Good And Evil, Memories

Good And Evil, Memories
Gerardo D'Orrico
This book is the first handbook about being contemporary and personal diary written by me. The calm of well-being, of inventions. The three-dimensional aspects of concrete and human objects, for a research in individual thought. A work that frees from stylistic commitments, mistakes are everyone's, the present must be represented but, without the fear of having made a bigger mistake than the previously accepted silence. By choosing a speech, it promises a definitive daily solution to rhetorical-historical art. It describes my experiences, imaginatively the memories of a good in the land of evil. This book is the first handbook about being contemporary and personal diary written by me. The calm of well-being, of inventions. The three-dimensional aspects of concrete and human objects, for a research in individual thought. A work that frees from stylistic commitments, mistakes are everyone's, the present must be represented but, without the fear of having made a bigger mistake than the previously accepted silence. By choosing a speech, it promises a definitive daily solution to rhetorical-historical art. It describes my experiences, imaginatively the memories of a good in the land of evil. Diary written in a simple way, a textual form to fill even an absence of complete information about the right to good, which characterizes an insensitivity in public and journalistic publications. A phenotype inclusive of modern material, Christian and Arabic objectivity. It wants to represent a door to the future, a new party. The period of the eighteen letters contained reaches from August 2005 to March 2007.

Gerardo D'Orrico
Good and Evil, Memories

Good and Evil, Memories

Gerardo D'Orrico was born in Cosenza on March 6, 1976. After completing my high school I attended the universities of Arcavacata (CS) and Bologna but without a degree, I have a good knowledge of computer science and some musical instruments. My youth was between the residence of Luzzi (CS) and Cosenza for studies or in the hometown of my mother Villapiana (CS) by the sea. I have made many trips in Italy and someone abroad, after the military service I helped my father with his work and I dedicated myself to writing prose as well as continuing my passion for computer science and software programming, I created and manage a web-site ( where everyone can enter their pages for free: letters, poems, drawings, pictures, photos. So far I have published four books: 1. The good and the bad, memories 2. An ash ceiling 3. We Are Already Ten Minutes Ago 4. Say it yourself. I live in Luzzi where, among other occupations, I continue to write or revise my texts and research for technological art.

(current photo 2015)

This book is the first handbook about being contemporary and personal diary written by me. The calm of well-being, of inventions. The three-dimensional aspects of concrete and human objects, for a research in individual thought. A work that frees from stylistic commitments, mistakes are everyone's, the present must be represented but, without the fear of having made a bigger mistake than the previously accepted silence. By choosing a speech, it promises a definitive daily solution to rhetorical-historical art.
It describes my experiences, imaginatively the memories of a good in the land of evil. Diary written in a simple way, a textual form to fill even an absence of complete information about the right to good, which characterizes an insensitivity in public and journalistic publications. A phenotype inclusive of modern material, Christian and Arabic objectivity. It wants to represent a door to the future, a new party. The period of the eighteen letters contained reaches from August 2005 to March 2007. Good reading,
Gerardo D'Orrico


