Visions: I know who the killer is. Crime detective

Visions: I know who the killer is. Crime detective
Алексей Сабадырь
Crime detective, crimes take place in Russia. After being struck by lightning, Karina at the age of 16 receives the gift of clairvoyance. Only by touching the victim’s hand, Karina can see the moment of the crime, the faces of the criminals, the license plates of the cars. She helps investigator Grachev solve sometimes brutal crimes. Trials and unforeseen circumstances await her.

Visions: I know who the killer is
Crime detective

Алексей Сабадырь

© Алексей Сабадырь, 2024

ISBN 978-5-0062-0524-6
Created with Ridero smart publishing system
Visions. I know who the killer is

Settlement. A street with private houses on both sides. Time of year: summer – August. A father and daughter live in one of them.
Karina Khromova, sixteen years old, brunette, medium height, shoulder-length hair, thin, knows how to stand up for herself. Character: strong-willed, honest, purposeful, kind. She dreams of working as a kindergarten teacher.

Karina and her father are sitting at the kitchen table, having lunch. On the table are two plates of borscht and a plate of pies.
– Daughter, have you decided to become a teacher? – asks the father.
– Why not! “I’ll go to college, study and look after the kids,” Karina answers.
“By that time you will need to start your own,” the father says, biting the pie.
– Wait and see.
– — I don’t intend to wait long.
“I’d better go for a walk with Dick,” says Karina and gets up from the table. The father looks out the window and says:
– — Be careful not to get wet, clouds are approaching.
Dick looks at Karina, starts jumping and wagging his tail. Karina attaches the leash to her collar and goes outside. The sun is shining brightly, it’s warm outside Karina and Dick are playing in the field. Dick, a German shepherd, has been faithfully serving his owners for eight years. Karina’s father often swears at him, so he loves Karina more.
Black clouds are approaching and she decides to return home. Suddenly a strong wind rises and it starts to rain. Karina and Dick are hiding under a large tree, she sits down and begins to stroke Dick.
“Don’t worry, now the rain will stop and you and I will go home,” says Karina.
Khromov Yuri Ivanovich, forty-five years old, dark-haired, of average height, thin, has a gentle character, rarely shows severity. I’m ready to lend my shoulder at any moment.
At this moment lightning strikes, Karina falls to the ground and loses consciousness. Dick whines and licks Karina’s face, then turns around and runs home.
After jumping over the fence, Dick begins to bark near the door. The father comes out to the door and asks:
– — Are you a dick, or what? Where did you lose Karina?
Dick turns around and runs to the gate. Yuri Ivanovich throws on his raincoat as he walks and runs out of the house, following Dick. Dick looks back, waiting for his owner, and picks up speed again. Ten minutes later, Yuri Ivanovich runs up to his daughter and feels the pulse on his hand.
“There is a pulse, which means he will live,” says Yuri Ivanovich.
He takes Karina in his arms and carries her home, Dick runs next to her and barks.
The rain does not stop, as if the heavenly office decided to flood this world.
Yuri Ivanovich takes Karina into the bedroom and puts her on the bed. He dials the ambulance number on the landline and says:
– Hello ambulance!

Chapter No. 2

An ambulance arrives, a doctor and a nurse enter the house. In the bedroom, Karina lies unconscious on the bed. The doctor sits down on the bed next to her and begins to listen to her. The nurse takes a chair and sits next to him, the father watches while standing.
– — What happened? – the doctor asks Yuri Ivanovich.
– — I don’t know, my daughter went for a walk with the dog. Then I found her unconscious under a tree,” Yuri Ivanovich answers, shrugging his shoulders.
On his right hand, the doctor discovers a dark spot the size of an apple.
“There is an assumption that she was struck by lightning,” says the doctor.
– — So what now?
The doctor gets out of bed and says:
– We need to take her to the hospital, there may be irreversible consequences.
“Then I’m with you,” says Yuri Ivanovich and puts on his cloak.
– Stay at home, you will visit her tomorrow. She is now unconscious and may spend the whole night in this state.
– But I’m a father!
– — Now you can’t help her.

