Summer Fling: A Bride for Glenmore

Summer Fling: A Bride for Glenmore
Sarah Morgan
Have you heard? The place to be this summer is in love!Life in the sleepy island of Glenmore is filled with tranquil lazy days. Bliss! But this summer the gossip mill is running overtime – love is most definitely in the air… Poor Evanna has been infatuated with her boss forever – to him she’s just part of the furniture. Rumour has it this summer she’s decided to get noticed. No more sensible suits for her…she’s bringing out the stilettos!Kyla can see Evanna is in love with her brother and if she had her way she’d knock their heads together. Oh well… Kyla has other, more pressing distractions – the new island doctor is gorgeous! Dr Ethan sticks out in the picture-perfect island like a v. handsome sore thumb.Ripples are running through the tranquil waters of Glenmore – secrets, scandal and more than a little flirtation! It’s going to be a summer to remember!Praise for Sarah Morgan'Sarah Morgan continues to hang out on my autobuy list and each book of her that I discover is a treat' - Smart Bitches, Trashy Books'Full of romance and sparkle' – Lovereading'Morgan's brilliant talent never ceases to amaze' - RT Book Reviews'Dear Ms Morgan, I'm always on the lookout for a new book by you…' - Dear Author‘Morgan is a magician with words' - RT Book Reviews'Definitely looking forward to more from Sarah Morgan' - Smexy Book

About the Author
As a child SARAH MORGAN dreamed of being a writer and, although she took a few interesting detours on the way, she is now living that dream. With her writing career she has successfully combined business with pleasure and she firmly believes that reading romance is one of the most satisfying and fat-free escapist pleasures available. Her stories are unashamedly optimistic and she is always pleased when she receives letters from readers saying that her books have helped them through hard times.
Sarah lives near London with her husband and two children, who innocently provide an endless supply of authentic dialogue. When she isn’t writing or reading Sarah enjoys music, movies and any activity that takes her outdoors.
Readers can find out more about Sarah and her books from her website: She can also be found on Facebook and Twitter.
Summer Fling
Sarah Morgan (
All the characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author, and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all the incidents are pure invention.
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SUMMER FLING © Sarah Morgan 2007
Single Father, Wife Needed
ISBN: 9781408937440
Version: 2018-04-11


THE ferry docked in the early morning.
It was the start of summer, a fresh June day with plenty of cloud in an angry sky, and Ethan stood by the white rail with the other foot passengers, his eyes on the shore. The cool wind whipped playfully at his dark hair as if to remind him that this was remote Scotland and that meant that even summer weather was unpredictable.
Despite the early hour, the harbour was already busy and people were milling around the dock, buying fish straight from the boats and passing the time of day. From his vantage point high on the boat, Ethan could see a cluster of cottages, a café, a gift shop and an old-fashioned greengrocer with fruit and vegetables artfully arranged to draw the eye and the customer. From the harbour the road rose, snaking upwards and then curving out of sight along the coast.
Even without the benefit of local knowledge he knew where that road led. In fact, he felt as though he knew every contour of Glenmore island, even though he’d never been here before.
As if to remind himself of his reason for being there, he slipped a hand into his pocket and fingered the letter. He’d done the same thing so many times before that the notepaper was crumpled and the writing barely legible in parts, but he didn’t need to read it because he’d long since committed the contents to memory.
The description in the letter had been so detailed, the words so vivid that already the island felt familiar. In his mind he’d felt the cold chill of the wild, inhospitable mountains that clustered in the centre of the island and he’d walked the rocky shores that had sent so many ships to their doom. In his imagination, he’d sailed the deep loch and scrambled on the ruins of the ancient castle, the site of a bloody battle between Celts and Vikings centuries earlier. Glenmore had a turbulent past and a rich history thanks to the fierce determination of the locals to maintain their freedom.
Wasn’t that what everyone wanted? It was certainly one of the reasons he was there. He needed to escape from the throttling grip of his past.
Suddenly Ethan wanted to sprint to the top of the highest point and breathe in the air and then he wanted to plunge into the icy waters of the Atlantic Ocean and swim with the porpoises that were reputed to inhabit this area. It felt good to escape from external pressures and the expectations of others and he had to remind himself that being there wasn’t about escape, it was about discovery.
He’d come for answers.
And he intended to find those answers.
If he happened to enjoy being in this wild, remote corner of Scotland, then that was a bonus.
Ethan felt a sudden lift in his spirits and the feeling was as surprising as it was unexpected.
Well-meaning colleagues and friends had told him that he was mad to bury himself all the way up here on a Scottish Island. With qualifications like his, he should have been returning to Africa with all its medical challenges, or working at the renowned London teaching hospital where he’d trained. They’d warned him that Island life would be dull. Nothing but ingrowing toenails and varicose veins—old ladies moaning about the pressures of advancing age. He would be bored within a week.
A faint smile touched Ethan’s classically handsome face. It remained to be seen whether they were right about the lack of job satisfaction, but at the moment it wasn’t boredom he was feeling. It was exhilaration.
And a deep sadness for the loss of something precious and irreplaceable.
He breathed in deeply and felt the salty air sting his lungs. It was time to leave the ferry. Time to begin. He started to move away from the rail and then he paused, his eye caught by a tall, slender girl who was weaving her way through the groups of people hovering on the dock, awaiting the arrival of the ferry. She walked with bounce and energy, as if she had a million things to do and not enough time, returning greetings with a wave and a few words, hardly breaking stride as she made for the boat. Her hair was long and loose, her smile wide and friendly, and she carried a large sloppy bag over one shoulder. Anchoring it firmly, she leapt onto the ramp of the ferry with the grace of a gazelle.
Not a girl, he saw immediately, but a young woman, perhaps in her early twenties, and everything about her was vital and energetic.
The wind drew the conversation upwards.
‘Hey, Kyla, you can’t come on without a ticket.’ The ferryman strolled towards her, a grin on his weathered face, and the girl reached up and planted a kiss on his cheek, her eyes twinkling.
‘I’ve come for my deliveries, Jim. Logan ordered some equipment from the mainland and I’ve orders to collect it before breakfast, along with the post and the new doctor.’
Ethan frowned. Kyla. The letter had mentioned Kyla and finally he was putting a face to the name. And it was a lovely face. So lovely that he found that he couldn’t look away.
The ferryman was hauling a sack onto the dock. His boots were dusted with sand and there were streaks of oil on his arms. ‘The new doctor?’
‘That’s right. We ordered him from the mainland, too.’ The woman stooped to help him with the sack. ‘He’d better be good quality. If not, he’s going right back. My poor brother needs help in the surgery almost as much as he needs a decent night’s sleep.’
Jim snorted. ‘Not likely to get it, with that bairn of his almost a year old.’
Ethan watched as Kyla’s pretty smile faltered for a moment. ‘He’s doing all right. My aunt’s been really busy at the café so one of the Foster girls has been helping him for the past few weeks. She’s good with the baby. It’s working out well.’
‘Until she starts building up her hopes and hearing wedding bells, like everyone else who goes near that brother of yours.’ Jim reached behind him and picked up a parcel and a bag of post. ‘I suppose this is what you’re after. You’re up early for a girl who went to bed late. It was a good party last night. Don’t you ever lie in?’
She dropped the post into the bag on her shoulder and lifted the parcel carefully, balancing it in her arms. ‘Find me someone decent to lie in with, Jim, and I’ll be happy to stay in bed. Until then I may as well work. Somebody has to keep everyone on this island healthy and strong.’
‘Any time you want company in that lonely old cottage of yours, just say the word.’
Kyla opened her mouth to reply but the words didn’t come and the beautiful smile faded as she stared at something.
It took a moment for Ethan to realise that he was that something. And another moment for him to realise that he was staring back and that he’d walked almost to her side without even noticing that he’d done so. He’d been drawn to her and the knowledge unsettled him. He was accustomed to being in control of his reactions, especially when it came to women.
Irritated with himself, he kept his tone cool. ‘I heard you mention that you’re meeting the new doctor. I’m Dr Walker. Ethan Walker.’ He watched her face for signs of recognition, relieved when he saw none. Why would there be? It wasn’t a name she’d know. And he had no intention of enlightening her. Not yet. He needed time to establish himself. Time to assess the situation without the complications that revealing his identity would inevitably arouse.
He watched as the wind picked up a strand of her blonde hair and blew it across her face.
‘You’re Dr Walker?’ Her gaze was frank and appraising with no trace of either shyness or flirtation. She made no secret of the fact he was under scrutiny and he had the strangest feeling that if she hadn’t liked what she’d seen she would have sent him back on the ferry to the mainland.
A strange heat spread through his body and he gave a faint smile.
His lifestyle wasn’t compatible with long, meaningful relationships and he was careful to avoid them, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t capable of appreciating feminine appeal when it was standing in front of him.
At another time, in another place he might have done something about the powerful thud of attraction that flared between them, but he reminded himself that romance would only tangle the already complicated.
He tried to analyse the strength of his reaction—tried to provide a logical explanation for the primitive thud of lust that tore through his body.
It was true that she was striking, but he’d been with women more beautiful and more sophisticated—women to whom grooming was a full-time preoccupation. No one could describe Kyla’s appearance as groomed. She was as wild as the island she inhabited, her hair falling loose over her shoulders in untamed waves and her face free of make-up. But her smile was wide and her eyes sparkled with an enthusiasm for life that was infectious. She looked like a woman who knew the meaning of the word happiness. An optimist. A woman who was going to grab life round the throat and enjoy every last second.
Aware that he was still staring, Ethan reminded himself firmly that his reasons for coming to the nethermost reaches of Scotland didn’t include a need for female company.
‘I’m Kyla MacNeil. Logan’s sister.’ She balanced the parcel on one arm and extended a hand. ‘Welcome to Glenmore, Dr Walker. If you come with me, I’ll take you straight up to the surgery and then I’ll show you your new home and help get you settled in.’
‘You’re Logan’s sister?’ Ethan stared down into her blue eyes and searched for a resemblance. ‘He talked about a little sister …’
‘That’s me. I’m twenty-five years old but that’s six years less than him so I suppose that makes me his little sister. Are you going to shake this hand of mine, Dr Walker? Because if not, I’ll put it away.’
Wondering why he was at a loss with a woman when he’d always considered himself experienced with her sex, Ethan shook her hand and nodded to Jim. ‘Thanks for the lift. I’ll be seeing you around.’
‘If you’re the new Island doctor, I hope you won’t. The only time I plan to see you is in the pub or when I’m waving you goodbye as you leave this place.’ Jim stepped back as the last of the cars clanked its way down the ramp and onto the quay. ‘I intend to stay healthy.’
‘Talking of which, how’s that diet of yours going?’ Kyla clutched the parcel to her chest and Jim pulled a face.
‘Ever since she talked to you about what I should be eating, all Maisie seems to cook these days is fish and porridge. No bacon and eggs and I haven’t seen a piece of cheese since the sun last shone, and that’s a while ago. Life’s just miserable. The only good thing is that Logan’s stopped nagging me because he’s very pleased with my cholesterol. It’s come right down on that new drug.’
‘That would be the statin he switched you to. Glad to hear it’s working. Well, we need to go. I need to get to the surgery or Logan will be grumbling. Take care of yourself, Jim. The forecast for the end of the week is storms.’
Jim gave a grunt and watched as the last car clattered its way over the ramp and onto the island. ‘Wouldn’t be Glenmore if we didn’t have storms.’
She turned to Ethan. ‘Didn’t you bring a car?’
‘I’ve been working abroad until recently. I took the train but my car is being delivered later today. I gave them the address of the surgery.’
‘In that case, you’ll need a lift to the surgery. It’s too far to walk.’
Ethan shifted his case into the other hand. ‘Let me carry the box for you.’
‘All right. I’m not one to reject a chivalrous gesture, even in the twenty-first century.’ She relinquished the parcel and adjusted the bag on her shoulder. ‘Don’t drop it. It’s a new defibrillator. One of those ones that talks to you, although, knowing my brother, if it starts to give him instructions he’ll probably argue with it.’
Ethan took the parcel from her and followed her along the quay, watching the way everyone converged on her.
‘Kyla.’ An elderly woman crossed the street to speak to her. ‘I read that leaflet you gave me about strengthening your bones …’
‘Glad to hear it, Mrs Porter.’ She paused, her smile friendly. ‘All OK?’
‘Oh, yes. It advised you to walk more and lift weights. I’m a bit too old for the gym, so I filled some empty milk bottles with water and I’ve been using those.’
‘Great idea. Well, if you have any questions you can find me in surgery and we can have a really good chat. And don’t forget to speak to Evanna about doing her exercise class.’
She walked on a bit further before she was stopped by one of the fishermen who was untangling his net. ‘Nurse MacNeil—I need to have those stitches of mine taken out.’
‘How’s the leg feeling?’
She nodded. ‘It was a nasty cut. You need to keep it up when you’re resting. Pop in on Friday and I’ll take the stitches out and take another look at it. If you need antibiotics, I can have a word with Logan.’
She walked on, somehow managing to acknowledge everyone’s greeting in a friendly manner while avoiding lengthy conversation.
Ethan watched in silent admiration, trying to imagine something similar happening in London and failing. In London everyone kept their eyes forward and went about their own business. ‘You know everyone.’
‘This is an island, Dr Walker. Everyone knows everyone.’ She scraped her unruly hair out of her eyes and lifted an eyebrow in his direction. ‘Is that going to be a problem for you?’
‘Why would it be?’
Her glance was assessing. ‘You’re a city boy and the one thing that you can guarantee in a big, soulless city is anonymity. And that suits some people. Not everyone wants folks knowing their business.’
A city boy.
Ethan thought about the places he’d worked in, the dust, the heat and the sheer weight of human suffering. She had no idea. Oh, yes, he’d experienced anonymity. The sort where you shouted and no one listened.
Kyla lengthened her stride, nodded to an elderly woman who passed and then paused to stroke a baby who was cooing in a pushchair. ‘Can’t believe he’s two months now, Alice. Make sure you remember to bring him to clinic for his injections.’ They moved on and Ethan watched as she pulled a set of keys out of her jacket pocket.
‘Anonymity is one thing but time off is another. How do you switch off and keep people at a distance?’
‘On the whole people are pretty good about not invading our privacy. If I’m wearing lipstick and heels and have a drink in my hand, they know better than to expect me to discuss their haemorrhoids.’ She juggled the keys in her hand. ‘But it’s definitely a close community and that can be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on the person you are or what you happen to be doing at the time. If you’re not careful you can find yourself doing impromptu consultations on every street corner. Not that I mind in some cases, but generally speaking I want to feel I have a life outside work. We need to get a move on. The surgery is ten minutes’ drive from here, in the village.’
He glanced around him. ‘This isn’t the village?’
‘No, Dr Walker. This is the quay. People live dotted all over the place, which makes it a laugh a minute when you have an urgent house call, as you will soon discover.’ She stopped by a tiny car in a deep shade of purple. ‘Hop in. We’ll go to the surgery and I’ll introduce you to my brother and then I’ll drop you at your cottage before I go back to my clinic.’
‘This is your car?’ He glanced at it in disbelief and she scowled at him across the top of the car, the expression in her blue eyes suddenly dangerous.
‘If you’re thinking of making a derogatory remark about the colour, then I advise against it. I happen to be very attached to my car. And so should you be, Dr Walker, because if it weren’t for my car, you’d be walking up that hill with your luggage as we speak.’
Even on such a short acquaintance, he could see that she was a woman with a warm heart and a fiery temper. The combination was intriguing. For the first time in months he found himself fighting the desire to smile. ‘Would you believe me if I told you that lurid purple is my favourite colour?’
‘Very funny.’ She glared at him for a moment and then grinned. ‘All right, I’ll be honest. I got it at a knockdown price from the mainland. Apparently no one else liked the colour.’
‘You astonish me.’
‘Sarcasm doesn’t become you, Dr Walker. The boot’s open if you want to get rid of that suitcase.’ She slid into the driver’s seat and he somehow jammed his suitcase into the tiny boot and then climbed in next to her, wincing as he tried to fold his six foot three frame into the tiny vehicle.
‘It may be an awful colour,’ he muttered, easing the door shut, ‘but at least it’s roomy.’
‘Are you being rude about my car?’ She glanced towards him and burst out laughing. ‘You look ridiculous.’
‘It’s the car that’s ridiculous.’
‘The car is fine, but you’re too big for it.’
Ethan winced and tried to ease his legs into a more comfortable position. ‘I’m aware of that fact.’ He shifted down in the seat to give himself more head room and found his knees under his chin. ‘Well, this is comfortable. Drive on. Wherever we’re going, we’d better get there quickly or I’ll need physiotherapy at the end of the journey and I don’t suppose that’s available on an island this remote.’
‘Don’t you believe it. Glenmore may be remote but we’ve a thriving population here. Physio is Evanna’s division. Especially massage. She’s great with crying babies and pretty good with moaning adults, too.’ She started the engine, checked her rear-view mirror and started up the coast road at a frightening pace.
‘Evanna?’ Ethan wondered how a car so small could go so fast. ‘I heard you mention her to the lady who spoke to you back on the quay. She’s the other practice nurse?’
‘That’s right. We each have different responsibilities. Evanna is a midwife as well as a practice nurse and she’s had some basic physio training. We all do a bit of everything if we can. It saves folks travelling all the way to the mainland.’
To one side of him the coast flashed past and he had a glimpse of rocky coves and sandy beaches. The island had a dramatic history, he recalled, with a good number of wrecks littering the seabed. He stared out to sea, his mind wandering. There were so many questions he wanted to ask but to do so would reveal too much so instead he turned back to look at her, studying her profile. From this angle he could see that her nose turned up slightly and that her eyelashes were long and thick. She had a sweet face, he decided. A happy face. There were no lines. No shadows. Nothing to suggest that life had sent her anything that she couldn’t handle.
‘You’re staring at me, Dr Walker, and it’s putting me off my driving.’
‘Then I’ll keep my eyes straight ahead.’ He gave a faint smile. ‘Given the proximity of this road to the edge of the cliff, I certainly wouldn’t want to put you off.’
‘I’ve lived here all my life. There’s not a kink in this road that I don’t know. And I’m a jack of all trades. I’m the dietician, the asthma specialist and the diabetes nurse. I’m trained in family planning but we’re not exactly encouraging that at the moment because the population of the island is dwindling. If anyone comes to me for contraception, I send them away to have more sex and make a baby. We need babies on the Island or the next thing you know they’ll be taking away a doctor and trying to close the school.’
Despite the dark clouds in his head, Ethan found himself laughing. ‘Well, that’s a novel approach to family planning. Are you serious? Is the school under threat of closure?’
‘No, not yet.’ She glanced towards him with a quick smile. ‘Actually, this is a thriving, busy island and we’re doing all right. But populations dwindle. It’s a fact in rural areas like this. People find the life hard and they leave for the bright lights of the big cities. And they don’t come back. They marry a mainlander like you and have their babies somewhere else.’
She changed gear and took a corner at an alarming speed.
‘Do you always drive this fast?’
‘I do everything fast. It means I can get through twice as much in the day, which is a definite advantage in a place like this. But that’s enough about me. What brings you here? What are you running from, Dr Walker?’
He felt his body tense. ‘Why would I be running from anything?’
‘Because mainlanders don’t generally choose to spend their summer up here in the wilds unless they’re running from something,’ she said cheerfully. ‘Unless they’re locals, people come here for space and to regroup. Was it work or something more personal? Love?’
His head started to throb. He’d expected questions. He just hadn’t expected them this quickly. And he hadn’t prepared his answers. ‘Are you always this direct?’
‘On an island, it’s impossible to keep secrets.’ She opened the window a crack and the breeze blew in and lifted her hair. ‘They have a habit of following you. Better to get it all out in the open.’
Ethan stared at her profile and then turned his head away to stare out of his own window. If she knew his secret, she’d probably stop the car and push him off the cliff. ‘I’m not in the habit of talking about my sex life.’
‘Right.’ She shifted her grip on the steering-wheel. ‘But I wasn’t asking about your sex life, I was asking about your love life.’
It occurred to him that she would have got on well with his last girlfriend. You don’t have a heart, Ethan. You’re not capable of intimacy.
‘I’m here because you advertised for a doctor. Logan told me he needed help.’
‘He does need help. But that wouldn’t be enough to attract a mainlander to a place like Glenmore. And Logan told me that you’re a hotshot. First in everything. Top of your class.’
‘Being a good doctor isn’t about exam results.’
‘Well, it’s good to know we agree on something.’ She shifted gear and slowed down to take a corner. ‘Anyway, we’re just pleased to have you here. It’s been a tough few months. I don’t know whether Logan mentioned it but he lost his wife almost a year ago.’
Ethan stiffened and the throb in his head intensified. ‘Yes,’ he said quietly, forcing his body to relax. ‘He mentioned it.’
‘It was a hideous time.’ Kyla’s voice was soft and her hands tight on the wheel. ‘Awful.’
Ethan felt the sickness rise inside him. ‘How did she die?’
‘Having the baby.’ Kyla shook her head slowly. ‘It seems so wrong, doesn’t it? In this day and age to die having a baby. You read about maternal mortality rates but you don’t actually think it’s going to happen to anyone you know. You think that if you monitor carefully, everything will be all right. But it wasn’t all right. And I know Logan still blames himself even though he did absolutely everything that could have been done. She had an undiagnosed cardiac condition.’
Ethan took a deep breath. ‘And how’s he managing with the little girl? It must be difficult.’
‘How did you know they had a girl?’ She shot him a surprised look, her blue eyes narrowed. ‘Did I mention it?’
‘Logan mentioned it,’ Ethan said, correcting his mistake swiftly. ‘Kirsty. Eleven months.’
‘That’s right. She’s a sweetie. She isn’t walking yet but her crawling could earn her a speeding ticket and she’s into everything. Gives us all grey hairs. And Logan manages. He’s a great father and he has a lot of help from the islanders. One of my aunts runs the café on the quay along with one of my cousins, and they often take Kirsty for him during the day.’
‘One of your aunts?’
‘My grandmother was obviously preserving the future of the island. My mother was one of six.’ She grinned at him. ‘I have five aunts and eleven first cousins. Some of them have moved away, of course, but most of them still live on the island, which is handy for Logan. He hasn’t cooked himself a meal for months, lucky creature. It’s useful to have family around, isn’t it?’
It was a concept so alien to Ethan that he found it impossible to answer. To avoid the inevitable questions, he took the conversation off on a different tangent. ‘You don’t like cooking?’
‘Not one of my skills, but I do like eating.’
‘And Logan has worked here since he finished his training?’
‘No. He worked in London for a while, gaining the experience he needed to be able to work in a place like this. Out here it’s the real thing, Dr Walker. No back-up. It takes skill and confidence to deal with that. Most islanders escape for a while just to see if the grass is greener on the other side and when they discover that it isn’t …’ She gave a slight shrug of her shoulders as she flicked the indicator and turned the car into a small car park ‘… they come back again. We’re here. This is Glenmore Medical Centre.’
It was larger than Ethan had expected, a modern building with clean lines and glass, attached to a stunning house, painted white and with several balconies that faced towards the sea. ‘Your brother lives here.’
‘Yes. The surgery is attached to the house and, of course, people take all sorts of liberties, banging on his door when he’s in the bath and that sort of thing.’ She smiled and switched off the engine. ‘But he loves it here.’
‘From what I’ve heard, your brother is well qualified. He could have worked anywhere.’
‘That’s right. He could.’ She reached into the back seat for her bag, her movements swift and decisive. ‘And he chose to work here, where he grew up—where his talents really count for something. On Glenmore you’re not one of hundreds of doctors, you’re the only one. Sometimes you’re the only person who can make a difference. You’re truly needed.’
‘And you love it.’
‘Oh, yes.’ She pulled the bag into her lap and then paused, a wistful smile on her face. ‘As it happens, I’ve tried leaving. I’ve tried living in other places but they never feel right. When I’m here on Glenmore, somehow everything falls into place and I know I’m home.’
‘It must be nice to feel that way about a place.’
‘Everyone has somewhere that feels like home,’ she said cheerfully as she opened the car door. ‘Where is it for you? London?’
Ethan sat in silence, thinking about the question. ‘That depends on your definition of home. Is it the place where you were born or the place where you grew up?’
She paused with her on the door as she considered the question. ‘It’s not necessarily either. Home is the place where you feel completely comfortable. You arrive there and suddenly you can’t remember why you ever left because it’s the only place you really want to be.’
Ethan studied her face for a moment. ‘Then I don’t think I have a home,’ he said quietly, ‘because I’ve never felt that way about anywhere.’

