to triumph, with its height of 282 meters. But the spire of the Chrysler Building was constructed in secret inside the tower. Just one week after the Bank of Manhattan was finished, it was put in place, making it 318 meters tall and beating the Bank. It wouldn’t keep this title for long: one year later the Empire State Building was erected.

D. The Flatiron Building was constructed between 1901 and 1903 at the intersection of Broadway and Fifth Avenue. It was designed by Chicago’s Daniel Burnham as a steel-frame skyscraper covered with white terra-cotta. Built as the headquarters of the Fuller Construction company, the skyscraper was meant to be named Fuller Building. But locals soon started calling it “Flatiron” because of its unusual shape. The name stuck and soon became official.

E. How does Rockefeller Center manage to find the perfect fur-tree each Christmas season? They do aerial searches by helicopter, of course, and bring it to the city during the night when there isn’t much traffic on the streets. After the tree is taken down for the year, it continues to be useful. For example, in 2005 Habitat for Humanity used the wood to make doorframes for houses for the poor and in 2012 the paper was used to publish a book.

F. In New York life never stands still. People have to call cabs, ride subway cars, do business of all kinds, eat pizzas and sandwiches for lunch. When you multiply that by more than eight million people in less than 500 square miles, you get the idea: everyone goes everywhere as fast as it is humanly possible. Whatever you do, don't stop in the middle of the sidewalk or you’ll make everyone around you incredibly angry.

G. New York is extremely easy to navigate. Manhattan is divided into numbered streets from north to south and avenues from east to west. It’s almost impossible to get lost there. Buses are useful to travel around Manhattan, and the subway is the best means of transport to the other parts of the city. At some stage you’ll definitely use a yellow taxi. Try to get one on an avenue that’s going in the same direction you are – you’ll save time and money. And don’t forget to leave a tip for the driver.


11 Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A–F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1–7. Одна из частей в списке 1–7 лишняя. Занесите цифры, обозначающие соответствующие части предложений, в таблицу.

Unique country
The world first discovered China through the writings of adventurer Marco Polo more than 700 years ago. Ever since, this large Asian country has come to be regarded as the embodiment of everything that is mysterious and exotic. Even now, A_______________________, this vast country has lost none of its attraction. Indeed, the contrast between China’s ancient customs and the new ultra-modern state has only increased the fascination with its culture B_______________________.
It is a culture that is much celebrated by the Chinese themselves, as evidenced by the preservation of such important historic sites as the Forbidden City and the Summer Palace in Beijing, C_______________________. And then, there is the famous Great Wall of China, D_______________________ from the Yellow Sea to Central Asia. Its countless shrines demonstrate the spirit of age-old Eastern religions. The cities of the Middle Kingdom, E_______________________ of over a million, and the coastal provinces, are today enjoying a soaring economic boom.
Thanks to its size, China is a great tourist destination. It offers limitless scope for exploration. Whether people choose to travel aboard a luxury cruise ship, F_______________________, this country is full of incredible experiences and sightseeing opportunities. China has something for every taste and all the essential ingredients for an unforgettable holiday in a beautiful country.

1. after many decades of economic growth
2. more than 50 of which have populations
3. that dates back more than 5000 years
4. winding for 6,700 kilometres all the way
5. each recalling the days of China’s emperors
6. or during the latest years of economic boom
7. or seek out the peace of an ancient temple


Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 12–18. В каждом задании запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

Save a gap year until you graduate?
Taking a gap year after your graduation exams has gone out of fashion. It could be down to its notoriety, now that voluntourism schemes are widely considered self-serving. And then of course there’s the cost, which many students are avoiding in favour of travelling for a month or two. “A lot of my friends take the mick out of me saying, ‘Oh, you went to Cambodia on a gap year’,” says Beth Adams, 21, who studied politics and international relations at the University of Manchester, and took a year out after graduating. “You do feel like you’re fulfilling a stereotype a bit.”
According to researchers, the number of people deferring their university places has gone down from 8% in 2002 to around 5% last year. Instead of postponing university study, many graduates are taking a year out after receiving their degree. According to a survey carried out by YouGov and London Stansted airport, more young people are taking a gap year after university, and almost half of UK adults believe job prospects are enhanced by combining travel and learning. So is it better to save your gap year until after graduating?
Definitely, when you’ve been in education for all those years, where your life is September to July, a break is a good idea. You can recharge your batteries and see the world outside the classroom. You can practise foreign languages and improve your communication skills. You have time to figure things out and a year of being able to work on different projects. As a result, you may land in a job in the industry you like.
Although some take a gap year after university because they have a job lined up and managed to delay their start date, most are yet to secure work and are biding their time. It’s a common misconception that such individuals immediately go abroad to volunteer or travel. In reality, students don’t have the funds to do this. Many prefer to stay in their country juggling internships and part-time work.
For those who do go abroad, a gap-year stint volunteering is no longer merely a way for middle-class kids to boost their CVs. Graduates say they are making more considered choices. The practical experience of working abroad helps some of them get ready for a master’s, which is something they do not have time to do during their finals.
Graduates are also using gap years to explore different career routes. According to recruitment firm Tempo, more than half of students feel there is too much emphasis placed on graduate schemes when starting out in their career. Elena Ricci, 23, who graduated from the University of Southampton last year, agrees. “After I finished my degree, I didn’t really know what to do. So I worked for a law firm for a month, and then I went to Cambodia on a placement. If I had gone straight into a grad job, I don’t think I would have been happy,” she says.
Although graduates can bring great skills to volunteering and enhance their employability, there are some risks attached. “You are delaying your career or further study for a year and some employers may not get why you’ve done it,” says Manuel Otero, a senior lecturer in social sciences at Cardiff University who specialises in the link between education and work. His advice is not to stand still. It makes sense to work out what to do, and one of the best ways to find out what to do is to try it out.
After her year abroad, Ricci has now decided to start a master’s in September. She says graduates should ignore stereotypes and do what works for them. So, do what you want, regardless of what others might say. It’s up to you to decide. What works out for others may not work out for you, and vice versa. You never know till you try.

12 Why is taking a gap year going out of fashion, according to Beth Adams?

1) It is boring.
2) It is quite expensive.
3) It is too long.
4) It is pointless.


13 Deferring in Paragraph 2 most probably means …

1) rejecting.
2) delaying.
3) getting.
4) choosing.


14 Which advantage of a gap year is NOT mentioned in the text?

1) Understanding what you want.
2) Experiencing a different culture.
3) Becoming better at languages.
4) Having a rest and getting new impressions.


15 Such individuals in Paragraph 4 (“It’s a common misconception that such individuals immediately go abroad …”) refers to …

1) interns and part-time workers.
2) young people with sufficient funds.
3) students having sufficient free time.
4) graduates without a stable job.


16 Which statement about Elena Ricci’s experience is FALSE?

1) She had a vision of her future job.
2) She worked abroad for some time.
3) She worked for a firm for a short time.
4) She is satisfied with her experience.


17 What is the danger of taking a gap year, according to the text?

1) Risk of losing important skills.
2) Having a career in the field you dislike.
3) Misunderstanding on the part of employers.
4) Impossibility of further study.


18 The author advises that students should …

1) study on a master’s programme.
2) copy what other people do.
3) follow their own route.
4) try working after graduation.


По окончании выполнения заданий 10–18 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в БЛАНК ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с первой клеточки. При переносе ответов на задания 10 и 11 цифры записываются без пробелов, запятых и других дополнительных символов. Каждую цифру пишите в отдельной клеточке в соответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.

Раздел 3. Грамматика и лексика

Прочитайте приведённые ниже тексты. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 19–24, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текстов. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 19–24.

The secret of success

19 Thomas A. Edison was a famous American inventor. He __________________ the world a lot of useful inventions.

20 He __________________ to be a genius by his contemporaries, However, Edison himself didn’t think so.

21 He knew that if he didn’t work hard, he__________________ any further success.


22 Ladybirds are beautiful creatures. Farmers love them as they help the crops to stay healthy. __________________ look for them because they believe if you catch a ladybird and let it go free, it will bring good luck and happiness.

23 They also love counting spots on ladybirds. They think that the number of spots defines the age of ladybirds. However, it __________________ true.

24 Ladybirds need __________________ spots to scare predators away.

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Образуйте от слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 25–29, однокоренные слова так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 25–29.

Sergey Bezrukov

25 Sergey Bezrukov is a Russian screen and stage actor and singer. He was born in an __________________ family as his father was an actor at the Moscow Satire Theatre.

26 On graduating from the Moscow Art Theatre School Sergey was immediately accepted into the troupe of the Moscow Theatre Studio under Oleg Tabakov. At that time, he also started to do voice-over for TV programmes and __________________ got noticed by TV producers.

27 Due to his excellent acting in __________________ films, Sergey soon became a household name in Russia.

28 The range of his roles is truly __________________. He seems to be able to play anybody – from Russian poets Pushkin and Yesenin to comical figures in funny remakes of old Soviet comedies.

29 Bezrukov is a prolific actor and director, and his fans are waiting for new __________________ films and plays starring him.

Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 30–36. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 30–36, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

A girl from Uganda
It was a special day for the girl from Uganda, a country in Africa. She was 30 ______ to meet the world’s greatest living chess player, which was a great honour for her. The girl was a chess player herself. She had been invited to 31 ______ her story by a committee that had organized a conference in Moscow. That story was one of triumph. It was a story of her childhood in Katwe, Uganda. She would describe how the skills nourished by the principles of the game of chess had 32 ______ her to come to that conference.
There is no word for chess in the girl’s native language. 33 ______, the game had taken her far from home, first to Sudan and Turkey, and finally to Russia. Chess had given her the opportunity to take her first flight above the clouds. Over the years, she had become the best female chess player in Uganda. Though the girl was only 17 years old, she had long competed at the highest level of the game. Her talent and 34 ______ made her one of the most promising young players in the world. The girl’s story was the subject of a book, documentaries, and magazine articles.
The girl still couldn’t believe she was visiting the conference in Moscow. She was very 35 ______ about meeting the world champion, the person she had idolized in her childhood. He had 36 ______ her to push herself so that one day she might achieve the rank of Grand Master, the highest honour in the game.


1) supposed
2) supplied
3) suspected
4) succeeded



1) say
2) talk
3) speak
4) tell



1) approved
2) allowed
3) admitted
4) afforded



1) However
2) Despite
3) Otherwise
4) Likewise



1) reservation
2) admiration
3) appreciation
4) determination



1) enthusiastic
2) abandoned
3) controversial
4) sympathetic



1) involved
2) intended
3) impressed
4) inspired


По окончании выполнения заданий 19–36 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в БЛАНК ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с первой клеточки. При переносе ответов на задания 19–29 буквы записываются без пробелов, запятых и других дополнительных символов. Каждую букву или цифру пишите в отдельной клеточке в соответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.
Проверьте, чтобы каждый ответ был записан рядом с номером соответствующего задания.

Раздел 4. Письменная речь

Для ответов на задания 37 и 38 используйте бланк ответов № 2. Черновые пометки можно делать прямо на листе с заданиями или использовать отдельный черновик. При выполнении заданий 37 и 38 особое внимание обратите на то, что Ваши ответы будут оцениваться только по записям, сделанным в БЛАНКЕ ОТВЕТОВ № 2. Обратите внимание также на необходимость соблюдения указанного объёма текста. Тексты недостаточного объёма, а также часть текста, превышающая требуемый объём, не оцениваются. Соблюдайте нормы письменной речи, записывайте ответы аккуратно и разборчиво.
Укажите номер задания 37 в БЛАНКЕ ОТВЕТОВ № 2 и напишите текст своего ответного электронного письма зарубежному другу по переписке.

37 You have received an email message from your English-speaking pen-friend Charles:

From: Charles@mail.uk
To: Russian_friend@ege.ru
Subject: Internet

… My parents gave me a laptop for my birthday. What do you use the Internet for? What do you usually download from the Internet? Is it popular with Russian teenagers to have their own blogs or websites, why or why not?
Yesterday I went with my class on a school trip to the capital …

Write an email to Charles.
In your message:
– answer his questions;
– ask 3 questions about the school trip.
Write 100–140words.
Remember the rules of email writing.

Выберите только ОДНО из двух предложенных заданий (38.1 или 38.2), укажите его номер в БЛАНКЕ ОТВЕТОВ № 2 и выполните согласно данному плану. В ответе на задание 38 числительные пишите цифрами.

38.1 Imagine that you are doing a project on what environmental problems Zetland teenagers consider to be the most dangerous. You have found some data on the subject – the results of the opinion polls (see the table below).
Comment on the data in the table and give your opinion on the subject of the project.

Write 200–250 words.
Use the following plan:
– make an opening statement on the subject of the project;
– select and report 2–3 facts;
– make 1–2 comparisons where relevant and give your comments;
– outline a problem that can arise with the environment in your region and suggest a way of solving it;
– conclude by giving and explaining your opinion on the importance of environmental protection for teenagers.


Imagine that you are doing a project on what is most important about the New Year celebration for Zetlanders. You have found some data on the subject – the results of the opinion polls (see the pie chart below).
Comment on the data in the pie chart and give your opinion on the subject of the project.

Write 200–250 words.
Use the following plan:
– make an opening statement on the subject of the project;
– select and report 2–3 facts;
– make 1–2 comparisons where relevant and give your comments;
– outline a problem that can arise with celebrating the New Year and suggest a way of solving it;
– conclude by giving and explaining your opinion on the importance of family celebrations in our lives.

Проверьте, чтобы каждый ответ был записан рядом с номером соответствующего задания.

Раздел 1. Аудирование

1 Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего A–F и утверждениями, данными в списке 1–7. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей цифрой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

1. Guinea pigs need a lot of space to feel good.
2. Guinea pigs are a great choice for children.
3. Guinea pigs can communicate quite well.
4. There are a lot of pluses of guinea pigs as pets.
5. It’s quite expensive to have a guinea pig.
6. Guinea pigs can have different characters.
7. Guinea pigs cause a lot of unpleasant accidents.

Говорящий / Утверждение

2 Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А–G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), какие не соответствуют (2 – False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated). Занесите номер выбранного Вами варианта ответа в таблицу. Вы услышите запись дважды.

1. Julie and Steve are about to end their academic year.
2. Steve’s brother Josh is younger than him.
3. Steve didn’t read many books when he was a child.
4. Steve compares Harry Potter books and films.
5. Julie finds Harry Potter books very depressing.
6. Steve knows about Joanne Rowling’s achievements.
7. Julie did her project about Harry Potter a year ago.

Утверждение / Соответствие диалогу

Вы услышите интервью. В заданиях 3–9 запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

3 What do we learn about Stacey Swan at the beginning of the interview?

1) She’s won many literary awards.
2) She spends much time teaching.
3) She works in different spheres.


4 Stacey started to work for American Short Fiction as a …

1) volunteer.
2) writer.
3) editor.


5 Stacey’s editing experience helps her to …

1) steal ideas from others.
2) see problems in her works.
3) write more novel drafts.


6 Stacey likes …

1) drafting.
2) editing.
3) drawing.


7 Stacey describes her initial drafts as …

1) chaotic.
2) lengthy.
3) perfect.


8 In Stacey’s story The Pull the central characters are …

1) good friends.
2) reserved people.
3) complete opposites.


9 Which of the following is TRUE about the story The Pull?

1) Dogs play a big part in the story.
2) Stacey copied the dogs from her pets.
3) Dogs fight with people in the story.


По окончании выполнения заданий 1–9 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в БЛАНК ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с первой клеточки. При переносе ответов на задания 1 и 2 цифры записываются без пробелов, запятых и других дополнительных символов. Каждую цифру пишите в отдельной клеточке в соответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.

Раздел 2. Чтение

10 Установите соответствие между текстами A–G и заголовками 1–8. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

1. Show it matters to you
2. Institutions take action
3. Share the cost
4. An effect of what you put on your plate
5. Eco-friendly travel
6. Give them a new life
7. Part of daily routine
8. Proper food management

A. What you eat matters: nearly a quarter of all greenhouse gases come from agriculture, and most of those are from meat and dairy. Cutting out meat is an easy way to reduce your carbon footprint, and you’ll save money too. A meat-free diet has been recommended as the “single-biggest way” an individual can reduce their impact on the planet. Meat and dairy consumption result in excessive land use, industrial emissions, water use and deforestation. However, make sure you get all the necessary nutrients with other food.