The next day Karina begins to come to her senses and the nurse
who had been on duty next to her all night, leaves and returns with the doctor. A room with four beds, two of them are empty, an elderly woman lies on one, Karina on the other.
The doctor comes up to Karina and sits on the bed.
– Welcome back! – says the doctor.
– Where I am?
– You girl are in the hospital, I am your attending physician Roman Semyonovich. Do you remember anything?
– — I don’t understand what you mean? – Karina looks at the doctor in surprise.
– — You were brought to us unconscious.
– — I only remember that I was walking with Dick and that’s all.
The doctor on duty shows Karina a dark spot on her arm, in the shoulder area.
– — Apparently, you were struck by lightning yesterday.
Karina also begins to look at her spot on her hand.
– Then why didn’t I die?
– — This phenomenon has not yet been fully studied by scientists, so we cannot confirm anything or, on the contrary, refute it.
– —Are you feeling well?
– — Quite, only my head hurts a little.
“Well, this can be fixed, in our pharmacy they sell magic pills for the head,” the doctor smiles.
– Tell me, when can I go home?
Roman Semyonovich gets out of bed and shakes Karina’s left hand.
– — I think in a couple of hours. Yes, I almost forgot, your father is waiting for you in the corridor, I’ll call him now. “And you get well,” the doctor says with a smile on his face.
At this moment Karina has a vision:
“Doctor Roman Semyonovich returns home late at night. He enters the backyard and a man in jeans and a sports jacket with a hood comes towards him. The stranger pulls a knife out of his pocket and says:
– Old man, give me the money quickly!
“I’m a doctor, I don’t have a lot of money,” answers Roman Semyonovich.
The stranger stabs Roman Semyonovich in the stomach, searches him and takes some money. Then he quickly disappears into the darkness.”

The doctor on duty leaves the room, followed by the nurse. Karina in
Horrified by what she saw, she still does not understand what is happening. Karina’s father enters the room, sits on the bed and kisses her on the cheek.
“It’s probably just from fatigue,” Karina says in a whisper.
– Did you say something? – asks the father.
“Hi dad, no, you probably heard it wrong,” Karina comes to her senses.
– How’s your health?
– Okay, the doctor said that in two hours you can go home. How’s Dick?
– It’s normal, he came running after me to bring me to you.

– Tell me more about this.
– Yesterday you went for a walk, I turned on the TV and started watching a movie. Then there was a strong wind, rain, thunderstorm, lightning. I began to worry, I wondered where you were. I hear barking in the yard, I open the door, Dick is standing on the threshold. As soon as he saw me, he immediately rushed to the gate. Then I realized that something had happened to you.
– What happened to me?
– — He brought me to you, you were lying unconscious under a tree. I took you
picked him up and carried him home, then called an ambulance. The doctor suggested that you might have been struck by lightning.
“He told you about this too,” says Karina thoughtfully.
– — Did you remember anything?
– Nothing, except that she went for a walk with Dick and that’s it.
“Nothing, the main thing is that everything worked out okay,” says the father, stroking Karina’s head with his hand.
“You’re right,” says Karina and hugs her father tightly.

Chapter No. 3

Karina and her father enter the yard and Dick begins to bark loudly at Karina. She approaches him, Dick whines and climbs into the booth.
– Dick, it’s me – Karina.
– What’s going on, why does he greet you so angrily?
– — I don’t know, he’s never behaved like this before.
The father comes to the booth, sits down and calls Dick. Dick growls at him and doesn’t come out.
– Strange.
– Leave him alone, maybe he was imagining something.
– May be.