KYLA opened the boot and removed the box, trying not to stare as Ethan Walker uncurled his powerful body from the front seat of her car and stretched.
All the way in the car she’d been aware of him. Aware of the shadow of stubble darkening his jaw, of long, masculine leg brushing against hers and the long, searching looks he kept casting in her direction. She’d felt those looks—felt him looking at her—and something about the burning intensity of his gaze had disturbed her so badly that she’d driven fast to keep the journey as short as possible.
Her nerve endings had snapped tight and she’d been breathlessly conscious of every movement he’d made during the short journey.
She knew everyone who lived on the island. She was used to men who were safe and predictable. And she sensed that Ethan Walker was neither.
When her brother had given her the lowdown on the new island doctor, she’d conjured up a vision of a bespectacled, wiry academic who’d spent his life looking down a microscope and seeing patients from the other side of a large desk.
She hadn’t expected to be knocked off her feet by the sight of him.
It wasn’t just the handsome face and the athletic body that made it hard not to stare at him. It was the air of quiet confidence and the dark, almost brooding quality that surrounded him. She sensed that his emotions were buried deep inside him. Were those emotions responsible for the hard, cynical gleam in his eyes?
And what was he doing up here in the wilds of Scotland?
He’d evaded her question but she wasn’t a fool. If Logan was right, then Ethan had been on the fast track. Hadn’t he said that Ethan had been the youngest consultant they’d ever had in the hospital? A single-minded, ambitious over-achiever? Why would a man with that sort of career ahead of him suddenly leave it to work in a backwater?
It had to be something to do with his love life.
Hadn’t he ignored the question when she’d asked it? Which was entirely typical of a man, she thought to herself, because since when did men ever talk about their feelings? They were all completely hopeless.
She slammed the boot shut, deciding that it would be interesting to get some answers. And interesting to spend some time with him.
The thought surprised her because it had been a long time since she’d found herself wanting to spend time with a man.
The problem with island life, she reflected as she slipped the postbag onto her shoulder, was that she knew absolutely everyone. There were no surprises. She wasn’t suddenly going to look at Nick Hillier, the island policeman, and feel a hot flush coming on. She wasn’t going to go to bed dreaming of Alastair and his fishing boat. She knew everyone on the island as well as she knew her family.
But Ethan—Ethan was a surprise. A surprise that promised to make the long days of summer more interesting than usual.
Her mouth curved into a smile as she anticipated the days ahead.
It would be interesting, she decided, to find out more about him.
She pushed open the surgery door.
Her brother was sprawled in a chair at the reception desk, hitting keys on the computer. ‘I’ve a full list here, Kyla. Did you book these in?’
‘And good morning to you, too.’ Her eyes scanned her brother’s face, looking for signs of strain. Tiredness. Logan was the toughest person she knew but all the same she worried about him. He was doing all right, she decided. She was proud of him. ‘Have you been here all night?’
‘It certainly feels like it.’ He pushed the chair away from the computer and stretched. His hair was dark and touched the edge of his collar, but his eyes were as blue as hers. ‘I need every second of the day to see these patients. We have to stop booking them in.’
Kyla threw him an exasperated look. ‘Well what do you expect me to do, you idiot? Tell them to go away and pick another day to be ill?’
‘Nice to get some proper respect around here,’ Logan drawled, but there was a twinkle in his eyes. ‘I’m just pointing out that there’s only one of me and at the moment I’m spread rather thinly.’
Kyla slammed the post down on the reception desk. ‘Well, despite what you may think, I don’t spend my time going round the Island drumming up business for your surgeries. Can I help it if people think you’re the answer to their problems? Anyway, there isn’t just one of you any more.’ She turned with a wave of her hand. ‘I brought you reinforcements from the ferry, Dr Ethan Walker. I expect you already know that because he’s the only stranger that stepped off the ferry this morning so I dare say the jungle drums have been beating for the last half an hour. Treat him well and perhaps he’ll help you with your surgery.’
‘Ethan—pleased to meet you.’ Logan straightened and the two men shook hands while Kyla tilted her head to one side and studied them both. They had a similar physique and yet they were entirely different. Both dark, both tall, both broad-shouldered, but the resemblance ended there. While her brother looked rough and rugged, as though he’d just strode off the hills, Ethan was smooth and slick. City slick, Kyla thought as she turned away and started stacking the post neatly for Janet, their receptionist, to open later. He was a man who looked … she searched for the right term … expensive.
And he probably wasn’t going to last five minutes in a place like Glenmore.
The two men were deep in conversation when the phone rang. Reaching over the desk, Kyla lifted the receiver, her hair falling forward.
‘Glenmore Medical Centre.’ Her voice was bright and friendly and she ignored a look from Logan that warned her that trying to cram another patient onto his morning list would put her life at risk. ‘Hello, Janet! How are you doing?’ She straightened and pulled a face. ‘Oh, no—that’s awful! I’m so sorry to hear that. Don’t move her. Logan will be right over.’
She replaced the receiver to find Logan gazing at her in disbelief. ‘Remind me to fire you and replace you with a moody, scary battleaxe who frightens away patients. If you’ve booked me a house call two minutes before my morning surgery starts then I’m going to strangle you with my bare hands,’ he growled. ‘What do you think I am? Superhuman?’
‘A good doctor.’ Kyla scribbled the details on a scrap of paper and then walked across and gave him a swift kiss on the cheek. ‘A good but exceptionally moody doctor. That was our Janet. She popped round to check on her mum this morning and found her collapsed on the floor.’
‘Gladys?’ Logan’s frown changed to a look of concern and Kyla thrust a piece of paper into his hands.
‘You see? You care really, you know you do. You just hide it well. This isn’t going to wait, Logan. She needs to be seen right away.’
‘I have surgery—I can’t be in two places at once.’
‘Well, I think the place you need to be is with Mrs Taylor. Janet thinks she’s broken her leg. You go. I’ll keep the patients happy. Evanna and I will see the ones that we can and the others will just have to wait.’ Kyla waved a hand towards the door. ‘Go forth and heal, oh great one. I can sing and dance and generally entertain them while you swan off like a knight in shining armour.’
‘I’ll start your surgery.’ Ethan stepped forward, cool and unflustered, watching the exchange between them with puzzled curiosity. ‘Why not?’
Logan ran a hand over the back of his neck. ‘Because you’ve been travelling all night? Because you must need a shower and a rest? Because you don’t know the patients or the island? How many more reasons do you need?’
Ethan gave a faint smile. ‘I’m used to travelling and the shower and the rest can wait. As for not knowing the patients or the island … ‘he gave a dismissive shrug of his broad shoulders ‘… I don’t see why that should that be a problem. Presumably Kyla’s on hand if I need help. Keep your mobile on. If I have any questions, I’ll call you.’
‘All right, then. If you’re sure.’ Without further argument Logan reached for his bag. ‘If she’s fractured her hip, I’m going to need the air ambulance, Kyla. I’ll call you.’
‘You do that.’ Kyla watched her brother stride through the door and then picked up a set of keys. ‘All right, Dr Walker. Looks like you’re on duty. I’ll show you your room then I’ll fetch you a cup of coffee. Hopefully that will see you through until we have time for something more—’ She didn’t finish her sentence because the surgery door crashed open and a large man staggered in. His face was pale and shone with sweat, his hand pressed against his chest.
‘Doug!’ Kyla was by his side in a flash, her arm sliding around him in an instinctive offer of support. ‘What’s happened? Are you ill?’
‘Pain.’ His face was contorted in agony and tiny drops of sweat clung to his forehead. ‘Terrible pain in my chest. I was down in the basement, shifting crates of beer, when I started to feel funny. A bit sick, to be honest. Then it hit me all of a sudden. It’s like an elephant on my chest.’
‘Can we lay him down somewhere?’
‘In the consulting room.’
Ethan took the man’s arm and he and Kyla guided him down the corridor into the room. ‘Let’s get you up on the couch, Mr …?’
‘McDonald,’ Kyla said quickly, raising the back of the couch and helping the patient to lie down. ‘Doug McDonald. Fifty-six years of age, been treated for hypertension for the past three years. He’s taking beta blockers, an ace inhibitor and a statin.’
Ethan lifted a brow as he took Doug’s pulse and reached for a stethoscope. ‘You know every patient’s history by heart?’
‘Small community, Dr Walker. What do you need?’
‘Start with oxygen?’
‘There’s a cylinder to your right with a mask already attached, and I expect you’ll want to put a line in. I’ll fetch you the tray.’ Brisk and efficient, she reached into the cupboard, removed the tray and placed it on the trolley next to him. ‘Just breathe normally through that mask, Doug. That’s great. I’ll squeeze while you find a vein, DrWalker.’ She put her hands around Doug’s arm, watching while Ethan stroked the back of his hand, searching for a vein.
‘Do we have the facility to start an IV?’
‘Of course. I’ll run a bag of fluid through for you.’
‘You have good veins, Doug.’ He cleaned the skin, inserted the cannula with the ease of someone who had performed the same procedure successfully a million times before. Kyla gave a faint nod of approval and released her grip on Doug’s arm.
‘You’re doing fine, Doug. Dr Walker will soon have you feeling better. I’ll get the notes up on the screen for you,’ she said to Ethan. ‘That way you’ll be able to see what Logan has been doing.’ She moved over to the desk, flicked on the computer, crossed the room and grabbed the ECG machine from the corner. ‘That computer will just take a minute to wake up.’
Doug gave a grunt of pain, his hand on the mask. ‘I was always afraid that this might happen. It’s why I tried to lose weight. I managed to stop smoking but I just ate more.’ He grimaced and leaned back against the pillow as Ethan connected a bag of fluid. ‘I’ve been trying, really I have. But it’s so hard.’
‘You’ve been doing brilliantly, Doug, you know that. Don’t worry about it now,’ Kyla said quickly, wrapping the blood-pressure cuff around his other arm. ‘We just need to find out what’s happening.’ She checked his BP, showed Ethan the result and he gave her a nod.
‘Can we do a 12-lead ECG?’
‘Already on it.’ Kyla quickly stuck the pads onto the patient and applied the chest leads and limb leads. ‘Just hang in there, Douglas, you’re going to be fine. Dr Walker is a real whiz kid from the mainland. People usually pay a fortune to see him, but you’re getting him free so this is your lucky day.’
She was aware of the sardonic lift of Ethan’s dark brows but chose to ignore him. This was her territory, she reminded herself. There was no way she was going to allow herself to be intimidated by a locum doctor, no matter how slick and handsome.
Doug closed his eyes and gave a wan smile. ‘It doesn’t feel like my lucky day, hen.’
Kyla felt her heart twist at the endearment. She’d known Doug since she’d been a child. ‘Of course it’s lucky because I’m on duty,’ she said lightly, switching on the machine. ‘If you had to be ill then you’ve done it in the right place. You’re going to be OK, Doug.’ She chatted away in a steady, reassuring voice and then looked up as the door opened and a dark-haired girl in a blue uniform hurried into the room.
‘I just drove past Logan breaking the speed limit on the coast road and, judging from the look on his face, I thought you might need some help here.’ Her eyes were gentle and concerned and her ponytail swung as she moved her head. ‘Doug? What have you been doing to yourself?’
‘This is Ethan Walker, the new GP. Ethan, this is Evanna, the other island nurse. Logan’s gone to see Janet’s mother who’s had a fall and our Doug here is having nasty chest pains. Can you call the air ambulance?’ Kyla glanced up at her friend and colleague and used her eyes to transmit the message that the request was urgent. ‘Whatever happens, we’re going to need to transfer Doug to the mainland. Doug, I need to call your wife and let her know what’s happening. Is she home?’
Evanna slid out of the room without argument and Kyla felt a flicker of relief. She knew she could trust her friend to get the air ambulance to the island as quickly as possible.
‘No.’ Douglas turned his head, his face pale and sweaty and his voice urgent. ‘You’re not to worry Leslie. She’s got enough on her mind at the moment with our Andrea going through a rebellious phase. She doesn’t need this. I’m having a heart attack, I know I am. It’ll be too much for her.’
‘She loves you, Doug,’ Kyla said firmly, starting the machine and watching the trace. She didn’t like what she saw but she was careful not to let her worry show on her face. But she was definitely calling his wife. ‘You’re a partnership. A team. What do you think she’d say when she discovers that you’ve flown off on a minibreak to the mainland and left her here?’
ST elevation, she thought to herself, studying the pattern. She’d seen it often enough in her short time in A and E.
Doug gave a wan smile and shook his head. ‘She’s always on at me to leave the island for a break.’
‘Well, there you are, then.’ Kyla stood to one side so that Ethan could watch the trace. ‘There’s ST segment elevation in two leads. I expect you’ll want to give him heparin and reteplase. I’ll get it ready.’
Ethan looked at her and she saw approval and a flicker of surprise in his eyes. ‘Do we have morphine and GTN spray?’
‘Of course.’ The question amused her. So he thought he was working in a backwater, did he? She unlocked the drug cupboard, found what she needed and prepared it, listening as he talked to Doug.
‘I’m afraid the ECG shows that you’re right about the heart attack, Doug. Probably caused by a blood clot in one of the vessels leading to your heart.’ His tone was calm and steady. ‘I’m going to give you a drug that will break it down.’
‘One of those clot-busters I’ve been reading about?’
‘That’s right. We need to get the blood flowing back through that artery for you. Before I give it, I need to ask you a few questions.’
Doug winced, his face pale behind the mask. ‘I ought to warn you that I hate quiz night at the pub. I never go. If you’re about to start on capital cities, you can forget it. I left school at sixteen and went out on my father’s boat.’
Ethan smiled. ‘You don’t suffer from any bleeding disorders? Haven’t had surgery lately?’ He asked a series of rapid questions and then took the drugs from Kyla. ‘How long does the air ambulance usually take to arrive and where do they land? I’m not sure he’s stable enough to travel.’
‘The paramedics are skilled and you can go with him. They carry a defibrillator, along with all the other gear you’re likely to need.’
Ethan administered the drug carefully. ‘And they can fly here?’
‘Oh, yes, providing the weather is all right, and today it should be fine.’ Kyla took the empty syringe from him and disposed of it with swift efficiency. ‘We need to call the hospital and fill out details for the transfer.’
‘If I go with him, that will leave you with no doctor.’
Kyla smiled. ‘Logan’s still on the island and he won’t be long, I’m sure. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that you’re indispensable, Dr Walker,’ she said cheerfully, her eyes sliding to Doug’s taut features. ‘We nurses are extremely versatile.’
His gaze followed hers and he frowned and checked Doug’s pulse. ‘How’s the pain now? Any improvement?’
Doug nodded. ‘Better,’ he rasped, just as Evanna came back into the room.
‘Air ambulance will be here in fifteen minutes,’ she said in her calm, gentle voice. ‘I’ve explained to the patients in the waiting room that there will be a delay until Logan gets back.’
Kyla looked up. ‘Did you call him?’
‘Yes. Mrs Taylor has a nasty laceration of her leg and she’s very shaken up but nothing’s broken. He’s going to bring her back here to be sutured and I’ve said that one of us will spend some time in the home with her, discussing how to avoid falls.’
Kyla frowned as she reached for the phone. ‘She ought to join your exercise class, Evanna. Did she trip over something?’
‘Not sure. Janet just found her at the bottom of the stairs. It was fortunate that she didn’t break anything or we’d be keeping the ambulance busy today.’ Evanna glanced at her watch. ‘If you don’t need me here, I’ll get started. I’m going to filter Logan’s patients and see as many as I can for him.’
She left the room and Kyla handed Ethan the phone. ‘You’ll want to speak to the head of the coronary care unit at the Infirmary. His name’s Angus Marsh. He’s a nice guy.’ She walked over to Douglas. ‘It’s time we let your wife know what’s going on. This is an Island, Doug. She’ll see the air ambulance and pretty soon someone is going to tell her who the patient was. The first thing she’ll do is worry and what will be going on in her head is going to be worse than the real thing. The second thing she’ll do is kill me.’
As if to prove her point, the door flew open at that moment and Leslie hurried into the room.
‘Who needs phones when there’s the island grapevine?’ Kyla breathed, stepping back from the couch and watching as Leslie lifted her hands to her cheeks.
‘What have you been doing to yourself, Douglas Rory Fraser McDonald?’
Doug gave a feeble groan but there was no missing the affection in his eyes. ‘What are you doing here, woman?’
‘I was buying fish from Geoff on the quay and he told me he’d seen you looking really off colour and heading up this way.’ Leslie stared at the ECG machine in horror and then turned to Kyla. ‘Nurse MacNeil? What’s going on?’
Kyla’s gaze flickered to Ethan but he was on the phone, talking to the consultant at the hospital, arranging the transfer. ‘Douglas has had some chest pain and it looks as though he might have had a heart attack,’ she said gently. ‘He’s doing very well and there’s certainly no need to panic. We ‘re going to transfer him to the mainland just until they’re happy with his condition. Just a precaution. The helicopter is going to be here in a minute.’
Leslie gave a soft gasp. ‘You’re going to the mainland? You’ve had a heart attack? And just when were you planning on telling me this, Doug? Next Christmas?’
‘Stop fussing. Kyla was just about to ring you but they’ve been working flat out since I arrived.’ Doug kept his eyes closed and his voice was thready. ‘Go back and check on our Andrea. I’ll call you from the hospital.’
‘Andrea is fine. She’s thirteen now. She can get herself to school.’ Leslie looked at Kyla, her face grey with shock and worry. ‘Can I go with him?’
Kyla nodded. ‘You should be able to but I’ll have to check with the crew. Leslie, you look very pale. Sit down.’ She quickly dragged a chair across the room and the other woman plopped onto it gratefully.
‘I’ll be fine in a minute,’ she muttered, rubbing her hand across her forehead. ‘It’s just a bit of a shock, that’s all.’
Ethan replaced the phone just as Evanna popped her head round the door again. ‘The helicopter is here. The paramedics are bringing a stretcher in for you.’
‘I’ve spoken to the hospital and they’re expecting him.’ Ethan checked Doug’s observations again and then helped the paramedics move him onto the stretcher.
They loaded Doug into the helicopter, helped Leslie on board and then Ethan sprang up beside him in a lithe, athletic movement. ‘How do I get back?’
Kyla grinned. ‘If you’re lucky, they bring you back. If you’re unlucky, you swim. Don’t worry, the water’s quite warm at this time of the year. See you later, Dr Walker.’
She ducked out of range of the helicopter’s blades and made her way back into the surgery. Walking into the crowded waiting room, she explained what had happened and quickly assessed who could see her instead of a doctor.
‘Is Doug going to be all right?’ Paula Stiles, who worked in the gift shop, asked the question that was on everyone’s mind.
Patient confidentiality was a total nightmare, Kyla reflected as she gave as little information as possible while still providing the necessary reassurance.
Then she opened the door of her own room and switched on the computer. Interesting start to the day, she mused as she tapped a few keys and brought up her list for the morning. Not even nine o’clock and already she felt as though she’d done a day’s work.
And she didn’t want to think about how Ethan must feel. He’d travelled for most of the night to catch the first ferry and now she’d had to send him back to the mainland, and she knew from experience that he’d be lucky to make it back before lunch.
She hoped the new doctor had stamina because he was going to need it.