B. Whatever you choose to eat, try to shop locally and seasonally. You will most likely avoid the plastic packaging you find in supermarkets, and these products will have a lower carbon footprint. If you have the space – even just a windowsill will do – try growing some of your own herbs or vegetables; it’s amazing what you can get from just a window box planter. You can also reduce food waste by planning meals in advance, eating leftovers and sharing meals with friends. Reusing food waste as compost is also an eco-friendly action.

C. This year scientists devised a planetary health diet, presenting a way to address the environmental impact of our food choices. It recommends that the global average consumption of red meat should be cut by half, while vegetables, fruit, pulses and nuts should double. The growing global call for organisations to take seriously their responsibilities for halting climate change is impossible to ignore. Universities are now reacting to this: Goldsmiths has scrapped the sale of all beef products from its campus as it seeks to become carbon neutral by 2025.

D. Forget fast fashion: keeping your clothes for as long as possible has much more than just monetary value. In the UK, clothing has the fourth-largest environmental impact after housing, transport and food. We throw away more than half of our fast-fashion items within less than a year. So recycle your clothes or mend them. If you don’t have those skills, see if there’s a sewing society you could join, or head to a repair shop. Try clothes swaps with friends, and instead of buying new items, head to a charity or second-hand shop.

E. When you start living alone, you do your own decorating, washing, cooking and cleaning. There are simple ways you can change your habits to live more sustainably. Wash your clothes at a lower temperature, and opt for a bamboo toothbrush or more eco-friendly sanitary products. When shopping, see if there’s a zero-waste shop nearby – Sheffield students’ union has opened a store selling dried food, household products, toiletries and kitchenware all free from plastic packaging. Just turn up with your own container.

F. Of course, the easiest way to make a difference is to cut out flying. A return trip from Manchester to Berlin produces about 214 kg of CO2; there are countries where the average person produces less carbon dioxide in a year. If you are planning a weekend away with new friends, try and travel by train or bus instead, and it’s even funnier when you have a company! Cut out just one five-hour flight and your carbon footprint will be a ton lighter. Opt for a hiking trip to a nearby lake or valley. You will get more exercise and fresh air, too!

G. Individual actions matter, as they demonstrate commitment and provide an alternative way to live. But campaigning and activism are important too. University campuses can be the perfect place for this: 91% of students are now concerned about climate change, according to a survey from the NUS. If you don’t know where or how to start, see if there are any societies at your university. Students of the fossil free campaign, for example, have brought on huge changes by calling on their institutions to use less fossil fuel.


11 Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A–F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1–7. Одна из частей в списке 1–7 лишняя. Занесите цифры, обозначающие соответствующие части предложений, в таблицу.

Tourism in Kamchatka
The range of tourist activities in Kamchatka is really wide. The most wide-spread type of tourism is ecotourism, A__________ and resources of Kamchatka. Fishing, medicinal, cultural and ethnographical tourism are popular as well. Kamchatka offers almost unlimited possibilities for those B__________, and gives the chance to climb not only mountains, but volcanoes as well.
Moreover, many rivers in Kamchatka are good for rafting. In winter one should be prepared for heli-skiing and skiing. In summer trekking, diving, photo safari and bird watching are at one’s service. Besides, this region has a good recreational potential, C__________ take some rest and improve health, thanks to the presence of almost every kind of mineral curative water. Visitors should not forget to try famous Kamchatka dishes, D__________ and other seafood, for example of salmon, which Kamchatka is really famous for.
Many tourist camps were built in Kamchatka in the past few years. Tourist infrastructure is getting better and better nowadays. As for natural wonders, tourists should not miss the famous rock “three brothers” protecting the city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. The city is located on the bank of the bay, E__________ bays in the world. There is only one way to get there by plane from the European part of Russia – from Moscow. The ticket price is quite high, F__________ as possible.

1. who are fond of extreme tourism
2. and tourists may just go there to
3. which are often made of local fish
4. who wants to enjoy the nature as long
5. so one should plan for the journey as early
6. and it is clearly explained by the unique nature
7. which is considered to be one of the most beautiful


Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 12–18. В каждом задании запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

Part-time work while studying
Oxbridge students are actively discouraged from working during term time, but others have no choice. More than two thirds of students rely on loans, but they don’t cover all the living expenses, which means that those who don’t have financial support from their parents are forced to take on work. For many, wages from part-time work are the only way they can make ends meet. It’s tough and it’s often the students’ academic work that loses out.
This year, many freshers will be asking a familiar question: how much can they work during term time before it impacts their degree – and what kind of jobs are most suitable?
The best and most understanding employers tend to be universities themselves. Many students have part-time jobs in cafеs, bars and shops on campus. You can also work on an ad-hoc basis as a guide on open days and during freshers’ week. These will be at least minimum wage and are likely to offer a healthy number of hours to fit easily around studies.
Longer term part-time jobs tend to provide a steady, though lower income. However, you may need to consider how flexible your hours will be. My friend who worked part-time as a waitress says that although she liked meeting people in the city, the work was often unreliable. “Once I didn’t get a shift for two months and it was too late in the year to get a new job. I was really short of money,” she says.
However, be careful what you sign up for. Hannah Brown runs Manchester University’s “job shop”, which offers advice to students and advertises posts. She says more and more students are looking to work at university, but they should be careful. Her team don’t advertise anything over 20 hours a week and their advice is not to work more than 15. “We always advertise flexible jobs and avoid anything commission-based,” she says.
Before you commit to a job, make employers aware of your timetable. “There have been numerous times where I’ve been put on a shift at the same time as a lecture or seminar,” says Josh Chapman, a third-year journalism student at Sheffield Hallam. “That can be difficult, because you miss out on information and teaching.”
Meanwhile, jobs in retail and childcare – such as school pick-ups – offer more sociable hours. My other friend says studying before shifts is better than being too tired to do it at the end of the day. “I had less time to play with, so if I had work at 1 p.m., I’d get up at 8 a.m. and get four hours of studying in before I went.”
Prioritise your health. Remember that you’re paying to be at university and get a degree, so don’t let your job make you weary. If you are exhausted, you will not have the energy to study. Night club and bar work can mess with sleeping patterns.
Students from wealthier backgrounds can use their time to do relevant voluntary work and get involved in extracurricular activities. This is one reason why socioeconomic background is such a big predictor of job market success. However, Juan Garcia, employability and development adviser at Queen Margaret University, thinks part-time work that complements study can greatly enhance students’ employability after they graduate, and they should seek paid internships.
For those who achieve this, working is one way to get ahead. Onwa Wonci worked 20 hours a week while studying at university. She says it wasn’t easy, but she was committed. The employer offered her a full-time job in her final year. She wouldn’t have a job now if she hadn’t gone through those struggles. You work hard for some time, but then your efforts are rewarded.

12 Why do many students need part-time jobs?

1) To pay student loans.
2) To be independent of parents.
3) To buy expensive stuff.
4) To cover their living expenses.


13 These in Paragraph 3 (“These will be at least minimum wage …”) refers to …

1) jobs on campus.
2) university open days.
3) part-time jobs outside the uni.
4) volunteer work.


14 What is the danger of working flexible hours?

1) A low salary.
2) Irregular communication.
3) An unstable income.
4) An unreliable employer.


15 Weary in Paragraph 8 most probably means …

1) distracted.
2) extremely tired.
3) totally disgusted.
4) very bored.


16 Which statement summarising the advice given in the text is FALSE?

1) Avoid jobs that take up most of your time.
2) Inform your boss of your timetable.
3) Study before you work and get tired.
4) Work at night to study during the day.


17 According to Juan Garcia, part-time employment gives students a higher chance to …

1) earn more money.
2) find a job when they graduate.
3) graduate with higher marks.
4) develop necessary skills.


18 The author of the article aims to …

1) advise on how to balance work and study.
2) highlight the disadvantages of part-time work.
3) explain how to find a part-time job.
4) persuade students to take up a job.


По окончании выполнения заданий 10–18 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в БЛАНК ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с первой клеточки. При переносе ответов на задания 10 и 11 цифры записываются без пробелов, запятых и других дополнительных символов. Каждую цифру пишите в отдельной клеточке в соответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.

Раздел 3. Грамматика и лексика

Прочитайте приведённые ниже тексты. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 19–24, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текстов. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 19–24.

The land of ice and fire

19 People often call Iceland ‘the land of ice and fire’. That is so because this country has __________________ volcanoes than most other countries in the world.

20 Some of __________________ volcanoes are still active while others can wake up any time.

21 Much of Iceland __________________ in lava as eruptions happen about every four years.

The Louvre

22 The Louvre is a famous museum in Paris. It is the __________________ art museum in the world.

23 If you wanted to spend 30 seconds looking at each piece of art there, it __________________ you 100 days to see the entire museum. Originally the Louvre was a fortress and then it became a royal palace.

24 After the French Revolution the building __________________ into a museum which is a must-see for any tourist who goes to Paris.

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Образуйте от слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 25–29, однокоренные слова так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 25–29.

Ivan Sechenov

25 Ivan Sechenov was an outstanding Russian scientist. He was born in 1829 in a noble family. His parents inspired young Ivan to continue his education throughout his entire life, and the boy followed their advice. At the age of 14 he chose to become a military engineer and studied __________________ technical subjects.

26 However, his heart was not really in it. In 1850 Sechenov entered Moscow Medical University with a full __________________ of the goals of his life.

27 Sechenov was a __________________ student, which enabled him to graduate among top students.

28 He mastered biology, anatomy, surgery and physiology to __________________.

29 After a short period of studying and working abroad Sechenov returned to Russia where he made numerous discoveries in psychology, physiology and anatomy, many of which we still use today. Publishing houses __________________ his scientific works every year.

Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 30–36. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 30–36, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

At the party
Nick and Nelly Wilson were delighted to see Zara when she got there, and welcomed her warmly. There was a group of people standing around the fireplace, trying to get warm. And as they did every year, the women were wearing long gowns or dressy cocktail dresses, and the men were wearing black-tie. It was the one night of the year when all the Wilsons’ friends 30 ______to dress up. Zara tried to get in the 31 ______ but in vain. It was the coldest night so far that winter, breaking some kind of record for miserable weather, which made Zara long for her bed again. 32 ______ she only saw them once a year, she recognized nearly everyone there that night, but there was one unfamiliar face in the crowd. His name was Patrick Edison. Nick 33 ______ they had been college roommates.
Patrick was a TV producer from Hollywood, Nelly whispered, and she told Zara that he produced several award-winning series, and coincidentally was single. She 34 ______ then why they had insisted that she join them. She was the only single woman in the room and she was being offered some kind of blind date. This thought made the evening seem even more difficult and tiring before it began. Zara didn’t 35 ______ trying to make conversation with him since she had noticed on the seating chart that they would be next to each other at dinner. She wasn’t looking 36 ______ to it, no matter how successful his shows were.


1) accepted
2) agreed
3) assumed
4) achieved



1) manner
2) state
3) tone
4) mood



1) Otherwise
2) Moreover
3) Although
4) However



1) spoke
2) said
3) told
4) talked



1) reviewed
2) regretted
3) recalled
4) realized



1) concern
2) worry
3) bother
4) trouble



1) forward
2) away
3) before
4) after


По окончании выполнения заданий 19–36 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в БЛАНК ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с первой клеточки. При переносе ответов на задания 19–29 буквы записываются без пробелов, запятых и других дополнительных символов. Каждую букву или цифру пишите в отдельной клеточке в соответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.
Проверьте, чтобы каждый ответ был записан рядом с номером соответствующего задания.

Раздел 4. Письменная речь

Для ответов на задания 37 и 38 используйте бланк ответов № 2. Черновые пометки можно делать прямо на листе с заданиями или использовать отдельный черновик. При выполнении заданий 37 и 38 особое внимание обратите на то, что Ваши ответы будут оцениваться только по записям, сделанным в БЛАНКЕ ОТВЕТОВ № 2. Обратите внимание также на необходимость соблюдения указанного объёма текста. Тексты недостаточного объёма, а также часть текста, превышающая требуемый объём, не оцениваются. Соблюдайте нормы письменной речи, записывайте ответы аккуратно и разборчиво.
Укажите номер задания 37 в БЛАНКЕ ОТВЕТОВ № 2 и напишите текст своего ответного электронного письма зарубежному другу по переписке.

37 You have received an email message from your English-speaking pen-friend George:

From: George@mail.uk
To: Russian_friend@ege.ru
Subject: Ecotourism

… In the modern world ecotourism has become a popular way to spend holidays. What is your attitude to ecotourism? Is it popular in your country, why or why not? What new opportunities does ecotourism offer?
By the way, I’ve just returned from a youth camp…

Write an email to George.
In your message:
– answer his questions;
– ask 3 questions about the youth camp.
Write 100–140words.
Remember the rules of email writing.

Выберите только ОДНО из двух предложенных заданий (38.1 или 38.2), укажите его номер в БЛАНКЕ ОТВЕТОВ № 2 и выполните согласно данному плану. В ответе на задание 38 числительные пишите цифрами.

38.1 Imagine that you are doing a project on what literary genres are popular among teenagers in Zetland. You have found some data on the subject – the results of the opinion polls (see the table below).
Comment on the data in the table and give your opinion on the subject of the project.

Write 200–250 words.
Use the following plan:
– make an opening statement on the subject of the project;
– select and report 2–3 facts;
– make 1–2 comparisons where relevant and give your comments;
– outline a problem that can arise with reading and suggest a way of solving it;
– conclude by giving and explaining your opinion on the importance of reading for teenagers.

38.2 Imagine that you are doing a project on why people in Zetland do sports. You have found some data on the subject – the results of the opinion polls (see the pie chart below).
Comment on the data in the pie chart and give your opinion on the subject of the project.

Write 200–250 words.
Use the following plan:
– make an opening statement on the subject of the project;
– select and report 2–3 facts;
– make 1–2 comparisons where relevant and give your comments;
– outline a problem that can arise with doing sports and suggest a way of solving it;
– conclude by giving and explaining your opinion on the importance of doing sports.

Проверьте, чтобы каждый ответ был записан рядом с номером соответствующего задания.

Раздел 1. Аудирование

1 Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего A–F и утверждениями, данными в списке 1–7. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей цифрой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

1. Cooking is always very expensive.
2. Cooking can help save some money.
3. Cooking takes too much of your time.
4. Cooking can become a great career.
5. It’s great to cook on special occasions.
6. Cooking brings families together.
7. Cooking can be a way to lose weight.

Говорящий / Утверждение

2 Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А–G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), какие не соответствуют (2 – False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated). Занесите номер выбранного Вами варианта ответа в таблицу. Вы услышите запись дважды.

A. John and Amanda are going back to school soon.
B. Amanda has an elder sister.
C. Amanda often works as a volunteer in summer.
D. John has traveled to a lot of places.
E. Amanda greatly enjoyed her tour around Scotland.
F. Amanda has taken many pictures in Scotland.
G. Amanda’s tour around Scotland was expensive.

Утверждение / Соответствие диалогу

Вы услышите интервью. В заданиях 3–9 запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

3 What do we learn about Brenda at the beginning of the interview?

1) She is a famous TV producer.
2) She never runs personal projects.
3) She has several projects at the moment.


4 Why did Brenda start working on The Secret Garden?

1) She likes stories of this kind..
2) She has never read the story.
3) She found the task very easy.


5 Brenda first preference is …

1) being a freelancer.
2) running her own business.
3) working for a company.


6 Which of the following does Brenda NOT list as a way to fight artist’s block?

1) Changing your routine.
2) Spending time outdoors.
3) Cooking tasty food.


7 Brenda advises artists to be …

1) open-minded.
2) balanced.
3) ambitious.


8 Brenda thinks young artists should try various techniques because …

1) specializing is a bad idea..
2) all of them are alike.
3) it helps them find their own style.


9 According to Brenda, why can social media be bad for artists?

1) They may develop a media addiction.
2) They can be pressured to draw what the public wants to see.
3) They lose their source of inspiration.


