One Special Moment

One Special Moment
Brenda Jackson

An Outrageous OfferTo help her brother's struggling cosmetics company, schoolteacher Colby Wingate travels to Los Angeles for one last, desperate gamble–to have superstar actor Sterling Hamilton endorse her brother's new perfume. But Sterling thinks Colby has come to answer his want ad for a woman who would bear his child. When she realizes what Sterling is looking for, Colby is shocked that he expects any woman, let alone her, to comply no matter how much money he's willing to pay….A Passionate BargainA childhood loss has made Sterling determined not to get too close to anyone–even the strikingly beautiful Colby. But somehow, he has to convince Colby to become the mother of his child…with no strings attached. What he doesn't expect is for his carefully laid plans to explode into restless, fiery desire. Now, Sterling knows he needs Colby for much more–if only he can prove his intentions are for real and that he'll cherish and love her…forever.

One Special Moment

Brenda Jackson (



Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23



I would like to acknowledge my family, my friends

and my faithful readers, who continue to believe in

me and who give me their undying support.

Thanks for all those special moments.

Very special acknowledgments to my sisters,

Robin E. Ware, Cynthia H. Powell and Lisa L. Hawk.

Thanks for making being the oldest so rewarding,

as well as challenging.

To Brenda Arnette Simmons for her helpful feedback

on the finished product. You are a jewel.

And most importantly, to my Heavenly Father,

who makes all things possible.

Chapter 1

This would be the biggest gamble of her life.

That was Colby Wingate's very thought as she glanced up at the tall, impressive structure that housed the law firm of Stewart, Heard and Mathers. Summoning up much-needed courage, she entered the building determined to go through with her plan. She couldn't get cold feet now. The future of her brother's company depended on her.

The main lobby of the huge building contained a spectacular eighty-foot atrium populated with numerous flowers and plants, and a huge breathtaking, tinkling waterfall. She couldn't help admiring a painting on a wall that showed a stunning scene of turquoise waters and snow-capped mountains.

She stepped into the elevator, the doors slid shut and it carried her to the twenty-ninth floor. The door of the elevator opened, and a smiling secretary seated in the spacious and elaborately decorated foyer eyed her curiously when she gave her name.

“Mr. Stewart's on the phone right now, Ms. Wingate. Please have a seat. He'll be with you shortly.”

Colby nodded and sat in the leather chair offered. To pass the time, she picked up the latest issue of People magazine from a nearby table. There on its cover, bigger than life, was the one man who could save Wingate Cosmetics—movie actor Sterling Hamilton.

She studied his features and decided that although Denzel Washington was her favorite actor, Sterling Hamilton was definitely a good-looking man. His eyes, the color of rich, dark chocolate and fringed by thick ebony lashes, appeared to be staring right at her. His face, sable in color, contained full sensual lips and a blunt jaw. His slightly arched nose appeared to have been broken at one time. That wouldn't have surprised her. According to her sister-in-law, Cynthia, who was probably one of Sterling Hamilton's biggest fans, he performed most of his own stunts. Instead of blemishing his features, the slight indentation in his nose somehow enhanced his looks. Centuries of African heritage were etched in his features, and his prominent cheekbones hinted at the possibility of Indian ancestry as well.

As she catalogued his explosively attractive looks, she knew that this was a man who had a masculine force about him. He had a quality of male assurance not many women could easily ignore, or forget. There was no doubt about it, the man definitely had appeal. And she hoped he would agree to use that appeal and endorse Wingate Cosmetics' newest masculine cologne called Awesome. His endorsement would guarantee the cologne's success and the survival of the company.

Colby was grateful Mr. Hamilton's attorney, Edward Stewart, had agreed to meet with her, and she had been delighted at the expedience with which he had done so. She understood Sterling Hamilton was out of the country filming a movie and was not due back in the States for another month or so. Edward Stewart handled all of his business affairs while he was away.

“Ms. Wingate, Mr. Stewart will see you now.” The secretary's words snapped Colby out of her thoughts. She stood, refusing to think anything but positive thoughts.

The door to the office opened. Taking a deep breath to settle the feeling of butterflies in her stomach, she walked inside the spacious room. The first thing she noticed was that Mr. Stewart hadn't completely opened the window blinds in his office to allow the California sun to shine through.

Colby looked up into the face of the older gentleman who stood when she entered the plush office. He was a little on the heavy side, slightly bald and had a square wall of a forehead with heavy brows for a base. His face, although firmly set in deep thought, was friendly.

“Please have a seat, Ms. Wingate, and thank you for coming,” he stated, coming forward to shake her hand.

“Thank you for agreeing to see me, Mr. Stewart,” she said, smiling and taking the chair he offered.

He nodded. “How was your flight to L.A.?”


“And your hotel accommodations?”

“They're excellent. I didn't expect you to take care of my flight nor my lodging.”

He gave a warm chuckle. “Of course we took care of them. We sent for you to come to California, didn't we?”

Colby drew in a deep breath of excitement. “Yes.”

“Well, then,” he said, placing a folder in front of her. “The proposal is ready. I'll cover all the specifics with you in detail before you leave my office.”

Colby's head came up. “It's ready? But I haven't given you all the information you'll need to make a sound decision.”

Edward Stewart smiled, waving off her words with his hand. “There's really no need. Sterling was quite taken with the history and background investigation that was done.”

Colby was surprised. “You did an investigation?”

“Of course. Under the circumstances, such measures had to be taken. This is very important to Sterling.”

Colby was stunned. It was a known fact that on numerous occasions Sterling Hamilton had refused to endorse or have his name linked to any products. She'd been prepared to vigorously plead her case. Why was this endorsement very important to him? Why did he suddenly have a change of heart about doing them?

She was assaulted with a satisfying sense of relief. Whatever his reasons, she was grateful for them and glad Wingate Cosmetics would ultimately benefit.

“After our meeting, I'll give you a copy of the proposal. I suggest you look it over carefully. Although, I'm sure you'll find everything satisfactory and in order. When Sterling decides to do something, he doesn't do it half-measure. And I do hope you understand that due to the nature of this matter, you're not to disclose this business arrangement between you and Sterling with anyone. That stipulation is included in the proposal and will be outlined in the final contract.”

“But what about my brother? I'm sure you'll want to meet with him.”

A confused frown covered the older man's face. “I don't understand. Why would we?”

Before Colby could answer the door behind her opened.

“Sterling? This is a pleasant surprise,” Edward Stewart said, smiling at the man. “I didn't know you were back.”

Colby glanced over her shoulder to look at the bearded man who entered the room. She took a deep breath as her eyes collided with Sterling Hamilton's. Even with the window blinds slightly closed, his very presence in the room radiated light…and something else she couldn't help but notice, sensuous heat. The very idea that she could think such a thing surprised and fascinated her.

He was distinctively dressed in a pair of charcoal-gray, triple-pleated slacks, a colorful printed shirt and a double-breasted navy blue blazer. Tall and masculine, his clothes fit his body well.

Their eyes held. Apprehension touched Colby's body. An emotion she couldn't put a name to flooded through her with a force that left her speechless. For the first time in her life, a man had evoked an immediate and tangible response from her. She was vaguely aware of Edward Stewart making introductions and found herself getting to her feet on wobbly knees.

“Colby Wingate, how are you?” Sterling Hamilton's deep masculine voice seemed to radiate through the room.

Colby suddenly found her soft, fragile hand encompassed in the strong firmness of his. His eyes held her spellbound and seemed to probe deeply into hers. She didn't miss the look of pure masculine appreciation in them. For an intensifying moment, her heart thumped against her rib cage.

She took a deep breath. Nothing could have prepared her for this meeting. Because of her sister-in-law, Cynthia, she had seen many of his movies, but seeing him in the flesh was very unnerving. The man was bigger than life and just as sexy. She found her voice and replied shakily. “I'm fine, Mr. Hamilton, thank you.”

“Please, call me Sterling.”

Edward Stewart took a quick glance at the both of them. He cleared his throat. “I…er…think it would be a good idea if I left the two of you alone awhile to discuss the finer details of the contract. I'm sure Sterling will be able to answer any questions you might have, Ms. Wingate. I'll return later and make any modifications to the final contract the two of you deem necessary.” Then he left the room.

An irresistibly devastating smile tugged at the corners of Sterling's mouth. “Please have a seat, Ms. Wingate.”

“Thanks, and please call me Colby.”

“All right, Colby.” He took a quick glance around the room. “Edward isn't one for a lot of light,” he said, opening the window blinds some more.

Colby sat down, staring at him. If she thought he was one fine brother in the dimly lit room, in the bright sunlight he was undeniably awesome. Never had a man radiated so much sensuality. It wasn't just in his looks, but in his walk, his stance, his stare and even his smell. The fresh, clean scent of him flowed through the room.

Sterling Hamilton turned from opening the blinds and stared at Colby in a way that went deeper than just casual observation. He leaned against the desk, enjoying the way the sunlight slanted through the windows and highlighted her nut-brown coloring. The stunning two-piece navy suit she wore gave her a look of sheer sophistication. Her thick mass of brownish-black hair flowed past her shoulders. Its glossy strands cascaded around her face like silk, softly framing her delicate features of almond-shaped dark eyes, high cheekbones, straight nose and succulent red lips that belonged in a Fashion Fair lipstick ad.