HER first patient was the headmistress from the local primary school, who had been hoping to see Logan and be back in time for the start of the school day.
‘I’m sorry you’ve had a wait, Mrs Carne,’ Kyla said, her tone apologetic as she reached for a pen. ‘If it’s your asthma that’s bothering you, I could discuss it with you and then we could talk to Logan later.’
‘It is my asthma.’ Ann Carne put her bag on the floor and sat on the chair. ‘I’ve been having problems on the sports field. Can you imagine that? I’m dealing with six-year-olds and I’m getting out of breath.’
‘Six-year-olds are extremely energetic,’ Kyla said dryly. ‘Don’t underestimate the impact that can have on your breathing. I went to sports day last year and I was exhausted just watching. So what’s happening? Are you using an inhaler before you exercise?’
‘Sometimes.’ Ann looked uncomfortable. ‘I try to sneak off to the staffroom but it isn’t always possible.’
‘Why would you need to sneak?’
‘I don’t want the children knowing I have an inhaler.’
Kyla looked at her, trying to work out what the problem was so that she could tackle it in a sensitive way. ‘Are you worried about them or you?’
‘Both?’ Ann gave a rueful smile. ‘I hate admitting I’m ill and I don’t want the children worrying that I’m going to collapse in front of them.’
‘Would they think that?’ Kyla frowned and tapped her pen on the desk. ‘There are a couple of asthmatics in your school, as you well know. The children are used to seeing inhalers and spacers.’
‘But not in their teachers.’
Judging that the situation was more about Ann than the pupils, Kyla sat back in her chair. ‘It’s nearly a year since you were diagnosed, Ann. How do you feel about it all now?’
There was a long silence and then Ann breathed out heavily. ‘I still can’t believe it’s me,’ she said finally. ‘I mean, I’m fifty-two years of age. It’s ridiculous! How can I suddenly develop asthma out of nowhere?’
‘People do. It isn’t about age. There are many other factors involved.’
‘Well, I can’t get used to the idea.’
‘Is that why you don’t use the inhaler?’ Kyla’s voice was gentle. ‘If you don’t use the drugs then you can’t be ill?’
‘How did you come to be so wise?’ Ann gave a faint smile. ‘I remember you when you were six years old, Kyla MacNeil. You brought a frog into my class and hid it in your desk.’
‘I remember. It was my brother’s frog. He was pretty annoyed with me.’
‘And he came thundering in to steal it back.’ Ann sighed. ‘I still think of myself as young, you know. I don’t feel any different. It’s only when I look in the mirror that I realise how many years have passed. And when my body starts letting me down.’
‘Your body is still ready to work perfectly well if you give it the little bit of help it needs.’ Kyla reached into her drawer for a leaflet. ‘Read this. A bundle arrived last week and I think it’s good. It talks about living with a condition rather than being ruled by it. You wouldn’t dream of not using a toothbrush and toothpaste, would you? All part of body maintenance. Well, your inhalers are the same. Body maintenance.’
Ann took the leaflet and gave a thoughtful smile. ‘Body maintenance. That’s a nice idea, Kyla.’
‘For the next two weeks, promise me you’ll use your inhaler as we agreed. Then come and see me and we’ll discuss how things are. But don’t hide it from the children. We try and teach the children that it can become a normal part of life. Something they can live with. If they see you hiding it then it won’t do much for their own acceptance of asthma.’
‘I hadn’t thought of that but you’re right, of course.’ Ann stood up and gave her a grateful smile. ‘You’ve come a long way since you made a mess of your geography books, Kyla MacNeil. Can I ask how Doug is or will you tell me to mind my own business?’
‘I don’t think I’m ever going to be able to tell my old headmistress to mind her own business.’ Kyla laughed. ‘But the truth is that it’s too soon for us to say.’ The entire island had obviously noted the arrival of the helicopter. ‘Our new doctor went with him. Hopefully we’ll have good news when he arrives back. I’ll remind Ben to pin a bulletin to the door of the pub.’
‘You do that.’ Ann gave a brisk nod. ‘We all care, you know.’
‘I do know,’ Kyla said with a soft smile. ‘That’s why I choose to live on Glenmore, Mrs Carne. Have a good day, now. And don’t let any of those little monsters bring frogs into the classroom.’
Ethan arrived back towards the end of her surgery, about an hour after her brother had returned from seeing Janet’s mother.
Kyla showed him into his consulting room and together the three of them swiftly cleared the remaining patients in the waiting room while Evanna played the role of receptionist.
‘Any house calls?’ Logan stifled a yawn as they finally collapsed at the reception desk.
‘Just the one. Helen McNair. Had some bad news from the hospital and wondered if you’d call.’ Evanna picked up the book. ‘I managed to persuade the rest of them to come to surgery this afternoon to save you going out again. I thought you’d need some time to show Dr Walker around.’
‘You talked someone out of a house call?’ Logan’s drawl was tinged with humour. ‘Evanna, consider yourself promoted, my angel. From now on you’re officially our receptionist and my favourite woman.’
Kyla noticed the betraying pink of Evanna’s cheeks and glanced towards her brother with sudden interest, but he’d picked up the latest copy of a medical journal and was flicking through the pages, apparently oblivious to the effect that his endearment had had on her friend.
Shaking her head with frustration, Kyla resisted the temptation to hit him over the head with a blunt object. Didn’t the entire Island population praise Logan for his amazing sensitivity? Didn’t everyone think her brother knew everything about everything and everyone?
Well, there were some things that he was totally dense about, Kyla thought wearily as she tucked a set of notes back into the cabinet. It had been almost a year since Catherine had died. Long enough. Sooner or later she was going to have to interfere.
Looking at the wistful expression in Evanna’s kind eyes, Kyla decided that it might just be sooner. ‘I had a visit from Ann Carne this morning.’ Dragging her mind back to the job in hand, she handed a set of results to her brother.
‘Did you, now?’ Logan leaned back in his chair, his long legs stretched out in front of him. ‘And how was our favourite headmistress?’
‘Still in denial. If she doesn’t learn to use those inhalers, she’s going to find herself in trouble.’
Logan nodded thoughtfully. ‘And did you speak to her about it?’
Kyla lifted an eyebrow. ‘What am I—stupid?’
‘You want me to answer that?’
‘Don’t start, you two,’ Evanna said hastily, sending an apologetic glance towards Ethan. ‘You mustn’t mind them. It’s just brother-sister stuff. They’re always the same. They bicker and needle. You get used to it after a time. They adore each other really.’
There was no answering smile on Ethan’s face and Kyla frowned slightly as she noticed the grim set of his mouth and the tension in his broad shoulders. Oops, she thought to herself. Trouble there. There was a bleakness and a shadow in his eyes that made her wonder and want to ask questions. Did he object to humour in the workplace? Surely not.
She caught Logan’s eye and he shot her a warning look. ‘Mind your own business,’ he murmured softly in Gaelic, and she smiled and replied in the same tongue.
‘Perhaps I’m wondering whether to make him my business.’
Logan rolled his eyes and stood up, switching to English. ‘Women. I’ll never understand them.’
‘Well, that’s perfectly obvious,’ Kyla muttered, her eyes sliding to Evanna. ‘But don’t give up trying. Believe me, you need the practice.’
‘I’m practising on my daughter. Talking of which, if we’ve finished here I’m going to spend an hour with the girl in my life who should be just about waking up from her nap and ready to dress herself in her lunch. Ethan, I’d invite you to join us but you’d end up covered in puréed vegetables. Take some time to settle in. My sister will show you the cottage we’ve arranged for you. I hope it suits. It’s only a short drive from here. If you need anything, you’ve only to ask.’
Kyla watched as some of the wariness left Ethan’s handsome face. ‘Do you want me to do the house call so you can spend more time with the baby?’
‘No need.’ Logan shook his head. ‘I’ll take her with me. Helen McNair has been asking to see her.’
Kyla gave a soft smile. ‘That’s a clever idea, Logan MacNeil. Give her something else to focus on.’
‘She’s had a hard time lately. It will be good to spend some time with her. And she makes the best chocolate cake on the island.’ Logan strode across the reception area towards the door that separated the surgery from his house.
Kyla turned to Ethan with a smile. ‘Are you ready for another trip in my car?’
‘That was an exciting morning.’ Ethan unravelled himself from the car and followed Kyla down a path that led towards a pair of cottages. The sea stretched ahead of them and he breathed in deeply, enjoying the cool, salty breeze and the freshness of the air. ‘Is it always like that?’
‘Sometimes.’ She pushed open a gate and held it while he followed her through. ‘It’s often all or nothing. You were good.’
‘Was it a test?’
‘No. But if it had been, you would have passed.’ She let the gate swing shut and tilted her head to one side as she studied him. ‘Don’t be angry with me. Working on this island isn’t for everyone. We see everything here, and we’re the first line of defence. Does that worry you?’
‘No.’ What worried him was the hot flare of lust he felt whenever he looked at her. Gritting his teeth, he concentrated on the view of the bay. ‘It’s spectacular. Who lives here usually?’
‘Holiday let. The cottage is usually rented out for the whole of the summer season but Nick Hillier who owns it had a bad experience last year.’ Kyla fumbled for the keys and opened the front door. ‘A group from London had a bit of a wild party and left the place wrecked. So he decided that this summer he’d let it to the locum doctor. He’s assuming that, with all those letters after your name, you’ll know how to behave yourself.’
‘I’ll do my best.’ Ethan strolled into the cottage behind her, trying to ignore her delicious scent and the incredible shine of her honey-blonde hair. ‘Who’s Nick Hillier?’
‘Our policeman. I went to school with him. He used to tie my plaits together.’
For some reason that he couldn’t identify, this piece of news simply racked up the tension inside him and Ethan drew in a breath and rolled his shoulders. He needed a swim. A run. Anything to drive the unwanted thoughts and images from his head.
He watched as she threw open doors and windows, letting in light and air. She was obviously an outdoor sort of person. ‘Did you go to school with everyone on the island?’
‘Not everyone, but most of the people of around my age who were born here. It’s a small community. Mind you, that can be a disadvantage. I sometimes think Ann Carne still sees me as the little horror who led the strike against school dinners.’ She turned and smiled and he felt a vicious kick of lust deep inside him.
Her pretty smile faded and was replaced by something entirely different as they stared at each other.
Back off, Ethan, he warned himself grimly. Not now. And not this woman.
That wasn’t why he was there.
‘You led a strike against school dinners?’ He saw from the slightly questioning look in her eyes that she’d picked up on the rough tone of his voice.
‘I was a fussy eater. I protested loudly about everything they put in front of me and I expected everyone else to protest, too. I told all the other children to fold their arms and refuse to eat until they produced something decent.’
He could imagine her doing it. Imagine her with those sapphire-blue eyes flashing and that chin lifted in defiance. ‘And how old were you?’
‘Five.’ She smiled without a trace of apology. ‘My mother said she’d never been so embarrassed. They called her down to the school. I was given such a talking-to.’
Ethan found himself smiling, too. ‘And did you eat your dinner after that?’
‘No. I used to scrape it into my napkin and then hide the evidence.’
‘And they never found out?’
‘Sadly, they did.’ Kyla opened a door and walked ahead of him into a beautiful glass-fronted living room, her feet echoing on the pale wooden floor. ‘But only because I was stupid enough to slide it into Miss Carne’s handbag on one occasion. I think it was lasagne or something really sloppy. Vile. I’m surprised I wasn’t expelled. After that, they watched me eat.’
‘I don’t blame them.’ He glanced around him in surprise. ‘This is nice.’
‘You should have seen it two years ago. Complete wreck. It had been lived in by the same man for about ninety years. After he bought it, Nick spent every weekend doing it up. We all helped.’ She walked over to the window and stared out across the sea. ‘He was lucky to get it. There was a lot of competition because this is one of the best spots on the island.’
‘So why didn’t you try and buy it?’
‘I didn’t need to.’ She turned to look at him, amusement in her eyes. ‘I own the place next door. You might want to remember that before you run naked into the waves for your morning swim, Dr Walker. Or are you southerners too wimpy to take a plunge into the Atlantic?’
Was she challenging him? He held her gaze with his own. ‘I swim well.’
Her eyes slid to his shoulders, as if she were assessing the truth of his quiet statement and suddenly the tension in the air snapped as tight as a bow and Ethan felt something dangerous stir inside him.
‘So this place is mine for the duration of my stay?’ His voice was hoarse and he cursed himself. Could she feel it, too? Was she aware of the sudden change in the atmosphere?
‘It’s yours for as long as you want it. When you leave it will be winter and no one but the locals brave this island come November.’ She watched him for a moment and then walked over to the French doors, her movements as smooth and graceful as those of a dancer. But then she lifted a hand to touch a switch and he saw that her fingers were shaking. ‘Flick this to the right and the doors open. The garden leads down to the beach. Just make sure you close the doors if there’s a storm or you’ll be sweeping the sand from your living room for weeks.’
‘Storm?’ Ethan fixed his gaze on the perfect blue sky. He needed to stay away from her. Far, far away.
‘Jim, the ferryman, mentioned storms. It’s pretty calm today. Hard to imagine the place in a storm.’
‘You won’t have to imagine it because you’re going to see it soon enough.’ Kyla gave a soft laugh. ‘I hope you like your weather wild, Dr Walker, and I hope you’re not afraid of storms. Because anything you’ve seen up until now will be nothing compared to this island in the grip of a seething temper.’
‘I don’t scare easily.’ He turned, unable to be in the same room and not look at her. ‘How about you, Kyla MacNeil? Do you scare easily? Do you take risks?’ He was playing with fire. Testing her. He saw from the fierce glint in her blue eyes that she knew it.
‘Life is there to be lived to the full. I was born on this island and it’s part of who I am. Nothing about it frightens me. Not the storms. Not the isolation.’ And not you, her eyes said, and he felt a flicker of envy.
What would it be like, Ethan wondered bleakly, to be so sure of everything? To live somewhere that felt like home?
The letter was still in his pocket and suddenly he wanted to read it again. To try and understand.
‘I need to unpack and take a shower.’ His tone was harsher than he’d intended and he saw the faint frown of confusion in her eyes. For a brief moment he wanted to take her arm and apologise, and the impulse surprised him as much as it would have surprised all of the people who knew him because he wasn’t exactly known for gentleness.
You don’t have a heart, Ethan.
And then he backed off, remembering that he wasn’t in a position to explain anything.
He needed time.
There were things he needed to find out.
Kyla closed the front door behind her and jumped over the tiny hedge that separated the two cottages.
As she let herself into the cottage that she’d converted with the help of her brother and her friends, she considered the powerful chemistry between Ethan and herself. It was there. Pointless to deny it. And yet she sensed that the connection angered him.
He didn’t want to feel it.
Kyla frowned as she flicked on the kettle. And what about her? What did she want?
She’d become so used to leading her own life she hadn’t given any thought to the possibility that things might change.
He wasn’t going to stay, she told herself firmly as she made herself a mug of tea and took it out onto the deck that overlooked the beach. Whatever they shared would be short-term because she would never leave the island.
‘Nurse MacNeil! Kyla!’
She glanced up as she heard her name being called from the beach. Deciding that perhaps the prospect of leaving the island had possibilities after all, she gave a sigh and walked down to the end of her garden, still nursing the mug. At least in inner-city London she might get to drink her tea in peace. ‘Fraser Price. What are you doing on the beach in the middle of a school day?’
Probably bunking off, the way she had as a child.
‘Don’t tell Miss Carne,’ the boy begged, breathless as he struggled in bare feet through the soft sand. ‘She thinks I’m ill.’
‘And you’re not?’ Reminding herself that she was a grown-up now and supposed to set standards, Kyla looked suitably stern. ‘You should be at school. Education is important. Pretending to be ill isn’t a good idea, Fraser.’ She almost laughed as she listened to herself. How many times had she sneaked off to play on the beach?
‘It was the only thing I could think of. And I needed to stay at home.’
‘Why did you need to stay at home?’
‘To look after Mum.’ Suddenly he looked doubtful and unsure. ‘She wasn’t making sense this morning and I didn’t want to leave her. I had a bad feeling.’
‘What sort of bad feeling?’ Kyla was alert now. ‘Is it her diabetes? What do you mean, she wasn’t making sense? Is something the matter with your mum?’
‘I dunno. She just seemed … different.’ He gave a shake of his head and then shrugged. ‘She’d kill me if she knew I was here. I bunked off last week to take the boat out and she really did her nut. Don’t say I was here. Couldn’t you just call in on her? You know, like by accident?’
‘Fraser, I don’t call on anyone by accident.’ Amusement gave way to concern as Kyla saw the look on his face. ‘OK. OK.’ She lifted a hand. ‘Today I’ll find a reason to call on your mum by accident.’
‘Really?’ He breathed an audible sigh of relief. ‘That’s great. Can the accident be right now?’
Banishing hopes of lunch, Kyla nodded. ‘Just let me lock up here and get my car. I’ll meet you back at your house. You can let me in. And, Fraser, about your mum.’ She caught his arm. ‘Can you describe how she looked? How was she different?’
‘She was a funny colour. And her hands were shaking when she gave me breakfast. You won’t tell on me?’ He looked at her anxiously. ‘I said I felt sick and needed a walk in the fresh air.’
Kyla thought of all the sins she’d committed at school. Didn’t everyone need a little latitude? ‘I won’t tell. Off you go. I’ll be there in five minutes.’
‘What will you say?’
‘I don’t know, but I’ll think of something,’ Kyla said firmly, giving him a gentle push and turning back to her cottage. She noticed Ethan standing in his garden and had a sudden inspiration. ‘Dr Walker!’
He turned and she gave an apologetic shrug. ‘How badly did you want a shave and a shower? If you’re not that tired, I need to enlist your help again. I think I might need a doctor.’