По окончании выполнения заданий 1–9 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в БЛАНК ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с первой клеточки. При переносе ответов на задания 1 и 2 цифры записываются без пробелов, запятых и других дополнительных символов. Каждую цифру пишите в отдельной клеточке в соответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.

Раздел 2. Чтение

10 Установите соответствие между текстами A–G и заголовками 1–8. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

1. Preparing for danger
2. Technology and medicine
3. Interesting sightseeing
4. Unusual and extremely difficult
5. Nice to look at and good for you
6. Central structure
7. Indoors and outdoors
8. Cold variety

A. All Souls College is one of the most mysterious institutions at Oxford University. It was founded in the 1400s and stopped accepting undergraduates in the 19th century. Instead, the college accepts applications only from those who have already achieved the best undergraduate degrees in the country, and asks its applicants to take an entrance exam, which is thought to be the hardest in the world. For example, before 2010 one of the tasks was to write an essay on a single word. Previous words have included “water”, “style”, “innocence”, and “conversion”.

B. In the 1900s, scientists began using electronic devices to treat living things. They developed special instruments to help people with disabilities. Some devices, such as hearing aids and kidney dialysis machines, operate outside the body. Doctors place other electrical devices inside the body. For example, pacemakers help keep hearts beating steadily. In addition, scientists learned how to cut and rejoin genes which is called genetic engineering. This may help cure human diseases.

C. Water from hot springs very often contains minerals dissolved from the rocks. Such springs are called mineral springs. Salts, sulfur compounds, and gases are among the substances that can be dissolved in the spring water. The minerals and organisms that grow in the water give beautiful colors to the pools and wet rocks around hot springs. Since ancient times people have thought that such springs were good for their health. They have traveled there to drink and bathe in the waters. Many spas and resorts grew up around these picturesque springs.

D. As it is well known, snow consists of tiny crystals of ice. Snowfall is made up of both single ice crystals and clumps of ice crystals, which are called snowflakes. The way that ice crystals join together gives every snowflake a unique design. Even so, most snowflakes have six points or six sides. They form seven basic shapes: stars, needles, dendrites (having branches), plates, columns, columns capped with plates, and irregular (damaged). What shape a snowflake takes depends on the temperature and the amount of moisture in the cloud.

E. Natural disasters, such as earthquakes, landslides, or volcanic eruptions, may cause deadly ocean waves called tsunamis. By the time a tsunami reaches shore, it has gained tremendous size and power which is enough to destroy entire coastal villages or towns. Tsunamis cannot be stopped, but there are ways to defend against them. Scientists around the world watch for early signs of earthquakes. They also note unusual changes in ocean levels. With this information, scientists can warn people to leave areas that a tsunami might hit.

F. In order to study things under controlled conditions, some ecologists work in laboratories. For example, they can experiment to see how plants react to different amounts of light or water. Such studies are harder in a natural setting because weather and other natural conditions cannot be controlled. However, many ecologists do work in natural settings. They look at all the different factors that affect ecosystems, or communities of living things. Studies in the outdoors are useful because they show what is actually happening in the environment.

G. Several cities in Russia were built around fortresses called kremlins. A kremlin was often located along a river. A wall, a moat, and towers usually separated it from the surrounding parts of the city. Kremlins contained cathedrals and palaces for princes and bishops as well as government offices and weapons of war. The most famous kremlin is in central Moscow, which is often called just the Kremlin. It has long been a symbol of Russia’s power. UNESCO declared the Kremlin and Red Square a World Heritage site in 1990.


11 Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A–F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1–7. Одна из частей в списке 1–7 лишняя. Занесите цифры, обозначающие соответствующие части предложений, в таблицу.

Mir Space Station Dining Table
When living in a cramped space with two or more people for months, you’d think that there would be no need for a special shared zone. But on Russia’s Mir space station, a high-tech dining table is A__________ and discuss aeronautical projects.
The Mir station orbited Earth from 1986 to 2001, straight through the end of the Soviet Union. The station was B__________ habitation. Cosmonaut Valeri Polyakov still holds the record for the longest continuous space stay.
The multicoloured dining table was C__________. It came with slots where cosmonauts could heat up tins and tubes of food like liver stroganoff and chicken in white sauce. A built-in vacuum cleaner would suck up any stray crumbs, D__________ could be damaged by dust. The table could also distribute hot and cold water for rehydrating food.
The Mir station was E__________ expected. The table was important as a surface for food prep and work. However, it was also a place where international astronauts could connect and collaborate while breaking bread. The dining table was brought back to Earth to the Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics F__________.

1. located in the station’s core module
2. in Moscow, where it can be seen today
3. a place where the crew gather for meals
4. the first experiment with long-term space
5. a vital feature when important equipment
6. appeared at the London Science Museum as
7. in service for 15 years, three times longer than


Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 12–18. В каждом задании запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

New Years’ time in Russia
To my mind, one of the best times to visit Russia is before New Year’s Eve, as it is a big celebration in Russia. During Soviet times, New Year’s Eve became a large celebration, complete with a big sit-down dinner. This tradition has continued today. Christmas is also now openly celebrated in Russia, but on a smaller scale.
As New Year’s Eve in Russia is more of a family holiday, you may not find the kind of rowdy parties that you see in other countries on New Year’s Eve. If you’re lucky enough to be invited to someone’s home, be sure to bring thoughtful gifts and possibly your own slippers, although most families will have spares. Russian hospitality is quite fantastic if you have friends who will host you. And be prepared to answer a million questions about traditions in your home country!
A common New Year’s expression is “The way you spend New Year’s Eve is the same way you’ll spend the rest of the year.” That’s why it’s so important for the last day of the year to be free from worries and arguments. You should forgive people, pay off your debts, and clean your home in order to start the new year happy and clean. A lot of Russians will also visit a Russian sauna or at least take a hot bath on the 31st of December to purify their bodies. You definitely should not sleep through the New Year, as it is considered a bad omen and will make the upcoming year sleepy and uneventful for you. Many people will also buy new clothes to wear on the New Year’s Eve to celebrate a fresh start.
If you’re in Moscow, you can head to several look-out points in the city to watch the fireworks. My friend recommended heading to Moscow State University to have the best view over the city, and I don’t regret it. Many tourists head towards the Kremlin for iconic beautiful views of the fireworks along the river, although you need to get there early and wait in the cold for hours to see the fireworks.
The New Year is a big deal everywhere in Russia. The decorations are lavish, gorgeous, and so rich that at some places they seem over the top. Shops can be so cluttered and even a little kitschy, it makes you feel like a kid in a huge candy store – with gaudy, colourful packaging, and lots of foil and cellophane … everything is in colour and glistening.
And still, all those heavy decorations somehow fit Russia. In territorial terms, Russia is the largest country in the world, and this affects everything in it. The buildings are enormous, as are the boulevards and the squares. And of course, they are all given a festive look before the New Year.
The facades of the enormous apartment buildings are adorned with huge decorations that light up in the dark and remind you of Las Vegas. Christmas trees are everywhere – on every corner, in front of every shop, every square and so on. What’s more, in order to make the atmosphere full of charm, gentle classical music pours through the spaces of malls, restaurants and all other public places. I am absolutely sure that when I was in Vienna, I rarely heard classical music as often as I did in Russia in the winter.
And to finish with my advertisement, I should mention that Russians are people with a highly-developed culture, especially musically. I was amazed at their good taste for music. It is impressive how many concerts are performed in Moscow and St. Petersburg, the country’s two major cities. At the end of the year, the number of these concerts increases and tickets for the Bolshoi Theatre are sold out months in advance.
To sum up, if you want to see Russia all lit up and covered with winter beauty, dress warmly and embark on a trip in December. But don’t plan too much for the last week, as it gets very crowded with people doing last-minute preparations.

12 How is New Year in Russia different from other places, according to the text?

1) It is a bigger holiday than Christmas.
2) It is celebrated with close relatives.
3) New Year parties are usually noisier.
4) People go to clubs and restaurants.


13 What does the author NOT advise foreigners to do?

1) Choose presents for hosts carefully.
2) Take an extra pair of home shoes.
3) Ask your hosts questions about traditions.
4) Get ready to speak about your culture.


14 What is the worst thing to do on New Year’s eve?

1) Go to bed early.
2) Wear old clothes.
3) Watch fireworks.
4) Borrow money.


15 The word iconic in Paragraph 4 (“… for iconic beautiful views of the fireworks …”) is closest in meaning to …

1) popular.
2) memorable.
3) marvellous.
4) well-known.


16 The author thinks that New Year decorations in Russia are …

1) suitable.
2) strange.
3) stylish.
4) cheap.


17 What is implied by the author’s comparison of Russia with Vienna?

1) Vienna is better decorated than Russia.
2) Russian people love classical music.
3) The author prefers European countries.
4) There are more Christmas trees in Russia.


18 What is the author’s overall impression of Russia on New Year’s eve?

1) It is very noisy.
2) It is definitely worth visiting.
3) It is too cold in wintertime.
4) The major cities are nice.


По окончании выполнения заданий 10–18 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в БЛАНК ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с первой клеточки. При переносе ответов на задания 10 и 11 цифры записываются без пробелов, запятых и других дополнительных символов. Каждую цифру пишите в отдельной клеточке в соответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.

Раздел 3. Грамматика и лексика

Прочитайте приведённые ниже тексты. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 19–24, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текстов. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 19–24.


19 Cats are amazing creatures. They have __________________ bones than a human.

20 However, they __________________ collar bones, so they are incredibly flexible and can get through really small holes.

21 They are also able to produce a lot of sounds, which __________________ by them to express a huge variety of feelings and emotions.

Omar Khayyam

22 Omar Khayyam was a famous Persian philosopher and poet. Many people all over the world enjoy reading his works. His poetry __________________ known to Europeans only in the 19th century.

23 His __________________ works are quatrains where one can find words of wisdom suitable practically for any occasion.

24 Omar Khayyam hoped his poems __________________ people to get happy and not to concentrate on their problems too much.

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Образуйте от слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 25–29, однокоренные слова так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 25–29.

Alexander Blok

25 Alexander Blok was a Russian lyrical poet, writer, publicist, playwright, translator and literary critic. He was born in 1880 in Saint Petersburg in a __________________ educated family.

26 His father was a professor of law, and his grandfather was a famous __________________ and the rector of Saint Petersburg State University.

27 The __________________ images of his early poetry established him as a major figure of the Russian Symbolism style.

28 Poetic __________________ came naturally to him.

29 Blok often produced unforgettable and otherworldly images out of the most banal __________________ and trivial events, though his most beautiful poems were still devoted to his wife. Blok greeted the 1905 Russian Revolution enthusiastically, but later became disillusioned with it and couldn’t write any more, although he still gave lectures on literature.

Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 30–36. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 30–36, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

My uncle
I didn’t like my uncle Conrad. When he rose in the morning, he somehow 30 ______ to wake the entire household. No one complained, as he was the breadwinner in the family, and in any 31 ______, he was cheaper and more reliable than an alarm clock.
The first noise I would hear was the bedroom door slamming. This would be followed by my uncle tramping along the creaky wooden landing and down the stairs. Then another door would slam as he 32 ______ into the bathroom. If anyone was still asleep, the rush of water, followed by two more slammed doors before he returned to the bedroom, served to 33 ______ them that my uncle expected his breakfast to be on the table by the time he walked into the kitchen. He only had a wash and a shave on Saturday evenings before going to the cinema. He 34 ______ a bath four times a year on quarter-day. No one was going to accuse him of wasting his hard-earned cash on soap.
My mum would be next up, leaping out of bed moments after the first slammed door. There would be a bowl of porridge on the stove by the time my uncle came out of the bathroom. Grandma followed shortly afterwards, and would 35 ______ her daughter in the kitchen before my uncle had taken his place at the head of the table. I had to be down within 5 minutes of the first slammed door if I hoped to get any breakfast. This daily 36 ______ in the household never varied.


1) resulted
2) achieved
3) managed
4) succeeded



1) case
2) view
3) way
4) sense



1) departed
2) digressed
3) distracted
4) disappeared



1) review
2) remind
3) revise
4) remember



1) took
2) made
3) kept
4) held



1) add
2) link
3) fit
4) join



1) plan
2) topic
3) routine
4) theme


По окончании выполнения заданий 19–36 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в БЛАНК ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с первой клеточки. При переносе ответов на задания 19–29 буквы записываются без пробелов, запятых и других дополнительных символов. Каждую букву или цифру пишите в отдельной клеточке в соответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.
Проверьте, чтобы каждый ответ был записан рядом с номером соответствующего задания.

Раздел 4. Письменная речь

Для ответов на задания 37 и 38 используйте бланк ответов № 2. Черновые пометки можно делать прямо на листе с заданиями или использовать отдельный черновик. При выполнении заданий 37 и 38 особое внимание обратите на то, что Ваши ответы будут оцениваться только по записям, сделанным в БЛАНКЕ ОТВЕТОВ № 2. Обратите внимание также на необходимость соблюдения указанного объёма текста. Тексты недостаточного объёма, а также часть текста, превышающая требуемый объём, не оцениваются. Соблюдайте нормы письменной речи, записывайте ответы аккуратно и разборчиво.
Укажите номер задания 37 в БЛАНКЕ ОТВЕТОВ № 2 и напишите текст своего ответного электронного письма зарубежному другу по переписке.

37 You have received an email message from your English-speaking pen-friend Ella:

From: Ella@mail.uk
To: Russian_friend@ege.ru
Subject: Birthday

…I’ve checked my diary and found out that I missed your birthday. I’m so sorry about that! I hope you enjoyed it this year! Which birthday gifts are popular in Russia? How do you usually celebrate your birthday? What is the best gift you’ve ever got?
I’m going to visit my friends in London soon…

Write an email to Ella.
In your message:
– answer her questions;
– ask 3 questions about her trip to London.
Write 100–140words.
Remember the rules of email writing.

Выберите только ОДНО из двух предложенных заданий (38.1 или 38.2), укажите его номер в БЛАНКЕ ОТВЕТОВ № 2 и выполните согласно данному плану. В ответе на задание 38 числительные пишите цифрами.

38.1 Imagine that you are doing a project on how teenagers relax after a busy day in Zetland. You have found some data on the subject – the results of the opinion polls (see the table below).
Comment on the data in the table and give your opinion on the subject of the project.

Write 200–250 words.
Use the following plan:
– make an opening statement on the subject of the project;
– select and report 2–3 facts;
– make 1–2 comparisons where relevant and give your comments;
– outline a problem that can arise with having a rest and suggest a way of solving it;
– conclude by giving and explaining your opinion on the importance of relaxing well in our life.

38.2 Imagine that you are doing a project on why people should study literature in Zetland. You have found some data on the subject – the results of the opinion polls (see the pie chart below).
Comment on the data in the pie chart and give your opinion on the subject of the project.

Write 200–250 words.
Use the following plan:
– make an opening statement on the subject of the project;
– select and report 2–3 facts;
– make 1–2 comparisons where relevant and give your comments;
– outline a problem that one can face studying literature and suggest a way of solving it;
– conclude by giving and explaining your opinion on the importance of studying literature in human life.

Проверьте, чтобы каждый ответ был записан рядом с номером соответствующего задания.

Раздел 1. Аудирование

1 Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего A–F и утверждениями, данными в списке 1–7. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей цифрой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

1. You should spend only what you have.
2. Think carefully before buying something.
3. Don’t spend all the money you have earned.
4. Saving money is a useless thing.
5. You can save money by shopping online.
6. Analyzing your expenses is a way to save money.
7. There are many reasons to save money.

Говорящий / Утверждение

2 Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А–G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), какие не соответствуют (2 – False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated). Занесите номер выбранного Вами варианта ответа в таблицу. Вы услышите запись дважды.

A. Lora’s relative lives in Iona.
B. Most people in Iona are into tourism.
C. Iona has an important religious building.
D. Steve is very good at painting.
E. Lora has taken many pictures of Iona.
F. Lora did a lot of reading while in Iona.
G. There is no accommodation for tourists in Iona.

Утверждение / Соответствие диалогу

Вы услышите интервью. В заданиях 3–9 запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

3 The presenter introduces Bob Thomas as …

1) an outdoor lover.
2) a businessman.
3) a fisherman.