He couldn't help but notice her perfume was totally alluring. It was a fragrance he wasn't familiar with but one he definitely enjoyed inhaling. His nose had picked up the luscious scent of her the moment he'd walked into the room.

Sensing her nervousness from his open scrutiny, Sterling took the seat across from her. He couldn't remember the last time a woman had completely captured his full attention. He found it incredible that any woman could do that. He was accustomed to beautiful women, but the one sitting across from him not only had captured his attention, she was holding it tight.

“Mr. Stewart indicated you would cover the specifics of the contract,” Colby said nervously, breaking the silence that had enveloped them. She felt under a microscope with his sharp, blatant appraisal of her.

Sterling nodded, not relinquishing his assessing stare.

“I can't believe how swiftly things are moving along,” Colby rushed on conversationally. “I'd just contacted Mr. Stewart a few weeks ago. I'm glad you decided to do it.”

“Really?” Sterling replied, watching her with curious intensity. “It's been on my mind for quite a while. I decided the time was right.”

Colby liked the sound of his voice. It was deep and husky. “I'm glad you think so. I believe everything will work out fine for us.”

Sterling stroked his bearded chin, regarding her carefully. A hint of a smooth smile touched his lips when he responded. “I'm sure they will. I don't foresee any problems, Colby. Do you?”

“None whatsoever. In fact, a name has already been chosen.”

Sterling's face registered his surprise. There was a sudden degree of coolness in his voice when he replied. “There was no need for you to do that, Colby. I already have a name picked out.”

Now it was Colby who showed surprise. The heavy lashes shadowing her cheeks flew up. “You do?” At his nod she shrugged. “Well, I guess it's negotiable.”

Sterling's dark eyebrow raised questioningly, and the line of his mouth tightened. “There's nothing to negotiate.”

Colby was stunned by his words and his curt tone of voice. “I think J.C. may have something to say about that.”

Sterling stared at her through dark, brooding eyes. “J.C.?”

“Yes, James Cameron Wingate. My brother.”

“Your brother?” Sterling stood and stared at her, blinking. Confusion lined his features, and his mouth took on an unpleasant twist. “What does your brother have to do with any of this? This is strictly a business venture between the two of us.”

Colby shook her head and gazed up at the man towering over her. “No, it's not,” she replied angrily, getting to her feet so she could face him squarely. She knew he wielded a lot of power in Hollywood, but he was wrong if he thought for one minute he was going to run roughshod over her or Wingate Cosmetics. Of all the nerve! Just who does he think he is?

“I'm sorry if you were given the impression I'm alone in this, Sterling, but James has a lot to say about what happens. After all, it will be his creation, not yours.”

Fury shone in Sterling's eyes and his face was set in a stormy expression. “His creation! How do you figure that? I don't know what kind of sick game you're playing but—”

“How are things going?”

Sterling and Colby turned their furious glares from each other to Edward Stewart as he reentered the room. His smile faded when he saw their angry looks. “Have we encountered some sort of problem?”

“That's not the tip of it,” Sterling replied heatedly, placing both hands on his hips. “She's trying to drag her brother into this! The contract is suppose to be between the two of us. No one else! I thought you made sure she understood that, Edward.”

Colby's anger was boiling and topped the scale with Sterling's stone-faced expression. “How can I not drag James into this? After all, he owns the company.”

“What company?” both men asked simultaneously, completely baffled.

Now it was Colby's time to be confused. “Wingate Cosmetics.”

The two men looked at each other uneasily. And Colby didn't miss the questioning gaze that passed between them. Then Edward Stewart spoke softly. “Ms. Wingate, just why are you here?”

Colby's eyes narrowed. “You should know that, Mr. Stewart, since you're the one who sent for me. Your office called me a few days ago and said you were ready to discuss the proposal with me.”

“And just what proposal do you think you're here to discuss?” Sterling asked in a somewhat menacing voice. A flicker of a frown appeared on his face. His expression was still dark and angry.

Colby's eyes flashed irritation. “The one I sent to you in care of Mr. Stewart asking for your endorsement of Wingate Cosmetics' new cologne for men, which has already been named Awesome.”

Edward Stewart cleared his throat. “Then you're not here because of the ad?”

Colby stared at both men blankly. “What ad?”

Sterling answered. “The one that ran anonymously in various newspapers in selected cities around the country.”

She eyed him with a bemused expression. “I have no idea what you're talking about.”

Sterling weighed her answer with a critical squint. “Evidently you don't,” he said with agitated calmness. “It appears that a mistake has been made, a very big mistake. Somehow your name got mixed up with the numerous women who answered the ad.”

He released a disgusted whoosh of air, shaking his head in total disbelief, wondering how such a thing could happen. “Of all the women who responded to the ad, you were the one who impressed me the most. But the funny thing about it is that you really hadn't responded at all. Yet, you were the one I chose.”

Colby lifted an arched brow. “I was the one you chose? What on earth for?”

Neither man answered.

Colby looked from one to the other, flashing them a dark look. “Have the two of you suddenly gone deaf? I asked what was I chosen for?”

A few moments later Sterling Hamilton broke the uncomfortable silence when he answered her question in a clear distinct voice. His eyes, indecipherable as water, met Colby's directly.

“You were chosen to have my baby.”

Chapter 2

Colby was stunned into silence by Sterling Hamilton's statement. When she gazed into his face, he returned her stare with bland indifference. Mr. Stewart, however, seemed to have gone a little pale.

“Now wait just a minute,” Colby said, raising her chin and keeping her expression stern. “I asked a simple question. The very least you gentlemen can do is not play games with me and give me a straight answer.”

She watched as Sterling sat down on the edge of the desk facing her. Her eyes involuntarily shifted from his face to where his slacks stretched tight across his thighs. She was so caught up in her close study of him that she was startled when he spoke.

“We did give you a straight answer. You were chosen to have my baby. That's the reason you're here and not for some cologne endorsement I most certainly won't be giving.”

A wave of anger surged through Colby. She glared at him. “You can't be serious about a baby!”

Sterling met her glare. “I am serious.”

Colby stiffened. If she didn't know better, she would think her reaction to this entire escapade amused him. “Then I suggest you do what most people do—fall in love, get married and make one!”

She could tell her suggestion hit a sore spot with him. She watched as his eyes radiated bits of stone.

“I plan on getting married and making one, but I have no intentions of falling in love,” he snapped. “Of that you can be sure.”

Colby shook her head and walked over to the window. It afforded her a breathtaking view of the city below. She turned back around and glanced at Edward Stewart. “Is what he wants to do legal?”

Edward Stewart cleared his throat before answering. “Yes, it's legal as long as the two parties involved agree.”

Colby was aghast. “What woman in her right mind would go along with such a thing?”

“Evidently quite a few, Ms. Wingate,” Edward Stewart continued. “We received over a hundred responses.”

Colby still was not convinced. “Did you tell them exactly what they would be doing?”

“We told them enough without exposing Sterling's identity. However, it wouldn't have mattered if we'd wanted them to have a baby by Godzilla, the thought of a million dollars would make most people do anything.”

“A million dollars!”

“Yes, with an extra half-million dollars as a bonus in the end.”

Colby stared at the two men. This couldn't actually be happening. She'd come all the way from Virginia to discuss a cologne endorsement, and they were only interested in paying someone to have a baby.

“This will be strictly a business deal between me and the woman,” Sterling spoke. “No love, no romance, and no ‘till death do us part.' When the child is six weeks old, we will end the marriage in a no-contest divorce with me getting full custody of the child.”

“And the child's mother?”

Sterling continued to meet her glare. “She can go on her merry little way. I'm sure my one and a half million dollars will make it a lot easier and sweeter for her to do so.”

Colby was appalled by his callous statement. Surely no man could be so heartless about the notion of separating a child from its mother. “Well, I wish you much success in your repulsive endeavor, Mr. Hamilton. Now if you gentlemen will excuse me, I've wasted enough of your time already.”

Giving both men one last glare, she turned around and, without so much as a glance back, walked out of the office.

A few hours later, Colby was relaxing in a pool of bubbles in the huge bathtub in her suite at the Beverly Hills Hotel. She had been more than surprised when she'd arrived the day before to discover reservations had been made for her here. The beautiful hotel was a California landmark known to be frequented by numerous movie stars. She had noted quite a few when she had checked in. In fact, she had been speechless when Nicolas Cage had gotten on the elevator with her that very morning.

She'd let out a low whistle when she had entered her suite. It was exquisite. The room had been done in soft colors of peach and cream. The carpet felt like mink and the furnishings made hers back home seem obsolete with the Victorian velvet-covered sofa and chairs, marble-top tables and a four-poster king-size bed. Never had she stayed in a place so elegant. The sight of it had almost taken her breath away. However, it was the oversized bathroom that definitely made a statement. The tub was shaped in the style of a huge clam with fixtures in the shape of seashells. And it was big enough to fit at least four people comfortably.

“Ahhh,” she moaned as she lay against the back of the tub. What a way to relieve the tension and unpleasantries of her earlier meeting with Sterling Hamilton. In the morning she would catch a plane and return to Richmond, disappointed that she had been unsuccessful in accomplishing her goal. At least she hadn't jumped the gun and told her brother about what she'd planned to do. He thought she was in California visiting a girlfriend from college. She hadn't told him the truth because she wanted to surprise him with the news once Sterling's endorsement agreement was a done deal.