‘AISLA PRICE is a single mother.’ Kyla snapped on her seat belt and pressed her foot to the accelerator. ‘She moved to the island when Fraser was a baby because she thought it would be a good place to bring up a child. She has a small knitting business that she runs over the internet. Pretty successfully, I believe. She makes really pretty jumpers covered in bits of lace and beads and things like that. They live in a house right by the water.’
Ethan looked at her. ‘And she has diabetes?’
‘Yes. But her diabetes is very well controlled so it shouldn’t be that.’ Kyla frowned as she changed gear and flicked the indicator. ‘But Fraser obviously thinks there’s a problem so we’d better check it out. It might be nothing.’
‘She hasn’t asked you to call? You’re making an impromptu visit?’ Ethan tried to imagine something similar happening in London and failed. But in London a child wouldn’t run across a beach to bang on the community nurse’s door.
‘That’s right. An impromptu visit.’ She stopped the car outside a row of whitewashed cottages and yanked on the handbrake. ‘We’re here.’
Ethan looked at her in disbelief. ‘What on earth are you planning to say? You’re going to bang on her door and say that her little boy thought she looked pale at breakfast?’
‘No. That’s why I’m taking you along.’ She smiled and reached for her bag. ‘You’re the new doctor and I’m introducing you. She’ll be your patient after all. You may as well meet each other.’
Wondering why he was on a wild-goose chase when he could be in the shower, Ethan slammed the car door and followed her towards the house.
The front door opened and it took less than a second for him to register the raw panic in Fraser’s eyes.
‘You have to come quickly! She’s on the floor,’ he said urgently, reaching out a hand and virtually dragging Kyla inside. ‘And I can’t get her to wake up properly. She’s sort of moaning and trying to hit me.’
Ethan sprinted past him into the house, leaving Kyla to deal with the panicked child.
The woman was slumped on the floor of the kitchen, the remains of a cup of coffee spread over the quarry tiles. With a soft curse he dropped into a crouch and checked her pulse.
‘Has she died?’ The small voice came from behind him and Ethan turned.
‘She’s not dead. Fraser …’He kept his voice calm and steady so as not to frighten the child further. ‘I need my bag from Kyla’s car. Do you think you could fetch it for me? It’s on the back seat.’
The little boy nodded and sprinted out of the room while Kyla dropped to her knees beside him. ‘Aisla?’
The woman gave a groan and her eyes fluttered open and then closed again as she muttered something incoherent.
‘Sugar,’ Ethan instructed, glancing around him. ‘Would you know where to find it?’
‘Not a clue.’ Kyla sprang to her feet and started opening cupboards. ‘Come on, Aisla, where do you keep your sugar?’ She rummaged through packets and bottles. ‘Soy sauce, pasta, turmeric, honey. Harissa paste—what on earth is Harissa paste? Gosh, do people really use all this stuff? No wonder cooking confuses me.’
‘Hurry up, Kyla,’ Ethan growled, and she yanked open a few more cupboards.
‘Lucozade. That will do.’ She lifted it down just as Fraser ran back into the room with Ethan’s bag. ‘Can we get her to drink, do you think, or is she past that?’
‘We should be able to manage it.’ Ethan scooped the woman up and Kyla held the glass to her lips.
‘Aisla.’ Her voice was firm. ‘You need to drink this.’
Aisla murmured something incoherent and tried to push them away, but Kyla held the glass and eventually she took a few sips.
‘More,’ Kyla urged. ‘You’re doing well, Aisla. Just a bit more.’
The woman drank properly and Kyla glanced towards Fraser, who was standing rigid, a look of horror on his face. ‘She’s going to be fine, sweetheart. Do you have any biscuits in the house?’
Fraser looked at her and some of the tension left his little body. ‘Of course.’ A flicker of a smile appeared. ‘Chocolate ones. Really yummy. But I’m only allowed them on special occasions.’
‘This is a special occasion,’ Kyla assured him hastily. ‘And a glass of milk, please.’
‘Can you manage here for a second?’ Ethan reached for his bag. ‘I want to check her blood sugar.’
‘She’s coming round,’ Kyla murmured. ‘Why would she have gone hypo? Fraser, what did your mum do this morning? Anything different to usual?’
‘She was late getting up.’ Fraser was on a chair, reaching for a tin. ‘I had to shake her. Why are you pricking her finger?’
‘We’re trying to find out the level of sugar in her blood.’ Ethan read the result and nodded. ‘Well that’s your culprit. It’s less than three. Perhaps she overdid the insulin. Fraser, has your mum done any exercise this morning?’
Handing the tin to Kyla, Fraser shook his head. ‘No. But she went for a run on the beach last night. I know because I took my book down and sat while she ran up and down the beach. Is that why she’s been acting funny?’
‘I don’t know, but I intend to find out. I’m going to take a blood sample and send it off,’ Ethan told Kyla, reaching for a blood bottle. ‘I want a more accurate blood glucose level.’
By the time he’d taken the sample and labelled the bottle, Kyla had fed Aisla several chocolate biscuits and she was rapidly recovering.
‘I can’t believe I let that happen,’ she groaned, struggling to her feet with Ethan’s help. ‘It was such a sunny evening yesterday I just couldn’t resist a trip to the beach. And then when I got there I thought I’d do some exercise.’ I was going to eat as soon as I got in but Fraser’s uncle rang and then I sort of lost track and just went to bed. I’m so sorry. How did you find me?’
Ethan opened his mouth to give the honest answer, but Kyla jumped in. ‘We were passing,’ she said quickly. ‘I wanted to introduce you to Dr Walker.’
‘Well, this isn’t the way I would have chosen to meet you,’ Aisla said with a weary smile, ‘but thanks. I owe you both. If you hadn’t called, goodness knows what would have happened.’
Ethan saw Kyla glance towards Fraser. Saw her smile of reassurance and praise.
Aisla followed that look. ‘Fraser?’ Her voice was gentle. ‘Are you all right? Didn’t you say something about feeling sick?’
‘I’m feeling a lot better now,’ he said firmly. ‘Ever since I had that fresh air on the beach.’
‘Fresh air can be a miracle-worker,’ Kyla said blithely, and Fraser breathed an audible sigh of relief.
‘I can’t believe that this is an average working day. Do you ever get any time off for good behaviour?’ Ethan slid into the car beside her and Kyla smiled.
‘The nature of this island is that we’re permanently on call. But it isn’t usually this bad, honestly. And now you definitely deserve some time off. I’ll drop you home on my way to the clinic. But have dinner with Logan and me tonight. It’s the least we can do, having pushed you straight into the deep end.’ She saw his expression change. Saw surprise flicker in the depths of his dark, dangerous eyes.
‘You eat dinner with your brother?’
‘Of course,’ Kyla said comfortably. ‘We’re family.’
‘But not all families eat together and socialise.’
‘Well, we do. Usually several times a week. Is that so strange?’ Kyla looked at him in confusion, wondering why that would seem odd to him. As far as she was concerned, it was so normal it wasn’t even worth commenting on. ‘I love seeing my niece and usually one of my aunts or cousins are there. It’ll probably be a pretty noisy evening but it will be nice for you to meet some of the islanders. One of my aunts runs the café on the quay and another has a knitwear boutique in Glenmore village. Two of my other cousins are fisherman. They also man the lifeboat when it’s necessary.’
‘What about your parents?’
‘They moved over to the mainland two months ago to be with my other aunt. My uncle died and she needs help on the farm, so my parents moved in and took over. But we still get together all the time.’
‘You’re a close family.’
‘Are we?’ She frowned and then gave a shrug. ‘A pretty normal family, I would have said. We have our rows and disagreements and we’re pretty noisy but, yes, we like each other’s company and we’re in and out of each other’s lives. Why wouldn’t we be? What about you? Are you a big family? Brothers? Sisters?’ She saw the immediate change in him. His dark eyes were blank. Shuttered—as if something had slammed closed inside him.
‘Just me.’ His tone was cool and his eyes slid away from hers. ‘My parents divorced when I was eight and my father’s second marriage didn’t last long either.’
‘Oh.’ Kyla tried to imagine not having her family round her and failed. Maybe that explained why he was reserved and slightly aloof. ‘That must have been pretty tough on you.’
‘On the contrary, it was a relief from the interminable rows. And it made me independent.’ He frowned, as if he hadn’t even considered the subject before. ‘I had a very free and easy childhood because everyone was too busy fighting to be remotely interested in what I was doing. From my point of view, it was a good thing.’
A good thing? It didn’t sound like a good thing to Kyla. ‘But one of the joys of childhood is being fussed over. Knowing that someone cares. It’s about loving and being loved.’ Puzzled by his observation, she lifted her eyes to his and saw the faint gleam of mockery there.
‘Perhaps it depends what sort of person you are. Don’t feel sorry for me, Kyla,’ he advised in a soft drawl. ‘I’ve never been touchy-feely. I don’t need hugs.’
‘Everyone needs hugs.’ Even people like him. He was tough and aloof. Independent.
‘I prefer to handle my problems myself. In private.’
Kyla laughed. ‘Actually, so would I sometimes. But it’s virtually impossible if you live here. On Glenmore, people not only know everything about your problems, they all think they know the best way of solving them. And they let you know. Loudly and quite often in the pub when you’re trying to have a quiet drink. Come for supper tonight. Really. It will be a gentle introduction to the realities of living on an island. Sort of sanitised nosiness.’
Her humorous observation drew a smile from him. ‘I thought you didn’t cook.’
‘I don’t. But luckily for you, Evanna does. Extremely well. And tonight it’s seafood. You should come, it will be fun. If the weather holds, we’ll eat in Logan’s garden and no doubt my niece will create havoc.’ She tried to keep her voice light. Tried not to stare. His hair was rumpled and his jaw was dark with stubble, but she’d never seen a more attractive man in her life.
‘The baby will be there?’
Kyla dragged her eyes away from her surreptitious study of his mouth. ‘Well, she’s not really a baby any more. More of a toddler. Life has grown a great deal more complicated for everyone since she started crawling. But, yes, she’ll be there.’ She noticed the sudden tension in his shoulders. ‘Is that a problem?’
‘Why would it be a problem?’
‘I don’t know.’ But she sensed something. ‘You just seem …’ There was something in his cool gaze that she found intimidating and she broke off and gave a small shrug. If he came from such a small, fractured family then he probably just wasn’t used to children. ‘Nothing. Anyway, you’re welcome if you want to join us. I can give you a lift.’ Her heart was pounding hard against her chest and she wondered what it was about him that had such a powerful effect on her.
‘I think my relationship with your car has reached its conclusion,’ he drawled with a sardonic lift of his eyebrow. ‘My own car is arriving this afternoon. I’ll give you a lift.’
‘Does that mean you’re coming?’
His hesitation was fractional, but it was there. ‘Yes. If you’re sure your brother won’t mind.’
‘The more, the merrier.’ Her heart gave a little skip and she lectured herself fiercely. She shouldn’t care whether he was coming or not. This was not a man to get involved with. There were too many shadows around his eyes. And the little he’d revealed about himself hinted at an extremely scarred childhood. And any man who didn’t need hugs was never going to suit her. ‘Can you pick me up at six? We eat early because Logan puts Kirsty down around seven o’clock and I like to have some time with her.’
He sat for a moment without moving. ‘How does he manage?’
‘With the baby? Very well. Logan’s a brilliant father. Fun, loving and amazingly hands-on considering the job he does.’ Kyla shrugged. ‘He has to have help, of course, otherwise he wouldn’t be able to work. My aunts work out a rota, and I help when I can. My cousins muck in and he’s employed a few girls from the village, but that hasn’t really worked out.’
‘Why? Weren’t they competent?’
‘Perfectly competent. But they all had serious designs on my brother,’ Kyla said in a dry voice. ‘It would seem as though there’s nothing more appealing to a single woman than a sexy doctor with a baby. Amy Foster is helping at the moment and we’re all laying bets on how long it takes her to make a pass at Logan.’
‘What about Evanna? She mentioned helping out.’
Kyla gave a soft smile. ‘Evanna adores the baby.’
‘And I suppose she’s not likely to fall for your brother.’
Kyla laughed, wondering what it was about men that made them so unobservant. ‘Evanna’s been in love with my brother all her life. One day I’m hoping he’ll wake up and notice. Otherwise I just might have to interfere and that won’t be a pretty sight.’ She pulled up outside the cottages and saw him staring out to sea, his handsome face an expressionless mask. ‘You’re very difficult to read, do you know that?’
He turned his head. ‘Why would you want to read me?’
‘It’s easier to deal with people if you understand them.’
A faint smile played around his firm mouth. ‘I have no particular desire to be understood,’ he said softly, ‘so you can relax.’
‘Is it too isolated from civilisation for you here? Do you hate it?’ For a long moment he didn’t reply and she was starting to wonder whether he’d even heard her question when he turned his head away and stared at the sea once more.
‘I don’t hate it.’
What sort of an answer was that? He was a man who revealed nothing about his thoughts or feelings, she thought with mounting frustration as she switched off the engine. ‘Thanks for helping me with Aisla. I’ll see you at six, Dr Walker. Enjoy your shower.’
Ethan let himself into the cottage, changed into his running gear and let himself out of the back of the house. He needed a shower, a shave and a rest, but none of those options tempted him. He didn’t want what he needed.
What he wanted was to run. Fast.
The conversation with Kyla had disturbed him and he didn’t understand why.
All he knew what that he intended to drive out the thoughts from his head with hard exercise.
Despite the sunshine, a strong wind gusted, but Ethan didn’t even notice, his expression grim and intent as he jogged to the end of the garden and down onto the beach.
As soon as his feet hit the sand he picked up speed, his long, powerful legs covering the ground in rhythmic, pounding strides as he pushing his body to its limits. His arms and legs pumped, his heart thumped and the sweat prickled between his shoulder blades, but still he ran, lengthening his stride until his pace would have been the envy of the wind. Still he pushed himself, giving himself no slack.
He ran until the sand ended and the cliff path rose upwards. He hit the slope with a fierce determination, maintaining his punishing speed through a mixture of willpower and physical fitness, his lungs and his muscles screaming a protest that he ignored.
He felt the rapid pumping of his heart as it responded to the demands of physical exertion, felt his body burn as his arms and legs pounded the earth. Felt his brain empty of everything except the need to focus on the physical task in hand.
Run, Ethan. Run.
And if he ran fast enough and hard enough, perhaps none of it would hurt any more.
Kyla stood at the bedroom window and watched.
Ethan ran like a professional athlete.
Or a man with the devil at his heels.
Even from this distance she could sense the grim determination that drove his long stride. She could almost feel the power and force of his body as he took on the elements and pushed himself with almost superhuman effort.
Kyla stared, unable to look away, captivated by the unexpected display of masculinity.
She’d only popped into the house to collect something for her afternoon clinic but then she’d happened to glance out of the window. She’d begun watching out of concern, sure that such physical exertion would cause an injury and then her gaze had turned almost greedy as she realised exactly what she was watching.
A male in his prime, at the peak of physical fitness.
This was no city boy out for a guilt-driven exercise session. This was a man who regularly pushed his body to the limit.
He ran with rhythm and surprising grace, drawing on all the strength and power of his body to meet the challenge he’d set himself.
She couldn’t see his face and yet she knew that his expression would have been set and determined. Focussed. Bleak?