4 Bob’s company was founded by …

1) himself.
2) him and his brother.
3) his father.


5 Bob started working on fishing gear …

1) ten years ago.
2) when he was a very young child.
3) when he needed summer money.


6 Bob liked it that his father …

1) spent a lot of time with his children.
2) taught him to fish and hunt.
3) had a successful company.


7 Bob remembers that their family trips to Florida …

1) were very uncomfortable.
2) cost a lot of money.
3) taught him a lot.


8 Bob believes that as a father he …

1) needs to try hard to be like his own dad.
2) shouldn’t follow his father’s example.
3) needs to spend more time with his family.


9 Bob’s “words of wisdom” refer to …

1) his business.
2) nature.
3) family affairs.


По окончании выполнения заданий 1–9 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в БЛАНК ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с первой клеточки. При переносе ответов на задания 1 и 2 цифры записываются без пробелов, запятых и других дополнительных символов. Каждую цифру пишите в отдельной клеточке в соответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.

Раздел 2. Чтение

10 Установите соответствие между текстами A–G и заголовками 1–8. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

1. How did they do it?
2. Comfortable living
3. Designing a building
4. The longest on Earth
5. Building materials
6. Invented by accident
7. Safe travel
8. Why seasons change

A. Most of Africa’s rural peoples use natural resources that are locally available for their homes. In grasslands, people typically use grass to cover the walls and roofs. In forested areas, they use hardwoods as well as bamboo and raffia palm. Earth and clay are also major resources used in construction. In areas with few natural resources, people often live as nomads, moving from place to place. Instead of making permanent homes, they usually use simple shelters or tents made of animal skins and woven hair.

B. An architect must consider how a structure will be used and by whom. An apartment building, a palace, a hospital, a museum, an airport, and a sports arena all have different construction requirements. Another factor is the ideas the structure should communicate. For example, some buildings are made to impress people with a display of power and wealth; others – to make everyone feel welcome. Other things to consider are the location and surrounding environment, including weather, and the cost of materials.

C. Did you know that an eleven-year-old child first created the Popsicle? The boy’s name was Frank Epperson. In 1905, Frank left a mixture of water and powdered soda out on his porch by mistake. It also contained a stir stick. That night, fortunately for Frank, the temperatures fell to a record low. As a result, he discovered the substance had frozen to the stick, and a frozen fruit flavoured ice treat was created. He decided to call it the epsicle, which was later patented by him and named as Popsicle.

D. As Earth goes around the sun, the North Pole points to the same direction in space. For about six months every year, the North Pole is tilted towards the sun. During this time, the Northern Hemisphere gets more direct sunlight than the Southern Hemisphere and more hours of daylight. During the other six months, the North Pole is tilted away from the sun. When the Northern Hemisphere gets the most sunlight, it experiences spring and summer. At the same time, the Southern Hemisphere gets autumn and winter.

E. In southern Peru, there is an isolated plateau where the wind almost never blows. Here, around the year 400 to 650 AD, the people of the Nazca culture created the famous Nazca lines, by removing the red stones covering the ground so that the white earth beneath was visible. These Nazca lines are actually portraits of animals such as monkeys, birds or fish. It is a mystery how such a primitive civilization could create such artwork with precision when they had no means of viewing their work from the air.

F. Antarctica, which is the southernmost and fifth largest continent, does not have twenty-four-hour periods divided into days and nights. In the South Pole, the sun rises on about September 21 and moves in a circular path until it sets on about March 22. This “day”, or summer, is six months long. During this period, if the weather conditions are good, the sun can be seen twenty-four hours a day. From March 22 until September 21, the South Pole is dark, and Antarctica has its “night”, or winter.

G. Any ship that hits an iceberg can be damaged. The most famous iceberg in history sank the “Titanic”, a ship travelling in the northern Atlantic Ocean, on April 15, 1912. The ship’s side scraped the iceberg, which tore holes in the hull. Within three hours, the ship was at the bottom of the ocean. After the loss of the “Titanic”, several nations worked together to establish the International Ice Patrol. Today the U.S. Coast Guard runs the patrol, which warns ships about icebergs floating in Atlantic shipping routes.


11 Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A–F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1–7. Одна из частей в списке 1–7 лишняя. Занесите цифры, обозначающие соответствующие части предложений, в таблицу.

Santa Claus
The man we know as Santa Claus has a history all to his own. Today, he is thought of mainly as the jolly man in red, but his story A____________________ the 3rd century to a monk named St. Nicholas. It is believed that Nicholas was born sometime around 280 AD in modern-day Turkey. Much admired for his kindness, St. Nicholas B____________________. It is said that he gave away all of his inherited wealth and traveled the countryside helping the poor and sick. Over the course of many years, Nicholas’s popularity spread and he became known as the protector of children and sailors. His feast day C____________________ his death, December 6. This was traditionally considered a lucky day to make large purchases or to get married. By the Renaissance, St. Nicholas was the most popular saint in Europe.
St. Nicholas first D____________________ at the end of the 18th century. The name Santa Claus evolved from a Dutch shortened form of Sint Nikolaas. As his popularity grew, Sinter Klaas was described as everything from a jocker with a blue three-cornered hat, red waistcoat, and yellow stockings to a man wearing a broad-brimmed hat and a huge pair of Flemish trousers.
In the 19th centuries big stores E____________________ using images of the newly-popular Santa Claus. In 1841, thousands of children visited a Philadelphia shop to see a life-size Santa Claus model. It F____________________ before stores began to attract children, and their parents, with the lure of a peek at the “real-life” Santa Claus with his famous white beard and red gown.

1. was only a matter of time
2. stretches all the way back to
3. is celebrated on the anniversary of
4. became the subject of many legends
5. appeared in American popular culture
6. began dressing up unemployed men in
7. began to advertise Christmas shopping


Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 12–18. В каждом задании запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

Challenges for foreigners in Russia
If you are moving from an English-speaking country to another, some of the problems of the new location will be minimized, but moving to a foreign language country is probably one of the hardest things to do. You will probably experience culture shock and will definitely have your ups and downs. Here’s a list of challenges you can expect to run into while you adjust to Russia.
Language, of course, is a no-brainer, but I couldn’t leave it off the list! I strongly advise learning at least the alphabet before coming to Russia to avoid feeling completely isolated. While going anywhere where you don’t speak the language can knock you down for a while, Russian is especially difficult with its complex grammar structure (cases, verb aspect, prefixes), unpredictable word stress, and difficult pronunciation (the letters ы, ь, and й always get me) … which also means your successes will be especially triumphant!
Effective communication is an essential part of our lives that we often overlook when it comes so naturally, but the first time you can’t answer a cashier’s simple question or can’t properly vent to your host family about your day, you will never underestimate the power of words again.
The second challenge is expressing emotions. Most people are familiar with the stereotype that “Russians don’t smile”. From my observation, Russians tend to show little emotion outside of home. Surrounded by strangers, often in harsh or unpleasant weather, there is no reason to emote freely. Of course, you see friends laughing and couples kissing and people arguing, but for the most part (excluding driving), emotions stay on the inside. Until you get home, when Russians are comfortable and around people they trust, passions run strong.
In the United States, the expression of our emotions tends to vary little in different circumstances, but when expressed, Russian emotions can be even stronger and perhaps even more genuine and heartfelt than Americans are used to.
In addition, if you are a foreign student in Russia, the biggest challenge is a different education system. Russian higher education is very different from that in the United States. For the most part, universities are buildings scattered throughout a city, not the centralized micro-cities that many US students are used to. Russians generally take 9–11 classes per semester that meet less frequently than American courses would, and it is not uncommon to skip a class almost entirely and just cram for the final from other students’ notes or a study guide. Professors are also less available –no office hours, they don’t always give out a school e-mail address, and in general they treat students more like colleagues.
It can be a shock going from a campus plastered with student event flyers to a cluster of half-empty academic buildings, but don’t worry – Russians make up for it by hosting a plethora of clubs and organizations for the city in general. Especially in St. Petersburg and Moscow there are hundreds of clubs to join from language (be a star in the English conversation club; meet other foreigners in the Russian club), sports, acting, dancing, singing, board games, movie-watching, and more! Try making some searches on the Russian social network V Kontakte to start out.
Going abroad for a long period of time has its difficulties no matter where you choose to go, but the better prepared you are for the challenges you’ll face in Russia, the faster you will adjust and be able to call this northern empire your second home.

12 What are people sure to experience when coming to stay in a different country, according to the author?

1) Both good and bad emotions.
2) Language barrier.
3) Confusion.
4) Loneliness.


13 The author believes that going to a foreign country without knowing its language is …

1) hard.
2) useful.
3) stupid.
4) common.


14 It is implied that your communication skills are … when you live abroad.

1) improved naturally
2) challenged
3) more effective
4) often ignored


15 According to the author, expressing emotions in the Russian culture …

1) is untypical of many people.
2) differs depending on circumstances.
3) is forbidden in public places.
4) is similar to the American culture.


16 The author thinks that compared to the USA, in Russian universities …

1) final exams are more difficult.
2) education process is more centralized.
3) teachers are more professional.
4) students could disregard some classes.


17 “It” in “… Russians make up for it by hosting …” (paragraph 7) refers to the …

1) variety of student clubs.
2) social networking.
3) student activities.
4) quality of academic buildings.


18 What is the main idea expressed in the last paragraph?

1) The adaptation period to a foreign culture depends on an individual.
2) Living in Russia for a long time is rather challenging for foreigners.
3) The longer you stay abroad, the better prepared you become.
4) Preparation can smooth your adaptation period in Russia.


По окончании выполнения заданий 10–18 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в БЛАНК ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с первой клеточки. При переносе ответов на задания 10 и 11 цифры записываются без пробелов, запятых и других дополнительных символов. Каждую цифру пишите в отдельной клеточке в соответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.

Раздел 3. Грамматика и лексика

Прочитайте приведённые ниже тексты. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 19–24, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текстов. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 19–24.

A cleaning wand

19 A cleaning wand is a totally new invention. It features the advanced UV-C technology that helps to kill bacteria and germs. It’s the __________________ ever cleaning device you can literally take anywhere.

20 The __________________ thing about it is that it can clean anything.

21 There’s no doubt that __________________ are going to like this invention very much.

Robert Heinlein

22 Robert A. Heinlein was a US science fiction author. He was among those writers who emphasized scientific accuracy in their fiction. He also __________________ it was necessary to challenge the readers.

23 He pointed out it was necessary to develop __________________ critical thinking.

24 He pointed out that any science fiction book __________________ a success if the author followed these two important principles.

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Образуйте от слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 25–29, однокоренные слова так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 25–29.

Anatoly Karpov

25 Anatoly Karpov is a Russian chess grandmaster. He is considered to be one of the greatest __________________ of all time.

26 Karpov started playing chess when he was only four. Recognizing his talent, Karpov’s parents did everything possible to help him master this __________________ game.

27 Karpov quickly became the national master and went on to receive the title of a grandmaster at the age of 19. It may sound __________________ but Karpov successfully combined playing chess with being an excellent student.

28 He proceeded to win a series of __________________ tournaments, becoming the official world champion in 1975. His reign as the world champion came to an end only when he was defeated by Garry Kasparov in 1985.

29 The two men then had many more matches at various __________________, proving to be equally good chess masters. Karpov is now actively involved in humanitarian activities.

Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 30–36. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 30–36, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

At the office
Max White tapped on Paul’s office door at 15.00. He walked in without 30 ______ for a response. Paul looked up from the papers on his desk and said, “Sit down, Max. Please 31 ______ me everything you know.”
It was Tuesday, the eighth of July; the day before, the rumors had been rampant throughout the company that more of the top executives were going to be sacked on the explicit orders of Brent Horn. 32 ______, nobody knew who would be terminated. So most of the people were 33 ______ about losing their jobs. An atmosphere of fear reigned in the company for the first time in over thirty years, and there was gloom on every floor of the building.
Max had all the information, as he had just told Paul on the phone; now he leaned closer and confided, “I understand George Sanford was given his walking orders late on Friday afternoon. And this week we’ll see the 34 ______ of Jim Cooper and John Turner, two good men.” It was terrible news. They had been with the company about as long as Paul had. They were among Brent Horn’s big supporters when he was trying to get the company back from the DeWitts. They were much 35 ______ by everyone. Paul couldn’t 36 ______ of their dismissal. He was truly shocked, and it showed. The company had changed the moment Brent Horn had taken control, and it genially concerned him.


1) expecting
2) waiting
3) demanding
4) requiring



1) say
2) speak
3) talk
4) tell



1) However
2) Although
3) Therefore
4) Moreover



1) bothered
2) annoyed
3) worried
4) troubled



1) destruction
2) demonstration
3) departure
4) determination



1) recognized
2) respected
3) regarded
4) remained



1) admire
2) accept
3) appreciate
4) approve


По окончании выполнения заданий 19–36 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в БЛАНК ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с первой клеточки. При переносе ответов на задания 19–29 буквы записываются без пробелов, запятых и других дополнительных символов. Каждую букву или цифру пишите в отдельной клеточке в соответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.
Проверьте, чтобы каждый ответ был записан рядом с номером соответствующего задания.

Раздел 4. Письменная речь

Для ответов на задания 37 и 38 используйте бланк ответов № 2. Черновые пометки можно делать прямо на листе с заданиями или использовать отдельный черновик. При выполнении заданий 37 и 38 особое внимание обратите на то, что Ваши ответы будут оцениваться только по записям, сделанным в БЛАНКЕ ОТВЕТОВ № 2. Обратите внимание также на необходимость соблюдения указанного объёма текста. Тексты недостаточного объёма, а также часть текста, превышающая требуемый объём, не оцениваются. Соблюдайте нормы письменной речи, записывайте ответы аккуратно и разборчиво.
Укажите номер задания 37 в БЛАНКЕ ОТВЕТОВ № 2 и напишите текст своего ответного электронного письма зарубежному другу по переписке.

37 You have received an email message from your English-speaking pen-friend Jerry:

From: Jerry@mail.uk
To: Russian_friend@ege.ru
Subject: Weather

…This year the weather in winter was unusually cold. What about the weather in your region this winter? What do you do when it is snowing heavily? What is your favourite season, why?…
I’ve just returned from a trip to London…

Write an email to Jerry.
In your message:
– answer his questions;
– ask 3 questions about his trip to London.
Write 100–140words.
Remember the rules of email writing.

Выберите только ОДНО из двух предложенных заданий (38.1 или 38.2), укажите его номер в БЛАНКЕ ОТВЕТОВ № 2 и выполните согласно данному плану. В ответе на задание 38 числительные пишите цифрами.

38.1 Imagine that you are doing a project on how people stay healthy in Zetland. You have found some data on the subject – the results of the opinion polls (see the table below).
Comment on the data in the table and give your opinion on the subject of the project.

Write 200–250 words.
Use the following plan:
– make an opening statement on the subject of the project;
– select and report 2–3 facts;
– make 1–2 comparisons where relevant and give your comments;
– outline a problem that can arise with some approaches to staying healthy and suggest a way of solving it;
– conclude by giving and explaining your opinion on the importance of staying healthy.

38.2 Imagine that you are doing a project on why people should study geography in Zetland. You have found some data on the subject – the results of the opinion polls (see the pie chart below).
Comment on the data in the pie chart and give your opinion on the subject of the project.

Write 200–250 words.
Use the following plan:
– make an opening statement on the subject of the project;
– select and report 2–3 facts;
– make 1–2 comparisons where relevant and give your comments;
– outline a problem that can arise with learning geography and suggest a way of solving it;
– conclude by giving and explaining your opinion on the importance of studying geography in our life.

Проверьте, чтобы каждый ответ был записан рядом с номером соответствующего задания.

Раздел 1. Аудирование

1 Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего A–F и утверждениями, данными в списке 1–7. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей цифрой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

1. Your health may stop you from taking baths.
2. Taking baths is not environmentally friendly.
3. Technical innovations make a shower a great experience.
4. Taking a bath isn’t as wasteful as you may think.
5. Taking showers helps me to stay healthy.
6. Taking a bath is a perfect way to relax.
7. There are both pluses and minuses about baths and showers.