Summary, 30.08.2005
Cycle: no experience can stop what has already begun, you need to fight against the vacuum, you can't escape. In time everything returns, those who remain of this philosophy are already very far ahead, in a year there will be a new stroke of the clock where we will all be reassessed and brought back to the account, to overcome benevolently the only alternative left is to organize themselves, for the rejection of nothing, for the impossibility or physiological procedures to be summarized by force. To ignorance, to vulgarity one must be superior, to fly higher so as not to feel bad on the skin or in the heart. What can affect people, the state, the laws… there is an evil, a recycling towards a good cannot be stopped, let it remain, G.
The answer of the good: it is a network, a series of legal and natural loopholes that allow the awakening, the interruption of a repeated cycle. Life is a dream, a software for collecting images and films, the more I go on, I feel as if I have discovered a new science. In a later way, in another way always a good is proposed even without a state, and I have this human figure, what is beyond individual or personal experiences makes me angry, still no one deals with it, we live sometimes lost in the journey, a dream without good, a film as it was ten years before, we would need a new programming or a more updated software. One day we will arrive over the walls, the world lives on in a few years ago, time equal guarantees of good.
(29.07.05): it gets stronger and grows over time then, the future is guaranteed. Every single day is confirmed until the absence of sin, we will be repaid for our resistance, everything will be legal the omitted deleted, we will see the summer that awaits us, the winter and the years to come. Different will be the light, better the law in correspondence to what you see there will be a legal position. A listening does not exist, the prisons that you live one day are forever do not forget you, tell me your situation today, dream to verify reality, we will see the Sun will have changed. Describe everything, what happened to you, what or who is speaking to you. A time will come for glory, it will reveal that there are hidden truths, the lights will be bigger, there will be no more evil, what I should be afraid of from here you will not go anywhere forward, we will jump upstairs. An angel: of places where nothing exists nowadays, where everything seems normal we are usually here or in evil, where there is nothing paranormal or invented in a hotel, there are different natures. I stand still thinking about myself, the future, my career, it's how good exists for all things, it's the act that decides which is the underground, life for love, choice and stop. How blinded you are! Blinding are evils. There is a logical solution greater than our expectations, what we dreamed of is the main primary road. Those who have stolen from us do it with everyone and everything, they do it for a living but, our society is not split, it is not open for this. The same future will come later, even if only for our children, with all the modern frenzy of saying no. There are those who live in the world no less there are those of worlds, without a welcome to forms alien or new to their own lives, under a great cloud made up of human beings raised from the earth by Christians over the centuries, waiting to be transferred to hell. You can see that 'the good is present, how to explain what I'm talking about, look there is a button just press it to download the information, it becomes a being of belly and heart do not worry about the malaise.
A revealing dream: a nightmare verifies that we are all prisoners in evil, as if it wanted to prove that we are alone or, evil is only yours or mine. Instinct lives in the good, life is like a dream, from that a good is a dream, how many things are there to wait or just kill that virus? We will see a dream, the quality of construction! How do you stay in the bad, they kill people who stay in the bad. This morning at the beach: you have to abandon it completely 'the body of the crime, so think about the good just as you expected, a perfect classical and modern form, if you no longer believe in anything you actually moved or, there must be some problem. You have to work hard with your arms, the world is upside down, all things reversed, not to those after us is reserved the world, abandon evil here is all protected do not feel the heart? Have a look you do not have to go necessarily with that stature, you can also do without. New: a hallucination can't last for the whole day then, afterwards for other days, I think no one has described anything legal about this, we would also be owners of a computer with two hearts, that manages to make live without harm where it exists, you create two different habitats until the union of the whole, separately! Every day that passes the area of good should grow but we have no news about it, no information, we have no document. The network in time nowadays creates objects or people so responsible, where an evil is marked as such, waiting for your news seems to me the case.
Rules of ingestion: food after eating or while sleeping helps to keep the personal entity unaltered, like entrance tickets to its own folders, to arrive in the world, they regulate the experience, they make the right way to find themselves in the afterlife, if only a certain future, once the humans who do not receive well have disappeared altogether. Even after months or years, everything returns, forcing us to turn our experience towards a certain concreteness in doubt, what is experience is reported as an assumption in the body, not a void but a capacious space, with qualities, boxes capable of recording events, to make the rest of the body react by law. The future is not to repeat negativity or crimes for good. Here is what evil tries to do to us, as always to make us wrong, but normally the road is resumed towards the ascent to the good, the insufficiency that you will find if this function is not solved yet will tell you a lot, for example how people are spoken, the presence of goods, the other world connected to this, even how to change. In a few hours on the net you will acquire any of our experience, to have an outcome. On, open your eyes, life is a dream 31.07.05
True: it is true that we have been shot, no news of us, but there is a good, money, time passes, positions do not. Our great root stops those who can't get out of their situation, the rest revolves around. I would like more freedom in thought, in actions we accept the current situation not this blinding path, wet roads but the renewal of the rain. Who I have to call seems like a hellhole then you do not recognize anyone, all good is possible! You can see that we still do not have names in the present and then we are as if fired from this world in expectation of another. No speech is not known then, instead it is an evil that does not make us talk, unfortunately it is a group phenomenon, recognize a good vice versa is an initial prerogative, for the day. They make it so that in such a great future our position is almost impossible, one is an evil another, it's a good at the beginning of a single experience… actually you have to overcome a psycho-intellectual trauma to get to see a good, bye G.
Network: in good there are many differences, starting from people, they are construction-environments not natural people, there is no one who can be commanded by evil, he must not enter the body. In today's world we don't talk about evil in the exact way of the name, like its sick war, no one can abolish what started we will be overwhelmed, we all know personally the past existence and many other things that seem, when you learn the power of a good is so convenient, you won't be able to detach yourself … laugh you have to wake up the princess. We will leave! that was all the evil that can be done in this universe, you are not born under cabbages, whoever commands us will pay dearly. An evil finds no difference in people, but during a day we should wake up a quarter of an hour, not even we are guaranteed to explode from smallness. It always stays on, in a few years it will be better, a recovery, G.