Sensing that his run was more than a desire to raise his pulse rate, Kyla turned away, giving him the privacy he so clearly craved, her curiosity well and truly piqued. Her own body suddenly stirred to an uncomfortable degree.
Who was he?
His cool indifference and aloof approach to life was completely alien to her.
Who was this man who held himself slightly apart from others? And why did he affect her so strongly?
She’d spent too long cooped up on an island with people she knew too well, that was why.
Ethan Walker was a stranger. And when you lived with people who were entirely familiar, strangers were always interesting.
It was no more than that.
She gave herself a mental shake and reminded herself that she had less than ten minutes to get back to the surgery or she’d have Logan on her back.
Logan’s house was attached to the surgery and opened onto a huge garden crowded with mature apple trees.
Fresh from the shower after a busy clinic, Kyla pushed open the back gate and walked straight into the kitchen without knocking.
‘Oh!’ Evanna was standing in front of the range, stirring something in a pot. Her dark hair was caught up in a ponytail, her cheeks were pink from the heat and she was wearing a loose white dress that was summery and pretty. ‘You’re early. Can you pass me the coriander, please?’
‘Coriander?’ Kyla glanced along the work surface in confusion. ‘Is that this green, weedy-looking stuff?’ She picked it up, sniffed and handed it to Evanna. ‘If we’re early, you can blame Ethan’s car. You should see it. All black and very growly. Very high testosterone rating.’ She peered over Evanna’s shoulder into the pot. ‘Is that our dinner? It looks nice, but nothing like barbecued seafood. Did you lose the recipe?’
‘It’s chicken soup, and it’s for Kirsty who hasn’t woken up yet from her nap. Logan is hopeless with routine. He keeps waking her up for a cuddle.’ Evanna swiftly chopped the coriander, sprinkled it on the soup and glanced at her friend, a curious look in her eyes. ‘So I notice you’re calling the new doctor Ethan now? Getting friendly, are you?’
Kyla grinned. ‘No. Not yet. But I could probably be persuaded. You should have seen him running along the beach earlier. I thought my heart was going to stop. What a body! Not that you notice things like that.’
‘I’m not blind, Kyla,’ Evanna said mildly as she stirred the soup slowly. ‘I do know a handsome man when I see one, and Ethan is certainly very good looking.’
‘But?’ Kyla leaned forward and dipped a spoon in the soup, tasting it cautiously. ‘There’s a definite “but” coming. This soup is good. Can I take some for lunch tomorrow?’
‘There’s more to a man than looks, Kyla.’ Evanna gently slapped the back of her hand. ‘Leave the soup alone. It’s for Kirsty.’
‘I’m the royal taster. And there’s plenty more to Ethan than looks.’
Evanna frowned. ‘That’s what worries me. There are dark corners there. And mystery.’
‘Dark corners? Mystery?’ Kyla dropped the spoon in the sink, laughing to hide the effect that Evanna’s words had had on her. ‘You’ve been reading too many Celtic legends. Your imagination is in sprint mode. Spotted any fire-breathing dragons on your rounds?’
Evanna didn’t smile. ‘You can laugh, but I’m right. That man has secrets, Kyla.’
Kyla felt cold fingers of unease stroke her nerve endings. ‘What sort of secrets?’
‘If I knew that, they wouldn’t be secrets, would they? But I don’t think they’re good ones.’ Evanna stopped stirring and her pretty face was serious. ‘There’s something about him,’ she said softly, glancing over her shoulder to check that they were on their own. ‘Can’t you feel it? A hardness. He’s tough—a bit intimidating. I don’t know …’ She gave a shrug, obviously wishing she’d never said anything. ‘Something’s happened in his life, I’m sure of it. Something that he’s living with every day of his life. He has issues.’
‘Well, things have happened in our lives, too,’ Kyla reminded her, trying to shake off the black, threatening cloud that hovered over her happiness, ‘and we’re living with them. We all have issues, Evanna.’
‘That’s true. Just be careful, that’s all. I don’t want to see you hurt by a man.’
‘Wouldn’t be the first time.’
Her friend looked at her and her expression softened. ‘You haven’t fallen for anyone since that rat, Mike Robinson, hoisted his sails and left for the mainland. It’s time you found someone. I’m just not sure it should be Ethan. Is there something going on there or is it just wishful imagining on your part?’
‘I’m not imagining the chemistry. I keep thinking we’re going to burn the cottage down every time we look at each other.’ Kyla chewed her lip thoughtfully. ‘I just have a feeling he isn’t very pleased about it. He’s fighting it.’
‘Probably because he knows he’s only here for the summer,’ Evanna said briskly. ‘Thank goodness one of you is sensible.’
‘Well, it isn’t me,’ Kyla said lightly. ‘You know I always pick the unsuitable. And what about you? Talking of issues, you’re wearing a white dress to feed my niece chicken soup. A strange choice from where I’m standing, knowing what I do about Kirsty’s aim. You’re going to have serious stain issues.’
Evanna’s colour deepened. ‘I happen to like this dress.’
‘So you should. It suits you. It’s nice to see you in something other than jeans.’ Kyla opened the drawer, fished out a spoon and dipped it into the soup. ‘My brother will probably like it, too. Which, I’m guessing, was the intention.’
Evanna gave a wry smile. ‘Your brother wouldn’t notice me if I stripped naked in front of him and danced a tango.’
Kyla tasted the soup again. ‘I’ve come to the sad conclusion that my brother is obviously thick. One day I’m going to tease him about it. But not before I’ve eaten his seafood. My stomach always comes before sibling conflict.’
‘You mustn’t mention it.’ Evanna gave a faint frown. ‘And to call him thick is just ridiculous when you know just how clever he is. It’s just that he can only think of Catherine. And that’s normal, of course,’ she added hastily, emptying the soup into a blender and securing the lid. ‘She was his wife. He loved her.’
Kyla waited for the noise of the blender to cease before she spoke. ‘Yes, I think he did. But that doesn’t mean he can’t love again.’
Evanna’s eyes met hers. ‘It isn’t going to happen, Kyla. Please stop talking about it.’
Kyla leaned forward and gave her friend a hug. ‘Give him time. Be patient.’ She glanced up as Ethan strolled into the room and suddenly found herself unable to breathe.
‘Logan has the barbecue going.’ His voice was a smooth, cultured drawl. ‘He wants to know what the pair of you are doing in here.’
‘We’re hugging. As friends should. Our Dr Walker isn’t much of a hugger,’ Kyla drawled, releasing Evanna and trying not to stare at Ethan. But it was hard to look away.
On the short car journey from their cottages, she hadn’t had a chance to look at him, but she saw now that he’d showered and shaved and changed into a pair of black jeans and a casual shirt that clung to the muscles of his shoulders. Kyla felt her stomach flip and suddenly discovered that her fingers were shaking. She turned, dropped the spoon into the sink to hide her burning cheeks and gave herself a sharp talking-to. Evanna was right. She knew perfectly well that Ethan was complicated. But he was the only man who had ever made her want to sit down in case her legs gave way. It was pretty hard to ignore that degree of chemistry.
‘We’ll just get the prawns out of the fridge,’ she mumbled, crossing the kitchen and tugging open the door. Maybe cold air would help. Plates of fresh seafood confronted her and she lifted them out and handed them to Ethan. ‘Take these out. We’ll follow with the salad.’
‘You go out, Kyla.’ Evanna poured some of the liquid soup into a bowl. ‘I’ll fetch Kirsty and join you in the garden.’
Logan and Ethan immediately started talking about what had happened with Aisla, and Kyla stared at the pile of uncooked food with a distinct lack of enthusiasm.
‘Logan, could you cook and then talk? If someone doesn’t feed me soon, my blood sugar will do something dramatic,’ she said in a conversational tone, and her brother lifted an eyebrow in mockery.
‘Is there something wrong with your arms? What’s stopping you putting food on the barbecue?’
‘Possibly the memory of the stomachache I gave everyone last time I cooked.’
‘Good point.’ Logan grinned and she gave him a gentle push.
‘Start cooking or none of us will be eating before midnight. Aisla is fine. And she’s Ethan’s patient now.’
‘She’s coming to see me at the surgery so that I can check her properly and we can talk. I’ll cook.’ Ethan stepped forward and picked up the plate. Soon he was placing food on the barbecue with swift efficiency and Kyla watched in admiration.
‘You cook?’
He sent her an easy smile that had her heart racing. ‘When I have time, I cook.’
Evanna was wrong, Kyla thought to herself, relaxing slightly. He didn’t have demons. He was just naturally reserved. And here, in their garden, she could see him unwind.
Her theory lasted for as long as it took Kirsty to lift the baby out of her crib and bring her downstairs.
‘You have to stop letting her sleep so late, Logan,’ Evanna scolded gently as she cuddled the wriggling toddler against her body. ‘She needs a routine.’
‘So do I,’ Logan said dryly, snapping the top off a bottle of beer. ‘Would someone mind telling our patients? I need a regular bedtime and regular meals. I can’t function like this. It gives me indigestion.’
‘I’m serious, Logan,’ Evanna said. ‘She’s really hard to settle in the evenings because she doesn’t know whether she’s supposed to be awake or asleep.’
Logan sighed and reached out his arms for his daughter. ‘Routine is overrated,’ he said roughly, as he buried his face in the little girl’s blonde curls. ‘If she goes to bed early then there are some nights when I don’t see her, and I don’t want that. I need cuddles.’
Kyla’s heart shifted as she saw the two of them together and suddenly she found she had a lump in her throat. He’s a good father, she thought to herself, and she knew from the soft expression in her friend’s eyes that Evanna was thinking the same thing.
Then she looked at Ethan and something in his eyes caught her attention.
She saw shock, pain and desolation so huge that it almost hurt to watch.
And he was staring at the baby.
‘I offered her some of my home-made soup,’ Evanna was saying as she pulled faces at the little girl, drawing smiles of delight, ‘but she wasn’t interested.’
Had no one else noticed? Kyla wondered as she moved instinctively towards Ethan. Had no one else noticed the grim set of his mouth or the fact that his entire body was unnaturally still? It was as if he were afraid to move.
Did he hate babies? Had he lost a baby? What could possibly have happened in his life to trigger that sort of reaction?
Her mind sifted through options and came up with nothing concrete.
Perhaps she was just being dramatic. He was single after all. It was perfectly possible that he just didn’t like babies.
‘She doesn’t need soup, she needs attention. Give your daddy a cuddle,’ Logan drawled in a soft voice, and the little girl gurgled with delight and lifted her hand to pull his hair.
‘Ow—you have got to stop doing that, sweet pea, or Daddy is going to be bald and that is not a “good look”, as your Aunty Kyla would say.’ Logan wrapped his daughter’s tiny fist in his hand and planted a noisy kiss on her cheek. ‘Pull someone else’s hair. Kyla has plenty.’
‘Ethan?’ Kyla moved over to Ethan’s side and touched his arm. ‘Are you all right?’
It was a moment before he even noticed she was there. ‘Of course.’ His voice was flat. ‘Why wouldn’t I be?’
‘I don’t know. You just seem—’
‘Tired,’ he supplied, his gaze cool as he turned to look at her. ‘It’s been a long day and it was a long night before that. I probably should have made my excuses and had an early night instead of accepting the invitation.’
Was that what was wrong? He was tired?
Kyla glanced towards her niece and then back at him, searching for clues. She wanted to ask a question but she had no idea which words would lead her to the right answer. Why would the sight of a strange baby affect him so badly? It didn’t make sense. ‘She’s sweet, isn’t she?’
There was a long silence and Ethan’s knuckles were white as he gripped the bottle of beer. ‘I don’t know much about babies,’ he said hoarsely, lifting the bottle to his lips and drinking deeply, ‘but I’m sure she’s very sweet.’
He was a loner, Kyla reminded herself. A man who clearly had no experience of family. It was perfectly natural that he wouldn’t be comfortable with babies. But somehow none of her reasoning made her feel better and Evanna’s words of warning rang in her head.
‘I had a call from the Infirmary on the mainland,’ Logan said, strolling across to them. ‘Doug’s doing well. They’re going to keep him in for a few more days, review his drugs and then send him back.’
‘We’re going to have to add him to our cardiac rehab list,’ Kyla said, her eyes still on Ethan. ‘We need to try and get him to take some exercise. Evanna runs a class at the community centre once a week. When he’s recovered, I’ll talk to him about it.’
‘It’s Leslie who is going to need the support.’ Logan winced as Kirsty grabbed another hunk of hair. ‘She rang me from the hospital with loads of questions.’
‘Don’t they answer questions in hospital?’
Logan gave a laugh. ‘She doesn’t trust them. She wanted to hear it from me.’
Kyla rolled her eyes. ‘What’s it like to enjoy such godlike status?’
‘Exhausting. Leslie is coming back over tomorrow to check on Andrea. She’s staying with a schoolfriend but obviously she was pretty upset about the whole thing and worried about her dad. Those prawns are done, Ethan. There’s a plate there and some of Evanna’s lemon mayonnaise on the side. Help yourself.’
‘Bit of a handful, our Andrea, by all accounts.’ Kyla reached for a plate and held it while Ethan removed the prawns from the barbecue.
The tension in his body had lessened and Kyla watched as he shelled prawns and drank beer, chatting to Logan and occasionally tending the barbecue.
Had it been her imagination?
Maybe. Certainly he seemed fine now and he even handed Kirsty some bread to chew.
‘I had Sonia Davies from the library in my antenatal clinic today,’ Evanna said, speaking directly to Logan. ‘She really wants a home birth.’
The smile faded from Logan’s face. ‘I won’t do home births,’ he said gruffly, ‘you know that. Don’t even bother asking me.’
Evanna bit her lip. ‘It’s her second baby and she’s—’
‘I won’t do home births.’
‘Logan, she isn’t—’
‘She can go to the community maternity unit on the mainland. It has all the advantages of home births, with none of the risks. This is an island, Evanna. I know you’ll tell me that if something happens she can be transferred, but will it be fast enough? We do wonders here, but we have to be realistic. I can’t provide neonatal intensive care and neither can I perform uterine surgery on a woman with an uncontrollable haemorrhage.’ His tone harsh, Logan turned away and helped himself to another beer. Evanna glanced helplessly at Kyla, who gave a brief shake of her head to indicate that she should drop the subject.
They both knew what was behind Logan’s intransigence. Catherine.
Feeling awful for him, Kyla strolled over to her brother and put a hand on his arm. ‘Mum rang last night.’ She kept her tone neutral. Steady. ‘She’s thinking of coming back over for Dad’s birthday and spending a few days with her grandchild. They’re missing her terribly. They loved the last set of photos you sent, especially the one of her sitting in the laundry basket.’
He was silent for a moment and then he breathed out heavily and she saw his shoulders relax. ‘It would be good if they came. Kirsty loves to see them.’
‘Mum’s worried she’s missing all the best bits.’ Kyla gave his arm a gentle squeeze and then let go and helped herself to a baby tomato. ‘I just hope she’s here when Kirsty takes her first steps or we’ll never hear the last of it.’
Logan’s eyes settled on hers and she smiled gently, watching as some of the strain left his face. ‘I’m all right,’ he said roughly in Gaelic, and she gave a brief nod and replied in the same language.
‘I know you’re all right.’
And then she turned and caught Ethan looking at them, a curious expression on his handsome face.
He was a complex character, she thought as she strolled back over to Evanna. Deep. A real thinker. But that didn’t mean anything was wrong.
She thought back to the way he’d looked when he’d first seen Kirsty.
It had just been her imagination working overtime, Kyla decided, her face brightening as one of her aunts arrived along with two of her cousins. She’d spent too long listening to Evanna’s gloomy observations.
Ethan was a serious person, there was little doubt about that.
Some people were.
That didn’t mean he had demons.