For the past year and a half, Wingate Cosmetics had shown incredible profits. However, those profits were nothing in comparison to the likes of Flori Roberts and Fashion Fair. Both of those well-known cosmetic companies had something Wingate Cosmetics didn't have—celebrity endorsements.

And she had been determined to change that.

It was the least she could do for the brother who'd single-handledly taken on the responsibility of raising her after their parents' death in a plane crash. She had been ten at the time and James had been twenty. Because of her, he had turned his back on a full scholarship to Harvard and dropped out of college to become her parent, brother, friend and protector. A year or so later, he was able to enroll in night classes at a local college and complete his studies, obtaining a bachelor's degree in chemistry. He then continued and a few years later got his M.B.A.

She smiled. If all they had needed for the Awesome ad was a handsome face, then James would have been perfect. Her brother was a very good-looking man who stood well over six feet. A lot of women had tried capturing his attention and his heart, but none had succeeded until the beautiful and perky Cynthia Johnson entered the picture. James had been smitten instantly. However, it was only after Colby had graduated from high school and left home to attend Hampton University, that James and Cynthia got married. She adored her sister-in-law and knew she was the best thing to ever happen to James.

Closing her eyes, Colby inhaled the scent of the bubbles. Nearly eight years ago for her eighteenth birthday James had created a special cologne just for her and named it Colby. It had a subtle, incredible scent of a variety of flowers and had been made from natural ingredients known only to James. His refusal to expose the ingredients had led to him losing his job as a chemist with one of the largest pharmaceutical firms in the country. James had tried explaining to his superiors that the fragrance had been created for her as a gift and was not to be marketed and worn by other women.

Later, he had started his own cosmetic company, sinking every penny that he owned into it. Then as a gift for her twenty-first birthday, he had developed the fragrance Colby in both bath oil and bubble bath just for her. Every time she wore the cologne, bathed in the bubble bath, or used the bath oil she thought of how blessed she was to have a brother like James.

“I think it's about time you got out of this tub. Your toes are beginning to shrivel.”

Colby's eyes flew open. She blinked, unable to believe who she saw. Standing next to the tub at a towering height and a stance that was forbearing was Sterling Hamilton. A shriek escaped from her lips. Covering her chest with her hands, she sank deeper in the bubbles. “What are you doing in here? You have no right to be in here!”

A smile tilted the corners of his lips. “The reason I'm here is for us to talk, and since I'm footing the bill for you to stay in this place, that gives me the right. Now, I'm going to leave you to get out of the tub. If you take too long, I may be tempted to come back and hurry you along.”

Colby's eyes narrowed. ‘Why do we need to talk?” she asked angrily. “As far as I'm concerned, we have nothing to discuss.”

Sterling's smile turned into an insipid grin. “Oh, I think we do. Colby. There's definitely unfinished business between us.”

Colby watched as he turned and with the cool, collected swagger he was famous for and that was known to drive female moviegoers out of their minds, he boldly strutted out of the room.

Chapter 3

Colby's jaw dropped. Just who does he think he is? she asked herself as she quickly got out of the tub. Hurriedly she began toweling herself off with one of the huge, thick velour towels.

Slipping into her robe, she swiftly walked over to the closet looking for something to put on. She finally settled on a light blue skirt set.

She could care less that he was footing the bill for her to stay in this place. No one asked him to. It was their screwup not hers. She shook her head when she thought about the fact that Sterling Hamilton, of all people, was actually sitting in the other room waiting for her to appear.

Colby's eyes brimmed with amusement in knowing that Cynthia would give anything to be in her shoes right now. Correction, she thought, looking down. Cynthia would give anything to be in her bare feet. Her sister-in-law would die at the thought of coming within ten feet of Sterling Hamilton. She saw all of his movies, some more than twice, and purchased any magazine if his face appeared on the cover.

In fact, Colby thought, as she rubbed some Colby bath oil onto her skin before slipping into her outfit, it had been Cynthia's constant chattering about Sterling Hamilton's sex appeal that had given her the notion to approach him with the idea of an endorsement.

A few minutes later, Colby entered the sitting room of the suite where Sterling sat lazily reclining on the sofa scanning a magazine.

Sterling looked up. His gaze swept over Colby's appearance. Somehow she seemed to have gotten prettier since their meeting earlier that day. He noted she was no more than five feet four inches tall and had what he considered one helluva voluptuous figure. It was an enticing contrast to the figures of the women he usually dated. Most of them thought too much meat on their bones was a crime. They were totally obsessed with their thinner, willowy frames.

He thought there was something blatantly sexy about Colby Wingate's small waist, curvy childbearing hips and her nicely rounded behind. And with her full breasts and shapely legs, all her feminine attributes were enough to make any man take a second look.

So he obliged himself and took a second look before getting to his feet.

“You made excellent time, Colby. But I only asked you to get out of the tub. You didn't have to get dressed on my account.”

Colby glared at him. For some reason he appeared even taller than he had in Edward Stewart's office. She suddenly felt rather small in the room with his six feet three inches of towering height. If he thought he would use his height to intimidate her, then he had another thought coming. James was just as tall, so tall men didn't bother her one bit. But, she thought as she continued to glare at him, although his height didn't bother her, his penetrating stare did. She had been fully aware of his close scrutiny of her when she had entered the room. She had seen his gaze make a slow journey down the full length of her body and had wondered just what he thought he was looking at. She knew most men preferred pencil-thin, size-five women. Pencil-thin she was not, but she felt completely comfortable and satisfied with her size-ten figure.

Placing her hands on her hips, she asked. “What do you want, Mr. Hamilton?”

Sterling's gaze again roamed over her figure before he brought his eyes back to hers, with mesmerizing intensity. His perusal caused an unexpected quickening of Colby's pulse and made her feel momentarily light-headed. She struggled to control her body's reaction to him.

“I asked what you wanted, Mr. Hamilton,” she repeated nervously and with a little less force.

Sterling walked over to her slowly, with the ease of a predator stalking his prey. His dark eyes were sharpened and held Colby transfixed in place. She couldn't have moved if she wanted to.

He reached out and tipped her chin so he could see even deeper into her eyes. “I'm glad you asked because I have every intention of telling you exactly what I want, Colby Wingate. I want you to have my baby.”

“No,” Colby murmured in a choked whisper. Her head began spinning at his words. And to make matters worse, her body began aching in a very private place. What was wrong with her? She took a step back and out of his grasp. Finding her voice, she replied, “We've gone over this before and my answer is still the same. We can't always get what we want.”

Sterling chuckled. “But I usually do.”

She tilted her chin. “Usually isn't the same as always.”

“That's true. Then maybe I should rephrase my statement so there won't be any misunderstanding. I always get what I want. Eventually.”

Colby swallowed again. “Not this time.”

Sterling's gaze penetrated hers. He noticed the color of her eyes had darkened even more. There were traces of fire in them as her gaze challenged his. He gave her just as good a glare as she was giving him, and wondered when the last time was that a woman, any woman, had gotten under his skin like she was doing.

He moved in closer and lowered his face over hers until their lips were less than mere inches apart. His hand cupped the center of her back. “On the contrary, Colby. Especially this time,” he whispered hoarsely. “I'll get everything I want…and more.”

Colby saw his intent and quickly twisted away from him. She walked swiftly to the door and opened it. “Please leave.”

“I will if you really want me to, but if you really love your brother and care about what happens to him and his company, you'll let me stay.”

Colby drew in a deep breath. Her throat became congested with fear and uncertainty. “What do you mean by that?”

“If you'll allow me a few minutes of your time, I will tell you,” he said, returning to the sofa to sit down.

Colby eyed him narrowly. If there was something concerning James and Wingate Cosmetics, she wanted to hear it. “All right,” she said, closing the door. “You got five minutes. No more and possibly less.” She took a chair opposite the sofa. “I'm listening.”

A soft chuckle escaped Sterling's throat. Although he didn't want to, he actually liked her. She was an amusing change from most of the women he came in contact with. He couldn't remember the last time a woman had acted as if he'd crawled out from under a rock.

“We could have shared the sofa. I don't bite.”

“Your bite is the least of my worries, and you're down to four minutes, Mr. Hamilton. My patience is wearing thin.”

Sterling laughed. “So is mine. And I prefer you call me Sterling, or anything else you may find endearing.”

Colby gave him a withering glance. “There's nothing about you I find endearing.” She knew to him this was just a game. A game she wasn't interested in playing. Women threw themselves at him constantly, and she had no intention of being one of them. He was way out of her league.

Sterling reached for a briefcase on a nearby table that Colby noticed for the first time. He leaned back against the sofa and proceeded to review a stack of papers he took out of it. He didn't bother to look up as he began speaking.

“After you left Edward's office I made a few calls and found out some rather interesting information regarding your brother's company.”

Colby cocked an arched eyebrow. “Such as?” she asked blithely.

He looked up and wished he hadn't. Heat surged through his body just from looking at her. He quickly looked back down at the papers he held in his hand. What was wrong with him? You would think Colby Wingate was the first woman he'd been around in a long time, but that wasn't the case. He'd just flown in from Paris, where he'd been surrounded by numerous beautiful women on the set of his latest movie. What was there about her that drew his gaze to her tempting mouth time and time again? He shook his head and took an exasperated breath.

“I'm waiting for an answer, Mr. Hamilton.”

He looked up again and met her gaze, grateful he was a little better in control. “Such as the fact that Wingate Cosmetics is about to be faced with a hostile takeover attempt by Morton Industries.”