Говорящий / Утверждение

2 Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А–G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), какие не соответствуют (2 – False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated). Занесите номер выбранного Вами варианта ответа в таблицу. Вы услышите запись дважды.

A. Greg studied in Russia for a year.
B. Mary wants Greg to give her some advice.
C. Mary still needs to get a visa to Russia.
D. Greg thinks Mary shouldn’t take cash.
E. Greg and Mary live in London.
F. Mary always tips waiters in restaurants.
G. Greg disliked Russian soups.

Утверждение / Соответствие диалогу

Вы услышите интервью. В заданиях 3–9 запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

3 What do we learn about Michelle at the beginning of the interview?

1) She plans to finish her artistic career very soon.
2) Her main characteristics are love and respect.
3) She’s worked with the same people for many years.


4 How did Michelle get rid of stage fright?

1) Spending time with her family.
2) Recording new tapes.
3) With the help of psychotherapy.


5 What does Michelle say about her charity activities?

1) She chooses what she feels is right.
2) She prefers education issues.
3) She will always support women’s rights.


6 Which of the following is NOT among the top priorities of Michelle’s foundation?

1) Climate change.
2) Family education.
3) Women’s health.


7 Why did Michelle decide to raise money for the Women’s Heart Center?

1) A lot of women die from heart diseases.
2) Heart problems are harder to treat than cancer.
3) She survived a horrible hear attack herself.


8 What does Michelle NOT mention as a way to relax?

1) Playing computer games.
2) Going on a diet.
3) Watching a film.


9 What does Michelle regret about her career?

1) Having lost her voice.
2) Missing playing certain roles.
3) Losing fans.


По окончании выполнения заданий 1–9 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в БЛАНК ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с первой клеточки. При переносе ответов на задания 1 и 2 цифры записываются без пробелов, запятых и других дополнительных символов. Каждую цифру пишите в отдельной клеточке в соответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.

Раздел 2. Чтение

10Установите соответствие между текстами A–G и заголовками 1–8. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

1. A job for anybody
2. Start your business
3. A job with a high salary
4. Choosing a job
5. Zoopsychologist
6. Night work
7. Working with your hands
8. Working for royals

A. Some people can’t get out of the house easily to shop, don’t have the time to do it or just don’t enjoy shopping. If shopping is something you enjoy, turn it into a self-employed career. Personal shoppers give advice to customers and suggest products that may suit their needs. This can be anything from gifts to household goods to clothing. Advertise your services at locations such as senior citizens’ centres, community centres, shopping malls and grocery stores. Meet with the clients and find out what items (groceries, clothing, etc.) they need and how often.

B. The market is changing very fast. In fact, there may be careers that exist when a student gets out of college that simply didn’t exist when they started. So rather than asking, “What do I want to be?,” pose these questions: “What skills do I have? What kinds of people do I like to work with? In what kind of environment?” This is a way to think about a career without necessarily naming it. You describe yourself in a functional way and then figure out what that’s called and if people get paid to do it.

C. The regulations define this as the period between 11 pm and 6 am although this agreement can be slightly varied between employers and workers. Generally, people who work for at least three hours within the period must be offered a free health assessment before they begin their work duties and on a regular basis. Workers, however, do not have to accept this check. In general, workers must be over 18, although there are some exceptions to this rule. Teenagers aged 16 and 17, for example, can work according to this schedule, but only for 40 hours per week.

D. When your dog won’t roll over or your cat is making a mess, you might have to call someone who specialises in pet behaviour to solve your problems. This person analyses the pet’s confidence and security inside and outside the home to find the source of the problem. By studying their instincts and social rituals in their natural habitat as well as around humans, they modify the unwanted behaviour. It is all about helping dogs, cats and horses feel safe and confident and secure inside and outside our homes.

E. Being a queen’s piper involves playing the bagpipes for 15 minutes at 9 am under the Queen’s window when she is in residence at Buckingham Palace, Windsor Castle, the Palace of Holyroodhouse or Balmoral Castle. The piper is also responsible for the co-ordination of the 12 Army pipers who play around the table after State Banquets. It’s important to be presentable and patient enough when escorting the Queen to the various audiences that she has throughout the day.

F. A surgeon starts with a Bachelor’s degree, specializes in medicine and finally, surgery and then spends up to seven years as an intern or a resident. If you want to cut people open, they want to be really sure you know what you are doing. The field will be growing, as people now live longer. This is one of the highest demand and best paid jobs in the US because it takes so much skill and precision. Wages vary depending on the type of surgery, but on average this was the highest paid medical job in 2015.

G. Imagine you’re an electrician, you’re installing a pipe and have to bend around the corners to make everything line up. This kind of work requires improvisation and creativity. Besides, the wages of manual workers are greater than in many office jobs. For instance, a skilled mechanic usually earns more than a sociology graduate working in publishing. Besides, the job offers small moments of joy, like when the bike you’re mending starts up and runs. But not everything about manual work is rosy. Furniture making, for example, is not a good career move.


11Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A–F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1–7. Одна из частей в списке 1–7 лишняя. Занесите цифры, обозначающие соответствующие части предложений, в таблицу.

City of fountains
Peterhof is a monument of world architecture and palace and park art. Peterhof includes a palace and park ensemble of the 18-19th centuries, A__________. Peterhof is a city of fountains as it contains 173 fountains and 4 cascades B__________. Each year up to 3 million people come here to enjoy the splendour of numerous fountains and the unique parks of Peterhof.
The name Peterhof was first mentioned in 1705. It was a coastal manor, close to which the construction of a grand country residence began. The original plan belonged to Peter the Great. After the brilliant victory of Russian troops over the Swedes, security of St. Petersburg both from the land C__________. Since that time, the construction of the Peterhof residence grew immensely in scope.
According to the plan of Peter the Great, on the one hand, Peterhof was meant to be equal in splendour with the most famous royal residences in Europe, D__________ to access the Baltic Sea. Both were successfully done. The Great Palace was built on a natural hill here, E__________. Following the plan of Peter the Great, F__________, the Grand Cascade with the famous Samson fountain was constructed. This is still one of the most spectacular fountains in the world. In 1990 the palaces and parks of Peterhof were included in the list of the world heritage of UNESCO.

1. and from the sea has been firmly ensured
2. which is a former royal countryside residence
3. who designs many royal residences in Europe
4. and then rebuilt in the baroque style in the 18th century
5. who wanted to decorate the main entrance with waterfalls
6. that are located in the park on the coast of the Gulf of Finland
7. and on the other hand, to become a monument of Russia’s struggle


Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 12–18. В каждом задании запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

College food
Choosing a college? Well, you may want to look more closely at what’s being served. Not just in the classrooms but also the cafeterias.
What you eat and drink in college can make a big difference during college and well beyond. College may be the first time that you are away from Mommy and Daddy and are making decisions about what to put in your mouth on your own. It is when you are potentially programming some of your habits for life. You may also still be growing in college, which makes good nutrition especially important. According to a study published in the journal Preventive Medicine, overweight and obesity rates increase by more than 15% for first-year college students.
Healthy may not be the first thing you think of when you picture college eating. Instead, it may be late-night takeout, food from bags, ketchup as a vegetable, cereal for dinner and Nutella on everything. Oh, and when the cafeteria’s vegetable-of-the-day is mushroom, it may actually be “mush” served in a room. The same study found that 95% of college students fail to eat the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables, and more than 60% report not getting enough physical activity.
That is why the Healthier Campus Initiative appeared. As science has shown, once your eating habits are established, changing them can be very difficult. Yes, knowledge and a diploma aren’t the only things that you can get for life from college. That means that collegiate eating and drinking could be contributing to the continuing obesity epidemic and the host of diet-related chronic diseases that keep growing in many countries.
College applicants seem to become more and more aware of this. Back when I was applying to college, the only thing I knew about college meal plans was that they involved meals and a plan. Oh, and that they could be quite costly. By contrast, a survey conducted in 2015 showed nearly 1 in 5 potential college applicants indicated that a college’s health and wellness offerings were “likely” or “extremely likely” to alter their decisions of whether to apply to that college. And 23% felt that access to such offerings would be “absolutely essential when deciding where to apply.” Among female high schoolers, 51% deemed it either absolutely essential or very important. Modern kids are smart.
Therefore, take heed, colleges and universities. They say that a way to one’s heart is through the stomach. This may apply to the brain as well and the checkbook for college tuition. If colleges want to attract the best and brightest, they may want to make sure they are serving the yummiest and the healthiest.
Of course, not all campuses around the country have joined the Initiative yet. That doesn’t mean that all other campuses are serving just hot dogs. However, you may want to be vigilant about what colleges and universities are serving. For example, ask to see their menus and accompanying nutrition information. This should include ingredients and frequency at which they are served. An apple a year will keep no doctor away. Determine what food is available off-hours or away from the cafeteria. This should include water fountains and healthy vending machines. Know who is supplying the food and from where the food comes.
Certainly, college food is not the sole cause of the epidemics of obesity and other diet related chronic diseases that certain countries are facing right now as there are a lot of other factors involved, including economics and family traditions. But it may be a contributor. After all, college years may be very important in forming habits we keep through our whole lives.

12 The author thinks that choosing a college should depend on …

1) food served there.
2) workout facilities.
3) classes and food.
4) healthy campus habits.


13 Which of the following is NOT true about college eating, according to the author?

1) Food choices in college can determine your future nutrition.
2) Most students lack fruit and vegetables in their diet.
3) More senior students have extra weight than first-year students.
4) After leaving home many freshmen eat unhealthy food.


14 In the author’s view, the Healthier Campus Initiative was started to …

1) study what meals colleges offer nationwide.
2) draw parents’ attention to students’ eating habits.
3) work with obese students and their parents.
4) encourage colleges to provide healthier food.


15 According to the article, college applicants nowadays …

1) are more concerned about college meal options.
2) are less intelligent than in the author’s time.
3) prefer colleges that offer wellness scholarships.
4) mostly choose a college based on meal plans.


16 The phrase take heed in “Therefore, take heed, colleges and universities” (Paragraph 6) is closest in meaning to …

1) pay attention.
2) stay back.
3) take time.
4) keep calm.


17 The author is using a reference to a famous proverb “An apple a day keeps a doctor away” (Paragraph 7 – An apple a year will keep no doctor away) to emphasize that …

1) your health depends on the food you eat.
2) it is important how often you eat healthy food.
3) snacks are also important in students’ diet.
4) applicants should check college menus first.


18 The main goal of the article is to …

1) discuss the reasons for obesity and chronic diseases.
2) call the readers’ attention to the importance of college food.
3) explain what colleges should do to attract more students.
4) encourage more colleges to join the Healthier Campus Initiative.


По окончании выполнения заданий 10–18 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в БЛАНК ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с первой клеточки. При переносе ответов на задания 10 и 11 цифры записываются без пробелов, запятых и других дополнительных символов. Каждую цифру пишите в отдельной клеточке в соответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.

Раздел 3. Грамматика и лексика

Прочитайте приведённые ниже тексты. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 19–24, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текстов. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 19–24.

Animal sleep

19 Sleep is as important for animals as for human beings. Ferrets, for instance, can sleep the __________________ part of the day – about 20 hours.

20 Snakes may sleep for three years without __________________ up to get some food.

21 Dolphins always sleep with one eye open whereas sharks __________________ moving during their sleep as they breathe only while moving.

Vincent van Gogh

22 Vincent van Gogh was a Dutch Post-Impressionist painter. In his lifetime he __________________ sell any pictures.

23 People often made fun of him and his works. They used to tell him that he __________________ a real painter.

24 However, van Gogh never stopped painting. He preferred to listen to his heart and follow his dream. Now his pictures __________________ masterpieces and cost a lot of money.

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Образуйте от слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 25–29, однокоренные слова так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 25–29.

Vladislav Tretyak

25 Vladislav Tretyak is an outstanding Russian hockey player. He is considered to be one of the best goaltenders in the history of ice hockey. He was born in 1952 in a family of a military pilot and a PE teacher. So, it was only __________________that Tretyak did much sport in his early childhood.

26 He tried __________________ sports and wanted to excel in all of them, but fell in love with ice hockey at the age of 11.

27 He entered the Children and Youth Sports School of the CSKA, where he began playing goaltender when he saw that, __________________, no one else had the desire or courage to play the position.

28 By the age of 19, Tretyak was already famous not only in Russia, but also on the __________________ level.

29 His great __________________ in the Summit Series in 1972 earned him a massive fan base all over the world. Tretyak retired at the age of 32 to spend more time with his family. He is the current president of the Ice Hockey Federation in Russia.

Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 30–36. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 30–36, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

Emily was disappointed. She finally settled on the one person she felt she could seek advice from. She decided to turn 30 ______ at the docks unannounced and hope George would be around when she knocked on his door.
She didn’t 31 ______either of her brothers who she was visiting. One of them would try to stop her, while the other would feel she betrayed a confidence. Emily could 32 ______wait until her day off, and once she had dropped Luke at school, she took a bus to the dockyard. She had chosen her time carefully: late morning, when George was still likely to be in his office, while her brothers would be fully 33 ______loading or unloading cargo at the other end of the dock. Emily said to the man on the gate that she’d come to apply for a job as a cleaner. He pointed indifferently towards the red-brick building and still didn’t 34 ______her.
As she walked towards Spencer House, Emily looked up at the windows on the fifth floor and 35 ______which office was his. She recalled her encounter with Mrs. Gray, and the way she had been shown the door the moment she mentioned her name. Now Emily not only had a job she 36 ______and where she was respected, but she’d had two other offers in the past few days. She didn’t give Mrs. Gray another thought as she walked straight past the building and continued along the quayside.


1) off
2) up
3) in
4) on



1) say
2) speak
3) talk
4) tell



1) hardly
2) merely
3) rarely
4) nearly



1) timed
2) governed
3) occupied
4) tested



1) remember
2) review
3) remind
4) revise



1) wondered
2) wandered
3) considered
4) regarded



1) pleased
2) enjoyed
3) amused
4) satisfied


По окончании выполнения заданий 19–36 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в БЛАНК ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с первой клеточки. При переносе ответов на задания 19–29 буквы записываются без пробелов, запятых и других дополнительных символов. Каждую букву или цифру пишите в отдельной клеточке в соответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.
Проверьте, чтобы каждый ответ был записан рядом с номером соответствующего задания.

Раздел 4. Письменная речь

Для ответов на задания 37 и 38 используйте бланк ответов № 2. Черновые пометки можно делать прямо на листе с заданиями или использовать отдельный черновик. При выполнении заданий 37 и 38 особое внимание обратите на то, что Ваши ответы будут оцениваться только по записям, сделанным в БЛАНКЕ ОТВЕТОВ № 2. Обратите внимание также на необходимость соблюдения указанного объёма текста. Тексты недостаточного объёма, а также часть текста, превышающая требуемый объём, не оцениваются. Соблюдайте нормы письменной речи, записывайте ответы аккуратно и разборчиво.
Укажите номер задания 37 в БЛАНКЕ ОТВЕТОВ № 2 и напишите текст своего ответного электронного письма зарубежному другу по переписке.

37 You have received an email message from your English-speaking pen-friend Olivia:

From: Olivia@mail.uk
To: Russian_friend@ege.ru
Subject: Online shopping

…Most of my friends prefer shopping online today. What kind of shopping do you prefer? Is online shopping popular in your country, and why or why not? What are the possible risks of shopping online?
I’ve passed all my school exams at last…

Write an email to Olivia.
In your message:
– answer her questions;
– ask 3 questions about her school exams.
Write 100–140words.
Remember the rules of email writing.

Выберите только ОДНО из двух предложенных заданий (38.1 или 38.2), укажите его номер в БЛАНКЕ ОТВЕТОВ № 2 и выполните согласно данному плану. В ответе на задание 38 числительные пишите цифрами.

38.1 Imagine that you are doing a project on what career development activities are popular among Zetland young people. You have found some data on the subject – the results of the opinion polls (see the table below).
Comment on the data in the table and give your opinion on the subject of the project.