No one has called us yet: we are hideously hidden, I found that habitat the evil is a group manifestation but, almost equal to ours, the rest since you know it please, here no life is equal to another. In law we are individuals, because we should have group hallucinations including other sound visions, someone justifies, no institution. We are all involved instead in the series of insufficiencies, of course we collaborate, what will come will be a higher world, in function of a second explosion, when these clothes that hide the ego and life will disappear. We will live detached from any experience of evil, when the information will be available to everyone, someone will forcefully free the lands of the planet from this mental obscuration. Who makes us still live prisoners of this falsehood? A long time has passed but patience has no human limits, it will be given the common possibility to open our eyes to a different, colourful world. In connection: in this world if a misfortune doesn't happen to you, you stay as if you were asleep, our planet is poorly administered, the only way is not guaranteed, I think we will wake up in the advertising. There's nobody left here, just a nightmare: if I could tell them what they don't believe. It's too much, reality has denied it, the revolution, the end of the world one day. Look, it forces you to talk to me, you've erased it yourself, now it's all a dream, life no longer exists. Still after years is the daily experience ahead, we are all like recorders of all, of circumstances ensuring a return, even without public statements, we have a travel position with medical records, always well hidden. A good is camouflaged, one can only regenerate oneself from this catastrophic ruin, from the world in the end putrefied, from the institutions not renewed with us. Nothing can the business psychology of evil, here we are all forced to the chosen journey from birth or six to twelve years of age onwards, what do you want to repair at this age? You can only pass forever in a complete way to another existence, already marked one day you are reborn, as those who evil has already come out of the race, they have not told you anything? no matter what the eyes, the reality is immense may seem utopia, to recognize who, just observe in a normal way, when he has a normal future. We will have a progress worthy of the appearance, everything is predetermined, nothing escapes me, even the way we communicate or think about people has changed, we must always declare our diseases, we do not lose information. It is us and them, we cannot get out of a situation assumed by time, perhaps we will always get better. Only experience can change us, they have not completely erased us, excuse me what they can do is just suicide.
It's true that we are in a desert and, it's not true that things come alone, it's us or who for us to find them. Who erases certainly is not good, in fact to get it is necessary to reconstruct the scene, the structures, the history are old and small powers, they come after us for what they have done or what they will do, the present is the revealing place never forget it but, careful you will certainly hear a big gloomy rumble when you know, we are already here ready! Needs renovation, bye. Letter: a greeting from you is always a lot, I am sure of the existence of that occult. I've passed the levitated, now it is practicable to evaluate the consistency, the dysfunction, the impossibility of doing, the indicator of humans.
An evil has happened, you can nothing, when you have public road, the system will be structured to submit to the first but, one always exists, not to offend do not live. The rest slips by keeping us tied to the existence and the system, who told you that you are a small person, you are a large environment unlike such.
Towards the good there is no doubt, one day education, if you want the institution will change totally the existence, as always. Beautiful holidays abandoned to the most beautiful memories, let the experience slide like a ball in freedom, the result will be good. Tell me the truth: you don't believe much, in fact you don't believe at all in the unpublished potential of today's world already, everything seems to go unnoticed, the recent past disappears, everything is hidden as if it could be done, nothing is another good that lives right where we are. One day it arrives in any way, no one is still talking and yet it has happened. I have certainties of artificially modified relationships between two or more people, like everything for you or us, carried out by parents, friends, citizens of your city in coherence with the "suitable" boy plus other unspeakable and unforeseeable things, built on the disposition of a society exploded then, subcontracted or stolen also but, Now it's summer no one seems interested, as it has been all year, still no public way has presented itself or, participating in the great adventure of good, however great it is often frightening, it makes you back down, even the fault of a dark mafia power that has affected people, the power of impotence, I'll do everything if someone doesn't show up. A construction takes us into a higher world, more equipped, the surprise will be so great, I don't know who will bear the shock. Today we are at a starting point, it also means without previous support. This life is varied, colourful, you cannot live forever suspended, sometimes you fall all together, if you want is like an accident, you discover that you do not continue in a linear way but common to two, in the good everything is granted to you, in the evil is all obscured.
I have seen thousands of people, dull as dead fish in the sea, sleeping awake, birth happens when the unhealthy dies, you discover the true nature. An evil understood by a person who has the soul raised in heaven, who is silent is not me, in happiness from within I live life always, I observe the nature of things to rejoice and create. I believe in the eternal return of things, it happens to me to leave home is to find reality in a very different way from that described, in the news especially confirmation of the decomposed society that founded at the peak an evil as a major brute force, perhaps not yet evolved enough to understand or interpret a good? I wait for events. You are not an evil, one day you will be redeemed. Who lives is without a kind, without a programmed future, it is a death without continuation, an endless road, as one can find oneself in places always imaginary, it is a denunciation where ignorance is, places like mortuary locations, one lives buried for a different and long time. Open your eyes to see a metric system of wrong values, no one is interested and yet everyone is interested in the memory, in time, ages, the future.
Once learned the lesson is a continuous work. I'm great I don't want to go around again, a greeting from you is much better than many other things, you are a bomb guarded in time, fast and unknowing against evil. Waiting for the rules, the beginning of the secession.
The good and dreams come true as material things that appear out of ignorance, the earth burns, the afternoon is solved. You believe in nothing, so there is nothing to be done, nothing has been done, I would like to know who takes care of an evil. It's life burned, you can't interrupt a cycle that has begun, you fall suddenly on your existence, you don't go back, who is arrogant enough to want to hide his interests, the mutable is the colour of good, you fall back on the earth before death, it must be a sport! Goodbye citizen state of darkness is who talks about it, the installation of the world upside down, utopian. No, I do not want to do the tour again I've already passed, all the facilities is seems the land of prohibitions.
Here I found peace, another air with vast spaces for rest and company of friendly people, not bad or chaotic city… may life always smile on you and the Sun in your heart never dies.
Happy holidays, G.