Colby sat up straight and stared at him with openmouthed shock. “What? Are you sure?” she asked in a whisper.

“I'm positive. A very good friend of mine named Jacob Madaris is a top-notch player on the New York Stock Exchange. He handles most of my investments and is known to have inside information about a lot of things.”

Shakily, Colby reached out to steady herself by grasping the arms of the huge chair she was sitting in. “But why? How?”

Sterling watched her reaction to the information. “Correct me if I'm wrong but according to my sources, Morton Industries released your brother from their employment several years ago when he failed to divulge the ingredients of a certain perfume he had created. I gather they liked the fragrance and wanted him to sign over the rights to them.”

Colby sighed. “Yes,” she replied softly. “He created it as a present for my eighteenth birthday and named it after me. It's called Colby. I'm the only woman who wears it.”

He nodded and inhaled the tantalizing aroma of her. It was a subtle but extremely potent scent. There was something about it that was totally alluring. He was familiar with various feminine fragrances, but somehow the one Colby wore seemed unique and exclusively hers. He couldn't imagine the scent on any other woman.

“What your brother may not have known is that he did exactly what they expected him to do by going into business for himself. They sat back and waited patiently for him to make it into a lucrative company. Now they're ready to take things over.”

Colby gasped. “You can't mean that.”

“Yes, I do. I doubt your brother is aware of it, but Morton's about ready to file with the SEC. It's only a matter of time before their intentions are made public. Then it will be virtually impossible for him to do anything about it. If they're successful, they will gain complete control of Wingate Cosmetics. If the perfume Colby is registered with the company, regardless of the fact it is not being publicly marketed for sale, it will become the property of Morton Industries. And I have a feeling nothing will please them more than to put it on the market. Also, this new creation of your brother's, the one you called Awesome, will fall into their hands.”

“I can't let that happen.”

Sterling met her gaze. “You can't stop them.”

Colby stood quickly to face him. “But you don't understand. I have to do something. Everything James's ever owned is tied to that company, his life savings, his heart and his soul. He's worked so hard to make it a success. He and his wife are expecting their first child and the pregnancy is a risky one. It's not fair that Morton Industries can just come in and reap the benefits of his hard work.”

Sterling witnessed her outburst. The anger she was feeling was openly expressed in her features.

“It's not fair,” she said. “It's just not fair, and I won't let them do it.”

“And just how do you plan to stop them?”

Colby slumped back down in her seat knowing she didn't have a clue. “I don't know, but I'm going to call James immediately. He'll think of something.”

“It's too late. The wheels are already in motion. There's nothing he can do.”

Colby frowned. “How can you say that? It's his company.”

“Not for long. Anytime a company goes public with stock options something like this can happen. Especially if the company is doing well financially. And according to this,” Sterling said, spreading out a financial report on the table in front of them, “Wingate Cosmetics is doing rather well. Your brother should be proud of what he's accomplished.”

Colby appreciated his compliment of her brother's hard work. “It wasn't easy for him. He works hard and long hours,” she said softly, thinking back to how his marriage had nearly suffered because of it.

Then she looked at Sterling for a long, taut moment before speaking again. “I would like to know how you got this?” she asked, indicating the financial statement spread out on the table.

“The financial position of any company is a matter of public record.”

“Are you saying James should have anticipated this takeover attempt by Morton Industries?”

“No,” he said calmly. “It appears Morton Industries' planned acquisition of Wingate Cosmetics was a calculated move on their part. I believe their reasons for wanting it are both business and personal. Your brother didn't leave on the best of terms. He was their top chemist and had created quite a number of successful products for them. Homer Morton took it as an act of betrayal when he left to form his own company.”

Colby lifted a brow as she sat curled up in the chair. “And just how do you know all of that?”

A tiny corner of his mouth lifted in a smile. “I have ways of finding out anything I want to know.”

She stood and began pacing the room. After a while, she turned toward Sterling. “And you're absolutely sure about all of this?”

Sterling eased out of his seat and came to stand before her. “It's all there in the report. I suggest you read it for yourself. So far, Morton Industries has acquired the minimum amount of outstanding stock they need before filing with the SEC. Since it appears they'll be doing a filing relatively soon, I can only assume their plan is to start going after a vast quantity of shares of Wingate's stock available on the open market. All Morton needs is enough stock to give them control of your brother's company.”

Colby turned and walked to the window. She stood there stunned for several minutes and felt moisture gathering in her eyes. This couldn't be happening, she thought. She closed her eyes briefly, hoping that when she reopened them, the events of today would have been a dream. She wanted to open her eyes and find herself back in Virginia, in her classroom taking care of her rowdy third-grade bunch. But when she reopened her eyes, that was not the case.

Sterling sat down and watched Colby. He knew she was upset. The anger and hurt had been obvious in her expression before she had walked over to the window. And he was perceptive enough to know she was crying. For some reason that bothered him, and he was surprised by the protective feelings she'd awakened in him. They were feelings he wasn't used to. He wanted to go to her and comfort her.

In one swift movement he stood and walked over to where she was standing. Turning her to face him, he gathered her into his arms, enfolding her in the firmness of his form to absorb her trembling body.

“Your brother means a lot to you, doesn't he?” he asked her softly.

She nodded, then tearfully told him why James meant so much to her and the sacrifices he had made throughout his life for her.

“Shhh, Colby,” Sterling whispered in her ear. “Maybe there is a way you can help your brother.”

Colby's body was stiff and unyielding for a moment, before she drew in a deep, unsteady breath. She raised tear-stained eyes to him. “How?” she asked brokenly.

“Come sit down with me and we'll talk about it.”

Colby allowed him to lead her to the sofa and sit her down close to him.

“If you'll agree to have my baby, I'll provide your brother with whatever financial backing he needs to keep his company. And I'll do whatever endorsements are needed to ensure the success of his newest creation.”

Colby stiffened and pulled herself out of the comfort of his arms. She glanced up at him. “You just don't get it, do you? There's no way I could carry a baby inside of me for nine months and then turn it over to you, relinquishing my ties to it. I'm an elementary school teacher, Sterling. That means I love kids. I couldn't just give away my child.”

Sterling's features hardened. “Not even to help your brother?”

Colby swallowed. “James wouldn't want me to give away my child to help him.”

“No, I'm sure he wouldn't,” Sterling said. His voice was like a soft caress as he continued. “A few minutes ago, you mentioned all the sacrifices he's made over the years for you, Colby. What real sacrifices have you made for him?”

Colby rose from the sofa to face him, her expression pleading for understanding. “But you're asking me to give up a baby, something that will be a part of me, my own flesh and blood.”

Sterling stood. “Yes. That's exactly what I'm asking you.”

“But a baby needs its mother.”

His jaw hardened. “You can't convince me of that. I didn't need mine.”

Colby lifted a brow. From his remark she could only assume his mother was not around while he was growing up, and for whatever reason, it had left him bitter. “You may not have had a mother around, Sterling, but you can't convince me you didn't need one.”

She watched him move to the window and gaze out. After a few brief minutes he slowly turned back to her, giving her a long, hard look. “It's important you understand that if you decide to go along with me on this, once I get custody of my child, you'll never be a part of its life again. I will be its only parent.”

“But you constantly travel all over the world. You'll never get an award for being a stay-at-home family man. What kind of life can you offer a child? When will you have the time to spend with it?”

“My child will be the most important thing in my life, and it's the quality of time and not the quantity of time that makes a difference. I will be both father and mother to my child.”

Colby swallowed. What could she say? He was convinced a mother's love wasn't necessary. “What if the woman decides after the baby is born that she wants to keep it?”

“I'll have the contract to back me up,” Sterling answered. “I've taken extra precautions to make sure it's not contestable.”

Colby then asked the question that had nagged her since leaving Edward Stewart's office. Sterling Hamilton was known to be a man whose name was constantly linked to some of the most beautiful women in the world. He was the man both People and Entertainment magazines referred to as one of the country's most eligible bachelors, as well as an extraordinarily gifted actor. The media thoroughly enjoyed keeping the public informed of his bad-boy lifestyle. It was often rumored nothing in a skirt was safe from him, especially if that skirt-wearing female caught his eye. From everything she'd read about him, he preferred a certain type of woman—tall women with long legs and pencil-thin bodies. She had none of those faculties.

“Why me, Sterling? Why was I the one chosen?”

He stared at her a few minutes before speaking. “I found the information on you very interesting. Foremost were the facts that according to the medical information I obtained, I don't have to worry about you giving me anything other than a baby, and you don't have any gynecological problems, so there shouldn't be any difficulty with you getting pregnant.”

“And what about you?” Colby snapped, angry that he had invaded her privacy by obtaining information about her. “Maybe you should be concerned about just what you might give me. You're the one with the widely acclaimed global sex life. And what if there's a problem with you?” Colby asked, lifting her chin belligerently. “What makes you so sure you can get someone pregnant?”

An amused look glinted in Sterling's eyes. “The tabloids like to sell those sleazy papers, and the media likes to keep America's ears buzzing. You're too intelligent for me to stand here and deny every intimate detail you've heard about me, so I won't. But I will say most of what you've read is not true. Although I do date a number of women, I don't believe in taking unnecessary risks. I love life too much not to be selective and cautious. It's plain suicidal these days not to. And at the risk of sounding boastful, getting you pregnant won't be a problem. However, to address your concerns, according to a recent physical I had, my sperm count was more than adequate to accomplish what I need to do.”