Write 200–250 words.
Use the following plan:
– make an opening statement on the subject of the project;
– select and report 2–3 facts;
– make 1–2 comparisons where relevant and give your comments;
– outline a problem that can arise with choosing a career and suggest a way of solving it;
– conclude by giving and explaining your opinion on how to find a good job.

38.2 Imagine that you are doing a project on what holiday destinations are most popular in Zetland. You have found some data on the subject – the results of the opinion polls (see the pie chart below).
Comment on the data in the pie chart and give your opinion on the subject of the project.

Write 200–250 words.
Use the following plan:
– make an opening statement on the subject of the project;
– select and report 2–3 facts;
– make 1–2 comparisons where relevant and give your comments;
– outline a problem that can arise with choosing a holiday destination and suggest a way of solving it;
– conclude by giving and explaining your opinion on the best holiday destination.

Проверьте, чтобы каждый ответ был записан рядом с номером соответствующего задания.

Раздел 1. Аудирование

1 Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего A–F и утверждениями, данными в списке 1–7. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей цифрой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

1. The benefits of recycling are questionable.
2. Recycling is an inconvenience.
3. Recycling should be profitable for people.
4. We possess more things than we need.
5. Recycling is about reusing what we have.
6. Recycling is the government’s issue.
7. Wealth allows people not to recycle.

Говорящий / Утверждение

2Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А–G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), какие не соответствуют (2 – False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated). Занесите номер выбранного Вами варианта ответа в таблицу. Вы услышите запись дважды.

A. Steve didn’t want to meet Karen.
B. Steve wants Karen to give him some advice.
C. Steve’s host family lives close to his future school.
D. Steve will have to buy another mobile phone in Russia.
E. Karen was generally satisfied with Russian public transport.
F. Karen thinks buses are the best means of transport in Russia.
G. Steve feels more confident after talking to Karen.

Утверждение / Соответствие диалогу

Вы услышите интервью. В заданиях 3–9 запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

3 What do we learn about Paul at the beginning of the interview?

1) He has worked as a fashion model.
2) He’s planning to finish his acting career.
3) He’s getting too old to perform.


4 Which of the following is NOT Paul’s achievement?

1) Academy Award.
2) Two Oscars.
3) World’s best actor.


5 What does Paul say about the beginning of his acting career?

1) It had many ups and downs.
2) He was out of work for a year.
3) He can’t remember any failures.


6 How does Paul feel about Paris?

1) He has mixed feelings about it.
2) He hates visiting it as a tourist.
3) He compares it to London unfavourably.


7 What does Paul say is the best way for him to relax?

1) To avoid all the noise.
2) To go to the mountains.
3) To stay in a cabin up the hills.


8 Which of the following is TRUE about Paul’s school friends?

1) All of them live in London.
2) They used to be scandalous fans.
3) They play football professionally.


9 Who is Brando for Paul?

1) A role model.
2) An old friend.
3) A person to admire.


По окончании выполнения заданий 1–9 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в БЛАНК ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с первой клеточки. При переносе ответов на задания 1 и 2 цифры записываются без пробелов, запятых и других дополнительных символов. Каждую цифру пишите в отдельной клеточке в соответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.

Раздел 2. Чтение

10 Установите соответствие между текстами A–G и заголовками 1–8. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

1. Penguins’ diet
2. No longer a secret
3. Sound identification
4. Are penguins birds?
5. Different homes
6. Enemies everywhere
7. Living in Antarctica
8. How big are penguins?

A. Penguin sizes range from the largest penguin species, which can be as tall as 45 inches and weigh as much as 60 to 90 pounds, to the smallest penguin, which only reaches 12 inches in height and weighs 2 to 3 pounds. The largest species of penguin, the Emperor penguin, averages 66 pounds and a height of 3.8 feet and lives in Antarctica. The second-largest penguin, the King penguin, looks similar to the Emperor penguin but is found in the sub-Antarctic belt, rather than in Antarctica.

B. Penguins are flightless birds. The main types of predators that eat penguins are marine animals, such as leopard seals, whales and sharks. Many land animals are also a threat to penguins in Antarctica and include birds like petrels, skuas and seagulls. These birds either steal penguin eggs or kill their chicks. Penguins, which live in other areas of the world like the Galapagos Islands, Australia and South Africa, can have different land predators that include snakes, ferrets, lizards and foxes.

C. All known species of penguins live naturally in the southern hemisphere of the world. They actually occupy habitats that are located on each of the five continents within the southern hemisphere. Antarctica, which is known for its low temperatures, is a habitat for only five breeds of penguins. The majority of penguins prefer colder climates, but there are some species that prefer a slightly warmer climate. The Galapagos penguin, for example, resides far north near the Galapagos Islands.

D. Penguins primarily communicate vocally, but they also communicate through body language and posturing. Penguins all look virtually identical, which makes individual recognition very difficult. To overcome this, penguins have evolved different sounding voices and the ability to recognize the individual voices of their mates or chicks. This allows the birds to recognize and find their mates or chicks among the masses, which all look the same. Besides, penguins produce different types of calls.

E. While penguins do not fly, they are incredible swimmers. In 2012, scientists managed to discover at last that the reason why Emperor penguins are able to swim so quickly through the ocean is not only because of the feathers on their flippers but also because of bubbles. It is surprising to learn about the bubbles penguins use to coat their bodies as they swim through the water. This coating of bubbles makes them more slippery and they are able to slide through the water at top speeds of 12 to 77 feet per second.

F. Penguins catch their food while swimming in the ocean. Penguins primarily eat fish, squid and krill that they catch with their sharp beaks. Over their evolutionary history, the ancestors of modern penguins lost their ability to fly in exchange for becoming extraordinary swimmers. Penguins are among the most skilled fish-eating animals in the world, which is necessary to fuel their high caloric needs. In contrast to cold-blooded fish, penguins must eat a lot to heat their bodies internally in cold weather.

G. Penguins are not mammals, even though they are warm-blooded animals. Penguins are one of only a few species of flightless birds left in the world. Many people mistakenly believe penguins have fur instead of feathers because of the tight packing of feathers on their bodies. Most birds could not survive the frigid temperatures, but penguins store ample fat reserves that protect them in the water. They have the tightly-woven feathers that protect them on land, and they stand in huddles to share body warmth.


11Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A–F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1–7. Одна из частей в списке 1–7 лишняя. Занесите цифры, обозначающие соответствующие части предложений, в таблицу.

Do jellyfish sleep?
Worms and fish do it. Birds and bees do it. But do jellyfish fall asleep?
It was after midnight A__________ where the jellyfish were kept. They left the lights off and walked through the room by the glow of their cellphones. The students did not tell anyone that they were doing this. The secret they were keeping was a “totally crazy” experiment aimed at finding out whether jellyfish sleep.
A few weeks before, B__________ whether jellyfish needed to sleep. “Of course not,” said one of them. “Sleep helps C__________. Jellyfish are so simple they don’t even have brains. How could they possibly share the need to sleep?” The others weren’t so sure, but they wanted to find out.
The three students designed an experiment to test different behaviors and see if the jellyfish were asleep. They watched the animals to see how they moved, and D__________ when they were resting. It turned out that the jellyfish moved about 30 percent less at night. It was also harder to get their attention.
Months of late-night studying led to amazing results. Young scientists reported E__________ sleeplike behavior. This made it the first animal without a brain known to do so. The results suggest F__________ life, as the jellyfish group of animals first arose about 700 million years ago, and has stuck with us ever since.

1. if they could get the jellies’ attention
2. how talkative they were in a situation close to
3. when three science students crept into the lab
4. that sleep evolved early in the history of animal
5. strengthen memory and keep the brain healthy
6. that the upside-down jellyfish Cassiopea showed
7. the students were having coffee and started debating


Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 12–18. В каждом задании запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

Highlands Express
The journey began on a September evening in London as a black cab rushed me to Euston station. I had a weekend to myself, and I meant to make the most of it by hitting the famous Highlands of Scotland on a Caledonian Sleeper, a working train also affectionately known as the Deerstalker Express. I saw it as an escape from hectic city life.
A train is a very public place, but a berth on the sleeper is one of the most private. I was shown to my little first-class cabin – a little bed, little basin, window, night light and an extra blanket, trim as a toy house. I took a nibble in the comfortable, modern dining car, and retired to bed. London had slipped away, and it was black out there. I pulled the blind, put out the lamp, and arranged myself for sleep.
The train pulled into the station at 9:43 a.m. The centre of Fort William, I quickly learned, is but a street of fishing and hiking shops, with a spiky Victorian church, a handsome stone hotel, and a lake running alongside it. Before I took a cab to the hotel, I wandered up High Street to find the local paper and a cup of tea. A few hours later, I found myself standing up to my knees in the River Lochy, fishing with the expert assistance of a local guide, Martin Brown. The hotel staff was quite helpful and had arranged the outing with Martin. My aim was to learn the basics of fly-fishing. While Martin effortlessly handled yards and yards of fishing line so that his fly touched a small pool across the river, I splashed my fly into the river a few yards off. My first few casts were a mess, but I gradually improved. Soon, I hooked something. The rod grew heavy and lively. Eventually, I got very cold feet and aching arms and some sense of the pleasures of fishing, just as I had hoped.
That evening, after Martin dropped me off at the hotel, I found a place to sit among the armchair atolls in the oceanic great hall. Later, I was summoned to my table in one of the dining rooms, walls hung with prints. My meal was unassuming but tasty. I had a bit of meat pie, and a bit of cheese.
The following morning, I struck out on the well-marked walk that takes just a few hours but plunges you immediately into the grandeur of the Highlands. In the distance I saw an odd sight: a group of hikers dancing madly about the stream, waving their arms and shaking their heads.
I spread my coat on the grass and settled down to my picnic – superior crab sandwiches provided by the hotel. In a moment, I was on my feet, slapping my face and rubbing my hair while grabbing up my sandwiches with a free hand. I had forgotten the bane of the Highlands: flies, which are particularly active in late summer.
At Fort William’s excellent West Highland Museum, housed in a late Georgian building on Cameron Square, you can learn how people left a mark on this ancient landscape. They worked its trees and stones, leaving beautiful ax heads from the Stone Age, Celtic jewellery, the blade of a bronze sword. There are suggestions of myth and magic, the cement that connected people to their surroundings and the darker world beyond: amulets, cures, and trophies. And there are objects so rare and weird that they seemed to have dropped from the world beyond: so-called drift-seeds, which floated ashore from the West Indies and were turned into charms, odd-shaped or queerly colored pebbles that drew fevers, or brought a loved one home.
It was not yet dark when the London sleeper slid out of Fort William Station. I did not brood for long on the triumphs and tragedies of Highland history. When I next opened my eyes, I saw the huddled rooftops of suburban London, and a cheerful attendant, passing me a cup of tea.

12 The author decided to spend a holiday in the Highlands to …

1) ride an exclusive train.
2) spend some time on his own.
3) get away from the busy capital.
4) see what the Highlands are known for.


13It in Paragraph 3 (and a lake running alongside it) refers to the …

1) lakeshore.
2) street.
3) shop.
4) church.


14 Which statement about the author’s fishing experience is FALSE?

1) His fishing skills slowly improved.
2) His attempts to catch something were useless.
3) The experience was quite satisfying.
4) The guide showed him how to throw the line.


15Unassuming in Paragraph 4 (My meal was unassuming but tasty) most probably means …

1) heavy.
2) healthy.
3) modest.
4) inexpensive.


16 Hikers behaved strangely because they were …

1) attacked by insects.
2) performing a ritual.
3) impressed by the Highlands.
4) having an argument.


17 What did the author NOT see at the museum?

1) Old textiles.
2) Magic stones.
3) Parts of weapons.
4) Ancient charms.


18 How can the author’s weekend experience be described?

1) Thought-provoking.
2) Eye-opening.
3) Time-consuming.
4) Pressure-free.


По окончании выполнения заданий 10–18 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в БЛАНК ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с первой клеточки. При переносе ответов на задания 10 и 11 цифры записываются без пробелов, запятых и других дополнительных символов. Каждую цифру пишите в отдельной клеточке в соответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.

Раздел 3. Грамматика и лексика

Прочитайте приведённые ниже тексты. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 19–24, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текстов. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 19–24.

Forest therapy

19 The Japanese are a very wise nation. Many Japanese people lead a very busy life and they need effective means to fight stress. Forest therapy __________________ one of them for a long time.

20 The Japanese enjoy __________________ to local forests at the weekend.

21 They spend there no __________________ than three hours walking and listening to birds singing. Scientists consider this kind of therapy very good.


22 Snow is beautiful. People all over the world, especially __________________, love looking at it or even playing with it.

23 There are many interesting facts about snow. For instance, snow is colourless – it just looks white to us. A long time ago people __________________ to make artificial snow.

24 The __________________ snow maker was patented in 1961 by Alden Hanson.

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Образуйте от слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 25–29, однокоренные слова так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 25–29.

Denis Matsuev

25 Denis Matsuev is a Russian classical pianist. Born in Irkutsk in 1975, Matsuev is the only child of two musicians. His mother is a piano teacher and his father is a pianist and a __________________.

26 Matsuev’s talent became obvious in his early childhood. He was only three years old when he managed to __________________ on his piano at home a melody which he had heard on television.

27 In 1990 young Denis won a prize at the New Names Charitable Foundation __________________ in Irkutsk and got a scholarship from the foundation to study music in Moscow.

28 Matsuev toured the world with other young gifted musicians from Russia discovered by the foundation. In 1994 he took part in his first __________________ piano contest in Johannesburg, South Africa, where he was awarded the Grand Prix.

29 His musical career quickly progressed. He is now a world-famous pianist with __________________ awards and a massive fan base.

Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 30–36. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 30–36, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

At the library
It was early morning. Jason stood in the library at Norwood House, 30 ______ up at the painting above the fireplace. What an extraordinary portrait it was, of a handsome man in the prime of his life. The great Horace Winton. His grandfather. His mother, Horace’s eldest daughter, Laura, had always 31 ______ him that he would grow up to look like her father. She had been proved right.
This painting had been finished just a short time before Horace’s fortieth birthday, and in a few days’ time, he himself would be forty years old. And he was the spitting 32 ______ of his grandfather; six foot four, broad of chest, with red-gold hair and blue eyes. He knew that if Horas Winton could step out of the portrait, come to stand next to him, they would look like twins, so close was their 33 ______.
Jason Casey finally turned away and walked out onto the terrace, headed through the hanging gardens, making for the ruined stronghold. His mother had constantly taken him there as a child, explaining that it had been her father’s favourite spot at Norwood, and 34 ______ hers. She had 35 ______ him up on Winton lore, and most of it had been about his grandfather. Jason knew so much about his grandfather and 36 ______ never meeting him in person.


1) seeing
2) watching
3) blinking
4) staring



1) said
2) told
3) talked
4) spoke



1) replica
2) image
3) twin
4) double



1) resemblance
2) reproduction
3) recollection
4) responsibility



1) however
2) moreover
3) although
4) therefore



1) raised
2) grown
3) brought
4) risen



1) regretted
2) revealed
3) remained
4) registered


По окончании выполнения заданий 19–36 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в БЛАНК ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с первой клеточки. При переносе ответов на задания 19–29 буквы записываются без пробелов, запятых и других дополнительных символов. Каждую букву или цифру пишите в отдельной клеточке в соответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.
Проверьте, чтобы каждый ответ был записан рядом с номером соответствующего задания.

Раздел 4. Письменная речь

Для ответов на задания 37 и 38 используйте бланк ответов № 2. Черновые пометки можно делать прямо на листе с заданиями или использовать отдельный черновик. При выполнении заданий 37 и 38 особое внимание обратите на то, что Ваши ответы будут оцениваться только по записям, сделанным в БЛАНКЕ ОТВЕТОВ № 2. Обратите внимание также на необходимость соблюдения указанного объёма текста. Тексты недостаточного объёма, а также часть текста, превышающая требуемый объём, не оцениваются. Соблюдайте нормы письменной речи, записывайте ответы аккуратно и разборчиво.
Укажите номер задания 37 в БЛАНКЕ ОТВЕТОВ № 2 и напишите текст своего ответного электронного письма зарубежному другу по переписке.