Breaking in: the truth is like a deck of cards or malleable effects, very important for the law, silence, the natural light of the Sun, the Moon without additions like the air we breathe. The goods are beautiful, not beautiful, when you get older, move yourself, do not always think that you already do. Time has passed, look for the road has already been marked, you go on. Time forms networks of universes and purposes for us, art should be marked at an angle neither too high nor too low so it is useful. In reality they also bring problems: "love is Saturday Italy is a mistake, a clear sense of failure", a possession of evil but, just as many years ago everything is, in place, the road is straight, on the sides of the trees to cross.
Communist, anarchist, what happens interests me, I think it's nice to treat oneself to a pack of cigarettes, to spend the evening smoking almost all of them. Free yourself! you don't run away from this place, good is your decision, life is your decision. It was a great mistake not to be satisfied, like being shot at badly, that is, without hope, always better to make contact later, what we came to do if not to do all the good. Come on, play, hurry up, don't run away, good is much stronger, even if for many people it doesn't exist or probably there are only those demons, they rule the underwater world, it's the covered faces.
Is evil in you? Are you distracted? We would have remnants of the animal man on us but, it is true that we only took the part of love granted or demanded leaving the luxury. We have given to the devil, not to the devil to become part of society then, the devil should be an evil and we prefer to live outside, in fact it is said that those who have entered have found the light, in fact they are ruined, cheated, you must not raise or lower your head, leave it straight and move it in horizontal directions to find your law. Minimize you don't have to do it, damn you who made the clichés, everything is already here as if suddenly you had already overcome it, neglected it or stolen it from you, these days you live in the world of what should not have happened and, of evil not denounced. You must be deeply rich, practice an art. Thank you, yes, thanks to you, there is so much material beyond death in life, we are in an unsolicited prison, united in fate then in the end it is only certainty that one day we will go beyond, by the way, for the State we are all just goods, transparent, clear is immaculate, it is still if you do not recognize an evil we normally do nothing. Here we spend the serene existence, that is just imagination, then it turns into reality, ninety per cent of what we see, after all it is mathematics or the opposite, nicotine can also be a friend is the various solitude, then we will be upset by ideas, there are many people who do not think at all, it's not even their fault, on the net almost all of us are pushed out, you do not feel an acute evil. Donkeys and sheep calling each other or, faithful of evil, do not even know what they said. If an evil happens you don't know what's going on! how fleeting time is, how badly the genius of life, the present, is exploited. Be attentive to art, to art as to the uselessness of the State, a record of possible things, how real is the rest hidden, in memory of a world that no longer exists or still flaunts itself. Fears, terror, how many evils must still be defeated, ignorance perhaps a State. Coming out of a cycle repeated healthy is a reality that forbidden to think it, at the end of time will be individualized, the question is obvious, the solution is certain. The world has stopped then the year two thousand has restarted, not only I an evil prevents an art, a harmony as much as it can, however we are on the net the game is done, we are booked I hope you're okay with it, always. Down with the evils installed in the light of the Sun and mixed fruits in addition, you need to know how to choose the people to attend, the experience depends entirely on the habits … let's see who are the responsibilities, do not think badly, nobody died that 'the past shines like the Sun of the present.
Bye, G.