The next day, Karina turns on the TV and watches the local news with her father. A correspondent stands near a residential building and begins to report. Police officers and onlookers stand nearby.
– — Tonight there was a daring attack on the chief doctor of our city, Roman Semenovich Stepin. At approximately twelve o’clock at night, an unknown person stabbed him in the stomach and fled the scene.
How would you comment on this crime? – the correspondent addresses the man in a police uniform.
Standing nearby is police major, investigator Oleg Ivanovich Grachev, forty-seven years old, average height, dark hair, strong build. Smart, agile,
principled, always sees things through to the end.
– — Now we are carrying out investigative measures, interrogating people living in this house. Maybe someone saw something or knows something,” Grachev answers.
– But the murder was committed late at night, it’s unlikely that anyone could have seen the criminal.
– — I repeat, investigative measures are underway to establish the identity of the criminal. We will try to do everything possible to find and punish to the fullest extent of the law.
– — Now you have heard the commentary of the police major and investigator on this high-profile case, Oleg Ivanovich Grachev.
The father saw Karina’s frightened eyes and immediately hugged her.
– Are you okay?
“I’m scared,” Karina answered and began to cry.
– — I understand that this is the same doctor who was alive yesterday. But understand that we are all mortals and maybe this is his fate,” Karina’s father reassures.
– You don’t understand, yesterday I knew that he would be killed! – Karina shouted.
– — Wait, how could you know? – the father asks in surprise.
– — Before leaving the room, the doctor shook my hand.
– Well, so what, everyone does it.
– — You don’t understand, immediately after the squeeze, visions began to appear before my eyes in which some unfamiliar man with a hood on his head was killing him and taking the money.
– — What are you talking about, how could you see all this, you need to see a doctor.
– — Dad, but it’s true, I really saw the moment of the murder! The father got up from the sofa and began to walk around the room, back and forth.
– I hope you are not going to go to the police. If you tell them, they will think you’re crazy!
– But the criminal is free, if he is not stopped, he can kill more innocent people.
The father decided to calm down and sat down on the sofa again.
“You still haven’t seen his face,” he tried to convey his truth to his daughter.
– — I can try to repeat it in the morgue, shake hands, maybe it will work.
– Well, why do you need this!
– — Maybe because you taught me justice.
– -What’s happening in the world
There are thousands of murders every day, you can’t help everyone.
– — I need to get to the morgue.
– — I see you cannot be convinced. Okay, let’s go. They get into a Lada car and go to the morgue.

Chapter No. 4

Karina knocks on the morgue door from the back entrance. The door is opened by a man of about thirty, tall, thin, long blond hair braided in a ponytail, a cigarette in his mouth.
– How can I help you? – asks the man.
“We should look at the corpse,” Karina answers.
– Are you from the police?
– No.
– — So it’s not allowed. Karina whispers in her father’s ear:
– Dad, give me a thousand rubles.
– Are you going to offer him money? – the father is indignant.
– — Do you have better options?
The father takes a thousand rubles out of his pocket and hands it to the man. The man smiles and puts the money in his pocket.
– — We should have started with this right away. So who exactly are you interested in?
“The doctor should have been brought to you tonight,” says Karina. The man lets them into the morgue building:
– — There is one, but why do you need it?
“It’s none of your business,” Karina answers in a serious tone.
The man brings Karina and her father to a room in which there are corpses of recently arrived people. There are iron tables, on them lie the dead, covered with a white sheet.
Karina covers her nose with a handkerchief from the heavy smell.
– Where is our doctor? – asks Karina.
The man approaches the table closest to Karina and takes off the sheet.
– Here he is at your service.
Karina feels bad, she covers her mouth with her hand and runs out into the corridor. A man comes out behind her and opens the door to the toilet next to her. Karina runs to the toilet and starts vomiting. Ten minutes later she returns to the room and takes the deceased’s hand, squeezing her hand tightly.
– Are you okay? – father hugs his daughter. Karina looks at the deceased:
– I’m fine.

“The doctor goes into the backyard and passes through the arch. Meeting him is an unknown tall, thin man with a hood on his head. He asks again, after which he takes a knife from his pocket and stabs him in the stomach. Finds and
takes the money, turns around and Karina notices a scar on his face, from his right eye down to the middle of his cheek. Before disappearing, he wipes his knife on the dead man’s clothes.”

Karina steps back and opens her eyes, her father catches her from behind.
– — Did you manage to see the face?
– A little.
The man hands Karina ammonia:
– Breathe in, you’ll immediately feel better.
Karina takes a bottle of ammonia and inhales it. Then he hands it back to the man.
– Thank you.
– Was this a spiritualism session you had just now? – the man smiles.
“Something like that, thank you, we have to go,” Karina answers.
The man escorts the guests to the exit. Comes out with them:
– — Come again, there are a lot of dead people, here you can experiment with anyone.
They go outside and the man closes the door behind them. Karina feels better in the fresh air.
Karina looks into the distance:
– — The killer is tall and has a scar on his face.
– Well, are we going home?
– No, to the police, I have to tell the investigator everything.
“You’re out of your mind, and if the killer finds out who ratted him out, he might hunt you,” the father tries to stop Karina.
“I don’t think so,” says Karina and gets into the car.