37 You have received an email message from your English-speaking pen-friend Emily:

From: Emily@mail.uk
To: Russian_friend@ege.ru
Subject: Children

…Next weekend my aunt is coming to my place together with all her children. What did you enjoy doing as a child? What was your favourite toy when you were a child? Do you think it is better for children to live in the city or in the countryside?
Last month I made some changes to the decoration of my room…

Write an email to Emily.
In your message:
– answer her questions;
– ask 3 questions about the changes she made in her room.
Write 100–140words.
Remember the rules of email writing.

Выберите только ОДНО из двух предложенных заданий (38.1 или 38.2), укажите его номер в БЛАНКЕ ОТВЕТОВ № 2 и выполните согласно данному плану. В ответе на задание 38 числительные пишите цифрами.

38.1 Imagine that you are doing a project on why many teenagers in Zetland prefer to spend their summer holidays in a youth camp. You have found some data on the subject – the results of the opinion polls (see the table below).
Comment on the data in the table and give your opinion on the subject of the project.

Write 200–250 words.
Use the following plan:
– make an opening statement on the subject of the project;
– select and report 2–3 facts;
– make 1–2 comparisons where relevant and give your comments;
– outline a problem that can arise with going to a youth camp and suggest a way of solving it;
– conclude by giving and explaining your opinion on the importance of summer youth camps.

38.2 Imagine that you are doing a project on what photos teenagers in Zetland post on the Internet most often. You have found some data on the subject – the results of the opinion polls (see the pie chart below).
Comment on the data in the pie chart and give your opinion on the subject of the project.

Write 200–250 words.
Use the following plan:
– make an opening statement on the subject of the project;
– select and report 2–3 facts;
– make 1–2 comparisons where relevant and give your comments;
– outline a problem that can arise with photography as a hobby and suggest a way of solving it;
– conclude by giving and explaining your opinion on the importance of good quality photos posted by teenagers on the Internet.

Проверьте, чтобы каждый ответ был записан рядом с номером соответствующего задания.

Раздел 1. Аудирование

1 Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего A–F и утверждениями, данными в списке 1–7. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей цифрой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

1. Gifts from young children bring joy.
2. Christmas day is nothing special.
3. Exotic location makes Christmas memorable.
4. Christmas is mainly about gift giving.
5. Adults could still enjoy some magic getting presents.
6. Christmas away from family can be enjoyable.
7. The bigger family, the bigger fun.

Говорящий / Утверждение

2Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А–G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), какие не соответствуют (2 – False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated). Занесите номер выбранного Вами варианта ответа в таблицу. Вы услышите запись дважды.

A. The registration at the leisure centre has time limits.
B. Jim doesn’t know how to organize his free time properly.
C. Jim doesn’t have any communication problems at school.
D. Jim has a background in sports.
E. Jim thinks most people enjoy books and movies.
F. Jim has no chance to find the necessary books in his library.
G. The classes Jim is interested in take place three times a week.

Утверждение / Соответствие диалогу

Вы услышите интервью. В заданиях 3–9 запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

3 What do we learn about Alyson at the beginning of the interview?

1) She is a college student.
2) She has published her first novel.
3) You can’t buy her books online.


4 How does Alyson feel when she sees her book in shops?

1) She still can’t believe it’s true.
2) She feels very proud of herself.
3) She wants to buy it for herself.


5 How did Alyson start to write?

1) She wrote poems for her classmates’ birthdays.
2) Her teacher at school gave the class weekly writing tasks.
3) She attended specialized writing school.


6 What does Alyson say about her college days?

1) She was surprised there was a college-wide literary contest.
2) She missed her school English teacher and classmates.
3) She kept on writing through them.


7 What does Alyson say about her literary prize at college?

1) It was not much money.
2) It was her first prize ever.
3) It made her feel like a writer.


8 The first advice from Alyson as a published writer for beginners is about …

1) readers.
2) criticism.
3) editors.


9 Why does Alyson believe that the scale of the first publication is not that important?

1) A smaller journal is preferable.
2) Getting a small fee is still better than nothing.
3) Your work could be noticed anywhere.


По окончании выполнения заданий 1–9 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в БЛАНК ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с первой клеточки. При переносе ответов на задания 1 и 2 цифры записываются без пробелов, запятых и других дополнительных символов. Каждую цифру пишите в отдельной клеточке в соответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.

Раздел 2. Чтение

10Установите соответствие между текстами A–G и заголовками 1–8. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

1. Female bobsleighing
2. What you need for bobsleighing
3. Safety rules
4. Bobsleighing techniques
5. Participating countries
6. The dangers of bobsleighing
7. The newest rules
8. From the history of bobsleighing

A. Bobsleighing was originated in Switzerland. In the late 19th century, the Swiss first started doing it by attaching two skeleton sleighs together with a steering mechanism added to the front sleigh in order to control the direction. The first bobsleigh races took place in normal snow covered roads whereas the first bobsleighing club was founded in St. Moritz, Switzerland in 1897 and the first specially designed race track was developed outside of St. Moritz in 1902.

B. Bobsleighing is mostly played in Europe along with North America and Russia because of the proper climate for the icy track. The United States of America, Germany and Switzerland have long been the most successful bobsleighing nations based on their incredibly successful track record in all formats of competitive sports including World Cups and Olympic Championship. Presently, more than fifty countries take part in various international bobsleighing events all over the world.

C. Bobsleighing is considered the most expensive winter sport as the equipment used in it, including the safety equipment as well as bobsleigh parts, are quite costly. The most important equipment in bobsleighing is the sleigh. Besides this other protective guards are also used. The length of the sleigh must be a maximum of 3.80 metres (12.5 feet) for four-man sports and 2.70 metres (8.9 feet) in case of two-man sports. Bobsleigh crews are supposed to weigh heavy to ensure high speed.

D. In fact, two-man and four-man types of bobsleigh are very much similar. As weight plays a vital role for the speed of the sleigh, four-man sleighs are much faster than two-man types. However, even a simple mistake at the initial push-off or, say, during the steering, on decisions of the driver during the turns may largely affect the final race. The thing is, air passing through the sleigh slows the sleigh down. In order to avoid these drags, wind tunnels are usually added to the sleigh.

E. One may think bobsleighing is a risky sport but actually not only men are fond of it. Women do it too. In case of women bobsleighing, the sleighs for women were originally very much similar to those of men. But with time so many problems came out as women are shorter than men and many players injured their hips as well as back. These traumas prompted the organizers to change the interior sleigh designs for women bobsleighing. Now women can do it safely and successfully enough.

F. Bobsleighing competitions gather crowds of people who want to watch their favourite sportsmen compete with one another. However, even though bobsleighing is quite an interesting sport, the risks attached to it certainly cannot be avoided. Till now more than ninety three players have died in crashes or accidents during the game. In order to reduce the chances of accidents and to prevent the risks, officials have made certain rules and regulations about the uses of sleighs and the structure of the track.

G. There are a lot of risks connected with bobsleighing. Bobsleighers need to wear high tech plastic made helmets in order to prevent head injuries as well as goggles for eyes. Racers wear tight uniforms to increase aero-dynamicity and spiked shoes to gain traction on the ice. The brakeman wears a Kevlar vest in order to avoid third degree burns during the sleigh’s friction with ice. The next bobsleigh doesn’t start until the previous team has left the track because of security reasons.


11Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A–F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1–7. Одна из частей в списке 1–7 лишняя. Занесите цифры, обозначающие соответствующие части предложений, в таблицу.

Willis Tower today
Willis Tower is the heart of downtown Chicago and the future of work and play. The 110-story building is one of the tallest buildings in the world and the second tallest building in North America, making it impossible to miss A__________. The magnitude of this magnificent steel frame skyscraper can seem impossible to understand.
Willis Tower is now owned by Blackstone and managed by EQ Office. It is home to more than 100 businesses including law firms, insurance, transportation, financial companies and more. Radio and television stations are broadcast from Willis Tower’s rooftop. 15,000 people work at the Tower each day, B__________. And 12 million people pass by and through the Tower each year.
It is not surprising C__________. The Tower is not only an innovator in promoting green practices among its tenants, but also stands D__________ in increasing energy and water efficiency and reducing waste. Over the past 20 years, the Tower has reduced annual electricity consumption by 34% by E__________ and adopting special conservation practices. The building saves 10 million gallons of water each year by relying on reduced water-flow fixtures. These innovations are encouraging those in charge of the building to look into certification for energy efficiency and explore renewable energy resources, such F__________ covered with vegetation.

1. when appreciating the big city’s skyline
2. that the true color of Willis Tower is green
3. as solar and wind power and “green roofs”
4. as a leader among American skyscrapers
5. using new lighting systems and controls
6. that was designed and built many years ago
7. not counting thousands of the building’s visitors


Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 12–18. В каждом задании запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

Tablets out, imagination in
In the heart of Silicon Valley is a nine-classroom school where employees of tech giants Google, Apple and Yahoo send their children. But despite its location in America’s digital centre, there is not an iPad, smartphone or screen in sight. The fact that parents working for the biggest technology companies are questioning the value of computers in education begs the question – is the futuristic dream of high-tech classrooms really in the best interests of the next generation?
A global report by the OECD organisation suggests that there is no link between excessive use of computers and high results for reading, maths and science. What is more, those students who use tablets and computers often tend to do worse than students who use them less frequently.
Beverly Amico from the Association of Waldorf Schools of North America explains that their teachers encourage students to learn subjects by expressing themselves through artistic activities such as painting and drawing, rather than consuming information downloaded onto a tablet. The idea is to get rid of the distraction of electronic media and to encourage stronger communication between teacher and pupil during lessons.
Amico claims one of the reasons parents who work in the digital industry are choosing a low-tech, no-tech education for their children is that it teaches students innovative thinking skills. And these are what many employers desire. She adds that students weaned on technology often lack the ability to think outside the box and solve problems.
Sarah Thorne, head of the London Acorn school, also questions the belief that limiting or removing the use of technology in class will make the students less competitive on the job market.
Students under the age of 12 at the school in Morden, London, are banned from using smartphones and computers, and watching TV or films at all times, including during holidays. The school’s students are allowed to watch TV once they reach 12 years old and then only documentaries that have been previously vetted by parents. They cannot watch films until they are 14. The Internet is banned completely for everyone under 16, both at home and at school. And computers are only to be used as part of the school curriculum for students who are at least 14.
It may sound draconian, but Thorne believes taking a more considered approach to the use of technology in class allows teachers to help students develop core skills such as leadership, decision making and creativity. Besides, much of the technology which is cutting edge today is likely to appear primitive in tomorrow’s world.
Thorne claims feedback from students about the restrictions has been positive. Younger pupils relish the chance to play and even teenagers who have come from a typical school admit they are happier.
Restricting the use of technology is also a challenge for the 21st century teachers, who are used to the easy accessibility of resources and information, thanks to interactive whiteboards and computers. “It is hard work,” admits Ian Young, a class teacher. “You definitely have to be a lot more creative in how you deliver a lesson,” he says. “You have to work with your voice more, whether it is loud or quiet, to give them incentive. You need to make sure you keep them interested in what’s coming next.” He adds: “I don’t think we are doing children any favours by teaching them through machines at that young age.”

12 What question does the author pose in the first paragraph?

1) What will education be like in the future?
2) Is high-tech really very useful in education?
3) How will the parents from technology companies educate their children?
4) Should the hi-tech gadgets be allowed in the classroom?


13 What does the OECD report suggest?

1) Students should not use computers in their studies.
2) The more the students use the computers the worse their results could be.
3) Superabundant use of computers doesn’t influence students’ achievements.
4) Results in Reading, Maths and Science benefit from use of computers.


14 Both Beverly Amico and Sarah Thorne think that limiting technology in the classroom will …

1) help students concentrate better.
2) boost students’ creativity.
3) develop students’ communication skills.
4) better prepare students for the job market.


15 At the age of fourteen the students of Morden are allowed to …

1) watch films.
2) use the Internet.
3) watch TV.
4) use smartphones.


16 The word “relish” in paragraph 8 “… younger pupils relish the opportunity …” means …

1) enjoy.
2) ignore.
3) envy.
4) inspire.


17 The word “they” in paragraph 8 “… admit they are happier” refers to …

1) younger pupils.
2) restrictions.
3) teenagers.
4) teachers.


18 Ian Young believes that the 21st century demands that a teacher becomes more …

1) creative.
2) hardworking.
3) entertaining.
4) informative.


По окончании выполнения заданий 10–18 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в БЛАНК ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с первой клеточки. При переносе ответов на задания 10 и 11 цифры записываются без пробелов, запятых и других дополнительных символов. Каждую цифру пишите в отдельной клеточке в соответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.

Раздел 3. Грамматика и лексика

Прочитайте приведённые ниже тексты. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 19–24, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текстов. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 19–24.

Winston Churchill

19 Winston Churchill was a great political leader and a very clever man. Many British people think since then there __________________ a prime minister better than him.

20 He even __________________ the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1953.

21 His __________________ work was a six-volume memoir about WW2, but he wrote some science fiction books as well.


22 Do you like to watch clouds? Many people all over the world enjoy __________________ it.

23 There are a lot of different kinds of clouds but they all look white as they reflect the Sun’s light – just like the Moon. It is interesting to know that clouds __________________ unique to our planet.

24 In fact, any planet with an atmosphere has __________________.

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Образуйте от слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 25–29, однокоренные слова так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 25–29.

Daniil Medvedev

25 Daniil Medvedev is a Russian professional tennis player. He is __________________ ranked by the Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP) as world No 2.

26 He was born in Moscow. In his early __________________ he was interested in music.

27 However, when he was 9 years old, his mother saw an __________________ for group tennis lessons, and Daniil decided to try them. His first tennis coach was Ekaterina Kryuchkova, a former coach of the famous professional tennis player Vera Zvonareva.

28 When he was 18, his results were so __________________ that Medvedev even had to drop out of college to focus on tennis.

29 Medvedev is known for mirroring his opponent’s play. His playstyle incorporates strong returns with as few mistakes as possible and making games __________________ .

Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 30–36. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 30–36, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

In Willis Tower
Victoria and Mary were going up one of the tallest towers in America, called Willis Tower. First, they had to stand in a long line to enter the building. When the ladies came up to the lift, it was full of people who had to adjust themselves to 30 ______ the two extra passengers in. As they rode up, Mary 31 ______ the change in air pressure as they were getting higher. She looked at the screen flashing interesting facts about the height of the building – she found 32 ______ that at 455 feet, they were at the height of the Great Pyramid of Giza; at 1,250 feet, they were at the height of the Empire State Building. Then, they finally 33 ______ the top.
The elevator doors opened to a large room with walls made entirely of glass. Mary and Victoria looked at each other with jaws dropped. They could see the entire city, lit up with tiny lights. 34 ______, it was one of the best views of Chicago! Then a man in uniform guided them toward another line that wound around the room. “If you’d like to go out on the Ledge, please join the line here,” he 35 ______ the group. Mary and Victoria had heard about the Ledge when they first bought their tickets to visit the tower – a glass box suspended 1,353 feet in the air, 4.3 feet out from the building. Visitors could step into the box and feel as though they were walking on air. “Oh man, another line?” Victoria whispered to Mary. 36 ______ they could hardly wait, they joined the back of the line.


1) afford
2) allow
3) access
4) attend



1) remarked
2) mentioned
3) noticed
4) reflected



1) about
2) over
3) down
4) out



1) reached
2) arrived
3) achieved
4) emerged



1) Hopefully
2) Obviously
3) Essentially
4) Absolutely



1) spoke
2) said
3) told
4) talked



1) Nevertheless
2) Moreover
3) However
4) Although


По окончании выполнения заданий 19–36 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в БЛАНК ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с первой клеточки. При переносе ответов на задания 19–29 буквы записываются без пробелов, запятых и других дополнительных символов. Каждую букву или цифру пишите в отдельной клеточке в соответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.
Проверьте, чтобы каждый ответ был записан рядом с номером соответствующего задания.