People do not want to recognize the good, even if they are in the maximum of evil everything is normal, they think but are not in active consciousness and knowledge of the contemporary? it seems that they sleep in the eyes of those who see there or, that nothing exists, the world is over. One day you will fall! how much idiocy there is in us, perhaps it is from the too much acquired evil or, from the ignorant and malignant imposition that one has succumbed to silence, an undeclared universe is coloured with anti-Christian light, and then even today their idea creeps in, their hell on earth. The silence, the horror, the false fascism then, disowning the power is the maximum blindness that can be created, on the other hand in reality we continue, even if the speech has been neglected, the natures cannot change, the objects will materialize as in a drawing, at a certain point they become our targets, without any reason the same.
Speaking in first person is so difficult, have you seen those who wanted to change the world, why have they stopped? here everything is available, concrete. It's a disaster, maybe one day we'll be reborn blessed.
A design created with time by the experiences that hide us, one day it arrives like a train, it is realized even where the forbidden or, the impossible is. I want above ignorance, open your eyes to what exists, it depends a lot on what you see. A good is not impossible to pay for, an evil cannot be realized. The reality of this world is in another, we will all be the same again, it's an embarrassing situation, in the maximum of evils that nobody knows anything, in front of everyone's eyes it is clear that we are in a different position from the State, the institutions concerned say but it seems to have disappeared for now, there will be a revolt, the end of the world. We are living a psycho-physical cover-up, a deception or an existing dysfunction created, as if stopped in situ, open-minded but without the answers. Try to give some opinions, we are all here and no one can judge, isn't it? The texts will be inconvenient. Everyone lives in their own world, afterwards we will all live together, and everyone will know everyone's things. What is the certain future of the world, one crack breaks everything? No, it is the false fascism that occupies our minds, to make everything remain unhealthy and decrepit, as if the reality is of a given world to end, to start a new one, a computer with a very different software. There is a mountain to climb, as there is nothing, your evil must be brought down! society is completely undone, destined to the ruin of minds and bodies. A process that has begun cannot be erased, you go further and further down or up until it ends, after there is infinity is nothing then you can recover it back to normal, life becomes beyond, of new habitats yes, post-mortem hell, the holy camp and a healthy hotel, already existing and renovated. Leave us alone, corrupt states what happens now does not concern your cause … I'm joking but we have discovered a new criterion of power, the suitable for command is claimed, what you see is, what you feel is, how do you not renew the senses according to the experience of the right, even if abnormal is common a necessary alternative, wonderfully life is history, as from the sense of exclusion of evil even having been there, one finds himself healed in good, you cannot continue without repeating it. Never throw away that thing, that flower, the sequel after what we lack, who has already written it, all from the richest to the most beggar we live or we have accepted the evil, as I say to myself is already completed but has not a concluded or legal existence. Absurd then to deny the obvious presence of those who have told us that it is a personal matter, the obnoxious will be open, evil equals mafia, nothing is guaranteed nowadays, like winter next season, only a good helps us to distinguish.
New modern clothes, fresh new fabric, new accessories and optional extras. One day the journey will be one way, not like today or in our days with the head ruined by dull beings among us, parts of the brain lost. It will be like waking up after twenty years, the necessary future. Who says to be content with the evil that 'l everything, instead of a single state of passage, what you think can cost us, admit that it is all real described in its nature, there would be more freedom. Ah! good to wear the clothes of good. Days, months, years clothing and prisons. Today everything is undone, always everything to be rebuilt, someone lands, everything is as we left it, we are always there forever, careful … the day will be a flower once the barriers of common disownment, a disease like those already taken, you knew that! We must be content with our own position as an ideal, created by ourselves to reflect what our personal desire is. Life does not continue normally dear but, is there an evil or a good that you say? it is not so light yes, it is outside the silence, how can we not notice what remains of fascism.
We live prisoners of evil like children, it's funny to be afraid of the most known thing in the world, even if never said, only in art I have found some answers, the rest is law or silence, if anything ignorance and lobotomy. How much power is hidden in what we are forbidden or, not allowed, how much easier the good is, just a phone call, a payment accepted throughout the world … it's all good. Bye to the next life, press that button, now it will be silence, everything will be yours. It would be like denying saying all the things you cannot do to open the infinite or, your person, they told me to do it alone but, it is a global social act the world in possession of good. Nothing is nothing, how ugly is that period of perdition, of dissolution of the soul but behind it there is a great deception you are trapped, betrayed among traitors, it's the opposite as it doesn't exist, no one was the dissolution! how beautiful is freedom, I discovered that it is always us, I am the maximum realization of human dreams, the good, so that the enormous controversy between people could be justified, still today still standing still in there is nothing, it didn't happen, so nothing is bringing evil on, so it disappears around. The same is not said anything, one day everything will fall on us, what has already happened and what will happen, it is better to make do with a few objectivity, people cry who knows if they still exist … there are those who do not know the concreteness must speak with a new voice, remain free from false networks, in another false world, instead there was another real world that serves to exclude from too much ignorance, from forgetfulness. Life is art, living is the actor who plays the parts of a screenplay, while in the minds there is chaos, an order can also be reached naturally, just in case what exists can be described everywhere, they are thieves! The present is the practicable, one day we will arrive again, nature alone does the work as the snow falls, they want us to silence the good every day, do not create too many problems stop it create the serious lack.
Memories, images of life, the future is the present, not like saying at a certain point we must arrive true, we must ally ourselves to annihilate the state of evil, declare ourselves of another state then, continue. The evening is very calm, it would be nice to think there are only us, not all of us… so they say maybe there's evil but, for sure nowadays it exists, you have to be alive to know. I don't think any half epoch is as useless as this one we live in, the future free, the peace of dominated experiences, the destruction of false power. Ah yes! They rule, and I live in a bottle. Good submerges no! That is evil, they promised us the false, just enlarge the panoramic screen (sixteen, ninths) and join the geographical map. Communication, comparison between common opinions, drawings that verify reality, a good is just like other things, indeed they are other or so. A dear thing but it is certainly feasible true, a reality outside, an out-of-home, singular in the point: prisons or clothes.
The world brings a plague, no one has the solution this is the truth or, perhaps it is the size and proximity of the problem, this means that 'the project cannot adapt, the law is one, unique anyway, people dissolved yes, the context is not presented, who asks if the good exists. You live an organized evil, it seems to you a dream-incubus, the important thing is to believe in God in a place of the worst that has ever existed like this, tell everyone, even if it only surpasses. New powers, power again. You lack gratitude, in a world where malignant anarchy reigns, the last of the real things that make thought change, creating confusion. They want to do good things to the boys, this must happen, starting from disowning the evil but, it's morning they're all sleeping what a strange truth.
The good will be a dream for many but, in reality it seems the exit from evil, you have to be careful not to worship those animals without God, always moved by that monster, first of all pay attention to the words you hear and their meaning all together in the sentence. Whoever has united a good with an evil to make them live together, will be executed on the day of judgment, if they have not already done so, the matter is very present in everyone's life, it is up to the use that is made of them, except the common one of non-observance.
No one says it has begun a new era, they have not understood only a good can program life, I the master and the I, it will also be the fault of the multi-fascist regulation in our institutions or, the assumption of evil against them that then these days is an immortal position, whoever programs a software, without offending is not an off, you have to be good to get rid of everything and everyone. The world has stopped, we are all stopped, the charges have already been established, time passes we remain more and more alone, things become clearer among us, it is said if you are still not awake, then we would really have been wrong.
Here in the year zero five you can still notice many abuses, abandonment because it is all abandoned as a whole, there is always need for a comparison, how do you make children live without history or, well as legal products not presented, I say maybe it takes a little 'gym, parts of the brain attached to their own, they make sure not to talk. I want a free world, not like Italy, Europe then this silence, away from the prisons, the doors are those in their place, like the windows. That's not a dream, if you want it's reality later. The last clamour guaranteed to this ugly reality that changes to the absolute good, the declaration of the day we live will shock more and more, a new world is the future but, the past cannot be erased, indeed it must be recovered to create a continuous line.
Houses, hotbeds, in the evening, in the morning, the lights of the lampposts, it surprises the faculty of everyone in recovering today is to find the way, the exclusion from evil causes new sensations. Beautiful the future, is all the art to make it present, what is tomorrow. We are powers in God about ninety per cent of the population, the presence always surprises everyone, but do not stop at the quantity, perhaps it is still early, no parent has the will not to make their children stay in evil and open their mouths.
I'll close to a happy and better next adventure, G.