Colby blushed furiously. Then she asked her next question. “What about you and Diamond Swain? At one time the two of you acted like you were joined at the hip. Why can't she give birth to your child?”

He was silent for so long that for a while Colby didn't think he would answer her question. When he finally did, his tone was serious, and the look in his eyes held no signs of humor. “Diamond Swain is very special to me but not in the way the media has claimed. She and I are very good friends and that's all you need to know.”

“That's not all I need to know. If you plan on sleeping with the both of us then—”

“I wouldn't do that, and I refuse to discuss Diamond any further.”

Colby's anger increased. She wondered just what his relationship was with the woman who was the leading lady in most of his movies. According to Cynthia, at one time rumors had circulated that the two of them were even married.

She looked at him and his gaze held hers. His expression was unreadable. She knew he was waiting for her to make some kind of flippant comment about what he'd just said. But she had no intention of making his day. Her eyes narrowed at him but she said nothing.

“What's the matter, Colby? Suddenly at a loss for words?”

When she didn't reply, he shrugged indifferently. “Now where were we? Ah, yes, I was explaining how you were chosen. Another thing that impressed me about you was that you're an extraordinarily bright young woman. You graduated from high school at the age of sixteen.”

“There was nothing bright about that,” she said quietly. “James was taking classes at night at the college and didn't want to leave me home alone so he took me with him. I discovered I could get credit for a lot of my required high school classes if I took similar classes at the continuing education center located on campus, so I did. In the end, I had taken enough hours to waive my senior year of high school. I was able to graduate a year early.”

Sterling nodded as he listened carefully to her explanation. “You also completed four years of college in three years and still managed to graduate valedictorian of your class. You also got your master's degree in half the usual time.”

Colby shrugged. “So what of it? I merely took classes year round and studied hard.”

Sterling again nodded. Unlike a lot of women he knew, she wasn't one who liked to toot her own horn. “Lastly, according to my information, you're not seriously involved with anyone and haven't been for some time. All those things are important to me.”

His gaze suddenly became serious. “If you decide to go along with what I proposed to do, no one is to know of our agreement. The only person who'll know our marriage isn't one made in heaven is Edward. You're to tell no one, not even your brother. We'll do everything within our power to convince everyone we're in love. Because of who I am, our relationship will become news. The media is always fishing for a story. It's very important that we put on a good show.”

“Why? From what I've read, you've never cared one way or the other what the media has thought. Why are you doing so now? Besides, even if I went along with what you're suggesting, James would never believe it. He knows me too well and knows I'm not serious about anyone—especially not serious enough to rush into marriage.”

“The reason I'll be courting the media is because I don't want my child growing up with the circumstances surrounding his birth an issue. Neither do I want there to be any speculation about why you and I got married. As far as your brother is concerned, it'll be up to you to convince him our marriage is a match made in heaven,” Sterling said calmly.

Colby got out of her seat and began pacing again. Moments later she turned to Sterling. “I can't do it.”

He came from the window to stand before her. “Yes, you can. You love your brother too much to let him lose everything he's worked hard for. You will make the ultimate sacrifice to help him.”

“James would turn the company over to Morton Industries on a silver platter before he'd let me do what you're suggesting.”

“Are you willing to let him do that? I really don't think you are.”

Colby's head began spinning. Things were moving too fast. “I need time to think.”

Sterling shrugged. “I wish I could tell you to take all the time you need, but I can't. I want your decision as soon as possible, preferably in the morning over breakfast. If you decide to go along with this, you should make plans to stay in California a few more days so Edward can modify the contract.”

He pointed to the papers he had left on the sofa. “I'm leaving those for you to take a look at. Maybe then you'll understand the seriousness of the possibility of your brother losing his company.”

He eyed Colby closely, seeing her look of anger and frustration. “Giving up your child won't be the end of the world. No doubt you'll remarry one day and have other children.”

Colby didn't make a reply to his statement. What was the need? He actually believed what he was saying. How could anyone think one child could possibly replace another?

She took a deep breath. “I'll give you my decision in the morning. How can I reach you?”

“Didn't you know?” he asked as his mouth curved in a lazy grin. “I'm in the adjoining suite.” He walked over to the connecting door. “Although I have a home in Malibu, I prefer staying at this hotel whenever I'm in town and have important business to take care of.”

His smile widened. “And you are important business. I'll see in the morning, Colby.”

She watched as the door closed behind him. Then she walked to the door and locked it. Feeling monumentally drained, Colby went over to the sofa, curled up in the corner and began reading the documents Sterling had left. A few hours later, she was still curled on the sofa. The impact of everything was seeping through her mind and her heart.

Then she went into the bedroom and began getting ready for bed. She drifted off to sleep still uncertain as to what she would do.

Chapter 4

Colby dragged herself out of bed the next morning after having endured a sleepless night. The report Sterling had left clearly indicated Morton Industries was strategically planning a hostile takeover attempt of Wingate Cosmetics. And with Cynthia's at-risk pregnancy, a potential loss of the company was the last thing that her brother needed to deal with.

She felt the need for a hot shower to relax her. After checking to make sure the lock on the connecting door was still securely in place, she went into the bathroom.

During her shower she decided to go downstairs to the dining room for something to eat. Sterling had indicated he wanted the two of them to get together for breakfast, but he was the last person she wanted to see. Hopefully, he was still in his room sleeping.

Moving quickly, she got dressed in record time. Grabbing her purse, she was about to leave the room when there was a knock at her door.

“Please don't let it be him,” she said under her breath. She slowly walked to the door. “Yes?”

“Ms. Wingate, it's Edward Stewart.”

A quick glance through the peephole confirmed Mr. Stewart's identity. She was relieved it wasn't Sterling, but curious as to why his attorney would be paying her a visit before eight in the morning. She opened the door with a quizzical expression on her face.

“Mr. Stewart, this is a surprise. I hadn't expected to—”

“Ever see me again,” he interrupted. He managed a smile as he looked at her. “I can understand your surprise but it's no greater than my own.”

Colby raised a brow, but before she could respond, Edward Stewart continued. “Sterling had an unexpected appointment this morning. He called and asked me to be your escort to breakfast.”

Colby couldn't help but grin at something so absurd. “My escort?”

Edward Stewart nodded and grinned back. “Yes, and it appears I'm just in time. You were about to leave.”

She shook her head. “I don't need an escort, and I don't know why Mr. Hamilton would think I would.”

“Neither do I, but let's just humor him, shall we?”

Colby frowned. “I'm in no mood to humor Sterling Hamilton. The man is despicable.”

Edward Stewart's laugher was not what Colby had expected. She allowed time for his amusement to subside before asking, “Did I say something funny?”

A rueful smile touched his lips. “I apologize for my outburst, Ms. Wingate, but you're so unlike the women who're usually around Sterling. I find your candidness refreshing. I don't know too many women who think Sterling Hamilton is despicable. Most of them think he's the best thing since the banana split.”

Colby raised her eyes toward the ceiling. She knew that, unfortunately, Cynthia was one of those women. “Then that explains why Sterling and I can't get along.”

At Edward Stewart's confused expression she added, “I'm allergic to bananas.”

Colby shook her head when the man burst out laughing again. To her way of thinking, it didn't take much to amuse him.

“My dear, you must join me for breakfast. If you don't do it to humor Sterling then do it to humor me. I'd love your company.”

Colby hesitated for a second then said, “In that case, it will be my pleasure.”

Moments later they entered the hotel's elegant dining room and were given a table near a window with a scenic view of Sunset Boulevard. After Colby accepted the menu from the waiter, she looked out the window and was amazed at the number of Mercedeses and Jaguars that went by.

“Coffee, Ms. Wingate?” Edward Stewart asked.

Colby turned to him. “Yes.”

After the waiter poured their coffee and left to give them time to look over the menu, Edward Stewart shook his head, chuckling. “After you left my office yesterday, it took me a good twenty minutes to calm Sterling down.”

“He was that mad, huh?” she asked, smiling, getting a little satisfaction in knowing she'd been the cause of Sterling Hamilton's anger.

“No, he wasn't mad. He just couldn't contain himself for laughing so hard,” Edward replied, chuckling as he informed her.

“Laughing?” Colby looked up sharply from pouring cream into her coffee. It had not been her intention to be funny yesterday. “And just what did he find so amusing?”

“The fact that you walked out on him,” Edward answered. “No woman has ever done that before.”

Colby rolled her eyes. “Then it's about time someone did. He has a lot of nerve in what he wants me to do.”

“He's determined to go through with it.”

Colby shook her head. “I know, and that's the sad part.”

The look Edward Stewart gave Colby hinted that he agreed with her. And for some reason she got the feeling he was trying hard not to expose his own thoughts on the matter. “Sterling has his reasons for taking the approach he's taking,” he finally said.

Colby snorted. “I can believe that. The man is a cold, calculating, arrogant, egotistical, conceited person who will stop at nothing to get what he wants. Any decent man wouldn't use what's happening to my brother's company as a bargaining tool to force me into doing something I'm totally against.”

Edward Stewart slowly expelled his breath, frowning thoughtfully. “I know Sterling didn't make a good impression on you, but believe it or not, he's none of the things you just described him to be. In all actuality, Sterling is the most decent man I know.”

“Then you must not know too many people.”