Раздел 4. Письменная речь

Для ответов на задания 37 и 38 используйте бланк ответов № 2. Черновые пометки можно делать прямо на листе с заданиями или использовать отдельный черновик. При выполнении заданий 37 и 38 особое внимание обратите на то, что Ваши ответы будут оцениваться только по записям, сделанным в БЛАНКЕ ОТВЕТОВ № 2. Обратите внимание также на необходимость соблюдения указанного объёма текста. Тексты недостаточного объёма, а также часть текста, превышающая требуемый объём, не оцениваются. Соблюдайте нормы письменной речи, записывайте ответы аккуратно и разборчиво.
Укажите номер задания 37 в БЛАНКЕ ОТВЕТОВ № 2 и напишите текст своего ответного электронного письма зарубежному другу по переписке.

37 You have received an email message from your English-speaking pen-friend Kevin:

From: Kevin@mail.uk
To: Russian_friend@ege.ru
Subject: Reading preferences

… Last week I went to a book festival. It was fantastic! We spent two hours looking through new books and talking to authors. What is the last book you’ve read? What books do you have to read for your literature classes? How often do you spend time reading a book for pleasure?
I saw an interesting film in Spanish last week …

Write an email to Kevin.
In your message:
– answer his questions;
– ask 3 questions about the film.
Write 100–140words.
Remember the rules of email writing.

Выберите только ОДНО из двух предложенных заданий (38.1 или 38.2), укажите его номер в БЛАНКЕ ОТВЕТОВ № 2 и выполните согласно данному плану. В ответе на задание 38 числительные пишите цифрами.

38.1 Imagine that you are doing a project on the preparations for the New Year that Zetlanders consider most important. You have found some data on the subject – the results of the opinion polls (see the table below).
Comment on the data in the table and give your opinion on the subject of the project.

Write 200–250 words.
Use the following plan:
– make an opening statement on the subject of the project;
– select and report 2–3 facts;
– make 1–2 comparisons where relevant and give your comments;
– outline a problem that can arise with organizing a New Year party and suggest a way of solving it;
– conclude by giving and explaining your opinion on the importance of preparing for New Year celebrations well in advance.

38.2 Imagine that you are doing a project on what topics discussed on social networks interest Zetland teenagers most of all. You have found some data on the subject – the results of the opinion polls (see the pie chart below).
Comment on the data in the pie chart and give your opinion on the subject of the project.

Write 200–250 words.
Use the following plan:
– make an opening statement on the subject of the project;
– select and report 2–3 facts;
– make 1–2 comparisons where relevant and give your comments;
– outline a problem that one can face with social networks and suggest a way of solving it;
– conclude by giving and explaining your opinion on the quality of content one can find on the Internet.

Проверьте, чтобы каждый ответ был записан рядом с номером соответствующего задания.

Раздел 1. Аудирование

1Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего A–F и утверждениями, данными в списке 1–7. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей цифрой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

1. With a uniform it is easier to get ready for school in the morning.
2. The discussion about school uniforms has a long history.
3. There are too many disadvantages about a school uniform.
4. School uniforms are a way to save your family’s money.
5. The importance of the uniform may be realized after leaving school.
6. You can always find a way to look innovative.
7. University students never get worried about uniforms.

Говорящий / Утверждение

2Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А–G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), какие не соответствуют (2 – False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated). Занесите номер выбранного Вами варианта ответа в таблицу. Вы услышите запись дважды.

A. John loves travelling.
B. Amanda has been to Russia once.
C. Amanda’s visit to Russia was in winter.
D. Amanda doesn’t think John will need warm clothes.
E. John will stay at his friend’s in Moscow.
F. John has already bought gifts for his friend in Moscow.
G. John is grateful to Amanda for her advice.

Утверждение / Соответствие диалогу

Вы услышите интервью. В заданиях 3–9 запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

3 What do we learn about Maggie’s musical education?

1) She attended a musical school for 9 years.
2) She didn’t like playing the piano very much.
3) She didn’t have a special music talent.


4 Why did Maggie want to become an actress?

1) This profession runs in her family.
2) Acting on stage felt natural to her.
3) She wanted to overcome the stage fright.


5 What does Maggie say about directors and directing?

1) She thinks she was fortunate to work with many talented directors.
2) She feels she could herself direct a film one day.
3) She thinks David Lynch is the best director.


6 What does Maggie say is the most important thing for her about a film?

1) The story.
2) The screenplay.
3) The partners.


7 Maggie often plays mothers because …

1) she is a future mother herself.
2) such roles provide lots of opportunities to an actress.
3) people like her in such roles.


8 What does Maggie think of her appearance?

1) She thinks she’s very beautiful.
2) She thinks she should take care of the way she looks on screen.
3) She thinks her looks don’t interfere with her job.


9 What does Maggie love about being an actress?

1) Being able to play both men and women.
2) Being able to look beautiful on screen.
3) Being able to express complex characters.


По окончании выполнения заданий 1–9 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в БЛАНК ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с первой клеточки. При переносе ответов на задания 1 и 2 цифры записываются без пробелов, запятых и других дополнительных символов. Каждую цифру пишите в отдельной клеточке в соответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.

Раздел 2. Чтение

10Установите соответствие между текстами A–G и заголовками 1–8. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

1. Better clever than lucky
2. Partnership needed
3. Play and learn!
4. A happy chance
5. Glimpses of history
6. Making the game unpredictable
7. A big business
8. Games on your mobile

A. If a student is shy and it is hard to make him or her speak English during a lesson, communication games can be a good solution to the problem. There are literally thousands of board and card games developed by hundreds of enthusiastic teachers worldwide. The Internet will also offer you many shops selling games you can use during your lesson. This way your students will concentrate on the game itself without realizing that, in fact, they are being taught something, and they will feel comfortable.

B. Most people don’t realize board games are actually prehistoric, meaning we had board games before we had written language. Dice was the basis of humanity’s oldest board games. Some years ago, a series of 49 small carved painted stones were found in southeast Turkey. They are thought to be more than 5000 years old and they are the earliest gaming pieces ever found. Similar pieces have recently been found in Syria and Iraq and some other places and seem to point to board games originating there.

C. Many games require some level of both skill and luck. A player may be hampered by bad luck in backgammon, Monopoly or Risk but over many games a skilled player will win more often, and the elements of luck can make for more excitement, and more diverse and multifaceted strategies, as concepts such as expected value and risk management must be considered. European board games are notable for having less luck element than North American ones but there are exceptions, of course.

D. While the board gaming market is still estimated to be smaller than that for video games, it has also experienced significant growth from the late 1990s. The rise in board game popularity has been attributed to quality improvement as well as increased availability. A 1991 estimate for the global board game market was over $1.2 billion. A 2001 estimate for the US ‘board games and puzzle’ market gave a value of under $400 million, and for the UK, of about ?50 million – that’s quite a lot, actually.

E. A lot of people enjoy playing board games but they don’t have time to play them at leisure. However, they have time to kill on public transport, when stuck in traffic jams or queuing. There’s good news for board game lovers – there are literally thousands of applications for both iPhone and Android platforms where they can find familiar board games in a convenient format. You can play against artificial intelligence or find a person to play with online. You can now play your favourite games anytime and anywhere.

F. Luck may be introduced into a game by many different methods. The use of a dice of various sorts goes back to the earliest board games. These can decide everything from how many steps a player moves their token, as in Monopoly, to how their forces fare in battle, as in Risk, or which resources a player gains, as in The Settlers of Catan. Other games use special cards that, when shuffled, create randomness. Other games use spinners, timers of random length and so on. This creates unexpected twists.

G. An important aspect of some board games is diplomacy – that is, players making deals with one another. Negotiation generally features only in games with three or more players, cooperative games being the exception. An important facet of The Settlers of Catan, for example, is convincing players to trade with you rather than with opponents. In Risk, two or more players may team up against others. Diplomacy may involve making elaborate plans together thus having more chance to win the game.


11Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A–F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1–7. Одна из частей в списке 1–7 лишняя. Занесите цифры, обозначающие соответствующие части предложений, в таблицу.

State History Museum
The State History Museum is the largest historical museum in Russia. It is situated at the northern end of Red Square in the heart of Moscow. What once was the Principal Medicine Store now houses a huge collection A__________ the Stone Age. It was founded in 1872 and opened to the public in 1883. The museum is housed in a neo-Russian style building, B__________. It is one of the most prominent buildings in Red Square. Each room is in the style of a different period or region. The walls in some rooms are decorated in the style of Russian churches.
The impressive collection of the State History Museum includes relics of prehistoric tribes C__________ present-day Russia. The exhibits about medieval Russia are excellent. Several rooms of this period cover the Mongol invasions D__________.
The 2nd floor is dedicated to the Imperial period. The exhibits include personal items of the royal family members, furniture and decoration from the palace interiors. There are also various pieces of artworks and documents from the era. Specific rooms are dedicated to the reigns of various tsars. An unexpected highlight is an exhibition E__________ by examining the growing network of roads and how people travelled in the past. The State History Museum has also the country’s largest coin collection, the 6th-century manuscripts and artworks F__________ during their reign.

1. which is an attraction in its own right
2. that once inhabited the big territory of
3. and cave paintings of prehistoric times
4. and the consolidation of the Russian state
5. covering Russian history since the time of
6. that were collected by the Romanov dynasty
7. addressing the expansion of the Russian Empire


Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 12–18. В каждом задании запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

An end to second-hand coffee
To the naked eye, this farm is just like any other. But it doesn’t take long to realise that the farm of Jesus Martin, though not huge, is anything but ordinary.
Martin grew up like many others in the Santa Ana Valley – known as the Coffee Triangle of Colombia – on a coffee farm owned by his father and grandfather. “I am the youngest of six children and we all worked the farm,” Martin said. “My parents focused their energies on teaching us the agricultural trade, but also the love behind it.” Despite this great dedication to coffee and respect for his family business, he ended up pursuing a different career altogether: law and business management. It didn’t come easy to him as coffee was never far away.
During every visit to his family’s humble farm, the rich aromas of beans roasting and the smell of his mother’s carrot cake caused his heart to beat faster. Coffee was his life, and in 2004, after years practicing law, he found a way to combine his legal knowledge, business education and family’s lifeline into what he called “the coffee dream project”.
Despite growing some of the most coveted beans in the world, most Colombians have never even tasted the Colombian coffee that is renowned around the world. Instead, local people drink what they call “second-hand coffee”, which is made from berries that haven't fully ripened, have been over-roasted or even infected with insects and diseases. Like most businesses in struggling economies, the farmers only make profits on exports – so they save their best stuff for higher paying countries. “Farming coffee for a profit is very challenging,” Martin explained, tossing a few berries in his hand. “The coffee trade intermediaries, exporters, roasters and big multinational companies are the ones that benefit the most in the coffee-trade chain.” Martin’s dream project, however, was to turn this process around, bringing specialty coffee back to Colombia.
The project, however, was a total surprise for his family. “When I first informed them, they told me I was crazy, they said it was a wild goose chase.”
Even with his background in farming, starting the project from the ground up was difficult. Convincing his workers to focus on quality was his biggest concern; most only cared about quantity since their wage was dependent on how many beans they picked. Martin recalled many hours, days and weeks training local farmers to understand the process, from the colours of the raw berries to the smell and taste of the beans once they’d been dried and sorted.
Once the farmers understood the importance of quality, it was onto phase two: bring the roasting process in-house, instead of paying for the beans to be roasted elsewhere. Buying his own roaster – one of the only five in the entire country – was expensive, but the purchase offered a huge saving in roasting, packaging and exporting costs.
By 2008, his passion started to pay off; he opened his flagship store Cafе Jesus Martin in Salento. The shop and its team of trained baristas, Martin said, have done much to teach the locals about enjoying specialty coffee. The look on their face when they take their first sip is what keeps him motivated. “They are reacting so positively; they’re discovering something entirely different than what they’re used to consuming,” Martin said. “When they discover the difference in quality of their coffee, they start to care more about where and whom it’s coming from.”

12 The author introduces the farm where Jesus Martin grew up as …

1) a quite typical one.
2) a rather special one.
3) an extremely small one.
4) a very profitable one.


13 The phrase “It didn’t come easy to him” in Paragraph 2 refers to Martin’s …

1) career choice.
2) dedication to coffee.
3) management abilities.
4) respect for his family business.


14 The phrase “… caused his heart to beat faster” (Paragraph 3) shows that Martin …

1) missed his mother.
2) easily got very excited.
3) liked the life on the family farm.
4) drank too much coffee.


15 Martin’s inspiration for the “coffee dream project” came from …

1) his wish to own a coffee roaster.
2) the desire to benefit from the big multinational corporations.
3) his ability to cope with the challenges of the coffee market.
4) his love of coffee and education.


16 How did Martin’s family react to the idea of his project?

1) They fully supported it.
2) They didn’t believe in its success.
3) They thought it would take too much time and effort.
4) They thought he didn’t have proper background for it.


17 The most difficult thing for Martin in the beginning was to make his workers …

1) care about the product standards.
2) pick bigger quantities of beans.
3) undergo special training.
4) agree to lower wages.


18 We may conclude from the last paragraph that Martin’s store …

1) is what Martin’s project was all about.
2) serves coffee that is very different from what the Columbians were used too.
3) is only the first in the line of many more.
4) is the thing he cares about most now.


По окончании выполнения заданий 10–18 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в БЛАНК ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с первой клеточки. При переносе ответов на задания 10 и 11 цифры записываются без пробелов, запятых и других дополнительных символов. Каждую цифру пишите в отдельной клеточке в соответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.

Раздел 3. Грамматика и лексика

Прочитайте приведённые ниже тексты. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 19–24, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текстов. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 19–24.

How the Nobel Prize started

19 Everybody knows about Alfred Nobel. He was the man who __________________ the world a great invention – dynamite.

20 However, Nobel saw that people started __________________ it for military purposes.

21 That is why the scientist changed his will and introduced the Nobel Prize. The scientist’s wish was that people would remember something good about __________________.


22 Many people think that Antarctica is just a block of thin ice. It is, indeed, the __________________ place on Earth.

23 However, during the summer the sun __________________ in Antarctica.

24 It means that Antarctica receives __________________ sunlight than the equator during that period of time.

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Образуйте от слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 25–29, однокоренные слова так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 25–29.

Anton Shipulin

25 Anton Shipulin is an outstanding retired Russian biathlete. In his long career he won __________________ international competitions and was considered to be among the strongest biathletes of his time.

26 In 2010 he was even awarded an order by the Russian President. Among his best achievements is __________________ the gold medal in the men’s relay at the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi.

27 His sister Anastasia Kuzmina is also a __________________ biathlete. She lives in Slovakia.

28 She is also an Olympic gold __________________.

29 In December 2018 Shipulin announced his __________________ from sports after the World Team Challenge, which is also called the Christmas Race.

Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 30–36. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 30–36, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

A day in Chicago
Lily and her best friend Zoe were driving home from their vacation in California. That was a great adventure which they were enjoying a lot. They 30 ______ to visit so many interesting places. As they were driving closer to Chicago, the ladies were 31 ______ facts from the guidebook about this city, which was their little road ritual.
They had planned to stop first at Millennium Park, one of the city’s public parks made famous by its unique art displays. Lily had seen pictures of her friends posing with “The Bean,” a three-storey steel sculpture shaped like a giant legume, and she was 32 ______ to have one of her own. The piece was completely reflective, so those standing around it could look at their reflections as if they were looking into a mirror. Everybody 33 ______ it made spectacular photographs.
The two travellers spent the day walking around Chicago. They listened to music in Millennium Park, lying on their backs in the grass, peering up at the modern sculptures across the lawn. They took an overwhelming 34 ______ of photographs at The Bean, much to Lily’s satisfaction. Finally, her dream to post this photo 35 ______ true. They met some friends with whom they had gone to university to eat deep-dish pizza for dinner – a Chicago staple. Even before the sun set, Zoe and Lily were exhausted. 36 ______, they still had one more thing to do.


1) achieved
2) managed

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ЕГЭ-2025. Английский. Варианты на основе открытого банка ФИПИ Кирилл Вахрушев
ЕГЭ-2025. Английский. Варианты на основе открытого банка ФИПИ

Кирилл Вахрушев

Тип: электронная книга

Жанр: Иностранный язык 11 класс

Язык: на русском языке

Издательство: Автор

Дата публикации: 23.04.2024

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