1. Title. There are two main habitats, divergent from the real good. One: the good, a demonic software based on labels, instead of lights, i.e. living in evil without speaking, very present beautiful, stable, syntactical and aerial contacts of various kinds capable of making us exist in good, even with the presence of evil. Two: the freer good, life organized among the goods, an awareness of evil, a very friendly and loving way of agreeing that money, friendships sometimes go around illegally. We will create the earth to re-acclimate it, organized to the exclusion of an evil, to live in a relaxed way the security of the next good, not solitude imposed by the denial of existence. A good so much denied in our land or forbidden, inconsolable and yet obvious, devoid of being one who cannot live. Power is truth, we are alone.
2. Two. In the year zero five we live in evil, removed from life, in partial absence, who dies no longer exists, the weight of things can only be visualized, filed in a space called a hotel. Explanations are in a legal scheme, resolving in the clear, lights and voices, colours and complaints. Outside, people eat different.
3. Visualization. Points of visualization not of perception or realization, who has never spoken of evil is in a deadlock, uses only two points back and forth, instead you need at least two hundred thousand. Search around all the joints of your bones, with all directions, a screen in front of your eyes, in place of the ocular apparatus.
4. Rebel. Rebels are not for death, destruction or violence. A surface is pause, not everything is bad, you have to do a series of actions, challenge the unhealthy, for those who do not have a switch, you are good or the opposite, a revolt or the assumption of a party. The software is a fake, the nuances should be different, the good and the malicious, a reality is never lived by a single detail. In the beginning is a game, at least being means having the head, hands, feet, without openings of lights or graffiti, very rare these days. I always look for an active sound or a good reason, if not a good personal interest, to treat well. Of course our dreams come true, they are realities, open the good is a long way, just talk from drop to drop, we are in a lost world, where it is enough to remove the dust and open the doors.
5. Calculation. When the calculation is zero, the good will be a clarity in the brain. All legal, you'll just feel a big bang and the light. How much longer you have to close the world, the rest will be or is already a minimal art, in another way is then to remain alone in motionless life. I found the way without evil, the reality is true we are all part of it, even if only as a testimony that one day the earth will see the good or, the kingdom of the Lord. It is the fault of the many evils, unsuspected, united in the same form, to their incineration we will always be made. Long live the third dimension at the expense of the other two, only yesterday extolled as a maximum of goods. An evil has only two dimensions, it doesn't have a processor, uh, a thickness for this reason the cause of the modern rupture is not filmed, the physiological positions assumed by all, in a different way but classifiable. Predisposition and self in context are the key, the division between good and evil, recognition.
6. Audio. I own the sceptre of life, I am good. Here everything is magic, not like in life, false but real, a fairy tale like a magician, all a real dream. All the noises are real, the evil one dies from them. In a box as big as the world, in the end you always have to find an order for all things, enlarge the image to focus the objects. Get used to not bothering, you've overcome evil.
7. Return. Leave completely the people who are part of the evil, being on the net is to be alive, registered, presented is to take advantage. Move is in the legal that keeps us free, like all be, pay is have until solutions appear. I came out of evil is alive out at home but, evil is still free today, careful what I call the new, the new humans returned or if in one day you wake up with common memories, strange yet familiar.
Enjoy your day, G.