Edward Stewart chuckled. “On the contrary, I know a great number of people and like I said, Sterling's the most decent person I know. He's a warmhearted individual and a loving man who would make a wonderful father. His own father, Chandler Hamilton, was that kind of man.” He smiled. “The media was in awe over the relationship between Tiger Woods and his father, but even their close relationship can't hold a light to the one Sterling and Chandler had.”


“Yes. Chandler passed away unexpectedly last year. He died in his sleep from a heart attack.”

“Did you know him personally?”

“Oh, yes. My friendship with him went all the way back to when the two of us were kids growing up in a small lumberjack town in the mountains of North Carolina.”

Colby hesitated a moment before asking, “Did you know Sterling's mother as well?”

Edward Stewart set down his coffee cup. A long, weary sigh escaped him. “Yes.”

Colby decided to press for answers to questions that bothered her. She was sure Mr. Stewart wouldn't hesitate to let her know when she was inquiring about something that wasn't her business. “I understand she wasn't around while he was growing up.”

Edward Stewart lifted a brow. “Sterling told you that?”

“No, but it wouldn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out. I get this feeling that as far as he's concerned, the whole idea of motherhood sucks.”

Again Colby got the distinct impression Edward Stewart was desperately struggling not to say something. At that moment, the waiter came to take their order. After he left, she decided to pick up where they'd left off. There were things she needed to know about Sterling's childhood; things she needed to understand.

“Mr. Stewart?”


“I know as Sterling's attorney you're very loyal to him, and I can appreciate that. But I want you to try and understand my predicament. I have some important decisions to make. They are decisions that will not only affect my life and Sterling's, but decisions that could very well affect the life of a child.”

She breathed in slowly in an attempt to steady her voice, which had gotten rather shaky. “Sterling expects me to give him my decision today. Even now, I'm still totally against what he wants me to do. But I'm also torn by the thought that my brother might lose his company without Sterling's help. But when you think about it, me being the one chosen for what Sterling wants to do doesn't make any sense.”

After taking a sip of coffee, she continued. “Sterling claims he did a thorough investigation on me. In that case, I would have been the last person he would have chosen. I love kids. I was named Teacher of the Year in my hometown last year, and I'm on various committees that benefit children. Someone who loves kids as much as I do wouldn't easily give one up. He should have sought out a woman who doesn't like kids or who's indifferent to them.”

She took another quick sip of her coffee. “If a builder wanted to tear down an old building, he wouldn't employ the services of a person who's a member of the historical preservation society to do it, would he?”

Edward Stewart looked long and hard at Colby before finally answering. “No, he wouldn't.”

He sat back in his chair. To his way of thinking, she was absolutely right. He had wondered about that very same thing himself. He'd seen the intense look on Sterling's face while he had first viewed the videotape on Colby that had been part of the investigator's completed report. The one scene that had captured Sterling's attention more so than any of the others had been the one showing Colby's interactions with her class on the playground. The smile that had been on her face indicated she was enjoying the children's little games as much as they were. From playing hopscotch with the little girls to kick-ball with the little boys, it was apparent she was having a great time.

Inwardly, Edward believed Sterling wasn't just seeking a woman to bear his child, he was subconsciously looking for a woman who was the epitome of a perfect mother. Something his own mother was not.

He heaved a sigh. Sometimes attorneys had gut feelings about things. And he felt this was one of those times. Colby Wingate had summed it up perfectly. Her being chosen didn't make sense. It was a very irrational act on Sterling's part. And he'd never known Sterling to act irrationally. Which meant he'd been so taken with Ms. Wingate that he'd thrown sensibility right out the window.

Edward Stewart's gaze suddenly grew luminous with admiration as he watched Colby begin eating. He had a strong feeling she could very well be the one person to erase the terrible pain and hurt Sterling had suffered over the years because of his mother. It had been so easy for Angeline to just walk away and leave her husband and six-week-old baby in search of a life that was better than the one Chandler could afford to give her. Not only had she not looked back, but she had wanted them completely erased from her past forever. But what she hadn't counted on was five-year-old Sterling recognizing her from a photo Chandler had kept sitting on the dresser in his bedroom. She'd been on television with her new husband, Alan Chenault, a highly respected, wealthy businessman from Florida. The couple, to the television viewers, had been extremely happy because they'd just had a baby boy. “My very first child,” Angeline had smilingly told the reporter.

It was apparent her husband did not know about her first husband and the child she'd left behind, and she was determined to keep it that way. But the icing wasn't put on the cake until the following year when Sterling had come face-to-face with her for the very first time. He had gone to Charlotte, North Carolina, with a youth group, not knowing that his mother, her husband and their one-year-old child were there. He had recognized her immediately in the lobby of a hotel, and with the innocence of a child, he had walked up to her and asked when she was coming back to him and his daddy.

Unfortunately, Edward thought, he had been one of the group leaders and hadn't realized what was happening until it was too late. He didn't know such coldhearted selfishness could exist in any person. In front of all of Sterling's friends, his mother had denied even knowing him, and had gone so far as to summon hotel security claiming Sterling was harassing her and her family.

That night Sterling had cried himself to sleep. But upon waking the next morning his small face had been expressionless, and in a solemn little voice he'd said, “Mr. Edward, I'm okay now. Some kids don't need mothers anyway. It's just gonna be me and my dad, just like always. All I need is my dad. And I want to go home now.” That day Chandler had made a special trip into Charlotte to get his son to take him home.

“Mr. Stewart?”

Colby's voice invaded his memories of the past. “Yes?”

“You aren't eating.”

He smiled. “I got lost in my thoughts for a moment, dear.”

During the next half hour, they talked about a number of things, but Colby couldn't help noticing how Edward Stewart stayed clear of any conversations regarding Sterling. He suggested places for her to see while she was in town and provided her with the names of a number of good restaurants.

“I really enjoyed having breakfast with you,” Edward finally said, when breakfast was over and they stood to leave the dining room. With a smile he took her elbow and started to guide her toward the elevator.

“Going back to what you said earlier, about certain decisions you have to make, I strongly suggest you think Sterling's proposal over very carefully before making any decisions. Once you sign that contract, there's no turning back. And trust me, it's airtight. Sterling made sure of it. He doesn't want to encounter any problems later on.”

Colby nodded, knowing she wasn't going to get much more out of Edward Stewart than that little bit of advice. After all, his loyalty was to Sterling. When they arrived back on the tenth floor, he paused outside her hotel room door. A wry smile touched his lips.

“I happen to think, Ms. Wingate, that you could possibly be the best thing to happen to Sterling in a long time.”

Colby was taken back. “What! How can you even think such a thing?” she protested.

Mr. Stewart held up a hand to silence her. “Just listen to what I have to say for a moment.”

Colby conceded and he continued. “Have you ever heard the story of Samson and Delilah?”

“Of course.”

“Then I suggest you think about it. Samson was bigger than life but all it took was a woman like Delilah who eventually had him eating out of her hands.”

Colby frowned. “I don't want Sterling Hamilton eating out of my hands. I don't want to have anything to do with him, period.”

“But to save your brother's company, you'll have to have something to do with him,” he replied simply. “Goodbye, Ms. Wingate. If I don't get the chance to see you again before you leave California, I hope you have a safe trip back to Virginia.” He turned and headed back toward the elevator.

An hour later, Colby found herself pacing the confines of her hotel room after reading the report once again. She'd hoped she had misread the document last night, but, unfortunately, that hadn't been the case.

Time was running out. Sterling would probably be returning to his room any time now and would seek her out for a decision…a decision she still had not made.

She paused long enough to take in a deep frustrated breath as she tried weighing her options. She had considered telephoning the president of Morton Industries to plead with him to leave Wingate Cosmetics alone, but deep down she knew Sterling was right when he'd said it wasn't all about money. The man also wanted to get even.

She began pacing the floor again.

Surely there was something someone could do. She refused to believe the situation was as hopeless as Sterling claimed. Wingate Cosmetics' board of directors consisted of a number of highly intelligent men. Surely one of them could come up with a solution. And the only way to find out was to come clean and tell James everything. Only then could he come up with a plan to save his company without Sterling's help, which was contingent on her agreeing to his proposal.

She picked up the phone and began dialing. There was a three-hour time difference between California and Virginia. So James would be at the office. Efficient as ever, his secretary, Shirley Timmons, picked up the phone on the second ring.

“Wingate Cosmetics, may I help you?”

“Hi, Shirley, it's Colby. Is James in?”

“No, Colby, he didn't come into the office today.”

“What! Is something wrong?” she asked, frowning. She'd never known her brother to miss a day from work.

“Not that I know of. He called this morning and asked me to clear his calendar and reschedule all of today's appointments. You may be able to reach him at home.”

“Thanks, I'll do that.”

After ending her conversation with Shirley, Colby quickly dialed the telephone number to her brother's home.


“James, are you all right? Is anything wrong with Cynthia?”

She heard his soft chuckle. “No, honey, everything's fine.”

Inwardly, Colby sighed. “Then why aren't you at work?”

“I decided to take the day off,” he said. “The company can do without me for at least one day. Cynthia had a doctor's appointment and I wanted to be there.”

Colby nodded. She was glad he'd finally put Cynthia before Wingate Cosmetics.

“I'm glad.”

“So am I. All of my hard work has paid off and the company is doing super these days. I'm at a point where I can finally relax and devote more time to Cynthia. She deserves that and more. I don't know how I could have made it the last couple of years without her.”