THE next two weeks passed so quickly that it seemed to Kyla that they hardly had time to breathe between patients.
Doug McDonald came home from hospital, very subdued and worried about doing anything, and Kyla called in every day to check on his progress and reassure him. She knew that Ethan had called several times, too, and was pleased that he’d bothered.
Two weeks had been enough to prove to her that he was an excellent doctor. He’d settled into the routine and seemed to have no problem handling even the trickiest of cases. Remembering how some previous locums had panicked at being confronted by such complex cases with no local hospital support, Kyla was impressed.
But she still didn’t feel she was any closer to knowing or understanding him.
He ran on the beach every morning as the sun rose, pounding hard across the sand and up onto the cliffs, pushing himself to the limit. Then he’d return to the cottage, shower and drive up to the village in time for morning surgery.
He was serious and committed but revealed absolutely nothing about himself to anyone.
Occasionally he joined her and Logan for supper and sometimes she saw him on his own in the garden, sitting on his own, staring out to sea.
Perhaps that was what came of living in a big anonymous city where you were one of millions, Kyla thought. You forgot how to relate to your fellow man.
She was clearing up after an immunisation clinic when Janet buzzed through and asked if she’d see an extra patient.
‘It’s Mary Hillier. She wants you to take a look at Shelley. Logan’s gone out on a call and Ethan is back to back with patients so I don’t like to bother him.’
Kyla thought of the six calls she had to make and the paperwork waiting for her attention. ‘Of course, Janet. Send her in.’
She couldn’t remember the last time Mary had come to the clinic for anything other than routine checks so the fact that she was asking for an appointment meant that she was must be really worried about something.
She tipped a syringe and needles into the sharps box and washed her hands just as Mary tapped on the door and walked in.
‘Sorry to bother you, Nurse MacNeil,’ she said in a formal voice, gently pushing Shelley into the room. ‘I just wondered if you’d take a look at something for me.’
‘Of course. What’s the problem?’
‘It’s not me, it’s Shelley. She’s got these bruises all over her.’
‘Bruises?’ Kyla smiled at the girl. ‘How are you, Shelley? I saw you play in that netball match at the beginning of term. You were fantastic.’
Shelley blushed. ‘You were watching?’
‘I came down to give a talk to some of the children on healthy eating and I couldn’t resist poking my nose in. So, where are these bruises? Can you show me?’
Shelley hesitated and then lifted her top. ‘They’re everywhere, really. And I’ve got these on my legs.’ She slid her trouser legs up and Kyla bent down to take a closer look.
‘How long have you had them?’
‘They’ve just come up in the last few days,’ Shelley muttered. ‘At first I thought I’d just banged myself, but now they’re everywhere so I don’t think it’s that. I didn’t fall or anything.’
‘Have you been ill, Shelley?’ Kyla reached for a thermometer and checked the girl’s temperature.
‘No. Nothing.’
Mary looked anxiously at Kyla. ‘Does she have a temperature?’
Kyla shook her head and forced a smile that she hoped was reassuring. ‘No. Her temperature is fine. Why don’t we ask the doctor to take a look at her? I’m just going to pop across to Dr Walker and see if he can fit her in.’
She left the room but Mary caught up with her in the corridor. ‘Nurse MacNeil …’
Kyla turned and saw the worry in the other woman’s face. She reached out and touched her on the arm, acknowledging the concern. ‘I doubt it’s what you’re thinking, Mary,’ she said softly, ‘but we’ll get it checked out immediately. Dr Walker is very, very good. If there’s anything for us to be worrying about, he’ll tell us soon enough. He trained at one of the top London hospitals, you know. You go back to Shelley or she’ll pick up on your worry.’
Mary bit her lip but gave a nod and returned to the treatment room.
Kyla knocked on Ethan’s door and walked in.
He was reading something on the computer screen and had a pen in his hand. ‘Yes?’
‘It’s me. And you can put that frown away, Dr Walker, because I don’t scare easily.’ She kept her tone light and saw a glimmer of a smile in his eyes.
‘I’m sure you don’t. Can I do something for you?’ He was wearing a dark, well-cut suit and he looked formal and more than a little remote.
‘I hope so.’ Trying not to be intimidated by the suit, Kyla came straight to the point. ‘I’ve a patient I’m worried about. Eleven-year-old girl with bruising all over her body. My first reaction is to panic and think meningitis, but she looks well, apart from a bit tired, perhaps. Her temperature is normal and she’s not been ill.’
‘If meningitis even floats through your head, I’ll see her straight away.’ Ethan put the pen down on the desk and stood up. ‘What’s your second reaction?’
Relieved and impressed that he was taking her so seriously, Kyla came straight out with it. ‘Leukaemia. I don’t want to be dramatic but it has to cross your mind, doesn’t it?’
‘There are many possible diagnoses,’ Ethan said calmly as he walked round the desk. ‘Leukaemia is just one.’
‘I know, but—’ Kyla broke off and bit her lip. ‘You should know that Shelley’s mother, Mary, had a sister with leukaemia. She died about three years ago. Mary hasn’t asked a direct question and obviously she doesn’t want to frighten the child, but I can see from her eyes that she’s frantic with worry.’
Ethan walked towards the door. ‘Then the sooner I see her, the better. I’ll have a better idea once I’ve examined her and obviously I’m going to need to do some blood tests. Bring her in.’ His tone was crisp. Direct. ‘I’ll examine her here. And you’d better stay, if you have the time, given that you know the history.’
‘I’ll stay.’ She wasn’t going anywhere until she knew what was happening.
Ethan examined the child thoroughly, aware of the tension in Mary’s body as she stood to the side of him, watching.
He questioned Shelley at length and then smiled at her. ‘I’m going to need to take some blood from you, just to run a few routine tests. Is that all right?’
Shelley pulled a face. ‘Will it hurt?’
‘A bit,’ Ethan said honestly, reaching behind him for the tray he’d prepared. ‘But not much and not for long. Kyla?’
Kyla handed him a tourniquet and he tightened it round the girl’s arm, stroking the skin as he searched for a good vein.
Kyla kept up a steady stream of chat. ‘So did your netball team go over to the mainland and play the girls at St Jude’s last week?’
A smile spread across Shelley’s face. ‘We thrashed them. Sixteen to one.’
‘Brilliant.’ Kyla turned to Ethan. ‘The school is so small here that every single girl is in the netball team!’
‘But we’re still the best,’ Shelley said quickly, and Ethan smiled, mentally blessing Kyla for her distraction skills.
‘Sharp scratch coming up, Shelley,’ he said smoothly, and slid the needle into the vein.
Shelley didn’t stop talking. ‘Mia Wilson was the best. She got it in the net about fourteen times.’
‘Well, she’s tall, of course, so that helps,’ Kyla murmured, handing him a piece of cotton wool. ‘And her mum is the sports teacher, which is another distinct advantage.’
Shelley laughed and Ethan withdrew the needle and pressed with the cotton wool.
‘I’ll do that while you sort out the sample,’ Kyla murmured, her fingers sliding over his as she took over the pressure.
Her hands were so much smaller than his, her fingers slim and delicate and Ethan felt a sudden burst of heat erupt inside him.
Gritting his teeth and rejecting the feeling, he turned away and labelled the samples carefully. ‘I’m going to send these off. As soon as I get a result, I’ll be in touch.’ Seeing the anxiety in Mary’s eyes, he turned to Kyla. ‘Can you take Shelley to your treatment room and find her a plaster, please? I don’t seem to have one here.’
To her credit, Kyla immediately picked up on his intention. ‘Useless doctors,’ she said cheerfully, slipping her arm through Shelley’s and leading her towards the door. ‘They can do all sorts of fancy, complicated things but when it comes to something simple like a plaster, you can forget it. We girls will see you in Reception in a minute.’
Ethan waited until the door closed behind them and then turned to Mary. ‘I understand that you’re very worried about this.’
Mary was stiff, her fingers gripping her handbag. ‘Do I have reason to be?’
‘Obviously, until I have the results back, I can’t be sure what it is, but I’m pretty confident that it isn’t leukaemia.’
Mary’s teeth clamped on her lips and he could see that she was battling with tears. ‘If it is—’
‘I don’t think it is,’ Ethan said firmly. ‘There are other things that it can be, Mrs Hillier. I’m going to get these results back as fast as possible and then I’ll call you. Is it useless to tell you not to worry?’
‘Completely useless.’ Mary gave a wan smile. ‘But thank you for your thoughtfulness.’
‘So you don’t think it’s leukaemia?’ Kyla closed the door of his consulting room and stood with her back to it. ‘Really?’
‘Shelley looks well and there’s no history of trauma. I’ve examined her thoroughly and her liver and spleen feel normal and there’s no evidence of lymphadenopathy.’
‘So what are the bruises?’
‘Obviously until I see the results of the blood count I can’t be sure, but I think she probably has ITP. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura.’
Kyla frowned. ‘I’ve heard of it but I don’t know much about it and we’ve certainly never had a patient. What’s the treatment?’
‘Depending on the platelet count, it may just be a case of watchful waiting. In someone of Shelley’s age the condition will probably be acute and it will resolve over a few months.’
‘And if it doesn’t?’
He gave a faint smile. ‘What’s happened to your cheerful, optimistic nature, Kyla?’
‘I just like to know the options.’ She looked away, struggling with her body’s powerful response to his smile. He was indecently attractive. ‘Mary is a friend of my mother’s. She had Shelley late in life and she’s very precious. I need to have all the facts at my disposal.’
‘In a small number of children it can be chronic, and she might have to avoid contact sports.’ he shrugged ‘.but so much depends on the blood tests. If her platelets are at a reasonable level then it becomes less of a problem. It’s really too soon to try and predict the future for her.’
‘So you’re saying that she could just recover spontaneously?’
‘That’s right.’ He studied her closely. ‘You look as worried and upset as her mother. It doesn’t do to get too involved with your patients, Nurse MacNeil.’
His comment stung and her shoulders stiffened defensively. ‘Well, that’s the theory certainly.’ She lifted her chin. ‘Try living on an island where you know everyone, Dr Walker. And, then try staying detached. It’s a pretty tall order, I can tell you. And frankly, I don’t think I’d like to be the sort of person who didn’t care what happened to her patients.’
He frowned. ‘Kyla—’
‘And now, if you’ll excuse me, I have things to do.’ She tugged open the door and left the room, taking several deep breaths in an attempt to control her temper. How dared he suggest that she was too involved with her patients?
She cared about them.
What was wrong with that?
Thoroughly unsettled, she went back to her own consulting room and finished the clearing-up she’d started before Janet had asked her to see Shelley.
Infuriating man, she thought as she pushed a box of dressings back into the cupboard and slammed the door shut. He may be amazing to look at but he was cold-hearted and unemotional. Which made him completely wrong for her.
Evanna was right.
It would be safer to steer clear of him.
Ethan vaulted over the fence that separated the two cottages and walked up the garden.
The doors to the kitchen were open and he could see Kyla standing in front of the stove, singing along to the radio. Her blonde curls were pinned haphazardly to the top of her head and her feet were bare. She wore a pair of faded jeans that rode low on her hips, exposing a tempting expanse of smooth, tanned abdomen. She was lean, fit and incredibly sexy, and something dangerous stirred inside him.
He gritted his teeth and reminded himself that he couldn’t afford the luxury of becoming involved with this woman.
Life was about to become complicated enough without the extra dimension that a relationship would inevitably bring.
He was just working out the best way to begin what needed to be said when she glanced up and saw him. The singing stopped.
‘I have a perfectly good front door with a working doorbell.’
‘I heard you singing so I thought I’d come round the back.’ He ignored her frosty tone and strolled into the kitchen. ‘You can stop glaring at me because I’ve come to apologise.’
‘You’re saying that you were wrong?’
‘No.’ She had beautiful eyes, he decided. In fact, the whole package was beautiful. ‘I still think it doesn’t do to get too involved with patients, but I can see that it might be hard to do that on an island like this. And you’re very caring, there’s no doubt about that.’ And it was impossible not to respond to her.
Suddenly he wanted to touch her. Really touch her. He wanted to taste and feel and immerse himself in the woman she was.
‘Caring is what makes this community so special.’
‘I’m sure that’s true. But isn’t it also true that caring too much sometimes makes it difficult to do your job?’
A shadow darkened her blue eyes and her slim shoulders sagged slightly. ‘Perhaps. But it’s hard to change your personality, Ethan. You just have to work with what you’ve got. This is me. This is who I am.’ Her simple statement encompassed the differences between them and guilt gnawed at his insides.
She was open and honest. Transparent.
Whereas he …
Her quiet declaration reminded him that she knew nothing about the person he really was.
He clenched his hands into fists by his sides to stop himself from reaching out and hauling her against him. To make any sort of move would be inexcusable when he was hiding so much from her.
Cold and hard were adjectives that many women had applied to him but so far no one had thrown ‘immoral’ at him, and he didn’t intend them to start now.
‘I just think that you can do your job better if you can stay slightly detached. It makes it easier to think clearly.’
She gave a sigh and turned back to the pan on the hob. ‘You sound like Logan. He always manages to get the balance right. I’m terrible. I take everything much more personally, but I can’t help it.’
‘And that’s what makes you a nice person.’ He realised that it was true. Even during the short time he’d been on the island he could see that she gave a great deal of herself to her job and to the community. ‘What are you cooking?’
‘Soup from a can. I can hardly bear the anticipation.’ She stared at the gloopy liquid with a distinct lack of enthusiasm. ‘I’d offer you some but frankly I wouldn’t want to poison you. You’re better off with whatever you have in your own fridge.’
‘There’s nothing in my fridge apart from milk and beer and neither of those is going to make a decent meal. Is there a good pub on the island?’
‘The Stag’s Head. Down on the quay. Given that they know what you did for Doug, I doubt you’d even have to pay for your supper. You’ll probably get a hero’s welcome.’
‘I don’t mind paying but I need to eat something soon. I missed lunch.’ He leaned forward and turned off the hob. ‘Let’s go.’
She stared at him and then at the saucepan on the hob. ‘I’m eating soup.’
‘Not any more. You’re eating in the pub with me.’
Her eyes narrowed. ‘What if I don’t want to eat in the pub?’
‘You’d rather eat congealed soup of indeterminate origin?’ He watched her shudder and gave a smile. ‘Come on. We both know that a stranger walking into that place is going to be given the third degree. If you’re so committed to helping people in the community, the least you can do is give me some moral support.’
She looked at the soup and then back at him. ‘It isn’t that hard a choice.’
‘Good.’ He glanced down at her feet. ‘Just put some shoes on or the locals will talk.’