There are many evils in the place where I live, elsewhere people seem to have forgotten the good. No one articulates the present and how we exist, only life and what we have or have done to us, what we see or hear, I do not recommend an evil to anyone, is a traitor of himself to the last, how can you say an evil is superior, is a parasite, no one solves anything, there is nothing, you cannot speak, you too have been betrayed perhaps, will be a cog in the end will bear fruit. You know there is only one God above the square, a triangle after death. I want confirmation call me: 899,876,425,127.
We will always live above or below these two events: living without knowing anything, not fighting an evil because it is too much… nothing can be done about it. One day the evil will disappear completely, it dies alone. What I should do instead of dreaming (realizing) is to lack in life is to expect nothing more, as has happened to everyone, I have mathematical certainties that the whole future will become present. They are a lost, rotten and dilapidated world. Confess the false, it would only take a few days to organize one or more states but we are a bit 'distant friend, today the distance is measured differently, is what we have compared to the Earth. Evils are masters told me over the air, even if no one showed up, here I have the legs a bit 'of air and the face that people will do when they see the good, describe the reality, money and conscience, I'm sure someone would pay for them, a new world healed from a rich evil, the units organized to live better, everyone knows other people and similar ideas or, even this is not a dream. An evil is really like all the other things, sometimes the why you don't talk about it, some reason I know it but know yours is very important, all lives are important, for resolution and creation of the future of humanity. The truth is so from reality, the world is fabulous, the experience comes before even if you don't declare it. Fears of evil, will of power, pays all buried? I'm sorry but this century will be remembered on a par with slavery or other very gloomy periods.
Everyone has a position nowadays, people will jump ahead. In given studies on assisted reproduction, the relationships that are created with existence together with evil, verifies the present evil, is how we live. Sometimes it is enough to know that one cannot escape good, in a great way to the law as a vital, superior procedure as depicted, a necessity can one not dream? Being able to fly in a better changed form, a dream is forbidden, down in the world of the raised, I do not think mine are hallucinations, I think it is evil. I tried to open the package, it's sealed! which is common to all. Over time I have created natural or artificial defences, the real purpose is to return, because you have left, because you have to arrive.