The father follows her example, gets into the car and they drive away from the morgue building.

Chapter No. 5

Karina and her father enter Investigator Grachev’s office. In the office on the left there is a cabinet with folders, then the desk of his partner, Captain Igor Vyacheslavovich Ponin, fifty years old, average height, thin, blond hair. On Ponin’s desk are folders and a landline phone. Sits right from the door
investigator, there is a lamp on the table, a mountain of folders on the left, pens and pencils in a plastic cup, a landline telephone, a safe in the corner.
Karina in one voice with her father:
– Hello.
Investigator Grachev sits at the table, sorting through folders.
– — Good afternoon, have a seat. What question did you come to me about? – asks Grachev.
Karina and her father sit down at the investigator’s table.
“About the murder of the doctor,” Karina answers.
– — And what new do you want to tell me? – Grachev asks, listening carefully.
– — You see, my daughter saw the moment of the murder. Grachev lights a cigarette:
– — Do you want to say that your daughter passed by at night and witnessed the murder?
– — Not exactly, yesterday morning I had a vision, long before the doctor’s death, in which a tall man, with a hood on his head, kills the doctor with a knife and takes the money.
The investigator nervously puts out his cigarette butt in the ashtray.
– — Wait, did you see the moment of the murder or do you just have a good imagination?
– — I’m explaining to you that I had a vision.
The investigator stands up and rests the palms of his hands on the table.
– —Have you seen a psychiatrist?
Karina’s father gets up from the table and says excitedly:
– — My daughter is healthy and there is no need to insult her!
Grachev unbuttons the top button on his shirt:
– — How will I take your testimony? The girl had a vision or the girl dreamed about n, as if she saw the moment of the murder. After such testimony, I may be admitted to the hospital together with you.
The father sits down next to Karina again:
– — At first, everything seemed strange to me, too, but I trust her, she never lies.
Grachev pours himself a glass of water from the decanter and drinks it in one gulp.
“Your daughter has gone crazy, so leave, otherwise I will bring you to trial for giving false testimony,” Grachev shouted.
The father gets up and lifts Karina from the chair:
– Let’s go home, I told you we don’t need to come here.
– Can I at least make a sketch of the killer?
Grachev sits down at the table again and begins to sort through papers.
– This is please, in the office opposite.

Chapter No. 6

Karina walks around the supermarket and chooses groceries to take home. He stands opposite the tea and coffee department and cannot get a pack of tea from the top shelf. A man in a hood stands next to her and also chooses tea.
– Man, could you get this pack of tea from the top shelf? The man smiles and shows brown teeth:
– With pleasure.
He gets Karina a pack of tea and she recognizes this man as the doctor’s killer. Such a scar on the face cannot be forgotten. Karina looks at him and drops her tea on the floor.
– You feel bad? – asks the man, picking up his tea from the floor.
– — No, everything is fine, my head is spinning. You understand that pregnancy is not the best period for a woman,” Karina replies with a malicious smile.
The man takes himself tea, vodka, bread, sausage and heads to the cash register. Karina leaves the cart half full with groceries and quietly follows him. A man quickly walks through the backyards and enters the entrance of a multi-story building. Christina follows him into the entrance. On the third floor on the right, the door opens and he enters the apartment. Karina immediately goes to the police.
Karina knocks on the door and enters the office of investigator Grachev. The investigator looks at her in bewilderment and asks:
– Did I call you? Karina sits down on a chair:
– — Before you throw me out the door, listen first. The investigator reads the case:
– — I don’t have time to talk to you.
– — I know where the criminal is now. Grachev looks at her:
– — Your visions again?
“It doesn’t matter now, but if you don’t come with me, he might leave,” Karina answers excitedly.
The investigator gets up from the table:
– Okay, for the first time I’ll believe you. But if it’s not there, blame yourself.
The investigator opens the safe and takes out a pistol. He checks the clip and hides it in a holster under his jacket.