Colby agreed. Cynthia loved James very much, and during the past few years she had been a patient and understanding wife while James devoted most of his time to making the company a success. “How's she doing?”

“The doctor said everything's looking okay, but she's not out of danger yet. The first four months are the most crucial, so she's at a delicate point right now.”

Colby heard a tinge of worry in her brother's voice. “I'm sure things will be fine,” she rushed in to assure him. She knew just how much having this baby meant to both James and Cynthia. It was Cynthia's third pregnancy, and the other two times had ended with her losing the baby by the fourth month.

“All we can do is to continue to pray and hope for the best. I believe things will work out for us this time,” he said.

“I believe that, too.”

“How's California?”


“And how's that friend you went to see?”

His question reminded Colby of the reason she was here and the little lie she'd told him and Cynthia as to the reason she was coming to California.

“Just great.” She took a deep breath. “Look, James, I have to go now, someone is waiting for me. Give Cynthia my love and tell her I'll call her back later today. Enjoy your day off work.”

“All right, hon. You take care. Love ya.”

“Love ya, too.”

Colby hung up the phone knowing there was no way she could share any bad news about the company with James now. He had his hands full worrying about Cynthia. She also knew what her decision would be and her heart sank.

Going into the bathroom, she undressed and put on her robe. She felt a slight headache coming on and decided to lie down for a while. Walking across the room, she dropped down on the bed and felt an unwilling trembling of her lips. She flopped down on her back when she felt tears clouding her eyes. Grabbing a pillow, she wrapped her arms around it and held it tight against her chest. She didn't want to cry but felt herself doing just that. In order to save Wingate Cosmetics she would have to go along with Sterling Hamilton's proposal. Clutching the pillow even tighter, she couldn't stop the tears from falling or stop her heart from aching. And having control over neither, she finally fell asleep.

He had a problem.

And the seriousness of that problem was uppermost in Sterling's mind as he stepped off the elevator and headed toward his hotel room. He could barely remember the details of his early-morning meeting with the producer of his next movie. Far too often, he'd found himself preoccupied with thoughts of Colby Wingate.

And that realization annoyed him immensely.

It had been far too easy for his mind to remember the things about her that had first caught his attention when he'd viewed the video he'd received with the investigator's report. It had not been the tendrils of brownish-black hair that covered her head, nor had it been her pretty oval-shaped face. Neither had it been her lovely, full enticing mouth, nor the sight of her rounded bottom in a tailored pantsuit.

What had caused him to study the video over and over again had been her compelling ebony eyes. He'd seen those same dark eyes, the ones that had glared him down yesterday, soften with love, care and kindness while she'd held a crying child in her arms. He'd seen those same eyes light up with joy when one of her small students had handed her a wildflower he'd picked out of the school yard. That scene had touched him, and had stirred him in such a way that left him mesmerized, entranced.

But even as his mind had decided she would be the one, a part of him had rebelled immediately against the idea. It had been the part of him that didn't like the attraction he had begun feeling for a total stranger. It was also the part of him that had decided a long time ago to never succumb to the allure of a woman like his father had. Chandler Hamilton had gone to his grave still very much in love with the woman who had turned her back on him and their son.

Sterling's deep inner self had fought long and hard against the idea of bringing Colby Wingate into his life. But in the end, his mind had won.

As he entered his room, he thought of all the reasons the situation between them wouldn't work. First and foremost was the fact that she was totally against what he planned to do. Yesterday, she had told him in no uncertain terms just what she'd thought of his proposal.

He couldn't help but remember their meeting in Edward's office. She had reminded him of an eager child, so full of vibrancy and excitement, it had nearly taken his breath away. At least she'd been that way until she had discovered the reason she'd been summoned to California. When he had disclosed to her the real reason, her entire attitude had changed.

He'd seen the switch in the intensity of her expression. The sparkle in her dark eyes had disappeared immediately, and the look on her face had told him, before she'd said anything, that she wanted no part of what he considered a perfect proposition.

Deciding to find a woman who would agree to have his child had not been a fly-by-night decision, nor had it been done on a whim. He had given a lot of thought to what he was about to do. He had reached a point in his life where he wanted to take on the responsibility of another person. More than anything, he was looking forward to raising a child—his child. He wanted to watch his child grow and be nurtured by his love, just like he'd been loved as a child. The desire to embark upon fatherhood had pulled at him for some time, and now he felt the time was right. And he would accomplish his goal with or without Colby Wingate.

But for some reason, he wanted it to be with her.

Sterling shook his head, suddenly feeling totally disgusted with himself for his lack of control and his uncharacteristic feeling of vulnerability. His mood darkened at the thought. He clenched his jaw. It wasn't like him to let any woman consume his every thought or get under his skin like Colby was doing. There was no excuse for it. He had seen firsthand what such a thing could do to a man. His past was littered with memories of the actions of a heartless and selfish woman. The only thing that would ever exist between him and Colby Wingate was a business deal, if she chose to go along with it. The arrangement, as far as he was concerned, was to be simple. For a set amount of money and his agreement to help her brother's company, she would give him a child and then disappear from their lives. That was the way he wanted it and that was the way he would get it.

For a little while, he had allowed himself to be taken in by a pair of beautiful dark eyes that were more overpowering than anything he knew.

But not anymore. Not ever again.

Chapter 5

Colby wasn't sure exactly what she expected when she stretched her body, opened her eyes and became fully awake from her nap. But it definitely wasn't the rugged and virile sight of Sterling Hamilton sitting in a chair next to her bed like it was the most natural place for him to be.

She had to grudgingly admit he was the best-looking man she had ever seen. He was far more handsome than any man had a right to be.

Dressed in designer jeans and a pullover shirt that fully outlined a pair of masculine shoulders, his long legs were stretched out in front of him and crossed at the ankles. He held her eyes just long enough to make her squirm before directing his gaze to the locked connecting door. “You locked me out.”

Colby ran her hands over her still sleepy eyes. Had he actually thought she wouldn't lock him out? She wondered if women locking their doors against him was another first. Apparently so if his expression was any indication.

“Obviously it didn't do any good, since you're in my room,” she informed him, sitting up. She pulled her short, skimpy robe together, not liking it one bit that he was in her room. And she had no idea how long he'd been there. “How did you get in here?”

Sterling slowly scanned her appearance. Even just waking up from a nap with tousled hair and very little makeup, she was still a breathtaking sight. Her dark eyes were compelling as ever, and her scent—it was so arousing, so seductive, so…

He clenched his jaw, not liking the way his thoughts were going. He forced his attention away from her and toward the main door. “I used that door. I have keys to both rooms.”

His reply gave Colby pause and she realized this man was used to doing whatever he pleased. “What are you doing in here, Sterling? You have no right to be here.”

He gave her a long, hard look. “I distinctly remember having this same conversation with you yesterday. I thought I clearly explained my rights to you.”

“Don't you believe in knocking?” she asked as her eyes coolly met his.

“No. It's a bad habit of mine.”

“One you definitely need to work on.”

“Only if you insist,” he replied politely.

“I do.”

“All right.”

Colby raised a brow at the quickness of his response. She had not thought he would agree with her. “Why?”

“Why what?”

“Why are you being so agreeable?”

“I can be a number of things when given the chance.”

Colby ignored the implications in his soft, hoarse voice. “Well, how about being a good guy and leaving me alone to get dressed.”

A smile tugged at the corners of Sterling's mouth. He pulled himself out of the chair to stand. “Go ahead and get dressed. Don't let me stop you.”

She glared at him. “But you are stopping me. I have no intention of getting dressed while you're in here.”

“In that case, I'll leave since we have some urgent business to discuss. The sooner we can get it out of the way, the better. Join me for lunch in my suite in half an hour.”

Before Colby could give him the third degree for ordering her around, she heard the bedroom door close.

Colby downed the last of her iced tea under Sterling's penetrating stare. Although she didn't want to admit it, she thought that even his slashing black eyebrows couldn't downplay his dark beautiful eyes. And his beard made him appear even more handsome. “Thanks for lunch. It was delicious. I didn't think I'd be able to eat all of it since I had such a big breakfast,” she said quickly, struggling to control the sudden attraction she'd felt for him.

“Did you enjoy having breakfast with Edward?”

“Yes. He seems to be a nice guy.”

“He is. I've known him all of my life. He was a very good friend of my father's.”

“Yes, he mentioned that,” Colby replied. After Sterling poured some more tea into her glass, she asked, “Why did you send him here?”


“Mr. Stewart.”

Sterling simply shrugged before replying. “You needed an escort.”

Colby chuckled, “I didn't need an escort.”

“I believed otherwise.”

She sighed. She was in no mood to argue with him. “Suit yourself.”

He smiled. “I did.”

Colby became angry with herself when she felt momentarily mesmerized by his smile, feeling an instant attraction again. “Thanks again for lunch. Now if you'll excuse me, I—”

“What's your decision, Colby?”

She gave him a hostile glare. “Do we have to discuss this now?”

“Yes. Your decision is very important to me.”

Colby inwardly fumed. How dare he make it sound like the decision was hers to make. He had her backed against a wall and he very well knew it.

“Before I give you my answer, there're some questions I'd like answered.”

Black brows lifted. “Such as?”

“I want to know exactly just how you plan to stop Morton Industries.”

Sterling sat back, relaxed. “It will be simple enough. During the next couple of weeks, Morton Industries will be so busy trying to take control of Wingate Cosmetics, they'll be overlooking something important.”