And he hoped she’d change out of the jeans in order to allow his blood pressure to settle.
Kyla walked into the pub ahead of Ethan and felt every pair of eyes in the room fasten themselves on her.
Let them talk, she thought cheerfully, elbowing her way to the bar through the crowd of locals. It had been a long time since anyone had had reason to gossip about her. It would do them all good. ‘Coming through,’ she sang out as she wiggled and pushed her way to the front. ‘This is a medical emergency. Starving hungry and gasping for a drink.’
The man behind the bar grinned and opened a fridge. ‘So this is for medicinal purposes?’
‘Of course, Ben. What else?’ She settled herself on a stool at the bar and rested her arms on the bar.
Ben handed her a glass of white wine. ‘We were all shocked to hear about Doug.’
‘Logan spoke to the hospital today and he’s doing all right. He’ll be home before you know it.’
‘All the same, I feel responsible.’ Ben scratched his head awkwardly and Kyla looked at him quizzically.
‘How can you possibly be responsible?’
‘He was lugging my crates around,’ Ben said roughly, and Kyla gave a soft smile.
‘And from what I heard, you were the one to take him straight to the surgery, so you did him a good turn. Stop fretting.’ Kyla glanced behind her and noticed that Ethan was hovering on the edge of the crowd. On impulse, she ordered for him and pushed her way back through to a vacant table, clutching the glasses. ‘I ordered you a pint of the local brew. Hope that’s OK. We’ll sit here.’
‘I feel like a zoo animal on display. Do they ever stop staring?’
‘Only when someone more interesting walks in. Here. Try this.’ Kyla handed him the drink. ‘It will put hairs on your chest.’
His eyes met hers and she felt her heart skip a beat.Now, why had she said a stupid thing like that when she was trying so hard not to think about his body?
‘Unless you want the whole island gossiping, I suggest you stop looking at me like that,’ he suggested in a soft tone, and lifted the glass and drank.
‘I am not looking at you. You’re looking at me. And if I walk into the pub with a man, people are going to gossip. It’s a fact of life.’
He put his drink back down on the table. ‘Sorry. I’m not used to being the centre of attention.’
Wasn’t he? Kyla was willing to lay bets that wherever he went women stared at him, but perhaps he just wasn’t aware of that fact. ‘Does it bother you?’
‘No. Does it bother you?’
She smiled. ‘I’ve lived here for most of my life. I’m used to it. But I know that it drove Catherine potty sometimes.’
He looked at her. ‘What was she like?’
‘Oh …’ She wondered why he was interested. ‘Lively, a bit on the wild side, flirtatious, quite amusing. She had a sharp tongue and she wasn’t terribly patient.’
‘How did she meet Logan?’
‘She was travelling and arrived on the island one day. They met. Hit it off. Catherine became pregnant. They got married—and, yes, that was all in the wrong order so don’t start my mother on that topic—and then …’ Kyla broke off and sighed. ‘And then it all went wrong.’
‘And that’s why Logan doesn’t encourage women to have home births?’
‘Can you blame him? Not that Catherine was booked to have a home birth, anyway, but, given what happened, Logan wants every woman safely on the mainland the moment she starts to dilate.’
‘And Evanna disagrees?’
‘Evanna is a midwife. She wants to give every woman the birth experience they want. But she accepts the limitations of living somewhere like this. You can tell yourself that the helicopter can come and fly you out in an emergency, but what if the weather is bad, or there’s been another accident somewhere and they can’t get out to you?’
‘I can understand Logan’s reluctance.’
‘He won’t even consider it, and the women here respect that. To be honest, most of them want the reassurance of giving birth in a consultant-led unit so we don’t get that many requests. I am completely starving. I need to order before I faint.’ She turned and squinted over her shoulder towards the blackboard on the wall. ‘The food here is amazing. See anything you fancy?’
‘Why don’t you choose for both of us? But I ought to warn you that I hate haggis.’
‘That’s because you’re a soft Englishman.’ She caught the eye of Jim, the ferryman, who was downing a pint with one of the local fishermen. He winked at her and she smiled broadly. ‘Have the beef Wellington. It’s amazing.’
‘I feel as though I’m in a goldfish bowl,’ Ethan said mildly. ‘How does anyone ever have a relationship in a place like this? It’s impossible to keep anything private.’
‘The relationship bit is all right,’ Kyla said easily, reaching for her wine. ‘It’s the private bit that presents more of a challenge. You just have to ignore it. And, anyway, we’re not having a relationship. We’re just colleagues, out for a civilised meal.’
His eyes held hers. ‘That’s right. So we are.’
It was impossible to look away. Impossible not to feel the powerful spark of chemistry that drew them together. She saw his mouth tighten and sensed his growing tension. ‘We should order.’
‘Yes.’ He dragged his eyes away from hers and glanced over to the bar. ‘I presume I have to fight my way through the crowd for that pleasure?’
‘Actually, you don’t.’ Ben, the landlord, was standing next to them, a grin on his face as he looked at them. ‘After what you did for Doug this morning, you’re right at the front of our queue.’
‘We’ll both have the beef,’ Kyla said quickly, ‘and the treacle tart. Thanks, Ben.’
He scribbled on the pad in his hand. ‘How’s young Shelley?’
‘Mary’s worrying herself sick.’
‘I know that.’ Kyla’s voice was quiet. ‘We’re dealing with it as quickly as we can, Ben. As soon as we know anything, we’ll be in touch with Mary.’
He nodded. ‘Call me when you hear anything.’ He walked off and Ethan stared after him in amazement.
‘How did he know about Shelley? And how does he know so much about Doug? And how do you ever honour patient confidentiality in a place like this?’
‘Doug works for him and Ben is Mary’s cousin, but you’re right that most people find out who’s ill with what about five seconds after you’ve found out yourself. Anyway, Ben is on the crew of Glenmore lifeboat so he’s an important part of this community.’
‘The island has a lifeboat?’
‘Yes. It has a berth by the quay. Haven’t you seen it?’
‘I haven’t been down here since the day I arrived. Do they have a lot of callouts?’
‘Unfortunately, yes. Especially in the summer. Usually walkers on the cliffs who drop down to pretty bays and then get stuck when the tide comes in. And if it’s a medical emergency, they call on Logan. So, you see, we all work together and, yes, people are interested in one another, but we don’t betray a confidence. There’s a way of responding without giving anything away. But I can assure you that the moment you’ve spoken to Mary about the results, she’ll be on the phone to at least five other people and they’ll be on the phone to another five. But that’s their business.’
Ethan shook his head. ‘It’s so different to London.’
‘Of course. That’s why we live here.’ She tilted her head to one side, challenging him. ‘You’re missing all the positives. Like the fact that almost everyone on this island is part of an informal support network and that counts for a lot. When Fraser was in hospital with pneumonia when he was younger, everyone rallied round to help Aisla, even though she’d only just arrived on the island and knew no one.’
He sat back in his chair, his expression watchful. ‘Go on.’
She shrugged. ‘When Mrs Linton tripped down her stairs someone phoned us within the hour because they’d noticed that her bin hadn’t been taken in. In London she probably would have been on the floor for a week before it occurred to anyone that something might be wrong.’
‘Probably even longer than that,’ Ethan said dryly, finishing his drink and sitting back as their food arrived. ‘All right, you’ve convinced me. I can see that it has its advantages.’
‘But it isn’t somewhere that you could ever settle for good.’ The words left her mouth before she could stop them and she froze, appalled at herself for being so indiscreet.
Why had she asked that question? What was the matter with her? It wasn’t even as if she wanted him to be there for ever. She just wanted—she wanted—
A fling, she acknowledged finally, looking away from his searching gaze so that she didn’t reveal any more. She wanted a wild, abandoned fling with an incredible-looking, intelligent man, and Ethan Walker fitted that description.
‘What about you?’ His voice was even as he handed her a knife and fork and reached for his own. ‘You’re obviously an extremely skilled nurse. Have you ever considered leaving here?’
‘What’s that supposed to mean? That the people on the island deserve less than mainlanders?’
‘That wasn’t what I meant.’ His tone was wry. ‘You’re very touchy. Stop jumping down my throat. I just wondered whether you might be bored.’
‘I trained on the mainland and that was enough for me. Here I have a great deal more autonomy than I would have on the mainland. I happen to think that anonymity is vastly overrated.’ She poked the food on her plate for a moment and then looked up. ‘I like people, Ethan. I like knowing what they’re up to. I don’t even mind the fact that they know everything that I’m doing before I even do it. I like the feeling of belonging. I like the knowledge that there is a whole community out there, pulling together, trying to improve each other’s lives. In cities all you read about is stabbings and muggings, whereas here—’ She broke off and gave an embarrassed shrug.
‘I sense that we’re back to caring again.’
‘They probably care in the city, too, it’s just that life is so fast and busy that no one has the opportunity to show it, and before you know it you don’t even recognise your neighbours.’
‘Is that really an excuse?’ Ethan gave a short laugh. ‘You’re not exactly kicking your heels here and you manage to know everyone.’
‘But we have a pretty static population except for the tourist season. Live in a city and people come and go. Here, everyone we see here is known to us. It’s different. And I love the challenge of having to work with limited back-up. It makes you more resourceful.’
They’d both finished eating and Kyla suddenly realised that she’d been too absorbed in their conversation to even notice the food. ‘Did you enjoy it?’
His surprised glance at his empty plate told her that he’d been similarly distracted.
‘Very much. The treacle tart was delicious.’
‘Shall I order some coffee?’
Ethan looked at her. ‘Let’s have coffee at home. That way we can drink it without everyone watching.’
She smiled. ‘Good plan.’
What had possessed him to suggest coffee when what he really needed was to keep as far away from her as possible?
Frustrated with himself, Ethan walked briskly back towards the cottages and resolved to make the coffee quick and businesslike. If he kept the conversation fairly formal, that would help.
And he wouldn’t look at her.
‘Ethan? Are you OK?’ Kyla’s voice had a soft, breathy quality and he suddenly realised that not looking at her wasn’t going to make any difference at all. He could have had his eyes shut in a dark room and she still would have had the same effect on him.
‘I’m fine.’ He could feel her looking at him and lengthened his stride. ‘How is Doug doing anyway? Did Logan get any feedback from the hospital?’
‘Oh. Better, I think. Seems a bit more relaxed. It’s Leslie who’s the problem. She’s hanging over him every minute of the day, just waiting for him to collapse. I’m going round there tomorrow to see if I can help her get her head around the whole thing.’
This was fine, Ethan told himself as they reached the cottages. This was good. Talking about work kept everything on a safe level. He could handle this. Quick coffee. Small talk. And he wasn’t going to touch her.
His resolve lasted as long as it took to follow her into her kitchen.
She was still wearing the jeans but she’d added a pair of sexy heels and a pretty cardigan in a shade of blue that matched her eyes.
‘I’ll put the kettle on,’ she said cheerfully, reaching for mugs and coffee, ‘and we can take it down to the beach if you like. It’s lovely to sit on the sand in the dark and watch the stars.’
He felt a sudden rush of heat through his body. ‘Here is fine,’ he said hoarsely, running a hand over the back of his neck. He didn’t need the darkness or stars. ‘The kitchen is fine.’ There was nothing romantic about fluorescent light.
‘All right. If that’s what you prefer.’ She shot him a curious look and spooned fresh coffee into a cafetière. ‘Do you realise that you’ve been here for two weeks and I still know hardly anything about you? We’ve been so busy we’ve hardly exchanged more than two words.’
And that was the way he’d wanted it. ‘There’s not much to know about me.’
‘You mean there’s not much you want to tell.’ She poured water into the pot. ‘Where did you work last?’
Hell? ‘Abroad.’
She gave a soft laugh and turned to face him. ‘You don’t give anything away, do you, Ethan? Did anyone ever tell you that one-word answers don’t make a conversation?’
‘I’m not that great at conversation. You should have worked that out by now.’ She had the bluest eyes he’d ever seen and her legs looked impossibly long. ‘I ought to go …’
She hesitated and then walked towards him, narrowing the distance that he’d carefully placed between them. ‘You haven’t drunk your coffee.’
He wasn’t even sure who touched who first.
He just knew that one moment he was standing there full of good intentions and then next she had her arms wrapped round his neck and his mouth was hard on hers.
His good intentions dissolved, as did his conscience and all the other better parts of his nature that had been holding him back.
His hands traced the soft curves that his eyes had already admired. His mouth devouring hers, he slid his hands over her hips, then over her bottom, anchoring her against him. The taste and the scent of her threatened to overwhelm him and he dragged his mouth away from hers and pressed his lips against her neck.
‘Ethan …’ She murmured his name and pressed closer and that movement alone was enough to snap the last of his self-control.
His mouth found hers again and his hands moved to the hem of her top, sliding underneath, finding the smooth, tanned skin that he’d admired earlier.
Her breasts pressed into his hands and he almost lost control as he felt her nipples peak under the brush of his fingers and heard her soft gasp of pleasure.
He lifted his head and their mouths met again in a fierce kiss, each demanding of the other, each hungry and possessive and increasingly desperate. His entire body was consumed by a ferocious heat and he felt her hands shaking as they struggled with the buttons on his shirt.
It was the touch of her fingers against his bare chest that brought him to his senses.
Another minute more and neither of them would have stopped.
‘Kyla …’ With difficulty he broke his mouth from hers and forced his hands to release her smooth, golden flesh ‘… we have to stop. This isn’t a good idea.’
She gave a whimper of protest and leaned in towards him again, but he stepped backwards, breathing heavily.
‘Kyla, no.’
She blinked, her eyes dazed and disorientated. ‘Why—? What?’ Her mouth was soft and bruised from his kiss and he gritted his teeth and reminded himself that she knew nothing about him.
She didn’t know who he was or why he was there. But when she did. ‘Trust me. This is a mistake.’
She took a step back and when she spoke, her voice was soft. ‘Did it feel like a mistake, Ethan?’
Physically, no. But he had more sense than to take that route given the present set of circumstance. ‘We need to forget this happened.’
‘Why?’ Her blue eyes studied his face, searching for answers to the questions bubbling up inside her. ‘This wasn’t just me, it was you, too.’
‘I know that.’
‘I can’t explain, but it isn’t you, it’s me,’ he growled, reaching for the door like a drowning man would have grasped anything that happened to float. ‘And now I need to go home.’
‘Goodnight, Kyla. Thanks for dinner.’
He didn’t wait to hear her reply, just strode out of her cottage and kept his eyes on his own front door.