The investigator and Karina drive up to the house of the alleged criminal and enter the entrance. They go up to the third floor, Grachev takes out a pistol and stands behind the door, holding the pistol in front of him. Karina knocks on the door.
Male voice behind the door:
– Who else did the devils bring?
– This is your neighbor downstairs, could you help me? My door is jammed and I can’t open it.
The door opens and the investigator punches the man in the face.
He falls on the threshold, the second he hears a noise in the hallway, takes out a knife and goes out into the hallway. Karina is standing in the entrance, the door to the apartment is open.
A man with a scar on his face comes at Grachev with a knife in his hand and says:
– — Oops, the cop himself came to us to confront us.
Grachev takes a pistol out of his holster and holds the man at gunpoint. Then he throws the handcuffs at the suspect’s feet.
– Should I help you or will you put it on yourself? You’re under arrest on suspicion of murdering a doctor.
The man kicks the handcuffs to the side and rushes towards
investigator. Grachev shoots in the right hand and the man drops the knife and falls to the floor screaming.

Chapter No. 7

The investigator sits at the table, opposite the suspect with a bandaged hand. Karina is sitting on the left near the wall, and a sergeant with a machine gun is standing at the door.
Grachev looks at the criminal:
– Well, what about Ryaboy, he didn’t even have time to lean back before he felt the urge to perform heroic deeds again?
– Come on, boss, stop babbling. You treat me like a boy. I don’t know any doctor, I don’t go to the hospital at all.
Grachev holds a document in his hand:
– — I have an examination in my hands, which says that the knife that was confiscated from you is the very weapon of the crime. Plus, particles of the victim’s blood were found on your clothes.
– Okay, let’s do this, you write that I came to confess myself, and I’ll tell you how it all happened.
Grachev lights a cigarette:
– — You decided to set a condition for me. He won’t confess, there’s too much resonance in the city.
– Okay, your boss took it, I needed a dose. There is no money, so I decided to go out at night. “What could I do? I’m not feeling like a child, they won’t give me a loan,” Ryaboy makes a face.
– You still have to cry to me in my office. Pockmarked holds his sore hand:
– — I only pulled out one and a half grand from this old man.
– — Kill a person for fifteen hundred?
– Just don’t push for pity.
– In my opinion, you are pushing for pity. How unfortunate I am, have pity on me. You nit, you don’t want to work, you just sit on your bunk at our expense and our taxes. The state feeds and clothes you. I would immediately
I put it against the wall. Here’s paper and pen, write everything down in detail.
Grachev goes out the door with Karina:
– Thank you, you helped me a lot. And I’m sorry for not believing you. You know, it’s not every day you meet people with such abilities.
“I understand, this ability has only recently appeared, I’m getting used to it myself,” Karina smiles.
– You better admit how it works? Karina takes Grachev by the hand and closes her eyes.

“The investigator is driving his blue VAZ 2112 car along the highway.
On the left, a black Chevrolet jeep catches up with him and aligns with him. By the jeep
The side window opens and a hand in a black glove sticks out and points a pistol with a silencer at the investigator. Five shots are fired, after which the investigator’s car loses control and crashes into a ditch. A minute later it lights up and flashes. The jeep slowly turns around and disappears into the distance in the opposite direction.”

– Well, what can you see there? – Grachev smiles.
Karina tries not to show her excitement and answers:
– Yes, nothing interesting.
– — There’s something you’re not telling me.
– — There must remain intrigue.
– Thanks again. Here’s my phone number, call me any time,” says Grachev and hands over his business card.

Chapter No. 8

Karina is lying on the sofa, watching TV, the phone is ringing. Karina picks up the phone:

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Visions: I know who the killer is. Crime detective Алексей Сабадырь
Visions: I know who the killer is. Crime detective

Алексей Сабадырь

Тип: электронная книга

Жанр: Современные детективы

Язык: на английском языке

Издательство: Издательские решения

Дата публикации: 30.05.2024

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О книге: Crime detective, crimes take place in Russia. After being struck by lightning, Karina at the age of 16 receives the gift of clairvoyance. Only by touching the victim’s hand, Karina can see the moment of the crime, the faces of the criminals, the license plates of the cars. She helps investigator Grachev solve sometimes brutal crimes. Trials and unforeseen circumstances await her.

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