Colby arched a brow. “What?”

“A certain company, one that I happen to own, Hamilton Enterprises, will be doing a corporate takeover of them. In other words I'll give them a dose of their own medicine.”

Sterling met her gaze directly as he continued. “At this very moment plans are being developed to put the squeeze on Morton Industries. They'll either have to back off or they'll find the tables turned on them. All the Wingate Cosmetics stock they were able to obtain will be purchased by me and I'll sign them over to you, as well as controlling stock in Morton Industries, to ensure they stay in line. Everything is on hold, Colby,” he said quietly, “just waiting for me to give the word to put a stop to the hostile takeover of Wingate Cosmetics. And if things go as planned, your brother won't even know there was ever such an attempt.”

“What about the endorsements?”

“It will be stipulated in the contract that I'll be at Wingate Cosmetics' disposal for whatever advertising they deem necessary to get Awesome off the ground.”

Colby nodded.

Sterling regarded her over his cup of coffee and asked. “Any more questions?”

She nervously ran her fingers through her hair. Shyness and embarrassment now plagued her over asking the next question. But it was something she desperately needed to know. “If I decide to go along with your proposal, how am I going to get pregnant?”

His eyes were contemplative when he answered. “What do you want me to do? Draw you a diagram or something?”

His unwavering gaze made her even more uncomfortable with this topic of conversation, and his flippant response didn't help matters. She glared at him. “For your information, Sterling, there are a number of ways for a child to be conceived instead of just the usual way.”

He eyed her for a moment, then bestowed upon her a very sexy smile. “By the usual way I take it you mean conceiving during the heat of passion.”

His steady gaze that held a spark of smoldering fire, and the smile that overtook his features made Colby's insides tremor. “Yes, I suppose,” she replied. She held his gaze for a moment as she tried to decide what about him attracted her the most, his seductive eyes or his heartstopping smile.

“In that case, I like the usual way,” he said.

“What about artificial insemination?”

He laughed and shook his head. “I don't consider that an option.”

She looked at him in surprise. “Why not?”

“I've heard too many horror stories about the mistakes being made at those sort of labs. I don't want to take the chance of a possible mix-up or something. I want my child conceived the usual way, during the heat of passion. Ours.”

Colby took a moment to collect her thoughts after sensuous images of naked bodies and silken sheets flashed across her mind. “Once,” she said in a somewhat quivering voice.

Sterling lifted a brow. “Once?”

“Yes, once. Intercourse at the time of ovulation,” she said, nervously twisting her fingers together. She was not at all enjoying this topic of conversation but felt these things needed to be discussed between them up front.

“There's a method where a woman can determine the best time of the month to conceive, due to her body's temperature,” she continued. “Therefore, intercourse is only required once for her to conceive. I understand the method is rather simple and easy and—”

“Forget it. I don't plan on getting scientific with this. I'll have some time between filming, which I'll spend on my honeymoon. I won't take a chance on doing it just once. I have more to do with my time than waiting for the day your body reaches its hottest peak.”

She glared at him. “So in other words, you'll be using my body whenever you feel like it, just for the heck of it.”

His eyes held a faint glint of humor when he spoke.

“It won't be just for the heck of it. It will be for the sole purpose of conceiving my child. And I won't be exactly using your body, Colby.” His gaze became full of promises. “You'll enjoy it as much as I will. I'll make sure of it.”

He exhaled a deep breath and continued. “In the end, we'll both have what we want. I'll have my child and you'll save your brother's company. I see it as a very satisfying conclusion for the both of us. Now, unless you have any further questions, I'd like to know your decision.”

Colby said nothing for a long moment. This is it, she thought, dazed. My actions will change my life forever. And as he pointed out, the terms of the contract would give her the means to save her brother's company, but she still had other concerns. They were concerns for the child she would agree to give to him. She wanted to make a counterproposal and it was one she had a feeling wouldn't go over well with him. But still she knew she had to at least try.

“I need to discuss something else with you first. It's an idea I've had about all of this.”

Sterling studied Colby. “What sort of idea?”

“I know you want to raise this child alone but…”

“But what?”

Colby took a moment to collect her words. “But I think it would be better for the child if I were there, too. I don't think I should leave until the child is much older.”

An uncomfortable silence settled over Sterling's suite. He had wondered where all this was leading. Now he knew. But he had no intention of going along with what she was suggesting. However, merely out of curiosity, he asked, “And just how much older are we talking about?”

Colby shrugged under his direct gaze. “Twenty-one.”

“Twenty-one! That's ridiculous. Why on earth would I want to keep you around for twenty-one years?”

In all actuality, Sterling thought, he could think of a number of reasons, but she would be the last to know of them. He was attracted to her. That in itself was a fact he couldn't, or wouldn't, deny. However, he would not let emotions enter into his relationship with her. The contract between them would rule their lives during the short time they would be together. He was determined not to let his emotions come into play.

His outburst, he now noticed, had been followed by dead silence. He looked into Colby's face and saw her hurt expression. Especially in her eyes—those same dark eyes he found so compelling. It bothered him that he had put that look there, but he knew it was for the best. She would not be in his life any longer than necessary.

“One reason to let me stay is because my child will need me,” Colby finally answered in a soft voice.

Her words, spoken with the confidence she evidently felt, agitated Sterling. “My child will not need you.”

Colby frowned. “What about breast-feeding?”

Sterling raised an arched brow. “Breast-feeding? What about it?”

“Anyone will tell you breast milk is the best source of nutrition for a baby, and I have every intention of breastfeeding. Six weeks won't be long enough. Who'll continue after I'm gone? Surely you won't be able to.”

“No, of course I won't, but—”

“And another thing,” she went on, “you and I both know you travel a lot. Most of your time is spent out of the country. Who'll take care of my child while you're away? Even if you hired someone, no one will do a better job of taking care of it than me. I'll give it the best possible care.”

Seeing that for the moment she had Sterling at a loss for words, Colby pressed on. “And what if you decide you want another child later? What will you do? Enter into a similar arrangement with someone else? And what about how things will look? If I leave too soon after the child's birth, the media will wonder why we got married in the first place. Remember the speculation regarding Michael Jackson's marriage and the birth of his children? Do you want to go through something like that? And then there's another thing.”

She hesitated for a moment but his silence gave her courage to continue. “I could be a good wife to you,” she said in a soft voice, her gaze holding his without flinching. “I know I'm not like a lot of the women you're used to, but I believe I could be a good wife.” Colby wished she felt as confident about that as she sounded.

Sterling felt a deep stirring of unease. He had a feeling she probably could if given the chance, but he would not do that. He didn't want any woman to have a permanent place in his life.

“Have you ever been married before, Colby?”


“Then how do you know you could make me a good wife? You have no idea what I'd want in a wife if I were the least bit interested, which I'm not. I don't need a permanent wife nor do I want one. Our marriage will be a temporary one. And as far as being a mother, I must again repeat myself, my child will not need one.”

“I'm sorry,” Colby offered quietly a few minutes later.

Sterling frowned. “For what?”

“For whatever your mother did to make you hate the entire entity of motherhood.”

“You have nothing to be sorry about, so save your pity for someone else,” he said coldly. “And I don't hate the entire entity of motherhood. There're some good mothers out there. I don't believe all women are as cold and heartless as the woman who bore me.”

“Name one.”

“Name one what?”

“Give me the name of a woman you consider a good mother.”

His response, to her surprise, was quick. “Kimara.”


“Yes, Kimara Garwood. She's the wife of Kyle, my best friend, and the mother of my four godchildren.”

Colby was silent for a moment, then she asked, “And you consider her a good mother?”


She lifted her chin and glared at him. “Do you want to know what I think?”

“Not really, but I have a feeling you're going to tell me anyway,” he said, raising a fresh cup of coffee to his mouth.

Colby chose to ignore his barb. “I think on the issue of good mothers, you see Kimara Garwood as an exception and not the norm. As far as I'm concerned, you still think unkindly of motherhood. I wonder what some of your loyal fans, especially the ones who're single mothers without the help and support of the father of their child, would think of how you feel. I bet if you were to take the time to check, you'd find there're more men who shirk their responsibilities as fathers than there are women who shirk their responsibilities as mothers. Maybe that's something you need to think about, Sterling Hamilton.”

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One Special Moment Brenda Jackson
One Special Moment

Brenda Jackson

Тип: электронная книга

Жанр: Современные любовные романы

Язык: на английском языке

Издательство: HarperCollins

Дата публикации: 16.04.2024

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О книге: An Outrageous OfferTo help her brother′s struggling cosmetics company, schoolteacher Colby Wingate travels to Los Angeles for one last, desperate gamble–to have superstar actor Sterling Hamilton endorse her brother′s new perfume. But Sterling thinks Colby has come to answer his want ad for a woman who would bear his child. When she realizes what Sterling is looking for, Colby is shocked that he expects any woman, let alone her, to comply no matter how much money he′s willing to pay….A Passionate BargainA childhood loss has made Sterling determined not to get too close to anyone–even the strikingly beautiful Colby. But somehow, he has to convince Colby to become the mother of his child…with no strings attached. What he doesn′t expect is for his carefully laid plans to explode into restless, fiery desire. Now, Sterling knows he needs Colby for much more–if only he can prove his intentions are for real and that he′ll cherish and love her…forever.

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