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Summer Fling: A Bride for Glenmore Сара Морган
Summer Fling: A Bride for Glenmore

Сара Морган

Тип: электронная книга

Жанр: Современная зарубежная литература

Язык: на английском языке

Издательство: HarperCollins

Дата публикации: 16.04.2024

Отзывы: Пока нет Добавить отзыв

О книге: Have you heard? The place to be this summer is in love!Life in the sleepy island of Glenmore is filled with tranquil lazy days. Bliss! But this summer the gossip mill is running overtime – love is most definitely in the air… Poor Evanna has been infatuated with her boss forever – to him she’s just part of the furniture. Rumour has it this summer she’s decided to get noticed. No more sensible suits for her…she’s bringing out the stilettos!Kyla can see Evanna is in love with her brother and if she had her way she’d knock their heads together. Oh well… Kyla has other, more pressing distractions – the new island doctor is gorgeous! Dr Ethan sticks out in the picture-perfect island like a v. handsome sore thumb.Ripples are running through the tranquil waters of Glenmore – secrets, scandal and more than a little flirtation! It’s going to be a summer to remember!Praise for Sarah Morgan′Sarah Morgan continues to hang out on my autobuy list and each book of her that I discover is a treat′ – Smart Bitches, Trashy Books′Full of romance and sparkle′ – Lovereading′Morgan′s brilliant talent never ceases to amaze′ – RT Book Reviews′Dear Ms Morgan, I′m always on the lookout for a new book by you…′ – Dear Author‘Morgan is a magician with words′ – RT Book Reviews′Definitely looking forward to more from Sarah Morgan′ – Smexy Book

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