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Good And Evil  Memories Gerardo DOrrico
Good And Evil, Memories

Gerardo DOrrico

Тип: электронная книга

Жанр: Социология

Язык: на английском языке


Дата публикации: 16.04.2024

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О книге: This book is the first handbook about being contemporary and personal diary written by me. The calm of well-being, of inventions. The three-dimensional aspects of concrete and human objects, for a research in individual thought. A work that frees from stylistic commitments, mistakes are everyone′s, the present must be represented but, without the fear of having made a bigger mistake than the previously accepted silence. By choosing a speech, it promises a definitive daily solution to rhetorical-historical art. It describes my experiences, imaginatively the memories of a good in the land of evil. This book is the first handbook about being contemporary and personal diary written by me. The calm of well-being, of inventions. The three-dimensional aspects of concrete and human objects, for a research in individual thought. A work that frees from stylistic commitments, mistakes are everyone′s, the present must be represented but, without the fear of having made a bigger mistake than the previously accepted silence. By choosing a speech, it promises a definitive daily solution to rhetorical-historical art. It describes my experiences, imaginatively the memories of a good in the land of evil. Diary written in a simple way, a textual form to fill even an absence of complete information about the right to good, which characterizes an insensitivity in public and journalistic publications. A phenotype inclusive of modern material, Christian and Arabic objectivity. It wants to represent a door to the future, a new party. The period of the eighteen letters contained reaches from August 2005 to March 2007.

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